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The document discusses the origins of languages, nations and religions based on analyzing ancient texts.

Anacalypsis is a book written by Godfrey Higgins in 1833 that attempts to uncover the origins and meanings behind ancient religions and mythologies.

It discusses topics like the origins of the Zoroastrian and Jewish religions, analyses of ancient texts like the Vedas, and comparisons of ancient cultures and languages.


An Attempt to Draw Aside the

Veil of the Saitic Isis ; or an
Inquiry into the Origin of
Languages, Nations
and Religions

An Attempt to Draw Aside the

Veil of the Saitic Isis ; or an
Inquiry into the Origin of
Languages, Nations
and Religions by
F. S. A ., F. R . Asiat . Soc ., F. R. Ast . Soc.
of Skellow Grange, near Doncaster

Res Verbis, et Verba Accendunt Lumina Rebis



Book X . Chapter VII . Section 1 735

Afghans-Tamul Language-Subject continued-Observations on Language-
Boees, Baieux-Thomas, Sharon Turner-Twins, Tamas-Crete, Cres-Mala-
bar, Meaning of-Cama, Camasene Two Tombs of Thomas-Jaggernaut-Veda .

1 . WE will now return to the tribe of Afghans, of whom we noticed many circumstances in the
4tb, 5th, and 6th chapters of the Eighth Book, and in which pretty good proof was given that they
were the ancestors of the Jews . The author of the Cambridge Key, whose authority cannot be dis-
puted for such a fact as this, says expressly, that the Vedas, in the Sanscrit, are now believed,
both by Persians and Hindoos, to have been originally written in a CELESTIAL language, long since
extinct.' By this celestial language the Pali is not meant, for reasons which it is unnecessary to
explain, and also because it is not extinct or lost . Then what language was it so likely to be,
as the old Hebrew language of the tribe of Ioudi or Yud or Western Oude, whose Samaritan nail-
headed characters Dr. Hagar traced from India, and from which the Sanscrit letters descended ?
What language was it so likely to be, as that which we find among the low-land tribes who, in
South India, mix not with the Brahmin tribes, and whom we find also among the mountaineers of
North India, whose retired situations have prevented their intermixture with the higher classes of
lowlanders, the followers of the Tamul Woden ? What language can it have been but that of the
tribe whose names of God we find in the Brahmin service-le-peti, Iaya-names of rivers explain-
able in their language, NER-Buddha, NER-ma-da, River of Buddha, River of Maha-deva-whose
towns and kings are called after the tribe, Ioudi-pore, Tuct-Soliman-whose mountains have the
same names, Montes Ioudi, Montes Solumi,? And the very oldest temples in the country and in
the world, the temple of Solomon in Cashmere ? Whose language can it have been but that of
the people described by the Jesuit to have all the Jewish ceremonies, at Madura, in the Carnatic,
near the tomb of St . Thomas and the temple of Bal-ii or Triputty ? which we shall now find to
have been a language of learned men . But we have the express authority of the sacred writ for
another equally important fact . The Geta opens with informing us, that a this immutable
cc system of devotion was revealed to Vaivaswat, who declared it to his son Menu, who explained

~~ it to Ishwacu . Thus the chief Reshees knew this divine doctrine delivered from one to an-
other." 2 From this we see that it was held that the doctrines were handed down for several
generations by tradition, unwritten .
The translation of a history of the Afghans, made by Dr . Dorn, has been published by the
Oriental Translation Society . It is like most oriental histories, a collection of nonsensical
stories . On the similarity of the names to the Hebrew the learned Doctor says, cc The fact, that
~° the Afghans make frequent use of Hebrew names, as Esau, Yacoob, Musa, &c ., and that their
~~ tribes bear Hebrew names, as Davudze, &c ., is as little a proof of their Hebrew origin as the
cc circumstance that their nobles bear the title Melik, which title, even according to their own
cc assertion, was not introduced before Mohamed's time, and is undoubtedly the Arabic for a ruler,
cc a king." 3

1 Vol. I. p. 261, Vol. II. pp . 128, 129 . ' Camb . Key, VoL II . p . 121 .

3 Dorn, Hist. Afghans, Pref, p . viii .

736 Afghans
Upon the assertion that the word Melik stands for nothing, I must observe, that I do not
attempt to prove that the Afghans were descended from the Jews, therefore that style of argu-
ment does not apply to me . But the admission that their tribes bear Hebrew names is most im-
portant ; they cannot have come from the Mohamedans. The ancient temple of Solomon in
Cashmere was destroyed by the Mohamedans . It is surprising to me that the learned Doctor has
not attempted to account for the identity of names, which he admits . Without going further, the
names, which he admits to be Hebrew, are alone, under all the circumstances, quite enough to
prove the original identity of the languages . In Dr . Dorn's work it is stated that the eldest son
of Jacob or Yacoob was Juda . Now this clearly proves that though the mythoses are evidently
the same, they are not merely copies of one another, and that the Asiatic author was, in fact, not
giving an account of the Jews in Western Syria ; for if he had, he would-not have made Judah
the eldest son of Jacob . I
The first attack of the Mohamedans on India was made by Mohamed of Ghezni, A . D . 1000 .
It does, indeed, seem surprising that any one can believe the names of mountains, tribes, cities-
such as temple of Solomon in Cashmere, mountains of Solutni, tribe of the sons of David, city of
Oude or ludi in the North, and Judia and the Mosaic Mythos in Siam, Ceylon, Comorin, and
Malabar, a thousand miles to the South-should have been brought by the Saracens to these
countries, some of which they never possessed . s
Jamblicus has observed that the real ancient names of places are still to be found among the
inhabitants . This is confirmed by the Marquess Spineto . 3 He says he could prove it of Egyp-
tian places, but he does not thiazk fit to do it . But this I very much regret . I am quite sure
more true history is to be learnt from the names of places than from all other sources . They are
historians which cannot deceive us . The observation of Jamblicus is most important .
Dr . Babington says, that the Sanscrit of South India is written in characters derived from the
Tamul . 4 It must be extremely difficult and perhaps impossible to determine which form of letter
is derived from any other, but the important fact comes out -that they are all in system really the
same . In a future part of this work I shall chew why the forms of the letters have varied so
much, although the systems were identical .
Mr. Wilson, I suppose a very competent judge, says, the Tamul language may be considered
as the most classical of the languages of the Peninsula . It was the language of the kingdom of
Pandya, Madura, Regio Pandionis, 5 now comprehending South .Arcot, Sai.EM, Coimbatur, Kum-
bakonam, Tanjore, Trichinopoli, MADURA, Dindigal, Tinnivelli, and great part of Mysur, s con-
taining five millions of people. According to Dr. Babington and the late Mr. Ellis, it is a lan-
guage not derived from the Sanscrit, but of independent origin . Wilson says, °L It is not derived
" from any language at present in existence, and is itself either the parent of the Teluga, MALAYA-
`~ lam, and Canarese languages, or what is more probable, has its origin in common with these
" in some ancient tongue, which is now lost or only partially preserved in its offspring ." Again,

The same kind of observation may be made on the book of Enoch ; it makes Jacob the son of Abraham, passing
over Isaac. The work translated Dr. Dorn was evidently written by a modern Persian, who, not knowing how to re-
concile the circumstance of two Judeas, has mixed together the traditions which he met with respecting the two .
! For proof that the mountains of Solomon in India were so called before the Mohamedans went thither, see El .
phinston, p . 245. In the Hindoo books we read of a great war carried on between the followers of Gautam or Buddha
and Wiswa-Mitra, in the country called Yudha Bhumi . Is it possible to be blind here to the Latin Humus and the
tribe of Judah ? Nimrod, Vol. I . p . 219 .
• Lect. on Hier p . 369. 4 Trans. Asiat. Soc. Vol. II . Part i . p. 264 .

• Ptol . Geog. ° Malta-aura, Buchanan .

Book X. Chapter VII . Section 1 737
in another place, he makes an observation of the very first importance to all my theories, as fol-
lows : " The higher dialect of the Tamul, on the contrary, is almost entirely free from Sanscrit
• words and idioms, and the language retains an alphabet which tradition affirms to have hereto-
• fore consisted of but sixteen letters, and which so far from resembling the very perfect alphabet
• of the Sanscrit, wants nearly half its characters, and has several letters of peculiar powers ." He
then goes on to shew, that there is a very close affinity between the Maharastra and Oddya' and
the Tamul ; and he observes, it is extraordinary that the uncivilized races of the North of India
should bear any resemblance to the Hindus of the South . He says, " it is nevertheless the fact
• that, if not of the same radical derivation, the language of the mountaineers of Rajamahal
• abounds in terms common to the Tamul and Telugu ." Rajah-mahal was Aja-mabal, in lat . 25,
long. 87, near the towns of Daoud Nagur and Danapore Afghan . But I say it is not at all extra-
ordinary, if the Tamul be either the sixteen-letter Hebrew or its first descendant, one of which I
have no doubt that it is. I beg my reader to recollect the various examples which I hase given of
the Hebrew language in South India, and of the Hebrew-speaking Malays . Mr. Wilson then goes
on to skew that the Tamul had a number of fine writers and a regal college at Madura, and I
believe he might have added another at Muttra on the Jumna, and another at Matures on the Nile,
in Egypt, all speaking or writing the language of Brahma and Saraiswati .2 Mr. Ellis states that
a contest took place between the Brahmins and inferior castes in the Tamul countries for pre-
eminence in literature and knowledge . 3 No doubt it did, both in North and South India, and
Abraham, the follower of Brahma and Buddha, was driven out by the Brahmins and obliged to
emigrate to the West, probably bringing the book of Genesis with him .
To prove the learning of the Tamulese I beg to refer my reader to the Asiatic Researches, 4
where he may find a translation of some of their sacred poetry which will bear a comparison with,
and also strongly remind him of, the books of Solomon as they are called, and perhaps properly
so called. These writings are admitted by the Tamulese not to be in the old language, and there-
fore, of course, a translation . They recognize a divine Son 5 or Logos, and direct the adoration
of Sarasbadie (or Sara-iswati, wife of Abraham) . In the flower of Konnie is the Kanya of North
India and the rose of Sharon . The wisdom is found in almost every line. In the adoration of
Sarasbadie, I think the adoration of the female principle shews itself, which may have been the
reason for Abraham's emigration .
it is a very striking circumstance that the verses in one of the poems translated by Dr . John
begin with the letters of the alphabet acrostically, as is the practice with some of the Hebrew
psalms : the Doctor admits that the language is very mnigmatical and difficult to understand, even
in the opinion of the natives, who say_ that each sentence or verse may be translated five different
ways. I cannot help suspecting that the Kalwioluckam, one of the Tamulese sacred works, is the
wisdom of Solomon, each probably much corrupted and changed from the original .
The observation that every text of the Kalwioluckam would bear several senses is a fact strik-
ingly similar to the Pentateuch, which scarcely contains a passage of which this may not truly be
said . The double sense of the word wisdom is very apparent . Nor need this be a matter of
surprise, for the practice is strictly in harmony with its system of having one religion for the
people, and another for the learned or initiated .

I Qy. loudia ? s For Tamul language, see Transactions Orient . Soc. Vol. I . Pt. i . p. 264.
3 P. xxxii . 4 Vol. VII. p. 350. b P. 355 .
6 Asiat . Res. Vol. VII . p. 354.
738 Afghans
If at a future time a person should read in an author of the present day, that the English lan-
guage was spoken in Australia, although at that time the language of Australia should vary greatly
from the then spoken English, I think he would have no difficulty . Then why should there be
any difficulty in the Pushto of Afghanistan or Eastern Syria and the Pushto of Western Syria?
It cannot be forgotten that both languages must have been diverging as from a common centre .
It seems extremely probable that the old Hebrew was the common centre from which the Tamul,
the Afghan, and the Western Syriac diverged . It must also be remembered, that neither the Syna-
gogue Hebrew nor the Samaritan is the original language, because it is written in twenty-two-not
in sixteen letters. This forms another reason for a divergence from the Pushto or the Tamul . The
two latter must have been diverging, each in one way, from the common centre, while the Hebrew
was diverging in another . Sir W. Jones says, the Pushto or Pukhto language, of which I have
seen a dictionary, has a manifest resemblance to the Chaldaic . I This, if correct, comes as near as
can be expected . The Syriac has been thought the oldest language by some learned men . 2 From
all these circumstances I am induced to believe that the Tamul language with its sixteen letters
was originally the Pushto, the language in which the common people of Tamul who are Christians
have their Gospels and Bible, given by the Portuguese . In not one of the books treating of the
Christians of Malabar is there a single word to induce any one to suppose, that they had a lan-
guage different from the other people of the country, and that we certainly know was what is
called Pushto, Syriac, and Chaldee, which are in fact all the same ; differing in nothing of conse-
quence, but in the forms of their letters, and perhaps in the direction in which they are written .
Mr. Wilson, if I understand him aright, says, that the Tamul language was known to Arrian .
And now we will ask what was the meaning of Tamul ? Was it Tam the first word of Tamuz,
of Adoni, a place near to or the same as Tripetty in the Tamul country ? I believe that the old
Tamul is what Buchanan and others call the Syro-Chaldee, the language of the Jews and Chris-
tians of South India and St . Thomd . It is the language of the physicians of Ayoudya noticed as
being spoken at Cashi, and of the physicians of Madura . 4 There is a dialect in this country
called Shen Tamizh . 5 This speaks for itself.
The word Tam-ul itself is nothing but the Hebrew L-tam, or the Syriac 01-tam, the language
of the, or the country of the, Twins ; of which I shall say more presently .
In forming a judgment upon this subject, let us look at the languages of the nations of America,
South of the United States, and I am informed by a very learned friend, whose attention has been
in a very particular manner turned to them, that though upwards of a hundred of them are found,
vet it is really impossible to discover the slightest affinity or relationship between any two of
them, and that it is precisely the same in the languages of Australia and the Polynesian islands .
All this arises from these languages not being written . We must also recollect that all our
Asiatic writers, endeavour by every means in their power to disguise the fact of the Hebrew or
Chaldee language being in these countries ; and they do this not from a wish to do any thing
wrong, but from a rooted persuasion that it is absolutely incredible, the very acme of absurdity, to
suppose it possible that the Hebrew language should be spoken in these remote countries, in dis-
tricts of India . Thus, in a similar manner, in the account of the Lama of Tibet given by a mis-
sionary in the Oriental Repertory, he calls the Mitre worn by the Grand Lama a cap of ceremony,

Asiat. Res. Vol . II . P . 76.

s Vide Univ . Hist. Vol . I. p . 347, and Astle, p . 37 . For Syriac letters, see Univers. Hist . Vol . II. p. 293 .
P . xxxii . , P. xxxiv . ° P. xlii.
Book X. Chapter VII . Section 2 739
and in a note he acknowledges this circumstance, but assigns no reason for it . I The writer seems
to have had no ill intention, but he could not bring himself to use the Christian term mitre though
the cap of ceremony was evidently nothing else . This feeling has operated in thousands of in-
stances in the same manner, particularly in the names of places, which has done more than can
be easily conceived to keep us in the dark .
2. Nimrod has observed, that the question, What national or local language is the least altered
from the language which was spoken before the confusion, (by which I suppose is meant, what is
the least changed from the primeval language,) is a question to which the greatest linguists will
find it difficult to give an answer ; and, he adds, fQ So deceitful and slippery are the paths of philo-
11 logy, that perhaps historical and traditional arguments, if any could be brought to bear upon it,
1 9 would enlighten the question more than those of grammar or those of etymology .'
12 The obser-
vation appears to we to be excellent and deserving of the most serious consideration . In this
work it will be seen that the plan has been almost invariably adopted, and that traditional and his-
torical arguments almost supersede all others . Grammar is entirely omitted . Upon this kind of
foundation it is that I contend for the very great antiquity of the Chaldee or Hebrew . In the
copy locked up in the temple of the Jews we have an example of an old language in its old state
much prior to any other, unless the Sanscrit be excepted ; and if we give the Hebrew in the
Temple an age 1500 years before Christ, and the Sanscrit 2000 or 2500, yet we can never know
how long before the 1500 the Buddhist Genesis may have been preserved as a sacred work ; and
it is presumed that numerous facts are visible to shew that the names of Chaldee gods, places, and
persons, are found in the Sanscrit, so as to prove it to have arisen since the writing of the Hebrew
books : this, of course, will throw back the writing of the first book, or Buddhist book of Genesis,
to a very remote period, long before Moses adopted it into his compilation, as it ought to be thrown
if it be really a Buddhist work .
It is impossible to say what would be the first step which would be adopted by man in the for-
mation of language, but a probable near approximation to the truth I think may be contemplated,
merely by the application of a little common sense . His first words would consist of simple
sounds, which, by our present letter system, might be represented by such words as ba bal; or by
our vowels, a or ah. They would be nouns or the signs of things . They would have only one
number, one case, one gender . After some time, probably by very slow degrees, the words which
we describe by the other parts of speech would arise . But the noun would have no inflections .
The different cases would be formed by adding words in the most simple manner ; as, bit, house ;
le bit, to house ; be-bit, by house . It is evident that this would be regulated, in a great measure,
by caprice or accident . I can have no doubt whatever that the written language which comes the
nearest to this simplicity has the greatest probability of being nearest to the first language-and
this is the Hebrew of the Synagogue . Its cases are made, like the English, by words, and its use
of the rude form instead of a genitive case, called being in regimine, is a peculiarity which marks
almost primeval simplicity . 3 The words which denote the past and future times may be used one
for the other, and which is to be adopted, in any case, can only be known from the context . They
have been attempted to be subjected to rule by what is called the vau conversa, but I think in vain .
Many other marks of rudeness might be pointed out .

I Vide Orient. Repertory, Vol. II. p . 277. s Vol . II, p. 493 .

'This has been before named in Book V . Chap . V. Sect. 2, but it ought to have been more fully explained . My
reader will observe the words Sxn+a bit-al. They mean correctly home God, and when in regimine, that is, when the
second is in the genitive case, they mean house of God, the words remaining exactly similar . This chews how men and
places came to have the names of gods . The priest of Jove came to be priest Jove.
740 Tamul Language
Maimonides says, Scito, multas egregias scientias, qu2e in gente nostra olim fuerunt de veritate
istarum rerum, partim longitudine temporis, partim infidelium et stultorum populorum in nos
dominatione, partim etiam quod non cuivis concessa erant, (sicut exposuimus,) periisse et in obli-
vionem devenisse (nihil enim permissum erat, nisi ea, qu2e 'in libros sacros digesta et relata
erant) .1 1 know of no written language which exhibits such marks of rudeness and simplicity as
the Synagogue Hebrew or Chaldee, and on this account has such a claim to antiquity . Probably
the first language and letter of the Culdees or Chaldei or Chaldeans, when they came from India,
was tile Samaritan . In the thousand years which passed between the time of Abraham and the
return of the tribe from Babylon, the Chaldees of the East had improved the present Chaldee
letter, which Ezra adopted . The discovery of the Chaldee or Syro-Chaldee language yet in India,
is, when well considered, almost a proof of the truth of my theory . Whenever the natives of
Malabar became Christians, whatever the nature of their Christianity may have been or may be,
they must then have used the Syro-Chaldee language and letter . I have a strong suspicion,
arising from various circumstances, that Buchanan, who was unacquainted with Hebrew, found the
. I think it possible that
people speaking that language, which was what he took for the Tamul
Wilson and Mackenzie may have supposed that Buchanan was writing about the language of a few
separate Jews and Christians, when, in fact, they were all writing about the same language . That
this naturally arose from none of then having the least suspicion of the real state of the case, and
that the now corrupted Tamul, is the Syro-Chaldee or the parent of the Syro-Chaldee, and that it
is the circumstance of the sacred books being written in the Chaldee that has preserved the Tamul
or spoken Chaldee or Pushto language, from changing so much as to be entirely lost, though the
form of its letter be entirely changed, as might be expected . This is what has taken place with the
Arabic in other countries since Mohamed's times Sir W . Drummond says, "The Chaldaic, the
• ancient Syriac, and the Phoenician, appear to have been very nearly the same ; that the two first were
• so will not probably be disputed : Chaldaicce lingua- ita affinis est -Syriaca, says Walton, ut a
~~ plerisque pro una eademque habeantur, sola enim dialecto differunt : in Scripturis dicitur
~~ Arama a ab Aram, ut Syriaca a Syria ." 3
The natives of Cashmere as well as those of Afghanistan, pretending to be descended from the
Jews, give pedigrees of their kings reigning in their present country up to the sun and moon : and
along with this, they shew you Temples still standing, built by Solomon, statues of Noah, and
other Jewish patriarchs . Concerning these matters, when our travellers are told of the descent
from the Jews they make no inquiry ; at the same time they are occasionally obliged to allow,
that the descent from the Jews is, for many reasons, totally incredible . Then how is this to be
explained ? Simply by the fact, that the traditions of the Afghans tell them, that they are de-
scended from the tribe of loudi or Yuda : and in this they are right ; for it is tile tribe of Joudi
noticed by Eusebius to have existed before the Son of Jacob in Western Syria was born, the Joudi
of Oude, and from which tribe the Western Jews with the Brahmin (Abraham) descended and
migrated. The same or some of the same people who came to Thrace burning the widows-the
Orpheans who brought the Trimurti to Plato ; and, to Syria and Egypt, the people of the country
of Tam, i. e . Tamuz, of whom Ezekiel speaks . "The Afghans call Saul, Melic Talut . They are
" called Solaimani, either because they were formerly the subjects of Solomon, king of the Jews,
tc or because they inhabit the mountain of Solomon ." 4 I quote this for the fact, the reason for it

' In More Nev . Cap . lxxi .

3 The Afghan language is called both Pukhto and Pushto . Asiat. Res . Vol . II . p . 68 .
Punic . Ins . p . 1 1 . 4 Asiat . Res . Vol II p . 73 .
Book X . Chapter VII . Section 2 741

is very unsatisfactory . How extraordinary that it should never occur to this writer to inquire,
how these subjects of Solomon and Saul should live near the temple of Solomon in Cashmere, or
the mountains of Solomon in Mewar or Malwa ! In the fragments xxxiv . xxxv., Calmet's editor
shews, that a great part of the Jewish history of Samuel, Saul, David, and Solomon, is to be found
in the history of the Afghans . From this I have been led to a suspicion, that the reason for the
monstrous numbers of soldiers, chariots, horses, &c ., of which we read in the Bible, applied not to
Western, but to Eastern, Judea ; and the same of the gold used in the temple . All this, as applied
to Western Syria, is ridiculous ; but not so as applied to the state and the enormous city of Oudia
of India.
It is quite impossible for any unprejudiced person not to see, that the Jewish history, in matters
unconnected with miracle, is full of absolute impossibilities . The use of 6,900,000,000 pounds
sterling2 in the temple, is one out of many examples . Then what are we to say, unless we choose
to charge the whole as priestcraft, except that the object of the book was neither history nor chro-
nology, but as was the case in all other nations, the concealment of a mythos under apparent his-
tory, as noticed before, by me, in Book VIII . Chap. VIII . Sect. 5 .
So completely is the tribe of Afghans Judaite, that in the time of Mahmud of Ghaznah, the
family of Saul was still remaining in the mountains, and eight of his descendants were taken into
pay by Mahmud, and treated with high respect .3 How is it possible on any principle to make the
descendants of Saul, of Western Syria, all killed by the Gibeonites, to pass through the reigns of
David, Solomon, &c ., and the captivity, and survive to the time of Mahmud, here in India?
In Dr. Dorn's History of the Afghans4 is an account of an embassy sent by one of the first
Caliphs to the Afghans, to inform them that the last of the prophets had come, and to solicit them
to turn Mohamedans . If we consider that the originals of the Jews were found ill their country,
and that it was called Arabia, there seems nothing improbable in this, or that this should be the
reason why these mountaineers should have been among Mohamed's first proselytes . If we sup-
pose that the Arabians in the time of Mohamed were acquainted with their descent front the
Afghans, and that the latter were expecting a new incarnation to arrive ., this does not seem very
unlikely to have happened .
It is also worthy of recollection, that Saul in India is called by a different name, i . e. Talut,
from that which he bears in the Bible, but it is the same name as that which he bears in Arabia .
This has a strong tendency to confirm what I have said of the Arabians coming from India, and
also to confirm what the Mohamedans say, that the Afghans sent Abdul Raschid to acknowledge
Mohamed as the Resoul or prophet, among the first of his followers .-, They, in short, acknow-
ledged him for the tenth Avatar . This was the Talisman (from us concealed by such of our priests
as knew it, with the greatest care) which gave to Mohamed the conquest of this world . It had
done the same thing before for Alexander and Caesar . a
Respecting the word Talut, there is something very curious and worthy of observation . In the
first book of Samuel, chapter nine, and the second verse, it is said, that Saul was HIGHER than
any of the people of Israel . It is evident that the word Talut is a formation of the Hebrew word
5511 tll, which means a tall man . Here we have an Afghan, an Arabian, a Hebrew, and an English
word all representing the same idea .

• For Solomon's temple in Cashmere see Forster's Travels, Vol . II . p. 11, also p . 17 . For more respecting Talut,
refer to what I have said in the chapter on Freemasons
s Villapandus has proved, that Solomon's temple cost, according to the text, six thousand nine hundred millions of
pounds sterling. Oliver, p . 349 .
3 See Asiat . Res Vol . II . P . 71 . ' P. 37. ' Asiat. Res . Vol. II. P. 71 .
• Saul vocatur Taluth in Alkorano Hotting, de Geneal . Mohaw . p . 112 .
742 Subject Continued
The Arabians call the people of the Afghanistan Cashmere and Kandahar, Soleymanye, and
there is a district near Mecca called by this name also, the inhabitants of which have a tradition
that they came from these Eastern countries .'
We find at three of the temples of Solomon-that in Upper India, that which I suppose to have
been at Salem, in the Carnatic, and that in Western Syria, the same mythos of a Moses or Sa-
viour (for the word Moses means Saviour) . From this I think it probable that it was the same
or nearly the same in the secret writings in every one of the fourteen temples of Solumi of which
we have read, for fragments of this mythos are to be found every where .
3 . If we reflect deeply upon the Sindi, the sacrificing of wives, and other marks of the most
ancient Indian polity in Thrace, we cannot help seeing that they must have gone thither long
before the march of Alexander to India . The sacrificing of their widows by these Thracian Sindi
puts their Hindoo character out of all doubt. Let us reflect a little on the consequences which
would arise among mankind, if, as I suppose, one original language pervaded the whole world .
It seems the natural course that when colonies went out to different countries, if their language
were in comparatively-speaking a rude and unimproved state, they should take their language
poor and rude, and that after they were settled, and began to get rich, and to become civilized,
they should improve it . And in this manner cases, genders, numbers, would come to be formed
in all languages, but the means by which they would be formed would vary . For instance,
in the cases of nouns : some nations would form them by changes of the terminations, like the
Greeks and Latins ; some by the substitution of what we call prepositions. Thus different
languages would vary, but yet the principles of nature being the same in all nations, a certain
general character of similarity would remain ; for all nations would want different numbers,
tenses, cases, &c . Though the variations are considerable, yet the similarity among most
nations is so great, that it can in no other way be accounted for than by supposing that the use of
the same system of letters prevailed among them all in very early times . It is very clear that at
the time when a barbarous people first received the sixteen letters would be the first beginning of
their grammatical speculations, though no doubt they would previously, perhaps unconsciously
but PRACTICALLY, have formed what we call in grammar numbers, cases, &c . ; for they could not
have done without them : but they probably would have given them no names . I think when
they received the sixteen-letter system, they must have received some information respecting the
nature of the grammar of the country from which they received it : and casualties of this kind no
doubt would operate in various ways . The intermixture of nations for purposes of commerce
would also have considerable influence in many cases, which may be more easily supposed than
described . But what would have taken place if the art of writing were at first secret and confined
to one order, which extended over all the world, and that it became known by degrees as all
secrets of this kind of such great importance to mankind in long periods will certainly do ? This
is the theory which seems to me to be the most rational and probable, which I have been able to
devise, to account for many anomalies . This fact and the supposal of a constant wish to con-
ceal doctrines against their natural tendency to obtain publicity or to become public, will, I think,

' Burchardt's Travels in Arabia, 4to . pp, 127, 128. He calls the Palm-tree the Dom-tree. Here we have the old
name restored, the tree of the holy Om . Rosetta is Raschid . This is town of di-ras, holy wisdom . About lat. 27, in
Arabia, is a mount Salma . This is probably a Soluma . Drummond's Origines, Vol . III . p . 243, map. One of the
rivers which runs into the Ganges is called Solomatis. Arrian, Ind. Hist. Cap . iv. For the Solumi or Mylmans, see
Creuzer, Liv. Quat. Ch . iv. p . 110 ; Tome II. The river called by Rennell, Selima, in the same country with
the mountains of Juda and Solumi, I believe was a river of Solomon . This was anciently in the country of Oude
or Ioudia Mem . P. 74 . Is not the Tunis Lapidea of Ptolemy in 42J North lat. the temple of Solomon? The
Sacs or Saxons are just below it . The Afghans are called Rohillas . This has come from the Hebrew Regimen.
They are followers of the Rohilla, i . e . Ray-al, or ale.
Book X . Chapter VII . Section 3 743

remove every difficulty with which the subject has been encumbered . I believe the art of writing
was at first strictly magical and masonic, and many of the anomalies which we meet with may be
accounted for by the unskilful or awkward attempts of its possessors to keep it so, or to restore it
to secrecy after it had become partly known . In India, to divide themselves from the Tamulese
and Buddhists, the Sanscrit was probably invented by the Brahmins . Every one knows that this
language was solely confined to their order for many generations . From this view of the subject
we see why we have, in great numbers of instances, the-same words for the same things, in coun-
tries the most remote . I know no instance in which one language can be properly said to be
derived from another. I know many where a language may be said to be compounded of two or
three others . Our own is a compound of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, several German dialects, and
French . I have not named the Celtic, because at the very early period when Britain must have
been first inhabited by its Druids, there must have been little or no difference between it and the
Hebrew . The rays diverging from the centre cannot at that time have had much length . I think
this theory Will remove all difficulties, and that my reader must see it is supported by almost in-
numerable facts, and by circumstances without end, which are otherwise unaccountable . The
universal prevalency of the sixteen-letter system almost of itself shews, that all the written lan-
guages ought to be considered but merely as dialects of one original .
In the history of languages there is a circumstance which is well known, but which has not
received the attention which it merits, and this is the universal diffusion of that of the Arabians .
This language (of course with some dialectic variations) is found to be in use by the nomade
tribes throughout all Africa and a very great part of Asia . We know that this is actually trace-
able back to Job and thus to the Hebrew . My reader cannot, I think, have forgotten the great
number of cases in which different authors have stated that some dialect of the old Hebrew was
found . This old Hebrew is but, in other words, Arabic ; and this accounts for traces of this lan-
guage where Mohamedan Saracens never had any power . It is found, I believe, in the Polynesian
islands among people never conquered by the Saracens and not professing the Mohamedan faith,
and among the idolaters of the interior part of Africa . The length of time which the Hebrew
and Arabic, really the same language, have lasted, is easily accounted for . The sacred books,
first the Jewish canon, preserved it to the time of Christ : then the Targums preserved it to the
time of Mohamed : then the Koran continued its preservation. Each in its turn served as a
standard of reference . The fine works of Greece and Rome operated in the same manner with
their languages after they became dead ones. After the flood, probably, language was every where
the same . As it deviated from the first original, nations became separated . Of course this sepa-
ration would be aided by other causes . But the separation again tended to confound the lan-
guages. So far the allegory of Genesis is very clear. ' The confusion of language caused the
separation of all mankind . Man endeavoured to build a, tower to reach to heaven . Was this an
observatory accompanied with an attempt in part successful to discover the secrets of the privi-
leged caste ? Did the soldiers rebel against the priests ? This suspicion is strengthened by what
the book of Enoch declares, that one of the greatest of the sins of the Antediluvians was the
searching into and the discovering of hidden secrets . Was the story of the dispersion and con-
fusion of tongues a local mythos ? I think I have not heard of it in India . That there is an
allegory cannot be doubted . That a true discovery of the whole of its meaning will ever be made,
is, perhaps, not even probable . If the history of the dispersion, tower of Babel, &c ., be not found
in the Vedas or Puranas, I shall believe that I am correct . I have formerly given very powerful
reasons for believing that hieroglyphics were comparatively speaking a modern invention . I
think they must have been invented after this mythos came to the West . If they had not, we
should have found traces of them somewhere . Had they been previously invented, it is impos-

744 Subject Continued

sible that the mythos should be found every where, and the hieroglyphics no where except in one
The more I examine ancient geography the more I become convinced that in the countries of
the old world, a certain number of places in each country were called after the same names, or by
names having the same meanings . For instance, mounts Olympus, Parnassus, Ida . Again towns,
Argo or A rgos ; again rivers, Don, &c ., &c., &c . ; that certain mounts or towns or rivers, in each
district, as I might say each parish or deanery or bishopric, had all the sacred places which the
universally-spread mythos required ; and that the names of these places must have been at first
merely religious, the places for common use having other names . After some time the sacred
names in different places would come into common use by historians ; they being at first the only
written names, all early writings being mythical and not historical . I believe most of the early
accounts or traditions, what we call histories, such as that of Rome, were not intended for a real
account of transactions of states, but were a mode of concealing under the garb of history (real
facts being mostly used) the mythos which every person initiated understood, but which passed
with the populace for history. The mythos was Eleusinian or Masonic . I have no doubt that for
many generations the art of writing was part of it .
In the Romish church the whole history of Jesus Christ from his birth to his crucifixion was
formerly and is now, I believe, annually represented or acted in their ceremonies : and it was for a
similar purpose that all the places in the different countries had certain similar sacred names : and
it is also in many cases because we have only the sacred stories which we take for histories, (real
history not being then invented,) that we have no other names of the places than the sacred ones
If a person will pass his eye carefully and slowly over D'Anville's maps of ancient geography, I
think he will be obliged to confess, that the names of towns, as we have them there, cannot have
been in use for the common purposes of life . How should we do if in every parish or deanery or
district the principal town or river or mountain had the same name and no other ? We do very
well with a Don in Scotland, and one in Yorkshire, but how should we do if the chief river of each
small district was called Don or its town Argos, and no other name ? It is evident that if all the
chief towns or rivers of each district of Greece or Britain had the same name one day, they would
not have it the next . Thus we have great numbers of Argoses, of Troys, of Heracleas, of Romes,
or (which is the same) Ramas, of Olympuses . In the same way we have many Homers-singers
of the mythos ' -many Jupiters, many Bacchuses . In the same way we have many Sibyls, pro-
phesying in each larger or smaller district.
An attentive person must instantly see that all countries were divided, as our country is at this
day, into districts within one another, with their boundaries often crossing one another--the reli-
gious district independent of the civil or the military, or local jurisdictions, seignories or shires . 2
We have plenty of cathedral towns, we have plenty of parishes, but we have no difficulty, because
these are only sacred names, and these districts have one name in England, another in Germany,
another in France, besides other local names . The sacred places are called, sometimes and in

I The poems of Homer were collected by Lycurgus and Pisistratus from the different parts of Greece, when they
had become dispersed and nearly lost . And this operation was again performed by Aristotle and his coadjutors for
the use of Alexander . This accounts for the state in which those poems are found . It is quite enough to account
satisfactorily for all the pretended interpolations, and for the difficulties with which they have been attended . In the
search, part was found in one district, part in another, and thus nearly the whole was recovered when almost lost .
And thus we have it exhibiting the marks of the Lacunae supplied by Aristotle and his friends, which our critical
Grecists call interpolations .
I Plin . Nat . Hist . Lib . v . Cap. xxix.
Book X. Chapter VII . Section 4 745
some places, cathedrals-in others, minsters . Thus the sacred mount was Olympus, in some
places, Parnassus in others . We now all have our Christian names . I believe the ancients
had their Christian, Xp3stav, names precisely in the same manner, and that the towns, &c ., had
Christian names also . In such of the histories as are evidently mythical, it can scarcely be
doubted that there are a great number of facts stated which have really taken place . The early
history of Rome, for instance . If we consider the matter, we shall see that this is a necessary
consequence if it were desired to describe the mythos under the disguise of a history, and that it
was the very best contrivance which could be adopted to get it received by the people among
whom it was to be propagated . And if, among the highest or initiated classes, it was really con-
sidered only as a fable, intended to lead the people into a belief in the renewal of worlds, of new
Troys, new Argonauts, &c., the very best plan they could adopt (and it was a necessary plan)
was, to make all their ancient histories, as we find them in certain respects, mere copies of one
another. These histories, till within a very few centuries of the Christian wra, were, I believe, all
confined to certain initiated persons, no doubt very numerous, but having different grades of ini-
tiation, precisely like the orders of Masonry-the highest grade or order, being, in fact, very few
in number, and consisting of the governors of the countries .
I cannot have a doubt that a real Hierarchy, like that in Rome and in Tibet, at one time
extended over the whole world . But whether I am to place its origin in Oude, or Tibet, or Baby-
lon, or Thebes of Egypt, or Ilium in Troy, or in Rome when it consisted of the Cyclopsean build-
ings found beneath the Flavian Amphitheatre, I know not . Perhaps Cashi-mere, with its temple
of Solomon or Wisdom, has no mean claim . But at all events the ww Bas or Wisdom and the
Trimurti were the foundations of it . Every new cycle, a renewed incarnation of divine wisdom
took place,-one of the Trimurti became incarnate, was born sans souillure, after ten months,-
was attempted to be killed, but miraculously escaped, spent a life in doing good to mankind,-
was ultimately put to death, and the third day rose again to life and immortality : of all which, I
shall say much more by and by.
4. I will now point out a circumstance not a little curious . I need not repeat, but I beg my
reader to recollect, what has lately been stated respecting the Manicheeans having come from
India, their connexion with the Christians of St . Thomas on the coast of Malabar, who are found
every where about Goa, and also respecting the X pristavot and Chryson, &c ., in that country
and then, if he will look into my CELTIC DRUIDS, in Chap, III . Sect. V., he will find that the
Manichaeans were connected, by means of their name of Pattarini, with the people of Baieux or
Baiocass e, in Gaul, and the worship of Bel or Bal .
On the coast of Malabar, about Goa, there exists a race of people called by the natives Bhoees .
They are Hindoos and refuse to eat the flesh of the Beeve, &c ., &c. ; but still they are called
Christians . I learnt from a medical gentleman, who has dwelt long on the coast of Malabar, that
they are divided into two classes by the natives ; one class, consisting of modern Portuguese con-
verts, are called Christians ; the other, those who resided there before the Portuguese came, are
called Crestons or Creestons . As this gentleman bad no theory and did not know mine, and had
not the least suspicion that the fact was of any consequence, I pay much attention to his informa-
tion ; it tends strongly to confirm my theory . The Creston is exactly the same name as the
Creston of Italy or Crotona . In the country called Belgaum, in which these people chiefly reside,
there are remains of some very beautiful and curious Buddhist or Jain Temples, which, if not
destroyed by the Brahmins, must have been destroyed by the Portuguese . The distinction made
by the natives clearly marks and distinguishes the old Christianity from the new, in spite of all
the unceasing, though not ill-intentioned, attempts of the missionaries, both Portuguese and
746 Observations on Language

English, to confound them . The Crestons were the-Christians of the three sacraments, the
Culdees or Chaldees of Scotland and Ireland in fact, as distinguished from the Christians of the
seven, introduced by the Portuguese . Here we have really the ancient Brahmin (flesh-refusing)
followers of the XQ"lS---of the secret, unwritten religion of all nations ; and, after all, what was
this religion called? not Christian as a proper name, but as an appellative ; it was the mitis,
benignus religion, the particulars of which, in process of time had escaped from the mysteries-
the Cabala by degrees becoming public . It was the religion of the Bloodless Apollo of Delos, at
whose altar, called the altar of the pious because no blood was shed there, Pythagoras offered the
sacrifice of bread and wine or water . It was the religion of the XgTjs of Delphi, of the Sindi, in
Thrace where the widows were burned, and of the Youth of Larissa .
In these Bhoees, Boicassm, and Pettyeyah or Pattarini, I think we have the origin, or a colony,
of the Manichaeans, followers of Menu in Gaul .' The Jews found by the Jesuit at Madura, in
the Carnatic, are far removed from Samaritan refugees, and the country never was conquered by
the Saracens ; so that they can have come neither from the Samaritans nor the Arabians .
In Wilson's catalogue is an accounts of a Salivahana, who was a favourer of the Bauddhas,
being obliged to return from Trichinopoly, at that time his residence, to his own former capital of
Bhoja Rayapur in 4yodhya or Oude, by the king of Pandya, who restored the temples of Ekdm-
eswara and Kamakshi. Wilson says, " These transactions are placed in the Kali year 1443, or
" 1659 B. C ., and 1737 before Salivahana reigned, agreeably to the sera, which dates from his
" reign or A. D. 78." Here is a proof of all I have said respecting the nature of the mras, i . e .
that they are cycles, each sera a cycle, and of the Salivahanas . Thus, upon the evidence of the
records or histories one Salivan lived long before Christ ; therefore, his story cannot have been
copied from the latter, but vice versa, if either be a copy.
Mr. Wilson places the sera of Yudhishthira at the end of the Dwapar and beginning of the Cali
age, 3000 years before Christ. 3 He also shews that Bhoja (that is, I suppose, the Baieux tribe)
is said to have existed before the c eras of Vicrama and Salivan, who must, if ever they existed,
have lived before him . The case is very plain . Their aeras are all 600-year cycles, of different
tribes, crossing each other-recurring over and over again, till modern times, when the millenium
not coming as had been expected, the system of 600-year cycles fell into disuse . Calculations
were then made from the Salivan or Vicrama who was the last in vogue about the time of Christ ;
and it became a fixed sera . This seems to me to be a reasonable way of accounting for the diffi-
culty . We are told that now they calculate by cycles of sixty years : this is the same as the 600 .
It forms a cycle as well as 600, with the 21,600 .
Here we cannot fail to observe, that the Bhoiae who came to Gaul, Baieux of the Manichaeans,
are in Ayodhya or Juda, as I am quite certain I have proved it to be . These Baieux or Bhoiae
we find on the sea-coast, and it is very remarkable that these persons or this caste, among whom
we find the Manichieans and the St . Thomd Christians, are a tribe offishermen . It is impossible
to forget that the first Christians were most of them fishermen ; and the Pope calls himself a fish-
erman. In the above we may observe the temple of the Eswara-Ekam-or, in Hebrew, Eswara
the wise. It would have been remarkable if we had no where found an =nn hkm in that country
where there are a district and a town of Salem, or temple of Sophia or Wisdom, among the other
Chaldee words. The temple of Buddha, the other temple of Kama-kshi, is Cama, Divine Love,

' The father of Cristna or Kanyia, Yadu, had a son called Druhya, from whom descended a tribe. I cannot help
suspecting that in this tribe we may have the origin of the Druids . Cambridge Key, Vol . 1 . p . 145 .
8 Vol. I . p . 184. 3 Pref. to Cat . of Mack . MS . p . cxxiu.
Book X . Chapter VII . Section .5 747
and Isi or Issi or Ischa the name of Eve. It is probably a different name for the same God Ischa.
The king of Cochin, as before remarked, is called Hakim .
After I had finished the above, (March 19, 1830,) I was introduced to a gentleman, who, when
resident at Madras, had frequently visited the mount of St . Thome at Jaypour. I He told me that
the church or temple on mount St . Thome was built chiefly of very large stones, without any
cement, in the Cyclopanan style of architecture : it has an arched roof formed not by wedge-
shaped stones, but by stones projecting by battering over each other with a flat stone at the top,
in the manner of the stones in the dome at Komulmar . 2 This church or temple covers an ancient
CARN or heap of stones, on which, he said, in modern times, it was supposed that chunam had
been thrown to make them fast, to support a flat stone which is the altar of the modern monks .
This, be supposed, had probably been placed there by the Portuguese . Here we have evidently a
Carn and CROMLEH, of the same kind as those described by Miss Graham in her book, which she
found in this part of India, and which I am told are very common . Vide my figure, No. 18.
But this gentleman told me an extremely important fact-that though the Christians have got
possession since the arrival of the Portuguese of the tomb, temple, or whatever it is, yet that it is
considered by the natives as an ancient Buddhist temple, and that great numbers of Buddhists
come to it yet in pilgrimage from all parts of India . The Brahmins hold the place in detestation
as they consider this Thomas to be a form of Buddha . The Chaldee language is commonly spoken
in the country. In consequence of the above information, I was induced to examine Mr . Sharon
Turner a little more closely, s and I will now communicate the result of that examination .
5 . Mr. Sharon Turner, in his account noticed in Chap . V . Section 2, has given all the later au-
thorities for the history of St. Thomas in India, and passed slightly over the early ones-in this
respect shewing himself a skilful advocate . He well knew how to humour the weakness of his case .
There are two accounts of a mission of one Pantaenus, in some degree contradictory : one by
Eusebius, the other by Jerom. The latter says that, in consequence of missionaries having arrived
from the East requesting instruction, Pantaenus was sent ; the former says, he went of his own
accord. Nothing can be more likely than that missionaries should have arrived in Egypt, as they
had often done before ; and the fact of the pilgrimages to the tomb of St. Thomas being made by
Buddhists, points out to us who these pilgrims were, viz . Samaneans, who, we know from Clemens
and others, had before repeatedly arrived in Egypt. This I think reconciles all the different his-
tories, both of the missions from India and the mission of St . Bartholomew, who was said to have
gone to India ; but who, as Valesius, Holstenius, and others have shewn, went to the Indians,
though not to the East Indians, but to the Indians of Upper Egypt-Indians as they were always
called ; and who, as I have formerly shewn, spoke the Hebrew language. Mosheim says, it is
perfectly clear also, that he went into Arabia . These accounts are consistent with one another .
But it is very remarkable, that the East-Indian people who were Christians, were converted, ac-
cording to the accounts of these early writers, not by St. Thomas but by St . Bartholomew. St.
Thomas is never named by either Eusebius or Jerom, (as the Christian Protestant authors well
know,) and this is the reason why Mr. Sharon Turner never names Eusebius, and only barely
notices Jerom-the two authors on whose authority the whole fable rests . This at once restores
the entire story to the Tamuz, of whom I have before spoken, and of whom I shall again treat
presently. En passant, I must observe, that Pantaenus is a very suspicious name of the person
to be sent to the kingdom of Pandsea . We all know how medical persons affect the God Mercury
or Buddha and the Caduceus and the Serpent . The Essenians were called physicians of the soul
or Therapeutm : being resident both in Judaea and Egypt, they probably spoke or had their sacred

I Printed January 1833 . 2 Vide Col. Tod, p. 671 . 3 See Asiat. Res. Vol. X. pp. 74-92.
748 Sharon Turner

books in Chaldee . They were Pythagoreans, as is proved by all their forms, ceremonies, and
doctrines, and they called themselves sons of Jesse, that is, of'tt' isi.' If the Pythagoreans or
Ccenobitae, as they are called by Jamblicus, were Buddhists, the Essenians were Buddhists . The
Essenians, called Koinobii, lived in Egypt on the lake of Parembole or Maria, in monasteries .
These are the very places in which we formerly found the Gymnosophists or Samaneans or Buddhist
priests to have lived, which Gymnosophistae are placed also by Ptolemy in North-eastern India .
Mr. Sharon Turner says, I It is not of great importance to our subject to ascertain whether St .
~~ Thomas really taught in India : we know of the circumstance only from tradition, and tradition
~Q is a capricious sylph, which can seldom be allowed to accompany the dignified march of au-

thentic history ." 2 St. Jerom never names St. Thomas, but says expressly that Bartholomaeus
had preached the gospel there ; however, he does not specify any place . 3 Eusebius, 4 in his
Ecclesiastical History, says, that Bartholomew was said to have gone to India, and that Panteenus
went thither also, but not a word, that I can find, does he say of St . Thomas 5
In the edition of 1823, Mr . Turner wisely leaves out nearly all he had said about St . Thomas,
and apologizes for leaving it to Buchanan and others : but he is too wise to say that he had
proved that St . Thomas was ever in India : he contents himself merely with saying and shewing
it was believed in the middle ages. But why has not the really very learned Mr . Sharon Turner
told us, that Fusebius and Jerom never name St . Thomas ? Can any one suppose him ignorant?
Sharon Turner ignorant ! Impossible . Alas ! Alas ! Well might Roger Bacon say, Omnia ad
Religionem in suspicione habenda. If St. Thomas had gone to India, Eusebius and St . Jerom
must infallibly have known it, and, under the circumstances, must as infallibly have named it .
But the fact of Eusebius and Jerom having attributed the conversion of the Indians to St . Bar-
tholomew, and not to St . Thomas, at once proves that the whole history is a part of what had
come to the West, probably with the prophecy of the Erythraean Sibyl . It is not unlikely that
there may have been some place in Upper Egypt, to which Alfred may have supposed his ambas-
sador went, and who probably never went farther than Rome, where plenty of precious stones,
which be is said to have carried back, would be supplied to him. And Mosheim a has proved that
Pantenus never went to the East Indies at all .
It may not be useless to recall attention to the fact noticed a little time ago, that we have most
clearly three distinct exemplars of the same mythos, consisting of Noe and his sons, Abraham, the
Mosaic history, Saul, David, and Solomon, &c . : first in Syria of the West, brought thither by the
Brahmin Abraham and his successors ; secondly in the North-eastern Syria, the kingdom of
Panda and Mutra, or Madura, the land of Ur or Uriana, of Colida or of the Chaldees, with Noe,
Ararat, Saul, David, Solomon, substantially the same as in the West ; and thirdly in the kingdom
of Madura or Pandaeon, in Mysore or Maha-Sura, i . e. great Syria, 7 as described by the Jesuit in
Southern India. In these two parts of the East these mythoses are the foundation of the religion
of the Brahmins : but it is a most important part of the story, that with the mythos of Moses, in
India, is intimately blended, so as to form an integral part of it, the history of a person of the

I Jesus Christ, as I have before stated, is called by the Arabians Issa. This is nothing but a form of Isis, ntv+ iso,
to save Vall. Coll. Hib . Vol . IV. Pt. i. p . 199.
s Ed. 1802.
9 Cat. Scrip. Eccles. Cap. xxxvi . ; see Epist. lxxxiii. p . 656, Op . Tom. IV. Pt. ii. ed. Benedict. Fabric.

4 Lib. v. Cap. v. or x.

a The Saxon Chronicle, Florence of Worcester, Radulpb, Brompton, Sinthelm, Huntingdon, Matthew of West-

minster, Malmesbury, have treated on this subject the fullest . Fabricius remarks, that Vulgo India Thomae tribuitur,
and cites Ambrosius, in Ps. xlv., Hieronymi Epist. 148, and Nicetas, with others, Codex Apocryph . I. 7, 687, note
22 of Turner on Book V. p . 354. Ed. 1802.
6 Com . Cent. II. Buchanan, Index Mysore .
Book X. Chapter VII . Section 5 749
same name, Cristna, and containing the same facts, -in substance, as are related of Jesus Christ .
All this is ridiculously attempted to be accounted for by the lost tribes of Samaria, who, to the
last known of them, spoke a language though a dialect of the old first language, yet not intelli-
gible to the Chaldee-speaking people of the three settlements at Youdia, Madura, and Jerusalem,
who all spoke the Syriac Chaldee. Yet, on every principle of sound Biblical criticism, there is no
reason to believe that these tribes were ever lost at all ; but that, till the time of John Hyrcanus,
they continued in possession of their country and temple, when the latter was destroyed-the
Cuthite idolaters and the Lions being only a story of their enemies, and therefore, independent of
its innate absurdity, not admissible as evidence.
From the Western colony having left India to avoid the idolatry which was introduced with the
adoration of the Lamb or Crishen, about the time of the Maha-bharat, we have little or none of
the latter part of the mythos, or of Crishen in the Western tribe, i . e. in the tribe of the Jews .
This is as it ought to be if my theory be correct .
On the Christianity of the Southern part of the Peninsula, beyond all doubt the most important
and interesting subject which could be imagined to an Englishman and Christian, or a philosophic
inquirer, Col . Mackenzie, in his collection, is perfectly silent . On this most extraordinary silence
Mr . Wilson, the Editor of the Catalogue of Col . Mackenzie's papers, has the following passage
1 1 The collection is also silent on the subject of the native Christians of the Peninsula, and throws

a no light on their ancient or modern history . These omissions resulted from the character of
« Col. Mackenzie's agents, who, as Hindus and Brahmins, were not likely to feel any interest in
'~ these subjects, nor to communicate freely with the persons from whom alone information could
~~ be obtained." 1 The unsatisfactory nature of this excuse, and indeed its absolute absurdity, I
scarcely need point out . A more probable reason I will now suggest. Perhaps Col. Mackenzie
was too honest to misrepresent what he knew of the native Christians . He had no absolute tie to
publish the truth, or indeed any thing respecting them . He knew it was probable, that if he did,
he would thereby mar all chance of preferment and be worried to death by a pack more fierce
than the hounds of Acteon . But to me it is incredible that his immense collection should not
have contained, though he might not have published it, something relating to the Christians and
Jews . The truth is evident-it has been suppressed by somebody . The excuse of Mr. Wilson
shews that he felt that an excuse was wanting . But I have not the least suspicion of Mr . Wilson.
Page cv. of the Catalogue of Col . Mackenzie's collection contains the following passage : "The
~Q collections of Col . Mackenzie do not present any satisfactory materials for tracing the ancient

°C history of the countries North of the Krishna, on the Western part of the Peninsula ; and the

'~ fabulous stories of Vikramaditya, Salivabana, and Bhoja, 2 which relate to them, differ in no re-
spect from those common in other parts of Hindostan, and reflect little light upon the real his-
" tory of the country or its princes ." Here is evidently another suppression of all notices relating
to these persons-by whom made I know not, neither do I care . Whoever made it, knew well
that the story of these histories being copied from the Western gospel histories is really untenable
for a moment, and, however skilfully or artfully disguised, is absolutely ridiculous in the eyes of
every unprejudiced Indian European : and therefore, the same policy which induced the suppres-
sion of the meaning of the word Rasit, by Parkhurst, and of the word Xpisog, by Lardner,
operated here . Now we see why our slave-trading, church-building government, which cares as
little for religion, except as an engine of state, as it does for the man in the moon, sends bishops

1 Mackenzie's Collection, p.lxviii.

Boiae, shewn by me to be the probable originals of the Manichseans .
750 Sharon Turner
to India. They are sent to superintend the Asiatic Society and the press at Calcutta, to prevent
them from falling into mistakes in what they publish . The truth of these illiberal reflections, as
they will be called, is brought to an absolute demonstration by the fact that, in the whole book, no
account is to be found of the rites and ceremonies at the famous temple at Tripetty or Tripeti, of
the temple of Bal-ii, of the crucified Wittoba, within sixty miles of Madras, being in the very

centre of Col . Mackenzie's survey and his most particular inquiries, as the book proves, a tem-
ple paying the immense sum of el5,000 a year, as Dr . Buchanan says, for the privilege of being
exempt from examination, and in consequence of which no European has ever penetrated into its
sanctum sanctorum . Did this payment excite no curiosity in Col . Mackenzie ? 2
One fact escapes from Dr. Buchanan of a most important nature, and it is this, that at a TEM-
PLE OF JAGGERNAtiT, I suppose with his car, &c ., at Aughoor, between Trichinopoly and Madura,
the rites of the Roman Christian church were celebrated in the Syro-Chaldaic language (that is, I
suppose, the Pushto) by a priest called Joseph . 3 Surely this speaks for itself, in spite of Bucha-
nan's disguise, and confirms every thing which was said by the Jesuit Goguet . (Jaggernaut
means Great Creator.) Here we have the worship of the tribe of Yudi, the father of Cristna .
Here is true Yuda-ism united to Xp s-ism . This shews why the Jesuits turned Brahmins, and
it accounts for the Brabmius' telling our missionaries that they were of their religion, only in a
corrupted state .
In the well-established fact that the service was done in the temple or church (or whatever it
was) of Jaggernaut in the Syro-Chaldee language, and in the delivery of Gospels to the people in
Chaldee by the Portuguese, we have a circumstance deserving of the most serious consideration .
We have the Chaldee or Hebrew language continuing as a vernacular tongue, at least a thousand
years after it had ceased to be so everywhere else . For, though certain Jews speak it in most
nations, as in most nations certain people read and speak Latin, it is their vernacular tongue
nowhere, and in no country, except this, do they commonly speak it among themselves . Now
I cannot help suspecting that this must have been a corrupted Chaldee, more of the nature
of the Aramean Syriac-the Pushto, than the Chaldee of Daniel . This will readily account for
our travellers, not well skilled in the Hebrew, calling it Chaldee, without any intention of deceiv-
ing us . In the Asiat. Res., 4 Sir W. Jones, who examined the Pushto, says, it had a manifest

' The crucified God Wittoba is also called Ball, and in Sanscrit Vinkatyeish, in the Telinga country, Vincratramna-
Govinda. In Guzerat, and to the Westward Ta'khur or Thakhur, and generally the same among the Maharattas . He is
worshiped in a marked manner at Pander-poor or Bunderpoor, near Poonah In the inside of the palms of the hands of
almost all Indian Gods a round mark or a lotus-flower is to be seen . Learned Indians, to whom I have spoken on this
subject, say, it is the discus which has grown by degrees into this figure . Unfortunately for this hypothesis, the mark is
on the feet as well as the hands. All the Gods, it is admitted, melt into one-the Sun . Of course Salivahana, Wittoba ;
and Buddha, are all one, and consequently cross-borne . I believe this is nothing but the nail mark, ornamented like a
lotus. If the marks on the hands and the soles of the feet of the Wittobas, and many other icons of the Hindoo Gods,
were meant for ornamental Lotuses, they would always have the form of that flower ; but it is very common to see
them with the appearance of a nail-head, but not the least appearance of the flower. This shews they are not meant
for Lotuses. Any ornament on the soles of the feet must infallibly have prevented the God walking . It is as absurd
to fix a figure on the soles of the feet of the otherwise naked God as an ornament, as it would be to tie his hands behind
him for this purpose . The nails were honoured in India as they are in Europe . The nails, the hammer, pincers, &c .,
are constantly seen on crucifixes, as objects of adoration . On this principle the iron crown of Lombardy has within it
a nail of the true cross . For Bal-ii see my Fig .;7 .
The India Company gave ten thousand pounds for Col . Mackenzie's manuscripts. The few which are come from
India are in a most disgraceful state of confusion . It is probable the Bishop of Calcutta has some use for the remainder .
I have no hesitation in saying, if they were all together, and had a good catalogue referring to each article, they would
be the most valuable collection in existence . The liberality of the Company has been shamefully abused .
' Pp. 151, 155. * Vol . II . p . 76.
Book X . Chapter VII . Section 6 751

resemblance to the Chaldean . Here we have the fact with Sir William, the exaggeration with the
priest. The manifest resemblance is as near identity as can be expected . The Palli (that is Phi-
listines) were of the Tamul nation.'
I have formerly observed that I learnt from Mr . Salome, that the Lascars spoke Hebrew .
Another Jewish friend met with two of the black Lascars from the Malabar Cochin in London,
who were both Jews, and spoke the Hebrew or Chaldee language . They were quite black, and
had, in every respect, the Lascar character, not at all like the Jews of the West, from whom they
are easily distinguishable . They accompanied my friend, the English Jew, to his synagogue . If
the black Jews were a colony from the West like the white ones, they would have been white like
the white ones . It is out of the question to pretend that difference of climate can have made them
black, because they are black in the country above the peninsula, where there is little or no differ-
ence between the latitude and that of Western Syria . They cannot be supposed to be blacks
converted to Judaism, because the Jews never made proselytes : in this, as in some other matters,
retaining their Brahmin habits . 2 They cannot have come from the ten tribes as nonsensically
pretended, because they are Jews, having the Jewish or Chaldee language, and not the Samaritan .
The Jews of Western Syria, in the time of Jesus Christ, were not black, but there are great num-
bers of black infant Christs and black crucifices in Italy, and Christ was a Jew . Was he of a black
tribe? Indeed I believe that the Christ, whose black icon I saw in Italy, was ; and I believe that
he came to Italy when his black mother arrived at Loretto ' s from Syra-strene, from Satrun-ja or
Regna Saturnia or Pallitana, even before the foundation of the Rome of Romulus . 4 That a
colony of white Jews, fleeing from the Romans, should take refuge among their ancient country-
men seems not improbable, nor does it seem improbable that theeblack Jews in some instances
should have acquired pentateuchs from their white neighbours ; for though, perhaps, nothing
would induce them to change their religion, yet they would easily be led to suppose themselves of
the same religion as the Western Jews, (which, fundamentally, they were,) in the same manner
and for similar reasons as those which induced the Western Christians to believe the Creestians of
Malabar to be of theirs . But yet I think another cause will be found for it presently .
Christ is called ;tint ieue 71'f dbr the word of the Lord, 5 and the Targums frequently substitute
»-I tr r 'n mirnra dii, the word of Jehovah, for the Hebrew -j11' ieue. 6 Parkhurst's proof that the
Jews had the Logos in their doctrines is quite complete ; and this I think pretty well carries with
it the other persons in the Trinity, or the Trimurti of India .
6. It appears to me that soon after the entrance of the sun into Aries, according to Brahmin
time, a calculation backwards to the entrance of the sun into the equinoctial Taurus must have
taken place, to settle the calculation of the cycles, which gave them three cycles and the 360 years
or life of Enoch before the flood, in all the 2160 years, as I have formerly shewn . I never sus-
pected that it was possible to carry this back any farther, and I thought that the equinoctial
Taurus was the beginning of the mythos. But the circumstances which my reader has lately

1 Buchanan, Vol . I. p . 260 ; Vol. II . p . 272. ° Yet see Matt . xxiii . 15 ; Acts ii . 10 .
• Near the Fossiones Tartarum, or Italian TARTARY .
• The Jews were not black when the following passage was written, which we find in the Song of Solomon, i. 5, 6
'~ I am black, but comely, 0 ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon . Look not
~ upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me," &c. Had the Jews been black when this was
written, the colour would not have been noticed as uncommon .
s Inter al . Gen . xv. 1, 4 ; 1 Sam. iii. 7, 21, xv. 10 ; Parkhurst's Gr. Lex. in voce AOr', &c.
s See also Gen. xlix. 18, Jerus. Targ .,17n'n mimrk, thy word (1. e. of the Lord) is evidently meant .
752 Twins, Tamas

seen, and some others which I will now point out, have induced me to believe, that I can perceive
a glimmering of light a little more remote in the back ground . M . Dupuis thought he could chew
astronomically that the mythos of the equinoctial sun could be proved backward, till the bull was
in the autumnal equinox . But I must refer my reader to Dupuis for his remarks on this matter .
We all know that the retrogradation of the sun through the Twins or Gemini, if the signs in the
Zodiac were then invented, must have preceded the Bull, Taurus, and that all the common visible
appearances of the heavens, must have taken place while it was passing through the sign of
Gemini as those which followed under Taurus ; it will not, therefore, be any matter of surprise if
some remnants of this superstition be found .'
We have seen that Adonis was the Sun . We have seen that he was Thamus, or Tamus, or
Tamas. This is in Hebrew ottn tam, which means to connect, to cohere, to embrace, as twins in
the womb : as a noun =, o1Ptn taumim, twins-and sometimes D'ntl1 tumim without the letter K a,
which makes of it tumim. Parkhurst s says, " Hence the proper name Thomas which is inter-
" preted At8uptog, or the twin, by St . John, ch . xi . 16, et al ." But it may be said, that the word
twins equally applies to the Pisces tied by the tails, as to Gemini, and this I do not deny .
The Tamulic language, I learn from Sir S . Raffles and Mr. Chalmers, in a particular manner
affects the termination of its words in En. From this the Pood, or Wood, became Poden and the
Woden of the Goths . The Chaldee makes its plural in n, and the Greeks use the n in the termi-
nation of their words ; but never the m . From this practice of the Tamulese the Cres became
Cresen, their name of Cristna . a Thus it appears that Woden, the Northern God, is simply the
Tamulic method of pronouncing Buddha . That Woden came from the North, not the South, of
India cannot be doubted . But this serves to shew us that the Tamul language formerly prevailed
in North India .
By the ancients, the whole promontory of India, from the Ganges and Guzerat to Comorin, must
have been called the promontory of Tamus .4 We find various places called Sura or Syria, as
Mysore, Maha-Sura . 5 Coromandel is but the Manda or circle of Sur, as I have formerly shewn,
often written Tur-meaning both Taurus and Sol : for Tur was Sur, and Sur was Tut . Now the
sign Gemini preceded Taurus . The Twins were the produce of two eggs, and Taurus broke the
vernal egg of Siam, well known to Virgil, with his horn . The twins were brought up at Palli-ni .
They were in the Argonautic expedition to Colchos, or the bay of Argo and Colida in India .
Here we may see Virgil's theory, a new Argonautic story for every cycle .
As we have a Staurobates along with Salivahana and Semiramis in the North of India, and as

' Eorum Osiris, alio nomine vocatus est h Bacchus, h'S3 fletu sic dictus : ut bene demonstrat clariss . Golius, ex Abul-
pharagio indicans spud Sabaeos (Ph(enicise religions. homines) in medio mensis Tammuz celebrari . (Festum W1 .112
Bochioth seu mulierum ejaculentiam) vel ut ipse Abulpharagius ex Arabibus expont Festum Boucat, eras
faminarum fientiu n, guod celebrabatur in gratiam Dei Tammuz . Illum vero mulieres defeat, quomodo interfecerit eum
dominos sues, et assa gins in mola comminuerit, et ea comminuta postea dispereerit . Nempe nomine Tammuz intelligunt
Solem : quamvis, referente Maimonide, Sabaitae nugatores (sui ritus usum et originem obliti) putent se lugere aliquem
prophetam suum dictum Tammuz, ab aliquo injusto rege occisum, &c . Dictm autem institutions meminit propheta
Ezechiel, Cap . viii., de fceminis plangentibus pro Tammuz, (seu sole,) cui Julius mensis erat sacer et ab eo denomi_
natus Tammuz Syro Phcenicibus, utpote mensis ferventissimus et sole saturatus. Solis vero discessum, quia tum
postea declinare incipit, deflebant, fingentes eum a domino suo interfici et in partes dissipari . Sed initio vernantis
anni, ejusdem Osiridis, seu circuitoris accessus et rumps inventio, haud minimum eia gaudium parere solebat . Et sol
dictus Osir seu circuitor, propter ceremoniam deflendi eum, alio nomine dicitus quoque Bacchus, qui dicente Herodoto
est Osiris, p. 165 ; Ocspss be erg doruuot Kave 'EXAtSa 7 ors w. Hyde, Itinera Mundi, p. 46.
In voce oi%n, p . 782. s Rafes, Emb. to Ava, p . 301, 4to .
4 Vide Lempriere, Ed . Barker, in voce Tamos. 6 Buchanan.
Book X . Chapter VII . Section 6 753

we have found most of the same mythos in the South, we need not be surprised at finding also a
Semiramis. To the Rev. Mr. Faber we are indebted for the observation, that the Zamorin or
Samarin is nothing but a Semiramis, which name was applied to many princes . The termina-
tions in IN and IM are clearly the Tamul, Chaldee, and Hebrew terminations : and the rulers of
Cochin, Cholcos, or Colida, where he or she ruled, were called HAxIar-t ry hkm, wisdom .
It is not to be expected that we should any where find the whole mythos of these remote
times ; but we find all that could be expected-scraps of traditions, little bits of the mythos, for
each obsolete cycle-sufficient to prove one universal system to have prevailed . We cannot ex-
pect these detached scraps to be the same in different and far distant countries . Two or three
thousand years having elapsed, we cannot expect to find the story of the Argonautte of Greece
in every respect the same as that of India ; but it is enough if we see the same tnythos to be
substantially at the bottom .
From a careful examination of the most ancient Greek, Hebrew, and Tamul sixteen-letter al-
phabets, and from a comparison of them, together with the inscription exhibited in Stirling's His-
tory of Orissa, that is, Urissa or Uria, I am satisfied that they have all originally been one ; but
they may all be more properly said to have descended from one alphabet, because there is not one
of them which has not necessarily changed in the form of its letters, not excepting even the
Hebrew before it was shut up in the temple, from what it probably was about the beginning of
the Cali Yug-therefore not one of them can be called correctly the original . I have little or no
doubt that the ancient sixteen-letter Tamul was once the Pushto of Upper India, or the Uddya
or Juddia letter. But considering the long time since it first took the name of TAM or language of
the Twins, there must be expected to have arisen much variation ; indeed, quite as much as we
find . But the names of Pushto, Uddya, &c ., are the fading shadows of the nearly-gone truth.
The country of Orissa or Or-desa or Oresa is called the Uria nation by Stirling . I This must
be an Ur of the Chaldees .
I think it is very evident that the terms Syrian and Chaldean have been confounded when
speaking of the Malabar Christiaus,s by several authors . And when the close similarity of the
wo languages is considered, this is not surprising . I think also there can scarcely be a doubt
that the Chaldee, the Pushto of North India, the Puslrto of Western Syria, the Syrian and Chaldee
of South India, and the higher Tamul, which consisted of sixteen letters only, have all been the
same ; and with a reasonable allowance to be made for the change which length of time and other
circumstances rendered inevitable, are yet nothing but close dialects of the same language,-per-
haps, if written in the same letter, not varying more than the dialects of Greece . The matter for
surprise with me is, not that the three languages should vary so much, but that they should vary
so little as to be mistaken for each other if such be the fact .3
If I be right, the mythos must be expected to be found in the adjoining island of Ceylon, or
Candy, of which I have so often treated . Candy is the name of the central kingdom of Ceylon .
It seems pretty clear that the island formerly had this name among its others . It is said to have
been conquered by Rama, king of Oude . a The central district consists of what are called the
Corles of Ouda-noor, s and Tata-noor .6 Now here we see a wonderful assimilation to the Bri-
tish Saxon language, for the Corles are nothing but German circles and have the same meaning,
whether accidental or not : and the two Corles form what is called the Conde Udda . This is

I Asiat . Res . Vol . XV . ' Vide Last Days of Bishop Heber, by Robinson, p . 311, n . G ., &c .
' Dr. Babington says, Sanscrit founded on Tamul ; see Trans. Asiat. Soc . Vol . I . p . 2 ; and I doubt not both were
founded on Hebrew, or this earlier language, whatever it might he called . To this I shall return .
4 Ham . Disc . Ind . s i . e . Jouda . 6 i . e. Buddha.
754 Twins, Tamas
nothing but County of Juda . I A person might mistake it for English . s In the island is a river
Maha-vali Gunga, and the race which inhabits the inmost mountain are called Vaddahs and Bedahs,
i . e . Buddhas . Are the Vaddahs Yuddas ? And there is a place called Batti-calo ; this is
Buddha-clo, s and their language is the Tam-ul . There is a town called Pala-bina or Palatina
near the mount called Adam's Peak, where we formerly found the foot of Adam and of Buddha,
and Mount Ararat. The principal town is called Columbo, the name of the sacred island of
Scotland . 4 As we find Tam on the coast of Coromandel, so, on the opposite coast, we find a
Tam, in the kingdom of Tamala. 5

7. Ceylon or Lanca or Serendive or Palisimunda or CANDY, was a sacred island ; 6 we will try
if we cannot discover it, with its corles or circles in the West . Ceres 7 is but another name for
Venus Aphrodite, and the Urania of Persia. Ur-ania, of the country of Ur or Urie . Her residence
was on the top of Mount Ida, in the island of Creta or Candia. s This is the y-1, ido which Park-
hurst renders very correctly Idea or yvw r :g, or Maia of India, perhaps . There was an Ida above
Ilium, as well as this of Creta or Kriti or CANDIA. 9 It was thus the mountain of Knowledge, or
of Manda or Mundo, of which I shall say more hereafter . In this island, as we might expect, is
all the oriental mythos. It is called Candia, and we have places called Creta or Kriti, Ida,
Erythraea, Dium, Sulia, Phoenix, Hermaeum, Cnossus, Tvwrog, Omphalium, DIDYMUS or TAMuz
or THOMAS, Chersonesus, Dyonysiades, Ampelos . The Island CHRYats is adjoining to it . But
Ceres had a very remarkable name, allusive, I believe, to this mythos : she was called TAM-eios,
and from her and this name a plain in Crete 10 was called TAMESA : and from this I suspect,
paradoxical as it may appear, that the Tamarus, near Plymouth, and the Thames, bad their
names-yw' iso t7KT1 tam.

' In India the shrines or recesses in which the God is placed are called Stalla-i. e. i n English language Stalls .
This Sanscrit word comes from the Hebrew ,nm stl, a settlement.
These English words are here because they are, I doubt not, obsolete SYNAGOGUE, not Mazoretic, Hebrew words
-the old English or Saxon being Hebrew. Refer to Book IX . Ch . I . Sect . 6, note.
3 Similar to the Heri-clo . * Discussed at large hereafter.
• Vide Ptolemy, Geog. Lib . i. Cap. xiii. and Map.
• Ceylon is called-by Bochart Insula labs-diu, id est, insulam labs, vel lava, probatur ex Ptolemaeo, Iabadiu pro
labaddin . Here, I think, we have the Diu-Ieue or Diu-Iava . Ammiano Serindivi.

7 This Ceres or Venus was Creusa, the mother of Ascanius, who was thus the son and grandson of God, as one of
the Gospel Histories makes Mary the daughter of God : thus Jesus was son and grandson of God.
• Candia-Can-di .ia may be holy priest of IE, or place of the holy Kan, or Kanya, or Cohen .
9 In the Zend Khret-osh is understanding, ccpaw s nom . xpay. Asiat . Journ . June, 1830 . Here we come at another
very important meaning of the word Cret or Kprjr, whence, I take it or in like manner I take it, that the word Crete
came. For the word there represented understanding is probably wisdom . These words are commonly used for one
another in the Bible . X pjcoq and Xp, o-occ have the same meaning . Vide Dr . Jones's Lexicon . And Nestus is written
Nessus . See Wilkinson's Atlas . This completely justifies me in considering the city of Cressa in Creston-ia as the
same as Creston . Lempriere calls it Creston . Crestonia was the country of Cres, Cryssa the town of Cres . Littleton
says, Cres, Cretis, Cressa faem . one of Crete . Again, the Crestones he represents as a people among whom the widow
who had been the most favoured of his wives, was sacrificed on the death of the husband . Homer's mother was called
Critheis, and one of the rivers of Troy or Ter-ia was called Cryssa . Among the French, where are to be found a sur-
prising number of close coincidences with the doctrines of the ancients, in the word Cr6tiens, we have exhibited the
true name of the people of Crete . My view of the origin of the island of Crete is confirmed by Hesselius, who says,
In ea Cres Arionis filius, Demagorgonis nepos, regnhsse fertur, eamque de suo nomine Cretam appellavisse . This
Cres was the eldest son of Nimrod. Nimrod, Vol . 1 . p . 15.
10 The Cretans are well known and are mostly named along with the Philistines or Pallitini in the Bible : 2 Sam . viii.
18, xv . 18, xx. 23 .
Book X. Chapter VII . Section 7 755
Plato tells us, l that Thammuz was king of Egypt, before Thoth, who taught him letters . Here
are the twins preceding Buddha or Mercury s or the Bull . And the inhabitants of Egypt are
said to have descended from Thammuz . . Eutychius says, that- the first city was built by Noah,
who called it Thamanim. 3 This is most important ; I shall return to it hereafter. Indeed, in
every part of the world, the remains of the worship of Tam may be found .
Tahmuras taught letters to the Persians . 4
The Egyptians had certain secret books, called those of Ammon . The author of the Concordia 5
says, 11 Quicquid vero sit de Ammoneorum libris, illud certum, Platonem in Phaedro commemorare
~~ libros, artes quasdam continentes, quos ipse Tautus Regi THAmo obtulit, Egyptiis distribuendos
" aut describendos ." Here we have Taut or Buddha receiving his learning from Thamo. These
books were called a7roxpuoa Ap. .uwemv ygat4JMara . Here we have the Apocrypha of Ammon
and Thebes . I ask my reader to look into our Apocryphal books and doubt if he can, that the
doctrine of Wisdom, which I have been unfolding, is the Wisdom so often treated of by them .
The Jewish Bible contains several very fine works called Apocryphal or doubtful, and of no
authority, by Paulite Christians, who fancy themselves reformed . This is because they, in a
very peculiar manner, teach the doctrines of Wisdom or the Cabala, which was heresy to the
vulgar Jews and Paulites . It is very extraordinary to see all our scholars admitting, without
thought, that Apocrypha means spurious or doubtful, overlooking the real meaning, which is,
secret doctrine. I am quite certain that no person can look into the Apocrypha, after having read
this work, and not see that most of the books are aenigmatical depositories of the secret doctrine
of wisdom . The Athenians had a prophetic and mysterious book called the Testament, which
they did not permit to be seen, nor even to be named or written about ; but it is alluded to in the
speech of Dinarchus against Demosthenes .6 The Romans, I believe, and, in fact, every nation
had its Apocrypha.
Stanley has observed, that the Sabaeans, as well as the Jews, had the custom of weeping for
Tammuz . This took place in June, the month called by them Tammuz, and of which, in the
Zodiac, the Twins are the sign .7 Narayanas moving on the waters, the first male or principle of
all things, was wholly surrounded by what they call Tamas or Thamas, by which they mean
darkness. This is correctly one of the-meanings of this word in Hebrew. 9 The system was not
established till the sun got into Aries ; their knowledge extended no farther back than the begin-
ning of Taurus, when the Mythos was made to commence . Before that there were Tamas the
twins ; but here all was darkness . Hence Tam came to mean darkness . In Arabia was a nation
called Thamydeni or Thamuditae, followers of Taurus . 10 The Chinese equally adore Tamo or
Thomas, from whom Buddha is said to have descended . 11
If Mr . Ritter's observation be right, Dodona ought to be Bod- or Bud-ona, the Bud meaning
wisdom . And if I be right, every incarnation of a sign of the Zodiac would be an incarnation of
wisdom, as it comes to be the equinoctial sign : thus it would once have been with the incarnation
of the twins. From Potter I find the inhabitants of Dodona were called Tomuri, the prophetegses
Tomurae, as Potter says, from an adjoining mount called Tomurus ; but why had the mount this
name ? This was unknown to the Greeks who were perfectly ignorant of the origin of Dodona,

' Vol . X . pp. 379, 380, Bipont. : Nimrod, Vol . II. p. 475 . 3 Ib . Vol. I . p. 230.
4 Ouseley's Coll. Orient. Vol . I. p. 113 . 6 Naturae et Scriptures, Lipsiae, 1752.

Spineto's Lectures, p . 122. 7 See Stanley's History of the Chaldaic Philosophy, p . 799, 4to.
This means le-ana-ner, or ana-ie-ner-fe carried on the water, in3 ner, Sanscrit nor.
9 Vide Parkhurst in voce. 10 Drummond's Origines, Vol. III . p . 243, Map . " Georg . Alph. Tib. p . 20.
756 Crete, Cres

except that it was founded by two black doves . I think hr the Tamuri we have the twins . From
Potter' I also learn an important fact, that Dodona was placed on a river called Don by Stepha-
nus . We have before shewn that Don, in one of the languages, meant wisdom . In the neigh-
bourhood of Dodona are several places connected with the name of John, for instance, Joannina .
Almost all the mythos shews itself in the country around Dodona . As we have the Twins in the
Tamuri, so we have the Area or Arga in Arca-dia, and in Apia, the Bull Apis, or the Bees, the
Melissa or Muses . Strabo says, the Oracle of Dodona went to Epirus from Thessaly . From its
evident Indian character it might be expected to have come from the side of the country where we
found the Sindi, Thrace .
Calmet, on the word Tho, thus writes : 11 It is said, that the first Christians of the Indies, con-
verted by St . Thomas, relapsed into their former infidelity, and so far forgot the instructions
~~ they had received from this apostle, that they did not so much as remember there had ever been
~• any Christians in their country ; so that a certain holy man, called Mar-Thome, or Lord
~~ Thomas, a Syrian by nation, went to carry the light of the Gospel into these parts ." I think
we have good grounds from this to suspect, that what I have said respecting the mode in which
the Portuguese mistook the followers of the ancient superstition for Christians is correct .
Mons . Creuzer cites the words of Ezekiel viii . 14, 2 and observes, that the most and the best of
interpreters have construed Tammuz to mean Adonis, 3 whose feast the Jewish women solemnized
after the manner of the Phoenicians, sitting all night weeping and looking towards the north, and
afterward rejoicing and calling it the death and resurrection of Tammuz . But he observes, that
the festival fell in June, the month called Tammuz, and that therefore it was solstitial . The fes-
tival, however, did not fall in June, because the solstice fell, in the time of Ezekiel, or now falls in
June, but because June was the month of Tammuz, or the Twins . No doubt the festival was
equinoctial at one time ; but by the precession of the equinoxes it had become solstitial, as calcu-
lation spews. Creuzer observes, that the worship of Tammuz had all the characteristics of that of
Adonis and Osiris, and, he might have added, of the Lamb and of Jesus ; the weeping on Good-
Friday and the rejoicing on Easter-Sunday . 3
I believe the island of Candia had its name of Crete from the word K p% a Cretan, all the oriental
mythos being here evident from the names of places . The Kp'is was Ceres and the bearded Venus,
the Kanya or Apollo Cunnius . The Ram or Aries was called Kpios . Whence comes this name
Kpros ? I suspect it had relation to the same mythos . The Lunar mansion of the Lamb in India
was called Kriti-ka. But the Crit-i-ka of India was also the Bull, and we have shewn that the Cres
was the Lamb . In its turn the Bull Taurus was the emblem of the Xp'gs or the Christ ; then
the Lamb ; and, lastly, the Fishes ; and the followers of the fishes were Chrestiani or Pisciculi .
But before the Bull, the emblem was the Tamas, which became Adonis, and in each case it was
the emblem of the Cres or benignant Deity .' The Golden fleece was called Crios-le mouton on
Crysomalle, la toison d' or . The word Can-dia is divus or dis, Can or Kan . Now we must
observe in Crete a Tomas or Dydimus . On the coast of Coromandal there were Male-pour or
town of Male, and Salem, and Adoni, and Wittoba,b &c ., &c . This in Greek would be town of
the fleece or of the apple. We must not forget that in the Peninsula, where this town of the fleece
is, we had a Coleus and Sinus Argo-ricus and an Argari, &c ., &c ., whither the twins, or Castot
and Pollux, went for the fleece or Male . I suspect the island of Creta was nothing but Cresta a

B . ii . Ch. viii. . See Nimrod, Vol. I. pp. 215-220. ' Creuz. Vol. II . Ch. iii . p. 42.
• See Nimrod, Vol . I. pp . 219, 230, and Creuzer, last Vol. p . 210 . ' Witta-gemote-Witto-abba! !
Book X. Chapter VII . Section 7 757
little changed, like Casmillus into Camillus . i -a practice very common ; for X pris was the Lamb
of God, which taketh away the sins of the world . The change of such words as Pelasgus into
Pelagos, the dropping of the S arose from the habit which all nations acquire of dropping the
rough-sounding letters for the sake of euphony, as civilization advances .
It is also extremely curious to find constantly in the temples, as objects of adoration, Gods, of
whom it is said, that no one knew the history, or who or what they were . Were they really
unknown, or were they known to the initiated, and their history kept from the vulgar ? The rites
of the Aruspices were brought into Cyprus, and the shrine at Paphos founded by a certain
Cilician, called Tam-iras ; but it was unknown who he was . 2 The priests of the isle of Cyprus
were called Tamarides . After my attention was turned by examination into the evidence of St .
Thomas to the question of the twins, I was surprised to find remains of them in every part of the
old world.
I believe the word Carn is the Hebrew 7.1p krn, which Lowth construes hill or single mount. 3
Pausanias 4 says, that Apollo Carnus had his sirname from Carnus, who came from Acarnania ;
but the word Acarnania is country of the Carn . He says this Carnus Apollo was worshiped in
the house of the prophet Crius. He also says, that not far from the temple of Carnus Apollo
(in Lacedemon) was the place where the Crotani disputed . All this was in the kingdom of Argo,
in Greece. I know not what others may do, but I cannot help seeing here the same mythos in
Carnate and Lacedemon .
In an old French map I find the whole of the lower end of the Peninsula of India called Carnate .
When I reflect upon the absolute identity of the Druidical circles of India and Europe, as
exhibited in the drawings of Col . Mackenzie, and on the identity of the carps and of the cromlehs,
as exhibited in the example copied from a plate given by Miss Graham, in her Travels, and
the single stone pillars, as given by the same lady, I cannot help believing that the country had
its name of Carnate from the Carps of the Twin Gods or of St . Thomas ; this, then, would be
the country of the sacred Carps-and that the superstition of Carnac, in Morbihan, France, came
with the Bhoiae to Baieux.
I consider the Carnac of Normandy (see plates in the Celtic Druids) to be the same as the
Carnac of Egypt, and as the temple of the Sun at Kanarak, 5 or the ancient pagoda near Jagger-
naut, in India . In Miss Graham's Journal of a Journey in India, a may be seen examples of
correct cromlehs and carps near Mababalipoor . They are identical in every respect with those of
Ireland and Britain . See my plates, fig . 18, and Book V . Chap. IV. Sect . 10 ; also the account
of the very extraordinary cromleh described by Sir A . Carlisle, Book V . Chap. VI . Sect. 6, note.
I have formerly observed it is said by my informant, that the Catholics have placed their altar
on a flat slab at the top of the heap of stones . The fact, I do not doubt, is, that the altar is not
only a carp but a cromleh . It is like the altar over the body of St . Peter at Rome, which is
placed under the cupola, the templum-the microcosm of the world, as every temple was supposed
to be, which I shall discuss much at large by and by .
In the Preliminary Observations, Sect . 28, I have stated, that the ancient method of dividing
the day, was into sixty hours . It appears that this was the ancient Tamul practice, thus tending
to shew an identity betwixt the East and West. 7 This subject I shall resume.

' In a note in Book V . Chap . II . Sect. 7, I have shewn that the Golden Age was called Crita, in Sanscrit : this was
Xpiqq, age of pious, age of gold, age of Taurus .
' Creuzer, Liv . iv . Ch . vi . p . 211 . s Parkhurst in voce . 4 Lib . iii . Cap . xiii.
Asiat . Res. Vol . XV . p . 316, and Hamilton's Description, Vol . II. p. 247. 5 P. 168, 4to .
7 Vide Vedala Cadai, Miss . Trans
., Oriental Translation Society.
758 Crete, Cres

In Argolis there was a temple of the Kresian Bacchus . This is the Xping, YHF-the 608, the
nomen, cognomen, et omen-Bacchus mitis, benignus.
Creuzer says,' Sous ce point de vue Axieros devient Demeter on Ceras, .4xiokersa Pers6phone
on Proserpine, Axiokersos Hades on Pluton ; Casmillus reste Hermes, mais it se rapproche
aussi d' Iacchus, c' est-a-dire de Bacchus comme genie attache a Ceres . Under all the circum-
stances shall I be very blameable for entertaining a strong suspicion that Axieros is a Greek
corruption of the Ceres-the a the ancient emphatic article, and the xieros the ceres? We have
seen the IHF the monogram of Bacchus ; and the I= born at the temple of Ceres, or Beth-
lehem . In a few lines after the above, Creuzer says, D' abord se presente a nous un nouveau
couple de frCres, Jasion et Dardanus. How can Jasion be any thing but the IM-sog, or the
Latin Iasus ? In old Irish the Sun is called Creas. There yet exists a hymn to him in that name . 2
He is called in Irish Creasan, Creasna, Crusin, Crusna, and Crios . The word Cyrus meant the
Sun, but yet I think we cannot doubt that there was once such a person . Ctesias in Persicis says,
Kai TiOeras ro ovbµa aura aao ra `H me . s Plutarch says that Cyrus was named from Cores
the Sun . 4 For the way in which the Hebrew w'11j curs became the Xpig, and Kupos, and Cyrus,
see Whiter . 5 Every thing tends to confirm my suspicion, that Crishna or Cristna, called in
Sanscrit Sri, has been the same as Cyrus, and as the Goddess Ceres or Venus worshiped at the
temple of Bethlehem, the house of Ceres, and that Cyrus is the male Ceres, and Ceres the Xpig
of Bethlehem. The God adored at Tripeti, the temple of the crucified God Bal-ii, is called Rama,
or Om Sri Ramdya Nama. a Here is the Om of Isaiah, and his Cyrus and Rama . When the way
in which the S, the C, the CH, and the H, have become changed for one another is considered, this
will not be thought improbable. In addition to all this, Crete was a holy island, celebrated for its
Mina-taur, or Bull Mina, or Menus, who was the famous legislator equally of India, Egypt, and
Europe. We have his laws, the laws of Menu, translated by the learned Professor Haughton, for
the East India Company .
win hrs is the solar orb. Pzr rr hrs, which, in fact, must have been the same word in the
sixteen-letter alphabet, means deep thought, secret contrivance ; I should say also secret wisdom.
It also means machinator, megalistor, artificer, particularly in potters' ware . 7 It also means a
plough . From this word the Greeks had their Epwg or Epos, the plastic or formative power-
the material light . From this come the Latin ars the English artificer ." Who can doubt that
this was Ceres and Cyrus ? We have the word X pjg-og, Mitis, in Greek ; but I think a careful
examination will prove it not to be Greek, or at least very unusual or obsolete Greek . It is the
Crit-i-ka of India . Ceres was the same as Isis, and if we consider Isis only as the female form
of the Saviour, this will bring us again to an identity of Cres and Ceres . I am quite satisfied
that we very seldom sufficiently bear in mind, in these inquiries, that in ALL the Gods the male
and female are united, and that almost all that may be reasonably predicated of the one may be
predicated of the other .
As might be expected in Candy or Ceylon, in ancient time, we have the centre mountain called
MALE-a, the rivers Phases, the Soane, and the Padacus or Po, and an oppidum Dionysii sea
Bacchi . Salem, lately alluded to, the capital of Salem, is disguised into Chelam by Hamilton, 9 and

` Vol . II . p . 313. = Maurice, Hist. Vol. II. P . 170. 3 Bryant's Anal . Vol. I . p. 80.
• Maur. Hist . Ind. p . 171 . 6 Vol . I. p. 154. 5 Wilson's Cat . P . 333.
7 It is remarkable that Jesus was said, by some sectaries, to be not a carpenter but a potter.

8 Parkhurst. 9 In his Des. Hist.

Book X . Chapter VII . Section 8 759
placed in lat. 11° 37, long, 78° 13 . Here is the highest mountain in this part of India-Adoni
disguised from its old name into Adavani by Hamilton, situated in 150 35- N . lat . 77° 45' E. long.
In this district runs the river Vada Vati . Has Vada-vati been Pada-vati ?
Bethel is Bit-al, house of or temple of dl. In the same manner Beth-lehem is Bit-lehem, house,
or temple of Ceres. But it was also the temple of Adonis ; thus Adonis is the masculine Ceres or
Cres : and it was here where the magi came to offer gifts to the new-born Cres, or, if spelt with
the Sigma-tau Crest . Ceres is Cyrus and Crisna . Ceres is the feminine of Cyrus, as Juno is of
Jupiter, Jana of Janus, &c . I have, I believe, before observed, that the Sigma and the Sigma-tau
were constantly substituted for one another, in the early times of Greece . Take off the terminating
formatives from the words, and make a just allowance for the corruption of the rt H into the CH,
and for the Sigma-tau, commonly used instead of the Sigma,-and the Crys-en of India, the Cyrus
of Isaiah, re-incarnated at Bethlehem, and the Xg7)g at Delphi, the temple of Jah, are all one
word or name, and designate Cyrus, Cristna, and Apollo .
8. The name of the coast which we find washed by the Erythrzean sea with its Diu, Chryse,
Argo, and Colchis, must now be explained . It is in Greek Ma2ov Bapig, the Hebrew rr bire,
(Parkhurst in `11 br)-the place or palace of the fleece or apple-Mala-bar . It has probably
been a translated term from the native language, by the Greeks, from whom it has come to us .
I know I shall have much difficulty in persuading my Indian friends that the word Male-bar means
any thing but mountain coast . I shall be told that Male means mountain in Upper India. I am
not surprised at this, since I find two Colidas, two Urias, &c ., one of each in North, and one of
each in South India . But it means mountain coast, because the coast of the Male is mountainous,
in the case of Male-bar. But what is it in the case of Male-pour, on the opposite coast, the flat
or level coast? I should not insist on this, if, on this coast, I did not find the Argo, the
Chersonesus, Colchis, &c .,-in fact, the complete mythos . But suppose that the word Male
should mean alike mountain, fleece, and apple . This is not more extraordinary than that the
Latin word Hostis should mean both friend and enemy, and Argo, in Greek, twenty different
things . If I do not find the meaning of the word fleece now given to the word Male in the San-
scrit dictionary, I maintain it is for the same reason that I do not there find the meaning of lamb
attached to the word Agni . Dr. Babington says, Maha-bali-poor is also called Maba-malai-pour,
or the city of the great mountain, although there is no great mountain near it .' The learned
Doctor seems to forget that there are very few places which have not several names . Malabar,
in Sanscrit, is Kerala, i. e . chora ; in the old language Mala . 2 When I recollect that we have
on this coast the Hericulas, the Agniculas, the Cres, and Crys, &c ., I cannot help suspecting that
this KE has originally been the same as the C, the CH, in Cyrus, &c . The Tower in Jerusalem
was called Baris : this shews the word to be Hebrew as well as Greek . We have found Ararat
and 1l-avratta, and a Baris, and a mount of Naubanda, in India, and a mount Ararat, called Baris
or mount of the ship, in Armenia, from which the Euphrates was supposed to flow . I suspect that
the river called Euphrates, is the Eu-phrat.
The natives of Western Colchos were described to be black, with curled hair, and to be cir-
cumcised . In Madura the head class are circumcised, but not the lower orders . This seems
to raise a fair presumption that the rite arose here, and travelled to the Egyptians, among whom
Mr. Parkhurst has shewn that it existed, before the time of Abraham, but among the priests or
higher class only . 3 Is it possible that the search after the Golden fleece, the Ram, or the Golden

1 Trans . Asiat . Soc . Vol. II. Pt. i. p . 265 . ' Asiat . Res. Vol. VII . p . 380 .
' Parkhurst in voce, 5n ml III.
760 Cama, Camasene
apples of the Hesperides, by the Argonauts, may have been nothing but one of the common
mistakes of the Greeks, which arose from their ignorance of the meaning of the word Malabar in
the old language . In Hebrew `t1 br means place, or residence, or house, and 50 ml circumcision
or the circumcised . Then this would be country of the circumcised, or initiated . But in Greek
Mad means either yellow or golden fleece, or yellow or golden apple. It is not a more ridiculous
mistake than their Meru for thigh. That the Argonautic mythos, with its golden fleece and
apples is here, no one can deny : and he must be credulous indeed who believes that the South
Indians copied an astronomical mythos, adapted to their own astronomy, from Greece, to whose
astronomy it had no relation . If any person choose to object to my explanation of Male-bar,
let him consider the Sinus Argoricus, the Colchis, &c .
9. In many Roman temples in Italy there were figures of two young men seated, armed with
pikes, said to be Penates and Dioscuri ; but, in fact, they were totally unknown : they were pro-
bably Dii Obscuri, Tamuses .I They were said to have come from Troy, whence every thing
unknown was said to have come . I think they must have been either Gemini or Pisces .
Creuzer says, a king of Italy, called Camises, Cameses, and Camasenus, married his sister ;
and adds, that Camasene was une deesse on femme Poisson comme Atergatis . In fact, Camasene
signifies, in old Greek, the Fishes. 9 I think it is impossible to doubt that we have here in Italy
and Greece the Indian Cama ; and, if in this I am right, as the Sun entered Piscis 350 years
before Christ, it is quite clear that the communication between the countries must have been very
intimate, even up to that very late date ; so that after this time the Sanscrit may have gone from
one to the other. In India we have Comari, and the Cape of Comari or Comarin, near to the tomb
of Tamas ; but Kumari means the Virgin, and the Cama-deva is the God of love. As divine love,
Cama would belong to every incarnation : thus the Twins in India were Cama, and the Fishes in
Italy were the same . Camasenus came at length to mean fishes from its being an epithet of the
constellation . It was probably Cama-isi, with the Latin termination . Cama is Cupid, Cama-deva
God-Cupid or divine love ; then Camasene will mean the sign Pisces, the emblem of divine love,
the Saviour. In the sphere, the Virgin and Child constitute one sign, and form together Cama
Deva . I suspect the forgotten mythos of Tam or the Di-oscuri, was made applicable to Pisces .
La LoubBre says, s the promontary Cory (Kopu of Ptolemy) could be no other than that
now called Comori or Comorin . On this promontory is a large nunnery, and here, in a very
marked manner, prevails the worship of the Goddess Cali. Now I take Cory to be the Greek
Kopi), the name of Proserpine, and the Marin is Marina, the Sea Goddess . Cora-Mandel is
Coramanda, circle of Core . The coast is called the country of Calidi, that is, of Dei Cali or
Holy Cali . 4 The learned Oxford Professor of Sanscrit, Mr . Wilson, generally calls the coast of
Coromandel, Chola. This is the Manda or Circle of Cali . But in p . 181, it is said that Chola is
also called Chora-manda-l, and was anciently called Regio Sorce, and Soretanum . The Sura or
circle (as the Germans would say) of Sura, has thus come down to us . I find that the country
of Sora or Chola was ruled by a king raised to the throne, not by the neighing of a horse, like
Cyrus, but by an elephant, and that his name was Kerik'ala Chola, 5 as written by Mr . Wilson,
but which ought to be, I suspect, Ilericlo Sura, the Syrian Hercules. In the Javanese the word
Cama becomes Como and Sama Somo . 0 Thus Comorinus, the end of the promontary of India,
is Cama-marina ; and Cama is but Ama with the aspirate . Thus Cama-marina is the Sea Goddess
Venus, who is also Cupid or Dipuc. As we find in the very oldest language S and T indiscri-

' Creuzer, Vol . Il . Liv . v . Ch. ii. p . 416. ' Vol. II. Liv. v . Ch . iii . p . 440 . a P. 259.
4 Cali ja, see my Book IV. Chap . I . Sect. 5 . s P. 185 . 6 Crawfurd, Hist. Ind. Arch. Vol . II . p. 4 .
Book X. Chapter VII . Section 9 761
minately used in Asia and Greece, as Tur and Sur, and Nessus and Nestus, Cryssus and Crestus ;
so we find a similar practice prevailed in Italy : their first Camasenus is constantly written
Camarenus. I
We find the Comarin in Italy, in the plain of Camera, in Calabria-and Camerinum in Umbria-
and Camarina in both Italy and Sicily . 2 Mr. Bentley says, 11 The constellation Gemini, may,
« I think, have arisen from the story of the Aswini Kumaras ." s The close connexion between
the Twins and Comari or Kumari is important . The name of Comarin, in Sanscrit is Canya-
Muri, Cape I7irgin, said to be contracted into Comari . 4 But the Kumari was the Virgin, and
her images were the Kumarim . It is said that Josiah put away the comarim which the kings of
Judah had set up ; that is, the images of the female generative power, in opposition to the male . 5
Cama was the name of the priestess of Diana, and as the priestesses bore the names of their
Deities, of course Di-ana or Di-Jana, was Cama . This is the Cama-deva of India . 6 Eusebius 7
says, that the Uria or Ur of the Chaldees is called by Eupolemus Katu.aplvi, and the priests of
that country =10D kmrim. s Here we have my theory of the Ur of the Chaldees confirmed . This
Kmrim is evidently Comarin . In none of the cases of etymology here noticed, should I consider
my explanation sufficient if unaccompanied by the circumstances which I have pointed out . It
is on the circumstances I depend, not on either the sound or the similarity of letters . We have
the Argonautic mythos in the languages both of India and Greece . Did the Greeks invent a
mythos which is not the least applicable to themselves, or the Indians invent one which in every
thing (as we have before shewn) is applicable to them ?
I now beg to recall to my reader's recollection, that we found Culdees both in Ireland and
Scotland, and, as appears in the fifth Chapter of the CELTIC DRUIDS, a great number of the
Gods of India. These are so marked, that they leave no room for doubt as to the identity of the
two . Now, when this is considered, it will not be thought surprising that the doctrines of the
inhabitants or the Culdees, of the Colida of Comorin, should be identical with those of the Culdees
of Scotland. The fact is, the three sacraments, of what are called the Christians of St . Thomas,
and of the Scottish Culdees, and of the Jews, viz . Orders, Baptism, and the Eucharist, are identical .
When Christianity first came to Britain is not pretended to be known ; it is only admitted that
it was found here by the Romish missionaries . I suspect the Christianity of the Culdees of
Ireland and of Scotland was the X prirsv of Malabar : and was brought from the city of Columbo,
in Ceylon or its neighbourhood, to the Columba of Scotland ; in the same way the Hindoo Gods
were brought to Ireland, where they are now found-a fact which cannot be disputed .
A very learned author says, Quid obstat, quo minus hoc inventum (he is speaking of the
Zodiac) Chaldaeis tribuamus, populo antiquo, et a primis, post reparationem humani generis, in
terra Sinear colonis, oriundo ? Sane Sextus Empiricus, 9 famosus ille Scepticus, qui totum hoc
quod scire vocamus, disputationibus suis evertit, contra astrologiam disputaturus, hoc tanquam
certum et indubium assumit, Chaldaeos antiquos eandem Zodiacum, quern habent Graeci, cum
omnibus animalibus habuisse. Chaldcei, inquit, Zodiacum circulum, ut edocti sumus, dividunt in
duodecem animalia, &c . 10
The loudi were Alchymists as well as Magicians. This I take them to have been in the

s Lemp . Class. Diet .

a Vide Berosus ap . Annius of Vit . Lug . 1554, p . 248.
3 Hist . Ind . Ast . p . 46 . ` Vincent's Periplus, Vol. II . 486. Is Muri, Mary, Maria
s Jurieu, Vol . II . pp . 255, 256 . 6 Ib. pp . 257, 707 . 7 Prsep . Evang. Cap. xvii.
e Jurieu, Vol. II . Treat . vii . Ch . ii . p . 198 . 9 Lib. i. con. Astrol. p . 339.
1O Nature et Scripturse Concordia, Cap. iv . Lipsise, 1752.
762 Two Tombs of Thomas
character of Chaldaeans. We see the same character of Chaldaeans continue with them from
beginning to end . The Egyptian kings gave permission to the Jews alone to exercise the art of
making gold . I I have little doubt that the word Callidus for cunning, i . e . wisdom, and Callidus

hot, and xaXog beautiful, To xaaov, are all, in their root, the same, and all arise from the same
original idea : and, I have no doubt, in the numeral or arithmic letters, which I shall explain by
and by, it has been XL-650 or Kala_72 . Call, in Welsh, means wise, knowing, learned. This
is Cali. That which a man is learned in, is denominated his vocation or calling . Country of Ur
of the Cbaldees is Cali or Cali-deva or dei ; Ur-ia is country of Ur or Urns or the Beeve, of the
holy or Goddess Cali, or the benignant or beautiful Goddess Cali-Ka? .og. We have Orissa,
Uriana, Uria, Ur . Mahakalee, the great Cali, is the same as Mahamya, the great Maia . 2
Chola and Chora were two names of the same thing . Cora was Cory, the name of the Indian
promontory in Ptolemy ; but Cory was the Goddess Kumari and Komari, and on the promontory
stands a convent of Nuns, just where it ought to be . Coro-manda was the circle of Cory, and
Cola-manda was the circle of Cola, which was, I believe, nothing but the Goddess Cali, another
name for Cory and Komari-Ka? .rl or KaTog, in Greek, mitis, benignus, having precisely the
same meaning as XFrlg . Colida was the country of Calie or Cali, who was peculiarly the object
of worship in that country, and Abraham or the Brahmin left Ur of the Cali-dei, or Cali-deva, or
Cali-da . Abraham did not leave the country of Ur of the Chaldees, but Ur of the Chaldees . Ur
is also ure or yore, and means country . Choro-mandel became Soro-mandel ; 3 one the circle of
Sur, the other of Cali . Koru 4 is also written Kolis .' That is, the Virgin was Cali, the origin of
Cali-da. Vincent says," Koil, Kolis, and Kolkhi, and Kalli-gicum are related, I have no doubt ." 6
The Koil is Coil or Coel, meaning the same as Cun-ya, the father or mother of Helena, the
mother of Constantine-the same as the A-pol-lo or A-bal-lo Cunnius, of Thrace or Athens.
Calida may also be Cali-tana .' From Kalli-gicum came Chalcos .
10. I would now draw the attention of my readers to what is noticed by our Indian inquirers,
but, in their usual style, passed without reflection . There are near Madras two Tombs of St.
Thomas, or Tamus, or the Twins, with a CARN, a monastery, &c ., at each. How came these?
As might be expected the Christians are permitting one of them to go to ruin, and it is almost
deserted : but it is there with its CARN . This is a fact . I wonder whether the monasteries were
tied together by the tails, like the fishes of Italy . Here are two Tombs or Carns for the Twins
or Gemini : one for Castor, and one for Pollux, who were both in the Argonautic expedition to
Male-pour or town of the fleece or apples. I beg my reader to think upon this . Were the Twins
slain, as the Bull was slain, and as the Ram or Lamb was slain ? Did they constitute the holy
Thomas or Dydymus martyred on that occasion ? The Thomas of the Gospel was never in India .
But might it not be Thomas, the son of Budwas, the father of MANES?
The sovereigns of Orissa, or Uriana, or Urii, or Ur of Calida, on the coast where the tomb
of Thomas stands, were called Kesari or Caesars, the successors of Salivahana or Salivan, the
cross-borne, or crucified, or Vicram, who was born on the same day with the Roman Caesar. A
family of Kesari or Caesars reigned in Orissa in the fifth century . 0 All these various circum-
stances, and the agreement in the pretended dates of the Salivahana of India and the Caesar
of Italy, prove the truth of the cyclic part of my theory beyond a doubt . Can any one believe
the princes of these distant countries copied the title of Caesars from one another

I See Classical Journal, Vol. XX . P. 77 . s Gladwin's Ayeen Akbury, Vol. III. p. 7.

3 Rennell, Mew . p . 185 . 4 That is the Hebrew rr p kore, Virgo ; the Greek Proserpine .
s Vincent, Per. Vol . II . pp . 502, 503 . 6 Ib. p. 503 . 7 lb . p . 508 . 8 Vide Hamilton.
Book X . Chapter VII . Section 10 763
I have formerly pointed out the circumstance, of which Col . Wilford informs us,-that Saliva-
hana and Vicramaditya are the same, and afterward that Salivahana killed Vicramaditya . The
sera of the later began when that of the former ended-56 years B. C . It has also formerly been
observed, that Mohamed was considered by the Brahmins to be a Vicramaditya : then here, in
the sera of the Hegira, we have another sera of a Vicrama-ditya succeeding that of Salivahana .
From this it is clear that an sera of Vicramaditya means an cera of the 600 years : and that
when it was originally said the tenth or twentieth year of the sera of Vicramaditya, any of the
nine aeras may have been meant . This, indeed, is the way in which H indoos constantly express
themselves : for instance, the tenth year of the sixth or seventh cycle . The same language
applies equally to the sixth or seventh 600 of the ten six hundreds, as to the sixth or seventh 60
of the 600. What a door this opens to mistakes I need not point out . The same thing takes
place with the Chinese . After the time when the Brahmin power was overturned, and their
seminaries destroyed, they lost all knowledge of the nature of their cycles, along with their
astronomy ; and the sera of Vicramaditya now, I believe, is calculated forwards from the birth of
Caesar. Some of them have learnt the meaning of their astronomy from the English, and are
beginning to pretend it was never lost, but the truth, I imagine, is too well known for them to
deceive any body but their own devotees. From a consideration of these facts, I am led to a
suspicion that when the Jews or tribe of loudi, at Cochin and Madura, whom I have lately noticed,
are said to have come down from the West, bringing seventy-two families, and establishing a
Sanhedrim of seventy-two persons,' in some year of the sera of Vicrama or of the Cycle, allusion
may be made to an sera long preceding both our time, and that of the Xp7)s--ian sera of the Thome
Chrestians . It follows that the Cres and Colida of Tam, or the Twin, should have preceded that
of the tribe of Ioudi, for Yuda was the son of Cristna .
I read in Professor Wilson, that there was in Southern Pandea a dynasty of seventy-two Pan-
daean kings, ending with Guna Pandya . Were these the seventy-two tribes of Jews ? In the
same page (lvi) Wilson says, these Pandwan kings came from Ayodhya . I believe, in spite of
rules of etymology, that Guna Pandyn is nothing but the Pandion of Athens, of Delphi, and the
Apollo Cunnius : and that Guna is Kanya and the Cunnius . What is Fuvr) in Greek ? Kan-ya
is the name of the Indian Venus, as well as of Cristna or Apollo .
And now I think we may see that there are yet some real surviving remains of the mythos of
Gemini or the Twins, as well as of the three posterior constellations in the precessional cycle . We
have Gemini or Tamus, Taurus, Aries, and Pisces . When I consider the drawings of the Gemini
and the Pisces tied together by the tails, and the construction put on the passage of Genesis, that
Adam and Eve were one, I have been induced to suspect that the Gemini were like the Siamese
boys : the drawings are exactly like them . About a year before these boys were heard of, I
was induced to make a visit to Newport Pagnel, to inquire into an incredible story which I had
heard, noticed before in Book IX . Chap . IV . Sect. 1, namely, that formerly a woman had lived
there with two bodies . I only got laughed at for my folly in supposing such a thing possible,
BUT I found the monument of the Lady or Ladies in the church, and what the corporation
considers of much greater consequence, I found that it holds large possessions under the will of
this Lady or Ladies, the daughter of Fulk de Paganel .
When I meet with evidence from learned men who do not the least understand my system I
value it most highly, because the probability of its truth is greatly increased, as any person who
understands the value of evidence must very well know . Of this nature is the following extract,

I Buch. Christ . Res . p. 222 .

764 Juggernaut
from the work of my learned friend, Eusebe de Salverte : A pres avoir celebrk la naissance du
Kioro, de 1' enfant c6leste qu' it regarde comme la tige de la dynastie mancbeone, le poete
empereur Khian Lung peint cet enfant animant de son esprit tons ses descendans, et agissant
lui meme dans la personne de la plupart d' entre eux .l C' est une veritable Metempsychose,
presque aussi nettement ctablie que celle du pontiffe de Buddha, et qui n' a pas du revolter
davantage la credulite de Tatars . 2 Ile must be blind who does not see here the regeneration
of the wisdom of Cyrus . Here we have most undoubtedly the mythos which I have developed,
existing at this day among the Chinese . M. De Salverte correctly observes, the same principle
may be seen to prevail in many sovereigns who always took the same name-for example,
the Syrian kings the names of Adad ; the Egyptian kings the name of Pharaoh ; and many
others who probably do not understand the reason of the custom . 3 Very justly indeed has
M. De Salverte observed, that there is a strong probability, that the long reigns of Djem-
chid, Feridoun, &c., are only dynasties of the nature of Lamas,-i . e . re-incarnations. In the
same way Mohamed was a renewed incarnation of Jesus, and of Buddha ; and this was the
reason why the images of Buddha were spared in the East by the Saracens . The Caliphs and
the Sultans all professed and still profess to be the same, like the Lama of Tibet, as I shall prove .
11 . It may now be useful to inquire into the meaning of the far-famed Jaggernaut, in one of
whose temples we lately found the priest named Joseph celebrating what Dr . Buchanan called
the rites of the Roman Catholic church . We have found, in the district particularly known for
its attachment to the superstition of Jaggernaut, a crucified Bal-ii or Lord ii ; also a crucified
Salivahana ; also a Crysen and a Cristna, who was a crucified God . In Upper India, Cristna is
called Can-yia and Nat-ii . 4 The Targum of the Jews calls Jehovah ii, and Apollo, the God of
the people of Delphi, where the X pi cog was found by Dr . Clarke, was called IE, and the Bible
of the Jews calls Jehovah IE. The first word of Ja-gernaut is evidently IA, our Jab, and the
Jewish n, ie . The third is the Nat of Upper India, and the Irish, 5 and Egyptian Neiths, both
of which were the Deities of Wisdom, and the Chinese Tien, as before stated in Book VIII .
Chap . VI . Sect. 5. The second word is the Hebrew - gr, and means circle or cycle ; and lager
has the same meaning as the title of Cyrus 11,5y-5x al-olium, aswv -rwv atwvwv, Pater or Deus
futuri sceculi-the wisdom of the cyclar la, or the self-existent cyclar or revolving incarnation of
wisdom . The Brahmins call him the Great Creator ; but the Creator was Wisdom or Logos .
In Travancore, not far from Madura, a very peculiar festival is celebrated to the honour of the
Trimurti, called by Mr. Colebrooke Three Persons and one God, or of the Jewish Aleim, where
all distinctions of caste are laid aside, and it is in these Southern countries that the worship
of the crucified Wittoba chiefly prevails . I apprehend this was the God Jaggernaut . Colida,
to the South of Tanjore, 6 where this God is often found, has become Kolram and Coleroon . I
must repeat, this God is found in a country called Uria of Colida (Ur of the Chaldees) . Ur-ia
is w-nix aur-ia, country of fire, or the sun, because it was also called Sur-ia or Syr-ia .
Persae Fuprl Deum vocant . Colida was the country of the Chaldees, or Coli-dei, or Culi-dei, or
Culdees of Abraham, and of the Irish and Scotch nations . It has the same names as the country
of North India, described by Col . Tod, and referred to by me in Book VIII . Chapter VI . Sec-
tion 5 . I t is the Kaa-os of the Greeks, mitis, benignus, and has the same meaning as the

1 Eloge de Monkden, Preface, p . v . et pp . 13, 17, 47, &c . s Essai sur Noms, &c ., Sect. 59, p . 396.

' Essai sur Noins, pp . 397, 398 . 4 Tod, Hist . Raj .

s Celtic Druids, Ch . V. p . 183. 6 Wilson's Cat. Vol . I. p . 194.
Book X . Chapter VII . Section 12 765
Greek Xp?;S . It is the Goddess Cali who has become the most cruel of deities, though the
beneficent Creator, for the same reason that the city of On or the generative power, or Heliopolis
the city of the Sun, was called the city of destruction. The country of this God was also called
Carnate. This is, Carnneith, Carn-naut, and the tomb of Tamas was a carp, and was the carp
of the Zodiacal Twins, the emblem of Wisdom, or of Neith, or the Logos, or the Creator . How
curiously all these things dove-tail into one another ! We have Kali often in the West-in
Ireland,' and in Caly-DON-ia ; in Cally-polis, in the Thracian Chersonesus, where were the
Sindi, and the wives who sacrificed themselves, and near which are numbers of tumuli, yet said
by tradition to be the sepulchres of the ancient kings of Thrace . 2
Jagan-nath temple is called Mandala Panji -and Sri Krishna . 4 The first name means the
universal cyclar ii, or IE, or JAH . Col . Broughton says, 5 Bodh, under which form be is now
worshiped by the title Jugurnath . Not far from the old temple of Jaggernaut is an immense fire
tower, now in ruins : its roof was supported by two wrought-iron bearers, 21 feet long, 8 inches
square. 6 They lie under blocks of stone 16 feet long, 6 feet deep, and 2 or 3 feet thick . I think
we have never seen a beam of wrought-iron of these dimensions in Europe .
The Brahmins of India were believed by Mons. Bailly to have been Chaldeans . In the minutes
of the Society of Antiquaries, dated 19th February, 1767, is a letter from a gentleman, at Benares,
to Mr. Hollis, in which be describes an university called Cashi . In this he states that the
physicians study the Chaldaic language, in which their books on that science are written . This
was the Chaldaic astrology, with which we know that medicine anciently was closely connected . 7
Father Georgius, the missionary, states, that the people of Tibet, or the Indian Scythians, have
among them the Chaldean divinities . s Thus we have the Chaldee language both in North and
South Colida of India. Mr. Wilson, in his preface, says, the Uriya or Urissa language is spoken in
Cuttack . Here we have admitted the Ua in Colida, (which Mr . Wilson little suspected,) in South
India . 9 Wilson says, the Hindi varies every hundred miles, and presents wide discrepancies ;
but I feel little doubt, that the Chaldee or Hebrew is at the bottom of all the dialects .
12. In Book 111 . Chapter II. Section 9, we find the Brahmins talking of the Saman Vedas
These are the Buddhas of the Smin or disposers of our system. These contain the wisdom of our
system, not of the universe . In the Sanscrit the B is continually changed into the V, particularly
in the dialect of Bengal ; 10 thus the Vedahs become Bedas . 11 Van Kennedy (p. 247) says, in
the Sanscrit the B and V are perpetually interchanged, and the change is optional . Thus, Fed,
Bed, Bud. In some of the earlier authors the Vedas 12 are called Beds, Bedahs, Baids. I have
a great suspicion that Dud or David ought to be or arose from the Bud of India . In Mr.
Whiter's Etymologicon Universale 13 may be seen how the forms D, w-D, v-D, b-D, or BD
" pass into each other." This never occurred to me till I was told that the learned Ritter had
shewn Dodona to have been originally Bod-dona ; nor should I have thought of it, if I had not
found the sons of David or Dud in the country of Buddha .
Hyde, in his eighth chapter, informs us, " that the Persians had a book which is yet extant,

' Celtic Druids . s Sandy's Travels, p. 21 . ' Asiat. Res. Vol. XV. p . 268.
4 Asiat. Res. Vol. XV. p . 318 . b Popular Poetry, notes, p . 152 . 6 Asiat. Res. Vol. XV. p . 331 .
7 Vall . Col. Hib . Vol . IV. p . 15 7 . 9 Ib. 9 Wilson's Cat. P. xlix.
16 See Wilkins's Grammar . 11 Edin. Rev. Number XXV. Vol. XIII .
' • The Vedas have been mentioned before in Book III . Chap. I. Sect 8, and Chap . II. Sect. 9 .
15 Vol . I. p . 865.
766 Veda

• entitled Gjdvid6n Chrad, i . e. the eternal Wisdom, which is older than all the writings of
" Zoroaster, and ascribed to one of their kings called Hushang. This book proves evidently that
• the people of those times worshiped the only true God ."' I think the Gja, or perhaps
Ja-Vedan is the Wisdom of Ja, or Je, or Jah. The Buddhists are said to have Vedahs as well
as the Brahmins . The sacred books of most nations seem to have been called the books of
wisdom. The Persians called their sacred book the Sophi Ibrahim, that is, the book of the
Wisdom of Abraham. The Jews call their book, not as we do Genesis, but the rt'tzbf1 rasit, that
is, the book of Wisdom. The Scandinavians called their sacred book the Saga, (Saga is the same
as the Latin Sagax, sagacious, wise,) that is, again, the book of Wisdom ; and the Brahmins and
Buddhists call their sacred book the Veda, the word Veda being only a corruption of the word
Buddha, and, like all the others, it means Wisdom, and I have little doubt that the Edda of the
Northern nations is the same, being V, and the Kali-ol-ukham of the Tamuls the same .
"The third order of the British Druids, was named Vates, by the Greeks Ouateis (Borlase) .
• The origin of this name is preserved in the Irish Baidh and Faith, but stronger in Fait hair or
• Phaithoir. The first was written Vaedh by the Arabs, whence the Greek Ouateis ; hence
" Vaedh, signifying a prophet, became a common name to many authors of Arabia (D' Herbelot) .
" Baid is the Chaldaean rt`t3 bda, praedicavit . Nihil apud alias Gentes (Hebrwas antiquiores,
" Arabes, AEgyptios, Graecos, omnes) usitatius quam ut sacerdotes, prophetae, divinatores,
• oraculorum interpretes esserit, et responsa Deorum eorum ministerio redderentur . Id moris
" apud Hebraeos, lege Mosis antiquiores obtinuisse probabile habeatur, quod Jobus et Prophetae
• vocem GPil3 (bdim) Badim ad divinatores et oracula notanda usurpaverint . 2 Ch. bt -13 bda
• Bada, Arab Bede praedicavit cum Hebr . Dtn3 bta congruat . The Irish Faith and Faithoir is
• the Hebrew 7n) ptr, interpretus est . Solvit aenigma, Genes . Cap . xl . -uw) putr conjector,
• unde Joseph Poter dicitur ; et Paterm, Sacerdotes Apgllinis oraculorum interpres . 3 Hence
" the Irish Bro-faith, i . e. the ancient prophets . The Scytbians or Hyperboreans, says Pausanias,
" gave the first Hpo k -rau to the temple of Delphi, and they came from beyond the seas to
• settle at Parnassus . 4 Finally it is the Phoenician Dti- apta . 5 Again, 6 Vallancey says,
" From Feadh or Feodh, a tree, proceeds Foedh, Fodh, knowledge, art, science, which in the
" Sanscrit language is written Ved ; and from Hercules being the inventor of this Feadh or Feodh
" he was called Fidius . In the Bhagvat-Geeta, translated by Mr . Wilkins, we also find the origin
" of this Ved is from a tree."
In Col . Tod's work, we have a description of a class of persons who are kept in the houses
of the great men in India, to make out their pedigrees, and to write or record the transactions
of their reigns . It is not possible to conceive any thing more like the bards of Ireland and
Wales. But what is the most remarkable is, that they are in Sanscrit actually called by the
word Bat, the T being marked in a peculiar manner to make it sound like the RT, and the word
Bard. I cannot attribute this identity of the two to accident, and this leads me towards the
opinion which will be thought very bold, but of the truth of which I every day become more
convinced, that most of what we call histories are nothing but effusions of this order of men : and
that the early poets of Greece were, in fact, nothing but the bards of India in that country .
What was the Olen, named in my Celtic Druids, said to have been the first composer of
verses ?

s Spencer de Urim, p . 1020 .

Biograph. Brittan . voce HYDE .
• Buxtorf, p. 666 . * See Collect . No. 12, Pref. clxiii.
• Vall. Col. Hib . Vol. IV. Pt. I . p . 426 ; for origin of Baids, see ib . p. 424 . ° Ib. p . 80 .
Book X . Chapter VIII . Section 1 767
Somewhere in Mr . Whiter's great work which, though printed at the Cambridge press, has
neither table of contents nor index, I have found it said, that almost universally the two letters
B, D, meant to form or to produce. This is confirmed by Parkhurst, who says, that in the Arabic
x bda means to begin, to produce . The Bda is the Vda, which means both self-producer, our
Genesis, and Wisdom, the personification of the first production . =r11 bdim are conjurers or
wise men, whence, says Parkhurst, perhaps the Latin word VATES . Of this I have no doubt .


Freemasons of York and India-Solomons . Kingdom of Solomon unknown-

Chaldeans in Babylon . their Language and Sanscrit-Sacred X umbers-Sephi-
roth . Cherubim . Seraphim-Girst Verse of Genesis-Mani-Freemasons of
York . Metempsychoses .

1 . I SHALL not trouble my reader at present with any more observations respecting St . Thomas .
I think I have shewn pretty clearly how his history arose . It furnishes a beautiful example of the
way in which religions are raised by an union of weakness and roguery .
After I had, from various sources and by various means, added to reasoning, nearly arrived at a
conviction, that the ancient order of Freemasons arose in India, and was established there, as a
mystery, in the earliest periods, my conviction acquired wonderful strength from a knowledge of
the fact which I shall now mention . I shall be censured for stating facts in this way ; but I
write truly and for the truth, and for this purpose alone . The style or order in such a work as
this is not worth naming . At the time that I learned from Captain -, the gentleman who
was named in my last Chapter, the particulars respecting the tomb of St . Thomas, I was also
told by him that he was in the strictest intimacy with the late Ellis, Esq ., of the Madras
establishment ; that Mr. Ellis told him, that the pass-word and forms used by the Master Masons
in their lodge, would pass a person into the sanctum sanctorum of an Indian temple ; that he,
Mr. I llis, had, by means of his knowledge as a Master Mason, actually passed himself into the
sacred part or adytum of one of them . Soon after Mr . Ellis told this to my informant he was
taken suddenly ill, and died, and my informant stated, that he had no doubt, notwithstanding
the mistake which his friends call it in giving some medicine, that he was poisoned by his servants
for having done this very act, or for being known to possess this knowledge . Now, when this
is coupled with the fact of the Masonic emblems found on the Cyclopean ruins of Agra and
Mundore, I think, without fear of contradiction, I may venture to assume, that the oriental origin
of Free-masonry cannot be disputed-and that I may reason upon it accordingly . Every person,
at all conversant with inquiries of this kind, knows that our ancient and beautiful cathedrals were
built by societies or fraternities of men supposed to be monks from Spain, to which country they
are said to have come, along with the Saracens, from the East . These people were monks, but
probably all monks were not masons . But the two societies, if separated in some things, were
very closely connected in others . They were Culdee or Calidei monks, from Calida . They were
Saracens from Surasena, on the Jumna in India .
768 Freemasons of York and India
After I had been led to suspect, from various causes, that the Culdees, noticed in the Notitia
Monastica and in the last chapter, and there stated to have been found in the Cathedral at York,
were Masons, I searched the Masonic records in London, and I found a document which upon the
face of it seemed to shew that that Lodge, which was the Grand Lodge of all England, had been
held under the Cathedral in the crypt, at York . In consequence of this I went to York, and
applied to the only survivor of the Lodge, who shewed me, from the documents which he
possessed, that the Druidical Lodge, or Chapter of Royal-Arch Masons, or Templar Encamp-
ment, all of which it calls itself, was held for the last time in the crypt, on Sunday, May 27,
1778 . At that time the Chapter was evidently on the decline, and it is since dead . From the
books it appears to have claimed to have been founded by Edwin in the year 926. From a
curious parchment document, formerly belonging to the Lodge, and restored to it by Francis
Drake, author of the Eboracum, as appears by an endorsement on the back of it signed by him,
stating that it came from the Castle at Pontefract, it seems probable that, according to the tradi-
tion to that effect, the ancient records of the Lodge had been sent to that place for safety ill the
Civil Wars, as it is well known that many of the title-deeds of Yorkshire families at that time
were, and on its destruction were, like them, destroyed or dispersed .
Formerly a contest arose among the Masons of England for the supremacy,-the Lodge of
Antiquity in London claiming it, and the York Lodge refusing to admit it. This was at last
terminated by an Union of the two parties, under the authority of the present Grand Master,
his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex . The Bishops of York, in their great and similar contest
for precedency with the Bishops of Canterbury, maintained their See to have been founded by
Scotch Monks, (Culidei probably,) entirely independent of St . Augustine .
The documents from which I have extracted the above information respecting the York
Masons, were given to me by Blanchard, Esq ., and transferred by me to the person who
now possesses them, and with whom they ought most properly to be placed, His Royal Highness
the Duke of Sussex. It appears from the documents above-named, that Queen Elizabeth became
jealous of the York Masons, and sent an armed force to York to put them down .
I have formerly shewn, that the Masons, or Chaldei, or Culdees, were the judicial astrologers
at Rome in the time of the emperors . They could be of no small consequence when they were
employed by Julius Caesar to correct the Calendar . This I shall shew hereafter .
I do not pretend absolutely to prove that this Druidical Royal Arch, Chapter, Lodge, or
Encampment of the Temple of St. John at Jerusalem, or of the tabernacle of the temple of the
HOLY WISDOM, as it calls itself, of Jerusalem, was actually the same as that of the Culdees of the
Monastica, but I think the presumption is pretty strong . What more the books contain may be
only known to Masons, of high degree . But if I do not by mathematical demonstration connect
the Calidei, or Chaldayans, and Masons at York-I do it in the Mathematici and Chaldaei at
Rome. I will repeat here, that the Christians of St. Thomas had the three rites (according to
Buchanan) of Baptism, Orders, and the Eucharist. These the Jews had ; and these, according
to Jamieson, the Culdees of York and Iona had . The use of the word Wisdom here for the name
of the Lodge, has probably come from a very remote period . In modern times no person could
have known of the doctrines of the Rasit, so as to have caused him to adopt it . .
However far back I search into history I always find traces of the Chaldei, and this, not in one
country only, but all over the old world. I cannot help suspecting that they were correctly
Freemasons from India . What I have said in my CELTIC DRUIDS, respecting them, that they
were not a people but an order of priests, is confirmed by Diodorus Siculus, I who says, that the

' In Lib . ii. Cap . iii .

Book X . Chapter VIII . Section 1 769
Chaldeans held the same rank in Babylon, that the Egyptian priests did in Egypt ; that they
transmitted their learning from father to son ; that they were exempt from all public offices and
burdens ; that by their constant study of the stars, they learnt to foretell future events ; and
that they called the planets counselling Gods or Interpreters. Here we come back to my explanation
of the first verse of Genesis, of the =tow smim, or the disposers orplacers in order of Parkhurst .
In another place Diodorus speaks, as of a matter of course, of the Chaldeans as a college
IIepI 8s TO aarlOss Twv STOW sv ois 4~ aei r7jv Oewpiav 'rwv xasa soy xocµov re7ronqc6ou ro
eue-rr)1wa rwv XaA&uwv, ax ay rig 'Aws 7r&reueetev : " What the Chaldeans (literally the
" college of the Chaldeans) say concerning the multitude of years, which they employed in the
" contemplation of the universe, no one will believe ."' I have little doubt that they were the
inventors of figures and letters, and, of course, of astrology ; and that this, in many cases at least,
conducted them to the possession of sovereign power.
The Rajahpoutans, or a tribe of them, have the name of Rattores ; this I much suspect has
originally been Rastores or Rashtores or Ratsores . May the word Rashtra, in Sur-ashtrene or
Zor-aster, have any relation to the Ras ? I suspect the Zor is Sur-and aster-ana-and that
Zo-radust is a corruption of Sur and Ras-di, the rough letter S changed or dropped as usual .
We must not forget that the planets were all believed to be intelligent beings, to possess wisdom .
They were all Rashees or Rishees . Sidus is the proper Latin for star, and aster for planet,
and aster is, perhaps, formed by the common practice of the anagram from the word rast or rasit .
The probability of this, like all other instances of conjectural etymology, must be left for
the consideration of the reader-each case, without any general rule, depending on its own
circumstances . Zoroaster in the Irish books is called Zerdust and surnamed Hakim, and he is the
son of Doghdu. Porphyry says, he dwelt in Babylon with other Chaldees ; and Suidas calls him
a Chaldean . s Vallancey shews, from Strabo and other authorities, 3 that the Chaldeans were
the first astrologers .
To myself the truth of my theories has several times been proved in a manner the relation of
which to such persons only as know me, and have a dependance on my integrity, will be of any
weight. After I have, from a union of theory and reasoning and doubtful records, concluded, that
certain events must have taken place, I have afterward found proofs of another kind, that such
events really did happen . The discovery of the Masons at York is an example of what I mean.
I concluded that the Culdees of York must have been Masons, and must have held their meetings
in the crypt under the Cathedral . I examined the office in London, and I found a document which
not only proved what I have said, but shewed that, as might from all circumstances be expected,
it was the Grand Lodge of all England which was held there . Naming this to one of the oldest
and most learned Masons in England, he told me he knew the fact very well, and that if I went to
the Cathedral at York, and examined certain parts which he named, I should find proof of the
truth of what I conjectured. From the circumstances, this evidence becomes to me very strong-
I request my reader to think upon the Culidei or Culdees in the crypt of the Cathedral at York
and at Ripon, and in Scotland, and in Ireland,-that these Culdees or Chaldeans were Masons,
Mathematici, builders of the temple of Abraham's tribe, the temple of Solomon ; and, that the
country where Mr . Ellis found access to the temple in South India was called Colida and Uria ;
that the religion of Abraham's descendants was that of Bas ; that Masonry in that country is
called Raj or Mystery ; that we have also found the Colida, and most other of these matters on
the Jumna a thousand miles distant in North India,--and when he has considered all these

' 1& 1. ` Vall. Coll. Hib . IV . Pt. i . p . 197 . 3 Ib. p. 221.

770 Solomons

matters, as it is clear that one must have borrowed from the other, let him determine the question .
Did York and Scotland borrow from the Jumna and Carnatic, or the Jumna and Carnatic from
them ? In India, there were two kingdoms of Pandaea, one in North India and one in the Car-
natic, in each of which all these matters, in both nearly the same, are found .
I think I may venture to assume, that I have connected the Masons, the Templars, and the
Ishmaelians, and I beg leave to observe that, by means of the red eight-point cross, I connect the
Templars also with the ManichEeans and the Buddhists of India .
The extraordinary similitude, indeed the actual identity, of the religions of Rome and Tibet,
have been constant subjects of wonder and admiration to all inquirers, and have defied all attempts
at explanation . But I think my reader must now see that they were actually the same religions,
only with such variation as length of time and distance might well be expected to have produced .
They had the same trinity, the same incarnation of the divine wisdom, the same crucifixion and
resurrection, and nearly all the same rites and ceremonies-the same monks, the same vows, the
same tonsure, the same monasteries . And in my next book, if I do not shew that EVERY ONEE of the
remaining doctrines, rites, and ceremonies of the Romish Christians were identical with those of
Tibet, I shall shew that they were identical with those of the Gentiles, I believe without one excep-
tion . The truth is, that the religion of the Ras, of Buddha, of Metis, of Sophia, of the X prison,
of Bafomet, of Acamoth or the Intelligence Universelle, extended over the whole world, and
was the universal esoteric, ancient and modern religion ;-the religion of Tibet, of Sion or Siam,
of the Monks of the lake of Paremboli, (Embolima of India,) of Dodona or Bodona, of Eleusis,
of Ephesus, of Delphi, of Virgil, of the Gnostics, of the Manichaeans, and of the Pope-for which
reason he very properly calls himself a CATHOLIC, and his religion Catholic or Pantheistic, and his
followers Catholics or Pandees, or Saints of Pan-ism or Catholicism .
I beg to repeat to such of my readers as are Royal-Arch Masons, that Solomon was a Ras or
wise man, and that a Mason in Rajapoutana is called a Raz, which also means mystery ; and
now I take the liberty of observing to my brethren, that they are called ROYAL-ARCH MASONS,
not because they have any thing to do with kings, but because they are Raja-pout-an Masons, as
the persons who conquered Egypt were Royal Shepherds or Shepherd Kings, or Raja pout-an
Shepherds, from Pallitana . Pout is Buddha, who is ApX1, who is Ras .
2 . If my reader recollect that the Queen of Sheba came from Ethiopia, and that the African
Ethiopians, the Royal Family at least, pretend to be the descendants of Solomon and this Queen,
whose name was Helena, he will not be surprised to find the King of the Ethiopians taking the
name of that virtue for which this prince was in a particular manner celebrated-Wisdom . Thus
he is called, not the king but the RAS of Abyssinia . Why was Solomon so celebrated for this
virtue ? It was no doubt from being the protector, or perhaps the renovator, of the doctrine of
the emanation of the Rasit . He removed the seat of the Western doctrine of Wisdom, from
the stone circle on Gerizim to Moriah or the Western Sion, for which he has been cursed by the
Samaritans, and blessed by his followers, who in consequence assumed the name of the whole
tribe exclusively to themselves, that is, Juda-ites, or Yadu-ites, or Jews, sinking the other ten
tribes into Schismatics . It will be said, perhaps, that the monarch of Abyssinia was called Ras,
because he was the head or the first of the country. This would be fair reasoning if we had not the
word explained by the other names of this personage-Johannes, and Butta, and Deus-all which
we have seen, or shall presently see, mean wise.
Speaking of the Abyssinian Christians Scaliger I says, GQ Ipsi vocant se Chaldaeos, neque

11 De Emend. Temp. p . 338 .

Book X. Chapter VIII . Section 2 771

~~ frustra : lingua Chaldaica etiam temporibus Justiniani eos usos fuisse ." 1 Of course, if all the
people spoke the Chaldee the Christians would do so likewise, as they do in Tamul .
Sir William Drummond, in his essay on a Punic Inscription, 2 has proved the Geez to be
nothing but Hebrew . Sheba's son by Solomon was called Ibn Hakim. This clearly is nothing
but =rt prt e-bn-hkm, the son of Wisdom . And it gives us a probable meaning for the word
Solomon . Zeradusht was called Hakim . 3 Mr. Hammer says, 4 " Videntur illic pro lapidibus
• angularibus ac clavibus concamerationis figurae obscenissimae, omnes ad Genesim seu Gnosim
" ophiticam pertinentes :" and in a note he adds, " Haec est sapientia divina, de qua in scripturis
" toties mentio occurrit et quam Eusebius, secundum Hebrnorum, principium nominat . 5 Ego
"sapientia habitans in consilio. s Quid autem sapientia et quomodo genita est ? 7 Unde autem
" sententia inventa est ? "8 Again, be adds, " Hanc sapientiam, quam Hebraei Deo in creando
• ac ordinando mundo, ut principium adsociaverant, Gnostici in systema suum adoptaverunt . Sic
" Theodotus."
In the valley of Cashmere, on a hill close to the lake, are the ruins of a temple of Solomon .
The history states that Solomon finding the valley all covered with water except this hill, which
was an island, opened the passage in the mountains and let most of it out, thus giving to Cashmere
its beautiful plains . 9 The temple which is built on the hill is called Tucht Suliman . Afterward
Forster 10 says, " Previously to the Mahometan conquest of India, Kashmere was celebrated for
• the learning of its Brahmins and the magnificent construction of its temple ." Now what am I
to make of this ? Were these Brahmins Jews, or the Jews Brahmins ? The inadvertent way in
which Forster states the fact precludes all idea of deceit.
Mr. Wilson says, it is probable that the Tartars or Scythians once governed Cashmir, and that
they first gave the sanction of authority to their national religion, or that of Buddha, in India . 11
The Tuct Soliman of Cashmere in the time of Bernier, 12 was described by him to be in ruins,
and to have been a temple of the idolaters and not of the Mohamedans . The Mohamedans
reported that it was built by Solomon, in very ancient times . All this at once does away with
any pretence that it was a building of the modern Mohamedans ; and is a strong confirmation of
the Jewish nature of the other names of towns-Yude-poor, Jod-pore, &c ., &c . Bernier goes on
to say, Is that the natives of Cashmere had the appearance of Jews so strongly as to be remarked
by every one who saw them ; that the name of Mousa or Moses is common among the natives ;
that Moses died at Cashmere, and they yet shew the ruins of his tomb near the town . This is
curious when connected with the fact, that the Jews of Western Syria say, no one ever knew
where he was buried .
On the frontiers of China is a place greatly resorted to by pilgrims, called the Stone Tower, but
of what religion does not appear. It is in a narrow pass called Belur-tag, not far from where the
Gihon and Yerghien approach each other . The pass is ascended from the North West : and on
the left side of the road, the face of the mountain, a massy rock is hewn into a regular form, with
two rows of twenty columns each ; hence it is called the tower of the forty columns or Chasotun, 14

1 Nicephorus, Lib . ix . p . 18 ; Ouseley's Coll . Orient. No. III . p. 217 . 2 P. 28 .

o Vallan. Vol. IV. Pt . I, pp . 191, 196. 4 Mines de 1'Orient, Vol. VI. pp, 35, 100, 101 .
s Prmp . Evang. xi. 14 . 6 Prov. xiii. 12, 22. 7 Sap . xi. 24, xii. 22.
a Job xxviii. 12 9 Forster's Travels, Vol . II . p. 11 . to P
. 17.
11 Hist. of Cashmir, Asiat 19
. Res. Vol. XV. p . 24 . Travels, Vol . IIL p . 128, Ed. fol . 1688. 13 P. 137.
14 The last temple of Solomon was in the mere of the cashi or college ; this is in the town of the cashi or college.
The Tun of this Saxon country or country of the Sam, is our town.- See Webster's Diet.
772 Kingdom of Solomon Unknown

and is said to be a work of the Jews . But it is more generally called the Tuct Soliman or Throne
of Solomon .' Here we carry this religion over the Cashmerian mountains to Tartary . s Many
persons will have no doubt that all the Tuct Solimans were copied from the building in Western
Syria . I cannot content myself with this supposition, though others may .
I suppose my reader will have observed that, besides what I call our temple of Solomon, there
were many others . One for instance in Mewar, one in Cashmere, one on the frontiers of China,
and one in Asia Minor, at Telmessus . And it would be no difficult matter to shew, from circum-
stances, that there must have been several others, for a Tuct-Solomon could be no other than a
temple or house of Solomon . I suspect that the great kingdom of Solomon in Western Syria,
whose monarch filled the whole world with the fame of his glory and wisdom, was only a part of
the Judean mythos . I do not mean that there was no temple, but that the history was accom-
modated to the mythos, as was the early part of the history of Rome to its mythos, and indeed to
the same mythos . I apprehend that the temple was a type of the universe, and that all the
temples were the same ; all parts of the one universal mythos which extended, as is evident, from
the same sacred names of places being found every where, to the farthest points of the globe .
I have a strong suspicion, but I name it as a suspicion only, that the fourteen Maha-bads of
Persia, on which Sir W. Jones founds his Mahabadian dynasty, merely meant towns of the great
Buddha ; that the fourteen Solumi, said to have existed before the flood, were the same fourteen
Buddhas or incarnations of Wisdom ; that the same towns are meant ; that there was a temple
of Solomon at each of them, and that they are fourteen certain places where we find the local
mythos visible from their names . I entertain a persuasion that the Solomonian mythos, which
we have found in China, in Cashmere, in Oude, in Persia, in Asia Minor, and in Matura of the
Carnatic, as described by Bouchet, in the temple of the Brahmins, with its passage of the sea, &c.,
&c ., were all the same with that in Western Syria ; that they all had at the bottom the same
recorded transactions ; and that this was part of the secret Jewish religion . Look back to Book
X . Chap. V. Sect . 5, to what Boucbet has said of the Moses, &c ., at Madura, in the Carnatic .
If I can prove only one of the Indian towns or temples having Jewish names to have existed
before the time of Mohamed, it is enough, under all the peculiar circumstances, to prove-my case,
viz . that it is probable that the Jewish names of the other places may have been given before his
time . It opens the door to an inquiry into the probability of each particular case ; and I am
quite certain in nine cases out of ten the probability will amount to certainty . The temple in
ruins in Cashmere is a most complete example of what I allude to : and, in fact, the city of Oude,
or Ayodia, or luda, is another : for no one will contend that Oude has been either built or named
since the time of Mohamed .
3. I know the following question, previously alluded to, will not be answered, but will be
treated with contempt and ridicule ; but nevertheless I must propose it-Where is the empire of
Solomon the Magnificent first read of in the works of the Gentiles ? It is not noticed by Hero-
dotus, Plato, or Diodorus Siculus . It is a most extraordinary fact, that the Jewish nation, over
whom but a few years before the mighty Solomon had reigned in all his glory, with a magnificence
scarcely equalled by the greatest monarchs, spending eight thousand millions on a temple, was
overlooked by the historian Herodotus, writing of Egypt on one side, and of Babylon on the
other,-visiting both places, and of course almost necessarily passing within a 'few miles of the
splendid capital of the nation, Jerusalem . How can this be accounted for? A few generations
after the reign of the mighty Solomon, the nation was conquered by the Babylonians, and its

s Cab . Cyclop . Vol. I . p . 118. ' The sovereign of which was called Prestre John .
Book X . Chapter VIII . Section 3 773
chief persons carried into captivity . Before this time we have books which purport to be a
history, but it is remarkable that they are found to contain incidents belonging to a very old
nation spread over all India, over immense countries, and accompanied with temples, statues,
towns, and mountains, with the Jewish names, and evidently of the same mythos . The dates of
the statues, towns, names of mountains, &c ., here noticed, are so remote that they are totally
unknown to the present inhabitants, and even to their history or traditions, though they pretend
to have regular histories to times long anterior to the time of the Western Solomon . The
towns, names of mountains, temples, colossal statues, &c ., clearly prove, that whenever they
were fabricated the people who erected them must have been masters of the country . Can any
one believe that all these things can have arisen from a few captive Jews or Samaritans from
the country and state, so small as to be overlooked by Herodotus, and that they, so late as less
than 1200 years before Christ, can have possessed those places in India unknown to the native
historians of the countries who wrote perfect, regular histories of them, supported and confirmed
by astronomical observations?
In reply to this, I am asked, Why Homer or Moses never names the Pyramids ? The cases
are totally dissimilar . But I suppose they did not name them for the same reasons that the
Roman historians never named Stonehenge, Abury, or Carnac-each of the two latter equal to
the greatest Pyramid,-and for the same reasons that our early English historians never named
Abury . If these monuments had possessed inscriptions, which conveyed historical information,
they would probably have been named . If the historians had been in search of antiquarian
curiosities, the case would have been different ; but they were in search both of ancient and
modern empires, and it is totally incredible that the nation of Solomon could have been overlooked,
if its history, as told in the Bible, be true . Herodotus might overlook an obscure little mountain,
or vassal tribe of Babylon, though possessing even a large temple, but this is all which can be
admitted ; and this proves that the object of a chief part of the Bible was not history but a mythos,
as the Bishop and Romish Apostolic Vicar Dr . Geddes properly called it, like the early history of
Rome and Troy.
Almost as unaccountable as the ignorance of the inquisitive Herodotus, is the slight knowledge
or comparative ignorance of Alexander the Great . So unsatisfactory to Josephus was Alexander's
neglect of this formidable fortress and sumptuous temple,-by far the richest which ever existed
in the world, that he felt it expedient to forge a story to fill up the chasm or blank, and in his
work it may be found . I shall not enter into the subject : the falsity of Josephus has been.
satisfactorily proved by Mr. J . Moyle, of Southampton, in his correspondence with Dean Pri-
deaux, and I have no need to add to the proof . Mr. Moyle has shewn that Alexander was never
at Jerusalem. I have seen the ignorance of the Grecian historians of the Jewish nation accounted
for by the pretence, that they despised the Jews too much to notice them . The reason is ridi-
culous and childish, not worthy of a moment's consideration . If the Greeks knew any thing of
them, it is probable that they knew no more of them than the name, or than they knew of any
other obscure mountain tribe . If I were to write a history of Britain it is probable that I should
never name the town and church of Bangor : and yet I should not despise them . For a similar
reason Herodotus never named the temple or empire of Solomon .
All these circumstances combined give the lie to the glories of David and Solomon, and reduce
the whole to the history of a petty mountain tribe possessing a rich temple, similar to those
which were to be seen at Heliopolis, that is, Tadmor, and many other places . The whole thing
amounts to this ; that there was in the mountains of Syria a tribe divided, like the Ionians of
Asia Minor, into twelve municipalities ; that they quarrelled about their superstition, and in
consequence separated ; that it was a tribe which came in very early times from India ; that it
774 Chaldeans in Babylon, Their Language and Sanserit
was, until it settled and conquered Judea, exactly like the present Afghan tribes ; indeed, there is
the greatest reason in the world to believe, that it was one of them, probably a strong tribe ; that
its sacred books are a mere mythos, exactly like the Mahabarat or other sacred books of the
Brahmins,--the foundation of it being the same mythos as theirs, accommodated by its priests
to its own peculiar history and local circumstances . And this was most likely the case of the
secret books of every great temple or cathedral as it might be called,-which was, in fact, the
archiepiscopal see of each arrondisement . The Jews, of whom we read at Alexandria and other
places, were probably partly from Judaea and partly from the other settlements of the tribe of
Yudi, wherever they might happen to be-Telmessus, Upper Egypt, Heliopolis, or other places
where the Tecte Solumi prove that they were settled . No doubt the Christian sectaries of the
Judaean mythos, have done all they could to destroy written evidence of the truth ; but the
temples of Solomon, the names of places in North India, in South India, in Siam, Ceylon, China,
&c., prove the existence and the great dissemination of the mythos, which was, in fact, the basis
on which was erected the Pandwan kingdom, and that was a Sacerdotal kingdom . That the tribe
of Juda did exist almost all over the world cannot possibly be denied : the city of Judia in Siam,
the mythos at Cape Comorin the temple of Solomon in Cashmere, the Montes Solumi in Mewar,
the great city of Oude or Juda, are facts which prove it, and admit of no dispute .
4. I must now call my reader's attention to another fact of very great importance . We have
heard much about Daniel and the Chaldeans of Babylon, and about the rendering of the law of
Moses by Ezra or Esdras into the Chaldee language, at the gate of the temple, after the cap-
tivity . But there is another book extant, said to be written by Esdras, which declares that the
book of the law was burnt, and that it was rewritten by him under the influence of divine
inspiration . This, for very obvious reasons, is now denied to be of divine authority, by the
united sect of Jews and Christians-for in this case they must be considered one . But it seems
to stand upon as good ground as the other books, and in some respects upon better . But this
observation is rather from my argument, though it strikes a blow at the credibility of the fact of
the explanation of the law at the gate of the temple : for how could Ezra explain the law, if it
were burnt ? unless, indeed, it were the new law revealed to Esdras .
The fact to which I have to draw my reader's attention, and from which I have digressed, is
this, that though we are told that the Jews brought the Cbaldee language and letters back with
them from Babylon, yet that among the great numbers of inscriptions of different kinds found in
the ruins of that city, one in the Chaldee letter and language has never been found . This seems
clearly to prove, that if the Chaldean language and letter were the language and letter of Daniel
and the magi or astrologers with whom he is classed in the Bible, they were not the letter and
language of the Assyrians . The letter must have been a secret of the Jewish priests, and their
language, their sacred language at least, probably different from that of Assyria . This all tends
to prove the tribe of Abraham a distinct tribe from India, of comparatively-speaking recent date .
On the most mature consideration I have come to the opinion, and it is very important, that
the similarity between the Chaldaic, or Hebrew, and the other languages noticed by Sir W . Jones,
is the nearest approximation to identity which can be expected, and indeed more than could be
expected, or would have been found, if the copy of the Pentateuch in the Jewish temple bad not
arrested the Hebrew Chaldee in its progress of change . Under these circumstances it is evidently
incredible, that the original from which all these languages sprung call now exist, It is pretty
clear that the mythos of Moses has existed from very old time . This, I think, the numbers
of temples, houses, or mounts, (all the same,) of Solymi prove . And this is confirmed by the
Sibyls, each of whom refers to this mythos, though the variation among them is so great as to
spew that they cannot have copied from one another . If we go to the African Ethiopians we
Book X. Chapter VIII . Section 4 775
find, in the descent from Solomon, in the Ioannes, Butta, Deus, and the use of the Chaldee
language, remains of the same mythos. We find the same both in North and South India . When
I consider the little, obscure, mountain tribe of Jews in Western Syria, and I again contemplate
the Judaea in the mighty cities of Agra, Oude, Mundore, &c ., I cannot doubt that North India
must have been the birth-place of the mythos ; and the mistake of all these people in supposing
themselves descended from the Jews of the little tribe of Western Syria, is easily accounted for ;
it is the natural effect of the loss by them of their real history, and of the stories told them by
proselyting Christians, that they must§ have come from Western Syria. To these causes of
mistake may be added the account of these people retailed and misrepresented to us by the same
Christians, who, from prejudice, overlook important facts, (such, for instance, as that of the
existence of an old temple of Solomon in Cashmere,) and who misrepresent others to make them
suitable to their own superstitions and creeds. Thus, to believe them, all the Jews or Youdi, scat-
tered in ancient times over the world, and forming great nations, were part of the mountain tribe
of Western Syria, which Herodotus did not observe, or, in his search for nations, discover ; the
capital of which, with its temple, would not now have been in existence, had it not been preserved
by Helena and the Christians .
To return to the assertion I have so often made, that the Hebrew is the first language . This
assertion I must now qualify, in order to answer a question which will be asked, viz . What I
mean by the first language . It is very clear that the Hebrew, when a spoken language, must have
changed like all other languages, and must have undergone this change when it advanced from
sixteen to twenty-two letters, and this change must have been very considerable . We have
formerly seen, from the works of various learned men, that the Afghan language, called Pushto,
is very similar to the Chaldee . We have seen the same Pushto very similar to the Tamul . We
have seen that the Tamul is very similar to or identical with the Aramean Syriac or Pushto of
Western Syria, and that this, which is the dialect of the time of Jesus Christ, is but a dialect of
the Chaldee or Hebrew in which the Synagogue Pentateuch is written . All these similarities are
as near identities as can be expected, and the fact of the same original sixteen letters in all,
proves their original identity . Supposing them all in the sixteen-letter state, they must neces-
sarily all have diverged from it, and the similarity discovered by different learned men is as much
as can be expected, and more than would have been ever discovered, had not the common mythos
operated in a direction contrary to the tendency to change-the natural effect of time-united to
the circumstance of the recluse Pentateuch in the Jewish temple having been fortuitously pre-
served . In fact, all the written languages are but dialects of a sixteen-letter language, as Mr.
Gilchrist has judiciously observed . The language which Sir William Jones and others call Chaldee
can be nothing, in fact, but the Arabic, before the change in the letter and the addition to it of
points, by one of the Caliphs, took place . It is, in reality, the language of the book of Job .
After much consideration I am induced to believe, that the Sanscrit has been a language
artificially formed, by the caste of priests, upon the old language of the country, and, at first, as
found in the earliest Veda, in a more rude state than it afterwards arrived at ; and that, as long
as the Brahmins were in power and prosperity, it kept improving, till it arrived at its present
perfection . As they kept copying their Vedas they kept improving the language of them, exactly
as we do with our Bibles . We all along keep correcting the antiquated mode of spelling and ex-
pression, though keeping to the sense .
I think, judging from all history and from all circumstances, there can be no doubt that the
farther back we go, the more nearly all the ancient languages, which had the Cadmean system of
letters, will be found to assimilate ; on the contrary, the more we advance to our own times, the
more they will diverge from their original root . In our endeavours to discover the meanings of
776 Chaldeans in Babylon, Their Language and Sanscrit

the old languages, this consideration will be found of the greatest importance . It accounts
very satisfactorily for the great number of old Hebrew words which we find in almost all the
Western languages. But how are we to account for the Sanscrit, which we also find in them?
I can suggest no rational theory except that which I have before stated,--that the Sanscrit must
have come to the West before it increased its sixteen to fifty-two letters, and that, in fact, it was
also Hebrew or Saxon, or a dialect of Hebrew, before it was improved . I still feel that this is
scarcely sufficient to account for the closeness or the similarity of the Sanscrit to the improved
forms of the Latin and Greek.
I confess that sometimes I cannot help suspecting, that the opinions of Dugald Stewart and
Professor Dunbar are well founded, and that the Sanscrit was formed on the Greek and Latin,
after the irruption of Alexander into India . It seems to me that our Sanscrit scholars are opposed
to this, chiefly, because it seems to compromise the antiquity of the Indian learning : but this is,
I think, a hasty conclusion ; for their learning both in astronomy and in every other branch may
have existed in the Tamul or other language long before the time of Alexander, and all their
works may have been very readily translated into the Sanscrit . In the sixteen-letter Tamul we
have a refined language of learning and of learned men, and in the Kaliwakam t we have a work
which will not disgrace any learned Brahmin .
The following is au extract from the Kaliwakam .


The zealous study of sciences brings increasing happiness and honour .

From the fifth year of age learning must begin .
The more we learn the more understanding we get .
Spare no expense to learn reading and writing .
Of all treasures reading and writing are the most valuable .
Learning is really the most durable treasure .
An ignorant man ought to remain dumb .
He who is ignorant of reading and writing is indeed very poor .
Though thou shouldst be very poor learn at least something .
Of each matter endeavour to get a clear knowledge .
The true end of knowledge is to distinguish good and bad .
He who has learned nothing is a confused prattler .
The five syllables Na-ma-si-va-yah' contain a great mystery.
He who is without knowledge is like a blind man .
Cyphering must be learned in youth .
Be not the cause of shame to thy relations .
Fly from all that is low.
One accomplished philosopher is hardly to be met with among thousands .
A wise man will never cease to learn .
If all should be lost, what we have learned will not be lost .
He who loves instruction will never perish .
A wise man is like a supporting hand .
He who has attained learning by free self-application excels other philosophers .
Continue always in learning, though thou should do it at a great expense .
Enjoy always the company of wise men .
He who has learned most is most worthy of honour .
What we have learned in youth is like a writing cut in stone .

1. Kali-Hakim, Kali-akim, Kali-ow-akim ; evidently the wisdom of Cali or Kali.

' This is the Roman Nama Sebadia, often found on the Mithraitic monuments in Italy . I think this cannot be
doubted ; and it connects the Italian and Indian mythoses together beautifully .
Book X. Chapter VIII . Section 4 777
False speaking causes infinite quarrels .
He who studies sophistry and deceit, turns out a wicked man .
Science is an ornament wherever we come.
He who converses with the wicked perishes with them .
Honour a moral master .
He who knoweth himself, is the wisest .
What thou hast learned teach also to others .
If one knows what sin is, he becomes wise .
Well-principled wise men approach the perfection of the Divinity.
Begin thy learning in the name of the DIVINE SON . (Pulleyar.)
Endeavour to be respected among men of learning .
All perishes except learning .
Though one is of low birth, learning will make him respected .
Religious wise men enjoy great happiness .
Wisdom is firm-grounded, even on the great ocean .
Without wisdom there is no ground to stand on .
Learning becomes old age .
Wise men will never offend any by speaking .
Behave politely to men of learning .
The unwise only flatter others .
Wisdom is the greatest treasure on earth .
The wiser, the more respected .
Learning gives great fame .
Wise men are as good as kings .
Do not deceive even thine own enemy .
In whom is much science, in him is great value .
He that knows the sciences of the ancients, is the greatest philosopher .
Truth is in learning the best .
Wise men are exalted above all others .
In proportion as one increases in learning he ought to increase in virtue .
The most prosperous good is the increase in learning .
Wisdom is a treasure valued everywhere .
The Veda teaches wisdom.
Speak and write for the public good.
If knowledge has a proper influence on the mind it makes us virtuous .'

The very important circumstances, noticed in Chap . VII . Sect. 9, that the same mythos of Pisces
is found in the same names, Camasenes in South India, the Tamul country, and in South Italy,
PROVES, I repeat PROVES, a very intimate connexion between the two countries of which we have

not a hint in any Greek or Roman historian, (and the Nama Sebadia confirms it,) even later than
the time of Alexander, because it must have been after the sun entered Pisces at the vernal equi-
nox, which took place 360 years before Christ . This connexion can have been no slight or casual
acquaintance of the two countries which could establish the same new system (as to the populace
it would appear to be) of religion in one of them . It may be observed also, that this system was
not established by Sanscrit speakers, but by the Tamul or one of the broken, that is, the old
dialects of India . The names Comarin, Coromandel, &c ., are all common names used by the
people, and if they be found in the Sanscrit this is what might be expected . It is absurd to
suppose the Brahmins would not write the old names in the Sanscrit letter . Whoever they were
that brought the Indian names of the Fishes to Italy, they at the same time probably brought the
art of building, and the beautiful designs of the temples at Paestum-which are, in fact, almost
copies of some of those in Col . Tod's book-and which are proved to be the same as the Indian

I Asiat . Transactions, Vol. VII . P . 357 .

778 Chaldeans in Babylon, Their Language and Sanscrit
also, by the Ling Ioni's, found in the ruins by Col . Tod, and particularly in the hand of Ceres, the
Goddess of the temple .
Once more I repeat, that I know I shall have great difficulty in convincing Sanscrit scholars
that their language is comparatively modern : but its close analogy to the Greek and Latin cannot
be denied, and I feel quite satisfied that they can never refute the argument drawn from the
smallness of the number of the Greek and Latin letters . If the Greek and Latin had come from
the Sanscrit in its present form, they must have had fifty-two letters instead of sixteen . I have
PROVED in my Celtic Druids, that at the time when the colonies came from the Indus, they each

had sixteen letters only, and the same sixteen . In this alphabet the names of the Indian Gods are
found, and the names of places and Gods in Greece and Italy,-Saturnia, Pallatini, &c ., &c ., and, in
the names of the Indian Gods, the names of the God of the Hebrews, and of Syria-Jah, Adoni,
Taurus, &c .
When the Chaldean tribe of Yuda, or tribe of Crestons, with its Kan-ya, or Xp EY, or IE, or
Cristna, came, under its Brahmin, from Uri-ana of Colida or Chaldea to Creston and Sindus of Thrace,
(bringing its custom of sacrificing widows,) and Creston or Corton of Italy, and mount Meru,
or Sion, or Solyma of Syria, and the other Solymas, about 2500 or 3000 years before Christ, it
brought the sixteen letters of Cadmus or the East with it ; perhaps the sixteen letters of the
Tamul . Its mythos of Meru, and its Arga, and its cycles of returning Saviours, Buddhas, or
Cristnas, put to death and raised from the dead, &c ., &c ., were renewed and located under every
distinct, independently-formed government . Thus we find traces of these things with the cyclar
temples of Stonehenge, &c ., &c., every where . Every nation had its Meru, Moriab, &c ., &c.
And the tribe of Jews, where it differs from the others, differs in consequence of having had a
great iconoclastic leader to legislate for it, in a particular manner, different from the others .
A very learned oriental friend maintains, that the languages of the Chinese and other Eastern
countries, and of the Polynesian islands, have all the most complicated and artificial forms that
we meet with in the Sanscrit and Western languages ; and thence he would infer, that they are
primeval or anterior to the latter, and that the Hebrew, on account of its rudeness, is what he
calls a broken-down language from the others . The contrary, I contend, is the fact in the case
of the Hebrew, because in its case we take it in the temple copy, from which it may be said not
to have deviated for thousands of years . We catch it in its infancy, and in consequence of the
curses denounced against any alteration of the law written in its dialect, it has been kept in its
infant state all the days of its life . Many passages may formerly have been corrupted to serve the
purposes of priests, but generally the language would not be changed . In corrupting passages
the old style would be studiously affected . The younger a written language is, the more simple it
will be, and it will acquire complication and refinement as it acquires age . What can be more rude
than the synagogue Hebrew ? What more refined and artificial than the pointed modern Hebrew
of the Mazorites ? The language of the barbarians of the Polynesian islands is complicated,
because its possessors have arisen from the overflowings of the civilized states, and they took
with them, when they migrated, all the complicated forms in use in the country which they left .
The important fact which I gleaned from the learned and ingenious Mr . Landseer, almost the
whole of whose life has been spent in the study of Assyrian antiquities, that among all the
numerous inscriptions of Babylon nothing like a Chaldaic inscription was ever found, is decisive
proof that the Chaldee was not the dialect of the Assyrians, nor is it the dialect of the present
natives of that country ; but it is the dialect of several tribes in the country of the Brahmin Uria
of Colida, both of that near Ayoudya or Oude, and that at Salem, Adoni, St . Thome, Uria (in
Orissa) in Colida, near Cochin . Sir William Jones found Chaldean inscriptions in Persia, as we
Book X . Chapter VIII . Section 5 779

should expect. See his Sixth Discourse . The conveyance of the Chaldee language to the Afghans
and the Brahmins of Madura by Nestorians of Germany is absurd enough .
Dr. Hagar believes he has traced the nail-headed characters to the Indian . Now if this be
true, the Samaritan must have come from India to Melchizedek before the time of Abraham ;
and when Ezra changed this character into the Chaldee letter of Daniel, or of the then Chaldees,
a great change must have taken place in the letter between the time of Abraham and that of
Daniel, a space of a thousand years . Daniel appears to have been not a Western Syrian Jew,
but a Persian Chaldean of the Jewish religion . We may be certain that the Chaldei of Persia,
(1 . e . Cyrus,) of Assyria, and of Judea, were all the same . In Book IX. Chap. I . Sect. 11, I have
given an observation of Dr. Murray's, that ocular inspection proves the identity of the Chaldean
and Sanscrit letters ; then the Samaritan must have been the first letter of the Chaldeans,
brought by Abraham before the Sanscrit was perfected, and the Chaldean letter, the letter of
Daniel, after it .
It will be difficult to persuade many persons to agree with me that the Chaldee of Daniel was not the
letter or language of Babylon ; (except merely as the sacred and probably secret letters of the Chaldee
order of Daniel ;) but they must answer the questions, Why are there no Chaldean inscriptions in the
ruins of Babylon, whilst there are such numbers of inscriptions in the arrow-headed characters ?
I think Dr . O'Conor says very truly,' that the Chaldee had a common original with the Phoe-
nician, and that the Chaldee was the letter and language of Abraham. I think the Chaldee was
the peculiar and probably secret letter of the Chaldeans till the time of Ezra . The Jewish tribe
were correctly Chaldeans till changed to a new system by Moses. Abraham brought it to Egypt,
the Egyptians taught it and its mysteries to Moses. Mr. Bosworth and Dr. O'Conor both prove
the Gothic and Northern letters and language to be, in fact, the same as the Phoenician or Hebrew .
Then, if the Saxon came from the Hebrew, of course when it came to Britain it would bring an
increase of Hebrew words, and justify the derivation of many modern English words either from
the Hebrew or the Saxon, or the Sacee of India . (Buddha was called Saca-sa, that is, Saca-isa,
the Saviour or Isis Buddha-the DIVINE sox just named in the Kaliwakim-the NAMA SEBADIA
of Italy.) Every thing tends to draw us to North India, the country of the Pushto .
I entertain a strong suspicion that the Chaldee language and the letter of the Chaldees were
the higher dialect of the Tamul, and that the Syro-Chaldee of Western Syria, called Pushto, and
before noticed as a language both in Western Syria and Tibet or North India, was the lower
Tamul language, and the spoken language of the tribe of Judeei both in Eastern and Western Syria .
5. I shall now proceed to make some observations on the sacred numbers of the ancients, which
will not only confirm what has been said in several instances, but be of service in our future
Before I make any observations on the sacred numbers of the Jews, I must observe, that
generally where seventy are named, seventy-two are meant . This is most important-for, without
it, we shall lose half the proofs of the mythos . The truth of this observation will presently be
sufficiently clear . This is no new discovery of mine . Mr . Astle$ says, "The ancients frequently
" expressed sums by even numbers, adding what was deficient to complete them, or omitting
u whatever might be redundant. This mode of reckoning is often used in sacred writings, and

" was thence introduced into other monuments."

Bishop Walton, in his treatise on Hebraisms, 3 says, " The Hebrews are accustomed to use
" round numbers, and neglect the two or three units which exceed them in certain cases. They
Q° say, for example, the Seventy Interpreters, and the Council of Seventy, although the number in

' Bosworth's Saxon Grammar. 2 On Writing, p . 185. 3 Sect . xiii.

780 Sacred Numbers
" each case was seventy-two ; and in the book of Judges we read, that Abimelech killed seventy
" of the children of Jerobaal, although he had but sixty-eight ."
Every one has heard of the famous Septuagint, usually written LXX ; but the story is, that the
translation was made by seventy-two men, six out of each tribe, though it is called the Seventy ;
that to these men seventy-two questions were put, and they finished their work in seventy-two
days .
Peter Comestor, and Vincent of Beauvais, make seventy-two generations or nations from the
three sons of Noah . According to the recognitions of Clemens 1 the earth was divided into
seventy-two 2 parts, the number of countries specified in Genesis . This required no small
ingenuity ; and mankind was divided into seventy-two families : but the same author, in the
Homilies, calls them seventy tongues and seventy nations . Here is an example of seventy put
for seventy-two . 3 The number of nations was generally stated to be seventy-two by the
Greek fathers . 4 On the confusion of tongues, Shuckford says, " From all these considerations,
" therefore, I cannot but imagine the common opinion about the dispersion of mankind to be a
" very wrong one . The confusion of tongues arose at first from small beginnings, increased
" gradually, and in time grew to such a height as to scatter mankind over the face of the earth ." 5
Again he says, " but the text does not oblige us to think it so sudden a production ." 6 By a
long train of argument he endeavours to support his opinion . The fathers make the languages
seventy-two, by adding Cainan and Elishah, according to the LXX, who are not mentioned in the
Hebrew. This is thought to be supported by Deut . xxxii . 8. The text says, the Most High
set the bounds of the people according to the number of the tribes of Israel-that is, seventy-two,
the number which went down into Egypt . This is confirmed by the Targum of Ben-Uzziel.
Horapollo teaches that the world was divided into seventy-two regions . 7 Clemens Alexandrinus
and Epiphanius both say, that there were seventy-two tongues at the dispersion . 8 Josephus and
the fathers of the church fix the languages at the confusion to seventy-two . 9
Enfield 10 says, " The Jews had seventy-two names of God ."
The Rabbis maintain that the angels who ascended and descended Jacob's ladder were seventy-
two in number. 11
Lightfoot, on the Temple Service, 12 states the dress of Aaron to have had upon it seventy-two
bells . 13 This conveys with it the consequence that it must have had seventy-two pomegranates .
If Bishop Wilkins can be depended on, there were seventy-two kinds of animals in the Ark . 14
In Numbers xi . 16, it is said, that Moses was ordered to take seventy men of the elders of
Israel. But the number was seventy-two, six out of each tribe .
The Cabalists find seventy-two names of God in three verses--the 19, 20, and 21, of the four-
teenth chapter of Exodus . 15
In Numbers xxiii . 9, Exod . xv . 27, we read of seventy palm trees . Of course the number ought
to be seventy-two .
In the book of Enoch is an allegory, in which seventy shepherds are said to superintend the

1 Lib . ii. Cap. xlii . s If we count the countries we shall find seventy-two .
3 See Bryant's Anal. Vol. III . p. 427 .
4 Clemens, Alex . Strom . Lib, i. ; Euseb . in Chron . Lib . i. ; Epiph . adv . Haer. i. ; as also Aug. de Civ. Dei .

' Con. B . iii. 8 B. ii . 7 Ency . Britt. art . Philology, Sect. i.

8 Clemens, Strom . Lib. i . p . 404 ; Epiph . adv. Haar . Lib. i. p. 6. 9 Vide Ency. Britt . voce Phil. p. 486.

10 Phil. Book iv . Ch. iii. " Nimrod, Vol. II. p . 453 . " L . iii. " Moses Lowman, p. 125
14 Olivier's Illustrations of Masonry, p. 96 .
1 .1 Basn. Hist . Jud. Book iii. Ch xv. p. 202 .
Book X . Chapter VIII . Section 5 781
flock, and the seventy are divided into three classes, 37, 23, and 12 ; but these make seventy-two.
Here is an example of the common Jewish expression of seventy for seventy-two, which cannot
be disputed, except the reader be disposed, with Bishop Laurence, to throw out two of the kings,
because they reigned only short periods ; and, in addition, to have recourse to confounding the
number of the shepherds with the periods of time ; 1 in short, to corrupting the text in two dif-
ferent ways. From the account which the Jews of Cochin gave to Dr . Buchanan, 2 he infers that
they were governed by a council of seventy-two persons . This is evidently meant for an imitation
of the Sanhedrim of the Jews of Judea : and strongly confirms what I have said that by seventy,
almost always seventy-two are meant .
Jesus is said to have sent out seventy disciples or teachers . Now it has been universally
allowed that Manes, in fixing the number of his apostles, and of his disciples or bishops, intended
exactly to imitate Jesus Christ ; and living so near the time of Jesus, the tradition could not very
well be mistaken, and there could be no reason whatever for any misrepresentation, and he fixed
upon the numbers twelve and seventy-two, not seventy . This shews that probably the expression
in Matthew must be considered the same as the Septuagint-seventy for seventy-two. If Manes
had had any reason for doubt be would certainly have taken the seventy and not seventy-two .
These sacred numbers, every where the same, clearly prove an esoteric religion-an oriental
allegory. The fact cannot be doubted . Jesus, the God of Peace, sent out his twelve apostles to
preach his gospel . The God lao, the Sun, had the year divided into twelve months, into twelve
signs, through which, in his annual course, he passed . The year was divided by the ancient
Magi into two hemispheres of light and darkness, of six months each ; during one period, the
genius of good or of light prevailed, during the other, the genius of darkness or evil . Each
month or part was divided into twelve parts, and this multiplied by six, gives seventy-two, the
number of disciples sent out by Jesus . This number is the root of almost all the ancient cycles
or periods of the Chinese, Hindoos, Egyptians, Magi, &c . ; multiplied by six, it gives 432, &c .
See Drummond. This relates to the microcosm to be discussed in the next volume.
The Mohamedans hold that the world was divided into seventy-two nations and seventy-two
languages, and that there were seventy-two sects in their religion . I believe this related to their
esoteric religion, in which they considered Mohamed as the tenth Avatar of the whole world, and
I have no doubt that what is above called a sect ought to be divisions, 'into which the Pantheistic
or Mohamedan Catholic faith was divided .
Nimrod says, " We have shewn who Georgos, God of war, was, and that he died at the royal
" city of Diospolis in Iran, where a king reigned over seventy kings ; this is the number of nations
" who constituted the universal empire of Cush ." ' Again, " Then did Isis go forth wandering.
~~ One Aso, Queen of the Cushim, was his accomplice, o uvepyoc, in this business ; but besides her,
" there were seventy-two confederates, leagued by oath, 6uvwp .orau ."3
The mystical numbers used in the religions of the sun, are constantly found in the religion of
Jesus . The number of the twelve apostles, which formed the retinue of Jesus during his mission,
is that of the signs, and of the secondary genii, the tutelar gods of the Zodiacal signs which the
sun passes through in his annual revolution . It is that of the twelve gods of the Romans, each of
whom presided over a month . The Greeks, the Egyptians, the Persians, each had their twelve gods,
as the Christian followers of Mithra had their twelve apostles . The chief of the twelve Genii of
the annual revolution had the barque and the keys of time, the same as the chief of the secondary

' See Laurence's Enoch, Pref. and Ch . lxxxix. vers . 1, 7, 25. s Christ . Res . p. 222.

Plut. de Isid. et Osir. p. 356 ; Nimrod, Vol . I. p . 644, Suppressed Ed., Vol. II. pp . 448, 452.
782 Sacred Numbers
gods of the Romans or Janus, after whom St . Peter, Bar-Jona, with his barque and keys, is
modelled. At the foot of the statue of Janus were placed twelve altars, dedicated to the twelve
months . As Janus was the chief of the twelve lesser gods, Peter was the chief of the apostles ;
and, as I have said in Book X . Chap. IV., as Janus held the keys of heaven, so does
Peter. The Valentinians supposed that Christ commenced his mission at thirty years of age,
because it was the number of degrees in a sign of the Zodiac, and that he was crucified in the
twelfth month ; so that his career had one year, like that of the sun in the Twelve Labours of
Hercules . It is very evident that the Valentinians considered Jesus as a Ray or Emanation from
the Sun, and that he formed a microcosm of the Solar orb, each being a microcosm of a superior
being. The Romists evidently do the same in their annual scenic representation of the acts of the
Saviour's life .
It is said that Christ fixed the number of his apostles at twelve, because there were twelve
months in the year ; and that John the Baptist fixed his at thirty, because the months have thirty
days . I Clemens Alexandrinus, on the oriental doctrine, says, that the Valentinian Theodotus
maintained that the twelve apostles held, in the church, the same place that the signs of the Zodiac
held in nature ; because, as the twelve constellations govern the world of generation, the twelve
apostles govern the world of regeneration. In Dupuis many other striking circumstances relating
to the number twelve may be seen .
Why did Jesus choose twelve apostles and seventy-two disciples? Why did seventy-two men
come from Medina to Mohamed ; and why did he retain with him twelve as his apostles ? Why
does the college of Cardinals consist of seventy-two persons ? Why did Ptolemy take seventy-
two men to translate the Pentateuch ? All accident; as usual?
The Persians bad twelve angels who presided over the twelve months . He who presided over
the first month was called the treasurer of Paradise . 2 Probably, like Peter and Janus, he carried
the keys .
The Gentiles had precisely the same astrological mythos as the Jews and Christians . The
commanders of the Greeks against Troy, including Philoctetes, who, though absent, was one of
them in the league-one of the confederates-were seventy-two . 3 Osiris was killed by seventy-
two conspirators . 4 According to Keating, the Irish divided the languages into seventy-two .
Proofs, which cannot be impeached, of the astrological character of the temple and its sacred
numbers, may be seen in Josephus . 5
The Greek mina or pound was raised by Solon, as we learn from Plutarch, 6 from seventy-two
drachmm to a hundred.'
The number seven is equally a sacred number in the Gentile religion as in the Christian . The
number of the planets has been copied in the Christian religion in the seven sacraments, seven
deadly sins, seven gifts of the holy spirit. 8
From the number of the days of the least of the cycles, seven, being identical with the number
of the planetary bodies,, it can never be known with a certainty when one is alluded to separately
from the other . But the constant recurrence of the numbers connected intimately with the decans,
dodecans, &c., 7, 12, 72, 360 not 365, 432, &c., into which the sphere was divided, sufficiently
prove their intimate connexion . They are all closely bound together, and on their union was

Homil. Clement, II . No. 23, Ep. No. 26 ; Dupuis, Vol . III. pp . 160, 319, 4to. s Hyde, p . 240.
' Nimrod, Vol . II . p. 453. 4 Plut. de Isid . et Osir. p. 356.

Ant. B . iii. Ch. vi . Sect. 7, and Ch . vii. Sect. 7, ed . Whiston. 6 In Solone.

7 Walpole's Memoirs of Turkey, Vol . I. p . 435 ; also see Clarke on Coins, 94 . 6 Dupuis, Vol. III. p. 47.
Book X . Chapter VIII . Section 6 783
founded all judicial astrology and all ancient mythology . The peculiar circumstance, accidental I
will call it, of the number of the days of the week coinciding exactly with the number of the
planetary bodies, probably procured for it its character of sanctity .
In Ireland, at Wicklow, we meet with seven churches ; and again, near Athlone, with seven
more. Seven churches are described in the Apocalypse to have existed in Asia Minor, to whom
angels or messengers were sent ; but the church at Thyatira is said to have existed only in name
and in the Peninsula of India, about thirty-eight miles south of Madras, at a place called Maha-
balipoorum or the city of the great Bali . is a collection of ruins, usually called the seven Pagodas .
An account, but a very defective one, is given of them in the fifth volume of the Transactions of
the Asiatic Society, by a gentleman named Goldingham . It seems to me that they are the work
of the Buddhists. The Bull-headed Bali is conspicuous .
There are seven sephiroths, of rank inferior to the first three, answering to the seven planets .
There are seven gates of the soul ; there are seven gates employed in the creation ; there are seven
sabbaths from the Passover to the Pentecost ; and seven times seven sabbaths for the year of
Jubilee ; lastly, the seventh Millenium will be the grand sabbath . 1
In the Persian mythology every thing appears to have been closely connected with the numbers
described in my Celtic Druids, that is, with judicial astrology. M . Creuzer, on the number of the
planetary bodies, has observed, 2 that the nation was distributed by its founder, Djemchid, into
four classes, and into seven castes . The four classes I take to be allusive to the four divisions of
the month, and the seven castes to the seven days of the week . The seven Amshaspands, the
seven Enceintes of Ecbatana, with their seven colours, are all in like manner closely allied both to
the planets and the sacred numbers . The body of Osiris was supposed to have been buried at
Elephanta, in the Isle of Pbiloe, in Upper Egypt. Every day the priests offered here 360 bowls of
milk at his shrine, and sung suitable litanies . An usage exactly similar obtained at the city of
Acanthus . s The great oath of the Egyptians was, by the remains of Osiris buried at Philoe . 4
Typhon made au alliance with the Queen of Ethiopia, who supplied him with seventy-two com-
panions .b Every where the sacred numbers, that is, judicial astrology, is to be found . The seven
gates of Thebes were erected, as stated by Nonnus, according to the number and order of the
seven planets. s Respecting the identity of sacred numbers among Jews, Gentiles, and Christians,
enough has been said ; but many additional examples might be adduced if it were necessary.
6. I think on careful inspection of the exoteric religion of each of the tribes which appears to
have arrived from the East, we may see in all of them occasional proofs escaping from their mys-
terious adyta, sufficient to furnish ground for a rational belief that what I have asserted is correct,
-that the same system pervaded them all . We must not forget to make a large allowance for the
circumstance that they are the secret doctrines to which I allude . We cannot expect to hear them
explained from the top of the Mosque, by the Muizzim ; nor by the Pope, from the chair of St .
Peter. In almost all nations the system of which the Millenarian is a part, prevailed ; and if I be
asked why we have not clearer proofs of it, I assign the same cause, since the thirteenth century,
as for the Gospel of Joachim or the Holy Ghost being forgotten,-it was every person's interest
to conceal it.
The reputed books of Solomon, such as Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus, are full of allusions to
the doctrines of wisdom . A person who has read the preceding part of this work will perceive,

• Basnage, Hist. Jud. Liv. iii . Ch . xi. p. 190. Q Vol . I. p. 333, ed. Guiniaut .
• Diod . Sicul. 1. 22 ; ibid. 97. 4 Cruezer, ed. Guiniaut, Vol . I . p . 393.
s Creuzer, ibid. p . 397 . G Dionys. Lib . v . ; Clarke's Travels, Vol. IV. p . 66, 4to.
784 Sephiroth, Cherubim, Seraphim

in a moment, that they use the word wisdom as referring to an unexplained or mystical doctrine
in almost every page . This was, to the doctrine of the Cabala, to the doctrine of the Emanation,
of the Sephiroth, which the present Jews call the ten emanations, which are evidently, on the
slightest inspection, nonsense-NONSENSE designed originally to mislead ; but, perhaps, latterly
believed by the ignorant . Sephiroth is rr, t7 sprut, and may mean ten attributes or qualities,
but it also means the doctrine of the ten sacred numbers or cycles of India, or of Virgil . '1w spr
is to cipher, or count, or calculate ; and ;11 ! sprut is the feminine plural of `1DD spr, and means
the calculations or calculated periods . It also means a symbolical or hieroglyphical or emble-
matical writing.' This actually conveys the meaning of the ten mythic or emblematical names .
The Psalmist says, lxxi . 15, he shall praise the justice of God, and depend upon it for his salva-
tion, for he has not known the f11`1DD sprat or Sephiroth ; that is, the calculations of the cycles ;
as Pagninus says, numeros . The text is rather confused ; but this, though not a translation, I
think is its meaning . But the Sephiroth are correctly rendered numbers. They are the same as
the feminine forms of the Seraphim, =, D-1D srpim, alluded to in Isaiah vi . 2. The six wings of
each seraph alluded to the six periods just gone, in the time of Solomon . In verse nine, the
TENTH of something mystical-not understood and not named, but which, it is said, in verse
thirteen, has been before, and shall return-means the tenth saeculum or cycle. I suspect the
Seraphim and the Sepharim have been used promiscuously . The text of Isaiah, if correctly
translated, means, that above the throne stood winged serpents ; for seraph, translated, is serpent .
It is only written, in our translation, in the Hebrew word seraph to disguise the word serpent, which
our priests did not like . I need not remind my reader that the serpent is an emblem of a cycle or
circle . Serpents are constantly seen on the Egyptian monuments, as described by Isaiah ; 2 but
with wings, and, in India, overshadowing the icons of Cristna or Buddha, in number three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, or nine, according to the number of cycles, of which the being he was
protecting, was the genius . One of these winged serpents may be seen in the hand of the Moses,
found in St . Mary's Abbey, at York. The wings are manifest in the original icon, but in the
plate published by the Society of Antiquaries they cannot be distinguished!!! Moses is there
described as the Messiah, riron msh or genius of a Zodiacal sign, and that of the first sign, as is
evident from the horns of Taurus which he has upon his head . When he had finished all his
labours, the book tells us, he delivered up his power to the saviour Joshua, and went to the top of
Pisgah to die .
The word Cherub originally meant, and yet sometimes means, serpent, but this is only because
its general meaning is emblem or emblematical figure . It is a compound word, formed of -13 kr,
circle, and nix aub, serpent : in short, a circled or circular serpent or serpent with its tail in its
mouth-?rio krub. It was probably the first sacred emblem ever used, whence all such emble-
matical figures came to be called Cherubs ; and this accounts for learned men having made them
out to be of many different figures . Hutchinson explains the word Cherubims by similitudes,
which confirms what I have said above . 3
The ten Jewish Sephiroth were the ten cycles, and, in honour of the Trinity, the first was called
nim ktr Corona, the second rtr n hkme Sapientia, and the third ;wa bine Intelligentia-Father,
Son, and Holy Ghost. The first three were also the Trinitarian Sol-the Creator, Preserver, and

' Parkhurst in voce, 'mD spr, IV . ' lb. ver. 2 .

' General Vallancey has observed, that the Hebrew word =it ium, translated in our Bibles a day, appears to be an
original word, signifying a revolution . He adds, like na br, bar, var, war . This being admitted, here is one of the
difficulties of Genesis removed at once . But this will not be liked, because it is the observation of a swordsman, not
of a gownsman .
Book X . Chapter VIII . Section 7 785
Destroyer-and the other seven might be the earth, moon, and planets, the host of Heaven, forming
altogether the Ever-happy Octoade of the Gnostics : the whole forming the IIay, or system of
the Pan-deva, holy Pan ; not the ro Hay, the IIav of the universe,-but the Hay of our system
only. The first of the Sephiroth called `u1] ktr, Corona, Circulus, is also called Arich-Anpin .
This was a name given (as I have formerly shewn) to Brahma or the Brahmin Abraham . Arich is
ApX7i . It is also called ENsoph, fountain of wisdom, fountain whence wisdom flowed . Now
I suspect that both these terms ought correctly to have been applicable only to a power which
I shall describe in another book . The author of the Cabala denudata observes, that the antiquity
of the Cabala cannot be disputed, as it was known to Parmenides very near 460 years before
The second of the Sephiroth is r rr»n hkme, Sapientia, Nss, Xo(~1a, and Aoyos, by Philo called
Toy 7rpwroyovov ©ee uiov, primogenitum Dei . This is also Epos or divine love-Cama and Dipuc,
of India, Cupid, of Greece, the Puck and Robin good-fellow of Shakespeare .
The third of the Sephiroth is m :a bine, Prudentia. This is the Anima Mundi or Psyche or
i v eeiav iuX7)v of Plato . I believe that -7v :2 bine is a feminine form of p bn, son, and means
daughter, and was thus the daughter of -InD ktr, and sister of rir r hkme, or Wisdom, or Logos,
or Epws . Thus, with the Greeks, we had Jupiter, son of Saturn, married to his sister Juno, and
Cupid married to his sister Psyche . The Targums often treat of a n,I w1wo mimra or daughter
of voice, that is, daughter of the Logos : this, I think, was the rn' bine, not the Logos .
There was also a Dseir 4npin. This was the same, viz . `1W sr, in the Hebrew, as the Arich-
Anpin in the Greek . Much confusion has arisen from mistaking translations of words out of one
language into another, for separate words . The fourth verse of the Revelation or Apocalypse of
John, which speaks of him that was, that is, and that is to come, alludes to the Solar triune God,
and to the seven cycles, as the author of the Cabala Denudata says ; but it also alludes to the
same Trinity, and to the seven planets or spirits which stand before the Sun, the throne of God .
The same author, in libri Druschim Tractatus, 1 says, Hic tantum inculco decem sephiroth esse ;
ex se nihil aliud nisi decem aridas Numerationes, non Emanationes divinas, vacuas capsulas, non
aurum margaritasve illic reponendas .
7. I must now make an observation of importance respecting the word H11 bra, of the first
verse of Genesis . We have hitherto adopted the common reading created or formed ; but I
apprehend the word wil bra or '13 br has the meaning exclusively neither of creating from nothing,
nor of first forming, or giving the first or the then new form to matter, but a renewal of a form ;
that it means renovare, s regenerare. This is exactly what it ought to be, if I be right, that the
first book of Genesis is a Buddhist work . It will then mean, By Wisdom dleim renovated, rege-
nerated, or renewed the planetary bodies, and the earth . And the earth was ungerminated-not
impregnated, unprolific-and without any beautiful (animal or vegetable) form . That is, it was the
I%us or Mud of Sanchoniathon .
After this will come the arrangement and peopling or stocking of the world in six periods of
time, as described by Moses and the Etruscans, and as Cuvier has shewn most correctly, and as I
have shewn in my Celtic Druids, Ch . IV. Sect. XVI . All this harmonizes with the fact hitherto
unexplained, of the Pentateuch containing no intimation of a Future State, with the renewal of
cycles, the millenium, the prophecies of Saviours from time to time, and with the actual natural
history of the earth, as laid down by Cuvier,-and proves that, whoever selected or composed

' Vol. I . p . 55 . 2 Parkhurst in voce 1411 bra, IV.

786 First Verse of Genesis

Genesis was a person really possessing a profound knowledge of nature : a much more rational
ground for claiming for him divine inspiration, than the vulgar anthropomorphitism with which
Moses has been charged by the priests, and which perhaps has been intentional, as alike suitable
(as no doubt it is) to the capacity of the vulgar, and to conceal the real meaning .
I now beg to refer my reader once more to what I have said in Book II. Chap . III. Sect.
3, respecting the word Nvvri't rasit or wisdom of Genesis . He will there find that in the
meaning which I have given to it, I have said, that I was supported by the opinions of Clemens,
Origen, &c. What I have said was true, but I find, on reconsideration of the subject, that I have
not stated the whole truth . I have no doubt that by the rendering of that word by wisdom,
which meant the Logos, the first of the A ons or Alcoves of the Valentinians and Manichwans
was meant . An Eon was an Aiwv . A great or eminent Eon was an Atwv -rwv aiwvwv .
Every &on was the genius of a cycle . Thus every period in the nature of a cycle bad its IBou,
with its small or great portion of the Divine Spirit or Holy Ghost, in proportion to its little or
great importance. The Persians bad 365 Lons, one for every day . The Valentinians had the
same. The Romish Church has also its 365 saints, or persons divinely inspired in a low degree,
one in a peculiar manner for each day in the year, besides many others .
Wisdom was one of the persons of the first triple 1Eon, and the translation of the word nquR ,
rasit, by the phrase wisdom, was universally recognized by the early Christians, not, as my
expression would induce a person to believe, by a few only ; but it was, with one trifling excep-
tion, the undisputed meaning attached to it, both by Jews and Christians, in the early times of
Christianity, and, indeed, until a change, which I shall hereafter treat of, took place in the Romish
Church, when it fell into the Paulite heresy . We have seen that by the Logos God formed the
world . But the Logos was Christ, and Christ was the Xpisog . And this X prlsos was the first
Emanation, the benignant Genius or Spirit-THE Xprjcos, xar cZoX7jv .
Faustus is made, by Augustin, to say, Christ is the wisdom of God .' Now this we might infer,
from what we have before observed respecting Gnosticism and Manichaeism . (But the Christ
ought to be the Chreest .) As the XpI S was the Logos, and the Logos was Wisdom, it follows
that the Xpw must be Wisdom . Here, in either case, we arrive at Rasit again, and thus Jesus,
or the Logos, is the Creator . Here we have a key to much of the recondite and misunderstood
doctrines of the Gnostic, that is, the initiated Christians-the initiated Christians, or Gnostici,
against whom St. Paul preached, of which I shall say much more hereafter. Here we see that the
X PIPS on the monument, on the tomb, of the youth of Larissa, and all the other inscriptions,
in Spon, from that country, connect the doctrine with the mythology of Plato and Greece .
(What would Ammonius Saccas say to this?) They connect the doctrine also with the Larissa
and the other circumstances of Syra-strene and of its Diu, and with Ceylon and its Lava Diu, &c .,
and the Golden Chersonesus of Siam, with its mount Sion, its Judia, &c., &c . ; and bind the
whole together. The links of the chain are not only there, but they are connected . Need I
repeat any thing of Abraham or the Brahmin, from the land of Maturea or the land of the solar
fire or our-the land of Urii or Uriana-Ur of Colchis or Colida-or of the Cal or Culdees, going
to Matures, or Heliopolis, in Egypt-of the promontory of Tamus and St . Thomas, of Bituma,
of Malabar, Coromandel, &c., &c., &c . ? No ! I need say no more : if my reader be blind, I have
not the power of working miracles ; I cannot restore his sight .
No doubt the assertion that the translation of the most important word n'tzi , rasit by wisdom,

Faust. ap . Aug. Lib . xx . 2.

Book X. Chapter VIII . Section 7 787
was the admitted and undisputed construction of the word, will be denied. And it will be denied
for the same reason which operated with Parkhurst to make him suppress the knowledge that it
was so translated by the early Christians and Jews . It will be denied for the same reason that
Lardner suppressed his knowledge that the early Christians were called X pri Suavoi not X piriavol .
A learned Jew, who will shortly publish an English and Hebrew Lexicon, informs me, that the
word twi ras has the meaning of wisdom in the Talmud . -
Many readers will think it quite impossible, that all the modern Lexicographers should have
wilfully concealed the meaning of the word rasit . This is a question of fact, not of opinion .
Have they or have they not given the meaning as stated by all the eminent persons whose names
I have exhibited ? I affirm that, with the exception of one slight notice of Parkhurst's in his
GREEK NOT HEBREW Lexicon, in order to misrepresent it, they have all suppressed it . No one
surely will say, that all the learned authorities cited by me are unworthy of NOTICE
My reader, I imagine, will not have forgotten that a place supposed to be Cortona, in Italy,
was called Creston . This was the place where Pythagoras, who was the son of an 4polloniacal
Spectre, Holy Ghost, had what was called his school of WISDOM-that Pythagoras who sacrificed
at the shrine of the bloodless Apollo at Delos . No doubt the school of this great philosopher from
the East-India, Carmel, Egypt, Delphi, Delos, was closely connected with the schools of the
Samaneans, Essenians, Carmelites, Gnostic Christians, or X p7)pavol, or CRESTON-ians . The
Pythagoreans were Essenians, and the Rev . R. Taylor, A . M ., the Deist, now in gaol, infamously
persecuted by the Whigs for his religious opinions, in his learned defence of Deism, called the
Diegesis, has clearly proved all the hierarchical institutions of the Christians to be a close copy of
those of the Essenians of Egypt .
If the Christians be called by any author before Origen by the term Xptssavoi, and not
Xpr) slavol, except as a term of reproach, as at Antioch ; and if there be no other way of accounting
for it ; considering that they are so called in the teeth of the authority of Clemens, Justin, all the
Gnostics and the Gentiles, and considering also the evident policy of concealment in modern divines,
I say that I am justified in maintaining it or them, to be one or more examples of the innumerable
corruptions of manuscripts by Christians in a later day . They possessed the means of making the
corruptions when they copied the manuscripts ; all of which are descended to us from them ;
and their numerous forgeries prove they had the inclination, and they were not prevented by
principle : for, so far from thinking it wrong to corrupt the manuscripts, they avowed that they
thought it meritorious to do it . The end has sanctified the means with priests, from Bishop Vyasa
in India, down to Bishop Laurence, in Ireland .'
I now beg my reader to look back to Book X . Chap. I . Sect. 18, and consider the circum-
stances attendant upon the monument of the youth of Larissa-the sacred name of X pe ps
at the top, and the sacred word Epos or the first-begotten, divine love, at the bottom of it : let
him observe that this was in Creston-ia, at Delphi, whose God was called by the name of the
God of the Jews, ri' IE. Then let him remember the doctrines of the Trimurti or Trinity of
Orpheus, whose country this was . Next let him observe, that it was here where we found the
females sacrificing themselves on the death of their husbands, and that most of the places of this
country have the same names as places in India, where Cristna or Kan-iya came from, and that
the country itself is called Sindi . All this being duly considered, I think my reader will conclude
with me, that the Cristna of India had the name of Crist, for at least one reason, the same as that

' Vide false translation in preface to Enoch .

788 First Verse of Genesis
which caused the sacred being at Larissa to be called Xpig-that is, mitis, benignus, and not
solely because he was black, the colour of his countrymen .
We have seen that Buddha was the Logos, and the Epwg, and the son of Maia . But Camdeo
was also the son of Maia. This was the Cupid of the Romans ; and Southey t has shewn, that
Dipuc and Cupid are the same when read Hebraice . His history is clearly an incarnation of
Buddha, his exploits or adventures in the fields of Muttra succeeded in a following age the
adventures of Cristna, celebrated, with almost the same circumstances, in the same places, after
the expulsion of the Buddhists . This Cama, who followed Cristna, is the Cama-sene of Italy,
noticed in Book X . Chap. VII . Sect . 9, the incarnation of the fishes.
We have seen it held that Christ or Cristna had his name from being black ; secondly, from
being crucified ; and, thirdly, from being mitis, benignus . All this is true, and I do not doubt it
had its origin from the word, in ancient language, having had the three meanings, either all in one,
or in several nations . We all know the way in which the letter n h of the Hebrews has been
corrupted into ch, in both ancient and modern times . tvvr hrs was the solar fire, and like the sun
it meant also machinator . And, as I have before shewn, from this word Parkhurst says, in voce,
V., the Greeks bad their Epwg, meaning the material light or plastic formative power-the word
which we found placed under the X p~ sog of the youth of Larissa. It does not seem surprising
that this chrs or XP2; should thus become Xpr)cc, benignus. But this benignant being, divine
love, we have seen crucified several times ; and Christ was said to be crucified in the heavens .
This crucifixion of divine love is often found among the Greeks . Ionah or Juno was bound
with fetters, and suspended between heaven and earth . 2 Ixion, Prometheus, Apollo of Miletus,
all were crucified. When the sun crossed the equator the last time in Taurus, was he crucified
in the heavens ; and did he rise again as Aries ? and was he crucified again when he crossed,
in like manner, from Aries, and rose again in Pisces ?
Was the sun born at the winter solstice and crucified when he crossed the line at the vernal
equinox ? From this crucifixion did he rise, triumphing over the powers of darkness, to life and
immortality ? Was he thus, as Justin Martyr said, described on the universe in the form of the
letter X ? The word tvirt hrs, which means Sun, also means the East wind, by which, Virgil
says, the mares of Thrace were impregnated . What does this mean? The Targum of Onkelos
says by =-ip qdm or pnip gdmin, the Aleim formed the world . But this word means also East
wind. Then this Chaldee word is only a translation of the word tv'1Ct hrs, or the solar fire, or
the generative power, or the machinator. This is all very mystical . But can any thing be more
mystical than the crucified Semiramis flying away as a dove ; than the crucified Prometheus,
Ixion, Staurobates, Cristna, Salivahana ; than the impregnation of the mares of Thrace, or than
the crucifixion of Christ in the heavens? A learned devotee once said in reply to this, " I care
• nothing for your Christ crucified in the heavens ; it is not in our canon ." And I reply, " I care
" nothing for the canon of a sect contemptible enough, till it had power given by the sword of
• Constantine . I only look for the truth in all quarters ; and I know the heretical Gospel must
• have had a meaning, and a mystical meaning . The whole is evidently a system of the most
" profound mysticism, and profound mysticism will never be explained, or its meaning discovered,
• except by means of the most profound inquiries ." The extraordinary word joinp qdmin was
adopted, no doubt, because, it had, in some degree, both the meaning of ApXj and Aoyog,

' Notes on Curse of Kehama, p . 333, 4to .

2 Iliad, 0, ver. 20, ib . A, ver. 25 ; Bryant's Anal. Vol . II . p. 372.
Book X. Chapter VIII . Section 8 789
or could be applied in some way to the second person of the Trinity, in imitation of the word
rasit of the Hebrew, which had, as we have seen, a double meaning .
When I reflect upon the numerous proofs which have transpired from time to time, that the
polar regions were once much warmer than they are at present, and the fact, known even to both
the Greeks and Romans, that the angle of the equator and ecliptic has been constantly decreasing
from the earliest time,' I cannot help suspecting that Justin Martyr alluded to this angle, when
he declared that, according to Plato, the Son of God, or Jesus Christ, was expressed or decussated
upon the universe in the form of the letter X, and, that the doctrine of Jesus Christ being
crucified in the clouds, alluded to the same thing . For the cross may easily have been thought
to allude to the Soli-Lunar precessional Christian cycle, which immediately depended upon this
Cross or Angle .
8. It is an admitted fact, that the language of Mani and the first Manichaeans was Chaldaic .
After the observation that the language of Babylon was not the Chaldee, it will not surprise my
reader that I should consider this fact, (of this Persian, as he is called,) as strengthening my
opinion that he came from India . He had twelve disciples or followers who were called Perfect
and elect, himself making the thirteenth. This continued after his death to be the system of his
followers . To these twelve only the high secrets of the order were entrusted . They ate no
flesh, drank no wine . He had, besides these, seventy-two followers, disciples of a lower class,
to whom all the mysteries were not entrusted . Like the Roman Cardinals some of them married,
but I think it probable that, from the unmarried only, the twelve elect or perfect were taken .
Of course these elect will be said to have been taken in imitation of Jesus Christ . I believe they
were neither of them copies of the other : and that Mani's were taken from the system that caused
the twelve figures and their president to be carved on the rocks at Oujein, in India-in the
Northern India-in the country of Calida-in Ur of the Chaldees-or very near to it .
In the circular part of the church of the Templars in London, the Manichaean heresy is beau=
tifully displayed . It has originally had twelve arches ; one on the East, for the president, a little
larger than any of the others, excepting that on the West, for the door ; and they have six seats
in each arch,- making seventy-two in all, and within are six smaller arches, which might hold the
twelve perfecti or the Knights of the Round Table .
Among the Chinese the same sacred numbers are found, as those among the Jews . This can
be no accident. Confucius had among his thousands of disciples only seventy-two initiated : 2
the exact number of the Cardinals of Rome, of the Manwantaras of India, of the chosen or
distinguished disciples of Jesus Christ, of the Jewish Sanhedrim, and of Manes . Here is the
universal mythos-remains of the kingdom of Pandiea .
Between the decalogue of Moses and the rule of morality of the Buddhists of Tibet, as given by
Georgius, 3 there is a wonderful similarity .
Thou shalt not kill any human being or animal .
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not speak ill of others .
Thou shalt not lie .
Thou shalt honour thy father and mother .
The law of Moses, which we translate, 0 Thou shalt do no murder," ought to be rendered, if

rendered literally, Thou shalt not kill. It would thus be identical with the Buddhist rule or
commandment .

' Parkhurst, pp . 730, 731 . 2 Matter on the Gnostics, Vol . II. p. 83. i Alp. Tib .
790 Freemasons of York . Metempsychosis

Along with the God Kan-ia, or lao, or Jab, came the oriental system of masonry or mystery ;
and through all ages, I have little doubt, the Gnostic doctrine has prevailed with its Masons,
or Mea•spaveov, or Maceonry, as it is called in the York documents, or Monachism . The Monks
of Tibet, at Eleusis, in Egypt, at Jerusalem or Carmel, in our circular chapters, were the preservers
of the secret Pythagorean doctrines of numbers, of the Ras, or Mystery, or Masonry, or perhaps
more properly, the doctrines of the IE, the Jah,-the mesos or µeaov-ry, or the Saviour, or
cross-borne-renewed in every cycle, as described in Virgil . I need scarcely remind my Masonic
reader that all the secrets of Masonry are concealed in the Hebrew or Chaldee language ; that is,
in the language of the Brahmin of Ur and Colida, where Mr . Ellis was poisoned for being known
to possess them . Solomon, the Hakem or wise, who built the temple, succeeded the Brahmin
Abraham, who came from Ur of Colida .
In my Celtic Druids, Ch . V . Sect . 33, the existence of the Culdees, or, as they were then called,
Colidei at Armagh, in Ireland, was shewn, as venerators of the sacred fire. They are known to
have had a monastery in Wales ; and in both cases it seems the priesthood was hereditary,
descending from father to son, and they were Christians, because this hereditary custom of
passing the priesthood was complained of as disgracing Christianity . There is reason to believe
that they were the same in Scotland ; and their continuing to possess the use of the cathedrals,
along with the Romish priests, is a most curious circumstance . It is also a most striking fact,
that the Christians found in the country of Colida, in India, should possess exactly the same three
rites as the Colidei of Iona, in Scotland-Baptism, the Eucharist, and Orders-and these, the
three rites of the Jews.
9. The very essence of Freemasonry is equality. All, let their rank in life be what it may,
when in the lodge, are brothers-brethren with the Father at their head . No person can read
the Evangelists and not see that this is correctly Gospel Christianity . It is the Christianity of
the Chaldees, of the Patriarchs, of Abraham, and of Melchizedek . Every part of Christianity
refers back to Abraham, and it is all Freemasonry . Jesus Christ at table, at the head of the
twelve, offering the sacrifice of Bread and Wine, is Abraham and Melchizedek over again ; such,
in fact, it is acknowledged to be by the Romish Church ; such is its esoteric religion ; and such
was the custom not only of the Chaldean Abraham and Melchizedek, but also of the Calidei and
Masons at York ; and, I have no doubt, of the Templars in their secret round chapter-house in
London .
In all the ancient systems there prevailed one universal doctrine, now despised, the metempsy-
chosis, or what is called in old Irish the Nua Breithe. This became corrupted into a trans-
migration of souls from man to man, and from man to beast but its original meaning was, a new
birth in another cycle or world . This is correctly the doctrine of Moses, s of Philo, of Plato, of
the interpretatio Novi Steculi or the Eneid of Virgil, and of the secret doctrines of the fathers of
the church . It is in many places to be seen in the Gospels, in our Liturgy, and particularly in
our baptismal service .
Many attempts have been made to account for the well-ascertained fact, that, in the Pentateuch,
there is not the least trace of a state of future reward or punishment : for though we have the evil
spirit in the serpent we have no hell . This arises from the doctrine of the renewal of worlds
having been the esoteric religion of the tribe .
If a person would think deeply upon the character of the destroyer or the third person of the

Vallancey, Hib . Coll . This is really the English new birth, both in word and meaning .
y Exhibited in the word ina bra, renovated.
Book X . Chapter VIII . Section 9 791
Hindoo Trinity, he would at once see that it is very different from that of the later Arimanius
of the Persians, as placed in opposition to the Oromasdes . I consider that the evil principle
per se of the Persians, was a corruption of the fine Trinity of the Hindoos . I It betrays a degra-
dation of the mind . It is only heard of along with the good principle, in opposition, in the later
ages, when the Mithra or middle principle had become almost lost among the Persians . The
devil or future state is never found among the Jews till their return from Babylon, and this has
furnished a difficulty to our divines which they have never surmounted . It stands a glaring fact
in the face of all their theories and forced explanations, that the chosen people of God were not
taught in their sacred Pentateuch a single word respecting the immortality of the soul and a state
of reward or punishment after death . This is a glaring, an indisputable fact, clearly proved,
among others, by Bishop Warburton . My theory of revolving cycles and renewal of worlds has
satisfactorily accounted for this, which has never been satisfactorily accounted for before . The
proper translation, or at least the translation according to the esoteric doctrine of Genesis,
explains this : By wisdom the Trimurti renovated or regenerated the planetary bodies and the earth .
But not the stars ; for, though, no doubt, they were subject to renewals, yet they were not subject
to the renewals in the same periods as the planetary system, and Genesis only applies to our system .
Consider with attention the sixteenth verse of the first chapter, where the stars are named, and an
interpolation must be admitted . This all harmonizes beautifully with my system . The way in
which the stars are here interpolated shews that the interpolator admitted the meaning of planets,
which Parkhurst has correctly given to the word ='r W smim.
In Genesis there are no fallen angels . All these came into the Mosaic religion on the return from
Babylon . The Destroyer or Serpent of Genesis is correctly the renovator or preserver . In Genesis
there is a tree of knowledge and a tree of life . This tree of life evidently proves the meaning of
the Mythos to be, that Adam would die at some time-that he would wear out, unless he ate of
the fruit of that tree . The serpent, by persuading Eve to taste of the fruit of the tree of know-
ledge, &c ., taught her what is meant by being naked, and thus, by inducing procreation, was the
preserver of the species : the very literal meaning of the words shews, that this is one of its mean-
ings . Here we have the origin of the Ophites, or oriental emblematical-serpent worshipers, to
account for whom our antiquarians have been so much perplexed . They worshiped the saviour
regenerator, but not the devil, in our vulgar meaning of the word . I have formerly given an
extract from a work of Mr . Payne Knight's in which he avows his belief that the double principle
was never the religious belief of any nation .
In figure 35, taken from Spence's Polymetis, we see the Mosaic Mythos in Greece, if the gem
whence it was drawn be Grecian . Here is the serpent called Heva tempting Adam . Spence calls
it a drawing of Hercules, after he has killed the serpent ; but why is the serpent up in the tree,
instead of lying dead on the ground? Where are the club, the lion's head and feet? The serpent
is evidently whispering in Adam's ear, while he is taking an apple . This quite satisfies me, that
after all the labour bestowed on the Mythos of the Ophites, we are not yet quite at the bottom of
it. In its general principle we are right, but not in the detail . Parkhurst has given a passage
from Clemens which proves, that the Greek Bacchanals were well acquainted with the Mythos of
Eve, since they constantly invoked her, or a person under her name, in their ceremonies . 2
I recommend my reader to peruse and think upon several observations too long for insertion

' If ever they really held this doctrine . Hyde does not allow that they did. We have seen how it was held by the
Manichaeans. The Persians probably held it in the same manner, that is to say, they did not hold it at all .
' Spence referss to Lucan, ix . 367, Polymetis, plate XVIII . and p
. 120, Ed. fol.
792 Freemasons of York . Metempsychosis

made by Spence, on the similarity in the characters or labours of Hercules, and the character or
works of Jesus Christ ; the ascension ; the killing of the serpent ; the observation of Bacon re-
specting the Christian mysteries and the cup of salvation . Had the cup any thing to do with the
celebrated Sangreal, so much the object of search in the middle ages ? Has the refusal of the cup
in the Romish sacrament, so much sought after or desired by devotees, any thing to do with this ?
Mr . Spence might have given us some more of the labours, not a little deserving of attention ;
such, for instance, as his being swallowed by a fish .
One of the Targums says, that mo n huia, a serpent, tempted Adam or the first man, and not nm
hue, Eve his wife . Parkhurst renders this, not a serpent, but a beast, an animal . No person will
doubt what animal this was, except he who will not see . It was the serpent, and here we have it,
in the drawing, speaking to Adam, not lying dead at the feet of Hercules . Here we have Eva
tempting Adam, and we see what Eva was, viz . the female win huia, serpent . Here we have the
object of adoration of the Ophites-the female generative power-the destroying, regenerating
power. As the secret doctrine of the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer, began to be known in
the middle and Western parts of Asia, at the same time it began to be corrupted, and the absurd
idea of a fallen angel to creep in, at first among the ignorant vulgar only, but at last among a
higher class, like what we have in Europe ; who ought to be ashamed of habouring nonsense so
unworthy of the Supreme Being . The adoration is paid to Sumnaut, ' Seva, or Cali, as the severe
and impartial judge, ruling, it is true, with a rod of iron, but also with a rod of justice . The
followers of Seva and Cali, of India, answer to our Calvinistic dealers in damnation of Europe .
The same causes produce the same effect.
I consider that the way in which my theory of the renovation of worlds (that is, the theory of
all the ancients) agrees with the Mosaic doctrine and removes its difficulty, is a very strong part
of my case ; for I request those who will not admit its truth to account on any probable grounds
for the fact stated above, and admitted by the first divines, such as Bishop Warburton, Mr . Bel-
sham, &c., that there is nothing about Hell or Devils in the Pentateuch .
There being nothing in Genesis or the Pentateuch of the nature of a Devil in our commoh ac-
ceptation of the term, we are naturally induced to inquire, What was the nature of the being
which tempted Eve ? This being is described in our translation as a serpent, and properly so
described, notwithstanding the attempt of the learned and Rev . Dr. Adam Clarke, in his transla-
tion, to make it a monkey . The serpent is the only one of all the animals of the creation which
possesses the peculiar property of renovating itself . To all appearance, when not destroyed by
violence, it possesses eternal life . Throwing off with its skin its old character, it seems to become
young again every spring . These are the peculiar reasons why the Cobra, the most deadly of the
genus, with its tail in its mouth, was selected as the emblem of renovating life-of the eternal
destroying regenerator. It has been said, that it was the vulgar belief in Egypt that the serpent
really never died . I think nothing is more likely than that, in very early times, it was thought
never to die . I dare say my reader never heard of one, in a state of nature, being ascertained to
have suffered a natural death, and the annual change of skin added plausibility to the doctrine of
its perpetual existence.
Among the Ophites, and indeed the Gnostics generally, the serpent was called the Megalistor
or Great Builder of the Universe . Here we have, under another name, Ophites, the Cyclopes or the
builders of the circular temples at Stonehenge and every where else . With the tail in the mouth,
Serpents were the emblems of the eternal creator or renovator of the universe . Shrouding the Linga

I This was the evil principle or Pluto, in Ireland, Italy, and India. I shall explain its meaning hereafter .
Book X. Chapter VIII . Section 9 793
and the Yoni it was the emblem of the preserver and destroying regenerator . He was the
Megalistor or A~Iu .sepyoc, because he was the emblem of the Logos, the creator or renewer of
cycles, or worlds in cyclic periods .
In the Church of St . Martyn's, Coney Street, York, is a very ancient and richly golden em-
broidered pulpit-cloth, in the centre of which is a figure of God Almighty-a very old man with
a dove in a glory on his breast, and supporting in one hand a crucified Saviour, and holding the
other as the Lama and the Pope hold their hand and fingers when they give their benediction to
the people. A golden sun covers the head of the old man, and lifts up and chews the human head
underneath . I can scarcely imagine any device, except writing, better calculated to tell the
initiated, that the Sun and the Creator were identical . I was induced to go to see this by a
passage in Mr. Allen's History of Yorkshire . 1 There never were Gnostics as a sect at York, but
it was the place celebrated by the mystic mother of Constantine, Helena . One of the churches
in York has a Zodiac upon it . In St . Mary's Abbey there is the image, before noticed, of Moses
horned, with a winged serpent in his hand . All this is evidently Romish Christianity, but without
doubt it is also Gnostic . St . Mary's Abbey and the parish churches could not have been
built by Gnostics, exclusive of the Romanists . This lets us into the Rotnish secrets .
It is impossible not to see that, at the time the Romish Church was every where declaiming
against Gnosticism, it was every where privately professing it . How can any thing be more
conclusive than the sun on the pulpit-cloth? How can any thing be clearer than the Lamb that
taketh away the sins of the world ? How, than the prayers to the Sun, Son, in Saxon and San-
scrit Sunu, both yet retained by the Protestants ? The great fault of the Templars seems to have
been in believing that Hakem Bemrillah was the Paraclete, instead of St . Francis . For the Cor-
deliers certainly believed, though perhaps secretly, that St . Francis had been, by some means,
entirely converted, to use their own words, into Jesus Christ, and had suffered all his five wounds,
called the stigmas of St. Francis . This is an exact repetition of the nine Salivahanas of India,
one renewed every cycle, having the wounds, like St . Francis, and called the wounded in the side.
He was thought to be the incarnation of the tenth cycle. Protestants will deny that the Lamb is
Gnosticism . But it is Christianity--and Gnosticism is Christianity . They cannot separate the
Lamb of the Hindoos, of Moses, of the Egyptians, of the Carnutes of Gaul, of the Zodiac, from
their Lamb to which they pray, to enlighten the world . How is it possible to doubt that the
stigmas of St . Francis cover the same mythos as the wounds of the side-pierced Balii, of the
Staurobates, the nine Salivahanas, the Cristnas, and the Buddhas of India? The same mytho-
logical history is renewed for every cyclar incarnation . Every sect or country claims the Saviour
as having favoured its sect or country with his appearance-all others of that day being impostors .
Thus, in the West, St . Francis was the preacher of the true Gospel in his day, which, of course,
would supersede the old ones of the preceding incarnation, and Mohamed or Hakem was an
impostor. 2

1 Mr. Allen says, many similar things were destroyed at the Reformation, and regrets that this pulpit cloth was
not among the number . I rejoice that it is yet safe . After this notice, probably some pious Mr. Allen will remove it .
In these superstitions there is always apparent an attempt at a repetition, or an attempt in the latter to imitate pre-
ceding Avatars. This is in strict unisop with the doctrine of renewed incarnations . All Avatars came to an untimely
death . The last, who was Blobamed, was poisoned . In compliance with this superstition, some years ago several nuns
at Paris submitted to be crucified ; and near Berne, in the winter of 1823; 1824, several persons were crucified, and
one was dead before the police interfered . The perpetrators of this horrid murder were tried and condemned ; an
official account of it, which I once possessed, was published. The house where it took place was razed, and a monu-
ment was (I believe) erected on its place to record the fact . I was at Geneva a few months after it happened .
( 7 94 )


Rasit, Ar^x~6-Argonauts-Nvna Amida Buth-Gnostics-Gnostics continued--

Gnostics continued-\ alentinians-St . John, St . Thomas-Yes-dan-Mvthos in
Asia Minor-Saimaritan Genesis-Adam Cadmon . Wisdom in Greece and
Egypt-Time-To Ov-To Ov continued-Christian Mysteries .

1 . I must now request my reader to reflect deeply upon several parts of what he has read in
the preceding books . The n'w r, rasit is the first word to which I would wish to recall his atten-
tion . It cannot be doubted that in the word rasit, the meaning of which has been so studiously
concealed, we have in uninterrupted succession the Logos by which the world was created . It is
the Buddha of India . It is the Logos of the Orpheans, and of Zoroaster, and of Plato . It is the
Minerva of the Etruscans and Greeks, issuing or emanating from the head of Jove ;' and Jove
himself is IEUE . It is their Mrirsg or divine wisdom, and the Sophia of the Cabalists . It is, as
M,7-rsg or divine wisdom, the object of the mystic adoration of the Gnostics, of the middle ages ;
and one of the very few things which we know of these sectaries for a certainty is, that this was,
in a peculiar manner, the name under which they represented the Creator : for we know very little
else of them, the orthodox having left us nothing of all their works which we can be certain has
come to us unadulterated . But all the circumstances which we know relating to them give us
reason to believe that they were a race of persons much superior to the Pal_)iases, Irenwuses, and
Justins, the founders of the modern Roman religion . All we know of them we have from the
Christian fathers, whose accounts are evidently intended to depreciate them in every way ; and
these fathers thought it meritorious either to defame them, or to propagate falsities respecting
them. Besides, if the fathers had been sincere, their hatred to the Gnostics and their bigotry
were such, that it is very unlikely even that they could have understood the refined and abstruse
doctrines of such philosophers, as we may collect from circumstances and the admissions of
enemies, that Basilides was . What can we believe on the testimony of those who asserted that
all these philosophers ate children in the sacrament ? It is most surprising to me that such men
as Lardner and Beausobre should receive, as credible, the histories of the fathers : very certain I
am that no judge in England, France . Germany, or America, would convict an accused person of
the lowest crime on such evidence .
It is admitted by the orthodox, that these philosophers were men in the highest grade of
society. From this and a careful consideration of all the circumstances, I think we may con-
clude that they held the doctrines of the orientals respecting the renewal of cycles and incar-
nations, and that the millenium would take place . I think the fact of their designating the
Saviour by the term Xp-~sog pretty well proves this . They held him to be the first of the
emanations, the logos, the mind . These people became divided into a number of minor sects ;
and it is almost certain that in such times as they lived, a great number of absurdities must have
been held by one or other of them . They were not free from the common weaknesses of

' See Figures, No . 22.

Book X . Chapter IX . Section 1 795
humanity : as the remainder of the species retrograded, they retrograded also . I feel confident that
this is a fair and impartial view of the subject ; and that very little more than this can we ever
certainly KNOW, though the nonsensical stories told of them by their enemies may continue for
ever to be retailed . But should some of the charges alleged against them be true, yet as we have
no means of ascertaining their truth, they cannot reasonably be admitted : and so far are we
from possessing proofs in justification of those charges, that we find them made by persons
convicted of systematic fraud . The natural inference, therefore, is, that their charges are as
false as their other allegations, proved to be falsehoods . But, under all these difficulties, when I
find their opponents stating facts which combine with and dovetail into the system which I have
shewn to have come from the East, the acknowledged birth-place of the Gnostics, I think, I am
justified in assuming that there is a high probability that they are true, and in thus treating
them in my reasoning. In all subjects of this kind, demonstration of the truth is very seldom to
be had .
The ancient Jews had a collection of tracts called the Apocrypha, concerning which, in fact,
very little is known . Of course they will tell you every thing is known . But, if St . Jerom may
be believed, their Scriptures, both what are now called Canon and the Apocrypha, were for many
years after the destruction of their temple by the Romans nearly lost, scattered in divers places,
and at last were collected and preserved by the Christian fathers . What may have been the number
of the tracts of the Apocrypha is doubtful ; but it is easy to see that some of those now in the
list have nothing to do with it. The name shews that these were the books in which the secret
Cabalistic or Gnostic learning was concealed ; the word Apocrypha, not meaning doubtful, but
concealed. The meaning given to the word of doubtful was contrived for the sake of concealing
from the vulgar that there was a secret existing. The contrivance has succeeded very well, for I
do not suppose that one in a thousand, even of modern priests, ever suspected the truth . The
meaning of doubtful or uncertain is not conveyed by the Greek word Apocrypha.
In the word Awoxp4os the aao seems unnecessary to the meaning of secret. I have some-
where seen it explained to be a corruption of Abba father, and the whole word to mean the secret
.H abikprut . 1
of the father, or firi mp?
The Gospel history of John is said, by modern priests, to have been written against the
Gnostics . How this can be I do not understand . Its beginning breathes the oriental doctrines
in every word . Its Logos, i . e . Sophia, or Buddha, or Rasit, or Trimurti made flesh, or becoming
incarnate, is strict Buddhism, Persianism, Platonism, and Philoism or Cabalism . Very justly has
Mr . Matter said, 11 Cependant S . Jean 1' apotre jouisse d' un credit non moins dminent aupres
° 1 de plusieurs dcoles Gnostiques, qui ddcouvraient dans son dvangile et dans son Apocalypse tous
'I les dldments, la termonologie et la symbolique de leurs croyances . " 2 What can be more
striking than the first fourteen verses of the first chapter, or than the promise, of the tenth incar-
nation, of a person to come afterward, even the spirit of truth, in several passages of the fourteenth
and fifteenth chapters ? The supposition that this promise was fulfilled, that this person was
meant, by the twelve tongues of fire which are said, in the Acts, to have settled on the apostles,
to give them the power of speaking all languages, does not deserve a serious consideration .

' There is something very curious in the word a,t ab or mart abe. The root is said to be nan abe with a mutable
or omissable rt e ; that is, it may either be sN ab or tract abe : it may have either a masculine or feminine termination .
This seems odd enough, for the word father ; but it is still more odd, that it always adopts a feminine termination for
its plural-always mzH abut or rt7ct abt, but never tom+ im . Here the secret doctrine shews itself . It was feminine
because the Father was feminine as well as masculine-androgynous-Jupiter Genetrix .
Matter, Ch . iv. p . 305 .
796 Rasit, ApXvj

The object for which the book means to represent that the tongues were sent is clear, v iz. t o
give the apostles the power of speaking languages, to them new. This is the plain literal meaning
of the text and context, and on principles of common sense none other can be admitted. I The
person to come, endowed with the spirit of truth, is promised by Jesus . I know not a single
passage in our cation which can justify the construction, that twelve tongues of fire was this
person. The prophecy of another person to come connects the whole with the system of the
cycles of India, of Virgil, and of Juvenal ; it completes the system, and shews that the millenary
cycles were an integral part of Gnosticism, and that Gnosticism uncorrupted was Christianity .
Once more I repeat, if the word ApXr of John had merely meant first, vrgwTbs would have
been used ; but it was necessary to use some word which would convey the additional meaning
which the word n'w rl rasit conveyed, and therefore the word ApXr was used, which, like rnivrtl
rasit, means head, chief. Being used here as a substitute for wisdom, nmmmtt i rasit is an authority
sufficient to fix one of its meanings, and so it would be taken in any common case, by every
Lexicographer in the world . ApXr Trg Xti6EWS the beginning, head, or ficient cause of the
creation . 2 Krurew6 means regeneration and renovation . 3 This meaning of the word XTi6EWS
completely justifies the rendering by the LXX of the word 141 bra by e7roir6EV, fecit . Parkhurst
derives ApXr from the Hebrew word rnj ord, to set in order. Here we have in the Hebrew
our word to order. If I had an English and Hebrew dictionary, as full as Parkhurst's Hebrew
and English Lexicon, I think I could make, out of the two languages, a language in which con-
versation might very well be carried on by a Hebrew and an Englishman, respecting all the
common concerns of life .
Parkhurst, in his Greek Lexicon, (though he has entirely omitted it in the Hebrew, where it
ought to-be found,) says, ApXr 4 in this application answers to the Hebrew n'ivltl rasit, by which
name, Wisdom, i . e . the Messiah, is called . Again he says, 5 authority, rule, power . App;
most usually answers in the LXX to the Hebrew tumn ras or numn rasut or NilJDt`1 rasit.
The observations of a learned friend of mine respecting the word ApXr are very just ; but yet
the mode in which it is used by the Gnostics seems to shew that it had a meaning something
more than merely beginning. We have seen it used by the LXX as the substitute for the rrtvltl
rasit. It is also used by John in the same manner, and from the argument of the Gnostics it
seems to require wisdom and not beginning, at least more properly wisdom than beginning. The
connexion of the Eastern and Western philosophy cannot be doubted, and the application of the
word wisdom to ApXr is wanted to complete the links of a chain which seems deficient in a link,
and which, being of the same manufactory as all the remainder of the chain, it seems very well
to supply. In all this speculation we must remember, that a secret, refined system is to be
accounted for or unveiled, which could only have existed under a vulgar disguise, such a disguise
as would direct common, every-day searchers after the secret in a wrong road, and, if possible,
prevent them from suspecting even that there was a secret . If the Bud and the Rasit were only

' I do not speak here of the ridiculous Paulites named in the Epistle to the Corinthians, chap . xiv., who have been
most correctly imitated by the followers of the Rev . Mr . Irving, and of whom our newspapers have been lately filled.
Feb . 1833.
s Parkhurst, Lex . Gr . in voce Apx i . 3
Ib. in voce K rtZ w.
4 Until the greatest part of this volume was printed, I did not discover the meaning given to rasit by Parkhurst. It
never occurred to me to look for the meaning of a Hebrew word in his Greek, which was not in his Hebrew Lexicon .
Parkhurst's object was clear, v iz . t o suppress the information, and to avoid the charge of pious fraud .
5 On the word Apx i, V.
Book X . Chapter IX . Section 1 797

contained in an oriental secret language ; in order to perpetuate them among the Western
initiated, a word which would convey a meaning that would not be commonly understood, and
different from such a word as 7rpw-ros, which would convey a different meaning, but not the
secret meaning, ought to be used : and what word could be so proper as that which was in the
language of the Western world unknown, but which had the meaning of the emblem of the
female generative power-the Arg or Arc-in which the germ of all nature was supposed to float
or brood on the great abyss during the interval which took place after every mundane cycle ?-
the vessel in which the Linga and Yoni also floated ; in short, it was the vessel which we find
every where in the sacred mysteries, under different names, in Greece, Egypt, India, Judea, &c .
-it was the Arc in which the Pola, Palladium, of every city is found, the emblem or imitation of
Meru-the Arc of the Nautae-the Acropolis or .drca of Jerusalem ; indeed, of every ancient
city, where, from religious motives, as well as the circumstance of its natural strength, the palla-
dium of the state or of the religion was kept . In Rome it was the Caput-ol or Capitol . This
answers to the Arabic Rasit, which means head, chief, top . From Pola may come a British name
for head, seldom used except in connexion with a tax, a poll-tax . Thus all these things connect
together in a very peculiar manner when searched to the bottom .
In mount Libanus, Venus was called Architis ; and under this epithet the ceremonies which
are stated to have been practised by the Israelites near mount Sinai, Exod . xxxii. 6, are said to
be continued in her honour .' Here is the ApX7) or Arga, which, I think, can allude neither to
a ship nor a citadel . 2 The Greeks had what they called the M7)v ApXatos and Apxaios.
This was the crescent-formed Arga, which was on the side of the Theban heifer . 3 Eusebius
calls the first Menes a Thebinite : " IIpwros ega6£AevTev M ,~" s O7)Qwfs7~s, Orl9aios • O'S
" eppa7iveueral Atovios : The first, who reigned, was Menes the Thebinite, the Arkeean ; which
" is, by interpretation, the Ionian . 4 This Thebinite and Arkaean, was, we find, the same person
" of whom the Iona, or Dove, was an emblem ." That the Theba was the same as Iona cannot
be doubted ; and the salacious Dove was the emblem of both, of the male and female generative
power. Mr. Bryant says, that Arca and Argus signified the Ark ; but as the Ark and Deluge
were of the highest antiquity, and every thing was deduced from that period, Archaia hence came
to signify any thing very ancient, and Archa, a beginning. 5 Thus, if I understand this learned
gentleman right, he admits, that the meaning of FIRST for ocpXa or Archa, is only a secondary
If we consider the word AgXj, it is in every respect the same as n'wrt -1 rasit. It is the chief,
the head ; therefore, if we commence at the top and proceed downwards, it is the first . Here
we see the reason why the highest place of every town was called the Acra of the city . It was
the heads 'the peculiar seat of wisdom, whence Minerva sprung . As Arga, the generative power
or organ, whence all things descended, it was also the first, and I think the word Arga is probably
the origin of ApXa . The X is a new letter, and I think must have been substituted for the r,
as repavos became Xpavos a Col. Tod says, " The expedition of the Argonauts in search of the
'~ Golden fleece is a version of the Arkite worship of Osiris, the Dolayatra of the Hindoos : and
" Sanscrit etymology, applied to the vessel of the Argonauts, will give the Sun (argha) god's
'~ (nat'ha) entrance into the sign of the Ram. The Tauric and Hydra foes, with which Jason

' Celtic Druid's, Chap . VI. Sect. XXXI . s

Bryant's Anal . Vol. II . p . 356 . 3 Ib . 358.
4 Bryant's Anal. Vol . I . p. 321 . s Ib . Anal . Vol . II . p. 382 .
6 See Parkhurst's Greek Lexicon, in voce ApxI .
798 Argonauts
• had to contend before he obtained the fleece of Aries, are the symbols of the sun-god, both of
" the Ganges and of the Nile ; and this fable, which has occupied almost every pen of antiquity,
• is clearly astronomical, as the names alone of the Argha-Nat'h, sons of Apollo, Mars, Mercury,
• Sol, Arcus or Argus,' Jupiter, Bacchus, &c., sufficiently testify, whose voyage is entirely
" celestial.""
But Agyig is the same as the Argha of India. The Argha was not only the Yoni . but the
surrounding ether in which the Yoni and Linga floated . It was also the boat in which the male
and female generative principles, when reduced to their simplest form, floated during the sleep of
Brahma . It was the Ark of Noe, or of Mind, or Nag, or Intelligence, in which the germ of
animated nature or the principles of generation were preserved . But it was in one sense as the
Arga, the Preserver or Saviour, viz . as the Ark . But the Saviour was Logos, or Rasit, or ApX-4,
or Wisdom, by whom the Trimurti renovated the world . It was the same as the ri 'i'1 tibe or Ark
in which the Messiah Moses was saved . It was the vessel in which the covenant of God was
carried. But the most important point is, that, as the ship of Noe, it was the Saviour .
Every one has heard of the celebrated boat of Isis among the Egyptians, Greeks, and
Romans . But the Northern nations also worshiped her in the form of a ship . This ship was
placed in the constellations and called Argo . In Egypt this was called Sothis or the Star of
ISig . 3 This very well connects the Arga and Isis the Saviour-the ship in which the seed of
nature was preserved . The Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, all had festivals in the spring season
to the ship of Isis . 4 Ausonius thus speaks of it
Adjiciam cultus peregrinaque sacra
Natalem Herculeum, vel ratis isiacse .
2. I have not succeeded to my mind, in unravelling the allegory of the Argonautic expedition .
I think it probable that we must look for a translation of some Eastern words into Greek : such,
for example, as Salivahan into Staurobates, or Meru into the thigh of Jupiter . Now, the ship
Argo is clearly the Arga of India, or Omphalos, in which voyages of salvation were made . Jas-on
the Captain is IM-on or the Saviour, Sun, Bacchus-and Hercules one of its passengers, (who
took the command after the death of IHF-on or Bacchus,) is Heri-clo . Minerva or Divine
Wisdom invented the ship, the Argo, or AgXn, or A pXa, and supplied its pole, or mast, or Linga .
The Nautae or sailors went to the Golden or Holy Chersonesus, to seek a golden or holy apple,
or golden fleece of a Ram, or, perhaps, fleece of a Golden Ram ; for the Greek equally means
apple and fleece . I can have no doubt that the allegory relates to the Lamb, the knowledge of
which was necessary to salvation, or to the apples of Genesis, which were desirable to make one
wise unto salvation . I do not consider it of very great antiquity, and perhaps Newton may be
right as to its date . It is the remains of a history of sacred character, like the Iliad and Gesta
Romanorum or £neid. " All the religious institutes of the highest antiquity, of which we have
" any account, were delivered in poetry, and under the shape of history, real or fictitious ." 5
IHX-on or Bacchus, the Sun in Taurus, was killed by the Linga falling upon him ; but Heri-clo,
or the Sun in Aries, survived the voyage and obtained the fleece . In all this there are evidently
the links of a chain-but, to complete it, some are still wanting . The plays of 1Escbylus and
Euripides are mystic representations connected with this history or mythos, and I much fear our

' Argha the Sun, in Sanscrit. s Tod's Hist. p . 601 . a Hist. Acad . ins . An . 1729, p . 87, Abbe Fontenu.
4 Vide Apuleius . a Mason Good's Job, Pref, p . lxxxvi.
Book X . Chapter IX . Section 3 799
learned Greek scholars are every day making the mystery more impenetrable, by endeavouring to
make the plays speak the language of common life, and by not attending to their mysterious or
hidden meaning . It is not to be supposed that our learned men can safely make any emendations,
without understanding the meaning of the mythos, which is what they never attempt. They
merely suppose that the heroes, for instance Prometheus, are men deified-or, the seven against
Thebes, the story of a war. Not a single word ought to be changed from the old manuscripts ;
all corrections ought to be in the notes, but not one in the text . I have no doubt whatever that
the first books of Genesis, the Maha-bharat, the Argonautic expedition, the Iliad, the plays of
,Eschylus, and the .iEneid, are all different ways of telling the same story .-Substantially the
same mythos was at the bottom of all, and of that mythos the constantly-revolving cycles are a
most important part . It is a drama, in which there were to be a new siege of Troy, new Argo-
nauts, &c., as described by Virgil : but whether these renewals were to take place every 6000,
or 1000, or 600 years, cannot be known with certainty-the book does not tell us. It seems
probable, I think, that it was every 1000 years, yet this is attended with great difficulty ; and
even if it were every 6000 years, and exactly the same things were to recur, morality would be
destroyed,-such a degree of fatalism would follow as would destroy all freedom of will and moral
responsibility ; therefore, I think, human actions must have been left to a certain degree of
discretion . But perhaps in reply to this observation it may be said, and I fear said with too much
truth, that morality is not always the first object considered by the projectors of religious
systems. The Mohamedan predestinarians reconcile fatalism and morality .
It is possible, I think, that these astronomical religious systems arose like all others from
accident and circumstance . The astronomical basis is quite clear, and probably the astronomers
or astrologers were the first priests . Every circumstance tends to confirm this . The more early
we begin our investigation the more clearly we find the astrological taint in every religion . The
Mosaic system forms no exception ; for, if magic were forbidden to the people, like the casting
out of devils among Christians, it was reserved to the priests, as the Joachin and Boaz, and the
recurrence of the sacred numbers proves . This readily accounts for any little incongruities or
inconsistencies ; indeed, I think these inconsistencies render my account or theory the more
probable ; for we have certainly never yet seen or heard of any system whose origin was, or
whose present form is, unaccompanied by inconsistencies . Every one knows that our favourite
Protestantism was only a covenant of peace ; and if I were a zealous supporter of things as they
are, I would recommend the King, as we no longer persecute the Papists, to send to the Romish
Archbishop of Dublin, and request him to place his hands on the head of his brother of Canter-
bury. These two Reverend Fathers in God will know what I mean ; if they do not, they may
examine the once famous or infamous Lambeth papers .
3. In Japan, Buddha is adored with the words NAMV AMIDA BuTH, which means Adoration to
Amida Buddha, the word Namu is a corruption of Nama, meaning adoration, in the Japan and
Sanscrit languages . i This Indian word, I think, will exhibit to us a very remarkable proof of the
identity of the Indian and Italian religions. The learned Bartolomaeus says, Nama Sebesio Deo
Soli invicto Mitrce . adoratio Sebesio (Shibae vel Shivae) Deo soli invicto Mitrae, et apud Muratorum
inscriptionem repertam in Villa Tiburtina Hadriani, quam mihi clarissimus vir G . Zoeta com-
municavit, et qum ita se habet : Soli invvicto Mithrce, sicut ipse se in visu jussit reJlci, Victorinus
Caes. N. verna dispensator numeni prcesenti suis impendiis re, ficiendum curavit, dedicavitque NAMA
eunctis Nama adoratio unde sensus inscriptionis est : dedicavitque adorationem cunctis,

BarthoL System. Brach. p . 308.

800 Nama Amida Buth-Gnostics
seu ut cuncti eum adorent. Hec inscriptio ac vocabulum Nama non solum inter Brahmanes
vulgarissimum est, sed et ipsa adorationis formula, quam semper in ore babent . Sic Gannavadye
nama adoratio Deo Gannavadi . Shiva Shiviya mama Den Shivce seu Sebesio adoratio, dimanat
enim vocabulum Nanza a verbo-namadi adorat, namasi adoras, namami adoro, &c., &c.' The
explanation of this word confirms what I have said in my CELTIC DRUIDS respecting the Sanscrit
language in Italy . It probably came along with the God Ganesa or Janus, and the Saturn ja and
the Pallistini, or Palsestrina, or Sacrum Preneste, and the name of Itala or Bull . Great numbers
of VERY ancient pictures of the Bambino are to be seen in Italy with the inscription Deo Soli
invicto, and also numbers of inscriptions with the words Nama Mitre invicto .
I must now request my reader to look back to Chapter VII . Section 8, page 758, and he will
there see that the name of the God worshiped at the temple of Bal-ii or Tripetti, the crucified God,
called the wounded in the side, is called Om Sri Ramaya Nama, the word Sri being one of the
names of Cristna, and Om of both Buddha and Cristna ; then to look to section 4, and consider
the five sacred and mysterious syllables of Avyar in the Kaliwakam, which is, in the Tamul
language, Na-ma-si-va-yah, and he will instantly see, that they are the same as the Italian Seba-
dia, a most extraordinary and decisive proof of identity, in the Mithraitic Christian mythoses of
India and Italy . The root of Sabasio is Sab, the plural of which means the Planetary bodies
possessing wisdom,-the disposers . The word Sab, (see Chap . VI . Sect. 11, p . 716,) Cleland
has told us, means wisdom .
4. Many of the Gnostics maintained that Christ only appeared to be crucified : in this they also
varied from most, but not from all, of the Romists . But whether the faith of the Gnostics or that
of the orthodox, from whom they varied, were the original faith of the Eastern Cristnas and Sali-
vahanas I cannot discover-the pious or the prudent Orientalists of Calcutta have kept from us,
or have not been able to give us, the Pouranas of Salivahana or Wittoba, from which we might
have known it .
Several of the texts of the Gospel histories were quoted with great plausibility by the Gnostics
in support of their doctrine . The story of Jesus passing through the midst of the Jews when
they were about to cast him headlong from the brow of a hill, (Luke iv . 29, 30,) and when they
were going to stone him, (John viii . 59, x . 31, 39,) were examples not easily refuted. These
were fair argumenta ad homines of the Gnostics, even though they did not receive the four Gospel
histories of the orthodox . But though they did not admit the genuineness of these histories,
they did not deny the authenticity of many parts of them : in this, being exactly like the Mani-
chaeans and the Mohamedans .
It is necessary that I should notice another doctrine of the Fvwtr g, which like the doctrines
developed in my first book respecting the Trinity, &c ., arose from the application of common
sense to the objects of surrounding nature . The philosophers observed that all animals were the
same in respect to animal life as man, but of the possession of reason they appeared to be void .
From this they were induced to believe in two souls or animae-one the living principle dying
with the body ; the other, the superior one, which first emanated from and then passed by
metempsychosis through several gradations before it was finally absorbed into the essence of the
Creator . That this should be found in the Bible is what we might reasonably expect, and,
accordingly, it may be found in great numbers of places, under the terms 4ux71 and ravsu,u,a .
This has been very satisfactorily proved by Mr . Ed . King, in the fourteenth note of Vol . III. of
his Morsels of Criticism . This gave rise to a very refined part of the doctrines of some of the

I Barthol. System . Brach. p . 195.

Book X. Chapter VIII . Section 6 801
later Gnostics-that the Xpigcos of Jesus, or the superior anima, descended into him in the
form of the Dove, when he was baptized in Jordan, and left him before his crucifixion, and that
only the human part remained . From this, I think, arose a very recondite species of mysticism .
He was X p71sos, the being xaz' eZoX')v benignus, the Logos, the £o4ia, the signs hkme . He
was also Xpesos the crucified. He was also Kipu~ the Herald, the Sent of God . He was also
Cris, black, his native colour, as we find him both in India and Europe ; and, when identified
with the Sun, he is, as Apollo, &c ., &c., always black. It is for this reason that the busts of the
twelve Roman Caesars, are often black, though the drapery is white-persons having the same
divine character as the twelve successors of Jacob, 1 the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, the
twelve Imaums of Persia, the twelve apostles of Hakem Bemrillah, the twelve apostles of Mani ;
but above all the twelve Lucumones of Etruria or of the country of RAZENA, who are shewn by
Mons . Creuzer to have been Prdtres de la Lumi2re possedes, inspires .' Here the Raz-ena or
Ras-ena 3 is very remarkable . All these were supposed to have a certain portion of the divine
spirit, or the superior anima, incarnate in them, more than other men ; or, in other words,
to be divinely inspired .
Nothing can be more certain than that Julius Caesar, born at the same time as one of the
Vicramadityas of India, was thought to be a divine incarnation, and that when he was assassinated,
the belief in an incarnation was transferred to Octavius . These were not copies, but the results
of astrological calculations respecting the renewed cycles, noticed by Virgil, which taught the
professors when the new cycle would come-and then superstition taught its votaries to look out
for some person -the Ahmed Om, the Desire of all Nations . And the times of the Indians and
Romans agreed, because Caesar had adopted the Chaldean Calendar and Calculations ; that is,
the Calendar of North and South Colida of India, which is really the true Calendar, as is at
once apparent by calculating backwards from the equinox, as now placed in the last degree of
Aquarius, 25 x72=1800. The circumstance of identity in the period of the Jews of Sion, or the
Judaites of the Siones, as proved by Cassini, of the Chaldeans or Colidei of Cochin, of the Romans
and Julius Caesar, and of the Christians,-the 25th of December, for the solstice and birth of the
God, is no bad proof of the universality of the mythos . If this be not proof, what would con-
stitute proof? The subject of the Chaldean correction of the Calendar I shall discuss hereafter .
The Gnostics held that, " To deliver the soul, a captive in darkness, the Principle of Light,
" the Genius of the Sun, charged with the redemption (aurgwr :s) of the intellectual world, of
" which the Sun is the type, manifested itself among men ; that the light appeared in the dark-
• ness, but the darkness comprehended it not ; that, in fact, light could not unite with darkness ;
" it put on only the appearance of the human body : that at the crucifixion Jesus Christ only
" appeared to suffer. His person having disappeared, the by-standers saw in his place across of
" light, over which a celestial voice proclaimed these words : ' The Cross of Light is called
• ' Logos, Christos, the Gate, the Joy ."' I consider that the book of John contains clear and
abundant proofs, that the original doctrine, though perhaps the secret doctrine of the Romish
Church, was uncorrupted Gnosticism,-the Pandaean religion of the Golden age, when no icons
were used, and when the Gods had no names . How they then were supposed to exist will be
clearly explained in a future book .

I Ishmael, from whom the Arabians descended, had twelve sons,

who formed twelve tribes, like Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, and the twelve tribes .
Liv. iv. p . 220, Liv. v. p . 394 . ' 1 construe Raz_ena, country of wisdom .
802 Gnostics
The doctrine of emanations was undoubtedly the universal, though, perhaps, in very early
times, the secret doctrine . The passage which I have given in Book II . Chapter III. Section 5,
from Deuteronomy, clearly and unquestionably proves that it was equally prevalent among the
Jews as among all others of the oriental nations ; and, as a proof of this, and strongly confirma-
tory of my whole system, the passage is of the greatest importance .
The Cabalistic doctrine of the later Jews is exactly consentaneous to the construction which
I have put upon Genesis . It accounts for the origin of things, by making them emanations from
a First Cause, and, therefore, pre-existent . They suppose all things to be at last withdrawn
into the First Being, by a revolution or restitution to their first state ; as if they believed their
91r 1,y oin sup, En Soph,' Fountain of Wisdom, or First Being, to contain all things . This
En Soph may also be the same as the Greek Ov and 1,oOta, Wisdom of the generative power, Ov.
From this Being all things are supposed to proceed by effluxes or emanations, like rays, and
when the rays are redrawn the external world perishes, and all things again become absorbed in
God. He hideth his face ; and they are troubled ; he taketh away their breath, they die, and return
to their dust. He sendeth forth his spirit, and they are created ; and he reneweth the face of the
earth . 2 All this harmonizes perfectly with my translation of the first verse of Genesis .
The expressions in several places are decisive in my favour . Who can find out the Wisdom of
God? Wisdom hath hem created before all things, and the understanding of prudence from
evermore . Ecclus. i. 4. Here is most clearly the nnnrr hkme and rn ' bine, the first two
Sephiroths . Again, The word of God most high is the fountain of Wisdom-Ecclus . i. 5-the
En Soph is here most clearly . Again, I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever
the earth was. Prov . viii . 23 . Here the word everlasting is clearly a mistranslation : the Hebrew
word only means a long time, but not for ever, without commencement . This is an admitted
I do not flatter myself that I can unveil all the secret mysteries of the Cabala of the ancient
Israelites, long since buried amidst the ruins of their temples . But yet I think we may be
justified in believing that such men as Moses, Zoroaster, Pythagoras, and Plato, had a religion
in its fundamental principles, consistent at least with common sense, and altogether different,
as they themselves always asserted, from the mythoses which they tolerated among the vulgar .
If we take this view of the subject, we shall find in the triune doctrine nothing inconsistent
with reason and sense .
The following is the form of adjuration, which Cyril and Justin Martyr give to Orpheus, but
which John Malela and the author of the Paschal Chronicle ascribe to Thoth or Hermes-Tris-
megistus . The difference, however, is immaterial : for the Orphic and Tautic systems were
fundamentally the same . In the Paschal Chronicle, the oath is exhibited in the following terms
" I adjure thee, the Heaven, 3 the wise work of the great God : be propitious . I adjure thee,
" the voice 4 of the Father, which he first spake, when he established the whole world by his
"counsel ; 5 the voice of the Father, which he first uttered, His ONLY-BEGOTTEN WORD .." I
think this completely proves the truth of my theory . The doctrine of Hermes-Trismegistus was

1 Matter, Ch. iv. p . 403 . ' Psalm civ. 29, 30 ; Universal History, Vol . I.
' These are the Samin of Genesis, the disposers endowed with understanding or wisdom . G. H .
• Logos. The Targums constantly use the word inn mmra for riinv ieue, for which Philo uses Aoyoq. I believe
this m-mra is nothing but the Maria, with the Monogram preceding it . The books of the real Apocrypha are full of
these doctrines of Wisdom and of Masonry . G. H.
• i. e. wisdom . G . H . 6 Logos . G . H. ; Faber, Pag. Idol. Vol . I . p. 229 .
Book IX . Chapter IX . Section 5 803
precisely the same as that of the Hindoos respecting the destruction and renovation of the world
-that nothing is destroyed, but only changed in form .'
5. In the Christian religion, as in all others, the tangible or worldly sign of the Holy Spirit or
Ghost was supposed to be wind, or air in motion ; the Dove its emblem . Thus it is said in John
xx. 22, When BREATHING ON THEM, he said to them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost. As air in
motion was the tangible or sensible sign of the third person, so the solar, ethereal or spiritual
fire was the sign of the second person of the Trinity- Wisdom, Buddha, Protogonos. By Wisdom
Aleim formed the planetary system . By Rub, r7n tv',77 qdis ruh, the Holy Ghost brooding on
the waters, he communicated the generative and prolific faculty, which, without moisture, can in
no case exist . And, in all cases, by the Holy Ghost or Spirit, or air in motion, regeneration
was supposed to take place .
The brooding of the spirit on' the face of the deep ; the brooding first explained by Bishop
Patrick, has a clear and direct allusion to the Orphic Egg which the Bull opened with his born
Taurus cum cornibus aperit annum .
In a similar manner the Logos or Word had its rise . How did God proceed when he made
the world ? (Let it not be forgotten that man has his image .) Did he use his hands ? No
he spake the word and it was made . He gave the word and the effect followed. By his word
he made it . The word existed before the creation . The word was first, the world instantly
followed . Thus John says, 1 1 In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and
" the word was God ." Here we have the Trinity of the Oriental, the Platonic, and the Christian
mystics. The ancient mystics thought that God gave the word and formed the world from
previously-existing matter ; the modern ones thought he created it from nothing . Hence the
anxiety shewn in their creeds to seek for terms sufficiently clear to express this idea . Hence
they have run into the nonsense of begotten before all worlds . What jargon ! WORD BEGOTTEN !
Let us suppose a second person of the Godhead . What should cause him to be called Word?
Why not any other arbitrary naive ? That which I have described was the origin of it. When
God gave the word it was wisely given. It was wisdom itself. Hence again, wisdom was the first
emanation from the divine power . It was identified with the word. It was not a creation . It
was an emanation. And what was an emanation ? No one knows . Here man gets out of his
depth : and whatever he might do before, he now begins to talk nonsense, unless he avail himself
of a simile, and speak of an emanation as a ray of the Sun.
In a former section I have said, that the doctrine of the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer,
arose from the creating, preserving, and destroying powers of the solar ray . This was, I believe,
the origin of the doctrine : but when the mind of man improved, and he discovered that the sun
was a creature, not a creator, he was, by a very natural process, carried up to another being,
from whom all blessings flowed, the Creator of the Sun itself, and of whom be could form no
idea ; and he called him, perhaps not improperly, ILLUSION ; for the moment he began to form an
idea of the Creator, like a phantom, like the baseless fabric of a vision, it vanished away . It was
Maia, illusion . 2 But to this unknown Being man gave the attributes, which, in the first instance,
be had given to the solar ray, and he gave them with every appearance of truth and justice-for
we all know that our Creator is our Preserver, and that destruction is creation throughout this
our world, in every case to which our knowledge extends . From this sublime doctrine came

' Cudworth, Intell . Syst. p . 326.

! Porphyry says, a ring-dove was sacred to Maia, who is the same as Proserpine, and the Goddess Night, and is at
the summit of the intelligible and intellectual order . De Abstin. Lib . iv . Sect. xvi.
804 Gnostics Continued

first the Father ; secondly, the first-begotten Son, the Logos, Divine Wisdom, the Saviour ;
and thirdly, the Epwg, the Divine Love, the Spirit of God, under the emblem of the mild and
affectionate Dove, the type of the most interesting of all passions . The passion itself is closely
allied and assimilates to the character of the Creator-the spirit of God though destroying, yet
destroying only to regenerate and restore to existence .' Here at last open upon us views of
our Creator most beneficent and profound : hitherto hidden under mythoses and incarnations,
and every species of base and degrading anthropomorphism . And now I think we may per-
ceive two creators, preservers, and destroyers, unceasingly confounded : first, the immaterial
Trinity, a Trinity of abstractions or attributes . The second, the Sun, the material Trinity. First,
the Father, the Logos, and the Holy Ghost ; the second, Brahma, Vishnu, and Seva-the second,
nothing but incarnations of the first ; the second, the Sun with his corporeal properties being the
object of vulgar adoration-the first, the Father, Logos, and Holy Ghost, only known and adored
by philosophers, in the adyta of the temples .
With most of the ancient philosophers an opinion prevailed, that the soul of man was a portion
of the universal mind ; that from it the mind of man emanated, and that to it, ultimately, it would
return. From this very refined doctrine arose all the incarnations, however degrading . A portion
of the universal mind, of divine wisdom, of the protogonos, became instilled into a human being .
Thus it is evident that every human being endowed with more than usual wisdom, talent, or
excellence, might not inappropriately be said to exhibit an example of an incarnation of the
Divine Mind, or of a portion of the Divine Mind . Thus he was of two natures-the divine and
human ; as the first, as Divine Wisdom, he was 7rpwroyovos, the first-born Son of the Father,
into whom, at his death, he would return . In these refined doctrines, held by such men as Plato,
I think we may discover a Trinity, neither inconsistent with reason, nor incomprehensible, like
that stated by Athanasius and others.
In Book V. it was observed, that there were thousands of incarnations . This was because
every soul or mind was an emanation from what Plato called the To Ov ; thus it was the incar-
nation of a part of the To Ov-an emanation from the To Ov, incarnate . It was there observed,
that Cristna was thought to be something more than a common incarnation . This opinion was
merely sectarian . Every sect thought so of its favourite Avatar ; though it did not deny other
sects to have had Avatars,-as in the case of Mohamed .
Thus every person who possessed any striking superiority of mind or talent, would be said to
be inspired, or to have a portion of the Divine Mind incarnated in him ; and this accounts for the
great number of incarnations both among the Hindoos and Jews ; for some of the Hindoos say
that the Supreme has been incarnated vast numbers of times . This is well matched by the
worthies of the Jews, who have either been born miraculously, or translated to heaven, or in some
way have been preternaturally endowed . Either their history or their names among the Jews
shew them ; thus Enoch, Elijah, Elisha, &c . And it was, perhaps, in this way, that Buddha
and Cristna, who were merely the Sun, were confounded with the minor incarnations . 'Then, to
what do all the incarnations of Buddha at last amount ? Evidently to a refined Metaphysis-

' Jesus Christ says, John xii. 24, " Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone : but if it
die it bringeth forth much fruit ." And Paul in allusion to the esoteric religion says, " That which thou sowest is not
quickened except it die ; so also is the resurrection of the dead . It is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption ."
1 Cor . xv . 36, 42. Here is the Metempsychosis . Elias was thought to have returned again in the person of Jesus .
The esoteric doctrine may be perceived constantly, but, as might be expected, it requires close attention to discover
what was hidden with the greatest care . The Hindoo doctrine of the Metempsychosis was thought by ancient Rabbis
of the Jews to be described in Genesis . Dust thou art, and to dust thou shalt return . ( M aur . Hind . Ant . Vol . IV.
p . 275 .) Here again displaying the Hindoo origin of Genesis .
Book X . Chapter IX . Section 6 805
to a figure of speech, an allegory-but an allegory in its foundation true, and in its superstructure
beautiful-the Barasit of the Cabala, which will be explained hereafter .
Plutarch, in the treatise, in which he sbews that pleasure is not attainable, according to Epi-
curus, has this passage : " When, through inspiration, we appear to approach very near to a
" divine nature ." 1 The incarnation of the Holy Spirit was not unknown to the ancient Romans,
as, by the description of it, it may be found attributed to them and the ancient Egyptians, by
Plutarch, in his life of Numa . The following is the answer stated by Manetho, 2 to be given by
the Oracle to Sesostris ; and whether there ever was a Sesostris or not, it proves that the doctrine
existed : " On his return through Africa he entered the sanctuary of the Oracle, Ev v7rep?j4pavta,
" saying, Tell me, 0 thou strong in fire, who before me could subjugate all things ? and who shall
" after me ? But the Oracle rebuked him, saying, First, God ; then, the Word ; and with them,
" the Spirit.' 13 Here we have distinctly enumerated God, the Logos, and the Spirit or Holy
Ghost, in a very early period, long previous to the Christian sera .
I expect the spirit of bigotry will excite some of the priests to represent the Trinity here dis-
played as horribly wicked, because it does not come from St . Giovanni Laterano or from Lambeth .
And no doubt they will put on their spectacles to discover some minute differences between it
and their Trinity of Incomprehensibles . 4 But I would fain hope that the liberal part of Trini-
tarian Christians will pay no attention to them, as the two systems are evidently at the bottom
the same . And I should have much pleasure if I could entertain hopes that it would (abandoning
the modern doctrine of the Atonement) be acceded to by the Unitarians ; who are in fact a society
of philosophers, endeavouring to receive as much of the orthodox Christianity as their enlightened
understandings will permit them . I hope these philosophers will not, with the fanatics, endeavour
to narrow the door of the mansion of eternal life, but will endeavour to throw it open as wide as
possible. The mansion is large and has room for all . This is a wish, but I confess, I must admit,
that it amounts not to an expectation.
6. After a very careful consideration I feel quite satisfied, that the doctrine of Plato, of Philo,
and of Moses, or the first chapter of Genesis, is fundamentally identical with the doctrine of the
Trimurti of India ; but, as might be expected, indeed, as it must necessarily have happened under
the circumstances of the case, in some particulars and its minor details, corrupted or changed . But
to point out the exact particulars in which they differed, in their minute details from the real
original, I conceive to be absolutely impossible, because we have not the means of examining both
sides of the arguments used in the disputes which arose about these doctrines . All our writers,
and the authorities from whom they draw their materials, are partisans ; so that our miscalled
histories, (miscalled if by a history be meant an impartial account,) are not to be relied on . I
know no better example of this than Enfield's History of Philosophy . The partisan is visible
in almost every page.
Mons . Matter has given an account of the Gnosticism of Philo . Though in some places rather
confused, I think no one can deny its identity with the Eastern doctrines which I have unfolded,
and with the first chapter of John .
L' Etre Supreme est, d' apres Philon, la lumiere primitive, la source de toute autre lumiere,
1' archetype de la lumiere, d' oh emanent des rayons innombrables qui eclairent les ames . II est
l'ame du monde, et, comme telle, it agit dans toutes ses parties .

I Taylor's Max . Tyr. p . 271 . s Ap. Malal. Lib. i. Cap . lv . a Nimrod, Vol. I . p. 119.
4 The word used in the Athanasian Creed .
806 St . John, St . Thomas

II remplit et limite lui-meme tout son etre : ses puissances et se vertus (apsral) remplissent
et penetrent tout . 11 est sans commencement, aysv" Tos ; it vit dans le prototype du temps,
Son image est le Aoyog, forme plus brillante que le feu, ce dernier n' etant pas la lumiere pure .
Ce Logos demeure en Dieu ; car c' est Bans son intelligence que 1' Etre Supreme se fait les types
ou les idees de tout ce que doit s' executer dans le monde . Le Logos est done le vehicule par
lequel Dieu agit sur 1' universe . On pent le comparer a la parole de 1' homme .
Le Logos etant le monde des idles, le xoa .og vo7Jrog, au moyen duquel Dieu a cree les chores
visibles, it est le Osog 7rgs6'urspoc en comparaison du monde, qui est aussi Dieu, mais un Dieu
de creation, Osog vsorspoc . Le Logos, comme chef des intelligences, dont it est le representant
general, est nomme archange : et comme type et representant de tous les esprits, meme de ceux
des mortels, it est appele 1' homme type et l'homme primitif .
Dieu est seul sage : toute sagesse emane de lui, comme de sa source : la sagesse humaine n'est
que le refiet, 1' image de la sienne : on peut appeler sa sagesse la mere de la creation, dont Dieu
est le pere. 11 s' est uni avec la 6o4~ia on la science ; mais non pas a la maniere des hommes
it lui a communique le germe de la creation, et elle a enfant6 le monde material .'
Here, in the last paragraph is very clear the Wisdom of Genesis, the Buddha of India, and the
ApX') and Logos of Plato, Orpheus, Zoroaster, and John .
After this, in page 66, Matter adds, Dieu crea le monde ideal . Ensuite it fit realiser, d'apres
ce type, le monde material par son Logos, qui est sa parole-that is, by the agency of the Logos .
Again, Le Logos est non-seulement createur, it est encore le lieutenant de 1' Rtre Supreme,
c' est par lui qu' agissent toutes les puissances on tons les attributs de Dieu .
My reader, I think, will have no difficulty in perceiving why Plato, whose doctrine was t`he
same as that of Philo, was called by the early fathers the divine Plato . Of the monde ideal named
above, I shall presently treat.
7 . The following observations, unwilling observations of the learned Beausobre, support me in
my opinion, that a secret and mystical meaning was intended in the use of the word apX7)
instead of the word apcvroc, by the LXX and by JOHN, on many occasions . On this point I
think we may safely conclude, that the whole of the Gnostics coincided in opinion with the
Valentinians, and may thus be added to the very weighty authorities which I have before given,
that the word Rasit of Genesis meant Wisdom . Les Valentiniens n' entendoient pas comme nous
les premieres paroles de St . Jean : selon eux 1' Apotre n' a pas dit, (To cv apX;~ -q v o 2.oyoy . . .
oY aro Oua%cYTw8 ercus sx8eXovraW . apXrw yap TOY µovoyevrJ ?Ey86ly . . . TOY 86 aoyov Tov sv
77) apx',Y) TBTOY TOY SY Tc0 lu.ovoysvei . Eclog. Theodot. ap . Clem . Al. No . VI .) que la parole
etoit au commencement, mais que In parole etoit dans le Principe. Cette explication paroit bizarre,
absurde, et elle m'a paru telle a moi-meme, avant que j'eu eusse reconnu l'origine . Je ne doute
point, qu' elle ne soit fausse, mais on ne pent la traiter d' absurde, sans condamner celle que les
peres ont donnee aux premieres paroles de la Genesis . Car si Moise a voulu dire, que Dieu a
fait le Monde par le Principe, qui est son Fils, pourquoi S . Jean n' auroit-il pas dit aussi, que le
Yerhe etoit clans le principe, qui est son Fils unique ?
11 est evident que S . Jean imite Moise.
Si done le Rasit de Moise n est point le commencement, mais le Principe actif de toutes chosen,

I Matter sur les Gnostiques, Vol. I . p. 63.

Book X . Chapter IX . Section 8 807

pourquoi 1' arcl de S . Jean, qui a la meme signification, ne seroit-il pas aussi le Principe et non
le commencement g Voila, si je ne me trompe, I' origine de l' opinion Valentinienne .'
Again, in another place M . Beausobre confirms my observation that ApX?j meant more than
beginning : " La contradiction ne vient peut-etre que de 1' equivoque du mot AQX7j on Principe,
• que les uns ont pris dans un sens que je nommerai Philosophique, et les autres dans un sens
• Politique. Dans le sens Philosophique ApX?j, Principe, 2 signifie un @tre eternal, qui a eu
" lui-meme la cause de son existence, et qui est cause que d' autres existent : mais dans le sens
• Politique, Principe veut dire un etre qui a du pouvoir et de I' autorite sur des sujets qu'il com-
• mande ."3 Between the two meanings of ApX71 here is a fine distinction .
A very learned and excellent friend, one of the priesthood, in Yorkshire, once warned me
against drawing any consequences from the word ApX-~, a word, which, he said, is " quite clear
• and perspicuous ." But he will riot deny that this word was the Greek fountain-head, from
which all the streams of the Gnostics flowed-the foundation on which all their learned, abstruse,
and ingenious systems were built .
The Maia of India is correctly the Maia of Greece, and means grandmother or first mother, Maia
ApX71, the first mother, head mother, the fountain head-and thus it became the chief or head,
Acro-polis, of the city-the seat or residence of the sacreds-the place where the Palladium and
Sibylline oracles were deposited . Ev apX,,q 7~v ` Xoyog, Nat ` Aoyoc 71v 7reoc TOY OEOV, mat o
Oeos rw o Aoyos . Ouros ~v Ell apX-,I 7rpoc TOY Oeov . Had the word first or beginning been meant,
7rparroc, as I have before observed, would have been used : but this would at once have negatived
and overthrown all the magnificent and beautiful (however defaced in later times) superstructure
erected on this word, as meaning divine wisdom . Very properly was the book containing the
exposition of this word called Fsvsrtc, from the word I'tvottat, gignor, nascor . When I use the
terms beautiful and magnificent as applied to the doctrines of the Gnostics, I beg my reader to
observe, that I do not include in these terms the nonsense given us by the Greek and Latin
fathers for their doctrines. Very little which they say can be received . We know very little of
the Gnostics ; but the little we REALLY do KNOW is beautiful .
When I find learned men believing Genesis literally, which the ancients, with all their failings,
had too much sense to receive except allegorically, I am tempted to doubt the reality of the
improvement of the human mind . What says the celebrated St . Augustin ? " That there is no
`~ way of preserving the literal sense of the first chapters of Genesis, without impiety, and attri-
• buting things to God unworthy of him ."4 But St . Augustin has only followed the learned
Origen, who has maintained that the literal sense of the history of the creation in Genesis is
absurd and contradictory, and in this opinion M . Beausobre has shewn he was probably supported
by St. Basil and Gregory of Nyssa . 5
8 . Long had I despaired of finding the meaning of the mysterious John, Joannes, Jonas three

1 Beausobre, Hist . Manich. Liv. vi . Chap . i . p. 291 . Apxn scribitur aut pro Apyts : aut Hesychio corruptum .
Siracides, Cap . xi . 3, exemplar imposuit. Perger . Lex . Hesychii.
• Apxac be XEyof.u bm rero, OTt ovx e ;-t Tt vpwrepov, if a-/eyyaTat . Plut. de Plac . Phil. Cap. ii . P . 875 .
• Beaus . Hist . Manich. Liv . iv . Ch . vi. p . 89 . In the above-cited passage, Beausobre is speaking of Marcion, who,
I have no doubt whatever, maintained the same doctrine of the Maia Apxn-the Trinity and Emanations of the other
Gnostics . The disputes of their opponents prove it .
4 De Genes. cont . Manich. Lib . ii . 2, ap . Beausobre, Hist . Manich . Vol. I . p . 285 .
• Philocal . p . 12, ibid .
808 St. John, St. Thomas
days buried in a fish, the fish Avatar Vishnu, or Oannes treading on the bead of the serpent-bruising .
the serpent's head, see Fig . 32, Janus or Jana, Iona or Columba having the same name as Jehovah, Ii,
and of Jove, the Yoni, the opposite of the Linga-the sect of the Jains the successors of Buddha,
John the Baptist, John who should live till Jesus came again, Joannes, Butta, Deus, the Prestre
Johannes,-persons seemingly so difficult to reconcile or account for-when I discovered that the
old Sanscrit word for Wisdom or Fvma*sg was Jnana . This at once lets in a flood of light upon
us,-gives us a clue to all the mysterious Johns . It is no difficult matter now, to see what was
meant by John, thought to be a second Elias, by Baptism communicating the cur Tune or dove or
divine wisdom (when the fire was kindled in the water) to Jesus, who was also thought to be a
second Elias,-to Jesus the successor or (as believed by the Jews the) reincarnation of Elias,
and also of the itv1] mse or Messiah Moses-to Oannes or Vish-nu treading on the serpent's head .
Hence we may see why the Ras of Abyssinia was called not only Joannes, but also Butta and
Deus ; be was at once the God, Buddha, and Wisdom. Like the Lama, or Lamb of Tibet, he
was a renewed incarnation of Divine Wisdom . John was the precursor or pre-possessor of
Divine Wisdom ; the holy inspiration was incarnate in him, and he transmitted it to Jesus . It
was that inspiration which Moses transmitted to the Savionr Joshua or Jesus, the son of Nave,
and which Elias transmitted to Elisha by delivery or investiture of the Pallium, and which Mohamed
left with his cloak to Ali . John was an announcer of the Saviour, a preparer of the way, a fore-
seer or fore-knower ; hence he was endowed with wisdom, and called John.
Georgius mainstains that the Tibetian word, which he renders Gnios in Latin, and which means
Sapientia, is the same as the Fvwa'ts of Greece, and .lgnitio in Latin . If the Gn be written as
the Hebrew letter was corrupted in Tibet, it will be i o, the next letter will be ' i or yod, and
both read from right to left 01 the Deity of Wisdom. In the same way the Jnana for Wisdom
in the Sanscrit, is Oana . Here we have the Oanes . We must not forget that the Pushto or
Syriac is the dialect of Tibet, where IE is spelt IO. The Gan-esa, God of Wisdom, of India, is
Jan-esa, Jan-the Saviour. The Indian Gnia is the object of Wisdom ; Gnia in Irish is Wisdom .
Gnia is also a tree, synonymous to Feadh or Fed also a tree .' The Gnia is evidently Gnosis .
Feadh, or Fiodh, Foedh, Fodh, knowledge, a tree, in Sanscrit Fed. 2
It is a very striking and curious circumstance that in the time of Banier the Christians of St .
Thomas, of whom I have so largely treated, were so clearly known to be the descendants of the
Apostle St. Thomas, that they were called the Christians of ST . JOHN ! 3 Thus we have those
good people converted by Bartholomew, Thomas, and John . Now I believe the two last are true .
They are the followers of the Xp-6909 or Jnana incarnate, first in the Twins or Tamuz, then in
the Bull, then in the Lamb, then in the Pisces or Comasene . They are the Mandaites or Nazou-
reans of St . John of the East--of the coast of Cali or Core-manda-la . They were the Nazarenes
or Nasoureans of Carmel of the Western Syria, and the Christians of St . John .
Nimrod, amidst an immense mass of nonsense, 4 in which he calls those silly fellow$ who have
not all his advantages, (such, for instance, as knowing how the ghosts of the dead, at this day,
move from place to place by passing instead of walking) delivers a very striking opinion, which
shews that truth will sometimes make its way to the understandings of the most devoted of
devotees : " The fanatical votaries of king Attila the Hun, the Christians of St . Thomas in India,
" the Stylite Sin,eons, the apostate Nestorians, and the personage called Presbyter Johannes,

' Vail. Coll . Hib. Vol . IV . Part i . pp . 81, 82 . a Ib . p. 80.

' Tavernier's Travels, Vol . II. P. 74, ed. fol . Volume II. p. 502.
Book X . Chapter IX . Section 8 809
" appear to have been Manichaean Buddhists . The worship of the cross was coupled with that
" of the sword and of fire ; the fiery sword being cruciform ." I do not doubt that this sword
was the cross . It was the Labarum . It might be a sword for the soldiers ; it was a cross,
probably a crucifix, for the initiated . That the sects above named were Manichaean Buddhists I
have little doubt : but they were also Templars and Rossicrucians, or followers of the eight-point
Red Cross, or Naazir, or Natzir-eans, or followers of the United Red Cross and Rose of Sharon, all
the same under different names .
What could induce the learned Nimrod to suppose the Buddhists Nestorians, I do not know ;
but he would scarcely have made the assertion without reason, and it agrees very well with the
Buddhist missions to the tomb of St . Thomas, &c ., &c. I have no doubt that he was right .
The Jains, often called Jins, are admitted to be a sect of Buddhists . I suppose they took their
name from the Sanscrit word Jnana, knowledge or wisdom, or from the word Gin or Jin, which
signifies creating spirit, and is evidently the same as the other-the Buddha or Logos . Thus they
are followers of Jin or Jinistes as we should say .
The Jains have the same system of time as the Brahmins . They divide it into periods,
which have been succeeding each other without interruption, as Dubois' says, for the sake of
making them Atheists, from eternity . The periods are divided like those of the Brahmins in the
proportion of 4, 3, 2, 1 ; and, as usual, disguised under millions of years . They hold the
existence of one supreme, invisible Deity . His first attribute is dnanta Gnanam, or wisdom infi-
nite . This Gnana speaks for itself, and shews us that, at the bottom, the Jains are precisely
the same as all the other sects . 2
We must never lose sight of the admitted fact, that the Indians have as many sects as the
Western nations, and are as much in the dark respecting the origin of their religions . But no
person can observe their fine astronomy and the occasional scraps of ancient learning which are
every where met with, and doubt that they have had an ancient system, beautiful and refined,
before their present gross idolatry existed . That was at the time when the Abbe Dubois admits
that they had no images . 3 If, indeed, it were not for the hope of discovering their ancient lore,
their present nonsense, such, for instance, as that lately given to the world by Mr . Akerman,
on the Buddhists of Ceylon, would not be worthy the attention of any man of common sense
for a single moment . Few persons, in making an estimate of the present corrupt state of religion
in India, allow enough for the circumstance of the country having been for thousands of years a
prey to civil war and foreign conquest .
In the Ayeen Akbery, it is said, that the first fire temple was built by a man very famous for the
austerity of his manners, called Ma-hakmah . Here I think no one can help seeing the rii ri hkme,
or wisdom of the Hebrews in the Sanscrit. 4 There is a country of Prester John in Indian Tar-
tary. This is nothing but the Prestre Jnana or John . 5 The real Prestre John is probably the
Grand Lama,e and, xcar' e~OX7)v, THE prestre-THE incarnation of Jnana or Wisdom .
I shall again be told that this is very mystical . Indeed, it is very mystical, just as much so as
the whole character of John the Baptist ; as much so as the descent of the Dove upon Jesus, and
the fire in the river ; the transfiguration ; the declaration, that while John decreased Jesus
increased ; and many other passages in the Gospel histories,-secret doctrines kept by the priests
from the people, and for the honest explanation of which to them, the people will be in a fury
with me.

P . 557. 9 Dubois, p. 552 . sPart iii. Chap . i .

4 Vide Vallancey's Coll . Hib. Vol. VI . p . 135. ' Marsden's Marco Paulo, Ch . liv. n . 455 . 5 Ib. p. 450 .
810 Yes-Dan--Mythos in Asia Minor

9. In the Desatir, which, though perhaps in some places corrupted, is a very ancient book of
the Persians, the Creator is called Yesdan . Here we have the THE, 608, of Martianus Capella,
and the word Dan or dana or dani, in the plural Yesdanis . In Book IX . Chap . VIII . I have
shewn that all the sacred rivers had the name of Don or Adonis. This Adonis is the Hebrew
Adonai . But how came Adonis to be called Don ? The Don is the Persian Dan of the word
Yesdan, and means Wisdom or Wise. Thus Adonai is used for the Logos, by the Jews, instead of
n1i' ieue . It is curious to observe that, generally, when the names of God in the different lan-

guages are sifted to the bottom, the Sun or the idea for Wise-dom is found . In Yesdan we have
Dan the Sun Wisdom, and the solar Cycle Yes, 608 .
From the meaning of the word Jnana, which is evidently the same as John, we see why the
chief of Abyssinia was called by the words Johannes, Butta, Deus, and Ras . They serve admirably
to explain one another . In Persia, as it has been observed, the chief of the state is called Sophi .
This is evidently the Greek Eocpia, and is the same word as the name given by the Simonians
to their object of worship, which they called by the two words Sophia and Achamoth . These
are nothing but the same word for wisdom in Greek and Hebrew, and the Samaritan ririlnnps
bgmaute, the first word of Genesis .'
Stanley 2 says, the Chaldaeans were called Ashaphim . I can see in this nothing but the plural
of the Sophi of Persia preceded by the emphatic article . It is the Arabic Shaphoun . It is an
example of a Hebrew or Chaldee word to us lost . It is the plural, perhaps of the word D1b sup,
(the name of the Red Sea, which is called sup or weedy, because, as I have said before, it grows no
weeds, 3 and red or Erythrcean because it is green !) Then Ashaphim will mean the wise men .
10. If my reader look back to Book IX . Chap . X ., he will find a prophecy by Apollo, of
Miletus, of a divine incarnation crucified by Chaldman judges . They were the Chaldaeans of
Colida . The mythos is that described in this country by the Jesuits . It was the crucifixion
of Crisen and Salivahana and St . Thomas, of the Christians of Crisen . There is opposite
to Rhodes, near to Miletus, a Agmrv Xp -~ 6a, Portus Cresso : this shews the Christian tnythos .
After this we can scarcely doubt the meaning of the name of the town of Jasus, which is not far
from Miletus. There is also a place called Calinda, which I suppose is a Colida . Not far from
one of the places called Ephesus, in Asia Minor, there is a river called Indus, near a port called
Cressa . Here there were a Telmessus, and a Termissus, at the foot of which was a Solyma, in a
district called CABALLA, 4 and a Carmylessus, also a place called Callidua . 5 This is Callida.
Not far distant is a Calymna or Calmina. This is clearly Calamina, the name of the Indian St .
Thome . On the same coast there are Panionium, and a mount Chalcis, and the island Chalcia ;
also, a little inland, a Tripolis, and Thyatira, called Ak-Hisar-that may be, Akm- .,Esar, wisdom of
Ccesar. There are also the island of Argiae, and Erythraea, Nyssa, Phoenix, Larissa, Malea, and, in
the island of Chios, a Delphin . In short, here is all the mythos both of Thrace and Cape Co-
morin . And the whole of it is in the country known to the Indians by the name Roum-the
country where Troy stood, and from which the Romans obtained their Pessinuncian stone .
The Erythrwa, the Solyma under Termissus, in PAN-IONIA of Asia Minor, its Ararat in Phrygia,
the source of its river, with its twelve provinces, whose inhabitants all came to worship at one
temple-(probably Di-jana, Di-lana at Ephesus-Qu . Div-Ioni, Div of Ionia ?) the Pandaea of
Athens, with its twelve kings, &c ., which I consider as a part of Thrace, where we found the
widows sacrificed, &c ., and the Panda of North India, with its Solyma in Cashmere, &c ., and

1 Matter, Vol . II . p . 407 . Y Chal . Phil . Ch . iv . ' Vide Shaw's Travels.

4 D'Anville . s Plin . Nat . Hist . Lib . v . Cap . xxvii. xxvii i.
Book X . Chapter IX . Section 11 811
the Pandaea, and Salem, and Tripoly, &c ., of Cape Comorin, I consider of nearly the same date .
There are also a lake of Sinda and river Indus, and a Myndus and a Palaemyndus . I can make
of these nothing but the Mundus and the Palce-si-mundus of South India . Also, a town and
district called Alabanda, (like the Nau-banda of India,) and a river Chrysorrhoa.' In Asia
Minor, not far from Soluma and Cabala, there are a promontory of Cholidonia and Insulae Chali-
doniae, and, at some distance, on the same coast a Chalcis ; when I reflect upon the Cullidei or
Chaldei, and the island of Columbo or Iona, &c ., in Scotland, I cannot doubt whence its name of
Caledonia was derived . Caledonia was the sacred name of the country of the Callidei, their
common names Scots and Picts, 2 This was the country of Miletus, whence General Vallancey
found from the Irish records that they and the Scots came, for stating which he only got
laughed at. How can any thing be more striking than the two Caledonias ? I am surprised the
General overlooked this .
11 . The first word in Genesis of the Samaritans is ? le t'c l' 9
as given in Drummond and Walton . In the irrnatnpn b-gmaut-e of the Samaritans we have most
clearly the n wri-s b-hkmut or by wisdoms of the Jews, or the nmrt hkme, wisdom, in the plural
number, only a little corrupted, and with the definite or emphatic article placed, as is very
common in the oriental languages, at the end instead of the beginning of the word ; and herein is
an additional proof, if it were wanting, of the truth of my theory of the first word of Genesis .
In defiance of any quibbling about the Koph in the Samaritan instead of the Heth and Caph, I
must say I cannot conceive how any candid Hebrew scholar can deny this . But this most ancient
of the Versions removes all doubt, as to which of the meanings Wisdom or Beginning ought to be
adopted . Simon Magus was a Samaritan, and it cannot be denied that the Gnostic doctrines are
more apparent among the Samaritan heretics than among those of the Jews, which is what we
might well expect, from the first word of their Genesis .
The rendering of this word by the Chaldee Targum of Onkelos is very peculiar, and deserving
of a little more consideration . The word is 'nips h-gdmin ; the root is 1=ip qdm ; and it is a
noun in the plural number. I believe it may mean by the solar powers, as we should scarcely like
to say by the suns, =p qdin, meaning East or Sun . And we cannot render the term by firsts,
if we would wish to go to the sense of first. Besides, if it had meant the adverb FORMERLY, it
would have been d -rlp qdm, not the noun plural, p'71 ) qdmin . But why has not Parkhurst noticed
this rendering of the Targum ? I answer, for the same reason that he has not noticed the meaning
given to the word Bus, of the Jewish Genesis, by the authorities I have quoted for the considera-
tion of the reader . Though dip qdm has not the meaning of Sun given to it by Parkhurst, yet I
think several examples might be shewn where it must mean sun and not eastern. At all events,
we may be very certain that, if the rendering of Beginning could have been supported, Parkhurst
would have given it.
12. The Jews have in their Cabala a being called Adam Cadmon . The word Cadmon they do
not understand, but they make him a secondary being, formed by the Supreme Being to make the
world . It is evidently the J'm`Tp gdmin of the Targums just treated of, which, in the singular
number, is pip gdm . The Jews know as little of the meaning of the word Adam-making it to
mean red ; but in the Sanscrit I am told that its meaning is first ; Adam Cadmon, then, will be

1 Plin . Nat. Hist . Lib . v . Cap . xxix . ' Consult Lingard's History of England, Vol . I . p. 54 .
812 Wisdom in Greece and Egypt

thefirst FIRST, which is nonsense ; therefore we must go, I think, to my explanation for the Cad-
mon just now given . As the words rasit and arche had several meanings, so had the word Adam
it meant man and in the Sanscrit it meant first, and in the Ethiopic it meant beautiful-all applied
to the Adam of Genesis-differences naturally arising from distance of place and lapse of
time .
We constantly read in the Gospel histories of denunciations by Jesus Christ against the tradi-
tions of the Pharisees, by which they made the word of God of no avail . The real traditions to
which be is meant by the text to have alluded, were those which were afterwards collected and made
into what was called the Mishna and Gemara, and collectively the Talmud-chiefly a collection like
our Term reports of adjudged cases-by which decisions and forced explanations of almost every
point of their law were made, I doubt not, as Jesus Christ said, to its utter subversion . But this
our learned divines know very well was not what was meant by the Jewish Cabala, or at least (i
care not about the term) by the esoteric religion, which was, in its first principles, common both
to Jews and Samaritans . The latter, however, had, of course, nothing to do with the Mishna or
Gemara. But the word ru ri hkme of the Jerusalem Targum, and the qmut used in the Samaritan
first verse of Genesis, serve as a key to all the esoteric religions of the world . The Samaritans,
as we have seen, and as might be expected, utterly rejected what were commonly called the
Traditions ; that is, the judgments in Jewish law-suits : but they did not reject the secret
meaning of the first verse of Genesis, which carries with it the Hindoo, Gnostic, and Manichaean
doctrines of emanations . It was to conceal this fact, that the Lexicographers have concealed the
most important of the meanings of the word Ras . This is not of little importance, because it
completes the proof of the ancient nature of the Triune God, which was in reality the foundation
on which all the mythoses of the world were built .
13 . Perhaps my reader may think that I have introduced him to a science sufficiently recondite ;
but, nevertheless, I must carry him a little higher-to a mystery still more profound . When we
reflect upon the identity of the Trinitarian doctrines of Plato, of Orpheus, or the Indian or Sindi
Orpheans of Thrace, and on the Trimurti of the Indians, and on the Trinitarian explanation
which I have given of the word Aleim, of the first verse of Genesis, we cannot deny the justness
of the observation of Numenius, the Platonician, that Plato was but Moses speaking Greek, which
will be greatly strengthened by what I shall now develop .
Although we have found in Egypt the Goddess Neith, or their Minerva, the Nat of North
India ; yet we have not found the Ras or Wisdom so marked as in most other countries : but,
nevertheless, it was really there, as we might expect . Plutarch says, that Isis means Wisdom ;'
that her temple is called Iseion : alluding to that knowledge of the Eternal and Self-existent
Being which may be there obtained . Again, in Section 3, she is said to be no other than Wisdom,
the Zocza and the Mrlrzs of Greece, which is repeated in Section 60 . She is also called
Athena, 2 which we have formerly seen was the same as Helena, and meant Wisdom ;-in fact,
Athena is only the reverse way of reading the word Neithe a little transposed . Plutarch adds
that Plato asserts, that knowledge, wisdom, understanding, had their names in the Greek language
originally from a word having the same signification as Isis . But if Isis were Wisdom, Wisdom
was the Logos or Saviour, and then my derivation of Isis from ytv' .iso, to save, is very appropriate.
Again 3 he observes, that Isis is frequently called by the Egyptians Athena, signifying, in their
language, 1proceeded from myself. In the same section he says, that Typho is called Seth . In

11 Squire's Trans . de Is . et Osir ., Sect. 2 . 11 Sect . 62. 3 lb .

Book X . Chapter IX . Section 14 813
section 9 he says, that Isis is called Minerva . I We must also observe that, if Plutarch be right,
"the word Zoosa was not Greek . As we have found this word in use among the Chaldeans, the
Persians, and the Arabians, we need not be surprised at this remark of Plutarch's . There can be
no doubt that the names Isis of Egypt and Isi of India, were derived from the word of the ancient
language ytv' iso, to save, and meant Saviour, and consequently Logos as the Saviour : yet, as the
Logos, according to my system, it ought to mean Wisdom, as we have every where seen the
Logos to mean Wisdom, and this it did, as I have just shewn .
14. The Brahmins maintain that time does not exist with God . 2 Then what we call time must
be created, or called, or produced into a new existence . And as it is certainly a thing, an
existence, or ens, of the very first importance, why have we not heard of it before ? The ancients
cannot have overlooked it . This will never be believed : then where is it in their histories ? I
ask, is it not hidden under the YIti ruh, the third person of the Trinity ; the destroyer,-with its
emblem, the Cobra, having its tail in its mouth? Everything which can be predicated of the
destroyer, both as destroyer and regenerator, can be predicated of time, past and future . Of this,
deep reflection will satisfy any one who will use it . Then I see no other way of accounting
for the absence of all notice of Time, than by supposing it a part of the secret doctrine . Euripides
11oXXa yap TSXTe1

Motpa Texeco-j8mse1 p'

AWN Te Kpoys uaq s

~~ Fate that bringeth the end of things, and Eon (or an age) the son of Saturn produce many
°Q strange events ." Saturn was the father of Jupiter as Time . 4 Seva, of India, the destroyer,
was clearly Saturn or Time . In the early periods of the world, man was believed to have been
in a state of innocence and simplicity, and consequently of happiness . This was the reason why
those times were called Saturnian, as Saturn meant time past as well as time future : and as we
have found the same mythos in Guzerat, Syrastrene, and Pallitani, as we have found in Italy, we
find in each the same Satrun ja or Saturn-ia .
From the intimate union, perhaps I might say identification, of cycles with the first igneous
hydrogenous emanation, visible to us in the Sun, I think Time was not supposed to exist previous
to the Sun's existence-they were supposed to be contemporaneous-and it was thought that the
past, the present, and the future, had no existence with reference to the To Ov . I believe that
Time and Space were considered but as properties or qualities of the first emanation, that with
it they existed, and, with their absorption into the To Ov, they would cease to exist . This doctrine
is of all others the most refined . From the narrow limits of our faculties we can form no idea of
the non-existence of time or space . I believe we can form no idea of the state of the Supreme
Being except it be in a state of actual rest, or of moving to form or reform . In like manner,
in our present weakness of understanding, we can have no idea of happiness, except as compared
with its correlative, misery. God may, in some other world, cause beings to exist in some other
way ; but if he cause man, he must cause him as he is, or he will not be man, and happiness and
unhappiness, like substance and shadow, must go together, and go along with him . When Mr .
Schegel says that nothing can be more opposed to each other than Pantheism and Emanation, I

' For Isis, see Drummond on Punic Inscription .

' Asiat . Res . Vol. II . p . 115. 1 Heraclid . 900. 4 Cudworth, Book i. Ch. iv. p. 485.
811 Tc 0"

quite disagree with him .' When we get to the foundation of the two, nothing can be more easy
than to reconcile them . No doubt, among the theorising philosophers of India, doctrines of
Pantheism and Emanations, like those described by Mr . Schegel, will be found ; for what is there
that is absurd or wise in nature, which is not to be found among them ? But if the fundamental
and refined principle have been lost or corrupted in the debasement which took place in later
times in the human intellect in India, if the real, secret, refined doctrine along with all the
sciences, have been lost, this does not change its nature or prove that it did not exist .
15 . We will now try to penetrate into the Sanctum Sanctorum of the ancient philosophers of
India, Egypt, Syria, and Greece ; the highest and the most important part of whose philosophy
was a knowledge of the IIaT71P ayvwoTog, called by Plato To Ov, WHOM NO PERSON HAS SEEN
EXCEPT THE SON s -the vrav into which at last all nature was to be resolved . The knowledge of
this Being, (so clearly marked in the words of Jesus,) which I now proceed to exhibit to my reader,
is named or mystically alluded to in almost every page of the Gospel histories ; which might, not
improperly, be called histories of the parables of Jesus Christ .
In all the histories of the early Christians, called by the Paulites of Rome or Papists heretics,
we read that they held the doctrine, that the God of the Jews was not the Great God, but only a
Daemon or Angel . We shall now see the origin of this doctrine, which has always been men-
tioned by Lardner and others in such a manner as completely to deceive their readers-themselves,
probably, not seeing the nature of it : and in the explanation will he evident the secret doctrine of
the Aleim and Rasit, as I have expounded them in Book II . Chap . III. And the injustice will
be apparent which has been (lone to the sages of antiquity, in supposing that they could entertain
a belief only fit for minds enfeebled by a modern education, that the book of Genesis was to be
understood literally.
The first and most profound secret of the Cabala or Gnosis was the knowledge of the real
Cosmogomy of the universe, as held by these philosophers . At the head of all beings and their
works, the ancient Gnostics or Sophees placed a certain person called Msa Ap/~ ; also called
Harrrp o7wv, Havl~p ayvwsog, Axarovo[uasog . This name, mia arche, Mons . Matter 3 justly
says, " Nous rencontrons dans tons les systemes Gnostiques, et en general dans toutes les doctrines
" de 1'ancien monde, clans l'Inde comme en Perse . Tout est emane de cet etre, tout doit rentrer
cc un jour dans son sein ."
This zsaTrlP ayvwozog has been said to dwell en profunditate, in the Bythos, or Bu9os, or
BaOug, in profound darkness . This was because the sun and light itself, as well as all other
matter, was supposed to emanate from him . Supposing that he was thought to be light itself,
yet still the light was thought to dwell in darkness . If I be asked to explain how this could be,
I answer, It is illusion, or, in other words, it is above the human understanding-it is the Illusion
of India .
But before I proceed, I must make an observation upon the ancient Pantheism . Every person,
who has reflected upon this subject, knows very well the impossibility of forming an idea of the
mode in which mind or spirit brings matter into existence, if ever it bring it into existence at all .
The term generation is but a figurative expression, used to describe an idea which a person does
not really possess, whatever he may fancy-of the destruction of matter man is equally ignorant .
The result of deep and profound reflection upon these points produced the doctrine of Pantheistic
emanation . Men supposed that matter emanated or flowed from the Deity, like rays from the

' Pritchard. I Gospel History . ' Hist . Gnost . Vol. II . p . 266 .

Book X. Chapter IX . Section 15 815
sun, eternally flowing from a never-failing spring, and perhaps that all matter consisted of rays of
light or fire in different combinations, or under different circumstances .
When the ancient philosopher reflected deeply upon what be saw constantly going on around
him in the great laboratory of nature, he could not help perceiving, that by one process or other
every substance was capable of being resolved, and was in fact constantly resolving, into an
invisible, impalpable fluid . As this fluid was too refined to be subject to any of his senses, of
course he could form no idea of it ; but yet, reasoning from analogy, he was induced to believe
in its existence . The fluid here spoken of was called an ethereal or a spiritual fire,' and I
suppose more nearly answers to the Galvanic, or Electric, or Magnetic fluid than to any thing
with which I am acquainted . When matter was reduced back again by igneous purification, or,
in other words, when matter was resolved into this invisible fire as it had originally flowed or
emanated from the first To Ov it approximated to, perhaps arrived at, a state to be ready for
re-absorption into the first To Ov again. Thus when re-absorbed, all nature was God, as God had
been all nature previous to the emanation . And what was the To Ov ? A Point, the centre
of a circle whose circumference is no where, and its centre every where ; Illusion of which our
senses cannot lay hold .
We have here the Pantheism, the grossness of which, more or less misrepresented, serves to
horrify those priests who teach literally what the words literally express, that the To Ov walked
in the garden, or strove to kill Moses at an inn, but failed . This is the Indian doctrine, which
its professors call illusion-an expression which appears to me to be beautifully characteristic
for when, step by step, we arrive at last at this point, every thing appears to slip from under
us, or to pass away into nothing-because the subject is beyond the reach of our senses . And
now we may see what these ancient philosophers meant by their doctrine of the eternity of matter ;
for when it was absorbed into the To Os', how could it be any thing but eternal ? By being
absorbed, it was not supposed to be destroyed . I need not point out how admirably this eluci-
dates the doctrines of Ammonius, that all the sects of philosophy, including the Christian, were at
the bottom the same, and originated from one and the same source .
I think much of the objection to the doctrine that ex nihilo nihil fit has arisen from the meaning
of the word nihil or nothing being misunderstood . According to the doctrine of emanation, I
think it is not absurd . If I possess an idea of emanation, and do not deceive myself, it follows
from that doctrine, because all existences emanate from the To Ov and re-immerge into it, and
it always exists ; therefore, matter or existences will always exist, and without the To Ov
cannot exist . 2 As the To Ov cannot but exist, matter cannot but exist ; for it will always exist,
either as an emanation, or in the To Ov .
As every being was an emanation, and would ultimately be re-absorbed into the To Ov,
so every being was a part of the To Ov ; and on this principle the adoration of animals was
attempted to be excused . On this principle, also, we find the inferior emanations, the Trinity,
or its Persons, receiving epithets, in strictness applicable only to the To Ov . For instance, I
am Alpha and Omega. And under the belief in the existence of the Har'~ p ayvwnros, concealed

' Unmeaning words as -here applied, because applied to no idea, man having, in fact, no idea of this fire-too
refined to be cognizable by his senses .
This has been well explained by Thomas Burnet, in his Arch . Phil . Ch . vii ., and shewn to be the doctrine of the
Orientals, and of the Cabala or tradition of the Jews, and of the Essenes, who, he observes, according to Philo, had
their knowledge from the Brahmins .
816 To Ov
every where, a studied mysticism is observable, which can in no other way be accounted for.
This was an effect which must necessarily have followed the concealment of the First Cause
from inquiring but uninitiated philosophers, if the secret of initiation were to be preserved .
Mr . Mosheim has judiciously observed, that in Philo passages in direct contradiction to each
other may be found, for the evident purpose of concealment .' As he was confessedly of the
school of Plato, which used this practice, as I have shewn in my first Book, it is what might be
expected, and serves to account for various difficulties, otherwise unintelligible . It was for the
purpose of concealing his system that Plato adopted the practice of maintaining doctrines in direct
contradiction to each other ; and thus he furnished plausible grounds for misrepresentations by
his enemies, as the initiated only could understand him . It is to a want of knowledge of this
principle or practice of Plato's that many of the difficulties in his works are to be attributed.
Let this be kept in remembrance by his reader, and they will instantly disappear . But the
practice is admitted by his commentators . So completely confused is his Timteus, that the
learned translator, Mr . Taylor, of the work upon it by Proclus, in order to make sense of it, is
obliged to propose 1200 emendations of the text . Without meaning any reflection on my learned
and excellent friend Mr . Taylor, I must observe, that, as we know he had a system to support,
and that he is not exempt from human frailty, we cannot safely admit, as a matter of course, that
his translation and amended version is not in some degree coloured by his system and his 1200
emendations . And I must further observe, that if Plato intended to write enigmatically or in
parables, if the 1200 emendations have for their object the rendering of the text clear, I much fear
that, instead of emendations, many of them must be classed as corruptions.
Plato does not profess to have been the inventor of his own doctrines, but in his epistles he
says that he has taken them from ancient and sacred discourses-a - aaa6ot xat iepot ? oyos .
Mr. Colebrooke says, that many of the tenets of the Hindoos are the same as those of the
Platonists and Pythagoreans, and admits that the latter appear to be the learners, rather than the
teachers of them . 2 It is, indeed, very notorious that those two men went to the East to learn,
not to teach .
To return to my subject . It must not be expected that the grand secret, the knowledge of the
highest and last secret of the initiated, of the illuminati, will be found clearly described in any
work written by one of the initiated .
I have no doubt that the Cabalistic eeconomy was similar to that of a lodge of Freemasons,
and proceeded to the top by gradation, 3 and that masonry, which was a part of it, existed long

' Comm . Cent . ii . note Vidal, p . 170. 2 Asiat. Trans. Vol. I . P . 579.
3 No Royal-Arch Mason will find a difficulty in seeing that part of his refined secret mysteries have been in ancient
times closely connected with the profound doctrines exposed to public view in this book . Whether at this time they
be the same as those described in this book, whether they be changed, and if changed, how much changed, and when
changed, are poigts of which, for very obvious reasons, I do not inform my reader ; and I now warn him, that from
any thing here said he will not be justified in drawing a conclusion . But he must recollect that nothing but a miracle
could preserve Masonry from change in so great a number of years . If he be, however, as I hope he is, an honourable,
upright, and benevolent man, and wish to know the truth by working himself up to the Royal Arch, he then will
know it. More I add not here : the uninitiated have no business to know . To the initiated I need not tell it . But
every one may rest assured, from the great number of beneficed and respectable priests, both of the Roman and
Protestant Church, who are admitted to the highest degrees of Masonry, that there is nothing in it at this day which
can militate in the slightest degree against the Christian religion as held either at Rome or at Lambeth .
About the middle of the last century, the Masonic societies shewed themselves in Germany in a more prominent
way than they had done for many generations, and, under the guidance of several able and philanthropic men, both
Catholic and Protestant priests and laymen, it is probable gave encouragement to resistance to the united despotism of
Book X . Chapter IX . Section 15 817
before the time of the Exod from Egypt . In the time of Moses, the three elders of what might
be called the chapter, were Moses, Aholiab, and Bezaleel, the son of UaI, the son of Hur, 1 and
to them only was the highest secret confided . When Jesus Christ was (what is called) trans-
figured or metamorphosed, (is not this mysterious and esoteric enough ?) there were present
Jesus, Moses, and Elias, the three teachers, and the three apostles, Peter, James, and John,
the three learners, of the Gnosis or secret knowledge, which was transmitted by them to posterity
with the greatest care .
The knowledge of the High Secret could only be obtained by the uninitiated by implication ;
but still from unprincipled high-priests, or high-priests afflicted with insanity, against which
accident nothing can for an absolute certainty guard a secret society, it may have transpired in
the course of thousands of years . The close similarity of the Jewish and Indian systems, and a
comparison of them with the mysterious expressions of Philo and Plato justifies what I state to
be the high mystery, and of which I shall presently finish the explanation . This ignorance of
the grand secret accounts very well for the attributes of the aariip ayvwsog being often given
by writers to the second and third emanations-accounts for the lines of distinction not being
well drawn, between the different orders . A confusion of terms is clearly perceptible, though the
principle is equally clear to a person understanding the secret doctrine . This confusion arose, I
do not doubt, partly from ignorance, partly from design .
The ancient Jews maintained, that their Cabala was revealed by God to Moses, and was
transmitted verbally ; it being too sacred to be written . (This is very like Freemasonry.) This
has been unmercifully ridiculed by Christians, but though often discussed, no cool, philosophical,
and unprejudiced inquiry into the meaning of the tradition, has, to my knowledge, been attempted .
This has arisen, in a great measure, from the mistake in the meaning of the words respecting
traditions attributed to Jesus Christ in the Gospel histories : his justly-merited anathemas against
the traditions of the elders, as just now described, being confounded with the traditionary Cabala.
It is evident that the Cabala had not any tendency, in any way whatever, either to make the law

the Roman Pontiffs and the Royal tyrants of Europe, which, in France and Germany, had risen to such a pitch as to be
no longer tolerable. The activity of the Masons being discovered, it produced the persecution of their order all over
the continent ; and it was much increased in consequence of several publications of three persons called Zimmerman,
Baruel, and Robison . The first was decidedly insane, and the other two were operated on by groundless fears, in
such a manner as to be in a state very little better, and which rendered them totally incapable of distinguishing
between the destruction of religion, and the destruction of the base system to which the professors of religion had
made it subservient . They all admit that the British Masons had nothing to do with these hydra-headed conspiracies,
and endeavour to draw a line between them and their Continental Brethren, being unable to see that the difference
was not in the societies, which were the same, but in the countries-Britain being comparatively free and happy,
the other countries enslaved and miserable . Although the object of Masons is not politics, I flatter myself that if our
King were to disperse the Parliament by means of a body of Swiss soldiers, the Freemasons would not be the only
people in England who would not lend ALL the assistance in their power to effect his overthrow .
Some years ago a treatise was written on Masonry by a gentleman of the name of Preston. It contains much
useful information ; but as he had not the least suspicion of the real origin of Masonry, and as his book is merely a
party performance to claim for the London Grand Lodge a priority over the Lodges of Scotland and York, to which it
had originally no pretension whatever, except the possession of power, I need take no more notice of it than to
observe, that it is very well done, and is very creditable to its author, who, probably, was sincere in what he wrote .
The Masons of Southern England, until amalgamated with those of York, were, in fact, only a modern offset of some
other Lodge. A few Masons of other lodges associating formed a lodge . The reason was this-the Druids of
Stonehenge, Abury, &c ., &c ., were all killed or banished to the Northern countries or Wales by the Romans . Thus
we have no Culdees in the South. For though companies of masons came to build the cathedrals, they had no here-
ditary settlements after the time of the Romans, like the others . The Masons or Culdees of York might have returned
from Scotland after their persecution was over, probably in the time of Constantine the Pagan Christian .
I Exod. xxxi. 2-6, xxxv. 30-34 . The Jewish Sanhedrim had three presidents .
818 To Ov

of no avail or not, and therefore could not have been what was meant by him . Indeed, I maintain
that there is not in the Gospel histories a single expression of Jesus Christ's recorded against the
Cabala. But there are many which pretend to sbew that he was perfectly acquainted with the
existence of the Father, who dwelt in the darkness, whom NO PERSON HAS SEEN EXCEPT THE
SON, and that he considered himself as an incarnation of one of the persons of the Trinity .
The Jewish Cabala, that is, the Cabala of the tribe of Ioudi-the Cabala of the numerous temples
of Solomon which have been mentioned, was divided into two parts-the one consisting of the
natural philosophy, called Mercavah ; the other of the moral, called Barasith . We will first
explain the natural philosophy of the system ; and first, the creation . There were various
creations. The first creation was effected by way of emanation ; and this was the idea or plan
of the universe, not the little globe only which we inhabit. From this proceeded the second,
which was the Trimurti or Trinity which formed the =, nw smim, our world and system, (but
not herein including the stars) 1 by the agency of one of its own persons, who was the Aoyos,
or Sophia, or Metis, or Buddha . The doctrine of the divine idea is distinctly expressed in the
laws of Menu . 2 It was also clearly the doctrine of Plato and Philo, i . e. of the Cabala. But of
course it was not expressed in the book of Genesis, which professed to be only a book or descrip-
tion of the generations or cosmogony of our globe and of the planetary system with which it is
connected-viz . the regeneration of the planetary system and the earth . It would clearly have
been inconsistent with the object of Moses to have revealed to the vulgar Jews the sublime know-
ledge of the Mta A pX') or the cosmogony of the universe, 3 the knowledge of the Hari1Q
Ayvwcos, the Brahme-Maia, or, as the Hindoo philosopher called it, Illusion .
The Cabalistic secret of the iraTrlp ayvwcos of the Jews and the Samaritans was identical
with the first principle of Buddhism . The institutes of Menu 4 say, "This universe existed
" only in the first divine idea, yet unexpanded, as if involved in darkness, imperceptible, unde-
"finable, undiscoverable by reason, and undiscovered by revelation, as if it were wholly immersed
~Qin sleep : then the sole self-existing power, himself undiscerned, appeared with undiminished
" glory, expanding his idea, or dispelling the gloom." From these two beings jointly emanated
the Trimurti, one of whose persons was the Sanscrit Jnana or Dschnana, which is Wisdom or
the Buddha, and answers to the TvwTts or Aoyos of the Greeks. Thus the Trimurti was not
the Supreme Being, but an emanation .
At the top of all existences we find the Brahme-Maya . Here I think, generally speaking, is a
mistake. Maya is likened to the wife of Brahme, but still she is admitted to be what is called
illusion . Now, I apprehend Brahme (not Brahm) is the To Ov, the Monad, and Maya is the
idea or plan of the universe, which was the first emanation from the iravii p ayvwtzog or To ov,
and which answers very well to the idea of illusion, into which all inferior existences are supposed
to resolve, and which at last resolves itself into the To ov .'

II beg my reader to recollect what I have said of the interpolation of the words the stars also in the 16th verse of
the first chapter of Genesis .
s Asiat. Res. Advertisement to Vol. V. p. v . ; Inst. of
Menu, by G. C. Haughton .
' And it was on this account that the stars are not named, but were, in consequence, interpolated by persons who
did not understand the system.
* By the learned Professor Haughton .
' This is no doubt very abstruse, and will appear very ridiculous to such wise people as believe that the To Or
" walked in a garden in the cool of the evening." I shall be sorry if they take the trouble to read it, for it is very
unfit for them . It is food which is certain to disagree with their stomachs.
Book X. Chapter IX . Section 15 S1'J
But it will be said, that the first emanation from the Trimurti was Buddha, or Rasit, or Logos .
True . But Buddha or Logos was Tri-Vicramaditya or the triple energy, was the Trimurti
itself, which Mr . Colebrooke, and all other oriental writers, tell us the Indians held to be three
persons and one God, three in one and one in three-though three, yet one ; though one, yet three
Buddha in India, Logos in Greece, Ras in Syria, each being the name in the respective countries,
of the Creator or person of the three employed by the three or Aleim itself to form anew or reform
the world . Thus Genesis says, by Ras, or Wisdom, or the Logos, the Aleim or Trinity regenerated'
the world ; but it does not name the Supreme Being by the word Aleim . The doctrine of the
vraT-~ p ayvw6Tos, the Nua apx,~ , the 7r=-rp Wov, the axaTovoptasog, 2 the Brahme-Maia of
India was never written ; it was only entrusted to the Cabala-to tradition-to the 5sa gbl, in the
plural t='5n'a giblint. It was not necessary in order to explain so much as was intended to be
described to the readers of Genesis, (secret as, I am certain, Genesis was kept,) or the Persian
book of Ibrahim or Sophia, to name it . This was divulged only in the highest and most secret
chapter of the high or chief priests, the three past principals of the cabinet of twelve, formed
from the Seventy-two, the Sanhedrim, seventy-two in number, the predecessors of the seventy-
tivo (when complete) in the Romish College of Cardinals . The name of this God was like
the sacred M or Ors of India,-the sacred Om to be meditated on, but not to be named-
M=600 .
These doctrines constituted the grand article of the Cabala, and are strictly in accordance with
the dark allusions or mystic expressions which we find in Philo, Plato, 3 and the Gospel histories .
As no religion remains unchanged, the complication, which is found in the present Cabala, was
most of it probably added afterward .
All, as far as stated above, we may, I think, safely take as the Tvwatg : whether we can take
any part of what is further stated as the doctrines of the different sects of Gnostics, 4 by their
enemies, at once ignorant, prejudiced, and malicious, may be greatly doubted . It is certain that
numbers of subordinate sects among the Gnostics had arisen in the first centuries of the Christian
sera, and, in fact, the pure oriental Tvw6ts had then become complicated, corrupted, and degraded .
This was a natural effect . All religions as they advance in time have this tendency . What were
the opinions of the different subordinate sects is scarcely worth an inquiry, except it could be
made conducive to a more perfect discovery of the ancient foundation on which the whole was
built . The same corruption had crept into the Jewish Cabala . They were, indeed, the same .
Philo, in his book de Sacrifrciis Abelis et Caini, lays down the doctrine of the Triune nature of
the Deity ; at the same time he states it to be a secret or mystery not, in ALL its parts, to be
revealed to the vulgar . The passage is discussed at length in Mosheim's Commentaries, Cent . ii .
Sect . xxxv., and it is there shewn, that the same is taught as part of the esoteric doctrine by
Philo, in many other parts of his works . How strongly, and, indeed, I may say, decisively, this
supports my explanation of the Aleiui and the whole of the first verse of Genesis, I need not
point out .
In his book upon the creation, Philo every where supposes the prior existence of Plato's ideal
world, and represents the Deity as constructing visible nature after a model which he had first

' This is what we call begotten in our creeds . This degrading word is used to conceal the secert meaning of regene-
rated, which, if used, would have endangered the discovery of the secret doctrine of emanations .
s Qui nominari non potest. 3 Matter, Vol. II . p . 267.
' The Jews named their books after the first word : thus Genesis was called Barasit . The Persians at their Tuct
Soleiman, I have no doubt, called the same book Sophia or Er Io4, perhaps meaning BY Wisdom .
820 To Ov

formed . He attributes to Moses all the metaphysical subtleties of Plato upon this subject, and
maintains that the philosopher received them from the followers of the holy prophet,' and when
we recollect that Plato studied on Mount Carmel this seems probable enough : but he might also
get his doctrine from the Egyptians . Philo maintains, that God first formed an intelligible and
incorporeal model, after which he framed, by his Logos, the corporeal world . He supposes the
order of the visible world to have been adapted to the Pythagorean system of numbers ; but how
this was done is not explained, being probably considered sacred and secret ; but will be explained
by me in a future book . But I think my reader will have no difficulty in believing it to be
connected with the system of cycles found in the capitals of the Pillars Jachin and Boaz, the
priest's garment of Pomegranates and Bells, 72x5=360, and 72x6=432 .
The language of
Philo is accused of being obscure. This must necessarily be the case, where a person is de-
scribing part of a secret system, which he must not betray . This consideration also accounts, as
I have formerly said, for the studied obscurity of Plato .
On EVERY account there is no philosopher, of antiquity, who deserves to rank higher than
Philo. If any man could be supposed to understand the Cabala or secret doctrine, it was Philo .
He was in the first rank of society, and of unimpeachable moral character . How foolish is it to
permit the priests to run him down by their ridiculous, idle assertions, that he attempted to
Platonise Moses,-that he was tainted with the Platonic philosophy, &c ., &c .! No doubt he was
tainted with his own philosophy, with that philosophy which he had learnt in the adytum of his
temple, and which we have found with the Buddhists, with the Zoroastrians or Orpheans, with
the followers of Hermes, Pythagoras, and Plato, and which was the same as the secret doctrine
of Moses, a fact which was never doubted, (though not publicly known,) till modern priests,
whose minds were of too mean a class to understand so sublime a system, denied it, though at
the same time they were obliged to allow that the Jews had really FROM THE MOST REMOTE
PERIOD, secret doctrines . 2 Their only reason for misrepresenting the doctrines and learning of
Philo is this, that his doctrines place their vulgar nonsense, only fit for such minds as their own,
in the shade .
But Mr . Basnage 3 has examined this question, and has shewn, that there is very good reason
to believe that Philo did not copy from Plato, but that he got his Trinity and Hypostases from
Egypt and the East, as might be expected . Philosophers very seldom went from the East to
Greece to learn, but they sometimes went to teach .
If we now look back to Book III . Chap. I ., and carefully read what is there said respecting
the Trinities of Zoroaster, Orpheus or Plato, and Philo, and what is extracted from Maurice,
Michaelis, Marsh, &c ., we shall see that it is evident, either that the whole doctrine was not
exposed to the public, or was not understood by them . There is apparently some confusion in the
accounts of these esoteric doctrines as might be expected : but they all fall short in the Brahme-
Maia, the j ;a apXrl, the 7rarrlq ayv m sos, the axarovoµa6TOs, from which the 7rpcwroyovoc, the
Toyog, the iuX I~ xoo7 8a or Triune God, proceeded . They do not go so far as this grand secret
person, the Father whom no person hath known or shall know except the Son, and those to whom
the Son shall reveal him . 4 An attentive reader will not fail to perceive that the whole of this
abstruse doctrine is a cosmogony, that is, a formation of the universe, a building of it up by the
Grand Megalistor, the greatest and first of Masons . Yerbum sapienti.
I think no person will deny that the system of emanation which I have unfolded is, whether

Enfield, Phil . Ch . i. q Enfield, Hist . Phil . Book iv . Ch. iii .

Book iv. Ch . xxiv. Matt. xi . 27 ; Luke x . 22.
Book X . Chapter IX . Section 16 821
true or false, very refined and beautiful : it is much to be regretted that the later Cabalists and
Gnostics should, by only half understanding it, have drawn it out into a tissue of the greatest and
most childish nonsense, a very fair account of which may be seen in Basnage . I
The Conclaves, in which the Cabalistic doctrines here treated of were held, were, I do not
doubt, of the nature of Masonic societies, and were the origins of, or the same as, the Caldaei,
Colidei, Culdees, Architectonici, Mathematici, Dionysionici, Freemasons, Templars, and Rosi-
crucians . In these societies the most refined doctrines were known only to a few of the select
or perfecti at the head of the others : to this elevation they rose by regular gradation, and to this
small chapter only the w argp ayvw (r roc was known. To these Masons it was known that the tem-
ple of Solomon with its Pillars and Pomegranates, 2 was only a type of the universe, a microcosm ;
and the Masons themselves were only workmen and servants of the great fabricator,-of the Jupiter
Megalistor of the Universe . Masons were all servants toiling in their respective vocations, and
rising by degrees to the knowledge of the 4EN A. And, in imitation and as types of the
world, all their temples of Solumi were built . These Masons were the Cyclopes, the men who
first fabricated temples, and thence became Masons . Look but at their circles of stones in
twelves, sevens, nineteens, six hundreds, six hundred and eights, six hundred and fifties, their
emblems on the Cyclopean ruins of Mundore, Agra, &c . The inferior Masons were the builders
of the stone circles or temples, the superior ones were Megalistors, Cosmogonists-builders of
worlds-or planners of temples in imitation of them. Nothing can well be devised more Masonic
than the name given to the Trinitarian Creator Oi p4ep , os, of which Jesus Christ was the second
person, and, therefore, the great Megalistor, or fabricator, or I')p .ispyo5 •
16 . If a person reflect deeply upon the circumstances in which the first priests must have been
placed when the earliest attempt at building a temple was made, he will perceive that it was quite
natural for them to become Masons . In order to place their structures according to the cardinal
points, and their large stones according to the exact number of their cycles, they must have been
possessed of all the learning of the world . I have a strong suspicion that at the first the Monastic
and Masonic orders were identical. Monks were priests 3 REGULARLY initiati or regulars : seculars
were priests or officers of religion, not regularly initiati, as their name shews .
I cannot conceive how it is possible to read the Gospel histories with attention, and not to see
that a secret doctrine is taught . There is scarcely a chapter without a parable . "In parables spake
u he unto them, that while seeing they might not perceive, and hearing they might not understand ." 4
What can be clearer than the following passages ? ac He answered and said unto them, Unto you
11 it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God : but unto them that are without, all

' Book iii.

s The pillars Jachin and Boaz had around each of their capitals one hundred pomegranates . (1 Kings vii. 20 ; 2
Chron . iii. 16, 17.) This fruit was selected on account of the star-like flower, with six leaves or rays at the top of the fruit .
Parkhurst, in voce, nn1 rme VII . Thus 6 x 100=600. The same fruits were hung round the priest's garment, 72 in
number. Thus, 72 x 6=432 . Can it be accident that these two numbers are brought out ! They arise from Park-
hurst's observations, but that is a consequence of which he had not the most distant suspicion ; for he understood the
nature neither of the 600 nor of the 432. The pomegranate was as sacred among the Gentiles as among the Jews .
Achilles Tatius says, that at Pelusium Zeus Casius held this MYSTERIOUS fruit in his hand : IIpotet1o rao Se ,rrly xeupa,
Kai axes 'POIAN Ele avsq . T,IS be 'Poias o Xoyos favpxos. Ach. Tat. Lib. iii. p . 16 7.
3 If Eustychius can be credited, the persons who took the lead in the building of Babylon with its tower, &c ., were
seventy-two in number. Eutych. Annal, p. 51, Oxon . 1658, apud Nimrod, Vol . II. p . 492 .
* For a complete proof that there was a secret religion, both Mosaic and Christian, concealed under vulgar allego-
rical histories, the last chapter of Burnet's Archaeologia may be consulted .
822 Christian Mysteries
" these things are done in parables : that seeing they may see, and not perceive ; and bearing,
" they may bear, and not understand ; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins
" should be forgiven them ." Mark iv. 11, 12 ; Matt . xiii . 13-15 . 1 notice this passage, ascribed
to the essence of benevolence and charity, by our books, no further at present than to point out
the doctrine of an esoteric religion or the absolute, direct authority for the opinion, that Jesus
taught the existence of an esoteric religion . On other accounts I shall have much, very much, to
say in my next volume respecting these words ascribed to Jesus . The part which I have
marked by italics is evidently an interpolation, of ignorant, uninitiated persons, Paulites, to account
for or explain what they did not understand . Mosheim 1 being obliged to allow that the Christian
religion bad its mysteries like all other religions, disguises it very ingeniously . When, perhaps,
from the miseries of the times they became lost, their previous existence would be denied, and
this was much aided by the degraded state of the human mind, at that time very fit for devil
driving and exorcising, and for such pernicious nonsense as the passage in italics, but very unfit
for such refined theories as those of Plato, Philo, or Porphyry .
Indeed no one can deny, that a certain mysticism reigns in every part of the Gospel his-
tories, as well as through the Pentateuch . Every thing is taught in parables, that the vulgar
seeing, might not perceive ; and hearing, might not understand . No one, I think, who can read,
can deny this . s
17. The transfiguration or metamorphosis, as the Greek word means, of Jesus Christ has puzzled
all modern divines, as might well be expected . I will now shew what it means . Surely our
divines will not see ! Do none of them read the early fathers?
The Christian religion was divided by the early fathers, in its secret and mysterious character,
into three degrees, the same as was that of Eleusis, 3 viz. Purification, Initiation, and Perfection . a
This is a dry matter of fact, and this we have on the authority of, and openly declared, among others,
by Clemens Alexandrinus, who it cannot be believed would have stated this if it were false, it
being a falsity without any object, and the falsity of which must have been known to all the world .
When Jesus was transfigured, an operation sufficiently mystical and esoteric I should think, he had
with him only three of his disciples-James, John, and Peter . At the time of this transfiguration the
secret yvm€tc, which was, at least in part, the knowledge of the pats apXrl, and w aTrl p ayva76TOs,
WAS BELIEVED to have been conferred on the three . And this we have again on the indisputable
authority of Clenzens Alexandrinus . 5 From these three I have little or no doubt, that the Popes
yet believe that they have the above-described secret doctrine or Gnosis, handed down in the

Com. Sect . xiii . xiv.

It The word mystery, Mvcpcov, Mr. Cleland says, comes from the Celtic word wist or wise ; which, in the sense of

knowing or knowledge, which it has, he seems to think, is rather opposed to the definition of secrecy. But in this I
cannot agree with him . He says it is the radical of History ; but I think of secret history ; for, originally, there was
no other kind of history . It is istory with the mystic monogram M prefixed, and means the istory of Om . He says
it answers to Gheib, which means, in Arabic, Fable. This is as gb, and is the root of the word Cabala, secret or
sacred tradition or history, and of Giblim . Parable is par-Kabul. Habul is Cabul, Cabala. This is also the same as
the Faba, a fable ; whence the Pythagorean precept, Abtain from Fable-idle stories. Clel . et voce, p . 1 . Parabl to
talk, confabulari to talk together. Apologue, Habul-laigh a fable in verse. Ib .
• Fabric . Bibl . Gr. Vol. VII. p . 101 . The systems were the same .
• The Perfection applies to the expression of Jesus in Matthew : If thou wilt be perfect, &c ., and alludes to dividing
his substance with the poor, as the perfecti, or monks, always did-that is, to the order, who no doubt did distribute,
after supplying their own necessities, the rents to the poor, keeping the capital or estate. Nimrod, Vol . III. p . 419 .
3 Mosheim, Com . Cent . ii. Sect, xxxv. pp . 165, 167 ; Matt. xvii . 1, 2 ; Luke ix . 28, 29.
Book X . Chapter IX . Section 17 823
conclave . Peter was the first Pope or Principal of the sacred chapter of twetve, and of the lodge
or conclave of seventy-two or Sanhedrim .
The Jews have among them the very interesting ceremony, (of the extreme antiquity of which
I have no doubt, as traces of it may be found among the followers of Mithra, and of Pythagoras,
at Delphi, and as the Roman Church so far very properly holds, it existed among the Judi in the
time of Melchizedek,) of the sacrifice of Bread and Wine . When a master of a Jewish family
has finished the Paschal supper, he breaks the bread, and along with the crater or cup, (or
perhaps holy Sangreal refused to the laity, but much sought after and desired,) hands it round to
the whole of his family, servants and all, in token of brotherly love . This is purely a Masonic
institution, and was practised by Jesus Christ, at his last Paschal festival or supper, when he
handed it round to the close chapter of twelve, of which he was Principal. Each chapter ought
to consist of twelve companions, past masters of Lodges, and each Lodge of seventy-two Bre-
thren . I Perhaps the piety of some Christians may take alarm at what is here said ; but they
will not readily persuade me that this is solely a Christian ceremony-as I find it in India, in Per-
sia, at Gerizim, at Delphi, in Italy, and yet existing in its original and native beauty and simplicity
among the Jews all over the world .
We will now explain the second part of the Cabala called Barasit ; but it is very difficult
entirely to separate the two parts . The second is what Clemens Alexandrines, 2 as head of the
sacred college or catechetical school of Alexandria, professed to have had delivered to him, by his
predecessors ; the secret doctrines which he declares were delivered by Jesus Christ himself to
James, John, and Peter . Mr. Mosheim says, " What those maxims and principles were which
• Clement conceived himself to be precluded from communicating to the world at large, cannot
• long remain a secret to any diligent and attentive reader of his works . There cannot be the
• smallest question but that they were philosophical explications of the Christian tenets respecting
• the Trinity, the soul, the world, the future resurrection, Christ, the life to come, and other
" things of a like abstruse nature, which had in them somewhat that admitted of their being
• expounded upon philosophical principles . They also, no doubt, consisted of certain mystical
• and allegorical interpretations of the divine oracles, calculated to support those philosophical
• expositions of the Christian principles and tenets . For since, as we have above seen, he
• expressly intimates that he would in his Stromata unfold a part of that secret wisdom which
• was designed only for the few, but that in doing this he would not so far throw off all reserve
• as to render himself universally intelligible, and since we find him, in the course of the above-
• mentioned work, continually giving to the more excellent and important truths contained in the
" sacred volume, such an interpretation as tends to open a wide field for conjecture, and also
" comparing not openly, but in a concise and half obscure way, the Christian tenets with the
• maxims of the philosophers, I am willing to resign every pretension to penetration if it be not
• clearly to be perceived of what nature that sublime knowledge respecting divine matters must
have been, of which he makes such a mystery ." 3 No doubt Mr . Mosheim is right as far as he

' On the opening of the Jubilee year, the Pope, who holds many secret things, not suspected, in his fisherman's
poitrine, acting as Grand Master of the Masons as well as of the Fishermen, striking seven blows, with a silver
hammer, knocks down the sacred door . This I saw him do ; and this he did as Grand Master-Mason of the world.
This he (lid as the head of the Ras or Mysteries of the world, as Vicar of the Grand Megalistor . If. an enemy of
Masonry should say that the Masons are only moderns, copying in modern times from the Christian octrines here
developed, I reply, that is impossible ; for these doctrines have been unknown for the last thousand years, therefore
the imitation must have taken place before that date .
e Mosheim, Com . Cent . IL-p. 164. ' Ibid. P . 166.
824 Christian Mysteries

goes ; but he has overlooked or concealed the most important point of the yvmdtg, and that
which serves as a key to all the remainder, the knowledge of the xwarr;p ayvwsog, t in this respect
exhibiting the sagacity of Clemens and his own want of it, or his own disingenuousness .
Eusebius says, that " Our Lord had preferred Peter, James, and John, before the rest ."
Again, "The Lord, after his resurrection, conferred the gift of knowledge (this should be wisdom)
• upon James the Just, John, and Peter, which they delivered to the REST of the Apostles, and
" those to the seventy disciples, one of whom was Barnabas ." 2 On this subject Mosheim says,
• Why James, and John, and Peter should have been, in particular, fixed upon as the Apostles
" whom Christ selected as the most worthy of having this recondite wisdom communicated to
" them by word of mouth is very easily perceived . For these were the three disciples whom
• our blessed Saviour took apart with him up into the mountain, when be was about to be
" transfigured ." 3 But for what was this parable of the transfiguration adopted ? Surely if the
uncontradicted evidence of Ammonius, Clemens, and Eusebius, on the fact of the meaning of the
transfiguration and the nature of the secret doctrine is not to be taken, nothing can be believed .
The whole forms a rational explanation of the meaning of the transfiguration which has never even
been attempted before.
The doctrine that the Christian religion contained a secret or allegorical meaning is so clearly
acknowledged, laid down, and treated on as an admitted fact, by Justin, Clemens Alexandrinus,
Origen, and indeed by all the very early fathers, that to attempt to give quotations from their works
would be wilfully to weaken the evidence of the fact, unless I were to fill fifty pages with them
indeed, I must copy their works . I shall, therefore, say no more on the subject, for it is a point
which cannot be disputed ; and so the Christian religion continued till the time of Origen, when
the doctrines of Paul prevailed, and Origen was declared by the Paulites a heretic for professing it .
The following passage spews the character of Mosheim . It is given in reprobation of Ammo-
nius, while, in the mind of every philanthropic person, it carries a panygeric on him . But the
doctrine of Ammonius would bring peace, not a sword. This would, indeed, be unpriestly . " But
"Ammonius, conceiving that not only the philosophers of Greece, but also all those of the
" different barbarous nations, were perfectly in unison with each other with regard to every
" essential point, made it his business so to temper and expound the tenets of all these various
• sects, as to make it appear that they had all of them originated from one and the same source,
• and all tended to one and the same end ." 4 The fact is, Christianity was no other than the
eclectic philosophy which professed to contain that portion of truth possessed by every sect of
religion or system of philosophy . How is it possible, in a few words, to make of it a finer
panegyric ?-a panegyric which, alas 1 it did not long deserve, at least in its practical operation .
In another place Mosheim says, " The favourite object with Ammonius, as appears from the
" disputations and writings of his disciples, was that of not only bringing about a reconciliation
" between all the dif ferent philosophical sects, Greeks as well as Barbarians, but also of producing
• a harmony of all religions, even of Christianity and Heathenism, and prevailing on all the wise
• and good men of every nation to lay aside their contentions and quarrels, and unite together as
,c one large family, the children of one common mother . With a view to the accomplishment of

1 Mosheim, Com . Cent. II. p . 166 .

' E useb . Eccl. Hist . Lib . ii . Cap . i . There are some words in Mark iv . 11, which might justify a suspicion that
there were three besides the twelve, but the words of Eusebius above, shew that in his time the three were believed to
be a part of the twelve . Had they been an addition, the word rest would not have been used .
3 Matt. xvii. 1, 2 ; Luke ix. 28, 29 . 4 Com. Cent. II . p. 138, N .
Book X . Chapter IX . Section 17 825
"this end, therefore, he maintained, that divine WISDOM had been first brought to light and
" nurtured among the people of the East by Hermes Trismegistus, Zoroaster, and other great and
" sacred characters : that it was warmly espoused and cherished by Pythagoras and Plato among
" the Greeks : from whom, although the other Grecian sages might appear to have dissented,
" yet that, with nothing more than the exercise of an ordinary degree of judgment and attention,
" it was very possible to make this discordance entirely vanish, and shew that the only points on
• which these eminent characters disagreed were but of trifling- moment, and that it was chiefly
" in their manner of expressing their sentiments that they varied ." I In this, which is a part of
a gross attempt to vilify Ammonius, are admissions enough (which I have marked with italics) to
the truth and beauty of his system, and to the truth of mine .
Again Mosheim says, that Ammonius taught that " the religion of the multitude went hand in
• hand with philosophy, and with her had shared the fate of being by degrees corrupted and
• obscured with mere human conceits, superstition, and lies : that it ought, therefore, to be
" brought back to its original purity by purging it of this dross, and expounding it upon philoso-
phical principles : and that the whole which Christ had in view by coming into the world, was to
" reinstate, and restore to its primitive integrity, the wisdom of the ancients-to reduce within
" bounds the universally prevailing dominion of superstition-and in part to correct, and in part
• to exterminate, the various errors that had found their way into the different popular religions ."
Had the advice of Ammonius been followed, the prophecy of Christ would have been falsified, for
he would not have brought a sword but peace .
I now beg my reader to recall to his recollection what I have said respecting the XpqSos,
and I think he will have no difficulty in agreeing with me that originally the religion of Jesus was
X"g-ianity, and that it was not, in fact, until the Paulites got possession of the Papal chair,
by a compromise, that Paul's pernicious doctrines 2 were admitted into it,-by which its whole
character was changed, and it became Christianity, such as it was for a thousand years,-quar-
relling, persecuting, and devil-driving : and very different indeed from the Chrestianity of the
first fathers, and from the secret doctrines of the temples of Eleusis and Jerusalem, of the Gentiles,
and of Jesus of Nazareth, all of which were the same .
In Mosheim's Commentaries, 3 the secret doctrines of Plato and Moses are compared, and it is
shewn that by Clemens Alexandrinus and Philo they were held to be the same in every respect ;
and that it is also held, that they both are the same as the esoteric doctrines of the Christians, which
is indeed true, if the early fathers of the Christian Church and the plain words of the Gospels can
be admitted as evidence of what was the nature of the esoteric doctrines of Christianity . Who
can deny the wa"p ayvwsws, the Father whom no person hath seen except the Son, 4 to allude to
the Gnosis as above explained?
There was no man in the first two centuries of the Christian Lera to be preferred to Clemens
as an authority on this dry matter of fact, that there was a secret doctrine and of what nature
that secret doctrine was . He was followed by Origen, who confirmed his assertion, and was the
most learned of all the early Christians ; and he and Clemens were at the very top-they
were in fact the Patriarchs of the Christian community. Mosheim endeavours to disguise the
doctrine, but the actual existence of the Fvwo g is evident enough.

Coin. Cent. II . Sec . xxviii.

• Paul was really, as is evident from his letters, a well meaning but insane fanatic, in no respect superior, and very
little differing from, Brothers, Southcote, and Irving .
• Cent. II. Sect. xxxv. p . 167. 4 On this passage I shall treat hereafter .
Christian Mysteries
And now, if the reader reconsider what has been stated, and compare it carefully with the
Gospel histories, I shall be greatly surprised if - he do not find many passages in them which have
a direct reference to parts or to the whole of the system which I have developed . And I think
there can be no doubt, however varied the respective sects of Gnostics might be in the detailed or
minor parts of their systems, that the Trimurti, the p .ta a?Xr or unknown God, was the founda-
tion of them all . The discovery of the Triune God with the Manichaeans, in so clear and marked
a manner, perfectly satisfies me that this was the doctrine of all the almost innumerable classes of
mankind comprehended under the term Gnostics . The Manichaeans were but a succession of
Gnostics ; and, in believing that their founder, Mani, was a Messiah or an Incarnation of the
Divine Power, that is, in other and in their words, a person imbued with more than all usual
portion of the Divine Mind, from which the minds of all men emanated, they believed nothing
very inconsistent with Christianity. As far as the endowment with the Divine Mind goes, they
were succeeded in later times by John Wesley and his followers, whose Christianity no one, I
suppose, disputes . Perhaps it may be difficult to spew in clear and distinct terms, from the
work of Faustus, that the Manichaeans acknowledged the Mia ApXn ; but as they were evidently
nothing more than a succession of Gnostics, and as this secret doctrine, at least to my knowledge,
never came into discussion or was expressly denied by them, it is perfectly fair to suppose that,
like the other Gnostic doctrines, it was held by them : holding one part of the system-the
Triune God-they must be believed to have held the other part-the Mia ApXr.
The whole, I repeat, formed a sublime and beautiful system . At the head of it was the
IIarrp Ayvwsos, from whom emanated the first created being or hypostasis, the idea or plan of
the universe .
The second emanation was the Triune God, the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer, three
persons and ONE God, the whole proceeding from the IIaTrp ayvwros-Brahme-Maia or Illusion.
From this ILLUSION, inn some way or-other, all the innumerable host of suns and worlds were
supposed to have proceeded, by a gradation of emanations, and into this it was supposed that they
would all ultimately return .
Thus we have a double Trinity-first, the Mua ApXr, the Divine Idea, and the Trimurti ; and
secondly, the Trimurti, consisting of Brahma, Vishnu, and Seva-the Creator, the Preserver, and
the Destroyer-Father, Son, and Holy Ghost . We have the Mia ApXr, with its two additional
hypostases, one of which was the Trimurti ; and the Trimurti with its two additional hypostases ;
the last of the first constituting the first of the last ; thus forming a chain, and in this manner all
nature was a microcosmic chain .
As it was' believed to be with worlds, so it was with man . He was supposed to pass from
cycle to cycle, from world to world, till his period was complete, the temporary evil of one cycle
remedied by the abundance of good in another, till the universal absorption was to take place .
This is the reason why we have no hell in the Pentateuch, and yet that the moral character and
justice of God are supposed to be vindicated . Thus through millions of ages and worlds existences
were supposed to keep arising and passing away, and being renewed, until the final absorption
into the Divine Essence . And the Divine Essence itself was supposed to keep on its endless
course, creating new existences for ultimate happiness .
Now I think we have found the fountain from which flowed the almost innumerable sects in
their minor details, as we might well expect, of an infinite variety,-each sect, wherever esta-
blished, bearing a relation or being in proportion not to any principles of truth, but to the state
of refinement or degradation of the human mind . As the minds of men were philosophical, or
vulgar, or of inferior grade, they formed sects, or united to sects assimilating to themselves . It is
Book X . Chapter IX . Section 17 827

just the same at this day, as every philosopher sees and knows . But I do not expect this to be
admitted by a Calvinist or a Ranter . But all this proves the great importance of education to the
middle class of mankind, who influence public opinion . Our priests see this clearly, and are now
exerting themselves, as they cannot suppress education, to give it such a turn, that the people
may not be led to doubt the necessity of bishops, priests, and tithes, in order to ensure their
salvation .
In the beautiful system which I have developed, I have opened, I doubt not, the secret system
of the Conclave : and we may be well assured, that when the Popes were persecuting Gnostics,
it was the holders of the pernicious dogmas which in their time had arisen, as they are described
by Epiphanius and others, and not the sublime and original doctrines of the oriental Djnana or
rnsx-1 iiasit, or AeX,, as described in the book called, and properly called, the Gospel according
to Djnana or John, the doctrine of the wisdom of India,-the ancient doctrines taught by Menu of
India, Menes of Egypt, Minos of Crete, Numa of Rome .'
I think it seems evident that the current of Gnosticism has flowed from India at various times,
and in various distinct streams . We have it first, I think, in the Cyclopean builders of our
Druidical temples, or in the Hellenians or Ionians . We have it again in the Exod, a7rocxtot,
of Abraham and his tribe of Yudi . 2 We have it again in the Samaneans, Essenians, or Gnostics,
about the time of Jesus Christ. We have it again in the Manichaeans . We have it again in the
Sophees of the Mohamedans ; and, lastly, we have it in the Chaldaei, Ishmaelians, the As-chas-
din, the Assassins, of the eleventh century . The last were our Chaldxi or Freemasons and
Templars .
If my reader will look back to what I said in my first chapter respecting the origin of the Triune
God, he will now be able to form an opinion respecting the mode in which, from principles of
common sense, it had its origin .
Of the various streams from this fountain, the system of the Trimurti, the eternal generation
of cycles and worlds, the Androgynous nature of the Deity, and the final absorption of all into
the substance of the first principle, seems to have been the most general, indeed the subdivisions
seem to have been so far almost unanimous in admitting an uniform system . The system of
dualism seems to have been the first grand subdivision ; and I must now make one more obser-
vation upon it . If it be carefully considered or reduced to its first principle, it will be found to
arise almost necessarily from the nature of the creating and regenerating or destroying power, as
described by me in the first book . For creation, in the sense applicable to the Trimurti, must
always be accompanied with destruction ; the Creator and Destroyer must always be in oppo-
sition and simultaneous . And though the first person is always successful by the agency of the
second person in preserving the world which he has formed, the destroyer is always equally
successful in effecting its destruction-which destruction is still only a renovation, or new forma-
tion . Thus we may go on in a circle for ever, or till we really arrive at the Hindoo Illusion .
Hence arose the dualists of whom we have heard so much from Christian divines, but who, I think,
never really existed, except in the modified sense in which we have seen that the doctrine was held
by the Manichaeans . Thus, gentle reader, I flatter myself I have laid before you the grand outlines
of the history of moral man-the foundation upon which all his systems have been built ; the

I It is rather remarkable that no Christian persecution of the Gnostics took place till the fourth century was far
advanced . The existence of the Sicilian councils are more than doubtful .
$ Called in the Desatir, p. 188, Jehudi, Yehudi .
828 Christian Mysteries
minutiae of the different subdivisions I leave to the minute philosophers . No doubt a good
PHILOSOPHICAL AND CRITICAL HISTORY of them would be very desirable . But it is, though really
a desideratum, not very likely to be supplied .
As we might well expect from the holders of so refined a theogony, as that which I have ex-
plained, we may discover, through the mist with which they have been enveloped, that they held
a morale the most beautiful and refined, well described by Mr. Matter, in the conclusion of his
Treatise on Gnosticism, in the following manner, in which, taken in its uncorrupted form, I quite
agree with him : " La morale que la Gnose prescrivait a 1' homme repond parfaitement a cette
~~ destinee. Fournir au corps ce qu' it lui faut, lui retranchir tout ce qui est superflu : nourir
" 1'esprit de tout ce qui pent 1'eclairer, le fortifier, le rendre semblable a Dieu, dont it est
" l' image ; l' unir avec Dieu, dont it est une emanation, telle est cette morale . C' est celle du
devia- tions
'Q Platonisme, I c' est celle du Christianisme . Sans doute le Gnosticisme offre 2 quelques
scandaleuses de cette sublime introduction a 1' immortalite : mais le soleil aussi a des
iQ taches : it n' en est pas moins un foyer de lumiere ." 3
Such was the system of moral doctrines of the Gnostics, and such was the moral doctrine of
Jesus of Nazareth ; and, in my next volume, I shall endeavour to expand it in its native beauty
and simplicity, and to rescue it from the filth with which it has been loaded by the meanest-
minded of human beings, who, in the dark ages succeeded, by force of their numbers, in obtaining
the victory over the enlightened part of mankind, to the subversion of religion, and the exclusion
from it of every thing like reason or philosophy . But Priestcraft in its worst form flourished, and
the performing of miracles, and the driving out of devils, occupied the attention, and debased the
understandings, of mankind for fifteen hundred years together . ha the next volume 1 propose to
inquire into the truth of the system which I have explained .
Gentle reader, as you have gone with me thus far, do you not think that you can travel
with me one stage more? Come, try one stage more ; and on this part of my subject I have
done. You have seen the planetary cycles of the sages of India extending to millions of years .
What think you of THE BRING, the IIai p ayvwTroc, placed in the centre of countless millions
of stars, suns, and worlds, circulating around it with inconceivable rapidity in boundless space
and in cycles of incomprehensible duration ? Now, at last, you come to the Illusion of the sages
of India, to their Illusion, but it is a true Illusion . If you doubt, raise your eyes to the stars,
and think upon the Wisdom of your Creator ! I have done.

I This, of course, includes Philo-ism or the esoteric doctrines of the Israelites .

• He should have added, in its corruption .
• Matter, Hist. Gnos . Vol . II . p . 489.
( 829 )


IN a note to Section S, Chapter III . Book . V., I have made an observation respecting the foot of Buddha. This
foot was called Phrabat . In volume III . of the Transactions of the Asiatic Society, page 57, are some curious
observations on the Phrabat or foot-mark of Buddha of the Siamese . Here we have, I apprehend, two words-Phra
and Bat. The last is Buddha. The first is the Pra, noticed by La Loubbre as being the same as Bra-the meaning of
which, I have formerly shewn, was Creator or Former, from the Hebrew word t iz bra . Then the meaning of foot of
Bhra-bat is, foot of the creator Bud. This is 4'pr;=608, whence came the title of the Pharoahs of the Copts. The
Phrabat, as the sacred signum or impression of Buddha, proves the truth of his having been in India . The probat is
the deed marked with the sacred impression of the Bishop's seal, or of the seal of the Christian religion. The Bishop
grants probate, when he is satisfied with the proof of the truth of a deed. Phra-bat is the impress of Buddha . This
bat is Bad, and Pad, the name of the rivers Po and Ganges, and from being the place where his foot rested, it came to
mean foot ; and from this comes our pad for foot : when a man walks a journey he pads it . The word PRA is the
foundation, the root of all the words above-cited ; and it is from this that the Siamese say, the French are the same as
themselves, having the same name, of which I shall say more hereafter . From the same root come the Latin probo,
and the English approve .
In Book VI. Chapter I. Sect . 10, I have stated a remarkable circumstance respecting the Caspian Sea, namely,
that there is a great whirlpool near the Southern end of it, by which, probably, its waters are discharged . The
following account of the Pbre Averil, in Harris's Voyages and Travels, Vol . II . p. 248, will explain this : " But what
• has puzzled the most refined naturalists is, that, notwithstanding the continual access of the waters of so many rivers,
" this sea is not considerably augmented, or ever transgresses its bounds : some have-been of opinion, that the Black
• Sea draws a great share of those waters into its bosom : but that ridge of mountains placed betwixt these two seas
" by nature, seems to separate them so far as not to admit of any probability for that assertion . On the other hand,
"there are two reasons that rather incline me to believe that this lake, (the Caspian Sea,) how far remote soever from
• the Persian Gulf, discharges a great part of its waters there : the first is, that on the South side of the Persian Gulf,'
" opposite to the province of Kilan, are dangerous whirlpools, the noise of which, as the water is thrown into the
• Gulf, is so great, occasioned by the rapidity of the waters, that in calm weather it may be heard at a great distance,
" and consequently these abysses are avoided by marines . The second is, that by the constant experience of those
" inhabiting near the Persian Gulf, it is confirmed, that at the end of every autumn they observe a vast quantity of
"willow leaves thereabouts ; and it being beyond contradiction, that this sort of tree is not so much as known in
• those Southern parts of Persia, whereas the Northern part, bordering on the Caspian Lake, and especially the
" province of Kilan, are stored with them near the sea-shore, it is more than probable that those leaves are not carried
" by the winds from one extremity of the empire to the other, but rather with the waters that carry them through the
" subterraneous channels and caverns to the before-mentioned Gulf." It will not be denied that we are here made
acquainted with a circumstance in a high degree confirmatory of what I have said respecting the Caspian Sea, which is
again confirmed by the following passage froin Muller's Universal History.
It was the opinion of Pallas that the Euxine and Caspian Seas, as well as the Lake Aral, are the remains of an ex-
tensive sea, which covered a great part of the North of Asia? This conjecture of Pallas's, which was drawn from his
observations in Siberia, has been confirmed by Klaproth's Survey of the Country to the Northward of the Caucasus .
Lastly, M . de Choiseul GoufHer adds, that a great part of Moldavia, Walachia, and Bessarabia, bears evident traces of
having formed part of the same sea .
It has been often conjectured that the opening of the Bosphorus was the occasion of the draining of this ocean in

This is a misprint, or rather most careless mistranslation : Caspian Sea must be meant .
See Pallas Reise durch Siberian, Book v.
830 Appendix
the midst of Europe and Asia . The memory of this disruption of the two continents was preserved in the traditions
of Greece . Strabo,' Pliny,' and Diodorus, 3 have collected the ancient memorials which existed of so striking a
catastrophe . The truth of the story has, however, been placed on more secure grounds by physical observations on
the districts in the vicinity of the Bosphorus . See Dr . Clarke's Travels, and particularly a Memoir by M . de Choiseul
Gouflier in the Mems . de 1'Institut . Royal de France, 1815 . The above observations of the translator of Muller's Uni-
versal History very strikingly support what I have said .
I think a careful inspection of the district of Troy must convince any unprejudiced person, either that Homer is the
most incorrect of topographers, (which is directly against his general character, in other respects so remarkable for
accuracy,) or that its face has been considerably changed since he made it the subject of his poem . Mr . Payne Knight
attributes this to earthquakes .-, This may be true ; but I think I am justified in attributing it to the devastation caused
by the breaking down of the head of the Euxine, and the opening . of the passage . The breaking down of the head
may have been caused by a convulsion of the earth . If my memory do not fail me, there is no undisputed passage in
the Poem of Homer from which it can be inferred, that the Dardanelles was open either in the supposed time of the
war, or in the time when the Homeric songs were first composed.6 Now, when I consider the very fine field which the
Euxine and its shores offer to the poet, the fact of his not having availed himself of it, raises a strong presumption
that from being closed, it was not in his power .
In Book VI . Chapter II . Section 8, a black Multimammia is alluded to, and described in Figure 19 . A very
beautiful exemplar of this black lady may be seen in Sir John Soan's Cabinet of Antiquities, in Lincoln's Inn Fields .
In Book X . Chapter VI. Section 6, I have made some observations on the peculiarity of the circumstance that the
Christian Templars should take their name from the Jewish Temple at Jerusalem, and also on the fact which Mr .
Hammer has pointed out, that they have a close resemblance to the Assassins and Casideans-= ,1'Dn hsidim . I believe
that Mohamed (as well as Hassan Sabah) was considered by his followers to be the tenth Avatar, and a renewed
incarnation of Jesus Christ, or at least of the ninth Avatar ; and that he was to be continued by renewed incarnation till
the time when he was to come in his glory to reign at Jerusalem, which is an event which the Mohamedans expect to
arrive, as Maundrell says, at the day of judgment ; 7 but which I suspect meant, on the arrival of the Millenium .
This doctrine of the renewed Avatar we see most clearly in the followers of Ali in Persia ; and it was for this reason
that the temple in the holy city (as all Turks call Jerusalem) was rebuilt with the greatest magnificence in their power
at the time, and is considered most sacred . For this reason it is probable that the rival temple of Solomon, (as it
would appear to the Western Arabians, or Suraseni, or Saracens,) in Cashmere, was destroyed by them when they
conquered the country . Here we see the reason why the Casideans, that is, Templars or Chaldeans, came from the
ruined temples of Solomon in the East, about the time of the Crusades, to the temple in the West, viz . because the
temple in the West by its resurrection from its ashes, shewed that it was the true one ; while the temples in the East
were proved not to be the true temples in consequence of their destruction by . the Mohamedans. It is probable that
the persons who were the originals of our Templars were a part of the Sophitae or Sophees of Cashmere, who were
persuaded to leave their country, and to separate from their countrymen, whom we found (vide Book X . Chap . VI .
Section 14, p . 731) in Cashmere or Casimere and its neighbourhood, and who could not be converted to Mohamedism, but
who now remain in the East like the people of Oude or Ayoudia, (vide Book X . Chap. V. Section 12, p . 684,)
expecting their promised Saviour . The reason why the Saracen and Turkish chiefs constantly take the names of
Abraham, Solomon, &c ., is, because they consider themselves renewed incarnations of these Patriarchs . Thus at last,'
I believe, I have discovered what I in vain took very great pains for a long time to discover, viz . the reason for the
rebuilding of the temple of Jerusalem by the Mohamedans . Here, I think, we may see that the Ishmaelians or Ishma_
lites, or Assassins from Almawt, or the eagle's nest, or Almond, as Mr . Klaproth calls it, between Cazvin and Ghilan,
were a sect of the Sophees of the East, probably Cashmere, claiming to possess by right the holy city of Jerusalem,
from the usurping Calif ; for they were at constant war with both Christians and Saracens, though they are said to
have united in their religion the religion of both . Besides, I am not quite certain that Hassan Sabah did not claim to
be a descendant of All, and as such entitled to the Kalifat ; however, it is admitted that he claimed to be a tenth
These Sophitae or Sophees belonging to the Temple of Solomon in Casimere or Cashmere, must have been the Jews, or
a sect of the people called by Benjamin of Tudela, Jews, not Samaritans, as their Temple of Solomon proves, whom he
found in very great numbers in the countries in the neighbourhood of Cashmere . Belonging to the worship of the temple
of Solomon, and speaking the Chaldee language, they might be correctly called Jews . But they were also Samaneans

I Lib. i. p. 49. s Nat . H1st. Lib . ii. Cap . xc . ' Lib . v . Cap . xlvii .

4 Vol . 1 . p . 32. -, Hist. Gr. Alp . p . 34 .

6 There is not a trace of the Argonautic expedition in the GENUINE parts of either of the poems of Homer. See Barker's
Lempriere on the words Argos and Cyanen .
7 Travels, p. 170 .
Appendix 831

or Sophees . I have no doubt that the Jews or Ioudi of the Temple of Solomon in Western Syria, were the same as
the Jews or Ioudi of the Temple of Solomon in Eastern Syria or Cashmere, and as the Ioudi of Adoni and Salem of
South India, with only some trifling differences . These differences, probably, arose from the difference of country,
to which the Western Ioudi were obliged to accommodate themselves, and to other adventitious circumstances arising
out of the different fortunes of the two, after their separation in Ayoudia .
After Abraham's tribe came from the East, we know in general, from the accident of having their sacred books
preserved to us, sufficient of their history to account for their peculiarities . We know how great was the care of their
Iconoclastic leader to preserve them from idolatry ; therefore, till their destruction about the time of Christ, they did
not publicly adopt the worship of any other or new Avatar or Messiah ; but certain passages, which I shall point out
in their Apocrypha in a future Book, and the Papal Fisherman, and the Fishes tied by the tails, &c ., &c ., shew that
they, in part, did it privately . On the contrary, in India, or the Eastern Judaea or Ayoudia, the Avatars followed
publicly in succession. Cristna or the Ram followed Taurus or the Bull, and the use of images, for which Abraham
left India, kept increasing, till, by degrees, every kind of ridiculous emblematic idol was admitted ; until at last, as in
Greece and Italy, the original meaning of the religion was lost . I have no doubt that at every temple of Solomon-
at that in China,-that in the Carnatic, that in Mewar,-that at Telmessus,-that at Eleusis,-and the five in Egypt,
as I shall shew in a very remarkable manner, there must originally have been a system, in its foundation and great
leading features, the same as at Jerusalem . I speak not now of the minor rites and ceremonies . In all these places
we find some remnants of the system, which must all have been imitations of the great parent in the mighty kingdom
of Oude, or Ayoudia, or of Pandaea, for it was all the same . Jesus Christ was set up as the ninth incarnation by those
who understood the principle of the mythos . Mohamed patronised, and his followers restored, the temple at Jeru-
salem, in preference to that at Telmessus or that in Casi-mere, because he, in fact, belonged to the sect of that at
Jerusalem .
Dr. Clarke says,' that the Mosque at Jerusalem is the most magnificent piece of architecture in the Turkish domi-
nions ; much more magnificent than that of St . Sophia at Constantinople.
We may be very certain that when the present magnificent Temple at Jerusalem was erected, splendid as it is, more
was originally intended to be done by its builder, than what we find . I think there can be very little doubt that its
builder intended to restore the glories of Solomon, in the former existence of which, of course, he believed, and place
the seat of his empire there, or at least he thought that in rebuilding the temple he was preparing Jerusalem for that
event. This intention was probably suspended by the divisions of the Califat into three or four states, and finally pre-
vented by the occupation of Jerusalem by the Christians, about which time the failure of the Millenium was obvious to
its expectants . Then were blown into air the chimeras of Christians, Ishmaelites, Sonnites, and Shiites, or followers of
Ali. Among the whole of them the doctrine of the millenium and the renewed incarnation may be most clearly seen .
This doctrine, for the last six hundred years, they have all endeavoured to secrete or deny, for the same reason that the
Christians of the West have endeavoured to secrete the Gospel of Joachim . Here we begin to perceive the reason for
the mission of Abdul Raschid, of which the Mohamedan historians treat,' who was sent by the Afghans, or Arabians,
or Suraceni, or whatever they might be, from the countries on the North of India, to Western Arabia, in the time of
Mohamed, to inquire into the circumstances of the new Amid or Desire of all Nations, who, they were told, had
appeared in the West ; a and who, they might, perhaps, have heard from their Tartarian or Chinese neighbours, was
foretold to appear in Ayoudia or Oude, which was West to them . Here we begin to perceive the reason for the
devotees of the Eastern temple of Solomon, the Afghans, becoming the earliest converts to Islamism . The word Islam
I shall explain hereafter.
I think it not unlikely that the Casideans, found by the Christian conquerors of Jerusalem, (and who afterward
became their Knights Hospitallers and Knights Templars,) were the remains of persons brought from the Eastern
temple of Solomon, from Casi-mere, for the express purpose of rebuilding the Western Temple, according to the
mystic plan of the Eastern one, and that this is the reason why they were found by the Christians as an appendage to
the new temple .
The mosque or temple on Mount Moriah was built by the Calif Omar, the son of Caleb, about the year 16 of the
Hegira, A .D . 637 . Chateaubriand says,4 La Mosquee prit le nom de cette roche Gameat-el-Sakhra. It has a large
dome, under the centre of which is a cave, and at the top of it the sacred stone which, in all these religions, is generally
found in or close to the temple or church.
This building is called by our travellers a Mosque, but whether it be considered in any other light than a common
mosque by the Musselmans I know not . But the blindness of all our travellers in not seeing that Mohamedism is
nothing but a branch of Christianism, as Peter Martyr long before me proved, forbids any rational dependance on any

' Trav. in the Holy Land . Chap. xvii. p . 601, ed . 4to. ' Vide my ApoL for the Life of Mohamed .
3 Vide Chap . VIL Sect . II . p. 741 . 4 Travels, Vol. II . p . 115 .
thing which they say. Surely, if any thing like critical acumen had existed among them, they would have inquired
into the reason for the profound veneration paid at Damascus to the head of John the Baptist . This single fact proves
the truth of almost all I have said respecting the Christianity of Mohamed . But people seem to me never either to
think or reason. However, I am rather disposed to believe that as the Millenarian system of the Christians changed
after the thirteenth century, so, in like manner, the Mohamedan changed, and the building which was begun as a
temple for the whole world, has dwindled down into a mere mosque ; and neither Jesus nor Mohamed is expected now
to come to reign in it at the end of the 6000 years .
The followers of Ali, however, still cling to this superstition, and have various fancies about it ; some saying, that
the last Imaum continues, but in secret . The idea of the Imaum being somewhere in secret, furnishes food for ridicule
to our travellers ; who generally laugh at things they do not understand, instead of inquiring into them . I apprehend
this means merely, that the lineal descendant of the last Imaum of the house of Ali is living in obscurity ; that the line
continues ; and that the lineal descendant will some day resume the government . This I shall shew is the opinion of
the Sonnites as well as of the Shiites .
In the description of the Temple given by Mons. Chateaubriand is an account of the sacred stone to which I have
alluded . In this Mohamedan Temple, there are in the stone Pillar and the Cave both the Nabbi or Navel of the
earth, and the Yoni and the Linga, though they may not now be understood . This and other circumstances induce me
to believe, that though the Mohamedans might object to the single worship of the Dove, they had not the same
objection to the double one . Here, if I understand M . Chateaubriand, the stone is placed over the cave. Now I do not
doubt that, in the ancient temple of Solomon, there were the cave and the mysterious stone pillar, pedestal or whatever
it might be, the same as at Delphi and other places ; but in it the pillar or pedestal was probably not over the cave but
in it, as described by Nicephorus Callistus, L ib . x. Cap . xxxiii . in the following words : " oiq p Ey W Ev aoroppnr EKpmv
" as ,1yga'Op4a& - EEL Se oUTW . K .-r . X . "At the time when the foundation was laid, one of the stones, to which the lowest
" part of the foundation was attached, was removed from its place, and discovered the mouth of a cavern which had
" been hollowed out of the rock . Now since they could not see to the bottom on account of its depth, the overseers
" of the work, wishing to be perfectly acquainted with the place, let down one of the workmen by means of a long
" rope into the cavern. When he came to the bottom he found himself in water as high as his andes, and examining
" every part of the cavern, he found it to be square as far as he could ascertain by feeling. He afterward searched
" nearer the mouth of the cavern, and on examination discovered a low pillar very little higher than the water, and
"having placed his hand upon it, he found lying there a book carefully folded in a piece of thin and clean linen .
" This book he secured, and signified by the rope his wish to be drawn up . On being drawn up be produced the
• book, which struck the beholders with astonishment, particularly as it appeared perfectly fresh and untouched,
• though it had been brought out of so dark and dismal a place . When the book was unfolded, not only the Jews
" but the Greeks also were amazed, as it declared in large letters, even at its commencement, In the beginning, &c .
" To speak clearly, the writing here discovered, did most evidently contain all that Gospel which was uttered by the
" divine tongue of the virgin disciple ."' What credit my reader may give to the whole or any part of the history of
Nicephorus Callistus, I do not know ; but I do know, that I never saw any book in which the higher part of the
ancient Jewish Cabala is more distinctly marked, than in the first chapter of the Gospel according to John. Knowing,
as the person who has read this book must know, the doctrine of wisdom as a key, he cannot fail to see that it is
contained in every line of the first part of this Gospel . If a book were to be concealed in the Temple, from a period
tong anterior to the Christian crra, I know of no one so likely' as the Gospel of John, or at least as the first part of it .
My reason for this, which my reader will justly think very paradoxical, I shall give in a future book .
Jesus Christ was said by some of his followers to be a renewal of Adam . He said, before Abraham was I am, that
is, I was, the old language having no present tense . From this peculiarity of the Hebrew language, in the past and
future tenses being convertible, the equivoque in our translation arose, but it ought to be, before Abraham was I was.
This I have no doubt the Popes would quote to establish a claim to universal dominion, which 1 shall explain in my
next volume. It was held that Jesus would come to rule at Jerusalem, but I suspect the Mohamedans would say as a
renewed incarnation, and I think they held Mohamed to be a renewed incarnation of Jesus, and Ala a renewed
incarnation of Mohamed . If it be objected that Ali and Mohamed lived at the same time, a devotee will quote the
example of Elias and Elisha, and say, the divine spirit did not enter Ali till after Mohamed's death . It is a common
expression, that when Mohamed put off his cloak he gave it to Ali . The holy spirit did not enter Jesus till it appeared
as a dove at his baptism, and till the fire was lighted in the river' This looks as if the author of that book meant to
describe Jesus as not a divine person till the descent of the Dove . I believe the words totum Christo configuratum
applied to St. Francis, in Chapter VI . Sect . 4, were meant to describe a renewed incarnation, but were, perhaps, not
wholly understood by the persons using them . In the possession by the Turks of the head, or the pretended head of

' I have some particular reasons for inserting this here . 2 Justin Martyr.
Appendix 833

John the Baptist, before noticed by me in Chap . V. Sect. 12, and again just now, there is a proof that we are in general
quite ignorant of the principles of their religion .'
To deny that Mohamed, who admitted the existence of Jesus Christ-his divine mission, and that he really had the
power of performing miracles, and that the doctrines which he taught were true-was a Christian, is absurd, and only
worthy of the devotees who deny it ; and it does not deserve to have a moment's time wasted upon it .2
In Book X. Chapter VI . Sections 3 and 13, I have said, it was probable that St . John's College, at Cambridge, was
the domus Templi of the round church of the Templars there ; but since that was printed, I have inquired more into
the church, &c ., at Cambridge, and I find that the present St. John's is only of modern foundation. There is,
however, annexed to, or connected with, this church, an almshouse, called Bedes-house, the name of which has
puzzled all the antiquarians . This I have little doubt was the original Domus Templi-the house of Buddha cor-
rupted into Bede, and meaning wisdom, i . e . seminary of sound learning and religious education ; and to support
this religious principle, I think St . John's College was built, and the ancient Domus Templi converted into an
almshouse . The Saxon style of architecture of the round church at Cambridge, and the pillars upon which the
pointed arches of that at Northampton are built, prove them to be far older than the tenth or eleventh century . The
College of St . John at Cambridge, close to the Temple, is a similar institution to that of Hassan Sabah at Cairo .
All schools and colleges in ancient times were considered to be pious foundations for the education of the priesthood ;
and I have no doubt that, originally, the laity was considered as encroaching on the priesthood, by learning the arts of
reading and writing.
The case of St . John's College, Cambridge, I take to be like that of the Inner Temple Church in London . When
you ask for the foundation of that church and institution, your inquiries are instantly stopped by being shewn the
inscription, which declares it to have been built in the year 1185 ; but, on close examination, it appears that it was
rebuilt-brought from another place, somewhere near Holborn . This serves to shew how an inquirer is liable,
unless he use great caution, to be deceived by his informants, (without any thing wrong on their part being intended,)
and the real age of an institution concealed . I suspect, like the removed Temple Church, that St . John's College
(which, as just noticed, was of the same character as the house of Hassan Sabah at Cairo) was rebuilt in the place of
the house of Bede or Bedes near to it, which house acquired its title when the Buddha Trigeranon in Wales, and the
Buddha of Scotland, took their names in those countries, and when one university and river were called Isis and
Oxford, and the other the bridge of Cam or the aspirated Om . When the improved new house of Buddha or Wisdom,
the present St . John's, was built, the old one, the Bedes house, was given to the poor. I shall return in a future page
to the word Templum : I know no word more curious .
Since I printed the observations respecting St . Thomas, in Book X . Chapter VII. I have re-perused the work of
the Jesuit, Faria y Sousa, on the Portuguese history of India, and I find he states, that St . Thomas built churches
in China as well as India : thus proving that what Bergeron Des Guines and Mons . Paravey said was true-that the
mythos was to be found there . The Jesuits found it there when they arrived .
In Book X . Chapter VII . Section 7, 1 have expressed a doubt, whether some remains of a period earlier than the
entrance of the sun into Taurus might not be found in the Twins, alluded to on the coast of Coromandel . This arose
from a mistake which I made in the meaning of the word =Kn tam . I hastily ran away with the idea, that it had
reference only to two human beings, while it really has no such exclusive meaning, but may apply to the two fishes of
the Zodiac, or even to a pair or double of any article whatever . This removes a difficulty which, if it meant Gemini,
it raised in my system, as every one must see, who has attended to it closely . The allusion is evidently to the Buddhist
incarnation of the fishes ; for the votaries at the shrine of St . Thomas are Buddhists . The Buddhists had all the
Zodiacal incarnations .
Faria y Sousa says 3 that the Portuguese, when they arrived at Malliapour or St . Thom6, found near the Tomb of
the saint, the burying-place of a Sibylla, whom he calls Indica . But we must not forget that in the part of Italy
where we found . the traces of the Camasene,4 there lived the Sibyl of Cuma . Now the country where the Indian lady
lived was the country of Cuma or Cama as well as of Cali. If we refer as above, we shall see that the same mythos of
Cuma or Cama, is most clearly in both countries . The Sibyl of Italy was said to have come from Chaldea, that is Calida .
I also request attention to the fact named in Book X . Chapter I . Section 20, that all the things related of Jesus
Christ were related by the Cumaean Sibyl, as well as by the Sibyl of Erythraea . From these circumstances I cannot help
believing, notwithstanding what I have said respecting the Gemini, that the Didymus, the Tam, meant twin fshes,
not twin children. Jonas was swallowed by a whale. This fish was chosen because it brings forth only two young
ones at a time, and suckles them like most animals . It seems like a connecting link between the animal and the fish
creation. Cama was the male and female deity of love . Cama might be Ama aspirated, and Tam might be only Ama

' The Turks have bodies of soldiers called Segmen as well as Sphahis . These are men of Saga, those men of Sophia. They
still give to the Mosque at Coustantinople the name given by Constantine, St . Sophia . Mauudrell, p . 171 .
s His sect of Christians seems to have absorbed nearly all the other sects, except that of the Paulites .
Vol. I. p . 272 . 4 Vide pp. 760, 777, 788, 808.
834 Appendix

or Amor preceded by the emphatic article, T' Ama . In this way I find a rational meaning for the word Tam, in perfect
keeping with the other parts of the system .
But, upon the whole, I incline to the opinion that the Camarinus is the same as Tam-marinus, and the Cam-masenus
the same as Tam-masenus' In order to judge of this, my reader must refer, by means of the Index, to the places
where these words are treated of . If this be admitted, a high probability will be raised, that wherever St . Thomas is
found, the adoration of the Fishes or of Aries may be looked for .
Ceylon is called Lanca or Langa, or Ilatn or Salibham, and by Ptolemy, Salica . The coast opposite to Ceylon, to
which you pass over Adam's bridge, is called Pescaria-evidently the fisherman's coast? Bartolomeus 3 says, near
Comorin stands the temple of Ramanacoil in which the younger Bacchus and the Lingham or Phallus of Seva is
preserved. The Indians believe Ceylon to be a part of Paradise . The King of Ceylon is called a Rachia by Pliny
Here as usual we find the Ras.
I suspect the fishery, which is so marked here, was the fishery of pearls ; and, paradoxical as I may be thought, that
the Pearl fishing town of Colchester (not Maldon) was called Cama-lodunum for the same reason . In the province
of Picenum, on the shore of the Adriatic, was a town called Camarino . Both these names I think arose from the same
superstition .
Mr. Cleland says, that the pearl was the peculiar emblem of peace . The Indian Cama is crowned with pearls .
They took the name of beads, from the Vedda, which meant Wisdom, and on this account the Celtic Judge's coronet
was surrounded with pearls. I think the fact that the town of the Roman pearl fishery in England was called Cama,
when joined to the other circumstances, raises a high probability, that the word Cama meant pearl ; and that Cama-
lodunum was town of the fishery of the pearl. But Cama or Kama Deva has for one of his epithets Makara-Ketu,
or, he who bears the Makara on his banner . The word Makara means a sea monster, and Ketu is the Greek Krlvos and
the Latin Cetus, the whale. This completes the proof of identity between the Cama of India and Italy .
It is perfectly clear that the Hebrew text is dislocated, interpolated, and has multitudes of lacunae in it ; and it is
an admitted fact, that the celebrated Urim and Thummim were lost after the captivity . From the union of these
circumstances I am led to believe, that part of the text respecting these words is omitted ; and when I recollect that we
have found the Judaean mythos in Urii of Calida, along with the Tam-mim, I cannot help suspecting that Urim, the
plural of Ur of the Chaldees, and Tammim, the plural of the Tam of the country of Ur, had a reference to some
superstition of the Tamul country . I suspect that originally two of the words Tam, Cam, and Sam, were corruptions
of the other of the three .
Orion was the son of Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune . I think we have here in the three, first, Buddha or the Bull ;
secondly, Cristna, or the Ram ; and thirdly, Neptune, or the sign Pisces . He was born from the salt water of these
three Gods, ab Urina He was called Aquosus . He was carried on the back of Dolphins . Was he Jonas swallowed
by a whale, by the fish with two Mammae, which brings forth only two young at a time?
In Book X . Chapter VII . Section 7, I have suggested that the different earns there mentioned might take their
names from the sepulchral monuments called earns . To a certain extent this may be true ; but, on more reflection,
I think we may go a little farther, particularly as the cause does not seem proportionate to the effect. Every earn
which I have seen, has, or has had, at least one circle of stones around it, several near Inverness two or three, and
those in the favourite cycles, of twelve or twenty-four . Now I find from Mr. Cleland, that the Celtic (i . e. Hebrew,
as I have proved Hebrew and Celtic the same) for a circle or cycle was Kern or Caern . He says this word also meant a
church-that would be a temple. Here, in the circle, (or Temple, which I shall explain hereafter to mean circle,) we
have a rational explanation of the origin of the word . From this we may have the Carnutes of Gaul, and all the
mystic words which we have seen occur so often, not excepting even the circular horn of the Apollo Carneus, taking
its name from the circular form, of whom the horned Aries was an emblem. He was acpoapoo u7ros.
Here we may have the origin of the mystic shell in the hand of almost every God, having as many circles as cycles
had run. Cleland says, "The Druids, above all figures, affected the circular . Their Cir, Hirs, Shires, Churches,
" all took their appellation and form from the radical Hir or Cir for a circle" 6 But this Cir is nothing but the
Hebrew '1.3 gr, a circle, our Kirk and to :gird.
But besides these, and closely connected with them, is another word before unknown to me, namely, the Greek
acap or Icaproc, which signifies a sheep .T This word in Celtic is Caora, in Hebrew `i] hr. The Philistines had a temple
called nn-n' bit-kr. (1 Sam. vii. 11 .) Jupiter was called Kapaaos by the Boeotians . From this Caria had its name .
All these words were evidently closely connected-in fact, in root the same . We have formerly seen Apollo called

' Cape Comorin is called both Comari and Canyamuri . Forster's translation of Bartholomeus, p . 425 .

2 From this coast came the Boies or Bohees, the tribe of Fishermen whom we have traced to Baieux, the originals of the
Alanicha:ans . See the Index.
+ Forster's Ed . P . 427 . 4 IbN p.432. + Spec. p . 47. 6 1b . p . 117 .

7 Drum. Origen . Vol . IV . Book vii. Chap . vi. p. 131 ; also Hesychius .
Appendix 835
X SC. Sir W. Drummond says, that some held that from the city of Chrysaoris the whole of Caria had been called .
I believe that all these names came from the Greek numeral symbols X or TPP and the Hebrew u hr, when the
Hebrew Resh (as I shall by and by shew) denoted both one hundred and two hundred . Though it is difficult to
say, yet I think it is not difficult to understand, why all the countries came to be called Cam ; nor why a sacred
heap of stones, with a circle of stones in the number of a sacred cycle in it, or round it, was called by the same
But this word also we have just seen meant a horn : but what horn? The horn of the Ram, which was also the
shell-born of a fish, which we call by a proper mythologic name Cornu-Ammonis . Here the mixture of Aries and
Pisces shews itself : both emblems of Apollo or the Sun. Callimachus describes a temple of Apollo as having been
built and paved with horns .' These were the kind of stones containing petrifactions of the large Cornu-Ammonis,
of which we have plenty in Yorkshire, near Whitby, to build thousands of temples, which if built of these stones
would be correctly said to be built of horns. We may now understand what is meant when we read of altars to
Apollo built of horns, which at first seems so foolish . But we may he certain, that these kinds of mysteries are very
seldom foolish at the bottom. They all arose from the rational wish to perpetuate doctrines, before the invention of
writing . This serves as a key to almost every thing . From the songs at the Kern to celebrate the death of the God,
plaintive songs came to be called Karen in Celtic, and Garan in Persian These songs were in like manner invented
to perpetuate the mythos . Coronach, in Scotland, is a lamentation for a deceased person .
It has been observed by Sir. Logan, author of the Scottish Gael, that Crean or Creosan was a Celtic term for Sun, and
that Carnac was said to have been built by Creans . This Crean is the Irish Grian. Now I cannot help suspecting that
Crean is the Xpris softened and corrupted . This is strengthened by the term Cill Chriosde being rendered by Mr .
Logan, Christ's Church 3 The word Crios is a common term for the sun in Ireland . The ancient word Crios might
grow into Christ, as Elios in Greece grew into Elias . The second person in the Trinity or Trimurti is designated in
the very Gnostic work called the Gospel of John, by the word Caro (genitive) Carnis, and described thereby to have
become incarnate in the flesh . I am disposed to ascribe all these names to the divine incarnation . Apollo was
unquestionably an incarnation, and as he (and Amnion, Bacchus, &c ., &c .) wore the horns of the Ram, or was the
horned Apollo, and was incarnate ; the word earn might from this come to mean a horn, among the uninitiated, who
knew nothing of the doctrine of divine incarnation . From being the monument of the incarnate God, the monuments
sacred to the Gods might come to be called Cams . I think it probable that the curled weapon of offence on the head
of the animal had its name of Car or Cam, and the animal was called earned or horned from the earn or horn being
a distinctive badge of the incarnate God ; that the God was not called from the Cam, but the Cam from the God ;
and that the God's name of Cam or Carneus came from his being in carne-incarnated. I think it is very certain
that the doctrine of divine incarnation was kept a secret as long as possible . We find it, now that we understand it,
every where distinctly marked, but no where publicly declared . We find it in Greece, in Syria, in India ; but it will
not be found in the Vedas . Perhaps it may be in the Pouranas, written after the secret became public. All these
explanations of the word Cam are in better keeping with the other circumstances attending the word, than that which
I formerly gave . It is not snore recondite than many explanations of words which are known . It may be, like so
many other words which we know, Latin-Sanscrit . And if it be not in the Sanscrit Lexicons, it may be like other old
words omitted, probably because its meaning was not understood .
In Book X. Chapter VIII . Section 4, and in Chapter IX . Section 3, I have noticed the words Nama Amido Buth,
and .yah . The first, I think, will mean adoration to Buddha, (or the wisdom of) the holy OM . The
second, adoration to the Veda or Wisdom . The Deity being adored, under perhaps the finest of all his attributes,
WISDOM, in a pandaean or universal or Catholic religion or system, we must expect it to be found, as we do find it,
in great numbers of examples in every country of the world .
I believe the Xp%-tianity on the coast of Malabar, was originally the Xpr c-tianity of Delphi and of the Erythraean
Sibyl of Justin, who foretold every thing that should be done by Jesus Christ, which the Portuguese Romish Christians
a little moulded, and which, perhaps, some Syrian Christians might previously have a little moulded to their own
tastes or superstitions . This inference will be much strengthened by the proofs which I shall give in my next Book,
that every rite, ceremony, and DOCTRINE, of the Romish Church, was taken from Gentilism, without a single
exception,-that, in fact, the present fashionable Christianity is nothing but reformed Gentilism, Gentilism stripped
of its grosser corruptions .
But although every part of the fashionable Christianity is Gentilism, every part of Gentilism is not Christianity-
the disgusting bloody sacrifices for example . But the result of the whole draws us towards the doctrines of Ammonius
Saccas,4 or the Philalethean philosophical Christians of the first century .

I Drum. Origin . Vol. IV. Book vii. Chap. vi. ! Ib . p . 165 . ' Scottish Gael, Vol. II. p. 284 .
• I consider that the name of Ammonius Saccas, must have been adopted by this philosopher from mystic motives, and not ;
as it is said, because he carried jacks. It is a sacred or Xpgs-ian name . The Saka or Saca and Ammon, I think, shew this .
836 Appendix
In my next volume I shall shew that the same Jewish and XpMs-ian mythos amalgamated, which was found in India
and China, foretold by the Erythraean Sibyl, and supposed by Virgil to recur every six hundred years, existed in even
greater perfection in South America, when the Spaniards arrived there, than even in India, carried thither, as the pious
monks say they suppose, by the devil . I shall shew that it must have gone to America before the fabrication of any
written document now in existence.
For a very long time I inquired, and the more I inquired the more proofs I found, of the universal dissemination
of the Judaean mythos in India ; that is, of that mythic doctrine which we find among the Jews and their sects, for
the Christian religion is that only of a Judaic sect. Then what had become of the sect professing it? For though
it was every where, yet it was not found any where in such large numbers as it ought to be, if its system were, as it
appeared to have been, that of the great empire of Ayoudia . At last it occurred to me, that the sect must be similar
to the Essenes, who, though once common in Syria and Egypt, (and in Greece as Pythagoreans,) are no where now to
be found, because they became, by a change of name, the Carmelites of the Christians . In a similar manner, when
the Equinoctial Pisces arrived, the Yudaites, whatever their name might have been before that time, then became
Vishnuvites . We have no sacred, or properly-called canonical, writings either of the Jews or the Brahmins, after
the year 360 B . C ., the time of the entrance of the equinoctial sun into Pisces. I request my reader to refer to what
I have said in Book X . Chapter IV, respecting the I%Ovs and Pisciculi of the Christians, and also to what I have said
respecting the God Dagon and the Vishnu of the Indians in the same chapter. When I consider all the circumstances
of the fish Avatar, or Oannes, or Wisdom, or Dagon the Saviour, and the similarity to, or rather identity, both in
the letters and sound of other Sanscrit or Indian words with, English ; such as sam and same, stalls aid stalla, holy
and holy, &c ., &c ., I cannot doubt that the second person of the Trimurti has taken his name of Vishnu, instead
of Cristna or some other name, since the Sun entered Pisces at the vernal equinox ; and, as he was feigned to have
become incarnate in a fish, as we see in Figure 32, where he is treading on the serpent's head, so he took the name
of Fish : and that the Vish is really our Fish .' And that, according to order, the Lamb or Cristna succeeded to the
Bull, and the Fish or IxOvs, or Fishes tied together by the tails, the religion of the Pope the great Fisherman,
succeeded to the Lamb : and that in India, as well as in Europe, the followers of the Lamb or Cristna and of the
Fishes, are intimately mixed, or rather are the same-as from the crossing of the two cycles they ought to he : every
Neros cycle might bear the name of the Lamb, as well as its own name, whilst the Sun was passing through the
Lamb . The example of the Essenes, well known by the Roman Church to have become their Carmelites, is similar
to that of the Ayoudaites becoming Vishnuvites . Thus the devotees of Cristna, under the name of Yadu the father of
Cristna, might become Vishnuvites, and this may he the reason why we have few or none of the people who became
Jews in Western Syria, by that name in India. But it is also probable that they never went by the name of Jews,
or by any name connected with it, in India . They would be rather Pandaeans, which answers to our Roman Catholic,
than Jews, as Pandaea seems to have been the sacerdotal name of the government ; as Catholic is now of the
government of Rome . And from finding the name in Athens, in Asia Minor or Room, in Italy, as Roma, and in
North and South India, I cannot doubt the existence of this Roman or Catholic empire . We have it endeavouring
to raise itself again in Italy, at this time, and I have no doubt that many of its devotees, in ALL ranks of society, really
believe that it will in the end succeed, and rise again from its present state of depression . From the account which
I have given in Book X . and Chapter V. Section 12, p . 634, and in several other places, it appears that the mass of
the people of Oude or Ayoutlia hold precisely the same doctrines as those held by the Jews of Western Syria, previous
to their destruction by the Romans. These must have been the Jewish people met with by Benjamin of Tudela . If
my reader will take the Index and peruse all which has been said before respecting Oude he will find innumerable
proofs of the Judaean mythos .
The tribe of Colida or of the Chaldeans was the tribe of Ayoudia or Yadu, the father of Cristna, so that they might
by strangers be called Yaduites or Iudaites . But, as I have just said, this was not their name of religion . In a similar
manner I think we may have bad a tribe of the same religion, or nearly so, come to the West under the name of
Druids, and to have been that tribe named by me under the name of Drubya, the son of Yadu, in note 1, page 746 .

Indeed I suspect every author assumed a sacred or mythical name . We know how common it is yet with us for authors to write
under false names.
' In the old Irish, Ischa, which is the Eastern name of Jesus, means a Fish, and the Welsh V, is our single F ; our FF is the
Welsh F . Ischa with digamma is F-ischa .
In addition to what I have said in Book X . Chapter IV. Section 5, 1 have to observe, that Buddha was called, Dot only as we
have seen elsewhere Fo or Po, but he was also called Dak or Dag Po-a1 dg, which was literally the Fish Po, or Fish Buddha-
Pisces. See Littletou in voce Piscis . The Pope was not only chief of the Shepherds, but he was chief of the Fishermen, a name
which he gives himself, and on this account he carries a Poitrine. On this account also, the followers of Jesus were Fishermen .
The name Dag Po was evidently Buddha in his eighth or ninth incarnation . The Buddhists, we must remember, claim to have
the same number of Incarnations as the Brahmins . It is very difficult to discover in what the difference between the two sects
consists .
Appendix 837
This tribe I think came from the country of the Sacm, and brought all our Eastern Gods and Mythology to Ireland
and Scotland ;' but I shall discuss this point at large in my next volume .
The Cali-dei or Chaldeans, who had their name from the Deity Cali, and he or she had the same name as the KaXoq,
Mitis, of the Greeks, which two words, I am persuaded, had the same meaning, might oe some of them . Then the
Kaai_dei would he the same as the Xpvs_ians .
It is quite clear to me, that those tribes whom we call Jews, and who have had no Pentateuch till modern times,
cannot be Mosaic Jews . I think most of the Jews, whom we find scattered about the world, are the remains of the
Brahmin religion, who did not fall into the adoration of the Fishes . If violent altercations took place among them on
the change, I can readily conceive, that the new sect of Vishnuvites would detest and abolish most of the old rites
and ceremonies of the former superstition, as we have seen Moses did the rites of the Bull, and the Protestants the
rites and ceremonies of the Romish Church . Religious devotees always run into extremes, and generally hate the
sect they have left, and every thing belonging to it . I consider the discovery which I have made of the Yadu in the
followers of the Fishes, as of great consequence .
I suppose the tribe of a person who is called Yadu, father of Cristna, came to Western Syria, and took the name of
'7 .i11 obri, or Jews, or strangers . But their first name, assumed by themselves, was Judah, rrnri' ieude, (hand of
God,) 2 as we learn from Eusebius, and of Samaritans, or worshipers of the sun under the name of Sam or, in
Sanscrit, Syhma, like the tribe lately named in the West, who, I suppose, might take the name of Druids from
the Druhya of India, the son of Yadu . Though it cannot certainly be known, it seems not unlikely that the leaders
of the tribes were the sons of princes bearing those mythological names. If the Patriarchs of those early days had
hundreds of children, like the Eastern monarchs of the present day, it is not unlikely that they should have sent
them off with gifts, as Abraham is described to have sent off his children by Keturah, (instead of leaving them to
be murdered by their elder brothers, the fashion of the present day,) and let them take such people as chose to go
with them to form new tribes . There are hundreds of tribes of Bedoueens in Asia, but I never met with an account
of the formation of a tribe, and how it is done I do not know . They all have, or pretend to have, long pedigrees .
I attribute the loss of the tribe of the ladu in India by us, or its not being perceptible to us, in a considerable
degree to the effect of the prejudice which we have in our minds (to which I have alluded in my Preface) to any thing -
of the nature of the Jewish religion in India ; and this has led us both to conceal and misrepresent facts and circum-
stances out of number, without really having any intention to do so, or to do any thing that is wrong. It has
probably only acquired the name of Jewish as a religion, because it happened to be the religion of that branch of
the tribe of Yadu which, with its Brahmin, emigrated to the West . If it had a name, it called itself Israelite, or
perhaps it called itself by the name of the God IE or IEUE, which was the same name by which God was called,
and his praises chaunted, in the country which they had left, Yeye,-or as they call him in both Sanscrit and
Hebrew the God of victory . I beg to refer to Book VIII. Chap . VI. Sect. 6 . p . 429, and Book X . Chap. II . Sect . 14,
p . 602 .
The name which those people gave themselves is very difficult to find, and worthy of much consideration . If we
revert to Book VIII . Chap . II. Sect. 2, p . 398, we shall find an account of great numbers of tribes of black Jews in different
parts of India, Buchanan counted upwards of fifty of them . Few of them possess Pentateuchs, except what they
acknowledge that they have received from Christians or Jews of the West in modern times . These are nothing more
than remains of the loudi or ladu, who are to be met with, as might be expected, in almost every part of India,-
and whenever any of them are observed by our travellers, they are honoured with the distinctive epithet of a tribe .
It is not unlikely that, if carefully sought after, five hundred such tribes might be found. They are nothing more
than remains of the people of the Pandaean kingdom-or of the Yadu, who have not become followers of Vishnu-
who have not adopted the later changes of any of the various sects which have arisen from the renewed Avatars, &c .,
&c . The new sects, as might be expected, have over-rode them-borne them down . I have no doubt that great
numbers of those whom we call Jews, and whom we find in other parts of the world, are the same .
I believe that if Ptolemy had not forced the publication of the Pentateuch in Greek, we never should have heard
of the Jews of Jerusalem . Had their books continued secret, they, like the sacred and secret books of Athens and
all other places or temples, would have been lost . For, though we find the mythos contained in Genesis almost
every where, we no where find it in writing . But we have no writings of that early date . I think it not unlikely that
it might be found in some of the temples of Jaggernaut or Baljii in South India, perhaps in that in which Dr .
Buchanan found the Romish service in the act of being celebrated . Every large tribe coming from the East would
bring with it, in substance, the same religious rites as - the Brahmin brought to Jerusalem, which have all been lost .
But, about the temple or the sacred mount-of each tribe, we generally find some traces of the mythos .
In ancient times, we all know, that the Jews placed their sins upon a scape-goat, which they turned into the
wilderness. In Tibet the same rite was practised . The goat and the sheep were of the same species, for which

Though they brought the Gods, I think they were iconoclasts.
4 The name Y oudia means hand of God. The native princes of India often carry a hand as their crest, as do the followers of
All in Persia. Parkhurst in voce. Do our Baronets carry a hand for a similar reason ?
838 Appendix
reason we constantly find them used for one another . From Lord Kingsborough's Antiquities of Mexico, Vol. VI .
p. 301, I learn that the Jews at this time, instead of placing their sins on a Goat, place them on a Fish . This is a
very striking fact . It induces me to believe that the true system is secretly known among some of the Jews . It
dovetails into my system in so extraordinary a manner, and is of so peculiar a nature, that I can attribute it to
nothing but the continuance of the mythos, which I have taken so much pains to penetrate, understand, and develop .
It renders it highly probable that, as I have just observed, it is yet secreted among the Jews, and, consequently, if
this be the fact, it raises the probability that I have discovered the true system to a proof I can entertain no doubt
of the veracity of Lord Kingaborough. Whether he has acquired his information from oral or written evidence, I
know not ; but be it which it may, for several reasons I can rather believe (in this peculiar case) in the truth of the
POSITIVE evidence on which he has received this secreted fact, or piece of secret doctrine or ritual, than I can in the
NEGATIVE evidence of ten thousand Jews, let them be in what rank of life, or of what country, they may. Their
present denial of the Trinitarian doctrine, divulged by the greatest man of their nation who ever lived-Philo--
proves that no dependence can be placed on any thing which they say, where their religious prejudice is concerned .
This apparently harsh judgment will, in a great measure, be justified, when, in my next volume, I shall shew that
their apocryphal books of Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus contain some secret matters, of a most important and curious kind,
of which it is absolutely impossible that their learned men can be ignorant . And it will decisively prove that their
conclaves have the same Cabala as the Romish Conclave ; and, indeed, the same as the conclave of every temple in the
world formerly had .
Chardin, in his Travels,' states, that the Mingrelian Christians celebrate the paschal supper by eating fink instead
of lamb He tells a nonsensical story about the change of the fish into a lamb at Jesus Christ's last supper, in which
it is evident that a mistake is made-and that the mythos originally had the story the other way, namely, the Lamb
changed into the Fish.
When I find Clemens Alexandrinus, who was initiated into the mysteries of Eleusis, letting escape him ; that their
rites, or the doctrines taught in them, were copied from the laws of Moses, I cannot help suspecting that what they
call a large book, which contains the most holy part of their doctrines, and which was made of two stones, and called
arrpwp,a, was a part of a similar history to that of the two stone tables of Mount Sinai s This will not be thought so
paradoxical, when, in my next volume, I shall produce the learned Abbe Guerin de Rocher undertaking to prove that
the whole Mosaic mythos, as well as Jephtha's daughter in Iphigenia, is to be found in the Grecian mythology.
We may observe that there are three great prevailing sects in India, which over-ride all the others, and those are
the sects of the three Zodiacal signs-first, of Buddha symbolised by the Bull ; secondly, of Cristna symbolised by the
Lamb ; and, thirdly, of Vishnu symbolised by the Fish . The first, I am persuaded, was originally Tur or Sur ; the
second, Crios, or Xy % or Cristna ; the third, the Vish or Fish . All these names, and all this mixture, seem to me
to have arisen from the state of man, which we know from experience is natural to him . In the first period I believe
they adored the Trimurti or Trinity, Brahma, Turia or Suria or Buddha, and Seva : in the second, Brahma, Cristna,
and Seva : and now they adore Brahma, Vishnu, and Seva . If the Brahmins meet this with denials, then I tell them, it
is notorious that they have long lost all knowledge of their mythology ; and they have not a single book which can be
expected to give the requisite information . The Vedas are not histories, as the part translated by the learned Profes-
sor Rosen shews, and are long previous to the period of the entrance of the Sun into Pisces, and perhaps of Aries also .
I am quite certain, that in all my reasonings I have not given sufficient weight to the absolute and complete
ignorance of the present race of Indians in their history and mythology . They are really as ignorant of them as we
are, and indeed more so . For their pretended genealogies of the line of princes up to the sun and moon, except to
a very little way back, are all nonsense. Of real history, till about the Christian sera, they had none, like the Greeks
before Herodotus : and their mythology or secret religion, when written, was all parable. They lost even their
astronomy, only retaining the tables which were in daily use to make their calendars with, and to calculate the
eclipses . I believe that it is the order of nature,-that it is one of the effects of the dissemination of superficial
knowledge, to produce a tendency to the destruction of real and deep knowledge . I believe it is an order of nature
not ill described by the oriental doctrine of the Metempsychosical renewal of cycles . Science comes to perfection,
and then recedes, then rises again ; and I cannot help suspecting that if the common use of the art of printing (a
new element in all our calculations, the effect of which we cannot know, having no experience) do not prevent it, we
shall run the same course again .
I believe the aspect of Indian affairs presents to our Indian travellers a complete chaos, though they do not like,
each in his own case, to confess that it is so . There is nothing like a standard religion any where, so that a person
may say this is the religion . Each Pundit tells his employer the story of his own theory or sect, which, of course, (as
is found among European sectaries,) is always, according to him, the admitted and acknowledged truth, and there, are
scores of sects . Among the Brahmins there is no head, no individual or body to which a person can look for the
locale of their religion. You may as well ask for the seat of the Protestant religion in Europe . Indeed, the Brahmins

' Vol . 1 . Chap. ix. 11 Vide Lemp. voc . Eleus.

Appendix 839
are as much divided into sects as other parties . When the establishment went to pieces, each Temple or Church kept
its own property, and retained its devotees . Sometimes it has continued nearly the same, sometimes it has changed,
and become the religion of Jaggernaut, sometimes of Cali ; the devotees have generally become Vishnuvites . In some
instances they have taken a name jointly from the Lamb and the beneficent character of their God, and have become
Crestons ; and in others, not having fallen in with the new Avatar of Pisces, they have continued practising the old
rites of Ayoudia . Our people now persuade them that they are Jews, which, as they have no tradition of their origin,
and no sacred writings to guide them, or to contradict the Christians or Western Jews, may easily be done . If I
understand Dr . Buchanan, they are a very low and illiterate race of people . In a similar manner, probably, most of
the other numerous sects, whose names I do not know, have arisen . In five hundred years the religion of Britain would
be precisely similar, if the establishment were abolished, and each church or chapel left as it is, in possession of its
property . Some would be Trinitarian, some Arian, some Unitarian, some Southcotian ; but still all Christian. In a
similar manner all the sects of India are of the Brahmin religion, not Buddhists, as we are all Protestants, and not
Papists . On the whole, it comes to this, that when our Indian scholars say, the Brahmins tell us this or tell us that,
they only mean that their Pundit has told them this or that : and in every case, if they have asked the opinion of
another Pundit, he has not denied what the other has said, though it may be quite new to him, if it have not made
against his sectarian principle-if it be not against the credit of his order or country. And this will take place from a
natural cause, without any wrong intention on the part of the Pundit . Not knowing any thing against it, he will sup .
pose it true . Besides, there are a great many persons in India who despise the doctrines of all the sects, as there are
philosophers in Europe who despise sectarian distinctions .
Before I conclude this volume I request my reader's attention to a peculiar system of Anthropomorphitism, and to
the general anthropomorphitic style of description which may be observed every where in the Jewish sacred writings,
and, indeed, in those also of the Gentiles, and which has drawn down the severest censures upon them from modern
philosophers, ignorant of their nature . I may instance the walking in the garden in the cool of the evening . If we are
to suppose the writers meant those expressions to be taken literally, and that they did really believe that the Supreme
First Cause so walked, we must take them for fools, and not, as circumstances would lead us to believe that they
were, in many respects, men of the profoundest wisdom . But the case becomes very materially changed, when we find
the First Cause here spoken of, to he, though a person of a very high and transcendant character, yet not the Supreme
Being, but a person inferior in rank and dignity to the Most High, to the ineffable To Ov. This view of the subject
instantly removes much of the absurdity of the expressions alluded to . It is clear to me, that the knowledge, that the
meaning of these expressions did not apply to the To Or, was a part of the secret system ; and the doctrine that the
literal meaning did apply to him was intended merely for the vulgar ; and that it was fit and suitable for the under-
standings of the vulgar, is decisively proved, by its being yet received by hundreds of millions of them, who will be very
indignant at me for letting out the secret doctrines, so much above the grasp of their faculties, and for denying that the
Supreme Being did walk in the garden . But nothing can be well worse than this double system . It has not only kept
the bees of the hive in ignorance, but it has ended at last, as might be expected, in the ignorance also of the drones
themselves, and in the debasement of the intellect of both . This observation I consider an extremely important one,
and one which might and ought to have been before noticed in my work ; but it was not perceived by me till
this volume was nearly printed, a blindness which I attribute to the extreme difficulty of unlearning the nonsense taught
to me in my youth, of which I have so much complained in my Preface . I shall be told that my observation is not new,
and that several writers have observed, that the God Jehovah of the Jews was supposed, or said by some of them, not to
be the First Cause . This is true, but it, like many other things, though noticed, has been noticed only by being mis .
represented and turned into ridicule ; so that, for the cause of truth, it had better not have been noticed at all . As it
was known only by having escaped from the mysteries, it probably was not understood by those who named it, to whom
it might have appeared in the contemptible light in which they represented it. But this makes no difference as to the
fact of the real misrepresentation .
The idea of the Person of whom I now speak, condescending to walk and talk with man, seems degrading in our
estimation at first sight ; but yet I know not how, in idea, to separate the former or reformer of our globe, and of its
small, as well as large parts, from a sensation of littleness, or from anthropomorphitism. We can scarcely form an
idea how a world, or any matter, was to be formed, or moulded into shape, without organs . From this difficulty, I
have no doubt arose the expedient of calling one of the persons of the Trinity by the term Logos,-for he spake the
word-gave the word-and the world was made. From this the Logos and Lingua came to be united to the Linga-
words identical, I have no doubt, in letters, in ancient, though a little varied in modern, times . The connexion
between Linga and Logos, as generators of the globe or system, is evident enough . I can entertain no doubt, that the
whole of the refined doctrine of Emanation, of the Trimurti, of the To Oy, and IIa7,gp cwyrms-9 ;, was a Cabalistic secret,
creeping out of the crypt by degrees . And though we often read of the Cabala about the time of the beginning of the
Christian a era, yet I very much suspect, that its real existence was then denied by the initiated, as it has been since, and
is now at Rome and Moscow . I believe the Protestant priests are perfectly ignorant, and that they are too vain of their
little bit of Greek and Latin, to submit to be taught . And, as to their predecessors, Luther and Calvin, I believe they were
as much the sufferers from monomania as John Wesley, who fancied he had miracles performed upon him almost every day .
March 10, 1833.



To the Editor.
IN consequence of the present prevailing fashion for the study of the Hebrew language, I am induced to offer some
observations respecting its celebrated vowel points . It appears that a new school of divinity is arising, which is chiefly
founded on an old exploded notion of the antiquity of these points. The object for which this obsolete doctrine is
revived, is, I think, sufficiently evident . However, with your permission, as concisely as is in my power, I propose to
submit to your readers a few of the reasons which formerly caused it to be exploded, and which, I flatter myself, will
finally consign it to its long home . The Hebrew language, as it is found in the copies of the Pentateuch used in the
synagogues, consists of twenty-two letters, but is devoid of the marks which are known by the name of the vowel points .
The present Jews, with the followers of the new divinity school, maintain that these points are of very great antiquity ;
some asserting them to be as old as Ezra, others coeval with the language . On the contrary, it has been the opinion of
most learned men in modern times, that they have been not only adopted as authority, but invented, since the time of
Christ ; that they were invented in the dark ages by the Jews, in order to enable them to give such meaning and pro-
nunciation to the text as they thought proper, and further to enable them, on once having given it that meaning and
pronunciation, to keep them from all change in future. The object for which they were invented is evident from the
circumstance, that they not only added a system of new vowels to the language, but they contrived to abolish the old
ones, and render them silent and useless as vowels, and convert them, when joined to the new letters, into consonants .
Had the object of the Jews in inventing the points been merely to fix the pronunciation, they would not have done
away with the old vowels, but only added some points to them . But this would not have served their purpose ; there-
fore they were obliged to get quit of the sturdy old vowels, which would not be made to bend to their purposes, and to
convert them into consonants .
The simple question at issue betwixt the parties is, whether these points he new or old ; and this, I think, it will not
he difficult to settle . If what Harris says be true, that a letter is a sign significant, the vowel points and accents or
marks, upwards of twenty in number, must be letters, for they are certainly signs significant ; and it is pretty evident
that the addition of such a number of letters to any language must enable the person adding them, to give to the origi-
nal text nearly whatever meaning he thinks proper. This is the object for which they were invented by the Jews, and
this is now the object for which the new school of Christians support them .
In the beginning of the last and the end of the preceding century, the question of the antiquity of these points was
discussed at great length, and with no little warmth and animation, by a great number of very learned men, until the
subject appeared to be completely exhausted, and the question settled . To enter into the contest again would be use-
less, and evidently would occupy too much space in your miscellany : but as Dean Prideaux has summed up the chief
arguments against them in a short and compendious form, it may be useful to many of your readers who are misinformed
by their Jewish and Christian instructors, to see what has been said by him against them. The following are the prin-
cipal reasons which he gives against their antiquity :
1 . « The sacred books made use of by the Jews in their synagogues, have ever been, and still are, without the vowel
points, which would not have happened had they been placed there by Ezra, and consequently been of the same autho-
rity with the letters ; for, bad they been so, they would certainly have been preserved in the synagogues with the same
care as the rest of the text . There can scarce any other reason be given why they were not admitted thither, but that,
when the Holy Scriptures began first to be publicly read to the people in their synagogues, there were no such vowel
points then in being ; and that when they afterwards came in use, being known to be of a human invention, they were
for that reason never thought At to be added to those sacred copies, which were looked on as the true representatives of
the original ; and therefore they have been ever kept with the same care in the ark or sacred chest of the synagogue, as
Appendix 841
the original draft of the law of Moses anciently was in the ark or sacred chest of the tabernacle, which was prepared for
it ; and they are still so kept in the same manner among them to this day .
2 . "The ancient various readings of the sacred text, called Keri Cetib, are all about the letters, and none about the
vowel points ; which seem manifestly to prove, that the vowel points were not anciently in being, or else were not
looked on as an authentic part of the text ; for if they had, the variations of these would certainly have been taken
notice of, as well as those of the letters .
3 . "The ancient cahalists draw none of their mysteries from the vowel points, but all from the letters : which is an
argument either that these vowel points were not in use in their time, or else were not then looked on as an authentic
part of the sacred text ; for had they then been so, these triflers would certainly have drawn mysteries from the one as
well as from the other, as the later cabalists have done .
4 . "If we compare with the present pointed Hebrew Bibles the version of the Septuagint, the Chaldee paraphrases,
the fragments of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion, or the Latin version of Jerome, we shall in several places find
that they did read the text otherwise than according to the present punctuation ; which is a certain argument that the
pointed copies, if there were any such in their times, were not then held to be of any authority ; for otherwise they
would certainly have followed them .
5 . "Neither the Mistna, nor the Gemara, either that of Jerusalem or that of Babylon, do make any mention of
these vowel points, although in several places there are such special occasions and reasons for them so to have done,
that it can scarce be thought possible they could have omitted it if they had been in being when these books were
written ; or, if in being, had been looked on by the Jews of those times to be of any authority amongst them. Neither
do we find the least hint of them in Philo-Judaeus or Josephus, who are the oldest writers of the Jews, or in any of the
ancient Christian writers for several hundred years after Christ. And although among them Origen and Jerome were
well skilled in the Hebrew language, yet in none of their writings do they speak the least of them . Origen flourished
in the third, and Jerome in the fifth century ; and the latter having lived a long time in Judea, and there more especi-
ally applied himself to the study of Hebrew learning, and much conversed with the Jewish Rabbies for his improvement
therein, it is not likely that lie could have missed making some mention of them through all his voluminous works, if
they had been either in being among the Jews in his time, or in any credit or authority with them, and that especially,
since in his commentaries there were so many necessary occasions for his taking notice of them ; and it cannot be
denied but that this is a very strong argument against them ."-Prid . Con . P. i . B . v .
The Dean has not done justice to his own observations respecting Origen ; for be might have added, that numerous
examples might be produced from his works, where he has quoted the Hebrew in a manner different from the present
masoretic punctuation, particularly in his Heptacla, in writing Hebrew into Greek characters .
This short compendium of the Dean's seems to me to he quite sufficient to decide the question . Indeed, the well-
known fact named in his first section, of the text in the synagogue copies being without the points, cannot be got over .
The points are not only wanting, but
" The text of the synagogue-rolls of the .Pentateuch is not divided into verses, and is also without the points of dis-
tinction ( :) called Soph-pesuk . Buxtorf, in his Tiberius, Ch . ii . p . 113, quotes the following note from Elias Levitta
It is a certain truth, and of which there is no doubt, that this law which Moses set before the Israelites was plain,
without points, and without accents, and without any distinction of verses, even as we see it at this day ; and according
to the opinion of the cabalistic doctors, the whole law was as one verse, yea, and there are that say as one word'
Yeates's Collation, pp . 35, 36''-Townley's Illustration, Vol . I . p . 58 .
The great supporters of the antiquity of the points were the two Buxtorfs-no doubt, men of great learning and
talent . But the only argument which they produced of any weight which is not answered by the preceding five
paragraphs of the Dean's, is this, " that when the Hebrew language ceased to be the mother tongue of the Jews, (as
it is agreed on all hands that it did after the Babylonish captivity,) it was scarce possible to teach that language without
the vowel points ."-Prid . Con.
This argument is completely refuted by the fact, that the Samaritan Pentateuch, as well as the Chaldee paraphrases
before the time of Buxtorf, were all without the points, and the former still remains so . It seems quite absurd to
suppose that, if the Hebrew had once had them, it should ever have lost them . And the argument that the language
must have had them because it could not be read without them, is at once refuted by the fact of the Samaritan being
yet without them, as well as several other languages . The reader will find much curious information on the question
here discussed in Bishop Marsh's 10th and 12th Lectures .
On this subject Dr . Robertson says,
" For neither the obsolete Arabic characters called the Cuphic, which fell into disuse about A . D 930, nor the alpha-
bet of the Sanscrit in India, a language that has been dead or not currently spoken these 1200 years, nor the Chaldee,
Syriac, or Samaritan, nor any other -ancient Eastern language that we know of, ever employed vowel points as the
modern Jews and Arabs do . The Arabic vowel points came first into use at the time when the modern Arabic alpha-
bet was adopted by order of the Kalif of the Saracens, Almuktadir, A . D . 390. The new alphabet was invented by his
vizir, Ibn Mukla."
Much pains have been taken to spew that without the points the meaning of the language must be doubtful ; that
842 Appendix

some words will bear as many as even hundreds of different meanings ; and thence it has been inferred that the
language always must have had them . This argument, the fact stated above, of several languages being still without
them, sufficiently refutes. The imperfection of the language may be a subject of regret, but it cannot be admitted
as a proof of the antiquity of the system of pointing against such evidence as is produced . With respect to the
mode of obviating this imperfection, it is evident that there is no other way to be adopted than to consult and compare
similar texts with one another, and with the old versions made when the language was still living . For this purpose,
in the case of the Pentateuch, the Samaritan, and the Latin Vulgate (a version made from the Hebrew) may be
consulted, and, above all, the Septuagint . Persons wishing for more information may consult Walton's Prolegomena,
his Considerator Considered, and the works of Dr . Grabbe .
It is said that the Jews in their synagogues, in reading their law, always read first a passage in the Hebrew, and
then the passage in the language of the country, that it might be understood . And in order to pronounce it correctly,
the reader for the day always on the day preceding practised his lesson by reading it over from a pointed copy . From
this it is inferred that the points are ancient . But I do not see how this can prove any thing of the kind ; for the
practice itself was not ancient nor general, as is proved by a curious passage quoted by Buxtorf in his Lexicon Talm .
Rabbinicum, from the Talmud of Jerusalem .
" Rabbi Levi ivit Caesaream, audiens4ue eos legentes lectionem `audi Israel,' Dent. vi ., Hellenistiei, voluit impedire
ipsos ." Vide Marsh, Mic.
The fact of the service of the Jews being read in the synagogues in countries foreign to Judea, and after their
last dispersion, in the Greek language, cannot be doubted, and may be proved from various passages in Tertullian,
Origen, Philo, &c . ; but the matter is put out of dispute by a decree of Justinian, A . D. 550, (Novel . 146 ; Photii
Nomocanon, xii . 3 ; also Gothofredi Corpus Juris Civilis ; Novel. 146, II . i. 580,) passed for the express purpose of
determining the question ; for disputes had arisen amongst the Jews on the question, whether their service was to be
read in the Hebrew or the Greek : and the Emperor settled it by giving them permission to read the Hebrew if they
pleased, paying a tax for so doing.
In the synagogues in Egypt and other places, the service, ever after the time of Onias, was read in the Greek
language . When the Jewish captives taken by Titus and Vespasian came to be dispersed over the empire, they were
not content with this practice of the Hellenistic Jews, which they considered wrong-heretical ; and after some time
they endeavoured to change it, and this was the cause of the disputes ; similar to what had happened before at Caesarea,
when Rabbi Levi found them reading the law HELLENISTICE .
The doctors of the new school, mirabile dictu ! are actually in support of their system driven to the necessity of
maintaining that the LXX . was burnt in the time of Caesar (though Tertullian witnesses that it was at Alexandria in
his time) ; and that Origen in his Heptacla, Jerome, Justinian, and all the Jews, were mistaken ; and that all these
people, quoting, editing, quarrelling, legislating, never once suspected that they had mistaken the version of Aquila
for the Septuagint,-Greek being the vernacular tongue of Origen, and Hebrew of the Jews !
It would occupy too much of your Journal, or else many passages might be produced from the New Testament,
and the works of Jerome, Origen, &c ., to prove that their authors quoted from unpointed copies . But they may be
found in Walton's Prolegomena, and in his Considerator Considered . Nothing can well be more striking than this
fact ; yet perhaps one example may not encroach too much on your space .
In the last verse of the 47th chapter of Genesis, Jacob is said in our Bible to have bowed himself on the bed's head .
The Vulgate renders this passage, conversus ad lectuli caput ; the LXX ., Earl rb axpov Tq; pa16$ov arizov, in summitatem
virgre sum, upon the top of his staff. Now, the word in Hebrew, riton mte, means both staff and bed, accordingly
as it is pointed ; and the makers of the LXX. have evidently made a mistake, which if they had had a pointed copy
they would not have done. How absurd to suppose that the old man lying on his death-bed should bow his head on
his walking-staff! The truth of this rendering of the word inn mte by the word lecttun and not virga, is proved
from its repetition in the last verse of the 49th chapter, where it is said collegit pedes suos super lectulum, Vulg . ; rov ;
ar6Eas atj Earl Tqv ,Xlraw, LXX .
This proves that there were no points when the LXX was made . St. Paul, quoting the passage, uses the word
virga-a proof that he quoted from the LXX , or else that he made a mistake in the Hebrew ; and as the latter will
not be allowed, it tends to prove against the new school that the version which we have is really the LXX . The Samaritan
text and version and the Targum have the same reading as the Vulgate, lectum . The Arabic and Syriac versions
made from the LXX . of course fall into its mistake This example also furnishes one proof against the dogma of
the new school that St. Jerome did not understand Hebrew, that he did understand it, and that he used it profitably
too, in his Latin version .
I apprehend that when the Hebrew became a dead language, the points were invented by degrees to enable the
masters in the schools better to instruct their pupils, and after some time they began to have authority given to them
by the Rabbies . No man appears to have taken more trouble to examine the question than Dean Prideaux . From
him we learn that all the Rabbinical authors were unpointed in his time, and that all their other books were originally
without them ; that in some new editions points were put to them, but that the best editions were without them ;
that they were added to the Targums by Buxtorf ; and that they were only a little before his time added to the Mistna
Appendix 843
and Machzor. (Prid . Con . B . v. pp . 422, 429, ed . 8vo. 1815 .) I shall not now intrude any further on you than
merely to add, that if your readers wish for any more proofs of the modern date of the masoretic points, they may
consult the works of the following persons, who all wrote in defence of that doctrine, and by whom the question was
considered to be settled
Capellus, Elias Levitta, Thomas Erpenius, Isaac Casaubon, J. J. Scaliger, Isaac Vossius, J . Drusius, Arnolde Boote,
Andrew Rivet, Lewis de Dieu, Grotius, Spanheim, Festus Hommius, Theodore Beza, Selden, Walton, Sennert,
Basnage, Burman, Simon, Limborch, Morinus, Vitringa, Le Clerc, Heuman, L'Advocat, Houbigant, Louth, Kenni-
cott, and Marsh, Theol . Lec . P. ii . Lib . x . P. 75 ; also see Todd's Life of Walton, note 1, Vol . II. p . 322 .
Perhaps it is unnecessary to observe, that it is not so much my object to discuss the question on which I have
slightly touched, as to suggest to your readers who have lately commenced the study of the Hebrew language and its
history, where they may find the best authorities on the subject, in order that they may not be misled by the specious
and plausible, though unfounded, assertions of the new school .

Shellow Grange, near Doncaster .

( 844 )


AFTER my First Appendix was printed, I received Mr . Von Hammer's French History of the Assassins, published
March 1833 . It is exactly what a book on such a subject, written by Mr . Von Hammer under the patronage of the
Emperor of Austria, might be expected to be found . It is difficult to say whether religious malice or ignorant preju-
dice most prevails . I shall only notice one passage which, in a very striking manner, proves the truth of what I have
said, in Book X ., respecting the College of St . John's, at Cambridge . When all the other circumstances are con-
sidered, it cannot for a moment be believed, that the same dresses should be adopted at Cairo and at Cambridge, without
some communication or without a common origin . After describing the College, or MAISON DE SAGESSE, as he calls
it, at Cairo, in page 55, he says,
" Souvent les Khalifes y presidaient des theses savantes, dans lesquelles paroissaient, suivant l'ordre de leur facultes,
" les professeurs attaches a cette academie, LOGICIENS, MATHEMATICIENS, JURISTES, et MEDECINS, tons. revetus dans
• leurs habits de ceremonie (khalaa), on de leur manteaux de docteurs . Les manteaux des universites Anglaises ont
" encore aujourd'hui la vieille forme du khalaa on du kaftan, qui etaient les habits d'honneur des Arabes ." He shews
that, to the support of this establishment, the tithes were appropriated ; and in p . 58, describing the doctrines of the
Assassins, he unwittingly lets the following passage escape him : " On enseignait que toute legislation positivement
• religieuse, devait titre subordonnee ii la legislation gdnerale philosophique ." "Les Doctrines de Plato, de Aristote,
• et de Pythagore, etaient citees comme des preuves logiques et fondamentales ." I cannot refrain from expressing
my pleasure at this presumptive proof of the truth of what I have said of the Assassins, Templars, &c ., &c ., &c . It is
only by taking advantage of such, to all appearance, trifling casualties, that the secret truths of the ancients can be
wrested from the hand of the destroyers .
The work of Mr. Von Hammer is probably intended to create an alarm against the orders of Carbonari, Masons,
Templars, &c . I shall probably return to it.

April 15th, 1833 .

( 845 )


Aaron, 16, 221 . .Eneas, 16, 47, 609, 624 . Alcestis, 644 .
Aaron al Raschid, 75 . .Enigmas, 514, 623 . Alchemists, 346 .
Aas-grad, 535 . .Enou, 110 . Al Choder, 198, 199 .
Abacus, 476 . €neid, 609, 610, 614, 616 . Alchymists, 761 .
Abaris, 56, 391, 405, 612 . .Eolians, 361 . Alcoran, 698 .
Abba, 795 . .Eon, 588, 813 . Aldborough, 385, 726 .
Abd-al-Raschid, 75 . tEra, 617, 746. Ale, 65.
Abdala, 421 . .Era, Buddha, 192. Aleim, 64, 65, 326, 785, 819.
Abdul Raschid, 741 . .Esar, 369, 610, 614, 617, 715 . Aleim, Heathen, 66 .
Aberdeen, 535. .Eschylus, 644, 798, 799 . Aleph Trinity, 172 .
Abimelech, 82 . Lsculapius, 324 . Alexander, 44, 274, 380, 411, 470, 471,
Abodazara, 316. . sculus, 398, 542 . 508, 673, 725, 773, 776 .
Abode, 464 . 1Esop, 733, 734 . Alexander Aboinos Techos, 361 .
Aboudab, 707 . ,Esus, 612. Alexandria, 774 .
Aborigines, 20 . 1Etes, 360 . Alexandrian MS ., 450.
Abram, Abraham, 60, 62, 82, 84, 85, Afghans, 401, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, Alfred, 664 .
273, 304, 362, 389, 396, 391, 405, 419, 425, 429, 457, 634, 665, 684, Algebra, 654 .
410, 411, 425, 435, 451, 461, 592, 702, 735, 737, 740, 773. Ali, 726, 808, 830, 832.
593, 724, 737, 769, 786 . Afghan language, 416. Ali Jah, 429.
Abraham, how far doubtful, 98 . Afghanistan, 415, 462. Alix, 350 .
Abraham, language of, 480 . Africa, 476, 604 . Allegories, 16, 17, 34, 97, 98, 276, 363,
Abraham, meaning of, 387, 390 . African Ethiopia, 465, 467 . 446.
Abraxas, 326 . Agamemnon, 504 . Allegories, Jewish, 97 .
Abubeker, 726 . Age, Golden, 452 . Allegory, Genesis, 291 .
Abughazi Khan, 417. Age, ninth, 579 . Allegory in France, 272 .
Abulfaragius, 561, 752. Ages, four, 176. Allegory, Maimonides, 98 .
Abulfazil, 280. Ages, eight., 205 . Allegory, Mosaic, 336 .
Abulmazar, 576. Agni, 640, 707 . Allegories of Trees, 346 .
Abury, 179, 180, 225, 384, 524, 773 . Agni-cula, 584 . Allegory, various, 209 .
Abyssinia, 424, 458, 462, 463, 770, Aguiculas, 263, 518 . Allen, 793 .
810 . Agniw-ile, 262. Allix, 68, 75 .
Abyssinians, 602, 654, 810 . Agnus, 260, 261 . Alma, 309 .
Acartiania, 337. Agnus Dei, 109 . Al Mahmun, 197 .
Aceldama, 273 . Agra, 406, 423, 432 . Al-Mamon, 197 .
Achaia, 384 . Ahmed, 801 . Al Mansor, 249 .
Achamoth, 708 . Ahmed-poor, 421. Almaut, 700 .
Achilles, 352, 362, 519, 615 . Ahmid, 673, 679 . Alma, meaning of, 110 .
Acra, 406 . Aholiab, 817. Almug, 519, 653, 715 .
Acrae, 422 . Ahrimaues, 16, 35, 38, 121, 163. Alphabet, Irish, 9 . '
Acropolis, 3'48, 355, 361, 807. Aia, 350 . Alphabet, 17 letters, 11 .
Acrostic, 565, 567, 573, 576, 635, 737 . Ala Aia, 359, 378, 384 . Alphabet, magical, 15 .
Acts, Apostles, 680 . Aikin, 7 . Alphabet, right lined, 8, 16, 17, 19 .
Adad, 402, 519, 722 . Ailon, 759 . Alphouso, 184 .
Adam, 42, 280, 419, 420, 478, 626, Alol-(ones, 362. Alzarphet, 317 .
791 . Air in motion, 113 . Am, 110.
Adam's bridge, 684 . Aitnistan, 346. Atnazoneum, 506.
Adam's foot, 624 . Aius, 350 . Amazonians, 409 .
Adam Kadmon, 661, 811 . Aja, 606. Amazons, 332, 505, 506, 507, 508,
Adavani, 759 . Aja Mahal, 737 . 512 .
Addas, 721 . Aja Pal, 517 . Amber, 537 .
Adim, 419, 420. Ajemere, 364, 405, 407, 408, 418, 426, Ambrasius, 336, 337, 422 .
Aditya, 594 . 516, 517 . Ambrestan, 384 .
Adjudea, 462 . Aji, 604, 605 . Ambrose, 223 .
Adjuration, 802 . Ajimere, 702 . Amelius, 308 .
Adnath, 519. Alterman, 809 . Amenophis Memnon, 55, 57 .
Adni, 65 . Ak-Hisar, 810 . America, South, 292.
Adon, 533, 732 . Al, 65, 67, 71, 759. American calculations, 2, 28 .
Adoni, 666, 713, 732, 738, 756, 810. Al-ambra, 728 . Amiclean inscription, 13 .
Adonis Ceres, 49, 63, 171, 314, 359, Alabanda, 811 . Amida, 156, 431 .
587, 752, 756 . Alba, 608 . Amma, 313 .
Adrian, 625 . Albanact, 367 . Ammsea, 313 .
Adriatic, 613 . Alba Longa, 368 . Ammianus Marcellinus, 592 .
Adan, 65 . Albert the Great, 314 . Ammon, 44,, 266, 298, 318, 341, 653,
Lliau, 344 . Albumazar, 197, 315 . 755 .
846 Index
Ammonius Saccas, 126, 160, 447, 553, Am Cottii, 242 . Arnobius, 343.
556, 560, 573, 589, 663, 815, 824, Arabi, 416, 419, 420, 461 . Aio), 362 .
825, 835 . Arabia, 52, 53, 414, 416, 418, 419, 423, Aiolians, 362.
AMfl, 686 . 428, 449, 462, 465, 755. Arrian, 142, 149, 236, 242, 274, 407,
Amor, 628 . Arabia of India, 414 . 411, 416, 457,
7,587, 738.
Amour, 494, 695, 696. Arabic, 465, 467, 474, 692, 743 . Arrow of Apollo, 405 .
Ampelo Kepous, 537 . Arabic figures, 13 . Arsinoe, 422.
Amphi, 422 . Arabic language, 11, 67, 465, 467, 743, Artaxerxes, 673 .
Amphiareus, 337 . 775 . Arya, 287 .
Amphictyons, 632 . Arabic numbers, 11, 12. Arzeret, 426.
Amphilochium, 336, 337 . Arabian Hebrew, 443 . As, 613 .
Amphilochus, 422. Arabians, 16, 415, 421, 425, 742, 775 . Asa, 52 .
Amphipolis, 337, 422 . Arabs, 628 . Ascanius, 754 .
Amphiprumna, 344, 345 Aral, 294 . Aschaschisdim, 701 .
Amphisbamna, 322. Aramean, 416 . Ashaphim, 810.
Amrawatty, 160, 230. Ararat, 353, 355, 358, 359, 372, 409, Ash Wednesday, 287 .
Amulius, 322 . 425, 427, 428, 759, 816 . Asia, 423 .
Amt, 685, 687. Arc, 797 . Asia Minor, 612 .
Anaglyphs, 493 . Area, 346, 348 . Asiatic Researches, 24 .
Anagram, 318, 412. Arcabandu, 159, 160. Asiatic Society, 496 .
Anagrams, 623 . Arcadia, 337, 756 . Asoph, 732.
Anagrammatical, 412. Arcanus, 347. Asoph, sea of, 294 .
Ananta Gnanain, 809. Arch, 651 . Asp, 733 .
Anastasius, 682 . Archangels, 32 . Asphaltes, 412, 417 .
Ancients and Moderns the same, 510 . Archala, 346 . Asphodel, 378.
Andes, 407. Archbishop of Dublin, 799 . Ass, 239.
Androgynous, 37. Archduke, 492 . Assassins, 654, 689, 700, 704, 711, 723,
Angle, Ecliptic, 209 . Arches, 719, 729,830 .
Angle, Equator, 789 Apx+7, 265, 347, 796, 807 . Assoors, 353, 465 .
Anima, 801 . Archimagus, 93 . Assumption, 313 .
Animal, 22 . Architectonici, 712, 723, 725. Assyria, 353.
Animals, 61 . Architis, 797 . Assyrians, 30, 51, 103, 353, 361,
Anna, 284, 646, 656. Areim, 810 . 591 .
Anna Perenna, 305. Apxra, 338. Astarte, 509 .
Anna Purna, 305 . Area, 125. Asteroth, 433 .
Annius, 489 . Arg, 797, 810 . Astle, 17, 454, 455, 459, 779 .
Annunciation, 314 . Argens, 402 . Astrologers, 6, 30, 31, 96, 207, 673,
Anobret, 393, 413, 448 . Argeiphontes, 345 . 799.
Anoubout, 448 . Argha, 170, 293, 335, 336, 337, 338, Astrology, 559, 616, 799 .
Anquetil du Perron, 93 . 343,347, 361, 410, 423, 626, 646, Athena, 341, 361, 812 .
Answers to my Mohamed, 681 . 720, 797 . Atheeneus, 325, 340 .
Anthom, 619. Argha-natha, 344 . Athenians, 341 .
Anthony, 494. Argives, 342 . Athens, 384 .
Anthony, Mark, 619 . Argo, 24, 108, 752, 757, 759, 797 . Athos, 422, 541, 581, 583, 585 .
Anthropomorphitism, 839 . Argo Argonautte, 652 . Atlas, 356 .
Antichrist, 382, 676, 689, 701, 710 . Argo-polls, 337, 355 . Atlantic, 299 .
Antioch, 342, 352, 361, 382, 384, 573, Argolis, 332, 337, 758. Atlautides, 553 .
676, 787. Argonauta Argo, 345 . Atlantis, 301 .
Antis, (noted 400. Argonautae, 337 . Atonement, 90, 254, 279, 623, 644,
Antonines, 288 . Argonautic, 334, 344 . 707 .
Anuchta, 407 . Argonath, 797 . Attica, 361 .
And, 429 . Argonauts, 333, 345, 446, 593, 596, Attila, 631, 808 .
Af1M, 686 . 627, 752, 760, 761, 762, 797, 798, Atys, 310.
Aos, 16. 799 . Atys, female, 306 .
Apbanasia, 612 . Argos, 332, 333, 348, 384, 422 . Aub, 517, 538 .
Aphrodite, 594 . Argueis, 347 . Augustin, 807 .
Apia, 333, 346, 756 . Argus, 333 . Augustine, 74, 167, 204, 218, 327, 545,
Apia, 18, 25, 51, 319, 346, 756 . Argyro Castro, 422. 554, 683, 705, 706, 786.
Apocalypse, 180, 181, 401, 576, 609, Aria, 164, 416, 593. Augment, Greek, 469 .
673, 694 . Ariadne, 303 . Augustus, 44, 188, 193, 268, 373, 470,
Apocrypha, 755, 795, 802, 831 . Arich Anpin, 785 . 575, 610, 611, 620, 629.
Apocryphal gospels, 141 . Aries, 24, 25, 148, 164, 238, 256, 319, Anpin, 785 .
Apollo, 44, 45, 159,189, 259, 324, 329, 429, 437, 751, 755, 756, 763. Aulus Gellius, 8 .
337, 358, 430, 586, 589, 591, 593, Archontes, 345. Aum, 45, 114, 157.
601, 624, 694, 763, 801, 810 . Arimanius, 706, 791 . AUM, 686 .
Apollo of Claros, 325 . Arimasp, 513 . Aur, 241 .
Apollo Cunnius, 756 . Arlon, 501 . Aura, 504 .
Apollo Carneus, 834 . Aristo, 618 . Aurelius, 489 .
Apollo Miletus, 810. Aristotle, 362 . Aurengzebe, 419, 429 .
Apollo Python, 361 . Arithmetic, 511 . Ausonius, 44 .
Apolloniacal spectre, 381 . Arithmetic, origin of, 1 . Australia, 423 738 .
Apollonius Rhodius, 16, 589 . Arjoon, 658 . Autographs, 680 .
Apollyon, 337 . Arjun, 106, 155 . Author improves on Faber, 371 .
Aororrco;, 433 . Ark, 322, 346, 797 . Ava, 322, 409 .
Apostles, 627. Ark, size of, 293 . Avaris, 56, 405 .
Apostolic Constitutions, 566 . Ark tower, 361 . Avatar, 676, 677, 698, 699, 804 .
April fools, 25 . Armenia, 235, 427. Avatar, ninth, 662 .
Apuleins, 35, 311, 527 . Arms, coats of, 398. Avatar, Pisces, 634, 635, 636, 676,
Ara Caeli, 161 . Arno,463 . 677 .
Index 847
Avatars, 159, 557, 558, 560, 561 . Baldaeus, 197. Bellamy, 67, 68, 461, 534 .
Avatars, several, 708 . Bal-ii, 572, 596, 750, 758. Bellarmine, 565 .
Avatars, eight, 215. Bal-iji, 479, 667. Bells, 820
Avatars, nine, 216 . Bali-sama, 349 . Belsham, 792 .
Avatars, ten, 155 . Balk, 422, 582, 701 . Belur Tag, 771 .
Aven, 110 . Balkan, 422, 437, 582. Belus, 355 .
Avenar, 315 . Ballaji, 145, 147 . Bemrilla, 699, 701 .
Averil Pbre, 829 . Baltimore, 257 . Benares, 218 .
Avicenna, 315, 685, 701 . Baltis, 348 . Ben David, 569 .
Avvar, 800 . Baltistan, 348, 409 . Benedictines, 682 .
Axieros, 602, 758 . Bambino, 800 . Ben-Jehudah, 317.
Axierus, 589. Bambino, black, 173, 312 . Ben Jochai, 124 .
Axiocersa, 602 . Bamian, 164. Benson, Dr ., 170 .
Axiokersa, 588 . Baudhen, mar, 666. Bentley, 3, 158, 175, 182, 183, 244,
Axis, 30, 373, 552 . Bangor, 773 . 246, 247, 248, 250, 274, 364, 421 .
Axis changed, 30, 209, 552 . Banks, 19 . 418, 446, 494, 496, 648, 761 .
Ayodhia, 763, 830, 831, 835 . Baptism, 530 . Bentley manuscript, 364 .
Ayodia, 397, 405 . Baptist, John, 808 . Berasit, 73, 444, 805, 818, 819, 823,
Ayeen Akberry, 809. Baptist missionaries, 345 . 826, vid . Barasit, Brasit, Rasit.
Azar, 611 . Baptize, 529 . Berkeley, 643.
Aziz, 125 . Baptizings, 529 . Berkley, 37 .
Azof, 534 . Bara, 641 . Berenice, 600.
Barascith, 264 . Bernard, St . 676, 677, 683 .
Barasit, 805, 818, 819, 823, vid . Berne crucifixion, 793 .
Berasit. Bernier, 413, 670, 771 .
Barat, 451 . Bernouilli, 654 .
Ba . aTo, 219 . Berosus, 182 .
Barbari, 275 . Betaisor, 539 .
Baal, 258, 433, 589 . Bethaven, 256 .
Barbarismus, 402 .
Baal of Hosea, 103 . Bethel, 759 .
Baal Spalisha, 125 . Bardesanes, 16 .
Bethlehem, 171, 315, 589, 758
Baal Zehub, 68 . Bardesaues, Syrus, 457 .
Bards, 431 . Bethluisuion, 9, 14, 16 .
Baali, 259, 457, 467, 481 . Betuma, 663 .
Babehnandel, 424 . Baris, 235, 759 .
Bar Jona, 645, 691 . Beverley, 49, 351, 496, 651, 681 .
Baber, 429, 668 . Bezaleel, 817 .
Babington, 470, 753, 759 . Barker, E . H ., 470, 619, 789 .
Bhaganas, 185 .
Babon, 699 . Barnabas, 204, 304 .
Bhagavat, 129 .
Babylon, 5, 47, 335, 35 .5, 358, 362, Barnes, 364, 615 .
Barret, 608 . Bhoes, 745, 746, 757.
368, 380, 384, 591, 624, 664, 672, Bhoiae, 757 .
Bartholomeus, 583, 592, 597 .
769, 772, 774, 778, 821 . Bhoja, 749,
Bartholomew, 667, 747 .
Babylon lona Vetus, 361 . Bharata, 585 .
Babylonians, 214 . Bartolommus, 799, 800 .
Bhats, 721 .
Bacchantes, 523 . Baruel, 817 .
Basilidians, 40, 45, 324 . Bhavani, 24, 162, 305 .
Bacchic Pomp, 361 . Bible, 466, 775.
Bacchus, 44, 163, 194, 238, 303, 316, Basnage, 44, 179, 226, 401, 542, 615,
Bi-cheres, 602 .
318, 319, 321, 322, 351, 352, 402, Bi-man •e m, 321 .
Bassus, 349 .
422, 446, 458, 528, 588, 606, 639, Bible in Odyssey, 543 .
Batavia, 601 .
643, 690, 797 . Biblius, Philo, 46.
Bates, 8.
Bacchus Omestes, 108 . Bingham, 570 .
Bathkol, 709 .
Bacchus Sol, 54. Binah, 709 .
Bachmut, 732 . Bathsheba, 411 .
Biscawen'unn, 226 .
Backebackus, 320 . Bathos, 814 .
Biscawoon, 181 .
Back-reckonings, 140 . Batta, 536 .
Battenians, 698, 705, 721 . Bishop of Canterbury, 768, 799 .
Bacon, 22, 42, 230, 341, 446, 468, 792. Bishop of York, 768 .
Battles, 667, 721 .
Bacon, Lord, 468 . Bitutna, 786.
Batuta, 402 .
Bacon, Roger, 677, 683, 748, 792 . Blacas, 493 .
Bactria, 416, 417, 422. Bayer, 14, 475 .
Black, 135, 751, 801 .
Bactriana, 422, 582 . B . D ., 153, 154, 348 .
Black Buddhists, 255 .
Bads, fourteen, 410 . Bda, 767 .
Beaus, 822 . Black Bambino, 312 .
Bafomet, 591, 710- Black Christ, 138, 751 .
Beast, 675 .
Bagavan, 407 . Black Cristna, 242 .
Baghis, 319 . Beausobre, 49, 73, 103, 324, 325, 327,
Black Diana, 332 .
Baghistan, 359 . 568, 681, 687, 708, 806, 807 . Black deities, 134, 138 .
Baghisthan, 321, Becanus, Gorocopius, 428 . Black God, 253.
Bahumid, 710 . Bechai, Rabbi, 71, 261 . Black Jews, 398, 418 .
Baids, 766. Bed of Justice, 242, 255 . Black nation, 51 .
Baieux, 274, 745, 757 . Bedahs,754 . Black Pelasgi, 264 .
Bailly, 3, 6, 30, 33, 168, 169, 271, Bedes house, 833. Blackstone, 137, 614, 630 .
479, 511, 530, 577, 622, 765 . Bedoweens, 837 . Black tribes, 399 .
Bairds, 431 . Be1v, 584. Black Venus, 253 .
Baisampsa, 237 . Bees, 346. Black Virgin, 173, 307 .
Bat, 257, 414, 457, 467, 481, 589, 613 . Beeve, 18, 136, 509 . Blauchard, -Esq., 768 .
Bala, 240, 241, 256 . Beginning nonsense, 77 . Boadicea, 726 .
Bala Deva, 238 . Begueeber, 452 . Boaz, 821 .
Bala-hadra, 257 . Beitullah, 583 . Bobr, 452 .
Bala Rama, 159, 238, 240, 464, 648. Bel-auor, 258 . Bobuns, 254.
Balbec, 259, 513 . Belerophon, 409 . Bochara, 417, 465 .
Balch, 93, 105, 164, 197, 232, 281, Belgaum, 745 . Bochart, 170, 240, 314, 349, 371, 412,
582. Belinus, 241, 257, 607 . 587 .
848 Index
Bo chart on Ethiopia, 55 . Buddha, 33, 135, 161, 201, 202, 215, Caduceus, 590 .
Bodona, 422, 585, 599 . 224, 251, 257, 322, 351, 362, 383, Caesar, 210, 369, 370, 519, 561, 586,
Boeotia, 360, 362, 525 . 402, 410, 414, 421, 427, 430, 441, 591, 608, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614,
Boicassee, 745 . 444, 446, 618, 640, 684, 699, 701, 615, 625, 801 .
Bol, 241, 258, 641 .. 721, 747, 788, 804, 819, 829, Caesar Augustus, 629, 801 .
Bombay Society, 426. Buddha, sera of, 168, 192 . Caesar, Julius, 801 .
Bonelli, 489 . Buddha, birth of, 157. Caesarean operation, 618 .
Book, a lost, 510 . Buddha, black, 52, 255, 284, 524 . Caesars, twelve, 80, 369, 490, 762, 801 .
Books burnt, 565 . Buddha, crucified, 159 . Caesars, black, 801 .
Books, destruction of, 382, 383 . Buddha, God of Mercy, 157 . Cain and Abel, an allegory, 91 .
Book of Abraham, 93 . Buddha, meaning of, 154 . Cairo, 716, 717 .
Books, secret, 386 . Buddha, names of, 153 . Calabria, 761 .
Bop, 477 . Buddha, Negro, 524 . Calamina, 663, 665, 810 .
B-gdmiu, 811 . Buddha, old roan, 154 . Calani, 427 .
Bqmaute, 708, 810, 811 . Buddha, Sun in Taurus, 152, 154, 169 . Calata Comitia, 592 .
Borlase, 227 . Buddha, ten incarnations of, 156 . Calculus, 2, 12, 476 .
Bosphorus, 829 . Buddha, Wisdom, 154, 155 . Calcutta, 479 .
Bosworth, 460, 779. Buddhas, fourteen, 410 . Calendar, 314, 494, 618, 801 .
Botttea, 582 . Buddhist Avatar, 269 . Cali, 241, 348, 592, 760, 776, 792 .
Bouchet, 667, 668 . Buddhists do not sacrifice, 91 . Cali, meaning of, 176, 592 .
Bourdeaux, 273, 384 . Buddhist towns, 384 . Calida, 592, 596, 701, 752 .
Botrta-Var, 269. Buddhist Veda, 274 . Cali-dei, 702 .
Boves, 458 . Buddism, 253, 524 . Cali-di, 596, 760 .
Bowditch, 603 . Buddism, extent of, 164 . Califat, 831 .
Bowli, 516, 638, 641 . Buddists, 15, 35, 41, 343, 449, 450, Califs, 12, 18, 437 .
Boyd, 644 . 454, 520, 809. Calinaga, 131 .
B . R ., 431 . Buddist Decalogue, 789 . Calinda, 810.
B . R . creator, 112 . Buffon, 210, 284, 292, 530 . Caliph, 692, 699, 727, 764 .
Bra, 274, 431, 451, 585, 785, 796 . Buffoonery, 660 . Calirae, 716 .
Bra, meaning of, 785 . Buldan, 640, 641 . Calisapura, 240, 405 .
Brachmanes, 457 . Baise, Bhuidin, 181 . Calistus, 832 .
Brahm Trinity, 160. Bulbous root, 490 . Cali Yug 165, 175, 182, 191, 321 .
Brahma, 35, 321, 336 . Bull, 18, 149, 256, 259, 322, 556, 606, Callan inscription, 7 .
Brahma Calpa, 175, 182 . 607, 640, 641, 642, 707. Callidei, 811 .
Brahma-pore, 355 . Bull, days sacred to the, 268 . Calli-dei-auia, 367 .
Brahma-purl, 401 . Bull changed for Ram, 509 . Callidsa, 810 .
Brahme, 48, 321, 335 . Bull-headed Gods, 266 . Callidus, 762 .
Brahme Maia, 343, 345, 348, 818, 820 . Bull, Itala, 111 . Callistheues, 364 .
Brahmins, 30, 35, 41, 42, 104, 254, Bull of Japan, 25 . Calipolis, 765 .
358, 479, 815 . Bull, prayers to, 257. Calinet, 147, 236, 276, 387, 404, 426 .
Brahmin liberality, 289 . Bull Zodiac, 150. 560, 636, 675, 756 .
Brahmins Christians, 667 . Bunderpoor, 750 . Calves, 389, 699 .
Brazen Serpent, 522 . Burckhardt, 301, 354, 464, 534, 583, Calvin, 623 .
Brasit, 73, 444, 451, vid . Barasit, Be- 742 . Calvinists, 792 .
rasit, Rasit. Burgess, 11, 12, 331 . Calvinus, 413, 557, 562 .
Brechin, 535 . Burmas, 5, 409 . Cal-wise, 592 .
Brennus, 398 626 . Burmese, 409 . Calydonia, 765, 811 .
Bridget, 377 . Burnet, 577, 815, 821 . Calyinna, 810 .
Brigantia, 408, 535, 726 . Burnet, Thomas, 29, 36, 123, 264, 282, Calyx, 339 .
Briggs, 481, 627 . 555, 577 . Cama, 497, 583, 637, 746, 760, 7a8,
Brimham, 346 . Burnt-offerings, 89. 834 .
Britain, 301 . Burrampouter, 357. Cama Deva, 760, 761 .
British Museum, 524 . Burrow, 59, Cama-isi, 760 .
Britton, 720 . Bury St . Edmond, 519 . Cama tslarina, 760 .
Brouma, 321 . Bussora, 646 . Camaseue, 7(0, 777, 788, 808, 833 .
Broumios, 321 . But-di, 348 . Camasenes, 637, 760, 761, 777 .
Brothers, 708 . Butta, 656, 704, 705 . Camasenus, 760, 761, 777, 833, 834 .
Brothers of Jesus, 139 . Byron, 516 . Camber, 367 .
Broughton, 586. Byzantium, 541 . Cambridge, 385, 643, 719, 724, 833.
Bruce, 220, 300, 458, 459, 463, 544, Cambridge key, 183, 187, 295, 309,
688, 728 . 615, 702, 735 .
Bruce, Rohert, 725 . Cambridge press, 20 .
Brutus, 367, 385 Catubyses, 19, 20, 201, 356, 486, 706 .
Bryant, 7, 25, 43, 44 . 45, 271, 338, Camera, 761 .
344, 347, 353, :366, 371, 389, 391, Caaba, 463, 645 . Camillus, 626, 757 .
403, 405, 499, 502, 513, 523, 537, Cabala, 95, 96, 72, 75, 97, 264, 327, Camise, 637 .
584, 586, 593, 596, 598, 600, 646, 415, 564, 700, 712, 746, 755, 780, Camises, 760 .
647, 648, 655, 660, 707, 797 . 785, 802, 810, 811, 815, 817, 818, Campbell, 170.
Bryant on Omphe, 108 . 819, 821, 822, 832 . Camalodunum, 834 .
B . T., 153, 154, 348 . Cabalis, 414 . Canaan, 388.
Buchanan, 247, 254, -3,98, 399, 408, Cabalists, 780 . Canaan, how occupied, 95 .
418, 473, 675, 738,. 740, 750, 752, Cabul, 160, 164, 267, 274, 281, 416, Canaauites, 162 .
764, 837, 839 . 418, 424, 587 . Canaanites not idolaters, 51 .
Bucharia, 427 . Cadmean, 1, 449, 466 . Canarrah, 457 .
Buckingham, 288, 715 . Cadmean letters, 454 . Cancer, 317 .
Budea, 602 . Cadmean system, 775 . Candace, 503 .
Budvarday, 246 . Cadmon, 811 . Candia, 754, 756 .
Budwa, 729 . Cadmus, 12, 13, 322, 455 . Candlemas, 313 .
Budwas, 314. Cadmus letters, 9. Candy, 753, 758 .
Index 849
Cannibals, 255, 511 . Celts, 125, 461, 516, 518, 563 . Chod, God, 640 .
Canon, 788 . Censorinus, 203, 205 . Chcerilus, 412 .
Canopus, 334, 346 . Centaur, 525 . Chohans,517 .
Cansa,132. Cephas, 645 . Chola, 760 .
Cautab . 309 . Cerbura, 273 . Cholcheda, 584, 592 .
Canterbury, 799 . Cercasora, 405 . Choledonia, 811 .
Cauthi, 594 . Cercesura, 422 . Choras, 587 .
Cauya, 761, 763 . Ceres, 171, 303, 311, 313, 315, 319, Choro-Mandel, 762 .
Caon, 432, 517 . 343, 432, 456, 586, 587, 588, 601, Chrestus, 569.
Cannes, 388, 502, 517 . 632, 754, 758, 778 . Chrisha, 587 .
Caouia, 422, 423 . Ceres, Bacchus, 49 . Chrismon Sancti Anibrogii, 223 .
Capella Itlartiauus, 192 . Ceres, temple of, 171 . Christ, 16, 710, 786 .
Capitol, 797 . Cerux, 590 . Christ, black, 444 .
Capitolina, 608 . Ceylon, 165, 233, 409, 428, 567, 596, Christs, black, 751 .
Capitolium, 348 . 601, 626, 641, 666, 671, 672, 753, Christian arrogance, 126 .
Capot Eswari, 398 . 754, 758, 761, 809, 834 . Christian fathers, 35 .
Capotesi, 352 . Chachatns, 189 . Christian name, 787 .
Capoteswari, 336 . Chair, 691 . Christian names, 745.
Capricorn, 3, 317 . Chalchos, 715, 733, 752, 762 . Christian religion a sword, 50 .
Carcham, 714 . Chalcidius, 40, 190 . Christians, 666 .
Carcharias, 240 . Cha}daea, 591, 592. Christians, St . John, 808 .
Cardinals, 683, 690, 819 . Chaldaeans, 618, 672, 673, 718, 762, Christianity, 790 .
Cards, playing, 16, 593 . 778, 779 . Chiistus, 569 .
Carlile, Richard, 322 . Chaldeei, 304, 473 . Chronologies, two, 195 .
Carlisle, Sir A ., 241, 517, 757 . Chaldaic, 789 . Chronology, 465, 511 .
Carmel, 39, 151, 305, 329, 704, 731, Chaldea, 603, 762 . Chronology, false, 55, 59, 185, 465 .
820 . Chaldean, 16, 60, 179, 308, 355, 511, Chronology, Indian, 405, 407 .
Carmelites, 83, 304, 362, 564, 697, 698 . 591 . Chruse, 585 .
Carmylessus, 810 . Chaldean cycle, 182 . Chrysaor, 587 .
Carn, 685, 747 ; 757, 762, 765, 834, 835 . Chaldean judges, 810 . Chryse, 584 .
Carnac, 384, 757 . Chaldean Trinity, 123 . Chryses, 624, 665, 754, 759 .
Carnate, 757, 765 . Chaldean year, 214 . Chrysippus, 203 .
Carnatic, 423 . Chaldee, 473 . Chryso-polis, 573, 581 .
Carneus, 834 . Chaldee Benares, 586 . Chrysos, 586
Cares, 409, 685 . Chaldee Targum, 811 . Chrysostom, 591, 724 .
Carttutes, 721, 834 . Chaldees, 3, 17, 304, 353, 591, 769, Chumla, 422, 437, 582.
Carpini, 657 . 779 . Chuse, 597 .
Carribbeans, 2 . Chaldei, 665, 701, 746, 747, 753, 774, Cicero, 32, 46, 122, 202, 203,240, 270,
Casa Santa, 540, 565, 566 . 778, 779, 789. 284, 317, 351, 574, 576, 635 .
Casa» bon, 320 . Chaledonia, 811 . Cicouia, 315 .
Cashgar, 355 . Chalmers, 752 . Cimmerian, 15 .
Cashi, 702, 765, 771 . Chambers, 296 . Cingales, 409 .
Cashmere, 702, 731, 740, 771, 830, 831 . Champollion, 19, 482, 490, 632 . Cintius, 411 .
Casi, 702 . Chancellor, 630. Circles, stone, 160 ; see plates, fig. 11 .
Casideans, 701, 702, 705, 718, 830, 831 . Chandler, Bishop, 170 . Circumcision, 304, 397, 436, 724, 759 .
Casimere, 30, 408, 413, 548 . Chandra, 583. Citinin, 48, 224 .
Casimere, temple in, 405 . Chandravansi, 430 . Clarke, Dr. A ., 170, 562, 789, 792 .
Caspian Sea, 28, 294, 301, 373, 829 . Chaonian, 502 . Clarke, Dr . Dan ., 143, 144, 170, 173,
Cassandra, 367, 623, 624. Chapters, 718 . 219, 224, 229, 337, 360, 362, 476,
Cassini, 166, 169, 171, 183, 192, 213, Chardin, 398, 838. 500, 512, 571, 575, 582, 720, 831 .
561, 685 . Charistia, 725 . Clarke, Dr. G ., 170.
Castes, 783 . Charlestown, 428 . Classeruiss, 226, 724 .
Castles, Lady, 535 . Chartres, 170, 314 . Classics, 42 .
Castor, 762 . Chaschesdin, 701 . Cleanthes, 202.
Castor and Pollux, 756 . Chasdim, 701 . Clearchus, 400 .
Cat, 241 . Chasotun, 771 . Cleland, 448, 682, 709, 715, 800, 822,
Cataia, 714 . Chateaubriand, 831, 832 . 834 .
Catholic religion, 530 . Chaucer, 450 . Clemens, 786, 791, 825, 838 .
Catoulas, 514 . Cheitore, 406, 407, 418 . Clemens, Alex., 163, 170, 252, 324,
Caucasus, 355, 829 . Chelum, 406 . 343, 356, 400, 486, 489, 490, 724,
Cave temples, 268 . Cheres, 602 . 786, 791, 822, 823, 824.
Caveri, 658 . Chersiphron, 588. Clenenney,227 .
Cawnpore, 432. Chersonesus, 345, 596, 601, 756 . Cleopatra, 494.
Cazviu, 700 . Cherub, 784 . Cleophas, 316 .
CbJ, 414. Cherubim, four faces_ of, 95 . Climax, 413 .
Cebao, 326 . Chiffiet, 324, 326 . Clinch, 717 .
Cecrops, 502 . Child, 21 . Clissobora, 240 .
Cedrenus, 45, 326 . China, 28, 209. Cloaca Maxima, 374, 464 .
Celaenes, 427 . China, Arabians in, 5, 12 . Cloacae Maximae, 624 .
Celestial language, 735 . China, Neros in, 209 . Cloacina Venus, 624.
Celestial Virgin, 313 . China prophecy, 189 . Cluverius, 464 .
Celsus, 635 . Chinese, 40, 47, 330, 618, 755, 789 . Cneph, 46, 123, 134 .
Celtic, 461, 518, 563 . Chinese God, 429. Coat of arms, 398 .
Celtic dialects, 451 . Chinese, Shih a cross, 7, 18 . Cobra Capella, 147, 160, 238, 253, 372,
Celtic Druids, 1 .12 ; 11.20,30, 38,158, Chios, 810 . 517, 521, 524 .
166, 173 . Chishull, 12 . Cobotos, 338 .
Celtic Hebrew, 709. Choaspes, 424 . Cobotus, 662.
Celtic nations, 116. Choder, 354, 449. Cochin, 747.
8 .50 Index
Cockayne, 340 . Creas, 758. Cufic, 462.
Coeuobites, 748. Creation, history of, 31 . Culdees, 353, 398, 723, 746, 761, 769 .
Coilus, 720 . Creator, 20, 35, 37, 38, 42, 126, 803 . Culidei, 718, 790
Coimbatoor, 241 . Creeshna, 159, 242, 585 . Cuma, 15, 566, 579, 833 .
Coin, Pbcenician, 224 . Crescent, 529 . Cuma Chronicle, 374 .
Colchester, 834 . Creseans, 596. Cumwan Sibyl, 505 .
Colchicus Sinus, 596 . Cresen, 752. Cumieau verse, 579 .
Colchis, 333, 384, 756, 759 . Cressa, 754, 810 . Cummi, 579 .
Colebrook, 426, 467. Crest, 397 . Cummi £tas, 188, 205 .
Colebrooke, 5, 244, 247, 248, 251, Crestian, 590 . Cumberland, 226, 392 .
475, 481, 764, 816, 819 . Crestologia, 571 . Cumberland, Bishop, 29, 258 .
Coleroon, 764 . Creston, 786, 787 . Cunni Diaboli, 346 .
Colida, 584, 591, 592, 593, 596, 667, Crestona, 585 . Cunnius, 388, 502, 586 .
668, 759, 761, 786, 790, 810 . Crestones, 754 . Cuno Belinus, 627 .
Colidmi, 801 . Crestoniates, 585 . Cuuti, 358, 439 .
College, 719, 769 . Crestons, 745, 746. Cunya, 762 .
Collida, 752, 801 . Crestos, 573 . Cupid, 503, 583, 760, 785, 788.
Collier, Dr ., 245 . Crestus, 761 . Curds, 654, 656, 704 .
Colony, Indian, 253. Cresus, 588 Curetes, 629, 669 .
Colossmum, 625 . Crete, 234, 333, 754, 756, 758. Curtius, 598 .
Columba, 761 . Creusa, 6U9, 754 . Cush, Ethiopia, 52 .
Columbo, 624, 761, Creuzer, 161, 262, 271, 336, 340, 505, Cushim Ethiopians, 52 .
Columella, 313 . 588, 783, 801 . Cutaia, 596.
Columkil, 718 . Creuzer on Buddha, 154. Cutch, 594 .
Comarin, 760, 761, 777, 834 . Criobolia, 607 . Cuthites, 436 .
Comarinus, 760. Crios, 758 . Cuvier, 21, 27, 210, 291, 292, 299, 511,
Comforter, 628, 680 . Crisean, 584, 586. 633,785 .
Comorin, 593 Crisen, 667, 749 . Cybele, 310, 528 .
Company, India, 750 . Crishnu, 615 . Cycle, 445, 515, 518, 549, 553, 561 .
Compass, mariner's, 341 . Crismon Sancti Ambrojii, 686 . Cycle of seven days, 3, 30.
Composite, 37 . Cristm, 580 . Cycle of 432, p . 6 .
Concealment, 654 . Cristian, 668 . Cycle, eighth, 213 .
Conclave, 827 . Cristna, 41, 52, 57, 106, 121, 129, 145, Cycle, Hero of, 213 .
Conde Udda, 753 . 148, 183, 241, 248, 250, 251, 273, Cycle in Druid circles, 4 .
Confession, 689 . 303, 306, 323, 330, 344, 394, 405, Cycle of 28 days, 3 .
Confucius, 287, 789 . 407, 428, 430, 435, 444, 515, 524, Cycle, Meton, 4 .
Conon, 332, 475 . 560, 593, 627, 640, 648, 649, 688, Cycle of Meton Dipaldinna, IIth figure,
Consortes, 628 . 763, 787 . 160.
Constantine, 360, 368, 369, 611, 615, Cristna, birth of, 129 . Cycle, Siamese, 171 .
617, 625, 629, 631, 641, 721, 724, Cristna black, 133, 242, 286, 444 . Cycle of India, 180 .
762, 788, 793 . Cristna, Buddha, 165 . Cycles, 653, 746, 763 .
Constantinople, 360,437, 541, 542, 721 . Cristua incarnate, 129 . Cycles of 600, pp. 177, 231, 746 .
Coombs, 403 . Cristna, saviour, 129. Cyclo, 515 .
Cooper, 294 . Cristna, Sun in Aries, 152, 169, 176 . Cyclops, Cyclopes, 337, 363, 423, 464,
Cophes, 424 . Cristna Vishnu, 159 . 512, 513, 514, 515,517, 642, 643,
Cophrenes, 424 . Cristna Yadava, 344 . 792, 821 .
Copley, Sir Jos . 520, 583 . Crita or golden age, 188. Cyclopman walls, 625, 626 .
Coptic, 173, 455, 484, 492. Critias, 661 . Cyclopean, 422, 422, 513, 516, 582 .
Coptic article, 312, 318 . Critika, 758 . Cyclopean buildings, 363, 512, 513.
Copts, 420, 424, 458 . Crius, 757 . Cynthus, 358 .
Cordeliers, 698, 699, 793 . Crocodiles, 32 . Cyprus, 216, 219, 224, 350, 757 .
Core, 588, 762. Cross, 17, 216, 221, 223, 224, 230, 269, Cyril, 163, 722, 802.
Cores, 758 . 499, 590 . Cyropmdia, 620 .
Coresh, 171 . Cross, Buddhist, 230 . Cyrus, 118, 169, 171, 174, 201, 313,
Corinthian, 37 . Cross, Egyptian, 217 . 411, 561, 656, 673, 758, 759, 760.
Codes, 753 . Cross on a mummy, 217 . Cyrus a Messiah, 86 .
Corn, 317 . Cross of Plato, 218 . Cyrus an Iconoclast, 51 .
Cornelius Labeo, 325 . Cross, red, 809 . Cyrus restored temple, 81 .
Cornu Ammonia, 835 . Crossma, 581, 584 .
Cornwall, 226. Crost, 587, 588.
Coromandel, 423, 671, 760, 762. Crotani, 757 .
Cortes, 21 . Crotoua, 745 .
Cortona, 580, 787 . Crowns, 268.
Cory, 760 . Crozier, 458. Dabistan, 105, 730 .
Cosai•, 618. Crucifix, 145 . Dachanos, 421 .
Cosmogony, Egyptian, 269 . Crucifixion, 145, 149, 231, 444, 479, Dmmou, 325 .
Custard, 595 . 503, 788, 789, 793. Dmmons, 277 .
Council, 694 . Crucifixion, Berne, 793 . Dagdhu, 192.
Council, Constantinople, 116 . Crucifixion of Cristna, 144 . Dagon, 153, 409, 432, 637, 638, 641,
Councils, 565 . Crusaders, 679. 646, 656, 836 .
Couplet, 47 . Crusades, 559, 676, 689, 698, 729 . Dalai Lama, 17, 232 .
Cow, golden, 238 . Crux ansata, 217, 220, 269 . Damascius, 351 .
Cow's belly, 424 . Crypt, 339, 769. Damascus, 48, 120, 124, 125, 704, 832.
Cow's mouth, 424 . Crysomalle, 756 . Damnation, 792.
Cowries, 476 . Crysopolis, 337 . Dan, 389, 713, 810.
Crmstons, 745 . Cteis, 38 . Danapoor, 539, 737 .
Crawfurd, 3, 141, 155, 169, 2 .33, 257, Cudwortb, 48, 325, 575, 587 . D'Ancarville, 25, 270, 321 .
285, 340, 532 . Cufa grass, 260, 632. Dancing girls, 404.
Index 851

Dancle, 402. Devil, 51, 98 ; 262, 521, 791, 792 . Dove, 22, 113, 341, 346, 361, 397, 502,
Daniel, 84, 86, 562, 672,673, 674, 675, Dewtahs of India, 32. 529, 646, 647, 698, 756,-804 .
Dhan El, 534 . Doves, black, 137, 434, 502 .
696, 774, 779 .
Daniel betrayed Babylon, 85 . Dherma Rajah, 255 . Dow, 481 .
Danish-mend, 713 . Di, 348 . Dow on Vedas, 105 .
Dialect, Syriac, 328 . D' Oyly, 3 .
Dautzig, 537 .
Danube, 534 . Dialects, 22 . Druhya, 746, 836
D'Anville, 337, 581 . Diamperana, 398. Druid, meaning of, 89 .
Diana black, 332 . Druid oak, 590 .
Daonae, 535 .
Daoud Nagur, 737. Didymus, 833. Druidical, 518.
Daoudpotra, 421 . Diegesis, 320, 787 . Druids, 15, 16, 45, 226, 432.
Digamma, 11, 595, 686. Drummond, 3, 25, 71, 135, 185, 200,
Daphne, 361, 412, 537 .
Dii obscuri, 760 . 214, 228, 239, 264, 279, 311, 317,
Dar-al-salem, 414.
Dardanelles, 830 . Di-Jana, 349, 350 . 325, 341, 355, 369, 370, 379, 423,
Darius an Iconoclast, 51 . Diodorus Siculus, 44, 214, 235, 239, 455, 458, 467, 477, 489, 528, 587,
Darkness, 616 . 318, 320, 321, 324, 359, 364, 407, 660, 700, 740, 771, 835 .
Dasaratha, 405 . 458, 485 . Druschim, 785 .
Datta, 520. Dionusos, 44, 319, 324, 351, 606 . Druses, 654, 699, 701, 704 .
Daudpoutri, 414, 415, 438 . Dionysius Exiguus, 174 . Dualism, 827 .
David, 354, 401, 419, 423, 427, 432, Dionysius Halicarnassus, 579 . Dubois, 261, 267, 377, 809 .
641,765 . Dioscuri, 760 . Dubois on Om, 107, 112 .
David Nagur, 406 . Dipaldenha, 733 . Dud, 402, 423.
David, sons of, 406. Dipaldenna, fig. 11, p. 160, 230 . Dugald Stewart, 776.
Davies, 15, 16, 156, 308, 593 . Dipuc, 540, 760, 785, 788. Du Halde, 18, 189 .
Davity, 426 . Dis, 348, 536 . Duke of Sussex, 717 .
Day, division of, 757 . Dis Man, 636 . Duke's Place, 435 .
Days of week, names of, 32, 268 . Disingenuous translators, 62. Dulaine, 724 .
Days of week sacred to Bull, 268 . Disposers, 177 . Dun, 534 .
Disputed chapters, 283 . Dunbar, 469, 470, 776.
Dead Sea, 301, 417, 438 .
Dissolution of world, 210 . Duomo, Milan, 222 .
Dea Multimammia, 604 .
Dea Syria, 24 . Diu, 583, 593, 594, 759 . Dupuis, 25, 43, 50, 97, 122, 149, 184,
Debim, she-bears, 64 . Dium, 583 . 237, 240, 268, 270, 313, 314, 307,
Decad, 221 . Diupeti, 330. 344, 345, 352, 525, 533, 576, 676,
Decalogue, 289, 789 . Dius, 594, 595 . 703, 752 .
Decans, 6, 227, 315 . Divan, 630, 732 . Dura Yoosoof, 421 .
Decapolis, 354, 421 . Divespiter, 330, 595 . Durna cotta, 230 .
Deccan, 421 . Divine Son, 777 . Dwina, 537 .
December 24th, 577 . Divine Spirit, 41 . Dyouisius, 238, 579, 597, 718 .
December 25th, 577, 656. Divus, 431 .
Decussated, 789 . Divus Augustus, 44 .
Dee, 463 . Djainas, 165.
De Guignes, 48,158 . Djagannath, 145 .
Deisul, 463 . Djebel el berkel, 356 .
Deity, double nature of, 33 . Djemchid, 783 . Eagle, 273 .
Delhi, 25, 432, 721 . Djiott, 427 . Banns, 350 .
Delos, 358, 631, 787 . Djnana, 827 . Eartha, 335, 344 .
Delphi, 322, 327, 328, 337, 344, 384, Doab, 388, 416, 429, 581, 582 . Earth of earth, 359 .
422, 720 . Doctrine, Koran, 289, 290 . Easter Sunday, 756 .
Delphi, prophecy of, 189 . Doctrine of Brahmin, 289, 290 . East place of worship, 89 .
Delphin, 810 . Doctrine of Buddha, 290 . East wind, 788.
Delphus, 108 . Doctrine of Peter, 289 . Ebal, 436 .
Delta, 296, 299, 424, 464 . Doctrines, identical, 805 . Ebal for Gerizim, 83 .
Deluge, 30, 292, 336 . Dodecans, 6, 183, 227 . Ecclesiastes, 69 .
Demeter, 758 . Dodona, 337, 497, 585, 599, 756, 765 . Ecclesiasticus, 712, 783.
Demigod, 573 . Dodwell, 330, 537 . Eclectics, 824 .
Demosthenes, 120. Dogdu, 769 . Eclipse, 174 .
Dettdera, 184, 494 . Dogs, 724 . Eclipse of Thales, 655 .
Denis, St ., 273 . Dolayatra, 797 . Ecliptic, 185, 203.
Dennis, St., 19, 384 . Dolphins, 834 . Ecliptic obliquity, 203 .
Denou, 19, 272 . D'Om, 502. Edda, 163 .
Deo Calyuu, 363. Dome, 590, 591 . Eden, 16, 422.
Deo-naush, 238, 319. Dominus sol, 323 . Eden, tabernacle in, 89 .
Deo Soli, 325, 669 . Dom-tree, 742. Edinburgh Review, 142, 483, 486, 621,
Dera-Ishmael Khan, 421 . Don, 337, 533, 534, 535, 667, 713, 732, 622 .
Derceto, 588 . 744, 810 . Edom,462 .
Dervices, 731 . Don, wisdom, 533. Edonis, 537 .
Desatir, 163, 197, 257, 258, 390, 551, Doncaster, 463, 535 . Edrisi, 603.
715, 810 . Donna Catherina, 664 . Education, 826.
Des Prez, 618. Dood, 432 . Edwin, 768 .
Destroyer, 35, 121, 126, 330, 791 . Doonara, 517 . Eeswar, 586.
Destruction of matter, 106 . Door, 652 . Egbatana, 359, 517 .
Deucalion, 274, 332, 352 . D' Ore, 361 . Egg, 518 .
Deus, 705 . Dorn, Dr ., 422, 735, 736, 741 . Egypt, 19, 25, 253, 267, 319, 337, 344,
Deva, 154, 330, 429 D' Orville, 232 . 360, 418, 479, 602, 632, 769, 817 .
Devaci, 139, 330 . Double sense, 577 . Egypt, mythos of, 207 .
Deva Nagari, 16, 467, 472, 474 . Douleia, 614 . Egyptian cosmogony, 269 .
Deva-Nahusa, 319 . Doutn-tree, 502. Egyptian mythology, 444 .
Deve Lanca, 309 . Dove, Mecca, 424 . Egyptians, 21, 30, 434, 489, 755 .
852 Index
Ei, 337 . Erythreean, 540, 575, 584, 595 . 353, 355, 366, 371, 394, 409,475,
Eicton, 125. Erythraean sea, 392, 409 . 505, 678, 679, 707, 753.
Eidon, 422, 437. Erythraean Sibyl, 664, 748. Faber on Sacrifice, 89 .
Eight ages, 268 . Erythraeans, 584 . Faber on shepherd kings, 56 .
Eton, 337. Esar, 586 . Faber on Trinity, 125 .
Eklinga, 593 . Esau, 435 . Faber's age of Phoenix, 199 .
El, 71 . Esdras, 774 . Faber's chronology, 186.
El, Heathen God Sol, 67 . Esdrass, 72, 451 . Faber's Trinity of Gentiles, 278 .
El-Phtha, 657 . Esne, 184, 494 . Fabii, 611 .
Eleazar ben Damah, 316. Esoteric religion, 113, 276, 280, 325, Fable, 822.
Electric, 35, 815 . 338,380. Fabrette, 374 .
Elephant, 243, 760 . Essenes, 702 . Fakeers, 731 .
Elephanta cavern, 114, 130, 132, 164, Esseneans, 304. Falaise, 170 .
2'42, 243, 458 . Essenians, 747, 787 . Falasha, 459 .
Eleusinian mysteries, 266, 589 . Esther, 86 . Fallen Angels, 792.
Eleusis, 13, 343, 361, 422, 456, 590, Estrangelo, 475 . Fan, 319 .
591, 822, 838 . Esus, 610, 613 . Faria y Sousa, 833 .
Elias, 250, 613, 655 . Eswara-Ekam, 746. Fatalism, 799 .
Elias, churches of, 200 . Eternity of matter, 29, 33, 118, 126 . Fate, 813 .
Elijah, 727. Ethiopia, 357, 424, 455, 654, 770 . Fates, origin of, 189 .
Elisa, 332 . Ethiopia Cush, 52 . Fathers, Christian, 628, 680 .
Elisha, 651 . Ethiopian Arabia, 52 . Fathers in India, 232 .
Elizabeth, 426 . Ethiopian writing, 286 . Fathers, the, 794.
Elk in Dublin, 384 . Ethiopians, 53,139, 239, 255,399, 400, Faustus, 705, 706, 786 .
Elks, 291 . 465, 588, 770 . Fealty, 615 .
Ell-omenus, 422 . Ethiopians from India, 54 . Fecit, 796 .
Elias, 333 . Ethiopians in Egypt, 54 . Ferguson, 374 .
Ellen, 630 . Ethiopias, two, 51, 52 . Ferishta, 418, 420, 481 .
Ellipses, 432 . Ethiopic letters, 459 . Feta-Hil, 657.
Elliptic orbits, 357, 562 . Etrurians Negroes, 166 . Figures, 8, 14, 21, 75, 161, 222, 223,
Ellis, 449, 467, 737, 767, 790 . Etruscan, 1, 8, 48, 113, 181, 205, 209, 230, 231, 241, 272, 307, 310, 312,
Ellora, 164, 253, 267, 268 . 224, 307, 350, 351, 455, 476, 515 . 335, 336, 338, 340, 358, 377, 385,
Elm, 273 . Etruscan period, 206 . 404, 411, 535, 593, 632, 638, 639,
Elm-tree, 16 . Etymology, 23, 24, 379, 416, 594 . 640, 723, 747, 750, 791 .
Elohim, Aleim, 64 . Eubcea, 362 . Fig-tree, 22 .
Elphinston, 384, 415, 416, 419, 425, Eucharist, 718, 725, 823. Figulus, 187, 233 .
598 . Eudes of Brittany, 708 . F ileahs, 630 .
Elulim, 329 . Eugubian inscription, 13 . Filoquia, 337.
Emanations, 41, 73, 159, 802, 813, Eumolphus, 506 . Finlayson, 639 .
814 . Euphony, 625 . Firdausi, 101 .
Emblem, 238 . Euphrat, 536 . Fire God, 628 .
Emblem . idolatrous, 522 . Euphrates, 357, 759. Fire in Jordan, 648.
Emboli, 337 . Eupolemus, 83, 329, 545, 761 . Fire worship, 377 .
Emendations, 799 . Euripides, 644, 813. Fire worshipers of Persia, 93.
Emendatores, 450 . Europa, bull of, 139, 270 . Firmament, 335 .
Emeph, 125 . Eusebe de Salverte, 764 . First Cause, 43.
Emphatic article, 515. Eusebius, 121, 131, 183, 195, 399, 400, Fish Avatar, 661, 777, 808, 836.
Empire, Solomon, 772 . 403, 458, 571, 574, 577, 747, 824 . Fish days, 635 .
Encratides, 416 . Eusehius on Ethiopians, 54 . Fish eaten, 638.
Eucyclopeedia, 460, 465 . Eusofzyes, 407 . Fisherman, 823.
Enfield, 780, 805 . Eustathius on Ethiopians, 54 . Fishes, 559, 635, 640, 641, 756, 760,
Engaddi, 631 . Eutychius, 755, 821 . 777, 836 .
English letters, 460 . Euxiue, 294 . Fishnu, 640, 641 .
Eunius, 13 . Evander, 375 . Fitzclarence, 18 .
Enoch, 192, 198, 407, 544, 545, 546, Evangelists, 790. Fitzclarence on Indian Negroes, 57 .
547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 743, 751, Evacgelium Eternum, 693, 694, 695, Flameu, 504 .
780 . 696, 711 . Fleece, golden, 333 .
Ensoph, 785, 802. Evaogelium Infautiae, 130 . Fletcher, Giles, 426 .
Epiphattius, 316, 657 . Eva Van, 221 . Flood, 27, 293, 373 .
Ephesus, 332, 810, 811 . Eve, 523 . Flood of Noah, 291 .
Ephorus, 364 . Evil, origin of, in Genesis, 61 . Flora, 693 .
Epictetus, 288 . Evil principle, 706 . Florence, 690 .
Epicurus, 805 . Evoe, 320 . Flour, 261 .
Equinoctial calculation, 191 . Evohe, 325 . Flower, red, 261 .
Equinox, 24, 801 . Evora, 422. Floyer, 579, 710 .
Eratosthenes, 313 . Exoteric, 325, 338, 380 . Foot, Buddah, 829 .
Erekoel, 241 . Ezekiel, 221, 265, 437 . Footmark, 215 .
Eridan, 240 . Ezra, 451, 774, 779 . Forbes, Mr ., 106, 133 .
Eridanus, 357, 528, 533 . Forgery, 249 .
Erkles, 241 . Furster, 115, 413, 709, 771 .
Epos, 335, 499, 503, 524, 572, 589 . Fossils, 291 .
Epms, 623, 804 . Fourmont, 13, 18, 489, 519 .
Hpws, 572, 582 . Foxes, 240 .
Erymanthine boar, 594 . Francis, 426, 694, 695, 696, 697, 699,
Erynnyes, 499 . Faba Egyptiaca, 431 . 793, 83.2.
Erythra, 567, 576 . Faber, 25, 34, 108, 126, 153, 154, 163, Francis, St ., 710 .
Erythraea, 576, 594, 595, 607, 663, 666, 168, 190, 201, 235, 237, 271, 275, Franklin, 163, 166, 201, 231, 363, 388,
671, 759, 810, 833 . 277, 280, 281, 293, 315, 347, 351, 403 .
Index 853
Fraud, 492, 545 . George, 463 . Gopi, 429, 589 .
Fraud, Lardner's, 5 .78. George of Trebizond, 197 . Gopies, 510 .
Frea, 115, 594 . George Street, 354 . Gorion, Ben, 426, 428 .
l;reemasonry, 790 . Georgius, 173, 230, 407, 413, 479, 602, Gorius, 48, 307.
Freemasons, 304, 519, 652, 1716, 717, 765, 808. Goropius, Becanus, 428 .
720, 723, 767, 816. Georgos, 781 . Gosaen, 593 .
Freemasons' tavern, 591 . Gerar and Asa, 52 . Goseyn, 594 .
French, 557. Gerhard, 697 . Goshen, 252, 405, 633 .
French Masons, 717 . Gerizim, 255, 362, 410, 423, 436, 498, Goshen, Shepherds in, 56.
Freud, 271 . 770 . Gospel, 129, 593, 679, 693, 696, 697,
Frere, 674 . Germ, 336 . 795, 796 .
Freya, 594 . German circles, 753 . Gospel histories, 458, 671, 679, 680,
Fry, Mr., 174 . German words, 449 . 682, 683 .
Fulk de Paganel, 505, 763 . Gestation, 617 . Gospel histories revised, 575, 593 .
Future state, 785 . Geta, 735. Gospel, New, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696 .
Gharipuri, 160 . Gospel of Infancy, 399 .
Ghengis Khan, 631 . Gospel of John, 795, 796 .
Gherghistan, 346 . Gospel of Paul,
Gab, 296, 446. Ghezni, 736 . Got, 269.
Gabala, 414 . Ghilan, 700. Gotham, 594 .
Gagasmera, 408 . Ghost, Holy, 113. Gouffier, 829.
Gagasmira, 407 . Ghost, Holy, female, 112. Govindgurh, 516 .
Gagra, 420 . Ghosts, 643, 808 . Grabe, 450 .
Gala, 346, 430, 606 . Giadu, Gioda, Giodu, 407. Graham, 747, 757 .
Galatinus, 71 . Giants, 343, Grammar, 742 .
Galatoi, 515 . Gibbon, 622, 682, 689 . Grammars, 453 .
Gale, 109, 202, 349, 353, 358, 400, Gibelim, 18,207,259,414,538,590,591 Grandamy's, Father, chronology, 167 .
423, 457, Gibeonites, 419 . Grass, 632.
Galla:us, 576 . Giblitn, 414, 700, 819, 822 . Great Year, 177 .
Galli, 404 . Gibraltar, 16, 299, 300 . Greaves, 296 .
Galvanic, 35 . Gihon, 771 . Grebillon, 232 .
Galvanism, 815 . Gilchrist, 20, 21, 75 . Grecian mythos, 281 .
Gana-put cunda, 420 . Gilgal, 360, 423 . Grecian 'trinity, 123 .
Ganesa, 351, 420, 446, 518, 651, 808 . Gillies, 333 . Greece, 29, 32, 344, 362, 423, 616,
Ganesa-dwara, 652, Giocomo Bartolini, 691 . 778 .
Ganga, 357 . Gion, 357. Greek, 468 .
Ganges, 357, 358, 533, 536. Giovani Laterano, 805 . Greek mysteries, 525 .
Gardens, 359 . Girdlestone, 346 . Greek Slythos in Sanscrit, 362.
Gargarus, 229, 360, 362, 423 . Gironde, 274 . Greek names, 360 .
Gargastan, 346 . Giza, 296, 297 . Greek notation, 8 .
Garonne, 274 . Is . - ir, 518, 657, 704, 817, 819, 826, Greek philosophers, 31 .
Garuda, 273, 274. 827 . Greeks, 20, 30, 34, 333, 360, 416, 773 .
Garumna, 274 . Gnostic, 661, 689, 717,- 729, 786, 793, Greeks, ignorance of, 4 .
Garzoni, 715 . 794, 800 . Greeks, ignorant, 270.
Gate, 651 . Gnostic Christianity, 711, 819 . Greeks, notation of, 8 .
Gaul, 16, 516. Gnosticism, 16, 224, 688, 704, 705, Gregorian years, 167 .
Gauls, 626, 746 . 711, 793, 805, 827 . Gregory, 807 .
Gaza, 239, 352, 353, 384, 464, 516, Gnostics, 40, 120, 173, 396, 570, 801, Gregory the Great, 559 .
519, 535, 602, 603, 604, 606, 702. 802, 803, 804, 807, 814, 819, 826, Grellman, 442 .
Gazamera, 407, 516, 702 . 827 . Grestonia, 581 .
Gazamera, 602. Goa, 308, 745 . Grueber, 232 .
Gbl, 414 . Goat, 408, 517, 606, 837 . Gualior, 721, 722 .
Gdlim, 65 . Goat, Scape, 837 . Guardafui, 602 .
Geddes, 200, 237, 271, 306, 404, 709, God, 43 . Guatama, 157 .
773 . God, a fire, 628 . Guerin de Rocker, Abbe, 838 .
Geddes, Dr . Alex ., on Aleim, 69 . God Day, 313 . Guignes, De, 58, 231, 618 .
Geeta, 48, 115, 289 . God, Fathers on, 94 Guinea, 603 .
Geez, 602, 771 . God, Hebrew, Androgynous, 66. Guiniaut, 144, 161, 164, 257, 260, 271 .
Gemara, 812 . God of the Jews, 814 . Guios, 808.
Gemini, 672, 752, 760, 762, 763, 833 . Goddess, Hebrew, 65 . Guna, 763 .
Gemshid, 390, 707 . Goddesses, 48 . Gunpowder, 341 .
Genealogies, 440. Gods, all Black, 286 . Gupta, 424 .
Genealogists, 431 . Gods, all the sun, 271 . Guptus, 424 .
Generations, 41, 567 . Gods, fathers of men, 380 . Guyastan, 346 .
Generative power, 37 . Gods, Heathen, all one, 49 . Guyatri, 287 .
Genesis, 24, 30, 33, 39, 41, 60, 97, Gods, Hiudoo, uncertain, 270 . Guydelians, 715 .
182, 323, 380, 430, 464, 468, 478, Gods, no names, 276 . Guzerat, 422, 519, 582, 584, 752 .
521, 785, 791, 807, 811 . Gods, numbers of, 371 . Guzni, 429 .
Genesis, Buddhist, 61, 390. Gods of Jews, several, 62 . Gymnosophists;, 584 .
Genesis, different works, 61 . Gods, unknown, 757 . Gymnosophists, 158, 246, 252,264,457,
Genesis, Ist verse, 49, 73. Godstone, 346 . 464, 584, 598, 702.
Genesis, 10th chap ., 265 . Goguet, 668, 750. Gymnosophists of Egypt from Brahmins,
Genesis, T6u-u-beu, 35 . Golden age, 452, 600, 757 . 54 .
Geneva, 300 . Golden Calf, 94, 280 . Gypsies, 438, 441, 442 .
Genetrix, 48 . Golden Fathers, 600 .
Gennmus, 351 . Golden Fleece, 333, 346, 759, 760 .
Gentiles, 446 . Gold Mines, 125, 625 .
Gentiles copied Moses, 60 . Good Friday, 756 .
Geology, 292. Gopha, 424 .
854 Index
Habides, 558. Hellenic worship, 361 . Hkme, 708, 811, 812.
Hackpen, 225 . Hellenism, 404, 604 . H . M . D., 679 .
Hadad-ezer, 402 . Hellenismus, 403. Hme, 45.
Hadadhezer, 519 . Hemero-baptists, 656, 657 . Hnikiu, 304 .
Hadrian, 613, 625. Hemisphere, Greek and Indian, 334. Hoare, Sir R ., 180, 227 .
Hsemus, 422, 582. Henry [Henri] Quatre, 242 . Hobbes, 22, 42 .
Hafiz, 288, 730 . Hephaistos, 344. Holland, Dr ., 423.
Hag, 518 . Hephraim, 317. Hollis, 586 .
Hagar, 475, 476, 779 . Hera, 350 . Holy Ghost, 114, 151, 263, 627, 628,
Hagar, Dr., 259, 355, 391, 423, 424, Heraclea, 582, 584 . 786, 787, 803 .
472 . Herald, 590 . Holy Ghost, female, 112 .
Haggai, 421, 679, 713, 735 . Herald, Morning, 443, 490 . Holy land, 423, 585 .
Hakem, 699, 701, 707, 708, 710, 714, Herbelot, 397, 475 . Hom, 588.
715, 721, 734 . Hercul, 665 . Hom-ai, 501 .
Hakewill, 654 . Hercules, 44, 142, 144, 148, 184, 236, Homer, 12, 46, 47, 202, 266, 295, 360,
Hakim, 769 . 237, 238, 241, 322, 352, 525, 594, 361, 362, 363, 364, 449, 454, 470,
Hakim, Bemrillah, 559 . 691, 760, 792. 508, 536, 542, 552, 649, 773, 830 .
Hakpen, 518 . Hercules after Buddha, 149. Homer in Egypt, 543 .
Hales, 63, 175, 185, 659 . Hercules in Gaul, 1 . Homer's poems, 744 .
Hales, Dr ., 577 . Hercules, labours of, 525 . Homo, 713, 714 .
Halhed, 425 . Hercules, meaning of, 176 . Horace de la Pona, 232 .
Hali.acmon, 582 . Here, 588 . Horcomosium, 506 .
Hallelujah, 329 . Heres, 313, 587 . Horeb, 68 .
Ham, 45, 111, 315 . Heretics, 814. Horuius, 391 .
Hama, 45 . Heri, 161, 241, 350, 430, 594 . Hornsey mere, 408 .
Hamilton, 417, 639, 758, 759 . Heri-Cristna, 141, 242 . Horsley, 207, 578 .
Hammer, 8, 12, 590, 700, 704, 710, Heri-cula, 241, 542, 584 Horns, 317, 323, 330 .
712, 716, 717, 718, 830 . Hericulo, 584 . Hospitallers, 711 .
Hamyar, 462. Herman, 471 . Hostes, 22 .
Hanbury, 267 . Hermaphrodite, 48, 70, 279, 361 . Hosts, 323, 355, 401 .
Hannibal, 257 . Hermes, 12, 162, 269, 317, 355, 431, Hottinger, 734.
Hanuman, 147 . 721, 802. Houltou, 490 .
Haphton, 702 . Hermes Trismigistus, 163 . Houran, 354, 715 .
Happiness, 813. Hermogenes, 235 . Hradana, Hradini, 538 .
Hara Hara, 313 . Herodotus, 48, 60, 171, 266, 267, 296, Hriniya, 421 .
Hara-ja, 241 . 300, 320, 407, 425, 432, 434, 458, Hrs, 589, 758 .
Hargarizim, Hargerizim, 83 . 585, 604, 772, 773 . Huet, 55 .
Har-gerizim, 389 . Herodotus' account of Helen, 186 . Hughes, 575 .
Haris, 587 . Heroes, 44 . Hull, 25, 261 .
Haris, preserver, 313, 587 . Hero Gods, 620 . Humber, 302 .
Harpocrates, 45 . Hero worship, 247 . Hu Menu, 125 .
Harris, 829. Heshmon, 317 . Hur, 817 .
Harrowgate, 346 . Hesiod, 183, 196 . Hurriana, 429 .
Hassan, 701 . Hesperides, 760 . Hushang, 766.
Hassan, Sabah, 700, 729, 830 . Hesselius, 754 . Hutchinson, 784 .
Hastings, 106 . Hesychius, 240, 315, 344, 591 . Hyads, 240 .
Haughton, 758, 818 . Hetruria, 187 . Hyde, 4, 103, 341, 396, 533, 565, 649,
Haughton, Mr ., 236, 472, 477 . Heumati, 568 . 752, 765, 791 .
Head of Jove, 75 . Hevelius, 175 . Hygeia, 324 .
Heart, 146, 572. Hevelius' system, 196. Hyginus, 304, 497 .
Heathen philosophers exonerated, 50 . Heylin, 356 . Hyle, 706 .
Heathen, revelation to, 316 . Heyne, 376 . Hypostases, 35, 80, 116, 119 .
Heber, 406, 429, 439 . Hieralpha, 239 . Hyrcanus, 749 .
Hebrew, 7, 13, 14, 20, 23, 66, 329, Hierapolis, Ascalon, 361, 497 .
414, 425, 446, 449, 450, 468, 474, Hierarchy, 161, 745 .
480, 534, 546, 739, 753, 776, 778 . Hieroglyphics, 17, 18, 19, 20, 455, 472,
Hebrew, Celtic, 709 . 482, 485, 488, 632 .
Hebrew, lost, 740 . Hierombalus, 325 .
Hebrew God, Androgynous, 66 . Hiero-Solyma, 410 .
Hebrew language, 66, 443 . Hierosolyma, 405 .
Hebrew, Mazoretic, 451 . High places, 421, 428 . 1, 350 .
Hebrew, oldest language, 443 . Hilaria, 306 . Ia, 344 .
Hebrew Synagogue, 451, 465 . Hill, 792 . Iaba-diu, 754 .
Hebrew words, 454. Himmalah, 30, 33. lacchus, 312, 320, 362, 402 .
Heel, 306 . Hindi language, 765 . la-du, 344 .
Helen, 630 . Hindoo prophecies, 189 . lamboli, 337 .
Helena, 341, 368, 369, 629, 631, 655, Hindoo words ; 22 . lao, 39, 223, 229, 320, 323, 329, 330,
678, 721, 724, 770, 793 . Hindoos, 30, 41 . 446.
Helio-archite, 277. Hindostanuee, 476 . lao, solar fire, 51 .
Heliogabalus, 44 . Hipparchus, 178 . laoud, 405 .
Heliopolis, 110, 143, 237, 252, 259, Hira, 350 . law, 229, 323, 602 .
405 . Historians, credulous, 365 . lasus, 758.
Heliopolis, on, 85 . History, 281, 822. Iaya, 262, 425 .
Heliopolitae, 351 . History all a parable, 366 . Ibis, 315 .
Hellanicus, 136, 344 . History, Bryant's account of, 371 . Ice, 530, 531 .
Hellen, 333, 403, 497, 498 . History, mythological, 368 . Icons, No. 160, 276 .
Hellenes, 332, 341, 342 . History, No, 638, 766, 822. Iconoclasts, 43, 51 .
Hellenes, Wisemen, 631 . History not all fabulous, 370 . Ictinus, 591 .
Hellenic shepherds, 403 . History of Rome fabulous, 622 . Ida, 229, 356, 360, 409, 422, 754 .
Index 855
Idavrata, 356, 423, 527 . Ioni-thus or chus, 195 . Jakuthi Tartars, 125 .
Identity of Gods, 330 . Io Sabboe, 229 . Jalum, 406 .
Identity of religion of Moses and Magi, loude, 429, 437, 465 . Jamba tree, 230 .
95 . Ioudes, 408. Jamblicus, 36, 39, 736 .
Idolatry, 339, 520, 522 . ioudi, 401, 414, 415, 417, 418, 589, Jambucus, 5, 12 .
Idv, 344. 761, 831 . Jamieson, 109, 456 .
IE, 328, 343, 344, 428, 430, 468, 576, I-Patri, 259 . Jana, 312, 350, 384 .
589, 627 . Iphigenia, 364, 615 . Janampatri, 183, 249 .
leo, 326 . Ipsambul, 272, 403, 479 . Janicula, 584 .
Ieu, 326 . Ireland, 590, 761, 769 . Janiculum, 541 .
Ieue, 158, 320, 323, 430 . Irena;us, 121, 163, 171, 204, 324, 554, Janus, 316, 333, 349, 350, 384, 446,
Ieue Nissi, 319 . 609, 679, 690 . 513, 516, 6124, 645, 650, 652, 782 .
Ieue, Preserver, 67 . Irish, 257 . Janus, Peter, 650 .
Ieue, secret, 107 . Irish Buddhists, 15 . Janus, Sol, 651 .
1EV, 326 . Irish, Cycles of, 4. Japan, 112, 115, 338, 431, 799 .
le victory, 429 . Irish letters, trees, 13 . Japanese, 339 .
Igni-cula, 584 . Irish letters, 13, 14 . Japeti, 333 .
Ignorance of Ancients, 653 . Irish, literature of, 12 . Japhet, 332, 349, 502 .
Ignorance of European Indians, 838 . Irish records genuine, 190 . Jasher, 196, 393 .
Ihd, Ihid, 392 . Irving, 216, 562, 674, 796, 825 . Jasius, 660 .
IHV, 223 . Is, 532 . Jason, 337, 660.
IHI, 191, 221, 316, 323, 328, 588, 758 . Isa, 274 . Jasus, 333, 810 .
11.259 . Isaac, 199, 273, 392, 393, 413, 531 . Java, 2, 165, 257, 601 .
Ila, 356. Isaiah, 64, 167, 170, 171, 445, 562 . Java Deva, 309 .
11-avratta, 335, 356, 401, 759 . Iscah, 274, 583. Javan, 332, 333, 349 .
Ilavratta, 364 . Ischa, 583, 747, 836 . Jave, 330 .
Ileyam, 363, 364 . Iseion, 812 . Jaxartes, 535 .
Iliad, 46, 363 . Ishnmael, 423, 424, 425, 462, 801 . Jaya Deva, 425 .
Iliad in Bible, 364, 542 . Ishmaeliaus, 698, 721, 770 . Jaypour, 747 .
Ilion, 202, 295, 364, 365, 422 . ishntaelites, 699, 715 . Jebel, 700 .
Ilium, 422, 611 . Ishmaelstan, 424 . Jehid, 413 .
Illusion, 162, 530, 643, 803, 814, 818, Ishura, 163 . Jehovah, 323, 326, 330, 425, 429.
826, 827, 828 . Isi, Issi, 747. Jehovah, destroyer, 329.
IXvs, 336 . Isidore, of Seville, 237. Jehovah .Nissi, 423 .
Images, 47, 375, 376, 377. Isis, 32, 33, 137, 228, 310, 313, 352, Jehovah, Sun, 330 .
Imaums, 729 . 384, 526, 528, 530, 531, 678, 709, Jenyus, Soame, 40 .
Immaculate conception, 157, 252, 283, 747, 797, 812 . Jeo, 323 .
445 . Isis, black, 170 . Jeoffrey of Monmouth, 367 .
Immortality of soul, 791 . Isis, navies of, 312 . Jeptha, [Jephthah,] 615 .
Inachus, 348 . Islam-nuggur, 419 . Jeptha's [Jephthah's] daughter, 364 .
Incarnation, 804, 805 . Iso, 163. Jeremiah, 497 .
Incarnations, 250, 283 . Ispahau, 25 . Jeroboam,498 .
Incarnations, Jewish, 198, 201 . Israel, 392. Jerom, 158, 457, 664, 747 .
Incarnations renewed, 364, 557, 560 . Israel Redux, 675 . Jerome, 304, 356, 795 .
India, 30, 234, 596, 602 . Israelites, 395 . Jerombalus, 394.
India House, 563 . Israelites, Shepherds, 57 . Jerusalem, 401, 405, 410, 413, 414,
Indian Chronology, 407 . Ister, 534 . 423, 428, 462, 698, 704, 709, 830,
Indian circles, 229 . Isurium, 726 . 831 .
Indians, 589. Iswara, 326 . Jerusalem, building of, 84 .
Indians in the dark, 809 . Itala, 111 . Jescua Hammasiah, 315.
Indra, 230, 231, 246. Italy, 47, 432, 613, 623, 624, 778 . Jesse, 427 .
Indra crucified, 231, 330 . Itziris, 226 . Jesulmer, 405, 408, 412, 429, 684 .
Indus, 357, 424, 461, 810, 811 . Lulus, 609. Jesuit, Bouchet, 667, 750 .
Indus, Ethiopians from, 55 . lum, 784 . Jesuit, Goguet, 668, 750 .
Infancy, Gospel of, 131 . lune,113. Jesuit, Roa, 670 .
Infant Jupiter, 312 . Tune, Dove, 112 . Jesuits, 40, 232, 261, 335, 810 .
Inhmui, 714 . Ixion, 500, 503 . Jesuits, fathers in India, 232 .
Inhmuu, 236 . lynx, 503 . Jesus, 40, 303, 315, 329, 450, 558, 559,
Initiated, 724, 304 . Iyodhia, 405 . 562, 647, 649, 655, 754, 800, 801,
Initiation, 304 . 808 .
Inspired, 804 . Jesus a fish, 636 .
Installation, 232 . Jesus black, 138, 801 .
Intensitive, 328 . Jesus Ben Panther, 315 .
In, 234, 333, 528, Jesus Jehovah, 330 .
loannes, 705, 770. Jachin, 821 . Jesus Na~wpaios, 83 .
Iod, 17, 231, 516 . Jack, 607 . Jesus of Nazareth, 163 .
loda, 516 . Jacob, 16, 23, 184, 296, 370, 392, 435, Jesus, Sol, 331 .
lohannes, 689, 704, 705 . 573. Jethro, 342.
Ion, 332 . Jacob, Judicial astrologer, 184 . Jeuda, 407, 417, 427, 465 .
Iona, 5, 389, 409, 423, 429 . Jacob's prophecy, 200 . Jeudieh, 405 .
Iona or Ii, 385 . Jagan-nath, 765 . Jeve Jere, 328 .
16na, 646, 703, 718, 808. Jaggernaut, 148, 164, 233, 256, 268, Jevo, 329 .
Iona Vetus, Babylon, 361 . 271, 538, 750, 764 . Jew, wandering, 654 .
loni, 336, 397, 522, 586, 721 . Jab, 67, 312, 320, 328, 429 . Jewish and Gentile laws the same, 271 .
Ionian, 332, 342, 361, 439, 456, 502 . Jab, God of Victory, 429, 602 . Jewish Gods, several, 62.
Ionian letters 8, whence, 8 . Jain, 350, 351, 624, 808 . Jewish Incarnations, 198 .
Ionian sea, 332 . Jain Apostles, 519. Jewish language, 775 .
Ionic school, 352 . Jain Esa, 350 . Jewish religion and Gentile, 97.
Ionism, 691, 697, 698 . Jajoohahs, 406 . Jewish temple, 741 .
856 Index
Jewish tribe, 432 . Jugdes poor, 419 . Knight, Payne, 607, 702, 703, 706 .
Jews, 32, 386, 387, 425, 431, 435, 509, Julian, 422, 571 . Knights, 705 .
589, 602, 615, 740, 751, 771, 774, Julian period, 194, 495- Knolles, 709 .
789, 802, 820 . Julian year, 495 . Knowledge, Aos, 16 .
Jews, black, 398, 418, 436 . Julius, 261, 369, 609 . Know thyself, 29 .
Jews, Ethiopic, 459 . Jumna, 769 . Knox, 488, 718 .
Jews, Indian, 418 . Juno, 349, 350 . Kolis, 762 .
Jews, origin of, 446, 447 . Jupiter, 44, 45, 46, 115, 324, 330, 355, Kolram, 764 .
JH, 322. 414 . Komilmar, 719 .
Jidde, 424 . Jupiter Ammon, 219, 341 . Komulmar, 411, 591 .
Jins, 809 . Jupiter, mother, 49 . Konx, 253, 343 .
Juana, $08, 809, 810, 818 . Jurieu, 587 . Koran, 289, 415, 426, 698, 701 .
Joachim, 676, 693, 694, 697 . Justin, 41, 116, 121, 416, 502, 553, Kouli Khan, 666.
Joan D'Arc, 708 . 566, 569, 573, 574, 788. Kresian Bacchus, 758 .
Joannes,655 . Justin kept Sabbath, 89 . Krishen, 587, 601 .
Job, 31, 465 . Justin Martyr, 666, 671 . Kriti-ka, 756.
Jod, prefixed for sake of a mystery, 71 . Justin on identity of Christian and Gen- Krs, 587 .
Joel, Iwea, Iao, 49 . tile rites, 100 . Krusos, 601 .
Johanna Southcote, 620 . Juvenal, 187, 579 . Ktetdsopher, 444 .
Johannes, Antiochenus, 403. Jyadeva, 428 . Kumari, 760, 761 .
iohannina, 422, 756 . Jy-deva, 429. Kunya, 586 .
John, 117, 362, 540, 560, 546, 647, Kvpe EXarla'ov, 587 .
649, 654, 657, 658, 703, 737, 795, Kvpios, 329 .
796. Kvpw, 329, 587.
John Baptist, 381, 422, 657, 719, 808, Kutch, 428 .
809, 832, 833 .
John, Dr ., 737 . Ka;mpfer, 340, 425, 431 .
John, Evangelist, 656 . Kalania, 422 .
John, Gospel of, 832 . Kalani, 400 .
John, Prestre, 809 . Kali, 776 .
John, St., 705, 801, 803, 807, 808, 809, Kaliya, 147 . Laban, 16 .
810 . Kali Yug, 165. Labours of Hercules, 525 .
Jonah, 240. Kaliwakim, 776, 777, 800 . Labyrinth, 377, 378, 379 .
Jonas, 638, 639, 645, 650, 655, 656, Kalli-gicum, 762 . Labyrinths, 724 .
807 . Kalwioluckain, 737, 776 . Lacedemon, 757 .
Jones, Dr John, 569, 570 . Kama, 164 . Lachmi, 734 .
Jones, illiberality of, 105 . Kamaski, 746 . La Croze, 398 .
Jones, Jeremiah, 304, 398, 566 . Kauarak, 757 . Lactahtius, 113, 204, 544, 569.
Jones on black nation, 52 . Kanya, 737, 746, 756, 761, 778 . Laertius, 36.
Jones on Canon, 304 . Kanyla, 388, 430, 431, 517, 540, 583, Laeshuti, 363 .
Jones on Cristna, 129 . 586, 589, 591 . Lahore, 432.
Jones, Sir William, 23, 47, 103, 114, Kasideaus, 702 . Lakhsmi, 273 .
132, 178, 257, 270, 282, 287, 305, Kehetra, 145 . Lalande, 169 .
317, 334, 345, 350, 415, 425, 426, Kdmitn, 812 . La Loubere, 662, 760 .
443, 457, 458, 465, 468, 474, 475, Keltoi, 515 . Lama, 17,161, 223, 230, 231, 232, 693,
479, 551, 585, 730, 738, 774, 775, Kemfer, 207 . 701, 764, 808.
770 . Kennedy, 765 . Lama, grand, 809 .
Jones, Sir W., on Indian Gods, 50 . Kennedy, Van, 426, 440, 448, 449, 452, Lamb, 17, 224, 325, 389, 405, 577,
Jones, Sir W ., on Indian Negroes, 58 . 454, 463, 466, 581, 585, 592 . 638, 642, 671, 707, 720, 721, 756,
Jones, Sir W ., on Pentateuch, 93. Kennicot, 77 . 757 .
Joppa, 638 . Kenrick, 599 . Lamb of God, 510.
Jordan, 113, 333, 421, 532 . Kerala, 759 . Lamb, paschal, 261 .
Joseph, 461, 502, 646 . Kerikala Chola, 760 . Lambeth, 799, 805.
Joseph married the daughter of Poti- Kersa, 586 . Lamed, 273 .
pher, 82. Kesari, 762 . Latnh, 231 .
Joseph and Mary in Egypt, 272 . Keswick, 227 . Lainlem, 603 .
Josephus, 166, 189, 227, 357,,387, 412, Ketu, 834 . Lauca, 309, 624, 641 .
415, 427, 566, 773, 782. Keys, 351 . Landseer, 494, 778 .
Josephus a partizan, 83 . Khalif, 731 . Laufranc, 593, 681, 682.
Josephus on shepherd kings, 56 . Kharuf, 710 . Langevin, 170 .
Joshua, 173, 315, 325, 604 . Khazar, 613 . Langley, 580 .
Joshua stops the sun, 196 . Kheser, 613 . Language, 21, 743 .
Josiah, 761 . Khret-osh, 754 . Language broken down, 778 .
Joudes, 406, 407 . Kiack Kiack, 320 . Language, celestial, 735 .
Joudia, 401, 431 . Kiakiak, 639, 643 . Language of Copts, 458 .
Jourdain primitif, 714 . Kidder, Bishop, 170 . Language, Turkish, 415 .
Jove, 75, 644 . King, Edward, 800. Languages, 453 .
Jove-crescenti, 593 . Kingsborough, 255, 511, 618, 838 . Languages identical, 474 .
Jubilee, 823. Kings of Chaldea, 182 . La Place, 177, 184, 185, 209.
Juda, 408, 465, 754 . Kircher, 16, 239, 314, 315, 317, 326, Lar, 111, 583 .
Judaea, 772, 775 . 455, 461, 710 . Larcher, 199 .
Judaeans, 511 . Kircher on Trinity, 70 . Larduer, 567, 571, 573, 578, 611, 641,
Judaei, 602, 772 . Kircher, quotation from, 67 . 671, 787 .
Judah, 317, 392, 408, 465 . Klaproth, 452, 829 . Larice, 422, 582 .
Judai, 393, 427 . Klissobora, 422 . Larissa, 422, 428, 540, 541, 572, 582,
Judaismus, 403 . Klissura, 422 . 583, 786, 787, 810 .
Jude 605, 720 . Klo, 241 . Lascars, 666, 751 .
Judia, 215, 309, 774 . Klyber, 419 . Lateinos, 609.
Judicial astrology, 616. Knight, 35, 497, 530 . Lateran, 556 .
Index 857
Loretto, 264, 11, 539, 540, 542, 565, Mafia-barat, 585 .
Lateran, St . John, 510.
751 . Mahabarat, 615, 774.
Latin, 456.
Latin in India, 410 . Lost doctrines, 284 . Mababarata, 162, 343, 429, 451 .
Lot, 451., 519, 534, 554 . Mahabeli, Mahabul, 258 .
Latins, 2, 20.
Latium, 45, 240. Lot's wife, 554 . Maha Deva, 313, 336 .
Latreia, 614 . Lotus, 228, 307, 317, 339, 340, 355, Ma-hakmah, 809.
Laurel, 537 . 359, 446 . Mafia Maria, 308 .
Laurence, 28, 284, 544, 545, 548, 564, LoubSre, 166, 183, 184, 211, 215, 235, Maharastra, 737 .
781, 787 . 261, 308, 408, 409, 445 . Maba Yug, 175, 177, 185.
Loubere, La, 662 . Mahavali Gunga, 754.
Laurentius Lydus, 377.
Law of Jews lost, 72 . Loukh, 417 . Mahesa, 165 .
Mahmnd of Ghazna, 741 .
Lawrence, [Laurence,] 28, 284 . Ael ias, 203 .
Luam, 231 . Mahmud of Ghnazna, 426, 432 .
Laws of Moses differ from those of the
Persians, why, 87. Lucian, 199, 364, 539, 570, 581, 634 . Maia, 646, 803, 807 .
Lazarus, 441 . Lucifer, 537 . Mafia Mia, 49, 156, 161, 162, 173, 306,
Leake, 337 . Lucina, 350, 594 . 308, 350, 586 .
Learning, 777 . Lucretius, 170. Maid, Jupiter a, 48 .
Learning, reprobated, 565 . Ludi Saeculares, 205, 206, 211, 380, Maimonides, 71, . 74, 261, 282, 740,
Leaves, 14, 16 . 381 . 752 .
Le-emphatic, 273, 325 . Ludolf, 458, 459, 460, 461 . Maimonides on allegory and secret doc-
Lebanon, 353 . Luke, 283. trine, 98.
Lebtarickh, 187 . Lumsden, 620, 621 . Maimonides on worshiping to the East,
Ledwick, 219 . Luna, masculine, 583. 88 .
Lee of Cambridge, 190 . Lunar Mansions, 308. Mains, 350 .
Lee, Samuel, 675 . Luni-solar cycle, 178 . Mairm Diae, 310 .
Leibnitz, 654 . Lunus, 529. Mai-Thome, 663 .
Lemnos, 378. Lupanar, 404, 428 . Maitre, 233, 420 .
Lempriere, 333, 337, 534 . Lustrum, 206 . Malabar, 398, 507, 542, 584, 596, 665,
Leo X . 314, 689. Luther, 557, 562 . 759, 760 .
Leogrians, 715 . Lux, 323 . Malalas-Johannes, 414 .
Letters, 480, 483, 511 . LXX, 325, 333, 338, 342, 386, 480, 494, Malays, 2, 432, 442 .
Letters, astrological, 16 . 545 . Malcolm, 520, 726, 729, 730 .
Letters, Cadmus, 9 . Lyal, 300. Maldon, 834 .
Letters, change of, 23 . Lybia, 298 . Malea, 758, 810 .
Letters, Ethiopic, 4 . Lycophron, 163, 240, 341, 367, 497 . Malela, John, 802 .
Letters, Hebrew, 14 . Lycurgus, 362. Male-pour, 756.
Letters, Irish, 14 . Lydia, 423 . Malepour, 762.
Letters, leaf, 17 . Lydian Eclipse, 172 . Male principle, 343.
Letters, numbers, 660 . Lyons, 538 . Male Virgin, 49 .
Leucadia, 422. Lysias, 287 . Malliapour, 596, 663, 666 .
Malliarpha, 596, 663 .
Leucas, 422 .
Mallum tarn, 534 .
Leucothea, 304.
Malwa, 539 .
Leuso, 325 .
Levitical ceremonial, 276, Mama Deva, 517 .
Leyden, 473, 474 . Mamun-al, 197 .
Libanus, 797. Man, natural tendency of, 21 .
Liber Solis, 44. Manda, 538, 657 .
M, 350, 354, 658, 685 . Mandaites, 656, 713, 714 .
Liberty and Necessity, 29 . Ma, 309 .
Libraries, 684 . Mandana, 213.
Macedon, 125 . Manes, 664, 705, 714, 721, 789, 826 .
Libration Equinox, 185, 203 . Macedonia, 337, 625 . Mani, 714, 789, 826 .
Lightfoot, 656, 780. Maceonry, 790 . .Mania, 309 .
Lilly, 339 . Machinator, 589 .
Linga, 38, 335, 336, 347, 389, 395, Manichaeus, 49, 158, 396 .
Machinator, Jupiter, 123 . Manichaeans, 646, 695, 705, 715, 722,
404, 427, 517, 522, 563, 586, 645, Mackenzie, 160, 749, 750, 757.
683, 721, 797 . 745, 789, 791, 826 .
Mackey, 636 . Mansions, Lunar, 308, 316 .
Lingham, 38 . Maclaine, 696, 698 .
Lions, 436 . Mansions of the Moon, 316 .
Macrobius, 41, 44, 122, 284, 324, 347, Manu, 714 .
Literal, 275 . 349, 350 . Manuscript, in golden casket, 412 .
Lithoi, 38 . Madonna, 305 .
Livy, 374, 621 . Manwautara, 395 .
Madras, 469 . Manwanteras, 179, 411 .
Lim •be, 168, 172 . Madr6 Soleiman, Solyma, 411, 414 .
Loadstoue, 341 . Maplestead, 719, 723.
Madura, 667 Marathus, Julius, 189 .
Lubeck, 253 . Madura island, 257 . Marcion, 807 .
Lochman, 733, 734 . Maera, 309 . Marcionites, 40 .
Locke, 22, 29, 114 . Magee, Bishop, 90,(148 . Marco Paulo, 47 .
Locris, 362 . Magi, 5, 104, 314, 518, 561, 587, 589 . Marcus, 602, 603.
Lodge, 716, 717, 718. Magic, 490, 799 .
Logan, 835 . Marcus Aurelius, 17 .
Magicians, 761 . Maria, 162, 305, 646, 697, 698
Logos, 119, 120, 121, 122, 308, 327, Magicians, what, 85 . Maria, Beeve, 309 .
523, 589, 594, 629, 709, 712, 751, Magna, Mater, 340 . Maria Magiore, 501 .
785, 786, 793, 794, 801, . 802, 803, Magnetic, 35 . Maria Maia, black, 313 .
806, 809, 812, 813, 819 . Magnetism, 815 . Mark Autony, 619 .
Logos, Divine Wisdom, 222 . Magus, 518, 587, 716 . Mars, 610 .
Logos, rasit, 75 . Mahabad, 707. Marsden, 48, 442 .
Logrin, 367 . Mahabads, 235, 411 . Marsilius Ficinus, 122 .
Lombardy, 535. Mahabadian, 411, 772 .
Lophos, 409 . Marsh, 120, 595, 679, 681 .
Mahabalipore, 256, 295, 508 . Marsh, Bishop, 170, 249, 436 .
Lord, 62, 329, 583 . Mahabalipour, 757, 759, 783 . Marsh, on Hebrew, 67 .
858 Index
Marsham, 175, 250, 2,51, 446 . Meneiadoe, 502 . Misery, 813 .
Martianus Capella, 178, 191, 287 . Menes, 333 . Mishna, 812 .
Martin, St ., 723, 793 . Menezes, 398, 665 . Misletoe, 15 .
Mary, 303, 325, 316, 697, 698 . Menu, 234, 235, 236, 247, 258, 279, Missionaries, 286, 560 .
Mary's Abbey, York, 784 . 293, 333, 425, 508, 644, 649, 713, Mistakes of Indian inquirers, 152.
Marys, Maries, three, 310, 593. 714, 758, 818 . Mitford, 460 .
Marwar, 517 . Mercator, 412 . Mithra, 35, 44, 45, 48, 116, 163, 226,
Masaiel, 317 . Mercavah, 264, 818 . 267, 311, 319, 351, 707, 791 .
Masius, 715 . Mercoles, 241 . Mithra, Saviour, 119 .
Masonic secrets, 341 . Mercury, 1, 241, 269, 308, 309 . Mithras, 608, 645 .
Masonry, 590, 653, 716, 717, 718, 719, Mercury, son of Maia, 156, 475 . Mithraitic caves, 93 .
745, 790, 802, 816, 817 . Mercurius Trismegistus, 49, 122 . Mitr, 226.
Masons, 519, 677, 689, 700, 703, 712, Mere, 408, 604, 605 . Mitre, 738 .
715, 716, 717, 718, 724, 726, 767, Meres, 534 . Mitzraim Sanchoniathon, 137 .
768, 769, 770, 790, 816, 817, 820, Merkavah, 264, 818 . Mu, 309 .
821, 823 . Meroe, 158, 356, 403, 423, 461, 584, Mocha, 685 .
Masorites, 318, 452, 460 . 603, 605 . Mochus, 352 .
Mass, 590, 591 . Meropes, 356 . Moderatus of Gaza, 221 .
Massacre, Bartholomew, 280 . Meroraphes, 320 . Moguls, 363, 420 .
Massih, 262 . Meros, 320 . Mohamed, 415, 425, 426, 427, 462,
Mater Dei, 305 . Merotraphes, 319 . 583, 678, 679, 683, 684, 685, 688,
Materialism, 813, 814 . Meru, 235,'236, 319, 321, 344, 348, 689, 691, 693, 697, 698, 709, 710,
Materialism of ancient fathers, 113. 353, 355, 356, 358, 359, 361, 364, 726, 727, 741, 764, 782, 808, 831,
Mathematici, 17, 304, 723, 768, 769 . 378, 401, 409, 421, 422, 423, 427, 833.
Mati, 274 . 428, 529, 546, 605 . Mohamed Akbar, 244, 249 .
Matron, Noble of Rome, 619 . Merupa, 356, 363 . Mohamed, Answers to my Life of, 681 .
Matter, 795, 805, 814, 827, 828. Merwa, 423 . Mohamedans, 288, 289, 338, 408, 415,
Matter created or not, 126 . Mesopotamia, 357, 406, 467, 581, 582 . 419, 645, 704, 771, 799, 830, 831,
Matter, Mons . 160, 814, 828 . Messiah, 171, 201, 317, 685, 687, 688 . 833 .
Matthew, 283, 325, 655 . Messis, 590 . Moloch, 60, 433 .
Matura, 130, 165, 218, 237, 245, 257, Metamorphosis, 817, 822 . Momphta, 174, 673.
772 . Metempsychosis, 33, 38, 40, 41, 117, Monad, 126 .
Matura Deorum, 142 . 255, 395, 804 . Mongoles, 286 .
Maturea, 242, 252, 388, 391, 405, 428, Metis, 156, 308, 708. Mongol Tartars, 442.
436, 480 . Metis, Wisdom, 49 . Mouimus, 125 .
Maturea, derivation of, 143 . M,hris, 794 . Monkey, 792 .
Maulavi, 730 . Metonic cycle, 4 . Monks, 161, 233, 362, 458, 564, 652,
Maundrel, 830 . Mewar, 429, 430, 741 . 697, 752, 821 .
Maurice, 5, 18, 24, 25, 48, 104, 114, Mexican Hieroglyphics, 486. Monogram, 585, 658, 720 .
115, 118, 123, 131, 132, 171, 220, Mexicans, 14, 17, 21, 292, 486, 532 . Monograms, 224, 445 .
242, 245, 254, 260, 271, 276, 290, Mexico, 511 . Monsieur, 136.
308, 310, 330, 334, 344, 425, 438, Meya, 203 . Mont Blanc, 294 .
545, 585 . Meyur-pura, 663 . Montanus, 612, 678, 680 .
Maurice on Indian Negroes, 57 . Mua Apxvl, 814, 826 . Monte Santo, 541 .
Maurice on Indian Trinity, 105 . Mia Maia, 49 . Moutfaucou, 146, 228, 272, 273, 310,
Maurice on Miracles, 140. Micali, 516 . 404, 526 .
Maurice on Persian religion, 100 . Michaelis, 416, 647 . Moody, Mr ., 65 .
Mauritania, 423 . Michaelis on Esther, 86. Moollah, 729 .
Maur, St ., 593, 682 . Michash Koheleth, 315 . Moon, 32, 33, 50, 345, 526, 528, 531 .
Maya, 308, 314, 350 . Microcosm, 594, 703, 757, 781, 821 . Moon, mansions of, 316 .
May-day, 24 . Midian, 403 . Moon, masculine, 531 .
Slay-day festivals,,32 . Midianites, 342 . Moon's age, 2 .
Mayence, 307 . Midwar, 406 . Moorcroft, 724 .
May-pole, 25, 275, 651, 716 . Mighty years, 188, 306 . Moore, 145, 161, 164, 165, 261, 263,
Maximus Tyrius, 266, 364, 523 . Migrators, 257 . 273, 336, 340, 479 .
Mazorets, 429, 641 . Mihr, Mihira, 103 . Moral doctrines, 286 .
Mazoretic Hebrew, 451 . Milcomb, 433 . Moral evil, 33, 39 .
Mazorites, 778 . Miletus, 366, 810 . Moral good, 39 .
Mecca, 338, 418, 421, 424, 425, 462, Mill, 426 . Morals of Gnostics, 827 .
463, 583, 645, 685, 698, 703, 742 . Millenary, 659 . Morality, 287 .
Mede, 204 . Millenium, 204, 216, 368, 445, 558, Morality of Jesus, 827 .
Medea, 359 . 559, 562, 563, 673, 689, 691, 696, Morea, 422, 519 .
Mediterranean, 294, 300, 301 . 699, 704, 710, 830, 831 . Moriah, 344, 362, 409, 423, 427 .
Medway, 406. Millenium did not come, 696. Moriahs, 353 .
Megalistor, 792, 820, 821, 823 . Mimra, 523, 709, 751, 785, 802 . Morier, 411 .
Meghasthenes, 194, 238, 400, 434 . Minataur, [Minataur,] 758 . Mornay, Philip, 426 .
Meithras, 608. Miuatzim, 25 . Morning Herald, 443 .
Melchizedek, 39, 82, 94, 201, 255, 329, Mind, 713, 714 . Morton, 12 .
377, 389, 410, 790, 823 . Minerva, 234, 313, 337, 338 . Mosaic incarnations, 187 .
Melek, 736 . Minerva, black, 312. Mosaic mythos, 280, 633.
M,2Aov, 346 . Minerva in France, 272 . Moses, 12, 16, 19, 20, 23, 39, 182, 280,
Mem, final, 168, 172, 173, 174 . Mingrelidn Christians, 838 . 324, 333, 403, 435, 465, 487, 667,
Membrum virile, 358 . Minos, 333 . 669, 771, 773, 784, 790, 802, 817,
Memnon, 272, 501, 537. Minus, fourteen of, 410 . 818, 825.
Memnon of Virgil black, 56 . Minyeiau Archomenus, 361 Moses copied Gentiles, 60 .
Memnon at Troy, 55. Miracle, 373 . Moses did not adore fire, 92 .
Memphis, 299, 356, 516 . Miriam, 53, 304 . Moses not the author of Genesis, 6l .
Mender, 235 . Mirkond, 699 . Moses had two wives, 53 .
I11tles 859

Moshaui Fani, 100, 257, 163, 235 . Nama Sebadia, 758, 776, 777, 799, 800, ( Nicene Council, 116 .
Slosheim, 50, 146, 554, 577, 676, 696, 835 . Niccphoras, 832.
819, 823, 824, 825 . Names, astronomical, 279 . Nichols, Bishop, 170.
Mosque, 830, 831 . Names changed, 388 . Nicolas, 681 .
Mother and child, 311 . Names disguised, 438 . Nicolo de Conti, 188.
Mother, great, 528 . Names, mystic, 744 Nicopolis, 422 .
Mother, Jupiter, 49 . Names, new, 354 . Niebuhr, 111, 181, 206, 295, 369, 375,
Moyle, 117, 520, 583, 773 . Names of Buddha, 153 . 376, 620, 621, 622, 623 .
Mired, 172. Names, old, 353 . Nigidius, 350 .
Mptolomeus, 619. Names, repetition of, 713 . Nilab, 424.
Msih-al, 318 . Names to be destroyed, 265 . Nile, 298, 300, 357, 418, 424, 463 .
Muin, 174, 273, 659 . Nanda, 131, 267 . Nile, modern, 135 .
Muller, 340, 829 . Nandi, 508. Nilus, 44, 357 .
Mullik ; 425 . Nannus, 366. Nimrod, 242, 340, 352,354, 358, 366,
Multimammia, 70, 173, 310, 830 . Napoleon, 688 . 380, 409, 410, 536, 558, 602, 629,
Mummy, 19, 490 . Narayana, 159, 755 . 643, 739, 754, 781, 808, 809.
Munda, 517, 518, 538, 539 . Narayana Budda, 639, 755 . Nineveh, 214, 655 .
Mundaites, 540 . Narayen, 115, 134 . Ninth Avatar, 269, 560, 662 .
Mundane egg, 266 . Nasus, 601 . Noah, 234, 236, 276, 280, 420, 421,
Mundane revolution, 627 . Nat, 812 . 519, 526, 548, 626, 639, 649, 714 .
Mundatta, 520 . Natagia, 48 . Noah, Janus, 349 .
Mundore, 432, 515, 516, 517, 519, 541, Natalis Solis invicti, 577 . Noah's system, 196 .
638, 643, 653, 658, 725, 799. Nath-ji, 429, 430 . Nobilibus, Robert, 626 .
Mundus, 360, 605 . Natzir, 540 . Nobility of Rome, 619 .
Mundus Cereris, 344 . Natzireaus, 809. Nounius, 181 .
Mundus, Kosmos, 627 . Nau, 338 . Nounus, 44, 304, 343 .
Munster, Earl of, 385 . Naubanda, 203, 235, 293, 335, 347, Norbert, 677 .
Murder of infants, 140 . 759. North pole, 401 .
Murray, 463, 469, 470 . Naurutz, 25 . North, sides of, 401 .
Musa'um, 339 . Nautilus, 345 . Northumberland, 535 .
Muse, 627 . Nararete, 123 . Nose, 340 .
Muses, 515, 591, 615, 627, 629, 669 . Nave, 410 . Note of future works, 447 .
Muses in number, 629 . Navel, 338, 720 . Notre Dame, 19, 273, 384 .
Mushir, 425 . Navels, 346 . Nousaireans, 656, 713 .
Musnari, 729 . Naves, 345, 404 . Nova Troia, 620 .
Muttra, 165, 237, 238 . Navis, 338 . Novels, 510 . .
Mycenae, 363 . Nazareaus, 656, 657, 663. Nua Breithe, 790 .
Myndus, 811 . Nazareth, 40, 540 . Nubia, 272, 357, 403, 465 .
Myrionymous, 311 . Nazireans, 656 . Numa, 47, 329, 350, 523.
Myrrha, 304, 314 . Nazoreans, 656 . Numa Menu, 376 .
Myseuae, [111ycenae,] 411 . Nazoureans, 540 . Numbers, Arabic, 11 .
Mysia, 625 . Neanthes Cyzicenus, 584 . Numbers, letters, 660 .
Mysore, 603, 752 . Nebuchadnezzar, 47, 410, 673 . Numbers, sacred, 445, 779, 780, 781,
Mysteries, 320, 344, 577, 589, 653, 691, Negro, 28, 284, 286, 434 . 782, 783, 789.
725, 744, 817, 819, 821, 822, 827 . Negro God, 446 . Numenius, 36, 37, 203 .
Mysteries, Bacchus, 363 . Negroes in India, 58, 59 . Nurtia, 307, 476.
Mysteries, Eleusis, 361 . Negropout, 299 . Nyaya, 158 .
Mysteries in the time of Elizabeth, 644 . Nehusthan, 518, 522, 524 . Nymphsea, 340 .
Mysteries, Greek, 525 . Neilos, 135, 659 . Nymphaea Magna Incarnata, 431 .
Mystery in Jod, 71 . Neit, 732, 812. Nymphs, 319 .
Mythology from India, 335 . Neith, 35, 429, 528, 812 . NY .-:a, 319, 321, 423, 528.
Mythology, Greek, 321 . Neitha, 528, 539 . Nyssa, 810 .
Mythos, 281, 282, 433, 555, 744, 745, Neithe, 709, 812 . Nysus, 422 .
748, 778, 799 . Nelumbo, 339 .
Mythos, Mosaic, 633, 791, 799 . Nepaul, 230, 246, 346 .
Mythos of Rome, 207 . Nerbudda, 421, 538 .
Mythos of Troy, 207 . Neritus, 422 .
Mythos, universal, 627, 799 . Nermada, 421 . Oannes, 588, 639, 641, 646, 648, 650,
Mythoses, three, 748 . Nero, 559, 611, 613, 641 . 655, 656, 808 .
Neros, 4, 6, 30, 33, 40, 166, 168, 169, Oases, 298 .
179, 183, 184, 209, 213, 228, 238, Obad, 402 .
380, 613, 638, 649, 673. Obelisk, 38, 355, 490 .
Neroses, ten, 176 . Obelisks, Egypt, 427.
Nestor, 631 . Obi, 643 .
Nestorians, 399, 421, 663, 709, 778, Object of book, 510 .
809 . Obliquity, Ecliptic, 185, 203 .
Nabhi, 338, 720, 832 .
Nestorius, 665 . Observations on language, 352 .
Nabi, 345, 346 .
Nestus, 754, 761 . Oceanus, 335, 358, 359, 604, 644 .
Nabob, 23 .
Neuman, 465 . O'Connor, 460, 779.
Nabouassar,, 617 .
Nachmauides, Moses, 75 . Neuter gender, no, 329 . Octavius, 579, 611, 620, 689, 801 .
New birth, 790 . Octoade, 785 .
Nadab and Abihu, 92 .
New Grange, 241 . Odiamper, 665 .
Nadir Shale, 727 .
New names, 406 . Odin, 610.
Naga, 146, 518, 521 .
Newport Pagnel, 505, 763 . Odin, Vile, and Ve, 115, 125 .
Nagari, 457, 476 .
Newton, 40, 334, 654 . Odomautes, 598 .
Nagur, 406 .
Naida, 404 . New world, 281 . Edipus Judaicus, 264, 317 .
Nairs, 507, 508 . Nh, 234, 247. Ocuuphis, 109 .
Nama Amida Buth, 799, 800, 835 . Niagara, 295, 301 . Ogham, Irish, 7 .
860 Index
Ogygia, 319 . 124, 320, 322, 337, 598, 645, 706, Pandaea, 439, 468.
Old Testament, its character, 96 . 787, 802, 812 . Pandaean, 443, 774 .
Olen, 766 . Orphic argonauts, 360 . Paudaean kingdom, 242 .
Olive, 253, 372, 373, 421, 427, 428 . Orphic hymns, 48 . Pandea, 625, 661, 763, 774, 811, 831 .
Olivet, 410. Orus, 311, 312 . Pandeism, 438 .
Olympus, 108, 353, 356, 362, 409, 411, Osci, 456, 515 . Pandeus, 438 .
414, 422, 428, 605, 624, 745 . Osee, 200 . Pandion, 438, 439, 440, 468, 667, 763
OM, 106; 108, 114, 157, 163, 170, 216, Osiris, 35, 44, 112, 117, 120, 135, 145, Pandi-maudalam, 438,
233, 312, 315, 319, 327, 337, 354, 162, 266, 310, 314, 319, 344, 351, Pandionium, 468 .
422, 440, 445, 520, 540, 581, 598, 384, 526, 678, 782 . Pandu, red or yellow, 441 .
639, 644, 652, 683, 685, 686, 713, Ossian, 363 . Pandus, 468 .
714, 758, 800, 819, 822 . Otaheite, 14 . Pandya, 746 . 811 .
Oman, 262, 707 . Ottoman Porte, 652 . Pan-Ionia, 810 .
Omanos, 109, 110, 318, 588 . Oudanoor, 753 . Pan lonium, 332, 810 .
Omanum, 111 . Oude, 215, 397, 405, 406, 415, 417, Panjaub, 439 .
Omar, 831 . 418, 429, 432, 446, 447, 462, 466, Panji, 765 .
Omber, 385 . 684, 714, 753, 772, 775 . Pan-Patera, 337 .
Ombri, 373 . Oudipoor, 406, 407, 418, 652 . Pantaenus, 747 .
Ombrica, I11 . Oughers, 715 . Pantheism, 36, 37, 440, 707, 813, 814,
Ombrici, 456 . Oujein, 519, 539, 789 . 815 .
Ombrios, 584 . Ouse, 302 . Pantheistic, 770 .
Om-di, 431 . Ouseley, 159, 242, 646, 700 . Panther, 315, 316, 325 .
Om-eer, 364, 543 . Ovid, 181, 204 . Papias, 121, 163 .
Omen, 174, 685. Oxford, 384, 385, 450, 724, 833 . Papyri, 483 .
Ometo, 156 . Oxus, 427 . Papyrus, 15, 19 .
Ommanum, 464 . Oysters, 298, 299 . Parables, 441, 814, 822 .
Ommanus, 713, 714 . Ozim, she-goats, 64 . Paraclete, 564, 679, 694 .
Omnual, 170, 313 . Paradise, 357, 358, 425, 427, 428 .
Onr-nu-al, 673 . Paran, saints on, 73, 76 .
Omologoumena, 546 . Parasacti, 734 .
OMIIA5, 253, 343. Parasa-Rama, 407 .
Otnphale, 335, 652 . Parkhurst, 23, 25, 113, 120, 184, 237,
Omphalium, 422 . 327, 328, 472, 656, 787, 791, 796,
P, 222 . 821 .
Ontphalos, 107, 341, 646 .
Omphe, 337, 343 . _?, 686 . Parkhurst approved, 148.
Omphi, 44, 107, 108, 312, 318, 422 . Pada-Vati, 759 . Parkhurst's fraud, 80, 796.
Om-pi, 108, 318 . Padma, 344 . Parkhurst on Smim, 78.
Om-pi, Lhkm, 337 . Padma Calpa, 175, 182, 344 . Parmenides, 122, 785 .
Omrah, 715, 721 . Padus, 536 . Parnasa, 422 .
Onl Sri Ramaya Nama 800 . Paeans, 329. Parnassus, 362, 422, 582, 745 .
Oms, various, 354 . Paestum, 432, 433, 563, 586, 625, 777 . Parsecs, 733.
Om-tha, 174, 222 . Pagttel, 505 . Parsons, Dr ., 2 .
On, 351 . Pagus Troianus, 536 . Parthian coronet, 145 .
On Heliopolis, 85 . Pahlavi, 467, 473 . Parthians, 587 .
On, meaning of, 109 . Pala, 630 . Partridge, 22.
Onatus, 560 . Palace, 630 . Parvati, 159 .
Onesicritus, 168 . Palaco Orphano, 337 . Pasagarda, 412 .
Ongar, 519 . Palaeoromaica, 117 . Paschal, 335 .
Onias, 252 . Pabemyndus, 811 . Paschal feast, 256, 261 .
Oukelos, 811 . Palaesim .unda, 596 . Pasha, 727.
Onomacritus, 337, 593 . Palaestrina, 516 . Passover, 260 .
Onomasticon, 317 . Palatinus, Mons ., 518, 542 . Pastorini, 708 .
Oomia, 651 . Palee, 517 . Patera, 367 .
Ophion, or Ophioneus, 237 . Pali, 457, 467, 473, 481 . Paterae, 341, 350 .
Ophites, 517, 521, 522, 791, 792 . Palibothra, 5, 240, 669 . Pater Agnostos, 822, 825 .
Opinion, a probable, 40 . Paliputras, 536 . Patirae, 646 .
Opinion, public, 827 . Palistine, 536. Patriarchs, 380 .
Oracle, 805 . Palisimunda, 754, 811 . Patricius, 367.
Orb, 462 . Palitana, 515, 541 . Patrick, 366 .
Orb-ia, 462. Palladium, 47 . 624, 625, 630, 631, 797 . Patterini, 745 .
Orbis, 360 . Pallas, 629, 829 . Paul, 571, 573 .
Ord, 338, 449 . Pallatini, 754 . Paulicians, 715 .
Order, 796 . Palli, 234, 352, 392, 516, 582, 624, Paulites, 755, 796, 825 .
Order, Ionic, 37 . 628, 630 . Paulus Divus, 44 .
Ordination, 232 . Palli, origin of, 57 . Pausanias, 47, 265 .
Oriental philosophy, 72, 73 . Pallini, 752 . Payen, 715 .
Orientals, 16 . Pallistan, 82. Payne Knight, 25, 124, 216, 217, 339,
Origen, 40, 151, 387, 522, 577, 578, Pallistana, 582. 363, 484, 489, 524, 607, 648 .
724, 786, 807, 824, 825 . Pallium, 232, 729, 808 . Paxton, 338 .
Origin of ancient opinions, 33 . Palis, 729 . Peace, religious, 510 .
Original Sin, 254, 279 . Palmyra, 338 . Pearl, 834 .
Orion, 501, 834 . Pains Maeotis, 299, 534 . Pegu, 320, 639 .
Orissa, 268, 613, 753 . Pamphylia, 409 . Pelagonia Tripolis, 422 .
Orme, 434. Pamylia, 314 . Pelasgi, 258, 353, 456 .
Oromasdes, 16, 35, 38, 117, 121, 706 . nay, 785 . Pelasgic letters, 466.
Orontes, 342. Pan, 44, 643 . Pelloutier, 314.
Orpheans, 589 . Panaugria, 327 . Peloponnesus, 333 .
Orpheus, 16, 44, 45, 46, 49, 115, 120, Pancrysos, 600 . Peneus 422 .
Index 861
Pcniston, 346 . Phrabat, 829. Pontine Marsh, 294, 299 .
Penistone, 346. Phre, 629, 688 . Pontus, 408 .
Pentateuch, 14, 19, 118, 395, 399, 451, Phree, 4ipr1, 143, 223, 228, 608 . Poouah, 750.
545, 623, 775, 782, 790, 791 . Phrvgia, 365, 427, 528, 612, 625, 672 . Poona Gir, 539, 540 .
Petttateuchian mythos, 276 . Phrygians, 672 . Pope, 231, 319, 690, 693, 696, 770, 823 .
Pentecoste, 680 . Phtha, 345 . Popes, 615, 644 .
Perfecti, 789, 822. Phthas, 657 . Porphyry, 5, 32, 46, 60, 102, 120, 121,
Perfection, 708 . Pi, 312. 134, 162, 260, 263, 319, 325, 346,
Pergamos, 542. Picus of Mirandola, 75, 172 . 363, 392, 394, 526, 573, 592 .
Period, Etruscan, 206 . Pierce, Col., 24 . Porphyry on Jewish religion, 102 .
Period, Roman, 206 . Pieria, 16 . Porphyrogenitus, 535 .
Persees, 40, 117 . Pilate, 562 . Porte, 652 .
Persephone, 67, 586 . Pilgrimages, 233, 428 . Porter, Ker, 307, 411, 412 .
Persepolis, 25, 411 . Pindar, 500, 503. Portuguese, 666, 745, 750 .
Perseus, 439 . Pindus Arg-issa, 422. Portus Cresso, 810 .
Persia, 411, 473, 587 . Pi-Om, 318 . Poshkur, 516 .
Persian and Chaldean account the same, Pisces, 550, 634, 638, 642, 644, 649, Posidonia, 625 .
61 . 760, 763, 777, 788, 803, 808, 835, Postellus, 396 .
Persian Gulf, 829 . 836 . Potiphar, 252 .
Persians, 32, 791 . Pisces Avatar, 634 . Potipherah, 110 .
Persians, of the religion of Abraham, 60, Piscina, 516, 683, 641 . Potter, 755, 756, 758 .
80, 85 . Pisciculi, 568, 635, 636, 637, 642 . Pouilly, Mon. De, 621 .
Peruvians, 17 . Pisistratus, 362, 542 . Pout, 770 .
Peryclite, 694 . Pla, 629 . Pownal, 703 .
Peshito, 416. Placers, 32. P . R., creator, 112, 431 .
Pessinuncian stone, 810 . Placians, 585 . Pra, 274, 431 .
Pessinuntian stone, 137 . Plagues of Egypt, 275, 432 . Preeneste, 516 .
Pessinus, 672 . Planetary bodies, 30 . Praeneste sacrum, 541 .
Petalon, 387 . Planets, 31, 469, 769 . Pramathasi, 424 .
Peter, 571, 644, 645, 650, 691, 823 . Plates, 61, 161, 223, 241, 336, 338, Prana, 112 .
Peter Contester, 780 . 340, 358, 411 . Pra-Pude-Dsiau, 431 .
Peter, fine sentiment of, 289 . Plato, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41, 43, 48, 117, Pratrap, 165 .
Peti, 330. 118, 121, 124, 127, 202, 203, 280, Hf6cession, 149, 177, 178 .
Petriswara, 430 . 288, 295, 296, 301, 363, 531, 553, Precession of ; Equinox, 149 .
Petrus divus, 44 . 588, 599, 618, 661, 755, 765, 772, Precessional Year, 6, 24 .
Phaeton, 535,539 . 790, 802, 804, 806, 812, 814, 816, Predestination, 799 .
Phallic festivals, 176 . 817, 819, 820, 825 . Preserver, 35, 38, 126 .
Phallus, 38, 395 . Plato's age of Zoroaster, 86 . Presidencies in India, 496 .
Phamenoth, 314. Plato's immaculate conception, 150 . Preston, 817 .
Phan, 284. Plato's Prophecy, 189 . Prestre John, 654, 657, 809 .
Phanacem, 319 . Plato's Trinity, 160 . Priapus, 497 .
Phananin, 607. Platonists, 816 . Priapus, female, 48 .
Phanes, 228, 500 . Play, 704 . Prideaux, 288, 396, 436 .
Phanni, 402, 597 . Playfair, 3, 244 . Prideaux on Zoroaster, 91 .
Phannoi, 603. Pliny, 276, 411, 421, 439, 456, 596 . Priest, the, Caiaphas, 5.62 .
Phanuel, 284 . Pliny, Elder, 8, 13, 439, 596 . Priest craft, 372, 827 .
Pharaoh, 172, 432, 502, 629 . Plotinus, 560 . Priestley, 113, 124 .
Pharisees, 40, 117 . Pluche, AbbE, 223, 307 . Priest-rule, 372.
Phaselis, 409, 412 . Plurality of Godhead, 63 . Priests, 372, 466, 474, 475, 545, 557,
Phen, 4, 169, 181, 199, 500, 587, 607 . Plutarch, 5, 12, 47, 120, 202, 205, 827 .
Phenniche, 4, 228 . 251, 266, 313, 314, 318, 346, 528, Printing, 233.
Philalethians, 835 . 621, 758, 805 . Pritchard, 117, 202, 245, 285, 286, 292,
Philiahs, 630. Pluto, 792 . 305, 434, 473, 526, 527 .
Philip le Bel, 725 . P1ylaa, 356 . Probability, 454 .
Philip Mornay, 426 . Plymouth, 754 . Probable opinion, 335 .
Philistines, 352, 516, 754 . Po, 536, 758. Probat, 829 .
Philo, 123, 124, 227, 709, 785, 790, Pococke, 243, 252, 320, 412, 462 . Proclus, 36, 46, 48, 119, 333, 364, 528,
806, 815, 816, 817, 819, 820 . Poden,752 . 709, 816.
Philo Biblius, 330 . Poems, Homer's, 744 . Procopius, 604 .
Philoctetes, 782 . Poitrine, 445, 823 . Prometheus, 230, 274, 620, 644 .
Philology, 739 . Pol, 652 . Propertius, 361 .
Philosophers, 22, 29, 72 . Pola, 651, 797. Prophecy, 545 .
Philosophy, Faber on, 277 . Pole, 652 . Prophecies, 233 .
Philosophy, oriental, 72 . Pole, May, 24 . Prophecies of the Messiah, 187 .
Philostratus, 54, 321, 457. Pole Star, 401, 652 . Proselytist, 589 .
Phinehas, 198 . Pollen, 308. Proserpine, 67, 123, 303, 586, 588, 760,
Phliasians, 377 . Pollio, 579 . 762 .
Phoenici, 422 . Pollux, 762 . Protestantism, 799.
Phoenician coin, 224 . Polydore Virgil, 580 . Protestant missionaries, 560 .
Phoenician numerals, 8, 24 . Polynesian, 778 . Protestant priests, 271 .
Phoenicians, 224, 393, 455, 460, 603, Polynesian island, 743 . Protogonos, 338.
756 . Pomegranate, 265 . Protopapas,422 .
Phoenix, 181, 184, 228, 441, 500, 502, Pomegranates, 820, 821 . Proverbs, Rasit, 75 .
810 . Pompeii, 343, 432, 489, 492 . Psalms, 576, 784 .
Phoenix age of Faber, 199 . P'Ompha, 361 . Psalms of David, 93, 112 .
Phoenix tree, 285 . Pompey, 619 . Psyche, 119, 503, 785 .
d;HN or Phnn, 388 . P-om-philius, 234, 361 . Pthas, 222 .
Phonetic, 484 . Pomponius Mela, 320 . Ptolemy, 178, 201, 386, 407, 416, 485,
Phornutus, 4, 32, 78, 270, 284 . Pontifex Maximus, 617, 618 . 494, 619, 625, 782 .
5 T
862 Index
Public opinion, 827 . Rasina, 801 . 374, 376, 516, 518, 541, 542, 560,
Puck, 785 . Rasit, 73, 75, 122, 264, 265, 338, 348, 584, 604, 616, . 620, 621, 623, 624,
Pukhto, 416, 482. 511, 564, 7091, 712, 785, 786, 787, 626, 745, 770 .
Pal, 651 : 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 827 . Prvpcrl, 241, 375 .
Punderpoor, 146, 147, 750 . Rassees, 614, 684 . Rome, Mythos of, 206, 207 .
Pundit, 838 . Rattores, 769 . Rome, period of, 206 .
Punjab, 424 Ravenna, 637 . Rome, secret name, 584 .
Purana, 466 . Raymond, 703 . Romelia, 625 .
Puranas, 245 . Raz, 725 . Romish atonement, 148.
Pashto, 414, 416, 449, 482, 738, 750, Razena, 801 . Romish church, 770 .
753, 775, 779. Recapitulation, 438, 443 . Romish missionaries, 560 .
Pyramids, 18, 296, 297, 488, 633 . Red cross, 711, 712, 809 . Romulus, 623.
Pythagoras, 329, 598, 627, 717, 730, Red Sea, 433, 464, 732, 810 . Rosamond, 378.
787, 802 . Regeneration, 126, 591 . Rosary, 224 .
Pythagoras, doctrines of, 7, 36, 39, 40, Regenerations, 38, 41, 42, 346 . Rosen, 477 .
41,43, 89, 97, 103, 109, 125, 127, Regenerator, 121, 126, 254 . Rose of Sharon, 809 .
150, 168, 210, 211, 221, 252, 329, Regimen, 739 . Rosetta Stone, 487, 488, 491 .
469, 553, 562, 563, 598 . Regimine, 235, 533, 590, 739 . Rosh, 713.
Pythagoras, history of, 150, 151 . Regina Cmli, 313. Rossicrucians, 723, 809 .
Pythagoras' immaculate conception, Regina Stellarum, 307, 313 . Rotten ship, 280 .
150 . Rehoboam,498 . Roum, 626, 672, 810 .
Pythagoras in India, 150 . Reland, 330 . Royal Arch, 770 .
Pythagoreans, 264, 376, 588, 748, 816 . Religion of Persia, 100 . Royal Pastors, 516 .
Religion, proper view of, 128 . Royal Shepherds, 518, 520 .
Religion, universal, 359 . Ruh, 112, 113, 120, 121, 306, 813 .
Religious peace, 510. Ruins, 328 .
Remisius, 45 . Runes, 7.
Qdm, 811, 812. Renewal of worlds, 33 . Russell, Dr., 257 .
Qdmim, 788 . Renttell, 298, 424, 425, 426, 427 . Rustan, 732 .
Q. L ., 709 . Reg6o, 79, 335 . Rutherford, 334, 345 .
Quatermere, 699. Reshees, 448, 735 .
Queen of Heaven, 432, 503 . Resoul, 741 .
Quindecim viri, 205 . Rest not known, 51 .
Quintus Curtius, 458 . Reuben Burrow, 467 .
Quirinus, 322 . Review, American, 428 . Sab, 716 .
Qzir, 590 . Review, Edinburgh, 621, 622 . Saba, 53, 352, 355, 401, 418, 424, 640,
Rex Sacrificulus, 628 . 716,800 .
Reyshees, 731 . Saba Hassan, 700 .
Rha-danus, 534 . Sabaoth, 323, 355 .
Rhada Krishn, 586 . Sabaean, 701, 755 .
Rabbi Bechai, 261 . Rhadia;, 591 . Sabaeatts, 355 .
Rabbi Meir, 498 . Rhapsodies, 363 . Sabasio, 800 .
Rabbits, 509 . Rhea, 322. Sabasius, 323.
Rabbis, 14 . Rhodes, 810 . Sabbath, 88, 716 .
Rached, 831 . Rhone, 300 . Sabbatines, 716 .
Rachia, 834 . Riccioli, 315 . Sabha,401 .
Had, 649 . Richard I ., 676 . Saca, 153, 449, 463 .
Radha, 429, 516,589, 627. Richardson, 369 . Sacae, 537, 597, 709, 771, 779, 837.
Raffles, 752. Riddle, 643 . Saccas, 663.
Rafzi, 684 . Ridicule, 23 . Sacraments, 665, 718, 790 .
Rainbow, 373 . Ring in Scotland, 385 . Sacrifices not ancient, 90 .
Raj, 516 . Rinnea, 421 . Sacrifices, origin of, 89 .
Rajah, 627, 725. Ripon, 769 . Sacrificulus Rex Sagart, 628 .
Rajahpoutaua, 161, 402, 411, 412, 415, Rishees, 769 . Saddai, 63.
426, 437, 468, 515 . Rites, Romish, 770 . Sadi, 70, 287 .
Rajahpoutans, 520 . Ritter, 422, 585, 599, 755 . Sadrass, 295 .
Rajah, royal, 402 . Ritual, 665 . Saeculum, 380, 609, 617 .
Rajah-start, 468, 589 . River of the Sun, 588 . Saga, 701 .
Raja-mahal, 737. River, sacred, 529. Sagan, 722 .
Rajapoutana,770 . Rivers, Genesis, 427 . Sagax, 722 .
Raja-pon-tans, 725, 769 . Roa, 670 . Sais, 310, 313, 709 .
Raj-palli, 520 . Robert de Nobilibus, 397, 560, 626, Sakia, China Buddha, 189 .
Rajpouts, 401, 405, 416, 417, 418, 425, 668 . Sakya, 159 .
426, 628 . Robison, 817 . Saladin, 701, 704 .
Raleigh, 427, 428, 546 . Rocking stones, 378 . Salcette, 164, 457, 467 .
Ram, 130, 224, 318, 319, 336, 671 . Rod of Aaron, 313 . Sale, 679 .
Rama, 231, 373, 375, 405, 541, 560, Roe, Sir Thomas, 25 . Salivahana, 193, 269, 414, 662, 669,
584, 626, 648, 649, 671, 672, 753, Roger Baccrt, 341, 446, 748 . 677, 721, 746, 749, 762 .
758 . Roi, 516 . Salem, 410, 666, 746, 758, 811 .
Rama Buddha, 270 . Rollin's opinion, 86 . Sallier, 492.
Rameses, 648, Roma, 617, 672. Sallier,Abbe, 621 .
Ram-head Gods, 266 . Roma Quadrata, 625 . Sally, 669 .
Rana, 407 . Roman Calendar, 314 . Salome, 432, 442, 596, 665, 731 .
Ranna:, 405, 407, 408, 416 . Roman Emperors, 19 . Salome, Mary, 310 .
Ras, 649, 709, 712, 732, 745, 769, 770, Roman history fabulous, 621 . Salt, Mr ., 488, 489 .
787, 790, 811, 819, 823 . Roman Religion, 559 . Salusbury, 669 .
Raschid, 348 . Romania, 624 . Salvation, voyages of, 344 .
Rashees, 155, 448, 731, 769 . Romans, 178 . Salverte, 764 .
Rashtores, Rastores, Rattores, 769 . Rome, 29, 32, 206, 207, 281, 296, 373, Samach, 173, 232, 665 .
Index 863
Samached, 173. Scipio, 575, 672 . Shall-gramu, 345, 449 .
Saman, 765. Scipio Africanus, 381 . Shama Jaya, 236 .
Saman Nath, 642. Scoticis, 712 . Shamnath . 430 .
Samanaut, 430 . Scotland, 701, 729, 761, 769 . Shaphoun, 810 .
Samareans, 153, 162, 163, 603, 747, Scotus, 341 . Sharon Turner, 259, 664, 747.
830. Scriptures, 795 . Sharpe, 65, 66 .
Samaria, 423, 427. Scylla, 579 . Sheba, 424, 459, 462, 770, 771 .
Samaritan, 708, 749, 751, 770, 779, Scythia, 415 . Sheep heri, 241 .
811 . Scythians, 116, 437, 597. Sheep, male, 509 .
Samaritan chronology, 193, 195. Scythismus, 402 . Shell, 602, 834 .
Samaritan Pentateuch, 409 . Sdi, 63, 69, 606 . Shem, 175, 519 .
Samaritans, 220, 425, 436, 476, 498, Sea, Red, 810 . Shem's System, 196 .
770, 779 . Seapoys, 243, 267 . Shepherd kings, 56.
Samarkand, 3, 281, 308, 462, 546, 701 . Seba, 406. Shepherds, 628, 770 .
Samech, 413 . - Sebadia Nama, 776 . Shiahs, 684 .
Samen, 602, 765 . Sebadius, 44 . Shibi, 424 .
Samim, 78 . Seba Rabbi, 261 . Shiloh, 200 .
Sami-rama, 352, 496 . Secania, 316 . Shin put for Tau by Chaldeans, 54.
Samos, 543 . Secret, 689, 691, 819, 820, 821, 822, Ship Argo, 160 .
Samson, 200, 236, 239, 381 . 824 . Ship, mystic, 344.
Samuel, 306. Secret books, 755 . Ship of Isis, 797.
Sanchoniathon, 35, 325, 329, 336, 352, Secret doctrine, 186, 204, 205, 366, Shuckford, 46, 47, 57, 62, 198, 311,330,
355, 391, 394, 413, 587, 785 . 556, 790 356, 428, 546 .
Sanctum Scriotum, 472 . Secret doctrine, Maimonides on ., 98 . Shuckford on Ethiopia, 54 .
Sandal tree, 287 . Secret religion, 556, 637, 647, 790 . Shuckford on Sacrifices, 91 .
Sands, 296, 298 . Secret rites, 265, 266. Shuckford, on shepherd kings, 56 .
Sangreal, 792. Sects, three in India, 838 . Siam, 162, 166, 215, 226, 262, 309,
Sanhedrim, 722, 819, 823. Seculars, 821 . 345, 408, 409, 428, 425, 431, 601,
San Pao, 123 . Seed, 306 . 614, 770, 774, 786.
Sanscrit, 110, 253, 335, 389, 413, 448, Seed of the Woman, 640. Siamese, 171, 201, 309, 408, 475, 505 .
449, 455, 461, 465, 466, 470, 472, Seely, 253, 267, 268, 270 . Siamese boys, 505, 763 .
473, 481, 482, 640, 687, 737, 739, Seeva, 319 . Siamese epochs, 168 .
743, 755, 757, 775, 777, 778, 793 . Seir-Anpin, 661 . Sibyl, 427, 563, 564, 565, 566, 574,663,
Sanscrit authors, 362 . Selden, 44, 135, 280, 320 . 666, 671 .
Sanscrit Hebrew, 162. Selene, 527, 678 . Sibyl of Virgil, 167 .
Sauscrit in Homer, 362 . Seleucidee, 275 . Sibyls, 519, 540, 634, 635, 637 .
Sanscrit Letters, 12, 52 Seleucus, 359. Sibylline oracles, 613 .
Sauscrit Pelasgic, 12, 16 . Seleucus Nicator, 382, 400. Sicilian councils, 827 .
Sanscrit, the, same as Latin, 2 . Self-production, 336 . Sicilides Muss, 515 .
Santa Maura, 422. Semirama isi, 496. Sidon, 409.
Saora, 180 . Semiramis, 237, 321, 359, 361, 365, Sidon, seat of black empire at, 52.
Sapm, 593 . 398, 496, 497, 499, 669, 753 . Sidonians, 395 .
Sapmi, 593. Semitic, 453. Sidus, 769 .
Sapieutia, 29 . Seneca,202. Sieur, 136 .
Saracens, 415, 423, 427, 461, 697, 764 . Senex de Montibus, 654 . Sige, 45 .
Sarah, 387, 531 . Sennaar, 307, 354 . Sikhs, 286 .
Sarah-iswati, 387. Sepher, Hebrew, 8, 294 . Simonians, 40 .
Sarasvati, 516. Sepher, Jetzirah, 124. Simon Magus, 678, 680, 811 .
Saros, 6. Sephiroth, 17, 75, 124, 265, 326, 784, Sin, 606.
Sataspes, 604. 785 . Sinai, 280, 354, 422, 423, 704, 797.
Sati-avrata, 325 . Sephiroths, 802 . Sinan, 704.
Satrun-ja, 583, 813 . Septuagint, 68, 780 . Sind, 357, 424, 593 .
Saturn, 31, 392, 608, 813 . Serapis, 45, 180 . Siuda, 811 .
Saturnia, 584, 813 . Serapis, temple of, 219 . Sinde, 583, 593, 596, 598 .
Saturnia urbs. 518, 540 . Serendib, 428. Sindi, 596, 598, 666, 742, 787 .
Saturn-ja, 518, 540, 583, 584 . Sereudive, 309, 596. Siudus, 598.
Satya, 175 . Serindive, 671, 754 . Singing men, 275 .
Saul, 415, 418, 419, 740, 741 . Seringham, 658 . Sintica, 581 .
Saurastra, 408, 515 . Serpent, 306, 323, 361, 518, 521, 522, Sion, 215, 233, 309, 353, 402, 404,
Sava,424 . 643, 784, 791, 792 . 408, 409, 410, 413, 414, 770, 801 .
Savary, 130, 339 . Serpent bites the foot, 144 . Sion, Mount of, 405 .
Saviour, 237, 313, 323, 326, 709. Serpent's head, 640. Sir, 136, 424 .
Saviour, black, 312 . Servetus, 280 . Siris, 44 .
Saviour, infant, 593 . Sesostris, 805 . Sir Siriad, 136 .
Saviour in Wales, 385 . Sestius, 506. Sir W . Jones, 750, 774, 775, 778 .
Saxm, 449 . Seth, 61, 405, 813. Siva, 35 .
Saxon, 449, 534, 537 . Eevs lair p, 172. Sixteen-letter system, 753 .
Saxons, 709, 776 . Seva, 640, 792 . Smim, 61, 178, 355, 526, 765, 791 .
Sax-um, 645 . Seven-day cycle, 30. Swim, placers, 78, 112, 526 .
Sayle, 463 . Seven hills, 624 . Smyruean coin, 361 .
Scala, 413 . Seven, the number, sacred, 782, 783 . Soan, 538 .
Scaliger, 546 . Seventeen-letter Alphabet, 11 . Soau, Sir John, 830.
Scandinavia, 631 . Seventy, 779 . Soane, 758 .
Scandinavians, 154, 613 . Seventy for seventy-two, 227, 228 . Socrates, 36, 43, 288, 523, 553, 560 .
Scape Goat, 837 . Seventy-two, 344, 402, 411, 413, 779, Sodom, 464 .
Scapula, 580 . 820, 821 . Sofa, 636 .
Schegel, 165, 813, 814 . Shaftesbury, Lord, 133 . Sofees, 407, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730,
Schiller, 329, 719 . Shah, 727. 731, 827, 830, 831.
Schlegel, 471 . Shakespeare, 785 . Sol, 192, 313, 669 .
864 Index
Solar Fire, 33 . Stephanus, 478 . Syri, 402 .
Soleiman, 354, 425 . Stewart, 238. Syria, 12, 353, 402, 409, 412, 414, 603,
Soleimans, fourteen of, 410 . Stewart, Dugald, 776. 663, 699, 753, 764.
Solimanee, 417 . Stillingfieet,.393 . Syria Des, 24 .
Solinus, 199 . Stirling's Hist. of Orissa, 753. Syriac dialect, 328, 449, 460 .
Solomon, 364, 395, 401, 411, 413, 414, Stobseus, 583 . Syrian, 361, 639, 699, 753 .
425, 427, 432, 438, 459, 547, 548, Stoics, 202 . Syrian Antioch, 359 .
555, 702, 712, 741, 742, 751, 771, Stoic sect, 41 . Syrians, 45 .
773, 830 . Stone, black, 137, 463, 614, 630 . Syro-Chaldaic, 750.
Solomon, Lemuel, Jedidiah, 352 . Stone tower, 771 . System, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic letters,
Solomon Mountain, 407, 417 . Stonehenge, 225, 275, 384, 463, 725, 16 .
Solomon, Temples of, 633, 773 . 733 . System, general, 783 .
Solomon's Temple, 519, 831.. Stonehenge, Buddhist, 59 . System, universal, 520 .
Solomon's Throne, 417 . Stones, 801 . Systems, 22 .
Solon, 283, 661, 782 . Strabo, 110, 168, 319, 322, 402, 413,
Solstice of Ciesar,191. 414, 416, 470, 484, 489, 490, 583,
Solumi, 742. 591, 756 .
Solym, 423, 669 . Strahremberg, 125.
Solyma, 405, 410, 428, 519, 810. Strawey way, 317 .
Solymi, 401, 402, 409, 410, 417, 427 . Strymon, 337, 422, 536, 583.
Solymus, 409 . Stukeley, 53, 180, 227, 303, 313, 316, Tabernacle in Eden, 89 .
Sommono Kodom, 162, 184, 269, 308 . 462, 524 . Table of letters, 9 .
Sonnerat, 114, 115, 143, 270, 273, 340 . Style of writing, 476. Table of letters, explanation of, 10 .
Sons of God, 619 . Suetonius, 189, 569, 610 . Tacitus, 16, 188, 350, 569, 575 .
Soolimana, 604. Suez, 299, 301, 464 . Tad, 465 .
Sours, 353, 465 . Sufetes, 728 . Tadcaster, 369 .
1444462. Suffaid, 598. Tadj1k, 465 .
Sophi, 705 . Suffaid Coh, 407, 417, 424 . Tadmor, 338.
Sophi Abraham, 87 . Suffarees, 407, 424 . Tahmuras, 755 .
Sophia, 265, 630, 631, 721, 732, 746, Suidas, 45, 240, 346 . Taisbaca, 662.
810, 813 . Suli-Minerva, 669 . Tait, 728.
Sophia Sancta, 625 . Suman, 350 . Takhta In Solyma, 412 .
Sophism, 705, 728, 729 . Sumatra, 512. Taliesin, 16.
Sophites, 598 . Sumnaut, 430, 7.92. Talmud, 604, 787, 812 .
Soracte, 611 . Sun, 32, 43, 164, 528, 803, 804, 813. Talut, 546, 740, 741 .
Soretanum, 760 . Sun Fire, 104 . Tam, 738, 753, 833 .
Sortes Virgilianm, 16 . Sun in Taurus, 176 . Tamarus, 754
Soul of man, 804 . Sun, prayer to the, 660 . Tamas, 760, 765
Souls, two, 800. Sun, river of the, 532, 533 . Tam-eios, 754 .
Sour, 389 . Snip, sole deity, 44 . Tamiras, 757 .
South America, 292 . Sun, Saviour, 325 . Tammuz, 70, 584, 596, 599 .
South India, 465 . Sun, Shekinah, 33 . Tamnutz, 237, 584 .
Southcote, 620. Sun stopped, in China, 197 . Tamnl, 467, 470, 482, 667, 705, 737,
.Sozomon, 219 . Sun stopped, in India, 197 . 740, 752, 753, 771, 775, 776, 779,
Speech, origin of, 739, 742 . Sun worshiped by Moses, 80 . 800
Spencer, 124, 223, 273, 275, 281, 282 . Sun's period, 360 days, 6 . Tamuls, 705 .
Spence's Polymetis, 791 . Sunday, 89 . Taurus, 584, 762 .
Sphinx, 267, 311, 506 . Sunderbunds, 464 . Tamuz, 664, 666, 671, 705, 720, 752,
Sphinxes, 311 . Sunu, 793 . 755, 756, 762 .
Spineto, 482, 492, 493, 634 . Sup, 462. Tanais, 337, 534, 732.
Spirit of God, 114. Supererogation, 117 . Tauga Tanga, 125 .
Spiritus mundi, 122 . Suph, 732. Tangiers, 423 .
Spon, 575, 786 . Supreme God, 48 . Tangore, 667, 764 .
Sprotaborough, 520, 583 . Sur, 136, 607, 769 . Tanistry, 713 .
Sr, 112, 337. Sura-seni, 428 . Tanks, 641 .
Sri, 765. Suraseni, 142, 240, 423, 461, 830 . Tapana, 537 .
Sri-Rama, 257 . Surastrene, 663, 769, 786 . Taprobana, 595, 596 .
Stalla, 464, 754 . Suria, 764 . Tarauis, 154, 590, 607, 705 .
St . Amour, 694, 695 . Surya, . 112, 263, 310, 353. Targum, 709, 811 .
St . Basil, 807 . Surya Siddhauta, 184. Targum, Jerusalem, 73, 76 .
St . Denis, 273 . Susa, 359 . Targum, Smfm, 78 .
St . Francis, 710, 793 . Susa Ethiopia, 54 . Targums, 429., 430, 462, 751, 785,
St . Jerom, 795 . Suson, 340 . 792 .
St . John, 120, 323, 327, 540, 703, 704, Sussex, Duke of, 519, 653, 717, 768 . Taros, 534 .
705, 833 . Swans, 539, Tarquin, 575.
St Mary's Abbey, 793. Swayambhuma Mann, 430 . Tartars, 339, 437, 536, 714, 764, 771 .
St. Maur, 682 . Syama, 837. Tartary, 3, 415, 418, 426 .
St . Peter's, 339, 650 . Sybaris, 625 . Tat, 702 .
St. Thomas, 398, 399, 663, 738, 747, Syene, 603 . Ta'1', 221, 235, 269, 309, 465 .
748, 761, 762, 767, 768, 833 . Sykes, Dr ., 170, 399 . Tata-poor, 753 .
St . Thom6, 738, 747, 763, 833 . Sylhurgius, 569. Tatans, 713
Stambul, 541 . Sylla, 205, 206, 211, 381, 575, 635 . Tatian, 41, 364.
Stanley, 29, 732, 755 . Synagogue, Hebrew, 465, 472 . Tan, 222, 269 .
Star, 190, 560, 561, 605, 618, 620, Syncellus, 199, 237, 353 . Tan for Shin by Chaldees, 54 .
791 . Synesius, 40, 48, 120 . Tav o g usoy, 220 .
Star, wonderful, 190 . Syu-mu, 662 . Taurobolia, 607.
Statues, 312 . Syra-pore, 428 . Taurus, 24, 25, 164, 176, 215, 238,
Staurobates, 669 . Syra-strene, 310, 402, 582,, 584 603 . 256, 268, 437, 751, 763 .
Stella Maris, 304 . Syrastrene, 663, 769, 786 . Taut, 269 .
Index 865
Taylor, 39, 333, 816 . Thevetat, 309 . Trinity, Indian, 117, 118, 127 .
Taylor, the Platonist, 333 . Thibet, 30, 232. Trinity, Jewish, 71 .
Taylor, Rev. R., 320, 568 . Thigh, 320. Trinity of Plato, 627 .
Taylor, Robert, 629, 659, 787, 816 . Thiod-ad, 309 . Trinity, Orphic, Mithraitic, 100 .
Taylor's, Calmet, 638, 816 . Thirlby, 569. Trinity, Pantheistic, 123 .
Taylor's, Diegesis, 308 . Thisbi, 606 . Trinity, Persian, 114 .
Tbe, 346 . Thomas, 235, 398, 584, 596, 599, 756, Triumph, 361 .
Tecte Solomon, 419 . 757, 763, 768, 786, 809, 833 . Triomphd, 624 .
Telescope, 228, 341 . Thomas, Archdeacon, 222 . Triophthalmos, Zeus, 106 .
Telinga, 750 . Thomas, St ., 663, 705, 738, 745, 746, Trioptolemos, 431, 513 .
Telmessus, 412, 413, 810 . 748, 752, 755, 808, 833. Tripati, 147 .
Telugu, 737 . Thom6, St., 738, 746, 763, 768, 833 . Tripeti, 667, 750, 758 .
Templars, 590, 673, 689, 690, 700, Thonovis, 721 . Tripetty, 667, 738, 750 .
702, 704, 705, 710, 711, 719, 720, Thor, 115, 163, 607 . Triple inscription, 489 .
721, 723, 768, 770, 789, 790, 809, Thorns, crown of, 145, 149. Tripods, [Quipos,] 17.
830, 831, 833 . Thoth, 19, 269, 755 . Tripolis, 651, 652, 810 .
'temple churches, 719 . Thrace, 44, 299, 582, 593, 598, 616, Tripoly, 360, 365,_423 .
Temple, Jewish, 741 . 625, 788, 811 . 'Triune doctrine, 802 .
Temple of Solomon, in Cashmere, 405 . Thracian coast . 16 . Triune God, 826.
Temple of Solomon, size of, 438 . Thre, 607 . Trivicrama, 431 .
Temples, 703, 711, 831 . Thucydides, 337, 370 . Trivicramaditya, 819 .
Temples of Egypt churches, 272 . Thunder, 273. Troas, 365 .
Temples of Solomon, 405, 438, 742, Thyatira, 810 . Trogus, 409 .
772, 773 . Tibet, 30, 115, 230, 305, 348, 372, 409, Troia, 363 .
Templum, 703, 757. 693, 701, 710, 745, 724, 765, 770 . Trojan refugees, 365 .
Ten, 17 . Tien, 429 . Trojan war, 363 .
Ten months, 612, 617, 712 . Tigranes, 364. Troy, 360, 362, 368, 422, 428, 464,
Ten months' birth, 212 . Timaeus, 48 . 542, 552, 624, 754, 799, 830 .
Ten months' child, 212 . Time, 77, 813 . Troy in Egypt, 364, 365 .
Ten Neroses, 284 . Time, ancient division of, 6 . Troy in Wales, 377 .
Ten Plagues of Egypt, 260 . Timotheus, 45 . Troy, meaning of, 365 .
Ten, a sacred number, 17 . Titans, 713 . Troy, mythos of, 207 .
Tenth Avatar, 560, 708 . Tobba, 462 . Troys, various, 365 .
Terebinthus, 722, 723. Tod, Col ., 161, 343, 403, 407, 408, TP2, 580 .
Ter-iia, 422 . 411, 412, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, TT, 221 .
Ter Maguus, 123 . 430, 432, 433, 439, 468, 473, 514, TTL, six hundred and fifty, 221 .
Termessus, Termissus, 409, 810 . 515, 516, 517, 519, 541, 586, 591, Tuct Soliman, 372, 411, 413, 415, 419,
Terminus, 269 . 593, 604, 640, 652, 684, 719, 766, 771, 772.
Terputty, 147 . 777, 797. Tuct Soleimon, 819 .
Tertullian, 218, 570. Tolad al, Al tolad, 358 . Tudela, 426, 427, 554, 701, 830 .
Testament, 755. Tolerating spirit, ancient, 50 . Tudela, Benj ., de, 426, 427.
Tetragrammaton, 212, 588. 'folly, 358. Tun, 771 .
Teuisco, 703. Tomb, Noah, 418. Tunnel, Nile, 493 .
Tent, 115, 534, 702 . Tom Thumb, 616 . Tur, 607 .
Teut-tat, 309 . Tongues of fire, 628 . Turks, 414, 415, 437, 465, 623 .
Teutates, 260 . Tooke, 22, 534 . Turner, 232, 259, 409, 457 .
Teutones, 704. To Ov, 804, 813, 814, 815, 816 . Turner, Sharon, 664, 747 .
Teutonic, 702. Tonsure, 412, 458 . Tuscan system, 209.
Teutonic knights, 700 . Townsend, 362, 369, 469, 478. Tuscans, 330.
Vu-u-beu, 35, 37, 336 . Town, Tun, 771 . Tusci, 373, 515 .
Teve-lanca, 309. TR, 659 . Tucte, 425 .
Teve-rat, 662, Traditions, 351, 414, 812 . Tucti Gemshid, 411 .
Tewkesbury, 572 . Trajan, 489 . Twelve, 801 .
Tha, 125 . Transfiguration, 817, 822, 824 . Twelve, the number, sacred, 781 .
Thabor, 426 . Travancore, 764 . Twins, 664, 752, 753, 756 .
Thales, 352, 511, 655, 673 . Tree of life, 623, 791 . Tybur, 374 .
Thamanim, 755 . Trees, allegories of, 17 . Typho, 813 .
'Thomas, 433 . 'frees, names of letters, 13 . Typhon, 35, 317, 405 .
Thames, 754. Trent, 302 . Tyre, 704, 705 .
'fhammuz, 755 . Triad, Gentile, 126 . Tyrins, 363, 513 .
Thatnnath, 237 . Triads, German, 310 . Tzar, 610, 618.
Thamnis, 237 . 'tribes of India, 384 . Tzetses, 135, 592 .
Thamnuz, 237 . Tricala, 422 . TZR, 618 .
Thamuz, 584 . Tricephalus, 163 .
The Jehovah, 326 . Trichinopoly, 423.
Theba, 336, 527, 797 . 'triglaf, 123.
Theban Hercules, 242. Trilochan, 106, 513 .
Thebes, 164, 322, 348, 356, 360, 475, Trimighty, Saxon, 123 . Uanabhreit, 393.
527, 755 . Trimurti, 35, 38, 62, 115, 162, 233, Udaya-pur, 407 .
Themeru, 412. 279, 348, 584, 599, 640, 725, 745, Udya-dit, 517 .
Theodoret, 49, 343 . 764, 791, 803, 804, 812, 818, 819, `Ultra-piorum, 283.
Theodoric, 632. 826, 827 . Ulysses, 366, 517, 519 .
Theodotus, 416. Trinity, 35, 36, 37, 42, 62, 100, 106, Umber, 408, 535 .
Theophrastus, 260 . 116, 119, 121, 122, 125, 126, 331, Umberland, North, 1.11 .
Theory of the author, 270 . 553, 599, 784, 805, 812, 820, 826, Umbilicus, 338, 720 .
Therapeutae, 324, 747 . 834 . Unitarians, 331, 646, 805 .
Theseus, 620 . Trinity of Brahma, 160 . Universal history, 29, 327, 427.
Thessaly, 362, 402, 572, 602, 703, 756 . Trinity, double, 804 . Universal word, 322.
Thetis, 644. Trinity, Egyptian, 117 . Upanishads, 245 .
866 Index
Upham, 383, 563, 733 . Vincent of Beauvais, 780 . Window, 477 .
Ur, 593, 596, 667, 754, 761, 762 . Viuder, 477 . Wiukleman, 513 .
Ur-ii, 429, 596 . Virgil, 309, 542, 565, 575, 579, 610, W isard, 613 .
Ur of the Chaldees, 429, 591, 592, 593, 614, 615, 617, 689, 752, 788, 799, Wisdom, 24, 41, 173, 234, 235, 250,
835 . 308, 428, 444, 518, 533, 615, 629,
Urania, 24, 754 . Virgil, quotation of, 14, 15, 16, 17, 45, 658, 699, 709, 731, 755, 766, 768,
Uranus, 528 . 188, 205, 209, 514, 515, 565, 575, 777, 783, 784, 785, 786, 791, 796,
Urbs, 605 . 579 . 802, 806, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812,
Uri, 817 . Virgin, 139, 307, 313, 697, 698, 760 . 818, 819, 827 .
Virgin, black, 312 . Wisdom an hypoostasis, 81 .
Uria, 753, 761, 765, 786 .
Uriana, 592, 593 . Virgin, passage of, 314 . Wisdom, Apxrl, 74.
Urim and Thummim, 834 . Virgini pariturie, 170, 314 . Wisdom, Mrlris, 49 .
Urotalt, 280 . Virgo, 308 . Wisdom of Buddha, 157 .
Urriana, 715 . Virgo Deipara, 315 . Wisdom of Solomon, book of, 783 .
Urns, 624 . Virgo paritura, 170, 310, 314, 593 . Wisdom, searchers after, 34 .
Umber, 174, 295, 369, 436, 494, 675, Visard, 613. Wise, 250, 822.
722. Vishnu, 35, 638, 640, 641, 836, 837 . Wiseman, 613 .
Vishnuvites, 836, 837 . Witchcraft, 277 .
Vitala, 624 . Witnesses, 316.
Viterbo, 541 . Witsius, 568 .
Vitruvius, 591 . Wittlesea mere, 408 .
Viturba, 541 . Wittoba, 143, 145, 146, 147, 750, 756,
Volney, 57, 133, 179, 200, 239, 240, 764.
290, 357, 360, 446, 511, 587, 674 . Wives burnt, 583 .
Vada-vati, 759. Voltaire, 289, 329, 668 . Wives of Thrace, 583.
Vaddahs, 754, 765 . Volterra, 516 . Wodeu, 115, 158, 164, 246, 752 .
Vaicontha, 130 . Von Hammer, 700, 704 . Wodensday, 269 .
Valentia, 362, 375, 385 . Voni-tza, 422 . Woes, 367 .
Valentinian, 782, 807 . Vossius, 320 . Wolga, 427, 537, 613.
Valentinians, 16, 40 .
Vrihaspati, 206, 225, 260 . Wood peeled for sacred fire, 92.
Vallaucey, 7, 14, 17, 159, 180, 228,
Vrii, 428, 429 . Woolsack, 630.
242, 363, 367, 369, 370, 393, 429,
Vrij, 428 . Words, Hebrew, 454.
443, 461, 475, 566, 586, 594, 597,
Vulture,, 205, 206 . Worship to East, 88.
601, 650, 784, 811 . Vyasa, 244, 248, 553, 787 . Woraley, Israel, 115 .
Valmuc, 615 . Wrangham, 331 .
Vami Nagari, 164 . Writing, Ethiopian, 286.
Van Kennedy, 12, 364, 426, 440, 448, Writing, magical, 466, 743 .
449, 452, 454, 463, 466, 481, 581,
Writing, masonic, 743 .
585, 592, 765.
Van Pout, 269 .
Vans, 6 . Waddiugton, 267, 356.
Varaha, 469 . Wales, 605 .
Varaha Calpa, 175, 176, 182, 469 . Wales, Troy in, 377 .
Varahamira, 248 . Walmsley, 708 .
Varro, 205, 206, 327, 579 . Walpole, 337 .
Vasques de Gama, 666 . Walsh, 615 . X, 221, 218, 234, 350, 720 .
Vasu-deva, 139, 330 . Waltire, 225 . Xaca, 231, 463 .
Vasus, 262, 263, 629 . Walton, 436, 501, 640, 740, 779 . XH, 221, 223, 234 .
Vales, 766, 767 . Warburton, 18, 276, 590, 791, 792 . XpsScos, 568 .
Vatican, 556 . Ward, 156, 245, 345, 426 . Xpr/s, 580, 585, 586, 588, 758, 759,
Vatican palace, 572 . War of Troy, 362 . 785, 786, 787, 788, 825 .
Van Eva, 221 . Wars of India, 332 . X p lcpiov, 219, 585.
Veda, 114, 466, 472, 511 . Wars, religious, 332 .
Xpgsos, 226, 337, 382, 568, 572, 582,
Veda, date of, 105 . Water, 529 .
Vedah, 626, 765, 775, 777, 808 . Web, Carteret, 416 . 801 .
Vedanta-lava, 426 . Wells on Ethiopia, 53 . Xpgsoi, 378 .
Vedas, forged, 244, 397 . Welsh, 16, 451 . X pv/ros, 580.
Veii, 384 . Wen, 309 . XPB, 452, 580, 788 .
Venus, 309, 350, 529, 583, 594, 760, Wetherby, 369 . Xpvcos, 337, 600.
797 . Whale, 240.
Venus Aphrodite, 49, 594 . Whigs, 787 .
Venus, black, 137, 312 . Whiston, 329, 330, 357 .
Venus, Crescent, 529 . Whitby, 535, 835 .
Verbum caro facturn, 121, 129 . White, Joseph, 571 .
Vermuyden, 302 . Whitley, 835 .
Vespasian, 189, 281, 407 . Whiter, 20, 21, 22, 431, 758, 767 .
Vesta, 306, 640 . Whiter on Al, 65 . Ya, 627 .
Vesta ES-,a, 32 . Whiter on B . D . Buddha, 155, 156 . Yacoob, 736 .
Vestal Virgins, 312 . Wilberforce, 426 . Yadavas, 344, 392, 458 .
Vettius, 205 . Wilford, 175, 188, 215, 238, 240, 253, Yadu, 263, 330, 344, 392, 429, 430,
Vettius Valens, 607. 257, 274, 286, 335, 348, 349, 352, 587, 746 .
Vicrama, 669 . 353, 356, 363, 392, 400, 401, 420, Yadu B'hatti, 428 .
Vicramaditya, 188, 193, 560, 614, 669, 421, 456, 458, 466, 473, 481, 538, Y-Agni, 667 .
684, 698, 763. 669, 721, 763 . Yahouh, 322 .
Vicramarca, 195 . Wilford, on Buddha, 57 . Yahnda,392 .
Victor Tunuuensis, 682 . Wilkins, Bishop, 780 . Yai, 533 .
Victory, God of, 429 . Wilkins, Dr., 114 . Yajna, 260, 389, 446, 584, 718 .
Vina, 589 . Wilson, 403, 465, 472, 737, 738, 746, Yajni, 640, 667, 707, 721 .
Vincent, Dr., 363 . 749, 760, 763, 765, 771, 776. Yamaha, 423, 428 .
An Attempt to Draw Aside the
Veil of the Saitic Isis ; or an
Inquiry into the Origin of
Languages, Nations
and Religions

An Attempt to Draw Aside the

Veil of the Saitic Isis ; or an
Inquiry into the Origin of
Languages, Nations
and Religions by


F . S. A., F. R. Asiat. Soc., F. R. Ast . Soc.
of Skellow Grange, near Doncaster

Res Verbis, et Verba Accendunt Lumina Rebis



THE first volume of this work was finished in June, 1833, although the Title, for the
sake of uniformity, bears the date of 1836 . The second volume was commenced ; and it
was the Author's intention to have proceeded to its completion . But, having attended
The British Association for the Advancement of Science, held that year at Cambridge,
he wrote thence to his printer, stating, that he was labouring under severe bodily afflic-
tion ; that he should endeavour to reach home as speedily as possible ; and adding, as it
were prophetically, that he should never leave it again, till he was conveyed to his grave.
So deeply interested, however, did Mr. Higgins feel in the completion of his work, that
he wrote frequently-alternately expressing hope and doubt of his recovery . Having
made what he deemed necessary arrangements for placing the manuscript in the hands
of his appointed editor, he continued to devote his attention to it, till a few days previous
to his decease . This occurred on the 9th of August. 1833.
After Mr . Higgins's interment, his only Son and Executor wrotee to say he was directed
to forward the copy, that the printing might be proceeded with, and expressing his
desire to carry his Father's wishes fully into effect . Here it may suitably be stated,
that, at the sole expense of Godfrey Higgins, his son, this posthumous volume of the
Author's is published .
The Friends and the Literary and Scientific Associates of the Author may have felt
surprised that this publication has been so long delayed . The delay has been unavoid-
able : for, although Mr. Higgins had made preparations for the progress of the work, had
his life been spared, yet when the manuscript was placed in the hands of another, many
parts of it appeared to require curtailment, or omission, to avoid repetitions. The doubts of
the Editor might have been removed immediately had he been able to submit them to
the Author.-As numerous quotations had been made, it was necessary for the Editor
frequently to go to the British Museum to collate them with the originals . His distance
from the Museum, the number of books often required for a single sheet, and the time
VOL . 11 .
vi Preface
unavoidably consumed in finding them, sometimes occupied the greater part of a day,
without the object being fully accomplished ; for it sometimes happened, that quotations
had been made from works which could not be found even in that great establishment :
and, at certain periods of each month, the Editor's attention was fully occupied by the inci-
dental duties of his profession . During those periods, the work was delayed, as no part
of the manuscript was placed in the hands of the compositor till it had been carefully
examined, in order to supply references to the first volume, or to preceding sheets of
the second-some of which had not been, and many of which could not be, supplied
by the Author. Delays have also occasionally arisen from the Editor's inability to
attend to the work in consequence of indisposition . Suffice it to say, that the publica-
tion of the volume has not been retarded by Mr . Higgins, who has uniformly evinced an
anxiety to see his Father's wishes realized .
In supplying references to the first volume, it was sometimes found, that the Index,
though copious, was not so specific as was desirable, as subjects alluded to under a given
name, could be found only by referring to many pages appended to that name . To
obviate this inconvenience, a more detailed Index is given with this volume ; and it is
hoped, that nearly every subject or opinion contained in it may be found by seeking it
under its appropriate head.
The reader may possibly feel somewhat disappointed, if he peruse the entire volume
carefully, that the promise made (in p . 145) by the Author, that he would "exhibit, in
a future book, the Christianity of Jesus Christ, from his own mouth," has not been ful-
filled so amply as he anticipated . The probability is, that had the Author's life been
spared, he would have left no pledge unredeemed . He may, however, have thought,
that what is contained in the concluding page was sufficient . At all events, neither the
Author's Son nor the Editor felt justified in attempting to supply what may, perhaps, be
regarded as an omission . They esteemed it their duty to allow the Author alone to speak
for himself. His views respecting Jesus Christ and his religion are stated explicitly in
various parts of the volume. These views will doubtless excite astonishment in some,
and displeasure in those who, while they deny infallibility to the Pope, write, and speak,
and act, as if they possessed that attribute . To the honest and intelligent inquirer after
truth, there can be nothing really offensive in the statement of opinions directly opposed
to his own, if those opinions are honestly propounded . If the Author's statements re-
specting many of the rites and doctrines of the endowed and unendowed sects of Chris-
tendom can be shewn to be groundless, numerous advocates of those rites and doctrines
will, without doubt, speedily appear in their defence . Truth can lose nothing by fair
discussion .
The Author having given, in the Preface to the first volume, what he designates a
Portrait of himself, it is deemed unnecessary to enter into any further particulars . The
following obituary notice may, however, appropriately be added, as an unbiassed testi-
mony to the Author's worth, and as expressive of the opinion entertained of him by his
fellow-countrymen in the neighbourhood of his residence .
Preface vii

" Friday morning, August 16, 1833, the late Mr . Higgins.-It has been our painful
• duty to announce, in our obituary of this week, the death of a much esteemed and re-
• spected gentleman, Godfrey Higgins, Esq ., of Skellow Grange . As journalists, we
`~ feel that Mr . Higgins has long occupied too large a space in the public eye to be per-
• mitted to slide silently into the grave ; while we are, at the same time, conscious of
• our inability to do justice to the claims of the neighbour we have lost. Mr. Higgins
• was, in early life, an assiduous and able magistrate ; quick to discover the right, and
• firm and fearless to promote and to maintain it ; and his indefatigable exertions in the
• detection and correction of the great abuses then existing in the management of the
• York Lunatic Asylum, and the formation of another and very extensive establishment
• for the care and protection of pauper lunatics at Wakefield, will be monuments of his
• public spirit, and perseverance, and philanthropy, which many, once visited by the
• privation of human reason, (that severest of human afflictions,) will have reason to be
• grateful for long after the present generation shall have passed away . Retiring from
• a regular attention to magisterial duty, Mr . Higgins, for some years preceding his
• death, had devoted a considerable portion of his leisure to antiquarian research-
• travelling much in the pursuit and cultivation of his favourite study ; and publishing
from time to time, his discoveries and constructions in works interesting to the man
• of science, and of value to the public ; while, as a moral and political writer, his pro-
• ductions were numerous and important ; possessing much of originality and inde-
• pendent feeling, and always having the increasing happiness and improved condition
of his fellow-creatures for their object . Being accustomed to think for himself-
• (taking what he considered reason and good sense, more than the rules of the schools,
°` for his guide)-and to write and to speak what he thought, his sentiments and opi-
• nions have by many been admired and adopted ; whilst by others-perhaps less candid
• and liberal than he was-they have been impugned and assailed with acrimony . Yet
• were their motives never called in question . They were admitted by all to have their
• fountain in a manly, honest heart ; nor could they fail to be acceptable in the sight of
• that Being whose eye expands itself over all the thoughts and transactions of man-
• kind ; and appreciates, and registers, and will reward them, not according to conse-
• quence, but intention . Be the sentiments and opinions we allude to founded in truth
• or in error, they at least united in the instance before us, to form the honourable, the
• punctual, the hospitable, the cheerful, and kind-hearted gentleman ; and it will be
• long, very long, ere it can be the province of the Doncaster Gazette to report the
• decease of a neighbour more deservedly and deeply respected and regretted ."

THE Author lived to revise only the first four sheets of this volume . Apprehending
that his life was drawing to a close, he wrote to his printer, expressing a wish that he
would edit the remainder of the work. From so responsible an office the printer would
have shrunk, had not the Author informed him that the manuscript was so far arranged,
that, with proper attention, he would be able to complete the volume . Whether Mr .
Higgins's confidence was well-founded, must be left to the judgment of the reader .
Two injunctions were laid on the appointed Editor,-that he should not send out the
proof sheets to any literary friend ; and that, in any instance of a difference of opinion,
he should append Editor to the note . The first injunction is respectfully urged on the
kind and candid consideration of the reader, in excuse for the errata, which, it is
lamented, are numerous . On the second injunction, the Editor begs to remark, that he
has scrupulously endeavoured to leave every opinion of the Author's as he found it ; and
that, sustaining the twofold office of Printer and Editor, he has reluctantly expressed
any dissent from the views of the Author . One note, especially, the Editor wishes he
had not inserted-that in p . 122, as it was written in ignorance of the Author's opinion,
subsequently expressed (pp . 131, 132), respecting the book of The Acts . It will be
obvious' from other notes, that the Editor views the character and doctrines of Paul in a
different light from that in which the Author regarded them . It will, therefore, it is
hoped, not offend or shock the philosophical reader, when he finds it added, that the
Editor avows his firm conviction of the divine mission, the death (by crucifixion), the
resurrection, and the ascension to a state of immortality, of JESUS of Nazareth.
The respected Author, could he speak from the grave, would not, the Editor is con-
fident, disapprove of this frank and conscientious avowal . Mr. Higgins was, indeed, as
he claimed to be considered, a philalethean ; and he was too liberal and too generous to
deny to his Editor the right of expressing his love of that which he regards as the truth.
By the great majority of Christians the Author's opinions will doubtless be con-
sidered as very remote from "the truth as it is in Jesus ;" but when HE shall return
to judge the word in righteousness (an event which the Editor gratefully anticipates), HE
will determine who most inadequately appreciated his nature and office-those who be-
lieved him a good man, but not a divinely commissioned prophet ; or those who endea-
voured to invest him with the attributes, and to place him on the throne, of his eternal
and ever-merciful FATHER .
Homerton, June 4, 1836 .

SAGA-Saxons 1

Georgius-Scala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Judeean Mythos in Egypt-Menes . Noah-Cheres-Abraham Tulis-Joseph-Grecian History a
Travesty-Language of Egypt-Deisul Voyage of Salvation 10

Lord Kingsborough on Mexico -Malcolme-Mexican Mythos the same as that of the Old World-
Humboldt and Spineto-Chronology and Cyclic Periods-Towers of Mexico and Babel-Jewish
Language and Mexican Rites-Cross and Crucifixes-Immaculate Conception . Female Principle
-Humboldt-Bochica, Peruvian Rites, &c.-The Ass and Horse . Races of Men-China . Tibet .
Spanish Policy-Laws of the Mexicans-Easter Island-Last Avatar expected-Tod on Tibet .
Island sunk. Jewish Mythos-General Observations 21

Christian Religion not New-The Carmelites Pythagoreans-Pontifex Maximus-Seven Sacraments .
Eucharist-Baptism-Christening-Confirmation . Baptism of Bells-Ordination-Marriage-Ex-
treme Unction-Purgatory-Auricular Confession 42

Revenues-Monks and Nuns-Mitre-Zone-Cassock-Praying Standing-White Surplice . Tithes
paid . Tonsure practised . Crosier, &c .-Candles, Incense-Processions . Images . St . Abraham
-Festivals-Epiphany. St. Denis, &c .-Bambino at Rome . Dedicating Churches, &c ., &c.-
Bulla . Agnus Dei . Angels. Deemons-Sunday, Dies Solis . Various Customs . . . 76

Bethlehem, Birth of Jesus Christ-Birth, Death, and Resurrection of all the Gods-Passover-
Lamb, of God-Gentile Crucifixion-Jesus Christ was not Crucified-Jewish Incarnation-
Pythagoras-Observations 95



Origin of Letters-Moon's Period-Names of Letters-Boucher-Dr . Wait on Sanscrit-Cycle of

Fourteen-Thoth-Om . Homer-Targums-Dr. Young. Sol-Joseph, Proteus . Stalls-Solo-
mon. Sindi. Peter-Cryptography, Indian-Vowel Points-Acrostic . Anagram-Metathesis .
The Number Nine-Arabic Letters-The God Xangti-'Es, µa, b-Signets-Sigma Tau-
Adam . Genesis 147
Dis Mariebus-Systems of Letters-Last Avatars . Mohamed, &c .-Names of the Gods of the
Week-Chinese Writing-Abacus and Nabathean Alphabet-Java-Northmore's System-Von
Hammer's B ook . Saxons-BBacchus . Janus . Ogham-Rhyme . Bards . Fates. Veds-Chinese 203
-Immaculate Conception of Saca-Pallium-Apocrypha-Deisul-Hammer's Arabic Book . .

Roma . Flora . Pushto-Allegory of the Flower continued-General Observations-'-Allegories-
Allegories continued-Retrospect . . 238

Universal Pontifical Government-Religion of Tibet-Chartres' Stone-The Linga-Island of Iona
-Feodal or Feudal Tenure -Gavel-kind-Frank-al-Moign-Lands in Demesne-Burgage Tenure
-Tenure by Knights' Service-Origin of Monks and Nuns-Land Tax of India-The Scy-
thians-The Arabians-Mythic Divisions of Countries, with their Officers-Trade, Craft, Ras or
Caste-Cathedrals, &c ., were Druidical, then Roman, Temples-Ings Lands-Allodial Lands-
History of the Island of Ii, or Iona, or Icolmkill-Ceylon-Cal-Vitrified Forts of Scotland-
Mystery, Wittenagemote-The Scandinavians-German Rossicrueians-Di-Om, D'Om, Domus,
Om-Ceres, Bethlehem-Chivalry-Sea Kings, Runes-Golden Age 258

Object of the Mythos-Book of Enoch on the Earth's Axis-Noah and Ships of the Ancients-Cause
and Extent of the Flood-Change of the Earth's Axis-Flood of Ogyges-Inachus-Comets held
to be Planets-Seven-Day Cycle and Length of Year-Whiston on Year of 360 Days-Whiston
on Length of Antediluvian Year-Whiston on Comet of 1680-Comet of 5751/2 Years' Period the
Cause of the Flood-Periods of Comets-Encke's Comet-Drs . Gregory and Halley on Whis-
ton's Theory-Dr . Keill on Whiston's Theory-Comet of 5751/2 Years continued-M . Arago on
Comets-Lexel's Comet-Genesis, in Substance, found in many Countries-Agency of Comets-
Digression on Gas, Spirit, Inspiration, the Soul-Comet and Flood resumed-The World's His-
tory'renewed-Early History a Mythos-Barasit and Mercavah 309

Caesar-Alexander-Gengis Khan-Akbar-Napoleon-Supreme Pontiff-Races of Man . Black
Gods-Trinitarian Doctrine of Genesis . Jewish Polity . Priesthood-Supreme Priesthood . . 343

N iebuhr on Pontificial Government in Italy-Patriarchal Government in China-Mohamed-Pon-
tifical Government-The Assassins-Niebuhr on Landed Tenures renewed-Confederated States
under Pontifical Government . Letters and Population 371

Microcosm-Atoms-Chinese Microcosm-The World, &c ., divided into Three-Sacred Numbers-
Mercavah and Caaba-Measures of the Ancients-Etruscan Agrimensores . Templum . Mount
Gargarus . Cor . Cardo . Agrimensores . Termini-The Britons-t he Saxons-Tithes resumed
-The Athenians-Division into Castes, into Three, &c .-Archierarch, Sanhedrim, Amphictyons
-Religious Dances . Poetry . Music 397

Microcosm continued . Vedanta and Nyaya Philosophy or Doctrines-Nature of the Microcosm-
Pythagoras on Numbers . Cycles-Mythology . Patron and Client . Colonies . Isopolity . Numa
Pompilius-Symbolic and Alphabetic Writing-Adoration of Animals . The Onion . Crest-
The Ancile of Numa . Cyclic Mythos . Clemens Alexandrinus . Ancient Mysteries . Baptism, the
Eucharist, &c . Doctrine of the Ancient and Modern Xpss- .Bailly, Buffon, &c ., on Birth-place of
Mankind . Former Heat at the Poles . The Mythic-Cyclie-Microsmic System . What has hap-
pened may happen again . Illusion 427

Page 3, line 1, for ' Scythise,' read Scythes .

line 3, for ' que,' read qua.
line 24, for la mbme,' read le m4me.
line 25, for Us en suivra,' read it s'en &uivra .
line 26, between ' Wont eu' and ' la philosophic,' insert pour.
line 29, for suf'erait,' read sajlrait.
65, line 24, for'sacres,' read aacrdes.
75, line 29, for ' accurrit,' read oceurrit.
102, line 22, for ' Zelmissus,' read Telmissus .
107, line 22, for ' deficire,' read deficere.
108, line 25, for'religione,' read religion .
109, line 4 from the bottom, for' grounds,' read crowns.
122, omit Editor's note, and see bottom of p . 131 and top of p . 132, for the Author's opinion
of the The Acts, and reference to Evanson's Dissonance .
127, line 5, for ' constantialia,' read aubstantialia .
135, line 8, dele'the,' before holy Call .
136, line 8, for 'KvxAwss,' read KvKXanrss .
138, lines 8, 9, for' 5 x 10=60, and 60 x 10 =360,' read 5 x 12=60, and 60 x 5=300 .
144, line 13, for 'secomd,' read second.
164, line 14, insert ce between 'C'est que.'
169, line 33, for' Fortia ; read Fortia.
170, lines 10, 11, for ' AvKolr8il and rAP'PAE,' read AvKgv8s and rPA' 'AX .
172, line 29, for Pope,' read Pope.
line 32, for'veiliii;s' and 'rassemble ; read veillees and rassembla.
196, line 3 of note, for' Fostia,' read Forties
220, line 11, for had been,' read has been.
259, line 32, for ' des sea, read de sea.
line 7 from bottom, for' impreme rent,' read imprimbrent.
273, line 8, for' Sotland,' read Scotland.
277, line 18, for ' in precess read in pieces .
287, line 31, for which rese,' read which rose .
301, line 18, for ' convert; read convent.
309, line 7 of contents, for ' Lexall's,' read Lexel's.
309, lines1,2 and 3, }for' Floods of Ogyges and Inachus, read Flood of Ogyges. Inachus.
314, line
311, line 5 from the bottom, for 'sGINs,' read SIGNS .
333, line 37, for' 2920,' read 2926 .
336, line 23, for' coporeal,' read corporeal.
345, lines 5 and 4 from the bottom, for ' Rammensium' and ' Rammenses,' read Ramnensium,
and Ramnenaes.
350, line 24, for ' cries,' read crIdes.
352, first note, for 'Assiat .' read Asiat .
366, last line, for' henious,' read heinous.
371, in note 4, for ' 2 Kings xxiii., &c ., &c.,' read 2 IChtga xxiii. 6, Jfc .
372, line 6 of note 2, for' de Saques,' read des Saques.
385, line 7, for 'de salutes' read des saintea .
386, line 4 from the bottom, for ' Egypt6,' read Eggpte.
391, line 3, for' passd, read passde.
400, line 21, for 'three son,' read three sons .
406, line 4, for ' furnish,' read furnishes.
411, line 38, for' Godyean,' read Gordyean.
426, line 26, for cords,' read oordes.
437, last line of text, for 'o+ ;,' read .4..




I SHALL in this Chapter submit to my reader some observations relating to the ancient Sacie of
Tartary or North India . These observations will be of importance in the discussion of the Origin
of Letters, which will be contained in a future Book ; and also of the first importance in the two
following Books, the object of which will be to shew, that a real, not a poetical, age of gold-an
age of learning, peace, and civilization-once existed ; and that this was under the rule of a sacer-
dotal caste or order which governed the whole world, and which originated the feudal system . I
shall also shew, that all the sacred numbers and cycles were intimately connected with, and indeed
partly arose out of, a microcosmic theory, named by Plato in his Timaeus, which was a part of the
secret doctrine of Genesis ; and the whole of this I shall also shew was intimately connected with
the feudal system . I fear the extracts from Georgius will be found by many of my readers tedi-
ous ; but as proofs of my system, from an unwilling witness, they are of the first importance, and
cannot be dispensed with.
We have seen, (Vol . I . p . 153,) that one of the most common names of Buddha was Sacya (the
name of the Lama of Tibet) and Saca, and Saca-sa . From this name of Buddha it was that the
tribes who inhabited an extensive country east of the Caspian Sea and north of Tibet, were called
Sacra. (Vide Ptolemy .) This was the hive whose castes are yet found in the West, called Saxons,
having, as Dr. Geddes says, the Hebrew language .' They were the Belgic Suessones of Gaul ;

From Dr. Wait I learn that there are an IMMENSE number of Chaldee roots to be found in the Sanscrit lists of
Dhatoos . (See Class. Journal, Vol. XVI . p 213 .) These Chaldee roots are Hebrew roots also, and are, I have no
doubt, in a very considerable degree, the origin or base whereon the Sanscrit was built . We shall see in a future Book
that they were of the old Tamul language, or at least the vernacular tongue of great numbers of people occupying the
country of the Tamuls at this day, and are called by them Pushto, the same as the language of Western Syria : indeed,
a close attention to what has been said in Vol . I . Book X . respecting St . Thomas and the Tamuls, must have shewn a
high probability of this already . But I shall return to this in my book on the Origin of Letters .
The Sanscrit Dhatoos are data-things given or granted or assumed, on which other things are built-the roots of
the language . The word is what I call Sanscrit Latin .
VOL . II .
9 Saca

one of their capitals was Soissons :' they were called Sausen by the Welsh, Sacon by the Scotch,
and Sasenach or Saxsenach by the Irish . They are the people said by Herodotus to be the same
as the Scythians . 2
Dr . Scheller maintains the whole of Europe to have been occupied by the Saxons before the
arrival of the Celts . 3 But they were, in fact, both tribes of the same people . Scythians, Celts,
Saxons, were successive castes or swarms from the same hive . If there were any difference, it
was merely in the time of their arrival in the West . But it is probable that they were only differ-
ent names for the same people ; as the Britons are called English, Scotch, Welsh, Albanians,
Caledonians, Cainbrians, &c. The difference in their dialects is only what would naturally arise in
unwritten languages, in the space of four or five hundred years .
They were castes or swarms sent out in succession, from a great and excessively populous hive
in Tartary or North India-the country of the thousand cities of Strabo . They were exactly like
the tribes sent out from Britain in modern times-at one time to America, at another time to
Africa, at another time to Australia . They were the subjects of the only civilized nation on the
earth . They took with them every where their manners, government, language, religion, and
allegiance to their supreme head, as our colonies all retain their allegiance to the mother country .
They at first nowhere found any of their own high caste, none in fact but such persons as we
found in America-Aborigines, as we call them . They met with no resistance ; but, by degrees,
as the world became peopled with the successors of previous tribes of their own countrymen, and
land scarce, wars for possession began to arise . This I shall discuss, however, in my next Book .
The word Saca is the same as the Hebrew word ;t3ty ske, imaginari, and scio, to contemplate, 4
and the Greek ywYwo xw-in short, mind, constantly confounded with wisdom. The Sciakam of
Georgius is probably Sa-ca-akim . The root is Ditv sk, whence came 5nw skl, wisdom, 5 and our
skill . Saca is sax ; and sakl or skl, or skill or cunning or knowledge or scientia or wisdom, in any
art, is X or Xaca, KL, which means the cal or wisdom of X ; and KL is X-600, L=50,=650
and the KL-di is the origin, in its most remote degree, of the Calidei or Chaldeans . I promised
this explanation in Book XI . Chap. 1 . Sect. 1 ; Callide (wisely), cunning, king, incarnation of
wisdom or cunning.- The origin of the root sk and ki, I shall shew when I treat of the Origin of
Letters . I have no doubt that this root is, in fact, the same as the aw sg, whence come haw sgh
and the Latin sagio,e and saga a witch, and sagacitas, praesagio-English, sage, sagacious, presage ; 7
and the Roman officer called sagart, who was the sacrificer, and the Hebrew sagan, the assistant
or adviser of the high priest . From this came the word t75w sit, Scalit, the name given to Joseph
in Egypt, and the meaning of which, I apprehend, was wise man . 8 Joseph was called a saviour ;
and this word is the same as salus, salutis . (Vide Book X . Chap. V . Sect . 6.) The barbarian who
marched from the North and plundered Jerusalem, was a Scythian, or Tat-ar or Tartar ; he was
called Shesach . s This is nothing but Saxon or Sasenach . Tat is a Dame of Buddha .
Mohamed was called a Saca or Saceswara, as well as a Vicramaditya . These are all merely
descriptive epithets . And from the fact named above we find the reason why the Mohamedans
spared the statues of Buddha in India . It strongly confirms the doctrine of the secret religion
of the Mohamedans . Mohamed was thought to be a renewed incarnation of divine wisdom, and
of course of Buddha, in his tenth avatar.

' Probably town of the Saxones, softened to Soissons . ' Guerin de Rocker, Vol . 1 . P . 152 .
3 Foreign Quart. Rev., July 1831, p . 224 ; and Vallancey, Coll Hib . Vol . V. pp . 12, 23, 34, 49, 181, 182 .
• Parkhurst, p . 733 ; vide Littleton's Diet . s Parkhurst, p . 734.
• See Cicero, de Divinat. Lib i. Cap . xxxi . 7 Vide Parkhurst in voce .
• Vide Guerin de Rocher, Vol . f . p . 119 . 9 Shishak, 2 Chron . xii. 7-9 .
Book I . Chapter I 3
Abrah . Ortelius en sea Synonymes et Thrgsors Geographiques Scythiae, a Persis Saga ;, ut Mela
habet, vel Acee ut Plinius, Solinus, et Eustathius scribunt Scythia Saga eat in originibus Catonis,
que circumferuntur.'
In the time of the Pharaohs the Egyptians had a class of persons called Sages or wise men . s
Considering that Saca means Buddha the God of Wisdom, I cannot much doubt that the Irish
Sagan, a priest, the Scandanavian Saga, the Hebrew Zab sgn, noble or great man, are all the same .
" The heathen Irish had their Sagan, like the Tyrians and Chaldaeans Berosus gives the
• epithet of Sagan Ogygisan to Noah . The Sagan Cohenia was the Aristites Sacerdotum, i . e .
" primarius Sacerdotum post summum . 3 Sagan Babyloniorum sive Chaldaeorum vox, a quibus
• ad Hebrmos transivit." The Cohenia is the Hebrew word for a priest-a Cohen ; and it is not
unlikely that the Chaons, who are said by the Indians and Persians to have erected the Druidical
circles, had their names from this word . I think it probable, also, that the Cohen had a near
relation to the Kan .
Vallancey says, from some author whose name he does not give, but I suspect from Georgius,
• In Indiis Xacae religio per omnes fere earum regionum populos latissime funditur : tempus quo
"Xaca vixerit, incertum est, plures sunt ex Europseis scriptoribus, qui floruisse velint Salomone
" in Judaea regnante : non idem est et Xaca novus, i . e. Apollonius Tyaneus, qui floriut A . D . 60.
• (T. 161 .) Xacam eundem esse ac Buddum, La Crosius aliique non dubitant Xacae nominis
• origo a Saca Babiloniorum et Persarum numine repetendo. Tibetanorum litera scribitur
• Sachia, quod idem est cum Sechia Sinensium (T . 21) . Les Japonois se disent originaire du pais,
• ou it est adore sons le nom de Budhu, et de Sommona-cadam ." 5 Bailly, p . 200, says, " Le
"Xaca des Japonais, le Sommona-chutana, du Pegu, le Sommona-kodam de Siam, le Butta des
" Indiens, ne sont qu' un seul et meme personage, regardg iei comme un Dieu, la comme un
• legislateur-si j' ai bien prouve que Butta, Thoth et Mercure ne sont egalement que la meme
" inventeur des sciences et des arts : ils en suivra que toutes les nations de 1' Asie, anciennes et
• modernes, n' ont eu la philosophic et pour la religion, qu' un seul et meme legislateur place a leur
" origine . Alors je dirai que ce legislateur unique n' a pu aller partout dans 1' Asie, ni en meme
• terns parceque, sans doute, it n' avait pas d' ailes : ni successivement parceque la vie d' un
" homme ne sufferait pas aux voyages . L' existence de ce peuple anterieur est prouvge par le
• tableau qui n' offre que des debris, astronomie oblige, philosophie melee a des absurdites,
" physique degengrge en fables, religion epurge, mais cachge sous un idolatrie grossiere ." From
what my reader has seen in the tenth Book, I think he can have little or no doubt that the debris
here alluded to, refers to the refined and beautiful system of Wisdom there developed .
There is scarcely a corner of the globe where the doctrines of Wisdom may not, as a mythos,
be found . My learned friend Eusebe de Salverte° has clearly proved that, by the Sagas of the
Scandinavians, the books of Wisdom are meant-the word Saga being the same as the French
sagesse and the Latin sagatx .
From the same author, p . 395, it appears that the Razanae or Razanui can be nothing but
children of Ras or Wisdom .' Thus it is evident, that to speak of the Sacae or Saxons was the
same as to speak of the Buddhists . It was the general name, as we call many sects of Catholics

I Claude Duret, Hist . des Lang. p . 513 . s Abbg de Rocher, Vol . V . P. 173 . 3 Jer. xx . 1 .

' Buxtorf ; Vall . Coll . Hib . ' Vall . Coll. Hib . Vol. IV. Part I . p . 162.
a Essai sur les Noms, Vol. II . pp . 373, 375, 381, 385.
7 In the list of names given in p
. 408, most of them are in reality Hebrew ; for instance, Aretia for earth is Aretz,
Arsa, the Sun, win hrs, &c.
or Protestants Christians . From this their sacred books were called Sacas or Sagas, as we call
the books of the Indians Vedas or Bedas, or, in fact, Buddhas or books of wisdom . This all
agrees very well with the learned language of Cashi-Mere or Cashmere having been Chaldee ; and
it accounts for Dr . Geddes' having found their language to be Hebrew . The Norwegian kings
were called Haquin . This is but Hakim or Ozr hkm ; and the substitute for the Jewish high
priest was a Sagan . Closely allied to these is the Hebrew root qw7 ksp an enchanter.' fit»
ksp is literally two words, and means rw sp, wise, and 3 k as, that is, as a wise person . Refer
to Vol. I . pp. 733, 734, to my explanation of Lokman .
Anciently all priests were physicians, and were called Hakim : (as physicians are yet called in
the East :) but this word always conveyed with it a sacredness of character . This is all in keeping
with their Gods-Odin, Woden, Thor ; with the Budwas Trigeranos in Wales, and the Old Man
Budda in Scotland ; all these came with the first or the second tribe of Saxons to the north of
Germany and to Britain .
Strabo says, 2 'Q ALL the tribes eastward of the Caspian Sea are called Scythic : the Dam next
"the sea, and the Sacae more eastward : but every tribe has a particular name ; all are nomadic ."
It is inattention to this which causes all our confusion . We have here the Clans of Scotland, and
the Tribes of Bedoweeri Arabs . The Sacae, pronounced in Sanscrit like our Sak-hae, 3 have made
in Asia irruptions similar to those of the Cimmerians : thus they possessed themselves of Bactria,
and the district of Armenia, called after them Sacasena . This word, I believe, is only Sacas-ana,
country of Sacas. I have no doubt that when nomade tribes were driven out of the lands which
they loosely settled, they passed, like the Israelites from Egypt, through countries occupied by
other tribes, in search of new habitations, till they could go no farther ; then a desperate struggle
took place for the possession of the extreme country : thus Saxons arrived in Germany and
Britain, from countries the most remote .
It appears from a note of Dr . Geddes's on the word create in the first verse of Genesis, to be
seen in his Critical Remarks on that passage, that my view of this subject is supported by the
book of Wisdom, Justin Martyr, and Origen . He also shews that a passage in the book of
Maccabees, which has been supposed to oppose my doctrine, has been wrongly translated . He
also shews that in the Scoto-Saxon dialect the word win bra still retains its original signification ;
and, in a note, he says, he hopes he shall one day be able to prove that almost all our genuine
Saxon words are either Hebrew, Chaldee, Arabic, or Persic . I am very sorry the Doctor did not
live to carry his intention into effect, which I am sure he could have done . I shall return to the
Saxons again in a future Book, and give their history, which will be found to be of the very first
importance .

' See Frey's Hebrew Lex . 2 Lib . xi . 3 Tod's Hist . Raj . 59.



1 . IN the extracts which I shall now give from Georgius will be found much useful information,
which I think will not be thought long or unnecessary by those who read for information and not
merely for amusement. The following passage justifies what I have said : "Gjam-phel sapiens
• mirificus, quasi = :3n (hkm), Syr. Kam, 't. ' (plai) Peli, vel Giam m5D (pla) Pele, SAPIRNTIJE
" miraculum, aut etiam 4rcanum ." I Here we have in the Gjam the lao, the Wisdom, and the
Pala, or the Pallium, or Pallas, or Minerva, all united . A little before he says, " A Syris,
Chaldaeis ea vox " Gnos derivari potuit . Syris enim Ganes idem est ac ostendit et demonstravit .
Hinc Indorum " Ganessa SAPIENTIIE Deus . In Sota vero, teste Castello tr)w gnisi, yvwo is,
" notitia." 2 Again he says, " Profecto Gnios cum superaddito nota '_^, quee est indicium magni
" alicujus arcani, eadem ipsa est Graeca vox yvwc-ig, gnosis, agnitio." 3 IE, in Syriac To, was
the God of Wisdom or Knowledge . In Hebrew letters to was written Vt . io ; this, as the He-
brew letter o was corrupted into ng, was the origin of the gnios . The God of Wisdom was the
spiritual fire . He was Agni. Write this in the Syriac or Pushto dialect, but the Chaldee letter,
and we have Ky' ioa, the last letter being emphatic, the 1o .
Georgius says, 4 "Pho-tha Sinica voce dictus Budda ." (This Pho-tha is evidently the Phtha or
Thas of Egypt . a) "Jah, quod additur, JAO interpretor, magnum scilicet, et ineffabile illud Dei
"nomen JEHOVA a Gnosticis et Basilidianis corruptum, et in Jao improbo ingenio mutatum . Si
" cognita fuissent Tyrboni nomina magica, quae Budda preceptor Manetis invocare solebat, inter
• ea fortasse reperiretur JAO . Nam et apud Paganos nomen hoc Dei sanctissimum erat . Quod
" quidem eruditis omnibus compertum est . Fewardentius et Galassius animadvers . i n S . Iremei
" libros factum putant ex Hebr . -I' Ja cum addito o, JAO . Samaritani, teste Theodoreto et adno-
• tatore Grabio in eundem Irenaeum, Jabe (here we have the Jave or Jove) illud appellasse dicun-
" tur, Judaei vero Aia Aja, quod est Hebraice j' ie Jab, Tibetice pariter Jah . In his igitur voci-
"bus PHOTA-JAH, nominates cernitur XACHA tamquam magnus ille Lhamarum, et Bonsiorum
" DEus BUDDA ." 6 In the Aja here named may be the origin of the Aje-mere treated of in Vol .
I . pp . 405, 407, 408, &c ., and in the whole passage there is a confirmation of several other sugges-
tions of mine in the former part of this work .
Georgius,' without having the slightest suspicion of the nature of my theory, states his opinion
that the Kam-deva is derived from, or is the same as, the =nn hkm or wisdom of the Chaldee . It
is very certain that, if my theory be right, every deity resolves into the Sun ; each one of their
names, either directly or indirectly, ought to have the meaning of wisdom. 8 Kam b6D pla, sa-
pientia .
Was not Epwg often used as the name of Venus as well as Cupid? In like manner Kanya, the
name of Cristna, was also the name of the Zodiacal sign Virgo . 9 EQws read anagrammatically is

Georgius, Alph . Tib . P . 750 . P. 749 . ' P. 748 . * P. 745 .

a Vide p . 747 . 6 Ibid. P . 746 . 7 Ibid. III. P . 728 .
' See also ibid . 750. 9 Bentley, p . 202 .
6 Georgius-Scala
nothing but rose, from which Jesus was called the Rose-the rose of Sharon-of Is-uren . And
from this came the Rossi-crusians .
The Cabalistic Jews often insert the jod or prefix it to words, as they say, for the sake of a
mystery ; but in reality for the same reason that the Irish Bishop writes his name X Doyle.
This practice admitted, I believe that C-ama was both Cupid and Venus, Cama and Cama-deva,
ru kme, desiderare, amare, 1 and was in fact C or X-ama . See pp . 760, 761, and Appendix to
the first volume. Cuma was the same, as was also Kumari or Komari on Cape Comarin, near
which ruled the Xamorin or Zamorin, or Semiramis . Was Comarin the Coma-Marina? I believe
that Caesar was X-aesar--Tzar, whence the female Tzarina. I believe that IIXOT2;, as I have
formerly said (Vol. I. p . 636), is I-IXOTF : and that in like manner also Mama is M-ama ; that
Momptha is M-Omptha ; that Mia is M-ia or M-ie . I is the tenth letter of the new alphabet, and
M is the tenth letter of the sixteen-letter alphabet . Then ' i in the Hebrew notation answers to
the X in the Etruscan, Oscan, or Latin, which we have seen stands both for 10 and 600 . This is
like the Samech, which is the Mem final . As the Samech it is 60 ; as Mem final, 600. The
Z called Xi, is 60, X Chi, 600 . The Hebrew wrv ss is six-Greek E : e~ six ; the aspirant
breathing, as in other cases,$ being substituted for the sibillant letter, which, however, is found
in the Latin, Saxon, and English, six.
Iodia is Ayoudia. I suspect that the Ad of Rajahpoutana and Western Syria, and Hadad, is
lad, or I-hadad ; that IE is to y' io of Syria ; that God, Chod, is Od, Hod . 3 In all the cases
above, the 1, the X, and the M, are monograms prefixed for the sake of mystery, as we constantly
see the X prefixed to sentences when not used as a letter, in our religious books of the middle
ages ; and as Romish priests still use it .
The lod is a point, the Centre is a point, every thing tends to the Centre .
The word Saca . I believe is found in the Hindoo word Para-sachti. The Tibetian language
has no B. Para is bt`1a bra, creator. Sach is, in the Egyptian language, gamma, and Ti is Di,
sacred, holy . Georgius 4 says, Para-sachti is "excellentissima virtus, &c ., primam emanationem
Dei ; Flammam fluentem a Deo." But I do not doubt that it was also akme or hkm . In fine,
it is divine WISDOM . s
Parasakti, Adisakti, Devaki, and Parakta, have all the same meaning . Para or Ad, and
Devaki, mean the Deity, and sakti a flame. a These are also the same as Bavani and Mama-ja .
Sometimes Parasakti is masculine, sometimes feminine. Sakti is also the same as verbum and
sapientia. 7 Chati, I am persuaded, is the same as Sacti, and is the Hebrew nun hte, and in
English means heat. Substituting, as Parkhurst says was very common in the Hebrew, the tv s;
the sibillant letter for the aspirate n h, the word would become sati . I am quite satisfied we have
here, or in the word just now named, Sci-akham, the meaning of the Saca or Xaca, and that it
means the Logos, the Sapientia, the Ras .
Parasakti, like Semele, the mother of Bacchus, was combustam in aethereo igne . 8 She was con-
sumed in the flames of her son . This is the assumption of the blessed virgin, which took place in
the autumn, when the constellation of Virgo disappears, and is rendered invisible by the solar
rays . 9 But Para-sacti was Lachmi, and Lachmi was nothing but L'hkm, the wise .
" Ex his, quae mecum inter viam communicarunt laudati PP . Cappucini e Tibetanis Missioni-
" bus reduces, protinus intellexi tam arcto et inseparabili vinculo apud eas gentes duo haec, litteras

I Georg p . 728 . s Parkhurst, p . 776.

a But Georgius (Alp. Tib. p. 685) has shewn, Ad or Adad or Hadad, in Syria, to be Buddha .
* P . 97 . 1 lb . p . 98 . ° lb . 7 lb . 8 Ib . p . 102 . 9 Vide Dupuis .
Book I . Chapter II . Section 1 7
" et superstitionem, inter se cohaerescere, ut alterum sine altero nec pertractari, nec cogitari
• queeat. Ut enim video, quern admodum defluunt radii a natura solis, sic litteras ab ipsa Dei
• substantia defluxisse concipiunt . Simile quiddam de Vedam Bramhae, deque dtzala Isureni
" libro, opinantur Indi." 1 The truth of the observation respecting the close connexion between
letters and superstition cannot be denied, and thus this beautiful invention, which ought to have
been the greatest blessing to mankind, has been, till lately, its greatest curse . But if at first it
forged the chain, it will break it at last .
On the Tibetian alphabet Georgius says, " Aliud quid longe majus atque preestantius de litte-
" rarum suarum natura, ac dignitate Tibetani opinantur . Istas uti prodigiosa quaedam munera e
" coelo demissa venerantur : Deoque Sapientice Giam-Jang tanquam auctori, et artifici principi
" referunt acceptas ." When I consider the Deoque Sapientim, the name of the country Achim,
the Pushto in North and South India, the evident Judaean mythos in both, I cannot help suspect-
ing that the Deus Giam-Jang is the God or Iao of Siam or Sion, in the country of Judia, adjoining
to the present Nepaul and Tibet . The close connexion between letters and superstition, noticed
by Georgius, tends materially to support my opinion, that letters were at first mythical and magi-
cal, and we know that they were every where supposed to emanate from the Deity. Georgius
explains the word Tangut to mean Dominus Ca'li et Terrae . If the T be a nominal prefix, the
a=x, ng=y, u=l, thus .dou . Tangut is the name of God in Peru . Georgius then goes on to explain
that Ti-bet is Ti-bot, or Ti-bout, or Ti-Boutta, or Di-Buddha. 2 He adds, " Hoc vero recta oritur
" a gentili Pot-Jid, quo certo nomine non ante famosi Buttae tempora insigniri ea natio ceepit ." 3
Tibet is called Potyid by Sir W . Jones . 4 He makes an important observation on the nature of the
Tibetian language,5 which, appears to be in a great measure Monosyllabic, and thus tends to
prove its antiquity . He then goes on to state that Jid is a cognomen of Buddha, and means
Unicus or Unigenitus ; 6 and that it is the " Jehid Phoenicium, aut Ihido Syrum ." (It is, in fact,
Ii-di .) He confirms almost all which I have before given from Creuzer respecting Buddha . On
the name of Xaca, he says it is called, in the Tibetian language, Sciakham. That is, I suppose,
the Sci-akham or Hakim, just now treated of.
I suspect that the Phoenician Jehid or lid, is nothing but the Chaldee II of the Targums, with
an abbreviation of the Deus, Dis, Deva, and means the God Ii .
The Deity Isan and Isuren of India was the Isis of Egypt . The name came from the Hebrew
ylr' iso, with the Tamul termination in en, Isur-en . This deity is the same as Mahdeus and
Mahadeva. It has generally four arms, and is often seated on the Lotus. Fire is its peculiar
emblem . It has three eyes. It is also often carried on a BULL. One of its epithets is Hy-
dropism . 7 This is the Greek tamp and Ibis, and connects it with the refined doctrine of water,
which approaches to something very near to the spiritual fire and the hydrogen of the moderns .
It is adored under the form of the Linga, or Priapus . It is Pluto, the Egyptian Amenti and the
Giam Indicus . It is Brahma and Tchiven . " Dominus hurnidce naturce et origo sacrorum flumi-
"num," the Giam Indicus judex universorum . From the word Giam comes, I suspect, the Ganga
or Janga. Finally, Georgius says, " Sol est Isuren, qualis erat Osiris apud Egyptios ." 8
It is said of Mani that he left a book of paintings . In one of the apocryphal Gospels Jesus is
said to have been the son of a Dyer or a Painter, another of a Potter, in the four of a Carpenter,
and in all of an Artificer . Georgius says, " Verum non opus est multis, ut ostendam orientales

' Georg . Alph. Tib. praefE p. ix . ' Alph . Tib . p . 16. ' Praef. p . 10.

4 Asiat Res . Vol . III . p . 10. ' P. 11 . 6 Ib . p . xi. ' Georg. Alph. Tib. p. 156 .
' P . 155.
8 Scala
"omnes uno eodemque nomine Pictorem, Tinctoremque vocare. Vide Castellum in y2 y ( zko) .
" Quum vero .drteng dicimus, eoque designamus Librum picturarum Mani, (quia, ut inquit
• Renaudotius, figuris peregrinis, et ignotis refertus erat,) intellegere debemus Librum eo sensu,
" quo intelligunt Brammhanes Vedam, et Tibetani Cid sine Cioch . Nempe, ut Vedam est Bramha,
• et cib Xaca, ita ~4rteng est ipse Mani, virtus, emanatio Patris luminum, q/usque Filius, et anima
• dans et accipiens formas, ac figuras omnes in eo portentoso mysteriorum libro contentas ."z
Here we find Brahma and Buddha both having the meaning of the word Book . Here is con-
firmed what I have before said that Veda is Beda or Buddha. The book of the Manichaeans was
called the treasure, and being a Veda would be a treasure of Wisdom. Bacchus is called Liber,
KD1 bka and rvr1 tut, which in Chaldee mean Morus, the name of the Morea of Greece . 2 The
Morns or Mulberry-tree is a very mystical plant ; it is said to be sapientissima arbor. It was
probably thus designated because it had the same name as the God of Wisdom . Brahma is the
same as Brahaspati, who is worshiped the same day as Suarasuoti, (Sara-iswati,) the Dea
scientiarum : from this, Georgius says, be thinks the word Brahma came to mean Scientia .
The truth is, wherever Scientia is found, Sapientia may be written . 3
We have seen, in p . 320, that the natives of Siam call their God lach lath, the Greek lacche.
Now, is it not possible that in the Tibetian language this may be the Siakhim, the aspirated =]r,
hkm-and this Siak and Iacch the same? Parkhurst says, the aspirate breathing is constantly
substituted for the sibillant letter . 4 This would make Saca laca. The festivals of Bacchus
in Greece were called Iacaea . 5
" At Typhon ab eodem Plutarcho ex Phrygiis literis dicitur filius Isaacci Iraaxe 're `Hpc xAs&g
" o Tu<pcov, Isaacci, quem genuit Hercules, filius fuit Typhon ." 6 May Isaac, the son of Hercules,
who was Cristna, who was Samson, have come from yttd' iso, to save, and Xaca, or from I and
Xaca, or from ytv' iso and =3n hkm ? Either of these etymons is strictly in keeping with the
remainder of the mythos .
Brahma is said to have been the inventor of Hymns and Verses, and the Brahmins are not
permitted to recite but only to sing the Vedas . To account for this they have a story of Brahma,
like Jupiter for the love of Leda, being turned into a swan . When he was about to be killed by
lswara, he sung hymns and verses to her praise, to pacify her . From this came the story of the
musical singing of swans when they are about to die . 7
Brahma carries a book as an emblem . This was because he was the first emanation or divine
Wisdom, and the Wisdom contained in the Veda or book of Wisdom came from him . Hence, in
Greece, Bacchus or Brahme was called Liber . 8
I think, from a passage in Georgius, the real origin of the meaning of the term Judah or Juda,-
the religion or the name of the tribe may be discovered,-of the tribe or religion which Eusebius
said existed before the time of Abraham . He observes, that Buddha is called Jid, which is the
same as leoud, who was the son of Saturn, and that it is merely an epithet, meaning Unigenitum .
Hebroeis est jorv (ihid) lehid Isaacci epithetum . a Gen. xxii . 2. 10 Now I think this shews that
the tribe were followers of the Unigenitum, in short, of the Logos or Buddha, who was the only-
begotten of his Father .

' Tib . Alph . I Vail . Coll . Hib . Vol . IV . Part i. p . 265 . ' Georg . p . 114 .
4 In voce tow ss, II p . 776 . 5 Vide Hermes Scythicus, p . 136 . 6 Georgius Alph. Tib. p . 26 .
7 Vide Georg . Alph . Tib. p . 110. a Ib . p . 114 . 9 Bocharto .
1Q Georg. Alph Tib . Sect . xi.
Book I . Chapter II . Section 2 9
Again Georgius says,' " Brevi, Xaca Jehid, Ihido, and Aid, (quod est insigne cognomentum et
" attributum Budda, Butce, sive Boto in vernaculA voce Tibeti Pot-2"t,) Poto scilicet, seu Boutta
" Unigenitus ant Primogenitus ." He bad before shewn that Jehid was Juda ; hence we come to
the fact, that the tribe of Isaac, Ihid, or Judab, was a tribe of Buddhists . "
2. The Scala or. ladder, formerly alluded to in Vol . I . p. 413, I believe signified a chain or ladder
of transmigration, by which the soul climbed up to heaven, 2 and that Scala or Sacala is Xaca-clo,
and came to mean a ladder, or the ladder of the Mount of Solyma, or Peace or Salvation, from the
ladder of metamorphoses or regenerations . The system of regeneration is exactly that of a ladder .
The dream of Jacob, with the seventy-two angels ascending and descending, the mysticism of
which no one will deny, alludes to this : the Xaca-clo is the series of ten regenerations, which the
Brahmins taught that every human being passed through . In the names of Sicily we have, first,
Siculia, as it is called by Virgil, which is Xaca-clo-ia ; this was Buddhist . The next was, Trina-cria
or Trina-crios-the Triune Aries ; this was Crestism . 3 In Vol. I: pp. 813-816, I represented the
double trinity and the system of emanations to form a chain, the last link of the first forming the
first link of the second ; and thus the whole system, beginning at the To Ov, formed a chain or a
ladder from the highest to the lowest .
Is it possible that the veneration for Apes may have taken its rise from a word of the ancient
language-the Chaldean misunderstood ? Georgius says, 4 " Simia Arabic8 pK7s bram, Boram,
"Africanis t=a brm." It is well known to all Indian scholars, that Cristna is said to have invaded
Ceylon, accompanied by an army of Monkeys, by whose means he conquered it ; and we are told
that this is the belief of the country . The simple fact was, that the sectaries of the Crest, the
Brahmins, invaded it, and the whole arises from the identity in the Indian language of the words
for Brahmin and Ape or Monkey . In this manner numbers of little mythoses have arisen in all
parts of the world . In a similar manner arose the mythos of Bacchus's grapes. The word for
grape in Greek is Borpuc, this is a corruption of Buddha, and Bacchus was Buddha, and Buddha
was Wisdom ; whence the grape in Latin is called race-mus-evidently the Hebrew Ras, wisdom,
and the `Pa4, the stone of the grape.
Salivabana is also called Saca . 5 In Bali they have a period called the year of Saca. 6
The God in the temple on the mountain of Lawuh, in Java, is called Sukuh . 7 This is the
mountain of L'Awu or THE Ieo,land his name Saca .
The large temples in Java are built without cement in the joints, in the Cyclopeean order of
architecture-all the stones mortised together . 8
We are constantly told by all travellers, that the Lama of Tibet is adored as God . But in this
I do not doubt that our travellers permit their prejudice and bigotry to blind them . If he be con-
sidered to be the Supreme Being, how came the Tibetians to have a most magnificent temple to
Buddha, at Lassa, the place of the Lama's residence ? of which a ground-plan is given in Georgius .
The fact is, the followers of the Lamb at Rome elect their Vicramaditya or Grand Vicar from
themselves, generally choosing the most imbecile of the college for the God upon earth, as he does
call, or used to call, himself . The followers of the Lamb in Tibet have found it better to select an

t Sect . cxxiii. 3
Vide Georgius Alph. Tib . Ap. iii. p . 678 .
3 From this idea the division of any given space into equal parts, and probably from the decimal notation, ten parts,
was called a Scala or Scale .
4 Alph. Tib. p. 28 . ° Crawfurd, Hist. Ind. Arch. Vol. I . p. 300. 6 Ibid.
7 Ib . Vol
. II . p1. 18 . a Ib . p. 199. 9 Sect . cxliii. p . 406.
VOL. II . C July 28, 1833.
10 Judwan Mythos in Egypt
infant, whom they educate . The same reason operates in both conclaves . In each, a similar
cause produces a similar effect,-an imbecile Lama .
The whole of what we have seen respecting Saca and the Saxons, must be considered as a pre-
paration for an inquiry into a Pontifical government, (to be developed in the future books,)
which was brought with the feudal system to England and Europe, long before the time of Caesar .
It will be found useful also in considering the origin of letters .


Juda-an Mythos in Egypt-Menes . Noah-Cheres-Abraham Tulis-Joseph-

Grecian History a Travesty-Language of Egypt-Deisul Voyage of Salvation .

I Now beg my reader to recall to his recollection the multitude of fragments of the Christian and
Jewish mythos which, in his reading, he must have found scattered about Upper Egypt . I beg
him to look at and read the accounts of my Figures 27 B and 35 . These things are all disguised or
instantly put out of sight by the assertion, that they are the remains of the Gnostic or Nestorian
(that is, as the learned Nimrod says, the Buddhists) Christians . The existence of the mythos,
which I shall now exhibit, in Egypt, easily accounts for and explains all these hitherto inexplicable
remains of the Jewish and Christian mytbos, on the ancient temples in Upper Egypt and in
Nubia. As might be expected, the prejudices of education have operated on the learned German
Heeren, to blind him to the Jewish and Christian mythos ; but yet, in one instance, the truth in-
voluntarily creeps out . He says, "Another field opens itself here for divines, if they would like
"to compare the religious notions of ancient Thebes with the descriptions given by the Jews of
L0 their sanctuaries, the tabernacle, the temple, and the sacred utensils .
This is not the place for a comparison of this kind : but bow many things described in the

" Scriptures do we find in these engravings 1 the ark of the covenant (here carried in procession),
" the cherubim with their extended wings, the holy candlesticks, the shew bread, and many parts
" of the sacrifices ! In the architecture itself a certain similarity is instantly recognised, although
`1 among the Jews every thing was on a smaller scale ."' In his maps the temples of Meroe, in
several instances, appear built in the exact cross-form of our churches .
The observation of Heeren, I shall now shew, has been confirmed by a very learned Frenchman,
the Abbd Guerin de Rocher . But my reader will be kind enough to observe, that although the
similitudes pointed out by Heeren, amount to almost a proof of my theory, they, in a similar
manner, amount almost to a proof of the falsity of the Abbe's theory, which will now be ex-
plained .
After finding the Judaean mythos, the mythos which Eusebius asserts existed before Abraham,
in North and South India, in Syria, and in China, it would have been very singular if it had not
been found in Egypt. This singularity has been proved not to exist by the Abbd Guerin de

' Heeren, on Egypt, Vol . 11 . p. 297

Book I. Chapter III . Section 2 11
Rocher, who has undertaken to shew, in his work called Histoire des Temps Fabuleux, that the
history of Egypt, detailed by Herodotus, Diodorus, Suidas, Manetho, &c ., is not a true history of
Egypt, but a mere travesty of the history of the Jews ; and however much I may differ from him,
both generally and in many particulars, yet I think he has proved his case, so far as to shew, that
the two were, in many instances, substantially the same, as they ought to be, if they were nothing
but a repetition of the same mythos ; but which they could not possibly be, and be at the same
time both true histories of countries, as he very justly observes . All this tends strongly to prove
that Herodotus was really the father of history, the first real historian : all the works before his,
being mere mythoses, founded on the traditionary, unwritten stories of each country, detailed by
the priests for the purpose of religion, not of history .
It is necessary to observe, that the Abbe does not pretend to shew merely that parts of the
Egyptian history agree with and dovetail into such parts of the history of the Jews as relate to
respective periods, but that the Egyptians have taken the Jewish history, and have travestied it
(to use his word) to form a new history . Between these two my reader must perceive that there
is a mighty difference . Had he shewn the former, he would indeed have greatly strengthened the
Jewish history as a history, but the latter is another matter.
The Abbe has exhibited so much skill and ingenuity in discovering the meaning of several para-
bles called parts of the Egyptian history, that I have no doubt whatever, if he had been unfettered
by religious prejudice, he would have made out the whole rnythos . The discoveries he has made
did not arise from his abstract love of truth, but merely from a belief that it would enable him the
better to defend his own religion and the interests of his order .
He supposes that the history of Egypt was completely lost by the natives, in the course of the
period when the Persians possessed it, after the conquest of it by Cambyses . Nothing but the
excess of religious prejudice could have induced any one to believe, that, in the short time during
which the Persians possessed Egypt, all knowledge of their ancient history, and of their history at
that time not properly ancient to them, should be completely lost by the natives, and also that
they should all of them have been so totally devoid of understanding, as that they could not make
up a story of their own to pass off as a history of their country, but that they should be obliged
to go to the little distant mountain tribe which Herodotus could not discover, said to have been
driven out of their country several hundred years before, to borrow their history, by a travesty or
transfer of which they made up a history for themselves I -not using the names of their own
kings, but actually names out of the history of the distinct mountain tribe just alluded to ? The
Abbe has been attacked in no very measured or very fair terms by several of the philosophers,
on account of his etymologies and other little matters ; but he has been very ably and successfully
defended. His opponents do not appear to have touched upon the absurdity of the theory to
account for these travesties, or historic parables . As all party writers do, they laid hold of ex-
ceptions-they seized on and exposed particular points, but the general whole, which they ought
to have attacked, they left untouched . In fact, the Abbe overthrew all their previous doctrines,
and not having the least idea of any universal mythos, or other cause, to account for the unde-
niable effect pointed out by him, they could give him no reasonable answer, though the general
absurdity of the cause which he assigned, or the way in which he accounted for the effect, was
evident enough . They ought candidly to have admitted the fact of the identity of the histories
of Genesis and of Egypt, and have said, « We admit the identity you contend for ; we cannot

Why did they not go to their obelisks, which M . Champollion has found covered with their histories? Why? but
because M . Champollion has discovered nothing!
12 Noah
" deny it ; but the reason which you assign for the identity appears to us absurd, and we cannot
• admit it : there must be some other reason for it, which is yet unknown." This would have
been candid ; but instead of this, as defeated parties usually act, they had recourse to ridicule,
misrepresentation, and clamour, and endeavoured to poh-poh him down .
The Abp says, " Je commence par les temps fabuleux des Egyptiens, depuis Mdnbs, leur
" premier roi, suivant tons leurs historiens, jusqu' au temps oil 1'Egypte soumise aux Perses,
'` devint une province de leur empire . On verra, par un rapprochement soutenu de toute la suite
`` des rbgnes, et des faits de chaque regne, que cette histoire rbpond a 1' histoire sainte, depuis Nob,
" le pbre de tous les hommes d'aprbs le ddluge, jusqu' a la fin de la captivitb des Juifs a Babylone :
• et que ce West mbme qu'un extrait suivi, quoique dbfigurb, de ce que 1'Ecriture elle-mdme
• nous apprend de 1' Egypte dans cet intervalle ; en un• mot, que tout ce qu' Hdrodote, Mandthon,
• Eratosthe ne et Diodore de Sicile nous racontent de 1' Egypte jusqu' a cette dpoque, n' est, aux
• descriptions pres, qu' une traduction, a la vdrite, pleine d' erreurs et de fautes grossibres, que
" les Egyptiens a'btoient faite on procurde des endroits de 1'Ecriture qui lea regardent, et dont ils
• s' btoient compose une histoire ; c' est le sujet de trois premiers volumes que je prbsente au
• public ." I This is a very different matter from having taken parts of the Jewish history, to fill
up the lacunae in the corresponding parts of their own history .
The Abbb's assertion that, in the time of Menes, the first king, whose name was, in fact, the same
as that of Noah, Egypt was a marsh, with the exception alone of the district of Thebes, which com-
prised all Upper Egypt, that is, that it was covered with water, is in exact accordance with what I
have said in Vol. I . pp . 291, &c., and 336. He afterward shews that the history of Thebes is a travesty
of the history of the flood of Noah and of the Ark . That the same particulars are in both the
histories,-that from Thebes the doves went out,-that the name Thebes for that city and the ark
are the same,-that at Thebes an immense ship was built, and that the first men and animals of the
present world came out from Thebes, &c ., &c . But I will now give to my reader, an extract from
the work of Mons . Bonnaud, 2 one of the Abbd's defenders, in which, abstracted from the Abbb's
book, he places by the side of each other the History of Herodotus and of Genesis, which will serve

to give a general idea of the nature of the Abbd's work better than any description which I can
write .
Debutons par 1' arche de Noe, laquelle s' appelle en H6breu THBE, que les Egyptiens ont prise pour le ville de
Thebes ; nous verrons en suite 1' histoire de Jacob travestie par eux en celle de S6sostris, roi conqu6rant . Tenons-
nous-en pour le moment a ces deux morceaux que l'auteur de 1' histoire veritable a devoil6s.
1. M6nbs est celui qui regna le premier des 1. Nod, dont le nom en Hebreu est N6 on Mnbe,
hommes. son derive, qui signifie repos, 3 est le Ore common de
tons les peoples : c'est dans l'Ecriture le premier homme
qui regne dans un sens aprbs le ddluge : puis qu' it
se trouve le chef et le souverain naturel de tout le genre
humain reduit alors a sa famille .

I P. xliii.
s Vol V. p. 6 . Histoire Des Temps Fabuleux, Tome V. 8vo . h Paris. Par L'Abb6 Gu6rin de Rocher . Chez
Gautier et Frbres, et Co. 1824.
s M, en H6breu est une lettre servile au commencement du mot . J'ai era que, pour me mettre plus h port6e des
lecteurs qui ignorent les langues anciennes, it convenoit d' 6crire en lettres ordinaires les mots Hebreux dont it m' a
fallu faire un frequent usage, vu la nature de 11 objet que je me propose de discuter . Ceux qui serolent curieux de
verifier ces mots de la langue Hebraique, peuvent recourir h 1' histoire veritable des temp . febuleua.
Book II. Chapter III. Section 3 13
2 . Du tems de Minks toute l'Egypte n'atoit qu'un 2 . Du temps de Noe, non seolement 1'Egypte, mais
marais a 1'exception du seul nome ou canton de Thebes, la terre entiere fut inondee par le deluge, et ce nome
c'est-a-dire, qu'elle etait tout inondae . de T7 bes, qui seul ne 1'etoit pas, c'est l'arche qui se
sauva du deluge. TnsE ou comme on prononce THE
BAH, est le mot constamment employs dans le texte
Hebreu pour signifier arche.
3. Les habitans de Tubes se disoient les plus an- 3 . Thbe ou Thebah (l'arche de Noe) renferma en
ciens des hommes. effet dans son sein les peres de tous lea hommes, et par
consequent les plus anciens de toes, a dater du deluge
qui fut comme un renouvellement du genre humain .
4 . A Thebes fut construit un grand navire de pres 4. La Thbe ou la Thebah, 1'arche de Noe, avoit trois
de trois cents coudees de long . cents coulees de longueur.
5 . Herodote dit que deux columbes s' etoient envo- 5 . Noe fait envoler une columbe par deux fois de sa
lees de Thebes en differentes contrees . Thbe ou de son arche, pour s'assurer, avant que d'en
sortir, que la terre a ete desshchee .
6 . Les animaux, suivant les Egyptiens, furent formes 6. L'Ecriture dit que toes les animaux furent ren-
d'abord dans le pays de Thebes. fermes dans 1'arche, et en sortirent, Thbe en Hebreu
signifiant 1'arche, voiles comme tons le$ animaux sont
sortis de Thebes.
7. Mines apprit aux peuples a honorer les Dieux et 7 . Mnee autrement Noe au sortir de l'arche eleva un
a leur faire des sacrifices . autel au Seigneur, dit PEcriture et ofrit des holo-
caustes sur cet autel, par consequent, des sacrifices.
8 . Mines fut le premier a introduire le luxe de la 8 . Not- apres le deluge eut la permission expresse de
table. se nourrir de la chair des animaux .
9. Les habitans de Thebes se vantoient d'avoir ete 9. Noe en sortant de 1'arche (Me) fut le premier
les premiers h connoitre la vigne . qui planta la vigne.

That the two stories are closely connected no one can doubt : but the Abbe's theory, that the
Egyptian is a travesty of that of the Jews, to which the Egyptians had recourse in consequence
of the destruction, by Cambyses, of all their records, receives a terrible blow from an observation
which he makes in the next page-that the same history is told of the Grecian Thebes as is told
of the Thebes of - Egypt . The consequence of this the Abbe does not perceive, viz . that it is
totally incredible that they should both be the same, without a common cause, and this could not
be the conquest by Cambyses, because he never conquered the Grecian Thebes . In fact, it over-
throws the Abbe's whole system ; but it confirms mine beautifully, viz . that the stories are all
one common mythos, in all countries disguised in the dress of history . Accident could not possi-
bly be the cause .
The Abbe's observation, that the word used for the name of Thebes is exactly the same word as
that used to describe the ark of Noah, again overthrows the whole of his system : for the ancient
city of Thebes destroyed by Cambyses, and sung of by Homer, under the name of Thebes, could
not have had its name given by the priests about the time of Herodotus, which is what the Abbe's
system requires . The very great antiquity of the names of the cities of Thebes in Egypt and
Greece, as proved by Homer, takes from under the edifice erected by the Abbe every part of its
foundation . It is not credible that one or both these cities should have this name given as a sub-
stitute for the real history lost in Cambyses' conquest, though there can be no doubt that the
history of Genesis and of Herodotus are the same .
3 . 1 have observed, Vol . 1 . p . 602, that the kings of Egypt, whose names ended in cheres, were
renewed incarnations of the Xprlc, mitis . On these kings the Abbe says, a Mycerinus, successeur
de Chephren ou Chabryis, appelle par Diodore, Mencherinus ou Cherinus ; par Eratosthene,
14 Cheres
Caras on Ocaras ; par Manethon, Men-cheres, et de quantite d'autres noms termines en ceres
ou cheres, sans compter ceux qui ne le sont pas ; roi plein de douceur, de religion et d' equite,
qui rend au peuple opprime la liberte de sacrifier, qui le soulage dans ses maux, qui se rend
recommendable par son extreme exactitude a rendre la justice : qui va jusqu' a satisfaire a ses
depens, ceux qui se plaignent de ses jugements : qui est condamne par l'oracle a mourir avant
le temps ; qui prend le parti d'errer dans des lieux solitaires, ou it se fait eclairer la nuit, colnme
le soleil 1' eclaire durant le jour" 1 I think few . persons will fail to see in this early chres or
XPrlc, the prototype of a later one . The same mythos is here, and this cannot be disputed.
We have here in the mourir avant le temps, the person crucified in Egypt of the Apocalypse . The
Abbe after this proceeds to shew, that the Cheres was Moses, but this only tends to strengthen the
proof that Moses was an Avatar, 2 a Messiah, a divine incarnation, saving his people, in fact a
Xpi c. Amidst the blunders and confusion of the different historians of Egypt, it is easy to see
here, the Christian mythos ; even the name X Prls is found in the word Chwres, 3 one name of
what is called by Manetho the second dynasty, consisting of three kings, Ilas, Sethenes, Cheeres, 4
evidently the mistaken Tripety . And we must not forget the infant Orus, and the Virgo paritura .
4. The Abbe finds Abraham in Binothris, whom be asserts to be Bn-Thrc r r n-p bn tre, or
Ben-Therah, son of Terah . This Binothris he spews was said by Manetho to be succeeded by a
king called Tulis . Binothris is said to have established the first queen in Egypt, or to have
first given to females the honours of Royalty . This queen was Sarah, whose name when changed
from Sarai meant, instead of a queen or princess, the queen . After Binothris, Manetho
puts Ilas or Tulis ; but this person the Jews and Arabs make to be the ravisher of Sarah . The
different historians, all ignorant of the true state of the case, confound the parties ; but they are
all evidently here . The word Tulis means ravisher in the Hebrew and Arabic . 5 Thus Tulis
or Ilas was the stealer or ravisher of Sarah, the sister of Abraham . The history of this Tulis, as
given by Suidas, is very remarkable . 6 He says, 11 Thulis reigned over all Egypt, and his empire
" extended even over the ocean . He gave his name to one of its isles (Ultima Thule) . Puffed
• up with success, he went to consult the oracle of Serapis ; and, after having offered his sacrifice,
" he addressed to him these words : ` Tell me, Oh, master of Fire, the true, the happy par excel-
" `lence, who rulest the course of the stars,-tell me if ever there was before one greater than I,
• `or will ever be one greater after me .' The oracle answered him in these words : ` First God,
• `afterward the Word, and with them the Holy Spirit : 7 all three are of the same nature, and
" `make but one whole, of which the power is eternal ; go away quickly, mortal, thou who hast
• but an uncertain life .' Going out from the temple he was put to death by his own countrymen
• in the country of the Africans ." (A~~cov .) $ But the most remarkable part of this story is,
that the word Tulis means crucified, ;15n tie, suspendit : 1* n tlui, suspensus, crucifixus . Here
in the country of the Africans-in Egypt we have again the crucified of the Apocalypse . Thlui
is the name given by the Jews to Jesus Christ, 9 meaning the crucified. Serapis, the God con-
sulted, was regarded as the Saviour of Egypt . 10 I have little doubt that Serapis was put to death
as well as Osiris, but that he was crucified . It was under his temple at Alexandria that the cross

' Histoire Des Tems Fabuleaux . Tome V. p. 136 .

• The word Avatar is probably abba-tar, a renewal of father, Tur .
• P. 300. * P. 297 . a
lb . p . 298 .
6 See, for the answer of the Oracle to Sesostris, Vol . I . p . 805 .

T If-ra e10S, JAITEvErra A°y°s, x as rlYiv a atiY avro, ; . 6 Ib . p . 403 . 9 Ib. p . 306. 10 Ib . p. 309.
Book II . Chapter III . Section 4 15
was found when it was destroyed by one of the Roman Emperors . We cannot forget that Serapis
was considered by Hadrian and the Gentiles to be the peculiar God of the Christians .
The Egyptian history is evidently a garbled, and, in many respects, a confused misrepresenta-
tion of the same history or mythos as that of the Jews ; the Abbe attributes this misrepresen-
tation to the ignorance of the Egyptians in the Jewish language, but who, on the contrary, must
have been well acquainted with it, as appears from their names of men and places, which are
almost all Hebrew . It is much more probably attributable to the ignorance of the four Greek
authors, who evidently betray their ignorance in a variety of ways, and indeed confess it . But the
fact that they are, at the bottom, the same mythoses or histories cannot be doubted . Here, then,
we find the reason why the Jewish prophet, Isaiah xix . 18, says, that the true God should be
adored, or was' adored at five temples in the land of Egypt ; and here we find the reason of the
pictures of the Judaean mythos in Egypt in several of my groups of figures, and of the Judaean
names of towns, mountains, and districts, which I have before pointed out, and here we find the
meaning of the expression in the Apocalypse, the Lord crucified in Egypt . 2
But it is a very important observation which I have to make in addition to this, viz . that the
text (Isa. xix . 18) does not only say, as our Bible renders it, that one shall be called the city of
destruction ; but it also says, that one shall be called the city of the ERs, nnx5 - fvw wvri e-ers, or
THE SUN, 3 or the Saviour-according to the Arabic tr+ to save. Here we have proof of several
of my theories . Here we have the X p71c, the Chres, the Ceres, the Epos, the Eri, and Heri,
and Hari of Arabia, all identified with the Sun, and with the Preserver and Destroyer . And here
we have the Hebrew DT t ers, the origin of the Sanscrit, Eri or Heri, Saviour.
Of late I have never closely examined a text of the Bible which has not brought to my mind an
assertion of the Tamuls, that their ancient sixteen-letter sacred book had five meanings . I am
quite certain that I shall be able to shew-to prove-that every letter of the Hebrew had four, and
I think probably five, meanings . I request my reader to consider well the different meanings of
this word, t)-I,-7 ers, as an example . I have lately begun to have some suspicion, that it was with
a reference to this mystery, that several of the Hebrew letters were what we call similars, but that
they were originally identicals, . This will be scouted,-poh-pohed down, by every Christian and
Jewish Hebraist with whom I am acquainted, for I do not know one who is not afraid of too much
being discovered . I never speak to any one of them upon these subjects, without finding all their
eloquence instantly in requisition, either to shew that I have made no discovery, or to shew that
it is quite out of the question that any should be made ; but never do I find them take the other
side, and endeavour to clear up doubts or remove difficulties .
To return to my subject : although there are many things in which I cannot agree with the
learned Abbe Guerin de Rocher, I maintain that be has made out his case, that the history of
Genesis, from Noah to the captivity, is to be found substantially in the history of Egypt, which
he calls travestied, or, as he says, one taken from the other . Then here we have to all appear-
ance a history in the time of Herodotus, which is, in fact, no history at all ; for if it is merely a
copy or travesty of the history of the people of Syria, it cannot be a history of the people of Egypt .
Here, then, we have a most striking fact to support my doctrine, that we have really nothing of
the nature of a true history before the time of Herodotus . And here we have Herodotus searching
for history in Egypt, deceived by a mythos, the same as a mythos in Syria : and, if it were not a

' Here is a double reading ra> ieiu and 'r?l iei, so it may be either, There shall be, or There have been . See Peg-
' See Vol . I ., p . 694, note 3, where, for Rev. 1 8, read Rev. xi. 8 . 3 Vide Gessenius in voce .
16 Abraham Tulis
mythos, what could induce the priests of Egypt to have given Herodotus a story in which Abra-
ham, Sarah, and the other persons, in the Syrian history, were actors, as Egyptian history ?
Why did they not give the history, or the greatest part of it, correctly, as we have it in Genesis,
instead of travestying it ? Of course, the Abb6 takes as much of the histories as is enough for
his purpose, omitting all the remainder ; but we can have no difficulty in finding the remainder of
the mythos of North and South India, in the death and resurrection of Orus and Osiris . The
Abb6 observes, I that the different histories are confused, but that certain of the kings are but
repetitions of Moses ; that is, reincarnations of the Saviour . They are merely renewed incarna-
tions-of course as we have found them in India-all having a family likeness . 2
I have often suspected that our LXX is not the work which Ptolemy caused to be made from
the Hebrew or the Samaritan, but is a translation from the sacred books of the five temples of
Egypt referred to by Isaiah . Now if we suppose the sacred books of the Jews to refer, and to
have been admitted by them to refer, to an Eastern Ayoudia in their secret doctrines, they would
not permit this to be publicly known . Of course, when the writings became public, they would
be believed, generally, to refer to no other place or places than those in Western Syria ; and
immediately all persons answering to the description of the Jews, of any of the temples scattered
about the world, would be believed to belong to the religion of Western Syria . I am now calcu-
lating upon these secret books being kept secret at all the other temples of Solumi . (At Tel-
messus, for example .) Of course, if they had sacred books containing this mythos, I suppose in
every case they would be accommodated to the respective localities, as we have found them in
India, near Cape Comorin, and as they were in Western Judaea, and as by and by we shall find the
X pill-ian mythos was in vast numbers of places, all over the world .
The reason why I have suspected our LXX, is to be found in the excessively great variation
which may be perceived between it and the Hebrew-much too great, I think, to be accounted
for, by the unintentional corruptions of Origen, with his obelisks and asteriks . May not the sole
difference at last, between the Jews at the respective temples of Solomon and other Gentiles, be
found in the Jews being a sect of iconoclasts, and keeping to this dogma or doctrine, when it was
lost sight of by other nations ; in consequence of which their religion ran into all kinds of absur-
dities, from which that of these temples continued free? I think this is worthy of consideration .
Since I wrote the above I have been told by a learned Jew, that my suspicion respecting the LXX
has been proved to be well founded, by an author of the name of De Rossi, who is . noticed in
Louth's Preface to his Translation of Isaiah .
5 . The Abb6 de Rocher shews that several kings are copies of Abraham, several of Joseph,
several of Moses, &c ., and that Joseph was the Proteus of the Egyptians and Greeks . He
observes that Joseph was called a saviour, and this, from the peculiarity of his story, would
be of no consequence ; but the Abb6 artlessly observes, which is indeed of great consequence,
that St . Jerom calls Joseph Redemptor Mundi-here evidently letting the secret of the mythos
escape him. The Abbt; was not aware of the consequence of shewing that Moses and Joseph
are repeatedly described, by different persons, particularly the latter, as a saviour . He had
no knowledge of the new incarnations . Both Moses and Joseph are appellative terms, made
into proper names . This raises a probability that the same history was told to the people every
600 years ; and if the art of writing were not known by them, it is not surprising that they should
have believed it.

I P. 138 .

! In Egypt there was a Cashmouric district, that is, District of Cashmere .-Spineto's Lectures on Hieroglyphics,
p . 87.
Book I . Chapter III . Section 6 17
Eutychius says, I that the first city built by Noah was Thebes, which he called Thamanim .
This is strongly confirmatory of the theory of the Abbd de Rocher, and of my system, that the
whole mythic history has been in Egypt ; but, as we might expect, accommodated to its local and
other circumstances .
I beg my reader to look back into our own history for six hundred years, and consider what we
should know of it, if we had not possessed the art of writing .
There have been a hundred and seventeen different theories, to account for the difficulties in the
Egyptian history . 2
Speaking of the Egyptians, it is said by another learned Abbe, the Abbd Bazin, a that the words
I am that I am, were on the front of the temple of Isis at Sale, and that the name esteemed the
most sacred by the Egyptians was that which the Hebrews adopted, Y-HA-HO. He says, it is
variously pronounced : but Clement, of Alexandria, assures us, in his Stromatis, that all those
who entered into the temple of Serapis, were obliged to wear on their persons, in a conspicuous
situation, the name of I-ha-ho, or I-ha-hou, which signifies the God eternal. From this,-I think,
we may fairly infer, that the Egyptians were of the same religion, in its fundamentals, as the Jews .
An attentive consideration of the passage of the book of Esther, where the Persian idolaters are
described as being put to death, will, I think, justify me in saying, that it affords grounds for the
opinion, that they were the same . The book of Esther appears to have been part of the chroni-
cles of the kings of Persia, adopted by the Jews into their canon, evidently to account for their
feast of Purim .
Herodotus was in Egypt about four hundred and fifty years before Christ, and Alexander con-
quered it about three hundred and fifty years before Christ, which was the time when the Greeks
first began to have any influence there . After their conquest of it nearly the same thing happened
to it which happened to Carthage, after it was conquered by the Romans . Its history was lost,
except the tradition that it had been previously conquered by the Persians : the reason of this
was, because there was no history, the art of writing history had not been invented. But there
was this difference between Carthage and Egypt,-the latter continued a nation, the former did
not. These circumstances account for the loss of the particulars of the Egyptian history, but not
for the loss of general great events, easily transmissive by -memory.
My reader must recollect, that the example which I have given him of Thebes and Noah, con-
stitutes but a very small part of the rapprochements (as the Abbd calls them) which, in fact, rela-
ting to Egypt alone, fill three volumes . It is selected as an example, not because it is the most
striking, but because it happens to be the first, and one of the shortest .
6. But the Abbe Guerin de Rocher is not content with shewing that the Egyptian only travestied
the Holy Scripture ; he goes much further . He says, 4 "Je crois pouvoir, en effet, montrer assez
clairement, et par la signification des noms, et par les principaux traits des caractIres, et par la
suite des faits, quoique souvent alteres, que ces premiers personnages de l'histoire sainte sont
devenus autant de rois ou de hbros, dans les temps fabuleux de 1'histoire profane, et surtout dans
lee podtes de la Grece, et de la vient que les hbros d'Homhre, malgre les altdrations du paganisme,
conservent encore une si grande simplicitd ."
Again, speaking of the comparison between the history of the Architect of Rhamsinites and the
testament of Jacob, he says, 5 " On ne me croiroit pas sans doute, vu le pen de ressemblance, si je

' See Vol . I. P. 755 . 9 Guerin de Rocher, Vol . I . p . 167 .

Translation from his MS . by Henry Wood Gandell, printed for North, Paternoster Row, 1829, p 130.
* Vol . II . p . 15 . s Vol . TI. P . 379.
18 Grecian History a Travesty
ne faisois un rapprochement assez sensible pour operer la conviction . Je ne ferois pas ce devoile-
ment, si je ne le regardois comme une preuve decisive, que les Egyptiens, pour composer leur
histoire, ont reellement traduit, et tres-mal traduit, les endroits de 1'Ecriture qui ont quelque
rapport a l'Egypte : cela servira du moins a constater de plus en plus sa veritable antiquite : ce
sera en meme temps un example frappant de la maniere pitoyable dont l'ignorance et 1'aveugle-
ment des paiens, et du peuple meme repute le plus sage parmi leg paiens, out altere ce qu'il y
a de plus respectable et de plus sacre, car c'est un des chapitres leg plus interressants qui se
trouvent dans l'histoire sainte .
" Ce travestissement une fois constate, nous servira encore a en rendre d'autres moins ineroy-
ables : car lea memes personnages dont it s'agit dans ce chapitre, se trouvent aussi travestis dans
I'histoire fabuleuse-de la Grece, oh ils sont devenus leg principaux heros de la guerre de Troie,
sons leg memes noms traduits en Grec, avec leg memes traits distinctifs de leurs caracteres, et le
meme fond des principaux faits, co.mme je le ferai voir dans la mythologie Greque, ou je montrerai
en meme temps quelle est la guerre de l'histoire sainte, entreprise pour une femme, qui est deve-
nue pour lea Grecs la guerre de Troie : et quel est le morceau poetique de l'Ecriture qui a servi
de germe a l'Iliade d'Homere, comme lea Grecs eux-memes l'ont equivalemment . reconnu avant
moi, sous des noms traduits dans leur langue ."
Speaking of the Greeks he observes, that the meaning of the word Noe r11] nuh in, Hebrew is
quies and requies, (vide Gen . v. 29,) and that " Le nom de Deucalion se forme naturellement en
Grec du mot Davxog, suavitas, dulcedo, qui signifie douceur : comme le nom de Sigalion, Dieu du
Silence, se forme de 2;y7), silentium, que signifie silence . Osuxos Deucos a pu avoir ses derives
comme 2; jy7) a leg siens - 2; jyylaoc, .4jyaXeog, &c . Voila done Deucalion qui, par son nom
meme, se retrouve etre Noe ." t He shews that the story of the stones, by which Deucalion and
Pyrrha repeopled the earth, is only a mistake arising from the Hebrew word = , 31 bnim, filii,
having been confounded with the word O'l=H abnim, lapides . 2 He then shews, that Noe is found
in a similar manner in the Nannacus of the Phrygians, who is said, by Suidas, to have foreseen
the flood, and in consequence to have collected and saved his people in a sacred asylum . This
reminds me that one of the Sibyls placed Ararat in Phrygia : that is, placed a mount of il-avarata,
of God the Creator, in Phrygia . All this tends to shew the mythos to be universally spread over
the world . Nannacus foreseeing the flood, reminds me also that Enoch says, that Noe foresaw it
-learnt from the moons or planets, that the earth would become inclined, and that destruction
would take place . But this I shall discuss hereafter .
Again, Mons . Bonnaud says, " Mais si chaque trait de sea devoilemens aura de quoi surprendre,
que sera-ce, quand l'auteur de l'histoire veritable entreprendra d'expliquer comment leg Grecs
ayant imagine leurs temps heroiques d'apres nos livres saints, en out emprunte ces noms illustres
par leg deux plus grands poetes qui aient jamais existe, leg noms d'Ajax, d'Enee, de Diomede,
d'Agamemnon, de Menelas ? L'on verra que ces noms ne sont tous que leg traductions de ceux
des enfans de Jacob, Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Juda, Dan, Issacar, Zabulon, &c ., que leg Grecs ont
rendus dans leur langue, tant6t avec une exactitude literale, et tant8t avec des alterations gros-
sieres, decouverte assurement tres-heureuse et si singuliere, quelle paroltra un paradoxe incroy-
able : decouverte feconde, elle nous revelera un mystere que jusqu'ici l'esprit humain n'avoit pas
meme soupconne . En effet, quelle sera la surprise de toutes leg nations cultivees par le got de
la belle literature,_quand, par une suite de devoilemens des heros de la Grece, copies sur leg noms

Vol . I . p 174 .
s Th. p . 175 . The Abbe says, that Jameson, in his Spicelegia, has proved all the Egyptian proper names Hebrew .
Book I. Chapter III . Section 6 19
des chefs des douze tribus d'Israel ; M. 1'Abbe de Rocher fera voir que la guerre de Troie, cette
guerre, dont le fracas a retenti jusqu'au bout de l'univers : cette guerre, dont la calebrite propagde
d'age en age, et perpetude de bouche en bouche depuis tant de siecles, a fait placer cet avenement
memorable au rang des grands epoques de l'histoire : cette guerre de Troie, chantee par un
HomOre et tin Virgile, n'est dans le fond que Ia guerre des onze tribus d'Israel, contre celle de
Benjamin, pour venger la femme d'un Levite, victime de l'incontinence des habitans de la ville de
Gabaa ; 1 qui fut prise par les autres tribus confeddrees, a l'aide d'une ruse de guerre, et qui fut
a la fin livree aux flammes par les vainqueurs ." 2
I confess I should have liked very much to see the Abbe attempt the Grecian history, as he has
done that of Egypt . The striking marks of resemblance between parts of the Iliad, and of the
names in it, and the fabulous history of Greece, to names and to parts of the Sacred Writings,
has been observed thousands of times, and for this no reason has yet been assigned, having even
the slightest degree of probability-unless the doctrine of a common and universal mythos in
an universal language, as proposed to be proved in this work, be considered to possess such
I think it expedient here to add some observations from another learned Abbe respecting the
Grecian Bacchus . In Bacchus we evidently have Moses . Herodotus says he was an Egyptian,
brought up in Arabia Felix . The Orphic verses relate that he was preserved from the waters,
in a little box or chest, that he was called Misem in commemoration of this event ; that he was
instructed in all the secrets of the Gods ; and that he had a rod, which he changed into a serpent
at his pleasure ; that he passed through the Red Sea dry-shod, as Hercules subsequently did, in
his goblet, through the Straits of Abila and Calpe ; and that when he went into India, he and his
army enjoyed the light of the Sun during the night : moreover, it is said, that he touched with his
magic rod the waters of the great rivers Orontes and Hydaspes ; upon which those waters flowed
back and left him a free passage . It is even said that be arrested the course of the sun and moon .
He wrote his laws on two tables of stone . He was anciently represented with horns or rays on
his head. a
We see Bacchus, who in so many Other particulars is the same as Moses, is called Misem, in
commemoration of his being saved from the water. Gessenius, in his explanation of the word
Moses, says it is formed of µay water and uai g delivered. I can find no Greek for water in
my Lexicons . But Miisem may be the Saviour-ynv' iso, the Saviour n m. And when I recollect
all that I have said in Vol . 1 . pp . 530, 531, respecting the sacredness of water, and what Mr.
Payne Knight has said of the derivation of the word Ice, and that Bacchus was Isis and Omadios,
I cannot help suspecting that there is another mystery under this name, which I cannot fully
explain .
We have found the Mosaic mythos in China, in North India, and it was found in South India
by the Jesuits : then, according to the Abbe, Genesis must have been travestied in all these places,
as well as in Egypt and Greece . This circumstance raises another 'insurmountable objection to
the Abbe's theory, but it supports mine .

' 11 11 est remarkable, en effet, qu' en Hebreu le' mot Gabaa, qui vent dire un lieu eleve, a le meme sens que Pergaina,
en Grec, qui est aussi le nom qu'on donne a Troie ."
C: "Mons . l'Abbd dit, que la guerre de Troie est prise de la guerre des Tribus, racontee d la fin du Livre des Juges .
Ce morceau de 1' Ecriture est le dix-neuvisme et le vingtisme chapitre du Livre des Juges ."
3 Abbe Bazin, by Wood Gandell, p . 158. This ought to have come in another part of the work, but like many
other passages it was not copied till the other parts were printed .
20 Language of Egypt-Deisul Voyage of Salvation
My reader will probably recollect that I have formerly shewn that the Rev . Dr. Joshua Barnes
published a work to prove that Solomon was the author of the Iliad .'
The idle pretence that because the Egyptians had lost their own history they had recourse to
that of the Jews, is at once done away with by the Abbe's observation respecting Thebes, and
that all the same history is to be found among the Greeks as among the Egyptians . I feel little
doubt that it was the discovery by the priests that this fact overthrew the Abbe's theory, and led
to consequences of a very different nature, which prevented him from keeping his promise, to
shew, in a future work, that the Greek and Latin history was the same as the Egyptian, and not
the dispersion of his papers in the Revolution : but this I most exceedingly regret . His success
in the case of Deucalion and Nannacus makes it probable that he could have performed his promise
if he had thought proper .
7. The learned writer, in the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, whom I have several times before
quoted, says,2 "By the description above translated, (the passage of Clemens relating to hiero-
• glyphics,) it plainly appears that the sacred character of the Egyptians was entirely different
• from the hieroglyphic : and by this consideration we are in a good measure justified in sup-
• posing, as we have done all along, that the sacred letters of the Egyptians were actually the
• Chaldaic . The inscriptions on the obelisks, mentioned by Cassiodorus, so often quoted, were
`~ certainly engraved in the sacred character ; and the character in which they were drawn was
• that above-mentioned . If the sacred letters were Chaldaic, the sacred language was probably
" the same."
It is a very remarkable circumstance that we should here find the old Hebrew or Chaldee
language, for they were both the same, to be the oldest used in Egypt . Did the Egyptians
change their language, out of compliment to those pastors or shepherds whom they permitted to
reside in a corner of their country, and at last expelled? The fact was, I have no doubt, that
the language was the ancient Coptic, which was Hebrew or Chaldee . I do not speak of the forms
of the letters used, because these were changed by caprice every day ; nor, indeed, of the written
language ; for it must have been a Masonic secret . I cannot doubt that 1000 years before the
captivity, the Chaldee, the Hebrew, the Syriac, and the Coptic, . were all the same languages .
The case of the five dialects of the Celtic, namely, the Scotch, the Manks, the Irish, the Welsh,
and the Cornish, is exactly similar to that of the Egyptians named above. The natives of these
places do not now generally understand one another, but yet no one can doubt that they did all
understand one another a thousand or twelve hundred years ago, and that they are merely dialects
of the same Celtic language.
In the epithet cheres, borne by many of the kings, we have clearly the Xprsrptov or ,Y--p67
=600 ; T or X=300 c=200 p=100=600. In the later Ptolemies the Crestologia is shewn in
their names-Soter, Philadelphus, &c . Xgrs was but an epithet, mitis, benignus, applied to the
divine incarnation-to the person inspired by the Holy Ghost, and possessing the crown by divine
right .
8 . I beg that my reader would now reconsider the circumstances, that we have found a repetition
of the same mythos of Moses, &c., &c ., in several countries ; secondly, that the voyages of
salvation or processions about the country, or Deisuls, as they were called in Britain, are found
in most countries ; and, thirdly, that it appears probable, from the practice of the Roman Church
in scenically representing all the acts of the Saviour in the course of every year, that these pro-

' See Vol . I. p . 364. ' Art . Phil . S. 73 .

Book I . Chapter IV . Section 1 21
cessions or relations of the Mosaic history in the different countries, were originally nothing more
than the scenical representation of the first mythos, which probably arose originally in Ayoudia,
and in process of time come to be believed by the people who performed them . This scenical
representation arose before the knowledge of letters, and was invented in order to keep the
scheme from being lost ; and I think it not at all unlikely, that the whole vulgar mythos of an
incarnated person was a parable, invented by the philosophers for the purpose of keeping their
refined and beautiful doctrines, and their cycles and astronomy, from being lost . I can imagine
nothing so likely to answer this intended end, before letters were invented .
It seems probable that there was the same multiplication of the mythos in Egypt in the different
districts, which we have found in Greece and other countries ; and, that the reiteration of the
different Moseses, Josephs, Chereses, in dynasties, was nothing but the repetition of the different
incarnated Saviours for the same swculum in different parts of the country . They have often
been thought to have been contemporaneous sovereigns, by different authors . This exactly suits
my theory . We know they had the voyages of salvation the same as in Greece . When Egypt
was divided into small states, each would have its Saviour, its voyage of Salvation, or Dei-sul,
or holy procession, its Olympus, Meru, &c ., and its mythos of an immaculate conception, cru-
cifixion, resurrection, &c ., &c. : but when it became united under one head, it would have, as we
read, one for the whole country, which annually made a procession the whole length of the Nile .
I now request my reader, before we proceed to any other subject, to reflect well upon what
we have found in the Abbe's work . Let him think upon the two cities of Thebes, or the ark
from which pigeons were sent out, and from which all animals and men descended, &c . Let
him remember Hercules three days in the Dag, and Jonas three days in the Fish . Let him
remember Samson's likeness to Hercules . Let him remember Iphigenia and Jephthah's daughter,
&c., &c., &c., and then let him account, if he can, for these things, in any other way than that
which I have pointed out .


Lord Kingsborough on Mexico-Malcolme-Mexican Mythos the Same as that of

the Old World-Humboldt and Spineto-Chronology and Cyclic Periods-Tow-
ers of Mexico and Babel-Jewish Language and Mexican Rites-Cross and Cru-
cifixes-Immaculate Conception . Female Principle - Humboldt - Bochica,
Peruvian Rites, &c.-The Ass and Horse . Races of Men-China . Tibet.
Spanish Policy-Laws of the Mexicans-Easter Island-Last Avatar Expected
-Tod on Tibet . Island Stink. Jewish Mythos-General Observations .

1 . 1 MUST now draw my reader's attention to perhaps the most curious of all the subjects hitherto
discussed, and that is, the history of Mexico and Peru . It might be supposed that these, of all
nations, were the least likely to afford any useful information respecting the system or mythos
which I have been unveiling ; but they are, in fact, rich in interesting circumstances, that have
22 Malcolme
hitherto been totally inexplicable, but which are easily explained on the hypothesis, that there
was, in very early times, an universal empire governed by a learned priesthood .
Many months after the Anacalypsis had been in the press, Lord Kingsborough's magnificent
work on Mexico made its appearance . This will account for the manner in which I have spoken
of Mexican hieroglyphics in the first volume . My reader will readily believe me when I say it
was with great pleasure I discovered in every part of that work circumstances which can only be
accounted for on the theory laid down by me, and which therefore confirm it in a very remarkable
manner . His Lordship's difficulties are very striking : the language of the Jews, their mythos ;
laws, customs, are every where apparent . This his Lordship accounts for by supposing that in
ancient times colonies of Jews went to America from Alexandria . But this by no means accounts
for the difficulty, because the Trinity, the Crucifixion, and other doctrines of Christianity, are in-
termixed with every part of the Jewish rites, which must be accounted for ; therefore, to remove
this new difficulty, he is obliged to suppose that Christian missionaries, in the early times of the
gospel, found their way to America . Now admitting this to have taken place, its insufficiency to
account for the various incomprehensible circumstances, if not already, will very shortly be clearly
proved . The South Americans had not the knowledge of letters when the Spaniards arrived among
them, nor did they know the use of iron . These facts are of themselves almost enough to prove,
and really do prove, when combined with other circumstances, that the Jewish customs and doc-
trines could not have been carried to them from Alexandria, as above suggested, or by modern
Christians, who would have instantly set them to digging their mountains ; ' but, on the contrary,
these facts prove that the colonization must have taken place previously to the discovery of iron
by the natives of the old world, long before Alexandria was built ; 2 and this agrees very well with
their ignorance of the use of an alphabet . The two facts exhibit the mythos in existence at a
period extremely remote indeed . For, the identity of rites, such as circumcision, &c., found in
India, Syria, Egypt, and South America, puts the great antiquity and identity of the mythoses out
of all doubt.
2. David Malcolme, in his book called Antiquities of Britain, (which is so ingeniously contrived
that it cannot be referred to by chapter, number, page, or in any other way,) gives the following
passage as an extract from Salmon's Modern History : 3 "St. Austin, speaking of the notion some
" entertained of another continent, he says, ' It is not agreeable to reason or good sense to affirm,
" that men may pass over so great an ocean as the Atlantic from this continent to a new-found
" world, or that there are inhabitants there, all men being descended from the first man Adam ." Now
this shews that, from the time of Christ to the fourth century, when this African bishop lived, but
then resided at Rome, there had been no colonization . It was impossible to have taken place
without his knowledge, and this absolutely proves the truth of the existence of the xp c-ian
mythos before the time of Christ .
The jealousy of the Pope and the court of Spain, in keeping all strangers away from South
America, even to the extreme length, for many years, of excluding their own bishops and secular
clergy, and permitting no priests but Dominicans and Franciscans to go thither, is accounted for .
The clear and unquestionable doctrines of Judaism and Christianity, which must have existed
before the time of Christ, evidently overthrew all their vulgar exoteric doctrines, whatever they

I Mexico is one of the few places where native iron is found, (see Vallancey's Coll . Hib . Vol . VI . p . 422,) and it
lies in masses on the sides of, their mountains in the greatest abundance .
According to the Arundelian marbles, iron was not found out till 188 years before the war of Troy . Ibid.
Vol . 28th, but the first concerning America, Introd . Part 4th and 5th .
Book I . Chapter IV. Section 3 23
might do with the esoteric or those in the conclave . Lord Kingsborough says, r " But one solu-
• tion offers itself from . all the difficulties and mysteries which seem to be inseparable from the
• study of the ancient monuments, paintings, and mythology, of the Mexicans ; and that is, the
• presence of the Jews in the new world ." Had his Lordship said the Judaic mythos, he would
have been right ; for nothing can be more clear than that it is all substantially there, and most in-
timately mixed, actually amalgamated, he might have added, with the Christian .
3. The similarity between the Jews, Christians, and South Americans, is sufficiently striking ;
but there is yet something to me still more so, which is, that several of the doctrines which I have
advocated in this work, unknown to the vulgar Jews and Christians of this day, are to be found in
Mexico. Their Triune God, their Creator, is called by the names Yao and Hom . Lord Kings-
borough says, 2 " Hom-eyoca, which signifies the place in which exists the Creator of the uni-
• verse, or the First Cause, to whom they gave the name of Hom-eteuli, which means the God of
• three-fold dignity, or three Gods, the same as O1-om-ris ; and by another name,
" Hom-eican, that is to say, the place of the Holy Trinity, who, according to the opinion of many
" of their old rnen,- begot, by their woRD, CIP.tTENAL, and a woman called X-omiio ."
In the Hom-eyo-ca, when joined with the other circumstances, I cannot but recognize the Om
and Ai-bp ray om-ia, place of Omn. And again, in Hom-ei-can the Aom-iao-ania, the place or
country of the Self-existent ( ;1' ie) Hom, who is called the Trinity . And what are we to make of
the Hom, the Father of the WORD, by the Logos ?
The Father of the American Trinity is called Om-equeturiqui, on bien Urago-Zoriso ; le nom
du Fils est Urus-ana, et 1'Esprit se nomme Urupo . 3 Here the Om of North India, the Urus or
Beeve, and the pi-rub, that is, the rub, are very distinct . These have evidently not come from
modern Christianity, but from the ancient system in the most ancient of times . Teutle is re-
peatedly said to mean ©eoS or God . Sahagun says the Mexicans had a God, the same as Bac-
chus, called Ometeuchtli . Here is clearly Bacchus by his name of Op.adioc, who was called THE
=608, which was the name of Jesus Christ, called the desire of all nations- the Om-nu-al of
Isaiah . Here, in the Tent, we have not only the Bsoc of the Greeks, but we have the Teut-ates
of the British Druids, and the Thoth of Egypt, and the Buddha of India under his name Tat .
But it is expressly said, in several other places, that the God was called Yao . How can any one
doubt that here are the remains of an ancient system ? How can any one believe that the Jews
would carry all these recondite matters to Mexico, even if they did go at any time, and that they
would amalgamate them all together as we have them here?
The Mexican history gives a long account of their arrival in Mexico, from a distant country, far
to the West . The stations where the colony rested, from time to time, during its long migration,
which took many years, are particularly described, and it is said that ruins of the towns which
they occupied are to be seen in several places along the coast . I think it is evident that this mi-
gration from the West is merely a mythos ; the circumstances are such as to render it totally in-
credible. In principle it is the same as that of the Jews, but accommodated to the circumstances
of the new world .
It really seems impossible to read Lord Kingsborough's notes, in pp . 241 et seq ., and not to
see, that the mythos of a chosen people, and a God conducting them after long migrations to a
promised land, (attributed by the Spanish monks to the contrivance of the Devil,) was common to
Jews, Christians, and Mexicans. I think it seems clear, from p . 186, that Mexico or Mesi-co was
the Hebrew rrwn msih ; then it would be the country of the Messiah : or it might equally be the

I P. 82 . 2 Pp . 153, 156, 158 . 3 Ibid . p. 410. 4 Ibid. Vol. VI . p. 197.

24 Mexican Mythos the Same as That of the Old World
country of the leader, whom wecall Moses, of the people whom we have found in Western Syria,
in South India, and Cashmere. His Lordship shews, that the word Mesitli or Mexico is " pre-
" cisely the same as the Hebrew word mm msih or rivet] mse or anointed," and that one of these
Gods should sit on the right band of the other, p . 82. In the next page he says, "the full ac-
• complisbment of the prophecy of a saviour in the person of Quecalcoatle has been acknowledged
• by the Jews in America ." He says, p. 100, "The temptation of Quecalcoatle, the fast of forty
" days ordained by the Mexican ritual, the cup with which he was presented to drink, the reed
• which was his sign, the morning star, which he is designated, the teepatl, or stone which was laid
• on his altar, and called teoteepatl, or divine stone, which was likewise an object of adoration ; all
" these circumstances, connected with many others relating to Quecalcoatle, which are here
• omitted, are very curious and mysterious!" But why are they omitted by his Lordship? The
pious monks accounted for all these things by the agency of the Devil, and burned all the hiero-
glyphic books containing them, whenever it was in their power .
This migration of the Mexicans from the West, t is evidently exactly similar to the Exodus of the
Israelites from Egypt . The going out with great noise and clamour is a part of the mythos .
Nimrod has shewn that it is to be found among the Greeks in their Bacchic festivals, and also
among the Romans : see his second volume, article Populi Fugia . 2 The meaning of the mythos
I cannot even suspect, and the nonsense of Nimrod about Babel and the horrors of Gynaecocracy
give no assistance . But the fact of the similarity of the histories proves that it really is a part of
the niythos, that is, that a Regifugia and Populifugia is a part of the mythos. 3
On the religion of the Hindoos the Cambridge Key says, 4 " The pristine religion of the Hindus
was, I think, that of the most pure and ancient Catholic faith, and the religion of the enlightened
few still continues such . They have worshipedd a saviour, as the Redeemer of the world, for more
that 4800 years . The religion of their forefathers they brought with them from the old world and
established it in the new one. They believe implicitly in a Redeemer, whom they,consider as the
spirit that moved on the waters at the creation, the God that existed before all worlds ." We
shall find this the Mexican faith .
The God who led the Mexicans in their migration, was called Yao-teotle, God of .4rmies-Yao
being said to mean army . or victory-the very meaning given to it by the Jews ; and, Sanscrit
scholars tell me, also by the Indians . s Teo is said to be Oso or Deo, and tie a mere termination ;
but, as I have stated in Vol . I . p . 221, the TTL is T=300, T=300, L=50 ; and TT is, .in fact, the
Tat or Buddha of India . Teotle - is the same as nhn tit, and means 650, which, as emblem of the
Trinitarian God, came to mean three. I-believe also that this has a connexion, in some way, with
the tibn ild, probably originally nbn tlt or -trtbtn tulad, the male organ . of generation . I believe
that from this comes our word Lad . Teotl is the Supreme and Invisible Being . 6 The Tat is the
name of the Tartars, who are as often. called Tatars, and I am persuaded that the fatuous Titans
were properly Tat-ans. Many reasons for these matters will be added hereafter .
Gen. Vallancey says, . the earliest Irish history begins with Kartuelta,' which is the same as the
Indo-Scythian Cear-tiutli, that is, Kaesar or Caesar, grandson of Noah, on the banks of the Cas-

t Vide Lord Kingsborough, Vol . VI. p . 237 . v P . 370.

a I much fear I shall greatly offend the' very learned person who calls himself Nimrod, of whose honour and sincerity
I have no, doubt ; but I am quite certain, if he would -consult a friend or two, he would find that he gives way to super-
stition in a manner very unworthy of so fine a scholar and so learned a man . His work is called Nimrod, in four
volumes, 8vo ., and is sold by Priestley, London .
4 Vol . II . P . 72 . + P. 244. 6 Miss Williams' Humboldt, p . 83. 7 Coll. Hib . Vol. VI. p.21 .
Book I . Chapter IV . Section 5 25
plan, 300 years after the flood . Here I suspect that we have the Caesar of Indo-Scythia, or of the
Caspian, joined to the . Mexican Tiutli or Teotli'
4. In p. 216, Mr. Humboldt treats of a nation called Xochimileks . This must be Xaca-melech,
or, I should rather say, (considering all the other circumstances which we have seen relating to
the Rajahpoutans and Royal Shepherds,) Royal Saxons, for I much suspect they were all the
same people. The Marquess Spineto, in his Lectures, 2 has quoted a person called Carli as
having deeply studied the origin of nations and languages, and who, he says, has asserted that the
Egyptians peopled America . He particularly notices a word as being held sacred among the
Egyptians and in the Pacific ocean,-it is Tabou. But this is nothing but Bou-ta read anagram-
matically, or, in fact, in the old Hebrew fashion, The High Priest of the North American Indians
was called Sachem. I think we have here both the Saga and the Akme, 3 and also the Sciakam,
which we have before noticed in Tibet . The dignity of sacrificer was supreme and hereditary,
like a feudal title . His title was Papa, his dress scarlet, with fringes as a border . 4 This exactly
answers to the Sagart and Rex Sacrificulus of the ancients . The fringes of the Mexicans were
fixed to the four quarters of their garments, as a sacred ordinance, precisely like those of the
Jews ;a and it is only fair to suppose, as they were similar in one respect they should be so in
another, and have been descriptive of the number 600 .
5. Boturini says. •' No Pagan nation refers primitive events to fixed dates like the Indians,"
meaning the Americans . •• They recount to us the history of the creation of the world, of the
• deluge, of the confusion of tongues at the time of the tower of Babel, of the other epochs and
• ages of the world, of their ancestors' long travels in Asia, with the years precisely distinguished
• by their corresponding characters . They record, in the year of Seven Rabbits, the great eclipse
" which happened at the crucifixion of Christ our Lord ; and the first Indians who were converted
• to Christianity, who, at that time, were perfectly well acquainted with their own chronology,
• and applied themselves with the utmost diligence to ours, have transmitted to us the informa-
• tion, that from the creation of the world to the happy nativity of Christ, five thousand, one
" hundred and ninety-nine years had elapsed, which is the opinion or computation of the
• LXX. ' 6
One of their periods is 4008 years B . C ., r another 4801 .8 Their fourth age, the editor says,
according to the Mexican symbols, lasted 5206 years, and the early Christian converts made it
out 5199 years .° This was evidently the computation of 5200 years of Eusebius . The period of
4801 is the sum of the eight ages of the correct Neros, 8x600=4800 . The Mexicans are said to
be great astrologers .
The Mexicans believed that the millenium would commence at the end of some cycle of 52
years-4 x 13=52 ; and they concluded each of these periods with deep lamentations and terrors,
and hailed with corresponding joy the moment when the new cycle had commenced, which shewed
that they had a new 52 years' lease . This was exactly the case with the lamentations for the
death of Osiris, Adonis, &c ., and his resurrection from the tomb . The new cycle having com-
menced, the danger had past . At first, I doubt not, this was only every 600 years ; afterward,
with the increasing uncertainty of the ends of those periods, and also with the increase of super-
stition, the festivals of Osiris, &c ., came, for the sake of security, to be celebrated every year .
Lord Kingsborough says, lo " Christians might have feared the return of every period of fifty-

See Basnage, for a kingdom of the Jews in the East callea Cosar, Caesar, B . vii. ch. i ., and B. viii.
! Pp . 199, 200. ' Pownal on Ant . p. 190 . 4 Lord Kingsborough's Mex Vol. VI . p . 69 .

s Ib. P. 77 . s Ib. p . 176 . 7 Ib . p . 174 . a lb . p . 175 . 9 lb . P . 176. 10 lb, p . 5, note.

26 Chronology and Cyclic Periods
" two years as being nearly the anniversary of the age which Christ had attained when he was cru-
cified, and of the great eclipse which sacred history records, and which (since profane history is
• silent respecting it) it is very remarkable how the Mexicans should have become acquainted with ."
The first pair were called Huehue . I Quecalcoatle disappeared at the end of fifty-two years, at
the great festival in Cholula. 2 Here is the Aphanasia .
Mr . Humboldt gives nearly the same account . He says, " At the end of the fifty-two years
~~ they had a grand festival, when all lights were extinguished, and after crucifying a man, they
" kindled a fire by the friction of the wood of the Ivy on his breast, from which they -were all re-
" lighted . It was their belief that the world would be destroyed at the end of one of these
L 0 cycles, and as soon as this fire was kindled and the critical moment past, which assured them
~~ that a new cycle was to run, they indulged in the greatest joy ." He skews that they new-
cleaned and furnished all their houses and temples, precisely as was done by the ancient Egyp-
tians, and, he might have added, as is also done by the Romish church at every jubilee . 3 ' He
chews that the Mexicans had convents of Monks precisely like the Tibetians and the Romish
church . After this, Humboldt states, that M . La Place, from a careful examination, had come to
the conclusion, that the Mexicans knew the length of the Tropical Year more correctly than
Hipparchus, and almost as correctly as Almamon ; 4 and he shews, from various astronomical
circumstances, that they must have had a close connexion with Eastern Asia and its cycles .
Humboldt says, "This predilection for periodical series, and the existence of a cycle of sixty
• years, appear to reveal the Tartarian origin of the nations of the new continent ." 5 He then
states, that the cycle of sixty years was divided into four parts . " These small cycles represented

~~ the four seasons of the great year . Each of them contained 185 moons, which corresponded
• with fifteen Chinese and Tibetian years, and consequently with the real indictions observed in the
• time of Constantine ." 6 Here we see the identity accounted for of the chronological periods
stated above by Lord Kingsborough, with those of the old world, as corrected by the two Caesars
with the assistance of the Chaldteans of the East . On this I shall have something very curious in
a future book .
Mr . Niebuhr says, CQ What we call Roman numerals are Etruscan, and frequently seen on their
" monuments . But these signs are of the hieroglyphic kind, and belong to an earlier mode of
" symbolical writing, in use before the introduction of alphabetical characters .' They resemble
°G the Aztekan in this, that they represent objects individually . They were of native origin, at the
" time when the West, with all its primitive peculiarities, was utterly unknown to the East,8
at the same period when the Turdetani framed their written characters and literature ."
" Here also a phenomenon presents itself, which fills us moderns with astonishment, viz, an ex-
ceedingly accurate measurement of time, and even in the cyclical year, quite, quite in the spirit
" in which the early Mexican legislators conducted the chronology ; portions of time measured off
" from periods of very long duration, determined with astronomical precision, and without regard
" to the lunar changes . Besides these, the Etruscans had a civil lunar year, which the cyclical
~~ only served to correct But there is something remarkable, and not to be lightly disre-

Lord Kingsborough's Mex . Vol . VI . p . 198 . 2 Ib. p . 199.


3 Humboldt Res . Cone. Mexico, Ed . Miss Williams, Vol. I . pp . 226, 380, 382, 384. 4 Ibid . P . 392 .
5 Ib . Vol. II. p . 128 . 6 Ib. p . 133.
How extraordinary that this author should stop here and not make the least attempt to ascertain what this symbo-

lical writing was! It will be my object, in a future book, to supply the deficiency ; but I beg my reader to recollect
the admission of this learned man .
8 What a mistake !
9 Strabo, III . Cap. ii . P . 371, Ed. Sylb.
Book I . Chapter VI . Section 7 27
" garded, in the affinity between the wisdom of the ancient West and the science, at one time
" perhaps more widely diffused over that hemisphere, and of which the Mexicans still preserved the
• hereditary, though probably useless possession, at the time when their country was destroyed.
" This deserves more attentive consideration, since the discovery of an analogy between the
" Basque and American languages, by a celebrated scholar, Professor Vater ." I In these observa-
tions we surely have a very extraordinary confirmation of my theory . If the Romans calculated by
a period or saeculum of 120 years, they would come to the same conclusions as if they took the 60
or 600, and in this we see why the Mexican and Roman periods agreed in the time of Constantine
and Eusebius . They would not have agreed before the time when the solstice was corrected by
Sosigenes the C[ALnatAN . They would have varied more than 500 years . This we shall refer to
in a future book, when it will be understood, and something exceedingly striking will be
unfolded .
Humboldt says, the Mexicans hold that, before the flood, which took place 4800 years after
the creation 2 of the world, the earth was inhabited by giants . One of them after the flood, called
Xelhua or the architect, built an immense pyramidal tower which was to reach to heaven-but
the Gods offended destroyed it with lightning . Here is a complete jumble of the ancient mytho-
logy : the 4800 are the eight cycles before Christ . The architect is the Megalistor or the name
of God made into the giant, and is X-al-hua, the self-existent X . The tower is the exact model
of the tower of Babel, as given in our old histories . After its destruction it was dedicated to
Quetzalcoatl, the God of the Air. This is Saca, or Indra, whom we found crucified in Nepaul .
(See Vol . I . p. 230.) a The Mexicans chaunted the word Hululaez, which belonged to no Mexican
dialect, to the honour of their Gods . 4 This is evidently the Allelujah of the Greeks and Hebrews,
and the Ullaloo of the Irish. 5
6. It is said that after the deluge sacrificing commenced . The person who answers to Noah
entered an Ark with six others, and that soon after the deluge his descendants built the tower of
Tulan Cholula, partly to see what was going on in heaven, and partly for fear of another deluge,
but it was destroyed by thunder and lightning . The story of sending birds out of the ark, the
confusion and dispersion of tribes, is the same in general character with that of the Bible . His
Lordship says, " In attempting to explain how the Indians could have become acquainted with
• events o€ such remote antiquity, coeval with the foundation of the earliest monarchies, it would
• be absurd to suppose that their annals and native traditions extended backwards to a period
• unknown to Egyptian, Persian, Greek, or Sanscrit history ." Absurd as it may be to suppose
this, their hieroglyphic annals evidently do thus extend backwards .
His Lordship says,' " The difficulty of comprehending the plan of the tower of Belus, given
• by Herodotus, vanishes on inspecting the plans of the Mexican temples . The turrets in the
• great temple, described in p . 380, were 360 in number ." Up to the temple Cholula were
ciento y veinte gradas . The brick base of the tower of Chululan, which remains, and was built

Niebuhr, Hist. Rome, Vol . I . p . 92, Ed . Walter .

s I think when my reader has seen a few of the following pages he will be convinced that there must here be .a
mistake of the translator, and that the words after the creation of the world ought to be before the Christian era . The
space 4800 is about the time of the eight cycles from the entrance of the Sun into Taurus, and when (as I shall shew
in a future book) a flood probably took place .
• Williams, Vol. 1 . p . 96 . * Ibid .
• I have no doubt that the Ullaloo of the Irish, with which they wake their dead friends, was originally an invocation
to the Deity to he merciful to their souls.
6 Vol. VI . p . 117 . 7 lb . p . 279.
28 Towers of Mexico and Babel
in order to escape another flood if it should come, is eighteen hundred feet in circumference . It
is said to have been destroyed by a stone from heaven .' It is pyramidal . Humbolt says it is
hollow . 2 I have little doubt that the word Chol has been XL=650-a monogram, which it may
be remembered is found in the oldest catacombs at Rome.
Teocalli is the name of the temple of Cholula ; this is said to be the house of Teocalli . This
is evidently teo or God Cali . House of God is precisely the Hebrew style .
The word Cholula is thought by Lord Kingsborough to be a corruption of the word Jeru-salem .
He thinks the same of a place called Churula ; 3 but I suspect that they were identical . At
Cholula is the very large temple, with the very celebrated pyramid, which is said to be a very
close imitation of the temple of Belus or tower of Babel . 4 A room in one of the pyramids of
Cholula had its ceiling formed like the temple at Komilmar, of over-hanging stones . a
In Volume XXI. 6 of the Classical Journal will -be found some interesting remarks of Mr .
Faber's on the close similarity between the pyramid on the mountain Cholula of the Mexicans, and
the tower of Belus . That one is a copy of the other, or that they are both taken from some
common mythos, cannot possibly be doubted . This being premised, I would ask my reader
whether he can doubt a moment, that the well-known deity Omorca of the Chaldeeans 7 is the
Hom-eyo-ca of the Mexicans ? Thus we have not only the mythos of the Greeks in Bacchus,
of Christianity, of Judaism, of Tartary, and of North and South India in Mexico, but we have
the very oldest mythos of Babylon . How came this mythos of Babylon in Mexico ? Did it go
by China? I think my reader, when he considers all these circumstances, must see that my
theory of one universal empire and mythos will explain all the difficulties, and that it alone can
explain them.
Mr . Humboldt, after shewing that the tower at Cholula was in every respect a close imitation of
that described by Diodorus and Herodotus at Babylon, both in its form and in the astronomical
uses to which it was applied, states, as if it was not doubted, but a settled fact, that it was built
after the time of Mohamed.s At this time the tower of Belus had for many centuries been in
ruins, and its country a perfect desert . This at once shews that no dependence can be placed in
Mr. Humboldt's speculation on this subject,--for surely no one will credit the recent date of this
work, supposing even that it were built by emigrants from Egypt or from Chinese Tartary . In
that age, after the time of Mohamed, what should induce either Jews or Christians to expend an
immense sum in money or labour to build a tower of Babel, in Mexico or any where else ? After
the description of the Mexican pyramidal towers, Mr . Humboldt goes on to state, that there
are similar pyramidal towers in Virginia and Canada, • containing galleries lined with stone . He
states the temple of Xochicalco accurately to face the four cardinal points, 10 to be built of stone
beautifully wrought, but without cement-each stone in form of a parallelopiped .
The Mexicans' large temple, placed on a conical hill, called Xochicalco, meant ) as they say,
house of flowers. This is Xaca and Calx, Calyx, which meant Rose. 11 The hill was excavated
into large caves, 12 wonderful to behold, when it is considered (as it is there observed), that the
Mexicans had no iron . An observation is made by M . Dupaix, that the Mexicans are now quite
ignorant of the meaning of their proper names . 13 In p . 71, it appears that the temple at Mexico

Vol. V I . P. 196. 2
Ib . p. 174 . This Tower is in Plate XVI . See ib . p . 192.
3 P. 34 . + Vide Class. Journal, Vol . XXI. p. 10. ' Williams's Humboldt, p . 91 .
° Pp . 10, 11 . Named in Class . Jour . Vol . XX . p . 186 . • lb . p . 100 .
v 1b . 102 . 10 lb . p . 110 .
~~ Lord Kingsborough's Mex . Ant . p . 430. 12 lb. p . 431 . 1~ lb . p . 432
Book .I . Chapter IV . Section 7 29
is, in substance and fact, called the temple of Cibnathe, C being pronounced like S, and thus
making the temple of Sin or Sion, which will be explained in the book on letters . Lord Kings-
borough calls it Sinai or Sina .
I feel little doubt that one of the first names of God, in the first written language, for reasons
which I shall give when I explain the Origin of Letters,, in all nations, languages, and times,
would be "i di, divus, with its variety of forms : the next, perhaps, would be descriptive of 360 .
This might be described in various ways, as TLI--T=300 L=50 I== I0=360. The meaning of
these three numbers would be the glorious orb we daily behold, the Sun and God . For reasons
which I shall assign, I suppose Di was the first and the prevailing name of God during many
generations . Afterward, when astronomy so much improved that the knowledge of the Neros of
660 was acquired, the name TTL=650 was adopted as his name, and we have it in Mexico, (where
figures were known, but not syllabic letters,) in the name of the Deity Teotle. The periods shew
how far, at the time in which they branched off from Asia, the knowledge of the system had
extended. Their period from the creation to Christ, of 5200 years . embraces the eight ages of
their cycle : their TTL, Tao'rLS=650 x8-5200, corresponding with the period of Eusebius . In
India, the name 360 fell into disuse and was lost, and was probably superseded by the words
Titlu-666, TTL=650+IU or i U=16_-666, and, at last, by the number now used, TT=.600. I
know not how I could have invented any thing more in accordance with my theory than that this
Mexican God should have this peculiar, appropriate name, had I set my wits to work for the
purpose of invention . " Teotl signifies, in the Mexican language, both the Sun and an Age ; and
" the image of the sun, surrounded with rays, was the symbol of the latter ." I
Mr. Fred . Schlegel has observed,s that the word atl or atel is found in the languages of the
East of Europe ; that it means water, and that its symbol has found its way into the Greek
alphabet in the letter Mem,, in the undulating shape by which water is meant-M ; that it is also
in* the Phoenician and most western nations . It is in the Estoteland of Greenland, which is, I
suspect, di-ania-estotel ; and I also suspect that it is the symbol of the centre letter and of water,
because it is the symbol of fluid of any kind . I think this leads to the meaning of our word
Land, L'-ania-di--the holy country.
7 Almost all persons who have written respecting the Mexicans, have observed the similarity
of their language to that of the Hebrews . This and many other strange things the monks admit
most unwillingly, and attribute to the devil . Las Casas said that the language of Saint Domingo
was " corrupt Hebrew." 3 The Caribbees have the word Neketali, meaning dead ; in Hebrew
5np qtl : Hilaali, he is dead ; in Hebrew 55R hit : Kaniche, a cane ; (sugar ;) in Hebrew ;lip qne
Eneka, a cotta- ; in Hebrew ply onk .'
Las Casas wrote an account of the Mexicans, in which (we are told) he states his belief that
they are descended from the Jews . s This account, by his desire, was never published . But why
should he object to its being known that the Mexicans descended from the Jews? The reason is
very evident : it was because he saw it was ridiculous, and he did not believe it himself This
book is in the Academy of History at Madrid . It was examined a few years ago by the Govern-
ment, buy, it was not thought proper to publish it. s
.Lord Kingsborough gives the following passage :' '0 Las Casas' persuasion that the Indians were
~~ descended from the Jews is elsewhere mentioned : but as the words, ° Loquela tua manifestum

Mex . Ant. Vol . VI . P. 157. ' Notes on Miss Williams's Humboldt, Vol . II. p. 222.
' Mex . Ant . Vol . VI. p. 283 . ' A nc . Univ. Hist . Vol. XX. p . 16 1 .
' Mex. Ant . Vol . VI. p . 7 . 6 Ibid. 7 Ib . P. 7, note.
30 Cross and Crucifixes
" to facit, were discovered, with some other reasons tending towards the same conclusion, by
• Torquemada, in some private papers containing the will of Las Casas, at the same time that
" great weight must be attached to so solemnly recorded an opinion, it cannot be said that that
" learned prelate was guilty of any indiscretion in promulgating it : but the contrary is proved, by
" the proviso which he made respecting the publication of his history,-that it should not be
" printed till fifty years after his death, and then only if it appeared good to the superior of his
" order, and for the benefit of religion ; but that in the intermediate time no layman or young
• ecclesiastic was to be permitted to read it . The work has never been published : and Don
" Martin Fernandez de Navarrete says, that when it was referred some years ago to the Academy
• of History at Madrid, to take their decision respecting its publication, they did not think it
• convenient." 1 now learn that permission has been given to Lord Kingsborough to copy it .
The secreting practice is found to answer no longer . The old proverb applies, " Omne ignotum
" pro magnifico est ." I shall be surprised if any thing important be found in it, as much as I
should have been to have heard, that the French found many diamonds at Loretto when they got
there, or secret learning in the Vatican Library when they got to Rome .
David Malcolme, in his Essay on Ant . of Brit ., says, " Take it in the sense of Wytfleet, thus,
" p. m . 12, which in substance amounts to this, &c., when the Spaniards were in the magna
" insula Indice Hay ti : When the bell rung for evening prayers, the Spaniards, according to
" custom, bowed their knees, and signed themselves with the cross . The Indians did imitate
• them with great reverence, falling down on their knees, and joining their hands together, (rather,
" as I think, for imitation than for any other reason,) though there are several who think, that
" the Indians had the cross in veneration long before the arrival of Columbus . Gomara, Book iii .
• Chap . xxxii. tells, That St. Andrew's Cross, which is the same with that of Burgundy, was in
" very great veneration among the Cumans, and that they fortified themselves with the cross
• against the incursions of evil spirits ; and were in use to put them upon new-born infants ; which
" thing very justly deserves admiration . Neither can it be conceived how such a rite should
" prevail among savages, unless they have learned this adoration of the cross from mariners or
• strangers, who, being carried thither by the violence of tempests, have died or been buried there,
" which without all doubt would have also happened to that Andalusian pilot who died in the
• house of Columbus, unless he had been very skilful in sea affairs, and so had observed his
• course, when he was hurried away with the force of the storms : it is very credible that many
" of those who are generally reckoned to have been foundered at sea, did really meet with accidents
• of this kind. But the Accusamilenses bring another reason of adoring the cross, and which
" seems nearer truth, to wit, That they had received by tradition from their forefathers, that
" formerly a man more glorious than the sun had passed through these countries and suffered on
" a cross ." Here we have the mythos clear enough in Hispaniola .
The Rev . Dr. Hyde, speaking of the priests of Peru, takes occasion to say, " Nam populi
• simplicitas et sacerdotum astutia omni aevo omnique regione semper notabilis ." 1 No wonder
the University of Oxford refused to print any more of his manuscripts . He was speaking of a
virgin of Peru, who was pregnant by the sun . The Reverend Doctors of Oxford did right not
to publish his works while he lived, and to destroy his manuscripts when he died. s He ought to
have been burnt himself-Omnique rebgione, indeed ! ! !
Acosta says, that the Americans adored the sea, under the name Mammacocha . I believe this
was the Marine Venus Mamma ibuy :3 cochab . 3

Cap. iv. p. 123 . 1 Vide Toland's Nazarenus, Chap . iv ., and Bibliog. Brit . ' Lord Herbert, p . 149.
Book I. Chapter IV . Section 9 31
The Mexicans baptized their children, and the water which they used they called the water of
The Mexican king danced before the God, and was consecrated and anointed by the high priest
with holy unction . On one day of the year all the fires were put out, and lighted again from one
sacred fire in the temple ; 2-the practice of the Druids, Lord Kingsborough 3 skews, that the
Messiah of the Jews is foretold to have an ugly or a marred countenance, and that the Mexican
Quecalcoatle is said to have had the same . At the end of October they had a festival exactly
answering to our 411 Saints and All Souls. 4 They call it the festival of advocates, because each
human being had an advocate to plead for him . Thus we have this festival throughout modem
Europe, in Tibet, and in the ancient festival of the Druids' Saman in Ireland, and in Mexico .
There is the story of the rebellious angels and the war in heaven . 5 This is not from our Pen-
tateuch .
9. The Peruvians had a festival called the festival of Capacreyme, in the first month of their
year, called Ray me . 0 Acosta supposes this was contrived by the Devil in imitation of the Passover.
It may be observed, that all the acts of worship are directed avowedly to the Sun . The
Mexicans sacrificed human victims, which Lord Kingsborough 7 has shewn was practised by the
Jews, who were, according to his Lordship's account, horrible cannibals
Georgius shews that the God Xaca was constantly called Cio ;-this was the Xiuh-tecutli or
God of Fire, or God of Years, or the Everlasting One, of the Mexicans .8 Volneye says, the
Teleuteans are a Tartar nation .
Buddha was Hermes, and Hermes was .Mercury, and Mercury was the God of Merchants, and
Buddha was Xaca, and Saca and the Mexican God of Merchants was Yaca-tecutli .
In the history of the Aztecks of Mexico, we find much respecting one_Coxcox saved on a raft,
in a great flood . Now when I consider that the Mexicans are so closely connected with North
India, and that their accounts are all preserved by a mixture of hieroglyphics and unwritten
tradition, I cannot help suspecting that this Coxcox ought to be Sasax or Saxas .
Nagualism is a doctrine known in America, (Naga is turn nhs, softened or corrupted, and the
Hag of England,) where the serpent is-called Culebra ; this is Colubra ; and the followers of it
are called Chivim ; these are the Evites, or Hivites, or Ophites . Eve is win hvia or K1'ri hiua. 10
The Mexicans had a forty-days' fast in memory of one of their sacred persons who was tempted
forty days on a mountain . He drinks through a reed . He is called the Morning Star, &c., &c .
This must be the same person noticed before (p . 24) to have had a reed for an emblem . As
Lord Kingsborough says, Q° These are things which are very curious and mysterious." 1i
The inhabitants of Florida chaunt the word Hosanna in their religious service, and their priests
were named Jouanas . 12
Sina is the ancient name of China . I suspect Sina, and Sian or Siam, are the same word . The
God of Hayti was called Jocanna, the c is evidently instead of the aspirate in Johanna . 13
One of the temples has the name of Cihnateocalli-that is, I suppose, temple of Cali, the God
of Sina, or Sian . 14
Lord Kingsborough says, 15 the Mexicans honour the cross . "They knew them (the Chiribians,

' Mex.Ant, Vol, VI . p. 114. 2 lb. p. 144 . 3 Ib. p. 167, note. 4 Ib p.-101.

s lb . p . 401 . 6 lb . p .305 . 7 Ib . p. 328. 6 Ib . p . 392 .

9 Ruins, Notes, p . 198, and Asiat . Res . Vol. III . p . 358. j° See Vol. 1. P . 523 .
" Mex . Ant . Vol . VI . p . 100. 1 4 Ib . P . 71 . 13 Ib . p. 98 . 14 Ib . P . 71 . '~ Ib . p. 4.
32 Immaculate Conception-Female Pilgrimage
" or Chiribichenses, which name differs from that of Chibirias, the mother of Bacab,) honour the
CC cross ."
The Incas had a cross of very fine marble, or beautiful jasper, highly polished, of one piece,
three-fourths of an ell in length, and three fingers in width and thickness . It was kept in a
sacred chamber of a palace, and held in great veneration . The Spaniards enriched this cross
with gold and jewels, and placed it in the cathedral of Cusco .1 Mexican temples are in the form
of a cross, and face the four cardinal points .
Quecalcoatle is represented in the paintings of the Codex Borgianus nailed to the cross .'
Sometimes even the two thieves are there crucified with him. 3
In Vol. 11 . plate 75, the God is crucified in the Heavens, in a circle of nineteen figures, the
number of the Metonic cycle . A serpent is depriving him of the organs of generation . In the
Codex Borgianus, (pp . 4, 72, 73, 75,) the Mexican God is represented crucified and nailed to
the cross, and in another place hanging to it, with a cross in his hands . And in one instance,
where the figure is not merely outlined, the cross is red, the clothes are coloured, and the face
and hands quite black . If this was the Christianity of the German Nestorius, how came he to
teach that the crucified Saviour was black ? The name of the God who was crucified was Queca-
al-coatle. I suspect this was Saca, or Xaca, or Kaca-the Coatle (or God) . 4 The mother of
Quecalcoatle is called Sochi-quetzal ; may this be mother of Xaca ? a Sochi, or Suchi-quecal is
both male and female . e
In pp. 71, 73, of the Codex Borgianus, the burial, descent into hell, and the resurrection, are
represented .7
In one of the plates the God is crucified on a mountain . I suspect that this is Prometheus .
10. The Immaculate Conception is described . B This is also described in Torquemada's Indian
Monarchy. The Mexican word Dios meant God, and be was called inefable .0
The Immaculate Conception is described in the Codex Vaticanus . 10 The Virgin Chimalman,
also called Sochiquetzal or Suchiquecal, 11 was the mother of Quecalcoatle . Sochiquetzal means
the lifting up of Roses.
Eve is called Ysnextli, and it is said she sinned by plucking roses . But in another place these
roses are called Fruta del Arbor. 12 The Mexicans called the Father Yzona, the Son Bacab, and
the Holy Ghost Echvah . This, they say, they received from their ancestors . 13 The Lakchmi
of India is called Chri . (Lakchmi is L' Achm ; Chri is Xgqs .) These are the same as the
Mexican Centeotl, i . e. Cen-teotl ;14 and Centeotl, is Can or Cun-teotl,-the Cunti, the name of
the female generative principle in India .
The Mexican Eve is called Suchiquecal . A messenger from heaven announced to her that she
should bear a son, who should bruise the serpent's head . He presents her with a rose . This
was the commencement of an Age, which was called the Age of Roses . In India this is called
the Age of the Lotus, the water rose . Upon this it may be observed, that if this bad been a

Vega, Book ii. Chap. iii . 4 Mex . Ant. Vol. VI. p . 166 . 3 Ibid . 4 Ib . P. 173.
Ib. p . 175 . 6 Ib . P. 176. 7 Ib . VI . p . 166. a Ib . p . 65.
fl Ib . p . 68 . to Ib . pp . 175, 176 .
This is really our Sukey, and the Greek 4x t . It comes from the language of the Tartars, Tatars, the Sacae or
Saxons, the language of Tanga-tauga or Tangut .
is Mex . Ant. Vol . VI . p . 120. " Ib . p . 165. 14 Humboldt, Ed . Miss Williams, V ol . I . p . 221 .
N . B . This .
Book I . Chapter IV . Section 11 33
Papist forgery. the woman and not the seed of the woman would have bruised the head. It may
also be observed, that if this had come from the Western part of the old world, since the time
of Constantine, it would certainly have had the woman and not the seed of the woman . All
this history the Monkish writer is perfectly certain is the invention of the Devil. I Torque-
mada's Indian History was mutilated at Madrid before it was published . s Suchiquecal is called
the Queen of Heaven. She conceived a son, without connexion with man, who is the God of Air .
This is the immaculate conception, and the God Indra, whom we found crucified and raised from
the dead in Nepaul . The Mohamedans have a tradition that Christ was conceived by the smelling
of a rose . a The temples of Quetzalcoatle were round . He was the inventor of temples in this
form .
In the thirty-sixth chapter of Marco Paulo, an account is given of the sacrifice, in the province
of Tanguth, a little North of Nepaul, of a Ram of a year old, which is said to be offered as a
ransom for the Child. The same is practised among the Chinese . 4 Torquemeda says, a " Two
" things are very remarkable : the first is, that the parents of the children should have sold them,
• and given them voluntarily for sacrifice : the second, that the sale itself should have taken place
" on the second day of this month, (February,) at the very time that we, who are Christians,
• celebrate the festival of the presentation of the Virgin without spot, in the temple of Jerusalem,
• holding in her arms her most blessed child, the Son of God, whose life was sold for the sin of
• the first woman who existed in the world, carrying him to present and make an offering of him,
~~ manifesting, as it were to God, the sacrifice which was afterwards to be accomplished on the
• tree of the cross ."
11 . Mr. Humboldt has written much respecting the Americans . It is a remarkable circum .
stance that it should never have occurred to him, that the ignorance in the South Americans of
the use of letters and iron, were decisive circumstantial proofs of their very great antiquity, and
their very early separation from the stock of the old world ; but this great antiquity he considers
proved from a variety of other circumstances . He says, " It cannot be doubted, that the greater
" part of the nations of America belong to a race of men, who, isolated ever since the infancy of
• the world from the rest of mankind, exhibit in the nature and diversity of language, in their
• features and the conformation of their skull, incontestable proofs of an early and complete sepa-
" ration ." 7 Except in the article language he is quite right.
Malcolme shews that Tautah in the American language means Father ; in Irish, Dad ; Welsh,
Tad or Taduys ; Armoric, Tat ; Cornish, Tad and Tas ; Scotch, Dad ; St . Kelda, Tat ; and in
Guatimala, Tat ; in Old Italy, Tata ; in Egypt, Dade ; in Greek, Tetta ; in Old English, Daddy . 8
The American Taut-ah is the Indian Tat.
After shewing at great length that the Mexicans must have had their mythology from Asia,
East of the Indus, Mr. Humboldt s observes, that he finds among them neither the Linga nor any
of those figures with several heads and hands which characterize the paintings and figures of the
Hindoos . But he distinctly admits that he finds the doctrine of repeated regenerations-in cycles .

Ant. of Mex . Vol . VI. p.177 . ' lb . P . 179 .

• Ib. P . 176. This was the water rose or Lotus. He was the Rose of Sharon, that is, he was the Rose of Ishuren,
or the God of the country where the language is called that of Posh or Push--the flower.
' lb . note, Marsden . s Monarquia Indiana, Vol . II . p. 251 .
• Ant. of Mex . Vol. VI. p . 201 .
s Researches in S. America, by Humboldt, Vol . I. pp . 249, 250, ed. Miss Williams.
• Dr. Malcolme's Letters. ' Humboldt's Res. Vol. II . p. 36, ed. Miss Wiiliams .
34 The Ass and Horse . Races of Ten-China . Tibet . Spanish Policy
Now this again seems to confirm my hypothesis, that they migrated from the old world so early
as to be before these corruptions, early as the Linga was . And it has induced me to review the
early history of Buddhism, and to make me suspect that, in its early works, the Linga is not to
be found, and that it only came into use when the division between the followers of the Linga and
Ioni began to arise, which caused the horrible civil and religious wars, noticed in my former
volume, pp. 332, &c.
12. The founder of the Peruvian nation was called Bochica, the son and emblem of the Sun .
He was high priest of Soga-Mozo (here we have the Saga) . 1 His wife was called Chia, (Chia
is nothing but Eva corrupted,) Isis, or the Moon : he was described with three heads . Here,
I think, are the Buddha and Trimurti of India . His priests were called Xeques and Zaques . 2
(These are Xacas, or Sagas, or priests of Wisdom .) Humboldt says, " The form of Government
" given by Bochica to the inhabitants of Bogota is very remarkable, from its analogy with those
" of Japan and Thibet. The Incas of Peru united in their person the temporal and spiritual
• powers. The children of the sun were both priests and kings The Pontiffs or Lamas,
" the successors of Bochica, were considered as heirs of his virtue and sanctity . The people
• flocked in crowds to offer presents to the high priests, visiting those places which were copse-
" crated by the miracles of Bochica." 3 In a very particular and pointed manner this Bochica
is said to be white or albus. This reminds me that the Sibyl pronounces the white sow of Alba
to be black. Alba means white : was Bochica Alb or LB=L-.50, B=2=52? He had a peculiar
cycle of 13 years, and another of four thirteens or 52 . This looks as if there was some reference
to our astrological instrument, called playing cards, which certainly came from North India . This
does not seem so wonderful when we consider that we have just found their cycles the same as the
indictions of Constantine . What is the Romish Alb?
The Peruvians believed in one Supreme Being, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, called Vira-
chocha and Pachacamack, 4 who had revealed to them his religion . 5 The Mexicans called their
great God Yao INEFFABLE ; 0 and represented him by an Eye in a Triangle . The cross was every
where adored . 7 The Mexicans expected a Messiah . 8 Their history of the flood is almost a
close copy of that of Moses. 9 Their baptism 10 in the presence of witnesses is almost the
same as that of the Jews and Persians, and in the same manner they named their children and
offered them in the temple . They had the custom of sacrificing the first-born, the same as the
Jews, till it was done away by Abraham or Moses . They had also the right of circumcision .
(Refer to Vol . I . Book X. Chap. VI . Sect. 13, p. 724 .) 11 Their temples were in the form of a
cross, and faced the four cardinal points .12 Their language has many Greek and Hebrew word$
in it .13 They practised auricular confession 1 4 They have a sacred and select word like the
Indian Om, which is never spoken ; but what it is, I do not find mentioned .
13 . The union of the Jewish and the Christian mythos in one system, instead of their division
into two systems, at once proves that they cannot have been brought to Mexico at different and
distant periods . Had this been the case, there would have been two religions, as in all other
cases, in opposition to one another . It is a wonderful circumstance, that the Jews coming from
the city of Egypt built by Alexander, should have forgot to bring with them the knowledge of

' Humboldt's Res. Vol. II. p. 108, ed . Miss Williams .

s Ant . of Mex . Vol . VI . p . 164 ; Lord Kingsborough calls him the Mithra or Osiris of Bogota.
I Humboldt's Res . Vol. II. p . 109, ed. Miss Williams. 4 Antiq, of Mex . Vol. VI. p . 365 . s Ib. p . 128.
7 6 Ibid.
P. 141 . a
P. 115. 0 P. 117 . 10 Pp . 45, 47 .

11 Pp . 67 and 115
. 1' P . 96. " Pp. 115, 116. 1 4 P . 115.
Book I . Chapter IV . Section 13 35
letters and iron ; and still more wonderful, that the Christian monks coming in a later day should
have bad equally bad memories . All that was necessary was, for those Jews to have told these
skilful smelters of metals, that by melting the lumps of their native iron in a wood fire they would
get iron and steel .
The identity of the Mexican and Chinese or North Indian mythoses being unquestionable,
attempts have been made, in several periodical publications, to account for their similarity by
supposing, that the Mexicans were colonies fleeing from the arms of Mohamedan or Tartarian
conquerors . But the writers do not tell us how the Jewish and Christian doctrines came to be found
in America, mixed most intimately together, and also with the idolatry of North India and Greece .
Other writers contend, that these colonists were Mongol or Tartar conquerors, who, not contented
with the conquest of China, conquered America also . But this leaves all the great difficulties
1 have stated above unremoved . It is a most wonderful thing that these Tartarian heroes did not
take with them the knowledge of iron or letters : and that they, being Mohamedans, should convey
the Christian religion to the Mexicans instead of that of Mohamed !
It is also wonderful that they should take with them the knowledge of the Horse and the Ass,
though they did not take these animals themselves-pictures of them being seen every where
mixed with their other hieroglyphics ; and, what is still more, as the reader will instantly see,
mixed most intimately with the Juda?an mythos,-a hero mounted on an ass or a horse, sometimes
carrying a sword, sometimes a cross . It is impossible, on viewing them, not to recollect the
procession of Jesus Christ on the ass, into Jerusalem . The mythoses are evidently identical,
but their variations skew that they are not copies . Though they have plenty of pictures of the
horse, the animal, be it observed, noticed in the Revelation, they have no knowledge of the
elephant or camel . But these were not in the Revelation ; were no part of the mythos . They
have no sheep, but they have an animal like it, which they call Llama or Lamb .'
No part of the Mexican hieroglyphics is more striking than the exhibition of the horse or ass, 2
(for some are doubtful,) animals totally unknown in a state of nature to the Americans . I refer
to the plates' figures . Faria y Sousa, the Jesuit, says, that when the Portuguese arrived In the
Azores they found the statue, cut on the side of a mountain, of a man on horseback wearing a
cloak, his left hand on the horse's main, his right pointing to the West, with an inscription on the
lower rock but not understood . 3
It is necessary to observe here, that tribes, both of Negroes and bearded men, were found in
South America. 4
The Codex Vaticanus, Volume IL, is marked 3738 . The plates in it are numbered to 146, but
the explanation goes only to plate 92, in either English or Spanish . The explanation purports to
be in Volume VI . p . 155, of Lord Kingsborough's work . My reader has only to look to the
figures of the crucifixes which I have given, Fig . 12-14 ; and to reflect for one moment upon the
admitted anxiety of the Spaniards and the Popes to keep the knowledge of these things from the
European world, to see why the explanation of the Codex Vaticanus ends with plate 92 . The
remainder has, no doubt, been suppressed to avoid the necessity of giving an explanation of the
crucifixes .
We every where meet with the Mexican divine names ending in tie, as Teotle, that is, Deo or
God tie. It has been observed by Lord Kingsborough, as well as by almost all the Spanish au-
thors, that the Mexican language is so full of Hebrew words as to be almost Hebrew . We have

' Antiq . of Mexico, Vol . VI . p . 361 .

' [Is this indisputable? Do not the accompaniments of the rider bespeak a Spanish origin ? Yet, is not the Author's
opinion supported by the testimony of Faria y Sousa? Editor.]
3 Vol. I . p . 19, Eng . Ed. 4 Antiq . of Mexico, Vol . VI . pp . 290,291 .
36 Laws of the Mexicans
seen the God every where crucified and suspended from the Cross . We have found the sacred
animal the Llama' or sheep . We have found the mythos of the crucified Saviour . We have
found every thing at last to centre in the Sun . The word tie is confessed not to be understood
by the Mexicans, nor by the Spaniards, who call it, for that reason, merely a termination . All
these matters considered, I think it may be the same as the word -75to tie or Rs Lo tla, the Hebrew
name of the sign of the Zodiac, . 4gnus or Aries . 2 In Hebrew it means, when spelt with the tau,
thn tie, hanged or suspended. See Fig. 14 . I believe it meant crucified by hanging on a cross.
It was originally Buddha, as noticed before in Sect . 3, p . 24. For the same reason that the word
meaning 650 was applied to him, it was in succession applied to the God of wisdom, to the Lamb-
his second emblem, and to the crucified God Cristna.
14. All the Mosaic history is to be found in China according to Mons . Paravey, in which
he only repeats what was before pointed out by Bergeron, De Guines, &e . The Chinese
historians relate that one of their ancient despots endeavoured to destroy their old records,
but that a copy of their history, called the Chou-king, escaped . That book treats of the
terrestrial paradise, its rivers, waters of immortality, its admirable trees, fall of the angels and
of man, and the appearance at that moment of mercy ; also of the sabbath, confusion of tongues,
the manna in the Wilderness, the Trinity ; and of the Holy One in the West, who was in.
comprehensible and one with the TiEN . It states that the world cannot know the Tien except
by the Holy One, who only can offer a, sacrifice acceptable to the CHANG-Ti . 3 The nations are
waiting for him like plants for a refreshing shower . The Tien is the Holy One invisible, and the
Holy One is the Tien made visible and teaching men . All this was taught by Confucius five
hundred and fifty years before Christ . Ancient inscriptions state the Jews to have come into
China about the time of Confucius . This is probably the arrival of a colony or doctrine of a new
incarnation going to them from the Western Ay oudia . The secret doctrine of the renewed incar-
nations seems, by being misunderstood, to have operated with them precisely as it did with thei .
Indian and Tibetian neighbours, for they are of the Tibetian or Buddhist faith, into which all these
doctrines dovetail perfectly . These facts and many more are detailed from different authors by
the learned Nimrod, Vol . III. p . 510 . All these things good people, like Nimrod, suppose were
taught to the Tartars and Chinese by the lost tribes of Samaria . Those tribes are most useful
people ; they account for every difficulty . In the East, in the West, in the North, in the South,
they are always ready at hand . Here is all the Jewish and the Christian mythos amalgamated
precisely as it is in Mexico, in Tibet, North India, and South India, all carrying with it proofs of
its almost universal prevalence or dissemination . But notwithstanding that we find remnants of
this mythos every where, the actual character of which cannot be doubted, yet in the respective
countries where they are found, the system is obsolete ; they are remnants of an almost forgotten
system. They every where carry traits of the system of regeneration or of the cycles recorded in
the old Druidical circles or Cyclopaean monuments, found along with them, the origin of which is
acknowledged to be totally unknown. There cannot be any doubt that they have all flowed from
the same fountain ; have the same origin ; and the only question will be, whether they flowed
from the kingdom of the West, which Herodotus could not find, and Alexander thought it not
worth his while to notice, or from the kingdom of Ayoudia of India, with its capital probably, as
appears from its ruins, once the largest in the world-a city larger -than London, the capital of an
empire more extensive than Europe . (See Vol . I . p. 438.)
There is scarcely a page of Lord Kingsborough's work which does not exhibit proofs of the

Le Lama. * Barret on the Zodiacs, p . 10 .

' In the Chang-ti, Ch is the I aspirated ; ang is a, o, rn eo ; Ti is Di, the whole, Di Tao,
Book II . Chapter IV . Section 15 37
anxiety of the Spanish government to suppress the information which I have just now detailed,
and which does not also shew that it comes to us through the medium of the most unwilling of
witnesses . I Every contrivance which was possible was resorted to in order to prevent its arrival
in Europe ; and this accounts for the extraordinary and systematic opposition to the admission of
strangers into New Spain . All people likely to be intelligent, such as physicians, persons sus-
pected of heresy, &c ., were prohibited from going thither . The reason assigned by the Spanish
government was, 2 that they were prevented going that they might not create disputes and prevent
conversions. The author of the notes to Lord Kingsborough's book $ says, that he believes that
the Jews colonized America, and held it for one thousand years, and that they introduced (as it
must have been along with their own) the Christian rites into the religion of the Mexicans, who
had never heard of Christianity, to shew their hatred of Christianity, and to turn it into ridicule ;
and, that it was for this reason that they established the Christian doctrines along with those of
the Jews,_-such as the resurrection, ascension, &c . The passage is so extraordinary, that I think
the writer must have meant it for a joke.
The close connexion between the Americans and the old world was long ago seen, notwith-
standing all the exertions of the Spaniards to keep mankind in the dark, and fruitless endeavours
were made by Grotius and others to find a cause for it . An account of them may be seen in Bas-
nage . a It is there observed, that one of the districts has a German name--Estoteland ; that the
name of a young sheep is Lam ; that one of their Gods is called Theut, and one of their kings
Theuch, evidently the same name ; that their great Creative Principle is called Pachacama ; (Pi-
akm-cama, that is, Pi-Acham, the wisdom of divine Love ;) that they baptize their children in the
form of the cross, and have a notion of the Trinity ; that they adorn their idols with the cross and
mitre ; thatt they have a kind of Eucharist ; that virgins, consecrated to the God, make effigies of
paste and honey, which they consecrate with much ceremony, and afterward distribute to the
people, who believe they eat the body of their God . The people of North America were thought
by Penn to have an unaccountable likeness to the Jews, and the M assagetee were thought to be
found in Massachusetts .
Tibet is called Tangutia. This is evidently is tangul, the country of Tangut . The close simi-
larity of the Trinitarian and other doctrines of the Tibetians to those of the Romish Christians we
have seen . It is surely a very extraordinary thing to find the Peruvian triune God called Tanga-
Tanga-evidentl y the same as the God of Tibet, both in name and character . 5
15 . In Vol . VI . p . 79, the Mexican courts are shewn to have had exactly the same number of judges
as those of the Jews ; that their sacred numbers were exactly the same ; and that both nations kept
fasts for exactly the same number of days . Lord Kingsborough says, a the common law of every
" state in Europe has been confessedly modelled after the Mosaic law ." 6 This is a very impor-
tant observation, and 1 think its truth will not be disputed ; but I think there is no other way of
accounting for it than to go to my primeval nation . The common law in most states is evidently.
older than Christianity. We are told that St . Augustin brought Christianity into this island in
the year 596 ; but was there no Christianity in the time of Constantine or before ? Lord Kings-
borough says, "the affinity between the Mexican and the Hebrew laws is greater than between
" the latter and those of any nation with which we are acquainted ." 7 They circumcised with a
stone knife, the use of which was expressly ordered . 8 It is remarkable that the circumcision of

' Antiq. of Mex . Vol . VI. pp. 111 . et seq . ' Th . p. 268 ' Th . p . 283.
• Book vi . Ch . iii. ' See Parsons' Rem . Jap . pp. 206, 219, 220 ; also Georgius, Alph . Tib. p . 9.
6 Antiq . of Mex . Vol . VI . pp . 271, 272. 7 Ibid . p. 272 .
• Ibid. p 273. The Abyssinian Christians practised circumcision and abstained from Pork, ibid . p. 274 .
38 Easter Island-Last Avatar Expected
the Jews should have been performed with a knife made of stone, which is emphatically noticed in
the Bible .'
16 . Easter Island is situated in N. L . 27° 5 W. L. 109° 46 : it may be considered to be a part .
of America. The most remarkable curiosity in this island is a number of colossal statues . On
the East side of the island were seen the ruins of three platforms of stone-work, on each of
which had stood four of these large statues ; but they were all fallen down from two of them, and
one from the third : they were broken or defaced by the fall . One was fifteen feet long and six
feet broad over the shoulders : each statue had on its head a large cylindric stone of a red colour,
wrought perfectly round . Others measured nearly twenty-seven feet, and upwards of eight feet
over the shoulders : and a still larger one was seen standing, the shade of which was sufficient to
shelter all the party of Captain Cook, who reports this, from the sun. The workmanship is rude,
but not bad, nor are the features of the face ill formed : the ears are long, according to the dis-
tortion practised in that island, and the bodies have hardly any thing of a human figure about
them. How these islanders, wholly unacquainted with any mechanical power, could raise such
stupendous figures, and afterwards place the large cylindric stones upon their heads, is truly
wonderful ! It is observed that the most probable conjecture is, that the stone is factitious . The
island is about ten or twelve leagues in circumference, 2 and must be in the Gulf of California .
But see Cook and Forster's Voyage, March, 1774 . The Encyclopaedia Londinensis says, the
names of the two statues left standing are Dago and Taurico . Here we have Dagon and Taurus-
Surely nothing can be more curious than these statues . Who placed them here ; and when were
they set up ?
17. Every one must remember the accounts of the perfect horror with which the unhappy
Mexicans viewed the first horses, which the Spaniards took over to their country. This I will
now account for. It appears from Lord Kingsborough's book, &c ., that they had all the mythos
which has been so fully explained, of the old world,-the immaculate conception, the crucifixion,
the resurrection after three days, the expectation of the return of their crucified Saviour, &c ., &c.
Every Indian inquirer knows that the last Avatar was always expected by the people of Java to
come mounted on a white horse . Now, in several of the Mexican hieroglyphic pictures, though
their owners knew nothing of the horse, an animal, which might be either a horse or an ass, is
painted. In these same pictures, the other parts of the mythos, the crucifixion, &c., are described .
From this it is evident, that although they were not able to convey the horse over the sea, yet
they could convey every part of the mythos ; the result of this was, that when the Spaniards
arrived in flying machines, or machines propelled by the winds,-on the wings of the wind,-
across the boundless ocean, or from heaven,-their commander mounted on the unknown animal,
described in their ancient pictures to be that on which the promised God was to come ; s and,
carrying in his hand thunder and lightning, with which he destroyed his enemies at miles distant
from him, be was believed to be the last Avatar . Lord Kingsborough gives a very interesting
account of the effect which this superstition or belief had upon their conduct-taking away from
most of them, from devotion, all wish to resist their God, mounted on his horse and surrounded
by thunder and lightning-and from others, through fear, all power : thus giving to their cruel
enemies an easy victory . I cannot conceive it possible to devise any thing more conclusive of
the truth of my whole system than this . All this accounts for numbers of circumstances relating

' See Exod. iv . 25 ; Josh . v . 3 ; and Ant . of Mex. Vol . VI . p. 187 . ' Encyclopaedia Brit . art . Easter Island .
' The effect which the death of the first horse had on the Mexicans has been thought very extraordinary and unac .
countable. It is now easily explained : by the destruction of the immortal, celestial animal they were in part unde .
ceived .
Book I . Chapter IV . Section 18 39
to the conduct of Montezuma and his people, which have hitherto been utterly unintelligible .
And I think it seems evident, that if the miscreants from Spain bad really understood their own
case, they would have had nothing to do but to have quietly taken possession of the whole empire
as its last Avatar and newly-arrived God .
Well, indeed, might Peter Martyr, Las Casas, and Torquemada, be puzzled with the horse, the
actual horse. of the, Revelation, in a country where the people . had not the knowledge of the animal,
or indeed of any animal of the old world. Instead of accepting the possession of the empire
peaceably offered to them, by a most absurd and extraordinary mistake, the Spaniards determined
to terrify the people by ill usage, the account of which is given in the Antiquities of Mexico .,
18. Col . Tods states the mountains above Tibet, the highest ridge of Asia, to be called Andes-
these must have been in the countries of Tungusians . It _is impossible on reading this not to
recollect the Andes and the Tanga-Tanga of Peru ; and it is equally impossible to attribute this
paranomasia and the other circumstances already described to accident . To account for this I
look into ancient histories, and I adopt the first rational and philosophical cause which is recorded,
and without difficulty I find it in the communication formed by the island of Atlantis of Plato ;
for the subsequent submerging of such an island or continent is neither improbable nor irrational,
-but, when the attendant circumstances are considered, a dry historical fact, carrying probability
on the face of it. It is no more improbable than the effects we see produced by volcanoes every
day . It is neither impossible nor improbable that when the Atlantis sunk, something of the same
kind should have happened in the Northern Pacific Ocean .
The legend of the sinking of a very large island is now well known in China and Japan, and in
both places an annual festival is kept to celebrate the escape of an excellent prince called Peiruun. 3
I cannot help suspecting an identity of mythos or an identity of fact . I apprehend, if the whole
or a great part of the Polynesian Islands constituted the highest grounds of a large continent
which sunk, the effect would be, when the sinking took place, to raise up the waters so as to
drown all the inhabitants, and after a short time to subside, and leave the points of the mountains
dry as islands . After all, a great difficulty must be allowed to exist, in all speculations on this
subject, arising from the fact, that there are none of the animals of one continent found in the
other. See Vol. I. pp. 293, 294, for M. Cuviez's -opinion on this part of the subject .
The Mexicans, in their histories, as already stated, say they arrived in their present country
from the West . They always persist most strenuously that it was from the West they came ; and
they describe towns on the coast where they remained, for many years, in their progress to their
present situation, the ruins of which, they assert, are yet to be seen . They say they came across
the sea from another country. Now, was this Atlantis or not ? It is very desirable that the
remains of the towns should be sought for .
Lord Kingsborough has gone to an enormous length in proving that the Mexican rites, cere-
monies, &c., &c., were almost precisely the same as those of the Jews, and that they must conse-
quently have been brought by the Jews to Mexico : But one most important observation offers
itself on this We possess what we believe to be the knowledge of all the Jewish rites, history,
&c., &c., in Syria ; but this is not the way all these things are known by the Americans . All the
things said to have taken place iri Western Syria, both with Jews and Christians, are said to have
been acted in America, and the case, in a great measure, is ,the same in India and China . There
is the same standing still of the sun, the same populifugia, the same deluge and persons saved in
a ship, the same immaculate conception, the same crucifixion and resurrection ; but they were all
in the American country, not in Syria . Now, it is very improbable that if the Jews of Western

' Vol. VI . p . 343 . ' Annals and Antiq . of Rajast'han, Vol. I. p. 44.
3 Koempfer's Japan, Vol . II. Append. p . 13 ; Fab . Orig. Pag. Idol. Vol. II. p . 180.
40 General Observations
J udaea or of Moses had gone in a body from their old country, they would ever wish or permit their
history to be located in the new one, towers of Babel to be built, waters to be passed, or places
to be shewn where the sun stood still . Nothing can account for all this except that, in all
countries, including among them Western Judaea, it was the figurative description of the renewed
Avatars .
It seems to me that the mythos which I have shewn to have universally prevailed, accounts in
a satisfactory manner, with one exception, for all the difficulties . Parts of it we have seen every
where ; a small part of it in one place, and a small part in another, but all, including the Jewish,
the same mythos . The discovery of the same system in America, as that in South India, in
North India, in Tibet, in Western Syria, &c ., proves that at some extremely remote sera the same
mythos must have prevailed ; and the variations which we find, whilst at the same time the general
character is preserved, are what we may naturally expect would arise as time advanced . What
we have now are the debris of the system .
19 . We must recollect that the neglect to teach the Mexicans the arts of writing and making
iron, cannot be attributed merely to a few stray mariners and fishermen blown across the ocean .
The knowledge of the Americans, if carried to them at all in later times, must have been carried
by regular colonies from Greece, who taught them the rites and name of Bacchus ; of colonies
from Syria, who taught them all the minute parts of the Judaean mythos ; of colonies from
Tartary and China, who taught them the knowledge of the mythoses of those countries ; of colo-
nies from Europe, who taught them modern but not Papist Christianity . I Is there a human
being so credulous as to believe that all these colonies or parties of migrators, following one
another time after time, should have omitted to convey the knowledge of iron and letters ? I am
sure no person will be found to believe this : then what are we to believe, but that one great and
learned race held all these doctrines, as taught by me, in a period of the world when the inter-
course between the old and new worlds was easy compared with what it is at at this time ?
The one exception alluded . to above is the difficulty of accounting for means by which the
system reached America . To meet this, may we not have recourse too the formerly-named island
of Atlantis, of the submersion of which we are informed by Plato, and which, I suppose, almost
connected the two worlds ? It was probably so near both, that, in the frail boats of those days,
colonies could pass, but in which the large animals could not be conveyed . Of course this submer-
sion must have taken place, and cut off the communication between the two worlds before the
knowledge of letters and the use of iron .
It cannot be believed that if ever the Mexicans had been told of the existence and use of iron,
excellent refiners and smelters of metals as they were, that they would not instantly have obtained
it from their mountains, where it is found in its native state . I shall be asked, How they could
pass in any great numbers, without the means of conveying the Horse, the Cow, the Sheep ?
For, if the two worlds were nearly connected by an intermediate island or islands, the passage of
the animals would have taken place . I admit the force of the argument in its fullest extent ; as I
do the difficulty of accounting for the extraordinary fact, that there were none of the animals of
the old world in America . However, at last, an intimate connexion between the two worlds must
be admitted to have existed, and to have existed before the knowledge of iron or letters, in the
countries the Mexicans came from.
Some persons have thought that the Americans were colonies who passed by the North, where
the continents join, or nearly join ; and, to the question, why they had not the horse? -it may be
replied, that if the natives of Tartary or China emigrated by the North, in the neighbourhood of

' The seed bruising the head, not the woman .

Book II. Chapter IV . Section 19 41
the Arctic circle, as it must have been by that route, there is reason to believe that the horse could
not have been conveyed through this cold climate, perhaps could not have lived there . It is said that
the North-east of Tartary is too cold for this animal ; and that there are none there . If we admit
this, then we may suppose that the migration took place from China, where the Hebrew language
was spoken, and where the Hebrew and Christian system flourished, as it has before been shewn
to have done in a very early period . 1 And if the emigrants went from China, we may thus account
for their going without taking with them the knowledge of syllabic writing . If we suppose a body
of Japanese or Chinese, amounting only to a few thousands on their arrival in Mexico, after jour-
neying for forty or fifty years, we may readily suppose that they would increase to two or three
hundred millions in five or six hundred years, in that fine soil and climate . But suppose we ac-
count for their ignorance of letters, and the want of horses, cows, &c ., in this manner ; this will
not account for the ignorance of iron, and at the same time for the knowledge of the mythoses of
all the nations which I have just now enumerated : and, satisfactorily to account for this, I am con-
vinced we must ultimately go to my hypothesis, which naturally and easily explains the diffi-
culties .
Lord Kingsborough's work is unquestionably the most magnificent ever undertaken by an indi-
vidual. It is, indeed, an honour to his order and to his country. The bringing together into one
view, by means of Lithographic copies, the different manuscripts, from different and distant coun-
tries, will prove, indeed has already proved, of the greatest importance to science, and must greatly
aid the philosopher in his inquiries .

1 Sect. 14, p. 36 .
VOL. 11 .


Christian Religion Not New-The Carmelites Pythagoreans-Pontifex Maximus

-Seven Sacraments . Eucharist-Baptisrn-Christening-Confirmation- Bap-
tism of Bells-Ordination-Marriage-Extreme Unction-Purgatory-Auricu-
lar Confession .

1 . I SHALL now proceed to complete the proof of the truth of the doctrine of Ammonius Saccas,
by shewing that every part . of the VULGAR Christian religion is the same as that of the vulgar
religion of the Gentiles . ; that there is nothing new in the Roman Catholic religion ; that, in short,
it is Reformed or Protestant Gentilism .
The reader has now seen that several of the MOST important doctrinal parts of corrupt modern
Christianity are nothing more than scraps of the Heathen mythologies of various kinds taught by
different nations, long previous to the Christian sera . He has seen the immaculate conception,
the incarnation, the trinity, with its various hypostases, and the crucifixion and resurrection, on
all of which I have yet much, which is veryy important, to produce . But, first, I think it expedient
to shew where a great number of the forms and ceremonies of minor importance came from . It
is more . than probable that every part has been copied from some former religion ; that no part of
what has been really the system of the Christian priests was invented originally for their use .
To tradition it is indebted for every doctrine and rite, which it possesses, though to fraudulent and
dishonest practices it is chiefly indebted for their establishment . This will be said to be a severe
and unjust sentence against the priests ; but I am supported in my charge against them of
systematic falsity and fraud, by some of our first divines-Burnet, Mosheim, &c . In the very
early ages they not only practised it, but they reduced it to system ; (I allude to .Origen's (Eco-
nomia ;) they avowed it ; and they justified it, by declaring it to be meritorious if in a good
cause . I repeat, it was justified by the highest divines in the church -openly practised-I believe
was never disavowed by any Pope, Council, or authorized body ; and, as I have proved in this
work, is continued by Archbishops to this day, who just practise as much fraud, as the improved
state of the human mind will tolerate .
I must say of Christian priests and their histories what Nimrod 1 has said on another class of
persons : "It is difficult to estimate facts delivered under circumstanees which deprive the testi-
" mony of all moral value ; where falsehood is not an accident but a property of the speaker's
" character, and is not the error of a moment or the crime of an individual, but an organic .
~f system ." The system of fraud is yet continued in the Protestant Church of England : for one
instance of which, I produce what is called the Apostles' Creed, which purports to be the compo-
sition of the Apostles, (as the Nicene Creed purports to be the composition of the Council of Nice,
.and the Athanpsian Creed, the composition of St . Athanasius,) when it -is well known to every

1 Vol. II . p. 494.
Book II . Chapter I . Section 1 43

Bishop on the Bench, that however true it may be, it was not composed or written till long after
the death of all the Apostles : by whom, or when, or where, it was written no one knows ; but the
people are deluded into a belief, that it is not the work of a council or individual, like those of
Nice or St . Athanasius, but of the collective body of the elect companions of Jesus Christ.
Now if we reflect upon the contents of the last book, and consider that all the esoteric doctrines
of the Orientals and of the tribe of loudi or Jews, and of Plato and the Heathens generally; were
at the bottom the same ; we shall not be surprised at finding the Lama of Rome adopting such of
the forms and ceremonies of his Heathen predecessors as he thought consistent with its restora=
tion to what was, in his opinion, its primeval purity-what he considered its corruptions being
left out.
The Rev. Robert Taylor, in his Diegesis, has undertaken to shew that what Protestants have
maintained to be the corruptions of Christianity were the origination of it : and that the early
Christians were nothing but Egyptian Essenes or Monks, and that the Gospel histories were
extracts or compilations from the secret writings of these persons . To support this assertion, he
has given a translation of the sixteenth chapter of the second book of Eusebius's Ecclesiastical
History, in which the early Christians are most clearly proved to have been the Monks called
Essenes . That the Gospel histories are not originals, has been admitted by all divines I believe,
who have, or who wish to have, any character for learning . Reasoning after the manner of the
German divines-Semler, Lessing, Niemeyer, Halfeld, Eichhorn, Michaelis, &c .,-the learned
Bishop Marsh has put this out of all doubt . In his Notes on Michaelis, he has discussed it at
great length . Whether the Gospel histories were copied from the Essenean Scriptures may yet
admit of doubt, but certainly Mr. Taylor has shewn that all the ecclesiastical polity of the Chris-
tian is a close copy from that of the Esseneans, or I should say, Carmelites, according to the
account in Eusebius, when honestly translated . Their parishes, churches, bishops, priests,
deacons, festivals, are all identically the same. They had Apostolic founders ; the manners which
distinguished the immediate apostles of Christ ; Scriptures divinely inspired ; the same allego-
rical mode of interpreting them, which has since obtained among Christians., and the same order
of performing public worship . They had missionary stations or colQnies of their community
established in Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colosse, and Thessalonica, precisely
such, and in the same circumstances, as were those to whom St. Paul addressed his letters in
those places . Long before Mr . Taylor wrote, I had written my opinion that the Essenes were not
Christians, but that the Christians of the Pope were Essenes . I All the fine moral doctrines
which are attributed to the Samaritan Nazarite, and I doubt not justly attributed to him, are to
be found among the doctrines of these ascetics ; but they are found unalloyed with the pernicious,
demoralising nonsense,2 which St. Paul and some of the fathers of the Romish Church obtruded
into their religion, and into what they were pleased to call, though to miscal his religion : and a
great part, and the worst part of which, has been retained by Protestants . If the opinion be well
founded, that their Scriptures were the originals of the Gospel histories, then it will follow
almost certainly, that they must have been the same as the Samaneans or Gymnosophists of
Porphyry and Clemens Alexandrinus, and their books, which they were bound by such solemn
oaths to keep secret, must have been the Vedas of India ; or some Indian books containing the
mythoses of Moses and Jesus Christ : and this opinion, the striking similarity between the

' See Vol. I. 'pp. 81-84.

s May not this harsh opinion have originated in a too vivid recollection of the doctrines deduced from the writings of
St. Paul, by both ancient and modern polemics? Editor.
44 The Carmelites Pythagoreans
histories of Buddha, Cristna, and Jesus, seems strongly to support . The Gymnosophists, it may
be remembered, we have found in great power in the isle of Meroe, in Upper Egypt, giving laws
to the kings .' This is the most reasc,nable scheme which I have been able to devise to account
for the identity of the history of Jesus and Cristna : and this seems to be confirmed by Mr . Taylor.
Benj . Constant says, s u En gendral, on n' a pas, a ce qu' it nous parait, assez considers la
ressemblance du clergd Chretien avec les institutions hierarchiques des peuplea du Nord . Cette
ressemblance est si frappante, meme dans les details, que les ordres religieux en ont tire la
consequence qu'ils descendaient des Druides . Un historien de la communautd des Carmes
appelle lee Druides sanctos druides, Elise filios, fratres nostros et praedecessores (Hist . Carmel,
Ordin . I . 1, 4) . Si vivendi genus et observantias regulares serib discusseris, dit un autre ecrivain,
reperies veros fuisse (Druidas) Carmelitas ."
In the course of my studies I have turned my attention, in a very particular manner, to the
Essenes, and it was my intention to have had a much longer chapter than I have given relating to
them in this work, but the learned and ingenious Deist, the Rev . Robert Taylor, has superseded
me. It is of no use merely to rewrite the substance of what he has written respecting them in his
Diegesis, and written better than I could do it . The Romish Church, I believe, maintains that the
Essenes and the Carmelites were the same order of men . Of the truth of this I have no doubt .
Pythagoras is allowed to have been an Essenean, and he dwelt or was initiated into the order on
Carmel. Pope Gregory the Great invited the Carmelites from Syria and Egypt to Rome, and
founded two most splendid and beautiful monasteries of the barefoot and the calceated orders ; and
at that time be abolished their old rule, and gave them a new one . With the assistance of a most
respectable friend, an Augustinian monk of the name of Rice, at both the times when I visited
Rome, I applied to the librarians at the monasteries, and endeavoured to obtain a sight of their
old rule, by which they lived before the time of Gregory, which they acknowledged that they
possessed, but of which, after having first promised it, they would not permit me to have the
inspection. Within the cupola of St . Peter's is a colossal statue of the prophet Elias, under
which is the inscription, Universus Carmelitarum Ordo Fundatori suo S . Elise Prophetee erexit
A . MDCCXXVII . I believe if he were not the founder he regulated the order . But its first
regulation, I think, may be found in the sixth chapter of Numbers . s A slight attention will satisfy
any reader that Moses was then regulating an order brought from Egypt, not' instituting a new
one . They were called Nazarites. Jesus Christ was called a Nazarite, not a Nazarene . It is
odd enough that our learned Grecians should not see, that Na4, (upauog does not mean Nazarene,
but Nazarite : had it meant . Nazarene it would have been Ncs ap) vog . He was a Nazarite of the
city of Nazareth or of the city of the Nazarites . 4 At that place was the monastery of Nazarites
or Carmelites, where Pythagoras and Elias both dwelt, under Carmel the vineyard or Garden
of God .
2. But the Romish Christ was something more than this . He was a renewed incarnation of
Divine Wisdom . He was the son of Maia or Maria . He was the Rose of Sharon and the Lily
of the Valley, which bloweth in the month of his mother Maia . Thus, when the angel Gabriel
gives the salutation to the Virgin, (see hundreds of very old pictures in Italy,) he always presents
her with the Lotus or Lily . Mr. Parkhurst says of the lily, 5 « Its six-leaved flower contains
• within it seven apices or chives, i. e . six single-headed ones and one triple-headed one, in the
• midst-emblems of the five primary planets and of the moon, and the triple-headed chive or

Vol. 1. p. 356. ' These Th6olog soutenue a Beziers, en 1682 ; Const. Vol . II . p. 112 .
3 Verses 13-21. 4 See Vol. I. pp . 540, 656, 657. ' In voce mm aa, V .
Book II . Chapter I . Section 2 45
" style in the midst, of the sun in the centre of this system ." Here, I think, in this Lily we have
a very pretty emblem of the trinitarian sun, the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer, in the centre
of his system . And where did this Lily grow? It was in Carmel, the Garden or Vineyard of God,
that this Nazir was found at Nazareth . But Nazir or Natzir means a flower, and that flower the
Lotus or Lily ; and it grew in the Valley of the Garden of God . My reader may think this very
mystical, but let him turn to the Bible and read the account of the Lilies and Pomegranates in the
temple of Solomon, on the high-priest's dress, and in the Canticles and works of Solomon, where
may be found the loves of Christ and his church, as our Bibles, in the heads of their chapters, call
them. 1 request him also to refer to what I have said in Vol . 1. pp. 339, 340, respecting the
Lotus or Lily.
The Carmelites are in a very peculiar manner attached to the worship of the Virgin Maria,

more particularly than any of the other monastic orders . In Egypt they dwelt, as Eusebius says,
on the borders of the lake of Maria, and in Upper Egypt the Gymnosophists, that is, the Indian
philosophers, were found in the island of Meroe . This, in the old language without points, would
be the same as Maria. It was near this place that Dr . Wilson found the temple with the history
of the flight of Joseph and Mary in it, depictel with the greatest truth and precision, noticed before
in Vol. I . P. 272. Now this being considered, I think it raises a presumption that there was some
foundation for the story of Jesus, or some other person for whom he has been substituted, fleeing
from a tyrant who wished to kill him, and who may have been dedicated, as Samuel was by his
parents, and who may, therefore, have become an object of jealousy to the tyrant, and of atten-
tion to Eastern -astrologers, who might know that the period was ending, as'Virgil knew it at
Rome, and that a new protecting Genius would come to preside over the new age ; and in con-
sequence these astrologers, kings, might come to offer him their gifts-kings of the Mithraic order
of the Magi, (vide Tertullian,) like our kings at arms of the order of heralds, not kings of nations .
In the book of the office of the Carmelites, which I bought at Clarendon Street monastery and
chapel in Dublin, Mary is called Maris Stella, Mother of our Maker, and the glorious Virgin of
Mount Carmel. She has forty-three names, the exact number which I counted under her statue
at Loretto . The Gospel of the Egyptians in the office is expressly acknowledged in the following
words, the heading of a prayer : The falling down of the Egyptian idols at the approach of the Son
of God. And the Sibyls are quoted . Dr. Walsh, in his lately published Travels, says, that the
Greeks call her Dei-para and Panayia. This last word is worthy of observation ; it is not
unlike the Pandaea, the daughter of Cristna .
Thus far I had written when the fact of the island of Meroe having its name from mount Meru,
and also from the name of the Virgin, occurred to me as something singular, and I was for the first
time induced to apply to my Hebrew Bible for the mode of spelling Mount Moriah ; and there,
behold ! I find it is Maria-,-1,-lo Mrie. When formerly I discussed the meaning of the Meru of
India, (Vol . 1 . pp. 355, 356,) I observed, that its meaning was not known ; but now I think we
have found it, in the name which we found in Siam-Maria-and it is the Mount of Maria, or of
Maia-called also, in Western Syria as in Pegu, Zian, and, as Josephus says, converted , into
Jerusalem, which, lie also says, was built by Melchizedek, and that it was before called Salem .
All this probably happened after Abraham sanctified it by the Yajna sacrifice of the Lamb.
Mr . Taylor goes so far as to suppose that our Gospel histories are the very Scriptures of the
Therapeutic or Essenes much corrupted : but I think in this he must be mistaken, and that they
are what the learned Christians of the Manichsean sect said of them, and what they have every

' Lib. vi . Cap . x.

46 The Carmelites Py-thagoreans
appearance of being, viz ., a collection of traditions or histories, made by such men as Papias,
Hegisippus, &c ., in their travels, taken from the Essenean school, which they found among the
devotees at the Essenean settlements above named, and to which St . Paul addressed his letters .
They were probably part of their Scriptures . Strangers would probably not succeed in obtaining
the whole, but only detached parts, which had become known out of the monasteria-out of the
crypts . And it seems almost certain from their titles-Gospel according to Matthew, &c ., and
other circumstances, that they were never originally intended to be the actual writings of the
Apostles, but only on account of what it was believed that they bad taught respecting Jesus .
Thus they are rescued from the charge, otherwise plausibly brought against them, of being forge-
ries . They are, in fact, what their titles call them, accounts of the doctrines which Matthew or
Luke was supposed to have taught respecting Jesus ; but anonymously of course . But of this I
shall have much to say hereafter . This scheme seems to me to dovetail into all the other his-
torical accounts. We know Pythagoras was one of the Essenes or Therapeutae, that he got his
learning and morality, identically that of Jesus, either in Egypt or on Mount Carmel, where he
long resided,' or in Babylon, or still more to the East. Indeed, it seems to supply the only con-
necting link wanting, between the East and the West .
Certainly the fact noticed by Mr. R . Taylor, that Philo described the Essenes before Christ was
born, and that Eusebius has shewn that those very Essenes, so described, were Christians,
at once proves that the Christians of his sect were not the followers of the man who lived and
preached in the time .of Tiberius . I do not see how the evidence of Eusebius is to be disputed
besides, his evidence is confirmed by the work of Philo, which we have and can refer to, in its
general character and account of the Essenes, and which completely bears out Eusebius . 2 Be-
tween the •accounts of Philo and Josephus, 3 1 think there will not be found a greater variation,
than under the circumstances may be expected . The order may have considerably changed
between-the time of Philo and Eusebius, and as it was his object to shew that they were Christians,
we may safely give a man, who had no regard for truth on other occasions, credit for a little
freedom of expression, to say the least, on this .
The early Protestants, having taken a dislike to monastic institutions, have exerted all their
ingenuity to persuade their followers, that the monastic order did not arise until aboutt the year
300, when they pretend it was instituted by one Antonius . Their object in fixing on so late a
date is, by this means, to strengthen their argument that, from the lateness of its origin, it cannot
be an uncorrupted Christian institution, but that it was one of the numerous corruptions of the
scarlet whore of Babylon, as they courteously call the Romish Church . 4 The falsity of this is at
once proved by the fact, that Origen, who was born about the year 180, emasculated himself,
which shews in what estimation celibacy was held in his time . In order to be a monk, it was
not necessary, in his day, to attach himself to any order . of monks, because there was then only
one order. But the account given of him by the learned Gale is quite enough to shew what he
was .

1 Taylor's Translation of Jamblicus, Chap iii.

' These Essenean Christians were probably Xpnpaso,.
3 In the works of Philo not a word is said about Jesus Christ, nor about his works. (Bryant on the Logos, p . 17.)
But he treats at large on the Logos . Philo appears often to have visited Jerusalem . It has been proved, against
Mangey and others, that he lived at the time of Christ When Philo speaks of being old ; though he refers to himself
at the time of writing, he is describing the embassy to Caligula many years before .
4 For they never hesitate to employ the weapons' of abuse and sarcastic ridicule against their opponents, which Ti any
person retorts upon them he is instantly sent to Newgate or some other prison for three or four years .
Book II . Chapter I . Section 2 47
" He gave the first lines to all mystic theology, by turning all scriptures, even the most plain,
~~ into allegories, according to the Platonic mode .-He was the first founder of monastic life,
"abstinences,, and austerities. He emasculated himself, that is, extinguished virility, thereby to
" preserve chastity. He understood those precepts of our Lord, against having two coats, shoes,
`~ and making provision for the morrow, in a literal sense, as belonging to all Christians : and
• thence affected voluntary poverty, as the monks of Egypt, his successors . He abstained from
• necessary food, as the Pythagoreans and Popish monks : whereby he endangered his health.
" He affected superstitious sanctity and severities, abstaining from necessary sleep, lying on the
"' ground, &c ., as monks." In addition to the above list of errors, Mr . Gale, as descriptive of
another error, adds the following sentence, a lamentable proof of the pernicious effects of what is
called religion, even upon the greatest learning and talent : " He held human merits, and justifica-
" tion by works, placing man's satisfactions, tears, contrition, and other good works, as the causes
" of remission of sins." 1 It is quite shocking to think into what pernicious absurdities the
corrupt or doubtful passages in those books have drawn even both good and learned men, as the
examples of both Origen and Gale prove .
Bochart against Veron,s says, "That the law, oor- canon of celibacy is the doctrine of devils,
`~ I Tim . iv . 1, 3, which was well nigh established throughout . Paganism, when Christ came into
`~ the world . There were some priests who castrated or gelded themselves, as those of Cybele, or
`~ of Phrygia, who were called Galli and Archigalli : and the Megabyzes or Megalobyzes, priests of
" Diana at Ephesus, and the Therophantes at Athens . In brief, the celibacy of priests was in such
• esteem among the Pagans, that ,Eneas, in Virgil, (lEn . Lib . vi.,) passing through the Elysian
"fields, which they made to be paradise, saw no other priests there, but such as had passed their life
u in celibacy. There has been also a number of philosophers who have contributed to this error .
• This was one of the superstitions which Pythagoras brought out of Egypt, whence returning
o` unto Greece, he forbade marriage to those of his sect, and constituted a cloister of nuns, over

" which he placed his daughter . Plato held the same opinion, as also Heraclitus, and Demo-
" critus, and Zeno, the prince of the Stoics, who never approached to a woman . By which,"
says Gale, " It is apparent that Antichrist's prohibition of marriage and monastic constitutions
`~ or canons are but a7roxprnls, an imitation of the Pagan celibacy and monastic rules : that the
" Popish nuns are but imitations or apes of the Pythagorean nuns ." 3
The Pythagoreans were divided in their colleges into novices and perfect. They affected a
superstitious silence ; they enjoyed all things in common ; they called their college Kowwog :oy,
a community, as the monks and nuns call theirs Coenobium . They had their fasts the same as
the Egyptian priests, and the Carthusians and Praemonstrants . They had the same white gar-
ments. They had the same severities or discipline, mortifications, and purifications . They
were divided into contemplative and active, the same as the Egyptian priests and the monks .'
The great and striking similarity between the doctrines of the Essenes, of Jesus, and of Pytha-
goras, amounts almost to proof of the identity of the systems .
Pythagoras maintained the existence of one Supreme God, the immortality of the- soul, and a
state of future rewards and punishments . These sentiments were common to him and almost all
the ancient philosophers. He probably believed in the existence of a great number of created

' Gale's Court of Gent. Vol. III . Book ii . Chap. i. pp . 134, 135 .
' Part iii . Chap . xxv. S. 4, Art . 1 .
' Gale's Court of Gent . Vol. III . Book ii. Chap . ii. Sect . 9, p . 212 . * See ibid. Sect. 1, pp .150,151 .
48 The Carmelites Pythagoreans
beings, superior to man in their natures and attributes, but in every way inferior to God their
Creator. Under different names they answer exactly to the angels of the Brahmins, the Magi,
the Jews, the Essenes, and the Christians . The morality which he taught was in a very high
degree refined and good . In it is to be found, I believe, every doctrine for which the Christian
religion has been so much celebrated by its admirers . The truth of this assertion may be seen in
almost every page of Jamblicus's Life of Pythagoras . The examples are far too numerous to
recite here.
Pythagoras taught, and his followers maintained, the absolute equality of property, all their
worldly possessions being brought into a common store . They separated themselves from the
rest of mankind, and lived in buildings called monasteria or monasteries, and were themselves called
Kozvobiot or Coenobites . By this name of Coenobites they are said to have been known at Crotona
in Italy,'which might induce a suspicion that monasteries were founded in Italy much earlier than
has been generally supposed . I Before proselytes were admitted into the society they were
obliged to keep a long silence, and to serve a tedious noviciate ; and they took the three celebrated
vows, tria vota substantialia, taken by all monks, of chastity, poverty, and obedience . His
followers ate no flesh meat, nor drank wine, and though he sacrificed to Apollo or the Sun at
Delos, it was at the altar where no blood was shed, and with thanksgivings only. He held the
doctrine of the Metempsychosis, the same, or nearly the same, as it was held by the Brahmins,
the Persians, many of the Greeks, the Manichees, and many of the early orthodox Christian
fathers .
His followers were divided into two classes, one called Pythagoreans, the other Pythagorists .
The former only had their possessions in common, and are what answer to those amongst the
Christians called elect or perfect-who were, in short, the monks and nuns . They rose before
daylight, and though strictly worshipers of one God, they always paid a certain adoration to
the sun at his rising. Pythagoras, as well as his disciple Plato, considered the soul to be confined
in the body as a certain kind of punishment, and that old age was not to be considered with
reference to an egress from the present life, but to the beginning of a blessed life in future . 2
Of all the Greeks, I apprehend Pythagoras was the most learned . It cannot be supposed that
he would spend so many years in Egypt, Phoenicia, and Babylon, in study, without knowing the
languages of these nations . He is said to have been the person who discovered the demon-
stration of the forty-seventh proposition of the first book of Euclid, which, if true, was of itself
sufficient to immortalize him . But I am rather inclined to think that he discovered it not by
meditation, but by travel amongst the nations of the East, who understood and who taught him
the true theory of the motions of the earth and planetary bodies, and who, I believe, understood
the qualities of the loadstone, I the art of making gun-powder, telescopes, &c ., &c ., and who
were far more learned than the Greeks were at any time . I believe the :Greeks were as inferior
to the oriental nations in real learning, as they were superior to them in poetry and the fine arts .
I beg the reader to look back to what has been said (Vol . 1 . pp . 150, &c .) respecting the cir-
cumstances related of Pythagoras in the early part of his life, to the same also in the life of
Cristna, &c, (ibid. pp. 129, et seq.,) and, coolly divesting his mind, as far as possible, from pre-
judice, and from all angry feeling, caused by his early opinions being rudely assailed, consider
whether it be possible that such similarity in two histories could take place by accident . I beg

' Jamblicus's Life of Pythag. by Taylor, Chap . v. p. 18 . ' ride ibid. pauim .
s See Parkhurst's Lexicon, Cooke on Stonehenge, Stukeley's Stonehenge, and Palseographia, and Drummond in
the Classical Journal .
Book II . Chapter I . Section 2 49
him to ask, whether it be possible that the effect could be produced by any cause except that of
one copying after the other-that of the- later copying after the earlier . Thomas Burnet says,'
" Refert Alexander de Symbolise Pythagoricis, TaAai ii' xai Bpxp.avwv axIxoevai roy I1v9ayo-
" pa ,. s Hoe igitur Galatarum Philosophos, Druidas, audivit, non docuit, Pythagoras." That
Pythagoras was a Carmelite see Mosheim . 3
Mr. Maurice seems to consider it of great consequence that the immaculate conception of Jesus
by his mother, a' virgin, 'is very different from the birth of Cristna, who had seven or eight elder
brothers. But he overlooks the fact that Jesus is said to have had almost as many .' Now this
seems to me of very little consequence . I do not suppose that one story was exactly copied from
the other-that at any time a copyist or transcriber went to the Hindoo books and systematically
extracted what he thought necessary to form a new religion . No, indeed ! I consider the account
of the Manicheeans to be the truth-that these books were formed from scraps of traditions
collected by the early fathers, some here, some there, as they happened to find them in their
journeys, which it is well known that they took into the Eastern countries, in search of the true
Gospel . Thus some parts would be as we find them-Indian, some Persian, some Egyptian, &c .,
&c ., jumbled together, forming, after undergoing the corrections which I have before described, the
mass which we now possess-after all their corrections in a considerable degree confused and
irreconcileable . Thus we find that from India came the murder of the innocents, &c ., &c . ; from
all quarters of the Heathen world came the Trinity, the execution of the Saviour, the Lord Sol,
the lao, born at the winter solstice, triumphing over the powers of hell and darkness, and rising
to light and immortality at the vernal equinox ; from the Egyptian, and perhaps Eleusinian, mys-
teries, the worship of the Virgin and Child ; and, from the history of the Pythagoras, the imma-
culate conception, and the several particulars which the reader has seen, are common both to him
and Jesus, in the early parts of their lives .
That the Christian Hellenistic Jewish fathers should have searched for the origin of their
religion in the East, will not surprise any one who observes that the Greeks found in the same
quarter all their astronomy and their mythological fables, as may be seen well developed every
where in the Hist . Hind. by Mr . Maurice .
On the subject of the Essenes, who were nothing but Pythagoreans, Thomas Burnet says,
" Huic dissertationi de 3udaeis finem imposuero, venit mihi in mentem Essenorum live Essaeorum,
'~ pervetustee, celebrisque olim sectie, apud Judaeos : qui priscorum Philosophorum speciem pros
" se ferebant, ipsosque Brachmanas institutis et vitae ratione imitari videbantur. 3 Horum
" meminerunt authores varii . Plinius, subridens, ex paenitentibus et pertaesis humane vitae
" caetum illum compositum ait, neque unquam defecisse per aliquot annorum millia, licet ayuvov
" xai acuvee°iasov. ' Gens sola, in quit, Esseni, et in toto orbe, praeter caeteras, mica . Sine
" s ullfl feeminl, omni venere abdicata, sine, pecuni5, soci8 Palmarum . In diem ex aequo conve-
"' narum turba renascitur, frequentantibus, quos vita fessos, ad mores eorum fortune fiuctus
"' agitat. Ita per saeculorum millia (incredibile dictu) gene aeterna est, in quf nemo nascitur .
"'Tam feecunda illis aliorum vitae peenitentia est .' Argute dictum si minus verb . Horum phi-
" losophorum vivam imaginem depinxit Philo Judaeus : vitamque eorum exhibuit . illi simillimam
" quam duxerunt olim in Paradiso innocui parentes : et nos iterum ducturi aamue, Deo volente, in
"nova terra futuri . Onerosum esset totum Philonis de hflc re sermonem adducere : sed, quod

I Arch. Phil . Cap. I p. 8, 4to . I Clem. Alex. Strom . Vol . 1. p . 304.

' Him . Vol. III. Cent. %II. Ch. ii. p. 75. ' Matt . xiii. 55, 56 ; Mark vi. 3 . ' Josepl w, coat . Ap Lib . i
VOL. It .
50 The Carmelites Pythagoreans

" hoc spectat maximt quid de philosophic senserint, ita paucis enarrat . ' Philosophise partem
• ' Logicam, ut parandee virtuti non necessariam, relinquunt verborum captatoribus . Physicam
"' verb, ut humano captu majorem, rerum sublimium curiosis : es parte excepts, quee de exis-
"' tentis Dei, rerumque ortu, philosophatur . In morali autem se strenut exercent,' &c . Pauca
• habent, ut vides, in philosophic naturali, sed gravissima, capita : de Deo nempe, mundique
" ortu . Sed quc ratione mundi originem exposuerint, aut quatenus a Mose discesserint, non
" indicat Philo. Neque plura suppetunt, quod sciam, apud authores, Essenorum dogmata
'~ physica : modb ea adjunxeris, qua, ex illorum mente tradit Josephus, de animarum immorta-
• litate et futuris paradisis . Reliqua in suis libris sacris, quorum ille meminit,' occuluerunt
• et queerenda sunt maxima apud Brachmanas . Apud Brachmanas dico : cam illorum ease pro-
" paginem Essenos, ex Clearcho notarit Josephus. 2 Its enim Clearchum intelligo, non Judos
• in genere, sed scholam Essenicam derivatam esse a Brachmanics. Quod ex cognatis moribus et
" institutis non malt arguitur ." 3
This passage of Burnet's suggests several very important observations . I was not a little
gratified to find that the close relation between the Hindoos and the most respectable of all the
Jewish sects, of which I have not the slightest doubt that Jesus Christ was a member, that of the
Essenes, bad been observed by this very learned man almost a hundred years ago, before the late
blaze of light from the East had shone upon us . What would he have said had he lived till now?
I think from the tria votes substantialia being common both to the Essenes and the Samaneans
of Porphyry, there can be no doubt that the latter were correctly oriental Essenes .-Their history
must have been well known in the time of Pliny : and his observation of their continuance per
millia steculorum decidedly proves their existence, if proof were wanting, long before the time
of Christ ; therefore they could not be merely Christian monks . They could be no other than
Sophees .
I cannot help entertaining a suspicion that the Samaneans of Porphyry and Clemens Alex-
andrinus, the Buddhists or Brachmans, as they were called, the Chaldaeans, confessed by Burnet
to be only a sect, 4 the Essenes, and the Druides, were, in fact, all orders of monks . Perhaps
they were originally one order, but in long periods of time split it into separate communities, as
we have them in Europe-but all having the same vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience-vows
which, in fact, reduce all monks to one order or genus .
" Constat autem apud has gentes (Celtas) viguisse ab omni aevo philosophos, sive hominum
" ordnem, nomine, studiis, et vitae instituto, a vulgo, aliisque distinctum . Dicti aunt ab omnibus
" Druidee vel Druides : Semnothei etiam ; aliisque nominibus, quee nil faciunt ad rein nostram,
" distingui solent ." s
Epiphanus says that there were TWENTY heresies before Christ. It is curious, and there can be
no doubt that there is much truth in the observation, for most of the rites and doctrines of the
Christians of all sects existed before the time of Jesus of Nazareth . 6
It is the policy of the present Christians to reduce the number of heresies as much as possible .
But the fact cannot be disputed, that what were called Christian heresies existed in great
numbers before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, as asserted by Epiphanius and Philaster, and
quoted generally with approbation by Eusebius : although he differs from them in some points,
particularly as to which of the sects preceded Christianity . It seems singular enough, however,
that these good people do not perceive that it proves the actual existence of two Christianities .

Bel. Jud. Lib. ii . p. 12 . s Cont. Ap . Lib . i ' Arch . Phil. Cap . vii . pp. 69, 70, 4to.
' Arch. Phil . Cap . iv. p. 20. ' Ib. Cap. ii . P . 7 s See Lardner's Hist . Her. Book i . Sect . 5.
Book II . Chapter I . Section 3 51
But I think my reader who recollects what has been said of the youth of Larissa in the first
volume,' will not be much surprised at this.
The conduct of the first Christian Emperor Constantine, was very singular. He was both
Christian and Pagan . He affected to be descended from Helen the female generative principle,
he kept the Heathen festivals after he turned Christian, and when he built his new city be placed
it on seven hills, making it as near as possible a second Ilium or new Rome, and dedicated its
church to the holy Sophia . I have little doubt that if we could get to the bottom of the subject,
we should find proof that he affected to be a renewed incarnation, the Paraclete promised by Jesus,
the tenth Avatar, and the renewer of the empire of ancient Rome, in the last cycle. But it must
be recollected that we are here in the very centre of the sera of frauds, of every kind, and that he,
that is, his church, was able to destroy, and did destroy, every thing which it did not approve .
It could corrupt what it pleased, and we scarcely possess a single writing which it ordered to be
destroyed, which is a sufficient proof of its power to effect its wicked designs . Constantine was,
in fact, both Pagan and Christian ; and his church, as I will now prove, was more an union of the
two, than a substitution of one for the other .
3 . I shall now proceed to shew, that the remainder of what, in modern times, are called the
rites of the church of Jesus of Nazareth have nothing to do with him, and are only figments of the
old Gentile religion, and I shall begin at the head, the Pontifex Maximus .
The Roman Pontifex Maximus was called King of the Age . 2 This was the same as Cyrus,
Aswv rwv aiwvwv . As endowed with a portion of the holy spirit he was God . Thus in him
resided a portion of the divinity on earth . It was from these mysticisms that the power of both
the ancient and modern chief priests was derived . How this Pontifex arose I shall shew in ~
future page, along with the origin of feudal tenures, and I conceive it will not be the least inte-
resting part of my work .
Tertullian calls the Pontifex Maximus KING OF THE AGE . This is Ba6;Tsur aiwv rwv aiwvwv
-King of the Cycles . Dionysius of Halicarnassus assures us, that the Pontifices Maximi had a
sovereign authority in the most important affairs, for to them was referred the judgment of all
causes which concerned sacred things, as well those in which individuals were concerned, as those
of the public . They made new laws on their own authority, as new occasions called for them .
They had the care of all sacrifices, and generally of all the ceremonials of religion . They had
also the jurisdiction of all the officers employed in the affairs of religion . They were the inter-
preters of the prophecies, concerning which the people were used to consult them . They bad
power to punish at their discretion those who failed to execute their commands, according to the
exigency of the case ; but were themselves subject to no other person, and were not obliged to
render an account either to the senate or to the people . When the high priest died his place was
filled by the choice of the college, and not by the senate or people . 3 All this is strictly pa-
Alexander ab Alexandro says, 4 That the sovereign Pontiff was elevated in honour above all others .
The people had as much veneration for his dignity as for that of the king's. He had his lictors
and guards, his peculiar chair and litter, the same as the consuls : he alone had the power of
ascending to the capitol in a chariot . He presided and ruled in the sacred college over all the
other pontiffs : the augurs, the priests, and the vestal virgins, all obeyed him he had the power
of chastising them at his pleasure . He governed according to his pleasure all sacred things .

' Pp . 571-573, 582 . 583, 786, 787 . s Basnage, Book iii. Chap . xxiii.

' Dion . Halicar. Ant . Rom . Lib . ii. ; also Livy in his Life of Nwna, Lib . i. 4 Genial . Dierum, Lib. ii.
52 Pontifex Maxiinus
He ordered on what altars, to what Gods, by what hostile, victims, on what days and in what
temples the sacrifices should be made : he fixed the feasts and the fasts, when it was permitted to
the people to work and when it was forbidden . If this be compared with the Papal powers it
will be found in every thing to agree . The Canonists maintain that the Pope is not subject to
any human law ; that he cannot be judged either by the emperor or by the clergy collectively,
neither by the kings nor by the people ; that it is necessary to salvation to believe, that all
creatures are subject to him ; that as the Sun is said to be lord of the planets, so the Pope is the
father of all dignities .'
Innocent the Third called himself Vicarius Jesu Christi, successor Petri Christus domini, Deus
Pharaonis, citra Deum, ultra hominem, minor Deo, major homine . 2 Platina, in his Life of Paul
the Second, says, " I and others being cited before the Pope appealed to the judges, when
• regarding me with furious eyes, he said, ` How dare you speak to me of judges? Ne sais-tu
"' pas que j' ay tout le droit dans le coffret de ma poitrine ? I speak the word and each quits his
• ` place according to my will . I am Pope : it is Permitted to me to chastise or to approve of all
• ' others according to my will ."' This is confirmed by Baronius in his remonstrance to the city
of Venice. 3 " Whence comes it," he says, " that you dare to judge the Judge of all, whom no
" council legitimately assembled has dared to judge ; him from whom the universal counsel$ take
" their authority, and without whose fiat they cannot be general councils or be legally convoked,
" nor the canons which they ordain have any authority ?" In short, Baronius sbews that the
conformity of the modern to the ancient Pontiffs, called kings of the sacred affairs, is as close as
possible, even to the most trifling things, such as not being expected to salute any person or to
uncover his head, but that he was used to wear the same purple robes as kings, and a crown of
gold on his head .
As I have shewn, the Pontiffs had the power of regulating all festivals, and, in short, the whole
calendar. Thus Julius Caesar, in quality of Pontifex Maximus, reformed the calendar, and in the
same manner it was reformed again by the Pontifex Maximus-Pope Gregory the Thirteenth .
Cicero, concerning the Pagan Augurs, says, " No order of true religion passes over the law
• concerning the description of priests .
• For some have been instituted for the business of pacifying the Gods ."
" To preside at sacred ceremonies .
• Others to interpret the predictions of the prophet ..
" Not of the many, lest they . should be infinite .
" But that none beside the College should understand those predictions which had been publicly
• recognized .
• For augury, or the power of foretelling future events, is the greatest and most excellent thing
" in the republic, and naturally allied to authority .
• Nor do thus I think, because I am an augur myself ; but because it is absolutely necessary for
" us to think so .
• For, if the question be of legal right, what is greater than the power to put away from the
• highest governments their right of holding counsels [councils ?] and issuing decrees ; or to abolish
• them when holden P What more awful, than for any thing undertaken, -to be done away, if but
" one augur hath said otherwise?
" What more magnificent than to be able to decree, that the supreme governors should resign

Extrav. de Concess. III . Praeb . C . Sedes Apost. in Glossa Dist. 19, c.

s Nimrod, Vol . III . p. 508. ' Judicum Universorum .
Book II. Chapter I . Section 3 ;,3

" their magistracy? What more religious than to give or not to give the right of treating or
• transacting business with the people? What than to annul a law if it hath not been duly
"passed,-and for nothing that hath been done by the government, either at home or abroad, to
" be approved by any one, without their authority?" i
The present Roman hierarchy is an exact copy of the hierarchy of the Gentiles, as it is also
given by Plutarch, and I have no doubt it originally came to the Etruscans from the Ombri and
the Eastern nations. Gale says, that " The Romans. made Romulus a Flamen ; which was a
" sort of priesthood so excelling in the Roman sacred things, (witness the Apex,) that they had
" only three Flamens instituted to the three Gods : the Diale to Jupiter : the Martiale to Mars
• the Quirinale to Romulus . Ludovicus Vives on this place, explaining what this Flamen
• dedicated to Romulus was, tells us, ' That among the orders of priests, Numa Pompilius made
• 'some,, which he called Flamens : whose chief ensign was a HAT, as the bishops now, wherein
"' there was a thread of white wool : whence they were called Filamines, from fila lame .'-This
" Apex, the Romans gave to none but their chiefest priests, as now the Mitres. So Lucan, Et
• tollens Apicem generoso vertice flamen ." Here, as Gale says, s very truly, is the bishop, the
proto-flamen, and the mitre is the apex ; and to complete the parallel, there is the Pontifex
Maximus in each case-the Pope assuming to himself that epithet of dignity in his public titles .
The hat of the 9amen is the hat of the cardinal in his scarlet robes : but I shall say more on
this hereafter.
The Pontifex Maximus had under him a regular gradation of priestly officers, precisely like
those of the Pontifex Maximus of the moderns-the Pope. He had, in the first place, his college
of high-priests, of whom his council was composed, with whom be deliberated concerning im-
portant affairs . To answer- to this, the Pope has his cardinals . The Pontifex Maximus had also
persons called highnesses, 3 who answered to the Primates, the Archbishops, and the Bishops
he bad also lesser ones, who answered to the Parsons and Curates of the Pope, and were called
Curiones, whence comes our word Curate. He had also a number of Flamens, that is to say,
(Prestres,) priests, who assisted in the offices of the church as at this day .'' The Abbe Marolles
confesses the conformity, including the Vestals, who are the Nuns .
The ancients had an order of priests called Parasiti or Parasites . These answered correctly
to our modern chaplains .
At first the Pontifex Maximus aid not interfere with secular affairs ; this was, I suppose, after
the expulsion of the kings who were priests ; but, by degrees, he encroached on the secular
authority, till, in the time of Caesar, be bad become so formidable that the Dictator found it
necessary to take the office himself, and thus he acquired possession, by the union of the secular
and ecclesiastical authority, of absolute and legal power ; and the emperors, as may be seen from
coins, after Caesar, were both Pontifices Maximi and Emperors .' The popes followed most
closely the footsteps of their predecessors . At first, they did not meddle with secular concerns,
but acknowledged the supremacy of the Emperors, and themselves as vassals ; but after the death
of Constantine the First, pleading a gift from him of the kingdom of Italy, they assumed the

De Legibus, Lib . ii. 12, apud R . Taylor's Dieg . pp . 140,141 .

• Court of Gent . Vol . III . Bk . ii. Ch. ii . pp . 224, 225 . + Blond, Rom . Triumph. Lib. ii . p . 31 . * Mem . de Mar.
• The early kings of Rome were both kings and priests, and when they were abolished a chief priest was retained
with reduced power, but which he was constantly endeavouring by all means to increase . This will be explained in a
future page .
54 Pontifex Maximus
crown, which they yet affect to wear, never yielding up their pretension to it ; for they hold the
same doctrine as the Protestant Church of England-that Nullum Tempus occurrit Ecclesiee .
The alleged gift of Italy by Constantine, is said by Protestants to be false . I am inclined to
believe it true : for nothing could be too bad for such an unprincipled devotee to execute, at the
point of death, that be fancied would save his soul from damnation, which he was conscious he
deserved . On the Papal authority Innocent III . said, " Ecclesia sponsa non nupsit vacua, sed
" dotem mihi tribuit absque precio preciosam, spiritualium plenitudinem et latitudinem tempora-
" lium. In signum spiritualium contulit mihi Mitram . In signum temporalium dedit mihi
" Coronam . Mitram pro sacerdotio, Coronam pro regno, illius me constituens vicarium qui habet
" In vestimento et fmmore suo scriptum, Rex Regum et Dominus Dominantium ." I
The Roman Pontiff had the name of Papa, which is the same as the natives of central Asia gave
to their principal God Jupiter, as may be seen in the fourth book of Herodotus . He was also
called the SOVEREIGN Pontiff, which was the title that the Pagans gave to their chief priest.
The Popes on ascending the throne always assume a sacred name . This is an exact imitation
of antiquity. All kings were anointed, to render them sacred ; and on this occasion I believe they
always assumed a sacred name, which had generally, perhaps always, an astrological allusion .
The high-priests were anointed for the same reason both among the Jews and Heathens . This
is the Etruscan baptism with the Holy Ghost . ' It is expressly declared to be so in the case of
priests. Though Octavius dared not to assume the title of king, he, as high-priest, assumed the
sacred title of Augustus-an Egyptian title given to the Nile-as his predecessor, Julius, had
assumed the title of Caesar, the name of the God Mars . This is an exact imitation of the practice
of the Hindoo kings, and, indeed, of that of all opulent persons in India who take a sacred name
from one of their Gods . This is the custom which has destroyed all ancient history by rendering
it impossible to know where history ends and where religious fable begins .
Sextus V., in his bull of excommunication of Henry of Navarre, in 1585, 2 claims to possess
power as successor of St . Peter from the Eternal, above all the princes of the earth, and to have
power to punish them for their breaches of the laws .
The Emperors, as Roman Pagan pontiffs, claimed the same power and exercised it, as delegates
of the person described by the THZ 608-until the last age should arrive . They established the
claim attempted to be set up by Antiochus, by Sylla, and by Scipio Africanus . At last, Nero
claimed to be the Tenth Avatar . Infinite have been the pains of the priests to conceal these
things, but I flatter myself they have failed .
It is unnecessary to point out to the reader how very near, in the middle ages, the Popes were
in succeeding in their claim to the disposal of all kingdoms . This is a fact . We shall see in a
future page the foundation on which this claim rested . By skilfully interfering between the
Royal brutes and their oppressed subjects, they had very nearly succeeded, with the acclamations
of the people, in establishing their power. Then Europe would have been precisely in the situa-
tion of Tibet at this moment .
The Roman Emperors and the Pontifices drew imposts from all the nations of the world . The
Pope, in like manner, had his Peter's pence, under which name all Europe paid him tribute . It
was the policy of the Roman Emperors to make the Latin tongue the common language of all
nations ; the Popes desired the same thing-which was the secret reason for their wishing the
serviee always to be in Latin, the language of the See .
It was perwitted by the Emperors for any one to kill those who were devoted to the infernal

' De Coronet. Pot . Serm. IU . • M . Mezeray reports this buU in the Life of Henry III . p. 367.
Book II . Chapter I . Section 3 55
Gods ; this was exactly imitated by the Popes who granted leave to any person to kill those who
were excommunicated. The Emperors and Pagan Pontiffs had habits and shoes of purple ; their
senators were clothed in the same colour, which they call trabea. The Pope has the same habit and
the same shoes, as may be seen in the book of sacred ceremonies . I The Cardinals, who compose
his Senate, and whom Pius II . called Senators of the city of Rome, are also clothed with purple . 2
When a Pope is crowned, a triumphal procession takes place from the Vatican to the Church
of the Lateran, during which the new Pope throws money to the people, precisely as the Emperors
of old were accustomed to do in the processions on their coronation. As the Emperors and
Pontiffs were accustomed to send to their allies, as an acknowledgment of their good offices, a
baton of ivory, a painted robe, or similar trifling presents ; so the Popes send to kings and princes
sometimes a rose, sometimes gloves, and sometimes a sacred sword, or an Agnus Dei .
The Emperors had the title of God, Deus or Divus . Virgil, in his first Eclogue, so calls
Octavius, and Suetonins, in his Life of Domitian, says, s he wished when his commands were sent
to his lieutenants, that the words, The Lord our God commands it should be used. The same,
nearly, was attributed to the Pope . 4 11 As there is only one God," says he, " in the heavens,
`1 so there ought to be one God only on earth ." 5 Du Perron, in his letter of thanks to Pope
Clement VIII . for his promotion to the rank of Cardinal says, " I have always revered your
" beatitude as God on earth ."
Aurelius Victor tells us, speaking of Diocletian, that the Roman Emperors and Pontiffs were
adored by the people .
The last excess of baseness required by the Emperors Caligula and Heliogabalus was, the
kissing of the foot. This every one knows is done continually to the Pope. Their modern
followers say, that they do not kiss the foot but the cross, which is embroidered on the shoe . A
mere idle subterfuge . Why is not the cross placed in some more honourable situation ? The
same reason would excuse them for kissing a place of still less reverence, which might be named ;
but it would hardly be thought respectful to place the cross there .
But the kissing of the toe was of much older date than the times of Caligula and Heliogabalus ;
Julius Caesar, in quality of Pontifex Maximus, held out his foot to Pompeius Paanus to kiss, in a
a slipper embroidered with gold, socculo aurato. 6 This was the practice of the Arch Druid in
Gaul .'
As many of the Emperors were models of every virtue, so it cannot be denied that many
of the Popes were most excellent men : but that the parallel might be complete, as many of the
Emperors were the most detestable of characters, so it cannot be denied that they were fully
equalled by some of the Popes in profligacy of every kind .
The title of Pontifex Maximus is strictly Heathen . When the Pope is elected, he is borne in
great state to the high altar in St . Peter's, on which he is placed, and where he receives the
adoration of all the Cardinals . s This is a close copy of the same practice of the Heathen to
their high-priest . ° And it appears that Martin IV . was addressed, " 0 lamb of God, who takest
away the sins of the world, grant us thy peace ." 10 The very words used in their service by the
Carnutes of Gaul, as we shall soon see .
In the ceremonies of initiation into the mysteries of Samothrace and Eleusis, the novice was

Sect . l.
Lib i . Cap . vi . . s Vide Lips. Lib . iv . Cap . ii. de Admir. seu de Magni . Rom,
' Cap. xiii. * See Froissard, Tome IV . Chap. x. ' Deor. I . part. Dist. Cap . xcvi . satin evidenter .
6 Clef . Spec . Etym. Vocab . p . 104 . 1 Ibid . • Vide Eustace's Travels.
9 Priestley's Hist. Corrup . Christ . Vol. II . pp . 295, 329 ed . 1782 . 10 Ib . 330, 331 .
56 Pontifex Maximus

placed on a throne, and the initiated formed a circle and danced round him to a sacred hymn
which they sung.' In one of the spurious Gospels, as they are called, Jesus and his apostles,
are said to have performed a similar ceremony after his last supper . When the Cardinals advance
in a circle to the adoration of the Pope, placed on the chair of St . Peter, and when again every
Sunday they draw up in a circle round him, and go down on their knees to him, they do but repeat
this ceremony. And, I think, that although the novice, after the performance of this ceremony,
was not in reality the Pope, or head of the fraternity, yet for the sake of admitting him to the
highest of the mysteries, he was supposed to have filled the office ; he was admitted to have filled it
for a few minutes-performing some act of authority whilst so elevated . I have reasons for this
which I shall not give . In the ancient mysteries this was called Opovmris or 9povjtr tog . In
imitation of this our bishops are enthroned-the rite is called the enthroning . One of the hymns
of Orpheus is called Ogovi rµot .
We are in the habit of abusing Octavius and his people for calling him Divus, Augustus, &c .
He was not called father of his country until late in life . I believe this title of father of his
country, or of Aimv rwv aswvmv, was given to him because he was really thought to be the father
of the future age, the Genius of the Ninth Saeculum-the Cyrus of his day . And if we consider
the happy state of the world during his long reign, no man ever lived to whom the title could be
more plausibly given .
I suppose no person can have paid much attention to the European history of the middle ages
without having observed many circumstances relating to its Popes which have not been satisfac-
torily accounted for . Among them stands pre-eminent the Papal claim of supremacy over the
temporal and Germanic imperial authority . The Emperors claimed to be successors of the Roman
Emperors, calling themselves kings of the Romans and Caesars ; and if the house of Hapsburg
should ever breed a Napoleon, (a thing not much to be feared,) I have no doubt that the claim
would be instantly renewed to all the dominion ruled by Augustus . To their claims as Imperator
or Embratur, 2 the Roman Pontiff acceded, but to nothing more-only as Imperator or Dictator .
To the authority of the Pontifex Maximus of the ancient Romans, the Pope had succeeded ; and
that power, in the time of Augustus, had obtained, in fact, the sovereign sway . The triple mitre
or crown of the Pontiff had, to all intents and purposes, risen above the single crown of the king .
Jesus of Bethlehem, who was foretold by all the Prophets, had come, as Buddha and as Cristna
had come, and had, through the medium of St . Peter, transmitted his authority to the head of the
Catholic or universal church, which was received with dutiful submission by the Great Constantine,
its eldest son . In the person of Octavius Czesar the offices of Pontifex Maximus and Emperor or
Dictator were united, therefore he legally possessed all power . In the person of Constantine, 3 by
his surrender of part to the Pope, they became divided, and he surrendered that power, which he
only held as delegate, into the hand of its rightful owner, the successor of St . Peter, the head
fisherman (as the Pope called himself) of Galilee . But he claimed to be Pontifex Maximus, not
Pontifex Magnus, which brought the whole world under his sway. The grounds and nature of this
claim, and the general character of the mighty empire which flourished beneath it in a former time,
will be described at large in a future book . The claim of the Popes to supernatural knowledge, -is
not in reality so monstrously absurd, as at first it seems to be, if every thing were supposed (as I
have no doubt it was) to occur in each cycle, as it had done before . As the Supreme Pontiff knew the

I Creuzer, Liv. v. Ch. ii . p . 320. 2 Niebuhr, ed . W=alter, Vol . I . p .' 64.

3 Whose grand equestrian statue stands, as it ought to do, in the portico of St . Peter's, guarding the e ntrance . to the
temple, but not in the temple-the first servant of the living God within .
Book II. Chapter I . Section 3 57

history of the cycle, he could tell what would happen in any part of it . This was the theory, and
he might easily account for his own ignorance or his knowledge not being equal to that of his pre-
decessors, as saints account for want of power to perform miracles, his own want of faith or his
own or the general decay of piety . Excuses of this kind are never wanting to devotees . The
Pontifex Maximus carried the crosier, as may be seen on the medals of the high-priest Julius
Caesar, and by law his person was sacred, and his life could be forfeited by no crime . The assas-
sin's dagger was the only resource. I It is perfectly clear that the mitre in ancient Rome had
obtained the supreme power. Fortunately the power of the sword saved the Western world from
the fate of Tibet . It was before observed (Vol . I . pp . 691, 692), that when the French_p2jsessed
Ital t examined the chair of St . Peter, and found upon-it _ signs of the Zodiac . There is also
a published account, written by a Roman of eminence before the time of the French invasion,
which states, that the same thing was observed, and much discussed, on the chair being formerly
taken down to be cleaned . The Zodiac had been forgotten, or the chair would not have been again
taken down . This is the chair of St . Peter with its Zodiacal chain, on which the Pope is sup-
posed to sit to rule the empire of his first crown, of the planets, which I named in my last book .
It must not be forgotten that his triple crown is emblematical of his three kingdoms, The illus-
trious Spaniard did not err far when he said, that the life of Jesus was written in the stars .
Irenaeus was Bishop of Lyons . He was one of the first fathers of the church who suffered mar-
tyrdom, and generally accounted one of its most eminent and illustrious early writers .
He was an
Asiatic, but was sent as bishop to Gaul . He founded or built a church in that country . This
church is yet remaining at Lyons, though in the course of almost 2000 years no doubt it has
undergone many alterations . On the floor, in front of the altar, may be seen a Mosaic pavement
of the Zodiac, though a considerable part of it is worn away . This, like the chair of St . Peter, I
have partly discussed before-Vol . I . pp. 19, 20, and 690 . Persons who do not look deeply into
these matters are easily blinded by being told, that it is the remains of an old temple . But Ire-
naeus had no power to get possession of Roman pagan temples . The pretence is totally void of
foundation . The style of building, its records, &c ., all shew that what its priests say is true, viz .
that it was built by Irenaeus . On many other churches, which never were Roman temples, both in
Britain and elsewhere, similar marks of the esoteric religion, which I have partly unfolded, may be
seen . Nothing of this kind is more striking than the Pagan Sibyls seen in many places, particu-
larly surrounding the Casa Santa at Loretto, the most sacred of all the shrines of the black God-
where, in the affected poverty of a cottage, and amidst gold and diamonds without measure or
number, I saw him sitting enthroned . 2
I entertain a strong suspicion that if we could fairly get at the secret of the Vatican, we should
find it held, that, in ancient times, there were several high-priests or vicars of God upon the earth,
but that they were all united in the person of Jesus of Bethlehem, who passed down his power by
St. Peter to the Popes, who inherited his undivided power over the whole world . From their
adoption of the rites of the Roman Pontiff, and of Jesus, of Cyrus and Cristna, and of the Trojan
priests, who, in fact, were the predecessors of those of Rome, I think they were disposed to admit
several branches, all centering in Jesus, or perhaps in the last and tenth, the Popes. This is cor-
rectly the doctrine of the Lama of Tibet . Though the human body of the Lama dies, he is be-

R. Taylor's Dieg . pp . 141, 142, note.

4 The riches of this temple were carried away and dissipated by the priests to prevent the French from getting pos-
session of them, when they overran Italy in the great revolution war . But since the restoration, in this age of light, in
proportion to the time . they have increased faster than ever they did in the age of darkness .
VOL. if .
58 Seven Sacraments . Eucharist
lieved to remove to some new body, not to die . It is with a view to this part of the mythos that
the pedigrees are so carefully given in the Old and New Testaments, which are called testaments,
because they are witnesses to the legality of this claim . But all this will be explained in a future
book .
4. Having shewn the identity of the ancient and modern Romad Pontifex, I shall proceed to the
celebrated Seven Sacraments of the Romish church, and first to that of the Eucharist .
The first information we have respecting the sacrifice or offering of bread and wine is in Genesis
xiv. 18, 19, " .4nd Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought forth bread and wine : and he was the priest
of the most high God . And he blessed hint, and said, Blessed be Abram of [by] the most high God,
possessor of heaven and earth ." There seems no doubt that this king and priest was of the religion of
the Persians, of Brahma, of Mithra, and of A bram, as professed at that time . The Mithraitic sacrifice
and the payment of tithes are strong circumstances in favour of this opinion . It is not improba-
ble, if Abram left his country to avoid the abuses and idolatry then beginning to prevail, that he
should have come to dwell where his religion was not yet corrupted . We know that the religion
of the Magi did become corrupted ; and it was reformed before the time of Cyrus and Daniel by a
man called Zoroaster, or Abraham Zoradust . The Rev . Dr. Milner, Bishop and Apostolic Vicar,
says, " It was then in offering up a sacrifice of bread and wine, instead of slaughtered animals, that
~~ Melchizedek's sacrifice differed from the generality of those in the old law, and that he prefigured
~~ the sacrifice which Christ was to institute in the new law from the same elements . No other
" sense than this can be elicited from the Scripture as to this matter ; and accordingly the holy
~~ fathers t unanimously adhere to this meaning ." 2
St . Jerom says, " Melchizedek in typo Christi panem et vinum obtulit : et mysterium Christia-
num in Salvatoris sanguine et corpore dedicavit ." 3
It is no little confirmation of this opinion, that we find Jesus Christ in the New Testament re-
presented as a priest after the order of Melchizedek.' To account for this, divines have been much
puzzled . If it be admitted, (and I think it will be difficult to be denied,) that the religions of
Melchizedek ., of Abram, Mithra, and Jesus, were all the same, there will be no difficulty in explain-
ing the passages in the Epistle to the Hebrews respecting Melchizedek . Jesus was correctly a
preacher or priest of this order or religion . The early Christians found the ancient legends, tradi-
tions, and circumstances ; but probably their connexion was as little known to them as to their
successors, the Cyprians, Augustins, &c . However, I cannot well be told that this connexion
between the bread and wine of Melchizedek and the Christian eucharist is merely the produce of a
fertile imagination, as I am supported, according to Dr . Milner, by the ancient fathers of the
church unanimously .
The temple of Jupiter, without statue, on Mount Carmel, where Pythagoras 5 studied philoso-
phy, was the temple of Melchizedek, as Eupolemus witnesses . 6
For a long time violent and even bloody feuds took place among the Christians respecting the
celebration of what we call Easter,-the festival, in fact, of the goddess Eostre or the Saxon or
Sidonian Asteroth or Astarte . ! In fact, two separate and distinct things as they were then
become, even if they were identical in their origin, were confounded together . These were the

St . Cypr . Ep . lxiii . ; St . August . in Ps . xxxiii. ; St Chrys . Horn . xxxv . ; St Jerom, Ep.cxxvi ., &c .
2 1llilner, End Rel . Cont . Let . 40, p . 56 . ' Bryant on Philo, p . 275-
4 Heb . vii . 1, 10, 11, 15 . 5 Who was a follower of that religion of which Jesus of Nazareth was .
6 See Vol . I . p . 39, note, pp. 82, 94, 329, 389, 790, 823 . ' Bower, Hist . Popes, pp . 27-37.
Book II . Chapter 1 . Section 4 59
Jewish Passover and the sacrifice of bread and wine of Melchizedek ; and, in the early ages of
Christianity, they were still observed by the Persians or the followers of Mithra . The ignorant
devotees found a tradition of Jesus keeping the Passover on the fourteenth day of the moon, of the
first month ; they also found traditions of Jesus being declared to be a priest of the order of Mel-
chizedek . They also found among them, or at least among such of them as derived their descent
from the Gentiles of Mithra, the sacrifice of Bread and Wine or Water . The mystical and figura-
tive expressions attributed to Jesus they construed literally, and thus came the real presence . But
their hatred of the Jews would not permit them to acknowledge it to be the Jewish Passover, and
therefore they changed it from the day on which it ought to have been celebrated-the fourteenth
-to the day on which, by no possibility, it-could have taken place, viz . the Sunday afterward-
the supposed day of the resurrection of Jesus . After many centuries, when the Protestants arose,
they seem to have been most exceedingly puzzled to know what to do with this rite ; but at last
they settled it as we have it now, excluding the sacrifice, and construing the words attributed to
Jesus litera-figuratively, but keeping it still on the Sunday, the hatred towards the Jews having
at that time suffered no abatement . I have used the compound word litera-figuratively to endea-
vour to express the nonsense of the Protestants, who say, that the words flesh and blood are figu-
rative, but still that, as flesh and blood, they are verily and indeed taken . The straightforward
doctrine of the Romish church may be false and shocking, but it is not, like that of the Protestants,
mere contradictory nonsense . 1 beg that I may not be accused of speaking irreverently of the
rite itself, for it is, in my opinion, in its primitive simplicity as used by Jesus Christ, without
exception the most beautiful religious ceremony ever established in the world .
The whole of the ancient Gentile and Druidical ceremonies of Easter or the Saxon Goddess
ninwy Ostrt, or Eostre of the Germans, is yet continued over all the Christian world . I This
festival began with a week's indulgence in all kinds of sports, called the carne-vale, or the taking
a farewell to animal food, because it was followed by a fast of forty days . An account of this, of
Shrovetide, of Ash Wednesday, &c ., &c ., may be found in Cleland's Specimens ; 2 but his expla-
nation is not very satisfactory, and he is in several instances mistaken . But I suspect in those
countries where the God was'feigned to be cut in pieces, as Bacchus on Mont Martre, and Osiris
in Egypt, and the limbs scattered about, the forty days were the days passed by Isis or the
Mwnades in mourning for them and in searching after them . 3 Amidst the great mass of other
matters in which the identity of the rites and ceremonies of the Gentiles and of the Christians are
shewn, the explanation of the origin of this rite is not very material, and I have not taken much
pains about it . But its existence over all the North of Europe long before the time of Christ
cannot be disputed .
The celebration of the Eucharist by the followers of Mani, and by some other of the early sects,
affords a striking trait of identity between the religion or gospel of the Persians or the Magi, and
that of Jesus . Certainly, the nonsense which devotees will talk, or which devotees will believe, is
almost incredible . But yet it is quite incomprehensible to me how any set of persons or sect (if
they were immediate, or in a direct line, descendants from Jesus Christ, and if the account in the
gospel histories be true) can admit the institution of the Lord's Supper, and take the cup with
water, instead of wine, the nature of the liquid being considered not a trifle or of little consequence,

' See Bochart, Vol ._ 1 . p . 676 ; Anc . Univers. Hist ., Vol . XIX . p . 177 ; Parkhurst, in voce. ' P. 89.

' I suspect the first part only of Lent was devoted to mourning, the last three days only being spent in the search,
when long processions took place, and ended with finding the whole God on Easter Sunday, or on the fourteenth day .
In all the churches in Italy, during these forty days, the icons of the Virgin are covered with a black crape veil.
60 Seven Sacraments . Eucharist
but a matter of the first importance . How is it possible for any sophistry about abstemiousness
to persuade a person above the rank of an idiot, that after Jesus had taken the cup with wine as
described in our gospel histories, the rite ought to be celebrated by his followers, not with wine,
but with water, as was the case with the Manichaeans, the Encratites, Nestorians, and others ? '
The real state of the case I apprehend to be this : Christians in different countries found various
accounts and practices with respect to this matter . The Judaizing Christians considering it a
species of passover (Christ is called the Passover of the Christians s) or paschal supper, naturally
described the cup to contain wine, after the manner of the Jews in their passover ; and we, who
adopt their gospels, take it with wine . On the contrary, the Manichaeans and many of the other
Eastern sects, who, in fact, had their gospel directly and immediately from the Persian Magi, took
this rite with water instead of wine . The eucharist of the Lord and Saviour, as the Magi called
the Sun, the second person in their Trinity, or their eucharistic sacrifice, was always made exactly
and in every respect the same as that of the orthodox Christians, except that the latter use wine
instead of water . This bread-and-water sacrifice was offered by the Magi of Persia, by the Essenes
or Therapeutae, by the Gnostics, and, indeed, by almost if not quite all the Eastern Christians,
and by Pythagoras in Greece and Numa at Rome .
The Ebionites or Nazarenes were unquestionably the most immediate and direct followers of
Jesus. They were resident in Judea ; they are acknowledged to have been among the very earliest
of the sects of Christians . As uncertain as tradition is, it is difficult to believe that, in less than
one hundred years after the death of Christ, they should not have retained a correct tradition of
this rite, if they had really received it from him, and if there had been any certainty on the subject .
They are described as a very low, poor, ignorant race of people . They are said to have had a
written gospel. Some persons have supposed the gospel of Matthew to have been theirs . But I
think the very circumstance of their having used water instead of wine is sufficient to prove that
this cannot be true.:All these circumstances afford traces of the existence of this rite among the
Persians long before the man Jesus of Judea is said to have lived .-The moderns have not known
what to make of the rite . In the service of our Edward the Sixth, water is directed to be mixed
with the wine. This is an union of the two ; not a half measure, but a double one . If it be cor-
rect to take it with wine, then they were right ; if with water, they still were right ; as they took
both, they could not be wrong . 3
The Persians had a rite called the festival of Saka, Sakea, or Sakia, which M . Beausobre has
shewn was probably the Manichaean Eucharist or Love Feast . He observes, 4 that Cyril in calling
it Ischas has probably meant to travesty the work Saka . Ischas or Ischa was the name of both
Sarah the wife of Abraham and of Jesus . 5 Most likely it merely means the Saviour ; but it pretty
nearly identifies the name of Jesus with that of Buddha. To the word Saka and its origin or cor-
ruptions, I shall return by and by .
According to Justin's account, the devils busied themselves much with the Eucharist . After
describing in several places that bread and wine and water were used in the Christian rite, he says,
"And this very solemnity too the evil spirits have introduced into the mysteries of Mitbra ; for
" you do or may know, that when any one is initiated into this religion, bread and a cup of water,
" with a certain form of words, are made use of in the sacrifice ." 6

Clemens Alex . and Epiphanius ; Dupuis, Vol III . pp 85, 325, 4to . * I Car. v. 7 .
• Dr. Orabe's notes upon Irenaeus, Lib . v. Cap . ii . 4 Liv. ix . Ch. viii. p . 729.
• See Vol . I pp . 583, 747, 836.
• See Reeves's Justin, and notes on Sect . lxxxvi. The followers of Tatian used no wine, only water, in the Eucha-
rist. Mash. Hist., Cent. 2, Ch. v. S. ix ., aft also Cent . 2, Ch. iv . S . xii.
Book II . Chapter I . Section 4 61
Hyde says, a De Tinctione, de oblatione panis, et de imagine resurrectionis, videatui doctiss . de
la Cerda ad ea Tertulliani loca ubi de hisce rebus agitur . Gentiles citra Christum, talia celebrabant
Mithriaca qum videbantur cum doctrina eucharistice et resurrections et aliis ritibus Christianis
convenire, qum fecerunt ex industria ad imitationem Christianismi : unde Tert. et Patres aiunt eos
talia fecisse, duce diabolo, quo vult ease shnia Christi, &c . Volunt itaque eos res suns ita compa-
rasse, ut Mithrcv mysteria essent eucharisthe Christaanue imago . Sic Just . Martyr, p . 98, et Tertul-
lianus et Chrysostomus. In suis etiam sacris habebant Mithriaci lavacra (quasi regenerationis)
in quibus- tingit et ipse (sc . sacerdos) quosdam utique credentes et fideles suos, et expiatoria
delictorum de lavacro repromittit, et sic adhuc initiat Mithree ." I From a quotation of Gorius, it
seems the modern as well as the ancient fathers have recourse to the very satisfactory agency of
the devil, to account for these things .
Our catechism says, that the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was ordained for the continual
remembrance of the SACRIFICE of the death of Christ ; and, that the outward part or sign of the
Lord's Supper is bread and wine . It then goes on to say, that the inward part or thing signified
is the body and blood of Christ (thing signified !), which are verily and indeed taken, and received
by the faithful in the Lord's Supper . It then concludes by saying, that the souls of those who
partake of this sacrament are to be refreshed by the body and blood of Christ, as their bodies are
by the bread and wine .
A very learned and ingenious clergyman of the Church of England, Mr . Glover, 2 has said, i 0 In
~° the sacrament of the altar is the natural body and blood of Christ vere et realiter, verily and
" indeed, if you take these terms for spiritually by grace and efficacy ; but if you mean really and
~~ indeed, so that thereby you would include a lively and moveable body under the form of bread
~~ and wine, then in that sense is not Christ's body in the sacrament really and indeed ." And thus
he sophistically explains away the two plain words verb and realiter. How is it possible, without
the grossest abuse of language, to make the words verily and indeed mean spiritually by grace and
efficacy? However, his ingenious sophistry does not affect my argument, as all I undertake is, to
shew that this rite is more ancient than Christianity-and this cannot be disputed .
When the reader has duly considered all the other circumstances which I have brought together
respecting the religions or doctrines of Mithra, the Esseneans, Pythagoreans, Jesus, &c ., he will
not deny the strong probability that the sacrifice of the Mass, or of bread and wine, as is asserted
by the Romish Apostolic Vicar, 3 Dr. Milner, has descended even from the remote time of
Abraham ..
The Mass of the Romish Church is of the very first importance in their religion . The word
Mass, it has been said, is taken from the ceremonies of Isis, in which, after the ceremonies and
the other mysteries were ended, the people were dismissed, by the Greeks, with the words
Aaosg es ectg, which mean, the people nay retire ; that the Romans, in the same ceremonies,
used the words Ite, Missio est ; (see Apuleius de Missio ;) and, that the Missio, by corruption, has
become Messe or Mass . a This is very unsatisfactory . I believe the meaning of the Mess or
Mass is nothing but the Latin name for corn or bread, and that to the expression Be,, Missio est,
a word for finished was originally added or is- understood, or has been by degrees dropped. 3 Of

I IDe Rel. Vet. Per,. Cap. iv . p . 113. s Remarks on Marsh's Comp . View, p . 102.
3 The Vicars Apostolic, I understand, receive episcopal ordination, but have more power than ordinary bishops .
Dr. Alexander Geddes, whom I have often quoted, sustained the same rank .
Apul. Lib. xv., de Asino aureo ; Pol. Virg. Cap. xiiL
s In Yorkshire, on the festival of St. Thomas, wheat is given to the poor, and it is eaten not ground, but boiled
whole, called frumentq. This is the sacrifice of the Messis or Mass .
62 Seven Sacraments . Eucharist
the descent of the Mass, or the sacrifice of bread and wine, from Melchizedek, I have had frequent
opportunities of speaking .' And I have shewn that this sacrifice was common to many ancient
nations : M. Marolles, in his Memoirs, s quotes Tibullus, in the fourth elegy of his third book,
where he says that the Pagans appease the Divinity with holy bread-Farre pio placant ; that
Virgil, in the fifth book of the 1Eneid, says, they rendered honours to Vesta, with holy bread .

Farre p:o et plend auppks veneratur aeerrA .-Lines 744, 745 .

He adds, that the words of Horace, Farre pio et saliente micd, relate to the same thing, and that
Tibullus, in the panegyric to Messala, wrote that a little cake or a little morsel of bread appeased
the Divinities . Parvaque ccelestes pacavit mica . As I have before repeatedly observed, the sacri-
fice without blood was ordered by Numa Pompilius, and practised by Pythagoras . It may be
remarked, in passing, that the term to immolate, which is used for sacrifice, may come from the
Latin word mola, which was the name that the Pagans gave to the little round bits of bread which
they offered to their Gods in this sacrifice . The Mass is also called the Host . This word means
a host, a giver of hospitality, and also an enemy, and the host of heaven, and is the name of the
harbour of the city of Saturn ja or Valencia or Roma, Ostia .
The Romans celebrated, on the 22nd of February, the feast of Charisties or Caristies or Charis-
tia . From the character of this festival, I have a strong suspicion that the name was a corruption
of the ancient Chrest, X prs and Epws . Creuzer 3 says, " This was a family or domestic feast,
• which the Roman religion exhibits in its aspect most moral and amiable . It followed several
• days of mourning for departed friends . The oldest of the family, he who first in the order of
" nature would go to increase the number of those who were already gone, reunited all its mem-
• bers at a feast of love and harmony ; when the object was to reconcile all differences among the
" members of it ." As M . Creuzer observes, " it shews beautifully that the ancients did not
• separate the contemplation of the future from present joys . The day was sacred to Concord
• and the Lares, and finished the old and began the new year ." And it must be acknowledged
that nothing more beautiful could well be imagined.-From this Charisties comes our Charity and
Caritas, not exclusively in the sense of giving to the poor, but in that of brotherly love as used by
Paul . And here we have among the oldest of the ceremonies of Italy, the Eucharist or euXaptrta
of the Christians .
Valerius Maximus 4 says, "Convivium etiam solenne majores instituerant : idque Charistia appel-
'5 laverunt, cui preeter cognatos et affines, nemo interponebatur : ut si qua inter necessarios querela
" esset orta, spud sacra mensae, et inter hilaritatem animorum, favoribus concordim adhibitis, tolle-
" retur . "s Cleland shews that this festival was in use, as we might expect, among the Celts and
Druids .6
This festival in Hebrew was called pip gum, a feast, communion .' From this comes our
Similar to the Italian Charistia was the beautiful and simple rite of the Jews, of breaking bread
and drinking with one another at their great festivals, in fact of celebrating the sacrifice of bread

I See Vol . I. pp. 718, 725, 823 . s P. 215. 3 Livre cinquieme, Ch . UL p. 456.
4 Lib . ii. Cap . i . Sect. 8 .
• That bloody sacrifices were not used in the earliest times is an opinion supported by Sophocles ; Pausanias, de
Cerere Phrygialeusi ; by Plato, de Legibus, Lib . vi . ; and by Empedocles, Lib . de Antiq. Temp.
• Spec . Etymol . Vocab . p. 111 . ' Vall. Coil . Rib. Vol . V. p . 224 .
Book II. Chapter I. Section 4 63
and wine so appropriate to Jesus, the priest of the order of Melchizedek, which was converted in
a later day into a horrible mystery . When a Jew has broken the bread and partaken of the cup
with his fellow, it is considered that a peculiar and brotherly affection is to subsist between them
for the next year ; and, if there had been any previous enmity, this ceremony is considered
the outward sign (of an inward, spiritual grace), that it no longer exists . In all Jewish families,
after their paschal supper, the bread is always broken, and the grace-cup is tasted and sent round
by the master of the house . It is described as one of the last actions of Jesus, when he had
reason to believe that his enemies would proceed to violence against him, and is in strict keeping
with what I am convinced was the beautiful simplicity of every part of his character and life. The
reader will please to observe that when I speak thus of Jesus Christ, I give no credit to the im-
proper conduct ascribed to him, or to the fact of his having taught the immoral doctrines ascribed
to him in the gospel histories' of the different sects of his followers, so inconsistent with his gene-
ral character .
Jesus is made to say, " This is my flesh," " This is my blood ." If we take these words to
the letter, they were evidently not true . The articles spoken of were neither his flesh nor his
blood. Then it is surely only consistent with candour to inquire what meaning could be given to
them, agreeable to common sense and the meaning of this, at that time, ancient ceremony . This,
I think, will be found in the fact which we all know, that he abolished among his followers the
shocking and disgusting practice, at that time common, of offering sacrifices of flesh and blood, so
well described by the Rev . Mr . Faber, and at that time still practised upon grand occasions among
the Druids or Chaldees, and Romans, even to the length of offering human victims .-It seems not
unlikely that we have only part of the speech of Jesus, that its object was the abolition of that
disgusting and atrocious practice, and that his speech had reference to it . Speaking as he did, or
is said to have done, always in parables, he might readily use the figurative expression in reference
to something which had passed before against bloody sacrifices : and at that time he might use
the words, This is my body, and this is my blood, which I offer ; i . e. This is my offering of body
(or flesh) and blood, and no other . It was the offering of Melchizedek and of Pythagoras, his
predecessors, and, probably, originally of all nations . The bread was always broken, and is yet
broken, in the ceremony, and given as a token of remembrance, precisely as he used it . Eat this
in remembrance of me. How could any words be more natural? This agrees very well with what
he is made to say in the Gospel of the Nazarenes : C° I came to abolish sacrifices, and unless ye
" cease to -offer sacrifices, the wrath of God shall not cease from you ." 2
The whole paschal supper was a festival of joy and gladness, to celebrate the passage of the
sun ; and, after the family had eaten, the remainder was given to the poor, along with such other
matters as the elect or chapter could spare ; for I apprehend the xotvwytoi, or community of goods,
was confined at first to the lodge, to the seventy-two ; and perhaps the Eucharist was at first
taken by only the twelve elect or perfect in the mysteries . The probability of these matters must
be left to the reader. The evidence is not very clear, though the probability is strong . This
seems to me to be a rational explanation of the words, and is consistent with the general character
of Jesus-the character of the priest after the order of Melchizedek . It dovetails well into the
historical fact of no sacrifice of animals having ever taken place in his religion, and with the Gen-
tile histories . And when he was founding his religion on the Mosaic system, there does seem

I Probably some of the spurious gospels ; for, happily, on the testimony of the canonical Gospels-uncontradicted by
respectable profane history-even unbelievers have concurred with the Author in paying a tribute of respect to " the
beautiful simplicity of every part of the character and life" of Jesus CHRIST. Editor.
9 J . Jones on Canon, Pt . II . Chap . xxv . Art . 12, p . 275 .
64 Baptism

to require an explanation of the reason why the ordained sacrifices were abolished . Here we see
the reason why the Melchizedekian sacrifice was restored, or declared to be enough, without
holocausts or even partial burnt-
offerings-Besides the Charistia of the Romans, as above described, there must have been some- other
ceremony very similar, or some sectaries must have held opinions from which the modern Romish
priests have copied their Transubstantiation, as we find the doctrine alluded to by Cicero. The
Rev . R. Taylor, in his answer to Dr . Pye Smith, I says, « There is a passage in Cicero, written
~~ forty years before the birth of Christ, in which he ridicules the doctrine of transubstantiation,
~~ and asks, how a man can be so stupid as to imagine that which he eats to be a God? Ut illud
~~ quo vescatur Deum esse putet ?"
The ancients always washed before they sacrificed, says Eustache upon Homer s and Hesiod
forbids any wine to be offered to Jupiter with unwashed hands . And Virgil tells us, that Lneas,
even though the city was on fire, durst not touch the Gods to save them, till he had first washed
his hands. In the ritual of the Romish church it is said,- Sacerdos sanctam eucharistiam adminis-
traturus procedat ad altare lotis pries manibus .
It was the custom of the Pagan priests to confess before they sacrificed, demanding pardon of
the Gods and Goddesses . Numa ordered this to be observed . by the Romans, not esteeming the
sacrifice good, unless the priest had first cleared his conscience by confession. The Romish priests
are expected to do this before they celebrate the Mass'
Numa ordained that the priest who made the sacrifice should be clothed in white, in the habit
called an alba.s This is the alb which he carries who celebrates the Mass . Above the alb, Numa
ordered the sacrificer to carry a coloured robe, with a pectoral or breast-plate of brass, which is
now often changed into gold or silver . This is what is called chasuble. The priests use also a
veil, with which they cover the head, called amict . All these ornaments were introduced by Numa .
They are also most of them found among the Jews .
The turnings and genuflexions of the priests, and their circular processions, were all ordered by
Numa.e The last were also the Deisuls of the Druids . Du Choul has shewn, r that the custom
of having the Mass in the morning was taken from the Egyptians, who divided the time, like the
Romish church, into prime, tierce, and sexte .
The Pagans had music in their temples, as the Romish devotees have in their churches . Galien
says, they have no sacrifice without music . $ I shall add no more on this subject here, but 1 shall
resume it in a future Book . I shall then try to penetrate to the bottom of this, which I am per-
suaded is one of the most profaned of the mysteries .
5 . The next rite which I shall notice is that of Baptism .
That the ceremony of baptism is older than the time of Jesus is evident from the Gospels ; s but

' P. Ill . I In 11. i. ' Hist . Operum et Dier. 4 Du Choul, p . 270 .

s Alex. ab Alex. Lih. iv. Cap . xvii. a Du Choul, p. 275 ; and Pol. Virg . Lib . i. 5, Cap. xi. 7 P 309.
s Gal . Lib. xvii ; de Off. ; Scaliger, Lib . i. Poet. Cap . xliv. ; Strabo, Lib. x. ; Arnob. Lib . vii .
9 The Author makes no reference in proof of this assertion ; and, whatever may . have been the practice of the follow .
ers of Zoroaster or others, there is no satisfactory evidence deducible from either the Old Testament or the Gospels,
that Baptism was practised by the Jews prior to the ministry of the Baptist. The Author, however, like many other
writers, both Advocates and Opponents of baptism, probably overlooked the difference between Savhcuoi (washings,
auto or self-cleanings) and paalitr a,, which is never used in the N T . in the plural ; or, perhaps, he recollected the
question of the Priests and Levites to John, " Why baptizest thou then, if," &c.? (John i . 25 .) On which it may
be remarked, that the pronoun thou, which is often regarded as emphatically contrasting John with others who had
previously baptized, is not emphatically expressed in the original . It is simply, T& er Pavhgsiq ; not To er powhges;
Ev ; Editor.
Book II . Chapter 1 . Section 5 65
how much older it may be, it is impossible to ascertain . It was a practice of the followers of
Zoroaster.' Hyde says, " Pro infantibus non utuntur circumcisione, sed tantuin baptismo seu
• lotione ad anima purificationem internam . Infantem ad sacerdotem in ecclesiam adductum
• sistunt coram sole et igne, quf fact& ceremonia, eundem sanctiorem existimant . D . Lord dicit
• quod aquam ad hoc afferunt in cortice arboris Hoim : ea autem arbor revera est Haum Magorum,
" cujus mentionem alid occasione supra fecimus . Alias, aliquando fit immergendo in magnum vas
"aqua, ut dicit Tavernier . Post talem lotionem seu baptismum, sacerdos imponit nomen a
• parentibus inditum ." After this Hyde goes on to state, that when he comes to be fifteen years
of age he is confirmed by receiving the girdle, and the sudra or cassock .
The Holm or Haum here spoken of by Hyde, is the Phoenix or Phoinix or Palm-tree, called by
Burekhardt and Buckingham, in their Travels in Asia, the Dom-tree-the tree of the sacred Om. 2
" De-la vint, que pour devenir capable d'entendre les secrets de la creation, rwales dans ces
" mdmes mysteres, it fallut se faire rdgdndrer par l'initiation. Cette cdrCmonie, par laquelle, on
• apprenoit les vrais principes de la vie, s'opdroit par le moyen de l'eau qui avoit dtd celui de la
" rdgdndration du monde. On conduisoit sur les bords de l'Ilissus le candidat qui devoit etre
• initi6 ; apres l'avoir purifiE avec le sel et 1'eau de la mer, on rapandoit de l'orge sur lui, ou le
" couronoit de fleurs, et I'Hydranos on le Baptiseur le plongeoit dans le fleuve . L'usage de ce
• BaptArne par immersion, qui subsista dans 1'Occident jusqu' an 8e siecle, se maintient encore
"dans 1'Eglise Greque : c'est celui que Jean le Prdcurseur administra, dans le Jourdain, a Jesus-
"Christ m6me . Il fut pratiqu6 chez les Juifs, 3 chez les Grecs, et chez presque tons les peuples,
"bien des siecles avant 1'existence de la religion Chrdtienne : c'est encore une de ces anciennes
" ceremonies que Dieu sanctifia pour le bien des hommes . On vient de voir qu'elle en fut
" l'origine, dans les tems qui prdcddarent celui ou le Bapteme devint un Sacrement . Les Indiens
• continuent a se purifier dans les eaux du Gange, qu'ils regardent comme sacres . " 4
M . Beausobre has clearly proved that the Manichaans had the rite of Baptism, both for infants
and adults, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost . He has satisfactorily proved the
falsity of St. Augustine upon this point ; but, indeed, nothing which Augustine says against the
sect whom he deserted and betrayed, is worthy of any credit whatever. M . Beausobre 3 says,
• Mani had more than one reason for administering baptism to infants . This custom not only
• served to confirm his opinion, that corruption is in nature, and comes to man by nature, but in
" this he conformed to the custom of the Magi, from which he deviated as little as he possibly could .
c` This was the way to give them a taste for his religion . The ancient Persians carried their
• infants to the temple a few days after they were born, and presented them to the priest before
" the sun, and before the fire, which was his symbol . Then the priest took the child and baptized
c` it for the purification of the soul . Sometimes he plunged it into a great vase full of water : it
" was in the same ceremony that the father gave a name to the child . When the child had arrived
c` at fifteen years of age, he was presented again to the priest, who confirmed him by giving him
" the robe called the Sudra and the Girdle . These were the symbols or the sacraments of the
" promises that he made to God to serve him according to the religion of the Persians ." The
reader sees that Mani is said to have deviated as little as possible from the rites of the Magi,
This -is true enough . In fact, the Evangelion of Zoroaster, of the Romish Jesus, and of Mani,
were all precisely the same in principle, and very nearly the same in all their ceremonies . The

' Hyde de Rel. Vet. Pers . Cap . xxxiv. p . 406. ' See Vol . I. P . 742, note. 3 See Editor's note ut sup .
• D'Anc. Res. Vol. I. p. 292. ' Liv. is. Ch. vi .Sect. xvi .
66 Baptism
variation was not more than might be expected to arise, from distance in situation, in time, and
from difference of languages and nations .
Dr. Hyde says,' " Et postea anno a:tatis xv°, quando incipit induere tunicam, sudra, et cin-
" gulum, ut religionem ingrediatur, et ille in articulis fidei versatur,, a sacerdote ei datur confirma-
" tio, ut, ab eo tempore, inter numerum fidelium admittatur, et fidelis esse reputetur." If this
account of Dr . Hyde's be correct, which I believe no one ever doubted, it is impossible for any
person to be so blind as not to see, that these three extremely important and vital ceremonies of
the Christian religion-Baptism, Christening, and Confirmation-were nothing but rites of the
religion of the Magi, of Mithra, or of the sun .
Upon this subject Justin says,' in Section lxxxi ., "The devils no sooner heard of this baptism
• spoken of by the prophet, but they too set up their baptisms, and made such as .go to their tem-
ples and officiate in their libations and meat offerings, first sprinkle themselves with water by
'~ way of lustration ; and they have brought it to such a pass, that the worshipers are washed from
" head to foot before they approach the sacred place where their images are kept." On the above
the Rev . Mr. Reeves makes the following note : " That such mock baptisms were set up by the
'~ contrivance of the Devil in the Gentile world, we find not only asserted by Justin, but all the
• primitive writers, and particularly by Tertullian, de baptismo . Certe ludis Apollinaribus et
" Eleusiniia tinguntur, idque se in regenerationem et impunitatem perjuriorum suorum agere
'~ prmsumunt . Thus were men initiated into the mysteries of Eleusis, and he who initiated them
" was called 'T pavos, the waterer, "Y'opavos o ayv~srls Tcuv ETeUTwuuv. 3 Thus again we learn
'~ from Tertullian, that they initiated men into the rites of Isis and Mithra, Nam et sacris quibus-
°C dam per lavacrum initiantur Isidis alicujus aut Mithrme,' the chief priest of that Goddess, (as
" Apuleins describes his own initiation,) 5 leading the party to be initiated to the next bath ;
• where, having first delivered him to the usual washing, and asked pardon of the Goddess, he
~0 sprinkled him all about, and bringing him back to the temple, after two parts of the day were

" spent, placed him before the feet of the Goddess ."
Mosheim shews, by many sound and ingenious arguments, that the rite of baptism was an old
ceremony of the Israelites long before the time of Christ. 6
After baptism they received the sign of the cross, were anointed, and fed with milk and honey . '
Dr. Enfield asserts, that baptism was not used by the Jews, but only by the Samaritans . s If
this be true, (but I know no authority for it .) it instantly makes a Samaritan of Jesus Christ . I
do not think the Doctor would have liked this.
John the Baptist was nothing but one of the followers of Mithra, with whom the deserts of Syria
and the Thebais of Egypt, abounded, under the name of Essenes . He was a Nazarite ; and it is a
curious and striking circumstance that the fountain of &non, where he baptized, 0 was sacred to
the sun. Though he be said to have baptized Jesus, yet it is very remarkable that he established
a religion of his own, as is evident from the men who came to Ephesus, and were there converted
from his religion to Christianity by St . Paul. 10 This religion is not extinct, but continues in some
parts of Asia, as we have formerly noticed, under the names of Mundaites, Nazoreens, Nazoureans,
or Christians of St. John ."

` De Rel . Vet . Pers. Cap. xxxiv. p.406. ' See his Apology, Sect . lxxxvii. xcvii. xcviii. ci. ' Hesych.
De Bapt, Cap . v. s Milesi, ii. citat . a Seldeno de Success . ad Leg. Haebr. Cap . xxvi.
s Com . Cent . I. Sect. vi. 7 Mosh. Hist. Cent . II. Ch . iv . See. 13. See Dupuis, sur tons les Cnlt~es, Vol . 111 . p . 325.
' Hist. Phil. Vol. II. p . 164. 9 John iii . 23.
to Acts xix . 1-7. t 1 Vol . I . pp. 540, 657, 808.
Book II . Chapter I . Section 6 67
Michaelis' states it to be his opinion, that these men, Iohnists as they are now called, were
Essenes. In my article on the Essenes this is proved .clearly enough . I have no doubt that John
was an Essene, as well as Jesus .
Matthew (iii. 11) makes John say, 111, indeed, baptize you with water ; he shall baptize you
with the Holy Ghost, and with fire."
"1, indeed, have baptized you with water ; but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost ."
Mark i . 8.
" John answered, saying, I, indeed, baptize you with water ; but, he shall baptize you with
the Holy Ghost, and with fire."-Luke iii . 16 .
In some parts of Scotland it is a custom at the baptism of children to swing them in their
clothes over a fire three times, saying, Now, fire, burn this child or never . Here is evidently the
baptism by fire . When the priest blowed upon the child in baptizing it, in my presence, in the
baptistery at Florence, was this to blow away the devils according to the vulgar opinion, or was it
the baptism by air-Spiritus Sanctus ? Priests profess to communicate the spiritus sanctus . 2 The
baptism by fire and water was in use by the Romans . It was performed by jumping three times
through the flame of a sacred fire, and being sprinkled with water from a branch of laurel . Ovid
says, a
Certe ego transilui positas ter in ordine flammas,
Virgaque roratas laurea misit aquas .

This is still practised in India . 4 " From old Grecian authorities we learn, that the Massagetm
" worshiped the sun ; and the narrative of an embassy from Justin to the Khakan, or Emperor,
" who then resided in a fine vale, near the source of the Irtish, mentions the Tartarian ceremony
" of purifying the Roman ambassadors by conducting them between two fires ." Jones on the
Language of the Tartars . a
The Etruscans baptized with air, with fire, and with water ; this is what is alluded to many
times in the Gospels . 6 If the words Ghost, spiritus in Latin, vrveup.cs in Greek, and r717 ruh, in
Hebrew, be examined, they will all at last be found to resolve- themselves into the idea of air or
breath-which gave the first idea of the soul of man . Thus we say, the breath departed from a
man, or his soul left him-he gave up the ghost, spiritus . This may give a low or mean idea of
the state of science ; but I have no doubt that in its infancy the breath of man was supposed to be
his soul . When it was the breath of God, of course it was the holy ghost or spirit . This is per-
fectly in keeping with the materialism, the anthropomorphism of the letter of Genesis, of Moses,
and of all other nations. When Jesus communicated the Holy Ghost, he breathed on his .dis-
ciples .
In plates 172, 173, 174, &c ., Gorius gives examples of the baptism of the ancient Etruscans, in
the rites of Mithra or Isis, by water, air, fire, and blood . The ancient Etruscans were thought by
many to be a colony which escaped from Egypt when the shepherd kings conquered that country .
The identity of the worship of ancient Etruria and Egypt makes this not unlikely .
6. In Tab . clxxii . Gorius gives two pictures of ancient Etruscan baptisms by water. In the first,

' Marsh's Mich . Vol. Vl. un . xv . § iv . pp. 82, 87.

a See Protestant Ordination Service, [and the Petition (to the House of
Lords, August 5, 1833) of the Rev . Charles
N. Wodehouse, Prebendary of Norwich, for an alteration of this and other parts of the Liturgy. Edtor.J
s Fasti, Lib
. iv. ver. 727. ' Vide Maurice's Ind . Ant. Vol. V. p. 1075.
4 Asiat . Res. Vol. II . p. 31, 4to . o See the references ut supra .
68 Baptism
the youth is held in the arms of one priest and another is pouring water upon his head . In the
second, the young person is going through the same ceremony, kneeling on a kind of altar .
Gorius says, "Solemnem apud Etruscos baptismatis traditionem per manus sacerdotis, aliis sacris
• ministris adstantibus, additis modulationibus, precibus et carminibus, ceterisque ceremouiis,
"quas mox indicabo, nemo alius certe, quam diabolus, nequissimus humani generis hostis, exco-
" gitavit docuitque : qui, ut insanas gentes, divinae lucis expertes, in sui servitium et obedientiam
• miserandum in modum captivaret, lustrandi complura genera, aere, aqua, igne, sanguine, alias-
• que februationes monstravit, ut Deum divinae legis conditorem sapientissimum temularetur .
• Callidissimas ejus artes ita aperit Tertullianus .' Diabolus ipsas quo que res sacramentorum, in
" tdolorum mysteries a mulatur, tinguit et ipse quosdam, utique credentes et fideles suos, expiationem
" de LAVACRO repromittit, et sic adhuc initiat .Mithrce : signat ille in frontibus milites suns : celebrat
" et panis oblationem, 2 et imaginem resurrectionis inducit, et sub gladio redimit coronam . Quid ?
" quod et summum pontif cem in unis nuptiis statuit? habet et virgines, habet continentes . Ceterum
" si Numm Pompilii superstitiones revolvamus, si sacerdotii officia et privilegia, si sacrif calia minis-
• teria et instrumenta et vasa illa sacrificiorum et piaculorum, et votorum curiositates consideremus
" nonne manifeste Diabolus morositatem legis,Mosaicce imitatus est ? Addo etiam, Etruscos, cone-
" pluribus seculis ante Numam Pompilium, non solum in usu habuisse BAPTISMA, verum etiam
• sacram Xetpo-roway, nam Etruscae Antistitae manus imponunt iis, quos initiant, ut alibi oaten-
• dam, adlato Etruscan vrnae anaglypho opere . Constat enim, initiatos complura probationum
" genera experiri debuisse, antequam sacris Deorum, ac preesertim MzTuas, admitterentur quas
"mox considerabimus ."
The following are copies of the two Etruscan inscriptions on the monuments above alluded to

7 (ZMt\tvA
V 1 O I Z t J 12 -t- I~
In the middle of the second, a letter seems to be wanting .
These Etruscan monuments would have been ascribed to the ancient Christians if the Etruscan
inscriptions had not rendered this impossible . In this manner I have no doubt whatever, that
great numbers of Gentile monuments of antiquity have been adopted by modern Christians .
From these ancient Etruscan monuments it is evident, that the practice of baptism was common
long before the birth of John or Jesus, in the ceremonies of Isis, of Mithra, and of the Eleusinian .
mysteries ; and from the passage in Tertullian,s it is evident, that it was not merely a similar
ceremony of washing . The words regenerationem et impunitatem perjuriorum suorum (the actual
word regeneratio used in our order of baptism) prove, that the doctrines as well as the outward
forms were identically the same . It appears also from the former part of the quotation, that the
practice of sprinkling with holy water, both by the Greek and Romish churchs, was used by the
Etruscans, and was only a continuation of their ceremony . On the festival of All Souls, at Florence,
the monks went round their cloisters and monasteries, in the presence of the author, sprinkling

' De Prsescript4 adv. Hseret . Cap . xl .

• The ceremony of baptism was mostly accompanied with the sacrifice of bread and wine.
• De Bapt . Cap . v . quoted in p . 66 .
Book II . Chapter I . Section 8 69
the walls, &c., &c., with holy water, as described by Tertullian to be the practice of the ancient
followers of Mithra .
Apuleius also shews, as above stated, that baptism was used in the mysteries of Isis . He says,
" Sacerdos, stipatum me religiosa cohorte, deducit ad proximas balneas : et prius SURTO LAVACRO
" traditum, praefatus deAm veniam, purissimi CIRCOMRORANS abluit."
Mr. Maurice shews that purgations or lustrations by water, and holy water, were equally used
by the Jews, Persians, Hindoos, and Druids of Britain . I Potter, in his Antiquities, proves that
every ancient temple had a vase, filled with holy water. This was called a Piscina, and was
probably the Bowli of India, noticed in my first volume . s
The child is taken to the priest, and is named by him and blessed, &c ., before the sacred fire,
being sprinkled with holy water, which is put into the bark of a sacred tree called Holme. 3
7 . The giving of a name to the child (as indicated by the parents to the priest), the marking of
him with the cross as a sign of his being a soldier of Christ, followed at fifteen years of age by his
admission into the mysteries by the ceremony of confirmation, or the sacred Xeiporovia, or impo-
sition of hands, the same as in our ceremonies, prove that the two institutions are identical. But
the most striking circumstance of all is the regeneration-and consequent forgiveness of sins-
the being born again . This shews that our baptism in . doctrine as well as in outward ceremony,
was precisely that of the ancient Etruscans . The Xeiporov"at is evidently the same ceremony as
the admission of our priests into orders, as well as the ceremony of confirmation or admission to
church membership . In each case, by the Xesporovsa, a portion of the Holy Spirit is supposed
to be transferred from the priest to the candidate . I beg my reader carefully to read our baptismal
service. This Xetporovia is the baptism by the Holy Ghost . Christian Baptism was called
Aarpov zsaAjyyivve6tas, the laver of regeneration, 4 and 4arte(Aov, illumination .
It is a curious circumstance that not one word can be produced from the New Testament in
support of infant baptism ; every thing adduced in its favour from that authority being a violent
and forced implication . Bellarmine is obliged to admit, that infant baptism is contained in Scrip-
ture '1 in universali" though not "in particulari ." s This is an excellent example of a modern
tradition-that is, of a tradition set up since the writing of the gospel histories-a doctrine, a
sacrament, forgotten by the Evangelists and the authors of the Epistles, but discovered since, by
their more. enlightened followers !
8. I must now notice a branch of the Christian baptism of exquisite beauty . I must confess
that my favourite Pagans, as they will be called, can produce nothing equal to it . And this is
the baptism of BELLS. It is peculiar to the Western part of the world, though somewhere or
other, but where I cannot recollect, I have 'read, that there is a similar ceremony in China .
We are told by Mr . Maurice that bells were sacred utensils of very ancient use in Asia. The
dress of the high-priest of the Jews on the most sacred and solemn occasions was trimmed with
bells and pomegranates . Calmet ° tells us, that the kings of Persia, who were both priests and
kings, had their robes trimmed with pomegranates and bells . This almost identifies the. Jews
and Persians. Mr . Maurice states that bells are used in the ceremonials of the pagodas of India
to frighten away the evil spirits or daemons, who are supposed to molest the devotee in his reli-
gious exercises, by assuming frightful forms, to distract his mind from the performance of his

' Maur. Ind. Ant. Vol. VI . p. 216. ' P. 516, note 2. and pp . 638, 641 .
s Herbert's Travels, p . 58, fol. 1665. ' Note to Reeves's Justin Martyr, p. 99.
' Glover's Answer to Marsh, p. 140. ° Diet . word bell.
70 Ordination-Marriage
duty. He says, " The vibration of the sacred bell, however, was ever heard with horror by the
• malign demons, who fled at the sound, while the air being put in motion by it, became purified
'S of the infection which their presence imparted From Asia, it is probable that the bell, with a
• thousand concomitant superstitions, was imported into Europe, and mingled with the rites of a
• purer religion . Every body knows its importance in the catholic worship ; the ceremony of
" anathematizing with bell, book, and burning taper : and the thrilling sound of the dreadful
" passing bell, which not only warns the devout Christian to pray for the departing soul of his
• brother, and to prepare to meet his own doom, but drives away, said the good Catholics of old
" time, those evil spirits that hover round the bed of the dying man, eager to seize their prey, or,
• at least, to molest and terrify the soul in its passage into eternal rest ." I
The bell probably not being known to the Lacedemonians, they used instead of it a kettle-drum .
This is stated to be used at the death of their king to assist in the emancipation of his soul at the
dissolution of his body ; 2 evidently our passing bell .
• Pope John XIV ., about the year 970, issued a bull for the baptizing of Bells, ' to cleanse the
• ` air of devils.' The baptizing of Bells was only permitted to the Bishops suffragan, because it
• was of a more principal kind than that of infants : priests and deacons could baptize them .
" The tongue of the baptized Bell made the ears of the affrighted demons . ring with ' Raphael
• 'Sancta Margereta, ora pro nobis-'--these prayers are on bells at St . Margaret's Mount in
• Cornwall.
" In Luther's time the princes of Germany complained to the Legate, 'that, at the time of
• baptism, godfathers of the richer sort, after the Suffragan, take hold of the rope, sing together,
• name the bell, dress it in new clothes, and then have a sumptuous feast ." 3
During the French Revolution, four of the bells of the cathedral of St . Louis, Versailles, were
destroyed. On the 6th of January, 1824, four new ones were baptized . The " King and the
" Duchess D'Angouleme were sponsors. The inscription varying the name and number on each
" is-' Je suis la premiere de quatre sceurs, qui out ate offertes a Dieu, &c. J'ai d td Unite, &c.,
" I et nomm46 Marie par sa Majeste Louis XVIII ., Roi de France et de Navarre, et par S . A . R .
• ' Madame, Fille de Louis XVI ., Duehesse d' Ahgouleme,"' &c .
• The four sisters were suspended in the centre of a platform, under a square . canopy of crimson
• silk, with broad gold fringe, and .surmounted with plumes of ostrich feathers . The eldest wore
" a superb petticoat of embroidered gold brocade, over another of silver tissue, festooned at the
" bottom, and fastened with white satin rosettes, so as to exhibit the end of the clapper, peeping
" out beneath, The others were arrayed in plain gold brocade over a silver tissue. During the
" ceremony no splendours in the grand ceremonials of the church were omitted . A white satin
" ribbon being passed from the iron tongue of each bell to the hand of the sponsors, they gave a
" smart pull for each response, and the sisters each time answered, `Amen ." 4 Bh, happy
France, which possesses a family so alive to the comforts of our blessed religion!!! AND STILL
9._ It cannot be shewn, perhaps, that the Persians bad the same forms for the ordination of
their priests as those now used by the Christians ; but they had all the remainder of the hier-
archical system, as Dr . Hyde has shewn ; whence it is fair to conclude, that they had also the
forms of orders, the Xetparovsa, though, from the lapse of ages, &c ., it cannot be satisfactorily

Maur . Ind . Ant. Vol . V. . p . 904. s Schol. in Thecerit . Idyll . ii. ver. 36 ; see Mr . Knight, p . 167 .
' Gravam. Cent . German . Grav. 51 . 4 Hog's Hist. Cornwall, p. 470.
' Book 11 . Chapter 1 . Section 10 71
proved . Had it not been for the casual mention of some other of the Persian customs by the
early fathers, we should have known nothing about them . Therefore, it must be left to the reader
to judge for himself, when he has considered what Dr. Hyde has said, whether there may not
transpire enough to justify him in inferring from the large part of the system which has come
down to us, that the remaining small part existed formerly, though the evidence of it be now lost .
This must not be considered as a solitary instance taken by itself, for in that case it would
certainly amount to nothing ; but it must be considered conjointly with all the other circumstances
of striking similarity, indeed of absolute identity, of the two religions . The practice of the
Xeiporovza, in the case of Confirmation, raises a strong suspicion, that it would not be wanting
in the more important matter of Ordination .
Hyde says, " Et quidem corum sacerdotium fer8 coincidebat cum eo Judaeorum, in quo erat

~~ unus summus sacerdos, et deinde plurimi sacerdotes atque Levitae . Hoc autem excedebat
'~ hierarchica Persica, (quamvis Christum praecesserat, magis cum Christian& coincidens,) in qua
u prieter sacristanos, 2 erant sacerdotes, et praesules et archipraesules, qui hodiernis Christianorum
• presbyteris, et episcopis, et archiepiscopis correspondent . Adeb ut ecclesiae Christianae amicis
" pariter et inimicis forte novum et inopinatum videbitur in Persia reperisse constitutionem eccle-
CQ siasticam prope 3000 abhine annis fundatam, qum tam pulchrc coi ;;ciderit cum subsequente
`Q hierarchia Christiand . Hocque non sine numine factum, se. Persas olim ordinasse idem quod
~~ postea Christus et Apostoli ejus, in plenitudine temporis, tandem nova sanctione instituernnt
~~ et confirmarunt. Eccleske itaque eorum regimen in prima ejusdem constitutione fait benb
" fundatum. Eorum synagogue minores seu indotatie ecclesiae parochiales alunt in singulis unum
• sacerdotem, eumque ex decimis ac spontaneis contributionibus : nee ignis perpetui expensas
°' in eis faciunt, nisi per lampades, exceptis magnis quibusdam diebus . At Pyrea, seu templa
a cathedralia, ubi sedes episcoporum, amplis terris et reditibus dotata erant, ad parandum sacri-

~~ ficia, et ligna coemendum, et ad alendum sacerdotium amplissimum ." a

As with the Jews, the sacred fire was fed with sacred wood, from which the bark was taken .
And as now, in Romish countries, " in propriis aedibus plerique habent perpetuo ardentes lam-
GQ pades ab igno sacro accensas ." a On the great festivals they sent their victuals to a comthon
table, and ate together with the poor, as described by Pliny to be the case with the early Chris-
tians of Bithynia .
From the passages here cited it is evident, that the hierarchy of the Christians is a close copy
of that of the Persians, and that where the Christian differs from the Jewish it agrees with the
Persian, a proof that it is taken from the latter and not from the former . It has been before
observed, that Mr . R . Taylor, in his Diegesis, has clearly proved the Christian hierarchy to be
the same as that of the Essenes, even to the most minute parts . The similar customs of keeping
candles and lamps always burning in their temples is very striking . The larger endowments for
the cathedrals bear a marked resemblance to those of ours in this country, many of which were,
I have no doubt, the renovated establishments of the ancient Druids .
10. The rite of marriage was, with the ancient Persians, a religious service ; and, for its
solemnization, they had a long liturgy or form, 5 after the manner of the Greek, the Romish, and
the Protestant Christians, and not according to the custom of the Scotch, among whom it is only

' De Rel . Vet . Pers . Cap . xxviii. p . 349, ed . 1700.

• From the ancient Sacristan of the Persians the Sacristan of the Catholics is taken, and also, by abbreviation, our
Saxtan and Sexton. Hyde, ut sup. Cap. xxx. p. 368 ; Dupuis, Vol . III . p . 86.
• Hyde, ut sup. Cap. xxviiiL p. 351, ed. 1700. ' Ibid. P . 352, ed . 1700 . s Ibid . Cap . xxxiv.
72 Purgatory
a civil contract .' The contents of the liturgy are lost, but we know that the use of the ring, on
the second finger from the last on the left hand, was practised by almost all the ancients . 2
11 . Every one knows in what high estimation oil was held among the Eastern nations, and he
has not read the Old Testament with attention who is not acquainted with the very frequent use
of anointing among the Jews. " The practice of anointing was not confined to kings, but was
" extended to prophets and others . It was especially practised on a medicinal account, and
• administered publicly in the synagogues by the elders on the Sabbath ; where the applying of
" this remedy to poor sick people, was accompanied by the prayers of the faithful for their
• recovery, and the pardon of their sins ; or if the persons were in a very weak condition, the
"elders came home to them . Lightfoot observes, out of the Jerusalem Talmud, 3 that Rabbi
" Simeon, the son of Eleazar, permitted Rabbi Meir to mingle wine with the oil, when be
• anointed the sick on the Sabbath : and quotes as a tradition from them, that anointing on the
• Sabbath was permitted ."' The Apostle James therefore, writing to the Jewish Christians,
whose synagogues and rites were precisely the same with those of the other Jews, says " Is any
'° sick among you? let him send for the elders of the church ; and let them pray over him,
" anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord ; and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and
• the Lord shall raise him up ; and, if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him ." a
Whether the Persians had the rite of extreme unction I do not know ; but if they had it not,
then the Christians must have borrowed it from the Jews . When all other circumstances are
considered, few unprejudiced persons will be found to doubt, that this practice was probably
common to the Jews and the Persians .
There is scarcely any doctrine of the Romish Church which has afforded more matter for the
use of the weapon of ridicule than that of purgatory-that weapon declared by the Protestants
to be so unfair, abominable, and blasphemous, when applied against themselves ; but considered
to be so fair, honourable, and legitimate, when used by them against their Romish enemies .
The doctrines of Penance and Purgatory, taught by the Catholics and so much calumniated
by the Protestants, are exactly the same in principle as the penances and metempsychosis of the
Pythagoreans, Platonists, and Indians . The Romish doctrine of penance is precisely that of the
Hindoos, and I have no doubt that from the modified principle of the metempsychosis the doctrine
of purgatory took its rise. After man, reasoning upon the beauty, order, and sublimity, of the
creation, arrived at the knowledge of the First Great Cause and ITS" attributes of benevolence
&c., the belief in man's immortality followed as a necessary consequence . For, if there were not
a future state of existence, where the good would be rewarded and the bad punished, how could
the Creator be just or benevolent? And again, how could he be either just or benevolent if the
existence of man in a future state was not happy or miserable in proportion to his good or bad
conduct here ? And as man has been created fallible in his nature, and inevitably subject to fall

' It was the same in England from 1653 to 1660, and is considered to be a civil contract in the United States of
North America. Editor.
I Vide Tert. Apol. Cap . viL pp . 173, &c . 3 Harm . N. Test. Works, Vol . I . p . 333.
' Toland's Naz. p. 54. 6 James v. 14, 15 ; see also Mark vi . 13, xvi. 18.
6 I say its ; for how absurd is it to give a masculine or feminine gender to the Creator ! The only-begotten Son of
God ! 1 What nonsense ! The only excuse which can be made for the use of the word begotten, is, that those who
adopt it apply to it no idea whatever, or some idea which the word does not mean . [The Evangelist John alone uses
the expression, (ch . L 14, 18, iii. 16, 18 ; 1 Epis . iv. 9,) and as he wrote neither his Gospel nor his Epistle till long
after the resurrection and ascension of his revered Lord, the sense in which he used the term may probably be gathered
from Rev. i. 5-" Jesus Christ the first-hegotten of the dead." Editor.]
Book II. Chapter I. Section 11 73
into some degree of guilt, it was also thought to follow that his future state of existence could not
be eternally miserable. This was the inevitable consequence if the Creator were just ; hence
arose the doctrine of purgatory-a state of existence in which the soul of man or that part of him
that exists after death, and which though invisible must exist, will in future receive the reward
of his good or bad conduct .
This was the simple, unadulterated doctrine of the sages of India, Persia, Greece, and Rome
it remained for the brilliant imagination of John Calvin to discover that it was consistent with the
attributes of benevolence in an omnipotent Creator to cause a being to exist, who, from his very
nature, is obliged to sin, and then, for such sin, to condemn him to endless misery . But these
doctrines are deduced by learned men of narrow minds from corrupt passages ill the Gospels, and
still more from the fanatical nonsense of Paul .'
The doctrine of purgatory or of a future state, in which man was to receive the greater or less
reward of his misconduct in this life, like every thing in which priests have any concern, was soon
corrupted and converted into an engine to aggrandize their pernicious order, and to enable them
to wallow in luxury and sloth upon the hard earnings of their fellow-creatures . Hence they
taught their blind and credulous devotees, that by their superior sanctity they could prevail upon
God to alleviate or shorten the term of their future punishment, and by aggravating the faults of
the miserable and repentant sinner, in the last stage of weakness and disease, and working upon
his terrified imagination, they extorted from him his wealth . Hence arose voluntary acts of
supererogation . and penances, by suffering which in this life the punishment in another was to be
mitigated . Hence masses or services for the dead . Hence extreme unction and all the other
figments of Papistical foolery among the devotees of Greek, Catholic, or sectarian Christianity .
Protestants may exclaim against these superstitions, as they call them, but they are real
orthodox Christianity and cannot be got rid of . It is no argument to say, they are absurd or
pernicious . They are not more absurd than the doctrine of demoniacs, nor more pernicious than
the doctrine of the efficacy of faith without works. We have already quoted the opinion of the
Apostle James on the subject of anointing the sick, p. 72 . He adds, (ch. v. 16,) Confess your
faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed . The effectual fervent prayer
of a righteous man availeth much .
The doctrine of Purgatory, so offensive to the gloomy fanatics among the Protestants, because
it does away with the doctrine of eternal damnation, is, when not abused, one of the most sensible
of the miscalled Christian doctrines, because it is not contrary to the moral attributes of God . It
was a close copy of the doctrine of the Heathens and of Plato, who, in his Pheedon, 2 divides the
dead into three sorts-the good in a state of bliss ; the very bad in Tartarus ; 3 and the curable in
an intermediate state, from which, after they have been in it a suitable time, they are released .
For these last, the Gentiles were in the habit of offering sacrifices, called r&%Eral . In his
Republic, 1I ., Plato says, "That these re,Erat belong only to the dead, and are named from
" TE .euTs raoi, being sacrifices appointed to deliver us from the infernal sufferings ; they were
~~ offered chiefly in the night, and called p.uc pta, mysteries." The doctrine of Purgatory is found

* Rather from passages in the Gospels and in Paul's Epistles misunderstood and misrepresented? Editor.
* P. 113 .
I believe Paradise or Tartarus to, be in Tartary, the farther side of Meru, the mount on the side of the North,
where the Gods assembled in judgment . Though the Europeans made it hot, I have little doubt that the natives of a
country under a tropical sun made their hell cold. The same reason in part caused the Hindoos to place the mount
Meru in a temperate climate, on the side, of the North .
VOL . II .
74 Auricular Confession
in Tertullian . I This early date shews them to be coeval or nearly so with Christianity . 2 The
prayers for the dead are evidently the Gentile Teaerau, purchased with gifts .
The Jews had the rite of Confession . 3
On several of the ancient monuments in the Campigdolia at Rome are bas reliefs of the ancient
Sibyls, or of females performing penance, which leave no room to doubt that this sacrament was in
use by the Romans. . They may be seen by any one who will take the trouble to go to look at
them . This fact requires no further proof. The Flagellants were exact copiers of the priests of
Bellona, and of the priests of Baal. 4
The hermits of Italy are humble imitators of the Fakirs of India, who were well known in
ancient times. St . Austin says, a "They abstain from women, and philosophize naked in the
• solitudes of the Indies . From the rising to the setting of the sun they remain with their eyes
• steadfastly fixed upon it . Others stand perpetually on one leg . They expose themselves without
• complaint to the extremes of cold and hunger ."
The doctrine of purgatory and the efficacy of the prayers of the living to relieve the deceased
from their sufferings is a correct copy of the doctrine and practice of the Pagans . Ovid says that
£near was the first person who introduced the doctrine into Italy . In his Basti he says,
Hunc morem Lneas, pietatis idoneus auctor,
Attulit in terras, juste Latine, tuas .
Ille patris Genio solennia done ferebat ;
Hine populi ritus edidicere novos [pios?]: Lib. ii. 543-546 .

It was the general belief of the Pagans, that the souls of the dead would return, to demand of
the living that they should offer sacrifices for the purpose of relieving them from the pains which
they endured. The Pagans differ from the Romish priests in this, that they offered up their
prayers for the dead on the ninth day, the Romish on the seventh .° This is confirmed by
Polydore Virgil . 7
Lord Kingsborough s states, that the Jews, of later day I suppose he means, were believers in
The tombs of the pretended Gods were not set up by merely an ignorant populace, but they
were encouraged and protected by law . Ludovicus Vives says, " The religion of sepulchres is
" most ancient : whereby it was prohibited to any to violate, throw down, or break them : which
" law was not only in the twelve tables, and among Solon's, but also in the most ancient laws of
" Numa, and of both Latins and Greeks : which seem to belong not so much to the civil law as to
" the sacred : because sepulchres were esteemed as temples of their Manes or Demons : whence
" there was inscribed on them D . M. S . i . e. Biis Manibus Sacrum : and the sacreds which were
• performed to them were called Necia." 9 Over the tombs of Heathen Gods rose many a
church dedicated to the same God, but denominated a Christian saint . Thus the tomb of Bacchus
became a church of St. Baccus. Thus again the pretended tomb of the deified Romulus in Rome
became the- church of St . Theodorus.
13. Of all the weapons or engines ever yet discovered by rogues to enable them to tyrannize

t De Moneg ., and Origen, Lib. iii. in Job. 8 Gale's Court of Gent. Vol . III . Book ii . Ch. ii. Sect. 3 and 11 .
3 Lord Kingsborough's Mexico, Vol. VI. p . 301 . * TertuL Apo] . Cap. ix . Lib. ad Mart. ; 1 Kings xviii. 28.
s Lib. xv. de Civ . Del ; Plin. Hist . Nat. Lib. vii. Cap. ii. 6 Blondus, Rom. Trium . Lib. ii. p . .44.
7 Lib . vi . Cap. x . 8 Antiq . of Mexico, Vol. VI . p . 96.

9 Gale's Court Gent . Book ii . Chap . ii . Sect. 3 .

Book II . Chapter 1 . Section 13 75
over fools, nothing has ever yet been found so efficacious and powerful as duricular Confession .
" Confess your faults one to another," says St . James, and this put the most secret affairs and
counsels of all the states of Christendom into the hands of the Pope and his priests . This powerful
engine was itself alone sufficient, in the skilful hands of the priests, to lay all the riches and good
things of this world at the feet of holy mother church-to enable its bloated, pampered hierarchy
to ride triumphant over the liberties of mankind, and to reduce the rest of their fellow-creatures
to the lowest state of mental debasement and misery . By means of the priests the kings tyran-
nized over the people, and by means of the slavery of the kings, the priests had at their command
the wealth of the whole world .
The observation is as true as it is trite, that a small drop will wear a hole in a large stone : thus
causes apparently small by long continued and unceasing action produce effects which to super-
ficial observation seem out of proportion to their power . Of this nature is the practice of auricular
confession in the papal church . To this, in a great measure, may be attributed the victory which
it gained over all its competitors . It is almost inconceivable what a vast variety of opportunities
of acquiring power and wealth this must have thrown into its hands . It must have been almost
equally useful in enabling it to avoid dangers . The church possessed by this means a species of
omniscience . It is evident that by means of its corresponding societies of monks it would be
timely warned of the approach of every danger . Knowledge has been said to be power ; this is
very true, and this knowledge, for a space of almost a thousand years, enabled the Papal See to
dictate laws to the whole European world ; and, if the art of printing had not been discovered,
would have reduced it to the situation in which Tibet now is, under its grand Lama . The God in
Tibet and the God (as he was actually called) at Rome would have been in every respect similar .
Indeed, I should be glad to learn wherein the difference consists between the adoration' paid to
the Lama, and that paid by the cardinals to the Pope on his first exaltation on the altar after his
instalment. Modern sophistry may talk of civil adoration : the understandings of mankind having
become too enlightened, the daring violation of religion and decency must he explained away .
But the practice is continued : it awaits a restoration, by the holy allies, of the darkness of the
tenth century . The papal policy is sometimes suspended-it never dies . In more senses than
one, nullum tempus accurrit ecclesice.
It would be giving the Christian priests too much credit to allow them the merit of inventing
these engines of despotism and priestcraft ; they were merely imitators, though they may have
improved upon the originals which they copied . They removed some absurdities, they added
some stimuli ; but all the doctrines to which I have just now drawn the attention of the reader,
are to be found with very little deviation in the faith of the oriental nations, and from them they
passed to the Christians through the medium of the sects of Gnostics and Essenes, both of which
existed among the natives of Asia and Africa long before the time allotted for the birth of Christ .
Thus I think the seven celebrated sacraments of the Romish Christians, in which the two held by
the Protestants are included, are proved to be nothing but renewed Gentile ceremonies, that is,
integral parts of the usually called pestilent and idolatrous superstition of the Pagans .

I See Eustace's Classical Tour .

76 )


Revenues-Monks and Nuns-Mitre-Zone-Cassock - Praying Standing -

WVhite Surplice . Tithes Paid . Tonsure Practised . Crosier, &c .-Candles, In-
cense-Processions . Images . St. Abraham-Festivals-Epiphany . St. Denis,
&c.-Bambino at Rome . Dedicating Churches, &c ., &c.-Bulla . Agnus Dei .
Angels. Demons-Sunday, Dies Solis . Various Customs.

1 . Tim revenues of the Romish priests came from the same sources as those of the sacrificers
of the Pagans . They had first the tithes, then offerings, which the devotees presented to the
Gods, which they took and applied to their own use . But as the offerings were casual, and not
always to be depended on, a provision was made from the public revenue for the different orders,
and in general for all those who were employed about the offices of religion . Besides this, many
private individuals consecrated their property to the same purpose ; so that rich benefices became
founded : and these benefices were, as they are with us, some in the presentation of the prince or
the college of pontifices, others in that of individuals who had the right of patronage . And as at
this day, complaints against pluralities were made .' The Pontifex Maximus, also, had the right
to the annates, or fruits of the first year, which he might sell or give away . Another source of
wealth was found in the legacies left by those who wished prayers to be said for their souls after
their deaths, which is proved by the monuments of the ancient idolaters still remaining . Here is
the origin of the Romish prayers for the dead .2 Another source of wealth arose from confisca-
tions of the property of condemned persons . The houses and property of Cicero were confiscated
to the sacred college when he was banished, and the revenue ordered to be expended in sacrifices
to the Goddess of liberty . By these means the priests, in ancient and modern times, have equally
amassed great wealth.
2. The Pagans, besides their pontiffs, their priests, and their curiones, had different convents or
orders of religious men and women, who took the epithet of holy or divi : some called themselves
Quirini from Romulus, others Diales from Jupiter, a7ro Ts Atos, others Martiales from Mars .
They called themselves brothers, because they were bound to one another by reciprocal charity
and alliance, s and were all on an equal footing . Thus, at this day, we have Jesuits, Augustinians,
Benedictines, &c . The Monks among the Pagans were proprietors of land . T. Livy says, 4 that
Numa instituted the Quirinales and the Vestals, and established for them a revenue . Others
were Mendicants, ap the religious of the Great Mother of the Gods, 5 who answered exactly to
the Christian Mendicants begging for the Virgin, the Mother of God . Apuleius, in his Golden
Ass, has ridiculed them for their hypocrisy, by which they, under the pretence of poverty, acquired
riches . No beggars were allowed in Rome except these . The Romish Mendicants, like those of
the Pagans, were the great dealers in saints, in relics, in apostolic letters, indulgences, and other
trumpery. They in both cases had particular habits, and long beards . If they had not been

lit . Liv. Lib. ix . et xxx. ; Cie. de Leg. Lib, i. ; Suet . .in Claudio .
' Blondus, Rom . Trium . Lib. ii . p. 33 . ' Alex . ab Alex. Genial. Lib . L Cap . xxxvi .
4 Lib . i. 6
Augustin, de Civit. Dei, Lib. vii . Cap . vi.
Book II . Chapter II . Section 5 77
particularly dressed they would not have been known from other people, says Bellarmine .' Their
silence was an exact copy of the silence of Pythagoras ; and their vow of poverty was an imitation
of that of some of the ancient philosophers, who distributed all their substance to the poor .
The Hierophantes, at Athens, drank of the Hemlock to render themselves impotent, that when
they came to the Pontificate they might cease to be men . The priests of Egypt never mixed
with women, and to extinguish the passion for the female sex they never ate flesh or drank
wine . 2 The priests of the Great Mother drank of a certain river of Phrygia, which putting them
in a fury they castrated themselves, and thence were called Semi-viri. The priests of Egypt had
their fast days, when they abstained from flesh and wine . The priests of Eleusis kept strictly the
three commandments given by Triptolemus-to honour their father and mother ; the second, to
reverence the Gods ; and the third, to eat no flesh . Numa established fasts, particularly one in
honour of Ceres, when the people offered up their prayers for a good harvest . 3 The Pagan fasts
were to appease the Gods ; thus Horace says, Mane die quo to indicis jejunia. From these
examples we see the origin of the Romish fasts .
3. The father Ange de S. Joseph speaks of the ruins of Persepolis in the following terms : a There
~Qare many inscriptions on the marble of the ruins, but in characters unknown to all the universe,
~~ which shews their great antiquity . Many bas reliefs represent the divinities, the sacrifices, the
~~ funeral pomps, processions of men with large vests, long hair, with bonnets in form of (I
" mitre." a From this it is evident that the mitre which we see worn by the priests ill the
Mithraitic mysteries, and which is still worn on grand occasions by the bishops of the Romish and
Greek churches, is of very ancient establishment .
4. When young Persians came to be from twelve to fifteen years of age, prayer and ceremonies
took place, and they were invested with the girdle .' They were then supposed to be capable of
understanding the doctrines of the religion . It was, in fact, the ceremony of confirmation .
In the Sadder, the sacred book of Zoroaster, it is written, that God has commanded the girdle
as a sign of the obedience which is due to him . a It was believed that it rendered the wearer safe
from daemons. All the Christians of the Levant, whether Syrians, Arabians, Egyptians, or Coptes,
believe that they commit a sin if they go into a church without their girdle . 7 They found this
practice upon Luke xii . 35 . The monks use a girdle with twelve knots to chew that they are
followers of the twelve apostles : and when one of them is excommunicated they pull off his girdle .
When the Mohamedans receive into their communion a proselyte, either from the sect of the Magi
or Christians, they cut off his girdle, which he in future disuses . Thus we here see whence the
girdle of the monks is taken . 9
5. From the same place with the girdle came the use of the Cassock or Sudra . From Hyde we
)earn that Zoroaster is reported to have said that he received it from heaven along with the girdle
Hyde describes it to be the same with that used by our English clergy, and shews that it was
from the girdle that we derived the old English proverb-ungirt unblessed.
Concerning the Origin of the Zone and Cassock Hyde 10 says, " In ejus imperio venit Zerdusht
"propheta, coram Gushtasp prophetiam praetendens, eique dicens : Ego sum propheta quem Deus

' De Mon . Lib . ii . Cap . xl . ; Socrates, Lib . ii. Cap . xxxiii. ; Hieron . ad Eustach. Vol. I. pp . 49' .50 .
Hieron . Lib . adv . Jovin . 3 Liv . Lib . xxxv . 4 Beaus . Vol . II . Liv. ii . Ch . iv . P . 207 .
B eaus. Hist . Alan . Vol . I. Liv . ii . C h . iv . p . 198 . '' Hyde de Rel . Vet . Pers . p . 441 .
Assem . Vol. 111 . Pt. i. p. 359. s D'Herbelot, Bib Orien. p. 68 ; see also the word Zoanar.

9 Hyde de R el . Vet. Pers . Cap. xxx . p . 370 . '° Ibid . Cap. xxiv. p . 320, ed. 1 ;00.
78 Praying Sanding-White Surplice . Tithes . Tonsure Practised . Crosier, &c.
" excelsus ad to misfit : et istum librum Zend-avesta a Paradiso attuli : et hane Sudram et
'1-Cnngulum mini dedit, inquiens, istam Sudram indue, t et istud Cingulum in medium tuum
"tinge, ut anima tua a Gehenna liberetur et salvationem inveniat ; Religionem quoque Dei in
'~ mundo propagato ." " In primo infantum baptismate imponitur nomen : et postea anno
• septimo ut quidem aiunt, vel potius anno decimo quinto (quando censetur intrare in reli-
• gionem,) tum adhibitis precibus a sacerdote datur confirmatio solennis . Et eo anno decimo
• quinto (ut religionis tessera) eis .traditur sudra, seu tunics, et cingulum, quibus nunquam, ne
" per unum momentum (nisi in lecto sint) destitui debent ." 2 " Pueri et Puellae post quindecem
• annorum aetatem (ut supra) cingulum,,religionis tesseram, induere incipiunt, et divina praecepta
" ejus instillantur." 3 "Tunica cingitur cingulo, secundum sacerdotalem habitum in Anglia,
• excepto ctlore ." ° Hyde states that the stole was used in the rites of Mithra . " Mithra ibi
" est in figura regis Persici, uti constat ex Tiara directs et Stola, quae solis regibus competunt ." s
6. It often happens that trifling circumstances are more striking than those of more conse-
quence. The identity of the two religions being evident, they are less likely to be the produce of
accident . And what I am going to describe are of so out-of-the-way, unexpected a kind, that
there must be some cause for the similarity .
From Hyde we learn that the ancient Persians set apart four days in each month answering to
the Sabbath days of the Jews and to our Sundays, which were festivals . On these days they met
in their churches, and had more solemn service than on other days, reading portions of their sacred
book, and preaching and inculcating morality and purity . " Habent enim suo modo liturgiam
• publicam, quam certo quodam tono, seu piano cantu, modulantur et cantillant, sc. certain atque
" praescriptam precum et aliorum rituum formam ." He also says, " Ubi post peraetam prostra-
• tionem (ut fiebat in templo Hierosolymitano) STANTES ORANT ." 6 It is impossible here not to
be struck with the identity of the Persian and Christian services . The four days of the month, the
reading of portions of the sacred books, the preaching, the liturgia publica, the pramscripta forma
rituum et precum, the tono seu piano cantu of the Romish, and chaunting of the Protestant cathe-
drals . But perhaps among these different traits of resemblance there is no one more striking than
that of the praying standing on the four festival days of the month .' The early Christians always
prayed on a Sunday standing . Tertullian says, Die dominica jejunare nefas ducimus vel de
geniculis adorare . s In Canon sixteen, 9 worshiping on the knees on Sunday is forbidden . It
says, " Porro in sanctis dominicis diebus sacrisque aliis solennitatibus nullae fiant genuflexiones,
quia Iota sancta ecclesia in I sce hetatur et exuita t diebus ."
7. Silius, speaking of the strange rites used in the Gaditan temple of Hercules, says, the priests
officiated there barefooted, practised chasity, had no statues, used white linen surplices ; and it
was a notorious custom with the ancient Phoenicians to pay tithe . The shaving of the head and
surplices were borrowed from the Egyptian priests, and the crosier or pastoral staff was the lituus
of the Roman augurs . 10 The tonsure of the priests and monks is an exact imitation of that of
the priests of Isis ; 11 and St . Epiphanius witnesses also, 12 that the priests of Serapis at Athens

" Sudra-eat Tunica sacerdotalis brevior, Anglich a Cassock, ad mediam suram pertingens."
Hyde de Rel. vet Pers, Cap . xxviii . p. 350, ed. 1700. 3 Ut sup. p. 353 .
4 lb . Cap xxx p 370 . ° Ib . Cap. iv. p 119. 6 Ib. Cap. xxxviii . p. 352.
7 This
beautiful festival our absurd modern devotees, who are as ignorant as they are bigoted, wish to change from
a festival to a day of humiliation . In my Horse Sabbatlese, I have discussed this at length .
• Tertul. de Cor. Cap. iii. 9 Cone. Nic. Pap . Silvester I. A. D . 325.

10 Priestley's Hist. Cor. Vol II . p. 251, ed. 1782. " Apul . Asino Aureo. 1Y Hser. 64.
Book II . Chapter II . Section 9 79
had the head shaved. This custom is forbidden in Lev. xxi. 5, and the prohibition is afterwards
repeated, in Ezek . xliv. 20 ; for this is the meaning of the word nn-9 qrte, as Rabbi Solomon on
the report of Buxtorf has noticed .
The habit and the ornaments of the ecclesiastics at this day have been copied from those of the
ancient Pagans. The cross of the bishops I need not name again. The Lituus or Crosier was
the Hieralpha of the Hindoos, taken from the cave of Bala-rama near Muttra, and seen in a
variety of fantastic forms on the ancient Egyptian monuments . It is often united to the cross

t hus
It was the origin of the jawbone of Samson . It was the first rude, ill-formed

plough, thus

The Amicts and Dominos of the bishops came from the same place ; for the Pagans never
made any sacrifice without having the head covered with an Amict, which they called Orarium,
and a Superhumeral. They wore also an Aube, as the priest does when he goes to say mass .'
And the Flamens were clothed with a robe made with copes, like those which the Romish priests
wear in the churches . 2 The Stole is an imitation of that which they put on the back of the
victims which they offer on the altar . The Cardinal Baronius 3 has remarked, under the year 44
of our Lord, that the ancient Pagans had the surplice : that they carried the pastoral staff called
the lituus or crosier ; that they used the episcopal ring and mitre ; that the flamen or priest who
sacrificed was clothed in a garment of fine linen, called by the Latins Alba Vestis : and Juvenal,
in his 6th Satire, says, that the high priest of Anubis, environed with a crowd of other priests
clothed in fine linen, with his head shaved, deserves the first rank and supreme honour .
8. The use of lamps and candles, in the day-time, in the churches, was copied from the
Egyptians, who, according to Clemens Alexandrinus, first invented them . 4 No person can look
into the ancient temples of India and Egypt and not see that candles, either by day or night,
could not be dispensed with . All their ceremonies must have been by candle-light, as the most
sacred parts of their temples had no windows or openings to admit light . During the delivery of
sermons I have sometimes met with churches, in Italy, from which the sun was entirely excluded .
The use of incense was common both to Jews and Gentiles .
Saepe Jovem vidi cum jam sua mittere vellet
Fulmina, thure dato sustinuisse manum .'
Alex . ab Alexandro says, a that the Egyptians appeased their Gods with prayers and incense.
9. The processions around the streets and towns, in Catholic countries, are exact imitations of
those of the Pagans . When the priests of the Mother of the Gods made their processions through
the streets, they carried the image of Jupiter, which they placed for a short time in small bowers
dressed out for him, precisely as is done in Paris at the Fete Dieu . Virgil, in the first book of his
Georgics,' recommends the peasants to carry the statue of Ceres round their fields
°` Annua magnae
"Sacra refer Cereri," &c .
Terque novas circum felix eat hostia fruges ."
Further accounts of the Heathen processions may be seen in Apuleius . °

Plut. in Ant. Fenestrelle, Chap . v . 2 Du Verdier en ses Legons, Liv . ii . Ch . iv . p

. 86 .
• Noticed by Marolles in his Memoirs. ! Strom . i . s Ovid's Fasti, 5.
6 Gen. Dierum, Lib . ii . Cap. xxii . ' Line, 338, 339, 345.
• Lib. ii. Metam . p . 200, edit . Plautin . 1587 ; also Polyd. Viirgil, Cap. xi . p. 414 .
80 Processions . Images . St. Abraham
As the Roman Church has its processions for rain or fair weather, or to avert tempests or
famine, &c ., so the Pagans had theirs exactly in the same manner ; they are copies of one
Though it may be unnecessary to point out the identity of the practices of the modern and
ancient Romans in the use of images, yet it may not be unnecessary to observe, that precisely the
same reasons were given in excuse for the use of them . Gregory I ., against Serenus, bishop of
Marseilles, says, that what books are to those who can read, pictures and statues are to those who
are ignorant of the art . Porphyry, in Eusebius, justifies images on the same ground . He says
they are the books of the ignorant . Theodoret on this subject says, that the demon invented
images for the use of the ignorant, that by this means he might establish his superstition . There
is no person, says Celsus, I so foolish and absurd as to believe that these things are really Gods,
and not the symbols which we adore in honour of the deity . And in Arnobius, s the Pagan says
to the Christian, " You deceive yourselves ; for we believe not the brass, the gold, and the silver,
" which compose the statues, are God : but we serve God in them, and we venerate the Gods as
" dwelling in them, by virtue of consecration ." Constantine, bishop of Constance, in the second
Council of Nice, declared, " For myself I render to images the same worship of honour which is
" due to the Holy Trinity : and let him be anathematized as a Marcionite and Manichaean who
" shall refuse to do the same.' 13
The Christians have not only copied the practices of bowing down to the idols of their great
men deified or elevated to the rank of inferior Gods or heavenly personages, but they have in
many cases adopted the very persons adored by the Heathens . They have not only adopted the
same practices . of the apotheosis, but they have done it with the same rites and ceremonies, and
given the same attributes to their deceased great men . The ancients raised such of their great
men or kings to the rank of inferior Gods as had been benefactors to mankind, or as they chose to
flatter, calling them by the title of divus. The souls of their emperors, if deified, were seen to fly
away to heaven, in the form of a bird, from the body, when placed on the funeral pile : thus, in a
similar manner the soul of St. Polycarp, when he was burnt, was seen in the form of a dove to
wing its way to the mansions of the blessed, and he became divus Polycarp . Thus like divus
Augustus, the apostles all became divi ; as Divus Paulus, Divus Petrus, &c .
The Roman Divi were considered only as created inferiores divi, and intercessors with the
Supreme God, but residents of the heavenly mansions. This is exactly the case with the Christian
Divi ; they are considered only as intercessors, but residents of the heavenly mansions ; while the
remainder of mankind are excluded from these abodes till the day of judgment . The relics of the
Divi of each also received adoration, and, at times, worked miraculous cures. They both had
altars erected to them, with lights constantly burning before them . Their festivals were kept on
set days peculiarly dedicated to them, and the images themselves were in many cases considered
to be animated, and to possess and exercise a supernatural power . I had in my possession a book,
which I have given to the British Museum, published by the authority of Pope Pius the Sixth, in
which the miracles performed by a great number of images are described : they opened their eyes,
they wept, they spoke, they performed cures . Some of them are considered more powerful than
others, and in consequence acquire more votive offerings, which are given to them in some cases,
as at Loretto, to an immense amount both in number and value . It cannot be said that these are
merely the idle superstitions of the vulgar . The book alluded to was published by the authority of

Orig . cont . Cels. . Lib . vii . pp. 387 and 285, 292 .
s Lib . vi . p . 229, ex edit . Frol. ; see also Lact. Lib . ii. Cap. ii. 3 Act 4, a little from the end .
Book II . Chapter II . Section .10 81
the Pope and Roman Church, the miracles were all proved before a commission of cardinals, at the
head of which was Cardinal Somaglia, and the genuineness of the book itself is actually ascertained
beyond dispute by the WRITTEN attestation and signature of the register of the Papal chancery .
Enlightened men, both Greeks and Romists, will be offended at hearing the term idolatry
applied to the believers in their religions . But there is in reality no difference between the icon
worship of the ancients and that of the moderns . The enlightened men of this day are not
idolaters, nor were the Ciceros nor Plinys of ancient times, but the rabble, genteel and ungenteel,
who believe in the miracles of the images, and honour them with their votive offerings, most
certainly are . It is childish to dispute about the mere word or name given to the practice.
Whatever the ancients did to their images, the moderns do to theirs ; and in whatever light the
ancients considered them, and with whatever attributes they endowed them-precisely in the same
light and with the same attributes the moderns view and endow them . The demigods of the
ancients are correctly the saints of the moderns, and both bear the name of Divi .
The oiylo?arpesa of the Greek and Roman, as well indeed as that of the Protestant Church, is
nothing more than a servile imitation of the Dezsp ovoAarpsJa or AL10- i8a yu.ovta of the Gentiles ;
the proof of this may be seen at great length in Gale's Court of the Gentiles . I
On the adoration of saints Bochart says, " They have transferred to their saints all the equipage
tC of the Pagan Gods : to St . Wolfang the hatchet, or hook of Saturn : to Moses the horns of
~Q Jupiter Hatnmon : to St . Peter the keys of Janus . In brief, they have chased away all the Gods
"out of the Pantheon at Rome, to place in their room all the Saints ; whose images they worship
"with like devotion as those of the Pagan Gods sometimes were . They dress them up in ap-
" parel, they crown them with garlands of flowers, they carry them in procession, they bow before
• them, they address their prayers to them, they make them descend from heaven, they attribute
• to them miraculous virtues ."' Bochart then, in support of his assertion that the Romish adora-
tion of saints is nothing but a renewal of the adoration of the Pagan daemons, observes, that the
Canonization of Saints is correctly the Apotheosis of the Pagans, and that Cajetan's Gods by parti-
cipation are the very same as Plato's ©so ; yew"ro;, made Gods, which is the title he gives to his
daemons . All these saints, when they were determined to be fit objects of canonization, were
deemed to have been possessed of divine inspiration or the afflatus, in a fuller degree than common
priests, all of whom have a portion of the Holy Ghost or the a.&tus numinis instilled into them at
their ordination by the imposition of the bishops' hands . These inspirations or entrances into the
flesh of portions of the divine spirit are correctly the minor Incarnations or Avatars of the H indoos,
who say, there have been thousands of incarnations or avatars of the Supreme Being .
Among the saints of the Roman church we have Saint Abraham and Mary his niece . He came
from a place called Edessa in Mesopotamia . He was considered as a saint in the Latin, Greek,
and Coptic churches.' His holiday is the 15th of March . If we make allowance for the old style,
this brings him to the 25th of March, the Vernal Equinox . We need not repeat what has been
proved respecting Maria, the queen of heaven, being the generative power . We here have her
identified with Sarah, the 'Wife of the Brahmin, which serves to prove the mythological charac-
ter of Abraham and Sarah, who are evident enough in these two saints . 4
10 . The Pagans had their festival days in honour of their country or local Gods ; these were

' Vol. III. Book ii. Ch . ii . Sect . iii. p . 184.

• Bochart against Veron, p. 3, Ch. xxv. p. 888 ; Gale's Court Gent . Vol. III. Book ii. ChL ii. Sect. iv.
• Butler's Lives of the Saints. 4 See Vol. 1. pp. 98, 162, 306, 387, 391, 646, 647, 697, 698 . Edtor.
82 Festivals

exactly imitated by the Christians in their wakes and revels, which were kept in honour of pre-
tended martyrs, the names of many of whom, being the exact names of the heathen Gods, suffi-
ciently explain what they were .
The Goddess Februa, or the Februata Juno, became the Purificata Virgo Maria. The old
Romans celebrated this festival in precisely the same way as the moderns-by processions with
wax lights, &c ., and on the same day, the 2d of February . The author of the Perennial Calendar
observes, that it is a remarkable coincidence that the festival of the miraculous conception of Juno
Jugalis, the blessed Virgin, the Queen of Heaven, should fall on the very day the modern Romans
have fixed the festival of the conception of the blessed Virgin Mary . Being merely a continuation
of an ancient festival, there is nothing remarkable in it .
In the autumn a very peculiar festival was celebrated by almost all nations in honour of the
On the 2d of November the festum Dei Mortis is annually celebrated . The priest makes a pro-
cession round the burial-ground, with his censer and aspersorio, sprinkling holy water and singing
a miserere as he goes along . This, again, is nothing more than a heathen ceremony .
This festival is yet annually celebrated by the Buddhists of Tibet, by the Papists at Rome, and
has yet its service and day in the calendar of the Protestant church of England .' Mr . Turners
informs us, that on the last days of October and first of November an annual festival is kept, which
is sacred to the souls of the dead . All the monasteries are lighted up and great ceremonies take
place among the monks . It appears that this festival is kept at the same time in Bengal and Hin.,
dostan . It is remarkable that this festival was anciently kept by the Druids in Ireland, and is yet
continued there. In Ireland it was called the festival of Samhan, lasted two days, and was begun
to be celebrated on the evening preceding the first of November, which evening is yet called
Oidhche Samhna, or the night of Samhan . This solemnity was consecrated by the Druids to the
intercession of the living for the souls of those who had died the year preceding that day ; for,
according to their doctrine, Samhan called before him these souls, and passed them to the man •
sions of the blessed, or returned them to a re-existence here as a punishment for their crimes . 3
This Samhan was also called Bal-Sab or Lord of Death . This i the Beelzebub of the Christians .
On this festival all the fires, except the sacred fires of the Druids, were extinguished, and every
one was prohibited, under the most terrible penalties, from procuring this indispensable article in
any way except from them, for which a stipulated price was paid . 4 This festival is even yet
partly continued by the Irish, who light great fires on the tops of their mountains, and pass their
children and flocks through them to Beal or Samhan, as described in the Old Testament to Bel or
Baal . a The Irish call this festival Bealtine, or the feast of the fires of Baal . This solemnity is
what we call All-Souls' Day . Gen . Vallancey says, 6 "it was called La Samhna or Hallowmaa-Day .
" The Druids taught the Pythagorean system of the transmigration of souls, and that Samban or
" Baal Samhan, at this season called the souls to judgment, which according to their merits or
" demerits in the life past, were assigned to re-enter the bodies of the human or brute species,
" and to be happy or miserable during their next abode on this sublunary globe : hence Samhan

' All-Saints' Day-united with All . Souls' . This festival was also kept by the Mexicans. See p. 31 . Editor.
a In the account of his Journey to Tibet, p . 31S. s Celtic Druids, Ch. v. Sect. xvii.
• Samhain, All-Saints' Eve, genit Samhna . Oidhche Saamhna, All-Saints' Eve . (O'Brien's Diet .) Sambain, SHAW
and LaYD, Arch. Brit., La Samhna, Hallowmas-day, Macdonald's Vocab.
• Jeremiah xix . 5, xxxii . 3b ;. see also on Molech, Lev . xviii . 21, xx . 2-4 ; 2 Kings xxiii . 10. Editor.
s Coll. Hib. Vol. III. P. 444 .
Book II . Chapter II. Section 10 83
" was named [by the Irish] Balsab or Dominus Mortis, for Bal is Lord, and Sab death . But the
" punishment of the wicked they thought might be alleviated by charms and magic art, and by
" sacrifices made by their friends to Bal, and presents to the Druids for their intercession ."
" It has been the opinion of some learned men, that the Baal-Zebub of the idolatrous Jews was
" the God of flies or locusts, as the LXX . have translated it Deum Muiav, muscam, or Murayeov
" muscarum averruncum . Basnage is singular in supposing this deity to be Mars, or the God of
" Battles and of Arms, because, says he, the Phoenicians might readily convert nxiv tsabath into
" alit Zebub . The Irish or Iberno-Celtic retains both ; for sab is death, and also strong, potent,
valiant ; so in Hebrew Koy tsaba militia ; in Arabic, zab, repelling by force ; zabin, a life guard-
" man, and zaaf, death ; but our Hiberno Druids retaining Balsab synonymous to Samhan, it is
" evident, Baal-Zebub is Domnnus Mortis ." I The day following is the festival of Samhan, to whom .
black sheep were offered in sacrifice . 2 This festival lasted till the beginning of December, which
was named Mr NOLAGI, or the month of the new born, from the Hebrew word -1513 pule Nolah,
i. e . parire, to bring forth young ; whence the French word NoEL, and the Irish NOLAGH, Christ-
mas-day . This was a month of great rejoicing, as the former was of mourning . 3 The Persians
light fires in their temples, &c., on the day answering to the 2d of November, precisely as the
Irish did, and yet do . 4
Dr. Hyde 5 states, that this custom is continued among the fire worshipers or Guebres of Persia
at this day : and he observes, that he learns from the Talmud, that this practice was adopted by
the Israelites when they were in captivity in that country among the Medes, who are called Perom .
It continues two days, because it begins on the eve, as the Buddhist book of Genesis reckons time,
"and the evening and the morning were the first day ;" not the morning and the evening . The
identity of the religious rites in the East and West, I am justified in here reasserting, cannot be
doubted. Among the Druids of Ireland, the same doctrines of a Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer,
are found, and many of the Gods have the same names : s for instance-Samhan, Bud, Chandra,
Om, Eswara, Cali, &c.
The Mohamedans have this festival as well as the Hindoos and Christians ; but this is not sur-
prising, as they are merely a sect of the latter .
Now I beg my reader to recollect what he has read in the Preliminary Observations respecting
the festival of the Vernal Equinox, when the sun was in Taurus . 7 This was evidently the coun-
terpart of it-the festival of the Autumnal Equinox-exactly six months from the former . At the
Vernal Equinox began the empire of glory, of happiness, of the good principle, of Oromasdes ; at
the Autumnal Equinox began the empire of the evil principle, of Arhiman, and Bal-Sab . No one
can for a moment doubt the meaning of the festival ; and its universal celebration and reception
would fully confirm what is said from Mr . Maurice respecting the Tauric festival, in the Prelimi-
nary Observations, if confirmation were wanting . The identity of the religious rite, in both East

i Vall. Col . Hib . Vol . III . pp . 447, 448, &c . I Ibid., and see Virgil's Geor . Lib. iv. 547.
Vall . ut sup . Vide Parkhurst for root ,',r and Frey, under word -i51j .
* Maur. Hist . Hind. Vol . II . p. 89, ed . 4to . For some curious remarks about the Childermas, or the Feast of the
Innocents, see Vallancey, ut sup. Vol . III, p. 446 . This relates to the boy bishop in some of our cathedrals . The
month of November is called in Ireland Mi Samhan, month of Samhan, or Mi dubh, month of sorrow or grief . The
Welsh call it y mis du, the month of grief. For explanation of Sammael and Samhan, (perhaps Esmin?) Beelzebub,
Pluto, Asima, see Vall . ut sup . pp . 448, &c , and for every thing relating to the first and second of November .
s De Religione Vet . Pers . ; Vall. Coll. Hib . Vol . IV . p. 346 . 5 Vide Celtic Druids, Ch. Y. Sect . xxvii .
' Vol . L pp . 24-26.
84 Epiphany . St . Denis, &c .
and West, is striking, and proves the wide extent of the Buddhist religion ; but it is chiefly im-
portant in fixing the chronology . It must have taken place by the true Zodiac about 4680 years
before Christ.
The priests disguise to their votaries, and perhaps to themselves, the identity of the Christian
and Gentile festivals, by pretending that one of the Popes ordered the missionaries to fix the birth-
days of the saints to the heathen festivals, to humour the prejudice of the Heathen, and thus, by
degrees, to draw them into Christianity . But here is the doctrine of prayers for the dead as well
as the ceremony on the same day . Besides, the very fact of the Pope ordering it on a certain spe-
cified occasion, goes very far to prove that it was not the general practice. So far were the early
Christians from adopting Heathen ceremonies, that they would not intentionally even call the
months of the year or the days of the week by their usual names, for fear they should pollute their
mouths by those names, particularly that of Venus, which is a practice still continued by the
society of Quakers . Gregory Thautnaturgus, who lived in the third century, is commended by
Gregory Nyssenus, for thus changing the Pagan festivals into Christian holidays .'
11 . We Protestants keep The Epiphany, pretending that it is the manifestation of Christ to the
Gentiles. Isaac Casauban shall tell us what it is .R "Baronius errs, in that he judgeth, that the
" Epiphany was instituted, in the primitive time, in commemoration of the Magi, their appari-
tion . This opinion is refuted, first by the very appellation of Epiphanies, and thence by the
," use of authors and history . The appellation ert(Pavsimv, of Epiphanies, was brought into eccle-
• siastic observation from Pagan rites, on a pious account . Greek writers call en'icavetav, Epipha-
• nie, the apparition of a deity, whatever the manner were by which such a deity was supposed to
have given some sign of his presence ." Diodorus says, "That Isis was wont to appear by night :
• and Dionysius Halicarnassus greatly reprehended such as derided the epiphanies of the Gods
" by which they manifest themselves to men . In commemoration of these apparitions the Gre-
" clans instituted certain festivals which they called Epiphanies . The Greek church has its
"Epiphany on the sixth of January ." 3
At St . Denis, near Paris, the God Bacchus or D :ovvTog is worshiped under the name of St .
Denis . At Ancona, on the top of the promontory, Bacchus is worshiped under the name of Liber
and Liberius. 4

I Priestley's H ist . Cor . Vol . 1 . p . 336. Speakin g of the two classes into which society is divided in Tibet, Mr.
Turner (Travels, p . 257) says, "Both, united in one common bond of union, the one part to labour, the other to pray,
" enjoy in peace and harmony the fruits of their industry ; and find it unnecessary to support a single man in ; arms,
" either to defend their territory or maintain their rights ." This is as it should be-the Drones and the Bees ; idle
priests and industrious slaves . Here every one moves in his proper sphere !
s Exercit . 2, An. 1, Num . 36 . a Gale's Court of Gent . Vol. III, Bk . ii . Ch . ii. Sect . UL pp. 192, 193.
4 Several temples have probably stood together which are now all formed into one church of Gothic architecture .
In a crypt, on the left side as a person enters, is a magnificent sarcophagus of brass, of modern workmanship, with the
words upon it CORPUS SANcTi LIBBRY Coxa . In the front of it, under the Roman arches, stands an altar, at which
a priest was officiating when I was there. On the wall opposite is a MODERN Latin inscription, which informs its
reader that St . Liberius was an Armenian : Liberius ex Armen . Regum stirpe ortu8 Scec . VI. In the word LIBERY
the last letter in one place being Y and in another U, the lower part wanting, proves, notwithstanding the care to
prevent mistakes displayed by the monks in the modern inscription, that this S . Liberius was no other than Bacchus-
Liber_ In the crypt on the right side as you enter the church is a very ancient sarcophagus of stone . This, I suspect,
in former times, has held the body of the God. It has had two inscriptions, one in the stone now erased with a chisel,
the other in metal, which has been removed, the marks of the rivets remaining. I suppose the temples under the
decrees of Theodosius, &c ., were all thrown down, and from their ruins the present church was built ; and amongst
the ruins were found the fine columns of marble and the sarcophagus with the inscription Corpus S. Libery . and, if it
had any where upon it, as it probably had, or if there was found any where near it, the cross or the monogram of
Bacchus, this would be thought to prove the deceased a Christian confessor . For, as the Christians adopted the
Book II. Chapter II . Section 11 8.5
I must draw my reader's attention to the fact, that the ancients had their miracles performed at
the shrines of their saints, Divi, just as commonly as the Christians at the shrines of their saints.
The identity of some of the Romish Saints and the Heathen Gods, is in no instance more
ridiculously exhibited than in that of St . Denis or Dionysus, the ancient Bacchus ; even Mr.
Faber is obliged to allow it. He says, t
u Dionysus is cut in pieces by the Maenades on the top of Mount Parnassus :
Denis is put to
~~ death in the same manner on the summit of Montmartre . Dionysus is placed on a tomb, and
~~ his death is bewailed by women : the mangled limbs of Denis are collected by holy females,
~~ who weeping consign him to a tomb, : over which is built the abbey church that bears his name .
" Dionysus experiences a wonderful restoration to life, and quits the coffin within which he had
• been confined : Denis rises again from the dead, replaces his severed head to the amazement of
~~ the spectators, and then deliberately walks away . On the southern gateway of the abbey, the
• whole history of this surprising martyrdom is represented . A sculptured sprig of the vine,
• laden with grapes, is placed at the feet of the holy man :
and in all parts may be seen the same
• tree blended with tigers and associated with a hunting match . Such numerous and close
• coincidences prevent the possibility of doubting the identity of the God Dionysus and the
" monkish saint Dionysius . Were I more conversant in the hagiographa of the Latin church I
~~ might perhaps be able to produce many other similar instances ."
There is no doubt that at the town of St . Denis, the Romans had some kind of a temple to the
Divus Dionysus or Bacchus, whence the ignorance and roguery of the priests made a saint, a
Divus Denis, with all his traditionary adventures .
Near Naples the universe is worshiped under the name of St. Cosmo-Ko - or . 2
The custom of putting D. M ., for the words Dis Manibus, on monuments and grave-stones, is
continued all over Italy . In the church of St . Clement, at Rome, I observed the actual words
Dis Manibus upon a grave-stone ; the letters had not long been filled up with a bard cement, to
disguise them ; but they were sufficiently evident . No doubt at every Jubilee, when the churches
are repaired, some remnant of Heathenism is erased .
The way in which the Christians have made their saints is perfectly laughable . An explanation
of them may be seen in Dupuis . 3 He spews how they have made their St . Bacchus and Liber,
Dionysius-Eleutherius, R .usticus-marked in the calendar, 7th Oct, fest . S . Bacchi, 8th festum
S . Demetri, and the 9th fest . S . S . Dionysii, Eleutherii et Rustici .
In the Dyonysiacs, of Nonnus, the God Bacchus is feigned to have fallen in love with the soft,
genial breeze, under the name of Aura Placida . Out of this they have made the saints Aura and
Placida. This festival is on the fifth of October, close to the festival of St . Bacchus, and of St .
Denis the Areopagite.

monogram of Bacchus for their monogram, wherever it was found, the ignorant monks, thousands of whom in ancient
times could neither read nor write, immediately determined that it denoted a martyr or confessor of their religion .
The monks were not necessarily in the modern Romish orders, and in the early ages of Christianity very few of them
were Romish priests . As they found it increased their influence they gradually got into the way of receiving the
Romish ordination ; and, as the Popes found them a formidable body, after much quarrelling they formed an union
with them, if indeed the monks did not actually conquer the Popes, and get possession of the Papacy .
' Pag. Idol. Bk. v . Ch . viii .
s The particulars of this Saint may be found in a letter published in the Preface to Mr . Payne Knight's book on the
Phallic worship . . He was adored with the ancient Phallic rites . In the mean time, when Sir WV . Hamilton was at
Naples, great numbers of ex votos of the parts of generation adorned his shrine, which was much frequented by
modern Neapolitan females to procure fecundity, precisely as it had been by the females of antiquity .
3 Vol . III . p . 151 .
86 Bambino at Rome . Dedicating Churches, &c ., &c .
The ancients had a form of wishing happiness to others, in which were used the words perpetuam
felicitatem. Out of these words were made St . Perpetua and St . Felicita. In the same way, from
the words Rogare et Donare, they have made St . Rogatien and St . Donatien. These examples of
their saints exhibit a very striking proof of what I have said respecting the nature of the Romish
tradition-all these histories are traditions . From such traditions the whole fabric was raised . It
could not be expected to be otherwise than as we find it . The President Fauchet, in his Life of
Clovis, I declares ingenuously, that the feasts of the Romish Church were copied from those of
the Pagans : and Polydore Virgil regrets that the feasts are more Pagan than Christian . s
The festival of Martinmas was an exact imitation of the feast of the Romans and the Greeks
called Pitegie which signifies the opening of the wine barrels, which at this time is practised by
the Christians . Thomas Neagorus I calls it the second bacchanalia.
Herodotus 4 says, that the Egyptians had a feast in which the ceremony consisted in lighting
numbers of candles in their houses during the whole night, called the feast of lights .. This solem-
nity, says Baronius, 5 is also observed by us, having been transferred to the ascension .
I suppose I need not point out the absolute identity of the ancient Saturnalia and the modern
Carnival ; no one who has paid the least attention to these subjects can entertain any doubt
respecting them .
As the Christians have a particular saint to whom each day in the year is dedicated, and who
has his particular service for that day ; so the Persians had an angel for each day, and a particular
service containing a compliment to the angel of that day . 6
12 . As I stated before, to account for the Heathen superstitions in Christian churches, it has
been said, that Gregory the Great directed, in order that the prejudices of the vulgar might be as little
offended as possible by the change, that the missionaries to Britain, &c ., should leave the people
in the possession and enjoyment of their festivals, provided they did not actually adore the idols .
How can this be reconciled with the actual adoration of the waxen infant, with the most magnifi-
cent ceremonies, in the churches in Rome, on the first hour after midnight, on the morning of the
25th of December ? This I have myself witnessed . The priests pass the image in grand proces-
sion, each stopping before it, muttering his prayer, going down on his knees, and kissing the toe
of the figure . What was this but the ancient worship continued ?
When the Pagans proceeded to build a temple they performed on the ground a variety of
ceremonies . The head priest presided at the ceremony, and laid the first stone, after a grand
procession . 7 Pieces of gold and silver were laid in the foundation, and the Vestal Virgins or
Nuns sprinkled the place with holy water . All this is closely imitated by the Romish and Protes-
tant churches, holy water by the latter excepted .
The long pilgrimages of the Christians are exact imitations of those of the Pagans, who were
accustomed to frequent the temples of Delphi, Dodona, Diana at Ephesus, Ceres in Sicily, 8
according to vows made by them on emergences .
It is the custom with Christians to make vows on various occasions to build churches . So
Romulus, to arrest the flight of his soldiers, vowed a temple to Jupiter Stator . In like manner
Appius vowed a temple to Bellona .I
Every one is acquainted with the votive offerings of the ancients

P . 124. ' Lib . vi . Cap . viii . &c . 3 Dc Regno Pont . Lib. iv. 4 Lib . ii.
s In the year 58, s . 28. a Hyde ; Dupuis, Vol . 111 . p . 325, 4to .
° Cicero and Tacitus, Lib . iv . on rebuilding the capitol . a Vide Cie . Acti . 6, in Verrecn .
9 T. Livy, Lib . x.
Book II . Chapter II . Section 13 87
Me tabulll sacer
Votive panes indicat humida
Suspendisse potenti
Vestimenta maris Deo'
Nunc Dea, nunc succurre mihi, nam posse mederi
Picta docet templis multa tabella tuffs s
This is exactly imitated in the Romish churches of Italy . Some of the churches in Florence
and Rome are actually covered with votive offerings . Sometimes jewels are given, sometimes
pictures of the mode in which some favourite saint has effected a cure, or saved the devotee from
the effect of an accident ; or a model in wax of some limb cured is hung up ; and some very
curious limbs may occasionally be seen .
Our long prayers and litanies are exact imitations of those of the Pagans, and are directly in
defiance of the command of Jesus Christ . " When ye pray," says he, "use not vain repetitions,
11 as the Heathen do ; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking ." (Matt . vi.
7.) How directly this is against the Romish " Kyrie, Eleeson ; Christe, Eleeson ; ora pro nobis ;
" Domine, exaudi nos ;" and our " Lord have mercy upon us," in our litany and repetition of
creeds, &c.! All this is an exact imitation of the prayers to Baal, described in I Kings xviii . 26,
Baal, exaudi nos, which they cried from morning to noon . Thus the Romish devotees count
their Paters and the repetition of their Credo, and Ave, Maria, &c ., exactly like what Tertullian
says of the Pagans-that they think to force heaven with their crowd of prayers . Thus again, in
the Protestant Litany, the repetition of the prayer to the Lamb of God is taken from the service
of the ancient Carnutes of Gaul .
13 . The ancient Roman children carried around their necks a small ornament in form of a heart,
called Bulla. This was imitated by the early Christians . Upon their ancient monuments, in the
Vatican, the heart is very common, and it may be seen in numbers of old pictures . After some
time it was succeeded by the Agnus Dei, which, like the ancient Bulla, was supposed to avert
dangers from the children and the wearers of them . Pope Urban V . sent one to the Emperor of
the Greeks with the following beautiful verses
Balsamus et munda cera cum chrismatis undfi
Conficiunt agnum quod munus do tibi magnum .
Fulgura desursum depellit, omne malignum
Peccatum frangit, ut Christi sanguis et angit .
Praegnam servatur, simul et partus liberator .
Dona defert dignis, virtutem destruet ignis .
Portatus munde de fluctibus eripit uudae .
Cardinal Baronius 3 says, that those who have been baptized carry pendant from their neck an
Agnus Dei, in imitation of a devotion of the Pagans, who hang to the neck of their children little
bottles in form of a heart, which serve as preservatives against charms and enchantments . And
as these bottles were made in form of a heart to shew that man could not exist without a heart ;
so the Christians carry the image of the lamb, to learn from its, example to be humble of heart .
This is the heart which the reader has seen in the figures of India, of Greece, and of Rome,
noticed in Vol . 1. pp. 146, 572 It seems to me, however, that the origins of both the heart and
the agnus were equally unknown to the Cardinal . But he was probably right in supposing them
talismans .

I Horace, Lib . i. Ode v . s Tibull . Lib. i. Eleg. iii.

3 Ann . Eccles. en 1'ann . 58 .
88 Bulla. Agnus Dei . Angels. D~euions
For the manufacture or blessing of these Agni Dei a long ceremony is usually performed by the
Pope on the day called the Sunday in Albis . I
As the supreme God Bramha was surrounded with good and bad angels, or, as they are called
in the Brahminical religion, Dewtahs, with some of the latter of whom Cristna the saviour made a
war ; so with the Persians the Supreme God had his good and bad angels, the latter constantly
aided by the destroyer Arhiman, at war with the Supreme Being. Here we see the prototype of
the Christian doctrine of the devil and his fallen angels at war with God, and working in every
way in their power for the destruction of man . The book of Enoch gives the fullest account of
the doctrine of angels . As the genuineness of the book is not doubted, that is to say, as it is not
doubted to be the real book referred to by St . Jude, and as he was inspired, I do not clearly see
how his authority can be denied by Christians . In the Hindoo work called the Mahabarat, a very
long account is given of the wars of Cristna with the rebellious Dewtahs and Assoors . The
Hindoo and Persian doctrine of angels and devils, is alluded to in the Epistle of Jude, to which
I have just referred .
Stanley also shews that the existence of angels, and of good and bad daemons, was ad-
mitted . He shews that daemons were held to be of many kinds, and to be corporeal : " Those
" daemons are of many kinds, and various sorts, both as to their figures and bodies, insomuch that
• the air is full of them, as well that which is above us, as that which is round about us. The
" earth likewise is full, and the sea, and the most retired cavities and depths ."
Mr. Colebrook says, that the Vedas throughout teem with prayers and incantations to avert
and repel the molestation of aerial spirits, mischievous imps, who crowd about the sacrifice and
impede the religious rite . 2 This was precisely the doctrine and belief of the early fathers of the
Romish Church .
In the first Liturgy of Edward VI . Anno 2, the following form of Exorcism was ordered in
baptism t "Then'let the priest, looking upon the children, say, I command thee, unclean spirit, in
• the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, that thou come out and depart from
" these infants, whom our Lord Jesus Christ has vouchsafed to call to his holy baptism, to be
" made members of his body and of his holy congregation . Therefore remember, thou cursed
" spirit, remember thy sentence, remember thy judgment, remember the day to be at hand
• wherein thou shalt burn in fire everlasting, prepared for thee and thy angels . And presume not
• hereafter to exercise any tyranny towards these infants, whom Christ bath bought with his
" precious blood, and by this holy baptism called to be of his flock ." This, on the remonstrance
of Bucer, was afterwards omitted . 3
The sign of the cross, though made by a Jew, Infidel, or Pagan, was of force to drive the devil
from one . 4 Pope Alexander ordained that holy water should be tempered with salt, and used ad
fugandos doemones, to drive away devils . (Platina in vita Alexand.) 5
But the Persians not only had angels and wars of angels against God, similar to those of the
Christians, but they actually had the same names, (as I have somewhere read, though at this
moment I cannot recollect where,) such as Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, &c .

Vide Cerem Rom . i . Sect. 7 ; also Hospinian Festa Christianorum, p . 76, A . D . 1612 .
4 Astron . Vol. 1 . P . 578 .
3 The seventy-second canon of the Church of England thus expresses itself on Exorcism : " No minister shall,
• without the licence of the bishbp of the diocese, first obtained and had under his hand and seal, attempt, upon any
• p retence whatsoever, either of obsession or possession, by fasting and prayer, to cast out anv devil or devils, under
" pain of the imputation of imposture or cozenage and deposition from the ministry"-Beverley's Book, xxv .
4 Bellarmin de lmaginibus Sanet, Cap . xxx . ; Hog's Hist . of Cornwall, p . 468. 3 Hog's Hist. ut supra.
Book II . Chapter II . Section 14 89
The followers of Mithra always turned towards the East, when they worshiped : the same is
done by the Brahmins' of the East and the Christians of the West. In the ceremony of baptism,
the catechumen' was placed with his face to the West, the symbolical representation of the
prince of darkness, in opposition to the East, and made to spit towards it at the evil one, and
renounce his works . 3
Tertullian 4 says, that Christians were taken for worshipers of the Sun because they prayed
towards the East after the manner of those who adored the Sun . He says the same in his book,
Ad Nat . Lib. i . Cap. xiii . 5 Mr. Reeves says, the Christians worshiped towards the East because
the altar was there : but why was the altar there, but because the East was the symbol of the
good Deity-in opposition to the West, the symbol of the Evil One ?
To this day, in most English Churches, at particular parts of the service, for instance in the
repetition of the Creed, those persons who do not happen to have their faces turned towards the
altar or the East, always turn to it ; of the reason of this they are probably ignorant . 6 The
Essenes always turned to the East to pray . Prideaux, in his Life of Mahomet, says, the Jews
always turned to Jerusalem to pray 7 wherever they might be . s
"Quod attinet supradictos Christianos Armenos ad Solein se flectentes, de ejusmodi Christianis
• etiam suo tempore conquerebatur Leo Papa ( Serm . VII . de Nativitate Christi) Priscillianistas
" arguens de cultu Solis . Ut sol exurgens-d quibusdam insipientibus de locis eminentioribus
" adoretur. Quod nonnulli etiam Christiani aded se religiosc facere putant, ut priusquan : ad D .
• Petri Basilicam perveniant, superatis gradibus,-converso corpore, ad nascentem se Solem reflee-
• tant, et curvatis cervicibus, in honorem se splendentis orbis inclinent ." s This proves the
mixed worship of Jesus and the Sun, which Leo was striving to abolish . Hyde, in the preceding
page, shews, that the Armenian Christians were also in the habit, while turning to the Sun to offer
their prayers, of constantly crossing themselves .
14. It appears that the Christians were accused by the Heathens of being worshipers of the
Sun . Tertullian, in reply to an accusation of this kind, tells us, that the Sunday was celebrated
by them in opposition to the Jewish Sabbath, and not because it was consecrated to the Sun .
This was evidently a contrivance to evade the charge . The reason assigned by Justin Martyr Io
that Sunday was celebrated because it was the day of Christ's resurrection, would not have been
deemed satisfactory ; for the Heathens would have replied, " Certainly it was on the Sunday, the
• day of the Dominus Sol, the Lord's-day, as you call it, because on that day the resurrection of
" the Dominus Sol-tbe Saviour-was always celebrated in the Mithraitic caves ."
This contrariety seems to shew that neither Justin nor Tertullian knew any thing about the
matter, any more than they did about the statue of Sangus, which they took for a statue of Simon
In Sect. 9, the day of meeting of the Essenes is stated to be Saturday ; but this feast lasted till
sun-rising. In Sect. 17 it is also stated, that they worshiped toward the Sun at its rising . It
seems the night was spent in singing hymns, &c . As soon as dawn appeared, they retired to their

' Maur . Ind . Ant. Vol. II. P. 9 7. Tertull. p. 221. ' Justin, Reeves's Trans . note, Sect. 79, p . 96.
4 ApoL Cap. xvi. s Clemens Alex . (Strom . 7,) and Origen say the same .
6 See Parkhurst, pp
. 634, 736. v P. 93.

' He refers to Daniel vi . 10 ; Buxtorfii Synagoga Judaica, Cap . x . ; Ma monides in Halachoth Tephillah, Cap . i.
Sect . 3.
9 Hyde, de Rel . Cap. iv . p
. 107, ed. 1760 . 1 0 ApoL 1 . Sect. 89.
90 Sunday, Dies Solis . Various Customs

cells, after saluting one another . From the account in Pliny it appears the Christians of Bithynia
met before it was light, and sung hymns to Christ as to a God . But the words imply, that they
met very early in the morning . Surely the circumstances of the two classes of people meeting
before day-light is a very remarkable coincidence . It appears that after their service they saluted
one another . This custom is continued in our churches to this day . Every person salutes his
nearest neighbours, though it would probably be difficult to get a reason from any one for doing it .
It is the remnant of the old custom ; so is bowing at the name of Christ,' and turning the face to
the East at particular parts of the service.
Justin no where calls the Sunday the Sabbath-day, but ~pepet -rs rAis, the day of the sun .
And it is very curious that Constantine, after he pretended to be converted to Christianity,
ordered the day Domini invicti Solis, to be set apart for the celebration of peculiar mysteries to
the honour of the God Sol .
A very long and terrible schism took place in the Christian Church upon the important question,
as I have remarked in page 59, whether Easter, the day of the resurrection, was to be celebrated
on the 14th day of the first month after the Jewish custom, or on the Lord's-day afterward ; and
it was at last decided in favour of the Lord's-day . But terrible wars took place before this most
important affair could be settled .
Besides the above almost an infinite number of small coincidences might be pointed out, each
trifling and of little or no moment when taken by itself, but which, in the aggregate, is of very
considerable importance . The multitude of the inferior Gods of the Heathens are well matched
by the Saints of the Christians : they were thought to be endowed with the same limited powers,
and to act as mediators between man and the Supreme Deity, and were equally honoured with the
epithet divus. The Gods of the Heathens were fond of high places, and equally so are the Saints
of the Christians ; to some one of whom almost every mount and every fountain was dedicated .
Each town had its patron and protecting tutelar God, it has now its patron and protecting Saint-
to whom, in a peculiar manner, in all moments of distress, of plague, pestilence, or famine, the
inhabitants address their prayers . Scarcely a church exists in Italy in which the numerous votive
tablets do not bear witness to the active and miraculous interference of the tutelar saint .
The Viales or Compitales fixed at the corners of the streets, to whom the games called Com-
pitalicii were celebrated, yet remain under the name of a Madonna or some favourite saint-as
the Madonna Dolerosa, or Divus Petronius, &c. ; generally ornamented like the ancient compi-
tales with flowers . In Sicily the Madonna Vialis is seen with a bunch of ears . of corn in her
hand . By a decree of Augustus the Compitales were ordered to be honoured with garlands of
flowers . These are part of the Lares or household Gods, and are to be met with in every house .
in Italy : and to them, as was customary in ancient times, the Calabrian shepherds come into
Rome a few weeks before the winter solstice to play on the pipes .
Ante Deltm matrem cornu tibicen adunco
Cum canit, exiguae quis stipis aera neget?'

' The Christians of Bithynia met, it appears, before it was light, because they were afraid to hold their religious
assemblies in open day, lest their enemies should assault or seize them . Their salutation at parting was probably that
which Paul (Rom. xvi. 16) recommended 'their mutnal danger increasing their mutual attachment . Salutations - were
frequently, as they still are, expressed by writing or orally. Such are those to our neighbours and friends--expressive
of courtesy or of regard . " Bowing at the name of Jesus" appears to have been introduced from a belief in his Deity,
and from its being supposed to be required, by what St. Paul says to the Philippians, (ii.'10,) where sv would, perhaps,
be more correctly rendered by in than by at .-Editor.
' Ovid's Epist . i. 1. -11 .
Book II . Chapter II . Section 14 91
When to the mighty Mother pipes the swain,
Grudge not a trifle for his pious strain.
No person can have spent a winter in Rome without having been often awakened before day-
break, by the beautiful and plaintive airs of these simple shepherds on their bagpipes . I
A remnant of the Eleusinian mysteries of Ceres is still retained in the festival of St . Agatha in
Sicily . The same horse-races are continued, the same processions made by friendly societies,
(the sodalitates of antiquity,) in which the image of the saint, on a triumphal car, and the sacred
relics, are borne about with wax lights of an enormous size, precisely as was usual in the pro-
cessions in honour of Ceres . The procession takes place on the fourth day of the festival of the
saint, as it did on the fourth day of the festival of Ceres . At the conclusion of the festival in
each case, the sacred relics, which were only shewn on those occasions, were offered to the people
to kiss ; and, finally, as the Eleusinian mysteries were celebrated twice a year, in spring and in
autumn, so are the festivals of St . Agatha .
The numerous names of the Gods of the Heathens are closely copied by the Christians . The
ancient Romans had the Jupiter Tonans, Jupiter Sponsor, Jupiter Capitolinus, &c ., &c. ; then
Venus Calva, Venus Verticordia, Venus Capitolina, &c ., &c. The modern Romans have their
St . Pietro in Vaticano ; St. -Pietro in Vinculo ; St . Pietro in Carcere, &c., &c . ; Sa. Maria degli
Angeli ; Sa. Maria della Consolazione ; Sa. Maria dell' Anima, &c ., &c., to the number, as stated
under her image at Loretto, of upwards of forty names : and in the same manner as the temples
were sometimes dedicated to several ancient Divi or Gods, so the churches are sometimes dedicated
to several modern Divi or Saints . The temple of Vesta is now the church of the Madonna of the
Sun, fire being the prevailing idea in both appellations. That of Romulus and Remus is now the
church of Cosmo and Damien-twin brothers . The temple of Bacchus or the St . Liber, on the
promontory of Ancona, is now the church of the Holy Liberius descended ex stirpe regum Arme-
niorum. The church of St . Denis, near Paris, has succeeded to the temple of Dionusos . The
Romans had a tradition, that Anna Perenna, the sister of Dido, was cast ashore near the Numi-
cus, in which she ultimately drowned herself, and of which she became the protecting nymph .
She is succeeded by Sa . Anna, the sister of the Virgin, to whose name the epithet Petronilla is
added, for some unknown reason .
The Heathens constantly erected temples as votive offerings to their Gods, as was the case with
the temple of Jupiter Tonans, erected by Augustus, out of gratitude for his escape from lightning
which killed several of his attendants ; and so are Christian churches : for instance, the church
Della Salute, erected in memory of the deliverance of Venice from plague in 1586 . The ancient
temples and modern churches are equally built to record certain events or to receive certain
sacred deposits. Their walls, in ancient as in modern times, were ornamented with pictures . s
The images in each case were equally loaded with finery, jewels, paint, &c ., and kept in sacred
recesses with curtains before them . The temples in ancient, like the churches in modern times,
were open from morning to night, with a small intermission at noon . The ancient sacrifice is
succeeded by the sacrifice of the mass : the attending boys in white tunics are continued as in
ancient times. The Mozzetta and Sottana of the priests, from the latter of which our cassock is
taken, are both dresses of the priests of antiquity . The subject of the ancient sacrifice -was called
Hostia ; the modern mass, Ostia .
The custom of using the aspersorio to sprinkle the people with holy water before the mass
begins, the chaunting of the service, the ringing of little bells during the ceremony, are all Pagan

I The real Scotch bagpipe. 0 See Pausanias passim .

92 Sunday, Dies Solis . Various Customs
usages . The ceremony of putting ashes on the head, on Ash-Wednesday, is a continuation of
the festival of the Fordicidia, which was celebrated at Rome on the 15th and 21 st of April . The
Catholic modern processions are exact imitations of those of the ancients, which were attended
with music, tapers, successions of images, companies of attendants, streets hung with tapestry,
&c., &c . The mendicant monks are merely a continuation of the priests of Isis, who, like them,
lived by begging, and were great dealers in relics of the Gods, and who often pretended to possess
the bodies of the Gods . The priests of Isis had their dresses made precisely of the same fashion
as those of the Franciscan Monks : the sandals are the same . The tonsure of the priests of Isis
and Serapis, or the practice of shaving the crown of the head, so as to leave only a ring of hair,
is exactly continued by the modern monks . In short, the Franciscan Monks are evidently the
priests of Isis .
The ceremony at Rome on Good-Friday, called the "Agonie," is nothing more than the Pagan
ceremony alluded to in Scripture, 1 called the women weeping for Tammuz. The charms or
amulets of the ancients are still strictly continued in Italy by all classes of people . The funerals
are also in many respects. the same as those of the ancients . The Protestant practice in England
of throwing three handfuls of earth on the coffin, and saying, earth to earth, ashes to, ashes, dust to
dust, is a copy from the ancient Egyptians, 2 and the continuation of a Pagan ceremony, to satisfy
the Gods below, in which the priest threw earth three times upon the body-" injecto ter pulvere
curras." 3 The ancient offerings made at the sepulchres of friends are now succeeded by the
sacrifice of the mass, for which payment is made to the priest. It is a sacrifice of prayer and
incense, and is more or less expensive in proportion to the wealth or poverty of the deceased . In
short, the ceremonies of torches, holy water, prayers for the dead, and the other forms used at
funerals in many Christian countries, are nothing but imitations of similar customs observed by
the Pagans ; so that, in fact, there is not a single ordinance of the Christians which they can
properly call their own ; all is a servile imitation of the much-abused and calumniated, though,
like Christians, in many respects blameable, Pagans .
The Jews fasted, and flogged themselves in the temple ; the votaries of Isis did the same . In
Trans . Acad . Ins . An. 1746, Tome IV ., it is shewn, that almost all ancient nations had the practice
of fasting .
The Persians used incense after the manner of the Jews, copied by the Christians .°
For nearly the whole of this section the Author is indebted to a small treatise on the ancient
Customs of Italy and Sicily, by Mr . Blunt, of St . John's, Cambridge. Much more of the same
kind might be discovered ; but why multiply examples, when the case is proved usque ad
nauseam ?
In the front of most of the churches in Rome are placed very large obelisks or single pillars .
Man is no doubt an imitative animal, and these may have been raised, by the modern Romans,
merely out of imitation of their ancestors ; but I am inclined to believe, that they were raised for
the same reason that all the Pagan ceremonies which I have described were adopted-their Pon-
tifex Maximus, &c . They were a part of the esoteric ancient religion, and, as such, were-adopted .
Two of these obelisks, covered with hieroglyphics, are ascertained not to have come from Egypt ;
but the hieroglyphics are said to be forgeries . Then why were they raised ; and why were the
hieroglyphics placed upon them? Did the modern Romans understand the hieroglyphics? I do
not believe that they would be at the expense of engraving them, merely to pass off the obelisks
as Egyptian, as, at the time that they were done, every one must have known of the forgery .

Ezek . viii. 14 . ' Spineto, p .148. 3 Horace, Lib . L Ode xxviii . L 36. 'Hyde, de Rel. Vet. Pers. Cap. iii. p. 99
Book II . Chapter II . Section 14 93

Then what are we to make of them ? I can scarcely believe that the hieroglyphics are known in
the conclave ; but it is next to imposible to ascertain what is known there . It is very certain,
that if the knowledge of these hieroglyphics be a religious secret, a masonic secret, no attempt to
discover it would be successful . For, if a Pope or Cardinal were to violate his oath, (without any
object of self-gratification as it would be,) he would be rendered infamous ; and the strong-nerved
arms of millions of monks would be ready with their daggers instantly to give him his reward .
If any man were to violate such a secret, I have no doubt that hundreds of priests in Rome would
be ready to teach their fanatical devotees, that it would be the highest of all meritorious acts to
assassinate or poison such a man . These obelisks were Lingas, adopted for the same reason that
all the other rites and ceremonies of Heathenism were adopted .
In reply to what I have said a certain class of persons will exclaim, Oh, but these are nothing
but the abuses of the Papists ! But I think my reader will soon be convinced, if he be not
convinced already, that between the Protestants and Papists there is very little difference . The
priests of the latter have been obliged to give up certain absurdities which they found their flocks
would no longer tolerate, keeping some as great as any they surrendered, and indeed keeping all
as long as they possibly could . The Athanasian Creed and part of the service for the ordination
of priests is as bad as any thing which the Papists profess . The truth is, that the Romish religion
is nothing but a renovation of the old Pagan or Gentile religion, and the Protestant is only a part
of the latter . But neither of them can properly be called the religion of Jesus of Nazareth, as
I shall shew in a future book .
The fact of the identity of the Christian and Gentile rites and ceremonies has been so evident
that the Romish writers have not been able to deny it, but have been obliged to have recourse to
explanations . Baronius I says, °C It is permitted to the Church to use, for the purposes of piety,
" the ceremonies which the Pagans used for the purposes of impiety in a superstitious religion,
~~ after having first expiated them by consecration-to the end, that the devil might receive a
~~ greater affront from employing, in honour of Jesus Christ, that which his enemy had destined for
" his own service ." I suppose it is for this reason that the Romish Church has not any dogma,
rite, or ceremony, which is not Pagan ! ! !
Polydore Virgil, who was much praised by Baronius and other learned men of the Roman
Church, who call him a celebrated historian, and say that he was well instructed, and drew his
information both from the ancients and moderns, says,' that the church has taken many customs
from the religion of the Romans and other Pagans, but that it has rendered them better, and
employed them to a better purpose .
Fauchet, in his antiquities of Gaul, 3 avows, ' 1 That the bishops of that kingdom employed every
'~ means to gain men to Christ, availing themselves of their ceremonies, as well as of the stones of
~~ their temples to build their churches ."
Eusebius, in the Life of Constantine, admits that he, for the sake of making the Christian
religion more plausible to the Gentiles, transferred to it the exterior ornaments which they em-
ployed in their religion . Pope Gregory I ., surnamed the Great, who, Platinus says, 4 was the
inventor of all the ecclesiastical service, followed this method, as every, one can see, by the in-
struction which he gave to a priest called Augustin, whom he sent into Britain to convert the
English . Q0 It is not necessary," said he, " to destroy the temples s of the idols, but only the .
" idols, and to substitute the holy water, to build altars, and to deposit relics . If their temples

' An . 36 of the Annals. ' B aron . Vol. IX . an. 740, Sect. 15 ; Pol. Virg. Lib . Y. Cap . i.
' Liv . ii. Ch. xix . 4 In Vitk Greg . I. ' Greg. in Regist. Lib. ix. Epist. 71 .
94 Sunday, Dies Solis . Various Customs

41 have been well built, it is proper to divert them from the service of daemons to the service of the
L° true God, in order that the Pagans may be more easily induced to come to worship at the places
°i where they have been accustomed ." He added, " That in the place of sacrificing beasts, they
" should have festivals to the saints or to the founders of the churches, and thus celebrate religious
°t banquets ; that thus having the use of some exterior observances they should be more easily
" drawn to the interior doctrines ."
But how completely is this in opposition to the doctrine of Paul, that evil should not be done
that good might ensue ; (Rom . iii . 8 ;) to his advice to the Corinthian converts to flee from ido-
latry ; (1 Cor . x . 14 ;) and to that of John, "Little children keep yourselves from idols" ! (1 Ep . v .
21 .) And how much at variance is it to the praise given by St . Ambrose to Theodosius, when
calling him another Josias for destroying the temples of the infidels ! 1 How completely different
is all this from the known practice of the first Christians, who would rather submit to be torn to
pieces by wild beasts, than place even a sprig of laurel over their doors on a Pagan festival !
Besides, how absurd is it to suppose that the single corrupt order of a Gregory should be able to
engraft into the Christian religion not only the festivals but the doctrines and the sacraments, and
the most obscure and abstruse metaphysical doctrines of the Pagan religion ! The cause is not
commensurate with the effect, and some other cause must be sought .
It is said that those superstitious practices were not adopted in the earlier times of the church,
but were introduced afterward in the middle and dark ages . In order to form a correct judgment
upon this point, it may be useful to ascertain at what time the Pagan superstitions actually ceased .
It is well known that they had been laid aside in all the great cities as early as the time of Theo-
dosius, and that they were banished to villages in remote situations, whence their followers were
designated by the opprobrious name of Pagani. Now as it is improbable, and actually contrary
to common sense to suppose, that a considerable interval should have intervened afte'r the cessa-
tion of those superstitions of the Pagans, and their renewed adoption by the Christians, in com-
pliance with the vulgar prejudices of the former, it follows that they could not be the produce of
the dark ages of monkish superstition and ignorance . To take an example : Romulus was
thought by the Heathens to be peculiarly favourable to young children, and it was the custom at
Rome to present them at his shrine, to be cured of their complaints ; afterward when the temple
was converted into a church, it was dedicated to Saint Theodorus, who had been, like Romulus,
exposed in his infancy, and therefore was supposed to be particularly fond of young children, who
yet continue to be brought to his shrine to be cured of their diseases . When they recover, a
miracle is alleged to have been performed ; when they do not, the reason assigned may probably
be, that the saint is not propitious to the parents . This exhibition is not in a remote place, but
in the centre of the Papal city .
Now, as Theodosius destroyed or converted into churches such of the Heathen temples as
Constantine had spared, this Christian superstition can hardly be dated later than the time of the
former, and therefore it cannot well be attributed to the middle ages . Besides, if the almost soli-
tary act of Gregory may be pleaded for a few of the local customs of Britain, it is perfectly incom-
petent to account for all the numerous Pagan doctrines and rites which have been pointed out in
this work . It is evident that the story of Gregory, though perhaps very true, is a mere subterfuge,
and is by no means adequate to account for the well-known facts, of the continuation of the Pagan
rites and superstitions .

' Theodoret, Hist. Eccles . Lib . v Cap . xx .

( 95 )


Bethlehem, Birth of Jesus Christ-Birth, Death, and Resurrection of all the Gods
-Passover-Lamb of God-Gentile Crucifixion-Jesus Christ was not Crucified
-Jewish Incarnation-Pythagoras-Observations .

1. 1 SHALL finish this branch of my subject by spewing, that the birth, death, and resurrection of
the body of the incarnate God, was common in almost every temple of Paganism, and that he
was not only put to death, but also that he suffered on the cross, and rose again from the dead .
It is impossible to move a step in the examination of the rites and ceremonies of this religion
without meeting with circumstances of greater or less importance connected in some way or other
with the religion of Mithra or the Sun . £non, where John baptized, was sacred to the sun, t and
had a temple dedicated to it . 2 Again, when Christ was born, he was sought for and worshiped by
the Magi, who had seen his star in the East. Here is an evident allusion to astrology, properly so
called, as distinguished from astronomy,-the calculation of nativities by the stars, which in all
ages has been closely connected with magic and necromancy . The magi having arrived at Beth-
lehem, directed not by A star but by His star, 3 made their offerings, and celebrated with pious
orgies, along with the angels who appeared at the same time, the nativity of the God, the Saviour,
in the stable where he was born : but the stable was a cave, and it is still more remarkable, though
it has never been pointed out by priests to their gaping congregations, that at THAT very time,
the 24th December, at midnight, throughout all the Mithraitic caves of Persia, and in the temples
throughout all the world, the same orgies were really in the act of being celebrated to the honour
of the God law-the Saviour . And it appears that these orgies did not cease for very many years
after the death of Jesus, according to St. Jerom, in this very cave, and if we may believe Dr .
Lightfoot, they may not have ceased to this time . The latter says, " Eusebius reports that
" Bethlehem, from the times of Adrian to the times of Constantine, was profaned by the temple
" of Adonis : for the asserting of which he cites these words of Paulinus : Hadrianus, supposing
" that he should destroy the Christian . faith by qffering ii jury to the place, in the place of the passion,
" dedicated the image of Jupiter, and profaned Bethlehem with the temple of -4donis : as also like
" words of Hierome : yet he confesses the contrary seems to be in Origen against Celsus : and
" that more true. For Adrian had no quarrel with the Christians and Christianity, but with the
" Jews, that cursedly rebelled against him ." 4
Of Bethlehem Jerom says, "Bethleem nuns nostram, et augustissimum orbis locum de quo
"Psalmista canit. 5 Veritas de terra orta est, lucus inumbrabat Thamus, id est, Adonidis : et in
" specu ubi quondam Christus parvulus vagiit, Veneris Amasius plangebatur ." ° And Clarke 7
tells us, that the Christian ceremonies in the church of the nativity at Bethlehem are celebrated

See Vol. 1. p. 110 . s Bryant, Heath . Myth. Vol. I . p. 51, 4to .

Every Amid or Desire of all Nations had a star to announce his birth to mankind . Thus Abraham, Caesar, &c .,
had each his star .
• Lightfoot, Vol . II . Chap . li . p . 48, folio ed. ° Paa . lxxxiv. 12.
• Hieronymus, Epist . ad Paulin, p . 564 . 7 'Vol . IV .
96 Bethleheni, Birth of Jestis Christ
to this day in a CAVE, and are undoubtedly nearly the same as they were celebrated in honour of
Adonis in the time of Tertullian and Jerom ; and as they are yet celebrated at Rome every Christ-
mas-day very early in the morning.
From the fact, seemingly here established, that the temple of Adonis existed at Bethlehem
before the time of Adrian, as it is admitted by the learned and Rev . Dr. Lightfoot, it is very
probable that it must have existed before the time of Jesus ; and the possession of droves of swine
by the Gergesenes, and many other circumstances, induce me to suspect, that the religion of the
Canaanites and the Phoenicians never was entirely abolished, but tolerated in different parts of
the country among the descendants of the original inhabitants . If this should be found to be the
case, I can readily believe that Magi, Magicians, Necromancers, came from a distance on a
pilgrimage to worship, and to celebrate the rites of, the new-born God and Saviour ; and that
shepherds from the mountains should also have assembled there, precisely at the same day and
hour, as they yet do at Rome for the same purpose, every 24th of December . Indeed, it is
probable that something of the kind happened every year ; at this season, at the shrine of Adonis .
The reader will recollect what was said before by the well-known oriental Christian, Abulfara-
gius or Bar Hebraeus, l that there was a prophecy in the oracles of Zoroaster, " That a sacred
" personage should issue from the womb of an immaculate Virgin, and that his coming would be
" preceded by a brilliant star, whose light would guide them to the place of his nativity .' It
is pretty clear that this is a copy from the Gospel histories, or that the Gospel histories are copies
from it, or both from a common mythos. And -it must be observed here, that the story of the
Magi is contained in a part of the Gospel history which the Nazareens, Ebionites, Marcionites,
Socinians, and most of the modern Unitarians, maintain to be spurious . If one be a copy from
the other, which is copied must be left to the reader . After all that he has seen he will pro-
bably find little difficulty . This prophecy is evidently alluded to in the Gospel of the Infancy.,
which says, speaking of the Magi guided by a star, Quemadmoduin praedixerat Zorodustht-
as Zoroaster had predicted . This Gospel was received by the Nestorians, of whom Buchanan
says, there are now about 50,000 in Malabar . 3 It is a striking circumstance, that the gifts
brought by the Magi, gold, frankincense, and myrrh, were what were always offered by the Arabian
Magi to the sun .
This prophecy is again noticed by Chalcidius in the third century . Commenting on the Timaeus
of Plato he says, "Stella quam a Chaldaeis observatam fuisse testantur ; qui Deuni nuper natum
muneribus venerati aunt-a star which is attested by Chaldean astronomers, who immediately
hastened to adore and present with gifts the new-born Deity ." 4 Christians have wished to make
a Christian of Chalcidius, but the way in which he speaks of this Chaldean tradition, or whatever
it was, shews clearly enough what he was . The observations of Chalcidius were probably made
upon the story of the three Magi, who, according to Plato, came from the East to offer gifts to
Socrates at his birth, bringing gold, frankincense, and myrrh . s One or both, or the union of the
two stories, may have formed a foundation for the story -of the three kings coming to Herod ;
and they have probably both derived their origin from the Hindoo religion . Thiss story of the
Magi having been applied to Socrates, by Plato, evidently proves that it was part of the ancient

' Hystoria Dynastarum, p . 54, ed . Oxon . 1663 . Although I have given the substance of what will be found here
from Abulfaragius, I think it expedient to repeat it . See Vol . 1 . p 561 .
4 Maur Ind. Sceptic confuted, p 50 . s P. 136 . ` Maur . Ind . Seep . confuted, p . 62.
This story of Plato's I cannot point out in his works, but I was told it by a most respectable clergyman at
Book II. Chapter III . Section 1 97
mythos of the renewed incarnation now lost . We have seen that it is found in Babylon, in Athens,
and in Syria, and very nearly the same in India .
M . D'HancarvilleI says, "Les Hymnes attribues a Orphee, mais rediges par Onomacrite plus
• de 500 ans avant notre ere, sont des especes d'oraisons, que Scaliger croit avoir etc recitees
• dans lea mysteres Ce livre singulier est reconnu par un docteur-en Sorbonne, pour
• etre le plus ancien de tons ceux ou it est pane de l'Immaculee Conception de la Vierge (Sura,
• iii . 88) appelee Iibi-Mariam, ou la Dame Marie, par lea Turcs, comme elle est appelee
"Noire-Dame, par lea Chretiens . Ces deruiers, employant a sa louange lea prieres qu'ils rkpetent
• sur le chapelet, en ont sancti6e l'usage apportb de l'orient au tems des Croisades, avec le dogme
" de la Conception Immaculee . Mohamet le prit des Scythes ou des Tartares ; Scythes, le
~` chef de cette nation, etoit fils d'une Vierge, suivant Diodore . 2 On pretend aussi que le Dieu
`` LA des LAMAS est ne d'une Vierge : plusieurs princes de 1' Asie, entr' autres 1'Empereur Kien-
long, long, aujourd'hui regnant a la Chine, et qui est de la race de ces Tartares Mandhuis, qui
" conquirent cet empire en 1644, croit, et assure lui-meme, Ore descendu d' upe Vierge ." I
have no doubt that the whole mythos exists in China, and that it formerly existed in the books
of the Jews, from which it was taken after the Christian a era, because the Christians applied
the passages to their Messiah-a fact which has been very satisfactorily proved by Mr . Whiston .
Benjamin Constant says, " Ce systeme se rapproche sons quelques rapports de la doctrine
• Indienne sur lea incarnations successives qui ont lieu toutes lea fois que Dieu vent faire con-
" noftre aux hommes la verite . 11 est asset remarquable qu'on retrouve une idee analogue dans
• une hypothese Juive . Les Juifs attribuent la meme ame a Adam, a Abraham, et a David, et
" croyaient que cette ame sera celle du Messie . Us pretendaient encore qu' it ne fallait point
• distinguer Elie de PhinCs, fits du grand pretre Eleazar, et que le prophete qui a vecu parmi
• let hommes, tantet sons le nom de Phines, tant6t sons celui d'Elie, n'etait point un homme,
• mail un ange toujours le meme qui s' incarnait pour donner sea conseils au people de Dieu ." s
Mr. Faber, 4 speaking of the prophecy of Zoroaster, which I have formerly noticed, says, " The
• Magi of Persia had a prophecy handed down to them from Zeradusht, (Zoroaster,) that a Virgin
• should conceive and bear a child ; that a star should appear at noon-day and lead them to it .
" You, my sons, exclaimed the seer, will perceive its rising before any other nation . As soon there-
• fore as you shall behold the star, follow it whit/iersoever it shall lead you ; and adore that
"mysterious child, offering him your gifts with profound humility . He is the almighty WORD,
• which created the heavens."
Now, Mr. Faber truly contends that this prophecy cannot be a Christian forgery, among other
reasons, because it is found with the ancient Irish ; whose history states, that it was made by a
Persian called Zeradusht, and that it was brought to them by a Daru or Druid of Bokhara . The
actual identity of the rites and tenets of the Irish with those of the ancients of the East, as well
as their existence in Ireland previous to the Christian acrd, has . been so clearly proved by Borlase,
Davies, Vallancey, &c ., s that no more need be said about it . " Therefore," says Mr. Faber,
• this cannot be a Christian forgery ." The first consequence which seems to follow from this
well-founded argument is, that Zeradusht was a prophet, and that his work, the Zendavesta, must
be admitted into the canon of the church. This not suiting, Mr . Faber supposes that the Persian
must have seen the prophecy of Balaam or some other of the ancient prophecies, and have adapted
it to his system ; but he very wisely omits specifying which prophecy, as neither that of Balaam

' Res . sur 1'Origine, &c., p. 186. ' Bibl . Lib. ii. 3 Benj. Constant, Vol . I . P. 171.
4 In Hist. Orig. of Pagan Idol. Bk . iii. Ch. iii. a And by myself in my Celtic Druids, pp. 278, &c .
VOL. 'Ii .
98 Bethlehem, Birth of Jesus Christ
nor any other says a word about it : for though Balaam speaks of a star to arise out of Jacob, he
says nothing like the story of a star coming from the East and guiding any persons .
Mr. Faber's mode of accounting for the history may be very satisfactory to the person who is
blessed with a lively faith ; but the story is plainly nothing but a part of the ancient mythology
of the Magi and Brahmins respecting Cristna ; who was believed to be an incarnation of the
Supreme Being, of one of the persons of their holy and mysterious trinity-to use their language,
the Lord and Saviour-three Persons and one God .
Mr. Faber's argument to prove the antiquity of this prophecy, as given at length in his book,
seems quite satisfactory .
The reason why the three Magi who came to adore Jesus at his birth were called kings was,
because the heads of the Magi were always called kings . It was a title of honour, like what we
have in our Heralds' Office, Kings at Arms. " De non assumendo sacerdotio, testimonium dat
" Cicero, in libro De Divinatione referens : ` Nemo potuit esse Rex, antequam coluerat disci-
` `plinam Magorum : nec magis ut quisque esset Magus quam ut esset Rex .' Istorum itaque
" erat non tantdm reges in recta religione instituere, sed et eos inaugurare, ut in Christianismo
" fieri solet." 1
"Ex hujusmodi Persarum Magis, celebriores aliqui fuetunt illi qui nostrum Salvatorem
" Christum in infantift visitatum venerunt ex Perside in Bethlehem .11 2
" Ab isto itaque Rege missi sunt (vel saltem, eo haud inscio, venerunt) Magi. Nam quod
" Persis revelata fuerit Christi nativitas, certi sumus ex Evangelio : et praeterea plerique autores,
~` iique doctiores, idem statuunt " 3
The real skulls of the three kings of the Magi are to be seen at Cologne : they were called Caspar,
Melchior, and Balshazzar . It may here be observed, that the Magi were an order of men, not a
nation, as is vulgarly imagined .
It has been before observed 4 that the Trinity of Plato was correctly the Trinity of Jesus, as
described in the Gospel of John, and that the two accounts travelled pari passu, until they arrived
at the famous verbum taro factum est . This is just as much a part of the Trinitarian system as
the remainder, as is proved by the Brahmin history of the incarnation of Cristna, from which it
was evidently originally taken . The idea of an incarnate God being among us now in modern
times few persons (the followers of Johanna Southcote excepted) can entertain ; but it was
common to all ancient nations . Osiris, Bacchus, Adonis, were all incarnate Gods : taught by the
priests ; despised by the philosophers ; believed by the rabble . They were probably all derived
from the .story of Cristna born in the eighth month, which answers to our December, on a Wed-
nesday at midnight, in the house of Vasudeva, his father, and Devaci, a his mother . e
Thus the verbum caro factum est is not peculiar to the Christians, but was in fact acknowledged
in almost every nation in the world . This was the Logos of the Persians and the Greeks, whose
birth was originally fixed to the moment of the winter solstice . This Logos, we have seen,? was
the second person of the Trinity-the Iao of the Gentiles .
Tertullian, Jerom, and other fathers of the church, inform us, that the Gentiles celebrated, on
the 25th of December or on the 8th day before the calends of January, the birth of the God Sol,
under the name of Adonis, in a cave, like that of Mithra, (in Persia Mithra ; in Egypt, Phoenicia,
and Biblis, Adonis,) and that the cave wherein they celebrated his mysteries was that in which

I Hyde de Rel . Vet . Pers. Cap . xxx . p . 373. $ lb . Cap. xxxi. p. 381 . ' tb . p. 385 .
4 Vol I. pp . 121, 160, 627. s Ib . P. 139. ° Maur. Brain. Fraud . exposed.
7 Vol . 1 . pp . 119-122.
Book II. Chapter III . Section 1 99
Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem, or, according to the strict meaning of the word Beth-
lehem, in the city of the house of the sun .' This God Adonis is really and literally the Hebrew
word t 4dn, yet retained in the Welsh Celtic .4don, 2 which is translated into Latin Dominus,
into Greek Kupsog, and into English Lord, the peculiar name of honour given to Jesus Christ.
On this day, at the moment of its commencement, the followers of Mithra began to celebrate
the birth of their God . He was born in a grotto or cave precisely as Jesus Christ was . For
though, in our Gospels, he is said to be born in a stable, yet in the holy land, at Bethlehem, the
place exhibited is a cave . The stable no doubt was in a cave . The early fathers of the church
acknowledge that the most probable of all the suppositions of the Pagans respecting the origin of
the religion, was that of those who derived it from the Persians .
The same God was believed, by the inhabitants of Persia, Asia Minor, and Armenia, under the
name of Mithra, to have been born in a cave on the 25th of December, to have been put to
death, and to have risen again on the 25th of March . In their mysteries the body of a young man,
apparently dead, was exhibited, which was feigned to be restored to life . By his sufferings he
was believed to have worked their salvation, and on this account he was called their Saviour .
His priests watched his tomb to the midnight of the vigil of the 25th of March, with loud cries,
and in darkness ; when all at once the light burst forth from all parts, and the priest cried,
Rejoice, oh sacred initiated, your God is risen . His death, his pains, and sufferings have worked
your salvation . 3
In every case the God is supposed to become incarnate : in every case the place in which he
was actually born was exhibited to the people . The night of the 24th December the Persians call
the Night of Light . Stukeley observes, that the worship of Mithra was spread over all Gaul and
Britain . The Druids kept this night as a great festival, and called the day following it Nollagh
or Noel, 4 or the day of regeneration, 5 and celebrated it with great fires on the tops of their
mountains, which they repeated on the day of the Epiphany or twelfth night . The Mithraic
monuments, which are common in Britain, have been attributed to the Romans, but this festival
(in consequence of its being kept by the Druids) proves that the Mithraic worship was there prior
to their arrival . The Romans took nothing from the Druids, but on the contrary persecuted them,
and put all whom they could make prisoners to the sword .
At the first moment after midnight of the 24th of December, all the nations of the earth, by
common consent, celebrated the accouchement of the Queen of Heaven, of the Celestial Virgin of
the sphere, and the birth of the God Sol, the infant Orus or Aur, the God of Day, called by the
Gentiles the hope and promise of all nations, the Saviour of mankind from the empire of Ahriman
and darkness .
The Egyptians celebrated the birth of the son of Isis on the 25th of December, or the 8th :day
before the calends of January . This Eratosthenes says was the God of Day, and that Isis or
Ceres was symbolical of the year . The son of the Holy Virgin, as they called Ceres, was Osiris
he was born on the 25th of December. At his birth, Plutarch says, that a voice was beard, saying,
u On this day is born the supreme Lord of the universe, the beneficent king Osiris
On this day,
at the same moment, the Romans began to celebrate the feast of the Brumalia in honour of the

Dupuis, Tome III. p . 51, ed . 4to .

s And, from this word, all the rivers called Don have derived their names .
3 Dupuis, Vol. II. p. 194 ; Vol . 111 . pp. 41, 51, 62, 84.
4 Noel is the French name for Christmas-day . + Vall. Coll. Hib. Vol. III. p . 464 .
100 Birth, Death, and Resurrection of All the Gods
birth of the God of Day-of the Sol invincible-Natalis Solis invicti-described in vast numbers
of very old pictures in Italy, with the legend Deo Soli, perhaps mistaken by the monks, and thus
retained ; or perhaps having a secret meaning .
It is remarkable that we have very few examples of infant Gods among the Greeks and Romans,
though we have them in innumerable instances in Egypt ; but I suppose them all to have been
converted into Madonnas . I have no doubt whatever that great numbers of the examplars of the
BLACK Mother and Child were infant Jupiters, or at least infant Gods ; indeed, I should think
every one of them : for, wherever there was a black child painted on an old wall, if it were
renewed, it was painted like its predecessor black. This I myself have seen done in Italy . Cicero
says, 1 " Is est hodic locus septus religiosc propter Jovis Pueri, qui lactens cum Junone Fortunm
" in gremio sedens mammam appetens, castissimi colitur a matribus." Bryant notices an inscrip-
tion in Gruter : 2 Fortunae Primigenhe Jovis Pueri, D . D.
Again, Bono .Deo Puero Posphoro . 3
All the boy Gods which were not destroyed, were adopted as Bambinos . 4
Nothing is more common in the North of England for the sign of an inn, than the black boy . I
very much suspect, that the little Negro, as he is always described, is an infant Cristna .
Perhaps it may be thought by some, that the observations which I shall have to make on the
celebrated lamb of God ought to have come here, but on consideration I have judged it better first
to make a few observations on the resurrection .
2. Throughout all the ancient world we have seen that the birth of the God Sol, under different
names, was celebrated on the 25th of December, a the day of the birth of Jesus . Thus, in similar
accordance with the history of Jesus, the God Sol, on the 23d of March, was, by one means or
another, put to death : and exactly three mouths succeeding the 25th of December, viz, on the 25th
of March, he was believed to be raised to life again ; and his resurrection was celebrated with
great rejoicings .
The most important of all the different parts of the complicated system of Christianity, are the
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his Resurrection from the dead . It will now be my duty to shew
whence the collectors of traditions drew these particulars respecting him ; where the great men,
the venerable fathers, who believed that there were four Gospels because there were four winds-
that men were raised from the dead saepissime-that boys were defiled and girls became pregnant
by demons-found these traditions, and applied them to a person said to be put to death in
The reader has already seen that Jesus was mistaken for lao or the Sun, and that all the Gods
-Bacchus, Osiris, Hercules, Adonis, &c ., were personifications of that great luminary . As Jesus
and lao were both born on the 25th December, it follows that as Jesus rose again on the 25th of
March, the Vernal Equinox, after being cruelly put to death ; so the different incarnations of lao,
from whom his birth was copied, should be found to have been put to death in a similar manner
and this we shall presently find was exactly the fact .
The resurrection of the human body to life and immortality, which was one of the leading
doctrines of the Persian Magi, is of such an artificial nature, and includes in it so many circum-
stances apparently contrary to the evidence of our senses, that it is the acme of absurdity to
suppose, that two nations should arrive at the same result by any common chain of reasoning,

De Divin . Lib . ii . 41 . ' lxxvi. a. 6 and n.1 . a Gruter, lxxxviii . n. 13 .

' See Bryant's Anal. Vol. 1. p . 125 . ' Dupuis, Vol. IlI, pp. 117, 118 . ed. 4 to.
Book II . Chapter III . Section 2 101
Hence it is evident, where such coincidence is found one must have copied from the other, or they
must have drawn from a common source .
It must be recollected that it is not the mere resuscitation of a person newly deceased to life
it is the re-collection of the parts of a body long since reduced to a mass of filth and corruption,
or scattered in dust by the winds or waves, eaten by animals of various kinds, and thus by be-
coming component parts of them, and converted by man to the support of his life, they form fresh
subjects for resurrection to immortality-each part by some miraculous process unknown to us
still supporting its identity : each man, though by this process forming parts of thousands of other
men, and they again parts of thousands or millions of others, still retaining his absolute original
identity, and the thousands or millions whose bodies had been partly composed of his body or of
the bodies of each other in succession, all, like the original first man, rising to life and immortality .
The subject is appalling : the divines say, when pressed upon it, that at the resurrection the body
will be changed in the twinkling of an eye, into a spiritual body . As the word spirit is in meaning
exactly the opposite of the word body, substance, or thing, they may as well say, that a some-thing
will be raised to life and immortality in the form of a no-thing . But we must leave this to the
divines ; those of them are the wisest who pronounce it a mystery, and therefore beyond our
comprehension-a thing to be believed, not to be discussed or reasoned about .
We are told by Diogenes Laertius, that the ancient Persians or the Magi believed in the
resurrection of the body . To go no further, his evidence is unquestionable . But the following
extract from Beausobre I will place the matter out of the reach of doubt
" The Sadduceeism of Manes did not consist certainly in denying the existence of spirits, (des
• esprits,) their immortality, and the punishments and rewards after death . So far from this,
" that Sharastani puts among his dogmas not only that thought, but that the sensible faculties of
" seeing and hearing are never lost . I t follows, then, that he could not have denied the resurrec-
f0 tion of the body . In fact, the Magi believed in the resurrection, as Diogenes Laertius testifies . 2
• It was one of the articles of the religion of Zoroaster . 3
Mr. Hyde had no doubt that the Magi
• had taught the resurrection of the dead ; and, besides the testimony of the ancients, whom he
• produces to confirm it, he cites a relation which had been sent to him from the Indies, in which
• the ancient faith of the Persians is explained and the resurrection positively taught . 4 If I am
" asked, what idea the Persians had of the resurrection, I answer, that, apparently, they had the
"same idea as the Jews : with bodies, the same as at present ; with the same organs ; the
• same animal functions ; (I know not any that were excepted ;) to drink, to eat, to have women
" to live a tranquil and delicious life upon the earth, purified by fire, was the hope of the Persians,
" as was that of the Jews, who never spoke so clearly of the resurrection as since they were
" captive with the Assyrians . It is only since that time that the sects of Pharisees and Sadducees
• existed ."
Here we see the resurrection of the dead proved to have been the doctrine of Zoroaster or of
the Persians, upon evidence of the most unquestionable kind . It seems impossible to doubt the
fact. This is not a mere future state of life ; it is the actual resurrection of St . Paul, with a real

Tome II . Liv. ii . Ch . iv . p . 204 . ' Diog . Laer . in Proem .

' Idem p . 383 " Credunt etiam resurrectionem mortuorum, et ultimum judicium, in quo boni i malis distinguentur,"
&c , Hyde, de R el. Vet . Pers. Cap. xxviii. p. 355 .
4 Idem . p . 293, and Appendix, p . 537.
102 Birth, Death, and Resurrection of All the Gods
body, but yet with a spiritual body, i . e, a body purified by fire, as it is here described . It is an
exact picture of the enjoyments of the Christians during the expected Millenium, and the reign of
Jesus upon earth for a thousand years-the Hindoo renewal of the cycle of the age of gold .
But a belief in the resurrection was not confined to Persia ; it extended, like the doctrine of the
immaculate conception and solstitial birth, to every nation in the world .
Osiris was -cruelly murdered by his brother Typhon, on his return from a progress in which he
had performed many great actions for the benefit of mankind . The place of his burial was claimed
by different provinces of Egypt . Relics of him were shewn in the temple of Philte . To swear by
those relics was the most sacred oath of the Egyptians . I In their caves or the adyta of their
temples they annually, during the mysteries of Isis, celebrated the misfortunes and tragical death of
Osiris, in a species of drama, in which all the particulars were exhibited ; accompanied with loud
lamentations and every mark of sorrow . At this time his images were carried in procession
covered, as were those in the temples, with black veils . 2 On the 25th of March, exactly three
months from his birth, his resurrection from the dead was celebrated, as already mentioned in
reference to other Gods, with great festivity and rejoicings.
The birth of Horus, the son of Isis, was also celebrated, in another part of Egypt, like that of
Osiris, and at the same time . His death and resurrection were, in a similar manner, celebrated
on the 25th of March . They were the same Gods, in fact, only under different names . 3 This
was the reason why these religions seldom occasioned any intolerance, persecution, or religious
wars .
The birth-place of Bacchus, called Sabazius or Sabaoth, was claimed by several places in
Greece ; but on mount Zehnissus, in Thrace, his worship seems to have been chiefly celebrated .
He was born of a virgin on the 25th of December ; he performed great miracles for the good of
mankind ; particularly one in which he changed water into wine ; he rode in a triumphal proces-
sion on an ass ; be was put to death by the Titans, and rose again from the dead on the 25th of
March : he was always called the Saviour . 4 In his mysteries, he was shewn to the people, as an
infant is by the Christians at this day, on Christmas-day morning in Rome . On the 23d of
March, the dead body of a young man was exhibited, with great lamentations, and on the 25th
it was supposed to be revived, 5 when grand rejoicings took place, as in the other instances already
In Crete, Jupiter Ammon, or the Sun in Aries, was painted with the attributes of the equi-
noxial sign of the lamb . This Ammon, who, as Martianus Capella informs us, was the same with
Osiris, Adonis, Atys, &c ., had his tomb and religious mysteries ; and, though I have not found
so much respecting his birth, death, &c ., as of some of the others, they were probably all alike .
Apollo had his tomb at Delphi, where his body was deposited after lie had been killed by Python .
Three women bewailed his death, analogous to the three women, Mary Magdalene, Mary the
mother of James, and Salome, who bewailed the death of Jesus . He was called the Logos, the
light which had come into the world to enlighten it . Python was the great serpent of the pole,
which annually brings back the autumn, the cold, the snow, and darkness-over which Apollo

Maur. Ind . Ant . Vol. III. p. 214, 8vo . ed .

a At this time of the year the images in Italy are all covered, in like manner, with black veils, even to this day : as
any one may see who will go thither a little before Easter .
3 Dupuis, Vol. II. Liv. ii . Pt. ii. p. 194 .
4 Ib . pp . 195, 197, and notes. s Ibid .
Book II. Chapter III . Section 2 103
triumphs when he returns to the sign of the lamb at the vernal equinox, thus restoring the
empire of light, with all its blessings . Pythagoras engraved on this tomb some mysterious
verses, t which proves that he was a devotee or follower of this God, who was Apollo of Claros,
of whom I have formerly treated . 2 The three Marys, of whom we read so much, were known in
Gaul long before the time of Christ ; and in England, for there is an altar at Doncaster, Tribus
Matribus, tribes Mariebus . 3
Three Goddesses, called Mairce, were worshiped at Metz . 4
In front of a temple at Metz was the following inscription
" In honore Domfts Divi
Naedis Mairabus
Vicani vici Pacis" s

In the following extract, from an anonymous author, the same story is shewn to exist in India
C 0 The Eleusinian mysteries are applicable to the mythological account of Buddha, the son of

~~ Maya, who, as the God of Love, is named Cam-deo, Cam, and Cama : signifying ' desire :'
" evidently the Grecian Eros : in this character, the Hindoos profess that he aimed an arrow
a from his flowery bow, at the heart of the supreme God, Maha-Deo : for which offence he was
" punished by a flame of fire descending and consuming his corporeal nature. Then follows a
• procession of priests, who accompany his widowed consort : the beloved Keti, who bears an
cc urn, containing the ashes of the God, amidst the tears and lamentations of the people . Heaven
• and earth are said equally to lament the loss of ° divine love :' insomuch that Maha-deo was
" moved to pity, and exclaimed, I Rise, holy love !' on which Cama is restored, and the laments-
• tions changed into the most enthusiastic joy . The heavens are said to have echoed back the
" exulting sound, that the deity, supposed to be lost, was restored, I hell's great dread, and
" heaven's eternal admiration .' "
" Thus Meru is the worldly temple of the Supreme Being, in an embodied state, and of the
• Trimurti or sacred Triad, which resides on its summit, either in a single, or threefold temple, or
" rather in both, for it is all one, as they are one and three . They are three, only with regard to
°C men involved in the gloom of worldly illusion :
but to men who have emerged out of it, they are
" but one : and their threefold temple, and mountain with its three peaks, become one equally .
" Mythologists in the West called the world, or Hertz, with its appendages, the temple of God,
~~ according to Macrobius . This worldly temple is . also considered, by the followers of Buddha,
~~ as the tomb of the son of the spirit of heaven, whom I conceive to be the first man, re-emerging
~~ in every calpa, or the first lawgiver, often confounded with the first man . His bones or limbs
• were scattered all over the face of the earth, like those of Osiris and Jupiter Zagra?us . To collect
Q° them was the first duty of his descendants and followers, and then to entomb them . Out of filial
`c piety, the remembrance of this mournful search was yearly kept up by a fictitious one, with all
possible marks of grief and sorrow, till a priest announced, that the sacred relics were at last
" found . This is practised to this day by several Tartarian tribes of the religion of Buddha : and
• the expression of the bones of the son of the spirit of heaven is peculiar to the Chinese, and some
" tribes in Tartary ." 6 The latter part of this passage identifies the worship of Buddha with that
of Osiris, Adonis, Bacchus, and the other Western Gods, whose followers observed this ceremony .

' Dupuis, Vol . II . Pt . ii. pp . 2; 195 . 4 Vol. 1 . pp . 329, 325 . ' Ibid . pp . 310, 593.
4 Montf. Ant Explained, Pt . ii . Liv . v . Ch . v.
3 Trans. Acad . Ins . Anno 1733, p . 35 . [See a nearly similar inscription in the Author's first volume, p . 310. Ed .]
6 Asiat . Res . Vol . X . p . 129 .
104 Passover
It is peculiar to the worshipers of the Bull . The Lamb, Hercules, or Cristna, was slain, but his
bones were never in this manner collected .
The same account is given of Atys . His worship prevailed more particularly in Pbrygia.
Various histories were given of him in different places, but all terminated in the usual way with
his being put to death, and being raised to life again on the 25th of March . As Jesus was said to
be suspensus in ligno, so was Atys . It is useless to enter into particulars ; they may be found
WITH ALL. THE AUTHORITIES cited by Dupuis under the head Atys ; I as may those of Osiris,
Mithra, Bacchus, &c ., under their respective heads . It has, I think, been sufficiently proved, that
Bacchus and Hercules answered to the Buddha and Cristna of India, and that the Western nations
were only copyists of those of the East . If the reader will turn back to Volume I . pp . 144, he
will see there, that Cristna was made " perir sur un bois fatal (un arbre), od it fut clout d'un coup
de fli ;che, et du haut duquel it predit les maux qui allaient fondre sur la terre ."
Certain priests of the Church of England account for the location of the birth of Jesus Christ
on the same day as that of Adonis, Mithra, &c ., by saying, that it is known not to have been his
actual birth-day, but the it was adopted by the church the more readily to draw the Pagans to the
true faith . The only answer necessary to be given to these persons is, that those of them who
have any information at all upon the subject know, that the question of the day was a subject of
great dispute among the early Christians, and THEY KNOW also very well, that the reason they
assign has not a word of truth in it .
In ancient authors we constantly read of the burials and funeral obsequies of the Heathen Gods,
and we are told that their bodies were interred at different places . Now I think this is a mistake,
and that these obsequies were only the originals, and, in fact, were precisely of the same nature '
as the obsequies of the Romish Church for deceased kings and popes . At the time I am writing
this, those rites have been celebrated for the deceased Pope Leo the Tenth at various places in
Christendom . Except the great Pyramid, where the bones of the Beeve were found, be one of
them, I have never met with the ruins of any monument which could be considered those of one
of the Gods .
3 . The resurrection of Christ was fixed precisely to the time of the Passover of the Jews, of
which passover I shall now treat .
Cedrenus fixes the primitive creation to the 25th of March . The first day of the first month,
he says, is the first of the month Nisan, which answers to the 25th of March of the Romans.
In this day Gabriel gave the salutation to Mary to conceive the Saviour . On the same day the
God, the Saviour, rose again from the dead-that day which the ancient fathers called the passover
or the passage of the Lord. The ancient fathers fixed the second coming of the Lord to take place
on the 25th of March . Cedrenus represents Christ as having died in the nineteenth year of Tibe-
rius, on the 23d of March, and to have risen again on the 25th . From this comes the custom,
he says, of celebrating the Passover on the 25th of March . On this day the true light rose from
the tomb . Though the festival of the resurrection is now on the Sunday after the full moon of
the equinox, it was formerly on the .25th of March, as Cedrenus asserts . This is confirmed by
Theodore of Gaza . 2 This festival is known in the writings of the fathers by the name pervigilium
paschcc . St . Augustin has a sermon entitled, De F Agni in pervigilio Paschar . " It is on this
~~ day," says this father, " that the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world is slain for the
"salvation of man . On this day our gates ought to be marked with blood . Let us prepare for
" the immolation of the Lamb ." Isidore, of Seville, speaks in the same manner of the Pervigi-

' Asiat . Res . Vol. X . 2 Dupuis, Vol. III. p . 56 .

Book II . Chapter III . Section 3 105
luam Paschw . Lactantius says the same thing, and fixes the middle of the night for the rising of
Christ from the tomb . Constantine was accustomed to cause the town where lie was at this time
to be illuminated, so that it was as light as noon-day .
The following passage from Georgius will shew, that the crucifixion and resurrection of Buddha
took place precisely at the same time as all the others : In plenilunio mensis tertii, quo mors Xame
accidit .I
Sir William Drummond has endeavoured to shew that the Mosaic account of the creation, in
Genesis, and also various other parts of the Pentateuch, had allegorical meanings, and were de-
scriptive of the correction of the ancient calendar, which, in consequence of the precession of the
equinoxes, had fallen into great confusion, and had caused great confusion also in the mysteries
and festivals of the Jews . It seems from almost every part of his work, that previous to the time
of Aloses the Bull must have been the equinoctial sign, though it may, perhaps, have ceased to be
so for some time . The signs of the Zodiac, taken as the standards of the tribes, and Taurus, Leo,
Aquarius, (or the man carrying water,) and Scorpio, being evidently the signs of the equinoxes
and solstices, are a proof of it. The four equinoctial signs in the chariot, as it is called, of Ezekiel,
is another proof of it .
The signs of the Zodiac, with the exception of the Scorpion, which was exchanged by Dan for
the Eagle, were carried by the different tribes of the Israelites on their standards ; and Taurus,
Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio or the Eagle, the four signs of Reuben, Judah, Ephraim, and Dan,
were placed at the four corners-the four cardinal points-of their encampment, evidently in
allusion to the cardinal points of the sphere, the equinoxes and solstices, when the equinox was
in Taurus . Aben Ezra says, that the cherubim in the temple had also the faces of those four
signs . See Parkhurst's Lexicon . These are evidently the cherubim described by Ezekiel, and
also the beasts described by John, full of eyes before and behind, and having the likenesses of a
a Calf, a Lion, a Man, and an Eagle. All these coincidences prove that this religious system had
its origin before the Bull ceased to be an equinoctial sign, and prove also, that the religion of Moses
was originally the same in its secret mysteries with that of the Heathens-or, if my reader like it
better, that the Heathen secret mysteries were the same as those of Moses .
It is also clear that the equinoctial sign must have changed from Taurus to Aries, before Moses
ordained that the beginning of the year should open with the month Nisan . I can scarcely con-
ceive how any proof can be more convincing of the change which Moses was carrying into
effect. 2
If any unprejudiced person would read the accounts of the plagues of Egypt, the passage of the
angel over the houses of the Israelites, when the first-born of the Egyptians were slain, the hard-
ness of Pharaoh's heart, &c ., &c ., and give an honest opinion, he certainly must admit that they
are absolutely incredible . Then what are we to make of them ? The fact is, they are parts
of an astronomical allegory-if not invented, at least compiled or written about the time allotted to
the reigns of the first three kings, Saul, David, and Solomon . The whole history of the plagues,
&c ., keeps pace very well with the Labours of Hercules, the Conquests of Bacchus, the Argo-
nautic Expedition, &c . ; each literally believed by the people, and each in its literal sense despised
by the CHIEF priests, whose object in that age, as in this, was and is to keep mankind in ignorance
and darkness .
Sir Wm . Drummond has shewn very satisfactorily that the feast of the Passover, veiled under
the ' story of the Exod from Egypt, is nothing more than the Egyptian festival which was cele-

I Georg Alph . Tib . p . 510 . ' See Dupuis, Vol . III . p. 240.
VOL . II .
106 Lanib of God
brated at the vernal equinox ; t in which, under one emblem or allegorical personage or another,
two natural events were celebrated-the triumph of Ormasdes over Ahriman, of light over dark-
ness, the ascension of the God Sol from the lower to the higher hemisphere ; and the passage of the
vernal equinox from Taurus to Aries . The same allegory applies with great truth and precision
to both ; and I am quite certain it was meant for both .
The same festival we also found in the Yajna sacrifice of the Hindoos . 2
In the accommodation of the history of the Exod from Egypt to the passage of the Sun, we
have a striking example of the mythic spirit . When we consider that this passage festival of the
Sun is celebrated at the same moment with the Jewish festival, with nearly the same rites and
ceremonies by almost all the nations of the world, and we consider also the way in which the
triumph of the sun is celebrated in them all by a history of human actions, how is it possible to be
blind to the identity of that of the Jews with all, the others ? In all of them the secret object of
the festival was to celebrate the praises of the sun, or of that higher principle of which the sun is
the emblem and shekinah .
The universal dissemination of this worship is worthy of the most attentive consideration . We
have already seen that in Hindostan and Britain the procreative power of nature was celebrated
on the day of the vernal equinox by Phallic rites, Huli festivals, May-poles, and April fools, and is
even yet continued in these extreme points of East and West-of India and Britain-where the
young girls with their swains little suspect the meaning of their innocent gambols-gambols
which, if our devotees understood, they would view with horror . On the same day, in Persia, as I
have just observed, the triumph of the Good over the Evil principle took place, the triumph of the
victory of Light over Darkness, of Oromasdes over Ahriman . At the same time in Egypt,
Phrygia, Syria, were celebrated the deaths and resurrections of Osiris, Atys, Adonis . In Palestine,
again, we find on the same day the Jews celebrating their Passover, the passage of the equinox
from the sign of the Bull to that of the Ram, or of the Sun from the inferior to the superior
hemisphere ; and, to conclude all, on this day we Christians of Europe still continue to celebrate
the victory of the God Sol, known to all the nations above enumerated by his different names-by
us, " the Lamb or God which taketh away the sins of the world"-on Easter Sunday having
risen to life and immortality, triumphing over the powers of hell and of darkness .
4 . Although the identity (not the similarity merely) of the modern systems of Christianity and
the systems of the ancient Persians, and other worshipers of the God Sol, must be admitted, and
indeed cannot be denied ; yet many persons may have a difficulty in forming an idea how or by
what steps the two systems became amalgamated or consolidated ; so as either to form an ima-
ginary human personage in one case, or in another case to attach themselves to the character of a
real human being, or a divine person who appeared on earth in the shape of a human being. It is
very certain that the same circumstances which took place with respect to the Christian religion,
took place in the religions of Bacchus, Hercules, &c ., in former times . Histories of these persons
with miracles, relics, circumstances of locality, suitable to them, were as common, as well authen-
ticated, and as much believed by the devotees, as were those relating to Jesus Christ . And where
can be the difficulty of conceiving, that that should happen again, which we know from experience
has happened before? To this it may be replied, that though it may be believed to have taken
place, yet the means by which it has been effected are not so apparent . No person can be very
much surprised that the modus operandi should not be very apparent, who gives due attention to
the indisputable fact, that the priests, with all the powers on earth at their disposal, have been

I LEd . Jud . Dissertation on the Paschal Lamb . . 4

See Vol . I . pp . 260, 389, 446, 584,718 .
Book II . Chapter III . Section 4 107

employed for fifteen hundred years, in garbling, forging, and suppressing evidence, to prevent this
modus operandi from being discoverable : but, notwithstanding all their efforts, a reference to
some of the facts which have been detailed in this work will in a great measure remove the diffi-
culty . Until the time of Luther and the Protestants, tradition was the grand support, and indeed
the most powerful of all the engines used for the raising of the Romish Christian edifice . This
engine was discarded by the Reformers, because their object was to take down part of the building,
not to increase it ; and the only difficulty was, to know where to stop-to know how much or
how little was to be remo%-ed without endangering the whole edifice . It was evident that if they
allowed the powerful engine tradition to remain, that edifice was impregnable . The Romish
priests were well aware of the importance of their engine, and therefore exerted all their ingenuity
to protect it : and for this purpose they found it expedient to give up some part of its power to
secure the remainder . It is evident that nothing can be more liable to abuse than tradition . The
tradition which the Jesuit of the present day will describe as the tradition of the church, is very
different indeed from the tradition which was in reality used in the early ages of darkness . Every
idle rumour circulated by ignorance and credulity became tradition, if it happened to suit the views
of the priests . The frightened rabble, genteel and ungenteel, always timid in proportion to its
ignorance, had not the most distant idea of any thing like biblical criticism . In order to secure
its salvation, this rabble was only anxious to believe enough . It might believe too little, it could
not believe too much . This cause operated in the ancient religions, as much as in the modern .
Dr . Hyde I justly observes, that the ancients, always fearful of believing too little, kept constantly
increasing theiz rites and ceremonies from surrounding nations . " Existitnando melius esse
" religions suAL abundare, potius quam in aliquk ejus parte deficire sic enim erat eorum mos, nova
u qu evis amplecti, eaque veteribus accumulare . " This was exactly the case with the Christians .
This cause is extremely powerful, and is the more dangerous because its power is not easily
perceiveable . This cause continues to operate as really as it ever did in former times, and exactly
in proportion to the ignorance of the people . And it is evident that it will continue to operate so
long as belief or faith is held to be a merit : for, if belief be meritorious, unquestionably the more
a man believes, the more he merits ; therefore to make salvation secure, it is wise to believe as
much as possible-to believe every thing . If a person believe every thing, he must believe the
the truth--which can only be a part of every thing-of the whole.
Notwithstanding the strenuous exertions of the priests, for the last two thousand years, to
eradicate every trace of the means by which their various doctrines, rites, and ceremonies, have
been established ; yet they have not entirely succeeded . Circumstances, apparently trifling in
themselves, may sometimes be met with which have escaped their vigilance, and which will
enable the impartial and unprejudiced inquirer to form a pretty correct idea how such of them,
as he cannot discover or exactly point out the origin of, may have been produced . Remains of
the ancient superstitions may occasionally be observed, on which most of the rites, ceremonies,
and doctrines, have been founded ; and the priests seem to have overlooked the circumstance,
that the ordinances themselves for the destruction of others of them, if remaining, would serve
to prove the fact of their previous existence, in a way fully as satisfactory as if we had them now
before us .
The adoration by the ancients of the celestial bodies, and in its turn of the constellation or
sign of the Zodiac, Aries, or the Rain, is so well known that it is needless to enlarge upon it .
M . Dupuis, in his treatise, Sur toes les Cultes, has settled this matter. The manner in which
this constellation came to be personified, or applied to the person of Jesus, may, at first, be

I De R el . Vet. Pers . Cap . vii . p. 139 .

108 Lamb of God

difficult to conceive . Like almost every thing connected with religion, this effect was not pro-
duced by design, but by accident : that is, by the favourable combination of unforeseen circum-
This constellation was called the Lamb of God. He was also called the Saviour, and was
said to save mankind from their sins . He was always honoured with the appellation of Dominus
or Lord. He was called the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world . The devotees
addressing him in their litany, constantly repeated the words, 0 Lamb of God, that taketh away
the sins of the world, have mercy upon us . Grant us thy peace. I
The following passage of Frickius de Druidis will prove that "the Lamb that taketh away
• the sins of the world" might very well be prophesied of by the Sibyls before the time of Christ .
It will also complete the proof that the Jesus of the Roman Church was no philosopher of Samaria
in the time of Tiberius . It proves also that our Litany is part of the ancient Pagan ritual, and as
such gives it a new degree of interest .
" Rem dico admirabilem, omni tamen fide dignam, quam faciunt antiquissima Carnutensis
" ecclesim monumenta fastique, ac qui ex illis erutum tanti prodigii memoriam typis vulgarunt
• probatissimi scriptores ; et in recentioribus quidem P . FRANC . POYRAEUS, acri judicio vir,
" integritate singulari, ac teneri in Deiparam pietate insignia, qui triplicem coronam, quae hodie
• est omnium in manibus, pio sane et religioso artificio excellentissimae, potentissimae, optima
" matri contexuit .
" Itaque sic a majoribus acceptum referunt : signum Carnutensis virginis, quod hodieque visitur,
" quondam excisum esse in sacra Carnutum sylv9, et Prisci regis, procerumque illius gentis
" unanimi consensu per Druidum manus, sanctiore quodam in antro collocatum, ac consecratum
" virgini pariturce : live id mysterium ex oraculis Sibyllinis aut propheticis intellexerunt, sive
• acceperunt divinitus, extraordinarih revelatione. Moriens Priscus corona ac ditionis sum
" Carnutensis heredem scripsit vzrginem parituram. Qum autem occasio novae illi religione fecerit
" initium, ita narratur
" Quum inter Gallos magna qumdam exorta esset dissensio, nullaque interposita magistratuum
" auctoritate graves irm sedarentur, ac jam eo ventum esset, ut omnia publicis contentionibus labe-
• factata pessum ruerent, cuipiam viro gravi, ad restinguendum tantum incendium, si quis alius,
" idoneo, imago coelitus est oblata, cujus in basi haec inscripta verba : AGNUS DEI, QUI TOLLIS
" PECCATA MUNDI, MISERERE NOBIS . Banc ille imaginem quum Gallis, qui in unum convenerant,
• palam ostendisset, pauca, qum sibi monstrante Deo, revelata fuerant, prmfatus, sic derepent8 om-
• nium animos affecit permovitque, nemo ut abeundum sibi domum putaret, priusquam reconci-
" liata pax esset . Ergo alii 'alios arute complexi, sibi invicem, quiquid peccatum erat, condona-
• runt. Porro ad perennem tam fortunatae reconciliationis memoriam, PARITURIE VIRGINIS
• IMAGINEM EXPRESSERUNT, quam summo deinceps honore Bunt prosequuti . Hac fere RIGOR-
" DIUS ." 1
Of this remarkable passage, I submit the following translation
" I will relate an extraordinary circumstance, which, however, is worthy of all credit, on the
authority of the most ancient monuments and annals of the church of the Carnutes, and of the
most approved writers, who have thence derived and printed the records of so great a prodigy .
Among the more modern of these authors is P . Francis Poyrmus, a man of acute judgment, of
singular integrity, and remarkable for his affectionate piety towards the Mother of God ; who, by

I On an ancient medal of the Phoenicians brought by Dr . Clarke from Citium, noticed in Vol . I . p . 224, he is
described with the cross and the rosary, which shew that they were both used in his worship .
2 Frickius de- Druidis, Cap . x . pp . 99, 100 .
Book II. Chapter 111 . Section 4 109
a pious and ingenious artifice wove the triple crown which is in every body's hands, for the most
excellent, most powerful, and best of mothers .
" It is thus related, as handed down from antiquity-that an image of the Carnutensian Virgin,
which is seen to this day, was formerly carved in the sacred grave of the Carnutes, and, with the
unanimous consent of king Priscus and the nobles of that nation, was placed, by the hands of the
Druids, in a certain holy cavern, and dedicated to the Virgin of the Conception . This mystery
they either learned from the Sibylline or prophetic oracles, or they received it by an extraordi-
nary revelation from heaven . When Priscus was dying, he named the Virgin of the Conception
the heiress of the crown and dominion of the Carnutes . But the event which gave rise to the new
worship is thus narrated :
" When a great dissension had arisen among the Gauls, and the authority of the magistrates had
not interposed to quell the excitement, and it had arrived at such a height that every thing was
falling into confusion through the public contentions, an image was sent down from heaven, to a
certain grave personage, who was more likely than any other person to extinguish such a flame-
on the base of which were inscribed these words : " O LAMB OF GOD, THAT TAKEST AWAY THE
" SINS OF THE WORLD ! HAVE MERCY UPON US." When he had publicly shewn this image to the
assembled Gauls, and had repeated a few words which had been revealed to him by God himself,
he so instantly affected and moved the minds of all, that no one thought of returning home till
peace was restored . Each, therefore, embracing the rest, they interchanged forgiveness of all
injuries . Moreover, in order to perpetuate the memory of so happy a reconciliation, they made an
Image of the Virgin of the Conception, to which they thenceforth paid the highest honour .-Such
nearly is the account of Rigordius ."
Rigord, quoted above, by Frickius, and whom L' Escalopier also quotes, mentions, that among
the Gauls, and especially in Chartres, there existed, a hundred years (N . B.) BEFORE the birth of
our Saviour, the prophetic tradition of a Virgin that was to bear a son-VIRGO PARITURA.I He
also observes, that the Egyptians held the same persuasion, " and not only worshiped such a
" future virgin mother, prior to the birth of our Saviour, but exhibited the effigy of her son lying
" in the manger, in the manner the infant Jesus was afterwards laid in the cave at Bethlehem . 2
" Deinceps Egyptii PARITURAM VIRGINEM magno in honore habuerunt ; quip soliti aunt puerum
" effingere jacentem in prtesepe, quali POSTEA in Bethlehemetica spelunca natus est . For this
" passage L'Escalopier quotes a saint of the church, Ephiphanius ; I say quotes, because his own
" authority is very slender ." 3 The sacrifice of the Agni or the Yagni sacrifice of India already
described, was allusive to the Lamb of Isaiah and of Gaul .
I think I may now assume that I cannot be accused of very gross credulity in believing, that the
son of the Virgin of Isaiah, and the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world, were the
same-both existing long before the time of Jesus of Nazareth .
When I reflect on the many circumstances, new and extremely curious as they appear to me,
which I have observed, I am tempted to ask, Can it really be that I have a clearer sight than
others, which causes me to see what others overlook? If this be true, to an absence of prejudice
only can it be attributed . Such is the sensation I experience when I observe such circumstances
as the following ; I cannot shut my eyes to them : in every part of Italy I observe pictures of the
holy family, of extreme antiquity, the grounds of them often of gold . Of course they are said to
be of a date subsequent to the time of Christ ; but when I see them inscribed with the words Deo

L'Escaloperius, de Theologi5 veterum Gallorum, Cap . x. As in Luke ii . 7.

' Cleland's attempt to retrieve Celtic Literature, pp. 102, 103, 1766, 8vo See Vol . 1 . pp. 169-171 .
110 Lamb of God

Soli, I cannot help doubting. These pictures represent the mother seated with a child on her
knee, and a little boy standing close by her side . The lamb is generally seen in the picture .
This is the very description of what Mr . Payne Knight calls Isis and her offspring, who were wor-
shiped in Russia by the ancient Muscovites . And who was her offspring but Horus ? He adds,

they have in other pictures the symbol of a golden heifer, which is a symbol of the same person . i
After reading the account of the Isis in every part of the North of France and. England, of the
Virgo Paritura, of the Lamb that taketh away the sins of the world, I cannot doubt that this is
the same mythos in honour of the Beeve, which followed two thousand years after, in honour of
the Lamb-a renewal of the same rnythos for every new sign of the zodiac . Sometimes it was
a Bull, then a Ram, and lastly, two Fishes, tied together by the tails on Popish monuments .
The first symptom of the worship of the lamb among the Israelites is to be found in the sub-
stitution of the Ram in the place of Isaac, by Abraham, for a sacrifice . When Joseph had become
prime minister of Egypt, he married Asenath, a daughter of the priest of On or Heliopolis, the
capital of Goshen, which word Goshen ) Mr . Bryant states, means the house of the sun . Lucian 2
states, that the persons initiated into the mysteries of that temple sacrificed a sacred sheep, a
symbol of the animal of the first sign, or of the equinoctial sign, which they ate as the Israelites
ate their Passover. 3 On the ancient monuments of Mithra, in the different collections, we see the
Bull, whose blood is shed to take away the sins of the world . The Bull is now succeeded by the
Rain, the lamb without blemish, by whose blood the soul is purified from sin . On an ancient
Christian monument the lamb is seen slain at the foot of the cross, the blood of which is caught in
a Cup . 4 This is a copy of the rite described in the celebrated Mithraitic monument of slaying the
bull . 5

Some of the coins of Gallienus are stamped with the figure of a Lamb and the legend Jovi
Servatori . And in another ancient medal is seen the legend d)nnioni Servatori . s
The Egyptian God Jupiter, with the horns of a ram, the Amnion, is but the sun at the equinox,
which is confirmed by Martianus Capella, who maintains, in his hymn to the sun, that the God
lamb or ram is but the sun . Then if Christ be the sun, Christ, in the moment of his triumph and
reparation, ought to be as the sun, figured by the symbolical lamb . This symbolical sign is essen-
tial to his triumph over the prince of darkness and the works of the serpent . But, in effect, he
has this form . He is designated in the Scriptures by the mystical name of the Lamb, the
Saviour. His mysteries are those of the lamb without fault ; nature is restored by the blood
of the lamb . Every where the blood of the lamb, which takes away the sins of the world, is
presented to us. When the priest presents to the initiated the mystic bread which contains the
Christ, he says, " Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world ." He calls
it " the Lamb" which has been " slain from the foundation of the world . " 7 Every part of the
Apocalypse turns upon the triumph of the Lamb over the powers of hell and darkness . The
symbolical type of the sun, the redeemer, or of the first sign in which the sun bad his exaltation
and completed his victory over the powers of darkness, has been carefully preserved in the reli-
gion of the Christians, so that to name Christ or the Lamb is the same thing as to name the
Redeemer .

' Class. Journ . Vol. XXVI. p . 269. 1' De Des Syri9, p . 913, 3 Dupuis, Tome II . pp . 250, 4to .
a Casalius de Veterib . Christ . Ritib . Cap . ii . p . 4, or Cap . v . p . 48 .
St. Paulin, Bishop of Nola, Epist . 12 ad Sulpit . Severum, says, Sub truce sanguine9 niveo stat Christus in agno .
Dupuis, Tome 111 . p . 325, 4to .
Rev. xiii . S . The Apocalypse is proved to be of very great antiquity by its having fixed the year to only 360 days .
Book II . Chapter III . Section 4 111

Instead of the Crucifix, Christ is often represented over the altars on the continent as a Lamb .
There is one at Cologne .
It follows, then, that the mysteries of Christ are the mysteries of the Lamb, and that the mys-
teries of the Lamb are mysteries of the same nature as those of the Mithraitic Bull, to which they
succeeded by the effect of the precession of the equinoxes, which substituted the slain lamb for the
slain bull. The Christian mysteries of the lamb are proved to be taken from the mysteries of
Mithra, of the Persians, by the circumstance that the Persians alone have the lamb for the symbol
of the equinoctial sign : the other nations have the full grown Ram .
M. Dupuis observes, that the lamb was a symbol or mark of initiation into the Christian mys-
teries, a sort of proof of admission into the societies of the initiated of the lamb, like the private
sign of the free-masons . From this came the custom, in the primitive church, of giving to the
newly-initiated or newly-baptized, the seal of the Lamb, or an impression in wax, representing
the Lamb .
Christians even now make their children carry about their necks a symbolical image of the Lamb,
called an Agnus Dei .
There are not many circumstances more striking than that of Jesus Christ being originally
worshiped under the form of a Lamb-the actual lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the
world . "Though many churches in this age were adorned with the images of saints and martyrs,
"there do not appear to be many of Christ. These are said to have been introduced by the Cap-
padocians ; and the first of these were only symbolical ones, being made in the form of a Lamb .
~~ One of this kind Epiphanius found in the year 389, and he was so provoked at it that he tore it .
" It was not till the council of Constantinople, called In Trullo, held so late as the year 707, that
" pictures of Christ were ordered to be drawn in the form of men ." 1
Priestley is perfectly right : the custom of exposing the symbolical Lamb to the veneration of
the people continued to the year 608, when Agathon was pope, and Constantine Pogonat was,
emperor . It was ordained, in the sixth Synod of Constantinople, 2 that, in the place of the
figure of a lamb, the symbol used to that time, the figure of a man nailed to a cross should in
future be used, which was confirmed by Adrian the First . But the Pope Adrian the First, in the
seventh council, in his epistle to Tarasius, Bishop of Constantinople, had approved the represen-
tation of Christ under the form of the Lamb and adopted it . 3
In the decree of the council of Constantinople quoted above, the knowledge of a most important
fact is preserved to us by the decree passed for the express purpose of concealing it . If instead
of this formal decree, forbidding the votaries in future to represent Christ as a Lamb, the practice
had been merely discouraged by verbal communications, through the medium of the corresponding
societies of monks, it would have been as certainly abolished, and this curious link connecting the
ancient and modern superstitions would never have been discovered . It would have been irre-
trievably lost.
The following are the words of the decree, which I obtained in the Vatican Library, that mighty
treasury of secret learning . 4
In the Roma Sotterranea of Antonio Bosio, 5 Dell' Imagine di Christo in Figura di Agnello In

' Priestley's Hist . Corr . Vol . I . p . 339 ; Seuer, A . D . 707 . ' Can. 82.
' Dupuis, sur tons les Cultes, Tome III . p . 61, 4to .
4 The French supposed that they examined it . Silly fellows ! The church took care that they should find as little
of secret learning in the Vatican as they found of real jewels at Loretto.
5 Lib. iv. Cap. xxix .
112 Gentile Crucifixion
C0 quibusdam sanctorum itnaginum picturis agnus exprimitur, &c . I Nos igitur veteres figuras
u atque umbras, ut veritatis notas, et signa ecclesiae tradita, complectentes, gratiam, et veritatem
• anteponimus, quam ut plenitudinem legis accepimus . Itaque id quod perfectum est, in picturis
• etiam omnium oculis subjiciamus, agnum illum qui mundi peccatuum tollit, Christum Deum
• nostrum, loco veteris Agni, humanA form & posthac exprimendutn decrevimus," &c . See
Canon 83 .2 From this decree the identity of the worship of the celestial lamb and the Romish
Jesus is certified beyond the possibility of doubt, and the mode by which the ancient super-
stitions were applied to an imaginary personage or to a real human being, Jesus of Nazareth, is
satisfactorily shewn . Nothing can more clearly prove the general practice than the order of a
general council to regulate it .
It requires no very great exertion of the imagination to form an idea in what manner the
ignorant and fanatical devotees, when they applied the worship of the Lamb that taketh away the
sins of the world to the man Jesus, should seize hold of and apply to him every doctrine, rite,
or ceremony, which the idle traditions of the vulgar attributed to the Lamb in different countries
where they happened to prevail . The God Sol, Mithra, and lao, being the same as the Lamb of
God, it seems natural enough that the ceremonies, &c ., of the being passing under those names
should be adopted by his followers . Hence it is that we find them all mixed together in the
worship of Jesus . And, as the worship under the name of Mithra prevailed most in the different
Western countries of the world, it is not surprising that his peculiar doctrines and ceremonies
should most prevail in the new religion .
We have seen that Mr. Bryant, Dupuis, and others, have shewn that the worship of the
constellation of Aries was the worship of the Sun in his passage through that sign, and this
connects with the worship of the Lamb the different rites which were used by different nations in
the worship of the God Sol-the Dominus Sol-under the different names of Hercules, Bacchus
Mithra, Adonis, &c ., &c ., their baptisms, oblations of bread and water, their births, deaths, resur-
rections after three days, and triumphs over the powers of hell and of darkness . In all this can a

person be so blind as not to see the history of the God law, IHS, IrG-H,c, the a and w-the
incarnate God-the Lamb of God sacrificed to take away the sins of the world ? As might be
expected, we find this Saviour originally described and adored under the form of a Lamb . In
many places of Italy, particularly at Florence, he is described as a Lamb, with the cross held by
his fore-leg. But, in most places, these representations have been destroyed in compliance with
the bulls or decrees above-named, which unwittingly let us into the secret, which, without them,
we might have guessed at, but could not have certainly known .
Over the high altar of the cathedral at Mayence, on the Rhine, is a golden lamb, as large as
life, couchant, upon a book sealed with seven seals, and surrounded with a glory . Over the high
altar of the cathedral of Bon, also, there is a Lamb in silver, as large as life, couchant on a book,
sealed with seven seals, and surrounded with a golden glory . In the gateway of the Middle
Temple in London may be seen one of these Lambs : he holds a cross with his fore-leg, and has
the sun for his head, with a lamb's face . This is a relic of the ancient Knights Templars . In
the late repairs of their building the lawyers have shewnt much good taste in not destroying it .
I rejoice that such of my countrymen as cannot go abroad, may see this remnant of the ancient
superstition at home . I advise the Masonic Templars to add this to their eight-point red cross .
5 . I will now shew my reader that the crucifixion of Christ is, like all the remainder of the
Romish mythos, a close copy from Paganism .

1 . lo Damasc . Orat . 3, de Imag. 11 Baron . Annal. Tom . VIII. ann . 680, 692.
Book II . Chapter III . Section 5 113
" Plato died about 348 before our sera . The beginning of John's Gospel is evidently Platonic
" This philosopher was himself believed to have been born of a pure virgin ; and in his writings
• had drawn up the imaginary character of a DIVINE MAN, whose ideal picture lie completed by
" the supposition that such a man would be crucified" I -a supposition tinder which the secret
mythos was evidently concealed, but which would be clearly understood by the initiated . Having
penetrated into the mysteries, we understand it .
Prometheus is said to have been nailed up with arms extended, near the Caspian Straits, on
Caucasus. The history of Prometheus on the cathedral of Bourdeaux here receives its explanation .
Here the history of the Garuda, of the crucified Prometheus, in the Christian church, is accounted
for : proved by the name of the river Garumna, in the department of the same ancient name, not
to have been so called from any superstition of the middle ages . In our versions of the tragedy
of £schylus, Prometheus is always fraudulently said to be Bound . It is called Prometheus vinctus,
He was nailed up in the form of a cross, with hammer and nails . The object of this impudent fraud
need not be pointed out . In this case Protestants and Papists are all alike .
" The Prometheus Bound of £schylus was acted as a tragedy in Athens, 500 years before the
" Christian wra . The plot or fable of the drama, being then confessedly derived from the univer-
sally recognized type of an infinitely remote antiquity ; yet presenting not one or two, but
" innumerable coincidences with the Christian tragedy ; not only the more prominent situations,
" but the very sentiments, and often the words of the two heroes are precisely the same ." " Pro-
• metheus made the first man and woman out of clay"-" was a God ." He " exposed himself
• to the wrath of God, incurred by him in his zeal to save mankind ." 2 He was crucified on a
rock, instead of a beam of timber .
.t sculapius was the son of Coronis . This Coronis was the first of the Jewish Sephiroth,
Corona, and answered to the Brahm-Maia of the Brahmins . .Esculapius was Asclo-ops, oi, o7ros,
Logos, voice-as fire and solar emanation, described by the numeral letters, klo=600. Thus
1=500, ~=30, y=70=600 . He was the voice of the solar cycle, or the voice of the mundane
fire ; for cycle and mundane, I think, are convertible terms . Or, judging from the serpent with
which this Saviour God is always accompanied, I should say, the serpent of the solar cycle-As-clo-
.Esculapius is always conjoined with the serpent ; and generally with a serpent coiling round
something-en-cir or en-cycling, something.
The serpent not only tempted Eve, but the name Heva meant serpent . Apyas means serpent ;
Argha, the emblem of the female generative power, and AgXa, the ship in which the germ of
animated nature was saved .
The Serpent, the Eva, the Argha, the Ship or Nau, the Cycle, the X=600, and the God, are all
brought very near together if they be not identified .
Once, as the sacred infant she survey'd,
The God was kindled in the raving maid ;
And thus she utter'd her prophetic tale,
Hail, great physician of the world ! all hail.
Hail, mighty infant, who, in years to come,
Shalt heal the nations, and defraud the tomb !
Swift be thy growth, thy triumphs unconfined,
Make kingdoms thicker, and increase mankind.

' Taylor's Syntagmu, in answer to J . P. S. [Dr. John Pye Smith?] p . 95, note. ' Ibid. pp. 97, 98, and note.
114 Gentile Crucifixion
Thy daring art shall animate the dead,
And draw the thunder on thy guilty head ;
Then shalt thou die, but from the dark abode
Shalt rise victorious, and be twice a God. 3

Mr. R. Taylor has stated, that he thinks the healing God 2 was related to the Therapeutae, or
Physicians of the Soul, as they have been called-as the name meant . And most certainly there
are expressions in the verses of Ovid which shew a reference to the superstition of Virgil, and to
the Christian, Promethean, and Hindoo incarnations and regenerations .
The following is an account given of the rites of Tanimuz or of Adonis, or of the Syrian or
Jewish i adn or pint adun, 3 by Julius Firmicius : " On a certain night (while the ceremony of
" the Adonia, or religious rites in honour of Adonis lasted) an image was laid upon a bed, and be-
• wailed in doleful ditties . After they had satiated themselves with fictitious lamentations, light
" was brought in : then the mouths of all the mourners were anointed by the priest, upon which
• he, with a gentle murmur, whispered,

" Trust, ye saints, your God restored,

" Trust ye, in your risen Lord ;
" For the pains which he endured
" Our salvation have procured .

" OappnTE, pwcTal, Te S'ea aeo•w Tpeve,

" FeTa, yap jisw ex aovmr o-& r pia .

" Literally, ` Trust, ye communicants : the God having been saved, there shall be to us out of
`~ pains, salvation."' Godwyn renders it, " Trust ye in God, for out of pains, salvation is come
" unto us ." 4 Parkhurst 5 gives the translation from Godwyn, and says, "I find myself obliged to
• refer Tammuz, as well as the Greek and Roman Hercules, to that class of idols which were
" originally designed to represent the promised Saviour, the Desire of all nations . His other name
" Adonis, is almost the very Hebrew '7rtrt Aduni or Lord, a well-known title of Christ ."
On these rites of Adonis the Editor of Calmet says,e "Now these rites seem to be precisely
• the same with those described in the Orphic Argonautica, where we learn that these awful
• meetings began, first of all, by an oath of secrecy, administered to all who were to be initiated .
`~ Then the ceremonies commenced by a description of the chaos or abyss, and the confusion atten-
• dant upon it : then the poet describes a person, as a man of justice, and mentions the orgies, or
" funeral lamentations, on account of this just person ; and those of Arkite Athene (i . e. Divine
" Providence) ; these were celebrated by night . In these mysteries, after the attendants had for a
" long time bewailed the death of this just person, he was at length understood to be restored to
" life, to have experienced a resurrection ; signified by the readmission of light . On this the
• priest addressed the company, saying, `Comfort yourselves, all ye who have been partakers of
• the mysteries of the Deity, thus preserved : for we shall now enjoy some respite from our
" labours :' to which were added these words, `I have escaped a sad calamity, and my lot is
" ° greatly mended.' The people answered by the invocation Iw Maxaspa ! Aaluarotaoopog !
• ` Hail to the Dove ! the Restorer of Light !' "

' Oven by Addison, ap . R . Taylor's Diegesis, p . 148 . s That is, the Suli Minerva of Bath .
' " Hence the idol Adonis had his name"-Parkhurst, in voce h dn, p. 141 . ` R. Taylor's Diegesis, p . 163 .
In voce mr tmz, p. 789 0 Fragment, CCCXVII . pp. 21, 22.
Book II . Chapter III . Section 5 115

Here, I think, from this little scrap, which has escaped from the Argonautic mysteries, we see
enough to raise a probability that in them were acted over, or celebrated, the whole of the Mosaic
and Christian mythoses-the whole of what we have found mixed together in the rites of the
Brahmins of South India, as given by the Jesuits, the mythos of Moses, and of the person treated
on by the Erythraean Sibyl . It appears that these rites were celebrated in the autumn, to which
they must, of course, have been removed by the precession of the equinoxes. We have seen be-
fore, Vol . 1. pp. 822-824, that it was admitted by Clemens Alexandrinus, who had been himself
initiated, that the mysteries of Eleusis were taken from the books of Moses . An interesting ac-
count of the tomb of Jesus, as it now is at Jerusalem, may be seen in the travels of Dr . Clarke.
But in the writings of some traveller, but by whom I have now forgotten, an account is given that
a miraculous fire descends from heaven at the festival of the resurrection, and nearly all the*same
ceremonies are gone through by the Christians at this day, as I have just now shewn were practised
in honour of Adonis ; which word Adonis, it may be observed, is nothing but the Jewish Adonai,
which is always translated Lord in our Bible, in order to disguise the truth from its readers . This
Adonis or Tamas was the same which we found at the tomb of St . Thomas, and the town of
Adoni, in South India.
Adonis was the son of Myrra, which word, in the old language without points, would be nearly
the same as Maria . He was said to have been killed by a boar in hunting, This will not, on any
account, agree with the verses of Julius Firmicius ; therefore there must have been some other
history to which he alludes . We know that there were very few of the heathen gods which had
not several different histories of their births, deaths, &c ., and there must have been another of
Adonis which has not come down to us .
It is said, that the Christians of Malabar are called Christians of Nazaranee Mapila, or Surians of
Surianee Mapila . From this, when I consider that almost every other town named in the Christian
mytbos has been found, both in India and the West of Asia, I cannot help thinking it probable that
a town called Nazareth will be found ; as it is evident from the above, that there is or was a country
called Nazarenee . As I have formerly observed, in the mountains at the back of the country
where these Christians are found, upon the river Kistnah, is a town called ADONI, and another
called Salem .' Let it not be forgotten that Adonis was Tammuz, and that Kistnah is Cristna .
The Christians of St. Thomas, as they are called, yet retain many of the old Brahmin customs,
and are very different and quite distinct from the modern converts . 2 Part of them are said also
to be rather lighter-coloured : this bespeaks them a tribe from the colder country of Cashmere or
Afghanistan .
When I reflect upon what I have written respecting the Erythroean Sibyl, and that Justin
Martyr says she told all the history of Christ, almost every thing which had happened to him,
and that I have found the Tammuz or Adonis in the part of India where the Christians of St .
Thomas were found, and compare it with what Parkhurst has said above respecting Tammuz,
Adonis, &c ., 1 can come to but one conclusion .
I must request my reader to look back to the description of divine love crucified, (Vol. 1. p. 497,)
and reconsider what has been said respecting Baliji, Wittoba, or Salivahana, the cross-borne,
Ob. 667, 750, 764,) respecting the deaths and resurrections of Adonis, £sculapius, &c ., &c., &c. ;
and I think he will not be surprised to find a crucified Saviour among the Romans . This he will
now see has been handed down to us on evidence in its nature absolutely unimpeachable . Minu-

I Vol . I. p . 666 . 2 Ibid . pp . 665, 666 ; and Asiat. Res . Vol . VII . p . 367 .
116 Gentile Crucifixion

tius Felix, a very celebrated Christian father, who lived about the end of the second century, in a
defence of the Christian religion, called Octavius, has the following passage
" You certainly who worship wooden Gods, are the most likely people to adore wooden crosses,
" as being parts of the same substance with your Deities . For what else are your ensigns,
°C flags, and standards, but crosses gilt and purified ? Your victorious trophies, not only represent
°Q a simple cross, BUT A CROSS WITH A MAN ON IT. The sign of a cross naturally appears in a
~~ ship, either when she is under sail or rowed with expanded oars, like the palm of our hands
" not a jugum erected but exhibits the sign of a cross : and when a pure worshiper adores the
C° true God with hands extended, he makes the same figure . Thus you see that the sign of the

~~ cross has either some foundation in nature, or IN YOUR OWN RELIGION : and therefore not to be
~~ objected against Christians ." I
To whom could Cicero believe the acrostic of the Sibyl, mentioned in Volume I . pp . 574-576,
applied ? I now answer, to the crucified person commemorated on the standard, and who that
might be, I ask the priests-for it is their order which has destroyed all the evidence respecting
him . But I think few persons will now doubt that it was the BLACK crucified person whose effigy
we see in thousands of places all over Italy-the Saviour crucified for the salvation of mankind,
long before the Christian sera.
I think no unprejudiced person will doubt that the practice of the Romans, here alluded to by
Minutius, of carrying a crucified man on their standard, has been concealed from us by the careful
destruction of such of their works as alluded to it ; and that its existence in the writing of Minu-
tius is a mere oversight of the destroyers .
I cannot entertain any doubt that this celebrated Christian father alludes to some Gentile
mystery, of which the prudence of his successors has deprived us . Perhaps the crucifixion of
divine love in the person of Ixion, or Prometheus, or Semiramis . As 1 have shewn above, in the
beginning of Christianity, Christ was not represented on a cross, but in the figure of a Lamb .
This is proved by the decree of the Pope, which we have just seen, that be should no longer be
represented as a Lamb, but as a Man on a Cross .
How great must have been the caution of the priests in leaving not a single Gentile, or, at
least, Roman remnant of this crucified person, or any thing which could lead us to him, so that
to this solitary, though very complete, Christian evidence, we are obliged for our knowledge of
him ! This consideration is quite enough to account for lacunce in our copies of Tacitus, of Livy,
of the Greek plays of i schylus, Euripides, &c ., &c. : for, to copies made by the hands of priests,
we are indebted for every work of these authors which we possess .
How very extraordinary that not a single icon should be left ! For their deficiency, there must
be some other cause besides the astute care of the priests ; and that cause is readily explained-
the icons have become Christian crucifixes . Of these great numbers are to be seen in all Romish
countries, which have every mark of extreme antiquity. It is the same with the very old pictures
carrying the inscription, Deo Soli, and Soli Deo Mitrae, and Nama Sebadiah, which we have found
in Kaliwakam, in the Tamul language in India, noticed in Volume I . p . fi76, note, p. 779, and in
the Appendix, p . 835. However, it is certainly proved as completely as it is possible in the
nature of things for a fact of this nature to be proved, that the Romans had a crucified object of
adoration, and this could be no other than an incarnation of the God Sol, represented in some way
to have been crucified, it cannot be doubted that to mere accident we are indebted for the passage
of Minutius Felix .

' Min. Fel. Sect. xxix.

Book II. Chapter III . Section 5 117

How can any one doubt that this was the Lamb slain from the beginning of the world-tbe
Solar Lamb incarnate ? The Lamb of God slain as an atonement for the sins of the world may
be Romish Christianity, and it may be true, but it is not the Gospel of Jesus, the Nazarite of
I have no .doubt whatever that there has been some mythos of the Xprsos in the Greek and
Roman Pantheons, which has been destroyed ; and that, in innumerable places, the Xprsos, in
being copied by the priests, has been converted into Christos ; and very greatly indeed are we
indebted to Dr . Clarke for having honestly given us the inscription at or near Delphi .
I now beg my reader to look back to Vol . 1 . pp . 549-553, and there he will see the account of
the prophecy of Apollo of Miletus . This Apollo was called Didymaeus ; Didytnus means Twins .
In this country there was a place called Thamas . There was also a town called Cresto-polis .
There was a river Indus, a place called Sinda, a town called Calinda, also the city of Erythraea,
an island of Calymna or Calamina, I Mount Chalcis, Larissa, and the island of Crete, 2 called
Candia 5 and Icriti . 4 I think in the Apollo Didymaeus and the, oracle of the incarnate person
crucified by the Cbaldaeans, we cannot be blind to the mythos of Cristna and Salivahana, and the
Calli-dei of South India at Calamina, or St . Thomas, or the twins . Close to Rhodes is Portus
Cresso, the Crestian Port .
In this country also is a Patara . Wherever we have an Apollo we have a mythos of Patarae,
or Patricius, or Patrick . Gen . Vallancey has traced the Miletii from Spain to Ireland . The people
of Miletus are called Miletii . On this coast is an island of Calydonia, and a cape Kelidoni . I
cannot doubt, though the colony might stop at some place in Spain, that it first came from this
country, at which time came Calydonia to Scotland, and Patrick to Ireland, who brought the
mythos of the God incarnate crucified by the Chaldoeans-the God Icriti or Critika, which was
both bull and rang-the God alluded to by Apollo of Miletus .
Col . Tod says, fQ When Alexander attacked the ' free cities' of Panchalica, the Poorus and
~~ Heric- las, who opposed him, evinced the recollections of their ancestor, in carrying the figure
°C of Hercules as their standard ." 5 Here, I have no doubt whatever, was the crucifix of Prome-
theus, of Ixion, of Cristna-the crucifix of Balii or the Lord (if Bal meant Lord) Ii-the crucifix
which Father Georgius found set up at every cross road in Tibet-(not observed by our English
travellers, though the Jesuit could see it)-the crucifix of Minutius Felix, and the crucifix black or
copper colour at every point WHERE ROADS CROSS IN ITALY, (which will be accounted for by and
by, when I treat of the Etruscan Agrimensores,) and in hundreds of the churches . In short, it
was the peculiar emblem of the Pandean or Catholic religion ; for 1 have no doubt whatever, that
both these words have the meaning of universal ; and I suspect that the perfect mythic history
is yet secreted in the recesses of the conclaves of Tibet and Rome : and that, in ancient time, it
was the doctrine of the Panionian temple at Ephesus, in Asia Minor, of the Pandit n of Athens,
and of the Ceres or X~rs
of Eleusis and Delphi . In short, it was the universal esoteric religion
of the world . Every common Catholic priest will swear to-day that he knows this to be false,
and to- morrow he will get absolution for his oath, for he knows nothing about it .
It is confided
to very few persons-whether to TWELVE of the Cardinals may be matter of doubt . Here
we see the reason why the Catholic Popes have every rite and ceremony of the ancient Hea-
thens, as they are called, in their religion-the CATHOLIC religion . If I am mistaken, then the

See Vol . 1 . p . 810 . ' The French Chretien . ' Candy or Ceylon.
' Evidently the Indian Kritika . s Hist . Raj . Vol . I . p. 51, note .
118 Gentile Crucifixion
Brahmins of Italy are precisely in the situation of the Brahmins of India, and have lost their
secret system .
Where my friend Col . Tod learned the fact he has stated, respecting the standard, I do not
know ; but I suppose he borrowed it from Arrian, who says, that the troops of Porus, in their war
with Alexander, carried on their standards the figure of a man . This must have been a Stauro-
bates or Salivahana, and looks very like the figure of a man carried on their standard by the
Romans . This was similar to the Dove carried on the standards of the Assyrians . This must
have been the crucifix of Nepaul.
Georgius says,' " Ad hoc plane tam impite ac foedae superstitionis caput referri debent, quae
• de secunda Trinitatis Tibetanae Persona narrat ex P . Andrada La Crozius in H . Chr . Ind . p .
"514 : ' Its conviennent qu'il a repandu [Cho Conjoc] son sang pour le salut du genre humain,
• ' ayant ete perce de clous par tout son corps . Quoiqu'ils ne disent pas qu'iI a souffert le
"'supplice de la croix, 'on en trouve pourtant la figure dans leurs livres : Leur grand Lama
• ' c6lebre une espece de sacrifice avec du pain et du vin dont it prend une petite quantitd, et
"' distribue le reste aux Lamas presens a cette ceremonie .'"
The Cambridge Key says, " Buddha, the author of happiness and a portion of Narayen, the
" Lord Haree-sa, the preserver of all, appeared in this ocean of natural beings at the close of the
• Dwapar, and beginning of the Calijug : He who is omnipotent, and everlastingly to be contem-
plated ; the Supreme God, the eternal ONE, the divinity worthy to be adored by the most pious
• of mankind, appeared with a portion of his divine nature." 2 Jayadeva describes him as
" bathing in blood, or sacrificing his life to wash away the offences of mankind, and thereby to
" make them partakers of the kingdom of heaven . Can a Christian doubt that this Buddha was
" the type of the Saviour of the world?" 3 Very well, I say to this learned Cantab, I will not
dispute that the Cristna crucified, Baliji crucified, Semiramis crucified, Prometheus crucified,
Ixion crucified, were all types of the Saviour, if it so please him ; but let me not be abused for
pointing out the facts . Type or not type must be left to every person's own judgment . On
this subject I shall quarrel with no one . But then the Gentile religion must have been a whole
immense type . This will prove Anunonius right that there was only one religion .
In the Apocalypse or Revelation, ch . xi. ver . 8, is a very extraordinary passage . It has two
readings . In one it says that your Lord was crucified in Egypt, in the other, the received text,
it says our Lord was crucified, &c . Griesbach says of the former induhie genuina . This evidently
alludes to the man crucified of Minutius Felix, who was thus crucified at Rome, in Egypt, Greece,
India, at Miletus, &c . This is obviously a piece of Heathen mythology, of which, in the West,
the priests have nearly deprived us ; but there is no room to doubt that it is one of the Saliva-
hanas, Staurobateses, Baliis, Wittobas, Prometheuses, Semiramises, and Ixions, of the East .
If we take the passage to mean our Lord, we have the Heathen or Gnostic cross-borne of Egypt,
(for Christians do not pretend that Jesus was crucified in Egypt,) grafted on the Romish
Christianity, like all their other rites and ceremonies . I have little doubt that the crucifixion of
every Avatar, as it passed, was simultaneously celebrated at each of the five temples of Solomon
in Egypt, wherein the Jewish prophet declares that the name of the true God shall be praised .
I have some suspicion also that the cross of Constantine was a crucifix. When he and Eusebius

Alph . Tib . p . 211 .

In the Haree-sa, the preserver of all, we have the Hebrew ;iirt ere geneatrix, and 7lty' iso the Saviour ; and in the
Haree or Heri we have also the Greek Epms, Divine Love, the Saviour of all.
3 Camb . Key, Vol . I . p . I I8 .
Book II . Chapter III . Section 6 119
were lying, (as Lardner has proved they were,) it was only taking the matter by halves not to
take the body with the cross. However, this suspicion imports but little, as it is very clear that a
cruc fx was the object of adoration from the Indus to the Tibur ; and I suspect even to the fire
tower at Brechin, in Scotland . I Col. Tod says, 2 " The Heraclidae claimed from Atreus : the
" Hericiilas claim from Atri. Euristhenes was the first king of the Heraclidee : Yoodishtra has
CQ sufficient affinity in name to the first Spartan king, not to startle the etymologist, the d and r,
~~ being always permutable in Sanscrit ." Surely the identity of the Greek and Indian Hercules
cannot be doubted, nor the identity of their ancestor Atreus ?
It seems to me quite impossible for any person to have read the preceding part of this work
with attention, and not to have felt convinced that there has originally been one universal mythos,
repeated in a vast number of different and very distant places . It cannot be expected that the
whole original mythos should be found any where ; the eternal law of change forbids this : nor
can it be expected that it should be found in every respect the same in any two places . This again
the law of change forbids . For the mythos must change in all the places, and it is a million to
one that in any two it should be found after several thousand years to have made in each the same
change, so that at this time they should be exactly similar . But a sufficient degree of similarity
is found to mark the fact, in great numbers of them, and in some really much greater than could
have been expected . What can be more striking than that which we have found in Rome and
Tibet ?
In almost every mythos we see the same immaculate conception, the same ten months' preg-
nancy, the same attempts of an enemy to destroy the infant, the same triumph of the infant, his
glorious and benevolent character and life, his final violent death, and his resurrection to life and
immortality ; and all this constantly connected with a town on seven hills, &c ., &c ., &c .
When I reflect deeply upon certain facts which cannot be disputed, and upon the identity of
the worship of Tammuz, in Western Syria, of Tammuz in Egypt, and Tamus both in Northern
and Southern India, that is, the two Eastern Syrias ; upon the high probability, (shall I not say
certainty?) that the Esseneans of Egypt and Western Syria were Pythagoreans and followers of
the Xprs, that is, Christians, before the time of Jesus of Nazareth ; upon the account of Christian
doctrines in Southern India, given by the Jesuits-and upon the extraordinary fact that, when
the work of Eusebius is properly translated, as given by the Rev . R . Taylor, the whole doctrine
and church establishment of the Christians is found among the Esseneans in Egypt ; I cannot help
suspecting that the church of the Pagan Christian Constantine was nothing but the transplantation
of the Essenes to the West, and that the secret, allegorical doctrines of these monks were those
of the God Adonis, or Thamas, the Saviour re-incarnated or renewed every new cycle .
6. 1 presume it is well known to my reader, that in the first two centuries the professors of
Christianity were divided into many sects ; but these might be all resolved into two divisions-
one consisting of Nazarenes, Ebionites, and Orthodox ; the other of Gnostics, under which all the
remaining sects arranged themselves . The former believed in Jesus Christ crucified, in the
common, literal acceptation of the term ; the latter, though they admitted the crucifixion, consi-
dered it to have been in some mystic way-perhaps what might be called spiritualiter, as it is
called in the Revelation : but notwithstanding the different opinions they held, they all denied
that Christ did really die, in the literal acceptation of the term, on the cross . These Gnostic or
Oriental Christians took their doctrine from the Indian crucifixion of which we have just treated,

' See Celtic Druids, Introd . pp . xlvi . xlvii . I Hist . Raj . Vol . I. p . 51, note.
120 Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified
as well as many other tenets with which we have found the Romish Church deeply tainted . This
my reader must see will enable him to account for many extraordinary things .
I have already remarked, that the Pagan Roman crucifix was purposely concealed ; for no one
can doubt that there must have been some history connected with it . And persons may believe
or not believe as the impressions on their minds or their prejudices may dictate ; yet the evidence
of the fact-the authority of Minutius-is complete and cannot be disputed, oil any principle of
sound criticism . And the fact must have been purposely concealed, or we should have had notice
of it in some of the Roman historians or writers . I know that for honestly bringing forward this
and many other facts, it will be said that I am not a Christian ; at least by great numbers of those
who will not allow any person to be a Christian who is not of their sect . I shall be accused of
not believing the crucifixion, except as an allegory . But I may doubt this fact (though I expressly
say, I do not here state my opinion upon it), and yet be a Christian, as much, at least, as the
celebrated Christian SAINT, APOLOGIST, and MARTYR, the orthodox writer against heresies, the
BISHOP of Lyons, SAINT IRENEUS, from whose works I have extracted the following passage . I
think I surely have a right to call myself a Christian, if I am of the religion of this orthodox
Saint and Martyr : but I repeat, at present I do not state my opinion .
Lib . ii . Cap . xxxix . of Dr . Grabe's Ire,Iaeus has the following title : "Ostensio quod uno anno
"non praeconiaverit Dominus post baptismum ; sed omnem habuisse aetatem ." And it contains
the following passage : " Omnes enim venit per semetipsum salvare : omnes inquam, qui per
• eum renascuntur in Deum, infantes, et parvulos, et pueros, et juvenes, et seniores . Ideo per
" omnem venit aetatem, et infantibus infans factus, sanctificans infantes : in parvulis parvulus,
" sanctificans bane ipsam habentes aetatem, simul et exemplum illis pietatis effectus, et justicise,
" et subjectionis : in juvenibus juvenis, exemplum juvenibus fiens, et sanctificans Domino . Sic et
• senior in senioribus, ut sit perfectus magister in omnibus, non solum secundum expositionem
" veritatis, sed et secundum aetatem, sanctificans simul et seniores, exemplum ipsis quoque fiens
• deinde et usque ad mortem pervenit, ut sit I primogenitus ex mortuis, ipse primatum tenens in
" omnibus princeps vitae, prior omnium, et praeeedens omnes . Illi autem, ut figmentum suum de eo
" quod est scriptum, vocare annum Domini acceptum, affirment, dicunt uno anno eum praedicasse,
• et duodecimo mense passum, contra semetipsos obliti sunt, solventes ejus omne negocium, et
" magis necessariam, et magis honorabilem aetatem ejus auferentes, illanl, inquam, provectiorem,
in qua edocens praeerat universis .
Quomodo enim habuit discipulos, Si non docebat ? Quo-
" modo autem docebat, magistri aetatem non habens ? Ad baptismum enim venit nondum qui
" triginta annos suppleverat, sed qui inciperet esse tanquam triginta annorum : (ita enim, qui
" ejus annos significavit Lucas, posuit : Jesus autem erat quasi incipiens triginta annorum, cum
" veniret ad baptismum) : et A baptismate uno tantllm anno preedicavit ; complens trigesimum
`~ annum, passus est, adhuc juvenis existens, et qui necdum provectiorem haberet aetatem . Quia
" autem triginta annorum aetas prima indolis est juvenis, et extenditur usque ad quadragesimum
"annum, omnis quilibet confitebitur : A quadragesimo autem et quinquagesimo anno declinat jam
• in aetatem seniorem : quam habens Dominus poster docebat, sicut Evangelium ' et omnes
"'seniores testantur, qui in Asia apud Joannem discipulum Domini convenerunt, id ipsum tradi-
• ' disse eis Joannem . Permansit autem cum eis usque ad Trajani tempora .'"
Kai 7ravrey of Wrpea-OU7epoa N .aprupaa-IV, of xara rev ATM Iwavvrl irtu Try Kupte

C01066. i . 18 .
Book II . Chapter III . Section 6 121

~tv~~~e(?~rxorsc, t rrapadeawxevat TauTa Trly Iwavvrly • 7rapep.etve yap auTois iu.e<pt rawTpawave
ypovcvv . Quidam autem eorum non solum Joannem, sed et alios Apostolos viderunt, et haec
eadem ab ipsis, audierunt, et testantur de hujusmodi relations
" A demonstration that the Lord preached after his baptism not (merely) for one year ; but
" that he employed (in preaching) the whole term of his life . For he came to save all through
" himself : all I say who through him are born again to God-infants, little children, boys, youths,
" and old people . Therefore he came (preached) in every stage of life : and made, an infant with
• infants, sanctifying infants : a child among children, sanctifying those of the same age as
" himself : and at the same time supplying an example to them of piety, of justice, and of submis-
sion : a youth among youths, becoming an example to youths, and sanctifying them to the
• Lord . So also an elder among elders, that the teacher might be perfect in all things, not only
" according to the exposition (law or rule) of truth, but also according to the period of life-and
" sanctifying at the same time the elders, becoming an example even to them : after that he came
• to death that he might be the first-born from the dead, lie himself having pre-eminence in all
" things, the prince of life, above all, and excelling all . But to establish their own forgery that it

" is written of him, to call (it ?) the acceptable year of the Lord, they say against themselves that
• he preached (during) one year (only ?) and suffered on the twelfth month (of it ?) They have
" forgotten-giving up every (important ?) affair of his, and taking away the more necessary, the
" more honourable, and, 1 say, that more advanced period of his, in which, teaching diligently,
" he presided over all . For how did he obtain disciples if he did not teach ? And how did he
" teach-not having attained the age of a master (or doctor?) For he came to baptism who had

• not yet completed thirty years of age : (for thus Luke who indicates his years lays it down : and
" Jesus was as it were entering on thirty years when he came to baptism :) and after (his?) bap-
• tism he preached only one year :-(on) completing his thirtieth year he suffered (death) being as
• yet only a young man, who had not attained maturity . . But as the chief part of thirty years

" belongs to youth, (or, and a person of thirty may be considered a young man ?) and every one
• will confess him to be such till the fortieth year : but from the fortieth to the fiftieth year he
" declines into old age, which our Lord having attained he taught as the Gospel, and all the elders
" who, in Asia assembled with John the disciple of the Lord, testify, and (as) John himself had
" taught them . And he (John ?) remained with them till the time of Trajan . And some of them
• saw not only John but other apostles, and heard the same things from them, and bear the same
" testimony to this revelation ."
Although this passage is very difficult to translate, arising probably from a wish of the translator
out of the Greek into the Latin, to disguise the true meaning ; yet it is evident that Irenaeus
accuses the other party of FORGERY, in representing Jesus to have been put to death only one
year after he began his ministry . But I shall discuss this more at length in a future book .
I do not doubt that what I have said respecting the evidence of Irenaeus will excite great
surprise, and probably smiles of contempt in many persons ; but I call upon all such individuals,
not to give way to their vulgar prejudices, but to try this evidence by the rules by which evidence
is examined in a court of justice . This is the only way of bringing the matter to a fair decision ;
but I believe there are very few, of even educated persons, who ever think upon the nature or value
of evidence, or know that the consideration of the subject is of any consequence . This is the

1 " ( 7vµbfCA'4 Knes) Ita Eusebius loco citato et Nicephorus, lib . iii. Cap . ii. Sed in Georgii Sincelli Chronographia

p . 345, edit. Paris, 1652, excuderunt vv1ACs9nxoret, et ne quid varietatis dicit, in margini posuerunt avugs iwxores ."
voL. II .
122 Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified
reason why so much nonsense is found to be believed, even by persons who, on other topics,
evince a sound and discriminating judgment .
From this passage of St . Irenaeus's, which has so fortunately escaped the hands of the destroyers,
we learn the fact which cannot be disputed, that the doctrine of Christ crucified, preached in so
pointed a manner by St . Paul, was, to say the least of it, a vexata questio among Christians even
in the second century : this shews that we are merely a sect of Paulites . i
If Col . Wilford may be believed, the orthodox were not the only persons who disputed the age
of Christ. Speaking of the sectaries, he says, Q 0 Some insisted that he lived thirty, thirty-three,
forty, and others nearly but not quite fifty years . Stephanus Gobarus has collected many of these
idle notions, in the extracts made of his works by Photius ." 2 They may be idle notions in the
opinion of Col . Wilford, but they support the evidence of Irenaeus, and what I have said, that it
was a vexata questio .
Every oriental scholar knows, that Sir William Jones, Wilford, &c ., have proved that the God
Indra, of India, is the Jupiter Pluvialis of Greece ; and I have proved that Jupiter is the God lao
of the Hebrews, and the Jesus of the Romish church . Then we have lao crucified on a tree, 3 in
Nepaul . See my figures, Number 14 . I beg my reader to turn to the map ; he will there find,
in the Golden peninsula or Chersonesus, the Crysen or country of X?'% 4 the kingdom of Judea
and Mount Sion at the top of it . In Nepaul and Tibet there are the Eastern Pope and his monks,
&c., and a crucified God. Again, in the promontory of India, in the South, at Tanjore, and in the
North, at Oude or Ayoudia, there are the crucified God Bal-li, St . Thomas, Montes Solumi, sons
of David, icons of Noah, Job, Seth, &c ., &c . : and again, in the West, there are Bacchus, Osiris,
Atys, &c., &c ., all put to death and raised the third day ; and this done, let him declare what he
thinks of it . If he be 'satisfied, with Parkhurst, that all these things are types or symbols of what
the real Saviour was to do and suffer, then I ask him to say what he thinks of the evidence of
Irenaeus, that the real Jesus of Nazareth was not crucified by Pontius Pilate . Perhaps he will not
believe Irenaeus : then do I tell him, that Irenaeus, in a court of justice, is evidence conclusive,
that he heard, as stated, from the old men of Asia, &c ., &c ., and, if the reader do not believe him,
he entertains an opinion contrary to evidence . I maintain, that the evidence . of Irenaeus is the
best evidence which we possess of the death of Jesus Christ ; because it is the evidence of an un-
willing witness . This brings to recollection the doctrine formerly noticed, of certain heretics
maintaining, that Christ was crucified in the heavens ; that is, I suppose, in the ypi rqio of the
second verse of Genesis . It also reminds me that Justin Martyr, after Plato, maintained him to
have been described on the world or universe in the form of a cross . 5 A.11 these facts, which
tend to one point, cannot, I think, mean nothing ; and this leads me to a suspicion, that there lies
hidden under them a most important and profound part of the esoteric religion . The Chrestos,
Xp'r1c-09, was the Logos ; the Sun was the Shekinah or Manifestation of the Logos or Wisdom to
men ; or, as it was held by some, it was his peculiar habitation . The sun was crucified when he
seemed to cross the plane of the Equator at the vernal equinox . He was slain at every passover ;
but he was also slain in his passage, at the vernal equinox, from Taurus to Aries ; and this is de-
scribed by the young man slaying the Bull in the Mithraic ceremonies, and the slain lamb at the

' Paul was, however, preceded by Peter in preaching Christ cruc~fied. (See Acts ii . 23, 24, 32, iii. 13-18 .) Might
not believers in the doctrine of " Christ crucified," therefore, be as justly denominated " merely a sect of Peterites" as
" of Paulites" ? Editor .
' Asiat . Res. Vol . X . p . 93. 3 Georgius, p . 202 . 4 Ibid . p. 348. 5 Vol . I . pp . 788, 789 .
Book II . Chapter III . Section 7 123
foot of the cross in the Christian ceremonies . The man Jesus was the Logos, or Divine Wisdom,
or a portion of Divine Wisdom incarnate : in this sense he was really the sun or the solar power
incarnate, and to him every thing applicable to the sun will apply . He was the Logos crucified
in the heavens ; he was the being described, according to Justin, in the heavens, in the form of a
cross, and when the man Jesus taught the Chrest X pna-r crucified, this, or something like it, I
suspect, was the doctrine which be taught. When we find from Irenaeus that he was not murdered
or killed, all we can make out of our four gospel-histories is, that they were allegories, parables,
apologues, to conceal the secret doctrine . The evidence of Irenieus cannot be touched . On every
principle of sound criticism, and of the doctrine of probabilities, it is unimpeachable . The doctrine
I here suggest unites all the discordances of every kind . I know that a great outcry will be made
at me for saying that Jesus Christ was the sun . In the vulgar acceptation of the words, I can
only say that this is not true . But that Jesus or the Logos was believed to be a portion of ethe-
real fire by every one of the early fathers, is a fact ; whether their belief was true or not, is another
question . He was the X plls of India ; He was the Xprw-ev of the Tamul, which had en for its
termination ; the Cres-us of the Sanscrit, and the Chres-us of the Latin, which had us for their
terminations .
The ancient philosophers being much too refined and correct in their ideas to take up with the
vulgar opinion, formed in a comparatively barbarous period, that the world was created by spirit,
that is, air in motion, (the correct and only proper meaning of the word spirit, if it have any defi-
nable meaning) were driven to have recourse either to a refined igneous principle, in fact, to fire,
or to use the word illusion . And they came to the last, because they found, on deep reflection,
that they could form no idea of the First Cause : but of the emanations from it, they could ; and,
therefore, they conceived that the Creator was a refined fire, emanating from the To Ov, or from
the illusory unknown being . All the mistakes of moderns arise from inattention to Locke's un-
questionable doctrine, that man can possess no ideas which he does not receive through the
medium of his senses ; consequently, man erroneously fancies he has an idea of an unknown ex-
istence, called spirit or a spiritual being-an unknown existence, which he chooses to call by a
word that means air in motion . This unknown flar'~~ ayvwoTOcc the philosophers called the To Ov
-surely a much better word than that which only meant air in motion . But, in fact, by this
nonsensical word, the moderns contrive to deceive themselves, and gratify their malice by sepa-
rating themselves from the ancient philosophers, who, if alive, would be very much ashamed to be
of their company .
The view which I here take of this subject perfectly reconciles the passage of Irenaeus in ques-
tion, with the passages where he quotes our four gospel histories . I cannot conceive any other
mode of reconciling them . Let those who disapprove it produce a better . All this is in perfect
keeping with the whole of the esoteric doctrines of Jews, Gentiles, and Christians ; and all this
will be confirmed still more by the examination of our four gospel histories into which I shall
enter in a future book, and which I shall spew were intended for the purpose of concealing a secret
system . No one can deny that these books are full of parables : without a parable spake he not
unto them . The whole is a parable, which covers the esoteric religion-a parable which it was
impossible for the popes to explain to persons afflicted with insanity, like Luther and Calvin .
7 . In the Old Monthly Magazine, in the numbers for October 1803, p . 221, Nov . 1803, p . 305,
May 1815, p . 308, will be found a curious inquiry into the question, Who wrote Wisdom ? In
the same Magazine for December 1815, p . 407, August 1817, p . 35, Nov. 1817, p . 313, Who was
the author of Ecclesiasticus ? And in January 1818, p . 505, and in August 1818, p . 36, Who was
the author of Sirach ? A careful perusal of those essays will clearly shew, why these books have been
124 Jewish Incarnation
determined by the church, or rather, I should say, by modern priests, to have been written after the
time of Jesus of Nazareth . They are refused by Protestants because they never knew any thing of
esoteric Christianity . They were received by the members of the Romish church, because they un-
derstood the esoteric Christianity . I must beg my reader to recollect what 1 have said, in Volume I .
p . 198, of the renewed avatars or incarnations of the Jews, then I think he will see from the following
essay, January 1818, p . 505, an example of a crucifixion before the time of Jesus Christ among the
Jews to match the crucifixions of Buddha and Cristna, and the Christ of the Romans .
" The claim of the son-of-godship at Jerusalem, however legally vested in the house of Hillel,
• was practically usurped by the house of Herod . If the representative of David was king de jure,
" the tetrarch was king de facto . In the eye of the reigning dynasty, whoever claimed to be Son
" of God advanced a treasonable claim ; and under a constitution so strictly theocratic as to iden-
" tify the sovereign and the Lord, (see, for instance, Exod . xxxv. 30,) would technically be in-
• dieted for blasphemy . Some such accusation (xi .) our Jesus incurred, was in consequence
• crucified, interred, and rose again from the sepulchre . Here is his own account of this extraor-
"-dinary and momentous incident of his life .
" `B y an accusation to the king from an unrighteous tongue, my soul drew near even unto death,
• and my life near unto the hell beneath . They compassed me on every side, and there was no
" man to help me ; I looked for the succour of men, but there was none ."-Ecclesiasticus li. 6
and 7.
"They said, `He professeth to have the knowledge of God, and he called himself the child of the
" Lord . He was made to reprove our thoughts : he is grievous unto us even to behold ; for his
" life is not like other men's,-his ways are of another fashion . We are esteemed of him as
" counterfeits : he abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness : he pronounceth the end of the just
" to be blessed, and maketh his boast that God is his father . Let us see if his words be true ;
" and let us prove what shall happen in the end of him : for if the just man be the Son of God, he
• will help him, and deliver him from the hand of his enemies . Let us examine him with despite-
" fulness and torture, that we may know his meekness and prove his patience : let us condemn
• him with a shameful death ; for by his own saying he shall be respected .'-Wisdom ii . 13-20.
" `Thou art my defender and helper ; thou hast preserved my body from destruction, and from the
• snare of the slanderous tongue, and from the lips that forge lies, and hast been my helper against
" my adversaries ; and hast delivered me from the teeth of them that were ready to devour me,
" and out of the hands of such as sought after my life, and from the manifold afflictions which 1
"had, from the depth of the belly of hell, from an unclean tongue, and from lying words .'-Ec-
clesiasticus li. 2, 3, 5 .
" But one inference is possible : there cannot have been two Menechmi' at Jerusalem, both
" named Jesus ; both born of a virgin, to whom a miraculous conception was imputed ; both edu-
cated in the temple ; both sent into Egypt ; both undertaking a mission to reform the Jewish
• church, and lecturing to that effect in Solomon's porch ; both claiming to be the Son of God at
°` Jerusalem ; both arraigned for blasphemy ; both crucified ; both interred ; and both reserved for
• resurrection from the sepulchre . Yet all these things are true of the son of Sir4ch by his own
" shewing." But there were two Menechmi at Jerusalem . I do not doubt that there were nine
or ten of them . They were all Jesuses or Saviours .

* Construed comforters : but I suspect we have here the Celtic word mannus and »zri hkm, man of wisdom . I think
it probable that the word has had both meanings .
Book II . Chapter III . Section 7 125

I think no person will be surprised at the above, or will have any difficulty, who recollects the
proofs which I have given of the identity of the Jewish and Gentile systems ; and the numerous
immaculate conceptions, crucifixions, and resurrections, of the Gods of the Gentiles, of the East
and West . i
The book of Ecclesiasticus, or the wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach, is much corrupted, and its
parts dislocated . It was written by a different author from the book of Wisdom . As we might
expect, it is called the book of parables . 2 The translation of this book of the Romish church was
not made by Jerom, but is found in what is called their older Vulgate, but by whom that book was
made they do not know . Jerom says he saw it in Hebrew . 3 But the learned Calmet makes a
most important observation, the effect of which he does not see, which at once proves that the
translation is much older than the Christian era . He observes, that the translator uses obsolete
words : thus he puts honestas for riches, honestus for a rich man, respectus or visitalio for the
punishment of God on wicked men ; supervacuitas for vanity or vain glory ; anirnalia supervacua
for dangerous or noxious animals. When I consider that we have the Mosaic mythos intermixed
with that of the Gentiles in the Sibyl, which contained all things related of Jesus Christ,-that
Clemens let out, that the same mythos 4 was to be found in the mysteries of Eleusis, and many
other circumstances described in the preceding parts of this work-I cannot help suspecting that
the counterpart of the crucified person described by Minutius, is to be found in these two works .
It is a very important fact, that the whole of the mythos which I have given from the Monthly
Magazine is taken in part from the book of Ecclesiasticus, and in part from that of the Wisdom
of Solomon, hereby affording a high probability, that the whole mythos was originally in each of
them ; but that it has been destroyed, or at least so much mutilated in each book as to render it
in each case unobservable on slight inspection . In fact, after the time of Christ, it would be dis-
liked equally by Jews and Christians . Of course the Jews have not these books in their Canon,
because they have no books in their Canon after Haggai, who lived long before the entrance of the
sun into Pisces, or the time when this eighth or ninth avatar was supposed to have lived ; but the
two books most clearly prove that, in the secret history of the Jews, they had the history of the
crucified Avatars like the Gentiles, and that it was their secret doctrine.
I now beg my reader to look back to the Appendix to Volume I . p . 832, and to observe what I
have said respecting the Gospel of John, found in the vault under the ancient Jewish temple . I
have there noticed a pillar under the Temple of Jerusalem, on which we are told, by Nicephorus
Callistus, that the Gospel of John was found, to which I beg my reader to refer . I have there
said, that I thought nothing was more likely than that this gospel should have been concealed
there from a time long anterior to the Christian aera . Here were concealed, in the temple, the lead-
ing Gnostic doctrines as displayed by me in the last chapter of the first volume, and the history of
Jesus the son of Sirach, which we have just read, and which would as evidently apply to the his-
tory of the Jesus of the eighth age, as to the Jesus of the ninth age . The Christians have evidently
got possession of this book, and have accommodated it to the history of Jesus, the Nazarite of Sa-
maria . It is of no use to meet this by shewing parts in John's gospel which would not apply to Jesus
of Sirach . Mr. Evanson has proved, (in his Dissonance of the Gospels,) that this Gospel was
never written by persons connected with Judaea, and that it is full of interpolations, almost from

' See Calmet's Diet . on the word WISDOM, for some information on this subject . This reminds me of the account
in Enoch of the Elect one slain, noticed in Volume I . p . 549.
2 Rees's Ency. 3 Ibid . 4 Vide Appendix to Vol . I . p . 838 .
126 Jewish Incarnation
one end to the other. It was accommodated to what was wanted, though in some respects awk-
wardly enough ; for the first chapter betrays the Gnosis and Cabala in every line . I
Perhaps I shall be told, that the story of the book of John having been found in the crypt of the
ancient temple is a forgery of the Papists' . Protestant devotees easily dispose of unpleasant facts,
and blind themselves by such kind of assertions ; and undoubtedly their brother Paulites of Rome
have given them plausible grounds enow for them . But it must be asked, in this case, Why the
Christians, after the time of Constantine, should wish to teach that the Jews concealed the Gospel
of John, in so solemn a manner, in this the most sacred place of their temple ? Here I am quite
certain, if persons would put aside their vulgar prejudices they would see, that there is a high
probability that the story of Nicephorus, as far as the finding of the book goes, is true, and that
all the remainder of his story is made up to accommodate the fact to his gospel history or Chris-
tian faith . I believe it is maintained both by the Papist and Protestant churches, that the
gospel history of John was not written till after the burning of the temple . But whether written
before or after that event, who should put it into the Jewish crypt ? It was directly against the
interest of the Christians to have put it there, as well as against that of the Jews, unless it formed
a part, as I have suggested, of the Jewish secret Cabala . Supposing the Gospel of John to have
been put into the crypt by the Jews, what could have been their object? If they believed the
book, they were instantly Christians . If they did not, they must have detested and not venerated
it . All Christians hold that from long before the time of the writing of John, the gospel histories
of the other three evangelists had been written, and universally dispersed in the world, and that
the book of John had been in like manner dispersed from the time it was composed .
The books of Ecclesiasticus and Wisdom most clearly prove, that the Jews had the mythos, and
that it was a secret also . All this tends wonderfully to support the whole of the theory of the
secret doctrines and mythos which I have been unfolding .
Suppose it a pure, unadulterated lie of Callistus' : for what object did he lie ? People seldom lie
without some object . It could add no credibility to the genuineness of this book, written, as every
one must know, in that day, if it were the fact, long after the destruction of the detested temple .
It is very improbable, given as that age was to lying, that Callistus should risk so absurd and so
unnecessary a lie . The probability is, on the evidence, that the story is true, and that all the
appendages told about the temple by Callistus, are awkward lies to endeavour to account for this
disagreeable, and, to him probably, unaccountable fact.
We are not to suppose that the book found and called the Gospel of John would be, word for
word, the same as that which we have ; a loose and general resemblance would be quite sufficient
to cause and to justify the assertion of Callistus . The whole, in a very striking manner, supports
and justifies what I have said in Volume I . p . 198, respecting the Jewish incarnations ; and it also
supports, in a striking manner, the doctrine which I have held, that the Xp7jS-tian mythos was the
secret mystery of Eleusis, Delphi, and, indeed, of all nations .
The observations of the learned Calmet that the Latin language, into which the books of Eccle-
siasticus and Wisdom are translated, was obsolete, is very important, as tending to shew, that the
doctrine of a crucified God existed in Italy from a time long anterior to the Christian wra .

I refer those persons, who cannot reconcile their minds to the dearth of information in the Jewish books respect-
ing the different avatars, to Mr. Whiston's Essay on the True Text of the Old Testament, for a decisive proof that
these books have been very greatly corrupted since the Christian sera, and corrupted, too, for the express purpose of
concealing every thing respecting our Messiah or any Messiah or Avatar. I have on another occasion praised the Jews
for not corrupting their books ; more inquiry has proved to me, that my praise was very unmerited.
Book II . Chapter III . Section 8 127
I must now beg my reader to review all the different accounts of the mythos which he has seen
in all quarters of the world-lastly, taking that of Tibet, the part of the world whence the Ioudi
came, and let him consider all the proofs of the identity between it and Rome-the same monks
and monasteries, nuns and nunneries, by the same names of Beguines, (Romish monks and Beguine
nuns, as it will be said, founded by Nestorians,) the same tria vota constantialia, the same tonsures
and dresses, the three sacraments of orders, eucharist, and baptism, and many other things,-and
I think he will at once be obliged to allow, that there are in both the remains of the same mythos
which I have been describing . In Rome, in its rites and ceremonies, it remains almost perfect,
and in Tibet nearly the same.
8. 1 now request my reader to turn to the history of Pythagoras, given in Volume I . pp. 150,
151, and to consider carefully all the particulars enumerated respecting him, as they so remarkably
coincide with the gospel history of Jesus Christ ; then to p . 168 ; then to p . 210, and observe the
close connexions of the Indian avatars and the date of Pythagoras ; and, lastly, to pp . 95, 96, of
this book, and I am quite certain he must admit the identity of the two mythoses, histories, para-
bles, or whatever he may choose to call them, of Jesus and Pythagoras . Mr. Kuster, Dr . John
Jones, and other devotees, have endeavoured to disguise to themselves the fact, by assuming that
Porphyry, Jamblicus, and others, who have written respecting Pythagoras, have copied the life of
Jesus Christ in order to run down the Christians : but unfortunately for these writers their fine-
spun web is at once broken to pieces by the observation of honest old Maurice, that the most im-
portant facts are taken from the works of authors who lived before the Christian a era.
Now I contend that, when all the peculiar circumstances are taken into consideration, there is a
high probability that in the man crucified of Minutius, we have Pythagoras ; and that the Chris-
tians, from whom we receive all our books, have suppressed the history of the crucifixion, and
inserted in the place of it the story, that Pythagoras was burnt in his house by the populace . We
must not forget that he established his school at Cortona, which I have shewn, in Volume I . p . 787,
was the same as Cristona, and that we learn from Jerom, that one of the earliest of the names
borne by the Christians, was the same as that of South India, Crestons,-of India, whence we have
seen the Camasene, the Loretto, the Pallatini, the Saturnia, &c ., &c., came to Italy .
There can be no doubt that wisdom is a quality of man which can never be desired too much, or
appreciated too highly. An idle attempt has been made to divide what is called the wisdom of
man from the wisdom of God, and the wisdom of man has been called foolishness . It is only
necessary to say to this, that if it be foolishness, it is not wisdom . Nothing can be wisdom, that
is, really wisdom, which does not include within it every thing necessary to man's WELFARE in the
most extensive sense of the word,-welfare here and hereafter . Hence it is very apparent that
man can only approximate to a state of wisdom . From this beautiful and refined view of the sub-
ject has arisen the idea that this godlike quality, in fact, well deserving to be classed among the
Divine attributes, was incarnated in some degree in every human being . This gives us the expla-
nation of the Hindoo assertion, that there have been hundreds of thousands of incarnations .
Whenever we get to the bottom of the doctrines of these people, we are sure to find that they, the
sages of old, possessed no small or common share of the quality we here treat of . 1
But though, on a superficial consideration of this subject, we may be led to assign this attribute

I Probably the seven wise men of Greece were the Genii or divine incarnations of Wisdom or the Logos of the seven

cycles, misunderstood by the Greeks, which had preceded the times of the authors who lived in the cycle preceding
the Christian sera, which made the eighth before Christ . Of the person who was the Hero of that age, of course they
could not speak with certainty . Perhaps they sought him in Alexander the Great .
128 Jewish Incarnation

to the Supreme Being, yet the profound sages of India, the Pythagorases of the East, did not dare
to assign it to the Supreme as an attribute or quality ; but they assigned it, in the only way they
could do so, v iz . b y way of an emanation, from the Supreme to the Trimurti or Trinity . If it be
said by objectors, that the Supreme, the IIar)p ayvwcog, could not cause it to emanate from him,
if he had it not ; the-reply is, that substance and all matter are, according to the doctrine of these
objectors, in the same predicament ; and here we arrive again at the true meaning of the illusion.
How can wE know what are the attributes of the To Ov-of the M 77)p ayvwsog ; how vain and
monstrous to attribute to Him any thing of which we have only received a knowledge through the
fallible medium of OUR senses! All above the Trimurti is illusion, as is indeed the Trimurti itself.
It is impossible to conceive a word more appropriate . It is the Maia ; it is the Brahme-Maia .
I now beg my learned reader to bear this in mind, and then to turn to his Cruden's Concordance
and read the texts which he will find there under the head of Wisdom . My unlearned reader, not
used to consult Cruden, if any such should ever dip into this passage of my work, may consult the
Apocryphal books of Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus ; and, lastly, he may consult the book of Ayub
or Job, I brought from Upper India to Arabia ; from which beautiful and sublime allegory, if he
understand it, he may really learn Wisdom,-a wisdom more precious, indeed, than the compass
to the mariner, 2 -wisdom, indeed, above all price-the wisdom of patience and submission to the
Divine decree-an humble resignation and contentment with our lot, and a firm reliance on the
goodness of the Supreme Creator, as designing ultimately, although perhaps through temporary
misery, to bring us to eternal happiness . a
Whenever the Holy Ghost was described as given to man, it was in the form of fire, if visible to
the eye . Its effects always were, wisdom accompanied by power ; but the power was never sup-
posed to exist independently of the wisdom . This wisdom was the Holy Ghost, as we have seen,
and whenever we closely analyse this, we always find the igneous principle at the bottom . Is it,
then, a wonder, that we find "the ancient Indian . Chaldean, or Collidean loudi, and the Persians,
in the earliest and most uncorrupted state of their religion, offering their adoration to the solar
fire, either as the emblem of the creative wisdom and power, or as the Wisdom and Power itself?
Is it not surprising that the popes, in their anxiety to support this doctrine, should have yielded to
the popular wish in adopting the rites and ceremonies with which the ancient system, in fact the
system of the real yvwTig, was always accompanied ?
To understand perfectly all the beauties of the doctrine of Wisdom, much and profound medita-
tion on the word is necessary. It must be considered in all its bearings, which are almost in-
numerable .

I The least attention to the names of the actors in Genesis and Job will skew that they are parts of the same mythos .
2 Job xxviii . IS : "For the price of wisdom is above rubies ." This ought to be rendered, For the price of wisdom is
above the loadstone or magnets, (see CELTIC DRUIDS, p. 113,) and, consequently, above the mariner's compass, well
known to the ancients . But how beautiful is the simile of the magnet or loadstone to the Supreme and to wisdom-
causing to emanate and its invisible power or influence to draw to it the iron-and, again, pointing at its pleasure to
its favourite north-where it " sits in the sides of the north," guiding amidst the dangerous shoals and quicksands the
benighted mariner ! All this, and much more, is lost in the nonsensical rubies .
' If we consider the Chaldee language of South and North India to be the same, and that language to be the origin
of the Tamul, we shall have no difficulty in thinking it probable that the principal actor in the book of Job, Eliphaz
the Teman-ite or Tm .an-ite, was a Tamulite ; the syllable an in Te-man being only the terminating en, which we know
was a peculiarity of this language . We must not forget the Tamul Kaliowakim, which can, in fact, be called nothing
but a book of wisdom, if the book in our canon deserves the name . The Persians had their book of Sophi or Wisdom ;
so had the Jews ; and so had the Tams-no doubt written in their alphabet of sixteen letters . See Jeremiah xlix . 7.
The Goddess Cali was from the Greek Kaaos beautiful, and the Latin Calleo and Callidus, a cunning or wise person .
Book II . Chapter III . Section 9 129
9 . If we turn our minds back to what we have seen, we shall find with the Romish church
every rite of Paganism ; every thing which has been disguised by being charged to the Gnostics is
found there, without a single exception . Irenaeus was evidently a Gnostic . If he were not, how
came he to place the Zodiac on the floor of his church ? a part of which, not worn away by the
feet of devotees, is yet remaining. He was of the sect of the Christ not crucified . How is all
this to be accounted for, except that what the first Christian fathers all taught was true, namely,
that there was an esoteric and an exoteric religion ? A great part of what I have unfolded, indeed
almost the whole of it, applies to the Gnostics ; that is, to the Jesus described by the disputed
chapters of Matthew and Luke-to Jesus of Bethlehem . St. Paul preaches, in a very pointed
manner, Christ crucified ; this was in opposition to the Christ not crucified of the Gnostics ; and,
in later times, of the Manichaeans and Mohamedans . Gnosticism was the secret religion of the
conclave . They had Jesus of Bethlehem for the people, Jesus of Nazareth for the conclave and
the cardinals . For the people, they had and have Jesus crucified ; for the conclave, Jesus not
crucified. This will appear to many persons at first absolutely incredible . Most fortunately the
church has been guilty of the oversight of letting the passage of lrenEeus escape . One of the
earliest, most celebrated, most respected, and most quoted authority of its ancient bishops, saints,
and martyrs, tells us in distinct words, that Jesus was not crucified under Herod and Pontius
Pilate, but that he lived to be turned fifty years of age . This negatives the whole story of Herod
and Pontius Pilate . This he tells us on the authority of his master St . Polycarp, also a martyr,
who had it from St . John himself, and from all the old people of -4sia . It will, perhaps, be said,
that Irenaeus was a weak old man . He was not always old, and he must have heard this when
young, under his master Polycarp, and have retained the knowledge of it during his whole life,
and thus must have had plenty of time to inquire into the truth of what he had heard ; and,
weak or not, he was a competent witness to the dry matter of fact, viz . that he was told it by St .
Polycarp and the elders of Asia .
The escape of this passage from the destroyers can be accounted for only in the same way as
the passage of Minutius Felix . Two passages escaped, among, probably, thousands destroyed,
of which we know nothing, under the decrees of the Emperors, yet remaining, by which they were
ordered to be destroyed .
We have seen great numbers of remains of the mythos of the different incarnations of the Budd-
has, Cristnas, Salivahanas, &c ., in India, recurring again and again in each cycle, as foretold by
the Cumaean and Erythraean Sibyl, before the time of Christ . We have seen all the things which
happened to the X peLcos foretold before his birth . We have seen that the mythos of the crucifix
was common to all nations, before the time of Jesus of Nazareth, from Thule to China . When-
ever our travellers in India found any nations holding the doctrines of this universal mythos, the
history of Adonis or Tammuz, which, of course, though substantially the same, vary in the detail,
they instantly determined them to be corrupted Christians . A similar effect took place in Italy .
The ancient proofs of this mythos were either destroyed as corruptions, or adopted : the latter was
the case in vast numbers of very ancient crucifixes and paintings of the Bambino, on which may
be seen the words Deo Soli. Now these two words can never apply to Jesus Christ . He was
not Deus Solus in any sense, according to the idiom of the Latin language and the Romish faith .
Whether we construe the words to the only God, or to God alone, they are equally heretical . No
priest in any age of the church would have thought of putting them there . But finding them
there, they tolerated them . Without examination they took for granted that they could apply to
no one but their God, and endeavoured to explain away their Unitarian `meaning as well as they
were able. These considerations most satisfactorily account for the disappearance of the heathen
VOL . II .
130 Observations
crucifix in Italy, India, and Britain . Where it was not destroyed it was adopted . The passage of
Minutius Felix places its existence out of reasonable doubt .
Upon the fire tower at Brechin, described in my CELTIC DRUIDS, pp. xlvi., xlvii ., plate 24, we have
the man crucified and the Lamb and Elephant . As I have said there, I thought these completely
proved the modern date of the tower, but I now doubt this ; for we have, over and over again, seen
the crucified man before Christ. We have also found " the Lamb which taketh away the sins of
the world" among the Carnutes of Gaul, before the time of Christ . And when I couple these and
the Elephant, or Ganesa, and the ring, and its cobra, Linga, Iona, and Nandies, found not far from
the tower on the estate of Lord Castles, with the Colidei, the Island of Iona and li, and the Hebrew
names, &c ., found in Walet, I am induced to doubt my former conclusion . The Elephant, the
Ganesa of India, is a very stubborn fellow to be found here . The ring, too, when joined with the
other matters, I cannot get over . All these superstitions must have come from India whilst the
Hebrew, that is, Celtic language, was in use .
That the ideas of the Trinitarian character of the Deity should be taken from the doctrines of the
ancient philosophers, will surprise no one who considers how much they are praised by the most re-
spectable of the Christian fathers-I speak of Clemens Alexandrinus, Justin, Ammonius Saccas,
Origen, &c . Clemens expressly says, that the rudiments of celestial wisdom, taught by Christ, maybe
found in the philosophy of the Greeks ; this is Esoteric Christianity . And Justin says, that Socrates
was a Christian, and that, before the advent of Jesus Christ, philosophy -was the way to eternal life.
He calls it Meyisov xrrl sor, " a thing most acceptable in the sight of God, and the only sure
guide to a state of perfect felicity ." The opinion of the early fathers on this subject may be seen
at length in Vol . II . ofVidal's translation of the Commentaries of Mosheim, note, p . 114 .
The division of the secret Christian religion into three degrees, the same as the division at
Eleusis, namely, Purification, Initiation, and Perfection, described in my first Volume, p . 822, is
of itself sufficient under the circumstances to prove the secret religions of the Christians and
Gentiles to be the same .
In Mosheim's Commentaries, Cent . 1I ., may be found almost innumerable proofs, that a double
meaning was universally, or very nearly universally, acknowledged to be contained in the gospel
histories, until after the middle of the second century . But it is Mosheim'$ object to represent
this as an innovation, introduced about that time ; he therefore very skilfully assumes that no
Christian writers before the time of Justin held this doctrine, though he is obliged to admit that it
was held by Philo and the Jews . Mosheim must have well known, that the double meaning was
held by all authors whom we possess before the year 150, as well as, I believe, by all after it, for
many years . I challenge any polemic to produce to me the undisputed work of any author before
that year, in which it is not expressly supported . But I object to pretended quotations from the
works of the ancients by Paulites . If the reader will peruse Mosheim's Commentaries, keeping in
mind that his object is to represent the Arcani disciplina, or, as he calls it, that more secret and
sublime theology styled by Clement of Alexandria yvw6is, as a new doctrine, he must, I am certain,
be obliged to see that Mosheim most abundantly, but unwillingly proves, that it was the received
doctrine from the beginning, and no new thing. In fact, the literal exposition was not adopted by
the higher classes of society, till all classes were equally degraded in intellect ; then the literal
meaning of both the Old and New Testaments was, for the first time, received by the higher
ranks ; and the existence of a secret doctrine began to be denied .
The favourite objects with Ammonius, as appear from the disputations and writings of his dis-
ciples, which I stated in Volume I . pp . 824, 825, were those of not only bringing about a reconci-
liation between all the different philosophic sects, Greeks as well as barbarians, but also of pro-
Observations 131

ducing a harmony of all religions, even of Christianity and Heathenism, and of prevailing on
all the wise and good men of every natim : to lay aside their contentions and quarrels, and to unite
together as one large family, the children of one common mother . With a view to the accom-
plishment of these ends, therefore, he maintained, that divine wisdom had been first brought to
light and nurtured among the people of the East by Hermes, Zoroaster, and other great and sacred
characters ; that it was warmly espoused and cherished by Pythagoras and Plato, among the
Greeks ; from whom, although the other Grecian sages might appear to have dissented, yet that
with nothing more than the exercise of an ordinary degree of judgment and attention, it was very
possible to make this discordance entirely vanish, and shew that the only points on which these
eminent characters differed were but of trifling moment, and that it was chiefly in their manner of
expressing their sentiments that they varied .' Surely nothing could be more desirable than the
objects aimed at by Ammonius, or more deserving of the exertions of a good mail .
Amidst all the confusion of sects, two leading doctrines may be perceived-that of those who
held the literal meaning, at the head of which was Paul ; and that of those who held the allegori-
cal or learned, of which were Pantaenus, Clemens, Origen, Justin, Philo, and Plato .
In reply to these observations I shall have some foolish explanations pointed out to me, given
by or attributed to Clemens, Origen, &c ., of the allegories . This mode of treating the subject
may serve to blind readers of little thought, but can never change the facts, either that allegory,
i. e. parabolic reasoning, was meant, or that it was attributed to these writings by the first Chris-
tians . The foolishness of the explanations (probably only given as a matter of state policy) may
be fairly urged against admitting allegory, but against the fact that the writings were intended to
be allegorical, it can never be urged .
The more I reflect upon Gnosticism, the more I am convinced that in it we have, in fact, the
real science of antiquity-fora long time almost lost-but, I trust, by means of our oriental dis-
coveries, yet to be recovered . Perhaps, from being placed in a situation to take a bird's eye view
of its various departments, we may be better qualified to form a just estimate of it than any of
our predecessors for some thousands of years past . In order to do this, we must, I think, divest
our minds of the respect with which we have been accustomed to look upon the early Christian
authorities, and to consider them as in reality no better guides than we consider the leaders of our
sects of Ranters, Jumpers, and genuine Calvinists ; and, I apprehend, though a Wilberforce and a
Halhed may sometimes be found in modern, as an Origen and Clemens Alexandrinus were in
ancient times, yet no philosopher will think of placing even those persons in the same grade of
intellect with the learned and profound Locke, or the unlearned glove-maker of Salisbury, 2 or the
printer of America .
Ammonius Saccas, the greatest of the early fathers, held Jesus Christ in veneration, as a person
of a divine character and a teacher of celestial wisdom . 3 It was not till after the time of Justin
Martyr that the Paulites of Rome began to prevail against the philosophers of Alexandria, where,
in its catechetical school, the original Chrestianity was taught ; and from the hands of such men
as Plato, Philo, Panteenus, and Ammonius, it fell into the hands of such men as Calvin, Brothers,
Wilberforce, and Halhed ; and the consequence was, that instead of a religion of refined philosophy
and WISDOM, it became a religion of monks and devil-drivers, whose object, by the destruction of
books and their authors, was to get the upper hand of those they could not refute, and to reduce
all mankind to their own level . With these people, the popes, who were equally desirous of
power, formed an alliance . and, to conceal this, fabricated the Acts of the of the Apostles, the

' Mosheim's Comm . Cent . ii . p . 132 . Thomas Chubb . 3 Mosheim's Comm . ut sup . p . 127 .
132 Observations
Latin character of which is visible in every page : for a proof of this, Mr. Evanson's Dissonance of
the Gospels may be consulted .
The sect of early Christians, the lowest in intellect of all, having, with the assistance of an un-
principled conqueror, obtained possession of the supreme authority, did precisely what the follow-
ers of Cranmer, the Ranters, and the Calvinists, would do at this day if they had the power,-
they destroyed all their superiors in science, and burnt their books ; and we, following after them,
being in fact their children, inherit their confined and mistaken views . Our minds, by the vicious-
ness of our education, are unable to form a correct estimate of our own feebleness ; and until we
are convinced of . this truth, we shall in vain endeavour to search after the lost science of antiquity .
I have found the difficulty of unlearning the false learning of my youth, much greater than that of
acquiring the real learning which I possess . Very truly has Thomas Burnet Said, SAPIENTIA

M . Matter has observed, that, in real knowledge, we are very little in advance of the ancients
on that kind of subjects on which we treat ; that, though we are very verbose upon many which
are of a trifling and unmeaning import, upon great ones we are silent . 2 For an instance of
what I mean, I ask, Whence comes the soul, and whither goes it? How is it combined with
matter, and how is their separation effected ? The observation of M . Matter is very just . For-
tunately, perhaps, for me, the discussion of these points is not in my plan ; I have only to notice
the history of the attempts to remove the difficulties with which, in all ages, they have been sur-
rounded : and, I think, whether true or false, the candid reader will allow, that the system of the
oriental GNOSIS was, as I have called it, beautiful and sublime .
Throughout the whole of my work, it has been my sedulous wish to conduct my abstruse inves-
tigations with the strictest impartiality, and never to flinch from a consideration of imaginary
injury to religion ; for, if religion be false, the sooner it is destroyed the better ; but if it be true,
there can be no doubt that veritas prcevalebit, and that it is very well able to take care of itself .
But I will not deny, that when I meet with any theory which takes religion out of my way, and
leaves to me the free investigation of the records of antiquity, I receive great pleasure ; for my
object is not to attack religion : my object has been to inquire into the causes of innumerable facts
or effects which have hitherto baffled the efforts of the most industrious and learned inquirers .
Such is the observation made by the learned Parkhurst on the subject of Hercules and Adonis, 3
that they are symbols or types of what a future Saviour was to do and suffer. It must be obvious,
on a moment's consideration, that all the histories of the births, deaths, resurrections, &c ., of the
different Gods, may be easily accounted for in the same manlier ; and if this be granted, it is
equally obvious, that the nearer they are to the history of Jesus Christ, the more complete sym-
bols they become ; and thus the development of the ancient histories, to those who admit the doc-
trine of symbols, becomes a handmaid instead of an opponent to the religion .
I am well aware that the doctrine of Mr . Parkhurst comes with but an ill grace from priests,
who have never ceased to suppress information, and that the time of the discovery by Mr . Park-
hurst is very suspicious . But notwithstanding this very awkward circumstance, I beg my philo-
sophic reader to recollect, that the want of principle or the want of sense in priests cannot in fact
change the nature of truth, and that it is very unphilosophical to permit such want of principle or
want of sense to influence the mind in his philosophical inquiries .

' See the passage quoted, in Vol. I . p . 29 . Ed.

That may be very justly said of us which Sallust said of the Roman Senate, Satis eloquentiee, eapientife paruin .
3 In voce IV oz V. pp . 520, &c .
Observations 133
On the reasonableness of Mr . Parkhurst's doctrine I shall give no opinion : to some persons it
will be satisfactory, to others it will not be so . But, as the opinion of our church, I have a right
to take it . If any ill-judging member of the church should deny this doctrine of Parkhurst's, then
I desire him to account to me in some better way for what we have found in the histories of
Buddha, Cristna, Salivahana, Pythagoras, &c . If he fail in his attempt, let not the honest inquirer
for truth blame me . I have fairly stated Mr. Parkhurst's opinion and mode of accounting for the
facts which I have developed, because I consider them the best which I have seen, and because I
should not have acted with fairness and impartiality had I not stated them . They have a ten-
dency to promote the interests of science, not to injure them .
In his first chapter and seventeenth verse Matthew says, " So all the generations from
" Abraham to David are fourteen generations ; and from David until the carrying away into
GQ Babylon are fourteen generations ; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are
~~ fourteen generations ." Surely nothing can have a more mythological appearance than this .
We must not forget that the Bible says, the age of man is seventy years ; by which we have
already seen that the sum of seventy-two years is almost uniformly meant . These three series
of generations make 42, which multiplied by 71J=3003 . If we add 14 more generations be-
fore Abraham to the 42=56, we shall have 7l ; x56=4004, the correct orthodox chronological
period . If we then add, in the same manner, 28 for two series more, making 84411, we
shall have six series for the 6000 years, which completes the mythos . Nimrod says, " As
C 0 to their Manichaean romance legends we may observe, that the succession of Great Abad,
~~ (Bauddha, or Abaddon from the bottomless' pit,) and the thirteen Abads, implies the thirteen .
" generations of Solimans or theanthropic rulers from Adam to Nimrod ." I Now the Great
Abad or Buddha and the thirteen make fourteen, and this makes up the correct number to com-
plete the mythos, as it is evident, from Nimrod, that the Manicheeans made it out . Besides, it
appears that the reckoning, by periods of fourteens, is exactly in character with the gospel history .
The author of the Cambridge Key has made an observation which shews, in a very striking man-
ner, the universal nature of the mythos : 111 may observe, that of the first fourteen dynasties of
"Manethon, seven are without names ; and that in the first fourteen dynasties of every other
~~ nation the same omission is observable . The Hebrews only give the names of Adam, and the
six princes in the race of Seth, who reigned in succession . The Hindus and Chinese give the
~~ first created, and six princes in the same line : the Chaldaeans those in the race of Cain : each
" nation omits the names in the other race, that is, the names by which they were known as
~° sovereigns . The Old Chronicle, which treats of Upper Egypt, gives the dynasties, or more
~~ properly reigns, complete, making Noah the fourteenth." 2 This accounts for the series
of fourteen before Abraham not named by Matthew . It is probable that the difference between
the Samaritan and Hebrew chronology has arisen from a corruption of the Hebrew, to make
it suit to certain mistaken times of the equinoxes or solstices of the Greeks and Romans, of
eight or nine days alluded to by Columella, who is doubtful whether it was eight or nine days-
all which will be noticed at large presently . To prove this, if we take 56 generations and multiply
them by 72, and add for the 8 days and part of 8 days, in all 9 days-9 generations-9x72=648,
we shall have 4680 . 3 But if we take the nearly correct time for the precession in one sign,
+2153+2153,+357-,1 +16J=374=5 degrees, and a fraction of one degree, we have 4680 ; and if we
take another fraction of one degree, we have 2153+2153+3574+3621, we have 4700 . . If we mul-
tiply the more correct Manwantara, 711 by 56, the number of generations, we have 4004 . Here
we see the real cause of the difference between the Samaritans and Jews . The former took the

I Vol . 11 . p . 509 . 1 Vol. II. P . 135 . 3 See Vol. I . p . 191 .

134 Observations

correct time by the precession, which did not cause the error of the Greeks and Romans of 9
days ; the latter took the common erroneous Greek and Roman, and thus got their 4004 years .
It seems to me impossible to devise any thing more satisfactory than this . We must not forget
what I have said formerly, that these calculations will all be right if made in round numbers, if
the error do not exceed 71 or 72 years, which mode of calculation, for the festivals, is justified by
the state of the case, as well as by the observation of Columella . This we shall see presently .
An Antara, often called Outar t by our travellers, of India, means a generation or age, and a
Manw-antara is an age, that is evidently an age of man, and consists of seventy-two years, or of
seventy-one and a fraction-rather better than a half-the age of man spoken of in the Bible .
Here we have the fifty-six Manwantaras exactly agreeing with Usher . It will not have been for-
gotten that, in our calculation of the cycles, we always deducted for the precession of one sign, 2160
years . An age or generation was also thirty years . The Persians said, that there were seventy-two
Solomons, that is, seventy-two wise men before the flood : these were 30X72--2160, the years of
the precession in one sign . In these cases the Solumi were probably incarnations of wisdom or
the sun, reigning in the towns where the temples of Solomon were built . Mr. Niebuhr has con-
tended that, from the peculiar division of the first kings of Rome into astrological periods, making
up the number 360, combined with other circumstances, it is apparent that not a real history but
a mythos must have been intended, and this reasoning has been received by learned men with
almost universal approbation . Now, in consequence of meeting with the history of Solomon and
Saul, (or Talut2 as he is called both in India and Western Arabia,) and many other particulars
of the Jewish history both in India and Western Syria, the use of astrological numbers in the his-
tory of the Jews, and the extraordinary and unaccountable fact, that Herodotus never names the
magnificent empire of Solomon, it is apparent that the whole Jewish history is an allegory, is, in
fact, the same kind of history as that of the first three hundred years of Rome . 3 It is one of the
parables of the Christian religion, in the gospel histories of which Jesus Christ is made, in so
peculiar a manner, to teach his doctrines . The peculiarity of the fourteen numbered periods at
once proves that this was not meant for real history . It is totally incredible that such round
numbers should come out in real life and complete the sutra of the 6000 years . The Mathemati-
cians or Chaldeans, as I shall presently shew, were the only persons who really understood the
principle of the mythos in the time of Caesar, which induces me to believe that the whole X p io-
tian mythos was a Masonic or Rossicrucian mystery ; first, in part, let out by the publication,
under Ptolemy, of the Jewish Scriptures, (or of what were perhaps only a part4 of the Jewish
Scriptures,) and never, in fact, all openly known in any thing approaching to a whole-never put
together or explained openly, until now so done by me . It would originally be known at every
great temple, like Delphi, Eleusis, Dodona, &c . As time advanced, parts of it got out by the
treachery, indiscretion, or insanity of the initiated, and all became every day more doubtful, in
consequence of the neglect of intercalary days, which was throwing the system into confusion .

I The word Outara means an age, and a Man-outara is an age of man Q See Vol . I . pp . 546, 740, 741 .
' The Abbe Bezin says, "No Grecian author cited Moses before Longinus, who lived in the reign of Aurelian "
Phil . of Hist . p . 159 . This seems a very curious and important observation indeed .
* The book of Genesis shews evident marks of its being a compilation, ana of mutilation . The way in which the
tree of life is named, ch . ii . ver . 9, shews that some account of it, now wanting, must have preceded . The amalgama-
tion of the xpns-tian with the Jewish mythos in North and South India, in which they differ from the present canonical
mythos of the Jews, which does not include the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, &c ., shews that we have not
the whole ; but we have it clearly in the Apocrypha, which proves that thee mythos was a secret doctrine . This is con-
firmed by the extraordinary circumstance of the whole mythos being found, as we have seen, in Mexico-Book I .
Chapter IV .
Observations 135
Whenever we get back to the earliest point to which we can go, we always find the Chaldei or
Mathematici-those persons who are said by Josephus to have handed down the cycle from the
Antediluvians, the persons, I think, (as shewn by Mr . Hammer,) who, under the name of Mathe-
matici, were certainly Freemasons . The historical evidence that the Chaldeans were Chasdim, or
that the Chasdim were Chaldeans, is clear ; but I think Mr. Bryant's objection to the etymologi-
cal derivation of Chaldean from Chasdim is well founded . The fact, probably, was, that the Chas-
dim or Chasidim, were persons of the college of Casi, which was in Ur of the Chaldees, or Callidiia,
or, in the country of the di-cali or is of the the holy Cali . We have a Casi to which students in
medicine went to study the Chaldean language in two places in North India : Benares, anciently
called Casi, and the temple of Solomon in Casi-mere .' This order of Cyclopes or Calidei or Ma-
thematici were the builders of Stonehenge and Abury in the West, and of Dipaldenha, the temples
of Solomon, the Pyramids, &c ., &c ., in the East, beginning with the simplest of all temples, a
Gilgal, that is, stone circle, and ending with the highly finished York Minster, The Chasdim or
Kasdim or Casi-di-im were Kasideans, and both the same as the Callidei or Chaldei or Chasidim .
The Chalidi were followers of Cali, the female deity of love ; the Casideans were from win hrs ;
as we say Chrs, Epwg, the male deity . In my opinion that the Chasideans or Kasideans were
Chaldei and Mathematici and Freemasons, I am supported by Scaliger, who makes them knights
of the Temple, to whom the duty was specially devolved of maintaining that structure . Scaliger
says, that they were not a sect, but an order or fraternity, and consisted of men of great wealth
and power . 2 The circumstance that the Kasideans or Casi-deans were an order, and not a sect, is
very important ; for this accounts for their being found in several sects or religions, like Freemasons,
and for the Templars being Kasideans . The description applies to the Freemasons in every parti-
cular ; and this accounts for their being found among the Essenes, in consequence of which they have
been thought to have been Essenes . I have some suspicion that the Caraites were a branch of them,
and were named after the district called Cozar or Caesar, whence the Caspian sea was called Kisr .
I think we may be pretty certain that the Kasideans were masons and successors of the Cyclopes,
the fabricators of the stone circles, cromlehs, &c. 3 It is very curious to observe, that not one in a
thousand of the inquirers into the antiquities of nations ever condescends to bestow a thought on
the authors of these very numerous edifices, and the most stupendous monuments on the face of
the earth-to be found in all countries, even of the new as well as of the old world . I find from
Mr. Sharon Turner, 4 that the year of the Anglo-Saxons began on the 25th of December . The night
before that day, they called Moedrenech, Mother Night. It was spent in religious ceremonies . Our
month of December was called Giuli, or CErra Geola, and the month of January was called CEftera
Geola. Bede says, the Saxons called the months above-named Geola from the turning of the sun on
that day .5 Now there does not seem any reason to believe that they bad learned this from either
the Romans or the Christians ; and, if this be admitted, we have here, in the correct fixation of the
solstice, a decisive and triumphant proof that the Barbarian Saxons were better skilled in astro-
nomy than either the Greeks or Romans, in the time of Caesar . This affords strong presumptive
evidence that the priests or Druids, or Callidei, were descendants or had derived their learning

' See Vol. I . P . 702 . q Basnage, Hist . Jews, B . ii. Ch. xi . p . 126 .
9 The numerous circles which are found in India are said by the inhabitants to have been erected by a race of people
called Chaeones or Chaons, who are said to have been pigmies . Why they are supposed to be pigmies I cannot ima-
gine ; but the word Chaoon is only the aspirated X on or the Greek Aiwv, and has the meaning of cycle as well as ema-
nation front the sun, and is thus a cyclop, one of the Pi .clo or of the Cyclops.

4 History of the Pagan or Anglo-Saxons, Vol . 11 . Ch . iv . 5 The Geola is evidently our goal, used in racing .
136 Observations
from the Chaldoeans of Tartary, or Eastern Scythia, or North .India. There are only two ways of
getting over this . The first is, to attribute it to accident . The second is, to suppose that these
ignorant barbarians took their Festival from the corrected calendar of the Romans-with whom
they were at perpetual war . Man was considered a microcosm by the Mystics ; and as he was
made after the image of God, and as God was the Kosmos, Mundus, he was made after the image
of the world, the To IIati, the To Ov . We have before observed, in numerous instances, his
close connexion with the renewing cycles, and on this account the first race of one-eyed beings,
called Cyclopes or Kux?oirsc, made after the image of God, the sun, had only one eye . After
some time, and for the same reason, the Hero Gods-Jupiter in the West, aid Vishnu in the East,
came to have three eyes in imitation of the supposed image of the Trimurti . In strict accordance
with this was the renewed incarnation of the Solar Deity, the Logos, in every cycle, in every
neros, in which every thing was supposed to be renewed-new Argonauts, new Troys, &c . Thus
the Genius of each cycle, every year as it revolved, was celebrated microcosmically . In allusion
to this, he was born with the new-born Sun on the moment when the sun began to increase on the
25th of December, and he was feigned to die, and be put to death, and to rise from the grave after
three days, at the vernal equinox . The God was continued by renewed incarnation till he came
again, till the cycle ended and was renewed, till the end of the 6000 years . This is still exempli-
fied in the Lamas of Tibet, and in the Popes, in all things yet more similar than, from the lapse of
time and their great distance, could be expected . Here we find the reason why some of the Popes,
intoxicated with silly vanity, let out the secret and called themselves Gods upon earth ; and this
is the reason why, as incarnations of the Creator of Heaven, Earth, and Hell, they wear the
triple crown . The ceremonies of the Romish church consist almost entirely of scenic representa-
tions of the acts of Jesus Christ . All his history is acted over every year ; a measure well calcu-
lated to keep the m ythos in the minds of the people, for which our reading of the gospel histories
has been substituted . Of the same nature were our sacred dramas, or mysteries as they were
called, of the middle ages . Of the same nature were the plays of IEschylus, in which, as I have
before remarked, we have the Prometheus bound, so called to disguise it, but which ought to be
the Prometheus eructed. After his resurrection Jesus is said to have gone before his disciples
into Galilee ; I that is, Fa%-a%-ia or ts'-'x-5a gl-al-ia, the country of the circle or revolution. We
must not forget that Sir William Drummond proved that all the Hebrew names of places in the
holy land were astronomical . I have no doubt that these names were given by Joshua when he
conquered, settled, and divided it among his twelve tribes, and that all those names had a refe-
rence to the solar mythos . The same mythos prevailed in almost every country, and this is the
reason why we find the same names in every country . They were the sacred or religious names,
the places, probably, having other common names, and were necessary for their religious rites ;
their search for the members of Bacchus, of Osiris, &c ., or for the journey of the Mary's to look
for the body of Christ . We must not forget that we have the three Mary's in Britain and in
Gaul, one of them the Virgo Paritura, and at Delphi, as well as in Palestine . All the great out-
lines of the mythoses were evidently the same, though, of course, in a long series of years, they
varied in small matters . But the similarity, as we find, would continue the longest in the names
of places and countries,-though, as I have just said, I do not suppose those sacred names were
those in common use . I have no doubt that every country and place had two names at least.
Each independent territory had its sacred mount or Olympus, &c . In time, as one state or tribe

1 Mark xvi. 7.
Observations 137
conquered another, or as a country of twelve tribes divided, the two mythoses would be thrown
together or divided, and perhaps a new mount adopted by part of the tribes, as a new mount was
adopted at Jerusalem . It was not in the nature of things that either the twelve tribes or their
mythos should always- continue .
We have hundreds of Jupiters or Gods I E, ;1, or Jah ; all the
Gods were Jah and Rajah, or Roi-Jah . We have numbers of Mithras, Bacchuses, Herculeses,
&c ., &c . Sometimes they were multiplied by the genii of the nine cycles, all going by the same
name . Sometimes, as in the case of Bacchus or Hercules, by the God or Genius of one cycle
taking the same name in many different countries . All this has led to the confusion which, in
these matters, has hitherto prevailed, and necessarily p revailed. i n my opinion the singularity of
the regular periods observed by Niebuhr sufficiently proves the mythos ; but there are traces of
another period, of which Mr . Niebuhr had no knowledge, to be found in Cato, h who gives a
different account, and says, that Troy was taken 432 years before the foundation of Rome . Here
we have evidently the two numbers on which the cycles of 2160-21,600-432,000, are founded . In
the multitude of our researches we have very often met with the word sam J=IV sm or pD sm, as
a name of the sun . I feel greatly surprised at myself that my mind should have never been turned to
this curious and important word, evidently the Roman Sumnaut . 2 Its numeral power is 2;=200, M=
40=240 . For reasons which we shall soon see, this has probably been its meaning in the Latin or
Etruscan . But as I have, in a future book, established the fact on as good evidence (viz, a high
probability) as these matters will admit, that the last three letters of the alphabets were inter-
changeable as far as regards their powers of notation, we may consider the Hebrew meaning to be
the same, namely, 240. In the Hebrew, as a verb, it means to place in order. In its plural, it is
applied, in the first verse of Genesis, to the planetary bogies, and, generally speaking, I believe it
may be rendered a planetary body, ranking the sun as one-for it is constantly used for the sun .
Mr. Parkhurst observes, that probably the idol Chemin 'of the new world was the same word, as it
had the same meaning . As a name of the sun, it came to denote the trinity (as Mr. Parkhurst
shews that it did) . In strict keeping with all my previous doctrines, it means to place in order
with great care, and to make waste and utterly desolate and in disorder ; herein exhibiting the
Generator and Destroyer . It meant an onion, from the regular disposition of the involucra or in-
teguments . 3 An onion was considered to be aiwv rwv auwvwv .
I must now request my reader to turn to Volume 1 . pp . 647, 648, 658, and he will see it
proved, by various authorities, that the fish Oannes was in name the same as John . John
was the cousin of Jesus . Now, I think, there can be no doubt, that Arjoon, of the Indians,
is the same as the John of the Christians . His name with the prefix Ar, which I do not un-
derstand, is the same . Arjoon was the cousin of Cristna, and nearly every thing which was
said of Rama is said of Ar-joon . It is remarkable that Cristna and Rama are said to be the
same . Then, if Rama is the same as Arjoon, Arjoon and Cristna must be the same . John
is the cousin of Christ, Arjoon of Cristna . Christ is represented both by the Lamb and by
a Fish or the Fishes . The Lamb is Ram, the Fish is John or Oannes . In the state of the
Planisphere at the ninth cycle, John or Oannes or Pisces, had been running 360 years, or was
declining before Jesus, in the ninth cycle of the Neros, had begun . Though different cycles,
they were, as forming a part of the whole large one of the Zodiac, or 2160 years, the same . Thus
John had passed 360 years, more than half of a cycle of 600, when Jesus began his cycle .
All the cycles of the Neros would be cycles of the Ram or Lamb, whilst the equinox was passing

' Antiquit . Rom Lib . i . Sect . lxxiv. p 59 ; Hom . et ses Ecrits, par D'Urban, p 41 .
' Refer to Appendix of first Volume, p . 833, for corruption of Tam, Sam, Cam ; it shews Sam to be the original .
3 Numb . xi. 5 ; Parkhurst in voce ; Hutchinson's Works, Vol . IV . p . 262 .
138 Observations
through Aries ; and of the Fish, whilst it was passing through Pisces . Thus Rama and Cristna
were the same . Joannes=240, and RM=240, the name of the sacred number of Rome, or the
city of Rama, as pointed out by Niebuhr . The period of 360 years, which John or Pisces preceded
Jesus, will form a cycle with the 21,600, as well also as Rome's sacred number of 240. Thus we
find Ratnas in the history of all the cycles connected with Cristna, and subsequently we find
Johns . I think the Eastern nations, in a particular manner, attached themselves to the number
6, the vau ; and the Western to the number 5 . (We must never forget Pythagoras's doctrine of
numbers .) The first, to the 6X12=72, and 72x6=432 . The latter, to the 5 x 10=60, and 60X10
=360 . The 6, the vau, the even number, was for the female ; the 5, the odd, for the male ; and the
two united formed the cycle or sacred number, 43 .20. The five is the ri or He, the male in Saxon
and Hebrew . The two together make the Evau ; and also the i*n", iiuaa,=28 . Although I can-
not exactly explain how or by what steps it arose, yet it is clear to me that the sacred number,
240, of the Romans, arose from Ctv sm=240 ; and, in the plural, their God Saman . Mr . Niebuhr
has shewn how both the number of 360, and the number of 240, were used by the Romans, in each
case making up their number of 1440, from the destruction of Troy to the founding of Nova
Roma, by Constantine, on the seven hills, in the Thracian Romelia or the Romelia of Thrace,
where the widows were burnt on the funeral piles of their husbands-in a country called Sindi,
having the religion of the Xgw. Although I cannot explain how it was made out, I think I can
see a high probability, that this mythos of the Romans and of Constantine was closely connected
with, or was an integral part of, the mythos of the East, of Virgil, as we might expect from the
doctrine of Antmonius Saccas, that, in the main, all the religions were the same . I must now
make a few observations on the want of absolute accuracy in round numbers, which shews itself in
almost all the calculations ; but, if we look closely into the matter, we shall observe, that this is
an effect which, in most cases, must necessarily arise from the primary numbers of nature, on
which they are founded, not being accurate . Thus, for instance, the Millenium is founded on the
Neros ; but the correct Neros depends, by nature, on the fraction of a second of time : and the
question often presents itself, whether we are to take 2153 or 2160 . It is obvious that, by taking
a fraction, I could easily bring out my whole round number of 6000 ; but cui bono? It is suffici-
ently near for the vulgar runners after the Millenium . It is evident, or in a few minutes will be
so, that all these little errors were perfectly well known to the Chaldeans . In addition to these
considerations I shall skew, in a future book, that the Chaldeans foresaw that a Comet would
affect the earth in more than one of its progresses ; and, by its disturbing force, necessarily cause
an irregularity, from its nature unknown, but, on the whole, even of several years . This is per-
fectly justified by the retardation which astronomers observed to take place in Jupiter when the
Comet [of 1680 ?] approached that planet .' I think these considerations are quite sufficient
to answer the above small objections for the present ; and I shall now proceed to the complete
development of the secret Romish system.
If my reader will revert to Volume 1 . pp. 175, 182, 191, he will observe that the Indian scholars
agree in stating it to be the unanimous doctrine of the Brahmins, that their Cali Yug began 3101
years before Christ, that, at that time, the flood took place, and that the sun entered the zodiacal
sign Aries at the vernal equinox . Here, in the date of the sun's entrance into Aries, there appears

' The Author's apparently premature decease prevented his filling up the blank he had here left in his MS . If he
referred to the Comet of 1680, (as submitted in the brackets,) his statement is directly opposed to the conclusions of
Dr . Halley, who, "having observed that" it "came very near -Jupiter in the summer of 1681, above a year before its
last appearance, and remained several months in the neighbourhood of that planet, judged that circumstance alone
sufficient to have considerably retarded its motion and prolonged the duration of its revolution ."-Essay towards a
History of the principal Comets, &c ., pp . 64, 65, Glasgow, 1770.-Editor .
Observations 139
to me to be an error of nearly 600 years, which has never been observed by any of our oriental
astronomers . The Brahmins, when questioned upon this point, say, Those events happened when
the Sun and Moon were in a certain position, which was observed at the time it took place, and
that time is only to be known by back-reckoning . This error is of great moment, and, if I be
right, it is a most extraordinary circumstance that it has been overlooked by all the orientalists
for the Sun certainly did not enter the sign Aries until about 2520 years before Christ . If our
orientalists did not observe it, the fact proves with how very little attention they read, and how
very superficially they consider these subjects . At all events I believe they have never made any
observations upon it .
I will now try to explain the error, and to shew how it arose . "Columella says, t the 17th of
cQ December the sun passes into Capricorn ; it is the WINTER SOLSTICE, as Hipparchus will have it .
"The 24th of December is the winter solstice, AS THE CHALD&AN8 OBSERVE ." 2
Now it is well, known that Cmsar, with the assistance of a celebrated Chaldean astronomer from
Egypt, called Sosigenes, ascertained the winter solstice to take place on the 25th of December, at
thirty minutes past one o'clock in the morning . And it is a striking circumstance that he appears
from the expression of Columella to have availed himself of the reckoning of the Chaldeans, whom
my reader will recollect I have shewn to have come, with Abraham, or the Brahmin, from India,
and whom our historians affect to treat with contempt, as having, in the time of Caesar, become
mere charlatans or conjurors ; but who were, as appears from the facts above-named, in reality
the only persons who had a sufficient knowledge of astronomy to correct the calendar, which had
fallen into the utmost confusion . This any one may see by looking at our common globes, where
he will find the Vernal equinox fixed to the 30th of Aquarius, which makes the equinox to fall on
the 25th of Pisces, or March, 1800 years ago, by calculating back the precession 25 degrees, at 72
years to a degree . Now, from the 17th of December (the solstice, according to Hipparchus) to
the 25th, according to the Chaldeans, there is a space of 8 days, which answers to 8 degrees, and
as the solstice precedes a degree in 72 years, it makes in time, calculated on these data, an error
of 576 years : 8X72=576. The Brahmins at this day, as we have formerly shewn, fix the en-
trance of the equinoctial sun into the sign Aries and their Cali Yug, 3101 years before the time
Usher fixed for the birth of Christ ; in which be made a mistake of four years . Now, if we allow
for this error of Usher's of four years, the time to the date of the Cali Yug is 3096 years B . C .,
and the error of the Brahmins is exactly 576 years . For, from the 25th of Pisces, reckoning back
to the first of Aries, there are not 43 degrees, as the Brahmin calculation would require, but 35
degrees only ; which number, multiplied by 72, gives e520 ; and this sum added to 576 makes
3096+4=3100. This proves that the present Brahmins, when they fix their Cali Yug by back
calculation, are exactly in the same error as Hipparchus, the Greeks and the Romans were, as to
the time of the solstice .
The next question which arises is, How the Brahmins fell into this error of eight days in the
date of the solstice, and into its consequent error of 576 years ? And now, I think, we shall find
another striking and curious coincidence, which will go far towards proving that the Hindoo
system must have been founded on observation, near 5000 years before Christ . We have seen
that there were eight Avatars believed to have passed in Siam, and eight Saecula believed to have
passed at Rome, at the birth of Christ. These eight Avatars and Seecula I have shewn to be
Neroses. 3
Lalande, in his astronomy, 4 says, " Si l'on emploie la duree de l'annee que nous connoissons, et

' Book xi. Ch . ii . 4

Bentley, Hist. Ast. p . 281 .
3 See Vol . 1 . 175-177, 215 . * Tome II . Ast . 1570, ed . 3 .
1 .10 Observations

" le mois synodique tel que nous 1'avons indique ci-devant, c'est-a-dire, des mois de 29 ;, 1211 , 44',
"3", chacun, l'on aura 28h, 1', 42 de trop, dans les sept mille, quatre cent, vingt-une lunaisons :
" ainsi la lune retarderoit de plus d'un jour au bout de six cents ans ." If my reader will look
back to Volume 1 . p . 169, he will find the above passage quoted, and a promise there made that I
would return to it . From this observation it appears that there was, in fact, an inaccuracy in
each Neros or Saeculum of more than one day in calculating it exactly at 600 years ; which, if the
solstice were settled, as of course it would be by the cycle invented for the purpose of settling it,
but without taking the error into the account, would, in eight Saecula, cause it to be fixed to
the 17th day of December, instead of the 25th, and produce the mistake of the eight days, and
the consequent error of 576 years . To keep the reckoning right, a day and part of a day ought to
have been intercalated every 600 years .
The truth of what I have just now stated may be shewn in another way . In reality the space
the sun passed through, that is, preceded, from his entrance into Aries to the time of Christ, was
thirty-five degrees, which make or answer to two thousand, five hundred, and twenty years : 35 x
72=2520 . The time the Brahmins fixed for their Cali Yug and the entrance of the Sun into Aries
being 3100 years B . C ., 3100-2520=580, which was their mistake. But 580=72=8, with a
remainder of 4, which, Usher's mistake corrected, is 576, the exact number it ought to be.
The eight degrees answer to the eight days which the solstice, in the time of Caesar, was wrong .
In or about the year 3100 was a remarkable conjunction of the planets, as Sir W . Jones, Bailly,
and others, profess to have ascertained . This is the pivot on which all the Brahmins' calculations
hinge ; and as the MODERN Brahmins reckoned by the Neros to the time of Christ, without under-
standing the principle of the calculation, they thus got wrong in their solstices eight days .
The difficulty which Figulus and others found in making out the true time arose from inat-
tention to, or ignorance of, the necessity of making the requisite intercalation ; and the error had
reached, in the time of Figulus, to within a very few years of an entire saeculum . This would
increase the difficulty, and, in fact, would render the number of cycles doubtful,-that is, whether
the new cycle-that of Christ-was the ninth or the tenth . This accounts for Virgil's policy in
writing in such an equivocal manner, that his prophecy might answer either to the latter part of
the current cycle, or to the last cycle .
Now, I apprehend, after the philosophers found that the cycle of the Neros made a cycle with
the number of years of the precession in ten signs of the zodiac, namely, in 21,600 years, they
adopted the plan, in calculating their time, of starting from the flood or the Cali Yug, both back-
wards and forwards, as a kind of fulcrum, and of deducting the suns of 2160 years, the precession
for one sign, because at that period a new system of calculation necessarily began upon a new
principle . The former calculation was made upon the cycle of 360, the days in a year, and the
lunar time of 30 days in a month . These, two formed a perfect cycle : no intercalations would be
wanted : and all the knowledge of astronomy, as far as was of any consequence to the first inha-
bitants, would be known and reduced to the smallest space imaginable . They found, that if they
calculated backwards by the periods of years of precession in a sign, (as they must in future cal-
culate forwards by them, if they meant to keep their time correctly,) these periods would exactly
agree backwards with the calculation forwards ; so that they could calculate backward before the
Cali Yug, as correctly as forwards from it,-the 360 days in a year making a perfect cycle, and
these years, in periods of 360 or 720 or 2160 years, making a perfect cycle backward, in a circle
to the 21,600 the years in ten signs, as they were obliged to calculate forwards to the same
period . In short, by this, contrivance, notwithstanding the great change in the lengths of the

' See Vol. I . pp . 185-187, 233 .

Observations 141
year and month, which I shall explain nereafter, the calculations backwards would be perfectly
assimilated to those forwards, and would, supposing the equinox to precede only about 50" in a
year, or on the average or in mean time to precede after this rate, and that the Soli-lunar period
of 600 years was correct, be also perfectly true . Thus they would be able to calculate by signs
round the circle of thee zodiac backwards, as they did in like manner by signs forwards, and, cor-
rectly too, for any length of time . It is also very worthy of observation, that the cycle of 360
makes a perfect cycle with the great precessional one of 25,920 years.
Now, if the reader will examine carefully the different astronomical calculations which I have
made in the fifth book of the first volume,' he will find no satisfactory reason given for the fact of
the different arithmetical sums coming out correct from the calculations, the sum of 2160 years
being first deducted ; though the coincidence of the numbers shewed that it could not be the
effect of accident, but that they must be true, whatever might be the cause . Here we find the
whole satisfactorily explained, and an adequate reason assigned for the conduct of the astrono-
mers . Very certain I am that I shall prove, all the ancients believed that the year was originally
only 360 days long. Whether this be true or false, I contend, that I have raised the very highest
probability, that, in their calculations of time, they proceeded upon this belief, and that its admit-
ted duration had changed in a later day .
The lustrunis five and six were the roots of all the calculations . The five was the lustrum
when the year was 360 days long : the six when it came to be 365 . In the first case the preces-
sion of the equinoxes was supposed to have taken place after the rate of 36" in a degree, and of
36,000 years in the circle . Thus we find the sum of -36,000 to be called the great year. (The
Neros 600, and the Millenium 6000, make cycles with this .) In the second case, when the pre-
cession was supposed to take place in 506', and 25,920 in the circle ; 25,920 was the great year .
But with this the former number will not make a cycle ; therefore, as said formerly, ten signs
were taken, which, at 50" to a degree, and 72 to a sign, make !21,600 ; and with this, both the five
and six, and the old numbers, all make cycles . Now, it is worthy of observation, that the fine and
its multiples make a cycle with the great precessional year 36,000 ; and the six and its multiples
make a cycle with the great artificial year of 21,600, the united cycle of the two, with the great
year of 36,000, and with the still greater artificial cycle of 432,000, as well as with the real cycle
of 25,920 .
The Romans must have had two computations of time, both of which were wrong . For, besides
the misplacing of the solstice, which we have learnt from Columella, their "year differed by an
"excess of 67 days front the trite time ." t Now, although some of their festivals, which they did
not understand, might be wrong 67 days, we cannot believe that the solstice could get so far
wrong . We may almost as soon suppose they would mistake the equinox for the solstice .
It is worthy of observation that the persons employed by Caesar were the Chaldeans, and that
these mere fortune-tellers and conjurers, as our priests call them, were so well informed, that they
could fix the time of the solstice to half an hour-to half past one in the morning . It is evident
these Calidei, or Chaldeans, or Casi-deans, or Chasidim, or Mathematici, or Templars, or Rosi-
crucians, or Nousareans, or Mandaites, or Iohnites, or Essenseans, or Carmelites, or Freemasons,
were then the best calculators and astronomers in the world .
Columella 2 says, "Nor am I ignorant of Hipparcbus's computation, which teaches, that the
C° solstices and equinoxes do not happen in the eighth, but in the first degree of the signs . But
~~ in this rural discipline, I now follow the calculations of Eudoxus and Meton, and those of ancient
<< astronomers, which are adapted to the public sacrifices ; because husbandmen are both better

' Niebuhr, Vol . IL p . 208, ed . Walter. 2 Book ix . Ch. xiv .

142 Observations
« acquainted with that old opinion which has been commonly entertained : nor yet is the niceness
and exactness of Hipparchus necessary to the grosser apprehensions and scanty learning of

" husbandmen ." From this it is evident, that the festivals were not fixed with niceness, to use
the words of Columella ; but, we may fairly suppose, in whole numbers, which will justify me in
doing the same . Thus, like Columella, I have calculated roughly and by round numbers ; but this
was not the way the Chaldean magicians or conjurors reckoned . They formed their calculation to
a minute-to thirty minutes past one in the morning ; consequently they must have known that it
would be necessary to intercalate one day and part of a day every 600 years : and this I have no
doubt that they did, wherever they had the regulation of the festivals in their Juda ;an, secret, ma-
sonic, Xpi r-tiara festivals.
If my reader have attended closely to what he has read, he will have observed . that there is an
error of a day and a part of a day, about one- eighth of a day, every 600 years, and that I have only
accounted for the day .
This remaining error I shall now account for . I think it will not be denied that I have unveiled
a pretty large number of curious mythoses ; but the most curious of all I have now to unfold . We
have seen that all the Buddhas, Cristuas, Salivahanas, Adonises, Atyses, Mithras, Bacchuses,
Herculeses, were put to death and rose again from the grave, part certainly, and all probably, after
three days, to life and immortality . We have seen from the unquestionable testimony of the

Roman Saint, Bishop, and Martyr, Irenteus, that the real Jesus of Nazareth was not put to death .
But yet, according to the Romish gospel histories, he was actually put to death by crucifixion .
In the gospel of the Romish Jesus, we merely have the account that he was a part of three days in
the grave. But tradition informs us that he was buried on the evening of Friday ; he continued
in the tomb till midnight of Saturday was past, and rose the moment the morning of Sunday com-
menced . Thus he occupied the tomb in three successive days, though for only one day of 24
hours, and a part of a day of 24 hours' duration . This professed entombment is meant figura-
tively to represent a certain time that was considered necessary to be intercalated, in the neros, as
I shall now describe . 2
There is an error in the Soli-lunar cycle of the Neros of one day and a part of a day in every

' In the case of Orisis in Egypt, and of St . Denys or Bacchus in Gaul, whose limbs were scattered in forty places,
and sought forty days, I apprehend the last three were the days of the processions only-the days on which the parts
of generation were sought .
s Whether or not the Author be right in his conclusion, the following anecdote, in Farrar's Life of Howard, the
Philanthropist, may serve to illustrate the oriental custom of reckoning days : " Mr . Howard found, on arriving at
Constantinople, in 1786, that the chief topic of the day was a summary and sanguinary punishment which had recently
been inflicted on the grand chamberlain The particulars were these :-the grand vizier sent one day for the grand
chamberlain, who had the charge of supplying the city with bread . Yielding immediate obedience to the summons,
this officer arrived at the palace of the minister in great state ; and being introduced into his presence, was asked why
the bread was so bad He answered that the harvest had been but a very indifferent one . `Why,' continued the vizier,
apparently satisfied with this excuse, `is the weight so short?' ' That,' replied the chamberlain, `might have happened
by accident to two or three, amongst such an immense number of loaves as are required for the supply of so large a
city ;' but he assured his highness that greater care should be taken for the future . Without further observation the
vizier ordered him to quit his presence ; but no sooner was he obeyed, than he commanded an executioner to follow
the unhappy man and strike off his head in the street, where his body was publicly exposed for a day and a half, with
three light loaves beside it to denote his crime .
" When the circumstance was related to Mr . Howard, be was told that the chamberlain's body had lain three days in
the street, on which he expressed his surprise that it had not bred a contagion, and then he learnt that in point of fact
it had not been left so long, as they were not entire days . It was evening when the head was struck off, and this was
reckoned one day ; it remained the whole of the second, and was removed early on the succeeding morning, which was
accounted the third day . The eastern mode of computation is the same now that it was in the time of the crucifixion
and burial of Jesus Christ, when three days were similarly reckoned ." Pp . 195-197 . Editor .
Observations 143
cycle, as we have seen ; and this space of time it is necessary to intercalate every 600 years, in
order to correct the error. This required intercalation is figuratively described by the burial of all
these Gods, and of Jesus Christ . Every 600 years they were put to death, remained buried a day
and part of a day, after which they rose again to new life-a new six hundred years commenced-
a new Phoenix arose from its ashes .
We have before seen that the year of the sun was 600 years ; that the Phoenix lived 600 I

years ; that the Phen or, in Irish, Phenniche, meant 600 years . As much as the cycle got wrong,
it was necessary to intercalate . For this period the God was buried . In the six thousand years
he would be mystically or feignedly buried ten times . And I have very little doubt, that when
the old Phoenix burnt itself, a certain time elapsed before the young one arose from its ashes . But
it was not to be expected that the priests would tell us this, if, indeed, they knew it . I have
somewhere read, I believe in the work of Mr . Faber, a work which has no indexes, though paid for
by subscription, that, in the ceremonies of the initiation into the mysteries of Buddha, a man was
supposed to be killed ; and, after lying on the ground some time, was simulated to be raised from the
dead. This is very like the practice in the Romish church of imitating, in their ceremonies, all
the recorded acts of the life of Jesus Christ . This is in accordance with the resurrection described
in Georgius and in my plates, figure 14 .
The same ceremony is stated by the Abbe Bazin to have taken place in the mysteries of
Eleusis . He says, " These mysteries were, according to Tertullian, somewhat tarnished by the
" ceremony of regeneration . It was necessary for the initiated to appear to revive ; it was the
C 0 symbol of the new kind of life he intended to lead . A crown was presented to him, which he
" trod under foot ; the Hierophantes then drew forth the sacred knife, and the initiated, whom he
~~ pretended to strike, also pretended to fall dead at his feet : after which he appeared to rise
" again, as it were, from the dead . A remnant of this ancient ceremony still exists among the
L0 Freemasons ." In the Gospels we have the following statements respecting the burial of Jesus
Matthew (xxvii . 57, 62) says, " When the even was come :-now the next day that followed the
the day of preparation," &c . Mark (xv. 42), " Now when the even was come, because it was the
preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath ."Luke (xxiii. 53, 54), " And he [Joseph of
Arimathea] took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in
stone, wherein never man was laid before . And that day was the preparation, and the sabbath
drew on ." John (xix . 42), "There laid they Jesus, therefore, because of the Jews' preparation
day ."
The Gospels all agree that Jesus rose on the Sunday morning, and pointedly and unnecessarily,
unless there was a particular meaning intended to be conveyed, say, "very early before day-light ."
But the tradition is, that he rose the moment after midnight of the second day . At Rome, in
some of the churches, the ceremonies begin at this time, and in Syria, in commemoration of the
resurrection of Adonis ; and now, in the same place and at the same time, the ceremonies of the
resurrection of Jesus Christ begin to be celebrated .
If the calculation of the mythos be commenced on the moment of the conjunction of the sun
and moon, and the neros last 600 years, 28h 1 42", there must be, to make it come right, an
intercalation in every neros or 600 years, of 28 h • 1°' • 426• Then this will make the life of the sun
end precisely in such a manner, in such a part of a day, as will be 28 h . 1°'- 41°- before a third day
begins, making it go one second into the third day to complete the 28h- In'- 42 6 - . Thus the reason

' The Greek word ¢awem or 4

,awm to shine came from the name of the sun #vv_600, or 4 vv=608
2 Translation by Wood Gandell, p . 220.
144 Observations

why he is in the grave, as it is called, three days, is apparent . The Millenium cycle was supposed
to have begun at such an hour and minute of the day on which the sun first entered Taurus at the
vernal equinox, as would make the eighth cycle or neros end at an hour which may be found by
close examination of the history . It is said that Jesus was buried before the sabbath began ; that
would be before six on Friday evening . Then if he were the shortest time possible in the grave,
to be consistent with the history, be would be there from six to twelve, or the last six hours of
Friday, twenty-four hours of Saturday, and say one second of Sunday, and he would rise very early,
as the text says, on Sunday morning . This makes one day, six hours, in the grave . Now what
is the time necessary to be intercalated to correct the error to a second of time ? It is one day,
four hours, one minute, forty-two seconds . Then the authors of the mythos were in error the
difference between Id- 4h . I-- 42' • and ld . 6h • 0m•0s. . This is lh • 58m. 18'•, which, on 74121 luna-
tions, the number there are in the cycle, makes an error in the moon's period of somewhat less
than one secomd . This, I think, is bringing the matter pretty nearly to a point.
If the reader look back to Volume I . p . 175, he will find the Brahma period stated to begin 3164
years before Christ . We will try to find how this arose . By calculating backwards and allowing
a day and part of a day for the error every six hundred years, the calculators made, in the eight
neroses, nine, but not ten days : thus 9 x72=648-1-2160=2808+360=3168-4=3164. This seems
to me to be a real arithmetical proof of the truth of my explanation of the three days, or, more
correctly, the day and part of a day in the grave .

From Taurus to Aries 2160 3164

Aries to Pisces 2160 2160
Pisces to Jesus Christ, 360 1
9 x 72 • 648 5324



The history of the sun, I repeat, is the history of Jesus Christ . The still is born on the 25th of
December, the birth-day of Jesus Christ . The first and the greatest of the labours of Jesus
Christ is his victory over the serpent, the evil principle, or the devil . In his first labour Hercules
strangled the serpent, as did Cristna, Bacchus, &c . This is the sun triumphing over the powers
of hell and darkness ; and, as he increases, he prevails, till he is crucified in the heavens, or is
decussated in the, form of a cross, (according to Justin Martyr, 2 ) when he passes the equator at
the vernal equinox . But before he rises he is dead for one day and about four hours . This is
nearly the time necessary to be intercalated every six hundred years, to make the calculation come
right ; at the beginning of the third day he rises again to life and immortality . The twelve labours
of Hercules are his labours in passing through the signs of the zodiac, which are so similar to the

1 Mr . Bentley states, p . 52, that the sun entered Pisces at the vernal equinox, 746 years B . C . He is here in a great

error, or Caesar and Sosigenes were in a great error in fixing the solstice to the 25th of December ; and our globes
are equally in error now in fixing the equinox to the first or thirtieth of Aquarius . This seems a mistake of Mr . Bent-
ley's which I cannot comprehend . The sun certainly only entered the sign Pisces five degrees, or 5 X 72=360 years
B . C . I will not assert the fact, but I have very little doubt that the intentional fraud Mr . Bentley speaks of in the
Brahmin astronomers, all arose from the mistake of the 576 years, and the neglect of the intercalary days, of the neces-
sity for which the modern Brahmins were ignorant .
' See Vol . I . p. 789 .
Observations 1.15
history of Jesus Christ, as to induce the reverend, pious, and orthodox Parkhurst . to declare them
types of what the real Saviour was to do and suffer . These celestial images are what induced the
learned Alphonso the Great to declare, that the whole history of Jesus Christ might be read in the
stars .
No doubt this explanation of the three days' descent into hell will be separated from the other
explanations of the mythos, and thus, taking it alone, it will be represented as extremely ridiculous .
But, I ask, What were the entombment and resurrection of Bacchus, Atys, Apollo of Miletus, of
Adonis, of Cristna, of Buddha, &c ., &c.? Were these real deaths and resurrections, or astronomi-
cal mythoses ?
In this book I think I have proved, that every rite, ceremony, and doctrine, which is found in
the Christian religion, was a close copy of that of the Gentiles . Mr. Mosheim I is obliged to admit
this, nearly to the extent here stated, and he endeavours to disguise and palliate it by pretending
that they were taken into the Christian religion . But as I have proved that every rite, ceremony,
and doctrine, of the Romish church is taken from the Heathens, and existed before the time of
Jesus Christ, I beg leave to ask, Where is the remainder which is not Pagan, and which is to con-
stitute the Christianity of the present day? The Christianity of Jesus Christ, from his own mouth,
I shall exhibit in a future book, in its native and beautiful simplicity, unalloyed with Pagan,
Paulite, Romish, Lutheran, or Calvinistic nonsense .
That which I have written is intended for the use of philosophers, as I have said in my Preface .
How should the generality of mankind, occupied in the affairs of life, be expected to understand
such a book? No, no ; let them attend to their secular concerns, count their beads, and say their
prayers, resting content with the religion of their ancestors, and be assured that God is equally
present with the pious Hindoo in the temple, the Jew in the synagogue, the Mohammedan in the
mosque, and the Christian in the church . Peter said, very wisely, Of a truth 1 perceive that God
is no respecter of persons ; but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is
accepted with him . 2
I must fairly admit, that I cannot read what I have written without an indescribable melancholy .
In what a state of delusion have four-fifths of mankind been kept, and still are kept, by the dis-
honesty of the remainder ; and, in the teeth of my humble and feeble efforts, I fear always will be
kept ! But, at all events, I have done m y duty ; I have endeavoured, with no little labour, to
draw aside the veil . I know what I deserve ; I fear, I know what I shall receive, from my self-
sufficient and ignorant countrymen . But yet, a new a era is rising . There still is hope in the
bottom of the box . But one word more I must say of the Eternal City, before I close this article ;
it may serve .for a warning.
It is a striking circumstance that the Pagans themselves boasted of the greatness of Rome, not
only as the capital of the empire, but as the head of their religion, of which it was the centre ; on
account of which it was called by Atheneus Oupavo7roaw, or the Holy City, Ruma Mamma, the
residence of the Gods . 3 It was called the Goddess of the earth and of the nations, at the very
moment that the axe was laid to its root, and that, by the treason of Constantine, its altars were
about to be overthrown, its religion destroyed, and it was to be degraded to the rank of a provin-

' Comm . Cent. ii. Sect. xxxvi. n.

. Acts x . 34, 35 .-For most of the articles in the above parallel between the rites of the ancient and modern Romans,
I am indebted to a small treatise lent me by my friend Ed . Upham, Esq ., entitled, "Les Conformitez des Ceremonies
Modernes avec les Anciennes . Imprim*S 1'An 1667.
s Lucan, lib. i., DeQm Sedes, Mart . lib. xii. Epigrorum . 8 ; Claud . de Laud . Stillic .
VOL. It . V
146 Observations
cial town . Thus, at this time, when loaded with corruption, its religion rotten to the core, and
evidently at its last gasp, still, as in former times, it calls itself eternal ; its pompous, empty,
tawdry cardinals, bending beneath ermine, fat, and ignorance, waddle about their grass-grown
streets and crumbling ruins, which would long since have yielded to the pest which surrounds
them, had not the remnant of the fine arts of Greece procured to it a temporary respite . But,
proud Rome, thy race is nearly run-thy day is nearly over. One century more, and, like haughty
Babylon, the curious stranger, probably with fear and trembling, will ramble round thy ruins, and
say, This was the eternal city! Here was Rome!

Sure as the shaft that slayeth in the night,

The pestilence glides slowly, robed in light
All-glorious Italy, o'er thy fair champaign
The smiling fiend extends her silent reign,
And desolation follows. Lo! she stands
On the proud capitol, with noiseless hands
Showering the secret ruin on the dome
Of thy great temple, everlasting Rome !
HERBERT'S Pie della Pietra, p . 12 .
( 147 )



Origin of Letters-Moon's Period-Names of Letters-Boucher-Dr . Wait on

Sanscrit-Cycle of Fourteen-Thoth-Om . Homer-Targums-Dr . Young.
Sol-Joseph, Proteus . Stalls-Solomon . Sindi . Peter-Cryptography, Indian
-Vowel Points-Acrostic . Anagram-Metathesis. The Number Nine-
Arabic Letters-The God Xangti-`Etc, pta, e'v-Signets-Sigma Tau-Adam .
1 . following book will chiefly consist of a development of the mode in which the most impor-

tant of all the various branches of human science, the art of writing, was discovered and brought
to perfection . But before my reader begins to examine it, I must beg him to reperuse and recon-
sider the Preliminary Observations in Volume I ., which have relation to the origin of letters and
figures . Those Observations, chiefly taken from my work on the CELTic DRUIDS, I inserted there,
for the purpose of assisting in this investigation .
When I go back to the most remote periods of antiquity into which it is possible to penetrate,
I find clear and positive evidence of several important facts . First, no animal food was eaten-no
animals were sacrificed .' Secondly, it is recorded, and it seems probable, that the Gods had no
names, and that no icons were used ; 2 and almost all ancient nations had a tradition, that they
once possessed sacred writings in a long-lost language . The possessors of these writings and this
old language, I think, must have been the people who erected the Pyramids, the gigantic stone
circles, and the other Cyclopaean buildings, which are found of such peculiar character and size all
over the world . The language of these nations, or, in fact, the lost language which they used, we
will now try to discover-assuming, that it was the first written language of man.
In the Preliminary Observations, Section 31-47, 1 have shewn how I suppose the Latin,
Etruscan, or Phoenician, system of describing numbers by right lines arose-each number described
by a collection of these lines, having had the name of a tree given to it . I find my opinion on this
subject strongly supported by a passage of Vallancey's, which, when I wrote the Preliminary Ob-
servations, I had overlooked or not observed. 3 He says, "The Romans used literary characters
Q° as numerals, and in alphabetic order as the Chaldaeans did, so late as Julius Caesar's time . In
CQ the sixth century a Julian kalendar was dug up at Rome, on which the days of the month were
~~ numbered by letters in alphabetic order, beginning with A at the first day of January, B to the
GQ second, and so on to H, or the eighth day, which was their Nundince, from which day they
~~ began again with A B C D E F G H, instead of I. II . III . IV. V. VI . VII . VIII., which were the
'~ Phoenician and Palmyraean vulgar numerals." a If we could be certain that Palmyra was built
by Solomon or the Jews, we should have a very good reason, indeed I may say a certainty, for

' Sacrifice -Sacrum Festum-sacrificium .

$ This was because the God of Wisdom, or the wise God, was worshiped.
Coll . Hib . Vol . V. p . 186. 4 Vide Scaliger de Emend . Temp . p . 160.
148 Letters
believing that the right-lined numbers of the Phoenicians were also those of the Jews . As it is,
we have a very high probability that they were so .
Before we begin the following speculation we will suppose that man had advanced so far as to
have given names to trees, and to have called a certain tree Elm, another tree Birch, and others
by appropriate appellations, and had called his first number, described by the mark I, Ailm, and
his second number, described by the mark 11, Beth or Birch, &c . In this case I would denote an
idea of number, viz. one, and a sound, viz . Ailm ; and II would denote an idea of number, viz . two,
and a sound, viz . Beth ; and each would denote a tree generally, and the two would also denote
two peculiar trees, as distinguished from others, viz . the Elm and Birch : so each arithmetical
figure or little collection of lines would have five significations . It would denote a number, a tree
generally, a Birch tree, and a sound ; and, after the discovery of alphabetic writing, a letter .
Thus there would be a language like what the Chinese language and the Runes of Scandinavia are
at this day. That is, there would be a symbol for every sound or name of a thing, for the thing
itself, and for a number, and the number would, by association of ideas, be closely connected with
leaves and trees. Thus this language of symbols would have five meanings, exactly as the
language of the sacred books of the Tamuls is said to have had ; and a question naturally arises,
whether this language of numeral symbols may not have been the very language referred to by the
Tamulese, as that in which their sacred books were written . This induces me to make a few ob-
servations on the Tamul language before I proceed further . At first, the distance of the place in
which we find the Italian and the Phoenician right-lined letters or figures, from the country of the
Tamuls, South India, certainly seems very great, but it becomes less, when it it is recollected that
we have exhibited individuals miscalled Christians, but who, in fact, were the followers of Tammuz,
in South India, using the Pushto language of Syria, and the absolute identity of the worship of the
fishes in both countries .
Dr. Babington says, " I cannot touch on the Tamil characters without remarking, that their ex-
t0 treme simplicity seems one among many circumstances which indicate that the language is of
CQ high antiquity . The Sanscrit of the South of India is written in characters (the Grant'ha) de-
rived from the Tamil ." The learned Doctor then proceeds to give reasons for the Tamil having
an independent origin, at least equal in antiquity to the Sanscrit itself .' The name of the Tamul
language is Pushto, and the root of this word Push, which I shall examine hereafter, means a
flower, and this system of letters was sixteen in number, like that of the ancient Jews . The lan-
guage of the Chinese, which we have just observed is a language of symbols, was called the lan-
guage offlowers . 2
I consider my system to receive no small support from the following passage of the Universal
Ancient History : 3 "That the ancient language of the Chinese was pretty nearly related to the
°P Hebrew, and the other tongues which the learned consider as dialects of it, notwithstanding
~~ what has been advanced to the contrary, we own ourselves inclined to believe . Ludovicus Tho-
~° massinus, Philippus Massonius, Olaus Rudbeckius, and Augustus Pfeifferus, seem to have
~~ proved this almost to a demonstration ." M. Balbi, in a late learned work, has turned the argu-
ments of the above-named persons and our Edinburgh historians into ridicule ; but my experience
teaches me, that ridicule is never had recourse to, till argument fails . Near Gaya, which is the
place where Saca or' Sacya finished his doctrine and became Buddha, is a tree called by the Chinese
Poo to choo or the Tree of Knowledge . 4 The Chinese in a particular manner call their written

Trans. Asiat. Soc . Vol . II . Part I . p . 264 . 9 See Vol. 1 . pp .-482, 738, 750, 753, 775, 779.
Vol . XX . p . 131 . 1 Neuman, Catechism Shaman, p . xix .
Book III . Section 2 149
language the flowery language, which I suppose. i s .' I appre-
hend this comes from their numeral symbols having had the names of plants .2 This tree of
knowledge seems to have been the Pushto, or Push, or Pote-sato . Every thing tends to raise a
probability, that the Chinese and the Western languages of symbols were the same . I will now
proceed with my theory, but I shall return to the Pushto and Chinese presently .
After man had used the right lines for some time, he would discover the art of making a figure
to use instead of the collection of lines, and we will suppose him to have made or invented twenty-
eight figures for the twenty-eight numbers which I have supposed him to have discovered ; how
this was done I will presently explain . We have an example of this in the tree alphabet, Table I .
Nos . 8 to 10, and in the Runic alphabet, in THE CELTIC DRUIDS, pp . 4, 5.
We have thus, I think, very easily found how it is probable that the first symbolical system of
writing was invented ; but we have not yet found out the grand secret--the art of syllabic or al-
phabetic writing-though we have symbols for ideas and sounds .3
On this art Mr . Astle4 says, "Those authors whose learning and ingenuity entitle them to the
" highest respect, and whose writings have furnished many useful hints towards the discovery of
~~ alphabetic characters, have not filled up the GREAT CHASM between picture writing and letters,
~~ which, though the most difficult was the most necessary thing for them to have done, before
~~ they could attempt to account for the formation of an alphabet!" Mr
. Astle does not pretend
to have filled up the chasm . I think I shall be able to do it.
2. For the . reasons given in the Preliminary Observations, (pp . 2, 3,) I cannot have any doubt
that one of the first recorded ideas would be the moon .'s period, for which the twenty-eight num-
bers would be used, and perhaps one of the first things recorded would be the moon herself, by
means of these numbers . In this case the record would be described by XXVIII, and by its
component parts called Iod (i. e . Yew) pronounced twice, and Eadha (i . e. Aspin) once, and
Ailm (i. e. Elm) three times . The use of these symbols' for the twenty-eight numbers
would soon lead to the formation of arbitrary signs for other things ; and, in short, to the present
Chinese writing-a mark or symbol for every word : and on this plan the Chinese have proceeded,
exerting all their ingenuity, as we know, for thousands of years, having never left their first
habit, or changed their first style of writing ; the reason for which, I think, we shall discover
The Western nations took a different course, and fell into the habit of making their letters for
sounds instead of ideas of things, and thus in some way, which we will try to find out, the syllabic
system arose . We have supposed that they first described the moo by marks which would re-
present twenty-eight units, that they would write it thus XXVIII ; and, I suppose, that they
would perform the operation in the following manner : if a man had to desire his neighbour to as-
sist him to record the moon, he would say, make on the stone tablet or in the sand the mark lod
(yew), and he would make X . The speaker would then say, make or mark another Iod, and again

Neuman, Catechism Shaman, p . 63.

4 It seems to me that a language of symbols is totally unfit to communicate proper names, for which reason inn trans-
lating from the Chinese, if the written account is to be followed, that is, the idea of the thing to be given, our names
ought to be rendered as we render them . If the sounds used by the Chinese in speaking, for our names, are to be de-
scribed, then a writer may copy the sounds as well as he is able . I suspect it is from a wish to do both, that Mr . Neu-
man has rendered proper names in so odd a manner . England is called Ying heih le ; the Russians are called
Go lo see .
3 In the symbols for sounds began the first idea of music, an art considered by the ancients, and particularly by
Pythagoras, as of much greater importance than it is with us ; the reason for which I shall try to explain by and by .
4 Origin and Progress of Writing, p . 11 .
150 Moon's Period

he would mark X ; now make an Eadha, and he would make V ; now make an Ailm ; and this
order would be repeated twice, and he would make three lines III, and it would form our XXVIII .
But neither the speaker nor the writer would pronounce this word, however much he might wish
it, except by repeating the names of the trees-any more than we can pronounce 10, 10, 5, 3, as a
word . Here, however, we have clearly a written, but an unspoken language of symbols .
We may now ask, How man, in the experiment which we have supposed him to try on the moon,
would write the XXVIII ? We know from history that it would not be horizontally, but perpen-
dicularly, and must have been in one of the following ways

P or ,~ or ' or '

Suppose we write the word in our letters, but in the name of Celtic Irish trees, and in the above
Etruscan or Italian numbers and manner, to see how it will look . We shall have them thus, be-
ginning to read on the left side of the page

Iod .. . od Ailm FN -1
Iod ~, od Ailm
Eadha t;j adha C or y Uearn C r C
or or
Ailm . ilm w Iod X
Ailm y ilm Iod x 9
Ailm . ilm

Here, writing from the top downwards, and turning the paper to read-accordingly as we turn it,
to right or left, we read in the Sanscrit and Greek manner, or the Hebrew and Arabic manner .
Here we have the exact mode of writing, and of turning the paper, which is yet used in the Syrian,
that is, the Pushto or Estrangelo language, as I learn from Dr . Hagar-writing it from the top to
the bottom, but turning the paper and reading from right to left . This is confirmed by Vallancey,
who shews, that it was the habit of the Tartarian nations, and quotes Forster, who says, "The
characters and mode of writing of the Calmucks, Moguls, and Mandschurians, are taken from
~~ the Uigurian, and these again from the Syrian . These Syrians also still continue, to this day, to
• write exactly as the Calmucks do, viz . they begin at the top, and draw a line down to the bottom,
°~ with which line the letters are in contact from the top down to the bottom of it ; and so they
• continue to write one line after the other, at each line going farther on to the right, and carrying
'~ their writing from the top to the bottom . But in reading, the Moguls and Calmucks, in like man-
• ner as the Syrians, turn the leaf sideways and read from the right to the left." t These Calmucs
and Moguls, who have characters taken from the Syrian, that is, I suppose, the Pushto, are gene-
rally called Tartars . It may be remembered, that we formerly found the Fossiones Tartarum in
Italy, the country in which we found the first right-lined letter figures of Syria or Phoenicia .
Mr. Forster says, "This perpendicular way of writing was not unknown to the Greeks, who
°° called it, as Bayer observes, Xatp .ai 4Popov, and was usual among the Syrians too, who, accord-
ing to Abraham Echelensis, wrote in this way." 2 The Greeks, as I have formerly observed,
also called this Tapocon .

Forster's Hist . of Voyages and Discoveries, &c ., note, p . 106 ; Vall. Coll. Hib . Vol. VI. pp. 173, 174 .
Dr. Hagar on the Alphabet of Corea, Or . Col . Vol. III . ; Vallancey, Coll . Hib . Vol. VI . p. 173 .
Book III. Section 2 151
"Tapocon Grueci soliti sunt appellare genus scribendi deorsum versus, ut mine detrorsum scri-
~~ b'imus."I

And it appears from a letter of Gen . Vallancey's to General Pownall, that the ancient Irish also
wrote in the perpendicular line . 2 And to these nations I have to add the Ethiopians . " Ethiopi-
°t bus olim hunc modum (meaning the writing from top to bottom) familiarem quoque fuisse,

G 0 docet Alexander ab Alexandro." 3

I suppose that the experiment above mentioned, as made by man on the Moon's cycle, would,
after some time, lead him to attend to the sounds of the trees' names, and that he would necessa-
rily fall on the sounds of the first letters of the words, and be induced to try if he could call this
word XXVIII by them : this he would do with ease, on the very first attempt, by pronouncing (a
very remarkable word) ILEA, I I EAAA, or in the other way, I I V AA,. which was the word
chaunted by the Bacchantes of the Greeks, in their nocturnal orgies-Evohe, Evohe, and, in short,
Eva, addressed to the Moon ; and also the word Yeve or Yeye, chaunted by the Hindoos in their
ceremonies . 4 I have seldom been more surprised than I was when I discovered this process to
bring out the Moon's name ; but yet, when I consider the matter, it appears only natural if my
theory be well founded . This word is also nothing more than the name of Ieue, described in
Genesis by the word in the feminine gender C'rt5tt aleim. In this extraordinary word we have
united, first the monograms of God I and II, by which he is called in the Chaldee targum, and
secondly EVA or VA rnr hue, the two names of the male and female principles of nature . We may
now see another reason why the letter or symbol I and the tenth letter, the jod, came to be con-
sidered the symbol of the Self-existent Being, and how the irregular verb rt'rt. eie or rvrT hie of the
Hebrew arose, and came to mean self-existence .
In the first two letters of this word " ii we have the name given in the Annals of Ulster, and in
sepulcral monuments now existing, to the island of Iona or Columba, in Scotland, the name of
which island, I shall hereafter shew, meant the generative power . It is also remarkable that this
word' ii is always used in the Targum for the name of the Creator instead of IEUE . But I can
find the grammatical explanation of it in no Lexicon or Grammar, and I believe it cannot be shewn
that it belongs to any verb or noun .
I believe that this word, from its connexion with letters, which I have just pointed out, and with
the soli-lunar cycle of 28, came to be the name of the Creator of the male generative power . and the
vau to be the name of the female . I believe that the jod ' i has the same meaning in Hebrew and
English ; and that the word is which we use for the third person singular of the present tense of
the verb personal he is, must be the first person singularr of the present tense of the Hebrew help-
ing verb ti" is, and means I am, or I is, being the same as 1 exist. It probably must be the same
in the first, second, and third persons singular . It also means, Parkhurst says, substance, and, as
we might expect, from the word which describes the Self-existent Being, PROFOUND WISDOM ;
and this I consider very deserving of consideration .
I could not have wished for any thing more proper for my purpose, than that this word should,
in this very extraordinary manner, from the names of trees and the powers of their numbers com-
bined, thus unexpectedly give out the name of the moon as used by the Bacchantes-the name

' Festus de Verbor. Sign c, Hagar, Bahyl. Bricks, p . 51 . s Pownall on Ant . p . 219 .
3 Genial . Dier. Lib . ii. Cap . xxx . Synopsis Universae Philologiae, Godofredo Henselio, p. 104 . Drummond says,
that the Ethiopian language was Chaldaic . Punic Inscription, III . 24, 40, 75 ; and Vallancey has undertaken to prove
the ancient Irish to be a colony from Phoenicia .
4 See Vol . 1 . pp . 325, 452 .
152 Navies of Letters
described by numerals having the number of the cycle peculiarly appropriate to it, which I shall
presently shew that all the other heathen Gods also had ; and also the name of Jehovah IEUE the
Chaldaean God, and PROFOUND WISDOM . It amounts to a proof of the truth of the system much
more complete than could have been reasonably expected . It forms a very strong presumption
that I have actually fallen upon the very process which must have taken place . But this will be
much strenghtened presently .
3 . To return to the symbols . After man discovered the art of recording numbers by right lines,
in the way already described, to the amount of twenty-eight, he would endeavour to find out some
means of recording additional numbers, at the same time that he would try to simplify the process ;
and I suppose that after making one line thus, 1, for one, he would, instead of making two lines for
the two, make one straight lined symbol thus , and again call it by the name of Beth, the name
of a tree (Birch) ; that for three III, he would make a symbol thus ,, and call it Gort (the Ivy) ;
that for four IIII, he would make a symbol thus A, and call it Duir (the Oak) : and that thus he
would proceed with the remainder of the twenty-eight numbers, making twenty-eight single rignt-
lined and angular forms for his twenty-eight numbers . And I suppose that during the perform-
ance of this operation, which might take many years, (for in nations which actually made some
progress in this process it never was completed,) he found out the means of recording additional
numbers by discovering the decimal notation or arithmetic-the contrivance of beginning anew,
when he got to ten, till he reached twenty; then beginning anew with tens as he had done with
ones or units ; thus I was ten, K was twenty, A was thirty, and so on . Thus he contrived a sym-
bol for each figure. But if we consider this process carefully, we shall find, that each symbol was
not only the representative of a thing or idea, namely, in the case of the second number, or
chequers, of two stones, or of two lines on the bark of a tree or in the sand, but it was in each
case also the representative of a sound, and of that sound which was the name of a tree, Beth, the
Birch ; and the representative of a number, two ; and, in several instances, of a high and power-
ful number ; as for example, :~ for 200 .
This is all strengthened by the facts, that the first Celtic Irish and Hebrew letters were called
after the names of trees, and that the first Greek letters were in lines, ypat wta, to use their word
for them, and actually still continued to be called aeTa?a, or leaves, after the knowledge of the
reason for it was lost ; and they will justify the inference that the theory which I have suggested
above is well founded, because the theory shews a probable reason for the name of weTa?a having
been adopted . If the letters of the Greeks were not originally leaves like the Hebrew' and the
Irish or Celtic, why should they have given them the name of leaves? What connexion on any
other scheme is there between 7revaaa, leaves, and letters ?
We have found that the Chaldees had their letters inlines or gramma also ; and, as the Hebrew
letters had the names of trees, and as the Greeks had their letters from Syria, nothing is more
likely than that they should have originally called them after trees as the Hebrews did . But Pez-
ron has shewn that the Greek came from the Celtic, that is, from the Hebrew . But if the Hebrew
names of the letters had not, in later times, in the Greek language, the meaning of trees, this
makes nothing against the system, because we may readily suppose in the long time that the
Greeks may have existed before the arrival of the Cadmaean colony, they may have lost them .
Vallancey has said, that the Chaldaic was only used as numerals, not as letters ; that the Chaldee

It must not be forgotten, that I assume I have proved that the Celtic and the Hebrew were the same. See Vol . 1.
pp . 461, 518, 709 .
Book III . Section 4 153
language is the same as the Estrangelo, which is the Pushto . This is also stated by several other
learned men .
The word for letter in Latin is litera, which has been said to be derived from the Arabic . AJ
letif, which signifies an occult or mysterious meaning . This Arabic letif is evidently our leaf, and
shews that it is highly probable, as I have supposed,, that the Arabic letters had the same names
as the Hebrew . In fact Hebrew and Arabic are the same . Here in the old Latin or Etruscan
litera, as in the Greek, the Hebrew, and the Celtic, we have the leaves.
Dr . Lingard, in his history, says, " I would attribute to these ancient priests the Rhyn or mys-
00 terious language, so often mentioned by the bards (of Wales) . To every tree and shrub, to their
C° leaves, flowers, and branches, they seem to have affixed a fanciful and symbolical meaning ; and
C° these allegorical substitutes for the real names of beings and their properties must have formed,
" in their numerous combinations, a species of jargon perfectly unintelligible TO ANY BUT THE

~~ ADEPTS ."' But why did not Dr. Lingard try to find the meaning of this jargon ? 2 The Rhyn
here alluded to, is the Rhythm or the Arithmos of the Greeks ; it was the Arithmetical system of
letters formed by straight lines, having the powers of numbers and the names of leaves, and carried,
I doubt not, to a much greater length than the first twenty-eight of the Arabians . It was the lan-
guage of trees, of leaves, of flowers . It was in truth, probably, the first original Pushto, or lan-
guage of flowers, corrupted, which I shall discuss by and by .
A learned writer, in the Universal History, 3 maintains, that the Syrian or Assyrian characters,
(or Pushto,) which he calls the Estrangelo or Mendaean, in the time of Darius Hystaspes, were
used by the old Persians, Assyrians, Syrians, Arabians, and Mendaeans or Chaldeeans, and that
from this letter all the others in the East were derived ; and Mr . Bayer has maintained, that, from
the Estrangelo, the Brahmin characters were derived . Now we know that the Estrangelo, called
also Pushto, was the letter of the Tamulese, and was in all probability older than the Sanscrit .
Mr. Bayer also comes to the conclusion, 4 that the square Chaldaic character was the primigenial
letter of the East . As he comes to this conclusion without knowing any thing of the fact-that
it was the vernacular letter and tongue of a tribe, namely, the Christians or Crestans of Malabar,
his opinion seems to deserve the greater respect . I apprehend that the square Chaldee letter was
the primeval letter of the East, because it was, as Vallancey says, a letter of numeral symbols, of
the first written but unspoken languages . Bayer maintains that the Pehlevi, which he calls Par-
thic, is derived from the Assyrian alphabet, called Estrangelo . 5
I beg my reader to observe, that if the unspoken language of numeral symbols were written from
the top to the bottom, the consequence would be, that when those symbols were used for syllabic
letters, they would necessarily come, in different countries, to be used in different directions-
sometimes from right to left, and sometimes from left to right ; so that the same word would come
to be pronounced in ways totally different : for instance, sor might be ros, and ros might be sor.
4 . After I had finished what the reader has seen on the origin of language, I met with a passage
in Boucher's Glossary, appended to Webster's Dictionary, 6 which supports every thing which I
have said respecting the ancient Hebrew language in these islands, in a remarkable manner . In-
deed, whenever any learned man undertakes to shew the similarity of any two old languages, he

Vol . 1 . P . 18 .
Ogum eraobh, " the branch writing," is surely decisive as to the correctness of the opinion of those who advocate
the Tree system . One of the three Seronyddion (Saronides?) of Britain was Gwyddion, the Diviner by trees. Cam-
brian Mag.
3 Vol . I . P . 81, n
. 4 Ib . p . 82 .
5 See Act. Erudit . Jul s P. xxxv.
. 1731 ; Hagar, Babyl . Bricks, p . 14 .
VOL . It .
154 Boucher
is always right . The principle applies as well to language as to geometry-things similar to the
same are similar to one another . " If any language can be pointed out to which the Welsh is
" materially indebted, it is the Hebrew ;' for, there are several radical words that are the same in
" both languages ; there is also a similarity of sound in certain letters of both alphabets ; and
• they are likewise alike in some peculiarities of construction, especially in the change incident to
• several letters in the beginning of words. The analogy between the Welsh and the Hebrew
°' proves, that since (as far as any negative can be proved) the former was not the original lan-
guage, it must be indebted, in a very considerable degree, for its origin, to the latter ; for ac-
• cording to Rowland, s there are more sounds in the Welsh that agree with the Hebrew, than there
" are in all other languages put together. And it is extremely remarkable and peculiar, that the
• Welsh has no resemblance to, nor coherence in, sound and signification (its own immediate
" cognate dialects excepted) with any other language in the world, now known, except the
• Hebrew." I must now beg my reader to refer to my CELTIC DRUIDS, Chapter II . p . 63, where
he will find full and complete proof that the Welsh is really Hebrew . He will there find not a few
words sufficient to support the assertion, according to the doctrine of Dr . Young, but actually a
whole sentence from the Psalms of David, where the Welsh and the Hebrew words, when written
in the same letters, are identical . I must now beg my reader to turn to the Plates in Volume I .,
Figure 26, the coin on which has a Hebrew inscription . To which I have to add, that some time
ago, in one of the books of antiquities, but which I have forgotten, I met with a description of a
Hebrew inscription on a large stone in some part of Wales . And now I wish to ask any one how
a coin with the head of Jesus Christ and a legend, in a language obsolete in the time of Jesus Christ,
should arrive in Wales and get buried in an old Druidical monument? I contend, that the pro-
bability is, that it is a memorial older than Jesus Christ, of the son of that . individual of the three
Marys, to whom, in his infancy, the line referred, which Mr . Davies suppressed, as stated by me
in Volume I. p . 593, the Son of the Virgo Paritura of Gaul . Whether this medal represents
the son of the Virgo Paritura, found in the Western countries long before the Christian sera,
or Jesus Christ, cannot be reduced to a demonstration . Many things of this kind, I believe, have
been found in different times and places, but always immediately discarded, as merely superstitious
works of devotees of the middle ages . Thus truth is disguised, without any ill intention, by well
meaning persons . In like manner Sir I . Floyer throws out the acrostic from the Sibyls, because
he says it is a Christian forgery. In like manner Mr . Davies, 3 in a translation of a Welsh bard,
leaves out the last two lines, because he says the bard had introduced a Christian idea represent-
ing the son of Mary as the pledge of his happiness . This Mary was probably one of the three
Marys of Gaul, and her son, the Lamb of the Carnutes, the Saviour, 4 or one of the three Marys
found upon an altar of Hercules at Doncaster . In this feeling of authors, influencing them for
thousands of years, I doubt not may be found one of the chief causes of the disappearance of the
Judaean mythos .
In addition to the above, and as a strong support of what I have elsewhere said respecting the
Saxon language, I cite the following passage, which is in p . xxxviii. of Boucher : " For, by the

' " See Llhuyd's comparative etymology in the Archerlogia Britannica, where he shews that the Celtic, itself from
'` the East, was the common parent of all the languages of Europe . See Pezron, Dr . Davies's preface ; Holloway's
• Originals, and lastly, Rowland's Comparative Table of Languages, in which he hath paralleled three hundred Hebrew
" words, with an equal number taken from the ancient languages of Europe, corresponding therewith, both in sound
• and signification, more than one half of which three hundred words, are shewn to have a surprising affinity and
" resemblance with the Welsh ."
s " See his Mona Antiqua, &c ., p. 271 ." ' Celt . Myth . p . 253 . 4 See supra, p . 108 .
Book III . Section 4 155

" operation of one of the simplest figures in rhetoric, metathesis or transposition, i . e. merely a
" different arrangement of the same, or nearly the same letters, many Celtic words, even now,
" might easily be made Saxon : thus draen readily becomes dorn and thorn, and daear no less
c" naturally erd or earth." This arises merely from the different ways in which the line has been
turned when the writing was changed to the horizontal from the perpendicular . The Celtic reading
from left to right, instead of from right to left, of course places these words in contrary ways,
as found here . But if I have shewn (in my Celtic Druids), as most assuredly I have, that the
Celtic is Hebrew, this proves the Saxon to be Hebrew. For the Saxon being Celtic, and the Celtic
Hebrew, the Saxon must be Hebrew .' Things like to the same must be like to one another .
Besides I beg the doctrine of Dr . Young on probabilities may be applied to this . It is extremely
curious to observe how learned men labour to exclude themselves from the benefit of the real
learning of their predecessors . This arises from various causes ; one of which is, the great anti-
pathy which almost all philosophers have to the oldest books in the world-the books of Genesis ;
and this dislike arises from the manner in which these books are made subservient to their selfish
purposes by both Jewish and Christian priests . For fear, therefore, of aiding them, the philoso-
pher can never be brought to examine those books like any others ; but the moment they are
named, off he goes ; he will neither examine them, nor listen to any one who does . Therefore if
any person attempts an impartial examination, he is instantly poh-pohed down ; the philosopher
is instantly aided both by Jews and Christians, for they have as much objection to a fair examina-
tion as the philosopher . This extends to the language in which the books are written, to the
Hebrew, because the priests endeavour to bolster up their interests and their fooleries by main-
taining that the Hebrew language is the oldest, and therefore the sacred language . No man has
been more successful in his antiquarian researches than Vallancey ; but, I really believe, merely
because he has traced the old Gods, &c ., of the Irishh to the Phoenician or Hebrew language, the
philosophers have been foolish enough to join the priests in running him down . The latter soon
discovered that Vallancey was likely to discover too much for them ; and almost all the English
joined in decrying the literature of the Irish, because they envied them the honour of it, and be-
cause they hated the nation they oppressed and plundered . Of all this Mr. Adrian Balbi, in his
Ethnography, furnishes a fair example. For, in treating of the Mexican language, notwithstand-
ing the close affinity between the Hebrew and the Mexican, which, in defiance of monks and
priests, has been so clearly proved, he never notices it . He acts in nearly the same manner with
regard to the Irish alphabets, and says, fQ De grands historiens et des pbilologues profonds ont dcja
" apprecie convenablement ces reveries historiques, et out ddmontr6 que ces alphabets, qu'on
• pretendait titre anterieurs h l'alphabet Grec, ont dte fabriques par de pieux moines dans le
• moyen dge ." If M . Balbi had looked into Vallancey's works, at the Irish alphabets, the Bobeloth
and the Bethluisnion, of which I have given copies in Vol . 1 . p . 9, and had used his understanding,
he would in one moment have seen, that they both possess the digamma or vau, which the Greeks
never used after the time of Aristotle, and, therefore, that they could not have been copied from
their alphabet by the monks of the middle ages ; and secondly, that they both possess correctly
and simply the Cadmaean letters ; and therefore it is totally incredible, that the monks should

' The Celtic is PROVED to be Hebrew in the Celtic Druids, (p . 63,) and in the Monthly Magazine, Vol. II . p . 609,
and Vol . III . p . 10 . The Celtic and the Hebrew are proved to be the same, in the Universal History, Vol. XVIII . p-
363, Vol. V . p . 411 . See also Diss . on Hist . of Ireland, Dublin, p. 48, 1763 . I also beg my reader to turn to Vol . I .
p . 109, and supra, Chap . I . p. 4, and to consider well what the well-known excellent Hebrew and Saxon scholar, Dr .
Geddes, has said, in his Critical Remarks, respecting the identity of the Hebrew and Saxon .
156 Dr . Wait on Sanscrit

have copied them only, leaving out the additional or new letters . The two facts taken together
prove, that the old Irish or Celtic letters were not taken from the Greek, but were the same as the
sixteen-letter alphabets of the Hebrew, the Tamul, and the Pushto or Peshito . Speaking of Gebe-
lin, Balbi says, "Parmi les fautes grossieres dont it fourmille, et que ses partisans out rdpandues
"Bans un grand nombre d'ouvrages, on y lit, entr' autres, que le Persan, 1'Armdnien, le Malais
et l'l gyptien sont des dialects de 1'Hebreu ." But very certain I am, that, notwithstanding the
dogmatical assertion of the learned Balbi, this must not be classed among the mistakes of the
learned Gebelin . The Count Gebelin is right ; because all the languages of the world contained in
syllabic writing, unless the Sanscrit be excepted, may be traced to one, and the Synagogue or
Samaritan Hebrew is nearer to that one, merely from the accidental circumstance of its conceal-
ment in the Syrian temple . Wherever it and the Chalduean priests went, there the remains of it
will be found . It was the language of Ayoudia . It was the language of Pandea, in India, of Cey-
lon, Scotland, Ireland, and of Syria . Whenever a learned man attempts to shew the affinity of
any two of these languages, he always succeeds ; in the same manner he always succeeds in show-
ing their affinity to the Hebrew . No doubt it may be shewn more clearly in the languages of some
nations than in thosee of others,-for instance, in Arabic and Celtic, than in Indian . This I attri-
bute in a great measure to the fine Sanscrit having by degrees superseded it . Only in the broken
dialects of India can it be expected to be found, and upon all these the Sanscrit has exercised an
overwhelming influence . The . observation of the Count Gebelin, respecting the MALAYS' speaking
Hebrew, noticed just now, forcibly recalls to my recollection what was said by my learned friend
Salome, respecting the Hebrew-speaking Malays, found by him in the ddp6t of the English India
house .'
All that I have said respecting the Hebrew I think may be said to be unwillingly admitted by
the learned Balbi in the following words : "Dans ces dernicres, 1'Hdbreu surtout offre, pendant
"une longue suite de sidcles, une dtonnante fixite, soit dans les formes, soit dans les mots : fixitk
" qui est d'autant plus remarkable que, durant ce long intervalle, les Juifs subirent les plus grands
" changements politiques." 2 This astonishing frxitd of language, I have shewn, had its reason or
cause in the accidental preservation in the temple, combined with the dogma which forbade all
change . Had we any other sacred book of any one of the mysterious temples, we should probably
have found it the same . Though the manuscripts might be torn and dispersed in the time of
Jerome, yet still they were parts of the old book . Various opinions have been held respecting the
primitive race and language, which have been often confounded, though by no means necessarily
so ; but unquestionably the great majority of learned writers have come to the opinion, that the
Hebrew, as a written language, is the oldest, and this without any regard to religious con-
siderations .
I mentioned in the note of p . 1, that Dr . Wait had observed "there were an IMMENSE NUMBER
" of Chaldee roots to be found in the Sanscrit" language . I surely need not point out to the
reader of this work what an amazing support -the disinterested evidence of this learned man gives
to my theory . It almost amounts to a proof that the ancient Tamul, the Estrangelo, the Pushto,
must have been the Hebrew-Chaldee-Ethiopian-Syriac on which the Sanscrit was built . That is,
it actually proves the truth of the hypothesis advocated by me in the above-mentioned note, that
the Sanscrit was, in a great measure, founded on the Hebrew--a proof which I was not able to
give in consequence of my ignorance of the Sanscrit, but which Dr . Wait has supplied . In the
Sanscrit language there is scarcely a single word connected with mythology, which will admit of a

t See Vol . I. pp . 432, 442, 596, 665, 751 . 2 P . 58.

Book III . Section .5 157

rational etymological explanation . All this class of words was formed long before the Sanscrit
language, and they were only the old words written in the Sanscrit letter : from this it naturally
follows, that they are inexplicable by the artificial rules of Sanscrit grammar-by the general ap-
plication of which rules to every case, Sanscrit scholars run into the greatest absurdities . With
the Brahmins it has become a point of faith to hold up their fine Sanscrit as absolutely perfect,
and, in this, they are followed by some of its modern professors . This is with the Brahmins ex-
actly the same as it is with the Jews and their points ; but wherever faith begins, the use of rea-
son ends . It is always their object to refer any word to a verbal root ; but to accomplish this,
they are obliged to neglect the signification, and often, also, to run into the most absurd and arbi-
trary assumptions with regard to the form of the words . A few examples will best illustrate this.
The word swan, the Greek xuwv a dog, they derive from the root Si, (pronounced like the English
word See,) to sleep-third person present sete, he sleeps-and they assign as a reason for the deri-
vation, that a dog sleeps, or is a lazy animal . I think it will be allowed that nothing can be more
forced than this . As a second example, Aswa (Latin equus, a horse) they derive from the root As,
to eat, because a horse eats.
The Rajah Rammohun Roy informs me-, that the word Age in Sanscrit means to go, and quick-
ness or velocity ; and thence, as fire is quick, it came to take the name of Agui or Yajni . Every
thing in nature, the Rajah says, was supposed to have an angel presiding over it, according to the
system of the Jews, which was also the system of the Hindoos-the angel being called a deus.
Thus the Angel or Deus of Fire or of Agni came to be the God or Deus Agni . This is exactly
the Jewish regimen . Now here, I think, we have an example of the Sanscrit scholars' losing a
word by attention to their artificial grammatical rules, by which they conceive themselves strictly
bound in accounting for the origin of any word, and by which they become involved in inextricable
difficulties . It is almost evident to me, that the assumption of claims to absolute originality in the
Sanscrit is a modern assumption . I apprehend the word age, quick, is the Latin Ago, which means
to move, and the Greek aye which has a similar meaning . It is certainly not impossible that the
word ayvos hostia pura, or agnus lamb, being a burnt-offering, may have taken the name from the
fire, and thus the Agni may have come to mean Lamb . Innumerable are the absurdities into which
the Brahmins are obliged to run, in order to compel the language to bend to their artificial gram-
matical rules, and by these processes they can and do coin words which are found in their modern
Lexicons, (and their Lexicons are all comparatively modern,) but in no other books ; but to ac-
count for this, the roots are said to be obsolete .
As there are many words thus formed which probably never had in reality any existence, so
there are many left out of the Lexicons which are in the books, but which are left out perhaps,
because they cannot make them bend to their rules .
The following are obsolete Sanscrit words, occurring in the learned Dr . Rosen's Rig-Vedas Spe-
cimen, and not to be found in any Sanscrit Dictionary :

prat'hdna glorious, celebrated .

vohla host, army.

ajiram quickly, speedily.

chit and .

dama house, dwelling.

158 Dr . Wait on Sanscrit

damd at home (domi) .

gribh to seize, to take hold of.

pritsu in war, in battle .

bhargas light, lustre .

charshani man, human being .

doohd by night, during the time of night .

vastar by day-time .

vispati a lord of agriculturers, i . e . a prince, a king.

mihlu wealth, riches.

ild food, nourishment .

sadha with, together with.

The Irish word Ogham and the Acham of the Sanscrit I have shewn to be the same . When we
consider this we shall not be much surprised to find the language of Scotland called Sanscrit, or
Gael-doct, that is, learned Gael-but this we shall find by and by. I suspect the Acham of the
Sanscrit is nothing but =1 hkm, the Jewish word for wisdom . Door is in Sanscrit Dwara or
Dura,' in Saxon, dora . It is found nearly in all languages, and is no doubt an original word . In
Greek it is Buea . In Chaldee it is y-In tru 2 The Sanscrit word to walk is vale : this is evidently
English, that is, Saxon or Hebrew .
It has been observed by my friend, Professor Haughton, that all barbarous languages form their
words of great length, and the observation is very correct, as we are in the habit of representing
them by letters . But I think this only applies to unlettered languages . I much suspect that the
fact of the languages having come to be described by syllables and letters, has had the effect of
making all of them assume the difference of character which we see between them and the Poly-
nesian and Mexican languages . The arts of writing and reading are so difficult to be learned, that
efforts would naturally be made at first to render them as simple as possible ; and it is on this ac-
count that we find all the first alphabets consist of right lines . It is perfectly clear that after most
of the words of a language had been put into writing either by letters or symbols, whether confined
to a high class or not, that language would naturally become more fixed than it was previously . Ben.
Wasigh, of whom I shall speak presently, has let us into the secret of the monstrous complication in
their forms, by having shewn us that all these forms were adopted for the sake of secrecy . The fact
which he gives us is supported by tradition, by analogy, and by the general character of secrecy which
was adopted all over the world . But though this made the forms of the letters complicated, it had no
tendency to make the spoken languages so . The same cause wh ich would make the spoken language
of a barbarous people rich or complicated,would make the written language of its first inventors poor ;
for in writing, I think, as little labour as possible would be expended upon it, as it must have been

Tod, Vol. I. 2
See Webster on word Door .
Book III . Section .5 159

an extremely difficult thing to accomplish . Every kind of contrivance would, therefore, be adopted
for the sake of brevity, which would also tend to secure its secresy .1 It is perfectly clear that all
the principal written alphabets of the world are the same in principle-have all been originally
derived from one, and, it is probable, that that one was the numeral alphabet of the Arabians . In
obedience to the eternal law, it would, of course, have a tendency to change-for nothing stands
still . It would be pronounced by various nations in various ways, and we, by following their pro-
nunciation, endeavour, as far as in us lies, to augment the mischief arising from the law of change ;
we labour to increase the change instead of endeavouring to decrease it as far as we can . For in-
stance, suppose we take the letter y c, which, by its power of notation, seventy, is clearly fixed to
the omicron of the Greeks, by their o, and by no other letter ought it to be described, and certainly
not, as some persons would do, by the ng . This is clearly what we ought to do if we mean to de-
note the same idea as the Greeks and Hebrews by the same symbol . The sound has little to do
with it ; the idea is what we ought chiefly to attend to in these investigations .
We constantly find that travellers meet with persons of all classes speaking what they call the
Arabic language . Now, if I be right in my idea respecting the identity of the Arabic and Hebrew
languages, how is it likely, if not written, that they should be distinguished in India . This ac-
counts for the Christians speaking Syrian in Malabar . The case with the Hebrew and Arabic lan-
guages is exactly the same as that of the six dialects of the British Celtic-the French, Manx,
Irish, Welsh, Cornish, and Scotch, notoriously all the same, but now become nearly unintelligible
to one another, although the common meaning can be perceived by any person who understands
them all . But no person in the more civilized parts is able to understand a person of any of the
other countries without great difficulty . This is, in the case of the Hebrew and Arabic, much
aggravated by the artificial modern letters, in which they are written . It is perfectly clear that
the Sanscrit is like all other languages in this, that it had its infancy, and was brought to perfec-
tion by degrees . The progressive state which the several Vedas shew, puts this out of all doubt .
The most learned Brabmins now can scarcely read and understand the first Veda . The circum-
stances attending the Yajna sacrifice, and that the meaning of it is lost, are decisive proofs, either
that a part of the language is lost, or that this sacrifice, which, when it is offered, is now public,
was formerly secret?
I must here beg my reader not to forget that the old Syriac or Estrangelo or Chaldee is called,
though not the letter of the leaf or tree, yet very near it, the letter of the flower-Pushto-and
which must be considered really the same : in this it is similar to the Welsh Celtic, lately noticed
from Dr . Lingard . But I shall discuss this farther by and by .
The first Greek letters being in lines or ypattlAot and called leaves or 7rei a, and their notation
being yet in right lines, and the Etruscan or Italian being also in right lines ; and the Irish and

I In my observations on Hieroglyphics I have overlooked an important notice of them by Ammianus Marcellinus,

lib . xvii. 4, who says, that a certain Hermapion had written a book containing translations of hieroglyphics into Greek .
From this the learned Heeren comes to the conclusion, that he must have understood the hieroglyphic writing and
language . Now it so happens, that from this I come to a conclusion quite the reverse, namely, that like M . Champol-
lion, he only pretended to understand- them, but really knew nothing about them . If he had understood them, they
would all have been instantly translated . Had they been used as the Edinburgh Review says, for the purposes of com-
mon life, Hermapion would have had no occasion to make a book of translations . He was evidently a pretender, to
whom no attention at the time was paid, and he would not be worth a moment's notice if he did not add to the proofs
already given by me, that they were lost at the time of the conquest of Egypt by the Greeks, and that therefore the
discovery of the names of Ptolemies and Caesars proves M . Champollion's discoveries to be all delusions . I think it is
evident that Hermapion attempted to explain or translate them as M . Champollibn has done .
See Vol. 1 . pp . 260, 389, 640, 667, 707, 718 .-For Sanscrit see Drummond's Orig . Vol. IV.
160 Cycle of Fourteen
the Hebrew having been in right lines, and having both the names of trees, are not theories but
facts, and will justify the conclusion that my theory is in substance correct . All this is strength-
ened by the numerous allegories in the old Arabic, Syriac, Welsh, and other languages relating to
the tree of knowledge and of letters-Arbor in medio Paradisi, &c ., and we shall find presently,
that the first system of letters of the Chinese consisted of right lines . I think it must have been this
numerical system which they had . 'Each of the numbers would constitute, correctly, one of their
symbolic letters . We may be pretty certain it was the same as that which the people of Sumatra
used, and we know from Jambulus that it consisted of 28 figures . I

I believe that no person who has studied the subject ever doubted that there has been one ori-
ginal, universal language . Mr. Bryant says, « There are in every climate some shattered
ments,of original history, some traces of a primitive and universal language ; and these may be
°~ observed in the names of Deities, terms of worship, titles of honour, which prevail among na-
tions widely separated, and who for ages had no connexion ." 2 On this subject a very learned
and ingenious treatise, by Mr . Sharon Turner, may be consulted, in the first volume of the Trans-
actions of the Royal Society of Literature . I have no doubt that in very early times a sacred or
secret written language of numeral symbols existed, which was in use over the whole world, and
that that language, as was a natural consequence, consisted of a definite number of words and
ideas, each word and idea represented by a number . As long as a certain pontifical government
lasted, which I shall shew was the first government, and was the inventor of this symbolic letter,
this would remain . By degrees the priests of this order, but of distant nations, would add words
to it, till the number became cumbersome, and then the discovery of syllabic writing being made,
the numeral system would by degrees be deserted . This would be the first language both written
and spoken, used in all nations . By degrees in each nation new words would be formed in addi-
tion to the old, and often exchanged for the old ; so that we might expect what we find, namely,
some of the old first words in every language . From the observation of Cluverius, that he found
a thousand words of other languages in the Hebrew, and from the circumstance that it is in a less
changed state than any other written language with which we are acquainted, an effect which has
arisen from the accidental concealment of it, in the recesses of the temple of Syria, I am induced
to fix upon it as being the nearest to the original language .
In the twenty-eight angle-shaped forms or arithmetic figures, there was evidently an unspoken
symbolic language, or language of symbols . It is highly probable that after man had got thus far,
he would very soon multiply these symbols by making new ones, as the Chinese have done-a
symbol for each idea-or by making drawings of the objects of nature as the Mexicans have done
with their hieroglyphics .'
6. We have seen how, in the name of the Sun and Moon, we obtained the first word of literal
syllables . We will try another example or two . The Jews and Egyptians had a cycle of fourteen
days .
Suppose man wanted to record the cycle of fourteen, he would write the sign which stood for ten
and the sign which stood for four, calling one lod, Jod, or Yew, and the other Duir or Oak, and

I Vide Prel. Obs . in Vol. I . p . 5, Sect . 22 . ! Vall . Coll. Hib. Vol . VI . p . 4 .

' The Mexicans must have gone from the old world after the decennary system of notation was invented, but before
it proceeded to symbolic writing . If symbolic or Chinese writing had been invented and known to them, they would
not have fallen back to hieroglyphics . Their hieroglyphics are not . a secret system, but known to all ; in this, differing
from that of the Egyptians. I have no doubt that the periods of the planets were among the things first recorded-the
recording signs at first being used as figures of notation, and not being representatives of sound, and therefore the signs
Book III . Section 6 161

he would get IO or Iodur, lodi or DI di, the Hebrew '-t di,t which came to mean holy or God .
Thus would be surmounted the immense difficulty of finding out the art of making signs for letters
or syllables instead of things . And now every sign would stand for a number, a sound, a thing, a
letter, and a syllable . The signs for things would be soon lost, the signs for letters and syllables
remaining ; and I fix upon this word A I di as likely to be the first written word in the first syllabic
language, as we find it in the oldest languages . 2
In the St. Kilda dialect, and also in that of Mexico, Di means Great and Lord . It is also written
Ti . This justifies the explanation of Ti-bet by Georgius . It is the word of numerals Di=14 .
From this, as Malcolme says, probably came the name Dey, the King of Algiers . 3
When a man had got the collection of three stones or lines, or the sign standing for them, to be
called Gort, and in like manner the parcel of four to be called Duir, I can easily conceive how he
would come to describe the word Dog by the signs for the 3 and the 4, called Duir and Gort . I
think if he endeavoured to describe the animal by signs as he had done the cycles, he could do it
no other way than by using the signs of the numbers, whose names had their beginnings with the
sounds which he wanted to describe . The number of units in a cycle led a man naturally to de-
scribe it by the symbols, but nothing of this kind could lead an inquirer to fix upon any figures to
describe the word dog ; but in the place of this the sounds of the first letters would instantly pre-
sent themselves ; and thus he would describe it by the symbols for 4 and 3, because these nuin-
hers had names which began with D and G. He would find from this that, by taking the symbols
of each number 4 and putting them together, he would produce a certain useful method of record-
ing any thing he wished . Thus he discovered the art .of giving sounds as letters, or of converting
into letters the symbols of the numbers . This, I think, is the mode by which the most . useful dis-
covery in the world may have been made . All this is confirmed by ancient medals .
In the way which I have described, a symbolic language would be formed, each symbol standing
for a number, and also for an idea . Men would understand one another perfectly, though the lan-
guage could not be spoken . Every symbol for an idea would be a monogram . This is nothing
but Chinese writing-the powers of notation of the respective signs having been lost when the
Arabic system of notation was discovered ; for the monograms would continue useful as writing,
but be useless as numbers . The memory would be greatly assisted, at first, by the powers of no-
tation, in the learning of such a language : and it is evident that, however varied the forms of the
symbols might become, as long only as the ideas of the powers of notation remained unchanged,
and however varied and unintelligible to each other the languages of men might become, yet the
system of writing would be understood by all .
Supposing the written language of symbolic figures to have been in use for several generations,
the spoken language must have been gradually changing ; and then, if we suppose the syllabic lan-
guage to have been brought into use by priests writing into it the words before preserved by them

which afterward became vowels would sometimes be used. Thus the Sun would be called Sul or Suli, as the case might
be-as 336 or 366 was meant to be-represented.
I I must apprize my reader that he will not find the Hebrew word ri di in Parkhurst construed to mean God, but I

feel no hesitation in giving it this meaning, since be allows that the Celtic De, Di, Dia, the Latin Deus, and the Greek
Ana, and the Goddess Qnw, Ceres, were derived from it . See Greek and Hebrew Lex . in voce.
Lord Kingsborough shews that God is called Dios by the South Americans . Antiq . of Mexico, Vol . VI . p . 68.
From the `r+ id came all the mounts called by us Ida, by the Hebrews )11+ ido : i=10, d=4, 0=70=84-
4 If this be thought complicated, we shall presently find man to have recourse even yet to a practice much more

complicated, described by Sir S . Raffles .

VOL . 11 .
162 Cycle of Fourteen
in unspoken symbols, we may easily conceive how differently the words would be spelt in differ-
ent countries . The only surprise to me is, that any similar words should be found . Sure I am,
that many more instances of identity of words in different languages have been found than could be
expected .
We have not yet found why BD, as observed in Vol. I. p . 155, came in almost all nations to
mean Creator. Buddha is, I have no doubt, the first God, whose written name we possess.
Among other names we find him called Bad. This I think may perhaps have been his first name,
and it may be AB or BA, meaning father, joined to the cyclic word di, making Holy Father. The
Ba is the numeral emblem of Buddha, because the two letters represent the number three, the
Trimurti, which was incarnate in father Buddha, or in the holy father . But here in Bad, we have
the word for Wisdom, Logos, Divine Love, to mean evil . This' was for the same reason that
hostis, a host, and a peace-offering, meant enemy ; and as the city of On or the Sun, or the gene-
rative principle, was called the City of Destruction, all these mistakes arose from confounding the
creating and destroying powers . But the word BD may be derived from another source, which I
will now explain . We have formerly found PD, as well as BD, to mean giver of forms. The
Jews had a cycle of 14, 1 which they multiplied by 6, and thus made a cycle of 84, which must
have been in this case, not BD, but PD ; P=80, D=4=84 ; Pad or PD, the name of Adonis, and
of the river Don, the Po, and the Ganges, evidently one of the names of Buddha-Pod-en 2 who
was supposed to live 84 years . Though formerly puzzled to know why BD, or PD, should mean
creator or former, we may here, perhaps, find the reason . 3
Rapin 4 states, that the ancient Britons .used a cycle of 84 years . This, in a very remarkable
manner, connects the Eastern and Western world, and is on this account of the greatest import-
ance . I shall return to this cycle in a future page .
We have seen that the first division of time or first cycle would be into a period of 28, the days
of the moon's age, called cycle or circle from its constant renewal . The second would be into
fourteen ID 10+4=14 or XIV, and the 28 might be two fourteens-ID ID-which became after-
ward the Syrian AD AD, and the -in' ihd treated of in Vol . I. p . 392 . Man's first conception of
God, after he acquired the idea of his existence, would be, of a being one and holy, and this one or
monad he would describe by the figure which he used to describe the tree after which lie called his
first number or unit or digits or one. Having, I suppose, found or made the D or Di stand for
the name of the first cycle of fourteen, or in fact of the sun, of God, it almost necessarily followed,
that the initial of the name of the monad, when man got to the use of letters, should be joined (to
form the name of the God) to the general term for the idea : thus A was joined to the DI or D, and he
got Ad. This was the Ad of North India, Eastern Syria, and also of Western Syria-Ad ad cor-
rupted to Hadad. The ID was Di, the Hebrew ''t di ; and from this we have the DI and D pre-
fixed or post-fixed to words as Di-va, Maha Deva, the great Goddess Vau, or the mother Goddess
Van or Va. But ad might be a=1, d=4=5, the root of the cycle of 60 . The Vau we have before
found called Venus or the Mother : 6 thus we have di-va or Di-eva, Deva. This sacred cycle of

s See Vol . 1 . p . 153.

' Basnage, p . 436
' But the BD may alsb come from B=2, D=4=6, which is the Vau, or, as we say, Eva, the mother of all living.
Eva is only Vau, and the emphatic article the-making the Vau . Thus the Vau was the female generative principle .
It was the root from which sprung all the various cycles depending on the number 432 . It cannot be objected to the
meaning given to the Eva, that the first letter is the Heth and not the He, because the Heth is not one of the old six-
teen, but a new letter, and we have formerly seen that these two letters were commonly substituted for one-another .
+ Vol . II . Ed . Eng. B. III . p. 6 7.
a The very word digit for the numbers under 10, shews the origin of the figures. 6 Vol . 1 . 221 .
Book III . Section 6 163
fourteen is no theory . Plutarch tells us it was the Egyptian sacred cycle of Isis and Osiris-derived,
he says, from the moon-14 solar revolutions of the moon ; therefore, properly a Luni-solar cycle .
It was, I suppose, as above described by id 10+4, and thus it became the name of God and holy,
being the first natural cycle . The reduction into its still lower cycle of seven, by dividing it, does
not make a natural cycle like the fourteen light and fourteen dark days of the Moon . Thus came
Da or Di to mean holy or God .
From '-r di, holy, came do to give, and donum and divus, in fact the giver-in Hebrew in tn .-
In the word A joined to the D=5, I think we have the first syllable of the word Ad-am, and in M,
or Om the second . Or the second might be ma, great . It was the 5, the odd number and the
male, in opposition to the min eua, the vau, the 6, the even number, the female . Our word od is
ad=5, our word even is the vau=6, Eve with the Tamul termination . It is a remarkable fact, and
of the first importance in this inquiry, that the names of the trees in the old Irish alphabet should
all begin with the letters which give the sounds required to make the words that constitute the
names of the letters . For instance, the Ivy, called Gort, to stand for the sound of G ; the Oak,
called Duir, to stand for the sound of D. This was because the number 4 was called Duir, mean-
ing Oak . Thus the number was first called Duir after the Oak, then the letter was called Duir
after the tree and the number . This is not the case in any language except in the ancient Celtic
Irish, and just enough in the Hebrew, which was Celtic, to shew that the same rule obtained in
the formation of its alphabet . A necessary consequence followed from this, that the letters, whose
designations arose in the manner I have suggested, should have the sounds of the first letters which
we now find in those names of trees, and no other : for instance, that the Duir should give the
sound of D, and not of 0 or of any other . This chiefly contributed, perhaps entirely caused, the
discovery of alphabetic writing ; and it seems to me to be a very striking proof of the truth of my
theory. But if what I have said in the Preliminary Observations (Volume I . pp . 13-15) be care-
fully considered jointly with what I have said here, I think no doubt will remain that the Hebrew,
and consequently also the ancient Arabic, (which are, in fact, the same language,) had originally
the same names of trees as the Irish . It is impossible to believe so many trees to have had the
names of letters and this quality to have arisen from accident .'
The two Greek terms for letters, viz . wezaaa from 7rs'ra?ov a leaf, and 7PaJu.ptara from ypaµ JA7)
a line, confirm what I have said, that letters were originally leaves and right lines . A book is called
in Irish barac or barc, which also means a leaf, which Vallancey says 2 came from the bark of a
tree .'

I The Morning Herald for April 16th or 17th, 1827, states, that the Bible Society in Ireland was giving Hebrew

Bibles to the native Irish, because they found that they understood them in the Hebrew quicker than in the English .
What I have said respecting the Hebrew and Irish names of trees seems to furnish a satisfactory reason for this, if the
Herald be correct . And my theory is very much strengthened by what I have shewn from the preface to Boucher's
Glossary, and from other authorities, that the Welsh, which was originally the same as the Irish, had a very close rela .
tion to the Hebrew, but to no other language ; in fact, it was really Hebrew . It may be observed, that they were the
humble peasantry of ,Ireland to whom the Hebrew was intelligible,-people removed from towns and improvement,
and consequently change . I lately learned in Scotland, that the people of some of the most remote parts understand
the people of the Western coast of Ireland, but the more civilized and cultivated parts of each population do not now
understand one another. I was also told that some Miners came out of Cornwall to Mr . Pennant's slate quarries, and
they understood, though with some difficulty, the Welsh who were working there .
Coll . Hib . Vol. V. p . 134 .
3 We have found Bacchus called Liber, and Boc or Book ; we have found him called Kiakiak in Siam ; (Vol. 1 . pp .
639, 643 ;) and we have found him called by most of the Cycles, as Nss=650. The Hebrews called writing pi pi
dk .dk. We have found him, in Ceylon or Siam, called Dak-po . This is Dg-Padus or Po . I believe the Kiakiak is
1 64 Thoth

7 . When we reflect upon the general tradition that Tent, Thoth, or Hermes, was the inventor
of letters,' and that in the very old histories they are always connected with the idea of something
magical, the following observation of the Abbe Guerin de Rocher will be thought striking : " It
" est surprenant que quantite de savants, qui ont fait des recherches stir Thoth on Athoth, n'aient
f 0 pas observe que c'est le meme mot qui en HEbreu (ntnrt atut sigma, rn'n autiut litterae) sig-
" nifie signes et lettres, parce que les lettres sont des signes des mots . .4thiuth, qu'on prononce
~~ othioth, et qui vient d'athut ou othoth, signes, est le mot constamment employe dans toutes les
" grammaires Hebraiques, pour signifier les lettres . Ce mot nous indique done que bien des
~~ choses attributes a Thoth on Athoth, chez les Egyptiens, peuvent avoir rapport aux signes des
00 Hebreux : et le mot de signe, chez les Hebreux, signifie quelquefois des signes naturels, quel-
00 quefois des signes miraculeux, et enfin des signes artificiels, tels que les lettres . Je montrerai
°~ en effet par-la 1'origine d'un Thoth aussit6t apres le deluge ; d'un autre daus Moise, qui a bien
~0 droit a ce nom, et par les signes miraculeux qu'il opera, et par les signes on lettres sacrees qu'il
`~ ecrivit . C'est que je developperai et prouverai dans la suite des regnes ." 2
I have formerly observed that I thought that letters were secret and considered magical . This
opinion is confirmed by this observation of Guerin de Rocker, that the word used for letters or
symbols of notation is also used for the idea of miracle, and is used in Genesis i . 14, as signs to
divide the times . When a person considers the astonishing effect or power of letters and figures
of notation, he will not be surprised that they should have given name to any miraculous effect .
Nor is it surprising that the signs TT, which described, in the first symbolic letters, the soli-lunar
cycle, should come to mean signs or letters generally, letters being considered the conveyors of
the knowledge of Wisdom or TT, or OM .
We have found (supra pp .8, 163) Bacchus called Liber, a book, and also the bark of the tree whereon
letters were written . Now the n1nK atut spoken of above by the Abbe, is evidently Tat or the
name of Buddha . But TT is here a letter, and Tint, or the plural, letters : this is Thoth, which
is clearly nothing but the Hebrew plural of Tut . Vallancey 3 says, "Literarum verb characteres
" in animalium, ARBORUMQUE figuris invenit THoTH . " 4 Again he says, "K OU tta, in Chaldee,
" means Vates and Haruspex ; this is Tuatha in Irish ;" and he gives an Irish verse thus trans-
Vates (Tuatha) Hibernim vaticinabantur
Adventurum (tempus) pads novum .'

Here, as usual, we have the prophecy of a new age . I beg my reader to refer to p. 23, supra, and
to consider what is there said of the Thoth, Tat, and Bacchus, among the Mexicans .
Our word Book is evidently a diminutive of the word Boc, Bac, Bacchus . Bacchus is liber, a
letter, a book ; the bark of the tree on which the book was written is liber . nnnx atut is ntn tut and
the emphatic article : it means Buddha and a letter . By the tree comes salvation, life ; the inner
bark or the liber on which the law was written, is the life of the tree, as anatomists say . Thus the
tree is the book of life.
Ciceroe says, that Hermes or the fifth Mercury, whom the Egyptians call Thoth, was the in-
ventor of letters . This is nothing but the renewed incarnation of Hermes or the fifth Buddha in

i pip'i dkdk, and that it meant a cycle, for which we have not yet found a God-unless it be Dag-on . p=20, i=4=24 .
Here I suppose a corruption of the p for the :) c or k . As this is contrary to my system, I name it as a suspicion, but
nothing more .
' See Vol. I .~ p . 269 . s Hist. des Tems Fab . Vol. I . p. 54 .
. 6 Coll . Hib. Vol . VI . p .312 . s Natura Deor . lib. iii .
Coll . Hib . Vol. VI . p. 174 . 4 El Sched .
Book III . Section 7 165

The Oak and Beech gave out oracles at Dodona or Bodona . They were called arbores loquaces
by Julius Valerius, Vol . III., and Firdausi mentions speaking trees, which revealed the decrees of
fate to Alexander. These were books ; liber, a book, was a tree-its leaves the leaves of the tree .
A book is a prophet . What do we mean when we say, Consult the prophets, but the books of the
prophets, to see what is foretold? I
Can any thing be more nonsensical than the story of the trees giving out oracles ? This affords
a fine example of the absurdity of the moderns in taking the mythological stories of the ancients
to the letter, instead of giving them credit for what they assuredly possessed-common sense
and instead of endeavouring to discover the hidden meaning of their aenigmas ! The Runes of
Scandinavia, and the ancient Greek letters, were inscribed on triangular pieces or staves of Beech
wood, and the word Buch signifies both a book and a beech tree . 2 Thus we see why the Beeches
of Dodona spoke and gave out oracles . The word Rune, in the Anglo-Saxon, means, whispering,
secrecy, magic. The word Runeh is Phoenician, or, more properly, Arabic . In Hebrew rill rue
means a song or to sing. 3 We must recollect that Olen was the first who celebrated the praises
of the God at Delphi, with song or poetry . 4 I have read somewhere, but where I have forgotten,
that on the pedestal of the God at Delphi was a frog . In Latin Rana means a frog . Here we
see the same mystic play upon the word . There is a peculiar kind of small green frog which, in
the spring, keeps a up continual singing, very different from the croaking of our frogs ; and what
is remarkable, it lives at that time not in the ditches, but on the tops of the Beech-trees . I have
heard it often in the Netherlands on the banks of the Lower Rhine . Ladies in Paris keep it in a
bottle for a weather glass . In fine weather it comes out to the top, in bad, it is at the bottom .
The staves of wood on which the Greeks wrote are called by Mr. P. Knights Tablets ; but he
gives the Greek Osaroj . I suppose they had this name from the similarity of the top of the stave
to the Greek 0 delta . However the tripods might become changed in form in later times, when
the Greeks lost all knowledge of the meaning or origin of their mythology, I have little doubt that,
originally, they were nothing but these three-sided pieces of wood, the writing on which enabled
the prophetess to give out her oracles-and thus the Beech-tree spoke .
From the word r1 1t all) joined to the second word Beta, the Alphabet evidently has its name .
It means chief, principal, leader. It means a guide, and in this it is easy to see, that it means
knowledge or wisdom . It also means a principal number ; this I believe is mystical, and, in fact,
m eans, as the first, the fountain of number or numeration . It means both a Lamb and a Beeve .
The Elephant or Ganesa being the God of Wisdom, that beast had his Dame of ETe4pas from this
word . He was the first and wisest of Beasts : from all this, when read in the Greek style from
left to right, D t pla came to mean the word Pallas or Minerva . In the Egyptian language, the
island of Elephanta was called Philoe or Elephant.
The first word of the Alphabet is often one ; which one is often described by the monogram 1 .
Here the idea of unity, the To Ov, and self-existence are united . The number ten is also the
same monogram, and means excellence or perfection, and has the same reference to the hundreds
that the 1 has to 10, and constantly describes the To Ov . In Arabic numerals, one and ten were
the same-1 . They are the same in Roger Bacon's calendar . 6 In French we have the le in the
pronoun je, I. All this exactly agrees with what we learn from history-that the first Etruscan

' Sir W . Ouseley. See Trans. Soc. of Lit . Vol. II . p. 11 .

s Foreign Quarterly Review, No . XVIII . p . 439, May 1832 . ' Fry's Lexicon.
4 See Celtic Druids, Chap. IV . Sect . III . p. 121 . s Prol. to Homer .
6 Astle on Letters, p . 189.
166 Thoth

and Scandinavian or Runic letters or numbers were right lines ; that with the Irish' they were
called after trees ; that with the Greeks they were carved on staves-Axibus ligneis-and that
they were formed of right lines and called Tpad ptara or 11C-7c of or leaves, or petalon or leaf (I
believe tree) ; and that they are found with the mythos of Virgil and the leaves of the Sibyl, and
in the Rythms or Runes of Wales . Now all this leads to the important result, that this system
was not at first intended as a record of language but of ideas . We see in the Arabian and Hebrew
alphabets perfect order as concerns numbers, but perfect disorder as concerns letters for names of
letters or of sounds ; and we shall find presently all the planetary bodies and astronomical periods
described by numbers, as, upon my system, they ought to be found ; for I suppose the use of
numbers, for sounds and the formation of words, was not discovered till long after arithmetic and
astronomy ; and that the letters, selected at first without any regard to system in reading, though
afterward altered by the Greeks, in their system, to accommodate it to a certain mythological
superstition, very evident in the 6, 60, 600, ss, samach, xi ; again, in the 9, 90, 900, Teth, of which
I shall treat at large presently . In addition to this, I am quite convinced that an attentive con-
sideration of the plates of letters given by Mr . Astle, will satisfy any person, that not only have
the ancient systems once been all the same, but the forms of the letters have been nearly so . It
will also shew the remains of the practice of making the letters from top to bottom, and of their
being read sideways ; as, for instance, the S M, the 8, ao, and many others .
There are several parts of my system which are facts not theories . They are facts, that in that
system of letters which we have, and that probably the oldest, viz, the Irish, the letters are called
after the names of trees ; that there are enow of the old Hebrew yet so called, as to raise a very
high probability that they were all so originally ; and that each tree's name begins with a letter
answering in sound to the sound of the letter . It is a fact, that the moon's name in numbers, as
above, is the name by which it was invoked in the orgies of Bacchus . It is a fact, that the Greeks
called their letters gramma and petala ; that the letters of all the oldest languages were in right
lines, at angles, (though some of the nations certainly corrupted their alphabet to humour the
mythos,) and that, at first, they mostly wrote from the top to the bottom .
If a person will impartially consider the great number of duplicates in the Arabic, he will at once
see how unnecessary they must have been for a new-formed language : 4 symbols for d, 4 for Z
or S, and 3 for T.All these were necessary for numbers ; but, in an unformed language, must
have been incumbrances ; and thus, when numbers grew into letters, as letters they were dropped .
With the Greeks the vowel v became f, and, in consequence, they were obliged to use for their
figures two s s, and place the van at the end . We have seen the Chaldee or Hebrew written lan-
guage traced to North India, the land of the Sacm, and we have here the same alphabet of sixteen
letters, brought by a tribe, as their history says, from the same place . If this was a forgery, how
came its authors not to copy the Latin, the Greek, the Hebrew, of twenty-two letters, or the Ara-
bic of twenty-eight? It is out of all credibility that the monks or bards of the middle ages should
have known of the sixteen letters. 2

' See the Callan Inscription, Celtic Druids, Figure 13, p . 5 .

s No one can doubt, I think, that the following are all one language :
Sanscrit, Ec, Dwau, Traya, Chatur, Paucha, Shat, Sapta, Ashta, Nova, Dasa.
Hindoo, Ek, Dwau, Teen, Char, Panch, Ch hu, Sat, Ath, No, Dos .
Latin, Unus, Duo, Tres, Quatuor, Quinque, Sex, Septem, Octo, Novem, Decem .
Greek, Ell, At 0, TpEis, TEo-eaaEs, fnre, ' Ef, EirTa, OKT4, EYYEa, DEKa .
Book III . Section 8 167

8 . It is now expedient to suspend our search into the origin of Letters, and to resume our in-
quiry (from Volume 1 . pp . 685, 686) into the origin of the most remarkable of all the mysteries of
the world-the meaning of the Om of Egypt, of Syria, of India, of Delphi, of St . Peter's, of the
Kremlin, of Lambeth-or, the Om of Isaiah, of Buddha, of Cristna-of the sacred, never-to-be-
spoken Om . Inquiries among the most learned of the Jews of the present day incline me to sus-
pect that they really have lost the Cabalistic meaning of the letter M . They all know that it had
a secret meaning, and, in order to conceal their ignorance, they say it is the thirteenth letter, and
assert that it is used in the middle of a word to denote thirteen attributes of God, which they pre-
tend to find in Leviticus . This is manifest nonsense . But I am quite satisfied that there is no
part of the Cabala, properly so called, which had not a rational and useful object, and the object in
this use of the letter was the same as that of using a fringe of a peculiar number of knots, to keep
in remembrance the beautiful cycle of 600 years . I have little doubt that the fringe was invented
before the art of syllabic writing. They say that the M, the middle letter, means 40, that A, the
first, means 1, and T, the last, means 400 ; then, by taking off the ciphers, they make 9, the em-
blem of eternity, and form the word nom amt. This is exactly like the Greek Apocalyptic Alpha
and Omega, and the Chrismon Sancti Ambrogii . It brings us again to Om-Amet, Om the desire
of all nations . It has already been stated, (supra, p . 162,) that the first word of infant man was
probably Ab or Ba . On examining the numeral powers of this word we find they mean A-1,
B=2=3. Every where we find this word figuratively applied to the divine nature. God, or the

In Greek 4$o; is a pebble, and 4 4 iY,w to calculate. We learn from Herodotus, that the Egyptians made use of sin all
pebbles or little stones to calculate .
Gaelic. Latin . Greek . Welsh.
I Aon Unum 'EY Un .
2 Do or Da Duo Ovo Dau .
3 Tri Tria Tpla Tri .
4 Cether Quatuor Teccapa Peduar.
Attic Tsrrapa

5 Cua-ec.coec Quinque Ilepwrs or Ilerre Pimp .

6 Sia Sex `Ef Chuech .
7 Sechc Septem ElrTa Sailh.
8 Ochc Octo OKTA Uilh .
9 Naogh Novem EYYea Nau .
10 Dec Decem OEKa Deg.
11 Aondec Undecim `WsKa Un ar deg .
12 Dodec Duodecim ArolEKa Dan deg .
13 Tridec Tredecim TplrKaJ8EKa Tri ar deg .
14 Cetherdec Quatuordecim AEKaTeccapes Peduar ar deg .
15 Cuaecdec Quindecim AeKOMPTe Pun deg .
16 Siadec Sedecim EKKa189Ka Un ar pim deg .
17 Seehcdec Septemdecim EarraKauSeua Dau ar pim deg .
18 Ochcdec Octodecim OKTOKauaEKa Dau nau.
19 Naoghdec Novemdecim EYYeaKa188Ka Peduar ar pim deg .
20 Fighed Viginti Erocl Ygen .
James Grant, Origin of Gael . p . 47 .
The 28 Arabian letters consist now of only 17 figures ; the other letters are made out by points. The old Arabic of
Mohamed is not now commonly understood . Enc . Lond . Vol. XII . 164 . I t is studied at Mecca, like Latin at Rome .
We continually hear of letters being invented by different people . I do not doubt that there were almost as many letters
as writers ; but there was, in fact, one system at the bottom of all, which is yet clearly visible in every civilized nation .
There have been many forms of letters, but there have never been but two alphabets or systems, the symbolic numeral
Chinese, and the Cadmaean or sixteen-letter system . If there has been a third, it must have been the Sauscrit .
168 Om . Homer

Male generative principle, is always called Our Father . The numeral meaning of the word in a
very striking manner applies to the Trimurti or Trinity . The coincidence visible here I attribute
purely to accident ; and a question may arise, whether the coincidence does not vitiate the theory
of the origin of the numeral language ; or the origin of the first infantine language which I have
laid down . Applying to this the doctrine of probability laid down by Dr. Young as applicable to
language, as stated in Volume 1 . p . 449, and which will be equally applicable to this case, I reply,
I think it does not vitiate it, but on the contrary, as I will now shew, confirms it . I have stated
the fact that, in almost all written languages, the word Ma or Am is found to mean Mother-to
mean also Goddess, the female generative power-the Alma Venus-the 1050 olnce-the mother of
the Gods . i If this M, Am, or Ma, should be found accidentally to dovetail into the Mythos, in the
way the word Ab accidentally fits into it, then, upon Dr . Young's principle, two such accidents will
certainly vitiate my theory of the origin of the first language . But if, on the contrary, the nume-
ral system do not dovetail into it in any way, but on examination is found to have been forced
from its original simplicity as taught by me, to make it fit to the first language ; then, on Dr.
Young's principle, it amounts to almost a mathematical proof of the truth of both the systems .
Two accidents could not be received, and the chances or probabilities would have been as a
thousand to one that the names of Ba and Ma had been given to suit the mythos, but were not
among the first written words of man : but the fact, that the alphabets are forced to make them
suit the mythos, places the chances the other way . If we examine the alphabet we find that the
M is not the centre letter of the twenty-eight, but a letter is thrown out in the Hebrew to make it
so, and the letters are reduced from their natural or original number 28 to 27 . By this means the
M becomes the central letter, and this was done to make the Ma or Am the navel, the Deiphus,
the Omphe, the central letter,-the Mia, the female of Plato's To Ov. The original numeral al-
phabet of the Indian Arabians had 28 letters or forms . The Jews changed the number to 27, to
make the M the centre . The Greeks changed their number to humour a superstition, the same in
principle, and to make the two letters which described their cycle, the cycle of 650, the centre
letters . If we examine this closely, it is exactly the same as the plan of the Jews . The benig-
nant daemon of the cycle was the Son of Man, MN=650 ; and thus arose the generic name of the
species-Man, Mannus, the Male, afterward joined to the female, making Am-mon or Om-an ; and,
when aspirated, Homo, hominis, hominem . In accommodation to the same mythos, the Greek vau
or digamma or number six, was written c having the sound of the number E=60, three lines or
three 5's or Zes, and the number X=600. In like manner the M final and 600 of the Hebrews
was constituted of the Samech, the 60 and 600, and the vau was, as the Vulgate calls the mother-of
the race, Eva . The E and U, the 5 and the 6, were the generators of all the cycles . They were
both Lustrums . Thus came Eva or Eve, the mother of the race of MN, the root of Homo, of
Man, the root of Mun-di, holy cycle. 2
The manuscripts of the Poems of Homer are now all written without the digamma ; but it is a
fact admitted by all Grecian scholars, that when they were composed (not necessarily written) they
must have had it . No satisfactory reason has been given to account for this extraordinary anom-
aly . I suppose when these poems were composed and sung, -the use of letters was not known ;
but that when they were committed to writing by Pisistratus, the letters had been so long in-
vented as to have given time for the vau to have been excluded (probably for the mystical reason
above-mentioned) from its place in the alphabet, and therefore they were written without it . In
the whole story of their collection and committal to writing by Pisistratus, the knowledge of let-

I See Vol. I . pp. 110, 111 . 2 The sacrifice of a woman is called aumoman, woman, euaman .
Book III . Section 8 169
ters is assumed, as no new invention ; therefore, it is probable that they had been in use a suffi-
cient length of time to have given an opportunity to make the alteration of the expulsion of the
vau. It is almost certain that if this sacred poem had been written before the vau was rejected, it
would not have been improperly written by leaving that letter out . It is impossible to account
for the omission of the vau except from some mystic reason . The strong probability is, that if
the vau had been in . use when the poems were first written, they would have been written with it,
and would never have been written without it . They alone would have kept the letter from being
lost . It seems to me a strange thing that we should call this letter digamma, when it was evi-
dently nothing but the Hebrew vau . I know scarcely any thing more absurd than calling the
Hebrew vau, which is now only used in the powers of notation, in the Greek language, by the name
of digamma . It is evidently our letter F, come from where it would ; but it would not have looked
learned to have merely called it F . It proves that Bentley and those who gave it that name, with
all their boasted knowledge of the Greek language, actually did not in the least understand the
principle of it . What they call digamma is nothing but the Hebrew vau growing into the sound
of V, hard f. The sounds UV and VU are both the same .
When I reflect upon all the circumstances attending the knowledge of letters, I feel no doubt
that they were not only considered to be magical, but that they constituted a great part of magic
itself. Let us consider, only for a moment, what miracles, as figures of notation in solving pro-
blems in arithmetic, they would enable their possessors to perform . Let us consider alone the
foretelling of eclipses, and let us add to this the knowledge of the periods of some of the comets,
which I think I shall shew in a future book that the early literati did possess . In the passage
quoted in Volume I . P. 675, from the Revelation xiii . 17, 18, the whole of my theory both of wis-
dom and of the system of using numbers for symbols and letters is, in one sentence, clearly
expressed . The knowledge of the number is called wisdom, and the letters are called marks,
that is, monograms or symbols, names, and numbers . Daniel (ix . 2) says, he knew a thing
1D00 C'-w3 bsprim mspr, from or Iry the letters in the book .
From 1DD spr a letter, or symbol of notation, comes rD sp or Sup, or Soph, wisdom . The idea
of wisdom and of letters is never separated .
Vallancey says,' that storia is an Egyptian word, meaning what we should call news. It seems
to have been the Hebrew 1Utw str, which I think meant a scribe . 2 I believe the scribes were a
learned order, a kind of priests, and that they were the only people who understood the art of
In the very learned and ingenious work of the Marquis De Fostia D'Urban, 3 my attention was
drawn to a passage of Josephus, 4 wherein he states, "That they pretend that they have received
" them from the Phenicians and from Cadmus : yet is nobody enabled to shew that they have any
"- writing preserved from that time, neither in their temples nor in any of their public monuments .
"'This appears, because the time when those lived who went to the Trojan War, so many years
" afterward, is in great doubt, and great inquiry is made whether the Greeks used their letters at
" that time : and the most prevailing opinion, and nearest the truth is, that their present way of
" using those letters was unknown at that time . However, there is not any writing which the
" Greeks agree to be genuine among them older than Homer's poems," &c ., &c. Now I conceive that

Coll . Hib. Vol . V. p . 209 .

' 1DD a scribe has several significations in scripture-a secretary, a commissary or muster-master of an army, an
able or skilful man, a doctor of the law, a man of learning, &c . Cahnet in voce.
Hombre et ses Ecrits, p . 111 . 4 Whiston's Joseph . ag. Ap . Book i. Sect . 2.
170 Om . Homer

this opens the door most decidedly to my theory . The expression, the most prevailing opinion
was, that the use of writing was not such, in the time of Homer, as that which obtained at that
day, instantly produces the question, Then, what was the kind of writing alluded to ? P. Knight
says,' " The age of Homer is, however, so much anterior to all monuments of art, or authentic
" records of history, that we cannot even tell whether or not he had the knowledge of any letters,
" there being but one passage in his works where writing is mentioned, and that is so equivocal,
`r that it may mean either symbolical or alphabetical writing ." The following is the passage to

which Mr. Knight alludes . Parkhurst, under the word '1 DD spr may be consulted for the authors
who have discussed it .
IIsuars as uw AVK1rwaq, aopev a' oys EHMATA ATPPA,
rAP+'Al sv oriraa WTVKT40, 9buo4Bopa ao%XW
Gslfal a' rwwrysi 03 orsv05P9), o4ip' aoroXosro .

" To Lycia the devoted youth he sent,

" With Marks, expressive of his dire intent,
" GRAV'D on a tablet, that the prince should die ."

It appears to have been a common opinion that some unknown kind of writing had existed, though
it seems to be implied in the words of the text, that it was then unknown . If we suppose that the
works of Homer were first written into the language of numeral symbols, a written but not a
spoken language, many difficulties respecting them will be removed .
When we recollect the Indians admit, that the meaning of their celebrated and most sacred word
Om is actually lost by them, I think we are allowed great latitude in our investigations ; and if I
be right, that the ancient Hebrew or Chaldee, the old sixteen-letter Tamul, Pushto, and Afghan
language was the original dialect of India, it is not absurd to seek this celebrated word here . Then
its ancient sacred representative would be simply the letter 0=600, so mystically found in Egypt,
in M-om-ptha, and in Isaiah, in Om-nu-al, Om, our God. We have lately seen that the number four-
teen described the first name of God . By the insertion of the final Caph, the letter M forms the four-
teenth letter. I am by no means certain that a mystical connexion has not existed between the M
and the cycle and the Epos divine love and Ma, mother, and Amo, I love, and Eri, the Saviour.
I believe both Venus and Cupid were called Egwg, like the Canya of India, and the Cama. Surely
my mysticism is not more mystical than this ! All the sixteen-letter languages ought to be con-
sidered but as dialects of each other, unless the artificial Sanscrit be excepted ; and this assertion
I feel confident that 1 should clearly prove, had I lexicons from English into Hebrew, Greek, and
Sanscrit, as I have from these languages into English .
The monogram for the Virgin Mary-the Regina Cceli, is the M . Some of the early fathers
called her a fourth God, an adjunct to the Trinity . But the most beautiful emblem is the Mother
suckling the infant . See my Fig. No . 8. Here, in this beautiful icon of Buddha, I have no doubt,
the male and female principles are described .
On reflecting deeply on what I have written in my Celtic Druids, (pp .197,198, 201,) respecting the
word IEUE, and in several places in this work, s I am convinced that 1 have been hastily led into a
mistake by the modern Jews . They hold that the sacred word IEUE is the word which ought never
to be spoken . On reflection I think this was only formerly told to the vulgar Jews to satisfy them,
and to evade their inquiries ; but that the word of the Indians, OM, was the sacred word . It is
probably, with most of the rest of the Cabala, lost .

' Ess . Gr. Lang . p. 19 . 2 Vol . I . pp . 67, 107, 158, 319, 320, 323, 430 ; and supra, pp ._ 5, 17, 137, 151 .
Book III . Section 9 171

,The Jews could not be taught the Decalogue, nor could they read the Bible in the synagogues
without violating the very law they were learning, or which Moses was repeating to them, if the
secret word were IEUE . I believe that the real secret meaning of the text has reference to the
word Ons ; and that it means Thou shalt not speak the name of thy God IEUE irreverently, meaning
the secret name . Or the text may be correctly translated, thou shalt not speak the name of the self-
existent God (IEUE meaning self-existent), and that the word referred to was the Om of Isaiah,
described every where by the monogram M, as M=Om-ptha . When Moses asks God by what
name he is to describe him to the Jews, he is told, that he is to describe him by this supposed
forbidden name . How could this be ? Here is a direct contradiction ! It is said, the Jews write
the word 'It ie or ri1n' ieue, but pronounce it, in English, Adonai . But though it may be very pious
to call him after the Gentile God Adonis, it is directly contrary to the command of God, who tells
them what they are to call him, not what they are to write him . My explanation removes this
difficulty .
Surely nothing can be too absgrd in religion ! God tells Moses he will be called Ieue by the
Jews ; in strict obedience Moses goes to them and tells them, they are to call him Adonis ! The
Jews say it is written one way and spoken another. When God is said to speak to Moses, there
is no question about writing . The account in writing of the scene between Moses and God is
altogether a different matter .
9. But this raises in my mind some questions respecting the Jewish Targums . If it be true, as
Gen . Vallancey maintains, that the Chaldee letter never was in common use as a letter, but only
as figures of notation, how came we to have the Targums, as they are called, in that letter ? The
story that they were written for the use of the Jews, when the old Hebrew was no longer under-
stood by them, does not seem very probable, because, not the Chaldee, but the Syriac, was their
vernacular dialect in the time of Christ . Gen . Vallancey says, this never was the letter of the
Assyrians of Babylon, and this is confirmed by the fact I have noticed in another place, that no
inscription was ever found in this letter at that place .' But this letter and dialect are found even
to this day in use in the country of the Callidei in North and South India, with all the mythos of
the Jews, joined with the mythos of a crucified Saviour or Messiah, (as is the case in Mexico,)
foretold by name in these Targums, over and over, in the clearest terms . It is said that they
were read in the Jewish synagogue alternately with the old Hebrew, first a verse of one, then a
verse of the other, for the accommodation of the Jews after they had lost the old Hebrew . I do
not know what is meant by the old Hebrew letter, for we have only the Samaritan, the Syriac,
and the Chaldee letters ; and the Syriac was the spoken language of the Jews . I begin very much
to suspect that the Targums have been brought from the East, and that they are the sacred books
of the Callidei of the East, suitably accommodated or corrupted-retouche .
A person who fancies himself very learned has triumphed greatly over my ignorance in not
knowing that the Targums were written about the time of Christ ; for, in my Celtic Druids, I have
placed them after the time of Origen . Before 1 delivered my opinion I examined these books with
very great labour and very little profit ; and carefully inquired into their history . They were, in
my opinion, more favourable to the Christian cause against the Jews than any books which I had
ever read ; 8 but that, notwithstanding they must have been informed of them by the Jewish
converts if they had existed, yet neither Jerom nor any one of the ancient fathers before him ever
quoted them : therefore I said, and I say again, that there is every reason to believe that they did
not exist before the time of these authors . I do not wish to praise my own learning, but I feel

1 Vol. I . p . 778 . 1 Onkelos foretells the Messiah teoice.

172 Targums

bound to say, that this is not the only time I have been accused of ignorance for knowing rather
too much . I
-A great mystery hangs over the Targums, It is acknowledged that there is no certainty when
or where or by whom they were written . It is very extraordinary that neither Origen, Jerom,
Epiphanius, nor any other of the early Christian fathers, knew any thing about them, particularly
Jerom and Origen . Prideaux and Michaelis 2 will bear me out in this, that they are written in
the Syro-Chaldaic dialect, that which was used about the time of Jesus Christ, and was in short
the last language spoken by the Jews whilst a nation, and it is the language now used in South
India. Their professed of ect, we are told, was to enable the unlearned Jews to have the consola-
tion of reading and understanding the divine word . If these Targums had been written for this
purpose, as it seems not to be doubted that they were, I think there can be no question but that
some or other of the Jewish proselytes would have informed the Christians, Origen, Jerom, &c .,
of theb3 . All the reasons which Dean Prideaux gives for their concealment by the Jews, are in
favour of their publication or exposure by the converts from Judaism to Christianity, even supposing
them to have been concealed . If a single convert had been made of any respectability, the secret
must have come out, that the Jews had some books which they were charged to conceal from the
Christians . But bow could they be concealed, if they were in common use by the unlearned
Origen and Jerom both lived in Palestine for some time, the latter a very long time, expressly for
the sake of gaining information respecting matters of this kind, and he wrote commentaries 3 in
which the Targums, if known to him, must have been of the very first importance to his argument .
Then how does it happen that neither of them has ever, in all his voluminous works, noticed them
in the slightest degree ? Epiphanius also understood Hebrew, or Syro-Chaldee, yet he never notices
them . Several fathers of eminence in the Christian church were converted Jews ; then how is it
possible to believe that they would have failed to notice the Targums after their conversion, which
would both have aided them in their arguments against their countrymen, and have justified them-
selves for their conversion .
Respecting Jerom and his search for the Bible in Judaea, whither he went to collect information,
the author of the Revue Encyclopedique gives the following account : "A la solicitation du Pope
" Domase, ce pere de 1'dglise parcourut plusieurs pals . 11 fut obligi6 d'apprendre le Chaldeen
" pour recueillir les copies les plus authentiques que les Chaldkens avoient eu des Juifs . Il dit
" qu'apres bien de veillids, de fatigues et de recherches mgme les plus exactes, it rassemble beau-
" coup de lambeaux disperses," &c ., &c .
The present Jews look upon the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan with such high veneration,
that they assert that they were delivered to Moses by God himself from Mount Sinai, with the rest of
their oral law. It cannot be doubted that these Targums are much more favourable to the Christians
than the old Hebrew text or the Septuagint ; then, I think, when the Evangelists were quoting pas-
sages as prophecies of a Messiah, they would have quoted from them, or at least have noticed them ;
and when Jesus was denouncing the oral law and traditions, he would have said something either for
or against the Targums if they had been in existence . De Rossi, who is named in the Dissertation
on the Poetry of Isaiah by Louth, professed to have proved that the present LXX is not the same as
that translated for Ptolemy . Sabbathier collected all the passages which purported to be taken from

I It is not uncommon for a man, if he be more learned than his contemporaries, to be accused of ignorance . It
would manifestly serve my purpose to uphold the great antiquity of the Targums ; but I reason for truth, not for vic-
tory. They shew the opinion of the Jewish church in the time I allot to them, which is enough for me.
' Ch . iv. Sect . vi. 3 Prid . Con . Vol . IV . Pt ii B . viii . p . 633.
Book III . Section 9 173
an Italian or Latin version of the Old Testament, made before the time of Jerom, or which he sup-
posed were taken from it, as he did not find them in the Hebrew, the Vulgate, and the . LXX ; and
he gave them to the world under the pompous title of an Italic version ; but I .believe much which
he collected was taken from the scraps of the sacred books of different Italian or other temples,
which had escaped from their adyta . There is a copy of a Bible in Anglo-Saxon, in the British
Museum, made by Aelfric in the tenth century, in which the variations prove that it can never
have been made either from the Vulgate, the Italic, the LXX, the Hebrew, or the Samaritan .' The
account of Ararat in Phrygia, proves that the Sibyls did not take their account from our Bible .
The omission of Jacob, in Enoch, proves that he did not copy from our Bible, and the account of
circumcision again proves that Aelfric did not make his translation from any of our books . The
same argument m ay be applied to the accounts in China, in North and South India, and in Mexico .
The same mythos is in all ; but they have internal evidence that they are not taken from the
Jewish books . All this tends to prove the truth of the remark, in the Revue Encyclopcdique,
that the books of the Jews were lambeaux disperses at the destruction of Jerusalem . I cannot
conceive how any one can look at the difference in the chronology, as given by Whiston, to say
nothing of the other numerous variations, and not see that the histories are substantially different .
How different must be the account in the Sibyls from that of the Jews, which places Ararat in
Phrygia or old Room ! All these speculations go to prove, that this Genesis, at least, was the
secret book, or a book containing the substance of the first Pontifical government of all nations,
and accommodated in some degree to their varied circumstances . Thus, when the Jewish Paulite
sect arose, it could see nothing but the Jewish system or account of the mythos ; all others, in its
eyes, being copied from the Jews : and as this sect, through favourable circumstances, got pos-
session of the power of the world, it succeeded in destroying almost every thing that operated
against its system, or in corrupting, intentionally or unintentionally, all that it suffered to remain .
Mr. Sharon Turner, in the Transactions of the Society of Literature, to which I must refer my
reader, has, at great length, endeavoured to shew that all languages must have been derived from
one original . Every argument which he uses is strongly in favour of my theory of one original
written but unspoken language ; but this is nothing against his doctrine of one original spoken
language also .
I think there can be no doubt that the use of letters was at first strictly confined to mythology ;

' On this translation I have received the following information :

"The Anglo-Saxon translation alluded to was made by the celebrated Aelfric, Archbishop of Canterbury, elected
"to that see in the year 993 ; but this work was completed before that period, while he was yet a monk . It consists,
• 1st, of the five books attributed to Moses ; and, 2dly, of the .books of Josue and book of Judges . These seven books
• Aelfric styles the ` Heptateuchus : They are preserved in a very ancient MS in the Bodl . Lib ., and thence published
• by Ed. Thwaites, dedicated to Hicks . To these he added Aelfrie's translation of the book of Job, from a MS in the
" Cotton Lib. ; the Gospel of Nicodemus translated by an unknown author from Latin into Anglo-Saxon ; and, lastly,
• a Fragment of the History of Judith, in the same language, completes the volume .
" The most important of these are the Pentateuch . Aelfric assures us, that he made the translation from Latin-
" from what Latin translation I know not . It does not agree with the Vulgate, nor yet with the ancient Italic, if
• Sabbathier's restoration can be relied on . It differs much from our common translation, and the differences are fre-
• quent and material . Yet where it does agree, the Anglo-Saxon is almost in every instance marked by superior
" brevity and clearness . In some instances it clears up passages quite unintelligible in our Version . Many passages
• are omitted in the Anglo-Saxon, and some most important laws-as that in the code of Sinai for the circumcision of
• all males . Aelfric'a work does not, however, seem to me to be an abridgment, and I am inclined to suspect, that
`° this law of circumcision was not an ordinance of Moses, because, if it was, why was it not obeyed during the time
" that the Israelites wandered in the Desert? but came first to be enforced -upon their settlement . i n Canaan, as we are
• assured of in the the book of Josue . Be this as it may, this Anglo-Saxon translation may be of good service in some
• subsequent and better version ."
174 Targuins

and in consequence of this it is, that we find every really ancient mythologic name, when examined
to the bottom, admit of explanation by numbers . Let the reader look at the definitions of the
first book of Euclid, at the lines, and remember that all numbers, and all letters, were described
by right lines. Let him think upon the Arabian Oriental Algebraic art, the date of which no one
knows-the art of Geometry, the Pythagorean forty-seventh proposition of Euclid, and the letters,
symbols of numbers, and lines, and doubt if he can, that this art was known to the great explica-
tor of the universe, Pythagoras, who declared that all knowledge centred in numbers and lines, and
who was burnt by his more wise and orthodox countrymen, for the wickedness of teaching this
and similar doctrines .
The word Yoni is acknowledged to be the same as tune . It is the same as the mty rune of the
Israelites, which means dove. It is the name of the islands of Java and Sumatra, which thus carry
the same name as the island of lona and of Columba, of the Hebrides of Scotland, both, no
doubt, sacred isles . It is the same word as the Juno of the Latins . i It is a word composed of
the Hebrew word ri' ie, or the Syrian word lo, and the word ni, which I do not understand ; but
which, perhaps, may be only a nominal termination, like en in Cris-en, or os in Xpjc-os, or the
Latin us, in Christ-us . It is the IF, of the Apollo of Delphi . It is the Jan-nus and Ja-na of the
Romans . It is the Diana or Di-ja-na or dwa-ja-na . It became, when the Greeks perfected their
language, by the invention of a neuter gender, the To Ov, or the I Ov . It is the Hebrew TI' ie or
mrn ieue I am that I am-or, grammatically,-I shall be what I have been ; or a definition of the
creative power. It is the root from which great numbers of the Sanscrit and Indian Gods have
been formed . Yavana, is the ie and vaha, to carry, one of the meanings of the word ana, but which
must have another meaning ; because the word Ya-vana means a sect professing the superior in-
fluence of the female over the male nature ; 2 and I believe it means to bear as well as to carry, and
has precisely the same meaning as our word to bear, used to carry a burden-to produce a child .
Hence we see why the Ya-vanas became Ionians . It is the root of Nar-ay-ana . Nar in Sanscrit
is water, the Hebrew iri ner, river or water, and the word means IE carried in the, or on the
water. 3 It is Kanya ; that is, Can or Cunia, &c ., &c . It has the same meaning as the .4mba of
India,' and the Omphe of Greece, and the Om and Ammon of Egypt ; these latter being of both
genders, which, I am persuaded, answers to one sense of the Bya of India, 5 meaning Bis-Ja,
Double-Ja-male and female . Finally it is the Argha.
The more I study my subject, the more facts I discover to prove that the Pythagorean doctrine
was true, that all learning and science resolved itself at last into numbers . We find the Hebrew
God called El and I. We read much of Ion, of Ion-ia, of Jan-a, Jun-o, Iav-anas, and of Bet-on,
p-n'2 bit-un, and Beth-aven, pit-n' bit aun . Now, how comes Ox to mean, as I have shewn, the
generative principle? It is the neuter of the Greek pronoun 6 .6, 6 meaning existence, which always
carried along with it the idea of destruction, and necessarily reproduction, that is, the generative
principle ; and I-ov is the ON of I, and I, the jod, is ten, the X, the perfect number, the numeral
meaning of the ten avatars, eternally renewed, of the creative God, the AOFm . It is also the
To Ov, the T.hzu ON, that is, the cross of Ezekiel, with which the believers were marked in the
forehead, after the manner of the Buddhists of India, and, indeed, of all the sects of India, who are
marked with some sign or other . In the same manner the Christian priest, in baptism, marks
the child on the forehead with the cross . If Plato had not made the ov the fountain of his mythos,
I should have thought this too refined or mystical to be credited .
As the city of ON or Heliopolis, or of the generative power, was called the city/ of destruction, so

' Asiat . Res . Vol. III . n . 364 . a Ib . P . 358. 3 Ib . 1 Ib . p .360. 5 Ib . p .358 . 0 Participle mv, qu .? Ed.
Book III . Section 10 175
the Ka%os or beautiful of Greece was the Cali or Goddess of destruction with the Indians . From this
principle she became the Goddess of Time, because Time is the greatest of destroyers ; and from
her, the last age, when all was supposed to be destroyed or finished, was called the Cali-Yug or
Cali-age . The same feeling in Europe which makes devotees deal in nothing but damnation,
makes the Indian Goddess Cali a favourite, her devotees having first converted the beauty into
destruction .
The meaning of the i1, ie of the Hebrews, as I have repeatedly remarked, is the self-existent . It
seems singular that, unless he were the Supreme, he should have this name . But the same thing
happens in India, whence no doubt it came . The supreme Being in the second Veda says, "From
" me Brahma was born ; he is above all ; he is Pitama, or the father of all men ; he is 4a, t or
" self-existing." From him, Col . Wilford says, they represent Adima (which word means both
first male and female,) to have descended . She is the same as Iva or I, the female energy of na-
ture, or descended from I-tbe same as Isa or Isi, male and female . s All these are nothing but
Hebrew names written in Sanscrit .
If a person will think deeply he will have no difficulty in forming an idea how, when the art of
writing was secret, a written word would be magical. A few lines scrawled in the presence of a
person on a bit of leaf or bark might be given to him, and he might be told, whoever is a magician
or initiated on seeing that scrawl, will know your name, or any other desired fact . A person must
think deeply on this, or he will not see the force of the argument which arises from the dupe having
no idea of the nature or power of conveying knowledge by symbols . As the Chaldaean priests
were the only people who understood the secret of writing, it followed, that they were all magi or
magicians ; and when the secret did begin to creep out, all letters were magical or supernatural .
This and some other secrets-the telescope, astronomy, the loadstone-made the Chaldseans
masters of the world, and they became Moguls . Mogul is but Al-Mag, The Mage. On this
account all the princes of India desire to be invested with the pallium by the old Mogul of Delhi,
successor of Gengis Khan, of Tartary, the last incarnation of divine Wisdom . The mythos at last
always reverts to its birth-place, Indian Tartary-the Mount Solima, the snow-capped Meru,
where the Gods sit on the sides of the North . How the Mogul comes to be Lord Paramount of
the world, 1 shall explain in a future book .
10. The observation of Dr . Young respecting probabilities is very important ; for, as the written
languages of all the nations of the old world contain a considerable number of words in common,
the probability that they are all derived from one parent stock rises almost to a certainty . This
leaves the question of the derivation of the genus man from one or more original pairs, nearly un-
touched. For the diffusion of the Pandsean, Catholic or Universal Buddhism, which seems evi-
dently to have gone with the secret system of letters ] will readily account for a certain number,
and a considerable number, of the same words in all the different languages . It will also readily
account for the variety which may be observed in their mixture . Wherever either the arithmetical
or the first syllabic system extended, there a mixture of words might be expected ; and it seems
probable, from hundreds of circumstances, that the language of the Chaldaean Brahmin, which was
that of which the Hebrew, Arabic, Ethiopian, Tamul, Pushto, and Syriac, were close dialects, was
the language into which the arithmetical language was first translated, by means of the then new-
ly-invented syllables . If we suppose the languages of the earth to have been at that time widely
spread, and that dialects had begun to be formed, when the art of rendering the arithmetic into
letters and syllables was discovered ; the secret society of initiated who discovered it, in every

a Here is most clearly the Hebrew n+rr eie, or a+ ie . I Asiat . Res. Vol . V. p. 247.
176 Dr. Young-Sol
country, would begin to translate it each into his own dialect . This theory, I think, will readily
account for Hebrew and Indian words in Britain, and words of Britain in India. The possibility
of -a written, unspoken language is proved by its actual present existence in Java, which cannot be
denied. The . possibility of its existence by means of numeral ciphers must be admitted ; and I am
quite certain that the actual existence of the custom of using arithmetical signs to describe certain
mythic words, and the possibility which I have shewn of many others having been formed from
arithmetic, raises a very strong probability, that the arithmetical system has been general . Of a
theory like this proofs can never be expected ; probability alone must be looked for . To this theory
I see no objection ; but if there be certain difficulties which, when pointed out, I cannot explain,-
in such a case as this, they cannot be considered to invalidate it, as long as a possibility remains
of an unknown explanation of them being discovered . If the theory be true, it is not within the
scope of probability, that all difficulties should be removed, even if all the learning and talent in
the world were employed upon it ; much less when they are attempted to be removed by a solitary
individual, who claims neither much learning nor much talent ; and who, from the peculiarly re-
condite nature of his subject, can obtain no assistance .
I consider that it admits of no doubt, that all the written syllabic languages with which we are
acquainted are the same, with merely dialectic variations ; and that all the alphabets or systems
of letters are one, only with the letters in different forms, as we have the English language and
letter though one, yet WRITTEN IN DIFFaRxNT forms. The Arabic table of letters and. numbers,
compared with the Greek, proves this. We have here all the numbers in order, but the letters in
disorder. We ought in considering these subjects never to forget, that all the various dialects of
the world are like the spokes of a wheel, as we go back converging towards one another, till they
meet in the centre ; and, in a contrary direction, diverging, till at last they are no longer visible
to one another. I believe that historical circumstances might be adduced, which would render it
highly probable that, fifteen hundred years A . C ., the people speaking all the then existing lan-
guages, could, though perhaps in some cases with difficulty, understand one another .
11 . If we consider the . effect of these numeral letters of this unspoken language, we shall imme-
diately see that, when the numerals or ciphers became changed into letters, they would necessa-
rily come to be read and pronounced, sometimes from right to left, and sometimes from left to
Afterr man had made the discovery of the syllabic word Iiuaa, as described above, in Section 2,
p . 150, perhaps the next attempt would be made on a word for the Sun, in the following manner .
We will suppose a person wished to record the Sun, and to do it by means of numbers having the
names of trees, these numbers, that is the numerical system, having so far advanced as to be sim-
plified into a symbol .or monogram for-each number forwards-as we find it in Greece . He would
then inscribe it thus, in Tight-lined angled symbols, having the meaning of one of the cycles which
I suppose him to have invented.
1-[ the sign of 300, called Suil .
U 1-V the sign of 6, called Uern .
L -L the sign of 30, called Luis .
336 the name of the Lunar Year.
I apprehend that the names of all things would be at the first monosyllables of the simplest

I .It will be observed that the Author here, as in many other instances, conceived himself at liberty to use either

I-lebrew or Greek letters for his numerals . Editor.

Book III . Chapter I . Section 12 177
kind ; and that the first name of the tree called Suil, would be, not two syllables of four letters,
but one of three-Sul, which, in numbers, gives the first lunar year of 336 days . Now, when a
person wrote the three symbols [V L, he could not very well help observing, that by pronouncing
the three first sounds of the three names of the three trees, he would, by a fortunate and remarka-
ble accident, have the sound of the name of the tree Sul. Here, then, we have correctly a sound,
Sul, described by symbols or marks which were now, in this case, become letters, each mark or
letter standing for a sound, and the three marks describing a sound, a number, a tree, the Sun, and
the Lunar year-in all having five meanings . This would lead him to try if he could not describe
other things as he described this tree (now unknown to us) . We will suppose the Eg, as an ex-
ample . He would look for a tree out of the twenty-eight, whose name . should begin with the
sound which we call E, and he would find Eadha, the sign of five, . and having the mark or mono-
gram E, and he would inscribe E . He would then try to find a tree which had a name that . began

I Erg. j a .
with the sound which we call G, and he would find the Gort, having the mark or monogram r;
he would then inscribe that mark below the other, and he would have FE Thus he
would discover the art of using the monograms or symbols for numbers, or symbolic numerals, as
letters to describe syllables, and letters, and sounds, and the symbols for the numbers would thus
become letters .
Now the next word of letters discovered might be Suil or Suli, found in the same manner to
denote the solar cycle of 366 thus,
V S=300 Suil .
I u= 6 Uern.
5 1= 50 Luis .
i= 10 lodha .
and thus the Sul changed into the Suli as, science improved .
This is the Suli Minerva of Bath-the cycle that we find in the name by which Stonehenge was
called in Welsh, Emreis-that is, a=5, µ=40, p=100, 6=5, i=10, x=200=360 ; or, i=8, p=40,
p=100, ?j 8, i=10, 6_200=366 . In Su-li we have a word of two syllables ; and thus we advance
another step in literal and alphabetic writing . In the word W51u s1s=630, salus, health, salvation,
Salus-bury, we have another step ; and our word Sun has probably been Sin=360, or Suni=366 .
The word tv5w means three . I cannot help suspecting this to refer directly to the Trinity . It
has both the meaning of three and of director orchief or DrsposEa, as O'Dty smim in Gen . i. 8 .'
12. Joseph was considered to be one of the divine incarnations or avatars for the salvation of
the Egyptians . He was the Phoinix which appeared every 600 years . " Et vocavit Parob nomen
" Joseph Saphenath Pahaneah." s Kai exaaeee (Papaw ro ovop a Iwo 4 , +IsovBoptOa"X-
rnyn rom zpnt:ponh.' This passage is rendered by Jerom, "Vertitque nornen jus (Pharao) et
"vocavit eum, Lingud Egyptiacd, SALVATOREM MUNDI .° And in Suidas Joseph is called by a
name still more curious : "Cum autem FAUNUS insidiis appeteretur a propriis Fratribus in Egyptum
fugit . 4 The Hebrew word has been rendered Revealer of the Secrets of the Stars . But I think
no one can doubt what the Abbd de Rocher has pointed out-that the Faunus and tt2gv ponh is the

r Vid. Parkhurst in voce w5w rls, IX . s Pagnin .

' Gen . xli. 45 ; see Vol. I. p . 502. 4 Diet. de Suidas, verbo Oavzos .
VoLu it .
178 .Toseph, Proteus . Stalls

Roman Faunus and the Phoinix. But Joseph was also called by another name 0,51 slit . Gen .
xlii. 6. 1 In the tt'Sty slit and hw sit we have a trifling mispelling (if any attention is to be paid
to radical letters) of the feminine termination of the 'Sw-360, for the origin of Salus, Salutis, for
the name of the Sun, the Phoenix, and the Redemptor or Salvator Mundi. And in old Irish our
female Sall, w s=300, 5 1=30, 51=30=360, means a year . 2
Several authors have thought that the Proteus of the Greeks, which word has the same meaning
as 1T5w slit, was Joseph . This, I think, arose from his repeated incarnation in new cycles-
different, but yet the same-in each cycle a Saviour or Redemptor Ylundi ; thus they made him a
Proteus . His name Psonthom Phaneah, is our Proteus, or Phantom, and the Santon of the Orien-
tals . The Phaneah is the i~ r1 vv=608 . 3
The shrines in which the Gods were placed in India were called Stalls . These are the stalls of
our Cathedrals, and of our Cow-houses . Hog, in his history of Cornwall, 4 says, that the sanc-
tuary of the God Hu, or the Sun, or the Bacchus of the Druids, was an Ox-stall, where the God
presided as a living animal, 5 or as the image of a bull . The name of the Bull, in the numeral
symbolic letters, I have no doubt, was the same as we have found him so often .-Stll, or S=200,
T=300, LL=100=600 . 6 When the numerals became letters, the habitation of the Stll, by the
regimen, came to be the place Stll. In this way, from this formation of the Hebrew, when in
regimine, innumerable words took their origin . I believe the Hit, which is the common name of
God in Wales, is only a corruption of the Hebrew pronoun KIM eua, meaning HE . In India, the
Gods are placed in the temples in stalla or stalls, that is, recesses or places of safety . In the West,
the Gods were placed in Celku and CoNCLAVIA . Hence come the cells and stalls in our cathe-
drals .' The Cell is the 5>>t, eikl.
To be wise is to be enlightened . Lux is the Logos by whom all things were made ; and the
Logos is Rasit-Rst, p', r',rr'=600 . And Lux makes Lucis ; then LX, x'.'=650. Again, L=50,
t u=6, w s=300, ' i=10, w s=300=666 .8 The Fleur-de-Lis is the Lotus, the flower sacred to
the Lux, or the Sul, or the Sun . The Auriflamme, the flame of fire or fire of gold, 9 was the stand-
ard . The three Lotuses or Lises were the coat of arms, emblems of the Trimurti, the three per-
sons of the triple generative power, or of the Sun or Lux . *V sle, Shilo, is probably 5'w si1=360,
or x=600, R=50=10, i,=6=666. This is Silenus . I have no doubt it was the invocation in the
Psalms, called Selah, n 5D sle .
The Greek word `H%ios is nothing but a variation of the Suli, Sul, and Sol . H, 71, is the Hebrew
emphatic article, and the word is soil, that is, suil, and sli=360 or 366, or sul_336 ; Sun in Sans-
crit is siona, the first three letters coalescing into one . Hence evidently our Sun. Here we find
the meaning of. Mount Sion-Mount of the Sun, the same as Har-ol-ump, that is, Har-al-om,

' See Parkhurst in voce w r als . From tn'St the word. Sultan is said to have been derived ; but it is from the word
alt or xlt.
• See Guerin de Rocher, Vol. 1 . pp . 113-120 ; Vol. II . p . 213 ; Vol . V. p . 22 .
• See Vol . I . pp . 169, 181, 199, 500, 587, 607 . 4 Note on p . 158 .
• This was the Welsh Bull with three Cranes on his back, called Budwas Trigeranon, answering to the Indian Buddha
Trivicrama-ditya, or Buddha with triple energy, as explained by Col. Tod.
6 Here, it will be observed, the Author again quits the Hebrew, and makes till equal 600, partly by Greek and partly
by Roman numerals . Yet see his note 5, infra, p. 187, and Chap . ii. Sect. 1 . Editor.
• Jurieu, Vol. II . p . 248. ' On this mixture of numerals see note supra . Editor.
9 We have formerly found (Vol . I . p . 600) the xpps and the xpvq connected . The xpts was an incarnation of the solar
fire. Here the aurum and aur, the gold, and the fare, are connected .
Book III . Chapter I . Section 13 179
Mount of the God Om . Gebelin, in his Monde Primitif, has undertaken to prove, that the minuet
was the dance oblique of the ancient priests of Apollo, performed in their temples . "The diagonal
" line, and the two parallels described in this dance, were intended to be symbolical of the Zodiac,
" and the twelve steps of which it is composed were meant for the twelve signs, and the
" months of the year." r Little do our village girls, when dancing round the May pole, and our
fine ladies when dancing the Cotillon think, that they are exhibiting the most profound
astronomical learning ; but they are doing so nevertheless . Dancing was originally merely reli-
gious, intended to assist the memory in retaining the sacred learning which originated previous to
the invention of letters . It began in sense, it is continued in nonsense. But why not? Does it
not make them happy? Then merrily may the bonny lasses dance ; they shall never be disturbed
by me . Alas 1 disturbance will come soon enough, without rne .
The Salii were Sulii or priests of Sul, who was worshiped with circular dances, whence the
French or Franks, who were peculiarly attached to the dancing superstition, were called Salii .
The president of the college of Salii in Rome was called Prmsul-our officer is called Consul .
Indeed I believe, that there were no parts of the rites and ceremonies of antiquity, which were
not adopted with a view to keep in recollection the ancient learning, before letters were known
Thus, as I have just said, that which began in sense is continued in nonsense ; for since the art of
writing has become known, all forms and ceremonies are really nonsense . But it served the pur-
pose of the priests to retain them, and that is the real reason of their continuance . It was the
same in the ceremonies of the Jews . The whole system was held to be a microcosm of the Deity,
the Templum, a part of it, and with reference to this every part of it had a meaning . But I shall
discuss the microcosm at large in a future book . It may be enough to notice here, as one example,
the fringe of the Jewish dress, which is formed of cords knotted in fives and sixes, and tens and
twelves, of knots contrived, as the Jews say, so as to form, in their various combinations, the
number 600, and the name of it is T' '3c zizit, which is n t=400, ' i=10, 3c z=90, ' i=10, y z=90=
600. In these fringes, directed to be worn on the garments, and to be looked upon in a particular
manner, (and called 600,) we have, if I mistake not, an example of Moses, under divine direction,
practising that which Sir William Drummond called bufl'oonery. 2 But this word has several
meanings, which are remarkable . As )y zi it describes exactly the earns of Tibet, of Scotland, of
Ireland, and of Arabia also, a very striking and important identity 3 It also means a flower, and
a thin plate of metal. 4 The temple was a microcosm of the globe . The high priest in his pon-
tificals in the Sanctum Sanctorum, surrounded with his Tzizit, was a microcosm of the tree of
knowledge with its flowers, in the garden of delight . The flowers are said to be of the colour of
the Hyacinth, as I understand, because it is blue ; but I think this is not the meaning . The Lotus
of the Nile is blue . I shall probably return to this . The parcels of knots in five and sixes, with
their various combinations, are beautifully descriptive of the lustrums, and of combinations to form
the double cycles of 360 and 432 . 8 Here we see more proofs of what Pythagoras meant, when he
said, that all science resolved itself into numbers .
13. We will now try to find the meaning of the word Solomon ; often spelt Soleiman, Sulimon,

' Hog's Hist . Corn . p . 460. ' See Numb . xv . 38, 39 ; Deut. xxii. 12 .
' Vide Parkhurst in voce . ' Vide Fry.
s The Catholic beads and a string of them called a Rosary are the same . The Rosary is from the word ras wisdom ;
the Bead, in like manner, is from the word Ved, or ZVisdom . Beten, in German, is to pray .
180 Solomon
Suleimon, and 1hw slme. Pezrou has found the word Sol for Sun among the Celts, and I consider
that, having it in Latin, we have it in the Etruscan . We have it also, I think, in the language of
ancient Britain, in the Fons Solis at Bath . As we have just seen, the first word Sol, or Sul, or Suli,
forms the cycles of 336 and of 366, and spelt with an X or D final, probably of 666 . The second word
is the 133=90, and also =1=650 . This MN or Menu was in a particular manner the symbol of
mind. Minos or Menu or Numa was a wise lawgiver. The Mn formed the only animal in the
creation possessing mind, called nian for this reason . Thus the wisdom of the Sun became Solo-
mon . l With reference to the same mythos we have the Lm 650, the Lam or Lam-da, holy LM,
and L M B=72, and the Men-des or holy Goat, which is the same as the Sheep . And when
science improved, we have the M=alone equal to 600 . With reference to the same, we have the
fig-tree called Lamed, the sacred tree of the Indians, which fructifies in its own peculiar manner
something like the Lotus . 2 We have also Mount Meru, called by the Siamese Menu, or, at least,
Maria called Mania, which, combined with the circumstances that we have seen relating to mounts
and meres of the Aja or Lamb and Goat, justify a suspicion that Meru was Menu . With refe-
rence to this, the centre letter of the two Irish alphabets is in one called Moiria, and in the other
Muin, substituting the N and R for one another, but each the centre letter . I cannot help sus-
pecting, that all our Meres and Marias were corruptions of Menus or arose from them . I think it
probable that Salman-asar was the Caesar Solomon- Salmon-)Esar .
The second person of the Trinity being an incarnation of the solar power, the word 5w sl came
to mean Saviour, 3 and from this comes the word =15w slam, and O5w sim, peace, and 15w sle,
Shilo, Saviour, as is proved by his being called by Onkelos Kri'wb msiha, that is, THE Saviour or
THE Messiah . From this we may now see where the Soli or Suli-Minerva of Bath comes from.
She comes from the Saviour Minerva thus : Sol or Sul is Saviour, as the Sun is always called,
therefore the Sul is both Sun and Saviour, and Miner is also Saviour . 4 %5D plz is the same as
the Pala noticed by me in another place, and is the origin of the Pallas . 5
I imagine that the following is the true translation of 2 Samuel xii . 24 and 25 : "And he called
his name Solomon (rthty slme), and Ieue loved him. And, Nathan the prophet put his hand upon
him (1's-ri5wn uislh-bid) and called him after Ieue, (or on account of IE 11syz bobur) Jedidiah,"
(1'1'1' ididie) that is, the most holy IE, or, in Hebrew idiom, Holy, Holy IE . Here we have the
Xeipo,rovue and Christening, or giving the Christian name, usually given with us at the baptism .
I assume that the 1 d in the word 1'3 bid ought td be 1 r. With this the whole is sense, without
it the whole is nonsense ; and I think most Hebrew scholars who shall go through my work, and
see all the proofs which I shall give of my theory, will agree with me that the emendation ought
to be made.
The Milyans of Lycia were called Solymi . They were also called Telmissi and Termillians .
They came from Crete . At Miletus was the crucified Apollo,-Apollo who overcame the serpent,
IM pin, pin, or the evil principle. Thus Callimachus celebrating this achievement, in his hymn to
Apollo, has these remarkable words, lines 103, 104-

I I have little doubt that the monkey was called Hanuman from the same principle, and that the word Hanu was a
a word of qualification, as perhaps, half-man or inferior man .
s Vall. Coll. Hib . Vol. V . p . 130 . 3 See Parkhurst under 15w sle and o?W slm .

* See Pausanias, and also Parkhurst in voce iiti mnr and r5D plz II, where she is shewn to be the same as Venus,
and to mean the generative power of the Heavens ; and the same as niwtt a8re Venus or the Saviour . See Parkhurst
in 1u, asr, IV.
s Vol
. 1. pp . 629, 630 . 6 See Beloe's Herodotus, Vol . I. p. 236 .
Book III . Chapter I . Section 14 181

n& a, MHTHP

"T hee thy blest mother bore, and pleased assign'd

The willing Saviour of distress'd mankind ." DODD .'

From this root also come the word ins ptr, to expound or Interpret dreams, and 'f1nD ptur, inter-
pretation, andpaterce leaves, i . e . the divining leaves of the Sibyl ;s also the name of a town in
Mesopotamia, (Numb . xxii . 5 ; Deut. xxiii. 4,) from an oracle at that place, . and Patrte in Achaia,
and Patara in Lycia, from an oracular temple of Apollo, whence Horace calls him Patareus .
Hence also the priests among the Gauls were called Paterae . 3 Whence also came the little
images of the Phoenicians IIazauxot or Pateeci by Herodotus . In Python, the Serpent, may be
found the destroyer, the Evil Spirit . Apollo was, I doubt not, the son of one of the females to
whom we find the altars inscribed with the words Tribus Mariebus, who was the Virgo Paritura
of Egypt and Gaul . Patra or Patra, in Sanscrit, means a leaf. The cups used in sacrifice in
Sanscrit are called Pateras, and are made of a large leaf. The Greek word Petalon is the same as
this .'
14 . We may suppose another of the earliest words discovered, precisely in the same manner as
the Sul, would be [, l,' , denoting 360 . I suppose that the words which we found above,
pp . 160, 161, to stand for the cycle of fourteen, namely, di or id, in order perhaps to imprint the day
strongly on the memory, or from religious motives, had become sacred or holy .
Now we will suppose man called a certain river the river of the Solar orb : he would, in nume-
ral letters, first call it the river of Sin, or 360, and next, the river of the sacred or holy Sin-and
that would be Sindi ; which was the name of a sacred river in Thrace, and of the river Indus in
India-one the river of the Jzws of Thrace, and the other the boundary of the great Mesopotamia
of loudia or 4youdia or Judcea of India. 5 But the important part of this observation to us, at the
present, is, that we have got another name of two syllables .
Bud is B=2, D=4=6, the root of 432 . Father is ab, abba . He is the first of all created and
creating beings ; thus he is B=2, A=1=3 ; the Trimurti, and the root of almost innumerable
superstitious fancies about the generation of numbers. Thus, also, Ab-ba 3-1-3, the root again of
the cycle of 432, a Roman Lustrum . I suspect Abba was both parent and father ; as Beeve is
both cow and bull ; and as Khan was both king and queen.
We have found God called Ad, in India, and in Western Syria . A, is one, and d, is di-holy
one or monad . And the word Monad is Mn 650, di, holy, A, one, the holy one, or To ON ; that
is, ON, the Generative power," called `HTuos by the Greeks .
Every thing was microcosmic : Adam and Eve, made after the image of God, were a microcosm
of Brahme and Maia, 7 their three sons a microcosm of the Trimurti . Noah, his wife, and three
sons, were the same . It would have been singular if we had not found Adam and Eve in the
arithmetical language. L77K adm, is I (or the Monad or root) of the di, holy, cycle of Om or M,
-the God described on the fringe of the priest's garment .

1 Parkhurst, p . 602 . 4 See Celtic Druids, p . 93 . 3 See Bochart, Vol. I . p . 666 .

4 Asiat . Res. Vol . VI . p. 499.
The river Sind is also called Abba-Sin, or father Sin . (Tod's Essay on the Indian and Theban Hercules, Trans .
Asiat . Soc.) I have little or no doubt from the word (Abyssinian) Abbasinian, that the Upper Nile was once called
Sin-di, or Abba-Sin . The term father was constantly applied to the Nile in Egypt-as we say, father Thames .
6 See Vol . I . p . 109 . 7 Ibid. p . 348 .
182 Cryptography, Indian

In Volume I . p. 643, 1 say that the word 2y ob has the meaning of Serpent, and that I shall
explain this in a future page . The letter n b denotes 2, and the letter y o denotes 70, and the two
denote the recurring cycle 72, the most common, and, perhaps, important of all the sacred cycles,
but not more common or important than its emblem the Serpent .
Why did Jesus say he founded his church upon a rock or stone ? I have shewn (in note 2 of
Volume I . p . 346) the word stan or stone, both in India and Europe, to have the same meaning ;
therefore it follows, that it is a very old word, probably an arithmetical word . May it have been
6'=200, T'=300, v'=50, v'=50, stnn cycle of 600? It is very true, that the whole system was
founded upon that cycle . What was the loadstone, which I have supposed carried in the Amphi-
prumna as its mast, the mast of Cockayne,' of Minerva, of Wisdom, but L'-di-stone the holy
stone 2 It was, most assuredly, of all inanimate things, the best emblem of Wisdom . What can
be more precious than the magnet ? This is highly figurative, no doubt ; but who can deny that
the language of Jesus was figurative, and as highly figurative too? This Lapis would be the Lapis
of 600 ; then, by regimine, the lapis stnn .
I am quite certain that no one who considers that Jesus taught In parables, as he said, that he
might not be understood, will think it unreasonable to go to an v enigma for the meaning of the
aenigmatical expression to Simon Peter, Cephas, Pierre, Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will
build my church : Matt . xvi. 18. Now I think the stone on which Jesus meant to found his
church, was Saxum, Sax, Saca, in short, Buddha or divine wisdom . This is in perfect keeping
with other equivoques which Jesus is said to have used . The stone of Sax would become the
stone Sax, with the Latin termination . Jesus Christ was a disciple of Buddha ; that is, of Divine
Wisdom . Who will deny this? Thus we come at the first name of Buddha, Saca. Littleton
says, Saxum a stone- ra4w lreTpa, y5D slo. Ki pas, Chald . et Syr . w!)'] kipia, Heb. 9p kp .
A play upon language, or an equivoque being clearly meant, no objection can be taken to an ex-
planation arising from an equivoque . Sax is evidently divine wisdom, Buddha . It is also a stone,
the anointed stone of Jacob, the emblem of the generative power or wisdom. Now, when I reflect
upon the way in which our c has changed to s, and to S, and upon the collateral circumstances, in
defiance of rules of etymology I am induced to suspect that the 93 kp is the `av spr or letter
which we have found always connected with wisdom, and the Zephir or the Holy Ghost ; and that
it is also Sup and Soph .
15. The works of Fabricius skew that the Cryptographic writing by ciphers was common with
the early fathers of the church ; but this was practised in India to a much later date, as may be
seen in Col . Tod's Rajahstan ; 2 even to the year . 1204 of the Hegira.
The work noticed by Col. Tod is said to have been written by a man who styles himself a
Shufeek of Arungabad, or, as the Colonel says, " Rhymer of Arungabad ." I doubt not that he
was a poet, but he was also, probably, a Shufeek or Sophee. The work is called Bisat-al-Gnaem,
or, in one sense, "Display of the Foe ;" but it is meant also by these words, the Colonel says, to
describe the year 1204, in which it was written . He gives "the numerical value of the letters
which compose the title" thus
" B. S . A. T. a. 1. G . N. A . E . M .
2. 60 . 1 . 9 . 1 . 9 .1000 .50 .1 . 10. 40 ."= 1183 .
In Hebrew numerals it would stand thus

' See Volume I . pp . 340, 344, 345 . = Vol. 1 . 235.

Book III . Chapter I . Section 15 183

s Beth
D Samech 60
x Aleph 1
to Teth 9
x Aleph 1
Lamed 30
No form 1 G 1000 Bsat-al-Gnaim .
i Nun 50
k Aleph 1
Jod 10
0 Mem 40

Here we have a writing containing two meanings . I suspect this was the case with the whole of
Genesis ; that it had a meaning for the learned and for the vulgar .
The Colonel observes, « as the total is only 1183, either the date is wrong, or a deficient value
Q0 is given to the numerals ;" but the mistake is in giving the power of 9 to the Lamed instead of
30. This correction brings it right. Here we have the Cryptographic writing in a very late date,
and it is in the Hebrew names of letters in India . I have not satisfied myself as to its real Hebrew
meaning, but I suspect it means to compare the uncivilized or early princes of Mewar to a plan-
tation or garden of wild grapes. But it furnishes a very strong support to my doctrine that the
Hebrew was the root of all their Indian languages .
If figures were the origin of letters, that is, the first letters, all the original names of the Gods
would naturally be numerical ; and it seems natural that they should often remain as we find
them ; but not in like manner other names . It seems also natural, if notation were discovered by
placing stones at the side of each other, as was probably the case, that addition, from perpendicu-
lar lines, should have been the first operation . The first of these operations would be to record
time, moons, years, cycles,-and the collection would form the first name of the planet whose
cycle it rcorded . Thus the first name of the moon would be, as we have found it above, p . 151,
Evoke, IIVAA=28. s

' May not a have borne the same numerical value as j in the cognate Arabic or Persian ? A s Col . Tod gives E = 10 .
the Author seems fully justified in substituting +=10, in the word Gnadm . Editor.
s The Egyptians revered the Moon under the emblem of a Cat . Here, in our English, I doubt not that we have
nearly the first name of the Moon . Kaph=20, A= I, Teth=9=30-Kat. The Irish Phennicshe made 608 : the
"vv=608 ; in Coptic, Qwv=600 . The Chaldeans called the Phoenix rSD hlo-Caph final=500, Lamed=30, Oin=70=
600. The Yug (or age as it ought to be called) of Cali or Clo=600. As we have found the famous State of Western
Syria called Phnenic .ia, that is, the Phennicshe of Ireland, (vide Celtic Druids,) and ia, that is, country of Phennicshe or
of Phenn, it is very natural to expect its capital would have a name from the same kind of mythology - thus we have,
s w=300
i 10
d i= 4
n 1= 50
Sidn . 364

Its daughter might be called . n=400

n=200 T. R . H. or Tyre .
n= 8
[This, however ingenious, appears very doubtful, as Sidon or Zidon was not spelt with tv but with Y. See, in
184 Vowel Points
16. I must now return for a moment to the subject of the ancient vowels . (The vowel points
of the Hebrew I have long since proved in the Classical Journal, and in the Appendix to my first
volume, to be modern .) It has constantly been said, that all ancient written languages were
without vowels . This) I have no doubt, has passed down as a tradition from the earliest times,
like many other old sayings without thought, by ignorant people . It is not true, and never was
true of any of them, as a person may at once satisfy himselfby looking into any of the old lan-
guages. But it was partly true . The least consideration of the manner in which I have shewn
that the system of figures grew into a system of symbolic letters will prove, that it could not be
otherwise than as it is, and this will tend strongly to prove the truth of my whole system . For it
is evident that, after the trees acquired names, and the figures were called after the trees, and the
first unspoken but written language was made by using the figures or ciphers, whether the words
were composed out of the forms which were afterward vowels or consonants or both, as in the
word iivaa for 28, it would be merely an effect depending, in each case, upon the contingency
whether the names of the trees used began with a vowel or a consonant ; this is the reason why,
in the twenty-eight letters, we have several letters with the same sound, though of different
powers of notation . In this case the names of several of the trees must have begun with the same
letter ; and this is the reason why, in the words of the first language, the vowels and consonants
are mixed without any system whatever . In some words there are no vowels, others consist in
part of vowels, and some of all vowels ; and this takes place in the Celtic, the Hebrew, in fact, in
every language which we have been able to trace up to a very remote antiquity, and among them
was anciently included the Greek .
If I wished to form a word from the names of three symbols, and if those names began with
three consonants, the word would have three consonants : if, of a consonant and a vowel, as Beth
and Eadha, it would be written B E ; if, of two consonants, as Duir and Luis, it would have no
vowel, but merely two consonants ., D L. In this manner most words would be written almost
without vowels . But after some time the same cause which made man have recourse to the sound
of the first parts of the names of trees, would occasionally induce him, in order to enable him to
pronounce a word, to add a vowel answering to the sound in the words, where it could not other-
wise be spoken . The first syllable of almost all words may be pronounced without a vowel, but
not the second . Thus we have much oftener a vowel in the second part of a word than in the
first ; but there is nothing like a rule . It is evident that this process arose solely from the letters
having been taken from the first sounds of the names of the trees of which the letters were formed ;
as, D from Duir. The order of the figures is natural, as it is natural that two should follow one,
and three two ; but the order of the letters arose solely from the names of the trees attached to
the numbers having the respective sounds in their first letters . For instance ; A is the first letter,
because it is the beginning of the word Ailm, which stands for the first number or number one. If
written language had been formed by the premeditation and reflection of Grammarians and Philo-
sophers, we should have had the alphabet in a very different order ; we should have bad all the
labial letters together, all the dentals together, all the vowels together, &c ., and not, as it is now,
in the order of notation . This orderly system in the Sanscrit tends strongly to prove it, compa-
ratively speaking, a modern and artificial language . Indeed I think it does prove it to be so . I
can readily suppose that, after man bad found out how to make a syllable by taking the first letters
of two words, as in the case of Id for 14, he would easily form other syllables by taking the sounds

Hebrew, Gen. x . 15, 19 ; Judges xviii . 28 ; 1 Chron. i. 13. Sidon or Zidon would, therefore, signify, in numbers,
154 ; and to justify win being considered as equal to 608, the rt must be taken for the Greek j. Editor.]
Boot: III . Chapter I . Section 17 185

of the first letters of words, or beginnings of words, to form other syllables ; as I have shewn that
he would take the first of Duir and the first of Gort, to make Dog or Dg .
17. The art of acrostic writing, which we find in the Tamul, the Psalms, the Runes of Scandi-
navia, &c ., arose from the mode of making out a word from the first letters of numbers . The
word IIVAA is really an acrostic .; and it was this which led the ancients into the apparently
foolish practice of acrostic writing, of which we find, in the languages and works above enu-
merated, so many examples . The words Bisat-al-Gnaim for 1204, lately quoted from Colonel
Tod, are correctly an acrostic .
Mr. Mallet has observed, 11 that the ancient Scandinavian poetry abounded with acrostics of
"" various kinds, as much as the Hebrew ;" I the Scandinavian, that is, the Saxon .

The practice to which our grammarians have given the scientific or technical name of Anagram,
partly arose from the accidental transposition of the letters of a word, when changing the writing
from the numeral system or system of ciphers, and from the top downwards, to the literal and
horizontal, and partly from indifference as to the order in which the letters stood, when the language
was in unspoken symbols . With respect to language, I believe our grammarians give too much
credit to system, and by no means enough to what we call accident . A moment's reflection will
shew any one that, in the unspoken language of numerical symbols, it was not of the least conse-
quence in what order the symbols were placed . For instance, in the word Sul, whether it were
Slu or Sul, precisely the same idea would be conveyed . This was the origin of Anagrams and
Metathesis, to which we have given these fine names .
This explanation of the hitherto unexplained deficiency of the Hebrew and Celtic vowels, seems
to me to be the most satisfactory of any part of my system, and to connect the whole together as
perfectly as could be expected in cases of this kind . The number of characters in the old Arabic
and other systems having the same names, for instance, 2 the three D's, shew, that they were
originally never intended for letters, but merely for numbers .
I am of opinion that the Eastern or Cadmaean system, as the Greeks called it, was originally
invented from the Arabic, and was kept a great mystery by the Masons, who were of the tribe or
religion of the Chaldeans and of the Ioudi of Trace . That the Ioudi were the persons who in-
vented it, I shall endeavour to shew by and by . The irregular and unsystematic use of vowels
shews that the change from the use of ciphers or figures or symbols to letters, was done without
any system or contrivance which had language or literature for its object . The selection of the
sixteen letters, both in Syria and in Greece, shews signs of the religious mystery, and in Greece,
particularly, it shews that the leaf or petala system or practice was abandoned, in part, from com-
pliance with the sacred mythos which prevailed . At first, after letters were discovered, the initial
of the name of every number would form a letter, but several numbers being called after trees
whose names began with letters having the same sounds, only one would be retained, and thus
only sixteen or seventeen were kept in use . The characters of the trees also shew. that they did
not arise from premeditation ; for, if they had, such trees as the Spanish chestnut and the pine
would have been selected . I can imagine no other cause for the selection but accident . But they
are all inhabitants of high latitudes . They would thrive equally in Tartary and in Ireland .
Endless is the nonsense which has been written respecting the ten Jewish Sephiroths ; but
Moore has, perhaps, alone explained them . Their name, in fact, tells us what they are . They
are well known to be ten symbols and what is Sepher but Cipher ?-the ciphers of notation . up
to ten, which, it is evident, contained in themselves, in the numeral language or language of

Northern Ant . Vol. II . p . 144 . ' See my Pre] . Ob . Sect. 52.
VOL . II .
186 The Number Nine

ciphers, in its endless combinations, all knowledge or wisdom ? This was really Cabalistic.'
This was the meaning of the aenigma of Pythagoras, that every thing proceeded from numbers .
In this language of ciphers, every cipher or figure, to a certain extent, was, of course, the sym-
bol of a word, v iz . t o 9 inclusive . At first this would be the case up to 28, and if we look to the
tree alphabet, we shall see each of the grammata or lines, by means of the ligature, made into one .
After the Arabic notation was invented, although all the figures from 9 to 99 would consist of two
symbols, they were in fact representatives of but one idea . Basnage says, that the writing on Bel-
shazzar's wall, interpreted by Daniel, consisted of but a letter or symbol for a word ; this is correctly
cipher writing . It is not surprising that the Chaldwan Daniel should have possessed this Cabalistic
knowledge or the art of writing the symbols in some phosphoretic preparation, which should only
be visible, perhaps, when shaded from the lights . M . Basnage remarks, that the same practice
was observed on ancient inscriptions, where a letter or symbol stands for a word . For various
mystical or superstitious purposes the Greek alphabet was varied from the Asiatic one, and if we
look to other alphabets, we shall be able to perceive superstition at work, and the same supersti-
tion,-the same gratification of the passion or fashion of making riddles or denigmas, which really
seems to have been the leading occupation of the priests, or initiated, for many generations ; in
fact, iii all time before Herodotus, who was called the father of history, from being its first in-
ventor, i . e . of history as separated from the historic, mythologic aenigmas .
18. We will now consider the number 9.
They Teth of the Hebrew stands for nine. I have no doubt that we have this letter nearer the
original in form in the Greek 0 Theta, a circle including a central point, though the Greek Theta
is not unlike the Teth both in name and form . This has the same name as the Tha or Thas of the
Egyptians, and the 4~9as of the Copts . It is called the everlasting number, because, by whatever
number it is multiplied, if the figures be added, they make 9 . Thus 7x9=63, and 6+3 _9 ; or an
equal number of nines, and for this reason it has the emblem of eternity for its figure, viz . a point
and a circle . This Tha or Thas is the ninth or last number before the tens begin . The Tzaddi is
the 90, the second nine before the hundreds begin ; and the Tzaddi final is the third 9, standing
for 900, before the thousands begin .
If the reader look to the Irish alphabets in my Preliminary Observations : Chapter 1 . Sect . xlvi .
p . 9, he will find each of them to consist of seventeen letters, the ninth letter in each is the centre
letter ; it is the M . In the first it is called Moiria, that is, Maria ; and in the second it is called
the Muin=666, of which we have seen and said so much . 2 Can any one believe this to have
been the effect of accident ? And if it be not accident, can any one doubt that it is the effect of a
secret system, and of the very system which I have been unfolding ?
Georgius shews that the Pema or Lotus is the Padma softened to Pema . I suppose Padma is
Sanscrit and means Pad, one of the names of Buddha, and Ma, mother ; the same as Om, the male
and female united in the Lotus flower . The word Ma or the M with a vowel, without which it
cannot be sounded, was, as I have stated, the old word for mother or the female principle-the
matrix ; and, on this account, it might be that the central numeral letter of the alphabet came to
have the name of M . It was the Ma or Om figure, and thus the tree figure or vine-tree came to
be called MN, or Muin, or 666-M-vin the vin of M . It should be remembered that the Jews of
the present day have numerous mysteries attached to the M as the central letter, (many more,
probably, than I am acquainted with,) so that this is not merely a theory . A moment's inspection
shews that the Arabic alphabet was constructed without any regard to the mythos . Mystery

' See Basnage, p . 199 . 2 Vol . I . pp . 174, 273, 659, &c ., also supra; p . iso .
Book III . Chapter I . Section 18 187

itself is a mythos, as I have shewn-M-istory-perhaps, I-story-om-the Story of Om . This was

correctly the case with all early history . 1 But it is quite clear to me that after the Hebrews had
adopted the first sixteen letters, the others were added, without any regard to the wants of the
language, as a moment's examination will shew . For what, then, could it be, but to humour this
mythos ?-partly, perhaps, out of regard to the Moon's cycle of twenty-seven days, partly to
make the M the central letter ; for, without the contrivance of the final letters, it would not
answer. The final letters are not indispensably necessary, as most of the letters do without the
finals . The Arabians kept all their numbers for letters, but it is evident that if they had been
composed to serve the purpose of letters, they would not have had three letters T, or three letters
S. I have before shewn that it seems probable that the Greeks at one time had the same number
of numeral letters as the Hebrews, or letters having the same power of notation ; but that they
purposely contrived to leave out the Koph, in order that they might have the two centre letters
for their monogram of Bacchus, Mn=650, eleven letters on each side . One effect of this would be
to make the last three letters of their proper old alphabet have each, in succeeding times, two
numeral powers . 2 I have taken great pains to prove, and I am certain I have proved, that the
last three letters of the alphabet had each two numeral meanings . Herewe have a satisfactory
explanation of the mode by which that effect was produced in the Greek . After they had given
names to gods or things, from the symbols having the original powers of notation, they would
never be able entirely to destroy these first names and substitute new ones . If new ones were
given, it is evident that both would continue .
Man in Sanscrit means a human being ; in Chaldaeo-Hebrew, intelligence. 3
Mani is always called Mane : now this will give us nearly the numerical name .

M=600 M=600 M=600

A= 1 N= 50 I= 10
N= 50 I= 10 N= 50
I= 10 or f A= 1 U= 6 Persian Hour .
E= 5 1 E= 5
666 666

Om-Mani-Pami or Pema-Ocn . One is nothing but the M=600 . Mani is Numa or Minos
or Menu . We have seen how the Nu is rn Nh or Noah, 4 and I believe it is the NH-ifn
650 . 5
We constantly read of the Son of Man . I have often wondered why a human being should be
so called . I have little doubt that by this was meant, Son of the Solar Incarnation, Mn .
Man was the image of God, of the being described by the number 650 ; in short, he was the
microcosm of God . Mind was Sapientia ; and this was only to be made perceptible by one man
to another by means of the Logos or speech . Thus mind came to be described by the word
Logos, the speech or anima in motion, the spirit of God, of which the Linga was the emblem. The
organ of generation, for a similar reason, was called Linga, or Lingua, language, or speech, or Logos .
Mind was the To Ov . "Every thing tends to the To Ov"--" to the centre ." For this reason,

1 Vol. I. P. 882, n. See `Icopia, `Ismp, and Italian Storia. 4 ABFAEZHAIKA.MN-SLOIIP1"MX' f3.
4 Volney, Res . Ant. Hist. Vol. H . p . 403 . * See Vol. I . pp . 234, 236, 420, 626, 649,'714.
s Let it not be forgotten, that when I speak of these matters, I suppose the Greek and Hebrew letters to be the same
or nearly so-not yet to have changed .
188 The Number Nine

when the alphabet consisted of only twenty-four letters or figures, the two centre letters, the
MN-550, formed its name. The name of that part of the Hom or Homo, which more immediately
partook of the nature of the To Ov, mind and man-min-di, viz . divus, holy or sacred, that is,
MN. After the sacred number, the Neros was found to be 600 and not 650, the number of the
letters was reduced from 28 to 27, and the M=600 was the sacred number .' When this was the
case, it is evident that those who did not understand all the reasoning might take either the LM or
the MN for their sacred number 650. Thus came the Lama and the menu. Thus the Lamed
came to be used indiscriminately with the Nun, as Ficinus tells us . And thus, as we might
expect, Lama, Menu, and Mani, were all the same . The Lamed is, in fact, the LM-di, Holy or
Sacred Lama .
At last, the Lama came to have the same name as the sheep, as the solar constellation, and as
" the Lamb that taketh away the sins of the world," because, in the language of figures, it was
was L=50, M=600=650 . For a similar reason the Goat, which was the same as the Lamb, was
called Mn-des, M=600, N=50=650 .
The Indian Fig-tree was sacred to the Sun . 2 It was the tree of the Lam ; then, from the re-
gimine, the tree Lam-di .
The reader may probably recollect the observations which I made in Volume 1 . pp. 606, 837,
838, that the Goat and the Sheep are the same genus of animal, and that they will breed forward,
or continue the breed, like the Greyhound and the Pointer, not like the Horse and the Ass. This
accounts for the Goat being often found where a Sheep might be expected . At last the two ani-
mals came to be equally adored, one as LM=650, the other as MN=650 .
Parkhurst says, y`tnn mndo, knowledge, understanding . 3 From this root y'T' ido, probably, comes
the name of the Docetes . He says, rWI dot, .knowledge . 4 I believe it was one name of the
Gnostics, and from this probably came the Latin Doctus. We have found munda to mean a cycle
or circle . I suspect this arose from the figurative similitude of the divine mind to the circle which
we meet with every where, to the 0, To Ov ; and that man had this name from being an emana-
tion from the divine mind . From the word p1' ido comes the word idea, which is so closely con-
nected with understanding, knowledge, and mind . And thus the mounts Ida, of Crete and Troy,
or Tr-ia, might, with little or perhaps no violence, be construed mounts of knowledge or wisdom .
The lod has the meaning of hand and ten, and may be the root of the word Ioda or Juda . It is
the i1' ido of the Hebrews, which means to think, and figuratively knowledge, Wisdom, in fact,
our Idea . When a man has no ideas he has no wisdom. We have before seen the close connex-
ion of letters and knowledge. Here, I think, we may find the meaning of Ayodia-the place of
wisdom . The tribe of Judea may be nothing but the tribe of Judia or Idii . The Idei of Crete were
Aawru%os, Dactyli, as the learned say, because they were ten, the number of a person's fingers .
I apprehend they might also be so called from the lodi or Idaei, that is, votaries, or the inventors
or possessors of the system of letters, and also from the word Iced a hand. We have here several
meanings similar to what we found in the Tamul. From the Hebrew word y'1' ido, Idea, the ideas
of letters, knowledge, wisdom, head, cannot be separated . The French Tdte is Tat, Ras, head .

1 Thus, when it was desired -to retain the allegory of the tree of knowledge and letters in the alphabetic numeral
system, and the mansions of the moon and the days of the moon's period were found to be more correctly described by
27, the letters were reduced to 27.
s Vail. Coll. Hib . Vol . V. p . 130. 3 In voce yr ido, VII . P. 271 .
4 Ibid. p. 273 . In a future page we shall find the language of Scotland called Gael-doct. The latter word came to
Scotland with the Jewish abstinence from Pork, and was derived from this word,. meaning learned Gael, or Sanctum
Scriptum .
Book III . Chapter I . Section 18 189

The Cretans of Mount Ida were said, by the Greeks, to be Jews . They probably constituted the
monastic body, the remains of which still continue as Christian monks on Mount Ida.'
Virgil seems to have known the true nature of this mythos from an expression in the £neid,
Lib. x .-
Alma parens Idma Deftm .

This Idaea was the Maia of Greece. Proclus, upon Plato, uses the expression, Maia ©ewv dirari
Maia, the Sovereign or Supreme of the Gods . s
We know certainly that, after the use of the numeral symbols as letters commenced, the custom
of using them as symbols did not cease ; but, on the contrary, that they were continued in com-
mon use for superstitious purposes by the early fathers ; and it is easy to imagine, that, after the
numeral powers of the Coptic and Greek letters became changed, the Gods should, in some in-
stances, be called, or rather be described, by the symbols in their new application . For instance,
that what before was '1T1 tr should become 2 ;P=600. And, again, TFP and XFP. I think
each of the letters PXT came to have two meanings . All this might readily arise in the infancy
of letter writing, and during the gradual cessation of symbol writing. I think the very easy
manner in which the unmeaning names of the Gods resolve themselves into numbers, and those the
precise numbers which are required to describe the sacred cycle, as it advanced to perfection, and
the way in which they are recorded in the numbers of pillars in the temples, and the way in which,
as I have shewn, they were used to make up the periods of the Hebrew chronology, as taught by
Usher, Marsham, and Eusebius ; and the way in which the monograms descriptive of Jesus
Christ are formed of the numbers of the three cycles, leave nothing wanting to the proof of the
truth of my explanation of the system . The probabilities are as a million to one in favour of its
truth .
It should also be recollected, that we are not to be tied down in our reasoning respecting the
meanings of symbols and letters in the first years of their invention, in the same strict manner as
we ought to be, when we reason about those of the fastidious Greeks, at the time when they had
brought their beautiful alphabet to perfection, and fixed, with great precision, the power of every
The attempts to tie down inquirers into the early periods of Greece, or any other country, to
the strict grammatical rules adopted or formed in later times, when these countries had become
highly civilized and their language fixed by these grammatical rules, can only serve, if permitted,
to conceal truth . There is no reason to believe the ancient languages different from the modern
with respect to their uncertainty ; and how uncertain are they ! The following passage of Sir
John Maundeville, a learned Englishman in the fourteenth century, will shew in how short a time
even a written language changes : "Aftre that thei ben zolden (yielded) thei sleen hem alle, and
kutten of hire eres, and soween hem in vynegre, and there of thei maken gret servyse for
" Lordes ." Similar examples may be found in every language .
I must also beg my reader not to be surprised if he should find several etymologies for a word .
He must recollect that I pretend to prove nothing, only to raise different degrees of probability in
each case ; and when I give two explanations, the reader may take which he chooses ; I believe he
will find either of them consistent with the remainder of the theory . But I think it probable that,
in many cases, words were designedly so formed as to have several meanings . It must also be
recollected, that the meanings of words would change with time .

For Iod hand, see Ouseley's Coll . Vol . 111 . pp . 62, 105, 418. Jurieu, Vol. II . p. 91 .
1 90 Arabic Letters

19. After man began to theorize on the First Cause, he naturally designated it by the Monad or
Unit, which was at length described by a point : on this arose many most refined speculations . It
was on the Monad, on which was erected all the other numbers, till we get to ten ; the whole of
the fingers which formed one circle or whole, as it contained in itself all numbers . Then, by the
invention of adding the other numbers over again, all numbers are formed . Thus the point came
to be the foundation of both series, and the • or pruktos, or prick, or point, ' or jod, to be
descriptive of self-existence, and of both one and ten, and from this in time might arise the
Hebrew verb ri'ti eie, to he or exist ; with its irregular forms, and its ' i existence and ni' ie, or,
Syriace, Y' io, joined to '`t di, `il' iud, and the people of lo-di, the holy Io ; and, Chaldaice, K'71v iuda,
and God self-existent, thus formed from the root • the Ailm, on which all letters and numbers
were carried or formed, and consequently all knowledge . `Thus it was the creator, and the foun-
dation or mother of figures, letters, and knowledge : from this, the Iedi of Judi were the followers
of the holy I, or le, or Io . From this being the origin of letters as well as of creation, the golden
fleece (holy wisdom) and the apple of the Hesperides, apples of the tree of knowledge, holy wis-
dom came.
The first figure would, of course, be what we find it, I : when it got to ten it was X or' in
Hebrew, that is, Iod--Io-di-the sacred lo in the, Syriac, or ti' ih in the Hebrew, translated into
the Greek IH of Delphi, or the XH=608 . Jesus Christ, Basnage says, was described by IH .
This shews that the 511 of Delphi was written both HI and 3I • In several of the old languages
the first number is described thus, I, and the tenth in the same manner ; and sometimes both by a
point. This is the Hebrew Iod, and the Latin Iota . This is, I apprehend, the To Ov of Plato .
lod is hand, and also, in Hebrew, the Ivy, which is called the five-finger-leaved tree, and the Planta-
In the Dalmatian or Illyrian alphabet, the form of the I is X ; and this, I cannot doubt, was
originally the Roman, and the I or j was the ninth, and the X the tenth . The small variations in
the alphabets chew, I think, that they have in most countries got into use by degrees ; escaped,
in fact, from the crypts, before any thing like grammar was thought of.
Duret says, "Que Dieu est le chef de toutes les chases, tant de celles qui soot, que des autres gui
" doivent estre et ne sont encore . Aussi ceste note de nullitd 0, qui eat circulaire et resoluble en
" soy mesme . Sans fin, et commencement, ne fait rien de soy, mais avec l'unitd constituk le
" nombre de 10. Et de la se va multipliant en la compagnie des autres, jusques a l'infini ." 2 Or,
it may be the Jewish and British and Indian cycle of 84-I=10, 0=70, D=4=84 . But I rather
prefer the former. From this numerical theory, the lo of Syria, arose the Jewish irregular verb
, mnt to be. As the i. d. or 10 and 4, made the half of the moon, when the year was supposed to be
336 days long ; so the ri' i. e. or 10 and 5, made the half when the . year was supposed to be 360
days long.
The ' Iod is the tenth letter of the old alphabet of figures, the D mem is the tenth of the new
one of letters .
The sacred tetragrammaton might be either nin' ieue, or '0 cuv, mat o ijv, mat o EpXoµEvas ; or
it might be, irnx aeie, which comprehends them all .
I apprehend the origin of notation, or of figures or arithmetic, is very fairly represented in the
Preliminary Observations, and the beginning of this book . We will now try to find how the Ara-
bic system was discovered, or I had, perhaps, better say, how the systems of calculation, by calculi
or cowries, or right lines, was perfected . For, though I have spoken of calculi or little stones

I Vall . Coll . Hib. Vol. V . p . 13 1 . 2 Origin des Langues, p . 159.

Book III . Chapter I . Section 19 191

only, yet I apprehend the African and Indian and Chinese custom of using little shells or cowries,
and which are yet used in all the oriental countries, soon came into use instead of the calculi . I
suppose that man, after a certain experience of the use of lines or cowries for numbers, proceeded
to invent arbitrary figures for each parcel of lines or cowries, and thus he made a 2 for two
cowries or lines, a 3 for three, and a 9 for nine of them ; each of these parcels answering to a part
of his fingers, and the 9 to nine of them . I have no doubt that in the forming of all these sym-
bols, fanciful or mystical reasons would influence the formation of them, and when he came to the
last finger or digit, and he cast about to determine what sort of a figure he should make for it,-
for it, which was the total of the fingers,-he formed the sign of the circle as, in his opinion, the
most proper ; and this it really was, for many reasons, so evident, that I suppose I need not
repeat them . Thus he got the 1, 2, 3, 4, to 9 and 0 . When he examined this, he would find
that he had one total . He laid his cowries or inscribed his lines one below another, and he found
if he took three of them thus,

they made 3 3

and four would in like manner make 4 . If he took ten of them, in like manner they made 10 or 0 .
That is, they made one 0, or one total, that is, 1 . 0. This brought him instantly to simple addi-
tion, as far as to nine figures, and perhaps to ten . He would observe that the one total, or 10,
was descriptive of all the cowries he had in his hand, and that the figures on the right described
ones answering to his fingers or digits, and the next figure on the left ten digits . He then
took two parcels of cowries of ten each, and he said,

If one of these parcels is described by one total 1 0,

two of these parcels ought to be described by two totals 2 0
that three might be described by three totals 3 0,
and so on till he got to nine totals 9 0,
and, at last, that a hundred cowries would be described by ten totals, thus . . 10 0.

This would immediately shew, that the first number on the right described digits, the next on the
left tens, and the next on the left, parcels of ten tens each . In the above we have the sums-ten,
twenty, thirty, &c .
About the same time that man got so far as to form the 10, and to describe the sums 20, 30, 40,
&c ., he would observe, if one and a circle, made one total,' and that the one in the second line to
the left always answered to ten, that, if instead of the I and 0, he put 1 and 1, he would describe
the eleven cowries, which he had in his hand ; and if he put 1 and 2, he would describe the
twelve cowries which he had in his hand ; and hence he discovered how to describe 11, 12, 13,
&c., to 20, or two totals . In this manner, again, he was led to discover, that the first line on the
right was digits, the second to the left tens, the third to the left, parcels of ten tens, or what we
call hundreds . After this, I think the mode in which man would proceed with the combined as-
sistance of his cowries and figures, to underwrite the number of the odd digits on the right, carry-

I The word Total, which I have made use of, is al-tat ; the tat or tot meaning =600, and has come from the
cycle of the neros, the perfect and complete cycle, including the whole time which the sun and moon took to come
from any point to that same point again . It formed the Latin totes .
1 92 Arabic Letters

ing over the .overplus parcels of tens to the next line, or to the tens, and the overplus parcel o .
tens to the next line or the hundreds, is so easyy to be imagined, that I need, not pursue the ana-
lysis my farther . In the same manner, by taking one collection of cowries from another, he
discovered subtraction, and in a . similar manner division, and multiplication-using cowries, as
they are yet used, even in the most complicated astronomical calculations, in India and China, a
very interesting account of which maybe, seen, in the Kala Sankalita of Col . Warren . If a person
will only take a parcel of pebbles or shells, he will soon find how very easily • the art of arithmetic
must have sprung from the combined use of calauli .or cowries, and the infant art of writing, by
numeral symbols, and of letters, when the latter were in the act of being discovered, and were
coming into use along with the former .
20. The Chinese are said to have a God called Xangti, whose name is kept a profound secret,
never mentioned on any occasion, but entrusted alone to those in the higher mysteries, who medi-
tate on it with the most . profound reverence . Here we have the exact history of the Om of the
Indians, and of the IEuE of the Jews of the twentieth chapter of Exodus, which, when properly and
mysteriously translated, means, as I have already stated, "Thou shalt not mention the name of r1 E
in' iEu, that is, of THE Self-existent Being ." I mentioned above, p . 190, that, in the ancient lan-
guage of ciphers, the first and the tenth figure were the same, I, and 0 ; but the tenth was also
represented by the mystic X . From this the X, the monogram of God, came to beconfounded
with the 1, or ®, also the monogram of God, and therefore may be here put for the I : and the a
is the Hebrew r1 e and the y o corrupted into the ng . This produces the lao . The ti is '`t di, Holy
Iao. In Tibet they have the same God ; he is called Xiang-siouph . This is more correctly re-
ported and is the monogram -X and Iao--the soph or wise, or the wisdom of lao, and they have
him also called Jang ti.-Divus lao .l Here I suppose I shall be accused of taking etymological
liberties . But it may be observed, that I do not entirely depend on the explanation or• analysis of
the word, but much more on the history and the circumstances attending it . These, in the analysis,
or etymology, as it is called, of words, ought -never to be lost sight of, and, I flatter myself, are
never lost sight of by me. I think it must be allowed to me to take much greater liberties of this
kind, with words which, by those . liberties, dovetail into my system, when that system is shewn
to be nearly established and supported by hundreds of other circumstances, than I could be allowed
to take without them . It mayy be recollected that I have formerly shewn from Georgius, that the
Ti meant di or holy, in the word Tibet . This being premised, I must add that, after I had written
the above, I found the following passage of D'Herbelot ; "QNg est une lettre Chinoise, qui repond
~~ a Pain des Hebreux ; Monument de Christianisme en Chine ." I think I could not . well wish for
any thing more to my purpose than this ; and here we see a striking proof of the utility of adher-
ing to the simple forms of the Hebrew alphabet, as given by me, and regulated by the powers of
notation . le or lo waa Logos, a tree was wisdom . Wisdom was letters, letters were a tree .
Thus a tree was wisdom, because its leaves were letters ; 19' ioz was the word used for letters. I
wass one, I ; one and a circle were 10, X ; one and a circle were Io, which were I H or XH, the
circle 608 ; one and a circle were a dot and circle, the emblem of the eternal monad-0 . It
was 0, 9' 9, the emblem of thee eternal number, as they called it . A circle is a cipher ; it is the
emblem of eternal wisdom ; it its 91w-'tp sup or '1r zup, Zo p, wisdom . Theta was nine, because
9 was the emblem of eternity ; conformably to this, the first letter of the hieroglyphic alphabet was
an owl, the emblem of wisdom . I must be permitted to repea t, that Ida is y,' Id-o, idea, niarido,
(vide Parkhurst)) ymn . mudo, knowledge, wisdom, a circle,_ a cycle, a cipher. Stars were letters,

I Yao, volo, I will do ; wongew . Web . on Greek and Chinese Language, p . 35 .

Book III . Chapter I . Section 20 193
but each star was dedicated to a certain tree, or each tree to a certain star . A constellation was a
wood, ~nw stl, satal, whence stella, a star, or a-'=200, r'=300, p'=100=600 ; and the Hebrew,
English, and Sanscrit, stl, stalla, place of rest or settlement, r'=200, -r'=300, LL=100=600 ; and
the Mexican Ttl=650, Teotl . Mndo is 2==650-'i di, holy Mandaites, followers of Wisdom .
They were Nazoureans or Nazarenes, therefore Nazorenes were followers of wisdom-therefore
Jesus's followers were followers of wisdom . Jesus was a Natzir or flower of Nazareth, but the
place where it grew was in Carmel, in the garden of God . Of this more presently . Buddha was
crucified for robbing the garden of a flower : this, perhaps, we may understand by and by . The
union of the mythos and the numeral symbolic alphabet, I think, can alone explain why the wood
or grove in which the Gods were worshiped, the niches or stalls in which they were placed, and
the groups of stars into which they were changed, should all have the same name-Stall .
In our Bibles we every where find the writers reprobating the adoration of groves or trees,
which are ordered to he cut down and burnt . Mr. Landseer, in his Sabaean Researches,
has most superabundantly proved, that those things which we call groves, and which in the
Hebrew are called irlwtt asre and "IT WX asire,' were some kind of instrument of the nature of our
celestial globes or armillary spheres . From these words, in fact, come the Latin aster and our
star, and the Asteroth of the Sidonians, and the Goddess of the Saxons called Eoster . The word
Asre came to mean a tree, because those instruments were covered with groups of stars, each star
marked with a letter, which letter had the name of a tree . They were formed upon a microcosmic
system, which I shall explain in a future book ; by this, the earth or globe was divided into
tenths, from which the tithe that I shall shew was paid by all nations came to be called Ashera .
We constantly read of the fortunes of men told by the stars, of the life and actions of Jesus Christ
being recorded in the stars, &c ., &c . Every star having the name of a tree, it would also be a
letter and a numerical symbol, and a group of them was called a constellation, of which there were
two kinds . Of one kind, which had the names chiefly of animals, there were forty-eight : the
other kind consisted of divisions formed by lines, each line distant from another five degrees,
which would divide the sphere into seventy-two parts, as described by Plutarch . These lines, if
taken from North to South, or from East to West, would divide the surface of the sphere into
parallelograms seventy-two in number . By means of the forty-eight hieroglyphics and the nume-
ral symbols, it would be no difficult matter to record a history, the parts of which would present
themselves consecutively every night, so as to finish the story in a year, or in a period of years or
cycle, at pleasure . Thus we have the labours of Hercules described in the zodiacal signs, as they
are so satisfactorily explained by M . Dupuis. If the history of Hercules and his labours could be
portrayed and described by the constellations, so might the history of Jesus Christ : and these
labours are so similar to the sufferings of Jesus, that the reader must remember that the pious- and
Rev . Mr. Parkhurst has been obliged, much against his inclination, to acknowledge, that "they
~~ were types of what the real Saviour was to do and suffer ."
The word stella has the same meaning as aster, and is the same as the word 5nw stl, which
means both a group of stars, i . e. a constellation, and a wood . All these varieties arise from a
similar cause, namely, from the stars being marked by letters or symbols, which letters had the
meaning and names of-trees . I have very little doubt that the Zodiacs of Esne and Dendera were
instruments of this kind of perpetual almanack . Of course, if those instruments were set up in
the temple, they must have been set up by the priests, by the initiati, and they must have ap-
peared to the ignorant as something very extraordinary, as they would seem to enable the priests

' See Parkhurst, p. 47.

1 94 The God Xangti
to foretell eclipses and other matters . Thus it is very natural that they should become objects of
terror to the ignorant, who, in consequence, destroyed them when they obtained power .
Maimonides (in More Nevoc . ch . xx ., Townley's translation, p . 263) says, "But the Zabii
" being ignorant of the nature of the true God, and regarding the heavens and the heavenly bodies
" as that eternal being who was free from all privation, and supposing that from thence all kinds
" of power flowed down into images and certain trees, called in the law asheroth 1111 L' asrut, con-
" concluded that those images and trees inspired the prophets with the prophetic language which
" they uttered in their visions, predicting good or evil ." These Asheroth are the instruments of
which I have just treated.
We every where find the later Jewish writers, and particularly the prophets, reprobating the
Ashres, but yet we find them in their Temple under the best of their rulers : they are repeatedly
said to be set up under trees. And Abraham set up an 4shera in Beer-sheba. This shews that
the Jews had their sects like the moderns . When an ignorant race of devotees, like our evange-
licals, obtained power, they destroyed the images, burnt the books and Ashres or astronomical in-
struments, as John Knox and other Reformers did . Our books are come to us from this race of
people, and for this every philosophical inquirer ought to make allowance . No doubt, like the
Protestant reformers, many of them were honest, and destroyed some gross abuses, such for in-
stance as the human sacrifices of prisoners of war, ordered by the law, of which proof enough may
be found in "the devoted thing, both of man and beast," Lev . xxvii. 28, 29 ; also Lev. x. 14 ;
Exod. xxix . 28 ; Numb . xxxi . 41, the heave offering of the men prisoners . [?] But if they re-
formed abuses, they indulged in their antipathy to learning, without judgment or discrimination,
and this is proved by their destruction of the Asherim or astronomical instruments . Our modern
devotees are surely not less inimical to learning, than were Jewish and Protestant Reformers .
I beg my reader to pause here, and to reflect upon the state in which he would be placed at the
end of a period of 600 years, if he had had no historical account of what had preceded that time ;
and, again, if he had a tradition or a writing giving an account of the immaculate conception, of the
adventures of a divine person, and a dogma that this was to be renewed every 600 years ; that, in
short, all the affairs of the world were to be renewed periodically . He will at once see, that his
very limited experience would not enable him to correct any chronological error .
The stars, the lights in the firmament of heaven, were, by the omnipotent voice of the Elohim
himself, appointed to be "for signs and for seasons, and for days and years." The proper use of
the asherim was, no doubt, in part for ascertaining and manifesting the movements of those signs,
seasons, &c ., and I imagine that they were used to foretell the political events which would
happen, (as the mythos dictated,) as well as eclipses, conjunctions of planets, &c .; and men must
have been very different from what we have ever known them, if priests and rulers did not make
them subservient to their selfish purposes . This would, of course, expose them to the attacks of
reforming fanatics .
In the case of the Hebrews we have an example of a temple whose sacred writings have escaped
to us-in all others, of temples whose writings have not escaped ; and in this, at last, consists the
great difference between them . It is evident that struggles were constantly taking place between
the patrons of images and iconoclasts-between reformers and anti-reformers-and our writings are
those of the iconoclastic party, which at last prevailed . From this circumstance, and from being
educated as partisans of this system, every thing takes in our eyes a suitable colour .
I have very little doubt that the stars were allotted to the numeral symbols, so as to make them
into a kind of calendar or perpetual almanack, and this is what was meant by the declaration of
the great astronomer, that the life and actions of Jesus Christ might be read in the heavens . It
was contrived either for a year or six hundred years . Either the Roman Catholic system of por-
Book III . Chapter I . Section 21 195
traying the actions of Jesus every year, or the system of Virgil in his new Troys and new Argo-
nauts every six hundred years, was adopted . Vallancey and several others have had a glimpse of
the truth, but they have had no success in making it out .
No person can look at the Mem final without seeing that it is the Samech, and the example in
the word nlno~ lmrhe of the use of it for the Mem, sufficiently justifies and proves, at least in
mystic inquiries, its indiscriminate use . So far I consider that we are certain, independent of the
innumerable other proofs of it which I have given .' It is the same as the Greek hissing ~ which
stands for sixty, and the 07 r1 hkm, wisdom . The Sa is the ~(O or yro' iso or Saviour or the 600
the same mystic system goes through the whole . With reference to this, the Six was described
by what we call the Episemonbau or Vau, the hissing s`. The first cycle was 6 ; the second 60 ;
the third 600 ; the next 6000. The following passage will shew a similar kind of superstition of
the Mohamedans in a late day, when in fact the knowledge of letters had rendered all such theo-
ries absolute folly and nonsense, but which, before their discovery, deserved rather to be called
wisdom than folly.
The following is a metrical account of the verses, &c ., of the Koran, taken from a very beauti-
ful copy, once the property of the unfortunate Tippoo Sultan, but preserved in the public library
at Cambridge . It was copied by me from a manuscript of Professor Lee's, lent me, at his request,
by the secretary of the Royal Society of Literature .

" The verses of the Koran, which is good and heart-delighting,

" Are six thousand, six hundred, and sixty-six .
" One thousand of it command, one thousand strongly prohibit .
• One thousand of it promise, one thousand of it threaten .
• One thousand of it read in choice stories,
" And know, one thousand of it to consist in instructive parables
" Five hundred of it in discussions on lawful and unlawful ;
• One hundred of it are prayers for morning and evening .
" Know sixty-six abrogating and abrogated .
• Of such an one, I have now told you the whole .'

In the 6666 and the 6600, exclusive of the abrogated part, I think may be seen the remains of
the cyclic system .
21 . We will now inquire into the famous Mg,, ev, commonly called the three genders of
the Greek numeral adjective, which word describes our idea of unity . 2

' See Vol. I . pp . 168, 172 .

Grammarians call it an irregular noun . In all the written languages except the Sanscrit, there are many words
which grammarians can bring into no rule of grammar, and this gives them much trouble, because they proceed upon
the idea, that language, both written and verbal, is to be accounted for on principles of what are called philosophy,
when, in reality, they are much more the effect of what is called accident . Grammarians and Philosophers never had
any thing to do with them, till they were come to a very advanced state . The more I inquire and think upon the sub-
ject, the more I am induced to have recourse to what we call accident, in the case of language .
Plato, who lived in the fourth century before the Christian sera, was the first that considered Grammar ; Aristotle
the first who wrote on it, and reduced it to an art ; and Epicurus the first that publicly taught it among the Grecians .
If an inquirer will only think one moment upon these facts, he will be obliged to admit that what I have said of
Homer's poems must be in great part correct . They must be indebted almost entirely to Aristotle and his companions
for the perfection of their language . According to Suetonius, the art of Grammar was first brought to Rome, about
170 years B . C., by Crates Malotes, the ambassador from king Attalus to the Roman Senate. (Pref. to Bosworth's
Saxon Grammar, p . xxiv.) If these facts be considered, we shall instantly see the absurdity of being tied down to
observe the niceties of the language of the later Greeks and Romans . For, most assuredly, before the invention of
Grammar, there could be nothing like precision in language . It seems quite certain from this, that the poems of
Homer must have undergone a great dressing up by Aristotle, to bring them to their present perfection . But an ob-
`E i ~-, ins, `!
1 96

1 have shewn that the first recorded ideas of man were probably numbers . I think I may
assume, that all written language came from Asia to Greece, and that the Greek language was
formed from the oriental . Now I think we may observe something very striking in the Greek
word for the idea of unity . A Greek grammarian would tell you, that the word for one is eig,
and that it is irregular, making µja in the feminine, and &v in the neuter . But it is evident these
words are not formed from one another, but are three separate and distinct words, for three sepa-
rate and distinct ideas . If I be right in the primary formation of numbers, they may be sought
for among the most ancient languages, and I think we shall find the Greek words above alluded to
to have come from the East .
Priscian says, that in the Greek word Mia for one, I is considered the principal letter, and the
M as mute . We constantly read in grammarians of words being paragogic and heemantive and
formative. In nine cases out of ten these learned words are only used and contrived as a screen
for ignorance . Almost all the words connected with mythology are of so old a date that their
origin is totally unknown in all countries, and this is because they were formed before the art of
syllabic writing was known ; and before this book is concluded, I feel confident I shall satisfy
every reader, that they took their names from the first numeral art of writing which I have been
unfolding. The mere assertion of Priscian, that the letter m is mute, is by no means satisfactory,
as my reader can hardly fail to admit, when he has considered the circumstances which I shall
disclose. I suppose that the word consists of the monogram M and the Hebrew IE, or, I, self-
existent. t This opens a door to the explanation of many other words . I do not doubt that in
the Mute, M, we have the monogram of the Om of India-three words coalescing, to use Sir W .
Jones's expression, and forming the word O-M, or M, the Metn final of Isaiah . In a similar
manner we have the Monos, which is the Latin unus with the Monogram prefixed .
This seems to restore this important word to something like rationality . 'Es ;, in the Hebrew,
may be w>;i Eis, THE is or ens, existence in the masculine ; rvr Eie THE ie, existence in the feminine ;
and iv the ov, To Ov, of Plato, in the neuter, or the ens. I have not a doubt that, when these
words were formed, grammar rules had never been either heard or thought of . There is not in
the world any thing like a written or spoken language formed by rule, except the Sanscrit, and in
this very formed rule, its modern character is evident . Every language written and spoken is the
child of circumstance, improved by grammarians, as our language and all languages of civilized
nations are improving every day.
Some time ago, p . 190, I observed, that the M was the tenth letter of the new or Cadmaean
alphabet of letters, and answered to the jod, the tenth letter of the old alphabet of numbers, which
was often described by the hissing X . Our learned men say the numeral letter six was described

by two digammas thus, F or . Now I think it has been originally the same as the French

hissing C with the sedilla under it thus, F C . This is the hissing sixth letter . The tenth hissing
letter was the X, and the sixteenth letter was the Samach, or the terminating form of the tenth
alphabetic letter M, and was formed by three lines or forms Fw 1;, or three Cs, and denoted 60
and 600, and called by the hissing word Xi and Chi . We have no alphabetic name for the pre-

servation made by Mons . Dugas-Montbel, in the Journal des Savans, September 1831, that " Plato, Aristotle, PLUTAR-
QUE, citent des vera de 1'lliade, de l'Odissee, que nous ne retrouvons plus daps les manuscripts et les editions
d'Homere," proves, indeed, that they have been recenses in later ages -Hombre et ses dcrits par Marq. Fostia D'Ur-
ban, p . 252 .
1 He says L was often used along with the N for 50 This we know to be true . Supp. Ency . Brit . Vol. I p . 522 .
Book III . Chapter I . Section 21 197
sent numeral letter 6. 1 suspect it was originally called Sam, the name of the Sun in various
dialects, and that the name for the number 60, Samach, was Sam and t»K akm, and the same for
the 600 ; and the form of it in the Greek was made to describe the triple power, of which the Sun
was the emblem-the triple wisdom . That much mystery is hid under these words, cannot be
doubted ; whether I have suggested a probability as to its true explanation I leave to my reader.
At the head of all beings and their works the Oriental or Gnostic sects placed the Monad, Mia
aeXY, also called Hd1rlp ayvws-oy, which M . Matter truly observes, was found in all the doctrines
of India and Persia, and of the ancient world . I And who was this feminine M ;a apX-n, who was
also the masculine 1147)p ; I answer, the androgynous Brahme-Maia of India . This Monad,
µ1a, is the feminine of the Greek word it s . µma, (or Ionicc ia,) ev-unus. The word gig may be
a formation of the Hebrew w'ra ais, substance, or the verb w' is, he is . It is joined with both gen-
ders and numbers . `Ev, as used here, as the oriental language had no neuter, must have been
purely Greek . But as it is the neuter of Sits, one, it may be substance or matter, which was with
the Persians and many of the Gnostics the origin of evil, or the destroying or evil principle, and
may have been only a dialectic variation of the word ov . The neuter of the word for the idea of
Unity can evidently be nothing but matter ; that is, in idea it cannot be separated from matter .
We derive our idea of number solely from matter . If I be right that all languages are derived
from one, it seems not unreasonable to search for the roots of the originals of words in different
languages . When the surprising manner in which ancient languages have become changed is con-
sidered, it cannot be expected that any thing like an entire original language should be found any
where. But I think with skill and diligence, and the absence of prejudice, it is not out of proba-
bility, that the original language might be nearly recovered ; but yet I think we are at present a
long way from it . As an example, the Greek word Sit s would be the Hebrew w1 is, the word l ta
the Indian Maia, and the word ev or ov the Hebrew 3H an .
The example of the words a ;s, µ1a 1 ev, being oriental, is exactly similar to that noticed in my
Essay on the Celtic Druids, in the Eleusinian mysteries, of the three sacred words OM HAZ
KOT , s commonly used both in India and Europe . No one will doubt, I think, that all these
things have an intimate connexion . The three words used at Eleusis were purely Sanscrit ; yet
the Athenians would have been much offended to have been told that they were barbarous, though
they admitted that they did not themselves understand them . They were brought to this temple
when the name of the Sinde was brought to the river in Trace, and the custom of burning the
widows, and the name of X p c given to the God . They were a form, like our Amen, which the
priest at last used like the talk of a parrot, without thought ; till, like our amen, its meaning was
forgotten . The language kept changing, the form remained fixed . It is like the case of the
words Ite, missio est, at the end of the Roman mass, the meaning of which is now unknown . 3
But I have one more observation to make on this subject . The 'Big, Mta, `Ev, are descriptive
of the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer. The first is the male, the w' is, self-existence, PRO-
FOUND WISDOM ; the female is the M ;a, the Loyog, both male and female, and M ;a agX"1 - aarrlp
ayvws-oc, the Ev or Ov is the neuter symbol of matter, the Destroyer . In Exod . iii . 14, God
says, Eyw emµm o 12v . `O 12v a7resaOxe is irgog ulag .
When I consider the great number of Druidical, that is, of Cyclopaean, buildings in every part
of the world, all having nearly the same generic character, I feel -surprised at the fact, that there is
not on one of them any thing to be found like an inscription . The facts of many of them, the

I Hist . Crit . du Gnost. Vol . II . Ch . iv. Sect . ii. p . 266 . He also observes, that this was the 9tos ayrws-ot which St .
Paul found at Athens ; and if he be right in this, he here curiously unites the Christian and the Heathen religions .
I Beausobre, Vol. 11. p . 350, n. 198 ; Asiat. Res. ; and in Vol . I. p . 253. 3 See supra, p . 61 .
1 98 Signets

Pyramids for instance, displaying great astronomical knowledge, and the stones of the circular
and elliptic buildings, like Stonehenge, Abury, &c ., having the numbers of the ancient Cycles, the
Neros, that of Meton, &c ., being considered, I am sometimes, notwithstanding what I have lately
said on the subject of secrecy, inclined to suspect, that the knowledge of astronomy preceded the
knowledge of syllabic letters much longer than we have been led to believe . I confess it is diffi-
cult to believe that astronomy should have so preceded ; but yet it is difficult to account for the
fact, that there is no such thing as an inscription on any really very ancient building . And the
Orientals still continue, notwithstanding their knowledge of the Arabic figures, to work very diffi-
cult problems, and to make long arithmetical calculations, by means of their cowries .
22 . We will now inquire a little farther into the ancient history of Signs or Seals or Crests or
Monograms . We have found that the M, and the I, and the X +, were all commonly prefixed to
words, for the sake of mystery, as it is said, but, as it ought to be said, for some cause which is
unknown . It is a very common practice with all authors in writing, to assert or to say, a thing is
so or so, without any qualifying word or clause to express doubt or opinion, when they merely
mean to express their opinion . This is constantly done without any ill intention ; but it is after-
ward quoted as authority, it being assumed that it is not opinion, but the assertion of a known
fact, which thus obtains credit from the respectability of the assertor ; and thus falsities are esta-
blished and truth is concealed . It is one of the thousand ways which nature has devised to pre-
vent our knowing too much of the realities of by-gone ages . It is often very difficult to discover
whether an author is asserting a fact or delivering an opinion . When the saint, and bishop, and
martyr- I reneaus, asserts a fact from his own knowledge, in which he has no interest, or in which
his assertion is against his interest, we may believe him ; but who would give a farthing for his opi-
nion on any subject, where sense or judgment was required ? Thus to apply this reasoning to the
case before us, when an author says, GQ the I is prefixed for the sake of mystery," he evidently
knows nothing about it . When it is said, "it is put into a word for the sake of the metre," this
looks more like a certainty, because the truth of the assertion may be examined and the fact
known . But if it were inserted for the sake of the metre, it was selected because it had a secret
meaning . It is like the k! and the X, a monogram, a sigillum, a seal . I believe the I was the
sign of the male generative principle, called in the Targums I or II, and came from the word II in
the word iieva,-that the M was the sign of the female, and that the X was the sign of the united
two. Each might be a mark of sect . The Romish bishops all continue to use the X before they
sign their names . It was the origin of seals . Those who could not write used their seal ; some-
times with ink, sometimes with wax, to express their assent to a deed . In the same manner it
was used as a crest ; it was a Crestian distinction . I believe the use of a sacred name, called a
Crestian name, descended to us from the most remote antiquity, although it may only have been
used in modern times as a signature in signing the name . Lords and bishops, even now, do not
use it . The monograms were all of the nature of crests, or seals, or ciphers, as we call them .
M, and the X, the mean-
And I believe there are vast numbers of words beginning with the 1, the
ing of which we do not discover, because we do not separate the monograms from them . What
should we make of Bishop Doyle's X Doyle, if it were written in one of the ancient languages,
in which there is no distinction of capital from small letters, and no separation of words, and his
name had happened to have been Adoyle ? We should then have had him Xadoyle . Thus it is with
the Momptha of Egypt, and the lixthus of the Sibyl, and probably the 1-Xiov-the crucified Ixion .'
These monograms arose, as we have seen, from the first numerical letters, and constituted a small
part of the endless aenigmatical science of the ancients . Almost to our own time, every useful art,

I See Vol . 1 . pp . 500, 503 .

Book III . Chapter I . Section 23 199

every science, every new discovery, was concealed, as far as possible, to a chosen few . The pos-
session of a useful secret, I do not doubt, would be a passport into some of the secret crafts . All
this, however, is now nearly gone, and in another century it will not be believed to have existed .
From a careful consideration of the word SACRED, I am quite satisfied that it is a plant of modern
growth . It was originally secretum, secret . By degrees secret matters came to be looked on with
awe or fear ; from this arose our sacred. 1 have some suspicion that the word sacred has no defi-
nite idea annexed to it . I consider the subject of monograms to be extremely curious, and to
deserve much more examination than I have bestowed upon it .
23 . After what I had written on the word X p7)g in the first volume, (pp . 580-589,) was
printed, I met with a passage of Mr . Payne Knight's, I which completely bears me out in what I
have said respecting the Sigma-Tau, and the substitution of the T and Fv for one another . After
representing that the 2; is classed separately by itself, as being neither mute, aspirate, nor liquid,
and that it was commonly used by the Lacedoemonians and Aristophanes for the E), he says, "In
• other instances both the Dorians and .i olians employed the T for the $, as in the pronoun XO'Y',
• which they wrote TT . The possessive, however, derived from it, was written with either letter,
" indifferently, by the poets, as suited best with their Rhythm and Metre ." Again, "Both the
~~ English and French now sound the T as an Z before the I in many instances, particularly in the
°C abstract substantives derived from the Latin ." Again, " The case is, that 2; being only a T

`~ aspirated in a particular manner, would naturally be confounded with it in the different modes of
" pronunciation which habit or caprice gives rise to in languages not fixed by any established rules
" of orthography, which the Greek was not till the Macedonian conquest, when the later Attic be-
• came the common dialect ."
Mr. Payne Knight has also observed, that the Lacedeemonians commonly used the R for the
S, 2 which I have elsewhere shewn, was the constant practice with the Hebrews . This has a
strong tendency to support my hypothesis, that the R, the S, and the T, all had two numerical
meanings . If Mr. Knight be correct as to the unsettled state of the Greek language till the Mace-
donian conquest, as I have no doubt that he is; bow absurd is it to tie up inquirers into its earlier
history by the rules adopted to fix the meaning of the language in later times ! 3
When in other cases I find the letter s changed .for the t, and the t for the s, as Sur for Tur, and
Tur for Sur,-and I consider the practice of writing every thing in numbers, I am induced to sus-
pect that Tam is a corruption of the solar name, in Sanscrit Sama, and in Hebrew =IV sm, on
which I treated above, p . 197, and means o Samech=60, w Shin=300=360 ; and that, from an
application to this mythos, in some way or other, the Hebrew Div ss=360, became tutu ss=600 ;
that the Greek 'E~ and our six came from the same source, and that the name of the Greek r_
the trilinear and triformed letter, was called Xi or perhaps I X . But I was the ancient emphatic
article of the Saxons .' This at once accounts for its use in many cases which we have discussed,
and it must have been once the same with the Hebrews, if what Dr . Geddes said was true-that

Hist. Gr . Alph . p . 14 . s Ibid . p. 125 .

' The Dorians and olians
s changed the a into r, as Tv for av, as stated by Mr. Knight ; but the 1Eolians also
changed the E . into P, as ;.cap-rvp, for pcaprv ;, iirorop for ioriros, appp for apcrjy . Dores, pro co ;, ca, cov, dicunt zoos, Tea,
Teoy-T et p pro c, in attics& dialecto a- pro 1;. (App . Scapula, pp . 64, 65.) Attica dialectus mutat a-
modo in z,
modo in f,-3'a)acaay, 9'axazray--csvTaov, TevTxoy .-I pro p utitur : nam pro 3'ap`po;, 3'apco ;, &c. Scapula. Hhapats
in Hebrew (to desire) in Arabic (to incline) is, in Syriac, Hhapet. Thus the Greek psaYa, a kind of cake, the same as
the Hebrew Matsa, was pronounced by the Beeotians paMz . South Dl . As. R. Again, Teccapa in the Attic is TerrEpa.
Thus the Latins have the to from av .
4 See Etym . Diet.
200 Sigina-Tau

Saxon was Hebrew . It is very remarkable that the emphatic article should so often be the name
of God : Arab. 41, Coptic Pi, Hebrew ri e, and I, and IL
In his late work, the learned Dr . Pritchard says, "In a variety of languages, either for the sake
" of euphony, or from caprice or accident, sibilant letters have been interchanged with dentals .
" The conversion of the Greek Sigma into Tau is familiar to all classical readers ." 1 But I beg it
to be observed that they have changed . Thus Xprlro og became X pj rog and Chretien, and often
g, as Nesos from Nestos . They would change by degrees, and the Xg?)sog on the monument of
the Youth of Larissa is the middle of the change, from Xp'r16og to Xp)sog and to Xprl-roc . He
also observes, that the r and s are very often interchanged in the Indo-European languages . 2 It
appears when those letters changed as letters, they took their power of notation with them . So
that the T came to represent 300, the S=200, &c . ; but this must have been long after the mythic
names had got into use, and this will account for and justify the explanation of them by the same
powers as the Hebrew. s
In matters of this kind, after all our inquiries, nothing but a probability can ever be expected to
be obtained, and I think a pretty strongly probable case is made out, that the last three letters of
the old alphabet were, in the numeral powers, confounded with one another . It may also be ob-
served, that if they changed in different periods, as we cannot now distinguish them, they will
have all the appearance to us of being used in common, and the effects will be the same to us .
When I consider that the T and the S in the Chaldee and Hebrew, two such close dialects, were
used indiscriminately for the same idea, the Sun in Sr and Tr, and Cushites and Cuthites, and that
the S and T were in like manner used by the Greeks, in their Sigma-Tau, one for the other, and
the singular and unaccountable variation between the last numbers of the Greek and more Eastern
alphabets, and when I consider also the apparently universal practice of the ancients of describing
names by numbers, and the great number of mythological words which might have then been ex-
plained by numbers, but which cannot, as they are now, be so explained, I cannot help believing
that the Shin and Tau must have been used indiscriminately for numbers, as we find them for
letters ; that is, that the Shin must have been used both for 300 and 400, and the Tau for the
same. I state this merely as a suspicion, and leave others to determine ; but, for my own part,
I cannot help believing that this was the fact ; and before any person decides upon this point, I
must request him to take his Lexicons and consider, in both Greek and Hebrew, how many words
are spelt with similar letters-letters used for one another, Samech for Shin, Xi for Chi, and
almost innumerable others. As I have before observed, it seems absurd to be tied down in our
inquiries into the early ages, by the fixed rules of later times . There can be no rule on the sub-
ject . Thus, I think, that the Greek Z came to represent both the 2 ; and T, and took the name
of Sigma-Tau ; and that their powers of notation, as well as that of the P or Rho, changed from
what they were in the ancient Arabic. It is difficult, if not impossible, to say, with certainty,
how the change arose . Perhaps, with respect to pronunciation, the change might arise from the
same cause as that which caused the word 7rs%airyog to soften into irs7ayog, Christian into Chrc-
tien, Casmillus into Camillus, Nestos into Nessos, &c ., &c. There can be no doubt that the let-
ters must have been at first in their numerical powers the same as the Hebrew and Arabic, and
the reason why in the names of gods, cycles, &c., the Sigma may sometimes stand for 300, some-
times for 400, may have arisen from their having received their names before or after the change .
Whatever might be the cause, I am persuaded the S and T, and S and R, came to have, in a con-
siderable degree, as far as related to the powers of notation, a common meaning . No doubt in the

I Eastern Orig. Celt. Nat, p. 58. 2 Ib . p . 59 . 3 See Lempriere in voce Salii .

Book III . Chapter I . Section 23 201

early times of the first invention of the art of writing, where nations were separated by seas, vari-
ations would arise, as well as a great want of precision . It is very certain that the Greeks took
their system of letters, either mediately or immediately, from Syria ; then, finding the T and the
S used indiscriminately for one another in the word for the Sun, might not this cause them to use
those letters as numerals, indiscriminately, in the same manner ? If this be admitted, the names
of gods would, in several cases, turn out the mystic numbers . After I had come to this conclu-
sion, I discovered that, in the epistle of Barnabas, there was authority for this, which I had over-
looked.' If a Protestant should say the epistle of Barnabas is a forgery, I then reply, that the
person forging it must have known whether or not the Hebrew Tau denoted 300 . 1 believe that
both in Hebrew and Greek the S and T were in common .
,, The reader has seen what I have said of the interchangeable character of the S and T, both as
numbers and letters . If, then, we make tv s=200, ,v o=70, D p=80, ' i=10, we shall have for the
meaning of Sopi=360 . Now, when the numerical meaning of so many other words is considered,
I think this furnishes another presumptive argument, that the S and T were, as I have suggested,
used promiscuously . No one will deny that Sophia is Greek . Will any one deny that it is Per-
sian, in the case of the Sophees ? We may expect to find the idea of Wisdom, the first emanation
of the Solar power, described by every variety of numeral letters which will make up 360, 600,
608, 650, or 666, or any solar cycle . The name of Sumnaut, mentioned in Volume 1 . p . 792, is
a s=60, i u=6, = m=600=666, added to the word Neith, wisdom-Solar Wisdom .
The following will serve as examples of sacred numbers, if we consider the letters to have had
two meanings .

V= 60 SPX Samaritan + (A.) 400 e~_ 60

p'=100 XRS Resh (°°) 200
Crux . P,=100
o'=200 Cross . Van (x) 6 I= 5
Xi, Samech . . (,&) 60 a- '--200
666 365

a S = 60
Wisdom ..
t U= 6
n T = 400


We have seen the Tau, or last letter of the alphabet, written +XT ; in short, in every form of
a cross. In the titlepage of my Latin Vulgate, given me by a Catholic priest, the name of Christ

is thus written, XPF . It is placed on the breast of the Pope, surrounded with a glory . What can
the secret meaning be, but the renewed incarnation in the person of the Pope ? The mark above,
of the sign . Libra, at the autumnal equinox, shews that it is astronomical and equinoctial. I
have never found a Catholic priest who could, or would, explain it to me . I have no doubt this
monogram has several meanings . It is the sign of the sun, when in the equinox, in the sign of the
Bull-this the shews most clearly.

' See Jones on the Canon, Vol . II . p . 424 ; and Basnage, Book iii . Chap . xxvi. Sect . iii .
VOL. Ii .
202 Adam . Genesis

The existence of the xeriSoaoyta, both in Europe and India, long anterior to the Christian sera,
I am quite sure that I have proved . By the Chrestologia, I mean the whole of the refined Gnostic
doctrines which I have laid before my reader . It is also very certain, that this was not the pub-
lic doctrine of the rabble in any country ; then there remains nothing for it to have been, but the
doctrine and object of the mysteries of Bacchus, of Apollo, of Ceres, &c . The X~>,Sog on the
tomb of the youth of Larissa really proves it . The Xp>75- og on the tomb is an exact counterpart

of the XP2 ; on the Pope's breast, and of the Fishes tied together by the tails, of Italy . This
beautiful and refined system, whether- true or not, was at the bottom of every religion or mythos
of the world, however diversified, and however, in later times, degraded . This was the religion of
Pythagoras, of Plato, of Philo, and of Cicero . This was the religion of Jesus, of Moses, of Mel-
chisedek, of Zeradust, of Cristna, and of Buddha . It was equally the religion of the Chinese and
the Mexicans . There was no part of the world so celebrated for its mysteries as Delphi and
Eleusis, and it was here the Xp~g was discovered ; and it is connected with India, by its Orphean
Trimurti, its Buddha, its river Sinde, its burning of widows, &c ., &c . I have clearly proved the
system to have taken its rise in a very remote period . I have shewn how it is connected with the
Cyclopaean buildings, with all the various mythoses, both Jewish and Gentile ; and yet, as we
find no account of it, in any of the books called histories, it seems to me impossible to avoid be-
lieving that it constituted a part of the far-famed mysteries . Although there be many things
which I have not been able to explain entirely, and some which I may have mistaken, yet I am
quite certain, that there is enough, not only to shew the reality of the system, but also the nature
of it, and, in many respects, even the particulars .
23 . I must now beg my reader to look back to what has been said in Volume I . pp . 505-509,
respecting the Amazon, and of the male and female being formed originally in one body, and I
think we shall perhaps find the origin of the word 1=IH adm, or, as we call it, ~4dam . This is Ad,
the Eastern and Western Syrian name of God ; 1 and the monogram M, the sign of the 01-0, the
cycle of 600 years . The Ad is, A=1, D=4=5, the Lustrum . 2 Then Adm will be the holy M .
Adm is Adma, or Ad-am, both male and female ; and I suspect that Adam was supposed to be like
the Siamese Boys ; and when I consider the universal opinion, that the life of the first man was
extended to many hundred years, I cannot help suspecting that he was supposed to have lived 600
years, or the length of one cycle . It is very clear that the book means to express, that he was
not to eat of the fruit, and that if he had not eaten of it, he would neither have died, nor have pro-
pagated the species, and that it was only by eating of it, that he learnt to know his wife . Then I
think this countenances my idea, that it was believed that he would live one cycle, and then be
renewed, or absorbed into the To Ov-similarly to what Virgil taught in the renewal of cycles .
If it be said that the construction which I have put on the second book of Genesis is in contradic-
tion to the first ; I reply, that I cannot be responsible for this ; but, if I be correct, the fact proves
the want of wisdom in pretending to give a higher authority to those books than reason and sense
will justify . Nothing can be more manifest than that the first chapter and first three verses of the
second chapter of our Genesis, is a different work from the following parts ; and the fact that the
generality of Christians read them, and do not observe the circumstance, exhibits a striking proof,
that the prejudice created by education is sufficiently powerful to blind mankind to the clearest day-
light. The fairly-implied prohibition of animal food in the first, marks the humane and benevolent

See Volume I . pp . 402, 519, 722 ; and supra, p . 181 .

Y Lustrum, L'Ustrum -vcispos second-to.r pa the womb-;vv os, factor-1 mn oar, ten--nan ust, two .
Book III . Chapter II . Section 1 203
Buddhist ; the permission, in the second, to use it, though only in the sacrifice of the Lamb, as
exhibited in the story of Cain and Abel, from which the pernicious doctrines of human sacrifices
and the atonement have been justified or excused, exhibit the Brahmin school - followed, of
course, as might be expected from such doctrines, by every species of atrocity . The persons
found every where, but of whom we have no account, called Aborigines, an inoffensive, unwarlike
race, I apprehend are Buddhists, the remains, probably, of the great Pontifical nation, whose his-
tory I shall exhibit in the next Book, reduced to barbarism by causes which will be there deve-
loped, -a barbarism which would have rendered them an easy prey to their Brahmin persecutors
and conquerors,-to the successive tribes coming from the great central hive of Brahminism in
North India or Tartary, called Celtae, Scythians, Sacae, Tatars, Huns, Goths, &c ., if their blood-
less and inoffensive habits had not otherwise done it . It is evident that a nation of Buddhists or
Quakers, can only exist, as the Tibetians do . on the sufferance of their neighbours .


Dis Mariebus-Systems of Letters-Last Avatars . I\Iohamed, &c .-Names of the

Gods of the Week-Chinese Writing-Abacus and Nabathean Alphabet-Java
-Northmore's System-Von Hammer's Book. Saxons-Bacchus . Janus .
Ogham-Rhynie. Bards . Fates . Veds-Chinese-Immaculat e Conception
of Saca-Pallium-Apocrypha-Deisul-Hammer's Arabic Book .
1. We have seen, p. 180, that in Judia of Siam, Maria and Mania were the same . Maria was
one of the persons whose altars are inscribed Tribus Mariebus, of which one was the Virgo Pari-
tura. On the Heathen and Christian monuments the letters D . M . are constantly found . The
Christians say, they mean Deo Maximo, and the Heathens say, they mean the Dis Mariebus, of
whose history it is pretty clear they were ignorant . But in fact they were the same, and meant Dis
Mariebus-the holy three, who had the care of the dead Christ, and embalmed him . They were
the three Pareae of the Europeans, who cut with their scissors the thread of life . On a Christian
tombstone, in the Church of St . Clemens at Rome, they are D£s Manibus ; however, the letters is
and anibus have of late years been filled with cement to disguise them . But upon many Christian
monuments the letters are, D . M . Sacrum XL .2 This beats all our Christian antiquarians ; they
can make nothing of the XL . But it probably meant Deo M . 650. 1 think the three Marys or
Parcie were the Trimurti-Tri-mr-di, the holy triple Maria or Maia. One was Mary, Sal or Sul,
Om ; the second, Mary Mag (or Magna) di-Helen . or Magdalen ; -and the third, Mary the mother
of Jesus . The Mag is the same as Mogul-Mag-al-ard the Almug-tree, of which the sacred part
of the temple of Solomon was built, was the wood sacred to the Mag-al or ul, or great God .
From this, by the regimine, came the name of Mogul, as priests came to bear the names of their
When, I consider the superstition connected with the M, the mystic nature of the M, the name
of that letter M-uin, the other name of that letter Samach-Sam-akm or Akm-sa, the name of the
next letter N-vin, and the Lamed, its name L-am-di, and that it has the same numeral power as
the N, viz. 50, I cannot help suspecting a great mystery in the LMN ; that they are like the

' This ends with the last verse of the fourth chapter . 2 Basnage, B . iii. Ch. xxiii. p . 237, Eng. Trans .
204 System of Letters

Alpha and Omega of Ambrose, called xg ,4a-µa, and the Staff of Osiris -, called xps;cptov'
These three letters would be emblems of the Trinity ; and t think these letters of the Greek
alphabet have, at one period, been so contrived as to make theta the three centre letters, (though
they are not so now,) similar to the contrivance of the Jews to make the M the centre letter of
their alphabet ; and from this, the L and the N, came each to have the power of notation 50 . The
Lamb was the messenger of God ; he was the first of the AyyeXAoi . The word AyyeXA means
72, the same as LMB-L=30, M=40, B=2=72 . If it were, not on this account, why was the
letter B put into the word Lamb for a young sheep ? We constantly read of the Angels of God
being 70 (read 72) in number . 'Here we find why they had the name of Ayye?A . The LMN
also describe the Etruscan cycle of 120 . The central LMN=to 120, look very mythological.
" The letter H, in the old Greek alphabet, did not sound' what we now call 71, but was an aspi-
rate rate like the English H . This was proved by Athenaeus, and has been, since further evinced by
" Spanheim, from several ancient coins ; and there are no less than four instances of it in the
" Sigean inscription ." 2 All this proves the early unsettled state of the language . The last
learned observation made by the celebrated Porson, was on the letter H . He said, " If this be
" authentic, here is an additional proof that the 7) was anciently used and pronounced as we do
" our aspirated H ." The reporter then adds, " I replied, It certainly was ; and as to the authen-
ticity of the Preenestine Pavement, I believed it could not reasonably be called in question." 3
Herodotus says, he saw specimens of the Cadmaean letters on tripods, in the temple of .the
Ismenian Apollo at Thebes, in Boeotia . These tripods I believe to have been triangular blocks of
wood, and the temple was that of j'mwit e-smin-the Lord or Baal of the Planets, the leader of the
heavenly host.
I consider that Carmel, on a part of which was the monastic institution of Nazareth, of the
Rassees, or Essenes, or Carmelites, was called Carmel or the Vineyard of God, from the allegori-
cal connexion of the vine with wisdom, as exhibited in the Greek Bozpug and Latin Racemes . 4
The settlement 'of the followers of the Rasit, in Syria, is beautifully described in the allegory of
the Vine in the 80th Psalm, verses 8-16 .
In great numbers of places in the Old Testament, the allegory of trees and letters is referred to .
What was the Rod of Aaron which threw out branches or leaves or buds ? What were the magi-
cal peeled rods of Jacob ? What was the meaning of the branch from which the stem of Jesse
was to arise ? Was Jesse I-esa ? The Gnostics frequently called Jesus the Tree of Life, and the
tree itself which grew in the middle of Paradise, and, at other times, a branch . My idea that the
fruit of the tree of knowledge was the acquisition of the knowledge of letters without initiation, is
supported by the assertion of Enoch, that the wickedness of the world, which caused the flood,
consisted in the attempts of men to obtain forbidden knowledge . It is also strengthened by a
passage of Proverbs, Chap . iii. 13, 18, where Solomon says, " Happy is the man who findeth wis-
dom,"-" She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her ." I suppose certain of the leaf-
names of figures of notation were selected by a society, as a secret system of syllabic writing, after
the symbolic system had' been long in general practice, and that this society being spread about in
different countries, slight differences in the mode of selecting the sixteen letters took place.
Thus the religious mythos was not every where described in exactly the same manner ; hence
we see the small variation which shews itself between the Hebrew and the Greek .
2. We are in,the habit of talking of the alphabet of Greece, and of the alphabet of Phoenicia, as if

' Basnage, 236 . f Shuckford's Conn. Vol . I . Book iv p . 225.

o Classical Journ . Vol: I, p . 725 . See my Vol . I. p. 236 . . See supra, p . 9 .
Book III . Chapter II . Section 2 205

these countries had each one certain alphabet ; while it is evident, that each country had great num-
bers of them ; and yet they are all reducible into two, one of which is only a part of the other, that
other being what we call Arabic, but anciently Cufic, and probably having its . origin in the coun-
try of Arabia, between the Indus and Ganges, of the thousand cities of Strabo . In fact, every
learned man had his alphabet-each differing from another in form, but each the same in sub-
stance . In the book of Ben Wassih, found by Mr . Hammer in Egypt, which contains the alpha-
bet of Plato, we have upwards of seventy' of them . I have seen upwards of sixty more, in a
manuscript of Sir W . Ouseley's ; so that I have little doubt I could collect hundreds . Every man
who was initiated into the mysteries, and who aspired to be a philosopher, is said to have had his
own alphabet, in which he concealed his doctrines from all but his followers . At last, when
writing became no longer a masonic or magical secret, each country acquired, by degrees, the
habit of using some one of them . Their powers of notation, however, kept them all nearly the
same, both in principle and order . (That they have all the same numerical power, has been proved
by Gen . Vallancey in the plates to his fifth volume of the Coll . Hib .) And so, I have no doubt,
they continued, to a very late day, with only the little variation in the last numbers of the Coptic
and Greek . I think the probability is, that the order of men, (who were not, strictly speaking,
priests, but nearly an order of priests, and some of whom might, perhaps, sustain the priestly
office,) called Chaldeeans, from central India, were the original inventors of the syllabic from the
numeral system ; and as for the numeral, I know of no people more likely than they to have been
the inventors of it also . If the numeral were the system of the priesthood, it is not unlikely that
the inventors of the syllabic system should have formed, at first, a new secret society, which
I think would necessarily, by its superior talent, soon become possessed of sovereign power .
There is no fact more certain than the general solicitude of the learned ancients to keep every part
of science, as much as possible, a secret, each to himself, or his sect or followers . There was an
unceasing struggle between the Bees, who tried to discover, and the Drones, who endeavoured to
secrete ; and, for thousands of years, the Drones succeeded in preserving their science and power,
by admitting only the most talented or rich of the Bees into their order, which operated doubly in
their favour ; it took strength from their enemies and added it to themselves . It is impossible to
deny that numbers of the alphabets are formed in unaccountably complex shapes ; these were the
alphabets of the drones, trying to envelop every thing in mystery . If the bees invented any, they
would, for the sake of publicity, be of the simplest kind-like the first alphabets of the drones,
made by them before the power and utility of the art were known, and before the necessity of
using extraordinary care to keep it secret became manifest to themselves .
It thus appears that, in times which may be called almost modern, every learned man had an
alphabet of his own, for the use of himself and the followers of his school . But I have no doubt
that the art of writing was at first concealed, and was probably a part of the high mysteries, and
most anxiously guarded from the public for many generations . In times such as these must have
been, I need not point out what advantages such a magical possession would give to the initiated .
After it became almost common, the learned had recourse to the inventing of new forms, to restore
the art to secrecy, as far as it was in their power ; but every form, unless the Chinese and the
hieroglyphics are excepted, is founded on the first Cadmaean original . Though every philosopher
or his school had an alphabet of a peculiar form, each alphabet was evidently founded on that of
Arabia . The first alphabet was the Arabic alphabet of numbers, each number having the name of
a tree, and amounting to twenty-eight . The second was the alphabet of letters, of Cadmus, which

The first letter of the Hieroglyphic alphabet is, as I observed above, the Owl, the emblem of Wisdom .
206 Last Avatars . Mohamed, &c .

consisted of the sixteen culled out of the twenty-eight . After some time, these sixteen were in-
creased by adopting the whole twenty-two numeral Arabic letters, as they stand marked by the
increasing numbers :' The more I meditate on thousands of trifling circumstances connected
with these subjects, the more convinced I am, that, for many generations, the arts of reading,
writing, and the higher branches of arithmetic, were in the hands of a ruling order, and this order
was that of the priests of Ur of the Chaldees ; that is, of the country Uria of Calida, that is, Cali-
di-country of the holy Cali. The high-priest and ruler has been the Mogh-ul from the most re-
mote period . But the time when and the country in which the first letters were invented, is an
enigma which I fear must remain unsolved . However, I think we may be assured, that the place
was East of the Indus, and West of China-probably in the tract of country between the Ner-
budda and sixty degrees north latitude . I think we cannot come nearer than this to the place .
Samarkand, Mundore, Oude, and Tibet, have nearly equal claims, and there does not seem to me
to be much room for speculation on the subject .
If letters were kept as a masonic secret, as I suspect they were for many generations, the date
of their discovery seems hopeless ; we are then led into the inquiry as to the time when they first
became publicly known . No where upon a Cyclopaean monument is any thing like an inscription,
either in figures or in letters, to be seen . The first, perhaps, may be the Runes of Ireland and Scandi-
navia . These are evidently figure letters . The A is one line, the B is two, the C is three, and so on .
I know not where or by whom the alphabet was discovered which is in Tab . II . Fig . 10, p. 5, of illy
Celtic Druids ; but it seems to differ from the Callan inscription of which Dr . Aikin professes to
have discovered the meaning, an alleged fact of which I entertain great doubt . Whether they
were really cipher letters applicable to the sixteen-letter system or not, it is very clear that they
would constitute such letters . The arrow-headed letters of Persepolis would evidently do the
same . All circumstances tend to shew their great antiquity, and I cannot help thinking it proba-
ble, that they afford examples of the first figure alphabet . Almost all learned men endeavour to
find the origin of languages by a comparison of the affinities of their forms and grammatical con-
structions. This seems to me to be a great mistake . For, as they advance down the stream of
time, they generally keep improving, and, at all events, changing - and becoming, in consequence,
less like each other.
3 . General Vallancey 2 has shewn, that the old Chaldee alphabet is strictly the same as the Es-
trangelo, (vide his Plates,) and that the same as the Phoenician, which is, in fact, Hebrew or
Syriac: These are the languages which we have found (vide Vol . 1 . pp . 702, 765) in the College
of Casi, near Oude or Youdia, or Benares, or at the Temple of Solomon, at the Mere or Mount of
Casi,-in Cashmere, the country of the crucified Indra . And again, a thousand miles to the south,
in the country of the crucified Ball-ii or Wittoba, in South India, at Terpati or Tripoly or Trichi-
nopoly, called Pushto and Syriac and Chaldee ; in each place both the Christian and Jewish my-
thos are recorded-the two, in fact, are united in one . Again, we have found the same Hebrew
language, and the same double mythos, amalgamated in Mexico, carried thither before the inven-
tion of letters or iron . The amalgamation of the Christian and Jewish mythoses, found in both
India and Mexico, and the ignorance, in the latter, of the knowledge of iron and letters, are facts
which can never be separated . It is impossible to have clearer proofs that the whole existed be-
fore the time of Christ . Can any thing be more striking than the fact so simply and, apparently,
inadvertently permitted to escape, by the blind and prejudiced Buchanan, that he found a mail,
having the Jewish name of Joseph, celebrating what he thought to be some part of the Romish

I See Celtic Druids, p. 248. 2 Coll . Hib . Vol. V . p . 201 .

Book III. Chapter II . Section 3 207

religion in the TEMPLE OF JAGGERNAUT, in. the Chaldee language, as he says, if my memory do
not fail me . The above are Indisputable facts ; I submit them to my reader, and I beg be will
reflect upon the way in which they all dovetail into the system of immaculate conceptions, deaths,
and resurrections, and the renewals of cycles, of India and of Virgil . It is not improbable that in
the temple of Jaggernaut, described by Buchanan, may be found the whole mythos . And if it
should be found there, Europeans will be deluded as they have been in Tibet and Tartary, by
being told, that its owners are Nestorian Christians .
The Bedoweens or nomade tribes of Arabia, are said to speak the purest dialect of Arabic .'
The Bedoweens are nothing but Buddeens or Buddhists . These people are Tatars or Tartars,
followers of Tat . In ancient times the tribe of Juda or Ayoudia was one of them . After a cer-
tain time it settled and established its capitol, first at Samaria or Gerizim, and afterward at Moriah .
The tribe of Ishmael was another, an . offset from the former ; after some time it fixed its capito-
lium or acropolis at Mecca . They were like all other tribes, followers of the sacred Buddhist OM .2
Titans are Tat-ans, i . e . Buddhists. The Tartars or Tat-ars, I doubt not, are both from North
India, and the Sacae, from the country of the thousand cities of Strabo . They are the Arabians
of the Indus, and in Om-Ahmed, or the renewed incarnation, the last, the tenth incarnation or
Avatar of Buddha, the M, the 600 in the arithmetical language, the desire of all nations, maybe
clearly seen the reason why these Eastern Tartars, Arabs, Afghans, were the first proselytes to
Mohamed. Of what religion were the nomade tribes before the time of Mohamed ? There is
every reason to believe that they were for the most part Buddhists, though under some corrupted
form probably-some, perhaps, of the same character as those called Christians of St . Thomas .
And now we may begin to perceive why the wandering tribes, both of Asia and Africa, so,readily
came over to the Mohamedan faith . From European Christians the truth has been concealed by
various causes, but not the least, the cunning of the priesthood, ending at last in its own as well
as its devotees' ignorance . The system must have beer well known, or we should not find the
Asiatic princes all pretending to be Avatars, and perhaps each believing himself to be so . For,
what opinion is too absurd for human vanity to entertain ? Alaric, the Goth, was clearly so .
Nadirs Shah's name shews him to have been one, and after him all the Shahs of the house of Ali :
the Ommaides were the same . Genghis Khan was another . 4 But we must not forget that mis-
creant the GREAT Constantine the first, who, no doubt, affected the same thing, but did not suc-
ceed, at least with posterity . I believe that if the empire of any of these persons, except that of
Constantine, had extended itself as Mohamed's did, we should have had in him an Om-Ahrped ; and
twenty years after his death there would have been no difficulty in making out a Koran from
amongst his half rotten papers ; and in telling the rabble, when it made its appearance, that it was
an improved version of a former corrupted one ; which it might perhaps be, in some degree . But
I shall discuss this subject of imperial incarnations at large in a future book .
I have just said, that the Bedoweens, followers of Bs u,' whom we have found invoked in

Van Kennedy, p . 58 . ' See Vol. 1. p . 652, for places, &c., with the Buddhist name of Om.
N= 50 N= 50 N= 50 Caph 5=500 * C(Caphfinal) =500
R=100 Netzir
e= 5 softened T=300 R=100 NRS N . . = 50 Kan .
T=300 e= 5 to Nadir 5=200
N= 50 N . . . = 50
S=200 r=100 Nerutz R=100
u=400 650 600
650 650
Z_ 90
3 See Vol . I . p. 584.
208 Names of the Gods of the Week

Thrace, were probably Buddhists under some corrupted form, perhaps Christians of St . Thomas .
We have always heard of these Christians being Nestorians . Now the opinion of the Nestorians,
or of the followers of that German, was, that Jesus Christ was a portion of God, incarnated in
him ; and, in short, his doctrine was very nearly the same as that of the followers of Cristna . On
this account I do not doubt that, whenever the orientalists were met with, by Christians, holding
these opinions, they were, without more inquiry, determined to be Nestorians . This seems to me
to account satisfactorily for all the Nestorian nonsense in Asia, about which we read so much . I
will now return to the subject of letters, from which I feel that I have too long digressed .
4 . I believe the etymology of the names of the seven Cods of the Week has hitherto set all the
learned at defiance . When I consider their very great antiquity, their priority to all other Gods,
and the general practice of the ancients in calling their Gods after numbers, and that, if my theory
be correct, they might consistently be called after the oldest cycle, I cannot help suspecting that
originally they all meant the erroneous and oldest cycle of 666 .
MONDAY may be-
M=600 M=600
I= 10 N= 50
and in process of time
N = 50 650
U= 6
TUESDAY or Mercury may be-
T=400 A 9= 40

U= 6 Tusco A= 1
Z= 90 or R =200
Q=100 Tuisco . K = 20
Markoles .
0= 7 0 O = 70
L = 30
666 E= 5
Mercury in Chaldee is called D'51D kulis, from 51] cul, to measure. (Query, to cull or count or
select ?) May this have been Dy51n kulos or 666? It is not a very violent corruption .
The rrnnec atiut is Thoth, the Egyptian inventor of Letters . Thoth is Mercury, called Tuisco .
I think this may have been'fust, T=300, T=300, i u=6, D s=60=666 . We have formerly seen that
this word in Hebrew meant letters .' The Indathyrsus of Strabo is Bacchus, 2 T=300, R=100,
S=200, 1 u=6, t) s_60=666 .
In WEDNESDAY or Woden's-day I fail, but I ought to fail if the system be right, because
Woden, which has given name to this day, is not the original name of a God or cycle, but a cor-
ruption, as we have formerly seen, of Buddha. 3 But the word Mars, Martis, is the Apr)s of the
Greeks, with the monogram prefixed . Thus M . A=1, R=200, E=5, T=400, S=60=666 .' He
was also called Mayors, which I think was M . a'=1, u'=400, e'=5, '1=200, D=60=666 .5 He was
also called Quirinus, Q=100, R=200, 1=10, N=50, U=6, S (w)=300=666 .

See supra, p . 164 . a Cleland . 3 See supra, p. 4 .

* Tata is an old word for father. It is the Celtic Tat or Tad, the Greek Ap7a . Pezron, p . 359 .
Here it must again be borne in mind, that the Author felt himself justified in referring to either the Hebrew or the
Greek numerals in favour of his theories . Editor .
Book 111 . Chapter II . Section 4 209
The THURSDAY is T=400, U=6, R=200, S (p)=60=666-the day of the Bull.
We have found the German and Scandinavian Saxons called after their ancestors, the Saca=,
and they from their God Xaca, who was Woden, who was Buddha .' We have in the same coun-
try a tribe called the Frisii, whence came Friesland or Fries-ia ; and these Northern tribes had a
favourite Goddess called Freya, which 1 think was only the softened Freas-ia . Hence our FRIDAY .
Then this will be in Greek and Hebrew-
E = 5
a= 1
a = 00
This Lady became, afterward, Alpo-BIZ-4, the holy (p>,-that is, 4~'=500, q '=100, 1)'=8=60S .
She had a son, divine love or A-DON, the WISE, who was killed by a wild boar ! Can any thing be
more nonsensical ? But this wild boar was an Apries, that is, A4pasc . This Phre was the
solar title in Copt-ia or E-gupt-ia or Egypt . The mysticism of this is very profound . Divine
wisdom, which has existed through all cycles, was killed by the hypostasis described by the num-
ber 666, A- (Pgaec, the boar ; but it rose again as the holy (P p-~ =608, or the (Ni vv . This Adon
was a resident of the country called 4b rivv-icia or country of Phen . In this mythos, as in all
others, the mother and son, the male and female, the Unity, Duality, and Trinity, the singular,
dual, and plural, are all confounded or identified ; for they are all three in one, and one in three .
In India, Saturn is called Sati . We all know how some of the Northern nations change the an
into iern, as Christian, Christiern. Then Saturn will be Satiern, and in Greek numerals-
a= 1
~= 10
'= 5
Y= 50

Our sixth day is not called Saturn-day, but SATURday, that is, in Hebrew,
r T`_- 200
P1=100 T'=200
Samech= 60
which became % '= 8 z =300
in time with G08 Whence Strn-ia .
Van _~4 p'=100
the Greeks
V= 50

Resh -200 -
o =200
666 z'=300 Satur-day . 650
p =100

0 1-10
See supra, pp . 1-4 .
210 Names of the Gods of the Week

The Saturn of India is called Sani and Satyr, which latter is STR=600 . t
We will now examine the names of some other of the Gods, keeping this principle in view .
It would have been remarkable if we had not found the God Osiris in the arithmetical language .
It i ,
y = 70 t = 6
w=300 6'=200
10 P'=100
't =200 b = 60
'= 10
p = 60

650 2
Mnevis is, M=600, N=50, U=6, I=10=666 . 3
In Ireland, the Chaldees were called Culi-dei . Here we have X'=600, L=50, U=6, 1=10=666,
or, in the epithet of beautiful or xaXog, K=20, L=30, 1=10=60 . 1 doubt not that the Culidei
came to Ireland before the beauty of the numbers 60 and 600 was discovered .
Pol, alluded to in Volume I . p. 652, is Pall, is $A%us,
(P ,=500 4p'=500
7, 100 A'= 50
t= 6 or a'= 50
D= 60
Pol means Head, Wisdom, Minerva Polias, and Palumba, a stock-dove .
The words Ras and Buddha are different from the other names of Gods, and might be only
names of attributes . All the incarnations were Rasees, and I think the name of the first Buddha
would be Xwv=666-the Buddha or Ras of Siun or of the Sun . And, again, Xiun-sup, Wisdom
of the Siun, or Sun, Solar Wisdom . Here I think I have the triumph of my system . The first
name of the God was Xtuv=666 .' He was the God of Sion, or of the Mount of Sion . When
astronomical knowledge improved, his name was written with the Saxon emphatic article I-Xin-
Xv-650 . As it improved a little more, he became XH-608 ; 5 and at last X=600 : and Basnage
was not far from right when he said, "Would not any one have believed the Xn was Christ
victorious ?"
We have Xa4e or XZae=666, or =Xae=666 .
We have formerly seen that divine love was crucified under the name of Ixion .e I have, a great
suspicion that this word was the monogram X and siun or X-sion or X-sun . Or might it be the
monogram I, which has the same meaning as the X, and Xiun or Siun ? These are mere specula-
tions ; how far probable must be left to the reader .
The Tibetians have the word Zits, which is proved to be no other than Xin, called Zin viventem

' Camb . Key, Vol . II . p . 392. ' See Class . Journal, Vol. XX. p. 184.
3 The Egyptians are said to have had 666 kinds of sacrifices, which a learned writer in the Encyclop . Brit. voce
Sacrifice, says, is incredible . This was, I suspect, merely a mistake . They had a grand sacrifice for every year,
having some trifling variations relating to the year of the cycle of 666, which it shews that they had among them .
Perhaps they killed as many animals as years of the cycle had passed, to mark the time, before the art of writing was
known. Several of their Gods had the same namte.
4 See Etymol. Dict. voc . I.
1 Vide my Vol . I . p . 224. 5 See Ib . pp . 500, 503 ; and supra, p. 198.
Book III . Chapter II . Section 4 211

et largitorem vitae . A close attention to the pages 682 and 683 of Georgius (Alph . Tib.) will shew
that the first of their names descriptive of God, Cjang-cihup vel cihuh, is Kion or Kian, unde Hesych .
XlovEav, aeuxav 4P cuTaibrl et Sinis Can ; in short, Sion and Xw : and the second, cihuh live
cihuph, is the Hebrew 91D or 91itv or 91Y sup or zup, wisdom, the root of the Greek F,o(Plot, and the
meaning will be the wisdom of Sion or Xin,-the wisdom of the God described by the
n= 50

in the Coptic language, or the 3D (3D) sn 650, in the Hebrew . When the peculiar manner in which
the astronomical doctrine of the origin of the cycles 666, 650, 608, 600, and the sacred numbers
of the Gentiles, together with the monograms of Christ, are considered, as . dovetailing into one
compact body, supported by many other circumstances, I think the truth of the system must be
admitted to be demonstrated . Bring it fairly to the test of probability, and the arguments in its
favour will be as a million to one .
When we consider the striking manner in which, as I have shewn, so many sacred names came
from literal numbers, numerical letters, it is only reasonable to expect the same result from the
roots of that most important word Wisdom . We have found the word Souphun among the Ara-
bians . This is, Z=90, 0=70, U=6,4'=500, or Zo(pta . And our Wisdom is, W or Y=400, S=
200=600, di holy--Os-Wisdom of the holy OM . Having found the word for the Sun Sr, also
written Tr, the two indiscriminately used for one another, may it not be, that the Sr is only RS,
read in the opposite direction ? But SR is TR, and TR is 600 . In this I am justified, by the
unimpeachable evidence of Barnabas lately quoted .' Without this double power of the S be
admitted, but I think it cannot be disallowed, I have not the ancient cycle in Ras . I have it, how-
ever, in rnw7 or mcr) rsut the plural of Ras, thus : n r=200, v s=60, 1 u=6, n t=400=666, and
we must observe whenever the word Rasit is paraphrased, either by the Jews or Samaritans, in
the word n o2n hkmut, or by the Gnostics in the Acamoth, the word is always in the plural
number. This shews us what the word Rasit ought to be, viz . the plural-and its plurality is
allusive to the Trinity ; and they are all feminine .
I believe we have the ancient Sacee in the tribe of Rattores . They are, I think, Rats-ores, 2 the
ras with an oriental sigma-tau . When their tribe settled in Germany, it founded Ratz-burg and
Ratis-bon-i r=200, n t=400, 1 u=6, D s=60=666-Rtus-burg ; or, perhaps, p=100, 7'=300,
6'=200=600 . The Persian Rustan is the same word Rstn-p =100, r'=200, r'300, v'=50=650 .
In Ethiopia the prince is called Bas. It was so written, because when the Ethiopians turned
their upright writing, they turned the word thus to read it ; but the people a little lower down the
Nile, whom we call Copts, turning the column the other way, as the Greeks did, have it Sar .
Thus they have Sar-oub or Sar-Oph, or Prince . serpent or wise Prince. Thus in Egypt, it is the
Prince Sar, in Ethiopia, the Prince Ras .
I repeat that, if we reflect deeply upon the nature of the arithmetical language, which was not,
and in its nature could not, be spoken, we shall instantly see, that it would make no difference
whether a word was called Menu or Nume ; and this fact will reasonably account for all the ana-
grams in proper names .
It seems to me, that the way in which almost -all the names of the Deities are described by
numbers or numerical letters, is a very decisive- proof of the truth of the whole system . It is

I See supra, p . 189. 1 As Hastimalle became Hatimalla, so Rastores became Rattores .

212 Names of the Gods of the Week
notorious that all proper names had meanings, but the names of most of the Gods are an exc eption
to the rule, and this they ought to have been if their appellations were derived- from the ancient
cycles . A Deity might properly be described by every variety of numbers which would form any
of his cycles, and, in respect to each cycle, by any combination of numbers which would form the
sum of the cycle .
Thus he might be called Sul-S=300, U=6, I :=30=336 ; or Rqul-R=200,
Q=100, U=6, L=30=336 ; or tvty=G00, or r"r'=600 . And from this arose the multitude of Gods,
all in fact being, as I have formerly proved, merely the names of ti :e Solar Deity . And now, I
trust, my reader will admit, I have fulfilled the promise I formerly made, that I should shew before
I finished, that the custom of describing persons or Gods by numerals, was any thing but buffoo-
nery, as Sir William Drummond called it. And here it must be obvious how easy it would have
been to have reformed the religion of the Pagans, instead of burning its beautiful temples and
murdering its votaries, by merely teaching them to raise their minds from the Sun to the sun's
Creator. All the mischief arose from the pernicious, monopolizing spirit by which the priests
endeavoured to keep all knowledge to themselves. But it gave them power and wealth, and this
is the real secret .
I long endeavoured, but in vain, to discover why the planets were called by the same name, for
example, Venus or Mercury, as that which designated God or the Sun ; but I think I have, at last,
discovered a probable reason for it . I think it is to be found in the poverty of ancient written lan-
guage . I trust I have clearly made out, that the first cycle-that of 666-was the name, or per-
haps I ought rather to say the designation, of every one of the planetary bodies . This was the
name of the cycle and of the Divine creative power also, and this double effect arose from this
fact, that if the Sun or the Deity was to be described in the arithmetical symbolic language, it
was almost necessary that he should be described by some number connected with him, or in some
way related to him ; and that could be no other, because there was no other, than the length of
the Lunar or Soli-Lunar year . Thus he became first SIi=360, next Suli=336 or 366. Upon the
same principle he was afterward called by the name of the greater cycles as they arose . Now, by
regimine, the planets would each be messenger of God, or messenger God, or messenger or Dis-
poser Mars, or messenger Venus, &c . ; the name of the God being, in arithmetical signs, 666 .
This is exactly similar to the priests' taking the names of their Gods by the regimine, as I have
before described .
As it is evident, that God or the Creative Power might be called by whatever name arose out of
any combination of numbers, which made up the suns of 660, as long as 666 was thought to be
the number of his cycle, so it came to pass that God or Sol or the Creative Power had all these
names, and that the old Gods, the Planets, each acquired one of these names . This is also sup-
ported by the fact, that the O't3W smim or planets or disposers had at first no names, or icons
either with the Druids or in Etruria or Greece or Syria or Persia or India . When the Hebrew
language became lost in Greece, and the Greek arose, they acquired each a name described by 666,
and it would necessarily be 666, if at that time 666 designated the First Power ; and they
changed as astronomical science improved . Thus we see how the words Saturn, Mercury, Mars,
Ceres, Venus, &c., &c., arose. All this is much strengthened by the fact, that the names very
seldom have any other rational etymology .
In a similar manner, kings and dynasties (Pharaohs for example) came to have the names of
Gods . All kings were priests ; in fact, they very often became kings or rulers, from their supe-
rior wisdom, knowledge, or cunning, and were thought to be emanations of the Deity, or persons
endowed with a greater portion of the divine nature, mind, -~uX-4, anima ; and they were emana-
tions of 4ppj, or emanations 4pp-4 . Thus, by degrees, without being conscious of any thing wrong,
they allowed themselves to be called by the names of their Gods, and also received the same
Book III . Chapter II . Section 5 213
honours . Thus, incarnation of God, or Apollo, or Mars-the incarnation God, Apollo, Mars .
We every day do what is very similar without being conscious of any thing wrong . Henry the
First would have been shocked to be called majesty, although it has become the name, the title of
all our kings . To be called majesty is presumptuous enough, but I may be regarded as still more
presumptuous, for I am the God Freya-Godfrey ! If an age of darkness should arise, accom-
panied as it certainly will be, if it do arise, with a race of ignorant, evil-disposed fanatics, ready to
misrepresent and distort every thing, William IV . and I may be abused for our presumption and
As these effects arose by degrees without any formal record of their origin, it was soon lost .
This is not theory but fact. It is similar to what we see every day . Many religious rites arose in
the same way . For example, fasting . What could make fasting a merit? When foolish men
quarreled, as we are told by all the Indian histories that they did quarrel, about the prevalence of
the male over the female generative power in nature, the female was reprobated by the nude de-
votee, and it became a merit to refrain from intercourse with the sinful creature . Thus arose
monkish vows of chastity ; and directly from this it came to pass, that fasting was recomended,
as it was found, from experience, the most effectual device to assist men in the performance of
their difficult task, keeping the vow of abstinence from the female . The cause or reason for the
fast was forgotten, and the fast itself was esteemed a merit. Thus the thing which arose in sense
is continued in nonsense ; for it was founded in sense, that abstinence would keep down passion ;
it is nonsense to suppose that there is merit in refraining from a necessary or an agreeable quantity
of food, and in taking only as much as will barely maintain life . From this abstinence all self-
denial might have its origin, and come to be regarded as a merit .
When I look at the written representations of the numbers of all the ancient great nations, some
barbarous oriental islands alone excepted, I instantly see that they formed one system, and were
originally derived from one source ; and the fact is precisely the same with respect to letters .
But I find the forms of the figures of old Italy and Greece, to have been very different from the
oldest forms of the figures of the oriental nations, which we possess . It is not improbable, but on
the contrary it is very probable, that the colonies arrived from India in Greece and Italy before
the art of notation had been committed to writing, but still not before the beautiful decimal system
had been discovered, and not before the art of counting the moon's period of 28 days had been
discovered . If this had not been the case, the Western nations would have had the Arabic figures
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. When I find these figures in use all over India, Tartary, and Persia, in their
oldest books, I can feel little doubt that their antiquity is very great . Equally little doubt can I
feel that the Cufic alphabet as figures (in some shape or other, for in the lapse of many years the
shape of all written letters and figures must imperceptibly change) must originally, and for
many generations, have served for the purposes of arithmetic as well as of letters, and for letters
as ciphers . They must have been like monograms, symbols of words, very like the Chinese .
Probably at first they would be confined to the 28 figures . J These would be the symbols of their
cycles of the sun and the moon, and their number would be increased by degrees by the addition
of other symbols . This would be an unspoken literature, as the literature of numbers and symbols
in Algebra is still unspoken with us . I repeat, the letters would be symbols for ideas, not for
sounds .
5 . The language of the Tibetians, as found by Georgius, seems to exhibit a mixture of the sys-
tem of the signs of the Chinese, and of the letters of the West . Sir W. Jones says, " It seems at

1 The order of the ancient Cufic alphabet is the same as that of the Hebrew. (Univ. Hist. Vol . XVIII . p . 421 .)
This is au additional proof that Hebrew and Arabic were originally the same.
214 Chinese Writing

" present, from the influence of Chinese manners, to consist of monosyllables, to form which, with
" some regard to grammatical derivation, it has become necessary to suppress, in common dig-
" course, many letters which we see in their books ." t These were their figure letters, as was the
case with the Arabic notation, which was reduced to 16, as letters . The Chinese, the Japanese,
and the Siamese, are known to be all nearly the same ; and Georgius has proved that the Tibe-
tians and the Siamese are closely connected . This, I think, all goes to shew, that the J udaean
mythos must (as found in China by Paravey) have gone thither before the letters were known or
publicly used . I think a practice which still prevails in Japan is an admirable example of what
the first universal language of figures would be . The Cambridge Key to the chronology of the
Hindoos says, "The Japanese, by the use of symbols, continue to carry on, not only correspon-
" deuce, but trade, with provinces, the inhabitants of which, were they to meet, would not be
" able to converse, from a total ignorance of the language of each other . 2 A convincing proof
" that a knowledge of letters does not necessarily militate against the use of symbols ."
The people of Cochin China, Tonquin, and Japan, each speak a dialect of their own, very dissi-
milar from the Chinese ; but all these nations, although they cannot understand each other by
speaking, yet do so perfectly by writing . Du Halde says, their books are common to all of them .
These characters, therefore, are a species of arithmetical signs, which each nation expresses by a
different word, although among them all they represent the very same number, and excite the very
same idea. 3 Here is evidently the first numeral symbolic language, which I have discovered
without going to China for my information .
M . Abel Ramusat has imagined that he could point out the remains of Hieroglyphics in the
Chinese letters . He has shewn very conspicuously both his own learning and ingenuity ; but
from such an infinite variety of figures as that of which the Chinese letters now consist, it neces-
sarily follows, that an ingenious and industrious man may find almost any similitudes he wishes
for .
There is the sauce system in Java . Sir S . Raffles informs us, that the natives of Java, that is,
I think, the island of leue or Jehovah, call their ancient, now unused, language, Kawt. This, I
think, is merely the lao aspirated . He says that, for many years, it was almost entirely confined
to the family of the chief, and that the Javanese have a mystical language . He also says, 4 " For
" ordinary purposes, the Javans use a modification of some of the letters of the alphabet as nume-
rals, but on occasions of importance it is usual to employ certain signs or symbols in lieu of
" these ordinary numerals, and this practice appears to be of great antiquity among them . These
" symbols consist in a certain number of objects, either represented in design or named, each of
" which is significant of one of the ten numerals. Of the former class are said to be those found in
" most of the ancient buildings and coins, which in that case usually bear no inscription ." 1
think I see here, in the language of the island of Java, the original practice which I have been
describing of a system of writing by ciphers . Though in this there is nothing absolutely to prove
the truth of my system, there is what strongly tends to add to its probability, and probability is
all that can ever be expected . Here, however changed in the space of four or five thousand years,
are found the remains of the original first system of writing, and it is found among what must
have been anciently the followers of Ieue or lao, by whose Chaldeeans I suppose the art of writing
to have been first invented, and by whom I suppose it was kept a masonic secret for thousands of
years . In consequence of this discovery of symbolic writing, the adoration of the .dl-ieu, by his

' Asiat . Res . Vol . III . p . 11 . ° Camb . Key, Vol . 1 . p . 396 .

z Spineto, Lect . Hier . p . 273 . 4 Vol . 1. p . 371 .
Book III . Chapter II . Section 5 215
original name, remains, although lost by all the rest of the world . The Javanese practice, or
something very like it, is described in the following extract : "The characters of Cochin China, of
" Tong-king, of Japan, are the same with those of the Chinese, and signify the same things ;
• though in speaking, those nations do not express themselves in the same manner ; of conse-
°' quence the language of conversation is very different, and they are not able to understand each
" other ; while, at the same time, they understand each others' written language, and use all their
C 0 books in common ." t

The first Chinese written letters were formed of right lines, and were called, Ukim and Yekint,
this is the emphatic article of the Sacae I and the =t hkm Wisdom-letters of the Wisdom or
Wisdom of IE . Their invention is ascribed to Fo-hi, 2 whom we have formerly shewn to be
Buddha . Bailly has observed, that from their division into fives, 3 they appear to have been ori-
ginally numerals, and the system founded on the number of the fingers on the hand repeated . 4
The least attention to the Latin or Greek numerals will shew how applicable the observation is to
them, l . V . X . XV . Y.X . The Ogham letters, or Ogum Craobh or branch-writing, of Ireland, have
this peculiar character of division into fives, as well as the Runes of Scandinavia, that is, of the
Saxae or Xim or Sinenses, for the Chinese are nothing but the Sin, or Saxons, or Buddhists, having
the whole mythos of the immaculate conception, the tree of knowledge, of life, the crucifixion,
resurrection, &c ., according to M . Paravey ; all which had been previously related by Bergeron
and De Guignes. " Bayer observes, that the Chinese letters consisted of nine simple characters,
• five of which were plain lines, and the other four are two or three of them joined together ."
This is the exact description of the Roman numerals . The Irish Ogham is most unquestionably
the Scandinavian or Saxon Rune, and they are all here identified with the Chinese and Eastern
Xacae, Saxae, Sacae, Xin, or Xin-di . Here we have the numerals and the letters identified in
Runic letters ."
After I had finished what has been stated respecting the origin of letters, and cipher or ntttneri-

Ency . Brit . Art . Philology, Sect . 117 .

Dr. Ill orrison, in his "Chinese Miscellany," p . 1, thus confirms this striking fact : "The Chinese language is now read
`° by a population of different nations, amounting to a large proportion of the human race, and over a very extensive
`° geographical space,-from the borders of Russia on the north, throughout Chinese Tartary on the west, and, in the
• east, as far as Kamschatka ; and downwards through Corea, and Japan, in the Loo Choo Islands, Cochin China, and
'° the islands of that Archipelago, on most of which are Chinese settlers, till you come down to the equinoctial line at
Penang, Malacca, Singapore, and even beyond it on Java . Throughout all these regions, however dialects may
• differ, and oral languages be confounded, the Chinese written language is understood by all. The voyager and the
" merchant, the traveller and the Christian missionary, if he can write Chinese, may make himself understood through-
" out the whole of eastern Asia ."-Gutzlaff s Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China, in 1831, 1832, 1833,
p . xxii .-Editor .
s As Fohi is said to have founded his kingdom 200 years after the deluge, perhaps we should be nearer the truth in

supposing a more recent inventor .-" The written language of China, alike unique and ancient, is, from the singularity
of its structure, and the extent to which it is employed, one of the most remarkable that has been used amongst mankind .
• The knotted cords, [see infra, p . 218,] originally employed as the record of events by them as well as many other nations,
" in the first stages of their social existence, were superseded, at an early period in their history, by symbolic records .
• The founder [Veng-Yang] of letters lived about 1100 years before the Christian mra, and the art of printing has been
,, in use among them for 800 years ."-Gutzlaff's Journal, ut sup . p . xiv. See V all . Coll. Hib . Vol. V . p . 102 .-Edito r.
3 We read constantly of the Yau or tA1r Eva, the Venus or mother, standing for 6, called Lustrum, L' str-600, or
L included, 650 ; but from what Astle has said, p . 183, I have little doubt that the five also had this name . This com-
munity arose from their being the matrices of the cycles 360 and 432, and ultimately of the common great cycle,
432,000 . As we should say, they are both mother numbers . Pliny divides the circle of the Heavens into 72 constel-
lations or Lustrums . This makes them 5 each . I have already shewn that the L was emphatic, in Hebrew, as it is in
French. I have lately met with a learned Jew who agrees with me on that subject .
4 Vallancey, Coll . Hib . Vol . V . p . 102. 1 Asiat . Res . Vol. II . p. 50 .
216 Chinese Writing
cal writing, I met with an Essay by John Hoskyns, Vice P . R . S ., July 17, 1686 . He skews that
the Abacus was really the same among the earliest Romans and Chinese, and exhibits drawings of
each. He then goes on to explain the ancient numerals of the Chinese, and he describes one
stroke or line to mean one ; two lines to mean two ; three to mean three ; a cross to mean ten ;
two crosses twenty ; three crosses thirty, and so on to a hundred . He then says, C 0 Upon perusing
" all the accounts I could meet with in books, I found very little satisfaction as to what I princi-
pally inquired after, which was, first concerning the method of the character, whether it con-
sisted of a certain number of marks methodically disposed like letters in a literal, or like
num- bers in a numeral, or like radicals in composite and decomposite derivations . 'Tis said to be
~~ legible into a great many languages, considerably different one from another, but how this is
i° effected is not related, only 'tis said, that the marks are of the nature of our arithmeticalfigures
'~ (which are become almost universal, at least to us here in Europe) ; and secondly, concerning
~~ the number of these characters . To which I found as little satisfaction ; for, by some relations,
" I found that there were 120,000 of them ."
I think no one can well doubt, that here we have a specimen of the first numeral system of
writing by symbols, which I have been describing . Here is every thing required by the system
which I had previously discovered-first, the right-lined characters ; secondly, the decimal nota-
tion ; and thirdly, the symbol denoting a number, an idea, and a word, but for a word which would
be different wherever the words of two languages for one idea varied ; by which means it comes
to pass, that the different nations of the immense Chinese empire all perfectly well understand
one another by writing . And here we see the reason why the Chinese have never adopted the
literal style of writing ; though, from what I shall presently shew, it is probable that the sixteen
letter system, under some form, is known and used by them . I I think from what Mr . Hoskyns
says, it is probable, that the numeral powers of the symbols being lost and only the ideas remain-
ing, this will render the art of writing more difficult to learners . Of all the follies of Europeans,
none has been more common than their abuse of the Chinese for not adopting the literal syllabic
style of writing . We know very little of the Chinese ; but the little we do know gives one reason
to believe, that they are the wisest people in the world, and, perhaps, in nothing more wise than
in keeping European pirates from their shores as much as possible . When they look to the con-
duct of all the European nations in India-the Dutch, the Portuguese, the French, and the En-
glish, and at their repeated attempts, by means of missionaries, to create disturbances in China,
they can only consider them as pirates .' The wisdom of their government is sufficiently marked
by the fact, that their immense empire has been at peace from foreign war for more than two thou-
sand years, with little or no intermission, except when they were attacked and conquered by the
Tartars . But in this, more than in all other matters, their wisdom was conspicuous ; for their

' If I be correct in my theory, that the art of syllabic writing arose by degrees, they were necessary consequences
that all the uncertainty and small variations which I have developed should he found in the different languages, both in
the numeral and literal capacity of the letters, but still that the same system should, on the whole, be every where
apparent .
That Europeans are thus regarded by the Chinese is fully demonstrated' by the following passage of Gutzlaff's
" Journal (pp . 263, 264) : " June 3, (1832,) Ma and his friend Le came again on board . He explained the reason
" that we were treated with such suspicion . ` You are,' he said, `very clever ; understand making charts, are well
`~ versed in the management of business, and always ready to act. We know all this, and are therefore on our guard .
• Some Coreans were last year shipwrecked near us ; we permitted them to travel through different provinces, allowed
" them to see every thing, and to return by way of Leaou-tung to their native country ; for this nation is stupid and
• take no notice of the things which fall under their immediate observation . Nevertheless, if, by a proper statement
" to the Emperor, you can prove that your sole object is trade, and not the acquisition of power, we will unite our
" entreaties with yours, that trade to this place may be established`-Editor .
Book III . Chapter II . Section 6 217
institutions and their conduct were such, that they, in fact, conquered their conquerors, and in-
stead of becoming a province of Tartary, Tartary instantly became, and yet continues, a province
of China ; their enemies disappeared, and their celebrated wall became no longer of any use
Thus, by this despised system of writing, the Emperor's proclamation is intelligible in all the
diversity of languages of his immense empire. I
It appears to me that in China, in India, and, in short, wherever the Jesuit missionaries went,
they were at first encouraged by the governments of those countries-who must have seen that
the religion of the Europeans was only their own religion, which, in some respects, was in a less
corrupted state than it was in their own country ; and the encouragement continued till the mis-
sionary fools, acting under the instruction of the rogues at home, shewed clearly that the object
was to bring those countries under subjection to a foreign power . The object was probably first
exposed by the claim of tithes--a claim which the church never surrenders on any account, 2
though it may permit it to be in abeyance . The cause of this will be clearly explained hereafter .
6. The Greek name of Numeration is ApiOjAos-of Rhyme or Measure `PuOµog . The Persians,
according to Chardin, call it Ahged, which word is evidently the a, b, g, d, of the Hebrew and
Greek, and our a, b, c . And the symbolical letters of the Indian Algebra, are called Abekt, evi-
dently at the bottom the same as the first letters of the Hebrew and Greek . 3 In the same man-
ner the instrument used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to count with, and at present by the
Chinese and Japanese, was and is called Abacus . Count Paravey observes, very justly, that the
names Abged, Abekt, Abacus, Apices, prove the identity of figures and letters, and that the latter
were derived from the former . 4 If persons would only gravely call to mind, how our own words
are constantly going out of use, and how new ones are every day introduced, not only among the
learned, by their coining them to answer to and supply the wants of new inventions and discove-
ries, but even among the vulgar, by their forming what we call cant or slang words, they would no
longer be surprised at languages varying from one another in long periods . Thus we have often
a word remaining in one nation which only remains as a name in another ; such might be Draco,
the Latin for Dragon, now only found in the name of the inexorable judge ; and the matter must
have been much worse in ancient times, before the arts of writing and printing were discovered . 5

" According to Pinkerton, it may now be considered as extending from those parts of the Pacific Ocean, called
• the Chinese and Japanese Seas, to the river Sarason, or Sihon, in the west,-a space of eighty-one degrees, equal to
" 4200 geographical, or 4900 British miles . From North to South, it stretches from the Uralian mountains, in North
• latitude .50°, to the southern border, about 21°, being twenty-nine degrees of latitude, 1740 geographical, or nearly
• 2300 British miles .- -Gutzlaff's Journal, ut supra, p . xiv.-Editor.
I Had the Author lived to read the account of the rejection of the Irish Tithe Bill, in _August 1834, by an over .
whelming majority of Lords Spiritual and Temporal, his language would probably have been couched in terms of equal,
if not greater, indignation . Editor.
3 Vide Bija-Gauita of Bhascara .

• Essay on Figures and Letters, p. 59 . In almost all nations we read of a learned lost language . No one will
deny that Algebra must have been considered a profoundly learned science in all nations . The Greek letters were taken
from the Hebrew or Arabic ; then here we have the name of this Indian learning in the names of the Hebrew letters .
This almost amounts to something more than a probability-to a proof-that the Hebrew was the first language of the
3 In Java one of the alphabets reads from the bottom upwards . Crawfurd's H ist . Ind . Arch . Vol. II . p . 7 7 .
In Malay, Kapala means head ; this is the Greek KHpaxoq, and the Latin Caput. In Javanese, Sira means head : this,
Hebraich, is Rasi . lb . 110.
Sakti, in Sanscrit, means power or energy ; in the Polynesian languages it means supernatural power . Ib . 112.
The Chinese call the Sanscrit language the Fan language . This is, language of the Fanum, or the church, or the
VOL . II .
218 Abacus and Nabathwan Alphabet
I think, by means of the Greek or Latin numerals, a correspondence in an unspoken language
would be readily carried on . But as soon as what are called the Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, &c .,t
were invented, the process would be greatly facilitated . This might be the secret and forgotten
language so generally spoken of. This would be an unspoken language at first . But I suspect
that the tribe of the Yadu or Iod-di or Yo-di, or of the holy lo, or of the followers of the Cali-di
or holy Kali or Cali, were the inventors of the Cadmeean system, and kept it to themselves, as a
masonic secret . If we consider the extreme difficulty of learning the art of reading and writing,
we shall instantly see the ease with which this secret might be kept by an order .
Although I cannot spew how, or into what language the system of ciphers was rendered, yet I
think the Japan and Java practice is a decisive proof of its feasibility, and is probably a remnant
of its first use . From the system of ciphers used as powers of notation arose written symbols, and
the perfect, secret sixteen-letter system of the tribe of loudi or Chaldaeans ; and to them, I doubt
not, it was confined for many generations-the Buddhists first, in like manner, keeping the system
by figures unimproved .
Mr. Astle 2 informs us, that the first Chinese letters were knots on cords . Here we have the
correct Quipos of the Peruvians, the country of Tanga-Tanga, treated of supra, p. 37 .
After I had nearly finished what the reader has seen, I discovered in Hyde 3 what in a very
remarkable manner confirms my hypotheses, but which will not surprise those who have read what
I have written respecting the Judaean mythos of the Mexicans and Chinese . It is an alphabet of
the Tartars who now govern China, and also an alphabet of the Mendeans, who, I suppose, are
the Mandaites or Nazoureans or Christians of St . John or Nabathaeans . 4 A moment's conside-
ration will satisfy any Hebrew scholar, that they are both, notwithstanding the difference in the
shape of the letters, correctly Hebrew . They do not differ even in a single letter . After this no
one will be surprised to find the Judaean mythos in China . But this Tartar alphabet must be kept
a secret as the use of letters is prohibited .
7. Sir Stamford Raffiesis disposed to believe, that the island of Java, and not Ceylon, has been
originally the Taprobane or ancient sacred island. It seems both the peninsula of Malacca and
the other islands all carried the name of Java or Kawi . Sumatra was called Jahadios, that is,
holy-iava. From what he says, I am inclined to think he may be right, but that, in fact, there
were several islands, each, in a succession of years, claiming to be the sacred one . The temples
have evidently been first Buddhist or Jain, succeeded by those of Cristna . The first, situate in
the province of Kedtt, which is a corruption of ledu aspirated, in fact, of Judia or Juda, he calls
Boro Bodo : this, I do not doubt, ought to be Bra Buddha, whose icon alone remains unmutilated . 6
The largest of the temples are generally in the form of a cross, and have been numerous and mag-
nificent almost beyond credibility . It is curious to see them all tumbled into ruins by the hands
of their owners, at the instigation, not by the command, of the followers of Mohamed, for hither

sacred building of the Latins . By Fan language is meant holy . It is the same as 4rwv, often noticed before . The
The Latin word means holy or sacred building : in Greek News or 2110 ;,. Neuman, Catechism of Shamans, p . 36 .
A Nun in Chinese is called Pekewne ; in Sanscrit she is called Bhagini . We have here the Beguins of the Romish
church. (Neuman, Catechism of Shamans, p . 46.) Thus we have not only the same Papist Nuns in China, Italy, and
Tibet, but we have them by the same names-of course carried thither and adopted by the heretical Nestorians, who
account for every thing, but who, I believe, are not known to have ever had any Nuns .
' See Astle, p . 176 . s P. 164 .
' De Rel. Vet . Pers . in a map at the bottom of the title of a Tartar book, in my copy, p . 358.
4 Vide Ibid. App. p . 524 . 1 Ency. Brit . Vol. 1 . P . 727 . - 6 Vide plates, fig . 34, in my Vol. I .
Book III . Chapter II . Section 7 219
Mohamedan conquerors never came. Reason alone succeeded in converting the nation to the faith
of the consummation of Christianity, in fact, of the Prophet, as I believe it did in most other
places. The natives seem to pay little attention to the trumpery of the Koran, but they fix
merely on the two great points of the religion, a belief in the Unity of God, and in the mission of
the prophet ; that is, that Mohamed was a Resoul or Sent of God-a belief which any philosopher
may receive, if he will only ask himself candidly what, in the common exoteric religion, the word
Resoul meant . Mohatned disclaimed all supernatural or miraculous power, and merely maintained
that he was pre-ordained and sent to effect a reform in the debased religion of the world .
Jesus and Mohamed were philosophers, preachers of wisdom and morality to their countrymen,
and, like Socrates and Pythagoras, neither of them left a single word of writing behind him . Some
persons believe Jesus to have been murdered by the priests, others state that he escaped them ;
but at all events h-e seems to have offered no active opposition . Mohamed, on the contrary, when
struck, returned the blow and beat his enemies . But in each case the moment the preacher was
gone, books enow were manufactured by those whose interest it was to establish a dominion
over their fellow-creatures . In each case, I have no doubt, the early actors in the dramas were
well-meaning fanatical devotees . I doubt not that in India and in Europe millions went over from
the religions of the two Cristnas (the God of India and the God of Rome), to that of the new
Avatar, who, in the West, protected them by his arms against the sectaries of the old Avatar .
For though the followers of the new Avatar never persecuted, the followers of the old one always
did . It is not very surprising under these circunmstances, that the new Avatar should have pro-
tected his followers by his arms . This would excuse, if it did not justify, the wars of Mohamed,
and also account for his success .
Java is called by the natives Tana (the land) Jawa ; or Nisa (the island) Jawa .' It is also
called Zaba and Jaba, and Zabaja, that is, in-Zaba, country of Zaba, and by Ptolemy, Jaba-diu .
The term Jawa is also applied to the Malayan Peninsula and the Eastern islands .' The word
Tana is the common term in the West for land or country, and the Nusa is evidently the same as
the Greek Nia •os. Sir S . Raffles shews, that Zaba comes from Java, Jaba ; but Saba or Zaba in
Coptic means Wisdom . We see from this, that the word Saba, whence come the Sabaeans, has
been originally nothing but a corruption of the Hebrew word Ieue ; and here we see how it came
to mean wisdom. Sir W . Jones acknowledges he does not know the meaning of the word Sabian
or what was the Sabian faith . 3 I believe there never was an exclusive sect of Sabians ; the word
Sabian is merely a descriptive term . The Christians of St . John were Sabaeans . 4
In the fifth volume of the work of the Abbe de Rocher s it is said, " Selon Horus grammairien
" d'Egypte, Sbo signifioit erudition. C'etait ce que les Egyptiens appelloient Sagesse. Encore
" aujourd'hui chez les Coptes ou Egyptiens modernes, le mot Sabe veut dire un Sage." I think
from the above we may understand how the God Ieue became the God of Sabaoth,-how the
planetary bodies, the intelligent disposers, were called Sabaoth, the plural of Saba, and whence
the Sabaeans had their name . From this also may come the French word Savoir .
In the middle ages the women of France had a nocturnal festival called the Reunion des Sab-
bats ; this it is clear, from attendant circumstances, had nothing to do with the day of rest. I
have little . doubt that it related to the God of wisdom . It is said e to have related to the myste-
ries of the God Pan . I think it probable that the day set apart to the God of wisdom was called

I Raffles' Hist. Java, p. 1 . ' Ib. pp. 2, 3 . .1 Asiat . Res. Vol . II, p . 8, 4to.
4 Good's Job, Introd. p. lxxxvi . ' P. 83 .
6 Hist. Phys . et Mor . de Paris, par Dulaure, Tome VIII . p . 90, ed 3d .
220 Von Hammer's Book . Saxons
Sabbath or r13m sbt . From this it was a rest-day, and from this the word came to mean to rest.
When I find the word Zaba or Saba in Coptic to mean wisdom, I can entertain little doubt that
originally it must have had this meaning in Hebrew . But, indeed, Sir S . Raffles's explanation
gives us a probable etymon in the corruption of the Hebrew name of God . This is similar to the
corruption of the Hebrew V 'o into ng, as I have pointed out in the word Jaugti, supra, p . 192 .
I must now beg my reader to turn to the Index of Volume I ., and reconsider the several pas-
sages where the word Saba is treated of, and be will see that the discovery which I have made,
with the assistance of the Abbe, that it means wisdom, will remove several difficulties, and furnish
a link which was wanting in the chain of my theory . It will shortly be shewn why the Chaldoeans
were called Sabwans .
8 . Until I had nearly finished what had been presented to the reader, I had not seen the plan of
a gentleman of the name of Northmore, detailed in the Encyclopeedia Londinensis . 1 It will there
be found, that he has, in substance, actually and unconsciously hit upon the ancient universal lan-
guage which I have been describing and proving to have once existed, without his having any idea
that it had really ever been in use, viz . a language of ciphers . He thus describes it : "The cha-
• racter is real, not nominal ; to express things and notions, not letters or sounds ; yet to be mute
like letters and arbitrary ; not emblematical like hieroglyphics . Thus every nation will retain =`s
own language, yet every one understand that of each other, without learning it ; only by seeing
" a real universal character which will signify the same thing to all people, by what sounds soever
each express it, in their particular idiom . For instance, by seeing the character destined to sig-
nify to drink, an Englishman would read to drink ; a Frenchman boire ; a Latin bibere ; a Greek
• irively-a Jew rru' ste, and so on : in the same manner as seeing a horse, each nation expresses
it after their own manner, but all mean the same animal ." He then adds, "this real character
` is no chimera : the Chinese and Japanese have already something like it . they have a common
• character which each of these nations understand alike in their several languages ; though they
" pronounce them with such different sounds, that they do not understand one another in speak-
• ing ;" It is then surely very remarkable that this Gentleman should choose the very same sym-
bols, which I have detected in use by the first authors of any kind of written symbols, viz . what
we have been accustomed to call the Arabic numerals . The following is a specimen of a

9, 8, .5,-7,, 6. I'fever saw a more unhappy woman .

He undertakes to shew that 20 signs would be quite sufficient for 10,000 words ; then, probably,
my 28 Arabic numerals would give infinitely more than would be wanted . Although Mr . North-
more's plan is not exactly the same as that of the ancients, detected by me, yet an attentive reader
will see that in principle they are strictly the same .
9 . In my Celtic Druids, p, 311, I have noticed a book in the true Ogham character, and in the
Arabic language, discovered by Mr. Von Hammer in Egypt, to which I also referred a little time
ago . 2 1 have a copy of the translation of that work, published by Nicol, Pall Mall, A . D . 1806.
It contains upwards of seventy different alphabets . There are, among others, the alphabets of
Plato, Pythagoras, Cleomenes, Socrates, Aristotle, and Hermes . On the alphabet of Hermes or
of the hieroglyphics, the author says, "Every one of these kings invented, according to his own
genius and understanding, a particular alphabet, in order that none should know them but the
`° sons of wisdom ." On examining these alphabets, they turn out to be every one of them founded
on the Arabic, in fact to be Arabic, however varied the letters may be in shape . It is quite clear

' Vol. XII . p . 203. 4 Supra, p . 205 .

Book III . Chapter 11 . Section 9 221
that they all answer to the Arabic arithmetical figures, and will all suit to one key. It is, I think,
also quite clear ; that they will answer to a syllabic system, or to a symbolic one like Mr . North-
morels. Figure 1, in my plates (in Volume I .), is an example of one of them . The first figure of
the hieroglyphical alphabet, as I have before remarked, was the Owl, the bird of Wisdom .
I must now notice a curious circumstance, overlooked by me before, which is this-We have
seen how the doctrines of Plato are connected with the doctrines of the Trimurti, and of Emana-
tions and the Jewish Cabala, and how all this is connected with the secret allegories of the tree
alphabets and the Syriac, and the Tamul Pushto, and that the ancient sacred language of the
Tamuls had five meanings . This premised, I have to observe, that the tree alphabet or Ogum
Craobh or branch-writing, as it is called in Celtic Irish, given in my first plate, to which I have
just referred, and found by Mr . Von Hammer in Egypt in the Arabic language, from which ice
translated it, is said by Ben Wassih to have been the Celtic used by Plato, and that each letter
had several significations .
In Jeremiah xxv. 26, we read of a king called Sheshack . This person has puzzled the commen-
tators very much . He has been thought by some, and correctly thought, to be king of the Sac-,e . .
This man was king of the Shepherds of Pallestini, who, I do not doubt, were Sacte or Saxons, and
Scythians, the conquerors of Egypt .
The Abbe Jacques-Jules Bonnaud 2 says, a Il faut encore observer que, suivant les auteurs
°~ anciens, et Herodote lui-meme, 3 les Perses donnoient a tous les Scythes en general le nom de
~tSaques." He shews, 4 that the Sesach, who pillaged the temple of Jerusalem, was one of these
Saxons . In fact to call these tribes Saxons is the same as to call them Buddhists, or, as to call
the natives of Europe Christians . But still, when our posterity read of great armies of Papists, of
Greeks, of Protestants, of Lutherans, of Germans, and of Spaniards, they will read about those
who were all Christians and all Europeans ; and if they do not take more care, and exercise a
better judgment than we have done, they will be in still greater confusion than we are .
To the early history of Java no attention whatever can be paid ; nothing can be made out respecting
it, except that a judgment may be formed and general consequences deduced from insulated facts .
It is said, that among the earliest of the occupiers of Java was a race of Rasaksa ; 5 but what these
were, is, I think, no where explained . I suppose the word ought to be Ras-Saka . There is also
mentioned an .4di-Saka or .4ji-Saka, who is considered the same as a chieftain, called Tritrestra,
who is said to have conquered the island . Here we have clearly the same mythos as that de-
scribed by Georgius, in North India, which found its way to Europe, brought by people with the
name of Saxons . Sir Stamford Raffles observes, that Saka means an corn in Sanscrit, and that
Sir W. Jones says, very truly, that it is a name of Buddha .
He further states, 7 that the word Saka was also applied to the founder of any sera-that Bala
Raja of Gnj'-rat was called Di-Saka, or Deva-Saka, which was a name of Salivahana-that the
Caliyuga, or age of Cali, was divided into a number of Sakas . The fact was, that each God was
Di-Saka, which, in regimine, meant God of the Saka ; and Saka was 666-650-608, and at last
600. We read that the prince of Roan sent twenty thousand families to people Java . 8 I think it
probable that this was an invasion of Brahmin religionists from Ceylon, which was called Ram or
Rom, who, after several repulses, ultimately conquered the island, abolished Buddhism, and esta-
blished the religion of Cristna, which seems to have united here, in some measure, with Buddhism,

I Vide Basnage, Hist. Jews, B . iii. Ch . xxv. f Defense de 1'Abbd Guerin de Rocher, p . 105.
3 Herod . 7 . 64 . 4 P . 101 . ° Raffles,, Vol . 11 . p. 67.
6 Ib . p . 68 . 7 Ib . &c . a Ib . p . 69 .
222 Von Hammer's Book . Saxons
the latter having preserved its temples . I think this may be inferred from the existence of the
icons of both in the temples, as well as from their traditions . After Cristna comes the reign of
the Pandus. The reign of the Pandus was probably nothing but a treaty of peace, or rather truce,
under some Afghan conquerors, between the two sects, which ended the war of the Mahabarat and
established the Holy Catholic or Pandman faith-the adoration of the double principle, leaving each
in the state in which it was at the moment of the truce, as we have seen was the case with the
Amazons at Athens . This will account for all the anomalies which we have every where found . It
is supported both by tradition and circumstances, and I think it is consistent with what we know of
the character of man, from experience-after a storm there generally comes a calm .
The God to whom Thursday, or the day of Jove, or lao or Ieue, is dedicated in India, our
Orientalists call Frihaspati . The true name of this God, I do not doubt, is to be found in the
interesting history of Java, as described by S . Raffles . He gives it Raspati, that is, evidently,
Father of Wisdom . I Arka, (this is the Greek Apxq,) he says, means the sun . s The Javans have
a celebrated poem on their mythology, called Kanda, that is, Kan-diva .3 Sir S . Raffles declines
giving it, on account of its indecency. One meaning of the word kan is pretty clear . This poem
is also called Pepakam . This, probably, is Pi-akm-The Wisdom.
I can entertain little doubt that, if a fair and impartial examination were made, remains enow of
the Judoean mythos would be found both about Jeddo in Japan, and in Java, to prove that it had
formerly been established there . From the prejudice which every inquirer has hitherto had (with-
out any unfair intention) against every thing of a Jewish appearance or tendency, the discovery of
the mythos has had every disadvantage . In Siam it is so marked, that it cannot possibly be dis-
puted ; it is not probable that it should be established there, in China, and in North India, and not
have extended to the sacred islands . Georgius says,
'4 Indorum litteras, et linguam Balabandu nuncupatum ex Hebreeo suam originam habere, per-
~~ spicue demonstrator, judice La-Crozio Epist. 32, ad Bayerum in Thes . Epistol . T. III ., ex
~~ multis litteris Balabandecis, quae si sum Hebraicis comparentur, ejusdem pene formae videri
~~ possint . Simile quiddam in mentem mihi venit, quum de origine Tibetanarum a Syriacis for-
e tasse litteris deducenda cogitarem . Nam et hanc suspicionem La-Crozius ipse in animum mihi
u pridem injecerat . Quamobrem operas pretium duxi earum complures, ne dicam omnes, cum its

11 conferre quas Syri Estranghelas appellant ." 4

Vallancey, 5 as I have before observed, says, the Estrangelo was the common alphabet of the
Chaldaeans, and that the present-used square Chaldaic letter was never used by the Chaldaeans,
except as numerals . I doubt the truth of what Vallancey says, if by Chaldaeans, the society, not
the Babylonian nation, be meant ; but he probably does not mean this .
I have often before observed, that the most ancient historians, of all nations, speak of a primeval
and sacred language, which in their time was lost . Pythagoras taught that all the ancient sacred

I Peti-ras-Urii . Hist . Jav . Vol . 1 . p . 475. 2 P. 414 .

3 The first priests were called, in the old language, tr7 ken, whence, I doubt not, came king
. Kings who have
received the xeipos034% are all priests . The Jews say their priests were called Cohens ; under this is concealed the
word ken . Among the Jews in London are certain honoured, but not very rich, persons called Cohens, who are
believed to be lineal descendants of Aaron. They still perform a peculiar service in the synagogue on the feast of the
Passover . Khan is Culling, Cunning, Kunig, King . Mr. Cleland has somewhere shewn that it was of both genders .
meaning both king and queen, like our word sovereign, and that the Saxon word Cyning, a king, comes from ken,
knowledge. In Yorkshire, to ken means to know. In Gothic, khaan meant king (oval in Greek) ; this was k=20,
n=50, as=2=72 ; or 7 k=500, i n=50, i n=50=600 . Again x31'=650. In almost every case these numeral names
have two meanings-both appropriate to the circumstances .
4 Alph . Tib. p . 583 . s Hib . Coll . Vol. V. p. 201 .
Book III . Chapter II . Section 10 223
learning was concealed in numbers . Almost as extended as the tradition of a lost language, was
that of an universal empire-that of Pandaea . I apprehend that all these traditions referred to the
universal language of numbers, in which the secret of the common mythos was concealed .
Although this numerical language might not be equal to the present written language of any
nation, yet I think it would be available for all the purposes of communicating and continuing a
common mythos, which chiefly depended upon numbers. It would be correctly a cipher. The
first language which it would represent would continue fixed for many generations, at the same
time that the language spoken was dividing into dialects in great variety. This variety
would still be increased, when this language of numbers began to be exchanged for a language of
selected letters taken from the numbers . The latter would be so much more convenient that, in all
the common concerns of life, it would soon supersede the other ; from this it comes to pass that
we have now no remains of the first language, except in the mythology . And here, in the names
of Cycles, Gods, and Days of the Week, we have it . In truth, it may be in many other words,
but we have not the means of detecting it . At first, it might be a representation of ideas, not of
words ; but it would not long continue so : the only word not strictly mythological, which 1 can
fix oil, is, I think, the Q
ab, for father.' But I think it yet exists, though greatly amplified,
in the Chinese language . Except as a secret of the Tartars, the sixteen-letter system having
never penetrated into China, a system nearly the primeval one yet remains . Of course the
changes and variations which it must have undergone, to have suited it to the necessities of a
great and civilised empire, preclude all hope of finding much of it among them .
I must now beg my reader to refer to Volume I . pp . 3, 4, 6, 30, 177, 653, 746, 763, and consider
the theory which I have proposed for the origin of the cycles and the sacred numbers : then next
to ibid . pp. 216, 221, 223, 224, 230, 499, 500, 590, and consider how this is strengthened by the
mn:;;,_^t-ims, and the use of the cross, and the records of all these sacred numbers, the number of
the beast excepted, in the number of the pillars in the respective temples-and this done, when he
has observed the manner in which all these things are connected together, and how they mutually
account for and support one another, I defy him to doubt the truth of what I assert, that I have
discovered and explained nearly the whole secret of the ancient mythology--that I have penetrated
to the very inmost recesses, and laid open the most secluded of the mysteries of the temples .
10. It is, perhaps, unnecessary to remind my reader of the close, and hitherto unaccountable,
connexion between the 1" iin or wine or vine, and Janus and Noah, called Menu in the Bible, and
the Indian Menu, and the fourteen various Menus, the Latin Mens, and the Greek Noos, Mind,
the Mannus or Man, the Mene or Moon, and the God Bacchus, to all which I have so often
adverted already, but to which, together with several other matters, I must 'be permitted here
again to advert . When I consider the close connexion of all these, and the failure_ of all attempts
hitherto made to shew how it arose, and the avowed custom of the ancients, and particularly of
Pythagoras, in describing all their mythoses by numbers, as, in so many ways, I have proved, I
ask, may not this connexion have been described by numbers ? Thus, MN=650, the number
sacred to Bacchus, who was Menu, who was Noah, who was Janus .
In the Hebrew alphabet, I repeat, the centre letter M stood for 600. The modern Jews admit,
that a great mystery lies under this . I have, in part at least; developed it. But in the Irish lan-
guage, probably as old as any we possess, the Mem is called M-VIN or M-UIN . This is the word
Vin, or Ow, or Itv, with the Monogram prefixed-in short, the name of Bacchus. But Bacchus
was Buddha, Borpug :2 but Borpug means a grape . Bacchus was also wisdom. In Latin, Race-

This is correctly the first name for God the Father of the Jewish Cabalists-the Trimurti . See Vol . I. P. 70.
s See supra. p . 9.
224 Bacchus . Janus . Ogham

anus means a grape, which is the Greek fr a grape-stone or kernel . Here the ras is evidently
the wisdom ; thus the word signified both Grape and Wisdom . It is very curious that in the
Greek we should find the Buddha, and in the Latin the Bas ; thus, from this double meaning,
shewing how Bacchus became the God of wine . This might give rise to all the drunken revels
and nonsense in honour of that God ; and in a similar manner, probably, arose many of the absurd
mythologies both in India and the West-amusing to the people, but contemptible to the philoso-
pliers and the initiated . Nimrod says, 1 " I conceive that the Feminine principle is adumbrated
" by the vine and ivy which cling for support either to the ivy-mantled tower, or to the marital
elm, both of which alike designate the Arbos Antiqua Ithyphallus ."
Now the M, as the centre letter, represented the M-phalos or Omphalos ; the loni, (qu . Iwi,) the
Matrix, the Delphus, the Nabbi or centre of the earth ; in fact, the female generative power . This
M was the monogram 2 of M-ia, which was 7'-n m-ie, M the self-existent ; and M-aia-the M-aia
or Mother la, or Jah, and, as repeatedly remarked, with the Hebrews it was 600 .
.Now I have often wondered why the letter following the M-uin was called N-uin . If we exa-
mine the Greek alphabet we shall find that the Sanpi is not a letter, as it has no alphabetic sound
attached to it, and all letters were once like this, and that the Greeks have only 26 forms for their
letters, the two central ones being the M-uIN and N-UIN corrupted into Mu and Nu, from the
Irish Celtic, which jointly make the number of Bacchus_6,50-the Me Nu, the Nu Ma, the Me
Noah is said to have had a fourth son born to him, called Inachus ; this is Bacchus, Iw-
wtn-i i-v-' linekus or tun-tZ-1'-P linakus-Iin the black or Ethiopian ; that is, the black or Ethiopian
Jin or Jan, or Ian-us . Iacchus, I suspect, is la or le-chus or le-kus . As I have said before, I
believe that the name of every God which was not a mere provincial or dialectic variation or cor-
ruption, was described by a number . Buddha was a Menu or Nu, or Menu was a Buddha, and
Buddha lived, according to some of his followers, 56 years-N=50, U=6=56 . One of the nay. es
of Buddha was the same as that of the famous Mani ; and Mani was MN=650 ; and Mani was
called Sin, or, in Chinese and Coptic, Xin, X=600, N=50 . 1 But Drn3 mnes in Hebrew means
comforter . From the same origin came the Mounts of Sin and Sion, and the river of Sin-de or
the holy Sin ; and the Sines or Chinese ; for which see, at great length, Georgius as quoted above .
He also shews the close connexion of the Hebrew words a1D sup and pity sup with the words sio
and cyo . Hence, he says, comes the Syriac Sciuphoio, (Scio-suph,) which means, with the Gnos-
tics, &c., purus spiritus, which, he says, the religion of the Lama holds to migrate into human
bodies for the salvation of man . 4 Here in Suph the purus spiritus we have WISDOM, and in Scio
we have l know, knowledge, sapientia, and the island of Scio in the Mediterranean . This Zin,
Sin, or Xin, Georgius shews is the same as the Xrv quod est vlvrRE, of the Greeks.-' He shews
that the Sio is the same as the Siang or Sihang, of the Tibetians, but without attempting to ex-
plain the reason why the o and the ng are substituted for one another . This is the Hebrew y o
corrupted into the ng, as in Gangs, Jiam Gang, &c., &c. ; and the Cio and Sio are only the word
lo aspirated . All this profound learning will be disputed on account of its depth ; but I beg
those who dispute it, on this account, to recollect, that it was not deep learning to those who in-
vented it, and to whose inventive faculties it must have offered itself by degrees .
Vallancey° calls Ogham the God of Wisdom ; this makes me suspect Ogham to be a corruption

Part I . (1826) p. 271 .

s Monogram as we call it, but called Omen by Martianus Capella. See Vol . I . p . 192.
• Georgius Alph. Tib . p . 681 . * Ibid p . 683 . a Ibid. p . 682.
• Coll . Hill. Vol . IV. Part I . p . 416.
Book III . Chapter II . Section 11 225

of d7R hkm. He adds, I that Ogham means o3ty oug.n circles, and that Oga means an explorer
of wisdom. I think the Ogham of Ireland and Acham of the Sanscrit, are nothing but modifications
of the first =in hkm . The Ogham of Ireland is certainly the knowledge of letters and of the tree
of letters. Again, Vallancey says, " Had this Lexiconist known that Drui in Irish, and Darn in
~~ Persian, signified Sapiens, and* that it was the title of a Persian Magus of the second order, he
" could not have been at a loss ." He then goes on s to shew, that Seanoir, a wise man, from the
root SEAN, is the epithet for a Druid, and that it has the same meaning as Ogham, consequently
this makes the Ogham to mean wisdom, and the Ogham language or letter will be the language or
letter of wisdom ; this justifies me in explaining the name of the Ogham of Ireland and Acham or
secret letter or language of India to be the Hebrew O,zrr hkm .3 Sean and De-Saine and Desanus
were names of Hercules or the Sun . The above word Sean I believe to be a corruption of Sion,
or rather, I should say, the same as Sion . Then the Mount of Sion was Mount of the Sun, of
Hercules, or of Wisdom ; the sun being the shekinah of divine wisdom . Aga [Ogga] was a name
of Minerva . 4 Is the Irish book of Lechem any thing but the book of the Ochatn, L'Acham ? And
from this Aga came Aga-memnon, and the Aga of the Janissaries . In an Irish MS ., Vallancey
says, Ogham is described to come from Guam, which means wisdom . In consequence of this I
can scarcely doubt that Guam is a corruption of i oxi hkme. Thus, in endless variety, in all na-
tions and ages, the doctrine of WISDOM is found to extend its secret ramifications .
11 . The word Rhyme, I apprehend, comes from the Greek `PuOp .oc, Rhythm, Rhyme, Rime,
Rune . Much learned discussion has taken place to determine whether what we call Rhyme was
invented by the Saraceni, i . e. Arabians, or by the Northern nations . After what the reader has
seen advanced by me of the Oriental origin of the Scandinavian Sacae, and of the Arabians from
the North of India, lie will not be surprised that I should entertain a suspicion, that it arose among
the original inventors of letters, somewhere east of the Indus . All the sacred mythoses were in
Rhyme, because at first they were unwritten. They were first written when syllables arose, and
they were counted and subjected to rules for the sake of the memory-for the assistance of which
music, chanting, and recitative, were invented . For the purpose of composing these verses and
setting them to music, the Baids arose, and with them their Bedas or Vedas or Sagas-books or
songs of wisdom . By regimine the singers of the Baids or Veds became themselves Baids or
Vates ; for the Bairds were formerly called Baids, i . e . Buds and Vates and Fates, tellers of truth
or wisdom, and hence the Fetische of Africa . In this way, by the regimine, innumerable names
had their origin . It rationally accounts for the effect, and no other cause will do it . Thus singer
of Baid became singer Baid ; priest of Chryses became priest Chryses.
By the British the Druids were called Vates, by the Greeks Ouateis (Borlase) . The origin of
this name is preserved in the Irish Baidh, and Faith, but stronger in Faithoir or Phaithoir . The
first was written Vaedh, a Prophet (evidently Veda), by the Arabs . Baid is the Chaldaean X'11
bda, praedicavit, and =''1l bdim Divini and mendaces . 5 This is evidently the Buddha of India .
The verses of the Vedas are the leaves of the holy tree . s The Ved, Bud, or Bed, 7 and Vaid and
Baid and Vates, is, in Irish, feadh, fiodh, fodh, (i . e . vodh,) which means a tree, knowledge, art,
science. 8 In Sanscrit, Veda means knowledge . 9 The Indian Vedas are never read, but only
sung or chaunted . I believe that, like the Vedas or Bairds, 10 if the Pentateuch were not closely
shut up in the temple, its perusal was confined to the order of priests .

1Coll. Hib . Vol . IV . Part I. p . 420. 2 Ib . p . 416. 3 Ib . pp . 420, 421, 432 . - • lb . p . 421 .
e Ib. p. 427 . 6 Asiat. Res. Vol. 1. art . xviii . v As, indeed, it is sometimes called ; Georgius, p . 152 .
s Vall. Coll . Hib. Vol . V. p . 14 7 . 9 Vide Asiat . Res . ut supra . '° Bairds, Forster's Travels, p . 41 .
VOL . II .
226 Rhyme, Bards, Fates, Zeds

The collection of Persian books, called the .Dabistan, the Cambridge Key tells us, are called
Vedas ;' and the first Veda of the Brahmins is called Rich . This is a corruption of Ras. 2
Reeshees, persons skilled in the Vedas . 3 The Jews call their first book of Genesis, from the first
word, which means wisdom, Barasit ; thus the first Veda is called Rich or Ras or Wisdom-Rich
I suspect that the seven Rishis of India, or the seven wise men, were the same as the seven
wise men of Greece, and were the seven incarnate genii of the seven ages or Neroses, preceding
that in which the authors lived, who wrote of them . It is remarkable that there should have been
seven wise men in each nation . The Greeks having lost the meaning of their mythos, sought it
among their men of learning, and, by some of the old authors, they were supposed to have all lived
at one time ; but it is evident that the Greeks were as ignorant of this as of all the remainder of
the mythos . Many Hindoos believe the Vedas to have been written ill a divine language, long
since extinct . 4 I think this was the old Hebrew or Chaldee language, and the numeral symbolic
letter-the language which furnishes an immense number of roots to the Sanscrit .
Van Kennedy says, Veda is derived from vedati, contracted vetti, he knows ; whence comes
vidya learning, 5 vidivan, a learned man . 6 We have this in the Saxon vidanti, Greek et8ov-rat,
Latin vident, Anglo-Saxon witton, and the Indian God Wit-oba . But the vetti, he knows, is closely
allied to knowledge, and knowledge is wisdom ; and I think the Witton is a form of our wisdom,
and hence comes our Wittena-gemote, or assembly of wise men . 7 From the same root comes
video I see and vates a prophet or seer, xar' e~oX-jv, a seer before . From the same root comes
et8cu and idea, which is knowledge, and the Hebrew yT ido, and the mounts Ida, of Phrygia and of
the island of X p7) ; or Crete, and of the French Chrf tiens.
Sanscrit grammarians say, that the b and v in their language are permutable ; this may, per-
haps, account for the name of the God of wisdom being called Buddha, for it may be a formation,
grammatically, from Veda . The same, without the digamma, is the Edda of the North, or of the
Saxons or Scandinavians . The first name of Buddha was Saca, Saxa Div ss=360, afterwards fol-
lowed Ttl=650, then tin Tt=600 or Tat.
Thus Buddha is Veda, and the Veda is the Vates or person wisely inspired : from the infallibi-
lity of the Vates came Fate ; and from this mythos came the infallibility of the Pope, the inspired
or incarnated divine Wisdom-the same as the Lama of Tibet .
The principle of the fates was this : The First Cause was believed to ordain a law, or fore-
ordain to each cycle what should happen . In every cycle the same things were repeated : the
vates or fates only declared this law . Jupiter was bound by his own pre-ordained law, be-
cause, when he made that law, he, being omniscient, foresaw that he should not change it ;
he foresaw every thing, which, on the whole, was for the best, and, in agreement with that, he
ordained every thing which would happen in the cycle, and for ever . However long the cycle
may be, still if it be a cycle every thing will recur . This, although it may be false, is much more
refined than our feeble conceptions, that God is changing every day, at the request or prayer of
every fool who chooses to petition him ; or, at least, as our book says, " when two or three are
gathered together ." What is for the best, the First Cause will enact, and if he enact it in time, he
must enact it in a cycle, for time cannot exist out of a cycle ; we can only form an idea of what
we call time by means of our idea of circle or cycle . We know or believe from our senses that

Vol. II . p. 129 . ' Ib . p. 127 . ' Ib . pp . 121, 122 . 4 Ib . Vol I . p . 261

' P. 210. s This Vidya is our Widow-a knowing person-a person who has known man
7 In the Saxon, the sigma tau, is in fact found in the word for wise, which is Wit, to know, and Wist,
to know ; and,
query, wiss ? (Vide Lemon in voce Wi.) Is Witt-oz-mote meeting of wise men of letters?
Book III . Chapter II . Section 12 227
events proceed in succession : how can we believe that events will proceed or succeed, for ever,
without a stop? We may say we think they will, but of this we can form no idea, as we shall
find, if we examine the course of our ideas closely . The Indians, meditating upon these matters,
came at last, after the end of each cycle, to place the First Cause, as well as the Creator, in a state
of absolute quietude ; but what would this be, if continued, but Atheism ? To avoid this, they
made him rest a given time, then begin and enact anew the former order of things, to create hap-
piness-begin a new cycle . I shall be told, that this will deprive man of free will, and perhaps
God too . I cannot help this . It is not my fault that this theory of the ancients is attended with
a dangerous result . My declaration of their opinion or faith does not change it, or make it. If
my reader will try some other theory he will soon find himself in an equal difficulty ; and this
arises from the fact, that we here come to the extreme of our faculties . If we go farther, we go
beyond the power of the human understanding, and then, if we talk at all, we necessarily talk
nonsense, as all the profound metaphysicians, like Berkeley, and the professors of the Vedanta
philosophy, do.
If the mind of man could be brought to the consideration of the subject of prophecy without
prejudice, he would instantly see, that in its commonand usual interpretation it involves the very
acme of absurdity. For what is it that God the omnipotent chooses to reveal ? Something to
man for his good, which will happen in future : but, wonderful to tell, he always does this in such
a manner, that man shall not know that it has been revealed, until the thing has happened . He
gives it by the mouth of the priest, who is supposed sometimes to understand, sometimes not to
understand it . But can any thing be more derogatory to the divine attributes ? Why does not
God make his priest speak out, intelligibly and clearly? Why did not the prophet tell the Jews,
that their next Messiah should be a spiritual not a temporal Messiah,, like all their former Messiahs ?
But every prophecy is an enigma to be expounded by the priest . Here, again, we have the system
of secrecy which prevails through every part of the ancient world . Every thing was allegory and
enigma, contrived for the purpose of supporting the power of the favoured initiated .
12. We have lately seen the Vedas, or books of wisdom or of the prophets, connected with the
tree of letters. We will now return to the Chinese, with whom we shall find the same thing .
The Chinese have si, a tree, the root of su, a learned man . (The French have the word savair,)
Sai is learning, wisdom (whence comes Sci-en-tia) ; su, a book ; also siah, derived from soah,'
a tree. Tsu, doctus ; Xu, arbor ; Sai, doctrina ; Xi su, literatus, doctus . - The sym-

bol at the top expresses a flower and books. 2 Here I think is Xaca.
Hio scientia, this is the cio of Georgius .
XU, tsu, liber, epistola.
The word Shekia or Sakia woD skia in the Chaldee means prophet. This ,, is because a
prophet is a Vates, a Ved, a Bed, wisdom .3 1
Alvarez Semedo says, " The third sect (meaning sects of Chinese) is 1 from India,
" from the parts of Hindostan, which sect they call Xaca, from the author of it, concerning whom
" they fable-that he was conceived by his mother Maia, from a white elephant,, which she saw in
" in her sleep ; 4 and, for the more purity, she brought him forth FROM ONE OF HER SIDLES, and

' Vall . Coll . Hib . Vol. V. p . 14 1 . s lb . pp . 142-145. s Hagar, p . 8 .

Ganesa, the God of Wisdom, is always described with the head of an elephant, and certainly no emblem could be
more appropriate . But we see here why the white elephant is adored by some of the Eastern kings . This supersti-
tion has been carried even to the extreme length of great states going to war for the possession of an elephant of this
colour. This is not unlike the story that the siege of Troy was undertaken for the possession of a statue of the moon,
)9 8
' The Chinese

• then directly died, being but nineteen years of age : that he did penance in . the snowy moun-
• tains under four masters for twelve years, so that by the time he was thirty years of age, be was
• accomplished in the science of the first principle . He took the name of Xekia or Xaca : he
" taught his doctrine for forty-nine years. He had many scholars who spread his doctrine through
• all Asia ." I After this Alvarez goes on to shew, that the wisest of the sect have a secret reli-
gion, " placing their whole intent on the understanding of the first principle, (which is properly
• the doctrine of Xaca,) whom they believe to be the same in all things ; and all things to be the
• same with him ; without any essential difference ; operating according to the extrinsic qualities
" of the subject ; as wax is formed into several figures, the which being dissolved by liquefaction,
" remain in substance the self-same wax ." After this he shews that they use the tonsure, that
they have nunneries and monasteries, and several other customs similar to the Christians ; and
that they believe in the metempsychosis . They are called Bonzes.
The Chinese hold letters in religious veneration, and, when they have done with any writing,
burn it with peculiar ceremony . 2Semedo says, that to form all their multitude of letters, they
use only nine strokes-compounding them for new significations . s Their mark for ten is a cross .
It is difficult here to avoid seeing the Arabic system . It appears 4 that they understand and
practise the stereotype printing or printing from blocks . 5
Saca being one of the names of Buddha, of course all the particulars of the life of Buddha are
told of him ; s and Saca is proved, over and over again, to be the origin of the words Sacae and
and Saxons . It follows, then, that when I say all Europe was Saxon, I use the same kind of ex-
pression as when I say, all Europe is Christian . Saxon is the name of the religion-Buddha is
merely an appellative, meaning wisdom or the wise Saca. I believe the word Cama is similar .
Cama is ama or am or Ma or Om aspirated ; or, perhaps, X-ama, ama with the Monogram, mean-
ing maternal love. Camaria and Cama, or Coma-rina is the same . Comise is used for Pisces ;
X-om-iso, the same-the appellative of divine love . It should be remembered that every God was
a saviour.
Thus we have Cama-marina, Cama-maria, Cama-deva, Cama-66, and Cama alone . And, with
the monogram, it resolves itself at last into the mysterious Maria or Maia, and we may now ask
whether we have not this word in Mare, the sea, and in the sacred mere or lake, and the Mount
Meru ?-whether Maria was not the aria of M--that is, place of 111,-residence of the female ge-
nerative power ? I beg to refer to the passage which I have given from Mr . Payne Knight on the
word Ice, and to what I have said on the subject of sacred water, in Volume I . pp. 530, 531, and
supra, p . 19 .
I much suspect that the Cama was a corruption of the ancient word =ttty sazn, the name of the
Sun, and that we here have the name of Sema of Hierapolis, 7 of Semiramis, of Camarina, Comorin,
and of Zamorin, of South India . We have found Semiramis and the Sema-Rama of India closely
connected with the dove . We have found the Samaritans also attached to the worship of the

Selene, (probably the Palladium,) or the war between Venice and Bologna, for a picture of the Saviour, painted by
St . Luke.
Man is said to have been made after the image of the God of wisdom . Surely the Fabricator must have failed
1 History of China, pp . 89, 90.

Jesus was born from the side of his mother . (?) He was tempted for forty days, in the desert . He disputed with
the doctors at twelve years of age He began to preach at thirty . lrenaeus says, he lived about fifty years .
Vide Alvarez Semedo, Hist . China, p . 34 . ' lb . p . 33 . 4 P. 34 .
' See note, supra, p. 215 . a See Georgius's index . 7 Vide Vol . I . p. 497.
Book III . Chapter II . Section 13 229
dove ; and I have formerly (Vol . 1 . p . 596) noticed, that the Samaritans, in some versions, are said
to place their Ararat in Serendive, though where I have read this account I cannot recollect, and
find I have not noted the authority for it ; but it seems to shew a connexion of the ancient Jews
(i . e . the Samaritans) with South India, the country where we found the Mosaic mythos . Now I
have a strong suspicion, that they took their name of Sama-ritans from this worship of the Catna
or Sama of South India. When we recollect the Mosaic mythos at Trichinopoly, we need not be
surprised to find the Ararat in the sacred island in the same neighbourhood . The Calida or Col-
chis, the Judaic mythos, and the neighbouring Serendive or Ararat, greatly add to the probability
of the origin which I have given of the word Samaritan .
Ca is used for the pronoun I, in Siam ; Noca in Peru ; f4nok in Egypt ; Ego in Chinese, Greek
and Latin ; Bgam in Sanscrit ; 4ku in Malay ; Ic in Saxon .' All these are the X . In the
Chinese language Y is one. 2
Webb, in his essay to prove the language of China the primitive language, writes the name of
the Supreme Being XEAN-TIA, on the authority of Texeira, a Spanish author ; but according to
Pere du Halde, and the French way of writing Chinese words, it is written Chang-ti, and Tchan-
ti . 3 This chews the extreme difficulty of finding the truth, among the misrepresentations, in-
tended and unintended, of authors, for want of some system . The Xean-tia may be di or divus
Sion, God of Sion, of the Siamese ; or, it may be X-eao, the ng=o, or Georgius's cio .
For a proof that the Chinese had the doctrine of the Trinity and the Fall of Adam, see Bryant
on the Logos. 4
The Tartars are called Nestorians by Forster . But he confesses that they are professors of the
religion of the Lama . They, that is the Nestorians, use the words Hom-Mani-Pema-Om .
They also use the language of the country . 5 This shews that these pretended Nestorians are
only followers of Cristna .
13. We have seen the mythological character of the Caesari . The author of a memoir of a map
-of the country near the Caspian sea, says, that their chief was called, by the Byzantine historians,
Xayavos, which he translates Khan . But here we certainly have the Saga or Xaca . He says
they built a town and called it :~apxe?, Sar-kel . This is the ancient Scotch or Saxon Kel or Cil,
for church, and ras wisdom . Here we have a colony of the Chaldaean or Caesarean mythologists,
called by their proper name, the people of Xaga, Xaca, Saca, Sagesse, building themselves a city
for their capital, and their temple of course, the name of which was the city of the Kel (Cil) or
temple of the (ras) wisdom. The name of Caesar so universally spread in the world, the consulta-
tion by Caesar of the Chaldaean astronomers, to reform the calendar, and many other circum-
stances, tend to shew that Caesar was a •C haldaean or initiated person . The Arabian Khosru was
Cyrus and Caesar . From the ancient word in numerals, T. S . R . or Tzar or Caesar, came the
Hebrew word for King, 1'u sr, and for Queen, r'1tu sre. Tr. and Sr . were, as 1 have before re-
marked, convertible terms in the numeral language. From the Tr came the Greek word Tyran-
nus. The Queen of the Scythians was called Zarina . 6
Vallancey says, "The Lamas persuade the people, that their God Xaca, or Tsohaka, was incar-
~~ nated'2000 years before our aera, to be born of a Virgin whom they name Lam-Oigh-iupral, that
~~ is, the Lama or Luam of Oigh-a-breall, as the Irish would express the name ; i. e . Virgo clitoris
~~ castae. Xaca, says Mons . de Paw, should be written Ischaka, and signifies Lord ." 7 Here we

' Sharon Turner. Y Ency . Brit . art,, Philology, p . 530. ' Malcolme's Letters .
4 P. 290, Appendix . s Forster's Disc, on the North, p . 105, 4to .
' Diod . Sic . Lib . ii . Cap . xxxiv. 7 Vall. Coll, Vol . IV. Part I . p . 451 .
230 Immaculate Conception of Saca-The Pallium
have again the immaculate conception of Buddha, i . e . of Xaca . The Ischaka is isha or y;w' iso,
the saviour Saca . It is the Arabic name of Christ, Ischa .' Ishaka, is Saca with the Saxon or
Celtic emphatic article . But Ishaka means a fish in Irish, and itvr" ise means wisdom .
Arrian 2 names the country of the Assaceni and of Astaceni, whose capital, Massaca or Massaga,
he calls a great city . By Strabo this city is called Magosa or rather Mosaga . I apprehend A-sa-
ceni means the Sacae. The first syllable being the emphatic article, included, as usual, in the
name, and Ma-saga is the great Saca . We have formerly seen, supra, p . 2, that Herodotus
stated that the Scythians and the Saxons were the same people . The following extract from Mr .
Oconnor's Chronicles of Eri, p . cl ., note, will shew us how this arose : " In the sixth chapter of
" Melpomene, Herodotus says, ` generally speaking, these people are called Scoloti, but the
" Greeks called them Skuthai .' In Scoloti, the i is mere termination, and the letter `o' is Gre-
" cian, for euphonia, ore rotundo . Now, if you sound the comparatively modern mutation Scolt,
" Sciot, from the original Sugiot, you will readily recognise the identity of all the many literal
" changes in so many different countries, through so vast a space of time ." Mr. Oconnor's ob-
servation seems to me to be perfectly correct . The Scythians, the Saxons, and the Chaldaeans,
all had the same name . Cato, de Originibus, notices the Scythia Saga . The Saga and Caldai had
the same name . In Ireland Saga signifies a priest . 3 Stephen, Byzant . and Pliny state the Sacae
and Scythians to be the same . 4
Saca is probably found in Egypt in Saca-ra ; and in the district of Sais is found a town called
Siieph, probably the town now called Sauafe-our word safe, from yWW' iso, to save . In Siupb, I
think we have Soph . Sals has been thought to be connected with Saca . It is not improbable,
when all is considered which we have seen of the close connexion between the Saviour, wisdom,
Logos, that both the ancient words for Saviour yy' iso' and the word for wisdom lo4~ca should
have conic from the Se, Sio, or Cio, Xw, Xaca, &c . ; Sals, Salvation, 6 and -jil'p ise, wisdom .
The canal of Joseph runs between the lake Mceris and the Nile ; and between them also is a
place called Beni Suef . I suspect that Suef is 2;o~ . May not Joseph be lo-6u4, wisdom of to 2
On the west of Egypt is the desert of Selime, i . e . Solomon, rlth ' shine. 7 This cannot have been
named after the Jews of Jerusalem . Was not Selime in the Montes Solumi or Mons 1Esar of
Ptolemy ? This confirms the doctrines of the Abbe Guerin de Rocher .
Mr. Alwood 8 says, he thinks Typhon is the same as Suph-on, the word 91D sup of the Hebrews,
meaning destroyer. This, as usual, comes from the Creator, Logos or Wisdom being the same as
the Destroyer .
14 . I have a suspicion, that the Amphibolus was the Pallium, and the same as the Sagum of the
Saxons ; and that their chief magistrate or Cyning was the Sophi, the Ras, or the Cunning man,
and at last the King. The Pallium is made of white lamb's wool, the lamb having been offered on
the altar by the nuns of St . Agnes . The Amphibolus I have ridiculed in my CELTIC DRUIDS,
p. 201, as the origin of the Saint whose adventures are told by the Romish church . This furnishes
a good example of a mythos described under the guise of a history . But in fact under this guise

I See Vol . I . p . 583. s See Hist . India, ch . i .

3 Vall . Coll . Hib . Vol . V . pp . 11, 12, also p . 23 . * Ib .
Of tv' is and +w' isi and yw' iso enough has been said-the same of Lania . I think Is-lam is the doctrine of the
Lama of Is . (See the Appendix to Vol I .) The naive of Sinan, the chief of the Xssassine, was probably 1+w sin-
s=300, i=10, n=50=360-Sin . Saladin is probably Sul-ad-in, or Sul=336, and Ad . I have little doubt that the
ancient orientalists considered it religious to adopt the mystic names of God, as we do to adopt the names of our Saints,
Matthew, John, &c .
6 See Nimrod, Vol . III . p . 195. ' Reyn . Herod . Vol . II . p . 165 . e P . 252.
Book III . Chapter II . Section 14 231
much lies hid . When Elijah left his prophetic power to Elisha, I he conferred it on him or in-
stalled him in his office, by the investiture of the Cloak, or Pallium,-the power of the Vates, or
Bed or Ved or Bud, or the Pall, the Pallas, the Palladium of Ter-ia, or Troy, was conferred on
him ; for all these words, applied to different purposes and several of them the same, only cor-
rupted, mean Wisdom . In the Roman church, though a man may be elected by his suffragans, he
is no Archbishop till he has the Pallium from the God on Earth or the Vicar of God, who has,
quoad hoc, the power . It was the origin of the Palace or Pola or 7ruais, or the King's-Bench, where
he administered justice, and it is the Divan, Div-ania, place of holiness or 1DIV spe or Sopha, of
Eastern despots-the sacred or secret place. In the middle ages, we read of great struggles be-
tween popes and kings-the latter wishing to have the power of investiture of the bishops with the
Pallium, which the former never would grant . In fact, to part with this, was to part with an
essential portion of their sacred character or power . If they had consented, they could not thereby
have prevented the kings' having the power of communicating divine inspiration . I suspect the
investiture with the Pallium was a higher species of Xe yo rovta .
As we might well expect, we find the Tam in the Greek word Oeptires, meaning Laws, ORA-
CLES :s and Oeµus the Goddess of Oracles . aft tm has also the meaning of perfection, truth ;
this is closely connected with the Sacred Wisdom . It has also the same meaning as the Xt D pla-
wonder, miracle . I have no doubt that it had the mystic meaning of wisdom ; and, as it was the
name of the Palm-tree, the tree, ever-green, supposed to be everlasting or to renew itself for ever
from its roots, the favourite tree of the East, and the blessing of the Desert, it was carried before
Jesus Christ, by his followers, in the procession to the Temple, 3 as the emblem of everlasting
wisdom . I have no doubt that the sacred or secret books of some sects, called the books of per-
fection, had also the meaning of wisdom . Of course all this is kept out of lexicons, by those who
suppressed the meaning of the word Rasit .
Mr. Turner 4 says, the leaves of the Palm-tree, in Tibet, are indestructible by vermin . If this
be the case, here we see a beautiful reason for this tree being an emblem of eternity, and also of
wisdom, engraved on its leaves, and of its connexion with letters .
We have seen that Cyrus was a solar epithet . Dr. Parsons says, "Between the Caspian and
~~ Euxine seas there formerly dwelt two sorts of people, the one called Rosci, s on the river Cyrus,
°G or rather on the Ros, Ras, or Aras, called by the Greeks Araxes .e Here we have the solar
title and the Ras or Wisdom identified ; but, on the South-west of the Caspian, there is a
town, called by Fraser 7 Reach or Resht, the capital of Ghilan, in Mazanderan, which contains
about 80,000 people . I beg my reader to recollect that the chief of the Assassins, the tenth
Avatar, 8 came from Ghilan . We see that the capital of the country which he left, to come to
Western Syria, was called the town of wisdom. This countenances what I have said, that his
object in coming to the West was to possess himself of the real city of Solomon .
The ancient Etruscans had a story of a certain Tages, who arose from the earth, and taught them
all kinds of useful knowledge . The discovery that Etruria, the country of Itala or Vitula or the
Bull, was originally called Ras-ena or the country of the Vine or of Wisdom, has nearly convinced
me, that this '[ages ought to be Sages, Sagesse, or Sagax . 9 When the changes of the T for the

' " He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him ." 2 Kings ii . 13 .
' See Parkhurst, in voce tin tm, p. 787 . 3 John xii. 13 . * P . 318.
s The capital of Denmark was called Roschild . The son of Odin was called Sciold ; the poets are called Scaldes .
e Rem. of Japhet, p. 65 . 7 Travels in Persia, pp . 124, 1.51 .
e See Vol . I. pp . 700, 704, &c . ' Vide Creuzer, Vol . II. pp . 458-462.
232 Apocrypha
S, and of the S for the St, &c ., are considered, it will not be thought that I am very credulous, in
suspecting that this famous Tages, who arose from the ground to teach the Etruscans learning
and science, ought to be Sages or Sagax .
15 . The doctrine which I have taught of an universal Catholic or Pandaean Judaic mythos having
every where prevailed, I know from its singularity and its opposition to the priesthood -of the pre-
sent day, will, at first, be treated only with contempt : but there are certain facts which must be
accounted for, or in the end the theory will prevail, or I ought rather to say the truth will be no
longer doubted . It is a certain fact, that the temple of Solomon and the tomb of Moses existed in
Cashmere when the Mohamedans arrived there, and were destroyed by them ; therefore they were
not named by them, or built by them . The city of Oude or loudia, the Montes Solumi, country
of Daudpotri, &c ., are in the same predicament if they are admitted to have had these names be-
fore the arrival of the Mobamedans ; and this cannot be denied . It is not credible that these places
should have been built, or had these names given to them, by the emigrant Samaritans,
the bitter enemies of the system of David, Solomon, &c . The above are proved facts, not theories,
and must be accounted for .
The same system is found near Cape Comarin ; in Siam ; in China ; and in Mexico : all these
things must be accounted for. It is true, the whole detail of the system is not found in the latter
places to be exactly the same as it is in the former, because the system is accommodated to the
country, and to existing circumstances in each case ; but the fragments of it which are found,
which, like the broken pillars and capitals when found, prove a temple anciently to have existed,
render it highly probable that the very same system once existed . Indeed, they do more, they
prove it : while the fact that, with these fragments the most important parts of the Christian sys-
tem are found to have been amalgamated before the Christian sera, raises -a grand obstacle to the
truth of the Judaean and Christian system, as at present laid down. It may be fairly asked, How
comes the Christian doctrine-the crucifixion for instance-if there was an ancient Judaean doc-
trine and the crucifixion was a part of it, not to be clearly found in the system of Moses and the
Jews of Western Syria? I contend that the whole Crestian mythos was an esoteric system ; the
system concealed in the mysteries and in the Jewish unwritten Cabala ; which, in this case, will
have been, in reality, no way different from the ancient mysteries of the Gentiles . The opinion
that there was a Cabala or unwritten doctrine among the Jews was never denied . If there were
such a thing, it must have been taught somewhere, in some place, to its possessors, and this place
must have been their temple, though we read nothing about it . Thus, in fact, there must have
been Jewish initiations at Jerusalem as well as at Eleusis . We know that circumcision, baptism,
confirmation, and I believe the eucharist, the doctrine of a murdered and resuscitated person, were
all parts of the secret mysteries ; the former three of these we know for certain were Jewish, and
the Apocrypha tells us the last was .'
That there is not a more full account of the adventures of the incarnate God in the Jewish
canon, proves a fact which is, indeed, proved by a thousand other circumstances-that the mythos
was originally an unwritten secret, kept in all countries from the mass of mankind, or a secret
kept in allegories or parables, but chiefly in the latter, the favourite resource of the religion .
The knowledge of the regenerated and reincarnated God was probably never openly published, as
long as it could be kept concealed . It was a great mystery . It constituted the high mystery in
all the temples in which the high mysteries were celebrated . There is not a country where the

IThe Author does not here quote any passage from the Apocrypha, but he probably had in view Ecelus . IL 2,3,5.
6, 7, and Wisdom ii. 13-20. See aupru, p. 124 . Editor.
Book III. Chapter II . Section 16 233
leading points of it are not to be discovered, and always, when discovered, found to have been
carefully hidden-points sufficiently important and sufficiently numerous to warrant the conclu-
sion, that the remainder of the system must have been known, though perhaps it is not now in our
power to discover it . But I do not doubt when the very existence of the iconoclastic temple be-
came endangered by the violence of the idolaters, the books of the Apocrypha, or secret . doctrine,
were written to preserve it, if possible, from being lost . But though we do not find the eight Sa-
viours clearly made out in the books of the Jewish canon, yet we have found one of them in the
Apocrypha ;' and they are most clearly and repeatedly foretold in the Targums by the term Mes-
siah . The Jews were always expecting this Messiah . They believed Julius Caesar, and, afterward
Herod, to be the Messiah . But, as neither of them restored the kingdom of Solomon, he was no
longer regarded as a Messiah ; he passed away and was forgotten . But their books clearly state,
that Cyrus was a Messiah : that was, because he restored their Temple . 2
16. 1 some time ago made an observation on the attachment of Pythagoras and the ancients to
music . I have no doubt that music was closely connected with religion . All the ancient un-
written mysteries, (and all mysteries were once unwritten,) were originally preserved in rhythm
or metre, and set to music, or contained in or preserved by music . Rhythm, metre, and music,
were all invented for the purpose of aiding the memory-of assisting it more correctly to retain
the sacred numbers, &c . For many generations after the use of letters became public, there were
no writings in prose : all were in poetry or rhythm . All the stone pillars in the temples, erected
or placed according to the numbers of the cycles, were partly for this same purpose . The sacred
dances and scenic representations were for the double purpose of doing honour to the God and
aiding the memory ; s precisely as the scenic representations of the acts of Jesus Christ by the
Romish church originally were, or perhaps are at this day ; and of which the plays called myste-
ries in Elizabeth's time were a remnant . The Bards were an order to preserve and regulate the
choirs, the Salii to preserve and regulate the dances . The origin of the Salii was, in fact, unknown
to the Romans, and they were equally ignorant of many other of their institutions . The Salii
were originally twelve in number . Their chief was called Prae-Sul, 4 which serves to shew that
they were properly Sul-ii-priests of Sol. They had an officer called Vates, a musician : they
were probably all Bards . But the most important of these rites were the processions, or voyages
of salvation, or what were called the Deisuls . 5 In these, I have no doubt, that the whole life and
adventures of the incarnate God were represented -from his birth to his resurrection and as-
cension .
The exact process which took place in the formation of the Bardic order cannot, perhaps, be
clearly made out ; but there can be little doubt that it became almost exclusively devoted to the
composing and singing of the sacred songs . Originally all sacrifices were feasts, and feasts were
sacrifices in honour of the Deity ; at these the Bards sung their sacred songs. And it was not till
these matters became common, that the Bards descended to celebrate the praises of love and war .
A t first, these feasts were strictly confined to the temple, and to the elect ; but, as the labouring

I The Author again omits quoting any passages in proof of his assertion ; but he probably had in view those referred
to above, and as given at length in p . 124 . Editor.
• See 2 Chron . xxxvi. 22, 23 ; Ezra . iv. 3, v . 13-17 ; Isaiah xliv . 28, xlv. 1-4 . Editor
a It is observed by Niebuhr, that the ancients never grounded their tragedies on real, but on mythic history only.
Rom. Hist. Vol. I . p . 341, Ed . Walter.
4 These were priests of the Sun ; and I suspect they were arils-cvx, and from hence our word priest might be
derived. See supra, p . 179.
• See supra, pp. 20, 21 .
VOL. 11 .
234 Mr . Hammer's Arabic Book
classes became more enlightened, they insisted upon joining their superiors ; and, by degrees, they
discovered all the secrets : till, at last, horribile dictu, there is now scarcely a secret left ! I have
formerly stated that Clemens confessed that the Jud can mythos was in the ceremonies of Eleu-
sis .' These were the continuation of the celebration of the mythos from the time when it was
really secret . What else could cause them to be in the secret mysteries ?
17. I believe, as I have repeatedly remarked, that for many generations the arts of reading,
writing, and the higher branches of arithmetic, were secret, sacred, and astrological ; that they were
solely confined to the priesthood, which, chiefly by their means, ruled all nations ; that one system
of sixteen letters pervaded the whole world, and the priesthood was probably that of which we read
so much in the Indian books, described by the name of the empire of Pandaea . If at first the written
language were the same as the spoken, yet a moment's reflection will skew, that the latter would
diverge in a variety of ways, in different countries, as time advanced . This is the allegory of the
confusion of tongues mentioned in Genesis . We every where read of a sacred, lost language . We
find this tradition with the Tamuls, with the Brahmins, with the Greeks, with the Druids, indeed,
with all nationsi And I am quite certain, that if the language of numeral symbols was not the lost
language, the Synagogue Hebrew, in consequence of the state of seclusion in which it has been
kept in the temple, is,now nearer to it than any other .
The doctrine of probabilities, taught by Dr . Young, 2 respecting languages, is very important,
and applies in a very marked manner to almost all my speculations . He has remarked, "that no-
thing could be inferred with respect to the relation of two languages from the coincidence of the
Q 0 sense of any single word in both of them, that is, supposing the same simple and limited com-
bination of sounds to occur in both, but to be applied accidentally to the same number of objects,
" without any common links of connexion ; and that the odds would only be three to one against
" the agreement of two words ; but if three words appeared to be identical, it would be more than
" ten to one that they must be derived, in both cases, from some parent language, or introduced
~~ in some other manner from a common source . Six words would give near 1700 chances to one,
and eight would give near 100,000 ; so that, in these last cases, the evidence would be little
~~ short .of absolute certainty ." Now, admitting that there are 339 words in Greek and Sanscrit
identical ; 3 what are the odds ? But admitting this fact, that there are 339 Greek, and 263 Per-
sian words, the same as in the Sanscrit, what is the doctrine of chances? And again, admitting
that there are in the Sanscrit and the German 163 words identical, how stands the doctrine of
chances ? Is it probable that the Sanscrit is derived from the three, or the three from it, or all the
four from a common source?
We may always calculate upon the same causes, in similar circumstances, producing the same
effects. We every where see, that spoken language becomes so completely changed, in a very
few years, as to have merely a resemblance to what it was a few years preceding . This we see in
all illiterate tribes, and to a considerable degree even in nations which have their languages fixed
by dictionaries and grammatical rules . Now in all the written languages, even those which are
the most distant from each other, we find a surprising identity of words having the same meaning ;
for instance, we will take the Sanscrit and English, as in the Sanscrit word sam, and English word
same, both meaning, like, similar . This I suppose to have arisen from the secret, unspoken lan-
guage of ciphers or figures having extended over the whole world, and continuing fixed for many
generations, after all similarity in the spoken languages had disappeared . I think the words which
we find reduplicated, in the different and distant languages, are the words of the secret, numeri-

I See Vol . I . pp . 822-825 . 1 See supra, pp . 175, 176. ' See Vol . I . p. 449 .
Book III . Chapter II . Section 17 235
cal; or sacred language, accidentally fallen into common use . I think the example of the seventy-
three languages or systems of letters, all having the Arabic for their foundation, treated of in the
work found by Mr . Von Hammer in Egypt, raises a strong presumption that Arabic (which I con-
sider to be, in fact, Hebrew) was the parent of the whole, when in its early Cufic state, though
now, no doubt, in every way changed . The fact that almost all the roots of the Hebrew are found
in the Arabic, proves them to be only close dialects of one another . This idea also is supported
by the place to which I have traced the Arabic-North India-where we found an Arabia and a
Suracena . I need not remind my reader, that the Syriac is a close dialect of the Arabic and
Hebrew ; and it is scarcely possible to believe that its names of Pushto and Estrangelo should be
given to the ancient sixteen letter language, (now called Tamul,) without its being, or having ori-
ginally been, the same language .' Let it be remembered that the Judaean mythos is found in
both North and South India . It is also expedient to retain in recollection, that the Thamas is, in
a very peculiar manner, found both in Western Syria and in the Tamul-speaking part of India .
After I had come to the conclusion, that the first language must have been a language of ciphers
or symbols, I was informed by a very learned orientalist, who had never heard of my theory, that,
after long and careful examination of many of the unknown characters in which vast numbers of
inscriptions in India are written, he had made up his mind that they were written in cipher .
Here we have an admission which might reasonably be expected, if my theory be true . These
inscriptions are remains of the first system now forgotten . They are examples also of the com-
mencement of the practice of putting inscriptions on buildings . This cryptographic system is not
yet entirely disused in India.
When we consider the great number of letters having the same sound, and therefore totally un-
necessary, the truth, that the system was formed for numbers and not for letters, becomes more
apparent . In the seventy examples in Mr . Hammer's work, we find, in fact, seventy examples of
the original, first numerical alphabet reduced to practice as letters, but all evidently founded on
the Arabic system of notation, ending, at last, with hieroglyphics . The fact of the Mexicans
having the knowledge of the powers of notation and not of letters, confirms what I have said. In
reality, the hieroglyphics of Mexico must have been like these seventy alphabets, and as easily
read . No person originally inventing an alphabet would ever think of inventing so many letters
for the same sound as are found in these alphabets . The difference between the Mexican and
Egyptian hieroglyphics is this : the former are meant to be public, the latter are meant to be
secret to all but the initiated . These seventy alphabets are seventy examples of learned men,
converting the Arabic numeral system to the purpose of literature, each, as the book says, to
contain and conceal his peculiar doctrines ; but which any person would be able to read into a
certain given written, though, perhaps, not spoken language, who understood the notatory key
which I have given in_ the numbers in figure 1, of my Plates .
I consider the chequers still used in our exchequer (as I am told) 2 a remarkable example of
the first custom of counting by stones . The calculi of Italy we call chequers, as well as the
squares on a table . Mr. Von Hammer says the numerical signs (called by us Arabic, and, by the
Arabs, more properly Indian numbers), used, vice versa, for letters, form an alphabet, which is
generally known, and particularly used in the daftardam, or treasury office, for accounts . 3
Isaiah (xxxiv . 4), when properly translated, says, "The heavens shall be rolled up because they
are a book ." Postellus says, "whatever is in nature, is to be read in the heavens ." Sir W .

Vide Georgius, Alph. Tib . p . 583. ' Their use was abolished in 1834 .
' Hammer on Anc . Alph. p . vi. Lond . 1806 .
236 Mr . Hammer's Arabic Book
Drummond, on the prophecy of Jacob, has almost proved this . I suspect that the whole was of
the nature of a perpetual almanac for the cycle of the neros, and that the Zodiacs of Esne and
Dendera were also for this purpose, only in an earlier day . On this principle it is that the Ja-
nampatri of Cristna will be found to give his birth, as Mr . Bentley admits, for the 600 years be-
fore, or the 600 years after Christ, or at the birth of Christ . But still I think the workmanship of
the long zodiac will prove to have been executed, when the midsummer solstice was in neither
Leo nor Virgo, but just changing from one to the other,-was a Sphinx, half Leo, half Virgo . If
there be any thing like strong probability respecting this monument, it is, that it has its date, as
now fixed by me, from the work of Sir William Drummond on this subject .
For thousands of years man would want to record nothing but cycles, and of these he would
have daily and most pressing deed ; the knowledge of them from their very difficult and abstruse
nature would necessarily be a secret . They are, in fact, a secret in this enlightened country .
How few persons in Britain could of themselves make out the length of the solar year ! This is a
natural effect of a natural cause . The knowledge of this abstruse science would fall, of itself, into
very few hands, and it would give its possessors the dominion over the remainder . The regulation
of their seed-time and harvest, and all their religious festivals, would be with the Cyclopes .
Cicero calls the country where the Chaldaeans lived Syria ; and Lucian, who was born in Syria,
calls himself sometimes a Syrian, and sometimes an Assyrian . 1 Of this country, Heliopolis was
the capital . It was anciently called the city of Zobah . This was Saba, Wisdom . The province
was Cyrrhestica (Crest-ica). 2 The temple at Heliopolis had its sacred fishes and tank, exactly
like those of India at this day ; and its temple was surrounded with forty pillars . 3 Its kings
were called Ad, and Adad . In front of the temple was an immense Linga . Syria and Assyria
seem to have been confounded together . Its language has been thought the oldest in the world,
because places and persons named by Moses are better derived from the Syriac language than
from any other . 4 It has twenty-two letters, which, with only a difference in shape, are evidently
the same as the Hebrew. The Universal history says, "The Syriac was not only the language of
Syria, but also of Mesopotamia, Chaldaaa, (for there is no more difference between the Chaldee
" and the Syriac than between the English and Scotch,) Assyria, and, after the Babylonish capti-

" vity, of Palestine ." 5 Dr . Hagar says, "The Estrangelo or ancient Syriac, which is also called
~~ Chaldaic ." 6 This Syriac character consisted of lines at angles ; the following is a specimen of

I L.A i~~& -taw -~ --a +

Sir William Jones says, "The gross Pahlavi was improved by Zeradusht, or his disciples, into
` 1 an elegant and perspicuous character, in which the Zendavesta was copied ; and both were
`~ written from the right hand to the left, like other Chaldaic alphabets, for they are manifestly
°C both of Chaldean origin ." s Again, he says, " The oldest discoverable languages of Persia were
~~ Chaldaic and Sanscrit." 9 Again, "The square Chaldaic letters found on Persian ruins, appear
~~ to have been the same with the Devanagari before the latter were enclosed in angular frames ." 10
When we consider that the Chaldee and the Hebrew are really the same, and we find the Sanscrit
here using the Chaldee forms of their letters, only with the addition of a frame as it is called, how

1 Hagar on Bab . Bricks, p. 12 . s Anc . Hist. Vol. II. pp . 285, &c. 3 See Maundrell .

4 Univ . Anc . Hist . Vol . I. p . 347 . ' Ib. Vol . II . p . 292. 0 Bab . Bricks, p . 37. 7 Ibid. p. 44 .
' Asiat. Res . Vol . II . p . 57 . 9 Ib . p. 54 . 10 Ib . p . 58 .
Book III . Chapter II . Section 17 237
can we well doubt that the Chaldee or Hebrew must have been the original root of the Sanscrit ?
Again, "His Pahlavi (i . e . Anquetil's) strongly confirms my opinion concerning the Chaldaic origin
$( of that language ."' Again, "Examination gave me perfect conviction that the Pahlavi was a
• dialect of the Chaldaic ." 2
Again, he says, "The ancient letters of Cufah, had unquestionably
• a common origin with the Hebrew or Chaldaic ." 3 Nothing can be more certain than that the
Syriac letter is a varied form of the Hebrew ; and it is nothing but the inclination every one feels
to multiply and divide ancient matters of every kind which prevents this being seen . aSir W .
Jones says, that the Armenian language was originally the same as the Zeud and the Pahlavi . a
When we consider that all the Judaean or Chaldiean mythos is here, this is what we might
expect .
I believe the most common of all the causes of confusion in languages has arisen from the
almost universal mistake of learned men, in supposing that, because they see different forms of
letters, they see different original alphabets . If they could be brought really toconsider them all
the same (the different forms of letters making no difference) with only some trifling corruptions,
as is really the truth, they would instantly see what a mass of confusion would disappear . I may
as well be told that our three forms of capitals, small capitals, and small letters, (to say nothing
of our written characters,) are three alphabets, or that the Greek two forms ABTA, apyd, are
two alphabets . Mr . Von Hammer's book has completely established the fact, that all the nations
had one alphabet anciently, as the French, German, and English, have only one alphabet now .
On the Syriac language, Mr. Astle says, " It was also the language of Mesopotamia and Chal-
• dea .-As to the arts and learning of the Syrians, they were by some anciently joined with the
• Phenicians, as the first inventors of letters ; but without entering into this matter, certain it is
• that they yielded to no nation in human knowledge and skill in the fine arts . From their happy
" situation they may almost be said to have been in the centre of the old world ; and in the zenith
• of their empire, they enriched themselves with the spoils, tribute, and commerce, of the nations
• far and near, and arose to a great pitch of splendour and magnificence . Their language is pre-
" tended to have been the vernacular of all the oriental tongues ."B Again, he says, "The Syrians
• therefore are supposed to have been the first people who brought the Persian and Indian com-
• modities into the west of Asia.' 1 7 Their letters are of two sorts-the Estrangelo and the
Fshito . s I think neither of these words is understood ; but the word Fshito, into which the word
Pushto is written, is an excellent example of the mode in which modern writers caricature ancient
words .

Asiat . Res . Vol . II . pp. 52, 53 . Y Ill . p. 52. See also p . 64 . 3 lb . P. 7.

Ancient Arabic letters are the same as Cufic, twenty-eight in number . The present Arabic characters were in-
vented by Ebn Moklah, 300 years after A lohamed . Ency . Brit . Vol . I . P . 72 7.
S Asiat . Res . Vol . III . p . 12 . 6 P . 38 . 7 lb . 8 See Univ . Anc . Hist. Vol . II. pp . 293, 29-1 .
( 238 )


Roma. Flora . Pushto-Allegory of the Flower Continued-General Observa-

tions-Allegories-Allegories Continued-Retrospect .

1 . WE have seen the way, or something very like it, in which man first discovered the written
language of numerical symbols, and by what steps he probably proceeded to discover the art of
alphabetic, syllabic writing. After he had discovered the advantage and followed the practice of
calling the sun by the different combinations of figures which made up his first cycle of 666, and
which, as I have shewn, proceeded from unthought-of and unforeseen circumstances, he would be-
gin to try to form the next words or the remainder of his written language, whether it were sym-
bolic or syllabic, upon some system ; and I think we have an example of this in the connexion of
the various words having a relation to the first superstition, that is, to the adoration of the female
generative principle, in the words Flora, flower, flour, pollen, Pallas, &c ., &c. We shall discover
examples of this in the history of the name of the eternal city, Roma, which we shall find to have
a near relationship to the letters of the Tamuls of India .
Though the Tamuls now chiefly reside in the southern part of the Peninsula, yet it will not be
denied, I think, that the Tangut and Tangitani of the North of India are the same in name as the
people of Tangiers, and Trichinopoly, and the Telingana country, or Trilinga' of the South. 2
We have found in North India the country of Daud or David or Daoudpotra, 3 or the country of the
children of David. On the coast of Coromandel, or the Tanjeer or Tanjore coast, we have, in the
country of the Telingana language, a district called Dravida, from which, no doubt, our fortress
there has very properly taken the name of Fort St . David . In the same way the Portuguese, set-
tling near the tomb of the holy Tamas, called it, and properly so, the settlement of St . Thomas .
One name of Tibet is Pue-achim or Puek-achim . The meaning of the word Achim is clear ; the
Pue or Puek is probably the same as Push, meaning flower. It is said to mean North, 4 but it
evidently is, either the country of the wisdom of the flower, or of the flower of wisdom . But here
we see obvious signs of the universal mythos . The learned Georgius shews, that the language of
the Tangutani was probably that called Estrangelo Syrim : here, by another road, we arrive at the
Pushto again, for Pushto was the name both of the Syriac language, and of that of the Tamul in
South India. And it may be well not to forget the Tanga-Tanga of South America, and the
traces of the Hebrew language which we found there, and that the Pushto has a manifest resem-
blance to the Chaldaic . Sir William Jones says, the language of the Afghans in North India is
called Pukhto or Pushto, 5 and it is EVIDENTLY Chaldaic . The chief town of their country is called

t We may be permitted to ask the meaning of the words Telingana and Trilinga . The second at once offers us the
meaning of triple language ; but I think this is not its import, and that it will mean the triple Linba, the emblem of
the Trimurti ; and that Telinga means only the country or ana of the Linga, by the Hebrew name of iSvn told or
-r51n tuld, which has the meaning of Linga. In English, we have the word in tali or tally . Telinga is the same word
as Kalinga, but it is written and pronounced by the islander Kaling. Crawfurd, I nd. Arch . Hist . Jav. Vol. II . p . 22 6 .
Vide Hamilton .
3 Daud is Dis or Di-oud-the holy man of Oud or of Ayoudia . From reference to this, he is called the "man after
God's own heart ." This is similar to the Talut of Saul, noticed in Volume I . pp . 546, 740, 741 .
4 Ency . Lond . in voce Tibet . I Asiat . Res . Vol. II . pp . 68, 76.
Book III . Chapter III . Section 1 239

Paish-wer, or Paish-or, that is Paish-town . I It is situated 34° . 6'. N. L ., 71°. 13'. E . Lon ., on
theCabul, and was built or more properly rebuilt by Akbar . The Afghans are said to be partly
Sunnis and partly Shiahs : 2 whence I conclude, though they may be Mohamedans, they are of
neither sect, but of the Sofees, who existed before Mohamed, one of whom I have shewn him to
have been . They are called Rohillas and Solaimani, and also Patans, 3 and I believe Battanians .
They dwell on the Mount of Solomon .
A writer in the Oriental Repertory 4 says, the Afghans or Avghans have a language called
Peshtu . It has a peculiar character, and seems to be FULL OF OLD PERSIAN . They are settled
near And, where they are called Rohillas, and in the Deccan they are called Patans . 5 The proper
name, that is the old name of the Afghans, is Pooshtoon, and in the plural Pooshtauneh . It is
also called Pookhtauneh, whence the name Pitan, by which they are known in India .B
I sought long, and inquired among my oriental friends, for the root of Pushto or Pushpo ; but
nothing like a root could I find, till I had recourse to the system of figures, and there I found it ;
and it is very remarkable that not one of the names of the first Gods, which I have found in
figures, is to be traced to any rational or intelligible etymon . Nothing could well be more in
favour of the system than this : Pusto is P=80, S=200, T=300, 0=70=650 . Pustp is P=80,
U=6, S=200, T=300, P=80=666 . Petalon is P=80, T=400, L=50, 0=70, N=50=650 . I will
thank any friend to give me an intelligible etymon, either of Pusto or Petalon .
Thus the language of the Syrians and the Tamuls, of the Afghans and the Arabians, the Estran-
gelo, or of the Chaldaeans and the Jews, was the language of the Flower-650 : and what flower
was this, but the flower which grew in Carmel, the garden of God, which grew in Nazareth, or in
the place of the Natzir ? What flower was this but the flower of which we so often read ; which
gave a name to the capital of Persia-Susiana or Susa-the Lily or Lotus ? What flower but the
water rose, the rose of Ise, Iseur, Isuren, of Sharon ? "Susan, Lilium vel Rosa, Uxor Joachim ." r
This was the flower xav' sZoXrv, described in Parkhurst by the ry zz with a mutable but omis-
sible iT e, meaning to open or burst open, and by the word rim pzz, to open, and by the word ry zz,
to break open as a flower, and as a noun 1"y ziz, a flower. Here in the word %yD pzz we have the
Push-to. The word ry zz is translated in the LXX. by the word 7r1'raAov, a leaf, which Park-
hurst says ought rather to have been a flower ; and that flower, I doubt not, was the Lotus . 8
An old picture found in Palestine by Dr . Clarke induced him to make some remarks on the
Lotus or Lily, which, he observes, almost always accompanies the figure of the Virgin . He says,
that Nazareth, at this time, signifies a flower, and, from St . Jerom, that Nazareth in Hebrew sig-
nifies a flower . This is the Lotus, equally sacred in India, Egypt, Greece and Syria . The bean
which it produced in the Nile and Ganges, was that which, when the mythos was lost, was believed
by the votaries of Pythagoras to be forbidden, in his mystics, to be eaten, 9 but which he really
never forbade .
The reader has seen the explanation of the Lotus or Lily, given by Mr . Knight, in Volume 1 .
pp . 339, 340, and the reason why it was an emblem of the prolific powers of nature . We see that

I From this probably comes the title of Pesihwa. Y Asiat. Res . Vol . II . P . 74 . 3 Ib. 73.
* Vol. II . p . 249 .
s The circumstance, that the Hebrew, Samaritan, and Syriac or Pushto, have each twenty-two letters, and these the
same letters, shews their original identity .
6 Elph . Cabul, Vol . I . p . 242 . ' Vall. Coll . Hib . Vol. IV. Part I : p . 264.
e I beg my reader to refer to the Virgin and the Rose, in Mexico, supra, p . 32.
9 Clarke, Vol. II . p . 411, Ed. 4to .
240 Roma . Flora . Pushto
Dr . Clarke says the Lily is an emblem of Christ, because the word Nazareth means a flower.
But if I admit this means lily, does it not mean a flower ? Clarke states, that " Marinus Sanutus
" says, ' Ha?c est illa amabilis civitas Nazareth, quae Florida interpretatur : in qua flos campi ori-
" tur, dum in Virgine Verbum caro elflcitur Ornatus tamen illo nobili flore, super quem
" constat spiritum Domini quievisse . Ascendet, inquit Isayas, flos de radice Jesse, et requiescet
" super eum Spiritus Domini ." It is surprising that Dr . Clarke should have forgot, that the Lily
was sacred in Greece, in Egypt, in Syria, in the Jewish temple, and in India ; and the bean of the
water lily every where among the Pythagoreans . Christ was called a Nazarene because, according
to Jerom, Nazir means aflower. 1 Fuller, in his Palestine, calls Christ both rose and lily . 2
Nazareth, the town of Nazir or Ncc. 'w aios, the flower, was situated in Carmel, the vineyard or
garden of God . Jesus was a flower ; whence came the adoration, by the Rossicrucians, of the
Rose and Cross, which Rose was Ras, and this Ras, or knowledge or wisdom, was stolen from the
garden, which was also crucified, as he literally is, on the red cornelian, the emblem of the Rossi-
crucians-a Rose on a Cross. This crucified flower-plant was also liber, a book, a letter or tree,
or Bacchus or IHZ. This IHZ was Logos, Linga, letters, LTR=650 . The God was also
called Rose or Ras, because he was R=200, 0=70, Z=90=360 ; or Rose=365 ; RS=RST=O00 ;
the Rose of the Water, or Water-rose, as it is called to this day . But this Rose of Sharon, this
Logos, this word, was called in Arabic and Chaldaean werta and werd the same as our word. 3
Thus it was both the Linga, the generative principle, and Lingua, a word, or words, language .
How curiously the system is interwoven, like rods of willows into a basket ! It was Flora,407'e
=650, which was the Flora of the Romans, and the rt7D pre of the Hebrews, both meaning a
flower. The famous Hesperides was the Hebrew pv oz ''ID pri. The '7D pri means flower, but
the 'q oz means letters as well as a tree ; and3 I have no doubt, is closely connected, in some
secret way, with the allegory of the Arbor magna, cujus rami sunt literae, &c . Push-to and
Push-pa are the same . Push, which means flower, is the root of both . The corruption is riot
greater between Pushto and Pushpa, than between Pema and Padma-names of the Lotus . We
have found Buddha called Pema, Padma, the Lotus, a flower. We have found him called Poti-
sato ; therefore Poti-sato meant flower. This strengthens my conviction that the Pushpa and
Pushto were the same, and that, in consequence, the languages of Western and Eastern Syria, and
Tamul, were the same, or at least had the same name . I have observed, (in p . ,) from the
Universal History, that the Mendaean alphabet was the Pushto or Estrangelo . Now the alphabet
given by Hyde, and said by him to have been carried into China by the Tartars, is called the
Mendaean . It is clearly the Hebrew in system .
The root pr, r11D pre, or
'ID D prh, in Hebrew means fecundus, fruit, blossoms ; and from this

as Parkhurst teaches, by a corruption, probably comes the Goddess Flora, or it is the same as the
Goddess Flora . prh II . and rlID pre. Sir William Ouseley 4 says,
See Parkhurst, in voce, rrID
Flora 'opa-Flora fertility-rrlD pre fertility, a young heifer, a flower ; he says, they call the
Euphrates 4opa, which means flower . The Hebrew MD prh meaning flower, I have little doubt,
was the origin of the name of the Euphrates . I cannot help suspecting that Flora was an ana-
grammatic corruption of L'phora, that is, it19-5 L-pre . I should not venture to derive Flower or
Flora from Phora, had I not Par4hurst's authority, but I think his reasons quite justify him . 5

I Tom. I . Epis . 17, ad Marcellam . ' Book ii . Ch . vi. p . 143 .

a Asiat. Res . Vol. II. p. 53 . ' Trans . Soc . Lit. Vol . I . p . 112 : he cites Josephus, Antiq . Jud .
When I observe that the Apocalypse is almost filled with praises of the slain lamb, with which, in a remarkable
manner, it connects the cycle of 444 ; that the ceremony of the slain lamb is connected with the flower and the pollen,
Book III . Chapter III, Section 1 241
In addition to what I have said in several places respecting the similarity of Cristna and Jesus
Christ, I now request my reader to observe (what I formerly overlooked), that the celebrated
Arjoon, the brother of Cristna, is nothing but John with the epithet flr prefixed . And I learn
from Ranimohun Roy i that he was not the elder brother of Cristna, as I have formerly stated,
but, as John was to Jesus, he was his cousin . He assisted him in his labours for the good of
mankind, and when lie was killed, the Sun stood still to hear the lamentations of Cristna for his
loss .
All the names of Rome are female-Roma, Flora, Valeutia : nearly its first and greatest Goddess
was Vesta. Heyne suggests Roma to be Ruma .2 No person has puzzled all inquirers more than
the Indian Rama, 3 the cousin of Cristna. He has frequently been observed to have been to
Cristna what John was to J esus ; 4 and the similarity is so striking, that it puts the identity of
the two mythoses out of all question . Rama is always written with the a long like the o . Then
it is Raamaa : R=100, aa=2, m=40, aa_2_144, a number so celebrated in the Apocalypse, or
the prophecy of the coming of the Ram-Lamb to take away the sins of the world . Lamb, we
have before seen, is L=30, M=40, B=2=72, another number peculiarly sacred to the Lamb . On
the word Rain, Georgius says,-1 " >=71 Ram vero, et Rem excelsum designat . Et quoniam %T01
" Rum Samaritauis caput, et vertex capitis dicitur, petunt fortasse ut in eorum summitate capitis
" arcana illa ac mystica precatione oriatur splendidus et corruscans Math ." When I trace Ram
to the vertex capitis, and recollect the Caput and Ras of the Arabians, I cannot help suspecting
the arcana doctrina to have the same meaning in each country.
Mr . Niebuhr has shewn, from the numbers of the Roman periods, that their early history is a
mythos . He observes that they have a peculiar and sacred number in 240 . This makes, in the
numerals, RM or Ram, R=200, M=40_240 .
The country of Rome and the ancient city built upon the capitol, according to Virgil, was called
Struia, country of the cycle of 650, or Satiern-ia, country of the cycle of 666, or of King Lateinos
666, according to Irenwus . Now the country of Roma would be Romaia, not Romelia, nor yet
Romania .
Although it be difficult, perhaps impossible, to prove the fact, I suspect that, some way or
other, as the Protestants say, (but my reason is not theirs,) Rome had the name of the beast . 6
The Orientals called the country of Phrygia, which had the same name with it, the country of
Room . Might it be a Tamul name, and be Rome, with a Tamul termination, thus-Rouma-en ?
The Satur-en is exactly in the Tamul style .

I cannot help suspecting that the Pushto is the same as the name Pesach, of the festival of the slain lamb ; that Pesach,
that is nt)n psh, ought to be 'mm l sd=144 ; and that this Psd afterwards became Post or Psto . It is the union of the
peculiar circumstances which renders this admissible as a probability ; especially as we know of many other changes
much greater than this . I am quite satisfied that, according to all the rules of rational probability, we can never calcu-
late too much on the stories and names containing the most abstruse aenigmas .
' This great man died, near Bristol, on Sept. 27, 18:33 . Ed. s See Vol . 1 . P . 376.

3 We have not yet found the origin of the word Ram the brother of Cristna, and of the animal of the zodiac . Now,
in the first language of numbers, we find in the Hebrew the Samach and the Mem final to stand for the same number
-the famous number 600. From this mutual convertibility I think the Ram and the Ras have been the same.
4 See Vol . I . pp . 648, 649 . ° Appendix III . p . 716.
6 When it is recollected that almost every heathen God had the name of 666, we need not he surprised that the first
Christians should call it the number of the beast .
VOL. I r .
242 Roma . Flora. Pushto

R .~ 100
• = 70
U = 400
M = 40
A= 1
• = 5
• = 50

If this could be proved, I should have no doubt that the Ram and Rama of India, which meant
both Beeve and Sheep, had originally the same name . All these things I leave to my reader, who
must determine whether a number of little probabilities will amount to a great one . But all these
effects ought to be found if figures were the first letters . Much curious matter respecting the
secret names of Rome and Athens, may be seen in the third volume of Nimrod, from pp . 194-
206 .
ApwlAa, the sweet smell, t means also a flower, that is Pushpa or Pushto . This was the lan-
guage of the followers of the Phasah or the Lamb-it was the language of the Flower, of the Nat-
zir, of the Flos floris, of Flora, of the Arouma, and of the flour of Ceres, or the Eucharistia . It was
the language of the pollen, the pollen of plants, the principle of generation, of the Pole or Phallus,
of the Pole which opened the Gate of Salvation, and it was the Gate itself, the Arca-polis, place
of deposit of the sacred things of the state, which were the emblems of the ApX?~ or divine wis-
dom,'-it was the Pala, the Pallas, (the divine wisdom,) and the Palladium or pallium of Elijah, or
of the Lamb of God . 2
Epwg is amor, and this is ama, which ama aspirated is C-ama . Amor is Roma . Epwc is Sora
or Sura, 3 the Sun. (Sora-Cora-mandel .) Egwg being Cama is also Ama or Venus ; in India,
Cania-rina, Cama-marina, Sea-Goddess . Thus Venus and Cupid or Dipuc, that is, the Virgin
mother and Child are the same ; these are the black Madonnas and Bambinos of Italy . If Rama
be Roma it is Amor or divine love, and is the same to Cristna as Arjoon or Jnana, wisdom, cousin
or assistant of Jesus, is to Jesus.
There is a plant called Amomum or the Jerusalem Rose. Littleton says, " Cum sit Assyrius
" frutex, nomen etiam ipsum ab oriente sumpsisse vero simile est . Quippe Arab . voce Knrmrt
" (hmama) Amama dicitur, ab =Hnrt (hmam) i . Columba, cujus pedem refert . M . The herb
" called Jerusalem or our Ladie's Rose ." With the leaves of this plant the Phoenix built her nest .
The Egyptians used it in embalming their dead ; whence Mummy, Momia, Mumia, Amomia .
Voss : Here we have mystery enough . 1 do not doubt that this was -4ma or .4mor or 0,m, and
that this is closely connected with the famous Om and M. All inquirers have agreed that the first
sound of love was ma. The cycle of 600 was all emanation of divine love, whence it was identi-
fied with the central letter, M, and thus prefixed as a monogram to the vin . Of all the parasiti-
cal plants, there is no one more lovely than the vine creeping up and embracing the marital Elm
or Alma. 4

1 Jones's Lex. s pore Sax ., Rose Fr., Rosa Lat ., Ros or Rhos Celtic, rovQOos [poEov? ] Greek, Rose English.
s The Persians call the Sun Evpq. See Vol. 1 . p . 136 . From the Am or Ma comes, by a beautiful genealogy, I love .
Lascivus is from Laschmi the wife of Cristna . I suspect that Core and Cyrus and :Evprl and Ras and Ros-e and Sir, and
0-sir-is and pnw srq, a choice vine, were all mystically connected . Joachim was Abbot of a place called Flora or Sora,
in Cala-bria.
4 See Pezron, pp . 245, 257-259.
Book III . Chapter III
. Section 1 243
Piromis, in Coptic, signifies a man, and is Pi-romi .I Here Romi evidently means Man.
Brahma or Brama is often called Birouma, which is nearly the Pi-romi of Egypt, and Pi-romis of
Greece, which, Herodotus says, means xa%og . " Indeque nata videtur Singalaeorum vox Pirimiia
" La-Crozio, Pirimijaa Relando, tnendos6 fortassis Pirimha ." 2 It is probable that the Piroma,
the Pi Brama, is the Bacchus, Bromos, Bromios, Bruma ; that Pi-rouma is the Pi-Roma, and thus
Roma, that is Branwn, means former or creator; and, that the words Bra and Pra, to form or re-
form or reformer, was the first emanation which flowed or emanated from the Supreme, and is the
same as the Greek Psw to flow-Pi-roma the efflux, xar' e4oxrv, of the Supreme . The fact that
Piromis means xaTos connects it with the Indian Cali and the Calidei or Chaldaeans . The origi-
nal word for Brahmin may have been OK71 bram, in the plural pnrtnl bramin. The word may
come from 11 br, which means to create, or a creator or giver of forms. Bra means factor and
fecit ; and as the priests, in consequence of the regimen style, i . e . the rude, unfinished, inartificial
style of writing, took the names of their Gods, so came the name Brahm . A Bram, or one of the
Bramin, was a priest of Bra or of the factor M or OM, or the factor M or OM . Let it be recol-
lected that I have shewn, it was from the invention of the cycles, that all these religions or super-
stitions had their origin . The cycles with the high priests produced astronomy, with the low
priests and the vulgar, superstition . Br Son, by the reg. Son of Br, has been converted into
Son Br .
Georgius says, that Atnida or Omyto, maximus Deus Japonensium, is un embleme de Ia rl'volu-
tion des siecles .3
To the celebrated society of the Rossicrucians or Rosh-cruxians I have before alluded . 4 I am
not h member of this society, therefore I cannot betray any secrets . This society is closely allied
to the Templars ; their emblem or monogram or jewel, or as malicious and bigoted adversaries
would say, their object of adoration is a Red Rose on a cross, thus-

When it can be done, it is surrounded with a glory, and placed on a Calvary . When it is worn
appended and made of cornelian, garnet, ruby, or red glass, the Calvary and glory are generally
omitted . This is the Naurutz, Natzir, or Rose of Isuren, of 'famul, or Sharon, or the Water
Rose, the Lily, Padma, Pema, Lotus, crucified for the salvation of man-crucified in the heavens
at the vernal equinox : it is celebrated at that time by the Persians, in what they call their Nou
RosE, a i . e . Neros or Naurutz . The word Nou is the Latin novus, and our new, which, added
to the word Rose, makes the new Rose of the vernal equinox, and also makes on the Rose of the
.=~ R ss=360 ; and the ~ Pl; Xrs, or cross, or crs, or, with the letter e added, the Rose=365 ;
in short, the God of Day, the Rss or divine wisdom, X, PF, B Cross-Wisdom (Ethiopic6) . When

' Univ . Hist. Vol . I . p . 426 . s In Tom . VI . de Ritib . Relig. Ind. p. 295, Georg. Tibet. Alph. P . 99 .
3 Alph . Tib . p . 131 . • Vol. I. pp . 723, 809 . 5 Malcolm's Hist. Pers . II. p. 406.
The monogram with which the title-page of the Latin Vulgate is ornamented, which, as I have stated, was given me
244 Allegory of the Flower Continued

the word J1'W 1 is used in the first verse of Genesis, instead of tun rs, it may either be in the plural
or the s and t may be used, like the Greek Sigma-tau, 1 joined to the very common practice of
inserting the sacred name of God I or jod, as our learned men say for the sake of metre, (in which,
I doubt not, sacred writing was originally written,) but the learned Jews say it was thus used for
the sake of a mystery . The word is, then, really Rst . 2 Templars, Rossicrucians, Royal Arch
Masons, you all know that there is nothing incredibly recondite in this .
2 . Buddha is said to have been crucified for robbing a garden of a flower . He is also, like the
emblem of the Rossicrucians, called a Flower, a Rose, a Padma, a Lotus, a Lily, and Jesus Christ
is called a flower. The Virgin in the pictures of the annunciation, is always presented with a
flower by the ministering angel,, and that flower is the Lotus or Lily . In Mexico the same thing
is done, only the flower is a rose . 3 I account for the fact that Buddha was both the flower and
the robber of the flower, from the regimine of the language ; (the Indians admit their ignorance ;)
from which the robber of the flower became the robber-flower . If this were the case, it would be
naturally aided by the beauty of the simile . The admitted ignorance of the Indians opens the door
to this explanation, as a probability, till something more satisfactory is discovered . He was a
flower, because as flour or pollen he was the principle of fructification or generation . He was
flour, because flour was the fine or valuable part of the plant of Ceres or wheat, the pollen which
I am told, in this plant, and in this plant alone, renews itself when destroyed . When the flour,
pollen, is killed, it grows again several times . This is a very beautiful type or symbol of the re-
surrection . On this account the flour of wheat was the sacrifice offered to the Xp-qg or Ceres in
the Eu apisrta . In this pollen we have the name of pall or pallium, and of Pallas, in the first
language meaning wisdom . From this, language, logos, linga, wisdom, all came to be identified
with letters, the tree, liber, Bacchus . Thus when the devotee ate the bread he ate the pollen,
and thus ate the body of the God of generation : hence might come transubstantiation . a From
this it came to pass, that the double allegory of the knowledge of good and evil, and of the know-
ledge of the generative power in the female, then in the male, and the knowledge of letters and of
wisdom arose, and were blended into one .
I cannot help suspecting, that from the association of ideas the words flour and flower, and to
flow as the secretion of the female flows, the root of the word flour came to be connected with
those different mythic subjects, and to have meanings, though evidently by association, connected,
yet in almost every respect different . What do we mean by deflowering a woman ? and whence
arose the phrase ? Surely the least reflection will tell us .
The Raj is an emanation of the Solar power, a Ray or Ras, wisdom . As the principle of gene-
ration he was the Push or Pollen, thus he was called a flower . The Raj may have been the Rose
or Flower .
Professor Haughton says, in his Laws of Menu, "The translator, in rendering the word Rajas
" by `blood' has made the legislator adopt a vulgar prejudice to which he was superior . That
word does not mean blood, but, according to the Hindus, the fructifying medium ; they apply it
" equally to the pollen of a flower, or the monthly secretion of a female ; both being indispensable

by a Catholic priest. It is placed on the breast of an allegorical figure which wears three crowns - three, crowns,
not solely, if it be at all, emblematical of Heaven, Earth, and Hell, but also emblematical of an incarnation of the
Creator, the Preserver, and the Destroyer-an incarnation of the Trinity or the Trimurti .
See Vol . I . p. 54-the word cut for cus.
= The Rst is the Persian mythological name Rust-an . If there was such a man he took the sacred name.
s See supra, p . 32. 4 See supra, p . 64 .
Book III . Chapter III . Section 3 245
f0to precede production, the one in all vegetable, and the other in the human, and in some animal
" bodies. One of the terms by which this appearance is known in Sanscrit, viz . pushpa a flower,
" will strikingly support the idea of an ancient connexion between the popular opinions of the
" Gothic and Hindu nations ." t I beg my reader to look back to Volume I . p . 261, where he
will find something which I did not then choose to explain .
`PoBoy means a Rose. I cannot help suspecting that the word `Pod had its origin in the idea of
Ray, Rad-ius . The Rose of Sharon being the Sun or Rhadius, Scythian reix, Punic resch,
Spanish rey, French roy, all according to Postel from the Hebrew it'rrl ras, rosch, chief, head.
Radha 2 was the wife of Cristna : if the wife were Radha, the husband would be Radhus, i . e.
Radhus, or the Sun, was Radius . The crucified rose and the crucified solar emanation, convince
me of the close connexion, indeed of the identity, of the mythoses, though I cannot exactly con-
nect them together.
The Buddhists, the natives, of Tibet hold the Grand Lama to be always the same person-same
Buddha only reincarnated, or renovated, in a new mundane case or body . And I believe that
Jesus Christ was considered by some Christians to be a renewed incarnation from Adam and
Noah, and that this was one of the reasons for the careful setting-forth of his pedigree, in the New
Testament. Thus he was, in fact, Adam . But Adam sinned, and for his sin he was, in the per-
son of Jesus Christ, crucified . He ate the forbidden fruit, the consequence of which was that he
immediately learnt that he was naked, yielded to temptation and stole the flower of the garden .
But the flower which he stole was of a very different description from the common flower ; he
stole the flour, the pollen, of an animated plant . After his theft, in that plant there was no
more pollen . In the natural circumstances of the first pair there would never be any more flower
to be seen . The female plant would produce no more pollen . In the natural healthy state she
would produce children so quick as to prevent the exhibition of more till it finally ceased . For
this robbery he suffered death . The theft of this flower brought sin, and death into the world .
There was no sin before this theft .
My allegorical explanations will not be thought too recondite by persons who have studied the
character of the oriental nations in these matters ; many examples might be produced, but I shall
cite only one . A Vizir having divorced his wife Chemsennissa, on suspicion of criminal conversa-
tion with the Sultan, her brothers applied for redress to their judge . 11 My Lord," said they,
" we had rented to Feirouz a most delightful garden, a terrestrial paradise ; he took possession of
" it encompassed with high walls, and planted with the most beautiful trees that bloomed with flowers
" and fruit . (Compare Cant . iv . 12-14 .) He has broken down the walls, plucked the tender
iQflowers, devoured the finest fruit, (comp . Cant . v . 1,) and would now restore to us this garden,
~~ robbed of every thing that contributed to render it delicious, when we gave him admission to it ."
Fkirouz, in his defence, and the Sultan in his attestation to Chemsennissa's innocence, carry on
the same allegory of the garden. a
3. 1 must now request my reader to look back to Volume I . pp . 428, 429, and he will there see
a description of Callida or Ur of the Chaldees, and he cannot fail to be struck with the flattering
account which is there given by Col . Tod without his having the slightest idea of what he was
giving a description, namely, of the country and ancestors of Abraham . It well supports my opi-
nion, that the Chaldaeans were the first possessors of the knowledge of letters, and indeed of magic

i Haughton's Menu, Note 66 . Y See Vol. I . p . 586 .

' Parkhurst's Lex . in voce ip gn, which means garden . This word seems to be the origin of our word garden, which
was probably more like the ancient word ; for words seldom grow longer by age . From this root came the Sanscrit
protector of gardens-Gan-isa-p gn yw' iso : the Sanscrit from the Hebrew, as might he expected .
246 General Observations

and astrology, which, in fact, were but the knowledge of that, a part of which I shewed, in Volume
1 . p . 677, to have been possessed by Roger Bacon . As the knowledge of these things gradually
became public, they gradually ceased to be mysteries, until at last there were scarcely any left .
And as this effect took place by very slow degrees, during thousands of years, it would not any
where be recorded . In fact, it would not be perceived by the mystics themselves . The secrets
of Roger Bacon were the last of them .
The learned Bailly, after years of patient inquiry and close investigation, came to the conclu-
sion, that all the learning of the Greeks and of the Eastern nations was but the debris of learning
of a nation of scientific persons who had lived in a former time ; and I have no doubt that had he
not been prematurely cut off by the miscreants of Paris, he would have proved the truth of his
doctrine . This, however, appeared so paradoxical to his countrymen, that I believe no one has
attempted seriously to follow up his discoveries . The more I examine the more I become con-
vinced that there was a race of antediluvians, and that they were a very learned race .
I believe the ancient mysteries, like almost all religious rites and ceremonies, arose by degrees
from circumstances, and from the natural failings and feelings of mankind . It cannot be denied,
that man has a natural propensity to monopolize and appropriate to himself what tends to distin-
guish him from his fellow-creatures, and to elevate him above them . From the gratification of
these feelings, when the art of writing was, by degrees, discovered, it was closely concealed, and
became what we call, or a part of what we call, the magic art . I believe the ancient mysteries
consisted in the knowledge of letters and the higher branches of arithmetic, astronomy, and the
theory of cycles which I have described ; and in other branches of natural science, such as the use
of the loadstone, compass, the telescope, &c . 1 In short, every part of science which could be con-
cealed, and as long as it was concealed, was a mystery .
If I be right in my idea, and I know no other way of accounting for many anomalous facts, that
writing was made originally from the top downwards, was by symbols, was secret, and escaped
from the mysteries by degrees, the extraordinary way in which proper names in all languages ar e
mixed or written, which our grammarians have honoured with technical terms, such as anagram
and metathesis, may be easily accounted for . Of this the name of God in Chinese, Tien or Neit 2
is an example . This will account, in a satisfactory manner, for the different directions in the
styles of writing, as well as for the confusion in the powers of notation of the latter numbers of
the Hebrew and Greek alphabets, and it will also explain the reason why we have so many places
called by the same names . They were all, originally, secret and religious names, which by de-
grees came into common use. Every country had names of places to suit (in its religious ceremo-
nies, processions, &c .) the universal mythos ; but each must also have had other names, some only
of which have come down to us . We now hear much more of the sacred names, than of the com-
mon ones, because all the ancient books, before Herodotus, were sacred books . Originally, writing
was used for nothing but the affairs of religion . This theory, and I think I may say this verified
theory, will account. for every difficulty . The doctrine of secrecy which I here suggest, is in per-
fect keeping with what we know of all the habits of the ancients, and, indeed, of all mankind .
Have we not in every trade a craft or mystery? The examples which I have already given of
scientific discoveries secreted, which had no concern with religion, made by such men as Newton,
strongly support me . There is no reason to believe that Pythagoras ever made public his know-
ledge of letters, even if he possessed it . He left not a written sentence behind him, though he
dealt so largely in numbers-arithmetic and geometry . This is borne out by the positive testi-

' See Vol . 1. P . 341 . 4 See Ib . p . 429, and supra, p . 36.

Book III. Chapter III . Section 4 247
mony of the treatise found by Mr . Von Hammer in Egypt-that every learned man had a letter
of his own, in which he endeavoured to conceal his doctrines . This book of Ben Wassih's is as
good evidence of the fact as can be expected ; and, all circumstances considered, it is really good
evidence. The attempt to monopolise knowledge seems to have been one of the most predominant
passions in all ages : and it is easily to be accounted for, as knowledge is power . The vanity of
man is flattered also, in being wiser than his neighbour .
I once more repeat, that the sacred mystic dances, music, poetry, or the art of composing in
rhythm or lines in certain numbers of short and long syllables, and acrostics, were all inventions
for aiding the memory, before the art of writing in syllables was discovered . I find great difficulty
in believing that the persons who possessed the astronomical science, evinced by their knowledge
of the neros, by their placing of the pyramids, and by the cycles displayed in many of the Druidi-
cal monuments, such as Stonehenge, Abury, &c ., can have been ignorant of the art of writing-
and these facts, among other circumstances, induce me to think it was known long before it was
made public . Although the Chinese language is called the flowery language, or language of
flowers, it appears in this to include trees, so that it would have been better called language of
plants . I They considered a tree to be a symbol of knowledge .
4 . There can be no doubt that one of the meanings of Genesis was, that by eating of the fruit
of the forbidden tree, the tree of wisdom or knowledge, a knowledge of the sexes was acquired,
and the consequent propagation of the species . And when I consider again the numerous allego-
ries drawn from trees, that the Hebrew word ')l oz means a fruit-tree, and ~ i it oze and W , ioz
counsel, i. e . wisdom, all evidently the same, I cannot help seeing that the allegories allusive to
trees and letters, are drawn from the second book of Genesis, or the allegory of the second book
of Genesis, the tree of knowledge, &c ., is drawn from trees and letters, and which of these is the
case is a curious subject of inquiry . 2 There is great probability that the allegory of the tree and
letters arose from natural circumstances . The bark, the leaves, and the stem of the tree, became
vehicles for conveying wisdom by means of letters, from the fortuitous circumstance of being the
most convenient substances on which to inscribe them . I suppose about the time the ciphers or
numeral letters were invented, the plan or custom of using the bark of a tree on which to inscribe
them would be also adopted . Perhaps the circumstance of the leaf of each tree being used to
express a number, might give occasion to the first numeral letters to have the names of trees, and
from a union of these causes might arise all the beautiful and almost innumerable allegories of
Genesis, and of the Eastern nations . The origin of the idea of the tree being the emblem of wis-
dom is very clear.
Under the magical symbols which we call ciphers or letifs, leaves, letters, all science or learning
or wisdom was concealed ; and it is perfectly clear that the words letif, leaf, and letter, were
really the same . But I do not see how the knowledge of wisdona should make man know that he
was naked ; this, I think, might be merely the gross and literal meaning of the text ; and, from a
consideration of all the concomitant circumstances, I am induced to suspect that this gross mean-
ing was only used to conceal the beautiful and refined doctrines contained in the mysteries relating
to trees and knowledge, but which would be converted, as far as possible, according to the pre-
vailing fashion, into allegories also . All these allegories respecting trees must have been totally
incomprehensible to persons who did not understand the nature of letters and writing . They

' See Vall . Coll . Hib . Vol. V . pp . 144, 145 .

It may be observed that it is not necessary that the allegory in the first book of Genesis should be the same as the
allegory in the second. As there are certainly two histories, there are probably two allegories .
248 Allegories
must indeed have been an impenetrable mystery ; but I am quite certain that there are tw o clear
and distinct allegories .
As I have just said the mysteries themselves arose from natural circumstances . I suppose the
knowledge of the Trimurti and the other doctrines of the Gnosis or Wisdom, the branch of the
Cabala called Berasit, explained by me, was the secret of secrets, the grand arcanum ; that, along
with this, one of the first secrets was the knowledge of the art of writing and reading . From the
extreme difficulty of acquiring the art of writing and reading, it would almost necessarily be a
secret science even without any intention at first of making it so . The knowledge of Wisdom
became the knowledge of letters . All wisdom was conveyed by letters, by the Tiber, the leaves,
the bole, the stem of the tree ; thus the tree became the tree of knowledge to make man wise,
forbidden to all but the initiated . I believe that all the deep sciences were mysteries-astronomy,
astrology, the higher branches of arithmetic, and mathematics, were, at first, all mysteries-mys-
teries which decreased in number as these sciences or secrets were discovered by the mass of
mankind ; and all these sciences were concealed in letters, and letters themselves were concealed
in the names of the leaves of trees . I believe that one class or caste, called by a variety of names,
but by us Chaldwans, were, as I have repeatedly remarked, the possessors of the secret . Hesy-
chius says, Xaxaatoi • yevos tu.aywv 7rarra y:vw rxovrwv . l The observation is very important . It
shews the character which those persons had in his time . -They were like the Freemasons of the
present day ; they became divided into different bodies, as we have Masons, Rossicrucians, Tem-
plars, &c . ; and even each body, in different places, having some difference in their ceremonies as
our Masonic societies have ; but still the same general characteristic features are at the bottom .
Such, for instance, as we see in the names of places in all countries, and all countries having the
general mythos of the ten avatars to finish at the end of the six thousand years, and to begin
again, and be renewed in saecula saeculorum . It is the natural course of events, that, in different
nations and in different periods considerable variations should arise, and not more have arisen than
might be reasonably expected, allowance only being made for these natural causes . The Caside-
ans, the Chaldaeans, the Essenes, the Therapeutae, the Mathernatici, the Freemasons, the Carme-
lites, the Assassins, Magi, Druids, were all the same, and all held the Chreestian doctrine, and
received, at their rite of baptism, which was universal, a Chreestian name, and, by this rite, were
admitted to the first step of initiation into the mysteries . Here was the reason of the universal
toleration after the union of the two great sects of the Linga and loni took place .
On admission into the highest mysteries, the rite of circumcision was administered, or, perhaps,
originally, it was the general . rule, that every one who was intended for the order, should be cir-
cumcised in his youth. The word circumcised, as I have before observed, has the meaning also of
initiation . It is known that into the high mysteries of Egypt and Eleusis no person was admitted
who was not circumcised, 2 though neophytes were constantly admitted . Besides, every person
once admitted would choose to have his children admitted, and thus the order was kept alive ; and
thus it was that the order, as we have found, was both hereditary and not hereditary . The Monks
constituted a class or order, at first perhaps the elect or perfect, or only the persons admitted into
the very highest mysteries . Perhaps only the persons who performed the functions . In the Cul-
dees of Iona and in Wales, there were both married and unmarried members of the convents ; but
probably this was an abuse . Pythagoras became a neophyte, and was admitted by the ceremony
of circumcision .
We will now return to the flower . In India, Buddha, as already stated, robbed the garden of a

I Hesych . Lex voce XaXSa+os . Hagar, Bab . Bricks, p . 21 . 2 See Vol . I . pp . 304, 724, 759 .
Book III . Chapter III . Section 4 249

flower, for which he died . In Western Syria the female presents the fruit of the tree of the gar-
den of love or wisdom to the male, by which means the death and regeneration of man ensue, and
without which the species would not have passed on to futurity . Now what were the flowers of
which the male deprived the garden of delight alluded to above ? If my reader will carefully con-
sider every meaning which the word flower or flour or pollen possesses it) plants and animals, in
short in all nature, he will then readily answer the question . And if he wish to know what was
the kind of fruit presented by the female to the male to produce the prolongation of the species,
he may ask any naturalist, or even village surgeon, and lie will tell hint that the apples of love, the
ova, are not the produce of the male, but of the female . They were the apples of knowledge, be-
cause, by being presented to the male and tasted by him, he acquired a delicious knowledge which
he never knew before, and he caused the renewal of the animal, from generation to generation, to
be ultimately absorbed in the To Ov . Here we have the apples of knowledge in the garden of
delight. The flower spoken of above was that without which there would be no generations or
regenerations, it was the grand ornament of the garden, and, in this sense, the flower or plant of
wisdom or knowledge . Without its stimulating and nourishing power there would be no fructi-
fication . The plant was worthless without it . It was the flower of wisdom-l oD Pla, Pallas,
Palladium, Pallium, and the Pollen of every plant ; and, with men who did not possess the recon-
dite knowledge of anatomy, it became, by mistake, the Phallus . I suppose I need not point out
to my reader what, in this allegory, constituted the garden, the Can-ia, the ruv~ . I The female
presented to the male the apples of love, the ova . 2 He tasted and fell . With the increase of the
species, cares and sorrows arose, the ground became overrun with thorns and briars, and the gar-
den of delight faded away . From this first act came all the good and all the evil in the world ;
without it there had been neither good nor evil . The being man, .mannus, homo, was [allegori-
cally] not an animal ; it was a plant . It is the only being in whom red blood circulates, who at
the same time masticates food and produces flowers-which flowers bear fruits-of which flowers
the male despoiled the female, and thus propagated the species . There is yet one other animal
which, circulating red blood, bears flowers : but what is its Indian name ?--Hanu-man, the Mon-
key or Ape .
The Greek was first written without vowels, and from top to bottom, and called Petalon . But
Petalon means a leaf, or, as I suspect, a tree, and arera7a would be trees . From this came the
petals of flowers . ~Eneas descending to the Shades, passed an elm-tree loaded with dreams . The
alpha, in Irish ailm or elm-tree, was the trunk of the tree of letters, and has evidently a close con-
nexion with the elm-tree of Virgil, and with the Greek style of writing, called petalon or leaf
writing . Nothing can be more striking than that the Greek upright writing should be called a
tree. But the letters were written upright, axibus ligneis, or on stems of trees . If we look at
and consider these figure systems, evidently all identical, we must observe, that the first and
tenth and hundredth forms are all the same . The a is the first letter of the tree elm, ailm, and
answers to the figure one. I suspect that the first name of the elm was ilm ; that there was ori-
ginally no vowel a, but the oin ; that it was afterward added to the ilm when found to be wanted ;
and that this tree was called, at various times, ailm, ilm, elm, or oeilm, or ulm . Being the name
of the monad To Ov, it naturally came to have the meaning of the first solar cycle, M=600, U=6,

' We read that the garden was robbed of its flower. Was this garden Eva? I think the Hebrew p gn was not only
garden, but it was also yvvq . Here we have the same story, only somewhat differently told .
' As the woman possesses the seed, the ova, not the man, that text is peculiarly proper which says, " the seed of
the woman," not the seed of the man, "shall bruise," &c.
250 Allegories

1=10, L=50---666 ; and I suppose that the Sacae or Saxons called their famous city Ulm after it,
as they called their city in the Siamese Judia, and in Western Syria, the city of Sion or Siun or
Xiun=666, or Sioun=336, or Siun=366, or Sin=360, or Xn=650 . When we consider that the
leaves of a book were really the leaves of a tree, the allegory of the tree of knowledge almost rises
as a natural consequence . In the Syriac tongue Oden is Adonis ; but the 0, in Syriac or Pushto,
(which we have found, is the same as Tamul,) was the emphatic article THE . Then Odelt would
be the Dn..' Dun or Don ; but Don, we have found, meant wisdom or knowledge . Thus we
come again to the tree of knowledge or of the garden of knowledge, or garden of Adonis . When
Adam was in his first state be knew all that was necessary ; he was an emanation from the Su-
preme ; he was the divine incarnation : his descendants were obliged to cultivate letters, described
by the sterility of the earth, to obtain knowledge-a difficult task as we all know . Here we see
the reason why a tree was selected as the ground of the allegory, for trees were literally books .
The tree was very appropriately in the garden of delight or knowledge or wisdom-the tree, the
alphabet, by means of which all divine science was known-the tree by the study of which the
favoured youth, selected for instruction in the secret mystic art, became one of the royal SACRED

caste, enjoying the contemplation of all the higher branches of knowledge, particularly astronomy .
The gardens of Adonis, of Syria, I really believe were all Edens, (Eden is Adon,) delightful groves,
seminaries of education in the secret sciences, delightful retreats for study, imitated by the Domus
Templi of the Templars at Cambridge, and the college of Hassan Sabah at Cairo . The stories
which we are told of the hanging gardens convey the idea of the greatest absurdities . I suspect
they were of the nature of amphitheatres, for the purpose of giving and receiving lectures in the
sciences ; that the seats were planted with trees to shade the auditors from the sun . Nimrod has
shewn that their form was probably amphitheatric, and, except for the object which I have named,
they seem to have been very absurd .
We read that the tree of knowledge (i . e. wisdom) produced twelve fruits-one for each month .
This was, I suppose, when the twelve ages or neroses were believed to make a cycle with the time
of precession in the twelve signs. I think, at least in Greece, the style of writing from the top
downward, in right lines, must have been the oldest, and this style called petalon, or that of the
leaf or leaves, gives strong support to the antiquity of the Irish custom of calling their letters by
the names of trees ; for the practice of upright writing, as well as the use of the word leaf, were
common to both .
Knowledge and wisdom, though not, perhaps, strictly identical, are constantly confounded .
This arises from the consideration that wisdom is really the perfection of knowledge . In fact,
perfect knowledge is wisdom . Jesus Christ is constantly called the branch, and the vine-the
way of salvation, the way or door of life, the shepherd, the tree of life, the tree in the middle of
the Garden of E-don or of wisdom . In the title-page of the Alcoran des Cordeliers, St. Francis is
likened to Jesus Christ, by drawing him as a tree . Christ was Wisdom, and Wisdom was the
~~ arbor magna in medio Paradisi, cujus rami dictiones, ulterius in ramos parvos et folia, quae sunt
" literati extenduntur ;" the great tree in the garden of Eden, whose leaves were letters, and whose
branches were words . How could the practice of calling letters by the names of trees be better
described? Buddha was Wisdom ; Jesus Christ was Wisdom ; consequently be was Buddha .
Christ was the tree of life and of wisdom or knowledge ; Buddha was Veda ; Veda was wisdom-
the book of life . Christ was the true vates or prophet ; and the contents of the Veda were but

' The :dohamedaus call Religion Deen ; this is Dn or Wisdom . Malcolme's Hist. Pers . Vol . II. p . 219 . Th e iT ,
ie of the Hebrew changed, in the Syriac, into Io . In the same manner the e changed into the o with the Ethiopians,
and Christus or Chrestus or Xpq ;-oq became Chrostos . Geor. Alp . Tib . p . 748 .
Book III . Chapter III . Section 4 251

the vates or true prophetism. Vates is evidently a corruption of veda, or veda of vates . Hence,
in fact, the Greek root xp% means both Xp%os benignus, mitis, xa?og and vates or ovowss-
and in the word xaRog we have the root or origin of the deity Cali of India, and of the Cali-dei or
Cali-divi or Caldmans. As xp'g, vates, perfect wisdom, he KNEW or KNow-ed every thing past,
present, and future . In the Veda was recorded all knowledge-past, present, and future-the
knowledge of the generations or re-generations of the man, the knowledge of the renewal of cycles
in saecula saeculorum, that is, of cycles of cycles-the esoteric meaning of saecula saeculorum, or
atwv Tcov atwvwv, zones, emanations of divine wisdom . Our book which we miscal Genesis, or
the book of generations, ought to be Barasit-that is, Wisdom-that is, Veda or Buddha. Thus it
is called by the Jews .
But there were two trees in Paradise-the tree of knowledge and the tree of life . What was
the tree of life ? We are told, that if Adam had eaten of the fruit of the tree of life he would have
lived for ever! What does this mean ? (Of course I assume that no person reading this book is
so weak as to hdmit the literal meaning .' ) A part of the text seems to be wanting . May it
mean that, by the knowledge of the system of regenerations without having obtained such know-
ledge by previous initiation into the secret use of letters, of the Vedas, the Sophias, the Tnv, 1 rsut,
or of the knowledge obtained by means of letters, man would have become assured of his eternal
existence ; or, that, by knowing the sacred truth, he would have been induced so to modify his
conduct as to ensure himself a speedy absorption into the To Ov, to shorten the period or num-
ber of his transmigrations ? Was the fruit of the tree of life the consequence of the admission
into the sacred, i . e . secret, mysteries which, by producing fruits meet for salvation, produced or
hastened the salvation of the initiated ? We know initiation was said exoterically to produce the
most perfect happiness . The effect of initiation was, reformation of manners, the future practice
of the most sublime virtues, the rendering of a man perfect- (L 0 If thou wilt be perfect, sell all that
11 thou halt, and give to the poor"-) inducing him to desert all the little, narrow, selfish gratifi-
cations of this life, for the purpose of securing those of a life to come . These, at least, were its
tendency and its object. I say not that this was certainly the meaning of the allegory of the tree
of life ; but it seems to me, that it must have been this, or something very like it . At all events,
I think the explanation of the second part of the allegory is in good keeping with, and is not un-
worthy of, the .fiist ; and they are both beautiful, perhaps true . All this is strictly masonic . I
trust I am not improperly betraying the secrets of the craft, of the Megalistor Mundorum, when I
state, that the designed effect of all masonic initiation is to render a man more virtuous-conse-
quently more happy . A perfect Mason, if such a thing could be, must be a perfect Buddhist, a
perfect Jew, a perfect Christian, a perfect Mohamedan . They are all XP-JS or Xp -qg- -oi or
Christs . 2 And, from the most remote antiquity, a man in every new cycle has been looked for, who
should be in a peculiar manner Xp7jg, to teach glad-tidings, divine wisdom, to mankind . Moses ;
the conqueror of Babylon, called for this reason Cyrus ; Pythagoras, Herod, Caesar Augustus,
Jesus ; Mo or Om AHMED the cyclar desire of all nations ; St . Francis ; were all thought, each in
his day, to be Xpls--oi by their followers ; and the vital principle which constituted a man, in each

I After nearly the whole of the first volume had been printed, I met with an observation of Mr . Christie's, (Essay on
Worship of Elements, p . 25,) that Dr . Kennicott had shewn that only one tree standing in Eden was forbidden : this
induced me to examine the question more carefully than I had done, and I saw at once that Dr . Kennicott was right .
The whole context, of all the tracts of which Genesis is composed, relates only to one tree, except one short passage at
the end of the third chapter .
3 Christians were first called Christs . Bingham .
252 Allegories
age, a member of this religion, and not a heretic, was a belief that this X pi g was come at that
time, or had previously come .
I just now asked the question, whether the attempt to acquire illegal knowledge, or knowledge
acquired by the possession of letters, was not the tree of life . Enoch says, the great sin of the
old world, and that for which it was destroyed, was the attempt to obtain forbidden and illegal
knowledge . This I consider of great importance .
In Genesis it is said, that man acquired knowledge-tasted of the fruit of the tree of knowledge
of good and evil-illegally, illicitly, contrary to the command of God ; in consequence, the ground
was cursed, and in future he had to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow . Allegory or gross
inconsistency is on the face of the story, respecting the curse of sterility fixed on the ground, in
consequence of man's disobedience ; for, it is said just before, that he was placed in the garden to
dress and till it ; and every one knows that the ground was not cursed : the sweet chestnut and
the filbert, the plants of wheat and barley, bring forth their fruit, and are succeeded by the orange,
the fig, &c., before they are decayed, as freely now as they always did . Then what does this
mean? May it allude to the discovery by the people, by the uninitiated, of the art of writing, of
letters, of the tree of knowledge, of the secrets of the priesthood ? May it mean, that the people,
as in Tibet, were taught the effect of good conduct by the initiated, but were not initiated into its
arcana, and that, in future, the arcana would be known to those only who had gone through the
labours of initiation ? The expression of Enoch seems to favour this conjecture .
I think it probable that in the allegory of the trees of knowledge and of life, the latter was only
to be obtained from first having tasted the former, or otherwise the devil must have been a very
great fool indeed, in not first persuading Eve to taste of the tree of life, by which means he would
have completely beaten his Creator . No one would have contrived to make the cunning devil so
great a fool. This being admitted, and there is nothing in the text against it, the eating of the
forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge must have been the acquisition of the knowledge of letters
by the uninitiated, and the fruit of the tree of life must have been the knowledge which was ac-
quired by reading, by having tasted the knowledge of letters, of the eternal state of happiness in-
tended for man by absorption into the To Ov-happiness to be hastened by religious rites, mental
abstraction-in fact, by the possession of a portion of wisdom or knowledge only to be obtained by
initiation in the mysteries, and incarnated in the initiated by the Samach, Xeiporovca, or imposi-
tion of hands, or investiture with the pallium . By this knowledge the initiated learned, that, by
good conduct and the practice of virtue, they could hasten the period or shorten the sum of trans-
migrations . .l This was only known to, and was a most invaluable privilege of, the favoured ini-
tiated few . This opens to us a most beautiful view of the ancient mysteries, a view in every
respect justified by masonic mysteries of the present day, and anciently obscured by the unfor-
tunate corporate and monopolising spirit, which excluded the mass of mankind from the invaluable
secret, and thus kept them in a state of debasement-a weakness which seems inherent in the
human character, at least a weakness attaching to the character of the great men of antiquity

I The ancient fathers generally believed in the metempsychosis, which was thus a part of the religion
. Let me not
be understood to mean that the professors of these doctrines really believed that, by the Samach or xeifozoyta, a real
inspiration was communicated . No : this was never imparted till after examination had shewn, that the neophyte had
imbibed from his instructor-or that he had really acquired the divine knowledge of the divine wisdom-that he was
imbued with divine wisdom-that, in short, divine wisdom suitable to the degree to which he aspired was incarnate in
him, for it could not, of course, be in him, without being infused into him . It is exactly the same with our ordination
of priests and bishops . The superior gives the xetpoTorsa-but it is not till after, by examination, he has ascertained
that the divine knowledge or the knowledge of divine matters, is actually, or professedly, possessed by the neophyte .
Book III . Chapter III . Section 5 253
with very few exceptions . In these exceptions we may place Socrates, Pythagoras, Jesus, who
are said to have all lost their lives, not for divulging the secrets of the initiation ; but, without
being guilty of that offence, for endeavouring to teach the mass of mankind what the few learned
from initiation, namely, that a virtuous life would secure eternal happiness ; and probably for
endeavouring to abolish the system of secrecy or exclusion . It has been always held to have been
the object of Jesus, to open the Jewish religion to the whole world-that must have been the se-
cret religion, the Cabala. The above was the simple and unadulterated doctrine of the philoso-
phers of Athens, Crotona, and Nazareth . This was the Chreestism, as Justin Martyr said, taught
equally by Socrates and Jesus of Nazareth . And one of the great objects of this work is to re-
store the doctrines of Socrates and of Jesus,-to draw aside their veils, as well as that of Isis .
5. Persons may dispute about the allegory of the tree, the arbor magna in medio Paradisi, and
say this or that is not the meaning of the text ; but I am certain that no philosopher will deny
there is a high probability that the exposition which I have given of it, was the exposition of the
ancients, and that upon which their secret system was founded . The sacred book of the Tamuls, as
I have before stated, (in p . 15,) is said to have had five meanings. In India the mythos says, that
the eldest son of God, the Adonis, the male, at the instigation of the female, robbed the garden of a
flower, for which he was crucified ; but that he rose again to life and immortality, and by this he
wrought the salvation of man . May this be, that he secured the continuance of the generations of
man ? In the allegory of the fall of man, Adam and Eve having tasted of the fruit of the tree of
knowledge, knew that they were naked and covered themselves with the leaves of the fig-tree,
Ficus Indicus . I have no doubt it is on this account that the Indians give the name of Rawasit,
that is, n tt1N'1 rasit, knowledge or wisdom, to that tree : 1 a tree peculiarly sacred to Xaca or
Buddha. 2 And from a peculiar property which the fig has of producing its fruit from its flowers,
contained within its own bosom, and concealed from profane eyes, its leaves were selected by
Adam and Eve to conceal the organs of generation . Most of what has been said by Messrs .
Maurice and Knight respecting the Lotus, 3 may be said of the fig-tree . The emblematic fruit of
the tree of knowledge has been generally considered to be the apple ; but it was very often de-
scribed by the grape growing on, or hanging to, the elm . On ancient cameos the tree of know-
ledge is constantly described by a vine, producing its fruit among the branches of the marital elm .
There is nothing in the apple or its mythic history to favour its pretensions : but what was the
grape, the fruit of Bacchus, but the Greek f o'rpug, or wisdom ; and, again, the Wisdom, in the
Latin Rac-emus ? 4 The Greeks made out the apples of the Hesperides and the golden fleece from
this mythos. In the oriental language the fruit was Souph or Wisdom ; and as Souph meant also
wool, of course they took the gross idea, and instead of sacred wisdom, Xp71g, Souph, made golden
fleece. And their word for fleece, µag
og or iu.aQov, meaning also apple, thus they got their golden
apples. In a similar manner arose almost all the vulgar mythologies of the elegant Greeks-a
very elegant but generally very unscientific nation . And this leads me to return to the esoteric
meaning of the most beautiful, and, I am persuaded ; the most general, of all the religious rites of
antiquity-the Eucharistia-the sacrifice of bread and wine. We all know that Ceres was bread,
Bacchus, wine . Love grows cold without bread and wine ; "Amor friget sine Cerere et Baccho ."
What is bread? It is the flour of wheat, the most useful plant in the world-of that plant, which,
by a peculiar blessing of Divine Love, has alone the property of renewing its pollen or flour, when
destroyed by any accident . Thus the flour or wheat or bread is the most appropriate emblem of

I Georg . Alph. Tib . p . 509 . ' Ib . P . 17 . ' See Vol . I. pp . 339, 340.
4 Was the Vine hanging on the Elm, Racemes or Bothrys, M-Om crucified?
254 Allegories Continued
divine love ; bread is the produce of the pollen, as the renewed or regenerated man is the produce
of another flower, the infant man, the cupid, the pledge of love-the produce of the fruit which
the female solicited the male to taste, and which lie, by tasting, fecundated, at the same time that
he became wise to joys hitherto unknown to him, and by which he caused the continuance of the
species, regenerated for periods, aimv Taw aiwvmv . The wine was the grape, the 13orpus, the
racemus, the emblem of wisdom or knowledge-the fruit of the tree of knowledge, of the elm, the
first letter of the alphabet, which bore on its trunk all the tree of letters, of the vedas, in which
were concealed all sacred knowledge. The two united formed the Eu Ca Ri STia or Eu X a P 12;-'
dia, the good deity X prs, or Ceres : and from this the body and blood of the initiated or Gnostici
arose . And, in allusion to this, Jesus is made to say, "I will drink no more of the fruit of the
" vine until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God ." s That is, I shall no more give
you lessons, or join you in the search, of wisdom ; no more initiate you into the divine mysteries
of the Bonn or the Racem us, till we meet in a future life, in my Father's kingdom ; till we are all
reunited to our eternal Father, absorbed into the To Ov . I call this most beautiful allegory, not
more mystical than Jesus's calling Peter a stone, nor more equivocal in language ; but no doubt it
will be gall and wormwood to those who, in spite of the lessons of wisdom, continue to teach their
countrymen, that God really failed to kill Moses at an inn . Fabius Pictor says, "Jani agitate nulla
~Q erat monarchia, quia mortalibus pectoribus nondum hoeserat ulla regnandi cupiditas, &c . Vinum
" et far primus populos docuit Janus ad sacrificia : primus enim aras et pomoeria et sacra docuit ."
~Q In the time of Janus there was no monarchy, 3 for the desire of rule had not then folded itself
• about the hearts of men . Janus first taught the people to sacrifice wine and bread : he first set
Q0 up altars, and instituted gardens and solitary groves, wherein they used to pray ; with other holy
• rites and ceremonies ." 4
In every thing I observe that, the more deeply I search, the more I discover marks of the pro-
found learning of the ancients, till I gradually mount up to the To Ov .
I am told, (by persons who believe and who require me to believe on the most doubtful of re-
cords and evidence, that the water rose fifteen cubits above Chimborazo, and that God wrestled
with Jacob, and walked in the garden,) that I have no proof of the learning of the first nation .
But the proof which they require cannot, in the nature of things, be obtained . Every thing in
ancient history resolves itself into probability . In scarcely any instance can a proof, or any thing of
the nature of proof, be produced ; probability is all that can be expected . Innumerable are the
facts that we meet with which are totally unaccountable on any of the anciently received sys-
tems, but which are all rationally accounted for by the theory that I have produced, if it be true ;
and I beg to observe, that it is not merely a theory, but that it is supported by innumerable facts
and circumstances dovetailing into one another . Whether its truth be probable must be left to
my readers ; and nearly as various as the readers will be their opinions . One thing I would ask,
which is, that no one would form an opinion who has not read the whole book . But a compliance
with this request is not to be expected from the generality of mankind, who will find, if they will
examine themselves closely, that nine times out of ten they decide questions not from their know-
ledge, but from their ignorance. Nothing is more common than to hear persons saying, upon
questions they have never had the means of investigating, " 1 do not believe such a thing, because

From this the word Zap ; might have its origin . I Will any one say that this is not figurative?
3 Except a sacerdotal government, to be treated of hereafter-the empire of Pandaea
* Raleigh's Hist. Par. I. p . 91 .
Book III . Chapter III . Section 6 255

I have never heard or read that it is so ;" and in this manner they set up their opinion against
those who have investigated a subject, or who have heard or seen it discussed . .
6 . The consideration of the great length of time through which I have passed with my reader,
the vast space of country over which we have travelled, and the great variety of subjects which we
have discussed, or occasionally adverted to, in the course of our progress, suggest to me one or
two observations, which seem to be interesting, and which I will take the liberty of offering to his
consideration before I conclude this book .-In extent and complication of matter, perhaps no
work has exceeded mine. To have amply discussed every subject would have required a thou-
sand volumes ; and large as the work is, it can be considered as only a collection of the results of
the lucubrations of philosophers on each subject . But this state of the case is not without its
advantages . The philosophers of the world have been the industrious ants bringing in the grains
of corn to be stored by me, as far as it was in my power, and placed in order in galleries for the
use of the commonwealth . We have got a good store, gentle reader ; and now we will take a
walk together through the galleries, and review a small part of what we have accumulated . A
deep consideration of what we have seen, must, I think, satisfy any one, that an uniform system
may be perceived to have pervaded the whole world, and to have come down to us from the earliest
time. We must always recollect that a certain degree of uncertainty and doubt is inherent in the
nature of these inquiries . If this uncertainty did not exist, with most of their interest, they would
lose all their utility . We seem to be fighting against a law of Providence, which says, "Man,
cc thy power of vision is limited ; thou shalt not look too far either behind or before thee ." Our
circle of vision, too, is narrowed not alone by Providence ; the cunning and all the evil passions of
priests, and the prejudice of man, caused by his being educated by them, are leagued with his
weakness to impede our progress, to embarrass our subject, and to render more doubtful, re-
searches which, in their own nature, are sufficiently doubtful . When the priest cannot darken or
throw into confusion, he burns, he forges, and he lies ; speculating, according to a theory or plan
charged on the philosophers by Mr. Faber,' but which that gentleman appears to me to have
practised himself in the case of M . Volney, and on the old proverb, that a lie uncontradicted for a
fortnight, is as good as a truth . Therefore we must be content with probabilities, and not expect
mathematical' demonstrations .
In the foregoing disquisition, there is, upon the whole, no part so curious or so important in its
results, as the origin of languages and letters . All the systems of the world seem to be intimately
interwoven with them, or at least so connected as not to be separated . This naturally arises from
the circumstance, that the systems of antiquity are only preserved in the letters of the different
nations, and are only to be found in detached parts, a little in one, and a little in another .
In all the vast variety of systems or religions it appears to me, that no where is an original one
to be found . All seem to be founded upon something which has preceded, and to have arisen out
of it. If we consider the state of the human understanding, this seems natural ; for the mind of
man is always jealous of being deceived, to a certain extent, and so far as generally to detect for-
geries attempted de novo . We have several examples of the detection of attempts of this kind ;
and I think there is reason to believe that none have succeeded . I am quite certain, that an un-

I " It is said to have been a regular part of the atheistical system, on the continent, to misquote and misrepresent
• ancient authors ; and the honest principle of it is this : where one reader is capable of following the titer, ten will be
incapable ; of those who are capable, where one takes the trouble to do it, ten will not take the trouble ; and of those
`° who detect the falsehood, where one steps forward to expose it, ten will be silent . It may, therefore, never be de-
" tected ; and if it be detected, the voice of a single individual, when the efforts of a whole conspiracy are employed to
• drown it, will be heard to a very little distance ." Pag . Idol.. Vol. III . p . 650.
256 Retrospect
prejudiced examination of every religion or sect will result in the conviction, that it was founded
on somewhat which preceded it, and, generally, that it was got up more by fools than rogues ;
though I must not be understood to deny, that the fools were, in many cases, abundantly roguish .
But there was, what they believed to be, truth at the bottom, which it was thought good or right
to support, and in the support of which a -little fraud was considered to be excusable, and, indeed,
often meritorious . And under this pretext they ran into the greatest extremes of fraud . If we
consider this, and admit it to be a fair representation of the case, we shall find it leads us naturally
to the conclusion, that there can be no system existing which may not be traced to some other
system which has preceded it ; and this satisfactorily accounts for their all running back to the
most remote antiquity . It follows as a necessary consequence, that they must do so ; for, accord-
ing to this theory ; they would have been detected if they had been modern . The systems are like
languages-both like the radii of a circle, diverging from a centre, as they advanced down the
stream of time, but merging into a centre as we recede upwards . The origin of letters is a theory,
and nothing but a theory, and so it must always remain . We have not any thing like a record of

their invention ; but from the discovery of the right-lined alphabets, I think a probability arises,
that they have not been of an extreme antiquity . It may be doubted whether we possess suffi-
cient data to justify a belief in their greater antiquity than two thousand years before Christ . Yet
it is possible that they may have been much older . But if we admit this, I think we must sup-
pose them to have been a magical or masonic secret .
On reconsidering the theory of the origin of letters and arithmetic, and their close connexion
with the sacred numbers, and the division of the year and circle into three hundred and sixty
parts, I can find nothing improbable ; indeed, I can find nothing in ancient or modern times more
probable than that which I have suggested ; and I am quite satisfied I have proved, that all writ-
ten languages had originally only one system of sixteen letters ; (I speak not of the Chinese ;)
and the renewed reflection of each recurring day more and more serves to convince me, that it was
of the nature of a masonic system, and kept a profound secret for many generations . I conceive
that it was the first discovery of this secret art which gave rise to the castes of antiquity, thus
making the initiated a race really superior to the remainder of mankind . We have a perfect
example in Tibet of what they would be-the priests, the initiated idlers, ruling the uninitiated
labourers .
The early monuments of man, in their scientific and gigantic character, every where display
power and science too great to exist without letters and arithmetic, and in the unity of their cha-
racter they prove that one system must have extended over the whole world . What can be more
striking than the cromlehs, carps, and the circles round them, constantly used to describe the
cycles and vernal festivals, equally found in India and Britain, and found also in all the interme-
diate countries ? Had the science of letters not been a masonic secret, when the builders of
Stonehenge and Abury were recording their astronomical cycles upon them in the numbers of the
stones, they would have inscribed some letters upon them, as they are said to have done upon the
pillars of the Siriad in later times .
What can be more striking than the universal adoration paid to the sun, in his character of
Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer, or as the emblem of the Triple Deity, the Trimurti or Trinity
-of Buddha, of Moses or Genesis, of Orpheus, and of Jesus of Nazareth ? Is there a corner of
the old world which has not been stained with the blood shed on account of this beautiful, but
often-misunderstood, doctrine ? The proofs are complete of its existence in the Aleim of the first
verse of Genesis or Wisdom .
The doctrine of the androgynous nature of the Deity is as universal as the Trinitarian doctrine .
There is no part of the old world where it is not found ; and in the observations on the word
Book III . Chapter III . Section 6 257
Aleim, the plural feminine of the word AL, it is shewn to have existed as really with the Jews as
with any other nation . All these, and many more, were the doctrines of the Cullidei or Chal-
daeans or Mathematici, evidently the most learned race in the world, as I have repeatedly inti-
mated, and as I shall more satisfactorily prove .
In the Buddhist history of Wisdom, or, as we call it in Greek, Genesis, we have an account,
and the first account, of the people called Chaldei . In India there are clearly found two Urs of the
Chaldees, or Urianas of Collida, from either of which the Chaldei may have come . This Buddhist
book expressly says, that the Brahmin who founded the Judmean state in Western Syria came
from the East ; therefore, if we are to believe it, they must have come from one of the two Urs
which were in the East ; and this is an admission of this book to which we cannot refuse our as-
sent,-every circumstance, all history and all probability support it . And I think it must be
concluded, that the Chaldei, both of the West and of Cape Comorin, were equally colonies of the
Chaldei of central Asia or Upper India . And a little reflection may induce the belief, that settle-
ments of Chaldei were also made even as far as Ireland, and the island of Columba or Iona.
In the Chaldei we have, most fortunately, preserved to us the name of these people from the
most remote antiquity ; so that this is not a matter entirely arising from inference . It is of the
nature of a circumstantial proof of an historical fact, and its consequences are most valuable and
important. It serves as a chain to connect together all the scattered scraps of ancient history,
and the various detached parts of the one universal Pandean or Catholic system of religion, through
all its varieties in different parts of the world : and, through all its varieties, carrying with it one
generic character, that of the affectation of secrecy-a perfect Proteus, but still, at the bottom,
Chaldaic and secret-mysterious to the end, even in its last dying speech in the Lodge of Anti-
quity, at Freemasons' Tavern, in London . I do not pretend to say I have proved that the art of
writing was a masonic or magical secret for many generations . In the nature of the case it is not
capable of proof, but I think this may, with great probability, be inferred . However, I shall as-
sume that it has been proved, and in my next book I shall endeavour to shew the nature of the
universal system above alluded to, and of the Pontifical dominion which the philosophers, in con-
sequence of their possessing the knowledge of letters, acquired over the whole world ; and, in
the book following, a doctrine which they held will be developed-a doctrine which is now lost, or
known only by effects totally unaccountable to us in consequence of our ignorance of their cause .
258 )



Universal Pontifical Government Religion of Tibet-Chartres' Stone-The Linga

-Island of Iona-Feodal or Feudal Tenure-Gavel-kind-Frank-al-Moign
-Lands in Demesne-Burgage Tenure-Tenure by Knights'Service-Origin
of Monks and Nuns-Land Tax of India-The Scythians-The Arabians-
Mythic Divisions of Countries, with their Officers-Trade, Craft, Ras or Caste
-Cathedrals, &c ., were Druidical, then Roman, Temples-Ings Lands-Al-
lodial Lands-History of the Island of Ii, or Iona, or Icolmkill-Ceylon-Cal
-Vitrified Forts of Scotland-Mystery, WVittenagemote-The Scandinavians
-German Rossicrucians-Di-Om, D'Om, Domus, Om-Ceres, Bethlehem-
Chivalry-Sea Kings, Runes-Golden Age .

1 . THE object of the two following books of my work will be to skew, that in very ancient
times, of which we have scarcely any notice, a very powerful pontifical government extended its
sway over the whole world ; that it was learned as well as powerful ; and that it must have been
the author of the ancient Druidical works every where to be met with, and was probably the em-
pire designated in the Indian books by the name of Pandea . I suppose this was an empire of Saca
or Buddha ; that it was first established to the north of India ; and that it extended itself by send-
ing out tribes or colonies under the command of its own order, which, availing itself of its superior
intelligence, easily conquered the Aborigines, (who were a people, as I shall shew, that had escaped
from a flood,) and established every where its dominion . I shall shew that the Supreme Pontiff
was, in some respects, similar to the Lama of Tibet and the Pope-supposed to be a Vicramaditya
or Vicar of God, and probably thought to be a divine incarnation of the Trimurti of India, or Tri-
nity . I shall shew, that there were several floods, and point out, probably, the times when three
of them happened, and that they were caused by a comet in its several returns .
2. No person has turned his mind to the consideration of the religion of Tibet, which is the only
country in which we have the Buddhist religion in any thing like its original purity, who has not
expressed his surprise at the wonderful similarity between its religion and that of Rome . But if
we divest our minds of prejudice we shall see that they are, in fact, precisely the same, only dis-
guised by our sectarian nonsense. Jesus Christ was supposed to be the ninth Avatar, (as they
had the ninth Avatar in the East,) with the expectation of the tenth, till the failure of the millenium
destroyed it ; but a remnant of it remains among some persons, such as the followers of Brothers
and Southcott, and Faber, Irving, &c ., who expect a re-incarnation of Jesus Christ .
The Dalecarlians of Sweden have a dialect of their own, which is considered to be a relict of the
Gothic, the Anglo-Saxon, and the Irish languages, with which it has a great similarity . Holseniu
says the same analogy exists, with many other languages, such as English, Greek, Spanish, and
Italian ; and Dr . Thomson, who travelled in Sweden, tells us, that a Dalecarlian who spoke this
dialect, being landed near Aberdeen, was understood by the inhabitants . The Swede was under-
Book IV . Section 3 259
stood because his language was the Celtic Hebrew-the parent of all the languages in a state
almost primeval . Every where, when we go back to the most remote times, one language seems
to have prevailed, and that, the Celtic-Scythic-Saxon-Hebrew ; for, in those very early times, they
were one. I also beg leave to draw my reader's attention to the fact, that the name of the cruci-
fied Ii, by which the Scotch island is called, which is precisely the name of Jehovah in the Tar-
gums, who was believed to be incarnate and to appear in the person of the crucified Jesus Christ,
is also the name of the incarnate Bal or Lord I,, who was the crucified God of the temple of Tri-
petty, on the promontory not far from Ceylon . It was in the country where we find this God,
that we found some persons calling the language Chaldean, and all calling it Pushto or Pushpa,
the name of the Syrian tongue ; and here it was that we found the story of St . Thomas and the
Crestans, and all the mythos of Moses, &c ., as described by the Jesuits, and also the story of
Robertus de Nobilibus turning Brahmin .
3. It cannot well be doubted that the stone at Chartres is precisely the same as the Linga in the
cave at Bhobaneser, in the Carnatic, forty feet long, as described by Stirling in the Asiatic Re-
searches.' In the dialogue between Justin and Trypho is the following passage : " For Christ is
• said to be a King and Priest, and God, and Lord, and Angel, and Man, and Captain of the Host,
• and STONE ." 2 Now, if the stone here do not refer to the stone in the crypts of the temples
and Christian churches, I should be happy to be informed to what it does allude. The equivoque
of the stone and Peter evidently refers to the same thing . Trypho is made to say, "Suppose it be
" true that Christ was to be called a stone ." This alludes to the Stone, Linga or Logos .
I understand Duchesne was one of the most celebrated antiquarians of France, and now ranks
with our Selden . The following particulars were given me by my friend Robert Hannay, Esq .-
CnAnTRES, its Antiquity. 3 " Cette ville est l'une des plus antiques, non de 1'Europe, mais de toute
~` la Terre . Les Gomerites envoy6s pour peupler la Gaule Celtique, en jetterent les premiers
• fondemens du temps de Nod, ce second pere et anc6tre de la race des hommes, sous la con-
" duite du grand Samothes .-Aujourd-hui la ville de Chartres Se glorifie de son Eglise Cathedrale
" eomme du plus ancien temple de la Chretientd .-Avant que Caesar 1'ettt assujettie a la gran-
" deur de 1'Empire, par taut de diverses guerres, les Seigneurs et Roitelets qui eurent la reserve
• de son gouvernement avoient puise quelque crdance dans la doctrine des Druides que d'une
• Vierge devoit naltre au monde le Redempteur des humains . CrEance qui occasionea le gou-
• verneur Priscus de la faire tirer et figurer embrassant un petit enfant, lui donner rang parmi les
" statues des sea Dieux et lui offrir des sacrifices ." Here Duchesne recounts a miracle which
occasioned the building of a temple to the Virgin : "Miracle qui 1'emporta aisdment avec Priscus
• au bStiment d'un temple a l'honneur de cette Vierge laquelle n'avoit encore vu la lumiere du
" Soleil, et qui ne la vit de plusieurs centaines d'ans apr8s .-St . Pierre, chef des Ap6tres, delegua les
" bien-heureux saints Savinian et Potentian en la Gaule, les quels s'etant arrates a Chartres, trou-
• v0ent que cc peuple honoroit deja la memoire de la Vierge, qui devoit nous produire le Fils de
• Dieu, et que pour relever davantage son honneur et sa gloire ils lui avoient superbement b{ ti
• ce temple. C'est pour quoi ils impremerent aisdment le caractere de la croyance Chretienne
• sur ces tendres ames et consecranI leur temple au nom de la sacr6e Mere ." He then, among
other matters, observes, that the church had seventy-two Chanoines .
After the above, Mr . Hannay gives me the following curious history, and I think few persons
will doubt that we have here, in the capital of the ancient CARNUTES of Gaul, a repetition of the

I Vol. XV . p . 311 . 4
Sect . xxxvi. Ed. Brown, p . 146.
3 Extracted from Les Antiquitez et Recherches des Villes, &c ., par Andrd Duchesne, 1609, pp . 292, 294-296.
260 Chartres' Stone-The Linga
Linga worship of Buddha, and of Delphi, and of Jerusalem, named in the Appendix to my first
volume . I request attention particularly to what I have said respecting the Carnutes and the
Carn in Vol . I . p . 835, and to the Virgo Paritura ; in the extract of Duchesne .
"Of the various histories of the Cathedral of Chartres not one have I been able to find in the
" British Museum, otherwise my notes on its Druidical remains might have been much extended .
" In the absence of authority allow me to offer my own evidence in proof of a very ancient and
" singular relict of the Druidical religion still extant there . In 1825, I spent some days at Char-
69 tres, when there happened a festival of that church . On Sunday the cathedral was crowded
" with the people of that city and its neighbourhood . At the close of the service I observed that
'~ no one left the church without kneeling and making a short prayer before a small pillar or stone,
'~ for it was without polish, base or capital, placed in a niche, and much worn on one side by the
i0 kisses of the devout ; after prayer each embracing the stone and imprinting with reverence a kiss
'Q upon its left side . Curious to know something of this strange ceremony, I inquired of an offi-
" cial of the cathedral, who informed me, that this stone was of high antiquity, even earlier than
" the establishment of Christianity-that for many centuries it had remained in a crypt of the
" cathedral, where lamps were kept constantly burning ; but the stairs leading to this vault having
" been worn away by the great resort of pilgrims to this sacred spot, to spare the expense of re-
" pairs and avoid the accidents frequent in descending, the stone had been removed some time ago
" from its original site to where it now stands in the cathedral above . Upon further inquiry into
CQ the motives for this singular adoration, I was assured that this was no common stone, but a
~~ miraculous stone, and that its miracles were performed by its intercession with the Virgin
" Mary.

I need not repeat that Delphi means the navel, and that it was called the centre and navel of the
earth . In that temple there was a stone pillar to which the priests paid the most profound re-
spect.' How can we doubt that here there were the same pillar and navel of the earth as we
found at Jerusalem, Chartres, &c .? As we find the Lingas both in the temples at Jerusalem and
Chartres were in vaults, so we find the Linga of the Rajahs of Kesari at the .temple of Bhaskar-
esar, or Bhobandser, Maha-deo, is placed in a "subterranean vault" as far as possible ; but, from
its immense size, it projects out to a great height .2 In the adoration of the Linga we have a very
remarkable example of the diffusion of this religion-in the Kara-corums or .stone circles and lingas
or pillars . We have it first in Tartary, probably its birthplace ; then we have it described at
Bhobaneser in Orissa's in the Carnatic, in the Lingas and the name of the country ; we next have
it in the Gordyoean mountains ; next in Carnac, in Egypt ; next in Troy, with its Mount Gargarus,
its stone circle and palladium, or sacred stone ; next in the Temple of Jerusalem, as described by
Nicephorus Calistus, with its stone pillar concealed in the cellar ;4 next in Rome, with its Etrus-
can Agrimensorism ; next in Chartres, the capital of the Carnutes, the exact picture of that de-
scribed by Nicephorus Calistus ; next in Choir Gaure or Stonehenge ; and lastly, in the Linga
and Yoni and Kara-corum of Scotland, with its sacred stone from Scone . To these must be
added the fire towers of Ireland, Scotland, and, indeed, many other of the fire towers, as they are

' Paus . Beeotic . 25 ; Coast . Vol. II . p . 343 . ' Asiat. Res . Vol . XV. p . 311 .
' Ibid . Vol . XV. p . 306 . Bhobandser is also called Bhuvaneswara, and also Ekam-rakanuna, or Ekamra, or Ekamber .
I have no doubt this was, as the city of the Linga, the city of the generative principle, the city of =zn hkm, the God of
Wisdom .
* See Vol. 1. p . 832.
Book IV. Section 3 261
nonsensically called, in many parts of Europe, and also the towers of India, of the Callidei, or
Culdees, or Cala-Desa, which are almost exact pictures of those in Ireland . In some instances,
where they are very large, iron bearers, of a size almost beyond credibility, have been used ; as
for example, at the ancient desecrated temple of Jaggernaut . " But, in general, the architects
" have resorted, in the construction of their roofs, to the method of laying horizontal layers of
"stone, projecting one beyond the other like inverted steps, until the sides approach sufficiently
" near at the summit to admit of other blocks being laid across ." I This, which is the most
ancient mode of covering now remaining in the world, is precisely the same in the towers of
Ireland and India. Not far from the famous Jaggernaut is the village of Kanarak : this is evi-
dently the same name as the Carnac of the Carnutes in the West . It is called the Arka. Here
was a famous temple of the sun . It was in the same style of building as those described above,
and it tends to confirm what I have formerly said of the mystic use of the loadstone, that its roof,
formed of overhanging stones, is capped with a large LOAD5TONL ; and in order to support such
an enormous mass, bearers of beaten iron, which are yet remaining twenty-one feet in length and
eight inches square, have been used. The stones of the roof have been fifteen or sixteen feet long,
six feet deep, and two or three feet thick . s These stones must have been raised nearly two hun-
dred feet high . The building is formed into a cross by its two magnificent porches . Each side,
we are told, 3 is sixty feet long . This would be, in feet of Cairo or of antiquity, at 8 .7552 inches
to the foot, about seventy-five feet . But when I consider the careless mode in which our travellers
often make their measurements, I cannot help suspecting it has been seventy-two feet . It must
have been a difficult matter correctly to ascertain the length of such a mass of ruins, amidst the
jungle, the tigers, and the snakes . My friend, Professor Haughton, very nearly lost his life in
attempting to penetrate to them through the jungle . In the front of the building stands a most
beautiful pillar of one stone, 4 which cannot fail to remind a spectator of the pillars in front of the
churches in Rome, particularly that in front of Maria Maggiore, for the location of which no satis-
factory reason can be, or at least ever is, given . The Indians call these stones Jaya Stambhas or
Pillars of Victory . But I believe their name has descended from a very remote antiquity, when
they were called, in the language of the Chaldeans or Callidei or Culdees, Pillars of ii1T ieue or rvr'
ieie, the Self-existent God, commonly called in the Bible, the God of Sabaoth, of Armies, of Hosts,
and of VICTORY . Jagannath is saluted with cries of-Jye Jagannath, which they say means Vic-
tory to Jagannath ; but it is evident that this is the Hebrew i " iie or ie, always called the God of
victory ; and in both cases it really means, God the Creator, or the God of Wisdom, or Wisdom of
the great Ia or Creator . But it had probably both meanings, one private, the other public . The
ancient Hindoo bridges, built of overhanging instead of radiated stones, are very common in South
India. b A history is to be found in Persia, evidently similar, though we have only a part of it .
Benj . Constants says, "Lors de la destruction de Persepolis par lea Mohamedans, on ddcouvrit
" dans lea fondentents d'un des principaux temples de cette ville, une pierce precieuse appelee
~~ Tutya, qui n'existe qu'aux Indes, sans que rien indiqufit comment elle avait pu y titre apportee ."
I think, after reading the accounts of the stone in the crypt or vault in the Carnatic, at Jerusalem,
and in the capital of the Carnutes, no one will deny that there is a high probability that all these
were for the same purpose, viz, to conceal the Cabalistic doctrines of the first chapter of John,-
the adoration of the Logos, the Linga, or the Honover, as the Logos was called in Persia . 7

Asiat. Res. Vol . XV . p . 307 . ' See Vol . I . p 765. ' Asiat. Res. Vol. XV. P . 329.
* , Ib . p . 320. pp . 336, 337 . 6 Vol. II . p. 24 .
' See Ouvrages de Zoroastre, Vol. L Part. II . pp . 86, 87, where the Word is. invoked. See also pp. 138, 139, (which
is very, like John i.1,) and Vol. II . p. 239, where may be seen the I Ax, i. e . of the Hebrews. Trans. .Bombay, Vol . II .
p. 318 .
262 Feodal or Feudal Tenure

4 . We will now pause a little, and reconsider a few of the circumstances connected with the
island of Iona . Artimodorus says, that there was an island, near to Britain, where sacrifices were
offered to Ceres and Proserpine, the same as in Samothrace . We have seen how Ceres or Cres is
identified with both Bacchus and Apollo, and it may be recollected how a sacred hyperborean island
is said to have adored Apollo . It may also be recollected how we found in the East, close to
Ceylon, on the promontory, the adoration of the crucified God, the XPvS, and the Callidei or Cul-
lidi or Culdees, with their three Sacraments-of orders, baptism, and the eucharist-and also the
Christians of St . Thomas . Let it also be recollected, that Diodorus tells us, Apollo was adored
with dances, and that in this island the God danced all night . Now, from the Phoenician Ireland,
of Mr. Henry O'Brien, (p . 227,) I learn, that the Christians of St . Thomas, till a very late day,
celebrated their Christian worship with dances and songs . It may be recollected, that we have all
these matters repeated at Delphi, where Dr . Clarke found the tablet with the XPr)s . The reader
must recollect the Linga and Nabhi in the cave at Bhobaneser-the Linga in the ancient temple of
Jerusalem-in the cave at New Grange, in Ireland, I and at Delphi, and with the Carnutes of
Gaul, whose monstrous temple was Carnac, and that this eastern country is called Carnate and
Carnatic, that the languages of these countries were called Gael and Sin-gall and Sanscrit . He
must recollect also the Camasene in India, Cape Coma-rin and Italy, and, what we have almost
lost sight of, the April-fool and May-day festivals equally celebrated in Britain and India . The
heathen custom of celebrating the rites of Thomas with singing and DANCING is, in fact, of itself,
almost enough to prove the Thomas to be Tamuz, without the proofs which I have given in the
first volume . But, as Mr. Baber 2 and our travellers give us no account of this dancing, it appears
to have been suppressed since the arrival of the Protestants : hence we see how much more effec-
tive our Protestant missions are than those of the Papists, to suppress all the truths which may
be of any real service to discover the nature of ancient history .
5. Perhaps among the circumstances which tend to shew the ancient connexion between the
Eastern and Western nations, and to support my theory, that an universal sacerdotal empire ex-
tended its sway over the old world, there is not one more curious and striking than the existence,
in the most widely separated parts, of the same artificial mode of occupying land, called in this
country the Feodal or Feudal Tenure or system . This system is found equally in Britain and
India. I apprehend it was first brought to the West from the latter, in very remote times, by a
tribe of the followers of Xaca,-that is, by the Sacae or Saxons . As the system is found both in
Gaul and Scandinavia, it may have come hither by way of the former, or of the latter country . Every
one knows that after the time of the Romans, in, comparatively speaking, a recent period, tribes of
Saxons came to this country from the latter, but originally they came to both from Asia . Richard-
son truly says, a the feudal system in Europe is an exotic plant, but in the East it is indigenous,
~~ universal, and immemorial . In India, Persia, Tartary, and other Eastern countries, the whole
" detail of government, from the most ancient accounts down to the present hour, can hardly be
defined by any other description than feudal ." D'Ancarville says, It Asia was then a fief depend-
ing on Scythia : it was the first governed by this kind of constitution, and here may be dis-
°c covered the origin of the FEUDAL SYSTEM,
brought into Europe by these very Sacm ." a The
system of feodal tenure supposes the natural state to be a state of rest-of peace-rest and peace to
be the rule, and war the exception ; and the granting of Jagheers or military fiefs-creating tenants
by knights' service, is perfectly consistent with this . 4 It is curious to observe the principles of

Vide O'Brien, p . 320. ' See Vol . I. p . 668. ' Vall . Coll. Hib . Vol. V. pp . 33, 228, 317.
4 The Jagheer is said to have been a Mohamedan institution ; Patton on Principles of Asiat . Mon . p. 203 ; but this
Book I1' . Section 5 263
the feudal system admitted to be lost equally in India and Europe, and the lawyers in each of
these countries to be in perpetual strife about them, yet making out nothing satisfactory at last .
Before letters, livery of seizin was the practice . When we look to the great countries of Asia we
find every where immense military fiefs, or fiefs partly military and partly hierarchical ; we gene-
rally, I think, see the priests grow into kings : in some we see the seat of the priest occupied by
the general, who, having forced the priest to give him the unction or Xeiprovia, thus becomes
sacred majesty . In Europe we see the system falling to pieces in different ways-the municipia
growing into free states-some more, some less assimilated to the despotisms of Asia . In France
and Germany, principalities arose,-in Italy and Greece, republics . Mr. Patton, who is the most
sensible writer I have ever met with on these subjects, observes, "The circumstance of land being
" common or the property of the society, and never possessed by individuals among the pastoral
• tribes, which has been so frequently pressed upon the attention of the reader, seems to offer a
" natural explanation of the rise and progress of the Asiatic constitution of monarchical govern-
" went, which is uniformly and unalterably despotic. These peculiarities have been shewn to
" depend upon the absolute property of the land being vested in the sovereign, which precludes
" the rivalship of power through the means of great land-proprietors, who cannot possibly exist
" under such circumstances . But how this absolute property, of all the land of the state, came
" originally to be vested in the monarch or sovereign, is the question which it is so difficult to
" answer. If we suppose the pastoral state of society to have universally preceded the agricultural

" state in Asia, a supposition not void of historical support, a very obvious explanation seems to
" result from it . Among all pastoral tribes, the monarchical form of government is prevalent : the
" chief is the representative of the public, and, in time of war, is absolute . The first and earliest
" transition froth the pastoral to the agricultural state of society, must always remain a subject
• for conjecture ."' Notwithstanding the multitude of writers of great eminence, both
Jurists, like Spelman, and antiquarian philosophers, like Montesquieu, Dr . Stuart, &c ., who
have written respecting the origin of feodal tenures or fiefs, 2 it cannot be denied, that they have
all failed to give a satisfactory explanation of it . It cannot be denied that something is still
wanting . 3 I flatter myself my theory will supply it . Mr. Patton observes, that Bernier, Manu-
chi, Thevenot, Chardin, Tavernier, all with one consent assert, that there was no private landed
property in India-that the emperor was sole proprietor of all the lands within his empire . a In
China, the same appears to have been the case, and only a tenth of the produce was taken ; s and
in Persia or Iran the same . 6 And, again, the same in Siam or the Burman empire,' which, in
the laws of Menu, is called Dhasa-meda . The Dhasa, is the Latin decima, and the Meda the
Latin modius or measure, and the whole the tenth measure of the grain or other produce . Of the
word feoud or feod or feud, I have not seen and cannot give any satisfactory explanation . But if
the tribes of loudi and the Sacae were the same, I suggest for consideration whether feudal
tenure may not be lands in the tenure of Pi-loudi, THE loudi. And in favour of this is the
circumstance, that the part of the country whence the loudi came, namely, the Mesopotamia
formed by the Indus and Ganges, is precisely the country were the Fe odal system retains
its greatest vigour at this day . Vallancey says, in old Irish Faoidud means, one under

I can scarcely believe . The word Jagheer seems old : 1 .1 gr rt' ia, literally, country within a circular inclosure, a dis-
trict, as districts in Ceylon and Germany were called Circles .
' Patton on the Principles of Asiatic Monarchies, pp . 268-270. 4
Ibid . P . 297 .
• Many interesting observations on the ancient feodal tenures may be found in Vallancey's Coll. Hib . Vol. V . pp .
23-33, 228, 229, 318, 321, 322.
• Patton, p . 200. 5 lb. P . 229 . 6 1 b . p . 231 . ' Ib . p . 264 .
264 Feodal or Feudal Tenure

covenant,' and Feudal tenure, in Irish, is dchusac, in Arabic, Akhezet . This must be the Hebrew
trim ahz, possedit, obtinuit, 2 and the Acherah of the Mohamedans, that is, the payment of the
tithe . In Irish Achusac also means possessio, and Sean-achas was a judge of a feodal code. I do
not much doubt, that the Sean-ach became Senate . The first redditio was of the tenth of the
produce, as the word asera implies, and this was paid to the patriarch at the head of the pontifical
government, or his assigns, by nearly the whole world . The word Feud or Feudal is a generic
term as applied to the. occupation of land, of which there are several species . The first I shall
notice is called Soccage and Free Soccage, which Blackstone says has been thought to be derived
from the Saxon Soc, a plough ; 3 but he thinks better, from Soc, liberty, privilege . However, I
think it -was from Xaca or Saca . It was the land of Saca, for which only the service of the plough
or an agricultural return was required by the priests, 4 in opposition to the knights' service, for
which, services of war or services which infringed upon personal liberty, were required by the
military governors . The former were the lands of Xaca, Saca, Saga, Sagax, of Wisdom . 5 Socage
or Soccage has been defined to be a determinate service, the render for which was precarious, un-
limited, and uncertain . This was certainly its nature ; but it was not from this that it had its
name. I believe that originally soccage estates descended to all the children : but certainly, in
Henry the Third's time, primogeniture in soccage lands came to prevail very generally . There
were Soc-manni and Boc-manni . The first were Seculars-the second the Regulars, the Moines
or Monks or Book-men . The mannus was descriptive of the order of Menu, or sacred or secret
order-from the secret writing . The Soc and the Boc describe the division of the caste into first
functionaries, and second those whence the functionaries were taken, into first, Regulars, i . e . Boc-
manni, initiati or ordered ; and second, Seculars, not regulated, not ordered . The word initiated
marks the distinction . In order to separate and know themselves, they initiated or circumcised
themselves : this was the secret, i. e . sacred rite. Is not sacred, Soc or Sac-rid, to be-rid, quit of
-free from the rule of monks, as well as free from the rule of military service ?
When Joseph was the prime minister of Egypt, it is clear that, whether his history be taken
figuratively or literally, 6 a state of feodal tenure was established by him ; the state of society
described is exactly that which existed in India and Europe . after the sword divided from the
crosier, and was beginning to prevail over it . (In the first ages of the tribe of the Jews the
crosier alone prevailed .) This was the independent, or partly independent, state of the king
at Thebes or Memphis, about the time when the priest at Philoe had power at his pleasure to
order him to commit suicide .' The king was not of the description of our officers bearing that
title. He was only the general in chief of the sacerdotal forces . We must recollect that the Rev .
Robert Taylor has proved, in his Diegesis, that all the different degrees and orders of priesthood,
or of the Christian hierarchy, formerly existed in Egypt . 8 This premised, I suggest that Free

Vall. Coll . Hib. Vol. V. p. 229 . ' Ibid. 229, 265. a Blackstone's Com . B . ii . Ch . vi.

4 After the sword had divided from the crosier, or the two castes of soldiers and priests, the origin of which I shall

explain by and by, had arisen .

a The Same are called Sagae, Vall. Coll . Hib. Vol. V. p . 34 ; hence come sacrum, sacrificium, sacerdos . The
Romans had a priest called Sagart, from the word Sag . There could be no sacrifice without this officer. From this
word Cleland says came the Sac-erdos . Cleland's Spec . p. 22.
6 Literally as I would fain flatter myself, at least in great part, for I cannot part with the beautiful story without
much regret . If it be not meant to be literal, it must be of the same nature as the Cyropaedia . It contains, in the
latter case, a parable, to inculcate some very fine moral doctrine, which, whether true or false, it teaches.
7 This is the exact case of the Grand Seignior and his Pashas at this day . ' See supra, p . 7I.
Book IV. Section 6 265

Soccage is the Soccage in Egypt of 4 q?i, IMD pre or Phre' or of Pharaoh, or of the Solar deity ; and,
in the North, of the Scandinavian Freisia, and the Swedish Frij . The occupiers of the lands of
the priests, when the crosier divided from the sword, held of the God Phre, and thus were free-
men or men of the God Free, and exempt from military service . Thus, probably, arose the words
free and free-men . They were men or tenants of the God Liber-of Liber-tas, or Liber-ty,
(Liber-di, or God or holy Liber,) because the God Free or 4)pYl was Bacchus, and because Bacchus
was called Liber . From his close connexion with the tree of knowledge and letters, he came to
be called by the name of liber, a book ; from a similar cause the bark of a tree, on which the letters
were written, was called liber, all which I have before shewn at . great length, supra, pp . 163,164. In
the state of the world which I now contemplate, the present state, in fact, of Tibet, the Priests were
the Lords of the creation . Their tenants, paying only a tenth of the produce as rent, must have
been in a very easy and comfortable state . Here is one of the reasons of the state of freemen,
so much envied . Those are the Liberi-Sokemanni .2 (We must not forget, and I shall presently
resume the discussion of the mythological meaning which I have shewn that the north country
word mannus or man always had, and its connexion with the Om or Hom of India and Persia .)
They were the men or manni of Liber or Soke or Saca . They were said to be in FREE soccage for
the reasons just now assigned, and they were in a later day said to be in COMMON soccage, because
the priests of whom they held, having become monks, possessed every thing, and yet possess it in
Tibet in COMMON, in community . They held of the community . From Blackstone's expression
it is evident, that he considered the word soc to have the same meaning as liber, and he calls it
free. This all arises from the application of Liber not being known .
6. I believe what Glanville says is true, that all lands held in free soccage were held in Gavel-
kind : 3 " Si vero fuerit liber Socmannus, tam quidem dividetur haereditas inter omnes filios quot-
cc que sunt per partes mquales ; si fuerit Soccagium ut id antiquitus divisum ." The natural

process is for a man to divide his property among his children ; the artificial is, by knights' ser-
vice, to give it all to the eldest . I think the term Gavel-kind is formed from the British Gafaelu
tenere or Gafael tenura, and the word kind-red . The land was held by right of kindred, and not by
grant from the Lord or King or Soldier ; in return for which, service of war was rendered . It was
held of the Priest, who did not care how it went, so that he got his vectigal . From this it would
come to pass, in many cases, perhaps in all, that the occupiers of lands would do suit and service
to one lord and pay tithe to another. Gavel-kind land did not escheat in case of the felony of its
occupier. It was Folkland and Allodial, which terms I shall explain presently . It did not escheat,
because it was not the property in any sense of the occupier . But it would escheat for the felony
of the person of whom the occupier held it ; in such a case, however, the occupier would not
necessarily be disturbed, as our farmers are not disturbed for the treason of their landlord . They
pay their rents to the new landlord. If they have leases the landlord's treason does not affect
the rights granted by their leases . The nature of the general tenure of land in ancient times
is perhaps no where better exhibited than in the grant of land made by Xenophon to Diana . He
gave up to her the land, reserving to himself the cultivation and enjoyment of it, but this, subject
to the payment of a tenth of the produce to her . Here she was Lady of the soil, for the use of

' I have formerly shewn that the word Phre denoted the God of Wisdom, in numerals, that is, in ciphers ; supra,
p . 209 .
Blackstone, B . ii . Ch. vi . Liberi and Soc-manni both have the same meaning : Liberi-Socmanni is a pleonasm,
very common in language, arising from the terms not being understood.
3 The Gavel-kind tenure of Kent (Cantia, Qy
. of Kanya, or is of Cuni-Bel?) Ran . Glanville de L eg . Ang . Lib .
vii. Cap . iii . p. 4 9.
VOL. if .
266 Frank-al-Moign
which she retained the tenth . The land in like manner was THE LORD'S in Palestine ; but for
him the Levites received the tenths . Niebuhr says, " So a tenth is the portion the state seems in
" general to have levied on corn, as the Roman republic did whenever it exercised its right of
ownership ." 1 Gilbert Burnet, in his history of the rights of princes, p . 115, has shewn that
in the time of Clotaire the kings of France received the tithes or tenths, and that after they had
given them up to the church, they took the tenth of the remainder, (if I understand him,) which
was called the ninths . This, combined with the power of excommunication possessed by Charle-
magne, seems to shew that the kings of France had some claims independent of the Popes, not
now understood ; and this is strengthened by the history of the disputes respecting the freedom of
the Gallican church, which has always been involved in great difficulties . Sir Thomas Munro
says, "among the only Hindoo chiefs unsubdued by the Mohamedans, the Rajas of Ceylon, Travan-
core, Cochin, and Coorg, the land-tax is still but ten per cent ." 2 Mr . Cleland, without having the
least suspicion of my theory, or that there ever was an universal system, has maintained there are
proofs that, in very ancient times, almost all the lands in Europe belonged to the order of the
Druids or Priests . I need not point out how this supports my theory . How the state of the
world which I shall now describe arose, I shall endeavour hereafter to shew, but I believe that, in
very early times the priest and king were the same, and that all the land belonged to the former .
He was jure divino proprietor of the soil, and received from the cultivators, to whom he granted it,
one tenth or the tithe of the produce for the use of it . The cultivators or Grantees answered to
what in India are now called Ryots, and, in process of time, collectors were appointed who an-
swered to the present Zemindars, who, at first, collected for the priests, and at last ended in
renting the tithes of districts . The King-priest possessed the soil of the land, was Lord of the
soil, as vicegerent of God . This was before the sword divided from the crosier ; perhaps at the
time now spoken of the sword was scarcely known . This might be the Golden Age of the Poets .
The theory was, that the whole world belonged by divine right to the person who escaped from a
great flood, who is called in the books of the Jews Noah, that he divided it or enfeoffed it to his
three sons, and they to their children . And in subservience to this system, whether founded in
truth or not, the monarchs of the East deduce their pedigrees from one of his three sons . This
system I shall unfold in my next book .
7 . The next tenure I shall notice is that of Frank-al-Moign . When two classes of priests arose,
namely, the Seculars and Regulars, the lands in Frank-al-Moign were the lands held of the latter-
held of the monks-les moines, or al-manni, both still being lands of Frank or Liber . The Secu-
lars had that name from the Soc or Sac, both of which had the meaning of atowor . All priests
were originally Seculars : the word Frank-al-Moign arose in time to distinguish the tenure of the
Monks, the Regulars, from the tenure of the Seculars . The whole land was originally the pro-
perty of the priests, as vicegerents of the Divine Power, Vicars of God, as the Pope claims to be
the possessor of all lands, and claims the tithes of them as his tribute . They were Vicar-manni,
which probably became corrupted, when its meaning was lost, into Vicrama, and Vicrama-ditya,
perhaps Vicar-om-Manni . From the Priests the Soc-manni just named held their lands ; and to
them only were they amenable or liable in any way to account for their conduct ; and they had
their own tribunals . When in later times the right of the Pontiff was lost sight of and great con-
querors gave away exteneive districts to their followers or feodal Barons, in the interior of which
lands occupied by the priests were of course included, the Barons claimed from the priest a ser-
vice tribute or acknowledgment of superiority ; but whenever this was granted, it was done

I Niebuhr, Vol . II, p . 136 . 2 Briggs, p . 400.

Book IV . Section 7 267

through fear, and a mental or verbal reservation of the rights of the church was always annexed to
it ; and as the extent of these rights was unknown, the claim, which in no case was ever given up,
was a source of the most violent animosity . In consequence of this, in later times, an unceasing
strife for power always existed between the Barons and the Priests ; the priests by the terrors of
purgatory generally at last prevailing . The Franks were first heard of on the Rhine as Ale-manni .
The word Frank means free, and is probably a corruption of the word "Dg ,~ or Free-Liberi Sacae.
It was the religious name of the tribe, and in fact Saxons, as all the tribes probably were . SPY
and Freyas were arithmetical names of the same cycle, in its different stages of improvement, 666
and 608. From the word y`1E) pro Parkhurst derives the words Frank and Franchise, and the
Franks, (who had a king or dynasty called Pharamond,) which tends to confirm what I have said .
From this root may come our word Freehold, that is, land held of the God KPH . Our Freeholds
are all held of a superior ; in theory they all have suit and service to perform to the liege Lord,
Priest or King, whichever it may be ; that is, Khan or Pri-est, or Op i-est, meaning the real priest .
The word est is here a mere intensitive-the very 4~pj . La Loubere 1 says, in the Siam language,
Sion, that is, Sun, means free . On this account the natives maintain that they have the same name
as the Franks . Their Pra means Creator ; this is the cpp" of the Coptic and Greek . But Pra and
Bra in the Siamese language are the same, and mean God ; and here we come to the origin of the
word in the numeral language-4p, and ;p7)-600 and 608 .
When, as I have lately said, the kings (as our William the Conqueror for instance) granted out
large tracts to their generals, the latter claimed supremacy over the whole district ; but they could
not succeed against the priestly monks, who always denied the power of the kings to dispose,
even by conquest, of the property of the church . But a struggle took place, whence arose the
lay appropriations, in which the soldiers or laymen succeeded . When scruples of conscience and
a refusal of absolution compelled the laymen to leave the patronage of the churches to the monks,
the monks did not, until restrained by statutes, appoint rectors, but only curates or vicars keeping
the tithes, which they claimed as -the right of the order, to themselves . It is probable that the
mode by which the orders of monks and seculars, after the Roman times, after having been
divided, became united into one, was soon unknown to themselves . All we know is, that for a
great number of years there was every where a marked separation of the two orders, and that
there were perpetual divisions and disputes . Rapin says, the Franci and Saxons were the same,
and he quotes Sir William Temple as authority ; s and, the languages of the northern tribes were
so near, that they could all understand one another, and that, as might be expected, their laws
were all the same . 3 I need not point out how this tends to confirm the whole of my system .
The five dialects of the British Celts are become so changed, that the different tribes are now, in
general, no longer intelligible to one another ; that is, with the exception of some of the inhabi-
tants of the most remote and secluded places . D'Ancarville undertakes to prove, "that the mytho-
logy of the Egyptians, Brahmins, Chinese, Japanese, and all other oriental nations, had that of the
Sace as their basis" . 4 In his fifth volume of the Collectanea, Vallancey has given many striking
proofs of the identity of the eastern and ancient Hibernian customs, which confirm D'Ancarville.
°°Franci et Saxones apud antiquos Socii et Amici, donec in diversas partes traheret imperil libido ."
Again, "Saxonum et Francorum nomen commune videtur aliquandiu fuisse gentibus, quemad-
" modum adhuc nostra agitate in orientis partibus universe Europe gentes dicuntur Franci ."'
I feel no doubt that the Franks and Saxons were the same race of people . Perhaps the Franks

1 Pp. 6, 7. ' Vol . 1. P. 207. ' Vol. 1 11 . p . 138.

Vall. Coll. Hib . Vol . V. p . 3 5. ' Themis Ambrica Petri Frid . Arpi, pp . 244, 246 .
268 Lands in Demesne
might be a tribe of the Sacw, as the Macdonalds are a tribe of the Scotch . But still the one were
Sacaa and the other are Scotch . Thus the Franks were Saxons . In a very early age I think they
may be found in Italy . Italy had its name from Vitulus a Bull, and every one knows the story
of its Saturnalia ; it was the country of Saturn ; but the Saturnalia were festivals of Saca . Selden
says, 1 " Sesach Numen est apud Jeremiam ab eo ( sic volunt viri doctissimi )
" Sacea, festum Babyloniorum, dicta, seu rjpepas F,axeas, uti apud Romanos Saturnalia a Saturno.
" Atque ut Saturnalibus, servis epulantibus famulabantur domini, ita et in diebus Saceis ; qui
" quinque erant continui ." When we recollect the striking manner in which the Saturn-ja is
found in North India, (see Tod's map of Rajast'han, the country of the Sacae or Buddas,) and the
similarity of his Sactea to the Saturnalia of Babylon and Italy, and we consider what Jeremiah has
said respecting the king Sheshach, we cannot doubt, as I formerly remarked, that Shesach was the
Scythian king, and that the followers of Saturn and the Pallestini were Saxons . 2 But from He-
rodotus we know that the Saxons and Scythians were the same ; and in my Celtic Druids I have
shewn that the Celtie were both Scythians and Galli or Gauls : but I shall discuss this, which is
very important, by and by, when I again treat of the Scotch island of Iona . The persons who held
lands in Frank-al-moign would have no grants, charters, or other title-deeds, to shew for them, as
their owners were by descent successors of the first appropriators or possessors ; and, in conse-
quence of this defect of title, they were often exposed to the demands of the Barons ; who, when
their consciences would not let them dispute the right of the church to the seignorage or lord-
paramountship, called upon the monks to prove their right to the usufruct of particular parcels as
individuals or separate bodies by the exhibition of some title ; and as the modern principle, that
no title-deed, or immemorial possession, is the best title, was not established, they were obliged to
have recourse to a measure which neither is nor can be denied, viz . a general forging of grants and
charters . This was a trick easy enough to the liberi, Boc-manni-book men, impossible to be
detected by the Barons, probably not one in a thousand of whom could read . I have spoken of
the Moines or Manni as the same . We have seen the derivation of Homo for man or vir . I ap-
prehend this was originally the name only of the Monks ; they were the Manni Om, the first word
in regimine . Whenever the word Mannus is found, it seems always to have a relation to some-
thing mystical, to the secret or mysterious doctrines . The Om-manni does not seem very unlike
the Moines.
8 . It is an important circumstance, that the Saxon kings claimed to have all the lands of their
kingdom in demesne . 3 This is precisely the Indian system ; and in the claim of the fee or the
soil, and the edict giving the tithes to the church, a compromise seems to have taken place between
the sword and the crosier . The statute of Ethelred, which gave the tithes to the priests, was, in
fact, nothing but a declaratory statute. I perfectly agree with Cleland, who says, "The result of
" my researches has been, that the feudal system is at this moment very little understood . Most
" of the writers whom I have seen upon that subject, have mistaken the monstrous depravation of
" that system, for the system itself ." 4
9 . Burgage tenure is nearly the same as the Soccage tenure, but applicable to towns . In this,
the house of which the family property consisted, went to the youngest son, the rest having gone
off or colonised or enlisted in the military class . It is a practice strongly marking the identity of
the Sacae of Tartary and Britain, it being common to both . ',
10. The next tenure to be noticed is that of tenure by Knights' service . Probably the Saxons

' De Diis Syriis, ch . xiii . p . 342 . 2 Vide Morning Watch, No . IX . s Hallam, Hist . Vol . II. p . 179
Spec. Add. art . p. xii . s Vide Du Halde, Hist . of China, and Blackstone, B . ii . Ch. vi .
Book IV. Section 11 269
had tenures by Knights' service as- well as the Romans ; but a moment's consideration will skew
why we hear not of Knights' service after the Norman came, except as service to him . There are,
therefore, no more old remains of it now to be found . Those which were not strictly Norman,
and at that time new, merged into the service due to the Normans or Northmen . If Saxon
knights did not do their service to the new king, they threw off their allegiance, they forfeited
their lands, and a Norman took them . To do military service to another would have been rebel-
lion, treason. The only lands in free Soccage or Burgage tenure left by William, as indeed they
probably were before, were lands held of the Priests . See the exchange of lands named in Black-
stone, 1 by the Archbishop of Canterbury, from tenure by Soccage to tenure by Knighthood . At
first, when Priest and King were identical, all lands were held in Soccage, held, I repeat, as they
are now in Tibet, of the Monks . I think when the Archbishop changed the tenure of his lands,
the object in holding them of the king was, to secure them from the claim of the Barons, to whom
he could not exhibit any title to them . They had descended to him from his Druidical predecessors .
Judge Blackstones very properly and very distinctly admits the Saxon origin of the feudal or feo-
dal system, though he overlooks the almost inevitable consequence that, after the arrival of the
Normans, the old Saxon tenures by Knights' service must necessarily have disappeared-a fact
which he seems at a loss to account for. The ancient Folkland, or estates held in villeinage,
Blackstone says, was strictly neither feodal, Saxon nor Norman . The reason of this was, because
their owners were the first possessors before the arrival of the later Saxons and Normans, and if
any lands were left to them they could only hold of the new Lords . The old Lords were either
gone or sunk into the class of villeins by the arrival of the new comers . They became the He-
lots ; they were the folks-ol wo%%o{ . Several other kinds of tenure arose in later times, but
they are not worth notice .
11 . Perhaps the Monks did not exist till the quarrels respecting the two principles began to
arise . Then, as usual in all such cases, the two parties ran into the most absurd extremes, till
they covered the Eastern world with blood . It seems probable that the war lasted for many gene-
rations ; in short, I believe it never entirely ceased till both parties were conquered by the Moha-
medans . From extreme devotion to the male principle, it is likely that both the Monks and the
Eunuchs might arise . The last person of the second class perhaps may be found in the celebrated
and learned Origen . On the other side, in opposition, might arise the Nuns . I believe there are
no Monks among the Brahmins ; they are, I think, solely among the Buddhists . The followers of
Buddha affected the male ; the followers of Cristna the female . But it is very possible that in
India, as in Europe, after the two sects united and the cause of their existence was forgotten ;
still, as the religious principle of abstinence from sexual intercourse, which had become established
as a meritorious act, remained, monastic institutions of both religions may have been founded .
Nothing is more difficult to eradicate than a religious principle of this kind, when once established .
Monachism is of such a nature, that if not molested, silently and peaceably, by stealth as it were,
it will, in no very long time, by possessing all real or landed property, possess itself of the go-
vernment of every country . Tibet is a striking example of the truth of this remark . The Papal
see is now essentially monastic . I have no' doubt that the first governors of nations were priests-
Melchizedeks, Royal or King-Priests . After a certain time, when the difference to which I have
just alluded between the followers of the two principles took place, the Monks arose, and, by
degrees, got possession of the governments . No doubt, the ancient priesthood would not like
this, and probably petty wars and contentions would arise between the parties, similar to what we

I Cow . B. ii. Ch . vi. ' Ibid.

270 Origin of Monks and Nuns
know took place in the early ages of the European Papacy . But when the male and female sects
coalesced, the Seculars and Regulars, though perhaps hating one another, would have a common
interest against the remainder of mankind . In the dark ages of Europe we read of great conten-
tions between the Popes and the Monks ; but I think, at last, the Monks prevailed, having first
received modern Christian ordination from the Popes . It we read the histories we shall find that
the Popes, the Seculars, prevailed ; but in the imprudent admission of the Monks to orders, according
to their own, i . e. the secular form, they opened to them the doors of the Vatican . I Once admitted,
they soon proceeded to the election of Bishops, subject, it is true, to the approbation of the Pope,
and to investiture by him ; but in a very short time they themselves became Bishops, Cardinals,
and Popes ; and although there is yet a good deal of jealousy between them, yet a common interest
always induces them to join against the remainder of mankind . Thus they both united heartily
against the Kings, when the latter wanted to acquire the appointment of Bishops . Here we see
the reason why the monastic establishments of Deans and Chapters have the appointment of
Bishops and Archbishops . All the orders of our Cathedrals and Minsters are monastic institu-
tions-successions, in most cases, of the ancient Roman priesthood, and they of the Druids . As
might be expected, the Monks, successors of the Essenes, Carmelites, &c ., were in a particular
manner addicted to the allegorical nature of Christianity . This may be seen in their defence of
Origen, 2 who was evidently one of them, holding the doctrines of emanation, and that of an eso-
teric meaning in the Scriptures . He said C° the Scriptures were of little use to those who under-
i 0 stood them literally, as they are written ." a This is one of numerous instances to prove
that the monks were the oldest Christians ; the Seculars of modern times, put into power by Con-
stantine, were the followers of Paul . The way in which their hierarchy arose is pretty clearly
made out .
We are told that the first Monks arose, in the second century, in Egypt. The persons who say
this, mean Christian monks ; and that they were the first Christian because they were the first
Paulite Monks . They were, in fact, Essenes or Carmelites, but became followers of the Paulites
and Popes . It was held, that no person could be a priest except through the medium of the
popes ; and once a priest, he could never be unpriested, though he might be deprived of his func-
tions-that is, of the power of performing the offices of the religion . But he always remained of
the sacerdotal order or caste . In the brawls respecting Origen the true character of the religion
may be seen . By our historians we are taught to believe, that the Popes and the Church were
established in early times . The fact is, that until Constantine gave a preponderance to the Popes
and Paulites, no party had any real superiority. Paul was the teacher of the literal meaning ;
Origen and the Monks of the Platonic Gnosis or mystery . As f have before said, the parties
united ; and this is the reason why we see in the churches of the middle ages the odd mixture of
Gnosticism and Paulism, why we see the Deans and Chapters electing Secular Bishops . We are
told that the monks were not priests . The truth is, they ordained one another or initiated their
brethren on admission, after serving their noviciate . Ordination is nothing but initiation into the
mysteries . We have an example in the Culdees of Iona . When the Popes ordained the monks
anew, they said, they admitted them to orders, because they did not allow the legality of the pre-
vious ordination . With the admission of the Carmelites, Essenes, Therapeutm, &c ., into the
Roman church, there entered all the rites and ceremonies of Gentilism, of which these were sects .

The example of the overthrow of the power of the Seculars in the Papacy by the Regulars, has not been without
effect . The Pope permitted the talented fanatic Loyala to establish his order ; but the monastic spirit shews itself
beautifully in the rule which excludes all Jesuits from the Papacy .
s Mosheim, Hist . Cent . iii . Ch. ii., Cent. vi. Ch. iii . 3 Ib . Ch. v .
Book IV. Section 11 271

Their ancestors were puritanical seceders from the corruptions of Gentilism . As usual, time
cooled the ardour of the sects, and they became fond of corruptions or show, &c . Are not our
devotees doing the same thing ? The Scotch are admitting organs into their churches, and every
new church, in London, has a wicked cross, the mark of the scarlet whore, as the sect in power
politely calls the chief Bishop of their countrymen, at the top of it . Whether the monastic order,
that is, the regulation of binding themselves by the three vows took place before the sword divided
from the crosier or afterwards, I do not know, and perhaps it may not now be possible to ascer-
tain, but certainly the Royal priests were never supposed to be bound by those vows ; they pro-
bably never took them . The custom of calling the chief sacrificer a king, in Rome, Athens, &c .,
was a remnant of this state of things . No man but a king' could offer a sacrifice . The real origin
of the monastic order is unknown ; in some instances it probably swallowed up the Seculars, as in
Tibet ; in others it failed . I am quite of Mr . Cleland's opinion, that priests were the first gover-
nors, kings their generals, who, at last, usurped the supreme power of their employers . A little
consideration of the circumstances will suggest a very simple explanation of the way in which the
four ancient castes may have arisen . The first must have been the priests ; the second the mili-
tary, their soldiers, who, by degrees, in many countries, got the command of the priests . The
caste of trades must have been the dwellers in towns ; the farmers would be the shepherds or pas-
tors, having, at first, no fixed habitations, klike the Bedoweens,) and at last settling down as agri-
culturalists . Thus we have the four castes, all jealous of one another ; and thus coming, at last,
to be completely divided, as they were in Egypt, and are in India . The natural tendency of man-
kind to run into castes may be observed in Britain . Our nobles are the soldier caste ; our clergy
the priests ; the squires and their tenants the agricultural caste ; the tradesmen in towns the
trading caste ; and the paupers and lowest order, as in India, the out-caste . How early the tribes
of Saxons came to the West we cannot discover ; but they were first heard of by the name of
Saxons about the year 604 of Rome, 150 years B . C ., when the Consul Caius Papirius met them
in Noricam, defeated them, and drove them into Gaul . 2 In process of time, when wars arose,
the Liberi-Sockmanni, and tenants in Frank-al-moign, protected by the priests, remained at home,
free from war and military service . They were the Sacae or Saxon men of the book, of Liber and
Bacchus .
The words Liber free, the solar (DP-q of Egypt, and Liber a book, being, as I have shewn,
closely connected-the bookish men, the men of Bac, Boc, Bacchus, were comparatively free from
the rule of the warrior class, both in a civil and military point of view, and thence comes our bene-
fit of clergy . If a man could read, it was at once a proof that he was initiated into the sacred
order. If the benefit of clergy depends on a statute, it has probably been obtained by the priests
to put their privilege out of doubt . It has been a declaratory statute . Although perhaps every
man who was initiated could not read and write, yet I believe that every man who could read and
write was initiated-these arts being taught to the initiated only in very early times . It has been
said, that the privilege of clergy was granted to encourage learning . 1 believe it was used as a
test, as a proof, that a man was of or immediately belonging to the sacred tribe, and therefore
exempt from the jurisdiction of the court in which he had been tried . If he were acquitted, he
said nothing ; if found guilty, he pleaded his order and his reading . I have little doubt that the
knowledge of reading and letters was a masonic secret for many generations, and that it once
formed a part of the mysterious knowledge of Eleusis and of other temples . The triangular staves

' He must have been the Sag-art . t Southern North Am . Rev. No . X . p . 339 .

272 Land Tax of India
on which the runes were commonly written were called Bogstav, or Buchstab, Book-staves .'
Here is clearly our book . 2
A great seminary of learning in North India is called the place or city
of the Book-Boch-ara . Rapin 3 calls Freelands, Bocklands, thus confirming much of what I have
said above . In very ancient times all taxes were paid by a portion of the produce of the land-
stamps, excise, and customs, were unknown . From the account given by Col . Briggs, it appears
that this was always the case in India till very recent times, and the prosperity of the country
seems to have depended in a great measure on the proportion of the produce which was taken by
the government. It seems latterly to have varied . Du Halde describes this practice as still con-
tinuing in China . In the early times of the priests and rulers, a tenth was taken from the cultiva-
tors of the soil and no more-hence the origin of tithes ; and there can be no doubt that, under
this arrangement, a country would enjoy great prosperity . Mr . Cleland, as I stated above, is of
my opinion, that priests were the first rulers of nations . He says, "It may, perhaps, at first sound
• rash and unwarrantable, that the words Ecclesiastical, Diocese, Dean, Cardinal, Bishop, Priest,
' and even Religion itself, do not originally mean any thing purely spiritual ; being, in fact, in
• their origin, all terms of judiciary import, in those times when the law was absolutely blended
• with divinity, from which the law was proud of receiving its support . The law of the country
• was also its religion ." 4 This was the Druidical system and that of the Jews ; it is that of
Mohamedism, and was that of ancient India. At first, before the invention of writing, every coun-
try had a lex non scripta, of which some remains may every where be found . After the discovery
of writing, the religious code was the law of the land . When Sir Henry Spelman calls the feodal
system the law of nations of the Western world, he might have gone a little farther' ; for it was
most certainly the law of the extreme East as well as of the West .
12. In the address of my friend Lieut. Col . Briggs to the India Company on the subject of the
Land Tax of India, innumerable facts which he has adduced have satisfactorily proved that a sys-
tem, in every respect the same as our feodal system, must, at one time, have prevailed throughout
that country ; that the soil of the country was always admitted to belong to the sovereign, and to
be held by tenants by the render of service in some way or other . The fact noticed by Col .
Briggs, p . 84, from Arrian, of Alexander the Great, on his conquest of the Sacte or Saxons, re-
storing their country to their chiefs, to be held by them by delivery of standards, (as the Dukes of
Marlborough and Wellington hold their land of our king,) and by their consenting to do suit and
service, and to supply a body of troops when required, is very striking . It sufficiently accounts
for the existence of the feodal tenures in the West, wherever tribes from the eastern countries,
like the Saxons, settled . Feudal lands had seven incidents-heriot, relief, escheat, wardship,
scutage, marriage licence, and homage . These were precisely the same in India and Europe . 5
Fee-udal might be land held of the Iud in fee. The Heriot was the payment of a sutra of money,
or some other thing, for the investiture in the fief. B y this payment, the man saved his land . It
was from the old words Eri and Heri, which in Greek and Arabic, consequently Hebrew and Sans-
crit, meant saviour . It cannot for a moment be denied that the whole of our ancient common or
unwritten law s is most closely interwoven into the Feodal system . It appears, from a speech
made by Lord Brougham in the House of Peers, 7 that it has been a question among our old

The island of Staffa is the island of Staves . This can be understood only by those who have seen it .
4 Mallett, Jut . Hist . Den . p . 227 . 3 Vol. II . pp. 152, 172-174 .
' Specimen, Pref . pp . vii ., viii . ' Briggs, p . 90, and Tod's Rajast'han .
6 It was unwritten because it was established before the art of writing was generally known .
7 11 He alluded to what had taken place in the ancient kingdom of Scotland, of which the laws in former times,
Book IV . Section 13 273
lawyers, as the ancient law of Scotland was identical with the law of England, which of them
copied from the other . The real fact was, that neither could be said to copy from the other . No
doubt these laws were even older than our later Saxon ancestors . Let us look but for one mo-
ment at the states of Scotland and England after the last Saxon arrival, and consider whether at
any time after that event there be the least reason to believe that either of these countries, in a
state of perpetual enmity, would copy the laws of the other . In my mind this Indian polity must have
come along with an oriental tribe much before the Saxons arrived from the Baltic . And I con-
sider the "Regiam Majestatem" of Sotland as a decisive proof of the great antiquity of the sys-
tem . When the lawyers of England and Scotland disputed respecting the superior antiquity of
their laws, it never entered into the minds of either of them that they might both descend from
a common source . They came when the Indian Gods came to Ireland . I suppose that this
common source was a previous tribe of Sacae, of the nation of Pandaea, or of the Buddhist religion,
and who were the builders of Stonehenge, Abury, &c. The Saxon Heptarchy did not extend to
Scotland, but the Lowlanders are called Saxons by the Highlanders . They were Yavanas or
loudi, that is Sacae, and Scythe . I very much doubt the fact that the Romans governed here
by their own laws, as asserted by Selden . ' They probably governed their-own people by their
own laws, but the natives by theirs . The laws of Edward the Confessor were only declaratory
laws. I believe our common law and feodal law both came from India at the same time . I be-
lieve what Fortescue says is true, that the customs or common laws of England, were the same
under the ancient Britons that they are now ; for though the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Nor-
mans, successively reigned here, yet he tells us, that notwithstanding all these several mutations,
the general customs or common law of England remained fixed and immutable, at least not
actually changed, for so are his words,-In omnibus nationum harum et reguni eoruui tetnporibus
regnum illud eisdem quibus jam regitur consuetudinibus continue regulatum est . 2
13 . We have yet said nothing of the Scythians ; and it may very properly be asked, How, in regard
to time, my Saxons or Sac2e would be related to them ? All difficulties with respect to them, as in .
any way opposing my system, are at once done away by a passage of Herodotus, who declares that
they were two names of the same people . 3 From this I think there can scarcely be any doubt that
the Celt e, the Scythians, and the Saxons, were all tribes of the same people, succeeding one an-
other, with some trifling variations which would naturally arise, in the lapse of time, from the natural
tendency which every thing has to change . It may now be fairly asked, what has become, in modern
times, of the mighty nation which was so numerous in ancient times as to send off successive swarms
or colonies almost without end or number ? I apprehend we had them formerly tinder Alaric, in the
Goths, who were driven forwards to the West by the semi-human Huns . (Semi-human, if fairly
represented by their enemies, but this I do not believe .) Afterward the same race are found in the

" widely as they differed now from the laws of England, were so identically the same with those of this kingdom, that
• the oldest treatise on law in each of the two countries is said to be a translation from the other, there being a dispute
" between the lawyers of England and those of Scotland as to which was the original . He was bound, as holding alle-
" gianee on a higher tie to the bar of England than to that of Scotland, to say-and he was happy to add, that he could
" really say it conscientiously-that he believed the treatise on English law to be the original . The treatise of Glan-
• ville, who was Lord Chief Justice in the reign of Henry II ., was that from which the `Regiam Majestatem' of Scot-
" land was taken-a clear proof that at that early period of our history, the principles of the Scotch law were the same
" as those of our own."-The Times, Dec. 3, 1830 .
' Vide loan . Seldeni notas ad cap . xvii , Fortescue de Leg . Ang. Num. 6, p . 9 .
y Fortescue de Legibus Anglim, cap . xvii ., p . 58, edit . Seldeni, 1616 .
3 Guerin de Rocher, Vol . 1 . p . 152 ; see supra, p . 2 .
VOL. 1I .
274 The Arabians

Tartars, who conquered China, and they dwelt in the country, a part of which contained the thou-
sand cities of Strabo, of which mighty ruins, though scarcely any thing but ruins when compared to
their former magnificence, yet remain-the country to the east of the Caspian, and extending ten
or twelve degrees north and south of Samarkand . Faxaz-res ~;xu&as ahrco 4Parc .'-Scytharum
populi-Persae illos Sacas in universum adpellavere . 2 D'Ancarville says, the Same were also
called Sagae. After having reflected upon the Sofees of Mohamedisni, who, in fact, make it no-
thing but a continuance of the doctrine of Wisdom, which existed thousands of years before the
time of Mohamed, we shall not be surprised to find our Saxon ancestors bearing the same name as
Mohamed . The kings, as a proper name, were called Clytones, and their sons Clytonculi . It is
worthy of observation, that the ancient system seems to have been forgotten about the same time
in India and Europe, and about the same time to have run into all manner of complicated ma-
chinery. I think reflection on the natural course of events-of effects and causes-will lead to a
conviction that these were the effects which naturally arose from a system such as we have seen
attempted to be shrouded in secrecy, before the art of writing was generally known ; and I think
we need go no further for the origin of the wish to keep it secret than to the natural desire of all
men for power and pre-eminence . It was always as true as it is now, that knowledge is power.
The men who began to possess knowledge, soon perceived that it gave them power, wealth, and
ease . The endeavour to keep knowledge to themselves was a natural consequence of the love of
power . I shall by and by shew there is a high probability, that there were several floods, and
that many people escaped the last, who constituted what are constantly called aborigines, and along
with them also escaped a few of a learned and superior caste, who soon became the tyrants or
governors of the others .
14 . The Arabians assert, that there are two races of men in Arabia . 3 This seems probable . I
believe in every country there will be found at least two races of men . I believe, when Plato says
there was an original race of men drowned by the flood, who had a language long since lost, he
alluded, in fact, to such people as those Helots in Lacediemon, who were the remains of a race
drowned by the flood, but who were originally little better than barbarian, or became so in conse-
quence of that catastrophe . It cannot be denied that the languages of the Chaldeans, of the Jews,
and of Job, that is Arabians, were most closely connected dialects of one language . The Arabic
of Job passes in the Jewish Canon for Hebrew . Parkhurst's Lexicon serves at once for the He-
brew, the Chaldee, and the Arabic of Job . Now, all the nomade tribes of Africa and Asia have a
language called Arabic ; and these tribes, from the peculiarity of their habits of life, have probably
never had a foreign language imposed upon them, a fact which can be stated of scarcely any other
nation . In South India, the lowest class, not the Parias or Outcasts of the Brahmins, but what
Col . Briggs 4 calls the Aborigines, are the most ancient ; they have no distinction of castes, and
have nothing to do with the present Brahmin religion . After them come the Brahmins from North
India . The same people whom Col . Briggs calls Aborigines may be discovered in ancient Syria ;
in Greece, in the Helots just mentioned ; in Italy, Germany, &c . It is from this purity of blood,
as I may call it, that the Arabs of the deserts have retained the old language . In this they would
be much assisted, wherever Mohamedism prevailed, by having the standard Koran to keep the
language fixed . I believe no Englishman who is a good Arabic scholar, and who is quite master
of the Chaldee alphabet, would have much difficulty in translating Hebrew or Chaldee into English .
These Arabians I have traced from an Arabia on the Indus .' Every where the yet nomade tribes

' Stephen . Byzant. Plin . Lib . vi . Cap . xviii . ; Vallancev, Coll . Hib . Vol . V . p . 23.
3 Good's translation of Job, Introd . Diss . p . iii . 4 Essay on the Land Tax of India . b See Vol . I . p. 41G .
Book IV . Section 15 275
have the name of Bedoweens or Bedouins . Have they derived their name from being originally
Buddists of North India, like the Saxons from having been Sacce from the same countries ? I
suspect it is so . Buddha, it has been shewn, was called Saca, his followers Sacs . The most
learned Mussulmans allow that there was an esoteric Mohamedism . This was Sopheism, which
was Buddhism from North India-from the Afghans . The reason why there are no castes among
the Bedoweens is because they are the shepherd caste, whose habit necessarily is to wander about .
After a tribe of shepherds took possession of a country and settled in it, the distinction of castes
would begin to arise . Caste is a natural effect, not an artificial institution . It is the produce of
circumstances, and not of design . When I contemplate the surprising similarity between the
feudal system of North India and Europe, I am compelled to look to some cause, for I cannot re-
treat to accident . Therefore I am compelled to believe either that Europe copied from India or
that India copied from Europe, or that the same effect took place in both, arising from some pecu-
liar and unobserved quality in the human character . As I cannot discover the latter, and as I
know the copying cannot have taken place in modern times, I am obliged to believe that these
tenures are of much older date than is generally imagined ; that the same mistake has happened
with respect to them as to many other things, and that they are said to take their rise when they
are first noticed, and then only, because then we have the first notice of them . I believe that
they were the effects of, or parts of the Pontifical government, known in India by the name of
Pandaea, which extended over the whole world, and of which all the lands were held by feudal
tenure . I have mentioned before, (p . 4,) what Dr . Geddes said of all the words of the Saxon
language being to be found in the Hebrew or its cognate dialects . The feudal system came with
the Sacm or Saxons . Alfred and Edward the Confessor were Saxons : and might not the Nor-
man convert Saxon institutions to his own purpose ? It was strictly according to the custom of
the country which he had left . Normandy was conquered by a tribe of Scandinavians or North-
men .
15 . I believe that wherever a nomade tribe made a settlement, the mythos of their ancient coun-
try was established, and this is the reason why we have so many Merus or Moriahs, Parnassuses,
Olympuses, Acropolises, &c . They were all Mounts of Meru in miniature ; they might be all
said to be microcosms of the great one of North India . They are very perceptible in Greece ; but
I think we have the best examples of the system in Egypt and Syria . In the latter, in the astro-
nomical names given by Joshua . Gerizim was clearly the sacred mount, the national cathedral ;
the twelve tribes were the religious districts or divisions. The same divisions into twelve prevailed
in Attica, in Asiatic Ionia, in Etruria, and on the Po, and in several other places . From this we
may see, that the division of the country into twelve parts, was one of the parts of the mythos .
Whether Palestine was subjected to any minor divisions does not appear, but certainly there were
places of worship called Proseuchas and Synagogues-the latter, probably, erected for districts like
our parishes . In Egypt we have the mythic division complete ; and the Rev . Robert Taylor has
shewn, that the whole of our hierarchy existed there, among the Essenes, absolutely in perfec-
tion . , And as we know that these Essenes existed in Syria as well as in Egypt, the same sys-
tem probably obtained in both . I take the Essenes in each case to have been the professors of the
highest order of the Cabala, the perfecti-the prophets of the Old Testament, and of Elias, their
superior . The Essenes were Carmelite monks . What has become of them ? When did the order
die ? But it did not die : it yet exists in the Carmelites . When Jerusalem or Mount Moriah was
set up against Gerizim, the prophets of the two mounts got to quarrelling . 2 The five temples of

I Supra, p . 71 . 1 See Vol. I . p . 428 . .

276 The Arabians
Jehovah in Egypt,' I have sometimes suspected, were cathedrals of the Essenes . All these were
what we call collegiate churches . They all had temples, and each had its domus templi. These
assertions are all proved by what I have shewn-that every rite, order, and ceremony of the Romish
religion was an exact imitation of a similar institution among the ancient Gentiles . 2 Wherever
the Pandaean or Catholic religion prevailed, every state had its divisions, and, if large, its subdivi-
sions ; each subdivision had its temple ; and each temple its domus templi, for the education of
youth . In this way, I believe, arose the corporate towns of Europe, and they were closely con-
nected with the astrological superstition of the Pandaeistic mythos . We are told that our corpo-
rate towns associated to protect themselves against the tyranny of the barons and military chiefs .
This I believe is quite true ; but they first existed under the priests, who joined the people in pro-
curing charters to grant them privileges and confirm what they had possessed from time immemo-
rial, so as, in fact, to have no deeds to shew for their lands . In such cases, the charter granted
their lands by name . All these became Liberi, Sockmanni . It is in consequence of this that we
find the mystic Chaldaean numbers to prevail in all our corporations-the twelve aldermen and
and twenty-four councilmen . All this is closely allied to the feodal tenures established by the first
settlers from the East. Wherever these people settled, they established their temples, their
tenures, &c ., &c. I suppose at first there were no other parishes than what are now comprised in
the limits of our corporate towns . We know how, in later times, feudal chiefs established smaller
parishes around their castles : hence arose our common parishes, our peculiars, &c ., &c. At first,
I have no doubt, every cathedral or Druidical circle had its sacred mount for its processions,
called Deisul or procession of God the Saviour, Dei Salus, Salutis, an imitation of the progress
of the God Sol from East to West . In fact, each had its Olympus, small or great, according to
its means, which often afterward became a fortress, as Clifford's Tower at York . We find a mote,
hill or Olympus in most old towns . At Cambridge and Oxford they yet remain . Sacred proces-
sions were made from the cathedral 3 round these mounts, and they are yet continued in all
Romish countries . On these mounts was a cross, and round this the fairs and markets were held
every Dies Solis ; and when the barons established little parishes in opposition to the others, they
fixed their markets in the churchyards . The clergy or liberi of the barons, the Seculars, were always
in opposition to the Regulars, or liberi bookmen, or the monks, who possessed the other parishes .
It is very certain that whenever a feodal chieftain wished to establish a church and parish, it
would be an encroachment on the monks ; and as it would be in opposition to them, and as he
could make no priest, he would be glad to avail himself of the aid of the Pope . The same reason
would operate with the kings to procure bishops from Rome, and thus, by degrees, the Seculars
got established . But certainly there are the most striking proofs of all the collegiate churches
having once belonged to the monks . "The ecclesiastical polity of the Romish church is, to this
~ 0 moment, almost wholly Druidical . And as that ancient religion of Britain and the Gauls had
°~ its Pope, its Cardinals, its Bishops, its Deacons, &c ., who were succeeded in their spiritual or
~~ temporal power and possession by the Christian Clergy, these last assumed identically those
CQ titles of which the others had been deprived," &c. 4 Cleland says, the word Shire is from the
Celtic Hir, Cir, Chur, Sir, &c . Each Shire was a distinct state, subdivided into Baronies, Parishes,
Pareichs, or Bareiches . Par and Bar meant a judge ; reich, a region . 5 From Cir, or Shur,
comes our She-riff. The Cir is the Hebrew -1a gr. We have found the circles or counties in the

I See supra, pp . 15, 16 . Y Supra, pp 58-75 .

Rapin maintains, that each diocese had only one church, and was, in fact, only one parish . Vol. II. p . 131 .
Cleland's Spec . p . 102 . 5 lb . P . 8 .
Book IV. Section 15 277
island of Ceylon ; I we have the circles again in the five northern Circars, a country on the West
side of the Bay of Bengal, called the coast of Coromandel, from the fifteenth to the twentieth
degree of north latitude . I have before shewn that Cora-mandel means the circle of Core. 2 This
pleonasm has arisen from the intermixture of the countries, and from one word having come to
have two ideas ; for the Sur meant the solar circle, the cycle, as well as the sun . In these Circars
may be found almost an exact representation of the circles of Germany, and the patriarchal system
which I shall develop in my next book is well marked . Every district which Hamilton 3 calls a
village, is a perfect and complete municipium or urbs, orbis, a little world within itself, with all its
officers from the highest to the lowest degree, in which state it has continued from the most
remote antiquity. The account given by Mr . Hamilton is very interesting . I shall return to it in
my next book, and merely add here, that India Proper was divided into these districts, and that
the expression Northern clearly shews there has been a Southern, and probably a middle Circar or
district . I think the term Deccan, which is called Daschnia in the Sanscrit, and which answers to
the Decapolis of Western Syria, has been another division under the same system, and similar to
the tithings of King Alfred in England . Cleland 4 says, Ridings, Radtings-governments ; Radt,
a provincial ruler. A Council was called the Raadst, whence he who had most influence ruled the
roast. The state into which the world was brought, when the Pontifical system, from the usurpa-
tion of its kings or other causes, began to fall in preces, is well marked it North India. Col .
Briggs says, "The subdivision of the territory into townships, as described in the time of Alex-
• ander, still obtains everywhere . Each of these petty states maintains its municipal legislation,
• independently of the monarchy ; and every state presents the picture of so many hundreds or
" thousands of these minute republics ." s In Greece we see the remains of this system . In the
Amphictyons we have the Wittenagemote . But we must not expect that any two countries
would decline and a new order of things arise exactly in the same way . Mr. Cleland says, "The
" whole order of the law, temporal and spiritual, sprung from our colleges . The greatest part of
• the Gauls, of Germany, but especially of Britain, was College-land, Glebe-land, Parish-land, all
• which are better expressed by the word DOMAIN, at bottom a Celtic word, equivalent to Barony
" or Government-land, which maintained the Bishops, the Judges, the subordinate militia and its
" officers." s He shews that the Maire Dom or Mayor of the Palace was the Judge, the word
Dom meaning Judge . From this, in the law-glossaries, the Domesday book is called Liber Judi-
catorius . 7 From this the day of Judgment became Domesday . Mr. Hallam 8 says, " The pro-
" vincial cities under the Roman empire enjoyed, as is well known, a municipal magistracy, and
" the right of internal regulation . It would not have been repugnant, perhaps, to the spirit of the
• Frank and Gothic conquerors, to have left them in the possession of these privileges . But
" there seems no satisfactory proof that they were preserved in France, or in Italy ; or, if they
` existed at all, they were swept away, in the former country, during the confusion of the ninth
• century, which ended in the establishment of the feodal system ." (Here I think he ought to
have said the RE-establishment.) "Every town, except within the royal domains, was subject to
• some Lord. In episcopal cities, the Bishop possessed a considerable authority, and in many
" there was a class of resident nobility ." The old Lords were all of the nature of the Prince
Bishops, or Palatines of Germany . The Thane was the same as the Optimas or Baro, and answered
to the Antrustiones or Fideles or Drudes or Drudi . They were, I doubt not, originally of the
Druid order, bearing arms, perhaps not having any religious functions,-perhaps not having re-

Vol . I. P . 753 8 Ib . pp . 760, 762 3 Gazetteer, in voce Circar. 4 Spee. p . 7 .

P. 99. s Add. to Spec . p . xiv. 7 Second Add. p . 13 . 8 Hallam, Middle Ages, p . 210 .
278 The Arabians
ceived the Samach, as there are Brahmins at this day who are not priests . The Thanes, I believe,
originally were the only tenants in capite. When a Druid was employed to command an army,
and he usurped the throne, many of his barons would be Druidi . The observation of Mr. Hallam
that the Edict of Milan, by Constantine, in the year 313, recognises the existence at that time of
ecclesiastical corporations, I almost justifies what I have said of our towns being the Roman Mu-
nicipia, and of the existence of Monasteries ; for what else could these ecclesiastical corporations
in Italy have been ? and, if in Italy, probably in Britain . The fact is, I think, that the municipal
towns may be discovered as far back as we can go ; although, perhaps, subject to suit and service
to some superior : but this, so far from proving that they had no previous existence, raises a pre-
sumption to the contrary . Their possession of charters of incorporation, of certain dates, by no
means proves, for several reasons, their previous non-existence, and the previous existence under
the forms expressed in those charters . I have no doubt that our corporate towns in general are
the municipia of the Romans, and also of a system previous even to them . We have seen that
the Sacae occupied almost all Europe, and that they were the Palli ; from these came the Palati-
nates and the Bishops Palatine, our three prince Palatine Bishops of Chester, Durham, and Ely,
(Lancaster was not old,) and the prince Bishops of Germany . I believe these were originally all
mitred Abbots, with archiepiscopal authority given to them by the Popes, exclusive of their Ab-
beys ; that they were Abbots exclusive of the Popes ; that their chapters made them Abbots ;
that then the Popes made them Bishops, the object of which was, to get them, the Monks, in fact,
into the pale of the Vatican . But the Popes probably did not foresee that this would open the door
of the conclave to the Monks, which would enable them, at last, to get possession of it, and convert
the Papacy into a monastic institution, sinking the Seculars into a second class . Function was not
necessary to a Bishop . Episcopacy was an order . Mr . Hallam 2 expresses himself in terms of sur-
prise that the Monks should have been so rapacious for wealth which they could not enjoy, and that
they should hesitate at no fraud or forgery to obtain it . The reason of this rapacity is to be found
in the doctrine, that the Supreme Pontiff, or head of the Priesthood, was entitled to the land of the
whole world, as Lord of the soil ; and these cunning and long-headed persons could not fail to see
that, if let alone, the whole land would, in a few centuries, quietly and without struggle, come into
their hands, and that then they would again become the rulers of the world, as, in the most ancient
times, they had been . Mr . Hallam says, the tithes were not paid originally as at present, but all
were received by the Bishop and distributed by him to the clergy . These were, I suppose, the
chapter-elected Abbots, made Bishops by the Pope, who received the tithes as heads of the monas-
teries, and sent priests to perform service where they thought it necessary . We know that monas-
teries in later times endowed Vicarages, when they themselves took the great tithes . The circular
buildings of large stones, of which the Sacae, Saxons, brought the pattern from North India, where
vast numbers of them yet remain, were the first Druidical temples . When the Romans drove out
the Druids and took possession of the vacant lands, the stones, in many cases, were broken up to
build their more finished temples ; and after them, when the Christians prevailed, their temples
were in great measure used for Christian churches and monasteries . Thus only such Druidical
temples are left as were not subsequently converted into Roman or Christian temples . Perhaps
there is not a more striking point of similarity between the feudal laws and customs of the East
and West, than that of the trial by a jury of twelve persons .
Richardson shews this to have come
from the East ; that it was common to the Chinese, and to the Mexicans, which made Grotius
say, the Mexicans must have been from Scandia . Hornius 3 says, c0 Quod vero Grotius infert, ex

' Hist . Mid . Ages, Vol . II . p . 2 ; Gibbon, Ch. xv. and xx. Y Hist . Mid . Age, Vol . II p . 6 .
3 De Orig . Gent. p . 270 .
Book IV. Section 16 279
• Scandik ortos Mexicanos, quia Gotti et Saxones olim duodecemvirale tribunal habuerunt, id
`~ leviculum est : nam spud Mexicanos et Sinenses solum regium consilium eo numero constabat "'
Cleland says, " that most of the ecclesiastical terms of the Romish church, as Parish, &c., are
`~ Celtic, in which light it may be said, that the primitive Christians, for rearing the fabric of their
• church, took what suited them, of the ruins of demolished Druidism, for a scaffolding ; which they
• struck, and put out of the way, as soon as they had finished a nobler building ." 2 When I recol-
lect that the adoration of the Virgin and Child-Virgo Paritura-were common to Gaul and Egypt,
I am not surprised at the observation of Cleland . The parishes, &c., were equally common in
Egypt and Europe, and Mr . Taylor's expose of them, in the former, is no surprise to me . The
description of Eusebius is incontestible, viz . that the Essenes were Christians, and the whole
together shews the original system most beautifully . Very justly has Bishop Lloyd observed that
Christianity flourished here before the time of Constantine ; but he might have added, also before
the time of Christ . 3
16. In India, every trade was a secret, and called by the word Ras, secret wisdom or knowledge .
Trades in general constituted one great ras or caste ; each trade again a little subcaste ; it had its
own Ras ; each Ras had a Pontifex . Each trade or craft or caste admitted persons to its ras only
on payment of a fine and serving an apprenticeship . Every trade, as well as that of Mason, was
a craft : thus we have our crafts . This word is found in the xpuirroc of the Greeks . When a
person was taught the craft, he was admitted to be a liber or free or soc man, of that craft. Every
man who dwelt in the town was not a freeman ; but those only who understood the liber or craft .
All the crafts were originally bound together by religious ties or initiations ; in which the doctrines
of the Trinity, Baptism, and the Eucharist, are generally very prominent . Initiation itself was, in
fact, ordination . Here we have the three sacraments of the Christians of St . Thomas, and of the
Culdees of Iona, of Ripon, and of York . These religious rites among the crafts, in their initia-
tions, have long entirely disappeared in Britain ; but they remained till very lately in France and
Germany, 4 possessing almost all the outward appearances of Freemasonry, and being constantly
objects of jealousy and persecution by their governments . The circumstance of the Culdees being
found at York and Ripon can in no other way be accounted for, than by giving to those institutions
an antiquity much greater than modern antiquarians are willing to allow . The fact, indeed, car-
ries them further back than the Christian sera . I believe the Minsters were all Monastic esta-
blishments of Carmelites or Essenes or Therapeutae or Cullidei . Jllyn meant stone . Stonehenge
Meyn ambre . Hence came minster and and monasteria . a They were all Gnostici. I think that
almost every very old church, of any magnitude and grandeur, was the work of monastic masons,
built by and for Monks-for the Regulars, not for the Seculars ; that, originally, the country was
divided into districts, over each of which presided one of these institutions ; that these were the
first Parochie, called, in the Celtic language, Bareich ; and that the monks possessed the tithes of
the whole country . Ethelwolf was the first who passed a declaratory law in England, in 855, to
make the whole kingdom liable to tithes ; but traces may be found of their payment, under the
Heptarchy, long . before . In a similar manner a declaratory law was passed in the year 586, at the
Council of Mascon, by King Guntham . I think the castes, in early times, must have been nearly
the same in Europe as in India, and that they arose from the same natural cause . I have already
shewn how the four great castes arose, in India, and that every trade is also a caste . These, as I
have already intimated, are very nearly our crafts or companies of tradesmen taking apprentices ;

I Vall . Col . Hib . Vol . V . pp . 321, 322. 3 Attempt to revive Celtic Lit ., p . 102 . ' Ib . p . 105 .
4 Vide Dulaure, Hist . de Paris, Tome VIII . Livraison XV . 5 Cleland, p . 144.
280 Cathedrals, &c ., Were Druidical, Then Roman, Temples
but the children generally succeeding their parents in the same trade, they were both hereditary and
not hereditary. Guilds, Chantries, and Free-chapels, were suppressed by 1st Edward 6th . The
Guilds are said to have been established to offer prayers for the souls of the deceased . They were
poor persons who associated to procure this advantage . The Franchise or Liberty and right of
Sanctuary arose from the double and confused use of the word Liber . A friend has observed, It is
surprising that this has never been discovered before, if it be true . To which I reply, It would
have been surprising if it had . For first, in early times, no one ever attempted to give a history
except those whose object it was to conceal the truth, if they knew it, which, in most cases, is
very doubtful . Secondly, they were men of the meanest understandings, incapable, from extreme
bigotry, of taking au extended view of any subject . Thirdly, they had not the means of taking a
bird's-eye survey of the world, as we have at this day . Fourt hly, if what I have stated be the
truth, they would have been instantly persecuted, like Roger Bacon, if they had published it
And, lastly, for want of the knowledge which we have obtained from India, only within the last thirty
years, it was quite impossible that they could ever have arrived at the truth . The popish writers,
enemies of the monks, tell us, and as usual we believe the evidence of enemies, that, in the early
times, the monks were not priests ; that is, because they assume that there can be no priest
except by descent of cheirotonia from the Pope : this the monks could not chew ; therefore their
ordination was denied . The only instance we have of any thing like monks in their pristine state
are the Collidei of Iona or Columba in Scotland ; and it appears that they ordained one another
before the Romish priests came among them ; and, what is very remarkable, were permitted by
the Romish priests, after they seized their monastery, to continue it . It is also very remarkable,
that these Collidei or Chaldaeans had the three sacraments which the Collidei or Christians of St .
Thomas or of Tamul had, and no more, viz . Orders, Baptism, and the Eucharist ; but taking with
them also, or some of them at least, the three vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience . I take
it, that I shall presently satisfy every one that the town of Columbo, in the island of Ceylon, and
the town of Columba, in the island near Scotland, had each its name given by the same sect' or
people . I believe the Roman Senate was au hereditary sacred order or priesthood, like that of the
Jews, and that of the Chaldaeans or Cullidei, which married ; but it was necessary, in all cases, to
go through the ceremony of the xeipozovia, previous to performing the functions of a priest . The
word Gosen or Goshen of Egypt, and Gosaen of India, read from right to left, instead of from left
to right, described the land of the Soc above-noticed by Blackstone, and the Sag of Scandinavia ;
and I have a suspicion too, that all the Celtic tribes were Xacae or Saxae, so denominated from the
name of their religion .
17 . 1 can entertain little doubt that our cathedrals and churches, as I have already remarked,
descended from the Druidical temples, and that by a very natural process . When the Romans
overran Britain, they would find these places, with the lands belonging to them, appropriated to
religion, or as seminaries of education, numbers of which we are told that the Druids possessed,
but the remains of which are no where else to be found . The Romans would naturally use them
for the same purposes : the building materials would be on the place ; and, after the Christian
religion overthrew the altars of the Romans, the same reasons which had operated with them,
when they succeeded the Druids, to continue the appropriation of their institutions to religious
purposes, I have no doubt, operated with the Christians in their succession to the Romans . We
are told that our Collegiate Churches, and Deans and Chapters, were established in the eighth
century . These, I have no doubt, were the remains of the colleges above alluded to, which under-
went some change or regulation at that time . I do not doubt that they were monastic : the
remains of the cloisters, dormitories, &c ., about our cathedrals, prove this . I think it very likely
that the junction between the Monks and the Pope, in this country, may have been effected by
Book IV . Section 17 281

giving them the appointment of Bishops . When the Romans left Britain, in the latter end of the
fourth century, I suppose that Christianity pretty generally prevailed, though it might perhaps be of
the mongrel kind which we find in Constantine, and probably the collegiate establishment which had
existed in the time of the Druids had been succeeded by or converted into similar Christian establish-
ments . I believe that, properly speaking, we have the remains of only one temple of the Romans
in Britain, which is at Bath ; and I think it very probable that, after they had completed their
conquest of England, they treated the native religion indulgently, as they did the Egyptian . , Their
enmity to the Druids was occasioned by the Druids being enemies to them . What we read about
human sacrifices, as the reason of the enmity of the Romans, is nonsense ; for they practised this
themselves, till the time of Claudius . I believe the Romans occupied Britain, as the Turks have
occupied Greece, and that, after the conquest, they left the natives in possession of their religion,
which would, in principle, be the same as their own, though differing in some small matters . It
was what had been brought by the first tribes of Celtae or Sacae, in fact, by the Chaldees or Culli-
dei, who were, in reality, nothing but a sect of Druids, and similar to the Christians of Malabar .
The Romans had altars in their castra, (caster, chester, &c.,) but they built no temples, unless in
the former part of the four hundred years they were here . The corrupted Roman pillars, which
we call Saxon, might be parts of temples which served both them and the natives . At the time
of Constantine, the Roman religion was undergoing a radical reform, by changing to what we call
Christianity : and, I believe, when the latter tribes of Same or Saxons came, the religion of Britain
was pretty much that of the Cullidei of Iona, York, and Ripon, possessing its colleges, formerly
Druidical . The latter Saxons probably brought a new corruption or variety from Scandinavia ;
but we have no evidence that they interfered with the religion of the natives, (except with such of
the Druids as were in rebellion,) and the two probably not very dissimilar . When the Romish
priests or monks, under Augustine, came, then began the struggle between the Seculars and Re-
gulars, the Cullidei and the Papists-the Cullidei, with their three sacraments, denied to be, or at
least scarcely allowed to be, Christians, by the Papists ."' The Cullidei were monks ; but yet

some of them married . Here we have the remains of the first patriarchal religion . By degrees
the Papists prevailed, and from the struggles for mastery between the two parties arose the very
great variety which a close observer must see in our ecclesiastical polity : our collegiate churches
sometimes without bishops, sometimes with them ; the tithes sometimes possessed by Seculars,
sometimes by Regulars ; Bishops sometimes appointed by Kings, sometimes by the Chapters ;
the variety of the livings, donatives, peculiars, &c ., &c. We have no history of these times except
by Romish writers, whose object was to support their own party and to conceal the truth, when it
happened to be against them . Before the sixth century, all Monks were Carmelites ; but I do
not think there was at that time any one head of the order over them all ; this, however, is a point
involved in darkness . In the dispute, (noticed in Volume I . p . 768,) which took place between
the Bishops of York and Canterbury for precedence, it appears, 2 that the Archbishop of York
grounded his pretensions on an assertion, that his see was founded by Scotch Monks, with which
Canterbury, founded by Augustine, had no concern . Here, I believe, we have the Cullidei ; and
that in the northern parts of the island, the old religion, as we might suppose, was less changed,
corrupted, by Romans, Danes, later Saxons, than in the southern : that, in fact, it was Cullidaean
Christian, when Augustine came to Kent and converted the Saxons, whose religion perhaps had

1 We are told that the Saxons were not Christians . Thus it is often said, that the Unitarians of this day are not
Christians ; and it is always said, that the Mohamedans are not . But what signifies such nonsense?
$ Rap . Vol . II . B VI .
VOL . II .
282 Ings Lands
become much more Pagan or corrupt, to the Romish Christianity, or to the faith of the seven in-
stead of the three sacraments ; the simple and first religion of Abraham, of Iona, in short of
Buddha .
18 . I apprehend in the most early times land was not appropriated, as it is now, except to reli-
gious uses, or at least to the use of the priests ; but, that it was held more in the manner of our
Ings lands, which changed hands every year . The remains of this ancient custom are yet to be
found in many parts of Britain . The policy of nomade tribes, which arose from circumstances
peculiar to their mode of life, must have been greatly against the appropriation of lands in perpe-
tuity, and it was this policy which produced the custom of changing the land to which I allude .
I believe oats and barley were the grains chiefly cultivated, as they required only a few summer
months to bring them to perfection . At first, such tribes as were entirely nomadic would have no
arable land . After a certain time they would invent a plough, and, in spring, would turn up a few
strips of the waste and sow them with barley or oats . These strips (or lands as they are yet
called in the north of England ; in the common town fields one strip is a land) being appropriated
only during the summer that they were growing the crop, and then being thrown open to the ge-
neral pasturage. It would naturally happen, that (if the tribe remained in the same neighbour-
hood) the same lands would be repeatedly ploughed . This would arise in consequence of the greater
ease with which the work would be done ; a fact of consequence to those who had only such in-
different tools as the Hieralpha,I which we find in the hand of the Indian Hercules, at Muttra, and
every where described on the Egyptian buildings . After some time it would be found that the
lands had become exhausted, and fresh parcels would be resorted to-the old ones being left to
become grass . This is the present practice in the Campagna di Roma . The same process took
place with pasture land when dried grass became used . Each individual had a strip allotted to
him, which varied every year . This is no theory . 2 Before a late inclosure of the parish in which
I live, I had land in both these conditions . In this country, in my recollection, they were very
common ; and in this way, I have no doubt, that lands in many countries were anciently culti-
vated . As nomade tribes settled themselves in villages, small parcels of land would become in-
closed around them, and I conclude that a parcel would always be appropriated to the temple and
the priests, for their occupancy and residence . I think it is probable that these first villages would
be formed of the aged and infirm who were unable to travel : these villages would by degrees
grow into towns . At last the old, the rich, the priests, would stay at home, and the young would
be sent off to the distant pastures, as the sons of Jacob were sent off to a distance, when Joseph
was despatched by old Jacob to visit them . Thus, in many countries, Syria for instance, we find
the wandering tribes yet mixed with the cities . When these wandering tribes quarrelled about
the pastures, by degrees weapons would be invented, wars would arise, and with them generals
and kings, disputing power with the priest in the city . The state of half appropriation of land
described above, to be found with numbers of trifling customary variations in many parts of Bri-
tain, is a direct descendant of similar customs, upon a large scale, in North India and Germany.
With many of the tribes of the Afghans, the lands change possessors after certain short periods .
Mr . Elphinston particularly describes as an example the tribes of Eusof and Munder . The whole
land of the clan or tribe seems to be in the possession of the chief, who, by necessity, can be no
other than their trustee . At particular times a great meeting takes place, the whole is divided

' See Vol. I . p . 239.

s Tacitus (Germania, cap . i.) says, that the Germans cultivate sometimes one district, sometimes another, and often

make new distributions of their lands .

Book IV . Section 18 283
among the subordinate clans by lot, who again divide it, at, under or in petty meetings, among the
persons having a right to portions of the land . In some cases the lands are held for several years,
in others only for one. All the people of a tribe are not entitled, but certain known persons,
having the right ; the others are in the situation of villains . I Mr . Elphinston observes, 2 that
there are traces of this custom to be found in Khorasaun . Volney noticed the same in Corsica .
Tacitus thus describes it with the ancient Germans : 11 Agri pro numero cultorum ab universis per
CQ vices' occupantur, quos mox inter se, secundum dignationem, partiuntur : facilitatem partiendi
°f camporum spatiae praestant . Arva per annos mutant ." (Germania, xxvi .) Cmsar also has the
following passage : "Neque quisquam agri modum certum aut fines proprios habet ; sed magistra-
i 0 tus ac principes, in annos singulos, gentibus cognationibusque hominum qui una coierunt, quan-
00 turn eis, et quo loco visurn est, attribuunt agri, atque anno post, alio transire cogunt ." The
description given by Mr . Elphinston is exactly the description of the process in my village of
Skellow, called Sconhalla in Dom Bec . The persons having rights met at the Mote-hill, now re-
maining around the Cross on the top of the Calvary, once a year, on St . John's day, the day of
wisdom, when, at the mote or meeting, the lands of the ings were distributed, by lot, among those
having rights . From mote comes the word meeting ; and from this being the lotting day, the
meeting was called the Leet. From this comes the letting or allotting of lands, and the moting
or mooting of subjects of discussion at meetings ; for, at these meetings, all parish matters were
moted or moved . In level countries, to make a mote-hill it was necessary to make a ditch, out
of which came the materials for the mote ; hence circles of water called Moats ; and as this ditch,
in most places, would be a nuisance, when the hill became disused, the hill would be thrown
down again into the ditch and thus it would disappear. The meeting was a miniature Wittage-
mote . After finding the ancient Gods, &c ., of India, correctly described by their names in Ire-
land, long before they had arrived here from our East-India possessions, and therefore not possi-
ble to be modern copies, we shall not be surprised to find the tenures of lands similar to those
which we have found in India, also in Ireland . From the Brehon laws it may be observed,
that anciently the lands, at certain times, entirely changed their possessors . They were given up
to a common stock, and a new division took place . The feudal customs of reliefs, wardships, trial
by Jury, &c ., may be perceived-all of them strong signs of the same ancient system which we
have traced from India, and by no means proofs, as has been alleged, of corruptions of the Brehon
laws. 3 I think it probable that the only land which would riot be subject to change would be
that of the priests . It would evidently be their policy to have their tenants fixed, and it would as
evidently be the policy of the lay-lords or soldiers, when they arose, to have their tenants hold
their lands by an uncertain tenure, which would not prevent them, on a sudden, marching to war or
moving to fresh grounds with their Lord . Thus, by degrees, from the first, the class or caste of the
priests arose ; from the second, the caste of the soldiers or shepherds ; and the stationary or resi-
dent occupiers of the lands of the priests would very naturally form the third class or caste of
farmers : the residents of the towns, around the temple, would form the trades or fourth caste .
A fifth caste or out-caste, or a certain unfortunate class of slaves or villains of no caste, the slaves
of all the other castes, is every where to be met with . These slaves or villains were the perform-
ers of a variety of base or degrading works for the higher classes . In many cases they were
what were called aborigines. By degrees they had small portions of land given to them, particu-
larly by the priests, for which they rendered no suit or service like the other castes, being, in fact,

I Elphinaton, Cabul, Vol . II. P. 17. lb . p. 21 .
3 Hallam, Const . Hist. of England, Vol. IV . pp . 189-191 .
284 Allodial Lands
a kind of slaves before they received them . When the higher castes rendered their suit and ser-
vice, they rendered for these villains also-the villains were included . Thus, by degrees, they ac-
quired lands without suit or service, and in this way arose the Folk lands, of which we read ; but,
I believe, no where find, at least I never found any . These lands were evidently part of the lands
of the sacerdotal class .
19. It is very clear to me that the nature of allodial property is not understood by any one . In
India it is called Bhoomia . 1 This word is spelt by some Bhumia . This is, ia-b-om, land of Om .
Col. 'I'od thinks the Bhoomias were the predecessors of the Zemindars, and the scions of the native
princes . The word Allodium is not a Latin word . Littleton gives the meaning of the word to
be a Freehold-to be land for which a man owes no suit or service .2 It is al-di-om, land of the-
holy-Om . It is also called Boc-land, that is, book-land, 3 because it was originally a part of the
land of the priests . I believe the Folk land was originally a part of it ; but, in many places, it
probably became a favourite mode of tenure . I believe that it was land originally held in occu-
pancy by the priests, consequently it neither did suit and service, nor paid tithe . Ecclesia lion
solvat ecclesiae . On this account it was the land of God-of 5rc al-'`r di . In India it was land
held Bhoomia-that is, land held by the right of Om . And when other lands changed every year,
it was stationary-as Ona signifies . From the Pandhean system the name of God, 5rt al, came to
mean all ; and from the Om having relation to the same doctrine, came the Om-nis, having the
same idea . In India the holders of this property have no title-deeds to shew for it, but hold it
without title, from immemorial antiquity . As it has no suit or service to render, it goes not to
the eldest, but in equal divisions among all the children, like our Kentish Gavel-kind lands or
freeholds . Allodial property passed by inheritance, both in India and Europe, without requiring
any relief or investiture, or the performance of homage . Salian Franks were the Franks of Sul .
In England, if the learned Burton 4 may be believed, " no subject can hold land in direct or allo-
" dial dominion ." This, I have no doubt, was once the case of every country in the old world .
All was granted to tenants by the Supreme Pontiff, and the vectigal or tithe was the return, except
from the priests, for land in their actual occupation . This holding was in Soccage . Upon this, all
the other kinds of tenure were engrafted . Whatever encroachments were made on the system
were probably done away with by William the Conqueror . Scheffer and Pontoppidan 5 say, that
Odhal or Udal signifies land free from tax, and is the origin of Allodial, and is in opposition to pas-
ture land called Scattald, which paid tax . From this comes the scotted or taxed lands, in many parts,
and particularly in Hatfield Chace, near Doncaster, in Yorkshire . Scheffer says, that allodial is odh
proprietas, and all totum . If it be correct that only the pasture paid the tax, we see a reason for
the use of the Etruscan Agrimensores and the crosses to divide the open, uninclosed wastes, in
order to collect the vectigal-of which I shall treat at large in the next book .6 The crosses of
Italy are found in the Scandinavian Mark stones of the Scottish isles .? I beg this may be recol-
lected . The view which I take of the subject seems to be confirmed by an observation of Mr .
Hallam's, that "the ecclesiastical hierarchy never received any territorial endowment by law,
" either under the Roman empire, or the kingdoms erected upon its ruins ." The fact is, I have
no doubt, that every cathedral was a species of college or monastic establishment, of extreme an-
tiquity, which formed, at last, when the Monks became Christian, or rather, I should say, Romish,
priests, a bishopric or archbishopric . It is not difficult to imagine how the Abbot would, when

I Tod's Rajast'lian, Vol. 1 . p . 168 . s Vide Diet . 3 Rapin, Vol . Il . p. 196 .

* On Real Property, Sect . i . Chap. vi. Col. 65, a . a Norway, Vol . II . p. 290 .
6 See Hibbert's Shetland Isles, p . 180. 7 Ib . p . 182 . 9 Vol . II. p . 4 .
Book IV . Section 20 285
once ordained, consent to rise to a mitred Abbot' or Bishop, or an Archbishop . I take a mitred
Abbot to be an abbot with the order of bishop, but often without functions, out of his convent.
They have been succeeded by Bishops in Partibus . By this means the Popes brought all the Car-
melites or Essenes, and their property, into the church, and in return, the Monks ultimately, as I
formerly remarked, brought the Papacy into subjection to them . As soon as the Monks got pos-
session of the Papacy, either absolutely or by influence, they shew it, by repeated exemptions of
monasteria from the power of the Bishops of their districts . 2 But this was after the kings had
acquired the power of appointing them . In the opinion which I have stated here, I quite agree
with,Rapin, 3 who thinks the allodial lands were those of the priests, and that they were not sub-
ject to any feudal services : they were the domain of the priests. He derives Allodial from A, non,
leud, lands . This is not satisfactory . The Allodial lands were those which the priests did not
grant or subinfeudate to tenants, but which they themselves in part occupied, and in part let their
servants occupy or cultivate . In Mr . Hallam's various attempts to explain the origin of the feodal
tenures, the admitted earliest tenures of mankind in many parts of Europe, it is very extraordinary
that it never should have occurred to him to ask the simple question, whether, they might not have
descended, in the whole or in part, from that people who must have been great and powerful, who
built Stonehenge, Abury, and Carnac . Like all our historians, he has never thought it worth his while
to ask himself the question, by whom these monstrous structures were erected . He has fallen
into an error, very common with almost all antiquarians, that of determining that a thing certainly
did not previously exist, because he finds no proof of its previous existence . But a thousand cir-
cumstances may render it probable that it did exist. If I find one arm-bone of a man, though I
have no proof, it is, I think, probable that there has once been another . This, I think, has led him
to place the establishment of several feodal abuses in late times, when the existence of the same
abuses in India raises a strong probability, that the European abuse was only a continuance or
renovation of earlier practices. The abuses to which I allude are not such, I think, as were likely
to arise in different places merely from the similar state of the human mind under similar circum-
stances. But I do not deny that several abuses may be pointed out, owing their rise, probably, to
the latter cause . Mr. Hallam, 4 when acknowledging the universal extension of the feodal tenure,
attributes it to importation into the different places by immigrant tribes in modern times, while I
think what he observes are only the wrecks of the universal feodal state, which were continued by
those tribes who found and preserved laws and customs such as they had left at home .
20. And this brings me to an inquiry into the history of the island of Ii, or'Iona, 5 or Columba,
or Icolmkill, or Sodor, in Scotland.
The establishment on the island of Iona arose from an ancient Druidical settlement, and proba-
bly became one of the most celebrated seats of learning in the western world . Very extensive
ruins are yet to be seen upon it . It is singular that this island should be called Iona and Colutn-
ba, the former meaning Dove in Hebrew, the latter Dove in Latin. The Dove has always been
the emblem of the Holy Spirit, of the Anima Mundi . A black dove came from the Hyperboreans
to Delos and Delphi, 6 where the priestesses were in a particular manner endowed with the Holy
Spirit . When the Holy Ghost or Spirit descended upon Jesus Christ, at his baptism, it was in
the form of a dove, and always a female dove . I have shewn that Venus was identical with Ceres,
Hecate, and she was black-in fact, the Mother of the Gods as such . She had two doves . She

The mitred Abbots had seats in parliament as of right ; but in right of what I think does not appear.
4 Hallam, Vol. II . p . 30 . 3 Hist. Vol . II . p . 197 . + Ch. ii . Part . II .
6 See Vol . I . p . 385, and supra, p. 262. 15 See Vol . I. pp. 137, 434, 502.
286 History of Island of Ii, or Iona or Icolmkill

was the Nei of Plato, one of the persons of his . Trinity, in reality the Holy Ghost . The island of
Iona, the island of the Dove, or, in Latin, of the Columba, is directly identified with Jehovah or
Ieue, by being called in the annals of Ulster Ii, the identical name by which Jehovah is always
called in the Jerusalem Targum . On the most remarkable part of the word Ii-va, or li-vaa, see
supra, p . 151 . 1 The word Iona also means the female generative principle or the female organ
of generation . In the cemetery of the convent or monastery of Iona, which was dedicated to the
Saint or Holy Mary, the ruins of which re-main, lie forty-eight kings of Scotland, four of Ireland,
eight of Norway, and one of France, besides a vast number of other persons of great consequence,
both known and unknown . Near the landing-place there were formerly a great number of CARNS .
These were probably the most ancient burying-places, when this island was inhabited by Bud-
dhists, who yet, in Upper India or Tibet, pursue the practice of making earns or large heaps of
stones over their friends . 2 Of this island Dr . Garnet says, in his Tour to the Islands, 3 " We had
" now examined the principal ruins of this island, and though they may be inferior in magnitude
" and grandeur to many that are to be met with, yet when we consider the situation of the island,
" the time when the buildings were erected, as well as the disadvantages under which they have
" been undertaken, they may be looked upon as the greatest curiosities of the kind in the British
" empire, especially when we connect with them the circumstances which have been already men-
" tioned, viz . the flourishing state of learning at the time when the rest of Europe and of the world
" was wrapt in the dark cloud of ignorance and barbarism ." The learning is proved by their library
destroyed at the Reformation, and the scarcity of Druidical remains is easily accounted for by the
the stones used for erecting more modern edifices, at the time when it had grown into a Christian
monastery and college. The island is called, in an inscription on a grave-stone, Ii . It says,
" Johannis, Abbatis de Ii facta," &c . In another, " Hie jacet Johannes Macfingon, Abbas de
Ij," &c . In another, a Nun is called " Prioressa de Iona ." These inscriptions yet remaining on
tombstones prove the truth of what I have said in my Celtic Druids respecting its name of 11,
which I quoted from the Annals of Ulster . 4 Respecting the great curiosity of this island and its
remains, Dr . Garnet has not said a word too much in the extract which I have given above .
There is also a St . Columb or Columba or Columbes in Cornwall, which took its name from a St .
Columba, a female saint and martyr. It is reckoned a sacred place . There are nine sacred stones
set up in .a line near it, called the nine maids. 5 In Pegu and Ceylon Buddha is generally, when
sleeping, overshadowed by nine Cobras . In other parts of India he commonly has seven, but in
others only five. The number was probably regulated by the number of cycles of which he was
the emblem at the time . This, I have no doubt, was the case with the number of the Curetes or
Saviours, and the Muses or Saviours of Greece . Had the Cobras been meant to designate the
planets, I think they would not have varied in number . The discovery of new icons, with dif-
ferent numbers, is no argument against this, as the devotees constantly make them after old pat-
terns ; they do not pretend to understand any of them .
The Roman Catholic historians account for the names Iona and Columba by the histories of
Saints who were formerly bishops of the island, and for a very long time I was totally unable to
reconcile the apparent strong testimony in favour of a St . Columba and a Saint Iona having really
lived, with the evident mythological meaning of these names . At last it occurred to me, that it
must have arisen from the absurd custom yet retained by our bishops of calling themselves after

' A particular account of this island may be seen in my Celtic Druids, Ch . v. Sect . xxxvii . p . 196.
s See Vol. 1 . pp . 409, 685. s P. 264 . * See the reference, ut supra.
' Hog's Fabulous History of Cornwall .
Book IV . Section 20 287
their bishoprics ; thus we have Reginald Calcutta, instead of Reginald of Calcutta, and William
Jamaica, instead of William of Jamaica . Of this sort .of fooleries there is no end. This will ac-
count for the entries in the Saxon Chronicle and all the other difficulties ; so that there may have
been men who performed many of the acts recorded, and who signed themselves Iona and Colum-
ba. When this absurd custom began I believe no one can tell, and I apprehend it must have
arisen from the regimine of the old language, by which Bishop of Iona, became Bishop Iona .
This mistake of Bede and others is not more extraordinary than many other of their mistakes . A
proper attention to the regimine-a natural effect of the poverty of the ancient language-I have
no doubt will account for many mythological difficulties which have hitherto been totally insur-
mountable . It very satisfactorily accounts for the priests having the names of their Gods ; and as
in almost every case the king was the high-priest, it accounts for his being described by the name
of the God, in the pontifical writings, which, in fact, are the only writings of these times that we
possess . In every case in which a priest of any country using the old language is treated of, in
the language of a country that had acquired the habit of forming its genitive case by inflection or
by article, the consequence almost necessarily followed that the priest would have the name of the
God given to him . In the neighourhood of Iona there are many places with mythic and oriental
names ; and almost all the Indian Gods are found in Ireland . I The islands of Bute, Arran, Ilu,
and Skye, are thus called from Buddha, Arhan, Ila the consort of Buddha, and Saca or Sakya :
the island of Man from Man-anan or Mahi-Man, or Menu . 2 All these were sacred islands, the
same as Iona or Colurnba. 3 The names of Buddha, Arhan, Man, Mlahi-man, were well known
to the ancient Celts . The first month of the Egyptians, August, was called Thoth in honour of
the God . The first of August, in old Irish, is called the day of La Tat ; that is, the Buddha .
The Saman, or Somono or Sumnaut of the East, is found in Ireland in Saman, Samhan, and
Shamhna . 4 Vallancey says, in the old Irish language Budh, Buth, Both, means the Sun, Fire,
the Universe . The Budh of Ireland was of the family of Saca-sa, or the bonus Saca. This is the
Sacya, from whom the Buddha Muni of the Hindoos was descended . But though Sa may mean
good, yet I do not doubt that it also meant Saviour. Many remains of the Buddhist religion are
to be found in Ireland . He bad a temple at Budda fan, or Butafan, now Buttevant. n1D Put
was the Apollo of the Chaldeans according to Bochart . Abbuto, or Pater But, is the Apollo of
the Japanese . Phutios was an old Grecian epithet of the sun and Jupiter, according to Hesychius .
It is said in the Asiatic Researches, 5 "there is a luminary, which rese, like fresh butter, from the
u ocean of milk, churned by the Gods : the offspring of that luminary was Buddha, or the wise ."
Tradition gives Iona the character of having been a place very celebrated for education . It is pro-
bable that most of our Cathedrals, as I have before said, arose from Druidical or Buddhist institu-
tions for education, founded about the time of Stonehenge ; that they were Culdee establishments ;
for, in these, the Culdees were last found, as at York and Ripon . I am also of opinion that Cam-
bridge, with its river Cam or Ham, its Castle Hill, its round church or Templum, its legend Alma
Mater Cantabrigia-and Oxford, with its RIVER ISIS, its coat of arms, the BULL OR OX, its great
tumulus at the end of the town, its Mithraic monument noticed by Stukeley, were both of
them Druidical or Buddhist foundations . The reason why there are no pillars or columns, at
those two places, like Stonehenge, is because they have been worked up into buildings since the
time of Christ. If it had so happened that a college had been continued at Stonehenge, there
would not now be any great circles of stones there . The tumuli only would have been found,

I See Celtic Druids, p . 183 . s Fab. Pag. Idol. B . iv. Ch . v. ' Celtic Druids, pp . 199-201 . .
4 Faber, Pag . Idol. Ch . v . p . 365. 5 Vol . III.
288 Ceylon

wherever the establishments continued, though Culdees might remain as at Ripon and York, o r
legends or tumuli as at Oxford or Cambridge ;' yet all the rough stone monuments would neces-
sarily disappear . The same cause produced the destruction of the old temple and the production
of the new one . The stones were ready and the lands unappropriated to private use, or rather,
perhaps, I should say appropriated to sacred use . Thus monasteries and saints .arose in Italy and
Iona, on heathen temples . The great and rich foundations became cathedrals, the little ones
churches or convents .
21 . There are some circumstances relating to the island of Ceylon which we will now notice .
The most rational part of its history states, that a conqueror, from the north of India, overran the
Peninsula, advanced to Ceylon, and established there the religion of Guatama or Buddha the Se-
cond, as lie is called by persons who do not understand the mythos . In this island is found a
mount called Adam's Peak ; in Cingalese'called Himmaleh . In it there is also the mark of a foot,
which Christians call the foot of Adam ; but the Buddhists say it is the mark of the foot of Buddha .
This is, because Buddha, who robbed the garden of a flower, 2 was a renewed Adam. There is a
river of Calany and a temple of Calany, and, about six miles from it, a town called Columbo . 3
Its old name is called Serendive or Serendib . (Ararat, as I shewed in Vol. I . p . 428, is called
Serendib in the Samaritan version .) There is also a mystical mount called Zian, which means
place of repose . 4 At Rangoon is a God called Dagun . 5 The God Kandi-kumara, that is, the
holy Khan of Cuma, is called a Rabbie . 6 This is correctly Hebrew, and means prophet or seer ;
that is, a seer forwards, a person who could see into futurity . It is remarkable that in the lan-
guage of the ancient Gael the word Ii, the name of Ieue, should mean an island, and should be
also the name of the sacred isle of the West-of Iona or Columba-and that Devi, in Sanscrit,
should mean an island and be the name of God, and of the island of Ceylon . But I believe it
means Dev or Div, that is, holy or saint I, shortened from li, the name of the crucified God at
Tripetty, on the continent, not far from Ceylon, called Ball-li, or Bal-Jii . This will not be
thought improbable when all the other coincidences between the sacred islands of the East and of
the West, which I shall now disclose, are considered . That in the languages of the East, the word
for island should be the same as that for God, and that a similar peculiarity should prevail in the
sacred isle of Iona and all isles in the West, viz . Ii, I cannot attribute to accident, especially when
I find the Popes claiming all islands as the peculiar patrimony of God .' The great islands of
Java, Ceylon, Japan, Sumatra, or Javadios, were all sacred islands. The language of the sacred
isle of the West, Iona, was called Gaeldoct ; the name of the sacred isle of the East, where we find
the Point de Galle, was Sin-gala . Here we have the same Gael, but with the appellative sin in-
stead of the doct . The same cause operated in causing the Chinese to be called Sines, and in giving
a similar name to the Sin-gala, also to the river Sinde in North India, and to the river Sinde in
Thrace, to Mount Sinai, and to the desert of Sin in Arabia, to Jehovah Nis-si, and to Bacchus,
Deo-nissi, which I noticed in Vol . I . pp . 423,606 . 1 shall resume the inquiry into the Sin presently .
The monastery of Iona was occupied by Culdees or Cullidei, or Callidei . I am persuaded that it was
once the religious capital of Caledonia ; and if we do not now find Ceylon called Callida, it most
likely was so formerly, as we find a Callida now grown into Cochini upon the neighbouring pro-
montory, to which it was doubtless formerly joined . But the Cal in the word Cali and the Gal

' For the origin of Cambridge, see Cleland's Specimen, p . 71 . He considers Cambridge to have been a College
before the time of the Romans .
= See supra, p . 244 . a See Vol. I, pp . 596, 671 .
• See Upham's Hist . of Buddhism of Ceylon, lat . pp . 66, 74 . ' lb. p . 17. 6 Ib. 53 .
7 Hallam's Hist. Mid . Age . Vol . II . p . 5 7.
Book IV . Section 21 289
were the same word corrupted, as is decisively proved by the name of the Prince of Orugallu,
given in the Madras Transactions, I for he is called the prince of the Gallu or Gael, which is the
same as the Cal of Ur or Urii . Having sbewn the Celtic to be Hebrew, that is Chaldee, and these
languages to be vernacular in South India, we have all the difficulties to the doctrine of identity of
race and language in Scotland and India removed . An interesting account is given in the above-
mentioned Transactions s of the opening of some Tumuli and Carns, which spews them to be the
very same as those found in many places in Britain ; but, perhaps, no where more satisfactorily
than in the neighbourhood of Inverness . The observation of Dr. D. Clarke, quoted in the Trans-
actions, that they are the works of a people of whom we have no history, is quite correct . My
reader may refer to the Carn in Fig. 18, and to Vol . I . p . 241, note, for the account of the Cromleh
given by Sir Anthony Carlisle . If my reader will look back to Volume I . p. 527, he will there see
that the word Selene means the female generative principle, the same as the Yoni, or Tune, the
name of the Scotch island . He will remember that the Island of Iona is called also Columba .
This observed, we must recollect that the ancients often treated of the sacred islands, but where
these were situated was always a matter of much doubt ; some persons placed them in the West,
some in the East. I consider the Iona or Columba of the Hebrides to be the Western sacred isle,
and the island of Ceylon, or one of the Eastern isles, to be the Eastern one . Lempriere says,
" The name of Salice, which we learn from Ptolemy to have been the native denomination of the
" island, is preserved in that of Selen-dive compounded of the proper name Selen, and the appel-
" lative for an island in the Indian language ." But the word dive means God and holy as well as
island. Here, then, we have one word in each island meaning the generative power, viz . Selen
and Iona, and one word in each I or Ii, and Dive, meaning God or holy ; and what is still more
remarkable, the name of the capital of Iona is Columba, and of Ceylon it is Columbo . And if the
reader will consider the word Ceilan or Coilan or Ceylon, another name of this island, 3 he will see
that it is nothing but the accusative case of the Greek word Koi .oS, (the meaning of which I need
not explain,) who was the father of Helen, the mystical mother of the Roman Constantine the
First, and also the Latin name of heaven . If my reader be credulous enough to believe, that all
these etymological coincidences are the effect of accident, he had better shut the book ; it is not
fit for him . It has been observed by Dr . Townley, that 23 bol, Bal, Baal, Bel, who was, in so
particular a manner, the object of worship with the Irish, (who probably derived it from the Car-
thaginians,) was peculiarly the object of worship in Ceylon . He says, "Traces of this worship
" are still found in the island of Ceylon, where it is termed Baliism, a word of uncertain etymo-
• logy, but which will remind an antiquary of the names of Baal, Bel, and Bal, given to the sun 4
• by the Chaldseans and other ancient nations, and the Baltan, or Bealteine fires of Ireland and the
Highlands of Scotland . These Singhalese worshipers of the Stars are few in number, and gene-
• rally conceal their opinions . The worship consists entirely of adoration to the heavenly bodies ;
" invoking them in consequence of the supposed influence they have on the affairs of men . The
• Singhalese priests are great astronomers, and they are believed to be thoroughly skilled in , the
• power and influence of the planets ." 5 Townley knew nothing, when he wrote the above, about
the crucifixion and worship of Bal-iji a in the promontory of India, not far from Comorin .

I Vol . 1 . P . 19 . s Pp . 30-32.
3 Mr. Adrian Balbi has observed, that the small number of places from Ceylon to the Himmalaya, having names
connected with the Brahmin religion, and the great number connected with the Buddhist religion, depose contrary to
the Brahmin doctrines, that the religion of Buddha is the oldest (p . liiij) . The observation is striking and conclusive .
* See Selden de Diis Syriis. s Townley's Diss. on Maimonides, p . 44. s See Vol . I . p. 667 .
VOL . II .
290 Ceylon
But the circumstances of coincidence are wonderfully striking . The Rev. Mr . Whiter' says,
" The race of the Cymri was supposed to have been brought by Hu Gadarn, into the island of
" Britain, from the land of Hav, called Defrobani, as Mr. Davies has observed in his Celtic Re-
searches, pp . 154, 165 . This information is derived from the Welsh Triads Defrobani
• searches,
" is the Taprobane of the ancients or the island of Ceylon . This island is likewise called Serendib .
• In Sanscrit, Div is an island, and Seren is quasi Selan, the island of Ceylon ." The circum-
stances and coincidences which I have pointed out above I think give a great degree of credit to
the Welsh Triads, quoted by Mr . Davies . Bochart says, 2 " De Taprobana Diodorus : venerantur
• ut Deos cwlum quod omnia ccelestia . Item : In festis et precationibus recitant et canunt hymns
• et encomia in Deos : imprimis vero in Solem quern insularum et sui ipsorunz donzinum profit enter .
" Ptolemmus notat ad ortum Portutn Solis, et ad Aquilonem insulam Kwpu, quie Plinio est insula
• Solis . An a decurtato VIII (curs) Cores, id est, Cyri nomine, quod Soleui interpretantur Plutar-
• thus et alii, Kwpu dicta sit ea insula videant doctiores ." We must recollect that near this
island is the coast of Coromandel, which I formerly explained . For the meaning of the Kwpu
and 1V1n kurs and Coromandel, and St . Thomas, and the Xpiir-ians having the three sacraments,
the same as the Cullidei of Iona, the reader must look back to Vol . I . pp . 759, 760.
The Linga and Yoni are the peculiar objects -of adoration in Ceylon . The language of the sacred
island of Iona, of Scotland, is the Gaelic, but it is also called Shan Scrieu or Sanscrit . 3 Here we
have, most clearly, the worship of the Yoni of India and its language . I have shewu in Volume I .
p . 448, from Cleland, that the word Sanscrit was called Sanscort or Sanskroutan in the Celtic, or
Sanctum Seriptum. In which of the six Celtic dialects he had found it in this form, he does not
tell us ; but it was probably in Irish . In My CELTIC DRUIDS, p . 60, 1 have given it San-Scriobhte,
in which Mr . J . Logan, a good Celtic scholar, tells me I am right ; but, that the bh in the last
word, in speaking, are not pronounced . Professor Haughton says, that the word Sanscrit is de-
rived from the preposition San (like con, with) and Crita, done, made, and has an s interposed for
euphony ; that the Latin concretus is from the same root, but has a different sense,-for the word
in Sanscrit means perfected, adorned, embellished, CONSECRATED . Here in the last word we come
to the true idea, which is sanctum scriptum . Sanscrit are like Greek scholars who, not attending
to what Plato told them, that most proper names came from the barbarians, never travel out of
Greece for their explanations ; for which reason they are seldom right . Thus the Sanscrit scho-
lars go no further than the Sanscrit . I tell them to go to an earlier language for the datoos or
roots from which their fine language is derived . In the Scotch Celtic we have seen it is Shan
Scrieu or Shan Scrief . In the Irish Sean and San mean old, venerable, holy ; and Vallancey con-
firms this, and says, in many places, that sean means the Sun . Here, at last, we have the origin
of the word . Seanach, in Irish, means a high priest, a Druid ; this is, Sean and Akme, chief
priest . In Hebrew vv sn means the revolving sun and the tropical year . The Scrief is evidently
the Latin Scribo, Scripsi, Scriptum . Then Sean or San-Script will be writing of the Sun or holy
writing. In Hebrew 1D1D supr is a scribe, and 1 3x1] ktbi scribo, scripsi, scriptum . It is not diffi-

E tym .. Univer. Vol. 1 . p . 11 8 .

Etym 2 Phaleg, Lib . Prim . cap . xlvi . P . 697.
' While travelling lately by coach, in the Highlands of Scotland, an old gentleman told me the Gaelic language was
called Sanscrit . On the coach-door being opened by the waiter, when we arrived at the next inn, the old gentleman
asked him, in English, if he understood the Gaelic, and what was the name in Gaelic of the language : his answer was,
without a moment's hesitation, Sanscrit ! There could be no imposition here, the old gentleman was an entire stranger
in that part, and had not had an opportunity to speak to the waiter . He told me he spoke the language very well, as it
was his native tongue, but he never had been taught to write it, therefore would not undertake to write it correctly ; but
he wrote it in my pocket book, Shan Scrieu .
Book IV . Section 21 291
cult to see, though rather difficult to explain, how, from the two, the word scriobhte or scrit in the
Sanscrit, was derived . This is a very good example for shewing how all these languages revolve
back into one, when examined to the bottom, where, at last, we always find the Hebrew, the lan-
guage into which the first numeral symbols were written .
At a little distance from the Scotch island of Iona is a small island, called by the sailors the
Dutchman's Cap, which looks exactly like the Calvaries on which the Crosses are usually placed .
It has three steps, having every appearance of being formed by art, cut out of the rock by manual
labour. In old maps it is called Linga . I have no doubt that in ancient times a linga was at the
top of it : whether any remains of it are now there I know not . Here we have the worship of the
Linga and Ioni, and the female generative power, called Columba or the Dove, more clearly
marked than we have found it heretofore . Thus the worship of the Linga and Ioni was equally
prevalent with the Callidi of the East, of Comorin and Ceylon, as with the Callidei of Calidi-onia or
Scotland . I suppose that the origin of the name Linga arose from the equivocal nature of the
Logos . The idea of word and language cannot be separated . It is very certain that the Deity
could not proceed to action in any way of which we could form any idea, except by creating or
forming or producing, nor could he do this in any other way than by willing, nor could he exhibit
this will except by speaking. He spake the word or he gave the word, and the world existed,-
by the Word he formed or created it . Thus the Word or Linga came to be the generative power,
or emblem of the generative power. I am persuaded that the dove was a female ; and it is re-
markable, that the Hebrew name of Dove is always female-iTW Tune . I The word Aleian has a
feminine termination, 2 and Haggai foretells the promised desire of all nations by a feminine word,
the Amid or Om, or i\lo-hawed, 3 and the Mohamedan crest is a Crescent, always the emblem of
the female generative principle . From this I am induced to suspect, that I have considered the
Mobamedans to have been more exclusively devoted to the male generative principle than, in
reality, they were . Perhaps it is the Turks and not the Saracens, or perhaps the followers of
Othman or Omar only, and not those of Ali, who have the Crescent . The island of Iona I find is
called Sudor, and there is a priest called the Bishop of Sodor and Man . The Western islands
were divided into two classes, and called Sodoreys or Sudoreys, and Nordoreys or Nudoreys, which,
translated, are Southerns and Northerns . I feel no doubt that Sudor or Iona was once the capital
of the Southern state. In which of the islands the capital of the northern one might be I do not
know. These islanders became great pirates ; and, under the name of Sea-kings, constantly made
war upon the Highlands . The Norde-roy is Nortn-king ; the Sudor-roy is South-king . They
probably came from Norway-Nor-ia . As a protection against these people, the vitrified forts
were built ; and this consideration will induce me presently to make a few observations respecting
them. The name of the Scotch language, Gaeldochd, is very similar, when examined, to the word
Shanscrieu, as we have found it is still called . We must recollect that we found a place in Cey-
lon called the Point or Promontory of Galle ; this proves that the island was called Galle . Pray
whence had Ben-gal, that is Beni, sons of Gall, its name ? ° In a note on Scott's Chronicles of
the Canongate, Chapter X ., is this passage "The Deasil must be performed sunways, that is,
• moving from right to left . If misfortune is imprecated, the party moves withershins, (German,
• WIDDERSINS,) that is, against the sun, from left to right ." Here we have the sin, as it ought to

' See Vol . I . p 112 . a Ib . p . 64 . 3 Ib . p . 679 .

In ancient Italy Mount Alba preceded the Capitol as the sacred Mount . Scotland was called Alba . Much is said
about a white sow of Alba, which was called by Cassandra black. . See supra, p. 34.
292 Ceylon

be, for the sun-Sin=360. r I apprehend the word Sin came to mean Lion, when the Lion was
the emblem of the Sun at his summer solstice, when he was in his glory, and the Bull and
the Man were the signs of the Sun at the equinoxes, and the Eagle at the winter solstice .
Gael is the Hebrew 74 gl, and means circle, and the sacred island of Serindive or Ceylon,
where, as stated before, there is the Point de Galle, and the sacred island of Scotland, where
there is the language of the Gael or Gaeldoct or Sanscrit, is the island of Singal or of the Solar
Cycle, or Circle of the Sun . The people of Ceylon are called Singalese, not Ceylonese. I am
satisfied that all the ancient names of places, which had any connexion with the mythos, had
meanings : therefore, I am induced to try to find the meaning of the word Singala-the name of
Ceylon ; and, forced and absurd as my explanation will at first appear, I cannot help suspecting
that I am right . We have found the word Gael or Gal in Ben-gal, arid the Gaelic language in
Scotland . Suppose we read the word Sin-gal, Hebraice ; then we have Log-nis . The explana-
tion of the Nis or Sin, the name of Bacchus or the Sun, we have seen before, meaning 360 .
Bacchus we have also seen was called Liber and Bac, Boc, Book . He is also the Linga or gene-
rative power and the Logos, that is, the Log, the root of Logos : then I think Singal is the
language of the Sin, or of Nis, or of Bacchus, or the Logos, or Lingua or Linga . The Gael shews
itself in Ceylon in every way . We have not only Point de Galle, but Tengalle, Battigaloe, Galkisse,
As we might expect, we have the feudal tenures in Ceylon. Cordiner informs us, that the pos-
session of the soil was in the chief of the government . 2 Each code or district was governed by
a coral. Here we may have our earls. It means al-corl,3 chief of the code or circle. The officers
were remunerated by a portion of the produce of the land, 4 called accommodesan, that is, in other
words, by a composition, in lieu of the vectigal . From this comes our word accommodate . I
have read somewhere, I think, in Marsden's History of Sumatra, that Ceylon was once conquered
by the Chinese, or the Sin . Then it became, probably, the Gal of the Sin : the word Sin meaning
also Sun, as I have just shewn, and coming at length to mean the Lion, the emblem of the Sun at
the summer solstice . The coat of arms of the Son of the Sun-the Emperor of China-and of the
Egyptians, the natives of Alba-Sin, was a Lion . The capital of Scotland was Pere or Bere-gonium .
It is now nearly gone ; the cottages in its neighbourhood having the name of streets, prove that it
was once large. Near it is the highest mountain of Scotland, called Ben-Nevis ; that is, Ben-
Navis . Here we have the same name as the Mount Ararat, Mount Baris, or Naubunda, 5 or
Mount of the Ship . The top of this mount is seldom free from snow, and is nearly covered with
stones, though not very large . I think it probable that it formerly had a ship-temple. The per-
sons who destroyed the temple would not fail to roll the longest ones down the sides of the moun-
tain, as was probably done with the Linga in the island of the Linga . Was Ben-Lomond, Son of
Le-mond ? Was Alfred, who divided the kingdom into tithings, Alphre-di ? The tithings chew
that this was an ecclesiastical division . The tithings of the Saxon Alfred are exactly like the
tithings of the Chinese, each responsible for its own policy . Was the word Bareich-the name of
Parish-Bar-roi-rey-rex ? Were the Condes or Counties or Earldoms 72, and the Parishes 360?
England, including Wales, has 52 counties . Did Scotland make up the other 20?-Of the pecu-
liarities of the Jews perhaps there is not one more marked than their hatred of pork . It is very re-
markable that, in the Highlands of Scotland, to the North of the Caledonian Canal, until within a

' See Vol. 1 . p . 606. ' Hist. of Ceylon, pp . 18, &c . ' Whence come our Curls aria Churls?
4 Hist. of Ceylon, p.19 . 1 See Vol . 1. pp . 203, 235, 293, 335 .347, 759.
Book IV. Section 21 293
very few years, there was no such thing as a head of swine . It was detested, and this all Scotch-
men will allow . But whence this dislike no one can tell . The Christians never had any dislike to
swines' flesh. It came, I apprehend, with the Sanscrit and the Gael-docht from Sin-galla, and
the Indian promontory, where we have found all the Mosaic mythos in the temple of Jaggernaut .
But in this we have a strong circumstance to support my theory of the existence of a Judaism
totally independent of the Judaism of Western Syria, and, in addition, of its existence all over the
world, long, very long, before the time of Christ . It beautifully supports my theory, that the ori-
ginal Judzean mythos had its birth in India, and that the Western Syrian Jews were only a colony
from the first great hive. This mythos came to Scotland when the Gael, Celtic, and Hebrew,
were all one . I cannot help suspecting that the famous Scotch warrior Fingal ought to be Singal,
and this is strengthened by the fact, that his bard, Ossian, was the son of OM . I have long sus-
pected that if Macpherson had understood the nature of Ossian's poems, he might have made
them into an epic poem, something in its nature similar to that of Homer . I think they are a
series of epics, like the tragedies of lEschylus, or the historical plays of Shakspeare . The history
of the poems of Homer is very simple, when the mist in which the learning of men, who are too
learned to see any thing in a simple and natural way, has enveloped them, is cleared away . Ac-
cording to the written accounts which we have, they were songs to celebrate a continuous history,
as I have just remarked respecting the tragedies and plays of Eschylus and Shakspeare,' and
were first collected by Lycurgus, then by Pisistratus, and at last by Aristotle and a company of
men who, by inserting parts where needful, formed them into the poem which we have . They are
sacred poems. They are the praises of the unknown God, or songs about the God Om-becoming
the songs of Oni-the mythos concealed, as we have so often found, under a history . 2 They
were the same, I suspect, in Moesia, the land of the Mystery, in Asia Minor, and in Caledonia
in Scotland . The SANSCRIT word Eri or Heri, added to the Om, makes it Om the Saviour .
We must not forget that we have found the subject of the poem described in this Sanscrit
word (for Om-eri is Sanscrit) in India ; for example, Achilles, Ulysses, a the Argonauts ; and, in
the Bible, Solomon, Iphigenia, 4 &c ., and the history of the Bible in India, and both again in
Egypt .' I have little doubt that the prejudice to which I have alluded in the latter end of my
preface, has kept from us the truth respecting the father of Ossian, or has made Ossian the Omer,
into the Son of Om . I beg my reader to recollect the manner in which the Vau changed into the
F, and the F into the C, on which some very curious observations may be seen in Bishop Marsh's
Horae Pelasgicae, before he determines whether it be not possible that the Fingal of Scotland may
have been Singal. But what is Gaael? Is it, 60? We know that this word is always pronounced
unusually long, correctly as it is written here : G=3, AA=2, E=5, L=50-60 . Thus Cali may
have been Caall : K=20, AA=2, L=50=72, or Caph final=500, LL=100=600 . But it is often in
India written Kalee ; this will be, K=20, L=30, EE=10-60, or Kli, K=20, L=30, I=10=60 .
I must now refer my reader to the CELTIC Dxuins, p . 63, and there he will find several whole
sentences taken out of a Welsh Bible, with the Hebrew words above them, letter for letter . He
will also find, in pp . 59-61, a great number of Celtic, Sanscrit and Latin words which are evi-
dently identical, which, according to Young's doctrine, PROVE most superabundantly, that the
Hebrew is Welsh, and that the Welsh is both Sanscrit and Latin ; therefore, that the Hebrew is

1Vide what I have said in Vol . I. pp . 360-366 ; and pp . 542-544 .

• From the deceitful and false character it . always assumed we have our Hum for deceit, and Humbug for Big hum.
• See Vol . I. p. 519. 4 Ib . pp . 364, 615. ' See supra, pp . 17, 18.
294 Ceylon
Sanscrit. Thus we have the vernacular language of Cape Comorin and of the Celtic Hebrew all
proved to be the same, in the same country . Here in Carnate we have the Mosaic mythos, and
the two Mosaic dialects, the Chaldee, the Hebrew and the Gael, in Ceylon, called Singala and
Sanscrit, and in Scotland Sanscrieu and Gaeldoct . I The Singala is Gala or Gael Nis . And I
must repeat that, in India we have Mount of Nau-banda, ship-cabled mount ; in Scotland we have
Mount Nevis, or, I should say, Mount Navis, and Loch Ness, and Inver-ness ; that Sin, when read
Hebraically, is Nis, the name of Bacchus, of the river Sinde, of the president of the Jewish Sanhe-
drim ; 2 and, in short, of the Sun, as shewn in Volume I . p. 606, having the numerical power of
360 . Dr. Babington says, that the Sanscrit of South India is written in characters derived from
the Tamul ; and he and Mr . Ellis both agree in opinion, that the Tamul is a language not derived
from the Sanscrit . Wilson says, it is not derived from any language now in existence . 3 I be-
lieve there were many Sanscrit languages ; it was an appellative term, and applied equally to the
Gael or Celtic in India, and in Scotland . The Scotch Gael or Celtic, was the Gael of Singala, of
Beni-Gael, of Point-de-Galle, of Oru Gallu, of the Syriac or Hebrew or Pushto . This very ancient
and first-written syllabic language was, I cannot doubt, the Sanscrit or holy writ, and thus it is
found in Scotland . This language, I confidently believe, was Hebrew or Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic,
Ethiopic-in each country diverging a little, every year, from its first original, till it is now
scarcely perceptible in any of them . After the Brahmin or Cristnu sect arose, it formed the
Sanscrit, to distinguish itself from the others-which, originally secret, had become common, the
effect of natural causes . And now the Sanscrit is, as I may call it, the victim of similar causes,
and is public . After its sect acquired the sovereignty of India, it was a natural consequence that
its Sanscrit, or Sanctum Scriptum, should become THE sacred script, particularly as the old sacred
script every day became more nearly obsolete . We have precisely the same process in the
Western Syria . The ancient sacred script, the Hebrew, became dead and a learned language,
and no longer understood by the natives . The Arabic of the Koran is precisely the same : it is
now a sacred script, or dead language, not understood by the mass of the people ; but is studied as
we study Latin . Thus all languages, written and unwritten, change . It is only the natural effect
of a cause, and that cause is the first law of nature-that every thing should be in perpetual mo-
tion, that nothing should stand still, except the one First Cause, the To Ov, the O, the circle being,
whose centre is every where, and whose circumference is no where-Illusion . 4 Every thing is in
perpetual motion, in the act of emanation from the First Cause, or in return to it . By this all the
apparent aberrations and irregularities of the system are accounted for .At the beginning of each
system all would be in order ; but still, it would possess within itself the principle of change,
which we call disorder ; although it is only disorder to our narrow views . If a person without
prejudice would only give himself time to think upon the way in which spoken language is always
changing, and upon what must necessarily happen when the names of places, gods, and persons,
come to be put into writing, in widely-separated nations, he would soon see that the same person
or place must come to be very variously written ; and, in consequence, that, for-the discovery of
truth, we do not generally allow too much latitude, but too little . We will take as an - example
the words Callidei, Calidei, Chaldoei, Collidei, all which and many more words are meant to desig-
nate the same people . It is possible that sometimes, in taking the latitude I contend for, I may
confound two persons or places ; but all these cases must depend upon collateral circumstances,

See Vol. I . P . 736 . ' See ib . 722. ' See ib . P . 736 .

4 See ib. pp . 162, 530, 643, 803, 814, 818, 826-828 .
Book IV . Section 22 295
on which the degree of probability attached to each case must depend . Demonstration is not to
be expected ; I it is contrary to the nature of things . But, by not taking this latitude, I am cer-
tain, if we do not make an occasional mistake, we shall do what is much worse-we shall make a
darkness-we shall learn nothing as we have hitherto done .
22. I beg my reader to refer to Vol . I. p . 709, for the word Bathkol 517r ri betgl, and be will
find it explained, after the Jews, to mean the daughter of voice. This completely puzzled all com-
mentators. It is evident that this word may also mean daughter of WISDOM, the word Cal mean-
ing both wisdom and voice ; from the words to call, as voice, and calling, as wisdom. Now we
come at something like sense . 2 Now we come to the reason why the votaries of this mythos are
every where found under the word Chaldeans and its variations . These people were the followers
of wisdom, and thus the Goddess Cali, whom we have found near Cape Comorin, was Wisdom ;
and the Calidei of Iona or Columkill were followers of wisdom ; and the language of these people
was Hebrew, which was Celtic, which was the Gael, of Scotland and of Singala, and Bengal, and
of the kingdom of Orugallu. It was the Gael-doct and the Sanscrit, Sanctum Scriptum-the
Ce1 3 of Celtic and of Cal changed into the Gel and Gal (as Camel and Gamel) . Thus the language
of the Gael-doct would be the language of the learned wisdom, that is, the learned Celt or Hebrew,
the language of Abraham,_ of South India, and of the Ch4ldaeans ; and this, at last, brings us almost
to a conclusion, to which we have come by a variety of other ways, that the Hebrew was the sa-
cred language, and was probably the first language into which the mythos was written . I am
almost certain that the Synagogue Hebrew was the universal language of the world when the syl-
labic writing was first used, and this, being used only . for the mythos in the temples, remained as
it was-but that it was soon deviated from in speech, and thus it came to be the secret language
of all nations ; that the Jews never spoke it, but that the Syriac was their vernacular tongue .
They learn it, as we learn Latin, but they speak it no where . It became the dead and secret lan-
guage from circumstances ; but it never would have been more different from the Chaldee and
Pashto, than the Celtic of Scotland is from the Celtic of Ireland, if it had not been written in let-
ters of different forms . Sanscrit scholars constantly endeavour to tie me down to the strict ortho-
graphy of that language, as at present settled in their lexicons and grammars . This is not the
way to discover the truth . They cannot deny that that language, like all others, was once very
different from what it is now, and, as I have shewn, has partly become lost ; and that it was, in
fact, when the first Veda was written, in a state of comparative rudeness . On this account the
strict modern orthography must not be permitted to stop inquiry, or to determine the identity of
words, against circumstances and probability . In the beginning of all nations their orthography
must have been as wild as the winds . It is a very curious and striking circumstance, that the
Cambridge river, the Cant, should also bear another Indian name, that is to say, Granta. We
have had enough of the Cama of Cape Comorin ; but the letters of this country are called the let-
ters of the Grantha, which are said to have been derived from the Tamul, the meaning of which is,
that they are the same as the Tamul . Is it possible to believe that the river Cam being also called
Granta, can be the effect of accident ? I think not . I believe that the Bede's houses, or houses of
Buddha or wisdom, 4 had this name given to them when the river was called both Cam and

' People who do this, set up a system radically absurd, and contrary to all probability ; and, in order to overturn this
system, they require the most rigorous proofs .
4 I believe that Alimra has been ill-ow-rah.

a The churches were called Kil or Cel : this was house or temple of Kel or Cel : and as the temple at first consisted
solely of a circle of stones, the word came to mean stones .
4 See Vol . I . p . 833 .
296 Vitrified Forts of Scotland
Granta. In the Madras Transactions, I the words Cusuma-pura, Pushpa-pura, the city of flowers,
and Patali-pura, are said to be synonymous . I believe that the word Cusuma answers to our
Camasa and Camasene, s and that the Patali is the Greek Petalon . It is now expedient to recollect,
that France, where we found the Bhoees, the Garuda, the temple of Carnac, and the Pattarini, is
called Gaul, and the Welsh or English, Celts, Galles . 3
23 . 1 will now trouble my reader with a digression respecting the ancient vitrified forts of Scot-
land . That the vitrified forts were made for the purpose of places of refuge or defence cannot be
doubted . The plate which I have given, No . 38, in my CELTIC DRUIDS, gives a very good idea of
most of them . Several circumstances, which have been overlooked by those who maintain that
they are mere beacon stations, prove this . They are much too large in general for mere beacons .
The fort near Inverness is above eighty yards long and above twenty wide, and that above-named,
in my Celtic Druids, is considerably larger . The quantity of wood which would be consumed
before the wall would be vitrified, by filling it with wood as a beacon, is immense . Not only the
whole wood of the mount on which it stands would be consumed by one fire, but the wood of se-
veral such mounts would be required . These forts run all round the coast, in several places across
the island, and are in sight of each other, so that, to alarm the whole country, certainly not more
than the size of a common tar barrel would be requisite on each . But it is not to be supposed
that when one fort was attacked, it would raise a fire to alarm its neighbours . Supposing them
beacons, for what use was the wall ? Would not the wood lie on the top of the hill without the
very expensive vitrified wall to inclose it? The Inverness fort is situate on a ridge, rising to a
point on the West, around which the rock has been scarped away, and of the material which has
been produced by this labour, the wall has probably been formed . This operation must have
made the west end and the two sides inaccessible. The east end, by which the fort was entered,
rises by degrees, and is defended by a double wall, in a somewhat similar way to the fort described
in my Celtic Druids . It has been said, that the walls are more perfectly vitrified within than
without . This was a natural consequence, and could not be prevented . I cannot conceive how
it was possible to vitrify them, placed as they are, on the edge of a precipice, without producing
this effect. I have no doubt they were made before the art of building with stone and mortar was
discovered-when the natives lived, as they do yet in many parts of Switzerland, in houses built
of timber, and pile, as in Devonshire and many parts of France . Of these materials very good
and even large houses may be built ; but it is very clear that they would not be used for fortresses,
as they would be burnt in a moment . When the art of building with stone and mortar was dis-
covered, the vitrified forts went out of use, and the castles were built-the ruins of which yet re-
main-placed, like the old forts, in such situations on the banks of the Friths and Lakes as to
communicate with one another . I have no doubt that the whole of the Highlands and Islands,
north of the Caledonian Canal, might have been alarmed either from the old or the new castles, in
a few hours, except in very foggy or misty weather . In those times, the temples were formed of
large stones placed upright in circles, and the prodigious number of them which their remains
shew to have once existed, prove, or render it highly probable, that a much greater population
than what it has at present once inhabited this country . At that time, the ridge and fur form of
the land, which I am told is yet to be seen in many places, now covered with heath, was made .
From this country very large quantities of fish, corn, and cattle, are every year exported, in ex-
change for bills or gold, which are sent away to pay the rents of absentee landlords, but which, if
paid to resident landlords, in kind or service, as it was formerly paid, would again raise a numerous

I Vol . I . p. 55 . ' See Vol . I . Pp . 760, 777, 788, 808 . ' See ib . pp . 384, 745, 757 .
Book IV. Section 23 297
population, and again soon restore the heath-land to the plough . By the present order of things,
in lieu of the population of the country, we have the population of Manchester and Birmingham .
I do not mean to say that the present order is not the better of the two ; I only mean to say, that
thus it is. The gentlemen who have maintained that the vitrified forts were beacon stations, have
been enabled to support their theory very plausibly, because they would necessarily be used
as beacon stations, as no doubt all the castles, by which they were succeeded, occasionally were .
They must have been very uncomfortable as places of residence, and on this account they were
succeeded by the castles, which were equally strong, and perhaps stronger, as soon as iron and the
arts of cutting stones and using mortar were discovered . I suppose that, at first, the stone pillar
was the object of veneration, and was adorned with flowers and anointed with oil . The Ganesa '
of India is now constantly anointed with oil. When the father, the Abba, the head of the tribe,
made his residence stationary, it became the Bital 2 or Fanum . He was the Abbe, the wise man,
the king and priest . When science and letters became known, and of course known more parti-
cularly to him than to most others, he associated with him such as he pleased, 3 to whom were
confided the secrets of initiation, and as one reason for the better securing of these secrets, celi-
bacy may have been established ; and to the same end poverty, that is community of property, and
obedience, may have been enforced . In our Colleges, evidently remains or revivals of Druidical
institutions, we have the Abb6, or Rabbi, that is, a contraction of Roi, or Ray-Abbd, R'Abbe, or
the Maitre or Maistre, the Dean, &c . The Abbe, with the prepositive particle, was S'Abs,
which thus came to have the meaning of wisedom . 4 The fellows, &c ., were all celibats or monks ;
but when one of these monks went off to found another college or Bareich or Parish or Borough,
he was allowed to marry, as he was then the Abba or Prior . St . John's-day was Midsummer-day .
This John was Juana or Wisdom, and Wisdom was the Sun ; hence the longest day was selected
for his festival . 3 The day of the Sun (Sunday) was particularly the day of instruction by the
Druid Sabs ; 6 whence it obtained the name of Sab-aith, the preachment of the Sages or of the
wise ; consequently that day, when the Sun was most predominant, was held in the greatest vene-
ration . It was called the Great Sunday . From this day the sun decreased . Mr . Cleland observes,
that it was in allusion to this, that John the Baptist is made to say, ~~ He must increase, (who
was born on the winter solstice,) but I must decrease," John iii . 30 . `~ On the Sab-aith the Sar-
onide preached to the people, in the Kirk Meyn or T'impul or Ey-cil-Lys, barbarised into Eglise
and Ecclesia."' The assembly was called Sabat ; and in the name Sabbatines given to lectures
on science or wisdom, in the colleges (on any day, not Saturday only) of France, the original
name is yet retained . In the above names the Sar-onide is nothing but Ras, with a termination
which I do not understand ; the Kirk is the circle ; the T'impul is the temple of the Templars, the
origin of which we find here as well as of the circular churches of the Templars . But the words
Eglise and Ecclesia are only the Hebrew word 5rip kel. In allusion to this, and to their being

' See Vol. 1 . pp . 351, 420, 518,, 651 . 4 lb . P . 759 .

3 The number of circumcised or initiated by Abraham, 318, explained in a way which cannot be disputed by Sir W .
Drummond, (fEd . Jud . p . 103, quoted by me in Vol . I . pp . 214, 215,) furnishes an admirable example of numeral and
astrological allegory .
4 Cleland's Specimen, p . 56 . 5 lb . P . 94 .
s "When Mr . Humboldt was in Cumana, in 1800, says Lavaysse, he constructed a fine sun-dial there . The Cuma-
nese say, on passing it, 'We owe this sun-dial to the learned Humboldt .' The word SABIO, which they employ on
" this occasion, signifies, in the mouth of a Creole of the Spanish Colonies, both wise and learned . They always apply
the word Sabio to this illustrious traveller ." Globe Newspaper, Aug . 2, 1832 .
7 Cleland's Specimen, pp . 96, 97 .
298 Vitrified Forts of Scotland
the builders or repairers of the temple, the Templars are megalistors of the temple-humble imita-
tors of the architect of the temple of the universe-of the system which has the cross, with many
points at the top of it, the pole-star of Juda . This is the reason why the cross of the Templars
has not a line for the four cardinal points only, but many lines or points, now generally eight,
probably allusive to the original eight planets . No doubt the cupola was the most glorious part of
the temple ; it was the top-the arche . It was also arched ; this was the first arch . Was it
from this arch or pons that the high-priest took the name of Pon-tifex ? Did he not only place the
first stone at the bottom, but did he also place the last on the top? I believe that he did, and that
from this he became Pontifex Maximus . He was a microcosm of the Megalistor, M-wisdom,
finishing the arch of the universe . It is curious enough to find the Mohamedans rebuilding the
Jewish Temple, and the Christians adopting into its sanctuary the society of Templars, as the con-
servators of that building, which ignorant, uninitiated Christians hold that God repeatedly de-
stroyed by a miracle (Titus and Julian) to avenge their cause . I beg my masonic reader to enter
the new room at Freemason's Tavern, when lighted up, and there he will see what must have been
the nature of the Cupolas at Komulmer 1 and Eleusis, when, as Chrysostom says, the ceremonies
were celebrated under them, with light music, dancing, and poetry . The high-priest was the
builder of the cupola or temple, which was only an imitation of the vault or arch of heaven . An
arch is a pons. From this, as I have just now said, I suspect that the high-priest was called Pon-
tifex . If my reader should think this far-fetched, I then request him to give me the reason why the
high-priest is called bridge-maker or pontifex . The cupola is a diminutive of cup, which, though I
can produce no authority for it, I believe meant the vault of heaven, and that pons had the same
meaning . Cup, in Welsh, means top, the same as ras and a?X'~ • But all these explanations are
very doubtful . The Abba was king and priest ; in some cases his monks were his assistants ;
Abraham, the stranger, had 318 of them, and when he returned from the war he submitted himself
to the Abba of the country for permission to remain there . These monks were the liberi, the men
of letters, the initiated, the circumcised, the possessors of the secret, that is, of the sacred lore ;
they were the persons who anointed the linga with oil, and crowned it with flowers . They soon
became sacred ; and, when they thought proper to save a criminal, they admitted him among
them, and thus arose the sanctuary. These king or patriarchal priests were the owners of all the
land, and received the tenths as rent, for the purposes of government and religion . In Britain, we
find their successors, the monks, appointing vicars, when the increase of population required them .
In Yorkshire there are two small towns on the Roman road, called Aldborough and Boroughbridge .
The meaning of their names admits not of doubt . The first was the ancient capital of the Brigantes,
called by the natives Iseur, by the Romans Isurium-that is, Saviour town, and in later times
called the old borough . For proofs of this see CELTIC DRUIDS . 2 The name of the other is the
bridge of the borough or burgh . They are distant about half a mile from each other. They each
returned two members to parliament . The first is now an insignificant village, the second can raise
a market, but with difficulty . When Iseur was the capital of a great state they must have been in
one city. This city was destroyed by the Romans, and there can be no probable reason found for
its ruins returning members to parliament, except that, before the arrival of the Romans, it re-
turned them to the old Wittagemote of its own state or to that of the nation ; but probably from
the unusual number of four, it returned them as being the capital of the nation, as London now
returns four ; and when the Romans withdrew, and the old Britons resumed their power, and the
Wittagemote was restored, it resumed the exercise of its rights or duties . I think, from the ac-

I Tod, Vol . I . Pp . 670, 671 . 2 Pp . 152, 195 .

Book IV . Section 24 299
counts which we read, that the Romans left the country by a kind of convention, it seems proba-
ble that the two nations never amalgamated, and that when the Romans went away, the old
system, in great part, revived . It seems to have ceased to send members at one time, but to have
resumed its right in the time of Philip and Mary .
24. The Greek word turiptov comes from the Celtic word wist, or wise, though this is rather
contrary to the definition of secrecy . I It signifies knowledge . It is the radical both of history and
mistery. A play was called a History or Mystery, from its being an historical representation . 2
In the middle ages sacred plays, called Mysteries, were performed . This was isteries, with the
sacred M prefixed, and originally this was the case with all history . It was a mystery, a repre-
sentation, in the form of parable or mythos, of the history of the sacred, never-to-be-spoken M or
OM . The general assembly of the ancient Britons was called Witt-age-mot or Witten-age-mote
or Witte-mote . This is, I believe, Witt, wise-oz, letters, and mote, meeting . 3 This Witte is the
same as the first part in the name of the crucified God of India, Witto-ba ; 4 and ba is ab-both
together meaning father of wisdom. The word wisdom is Witte or Wis-di-om. Wittage-mot is
wise-mot . Wittage may be one of the very common pleonasms met with in language . Oga is a
name of wisdom or Minerva . Wittage, witt-age or witt-oga, is the same as Cortage-Cor-Cir-
age, circle of wisdom. Mr . Cleland, in his Specimen and in the Appendix, in various places, has
shewn that the Holy Ghost was well known to the ancient Celts ; that their public councils were
always opened by an invocation of it, and that their decrees were held to be inspired by it . There
was a class or sect of people among the Gentiles called Pneumatomachi. 5 The Salic laws were
seventy-one or seventy-two in number : they were enacted in a place or field called Salicam, in
Latin Salius, or Sali campus . They were proposed by the Saloghast, Wiseghast, Bosoghast, and
Undoghast, which meant Holyghost ; Wisdom of the Spirit ; Voice of the Spirit ; Will of the
Spirit. 6 I think the Sali-ghast is the Ghost of Sali or Suli of Bath, which I have explained in
Volume I . p . 609. But here we have the Trinity and the seventy-two, the microcosm, of which I
shall treat in the next book. By the imposition of the hand on the head of the candidate, the
Ghast or spirit of authority was conveyed.' This is literally the Hebrew Gas, spiritual fire,
whence comes Ghost-Galvanic, Electric fire, the Magnetic fluid . I am convinced that the ema-
nation from the To Ov was believed to be this fire . I am of opinion that all the ancient fathers
of the church believed God to be a Spiritual Fire . 8 Although the town of Salusbury is probably
modern, being removed by Edmund the bishop from Sarum, iii the beginning of the 12th century,
it doubtless took the ancient names along with it ; as it was not considered to be the building of
a new town, but the removal of the old one . 9 Salusbury was called also Saresbury ; this is,
town of Sar or Sur, in fact, Sura or Syr-ia, place of Sur.tO The God of Wisdom was, in a pecu-
liar manner, the God of Abraham the Chaldzean, or of the Callidei, or of Callida of India ; it is in
connexion with this that we have callidus, meaning wisdom or cunning. Call in Celtic, Cleland
says, means learning ;" whence comes a man's calling. Cleland says the L is the Celtic pra ;po-

' See note infra, on the last page of this book. Ed.
• Cleland's Specimen, p . 124 . See also Vol . I . p . 822, note.
• I much suspect that the letters called Ogam or Agham of Ireland and India are the y oz, meaning trees or letters,
and Ow, that is, the letters of Om, having the names of trees . When I consider that the same word meant both trees
and letters, and that the leaves were letters, and the substance whereon letters were written were leaves of trees, and
the bark of trees, I am not surprised at the allegories from trees . See supra, pp . 148-153.
4 See Vol . I. pp . 145-147, 750 . s App . p . 32. 6 Cleland's Sup . to Specimen, p. 30 .
7 Cleland's Spec . pp . 10, 11 . See Vol . I . p. 113 . 9 Vide Rapin, Vol . III. B . viii .

10 See Vol. I . p . 669. 11

Specimen, p . 124, note
300 The Scandinavians
sitive article .' This tends to strengthen my assertion that it is the same in Hebrew . The Osci
were T'Usci or THE Uscans or Tuscans . 2 Cleland, as I stated in Volume I . p . 822, note, explains
the word parable to be par-habul by way of Fable . Habul gives the word Cabala used in Italy for
a fable . He says from this comes the Pythagorean precept-abstineto a fabis. The beans of
Pythagoras have puzzled all commentators : when he ordered his disciples to abstain a fabis, he
meant from fables, not from beans . 3 In fact, that they were not to take the parables in religion
literally . I consider the veil of Isis to be a parable . Under that veil lay hid the book of wisdom .
She was called Neith, which meant wisdom.
25 . The traces of the oriental system of the Sacae are evident in the Scandinavian kingdoms, in
their traditions, customs, and names ; for instance, in the name of the king, Hakim, the Crymo-
gxa of Arngrimus ; 4 Thule, that is, The Iule ; Finland or Vinland ; 5 and in the confraternities,
which are the sodalitates of Italy, and are but a variety of the monastic establishments of North
India, of Tibet, or of the Sacoe . The custom of sending round the cup, of saying the grace, and of
pledging or drinking to the health of each other as the cup goes round, is nothing but a variation
of the Eucharistia . s It is the exact picture of Melchizedek and Abraham . Melchizedek first
blesses God or invokes, or addresses a prayer to, God, that is, says grace ; then he blesses or
wishes blessings to his guest ; drinks to his guest, who pledges him . The confreres of Scandina-
via were all sworn friends, in sickness and health, in peace and war . They were the Culdees .
The Saxons of Denmark had three cups, one to Odin, one to Niord (query Neith or wisdom, the
Logos), one to Freya, and a fourth sometimes to Braga, the deity of eloquence and poetry, when
the brave boasted or bragged of his exploits, in the presence of the fair-whence comes our word
to brag or boast . The Scandinavians had their machinery of Demigods, who arose after the man-
ner of those of the Romans and Greeks, by degrees, as the knowledge of the Trimurti faded away ;
and they, in like manner, became Christian saints . In fact, there was very little change ; they
were first xp7jS-iaui Divi ; they afterward became Christ-iani Divi . The division into districts is
also most clearly to be perceived in their Seigneurs and Seigniories, which came into Britain from
them . Mr. Mallet has observed, that the Seigniors or Seigneurs were always members of the con-
fraternities, and that this continued till 200 years and more after the rise of Christianity, as may
be seen in a MS . of the 13th century, cited by Bartolin . 7 This means no more, in fact, than till
the Papist missionaries penetrated into these northern regions . I have no doubt (as Mr . Mal-
let suspects), that they were the originals of the confraternities of the present Rossicrucians, free-
masons, &c ., in Germany and many other countries . The Papist convocations and councils, from
the earliest time, have always had a most bitter enmity to these societies ; but they have never
succeeded in putting them down . s the true reason of this enmity probably was, because they
were Christians before the rise of Romish Christianity . In Volume I . p. 106, I explained the
origin of our Sir, Sieur, Mon-sieur, Mon-seigneur, from the Egyptian O-sir-is and the Indian
Iswara. The Seigniors and Seigniories are all the same, both in name and substance . Seignior is
Lord, and Seigniory is Seignior-ia, place of the Lord . In Hebrew it would be written `Ily ;Pit'
siegNur as corrupted, but as in the Synagogue sieour . The ancient Britons divided the country
into tithings, or into districts containing ten Fraternities, with a Lord of a Manor at the head of
each ; in the towns, ten fraternities of craftsmen or ten guilds . The tithing court, the lowest
division, consisted of ten heads of families, who were mutual sureties for one another, as each, in
particular, for all that were under him . 9 The presidents of ten tithings formed a superior court,

' Cleland's Specimen, p . 140. ' Ib. p. 196 . 3 Ib. pp . 1, 212.

* Mallet, Int . Hist. de Dannemarc, pp . 169, 170. s Ib . 173. s Ib. p. 195 .
7 Ib. p. 196 . 9 Ib . 9 Rapin, Vol . II . p . 155.
Book IV . Section 26 301

and were called sapientes and Witan or Wites, i. e. wise men . Rapin observes, that this system is
exactly that of China, that is, of Chinese Tartary, or of the Pallestini or Tartars, some of whom
we formerly found at the mouth of the Po ; in fact, the Sacae . He adds, "the conformity is so
" great between the practice of the Chinese and the Anglo-Saxons with regard to these tithings or
~~ reciprocal pledges, that one can't but wonder, how two nations so remote from one another,
°C should agree so exactly on this point ." 1 The Lords of Manors inherited their power, and I
think they were originally ecclesiastical. The very name Lord or Seignior shews it . They were
heads of a sacred caste, from which, the persons invested with the functions of religion were se-
lected. They were the original of such establishments as the Prince bishop of Liege, Osnaburg,
26. The Rosicrucians 2 of Germany are quite ignorant of their origin ; but, by tradition, they
suppose themselves descendants of the ancient Egyptians, Chaldoeans, Magi, and Gytttnosophists ;
and this is probably true. They had the name of illuminati, from their claiming to possess certain
secret knowledge, and, from their secrecy, they were also called invisible brothers. They use as a
mark of distinction or monogram the three letters F . R . C., which probably mean Fratres Rosi
Crucis. 3 Luther took for his coat of arms, a cross rising from a rose . They are said to hold
that an universal spirit pervades all nature, which they call Argheus .4 Here is evidently the
Indian Argha . Under an old Carthusian convert at Baden, is a very curious series of secret
prisons ; they are said, in the town, to have belonged to the Inquisition ; but I have not been able
to discover that it was ever established there. On this account, and for some other reasons, I am
induced to suspect that they belonged to these invisible brethren . The circumstances of the grada-
tion of ranks, the initiation, and the head of the order in Persia being called the Grandmaster, 5
raises a presumption that the Sophees were, in reality, the order of Masons . The most eminent
of them are called Sheik, which is said to mean reverend, and this has the same meaning as wor-
shipful. They are said to maintain, that the dissolution of bodies by the power of fire is the only
way in which men can arrive at the first principles of things . Here I think we may perceive the
resolution or reabsorption of all emanations into the First Principle, the Spiritual Fire, the To Ov .
The word Ros is, in English, dew ; by means of the similarity of this word to the word Ras, or wis-
dom, they seem to have deceived, their enemies, and sent them upon a false search . But I think
there is no doubt that along with other matters they were also Alchemists . I am quite of opinion
that Roger Bacon was one of them . The name of the Deity was probably at first Lar, which was
the origin of the Latin Lares ; and Lar-di was holy or divus Lar, or Lord . After this, in the
usual course, Priest of Lar-di (from the regimen) became Lardi and Lord . This was probably like
our Majesty, the name of the Sovereign and of God, and of the priest or sacred Lord of the Manor ;
and from this, in time, came the lay Lords of Manors . The Lord was the Earl, that is, anagram-
matically, the Lar, E-Lar-di . The writing anagrammatically is only a remnant of the Hebrew
mode of writing from right to left . The Lar or Lord or Seignior resided at or presided over the
Manor or Manor-ia, place of Mnr, of Minerva or Wisdom ; or over the Lordship or Seignior-ia or
Seigniory. The Earl or Lar or Lord was also the Spanish Conde, and Count and Compte, and
County, that is, Count-ia, district of the Conde-the same as we found in Ceylon, in Volume I .
pp. 753, 754 ; and the Conde is the Can, Khan, or Kan of Tartary, with the title divus or sacred,
holy, can-di . Kan or Kin, in Celtic, means head.6 The words Censeo, Census, include the idea

' Vol. II . p . 157. sSee Vol . I. pp . 723, 809 ; and supra, p. 243.
' Rather Fratres Rose Crucis, if from rosa and crux? Ed. 4 See Ency. Brit . voce Ros .
6 Ib, voce Sop . 6 Cleland, Spec. p . 114 .
302 Di-Om, D'Om, Doinus, Om
of telling by the head . I Censeo, I opine, derives from Kan, the head, as penser from pen the head . 2
Khan is originally Ken, knowledge or wisdom . I ken a thing, or I know it ; whence came 7tvwaxw .
Y is the Celtic prepositive article, and stands for T[19 . 3 If my memory do not deceive me, Cle-
land has shewn that the word Khan-the Khan of Tartary-was the origin of our word King, and
that it was a sacred or pontifical title, and was both male and female .
27. Every temple was a tecte or house of God. Jacob's stone was a house of God or of Om-
D'oe m-thence came Domus for house. In the northern language Dom meant ajudge. 4 Dominus
was inus-Dom, that is, inus=366-0m . The Cathedrals were called Duomo, or translated Casa
Santa. The Dome is the Domo ; it is the Arch formed of large stones, overhanging one another,
with a flat stone at the top . It is the house, the Domus . It is the place D'Om, D'Am, D'Ama, or
Di-Om, Di-Am, Di-Ama, of the holy OM ; thus it grew into D'om ; and thus, as usual, the name
of God, di, came to be the emphatic article, and thus the house of Di-am or Di-om became Domus ;
Ots holy, [J upiter] Sm for 8w"µa, a house-Bt-wp .-ia, place of holy Om . The stone on which the Vaid
or Druid stood to preach was called Bw[u .os : this was like B-ras-it-By Wisdom . Bwµoe was
B-om, stone or altar of Om . Thus Bacchus was QM-adios, the holy Om. The country or dis-
trict of the Lar, Lord, Count, was his Domain . This was Domania ; that is, ama or ia-d'-om .
His kingdom was Kin-d'-om, kyningdom, and Earl-d'-om, whence Bishopdom ; and the record in
which the particulars of his estate were entered was called Dombec-that is, Liber or Book or
Bec-d'-om . This, in a later day, was imitated by our William the Conqueror, from whom only we
have the word Dom-bec . At that time it is probable that the surveys of the priests were called
Bec-Dom as a proper name . Thus William had a Boc-Dom . Dom-day-book was originally the
D'om-d-aia, a record of the land of the Sacred Om, of the land which paid its tenths . This shews
that there must have been at the time some which did not pay ; and I apprehend these were
glebes belonging to priests or convents . I beg my reader to look to the Celtic Druids, pp . 128,
129, to Vol . I . pp. 173, 232, 665, 729, and supra, pp. 68-71, where he will find it explained, that
when the Jew received the Xeigo~rovta, as Aaron received it from Moses, he was said to be samached,
to receive the Samach, that is, the brand for 600, which the Samach of the Hebrew denotes . The
Christian, in his Baptism, receives the Cross, X ; this, again, is the mark for 600. But the
Samach, as I have frequently remarked, is the M final-in fact, the OM . For a proof that Om, or
lom, meant also 360 days, or a year, see Vallancey . 5 There is scarcely one of our very ancient
customs, when examined to the bottom, which has not marks of the rule of the priests . Look at
a coronation, in any of the ancient kingdoms . Every thing bespeaks the appointment by the
priest of his Lieutenant or Vicra, or Vicar, after he has undergone the XeieoTrovia, or is samached,
or anointed with oil, from the vessel called Ampulla . (Am is OM, and pulla is 145N D pala, or wis-
dom-the vessel of the wisdom of Om .) By the priest, he becomes his Vicra-ditya or holy vicar,
or Vicra-ma-ditya-holy or sacred grand Vicar. With us rebellious wretches the Priest does
homage to the King ; not so in Rome and Tibet, where things move in their proper sphere-
there the King does homage to the Priest . " OMM . Ce mot Arabe, qui signifie Mere, a plusieurs
~~ significations, selon qu'il est joint a d'autres mots . Omm Alketab : la Mere du Livre, ou des
~~ Livres . Le Protocolle, ou Original . Lee Musulmans appellent ainsi, la Table, ou le Livre des

To Calculate, to count . Xal. Xl, x=600, 1=50, and clo . Count, ken, censeo, I think . Cen Xn=650-a census .
4 Cleland, Spec . 114 . See also Lemon, voce count. 3 Cleland, Spec . p . 197.
Cleland, Add . to Spec . p . 13 . ' Coll . Hib. Vol . VI . p. 393
Book IV . Section 29 303
• decrets divins ; t od ils pretendent que le destin de tous les hommes, est ecrit en caracteres
• ineffacables, au quel ils donnent encore le nom de Louh al-Mahfoudh, qui signifie, la Table
• gardtte, ou secrete .
" Le meme titre d'OMM alketab, est encore attribue par les memes Musulmans an premier
• chapitre de l'Alcoran, que l'on nomme ordinairement, Soutat al-Fatehah ." It seems in a parti-
cular manner to mean Mother . Thus, " OMM alcora : la Mere des Villes . C'est le titre que les
• Mohamdtans donnent a la Mecque, parcequ'ils regardent cette ville comme la Mdtropole du
"Musulmanisme . L'on trouve cependant que la ville de Balkh a porte aussi le nom de Cobbat
• aleslam, qui signifie, le DOME, ou la Vottte du Musulmanisme .-Quelques-uns ont donnb aussi
" ce titre a la ville de Bokara ." 2 The circumstance of the Koran being called Om, and the ob-
servation respecting the Vault of Mohamedism connecting it with our Dom-bec, with the Duomos
of Italian churches, and with the Dome or Cupola at Eleusis, under which the mysteries or ceremo-
nies (which Clemens says were copied from Jerusalem) were celebrated ; and the title of Dominus
given to the Archpriest or Archierist, make me suspect that the word Pontifex is only a transla-
tion of the word Dom . This suspicion is also strengthened by the circumstance that the first and
last stones of these buildings were always laid by the hand of the chief-priest, with great religious
28 . Perhaps there is no word more 'deserving of consideration than the word Bethlehem 1 102
Oral lhnz . When 1 consider the very remarkable manner in which this house of Ceres is con-
nected with the person whom I think I have pretty well proved to be the Male Ceres-the Xp'i9
-the R S T or TPZ-the 600, and the Om=600, I am induced to suspect this word to be the
emphatic article 5 1, and Ori hm, a formation or corruption of the Om . The sacrifice offered ill
ancient and modern Italy to this God, described by XPF or TPI ; consisting of bread, is called
Mola ; this would be Hebraice al-om . It is remarkable that this God is called rh ie or the God of
victory in Hebrew and Sanscrit ; and this Hebrew name of =6 lhm means also pugna, or vic-
tory, a warrior, a captain . 3 From this the Lucumones are thought to have come . I think from
all this the house of L-hm was house of the Om or Xprlc or Ceres. I have frequently stated that,
in the Greek and Hebrew, the word for country is aia or ia ; and that, in the West, it was ana or
ania . Mr. Cleland 4 has observed, that originally in Gaul, Germany, and Britain, the greatest
part of the land was College land, Glebe land, Parish land, which maintained the bishops, judges,
subordinate militia, and its officers ; that it paid tenths, not as to priests, but to government, and
was called by the word Domain : but he attempts no etymon of the word. I conclude from his
silence that his system did not here assist him ; but I think my explanation will give the etymon .
1 think the word Domain came with the Umbri, and with them the names of the river H-umber,
North-umberland, C-umberland, 5 &c., and that it is aia or ania d'om-land of Om . And this, I
think, brings me back very near to the Indian-Saxon time, when the king and priest were identi-
cal-before the sword divided from the crosier-when all the land was the property of the king
and priest . Is it possible that when these Umbri or Ombri arrived here, and that, perhaps after
a long time, they had stocked the country with inhabitants, the sword was not invented?
29 . And now I come to the origin of our Chivalry, which I think is to be found in the adoration
of Freya, the third person of the Scandinavian Trinity, the female generative power, the Creator

This comes from the cycle of the 600 being the Om, and from its being the period in which every thing was be-
lieved, by the vulgar, to be renewed-the new Troys, new Argonauts . It was, in fact, a perpetual almanack .
s D'Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orientale.
3 Parkhurst, in voce, IV . ' Sup . to the Specimen, p. xiv .
s See Vol . I . pp
. 111, 408, 535.
304 Chivalry
and Destroyer, the Cali of India . From Freya, in the character of Cali, the day dedicated to her,
our and the Romish Friday, become a day of misery, of fasting and humiliation-as the Sunday, or
day of the Sun, was a day of rejoicing . But from this lady in her good character came our Chi-
valry-exhibited in devotion to the female sex-devotion, as Mr . Mallet has shewn, existing from
a very remote time with the Northern Scandinavians.' Among that people, this and many other
customs were retained, whilst in Britain, during the stay of the Romans they were in a kind of
abeyance, ready to be restored, as, in fact they were, on the departure of the Romans and the
coming of the Saxons, with whom, in their Scandinavian country, they had continued without any
cessation . In the same manner all the Saxon customs and names I have exhibited above were
easily renewed. Chivalry did not first arise, it rose again, in those times . It flourished, perhaps,
the most, when the gallant but unfortunate Boadicea led her knights, 80,000 in number, to the
combat ; then it was, before the brave had fallen, before the city of Iseur was reduced, that chi-
valry took its rise . But with that Queen it fell ; and with the return of the Saxons it revived .
The Saxon architecture of the pillars under the chancel of the present minster, shew that the tem-
ple at Evora was of a more recent date than that of the remaining pillars at Iseur, when it was
destroyed by the Romans . The Britons, by soi-disant antiquarians, are said to have gone naked,
and to have painted their bodies . Very true ; but if these short-sighted persons had looked a
little farther, they would have seen, that the Britons went naked only in the day of battle, when
they were painted to distinguish clan from clan, and different ranks from one another . Tacitus,
in the first book of his Annals, has spoken concerning the nakedness of the Germans . Gebauer,
in his work called Mantissa .. 2 has shewn, that the Latin expression nudum corpus only meant
uncovered ; without armour ; and this may probably have been the meaning of the nakedness of
the Britons . But, as I have just said, it is likely that, as they fought naked, their bodies were
painted or tattoed to distinguish them from their own officers or from their enemies . The North-
ern Picts were men painted. " To investigate this point fairly and authoritatively, it is even in
" those remote ages, antecedent to Julius Caesar's invasion, when, by the falsest of all conse-
quences from the plainest of all premises, the Britons are imagined to have been little better
" than savages, though, in fact, they were, even at that time, under the most admirable of all human
s` governments ; but, like all other human things, not exempt from faults ." 3 Cleland then shews,
that the island was conquered from being divided into federative governments, without a sufficient
bond of union ; and, in the same manner, western Europe will, perhaps, be conquered . It took
the Romans many years to conquer Britain . 4 The Russians, since the time of Peter, have made
much greater strides . In fine, in the beautiful account given by Mr . Afallet, 5 of the Cromlehs,
the Carns, the circular temples of enormous stones, and the custom of burning the most beloved of
the widows of the prince on his funeral pile, sufficiently establish the identity of the Indian and
Scandinavian Sacae . I have just now expressed an opinion that the word Pict was meant to de-
scribe a painted man, like those referred to by Caesar in speaking of the Britons . This is con-
firmed by a fact which I did not know before, that a class of persons in Scotland were called black
Gauls, that Aulaif was killed by Black Gauls . But it also appears that he was killed per Alba-
nos. I think, from the designations Black Pict or painted, and white or albus, the tribes were

Y De Nud. Vet . Germ . Sect vi p . 369 . 7 Cleland, Spec . p . 32.

' P . 200 .
* The Romans depended on armour, discipline, and Russian tactic-gold ; the Britons on valour ; and had they
been united under one head, instead of being divided into clans and weakened by petty jealousies, the Romans would
never have conquered them . The Britons were to the Romans, as the Europeans in general are to Russia .
3 P 213 .
Book IV . Section 31 305
thus described from their colours in battle . If a person wish, with little trouble, to form an opi-
nion of the inextricable confusion of the early history of the North, he may peruse article I X. i n
No . XXXI . of the Westminster Review. It is very curious to observe how generally the custom
of conveying knowledge by apologue, aenigma, allegory, fable or parable, prevailed in the world.
We have it in India, in the fables of £sop, and in the Queen's riddle to Solomon, in Syria ; and
in the history of Samson ; and it was the common practice of the Scandinavians .' Anagrams
and acrostics were parts of the same system . The facts themselves have nothing in them re-
markable ; but the universality of the practice, for so great a number of years, is very remarkable .
In the absence of every other kind of amusement or occupation, not filled by war or hunting, the
art of making parables or riddles filled up the time of the rich in all nations . It was in itself very
good ; it injured no one ; it kept people out of mischief, and it sharpened the intellect . It was
better than smoking .
30. Every inquirer into our ancient histories has read of the Sea Kings, who invaded the north-
ern parts of the island from Sandinavia . These were the people who had the Sagas for their
sacred books. How came they to be Sea Kings? Were they like the Royal Shepherds of Egypt
-all kings? The Sea Kings were the Sagara or Sea Kings of Rama, in the island of Ceylon .
The island of Iona had its name of Columba, from ancestors of those sea kings, who so often in-
vaded Scotland in a later day . 2 Mr . Mallet, by shewing that the ancient Runes 3 were known to
and used by the inhabitants of Tartary, (where inscriptions in them are yet to be found, and where no
Christians, in the common acceptation of the word, ever lived,) long before the Christian sera, and
by a variety of other strong arguments, proves that Ulphilas was not the inventor of them ; but
that, in fact, they are of an antiquity totally unknown ; that they were brought with the Sacm,
and that for many ages they were considered secret, sacred, and magical, as I believe they were in
all other nations which possessed the knowledge of them . A spell is a magical contrivance : this
was the art of discovering the meaning of a word . Mr. Mallet also shews, that the oldest of the
Runes were written in the manner of the Chinese-from top to bottom-afterward in the Boustro-
phedon style ; and, at last, from left to right . In the antiquity of their poetry, he shews, that
they vie with Hesiod and Homer, and I have a strong suspicion that in their fable of the Dragon
and Thorah, we have the Tora of the Hebrews, and in their Scalds a corruption of the Chasdim or
Chaldaeans or Culdees of Iona, or Columkill, where their kings were buried, and where their tombs
yet remain . But it was in the times when the immense circular temples 4 were built, probably
before the invention of the Runes, that the instruments were made with which they worked their
mines, which have had iron edges, but the handles of which are gold ; 5 thus proving what I have
suggested in my CELTIC DRUIDS, p. lxvi ., that gold was once " the common metal for useful do-
mestic purposes," and " Iron, from its great superiority of real value, the precious metal ." s
31 . Is it not possible that a golden age may really have existed ; that is, an age when there were
no wars ;-that a scientific or learned race of priests, like those of Tibet, holding the system of
the renewal of cycles-re-incarnations-which I have shewn existed in every part of the world,
may have governed the whole?-If it be true, that a great flood destroyed the world, except a
few fortunate individuals, and these grew into great nations-is it not evident that, by the time
they had increased to any considerable number, the earth must every where have been in a situa-

I Mallet, p . 244 . s Vide Col. Tod's Hist. Raj . Vol . II

. p . 218, note fi .
3 See Celtic Druids, p. 33. * Ibid . pp . 230, 233, 237-239.
4 See various exemplars of them in cabinets in Sweden and Denmark, and Jacob on the precious metals .
6 Vol. I . p 452.
306 Golden Age
tion so favourable for occupancy as almost to have absolutely forbidden strife or wars of any mag-

nitude for the sake of property ? If a dispute arose between two tribes emigrating from the parent
hive, it would terminate like that between Lot and Abraham-one, under the mediation of the
common father, the head priest or patriarch, would go to the East, the other to the West . The
abundance of excellent land would be so great, that it would not be worth contending for . Thus
the world, without war, would become peopled . I can readily conceive too, how a privileged and
learned order, keeping to itself its mysteries, in such a state of things, might enjoy supreme power
for many generations, claiming to be proprietor of the soil, and receiving its tenths, which, in such
a state, would be no oppression-but, on the contrary, it would constitute a government to man-
kind the most beneficial, perhaps, that can be imagined . And I can readily conceive, that this
state of things would continue until the land of the world, by being fully stocked, would become

scarce ; then, and not before, the sword would be invented-then would end the golden age, of
universal tradition . During
which, alas ! we have nothing now left but the tradition-but it is art
this age it was that the circular temples were erected, in cyclar numbers, to do honour to the
Deity, and, at the same time, to record in imperishable monuments, as far as human means could
avail, the cycles on which all the system depended-the cycles which equally regulated their fes-
tivals and the time of the agricultural labours, to which they looked for their subsistence . These
labours became of daily increasing importance, as land became scarce, and as the golden age of
peace and plenty began to decline-till it ultimately faded away and left no traces of it, but a

dream . If we suppose the cyclic system to have been established before the flood which drowned
Atlantis happened, and a few persons only to have been left, why may not all that I have sug-
gested have taken place, and the learned class who must have known the fact by tradition, for
many centuries, have adopted the invention of the cyclic temples, to record their knowledge as far
as lay in their power? Look to the remotest period, and every thing tends to support this theory .
Insulated facts innumerable meet us at every step, none of which can be accounted for in any other
manner, but for all of which this theory readily accounts . All tradition, all history, sacred and profane,
support it-natural philosophy, facts and circumstances, all combine to support it . This was really
the golden age ; it was the age of Xg7jg and Xpug-for there were no wars, and there was no iron .
Gold was the common metal-iron was not known-and here we tray observe how curiously the
truth of the tradition appears . The ages were of Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron ! I and it is very evi-
dent to me, that this is correctly the order in which the metals were discovered : thus it is actually
the fact, that the age of gold would be the age of piety and' happiness . If we consider carefully
the nature of the animal man, and at the same time the nature of the circumstances in which I
have supposed him to have been placed after the flood, it seems to me that, in the state of the
world which I have suggested, the golden age would almost necessarily arise . The difficulty we
have now, is to believe in the absence of wars, for so great a length of time as my theory requires ;
but when fertile land was so plentiful as to be worth nothing, the whole world being agrestic,
what should men fight for? Was it not better to remove than to fight ? 2 Trifling border squab-

See See Celtic Druids, p . lxvi ., as quoted above .

' In the book of Numbers (xx . 17, 19) we have an account of Moses, with his tribe, asking leave to pass through
the lands of the King of Edom, and offering to pay for what he wanted. Here we have an exact example of what must
have taken place in nearly the earliest times of which I have been treating . The first people would extend their bor-
ders by degrees, till they increased to a great size, covering a vast extent of country . Then those in the central part
would want to ease themselves of their superabundant population, and would send off swarms in succession-each suc-
ceeding swarm settling as near the borders of the settled country as it could, and asking leave to pass through the lands
of its predecessors, till at last the swarms would arrive at the ends of the earth . I think this was what happened to the
Canaanites when driven out by Joshua. They passed through Lower Egypt, along the settled coast of Africa, till they
Book IV. Section 31 307
bles, no doubt, would arise ; but an Abraham or a Lot would easily settle them . In such a state
of the world many of our passions and follies would not exist . Would there be such a thing as
the honour of nations? Would there be any jealousies arising from competition of trades ?
Would there be any wars or .feuds of religion? The system of Buddha, of renewed incarnations
to end at the remote period of 6000 years, would, for a long time, prevent them . When the first
religious war, probably that of the Maha-barat, arose, then ended the golden age-the age of the
universal religion .The universal prevalence of Buddhism is a fact, not a theory . I think I may
almost say the same of the wars of the Maha-barat and the origin of sects . Every where as we
advance in time, the remains of a decayed system, in endless variety, display themselves, and sup-
port the truth of the tradition of the story of the golden age-the universal tradition of all ancient
and profane history . Every where we find the original system, and every where signs of its decay .
I think attention to the nature of man will again let us into some secrets-will account for some
effects which have hitherto been unaccounted for . We every where find works called the histo-
ries-History of Romulus, of Cyrus, of Theseus, of Bacchus, of Hercules, of Cristna, &c ., &c.-at
the bottom they are all identical, though, at the same time, each pretends to be a real history of
a hero of the country where we find it, which, from the general identity, is evidently impossible .
How is this? If one secret universal system, that of Buddha, prevailed, we may be very sure that
as man, the uninitiated man, began to advance, by degrees, to his present state, he would begin to
inquire into the origin of things-of the temples-of the religion-of the privileges of the favoured
caste ; and then it was that these mythic histories were produced to satisfy his curiosity, and to
silence his inquiries . From various circumstances I think this process began in India, and by
degrees became co-extensive with the system . The same policy is every where evident, along
with the same system-but the system and its history varied in little matters to suit local circum-
stances, and to suit every new cyclic Avatar . This theory satisfactorily accounts for their simi-
larity, and, at the same time, for their variety . It is not necessary to suppose a general agreement
to account for this . Every where, as the 6000 years advanced, man would have the same curio-
sity, and, from state to state, the contrivance to repress it (having been once invented) would
extend itself. Man, priests, and corruption, in all states, have been the same . As food became
scarce, man became more unprincipled and priests more cunning . The earth every day produced
more thorns and thistles, Gen . iii . 18, and the very remembrance of the golden age at last faded
away with the absolute failure of the Millenium . If we figure to ourselves the first invention of a
mythos of an immaculate conception, of an infant exposed, of his escape, of his victory, of his death,
and of his resurrection after three days ; or, under a parable of this kind, the passage of the Sun,
from the winter to the summer, to be described, I think we may very readily suppose how, with
the system of renewed cycles, this story would be every where propagated . From the peculiar
circumstance, probably in its effect unforeseen, of the renewed cycles, it would require no super-
intending head to keep it alive . It is in its nature peculiarly calculated for duration ; nothing could
prove its falsity but time, and almost always a long future time, at least during almost all the time
whose antiquities we have examined. Its system of mystery, masonry, and monachism, also tended
strongly to its preservation . It also became, after a certain time, the universal test, the profes-
sion, the possession and bond of union of a peculiar order, that order in all states, after the union

got to the Straits of Gibraltar, where they erected the pillars described by Procopius, (vide Appendix to Celtic Druids,
p. 314,) which forms the best proof now existing of any fact of so ancient a date as the Exod of Moses-a proof so,
strangely overlooked by all our priests, an oversight which can only be accounted for from their absolute ignorance -of
the nature of historical evidence . The history stated by Procopius is beautifully strengthened by the fact, that in the
country on the opposite side of the Strait we find the City of Medina Sidonia .
308 The Golden Age

of the Linga and Ion!, having an interest in opposition to the rest of mankind,-every where
struggling with the sword for superiority-an order varying in different times and different states
in small matters, but in great ones the same . Thus, for several thousand years after the wars of
the Maha-barat ceased by the union of the Linga and loni, until the Christian sera, when the sys-
tem began to be lost, we hear of scarcely any religious wars . About this time the mind of man
had outgrown the mythos, the fable, the parable, which, as man improved, deteriorated till it be-
came too bad any longer to be endured : the mystery then assumed a new shape-in the vulgar
Christianity, and, after a time, in the vulgar Mohamedism ; and in both religions, after the mythos
and the mystery have both expired with time, we still cling to the ruins of the system ., and look
out for the millenium . As long as Buddhism lasted in its full extension, one ecclesiastical head,
like the Lama of Tibet, resident somewhere, I think, superintended the whole, and kept it uniform,
as I shall shew in the next book ; but when the zodiacal cyclic incarnation of the Lamb succeeded
to the Bull, and Cristna arose, then arose sects,, varieties, and miseries, of every kind . Truly, in-
deed, do the votaries of Cristna maintain, that he came with the Cali Yug-with the age of iron
µu What is the mythos ? What is the
It comes out at last, that we have a tu,uOos and a;-}ploy
mystery ? What is the parable, the fable ? What is the secret doctrine ? The mythos, the
parable, is the fable under which the mystery is concealed ; the mystery is the secret doctrine
taught by Pythagoras, by Jesus, 1 by Mohamed-the renewal of cycles, the inspiration with the
holy ghost of persons, in every cycle, to teach mankind the doctrine of a future existence of hap-
piness or misery, according to their conduct in this life . Inspiration by the holy ghost is evidently
a mere figure of speech, describing a person more enlightened than his neighbours . Whether this
future life was taught by Jesus to be by a hell or by a metempsychosis, and an ultimate absorp-
tion into the To Ov, I know not . With hope and humble resignation I await the event ; and thus,
gentle reader, I conclude this book .

I Secret as his words in the Gospels prove over and over again .-[Matt . xiii . I I ; Mark iv. 11 ; Luke viii . 10 .-It is
remarkable that these are the only passages in the Gospels in which the words mystery and mysteries occur, and that in
each case they are accompanied by an explanation which proves that the doctrines taught were secret or mysterious only
because the hearers were gross in their understandings and disinclined to investigate the evidences of their truth . Paul,
who, in many of his Epistles, uses the terms mystery and mysteries, obviously does so in the sense of a secret, a thing
or things which had been unknown till then, but were now made known ; not that the doctrines of the Gospels or of
his or the other Apostles' letters, were mysteries . "Secret (things belong) unto the LORD ; but those revealed unto us
and our children," (Dent . xxix . 29,) as much under the Gospel as under the Mosaic dispensation. Editor.l
( 309 )



Object of the Mythos-Book of Enoch on the Earth's Axis-\Toah and Ships of

the Ancients-Cause and Extent of the Flood-Change of the Earth's Axis-
Flood of Ogyges-Inachus-Comets Held To Be Planets-Seven-Day Cycle and
Length of Year-Whiston on Year of 360 Days-WThiston on Length of Ante-
diluvian Year-Whiston on Comet of 1680-Comet of 575 1/2 Years' Period the
Cause of the Flood-Periods of Comets-Encke's Comet-Drs . Gregory and
Halley on Whiston's Theory-Dr . Keill on Whiston's Theory-Comet of 575 1/2
Years Continued-M . Arago on Comets-Lexel's Comet-Genesis, in Sub-
stance, Found in Many Countries-Agency of Comets-Digression on Gas,
Spirit, Inspiration, the Soul-Comet and Flood Resumed-The World's His-
tory Renewed-Early History a Mythos-Barasit and Mercavah .

1 . HAVING exhibited proofs innumerable of the reality of a general mythos, it now seems to be
necessary, in order to complete the whole, that I should exhibit the object for which the mythos
was formed . We shall find that this was invented, as might be expected, for the support of the
dominant priesthood ; and that for this purpose circumstances were made subservient . When
favourable circumstances were not to be found in true history, they were invented . Thus the Jews
tell of Noah and Tibe, the Egyptians of Menu (which is but Noe) and Tibe, and both describe their
three sons, followed by a train of lineal successors . I think I shall not be accused of giving way
to idle superstition ; but, despite of incurring this accusation, I must say, that there appear to me,
when all the circumstances which I have laid before my reader are considered, much truth and
very great plausibility in a passage of Dr . Woodward's discourse on the Ancient Egyptians
" The colonies all carried these customs along with them to their several abodes : and there were
• from the very beginning priests, sacrifices, temples, festivals, and lustrations, as well among the
• ancient Germans and Gauls, in Peru and Mexico, in Siam, China, and Japan, as in Egypt."
What can be more striking than the custom of circumcision among the Tamuls ; in Mexico, in
Colchis of Armenia, in Egypt, and in Guinea and the kingdom of Congo, on the coast of Africa? '
It is also very remarkable that this rite is found in all these places to prevail only among the
Priests. This tends strongly to support the opinion which I entertain, that the order of Chaldei, a
learned order, did escape from a flood, and, by means of their superior intelligence, did establish
an universal pontifical empire, getting the command of the Aborigines all over the world, who
were unarmed Buddhist barbarians, who_ also had escaped the flood ; and, that the rite of circum-
cision, or initiation, as it was called, was invented before the art of writing was known, in order
to distinguish that order from the rest of mankind . I think the knowledge of the art of writing

1 0. Lopez, Hitt . de Congo, ch . v. ; Woodward on Wiad . of Egypt, p . 82.

310 Book of Enoch on the Earth's Axis
and reading succeeded to it as a test in later ages . The fact that circumcision and initiation bad
the same meaning is very striking .' The universality of the practice also tends greatly to sup-
port my idea . When we look into the Jewish books we find that the Jews occupied Western
Syria, precisely as the noble class of Romans did Italy, and as the Turks have done Greece-that
is, as a separated and superior class or caste-the great mass of the ancient natives being left, as
a species of Helots . The whole of the Jews were circumcised, because they are said to have been
a priestly nation ; and, if the history of Abraham can be believed, the Jews, properly so called,
were all descendants of that Chaldaean Brahmin, and of the 318 persons said to be bred in his own
house, who probably constituted the whole of the tribe, or of the high caste of the tribe, who had
come with him from India . Though, for particular historical knowledge, memory, without writing,
would reach but a very small space, yet for a supple story, or for a small collection of simple
stories, closely connected with religion, or for any single, grand event, I think it would reach a
long way back . 2 Such for instance as a great flood-like that of Noah-concerning which I
must now make some observations .
2 . We are told in the book of Enoch, that "the earth laboured and was shaken violently ;" and
in Chapter lxiv . Sect . xi., that " Noah saw that the earth became inclined, and that in conse-
quence destruction approached ." I think few persons who have read the book of Enoch will deny,
that this is a most curious and striking tradition .-It is a tradition of common sense, supported by
all the outward natural appearances of the earth . Enoch afterward says, verse 11, that the earth
was destroyed because hidden secrets had been discovered ; and in chap . lxvii . he makes Noah say,
that he, Enoch, gave Noah the characteristical marks or signs of the secret things inscribed in his
book, and concealed in the parables . I think it will not be denied, that I could scarcely have
wished for any thing more to my purpose than all this, which is evidently no copy from the Bible .
It directly admits the existence of symbolic (or numeral) writing, and that it had been kept secret .
I ask, is it not possible that, from some cause, the axis of the earth may have been suddenly
changed, as Enoch says in Book ix . Chap . x .? Every natural appearance strongly supports the
doctrine, that the change has been sudden ; and a sudden large change no more operates against
the fact of the earth being governed by general laws, than a breaking out of a volcano so operates .
And I am of opinion that the diminution of the angle of the planes of the two axes is not the effect
of a periodical oscillation, but is the effect of the conservative power which we every where see
around us, operating to restore the globe to the first state from which it has been moved . I believe
one of ~,he most powerful obstacles, with many persons, to the reception of the opinion, that the
change in the axis of the earth was the effect of what we vulgarly call accident, is to be found in
their conception of the greatness of the event or effect . They acquire this idea from a com-
parison of that event with themselves, and with every-day facts, like volcanic eruptions . But the
idea is a delusive one . They ought to compare it with the motions going on among the in-
numerable suns and worlds moving in the starry firmament, which our astronomers know, by
means of their telescopes, are changing every day-some suns appearing to rise into existence,
and some to be destroyed, or to disappear . If persons would think upon this, they would see at
once, that the change in the axis of the earth is only a trifling matter . It will be said, that if the
two planes coincided, the equatorial regions would not be habitable from heat, and the polar
regions from cold. Well, and what then? Are the poles habitable now? The heat of the one is

' See Vol . I. pp . 304, 305, note * .

It was to remedy this defect that such great numbers of the Druidical temples were built, with their pillars in cyclic
numbers, and that the arts of epic and dramatic poetry, music, and dancing, were invented .
Book V. Chapter I . Section 4 311

no more an objection than the cold of the other . But, after all, is this so certain ? All these con-
siderations are mean and contemptible to the person who duly estimates the immensity of the
universe, the diminutive character of our globe, and the little nests of quarrelsome pismires which
infest it, and fancy themselves somebody .
3. All the traditions maintain, that a person whom we call Noah, by some means, no matter
what they were, foresaw that destruction approached . Tradition says, that he erected pillars with
inscriptions in the land of Syriad or the holy Sura . This might be the Syria of India or of Pales-
tine or of Egypt, which was meant . It also says, that he buried the sacred books in the city of
the book Sephora. We have a Biblos in Palestine, and the city of Boc-hara in North India, both
meaning city of the Book. Every philosopher, and every fool, knows, that floods have taken
place ; and if we consider them independently of mythology, and if we use our endeavours, their
nature and effects may, perhaps, in some degree, be collected out of the scraps of traditions left to
us ; for I see nothing improbable in truths having come down to us concealed in fictions or para-
bles, since we know that the use of parables is one of the most striking characteristics of the reli-
gion which is contained in these histories . Now, if we suppose that the ruin did not happen in a
moment, but that a year, or even more time, was required to effect the whole by successive earth-
quakes, is it not possible, if such a scientific and sacerdotal government existed as I have con-
templated, that the supreme Pontiff and his court may have saved themselves and their secret
literature in a ship or floating house ? (If such a case were to happen, in Europe, half the people
being destroyed, and tremblings of the earth still going on, before the end of the year, where, and
in which of our great men of war would KING WILLIAM and the Archbishop of Canterbury be
found ?) And if by this, or any similar contrivance, they saved themselves, and they never moved
far from the ruins of the city they previously occupied, why should it not be the city of Boc-hara
-the city of letters or of the book ? No person who has read the essay of Governor Pownal on
the ships of the ancients, will doubt that they had ships nearly as large and nearly as sea-worthy
against a rushing flood, as ours . Suppose there were several or many of these ships, and that
only one or two were saved ; the probability is, that the Pontiff or Patriarch would be in one of
them, because he would secure the best. Why should not this ship have been built upon the Cas-
pian Sea? It was the best situated of any place to preserve the ship in a flood .-But why should
not the axis of the earth have become changed to its utmost extreme by various shocks ? Why
should not some of the earliest and most violent shocks have taken place hundreds or thousands of
years before ? and why should not the last shock have been only a very moderate one, just enough
to sink Atlantis, or to break the banks of the Euxine, though lasting, at intervals, for a year or
more? If religious prejudice did not stand in the way, I am quite certain that some theory, not
very dissimilar to this, would be universally thought probable . The probability in the last case
is, if it be probable at all, that it happened after the discovery of writing by symbols, but before
its discovery by syllabic letters . The Druidical circles mark the numerals, but nothing like letters,
and it is worthy of observation, that the word Sephor, which is the Hebrew name of the town
where the books were said to be preserved, means much more properly a cipher or figure of nota-
tion, than a letter . By a little forcing letter may be made out of it ; but its meaning is, symbol of
notation .It is also worthy of observation, that the word used by Enoch for the signs of the secret
things in the book, is not translated by Bishop Laurence letter, but characteristical marks, Chap .
lxvii . And by a note on the latter word, it is explained by the word SGINS ; this shews that, in
the Bishop's opinion, letter is not meant . His explanation can apply to nothing but symbols
similar to those of the Chinese.
4 . Such persons as may feel disposed to take offence at my doctrine, that the flood may not
have been universal, or think that the theory which I have proposed in Volume I . pp . 293, 294
312 Cause and Extent of the Flood

of this work unsatisfactory, I refer to Diss . VI . of Vol . III . of the Morsels of Criticism, by Mr . Edward
King, who will not be accused of want of piety and orthodox religion . Mr. King shews very satis-
factorily, that, in the flood of Noah, according to the fair construction of the Mosaic text, the who e
surface of the world was not covered with water, nor the whole of mankind drowned . What I
have said respecting the violent change is perfectly in accordance with Cuvier's observation, that
the revolutions of the world have not been gradual, but sudden and violent ;' and what I have
said above respecting the flood not having covered the whole world, is perfectly in accordance with
what he has observed, that the marine remains are not to be found on the tops of the highest
mountains . s Thus I have both the first geologists and first divines on my side in this matter.
We might speculate to eternity, but it is impossible for us to know how a sudden change in the
earth's axis would operate, or what would be its effects . The Pyramids of Egypt are of such a
nature, that I think it not impossible that they may have escaped entire when every other building
in the world was tumbled down . But my reader is not to suppose that I mean this to be the
flood which threw up Mount Blanc or Chimborazo, but a much later one, which I have sup-
posed laid bare the Delta of Egypt and broke down the banks of the Euxine, &c . If we suppose
this to be the case, we readily account for the Druidical and Cyclopaean buildings found every
where, and for the apparently long interregnum of darkness which seems to have taken place
between their being built and that of the oldest of the modern ancient edifices and empires . It
may be that most anciently the planes of the equator and the ecliptic coincided, that they were
placed at an angle by a convulsion, that this angle was considerably larger than it is at this mo-
ment, and that it is gradually decreasing . In that case the polar regions must have formerly been
much warmer than they are now, and, in consequence, may have been fit for the residence of
plants which we now find only in warmer climates . For any thing we know, the reduction of this
angle may have proceeded more rapidly at first than it has done in later ages, and this would
account for the remains of plants which are not found growing there now . No doubt the change
in the earth's axis would cause very great mischief ; but the assertion, that the least check to the
motion of the earth would cause infinite mischief, is but a gratuitous, dogmatical assertion, neces-
sarily made in ignorance . I have a right to suppose only just so much retardation to take place as
would produce the effects which we see and experience . Besides, the change might be along
with, rather than against, the earth's motion, and this would make a great difference . That our
country is gradually growing colder is proved decisively by the records of the suits in the exche-
quer between the parsons and the farmers for the tithe on wine. Every body knows that the
northern and central parts of Britain, indeed, not any part of it, can now produce good wine .
An ingenious writer in an American journal has made some striking observations on the Deluge .
He says, "There are many indications that a powerful current has passed over the continent of
` 1 America from north to south, and the author of this article accounts for these appearances, by
~~ supposing that a change has at some period taken place in the velocity of the earth's motion on
~~ her axis . The surface of the earth at the equator revolves at the rate of more than 1,000 miles
°~ per hour, or 1500 feet per second, which is about the velocity of a cannon ball . We have no
~~ idea of circular motion like this . A wheel of wrought iron, of three feet in diameter, will fly in
~~ pieces before it reaches a velocity of 400 feet per second . Supposing the earth should be slightly
~° checked in her daily motion-the Pacific Ocean would in a moment rush over the Andes and
~~ Alleganies into the Atlantic-the Atlantic would sweep over Europe, Asia, and Africa-and in a
~~ few hours the entire surface of the earth would be covered with rushing torrents, excepting the

I Jameson's Cuvier, pp . 15, 16, 4th Ed . 1822 . 1 Ib . p 18 .

Book V. Chapter I . Section 5 313
" vicinity of the Poles . The appearances presented on the surface of the earth are precisely such
" as we would [might] expect after such a catastrophe ."-Silliman's Journal. The probability is,
I think, that a great flood did take place more than two thousand, but not more than about three
thousand, years before Christ, which destroyed the greatest part of mankind, leaving only a few
persons in different places . I am very much inclined to believe that, at the bottom of perhaps
every mythic history, there exist some truths . Now, nothing could be more easy to transmit by
memory than such a bare fact as that of the sinking of an island, or that of a great flood . And I
know nothing more likely than that it should have been made into a mythos-that it should have
been made subservient to the purposes of the priesthood . Beyond the a era of Nabonassar, or
about the first Olympiad or the founding of Rome, which is as far back as the memory of man may
be supposed to extend, and before Herodotus ; the first historian, wrote, history is mere mythos,
as Diodorus Siculus properly represents it . In some instances, as in the case of Rome, instead of
history, the mythos was continued to a much later date . It is possible that the inhabitants of the
world, at the time of the last flood, may have had traditions of former floods having taken place a
few, perhaps four or five, hundred years previously, which may have served to warn them, together
with some symptoms of which we know nothing, that another concussion was likely to happen .
The words of the book of Enoch imply that Noah and others learned from secret science that it
would happen . If the change were caused by a comet, is it not possible that the persons who
were so profoundly skilled in astronomy, as to be the inventors of the Neros, may have been able
to calculate the period of one, and to foresee that it would come near enough to the earth to cause
the mischief? Enoch says, "Respecting the MOONS have they inquired, and they have known
~~ that the earth will perish with those who dwell upon it ." Again, " They have discovered
~° secrets, but thou art free from the reproach of discovering secrets ." Chap lxiv . Sect. xi. If
the word translated moons had been planetary bodies, it would have been instantly applicable to
the knowledge of comets ; and I think there is a strong probability that such ought to be the
translation . In numbers of places the book of Enoch chews a knowledge of judicial astrology,
and speaks of reading the course of events in the stars, similar to the expression of Jacob and his
children . All these expressions might really, though perhaps secretly, be meant to apply only to
the future planetary motions . Under all the circumstances I cannot think it improbable that the
change in the axis of the earth should have been caused by a comet, nor that its approach to the
earth and the mischief which it was likely to cause, should have been known to the antediluvians
-persons learned enough in astronomy to be the inventors of the cycle of the Neros . Reason,
natural philosophy, and sacred and profane tradition, all support the justness of this conclusion .
In aid of history and astronomy we can also cite the opinion of some of the first geologists
MM . Cuvier, Deluc, and Dolomieu, affirm "that, if there is any circumstance thoroughly esta-
"bushed in geology, it is, that the crust of our globe has been subjected to a great and sudden
It revolution-not farther back than five or six thousand years ago ;"-that the countries now in-

habited had been before inhabited, if not by mankind, at least by land animals ; consequently, one
preceding revolution, at least, had overwhelmed them with water ; and that if we may judge by
the different orders of animals, whose remains are found therein, they had perhaps undergone two
or three irruptions of the sea.'
5. The assertion of the book of Enoch, that the axis of the earth was changed, was supported
by Plato, 2 and the inclination of the earth's axis was well known to the Greeks, and was called

' Jameson's Cuvier, pp . 173-175, 4th Ed . 1822 .

' See Volume I p . 203. N. B . The suspicion which I have stated in the page here referred to, that the word
Lofia; related to the elliptic orbits of the planets, must be considered as erroneous-to he unfounded .
VOL. if .
314 Floods of Ogyges and Inachus-Comets Held to Be Planets
Lo4uas . This inclination was also well known to the Indians . There is a very remarkable pas-
sage in Plutarch : " It was the doctrine both of Diogenes and Anaxagoras, that after the creation
`~ or primary constitution of the world, and the production of animals out of the earth, the world,
` as it were of its owu accord, was bent or inclined towards the South . And truly it is probable
" this inclination was the effect of Providence, on purpose that some parts of the world might be-
• come habitable, and others uninhabitable, by reason of the difference of the frigid, torrid, and
~Q temperate climates thereof."'
6. "Varro places the deluge of Ogyges, which he calls the first deluge, 400 years before Inachus,
" (a priore cataclysmo quem Ogygium dicunt, ad Inachi regnum,) and consequently before the first
~~ Olympiad . This would refer it to a period of 2376 years before Christ, and the deluge of Noah,
• according to the Hebrew text, is 2349-only twenty-seven years of difference . This testi-
C°moray of Varro is substantiated by Censorinus de Die Natali, cap. xxi ." 2 Here we have a most
important Gentile confirmation of the Mosaic record, affording a very strong probability, indeed,
when united to the singular circumstance of a comet which I shall presently notice, a proof of its
truth . The dates are as nearly identical as can be expected by any one who pays due attention to
the difficulty of keeping a record of time in those remote ages, and this without making any allow-
ance for disturbing forces, which may be expected to have operated . This western evidence is
again confirmed by evidence in the East . But those who have read what I have stated of the
Mosaic mythos in China, 3 will not be surprised to learn, that the time of its first king or emperor,
Yao, who drained and rendered the country habitable, is placed about the year 2333 B . C . Here
we have, evidently, the flood and the God lao of the Jews . 4
7. Aristotle says, 5 " that the Pythagoreans held a comet to be one of the planets which appears
~~ after a long interval of time, and which, at the apex of its very elliptical orbit, is at as small a
`~ distance from the sun as the planet Mercury . Now the Chaldaeans held comets to be planets ; 6
"and the Egyptians predicted their returns ." 7 We must not forget this observation of Sir William
Drummond's, that the Egyptians predicted the returns of comets, and for a reason which my
reader will find hereafter, I think it right to remind him, that it was a Chaldaean astronomer, called
Sosigenes, from Egypt, who corrected the calendar for Julius Caesar . Professor Anthom, in his
Lempriere, says, " Plato informs us, that in the time of Atreus the motion of the firmament had
changed in such a manner, that the sun and all the stars had begun to rise where formerly they
had set, and to set where they had been accustomed to rise ; in a word, the machine of the world
°` was moved in a way contrary to that in which it had been before . It is evident, from the seve-
• ral parts of his relation, that he speaks of a confused and perplexed, and consequently a very
" ancient tradition . In his Timieus, however, he makes the Athenians to have first learned it from
~Q Solon ; which would seem to favour the idea that the latter had, like Herodotus, received it from
• the priests of Egypt . Pomponius Mela speaks of the same tradition, as also Plutarch, Achilles
• Tatius, Solinus, and many other writers . Astronomers, however, insist, that the idea of such
~~ an interruption of the regular motion of the earth, as this phenomenon would have required, is
~~ not for a moment to be entertained, and that if it had taken place, it would have left physical
" traces behind ; besides, the figure of the earth shews, they maintain, that its revolutions have
~~ been uniform since the flood . We leave the present subject with them and the ancients ." s -

' De Placitis Philos. Lib . ii . Cap . viii. apud Whiston's Theory, B . II . p . 107 ; where, in pp . 102, 103, may be seen
the confirmatory opinions of Leucippus, Laertius, Democritus, and Empedocles .
• Jameson's Cuvier, p . 205, 4th Ed. ' See supra, pp . 19, 36, 97. * Jamneson's Cuvier, p . 239, 4th Ed.
• Meteorolog. Lib . i. 6 Senec . Quaest . Nat .
Diodor. Lib . i., Drummond, Class. Journ. Vol. XVI . p . 157. 6 Lempriere, in voce Phaeton .
Book V . Chapter I . Section 8 315

With whom 1 will not leave it . Very true it is that the motion has probably been uniform since the
catastrophe of the flood was finished ; but this, THE FLOOD, is the very thing which we are talking
about . It by no means follows, that there has been no flood since the throwing up of Chimborazo .
Again I repeat, it is clear that there have been different floods, and we can never know, at least
we do not know, whether the last flood did or did not throw up Chimborazo, although there may
exist circumstances enough to decide our opinion . The author says, that if the motion of the
earth had been interrupted, it would have left physical traces behind . Good God 1 what can this
gentleman mean ? Are there not physical traces every where ? Are not Chimborazo and Mount
Blanc physical traces? Can we take a single step without treading on them ? The difficulty is
not in finding no traces, but in finding too large ones, and too many of them . I speak not now of
the processes by which the strata of the earth were deposited ; but every thing tends to shew that
the last change has been sudden and violent .
8 . 1 now beg my reader to look back to what I have said in my CELTIC DRUIDS, p . 8, and in the
Preliminary Observations, (Vol . 1 . p . 2,) respecting the origin of the seven-day cycle ; then in pp .
27, 28, 291, 293, and 273, note, for what has been said respecting the flood or floods ; to consider
the universal tradition that it was caused by the sudden change in the direction of the earth's axis,
as I stated in the note, in Vol . I . pp . 29, 30 ; and that, in consequence, the length of the year was
changed from 360 to 365 days, and the length of the month shortened from 30 to 28 and 27 days .
Now it is remarkable that, in Mexico, they have two weeks, one of 3 and one of 5 days, but not
one of 7 days . This seems to shew that they separated from the old world before the change of the
axis took place . This will make no material difference in my theory of the invention of figures
and letters ; because, instead of dividing the moon's period into fourteen and seven, they would
act precisely on the same principle, and divide it into fifteen, and three fives, and ten threes .'
The Javanese have the week of five days : on every first, they have their market, as was anciently
the case with our Sunday ; and they say, that the origin and names of the days of their week are
unknown ; but they have a tradition, that they were taken from colours and the division of the
horizon . This is evidently the zodiac, when the two planes coincided . The evidence concerning
this question of the change in the earth's axis is one thing, the belief of most persons respecting
it is another. With the latter I do not concern myself ; to the former, the evidence is clearly in
favour of a sudden and violent change having taken place, which caused a very great flood ; but
this must have been before the building of the Pyramids, and must also have been before the flood
which destroyed Maha-balipore ; and yet, of course, it must have been since the creation of man .
I can readily imagine an overflowing so great as, in a very small space of time, to have rushed
over nearly the whole earth, in successive waves, so as not to have destroyed every individual, but
to have left alive a very few persons, and that few to have perpetuated the race . One flood might
be occasioned by successive convulsions of the earth, bursting the crust of the globe as we see it .
There requires no miraculous interposition, if we suppose that in the intervals between the shocks
of earthquakes, when the face of the globe might indicate renewed convulsions, a few of the more
easily frightened inhabitants might be able to save themselves in boats or on rafts . Perhaps a
few of them, cast on elevated lands by the wave and left there on its recession, might be able to
save themselves in several parts of the world ; and, in the same manner, a certain number of the
animals might be preserved, and others lost, of which we now have only the remains . And the
same effects may have been produced if we suppose the crust of the earth to have been burst by

I Crawfurd, H ist . Ind . Archipel . Vol . I . p . 289 .)

316 «'piston on Year of 360 Days

the irruption of the central water from below, which may have been occasioned by the conjunction
of a body with the moon, thus causing an immense tide . Had the change in the axis of the earth
been asserted in Genesis, we should never have heard the last of the wisdom of that book . All the
world, philosophers and devotees, would equally have received the assertion ; but, because it is not
there stated, though a consequence of it is, viz, the year having only 360 days, it is believed by
none, notwithstanding all ancient tradition, natural history, and circumstantial evidence, are in its
favour. Forster' says, the Hindoo year is 360 days . M . Adrian Balbi, in his Ethnography of
the Globe, says, "11 est bon aussi de rappeler a nos lecteurs que les Mexicans avaient des semaines
" ou petits periodes de 5 jours, comme les peuples du royaume de Benin et les anciens Javanais,
• de mois de 20 jours, des annees civiles de 18 mois, des indictions de 13 ans, des demi-siecles de
52 ans, et des siecles ou viellesses de 104 ans ." Here we have the year of 360 days .
We will now inquire what the ancients thought upon this subject .
9 I had collected a variety of authorities to prove that the ancients held, that both the civil and
tropical year consisted of 360 days, and the mouth of 30 days, when I obtained WHISTON's Theory
of the Earth, 2 in which I discovered that this had been proved by NEWTON, 3 and that lie had
already demonstrated the truth of my doctrine . As I consider this of great importance, and my
reader may not be able easily to obtain Whiston's work, and if he could, he would find the proofs
encumbered with much unnecessary matter, I shall copy them on this point, though they are
rather long, and give those proofs instead of my own .
" The most ancient civil year in most parts of the world after the deluge ; and also the tropical
" solar and lunar year before the deluge, contained just twelve months of thirty days a-piece, or
" 360 days in the whole .
• First .-I shall endeavour to prove, that the most ancient year in civil use, almost throughout
" the world, for several ages after the deluge, contained exactly 360 days, or 12 months of 30 days
" a-piece . Secondly .-That before the deluge, not only the civil year, but also the tropical solar
°` year, wherein the sun passes through the ecliptic to the same point from whence it began ; and
" likewise the lunar year, consisting of 12 Synodical months, each from new moon to new moon,
" or from full moon to full moon, were severally just 360 days long, and consequently that the
" lunar month was exactly 30 days .
"And, first, I am to prove that the most ancient civil year and month were of this length in
" most places after the deluge.
• (1 .) This appears by that testimony mentioned in Georgius Syncellus, which informs us, that
• the additional five days, even amongst the Egyptians, one of the most ancient and learned na-
• tions in the world, were not originally added to the 360 days, or 12 months of 30 days a-piece,
~~ of which their year consisted, but were introduced about a thousand years after the deluge ; so
" that till that time, their ancient year appears to have been no more than 360 days .
" (2 .) This argument from the latter introduction of the five additional days, receives some con-
• firmation from the place they always possest in the year, even after they were introduced in the
• Egyptian and thence in the Nabonassarean form, which was at the end of the whole year, as
" additional or superabundant days ; which manner of adding them at the year's end seems
• turally to imply, that the several months had been so long stated at 30 days a-piece, and so the
• whole year at just 360 days, that they could not think fit to alter them, but only ventured to add

' Sketches of Hindoos, p . 40. $ Hypotheses, Book II. pp . 144-181 .

3 Vide Rev. Dr . Barrel's Enquiry into the Constellations, pp . 8, &c .
Book V. Chapter I. Section 9 317
" five days at the end of the year, which indeed were scarce accounted a part of it : still implying
" and supposing that the ancient and stated year was made up of 12 months of 30 days a-piece,
or of 360 days in the whole, and no more .
" (3 .) And what is but conjectured at in the last argument, is particularly asserted in a famous
• tradition in Plutarch, from whence it appears that the ancient Egyptian year was no more than
`~ 360 days, and that the five Epagomence were not looked upon as proper parts either of the year
• or of any of its months ; but as days belonging to the nativities of five several Egyptian deities,
• who, as this present piece of mythology supposes, were to be born neither in any year, nor in
" any month, and that thereupon, these five days were added to the ancient year ; which, there-
" fore, before this addition was made, contained no more than 360 days .
" (4 .) That the most ancient Chaldean or Babylmdan year was just 360 days, appears by that
" number of furlongs for the compass of the walls of Babylon, which, as Q . Curtius and Tzetzes
" affirm, were built in a year, a furlong each day . For though some who wrote about the time of
`~ Alexander the Great, and seem to have known, either that the solar year was 365 days long, or
" the astronomical year at Babylon itself was of that length, do say that the compass of the walls
• was 365 furlongs ; yet Ctesias, who wrote before that time in the reign of Artaxerxes Memor,
" says with greater probability, that the number of furlongs was but 360 . And since even those
• later writers add, that Babylon was as many furlongs in compass as there were days in the year ;
• 'tis more than probable that they erroneously concluded from thence, that because the tropical
" year (or the astronomical year of Nabonassar) had 365 days in it, therefore Babylon was 365
" furlongs in compass . Thus then we see the testimonies of several authors that the walls of Ba-
bylon were as many furlongs in compass as there were days in the year ; and that the oldest
• and best testimony asserts that they were 360 furlongs in compass ; wherefore it must be
• concluded highly probable at least, that the most ancient Babylonian year was exactly 360 days
" long.
• (5.) All this is more fully confirmed by a contemporary author, the Prophet Daniel, who lived
" and wrote in Babylon, in the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, who built those walls . For Daniel by
" his time, times and a half, or three years and a half, as we are sure from St . John's exposition of
" them, means 1260 days ; and consequently by a single time or one year, means no more than
" 360 days ; according to the usual computation of the age and nation in which he lived .
• (6.) We find also several footsteps and remains of this old year in the Medo-Persian monar-
• cby which subdued the Babylonian . As in the 360 channels which Cyrus cut to make the river
" Gyndes fordable for his army, when he went on his expedition against Babylon ; and (if Jose-
" phus be not mistaken) in the 360 Satrapae which Darius set over so many provinces of his em-
• p ire. Thus also the sacred historian assures us, that King dhasuerus made a feast unto all his
"princes and his servants many days, even 180 days, i . e . a just half-year's feast, that number being
• exactly half 360. Thus also the Periodus Magorum, mentioned by Scaliger, was 360,000 years,
" i. e . days, or a just millennium . In all which instances a plain reference is had to the year of
"360 days then in use.
• (7.) That the Persian year contained but 360 days is still more evident from the testimonies
" of Plutarch and Q. Curtius, who affirm that the number of royal concubines to more than one
" of the Persian kings, was just 360 . And we know both from Scripture and Herodotus, that
• they went in constant courses to their kings . And since their number answers so exactly to
" the days in the ancient year, according to the other testimonies ; since also a year is so natural
" and obvious a length for one of those courses ; nay, since Diodorus Siculus directly affirms that
3 18 Whiston on Year of 360 Days

• the Royal concubines were just as many as the days of the year, it is plain, the Persian year
~` had just 360 days . Nay, even in much later times we find in the Arabic historians, that 4rdshir
• Ebn Babec, who was king of Persia, in the third century of Christianity, was the author of the
• play which we call Tables ; in which he appointed twelve houses or Areolae to correspond to the
• 12 months of the year, and 30 calculi or Tablemen, to answer to so many days in every month
" a plain instance (if not of the then present length of the Persian year and months, yet at least)
" of the tradition they still retained, that originally the Persian year was just 360 days, containing
" twelve months of 30 days a-piece .
• (8 .) There is also no small probability, that the most ancient year of the Mexicans in North
" America (who seem to have had their original from some of the eastern nations) was also exactly
" 360 days. This people (as Joseph Acosta, amongst others, informs us' ' divided their year into
"' months, to [each of] which they gave 20 days, wherein the 360 days are accomplished, not com-
• prehending in any of these months, the 5 days that remain and make the year perfect . But they
"' did reckon them apart at the end of the year, and called them days of nothing ; during which
• ` the people did not any thing, neither went they to their temples, but occupied themselves only
"' in visiting one another, and so spent the time . The sacrificers of the temple did likewise cease
• ` their sacrifices .' Since then the Mexicans, even till these later times, esteemed as nothing
" those five days that were added to the 360 at the end of the year, and accordingly spent them
• in mere idleness ; it is very probable they did this to signify that those additional days were not
• to be looked upon as any real part of the year, as they certainly were not of any of its months ;
" or at least, to signify that they did not originally belong to the year, but were added to it in
• later times, to make it more agreeable to the solar year . And if so. it must be allowed that the
• primitive year of the Mexicans contained just 360 days, and no more .
• (9 .) The only year among the ancient Greeks, and the nations descended from them, that can
• come in competition with this year of 360 days, is the tropical year or a year made very nearly
• equal to the tropical by cycles of years, or proper intercalations of months or days in certain
" revolving periods . And that this year was not originally in civil use amongst them, appears
" very probable from the most ancient manner of determining the seasons of the year, which was
" not done by the names of the months and days of the civil year, but by the heliacal rising and
• setting of the fixed stars, as is well known to all that are conversant in the old poetry and astro-
nomy . Now, if the tropical year, or a year made equivalent to it by proper intercalations, had
" been the civil year, it can hardly be imagined that the easy and obvious method of reckoning the
• seasons by the months and days of the civil year should be entirely neglected ; and so odd and
" troublesome a method as that of fixing them by the heliacal rising and setting of the fixed stars,
• should be entertained in its stead . And in confirmation of this reasoning, Diogenes Laertius
" says, that Thales the Milesian was the first of all the Greeks who discovered the length of the
" four seasons of the year, and that the tropical year was 365 days in length . And though Solon
" is said to have made the month conformable to the motion of the moon at Athens, yet even he
• himself was utterly ignorant of the tropical year, if he really had that discourse with Crcesus,
• king of Lydia, which Herodotus relates he had . For he there supposes, that if the year of 360
• days had an embolimary month of 30 days added to it every other year, it would thereby become
• equal to the tropical year . Whereby it is plain, he took the tropical year to be 375 days long,
• which is above 9 days and 18 hours more than the truth. Wherefore I think it may be con-
• eluded, that till after the time of Solon (or if this discourse with Creesus be feigned by Herodo-
" tus under Solon's name, then even till Herodotus's time, which is above 100 years later) the
Book V . Chapter I . Section 9 319

" ancient Greeks were generally ignorant of the true length of the tropical year ; and, copse-
" quently, the most ancient Grecian year was not equal to the tropical . And if so, the following
" ancient testimonies will be undoubted evidence that it was of no other length than 360 days .
" (10.) That the ancient year of Greece, Lydia, and the Grecian colonies in Asia, was just 360
~~ days, appears from several testimonies . There is a clear intimation of this in the 360 gods,
" which (as Justin Martyr assures us) that most ancient poet and philosopher Orpheus intro-
duced ; one, it seems, for every day in the year . The same thing may be concluded from the
" before-cited testimony of Herodotus, (of Halicarnassus, a Grecian city in Asia,) who introduces
`~ Solon discoursing with Croesus, king of Lydia, where, he says, that 70 years, (viz . either Asia-
" tic years, even till Herodotus's time, or at least Lydian years in the time of Croesus,) contained
"25,200 days ; from whence it follows, that a single year, at the same time, contained just 360
" days . This also is proved from the riddle of Cleobulus, tyrant of Lindus, a city of Rhodes .
" There is, says he, one father who has 12 children, and each of these has 60 daughters, 30 of them
"white, and 30 of them black ; all of them being immortal, and yet mortal continually . By which
" all agree, that the year is meant with its 12 months, and each of their 30 days and 30 nights .
" Thus also Hippocrates (of the island of Cos, in the Egean sea) affirms, that 7 years contain 360
• weeks, and so one year 360 days . And also that 7 months are 210 days ; and 9 months and 10
" days are just 280 days ; and elsewhere, that 9 months contained 270 days, according to the
" computation of the Grecians . From all which it is evident, that 30 days were then allowed to a
" month, and 360 days to a year.
" (11 .) That the most ancient year at Athens in particular, was 360 days, and the month 30 days,
`° appears from the very original constitution of the city of Athens itself, which, as we learn from
`` Harpocration, Julius Pollux, and Suidas, was divided (to use the words of the last) into four
" tribes, in imitation of the 4 seasons of the year ; which tribes contained 12 (Pparp(as correspond-
" ing to the 12 months ; and each ~pa7pfa had 30 yEVrl answering to the 30 days of each month ;
C° so that all the VM) collected together were 360, as many as the days of the year . Which words,

" in the opinion of a learned man, do not only demonstrate the true length of the primitive Athe-
• nian year, but also give the reason of it, from the original constitution of the city itself . That
" they demonstrate the true length of the primitive Athenian year, I acknowledge is very plain ;
`~ but (with submission) they are so far from deriving this year, with its 4 seasons, 12 months, and
" 30 days in each month, from the constitution of the city, that they assert on the contrary, the
• city was so divided and constituted in imitation of the year, and of its 4 seasons, 12 months, &c .
" And if Athens was a colony of the Egyptians, as seems exceeding probable, there can be no
• doubt but that the ancient year of 360 days and 12 equal months, (the only year and months the
"Egyptians then made use of) gave birth to the aforesaid constitution of that city, and so were
• evidently the primitive year and months in civil use at Athens .
" (12.) That the Athenians retained the year of 360 days, and the month of 30 days, till after
" the time of Alexander the Great, (either solely, as some learned men hold ; or at least, together
`~ with the Lunae-solar year, as Theodorus Gaza was of opinion,) may be proved from the books of
`~ ancient Athenians yet extant, as well as by other authorities . Thus Xenophon, in his excellent
~~ discourse of the revenue of the state of Athens, always takes it for granted that a year did then
• contain 360 days, and no more, as his late translator in his notes, particularly, observes and de-
• monstrates . And Plato, in his 6th book de Legibus, would have the Senate of the new Com-
monwealth he is there describing, to consist of 360 men, to be divided into 4 parts of 90 each ; in
" this alluding plainly to the year of 360 days, and its 4 quarters . And Aristotle expressly assures
• us, that the 5th part of a year was 72 days, and the 6th part was 60 days ; and so by plain con-
• sequence, the whole year must have been 360 days . Lastly, Pliny, Laertius, and Varro, inform
320 Wrhiston on Year of 360 Days

• us, that at Athens, Demetreus Phalereus (after the time of Alexander the Great) had just 360
• statues erected to his memory, the year at that time (as Pliny says expressly, and the other two
" as expressly as he, if their testimonies be taken jointly) not having any greater number of days in
• it than 360.
" (13.) This ancient year of only 360 days, appears also to have been the first Roman year be-
" fore Numa Pompilius's correction . For Plutarch, in the life of Numa, says, that ' during the
• 'reign of Romulus, some months were not 20 days long, and others contained 35 days or more,
• ' the Romans not then sufficiently understanding the true length of the solar or lunar periods ;
• ` but only providing for this one thing, that the whole year should contain just 360 days .'
• (14.) That this was the primitive Roman year, will appear very probable also from the Julian
" Calendar itself, which intercalates the Bissextile day immediately after the Terminalia, the last
• day of the ancient year ; that is, immediately before the 5 last days of February, the last month
• in the ancient year ; so that the 5 last days of February every common year, and the 6 last
• every Bissextile year, are to be reckoned intercalary, or additional days to the other 360 . And,
" indeed, St. Austin, speaking of those who reckoned the Antediluvian years to be no more than
• 36 days, the 10th part of the lunar year, which he supposed to be 360 days, to which the 5 ;
" days were afterwards added to fill up the solar year ; directly says, that the Romans called all those
" five (or six days in a Bissextile year) intercalary days . And though an intercalary month in the
" times immediately before the Julian correction, was inserted in the same place where the Bis-
" sextile day is inserted now ; yet it is probable from what St . Austin says, and indeed from the
" agreeableness of the thing itself, that the first correction of the ancient year of 360 days, was
" made by adding the five days aforesaid to the end of it .
• (15.) That the original Roman year was exactly 360 days, is farther proved, because a tacit
" year of that length was retained in the Roman Empire for the anniversary celebration of some
" particular solemnities, long after the establishment of the Julian year, as appears from some in-
• scriptions in Gruter ; concerning which bear the words of the famous Cardinal Norris .-' In
" ` harum Inscriptionum un5 dicitur Nonius Victor cum Aurelio Victore, Datiano Cereale Coal.
• `tradidisse LEONTICA XVI . KAL . APRIL. Et in alterfi memorandum iidem, Eusebio 4 Hypatio
"' Coss . iterum tradidisse LFONTICA IV . Inns MARTIAS . Erant sacra anniversaria, quee anno
• ` evoluto, ab iisdem instaurata fuerunt . Priora peracta sunt Anno Christi 358, die 17 Martii ;
" `alters anno 359, die ejusdem mensis 12, jani evolutis diebus a prioribus Leonticis, 360 .' This
" reasoning, from such undoubted authorities, is so plain and convincing, that nothing farther
• need to be added to it .
" (16.) This computation of 30 days to every month, and so of 3(10 days to a year in ancient
• time, is also confirmed by that length of a month all along in the old histories, as has, in great
~~ measure, been proved already, and is confirmed by these farther testimonies . When Queen
°` Esther would express her absence from King Ahasuerus for an entire month, she expresses it
'` thus : ` I have not been called to come in unto the King these 30 days .' And when Darius's
• courtiers in Daniel solicited him to prohibit prayers for an entire month likewise, they expressed
• it thus : that ` none should ask a petition of any god or man for 30 days .' And this month of 30
" days did certainly continue in civil use at Athens till Solon's time at least . Diogenes Laertius
and Plutarch agree, that he was the first who accommodated the month to the motion of the
moon, and called the last day of it (which before was named rpsaxAS, the 30th day) Ey-4xa14a,
" the Old and New day, as belonging partly to the old moon, and partly to the new . And Proclus
" also adds, that Solon was the first that made the month less than 30 days . Nay, even in later
• times, about 200 years after Solon, the ancient astronomers Euctemon, Philip, and Calippus, in
" those very cycles which they made for adjusting the years and months to the motions of the sun
Book V . Chapter I. Section 10 321

" and moon, did constantly allow 30 days to each month, and then threw out every 63rd or 64th
" day, as is particularly explained in Geminus ; who himself also expressly asserts, that the ancients
" constantly allowed 30 days to a month . Lastly, Julius Pollux, Galen, Cleumedes, Orus Apollo,
• Achilles Tatius, and St . Austin, do each of them assure us, that by a month, in the vulgar way
" of speaking, is meant 30 days . Nay, the four last express themselves so as if the lunar month
" itself were exactly of that length . And St . Austin carries the matter farther, and takes the lunar
"year, or 12 lunar months, to contain just 360 days . And even Dionysius Exiguus, above 500
" years after Christ, reproves many of this error, of taking the lunar month to be just 30, and the
" lunar year just 360 days . And it cannot be easily imagined how so great an error should so
" universally obtain, unless the most ancient year and month had been just 360 and 30 days in
" length respectively .
10. " And thus I think I have clearly proved the first particular which I undertook, namely,
" that the ancientest year in use in most nations of the Postdiluvian world was exactly 360 days,
• and the month exactly 30 days . I come now to shew, that even in the Antediluvian world, not
" only the year in civil use, but also the solar year, and the lunar year too, were each of them 360
• days in length, and exactly commensurate to one another . And here, if the reader will make
" allowances for the distance and obscurity of the tines I am now about to treat of, and for the
" scarcity of any records belonging to them besides the Holy Scriptures, I believe he will find as
• much evidence, even for this second particular, as can reasonably be expected, and what is
• abundantly sufficient to satisfy him of the truth and reality of it .
• And (1) since we have found, that the most ancient Postdiluvian year in civil use in most
• countries was exactly 360 days, consisting of 12 equal months of 30 days a-piece ; it is a strong
• presumption, that the Antediluvian civil year was of the same length . For it cannot easily be
" imagined how this year should so universally obtain after the deluge, except it had been in use
• before it ; especially, since it is neither equal to the present solar year, nor to the lunar . If the
" first nations after the deluge had made any change in their year, they would certainly have en-
• deavoured to make it conformable to the motions either of the sun, or of the moon, or both ;
" which appears to be the practice of every nation, when they undertake to correct or alter the
" year in civil use . And, therefore, since neither the year of 360 days, nor the month of 30 days,
" is agreeable to any of the celestial motions, it must be granted that the Postdiluvians were not
• the first framers of this year ; and, therefore, that it was used before the deluge also .
• (2.) This farther appears by that most ancient and most valuable testimony of Moses, whereby
• we understand, that from the 17th day of the second month, when the flood began, till the 17th
• day of the 7th month, when the ark rested, were just 150 days, or just 30 days for every inter-
• vening month . The words are these : ' In the 600th year of Noah's life, the second month, the
• ' 17th day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the
• ' windows of heaven were opened. And the waters prevailed upon the earth 150 days . And
• 'after the end of 150 days the waters were abated ; and the ark rested in the 7th month, on the
" ` 17th day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat .' So that hence it is evident that five
• months, viz. the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, and 6th, had just 30 days a-piece ; and by consequence it is
• most probable that all the rest had so likewise, and that therefore the whole year had no more
• than 360 days .
" Lemma to the third argument . The ancient succession of kings in Berosus and Abydenus,
• whose reigns are counted by Sari, governed some part of the Antediluvian world, and ended at
" the deluge. All this is asserted by the historians themselves . Nay, farther, Xisuthrus, the last
" king, appears evidently to be the same with Noah, since almost the whole history of the flood,
" and of Noah's being saved in the ark, may be found in the remaining fragments of Berosus and
VOL. i t .
2 Wrhiston on Length of Antediluvian Year

" Abydenus, if you only change the name of Xisuthrus for Noah . As particularly, that' God re-
"' vealed to Xisuthrus, that a great deluge should destroy men from the earth, and begin on the
"' 15th day of the month Daesius, and therefore Xisuthrus was commanded to save himself and
• his family by entering into an ark or ship, and to take with him into the ark all sorts of birds
"' and beasts, with necessary food for himself and them . Which being done, the deluge came, as
• 'predicted . And after the rain had ceased, Xisuthrus sent out a bird, to see if the waters were
"' abated, which returned to him again, having found nothing to rest upon And after some time,
" ` be sent out another, which returned likewise, but with dirty feet, whereby he knew the waters
"' were abated . Lastly, he sent one out the third time, which returned not to him again . That
• ' afterwards, Xisuthrus opened the ark, and saw the ground was dry ; so he and his wife came
"' out and raised an altar and sacrificed to the gods . His children also came out and sacrificed,
• ' and found that the ark rested on the Gordyean mountains in Armenia, and part of it still con-
"'tinned in being when this account was written . Afterwards Xisuthrus's children journeyed
"' towards Babylon, built many cities, and founded temples, and particularly built Babylon .'
" These circumstances are so agreeable to the Scripture history of the deluge, that many have
" been tempted to think that Berosus transcribed this account from thence . But that cannot
• easily be, because amongst these truths there are some mistakes and falsities intermixed, which
• I thought it not worth the while to relate . But from those falsities, and from the idolatry in
" this history, it appears that it was collected and put into writing some few years after the
" deluge, namely, after the rise of idolatry amongst the Postdiluvians . And yet it is very proba-
• ble this was done long before the lives of men were fixed to the present standard, while some
" that had conversed with the sons or grandsons of Noah were still alive ; because the particulars
• of the deluge are more accurately related therein, as we have seen, than could be supposed pos-
• sible., had the tradition passed through very many hands before it was committed to writing .
" (3 .) That the Antediluvian year was just 360 days long, appears from the reigns of these Ante-
• diluvian kings, which, as I said, are not reckoned by years, but by Sari . And our authors tell
• us, a Sarus is 3600 years ; that is, as some ancient Christian writers understood them, (and as
• appears by the great length of the particular reigns, some of them amounting even to 18 Sari
" a-piece,) 3600 days, or ten years of 360 days each . And the Hebrew or Chaldee expression of a
• Sarus confirms this assertion . Hhazhr is ten ; and the first letter being such a guttural as could
• not well be pronounced by the Greeks, they would naturally express the word by I;apoc, which
• is therefore literally a decad . For the lives of the Antediluvians being generally at the least ten
• times as long as ours, they found it more convenient to reckon their own lives and the reigns of
• their kings, rather by decads of years than by single years . Now, if a Sarus or decad of years
• contained 3600 days before the deluge, it is plain that each year contained just 360 days .
" (4.) If it be proved by the preceding arguments, that the civil year before the deluge was just
• 360 days, and the civil month just 30 days ; it will be thence very probably concluded, that both
• the tropical year and the lunar month were each of the same length respectively . The great
• probability of this will appear, whether we uppose the civil year and month to have been of
• human or of divine institution . For, 1st, if they were of human institution, what could induce
• the Antediluvians to make use of this form of year, if it varied as much from the motions both
" of the sun and moon as it does at present? The Antediluvian earth was extremely fruitful, the
• lives of its inhabitants extremely long, and the air at that time extremely clear ; so that the
• inhabitants of the old world wanted neither leisure nor time, nor opportunity to make multi-
• tudes of observations, in order to discover the true length of the year and month ; which, if they
• had discovered, the great conveniences visibly consequent upon the use of them must needs
• have induced the civil powers to have enjoined and established them accordingly . Now, since
Book V . Chapter I . Section 10 323
• it appears by the former arguments, that in fact the civil year before the deluge was just 360
• days, and the civil month just 30 days ; it will be highly probable, from what is here alleged,
that (if the same civil year and month were of human discovery and institution) the tropical
" year and lunar month were of the same length also . But, 2dly, if, on the other hand, God him-
• self revealed to mankind the true length of the year, it will be still more evident that the Ante-
• diluvian tropical year was exactly 360 days long, and the lunar month exactly 30 days ; for God
• cannot deceive his creatures ; nor would he institute a form of year which was less convenient
• and proper for attaining the end for which it was instituted, when nothing hindered but that the
" most convenient and most proper ; that is, the true tropical year and lunar month might have
• been as easily ascertained by divine revelation, as any others . Since, therefore, it is before
" proved, that the civil year was just 360 days before the deluge, and the civil month just 30
• days ; if God taught mankind this length of the year and month ; then it plainly appears, that
" the tropical year and lunar month were just 360 and 30 days long respectively . And upon the
• whole, whether the Antediluvian civil year and month were of divine or of human original, (and
• of one of the two they certainly were,) it appears either way highly probable, that both the
" tropical and lunar year were just 360 days each, and the lunar month exactly 30 days .
" (5 .) And that the primitive solar year was really no more than 360 days, and contained just 12
lunar months of 30 days a-piece, appears farther, by the most ancient division of the solar course
• into just 360 degrees, and those distributed into 12 signs of 30 degrees a-piece . For the only
• natural reason that can be given why the zodiac or solar circle was at first divided either into
"just 360 degrees or 12 signs, and why just 30 degrees were allotted to each sign, must be, that
• when this division was made, the sun ran through the zodiac in just 360 days, which were also
• 12 lunar months, 30 days being then the exact length of every month . And this division of the
" zodiac or solar circle into 360 degrees was so very famous and remarkable in old time, that as-
• tronomers and all other mathematicians have transferred that number of degrees to every other
• circle which they considered, and still have supposed them divided, every one, great and small,
• into 360 degrees . And this division of a circle has continued ever since, to this day, as a stand-
• ing memorial of that most ancient tropical year which obtained when this division was made .
• I called this division of the zodiac a most ancient one, because it appears to have been made
• long before the earliest accounts of astronomy that we have ; they all still supposing it, and not
• at all mentioning any thing of its first introduction . And since this division was first made when
" the true solar year was no more than 360 days in length, and contained just 12 lunar months of
" 30 days a-piece ; it was therefore older than the deluge ; since we are pretty certain that, gene-
" rally speaking, since the deluge the solar year has been some hours longer than 365 days, and
• and the lunar year some hours shorter than 355 . If, then, the zodiac was thus divided before
" the deluge, in correspondence with the true solar and lunar year ; it is evident that before the
" deluge they were each of them just 360 days, and subdivided into 12 lunar months of 30 days
• a-piece .
1 1 Lemma l , to the sixth and seventh arguments . - Manetho's most ancient succession of the
• Gods, as he calls them, reigned before the deluge, and ended at it . Manetho divides his dynasties
" into those of the gods, demi-gods, heroes, and men. In this place I only speak of the first of
" these, because none of the rest do contribute any thing to the present argument . Now by gods
• here, Manetho (as he elsewhere explains himself) means only mortal men, who, for their wisdom
" and goodness, were severally promoted to the regal dignity, and afterwards made immortal .
" And Diodorus Siculus also speaks to the same purpose . But I shall not take upon me to
" defend every thing that Manetho, or any other writer, has advanced concerning these very an-
• cient times. It is sufficient for my purpose, if I prove that these kings, whom Manetho calls
32 4 Whiston on Length of Antediluvian Year

• Gods, reigned over some part of the Antediluvian world, and ended at the deluge ; their memory
" being preserved by the old Egyptian records, and their history committed to writing not many
" years after the dispersion from Babel . I shall therefore endeavour to prove this Lemma ; first,
• by the authority of several ancient Christian chronographers at least, if not by the direct asser-
tion of Manetho himself ; secondly, from a consideration of the first king ; and, thirdly, from a
• consideration of the last king in the same succession .
• And, first, I am to shew what authority may be produced to prove that these kings reigned
before the deluge . I observe, then, that both Africanus in the third, and Eusebius in the fourth
• century of Christianity, having spoken of the former sorts of Manetho's dynasties, and of the
• Gods among the rest, do each of them prefix this title to the following dynasties of men, [of the
" Egyptian dynasties after the deluge,] which clearly intimates that the preceding ones (and
• therefore also the gods) were before the deluge . And Panodorus, in the beginning of the fifth
" century, supposes both the gods and demi-gods to have reigned before the deluge . And Geor-
• g ius Syncellus, though he rejects Manetho's authority in this particular, yet he every where
• allows and takes it for granted, that they were to be taken for Antediluvian kings, and supposed
• to be so even by Manetho himself. And indeed the length of some of their reigns is entirely
• disproportionate to any Postdiluvian times, and when allowance is made for Manetho's way of
• reckoning (which I shall presently explain) will be found very agreeable to the longevity of the
• Antediluvian patriarchs .
• Secondly, the succession of the gods appears to have been before the deluge, because Vulcan,
• the first king, was so . Tzetzes says, he was contemporary with Noah, whom he supposes
" to be the same with Osiris ; but by the same argument he ought to have concluded, that the
• Egyptian Vulcan was long before Noah, since he was long before Osiris, as all will allow, and as
" it particularly appears from this very succession of the gods . And, indeed, Vulcan seems to be
" no other than Tubal-Cain in Scripture . Their names are near akin to each other, and the same
• character belongs to both . The Scripture says, that `Tubal-Cain was the instructor of every
• ` artificer in brass and iron ;' and Vulcan is famous in profane authors, not only for his artificial
• working in all sorts of metals, but also for his instructing mankind therein . And it is remark-
• able, that this is the more peculiar character of this Vulcan here, in the Egyptian succession of
• the gods, than of any other .
• Thirdly, the same thing may be proved from some considerations upon Typhon, the last king
" of this succession, namely, that he reigned immediately before the deluge, and perished therein .
" This will clearly follow from what is before proved, if compared with the following Lemma .
• For if Vulcan be Tubal-Cain, this succession must necessarily end at the deluge, the number of
• years it contains not permitting us to suppose it could possibly end any considerable time before
" it. But this will farther appear, 1st, because many circumstances of the deluge are mentioned
" in the history of Osiris and Typhon, in Plutarch and others ; as particularly the very day when
" the deluge began, or when Osiris (who is taken for Noah) was shut up in the ark, viz . the 17th
" day of the 2d month after the autumnal equinox, as has been observed before . And other cir-
cumstances of the deluge there are in Typhon's history, some of which I shall have occasion to
• mention presently, and others will be produced under the following hypothesis ; My, the very
• name of Typhon also, according to some learned men, signifies a deluge or inundation ; whence
" the Egyptian priests (as Plutarch says) called the sea Typhon . 3dly, Typhon (whom the Latin
poets more frequently call Typhoeus) is represented as a monstrous giant who fought against
" heaven, and was at last overcome by Jupiter ; and as one says, lies now submersed in water .
" From all which it appears very probable, that he was one of those giants who, as the Scripture
" says, were in the earth before the flood ; one of those mighty men which were of old, men of
Book V . Chapter I . Section 10 :3`?5
" renown, whose wickedness was so exceeding great, as might easily give occasion to the ancient
" tradition of their fighting against God . And, lastly, Typhon's being said to be overcome and
" submersed in water, seems evidently to proceed from his perishing in the deluge, which was
" brought upon the earth by the great wickedness wherein he and, indeed, all the Antediluvian
`~ world had involved themselves . So that upon the whole, it cannot easily be denied that this
• succession of the Gods ended at the deluge, and that Typhon, the last king of it, perished therein .
" [See another notion of Typhon in the III Appendix to the Essay for restoring the True Text of
• the Old Testament .]
" Lemma 2, to the 6th and 7th arguments . The reigns of the gods in Manetho are not expressed
~° by years, but partly by lunar months, and partly by iv pas or seasons . The probability of this
" Lemma Diodorus assures us of, that when it is said that some of the first kings of the succession
" of the Gods reigned about 1200 years, so many lunar months are understood thereby ; and when
" it is said that the latter kings of the same succession reigned 300 years or more, there the
• sons of the year are understood, reckoning 4 months in every season, and 3 seasons in every
• y ear, namely, Spring, Summer, and Winter . And these two sorts of Egyptian computations for
`~ years are also observed by Plutarch . And particularly as to the former, Varro, Pliny, Macro-
`Q bins, and Suidas, do all agree that the Egyptians of old computed a lunar month for a year .
" And Julius Africanus speaks also of several that computed the reigns of the most ancient kings
" of Egypt upon this hypothesis . And Eusebius also asserts, that this method of reckoning a
" month for a year, was practised by the most ancient Egyptians . Add, that Eudoxus also asserts,
" that the Egyptians formerly used a month for a year . And some ancient Christian chronogra-
L° phers were so fully persuaded of this, that they have extended it too far, and supposed that all
the reigns of the Gods in Manetho were reckoned by months only, and on that supposition, have
• reduced them to tropical or Julian years ; whereas it appears from Diodorus, that only the long
" reigns of the first kings are to be computed by lunar months, and those of the rest by seasons
" of 4 months a-piece, or the third part of a year . And this computation of 4 months for a year, is
`~ not only attested by Diodorus and Plutarch as before, but also by Censorinus, Solinus, and St.
" Austin, who each of them affirm that the Egyptians of old used this way of reckoning .
" (6 .) That before the deluge the lunar year, at least of 12 lunar months, and very probably the
• solar year too, was just 360 days, and each month just 30 days, will appear from some reigns
• in this Antediluvian dynasty of the gods . This I shall prove by shewing, first, that the lunar
• year was then exactly 12 lunar months, or 12 synodical revolutions of the moon, without any
"embolimary month ; secondly, that the tropical solar year contained 12 months also ; and, thirdly,
• that each lunar month contained exactly 30 days . And, first, the lunar year was exactly 12
• lunar months long ; for Vulcan, in Manetho, is said to have reigned 9000 years ; that is, as I
" have proved, 9000 revolutions of the moon, which make up 750 years of 12 months each, or, if
• you please, 75 Sari . From whence it appears, that each year had in it 12 lunar months exactly ;
• no embolimary month being taken in for 750 years together . 2dly, the tropical year contained
• 12 months also, as appears from the years of the latter kings of this same succession of the gods,
" which are said to be each of the three seasons of the year, viz . Spring, Summer, and Winter,
" each containing 4 months . From whence it follows, that the tropical year (for it is a year
• determined by the seasons) was exactly 12 months also ; which months must in all reason be
• supposed to be of the same sort with those which were before spoken of, namely, lunar months .
°` So that it is highly probable, the tropical year at that time was just 12 lunar months in
" length . 3dly, each month at the same time contained exactly 30 days . This is attested by
• many ancient authors . Thus Varro, speaking of these large numbers in the records of ancient
• time, says, the Egyptians therein do reckon lunar months for years, and allow 30 days to the
326 Whiston on Comet of 1680
menstrual course . And Diodorus Siculus speaking of those
" time in which the moon finishes its menstrual
" who reckoned the reigns of the gods Egypt by lunar months, expressly asserts, that they
" computed 30 days to a month . And in like manner, when Eusebius (speaking also of the long
• reigns in the Egyptian succession of the Gods) says, that the most ancient Egyptians reckoned
• by lunar months, instead of years ; he adds, in the same place, that those lunar months consisted
• of 30 days a-piece . And Panodorus seems to intimate, that before the deluge, not only the civil
" but also the lunar month was exactly 30 days, and that the reigns of the gods in Manetho were
• computed by lunar months of 30 days a-piece . To these testimonies I need not add St . Austin
• here, as having already produced what he has spoken on this subject . Since then it appears by
" the first part of this argument, that, during this Antediluvian succession, there were exactly 12
• lunar revolutions in the year ; and since it appears by the 2d part, that there were exactly 12
• (and those very probably lunar) months in the tropical year also ; and since it appears by the
" 3d part, that there were just 30 days in each lunar revolution at the same time ; it is evident
• from all three taken together, that before the deluge, the lunar year at least, and very probably
" the solar also, consisted exactly of 12 lunar months of 30 days a- piece, or of 360 days in the
• whole.
" (7 .) That not only the civil, but also the tropical year of the sun, and the lunar year of 12
• synodical lunar months too, were each of them 360 days, and exactly equal to each other before
" the deluge, is farther attested by a famous piece of ancient mythology preserved in Plutarch, which
" I have had occasion to mention before ; that about the times of Osiris and Typhon, that is, about
" the deluge, there happened such an alteration both in the month and the year, that the moon
• lost a 70th part of each day, and the sun gained it ; whereby the lunar year became above 5
• days shorter, and the solar above 5 days longer, than each of them were before . Wherefore,
• since the solar year is now somewhat more than 365 days, and the lunar year somewhat less
• than 355 days, it is most evident, that before this change, both the solar and the lunar year were
" just 360 days, and exactly equal to each other . Nay, more, it is evident also, the change made
" in the solar and lunar revolutions, from their original to their present state and periods,
hap- pened at the deluge .
Almost innumerable references to, and many passages from, the original authors are given by
Mr . Whiston, but I have not thought it necessary to reprint them . I now apprehend that the
opinion of the ancients cannot be a matter of doubt . After shewing this, Whiston undertakes to
prove that their opinion arose from a knowledge of the fact handed down to them by tradition,
and which was really a fact, that the change in the length of the year and month was caused by
the near approach of the comet which last appeared in the year 1680, and whose period is about
575 3 years. Treating of this comet he says,
11 . "The period of this comet most exactly agrees to the same time, I mean to 7 revolutions in
" 4028 years, the interval from the deluge till its last appearance, 1680 . For, as Sir Isaac Newton
" first observed, from its elliptic curvature before it disappeared, that its period must be in gene-
" ral above 500 years ; so as be and Dr . Halley since observed, that the same comet has been seen
" four times, viz . the 44th year before Christ, A . D . 531 or 532, A . D. 1106, and A . D . 1680, and
• that by consequence it makes a revolution in about 575 years . Now if we make but a very
" small allowance for the old periods before Christ, and suppose that, one with another, it has
" revolved in 575 Q years, we shall find that 7 such periods amount to 4028 years, exactly, accord-
• ing to that number since the deluge . This is so remarkable an observation, and so surprising,
• that it will deserve a particular demonstration from the original authors themselves ." 1 He

' Whiston's Theory, 3 d ed . p. 191 .

Book V . Chapter I . Section 12 327
then proceeds to give authorities which prove that the comet was first noticed on the death of
Caesar, 44 years B. C ., and has been correctly noted three times since. But for his proofs I must
refer my reader to his work, as this does not seem so very material, because the mere facts cannot
be disputed .
12 . The flood of Noah is stated, by Usher and the Hebrew version, to have taken place in the
year B . C . 2348 ; this added to A . D . 1680, gives 4028, the number required for the last ap-
pearance of the comet . Now, I apprehend, this coincidence is of such a nature as to raise the
highest probability of the influence of that comet in causing the flood . But there are several other
circumstances relating to this matter of the greatest importance . It is surely another very striking
circumstance, that if we take eight revolutions of the comet, of 575 years each, they bring us to
the commencement of the system-to the entrance of the Sun into Taurus, at the Vernal Equinox ;
the 44 years before Christ (the time when the comet appeared) being added, as of course they
ought to be-
575 Y x 8=4604-1-44=4648. 65 x 714=4647+.
Now, I contend, that this renders it probable that, at the time when the Sun entered Taurus, one
of the violent revolutions or catastrophes took place which, have manifestly happened to the globe
at different times. It also raises a probability that this very comet is the agent which has pro-
duced these effects . Again, every one knows the fact, that a great discrepancy exists between the
Samaritan and the Hebrew chronology . Mr. Whiston contends,' that the more exact Hebrew
chronology, 2 by which he means the more exact chronology of the children of Israel, placed the
flood in the 2926th year B . C ., which was the very year in which the cornet must, in its proper
period, have arrived in our system ; and that by its appulse to the earth, at that time, it must
have caused the deluge . He goes at great length into the subject, and endeavours to prove this
fact astronomically from the tables of the Sun and Moon, and by various arguments, (not neces-
sary for me to copy,) to within a day or two of the day of the month of the year named by Moses,
Berosus, and Abydenus, and to a single day with the express testimony of Plutarch-all which, as
he observes, is an "exactness of coincidence not a little remarkable ." He supposes that the ori-
ginal circular orbit of the earth was made elliptical by the appulse of the comet, and the year
lengthened from 360 to 365 days . It is not only, as Whiston says, not "a little remarkable," but
it justifies me in concluding either that the ancients knew of the flood from experience, or they
knew of the periods of the comet, and invented or fixed the time of the flood to suit them . The
apparent contradiction between the chronology of Mr . Whiston's two accounts is reconciled, in a
great measure, by a very surprising fact, that the 2926, (the year which he says the astronomical
tables prove the comet to have come,) is the exact time of the eighth revolution of the comet, in-
stead of the year 2348, which was the seventh ; and, as he justly observes, when all the disturbing
forces and other circumstances are considered, the trifling discrepancy which may be perceived is
of such little consequence that, if there be any thing surprising in it, the surprise ought to be, that
the discrepancy is not much greater instead of its being so little . It is a very remarkable circum-
stance, that one period seems to answer nearly to the Samaritan computation, and the other to the
Hebrew . Mr. Whiston, on the Old Testament, says, 3 "It will not be amiss to set down here a
" canon of what I now take to be the true chronology, from the beginning of the world till the
" Christian era ; I mean this, upon the joint consideration of the Samaritan, the Septuagint, the
" present Hebrew, and the old Hebrew used by Josephus ." This is, in fact, the Samaritan calcu-
lation, as he proves the others to have been most excessively corrupted .

' New Theory, &c ., Book 11. pp . 217, 218 . 2 True Text of the Old Testament, p . 214. ' Pp . 213, 214 .
328 Comet of 575/ Years' Period the Cause of the Flood
(1.) From the autumnal equinox next after the creation of Adam to that at the end of
the deluge 1556
(2.) Thence to the departure of Abraham out of Haran 9661
(3.) Thence to the Exodus out of Egypt 430
(4.) Thence to the foundation of Solomon's temple, 479T
(5.) Thence to its conflagration 464-41
(6.) Thence to the beginning of the Christian era 587 ;

4483 +


Deduct 1556 and we shall have the space from the flood to the Christian sera 2927
Then multiply the period of the comet 5751 by 5, and add 44, the year B. C., in which
it appeared, and it gives 29211 29211:
. . .5 s

and we shall have a coincidence of periods within 6 years ; which, when all the disturbing forces
are brought into calculation or allowed for, is a difference so small as to raise the probability of the
truth of the theory much higher than if the numbers had actually coincided . For, we may readily
suppose, indeed we must suppose, that such a disturbance as that caused by the comet, would
take several years to subside.-The following will exhibit another curious coincidence . The
Hebrew states the flood to have taken place 1656 years after the creation, and as it makes the
birth of Christ 4000 years from the creation, it makes the flood 2344 B . C. Now, if we take 1656
and add to it four periods of the comet at 575 or 2300, and also the years it came B . C ., 44, we
shall have exactly 4000 . This justifies the inference that the Jews or Chaldaeans knew the
the period of the comet, but made a mistake in calculating backwards, taking it to have touched
the earth in one period later than that in which the Samaritans supposed it affected the earth, and
they accommodated the reigns of their kings ) &c., to suit that hypothesis . I think no unprejudiced
person can doubt that the comet of 1680 is really the same comet as that which appeared 44 years
before Christ. Now, if we refer to the Samaritan chronology, we shall find that the flood is stated
to have taken place 1656 years after the creation ; this is confirmed by the Hebrew, which, in this,
exactly agrees with the Samaritan . If we add four revolutions of the comet to 44, and their sum
to 1656, we have exactly the sum of 4000 years-the time from the creation to the birth of Christ .
It is remarkable that 2348 is the date which our chronologers give (Usher's 4 years corrected) for
the flood before Christ, according to Hebrew calculation : this is exactly 44 added to 2300, or to
four revolutions of the comet, so that the Jews make the flood to have happened in the fourth re-
volution of the cornet, and the Samaritans in the fifth. It is not possible to believe this to be the
effect of accident . If we suppose the inventor of the mythos to have understood the period of the
comet and the precession of the equinox, he contrived the entrance or the beginning of the sign
Taurus to suit it, and made it to begin exactly with the eighth revolution, counting backwards and
counting forwards it would end 44 years B . C., thus, 575'2 x8=4604+44=4648. Then, 65 degrees
at 71 1=4647. It seems probable that this was the principle, and that it was from the conjoined
knowledge of the precession, and of the periods of the comet, that the mythos was formed . The
Bible says, the flood happened in the year B . C. 2348 . The year of the comet in its 4th revolution
is 2344 [2346?] years B . C ., counting its periods at 5752, and 2348 counting it at 576 ; in its 5th
revolution it is 2919 years, and in its 8th revolution it is 4648 years . Now, I suppose the comet
Book V. Chapter I . Section 12 329
eaused floods in its 4th, 5th, and 8th revolutions . Whiston undertakes to prove that the corrected
Samaritan chronology makes the flood to have occurred 2926 years B . C. : this is only 6 or 7 years
from the year of its return as above, 2919 ;' and it is as near as could be expected . I think it is
evident that the Samaritan chronology has been meant to answer to the 5th revolution . When
the great confusion or violent interference with the regular course of the globe is considered, and
this immense disturbing power is compared with the disturbing powers which the planetary bodies
are believed to exert upon each other, surely the allowance of so small a space as six or seven
years upon the three approaches of the comet is very little ! The ancients never calculated
by fractions, but always in whole numbers . They must have seen, if, as I suppose, they knew
and calculated the comet's periods, that it was perfectly nonsensical to expect absolute correctness
in the return of the periods, and that, therefore, to encumber themselves with fractional calculations
was a proceeding worse than useless . It was a million to one that the disturbing power exerted
three times, should, in six thousand years, come to less than six years . If we take the comet's
period at 576 years, it will make a cycle with the 4320, the double of the 2160, in 75 revolutions .
Here we see another reason for the long periods or cycles of the ancients . If we give Noah and
his ChaldLeans credit for as much knowledge as Mr . Whiston, and gained like his, by observation,
or rather, I should say, by reasonings on recorded observations, we may very readily give him
credit for knowing, as Enoch says he did know, by a calculation of moons or by a calculation by
lunar periods, that the flood would come. I shall shew in a subsequent part, that the ancients
knew the moon's period to within half a second of time . If the man we call Noah, were a great
and powerful prince, living near the Caspian sea, and possessing this knowledge, there is nothing
improbable in his having built a great ship or floating house, and in his having saved in it his
family and a few domestic animals . We know from experience that this would be quite sufficient
upon which to ground the fable, and that it was perfectly in keeping with the character of the
ancients to have founded a fable upon it . The division of the zodiac being artificial, it is evident,
that the_formers of it could make it begin where they pleased ; and it is evident also, that they
made it begin with the Bull-fixing it as near as they could to the time of the comet . It is pro-
bable that they arbitrarily fixed it to a certain point in the circle, which they called Taurus, and it
followed of course, that the precession would make the post time correspond (as it does) to it .
Why the signs of the zodiac came to bear their respective names we do not know ; but they were
probably the produce of a high latitude, where the camel and elephant were not much in use. I
think it is evident that the first of Taurus was the beginning, to proceed forwards, of our system ;
but probably the ancients had some mythic history which went backwards from that period, to
which the respective signs bore a relation, as the three signs of Taurus, Aries, and Pisces, bear a
relation to our mythos . Mr. Whiston says, " We know, by the exactest calculation from the"
present "Hebrew . copies, if, with all the ancients, we suppose Abraham born in the 70th year of
his father Terah, that the entire 4000 years till the days of the Messias will end about A . D . 60. 11 2
Now this gives us to the year 1260 for the millenium, and shows that the 1260 of Daniel was cal-
culated to begin from the commencement of our present aera, as two Neroses added to the 1260
complete the sum required . I shall be told, that though the comet comes in the periods 1 have
pointed out, yet calculation shews that the earth and moon would not be in a situation of their
orbits to be affected by it . To which I reply, it is very true that so it may appear by our calcula-
tions ; but it is more probable that our calculations do not apply, or are wrong, or that there is
something in the motions of the comet unknown to us, which makes our calculations wrong, than

' Here the reader will perceive that the Author omitted the five half years . These being added, there would remain
a difference of only 4j years between the Author's statement and the Samaritan chronology . Editor.
' On Old Testament, p . 227, ed . 1722.
VOL. ri .
330 Periods of Comets . Encke's Comet
that the above three simple arithmetical calculations should accidentally agree with the precession
of the equinoxes, with the book of Genesis, with the return of the comet, and thus with the whole
of my theory or system. As comets move in different planes, this comet may, by moving in a
different plane, have been made to come in contact with the earth . Its plane may have been
altered, without any material alteration of its period, by some body coming in collision with it in
the further part of its orbit, as it came into collision with our earth . These suppositions are much
more probable than that Mr . Whiston and I should be wrong . We calculate upon data, of which
we have almost a perfect knowledge : they who oppose us, upon very uncertain and almost un-
known data . Almost any supposition is more probable than that we should be mistaken .
13. Our astronomers will assert, without hesitation, that they can calculate the periods of seve-
ral of the comets . They would have fixed, without the least hesitation, a year ago, the time when
Encke's would appear ;' but it has disappointed them, 2 and shewn that their knowledge in this
branch of their science is far from complete . I contend that the coincidence of the times of the
periodical arrival of the comet, of 5752', with the dates 4648, 2926, and 2348, the first the entrance
of the Sun into Taurus, the beginning of the system of chronology, the second the date fixed by
Whiston, and the third the date named in the Hebrew Bible for the flood, raises a high probabi-
lity that the ancient Chaldaeans, who were said to have invented the Neros, and whose knowledge
was displayed by Sosigenes to Julius Caesar, really understood the theory of the comets ; and all
the circumstances combined render it much more probable that our astronomers are mistaken, and
in ignorance, than that such a coincidence of the facts displayed above should have taken place,
without a knowledge of the system by the persons writing the accounts, and also without the sys-
tem being true . If our astronomers talk to me of planes and periods, I tell them, their error in
the case of the Encke comet, and the extraordinary coincidences pointed out by me, render it
much more probable that the ancients were right in their practice, than that they are right in their
theory . What periodical changes take place in the motions of the comets we do not know . They
may keep their periods, yet change their planes in some way unknown to us . The comets are of
various kinds ; some have atmospheres, some have not : some have tails, some have not ; some are
all transparent, some are only partly so . They are of different colours, and they move in different
planes, and in reality our astronomers know very little about them . The ancients may have dis-
covered the laws which rule that of 575 ; years' period, and not the others . The knowledge of this
and of the recurring Neros, would be quite enough to have given to a fraternity like the Chaldaeans
the empire of the world, which, under one name or other, Brahmins, Magi, &c ., they obtained. I
am sometimes induced to ask, may not the ancients, availing themselves of this knowledge, have
made up a system ? . But they cannot have made the equinox to precede neither more nor less
than about 71'. in a degree . They cannot have made the arrival of the comet, in its proper period,
to have arrived exactly when the Sun entered Taurus at the equinox . According to our astro-
nomers, they know all these matters perfectly-all the laws of gravitation are perfectly understood
by them ; but when I go back to the Ptolemaic system, I find its professors exactly like our pre-
sent astronomers, foretelling the eclipses, &c ., &c ., and teaching that their system was demon-
strated by the clearest proofs . Prudence tells me to recollect that there are some of these clearly
demonstrated doctrines which are disputed by persons as clear-headed as any of themselves,
though poh-pohed down with noise and clamour-Sir R . Phillips, Frend, &c .
The following are opinions in favour of Mr. Whiston's system, given by several astronomers of
great eminence

See Morning Chronicle, Sep . 1st, 1832 .

Mrs . Somerville says, "Its re-appearance in the years 1825, 1828, and 1832, accorded with the orbit assigned by
M. Encke." Connexion of the Physical Sciences, p . 380, 2nd edit. It seems, therefore, that the Astronomers were not
"disappointed . Ed .
Book V. Chapter 1 . Section 16 331
14 . On Mr . Whiston's theory that a comet may have caused the flood, Dr . Gregory says,'
~~ Alius etiam erit quandoque cometee sive effectus sive usus : si nempe comets prope planetam
~~ tcanseat, (ita ferentibus eorum orbitis et motibus,) hunt ita attrahet ut ejus orbita immutetur,
• (mutata etiam ex mutua actione cometae orbita,) unde planetae periodus etiam mutabitur . Sed
~~ et satellitem ita per attractionem deturbare poterit cometa, ut, relicto suo primario, ipse evadat
• primarius, circa solem deinceps rotatus . . Praterea, mutationes multo maximas in ipso planetae
'~ globo producere poterit, non solem prolectando fluidum, si quod sit, sed per alias etiam qualita-
~~ tes ; si v . g. corpus tam vastum, et, si ex solis vicinia prodeat, ignitum, tellurem nostratn a pro-
i° pinquo praetervehatur ." On Mr. Whiston's theory Dr . Halley say 9,2 "Inter omnes nullus pro-
• p riore appulsu terris minatus est quam ille anni 1680 . lie inito calculo non amplius ad Boream
• distabat ab orbe nostro annuo quam semidiametro solari, (sive radio lunaris orbitm, uti exis-
~° timo,) idque' Novemb . 110 1'' 6' P. M . Quo tempore, si terrae quoad longitudinem conjunctus
• fuisset, parallaxis sane lunari aequalis in cometee motu observari potuisset . Haec astronomis
~~ dicta sunto ; quae vero ab hujusmodi allapsu vel contactu, vel denique collisione corporum cae-
" lestium (quae quidem omnino non impossibilis est) conseciui debeant ; rerum physicarum stu-
°C diosis discutienda relinquo ."

15 . Dr . Keill, who was an adversary of Mr . Whiston's work and doctrines, gives the following
testimony : 11 1 cannot but acknowledge that the author of the New Theory of the Earth has made
°~ greater discoveries, and proceeded on more philosophical principles, than all the theorists before
• him have done . In his Theory there are some very strange coincidents, which make it indeed
'° probable, that a comet at the time of the deluge passed by the earth . It is surprising to ob-
• serve the exact correspondence between the lunar and solar year, upon the supposition of a
" circular orbit, in which the earth moved before the deluge . It cannot but raise admiration in
G 0 us, when we consider, that the earth at the time of the deluge was in its perihelion, which would
• be the necessary effect of a comet that passed by at that time, in drawing it from a circular to
" an elliptical orbit . This, together with the consideration that the moon was exactly in such a
~~ place of its orbit at that time, as equally attracted with the earth, when the comet passed by,
" seems to be a convincing argument that a comet really came very near, and passed by the earth,
" on the day the deluge began ." 3
16. But I must dwell a little longer on this subject . Whiston undertakes to prove, except the
comet of 575s years, "(1 .) That no other of the known comets could pass by the earth at the be-
• ginning of the deluge. 4 (2 .) That this comet was of the same bigness with that which passed
• by at that time . (3 .) That its orbit was then in a due position to pass by at that time . (4.)
" That its descending node was then also in a due position for the same passage by . (5 .) That
" its period exactly agrees to the same time ; or, in short, that all the known circumstances of
" this comet do correspond, and that it actually passed by on or about that very year, and on or
• about thatvery day of the year, when the deluge began .'" ,
I do not pretend to answer for the validity of the proof of all the other matters which Mr.
Whiston professes to have proved ; but I believe it will not be denied he has proved, that the
comet of 1680 has a period of about 575 years, and was seen 44 years B . C . ; and it is of great
importance to observe, that the learned Dr . Keill appears to have examined, and to have admitted
the truth of, the part of Mr. Whiston's theory the most essential to my system . Then, if the

' Gregory's Astro. p . 481, spud Whiston's Theory, p . 443.

s Act. Philosoph. pp . 1898, 1899, No . 297, spud Whiston's Theory, p . 444, ' Whiston's Theory, . p. 445.
4 He means in 2926. s New Theory, p . 188.
33 2 Comet of 575/2 Years, Continued

reader admit this, and calculate backwards, he will find that the comet must have come, as I have
already remarked, in its 4th revolution B . C., in the year 2349, and its 5th revolution, which
Whiston says was the year of the flood according to the more correct chronology, in the year 2926 .
Now, it is very remarkable that the year 2348, the year allotted to the flood by Usher, Blair, &c.,
is not very far, viz. )72 years, from 2520 B . C., the period of the real entrance of the Sun into
Aries at the Vernal Equinox, and the date of the flood as held by the modern Brahmins, when an
error into which they have fallen of 576 years is corrected, and which I shall account for and ex-
plain. Every one must confess the confused state of the history of the Hebrews . This being
admitted, I have no hesitation in saying, that if Mr . Whiston be correct in his calculations, which
I cannot controvert, but of which I do not profess myself to be a judge, the flood must have taken
place really in the year B . C . 2926. Had it not been for the high character which Mr . Whiston
bears as an astronomer and mathematician, and the admission of his learned opponent Dr . Keill, I
should, of course, have fixed its arrival to that year in which our chronologers fix the flood, viz .
2348 B. C . Mr. Whiston appears to me, but I do not profess to be a judge of his difficult astro-
nomical reasoning, to have proved that the comet of 1680 must have come so near the earth in the
year 2926 as to have necessarily caused some mighty effect, and this could be nothing but a flood .
It is a striking circumstance that the 4th and 5th periods of the comet should fall, one on the cor-
rected chronology of Whiston, the other on the chronology of the Jews, according to Usher . It
looks very much as if chronology had been accommodated to one of them, by persons believing
that the flood was caused by the comet, but by persons not knowing correctly in which period it
bad happened . It is also very remarkable that the period of what Whiston calls the corrected
chronology of the flood, 2926, should be so very near the 3100, which the Brahmins now com-
monly fix for it . The result of the whole appears to be, that the Brahmins have had a mistaken
tradition that the flood took place when the Sun entered Aries, at the Vernal Equinox, and that
this has misled them . But I beg leave to suggest to astronomers, whether the comet may not
have caused a first flood at the entrance of the Sun into Taurus about 4650 years B . C ., and again
the flood of Noah in 2926, and have come sufficiently near in 2348 to have caused another and a still
less flood . We know so little of comets, that I think astronomers cannot safely assert that this
may not have happened . We really know nothing except the periods of this comet and of some few
others, and that their orbits are elliptical . If astronomers say that the effects alluded to could not
have been produced by the comet of 57512 years' period, because the earth would not be at those
times in a proper situation to receive the influence of it, they presume that it must have always
moved in the same plane as that in which it now moves, and that, in other respects, it must have
been subject to similar laws . I think it is much more probable that the comet may be subject to
some law unknown to us, which keeping its period, brought it in collision with the earth at the
times required by my hypothesis, than that the coincidences adduced should be the effect of accident .
The doctrine of probabilities, I am persuaded, would shew monstrous odds against both accident
and the infallible knowledge of our astronomers, and in favour of the hypotheses, that one or-more
floods have been caused by this comet, and also, that its period and influence were understood by
the ancients . I think we have three well-marked floods ; the last is the flood of Deucalion, or
the .Deus-Cali or holy Cali, and it took place 2348 years before Christ . The preceding one was
really our flood of Noah, and it took place, as pointed out by Mr . Whiston, %926 B . C . ; and the
first, or the flood of Ogyges, took place 4648 years B . C. This, perhaps, might be the flood
which threw up Mont Blanc, Chimborazo, &c . The last mentioned year, 4648, was the time of
the entrance of the Sun into Taurus : but I think the middle flood, in 2926, was that which altered
the axis of the earth . The account in Genesis is a most valuable record of the tradition ; but this
is all that it is. The record of the tradition is for the philosophers, the detail for the rabble . It
Book V. Chapter I . Section 17 333

is for the man of science and for the philosopher to distinguish one from the other. This was
formerly done in the mysteries . Mysteries are now out of fashion ; the race of man has outgrown
them ; and all the secrets are already or must be soon laid open. Man must be treated like a
rational being. Whether when so treated he will act like one, God alone knows . I fear for him ;
for I see his folly every where--I see his wisdom only now and then . I know what I have said on
the subject of comets will be turned into ridicule by some of my brethren of the Astronomical
Society ; but I believe learned men are as liable to follies as other people. I have not forgotten
that the truth of the Aristotelian philosophy was as little doubted for many generations, and its
truth held to be as clearly proved by men of the first talent in the world, as the Newtonian is now.
And this shews that learned men can dogmatise without any foundation in truth for their dogmas.
If we want a proof of the folly of a learned man, we have only to go to the works of the great
NEWTON, now in the custody of Lord Portsmouth . It would be no difficult matter to make a col-
lection of the follies of the wise, which should exceed all other exhibitions of folly . I do not ad-
vance this with the intention of stigmatizing our present learned astronomers as foolish, but I
most assuredly wish to repress that feeling of perfect certainty which leads to dogmatism, and to
tell them, that they are liable to be mistaken like their predecessors and the remainder of mankind ;
and that they sometimes assume too much on the certainty of what they call demonstration, when
that demonstration depends on theoretical or analogical reasoning, not confirmed by experience .
In such cases I contend that they can assume nothing more than a high probability .
17 . A gentleman of the name of Arago lately published a learned History of Comets ; but al-
though he ridicules Mr. Whiston, calling him poor Whiston, 1 yet he is not able to advance a
single valid or plausible argument against Mr. Whiston's Theory, as far as it is adopted by me . 2
His argument to prove that the comet would not have the effect of producing a great tide, because
it would pass by the earth (which he allows that it would do so near as twelve thousand miles) with
great rapidity, is by no means conclusive against its causing one great instantaneous tide or rush
of waters from the deep, and from all parts, to the side next to itself, and of course of a rush back
again as soon as the moving cause . was withdrawn, and probably of several oscillating waves .
This is quite enough to cause the destruction of most of mankind, leaving the countries in a great
measure as they were before ; and this is much more consistent with the actual escape of many of
the inhabitants, than from a long-continued flood, and it is quite enough to furnish the ground for
the mythos of Noah, taking all the animals into the Ark, &c., &c. M. Arrago's treatise was
written by direction of the French government. to calm the fears of the people of Paris, and to
satisfy them that there was no danger to be apprehended from the comet which was expected last
year [1532] .3 Let us now speculate briefly upon the traditions which have come down to us.
Suppose, instead of knowing that the comet would not come, our astronomers had known that it
would come, and that they had been dwelling . in Asia, as I suppose the ancients dwelling in Asia
knew of the . coming of the comet of 2920 ; is it absurd to suppose that the learned in the secret
science, spoken of by Enoch, should have betaken themselves to the highest mountains of their
country, should have built a ship, should have fastened it to the side of a mountain opposite to
that in the direction in which the flood was expected to come, with a long cable, to let it rise as
the water rose, and that this mountain should, from this circumstance, have acquired in later times
the name of Naubanda or ship-cabled-mount ? If .1 am not mistaken we are most of us in the

' Preface, p. ix.

s He confirms what I stated in the Appendix to . my first volume, pp . 829, 830, respecting the Caspian sea, and
shews that the depression is much greater and more extraordinary than I have represented it. It appears that the Cas-
pian sea is nothing but an immense chasm into which the Volga discharges itself.
3 Did not M . Arago's treatise on these,¢ears apply especially to Biela's comet? This did appear in 1832. Ed.
334 Lexel's Comet

habit of believing much more improbable things than this . Is it absurd to suppose that the peo-
ple in possession of power at that time should take care of themselves, should do as the governors
of Paris did last year, in their endeavours to calm the fears of the inhabitants, and secrete from
them their danger? Is it absurd to suppose that they would be careful about their own security
by fleeing to the highest mountain and providing their great floating house and fastening it to
Naubanda ? We are told, in substance, that, by calculation, they knew that a great catastrophe
would happen to the earth ; and we know, by astronomical calculation, that the comet which alone
was capable of effecting any catastrophe did come . I should think, that persons who believe the
To Ov walked in the garden, ought not to find a difficulty in believing this history . I ask my
reader no belief in any miracle-in any thing contrary to the laws of nature, to reason or probabi-
lity . I ask of my reader, only to treat the histories of Genesis and of Enoch as Niebuhr does the
history of Rome, and as every reader does the history of Vespasian by Tacitus-that is, to believe
the credible and to disbelieve the incredible. It is perfectly clear to me that before the time of
Herodotus every history was a mythos or mystery or sacred history, the intention of which was to
perpetuate, but to conceal the truth, to mean one thing, and to say another, that the mass of man-
kind seeing might not perceive, and hearing might not understand . We are told so in the Gospel .
What more would we have', I beg my reader to reflect upon the admitted fact, that the comet of
1770' [Lexel's] was retarded in its course by coming within the reach of the influence of Jupiter, 2
and upon the discovery of the asteroids in the vacant space where astronomers had long observed
that a planet was wanting . In the latter case, as well as in the former, the probability cannot be
denied, that an extrinsic force has been in operation, or that one body has operated on another .
And surely no body is so likely as some kind of a comet, in a similar manner, to have caused a
deluge on our earth at the time recorded . If there be waters on the planet Jupiter, I can have no
doubt that they must have been greatly affected by the approach of the comet of 1770 . Nothing
is more likely than that, as changes took place in the motions of the comet of 1770, as described
by M . Arago, the causes of which were not for a long time understood by our astronomers, so
causes which may not be known to us may have operated on the comet of 575 years to cause it to
affect the earth at the three times I have pointed out, and not either in the intermediate times of
its return or since the year of the Hebrew flood, B . G. 2348.
18 . At first sight it appears probable, that if a comet should be materially deflected from the
plane of its orbit by any cause, its period also would be materially changed, and we know that it
may be deflected since that of Lexel was twice deflected from the disturbance of Jupiter ; but
still we cannot be certain that its period will be much altered . As the orbit of Lexel's comet was
first inflected towards the earth, by its approach to Jupiter, and again deflected from it by the
same cause, so the comet of 1680 may have been so disturbed, in some way unknown to us, as to
bring it three times to operate upon our earth, and this operation to be such as not materially to
alter its period . I make this observation in reply to any objection which may be urged' that, from
calculation, it is known that the earth could not have been in such a part of its orbit as to have
come into collision with the comet when it arrived . But I think the question will be one of pro-
bability, viz . i s it more probable that our astronomers are in error or in ignorance, than first, that
the coming of the comet should coincide with my theory of the entrance of the Sun into Taurus,
at the Vernal Equinox, and secondly, with the beginning of my system, and thirdly and fourthly,
with the two periods of the Samaritan computation and the Hebrew computation of the flood?
I say, is it probable that all these events should coincide and fall out right, by accident? Is it

' See Arago, p 02

' See supra, p . 138, where the Author Lad left the date of the' comet-of 1770-blank . Ed.
Book V . Chapter 1 . Section 20 335

not more probable that the astronomers are ignorant, than that all the four events have occurred
in a way suited to support my theory, by accident ? :t appears to me to be probable, that the
fears of mankind, from the expected day of judgment and the termination of the millenium, may
have been increased by the expectation, among such men . as Roger Bacon, of the return of Caesar's
comet, or of the comet of 1680, in the twelfth century, but of the time of whose arrival they could
not be certain, in consequence of their ignorance of what disturbing forces might operate upon it ;
but the existence of which disturbing forces such men as Roger Bacon might have readily had
handed down to them, from Sosigenes and the Chaldaeans who corrected the calendar for Caesar .
19. No person, I think, looks at the question of the genuineness of Genesis correctly, or takes a
correct view of the character of that book . It is very clear that it is in substance to be found,
whether mythos or not, in almost every country, and that, as might be expected, the priests and
people have accommodated it to their own purposes . It is impossible to deny that, stripping it of
its nonsense, (which is a sort of thing found in every ancient history,) as we should strip the his-
tory of Vespasian of its miracles, the evidence is decidedly in favour of its authenticity . I contend
that it is highly probable that a flood did take place, and that a man and his family were saved in
a ship . If this were not the fact, then there must have been an universal mythos, or there must
have been the fact, and it must have been accommodated to the universal mythos . That is, there
must have been both true history and mythos . The peculiarity of the coincidences of the comet
and the Mosaic chronology of the flood, almost put the fact of the man saved out of doubt . The
strong proofs of the actual division of the world into three, and of its having been ruled by three
potentates under one, as a supreme head, cannot be denied . It is quite impossible that so many
traces of this system should remain without its having once existed . Ever since the Christian
&era all accounts of countries and their inhabitants have been written by persons strongly preju-
diced in favour of the modern date of the present system . The consequence has been, that they
have generally left out or omitted to notice any thing which had a connexion with, or which would
have shewn, the Christian or Judaean mythos . They believed all such matters to be merely
modern, and only noticed such as appeared to them to have no connexion with the mythos .
Hence, by degrees, almost every thing which could have shewn the universal system to have ex-
isted previous to the reputed time of Christ has disappeared . I am surprised that we have so
much left, not that we have so little . In all our speculations and inquiries we have scarcely ever
gone to perfect accuracy, so as to take in the consideration of fractions . Now a moment's reflec-
tion on the way in which the comets were connected with the system will shew the wisdom of this
proceeding. For it is the very acme of absurd credulity to believe that a comet would throw the
earth out of its proper plane and not cause some disturbance in the regularity of its period . That
is, that its period should not be at least a little hastened or retarded at the time of the change .
But by taking the calculations in whole numbers allowance is made for this, and no inconvenience
can ever arise from it ; as, for example, in calculating the precession by 72 years for a degree or
day, there must be always room left to allow for the disturbance, necessarily unknown in
quantity .
20 . I apprehend that, in the primeval state of our system, the sun was in the centre, and the
planetary bodies revolved around it in the same plane in concentric circles, in equal times, in the
most perfect harmony and order, and that, including the earth, the primary planets were eight in
number,-one probably being now split into the four new ones, called Asteroids . The system
would then be very like a wheel, and exactly answer to the Mercavah or wheel of Ezekiel, which I
shall notice presently . I see around me the ruins of a world . How is this ? Can it be believed
that the work of Wisdom is to go to decay? No, indeed! this I cannot believe . I must, there-
fore, form some theory to account for these ruins-to render them consistent with Omnipotent
336 Digression, on Gas, Spirit, Inspiration, the Soul

Wisdom . I suppose that the comets may be the agents which have already effected great changes
in all the planets, and that they may be destined to effect many others-till, in defined periods,
the planets, by means of these agents, may be all reduced to a state of fusion or gas, and be at last
reabsorbed into the To Ov, or be renewed again in some way unknown to us-in some way not to
be understood by our limited faculties.
21 . I know that in the following observations, (a digression from my subject,) which I will take
the liberty to make, I shall venture upon very slippery ground ; and, therefore, I beg they may
be considered to be only conditional, and more for the sake of argument than for the delivery of an
opinion . But before I proceed, I would observe to such philosophers as believe the universe or
matter to be God, that if they be right, he must exist in his more refined, as well as in his less re-
fined state ; then my argument will apply . To such philosophers as think that the universe is
idea, and does not exist in reality, I do not at present address myself . Gas is defined, a substance
reduced to the state of an aeriform fluid by its permanent combination with caloric . I Then, pray
what was it before it combined with caloric? Was it hydrogen ? This Gas, I think, is what the
ancient materialists (and all the fathers and Moses were materialists) considered to' be the sub-
stance of the First Cause . I am forcibly impressed with the idea that the substance which we call
hydrogen, by which is meant a substance which is the base of both water and fire, constituted that
which the ancients called spiritual fire, and. that from this arise the apparent contradictions in the
designations of water, fire, and air, as the origin of things-for air the third (gas) is the first pro-
duct, perhaps, of the union of the two former . Then in what will hydrogen differ from the
To Ov ? It is not water, though the base of water,-it is not fire, though the base of fire . It is
not air, though air or gas arises from the union of its two products-shall I say, from the union of
the two emanations from it? But here we may perceive the coporeal trinity of Plato . Whence
came the baptism of water, fire, and air? From the FIRST (the To Ov, Illusion) emanated the
base of hydrogen, which base was Maia ; from Maia, or the base of hydrogen, emanated hydrogen,
the base of fire and water . These first three constituted the first Trinity . From these, three in
one, emanated the next Trinity, consisting of fire, water, air or gas, ill their most refined forms-
three in one, one in three-and from these emanated all beings in existence known to us,-all the
beings of this our world, perhaps of the universe, perceptible by us . All this is ancient doctrine
only put into modern words-Gas and Hydrogen : it is the doctrine of Macrobius . I greatly sus-
pect that the electric, the galvanic, the magnetic, fluids and hydrogen, are all one substance ; that
the first three are one, is, I believe, a doctrine now scarcely doubted . Every thing in nature was
supposed to be microcosmic : thus the second Trinity was a microcosm of the'first . And now we
cone to the most refined of all refinements . As the hypostatic universe was a microcosm of the
IMMENSE To Os,, so the minutest animalcule imaginable was a microcosm of the one above it
and thus, when we get to the least particle perceptible by sense, or even in imagination, how can
we imagine any thing of this kind but by a circle, symbolised by a snake, with the tail in its
mouth ? What were the second and third of the first Trinity, but a picture, a reflection in a
mirror, an idea, of the universe ? All nature was a chain of trinities : the third person of the first,
was thefzrst person of the second ; and so on, ad infinitum . Thus all nature was God ; thus God
was nature . Thus all matter at last was supposed to be resolved into the To Ov, and thus to be
eternal . All nature was a ladder or a chain, the ladder of Jacob, with its 72 angels or aeons, each
a step, I doubt not-a ladder aimv rmv atwvwv, revolving like the period or number 432 for mil-
lions of millions of years. Saga, Xaca, and Saca, all most clearly mean Wisdom. The Isis of

' Webster's Dictionary .

Book V . Chapter I . Section 21 337
Egypt was called Neith or Wisdom . ID sk in Hebrew means a veil, in Greek FHKOX (very
like Saca) . When the inscription says, No
one shall draw aside my veil, does it mean, that no one
shall explain my cabalistic doctrine of divine Wisdom? This Wisdom was the--second person of
the Trinity-the Logos-the Saviour ; and was constantly called self-existent . This is the Isa and
Ma-hesa of India, the Hesus of Gaul, and w , is, he is, profound wisdom, and MV ise, existence, St?V'
From this came the ~;w'w to save of Greece .
iso, salvation, and Saviour, of the Hebrews .
Faustus says, "Nos Patris quidem Dei Omnipotentis, et Christi Filii ejus et Spirits Sancti,
~~ unum idemque sub triplici appellatione colimus Numen . Sed Patrem quidem ipsum LucEM
~~ incolere credimus stMMAM ac PRINCIPALEM, . . . . Filium in hac secunda ac visibili lute con
iQ sistere ; qui quoniam sit et ipse geminus, . . . . virtutem quidem ejus in SOLE habitare credi-
~~ mus, sapientiam vero in LUNA : neenon et Spiritiis Sancti, qui est majestas tertia, AERts hunc
°~ omnem ambitum sedem fatemur ac diversorium ; cujus ex viribus ac spiritali profusione terram
°~ quoque concipientem gignere patibilem Jesum." I When I recollect that Wisdom is the second
person of the Trinity, that Isis and Neith are Wisdom, I think I can, from the above passage, dis-
cover how Isis became identified with the moon, and why the moon constantly bore the same name
as the female, or rather androgynous, generative power .I think we may here also discover how
the Holy Ghost or third person of the Trinity, came to be described as breath or air in motion,
which we have never been able to ascertain before . I think it is probable that the Indians con-
sidered air in its most attenuated state, or hydrogen, or some similar fluid, to fill all space ; and it
seems not improbable, when we consider how their refined igneous matter was always combined
with air, that they understood what we call hydrogen. However, whether or not they understood
what we call hydrogen, they certainly understood that there was a principle of water, fire, and air,
which answers to all our properties of hydrogen, and this they called Gas or Gast or Ghost. 2 But
still I think they considered this gas to be the same as the electric and magnetic fluids . The
Christians of the present day, almost all of whose minds are enfeebled by the prejudices of educa-
tion, look upon the Brahmins and their learning and religion with contempt . These feelings they
have inherited from the Greeks and Romans ; but let me remind them of what the Brahmins say
to this . They say, and say truly, that in their Vedas may be found all the logic of Aristotle and
the philosophy of Plato, and that among their sectaries may be found the doctrines of Epicurus
and of the Stoics ; that it is no more just to run them down on account of the corruptions into
which their religion has fallen, and the state of degradation into which their order has been re-
duced by foreigners' conquering their country, than it is to make the same charges against the
religion and philosophy of the Western nations, on account of the corruptions of the Greek and
Latin churches, and the present neglect of the philosophy of Plato, Epicurus, or Zeno ; that phi-
losophers of these sects are to be found occasionally in India as in Europe ; that, if we have our
Spinoza, &c ., they have their Vyasa ; that with regard to religion, we have no right to say a word ;
that ours is radically the same as theirs, only that we have in some measure corrupted it, and have
forgotten or lost its first principles which they, with all their misfortunes, have retained ; that our
divine incarnation is the same as theirs ; that, if the modern corruptions of the East and of the
West be carefully taken from the two religions, they will be found to be identical-our Christ,
their Cristna . These seem to me to be asseverations not easy to refute, as our missionaries know
full well, and of their truth as far as concerns religion, the person who has carefully read the pre-
ceding part of this work must be very well qualified to form an opinion . The truth of the funda-

Georg. Alph. Tib . pp. 278, 279 .

• Which our Celtic ancestors invoked by the name of Dart, Chest, to preside over their Wittagemote.
VOL. i t .
338 Comet and Flood Resumed

mental principles of the religion, I think, every person who admits the existence of a God will
allow, to be not improbable . Is not God the creator our preserver, and the regenerator of all nature ?
Does not every cycle and period return according to his divine law at its appointed time? What

shall I say of inspiration ? If a person feel a strong inclination to do a good act, is it very much
out of the way to attribute it to the influence of divine goodness ? If this be not divine inspiration,
or if divine inspiration be not this, shall we have recourse to the learned Parkhurst and make it to
be air in motion P(This may suit a narrow-minded priesthood, but the world has nearly outgrown
it .) If this be not divine inspiration, shall we make a substance of it, and incarnate it? What is
a divine incarnation, but a person endowed with more than a usual portion of the divine spirit ?
What, at last, is this, but a person having a more than common inclination to benefit his fellow-
creatures ? And if the wind in motion be given up, to this it must return-into this and into no-
thing but this, it will at last be resolved. Thus when religions are stripped of their grosser parts,
they nearly resolve themselves into one . What, it may be asked, do you make of the renewal of
worlds, and of the metempsychosis ? I see nothing improbable or contrary to divine goodness in

the renewal of worlds . The late discoveries of Laplace, and many other circumstances, give pro-
bability to the theory ; and with respect to the metempsychosis, before it can be denied, many
matters must be premised, which are of a nature attended with the greatest difficulty . Has man
a soul? What is the soul ? Is it substance or spirit ? What is spirit ? What is substance
Are not all these questions beyond the reach of the present human understanding ? What is
identity? Is man the same to-day that he was twenty years ago? He may as readily have existed
in a former period and not be conscious of it, as he exists now and is unconscious of multitudes of
things which happened to him twenty years ago . Thus we have a crowd of questions and diffi-
culties which I shall not attempt here to resolve-questions to answer and difficulties to resolve,
each of which have already, in vain, had hundreds of volumes lavished upon them .
22 . We will now return to our subject . The circumstance that the year of the return of the
comet, and the year of the flood according to Moses, should exactly coincide, raises a strong pro-
bability that a great deluge did take place at the time stated by Moses, and that it was effected by
the agency of the comet . The testimony of all nations, that a flood did take place, strengthens
the probability . Again, the appearance of the surface of the globe, as stated by Cuvier, tends to
confirm it. Again, the testimony of Varro, respecting the flood of Ogyges, that it agreed in date
with that of Moses, tends to confirm it . The union of these circumstances raises a probability that
a deluge did take place at one of the two times stated-at one of the two approaches of the comet
in its orbit, too strong to be shaken by any theories or mathematical calculations of philosophers
at this day respecting the planetary motions, because it is impossible for them to know certainly
how the cause would operate upon a system so different as our present one is from what it must
have been formerly, before the catastrophe happened . The reasonings of philosophers can lead
them to nothing more than a probability, and the final result of the two can only be probability
against probability-and the question will rise, which is the stronger ? But if the mathematical
reasonings of philosophers should bring out a result favourable to the assertions or traditions of
Moses and Varro and Whiston, then the probability will rise almost to certainty, indeed, as near
certainty as can be expected in matters of this kind . A great catastrophe no one can deny. In
fact, no one can deny several catastrophes . There is nothing, under all the circumstances, im-
probable in the doctrine, that there may have been two, or even more, of different degrees of mag-
nitude, since the creation of man . It is not conclusive against the flood of Moses and Varro being
at the time they name, or of its being effected by the comet of 1680, that its present motions, as
now calculated by astronomers, if they should be so calculated, do , not shew it would come
into contact with the earth at that time ; because it is very possible, that the concussion which
Book V . Chapter 1 . Section 23 339
then happened may have caused its motions to be very different from what they now are
it may, after the great concussion of the bodies, have come into its present situation, and its
habits of moving too, by degrees : if it be only moderately near, it is quite enough . If all the
planets before this catastrophe moved in perfect order-all in their respective orbits, but all con-
stantly in conjunction, and in one plane, it is possible that the same comet may have disarranged
them all, and thrown the whole system into what appears to be disorder, at the same time . Every
thing seems to shew periodical destruction and regeneration . What can be more probable than
that comets should be the agents of these effects e Although the comet may not move in the same
plane with the planets at this time, it may have done so before the concussion, or it may have
come into the same plane by degrees, being previously ordained to do so, for the purpose of effect-
ing great objects or changes . Although the present state of the system seems to shew disorder,
it is probably only temporary or periodical, and all may return to order again . Ancient tra-
dition and improved modern reason both support the probability of this doctrine . But in all this
I contend, that I come as near the truth, or certainty, as the astronomers do ; only I do not come
so near -dogmatical assertion .
23 . At first persons will wonder how any one could believe that, in every six hundred years, a
space of time so short, the history of the world could be renewed ; that new Argonautic expedi-
tions, new Trojan wars, &c ., could be re-enacted-a belief at first sight so absurd and so palpably
repugnant to all historical experience . But I think this superannuated dogma passed down the
stream of time, like other superannuated dogmas which, in our times, may be pointed out : the
Millenium for instance . It was, like the Millenium, almost obsolete ; partly believed, partly dis-
believed-believed by some of the vulgar, despised by the enlightened . Like the Millenium, it
was sought for every where, and its falsity, which was proved from facts, was attempted to be ex-
plained away . Before the invention of letters, there is no difficulty in accounting for the belief ;
the difficulty only arises afterward . This belief arose from natural causes . If we carefully exa-
mine the state of man before the invention of writing, we shall find that his memory would not
reach even to half a neros, or to 300 years. Let us think of our grandfathers, great-grandfathers,
and great-great-grandfathers, giving them forty years each . What do we know of them ? What
should we now know of them had we not possessed the art of writing and ciphering? No man
who thinks deeply upon this will be surprised at a popular belief prevailing, that the same* mis-
chief would happen to new Troy, Rome, which had happened to old Troy, before the expected
Great One would arrive at the end of the cycle, in thirty or forty years' time . And when Virgil
wrote his 4th Eclogue, that was thought or feared by the vulgar to be the course of events . When
the T. S . R . or Caesar was really believed to have arrived, that part of the mythos, it would be said
and thought, had been misunderstood before, as our devotees say the time of the Millenium was
misunderstood formerly by those who expected it at the end of the first 600 years of our sera .
This ought to have taught the fools wisdom . Are fools ever taught wisdom ? When folly is once
taught, it is very difficult to unteach it . I beg my reader to refer to what I have said, in pp . 262
-268, 280, respecting the origin of Deans and Chapters, and the whole of the Feudal system, and
to observe the absolute darkness in which it is all involved, in an age thousands of years after the
discovery of the art of writing . When he has done this, he will not be surprised at the ignorance
of mankind before the art of writing was discovered, or if discovered, while it was kept a profound
secret . Almost the moment the art of ciphering was found out, attempts would be made to make
use of it to remedy the inconvenience which I have just mentioned . The first use would be to
perpetuate the cycles or to register time, to perpetuate the knowledge on these subjects which, up
to that time, had been acquired . Iii fact, to seize firmly and to secure that knowledge, that it
should not, like other knowledge, escape them, of which they must have had daily experience, by
340 Early History a Mythos

locating it in memorials as imperishable as possible ; and this we find in the number of the stones
in the stone circles, and probably in the stones of Carnac, to which a stone was added every year to
record the time of the world, like the nails driven at Rome and in the Etruscan temple of Nurtia : I
The next contrivance would be that of putting words into numbers . For though man could not
write in syllables, it is very clear he must always, after he had obtained any skill in speaking, have
spoken in syllabic words, and almost at the same time in which lie learned to speak in them, he
would learn the art of making rhymes, or composing lines ending in similar sounds . We have the
first account of this in the poet Olen at Delphi, 2 and in the twenty thousand verses which the
Druids of Britain caused their pupils to repeat . These were the first attempts to perpetuate facts .
The very nature of them confined them to a caste or class, and made them secret and sacred .
The next thing having the same object in view was to sing these lines or rhymes to a tune ; and
hence arose music. Hence arose the chaunting of Liturgies . Hence arose national songs . Hence
arose among the priests an order or class of Bards, Muses, or Singers, singing or chaunting their
Muses-singing or chaunting their doctrines or praises of the incarnate wisdom ; 3 books of Wisdom,
or of Buddhas, in process of time, by the regimine, becoming books called Vedahs, or the books of
the prophets. The vedahs are never read but sung . This is to prevent them from being cor-
rupted. 4 After a mythos or history of a person was once established, the recollection of which was
an object to be desired, it was, as I have just observed, made into a song, and sung or recited .
After some time instrumental music was added : again, in time, action was added, and by degrees
more persons than one were employed . Thus dialogue commenced, a chorus was adopted to
make the matter more intelligible to the audience, and sacred theatres were built . It is difficult to
imagine whether this preceded or followed the practice of making processions, or Deisuls, or
voyages of salvation, through the districts of a country, where all the adventures of the person
were acted-probably the infant exposed-the young man killed and resuscitated, &c ., &c .,-a
part of the adventures of the incarnate God performed each peculiar day, till the whole of his life
and death was gone through every year . These were contrivances adopted to keep in remem-
brance the history or M-Istory before the art of writing by syllables, perhaps before the art of
writing by numerals was discovered . For this purpose, after epic poems were invented, each
poem was divided into twenty-four books, each book into a certain number of lines, each line into
a certain number, of words, and for this purpose also each syllable of each word was by practice
fixed to be long or short, and each line was formed by a certain number of short and long sylla-
bles, placed in well-known order. Thus we have hexameters, pentameters, &c .
24. I have formerly said that there was originally one history, that history a mythos or a doc-
trine, and that the doctrine consisted of the arrival of a divine incarnation in each age, which the
priests of each country persuaded the people must be renovated in their peculiar country, by ex-
hibiting to them their former history, which, with a new cycle, would be renewed . The system of
the renovation of cycles was an integral part of the mythos . The doctrine of the renewed incar-
nation is very distinctly visible in India, Persia, Syria, Greece, Italy, and even in China and
Mexico . In consequence of the friendly intercourse which in the later times of antiquity existed
among all nations with respect to their religious concerns, I am induced to believe that it was a
part of the doctrine-, that there might be more divine incarnations than one for each cycle-that
more nations than one might be favoured with the interposition of the Deity in its behalf . I think
if this had not been the case they would have quarrelled about them, which they no where did,

' See Vol. I . pp 307, 476 . s See Celtic Druids, p. 121 .

3 The celebrators of the nab msh, by regimine, became themselves Muses .
4 See Dr. Rosen's Translation of Parts of the First Veda.
Book V . Chapter I . Section 24 341

until the secret meaning of the tnythos was lost . However, whether one nation allowed another
to have it or not, it is certain that each nation claimed to have it . Indeed, I have somewhere met with
an account, that it is no unusual thing for the Brahmins to allow the truth of the divine incarnation
of Jesus Christ. But they say, " You have had your divine incarnation, so have we . We do not deny
yours, why should you deny ours ?" "Ah! but" (we say) "our Christ was an incarnation of -God
himself, for the salvation of all who believe on him, proved by previous prophecies and by his mira-
cles ." " Very true ;" (is the reply ;) " we allow all you say . But our Christ-en or Christ-na
was precisely the same for our salvation and the salvation of all mankind who believe on hint,
proved by previous prophecies and by his miracles ." I imagine that this will be a very difficult
argument to refute.' By representing to the people of Rome that its founder, Romulus, was de-
scended from Troy-that he was deserted and saved from a tyrant, &c ., &c ., the priests could say
to the people, " Is it not evident from this history, that you are a favoured nation, or one of the
favoured nations ?" On this account all histories were moulded to accommodate them to the
mythos . This affords a satisfactory reason for all the histories being the same in same respects,
and also for their having considerable differences. It also furnishes a satisfactory reason for each
country having the same names of places . If it be said, that the tribes might have brought the
names of places from the East, as our emigrants have carried our names of places to America, I
reply, Not only are the names of places, but the mythos also, visible, where there are new names
for the same thing. The indentity is much too extensive to be the unintentional produce of tribes
merely settling . The system is uniform in all countries . The fact is, our emigrants take their
sacreds, dedicate their churches to saints, &c ., &c., and, if they yet had the Deisul, they would
every where have had a sacred mount to perform it round, even in Australia . In every country which
had any pretensions to have a Saviour, there was a Mount Meru or Olympus or Acropolis, with
all its accompanying little superstitions . And all these places had secret and sacred names, pro-
bably not used in common life, until, by degrees, the secret came to be divulged to so many per-
sons, that it was, in fact, no secret at all . What would the secrets of Masonry be, if every person
in .England was initiated ? By degrees the mysteries became known, without its being perceived
that they were divulged secrets ; and it is clear that, if the initiated perceived they were their
secrets divulged, they would, on no account, admit the fact ; or at any rate they would conceal it
if possible, and they would cease to be a part of their mysteries . We, know that there were the
greater and the less mysteries . In the less mysteries, the novice was admitted to only a certain
portion of the mythos_ ; to how much it is impossible to say . It is very clear that it was the esta-
blishment of the sect of the Christians-the sect of Paul-teaching the contradictory doctrine of a
spiritual saviour, instead of a temporal one, but still of a human being actually crucified, 2 which
caused nearly all the mysteries, remaining in Paul's day, to be lost as mysteries . A violent and
furious sect of fanatics, like the modern Methodists, divided among themselves, but uniting upon
certain great points, let out all the secrets of the temples, as far as in their power . Like Luther,
they considered the breach of an oath or vow to be meritorious in a good cause . Under these cir-
cumstances the initiated who held to their vows could do nothing but abandon their mysteries
altogether, and the celebration of them nearly ceased ; but, as might be expected, we find them

' See, on the admissions of the Jesuits to the Brahmins, Vol . I . p . 560.
' The Author probably meant by "a spiritual instead of a temporal Saviour" one who was really to save from igno-
rance, sin, and death, instead of a metaphorical one, who saves only as wily priests teach, and as the ignorant many
believe . In teaching the doctrine of such " a spiritual Saviour" there was, surely, nothing " contradictory" ! for, who
but a human being could be actually cruc fed t Let those who profess to believe that " the Eternal God died" as the
real " spiritual Saviour" reconcile the apparent contradiction. Editor .
342 Barasit and Mercavah

rising again under the fostering hand of Clemens Alexandrinus and of the reviving hierarchy, as
soon as the sect began to improve in character . How much secret doctrine Clemens and his
school may have taught, we do not know ; but *e do know enough to see that it was, at least, a
part, and the best and most beautiful part, of the ancient system . The early Paulite Christians
consisted of nothing better than what constitutes our Ranters, Jumpers, and Speakers with
Tongues, in Mr . Irving's chapels at this day .' This Mr. Gibbon has satisfactorily proved . This
Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians proves . They dreamt of nothing but an immediate kingdom
of King Jesus-a sort of temporal or spiritual, visible king upon earth, at Jerusalem . As time
advanced and proved the erroneousness of this dream, and as the sect improved in character, as all
sects do in proportion to the rate at which their passion cools, their leaders, by degrees, went back
to the old system,-the old mysteries began to revive, and they sbew themselves almost as soon
as we find any thing written respecting them in Clemens Alexandrinus . But the whole system
could never be revived, because that which had been revealed to the whole world could not be un-
revealed, viz . for an example, the multitudes of similar histories of the Avatars, &c ., &c . But
although the similarity of the histories is sufficiently striking, now that they are pointed out, they
do not seem ever to have been publicly observed by the ancients . The fact could scarcely have
been unknown in the mysteries ; but it is never named by any writer, whose works remain to us ;
which seems to shew, that it must have been, if observed at all, a part of the secret system .
Whatever knowledge the priests could keep to themselves, they most studiously kept. In the
Western world, in modern times, no ancient institution or order has remained by whom it might
be kept, unless it be in the conclave ; but when the Europeans arrived in India, all the learning
which remained to the priests, from their ancestors, they kept from the Europeans, and from all
their countrymen except their own caste, with the greatest care possible ; and, in a great many
instances, they continue to keep it . Thus, to the escape of the secret knowledge, we are indebted
for the destruction of the rule of the priests . I have no doubt that the sacred order which ruled
the world possessed all science, and possessed it in a very high degree of perfection . When land
became scarce and food difficult to acquire, men would become quarrelsome : to suppress dis-
orders hired men would be employed, and their commanders, by degrees, would quarrel with their
superiors . Then science would begin to creep out, and the veneration for the order to abate, till
its rule would at last be overturned . Many causes would unite to produce this effect .
25 . We have formerly seen in Vol . I . p . 264, that the Cabala consisted of two branches, the Barasit
and the Mercavah . The latter is the knowledge of what are called sublunary beings, and might also
consist of the knowledge of what we call natural philosophy, astronomy,the periods of the planets, the
science of letters, high arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and some other secrets described by Bacon, as
noticed in Vol . I . p . 341, note . The other, I think, probably consisted of the knowledge of all the
profound doctrines of the Trimurti and the secret use of the system of cycles,-the meaning of the
sacred Om and the To Ov, and of Theogony. The word Mercavah is said to mean a chariot, and to
refer to the chariot as it is called of the first chapter of Ezekiel (verses 15-21) . The word which
gives occasion to this, or which is translated chariot, is 1DUK aupn, the root of which is said to be
1Dat apn, but for the meaning of which Mr . Parkhurst refers to the word a-130 pne . This, with a
mutable or omissible r e, he says, means to turn, particularly applied to the turn or the return of
a day, or, of course, a period . He says also, that tDK apn means a wheel. This is justified by the

' It will be said, perhaps, that there were Josephs of Arimathea-men of a higher class-among the early Christians
This is very true-there were men of learning and wealth, like Mr. Whitfield, Mr . Wesley, Mr. Halhed, and Mr
. Irving ;
but what, if admitted, does it prove against the argument? John Wesley was
a talented and learned man ; yet he
believed he had miracles performed upon himself every day! But what were his and Whitfield's early followers?
Book V . Chapter II . Section 1 343
context of Ezekiel, which treats much of a mysterious wheel, and upon the four cardinal points of
the compass by the names of the Man, the Lion, the Ox, and the Eagle-the Equinoxes and Sol-
stices. The generality of Jews give the first word of Genesis, Barasit, the common meaning
given to it by the Christians, and though the greatest and the most learned of their philosophers,
Maimonidea, acknowledges the meaning of the two words is lost, yet, without any hesitation, they
will tell you, that Barasit means cosmogony, and Mercavah the moral doctrine-thus transposing
the two. Very certain I 'am, that this is a complete inversion . How they can make the wheels
within wheels apply to morality I know not ; but they aptly apply to the planets. In short, one,
the Mercavah, was the doctrine of natural philosophy ; the other, Barasit, the doctrine of moral
philosophy. Mercavah taught astronomy, the use of the cycles, the history of the flood, and the
cometary and planetary system, chronology, the secret principle or riddle of the millenium, and
the microcosm, which I shall explain by and by, and with which the power of the initiated was
most intimately connected, and which was, whether true or not, thought necessary for the govern-
ment of mankind . The Barasit taught the doctrine of wisdom, the nature and attributes of the
To Ov, the doctrines of the metempsychosis, of emanation, and of the reabsorption of every one
into the First Being, hastened or retarded according to his good or bad conduct in this life ; in
short, every thing connected with morality, and the duties of man to his Creator .


Caesar-Alexander-Gengis Khan-Akbar-Napoleon-Supreme Pontiff-Races

of Man. Black Gods-Trinitarian Doctrine of Genesis . Jewish Polity . Priest-
hood-Supreme Priesthood .

1 . 1 SHALL now proceed to shew more fully, that there have been many persons who have as-
pired to be divine incarnations .-Buddha, Cristna, Salivahana, Moses, Cyrus, Alexander, Julius
Caesar, Gengis Khan, Timur, Mohamed, Gregory, and Hakem Bemrillah, were all believed to be
divine incarnations, as well as Jesus Christ, each opening a new age . Few persons who have read
this work will doubt that the word Cwsar 1 must have some mystical meaning, and that meaning
connected with the mysterious system which I have developed . I think the word in the first
numeral letters has been, as the Pope of Rome calls himself, XP2;=600. Having found from St.
Barnabas, that X means 300 as well as 400, and from the other circumstances which I need not
repeat, that the last three letters R, S, T, had each two meanings in common, and also that the
last letter of almost all the alphabets, the Tau, was written indiscriminately with a cross, in fact,
in any form of a cross ; considering also, that we find the doctrine of Wisdom, or rather of the in-
carnation of Wisdom, to have been the secret doctrine of all nations ; remembering also, that we
are told, it was a common practice with the mystics of all nations to insert the letter I, the name

See Vol. I . pp . 617-620 ; and supra, p . 95 .

344 C(e5ar

of God, into. words, for the sake of a mystery,-[ think it probable that the word Caesar is the
Hebrew word Rat or Rasit ; or rather that, originally, the word Rasit has been X or T. F, . P.,
read from right to left, TIP., and that from this, the Tzr of Muscovy has, by a little corruption,
been derived. It is not half so mystical as the nonsensical mysticism which we find, from the
letter of Barnabas, and many other circumstances, really did prevail among the ancients . My
mystery is in better style, and is not nonsensical . Ras is called the root of the Hebrew Rasit ;
but whence comes the it at the end of the word? I shall be answered, perhaps, that it is forma-
tive, or a letter is heemantive or paragogic-all hard words invented to conceal the ignorance of
persons too vain to confess their ignorance . I believe the word Rasit is a corruption of R . S . T .,
and that it is the original of the word Caesar, and Tzar, and XPHF-the mitis or henignus incar-
nation of every age-Pater futuri saeculi-atwv rwv atwvwv . The letters for gold, for the word
peaceful or happy, and for the benignant being XP2;, were the same in the first language of nu-
nmeral symbols, and meant PST, the triune cyclar God or Genius-first, perhaps, XPI:2;TN=666,
=PEFT=60+100+1+5+200+300=666, corrupted into Crost ; next to XP2;N=G50 ; next to
XPH2;=608 ; and next, as it yet remains, to XM=600 or XP_ 600.' Every thing which I
have said respecting the XP2; or Crest is confirmed by an observation of Bingham's in his Chris-
tian Antiquities, that the Christians were not called by that name till the time of Ambrose ; they
were previously called Christs-anointed. 2
It would be surprising if we did not find the Trinity among the Romans, and we have it in the
Capitolium, (and it is not only Trinitarian but Christian too,) in its three altars or shrines "to
the three Gods," called ~ ; uVVa{ol, or, as this word is expounded by Nimrod, the dwellers together,
the Dii iNla(fni Samothraces, Oeoi U;=yaaot, Oeoi 8uvovrot, OEOI XPH :~TOI . Tertullian
says, that the three altars in the Circus were sacred trinis Diis, magnis, potentibus, valentibus ;
eosdem Samothracias existimant." 3 These altars were to Jove, Apollo, and Minerva . The OsoS
X~rsos shews us what was meant when it was said in one of the gospel histories that the Christ
descended and united itself to Jesus, at his baptism, and that he was Jesus the Christ, i . e . the
Crest . We are all educated at this day with the impression that the AMID or desire of all nations
was to be an actual God, or a person of the Godhead, and in consequence we can scarcely under-
stand the situation or the feelings of a person who only looked for a man like himself, but endowed
with a superior degree of the divine attribute of wisdom . I think this prevents us from entering
properly into the feelings, and making a proper allowance for the natural and almost necessary
weakness, of men placed in such situations as Cyrus, Alexander, Caesar, Alaric, Mohamed, and
Gengis Khan . I am convinced that every one of these believed himself to be the foretold person ;
in several instances they were generally believed to be so by their followers ; and in several in-
stances, also, I have no doubt, that this was the chief cause of their victories . 4 We will now re-

' Lately, in the Curiosa Miscellanea, I met with another monogram, of which the author, Mr . J . Munro, says, he
was not able to get any explanation from the priests, except that it meant something mystical ; it was XP. It was
found in the catacombs of Rome, on Christian monuments ; but lie says it was in use among the ancients long before
the time of Christ . I apprehend it is the Hebrew and Samaritan Tau=400 and the Resh=200, jointly 600 . But it
may be the Greek Rho, in which case it will confirm what I have before proved from the epistle of Barnabas, that the
last three letters of the old alphabet had each two meanings . We must not forget that the Tau in these old languages
was written in every form of the cross .-See Vol . I . pp . 222, 223 .
• Psalm cv . 15 ; Bingham, Book I. P . 7 .
• Nimrod, (Vol . 1 . pp . 243, 244,) who refers to Sere . in :fin . lib . ii . vers . 225, 297, and Tertull . de Spectaculis, Vol.
i v . c h . viii p . 117. Semler.
• I think in the latter part of the life of Napoleon some slight symptom of this disorder-this hallucination-this
monomania, may he perceived in that extraordinary man ; but more on this point presently .
Book V. Chapter II. Section 1 345

turn to one circumstance of the mythos of Julius Caesar, to which I think, in Volume I . pp . 616-
620, 1 have not done sufficient justice . It has always been understood that his mother underwent
the operation, from her, denominated Caesarean, and that her son Julius was extracted from her
side. Now, when I consider that it was clearly a part of the mythos, both of the East and West,
of that mythos, in fact, alluded to by Virgil, that the expected one, the desire of all nations, was to
be born from the side of his mother, and not in the usual course of nature,-and when I consider
the extraordinary circumstance of the connexion of his mother with the God in the form of a ser-
pent in the temple of Apollo, and the aphanasial or darkness at his death, &c ., &c ., I cannot
believe in the operation, or attribute to accident the story of Caesar's unnatural birth . I recur to
the doctrine of probability-and I contend, that, under all the circumstances, the probabilities are
as a hundred to one, that the story is a made-up one, to advance the claim of Caesar to the so-
vereignty of the world-to support his claim of right by the book as well as by the sword. But I
think the contrivance of the Caesarean operation conveys with it a proof, that, though the doctrine
of an unnatural or preternatural birth was meant to be taught, it was meant to be kept a secret .
The more I meditate upon the numerous proofs scattered over the whole earth, which I have de-
tailed in the preceding books of this work, the more am I convinced that the Xp-~s-~pcov 2 was the
cabalistic or secret doctrine of all ages . In Volume I . p. 618, I have treated of a kingdom of
Caesar expected by the Jews in North India . Why should they expect a Caesar ? We must re-
collect that we found Cmsars in India ; and all the princes of the Persian dynasty, who were over-
thrown by the Saracens, were Khosrus, which word was but a corruption of the word Caesars .
The popular belief that a great one was to come, must have been greatly aided by the uncertainty
of the periods, from the difficulty of keeping a correct register of time . I think it very possible
that Sosigenes persuaded Julius Czesar to correct the calendar, by shewing him that he was born,
if its errors were corrected, and it were put right, at exactly the proper time . Without the
slightest attempt at a plausible reason for such an opinion, we find it general among the Romans,
that their city was to be the seat of universal empire, the mistress of the world, and to be eternal .
I have no doubt that this popular opinion greatly assisted towards its own fulfilment, and that it
influences many of the persons who now inhabit that city, of a rank far above the vulgar . I have
very little doubt when a spiritual kingdom came into fashion in the time of Constantine, this
superstition influenced him in giving up the possession of the city, and, along with it, the right of
ruling by the Book, to the successor of St. Peter . Pompey affected the same right or claim as
Caesar . His name chews it . All the world was ripe for it . It necessarily carried it with the de-
struction of the Republic and the establishment of a despotism . It was the secret doctrine of the
Chald Bans and the mysteries, that a great one should come about that time ;-the learned as well
as the unlearned fools, against Cicero, Brutus, and the Philosophers . The mythos is very evident
in the twelve successive Caesars, like the Lucumones and Imams of Ali . I am by no means cer-
tain that the triumvirate was not an imitation of the division of the world among the three sons of
Noah, and the three Samothraciau Gods, the Dii consortes, or Oeos Xpr15rot, of whom I treated not
long since-the division of the great world into three parts, in imitation of the division of the little
Ager Romanus into three parts in former times . Varro 3 says, " Ager Romanus primum divisus
• in partes tres, a quo tribus appellatae : Tatientium, Rammensium, Lucerum nominatae, ut ait
• Ennius, Tatienses a Tatio, Rammenses a Romulo, Luceres, ut ait Junius, a Lucumone ." I
believe that not only numbers of conquerors have thought themselves Messiahs, but that their
followers have thought them so too . Is it less likely that Caesar should have followers of this kind

See Vol . I . P. 612. r See Vol. I. pp. 219, 585-588 ; 758, 759 ; 786-788. $ De Lingua Latina, Lib . iv,
346 Alexander

than Brothers and Southcote ? When time has brought with it not an age of happiness, but, as
usual, one of misery, conquerors have died away and been forgotten . This is beautifully exempli-
fied in the temples, &c ., &c ., erected to Caesar ; and, again, in the history of Mohamed . Nim-
rod' describes Antony as filling the East with his debaucheries ; he shews that Antony called
" himself the new Bacchus, the husband of Minerva and the lineal descendant of Hercules ." He
adds, "This personage, besides being generally addicted to the literature of the East, dabbled par-
" ticularly in the mysteries of the Jews, and consulted their doctor Rabenu Hacadosh concerning
" the cabala of the Tetragrammaton and of the numbers 12 and 42 ." 1 cannot help suspecting
that the profligate triumvirate divided the world into three in compliance with this superstition .
Nothing is more common than the union of superstition and profligacy . I am quite satisfied that
the opinion generally prevailed, that the world was to be divided into three parts, one of which was
to have supremacy over the other two. The account of Antony shews the same mythos . These
great men, dazzled, like Antony and Julian, drunk with prosperity, were easily taught the secret
doctrines, and that each, in his own person, was the promised one : hence all the casting of nati-
vities, the calculating of pedigrees, and making of Janam-patri . 2 These men were of the highest
order of Patres Conscripti or Lucumones, and any one of them might have been the lineal descend-
ant of the first Japetus . I go so far as to suspect that, after the world was divided into three by
them, their quarrel was for the nominal superiority .
2 . If the reader refer to Volume I . pp . 380, 381, he will see an account of the immaculate con-
ceptions of various great men, and among them, of Alexander the Great, whose father was Jupiter
Ammon, in the form of a Dragon . By the Persian historians he is called Ischander, thus shewing
that the Al is merely the emphatic article : then we have a compound of Arabic and Greek-the
Arabic Al, and Ischa, (the latter the Arabic name of Jesus, meaning the Saviour, and of Sarah, the
wife of Abraham, of Eva,) and A" p or Av6pog the Greek for man . Mirkond 3 says, that, "in the
" Ionian language, Iskander signifies Aksheed Roos, that is, Filusuf : which word is abbreviated
" from Fila Sufa : as the Ionians call love Fila, and wisdom Sufa ; according to which etymology,
" Iskander means, A lover of wisdom ." That is, we may see among other matters, that he was of
of the sect of the Sofees or the Gnosis . The Fila Sufa is nothing but ct7og :~o ;b'ag • He was
sometimes called a Roomite . 4 He by force made himself master of Ros-heng° and married her .
His mother is said to have been delivered of him on a journey, and to have exposed him to perish
in a desert, where sheep were fed . An ewe came and suckled him . The shepherd's wife, follow-
ing the ewe, found him and brought him up . After a time, as usual in all these cases, his mother
discovered him, brought him to the king, his father, &c ., &c., &c. Here we have the usual
mythos . In the account of the great battle with Darh or Darius, Mirkond says, "the blood ascended
"from the back of the terrestrial Fish, to the face of the celestial Pisces ;" and, again, "Streams
" descended and ascended to Earth-supporting Pisces ." s (I refer my reader to Vol . 1 . pp . 558, 559, and
635-637 .) Alexander was said to be born in the year 360 before Christ, the year the Sun entered
Pisces, at the Vernal Equinox. 7 According to Mr . Shea's translation, Mirkond makes Alexander

1 Vol . III . p . 422 . 2 See Vol . I. pp . 183, 249 . 3 Translation by Shea, p . 366.
4 Upon this word I must refer to the Index of Vol . I . for what is said in several places under the words Rome and

Rama . Does this refer to the island of Roma, in Lat. 7 .35, Lou . 127 . 20., and point to Romelia or Roma of Asia Minor,
or of Italy, or of Rama of Western Syria?
s Translation by Shea, p s lb . p . 391 .
. 369 .
The mother of Alexander is called by the Greeks Olympias . We all know how Mount Olympus is said to be the
residence of the Gods, and that it is figuratively used for the heavens . The Persians call Olympias Rukia ; (Translation
Book V . Chapter 11 . Section 2 347
declare, again and again, that his is a religious war for the glory of God, and to display the true
faith.' I believe the translation has suffered much from Mr . Shea's having yielded to the preju-
dice to which I have alluded in the latter end of the preface to the first volume . I believe Alex-
ander alluded to his claim to the legal sovereignty of the world, as the head of the descendants of
Noah . We must not forget that Clemens Alexandrinus was initiated into the mysteries of Eleusis,
and he let out that he found the Mosaic mythos there ; from this, probably, Alexander learned
that the kings of Macedon, that is, of Scythia, were the descendants of Japetus, so well known to
Grecian story . Mirkond makes the word Khizar to mean a prophet.? The account of the squint-
ing and the ugliness of Alexander's face is curious . 3 This, reminds me of what I quoted, supra,
p. 31, respecting the marred face of the promised one, in Mexico, from Lord Kingsborough's work .
Mirkond describes Alexander, also, as a prophet . He was an Emperor or Embratur ; that is,
Om-bra-tur, which word originally meant the reformer, K`1] bra, of the Tauric cycle of Om . The
name of Alexander, when dissected, betrays the mythos . In the East he is never called Alex
ander, but the emphatic article Al is left out, and he is called Iskander or Ischander . This, as I
have just said, is nothing but the Arabic Al-Ischa, the Saviour, the name of Jesus Christ, in
Arabic, and the Greek aVp, av$poc, a man-a Saviour man, or a Saviour incarnate. When I
combine this with his immaculate conception, &c ., I cannot doubt the correctness of this etymon.
I think no one who reads Pownal's treatise on the Study of Antiquities, pp . 91, 92, can well doubt
that, had Alexander lived to old age, he would have established the finest commercial empire in
the world. His views seem to have been guided by the most liberal policy ; and I have no
doubt that his conquests were as much the effect of a general belief that he was the promised one
as of his arms . We must not forget that he was said to be born in the year the vernal equinox
ceased to be in Aries, and a new sign commenced, viz . 360 B . C . ; and that he was . the produce
of a connexion between his mother and the God Apollo, in the temple . Alexander, like Moses,
was said to be horned, and indeed I believe he appears with horns on some of his coins . This
proves either that he claimed to be a divine incarnation, or the belief of his followers that he was
one. But I think the Ram's horns must have been given him by persons who did not understand
the mythos, for he was Pisces, which had nothing to do with horns . His name Ischa, in Irish
Celtic, meant a fish, the same word which in Arabic meant Saviour. From the Pisces being the
emblem of the Saviour, the word ischa came to mean fish. 4 The anxiety of the princes of India
to be the founders of cycles was great. When this is considered, along with the universal disse-
mination of the mythos and the belief that Alexander was a divine incarnation, it will not be
thought surprising to find he had his a era . He was, as I have just stated, said to be born
360 years B. C . ; but his sera began in the year 312 . We know that the aera of neither Christ nor
Mohamed began on the day of his supposed birth . Buddha's sera, in India, we have seen, in Vol .
1. p . 192, was probably his supposed death . If Alexander was born 360 years B . C ., and 312 was
the time of his death, it would make him 48 years old . The title of the sera is Yonane ; it is on a
Persic MS . of the Gospels, at Cambridge . I cannot doubt that this Yonane is a formation from
the Sanscrit Jnana-the Ioannes-Oannes-or the Fish of Assyria, and meant wisdom . This must
be considered in concurrence with all the other mythic matters relating to this Ischander . The
letter of The Old Man of the Mountain to Leopold, Duke of Austria, concludes thus : " Sachez
" aussi que les presentes out ktk faites par nous 3 mi-septembre, dans notre chateau de Messiat

by Shea, p. 396 ;) this is the Hebrew b'p'i rqio, which we translate firmament, and the "rack" flying eloada of
Shakspeare-shall leave net a rack behind. See Vol . I. p. 335, note 4.
' Ib . p . 405. s Ib. p. 424. 3 Ib. pp. 431, 432. 4 See references to VoL 1 . ut sup . p . 346.
1) Y `?
348 Alexander

" (Masziat.), la quinze cent-quinzieme annee depuis Alexandre ." 1 If I knew the year of Jesus
Christ, I could tell the date of the birth or death of Alexander, according to The Old Man's
reckoning . Nimrod says, "Nor need I do more than shortly repeat, that the fable of Alexander's
" conception from an immense dragon is an exact copy from that of Nimrod the Dragon-begotten
" Bull, evidently made in order to conciliate the minds of the Orientals towards his design of set-
• ting up in Iran a new universal empire .` He had a certain feeling of rivalry (saith Arrian) to-
" `wards Perseus and Hercules, in as much as he traced his descent from them . And he did
• `himself ascribe his own generation to Ammon, in like manner as the fables referred that of
• ` Hercules, and of Perseus, unto Jove . It was for this purpose that he took his journey to the
" ` temple of Ammon, namely, that he might more assuredly know, or rather make pretence of
• ` knowing, who he really was .' And I dare say that his real and authentic descent from Nimrod,
• (called Hercules in Greece, Perseus there and in Persia, and Sesostris in Egypt,) stood him in
" some stead with the Egyptians and Persians ." 2 Again, Nimrod says, 3 " Dion relates that im-
mediately before the murder of Socemis and Heliogabalus, ` a certain daemon, styling himself Alex-
• ` ander of Macedon, and having the very same features and dress, made his appearance on the
• `banks of the Danube, and travelled over Thrace and Asia, like a Bacchanalian, with four hun-
• dred companions, who were adorned with the Thyrsus and fawn's skin . All those who were
" `then in Trace affirm with one voice, that lodgings and all necessaries were furnished him at the
" `public expense, and no man, neither general, nor soldier, nor prefect, nor even the supreme
" `governors of these nations, attempted to resist him . But he arrived in broad day-light, and, as
" `it were, in a religious procession, at Byzantium, as he had prophesied he would . And be put
• `over to Chalcedon, where he performed certain nocturnal rites, buried a wooden horse in the
" ` earth, and disappeared . I had been informed of all these things in Asia before Bassianus (i . e.
" ` Antoninus Heliogabalus) had been disposed of at Rome . Pp. 1365, 6 .' I beseech the reader to
" weigh well these words, and by whom they were written, and he cannot fail to detect a deep
• and complicated scheme of imposture and mystic superstition ." And I beg my reader to add to
this, a consideration of what he has just read from Von Hammer, respecting the sera of Alexander,
and I think he will not fail to infer with me, that we have but a very small part of the true history
of these times . After this, Nimrod adds, that John Chrysostom complained that, in his time, peo-
ple made their children wear medals of Alexander around their necks as talismans ; that Julian
maintained he had the soul of Alexander, by metempsychosis ; and, that this was what urged him
on in his war with the Persians . 4 Here we have a fine example of the monomania of which I have
spoken in Julian, and of its leading on some persons to victory, and deluding others to their ruin ;
and, in his case, of its leading him to his ruin . Here it becomes apparent that it is for want of
looking into, instead of despising, the secret histories of antiquity, that all our accounts of those
times are so unsatisfactory, and that the conduct of many, indeed, of almost all, the chief actors in
the dramas of those times is so unaccountable . In p. 283, Nimrod adds, " It was an old ambition
• of the Romans, or at least not a more recent one than the arrival of the Pessinuntian Great
• Mother and her Sodalities, that
" Avitae
Tecta velint reparare Trojae.

" The place at which Mammmus's false Alexander prophesied he would arrive, and did arrive, was
" Byzantium . The son of Helena only accomplished what the son of Mamm ea bad first medi-

Von Hammer on the Assassins, p . 346 . 4 Nimrod, Vol . III. pp . 366, 367
' Vol. IV. Part . II . p . 282 . 4 Socrates, Lib. iii. Cap . xxi.
Book V . Chapter II . Section 2 349

" tated ." Here, in the conduct of Constantine, we have a proof of the close connexion of ancient
Paganism and modern Christianity . After this, Nimrod goes on to shew, that Origen and other
leaders of the Christians were deeply implicated in the transactions of those times, connected with
the mythic superstition : he adds, a The same system of mysterious doctrines animated the united
• Sophists and the impeiial usurpers ." I And, again, "It is remarkable that in the reign of Alex-
• ander Severus the Parthian empire was subverted by Artaxares, the Son of Sassan, a man ' ad-
• dicted to the ineffable mysteries . The workings of the same thing were towards the East as
well as the West .'" This was repeated at the time of the Crusades . All this shews the going
to pieces of the ancient system, and the struggles of the different persons, each to make out that
he was this great one comE. I have formerly noticed, en passant, the endless apparent nonsense
of the Gorgon's head or head of Medusa, with hair of snakes, and the brazen head of Roger Bacon,
&c. At great length Nimrod 2 has brought together, probably all, the stories of magical heads,
which appear to have been as numerous as they were general over the world . All those stories
are evidently closely connected with the most secret of the mysteries of the Tvmnns . I think a
key to unlock all these cabinets will be found in the identity of meaning of the words W WI ras, a
Head, and ras, Wisdom, and jD'DV spipn, Gen. xlix . 17, which means both wisdom and a serpent-
sup-iphis or ophis, wisdom of the serpent . 1 shall not follow up this search-not attempt the dis-
entanglement of this skein here, though, perhaps, I may return to it . But I may just observe,
that Nimrod has pointed out that the Templars had a sacred head in the most remote crypt, and
that they fabled much about the devil begetting the British Merlin on the body of a virgin, and
the Dragon's head assuming, by prestige, the appearance of Gorloes, Duke of Cornwall, and en-
gendering Arthur upon his wife Iogerne . 3 When we consider the story of the connexion between
the siege of Troy and the Gorgon's head of the Greeks, and all the mythos of immaculate concep-
tions in Alexander, Caesar, and the Troya Nova of king Brute, &c ., &c., we shall have no difficulty
in seeing here the continuation of the mythos in Merlin, and in Arthur, with his round table and
twelve knights-the secret mythos existing in Britain before the arrival of Caesar, and passing
down through the rule of the Romans to Arthur, to Alfred, and, at last, to Geoffry of Monmouth,
who has fortunately preserved to us a remnant of it,-a remnant, which, instead of using, our
short-sighted historians take all the pains in their power to destroy,-a remnant of a most im-
portant system, which yet continues to exert its secret influence upon all our institutions, both
civil and religious . When my reader has well considered the above passages of Nimrod (Mr .
Herbert), stripping them of the false colouring given by that gentleman, who can see nothing but
devilish machinations in the simplest and most innocent matters, he, my reader, must be obliged
to confess, that it is quite clear, that, in all our histories, we have in fact any thing but a real his-
tory of Alexander the Great . We have it just named, by Nimrod, to be ridiculed, that he said
he was the son of Ammon . Just so far is said as will serve to justify the historian from a charge
of fraudulent suppression ; but, in reality, all the secret moving causes of Alexander's conduct and
of that of his followers, is kept out of sight . The circumstance that an sera arose from him in
Asia, shews how extensive the mythos must have been . I feel little doubt that ; if I ever recover
my health,4 I shall be able to unravel all, these matters . I believe the claims of all the persons
entitled great, and called emperors, were founded upon the system of Avatarism-of a believed
descent from the eldest of the sons of Noah ; or, if this plea could not be set up, upon the recep-
tion of the XaipoTOyia from .the lineal descendant, who was always believed to be known . In aid

' Nimrod, Vol . IV. Part II. p. 286. ' Ib . p . 219.

' Oervaa of Tilbury says, that King Richard used that sign on his standard . ' July, 1833.
3 50 Alexander
of this came the impregnation by the Python, or the Holy Ghost, in the form of a snake . Thus
Alexander had, mystically, two fathers . The case was precisely the same in this respect with
Jesus, of Bethlehem, and Alexander . They each had two fathers. Jesus was the son of the Holy
Ghost, but still in the line of Abraham : Alexander also was the son of the Holy Ghost, or the
Ghost of Ammon, but yet of the line of Japhet . It is extremely gratifying to me to find such
learned men as Constant and Creutzer, although without having the most distant suspicion of the
true nature of ancient history, Coming to the same conclusion with me . The former says,
• Plusieurs faits qui noun sont parvenus, bien qu'isolement, a travers l'obscurite des siecles et la
• confusion des fables, semblent indiquer qu'a une epoque encore anterieure a celle que noun nom-
• mons fabuleuse, la Grece fut subjuguee momentanement par un ordre de pretres, soit indigenes
• soit Strangers
."' As this militates against his system, but cannot be denied, he endeavours to
qualify it by the word momentanement . He then shews that Mr . Creutzer comes to the same con-
clusion, but by a different train of reasoning. The fact they could not deny, of the cause or the
nature of this priestly government they were entirely ignorant . Mr. Schlegel says, speak-
ing of the priests, " Dans les temps les plus anciens, la Grece entire leur etait soumise ." 2
Again, " Plus tard, la caste des guerriers se souleva contre celle qui regnait au nom des dieux.
" L'Iliade porte de fortes empreintes de cette lutte : la dispute d'Agamemnon avec Chryses et Cal-
" char en est un indice ." a I suppose I need not point out the X p% of Delphi and the Chaldaean
in Calchas 1 Schlegel then goes on to say, that these priests were Pelasgi, and spoke a barbarous
language. This was, I doubt not, the language which contained the Eleusinian mysteries, which
we are told by Clemens Alexandrinus, were taken from the Jews-the language of the Synagogue,
-the language on which the Greek was founded . Again, Mons . Constant says, "Nous ne re-
" poussons done nullement la supposition qu'a une epoque qu'entoure une nuit epaisse, it y ait eu
" en Grece une religion sacerdotale, et des corporations puissantes, trees par cette religion et
• vouees a son maintien. Mais une revolution violente detruisit cette religion et ses pontifes,
" avec toute la civilisation dont ils etaient les auteurs ." 4 The facts of the pontifical government
and the revolution he was obliged to see, the momentary violence is mere inference, mere dogma-
tism on a subject of which he was perfectly ignorant . The " corporations puissantes," were the
municipal towns, wisely left to their own government by the pontifical order in every thing which
did not concern its interests, contained in the productiveness of the vectigal-and on this account
they were always prevented from going to war with one another . In the Areopagus of Athens we
have the domestic legislature ; in the Amphictyons we have the superintending one ; this last,
perhaps, assuming its form and power by degrees, as the superintending power of the distant au-
tocrat fell away, or perhaps being the remains of the ancient pontifical government . M . Constant
has treated at large on the Fetiches of the ancients . I think in these very low superstitions we
have the religion of the Aborigines ; but most certainly the higher ranks of society, and the pro-
fessors of, or the instructed in, the cabala and the mysteries, cannot be suspected of believing such
nonsense ; though, occasionally, no doubt, a person or two might be found in the higher classes
with understandings sufficiently mean to receive them . In my recollection the use of charms
against witches, evil demons, and other similar nonsense as degrading as the fetiches of Africa,
were common among the lower orders in Britain . . No doubt as the doctrines of incarnations
escaped from the conclaves they became mixed with the superstitions of the vulgar, till now it is
difficult, perhaps quite impossible, to separate them . It is probable that when the high class in-
creased, so as to be very numerous-too numerous to be initiated-they by degrees descended as

' Constant, Vol. II . p . .319. 2 Ib . P . 331 . 1 -Ib . P . 332 . 4 Ib. p . 336 .

Book V. Chapter II . Section 3 351
the Aborigines a little ascended, till the two nearly carne together both in religion and intellect,
and at last the distinction was entirely lost . Constant says, 1 1 11 ne faut pas confondre ces apo-
" thdoses qui sont particulieres a la religion Greque, avec les incarnations que nous rencontrerons
u frequemment dans les religions sacerdotales : cc sont deux choses directment opposees ." In
what particular cases the incarnate or solar mythos may have been attributed to real men, as we
know it was to Alexander and Caesar, it may be difficult to affirm or to deny, but I am persuaded
that there never was a Bacchus, a Hercules, or a Jove .
3 . When the time for the Millenium arrived, but no appearance of its actual arrival could be
perceived, it was with the sect of Ali, as it was with the sect of the Christians-their whole system
fell into pieces ; and they were obliged to avail themselves of such resources as circumstances
offered . It appears from a part of the Dabistan, translated by Professor Lee, and given by him to
the Society of Literature, from whom I borrowed it, that the Mohamedans had a succession of
twelve Imams, and that there was supposed to be yet one remaining in the world, though his re-
sidence was unknown . Of their esoteric system nothing can be made out, except, merely, that
there is an esoteric religion ; but it seems to have some relation to the first doctrine of a divine
Idea, according to which the world was formed . Along with the degradation of the human mind
in most Eastern countries, the degradation of the doctrines has kept pace ; till, really, in all those
countries, unless China be excepted, their doctrines consist of nothing but the most inconceivable
nonsense . If it were not for the hope of discovering the origin and nature of the learning of the
early races of man, which keeps continually shewing itself in little detatched parts, all the Eastern
learning in the world would not be worth the half-hour's trouble of a wise man . But, as a means
to discover the learning of antiquity, it is worth every thing, and by its means I have no doubt
that the secrets of antiquity will one day be all clearly made out . I flatter myself I shall have
paved the way . 2 The Sheahs hold an inconceivable quantity of nonsense respecting their open and
concealed Imams ; but it is what one would expect to arise from the falling to pieces of the system
in such a state of society . It may be even doubtful whether any thing approaching to the beauti-
ful system of the ancient Gnosis or Sopheism now exists among them . As might be expected,
they accuse the Sonnees of having corrupted the Koran . The Sheahs or the followers of Ali, are
obliged to confess that the successor or lineal descendant of Mohamed is in existence ; but because
they have not possession of him, they say he is in secret : the Turks or Sonnites deny this, and not
unreasonably ; for, under the circumstances, it is not at all likely that he should have forgotten
his pedigree. They say that he is now living at Mecca . The present Royal family of Persia are
of the Kajar tribe of Turks . This is the Cwsar tribe . Kai Khusrau or Cyrus is described by
Mirkond 4 as a prophet, and is said to have disappeared suddenly from the earth-not to have died .

' Vol. II . p . 470.

e I think sufficient importance is not attached to the fact of the ignorance of the Indians . It is almost beyond cre-
dibility. They have nothing pretending to be a history, which goes back to two hundred years before the Christian
sera. Their Vedas do not pretend to be this kind of work . Their 18 Puranas (Moore, pp . 441, 442) are 1S Cosmo-
gonies ; but, by whom or when written, they do not pretend to know. They acknowledge that they do not know what
is the meaning of the word Vyasa . Their astronomical tables carry on their face marks of extreme antiquity, but their
authors are all unknown . The first historical sera is that of Vicramaditya, fifty-six years B . C ., preceded by a period of
three thousand years, in which the Hindoos pretend to no "continuous accounts, either religious, traditional or histo-
" rival ." This three thousand years is a chasm which cannot be filled up . (Hist. Sketch of Sans . Lit ., Oxford, 1832,
p. 68 .) This is perfectly true, and I suspect that all their pedigrees in the lines of the Sun and the Moon-Chanora
and Soma-are really sheer nonsense, designed to flatter the petty princes of the present day ; and, except for a very
few generations back, are not .worthy a moment's attention . The whole of their histories of Soma and Chandra are
modern inventions . Gengis Khan and his successors knew better than to credit them .
Translation by Shea, p . 192. 4 Ib . pp . 260, 263 .
3 52 Gengis Khan

Here is the mythos . This is the ascension . Mr. Briggs tells me, that " when Selim III . pos-
• sessed himself of the power of the Calif, he also got possession of his person, and took him
• with him to Constantinople, and ruled under his authority as long as he lived . But at his death
• the legal pontifical power descended to the heir of Mohamed, who is now at Mecca, and is in a
• private station there . That Mahmud Pasha now rules under his authority, and that he could
" cause the Grand Seignior to be excommunicated immediately by him if he chose it . That the
• act of excommunication by the Grand Seignior is a mere brutum fulmen, not having any influ-
ence on the minds of the Mohamedans, who look solely to the lineal descendant of Mohamed for
" the right of excommunication ." Now this is evidently only one side of the question . The
Turk must have another heir or he would not have pretended to excommunicate Mahmud Pasha .
The grounds of his claimm to the power of excommunication I think we shall discover presently. I
suspect that the present is a struggle between the Turks and the Saracens ; that, at the bottom,
the Turks claim to be descendants from Japhet, and the Egyptians from She* m.I Mr. Briggs
denies this, and says that Mahmud is an Osmanli . Mohamed, as we might expect, carried his
pedigree up to Noah . 2 Turk is the descendant of Japhet ; Mohamed of Shem . The first Pacha-
lic of the empire is that of Jeddo, as Mr . Briggs says, because the holy city is placed there ; but
why is it called Jeddo or Juda? What has Juda to do with the city of Ishmael? Why, but be-
cause it was the chief city of a tribe of Juda ?-which Eusebius lets us know existed before Abra-
ham, and which came from India before the tribe of Abraham, and some of whom he found at
Salem in Melchizedek . This was the tribe which gave the name of Jude to the Pole-star. When
the tribe got as far as it could, it built a city . After a time it passed over and peopled Abyssinia
and Upper Egypt . At this time the isthmus of Suez was a morass, or water, and the Delta had
not appeared in consequence of the subsidence of the Mediterranean . We must not forget, that
the. Brahmins or Hindoos all maintain that they are a foreign race in India, and . that they came
from Tartary. It is a fact, not hitherto explained, that the native Hindoo princes formerly soli-
cited (and even yet, if the British did not prevent it, would solicit) investiture in their dominions
by the hand of the Mogul, at Delhi, 3 though he is a Mohamedan, and they are followers of Cristna
or of the Brahmins . The reason is found in his being supposed to be a descendant of Gengis
Khan, who was believed to be an Avatar, a Vicrama-ditya, and, as such, entitled to universal
dominion-a right to which dominion is believed still to exist in his lineal descendant . 4 The fact
of the Hindoo princes soliciting investiture by the hand of the Mohamedan Mogul may be ac-
counted for by the theory which I advocate, that Mohamed also is considered by them to have been
an Avatar, as he was certainly considered by the Afghans . The preservation of the Lingas and of
the simple icons of Buddha, by the Mohamedans, when they destroyed all the idolatrous temples
of the Hindoos ; strongly tends to support my suspicion, that the Moslems objected to the corrup-
tion of the religion, not to the religion itself . Their conduct is exactly similar to that of Cambyses
in Egypt, who left the Lingas when he destroyed the idolatrous temples . The ancient pilgrimages
of Hindoos to Mecca confirm this theory. The Sopheism of India and Mohamed were, no doubt,
originally the same . It is evident that the Mogul, the King of Siam, the Emperor of China, all
claim to be the descendant of the eldest son of the first Patriarch, and from him to have a right
to the empire of the world. From this we may see, that their titles of king of kings, &c., &c., are

' See Assiat. Journ. for Feb . 1833, p . 74 . a Sale's Koran.

The city of seven gates, like the city of Thebes, governed 'by AI-Mage, the Mage or Mogul . Delhi, city of The-
God-II, D'-el-ii .
4 Vide Hamilton's Gazetteer, 2d ed., 8vo. pp . 494, 499 .
Book V . Chapter II . Section 3 353
not examples of mere empty, fulsome adulation, but that they have a basis . On this rests their
claim or title of Son of the Sun and Moon, which at first appears to us so monstrously ridiculous .
The Empire of Gengis Khan was called the wise government or the government of wisdom, and his
name was Zin . 1 Respecting this prince see, in the Ency . Brit. art . Mogul, pp . 299, &c ., the
pedigree from Japhet, the romantic account of his ancestors for 400 years, his inauguration by a
prophet, the change of his name from Teninjin, and the belief of his subjects that he was entitled
to possess the whole world . This inauguration of Gengis took place in the 13th century, when in
Europe the Millenium was expected, when all men were looking out for some one to come.
Gengis Khan marched into China in A . D. 1211 . 2
Ranking, in his history of Mexico, says, "Those who were most interested in the advancement
"of Genghis Khan, have had the insolence to make him pass for the son of God : but his mother,
• more modest, said only that he was the Son of the Sun . But not being bold enough to aver,
• that she was personally beloved by that glorious luminary, she pretended to derive this honour
• from Buzengir, his ninth predecessor : and his partisans reported, that Buzengir was the son of
" the Sun ." (This manifestly makes Gengis the tenth Avatar .) 3 " His mother having been

• left a widow, lived a retired life : but some time after the death of her husband, Douyan-Byan,
• she was suspected to be pregnant . The deceased husband's relations forced her to appear be-
" fore the chief judge of the tribe, for this crime . She boldly defended herself, by declaring that
• no man had known her : but that one day lying negligently on her bed, a light appeared in her
• dark room, the brightness of which blinded her, and that it penetrated three times into her body,
• and that if she brought not three sons into the world, she would submit to the most cruel tor-
" ments . The three sons were born, and the princess was esteemed,a saint ." The Moguls be-
lieve Gengis Khan to be the produce of this miracle, that God might punish mankind for the in-
justice they committed . 4 The same mythos was applied to Tamerlane, whose mother was said to
have had connexion with the God of day . 5 All this satisfactorily accounts for the wish of the
native princes of India to receive investiture at the hand of the Great Mogul . Sumatra or Saba-
dios is a repetition of the same mythos, where there is a Delhi, in Lat . 3° . 46'. N ., Long . 99° . 42' .
E . The prince is called Sultan and " Allum Shah, which, being translated, signifies the world's
• king." 6 Sultan is Sul-tania, place of Sul. Shah is Jah, and Allum is Al (Arab . THE) and Om,
or All, i. e . GOD Om . 7 The Moguls trace their pedigree, with each particular ancestor specified,
from Japhet . s I have little doubt that the Emperor who was descended or who claimed to be
descended from each of the three sons of Noab-Shem, Ham, and Japhet-would claim for his an-
cestor to be the eldest son of Noah, and of course to be like Noah-Emperor of the whole world .
This is confirmed by the doubtful state of the text of Genesis, which, though doubtful, evidently
inclines to Shem . I have little doubt that the Tzar of Muscovy maintains, that neither the Em-
peror of China, nor the Emperor of India, is the legal successor of Noah, but that he is the man .

Ranking's History of the Mongols, pp . 18, 65 .

' The Christian sera is the best of all periods to make the fixed one, or the pivot of ancient and modern times, be-
cause being . settled by the Chaldtean Sosigenes, it is a fixed epoch for all the ancient Eastern nations as well as for
those of the West . Ptolemy fixed the precession of the Equinox at 36 seconds a year, the same as it was once fixed by
the Indians.
3 I suspect that Buzen-gir is gir-zaba-the cycle of wisdom . When I recollect that Sab or Zab is wisdom and that
Zup or Suph is wisdom, and how Zab and the Zaboim or planets are connected with wisdomn, I cannot help suspecting
that Zup and Zab were originally the same word .
' Petis [Petit?] de la Croix, Book i . Ch . i . s Hist . Res . into Mexico, by Ranking, pp . 177, 178 . 6 Ib . p . 501 .
7 See Vol . I pp . 65-67, and 669 . ° Abul Ghazi Bahadur, Part i . Ch . i .-iii ., in Ranking, p . 385 .
VOL . 1I .
3.54 Akbar

In the story of the mother of Gengis and her three sons, we have a confused account of the incar-
nation of the triune God-the expected and promised one-one who was to rule over the earth .
I have come to a perfect conviction that this mythos has given rise to the pretensions of several of the
great conquerors of the world, if not of every one of them ; and I suspect that it secretly actuates
the present Emperors of both Austria and Russia . This mythos is the foundation on which the
divine right of kings, of which we have heard so much, is built . Richardson admits the feudal
tenure to have prevailed in Arabia, and that Mahmud of Ghazni consented to solicit and receive
investiture in his dominions from the Kalif Alkader . Richardson states the fact without under-
standing it .' Again, (in p . xv .,) Mr . Richardson gives a very striking description of the care of
the great men of the East to make out their genealogies ; at the same time, while he states the
fact, he is obliged to attribute it in a great measure to fashion, or a natural impulse, not having
the slightest idea of the real cause . Thus he states Tamerlane to have made out his pedigree to
Gengis Khan, who pretended to be descended from Turk, the son of Japhet ; and here we see in
the descendants of Turk the sovereigns of Constantinople, ruling the world from the city of seven
hills in Europe, as the Mogul, the descendant of Turk, affects to rule the world from the city of
seven hills-Delhi-in Asia . And yet it is very curious to read the account given by Richardson
of the suit and service done by Gengis himself, to a Tartar chieftain, called Thogrul or Prester
John, the Khan of Cara-cum or Cara-corum, who must have been, in actual power, as nothing,
compared with Gengis . But this can only be accounted for by supposing, that Thogrul claimed
the right as an elder branch from Japhet . It is also very curious to observe all the great princes
obeying the summons to assist Thogrul against his rebellious subjects ; and all those inferior to
Gengis, doing suit and service to Gengis . 2 In this example the whole feudal system of Germany,
with its emperor and tributary princes, is complete . This example of Gengis doing suit and ser-
vice to Thogrul, a person of whom we know nothing certain, except that he must have been very
much the inferior in power to him, is exactly imitated by the Pacha of Egypt, in claiming to hold
his dominion of an obscure individual, now resident at Mecca, and, under this authority, setting at
defiance, as I have stated above, the excommunication pronounced against him by the Grand .
Seignior .
4 . Every thing which I said respecting the tenaency of the doctrine of expected or foretold
Messiahs, or Avatars, or renewed Incarnations, in December 1832, after I had written what my
reader has seen, I found confirmed in a very curious account, given in the Bombay Transactions,'
by Col . Van Kennedy, . of an attempt of Akbar, in the latter part of the sixteenth century, to esta-
blish what the Colonel calls a new religion . If we make allowance for the unquestionable fact,
that, although the Colonel knew of the ten Avatars of India, yet that he was entirely ignorant of
the real origin or nature of the mythos which I have been describing, and how they applied to
modern times, and thus, for want of information, was deceived-we shall at once perceive, that
Akbar probably believed himself to be the last Avatar-that Avatar which all the present Hindoos
say is yet to come, . and in which assertion they are still supported by the followers of Brothers,
Southcote, &c ., in the West . It appears that Akbar was called the imperial wisdom, the accom-
plished apostle, and the perfect messenger of God, perfectly skilled from the divine essence in all
knowledge. Abul Fazl says, a When, through the good fortune of mankind, the season arrives for
" the revelation of the truth, a person is endowed with knowledge, 4 upon whom God bestows the
• robes of royalty, in order that he may lead men in the right way with absolute dominion : such
• is the Emperor of our time ." This shews that Abul Fazl either was, or pretended to be, a

Pp . u., in . 2 Richardson, p. xxxiv. I Vol . II . pp . 242, &c . - In other words Wisdom .

Book V . Chapter II . Section 4 355
believer in him . After the above, Col . Van Kennedy goes on to observe, that Akbar was believed
to have some peculiar and immediate communication with the Supreme Being ; i but the mode in
which this was effected was considered a mystery, only confided to the higher orders of the initiated .
Here we have the gradations of the Sophees . He assumed the title of Khalifah Ullah, or Vice-
gerent of God, and his religion was called Ilahi, 2 or Godly . And in the place of the usual symbol
of Islamism, the following was adopted : ° t There is no God but God, and Akbar is the Khalif of
cc God." The Colonel gives a quotation from an Indian Musselman author, who, he says, allows
in bitterness of spirit, that in five or six years not a trace of Islamism remained . The passage is
very striking ; and although the Colonel observes that the above author must limit his description
of the propagation of the religion only to the court and the departments immediately connected
with it, yet I think enough transpires to chew, that it extended over almost all his empire, and
how or when it entirely ended, if it be ended, I think it will now be difficult to shew . It is a re-
markable circumstance, that Akbar wished to abolish the slaying of animals, 3 and he made a pil-
grimage to the tomb of Hadji, at Ajmir, barefoot . This does not look like policy, but fanaticism,
-a return to the Buddhist system . But he was tolerant in the highest degree, permitting all
sects to follow their own laws and customs, and on no account suffering them to be interfered with
in religion, in any manner whatever . I should say he was very like Mohamed ; but, like that
great man, not entirely free from a mixture of fanaticism with his philosophy . We must, how-
ever, always bear in mind, that we really know nothing of what was taught to the initiated in the
mysteries ; but the Colonel says, that, after his death, when Jehangir re-established Mohamed-
ism, 4 it is probable, that Akbar's followers concealed themselves among the Sophees, to whose tenets
this religion had a close resemblance . I cannot help suspecting that the Sophee doctrines had more
to do with this than Col . Van Kennedy had any idea of. We must not forget that it had its mys-
teries and its initiati . In the mode in which it extended itself, and, indeed, in every other respect,
it was strikingly similar to the Evangelium Eternum and the St. Francis of the Romish Church .
The thing lasted its little day, but various circumstances combined to prevent its continuance, as
various circumstances, in a similar manner, had formerly aided the continuance of the Avatars of
Cristna, Christ, and Mohamed . The first two of these were only required by the system of the
mythos to be great men, bringing peace and happiness, each in his peculiar cycle,-and after the
death, resurrection, and ascension of each, another was expected to come to complete the system .
We may easily suppose in the case of Cristna, and we know in the case of Christ, that the mythos
did not rise to its highest prosperity till an age of ignorance arrived . Though Christ may be said
to have arisen in a time of high civilization, and in an improved state of the human mind, yet his
doctrines did not make any great progress in the world till the human mind was in a rapid state of
deterioration-till after the Council of Nice . No doubt the sect had some able followers, as the
sects of Brothers and Southcote have had-such persons as Nathaniel Brassey, Halhed, Mrs . and
the Honourable and Rev . Mr . Foley, and some highly respected personal friends of my own,
whose names, out of regard to their relations now living, I do not choose to give . But there is
this difference between the two : the circumstance of a rapid decline in the state of the human
mind aided in converting Christ into a God ; the present rapid improvement in the state of the
human mind most powerfully operates against the mythos . The establishment of a priesthood by
Constantine, so constituted as to be in a pecuniary manner greatly interested in its success, and who,
as might be expected, left no stone unturned, and never stopped at any fraud to serve its purpose,
favoured the mythos . The case might have been different had the Millenium been fixed at the end of

I Bomb . I'rans. Vol . II . pp . 258, 259. e I do not doubt the in , ieu . 3 Bomb. Trans . p . 257 . lb . p. 267
356 Akbar
ten thousand instead of the six thousand years . All these religions are the children of accident and
circumstance . They all had their origin in the peculiar circumstance that the cycle of the Neros
should form the cycle of the six thousand years, and the two again the cycle of 21,600, and 432,000
In the time of Christ, all persons were on the look-out for some one to come ; such also was the
state of the world in the time of Mohamed, and again, in the time of the Crusades . In the last
case, however, the Millenium being expected to follow immediately on the appearance of the
_promised one, and this not arriving, the general expectation was disappointed, and the bubble
burst . Brothers and Southcote had not these auxiliary circumstances in their favour, and so they
died, and their pretensions were strangled almost in their birth . I cannot help thinking that
Charlemagne claimed to be universal Monarch, as successor of Augustus .' It is admitted that he
was controlled by his Barons, in temporal affairs, but that, in spiritual, his authority was para-
mount. 2 He exercised the power of excommunication, as appears from his chartularies . 3 Nimrod
has observed the peculiarity of character which attached itself to Charlemagne, without under-
standing in the slightest degree the truth or the nature of it : he says, "Charlemagne's reign, like
11 that of Alexander and Arthur, was a favourite legend of secret anti-christianism, and a symbo-
• lical vehicle for its mysterious meanings . His paladins were the round table, and Roncesvalles
• the battle of Salusbury Plain over again ." 4 My reader must have observed a difficulty in my
explanation of the universal system, arising from the probability that the Gods Buddha and
Cristna both describe the Sun ; in fact, I think I may say not the probability only, but the cer-
tainty that they are meant to be either actually the Sun or that Higher Principle of which the Sun
is the Shekinah, and the emblem . At the same time, we have almost as good proofs that these
Gods were once actually men, exercising the functions of royalty and governing large nations .
Still they were supposed to be men in whom a portion of the God was incarnated . I think, from
a consideration of the history of Akbar, we may find how this arose . The mythos taught that
some one was to come-then the devotees naturally looked out for some one by the adoption of
whom they might gratify that gloomy passion which we see in all religious people-that state of
fear of damnation which often makes life intolerable-that state which makes the Goddess Cali a
favourite in India, and the predestined state of damnation of Calvin a favourite dogma in Europe .
If, at the beginning of a cycle, some great conqueror or chieftain did not appear, whom weakness
and the flattery of followers could not persuade, like Akbar, that he was an Avatar, the devotees
in the cycle following were sure to apply it to some one, or to create some one, on whom it might
be fathered : thus Avatarism was in any ; case sure to be supported, and where great men did not
offer themselves, like Caesar or Alexander, little men, like Brothers, or the living God, described
in Vol . III . p . 64 of the Bombay Transactions, were continually arising in all ages . This is the
reason why the Hindoos say, there have been thousands of Avatars . We hear much in the Indian
histories of a second and a third Buddha . I have very little doubt that this is all to be accounted
for from princes of the countries professing the Buddhist religion having pursued the same plan as
Gengis Khan, Akbar, and several others, and called themselves Avatars . Thus we have in Siam a
tenth Avatar . The original principle of the mythos being lost, this did very well with an ignorant
and degraded race . We need not be surprised at this in Siam, when we find it answered so well
with Akbar. But from this have arisen all the stories respecting the second, the third, the eighth,
or the tenth Buddha . I feel little doubt that, as we have believers in the tenth Buddha, so there
are yet believers in the divinity of Akbar, as the tenth incarnation . Among the Guebres of Persia

' Hallam, Hist . Middle Ages, Vol . I . p 11 . 2 Ib . Vol . II . P . 1 g .

Ib . p . 32 . 4 Vol . IV . pp . 95, 96.
Book V. Chapter II. Section 4 357

the same mythos is found .' This of course is accounted for by the Guebres having formerly been
Christians, and having relapsed into Paganism . But those who have examined into their mysteries,
say that, in fact, throughout the whole of their system marks of Christianity may be seen, though,
as those Christian examiners say, grievously defaced ; the annunciation, the magi, the massacre
of the infants, the miracles of Christ, his persecutions, ascension, &c ., &c., are all there . These
Guebres are equally at enmity with Jews and Christians . After finding the mythos in China,
Tartary, North and South India, and in Western Syria, it would have been surprising if it had not
been in Persia . Of course, this will be attributed to the heresy of Nestorius, which the learned
Nimrod has, I believe, very correctly declared to be Buddhism . 2 De Vallement 3 says of Nesto-
rius, u L an 440, Nestorius parut stir les rangs et se mit a soitteuir que Jesus-Christ, ne de la
" sainte Vierge, n'etoit point Dieu, mais un pur homme, qui avoit merite d'etre joint a la Divinite,
" non par une union hypostatique ; mais par une singuliere et excellente habitation de la Divinite
" en lui ." When I consider the late period at which this German made his appearance, I am

compelled to believe, that what was called Nestorianism, was nothing but the same kind of Chris-
tianity which we have found on the coast of Malabar . It was, in fact, xp -~ S-ism . In Horace 4
we find Augustus described to be the son of Maia . Here the mythos shews itself evidently . Thus
in detached scraps, in loose expressions, it is discovered . It is difficult to believe that at the time
when they were used, there was not much more before the public than we now find . Either this
must have been the case, or the system must have continued a secret . In the former case, the
evidence of it must have been destroyed by the Christian priests, when the old manuscripts were
re-written by them ; and this might easily be done-for we have not a single manuscript which
has not passed through their hands . From the beginning of the modern system of Xpjg-ism at
Antioch, to the Council of Trent, the practice of destroying books has never ceased . The system
may be said to have been established, on the burning of the books by the Council of Nice, testified
by the picture of it in the church of St . Giovanni Laterano, placed there both to commemorate the
glorious event, and to incite the faithful to similar meritorious acts . I am quite certain, that we
do not give credit enough to the effects which may, nay must, have arisen from the unceasing and
systematic exertions of an immensely powerful, corporate body, acting together for a thousand
years to produce them,-a body, however discordant in other respects, yet, on the point of secret-
ing evidence, united by both temporal interest and religious prejudice,-a prejudice even going so
far as to induce the persons under its influence to believe that their eternal welfare would be com-
promised if they did not yield to it . I cannot help being apprehensive that, on this subject, I
shall probably fail in exciting in the mind of my reader the same strong impression of its import-
ance which I feel myself. In order to do justice to it, much more, and much more deep considera-
tion of the history of the earlier part of the Christian sera is necessary than most persons will be
prevailed on to give to it .
We have in the history of Akbar a perfect example of an Avatar, and I suspect that he an-
nounced himself as a tenth Avatar, putting back Mohamed as the ninth . On the doubt which I
formerly mentioned to have arisen in the time of Virgil, respecting the eighth and ninth Avatar,
we find room enough left for Akbar to have raised his pretensions . In Akbar we have the whole
thing undisguised ; it was not attempted to be secreted . I cannot help suspecting that, in one or
both of the Caesars, the system has formerly been equally displayed ; but that the evidence of it
has been destroyed. 1 contend that this suspicion, indeed, I may almost say belief, is justified on

Art. Guebres and Gabres, Ency . Brit . ' Vide Vol . I . of this work, pp . 808, 809 .
' Du Secret des Mysteres, p . 275. 4
Lib . I . Ode IL 1 .43 .
358 Napoleon

the truest principles of criticism and the laws of evidence, as applied to a calculation of the doc-
trine of probabilities .
A very beautiful picture of the Apotheosis of Akbar is in the possession of my friend, the learned
[Sir] Greaves Haughton, Secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society . He asks a thousand guineas for
it . I
5 . To what I have said in Vol . I . p . 688, respecting Napoleon, I think it expedient to add a
well-known anecdote of him . When his uncle, Cardinal Fesch, once expostulated with him, and
expressed his belief that he must one day sink beneath that universal hatred with which his
actions were surrounding his throne, he led his uncle to the window, and, pointing upwards, said,
"Do you see yonder star?" " No, Sire," was the_ reply . " But I see it," answered Napoleon,
and abruptly dismissed him .' What are we to make of this ? Here we have the star of Jacob,
of Abraham, of Caesar . Here we have a star, probably from the East . The whole of Napoleon's
actions in the latter part of his life bespeak mental alienation . I believe that he continued to re-
tain expectations and hopes of restoration to the empire of the world, till the day of his death .
Many circumstances unite to persuade me that he was latterly the victim of monomania . 1 can-
not help suspecting that Napoleon was tainted with a belief that he was the promised one. It is
not improbable that he should have indulged a secret monomania ; nor is it more improbable that
it should happen to him than to Brothers, Wesley, Swedenborg, Southcote, and many others .
A great mind is as liable to the complaint as a little one . Sir Isaac Newton, most assuredly,
laboured under the complaint in his latter days . Look at his Treatises on the Apocalypse .
Except with the view of paving the way for some ulterior measures, it will be difficult to find a
reason for the famous Sanhedrim which Napoleon caused to be held at Paris . With a view to this
object, of which he never lost sight, in a former day he attempted the conquest of Syria . With a
view to this he made the famous declaration to the Egyptians, for which he was so much abused
by our priests, that he was a Mohamedan . I have no doubt he flattered himself that he would
unite all the sects-bring all the stray sheep into his fold . He wished to play the same game as
Akbar, probably without knowing that Akbar had played it before him . Victor Cousin says,
• You will remark, that all great men have, in a greater or less degree, been fatalists : the error is
" in the form, not at the foundation of the thought . They feel that, in fact, they do not exist on
" their own account : they possess the consciousness of an immense power, and being unable to
• ascribe the honour of it to themselves, they refer it to a higher power which uses them as its
• instruments, in accordance with its own ends ."' With the exception of the words in Italics,
which I do not understand, I quite agree with M . Cousin . But how completely it bears me out in
the assertion I have made, that the belief in each person that he was the great one that was for to
come has led either to his success or to his destruction ! It led Julian into the desert-Napoleon
to Moscow . The more I consider the conduct of Napoleon, the more I am convinced that he
laboured under monomania . Every action of his life bespeaks it . I learn from those who lived
with him on the most intimate terms, at St . Helena, that . he was what they call a decided fatalist .
But this is by no means sufficient to account for the whole of his conduct, particularly in the latter
part of his life, when he persisted in carrying on the hitherto unaccountable farce of being treated

' Akbar was poisoned, by mistake . His burial-place is at Scander, five miles from Agra . "Akbar the Second,
" present heir and representative of the imperial house of Timur, enjoys only the empty title of ` King (Padshah) of
" Delhi,' without either royal prerogative or power ." Extracted from Rammohun Roy's Work on the Judicial and
Revenue Systems of India, Introduction, p . x ., 8vo ., London, 1832.
s J . 1'.
Barker, of Deptford, to Ed . of Morn . Chron ., Oct . 12, 1832 .
' For . Quar. Review, No . XXIII . July 1833, p . 202 .
Book V. Chapter II . Section 5 359

as an Emperor . It appears to me that, without some secret reason, his conduct was-so absurd
and childish that he must have laughed at himself . How he could carry the farce on without
laughing I cannot comprehend, particularly after he had signed his abdication of the throne of
France. Every action of his life is unaccountable, (although generally grand,) on the common
known rules which actuate mankind ; but allow the monomania for which I contend, and every
action-his rise-his fall-are easily accounted for. I repeat, there is nothing to prevent a great
mind from being subject to this malady any more than a little one . Only look back carefully into
history and hundreds will be found to have laboured under this complaint . Endes, of Bretagne,
for one . In Napoleon's case circumstances happened to be favourable, in other cases they were
unfavourable. It is impossible to conceive any thing in our estimation more absurd than the con-
duct of the monarchs of Asia towards Europeans . In fact their conduct makes them, in our eyes,
no better than idiots . All this arises from their principles of action, and from the motives of their
conduct, not being understood by us . It arises from our ignorance, not from theirs. They are, or
they suppose themselves to be, descended from the first three monarchs-the sons of Noah ; and,
on this account, as each entitled either to the sovereignty of his part, or, as eldest, to the Lord-
paramountship of the whole world . On this account, every sovereign who does not claim as the
descendant of one of the three, is, on his own shewing, a rebel, if, by his ambassador, as in case of
our embassies to China, for instance, he refuses to do suit and service to his superior . The Em-
peror of China would say, either as descendant of Japhet, the eldest son, (or as having received
the cheirotonia or samach or the pallircm from the eldest son, and thus as his vicegerent or vicra-
maditya,) u
1 am entitled to suit and service from you ." When our ambassador was required to
go down on his knees, his answer ought to have been, Q0 My master is not a rebel ; he denies that
• the person who granted investiture to Gengis, your ancestor, had any power,-was, in fact, the
" direct descendant of Japhet . He denies, also, that Japhet was the eldest son ." To this the
answer would have been, "Even if Japhet was not the eldest, he was the one of the three who
• had power over your country-Europe ; and you cannot deny what all Asia knows, that the
" Khan of Cara-corum is the lineal descendant of Japhet, as the Sheriffe of Mecca is of Shem ."
All these claims, we may say, are now obsolete and contemptible ; but this can scarcely be ad-
vanced by any impartial Christian person, who admits that the doctrine is believed and has a
powerful moral influence over hundreds of millions of human beings-and, after all, is founded
upon his own religion . For, if I shew a believer in the literal meaning of the Old Testament, that
any specific persons now living are the lineal descendants of the three sons of Noah, it will be dif-
ficult for him to deny the divine right of those persons, each to the sovereignty of his share of the
world . We may easily despise the claim, and turn the whole book and all or any of its separate
parts into ridicule ; but the Asiatics who admit the truth of the book, act much more consistently
in admitting the claims of the Khan of Cara-corum and the Sheriffe of Mecca, and in receiving in-
vestiture in their dominions from them . Very certain I am, that the monarchs of Asia have a
rational, not a silly or foolish claim to divine right (whether it be founded in truth or falsehood) to
which our European monarchs have not the slightest shadow of pretence-for which reason it is
silly or foolish in them . If any kind of divine right is pleaded by European monarchs, they ought
to send ambassadors to China, or somewhere else, to do suit and service to their Superior Lord .
I believe Japhet, if he could appear, would say,. "You, the descendants of Shem and Ham, owe me
" suit and service
; but you are, in regard to each other, equals . You were each enfeoffed in your
" domain by our common ancestor ." I wish in a very particular manner to draw attention to the
fact noticed by Mr . Von Hammer, that when the great meeting of Jurists took place in Bagdad, to
discuss the claims of the different parties to the Califat, in the year 1011, its proceedings were
secret . For what reason could this meeting, in the capital of one of the parties, be secret ? Had
360 Supreme Pontiff
Mr . Von Hammer asked himself this question, it would probably have led him to much curious
information . Why does the Tzar, the successor of the Tzarina who put Cyrus to death in ancient
times, and who was the Queen of Cara-corum, call himself Tzar? Why is lie treading on the
Serpent? I Why does he affect the name of Constantine ? Why does he maintain, that the Pope
is a schismatic, and that he, or his patriarch, is the head of the Christian church ? Why! but be-
cause both Constantinople and Rome are in the domain of Japhet . The circumstance that the
persons claiming to be the personal representatives both of . Japhet and Shem, are persons in hum-
ble life (comparatively speaking) who are known to be, or are acknowledged to be, such representa-
tives by great monarchs, as well as by their neighbours and countrymen, strongly supports the
probability of their claims being founded in truth . 2 I have little doubt that Mohamed believed
himself to be, and was generally believed to be, the descendant of Abraham-that is, of Shem-
after the failure in the line of Jesus, for want of heirs . It is from this mythos or true history,
which ever it may be, that our veneration for the persons of our kings is derived . Superstition is
hereditary : it has lasted in this case, as in many others, long after its cause has ceased to exist .
This superstition is not natural to the human race, but entirely artificial . But it is at last dying
away, and if once dead, it can never be restored . I suspect that few of my readers will be able to
overcome their prejudices so far as to see the whole force and importance, of this argument .
6. The Mohamedans of the East constantly call Constantinople Room, a and, as we might ex-
pect, its monarch, emperor of the world. To the pretensions of the different kings or emperors to
this power, we are in the habit of paving no attention, treating them as mere ebullitions of empty
vanity : but I believe this is the result of our own vanity. We are too apt to suppose that we
know every thing, and this makes us too proud to look beneath the superficies of things to which
we are not accustomed . I believe every monarch who assumes the title of Emperor, assumes to
be the successor of one of the three patriarchal descendants of Noah ; and then, I doubt not, base
adulation steps in to persuade each individual that his line is the eldest, and that, of course, he is,
by right, supreme over all . And I suspect that wherever a man has got the title of Great, it has
been given him, by the advocates of this doctrine, as a distinctive badge . They are always em-
perors,-not merely kings . For this reason Napoleon was Emperor, not merely a King . It is a
remarkable circumstance, that the horse on which Peter the Great is riding, on the famous monu-
ment at Petersburg, treads on the serpent . If the coincidence of this with my theory is the effect
of accident, it is a very remarkable accident . It satisfies me that he was held, by the makers of
the statue, to be an avatar, crushing the evil principle . The mythological nature of early history
has been noticed by Cuvier . He says, " It would avail us nothing, if we now entered into an exa-
mination of the different traditions of Sardanapalus, in which a celebrated, learned man has
~~ imagined that he has discerned proof of three princes of that name, all victims of similar misfor-
" tunes : 4 and in the same way another learned man finds in the Indies at least three Vicrama-
1 1 dityas, equally the heroes of precisely similar adventures ."-Again, "In a word, the more I

• reflect on the subject, the more I am persuaded that there was no more an ancient history of
• Babylon or Ecbatana, than of Egypt or the Indies ; and instead of explaining mythology histo-
c° rically, as Evhemere or Bannier, it is my opinion that a great portion of history should be con-
• sidered as mythology ." 5 This is precisely my doctrine . In Volume I . p . 42, 1 have stated that
the third book of Genesis might be called, the book of the generations or regenerations of Adam .
I might have added, or the book of the generations of Menu .or Noah, or m nfi or wind, incarnated

See infra, Sect . 6. 2 See Vol . I . p . 832, and supra, 354 . 3 Vide Bombay Trans . Vol . II . p . 9 .
4 See Mem . of Freret, in Mem . Ac . Belles Lett . Vol . V . $ Cuvier ap . Jameson, pp . 130, 131 .
Book V. Chapter II . Section 6 361
in man . I apprehend Noah was held to be the first divine incarnation, at or after the flood, or in
the new world . He was the first Archierarch, the owner of the whole world, and from him de-
scended three others, who were, after him, Archierarchs, and for this reason it is that this book
of Genesis gives a pedigree of his three sons, in a direct male line from him . But, because our
sacred book is the sacred book of the tribe or line of the Archierarch Shem only, we have his pedi-
gree continued forward, beyond only a very few generations . The account of the wickedness of
Cain, by which he forfeited his birthright, and of the death of Abel without issue, is given to pre-
vent any claim to the Pontifical power from any persons who might have escaped the flood, exclu-
sive of those in the ark . The reader may recollect the assertion I formerly made, in Vol . I . p .
294, that " the text does not say, that the surface of the whole globe was covered," and the Rev .
Edward King has proved in his treatise, that the Hebrew text does not justify our translation, that
all the inhabitants were drowned . The observation of Cuvier, that diluvial remains are not to be
found above a certain height on the mountains, shews that if the book do assert (which it does
not) that all the mountains were covered, and, in consequence, all mankind drowned, it asserts
what is not true . It is probable that a great number of persons, all over the world, escaped, who,
I doubt not, are the people we have been accustomed to call aborigines. I
There is great difficulty in settling the proper places, according to their seniority, of the three
sons of Noah, as all divines have allowed . I think it probable that Japhet was the youngest, and
Ham the eldest, and that the story of his uncovering his father was only contrived to justify the
claims of Shem to the high-priesthood and archierarchical sway over the others . The whole his-
tory looks as if there had really been such persons as those named,-that the account of them was
substantially true, but that it had been accommodated to the system and circumstances of the
Jewish priests and government, claiming supremacy front their ancestor, flattering themselves
that, however obscure they might then be, a great saviour would come, to place them in the com-
mand of the restored Pandaean kingdom . This has, to a very considerable degree, succeeded in
placing the Pope at the head of Christianity or modern Judaism, as it is in reality, though it is
lost to the children of Shem . I think if there had not been something in it, we should have had
a straight-forward declaration that Shem was the eldest, and that his descendants, the Jews,
claimed to rule in that right . The pedigrees which we have of Jesus Christ are intended to shew
his right, and his obscure situation is not unlike that of the present Calif, now resident in an hum-
ble situation, at Mecca, giving power to Mahmud of Egypt, and the case of the prince of Cara-
corum, which I described some time ago, in giving power to Gengis Khan . The reason why we
call it or him Menu is, because each people having this mythos would maintain, that its ancestor
was the incarnation of the divine mind, or the Man-nu, and that the other two were only men, or
at least inferior incarnations under their Man-nu, and that he was entitled to universal empire . In
like manner as we found the mythos of Noah, the ship, &c ., in North India, so we find in the
cases of the Grand Seignior, the Mogul, &c., the people tracing their pedigrees to a Noah . I doubt
not, had we all their sacred books, we should find an accommodation of this mythos to their own
peculiar circumstances, at every one of the temples of Solomon, by a little suitable change of the
first part of Genesis, unless it be that the Jews have made the accommodation . And 1 think it
very likely that this assumption (when the origin of the whole, as time advanced and nations were
more and more separated, became doubtful) was the cause of the ruin of the Pontifical govern-
ment. And here we have the reason why we not only find traces of what appear to us the doc-
trines of the little Jewish tribe of Western Syria, in all parts of the world, but what appear to us

I In the page above referred to, I suggested the probability that the Indians and Chinese escaped .
362 Races of Man . Black Gods
to be settlements of the same people, but without the books of Moses . They probaoly had their
books, where their mythos was recorded, accommodated to their peculiar circumstances, but these
have been long since destroyed by the Cambyseses, &c ., and it is probably owing to the preserva-
tion of the books of Moses and his followers, that we have the Jewish tribe not dissipated like the
others. In the fourteen Solumi we have probably an example of fourteen tribes, like that of Abra-
ham or Moses coming from India, and each setting up for itself the Mosaic mythos in many
places, and particularly in Egypt . All this is confirmed by the exposition which I have given . In
the history of Abraham we have the history of the tribe leaving India, and arriving, after various
removals, in Egypt, arid of its settling there . In the history of Moses we have an account of its
exod from Egypt, and of its endowment with the mythos detailed above, or of the leaders of the
tribe settling up a claim, like many others, to the supreme priesthood . In Moses we have an exam-
ple of one of the chief priests setting up for himself, when the supreme Pontiff and his Pontificate had,
in fact, become obsolete . On contemplating the nature of such a pontifical government as I have
described, it appears to me that, before the art of writing was publicly known, the priests, aided by
the influence of education and by the general veneration for their characters, would have little dif-
ficulty for a very long time in preserving their power, and in preserving order : they would be the
lawgivers, and the people would have nothing to do with the laws but to obey them . In reality,
in one sense, the people would be slaves, the priests masters ; but, as the services rendered by
the slaves were fixed to a tenth of the produce of the soil, and nearly the whole population were
cultivators, their rule must, upon the whole, have been very mild, and favourable to the increase
of the people . But still there appears every where a class of Helots who were almost always
treated with cruelty by the superior dominant classes . They were the aborigines, and slaves
under slaves, and adscripti glebae . It is evident that the feudatories or payers of the tenths, the
ryots, would constantly improve in moral character, with improved agriculture ; but the Helots
would be very liable to retrograde in moral character . I have said, that the feudatories or cul-
tivators were slaves ; this must be considered only a figurative expression, as their service was
fixed, and, if they rendered it, the priest would have no further demand upon them . They were
correctly the ryots of India . The Zemindars were originally merely the collectors for the Pontiff,
to whom the tithe was due, and who, at first, (before any of his caste got possession of lands as
allodial property, or perhaps, in some cases, on the same tenure as the ryots,) divided it among
them, as was done in Britain in the earliest time . When tradesmen arose in towns, the occupiers
of houses must have held them of the lord of the soil . Thus burghs or municipia arose around
what in most cases became a castle, with its great or little seigniory, according to circumstances .
It is evident that the system, in different countries, would receive numbers of variations according
to the circumstances of localities and other matters easily understood, all tending to cause varia-
tions,-but if the system did originally exist, the truth is likely to be discovered only by keeping
the original in our view in our researches, always making proper allowances for the varieties
alluded to above .
7 . However various the races of man may have been, it is totally impossible to deny that marks
the most unequivocal of an universal language, and of an universal polity, of some kind, are every
where apparent . The Judaean mythos, in which the histories of Adam, Noah, Moses, &c ., are
mixed with that of Cristna, &c ., or of which I had better say, the histories of Moses, &c., and of
Cristna, &c ., are parts, is to be found, in China, Mexico, Peru, Ireland, and Scotland-to be found
every where . The multiplicity of the Divi or Gods of the Indians and Greeks, who arose in
later times, are no more an objection to this, than the multitude of the Angels, Daemons, and
Saints, of the Christians of the West. If the doctrine of chances laid down by Dr . Young be
strictly applied to all nations, there will not one be found where there will not exist a number of
Book V. Chapter II . Section 7 363

Hebrew or oriental words much more than sufficient upon his theory to establish so high a proba-
bility of an universal language as to amount almost to mathematical certainty. Whether this was
the symbolic or the first syllabic language, or both in succession, I will not pretend to say . Sup-
posing aborigines of the white races of man to have been left scattered over the West and North-
West, and in China, we can in no other way account for the Judaean mythos of black people being
found in them, than by supposing it carried by persons whose colour has become changed by
mixture with the white inhabitants . There is no reason to believe that the Judeean mythos was
propagated as we now propagate the Gospel in distant countries . As far back as history extends,
the Brahmins and Jews had an utter aversion to proselyting . In compliance with, or rather in
submission to, the superior judgment of Mr . Laurence and other physiologists, on a subject on
which I could not be expected to form an opinion upon anatomical grounds, namely, on the ques-
tion whether there were originally only one or more than one species of man, in my observations
respecting the black Gods, I treated them as one genus and one species ; I now think it expedient
to make a few additional observations to shew how my theory may be affected, supposing there
was only one geniis, (which is a fact which cannot possibly be disputed,) but several species.' If
the latter should be the state of the case, as maintained by Mr . Ruish of Petersburg, who professes
to exhibit the Rete-mucosum by which the blackness is produced in the negro, then I should sup-
pose that there have been various races of red or white as well as the black one ; but, that the ori-
ginals of all the Gods have been of the black race, of the class of followers of Cristna, after the
black race had become improved into, the shape in which we find him-that, by the handsome
black males constantly uniting with the moat handsome black females, their progeny increased in
beauty till it arrived at the degree of perfection which we find in Cristna ; that the pontifical go-
vernment did originally consist of this race ; and that, in the East, the entire population consisting
of this race, it continues black-still retains the rete-mucosum-though for the reasons before
given by me, it is improved in shape : but that, in the West, to which it sent out numerous tribes,
it mixed with the white races, the remains of inhabitants before the flood, called aborigines, the
rich and powerful gradually marrying with the handsomest of . the white races, till the whole race
of the worshipers of the black God became white. We have daily experience of the black races,
by this process, becoming white ; but we have no example of the white race going back to the
black . I pretend not to shew the cause of this latter circumstance, which is a fact-but the mere
fact itself. This seems to skew that the aborigines were more numerous than the black colonies
from the East ; but this is, perhaps, no more than might be expected . For these reasons I think
it must be allowed that, if the hypothesis that there was only one species be unfounded, yet the
great argument and chain of reasoning which run through my work will not necessarily be in any
respect overthrown . Nor do I perceive any difficulty in reconciling the apparent contradiction in
it, if we only suppose what may have readily happened, that the high science attained by the
black Chaldeeans was not discovered till the race bad improved in form and faculty to the state in
which we find the God Cristna . But even allowing the truth of the discovery of Mr . Ruish of the
Rete-mucosum, and all that the Abbd Basin has said, 2 I see no reason whatever why the Negro
of the corn-growing valleys of the Upper Ganges should not, from the causes assigned by Mr .
Crawford, as detailed by me, in Vol . 1 . pp . 285, &c ., have improved in faculty so as to have become
highly civilised, and master of much, indeed of high, scientific information, before his form became
moulded into that of Cristna . It, is, in fact, strictly within the conditions of my argument, that

See Vol . pp . pp . 51, 134, 138, 242, 253, 398, 418, 751 .
' Philosophy of History, translated by Wood Gandell, pp . 6-10 .
364 Trinitarian Doctrine of Genesis . Jewish Polity . Priesthood
the syllabic writing should have been discovered, and indeed all the high discoveries made, before
the last flood, by the followers of Cristna-for our calculation goes to establish the fact, that the
last flood did not take place till long after the sun entered Aries, at the vernal equinox . And we
must recollect that my argument requires, that, long before the sun entered Aries, the race should
have advanced, by degrees, in improvement, to be very nearly as improved in knowledge as at the
moment of the sun's entrance into it . If we suppose man to have arrived at a high point of men-
tal culture five or six hundred years before the entrance of the sun into Aries, the calculation will
shew, that this will give him time to have had a knowledge, from astronomy, of the approach of
the comet in twenty-nine centuries . In consequence of the prejudice (for it is really prejudice)
against the Negro, or I ought rather to say, against the possibility of a Negro, being learned
and scientific, arising from an acquaintance with the present Negro character, I admit with
great thjiculty the theory of all the early astronomical knowledge of the Chaldees having been
acquired or invented by his race, and that the Chaldees were originally Negroes . But this prejudice
wears away when I go to the precursors of the Brahmins, the Buddhists, and when I reflect upon
the skill in the fine arts which they must have possessed when they executed the beautiful and most
ancient sculptures in the Museum of the India-house, and the knowledge of astronomy shewn in
their cycles of stones, &c ., &c . That the Buddhists were Negroes, the icons of the God clearly
prove .
8. The reason for the difference between the loudi of the West and of the East, is to be found
in the circumstance, that the Afghan Brahmin who came with his tribe from the East, to Syria of
the West, was an iconoclast : he was opposed to the use of images, just beginning to prevail (and
now so much prevailing) when he left India . . He was of the religion or sect of Persia, and of
Melchisedek ; and it is very evident that almost all the peculiarities found in the laws and manners
of the Jews, are what arose from the anxiety of their lawgiver, Moses, to preserve this hatred of
images-an anxiety of a sect well depicted in the history and book of Esther, and also in the con-
duct of Cyrus, Darius, Cambyses, &c ., in destroying the images in Egypt, but leaving the lingas-
and in restoring the Jews and their temple . And I think that is very likely to be true which is
told by the Jews, namely, that they were not permitted to read Genesis for fear that it should,
(i . e. that the Trinitarian doctrine found there should, for there is no other the least likely to do it,)
draw them into idolatry, as it is pretty clear that it bad done their ancestors in the East . I think,
to the Trinitarian doctrine of several Persons or Gods, as it must always have -appeared to the
generality of mankind, and to the renewed avatars or divine incarnations, the numerous Gods,
both of Greece and India, may be easily traced ; and the influence of the doctrine among the illi-
terate part of mankind justifies the fears of the Jews, and may furnish a plausible reason for the
care with which they concealed their cabala. No one can deny that the, at first perhaps inno-
cent, adoration of images and emblems, has ended in the degradation of all nations . In every part
of the history of the Jewish polity the struggle between the priest and the king is apparent ; and,.
that the books are those of the priesthood is equally apparent : but yet the controul of the king
in their manufacture may be observed . For instance, though David was a man after God's own
heart, yet the priests contrive to say that both Saul and he were given to the Jews as a punish-
ment . The object of the Jewish history was merely to preserve the pedigree, to shew the exer-
cised right of the ruling power to their little, throne at the time it was written, and the dormant
right of the priesthood with whom it was in abeyance, until it was finally lost in the time when
they became merged as a province in the neighbouring states . Had it not been for the fortuitous
circumstance of Jesus Christ being of the little party of the two tribes, we should now have known
as little about them as we know about the former great party of the Samaritans-the ten tribes.
The books which the Jews choose to call canonical bring the history no lower than about the year
Book V . Chapter II. Section 8 365
400 B. C . Here ends what may be properly called their mythical history, and their real history
begins in what is called the Apocrypha, the historical books of which I doubt not contain a real
history, though perhaps full of exaggeration . The books of Ecclesiasticus and Wisdom are evi-
dently intended for the purpose of containing and concealing their cabala, the secret doctrines of
Wisdom .' They are, in fact, a sort of paraphrase or commentary on the secret history of Genesis,
and on the renewed incarnations, as is evident from the renewed incarnation in Jesus, the Son of
Sirach, discovered and pointed out by me, supra, p . 124. If the priesthood whom we have sup-
posed to have ruled the world were content to take as their tribute, a tenth of the lands of the
cultivators, and that there was no intermediate class, like our gentlemen, between the cultivator
and the lord of the soil, (observe the word Lord, L'aur-di,) there would necessarily be a prodi-
gious increase of population . It might thus become peopled in so short a space, that there would
not be time for the language to become so much changed into dialects as to cause one part to be
unintelligible to another . Under these circumstances the communication between the remote
parts would be extremely easy . There would be scarcely any temptation to rob a traveller, for I
do not believe that in that early time any thing in the nature of money would exist, or precious
stones be known . The cultivators would be as little disposed to travel as our farmers ; and sup-
pose one of the high caste were desirous of passing from one distant place to another, he would want
nothing for his journey . He would only want the arrow of Abaris, the Mariner's Compass . In
this state of the world hospitality would be the result of feeling . The world would be peopled to
a very considerable extent before man would require any thing in commerce . He would want
nothing except the produce of his farm or flock ; then of what was he to rob the traveller, parti-
cularly a priest ; or for what was he to injure him ? As men became numerous and were obliged
to betake themselves to ungenial climates and unproductive soils, the arts of weaving wool, of
building houses of wood and sun-dried clay, the art of ploughing and sowing, and the habit of
dwelling in towns, arose by degrees . I can readily conceive these arts to have arisen to a great
pitch of perfection before various languages existed, and before there would be any impediment to
the most free intercourse between different parts of the world, to the persons who might be em-
ployed about an archierarchy, and the very few persons who would wish to perform long journeys .
It is very clear that the first persons who acquired the knowledge of astronomy and other sciences,
by whatever means they acquired them, would become an initiated, or separated class, as the neces-
sary result of circumstances, by what is vulgarly called accident, without, at first, any intention
on their part. By degrees they would constitute what we call a priesthood . In this state of
things the art of foretelling an eclipse would give them the dominion of the world ; but I think
they would have arrived at this power before they possessed science enough to foretell an eclipse .
I shall be told, that the history of barbarous nations does not justify this theory . I say in reply
to this, I think that the discovery (call it accidental if you please) of the art of symbolic, and after-
ward of alphabetic, writing, is quite enough to account for the civilization of one part of mankind
being higher than that of another, and gives an answer to this objection . This theory is com-
pletely borne out by a fact which cannot be disputed-the existence of the Druidical and Cyclo-
peean remains in EVERY part of the world, which this theory accounts for satisfactorily, and to
account for which no theory has even pretended to account before. The Druidical, that is the
stone circular, buildings would be the first . The Cyclopman walls would arise, by degrees, as the
world became crowded with inhabitants, food and land scarce, and man quarrelsome-in fact as
the golden age wore away. Then arose soldiers hired by the scientific caste to keep order,-then
arose disputes for superiority between the hirelings to keep order, and the scientific caste,-be-

See Vol. I. Pp. 755, 795.

366 Supreme Priesthood

tween the crosier and the sword ; and, by degrees, from natural circumstances, the four castes of
priests, soldiers, tradesmen in towns, and cultivators, arose . For some hundreds of years, perhaps,
while the golden age was passing away, while these things were taking place, the languages would
advance in their formation, and the world begin to be, as at present, no better than a tower of
Babel . The passage of man through the different stages which I have developed has been beauti-
fully and very appropriately described by the Golden, the Silver, the Brazen, and the Iron ages,-
for, as I have before remarked, I do not doubt that this was the order in which the metals were
discovered . Every thing betrays the going to pieces of an immense machine-a machine which
went well enough as long as circumstances were favourable to it, but which necessarily went out
of order as they changed, and they necessarily changed because the law of nature-of all existent
beings-forbids them ever to stand still . As the change of the circumstances was varied by situa-
tion, climate, and many other incidents of every different country, so the effects were varied . In
most Asiatic states we have despotisms ; in the temperate European, we have free states ; in many
others, the settlement of clans, where the order of priesthood never shews itself except it be as
priest and king, united at the head of the tribe or clan . In Abraham we have priest and king ; in
Melchizedek the same.
9 . 1 formerly stated, p. 264, that in Egypt, the power of the high-priest was such that,
if he ordered the king to commit suicide, he would be obeyed ; and that this is what is done by
the Grand Seignior to the Pashas every day . In the following account, by Mr. Heeren, the
supreme priesthood shews itself very clearly :-" The priests of Egypt were- the principal land-
• holders of the country, and besides them the right of holding lands was enjoyed only by the
" king and the military caste. Changes of course must have ensued, amid the various political
• revolutions to which the state has been subject, in this important branch of the sacerdotal power,
" yet none of such a nature as materially to affect the right itself, and hence we find that a large,
• if not the largest and fairest, portion of the lands of Egypt, remained always in the hands of the
• priests . To each temple, as has already been remarked, were attached extensive domains, the
• common possession of the whole fraternity, and their original place of settlement . These
• lands" were let out for a moderate sum, and their revenue derived from them went to the
" common . treasury of the temple, over which a superintendant or treasurer was placed, who was
" also a member of the sacerdotal body . From this treasury were supplied the wants of the
• various families which composed the sacred college . They had also a common table in their
" respective temples, which was daily provided with all the good things which their rules allowed
• so that no part of their private property was required for their immediate support . For, that
" they possessed private property, is not only apparent from the circumstance of their marrying
• and having families, but it is expressly asserted by Herodotus . From all which has been said,
• then, it follows, that the sacerdotal families of Egypt were the richest and most distinguished in
• the land, and that the whole order formed, in fact, a highly privileged nobility . 1 The success of
Robertus de Nobilibus and the Romish missionaries in making proselytes, both in South India and
China, has been much reprobated by Mosheim s and others, because it is said to have been obtained
by unworthy means ; but the more I examine the question, the more I am led to believe, that
these nuworthy means, as they were called, was in a great measure nothing but a real explanation
of the ancient identity of the Indian and the Roman secret religions, as I have explained, supra,
p. 127, which the Jesuits demonstrated to be the fact, when the corruptions which had been in-
troduced into the religions of both Buddha and Cristna were removed from them . They are said
(as if, in so doing, they had committed a henious offence) to have persuaded the Chinese Emperor

' Heeren's Ideen, 2, 2, 125 ; Barker's Lempriere, in voce, Egypt. 2 Eccl. Hist. Vol. I. pp . 20, &c.
Book V. Chapter II Section 9 367
and Nobility, that the primitive theology of their nation, and the doctrine of their great instructor,
Confucius, differed in nothing important from the doctrine of the Gospel . They are further charged
with inventing a variety of fictions, to shew that Jesus Christ had been known and worshiped in
China many generations before . In all this, there seems to me to be a high probability that the
Jesuits had discovered, or by some means had become informed of, the secret doctrine of the re-
newed avatars, which I have, so much at length, endeavoured to shew, existed in the conclave,
and that they endeavoured, in South India, not to destroy the existing religion, but merely, its
gross abuses corrected, to bring it into subjection to the Grand Lama in the West . And with re-
spect to the Chinese who were Buddhists, they endeavoured to convert them to the faith of Cristna,
substituting their own Grand Lama, the Pope, for the Grand Lama of the Chinese, at Lassa, in
Tibet . I feel little doubt that had the Jansenists, the Dominicans,_ and the Franciscans, not inter-
fered, the Jesuits would have effected the conversion of the Chinese, the Japanese, and the In-
dians ; for it appears from Varenius, t that their religion was the same as that of the Chinese and
the Tibetians, which I have already noticed-the same processions, statues, candles, perfumes,
prayers for the dead, auricular confession, monasteries for both sexes, who lived in abstinence,
celibacy, and solitude, &c ., &c . 2 I have a great suspicion not only that the Jesuits taught the
identity of the religions of Italy and India, but also believed them to be identical . And if they did
believe this, they only believed what was true . Clear-sighted people like the Jesuits could not do
otherwise . Modern Christianity, as exhibited at Rome and Petersburgh, is nothing but a continu-
ance of the ancient religion of Rome, if it be stripped of many of the modern corruptions with
which it has become loaded . But it is the ancient Esoteric religion of which I speak-at first
attempted to be established in its esoteric character ; but, from the failure of which attempt, the
present system arose, a great part of the ancient secret system now forming the public one . 3

I Descript . Japon, Lib . iii . Cap . vi. p . 10 .

• Vide Mosheim, Hist . Vol. V . p . 34, note, and Charlevoix's Histoire de Japon, Tom . II. Liv . xi. p . 57.
• There are two clear and distinct Christianities-the exoteric and the esoteric . The exoteric consists of the atonement,
imputed righteousness, &c ., absurd degrading doctrines, and accounted for by an absurd story about a man eating fruit con-
trary to the order of God ; but it is a story altogether intended for the vulgar . It consisted of the Gnosis or the doctrine of
Emanations . It was Trinitarian, in the refined way which I have described in the latter end of the first volume . The reason
why we do not find the Trinitarian doctrine clearly developed in the Gospels is, because it was found only by inference
in the story of the tree and the fruit, because it necessarily requires the doctrine of a future existence which was not
contained in the exoteric language of the Pentateuch . In that the people are attempted to be governed alone by threats
of temporal punishments . It is strictly Unitarian ; the doctrine of the Trinity and the Gnosis being no part of it, for
they are couched in aenigtnatical or equivocal language, for the evident purpose of concealment . It simply looked to the
God IEUE, a local God, as the author of all . The esoteric doctrine was a secret . It might be meant to be described, but it
was not meant to be explained . What little is found has escaped from the crypt, and coming into the hands of such men
as Irenaeus, Papias, Augustine, Athanasius, &c ., it has ended in being what might be expected from such persons, in-
comprehensible nonsense . It is very curious to find the only class of persons who possess the smallest portion of phi-
losophy, the Unitarians, struggling for the vulgar system against the system of the ancient philosophers, and getting over
the difficulties in which this involves them, by throwing overboard some of the nonsensical doctrines-the atonement for
instance . The Unitarians ask why the Trinity is not clearly expressed in the gospels. To this no reply can be given.
But my hypothesis answers this at once-Because it was the secret doctrine . It was the cabala both of the orthodox
Jews and the Chrestians . Upon reconsidering what I have said in the last section of the first volume (pp . 826, 827)-
that the Mia apxt was the chief part of the esoteric religion, I have come to a conclusion, that, in fact, the whole Trini-
tarian doctrine constituted the secret religion ; and this is the reason why, in the writers of the first two or three cen-
turies, we every where have it in such doubtful terms . The doctrines of Christianity were but the doctrines of the
ancient mysteries becoming public, and applying to the circumstances of the cycles as they advanced with time . What
can be more striking than the expectation of the Millenium, equally among Christians and Gentiles? This accounts
for such persons as Papias, Irenaeus, &c ., travelling from place to place to discover the true gospel . Either the secret
doctrine was lost in their day, or they were not trusted with it . It would probably have been as imprudent to trust it
to Irenaeus in early times, as it would have been to trust it to Luther or Calvin in later times .
368 Supreme Priesthood

We often readd of Hilarion and others being the founders of monasteries or monastic orders .
This is said either when a new order was founded, or when the members of an ancient Essenian
monastery were admitted into the Romish church . Jortin i states that there were more than
ninety-six thousand monks in Egypt, in the fourth century . The 1uddhists and Brahmins are
well marked by Porphyry .2 He says, "There is one tribe of Indians divinely wise, whom the
" Greeks are accustomed to call Gymnosopbists
; but of these there are two sects, over one of
" which Brahmins preside, but over the other the Samanaeans . The race of the Brahmins, how-
" ever, receive divine wisdom of this kind by succession, in the same manner as the priesthood .
" But the Samaneeans are elected, and consist of those who wish to possess divine knowledge ."
Here, in the Samanaeans we have the Essenes or Monks, and, I doubt not, also the Chaldaeans .
Originally the Sectaries of the Bull were followed by the Brahmins, the Sectaries of the Ram or
Lamb ; or I ought, perhaps, rather to say, they themselves, in many cases, changed and became
Sectaries of the Ram or Lamb . The distinction between those who took by hereditary descent
and those by election, well describes the two systems of the Buddhists and Brahmins . In the
Archierarchy of the Buddhists we have the prototype of the Papacy . In the mixed system or de-
mocracy of the Brahmins, we have the prototype of the mixed system of the Protestants ; and, in
the innumerable sects of India, we have the prototype of the innumerable sects of Europe : in
every case a similar cause producing a similar effect . It seems to me not improbable that, origi-
nally, Monachism might arise from a wish for retirement and the enjoyment of a contemplative
life, which, by degrees, grew into all the present austerities and absurdities with which we are well
acquainted . Abstinence from the female, without which families must have arisen to disturb the
pursuits of science, would be among the first effects of the abuse of this praiseworthy propensity ;
and the appointment of a head or superior to keep order would at last finish the establishment.
That it should become religious was a necessary consequence-for philosophy was religion . The
knowledge of the To oVTms oil 3 and his attributes was the religion, and the philosophy also . This
knowledge was closely interwoven with the study of astronomy, as it has been frequently re-
marked in this work . After reading the account of the Essenes, of the Jews, and of the Sama-
naeans, in Porphyry, 4 and also the account of the Christian Essenes, as given by Philo, Josephus,
and Eusebius, I cannot for a moment doubt, that they were all one, with such trifling variations as
time and change of language and country must necessarily produce . The Chreestian religion, or
the religion of the X pr1g, evidently existed from the earliest time ; and Jesus Christ was nothing
but the ninth Avatar coming in his proper order-Salivahana in the East, Jesus Xpig in the
West . And, as the Brahmins make their Cristna, not the ninth Avatar, but God himself, so the
Christians do the same with their teacher of Samaria . And though Mohamed and St . Francis
were thought to be the tenth Avatar by their followers, yet the followers of Cristna and Jesus
would not consent to abandon their favourite object of adoration . Thus, notwithstanding the Sali-
vahana of India is well known, yet the Cristna continues to prevail . In the West, the only differ-
ence is, that St . Francis, as an Avatar, has been rejected for the former Avatar . But I have no
doubt that Mohamed was accepted as the tenth Avatar, by many millions of persons, in the East .
The view which I here take of the origin of Monacbism is not, I think, in opposition to what I
have said in a former part of this work, respecting the contest between the male and female gene-
rative powers . I think both causes aided each other . We have the Brahmin well marked in
Abraham ; and the difficulty of separating the two sects, in modern times, is easily accounted for

I Ecc . Hist. Vol. II . p. 22. ' De Abstin . Book IV . Sect. xvii., Taylor's Trans .
3 . 4 De Abstinentia, pp . 147, 148 .
Book V . Chapter II . Section 9 369

by several circumstances-the first of which is, their union, as far as the feud respecting the
adoration of the male or female generative power separated them from each other . Another cir-
cumstance is to be found in the fact, that the partizans of the two religions of Buddha and Cristna
were, in reality, the same, however much they might hate each other ; exactly as the Mohamedans
and Christians are, in reality, the same, though we know that nothing can exceed the hatred
which they bear to each other . These causes are enough to account for the great difficulty of
making out the history of the sects in the West . But this difficulty is increased by several ad-
ventitious causes. Supposing that a tribe came from the East to Palestine, bringing with it its
Samanseans, or its proportion of religious, at that time established in its country ; it is very certain
that these persons, in the course of perhaps a thousand or fifteen hundred years, would change con-
siderably, and would probably have but a slight tradition of their origin . Probably they would acquire
a new name, with the change in the language of their country, and a name again changed, by
being handed down to us in the language of a Western people, who, in fact, did not understand
that of the people about whom they were writing. We have an example in our priests . In little
more than a hundred years our word parsons is very nearly gone, and is become changed into that
of clergymen . And for language, the five dialects of the Celtic furnishes a very good example-
Irish, Scotch, Welsh, Manks, Cornish . No person who has inquired can doubt their original
identity : but how surprisingly are they changed ! The individuals using them are now almost
unintelligible to each other, and thus, in fact, these dialects are become separate languages . I
believe that, if no very great mundane revolution should take place, nothing more than the com-
mon course of events, in three thousand years a historian will have more difficulty if] making out
the. history and origin of the present nations of the world than we have . I believe that, as the
distinction between the Buddhists and Brahmins became lost in the East, so in the West, the dis-
tinction between Protestants and Papists will insensibly diminish, until it will nearly, if not
entirely, disappear. This will be greatly aided by no one religion being the sole religion of any
very large district. This is the state of the case in the East, where sects are mixed-Buddhists,
Brahmins, Mohamedans, Christians-at the side of each other, and often within each other . These
different leading sects being also split and divided, into under, smaller sects, as Greeks, Papists,
and Protestants, are divided in the West . No man, perhaps, is so well qualified to write a general
history of the world as 1 am : but, I believe, if such a man as Sir Walter Scott was would take my
work and study it carefully, with a candid desire to correct its errors and supply its deficiencies,
he would be much better qualified . It must not, however, be an attempt to pursue the line of
kings in each country, as we pursue our line-shewing how Mary followed Henry, and Elizabeth
Mary ; but it must be more in the nature of a critical dissertation on the history of each period,
perhaps of each century . He must begin with the origin of the Buddhist religion and the Pontifi-
cal, Pandman kingdom, marking well the few facts which we possess, from the probabilities : and,
perhaps, in this early period, the fact of the existence of this golden age, or universal government,
the builder of Stonehenge and Dipaldenna, t as the only one which we have remaining . The fact
of the discovery of the Druidical and Cyelopsean edifices in all parts of the world proves its actual
existence in a manner which nothing can impugn . It is pretty clear that the Monks, the Regu-
lars, are descendants of the Buddhists-the Seculars of the Brahmins . This is the reason why we
find the Monks in many countries possessing the tithes . The feuds between the two are the last
remnants of the expiring disputes of the sects, called wars of the Mahabarat in India. 2 The

' See Vol . I . pp. 160, 230, 733 ; and supra, p . 136 . N .B . the Author's orthography variable . -Ed.
t We constantly read of the Brahmins having come into India from the North, and of a Pandsean kingdom . I have
VOL. It.
370 Supreme Priesthood

Buddhists were the Hierists and Archierists, and the Pope became so, as I have said before, in
consequence of the surrender of the book by Constantine . He was the follower of Cristna ; and
we have no Pope in India, because there did not happen to be a Constantine . We know very
little of the domestic economy of the Brahmin church ; but they may have imitated their Budd-
hist predecessors in some places unknown to us . Probably the A rchierarch has become a king ;
and this may be the reason why the Archierarchy has disappeared . I think it is to be found in
the Grand Magus-the Great Mogul-from whom the princes of India hold their crowns . I be-
lieve the Papists were nothing but a sect of Paulites-followers of Cristna-and Paul such a man
as Luther, Calvin, or Montanus, acquiring many followers, and his sect put into power by Con-
stantine . The Monks of Europe were Buddhists, and came over to this sect, and united with it
afterward. All the apparent anomalies and confused mixture of the orders arose from the going
to pieces of the first Archierarchy, and the rising of the second . The Monks were the Samanaeans
or Gymnosophists . The same thing took place in Britain and Ireland in the West, as took place
in India, or we should not have found the Buddha and the Cristna and the Callidei here . When
Caesar arrived in Britain, the first system had gone to pieces . The Buddhist government had been
overthrown by that of Cristna, and the whole country had become divided among petty princes and
tribes . Gaul was in the same state . All the oriental mythos is well marked in that country. I
think it is very likely that Caesar conquered both Britain and Gaul as Cortes and Pizarro con-
quered Mexico and Peru ; that he was thought to be the Esar expected to come : for, as we have
found other parts of the mythos, it is not unreasonable to expect to find this . The reason why we
have no account of this in the Greek and Latin writers, is the same as that which prevents our
having any account of this mythos in the historians of the conquest of Mexico and Peru ; and yet
no one can doubt that the mythos existed there, and that it aided their conquest . When the first
Pontifical government went to decay, (perhaps its decay was caused by the rise of the sect of
Cristna,) different effects would take place in different countries ; yet remnants of it may be ex-
pected to be found in all . What we do find is exactly that which, under the circumstances, might
be expected to be found . But the numerous remnants of the first system, religion, or mythos,
prove its original existence beyond a doubt . This admitted, all the rest is a natural conse-
quence . ,

no doubt that this was the kingdom founded when the sun entered Aries . The wars of the Niahabarat were the strug-
gles to establish this kingdom . I think it probable that the sect of Cristna arose in Tartary, and, after a struggle with,
and the defeat of, its countrymen, it advanced to the South and conquered India . This is exactly what happened to
Baber in a later day.
( 371 )

Niebuhr on Pontifical Government in Italy-Patriarchal Government in China-
Mohamed-Pontifical Government-The Assassins-Niebuhr on Landed Ten-
ures Renewed-Confederated States Under Pontifical Government . Letters
and Population .
1 . WY, will now return to Mr . Niebuhr, and to the remains of the Pontifical government in Italy,
discovered by him, but not understood .' Mr . Niebuhr says, "It is the more probable that the
• Roman kings, according to the general polity of states in the ancient world, levied a tenth off
" the lands, the property of which vested in the state, as it did with the princes of Asia ; because
• even multiplied vassalage, without any considerable taxation, would have been inadequate to
• execute their enormous buildings ." 2 I have no doubt that over thee whole world, wherever the
Cyclopaean or Druidical buildings are found, and where are they not found? a patriarchal system
extended, and that it was supported by the tenths of the landed produce. In the account of the
almost obsolete, at least much neglected, Agrimensores of Italy, and of the ancient Etruscans we
have probably the only written remains of the financial polity of the ancient Patriarchal priest-
hood . But we have plenty of substantial remains of it in the Druidical and Cyclopman buildings,
and in the innumerable stone crosses yet every where to be seen in almost all countries, at the
crossings of the roads and in many other places . The reason given by Niebuhr for the use of the
cross, the Cardo, 3 and the Decumanus, 4 decussated on the face of the world, correctly according to

See Vol . I. pp . 375, 376, 620-623, and supra, 26, 27, 56, 134, 137 .
e The Roman History, Vol . I . p . 470 . Walter's Ed .
s The Patriarchs of tribes fixed their residence near the stone pillar, the object of adoration, the emblem of the gene-

rative principle . Most learned inquirers have seen that, of this, the cross was the emblem ; but the reasons they have
assigned why it became so have never been satisfactory to me . I believe it arose from the horizontal cross on the tops
of the Cardos-the Gnomon .
4 It is related that Josiah burnt the Ashre in the fields of the Brook Kidron . 2 Kings xxiii ., & ., &c . The root Ash
means a plant or tree, and one or the first ; it also forms the root of the word Ashera, which means tenth or tithe . We
have seen the Alphabet to be a tree, and we have found, in the oldest languages, the figure 1, and the figure 10, to be
denoted by the same form . I believe the iod for the letter yew and for 10, is only the holy I-i.di . In the translation
of the forged Veda into French (Asiat . Res . Vol. XIV. p . 32) " Une syllabe compose son nom" is given as the translation
of the Sanscrit word Acshara, which Mr . Ellis says has not that meaning, but that it means indestructible, infinite, not
considering that it may possibly have both meanings . He admits that it means letter . In the Arabic, I understand,
it means letter . Robertus likens the world to a tree. In his imitation of the Veda the translator says, "Du systfime
"qui donne au monde la figure d'une fleur et des grandeurs de la dfiesseTara, qui habite sur la premiere feuille is
• l 'Est ." He then says, "La fleur qui compose le monde rEpondit la ddesse est mfime composee de dix feuilles ; je dois
• me mbtamorphoser sur chacune de ces feuilles," &c . Then occurs an account of the first leaf of the flower, &c .,
which is followed by a refutation, and, in succession, each of the ten leaves of the universe, and the ten avatars.
The Tenth or the Decumanus of the West is called Ashera, which was the ancient payment to which Mohamed
restored that part of the world which came under his dominion . I have little doubt that the Ashre set up by
Abraham were at the cross-roads or the capitols, precisely the same as the stone pillars of the West, called decu-
mans,, and were used for the same purposes, and might perhaps be in some respects of a more scientific character . I
suppose they were, as Mr . Landseer imagines, of the nature of Orreries, and would make the line of the meridian cor-
rectly. From being covered with stars, marked with letters that had the names of trees, they came to be called woods,
and from marking the divisions into parcels of ten degrees each, for the payment of the tithe, the word came to mean
ten, and, from the payment of tithe taking the precedence of all payments, it came to mean first fruits . I am of opi-
372 Niebuhr on Pontifical Government in Italy

the four cardinal points, and evidently connected with the Etruscan religion, is very striking.
Here, if I mistake not, is the origin of the Mercator's Chart. The whole world, I do not doubt,
was divided into squares or parallelograms, and a cross was fixed at every intersection, as Italy is
described, by Niebuhr, to have been .' These crosses pointing to the four cardinal points could
never be removed or mistaken, for they corrected each other. The object of this mensuration was
the collection of the tenths for the priesthood . The Patriarch, the IIaar)P apXrl, Royal priest,
as the Vicramaditya, the Vicar of God, was the owner of the soil of the whole world ; the culti-
vators or consumers of the pasturage paid a tenth of the produce for the use of it. At first, with
respect to the land, there were three persons concerned : first, the Arch-priest, who was the
owner-Lord of the soil ; secondly, the Cultivator or the Shepherd ; and, thirdly, the Labouring
Man, the Helot, the slave, adscriptus glebce as he very soon became ; and, after a certain time,
arose the Soldier . This was the origin of Feudal Tenures. 2 After some time, of course, this state

nion that the Asbre were perpetual almanacks ; and, from foretelling the times and marking the distances, they were
called stones of wisdom or Lingas . For this reason, when they were lost in India, and a pillar with an Elephant's head
formed their substitute, the Elephant came to be the God of wisdom, or the Elephant's head, the emblem of the God of
wisdom, came to be their substitute on account of the wisdom of that animal .
' See supra, p. 117.
s " Les Saques, on les Scythes, passoient pour un peuple trhs sage, et trZs moderd : ils n'imposhrent h l'Asie, conquise

" par eux, qu'un leger trihut, c'dtoit plut8t une redevance, propre k marquer leur domaine, qu'une imposition, dont its
" chargeoient des peoples soumis par la force de leurs armes .-` Asiam perdomitam vectigalem fecere, modico tributo,
" ` magis in titulum imperii, quam in victoriae praemium imposito' (Justin .) L'Asie dtoit alors un Fief dependant de
Is. Scythie . C'est le premier etat gouvernd pendant un longue suite de sidcles, par cette espece de constitution, dans
• laquelle on peat reconnoitre 1'origine du droit Feudal, apportd en Europe par les descendans de Saques, on Scythes .
• Lear gouverument dtoit trhs doux, et leers lois trt's justes, comme on peat le juger par ce qu'en disoient Justin et le
" poete Cheerilus et hien mieux encore, par la manihre dout Made, la Chine, et le Japan etoient gouvernes par leurs pre •
• miers princes : car ces princes descendoient des Saques, et leer administration paroit avoir dtd reglde, sur le modf le
" du gouvernment d'une famille, dont le chef est regardd comme le phre . ' (D'Ancarville, Rech . sur l'Orig. des Arts de
Is Grhce.) It is really very extraordinary how every learned inquirer finds his way at last to Scythia or Tartary, or to
the country about ten degrees to the North and South of 40° . N . L . In the above extract there appears to me to he a
recognition in the way of a collection of facts of all my theories and doctrines . First we have the primary existence
and the wisdom and moderation of the Sacae : that is, of the followers of Japhet . All that appears to have been required
was, an acknowledgment of superiority . This was because Japhet claimed to be the eldest son . This strongly confirms
what Richardson said, that Asia was a •Fief of Scythia . This was because Shem owed suit and service to his elder bro-
ther ; and very justly (I do not doubt) it is observed to have lasted many generations, and to have been of the nature of
a Patriarchal government, or the government of a family, of which the chief was the father . All this is precisely my
theory of Genesis and its division among the three sons of Noah . M . Benjamin Constant says, " En parcourant
" ''Europe, 1'Asie, et ce que nous connaissons de 1'Afrique, en partant de la Gaule, on mgme de 1'Espagne, et en pas-
" sant par la Germanic, la Scandinavie, la Tartarie, l'Iude, la Perse, 1'Arabie, 1'Ethiopie, et I'Egypte, nous trouvons
" partout des usages pareils, des cosmogonies semblables, des corporations, des rites, des sacrifices, des cdrdmonies,
" des coutumes et des opinions ayant entre elles des conformitds incontestables : et ces usages, ces cosmogonies, ces
" corporations, ces rites, ces sacrifices, ces cdrdmonies, ces opinions, nous les retrouvons en Amdrique, dans le Mex-
" ique, et dans le Pdrou .-C'est vainement que 1'on voudrait assigner pour cause 4 ces conformitds des dispositions fiend-
" rates inherentes'a I'esprit humain . 11 eclate dans plusieurs details des resemblances si exactes, sur des points si mine-
` tieux, qu'il est impossible d'en trouver la raison dans la nature on dans le hasard ." (Pp . 197, 198 .) If M . Constant
be right, which I am certain no one can dispute, how can any one doubt that there must, at some former time, have
been one universal system?-as he says, "D'un people primitif, source commune, tige universelle, mais aneantie, de
" 1'esphce humaine ." (P. 200 .) "N'est-ce pas a ce peuple que nous devrions demander le point de depart de la reli-
` gion ?" (P.201 .) Again he says, " Nous n'affirmons nullement qu'il soit impossible an travail, et au genie d'arriver
• on jour h la connaissance de la grande vdrite, du grand fait, du fait unique qui doit servir a rdunir les fragments
• epars de la chaine brisee dont nous soulevons quelques anneaux ." fam vain enough to flatter myself that I shall go
far to fulfil the hopes of Mons . Constant . Of this ancient system he says, (p . 214,) 11 est vrai que la theologie phy-
" sico-mystdrieuse prit naissance assez de bonne heure dans les pays oit le sacerdoce exerqa beaucoup d'influence : mais
" it est faux qu' elle ait d'abord ete la religion populaire, et qu'elle soil ensuite devenue une doctrine secrete r$servde
Book V . Chapter III . Section 1 373
of affairs would vary in different countries ; but, by slow degrees . In India, collectors were ap-
pointed by the government to receive the payments, and to dispose of them, in some way, for the
use of the Landlord . Here we have the Zemindars and the Ryots . A similar state of things was
detected by General Vallancey, in Ireland, and under the same names too . These Zemindars in
time, in some places) became what our country gentlemen are-they received from the lands as
much more than a tenth as they could extort-in most cases obliged to do this by the government,
become military, for its benefit . In order to render these early payments available to the distant
governors, the most valuable of the metals was at last brought into use as a medium of exchange
or commerce . It is evident that, without something of this kind, the produce of the land could never
be made useful to a distant government . The exact process by which this machine crumbled into
pieces, in various countries, and new ones became formed out of its ruins, cannot now, probably,
be discovered ; but common sense teaches us, that different effects would be produced in different
countries . In some, the priests would form a species of Aristocracy or Oligarchy : and I think Mr.
Niebuhr has shewn, that this was probably the case with the Tuscan Lucumones in their first state,
when symbolic writing' was used, and also when they became the Roman Senate . These hereditary
Sacerdotes 2 got possession of the tenths ; when allegiance to a distant superior ceased-appropria-
ted them to their own use, and then taxed the remainder of the people for the support of the state
and this usurpation it was which caused all the disputes in Rome about what were called Agrarian
laws . It was something similar to what is going on between the priests and people with respect
to the tithes in Ireland at the present moment . This is very similar to the state of Egypt de-
scribed by Mr . Heeren . (See sup., p. 264 .) Judging from the traditions of a Pandwan kingdom-from
the remains of the mytbos in every country, visible in the sacred names of places judging also
from the peculiar style of the Druidical buildings found in all parts of the world-the Cromlehs,
the Carns, and the circular temples, I am induced to believe that the system was an archierarchy-
that somewhere there was a Papa or grand Lama, a divine incarnation, who superintended the
whole . It seems to me very natural for such an Archierarchy originally to arise ; and as the colo-
nies went out from a country which would flourish greatly under such a state of things as I have
suggested, that it should extend its paternal influence over the whole world .3 It is also very natu-
ral, after it had attained its utmost limits, that it should endure a certain number of years and
then, operated on by the eternal law of change-containing within itself, as all systems do, the
seeds of their own destruction -that it should go to decay and fall in pieces . But it was evidently
a system very tenacious of life. After long depression we have seen it almost revive in Asia,
under Akbar, and in Europe, under the Roman Papacy of the middle ages ; and there is reason to
believe, that it has never been entirely defunct at Lassa . After the 6000 years had passed away,
it is very clear that some change in the system must take place ; and now, neither in Rome nor

"aux philosopher et aux inities . Elle a commence par etre secrete, et s'est repandue ensuite peu-iZ-peu, malgre les
" pr6tres ." I need not point out to my reader how completely my doctrines are supported here . M . Constant after.
wards observes, (p . 226,) that Ldveque, who has written a history of Russia, places the source of all religions in Tar-
tary. In this I believe Ldveque is right. By every inquiry I make, I am drawn to Tartary, perhaps to Cara-corum, or
China .
I This was before syllabic writing was invented . From an expression in Mr . Niebuhr's work it appears, that for

some reasons which he does not give, he believes the Etruscans once used a symbolical writing, (Hist . of Rome, Vol . I .
p . 22,) and afterward could transcribe their narratives in the more modern alphabetical characters. These symbols I
do not doubt were the numeral letters . I regret exceedingly that Mr . Niebuhr has not given his reason or his
I In the ancient language the priest was the possessor of the sacer-dos or sacred portion of the produce ; from the

regimine he became Sacerdos .

3 1 suspect the Oriental pontiff has resided at many places ; for instance, at Oude, Agra, Benares, Delhi, Mundore, &c .
374 Niebuhr on Pontifical Government in Italy

Tibet do we hear of the Divus, the Pater Futuri Saeculi, the atanv rwv aiwvwv, but only of the
vicratnaditya or Vicar of God ; in Rome receiving his authority from the last incarnation, passed
by the hand of St . Peter. But yet the Pope holds in his poitrine the keys of the kingdom of
heaven, and of supreme power over the whole globe ." He never yields either to Emperor or

King. When he wished to subscribe to our oriental translation society, an insuperable obstacle
arose . He could not consent that his name should be placed in the list of members after the king
of England : we English could not consent to have his name before it . For a long time I was
much at a loss to account for the Roman state, instead of the Pontifex Maximus and the priests,
possessing the tithes ; but this is to be accounted for by the circumstance that the first kings were
in fact Pontiffs as well as Kings, and, I have no doubt, supported their throne by the proceeds of
their Domain as it is called by Niebuhr, and by the tithes . After their expulsion, to have left the
Pontiffs in possession of the Domain and the Tithe would have left them to be Kings ; therefore,
a Pontiff was appointed of the sacred caste or order, who was content to fill the office, (but,
perhaps, still with a secret reservation of the rights of the church,) with an outward conformity to
the new order of affairs-an officer, by some fiction, being appointed, called King and Sagart, for
the sole purpose of officiating in the sacrifices . These Pontiffs were like our old act-of-parliament
Bishops . I have little doubt that the family of the Julii always aspired to the office of Pontifex .
A prophecy has a natural tendency to cause its own fulfilment . I think this might both stimulate
the exertions of Julius Caesar, and also operate upon the minds of his friends and devotees-upon
the minds of those who looked for'some one to come at that time . Speaking of the tenure of land
in Italy and the tithe, Niebuhr says, °G The footing on which the possession of land and the land
« tax stand in India, supplied me with an existing image of the Roman possession, the Roman
~~ vectigal, and the mode of leasing it . In India the sovereign is the sole proprietor of the soil
~~ he may at pleasure confiscate the land cultivated by the Ryot : nevertheless the latter may
~~ transmit it to his heir, and may alienate it : he renders a larger or smaller definite portion of the
" produce in kind : this the state leases or sells to the Zemindars : unless it has granted the re-
" venue of a district or of a piece of ground to some temple or pious foundation for ever, or to
°Q some of its vassals and officers for life .-This state of things is not peculiar to India : traces of it
~° occur throughout Asia : where, in ancient times, it prevailed far and wide in the most unequivo-
cal. form : as it did in Egypt, where all the land was the property of the Pharaoh, and the mili-
tary class merely bad the land tax remitted to them . 2 The Tetrarchs in Syria were Zemindars,
~~ who usurped the rank of Sovereigns : as, through one of the most calamitous mistakes that ever
~~ brought ruin on a country, notwithstanding the most benevolent intentions on the part of the
~~ government, the Zemindars of Bengal succeeded under the government of Lord Cornwallis in
~~ getting themselves recognized as dependent princes and absolute proprietors of the soil . In like
G 0 manner the agrarian institutions of Rome must not be deemed peculiar to it : they were un-
doubtedly common to all the Italian states : and many of the notions connected with them pre-
vailed even beyond the peninsula : so that there is the less reason for supposing that the coin-
cidence between them and those of India is accidental and therefore delusive ." 3 In the above
description Mr . Niebuhr makes a mistake respecting the land of the Ryot . I think the Sovereign
had no right to resume possession of it, or confiscate it at pleasure, as long as the Ryot did his
suit and service, and paid his vectigal . Mr. N . in many other places shews that the vectigal was
originally a tenth ; and that the Roman Patricians not only got possession of all the lands of the

' As possessing this power, he gave away Mexico . 4 He here means tithe.
Vol. II . pp . 133, 134. Thirlwall's Ed.
Book V. Chapter III . Section 2 375
state, merely paying the tithe, but that at last they usurped the tithe also . It is pretty certain
that, with the present constitution of the human race, whenever a priesthood should get posses-
sion of sovereign power in a large and powerful state, the almost necessary consequence would be
the separation from it of a new order of priesthood . The priests would become kings, and take
with them the tithes, the right of the soil of the lands, granting to the officiating priests and tem-
ples, from time to time, portions for their support-they themselves every day more and more
merging the character of priests in that of kings . Thus the Mogul, though not even professing
the Hiudoo religion, is looked up to as Lord paramount by the princes of India of the Brahmin
religion . Thus, again, the Grand Seignior, who is descended from the Khans of Tartary, is looked
up to by the little sovereigns of all the Mohamedan States who are not followers of Ali, as the
Lord paramount and ecclesiastical head of the world . I consider the fact of the Hindoo princes of
India soliciting investiture from the Great Mogul, as, in a very peculiar manner, supporting my
theory-affording circumstantial evidence to its truth . Every thing tends to confirm the suspicion
formerly expressed, (supra, p . 344,) that the mythos actually caused several conquerors to arise .
For example, Cyrus, 600 years B . C . ; Alexander at the entrance of the sun into Aries ; Caesar at
the commencement of the ninth seculum ; Gregory the Great ; Mohamed ; Gengis Khan ; Attila ;
Akbar ; and perhaps Napoleon-about the year 1800, the fourth saeculum from Christ . A midst
the inextricable confusion of Mr . Niebuhr's work, arising from his ignorance of the principle upon
which the modern or republican disposition of the Roman lands was made, viz . the decay of an
ancient system and the rise of something like a new system from its ruins, it does clearly appear,
that a considerable part of the discontent of the people arose from the refusal of the Roman nobles
to pay the tithe for the lands which, in fact, they had usurped . 1 It is very extraordinary that
Niebuhr has filled many pages-several chapters-with a description of the unaccountable variety
and complication of the constitutions of the Roman and Grecian states, in the course of which, he
constantly exhibits his ignorance of the Roman and Grecian writers ; but never, in any instance
that I remember, does he attempt, on any rational ground, to account for this state of things .
About the mythos, we have plenty of observations ; and now and then a reflection on the amphic-
tyons or the kingdom of Saturnia : but never does he attempt to examine what these may have
been . Here he would have found, in the falling to pieces of the old polity, the reason of the diffi-
culties which he meets with . South America is exhibiting something very like the state of Italy
and Greece after the Pontifical kingdom went to ruin . The constitutions of France and Britain
are something like the constitution of Rome : their origins are sought after by the antiquarians,
but sought after with little success . They would succeed better if they went back to the Pontifi-
cal kingdom, and to the builders of Stonehenge and Carnac . It is surprising that Mr . Niebuhr was
not led to the discovery of the Pontifical kingdom, when lie was induced to observe, that the king
had the sole power of convoking the senate and the people, and of proposing measures to them
that he had the absolute command of the army, and that he alone could make a sacrifice for the
nation . 2 In an observation which he afterward makes, (p . 339,) that the Pontifical law and the
Augurs were independent of the king, we have an example of a priest grown into a king beginning
to lose his pontifical character, and the priests beginning to set up a power independent of him-
to separate themselves from him . From the account given in p . 340, Vol . I. of Niebuhr's work, it
appears that the Romans had a lex non scripta precisely as we have : the conditions or regulations
of which were known only from adjudged cases, in old obsolete books of the priests, probably
books not written for the sake of conveying legal information, but merely for the sake of the

' list. of Rome, Vol . 11 . pp . 164, 165. Thiriwall's Ed .

Ib . Vol. I . p . 338 .
376 Patriarchal Government in China
mythos ; similar, he observes, to the practice of the Eastern nations, and particularly the Jews, as
exemplified in Numbers xxxvi . [?] I have little doubt that the Mohamedans have the same
system ; and when our travellers say they are ruled by the Koran alone, they are led to this by
seeing no other written code . I do not doubt that the Koran always so far rules, that nothing
is held to be law which is against its doctrines .' It is quite clear that the Jews had a lex non
scripta before Moses partly composed, partly compiled, the Pentateuch ; and because many of the
sect in North and South India, Mexico, &c ., who have not the Pentateuch, have part of the same
laws as the Western Jews, I am satisfied the latter were only their old laws put into writing by
Moses . Mr . Niebuhr's history is the only one which I know possessing the shadow of a probabi-
lity of any thing like truth, and with him, in many of his conclusions, I cannot agree . His work
is rather a critical dissertation than a history, a sort of thing which must either, really or mentally,
have been produced by every historian before he put down in order the results of his speculations .
But when we have, as is commonly the case with historians, nothing but the results, without the
power of judging of the reasoning by which they are produced, we can expect only what we find,
on examination, a tissue of falsities and contradictions . A great fault of all ancient historians is,
that they never consider sufficiently the state of affairs which they find as an effect of some pre-
vious cause ; yet the cause must be well understood before they can have any chance of under-
standing the true character of the people of whom they treat, and the nature of their institutions .
Without a pretty correct knowledge of these particulars they must always remain in the dark .
This imperfect knowledge, added to the almost universal practice (even Gibbon is no exception)
of receiving unconditionally the evidence of partisans or of opponents, has made all history worse
than a riddle .
2 . Although we know very little of the internal economy of the Chinese empire, yet enough
transpires from the persons who have written respecting it, to shew a high probability, that the
universal feudal system and the payment of tithe prevailed there, as in other countries . As in all
other countries the system has undergone great changes, so it has in China ; but remains of the
original may be perceived . The Rev . David Collie, principal of the College at Malacca, in a note
on his translation of the Shang Mung, p . 75, has stated, that by the Kung plan in China, an
average of several years' produce was taken, and the tenth part of that average was fixed as the
permanent tax on the land . He then describes several alterations ; that, at one time, a ninth was
taken, that in some instances a portion of land was set out for the government, which was tilled
by the farmers as a rent, for the eight or nine other parts, which they occupied . In some cases
he states the land to be cultivated by companies who paid the tenth of the produce to government.
Here, I think, the remains of the ancient Patriarchate are evident . I frequently suspect that the
Chinese empire was the seat of the first patriarchal government-the Officina Gentium . It must
have been either in China or in the country of the thousand cities of Strabo, in North India, nearly
all of which have now disappeared . In the Chinese empire there is nothing of the nature of Knights'
fees or of the Indian jagheers . This is what we might expect from the well-known unchanged
state of that empire . It yet continues, with its Pontiff at its head, less changed than any state in
the world . This is the state of the patriarchal government of China . And it was, probably, for
the purpose of his receiving the payments in gross produce, that the wonderful canals were formed
which bring such immense tribute in fruits of the earth to the Emperor . I have no doubt that the
Chinese exhibit the remains of the first patriarchal government, almost in every thing . We have

I strongly suspect that the doctrine of predestination, held by the Mohamedaus, had its origin in the doctrine of
the renewal or regeneration of every thing in cycles . It is clearly subversive of free will .
Book V . Chapter III . Section 3 377
in many nations examples of great works raised to gratify the foolish vanity or the idle supersti-
tion of man ; but where, except in China, have we ever seen works executed by government for
the encouragement of commerce, or for the promotion of human happiness ? I fear, however, that
even in China the canals. were formed for the merely selfish purpose of receiving the tributes in
kind, before money was in use .
3. I think there is every reason to believe that Mohamed considered himself to be the tenth
Avatar or the divine incarnation of the tenth age. I now address myself to philosophers, and not
to Paulite devotees . We must not forget that if he were merely a hypocrite, he deceived his wife,
his slave, and the first four Califs-not weak men like the followers of Brothers, Whitfield, Wes-
ley, and Southcote- but men of the greatest talent, who conquered and ruled a great part of the
world with consummate skill . But how did these men live? Not in splendour, but in compara-
tive poverty ; walking oil foot to the Mosque, without pomp or retinue, like the other citizens of
Medina, and themselves performing, chaunting, t every day the simple service to the Deity re-
quired by the Mohamedan law . The simplicity of life, and the total neglect of every thing like
personal gratification, exhibited by the first Califs, persuade me that they believed themselves the
locum tenentes of a divinely inspired, or divinely commissioned, person . What should induce all
these FOUR men in succession, in the possession of immense wealth, and in the command of large
armies and of the finest empire on which the sun ever shone, to affect, and really to practise, ex-
treme moderation, if not poverty? But they went farther, and by the establishment of the Ashera
-that is, the restoration of their empire to the simple payment of the tenth of the produce, rents
and all other taxes and Roman exactions being abandoned-they proved themselves a blessing to
the whole of their world, which, from a state of great misery, they restored to great prosperity,
and, as far as was in their power, to the happiness it had enjoyed under the rule of the first Hie-
rarchy, in the golden age . Every thing tends to prove that their conduct was an attempt to return
to that primeval state . Each Calif thought himself the successor of Adam and Noah, and the
brilliant victories of their generals confirmed the delusion . I have little doubt that the belief, that
Mohamed was the Vicar of God, ensured his victories much more than the sword ; and it was
this moderation in regard to taxation which secured his conquests . The armies of the Prophet,
like all other armies, pillaged their conquered enemies in the moment of victory ; but submission
made and the sword sheathed, there was an end of oppression : peace succeeded to ceaseless civil
war, and the tenth of the produce of the soil was substituted for endless and ruinous taxes, which
the conquered countries had been subjected to under their former governors . This was the state
of the dominions of the first Califs, which lasted long enough to amalgamate their heterogeneous
collection of materials into an uniform mass . The tenths, without any oppression of the people,
enabled their later Califs, the patrons of arts, science, and literature, to support large armies and
a regal state in the greatest splendour . 2 This favourable state of things continued for five or six
hundred years, till the Turkish barbarians arrived from the North, from Tartary, and overthrew it
-once more plunging their tine countries into barbarism and misery . Every thing tends to shew
that the first four Califs believed that they were destined to restore the golden age. With Othman,
the third, this opinion probably began to die away . A very sensible and important article is given
in the Foreign Quarterly Review, No . XXIII . July 1833, on Mohamed and Mohamedism . The

Ockley .
q It appears that, in Spain, when the Christians surrendered to the Moors, they were required to pay only a tenth of
the produce ; but when the cities were taken by storm, afifth was demanded . It is evident, however, that even under
this imposition, as it was all that was demanded from the cultivator of the ground, he could not be much oppressed .
Thus the Christian monasteries increased under the Moorish sway . Cobbett, Vol . LXXV . No . XIV. P . 879 .
VOL. It .
378 Mohamed
author has come nearer to the truth than any person who has treated on this subject . But he has,
in a very surprising manner, omitted the notice of several hitherto extraordinary and unaccounta-
ble facts, which, in estimating the character of Mohamed, cannot reasonably be passed over . He
never notices the fact, that the Koran, as it is admitted, was made up after his death, in a moment
of confusion and civil strife, partly from papers in a state of rottenness, and partly from the memo-
ries of his followers ; and that, twenty-two years afterwards, it was again made up or redacted by
Othman . Thus it can be called no better than a forgery . But the learned Reviewer admits, that
it contains evident marks of two religions, which he divides between the time previous to the flight
to Medina, and the time posterior to that flight, while I think he ought to have allotted the first to
the true Koran of Mohamed and the first four Califs-commanding, as I have stated above, im-
mense armies, but walking on foot to the mosque, to chaunt the praises of God, in such simple
ceremonies as might be expected from an " eclectic reformer : a reformer in the truest sense of
~~ that abused term ."' The Reviewer says, "the Koran contains two very distinct religions : the
" first, a system of pure theism, as perfect as the age could produce, inculcating severe morals and
" stoical submission The second teaches a sanguinary propagandists
." Here we have the

Koran of Mohamed and the first four sincere and zealous patriarchs, and the Koran of the con-
quering and magnificent Saracens-puffed up with pride and vanity . The Koran of the eclectic
philosopher was not likely to suit the conquerors of Asia. A new one must be grafted on the old,
to find a justification for their enormities . I must make another observation upon the Reviewer's
rather unfair description of the vision of the passage on the Borak, or flash of lightning, through
the seven heavens, to the throne of God . As Mohamed passes along the several heavens, the dif-
ferent patriarchs request him to intercede with God for them ; but when he comes to that nearest
the throne, where Jesus Christ was placed, the scene changes, and Mohamed begs-Jesus to inter-
cede for him-hereby, in a very marked manner, placing Jesus Christ above himself, and de-
claring himself a Christian . This is in perfect accordance with the Mohamedan doctrine-that
through the excessive depravity of man, the mission of Jesus-of love-of peace-of benevolence
-having failed, a strong one-that of the sword-must follow .
Most assuredly, in the sixth century, nothing could be further from success as a mission of
peace, than the mission of Jesus . It is quite inconceivable into what a state the whole eastern
world had then fallen . One of the great causes of the rapid success of Mohamedism was the
bringing into one body of peace all the jarring elements of that period . I shall be reminded of the
accounts, in the Koran, of Mohamed's violation of his own laws of morality with respect to women .
But when was there ever great and unexpected success without its being attended with a species
of intoxication ? Mohamed was just as liable to this failing as other men . But this does not make
him an impostor . To have obviated the ill effects of these errors of conduct in the minds of the
first four califs, &c ., there must have been something very interesting in the character of Mohamed,
if, indeed, the stories were not foisted into the second Koran to palliate some later Saracen outrage
by the prophet's example . But the stories might probably be true . They are in character with
what we know of the human animal from experience . Whether we attribute the second Koran to
a change in Mohamed, or to the knavery of the later Saracens, to justify the conquest of the world,
they are both in character, and may be, in part, both true. The Reviewer, (p . 204,) says, " We
" have already said that the Koran contains two distinct religions, the one containing the germs of
" purity and illumination, the other fraught with maxims of bigotry and intolerance ." I doubt it
not . One was the religion of Mohamed the Sophee, the follower of divine wisdom, (treated on at

' Foreign Quarterly Review, p . 196.

Book V . Chapter 111 . Section 3 379
large by me, in Vol . I . pp . 618--685,) the other was, or might be, the doctrine of the conquering
Califs. It is very certain that there is no effect without a cause ; and it is no way surprising that
with such a mind as Napoleon's must have been, he was curious to know what could have been
the cause of the wonderful success of Mohamed . It is easily to be pointed out ; we will stop a
moment to reconsider it . In the first place, Mohamed was believed to be the person promised by
Jesus Christ, and also the promised one of the Jews . Besides, a great person was believed to have
been promised, and was expected about his time by all the higher class of Gentiles, that is, the
initiated part of mankind, particularly in the eastern world, who should be the tenth incarnation ; i
so that the minds of men were by this means prepared for the reception of him and his doctrines .
This conduced to his success . Again his first success was the cause of a second ; for success was
very reasonably considered to be a proof of the truth of his mission . The next cause was the
state of peace and security which was enjoyed by the nations under the Mohamedan sway . It
appears that the occupiers of lands paid the Ashera or Zacal, 2 as it is called by Ockley, 3 to the
Calif, who was the sole proprietor of the soil, exactly like Julius Caesar by right of the Sword and
of the Book-by the union of the Royal and Sacerdotal power, exactly like the Egyptian Pontiff .
Thus, as there were no persons to form a class like that of our gentlemen, the whole country was
circumstanced as our country would be if, by an edict, all taxes were abolished and the occupier of
every farm was declared the owner of the land he occupied-paying to the government the value of
a tenth of the produce . In addition to this, every person who did not occupy land paid a poll tax ;
this was what I think, in the Romish church, was called Peter's pence . It appears that this, in
Egypt, 4 was two ducats a year . What proportion this might bear to a man's labour I know not ;
but it evidently must have been very small . When these circumstances are taken into account,
and the peaceful and happy state of the countries under the Califs is considered, in comparison
with the wretched state of the countries governed by the Greek emperors, it does not appear very
wonderful that the temptation should have operated to the making of converts . That must never
be forgotten, in considering these matters, which our priests always contrive to put out of sight,
namely, that neither Jew nor Christian was required to give up a single iota of his faith when he
turned Mussulman . The Mussulman religion was held to be the completion of both-the abolition,
or, in fact, the changing, of neither . These were the causes which, at the death of Omar, in the
twenty-third year of the Hegira, had given to the Saracens the empire of Arabia, Syria, Assyria, Per-
sia, Egypt, and a considerable part of eastern Africa . These great conquests must have been made in
less than fifteen years . After the death of Othman, the Califate became so split into parties that it is
extremely difficult, perhaps impossible, to make out any thing that can be received as certainly true .
The bigotry and malice of the Christians render every assertion they make doubtful : and when
they quote a Mohamedan writer they almost always do so, as a contrivance to convict the Mussul-
mans of some enormity on their own evidence . As the sects of Mohamedans, of one or other of
which every writer was a member, had as much hatred for each other as the Christians had for the
whole of them, there can be no difficulty in Christians' finding a Mohamedan proof of what they
want. And if we apply to any of the most respectable of the early historians, and consider them
exempt from the failing of prejudice, it is impossible to avoid seeing that they have composed their

' See Vol . 1 . pp . 187-190, and 678-680.

• I suspect that the word Zacal is only it-sacs, THE Sam, which is formed by the regimen-the payment or the right
of Saca, become the Saca .

• Vol . I, p. 12. 4 Ockley.

380 Pontifical Government
histories without taking the circumstances above detailed into consideration, and without the exer-
cise of any thing like critical acumen . Suppose an Arabian author was to write the history of
Europe ; would he want materials to blacken the Popes, if he went for his facts to Luther or Cal-
vin ? But he could say, See what is admitted by Christian historians themselves ! Thus Chris-
tians and Mohamedans were equally liable to misrepresentation . In both cases, when there was a
lack of true enormities, which I fear seldom happened, there was no lack of falsities . Before the
precious metals were known, and afterward, while gold, as it was in Mexico and Peru, was the
only metal and coin not invented, the Supreme Pontiff could receive very little or no profit from
distant possessions : the offerings must have been like those we read of, as being sent by the
Druids of Britain to the temple of Apollo, at Delos, wrapped in wheat-straw. By degrees, this
sort of homage would die away, or nearly so . This is the case with respect to Mohamedism.
The Deys of Egypt, Tunis, Algiers, &c., all admit the Grand Seignior's or the Sultan's supremacy ;
and he, as the superior Lord, claims, though he does not receive, the tenth of the produce . But
he does receive an acknowledgment . The country in the vicinity of the residence of the Pontiff,
I doubt not, paid its tithes to him, and he consumed them . But as the tithes must have been in
the form of perishable produce, they could be consumed in distant places by the initiated only who
resided there, and who thus became the priests of every country-all appointed, originally, by the
Supreme Lord . We constantly read accounts of most powerful Pashas submitting, without the
slightest murmur or resistance, to an unarmed messenger, with the bow-string, when carrying the
Grand Seignior's firman . This is the exact counterpart of the Egyptian High-priest's authority,
spoken of in p . 366 . It is precisely the same mythos-brought from '1'artary . I believe the
Grand Seignior claims the whole world, not as king, but as Pontif Seignior, as a Divine incarna-
tion ; and all who do not acknowledge his authority, are rebels . On this account, 1 believe, he
never makes a peace-only a long truce . A peace is a contract between equals : conceiving he has no
equal, the Grand Seignior cannot submit to make a peace . It is perfectly clear that the Emperor of
Germany always claimed the supreme power, and considered all the other kings of Europe, and I do
not doubt of the world, as his vassals, in the same manner as Caesar and Augustus did . He claimed
superiority over the Pope, and the Pope claimed it over him . The Emperor of Russia maintains
the same claim . These do not profess to be claims of force so much as of right. They claim as
uniting in their persons both the right of priest and king-the book and the sword-as successors
of the Cwsars,
4. 1 think, obscure as is our view of early Mobamedism, we may see, besides the adoption of the
Ashera, other signs which cannot be mistaken, of an attempt to return to the primeval patriarchal
government . In the Imams of Persia we have the 12 Lucumones ; in the 72 Ansar or Helpers,
who assisted the prophet on his arrival at Medina, I think we have the 72 of the Jewish Sauhe-
drim, the Amphictyons of Greece, and the Cardinales of Rome ; and in the three Mohajee or Movers,
who accompanied him when he fled from Mecca, we have the three sons of Adam and Noah, the
three Flamens of Rome, and the three Patriarchs of Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome-imitators of
the division of the kingdom of Saturn-and the three Archflamens or Archiepiscopates of Britain .
It seems probable that an Hierarch should have been appointed for each district or nation, as con-
veniently marked out by natural boundaries, with priests in various departments under him, who
would receive the tithes and convert them to their own use, and change them into money, as soon
as money was invented . This Hierarch would follow the footsteps of his Superior ; and, by
degrees, would claim and acquire the rights and privileges of Archierarch-the distant Lord, by
degrees, as national intercourse became interrupted, might be lost sight of, and at last be forgotten
altogether . When money was once invented, new questions would arise, and the Lucumones or
Patricians, having been in the enjoyment .of the produce before the invention -of money, would
Book V . Chapter III . Section .5 381
very naturally wish, and claim, to keep it ; but still they would not desire to throw off all allegi-
ance to their Spiritual Father, who, at last, by desiring more than he had been used to receive,
would cause the ruin of the system . Thus, by degrees, as even the knowledge of a very distant
Lord faded away, the Hierarchs of kingdoms would grow into Archierarchs ; and, in many cases,
the character of Pontiff would be lost in that of King-priest and king-like Melchizedek . I
think, from the Jewish Sanhedrim and their tribes ; from the twelve Lucumones of the Etruscans ;
and from several other institutions and circumstances before treated of, which my reader must re-
member, it seems probable, that a powerful body and a well-organised system originally prevailed
over the whole world . The uniform character of the gigantic circular temples shews this ; they
cannot be accounted for without something of the kind ; and this powerful body must have had
immense funds in money, or other means at its command, or it could never have erected those
stupendous edifices. Mr . Niebuhr justly observes, "the drains from the Lake Copias, cut through
• thirty stadia of solid rock, and the cleaning out of which surpassed the strength of the Boeotians,
• in the time of Alexander, were assuredly the work of a people antecedent to the Greeks ."'
Here Mr. Niebuhr stops : not the slightest attempt does he make to ascertain who those people were .
Similar works may be found in the temples of Psestum 2 and the Gallery of Pausilippi . I think
that there was in all countries a Pontifex, a cabinet of 12, and a counsel of 72 Cardones or Cardi-
nales, divided among the districts, each superintending one of them . We have this division
already marked in Genesis . In the appointment of an Hierarch, the Cabinet would, at first, re-
commend to the Archierarch ; at last they would elect ; and of course the choice would generally
be one from their own number . It is easy to imagine how all this would arise . By degrees, the
72 would begin to wish to have a voice in the election ; and, after a time, the people occupying
the lands and rendering the different feudal returns, whether they were in money-or in services,
would put in a claim. Of all this we see evident traces in Italy, Greece, and India . The process
which I have here described, took place, I have no doubt, all over the Pandyean kingdom : but as
the change arose from circumstances, it is also quite clear that it would occur in no two places in
exactly the same manner . I have no doubt that the Cardinales and the Decumanni were attached
in some way to the collection of the tithes, the Decumanni, particularly, as their name seems to
imply-perhaps men of the tenths or tithes, the operatives under the Cardinales. All the receivers of
the tenths were at first priests or initiated . By degrees, those only, who exercised the functions
which arose and became the rites and ceremonies of the religion, would be, strictly speaking,
priests. But the others would form a privileged or sacred caste-a caste more or less marked in
different places, and more or less divided from the general mass of tithe takers, according to cir-
cumstances . It is not unlikely that these functionaries were monks, and that monks became,
after a time, the sole and proper priests . In the sect of the Paulites we have a pretty clear account
how its establishment arose-evidently in imitation of the Essenes of Egypt . It imitated the
other old system, as closely as it could ; but it did not unite with its advocates till several centu-
ries had elapsed . Its early separation, its ultimate union with the monks, are well marked .
5. In Volume I . p . 700, 1 observed, that Mr . Von Hammer was attempting a history of the
Assassins, and that he had every qualification for the task, with the exception of an enlarged and
unprejudiced mind . He has, since that time, completed the work, and has shewn that I formed a
just estimate of his character . His work is, in fact, one great untruth, founded on one great mis-

Roman History, Vol . I . pp . 119, 120. Walter's Ed .

+ See Vol . 1. pp. 432, 433, 563, 586, 777, and especially p . 625 on Niebuhr's silence on the builders of the Cyclo .
pegs mall found under the ruins of the Colosseum . Ed.
382 The Assassins

take. He commences his inquiry with a thorough conviction that the objects of it, namely, the
Assassins, were the most detestable of monsters ; and, actuated by this opinion, he is blind to
every thing in their favour, tortures the most insignificant and indifferent things to their prejudice,
and not seldom sees proofs of guilt in parts of their character or history where any impartial per-
son would see proofs of merit. Though I do not charge him with having wilfully stated a fact
which is without foundation, yet the whole is really a misrepresentation . His history came into
my possession at the moment the printer was finishing the Appendix to my first volume . It is a
very able performance : and, as is usual with histories of this kind, under his skilful management
there appear to be few or no difficulties in it ; all is simple, plain, and detestable-a mass of straight-
forward, pure, unadulterated wickedness . These people are said to have first appeared about the
year 1086, and existed till finally destroyed by Houlakou, the third successor of Gengis, the
Khan of Tartary, in A . H . 654, i . e . A . D. 1256, a period of about 170 years .' It appears from Mr .
Hammer's account, that the same general expectation of the end of the world prevailed in Asia, in
the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, that prevailed in Europe, and caused the Crusades, as I have
formerly described ; thus, in a very satisfactory manner, supporting the truth of my ideas on that
subject. If my theory were true, the same sentiment would prevail in both, about the same time .
It appears, I think, first to have been expected in A. H . 489, i . e . A . D . 1095, on the conjunction
of the planets, that year, in Pisces ; and again in A . H . 582, i . e . A . D . 1186, on their conjunc-
tion in Libra." This expected catastrophe was evidently attributed to an anticipated unfor-
tunate collision of the planetary bodies . And I think we may readily suppose that the ancient
belief in the collision of a Comet and the Earth may have given way to a belief that the mischief
was to be caused, in some way, by a collision of the planets . Learned as the great Astronomer
Naszireddin de Thous was, he might not know that the Comet of 1680 was to appear in 1106 .
But after it had appeared without any accompanying catastrophe, the general belief, the origin of
which might be unknown, would settle itself upon the planets . It is certainly a very extraordinary
circumstance that we should find this great astronomer, when basking in royal favour at the court
of the Calif, and abounding in wealth, played the traitor both to the Ishmaelites and to the Calif ;
and, in fact, succeeded in delivering them both into the hand of the Khan of Tartary . I think this
can be attributed to nothing but a religious motive . He exhibits a perfect picture of a renewed
Daniel, for he appears, after the fall of his first master, to have been soon after a great favourite at
the court of the Khan, the successor of the Calif, employed in making catalogues of the stars, and
in doing other things for the good of mankind . I think it is not impossible, that the founder of
the sect of the Ishmaelites, as Hassan Sabah became, may have been the last descendant in the
right line or elder branch of Fatima, the favourite daughter of Mohamed . s Such he was, or such
he claimed to be . The particulars of the journey of Hassan Sabah from the court of Seldjou-
kide, Sultan Melekshfih, to Rei, 4 and at last to Ispahan, and his dialogue with his host, Aboulfasl,
where he is represented to offer his opinion to him, that, if he had only two friends, 5 he could
overthrow the Califate, may be all substantially true ; but yet it is so represented as to be substan-
tially untrue . I believe the story wants the addition, that the reason why he thought, if he had

' Hammer, pp. 255, 263 . ' Ib . p . 256 .

In the various claims to power, founded on hereditary and feudal rights, we may see the reason for the attachment
.of all the ancients of the East to the preservation of their pedigrees .
' Hammer, pp . 70, 72 .
"Que s'il avait seulement deux amis fideles et devoubs, it aurait bient6t renverse la puissance de ce Turc et de ce
pagaan" (lb. P . 72.)
. Section 5
Book V . Chapter 111 383

two friends, he could overthrow the Califate, was to be found in the moral influence which he would
possess over the minds of the people of Asia, by making known the truth that he was the lineal
descendant of the prophet, and the last real Imam . If this were the fact, or the true statement of
the case, it is perfectly clear, that in either case it is a truth which would be most studiously con-
cealed by every one of those who have written respecting him and his followers . I believe the
Templars were Assassins, because they were Sophees . In the spread or dissemination of the
Sopheistic doctrines is the reason why the Assassins are every where to be found . Here is the
reason why what appear to be emissaries from the Assassin chief are found every where, in every
country . Whether really connected with them or not, every Sophee would have the appearance
of being one of them-and every Sophee would be their well-wisher, and would, at any time, be
very easily brought into their pale . Every Assassin might be a Sophee, though every Sophee
might not be an Assassin . Here we have the reason of the great moral influence which they
acquired, and of the constant assemblage in the Eagle's Nest of all the great and celebrated philo-
sophers, astronomers, and literati of the world . How is it possible to believe, for a moment, the
representation of Mr. Hammer, that they were a band of miscreants, so bad as to be totally void
of all good ; and, at the same time, to believe, that they should be sought after even in their den
by the great and good of all countries ? It does not appear to me that they claimed to be the
eldest of the lines or representatives of the eldest of the descendants of Noah, but to have ceded
that rank to the rulers at Caracorum ; and this is the reason why they were not destroyed by
Gengis Khan, who evidently claimed to hold his power as vicegerent or vicar of the Khan of Cara-
corum, from him from whom he received investiture into his dominions after he had first won
them by the sword . He knew the value of the moral power, though our people (in relation to the
great Mogul) cannot be made to see it . By the investiture with the Pallium, as Elijah invested
Elisha, or else by the Xeipozovia, as Moses invested Aaron, he received power from the rightful
possessor of all power at Caracorum, and in return he did suit and service to him for his dominions .'
To Gengis I think there can be no doubt that the Calif at Bagdad paid tribute and did homage .
The feudal system shews itself, unconsciously to Mr . Hammer, in several places . I think there
can be no doubt that both the Calif and the Chief of the Assassins agreed in the first instance to pay
tribute to Gengis Khan . Mr. Hammer says, 1 6 Le renversement du Khalifat n'entrait point, a pro-
iQ prement parler, dans les projets du Khan . Les ordres qu'il avait transmis a son frere Houlakou
« en sont une preuve : it lui avait prescrit de ne demander au Khalife que sa soumission, et des
11 troupes auxiliares ." 2 Here the Feudal principle shews itself in correct practice ; and though
we do not read any account of it in Mr . Hammer's pages, we may be very certain that the nume-
rous castles of the man of the mountain would not have been left in peace by Gengis had he not
done his suit and service ; and it was the refusal of this reddition, under the traitorous advice of
Naszireddin de Thous, which probably brought on the ruin both of Bagdad and Almaut or Almont .
I think the great point of the heresy of the Templars may be found in their secretly holding the
Pope to be only the representative of Shem, while they admitted that Japhet or the Caracorum
gentleman was the Lord Paramount . The Manichaeans certainly denied the Supremacy of the
Pope, and the Templars were most assuredly Manichaeans . This accounts for their Christianity,

' I learn from Mr . Briggs, our Consul at Alexandria, that the present Pasha of Egypt (April 1833) claims to hold
his dominions not from the Sultan, but from the Sheriff of Mecca, who is in no higher a station than that of a private
gentleman. But he derives his descent from the Prophet . It is quite out of all question, I think, to suppose that the
person at Caracorum can pretend to have any power from Mohamed, and if I be right in this, of course we have no
where else to go for it than to Japhet .
+ Hammer, p. 284 ; see also pp. 294, 301, 302.
384 The Assassins
and for a certain degree of submission to the Pope ; for he was their immediate Lord-but the
Lord of Caracorum was their Lord Paramount . When I find the house of Fatima ruling in Egypt,
and always consisting of Ishmaelites, I am sometimes induced to suspect that there was a claim
set up by them on the part of Ham . Of this we hear nothing, for the same reason that we hear
almost nothing of the system any where-that is, because none of the despots can now establish a
claim to it, which makes them all put it out of sight ; for, to bring it forwards, would only shew
that though they had no right divine, yet some one else might have it . The letter of the Old Man
of the Mountain, or Le Vieux, to Leopold, Duke of Austria, extracted from Rymer,' though
determined by Mr. Hammer to be spurious, contains, I think, evident marks of genuineness. I
think had the Ishmaelites not really had the sera from Alexander, which we find in that letter, it
would not have been there .s I think no Mohamedan, no Christian, forging that letter in the
eleventh century, would have thought of such a thing . Certainly such an sera may have been
common in Asia, though unknown to us, for we are really suprisingly ignorant, and so we shall
always remain, unless we can lay aside some of our narrow-minded prejudices . We may see
from this admitted sera why Philip, the king or emperor of Macedonia or Scythia, sought to
be acknowledged by the Amphictyons, and why, before his son marched to attack the de-
scendants of Shem, he received his appointment, or at least was acknowledged as Lord, or
Sovereign, (as we know he certainly was,) over Greece, and probably over the remainder of the
dominions of Japhet ; and also, probably, as Lord Paramount over the dominions of Shem and
Ham, which he soon after conquered . We are greatly too much given to attribute the attempts
at universal dominion of the ancient conquerors to avarice or ambition . No doubt these vices
acted most powerfully ; but there was always, at the bottom, a claim and generally a belief too in a
right . They generally had the moral as well as the physical power with them, or they endeavoured
to have it .
Every thing relating to these matters is put out of sight as much as possible by both
Christians and Mohamedans, because now, in Europe at least, it all operates against the right
divine of reigning despots and the priests . Mr. Hammer admits, (p. 3,) that the organisation of
the society of Ishmaelites can be compared to no other of the secret associations of brigands or
pirates which have preceded or followed it . " L'bistoire de ces dernieres ne nous pr8sente que de
C° malheureux essais ou d'infructueuses imitations ." The reason why the society of the Ishmaelites

can be compared to no other society of brigands or pirates is, because it was not in any respect like
a company of brigands or pirates . No doubt, like all other societies, it had faults, and great faults,
and, like them all, committed great crimes ; but this admission will not go the length to justify
Mr. Hammer's description . His zeal against modern secret societies has made him mistake the
character of those of the ancients altogether . I have little doubt that the society was not called
Assassin from being a murderous one, but that a murderer was called from it an Assassin . The
proper meaning of the word I have given in Volume I . P . 723 . The accounts of them were, as we
might expect, before they were taken in band by Mr . Hammer, incomplete-" Ces details si incom-
" plets par eux-m6mes, nous ont-ils 6td transmis sans suite, sans ordre, sans aucune vue claire et
~~ prdcise ." In my first volume (ut supra) I have described them as Chasdim or Chaldeans descend-
ing from a very early period . In one sense I am quite correct ; but they probably did not assume
that character which entitled them to the name of Ishmaelites till the time of the Imam Ismael,
the son of Dschafer.3 It was certainly a very remarkable accident, if it were an accident,
that the Califate should become divided into three empires . The family of Ommia reigned

' Given in Hammer, pp . 345, 346 . ' See supra, pp 347, 348 . ' Hummer, p. 9 .
Book V . Chapter III . Section 5 385
at Granada, in Spain ; the family of Abbas, at Bagdad, on the banks of the Tigris ; and that of
Fatima, at Cairo, on the Nile . I Here we have the three divisions of Shem, Ham, and Japhet-Europe,
Asia, and Africa. "Aujourd'hui encore, les princes des families de Katschar et d'Osman occupent
" avec le meme titre les tr8nes de Teheran et de Stamboul ; les droits de ces derniers a un pareil
"titre sont legitimes, car, apres la conquete de I'Egypte par Selim, les insignes du Kalifat, 1'eten-
• dart, le glaive et le manteau du prophete, qui jusqu'alors se gardaient au Caire, furent confies a
" la garde de saintes villes de la Mecque, oti it naquit, et de Medine, otl etait son tombeau . C'est
" pour cela qu'ils s'appellent gardiens des deux saintes villes . Padischah et Schah, empereur et roi,
• Sultan-al-berrein et Khakan-albahrein, sont des mots qui signifient dominateurs et seigneurs de
" deux parties du monde et de deux mers : I ils pourraient aussi facilement se dire lesprotecteurs de
" trois saintes villes, les maltres de trois parties du monde, et les dominateurs de trois mers, car
"Jerusalem, le Mecque et Medine sont en leur possession . Its commandent ell Europe, en Asie,
" et en Afrique : enfin, la mer Noire, la mer Rouge, et la mer Blanche, baignent des contrees
• soumises a leur pouvoir." 2 Where the account above does not exactly dovetail into my system,
I cannot help attributing the discrepancy to Mr . Hammer's ignorance of the system, and I suspect
that when the Pope caused the Mohatnedan confession of faith to be placed on the chair of St .
Peter, he was preparing Rome to become again one of the three holy cities . Hannibal had shewn
that a march from Granada to Rome was not impossible . There is no doubt that Jerusalem,
Mecca, and Medina, were considered holy ; but when I recollect the circumstances which I have
adduced, in my first volume to shew that Mohatned wished to restore the world to its primeval
patriarchal state, I cannot help suspecting that the capitals of the three quarters of the world were
originally called THE sacred cities . When the attempt to restore the system failed, and the system
became nearly forgotten, the Mohamedans having failed in conquering the whole world, the three
cities of Asia might come to be substituted for the others . I cannot help considering the division
into three, and into seventy-two sects, with the seventy-two helpers, and twelve advisers of Moha-
med, and twelve Imams, to be similar to the Triumvirate of Rome, the twelve Caesars, and the
seventy-two free towns . These are odd accidental coincidences . 3 I believe that the Ishmaelites
were correctly the followers of Ham, and that is the reason we find them among the Fatemites of
Egypt, who were all Ishmaelites . The Persians are the followers of Shem, and the Turks of
Japhet . How the three connected themselves, whether in some way by descent or by the impo-
sition of hands, with the three ancient patriarchs, I do not know ; but the coincidence of circum-
stances is much too complicated to have been the effect of accident . The Ishmaelites were at war
with the Califs and the Christians, because they both usurped a part of their dominions . Both
Syria and Egypt were the domain of Ham ; and the story of the uncovering of the patriarch by
Ham, as indeed the book almost says, was invented to palliate or justify the usurpation or supe-
riority of the other brothers . How the different Califs of Cairo, Bagdad, and Granada, made out
their claims is very uncertain ; but it appears that, in A . H . 402, and A . D . 1011, a great meeting
was held at Bagdad, when the claims of the Fatemites to the Califate were declared to be null and
void . "Sous le regne du Khalife Kadir-Billab, toes les ldgistes tinrent a Bagdad une assemblee
• SE3cahTE, dans laquelle les plus cdlebres d'entre eux declarerent que les pretensions des Fatemites
• au Khalifat etaient nulles et sans fondement, et qu'il n'y avait rien de vrai dans ce .qu'ils alle-

' Hammer on Assassins, pp . 21, 22 . s Ibid . p . 22.

No doubt it will be said, that these numbers might be adopted from the same kind of unmeaning custom which
makes us talk of scores and dozens; or, if we have a large number to name, to say a hundred, instead of ninety-six or
ninety-seven or one hundred and one The probability of this will depend on collateral circumstances, and must be
left to the reader's decision . I believe that our habit of talking of, and in preference adopting, such numbers, has
descended to us from the microcosmic superstition, the nature of which is now forgotten .
voL II .
386 The Assassins
" guaient sur leur descendante . " 1 Here I think we may see why, in the mouths of the other two
divisions, from whom alone we have the history, the Ishmaelites were Assassins . If we had the
Ishmaelian account, although the others would not be called Assassins, Chasdim, or Chaldwans,
they would be called robbers . Here, in the secrecy of the meeting, the true character of the
whole shews itself-escapes out of the crypt-to our view . What could be the reason for keeping
secret this meeting held in Bagdad, the capital city of the enemies of the Ishmaelians or Fate'-
mites? The circumstance of secrecy here is in perfect keeping with what I have maintained
throughout the whole of my work, that there were originally an esoteric and an exoteric system .
I very much suspect that Mohamed, before he died, pretended to divide the world into three parts,
or that his followers pretended that he had divided it anew, and that this was done in consequence
of the lines of Ham and Japhet having failed, and that therefore he had made a new division, as
survivor of the eldest line, through the son of Abraham, by the princess Hagar . We must not
forget that the Mohamedans maintain, that Hagar was not a slave, but a princess . We make
her a slave to obviate Mohamed's claim . In Mr . Hammer's attempt to clear up the claims of
the descendants of Mohamed to the Califate I see nothing but disputes and confusion . In
the secret meetings, or the meetings charged with secrecy or secret objects, of great bodies of
delegates from all parts of Asia, I confess I can see nothing but men meeting to bolster up
the divine claim of the person calling them together . But still, it is observable that the
object was secret. Why was it secret, if the whole system was not a secret one ? It looks very
like an acknowledgment of the different despots, that a real right existed somewhere, but
each of them fearing that he should not be able to make out his own claim . The whole object of
Mr. Hammer's work is to shew, from the example of the Assassins, the danger or the mischiefs
which must arise to society from secret societies ; in short, that secret societies must necessarily
be leagued against the welfare of mankind . And, in the original distribution of mankind into the
professors of an esoteric and exoteric religion, he is perfectly right ; but it by no means follows that
those societies which were formed upon, or arose from the ruins of, the ancient system, can be so
considered . It was the possession of secret doctrines which makes Mr . Hammer angry, and he is
angry because he cannot help seeing, that in this very society was the origin of the Free-Masons,
Templars, &c ., of Germany, of which he and his master are both afraid . He says, " Hassan
C° qui jusque-la avait cherche en vain un centre o1 it pQt etablir le siege de cette puissance
" qu'il revait, s'empara enfin de la forteresse d'Alamout, dans la nuit, un mercredi, 6 du
64 mois de Redscheb, 483 ans apres la fuite de Mohammed, 1090 ans apres Jesus-Christ, et
'~ sept siecles avant la revolution Francaise, dont les premiers auteurs furent des membres de
~° societes secretes, qui, comme les Ismailites, ne voulaient que le renversement des tr6nes et des
~~ autels." 2 In page 95 he says, " C'est ainsi que, pour atteindre un but presque semblable, les
~~ Pythagoriciens et les Jesuites durent employer les memes moyens que les Assassins ." Mr .
Hammer represents the kings of Egypt to have been the servile tools, the mere generals, of the
Priests, " dont le Lituus, la crosse de nos jours, etait le veritable sceptre ;" that these priests
taught idolatry to the populace, whilst they concealed the true dogmas under hieroglyphics and
symbols ; that their great secret was the knowledge of a future state ; that the popular belief was
confined to a terrestrial life, the pretence for which was to prevent the mass of mankind from
having their minds diverted from the necessary pursuits of social life by refined and abstruse spe-
culations respecting the future .' He adds, "Moise, initie a la politique des pretres de l'Egypte
" et a toes leurs secrets, conserva quelques-unes de leurs sages institutions, et cacha a son peuple
" la doctrine de l'immortalite de lame ; aussi la connaissauce en fut-elle en Egypte, reservee d'une

I Hammer, p . 34 . , P. 82. ' Pp . 61, 62 .

Book V . Chapter III . Section .5 387
" maniere presque exclusive a la caste
des pretres, du moins nous n'en trouvons aucune trace dans
• les livres des Hdbreux, excepte dans le poeme Arabe de Job, qui encore n'en fait pas parties" I
He then goes on to shew, that the great object of the Priesthood was to direct the energies of the
people to the good of the state . " Les mysteres, veritables bienfaits pour les inities, n'avaient rien
• de nuisible pour les profanes . La doctrine occulte du moyen age de 1'Egypte etait d'une nature
• tout opposee : la premiere ne songeait qu'a affermir le trone et I'autel, la seconde qu'a les ren-
• verser. 2 La grande difference qui existe entre la construction de l'ancienne Memphis et celle
" de la nouvelle Kahira peut nous servir de point de comparaison entre la doctrine secrete de l'an-
• cienne 4cademie d'Hdliopolis et celle de la nouvelle Jlaison des Sciences ." a I have no doubt
that Mr . Hammer is nearer the truth than he himself is aware of . The same doctrines of the
Cabala or the Gnosis I firmly believe were taught in the old and the new academy of Egypt . The
ancient philosophers knowing very well that the belief of the truth of a dogma (such, for instance,
as that of the Trinitarian nature of the Godhead) can never be meritorious, nor the disbelief of it
criminal, were not able to see in what manner speculations on such subjects were to benefit those
whose whole time was required to procure the comforts of life . The reasons here assigned seem
probable ; they are consistent with what we know of the weak and selfish character of man . The
Lacuna, in the system of the Hebrews, is beautifully supplied by what I have taught respecting
their Cabala . The example of the great Temple of this little mountain-tribe, whose secret books
have fortunately reached us, may be considered only as one example of the other great temples of
the world . It is very interesting to observe Mr . Hammer lauding the ancients for keeping their
fellow-creatures in debasement and ignorance, for the support of the throne and the altar, but
reprobating the same system in modern Egypt, because it was not the system of his own sect .
Hakem Bemrillah, whom Mr . Hammer calls (p. 54) the most stupid of tyrants of whom the his-
tory of Islamism speaks, who was the sixth of the Fatemite Califs, about A . D . 1004, established
or greatly enlarged the college or lodge at Cairo, called Darol-Hikmet or the house of wisdom,
which he abundantly provided with books and mathematical instruments, and celebrated profes-
sors, and a revenue of 257,000 ducats . In this institution all the sciences were publicly taught,
AS WELL AS THOSE OF THE SECRET DOCTRINE, which the Koran was believed to contain . The
secret doctrines or mysteries were only taught by degrees, or initiations or gradations from lower
to higher ranks . "Daps le sixieme, on enseignait que toute legislation positivement religieuse
" devait etre subordonnee a la, legislation generale philosophique . Les doctrines de Platon,
• d'Aristote, et de Pythagore, etaient citees comme des preuves logiques et fondamentales .' 4
Mr . Hammer, after this admission, goes on to shew, that the secret doctrines were of the most
pernicious kind ; but, as they were secret, it is very certain he can know nothing about them, and
what he says must be looked on as mere calumnies . The college built at Cairo was (like that at
Cambridge, and the Temple church in London) only rebuilt in or about the twelfth century, A . D.
1123 . As the society of Assassins and Templars were (I have no doubt) of the same philosophy
or religion, the previous existence of the College at Cairo raises a strong ground for belief that
they existed, in fact, long before the building of it . It appears that, in the beginning of the
twelfth century, the house of wisdom at Cairo was destroyed, but soon after restored, though in a
new place . This was about the time when the London Temple-church was rebuilt, in a new

' Hammer, p . 63 .
s In simple English, according to Mr. Hammer, one was to enslave the people, the other to liberate them . But
whether the latter deserved this unconscious eulogium may be doubted.
' Hammer, p . 64 . 4 P. 58 .
388 The Assassins

place, and I think also when the churches at Cambridge and Northampton must have been rebuilt
on their ancient Saxon foundations . This causes me to suspect that about that time there must
have been some general persecution of the order and destruction of their buildings ; and, perhaps,
on its nominal renewal, it may have taken the name of Teutonic or St . John or Templar . These
were in fact all the same societies, as much as modern Templars, Rossicrucians, and Masons are ;
for they are really very little more than different lodges of one order . They have as little varia-
tion as could be expected in two long and distantly-separated lodges . Mr. Hammer shews that
the Assassins were not a dynasty, but a con frerie, an order . "C'6tait simplement un ordre comme
• celui des chevaliers de Saint-Jean, des chevaliers Teutoniques ou des Templiers ." (P . 90 .)
Again, " Les Chretiens et lea Infideles, lea ordres chevaleresques et celui des Assassins se conju-
• rerent en meme temps pour renverser l'Islamisme et les princes de cette religion ." (P. 103 .)
After censuring D'Herbelot and Deguignes for considering the Assassins as a dynasty, Mr . Ham-
mer says, "Tout ne prouve-t-il pas au contraire 1'existence d'un ordre ? Les Assassins n'ont-ils
" pas des Prieurs, un Grand-maitre, des reglemens, une religion speciale tout comme l'ordre des
" chevaliers Hospitaliers, celui des chevaliers Teutoniques et des Templiers ?" (Pp. 197, 198.)
Again, "Noes avoris plusieurs fois indique lea analogies qui existent entre l'ordre des Assassins
• et d'autres ordres contemporaius ou postesrieurs : c'est vraisemhlablement par l'influence des
• croisades que 1'esprit de 1'Orient s'est reflechi dans celui de l'Occident . L'ordre ou ces analo-
gies sont plus frappantes est incontestablement celui des Templiers : lours statuts occultes,
• sp6cialement ceux qui concernent le me prix de la religion positive et 1'accroissement de leur
" domination par la conquete des citadelles et des chateaux forts, paraissent avoir ete lea rnemes
" que ceux des Ismailites . Les Assassins portaient des habits blancs et des bandelettes rouges,
• les Templiers un manteau blanc et une croix rouge ; c'est encore un point de ressemblance tres-
• remarquable ." (P . 339 .) I have no doubt of the identity of the two orders, and that the Sophee
or Gnostic doctrines were the bond of union . While Mr . Hammer (pp . 89, 90) represents the
chief of the Assassins to have been neither priest nor king, and only to have taken the title of
Scheik or Sage or Old Man of the Mountain, he yet asserts that he claimed all power. This is
very like what we may perceive of the person at Caracorum, when the puissant Gengis Khan
applied to him for inauguration, and is at the present moment claimed by the Sheriff of Mecca, ill
the dispute between the rulers of Egypt and Constantinople . (April, 1833 .) In several places r
Mr. Hammer distinctly admits, that the secret doctrines of the Ishmaelites existed at Cairo before
the existence of the society of the Assassins founded by Hassan Sabah . All that this amounts to
is, that he was the first person who got possession of the castle of Alamout or Almont, and of many
others in the mountains near the Caspian Sea . Hammer also says, "Le Grand-maltre, ses
" Prieurs et ses missionnaires allaient partout repetant qu'ils voulaient la domination non pour
" eux ou pour l'avantage de l'ordre, rnais au nom de l'Imam invisible, dont ils se disaient lea en-
" voyes, et qui paraltrait a la fin lui-meme pour proclamer ses droits a 1'empire du monde entier ."
(P . 143.) Here creeps out the claim of the followers of Ham, the Fat6mites, to the first rank, to
the archierarchy : and here the doctrine of the Millenium shews itself . It is admitted, (p . 176,)
that Hassan, the second, assumed to be the real Imam . But this was, I think, after the failure of
the Fatemites of Egypt . But in. the order of their historical accounts there is much difficulty . It
appears that some of the Assassins were men of high intellect, and that Hassan "assez instruit
" dans lea theories philosophiques, it se croyait l'unique savant de son temps, dans cette branche
" de connaissances comme dans toutes lea autres ." Here the unique savant alludes to Hassan's

' See Hammer, p . 136 .

Book V . Chapter III . Section 5 389

being, in the opinion of his followers, a renewed incarnation of divine wisdom, like the Pope, or the
Lama of Tibet . In every part of the history of the Assassins the most devoted fanaticism shews itself
-a fanaticism which, if a tenth part of what Mr . Hammer has said be true, never has, perhaps, been
exceeded . "Noun possedons de lui un grand nombre de traites de philosophie et de jurisprudence, mail
• ce n'est pas le lieu de les titer." (It is unfortunate that no place has been found to cite these curi-
ous works ; but it is a valuable admission that they exist or have existed .) "Ces etudes dtaient
• un homage rendu non-seulement aux institutions du fondateur de l'ordre, qui profondement verse
"Bans les sciences mathematiques et metaphysiques, avait amasse au chateau d'Alamout" or Almont
• une prbcieuse collection de livres et d'instrumens, mais encore a 1'esprit de son siecle, pendant le
"tours duquel la civilisation de la nouvelle Perse atteignit son plus haut degre et la philosophie
• et la poasie prirent le plus brillant essor . Son ragne de 46 ans vit naltre et mourir une pldiade
• de pontes Persans plus illustre que celle des Alexandrins sous les Ptolamees et que celle des
• pontes Frangais sous Frangois let' . " ( Pp . 176, 177 .) And yet we are taught to believe that
these Assassins, the authors of these fine works, around whom all the worth and talent of the
world appear to have been collected in the castle of Alamout or Almont, were a mass of infamy,
unmixed with any thing of good . What fools Mr. Hammer takes all his readers to be ! The true
character of the whole history shews itself in the account of the great meeting of savants which
was called in Persia by the Abbassides, against these people, their doctrines, and their claims .
But every nerve is strained by Mr . Hammer to persuade his readers, that the whole was a tem-
poral struggle for power, not one of religion or principle . Speaking of the death of a great philo-
sopher, (p. 179,) he says, "Comme sa doctrine etait consideree par le college des legistes comme
"philosophique, C'EST-A-DIRE COMME ATH16E, chacun pouvait le tuer aver impunite ." Here we
see a probable reason for the assassinations by the Assassins-for I think there can be no doubt
that they did commit them in great numbers as reprisals-but that they, with the aid offanaticism,
which was wanting to their opponents, who were as guilty as themselves, beat them at the game .
It was not mere villany which made seventy thousand Fedawis (pp . 210-212) await the orders of
the old man or Imam I to throw themselves from the battlements of his castle to shew their devo-
tion to him . 2 It was fanaticism or religious principle alone which could do this . We are taught
to believe that the writers of the fine works above alluded to were the enemies of mankind, though
these works were calculated to be generally useful . The whole concludes with a general denun-
ciation of their works, not a refutation of them ; and, at last, when they are conquered by the
sword of the successors of Japhet from Caracorum, by a general ignition of these works . (P . 239 .)
Yet it seems some of them have yet escaped ; but we must not expect to obtain them through the
medium of Mr. Hammer. He says (p . 198), "Ce qui donne encore a notre opinion plus de force
" et de probabilite, c'est 1'existence des ecrits de Raschideddin, qui, jusqu'a ce jour, oat etc con-
serves in Syrie par un reste des Isma lites ." 3 " On y voit clairement que l'auteur avail une con-
• naissance dtendue des livres sacrds du Christianisme ." (P . 199 .) It appears that the Mogul
gave directions to the historian Atamelik Dschowaini to search the libraries of the Ishmailites at
Alamout, and to destroy, in fact, every thing which could make known the truth . "II mit a part
" les Korans et d'autres livres prdcieux, et livra ensuite aux flammes, non-seulement tous lea

' It is a singular thing that the origin and meaning of the word Imam should be totally unknown.
' Whatever was the age of the chief of the Assassins he was always called old man : This arises from the mistake in
later and ignorant writers in not perceiving that what we call a Sage, did not necessarily mean an old man ; but only a
sage one-a possessor of wisdom . This is the reason why the Buddha of Wales, Ireland, Scotland, and India, is always
called Old Man .
Extraits d'un livre des Ismadlis par M . Rousseau, tire du LII cahier des Annales des Voyages .
390 The Assassins

• ouvrages philosophiques et impies de l'ordre des Assassins, mais meme toes lea instrumens qui
• servaient a 1'etude des mathematiques et de 1'astronomie ." (P. 278 .) After the history of this
destruction Mr. Hammer informs us, (p . 279,) that the historian preserved documents from which
he formed a short biography of the founder, Hassan-Sabah : " Cette esquisse a servi a toes lea
" auteurs Persans, entre autres a Mirkhond et a Wassaf, qui ont Fun et 1'autre traite ce sujet avec
• assez de talent, et l'ont souvent mis a profit. Nous-memes, nous avons suivi pas a pas ces deux
" historiens ." I think, after this development of the source whence the history of the Assas-
sins is drawn by Mr . Hammer, my reader will not be much surprised at the account which he
has seen is . given of them . The war between the Calif of Bagdad, the Imam of Alamout and
the Emperor of the Mogols, or SchBh of Khowaresm (probably Korasan) is said to have arisen in
consequence of a preference given to the standard of the Calif before that of the Emperor of the
Moguls or Mongols . I "Cc dernier s'approcha de LA VILLE DU SALUT, a la tete d'une armee de
• trois cent mille hommes," to attack the Calif, who sent the famous Schehabeddin-Seherwerdi,
who, to his harangue, received the following answer : "C'est bien : l'homme qui revetu du mail-
• teau de prophete, regne comme son successeur sur lea fideles, devrait posseder toutes sea quali-
• tea : mail je n'en trouve aucune dans lea deseendans de la famille d'Abbas ." (P. 224.) For
some reason, the real nature of which we may easily guess, Hassan Sabah, the second, pretended
to burn his books ; but it appears that he only pretended to do it, or if he did it, he kept copies .
This Mr. Hammer stigmatises as a shocking act of hypocrisy . There was probably something
good in them which the despots in league against the Assassins could not refute, and durst not
expose to the view of their subjects . It is perfectly clear to me that there must have been some-
thing good, and very good, or professing to be very good, in the system, or it would not have
caused seventy thousand persons to be ready at all times to sacrifice their lives in its support, at
the nod of their leader. We ought never to forget that a person who is not a hypocrite, but a
sincere fanatic, always imagines that his cause is good .-A fanatic in intentional evil never ex-
isted . I think, if we divest our minds of prejudice, we shall see that all the great emperors or
conquerors were devotees-fanatics . They were generally also fatalists . If we do not take these
considerations into the account we shall form but a very imperfect idea of the real state of the
ancient, and particularly the eastern, world . I think it is very likely that superstition as well as
policy moved Gengis Khan to go for investiture to Caracoruui . We ought never to lose sight of
this fact, that, whether mere mythos or matter of fact, the doctrine of Genesis has been the
moving cause of the conduct of almost all the world from the very earliest time . It was not a
book confined to the Jews, but a book of the secret mysteries of the whole world, which appears to
us to be confined to the Jews, because their secret books are those only which have been preserved .
We have direct and unquestionable proof that the mythoses of Jerusalem and Eleusis were the
same ; then what must the history of this mythos have been ? " La puissance des Ismailites
" etait detruite, lea chateaux forts du Grand-maitre avaient ete conquis, leur troupes massacrees
" et dispersees, et leur doctrine publiquement condamnee . 'I'outefois, elle fut encore enseignEe
"'en secret : 1'ordre des Assassins, comme celui des Jesuites, subsista long-temps encore apres
• avoir ete supprime, surtout dans le Kouhistan, province herissde de montagnes et peu favorable
" aux recherches de persecuteurs ." (P . 320.) But now arises the question, What was taught ill
secret? Was it merely to murder? I know not what it can have been but the secret doctrines
of Sopheism-so universally disseminated, and so universally persecuted . Mr. Hammer says,
(p . 330,) that "Les debris de l'ordre des Ismailites se sont maintenus jusqu'a ce jour en Perse et

I Pp . 223, 224 .
Book V . Chapter III . Section 6 391

• en Syrie. Mais uniquement comme une des nombreuses sectes d'herdtiques, qui se sont elevees
• du sein de I'Islamisme, sans protention au pouvoir, sans moyen de recouvrer leur influence
• passe, dont du reste ils paraissent avoir perdu le souvenir . La politique revolutionnaire, et la
• doctrine mysterieuse de la premiere loge des Ismailites, ainsi que la meurtriere tactique des
" Assassins leur sont egalement etrangeres : leurs ecrits sont un melange informe de traditions em-
"pruntees a l'Islamisme et au Christianisme, et de toutes les folies de LA THEOLOGIE MYSTIQUE ."
Here, in the last sentenced we have good grounds for suspicion, or, perhaps I ought to say belief,
that we have a proof of what I have before said respecting the Sopheistic character of the Ishmae-
lites ; and that, however corrupted it may still be, they retain a remnant of the ancient Gnosis .
They still remain in existence as a sect, and are scattered over extensive countries as far as India ;
they still have an Imam at their head, "qui reside sous la protection du Schah a Khekh, village
" sur le territoire de Roum . Comme d'apres la doctrine des Ismailites, l'Imam est un rayon
• incarne de la divinite, 1'Imaui de Khekh a encore aujourd'hui la renommee de faire des
• miracles, et les Ismailites - vont en pelerinage, des bords du Gange et de l'Indus, pour
• recevoir a Khekh la benediction de leur Imam ." (Pp . 330, 331 .) Mr . Hammer says, they
are called Souweidani, which I call Soufidani or Sophees, and Khisrewi, which I call Caesa-
reans or Kaisar-ians . He adds, "Its sort ainsi appeles, ceux-la du nom d'un de leurs anciens
" Scheikhs, ceux-ci a cause de leur veneration particuliere pour le prophete Khiser (Elias), le gar-
" dies de la source de vie ." (P . 331 .) Here we have the Carmelites, the Essenes, and, probably,
the real origin of the name of Cxsar . The doctrine of the Ras, the Gnosis, connects them all .
They dwell about Mount Masziat, which is thus called as the mount of the Saviour . I Their Imam
is only a little Lama, like him of Tibet . Nothing can be more mean or contemptible, perhaps
detestable, than the state to which they are now reduced . Mr. Hammer, near the end of his
work, thus concludes : " La constitution de la loge du Caire, la serie graduee des initiations, les
• denominations de maitres, de compagnons, d'apprentis, la doctrine publique et la doctrine secrete,
" le serment d'obeissance passive, nous retrouvons tout cela dans ce que nous avons vu, Its oil
• entendu de nos jours, sur les societes secretes qui ont kte les instrumens de taut de revolutions ;
" et si nous cherchons des comparaisons dans l'histoire moderne, nous verrons que la procedure
" des tribunaux secrets de plusieurs ordres d'Allemagne offrait aussi quelque ressemblance avec
celle de l'ordre des Assassins ." 2 (P. 340 .) And here we may see the secret reason which in-
fluenced Mr . Hammer to adopt every calumny against, and to misrepresent, the Assassins .
6. Mr . Niebuhr, speaking of the landed tenure of Italy, says, the "general characteristic was the
" principle that all landed property is derived from the State, and that the Conqueror acquires a
'` title to it ; so that the exercise of his acquired ownership depends entirely upon his own will
" and pleasure, whether he shall tolerate the original occupants or not, on condition of a rent ." 3
Here, I apprehend, is the identical system of India and Europe, in its most simple form-the
farmers or ryots or feudatories holding their lands by payment, a redditio, of part of the produce,
and many facts unite to prove that part, a tenth . I have no doubt that the first GREAT wars (Ma-
habarats) were between the sovereigns or High-priests or Pontiffs about the presidency over the
whole world-as to which was the representative of the elder branch . With these the cultivators
or feudatories would have little or no concern . In those early times there was no such thing as
our land-holder or country gentleman . We see here the origin of the thirst after universal empire .

' This word is spelt Masziat, Mesiade, Masiaf, Masiath, and Mosiab . (P. 363 .) In the time of the Crusades it was
the chief place of the Assassins . When I recollect their doctrines of the metempsychosis and a divine incarnation, I
cannot doubt that I have, above, given its true meaning, in the word Saviour.
' " De Kopp, Constitution des Tribunaux secrets en Westphalie ." 3 Roman Hist. Vol . I. p. 122. Waiter's Ed .
392 Niebuhr on Landed Tenures Renewed

This gave rise, after some time, to what Mr . Niebuhr has noticed-that "it was a peculiar notion
• of this people, that every war conferred this right, though waged without any appearance of
• extermination, but on the ordinary grounds ; and this right existed also between nations of one
• stock ."' It has been judiciously observed by a writer in the Philological Musseum,s that
Niebubr has shewn, that "the primary and essential distinction between the patricians and pie-
" beians, who were not an aristocracy and a rabble, as the writers of the Augustan age, and, as
" following in their wake, all the historians of modern times imagined, but two several nations-
" the one domineering, the other dependent, like the Normans and Saxons, to take an instance,
" during the first centuries after the conquest, or like the English settlers and the native Irish ."
Here we have the exact picture of the Chaldaean or Druidical or Brahmin caste, with greatly and
out-of-all proportion superior knowledge, and therefore superior power, coming from the East and
taking possession of the countries occupied by the Aborigines-ignorant, naked, and defenceless ;
split, probably, into numbers of little, unconnected tribes, and, perhaps, after the first alarm,
grateful to their conquerors for peace and security . This may remind us of Abraham and his 318,
trained or initiated in his .own house, who, in his war with the five kings, probably employed under
their command thousands of mercenaries 1 But it is very difficult to discover in the Roman state
the difference between the Plebes and the Clienteles or Tenants . Mr. Niebuhr acknowledges that
they became amalgamated into one . 1 apprehend the Plebes were the occupiers of the lands,
whose ancestors were what we call tenants in capite of the first Pontifical government . The Clien-
teles were occupiers to whom the sacerdotal order, who were the successors of the Pontiff, let
their domain lands, or the lands of which they had acquired the possession, at first, probably, under
the pretence of supplying their families with necessaries, (as our Parsons possess their Glebes,)
but which were by degrees increased, till they possessed large tracts . The remains of the caste
are well marked in the prohibition of the marriage of Patricians with the class of Equites or Plebes .
The Roman state was essentially agricultural . It had originally neither trade nor navy ; and when
it admitted other towns to the freedom of Rome, I believe this was confined to the plebes or occu-
piers of lands only, except in some particular instances where the nobles of those towns were
admitted to Roman citizenship ; but in this case, I think, they were admitted into the class of
Patricians, if not into the Senate, or among the Patres . Conscripti . Mr. Niebuhr correctly observes,
that the Clients were to the Gentes, what the tenantry were to the Lairds in the Highlands of
Scotland . I apprehend the family of the Julii or of Caesar is an example of a foreign noble admit-
ted to the right of citizenship . The A lii, the Fabii, the Lamii, perhaps furnish other examples ;
and I suspect that when great numbers of these foreign nobles became Roman citizens, the old Pa-
tricians adopted the devise of enrolling themselves as sole members of the senate, to keep out the
others, who, though admitted into the state, were nevertheless excluded from the exercise of the
powers of Government-whence the Senators were called Patres Conscripti. They were our En-
glish House of Peers-the foreigners were our- Scotch and Irish Peers . The latter would vote only
as Knights . The knights in all states, I believe, were the same . They answer to the military
caste of India . They were the richest of the Plebes, who could afford to arm themselves and serve
on horseback . By degrees they grew into a separate caste ; and, I think it not unlikely, that they
might, in some cases, have the vectigal remitted to them for their services . Thus we have, as in
India, the priests, the warriors, the farmers, and the of woX%ot constituted the fourth class. The
same natural cause produced nearly the same natural effect in India and in Europe . We have
nearly lost the fourth caste ; but it may just be seen, with its subcastes, in the crafts or corpora--

I Roman History, Vol. I. p . 122. Walter's Ed . t No . I. p. 199 .

Book V . Chapter III . Section 6 393

tions of our towns . We must never forget that the Roman writers, such as Festus, &c ., I acknow-
ledge that those matters were only pretended to be understood by erudite lawyers . Although there
was, I think, no legal distinction between a Plebs and a Client, each being entitled to vote in the
assemblies, yet I do not doubt that there was a very great and marked distinction between them,
arising from the absolute independence of the former, and the dependence of the latter on the
noble under whom he held his land . I have little doubt that the Plebes or farmers, or occupiers of
the lands, to whom they were let or granted by the sacred order, could sell or part with the lands
as they pleased, the new owner always continuing subject to the vectigal . In this manner indivi-
duals of the Plebes became very wealthy . The struggles between the Patricians and the Kings, the
traditions of which, and nothing more, remain to us, were only the natural contests between the
high-priests, as to who should be king and priest when the great pontifical government fell to pieces .
The whole mythos-the immaculate conception, death, &c ., is found in the History of Servius Tul-
lius .2 Servius Tullius was the first who had the glory . Mr . Niebuhr has observed, that every
city in the West, from Tyre to Gades, had a senate and general assembly, and that all the confe-
deracies of early nations were based on religion . This is, no doubt, true, and for many generations
this principle secured to the noble priesthood, the initiated or sacred caste of nobles, the empire
over their fellow-creatures . As the first system went to pieces, of course systems differing in some
respects would arise in different countries . I must again remind my reader, if he should ask why
we have not accounts of the system which I endeavour to disclose, that the Roman writers all
acknowledge, that every thing connected with these subjects was involved in darkness and doubt .
Niebuhr3 says, the accounts of the historians "differ materially from each other, because neither"
of them " was explaining the institutions of his own times, or those nearly approximating, but
" matters entirely obsolete, and rendered the more obscure because things wholly different in
" nature had assumed the ancient names ." The very terms of law, respecting the nature of the
possession of lands, were, like every other matter relating to them, subjects of dispute with the
lawyers . Thus Festus gives one definition of possessio, Javolenus another . 4 All these doubts
arose from the fact, that the original principle of the sacerdotal, feudal system was lost, like the
original of our own common law, and was endeavoured to be made out, like our law, from un-
written tradition and decisions of former judges, and from reasoning upon the two . I think there
can be little doubt that the Sacerdotal order was at first strictly hereditary, and for some time this
would answer very well ; but I believe we may take it for a settled matter, that an exclusive
order, of the nature of an aristocracy, will not last a long time, but will dwindle away-first into
an oligarchy, and at last die . This tendency, I imagine, was the cause of the admission of persons
into the order by initiation, which was adopted as a mode of keeping up the numbers . In Vol. VI .
p . 111, of Lord Kingsborough's Antiquities of Mexico, an account is given of a correspondence
between Cortes and the Emperor, recommending him to get a grant of the tithes from the Pope,
Alexander the Sixth, which was refused ; but the Emperor hereby acknowledged the right of the
Pope to the tithes . This skews the truth of the theory I advocate . The Pope is said to have
given all the new-found countries to the Spaniards ; but, in fact, he enfeoffed the king of Spain in
them-reserving to himself the Vectigal or Ashera . Protestants never cease abusing the Pope for
his arrogance in giving away those countries : the truth is, they have not the slightest idea of
the nature of his claim . It is very certain that the vectigal was not a payment of rent : it was the
rendering of a portion of the crop-and that Niebuhr has, over and over again, shewn to be the
tenth . And although this mode of exacting a rent is, as when with us it comes to be a tenth

I Niebuhr, Vol . 1. p. 249 . Walter's Ed. Y Ib . pp . 261, 262. 3 Ib . P . 279. 4 I b . Vol . II. p. 363 .
VOL. I I .
394 Confederated States Under Pontifical Government
added to a third, the most pernicious imaginable ; yet, when it consisted, as in all ancient states,
of only a tenth, I can scarcely imagine that it would be found to operate at all against the great
prosperity of agriculture . Mr. Niebuhr says, "The Patrician occupants of the domains still con-
" tinued to pay no taxes . Livy, IV . Cap . xxxvi ." ' Here we have an example of the priests
being themselves the occupiers, and, no doubt, cultivating the lands by means of their servants or
slaves . And when the state conquered a country, they claimed to be owner of the land, as head
of the state, and to receive the vectigal . One great object of the struggles of the tribunes was, to
compel the nobles to restore the payment of the tax or tithe for these domain lands, which, when
held in domain, were supposed not to be liable . As representatives of the Supreme Pontiff, the
Patricians claimed all the soil, and, as his representatives also, the redditio or vectigal, though this
only as trustees, for the use of the state . They came to stand in his place ; and in return for the
vectigal, maintained the government of the nation . Besides this, they had the lands in domain ;
these being in their own occupancy, paid no vectigal . Ecclesia non solvit ecclesiae . When the
Romans conquered a country, they said, the land is the property of the Roman Sovereign, who
then stood in the place of the sovereign whom they had conquered . "Yes," said the nobles, "it
GQ is the property of us, the representatives of the Archierarch, and we shall receive the vectigal,
`° as trustees for the state, leaving the lands in the hands of their old occupiers ." But both the
Patricians and Plebeians said, "Our state being now the sovereign of this new country, we will
" take a part of it-as much as we please-from the old occupiers, and give the occupation of it
" to our own citizens ." "Good," said the Patricians, "we will take it among us, and cultivate it
`~ by our slaves, and pay the vectigal to the state ." "No," said the poor people, and the soldiers
who had won it, "you shall give it to us ; we will cultivate it ourselves, and pay the vectigal to
" the state ;" for, no doubt, it had long been found, that the tithe or one tenth only being paid, a
great profit was to be made out of the other nine tenths, after all the expenses . Thus I appre-
hend there were two subjects of complaint-the people complained that the nobles did not pay the
vectigal for the land held in domain, while they had got possession of large vectigal-paying tracts,
cultivated by their slaves, which the people said ought to be theirs to cultivate and occupy, they
paying the vectigal . Most, if not all, of the land of Italy is held by the Nobles, and cultivated
by their serfs or labourers on their account . It is the same in Russia . Niebuhr says, " When
" the consulate was divided between the two orders, the Patricians demanded the exclusive pos-
CQ session of the jurisdiction, because the civil, no less than the religious law, was the science of
" their caste, and more especially of the pontifices, who could only be nominated from their
" body ." 2 But how this came to pass it is clear no one knew . This civil law was obviously, at
first, a lex non scripta ; and the knowledge of this being confined to the Patricians, would evidently
give them the opportunity (particularly when combined with the power of interpreting the religi-
ous law according to their pleasure) of deciding every great case in which the landed property of
the state was concerned, according to their own interest . Every endeavour to account for this
state of things has hitherto failed . Mr . Niebuhr does not seem to have attempted it : he has con-
tented himself with merely setting out the state of the case . I apprehend my theory of the falling
to pieces of the Pontifical Government will afford the requisite explanation .
7. The confederated towns or states of Ionia, of Attica, and of Etruria, being in the precise
number twelve, sufficiently shew method and design, and therefore, probably, that their confedera-
tion was formed under the superintendence of the Pontifical government, and not the effect of a
few states confederating for mutual defence . System, not accident, is evident. Then arises the

' Rom . Hist . Vol . II . P 197 . Walter's Ed . I lb . pp . 415, 416 .

Book V . Chapter III . Section 8 395
question, Where and what was the system ? and I think I have a right to reply, that it was part
of the policy of the Pontifical government thus to form the nations under its sway, leaving them in
-the exercise of their municipal rights, but exercising a controul, so as to prevent wars ; or, if wars
arose, to make them speedily be at peace again . I think a careful examination will satisfy the
reader, that none of the sovereigns aspiring to be the supreme Pontiff ever made peace . If the
rebels to their authority did not submit, they only made a truce . This, as I have already re-
marked, is the practice of the Grand Seignior . Mr. Niebuhr has pointed out the same system of
confederated states among the Celts of Gaul, as we have just noticed in Greece and Italy . Indeed,
I think the system is plainly perceivable in the Druidical polity .' I cannot help suspecting that
one great reason why Rome was saved after the Gallic capture was this, that it was maintained to
be the original emporium, the Capitolium or religious head of the Italian, if not of the European,
Pontificate ; and, as such, was looked up to by all the other states, with no little veneration .
Though it had banished its kings, yet in the person of its Pontifex Maximus, it possessed within
itself the right to the sovereignty of the world . The tradition of its right to the sovereignty, which
we always find it most strenuously claiming, might readily continue, after the real particulars of
the history of its origin were forgotten . However, the claim, the superstition, is always well
marked by every historian ; but no one, I think, has ever given the shadow of a plausible reason
for its prevalence . Mr . Niebuhr thinks Caere was the parent city of Rome . 2 He adduces the
long state of peace between the two states, and the opinion of the Romans themselves, that their
religious rites came from Caere ; of which they adduced the word Caerimonia as one proof. When
the Romans were in distress they always sent their sacred things, and their riches, to Caere . It
appears not unlikely that Caeres is a formation from the X pns of Delphi. I think there can
scarcely be a doubt, that the city, which originally stood on the seven hills, was extinct for a time
if it was deserted, as some persons have thought, in consequence of a volcanic eruption, the inha-
bitants or government may have removed to Caere, and afterwards returned . I can hardly account
for the peculiar sanctity of Rome, if Caere had ever been the peculiarly sacred place, or the first
Cardo. I think we are quite in the dark on this part of the subject . I think we may see that, in
early times, when soldiers first arose, they received no pay . In the great empires, in which the
general of the Priest or Pontiff usurped the power and made himself Khan (t3 cta Cohen), the lands
were granted to his followers, on condition of finding a man and horse, i . e. himself equipped for
war. 3 I have no doubt that the kings received the vectigal as both King and Pontiff ; and hence
came their funds for erecting buildings and making war . When the kings were expelled, Mr .
Niebuhr 4 shews, that these funds were embezzled by the nobles to the great impoverishment of
the state . I think there can be no doubt that the nobles were the caste which had come from the
East, and whether the people whom Niebuhr 5 names as living after the time of the capture of
Veii were their followers merely, or an earlier race of aborigines, or a body composed of both, it
may be very difficult to determine .
8. If we carefully consider the first state of man, we shall find that he must have been in a situation
peculiarly favourable for increase in numbers . Suppose, with Whiston, 6 that the eight persons in
the Ark increased to about 2000 in one hundred years ; and if we double them every twenty-five or
thirty years, which I am convinced is not unreasonable, in 600 years there would be 100,000,000, in
650 years., 500,000,000 of people on the earth . 7 In whatever state we choose to place the world

See Rom . Hist . Vol . II . pp . 258, 259 . Walter's Ed. 2 lb . Vol . 1 . p . 194, note, and Vol. II . p. 467
s lb . Vol . II . p . 220. * lb . p . 221 . s Ib. pp . 222, 223 . 6 Univers . Hist. Vol. I . p . 262 .
T Professor Leslie, of Edinburgh, states the square feet on the globe to be 5,482,584,878,284,800 .
396 Letters and Population

when the numeral symbolic language, which I have proved to have existed, was invented, it is very
certain that when once a close society had formed its system and assigned numeral symbols to a given
number of words, as long as that society existed and used those symbols, that language would
continue in a great degree fixed . I think there is every reason to believe that this system would
be co-extensive and contemporary with those peculiar cyclic or Druidical buildings which we find
all over the world . I suppose we may safely believe one language to have continued intelligible to
the whole world for five or six hundred years, or until the population rose to two or three hundred
millions . The probability, I think, is, that the Druidical temples were erected when the numeral
alphabet was in use, but when the syllabic alphabet was a secret, if it was discovered at the time .
The numbers of the cycles described by the pillars, clearly prove the astronomical knowledge .
The squared Trilithons at Stonehenge shew a much more recent work than the rude pillars at
Abury-and the finely-executed temples at Paestum, a date still more recent . The more I reflect
on the subject, the more I am disposed to believe in a kingdom of Pandaea . This kingdom may
have arisen in various ways . I can readily imagine an order rising to power-the effect of its supe-
rior intelligence-and, from a secret society of equals, growing by degrees into an Archierarchy ;
I can imagine this order continuing to govern by its influence for a long time,-its secrets gradually
growing into sacreds, (the similarity and peculiar relation of these two words make me suspect
them of very great, almost primaeval, antiquity,)-its president acquiring power, and at last sove-
reign sway over his equals . Or if we suppose a college of priests or possessors of wisdom, with
a president, at last obliged to employ a general-a soldier, to keep order, and that he should seize
the crosier of his employer, in many cases, the only effect would be like that which happened at
Rome with Caesar-the Pontifex would become a warrior . With the change of the man, the
archierarchy would only acquire more power-as the Chinese acquired more territory by being
conquered by the Tartars . The Tartars annexed their own state as a province to the Chinese
Empire, which it yet remains .
I conclude this chapter with repeating, that I cannot help suspecting, if we could come at the
truth, that we should find in China strong marks of the patriarchal government, and, perhaps, of
the first government of man . I have little doubt that originally, the monarch of the celestial
empire was thought to be an incarnation of the solar Ray ; whence he is brother of the Sun and
Moon . The integrity or identity of its institutions has been preserved from the earliest time by
the use of its symbolic alphabet . If we suppose that it was the original patriarchal state, we may
easily conceive the natives of Uria or Callida to have discovered the syllabic system, and to have
been unable to prevail against the strong patriarchal government which had become established in
the East-by degrees, to have formed and established a new Archierarchy, extending itself to the
West, and ultimately prevailing over all the western world . It may be said, that this must have
been after the establishment of the Judaean mythos, because we find it established in China ; but
the present Mosaic or Judaean mythos is nothing but a branch of the first Buddhist or Tauric
system of cycles ; or, perhaps, 1 should say, a collection of the remnants of the first system, esta-
blished when the symbolic numeral alphabet was in use, and destroyed by the wars of the Maha-
barat . After this, probably, the syllabic letters and the Chaldaei, as an order, may have arisen, in
Callida. I think in the Callidei of North and South India, we have a decisive proof that they
actually possessed the dominion of all India, or ruled or prevailed over it, in some way-either by
the sword or the crosier.
( 397 )

Microcosm-Atoms-Chinese Microcosm-The World . &c ., Divided Into Three-
Sacred Numbers-Mercavah and Caaba-Measures of the Ancients-Etruscan
Agrimensores . Templum . Mount Gargarus . Cor. Cardo . Agrimensores .
Termini-The Britons-The Saxons-Tithes Resumed-The Athenians-Divi-
sion Into Castes, Into Three, &c .-Archierarch, Sanhedrim, Amphictyons-Re-
ligious Dances . Poetry . Music.

1 . AMONG the ancient philosophers there was no superstition or doctrine more universal than
that of the MICROCOSM, though it is now nearly lost . The fragments of it lie scattered around us
in the greatest abundance . We occasionally express our wonder at them, but we never think of
inquiring into their cause or object . I must try whether I cannot, . for a little time, arrest their
progress' towards oblivion .
The Microcosm is most intimately connected with the Cabalistic doctrines of the Trinity and of
Emanations . It is seen every where, when once attention is drawn to it . The most ancient
author, I believe, who has treated of it, is Plato, and he has named it only once to my knowledge,
and that is in his Timoeus .I It is very remarkable that it has acquired so great an influence, that
all nations, without being conscious of it, constantly act from the impulse given by it in former
times. We every where find it in what the ancients called sacred numbers ; but no one has ever
been able to give a satisfactory reason for these numbers having the sacred character affixed to
them. Magic has been assigned ; but nobody can tell what Magic was or is ; nor are the sacred
numbers in any way connected with it, except some few of them with that branch of it called
judicial astrology. The origin of the Microcosm may, perhaps, be found in Genesis, i . 27, God
created man in his own image . Every thing was supposed to be in the image of God ; and thus
man was created double-the male and female in one person, or androgynous like God . By some
uninitiated Jews, of about the time of Christ, this double being was supposed to have been created
back to back ; but I believe, from looking at the twins . in all ancient zodiacs, it was side to side ;
precisely as we have seen the Siamese boys,-but still male and female .' Besides, the book of
Genesis implies that they were side to side, : by the woman being taken from the side of man.
Among the Indians the same doctrine is found, as we might expect .
Brahma was scientia excellentissima, because he was humani generis propagator : idemque etiam
est rerum universarum architectus et opifex, summe patens, summeque intelligens . Hujus veru
symbolum, et enigma erat apud veteres homo . a Thus Man or Mannus was in the image of God ;
and thus, after God-Om-he was called Hom-o . Every thing was microcosmic . In the Tauric
cycle we have Adam and his wife, and Cain, Abel, and Seth . In the Arietic cycle we have Noah and
his wife, and Shem, Ham, and Japhgt-a new trinity every 1800 years at first, then every 2160 .
When the mystics could not make the number come right, they made Noah live in both worlds.
The To Ov was supposed to be duplicate-then from the two to triplicate himself. From him pro-
ceeded the male Logos, and the female Aura or Anima or Holy Ghost-in ancient times always

1 See Stanley's Philosophy, p. 208 . s

See Vol . I. p. 605, note.
' Georg. Alph. Tib. p . 116. 4 See Index to Vol. I . for references to Noah.
398 Chinese Microcosm
female . In microcosmical imitation of this, man, animals, and plants, and, in short, all animated
nature, were believed to be formed of both sexes . Thus the To Ov was supposed, in himself, to
possess the two principles of generation . Thus we have Adam and Eve ; from them, Cain and
his wife ; Abel and his wife ; and, afterward, Seth and his wife . Again, Noah and his wife ; and
Shem, Ham, and Japhet, and their wives . Cain, the eldest, was supposed to have forfeited his
right to supremacy, by his misconduct . And on the believed fact, that Noah really escaped from
the flood, the mythos is contrived to shew, that, in consequence of the misconduct of Cain, he had
a right to the supremacy ; and, again, in consequence of the misconduct of the eldest son of Noah,
that the second, Shem, inherited the right ; that, in that line, the Pontificate should proceed ; that,
in that line, the Avatar saviours, kings, and priests, should always be found ; and that, in that line,
should all mankind be blessed.
2. In all the speculations in which I have indulged, my reader must have observed, that I have
confined myself strictly to describing the doctrines or opinions of others, carefully retaining my
own ; but I cannot here resist the opportunity of observing, in what an extraordinary manner the
probability of the truth of the ancient doctrine of the Microcosm is supported by the discovery of
modern physiologists-that, when the seed of any animated being is examined in its minutest
development, it seems to have the full or complete form of its parent, and that generation is, at
last, but accretion. I suspect it was held, that the minutest atom was but a microcosm or minia-
ture existence of some future being ; and that, probably, every atom in its turn would be both the
germ and the increment of other beings, till every atom had taken its turn .' The atomic doctrine
of Pythagoras was learnt by him (as we are told) from the Phoenician or Judaean or Chalddean,
called Moses or Moschus, the name in both cases equally corrupted . The doctrines of Pythagoras
and Moses, with very little exception, appear to have been identical . This was the philosophy
revived, in a later day, by Des Cartes, with some additions, on the truth or falsity of which, I, as
an expositor merely of the doctrines of the ancients, am not called upon to give an opinion . But
this much I will say, the Cabalistical doctrines of Moses, . of Pythagoras, and of Jesus, were the
same : and the Sopheism of Mohamed, and the name of his temple Caaba or Caavah, the same as
the Mercavah 2_ of the Jews, raise a strong probability that he held similar doctrines .
3 . An expression is dropped in a learned paper in the Asiatic Journal, 3 from which it appears, that
the Chinese have among them the doctrine of the Microcosm : the author says, " By the Chinese,
" Man is considered a Microcosm : the universe is man, on a large scale : this is all we find posi-
" tively stated on this subject . Human reason is the reason of the universe . The holy man, or
" the sage by eminence, is like the great pinnacle, and spirit as he is . He is the first of all beings .
°` His spirit is one with the heavens, the master-work of the Supreme Reason, a being perfectly

' Colonel Wilford says, " It is to be observed, that, in general, the Hindus believe that all living beings originate
" from an atom-like germ, endued, virtually, with life ; but inert till placed in a proper medium ; when it becomes
actually a punetum *aliens or an embryo . It is indivisible, and cannot be destroyed by any means whatever ; but will
"remain till the end of the world . When a man dies, his body restores to the earth, and to the other elements, all that
" augmentation of substance, which it had received from them : but the atom-like germ remains the same This
"atom-like germ is called in Sanscrit atibahica, and is mentioned in the Garudapurana . It is called also vayaviyam,
because it goes faster than the wind . They say, that it is exactly the sixth part of these atoms, which we see moving
in the rays of the sun, when admitted into a dark room, through a small aperture ." (Asiat. Res. Vol . XIV . p . 431 .)
The part which I have marked with italics, shews that . Col. Wilford has misunderstood his subject . It is a pity lie had
not gone deeper into it . I suppose the original of the word vayaviyam has been the Latin vivo-vixi-disguised by
the formation according to the artificial Sanscrit rule .. I cannot help suspecting that the abuse of those artificial rules
not only leads the modern Sanscrit scholars into great absurdities, but entirely shuts the avenues to ancient learning,
and by this means has been one of the causes of their present lamentable state of ignorance .
! See supra, p . 342, and infra, p. 401 . 3 No . XXXVI. New Series, Dee, 1832, p . 306.
Book V. Chapter IV . Section 4 399

"unique ." The Chinese system 'begins like all others ; and, in this, it instantly displays its iden-
tity with all others . The doctrine of Taou Tsze says, "Taou or ' Reason' produced one ; one
"produced two ; two produced three ; three produced all things ." ' Here we have the doctrine
correctly, as I have, in part, described it in Vol . 1. pp . 594, 703, 757, &c. This last passage is
taken from the work called Taou tilt king, a Latin version of which is in the Library of the Royal
Society, and which was executed by a missionary who had devoted his whole life to the study of it .
4 . To return to our subject .-The world was divided among the descendants of Noah into three,
and again into seventy-two . These were as follow : Japhet, the youngest, had twelve ; Ham, the
second, had twenty-jour ; and Shem, the eldest, bad thirty-six. 2 This induces me to return to
an observation in Volume I . p . 474, where I ridiculed Sir W . Jones's division of the languages of
the world into three, those of Shem, Ham, and Japhet . I now think it right to observe, that it does
not seem unlikely, when the world came to be divided into three sovereignties, that the universal
language should, in its grammatical forms, have run into three dialects, which would shew them-
selves in a marked manner . On this point, therefore, I may have been under a mistake . In simi-
lar microcosmic manner the period which I have formerly described of 21,600 years was divided
into three . The libration of the planes of the Ecliptic and Equator was supposed to take place in
7200 years . It was thought to librate three times in the 21,600 years ; seventy-two small cycles
of 600 years, or 72 large cycles of 6000 years, in 432,000 years . In this manner all the cycles
were microcosmic . Thus, microcosmically, also, the surface of the globe was arranged . From
Adam proceeded Cain, Abel, and Seth ; and from them proceeded all mankind : .yet we know not
how the first world was divided ; but we shall, by and by, find circumstances which will lead us to
believe that it must have been divided as the second was divided . After the Flood, came Noah,
and Shem, Ham, and Japhet. Their posterity was divided into three, and these were subdivided
In like manner the world was divided into three parts-the portions of
into seventy-two races .
Shem, Ham, and Japhet ; and these again, as appears from Genesis, into seventy-two districts,
occupied by the seventy-two races spoken of above . In this way Noah was the patriarchal
Archierarchal Pontiff while he lived, and, under him, his three sons, as Hierarchs, one for each
division . After his death, they became three Archierarchs-one, perhaps, at Oude or Babylon, for
Asia ; one in Egypt, for Africa ; and one, probably, at Rome, or at Thebes, in Bceotia, for
Europe . In later times the heathen kingdom of Saturn was divided, in like manner, into three
parts-one at Antioch, for Asia ; one at Alexandria, for Africa ; and one at Rome, for Europe .
Now insulated facts and circumstances like the Amphictyon, scraps of records like Genesis, and
analogy, raise a probability that this was the foundation of the universal microcosmic mythos.
Perhaps a religionist will say, It was a literal truth . We will now point out what will add to the
probability of its existence, whether mythos or truth . I believe the above is chiefly mythos ; but
I believe that an Archierarch did arise, who was what was thought to be the first incarnation, and
will represent Buddha and the PandEean kingdom ; and that, under him and his successors, the
world was ruled in peace, till the equinoctial sun passed into Aries-till the festivals required
correcting,-till, perhaps, a great flood happened-and that, during this time, the Druidical cir-
cles were erected-the microcosmic mythos was invented or RENEWED and acted on, as we shall
presently find . I see no impossibility in the first Archierarchy having arisen before the sun

' Asiatic Journal, No . XXXVI . New Series, Dec. 1832, p . 303

s Genesis x. 21, ought to be rendered thus : "Unto Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, and the brother
of Japhet, the elder to him, were children born ." Here, as we might expect, the sacred book not only makes the ancestor
of the Jews the eldest, which would give him the tithes of the whole world, but it gives him as many kingdoms in domain
as the other two put together.

400 Sacred Numbers

entered Aries, in what we call the -.era of Buddha ; and if this were the case, I see no improbability
in an archierarchy having succeeded by descent from the first King-priest who lived after the
deluge, and in such Archierarchy having continued during many generations . I have just intimated
that Buddha would represent Noah . There are a hundred circumstanees, and, if my memory do
not deceive me, some authorities, in, favour of Buddha being Menu ; but Menu was Noah, there-
fore Buddha would be Noah . Here I think we have the amalgam of the systems of Genesis in the
East and West-Buddha, Divine Wisdom incarnate in Noah . Menu and Buddha are but qualities,
appellatives personified .
5 . In all our inquiries we constantly find men actuated by an opinion that some numbers are
more lucky than others, but we no where meet with an explanation why they should be so con-
sidered . I believe the general conclusion is, that this opinion arose from magic ; but how this
could be I believe no one can shew, and I think it only arose, from no one knowing what magic
was, and thus it served to conceal ignorance . It appears that man and every thing else was be-
lieved to be made in the image of God, or of that first pattern which proceeded from the To Ov,
after which the universe was formed . The more nearly a person imitated this pattern, the more
pious, or perfect, or excellent be was esteemed ; and, on this account, the more an individual was
withdrawn from the flesh and abstracted from the world, the more he assimilated himself to God ;
and, in like manner, all the numbers connected with the microcosm of the world, were holy and
fortunate . For this reason, as far as possible, every human work was assimilated to the great
work of God, by the adoption of the sacred numbers . As Noah divided the world to his sons-
Shem, Ham, and Japhet ; so Saturn divided the earth to his three son-Jupiter (Ham), Pluto
(Shem), and Neptune (Japhet) . I As the kingdom of Saturn was divided into three-Asia, Africa,
and Europe ; so the world, as then known, was divided, after the death of Christ, into three
Patriarchates-the chiefs of which resided at Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome . I suspect that the
division of the world among his three sons, by Constantine, was a compliance with the mythos of
Noah and Shem, Ham, and Japhet . I believe the Pope will allow that Caesar held both by the book
and the sword. When Christ came, the Emperors only held by right of the sword . The successor
of Christ, the Pope, held by right of the book . When Constantine had given Italy to the Pope, he
held it by right of both the book and the sword . He was king and priest of Italy . But he held
all the remainder of the world by right of the book . He was not king of it, but he had a right to
the tithes of it, which his ancestor, Noah, retained, when he granted the land to his three sons .
As heir of the eldest son, the Pope was Lord Paramount of the soil . The kings were his vice-
gerents, his feudatories, bound to do him suit and service, and to pay him the tenths . The Em-
peror of Germany was successor of Constantine, and claimed all his rights . And, in like manner,
I have no doubt that each country was divided . Mr . Hallam 2 states this of England. The old
British historians tell us, that, in the time .of Lucius, about A . D . 180, there were three Arch-
flamens, viz . of York, London, and Carleon (Chester), who, when Lucius was converted to Chris-
tianity ; became Archbishops . 3 Here we have the country divided into three, in imitation of the
three divisions of the world . The Romans divided Britain into five dioceses . Brutus, grandson of
Eneas, having killed his father Sylvius, fled from Italy, and after joining himself to some emigrants
from Troy, in Greece, and undergoing many adventures, he landed at Tot-ness, in Devonshire .
The island was inhabited by Giants ; he conquered them and seized the island . He had, . as I
stated in Vol . 1 . p. 367, three sons-Locrin or Loegrin, to whom he gave Loegria, that is, England ;
Camber, to whom he gave Wales, hence called Cambria ; and Albanact, to whom he gave Scot-

' Vide Calmet, in voce Japhet . 2 Hist. Mid . Ages, Vol. 11 . pp . 20-23 . ' Somner's Ant . Cant, p . 228 .
Book V. Chapter IV . Section 6 401
land, which from him was called Albania. Here we have the old mythos-the going out, the
adventurous journeys, and the Father-Brutus-and three sons ; like Adam, and Cain, Abel, and
Seth ; or Noah, and Sbem, Ham, and Japhet . This history is found in Geoffrey of Monmouth,
and is now always regarded as a fiction of the monks of the middle ages ; but the single fact of
the Game Troy in Wales, being noticed by Pliny, joined to the names of the countries, raises a
strong probability that Geoffrey did but repeat the tradition which he found . The Game Troy
seems to me decisive upon this point .' Tot-ness is Tat-nesos, or nase or town of the promon-
tory of Tat, Taranis, or Buddha . It stands very near a remarkable peninsula or promontory .
The Scots have a similar story of Gathelus, a king of Athens, but it is not worth repeating, and is
noticed only to shew the existence of the mythos . It may be seen in Rapin . In the respective
histories of Brutus and his Sons we have the exact repetition of the mythos . If we look back to
Vol . I . pp . 615, 616, we shall find the history of the life of Virgil to be an exact copy of the history
of Homer . Thus, not only was the history of nations always a renewal, a repetition, of a former
one, but the history of their musas or bards was a repetition . There is nothing new under the
sun, said Solomon . In the reign of William I ., England is said, by Selden, to have been divided
into thirty-seven shires .2 These included, I doubt not, the disputed town and county of Berwick
upon Tweed . By statute 35 Henry 111 .,3 Wales was empowered to send twenty-four members
to the English parliament. If it were one for each county, it would leave twelve for Scotland, to
complete the seventy-two, and give her only twelve counties . If it were two for each county, then
it would leave Scotland twenty-four. But it is of no consequence to me, in either case ; the pro-
bability is, that the whole for the island was seventy-two. The microcosm creeps out, which is
all that interests me . Mr . Hannay observes,' that the municipal governments of our towns dated
their beginning centuries before the Norman or even the Saxon conquest, or, I believe, the Roman
invasion . I have no doubt that they may date with Troya Nova, or Trinobantum .
6. I mentioned, near the close of the first chapter of this book, that I should explain the micro-
cosm of the word Mercavah . Maimonides and other learned Jews say, that the Mercavah refers
to the chariot of Ezekiel, chap . i . vers . 15-21, and ch . x . 9-16 ; now, what is this Hebrew word
which is substituted for the word used by Ezekiel ZlK apn, and alleged to mean chariot ? It is
1310 narkb, and is said to be derived from the root 1n rkb, or Recab, meaning to ride, and a carriage .
But here is the M unaccounted for . When I recollect that all this writing is invented to record
and continue, but yet to conceal, that which ought not to be written, and which was originally pre-
served in verses unwritten, and that the intention is to make the meaning as difficult as possible
to be discovered,-when I also recollect the context of the four animals of the cardinal points, and
their connexion in the text with the wheel, and what we have seen of the Om of Isaiah, of the
cabalistic meaning of the monogram M and the custom of using it as a monogram, I suspect that
one part of the Mercavah refers to the cycle of the Om ; that by the translated term Mercavah is
meant, a vehicle or conveyor of the secret of the Om, of the doctrine of the renewal of cycles, with
all its various concomitant mythoses . The word Caaba was derived from the last part of the word
Mercavah or Mercaba-from the noun Recab . It was the templet of the cabalistic cycle or circle

See Vol. I : pp . 377, 385 . s Hannay's Hist. Rep . p . 46 . 3 Ib . p . 184 . * lb . p . 166.

' A Temple was the circle or wheel of the heavens. The Caaba, with its 360 pillars around it, was the temple of
Mohamed (like the temple of Solomon) or circle or wheel of Mohamed, or of OFn, the desire of all nations. Mercavah
or 2D1n was the =1 rkb of Om. To have called it temple of Mercaaba would have been a tautology . All the oldest
temples of Zoroaster and the Indians were caves, acknowledged to be in imitation of the vault or circle or wheel of
heaven . From all these considerations I am induced to believe that the word Mercavah is formed of n M, 1n er
402 Mercavah and Caaba
of the sun or the heavens, the temple of Recab . For this reason it had a circle of 360 stones
around it, and the black stone in the inside of the circle is still adored as the emblem of the sun,
the generative principle . Originally it had a dove or lune, as an object of adoration : this is said
to have been destroyed by Mohamed himself . (The temple in the sacred . island of lune or Iona of
the West, was surrounded with 360 stone crosses ; but, within the larger circle, it had a smaller
one of 60 crosses ; and close to it is the island of Linga . Here is the same mythos in the East
and West . After this, if there were no other reason, we should scarcely be surprised to find
Mohamedism connected with the ancient mythology and modern Christianity .) Notwithstanding
the story of the destruction of the Dove, the use of the crescent induces me to believe, that Moha-
med adopted the double principle . The Caaba is said to have been planned originally in heaven .
This is, in fact, after the pattern of heaven,-the circle of the sphere . Mr. Low has observed,
that a considerable analogy appears to exist between the shape, construction, and ornaments of the
tabernacle and altar described in Exodus, and those of the Caaba .' This is what we might
expect . Every temple was a microcosm of the universe . In imitation of this, the temples were
surrounded with pillars . 2 The temple of Mecca4had 360 . The temple of Iona had 360 in the
outer circle, and 60 in the inner one, wheel within wheel ; and three revolving globes. The tem-
ple at Ana-mor, in the county of Fermanagh, in Ireland, has 48, the number of the ancient con-
stellations, in its outer row, placed in an ellipse, and 9 in a circle within, to chew that 9 cycles were
passed, or the ninth cycle was arrived when it was built . 3 The ellipse and the small circle of 9,
placed in one of its foci, seem to skew, that the elliptic orbits of the planets were known to its
builder . But the most common number of the pillars was 40. 1 suppose this has been 38, and 2
at the entrance, marked in some way to distinguish them from the others, as at Stonehenge .
Probably the two have been the Jachim and Boaz-emblems of the male and female generative
powers, standing in front of the temple . I do not think it improbable, that the persons who knew
from the calculation of the moons and secret science, that the earth would become inclined and
the flood ensue, should have known the exact number of the Planets . Sir William Drunimond
believed, that the ancients counted them to 16 in number . I believe that there was originally only
one pillar before the temples, and that this, the Cardo or Cross or mete-stone, increased to two,
when the union of the sects of the Linga and loni took place . But there is a single obelisk in
Egypt, before the temples, as also in Rome, before all the churches . In most cases, in Rome, the
obelisks are the sacred ones brought from Egypt . But in one case, before the church of Maria
Maggiore, a Corinthian column is placed, that is, a column ornamented with Rams' horns and
Palm-leaves, which was, I believe, the pillar chiefly used at Jerusalem ." The Temple at Hiera-
polis, now Balbec, that is Bal-bit-house of Bal, has 40 pillars, 5 and in the magnificent plan of
the temple of Ezekiel, published by Solomen Bennet, the four oblong buildings in the middle of
the courts have each 40 pillars, and the four oblong buildings at the four corners, which have no
grand entrances, have each 19, the number of the metonic cycle so common in the circles in Britain
and Ireland . All this is in perfect keeping with the minor, and, I may venture to say, nonsensi-
cal, parts of the Cabala . But the religion of the Cabala proceeded, as all other religions have pro-

(meaning chief or apxq) aD cb, cav or cavah-the chief or head circular vault of M . The idea of wheel applied to the
revolving planetary bodies is peculiarly appropriate . The Cavah is the origin of our word cave.
I Trans . Asiat . Soc . Vol. III . p . 123 . s See Vol. I . p . 703 . 3 Vide Vall. Coll. Hib . Vol . VI . p. 400 .

4 There is a Corinthian pillar at Benares, in the temple of Vis Visha . (Hodges, p . 62.)

1 See the plan in Maundrel's Travels .

Book V . Chapter 1V . Section 7 403

ceeded, and always will proceed, while the mind of man has its present constitution, from simpli-
city to complication, till it arrived at the fooleries which we meet with in such endless variety,
described in Montfaucon, &c ., called Gnostic emblems : for Gnosticism was nothing but the doc-
trines of the Cabala corrupted and becoming publicly known . I have no doubt that the mete-
stone, mentioned above, was the father or generator of 600 other smaller measures . This mete-
stone was the sacred stone called Mudron . For a great variety of information respecting sacred
stones, the sixth chapter of the Celtic Druids may be consulted . From association, the boundary,
or mete-stone, being the emblem of the generative power, the word dud and dd came to mean the
paps of a woman and love ; and from the same came our word Madam . By association might
also come the name which we give to the substance out of which the globe was supposed to be
formed, called Mud ; and, again, the Muth or Mother, the name which the Egyptians gave to
Isis ; and, as Mr . Webster says, truly,' in this is a proof of the identity or common origin of the
Phoenician, the Celtic, and the Teutonic languages . In this manner, by the association of ideas,
almost all language may b2 traced to its source, and the origin of every word be shewn .
7. The learned and Rev . Mr. Gabb, whom I have quoted in Vol . I . pp . 296-298, in his Finis
Pyramidis, has gone at great length into the examination of the measures of the ancients, and
though I doubt the truth of his idea, that the great Pyramid at Giza, was built solely for the
purpose of forming a standard measure of length and capacity, yet I have no doubt whatever that,
from a comparison of it with some of the ancient Temples and the Nilometer at Cairo, the oldest,
the most perfect and universal of the measures of the ancients may be ascertained . All nations
have originally had certain names of measures-the digit, the finger, the palm of the hand, the
foot, the pace-which are still in use in most countries ; and it is evident that they were originally
so called from a reference to the human body . Five digits or inches made the palm ; two palms
the foot ; three feet the pace . The ancients had also the cubit and the stadium . I shall begin my
observations with the foot . My reader, however, will recollect that my object is not to treat of
the ancient weights and measures, but merely to shew that they were founded on the microcosmic
principle, or that it may be discovered in them . It appears that the sarcophagus or parallelepiped
in the great pyramid of Giza consists of two cubes, which together are equal in length to the one
hundredth part of the side of its base . This chest is divisible into ten parts, each of which con-
stitutes a foot, and into four parts, each of which constitutes a cubit ; thus each cubit is two feet
and a half, and the whole chest or sarcophagus is ten feet, or four cubits, or the little stadium, 2
and the side of the base of the Pyramid is four hundred Nilometer cubits, or one thousand feet,
which make the great Egyptian stadium . The ten feet, the length of the chest, the little Egyp-
tian stadium or the Hebrew fathom, is the measure by which the Parthenon at Athens, the temple
at Ephesus, and the temple at Jerusalem, were built, and which was a measure anciently used by
the Romans in their temples .3 This foot of the ancients is (I believe with Mr . Gabb) correctly
represented in our inches, by 8 .7552 in ., and in our feet by 0 . 7296, and two such feet by
1 ft . 5 .5104 in . 4 The foot used by Archimedes and the Syracusans was probably the same, as

' Diet . in voce Mud . See Vol . I . p . 336, note' .

' I .consider the Pyramids to be of late erection compared with most of the Druidical circles . This I think is proved
by the workmanship . The art of using the chisel was probably scarcely known when most of the circles were erected ;
but still, when I recollect that Moses orders the pillars set up not to be touched with the chisel, it occurs to me that a
religious principle may have operated against its use .
' The front of the Parthenon Hecatompedon at Athens, destroyed by Xerxes, was one hundred feet . Gabb, pp .
38, 44 .
4 Gabb, p . 102.
404 Measures of the Ancients

it differed from the Egyptian foot only B oa of an inch . I Mr. Gabb says, (p . 48,) "And 400
• cubits, which equal 1000 Pyramidic feet, are equal to the side of the Pyramid's base, and is the
• stadium of the Egyptians . 200,000 cubits are equal to 500,000 Pyramidic feet, which are equal
• to a meridional degree, if taken very near the equator : of course 72,000,000 of cubits are equal
" to 180,000,000 of Pyramidic feet, which are equal to the circumference of the earth ." To which
I add, (in order to make the microcosm clear,) or 360,000,000 palms, 2 (two of which equal a pyra-
midic foot,) are equal to the circumference of the earth . I think the Microcosmic system no one
can doubt here . And from the whole which has been written upon this subject by Mr . Gabb, Sir
Isaac Newton, Mr . Whiston, and Sir W . Drummond, 3 there can be no doubt that the ancients
had a standard of measure, taken from the mensuration of a meridional degree at the equator, more
correct than the French have at this day, after all their attempts, with their modern scientific
improvements, and that both they and the English would have shewn their wisdom if they had
adopted Mr. Gabb's advice, and taken the chest at Cairo, the old standard, as their standard of
measure . 4 I feel little doubt that the palm was the universal measure of all the very ancient
temples, and was the invention of the first Pontifical race, and probably descended with them and
with the Neros, as Josephus says, from before the last of the three floods, perhaps before the
second of them . If the reader return to the Preliminary Observations, Vol . I . p. 6, he will find
that I have there divided the circle of 360 degrees into 180, then the 180 into 90, then the 90 into
three' times 30, then each thirty into three tens, and each ten into two fives, or each 30 into 6
fives ; and he will remember that in the five we have the Lustrum of the old Italians . Pliny
divided the circle into 72 constellations ; these were the lustrums ; then, as there were 360,000,000
palms in the circle, there would be 72,000,000 of lustrums . Picus, of Mirandola, thus describes
the Microcosm of Plato : " Plato asserts, (In Timaeo,) that the Author of the world made the
" mundane and all other rational souls, in one cup, and of the same elements, the universal soul
• being the most perfect, ours least ; whose parts we may observe by this division . Man, the
" chain that ties the world together, is placed in the midst ; and as all mediums participate of
• their extremes, his parts correspond with the whole world : thence called Microcosms ." Man
is the stadium, 6 the fathom, the standard . The first man was an incarnation of Wisdom, and
down, step below step, to animals ; animals, step below step, to plants ; plants, step below-step,
to metals, stones, the minuted particle of matter, the invisible gas, the ethereal or spiritual fire .
Above him, souls of men, dmmons, angelical minds of various degrees, angels, arch-angels, princi-
palities, God .
I am not certain that the stadium, in strict analogy to the above, was not considered, in mensu-
ration, as the standard or chain placed in the midst, which tied the world together . The ancients
divided the globe in the following manner
r 2 = 180,000,000

3 = 120,000,000
4 = 90,000,000
360,000,000 palms 12 = 30,000,000
36 = 10,000,000
72 = 5,000,000
360 = 1,000,000

' Gabb, p. 44 . ! See infra, p . 405 . 3 Classical Journal, Vol. XVI . 4 See Gabb, p : 55 .
Stanley's Hist . Phil . Pt. V. p . 208 .
s The stadium comes from go to stand, whence also come stars and standard . From the crosses of the Agri-
Book V. Chapter IV . Section 7 405
5 = 72,000,000
10 = 36,000,000
15 = 24,000,000
30 = 12,000,000
360,000,000 palms 40 9,000,000
60 6,000,000
120 3,000,000
l 360 = 1,000,000

The first measure was 1, Digit, Finger, or Inch .

5 Fingers or Inches made 1 Palm or Hand .
2 Palms or Hands, or 10 Fingers 1 Foot .
21 Feet or 5 Palms 1 Cubit.-II1xvs .
2 Cubits, 5 Feet, or 10 Palms 1 Cube, Yard, Pace, or Stride .
Chest, Stadium, Fathom, or height of a
2 Cubes, or 4 Cubits, or 20 Palms, or 10 Feet {' tall man .'
100 Chests, Stadia, or Fathoms, or 1000 Feet, or 1 Pyramid, or Great Fathom, or Stadium .
2000 Palms
50 Pyramids, or 50,000 Chests, or 500,000 Feet,
I Degree.
or 1,000,000 Palms f
360 2 Degrees, or 360,000,000 Palms 1 Circle.

Thus the man is the fathom or stadium or standard by which all measurements were made ; and
all temples, and parts of temples were built in equal numbers of this measure, or some equimul-
tiples of this measure. In the same manner, the circle of the heavens, and the circle of the earth,
were divided into equimultiples of this measure . I think, as I have before intimated, that all
temples were anciently believed to be microcosms of the world . Whiston, on the Old Testament,
p. 85, says, "It may not be amiss to set down here the exact length of the old Egyptian and
" Jewish cubit, as our great Sir I . Newton has determined it from the measures of the Pyramids
" of Egypt, taken by the learned Greaves ; and as I have found it also most agreeable to the mea-
sures of the sepulchres of the house of David, still remaining at Jerusalem, in Maundrel's
" Travels ; and to the measure of the table of Shew-bread upon Titus's Arch at Rome, in Reland's
" discourse thereon. I mean, that in inch-measure it was= 20 .7936 inches, and in foot-measure=
" 1 . 7325 feet, or 1 ft. 8 in. -,%." The reason why Mr. Whiston and Sir Isaac Newton did not
come to the same conclusion as Mr . Gabb, with respect to the length of the Jewish and Egyptian
measure, the fathom, the stadium, and the foot, was because they took the account from Mr .
Greaves's measurement of the Pyramid, which was taken, where only he could take it, from the

mensores being put up of the size of one stadium, they were called stans or stones ; and from the collections of dwel-
lings round these stones, towns came to be called stan-as Penistan, in England ; Bagistan, in Persia . Stadium may
be also Standiom-Stan-di-Om-Stone of the sacred Ow, or Hom, the height of a man . Fathom may be Father-
Om A fathom is equal to ten pyramidic feet, which are equal to about 80 of our inches, or 6I feet, the height of a
tall man.
1 An Irish Giant or a Goliath.
The 360, I apprehend, were also divided into three parts of 120 each ; these into two of 60 each ; these into two
of 30 each ; these into two of 15 each ; and three of 5 each ; and the 30, into five of 6 each . Thus we come at the two
lowest lustrums.
406 Measures of the Ancients
side, and not from where the French took it, at the foundation or widest part of the triangle . But
the identity of measurement shewn by Mr. Gabb in the length of the base of the Pyramid, with the
construction of the Nilometer of Cairo, with the temples at Jerusalem, Ephesus, Athens, and
Rome, furnish a proof very superior to the theories of Greaves and Newton-indeed, they leave no
room for any doubt on the subject . The discovery had been made by the French Savans before
it was observed by Mr. Gabb, and it is astonishing that they failed to make it useful . One of them
says, "The monuments of Egypt have something mysterious, which betrays ideas worthy of our
" admiration . Each side of the base of the great Pyramid 500 times multiplied gives 57,075
" toiies, which complete a geographical degree . The cube of the Nilometer 200,000 times multi-
plied gives exactly the same result ." '
plied I believe the ancients took their measurement of the
degree in the island of Jaba-dios, or the island of the holy IEUE, or Sumatra, in, perhaps, the pro-
vince of Rome-lia, and near the city of Rome, which was probably there . This circumstance may
justify the inference, that they knew, that the degree was less at the Equator than near the Poles .
Indeed, this is in perfect keeping with their knowledge of the periods of the comets, and of other
important facts, which every where shews the superiority of their learning to ours . In accord-
ance with the system of microcosmic' numbers, the oriental philosophers have determined, that a
man in health makes 360 respirations in a Ghari of time ; six such respirations, therefore, must
equal a Pal, or the sixtieth part of a Ghari, and, in the course of 24 hours, a man, in health, will
make 21,600 respirations . The Ghari is the sixtieth part of a day and night, which sixtieth part
is further divided into sixty other parts-called Pal, and the latter, again, subdivided into sixty
other parts-called Bebal . The Greeks had two standards of square measure, called the Aroura
and the Plethron, the latter known to be the double of the former . I think as there were two
stadiums or measures of length of one name, Stadium or Fathom, there were two Plethrons and
two Arouras . The small Aroura was 720 square feet, and the large one 1440, and the other was
5000 square feet for the small Aroura, and 10,000 for the large one . 2 If we allow for the mistake,
probably of the printer, of 722 for 720, we must see here the microcosm and the whole system .
The 720 square feet are evidently only the double of 360 palms . The 5000 and 10,000 are from
the base of the Pyramid . Again, the Egyptian Aroura was the square of 100 cubits, or 10,000
square cubits ; and the Plethron 20,000 square cubits. 3 Pliny calls them jugera, and says the
largest Pyramid occupied,8 of them, which produce au area of 160,000 square cubits . The dis-
covered dimensions prove this perfectly correct : for the side of the base of the Pyramid being 400
cubits, these multiplied by 400, give 160,000 square cubits. The granite chest 25 times repeated,
gives a length, of which the square is the Aroura, or 10,000 square cubits . Although none of our
writers have given us the inside capacity of the chest, or the exact thickness of its sides, we may
be very certain that it formed the measure of capacity . Indeed, after a standard of length is once
fixed, there is no difficulty with a standard of rain-water . Mr . Gabb has observed, that the ancient
jugera were the lowest standard or unit of land measure, and meant not only any inclosed posi- .
tion, but what we call lands, that, is balks or strips of land, in the open town-fields .¢ We have
here the use of the Agrimensores treasuring and granting out the land of the Lords to their feuda-
tories, and the origin of our town-fields . The same system may be perceived in the measurement
of the lands by the Etruscan Agrimensores . Niebuhr says, "The, jugerum was, as its name indi-
" cater, a double measure ; and the proper unit of the Roman land measure is the actus of 14,400
" square feet, a square of each side of which measured one hundred and twenty feet . A quadrangle

' Paucton, Metrologie . Paris, 1780 . Muller's Univers. Hist. Sect . iii.
2 See Gabb's Fin . Pyram. P. 75 . 3 Ib . 4 Ib . P . 73.
Book V . Chapter IV . Section 8 407
• containing a superficies of fifty jugera comprised the square of ten actus within its area,, and is
u certainly a century, not indeed of a hundred jugera, but of a hundred actus ."' In the 120 and
14,400 the mythos is evident . Again, Niebuhr says, "The Etruscan and Umbrian versus, of ten
"ten-foot rods, bore the same proportion to the square root of the Roman actus -or fundus, twelve
~~ ten-foot rods, as the cyclical to the civil year of the Romans A century, therefore, of a
~~ hundred actus, contained one hundred and forty-four versus, i . e . the square of twelve ." 2 The
Pythagoreans, as well as the Platonists, (in fact, they were the same, only successors of each
other,) held the doctrine of the microcosm ; but I think it was a part of their secret system .
Indeed, the whole of the system which I have developed contains innumerable facts which can be
accounted for only from a desire of secrecy . The theory that Man was the centre of the animal or
animated mundane system, is pregnant with many curious circumstances . It seems that the race
of men was like the race of animals, which was thought to descend from the Ganesa, the Elephant,
the wisest of animals, to the lowest, to the point where it connected with the race of animated
plants, which in like manner descended . As the highest of the race of animals descended to the
lowest, and thence to the highest of the race of plants, so the highest of the race of man was
thought to have descended to the lowest-from the Newtons and Lockes to the idiot-or rather, I
should say, from the incarnation of divine wisdom in the Supreme Pontiff, in Noah and his succes-
sors ; in fact, in the Chaldoeans, who inherited the supremacy of the whole world . And from this,
after the theory was lost, from the effect of custom or tradition not understood, all the claims of
kings by divine right have descended . From this, too, the desire of all kings to trace their pedi-
gree up to Noah has arisen . The corresponding committee of the Asiatic Society, of which Sir
Alexander Johnstone is the chairman, have been so obliging as to make inquiries for me into the
dimensions of some of the old temples of India . The subject of ancient weights and measures is a
very comprehensive one . At a future day I shall probably return to it, when I may be able to
ascertain whether what I suspect is really true, viz . that the old temples in China, Mexico, India,
Syria, Greece, Italy, and of Stonehenge and Abury, were all built by one measure, and were in-
tended, each in its own peculiar way, to be a microcosm of the universe .
8. We will now return to the Etruscan Agrinensores, from which, indeed, we have made a
very long digression, All the operations of the Tuscan Augurs or Agrimensores, for they were
both one, were of a religious nature, . Their first unit of measure or ager, our acre, was a
microcosm of a greater . It was called a temple, and every temple was a microcosm of a greater,
of a wheel within a wheel, till it became a microcosm of the globe, and the temple of the globe
was a microcosm of the planetary system, and that of the universe . 3 The Cardo, the De-
cumannus, and every part of the duty of an Agrimensor, was religious, and intended to regulate
the collection of the tithe : this arose from circumstances and was continued by policy . The
word Templum or Temple is a very important word, and may serve to throw some additional light
on the origin and secret meaning of the Templars and their doctrines : indeed, I think a proper
understanding of it will, in a great measure, open the door of their sanctuary . When an Etruscan
Augur began his divinations, -he "used to rise in the stillness of midnight to determine in his
" mind the limits of the celestial temple ." 4 This. temple was evidently a something in the heavens,

• Hist . Rome, Vol . II . p . 389. Walter's Ed . ' Ibid. pp . 389, 390.

• I doubt not that the refusal to pay the tithe was denounced as a great sin . By what process, or by what cunning
manoeuvre, the Roman priests got the custom established of taking auguries before any assembly could proceed to
business, I do not know ; but the object evidently was, to have the power at all times of controlling them . This power
gave the Pontifex Maximus a negative upon all the proceedings of the state . It was, in effect, a veto .
4 Niebuhr, Hist . Home, Vol . I . p . 221 . Thirlwall's Ed.
408 Etruscan Agrimensores . Templum

perhaps the hemisphere, and again shews that the word templum had some meaning much more
sublime than a humanly-erected building . But the celestial vault was the Templum erected by
the CHIEF MASON, the Megalistor Mundorum . Here I stop. Templars are nothing but masons,
and there are some of their secrets I would not divulge if I could ; but perhaps I do not know
them . I may be in error, but this I will say, they are so closely connected with masonry, that it
is very difficult to separate them . Very certain I am, that they are under some very great mis-
takes, and I can set them right, if I choose . The temple of leue at Jerusalem was called rra5yrT
eiklbit, but often bon eikl only-the second word n' bit, which means house, being omitted ; it is,
in fact, a pleonasm, very common in the Hebrew ; a habit or defect, perhaps, of writing, which
probably arose when the written language was known as a secret science to very few, in the
recesses of the temple, and but ill understood even there . The word 5] kl has the meaning of
ALL, and probably in its origin is 7 k, as, and 5rt al, meaning as all, as God. The word b kd
answers to the Latin omnis, and OM has the same idea, from the sacred word for God, whence I
think it had its derivation . But 5D kl has also the meaning of the heavens, and here we have the
Latin ccel-um . I must now request the very close attention of my reader, and his excuse for a
long quotation from Mr . Parkhurst,' without which he will not understand this most recondite
subject . " 5Tr eikl, the middle and largest part of the temple of the Lord, the sanctuary .-It is
applied to that high and holy place where Jehovah peculiarly dwelleth ; otherwise called the holy
" heavens, or heavens of holiness-tSTin neiklu 2 -Front his Temple, Ps . xviii . 7. Mr . Merrick, in
" his annotations on this text, observes, that this expression is applied to heaven by heathen authors,
" from whose writings the following passages are cited by De la Cerda, in his commentary on
" Virgil, Georgic iii . p . 389 :
" ` Cceli tonitralia Temple .'-LecRET . lib . i .
• ` Qui templa Cceli summa sonitu concutit .'-TEaENT . Eun .

" So also Ennius, quoted by Delrio, on Seneca's Here . Fur . p. 217 :

• Contremuit templum magnum Joris altitonantis .' And,
• ` Quanquam multa menus ad cccli ccerula Templa
Tendebam lacrymans "'

These texts clearly prove, that with the ancients the word templum had a meaning much more
grand and refined than merely the building on the earth, or the bit or tectum built by human
hands, which was always considered to be a microcosm of the temple of the firmament . Thus, in
the oldest monuments of the Druids, we have the circle of stones, in the number 12, the signs in
the circle-signs of the zodiacal circle, with the arch of heaven for the cupola ; and, in fact, the
divisions of the heavens marked in a great variety of ways . I know some persons will say this is
fanciful ; but they cannot deny the facts of the numbers in the monuments ; and there must be
some cause for their peculiarity . With respect to the fancifulness, I quite agree with the objec-
tors that nothing can be more fanciful than almost all the recondite doctrines of the ancients
appear, when taken without the remainder of the system of which they form a part being con-
sidered, and without the necessity for them being also considered . 3 This necessity arose from the

' On the word 5 :)n ekl 1. and III .

' From this comes our Saxon word mickle for much ; and, in some cases, used for all, as, Micklegate, York-the
sole or only road into the city, and over the bridge from the south .
' In the Pantheon at Rome, with its open top, we have a beautiful example . Here we have the plan of the oldest
temples, as they would be built, before the art of building a key-stoned arch was discovered-this would be an approxi-
mation to it .
Rook V . Chapter IV . Section 8 409

ignorance of the ancients of the art of writing, which left them no other resource to register these
most important parts-groundworks of all their theories, systems, and festivals . Under the law
of Moses, when the religion was confined and intended to be confined to one little country, a place
was fixed on and a temple built for the worship of God ; but when the Saviour of the whole world
invited all people to a participation in his favours, this attachment to one place was done away,
and every place was considered equally good for his service . Jesus Christ had no predilection for
the temple at Jerusalem or at Gerizim . In whatever place his people shall assemble, in his name,
he will be in the midst of them . Accordingly, the first Christians assembled indifferently in
houses or other places where they happened to be ; and it cannot be doubted that, if Jesus Christ
had thought temples necessary, lie would have said so : but the poor man's religion wanted no
such superstitious adjuncts . The beautiful globe was his ratu .evos, and an humble and contrite
heart his temple . This was the doctrine of the Buddhist, of the Pythagorean, of the Essenian
philosopher of Samaria . This was the doctrine which the Samaritan Nazarite taught, as I have
pointed out in my preface to the first volume .' Here we have no gorgeous temples, no trumpery
shows, no sects, nor the possibility of forming them . Here we have no firebrand creeds or sym-
bols of faith to incite men to cut each other's throats . Here all is peace and brotherly love .
Here we unite all religions .
To return from this digression . Every thing was divided into two . The heaven was divided into
two hemispheres, and the globe we inhabit into the North and the South-the Dark and the Light
-the Good and the Evil . Man, in like manner, was originally believed to have been formed in two
parts in one body-male and female 2 -the higher and the lower-the good and the evil . In the
same way time was divided-the day and night, the winter and summer . Thus we read much in
the works of the Brahmins of the day of Brahma and of the night of Brahma . All the cycles were
made up of the multiplication of the five and six together-the He and the Vau-the male and the
female-from whose union and conjunction all the race of man descended . We have found the
cycles of 360 and 432 originally founded on the two numbers five and six-the two lustrums ; and
the two cycles 360 and 432 s to have been united at last in one larger cycle . Now, I think, all this had
reference to, in fact was closely interwoven with, the theological system, as the cycles may be said
to have been interwoven into one another . There was the one, the To Ov, generally marked in a
very peculiar manner. 4 Then there were the three ; 5 then the other cyclar numbers as described
in my Celtic Druids, Sect . XXIII ., and I feel little doubt that the microcosm, after the one and
three, was made to depend on, or was regulated by, the foundation number five or six ; and these
two arose from the change in the length of the year (and consequently in the length of the cycles)
from 360 to 365 days-the number 432, the cycle formed by the six being to unite with the cycle
of 360, and together to form one whole, and thus to retain both . The temple of Stonehenge is a
production of the 5 X 12-60, &c . ; the temple at Abury in its number of 650 included both in its
system . Both these are in good keeping with the remainder of the system, but we cannot come to
any determination respecting them, nor do I know that it is of any consequence. The division of
the nations named in the tenth chapter of Genesis, 6 which was into 72, is alluded to most clearly
in 32nd ch . and 8th verse of Deuteronomy, where the Most High is said, in the LXX ., to have

• Pp . xvii . xviii . ' See supra, p . 397 . ' Vol. I . Pp . 6, 7 .

4 This in Stonehenge may have been the altar-stone as it is called, but which must have been merely fortheEuca,
ristia, as I believe there is no appearance that a large fire has ever been lighted upon it : or it may- have been the single
stone at a little distance, like the crosses in our churchyards-the Lingas or Phalluses .
• The altar-stone and the two stones at the entrance, or the three stones standing outside the'circle.
s See Vol. I. p. 265, and supra, p. 399 .
VOL. H .
410 Mount Gargarus . Cor . Cardo . Agrimensores . Termini
divided the nations according to the number of the Angels of God, and not, as in our text, accord-
ing to the number of the children of Israel . Now, I think this division of the world is a microcosm
of the division of the heavens . We know the stars are commonly called angels, and that Pliny
said there were 72 constellations, or groups of stars, called by the names of animals or other
things. I suspect the stars here alluded to were constellations, and that the surface of the earth
was divided microcosmically after the heavens . I have not been able to make out, from examples,
in any one country, a perfect or nearly perfect system ; but this is not to be expected ; nor, in-
deed, have I been able, as the Irish did with their elk, to put all the parts collected from different
quarters into a whole ; for this reason, at present we can consider it as only a proposed theory, to
remain for examination, with such a degree of weight annexed to it as each reader may think it
deserves. But yet I think the existence of the microcosm is rendered probable, by facts still
existing . Mr . Niebuhr has observed, that every cardo or stone cross set up, where the lines of the
agrimensores crossed each other, was called a Templum . But in every country there was one
grand Templum or Cardo or Cross or Capitolium or Acropolis or Stonehenge, whence all the others
proceeded, or by which they were regulated ; and it is evident that this must be a microcosm of
the temple of the globe, of the temple of the planetary system, with its its beautiful pole-star, or
the star of Juda or cross with many points, the Templars' cross at the top of it . We every where
read of nations adoring large rude stones, in such a manner as is almost incredible of rational
beings. I believe this was a species of 6eaesa paid to the Cardos, the nature of which had become
forgotten ; and perhaps it might, in some instances, be transferred to other large stones by credu-
lous devotees, who, in all ages and all nations, are perpetually at work to increase the objects of
their devotion-always at work to find something new-something to make them more worthy
than their neighbours of the favour of God . These cardos or termini or mere-stones were all
poles-polises, and the first from which all the East and West branched off was the arco or acro-
polis . From these came our Maypoles . The villages grew up around these poles, as they are
found at this day, and hence arose the name of 7ro?oc for town . I suppose the Umbrians of Italy
had 360 of them, as we know Persia had, and as I believe all other nations had ; and that it was
300 of these which the Etruscans conquered .'
9. In Volume I . p. 527, 1 have alluded to the stone circle on Mount Gargarus by the Indian name or
epithet Cor-Ghari, treated of by Mr . Faber. 2 Here is evidently the Welsh name of Choir Ghaur,
of Stonehenge, applied to Gargarus of Troia . I think no human being will doubt this . The pas-
sage noticed in my Celtic Druids, Ch . VI . Sect. XXI . p . 237, where Homer describes the chiefs
meeting in the circle, must allude to Gargarus, and to the stone circle seen by Dr . D . Clarke, upon
that mount. 3 The Monks called Stonehenge Chorea Gigantum . `113-3n hg-gur is place of the
circle : the two form the terminations of Indian towns ending with urg and uggar, and our burgs .
The word Cor is evidently the Choir and the same as the Cor, the centre of the measurements in
Italy. Cor also means the heart ; and, probably, from being the heart or centre, in Persia, it de-
scribed the Sun . I think from this it is probable that the Cardinales or centres of measurements
of Britain began at Stonehenge, or if, as is probable, Britain was microcosmically divided into
three, that it was one of the three . One of the names of Stonehenge is Main Ambres or Ambrose .
Cleland has shewn that Meyn means stone, and was the origin of our Minsters, and Monasteries .
Main of Am, or Om-bra, stone of Om the Creator . The famous Rocking stone in Cornwall was
called Main Ambre . This is the same. I suspect the bra was the same as divus, and at last

Vide Niebuhr, Hist . of Rome, Vol . 1 . pp . 112,113 Thirlwall's Ed .

Anal. Vol . III. pp . 31, 229 . 1 See Vol . 1 . pp . 229, 360, 362,423 .
Book V . Chapter 1V . Section 9 411
meant holy. Ambrosia was the liquor of the holy or creative power Om . The oil was that of the
holy or creative power, whence comes the French Ampulla . Professor [Sir Greaves] Haughton
says, Cor Gharri may be analysed into Cor-Ghirry, the mountain Cor : for Ghirry means a moun-
tain, as you may have heard of Nilgherries or blue mountains . If the G is pronounced hard, as in
gift, no h is wanted, and it would then be Giri, and sounded Ghirry . Stonehenge seems to mean
no more than the hanging or suspended stone . Cor Gawr is the old British name, which means the
circle of the powerful ones, from Cor, a circle, and Cawr or Gawr (Gaor), the Mighty One, the
Great One . But I think we have another Gargarus or Choir Ghaur in the celebrated Carum Gorum,
of Tartary, whither Gengis Khan went to receive investiture in his dominions . This was the re-
sidence of the Prestre John, or the Priest of the God of Wisdom . The kingdom of Gengis called
itself in a particular manner the kingdom of wisdom . Hence I believe that Carum Gorum is ety-
mologically the same as Choir Ghaur and as Gargarus, and that it had the same meaning . But I
think we have, as we might expect, another Choir Ghaur, in Scotland, in the mount of Carum Gorum,
[cairn gorm ?] whence the precious stones of that name are procured, in the county of Perth . They
are all mounts of the Cor or circle or heart or wisdom . They were all acropolises, capitoliums, of
the divine incarnation .-I must now return to what I have said, that Carnate probably had its
name from the two Carns of St . Thomas,' and observe, that, in consequence of finding the word
Carn in such very general use all over the world, I am obliged to seek for some other meaning ;
and I think I have it in the word Cor, which, when read Hebraice, meant wisdom ; and I think,
from allusion to this name of God, the piles of stones called Carns, which are generally surrounded
with circles of upright stones in the numbers of sacred cycles, (vide several in the neighbourhood
of Inverness,) had their names . 2 From Mr. Claproth's excellent map of Asia, I learn that the
country between 40 and 50 degrees of N . Lat ., and 100 and 120 E . Long . by French reckoning,
the country of Caracorum, in the year 232, was called the country of Sian pi Libres. (Sion the
Free . In Siam, it may be remembered, that the natives say the French have the same name as
themselves free.) In 302 it was called kingdom des So theou (or of the holy Saviour) or Tho po
(the God) . In 425 it was the empire of Joan Joan . (This, I do not doubt, was Prestre John,
or the Priest of Jnana, wisdom .) In 565 it was the empire of the Turks . In 632 it was the king-
dom of Thou Khiu (God Khiu) . In 679 it was the country of Hoei He, or Ouigours or country of
Thou khiue (Circle of law or the Jaw) . In 745 it was the empire of the Ouigour, or the Hoei He,
or the encampment of the Kakan . In 865 it was the country of Kirghiz or the Tartars . In 1125
it was the empire of the Kin or Altoun Khans . Next it was the Mongols . In 1290 it was the em-
pire of Khorin, or Caracorum, or Ho-lin . It really appears probable that from this remote country
in the earliest time all our mythology has come . We have found an Ararat in the II-avratta of
India. According to the theory of Agrimensorism, both the Ararats ought to be Cardos . In India
we have this in Mount Meru . In Western Asia it is very clearly made out by Cellarius, in his
Geographia Antiqua . He shews that the part of Taurus, which separates Sophene from Mesopo-
tamia, was called the Godyean mountains . On these the Ark of Noah was supposed to have
rested. Berosus says, the Ark rested on the mountains rwv xop8uaiwv . The Targum of Onkelos
on Gen . viii . 4, uses the word Kardu, which the Targum of Jonathan, by metathesis, calls Kad-
run . Elmacinus calls it the Mountain Cordi . It has also the name of Baris, which means ship. 3

' See Vol. I . pp . 757, 765 .

' The word Gard, which means place, as Stutgard, Chunigard, &c ., or district, was the Hebrew 7+a gir and +i di,
holy circle . Hence comes our small inclosure called a yard. Hence come the circles of Germany, which were all
religious divisions, formed in the time of the pontifical government .
3 1 have little doubt that the Mount Nevis, which is close to Beregonium, the ancient capital of Scotland, and within
412 Mount Gargarus. Cor. ' Cardo. Agrimensores . Termini
Here, in the name of this very remarkable mountain, I .think we have a Cardo in chief to complete
the mythos . It was the Cardo of Noah . Baris or Ararat, or the Mount of Kardi, was believed to
be the highest in the world ; and from this mountain, as a centre, Noah was supposed to divide
the world among his three sons . The Gar of Gargarus, the Giri of India, the Gaur of Choir Gaur
or Stonehenge, the Cur of the Mounts of Cordi or Kardu, or Ararat, and the Cardo of Italy, are all
the same word and have the same meaning . They are all central points round which circles of some
kind were built or supposed to be built, (and here we have the cir of circle,) and they were also
acropolises or capitoliums, and had the meaning of Cor, heart, as the centre of measurement round
which the 72 and 360 districts were laid out ; as our system is placed round the sun . The change
in letters, such as in the G, the C, the K, &c ., will not be objected to by any person who makes a
due allowance for the absolute uncertainty of all old languages, before the invention of grammar,
and the constant use of what we learnedly call the anagram and metathesis, which were originally
mere corruptions, habits, or styles of speaking or writing . As we have seen the Roman Cardinals
called hinges, so the Choir Gaur was called for the same reason the Stone-hinge . It was the pon-
tifical capital, the pivot on which all the districts of Britain depended or turned, when England
was under the jurisdiction of its three Arch-flamens . And I have not a doubt that there was a
similar Cor-giri somewhere for both Scotland-Albania or Caledonia-and for Cambria . When 1
find the Om the object of adoration of all nations-the emblem of the creative power, the temple
of Stonehenge, by means of the cycles, the emblem of the same mythos, and the Hebrew language
of Britain, it is not unreasonable to go to the Hebrew language for the explanation . The whole is
evidently in keeping. The parts are in character with one another .' I beg leave to draw my
reader's attention to the names of Gargarus and Stonehenge being the same (Choir Ghaur and
Cor-Ghari) in the Sanscrit and the old English language, and also to the Cor of the Etruscans .
This, of itself, almost confirms my theory of the ancient system, the crosses, &c . These two
names for Stonehenge are similar to the word Sanscrit of India and Scotland, and Sanscort of the
Celts . Every inquirer into the antiquities of nations knows, or ought to know, how much labour
the learned Vallancey took to prove that the Irish were a tribe from Spain, but which previously
came thither from the East . We have seen that the Sibyls say that Mount Ararat was in Phrygia,
in Asia Minor, which Phrygia was adjoining to Mysia or the country of the Mystur, or Troy.
But I think it probable that the whole of Asia Minor was Mysia, or mystic land, the land of Room .
In Asia Minor we have Calinda, Calamina, and Calida, places of India i connected with the mythos
of Ararat. We have also a nation of Brigantes, and Briges, whence Drummond 2 supposes the
name of Phrygians came, and the word Free, and the Scandinavian Phriga or Freya . From this
root we have formerly observed that the Siamese say the Franks or French have the same name
as themselves . There is also a place called Caledonia and an Albania, and Milea or Miletia, and a
Mount of Solyma . 3 In Britain we have Brutus, descended from 1Eneas, and his three sons, and
Trinobantum or Troya Nova, and Albany, and Caledonia, and the Brigantes, and the Calidei, and
the Miletii, and Patrick in Ireland . Can any one doubt that the same mythos or the same people
have been in both places ? But Asia Minor was both Mysia and Room, the mystic name of the
city in which the Pontifex Maximus, or chief Bridge-builder in Italy dwells . Sir W. Drum-
mond has observed, that the name of Brigantes comes from Briges, and that Phryges and Briges,

sight of the island of Iona, meant Baris and Navis . Like the Baris and the Cordi, the centre of the Agrimensorism
of Asia, it was the centre of Scotland . Vide Bochart .Geo . Sac . B . I , and Whiston's Theory of the Earth, B . II . p . 135,
3rd ed.
' See CELTIC Dawns, Ch . VI . Sect, XVIII . p . 231 . Y Origines, Vol . IV . pp. 356, 357.

See Vol . I. pp. 594, 810.
Book V. Chapter IV . Section 9 413
according to the Greek authors, are the same, and that these people came from Thrace, where we
have formerly found the Sindi and the other Indian names . He then (p . 355) observes, that the
Thracian name for a pons was Brig or Briga, the very name the same useful contrivance bears in
North Britain, where some of the common people, even at this day, believe that the arch is held
together by sorcery or magic . Cor was the Latin name for both heart and wisdom . Here we
see why the Bulla, treated of supra, p . 87, was in the form of a heart : originally, I have not a
doubt, from the name 3ya hol 5Ha bal Bull-a, in form of a Calf, as it has been and is yet in modern
times in form of a Lamb-the Agnus Dei . From this came the word Cardo, axµrl . We have the
meaning of it in the cor januee quo movetur, as hinge, regulator of the door ; t and, as regulator, it
gave name to the line drawn from North to South,-the pole or axis of the earth, used by the
Etruscan Agrimensores to make their squares for the collection of the sacred tenths or tithes .
This line regulated all others . The word is cor-dis-di-divus, and from this it came, that where
the Decumanus, the line, crossed it from East to West, the point of intersection at which a cross
was set up, was called cor, or cardo, car-di . It was in each district the centre, the heart, of all
their operations : it was, from circumstances, the Arca-polis, the Caput-olium . From this point
of intersection two roads always branched off, which is the reason why we have a cross or mere
stone in the centre of every village, which arose by houses collecting round the sacred X : for this
was, for many evident reasons, declared most sacred and holy, and in suitable places the temples
arose around or over these crosses . The whole circle was divided into 360 parts ; and, beginning
at the Equator, the Decumanus was drawn at every ten of these parts to North and South, whence
it had the name Deca . In a similar manner, I believe, the mensuration by the Agrimensores took
place in every country . The Decutnanus would always be the same, but the Cardo would in one
sense vary. A Cardo would run through every capitol or principal town, which of course would
divide the laud into parallelograms of different lengths . The lengths would vary according to
localities. Our system is the same : the parallels of Latitude never vary, the Longitude each
nation reckons from its own cardo . It was from being the superintendants or curators of
the Seventy - two Bareichs, parishes or cardinal divisions, into which the city of Rome
was divided, that the Roman cardinals had their names . I have no doubt originally, perhaps
even yet, Cardinales of the whole of the 72 divisions into which the patrimony of St . Peter
may have been divided : for the patrimony of the Resoul, the Vicra-ma-ditya, the Vicar of
God, extended over the whole world . That it was divided into 72, is clearly proved by the divi-
sion of the 72 nations of the earth, mentioned in the tenth and eleventh chapters of Genesis .
The author of that book perfectly understood the doctrine of Agrimensorism . That book was
never written by Moses, though it might be adopted by him . The adoption of the number of
seventy-two arose out of the divisions of the circle . The Gaelic word coir, genitive choir, signi-
fies a space of ground inclosed on all sides . It is the Greek Xwpa, locus. 2 We have the cur in
cortex, the bark of a tree, and Xapr7)s, charts, and the Gaelic cart and chart. It is curious to
observe the cart, by its wheels only distinguished from the sledge, and the chart, connected both
with letters and the agrimensorial measurement of land . In the Celtic language reich meant ruler
of a country : from this came the Rex, and both are the same as Ray . Gor is a circle ; Gor-reiclt
the ruler of a circle, like the German circles. 3 The Ager of the Romans is our acre (that is, mea-
sure of land or reµevos) . It is the Hebrew -11a gur an hg, originally place of the circle. I have no
.doubt that this was a cross in a circle ; that is, a circle divided into four . The Roman territory
was called Ager Romanus ; and at first, as we might expect, it was divided like the globe-like

I Litt. Diet . ' Grant's Thoughts on the Gael, p . 169 . ' Cleland's Spec . Ap . p . 33 .
414 Mount Gargarus . Cor . Cardo . Agrimensores . Termini

India-like Britain-like Scotland-and probably all other countries-into three parts. It may be
asked why the word Cor just spoken of came to have the meaning of Wisdom . What has the
heart more than any other part of the body to do with Wisdom ? In the ancient Etruscan lan-
guage, read from right to left, it was Cor or Rog, that is, Ros or Ras, and the country where we
find this, we are told, was called Razena ; that is, country of Ras or wisdom . It was ras, not
" a curd, quia in eo omnis solicitudo et scientiae causa manet ."' From this came the cardo, car-di ;
the c in these words answering to the g, and the g answering to the c and k, and the acra or
axpa or apxa of the acropolis, the origin of the Ager . It was the heart as the centre of the ope-
rations of the Agrimensores, the point of intersection of -their Decuman and Cardo ; and as wisdom
or scientia it was the regulator or pivot or hinge on which the two right lines to the cardinal
points extended. As the point which directed and regulated all the operations, it was closely
allied to mind, or intelligence, or wisdom . The cor is also the root of concors, concordia ; from
this comes also the word to care, that is, to interest one's-self about, and the Gaelic word car, affec-
tion,, cardias, friendship, and the Greek xapasa, in place of caredia, and the Latin carus dear . And,
finally, it is the Persian name for the Sun ; thus, again, uniting the centre, the To Ov, and wisdom .
We constantly say a thing hinges upon this or that, hereby evidently considering a hinge as
a regulator, as it regulates a door . Ainsworth says, a Cardo means a way crossing through the
fields from North to South . This is also often called a balk by Niebuhr, and is a word at this time
in common use for the strips of land in open town-fields in Yorkshire, and in other parts . Now
this shews us that these cultivated lands or strips were regulated by these balks, which were not
subinfeudated by the Lord, but always were, and yet are, his property . On the inclosure of my
Manor of Skellow many years ago, I, of course, as Lord, claimed land for the balks, and had it
allowed to me, as it is usual in similar cases . Hence we see that one of the great employments of
these agrimensores must have been to protect the Lords' balks from being destroyed or stolen, to
which they were very liable . The ridge of mountains which divides North India or Oude from
Tartary, is called Balkan : this may mean Bal-ania, land of Bal . A similar ridge called Balkan
divides the Sindi of Trace from Scythia or Tartary . They were both Sindi-followers of the
holy Xin . From Cardo we have, as I have before remarked, the cardinal points of the compass ;
and, as the line from North to South was first drawn, it evidently regulated the others . We know
that the magnetic needle has varied for a great number of years back . The needle, I think, anciently
pointed North and South, without any variation ; that this variation is like the variation of the
angle made by the planes of the Equator and Ecliptic ; that, at the time they were displaced, it
also was displaced ; and, like them, it is gradually coming right again-though, like a pendulum
put in motion, they may both oscillate some time before they get right . The Indians thought the
oscillation was great, 11. La Place thought it small. It may at first have been large, now small,
and thus both the Indians and La Place may be right . At the boundaries of districts and where
roads meet in Britain are the remains of the ancient termini, which were crosses, and, in the time
of the Romans, priapuses, in different forms ; all these were emblems of the generative power .
The boundary, from being an emblem of the Ter-Menu, was called terminus ; it denoted the crea-
tive power, of which also A pis or the Bull was the emblem : it was called Pra or Bra Apis-Pria-
pus . Apis was but Ab or Ba the father. The Father, the Creator, was the triune principle-
A=1, B=2=3 . The Terminus was Ter-omen-us . An Omen was a kind of projector or foreteller
or giver of warnings, and might be good or evil . Ter-omen was the triple omen, or omen of the
Triune God . Martianus Capella tells us, that the cycle of Om-M-608, was called oMEx . 2 The

1 Isid. ap. Litt . Dict. Y

See Vol. I . p . 192.
Book 1'. Chapter IN' . Section 10 415
Pillar with a cross at the top, placed on a Calvary of three steps, was an emblem of the Trimurti
with the To Ov above it. I have just said that the crosses were the emblems of the generative
power. These central stations, and particularly the first, was the generative point whence all the
measurements proceeded ; on this account, in a particular manner, it became the emblem of the
generative power, as well as of the heart and of wisdom ; it produced, generated, all the others.
Every one is aware into what a variety of grotesque, and often indecent, forms, the termini of the
Romans degenerated ; but they all had a reference to the generative principle in some way or
other, and in all cases their origin was in the sacred cross of the Agrimensores . In India, the
same cause produced the same effect. A writer in Tait's Edinburgh Magazine says, "Gun-putty,
" with an Elephant's head, that skews itself on various milestone-like appurtenances at the side
" of ail Indian road." I From this passage it is evident that the same termini remain in India and
in Europe, as might be expected . The termini were considered the special protectors of gardens .
Gun-putty is a figure with the head of an Elephant, the emblem of wisdom, or magical knowledge
or science . Judging from the drawings and icons of him, I suspect his proboscis often formed a
gnomon. The name is a compound of la gn for garden, and petti father, the father of the garden .
This is of importance, as it shews the same compound doctrine of agrimensorism, of wisdom, and
of the generative principle, in India and in Europe . Let it be recollected, that in India Buddha is
said to have been crucified for robbing a garden ! 2 From being the emblem of the Om, the obelis-
cal pillar came to be called 'tny omd, that is, om-di--emblem of the holy Om . This renovating
cycle was itself the emblem of the Self-existent ; whence ''1ny omdi came to mean self-existent. 3
I will now draw my reader's attention to another natural effect necessary to be attended to in
order to obviate some objections . If we consider that great principles were originally laid down,
general rules to be at first attended to, it followed that, after the system went to pieces, and all
communication between the distant parts ceased, those principles would be carried into operation
in a variety of ways,-still all endeavouring to keep to the system . Thus it is we have the great
cycles described and supported in different ways . In some countries of the East we have the 600,
in others the 60 . In Italy we have the 240, and 360, and 120 ; but all coming to the same con-
clusion. In a similar way, in the building of temples, the pillars had different microcosmic num-
bers-8, 12, 38, 19, 360, &c ., &c . In a similar manner some people built the choirs of their
cathedrals crooked ; some, perhaps, having lost all knowledge of the astronomical import, would,
on rebuilding their temple, make it, as they thought right, by building it straight . Thus it is that
we have an endless variety ; and, in fact, there is scarcely an ancient monastery or cathedral in
foreign countries, which does not retain some fragment of the old system, lost by most, and often
not understood by any of the inhabitants . As various as the numbers of pillars in the stone circles
are, I have little doubt that they have all once bad their respective allusion to the principle, in
some way unknown to us . Besides, it is possible, that some of the circles may have been erected
after the system went to pieces, and the principle was no longer understood .
10. After Cassivellaunus was defeated by Caesar, he disbanded all his army, except the warriors of
4000 chariots, with which he retreated to the woods . What a barbarian the mail must have been, to
have had 4000 chariots ; and how little skill he must have had to manage them in woods inaccessi-
ble to the Romans, and in a country without roads! Nothing but prejudice can have caused the
belief in the Roman accounts of the barbarism of the Britons . 4 I have no doubt they bore to the
Romans pretty much the same relation that the Mexicans did to the Spaniards : but who will say

' No . I. p. 32. s See supra, pp . 248, 249. 3 Parkhurst in voce .

` It is a beautiful example of the absurdity of historians in taking as true the evidence of enemies .
416 The Britons . The Saxons

the Mexicans were barbarians? The human sacrifices wereAbe same in both Rome and Britain ;
and if they prove the Britons to be barbarians, they prove Augustus Caesar to have been one, for
he offered up 300 human victims in one night at Perugio ; and human sacrifices were not laid aside
till the time of Claudius . The 20 towns, said to have been conquered by Vespasian, I suppose to
have been part of the Municipia alluded to above, in fact, to have been so many of our old Borough
towns, which sent their deputies to the Wittagemote . We are told that the military roads which
we find in England and other countries were made by the Romans . I believe these were the roads
originally set out by the sacerdotal agrimensores, but continued and increased by those of the
Romans, who seldom destroyed the works of art in the countries which they conquered . I cannot
believe that a people like the ancient Britons were barbarians, as they were sufficiently civilized
to bring into the field of battle large bodies of charioteers and cavalry, and to manoeuvre them, as
Pownall has shewn, exactly in the manner practised by the Greeks and Asiatics .' The fact of
these chariots is alone sufficient to prove that the natives were not in the state of barbarism which
has been described . This and the science displayed in the temples negative all the story of the
barbarism of the Britons . I believe that many of the right-lined roads were what were travelled
on by these chariots, and were originally formed when the builders of Abury and Stonehenge held
sway . But it must not be understood that I mean to say that the Romans did not make new
roads, or that ignorant devotees in later ages might not set up crosses from pious motives, and in
ignorance of the original intention of those they imitated . I do not doubt that they did . On the
tops of modern crosses I think will be found an upright cross, or the hole in the centre where it
has been fixed. On the tops of ancient ones will be found horizontal crosses ; in fact, the dials
and gnomons of Ahaz, always inscribed with right-lined Etruscan figures, or, as Vallancey has
shewn them to be, Phoenician figures, which we still continue to use . The gnomon was to indicate
the cardinal points . In all the accounts of Britain we read of a Supreme Pontiff or Archdruid . I
have no doubt there were three Archflamens tinder him, who became the three Archbishops spoken
of, supra, p . 412.
11 . It cannot be denied that the attempts of Mr . Hume and all our other historians to account
for many circumstances in the history of the early constitutions of our Saxon ancestors have been
attended with very little success ; and the difficulty, as he justly observes, has been greatly in-
creased by some of the most important provisions having become objects of party dispute . But I
think this has, in a great measure, arisen from the confined view which the historians have all
thought proper to take of their subject . It seems never to have entered into their minds to
inquire what became of the population left by the Romans ; and whether some customs or laws of
the mighty people, for mighty they must have been who raised Stonehenge and Abury, might have
remained . Indeed, the fabricators of these buildings seem never to have once entered into their
minds . Mr. Hume says, " the language was pure Saxon ; even the names of places, which often
remain while the tongue entirely changes, were almost affixed by the conquerors ." 2 In order
to get rid of the old inhabitants, he represents them to have been nearly exterminated ; and, then,
to account for the Saxon names, he represents them to have been given by the new Saxons, when,
in all probability, they only resumed their old Saxon names in the few instances where others had
been given by the Romans . We have reason to believe, from the numerous Roman names of
towns yet remaining, that the later Saxons did not change the names . I think when the Saxons
came, they found the remains of their ancestors, who had, five or six hundred years before, built
Stonehenge, &c . ; and if our historians could have ascended a .little higher in their researches, they

' Stud . of Ant. p . 274 . t Vol . I . Ap . I . p . 262 .

Book V . Chapter IV . Section 12 417
would have found sufficient, probably, to have removed all the difficulties of the Saxon constitu-
tions and laws .
I think circumstances tend to shew, that the great Barons were limited in number by the ne-
cessary offices which they held ; for they were not like our present peers, mere animals of orna-
ment,-each had some place or duty assigned to him . We are told that they consisted of from
fifty to eighty persons ; ' but when I consider the mysterious numbers in the towns, I cannot help
suspecting that, originally, they were, like the cardinales of Rome, 72 in number ; and that, conse-
quently, the nation was divided originally into 72 Earldoms, which would be, perhaps, the Domain
of as many Municipia, with each its 12 Aldermen and 24 Common Councilmen . Each Earldom
had its Urbs-a microcosm of the world . I think the Aldermen or Eldermen have been confounded
with the Earls . The Earl was Itz5r1 elar, THE lar, and was the same as the Heretogh or Duke,
who was the It r eartz, i,Yy oje, Aga of the land . 2
12 . Pownal 3 says, "From the nature of that branch of revenue, the tithes, which arose from
" the Agri Decumani, and by an inquiry how this branch was transferred to the Christian church
" on its political establishment, may be discovered, I should guess, the true origin of tithes, as
" they, in fact, came to the church ." The person who has read this work thus far, will not, I
think, require teaching the means by which the tithes descended to the Christian church . Allo-
dial property was, in the first instance, only that occupied by the priests, and thus subject to no
return of any kind . As these priests or initiated increased, with the decay of the system they
would, by degrees, keep getting possession of more of the Agri Decumani, till they came to form
a very large part of the productive lands of the country . By degrees, as the priests lost the cha-
racter of functionary priests, only keeping the character of sacred caste, they began to acquire
more land than they could occupy, and they subletted it in soccage, &c . The initiated or priests
by degrees formed an aristocracy : they were, in fact, the non-officiating priests-gradually losing
their sacerdotal character, like the Prince Palatines or Bishops of Germany . On the division, or,
perhaps I should rather say, on the rise, of the military aristocracy, when they began to settle and
to form a second aristocratic branch or class or caste, I think they enfeoffed their followers in the
lands not previously occupied, in their own countries, and in conquered countries by force of arms
in such districts as they chose to take from the conquered ; but in every case the church or priest-
hood claimed, though they might not always obtain, the possession of the tithes . The priesthood
claimed the soil as representatives of the vicar of God, and the tithe was the return to the Lord .
In due season, in order that he might unite the right of the book to the right of the sword, the man
of the sword compelled the priest to give him the X''porowa ; but this the priest always did
accompanied with the open or mental reservation of the rights of the church . And it is exceedingly
curious to observe the tenacity with which the obnoxious words rights of the church were always
inserted in treaties or in rendering homage or in swearing fealty, when the priests were obliged to
succumb to the violence of the kings or barons, and the anger of the latter at these words, because,
as they very properly observed, they could not understand them . The fact was, the right of the
church was the Lord Paramountship over the soil of the whole world ; and, for the permission to
the laity to the use of it, the moderate return of the tithe was required . For this reason it is
that the tithe precedes all-kings' taxes-landlords' rent-military services-tithe comes before
all . The right is maintained to be inalienable, indefeasible -nullum tempus occurrit ecclesiw .
And when we find the tithes in the hand of the prince, it is where the Bishop has become Prince,
and has lost his sacerdotal character . But in this case we always find the officiating priests claiming,

' Hallam, C oast. Hist . Eng. Vol . I . p . 6. ' Hume, App . p. 266, n. 3 Stud . of Ant . P. 115 .
418 The Athenians

and at last receiving, the tithes . I I suspect that after the agrestic life in a great measure ceased,
all lands which were not held by one of the other tenures came into the hands of the priests, who
granted off or disposed of their usufruct as circumstances called for them, in return for the pay-
ment to them of tithe ; and that this is the reason why very large tracts of waste lands are found
by Mr . Hallam to have been in the hands of the Monks, who acquired great riches by bringing
them into cultivation .
13 . The same disputes took place among the Athenians as in the Roman state, respecting the
oppression of the people and the division of lands, before the time of Solon . 2 The same stories are
told as we hear in Italy about debtors, creditors, &c . ; but at last the whole comes to this, that in
neither country is the state of the case understood, unless Mr . Niebuhr has discovered it . Cecrops
is said to have divided the Athenians into four tribes ; these, I apprehend, were the four Indian
castes, each tribe into three peoples, and each people into thirty parts . 3
Before the time of Solon, the Athenians were divided into four castes-the sacerdotal nobles,
the soldiers, the farmers, and the tradesmen, and, in fact, a,fifth, the slaves or outcasts .4 Their
state was divided into 12 districts ; and the system is to be seen in the 360 persons who were
called confreres . Respecting the question of debtors and creditors, of which so much is said both
in Greece and Italy, I think there is yet something not understood . What connexion have debtors
and creditors to lands, any more than houses or other matters ? I suspect that the debts were
demands made by the nobles upon the feudatories, for more than the tenths or tithes, to which the
landholders would maintain that the nobles were not entitled . It is evidently a struggle between
the nobles and the people for disputed debts, having, I think, some connexion with the lands .
Tithes were paid to the priests of Delphi, and the similarity of the agrarian disputes at Rome and
Athens seems to raise a probability that they both arose from the same cause . Dr. D. Clarke
has observed, that it appears, from an inscription which he found in Boeotian Thebes, " That
" anciently, in that city, as in London, there were different companies, or communities, established
"for the different vocations ." 5 Here we have the same system as that which we have assigned
as the foundation of our Municipia . At the time when we read of the Amphictyons, the sacerdotal
system had evidently gone to decay ; but yet in the 12 states sending their deputies to the council,
and in the 360 confreres of the Athenians, we may see the fragments of it . Treating of the nobi-
lity of Athens, Mr . Niebuhr says, "There was indeed at Athens, in very remote times, a nobility
" which traced- their descent from the heroes and princes of the heroic age ; that is the idea of an
" aristocracy . Solon himself belonged to this class, and so did the later Plato, and Critias, and
" the orator Andocides . The distinction of this nobility was ascertained by the ancient division of

Aristotle states the tribute from the land in Greece to be a tenth. (Briggs, p. 11 .) Persia paid one tenth . (Ib . p .
14 .) Syrian Judea paid one tenth . (Ib. p . 9 .) In China one tenth is paid. (lb . p . 15.) In the Burman Empire one
tenth is paid. (Ib . p . 16 .)
The Laws of Menu expressly admit the Sovereign to be lord paramount of the soil in India . (Ib . p . 25 .)
Bertolacci states, that the whole of the land in Ceylon is the property of the Crown, of which it is held by the pay-
ment of returns of various kinds . (Ib . p . 45.)
After a careful inquiry, Col. Briggs comes to the conclusion, that the Hindoo institutions at one time were similar
and universal throughout India . (Ib. 81 .)
In India the country was in a very particular manner divided into districts, each containing 84 sub-districts-similar
to the hundreds in England . (lb . p . 85 ; Tod, Vol . I . p. 141 )
The Aids in Orissa, Travancore, and Ceylon, are a tenth of the produce. Briggs says, it is this which probably
gave rise to the prevalent opinion throughout India, that the demands of the king were once limited to the tenth of
income or produce, in lieu of all other direct imposts . (Ib. p . 93 .)
Sabbatier, p . 32 . Stockdale's Ed. $ Fetes Court . de Grece, Vol . III . p . 193 .
4 Sabh . p . 48 . ° Travels, Vol . IV. p . 56, 4to .
Book V . Chapter IV . Section 13 419
" clans, not altogether unlike castes ; and the blending of these with the other citizens, was the
" aim of Clisthenes' code of laws . In some of these families, as the Eumolpidw and Butades,
" there still existed a few hereditary but unimportant offices of the priesthood . The Aleuades,
` like the Bacchiades, t were a numerous and widely-diffused royal Gens . There also existed in
" Greece, oligarchies of the most odious description, frequently degenerated from the aristo-
cracy ." 2 Here are evident traces of the first order of priests growing into an order of lay aris-
tocrats ; the different offices of the priesthood having become hereditary in families-the origin of
which the families themselves had forgotten . This, before the art of writing was generally prac-
tised, would soon happen . Mr . Niebuhr observes, 3 that it was the general opinion of the philo-
sophers as well as the people of Greece, that an older race had occupied that country, who had
perished, and who were the fabricators of the walls of Tiryns, and other buildings called Cyclo-
pean,-of the drains from the lake Copias, &c ., &c. ; but of whom they had no records whatever,
except their works . How could this have been, if the art of writing had been known and in com-
mon use for the purposes of history? This early race were the people who came from India and
conquered the aborigines, as we conquered the people of North America, and are conquering the
people of Australia . The laws being unwritten, letters not being invented, an order of priesthood
or a separate order would be required to keep them in remembrance ; for this reason the courts,
like the Areopagus of Athens, were constituted, which, I doubt not, answered to a lodge of Free-
masons, and above them were the Amphictyons, who answered to the chapter . These were the
men by whom the book of wisdom, or the Veda, Beda, or Saga, was compiled in each case, when
letters came to be known, the object of which was to produce uniformity, as that began to fail
after the system began to go to pieces . I think it not unlikely that the monks and monasteries
might at first, after the sacred caste came to be numerous, arise from there being establishments
for education, and for the preparation of novices for the priesthood . The books of religion and
of law, I do not doubt, were what the Pentateuch and the Koran yet are, the codes both of law
and of religion .
The sodalitates or companies of brethren or phratries or crafts in Athens were 12
in number, in what were called 360 houses . 4 Here we have the remains of the Microcosm . In
a very ancient history of the Umbrians, it was related that the Etruscans had conquered three
hundred of their towns .' Here Mr . Niebuhr says, we ought to consider the three hundred to
mean only a large indefinite number . The absurdity of three hundred towns, in the common .
acceptation of the word town, he could not get rid of. Pliny says, there were more than twenty
towns in the Pontine Marsh, which is about twenty-five miles long . In each case (notwithstand-
ing all the learned distinctions of the literati) between the different kinds of towns the towns were
nothing but polises-the divisions of the Agrimensores, something like our townships, each divided
from its neighbour by a Cardo . They were parts of the 360 subdivisions . The country villages
of the Romans were called-pagi ; the real nature of these is explained by the Greek name which
they bear in the history of Dionysius, where a pagus is called a 7rEpi7roAiov-as we should say a
circumpole . 6 These were, I doubt not, our Maypoles, where the priest treated the people (when
they came to pay their tithes) with games and feasting, as the landlords in Britain have a feast on
the rent day . I suspect the houses named above, called (Dotpais, and by the Lombards Fara,
had their names from the same root as the Pharaohs of Egypt, and all had reference to the feudal

' In the Aleuades and Bacchiades I suspect we have allodial proprietors and bookmen-the scribes of the Jews .
s Niebuhr, Hist . Home, Vol . I. p. 120. Walter's Ed . 3 Ibid . pp . 118, 119.
4 Niebuhr, Hist .,Rome, Vol . I . p. 307 . Thirlwall's Ed. ' See supra, p . 410
6 Niebuhr, Vol . II. p. 248 . Thirlwall's Ed . 7 Ib . I . P . 305.
420 Division Into Castes-Into . Three, &c .

system . Mr. Niebuhr says, ' 1 The tribes in the states of antiquity were constituted on a twofold
°0 principle : in some states the arrangement was regulated by the houses which composed the
~~ tribes, in others, by the ground which they occupied ."' On considering this observation, I am
induced to suspect, that when tribes came from the East to settle a country, not only the land was
set out according to the microcosmic principle, but the people had the lands allotted to them on
the same principle ; and that it was the remains of this which Mr . Niebuhr perceived . The exist-
ence of the castes he shews 2 to be clearly perceptible in Italy . From the whole of the early part
of this chapter it is plain that Dionysius, Aristotle, and Polybius, were all equally ignorant of the
origin of the tribes, fraternities, &c., of the Greeks and Italians, and that all their statements are
mere attempts at theories to account for that state of which they had no historical records ; and
the reason of this was because they had their origin when the widow-burning first took place on
the river Sinde in Thrace, and in the Saturnian kingdom in Italy-before, in fact, the use of letters
was known . The whole are the scattered remnants of the microcosmic system-remnants probably
retained only in the national poems or songs . In his chapter entitled, " The Patrician Houses and
the Curies," 3 Mr . Niebuhr has bestowed very great pain in his endeavour to explain the origin of
the tribes and divisions of the Greeks and Italians : he has, however, quite failed . I think if he
had possessed the knowledge of the Sacerdotal Government, and how the Feudal System was con-
nected with it, he would have succeeded much better . He would have unravelled the mystery
where I fail .
14. The division into castes may be observed in the very early history of almost all nations . It
was an effect which naturally arose from the universal Pontifical Government . The same causes
every where produced the same effect . Strabo says, the Iberians were divided into four ranks. 4
The old Irish were divided in a similar manner .' As the Lucumones of the Etruscans were twelve
in number, so we find, in the oldest monastery of the world, of which we have any remains, that of
lona of the Culdees, that it had twelve and their Prior, by whom they were ordained .B In the 360
Satrapes, into which Persia was divided ; in the 72 Solumi, and in the three counsellors of Darius,
named in the third, fourth, and fifth chapters of the first book of Esdras, when he ordered the
Temple of Jerusalem to be rebuilt, I think we may see traces of the Microcosm in Persia . Jose-
phus r says, that Darius made the prophet Daniel ruler over 360 cities . The oldest division of
South India was into three Tamul principalities, 8 herein exhibiting signs of the same mythos .
But this was probably before the priests of either Cristna or Vishnu arose- The universal mythos
shews itself in a very peculiar and striking manner in the islands of Java, Sumatra, and Japan .
They are all called by the same name-Jabadios . This, as I have frequently remarked, is clearly
the island of the Holy leue . In Sumatra, the king calls himself by the two names of Sultan and
of Allum Shah, the latter of which explains the former . We are told that it means the world's
king. I have been informed by a very intelligent and respectable traveller, that the Turkish
cavalry are, in general, feudatories, and that they hold lands on condition of themselves serving or
finding a man and horse when called on, or at specific times, according to the terms of the tenure .
Mr . Klaproth, p . 156, states the Tatar nation to have consisted of 70,000 families . I have little
doubt that we have here a sacred caste,, limited to the sacred number of seventy-two . These were
the tribes of Caracorum . The Turcomans of the Ottoman empire are divided, like the Roman
Cardinales, into seventy two tribes . In this, joined to several other circumstances which I have

' Niebuhr, Vol . I . p . 301 . Tbirlwall's Ed . ' lb . P . 302 . f lb . Vol.1 . pp . 301-331 . Walter's Ed.
4 Lib . XI . Univ . Hist . Vol . IX. p . 609. ° See Anonym . Diss . on Irish Hist . pp. 29-54 .
Jameson's Hist . Culd . Chap . III. 7 Book X. Chap . XII . $ Trans . Mad. Soc . P . 18.
Book V . Chapter IV . Section 14 421

before noticed, we see a proof of the origin of the Turkish power .' (In the same work Mr . David
observes, that the Nestorian Syriac literal character has a close affinity to the Ouigour . s This is
because they are, in fact, both the Pushto .) The Grand Seignior has twelve Ulemas . Tacitus
informs us that the Germans divided the year into three. In honour of Augustus Caesar 70 cities
in the Roman provinces were called August:a . 3 I can entertain little doubt that these were 72
ecclesiastical capitals of districts, into which the empire was divided, and they are continued in
the Roman cardinals . It has before been observed, that the chiefs at the siege of Troy were 72 in
number. The Universal History 4 says, "So we find Chedorlaomer, King of Elanm, to have pre-
• sided over several Reguli or Phylarchs, who, notwithstanding this, exercised a sovereign autho-
" rity in the district where they held their residence . In like manner, at the siege of Troy, all the
• petty Greek princes obeyed the orders of Aga-metnnou, 5 whom Homer represents as king of
• kings ; and, that this form of government prevailed anciently in Arcadia, Numidia, Etruria, Tar-
• tary, . &c ., has already been evinced ." Here we have marked traces of the Microcosm in Greece
and the other states named . The name of Chedorlaomer reminds me that the 70 kings, whose
thumbs and great toes were cut off,° shew the mythos or microcosm in Syria. The Universal his-
torian then goes on to shew that originally the same system prevailed in China, and that the feu-
datory princes formed a species of parliament, or, I should say, Wittenagemote, and that they
officiated solely in religious matters . Iew was the great prophet, lawgiver or saviour, of the

Chinese ; there he had seventy disciples . r In like manner I11-teS, that is III, the ~aw or Saviour,
had 70 disciples . It is repeatedly observed by Mitford, in his history of Alexander, that all the
Indian princes who were subjected to that conqueror, seem to have been feudatories to some grand
potentate residing to the East ; and there is an observation in the Universal Ancient History,
that a Tartar Khan called Kiun Kan, before the time of Alexander the Great, divided his domi-
nions among 48 princes . These, I apprehend, were subinfeudatories, or, in fact, tributary nobles,
doing suit and service ; and I think we may see, that these Khans were the ancestors of the
Mogul, and claim to be the direct descendants of Noah and Japhet, to whom they trace their
pedigree . I feel little doubt but that this Mogul claims to be one of the three, and the division
into 48, the number of the ancient constellations, again shews the remains of the microcosmic
system . Faria y Sousa says, the king of Bengal is the heir to all men . 9 Among both the Greeks
and Romans we read very distinct accounts of families possessing by inheritance certain offices or
dignities, and among the priests particularly . But remains of this, I think, may be seen in most
nations, when their ancient history is closely examined . In consequence of this system, the four
great castes, as in India, became divided into a great number of little ones . All trades, all sciences,
were hereditary. This seems to have answered very well ; for, under the practice, all arts and
sciences seem to have risen to a high state of perfection, and only to have declined with- the de-
struction of it . Chevalier Ramsay, in his Cyrus, (p . 54,) has described the system to have been
the practice of Ireland . I think it very probable that before the invention of letters it may have
been the most eligible plan which could be adopted . It is difficult for us, brought up in the know-
ledge of letters, to judge of the state of the world before their invention . The Roman Pontifex
Maximus, it is known, had a council, a kind of cabinet of twelve persons ; but of what they con-
sisted does not seem to be known . They were, I doubt not, the Tuscan Lucumones . The word
Lucunion I suppose to be Lux-mannus or Lucis-mannus . They had also an order called the

I Vide Pref. to Lumley David's Turkish Grammar, p . xliii. I Ib. p . xv . ' Lemp . Augusta .
4 Vol . XX p . 124 . ' The Aga of the Janissaries comes from the same title.
', By order of Adoni-bezek, according to his own confession, Judges i . 7.
7 Collie's Trans . of Hea Mung, p . 117 . ' Vol. I . p . 46. 9 Hist. Ind. Vol. I. p . 416. Eng. E d .
422 Archierarch, Sanhedrim, Amphictyons
Flamens, originally only three in number, who were Flammm-mannus . The Ager Romanus was
divided into three districts . The microcosm is visible in the Pontiff, and in the Flamens or Augurs,
confined to the number three ; and, like the Supreme Pontiff, their persons were sacred, and they
were accountable to the Pontiff only for their conduct . When I think upon the admitted obscurity
in which the subject of the Roman early polity is enveloped, and I find that the knights were at
first restricted 1 to three hundred, and afterwards increased to six and then to eighteen hundred, and
that the Patres Conscripti were at first limited to three hundred, I am induced to suspect that the
latter were originally three hundred and sixty, and that the remainder of the numerical mythos of
seventy-two, &c ., was originally in use, though now lost to us . The numbers in the formation of
the Roman Legion, and other parts of their military establishment, clearly display the mythos .
The case of the Microcosm or Macrocosm, whichever it may be called, to which I have so often
alluded, is similar to the case of the Irish Elk, which I mentioned above . It is unreasonable to expect
to find the whole system, or proofs of its former existence, in any one place ; but I think it is not
unreasonable by collecting fragments of it in different places to hope to make out the whole, as
the Irish made out their whole Elk . However, of this I am quite certain, that if I cannot make
out the whole, I can exhibit quite enough to prove both its actual existence and its general
nature .
15 . I think there is a great probability that there was an Archierarch and a council of twelve,
and a senate of seventy - two in every country-the governors under a Pope at Oude, Agra,
Mundore, Samarcand, or some other great capital . We see remnants of this system in differ-
ent places . We have them in the twelve Lucumones of Italy ; in the twelve heads of Tribes
and in the seventy-two of the Jewish Sanhedrim, and in the seventy-two Solumi of Persia ; in
the twelve states of Ionia ; and in the council of the Amphictyons, who were evidently a re-
ligious assembly, sent from twelve states of Greece . I suspect that the three presidents did
not impart all their secrets to the Council or Chapter, or Conclave of twelve, or the chapter of
twelve all their secrets to the seventy-two . These would be formed in every great natural
division of the world, or in every one of the seventy-two divisions, as we have them laid down
in Genesis-a grand council to superintend each division, and, under it, as many subdivisions as
would be required by localities and circumstances-each having its Flamens, Lucumones, and
Sanhedrim ; and each having its sacred Mount or Cardo or Acropolis or Olympus or stone circle
or Tep
.evog, around which the processions, the Deisuls, the voyages of salvation, were made, and
the collection of the tithes would be paid, as at Delphi and Jerusalem . All this being strictly
religious, all independent of any petty disputes which might take place between emigrating tribes,
it would not be affected by them in the slightest degree . Thus we find the council of the Amphic-
tyons unaffected even by the invasion of Xerxes . 2 This superior Sanhedrim, originally, I sus-
pect, filled up by itself, as vacancies occurred, would leave to the respective subdivions the man-
agement of their domestic affairs . It would seldom interfere with its civil concerns ; but yet, I
think, each government would be a kind of subinfeudation of the great one . Every district would
have its archpriest. Of this we have remnants in abundance in our hierarchy, in our municipali,
ties-succeeding to the Roman Municipia-in our Mayors and Corporations, which, by degrees,
came to be formed ; and, in the country, in our Lords of Manors, (Lords of Minerva,) originally,
I have no doubt, all ecclesiastics, sacerdotes beginning to lose their sacerdotal character . In the
council of Amphictyons, 3 at Delphi and Eleusis, we have the origin of our College of Heralds-a
sacred (i. e . also secret) college, with its xepuz or messenger of peace ; 4 and in the Druidical col-

' Niebuhr, Hist . Rom . pp . 255, 256 .

Walter's Ed . I See Vol. 1 . p . 632.
' The word Amphictyon is, Am-phi-iction or Won . 4 See Vol . I. p . 590 .
Book V. Chapter IV . Section 15 423

leges-our universities-we have the places where youth were educated for the different situations
of the priesthood . But I must still be understood to mean, that all these divisions went on as
subordinate to the three Archierarchs-the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japhet . I think it is
probable that the first Archierarchical Government left the towns and the districts appertaining to
them, generally, to the management of themselves ; from which the various free states of Greece
and Italy arose . They were held in feudal tenure of the God Phree . Their business was to pre-
serve the supreme power of their Pontiff, wherever he happened to reside, and to arbitrate disputes
among the tribes . At this time and under these circumstances it is evident, that there could be
none of the wars and national enmities, or causes of them, which at present exist . Whenever
differences arose the Amphictyons would be the disinterested mediators . This we see most
clearly in the Amphictyons of Greece . There would be no interest in these early Amphictyons to
do injustice ; their tithes would be known and certain ; but it would be most evidently their
interest to preserve peace, for the sake of encouraging the increase of the produce of the land, and
the consequent increase of their tithes . As this system began to go to decay, they would begin
to increase rites and ceremonies of religion to intimidate the people . Magic and juggling tricks of
every kind would begin to arise . In the little republics of Greece, and in the same, or nearly the
same, description of little states in Italy, we have the formation of societies for their own govern-
ance in secular affairs : in Greece, under the council of the Amphictyons-in Italy not so clearly
marked, but probably under a Pontifex Maximus somewhere, and under the Lucumones and Car-
dinales. Remains of this system shew themselves every where, when ancient history is examined
to the bottom ; and the consentaneousness of the remains proves, that an universal system pre-
vailed throughout the world . The traditions of the poets, are, in fact, in their foundations, true
traditions-not as we have been accustomed to consider them, merely poetical effusions, for the
sake of amusing idle people . The Golden Age was no figure of speech, but a reality .' In the
history of the Phocian war, and the interdict pronounced against it by the council of the Amphic-
tyons, we see the almost expiring power of one of the local conclaves . It is perfectly clear that
the council possessed the supreme power, at least in every thing appertaining to religion ; and
that all the different states of Greece formed a whole subject to them . It is also pretty clear, from
the different accounts given of the origin of this council, that it was, equally with the origin of the
state of Greece itself, at that time unknown to their writers . . This arose from its institution
having taken place several generations before the use of letters, in an age said to be barbarous.
So fine an institution bespeaks any thing but an age of barbarism ! This is the reason that the
states of Greece were all exactly in the same situation with respect to their early history, as the
least impartial examination of it will satisfy any one . When Alexander the Great aspired to the
sovereignty of the world, he applied to the Amphictyons, who acknowledged him as their Lord, or
who took upon themselves to appoint him to the sovereignty of all Greece . This seems to be
nearly among the last exertions of their supreme power . But I have little doubt it was with the
understanding, that he was the new incarnation ; though this might be only secretly professed by
the initiated . We must never forget, that the real system was kept a secret as much as possible .
Amidst all the confusion in which the history is involved, it is very clear that Philip aspired to be
chief of the Grecian states, only as general or officer of the Amphictyons . The Areopagus at
Athens, I suppose, was the high ecclesiastical court of that state, and probably, originally founded
on the same plan as its superior-the Amphictyonic council, to whom, no doubt, it was amenable .
Although in periods of public calamity the Areopagus sometimes interfered in state affairs, this

' See supra, pp. 305-308 .

424 Religious Dances . Poetry . Music

seems to have been a stretch of authority . It took cognizance of all religious concerns, and, as
such, of criminal actions, murder, &c . The origin of this court, like all other Grecian concerns, is
lost in fable . I believe that the emblematical figures which are every where found in such great
numbers in the East, had their origin before the knowledge of letters, and were invented for the
purpose of assisting in keeping alive the mythos . As might well be expected, the meaning of
them is now almost entirely gone . I have repeatedly observed in the course of this work, that
the ignorance of the Latins and Greeks of their mythology and Gods is quite unaccountable ; but
on more mature consideration I think the invention and adoption of them, previous to the know-
ledge of letters, is quite sufficient to account satisfactorily for that ignorance . It appears to me,
now that I consider it in connexion with their ignorance of letters, to be a necessary consequence .
Their sacred poems would enable them to retain or preserve but a very small part of their mytho-
logy ; and of history, for the purpose of history, they had none . Besides, sacred poems retained by
memory, would answer very well as long as every thing proceeded peaceably ; but the moment
civil wars and revolutions of empires commenced, they would be no longer of any avail . I bad
nearly completed this work, in which I have so frequently expressed my surprise at the unac-
countable union of ignorance and knowledge among the ancients, before it occurred to me, that
many facts prove that science must have been, till a very little time before Christ, entirely con-
fined to secret societies-each philosopher keeping his science as much as possible to his own fol-
lowers . We must recollect that the total absence of every thing like reviews, magazines, and
newspapers, must have rendered this comparatively easy . This will readily account for the Calli-
dei or Chaldwans being the possessors of science, to the exclusion of others . This is supported
by the book found in Egypt by Mr . Hammer, which says, as I have before-mentioned, that every
learned man had a letter of his own . I I have frequently observed, that the religion of Buddha must
have come to the West, using the epithet Buddha . I rather regret that I have so used it, as it
may have a tendency to raise objections in the minds of some persons, who will revolt at the local
superstition of India being brought to Britain and other western nations ; but facts found in them
sufficiently prove, that the same system really existed in both, and actually by the name of Buddha
too . We find little of this system in books, because when syllabic literal writing began to escape
from the adyta of the mysterious temples, the law of eternal change was operating to its destruc-
tion ; but we cannot look a yard around us, without seeing remnants of it, from the village mere-
stone, and the four-road cardinal-decuman cross to the mighty Stonehenges and Aburys yet exist-
ing, from Iona in Scotland, to Iona in Ceylon -from Tanga Tanga of Tartary and China, to
Tanga Tanga of Peru .
16. Dancing is looked on with contempt by philosophers at this day ; but I have no doubt that
the dance was among the ancients really of much greater importance than has been suspected . It
was generally accompanied with both music and poetry, and the original intention was to keep in
recollection the sacred mythoses before the invention of writing ; 2 and surely nothing could be
better contrived for this purpose . All early sacred books are poetical . For the same purpose
festivals, equally accompanied with dancing and poetry set to music, and sung to the dancing,
were established to keep in recollection victories or other celebrated events . When this view is
taken of those apparently frivolous arts, how surprisingly are they changed ! Instead of sciences
contemptible and demoralising, as they became after the art of writing was made public, we see
that, when under the supervision of the first priesthood, they were originally most important, and
must have been the firmest supports to patriotism, morality, and every generous virtue . We now

I See supra, p . 205 . 1 See Vol . I. p. 404, and supra, p.179.

Book V . Chapter IV . Section 16 425
see why they were patronised by the Socrateses and Pythagorases of antiquity . Although I give
more credit than has been given by any one in modern times to the great change which must have
been effected in the world by the knowledge of the art of writing having become general, yet I
suspect I do not, by any means, give credit enough to it . To the knowledge of it I attribute, in a
great measure, the conversion of those originally moral and delightful arts into causes of every
kind of vice and impurity . With their utility they lost their innocence and simplicity . Being no
longer necessary to preserve the recollection of historical events or mythoses, they were abandoned
to those who practised them without understanding their meaning-merely for their sensual grati-
fication . All the best feelings and refined sensations gave place to the gratification of the lowest
passions, and the temples became no better than taverns and brothels, the places of resort for
strumpets and bacchanals . That this was their state no one can deny . But though the later of
the ancients admit the fact, yet it is quite clear that the abuse had crept on-so imperceptibly, that
they were utterly at a loss to account for it, and with the corruption of the mythology and reli-
gion, an absolute ignorance of their meaning very naturally ensued . As the knowledge of the
art of writing crept out by slow degrees, and was used, without any previous system, to record
only a few of the most important matters, its tendency would be to induce carelessness, and a
relaxation of the efforts to explain the meaning of the dances, poems, &c ., which would previously
be bestowed, when there was nothing but the retention of them in the memory to depend upon .
• In a choral ode of Sophocles, he (Pan) is addressed by the title of Author and Director of the
" Dances of the Gods ; as being the author and disposer of the regular motions of the universe, of
• which these divine dances were symbols Among the Greeks, all dancing was of the
• mimetic kind : wherefore Aristotle classes it with poetry, music, and painting, as being equally
• an imitative art : and Lucian calls it a science of imitation and exhibition, which explained the
• conceptions of the mind, and certified to the organs of sense things naturally beyond their reach .
" To such a degree of refinement was it carried, that Athenaeus speaks of a Pythagorean, who
• could display the whole system of his sect in such gesticulations, more clearly and strongly than
CQa professed rhetorician could do in words ; for the truth of which, however, we do not vouch, the
" attempt being sufficient . Dancing was also a part of the ceremonial in all mystic rites : whence
" it was held in such high esteem, that the philosopher Socrates, and the poet Sophocles, both .
" persons of exemplary gravity, and the latter of high political rank and dignity, condescended to
" cultivate it as an useful and respectable accomplishment . The author of the Homeric hymn to
• Apollo, describes that God accompanying his lyre with the dance, joined by the other deities ;
" and a Corinthian poet, cited by Athenaeus, introduces the Father of Gods and Men, employed in
" the same exercise . The ancient Indians, too, paid their devotions to the Sun by a dance imi-
• tative of his motions, which they performed every morning and evening, and which was their
• only act of worship . Among the Greeks, the Cnosian dances (Q . Gnosian ?) were peculiarly
• sacred to Jupiter, as the Nyssian were to Bacchus, both of which were under the direction of
" Pan ; who, being the principle of universal order, partook of the nature of all the other Gods ;
• they being personifications of particular modes of acting of the great all-ruling principle, and he
• of his general law of pre-established harmony ; whence, upon an ancient earthen vase of Greek
" workmanship, he is represented playing upon a pipe, between two figures, the one male and the
"other female ; over the latter of which is written NOO2,2 ;, and over the former AAKOI ; :
• whilst he himself is distinguished by the title MOAKOX : so that this composition explicitly
• shows him in the character of universal harmony, resulting from mind and strength ; these
• titles being, in the ancient dialect of Magna Graecia, where the vase was found, the same as
NOTE, AAKH, and MOAIIH,in ordinary Greek . The ancient dancing, however, which
" held so high a rank among liberal and sacred arts, was entirely imitative ; and esteemed ho-
VOL . It .
426 Religious Dances . Poetry . Music

*` nourable or otherwise, in proportion to the dignity of what it was meant to express ."' David
danced before the Ark, 2 and one of the Gospels 3 describes Jesus and the Twelve Apostles as
having celebrated a dance after the last supper . It is difficult for us to enter fully into the feelings
of the actors or spectators of the dance, or to comprehend the intensity of them, which would
probably arise from the belief that they were the representations of scenes of real life. For want
of experience we can form no idea of the effect which must have been produced . I have before
observed that all the mythoses of antiquity were contained in poems .4 I have no doubt that
writing was originally used solely for the purposes of religion, and used only in the form of poetry,
for the sake of aiding the memory,-prose being comparatively a late invention . This, I think,
led to the universal degradation of the human character-of the human animal . In the first place,
the memory deteriorated, and, in the next place, by the abuse of allegory, the minds of the unini-
tiated were brought, by degrees, to the reception of the most degrading puerilities . The common
people finding such stories as those of Cristna believed by their superiors, the initiated, (but
which, in fact, were not believed by them,) were also induced to believe them . Thus, in time,
in all countries, arose the mythology, and in a similar manner the poems came to be considered to
have divine authority, and to be, as inspired writings, infallible . I have no doubt that if the
Paradise Lost had been written in the beginning of the Christian xra, it would have been regarded
as of divine authority . Its mixture of puerile nonsense and beautiful passages is well calculated to
attract a devil-driving age . The Marquis de Fortia d' Urban 5 says, " La prevention pour la coutume
" a etc, de tout terns, un obstacle au progres des arts : La musique s'en est surtout ressentie . A
Lacedemone, oii Lycurgue avait joint la musique aux exercises militaires (Plutar . Apophthegmes
• des Lacedemoniens, Chap . xxxi .) ; it n'etait permis de faire aucun changement dans l'art de
CP celebrer les actions heroiques, quoique fort instruit des anciens usages, it ajouta une corde a la lire

pour varier les tons . Les Ephores condamnerent cette nouveaute, et clouerent sa lire a un
" mur : tant on etait attachd a la simplicite des accords 1" says the Marquis . He then adds,
" Le musicien Timothee ayant aussi ajoute deux cords a sa lire lorsqu'il disputa le prix aux jeux
" CARNAANS, un des Ephores vint, un couteau a la main, lui demander de quel sate it voulait que
" fussent toupees les cordes qui excedaient le nombre de sept ." He adds, " On voit par ces faits
• l'importance que les anciens attachaient a la musique, au chant, et metre aux instrumens ." The
Marquis may be perfectly assured that the Spartans might have sung to what tune they pleased,
had not something very important depended upon it . All those exercises of the young Carneans
were religious, as were all their games . How all the notes of music were made useful to re-
cord the mythos, it may be impossible now to discover ; but when I recollect all the Pythago-
rean doctrines and praises of music, I cannot doubt that they were converted to such use, and
were of the very first importance too . It seems probable that the class of persons called Rhap-
sodists, . in Greece, were correctly the bards of Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, and India ; and
the rhapsodies which they sung were the cyclic poems, or poems to celebrate the renewal of
Cycles or Avatars-in songs carrying a double meaning-an exoteric and an esoteric meaning,-
which was clearly the case with their tragedies .
It is a very important fact to be observed and recollected, in this disquisition, that, in reality,
poetry was the only species of composition which could by possibility exist until the invention of
the material of books, such as prepared skin or papyrus, was brought to a very considerable degree
of perfection ; and we have reason to believe that this invention in the West, at least, had no very

PAYNE KNIGHT on Ancient Mvth . p . 153 2_ Samuel vi . 12-16. ' One of the Uncanonical . ED
' See supra, p a Sur 1'Orig . de. l'Ecriture, p . 94
. 225.
Book V. Chapter V . Section 1 427
great antiquity . And here we see the reason why (as Mr . Niebuhr has observed) all the ancient
pseudo-histories, but real mythoses, of Italy, appear to have been in verse or poetry . No doubt
an exertion of memory surprisingly great must have been required for the composition of such
poems as the Iliad and the Odyssey ; but we can scarcely form an idea how different from ours
may have been the retentive faculties of persons, the improvement of whose powers of memory
formed the great and leading object of their education . I doubt not, as I have already intimated,
that the art of writing has been the ruin of the retentive faculty of the human mind . I believe in
every country the religious system, which included in it what might very properly be called also
the philosophic system, was concealed or conveyed in ballads or feigned adventures of a person,
from which, when historians arose, they formed their respective histories . As in each country,
from the lapse of time and other circumstances, small variations in the ancient story must have
arisen, so, in the respective histories, variations would take place, yet the universal mythos would
still occasionally shew itself.

Microcosm Continued . Vedanta and Nyaya Philosophy or Doctrines-Nature of
The Microcosm-Py thagoras on Numbers . Cycles-Mythology. Patron and
Client. Colonies . Isopolity . Numa Pompilius-Symbolic and Alphabetic Writ-
ing-Adoration of Animals . The Onion . Crest-The Ancile of Numa . Cyclic
Mythos. Clemens Alexandrinus . Ancient Mysteries . Baptism, the Eucharist,
&c. Doctrine of the Ancient and Modern Xpvi,-Bailly, Buffon, &c., on Birth-
Place of Mankind. Former Heat at the Poles . The Mythic-Cyclic-Microcosmic
System. What Has Happened May Happen Again . Illusion.

1 . WE have seen much respecting the contention between the advocates of the male and of the
female principles of generation for superiority . Besides this, there was another source of dissen-
sion,,which was the produce of it, and which was of the most refined and abstruse nature ; indeed,
it was of so refined a nature that, whoever has endeavoured to explain it has lost himself. The
doctrine has agitated the schools as well in Europe as in India, from the most remote of times .
It is the abyss in which deep thinkers and learned men have generally been shipwrecked . Their
lucubrations have ended in illusion . This has arisen from their attempt to grasp what is evi-
dently out of the reach of the mind of man . In Europe we have had it, in modern times, under
the names of Des Cartes on one side, and of Berkeley on the other : in India it has been discussed
chiefly by Vyasa ; and it is called the doctrine of the Vedanta philosophy in opposition to the
Nyaya philosophy . The word Vedanta is evidently a formation from the word Ved, which I have
shewn to be the same as Bud, and to mean wisdom,' and -it has acquired this name in India, because
it was principally the doctrine of the ruling power, the Brahmins . This meant the doctrine of the
eternal existence of matter or substance (the doctrine of Des Caries) ; of which the First Cause,
the ti' ie, the I shall he what I have been was supposed to consist-the n'1' ieie chanted by the

See supra, p . 4.
428 Vedanta and Nyaya Philosophy and Doctrines
Brahmins in the word Yeye . The word Nyaya was the opposite of this, and is a formation, almost
English, consisting of the negative ny, which is the English word Nys, (used, I believe, only by
Spenser,) meaning, none is. It is the negative particle and the Hebrew tut is, which jointly mean
not is or not :vise, and the Hebrew word rt' ie, existence . The two doctrines in common terms may
be defined those of Matter and Spirit-of Materialism and Immaterialism-called also Atheism and
Deism .
The followers of the Nyaya were also the followers of the female, Maia-those of the Vedanta
were followers of the male, Brahme . I think, in the Mahabarat war, the Buddhists were followers
of the Nyaya, and the Brahmins of the Vedanta ; but the two sects in later times, after the whole
became merely a matter of the idle speculation of philosophers, in short a logomachy, and the
meaning of the mythology was lost, were completely intermixed and so confounded one with the
other, that they perpetually changed sides, and the followers of the Nyaya, the spiritualists, who
were formerly considered the Atheists, are now considered the only Deists ; and the materialists
are considered the Atheists . The two doctrines are so nearly the same in principle, that it is very
difficult to distinguish one principle from the other ; and, if I Understood Mr . [Sir] Greaves
Haughton, the learned Secretary to the Asiatic Society, on the 2d of March, 1833, they are at the
bottom the same . Under these circumstances I think I shall not be thought very paradoxical in
thus stating my belief, that the modern Brahmins, in their endeavours to recover the lost learning
of their ancestors, have done precisely what has been done by the Jews with the Barasit and
Mercavah, in their Cabala, namely, they have substituted one for the other . The rn ie is clearly
materialism, let the priests say what they will to the contrary ; however, it is the dogma of the
Brahmins ; and Nyaya is nothing but the denial of the Yeye-the negative of it . But if I be mis-
taken as to the sects having changed, this will not alter the fact that one is a negative of the
other, The ri'ih ieie I am satisfied, was understood to be a spiritual fire, an emanation from the
Supreme Being, and partaking of his nature-hereby making him into a material existence . I
believe it will not be denied that the great feud between the Buddhists and Brahmins arose in part
from the difference between the Vedanta and the Nyaya philosophies ; which, as I have intimated,
are called the doctrines of materialism and immaterialism, matter and spirit, and, as thence inferred,
of Theism and Atheism, which, in Vol . 1 . p . 815, 1 have shewn is an inference not possible to be
supported.' From this the worshipers of God, under the names of Cristna or the benevolent lamb,
or Vishnu the fish, gratifying their sectarian hatred, take occasion to call the Saca, or Saxons or
followers or worshipers of Saca, the God of wisdom under the name of Buddha, Atheists ; and
they find our learned men, such for instance as the learned Mr . Colebrook, blockheads enough to
follow their example . I have little doubt that this feud arose as early as the division between the
Buddhists and the Vishnuvites, whenever this might have happened, and that it was long before
the perfecting of the Sanscrit language . Of course, as usual, (and after the manner of the Greeks
formerly complained of by Plato,) Sanscrit scholars go to the Sanscrit for an etymology, 2 and
they make of Nyaya i, to go, with the prefix ni into, inference, argument, reasoning, logic ; and
of Vedanta, from Veda, and anta, the end : the end, that is, the purpose or ultimate result and
substance of the Veda. The above is the explanation of one learned Sanscrit professor : the fol-
lowing is the explanation of another : "The word Vedanta is derived from Veda, the Scripture,

' I am well aware that what I have said in the passage quoted above, may be, and will be, disputed by the metaphy-
sicians ; but what are all their nice distinctions on these subjects, (which are in reality above our comprehension,) but
a mere logomachy and nonsense ?
There are great numbers of words in the first Veda which are in no Lexicon ; this is because their meaning was
lost before a lexicon was made . Dr. Rosen tells me, the first lexicon was made about 600 years after Christ .
Book V . Chapter V . Section 2 429
~~ and Anta, end ; implying the end or object of the Veda . Nyaya, in its original sense, means
~~ fitness, propriety ; hence its applicability to express the same thing as we call logic." These
etymologies may be satisfactory to the profound searchers into these questions ; they are not so to
me . The following, I think a better explanation : the Vedanta is the patronised doctrine of the
ruling powers in India ; and I suppose they meant, that the doctrine has wisdom for its end or
object ; and that they affirmed, that this, that is, Ved, Bed, or Bud, is its doctrine, in opposition
to the other, which is not wisdom . Now we have formerly seen that the Brahmins chaunt in their
service the word Yeye,' which they do not understand ; but say, they suppose it to mean victory,
the word ye meaning victory . I have shewn that this is the name of the Hebrew God mm' ieie,
who is often called the God of victory, but the meaning of which is self-existent God, and is an
epithet in a particular manner applied to the God of wisdom . I believe, therefore, as I have lately
remarked, that the Nyaya is merely the Hebrew and Sanscrit word mil, ieie, with the Celtic,
Saxon, and Sanscrit negative, prefixed by the Brahmins to convert it into a term of reproach
against their opponents, to make them deniers of the self-existent God, or to be Atheists. Then
the first will be, the doctrine of the wise ; the latter of the unwise. I repeat, that our Sanscrit
scholars, in endeavouring to expound the meaning of proper names by the Sanscrit only, are
exactly in the same situation as that in which Plato describes the Greeks to have been, in their
endeavours to expound their proper names by their own language, instead of going to the Barbari .
Sanscrit scholars also should go to the Barbari . I believe the names of all their Gods will be
found in the A rabic, that is, in the Hebrew roots . Mr. Wilson says, "by Siva himself, the Phsupata
writings were composed : Kanada is the author of the Vaisheshika philosophy . The N yay a ori-
ginates with Gautama . Kapila is the founder of the Sankhya school, and Vrihaspati of the Char-
vaka. Jaimini, by Siva's orders, composed the Mimansa, which is heretical, in as far as it incul-
cates works in preference to faith, and Siva himself, in the disguise of a Brahman, or as Vyasa,
promulgated the Vedanta, which is heterodox in Vaishnava estimation, by denying the sensible
attributes of the Deity." 2
2 . We will now inquire farther into the nature of the microcosm . From the To Ov proceeded
the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer- Brahma, Vishnu, and Seva ; from them proceeded 72
Angels, and from them 360 others ; these were the angels seen by Jacob, and these were the 360
&ons of the Valentinians, and the 360 tutelar saints of the Romish church, one for each day of
the year, and the Divi of Macrobius . The seed of every living or animate being was believed to
have been formed at the first creation, or to be a part of or an emanation from the To Ov, to have
existed from eternity, to be a perfect animal in miniature, a microcosm of every animal above it,
and at last, of course, of the first Great Cause . Every seed was a microcosm, i . e . a little world-
was a world in miniature. Naturalists, by means of the microscope, perceive that the seed of every
animate being, like the egg of the serpent waiting in the sand for the solar ray to develop its
faculties, is a being complete, and only waits for the peculiar circumstances suitable to its nature
to develop itself.-3 It is evident that without the solar heat no animate being would ever come
into existence. Hence we see how the sun came to be regarded as the Creator, and why the
ancients adored that luminary : and the prayer of Cyrus, though he was an Iconoclast, and of
Martianus Capella, noticed in Vol . 1 . pp . 191, 192, shew that they could reconcile the adoration of
the solar power under his various names with the adoration of one Supreme Being, at the head of

See Vol . I . pp . 430, 468 . 2 Asiat ._ Res . Vol . XVI . p. 10.

3 Here we have a microcosin of Brahume brooding over the deep, and of the Spirit of God moving on the face of
the water, of Genesis. See supra, p . 67.
430 Nature of the Microcosm

all. I consider it quite impossible for any one to have read this work with attention, and not to
have seen that an universal mythos once prevailed ; but I cannot help thinking that, if it had been
a system regularly made out, and previously contrived in all its parts, we should have made it
clearly out step by step . On this account I am induced to suspect that the mythos arose from
circumstances, and was founded on, or consisted of, the microcosmic principle ; and that from
this, when applied to the cyclic system, which is most clearly microcosmic, the mythic histories
took their rise, in all nations having a certain degree of resemblance, but in all nations, from the
peculiar circumstance that the facts of real history were used to describe the mythos, it must of
course vary, i . e. a certain quantum of variation must take place in the mythic history . Real facts
could not be bent quite to fit ; but they were bent to do so as nearly as possible . The bending of
the real facts would be aided by the natural uncertainty of tradition, by which only they were
handed down, writing being, I suppose, unknown . As story or a tale of facts was to be the
vehicle, such leading facts as the native tradition preserved, must, of course, be used, and would
be very easily made to bend. Thus we have, as observed by Nimrod, the Exodus or going out of
all nations, probably the first migration of the tribe . We have this part of the mythos clearly in
North India, South India, in Syria, Babylon, Troy, Rome, and in Mexico, perhaps the most re-
markable of all. In Genesis we have the microcosm of two worlds . We have the Patriarch, that

is, the head father or Pontifex Maximus, and his three vicars, dividing the world into three parts ;
and the four in each case are microcosms of the To Ov, and of the Creator, Preserver, and De-
stroyer. In the first case, Cain was the destroyer. In the second case, Ham was the wicked one,
or the destroyer, the cursed one-the father of the Canaanites or followers of the female principle-
Fuv-q, Cune. 2 Julius Firmicus Maternus says, "It is necessary to know, in the first place, that
~~ the God, who is the fabricator of man, produced his form, his condition, and his whole essence,
`~ in the image and similitude of the world And thus the Demiurgus exhibited man by
`~ the artifice of a divine fabrication, in such a way, that, in a small body, he might bestow the
`~ power and essence of all the elements, nature for this purpose bringing them together ; and
`° also, so that from the divine spirit, which descended from a celestial intellect to the support of
" the mortal body, he might prepare an abode for man, which, though fragile, might be similar to
~Qthe world ." Again, So that the animal which was made in imitation of the world might be

`~ governed by an essence similarly divine ." 3 He was endowed with a portion of the first attri-
bute of God or of the divine idea-wisdom . He had a portion of the generative power ; he had a
portion of immortality. Every animal, as I have already remarked, was a microcosm of man-
beginning, probably, with the wise elephant, and descending to the meanest reptile . A portion
of the same mind or wisdom, the same generative power, is visible in all . Every plant was a
microcosm of the animal, and possessed a portion of mind . The sun-flower turns itself to the
God of day ; the pimpernel 4 opens to the sun, and shuts itself to the storm . The ash-tree planted
on a bank, with one root hanging down, turns it inwards to the earth . The sensitive-plant, like
the youthful maiden, at first shrinks from the touch of man . Every plant has the living principle
and the organs of generation ; and thus every thing descends, and the whole world, and each part,

See supra, pp . 23, 24 ; Lord Kingsborough's Mex . Ant ., Vol . VI . p. 237 ; and Nimrod, Vol . II . pp . 370-373
$ I stated in Volume I . P . 724, from Chrysostom, that when the Gentile mysteries began, a herald proclaimed
"Procul ! hint procul este, profani," and that the Christians did the same thing, exclaiming "hence all dogs." Why
make such a point of turning out the dogs, more than any other animal ? I believe a mistake took place between the
rvrq and Kvmr, Kvros, and that it originally applied to followers of the female generative principle .
s Trans . by Taylor.
4 In the case of the pimpernel, to evade .he question or to disguise the fact, I shall be told some idle, inconclusive
story, about the stimulating power of the solar ray or of light ; but it is all true-it is matter acting upon matter .
Book V. Chapter V. Section 3 431

is an image of God . How curiously is this connected with the first principles of the To Ov, or
Gnosticism or Wisdom, and how beautifully does all resolve itself into one system 1
3. We may now see what Pythagoras meant when he said, that all things arose from numbers .
In the first place, numbers, as we have seen, constituted the symbolic letters in which all the
natural and religious learning of the ancients was contained . The learning of languages was not
considered as any part of science or education with them ; none being dead, all were intelligible.
Grammar, with all its complicated rules, was unknown to . them ; but they must have had enough
to do to be able to repeat the meanings attached to the numeral symbols . The second sense in
which the expression of Pythagoras is explainable, is most clearly found in the microcosmic num-
bers, and in the doctrine of emanations and cycles ; from one proceeded two, from the two pro-
ceeded three-in all five ; and from these proceeded the seven planets, the constellations divided
into 12, 24, 72, 360, 432, and all the immense cycles of which we have been treating, and which
ultimately brought up all the aberrations of the planetary system, when every thing was reabsorbed
into the Deity .
It is not to be supposed that the philosophers who taught this system expected the world to be
renewed every 600 or 6000 years . These were but little cycles to enable them to keep their time
and their festivals in order ; they were used as religious contrivances to delude the vulgar . Very
different renewals of all things were looked for by the philosophers-various floods, and, perhaps, after
a year of Brahma, 4,320,000,000 of years, a restoration of a perfect globe, of the planetary system,
and the universe of fixed stars to their first state . Our globe is evidently an effect, in part per-
fected ; the effect, perhaps, of a third or fourth or fifth internal or mundane revolution . Nobody
can suppose the globe will go to ruin or decay . It will most assuredly all come again to some
perfect state unknown to us . It is like a butterfly ; it will pass through all its stages-return to
its egg-and run its course again . If the reader look back to Volume I . pp . 166, et seq ., he will
find that the system of cycles which I have unfolded, is founded on two numbers, the number five
and the number six ; that from them arose the numbers 360 and 432, and that from these a cycle
was formed which included them both, viz . 21,600 . In many places I have observed that the first
year of all nations was believed to have had only 360 days . I If this were the case, it is evident
that the science of astronomy would, before the irregularity of the motions of the planets arose,
and before the number of the years of the periods of the sun and moon became comprised in odd
numbers, and in fractional parts of years, days, and hours, be comparatively easy . The 12 moons
of 30 days each, and the 360 days, would make an exact Soli-lunar cycle, and the account of time
would be kept regularly and without difficulty . And we may readily suppose this astronomical
knowledge would be acquired without any very profound science or skill in observation . Now we
may easily imagine that after the catastrophe of the flood, as soon as man found the system thrown
into disorder, he would begin to devise means to correct the evil, and then astronomy would be
improved by making cycles, as I have supposed in'Volume I ., and by experiments and observa-
tions, until he brought it to the perfection at which I have shewn that it finally arrived . Then it
would be that the millennial system was formed by taking the period of time between the entrance
of the equinoctial sun into Taurus and his entrance into Aries, and then carrying the cycles for-
ward, as I have there explained . This seems to me to furnish a very satisfactory reason for the
operation of first taking off the sum of 2160 for the precession in one sign . The existence of the
fact I have there clearly proved . The reason of it we have here . If we suppose the flood to have
happened and the Pontiff and his court to have escaped, it would be a very considerable time be-

See, particularly, supra, pp . -316-326, and 409.

432 Pythagoras on Numbers . Cycles

fore they would discover that the regular periods no longer returned ; and, probably, by the time
that they discovered the correct length of the new year and of the new month, they would have
forgotten almost every thing, except that their year had been 360 days, and their moon's period
30 days . Under these circumstances it seems natural, as soon as they had found out that the
precession of the equinox took place after the rate of 2160 years in a sign, that they should, when
they formed their artificial system as we have seen it, go back for one sign and endeavour to make
the two systems into one, as we have really found them to have done . -This is the more probable,
because the system would go on pari passu with the experiments which I have shewn probably
took place to ascertain the real length of the new Soli-lunar period, the Neros . If the theory
which I here propose, and it is the result of improved information and additional study, be thought
probable, it will in a slight degree vary the theory advanced in Volume I . pp . 177, 178, for the
discovery of the cycles ; but though it will change the course of progression by which they were
discovered, it will tend to confirm the system on the whole . We must recollect that, when I
attributed shortness of memory to the early race, I suppose them to have had only the numeral
symbolic, and not the syllabic, system of letters ; perhaps not even that, but only the knowledge of
figures of notation . I have much suspicion that all the periods consisting of the number twelve
were formed when the year was actually 360 days long, and that the periods consisting of the
number ten were formed when the new and compound cycle was formed of the ten Neroses and
ten signs of the Zodiac . The Equinox, if it preceded at all, preceded after the rate of 54" in a
year, a degree in 66 years, a sign in 2000 years, and the circle or 12 signs in 24,000 years. When
the ancient astronomers discovered that, in consequence of the flood, the circular motions of the
heavenly bodies were completed in broken periods, they probably invented the cycles out of the
two systems to obviate the inconvenience which the change had brought about . And this is the
reason why we have the sacred numbers sometimes from the twelves, the old system-and some-
times from the tens, the new one . And thus we have the system of the cycles of 21,600, of 43,200,
of 432,000, and of 4,320,000, to unite the two systems . Sir W. Drummond says,' "If the
~° priests of Ammon were right, the antediluvians may have been so likewise, for Plutarch tells us,
~~ that according to the former the annual period has been continually decreasing ." This, in no
small degree, tends to confirm my theory, that the year was lengthened by the change in the
direction of the earth's axis, and that it is gradually returning to its former natural state .
When I read the critical dissertations of Mr . Niebuhr on the History of Rome, which every
where betray the utter confusion in which the early part is involved, the total failure of the almost
unceasing attempts of the later historians (such as Cicero and Tacitus) to produce any thing like
order, or to account for the endless anomalies in the customs, laws, and constitutions of the re-
spective states, which every where shew themselves, I am driven to seek some cause which they
have not understood or to which they have paid no attention . I am thus almost compelled to have
recourse to the ancient Pontifical government, about which I have already said so much, and to
trace the difficulties off the Roman writers to their neglect to search into the few remaining cir-
cumstances of this ancient empire, of the importance of which they seem never to have formed a
proper estimate . It is like ourselves : we are always looking for the causes of effects in times
since the Roman conquest of Britain, which ought to be looked for in the times and in the state of
things before their arrival-which state of things, in many respects, they left, unaltered, to their
successors, when they quitted the island . Once, and I think only once, Mr . Niebuhr's 2 attention
seems to have been drawn to what he calls the influence of numerical forms in the states of anti-

I Class . Journ . Vol. XVI . p . 156 2 Vol. 11 . p . 20. Thirlwall's Ed .

Book V . Chapter V . Section 4 433
quity which, on that occasion, he says, solves a puzzle ; but he almost instantly loses sight of it .
He often observes the recurrence of the numbers 12 and 30 ; but it seems never to have once
occurred to him to inquire further into the reason of this recurrence, which a moment's considera-
tion would have taught him must have had a cause . He notices the tradition of the Alban and
Latin states being formed of 600 families, and also that some of the very heavy and oldest coins,
called ases, without inscriptions, have the head of a young man on one side, wearing a Phrygian
bonnet, and on the reverse a wheel, with six spokes . The former figure he thinks represents Asca-
nius, the latter, the spokes of the wheel, the six centuries of the Lavinian Colony . 1 This may be
true ; but I can only conceive the regulation of the states by the number 600 to have the same
reference as the spokes on the coin, v iz . to the revolving cycle of 600, celebrated by Virgil . The
bonnet or mitre marks the cycle as sacred. The formation of the legion by 6000 men, and its
decuples 60 and 600, had reference to the same superstition . Niebuhr says, "At this time four
°` legions must have been 12,000 men : add to this 12,000 from -the colonies and subject towns,
fQ and 24,000 for the double contingent of each allied state, and the whole assembled force will be
" 72,000 men . The legend peeps through in this wantoning with typical numbers, which it de-
lights to multiply enormously ." 2 But Mr . Niebuhr, like our modern English historians, never
once gives himself the trouble of asking what was the meaning of the legend which peeped
through, and why they thus wantoned with certain peculiar typical numbers . After the know-
ledge of the system was lost, the legend was continued from habit, and we constantly talk of our
scoresand half scores, our dozens and half dozens, &c . Had this habit arisen from the nature of
these numbers, we should have found a similar name for the number eight, which has the acci-
dents that may be supposed to influence the numbers twelve and ten in a much more remarkable
degree . Indeed, had arithmetic been the effect of learning, instead of what we call accident, there
can be no doubt that eight would have been taken as the terminate number, instead of ten .
4 . The microcosm is visible in the number of the Gods, as in every other part of the creation
which is in any way subject to the genius of man . We have three at the head, in the capitol-
Jupiter, Apollo, and Minerva . We have the 7 Dii Consentes, the Cabiri ; the 12 greater Gods,
and the 360, one for each day. It is true we do not now find the 72 ; but, as we found them dis-
tinctly marked in the 72 angels of the 72 nations of the world, and in the 72 angels ascending and
descending the ladder of Jacob, we may be very certain they were once there . Mr . Niebuhr has
taken great pains to exhibit the infinite variety in the minor internal forms, and in the outward
relations of the several states and municipia of Italy and Greece with one another ; but he scarcely
ever attempts to account for such a state of things having arisen . All this, however, is a neces-
sary consequence, or arises very naturally out of the state which I contemplate, of a supreme
Sacerdotal or Patriarchal government overriding the whole, but leaving each to govern itself in its
own way, to form its domestic regulations according to the circumstances of the localities, climate,
&c ., of each ; yet, as we see in the Amphictyons, when necessary, exercising a paternal and
mediatorial power of the most beneficial nature over them all . In consequence of the profits of
this order of mediators being fixed to the unvarying tenth of the produce, its interest would, in a
very peculiar manner, as I have before remarked, lead it to the preservation of universal peace . It
would prosper with the prosperity of the sub-infeudate castes ; it would suffer with their suffer-
ings ; it would sympathise with them in all their feelings . The system of patron and client would
exist in the most amiable of forms . 3 And when at last the universal law of change began to

' Niebuhr, Hist. Home, Vol . II. p. 19. Thirlwall's Ed . a Ibid. p. 40.
Mr. Niebuhr observes, (Host . Rome . Vol. 1 . p. 119. Thirlwall's Ed.,) that "at Rome the relation between patron
VOL . t r.
434 Mythology . Patron and Client . Colonies . Isopolitv . Numa Pompilius
operate upon the system, it would produce precisely what we read of in the rhapsodies or poetical
works of the bards-first a Golden age, then an age of Silver, then one of Brass, and, at last, when
the system went entirely to pieces, what has very well been called an age of Iron . The more I
reflect, the more I become convinced that the theory, (a theory founded upon innumerable facts,)
which I have laid before my reader, will rationally account for all the hitherto anomalous circum-
stances in which the world is placed ; and, as my theory is upon the whole, or perhaps with some
trifling errors, the truth, it is the only theory which will ever do it . There is no subject of which
we bear more than that of the sending out of colonies, from both Italy and Greece ; but they are
all described to have taken place in very remote times . The actual going out, in every case,
seems to have been forgotten . It is very natural that the patriarchal government should have
promoted this system, to relieve the overflow of the population, which, by causing a scarcity of
food, would cause vice and misery to prevail, and, with vice and misery, make the people more
difficult to be governed, and thus to endanger its rule . And every new colony would add to the
wealth and power of the Patriarchate . Among the Buddhists we have in a peculiar manner the
monastic system, and under this system we may readily suppose the order of monks, which
was kept up by taking children from the other classes, would be kept within such bounds as were
thought desirable, and that it would be abundantly supplied with food, without ever being liable,
except from an occasional scarcity-the effect of bad seasons-to the inconvenience of want . I
think this celebrated system must have arisen by degrees, and have had its origin in various
causes ; but, perhaps, chiefly in the natural tendency of man to monopolise and secrete know-
ledge . And probably the institution of an order which should continue itself by descent, may have
arisen from the going to pieces of the first system . We have the remains of the first of these in
the monks of Tibet and Europe, and of the second in the Brahmins of India ; we have the system
also, in modern times, pretty nearly portrayed in the celibate Catholic, and the marrying Protes-
tant, clergy . Mr. Niebuhr every where finds a system which be does not understand, or at least
does not know how to account for, called Ia •oiroXvreia or Isopolity . This was an interchange of
rights among the different towns or free states . This again was a natural effect which would arise
(as he finds it varied in many ways) from the general, superintending character of the Patriarchal
government, leaving the respective towns to regulate their own domestic concerns, and it was the
remains . of that government falling to pieces by degrees . I think there is nothing of this kind left
now any where. Perhaps the remains of it may be seen in the Pale of Germany and Ireland .'
Livy, not understanding or adverting to the fact, that it was an effect of a previous cause, the
remains of a former state of society, treats it as a cause instead of an effect. Livy calls it a hospi-
table relation entered into with a whole people . 2 But Niebuhr justly observes, that it is a Q0

" feature of ancient tradition which no late writer could have invented ." He represents the rights
of the municipium to have been acquired in three ways-by birth, by exercising isotely, and by
manumission by a municeps . 3 The first, is that of our sons of freemen succeeding their fathers ;
the second, our apprentice ; and the third, our grant of the freedom of a town . In the Pale of
Ireland, and the Pfahlbiirger of Germany, 4 we have a remnant of the Pontifical or Patriarchal
government which cannot be disputed . I have no doubt that the word was brought to both coun-
tries by the first tribe of Saxons . It comes from the Hebrew t D pla, in its sense of separavit.

" and client was the feudal system in its best form." I mention this to shew that the system (or rather the remains of
the system) made itself visible .
I Niebuhr, Vol . II . pp ; 74, 75. Thirlwall's Ed. ' Ibid. P . 57.
3 Ibid . p . 55. * Ibid. Vol. I. p . 398 ; Vol . II . pp. 74, 75 . Thirlwall's Ed.
Book V. Chapter V . Section 5 435
To be in the pale was to be separated from something . I do not find the root in Hebrew for the
Greek rru)iq ; but a moment's reflection shews that the separavit has essentially this idea . A
door or gate cannot well be disconnected from the idea of separating. The word iso, I think, may
have come from the root Hit' iza, egressus est, and the compound word would mean persons gone out
from the pale . R% a use the word pale in Yorkshire for a sheep-fold ; and a vessel to hold milk,
from the cow, a milk-pail . I think it probable, that when Numa Pompilius became . governor of
Rome, he found the state ruled by a portion of the customs or laws of the previous government,
which bad gone to decay, and left nothing but a chaos behind it : and lie undertook to arrange
and write down a certain part of what be found and thought necessary for the use of the infant
state, then first beginning to assume the form of a settled government : but this would not exclude
the deciding of such cases as his writing did not provide for, when they arose, according to the
ancient customs ; and these decisions would naturally form or declare (precisely as ours do) a lex
non scripts. The great mistake of Niebuhr and many other writers consists in this, that they con-
sider every thing to have taken its rise from the supposed date of the Roman city or state, while
the city, state, and almost every thing connected with them, are effects of something preceding.
From inattention to this circumstance, the whole of Niebuhr's explanation of the constitutions of
the Romans and Grecians is a chaos, and particularly with respect to the occupation of the land .
He clearly shews, that the same principle prevailed in both Italy and Greece . I have no doubt
that whenever the conquering tribes of Chaldaean-Celtic Sacm arrived in a country new to them,
and in fact in all countries, from Tartary or Scythia, they established their own feudal tenure of
land, either by subinfeudating the lands in part to the miserable, ignorant, savage, descendants of
antediluvians, or aborigines as they were called, or to their own tribe entirely-reserving to the
rulers, who were the priests, the tenths. Thus the whole world became subject to the same Patri-
archate--a Patriarchate subdivided into three, and I doubt not each of the three having a book,
like Genesis, which would shew that its was the eldest branch of the family of Noah, whether it was
Ham or Japhet or Shem . The circumstances which Mr. Whiston has pointed out, that astronomi-
cal science shews the first race was preserved in that part of the globe called Tartary, and that
Noah must have resided in China, tend to confirm this . But I must remind my reader, for my
own credit, that I do not affirm the truth of any part of Mr . Whiston's system, except that which
I expressly mention as adopting . I by no means wish to implicate myself in much nonsense
which that amiable and learned person persuaded himself to believe. He exhibited a remarkable
proof that learning does not, in every thing, carry with it sense .
5 . 1 must now revert to a circumstance which would necessarily arise from the numeral symbo-
lic writing in a downward direction, growing into horizontal alphabetic writing, in different nations,
in which the spoken languages had so far changed as to be in part or almost entirely unintelligible
to one another. I suppose the change from the symbolic to the alphabetic would take place by
degrees, and the upright line would be turned sometimes one way, sometimes another ; this would
form entirely new words .' Thus Ras might become sar ; and as we know the s became c, or was
originally c, here we have the word car or cor, 2 for heart and wisdom-two ideas of things widely
different . In this way many words would be formed, each of them sometimes having two mean-
ings totally different from one another . Here it is evident that we have a class of words which

' See Vol. 1 . pp. 455, 484, 942 ; and supra, 153, on the word ros or sor. Ed.
This is remarkably confirmed by what we find in Ethiopia and Egypt . In the former, in the Chaldee, it turned to
the left ; in the latter, in the Coptic, it turned to the right ; but in both it had the same meaning-head, chief, prince,
wisdom .
436 Symbolic and Alphabetic Writing
will bid defiance to all rational etymology . This is remarkably the case with rag and cor . Sul,
the Sun, I think is another example . It would form Lus' or Lux, lucis. We must recollect,
that in this reasoning I suppose what we know was the fact, that the first letters were right lines,
perhaps some few at angles, in fact, the Runes, and the letters used by the Masonic Culdees, at
York, as may be seen in their books now possessed by his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex .
If we consider maturely the situation of man in the first ages of the world, we shall immediately
observe the paucity of words which, in a numeral symbolic language, would be requisite to carry
on the common affairs of life, and how very much less would be required than is actually now in
daily use in China . Sir William Jones has said, that, without any regard to grammar, if a person
would learn to repeat or learn the meaning of three thousand words in any language, he would be
able to speak it . I have no doubt that the knowledge of the meanings attached to a certain por-
tion of numeral symbols constituted part of the learning contained in the twenty thousand verses
which the Druids required the pupils to repeat in their colleges . Even after the world arrived at
so advanced a state as to erect such works as Stonehenge and Abury, the number of necessary
words would not be large . We may safely say that a fifth of what are requisite now, would not
then be wanted-merely nouns, verbs, and pronouns . I am convinced that if a judicious selection
of a thousand words, or rather ideas, was made and located to numbers, any two persons who
learnt these might communicate without any difficulty, although speaking and knowing no lan-
guages but those which are the most dissimilar in the world . By being attached to numbers, the
language would be remarkably stable and fixed, and by being formed of right lines at angles, it would
require very little learning . What we call the Arabic figures, which are known all over the world,
and which were probably known from almost the earliest period, might answer the purpose . In
order to reap the benefit of such a system, at this day, it would not be necessary even that it
should be generally learned to be repeated. A printed key might be circulated in each country .
For example : if a vocabulary of the thousand Persian words were printed with the numbers an-
nexed, the language would instantly become known to every one who could write the Persian lan-
guage . They would be readily printed upon fifteen pages of a sheet of paper folded in octavo,
leaving the sixteenth for the direction, to send it by post . It is very evident, that for the purposes
of commerce, or science, by increasing the number of ideas attached to increased numbers, it
might be carried to almost any extent . I here only describe the ancient system, a part, a remnant
of which is yet found in China and Java . In the first language of numerals none of the little
words which we use for the signs of cases of nouns would occur, and I think they were not used
in writing till syllabic literal writing began to be practised . They came into use by degrees,
which is the reason why, in the old Hebrew language, they all seem to have the same meaning .
For the same reason it is that the word which has now become the exclusive emphatic article of
one nation, may be found in the proper names of another : for instance, the Tusci were nothing
but THE-osci-T hosci-Thusci-Tusci, inhabitants, I suppose, of Naples . 2 I much suspect that
not only the high branches of Geometry and Mathematics were known to the ancients, but Alge-
bra also . We are taught to believe that it was discovered by the Arabians in the middle ages . 3
When I find that it was known in Italy three hundred years ago, and that it was ascertained that
it had been known in a secret society three hundred years before that time, I am immediately led to
conclude, that it was a remnant of the science of the old Tuscan Augurs or Agrimensores-a part

' From this the Lotus, or flower of the Sun, the manifestation of Wisdom, of Love, &c ., came to be called flower of
Lus or Lys-the Rose of the Water, of Ice, Isis, Isuren, Sharon .-See supra, pp . 6, 7, 32, 33, 44, 45 .
2 See Niebuhr's Map . 3 The science of algebra is nothing but a symbolic language .
Book V . Chapter V . Section 6 437

of the ancient mysteries-of magic ; for the answers to questions given by its means would, to
ignorant people, be truly magical . Mr . Christie 1 has observed a passage of Diodorus, (Book 1 .
Chap. I .,) which seems to refer to the first numerical symbols . . He says, "At the time when
~~ speech was indistinct and confused, a47; lu.s xat Tuyxe,Yuµevrls, they by degrees expressed
~~ themselves in a more articulate manner, and appointed symbols to represent the objects under
`~ consideration, by which means they were able to explain themselves intelligibly ." This passage
of the Greek Diodorus leads me to repeat, that we ought not to be tied down in our construction
of Greek words in the early period when that language was naturally aa'?)1los, in the same manner
as when it became fixed, and when the Greeks, in respect to delicacy of speech, became the most
fastidious people upon earth . 2 When I consider the vast variety of independent states in Greece,
their continual feuds and jealousies, and the practice discovered by Mr . Hammer of every philo-
sopher having a form of letter of his own, 3 I cannot much doubt that the Amphictyonic council of
the state regulated the sacred letter in which all matters under its cognizance were recorded . This
would naturally become in time the letter of the whole country, superseding the letter of the sepa-
parate states. All this seems to account rationally for the great dissimilarity of forms with the
uniformity of system, and for all the discordant or heterogeneous states of Greece having one
letter-and the discordant or heterogeneous states of Italy another . Thus I think it probable that
the Greek system of writing was for a long time confined to the caste of priests in Greece, the
Latin to the caste of priests in Italy, as the Sanscrit was for a long time confined to the caste of
priests in India. The above description by Diodorus is peculiarly applicable to the Synagogue
Hebrew, and must have been equally applicable to all written languages in their early stages . 1
have frequently observed, that the dogma forbidding any change in the text has preserved the
Hebrew, locked up in the Temple, in a state of purity .
6. But to return to the Pythagorean philosophy of the generation of numbers . This was the
generation of cycles, ending or beginning with the To Ov or One : for one is but on, and increasing
or decreasing, as the case might be, like the coats of an Onion a ad infinitum, either way ending in
illusion ; for we are as incapable of forming an idea of the least atom as of the greatest substance ;
and the idea of number cannot be separated from or formed without matter . In no part is the sys-
tem more beautiful than in the doctrine of the microcosm . We have an abundance of theories to
account for the adoration of animals by the Egyptians and others, but none of them satisfactory . I
believe it arose from the names of animals being unintentionally formed of the numeral symbols
which also formed certain cycles, when the numerals grew into letters . Thus the numeral letters
clo, which meant 600 in Chaldee, meant a cat-k final=500, 1_30, o=70=600 . Thus a Cat came
to be sacred . In the same manner the Onion, on account of the similarity of its coats to the
planetary spheres, was called-from being sacred to the Father of Ages-auuvwv-onion . It was
also strikingly similar to the microcosmic principle. I much suspect that most of their sacred
animals were adored for similar reasons . Thus every animal, the numeral letters of whose name
described at once the animal and one of the planets or sacred cycles, came to be an object of ado-
ration, and the animal was considered sacred to the God . Hence the explanation I have given
above, p . 113, of Xsculapius from Asclo-o4pig . The ops o4ig, o7rog, and opts were in fact anciently

' Essay on worship of the Elements, p . 3 . The same observation will apply to the Sanscrit . ' See supra, p .247 .
' The Onion was adored (as the black stone in Westminster Abbey is by us) by the Egyptians for this property, as a
type of the eternal renewal of ages, and for this very reason, probably, called awv Twv wwvwv, as our settle is so called
from. the Hebrew Srtw stl, and our order from the Hebrew -nr ord. The Onion is adored in India, and is forbidden
to be eaten . Forster's Sketches of Hindoos, p . 35 . See Vol. I . pp . 193, 338, 449 .
438 Adoration of Animals . The Onion . Crest

the same word, and meant Logos and Serpent . Thus the Logos is divine wisdom ; and thus the
serpent came to be regarded as the wisest of animals . Cyclops is the same-xux7 .o5 and ooaS-
Serpent of the Cycle, or Logos of the Cycle . If it be objected that what I have said of the o$S
and oq5as cannot be admitted, as they do not furnish proof-I reply, If there have been one original
language, the different ancient words may be expected to be found scattered indiscriminately in
all languages descended from that original, or formed upon it . I admit they do not furnish proof.
Scarcely in any case can a proof ever be found ; at the most a high probability is all that can be
expected, and that I contend we have here . But this is a matter of opinion : everyone must judge
for himself. Hutchinson and Shaw say, that the onion, in Hebrew r=iz sum or Ow sm, is a per-
fect emblem of the disposition of the heavens . Supposing the root and head to represent the
poles, if it be cut transversely or diagonally, it will be found divided into the same number of
spheres, including each other, counting from the sun or centre to the circumference, as the ancients
knew the courses of the orbs divided this system into, and so the divisions represented the courses
of those orbs . The Sanscrit word Sydma means darkness, black, black flowers ; and Syamanga
means the planet Mercury or Buddha . This is formed from the Hebrew root =w sm which
means a planet, plural t7'mv smim planets, rulers, and disposers . These planets were called mes-
sengers and ayye?%ot or angels . As we find so many Sanscrit words in the English and other
languages,' I suspect that the Syam and anga mean the Angel Sam or Buddha . From finding the
word Sam' to mean the Sun, the Planet Mercury, darkness, and Buddha, and the Tam to mean a
zodiacal incarnation, i . e . of the Sun in the sign of the Twins-and in several other cases from
finding the T and the S to be interchanged, I am induced to suspect that the Tam is a corruption
of the Sam-as I formerly suspected the Tages to be a corruption of the Sages . I have Park-
hurst's authority for saying that the change of the W into the n was usual . 3 I am rather inclined
to think the Onion was an emblem of the recurring cycles than of the planets ; but as it would
evidently suit for both, it probably was used for both . Notwithstanding the identity of the appel-
lative (for it is merely an appellative) of Crest or X p%1 5' given to the two persons in India and
Europe, at the head of the two divisions of the religion, it seems probable that the Western Cres-
tians descended directly from the Buddhists rather than from the Brahmins . It is true that we
constantly meet with what appear to be traits of the Brahmins in the West, but we must not for-
get that the Buddhists and Brahmins were the same in all great points . Brahminism was but
Protestant Buddhism, and the two assimilate to the Papists and Protestants, in the fact, that, in
each case, the reformers, as they called themselves, abolished the Arcbierarchy which I have
exhibited to my reader . 4 I have called them reformers, and so in both cases they were . For, in
India, the effects of Brahmanism were, to reform the calendar, to make it assimilate to the changed
state of the heavens, and thus, no longer to have Taurus as their emblem, but Aries . This was
the case with Moses, who reformed the system of his tribe by abolishing the golden calf ; and it
was attempted to be restored by the ten tribes, who set up the Calves at Dan and Bethavon . In
almost every point the Archierarchy of Rome and Tibet are the same . I think it seems probable
that the Patriarchal government or the Arehierarchy continued until after the time that the sun
entered Aries at the vernal equinox, when the religious revolution took place ; this was about the
time when the flood happened-the axis of the earth became changed or inclined, and almost all
the ancient learning of the world was lost . If this event happened about two thousand five hun-

dred years B . C ., and only very few persons escaped, in five or six hundred years, as I have

s Ibid . pp . 199-201 .
I See supra, pp . 166, 167, note .
3 Greek Lex . in voce GTPA . 4 See Vol. I . pp . 161, 162 ; also supra, pp . 53, et seq ., and pp . 359, 360.
Book V . Chapter V . Section 6 439
already shewn, they might readily have increased to five or six hundred millions of people ; 1 and if
the knowledge of symbolic writing and arithmetic remained with the heads only of the Pontifical
government in the East, we may see a very probable reason why that body of men, by means of
their colonies, became the rulers of the world, even long before the period of five or six hundred
years bad elapsed. If the Archierarchal system was established before the flood, it was very
natural that it should have been revived after it . We have this well described in the histories of
Adam and Noah . If the last great convulsion left a few people in every country, or in only most
countries, they would stock the world, to a very considerable extent, in much less time than I
have allotted to them ; and if they were under a patriarchal government before the catastrophe,
they would subsequently be prepared to submit more readily to its superiority, especially when it
was introduced by the castes from the oriental hive, of whose arrival in the West, and their con-
quest of what have been called the aborigines, we have such abundant proofs . From the East-
ern tribes being called Aioi HeAaa-yot or holy sailors, it is probable that they brought peace and
civilization to the aborigines . I think from the picture I have drawn of the golden age, this was
probably the case . Their superior attainments would give them the superiority, and it would not
be till they became corrupted, that they would reduce the aborigines into Helots . These Pelasgi
or Sailors might be also Chalidei . The Pelasgi were, in a marked manner, said to be inhabitants
of Crestona in Thrace . They are called Aloe IIeaa6yot by Homer, because, says Eustathius in
his Commentary, they were the only people who, after Deucalion's flood, preserved the use of
letters . 2 This theory seems to me to agree very well with all the circumstances, such as the
change in the earth's axis and the consequent flood by a comet, a fact established upon as strong
a probability as in such a case could be expected . If we consider every person who was admitted
to the high mysteries of the religion as, by that privilege, admitted to the sacred caste, we have no
longer any occasion to seek for the reason of the great anxiety to conceal the doctrines . As these
doctrines became known, the mysteries would fall off by degrees, till, in fact, there would be
scarcely any left . High arithmetic, literal writing, astronomy, and other sciences, were what ori-
ginally constituted the mysteries . We have almost the last examples of this exclusiveness and
spirit of monopoly in the concealment of algebra in Italy . In all countries we have well-
marked traditions of tribes coming from the East, and of their finding and conquering the abori-
gines, who were often supposed to have been indigenous, as they knew nothing of their own origin,
except a few vague traditions, of which one always was, that they had escaped from or arisen
after the flood . For want of the knowledge of letters this seems to be a consequence which would
necessarily follow in five or six hundred years . I am convinced that this has every probability on
its side . I consider the circumstances of coincidence between the comet of 1680 and the chrono-
logical date of the flood in the Indian, Jewish, and Grecian writings, (when their 3101 period is
corrected and its mistake accounted for) to establish the reality of a flood at that time, on so high
a degree of probability as to amount almost to certainty . However, it is a probability on which I
have no hesitation in saying, that any philosopher may rationally found a probable opinion, and
any devotee a belief. I have said above, that I think the Western Christians descended from the
Buddhists, though we very often see traits of Brahminism in the West . I suspect that all the old
Druidical monuments are antediluvian . I think this would not be thought improbable if persons
could be brought to consider the fact of the flood divested of the mythic absurdities and mistrans-
lations with which it is loaded in Genesis . These absurdities I have shewn were, in all ancient

' Seempra, p . 395 . s Grant on the Gael, p . 21 .

440 The Ancile of Numa . Cyclic Mythos . Clemens Alexandrinus, &c .

books, contrived to conceal under them, and to preserve for the use-of the initiated, certain great
truths .
7. Before I venture upon another of what will be called, by persons of little minds, my bold
speculations, I must beg my reader to recollect, that when the famous ancile came from heaven,
sent by Pallas to Numa, five others were immediately made by that legislator, in order that the
true one might not be known . This shield was to be the protector of the eternal city .' Thus
there were to be five records of the mythos, at least of the cyclic mythos . In the Tamul, in
which we found the Mosaic mythos, we have an account that their sacred writing had five distinct
meanings . 2 Now what has happened to the ancient mythology of the Gentiles? Various persons
have attempted its explanation, and it cannot be denied that several of them have succeeded with
a considerable show of probability : for instance, one class of persons, the followers of Euhemerus,
have made it into the history of men ; another class, the Stoics, have explained it by allegory ;
by which process they have deduced from it moral truths . Now, I ask, is there not a probability
that the first ancient sacred writing, before it became corrupted, might have been constructed, like
the lost writing of the Tamul, to contain several meanings-so constructed for the purpose of
gratifying the prevailing attachment to secrecy, so that no person might be able to say certainly
what was its real meaning ? May not Genesis have been this very Tamul book ? Clemens him-
self has been supposed to have been initiated into the mysteries of Eleusis ; 3 and this being
admitted, he gives us a piece of information of the greatest importance to my whole system . He
says, 4 that the truths taught in the mysteries had been stolen by the philosophers from Moses and
the prophets. 5 That is, in other words, that they were the same, at least with some part of what
is contained in the doctrines of those persons or in their writings . This is a piece of extraordinary
confirmatory evidence of almost my whole system. In another place, speaking of the mysteries,
he says, here is an end of all instruction . We behold nature and things .° Here is the Mercavah,
which, together with the Barasit, I have little doubt contained all the mysteries-that is, the
Grecian Cabala . Perhaps there is no point upon which the modern religious are more completely
deceived by their priests than on that of the ancient mysteries . They are represented by all Pro-
testants as matters of little moment, to which novices or only half Christians were admitted, when,
in fact, they were for many generations held to be of the greatest possible importance, and must
evidently have contained something very different from what is now celebrated or preached in our
churches every day. They were taught by Clemens, Origen, and the higher order of Christians ;
but I believe they were not known to Paul or his followers, who, I think, had no concern with
them . When the Paulites got possession of power, the mysteries were treated with contempt . I
shall, perhaps, have passages produced to me to shew that Origen or Clemens acknowledged Paul .
As well might passages be produced from my works to prove that I acknowledge Wesley, Wilber-
force, Hallted, Southcote, or Brothers . Suppose I do acknowledge them all and their writings, and
admit them to have been most excellent persons, and many of their doctrines to have been very good .
What then ? Does this make me adopt all their pernicious fooleries ? It is quite impossible to
maintain that the doctrines of the Trinity, of Baptism, and of the Eucharist, can be the secret doctrines
which are so clearly declared, by Clemens Alexandrinus, to exist, because all these were openly
explained to the world by Justin Martyr, in his Apology, addressed to Antoninus Pius, long before
the time of Clemens, about the year 160. It therefore follows, that Clemens must allude to some

' See supra, pp . 145, 146 . ' Ib . pp . 15, 148 .

Euseb. Przep . Evan . L . ii . Cap. ii . p . 61, aavrmr poll, a1a W11pas IXBov avgp. * Strom . V. p . 650.
' Ouveroff on Myst . of Eleusis, tranal . p . 44 . 6 Strom . V . p . 2 ; Ouveroff, ib . p . 42 .
Book V. Chapter V . Section 7 441
other secrets or mysteries ; at the same time, I think there can be no doubt that many of the
Romish fathers did affect to make a secret of their explanation of Baptism, the Eucharist, &c .
But the public explanation of Justin shews that this was not the principle of the church . The
fact was, I have no doubt, that after the Paulite fathers got power, they began to wish for mys-
teries, which, when their sect was in adversity or a state of weakness, they affected to despise ; thus
they attempted to make mysteries of the doctrines which I have shewn were not so considered by
Justin . What constituted the whole of the Christian mysteries will probably never be discovered ;
but their existence cannot be denied . I consider the eucharistia' as a solemn pledge of secresy-
to preserve faithfully the secrets which the Master had been communicating to the elect ; and as
we have found it in almost all nations, it was probably in this manner originally used in all . It
cannot be denied that the Eucharist was celebrated by Jesus in his last supper in secret-it was
confined to the twelve ; and in the Roman church of the Paulites it was kept a secret from the
rabble for several hundred years . I do not, as I have just said, consider it so much a secret,
though still it was a secret, as a pledge of the faithful keeping of the secrets or mysteries at that
time just celebrated . In the mode in which we have found this Melchizedeckian and Pythagorean
ceremony celebrated by the ancient Latins and the modern Jews, we have an example of a mystery
having become, as it is now with us, public . This is the case with all the Judaean mythos which
we have found in Mexico, China, India, Syria, &c ., &c . 2 Augustin, Theodoret, Basil, Pope Inno-
cent I ., and others, have treated of the mysteries of the Christians, of which they clearly say, that
Baptism, the Eucharist, and the meaning of the other Sacraments, constitute a part ; but their
words generally imply that they were only a part . Innocent says, G° Reliqua vero, qua, scribi fas
" non est, cum adfueris, interrogati poterimus edicere ." 3 Now we know very well that the scribi
fas non est must apply to something besides the sacraments, about which it was common to all
these fathers to write . It may be observed, that there is scarcely a single dogma or rite of the
Romish church which I have not already shewn to have been equally in use among the Gentiles ; 4
therefore, on this account, it seems to follow, that there must have been something else : and what
can this have been but the secret doctrines of Wisdom and the Gnosis, which I have shewn were
the secret doctrines of all nations ? In our endeavours to ascertain the cause why the Judwan
Xp7lc-ian mythos, which I have discovered in so many nations, was not treated of in ancient
authors, we never give sufficient credit to the exertions of the ancients to keep secret their mys-
teries, of which this Xp'jS'1pt01 was the chief part . It was not only forbidden to reveal the myste-
ries, but it was forbidden either to write OR EVEN TO SPEAK ABOUT THEM . And whenever they
were so spoken of or written about, it was always held to be contra bonos mores-contrary to good
taste, and was, in fact, enough to exclude the writer or speaker from good society, and to consign
his writings to oblivion . They were regarded by almost all persons in the same way as a great
majority of persons in England consider the writings of Payne or Carlile . The word mystery took
a new meaning, as it has done with us . We call Baptism, the Eucharist, &c ., mysteries ; but by
this name we do not mean to describe them as secrets. This is proved by the circumstance of
Justin having published them all . In fact there are public and private mysteries . We must not
forget that we have found that part of the mythos which consists of the crucifixion among the
Jews, where we might expect to find it, if it were a secret system, namely, in their books of the
secret doctrine, called Apocrypha-in Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus . 5 Every thing tends to shew,

I have no doubt whatever that the banquet, which always follows a Masonic Lodge or Chapter, is the remains of
the Eucharistia.
y See supra, pp . 28, 214, 218, 232, 235 . ' De Vallemont, Du Secret des Mysteres, p . 55 .
See supra, pp. 129, 145, 276 . See supra, pp . 124-126, 232 .
VOL. 11 .
442 Ancient Mysteries . Baptism . the Eucharist . &c.
that the part consisting of the deaths and resurrections of the Gods were parts of a secret system,
which, originally performed in the mysteries by the initiated alone, by degrees got out and became
known to the vulgar . This satisfactorily accounts for the way in which we always find it wrapped
up in an aenigmatical style of writing, as it is in Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus above named . If this
history were a part of the ancient religion and mysteries, the state in which it is come to us in the
different countries is what is a necessary consequence . That the apocryphal books are now only
iii a Greek translation, is no proof against their antiquity . If we suppose them forgeries, we must
allow that the person forging them in Greek must have held them out as translations . We may
as well say, that the works of Iren eus are not his, because we have them not in the Greek, but
only in a Latin translation . I pay very little attention to the opinion of the Jews of the present
day, who may as readily throw out ancient learning as they adopt modern ; such, for instance, as
the Masoretic pointing. But I have met with learned Jews who maintain that Wisdom and Eccle-
siasticus shew from their idioms a translation from the Hebrew . St . Jerome went to Syria to
study Hebrew, and I have seen it stated in the Revue Encyclop6dique, that there is in his works
an account of his, that he found the ancient writings of the Jews defaced and dispersed in frag-
ments in different places, and that he collected them with great difficulty . The Jews are like
other sects . As time advances they all arise from circumstances, and where they are not new,
but old, they constantly change with circumstances, and each gives to its ancient books the con-
struction most suitable to its modern ideas, which are the effect, iii every case, of the new circum-
stances in which the sect is placed . Hoffman says, that the early Christians did wisely not to
expose the mysteries to the profane view of the infidels . How futile these arguments appear,
since I have shewn that there is no rite or ceremony now known among Christians which was not
common to them and to the Gentiles ! Even the famous transubstantiation we have seen was
alluded to by Cicero. I It cannot be doubted that the mysteries alluded to by Clemens Alexandri-
nus, and delivered by Jesus Christ to the three, were very different from those heathen figments
about which the Romish and Protestant priests have always made so great a noise . There can be
little doubt that the construction given by the fathers to the words of Jesus, that the Apostles
should not throw their pearls before the swine, meant, that they should not reveal the secrets of
the religion . Dr. De Vallemont has proved, by authorities of the ancient fathers, the most nume-
rous and unquestionable, that the later fathers endeavoured to make the doctrines of the Trinity,
Regeneration, and the Eucharist, among others, into secrets, the most sacred, and they attempted
to preserve them from the vulgar and the Gentiles with the greatest possible care . He has abun-
dantly proved the same thing of the Gentile mysteries . The secreting of the Christian mysteries
was but an attempt to restore the secrets of Paganism, which had been, by degrees, revealed by
unprincipled persons, and which will always happen when society comes to that unhappy state in
which an oath is no longer considered binding . The Pagan religion in the fourth century, and in-
deed long before, had become virtually dead ; most of its mysteries had become known or were
forgotten among the mass of the people ; and where they yet continued and were noticed by the
Christians, the latter were deluded by a story which suited their capacities well enough, that the
Devil had been at work, and had copied from the Christian rites . This was, I doubt not, quite
sufficient to satisfy the scruples of the few who were able to inquire or desirous of inquiring . The
Christian, that is, the Popish, mysteries were in every respect similar to the ancient Gentile . I
do not believe that they varied in any important particular . On the subject of the real Presence in
the Eucharist, De Vallemont has most undoubtedly the advantage in the argument with the Pro-

' See supra, p . 61.

Book V. Chapter V . Section 8 443

testants . If the Protestants choose to argue the question of Transubstantiation on the ground of
common sense, excluding the ancient practice and the authority of the ancient fathers, they beat
the Papists ; but they must then admit all other tenets of their religion to be argued on the same
grounds ; then down go Papism and Protestantism together, and we come to the Philaletheans
and to Ammonius Saccas . De Vallemont says, °' Y a-t-il de l'equit6 a chercher la creance des Peres
~~ sur l'Eucharistie dans des discours, oil it ne vouloient pas sur ce point etre intelligibles a ceux qui
~° n'etoient pas du secret des Mysteres ?" 1 No, indeed, it is not equitable ; nor is it equitable to
seek in the same way for the belief of Plato or of Philo or Jamblicus-to seek for their opinion in
works written evidently unintelligibly to deceive the ignorant-works which have only been left to
us by the Papists, because the secrets they were meant to conceal were as well those of the
modern as of the ancient church . The whole of the work of Jamblicus de mysteries is written to
occupy the attention of inquirers and to mislead them . Nor shall we be surprised at works of this
kind being fabricated, when we pay a due attention to the extreme anxiety displayed by the ini-
tiated both before and after the death of Christ, to conceal and preserve their secrets . And when
we reflect upon the indisputable fact, that all the doctrines of modern Rome were the same as the
open or secret doctrines of ancient Rome, we shall no longer be surprised at the Popes re-enacting
all their rites and ceremonies . Nor shall we any longer be surprised at finding Xpis.-ianity at
Rome, at Delphi, and in Malabar . The doctrine of the X p2s was the .secret doctrine of the an-
cients which we have known by the name of Gnosis . It had ceased to be a secret, and the doc-
trine of the modern X pas was precisely the same which Clemens, Origen, &c ., endeavoured,
but endeavoured in vain, to restore . The secrets once divulged could never be entirely concealed
again ; and the increasing number of sects, and the growing use of letters, all conspired to defeat
the project . From this arose the heterogeneous mass which became modern Christianity, a
motley mixture-every sect wearing a dress peculiar to itself . When mysteries are communicated
to too many persons, the profound respect in which they were previously held is lost in the eyes
of educated persons, and they become incautious ; this is the reason why we find Cicero letting
out the secret of the Gentile transubstantiation . It cannot be denied, that the apology of Justin,
addressed to the Emperor Antoninus, and to the Senate and people of Rome, wherein he explains
the mystery of the Eucharist in pretty clear terms, must be allowed to be an exception to the
course of the other fathers . What was the reason of this singular conduct in this celebrated mar-
tyr will probably never be certainly known . I have not seen any satisfactory excuse for it . The
more I read, think, and inquire, the more I am convinced that Popery is nothing but reformed
Paganism, 2 as Protestantism is nothing but reformed Popery, but with this marked distinction,
that Protestantism cut off and abolished many important parts of Popery, while Popery retained
every part of Paganism which could be considered of any consequence .
8 . I beg my reader to recollect what has been said respecting the symbolic language of the
Chinese, and the probability, indeed I may almost say the certainty, of its having originally been
formed by numerals . 3 Numerals offer themselves so readily as the symbols, and must be so well
adapted to aid the memory and to fix the meaning, that I really cannot imagine how they could be
overlooked . But I have no doubt that they were, in fact, the origin or cause of the written lan-
guage being discovered-the language was an effect of them . If this numeral Chinese language

' Du Secret des Mysthres p . 116.

' This accounts fully for all the apparent half Pagan, half Christian eccentricities of Constantine the First . See
supra, pp. 51, 119, 207, 281 .
3 See supra, pp. 160, 215, 216.
444 Bailly, Buffon, &c . . on Birth-Place of Mankind . Former Heat at the Poles

were the written language of the Pontiff, we see how easily he would communicate with the most
distant nations, long after their spoken languages had deviated from the original, (which was not
far from the sixteen-letter Hebrew,) so far as not to- be intelligible to one another .' The know-
ledge of this would be confined, necessarily, to the sacred caste . Every thing tends to shew that
the original of this language ought to be placed in Chinese Tartary, which Bailly, Buffon, Linne,
and indeed all the most learned philosophers, agree in selecting as the birth-place of mankind .
The symbolic language of which I have been treating is nothing but the language of China .
About the beginning of the French Revolution, the celebrated philosopher Bailly published his
history of ancient astronomy, in which he endeavoured to prove, that the first race of men, after
the flood, had been situated on the East of the Caspian Sea, and thence had extended towards the
South . In his treatise on the Origin of the Sciences in Asia, he has undertaken to prove, that a
nation possessed of profound wisdom, of elevated genius, and of an antiquity far superior even to
that of the Egyptians or Indians, soon after the flood, inhabited a country to the North of India proper,
between the latitudes of forty and fifty, or about fifty degrees of north latitude, the birth-place of
the book of Enoch,-a country of about the latitude of London . He proves that some of the most
celebrated observations and inventions relating to astronomy, from their peculiar character, could
have taken place only in those latitudes ; and he maintains, that arts and improvement gradually
travelled thence to the Equator. The people to whom his description is most applicable, are
those near Mount Imaus and northern Tibet, a country in which very celebrated colleges of learned
men were anciently established, particularly Nagracut, Cashmere, and Bocharia . Mr. Hastings
informed Mr. Maurice, that an immemorial tradition prevailed "at Benares, which was itself in
modern times the grand emporium of Indian learning, and therefore the less likely to preserve such
a tradition against itself, that all the learning of India came from a country situated in forty
degrees of northh latitude . On this Mr . Maurice says, "This is, in fact, the latitude of Samarkand,
" the metropolis of Tartary, and by this circumstance the position of M . Bailly should seem to be
" confirmed ." Astronomical calculations, tradition, and the evidence of old writers, all confirm
the doctrine advanced by Bailly . About or a little before the time when M. Bailly published his
history, Buffon, Linne, and others, had published some very curious speculations respecting the
origin and formation of man. They produced facts to prove that the earth had been originally
much hotter at the poles than it is now ; that it had gradually cooled ; and that the cold was
gradually and by imperceptible degrees increasing . This they endeavoured to account for by a
theory which improved science, I think, has shewn to be unfounded ; but the facts remain un-
shaken . From a very close attention to the nature of the ancient mythologies, all which are in-
timately connected with astronomy, they imagined that man had been created, and that the arts
and sciences had take their rise, not far from the Arctic Circle, where the earth had first cooled-
and that they had extended southwards as it became by degrees more and more cold . Many
sepulchres and some very surprising remains of antiquity had been found in Upper Tartary, about
the neighbourhood of Selinginskoi. These were supposed to be remains of an ancient people pre-
vious to the flood. M . Bailly concludes his argument in the following words : "These facts, then,
• unite to produce the same conclusion : they appear to prove to us, that the ancient people who
" brought the sciences to perfection, a people who succeeded in the great enterprise of discovering
• the exact measurement of the earth, dwelt under the 49th degree of latitude . If the human
• mind can ever flatter itself with having been successful in discovering the truth, it is when many
• facts, and these facts of different kinds, unite in producing the same result ." s The philosophers

' See supra, pp . 148, 149, 217 . 1 Celtic Druids, Ch . Ii . Sect . X. to XVI.
Book V . Chapter V . Section 8 445
above-named accounted for the greater degree of heat which they thought they had detected at the
poles, by supposing, that the earth had been in a state of fusion . I only concern myself with the
fact, that they thought they had detected a greater degree of heat in the polar regions . The
greater angle made by the two planes will rationally account for this,' as its decrease will ration-
ally account for the increase of the cold in those regions, and the constant increase of cold in
England. Sir William Jones and other short-sighted and narrow-minded persons have turned
Bailly, Buffon, Linnc, and other foreign philosophers, into ridicule, for teaching that man must
have been created in Tartary, about the latitude of London, 51= . If my theory of the change in
the earth's axis be true, that country must have had, soon after the flood, a much finer climate
than it has now . Respecting that part of the theory relating to the cooling of the earth, I give no
opinion, not professing to possess any skill in geology ; but, independently of that part of the
question, there are many circumstances to justify Bailly in his opinion . I suspect the great my-
thic-cyclic-microcosmic system, of which I have treated, was the foundation of the systems of all
nations ; but, as time advanced, and as he esies necessarily arose, the mythos would be made to
bend in every new heresy to its dogmata . Every great sect or division had its book of wisdom ;
and, during the continuance of the division between the great sects of the Linga and loni, each
sect would have had that book leaning to its paramount dogma . When the union took place,
this would, in some measure, be corrected, but probably not entirely . Where the female was the
favourite, as at Athens, we should find a leaning, even after the union, to the Minerva or Ceres ;
where the male, as in Jerusalem, the leaning would be to the Jupiter or lao . The system of
Cycles, an effect arising out of almost the first and most pressing wants of man, was in itself of a
nature peculiarly proper to perpetuate this mythic system, and may be considered as the great
cause which prevented, for a certain time, the divergence of the system, and of its present actual
dispersion and disappearance . It lasted one period of ten ages, or 6000 years ; it is now nearly
dissipated and gone . It arose out of the wants of man ; it was continued by those wants : it aided
greatly in supplying or remedying those wants . 'f hose wants being now supplied by the diffusion
of great scientific knowledge, the system is gradually yielding to the law of change, of eternal
regeneration-and to the law which forbids man to look too far either behind or before him . It is
almost lost and forgotten . But a few ruins of the building-once beautiful-lie scattered around
us. We have then distorted and corrupted in Papism, Grecism, in Sopheism, in Sonneism, in
Lutheranism, and in Calvinism . What will come next no one can tell ; but, perhaps, Solomon
was right, that there was nothing new under the sun . Perhaps man is near his end . What has
happened before may happen again . The mastodon is dead. Perhaps the comet of 1680 may come
again : the tops of the mountains may be the bottom of the seas ; and, in a thousand years more,
philosophers, in some shape or other, may speculate respecting the properties of that extinct ani-
mal, the remains of which they will find, and which we call man! In the doctrine of Pantheism
the To Ov was every thing, and every thing the To Ov . In its monad, in its least of all possible
quantities as well as in its circle, whose centre is every where, whose circumference is no where,
all was To Ov : but what is this but illusion

I It is said that, if the planes coincided, the equatorial regions would be uninhabitable
. I believe that African
Negroes would not find it too hot .

IN Volume 1 . pp . 824, 825, and supra, pp . 130, 131, 1 spoke of what was called the Eclectic
philosophy . This I suspected was really the original Chrestianity. I shall now return to that sub-
ject .About the time of the Caesars we find the mysterious secrets of Xprs-tianism beginning to
creep out, to escape from the crypts, and to shew themselves to the world in various ways . We
see this very particularly marked in the general expectation of the world, that some great one was
to come. After a certain time, when the period of the new age was certainly passed, as it appears,
from the passage in Juvenal, t to have been well known to be, a belief gradually arose that the great
one, the X prc, the Saviour, had appeared . The first effect of this was, to produce a feverish state
of the public mind, rendered worse by the utter contempt into which the corrupt state of the heathen
religion had fallen ; and the next effect was, to produce a great number of sects, of what were called
Christians, each inquiring if the great one had come . Some thought that Herod, 2 others believed
that Ccesar, might be the person . Indeed, it is well known, that each of these was believed to be
the person by vast numbers of devotees . Soon after this time, the destruction of Jerusalem, of its
records, and of every thing which could give certainty to a report, having taken place, the popular
voice fixed upon an individual who was said to have lived and taught there, and to whom was ap-
plied that part of the mythic mythos relating to the crucifixion and resurrection ; and then it was
found, for the first time, by the Paulites, that this Saviour was to be a spiritual not a temporal
Messiah . It is impossible on reading the works of Plato, and perhaps of every one of the ancient
philosophers, not to remark the nonsense with which their writings appear to abound : all this
arises from their wish to keep their doctrines secret, and is well described by a passage in the En-
cyclopaedia Britannica, in voce Platonism . Speaking of Plato, the author says, "After having
" said that he meant to wrap up his meaning in such obscurity, as that an adept only should fully
• comprehend it, he adds expressions to the following import : The Lord of nature is surrounded
• on all sides by his works : whatever is, exists by his permission : he is the fountain and source
" of excellence : around the second person are placed things of the second order ; and around the
" third, those of the third degree . Hepi 'rcov 7ravrwv /daetaea, 7ravr' esi, mat Exewou evexa
• zravra . Exewog aorta mavrwv rwv xaTcov . Deurepov 6e wept ra &eurepa, xas rptrov 7repi
• ra rpsra . (Opera, p . 1269.) Of this obscure passage a very satisfactory explanation is given
• by Dr. Ogilvie ." For want of attention to this principle, all translators have endeavoured to
make these mystical works of the ancients to read into sense, and to find out from their literal
meaning a system, which it is evident their authors never intended to teach . A system they had
certainly ; but it was not a system described or expressed by the common meaning of the words,
but one which was hidden in jargon, purposely made unintelligible to common readers, when look-
ing only to the common meaning of the words . 3 Few people, I am persuaded, are aware of the

' See Volume IL pp . 187, 579. ' See supra, p . 233.

3 Written originally in a language of numeral symbols or what we call ciphers .

Conclusion 447
extent to which this pernicious practice was carried . The moment the author of the above pas-
sage in the Encyclopaedia has finished it be throws it aside ; and, without any attention to the
assertion of Plato, that he meant to couch his doctrine in obscure terms, he proceeds to reason
upon their literal meaning, and to shew how they differ from the Christian Trinity . No unpre-
judiced person can doubt that the Trinity of Plato was substantially both the Trinity of the Chris-
tians, and the Trinity of the Hindoos, and no one but a devotee, who has sacrificed his under-
standing to fears for his future welfare, will doubt on the subject . The following is the account
of the Eclectics, t and of the greatest of the sect or school, Ammonius Saccas, given by the Edin-
burgh Encyclopaedia : "This learned man was born of Christian parents, and educated in their reli-
• gion : the outward profession of which, it is said, he never entirely deserted . As his genius was
" vast and comprehensive, so were his projects bold and singular ; for he attempted a general coa-
lition of all sects, whether philosophic or religious, by framing a system of doctrines which he
" imagined calculated to unite them all, the Christians not excepted, in the most perfect harmony .
" In pursuance of this design, he maintained, that the great principles of all philosophical and
• religious truth, were to be found equally in all sects ; and that they differed from each other
" only in their method of expressing them, and in some opinions of little or no importance ; and
" that by a proper interpretation of their respective sentiments, they might easily be united into
one body . Accordingly, all the Gentile religions, and even the Christian, were illustrated and
• explained by the principles of this universal philosophy ; and the fables of the priests were to be
" removed from Paganism, and the commentaries and interpretations of the disciples of Jesus from
" Christianity . In conformity to this plan, be insisted, that all the religious systems of all nations
• should be restored to their original purity, and reduced to their primitive standard, viz ., the
"ancient philosophy of the East, preserved uncorrupted by Plato ; and he affirmed, that this
"project was agreeable to the intentions of Jesus Christ, whose sole view in descending upon earth
" was, to set bounds to the reigning superstition, to remove the errors that had blended them-
'° selves with the religions of all nations, but not to abolish the ancient theology from which they
" were derived . He, therefore, adopted the doctrines which were received in Egypt concerning
" the universe and the Deity, considered as constituting one great whole : concerning the eternity
" of the world, the nature of souls, the empire of providence, and the government of the world by
• daemons . He also established a system of moral discipline, which allowed the people in gene-
" ral to live according to the laws of their country and the dictates of nature ; but required the
" wise to exalt their minds by contemplation, and to mortify the body, so that they might be
• capable of enjoying the presence and assistance of the daemons, and ascending after death to the
• presence of the Supreme Parent. In order to reconcile the popular religions, and particularly
• the Christian, with this new system, he made the whole history of the Heathen Gods an allegory,
" maintaining that they were only celestial ministers, entitled to an inferior kind of worship : and
• he acknowledged that Jesus Christ was an excellent man, and the friend of God ; but alleged
that it was not his design entirely to abolish the worship of daemons, and that his only intention
• was to purify the ancient religion . This system so plausible in its first rise, but so comprehen-
• sive and complying in its progress, has been the source of innumerable errors and corruptions in
• the Christian church . At its first establishment it is said to have had the approbation of Athe-
" nagoras, Panta:nus, and Clemens the Alexandrian, and of all who had the care of the public
"school belonging to the Christians at Alexandria . It was afterwards adopted by Longinus, the

' Eclectic, from sx?ayw, I choose . The Eclectics were called Analogetici, or, as Dr. Brewster says, never assumed
any distinct name . Thus, under this designation, the ancient Chrestians have been hidden .,
448 Conclusion
• celebrated author of the treatise on the Sublime, Plotinus, Herennius, Origen, Porphyry, Jambli-
• cats the disciple of Porphyry, Sopater, Edisius, Eustathius, Maximus of Ephesus, Priscus,
• Chrysanthius the master of Julian, Julian the Apostate, Hierocles, Proclus, and many others, both
~~ Pagans and Christians . The above opinions of Ammonius are collected from the writings and
`~ disputations of his disciples, the modern Platonics ; for he himself left nothing in writing behind
~~ hint : nay, he imposed a law upon his disciples not to divulge his doctrines among the multitude ;
• which injunction they made no scruple to neglect or violate ."
In considering the above description, it should be recollected, that it is written by a person not
only profoundly ignorant, if my idea of the philosophy be correct, but by a person whose preju-
dices lead him unconsciously to misrepresent it in every way . But yet enough transpires to skew
us, that, according to this account, all the leading points which I have been advocating through the
whole of my work are to be found in it , and, indeed, that the systems must have been the same
with some trifling discrepancies, in which it is probable that both I and those who have represented
to us the doctrines of Ammonius, may have fallen into mistakes . It were ridiculous to suppose
that either I or they can have wholly avoided error ; and I beg every candid reader to recollect,
that the malicious exaggeration of trifling errors ought not to be permitted to influence his mind
with respect to the remainder . In the list of the advocates of this system we have unquestionably
the most illustrious names of antiquity, both Christians and Gentiles . It is worthy of observation,
that we have in this list, persons said to be the greatest enemies of Christianity, which makes me
suspect that these men were only enemies to the prevailing sect of the Paulites . Let it not be
forgotten, that we have the works of Julian, Longinus, Porphyry, &c ., only from the hands of the
Paulites, who, we know, omitted nothing to misrepresent and blacken their enemies, having re-
course to frauds and forgeries of every kind . For an instance, I have only to name the Philosophy
of Oracles, forged in the name of Porphyry, as declared by Lardner . How can we know that the
same may not have been done for Julian ? In the account given by the Encyclopaedia, there seems
nothing in the system which may not easily be shewn to be rational and consistent with sound
philosophy, except the part relating to daemons, which was, in fact, the doctrine of the Romish
church, under the name of angels . It may be collected from the latter part of the account that
Ammonius fell into the usual error of all the philosophers, of endeavouring to keep the system
secret, in consequence of which, it was not committed to writing ; and, as might be expected, it
was first grossly misrepresented, and then finally lost . In order the better to disguise the truth
respecting its advocates, the Paulites called them Eclectics ; but the name by which they called
themselves was Philaletheans, or lovers or friends of truth . In not committing his doctrines to
writing, we find Ammonius Saccas treading strictly in the footsteps of Socrates, Pythagoras, and
his master-Jesus . I I think when the author of the above-cited article represents this system
as new, it is obvious that he grossly misrepresents it, and that this was nothing but the oldest and
original system taught by Jesus, and held by the enlightened part of his followers in the school of
Alexandria ; at least that it was held by them to be so . So far from being new, it is manifest that
the Eclectic or Philalethean sect,2 one of whom Jesus Christ was, existed before his time, and was
previously taught by Potatnon, who was succeeded first by Jesus, then by Ammonius . The doc-
trines taught by them both were the ancient, oriental, uncorrupted Gnosis or Wisdom, which I
have shewn existed in all nations and all religions . We are misled in our estimate of it by seeing
it through the prejudices instilled into us by our education in the doctrines of Paul, who founded
one of the numerous and low or inferior sects . This sect, as I have frequently remarked, aided by

1 See supra, p . 219 . * Of which sect I beg to be considered a member .

Conclusion 449

Constantine, got possession of all power, and thus was enabled to destroy or corrupt all evidence
by which the truth might have been discovered . I We must not forget that, in these ancient sys-
tems, philosophy cannot be separated from religion-for philosophy was religion, and religion was
philosophy. If we take this view of the subject, we may not find it difficult to discover the reason
why, in all ages, the Paulite priesthood have been so addicted to fraud and dishonest practices
for it is evident that, without these infamous measures, they never could have succeeded in so
completely deceiving mankind as they have done . This readily accounts for their systematic de-
struction of all books, Christian as well as Gentile, except the contemptible trash of their own
sect. It seems pretty clear to me, that when we meet with the epithet anti-Christian applied to
such men as Porphyry or Julian, we may almost always read instead of it the word anti-Paulite .
It must not be supposed, I maintain, that there were not differences among the Philaletheans-
for instance, between Clemens and Porphyry . No doubt there were differences ; but though these
differences are unquestionable, yet it is evident they themselves maintained, that their doctrines
were virtually the same .
I now conclude with a simple statement of what, (as it appears to me,) an unprejudiced, dis-
passionate inquirer after truth may reasonably believe respecting Jesus and his doctrines . If any
learned and liberal-minded priest shall think that I have mistaken any fact, or erred in the con-
duct of any argument, or in any conclusion which I may have drawn, I shall be extremely happy
to receive his correction . I shall notice it, with the respect it deserves, in an appendix, which I
shall publish for this and other purposes . 2 In the time of Tiberius appeared a man of the name
of John . He was a Nazarite, of the monastic order of the Pythagorean Essenes, and lived the life
of a hermit. He was put to death by Herod, for rebuking him for his vices . About the same
time lived a person, who was his cousin, whose original name has probably been changed, like that
of Abraham, Jacob, Joshua, Pythagoras, &c ., but who has since been known by the name of JEsus
CHRIST . This person was also a Nazarite, of the same sect or monastic order-the Pythagorean
Essenes . He, like his cousin John, was a philosopher, a teacher of morality and of reformation of
manners to his Jewish countrymen . He was put to death 3 by the priests of the Pharisees, the
prevailing or orthodox sect, at that time, in Judea, against whose vices he loudly declaimed, and
whose hypocrisy he exposed . He was a person of a most virtuous life and amiable manners-the
Socrates or Pythagoras of his day. We know that he taught a very strict and pure morality, the
unity of God, the immortality of the soul, and that this life is only a state of probation for a state
of future existence, in which every person will be-rewarded or punished according to his merits or
demerits . These are the facts which we know respecting Jesus and his doctrines,-and as I believe
that the facts are real, and that the doctrines are true, I consider that I am his follower, his disciple,
and a Christian .

' See supra, pp . 117, 173 .

• " In the midst of life we are in death." Two years and a half before this sentence was printed, the Author was
numbered with the dead! Editor.
• As this part of the Author's MS . was transmitted, by his direction, to the printer, unaltered, it may admit of doubt
whether he was fully satisfied with the evidence adduced from Irenteus in proof that Jesus Christ was not crucified, but
attained the age of fifty . See supra, pp. 120-123, 142, 228 . Editor .

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_31 . G .IM: Seck9 .P797.

Lord1Cugaborou F... YoL.2 .F


.P.v ®heLibk''loaisl~Eit~ &a


Page Page Page

A, the first letter of Ailm, the first Aborigines, the, of South India, Abraham, St., and Mary his niece, 81
or one, 184, 249 have no distinction of castes, 274 Abram, 58
Aaron, the rod of, what . 204 , remains of, white races, Absolution-refused by monks, to
Ab or Ba, probably the first word more numerous than the black compel laymen to leave church
of infant man, 162, 167 colonies sent out by the Pontifi- patronage to them, 267
cal government, 363 Absorbed, absorption, into the
-father-God the Father, To Os, 249, 251, 254, 301, 336
• the, ignorant, naked,
the Trimurti, 223 and defenceless-their countries Abstineto d fabrs-abstain from fa-
or Ba, thefather, Apis, from, 414 taken possession of, by the learn- bles, not, from beans, 239, 240, 300
Abacus-the ancient Roman and ed caste from the East, 392 Abulfaragius or Bar Hebraeus, 96
Chinese, the same, 216, 217 , of Greece, conquered by Abut Fazl, on Akbar, 354
Abad, the Great, or Buddha or a race from India, as we con- Abul Ghazi Behadur, 353
Bauddha or Ahaddon, 133 quered the people of North Ame- Abury, built by the Cyclops, 135
Abads, thirteen, the generations of rica, and are conquering those of , the rude pillars at, more
Solimaus, 133 Australia, 419 ancient than the Trilithons of
Abaris, the arrow of, the mariner's Aboulfasl (the host of Hassan Sa- Stonehenge, &c ., 396
compass, alone necessary to the bah), 382 , the temple at, in its num .
early traveller, 365 Abraham, 8, 10, 14, 16, 34, 45, 60, ber of 650, &c ., 409
Ab-ba, father, the root of the cycle 61, 97, 110, 194, 245, 300, 329, -- and Stonehenge, the build-
of 432, a lustrum, 181 360, 386, 449 ers of, must have been a mighty
, the, was king and priest, 297, 298 Zoradust or Zoroaster, 58 people, 416
Abba-Sin-the Upper Nile once so and Sarah, mythological Abydenus, on antediluvian kings,
called, 181 character of, 81 321, 322
Abbas, the family of the Calif, ruled , his birth announced by on the time of the flood, 327
at Bagdad, 385 a star, 95 Abyssinia and Upper Egypt, peopled
,declared by the • supposed to have had by a tribe of Juda, which came
emperor of the Mongols not to the same soul as Adam, David, from India, before the tribe of
possess any of the virtues of the and the Messiah, i . e . an angel, 97 Abraham, 352
prophet, 390 14 generations before, 133 Abyssinian Christians, 37
Abbassides-a great meeting of • Accommodesaii-a portion of the
• the Brahmin, 139, 257, produce of laud,
learned men called by the, in 310, 364 292
Persia, against the Assassins, Accusamilenses, the, 30
• an ashera set up by, in Acham (Sanscrit) Ogham (Irish)
their doctrines, &c ., 389 Beersheba, 194
Abb6 or Rabbi, a contraction of • the simple religion of- C7fI (Heb) Wisdom, 158
Roy or Rey-abb6, R'abbe, 297 of the three sacraments, 282 Acherah-tithe among the Moha-
Abb6 Bazin . See Bazin . • the 318 circumcised or medans, 264
Abb6 Guerin de Rocher, the. See initiated of, an example of a nu- Achilles, 293
Rocher. meral and astrological allegory, Tatius, 314
Abbr Marolles, the . See Marolles . 297, 298 on a month as 30
Abbot, a mitred, a bishop without the God of wisdom, pe- days, 321
functions, &c ., 285 culiarly the god of, 299 Acosta, 30, 31
Abbots, the mitred, made abbots by , an, and a Lot, dispute , on the Mexican year, 318
their chapters, and bishops by between the servants of, 306 Acropolis, an, in each country hav-
the Popes, 278 , an, and a Lot, would ing any pretence to have a Sa-
, their right to sit soon settle adispute in the Golden viour, 341, 422
in Parliament, what, 285 Age, 307 Acrostic writing in the Tamul, the
Abbuto or Pater But, the Apollo of and his 318 men-the Psalms, and the Runes, 185
the Japanese, 287 Jews descended from, 310 Acts of the Apostles, the, fabri-
Abekt-the symbolic letters of In- , opposed to images-be- cated-the Latin character of,
dian Algebra, 217 ginning to prevail when he left visible in every page, 131, 132
Aben Ezra, 105 India, 364 Actus or tundus, the Roman, twelve
Aberdeen - a Delecarlian landed • priest and king, 366 ten-feet rods, &c ., 407
near, was understood at, 258 the Brahmin well mark- Ad or Hadad, the, of Syria, is
Abged, the Persian for numeration, ed in, 368 Buddha, 6
our A, B, C, 217 • the Ashre set up by, Ad ad corrupted into Hadad, 162
, abekt, abacus, &c ., prove were probably at the cross roads Ad, God so called in India and
letters are derived from figures, 217 or capitols-like the stone pil- Western Syria ; A is one, and d,
Abile or Calpe, the Straits of, 19 lars of the West, called Decu- is di-holy one or Monad, 181
Aborigines, an inoffensive race, mans, &c ., 371 Ad and Adad, the kings of Helio-
Buddhists, 203 and his 318, brought up polis so called, 236
the so called, 283 in his own house, in his war with Adam, 22,133, 377
escaped from a flood- the five kings, probably employ- , from A joined to D=5, and
conquered by colonies, &c ., 258, ed, under their command, thou- M or Om, or Ma, great, .163, 202
309, 361, 435, 439 sands of mercenaries, 392 and Eve, a microcosm of
452 Index
Page Page Page
Brahme blaia, and their three IEscnlapius - Aselo-ops, Logos, suring out lauds to feudatories-
sons a microcosm of the Trimurti, Serpent of the Solar Cycle, 113, 437 the origin of our town fields, 406
181, 398, 399 , death and resurrection of, 115 Agri mensorism -the author of Ge-
Adam stole the pollen of the female 1Esop's Fables, 305 nesis perfectly understood the
plant, and, for the robbery, was Afghan Brahmin, the, (Abraham,) doctrine of, 313
crucified in the person of Jesus who came to Syria of the West, , wisdom, and the
Christ, 245 was all iconoclast, 364 generative principle-the same
an emanation of the Supreme, 250 Afghans, the, 238 compound doctrine of, in India
's Peak-his foot-Buddha's --, partly Sunnis and partly and in Europe, 415
fook-mark, in Ceylon, 288 Shiahs, are called Rohillas, So- Ahasuerns-the 180 days' feast of,
, from proceeded Cain, Abel, limiani, and Pataus ; their lan- just half a year, &c ., 317
Seth, and from them all mankind guage, called Peshtu, is full of , queen Esther not called
-the first world how divided, 398 old Persian, 239 to, for 30 days, 320
Addison, 114 --, the tribes of Eusof and Ala, Aja-Jah, Jave, Jove, &c ., 5
Adima, the first male and female, 175 Munder-the lauds of, change Aikin, Dr ., on the Callan inscrip-
A-DON, THE WISE, of the country possessors after short periods, 282 tion, 206
of Phen 109 -, believed Mohamed to be Ailm, ilm, elm, oeilm, or ulm, 249
Adonai (for Ieue) is the name of an Avatar, 352 -, the elm, the first letter of the
Adonis, 171 Africa, 2, 75, 312, 399, 400 Tree-alphabet, 148-150, 184, 249
Adoni-bezek - his confession of Africanus, on Manetho's Dynasties, -,all letters and numbers form-
cruelty, 421 &c., 324 ed oil the, 190
Adonis, 102, 103, 132, 161, 171 Afflatus Num iris, the, or HolyGhost, Ainsworth, on the word Cardo, 414
his death and resurrection, in ordination, 81 Air, fire, tcater, the Etruscans bap-
25, 106, 112, 115, 143, 145 Aga-Ogga-a name of Minerva, 225 tized with, 67
his temple at Bethlehem, Aga, the, of the land, 417 -, in motion, breath, spirit, 67, 123
95, 96 Agamemnon, 18,225, 421 Aiwv, aspirated, is Chaeon, 135
Bacchus, and Osiris, were , his dispute with Aiwv rwv aiwvwv, 51, 56, 251, 254,
all incarnate Gods, 98 Chryses and Calchas, 35 336, 344
jltt adn, the Welsh Celtic Agatha, St ., the festival of, 91 the, not heard of
Adon, 99 Agathon (pope), 111 now, in Rome or Tibet, but only
was a personification of the Age of Gold or a Golden Age, 1, the Vicraniadytia, &c ., 374
Suit, 100 266, 305-307, 365, 366, 369, Aja-self-existing-a name of
, his birth on same day as 377, 323, 434, 439 Brahma, 175
Jesus Christ's, 104 an, of learning, peace, Ajax, 18
the rites of, or of Tammuz, 114 and civilization, once existed, 1, 305 Aje-mere-its origin may be Aja, 5
or 111Dt adun, or 'f111% , the, would be an age Akbar believed himself, and was
Aduni or Lord, 114, 115 of piety, &c. 306 believed to be, the last Avatar ;
said to have been killed by Age of Silver, 306, 434 was called perfect messenger of
a boar, 115 of Brass or Copper, 306, 434 God, &c ., &c ., 354
the son of Myrra or Maria, - of Iron, 306, 308, 434 -- assumed the title of Vice-
was Tammuz, or Tamils, or -, the, of the Lotus, of Roses, 32 gerent of God, 355
Thomas, 115, 119 Ager, our acre, the first unit of -- his divinity, &c ., yet believ-
or Tammuz, the history of, measure, was a microcosm of a ers in, 356
or universal mythos, 129 greater, 407 -- announced himself as the
in Syriac, is Oden, 350 , i .e. measure of laud tenth Avatar, putting back blo-
called the eldest son of or zeµevos, 413 hamed as the ninth, 357
God-robbed the garden of a - Romanus, the Roman Terri- poisoued by mistake-pic-
flower, was crucified, &c ., 253 tory so called, like the globe, ture of the Apotheosis of, 358
Adonises, Atyses, Bacchuses, Budd- like India, Britain, Scotland, &c ., --, the archierarchy almost re-
has,Cristuas,Herculeses,Mithras, at first divided into three parts, vived under, 373
Salivahanas, all the, put to death, 413, 414, 422 -- the Second, enjoys only the,
and rose from the grave, &c ., 142 'Ayioxaspia, the, of Greek, Roman, empty title of King (Padshah) of
Adoration of saints, the, 81 and Protestant churches, 81 Delhi, 358
Adrian, Hadrianus, to destroy the Agnes, St ., the nuns of, 230 Aknie-perhaps the same as the
Christian faith dedicated the Ages of Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, 306 American Sachem, 25
image of Jupiter, and profaned Agni, Dtif' ion, the God of wisdom, 5 Al, God, all, 284, 408
Bethlehem with the temple of , the sacrifice of the, or the Alaric, a supposed Avatar, 207
Adonis, 95 Yagni sacrifice, 109, 157, 159 and his Goths-Scythians,
, before the time of, the Dei, blessed by the Pope, &c ., 88 Sacm, &c ., 273
temple of Adonis existed at Agnus Dei, the, succeeded the believed himself to be the
Bethlehem, 96 Bulla, 87 person foretold, 344
Adrian I . (pope), 111 Qui tollis, &c ., 108 Alb or alba, the, ordered by Numa,
Adventures, the, of the incarnate worn by children, 87 to be worn by a priest, 64
God, acted in the Deisuls, and Agonie, the, on Good-Friday, is the Alba, Mount, preceded the Capitol
in the sacred theatres, 340 weeping for Tammuz, 92 as the sacred mount, 291
Aelfric's Anglo-Saxon Bible differs Agra, Akbar's burial-place near, 358 white sow of, black, 34, 291
from the Hebrew, Samaritan, a pope at, or at Oude, &c ., 422 Sin, the natives of, the Egyp-
Septuagint, Vulgate, &c., 172 Agrarian laws-cause of disputes tians, 292
,Eneas, 64, 74, 400, 412 about the, in Rome, and in Vestis, 79
descending to the shades, Athens, 373, 418 Alban and Latin states, tradition of
passed an ejm-tree loaded with Agri Decumani, the, got possession the, being formed of 600 families, 433
dreams, 249 of, by the priests, 417 .4lbanact, to whom his father Bru-
1Euon, 66 Agrimensores, the, Etruscan, 117, 284 tus gave Scotland, hence called
, sacred to the sun, 95 . , in the Albania, 400, 401, 412
,Eon, aspirated, is Chaeon, 135 account of, we probably have the Albanians-a name for Britons, or
lEschylus's Prometheus viiwtus,113, 136 only written remains of the finan- the English, 2
's Plays, cause of lacunas cial polity of the Patriarchal Alchemists, 301
in, 116 priesthood, 371 Aldborough, the capital of the Bri-
, the Tragedies of, 293 -, the use of, in mea- gautes, 298
Index 453
Page Page Page
Aldermen and Councilmen, whence years-probably a remnant of Amazons, the, at Athens, 222
their number, 276, 417 the science of the old Tuscan Amba, the, of India, 174
Aleim, the, of Genesis, or Wisdom, 256 Augurs or Agrimensores-is a Ambrose (St .), 94, 344
-, the plural feminine of At ., 257 symbolic language, 436 -, the Alpha and Omega
-- has a feminine termination, 291 Algebra, a part of the ancient mys- of, 204
Ale-manni, the Franks, 267 teries, of magic, 437 Ambrosia-the liquor of the holy
Alenades and Bacchiades, the, a , in the concealment of, an or creative power Om, 411
numerous and royal Gens-pro . example of the spirit of mono- Amenti, the Egyptian, 7
bably allodial proprietors and poly, 439 America, 2, 22, 24, 33, 35, 38-40
bookmen, 419 Ali, the Shahs of the house of, 207 --, the printer of, 131
Alexander, . 17, 34, 36, 317, 319, -, the followers of, 291 American and Basque languages,
320, 356 -, the Imams of, like the Lucu- analogy of the, 27
- conquered Egypt about mones and the 12 Ciesars, 345 Trinity, the father of,
30 years before Christ, 17 -, the system of the sect of, fell Oui-equeturiqui, 23
de Symbolis Pythagori- into pieces, when the Millenium Americans, the, adored the Sea, 30
cis, 49 did not arrive, 351 South, ignorant of
- opposed by the Poorus Alkader, the Calif, gave investiture Letters and Iron, 33
and Hericflas, 117, 118 to Mahmud of Ghazni, 354 -, the Ass and
- , the Genius of his age, All Saints and All Souls, the Mexi- Horse unknown to, 35
probably sought in, 127 can festival of advocates answered their connexion with
-, decrees of Fate reveal- to our, 31, 82 the old world, 37
ed to, by speaking trees, 165 All Souls, the festival of, at Flo- Jewish rites, &c.,
- conquered the Sam or rence, 68 known to, 39
Saxons, and restored their coun- All Souls' Day-what the Irish call supposed to be co-
try to the chiefs, &c., 272 the feast of the fires of Baal, 82 lonies from Tartary, &c ., 40
-, believed to be a divine Allegauie?, the, 312 Amict, an, 64, 79
incarnation, 343, 347 Allegorical meaning, the, held by Amid, the promised desire of all na-
himself to be Plato, Pantweuus, Philo, Cle- tions, 291, 344
the person foretold, 344 mens, Justin, Origen, Philo, 131 every, had a star to announce
-, his name from 41, Allegory, the double, of knowledge, his birth, 95,96
Ischa (Arabic) and eeylpos, a man, and of the generative power, 244 Amida or Omyto, maximus Deus
346, 347 on Chemsennissa, as a Japonensium, 243
said to have been born garden, 245 Ammianus Marcelliuus, 159
360, B . C ., the year the sun en- of trees and letters, 247 Ammon, Jupiter, the same as Ado-
tered Pisces at the Vernal Equi- of the trees of knowledge nis, Atys, and Osiris, 102
nox, 346, 347, 375 and of life, meaning of the, 252 the sun at the
-, ascribed his generation Allelujah, same as the Irish Ullaloo Equinox, 110
to Jupiter Ammon, 346, 348, 349 and the Mexican Hululaez, 27 Ant-mon or Om-an, homo, man, 168
, declared his war a reli- Allodial Tenure, 265, 284, 285 Ammoni Servatori, 110
gious one, &c ., 347 Lands, the lands partly Aminonius Saccas, 42, 118, 130,
-, an sera of, in Asia, occupied by the priests, and in 138, 139, 443
348, 349, 384 part let-not subinfeudated, 285, 417 his attempt to
had, mystically, two Allodiuni-al-di-om-land of the unite all sects, 131, 447, 448
fathers, 350 holy Om, 284 Amomum, the Jerusalem Rose, 242
- , why, before he march- Allum Shah, i . e ., Al the and Om, Atnor or Ronta, ib .
ed, lie was acknowledged as so- -Shah is Jab-the God Om, the Amphibolus-the Pallium ? 230
vereign over Greece, over the world's king, 353 Amphictyon is, Am-phi-iction or
other dominions of Japhet, and Almamon, 26 Ixion, 422
probably over those of Shem and Alniaut, Alamout, or Almont, the Amphictyonic council, the, proba-
Ham, 384 castle of the Assassins, 383, 386, bly regulated the sacred letter, in
- acknowledged by the 388-390 which all matters under its cog-
Amphictyons as their lord, and Almug-tree, the, the wood of Mag- nizance were recorded, 437
as sovereign of all Greece, they al or Mag-ul-of the great God, 203 Amphictyous, the, 277, 375, 380,
probably regarding him as the Alphabet, the first ord of, often 384, 419
new incarnation, 423 one, 165 the council of, un-
- ab Alexandro, 51, 64, 76, 79 each learned man had affected even by the invasion of
-, Pope, 88 his own, 205, 220, 235, 424, 437 Xerxes, .422
VL, Pope, refused the , the first was the Arabic, would be disin-
Emperor a grant of the tithes of of numbers, 205, 234 terested mediators when differ-
Mexico, &c ., 393 , the second, of Cadmus, ences arose ; it was their inter-
- Severus, 349 of letters, 205 est to preserve peace, for the in-
Alexandria, 22,399, 400 anciently one for all na- crease of the produce of the land ;
, colonies of Jews from, tions, 237 interdicted the Phocian war ; ac-
supposed to have gone to Ame- the, a tree, &c., 371 knowledged Alexander as their
rica, 22 the Tree, 148, 184, 186 lord ; the Areopagus amenable
, the philosophers of, 131 Alphabetic writing, whether known to, 423
Alfred, the tithings of king, in En- to Homer, 170 when necessary,
gland, like the divisions in West- Alphabets, the right-lined, probably exercised a paternal, &c ., power,
ern Syria, and in India-Deca- not older than 2000 years B . C ., 256 beneficial to all the states, 433
polls and Deccan, 277 Alphabetutu Tiuetanum . See Geor- Ampulla, the vessel of the wisdom
-, was this from AI-phre-di ? gics . of Om, 302
His tithings were ecclesiastical, Alphonso the Great, on history of --, the oil of the holy or
and like those of the Chinese, 292 Jesus Christ read in the stars, 145 creative power Om, 411
Algebra-an unspoken language, 213 Alt, or atel, means water, 29 Amulets and charms retained in
, the letters of, from He- Alvarez, Semedo, 227, 228 Italy, 92
brew or Arabic, 217 Alwood, Mr., on Typhon, 230 Anacalypsis, the, 22
, said to have been discover- Atuaota-Amomutn-the Jerusa- Anagrams and metathesis, origin
ed, by the Arabians, in the mid- lem Rose, 242 of, 185, 246
dle ages-known in Italy 600 Amazon, (nature of the,) 202 and Acrostics, 305
VOL . II .
454 Index

Page Page Page

Ana-mor (in Ireland), the temple Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome, the the male, in the garden of de-
of, has a circle of 48 pillars-the chiefs of the three Patriarchates light, 249
number of the ancient constella- of the Christian world, resided Appollonius Tyaueus, 3
tions-and, within, a circle of 9, at, 400 April-food and May-day festivals,
to shew that 9 cycles were pass- Autiochus-the claim attempted to the, equally celebrated in Britain
ed, or that the 9th was arrived, be set up by, 54 and in India, 106, 262
when the temple was built, 402 Antiquities of Mexico, &c., 21-41, Apuleius, 61, 76, 78, 79
Anaxagoras-on the design of the 74, 161, 393, 430 Aquarius, 139, 144
earth's inclination, 314 Antonius-the pretended founder Arabia, 15
Ancients, the, calculated by whole of monastic institutions, 46 Felix, 19
numbers, 329 Antony called himself the new Bac- Western, 134
- the recondite doctrines chus, &c , 346 the earns of, 179
of, appear fanciful when taken Antrustiones, the, or Fideles or other alphabets founded on
without the system of which they Drudes or Druidi, 277 that of, 205, 220, 221
formed a part, 408 Anubis, 79 an, in North India, 235
• the, supposed to have Aom-ia-atria, the Mexican place or x , two races in, 274
known not only the high branch- country of the Self-existent, 23 Arabians, the, 77, 241
es of Geometry, &c ., but Algebra Aou, perhaps, 17)K agnu, with the and Scandinavian Sacm
also, 436 t a prefix, Tangut, 7 from North India, 225
Ancile, the famous, sent by Pallas Ape or monkey, and Brahmin, the , traced front an Arabia
to Numa-this shield was to be same word in the Indian lan- on the Indus, 274
the protector of the eternal city, 440 guage, 9 , the, Algebra said to have
Andalusian Pilot, the, 30 Apex-the mitre is the, 53 been discovered by, 436
Andes, the, 39,312 Aphanasia, the, of Quecalcoatle, 26 Arabic, the, 175
9ndrada La Crozius, P., 118,243 A-(Pparrc-the boar, 209 and Hebrew, the, the same,
Andrew's, St ., Cross, 30 Atppo-SiTf-the holy 4)p,4 =608, ib . 153, 235
Androgynous, generative power, Apis or the Bull, the emblem of the - the old, allegories ill, on
the,-the moon bore the same creative power, from Ab or Ba, tree of knowledge, &c ., 160
name as, 337 the father, 414 duplicate letters of, for
like God-man sup- jDrc apn, 401 numbers, 166, 185, 235
posed to be created double, male Apocalypse-the crucified of the, in the old, of Mohamed, now
and female in one person-side Egypt, 14, 15, 118 not commonly understood, 167
by side, like the Siamese boys, 397 , the, turns on the tri- --, the, anciently Cufic, 205,
Auge de S . Joseph, fattier, 77 umph of the Lamb, over the 213, 234, 237
Angels, fallen, the prototype of the, 88 powers of hell and darkness ; -, notation, reduced to
of God-the nations divided fixes the year to 360 days, 110 16 letters, 214
according to the number of, i . e . -- numerals, the 28, would
, is filled with praises
probably, according to the stars 240, 241 stand for more words than are
of the slain Lamb,
or 72 constellations, 410 , the number 144 cele- wanted for a universal language, 220
Anglo-Saxons, the, began the year 241 , the present characters, in-
brated in,
on Dec . 25th, and were better Apocrypha, the, disliked equally by vented 300 years after Aio-
skilled in astronomy than the the Jews and by Christians, 125 hamed, 237
Greeks and Romans of Cmsar's Arabs, Bedoween, 4
, has the mythos of the
time, 135 Arago, M ., ridicules Whiston's
crucifixion, &c ., which proves the
Angouleme, Duchesse d', 70 mythos was a secret doctrine, Theory, 333
Animal, every, a microcosm of man, 134, 232, 333, 441, 442 -'s History of Comets written
&c., 430 the books of the, pro- to calm the fears of the Parisians,
food, none eaten in early bably written to preserve the se- s 333, 334
times, 147 cret doctrine, 233, 441, 442 Ararat, Mount, 18, 321
Animalcule, the minntest imagina- Apocryphal Gospels, it, one of the, --, the 11-avratta of India, 18, 411
ble, a microcosm of the one Jesus said to be the son of a -, placed by the Samaritans
above it, &c ., 336 Dyer or Painter, &c., 7 in Sereudive, 229, 288
Aoimals, none sacrificed in early Apollo, 202, 213 --, Naubanda-Mount of the
times, 147 killed by Python, and be- Ship, 292, 411
• plants, &c ., believed to be wailed by three women, 102 --, Ship-cabled Mount, 294,
formed of both sexes, 398 of Claros, Pythagoras a fol- 333, 33-1
• unsatisfactory theories to lower of, 103 Araxes, the, Aras, Ros, Ras, or
account for the adoration of, by of Miletus, prophecy of, 177 Cyrus river, 231
the Egyptians and others, 437 , entombment and Arcadia, Numidia, Etruria,Tartary,
Anna Pereuna, sister of Dido, 91 resurrection of, 145, 180 &c., the same form of government
Sa . sister of the Virgin, or , the dance oblique of the anciently prevailed in, 421
Petronilla, 91 priests of, 179 Area-polis, place of deposit of sa-
Ansar or helpers-in the 72, who , a hyperborean island said cred things, 242
assisted the prophet at Medina, to have adored, 262 Apxa, the ship in which the germ
we have, probably, the Jewish and Olympias-their con- of animated nature was saved, 113
Sanhedrim, the Amphyctions of nexion, 345, 347 Archbishop, an, in the Romish
Greece, and the Cardinales of described as accompanying church, though elected by suffra-
Rome, 380, 383 his lyre with the dance, &c ., 425 galls, must have the pallium from
Antara, an, or Outar, an age, 134 Apologue, a;nignra, allegory, &c ., the vicar of God, 231
Antediluvian year, the, was 300 the custom of conveying know- Arch-Druid, the, in Gaul, held out
days long, and the month 30 days ledge by, once prevalent, 301) his foot to be kissed, 55
long, 321-326 Apostles, the, 42, 43, 46, 71, 77 Archdruid or Supreme Pontiff, the,
Authow, professor, 314 became Divi, 80 of Britain, probably had under
Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome, Creed, the, 42, 89 him three archflatnens, 416
the capitals of the three parts into Apotheosis, the, of Pagans, cano- Apxal-divine wisdom, 242
which the kingdom of Saturn was nization of Saints, 81 Archfiatnens, the three, of York,
divided among his three Suits- of Akbar, 358 London, and Carleou (Chester),
Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune, Appius, 86 became Archbishops, when Lu-
399, 400 Apples of love, the, presented to cius was converted, 400
Index 455
and Page Page Page
Archterarch, Noah the first, been ruled in peace, by the Arch- med) established by the Calife ;
his three sons Archierarchs after ierarch-till the festivals requir- the (Mohamedan) world thus
him, 361 ed correcting, &c ., 399 made as happy as under the first
- the rights and privi- Arietic cycle, in the, we have Noah Hierarchy, 377, 379, 380
leges of, gradually acquired by and his wife, and Shem, Ham, Ashera, an, set up, by Abraham, in
the Hierarch of each nation ; and and Japhet-a new Trinity every Beersheba, 194, 371
the distant Lord was at last for- 1800 years, at first, &c., 397 Ashre, the, were burnt by Josiah, 371
gotten, 380, 381 Aristites, Sacerdotum, the, &c., 3 , were perpetual alma-
there probably was an, Aristocracy, the sacred and mili- nacks, 372
with a council of 12, and a se- tary, 417 Ash-Wednesday, Shrovetide, &c ., 59
nate of 72, in every country, Aristophanes, 199 , the ceremony of
under a Pope, 422 Aristotle, 153, 314 putting ashes on the head on, a
Archierarchical government, the , the first who wrote on continuation of the festival of the
first, probably left towns, &c , Greek grammar, 195, 196 fordicidia of the Romans, 92
to their own management - the alphabet of, 220 Asia, 4, 25, 39, 66, 69, 70, 75,
hence the free states of Greece on the length of the year, 319 120-122, 312
and Italy, 366, 423 , on the tribute in Greece- and Africa, the wandering
, if the, atenth, 417 tribes of, readily came over to
was established before the flood, classes Dancing with poe- the Mohamedan faith, 207
it would revive after it-the few try, music, and painting, as -, once a fief depending on Scy-
persons remaining would readily equally an imitative art, 425 thia, 262, 372
submit to its superiority, 439 Aristotelian philosophy, the, once --, an mra of Alexander arose in,
Archieratchs, three, after the death as little doubted as the Newto- 348, 349, 384
of Noah, his three sons became ; nian is now, 333 -, the conduct of the monarchs
one, perhaps, at Oude or Baby- Arithmetic (high), literal writing, of, towards Europeans, not nn-
lon, for Asia ; one in Egypt, for astronomy, &c., originally con- derstood-it arises from sup-
Africa ; one at Rome or Thebes stituted the mysteries, 439 posing themselves descended
in Bmotia, for Europe, 399 Arjoon, the cousin (or brother) of hom the first three monarchs,
Archierarchy-very natural for an, Cristna, . 137, 241, 242 the sons of Noah, 359
to arise, and that it should ex- or Juana, the assistant to Asia Minor-the whole of, proba-
tend its paternal influence over Cristna, 242 bly, was Mysia or mystic land,
the whole world, 373 Ark, the, 361 the land of Room : in it are
, the first may have of the Covenant, 10 Caliuda, Calamina, and Cahida,
arisen before the suit entered , the, Noah, and Thebes, have places of India, connected with
Aries, in the sera of Buddha, and the same meaning, 12, 13 the mythos of Ararat, 412
have continued during many ge- of the Mexicans, 27 Asiatic-Journal, the, 352
uerations, 399, 400 increase of the 8 persons -, on the Mi-
the, abolished by saved in, in 100 years, &c ., 395, 439 crocosm among the Chinese, 398
Christ and Cristna-that of Rome Arka (Apia) in Javanese-the sun, 222 Researches, the, 7, 67, 103,
and Tibet almost the same, 438 , the ancient temple of Jagger- 104, 122, 181, 214, 219, 225,
Archierist, the, (of India,) may naut, at Kanarak, so called, 261 236-238, 240, 260, 261, 287,
have been a king-hence the Arkite 4thene, i. e ., Divine Provi- 371, 398, 429
Archierarchy may have disap- dence, 114 Society, Transactions of, 148
peared, 370 Armenia, 4, 321 Aspen, the, Eadha or E, in the
Archimedes and the Syracusans- Armenian Christians, the, turned Tree alphabet, 149
the foot measure used by, 403, 404 to the sun, in prayer, 89 Aspersorio, the, for sprinkling the
Ardshir Ebn Babec, author of the language, the, originally people with holy water, a Pa-
play called Tables, 318 the same as the Zeud and the gan custom, 91
Areopagus, the, of Athens, courts Pahlavi, 237 Asre, asire,ashres-groves-a kind
like, answered to a lodge of Arnobius, 64, 80 of celestial globes, &c., 193, 194
Freemasons, &c ., 419 Arouma, the, 242 Ass and Horse, the, unknown, in a
, was the high eccle- Aroura and Plethrou,Egyptiau and state of nature, to the Americans,
siastical court, &c., but amena- Greek standards of square mea- before the arrival of the Spaniards, 35
ble to the Amphictyons, 423, 424 sure, 406 -, the golden, of Apuleius, 76
Argha-serpent-emblem of the ApwlAa, the sweet smell, a flower, Assaceui or Astaceni, the, whose
female generative power, 113, 174 pushpa, 242 capital was Massaca or Massana
Argheus-au universal spirit-evi- Arran, the isle of, so called from -A-saceni, the Sacte ?-Ma-saga,
dently the Indian Argha, 301 Arhan, consort of Buddha, 287 the great Saca ? 230
Argonautic Expedition, the, 105 Arrian, 118, 230, 272 Assassin, every, might be a So-
+, new, every Artaxerxes Ulemor, 317 phee, 383
600 years, believed in by the - was addicted to the in- --, the Society probably not
vulgar, despised by the enlight- effable mysteries, 348 called so, from being a murderous
ened, 339 Arteug, 8 one, but a murderer from it,
mysteries, 114, 115 Arthur's (prince) round table, &c ., called an assassin, 384
Argonauts, the, 293 the mythos seen in, 349, 356 Assassins, the, 348, 381-392
, &c., new, 136, 195, 303 Article, the emphatic, is often the , Druids, Magi, &c .,
Arhiman- the evil principle, 83, 88, 106 name of God-Al (Arabic), Pi practised the rite of baptism, 248
Aries, 138-140 (Coptic), R or + or + 1 (Heb .), 200 , their history, ac-
, the equinoctial sign changed Artimodorus, 262 cording to Von Hammer, is a
from Taurus, to, before time of Arungabad, the Shufeek or Sophee mass of straight forward, pure,
Moses, 105, 106 or Rhymer of, 182 unadulterated wickedness, 382, 389
personified, Ascanius and the la vinian colony, 433 , why every where
called the Lamb of God, applied Asenath, the wife of Joseph, 110 found, 383
to Jesus, and worshiped, 107, Ases, old Latin coins, without in- considered a dynasty
108, 110 scriptions, having the head of a by D'Herbelot and Deguines, as
the worship of, the worship young man, and a wheel with 6 an order by Hammer, 388
of the sun, 112 spokes, &c ., 433 , were profoundly
, till the equinoctial sun pass- Ashera-tenths, tithe, 193, 371 versed in the mathematical and
ed into, the world may have , the, (restored by Moha- metaphysical sciences ; their fana-
456 Index
Page Page Page
Atonement, pernicious doctrine of Australia, 2, 341, 419
ticism, and the reason for their
assassinations, the burning of the, 203, 367 Austria and Russia, the emperors
their works, &c ., 389 Atreus, father of the Heraclidm, 119 of, probably actuated by the my-
Assassins, their doctrine taught in Atreus, in the time of, the motion thos of legal descent from Noah, 354
secret ; what was it ?-the secret of the firmament had changed, 314 Author, the, right of, to the name
doctrines of Sopheism ? 390 Atri, father of the Hericdlas, 119 of a Christian, 120, 449
, their doctrines of the Attains (king)-grammar brought , object of, not to attack
metempsychosis and a divine in- by his ambassador-Crates .bla- religion-his wish to be impar-
carnation, 391 lotes-to the Roman Senate, 195 partial, 132
Assoors and Dewtahs -wars of Attica, Ionia, and Etruria, the con- a future life awaited
Cristna with the rebellious, 88 federated towns or states of, 394 by, with hope and humble resig-
Assyrians, the, 101, 171 Attila, 375 nation, 308
, the Dove their standard, 118 Atys, 102, 104 affirms the truth of no
Asteroids-one planet probably -, suspensus in ligno, 104, 106 more of Mr. Whiston's system,
split into the four new ones, 335 raised on third day, 106, 122, 145 than what he expressly mentions
Asteroth, Astarte, Eostre, or Atyses, Adonises, &c ., &c., put to us adopting, 435
Easter, 58, 59 death, &c., 142 , wishes to be consider-
from Atzala Isureni, 7 ed a member of the Eclectic or
asre, 193 Aube, an, 79 Philalethean sect, 448
Astle, Mr ., 149, 165, 166, 215, Augur-when an Etruscan began , whether, be was fully
218, 237 his divinatious, he rose in the satisfied with the evidence of
Astronomers, the ancient, more stillness of midnight, to deter- Irenaeus, that Jesus Christ was
probably right in their prac- mine the limits of the celestial not crucified, 449
tice, than the modern in their temple, 407 Autumnal Equinox, 83
theory, 330 Auguries-uncertain how the Ro- Avatar (is probably Abba-Tur), 14,
, our, if dwelling in man priests got the custom esta- 38, 39, 51
Asia, and knowing of the coming blished of taking them, before Moses an, 14
of the comet, &c ., 333, 334 any assembly could proceed to Nero claimed to be the

Astronomical Society, the, will ri- business, &c ., 407 Tenth, 54
dicule the subject of Comets, as Augurs, the, their power, 52, 53 the crucifixion of every, 118
here treated, 333 , the lituus of, became • the new, the followers of,
Astronomy, the knowledge of, pro- the crosier, 78 protected by arms, 219
bably long preceded that of sylla- Augusta, 70 cities so called in ho- , the tenth, chief of the As-
bic letters, 198 nour of Augustus ; probably these sassins, came from Ghilau, 231
Aswa-horse-from As, to eat, 157 were 72 ecclesiastical capitals of , Gettgis Khan, by his parti-
Atamelik Dschowaini, the histo- districts into which the empire tisaus, made out to be the'fenth, 353
rian, directed by the Mogul to was divided, 421 ,the last believed to be yet
search the libraries of the Ish- Augustine or Austin, 22, 37, 58, to come, 354
maelites, at Alamout, and to de- 65, 74, 76, 367 Avatars, 40
stroy every thing-their instru- -- sent to Britain to convert or incarnations, 81
ments, &c.-which could make the natives, 93 , eight in Siam, 139
known the truth, 389, 390 De Esu Agni, &c., 104 , all Asiatic princes pretend-
Athanasian Creed, the, 43, 93 converted the Saxons of ed to be, 207
Athanasius, 43, 367 Kent, 281 the ten, 248, 354
Atheism and Deism, the Nyaya • on the Antediluvian , of Cristna, Christ, and
and Vedanta philosophies so con- years, and on the intercalary Mohamed, 355
sidered-their advocates changed days, 320 Axibus ligneis, or on stems of trees, 249
sides, 428 on a month, as 30 days, Axis, the, may have been suddenly
Atheistical system of quoting, on 321, 326 changed, as the book of Enoch
the continent, 255 Theodoret, Basil, and says, 310, 313, 332

Atheists-the Sacme, Saxons or pope Innocent I ., on the Chris- , may have been changed
Buddhists, so called by the fol- tian mysteries, &c ., 441 by various shocks, 311
lowers of Cristna, &c ., 428 Augustinians, the, 76 -, sudden change of the earth's
Atheueus, 145, 204 Augustus, a title given to the Nile, .54 -the year changed in conse-
on a Pythagorean dancer, 425 Octavius, 54, 56 quence, from 360 to 365 days,
Athenians, the, were divided into the Aswv ray maven'- &c ., 315
four castes-the sacerdotal no . the Genius of the Ninth Smculum, , changed at the time of
bles, soldiers, farmers, trades- 56, 251 the flood, and almost all the an-
men-and a fifth, the slaves or was called Divus, 80 cient learning of the world lost, 438
outcasts, 418 ordered the Compitales Ayodia, the place of wisdom, 188
Athens, 47, 97, 418, 419 to be honoured with garlands, 90 Ayoudia, 16, 21, 36
the Pandion of, 117 erected the temple of Ju- or Oude, 122
secret names of, 242 piter Tonans, 91 language of, 156
the ancient year of, was , described, by Horace, as Eastern, 16, 181
360 days, 319, 320 the son of Maia, 357 Western, 36
, in the Areopagus of, we Casar offered up 300 hu- Ayub or Job, book of, from Upper
have the domestic, in the Amphic- man victims, in one night, at Pe- India to Arabia, 128
tyons the superintending legisla- rugio, 416 Azores, the, 35
ture, 350 Aulaif, killed by black Gauls, and Aztekan, the, 26
Atibahica-an atom-like germ so by Albanos! 304 Azteks, the, 31
called, in Sauscrit, 398 Aura placida, made into St. Aura
Atlantic, the, 312 and St : Placida, 85
Atlantis, the island of, 39, 40 Anima, or Holy Ghost-in
the flood which drowned, 306 ancient times always female-
may have been sunk by proceeded from the To Oy, 397 B and v permutable in Sanscrit, 226
the last of several shocks, 311 Aurelian, 134 Baal or Bel, 74, 82
Atomic doctrine, the, of Pythago- Auricular Confession, 34 priests of, 74, 87
ras, said to have been learned by enables rogues is Samba", 82
him from Moses, 399 to tyrannise over fools, 74, 75 Babel (tower of), 24, 25, 27-29, 324
Index 457
Page Page Page
Saber, Mr., 262 Bagdad, the Calif at, probably, paid Baptism of Bells-in China, 70
Babington, Dr., on Tamil or Tamul tribute and did homage toGengis, 383 , the rite universal, and a
characters, 148 --, at a great meeting at, in name given at, to the children of
Babylon, 12, 28, 46, 48, 97, 133, A . H ., 402, the claims of the Fa- the Assassins, Carmelites, Druids,
146, 171, 360 t6mites to the Califate declared &c., 248
, mythos of, in Mexico, 28 null and void, 385, 386 , the, of water, fire, and air
, Scarlet Whore of, 46 Bagpipes (Scotch), 91 -whence, 336
, compass of the walls of, 360 --of Calabrian shepherds, 90, 91 • the Eucharist, &c ., only
furlongs, same as the year of 360 Baidh or Vaedh, a prophet, 225 part of the Christian mysteries,
days, 317 Baids-vates, fates-teller. of truth according to Augustin, Basil, &c ., 441
, built by Xisuthrns's chil- or wisdom, ib . Bashcµa, baptism, 64, 68
dren, 322 Bailly, 3, 140 Basaa-pwi, washings, 64
or Oude, the Archierarch- - on Chinese letters-division Bar and Par meant a judge, 276
son of Noah-may have resided at, 399 of, into five., 215 Barasit-wisdotn-the first book of
Bacab, the Son, in the Mexican Tri- on the learning of the an Genesis, 226, 251
nity, 32 cients, 246, 444 , probably the knowledge of
Bacchus, 6, 8, 9, 19, 23, 28, 40, on the first race of men, the Trimurti, and the secret use
59, 103, 104, 106, 112, 137 164, after the flood, having been of the system of cycles, 342
202, 224, 265, 271, 292 situated east of the Caspian Sea Jews and Christians say it
the Grecian-an Egyptian, 19 -in a country between 40 and means cosmogony ; it taught the
cut in pieces on Mont Marte, 50° of North latitude-possessed nature and attributes of the ToOy,
59, 85 of profound wisdom, of elevated the metempsychosis, emanation,
tomb of, became church of genius, and of an antiquity far &c., 343
St . Baccus, 74 superior to the Egyptians and Bards, the, an order to regulate the
worshiped as St. Denis, at Indians, 444 choirs, &c ., 233
Paris-as Liber or Liberius, at - ridiculed by Sir W. Jones, Bareich-Parish, 276, 279
Ancona, 84 &c ., for teaching that man was • was this Bar-roi or Bar-
, the temple of, now church created in Tartary, 445 rex ? 292
of Holy Liberius, 91 Bala Raja of Gujerat, 221 , or Borough, 297
• Adonis, and Osiris, were Balsam, the prophecy of, 97, 98 Saris (ship), Ararat, 411
all incarnate Gods, 98 Balbec (Bal-bit, house of Bal), the - and Cordi, the centre of Agri-
was a personification of the temple at, has 40 pillars, 402 mensorism of Asia, 412
Sun, 100 Balbi, M ., on Chinese related to - or Ararat, was believed to be
• his birth-place disputed- Hebrew, 148, 155, 156 the highest mountain in the
was worshiped chiefly at Telmis- , on the Buddhist reli- world ; from this as a centre, a
sus, 102 gion, 289 cardo, Noah was supposed to
, conquests of, like Plagues on the weeks, &c., of have divided the world among
of Egypt, 105 the Mexicans, Javanese, &c ., 316 his three sons, 412
raised on the third day, 122 Bal-li, the crucified God, 122, 206, Barker, J . '1'., 358, 366
the search for his members, 259; 288 Barnabas, St ., 211, 343, 344
136, 142 Baliism, the, of Ceylon, and the Barnes, Dr ., Joshua, 19
strangled the serpent, 144 Baltan fires of Ireland and the Baronius (Cardinal), 52, 79, 84,
called Liber, Boc, Book- Highlands of Scotland, 289 86, 87, 93, 112
and, in Siam, Kiakiak, 163, 164 Baliji, Balii, or Baljii, 115, 118, 288 Barons, the, claimed of the priests
, orgies of, 166 Balk and Bokhara both called Cob- an acknowledgment of superior-
• monogram of, Mn=650, bat aleslam, the Dome or Vault ity-this granted with a mental
187, 223 of Mohamedism, 303 reservation of the rights of the
was Buddha, Noah, Menu, Balkan (may mean Bal-ania, land church, 266, 267
Janus, 223 of Bal), a ridge of mountains • few of, could read, 268
Bromos, Bruma, Piroma, which divides North India or the great, (not like our
• Oude from Tartary, and another
Pi Brama, 243 present Peers, mere animals of
, liber, letters, language, which divides Thrace from Scy- ornament,) said to have been
logos, linga, wisdom, 244 thia or Tartary, 414 from 50 to 80-but probably
was wine, Ceres bread, 253 Balk., strips of land, not subinfeu- were 72 in number, 417
Deo-nissi, 288 dated, but the pfoperty of the Barret, on the Zodiacs, 36
was Om-adios-the holy Lord of a Manor, ib . Barret's, Dr ., Enquiry into the
Om, 302 Bal-Sab, Lord of Death, Samhan Constellations, 316
, Hercules, Jove, there never or Beelzebub, 82, 83 Bartolin, 300
was a, 351 Bambinos, 100, 129 Basil, on Christian mysteries, 441
,the Nyssian dances sacred to, 425 and Madonnas, 242
Baa£Xwvs army Tray asraymy, 51
Bacchnses, &c ., put to death, &c., 142 Bannier explained mythology histo-
Basnage, 37, 51, 83, 135, 186, 190,
Bacon, Roger, 165, 280, 342 rically, 360 201, 203, 204, 210, 221
, on the knowledge Baptism, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 262,
Basque and American languages,
possessed by, 246 279, 280 27
analogy of the,
, probably a Rossi- older than the time of Bassianus-Autoninus Heliogaba-
cruciao, 301 Jesus-practised by the follow- 349
ers of Zoroaster, &c ., 64 Ins,
, may have known of Bath, remains at, of only one tem-
the disturbing forces of the practised by the Jews, 281
ple of the Romans, in Britain,
comets, &c ., 335 Greeks, and nearly all nations,
Bathkol-daughter of voice-rather
the Brazen Head of, before the existence of Chris-
daughter of wisdom, 295
BtC., 349 tianity, 65, 66, 232
Bavaui, 6
Bactria, the Satin possessed them- • Christening, and Confir-
66 Bayer, on Greek way of writing, .150
selves of, 4 mation, rites of the Magi,
with the Holy Ghost, with on Brahman characters from
Bad, a name of Buddha, 162
fire, water, and blood, 67 the Estrangelo, 153, 222
Baden-curious secret prisons un-
der a convent at, 301 • in doctrine and outward on the 9 simple characters
Bagdad, in the meeting of Jurists ceremony, Etruscan, 69 of the Chinese, 215
at, in 1011, the proceedings were , Christian, called the laver Bazin, l'abb6, 17, 19, 134, 143, 363
secret ; why? 359 of regeneration, ib. B D, the Creator, the giver of forms, 162
VOL . II .
458 Index
Page Page Page
Bead (Catholic beads) from Ved or Ben Nevis, Ben-Nevis, Mount of Bital or Fanum, the, the fiat resi-
Wisdom, 179 the Ship, 292, 294 dence of the Abba, 297
Bealtine, feast of the fires of Baal, 82 Bennet's, Solomon, plan of Eze- Bithynia, 71
Beans, the, of Pythagoras, 239, kiel's temple, 402 , the Christians of, 90
240, 300 Bentley, 5, 139, 144, 236 Black God, the, in the Casa Santa,
Bearded men and Negroes found in , on the digamma, 169 at Loretto, 57
South America, 35 Bere-gonium, once the capital of - Boy, the, the sign of, proba-
Beast, the number of the, 241 Scotland, 292, 411 bly an Infant Cristna ; Mother
Beausobre, M ., 60, 65, 77, 101 Bergeron, 215 and Child, 100
Bed, ved, vates-a prophet, wis- Berkeley, 217 - Gauls, in Scotland, 204
dom, 227 Bernier, 263 - races became white by inter-
Beda or Veda means book, 8 Berosus, on antediluvian kings, marriages, &c ., 363
Bedas or Vedas, 4, 43, 88, 225 321, 322 - Gods, genus and species, &c., ib .
Bede, 135 -, on the time of the flood, 327 - Stone, the, in Westminster
's houses-houses of Buddha -, on the Ark resting on the Abbey, adored, 437
or Wisdom, 295 mountains rwv uop8vaiwv, 411 Blackstone, 264, 265, 268, 269
Bedoween Arabs, 4 Bertolacci, on the whole land in Blair, Dr., on the time of the flood, 332
Bedoweens, the, speak pure Arabic, Ceylon, the property of thecrown, 418 Blood, 53
are Buddhists, Tatars, followers Beth, the birch, the second letter Blondus, 74, 76
of Tat, 207, 208 of the Tree alphabet, 148 Blunt, Mr ., on ancient customs of
, have no fixed ha- Bethlehem, 95, 96, 98, 99, 109 Italy and Sicily, 92
bitations, 271 profaned by Adrian, 95, 96 Boadicea-Chivalry probablyflourish-
or Bedouins, the nomade the stable at, a cave, 95, 99 ed most, when she led her 80,000
tribes of Africa and Asia, 275 means City of the House knights to combat, 204
BeSv (Buddha), 207 of the Sun, 99 Bubeloth and Bethluisuion Alpha-
Beech and Oak, the, gave out ora- , the house of the male bets, the, 155
cles at Dodona, 165 Ceres, &c ., from 17 the emphatic Boc, book, liber, name of Bacchus,
Beelzebub, 82, 83 article, and tart, a corruption of 8, 163, 164, 265, 271, 292
or Baal Zebub, 83 Om-house of Ow, 303 --manni, Monks or Book-men,
Beece, the, 23, ILO Beverley (Mr .), 88 264, 268
-, both Cow and Bull, 181 Bhobaudser, the Linga in the care Boch-ara, the city of the book,
and sheep ; the Ram at, 259, 260, 262 272, 311
and Rama meant both, Bhoees, the, Garuda, and temple of Bocharia, 444
296 Bochart, 47, 59, 181, 287, 290, 412
Beguines, monks and nuns in Tibet, Carnac, in France,
127, 218 Bhoomia-Bhumia-ia-b-om, land on adoration of Saints, 81
Belgic Suesones, 1 of Ow, 284 Bochica, founder of the Peruvian
Belief or faith held to be meritori- Bhoomia,, the, preceded the Zemin- nation, 34
ous, 107 dars, ib . , the Mithra or Osiris of
Beloe, 180 Bhuvandswara or Ekamra-city of Bogota, ib .
Bellarmine, 69, 77, 88 =art hkm, the God of wisdom, 260 Bocklauds-free lauds,
Bogota, form of government given
272, 284
Bellona, 74, 86 Bibi-Mariam on la Dame Marie, 97
, priests of, 74 27 to, by Bochica, 34
Bible, the,
Bells and pomegranates on high- on age of man, 133, 134 Bogstav, Buckstab, Book stares,
priest of the Jews, and on the history of, found in India (book,) the triangular staves on
kings of Persia, 69 293 which the Runes were written, 272
and Egypt,
baptizing of, a bull issued on the time of the flood, Bukhara, mythos brought from, to
for ; practised in China, 70 327, 328 Ireland, 97
, four baptized at Versailles, Bombay Transactions, the, 355,
Biblie, birth of the God Sol, as
in 1824, Louis XVIII . and Du- Adonis, celebrated at, 98 356, 360
chesse D'Angoulfime being spou- Biblos and Bochara, both mean Bwµoc-the stone on which the
sors, 70 city of the book, 311 Vaid or Druid stood to preach, 302
ringing of a little, in wor- Bingham says, Christians were first O+) .1 balm, filii, confounded with
ship, a Pagan usage, 91 called Christ., 251, 344 G' t4 abnim, lapides ; hence the
Belshazzar, the writing on the wall Binothris, Bn-rhrd or Beu-Terah, 14 story of Deucalion and Pyrrha
of, 186 Birmingham, 297 having repeopled the earth with
Belus, the tower of, 27, 28 Birth, death, and resurrection, the, stones, 18
Benares, anciently called Casi, 135 of the incarnate God, the doc- Bou, a Silver lamb, with a glory,
the college at, 206 trine of, common in Pagan tem- in the cathedral of, 112
-, in the temple of Via ples, 95, 96, 98-100, 102 Bones of the Son of the Spirit of
Visha, at, there is a Corinthian Bisat-al-Gnattm, "Display of the Heaven, 103
pillar, 402 Foe," or the year 1204 of the Bonnaud, M ., 18
-, a tradition at, that all the Hegira, 182, 183 , the Abbd, Jaques-Jules, 221
learning of India came from a , is an acrostic, 185 Bono Deo Puero Posphoro, 100
country situated in 40 degrees of Bishop, Cardinal, Dean, Diocese, Bonzes, the, use the tonsure, &c, 228
north -latitude-that of Samar- Ecclesiastical, Priest, Religion, Book, a, in Irish, called barac or
kand, 444 in their origin, all terms of judi- bare, 163
Benedictines, the, 76 ciary import, 272, 279 Book, the Pope (by Constantine's
Benefit of Clergy, used as a test, Bishops, Suffragan, baptized bells, 70 gift) ruled Italy, &c ., by right of
&c., 271 , Secular, procured from the, . 345
Ben-gal, is e. Beni -the sons of Rome by barons and kings, in Book and Sword, Cmsar held by the
Gall, 291 opposition to the Regulars, 276 right of the, 379, 400
, the Zemindars of, recog- , Palatine, the, originally , right by the,
nized as princes, 374 mitred Abbots, 277, 278 claimed by the emperors of Ger-
the king of, heir to all men, 421 , Arch, the, of York and many and Russia, 380
Beni-Gael-the Gael from the, 294 Canterbury, dispute between, for Borak, the, or flash of lightning, on
Beni-Suef, 230 precedence, why, 281 which Mohamed said he passed
Benjamin, the tribe of, 19 in Partibus 285 through the seven heavens, &c., 378
Ben-Lomund-was this, Son of Le- Bissextile day or days, intercalary, Borlase, 97, 225
mond ? 292 &c ., 320 Boro Bodo-Bra Buddha, 218
Index 459
Page Page Page
Rosin, Antonio, Ill Brahmins, the, have a tradition Britain, gradually colder, proved by
Bosworth's Saxon Grammar, 195 that the flood happened when tithe suits, on wine, 312
Bo rpvg, grape, 9, 204, 223, 253, 254 the sun entered Aries, &c ., 332 , the secret mythos existed
Botturiiti, 25 say, in the Vedas in, before Cmsar's arrival, 349
Boucher, 153, 163 may he found the logic of Aris- , the first system had gone
Boustrophedon style, the, the Runes totle and the philosophy of Plato, to pieces when Caesar arrived ;
once written in, 305 &c., 337 the Buddhist government had
Boutta, Boto, Buddha, 9 , said to allow the been overthrown by that of
Boy Gods adopted itt Italy as Bam- divine incarnation of Jesus Christ ; Cristna, 370
biuos, 100 but contend, that Cristna, also, , its constitution like that of
Boys, believed by the fathers, to be was incarnated for the salvation Rome, 375
defiled by demons, ib. of all who believe on him, 341 • divided into three ; by the
Bower, 58 , or Hindoos, main- Romans divided into five dio-
Bowli, the, of India, probably the tain that they came from Tar- ceses, 400
Piscina, 69 tary, 352 • the causes of effects, since
Bra or Pra, means factor, 243, averse to proselyt- the Roman conquest of, looked
Creator, 267 lug, 363 for, instead of those before the
Braga-the deity of eloquence, &c ., and Buddhists-the arrival of the Romans, 432
hence to brag, 300 precursors of their skill in the Britons, the ancient, divided the
Brahme or Bacchus or Liber, 8 fine arts, 364 country into tithings, &c ., 300
Maia, 128 , in the democracy , went naked-iu battle
the male, the followers of, 428 of, we have the mixed system of only-to distinguish clan from
brooding over the deep, a the Protestants ; they receive clan ? 304
microcosm of, 429 divine wisdom by succession, , Roman accounts of
Brahma, 7, 8 &c., 368 the barbarism of, 415
means leaf-the same as and Buddhists, the, , if the, were barbari-
Brahaspati, 8 changed sides, as Atheists and ans for offering human sacrifices,
the religion of, 58 Deists . The Brahmins (like the Augustus Caesar was a barbarian,
as supreme God, surround- Jews with Barasit and Merea- &c . ; sufficiently civilized to bring
ed with good and bad angels, 88 vah) have substituted Nyaya and into the field large bodies of
period, the, began 3164 Vedanta the one for the other, 428 Charioteers, &c., and to ma-
years B. C ., 144 , traits of the, in the West noeuvre them in the manner
, born front the Supreme -Buddhists and Brahmins in all practised by the Greeks, &c ., 416
Being, 175 great points the same, 438 Brothers, 131, 346, 358
or Brama, is often called Bramin, a priest of Bra, the factor • & c ., &c., the followers of,
Birouma, 243 M, or Om, 243 expect a re-incarnation of Jesus
the propagator of the ]in- Brassey, Nathaniel, 355 Christ-the tenth Avatar, 258, 354
man race, the architect of all Bread and wine, sacrifice of, 58, 59 • Whitfield, Wesley, and
things, &c , 397 , con- Southcote - the followers of,
, the day of, and the night of, 409 verted into a horrible mystery, 63, 68 weak men, 342, 377
, after a year of (4,320,000,000 , and water, sacri- and Southcote have had
of years), the philosophers looked fice of, 59 able, &c., followers, 355
for a restoration of a perfect globe, and water, offered by the , had not
of the planetary system and fixed Magi, Essence, Gnostics, East- the general belief of the promised
stars to their first state, 431 ern Christians, and by Pythagoras one, in their favour, 356
Brahmin, the, (Abraham,) who and Numa, 60 Brute (king) and the Troya Nova,
founded the Judaean state, came Brechiu, the fire tower of, 119 of, 349, 412
from the East-from Ur or Uri- , the man cruel. Brutus, grandson of Agneas, having
aaa of Collida, 257 fled, and Lamb and Elephant, on killed his father Sylvius, fled
church, little of its do- the, 130 from Italy, landed at Totness,
mesticeconomyknown ; may have Brehon laws, . the, 283 conquered the island of Great
imitated-its Buddhist predeces- Brewster, Dr., on the Eclectics, or Britain, and divided it among
sors, 370 Analogetici, 447 his three sons, &c ., 400, 412
Brahminism was but Protestant Brigantes, the, 298 and his three sons-here
Buddhism-the effects of, the re- and Briges, of Asia we have the old mythos, like
form of the calendar, to assimi- Minor, whence the name of Adam, and Cain, Abel, and Seth ;
late it to the state of the heavens Phrygians, Free, and Phriga and or Noah, and Shem, Ham, and
-Taurus no longer its emblem, Freya, 412 Japhet, 401, 412
but Aries, 438 Briggs, Mr., (on Land Tax of In- Bryant, 46, 58, 95, 100, 110, 112,
, traits of, often seen in dia,) 266, 272 135, 160, 229
the West, 439 , on the Aborigines of Bucer, 88
Brahmins, Brachmans, the, 48- South India, 274 Buchanan (Dr .), 96
50, 98, 138-140, 409, 434 , on the subdivision of on te temple of
• the, turn to the East at territory in India, 277 Jaggernaut, 206, 207
worship, 89 , on the heir of Moha- Buckingham, 65
, the rites of the, 115 med, &c ., 352, 383 Bud, 83
, of India and of Italy, se- , on the tenth paid in -, is B=2, D-4=6, the root of
cret system of the, lost, 118 Persia, Jodma, China, &c., 418 432, 181
, the modern, ignorant of Britain, 4, 57, 70, 99, 106, 279, Budda, Old Man, the, 4
the necessity of iutercalary days, 144 281, 282 Budh, Buth or Both, in Old Irish,
, the, hold the Sanscrit to the worship of Mithra means the sun, fire, universe, 287
be absolutely perfect, 157 spread over, 99 Buddha, 1-3, 7-9, 23, 31, 34,
-, the most learned, can • Hebrew and Indian words 36, 43, 56, 6D, 103, 104, 148,
scarcely read, &c ., the first Veda, 159 in, 176 170, 202, 209, 210, 221, 225, 282
the, call their first Veda, • the castes in-the nobles, was Sacya, or Saca, 1, 3,
Rich-ras or wisdom, 226 clergy, esquires, tradesmen, pan . 6, 27, 148, 226
the, on a lost language, 234 pers-the out-caste, as in India, 271 statues of, spared by Mo-
• the, from North India, , conquered by the Romans hamedaus 2
274, 369 -why, 304 Deus Bonsiorum, 5
460 Index
Page Page
Buddha, means book, 8-was Hermes, 31 Buddhism, the universal prevalence Burnet, Gilbert, on Tithes, 266
son of Maya, 103 of, a fact, not a theory, 307 Burton, on land in England in Al-
entombment and resurrec- Buddhist religion, the, in Tibet, lodial dominion, 284
tion of, 103, 105, 142, 145 similar to that of Rome, 258 Bute, the island of, so called from
• sacrificing his life, a type , many re- Buddha, 287
of the Saviour, 118 mains of, in Ireland, 287 Butler, 81
Bauddha, or Abad or Abad- , older than Butts-Buddha, 3
don, 133 the Brahmin, 289 Buttevant, Buddha-fan, Buddha had
• mysteries of, a man sup- Buddhists, the, 4, 9, 10, 50, 221 a temple at, 287
posed to be killed in, 143 , &c ., marked with a Buxtorf, 3, 89
, called Bad, from Ba father sign, 174 Buzengir-gir-zaba, cycle of wis-
and Di holy, 162 or Quakers, a nation of, dom-was reported to be the son
-, divine wisdom, 182, 250 can exist only on the sufferance of the Sun, and the ninth prede-
was a Menu or Nu, Mani, 224 of their neighbours, 206 cessor of Gengis Khan, 353
means Veda, 226 , kept the system of Bya, Bis-ja, Double-ja, Male and
• said to have been crucified figures unimproved, 218 Female, 174
for robbing a garden of a flower, , of Tibet, hold the Byzantium-the false Alexander
244, 248, 249, 256, 415 Grand Lama to be Buddha rein- arrived at, &c., as he had pro-
the Linga worship of, 260 carnated, 245 phesied, 348
• the followers of, affected , when they inhabited
the male principle, 269, 445 this island, 286
, called Sacs:, 275 , that the, were Negroes,
• in Pegu and Ceylon, sleep- the icons of the God clearly
ing, overshadowed by nine cobras, prove, 364
an emblem of the cycles, 286 and Brahmins, the, clear- Ca, the pronoun I, in Siam, 229
, who robbed the garden, a ly marked by Porphyry, 368 Caaba or Caavah, the name of Mo-
renewed Adam, 288 , the dis- hamed's temple, 398
--, the system of, of renewed tinction between the, became lost, 369 ,derived from the end of Mer-
incarnations, &c ., 307 , the, were hierists and cavah or Mercaba, the, with its
, believed to be a divine in- archierists, 370 360 pillars, was the temple or
carnation, as well as Jesus , during the Mahaba- circle or wheel of Mohamed, 401
Christ, 343 rat, were followers of the Nyaya, -, the, besides the 360 stones
• his sera probably began the Brahmins of the Vedanta around, had a black stone in the
with his supposed death, 347 -but they afterwards changed centre, still adored as the em-
-, the simple icons of, pre- sides, &c., 428 blem of the sun or generative
served by the Mohamedaus, 352 and Vishnuvites, division principle . Originally it had a
- and Cristna, the Gods, de- between, ib . dove or Iune, as an object of
scribe the Sun or the Higher , the, the monastic system adoration . Is said to have been
Principle of which it is the She- among, how kept up, 434 planned in heaven, i .- e . after the
kinah, but were probably men, and Brahmins, in all great pattern of, &c., 402
governing large nations, in whom points, the same, 438 Cabala, the Jewish, 221, 350, 428
a portion of the God was incar- Budwas Trigeranos, 4 , the, unwritten doctrine, 232
nated, 356 , Trivicrama-di. , the object of Christ was,
• stories respecting the se- tya or Buddha with the triple to open it to the world, 253, 409
cond, third, &c., ib. energy, , the, consisted of two
and Cristna, the ancient Buffon, Linnd, &c ., their specula- branches-Barasit and Merca-
religions of, like the ancient Ro- tions on the origin of man, on vah, 342
man secret religion, 366 his being created, and the arts . on the Tetragramma-
the partizans and sciences taking their rise not ton, &c., 346
of the religions of, the same, far from the Arctic circle, 444 , a reason for the care
though hating each other, 369 , ridiculed, by to conceal, 364
and the Calli- Sir W. Jones, &c., for teaching , or Gnosis, the doc-
dei-we should not find the, in that man must have been created trines of, taught in the old and
Britain and Ireland, had not the in Tartary, 445 new academy of Egypt, 387
same thing taken place here, as Buffoonery, 179, 212 , the religion of, its
in India, 370 Bull, the, .worshipers of, progress from simplicity to com-
• the, of Wales, Ireland, , equinoctial sign of, 105, 110 plication, 402, 403
Scotland, and India, always call- pas- Cabalistic Jews, the, 6
ed Old Man, why, 389 sage of, to Aries, - doctrines of Moses, Py-
and the Pandman kingdom , is succeeded by the lamb thagoras, and Jesus, the same, 398
represented by the Archierarch- withorit blemish, Cabin, the,
110 433
thought to be the first incarnation, 399 or Ox, the, of Oxford, Cadmman letters, the, in the Irish
, would represent Noah- the sectaries of, became alphabets,
Menu. Buddha, and Menu were 155
sectaries of the Ram, 368 on tripods, 204
qualities, appelatives personi- Bulla, the, worn by Roman chil- system, the, kept a ma-
fied, 400 dren, 87 sonic secret, 218
, the religion of, coming to , in the form of a heart, origi- Cadmus, 169
the West-the idea may be re- nally of a calf, as now of a lamb, , sixteen-letter alphabet of, 206
volting to some persons, yet facts -the Agnus Dei, 413 Ciere, Niebuhr thinks, was the pa-
prove it-from lona in Scotland Burckhardt, 6.5 rent city of Rome. If it had been
to long in Ceylon, from Tanga Burgage, nearly the same as Soc- the first Cardo, the peculiar
Tanga in Tartary and China, to cage, tenure-applicable to towns sanctity of Rome unaccountable, 395
Tanga Tanga in Peru, 424 -chews identity of the Sacs: of Caesar (Julius), 10, 27, 53, 54, 95,
Buddhas, books of wisdom, 4 Tartary and Britain, 268 141, 259, 356, 375
incarnations of, 129 Burman empire-one tenth is paid or Kaesar, grandson of
&c ., put to death, &c., 142 in the, Noah, 24
Buddhism, 34
,• the Pandman, Catholic
Burnet, 42, 49,
Kartuetla (Irish)-Ceartiutli
(iudo-Scythian) joined to the
or Universal, 175 EST, STULTITIA CARUIS8E, 132 Mexican Tiutli or Teotli, 25
Index 461
Page page Page
Calif-each thought himself the Cama, and Catrya, 170
Casar, name of the God Mars, 54
--, his birth announced by a successor of Adam and Noah, 377 Camaria, Coma-rina, &c .,
star, 95 , the, sole-proprietor of the 228, 295
--, principle of the mythos soil, like Caesar, by right of the Cama-rina, Cama-marina-
known in the time of, 134 Sword and the Book, 379 Sea-Goddess, 242
, probably paid tribute Camasene, the, in India, Cape Co-
-- regulated the Calendar, 139,
and did homage to Gengis . at ma-rin, and Italy, 127, 262, 296
140, 144, 314, 330, 335
on change of lands, among Bagdad, 383 Camber, to whom his father Brutus
ancient Germans, 283 Califate, the, split into parties, gave Wales, hence called Cam-
379 bria, 400
--, on the Britons' going naked, after Othman's death,
Cambrians, the, Saxons or Celts, 2
&c ., 304 • why Hassan Sabah said
Cambridge, the Domus Templi, at,
--, believed to be a divine in- that, with two friends, he could
overthrow the, 382, 383 250, 287, 387
carnation, 343
himself to be the ,the, was divided into three - and Oxford -D Wdical
384 or Buddhist foundations, 287, 288
person foretold, 344, 446 empires,
, a kingdom of, expected by California, the Gulf of, 38 - and Northampton, the
the Jews of North India, 345 Califs, the first four, &c ., deceived churches at, rebuilt oft Saxon
by Mohamed, if he were merely foundations, 388
probably conquered Britain
and Gaul, by being thought the a hypocrite ; but their simplicity Key, the, 24, 118, 133,
IEsar expected to come, 370 of life, &c ., prove they believed 210, 214, 226
--, the true origin of the name him a divinely commissioned Cambyses, 11, 13
of, is probably Kaisar, 391 person, 377, 378 left the Liugas, when he
destroyed the idolatrous temples
-- held by right of the book and , of Cairo, Bagdad, and Gra-
nada, uncertain how the, made of Egypt, 352, 364
the sword, 400
Caesareau operation, account of the, out their claims, 385 Cambyseses, &c ., Destroyed books
46 containing the mythos, 362
a part of the mythos, &c , 345 Caligula,
Caesari, the mythological character - and Helingabalus required Camel and elephant, the, not in
of, 229 the kissing of the foot, 55 much use where the signs of the
Ca'sars, the, Calijug or Caliyug, the, 118, 138 Zodiac were invented, 329
56, 446
-140, 183, 221 Campidolia, the, 74
, as successors of the, claims
made by the emperors of Ger- the Iron Age-Cristua came Canaauites and PhoYuicians, the,
308 the religion of, never entirelyabo-
many, Russia, &c ., 380 with,
Cain, princes in the race of, 133 Calinda, 117, 412 lished, but tolerated by the Jews, 96
and Abel, the sacrifice in the Calippus, the ancient astronomer, 320 , the, when driven out by
story of, 203, 361 Callida or Ur of the Chaldees, the Joshua, passed along the coast
, birthright of, forfeited by country of Abraham, 245, 289, 412 of Africa, to the Straits of Gib-
wickedness-and the death of • now Cochin-Ceylou pro- raltar, &c ., 306, 307
288 Canada, 28
Abel without issue, &c ., 361, 398 bably once so called,
-, in the first world, the De- Calli-dei, the, of South India, 117 Canals in China, the, probable ob-
stroyer, 430 Callidei, the, thought to have pos- ject of their construction, 376, 377
Cairo, ill fret (measure) of, 261 sessed the dominion of all India, Candles and lamps in churches
the califs of, &c ., 385 or to have prevailed over it, either copied from the Egyptians, 79
the college at, rebuilt about by the sword or the crosier, 396 Candy or Ceylon, 117
1123, A . D , 387 or Chaldieans, the exclusive Can •i a, rvvil, the, 249
Caius Papirius drove the Saxons possessors of science, 424 Cannon ball, the earth's revolution,
into Gaul, 150 years B . C ., 271 Callidiia-country of the di-call, or at the equator, about equal to
Cajetan's Gods by participation, the is of the holy Cali, 135, 206, 218 the velocity of, 312
same as Plato's made Gods, 81 Calliwachus-hi : hymn to Apollo), Canonization of Saints, the, the
Cal, changed into Gel and Gal-as 180, 181 apotheosis of Pagans, 81
Camel and Gamel, 295 Callistus .-See Nicephorus . Canterbury, the Archbishop of, ex-
Calabrian Shepherds, 90, 91 Calinet, 69, 114, 169 changed lauds from tenure by
Calany, a river and a temple, in • on the translation of Ec- Soccage to tenure by Knight-
Ceylon, 288 clesias'icas, and Wi>dom, 125, 126 hood, 269
Caledonia-the reiigious capital of , on the word Japhet, 400 Cautia (Kent)-of Kauya, or is of
Iona ? ib Cahoots or Calmucks, the, 150 Cuni-Bel ? 265
, Albania, and a Milea or Calvin, John, ' 73, 131 Canticles, the, 45
Miletia, and Mount Solyma, in anti Luther, afflicted Capacreyme, festival of, 31
Asia Mitnor-in Britain, Albany, with insanity, 123 Cape Comarin, (Coma-Marina?) 6, 16
Caledonia, and, in Ireland, the --'s dogma of predestined dam- C . , morin, 232, 257, 295
Miletii, 412 nation approved in Europe, as , the vernacular lan-
Caledonians-Saxons or Celts, 2 the goddess Cali is a favourite guage of, and the Celtic Hebrew,
Cali, 28, 31, 83 in India, 356 the'same, iu the same country, 294
-, the Goddess, from Kaaos, could not be prudently Cappaducians, the, 111
beautful, 128, 175, 243, 250 trusted with the secret doctrine, 367 Capricorn, 139
the female deity of Lore, 135 Calvinists, Grecism, Lutheranism, Car or Cor, for heart and wisdom,
-, the Goddess of Destruction, Papism, Sopheism, Sonneism, from ras or sar-io Chaldee it
175, 356 remains of the Cyclic system in, 445 read to the left, iu Coptic to the
-, Cal and Gal in, the same word Calvinists, genuine, 131 right, but in both meant head,
corrupted, 288, 289 tilt, 132 chief, prince, wisdom, 435
-, may have been Caal-72 or Calx, calyx, 28 Caracorum-suit and service done
600, or Kli=60, 293 Calydonia of India, of Scotland, 117 to the Khan of, as the descend-
-, wisdom, 295 Calymna and Calamina, 117, 412 ant of Japhet and Noah, 354, 361, 383
- and teo-the God Cali, 28 Cam, the, and Granta, Indian names , the Lord of, tile Lord
Calidei, Chaldsei, Callidei or Colli- of the Cambridge river, 295 Paramount of the Templars, 384
dei, the, 2, 135, 141, 171, 243, Cam-Deo, the God of Love-" Hell's , the Khan of, invested
261, 262, 294 great dread, and Heaven's eter- Geugis Khan, 388
Cali-dei, Cali-divi or Chaldans, the 250 nal admiration," 103 , the country of, in the
, the, of Iona, were follow- Cams, is both Cupid and Venus, 6, 103 year 232, was called Sian pi
ers of wisdom, 295 --, Cama-Deva, Cur X-ama, 6 Libres, Sion the Free ; in 302
V OL . i t .
462 Index
Page Page Page
115 Cedrenus, 104
des So theou, kingdom of the Cashmere or Afghanistan,
4 Ceilau or Coilan-Ceylon-the ac-
holy Saviour, &c., &c. ; proba- Cashi-Mere,
bly all our mythology has come Casi-mere, temple of Solomon in, cusative of Korxos, the father of
from, 411 135, 206, 232 Helen, the mystical mother of
Caraites, the, named after Cozar or -, two places so called in North Constantine, and the Latin name
135 India, 135 of heaven, 289
Caras or Ocaras, 14 Casideans, Chasidim, &c ., the best Celestial empire-the monarch of,
Cardiuales, the, of Rome, like Mo- calculators of time, 141 originally thought to be an in-
hamed's 72 Ausar or Helpers, 380 Casmillus changed to Camillus, 200 carnation of the Solar Ray -
- or centres of measure- Casper, Melchior, and Belshazzar, whence he is brother of the Suit
ments, the, probably began at Magi Mugs, 98 and Moon . The integrity of its
Stonehenge for Britain ; or if it Caspian Sea, the, 4, 24, (called institutions, from the earliest
was divided into three, Stone- Kist•, ) 135 times, preserved by its symbolic
henge was one of the centres, 410 229, ( and alphabet, 396
Cardinals, the, adore the Pope, 55, 56 Euxine,) 231 Celibacy, 47
, so named from being why not the -, the doctrine of Devils-
curators of the 72 parishes, &c., ship (or ark) built on ? 311 in high esteem among the Pa-
into which Rowe was divided ; , its depression gans, ib .
perhaps, as Cardinales of the 72 -an immense chasm into which Celibate Catholic, the, and the
divisions of the Patrimony of St . the Volga discharges itself, 333 marrying Protestant clergy, are
Peter, i . e. of the whole world, -, castles in the a copy of the monks of Tibet,
413, 420, 421 mountains near, got possession and of the Brahmins, of India, 434
Cardo, a, ran through every capital of by Hassan Sabah and his As- Cellarius, on Mount Taurus, 411
or principal town, as every na- sassins, 388 Cells or stalls, 178
tion reckons longitude from its Cassiodorus, 20 Celsus, 80, 95
capital, &c ., 413 Cassivellaunus, after he was de- -- on use of images, 80
Cardos or termini or mete-stones feated by Caesar, disbanded his Celiac, the, 203
were all polises . The first, from army, except the warriors of , were Scythiaus, and
which all the East or West 4000 chariots! 415 Galli or Gauls, 268, 273
branched off, was the arco or Cassock; the Sudra, Tunica, or Celtic, the, 20, 165, 166, 170, 171,
acro-polis, 410 Zone, 77, 78 181, 197, 206, 230
Carli, 25 , the ancient Mozzetia and five dialects of,-Scotch,
Carlisle, Sir Anthony, on a Crom- Sottana, 91 Mauks, Irish, Welsh, and Corn-
leh, 289 Caste-au effect, not an institution, ish, 20, 159, 267
Carmel (Mount), 44, 46, 58 275, 279, 392, 420 , or Hebrew, 130, 155
, the Vineyard or Garden of the favoured, wheat their -- Hebrew, the, the parent of
God, 44, 45, 193, 204, 239, 240 privileges began to be inquired all the languages in a primeval
Carmelites, the, and Essenes the into, 307 state, 259
same, 44, 46, 141, 248 Castes, the four-priests, the mi- --, the, is Hebrew, i . e . Chaldee,
Carmes-les Druides, 44 litary, dwellers in towns, and and vernacular in South India, 289
Care, probably the same as Cor- fariuers, 271, 283, 392 the six dialects of, 290
read Hebraica it meant wisdom, 411 Castello, 5 of Scotland and Ireland,
Carnac, in Egypt, 260 Castles, Lord, a ring found near difference of, 295
in Gaul, 261, 296 his estate, 130 , the five dialects of, now
a stone added to, every Cat-the numeral letters clo=600, different languages, 369
year, to record the time of the meant a-thus a cat came to be CELTIC DRUIDS, the, 82, 83, 119,
world, 340 sacred, 437 128, 130, 147, 149, 154, 155,
Carnate, in, we have the Mosaic Cathedral or Monastery, scarcely 197, 206, 220, 286, 287, 290,
mythos, and its two dialects- an ancient which doe, not con- 293, 296, 298, 302, 305, 306,
the Chaldee and Hebrew, 294 tain some fragment of the old 315, 444
-, probably so named from system, 415 -, see the, on Sacred
two Carus of St . Thomas, 411 Cathedrals and Minsters, all the Stones, 403
Caruatic, the, the Liugas of, 260-262 orders of, monastic-successions tribes, all the, were Xac'm
Carneaus, the games, &c., of the, of the ancient Roman priesthood or Saxie, so called from their re-
were all religious, 426 and of the Druids, 270, 276, 278, ligion, 280
Carne-vale, a farewell to animal 280, 281, 287, 288 Celts, the, 62
food, 59 formed at last bishoprics , ancient, opened their
Carnival, the, and the Saturnalia, or archbishoprics, 284 public councils by an invocation
identity of, 86 the choirs of, built crook- of the Holy Ghost, 299, 337
Cares, the, of Ireland, and of Ti- ed, &c., the knowledge of the as- , of Gaul-confederated
ber, 179 tronomical import being lost, 415 states among ; whence arose the
-- and Tumuli in India, the Catholic' processions are imitations system, 3 .5
same as those in Britain, 289 of those of the Pagans, 92 Censeo, I think-Ceti, Xn=650-
Carautensian Virgin, the, 108, 109 -- Popes, the, have all the a census, 302
Carnutes, the, of Gaul, 55, 87, 108, rites of the Heathens, 117 Censorious, 314, 3 .25
109, 130, 259-262 -, the holy, or Pandtean Ceuteotl, is Can or Cunteotl, 32
the Lamb of, 154 faith, &c ., 222, 232 Ceres, 77, 79, 86, 91, 99, 161, 202
Carthage, 17 Catholics, the, 3, 72, , Eleusinian mysteries of, cele-
Carthaginians, the, 289 Cato, 137, 230 brated twice a year, 91
Carthusiaos, the, 47 Caves-all the oldest temples of - or Xpls of Eleusis and Del-
Carum Gorum (or Caracorum) in Zoroaster and the Indians, were phi, 117
Tartary and Scotland - both, -in imitation of the vault or - identified with Bac-
perhaps, etymologically the same wheel of heaven, 401 chus and Apollo, 262
as Choir Ghaur or Gargarus, 411 Caucasus, 413 -, flour offered to, in
Casa Santa, the, at Loretto, 57 Cavah, the origin of our word cave, 402 the Eucharistia, 242, 244
Casahus, 110 Cecrops said to have divided the - or Proserpine, sacrifices offer-
Casas, Las, 29, 30, 39 Athenians into four tribes-these ed to, in an island near Britain, 262
Casaubou, Isaac, 84 probably into three peoples, and Ceylon, 9, (or Candy,) 117, 156,
Cashmere, 4, 16, 24 each people into 30 parts, 418 163, 218, 221, 259, 262, 277, 280
Index 463
Page Page
Ceylon, its history, &c ., 288-294 Buddhist history of Genesis- China, the emperor of, called Son
the districts or circles of, both, of West and East, from of the Sun, 292, 353
263, 303 Upper India, 257 the renewed incarnation vi-
C, G, and K, the change in, as, Chaidei, an order of, escaped from sible in, 340
Cor, Gar, Kardu, &c ., 412, 414 a flood, and, by their learning, -, the emperor of, as descend-
Chteones or Chaons, from atop established a universal pontifical ant of Japhet, would say, he is
aspirated, 135 government, 309 " entitled to suit or service
Chair of St. Peter, signs of the Zo- Chalidi, the, followers of Call, 135 from" European kings or their
diac on the, 57 Champollion, M ., 11 ambassadors, 359
Chalcidius, 96 his discoveries all -, canals in, for the encourage-
Chalcis, Mount, 117 delusions, 159 ment of commerce, &c. ; perhaps,
Chaldean loadi, the, adored fire as Chandra, 83 rather for receiving the tributes
the emblem of creative wisdom --- and Soma, pedigrees in in kind, before money was in
and power, or as the Wisdom the line of, nonsense, 351 use, 376, 377
and Power itself, 128 Chaug-ti, 36 gained territory by being con-
priests, the, alone under- and Tchaugti, the Su- quered. Could we come at the
standing the secret of writing, preme Being, 229 truth, we should probably find
were all magi or magicians, and Chaons, the, 3, or Chmones, 135 strong marks of the patriarchal,
masters of the world, 175, 214 Chardin, 217, 26.3, 268, 271, 272, 288 and perhaps of the first, govern-
-Celtic Sacm, the conquer- Chariots, the, of the Britons, pro- ment of man in, 396
ing tribes of, when they arrived bably travelled on many of the Chinese, the, 33, 36, 202, 205
in a new country, supposed to right-lined roads formed when use the expression
have established their own feudal Abury and Stonehenge were built, 416 bones of the Sow of the Spirit of
tenure, subinfeudatiug the land, Charisties, Caristies, Charistia, the Heaven, 103
in part, to the descendants of the festival of, 62, 64 on the first created, 133
antediluvians or aborigines, but Charlemagne, probably claimed to • are Sin, Saxons, or
reserving to the rulers - the be universal monarch, as suc- Buddhists, 215, 220
priests-the tenths, 435 cessor to Augustus ; his paladins , have the whole my-
Chaldeans, the, 26, 28,50,139, 147, 362 and Roncesvalles, &c ., 356 thos of the immaculate concep-
, the incarnate God, Charlevoix's Histoire de Japou, 367 tion, &c ., ac ., 215
crucified by, 117 Charms and amulets, ancient, re- • the wisest people in
on the race of Cain, 133 tained in Italy, 92 the world, because they exclude
called the Phoenix against witches, evil dm- European pirates, 216
p5] klo, 183 mons, &c ., once common among , or Sines, 227, 279
from central Asia, the lower orders, in Britain, 350 • have si a tree, the root
the inventors of the syllabic sys- Chartres, the stone in the cathedral of su, a learned man, •3 27
tem, 205, 245, 248 of, the same as the Liuga, 259, 260 , hold letters in religi-
why called Sabwans, 220 Chart (xaprgs) and Cart (Gaelic) ous veneration, 228
divided into differ- connected with letters, the agri- -, hold the Trinity and
ent bodies, like Masons, &c ., 248 meusorial measurement of land, the fall of Adam, 239
, and other ancient and with wheels, 413 • have trial by Jury,
nations, called the suit Bat, 289 Chasdim, the, or Kasdim or Casi- 278, 279
, held comets to be di-im, were Kasideans, 135 said to have once con-
planets, 314 Chasuble, 64 quered Ceylon, 292
- or Jews, the, knew the Chati, same as Sacti or Sakti, 6 -, emperor and nobility,
period of the comet, but made a Chemin, 137 persuaded by the Jesuits, that
mistake in calculating backwards, 328 Chemsennissa, wife of Feirouz, al- the doctrine of Confucius did not
, inventors of the legory on, 245 differ much from that-of the Gos-
Neros, probably understood the Chdphreu or Chabyris, 13 pel, &c., 366, 367
theory of comets, 330 Chequers, the calculi of Italy so , who are Buddhists,
- , the black-high science called, 235 attempted, by the Jesuits, to be
of the, 363 Cheres, 13, 14, 20, 21 converted to the faith'of Cristna
Chaldean astronomers worshiped or Chars was Moses, 14 -why, 367
the new-born God, 96 Chdrinus, or Menchdrinus, 13 consider Man a Micro-
magicians or conjurors, 142 Cherubim, the, 10 cosm ; the universe is man, on a
Druidical, or Brahmin Chia (Eve corrupted), the wife of large scale, &c., 398
caste, from the East, took pos- Bochica, 34 , language, the ancient,
session of the countries of the Chibirias, the mother of Bacab, 32 nearly related to Hebrew, 148
Aborigines, 392 Children, of the same trade as their - is that of
Chaldeaus, the, 2, 3, 138, 139, 141 parents, in India, 280 symbols, and called the language
, were Chasdim, or Chimalman, the Mexican Virgin, 32 of flowers, 148, 149, 247
the Chasdim were Chaldeans, 135 Chimborazo-the author required , first system of letters,
,Jews, and Arabians, to believe that the water rose 15 was of right lines, 160, 215
their languages connected dia- cubits above, 254 • Japonese, and Siamese
lects of one. language, 274 , the flood which languages, the, nearly the same, 214
Chaldee, the, the language of North threw up, 312 • numerals, the, one stroke
and South India, 128, 135, 166 and Mount Blanc- or line meant one, &c., 216
--, square letter, the are they not physical traces ? language, the, is understood
primeval language of the East, 153 &c., 315 over a space of 4900 miles, 217
-, alphabet is Estran- , might be thrown up the symbolic language of
gelo, &c ., &c ., 206, 239 by the flood of Ogyges, 332 the almost certainty of its having
or Hebrew, the original China, 10, 28, 31, 35, 36, 39- been formed by numerals, 443
root of the Sauscrit, 236, 237 41, 69, 173, 192,,214, 218, 223, empire, the, or the country
Chaldees, if originally Negroes, 229, 232, 240 of the 1000 cities of Strabo, pro-
&c ., 364 -, the Hebrew spoken in, 41 bably the seat of the first patri-
Chaldei or Mathematici, the, Jose- mythos of the crucifix com- archal government, 376
phus says, handed down the mon from, to Thule, 129 , Mexican, and North-Indian
cycle from the Antediluvians, 135 --, all taxes in, paid by a por- Mythoses, the, 35, 376
, the first account of, in the tion of the product of the land, 272 Records destroyed, 36
464 Index
Page Page
-Chinese Tartary, 215 Christ, on the time of the good the same persons or Gods as the
before, 326-328 Heathens, 80, 82, 90
, selected by Bailly,
and by most of the learned philo- , our, and Cristna, said to be Christians, the Early, prayed stand
sophers, as the birth-place of identical, 337 iug, 78, 104
444 -, the sera of, 347 would not
-, when his doctrines made call the days or months by their
Years, 26
31 progress ; how converted into a usual names, for fear of pollution, 84
Chiribians, the,
32 God, 355 , pilgrimages
Chisel-the rise of, scarcely known , when he came, the emperors of, imitated from those of the
when the Druidical circles were held only by right of the sword Pagans, 86
erected ; but religious principle after his death, the world, as , have a Saint as the Per-
may have operated against its then known, was divided into sians had an Angel for each day, ib .
use, 403 three Patriarchates, 400 , the Early, were taken
Chivalry-its origin, &c ., 303, 304 , till a short time before, all for worshipers of the Sun, by
Chivim-Evites, Hivites or Ophites, 31 science confined to secret socie- turning to the East, 89
Cho Conjoc, the second person of ties, 424 of the Church of England
the Tibetian Trinity, 118 Christening, Baptism, and Confir- turn to the East, ib .
Chod, God, is Od, Hod, 6 mation, rites of the Magi, of Mi- of Bythinia, 90
Choir Game thra, or the Sun, 66 have copied the names
Stonehenge, 260, 410 Christian, a, the Author entitled of Gods, 91
Choir Ghaur
Choir Ghaur and Cor-Ghari, names to the name of, as much as Ire- , the Early, would not
of Stonehenge and of Gargarus, owns, 120, 449 place laurel on their doors on a
the same in Sanscrit and old a, not required to give up Pagan festival, 94
British, 412 an iota of his faith, when he , the Verbum Caro factwn
Chol, XL=650, 28 turned Mussulman, 379 eat, not peculiar to the, 98
Cholula or Chululau, 26-28 a:ra, the, a fixed epoch -shew an infant on Christ-
Tulan, 27 for all the ancient Eastern and mas morning at Rome, 102
temple at, like Tower of Western nations, 353 the, of Malabar, called
Babel, 27, 28 Christian doctrines, the, 35, 37, 73 Christians of Nazarenee Mapila,
Chou-king, 36 to be found in or Surians of Surianee Mapila, 115
Choul, Du, 64 the morality of Pythagoras, 49 , of the first two centuries
Chreestian religion, the, existed hierarchy, the, the same consisted of Nazarenes, Ebiou-
from the earliest time, 368 as that of the Essenes, 71 ites, and Orthodox - and of
Chrest, the, crucified, 123 fathers, the, taught an Gnostics, &c ., 119
Chrestian mythos, esoteric and an esoteric religion, 129 , at this time, a sect of
16, 134 , the early authorities, no Paulites, 122
better guides than Ranters, esoteric- doctrines of the, 123
Christianity, the original of, Plato,
Jumpers, and genuine Calvinists, 131 have got possession of
Philo, Pantmuus, and Amtnonius
Monks, the, were Egyp- the Gospel of John, found in the
Saccas, 131
tian Essenes, 35 ancient temple of Jerusalem, 125
Chretiens, les, 97
, the, the polity of, a , one of the earliest names
Chri, Xprlc, 32
close copy from the Essenean, 43 of, Crestons; 127
Christ, 17, 22, 25, 26, 33, 36, 43,
47, 50, 60, 61, 64, 71, 75, 84, mysteries, the, taken and Gentiles, secret teli-
from those of Mithra, III gions of, the same, 130
95, 109, 110, 137-140, 171, 211
, what consti- , the sect of the early, the
attained the age of nearly 52
years, 26-(or of 50) 120-123, 228 tuted the whole of tile, will pro- lowest of all in intellect, burnt
bably never be known, 441 books, &c ., 132
conceived by a rose being
, the secret- of St . Thomas, 208, 262,
smelt, 33
ing of the, an attempt to restore 279, 280
• the Romish incarnation of
Divine Wisdom, 44 the secrets of Paganism, which natives of Europe, are
had beet), by degrees, revealed, Papists, Protestants, &c., 221
the Passover of Christians, 60
&c ., 442 , the first called Christs,
,. hymns sung to, as a God-
mythos, 10, 28, 34, 36, 251, 344
bowing at the name of, 90
- worshiped by the Magi, 95 37, 115 , of the present day, their
religion, the, 35 minds enfeebled by education,
his nativity revealed to the
• , same as the look with contempt on the learn-
Magi of Persia, 98
vulgar religion of the Gentiles, ing, &c., of the Brahmius, 337
• Lamb or Redeemer, repre- 42, 93, 145 , the Early, Josephs of
sented as the Sun, at the vernal
parables of, 134 Arimathea among, 342
equinox, 110
and all the , the system of the sect of,
the mysteries of, the myste-
Gentile religions attempted to be fell into pieces when the Mille-
ries of the Lamb, and of the
Mithraitic Bull, 111 explained and made one by Am- niutu did not arrive, 351
worshiped under the form of monius Saccas, 131, 447, 448 make the teacher of Sa-
a Lamb, ib . Christians, 3, 9, 25, 28, 39, 43, maria to be God himself, as the
, pictures of, not to be a lamb, 45-48, 50, 58, 59, 62, 70, 71, Brahmins do Cristna, 368
but a man on a cross, 112, 116 89, 90, 95, 96 and Mohatnedans, in rea-
of the Manichseau sect, 45 lity the same ; their mutual
- crucified, as preached by Paul,
122 -, most of the rites and hatred, 369
a verata questio,
doctrines of the, existed before , when the, of Spain, sur-
in the heavens, in 50 rendered to the Moors, they paid
the time of Jesus of Nazareth,
the form of a cross, 122, 123, 145 only a tenth of the produce-
EVXapts)a of the, 62
- was the Xprlc of India,,. the when their cities were stormed,
of St John, 66
Xp4;-ss of Tamul, the Cres-us , modern, have adopted a fifth was demanded, 377
of the Sanscrit, and the Chres- ancient monuments, &c ., 68 -, the bigotry and malice of,
us of the Latin, 123 - the hierarchy of, a close render their assertions (against
• on the generations from copy of the Persian, 71 Mohamedans) doubtful, 379
Abraham, to, 133 , the, of the Levant, all - and Nohamedans equally
• to be called a Stone-the use the girdle, 77 liable to misrepresentation, 380
Liuga or Logos, 259 have adopted and adored put out
Index 46 .3
Page Page Page
of sight the true grounds of divine Cir-from 7a gr-a circle, 263, 276 Clotaire, 266
right, &c ., why, 384 Circle, the, how divided, in Vo- Clytones and Clytonculi, 274
Christians, no rite now known lume I ., 404 Coatle, Mexican name of God, 32
among the, which was not com- Circles, districts in Ceylon and Ger- Cobbett, on the Moorish sway in
mon to the Gentiles, 442 many so called, 263, 303 Spain, 377
Christianities, two,-the esoteric Cobra, the, 130
and esoteric-the first consists of and in the five Northern Circars, , the nine overshadowing
the Atonement, &c ., intended for 276, 277 Buddha, sleeping, emblem of the
the vulgar ; the-esoteric was a the, of Germany, were all cycles, 286
secret, not meant to be ex- religious divisions of the pontifi- Cochin China, Tonquin, Japan, and
plained, 367 cal government, 411 China, the characters of, the
Christianity, 25, 28, 37, 61, 71, 95 Circular temples, in cyclar num- same, though the spoken lan-
, the mythos of, in bers, erected in honour of the guages differ, 215
Egypt, 10 Deity, 306 , Callida, 288
in Circumcision, the law of, omitted Cockayne, the mast of, the load-
Tartary, in North and South In- in Aelfric's Anglo-Saxon transla- stone 1 182
dia, 28, 36 tion of the Pentateuch, 173 Codex Borgianus, 32
in means also initiation, Vaticanus, 32, 35
China, 19, 36, 97 248, 309, 310 Ccelum-how derived, 408
, in the custom among Cmnobites, the, 48
Mexico, 28, 34, 36, 37 the Tamuls, in Mexico, in Col- Ccenobium, Kowo>;,oy, 47
, orthodox, 73 chis of Armenia, in Egypt, lit Cohen (13 cn) the general of the
,sacrifices for the Dead, Guinea and Congo-prevails only Priest or Pontiff made himself
coeval with, 74 among the priests, 309 Khan, 395
, modern systems of, Cjang-cihup-the wisdom of Sion Cohenia, a priest, a Cohen, 3
identical with those of the an- or Xin, 211, 224 , Sagan, ib .
cient Persians, 106 Claproth's, Mr ., Map of Asia, 411 Cohens, the, Jewish priests, de-
, flourished here before Clarke (Dr .), 95, 108, 117, 239, scendants of Aaron, 222
the time of Christ, 279 240, 262 Coir, genitive choir, the Gaelic for
, generally prevalent in ,on Tumuli and Carus, a space inclosed on all sides, is
Britain, at the end of the fourth in India, 289 the xwpa, place or land, 413
century, when the Romans left on the compapies es- Colebrook, 88
it, 281 tablished in Thebes, 418 and others blockheads
, modern, if stripped of Classical Journal, 110, 210, 432 enough to consider the Buddhists
corruptions, a continuation of Claude Duret, 3 as Atheists, 428
the ancient religion of Rome, 367 Claudian, 145 Colidei, the, 130
Christie, oil Worship of Elements, 251 Claudius, 76 College of Heralds, the origin of
, on a passage from Diodo- -, human sacrifices offered our, the council of the Amphic-
rus on speech and symbols to by the Romans, till the time of, 281 tyons of Delphi and Eleusis, 422
represent objects, 437 Clearchus, 50 Colleges, our, remains or revivals
Christus or Chrestus became Chros- Cleland's Specimens, &c ., 55, 59, of Druidical institutions, 297
tos, 250 62, 109, 222, 264, 266, 276, 277, (celebrated) anciently esta-
Chronicles of the kings of Persia 279, 290, 297, 299-302, 304, 413 blished at Nagracut, Bocharia,
adopted into the canon of the
Jews, 17
C lemens Alexandrinus 1 17, 20, 43, and Cashmere, 444
Clement of Alexandria 49, 50, 60, Collie, the Rev. David, on the Kung
Chrysanthius, the master of Ju- 79, 89, 115, 125, 234, 447, 449 plan in China, by which a tenth
lian, 448 on rudiments of the produce was fixed as the
Chryses, 225 of wisdom taught by Christ, found land tax, 376
and Calchas-their dispute in the philosophy of the Greeks, 130 -'s translation of Hea Mung, 421
with Agamemnon, 350 held the alle- Cologne, skulls of the three Magi
Chrysostom, St., 58, 61, 298 gorical meaning, 131 kings at, 98
on the Gentile , on the mysteries celebrated -, Christ as a Lamb, at, 111
mysteries, 430 under the Cupola of Temples, Colonies from Italy and Greece, in
, John, on children &c., 298, 303 very ancient times, 434
wearing medals of Alexander, as and his school, revived and Colosse, 43
talismans, 248 taught the beat part of the an- Colosseum - the Cyclopman wall
Chubb, 131 cient system of mysteries, &c. 342 found under the ruins of the, 381
Churula, 28 , on the Mosaic Colubra, Culebra, 31
Cicero, 2, 52, 64, 76, 86, 98, 100, mythos at Eleusis, 347, 350 Columb, St., or Columba or Co-
164, 202, 236 says, that the truths taught lumbes, in Cornwall-its sacred
on the power of the Augurs, 52 in the mysteries had been stolen stones, called the nine maid,, 286
on Transubstantiation, 64, from Aloses and the prophets, 440 Columba or Iona, settlements of the
442, 443 , the mysteries Chaldei made as far as the island
's property confiscated, 76 alluded to by, 442 of, 257
, Brutus, &c., the learned Clement VIII . 55 and Columbo of Ceylon,
and unlearned fools in Rome, Cleobolus-tyrant of Lindus-his both so named by the same sect,
against, 345 riddle on the year, 319 280, 288, 289
Cihnateocalli-i . e. temple of Cali, Cleomenes, the alphabet of, 220 the learning of, when the
the God of Sina or Sian, 31 Cleomodes-on a month, as 30 rest of Europe was in ignorance
temple of Sin, Sion, days, 321 and barbarism, 286
Sinai or Sina, 29 Clients, the Roman, were to the Colombo, in Ceylon, 288-290
Cimmerians, the, 4 Gentes, what the tenantry were Columbus, 33
Cio or Cioch, 8, 31, 227, 229, 230 to the Highland Lairds, 392 Columella, 133, 134, 139, 141, 142
CIPATENAL, the WORD, 23 Clifford's Tower at York, formerly Comet, the, (of 1680?) 138, 382
Ciphers . A be language of, 185, 186 an Olympus, 276 of 5751 years' period,
, the written, unspoken lan- Clisthenes' code of laws-the aim 327, 328, 330-332, 334
guage of, extended over the of, to blend the noble clans of if a, caused the change of
whole world, and was long fixed, 234 Athens with the other citizens, 419 the earth's axis, at the flood, 313
, the language of, the first, 235 Clo=600, Call or klo the Phoenix, 183 the, of 1680, seen four
466 Index

Page Page Pag e

times, viz. 44 B. C., 531 or 532, &c., in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Coral, a, (hence Earl) meansal corl,
A . D ., 1106 and 1680 A . D ., 326 America, 372 chief of the corle or circle, 292
, the probable cause Coustantine, 26, 27, 33, 34, 51, Cora-uandel - Coromandel - the
of the flood, 327-332, 334, 338 53, 54, 56, 90, 94, 105, 126, circle of Core, 277, 290
periods of, to the 138, 278, 279, 289 Cordiner, on the corles or districts
Christian sera, 328, 329 • indictioos of, 34 in Ceylon, 292
our astronomers will assert was both Christian and Core, Cyrus, lops, Ras, Ros-e, Sir,
that they can calculate the periods Pagna, 51, 119, 281 and O-sir-is mystically connected ? 242
of several of the, 330 affected to be the Tenth Corea, the Chinese written language
, the, may have effected great Avatar, 51 understood in, 215
changes in all the planets, 336 • alleged gift of Italy Coreans, the, esteemed stupid by
the, of 1680, the coinci- by, to the Church, 53, 54 the Chinese, 216
dence between, and the chrono- - ordered Sunday to be Corinth, 43
logical date of,the flood, in In- set apart in honour of the God Coruwallis, Lord, the government
dian, Jewish, and Grecian writ- Sol, 90 of, 374
ing, establish the reality of a the cross of, probably Corporate towns, the, of Europe,
flood at that time, on so high a a crucifix, 118 existed under the priests-con-
probability, as to amount almost _-, the treason of, 145 nected with the Patidwistic my-
to certainty, 439 the miscreant, affected thus, 276
, way come to be an Avatar, 207 Cortes and Pizarro probably aided
again-the tops of the mountains ,gave a preponderance in their conquests by the mythos,
may be the bottom of the seas, 445 to the Popes and Paulites, 270, 449 &c., 370
Comets- held to be planets, 314 how influenced to give --, recommended the Emperor
Common Soccage-lauds held in, 265 the successor of St. Peter the to get a grant of the tithes, from
Law, the ;, of England and right of ruling by the book, 345 Pope Alexander Vi . : this was
Scotland, established before the conduct of, a proof refused,-why, 393
writing was generally known, 272 of the close connexion of Pagan- Cortona, 127
and feodal law, the, of En- ism and modern Christianity, 349 Cos, the island, Hippocrates on the
gland, both came from India at - established a priest- years of, 319
same time ? 273 hood interested in the success of Cosar, a kingdom of Jews, in the
Comorin, Zamorin, or Camarina, 228 the mythos, &c., 355 East, so called, 25
--, Cape, 232, 257, 295 was the follower of Cosmo, St., 84
Compitales, the, 90 Cristua-ano Pope in India be- and Damien, the church of,
Compitalicii,, the games, ib . cause there was no Constantine was the temple of Romulus and
Conception, immaculate, 21-23, there, 370 Remus, 91
38, 42, 49, 96, 97,102 suspected to have di- Cotillon, the, , dancing origi-
crucifix- vided the world among his three
ion, and resurrection, the my sons, in compliance with the my- nally religious, 179
thos of, in Egypt, 21 thos of Shem, Ham; and Japhet, 400 Council of Nice, the, 355
In India, , the half Pagan and , burning of
Syria, Mexico, and South Ame- half Christian eccentricities of, books by the, 357
rica, 22, 23, 38, 42 what accounts for, 443 Counties or Earldoms, the, of Great
&c ., in Bp. of Constauce, 80 Britain, were they 72, and the
China, 215 Pogonat, 111 Parishes 360 ? 292
Conclave, the, knowledge possessed Constautinople, the council of, (In Couiity, .i; e . count-ia, district of the
by, uncertain, 93, 342 Trullo,) in 707, ordered pictures Conde, 301
, the secret doctrine of Christ in the form of men, l 11, 112 Cousin, Victor, on all -great men
of renewed Avatars (probably) , three days, how being fatalists, 358
existed in, 367 reckoned in, 142 Coxcox, saved on a raft,-perhaps
Conclaves, the, of Tibet and of , the city of seven Sasax or Saxas, 31
Rome, 117 hills, 354 Craft, trade, or caste, each a secret,
Concubines, the 360 Royal, of the and Egypt, dispute in India, 279
Persian kings, 317 between the rulers of, 352, 354, Crafts or trades, all originally bound
Conde is Can or Khan-Can-ill, 361,388 by religious ties,- ib.
holy Can or Kau, 301 in the domain of Cranwer, 132
Confederated towns and states of Japhet ; is called Room by the Crates blolates, brought grammar
Ionia, &c., being precisely twelve, Mohamedans of the East, 360 to Rome, 170 B . C ., 195
shew method and design, 394 Consulate, when the Roman was Crawfurd, 9, 217, 238, 315
- states, among the Celts divided between the two orders, on the Negroes of the
of Gaul, 395 the Patricians demanded the ex- Upper Gauges, 363
Confession, 73, 74 clusive jurisdiction of the civil Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer,
Confirmation, 66, 71, 232 and religious law, as it was the the, 83, 244, 256, 429, 430
by the girdle, 77 science of their caste, &c., 394 the, Logos or Wisdom, the
Confreres, the 360 of Athens, &c ., 418 Cook, Captain, 38 same, 230
Confucius, 36 Cooke, 48 Crescent, the, always the emblem
, similarity of his doctrine Copias, the drains from the Lake, of the female generative principle, 291
to that of the Gospel, 367 3$1, 419 -, from the use of, probable
Confruion of tongues, the, allegory 234 Coptes, the, 77 that Mohamed adopted the dou-
of, Car (choir), centre of measure- ble principle, though said to have
Connexion, the ancient, between ments in Italy, &c . ; it also meant destroyed the dove or lane, 402
the Eastern and Western -nations, 262 heart, and wisdom, hence proba-
Conquerors, numbers of,, have bly, in Persia, it described the Crestian Port, the, Portus Cresso, 117
thought themselves, and have Sun, 410 - (Christian) name, a, de-
been thought by their followers, -, cor-dis or di, divas .- hence rived from use of a crest or seal, 1$8
to be Messiahs, 345 where the Decumanns or line mythos, the whole an
Constant, Benj ., 44, 97, 261 crossed it, a cross was set up, esoteric system, 232
, on a priestly govern- &c., 413, 414 Crestism, 9
ment in Greece, 350, 351, - Gawr-the circle of the Mighty Crestiana or Christians, the, of the
,on similar customs, &c ., One, 411 West, probably descended di-
Index 467
Page Page
rectly from the Buddhists, rather Page Cross, the sign of, a foundation in Crucifixion, the, of Pythagoras, 127
than from the Brahmins, 438, 439 nature, 116 of Quecalcoatle, 32
Crestologia, 20 , of the Templars, with of Salivahana, 115
Crestons, one of the earliest names eight points, why, 298 of Semiramis as the
of Christians, 127 , the Cardo, and the De- Dove or Divine Love, 116, 118
Cresto-polls, 117 cumanus, 371 of Sol, 99, 100, 112, 116
Cretans, the, of Mount Ida, Jews, 189 Crosses-pointing to the four car- of Wittoba or Baliji,
Crete, 102, 180, 188, 226 dinal points-their object, the 115, 118
called Candia and Icriti, 117 collection of the tenths for the of Xaca, 105
Creutzer, 7, 56, 62, 231 priesthood, 372 Cruden, 128
on a priestly govern- Termini, or Priapuses, the, Crusades, the,-the mythic super-
ment, in Greece, 350 of the Romans (often indecent), stition at the time of, 349
Cristna, 5, 8, 9, 35, 43, 44, 48, emblems of the generative power, , ' the Millenium ex-
56, 57, 98, 100, 104, 133, 202, 414, 415 pected at the time of, 356, 382
218, 221, 242 Crotona, 48 Crymogsea, the, of Arngrimus, 300
the same as Samson, 8 Croze, La, 118, 243 Cryptographic writing, by ciphers,
and Jesus, identity of their Crucified God, the, the doctrine of, 182, 183
history, 44, 241 in Italy, anterior to the Christian system, the, not en-
, birth of, different, accord- mra, 126 tirely disused in India, 235
ing to Maurice, from that of Jesus, 49 , the adoration of, 262 Crysen (or Chrysen), the country of
the Saviour, 88 Crucifix, the, of Balii, of Cristna, X p+1s, 122
• i ncarnation of, 98, 343 of Ixion, of Prometheus, 117, 118 Ctesias-on the walls of Babylon, 317
the same as the Kistnah, 115 at every cross-road in Cufic alphabet, the, long served for
---- and Salivahana, mythos of, 117 Tibet, 117 letters and ciphers, 213
and Rama, the same, 137, 138 , of Nepaul, 118 Culdees, the, of lona and Wales,
strangled the serpent, 144 • a, an object of adoration had married and unmarried mem-
entombment and resurrec- from the Indus to the Tibur, and bers in their convents, 248, 280
tion of, 142, 145 even to Scotland, 119, 129 at Ripon and York,
• after, came the reign of • the Pagan Roman, pur- 279, 287, 288
the Pandus, 222 posely concealed, 120 Culi-dei (Chaldees), Xlui=666, 210
• the followers of, affected mythos of, common to Cullidei, Chaldeeans, or Mathema-
the female principle, 269 all nations, 129 tici, the most learned race in the
• sects, varieties, and mise- ,heuthen, dis a ppearance world, 257
ries of every kind, arose with- of, in Britain, &c., 130 , Cullidi, or Culdees, their
with the agee of iron, 308 Crucifixion, Resurrection, Immacu- three sacraments-Orders, Bap-
, Christ-na or Christ-en, ac- late Conception, and Trinity, the, tism, and the Eucharist, 262,
cording to the Brahmins, incar- mythos of, found in Egypt, India, 279-281, 290
nated for the salvation of all who Syria, Mexico, and South Ame- ordained each other before
believe on him, 341 rica, 21, 22, 25, 33, 28, 42 the Romish priests came among
, the degree of perfection in • the, the Author's opi- them, 280
the form of, arrived at by hand- nion respecting, not stated, 120 Coma, on Cape Comorin, 6
some black males constantly unit- of Adonis, 99, 100, 112 Cumana, Humboldt's Sundial in, 297
ing with the most handsome black of Apollo, 102, 103, 180 Cumans, the, 30
females, 363 of Atys, 102, 104, 106 Cumaman Sibyl, the, 129
• by the Brahmins, made to • of every Avatar,,cele- Cunti, Centeotl, Can or Cunteotl, 32
be not the ninth Avatar, but God
himself, as Christians make the
brated at the 5 temples in Egypt, 118
of Bacchus,
Cup-the sending round of, &c., a
100, 102, 112 variation of the Eucharistia, 300
teacher of Samaria, 368 of the black Saviour, 32, Cupid, 5, 6, 103
and Buddha, the partizan& 36, 37, 116 and Venus, both called Epws,
of the religions of, the same, . of Buddha, 103, 105, divine love, 170
though hating each other, 369 118, 124, 244, 248, 249, 256, 415 Cupola-from Cup, in Welsh top,
, the stories respecting, why of the Christ, 123 same as ras, &c., 298
believed by the couuuoti people, 426 of Christ, 25, 122 Curetes or Saviours, why nine, 286
(the benevolent lamb) and
• the Christ of the Ro- Curioues-Curates, 53
Vishnu (the fish), the followers maus, 124 Curls and Churls, our, from al-
of, call the Sacm, Saxons or of Cristna, 104, 118, 124, 145 corl ? 292
Buddhists, atheists, 428 of the Dove, 114, 116 Curtius, Q., on the Walls of Babylon, 317
Cristnas, incarnations of, 129 of Horns, 102 Cusco, 32
-, &c., put to death, &c ., 142 of law or Iao, 100, 112, 122 Cushites and Cuthites, so called
the two, of India and of ludra, 33, 206 from change of T and 8, 200
Rome, 219 of1xion, 116, 118, 198 Cusuma-answers to Camasa and
Cristona, 127 of Jesus, the Son of Si- Camasene, 296
Crcesus, king of Lydia, 318, 319 rach, 124, 232, 441, 442 -pure, Pushpa-pura, Patali-
Croix, Pet. de la, 353 of Jesus Christ, 104, 105, 112 pura, the city offlowers, ib.
Cromlehs and Carns, the, &c., 373 , and resurrection of, Cuvier, 39
Crosier, the, carried by the Ponti- most important parts of Chris on the revolutions of the
fex Maximus, 57 tianity-whence derived, 100 world-sudden and violent, 312, 313
, was the lituus of Ro- ,a , on the mythological nature
man Augurs, 78 close copy from Paganism, 112 of ancient history, 360
and sword, the, 264 , believed in literally by on diluvial remains, 361
', disputes be- the Ebionites, &c .,-but spiritua- Cybele, 47
tween, 36 , 366 liter by the Gnostics, &c., 119 Cycle of 360, 141
Cross, the, 30, 34, 35, 37, 69, 88 of Jupiter Ammon, 102 of fourteen, how written, 160
venerated by the Cumaus, 30 Zagraius, 103 , 162, 163, 181
the God every where of the Logos, in the hea- the first was 6, then 60, then
crucified and suspended from, 36 vens, 123 600, &c ., 195
, signing with, 69, 302 of Mithra, 99, 100, 112 , of 666, was the
, sign of, to drive away of Osiris, 100, 102, 136 name of every planet, . 212
the Devil, 88 of Prometheus, 113, 116, 118 - of twenty-eight, 149, 150, 162
468 Index
Page Page
Cycle of the Neros, 140, 198 Cyprian, St ., 58 Daniel, made ruler over 360 cities, Page
the Metonic, 32, 198 Cyrrhestica-Crest-ica, 236 by Darius, 420
of Om, 181 Cyrus, 51, 56, 57, 375 Darius-the 360 Satraps: of, 317
- precessional, the, of 25,920 the Amy 'rwy aimywy, 51, 56 , solicited to prohibit prayers
years, 141 a solar epithet, 231 for 30 days, 320
of 84, used by ancient Britons, 162 a Messiah, 233 - and Alexander-in the battle
, is Jewish, British, and thought to be a Xprlc, 251 between, streams of blood said to
Indian, 190 the 360 channels cut by, to have ascended from the terrestrial
-, the same things renewed in make the Gyndes fordable, 317 fish, &c ., 346
every, 226, 227 • believed to be a divine in- - made Daniel ruler over 360
, of 600, an emanation of carnation, 343 cities, 420
divine love, 242 himself to be the Darol-Hikinet or house of wisdom,
, does not every return, person foretold, 344 at Cairo, in which all the sci-
according to God's law ? 338 • was put to death by the ences, &c., were publicly taught, 387
, of 600, marked as sacred Tzarina or Queen of Caracorum, 360 Darn (Persian) Drui (Irish) a Per-
by the bonnet or mitre on the sian Magus, 225
--, Darius, 4nd Cambyses-
head of the youth on the Roman their reason for destroying the Data-the Sauscrit Dhatoos are, I
ases, 433 images in Egypt, but leaving the Daudpotri, 232
Cycles, system of regeneration of, 36 Lingas, &c ., 364 David's (Lumley) Turkish Gram-
and sacred numbers, origin (though an Iconoclast), why mar, 421
of the, 223 David, (king,) supposed to have had
he could reconcile the adoration
• the knowledge of, necessa- of the solar power with the ado- the same soul as Adam, Abra-
rily a secret, 236 ration of the Supreme Being, 429 ham, and the Messiah, 97
• with the high priests pro- -, 105, 232, 238
duced astronomy, with the low sons of, in India, 122
priests and vulgar, superstition, 243 28 generations from, to
, described by Cromlehs and Christ, 133
Carus, in India, Britain, &c ., 256 , Psalms of, a sentence from
D and r permutable in Sanscrit, the, identical in Hebrew and
• the, regulated festivals and 119
agricultural labours, Dam, the, 4 Welsh, 154
• renewed, the system of, Dabistan-Persian books, called , Daud, Dis or Di-oud-the
calculated for duration, vedas, 226 holy man of Oud or of Ayoudia, 238
--, all the, were microcosmic, 399 Dad, dade, daddy, for father, 33 , a man after God's own heart,
--, all the, made up by the Dafterdam, the (treasury office), the yet given to the Jews as a pun-
multiplication of the five and six, numbers used in, form an alpha- ishment, 364
bet, 235 , measures of the sepulchres
409, 431
--, the great, described in differ- Dag, 21 of, still remaining at Jerusalem, 405
ent ways-in the East, by 600 Dago and Taurico danced before the ark, 426
38 Davies, Mr., 97
and by 60 ; in Italy, by 240, 360, Dagon and Taurus
120, &c ., Dagun-a god so called, at Ran- , on Son of Mary, in a
of 21,600, of 43,200, goon, 288 Welsh bard, 154
, his Celtic Researches, 290
&c ., 432 DaiµoyoXa-rpeia or AsiciSaiptoyia,
the system of, arose out of, the, of the Gentiles, imitated in De, di, dia (Celtic), Deus, and 8ia
• and Orlw, the Goddess Ceres,
and was continued by, the wants the clyioXcsrpeia of the Greek,
of man ; it aided in supplying or Roman, and Protestant churches, 81 from +1 di-holy, 161
remedying those wants ; it is Dak-po (Dg-Padus, or Po), name De Rossi, quoted by Lowth on the
yielding to the law of change, of Bacchus in Ceylon, 163 LXX . 16
and is almost forgotten, 445 Damasceuus, John, S., 112 Deans and Chapters, the origin of,
Cyclopman and Druidical monu- Dan, is involved in absolute darkness,
ments, 36, 147 , sign of, the Scorpion or Eagle, 105 thousands of years after the dis-
D'Ancarville on mythology of Egyp- covery of the art of writing, 280, 339
no inscription found on any, tians, Brahmins, &c., 267 Deasil, the, must be performed run-
197, 198, 206 - says the Sacm were ways, &c., 291
walls arose by degrees, also called Sagm, 274 Debtors and creditors, the, of
as the world became crowded, on the FEUDAL SYS- Greece and Italy-the debts were,
food and land scarce, and man TEM, 262, 372 probably, demands made by the
quarrelsome, 365 Dances, music, &c., to aid memory nobles for more than the tenths,
wall found under the before syllabic writing was dis- &c., 418
ruins of the Colosseum - Nie- covered, 247, 424 Decalogue, the, 171
buhr's silence on the, 381 Dancing, originally merely religi- Decapolis, the, of Western Syria, 277
Cyclops, the, 135 ous, 179, 233, 262 Deccan-Daschuia in Sanscrit-
icvu?os and obis-Serpent approved of by Socrates, answers to Decapolis, and to the
of the Cycle, or Logos of the Cy- Sophocles, &c., 425 Tithings of Alfred, ib.
cle, 438 • the ancient, entirely imi- December 24th, at midnight, orgies
Cyclopes, the, or Calidei or Mathe- tative, and esteemed honourable celebrated in Mithraitic caves,
matici, the builders of Stone- or otherwise, in proportion to and in temples generally, to the
henge, Abury, Dipaldenha, the the dignity of what it was meant honour of the God law-the Sa-
temples of Solomon, the Pyra- to express, 425, 426 viour, 95
mids, &c., &c ., 135 Daniel, the writing interpreted by, , at Rome, 96
, one-eyed, after the a symbol for a word, 186 the Persians called
image of God, the sun, 136 on a time, times, and a half, it the Night of Light, 99
, regulators of cyclic re- &c ., 317 the accouchement of
ligious festivals, &c ., 236 not to pray for a month, 320 the Queen of Heaven, celebrated
Cyniri, the, supposed to have been • the 1260 of, calculated to on, by nearly all nations, ib .
brought to Britain, by Hu Gadarn, begin with our present wra, 329 25th, the birth of the God
from Defrobani - Taprobane, • a perfect picture of, exhi- Sol, celebrated on, by the Gen-
Ceylon, 290 bited by Naszireddin de Thous, tiles, 98-100-of Osiris, 99,
Cyning, the Sophi, Ras, Cunning at the court of the Khan of Tar- 102-of Adonis, Apollo, Atys,
marl-King, 230 tary, &c., 382 and Jupiter Ammon, of Crete, 102
Index 469
Page Page
December 25th, the birth of Horns Page Den Soll, Unitarian meaning of Dii Cousentes, the, 433
celebrated by the Egyptians, 102 these words, 129 Dii Consortes, the, 344, 345
Decutnanni, the, perhaps men of Des Cartes, with some additions, Diodore, 97
the tenth: or tithes, the operatives revived the philosophy or doc- Diodorus (Siculus), 11-13, 28,
under the Cardinales, 381 trines of the ancients, 398 84, 229, 290, 313, 314, 317
Decumanus, the, decussated accord- and Berkeley in Eu- , on the most
ing to the cardinal points, 371, 372 rope, and Vyasa in India-the ancient succession of the Gods,
was drawn at every doctrines of, 427 &c ., 323, 325, 326
tenth part of the circle from N . De-Saine, Desanus, names of Her- , on speech, indistinct and
to S ., whence its name Deca ; cules or the Sun, 225 confused, and symbols to repre-
like the parallels of Latitude, Desire of all Nations, the, 167, 251 sent objects, 437
these lines were always the , to be born Diogenes Laertius, 101
same, 413 from the side of his mother, 345 , on the length of
Deen, religion so called by the Mo- Despotisms in Asiatic states-the the year, 318-320
hamedans, 250 cause, 366 and Auaxagoras, on the
Deflowering, whence the phrase, 244 Deucalion, 18, 20, 439 design of the earth's inclination, 314
Dei-para, and Panayia, 45 (Deus Cali, or holy Cali), Otor fl Xao yo, the, or holy sailors,
Deir, in Sanscrit, means an island ; the flood of, took place 2348, eastern tribes, might be Chalidei
is the name of God and of the B . C ., 332 -the only people who, after
island of Ceylon, 288 Asvxo;, suavitas, dulcedo, hence Deucalion's flood, preserved the
Deisul, voyage of Salvation, 21, 276 Deucalion, 18 use of letters, 439
Deisuls, 20, 64, 233, 422 Devaci, the mother of Cristua, 98 Diomede, 18
, whether sacred theatres Devanagari, the, 236 Dion, on a certain dmmon, styling
preceded or followed the, 340 Devi, in Sanscrit, means an island ; himself Alexander of Macedon,
Deity, the doctrine of the andro- is the name of God, and of Cey- appearing on the Danube, &c ., &c ., 348
gynous nature of, as universal as lon, 288 Diouysius Exiguus, on the error of
the Trinitarian, 256 Devil, contrivances attributed to 30 days as a month, 321
De Ia Cerda-his commentary on the, by Spanish Monks, in re- Halicarnassus, 51, 84
Virgil, 408 ference to Mexican and Peru- in the history of, a pagus
Delta Salute, church of, at Venice, 91 vian doctrines and rites, 23, 24, is called a aeptaoXiov, as we should
Delecarlians, [Dalecatlians,] the, 31, 33 say a circumpole, 419
have a dialect of their own- the, and his fallen angels, , Aristotle, and Polybius,
a relic of Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, the prototype of, &c., 88 all equally ignorant of the origin
and Irish, 258 -, the cunning, 252 of the tribes of the Greeks and
Delhi-city of the God Ii-D'-el-ii, 352 , begetting Merlin on the Italians, 420
there is a, in Sumatra, 353 body of a virgin, fable of, 349 ;,
Bacchus, worshiped, as
the city of seven hills, 354 , said to have copied the St. Denis, 84, 85
Delos and Delphi-a black dove Christian rites, when the Pagan Dionysus, the God, same as St .
came to, from the Hyperboreans mysteries were attempted to be Diouysius, 85
-the priestesses of, particularly restored, 442 Dipaldenha, built by the Cyclops, 135
endowed with the Holy Spirit, 285 -drivers, 131 Dipaldenna, 369
Delphi, 86, 102, 136, 202 --driving age, a, 426 1)ios, S . American name for God, 161
Apollo's tomb at, 102 Devils, the, busied themselves with Dipuc, or Cupid and Venus, 242
- and Eleusis, the Xpi/s or the Eucharist, 60 Di-Saka or Dera-Saka, Bala Raja
Ceres of, 117 set up baptisms, 66, 68 so called, 221
, mythos known at the tem- air cleared of, by baptized Dis Manibus, 203
ple of, 134 bells, 70 Dis Mariebus, ib.
, (means navel, the centre,) , driven away by salt in Disorder, the, which the present
the Liuga worship of, 260, 262 holy water, .88 system seems to shew, is proba-
Delrio, 408 Dewtahs (bad angels), with whom bly only temporary or periodical, 339
Delta, the, of Egypt, laid bare by a 312 Cristua, the Saviour, made war, ib . Div, in Sauscrit, is an island ; Seren,
flod Deys, the, of Algiers, Tunis, &c ., is quasi Selan, the island of Cey-
, appeared at the subsidence of admit the supremacy of the lou-Seresidib, 290
the Mediterranean, 352 Grand Seignior, 380 Divi or Gods, Divi or Saints, 91
Deluc-on the sudden revolution of Dhasa-meda-decima and modius - inferiores, Rornan and Chris-
the earth's crust, 313 -the tenth measure, 263 tian, 80, 81, 85
Deluge, the, remarks on, by an Dhatoos, the Sanscrit, are data, I Divine incarnations - Buddha,
American writer, 312 D'Herbelot, 77, 303 Cristua, Salivahaua, Moses, Cy-
Dentet ius, St., 85 and Desguines censur- rus, Alexander, Julius Cnsar,
Phalereus, had 360 sta- ed by Hammer for considering Gengis Khan, Timur, Mohamed,
tues erected to his memory at the Assassins a dynasty, 388 Gregory, Hakem lleunrillah, were
Athens, 320 Al, Da, holy or God, 161, 163 all believed to be, as well as
Demigods, the, of the ancients, are Di, in the St . Kilda and Mexican Jesus Christ, 343
the Saints of the moderns, 81 dialect, means Great Lord, 161 Divine Right, the claim of, by mo-
Democritus, 47, 314 Diana, 47, 86 narchs of Asia rational; if plead-
Demons, the, flee at the sound of --, Di-ja-na, or Deva-ja-na, ed by European uouarchs, they
the sacred bell, 70 front Yoni, 174 ought to send ambassadors to
or Manes, 74 Di, divus, the first name of God, 28 China, or somewhere else, to do
D . M . S ., Diis Manibus Sacrum, 74, 85 Dido, sister of Anna Pereuua, 91 suit and service to their Superior
Dendera, the Zodiac of, 193, 236 Dies Solis-markets and fairs held Lord, 359
Denis, St ., 84, 85 on, around the sacred mount , of European
death and res rre t on , 85 with its cross, 276 despots and priests, what ope-
-, church of, was the tem- Digamma, the, or Van, not used by rates against, 384
ple of Dionysus, 91 the Greeks after the time of , all the claims of
Denmark, the Saxons of, 300 Aristotle, 155 kings to, have descended from
, instruments in the cabi- , is the Van growing Noah, &c ., 407
net of, with edges of Iron and into the sound of V, hard f, 169 Division into three (the Mobame-
handles of Gold, 305 s, two used for the numeral dan), similar to the Triumvirate,
Deo SON, 100, 109, 110, 116 letter sir, 196 &c ., 385
VOL . 11.
470 Index
Page Page Page
and he usurped the throne, many Drummond (Sir William), on buf-
Divus, 28, 80, 90
of his barons would be Druidi, 278 foonery, 179, 212
Augustus, Paulus, Petrus, 80
Druids, the, 31, 44, 50, 62, 64, 69, on the
- Petronius, 90
ib . 71, 82, 83, 277, 278, knowledge of the ancients, re-
applied to Christian Saints,
kept Dec . 24th and specting the number of the
D . M ., De,, Maximo or Dis Maoibus 402
203 called the 25th Nollagh, 99 planets,
or Dis Mariebus,
were persecuted by the Sir I.
D . M . Sacrum XL, probably Deo M .
Romans, who took (learned) no- Newton, Mr . Whiston, and Mr.
=650, ib .
thing from them, ib. Gabb, on the standard measure
Dodona, 86
of Gaul, worshiped the of the ancients, 404
, my thus known at the tem- on the Bri-
ple of, 134 Virgo-Paritura, as the mother of
God, 100 years before the birth gantes, &c., 412, 413
,t e eech and oak ave out on the
oracles at, 165 of our Saviour, 108, 109, 259
, taught by, or descend- priests of Ammon, and the an-
Dog, a, described by signs, 161, 185
ed from, the Chaldwaus of Tar- tediluvians, respecting the length
"Dogs, hence all" and "Procul, 432
430 tary, or Eastern Syria, or North of the year,
hinc procul este, profani,"
India, 135, 136 Duchestte, on the Cathedral, &c.,
Dolontieu-on the sudden revolu-
, were called Vates, by of Chartres, 259, 260
tion of the earth's crust, 313
the British - Ouateis by the Dugas-Moutbel (Mons.), 196
Dom, a judge, 277, 302
Greeks, 225 Du Halde, on signs or symbols
Domain-aia or ania d'om-land of known to people of Cochin China,
O w, 303 or priests-almost all
lauds in Europe anciently belong- Tonquin, Japan, and China, 214
Domase (Pope) solicited Jerom to
172 ed to the order of, 266 , 229, 268, 272
search for the Bible in Judea,
, enmity of the Romans Duir, the Oak and number four,
Dom Bec, Scouhalla in, 283
against the, why, 281 161, 163
--bee-Book or Bec-d'-om, 302
, the 20,000 verses their and Gort, the first letters of,
- .day-book-D'om-d'aia-a re-
pupils repeated, 340, 436 to make Dog or Dg, 161, 185
cord of the land of the sacred
Om, land which paid its tenths, ib . , the, of Britain, sent offer- Dulaure, 219, 279
Dupaix, M ., 28
-- tree, the, 65 ings to the temple of Apollo, at
Delos, wrapped in wheat straw, 380 Du Perron, 55
Domesday Book-Liber Judicato-
Dupuis, 6, 60, 66, 85, 99, 100,
rius, 277 , in the oldest monu-
102-105, 107, 110-112, 193
Domingo, St., language of, corrupt ments of, we have the circle of
Duret, Claude, 3, 190
Hebrew, 19 12, stones,-the number of the
408 Dutch, the, conduct of, in India, 216
Dominos, 79 signs of the zodiac, &c ., &c .,
Dutchman's Cap, the isle of, called
Dominus, Kvptoc, Lord, name of Druidical or Cycloptean buildings-
Linga in old maps, 291, 292
honour of Jesus Christ, 99 no inscription found on any, 197, 198
Du Verdier, 79
Mortis, or Bal-Sab, 82, 83 circle, every, or cathedral, Dwapar, the, 118
Sol, the Saviour, 89, 112 had its sacred mount, for the Dwara (Sanscrit), dora (Saxon),
Domitian wished the words the Deisul or procession of God the
Ovpa, a door, 158
Lord our God command* it to be Saviour-of Sol, from East to
used, 55 West, 276
Downs, from D'om, Di-om, the temples, the, became Ro-
place of the holy Om, 302 man and Christian temples or
Don, river, from j'1!t adn Adon, 99 churches, &c., 278, 280
- or Dun, the Dn-wisdom or built, with pillars E, the, changed into 0, with the
knowledge, 250 in cyclic numbers, to remedy de- Ethiopians, 250
Doncaster, an altar of Hercules at, 154 fects of memory, for historic Eagle's Nest, the-reason of the
Door, a, in Sanscrit dtaara, Saxon knowledge, 310 constant assemblage of philoso-
158 circles, the, mark nume- phers, astronomers, &c., in, 383
dora, Greek, 9vpa,
Double principle, the, adoration of, 222 rals, but nothing like letters, 311 Earl (Lord) E Lar-di, the Lar, 301, 417
AeXeta, a species of, paid to Cardos, and Cyclopwan buildings Earldoms, the nation supposed to
found everywhere, 312 have been originally divided into
their nature or design being for-
re- 72, the domain of as many mu-
gotten . Devotees in all ages and
mains of, in EVERY part of the nicipia, each with its 12 Alder-
nations strive to increase the ob-
410, 416 world, 365, 373 men and 24 Councilmen, 417
jects of adoration,
edifices " Earth to earth," &c., is copied
Douyau-Byan, husband of the mo-
prove the existence of the Gold- from the ancient Egyptians, 92
ther of Gengis Khan, 353
en Age, under the universal pon- Earth, change in the Axis of the,
Dove, the, Semiramis, 228
tifical government, 369 310, 311, 313, 315, 332, 438, 439
, in Heb . Iona, in Lat.
Columba, the name of li, Iona, , the revolution of, at the
285 wherever found, there the pa- equator, about equal to the velo-
city of a cannon ball ; and if she
, in Hebrew, is always fe- triarchal system extended, 371
174, 285, 291 temples, the, probably were slightly checked in her daily
Doyle, Bishop, X Doyle, 198 erected when the numeral alpha- motion, the Pacific would rush
bet was in use, but when the over the Andes, &c ., and the At-
Dozens and scores, our, probably
derived from the microcosmic syllabic was a secret, if it was lantic over Europe, Asia, &c ., 312
superstition, the nature of which then discovered, 396 , the, its figure shews its
is forgotten, 385, 433 colleges (whence our uni- revolutions, &c ., 314
217 versities) these, &c ., subordinate , that the would incline and
Dragon, the, and Thorah, the fable to the three Archierarchs-the the flood ensue-those that knew
305 descendants of Shent, Ham, and this, from the calculation of the
Dravida-hence Fort St . David 1 238 Japhet, 432 moons, might know the exact
Druid, a, brought the mythos from monuments, all the old number of the planets, 402
Bukhara to Ireland, 97 suspected to be antediluvian, 439 the surface of, suspected to
, the Arch, in Gaul, held his Drummond (Sir William), 48, 159, be microcosmically divided, after
236, 297, 314 the heavens, 410
foot out to be kissed, 55
, probably had un- ,on Hebrew the, supposed by Buffon,
der him, three archflamens, 416 names of places, &c., all astrono- &c., to have once been in a state
105, 136 of fusion, 444
-, when a, commanded an army, mical,
Index 471

Page Page
East, the, the emblem of the good Page of the Jews, or of Holy Scrip- Egyptians, the, the first month of,
Deity, 89 ture, 11, 15-18 called Thoth-August, 287
, turning to, in worship, 89, 90 Egypt, kings of, ending in chores, , predicted the return
Easter, bloody wars respecting the were renewed incarnations, 13 of Comets, 314
time of celebrating, 58, 59, 90 -, the crucified of, your and our , the ancient year of,
Sunday, finding the whole Lord, 14, 15, 118 only 360 days, 316, 317, 319
God on, 59 five temples of, 15, 16, 118, , the old, had two compu-
, victory of the 275, 276 tations for the year, viz, by lunar
God Sol, celebrated on, by Chris- ----, a cashmouric district in, 16 months, and by three seasons,
tians of Europe, 106 ancient language of, the (Spring, Summer, and Winter,)
Easter Island and its images, 38 Coptic, which was Hebrew or each of four months, 325
Eastern learning worthless, but as Chaldee, 20, 243 (Saracens), claim to
a means to discover the learning --, the Essenes of, 43, 45, 46, be descendants of Shem, 352
of antiquity, 351 48, 49, 66, 135, 270, 381 , Napoleon declared to
Ebiouites or Nazarenes, 60 • i nfant Gods in, 100 the, that be was a Mohamedan,
Ebu Moklah invented the present • the plagues of, incredible,- why, 358
Arabic characters, 300 years after keep pace with the Labours of , unsatisfactory theories
Mohamed, 237 Hercules, and the Conquests of to account for the adoration of
Ecbataua, 360 Bacchus, 105 animals by the, 437
Ecclesia non solvit ecclesim, 284, 394 • conquest of, by the Greeks, Eichhorn, 43
or dglise, from Ey-cil-lys, 297 meaning of hieroglyphics lost at Eight instead of ten would have
Ecciesiasticus, Who was the author the time of, 159 been taken for the terminate
of? 123 and Eleusis, the high myste- number, had Arithmetic been the
, why refused by Pro- ries of, none but the circumcised effect of learning, 433
testants-received by members of admitted to, 248 S~+Z eih1--the middle, the largest
the Romish church, 124 a feudal tenure established in, part of the temple, the sanctuary,
, much corrupted, but by Joseph, 264 &c., 408
the translation of, older than the ,history of the Bible found in, 293 'Esc may be W'il THE is, or ens,-
Christian sera, 125 • the Mosaic mythos set up, existence, 196
and Wisdom, pro- particularly in, by a tribe from UP'1% ais, substance, or
bably had, originally, the whole India, 362
VV is, he is 197
mythos of the crucified Avatars, - , the priests of, the principal
'Es ;, pus, fr, 195-197
&c., 125, 126, 128, 232, 441, 442 landowners-they were a highly
three words with dis-
privileged nobility, 366
, the poll tax in, was two du- tinct ideas,
the books of, intended to contain
cats a year, 379 , descriptive of the Crea-
and conceal the Cabala-the se-
tor, Preserver, and Destroyer, 197
cret doctrines of Wisdom, 365 • the kings of, were the gene-
rals of the priests, 264, 266, Eldazar, 97
Elect one slain, the, 125
shew from their idioms a trans- 380, 386
Electric, Galvanic, and magnetic
lation from the Hebrew, 442 • a single obelisk before the fluids, the, and hydrogen, sus-
Echelensis, Abraham, 150 temples in-many of the obelisks
pected to be all one substance,
Echvah, the Holy Ghost of the brought to Rome, 402
-, Upper, 10, 12, 44, 45, 133 336, 337
Mexicans, 32
Egyptian proper names, all He- Elephant, the, or the Ganesa of In-
Eclectic philosophy, the, 446
brew, 18 dia, 130, 165
Eclectic or Philalethean sect, the
Aroura, the, was the Elephanta, called Philoe or Ele-
Author wished to, be consider-
square of 100 cubits, 406 phant, 165
ed a member of the, 448
Elephant's head, a pillar with an,
Eclectics, the, 447 Egyptians, the, 1,1, 12, 15-18,
used in India, instead of Lin-
so called, by the Paulites, 448 20, 25, 64, 77, 79, 177, 219
, sacred letters of, gas, 372
Eclipse-the art of foretelling an,
Eleusinian mysteries, the, of Ceres,
would give a priesthood the do- Chaldaic, 20
celebrated twice a year, 91
minion of the world, 365 , supposed to have
Eleusis, 55, 130, 202
Edisius, 448 peopled America, 25
, mysteries of, from books
Editor, Notes by the, 32, 35, 43, , Gospel of, 45
of Moses, 115, 125, 347, 440
64, 65, 72, 73, 82, 90, 103, 122, , appeased their Gods
, a man pretend-
142, 174, 176, 178, 183, 184, with prayers and incense, 79
their feast of can- ed to be killed in the, 143
208, 215-217, 232, 233, 241,
301, 329, 330, 333, 334, 341, dles, 86 and Delphi, the Xptic or
369, 381, 449 celebrated the birth Ceres of, 117
Edmund, bishop of Sarum or Sa- of the Son of Isis, the God of mythos known at the temple
299 Day, &c., on Dec . 25th, 99 of, 134
• their most sacred , the three sacred words
Edward VI., 60
oath to swear by the relics of used at, purely Sanscrit, 197
, Liturgy of, 88
Guilds, Chautries, and Osiris, 102 , initiations at, 232
celebrated the ver- and Egypt, the high myste-
Free-chapels, suppressed by the
1st of, 280 nal Equinox, 106 ries of, none but the circumcised
the Confessor, the laws of, ,worshiped the VIRGO admitted to, 248
only declaratory, 273 PARITURA, prior to the birth of , the ceremonies at, cele-
our Saviour, 109 brated with music, &c., 298
- and Alfred,
were Saxons, , had a cycle of four- , the mysteries of, copied
Egypt, 4, 7, 10-13, 15-22, 34, teen, 160 from Jerusalem, 303, 350
44, 45, 47, 48, 59, 66, 67, 98, Eleutherius, St ., 85
-, used pebbles or
100, 105, 106, 118, 124, 205, small stones to calculate, 167 Elias, the prophet, the Superior of
211, 219, 221, 230, 239, 275, • revered the Moon the Essenes or Carmelite Monks, 275
279, 281, 360 under the emblem of a Cat, 183 Elie, E16azar, 97
- possessed by the Persians, 11, 12 , said to have had Elijah invested Elisha with the
, a marsh, except the district 666 kinds of sacrifice, 210 cloak, pallium-the power of the
of Thebes, 12, 13 , used the Amomum Vates, Bud, &c., 231, 383
-, history of, a Travesty of that in embalming, &c ., 242 the pallium of, 242
472 Index
Page Page
Eliphaz the Teman-ite or Tm-an- Page Eoster, the Saxon goddess, 193 Esseueans, Essenes, or Carmelites,
ite, aTamulite, 128 Eostre, Asteroth, Astarte, 58, 59, 193 43, 44, 75, 141, 204, 248, 275, 279
Elisha, 231 Epagomeam, the five days belong- Essenes, Samanaeans, and Christian
Elk, all the parts of, collected from ing to five Egyptian deities, to be Essenes, the, were all one, with
various quarters, by the Irish, born in no year, in no month, 317 trifling variations, &c., 368
said to have been put into a Ephesus, 43, 47, 66 , the, were Egyptian monks,
whole, &c., 410, 422 , the Panionian temple of, 117 the same as the early Christians,
Ellis, Mr ., on the word ~4eshara, 371 Ephores, the, condemned any inno- 43, 60, 66, 135, 331
Elm (or alma), the marital, 242 vation in music in celebrating or Therapeutm, 45
Elmacinus calls Ararat, the Moun- heroic deeds, and in the construc- were Christians before
tain Cordi, 411 tion of the lyre, why, 426 Christ was born, 46, 48, 49
Elphinston, Mr., on change of Ephraim, the sign of, Aquarius, 105 , relation between, and
lauds, among the Afghans, 282, 283 Epic poems-divided into 24 books, the Hindoos, 50
Elphiustone, 239 each into a certain number of , hierarchy of, same as
'Hpccepa -re'H~is, Day of the Sun, 90 lines, &c., 340 the Christian, 71
Emigrants, our, take their sacreds, Epicurus, the first who taught , turned to the East at
&c.,-had they the Deisul, they grammar among the Grecians, 195 worship, on Saturday, their day
would have the sacred mount, and the Stoics-the doc- of meeting, 89
even in Australia. 341 trines of, to be found among the , their doctrines those of the
Empedocles, 62, 314 sectaries of India, 337 God Adonis or Thamas, the Sa-
Emperor, embratur, Om-bra-tur, Epiphauius, 50, 60, 78, 109, 111 viour re-incarnated, 119
the reformer, of the Tauric cycle, 347 , does not notice the , Carmelites and Therapea-
, the, neither of China Targums, 172 tae, the, admitted into the Ro-
nor of India, but of Muscovy, the Epiphany, the, 84, 99 man church, 270
legal successor of Noah, 353 Episemon-bau or Van, 195 Esther, 17
, the title of, assumed, as Equites or Plebes, the class, pro- , book of, part of the chro-
successor of one of the sons of hibited from marriage with the nicles of the kings of Persia, ib .
Noah, 360 Patricians, 392 , the queen, not called to
Emperors, the Roman, as pontiffs, Eratosthenes, 12, 13, 99 the king for thirty days, 320
claimed as delegates of THE- Eri or Heri, the Saviour, 15, 170, 272 , the book of, well depicts
drew imposts from all nations- Epos, 15, 103 the Jewish hatred of images, 364
wished to make Latin the com- Epms, 5, 62, 135 Estoteland-di-ania-estotel, 29, 37
mon language-and permitted , Venus and Cupid both so Estraugelo, the, or Pushto, 150,
those devoted to the infernal called, 170 153, 159, 237
Gods to be killed, 54 - is Sora or Sura and Cama- or blendmau, or
, threw money Ama or Venus, 242 Pushto character, used by the
to the people at their coronation Ers, the origin of the Sanscrit Eri Old Persians, Syrians, Assyrians,
-were adored by them, and had or Heri, 15 Arabians, Menda:ans or Chaldm-
the title of Deus or Divus, 55 or e-ers, city of the, or of THE aus, 153
Emreis, Welsh for Stonehenge, 177 SUN, ib . , same as Chaldee,
'Es, the Os-To Or of Plato, 196, 197 Erytbrman Sibyl, the, told all the Hebrew, &c ., 206, 236
Encratites, the, 60 history of Christ, 115, 129 , the common al-
Encyclopaedia Britannica, the, on Escolapier, L', 109 phabet of the Chaldeeans, 222
Platonism, 446 Esdras (the 1st book of), on the Eswara, Irish and Hindoo God, 83
Endes, of Bretagne, his monomania, 359 three councillors of Darius, &c ., Eternal City, the, Rome, 145, 146,
Edinburgh Encyclopeedia, the, on traces of the microcosm, in Per- 238, 440
the Eclectics, 447 sia, seen in, 420 life or happiness, the know-
Eneas or En€e, 18 j+nwri a-amin, Lord or Baal of the ledge of, imparted to the ini-
Eneka, 29 Planets, 204 tiated only, in the ancient mys-
Enfield, Dr., on baptism, by the Esne, the Zodiac of, 193, 236 teries, 252, 253
Samaritans, 66 Esoteric doctrines, the, 23, 43 Ethelred -the statute of, giving
England, 10, 72, 149 of Jews, Gentiles, tithes to the priests, only decla-
, called Zing keih le, by the and Christians, 123 268
Chinese, 149 religion, the, 92, 117, 122 Ethelwolf, in 855, made the whole
the laws of, 272, 273 , an, taught by the kingdom liable to tithes, 279
Ethiopia, 211
• the constant increase of Christian fathers, 129
Ethiopian dialect, the, 175
cold in, 445 Christianity understood by
English, the, 2 Catholics, unknown by Protest- Etruria, 67, 212
, converted by Augustin, 93 ants, 124 Ras-ena-country of the
, conduct of, in India, 216 Christianity, 130 Vine or Wisdom, 231
French, and German, religion, the,ofthe Moha- , Attica, and Ionia, the con-

the, on alphabet of, federated towns or states of, be-
237 medans, 351
Ennius, on the three tribes of , the ancient, now ing precisely twelve, shew method
Rome, 345 forms part of the public one, &c ., 367 and design ; their confederation
, on the great temple of Ju- Esoteric and esoteric religion, the probably formed under the Pon-
piter, &c ., 408 professors of the, &c., 386 tifical goverument-not for mu-
Enoch, the book of, 88, 173 an, and an esoteric mean- tual defence, 394
on Elect One slain, 125 ing in the poems sung by the Etruscan, the, 26
on cause of the Flood, 204, rhapsodists and bards, 426 baptism, with the Holy
252, 310 Essenean Christians,-Xptyo-rsaroi, 46 Ghost, 54
gave Noah the characteristi. monastery, an ancient- , with water, air,
cal marks or signs of the secret the members of, admitted into fire, and blood, 67
things iu his book, 310, 333 the Romish church, 368 inscriptions, two, 68
, book of, discovers a know- Esseneans, the, 61 the, system of numbers,
ledge of judicial astrology, 313 -, ofEgyptand Western &c ., by right lines, 147
, on Noah, &c., knowing the Syria, were Pythagoreans, fol- right-line letters and no-
flood would come, 329 lowers of Xpr/s, i, e. Christians, tation, the, 159
how his history should be before the time of Jesus of Na- Agrimensores, the, 117, 284
treated, 334 zareth, 119 ,all the
Index 473

Page Page Page

operations of, were of a religious Eusebe de Salverte, 3 have each 19-the number of the
nature-intended to regulate the Eusebius, 8, 10, 25, 27, 29, 45, metonic cycle, &c ., 402
407 46, 50, 80, 95, 118, 121, 189, Ezra, Aben, 105
collection of the tithe,
Etruscans, the, 26, 53, 67-69, 231 368, 440
, the symbolical writ- 's Eccles . History, 43
ing used by, 373 's Life of Constantine, 93
, conquered 300 po- and Constantine lied ac-
lises-probably the villages round cording to Larduer, 118, 119
the Cardos, 410 , on Manetho's dynasties, Faber, Mr ., 28, 143, 258
&c., 324-326 's Orig. Pag . Idol ., 39, 97, 98, 287
Eu Ca Ri STia or Ell X a Pi E-
dia, the good deity Ceres, 254 , on a tribe of Juda, from -, his treatment of M . Volney, 255
Eucharist, the, 37, 58-60, 62, 63, India, before the tribe of Abra- , on Cor-Ghari, 410
232, 262, 279, 280, 441, 443 ham, 352 Fabius Pictor on Janus, 254
practised by Melchizedek, Eustace, 55, 75 Fable, by way of,-parable, from
58, 441 Eustache, 64, 77 par-habul, 300
Eustathius, 3 Fables-not beans- Pythagoras's
the Persians,
59, 60 Eutychius, 17 disciples cautioned to abstain
as used by Jesus Euxine, the banks of the, broken from, 239, 240, 300
Christ, the most beautiful cere- down by a flood, 311, 312 Fairs and Markets held on every
mony, Eva, 34 Dies Solis, around the sacred
or bread-and-water sa- or Eve, mother of the race of mount with its cross, 276
crifice, was offered by the Magi iMMN, of mail, 168 Faith without works, the doctrine of,
of Persia, the Essenes, the Gnos- -, the Vau, Venus or Mother- pernicious, 73
tics, by nearly all Eastern Chris- standing for 6-Lustrum, 215 Faithoir or Phaithoir, a vates or
tians, and by Pythagoras and Evangelion of Zoroaster, of Mani, druid, 225
Numa, and of the Romish Jesus, the Fakirs, the, 74
60, 253
, was in use among same in principle, and nearly in Fall of mail, meaning of the allego-
the Celts and Druids, ceremonies, 65 ry of, 253
the Trinity, and Re- Evangelium Eternum, the, 355 Fan, the Chinese name for Sans-
generation, the later fathers en- Evanson, on Dissonance of the crit, 217
deavoured to make the doctrines Gospels, 125, 132 -, holy, same as 4eqvv, 218
of, secrets, and attempted to pre- Evan or iiuaa=28, 138 Fanatic, a sincere, always imagines
serve them from the vulgar and Eve, 31, 32 his cause is good . A fanatic in
the Gentiles, 442 -, the Mexican, called Ysnextli intention never existed . All the
Eucharistia, flour offered to Ceres and Suchiquecal, 32 great emperors and conquerors
in the sacrifice of, 242, 244, 300 -, Heva, meant serpent, 113 devotees, fanatics, 390
, the, considered a so . is Vau and the article the-THE Fara, the, of the Lombards, and the
lemn pledge of secresy-proba- Vau, 162 4)apats of the Greeks, probably
bly so used, originally in all na- - not persuaded by the Devil first from the same root as the Pha-
tions-was celebrated by Jesus, to taste of the tree of life, why, 250 raohs of Egypt, and all in refer-
in the last supper, in secret ; in Even is Vau=6, Eve with a Tamul ence to the feudal system, 419, 420
the Roman church it was long termination, 163 Faria y Sousa, 35, 421
kept a secret from the rabble, 441 Evhermere explained mythology Farrar's Life of Howard, 142
Euclid, 48, 174 historically, 360 Farre pio,-holy bread, 62
Euctemon, the ancient astrono- Evites, Hivites, or Ophites, 31 Fasting, the origin of-the reason
mer, 320 Evohe, IIVAA=28, 183, 184 forgotten, 213
Eudoxus, 141 Exod, the, of Israelites, like the Fasts, origin of the Romish, 77
, on the Egyptians reckon- migration of the Mexicans, 24 Fate, principle of the, 226
ing a month for a year, 325 , the Egyptian festival at Fatemites, the claims of, to the
Euhemerus, the followers of, on Vernal Equinox, 105, 106 Califate, in A . H ., 402, at Bagdad,
the Gentile mythology, 440 • a proof of, strangely declared to be null and void,
Eutnolpida: and Butades, the fami- overlooked by our priests, 307 385, 386
lies of the, 419 • or going out of all na- Fates, from mythos of the infalli-
Euphrates, the, from rpapa, a tions-probably the first migra- bility of the Vates, 226
flower, 240 tion of the tribe : the mythos Father, Sou, and Holy Ghost, bap-
Eupolemus, 58 clear in N . and S . India, in Sy- tism in the name of, practised by
Euripides, cause of lacuna in, 116 ria, Babylon, Troy, Rome-and the Manichteans, 65
Euristhenes (Eurysthenes), 119 in Mexico, perhaps the most re- Fathom, a, is equal to 10 pyramidic
Europe, 10, 31, 36, 37, 40, 54, 70, markable of all, 430 feet, or 63 feet English, the height
106, 219, 312 Exorcism, 88 of a tall man-an Irish Giant, a
Chrestologia existed in, Exoteric doctrines, 22, 253 Goliath, 405
before the Christian sera, 202 religion, an, taught by the Fatima, the favourite daughter of
all Saxon, all Christian, 228 Christian fathers, 129 Mohamed, 382
the feudal system of, co- , the, 219 , the house of, ruling in
pied from that of India, 275 and esoteric religion, the Egypt, were Ishtnaelites, 384, 385
western, like Britain, may professors of the, 386 Fauchet (president), 86, 93
be conquered from want of bond Extreme Unction, 72, 73 Faustus, on the Father, Son, and
of union, 20 .4 Ezekiel, the cherubim of, 105 Holy Spirit, 337
and India-the same natu- the cross of, 174 Feast of Purim, 17
ral cause produced nearly the the Mercavah or wheel of, -, the, of the Innocents, 83
same natural effect (classes or 335, 342, 343, 401 , made by Ahasuerus to
castes) in both, 275, 392 on the four cardinal points his princes, &c ., 317
European pirates, wisely excluded of the compass, under the names Februa, the Goddess, or Februata
from China, 216 of the Man, Lion, Ox, and Eagle Juuo, became the ParificataVirgo
monarchs,-their claim -the Equinoxes and the Sol- Maria, 82
to divine right silly, 359 stices, 343 February, the last mouth in the an-
Europeans, the-all the learning of , in the temple of, the four cient year at Rome, 320
the priests kept from, on their oblong buildings have each 40 Fecundity, offerings by females, to
arriving in India, 342 pillars, and at the four corners procure, 85
474 Index
Page Page
Fddawis, seventy thousand (through Firdansi mentions speaking tree*, 165 Flora, a corruption of L'phora, Page
fanaticism or religious principle) Fire, adored by the Indian and t19D pre, fertility, &c ., 240
awaited the orders of the Old Chalda'an loud*, and by the Per- a name of Rome, 241
Man or Imam of Alamout, to siaus, as the emblem of creative Florence, baptistery at, 67, 112
throw themselves from the bat- wisdom and power, or as the festival of All Souls, at, 68
tlements of his castle, to chew Wisdom and Power itself, 128 churches in, covered with
their devotion to him, 389, 390 Firebrand creeds, to incite men to votive offerings, 87
Fee-udal might be lands held of the cut each others' throats, none in Florida, 31
lud in fee, 272 the religion of the Samaritan Flour offered to Ceres in the Eu-
Feirouz, the husband of Chemseu- Nazarite, 409 charistia, 242, 244
nissa, 245 Fire Towers, the, of Ireland, Scot- Flower-Nazir, Natzir, Nazareth,
Female, the, presented to the male land, and India ( so called )- and Push, mean a, 239, 240, 242
the apples of love, 249 Lingas, 260, 261 Floyer, Sir I ., threw out Acrostic
Female, the followers of Cristna Firmament, the, motion of, said to of the Sibyls, 154
affected the, 269 have changed, so that the sun Fo-hi-Buddha-tbe invention of
, where the, was the favour- and stars rose where they had Chinese letters ascribed to, 215
ite, as at Athens, a leaning, even formerly set, &c., 314 Foley, Mrs ., and Hon . and Rev.
after the union (of the sects of Firmicius, Julius, 114, 115 Mr ., 355
the Linga and loni) to Minerva First Being-reabsorption into the, Falkland, 265
or Ceres, 445 hastened or retarded by good or , estates held in villeinage,
Feodal or Feudal Tenure, in Britain bad conduct, 343 were neither feudal, Saxon nor
and India, 262, 272, 275, '283, 285 Cause, the, 226 Norman, 269
system, the prin- in absolute quietude, lands-read of, but not
ciples of, lost equally !it India what but Atheism ? 227 found, 284
and Europe, .268 every thing in emana- Fordicidia, the festival of, 92
, . Saxon tion from, or in return to-no- Foreign Quarterly Review, on Mo-
origin of, 269, 272, 275, 276, thing stands still except, 294 hamed, &c ., 377, 378
278, 372 , Gas probably thought, Forster, 38, 150, 225, 229
the ori- by the ancient materialists, to be Fortescue, on the common laws,
gin of, involved in absolute dark- the substance of the, 336 &c., of England, &c., 273
ness, thousands of years after - Great Cause, every seed a mi- Fortia d'Urban, Marquis de, 137,
the discovery of the art of writ- crocosm of the, 429 169, 426
ing, 339 Fish, the, of Assyria - loaunes, Fossiones Tartarum in Italy, 150
-,the, pre- pre- Wisdom, 347 France, 70, 219, 277, 279, 286, 297
vailed in Arabia, 354 Fishes, the two, worshiped after the kings of, received the
rights-claims to power, the Ram and the Bull, 110 tenths, afterwards the ninths, 266
founded on, 382 Five temples of Jehovah, in Egypt, the constitution of, 375
system, the, shews itself, (probably cathedrals of the Es- Frauci, the, (Franks,) Liberi Sacee,
unconsciously, to Mr . Hammer, 383 senes,) 15, 16, 118, 275, 276 and Saxons, the same, 267, 268
Festival of St. Agatha, in Sicily, Flagellants, the, 74 Francis, St ., thought to be a
twice a year, 91 Flames, the Romans made Romu- X p+l ; , 251, 355
Festivals, the, of April-fool and lus a, 53 the
May-day, equally celebrated in Flameus, the three, the Diale to Ju- tenth Avatar, 368
Britain and in India, 106, 262 piter ; the Martiale to Mars ; the I.,-the French poets, under
Festum Dei Mortis (All Souls' Day) Quirinale to Romulus, ib . the reign of, less illustrious than
celebrated by the Buddhists of the, clothed like priests, 79 the Persian poets under the reign
Tibet, by the Papists, and by the , confined to three, of Hassan Sabah, the founder of
Protestant church of England, as their persons were sacred, and the Assassins, 389
by the Mexicans, 82 they were accountable only to Franciscan Monks, the, wore the
Festus-his definition of possessio, 393 the Supreme Pontiff, 422 tonsure like the priests of Isis and
Fate Dieu, the, 79 Fleur de Lis, the Lotus, 178 Serapis, 92
Fetiches, the, of the ancients and Flood, the, caused by attempts to Frank means free, probably from
of Africa, 350 obtain forbidden knowledge, 204, fps, 267
Feudal Tenure, lands in the tenure 252, 310 Frank-al-Moigu, a tenure, 266
of Pi-Ioudi, the Ioudi ? 263 of Noah, not universal,
, persons holding
, in Irish is Achusac, &c ., 312, 361
lands in, had no title-deeds,
in Arabic Akhezet, the Acherah --, a great, more than 2000 hence the Monks (against the
-payment of tithe, 264 years B. C., leaving only a few Barons) often forged charters,
lands, the, had seven iuci- persons in different places, 313
&c ., 268
dents-heriot, relief, &c ., 272, 283 --, the, which destroyed Maha- , tenants in, 271
tenures in Ceylon, 292 balipore, 315
Franklin, the printer of America, 131
Feudatories, the, or payers of -, probably occasioned by Franks, the Salian, were Franks of
tenths, under the Pontifical go- the comet which last appeared in Sul, 284
vernment, would constantly im- 1680, 326, 439 Fraser, 231
prove, &c., 362 -, happened in 2348, B . C ., Free - Freemen, probably from
Fewardentius, 5 according to the Hebrew, and in
Ficinus, 188 +p,1, Bacchus or Liber, libertas,
2926, B . C., according to the
Fig-tree, the Indian, sacred to the Liber-di-holy Liber, 265
Samaritan Chronology, 327-
Sun, ib. 329,, 332 Freehold-land held of the God
to Xaca highly probable that a, did 011, 267
or Buddha, 253 take place, and that a man and Free lands, i . e . Bock lands, 271
Figulus, 140 his family were saved in a ship, Freemasons, the confraternities
Figures, the system of, grew into 335, 438 of, 300
symbolic letters, 184 of Deucalion, 332 the, or Mathematici,
Fila (love) sfifa (wisdom) from -,of Ogyges, 314, 332, 338 &c., the best calculators of time, 141
Filustif, is 4uXoc ovgNas, 346 Floods, several, probably occasion- - have a remnant in their
Fingal, the Scotch warrior, should ed by a comet, 258, 274, 315, 332, 338 ceremonies of a death and resur-
be Singal ? 293 Flora-flower, flour, pollen, Pallas, rection, 143
Finland or Vin land, 300 &c ., 238, 242 , Templars, &c ., of Ger-
Page. Page
Page 100 years before the birth of our
many-their origin traced to the Gael-doct, the sacred language of
386 Iona, 288 Saviour, 108, 109, 135
Assassins, Gauls, black, in Scotland, 204
Freemasons, Rossicrucians, and the language of the learn-
ed wisdom, &c., 295 Gautama, the Nyaya philosophy
Templars, little more than dif- originated with, 429
ferent lodges of one order, 388 Gaelic, the, is called Shan Scrieu
Freemasons' Tavern, when lighted or Sauscrit, in the Highlands of Gavel-kind, lands held in, were all
Scotland, 290 in free soccage, 265
up, 298 Gaya, 148
Free Soccage, 264, 265 Galasius, 5
Gale, 46, 47 . 53, 74, 81, 84 Gehauer, 304
Free States, in Europe-the cause Gebelin, the Count, on Malays
of, 366 Galen, on a month, as 30 days, 321
Galilee, has-a%-ja, country of the speaking Hebrew, 156
,the, of Greece and Italy, , on the dance oblique, 179
held in feudal tenure, 423 circle or revolution, 136
Galien, on music in sacrifice, 64 Geddes, Dr ., 1, 4, 61
- Towns-the 72, like the 72 , on identity of Hebrew
Helpers, &c., of Mohamed, 383 Galli and Archigalli, the, 47 11

227 Gallican Church, the, its claims, and Saxon, 155, 199, 275
will, Geminns, on a month, as 30 -days, 321
predestination subversive independent of the Pope, 266
Gallieuus, 110 General of the Priest or Pontiff,
of, 376 when the, in great empires, made
Freisia, Frij (Sweedish), Freya, 265 Game Troy, the, in Wales, noticed
by Pliuy-Geoffrey of Monmouth, himself Khan, the lands were
French, the, overran Italy, 57 granted to his followers, on con-
, deceived at the Vati- probably, did but repeat the tra-
dition which he found, 401 dition of each equipping himself
can, as at Loretto, 111 for war, 395
conduct of, in India, 216 Gandell, Wood, 19, 143
have a less correct Ganes, 5 • if the, seized the crosier
Gatiesa, the, or Elephant, 130, of his employer, as at Rome,
standard of measure than the an- with Cwsar, the Pontifex would
cients had. The French and En- 165, 227
is constantly anointed become a warrior, 396
glish would have shewn their Generation but acretion, how ren-
wisdom by taking the Chest at with oil, 297 398
Cairo for their standard of mea- , animals thought to de- dered probable,
scend from, to the lowest in in- Genesis, 4, 11-13, 16, 19
sure, 404 and history of Egypt iden-
, took the measurement tellect, &c., 407
Ganessa, SAPIENTIZ Deus, 5 tical, 11, 12, 15
of the Pyramid, at the founda- a Buddhist book, 83
tion, 406 Gangs, Jiam Gang, 224 allegorical meaning of, 105
Frend (W ., Esq .), 330 Ganges, the, 239, 263 names of the actors in,
Freret, 360 Gar, the, of Gargarus-the Girl of 128
83 India-the Ghaur of Stonehenge she,;the mythos,
Frey, shews marksof compilation,
Freya-the northern Goddess, 209 -the Cor of mounts Cordi or 134
Karda (Ararat)-and the Cardo and of mutilation,
, the God, (Godfrey) the An- the books of, the oldest in
thor's name, 213 of Italy, are all the same word ; 155
they were centres of measure- the world,
, the third person in the Scan . • a, the secret book of the
dinavian Trinity-Chivalry arose meut, round which the 72 and 173
360 districts were laid out, 412 first pontifical government,
from the adoration of? 303, 304 , bad two meanings, for the
Frickius de Druidis, 108, 109 Gard-means place, as Stutgard, 183
&c ., or district ; the Heb. '1 1 .1 gir learned and the vulgar,
FRIDAY (Freya) and 4rpsab=666, 209 • a Buddhist book, forbids
Fringe, the, of the highpriest's "1 di-holy circle ; hence the animal food, 202
dress, the sixit, meant 600, 179 circles of Germany, 411 • in ch . ii . to end of ch . iv.
Frisii, the, whence Frieseland or Garden, Buddha robbed a, of a is Brahminical ; it permits ani-
Fries-ia, 209 flower, 244, 248, 249, 256, 288, 415 mal food in sacrifice of the Lamb, 203
F. R. C. (Fratres Rosi Crucis ?) the Garden of delight, the, 249, 250 --, the 1st and 2nd books of,
monogram of the Rossicrucians, Adonis robbed the, of a have two histories and two alle-
the illuminati or invisible brothers flower, 253 gories, 247, 248
of Germany, 301 Gardens, the, of Adonis, were all should be called Barasit,
Frog, a, on the pedestal of the God Edens, 250 i. e . wisdom, i .e. Vedaor Buddha, 251 .
at Delphi, 165 Gargarus, Mount, 260 • mentions not the change
Froissard, 55 , here probably are the in the earth's axis, 316
Fry, 165, 179 Cor-Ghari,of India, and the Choir the account in, a valuable
Fshito-the Pashto, 237 Ghaur, the British name of record of the tradition of the
Fuller-calls Christ both rose and Stonehenge, 410 flood, 332
lily, 240 or Choir Ghaur-others , how its history should be
Future life,: a, whether taught by in the Carum Gornm of Tartary treated, 334, 335
Jesus to be by a hell, a metempsy- and Scotland, 411 • the text of, inclines to
chosis, or by an absorption into Garnet, Dr., his Tour to the Is . Sheen, &c ., 353, 361
the To Or, uncertain, 308 lands, 286 , the 3rd book of, might be
Garudapurana-the atom-like germ, called the book of the genera-
mentioned in the, 398 tions or regenerations of Adam, 360
Gas, (the Hebrew) spiritual fire-
hence Ghost-Galvanic, electric -, the text of, does not say
fire, the magnetic fluid, 299, 337 the surface of the whole globe
Gabaa, la ville de, 19 - and Hydrogen, a digression on, was covered-many persons, in
Gabb, Mr., on the measures of the &c., 336 different parts, may have escaped,
ancients, and on the Pyramid of Gate of Salvation, &c., 242 &c ., 361
Giza, as built for forming a Gathelus, a king of Athens-the , the Jews not permitted to
standard of measure, &c ., 403-406 Scots have a story about, 401 read, lest it should draw them
Gabriel (the angel), 88, 104 Gaul, 103, 262 into idolatry, by its Trinitarian
Gaditan, the, temple of Hercules, 78 , the worship of Mithra spread doctrine, 364
Gael, Sin-gall, and Sauscrit, the, 262 over all, 99 • the divisions of 72, &c .,
, Celtic, and Hebrew, the, once -, all the oriental mythos well marked in, 381
all one language, 293 marked in, 370 , the doctrine of, the moving
Gael-doct, the learned Gael, 158, Gauls, the, worshiped the Virgo cause of the conduct of almost
188, 292, 294 Paritura, as the Mother of God, all the world, from the earliest
476 Index
Page Page Page
time ; it was not confined to the German, the, on words in, identical Gnosticism was nothing but the
Jews, but was a book of the se- with Sanscrit, 234 doctrines of the Cabala corrupt-
cret mysteries of the world, 390 Germans, the, 59, 221 ed,and becoming publicly known, 403
Genesis implies that the first pair nakedness of, 204 Gnostics, the, 60, 75, 224
were created side to side like the ancient, change of -, had Jesus of Bethle-
Siamese boys-but still male and lands among, 282, 283 hem for the people-Jesus of
female-by the woman being ,divided the year into Nazareth for the Conclave and
taken from the aide of man, 397 three, 421 Cardinals, 129
----, how ch . x, ver. 21 ought Germany, 4, 17 0, 211, 277, 279, Goat and sheep, the, same genus,
to be rendered, 399, 409 282, 300, 411 will bread forward, 188
, the amalgam of the sys- the emperor of, always Gobarus, Stephaous, 122
tems, in the East and West, 400 claimed supreme power, and con- Go to see, Chinese name for the
the author of, perfectly un- sidered all other kings of Europe, Russians, 149
derstood the doctrine of Agri- probably of the world, as his God, Chod, is Od, Hod, 6
tnensorism ; not written byMoses, 413 vassals, as Cmsar and Augustus -, the Kosmos, Mundus, man
, a microcosm of two worlds did, 380, 400 made after the image of, 136, 228
in, 430 , the Freemasons, &c., of, equally present with the pious
-, in, the fact of the flood is feared by Hammer and his mas- Hiudoo, Jew, Mohamedan, and
loaded with mythic absurdities ter, 386 Christian, 145
and mistranslations, 439 , in the pfahlbtirger (pale) , is called Dios by the South
-, may it not be Tamul, con- of, we have a remnant of the Americans, 161
taining several meanings, con- Pontifical Government, 434 --, supposed to change everyday, 226
structed for secrecy ? 440 Gervas of Tilbury, on the sign of • almost every heathen, had
Gengis Khan, 175, 375 Richard's standard, 349 the name of 666, 241
an Avatar, 207, 352 Gessenius, 19 , the author required to believe
-, believed to be a di- Ghari of time, a-a, man in health that He walked in the garden,
vine incarnation, 343 said to make 360 respirations in ; and wrestled with Jacob, 254, 334
himself to be a Ghari is the sixtieth part of a • believed to be a spiritual
the person foretold, 344 day and a night ; how subdivid- fire, 299, 336
his alleged miracu- ed, 406 - was nature, all nature God-
lous birth-his name Zin, his Ghilan, in Mazandaran, 231 how, 336
empire called the government of Giam-hence Ganga or Jaoga, 7 -, our creator, is he not our
wisdom-he marched into China -Jang, Deus Sapientite, ib . preserver, the regulator of all
in 1211, A .D ., 353 Giants-Great Britain said to have nature, &c .? 338
did suit, &c., to Tho- been inhabited by, when Brutus • man, and every thing sup-
grul, 354, 361, 383, 388 seized the island, &c ., 400 posed to be made in the image of, 397
-, was probably moved Gibbon, on the dreams of the Pan- Sol, the, 98, 112
by superstition as well as policy, lite Christians, &c ., 342 , birth of the, celebrated
to go to Caracorum, 390 no exception to the almost on Dec. 25th, 99, 100
went to Caracorum universal practice of receiving un- , put to death on the
for investiture, 411 conditionally the evidence of par- 23rd and raised on the 25th of
Genius, the, of each cycle-birth, tisans or of opponents-hence March, 100
death, &c., of, 136 history worse than a riddle, 376 , said to be the father
Gentile monuments adopted by mo- Gilgal, a stone circle, the simplest of Gengis Khan and of Tamer-
dern Christians, 68 of temples, 135 lane, 353
rsxrrai, sacrifices for the Girdle, and Sudra, 65, 66, 77, 78 Godfrey (the Author's name) from
dead, 73, 74 Girls, (believed by the fathers,) the God Freya, 213
religion an immense type, 118 to be pregnant by Demons, 100 Godhead-a belief in the Trinita-
confirmation, a, of the Mo- Giuli, or CFrra Geola, month of De- rian nature of the, not meritori-
saic record of the deluge, 314 cember, 135 ous ; the ancient philosophers
mysteries, when the, began, na gl means circle, the Gael, 292 saw no benefit in speculations
a herald proclaimed, " Procul, Glanville (on Gavel-kind), 265 on, to those who were labour-
hinc procul este, profani !" 430 Globe, the surface of, microcosmi- ers, 387
Gentiles, the, 59, 60, 61, 79, 81, 84 cally arranged, 399 Gods, the, burial of all the, 143
celebrated the birth of the our, an effect, perhaps of a , had no names in early
God Sol, on Dec . 25th, 98, 99 3rd or 4th, or 5th internal or times, and no icons, 147
estoric doctrines of, 123 mundane revolution ; will not go , "sit on the sides of the
and Christians, secret re- to ruin or decay, 431 North," on Meru, 175
ligions of, the same, 130 Glover, 61, 69 of the week, names of the, 208
, the higher class of, the 1 .1 gn, a garden, (hence Gait-isa, the names of, derived from
initiated, expected the tenth in- protector of gardens,) 245, 415 cycles, 212
carnation about the time of Mo. Gnios, Gnos, 5 , 360, one for every day in the
hanted, 379 Gnomon, the proboscis of the ele- year, 319
Geoffrey of Monmouth-the history phant on the icon of Gun-putty, , the originals of all the, have
found In, of the landing of Bru- suspected to have often formed a, 415 been of the black race, 363
tus, at Totness, 400, 401 and dials, the, of Ahaz, , the numerous, of Greece and
Geola,-goal-turning of the sun, 135 always inscribed with Etruscan India, easily traced to the Trini-
Georgius, [his Alphabetum Tibeta- or Phmnician figures, still used tarian doctrine, 364
num,] 1-3, 5-9, 31, 37, 105, by us, 416 , the 12 greater, and the 360,
117, 118, 122, 186, 192, 211, Gnosis, yvwcts, the, 5, 128, 130 one for each day, 433
213, 214, 221, 222, 224, 225, the oriental, beautiful and ,the deaths and resurrections
227-229, 235, 238, 241, 243, sublime, 132, 351, 448 of the, parts of a secret system,
250, 253, 337, 397 , secret mysteries of, con- by degrees made known to she
Gergesenes, 96 nected with magical heads, 349 vulgar, 442
Gerizim, Mount, 207 , the, or doctrine of Ema- Godwyn, 114
the sacred mount, the na- nations, 367 Gold, frankincense, and myrrh,
tional cathedral, 275 Gnostic Christians, the, 10 offered by the Magi to the Sun, 96
German and Scandinavian Saxons, Gnosticism-the real science of an- --, while the, was the only me.
the, from the Seem, 209 tiquity, 131 tal, and coin not invented, 380
Index 477
Page Page
Golden Age, a, may have existed, page Ibap4sa, the first Greek letters, in Greek, the, was first written with-
when there were no wars, 1, 305 lines, 159 out vowels, 249
the, 266, 307 Ta, 163, 166 scholars, like the Sans-
, when and why it Grammar, first taught among the crit, fail in their explanations,
began to decline, &c., 306, Greeks by Epicurus, 195 why, 290, 429
365, 366 Grandfathers, great-grandfathers, when that language was
the fact of the &c ., what do we know of them ? 339 aopµo ; and ovyxsxvassos, &c ., 437
existence of, 369 Grand Seignior, excommunication church, baptism in the, by
, the first four Ca- by, of the Pasha of Egypt, a bru- immersion, 65
lifa believed themselves destined tum fulmen, 352 Greeks, the, 16-18, 20, 48, 49,
to restore, 377 the, descended 61, 65, 74, 86, 87, 130, 131,
, not a figure of from the Khans of Tartary, re- 133, 139, 150, 159, 189, 211,
speech, but a reality, 423 garded as Lord Paramount and 221, 224, 337
, a, produced by the ecclesiastical head, 375 and Romans, few infant
mild Sacerdotal government- or Sultan, the, as Gods, among, 100
then an age of Silver, of Brass- superior lord, claims, though he , their error of nine
and, as the system went to pieces, does not receive, the tenth of the days on the precession, 134
an age of lion, 434 produce ; having no equal, lie , less skilled in astro-
, the, probably intro- never makes a peace, but only a nomy than the Saxons, 135
duced by the Owl Ilskaa7ay who long truce, &c ., 380, 395 , admitted no writing
brought peace and civilisation -- Vicar or Vicramaditya, 9 older than Homer's poems, 169
from the East, 439 Granta and Cam, the, Indian names -, had once the same
Fleece, the-holy wisdom, of the Cambridge river, 295 numeral letters as the He-
190, 253 Grantha, the letters of Cape Como- brews, 187
Gomara, 30 rin so called, ib . , ignorant of their my-
Good (on Job), 219, 274 Grant's Thoughts on the Gael, 413, 439 thos, 226
-- Friday, the "Agonie" at Grape, the, Son v ;, 9, 204, 223, , tropical year of, 318
Rome, on, 92 253, 254 , had two standards of
Gor, circle-Gor-reich, ruler of a ---Stone, the, pal;, 9, 224 square measure-the Aroura and
circle, 413 the Plethron ; there were two of
Gravameua of Germany, the, 70
Gordya;an Mountains, the, 260, 411 each of these measures, 406
Great and emperor, the claims of all among the, some families
Gorgon's head, the, nonsense of, 349 persons so called, founded on
Gorius, 61, 67, 68 possessed hereditary offices-par-
Avatarism, on a believed descent ticularly the priests, 421
Gorloes-the appearance of, as-
from Noah's eldest son, or on the
sumed by the Gorgon's head, , among the, all dancing
x upoTOyia received from the lineal mimetic-the Gnosian dances
&c., 349
descendant of, 349
Gort, the Ivy, three, 161, 163 peculiarly sacred to Jupiter, 425
Great One to coME, the-struggles
-, the monogram of,r, 177 of different persons, each to make Gregory I ., or the Great, on use of
Goshen, the house of the sun, 110 out that he was, ib. images, 80, 86, 93
of Egypt, and Gosaen of , a belief that he , his command could not
India, the land of the Soc, 280 was the, has led a conqueror to ingraft all the Pagan doctrines,
Gospel histories, the, from the his success or his destruction-it sacraments, &c., into the Chris-
scriptures of the Therapeutm or led Julian to the desert, Napo- tian religion, 94
Essenes, 45, 46, 96 leon to Moscow, 358 , believed to be a divine
of the Nazarenes, Greaves's measurement of the Py- incarnation, 343, 375
Gregory Nyssenus, 84
Infancy, 96 ramid,-where taken, 405, 406
Grecian history, 18, 19 Thaumaturgus, ib.
the, oil the mass of man-
17, 19, 21, 35, 40, 47, XIII ., as Pontifex Maxi-
kind seeing, they might not per- Greece,
60, 87, 102, 118, 239, 275, 281 mus, reformed the calendar, 52
ceive, 334
Gregory's, Dr., opinion of Whis-
of John, the beginning of , the Sages of, held the doc-
73 ton's Theory, &c., 331
the, Platonic, 113 trine of purgatory,
Griesbach, 118
, the seven wise men of, 127, 226
Grotius, 37, 278
contains Gnostic doctrines, the • the sixteen-letter system
Gnosis and Cabala ; found in a in, 185 Ground, the, not cursed-it still
vault under the ancient temple ,colonies into, from India, produces freely, &c ., 252
125, 126 213, 419 Groves, the adoration offered in,
at Jerusalem,
64, 67, 73 Muses, the, or Saviours reprobated-what they were, 193
Gospels, the,

of, why nine, 286 Gruter (Inscriptions of), 320
four, because there are
Guam-wisdom, 225
four winds, 100 Lydia, and the Grecian colo-
nies, the ancient year of, only Guatama, or Buddha the Second,
-, intended to con-
his religion established in Cey-
ceal a secret system, 123, 308 360 days, 319
lon, 288
, the Trinitarian doc- , the doctrine of the renew-
340 Guatimala, 33
trine not clearly developed in, ed incarnation, visible in,
Guebres, the, fire-worshipers, 83
why, 367 disputes in, between deb-
-, the mythos found
, one of the, [apocry- tors and creditors, not under-
phal ?] describes Jesus and the stood, 418 among- Christianity grievously
Twelve Apostles as having cele- • writing in, probably con- defaced, &c ., 357
fined, for a long time, and Latin Guerin de Rocher, the abb6, 2, 10
brated a dance after the last sup-
426 to the caste of priests, in Italy, -17, 19, 163, 177, 178, 221, 273
Gothic and Hindu nations, con- as the Sanscrit was to the caste Guises, De, 36, 215
nexion of opinions between the, 245 of priests in India, 437 Fvvrl, Can-ia, the,-the garden of
Goths, the, 203 Greek, Hindoo, Latin, and Sanscrit delight, allegory of, 249, 250
-, (under Alaric,) were names of numbers, 166, 167 - and Kvwy, probably a mistake
driven forwards to the West, by -- alphabet, the, altered from between, as applied to the pro-
the Huns, 273 the Asiatic for superstitious pur- fane and to dogs, 430
Grabe, Dr ., 5, 60 poses, 186 Gun-putty - with an elephant's
-, his Irena:us, Lib . ii . --, the, on words in, identical head, the emblem of wisdom, at
Cap. xxxix., 120 with Sanscrit, 234 the side of Indian roads-thefa-
478 Index
Page Page
ther of the garden, from ti gn, Ham, both Syria and Egypt the Hastings, Mr., on a tradition atPaga
garden,'and petti father, 415 domain of, 385 Benares, 444
Guntham, king, a declaratory law -, in the division of the world, Hat, the chief ensign of the Fla-
passed by, at the Council of Mas- had 24 parts, 399 meus, 53
con, 279 , the wicked one, &c ., father of Hatfield Chase, the scotted or taxed
Gushtasp, 77 the Canaanites or followers of lands of, 284
Gutzlaff's Journal, 215, 216, 217 thefemale principle, 430 Haughton, Professor, [SirGreaves],
Gwyddion (one of the three Se- Hamilton, Sir W., 85 158, 244, 245, 261, 358
ronyddion), the diviner by trees, 153 238, 352 -, on deriva-
Gymuosophists or Samaueans, the, on the word Circar, 277 tion of the word Sanscrit, 290
43-45, 368 Hammer, 205, 220, 221, 235, 237, ,on Cur-Ghari
-, the 247, 424, 437 or Cor-Ghirry, the mountain Cor, 411
monks of Europe were, 370 =, on the Assassins, 348, ', on the words
Gyna:cocracy, 24 381-391 Nyaya and Vedanta, 428, 429
Gyndes, the river, made fordable on the meeting of Jurists Hayti, the God of, called Jocanna, 31
for the army of Cyrus, against at Bagdad, 359 He, Z, the number 5, 138
Babylon, 317 's, Mr. Von, History of the and Vau (5 and 6), the
Assassins, is one great untruth, male and female-all the race of
founded on one great mistake, man descended from the union
381, 382 and conjunction of, 409
his zeal against modern Heathens, the inferior gods of the, 89
secret societies, 384,'386, 391 matched by
, his ignorance of the sys- saints, 90
tem respecting the three holy , names of the gods
cities, &c., 385 of, copied by the Christians, 91
H, rj, originally pronounced h as in , lauds the ancients for Heavens, the, a book,-whatever
English, 204 keeping the people in ignorance ; is in nature, to be read in, 235
Habul, gives Cabala, the word used but reprobates the same system Hebrew, the, every letter of, had
in Italy for afable, 300 in modern Egypt, 387 four or five meanitigs, 15
Hadad, is Idad or I-hadad, 6 followed Mirkhond and -, spoken in China, and
, corrupted from 4d ad, 162 Wassaf in his History of the As- the Hebrew and Christian sys-
Hadrian, 15 sassins - hence his account is tem flourished there, 41
Hag, 31 not surprising, 390 , i. e. the Celtic, in
Hagar-the Mohamedans maintain Haucarville, M ., D', 97 Wales, 130, 154, 163, 176
that she was not a slave, but a Hannay, Robert, Esq., on Chartres, and Samaritan chronology,
princess, 386 its Cathedral, and miraculous the difference between, 133
--, Dr., 150, 153, 227, 236, 248 Stone, 259, 260 , the, ancient Chinese nearly
Haggai lived before the entrance of -, on the be- related to, 148
the sun into Pisces, 125 ginning of the municipal govern- and Arabic the same,
foretells the promised desire ments of our towns-their date, 401 153, 159, 213
of all nations by a feminine word, 291 Hannibal shewed a march from -, is Celtic and Saxon, 155
'~ Hail to the Dove," &c., 114 Granada to Rome was possible, 385 -, and Mexican, close
Hakem Bemrillah, believed to be Hanuma, the monkey, half-man, affinity between, ib .
a divine incarnation, 343 180, 249 Bibles given to the
, established or en- Haquim, 4 Irish, 163
larged the college at Cairo, call- Haree or Her!, the Greek Epnc, -, the root of the East
ed Darol-Hikmet or the house of the Saviour of all, 118 Indian languages, 183, 226
wisdom-provided it abundantly Har-ol-ump, Har-al-om, Mount of -, vowel Points of, mo-
with books, -mathematical in- the God Om, 178, 179 dern, 184
struments, celebrated professors, Harpocratiou, 319 and Celtic, deficiency
and a revenue of 257,000 ducats, 387 Hassan Sabah, the college of, at of vowels in, 185
Hakim, 4, 7 Cairo, 250, 387 , the first language of
, the king, 300 , founder of the sect the Indians, 217
Halde (Pare du) . See Du Halde . of lshmaelites, may have been or Chaldee, the original
Halfeld, 43 the last descendant in the right root of Sanscrit, 236, 237
Halhed, Mr ., 131, 342, 355 line of Fatima, the favourite , Samaritan, and Syriac or
Halicarnassus, a city of Asia, 319 daughter of Mohamed : his jour- Pushto, have each 22 letters, 239
Hallam, 268, 288, 356 ney to Rel and Ispahan, and his , the first numeral symbols
, on feudal system, 277, 285 dialogue with Aboulfasl, 328, written into the, 291
, on ecclesiastical corpora- 388, 390 , the, according to Young, is
tions, 278, 284 the lineal descend- Welsh, 293
's Const. .Hist. of England, ant of the prophet, the last , the sacred script became a
283 .417 Imam, 383 dead language to the Jews, 294
on waste ans n the , made the fortress of , the, locked up in the Tem-
hands of the mocks-riches ac- Alamout the seat of his power, ple, preserved in purity, 437
quired by bringing them into 386, 388 Hebrews, the, 17
cultivation, 418 was, in the opinion -, give only Adam and
Halley, Dr ., on the Comet of 1680 ; of his followers, a renewed in- six princes in the race of Seth, 133
its revolution in 575 or 5751 carnation of divine wisdom, like -, used R for S ., 199
years, &c., 326 the Pope, or the Lama of Tibet, 389 -, confused state of the
-'s, Dr ., opinion of Whiston's the second, assumed to be history of, 332
Theory, 331 the real Imam, 388 Heeren, 10, 159
Ham, probably Noah's eldest son, , pretended to burn , on the wealth, &c ., of the
the story of his uncover- 361
his books ; if he did, he kept Egyptian priests, 366, 373
in ; his father, why contrived, 3 1,
copies. Something, probably, Hegisippus, 46
, a claim for (the divine right good in them, which the ene- Helen, the female generative prin-
of) probably set up by the Isit- mies of the Assassins could not ciple, 51
maelites in Egypt ; the despots refute, and dared not expose to the mystical mother of Con-
do not bring it forward, why, 384 view, 390 stautiue, 289
Index 479
Page Page Page
Helena-mother of Constantine, 348 Herodotus's history- and Genesis lieve the last Avatar is yet to
, St ., Napoleon at, a decided the same, 12, 13 come, 354
fatalist, 358 was in Egypt about 400 Hindoos, the, say, there have been
Heliogabalus and Caligula required years B . C ., 17 thousands of Avatars, 356
kissing of the foot, 55 never names the empire Hindus, the, give the first created,
, Antoninus, 348 of Solomon, 134 &c., 133
Heliopolis, or On, 110 , all books before, were believe that all living
, the temple at, had its sacred, 246 beings originate from an atom-
sacredfishes and tank, 236 , history before, mere like germ, 398
, its kings called Ad and ntythos, 313, 334 Hio-Cio-scientia, 227
Adad, ib. , on Solon discoursing Hipparchus, 26, 139, 141, 142
, the ancient academy with Crcesus, 318, 319 Hippocrates, on the length of the
of, 387 Hesiod, 305 year, 319
Hell, hot, cold, &c., 73 Hesperides, tke apples of, the tree Hispaniola, 30
, a, whether Jesus Christ of knowledge, 190, 253 Histoire des Temps Fabuleux, 11,
taught a future life by, 308 -, from pn oz and +7E) 12, 17
Helots, the, remains of a race pri, letters and tree, and a flower, 240 Histories, the, of Romulus, Cyrus,
drowned by the flood, 274, 310 Hhazar-ten in Heb . or Chaldee- Theseus, Bacchus, Hercules,
, the aborigines, a class of iapos in Greek, literally a decad, 322 Cristna, &c ., in reality identi-
almost every where, were slaves Hesychius, 248, 287 cal, 307
under slaves, &c., 362 Hexameters, pentameters, &c., how History, the, of Rajast'han, 4, 39,
Henry of Navarre, 54 they arose, 340 117, 119
-- I ., not called Majesty, 213 Hibbert's Shetland Islands, 284 -before Herodotus-mere
Heptarchy, the Saxon, did not ex- Hieralpha, the, of the Hindoos, was mythos, 313, 334
tend to Scotland, 273 the Lituus or Crosier, 79 , every, a mystery, to conceal
, traces of tithes paid un- , in the band of Hercules, 282 the truth, that the mass seeing,
der the, 279 Hierarchs, the, of each nation, might not perceive, 334
Heraclida:, the, from Atreus, 119 would grow into Archierarchs, originally one, and that a
Heraclitus, 47 as the knowledge of a very dis- mythos of the arrival of a divine
Herbert, Lord, 30 tant Lord faded away, 381 incarnation in each age, which
Herbert, extract from, on " ever- Hierarchy, the, of Christians, a the priests of each country per-
lasting Rome," 146 close copy of that of the Persians, 71 suaded the people must be re-
Hercules, 8, 19, 21, 106, 112, 117, Hierocles, 448 novated in their peculiar coun-
132, 137, 154, 225 Hieroglyphic alphabet, the, the first try, 340
, the Gaditan temple of, 78 letter or symbol of, an owl, 192, -, a great part of ancient,
, a personification of the 205, 221 should be considered as mytho-
sun, 100 Hieroglyphics, 20 logy, 360
, the Labours of, 105 -, on two at Rome, not of the world, few, perhaps,
, the Greek and Indian, from Egypt, 92, 93 so well qualified to write a gene-
identity of, 119 -, meaning of, lost in ral, as the Author, 369
strangled the serpent, 144 Egypt, 159, 160 , all, made worse than a
the Labours, &c ., of, ---, the Mexican, known riddle, how, 376
'° types of what the real Saviour to all, 160, 235 Hivites, Evites, or Ophites, the, 31
was to do and suffer," 193 remains of, in Chinese Hoffman, says, the early Christians
, the, at Muttra, and on letters, 214 did wisely not to expose the mys-
Egyptian buildings, 282 the Egyptian secret, teries to the profane view of in-
, Antony called himself except to the initiated, 235 fidels, 442
the lineal descendant of, 346 Hieronymus (Jerom), 16, 58, 77, Hog's History of Cornwall, 70, 88,
, Alexander traced his de- 95, 96, 98 178, 179, 286
scent from, 348 Hierophantes, the, of Athens, drank Hollowmas-day or La Samhpa, 82
, was called Perseus in hemlock to render them impo- Holloway's Originals, 154
Africa and Persia, and Sesostris tent, 77 Holm or haum, the Phoenix, Phoi-
in Egypt, ib. C7 r1 hkm, wisdom, 195, 215, 225 nix or Palm-tree, 65
Herculeses, &c., put to death, &c ., 142 Holme, the, 69
,1127n hkme, Guam, a corruption
Herennius, 448 Holsenius, on the analogy between
of, 225
Heresies, twenty oefore Christ, 50 English, Spanish, &c., 258
Hilaali, 29
Heri or Eri means Saviour, 15, 293 Holy Bread-the Pagans, says 'l'i-
Hilarion, on the founders of mo-
Hericfilas, the, and Poorus, 117 bullus, appease the Divinity with, 62
nasteries, &c, 368
from Atri, 119 Holy Ghost, the, 20, 54, 65, 81
Hindoo doctrine,the,on the number
Hermapion, 159 of Incarnations, 127 , spiritus, IIvsVµa,
Hermes, 31, 131 , Greek, Latin, and Sauscrit rirt, air, breath, 67
,Tent or Thoth, the inventor names of numbers, 166, 167 , effects of, wisdom
of letters, 163 year, the, is 360 days, 316 and power, 128
-, or fifth Mercury or Buddha, 164 princes, the, solicit investi- , or Zephir, 182
the alphabet of, 220 ture of the Mogul, though he is , or Spirit, de-
Herod, 96, 449 a Mohamedan, 352, 353 scended on Jesus Christ, at his
and the 3 Kings or Magi, 96 institutions at one time si- baptism, in the form of a dove-
Jesus not crucified under, milar and universal throughout always afemale dove, 285
according to Irenaeus, 122, 129 India, 418 , of Plato's Trinity
, believed by the Jews to be Hindoos, the, 33, 69, 72, 73, was Na;-Venus, 286
the Messiah, 233 79, 81, 83, 103 well known to the
- to be a Xp,rc, 251, 446 -, their pristine reli- ancient Celts, and invoked in
Herodotus, 2, 15, 19, 27, 28, 36, gion that of the pure and ancient their public councils, 299, 337
54, 86, 167, 180, 181, 204, 221, Catholic faith, 24 , breath or air in
230, 268, 273, 314 -, believe the Vedas motion, 337
really the father of were written in a divine, long- Holy One, the, in the West, incom-
history ; did not discover the lost language, 226 prehensible, and one with the
empire of Solomon, or the moun- --, and followers of 'lien, 36
tain tribe of Jews, 11 Brothers, Southcote, &c ., be- Holy Trinity, the, 80
480 Index
Page Page Page
Hom-the Mexican Creator and Abury seem not to have entered Identity of the Persian and Chris-
Triune God, 23 their mind, &c., 416 tian services, 78
Hom-eican-place of the Holy Tri- Hume, on the Aga of the land, 417 Christian and Gen-
nity, ib . Huns, the, 203 tile festivals, 84, 93
-el-can-country of the Self- , drove the Goths towards Carnival and the Sa-
existent, ib. the West, 273 turnalia, 86
-eteuli-God of threefold dig- Hutchinson, 137 modern systems of
nity. ib . - and Shaw say, the Christianity and of those of the
eyoca-place of the Creator, ib. Onion is a perfect emblem of the ancient Persians, 106
Homeyoca, the same as the Omorca disposition of the heavens, 438 of the celestial lamb, and
of the Chalda;ans, 28 Hydaspes, the, 19 of the Romish Jesus, 112
Homer, 13, 17, 18, 64, 305 Hyde, Dr ., 30, 61, 64-66, 70, worship of Tammuz
, the MS . poems of, all with- 71, 77, 78, 83, 86, 89, 92, 98, in Western Syria and Egypt, and
out the digamma, 168 101, 218, 240 of Tamus in North and South
, no writing older than, ad- on the fear of the an- India, 119
mitted by the Greeks, 169 cients of believing too little, 107 of Jewish and Gentile sys-
, his poems indebted to Aris- Hydranos, the, 65, 66 tems, 125
totle, &c., for their perfection, Hydrogen, probably constituted Tibet and Rome, in rites,
195, 196, 293 what the ancients called spiritual &c., 127
Om (the God) and Eri fire, the To Or, &c., 7, 336 the ancient Indian and
or Heri (Saviour)-Om the Sa- Hydropism, 7 Roman secret religious, the cause
viour, 293 Hymnes, les, d'Orphde, of the success of the Jesuits, 366
Honover, the Logos or Linga was Hyperborean island, a sacred,'said appellation of the
so called in Persia, 261 to have adored Apollo, 262 Crest or Xpris given to two per-
Horace, 62, 77, 87, 92, 357 Hyperboreaus, the black dove from sons in India and Europe, at the
Hors; Sabbaticm, 78 the, to Delos and Delphi, 285 head of two divisions of the reli-
Hornius, on the Mexicans-from gion, 438
Scandia, 278, 279 Ididi or Jedidiah, the most holy IE, 180
Horse and Ass, unknown in a state P1t ido, Idea, 188, 192, 226
of nature to the Americans, 35 Idols, the, of the Britons, ordered
,the,viewedwith horror when to be destroyed by Gregory 1., 93
first seen by the Mexicans, but 1, a monogram, prefixed for mys- rrt ie, the I shall be what I have been,
undeceived by the death of, 38 tery, 6 &c., 42.5
-, the, of the Revelation, 39 -, the form of is X, in the Dalma- IE, 5, 6, 174, 175, 180, 190
--, cow, and sheep, how convey- tian alphabet, 190 - of the Hebrew changed into lo,
ed to America, 40 -, the Creator, the mother of in the Syriac, 250
-- and the Ass, will not breed figures, letters, knowledge, ib . 9+r t ieie, the, chaunted by the
forward, 188 -, said to be prefixed for sake of Brahmins in the word Yeye,
Horus, son of Isis, his birth, death, mystery, (the sign of the male 427-429
and resurrection celebrated in principle,) 198, 343, 344 Itv, THE, L'Awu, 9
Egypt, 102 -, the ancient Saxon emphatic ar- Itw, the great prophet, lawgiver,
-- worshiped by the Muscovites, 110 ticle, 199 or Saviour of the Chinese, bad
-, an Egyptian grammarian, 219 -,is Again (Sanscrit), Aku (Malay), 70 disciples, like Iii-cove, the Zw
Hosanna, 31 Anok (Egyptian), Ego (Chinese,
or Saviour, 421
Hoskyus, John, on Chinese nume- Greek, and Latin), Ic in Saxon, 8
rals, &c., leoud, son of Saturn,
216 &c ., 229 170, 171, 180, 219, 286
Hostia, ancient sacrifice, 91 Iacma, festivals of Bacchus, 8 214
or lao, the followers of,
Houlakou, the third successor of lach lach, the God of Siam, ib . IH of Delphi or the XH=608-
Gengis, said to have finally de- Iacch,lacchd, ib . Jesus Christ described by, 190, 192
stroyed the Assassins or Ishmael- Iacchus-Ia or le-chus or le-kus, 224
ites, in A . D . 1256, IHS, lrlcss, 112
382 lad or I-hadad, 6
Howard, the philanthropist, I am that I am, on front of the tem- -, Bacchus, Logos, Linga, let-
Hu, God in Welsh-his sanctuary ters, L'I'R=650, 240
ple of Isis, at Sais, 17
an Ox-stall, Ignorance, the, of mankind, before
178 lao, 5, 192
Huehue, the Mexican first pair, the art of writing was discovered,
26 -of Siam, 7 and while it was kept a profound
Huli festivals, at thevernal equinox, 106 - the God Sol, Mithra, and the
Hum, deceit-Humbug, Big Hum, 293 secret, not surprising, 339
Lamb of God, the same, 112
Human sacrifices of prisoners of I-ha-ho or 1-ha-hoe, the God eter-
war, ordered by the (Mosaic) birth of, at winter solstice, 49, 95 nal, 17
Iaw }
law, 194 Ihid, 9
- of the Gentiles, the second per-
sacrifices, offered alike in Ii, 7, 130, 200
son of the Trinity, 98
Rome and in Britain-they were -, the crucified God of Scotland
-, Jesus mistaken for, or the
not laid aside by the Romans till and of Tripetty, 122, 206, 259, 288
Sun, 100
the time of Claudius, 416 Ice-derivation of, - or Iona, inquiry into the history
19 285-288
race, the, probable increase icon of Buddha-the mother suck- of,
of, after the flood, in 500 or 600 ling the infant, 170 - the island, and the name of
years, 395, 439 Iconoclasts, Jehovah, in Hebrew and Gael,
194 286, 288
reason, according to the -, the Jews a sect of, 16
Chinese, is the reason of the uni- Icons, Gentile, have become Chris- li-di, 7
verse, liuaa, 150, 176
398 tian crucifixes, 116
Humboldt, 25-28, 33, 34 - of Noah, Job, Seth, in India, 122 IIVAA=28, Evohe, 151, 183, 184,286
- , the learned or Sabio- an acrostic, 185
Icriti, Critika or Kritika-the God
reise, 297 --both Bull and Ram, 117 IIXATE is I-rxOvs, 6, 198
Hume and other historians have Id =14, 184 Ila, the island, so called from Ila
failed to account for many cir- Ida, mounts of, by the Hebrews the consort of Buddha, 287
cumstances relating to our Saxon called ]do, 161, 188, 226 Ilihi, godly, -the name of the
ancestors, from taking too con- Ideea-Maia-alma parens Dbum, 189 religion of Akbar-probably from
fined a view of the subject : the Idei, the, of Crete, were Dactyli, the lilt ieu, 355
fabricators of Stonehenge and because ten, 188 Ilas, 14
Index 481

Page Page Page

Has or Tulis, 14 . Incarnation of the Trinsurti or Tri- India, South, 7, 19, 24, 134, 171,
Iliad, the, 18, 19 nity, the Supreme Pontiff, sup- 173, 376
Ilium, 51 posed to be an, 244, 258 Indian Gods, the, in Ireland, 273 ; 287
-- or New Rome, ib. our divine, the Brah- -- princes, the, conquered by
Illusion, 123, 128, 294, 336, 445 mins say, is the same as theirs, 337 Alexander, seem to have been
, the lucubratious of learned -- a divine, what is but a feudatories to some grand po-
men in Europe, as in India, have person with more than a usual tentate of the East, 421
ended in, 427 portion of the divine spirit ? 338 Indians, the, hold the waters of the
Image of God - man, animals, -, the doctrine of the re- Ganges sacred, 65
plants, and every thing, believed newed, visible in India, Persia, , the earth's inclination
to be made in the, 397, 400 Syria, Greece, Italy, China, and known to, 314
Images, the use of defended by Ar- Mexico, 340 , probably understood what
nobius and Celsus, 80 - of Cristna, 98, 341 we call hydrogen, 337
and emblems, the adoration -, the, of the triune God, • ignorance of the, almost
of, has ended in the degradation a confused account of, in the story incredible, 351
of all nations, 364 of the mother of Gengis Khan , probably escaped from the
Imam Ishniael, (the son of Dscha- and her three sons, 353, 354 flood, 361
fer,) after whom the Assassins Incarnations or Avatars, 81 • a tribe of, divinely wise,
probably assumed the name of Incas, the, had across, of Jasper,- &c ., 368
Ishinaelites, 384 held in great veneration, 32 , the ancient, paid their de-
-- the invisible, proclaimed by - of Peru, united in their person votions (morning and evening)
the Assassins, as about to demand the temporal and spiritual pow- to the sun, by a dance imitative
the empire of the whole world ers, 34 of his motion?, 425
the origin and meaning of Imam Incense used by both Jews and Indies, the, 360
unknown, 388 Gentiles, 79, 92 Indra, 27
Imams-open and concealed, non- Iudathyrsus,-Bacchus, 208 --, crucified and raised from
sense respecting, 351 India, 22, 36, 39, 79, 87, 97, the dead, 33, 206
, in the, of Persia, we have 103, 106, 109, 118, 127, 134, --, of India, the Lao of the He-
the 12 Lucumones, 380 181, 192, 206, 207, 209, 210, brews, the Jupiter Pluvialis of
-- the 12, similar to the 12 212, 219, 239, 278, 340 Greece, and the Jesus of the Ro-
Caesars, &c., 385 the sages of, held the doc- mish Church, 122
immaculate conception, an, or the, trine of purgatory, 72, 73 Indus, the, 33, 117, 263
21, 38, 42, 96, 194 --, words of Britain in, 176 -- or Sindi-the holy river, 181
-, the, of Chrestologia existed in, be- Infallibility, the, of the Pope, from
Suchiquecal, 32, 33 fore the Christian sera, 202 the mythos of that of the Vases, 226
of Jesus, , colonies from, into Greece Infant Baptism, 67, 69, 70
by his mother, different from and Italy, before the art of No- practised by the
that of Cristna, 49 tation was committed to writ- Persians, 65
, story of, ing, 213 by the
considered spurious by the Naza- the fire towers of, 260, 261 Assassins, Carmelites, Druids,
renes, &c., 96 the feudal system of, 262, Essenes, &c., &c., 248
Zoroaster's 272, 275 -- in scripture, in uni-
prophecy of a-brought to Ire- the versals, not in particulars, accord-
land by a Daru or Druid of Bok- principles of, lost in, 263, 268 ing to Bellarmine, 69
bara, 96, 97 , proper, divided into three
Ings Lands, the, changed hands every
of Bacchus, 102 districts, 277
year, 282, 283
, the, of -, the holders of land in, have
Innocent I ., Pope, on Christian mys-
Buddha, Xaca or Saca, 227-230 no title-deeds for it, 284
teries, says, "Reliqua vero, quw
• of - and Scotland, identity of race
and language in, 289 scribi fas non est"-this must ap-
Caesar, 345, 349
ply to something besides the sa-
• of ,the subjects of Homer's poems,
craments, 441

Alexander, 347, 349
, of
and the history of the Bible,
found in, 293
-- III., 52, 54
Innocents, the account of the mur-
Gengis Khan and his brothers, 353 • the priests of, kept all their der of the, from India, 235
immaculate conceptions, cruci- learning from the Europeans, and
from all their countrymen except Inscriptions, many written in cipher,
fixions and resurrections of the
their own caste, 342 in India, 49
Gods of the Gentiles, of the East
• the sects of, a prototype of Inspiration by the Holy Ghost, a
and West, the, numerous, 125, 207
those of Europe, 368 figure of speech, describing a per-
of Alex-
son more enlightened than his
and Caesar, 349 -, North and South, Mexico,
Immaculde conception, 1', de la &c., many of the sect in, who neighbours, 308
Vierge, 97 have not the Pentateuch, have Inspiration, what is it? Is it a sub-
Immortality of the soul-the know- part of the same laws as the stance, &c ., 338
ledge of the doctrine of, confined Western Jews, 376 Io, 5, 6, 192
almost exclusively to the priests, - and Europe,-the same natu- Iod is a point, the centre, 6, 190
in Egypt, and hidden by Moses ral cause produced nearly the -, hand, 189, 190
from his people, 386, 387 same natural effect (classes or -, Ivy (Heb .) and tenth letter of
Inachus (son of Noah), the black castes) in both, 279, 392 the alphabet of figures, 190
or Ethopian 1io, 224 , the dominion of all, possessed - is, perhaps, i-di, the holy 1, 371
Inachus, 309, 414 by the Callidei, who ruled over Iodia, is Ayoudia, 6
Incarnate God, an, now believed in, 98 it, either by the sword or the logerne, the wife of Gorloes, 349
, adventures of the, crosier, 396 lohnites, the, &c ., or Chaldseans,
a great mystery, taught only in -- divided into districts, each the best calculators of time, 141
the temples, 232 containing 84 sub-districts, like 1 Or, the Or of I . I, jod, is ten,
, the adventures of the hundreds in England, 418 X, the perfect number, 174, 190
the whole life, &c. of the, repre- • the great castes of, became Iona, or Columba, 130, 257, 260
sented in the Deisuls, 233 divided into many little ones, &c ., 421 the Culdees of, 270
or solar mythos-in -, North or Tartary, 1, 2, 7, inquiry into the history of,
what cases attributed to real men, 351 19 . 134, 171, 173, 376 285-289
482 Index
Page Page
lona, the island of, is called Sodor Irish, the, according to Vallan- Page Isis, the, of Egypt, was called Neith,
or Sudor, 285-291 cey, a tribe from Spain, but pre- 336, 337
, the language of, is Gaelic and viously from the East, 412 --, called Muth or Mother by the
Shan Scrieu, 290 I•o u, not found till 188 years be . Egyptians, 403
, had its name of Columba fore the war of Troy, 22 Iskauder or Ischander (Alexander)
from the ancestors of the Sea - and letters, the Americans a lover of wisdom, exposed by his
Kings, 305 ignorant of, 33, 40, 41, 206 mother, suckled by a wolf, &c ., 346
- or Iuue (ill the sacred island bearers, of beaten, 21 feet Islam-doctrine of the Lama of is, 230
of) the temple was surrounded by long, and 8 inches square, in Islamism nearly destroyed byAkbar,
360crosses or pillars, and 60 pil- the temple of the suit at Kana- iu six years, 355
lars in the inner circle-wheel rak, 261 , the princes of, attempted
within wheel, &c ., 402 -, once the precious metal-in- to be overthrown, by Christians,
, the monastery of, had twelve strunieuts with iron edges and infidels, and the Assassins, 388
and their Prior, 420 gold handles, exemplars of, in Ismenian Apollo, the, of Thebes in
- in Scotland, from, to Iona in Sweden and Denmark, 305 B eotia, 204
Ceylon, facts prove that the reli- Irtish, the, 67 11m' iso, the Saviour, 118 ; to save,
gion of Buddha came to the West, 424 Irving, the followers of, expect a 230, 337
- and Linga, 130 re-incarnation of Jesus Christ- Isopolity-an interchange of rights
Ionia, Attica, and Etruria-the con- the tenth Avatar, 258 among towns or free states, 434
federated towns or states of, --'s chapels-the speakers with Ispahan, 382
being precisely twelve, shew me- tongues in, 342 Israel, the twelve tribes of, 19
thod and design ; their confede- Isa, Isi, male and female, 175 Issachar, 18
ration probably formed under the -and illa-liesa of India, the Hesus Isthmus of Suez, when a morass, 352
pontifical government, not for of Gaul, &c., 337 'I ;opts, 'Ismo, Storia, 187
mutual defence, 394 Isaac, . 8, 110 Isureu,
loudi, the, 43 6, 7
Isaiah, Lowth oil the poetry of, 16, 172 Isurium, i . e. Saviour Town-Ald-
, from Tibet, 127 --, the virgin of, 109 borough, why it sent two mem-
, Indian and Chaldiean, Isan or Isuren of India, the Isis of bers to parliament, &c ., 298, 299
adored fire, 128 Egypt, 7 Iswara and 0-sir-is, our Sir, Sieur,
, inventors of the Cad- Ischa, in Irish Celtic, meant a fish, &c ., from, 300
maeau system, 185 the same as the Arabic for Sa- Itala, Vitula or the Bull, country of
and Sam, the tribes of, viour, 347 -Etruria,
the same, 231, 268
263 Ischaka, the Saviour Saca, 229, 230 Italy, invasion of, by the French, 57
, Sacs; and Scythae, were Ischas, or Isca, or Ischa, the name , votive offerings to Saints, in
the Lowlauders of Scotland- of Sarah, and of Jesus, 60, 230, the churches of, 90
Yavanas, Saxons, 273 346, 347 , Bambinos in, adopted from
, the difference between the, Iseur, 304 boy Gods, 100
of the West and East, found in Ishmael, the tribe of, 207 the Saviour adored in, under
the Brahmin coming to Syria --, what has Juda (Jeddo) to the form of a lamb, 112
being all iconoclast, 364 do with the city of? 352 -, the Camasene of, from India,
loudia, Ayoudia or Judma of India, 181 Ishmaelites or Assassins, the sect
Iphigenia, 21, 293 127, 262
of, 382-391 -, colonies into, from India,
Ireland, 31, 82, 83, 97, 117, 156, 213
-, had au
183, 210, 230, 286 nuns in, the same as in China
aura of Alexander, 348, 349, 384
--, the cares of, and Tibet, 218
179 -, the, were followers of , its Saturnalia were festivals
• settlements of the Chaldei Ham ; at war with the Califs and of Saca, 268
in, 270 Christians, because both usurped the crosses of, found in the
• the fire towers of, 260, 261 a part of their dominions, 385 Scandinavian mark stones of the
---, Indian Gods came to, 273, 287 the, why they were Scottish isles, 284
and Highlands, the Baltan called Assassins, 386 , the renewed incarnation visi-
fires of, 289 --, the secret doctrines of, ble in, 340
, in the pale of, a remnant existed at Cairo, before the As-
of the pontifical government, , remains of apontifical govern-
434 sassins were founded by Hassan
Irettmus, ment in, found, but not under-
5, 57, 60, 142, 198, 241 Sabah, 388 stood, by Niebuhr, 371
---- on the age attained by --, the sect of the subsist- , the landed tenure in, identi-
Jesus Christ, 120-123, 228 ed, like the Jesuits, long after the cal with that of India, &c . ; lands
--- on duration of our Lord's open suppression of the order, held by the payment of a part of
ministry, 120-122 particularly in Kouhistfu, &c., 390 the produce-a tenth, 391
---, a Gnostic, 129 ---, the, of the East, go on , in, as in India, there were
-, Papias, Augustine, Atha- pilgrimage from the Ganges to
nasius, &c ., letting out a part of priests, warriors, farmers, and
the Indus, to receive, at Khekh,
the esoteric doctrine, &c ., 367 of isXot, who constituted the
the benediction of their imam-
Irish, the, pass their children fourth class, 392
regarded as an incarnate ray of
through fire to Beal or Sambau, 82 the Divinity, , most, if not all, of the land
, light fires, like the Ishuren or Sharon, the Rose of, 6, in, held by the nobles, and culti-
Persians, on Nov. 2nd, 83 vated by their serfs, 394
33, 44, 239, 240, 243
, old Gods of, traced to Isidore of Seville, , disputes in, between debtors
the Phoenician or Hebrew lan- Isis, 7, 19, 34, 61, 78, 84, and creditors, not understood, 418
guage, - and Greece-the relations of
155 102, 110
, the old or Celtic let- -, rites of, by water, air, fire, the states and municipia of, with
ters. of, the same as the sixteen- and blood, one another, how they arose, 433
letter alphabet of the Hebrew, Ite, Missio est, 61
- priests of, like Franciscan and
Tamul, and Pushto, 156 Mendicant Monks, the, meaning of un-
Hebrew Bibles given - and Seraphs, priests of, wore known, 197
• Ira or I,the femaleenergyof nature,
to, 163 the tonsure, fb .
letters in, called by -, with her son Horns, worshiped 175, 28
names of trees, 166 by the Muscovites, 110 Ixion, the crucifixion of, as d1oine
• the middle letter of --, sacred cycle of fourteen, 163 love, 116, 210
the alphabets of, is M, 186 --, the veil of, a parable, 300
Index 483
Page Page Page
Jaba, Java-Zaba from, 119 Japhet, probable that he was the Jesuits, the, their admissions to
Jabadios (Sumatra), i . e. holy youngest son, 361 the Brahmins, 341
Java, 218 , in the division of the , demonstrated the
, the ancients world, had 12 parts, 399 identity of the Indian and Ro-
probably took their measurement Java, 9, 221 man secret religions, 366, 367
of a degree, in the island of, 406 , its written, unspoken lan- , &c., employ the same
Jabe, Jave, Jove, 5 guage, 176, 214, 218 means as the Assassins did, to
Jachim and Boaz-emblems of the - or island of Ieue or Jehovah, 214 attain their end, 386
male and female generative pow- - Chinese written language in, 215 like the Assassins, sub-
ers-probably represented by the - one alphabet of, reads up- sisted after their order was sup-
two outer stones, as at Stone- wards, 217 pressed, 390
henge, 402 -, originally Taprobane? 218 Jesus, 43-46, 49, 57, 59-61,
Jacob, the testament of, 17, 18 called by the natives, Tana 63, 68, 89, 120, 121, 136-138, 143
--, the star of, 98 Jdwa, 219 , the Rose of Sharon, of Isu-
the omission of, in Enoch, 173 the early history of, 221 ren, &c ., 6, 33, 44, 239, 240, 243
-, the anointed stone of, the Ceylon, Japan, Sumatra or , in Apocryphal Gospels, called
emblem of wisdom, 182 Jabadios, were all sacred is- a Dyer, a Painter, or a Potter, 7
--, the sons of, sent to distant lands, 288 and Cristna, identity of their
pastures, 282 Javanese, the, have the week of history, 44
--.s stone, a house of God, 302 five days, 315, 316 , immaculate conception of, 49,
-- and his children, 313 Javolenus-his definition of pos- and birth at Bethlehem, 95-99
--'s ladder, with its 72 angels sessio, 393 , a priest of the religion of .Mel-
or aeons, &c ., 336 Jayadeva, 118 chizedek, 58
-, the angels seen by, 429, 433 Jaya Stambhas, Pillars of Victory, 261 -, called Ischas or Ischa, 60,
--, his name changed, 449 Jeddo or Juda-what has this to 230, 346, 347
--, (Mr .,) on the precious me- do with the city of Ishmael ? 352 - and the sun, mixed worship
tals, 305 Jehangir, after the death of Akbar, of, 89
Jagheer, a military fief, 262 re-established Mohamedism, 355 , the Trinity of, the same as
, from 11 gr A' ia, country Jehid, 7, 9 that of Plato, 98, 447
within all inclosure, a circle, 263 Jehova, Jehovah, 5 , his reign on earth for 1000
Jagheers, Indian, nothing of the Jehovah Nis-si, 288 years, 102
nature of, or of knights' fees, in Jephthah's daughter, 21, 293 of the Roman church, no phi-
the Chinese empire, 376 Jeremiah, 221, 268 losopher of Samaria, in the time
Jagaunath-the God of Wisdom, 261 Jerom, St ., 16, 58, 77, 98, 156, of Tiberius, 108
Jaggeruaut, 206, 261 171, 173, 177, 239, 240 -, his tomb at Jerusalem, 115
-, the whole mythos pro- or Hieronymus, 95, 96 ,time he occupied it,
bably to be found in the temple did not translate Eccle- 142-144
207, 293 siasticus, which lie saw in He- - the lao of the Hebrews, 122
5 brew, 125 the man, probably taught the
Jaimini, by Siva's order, composed , sought the Bible in Ju- doctrine of the Chrest crucified, 123
429 daea, 172 -,the, of the eighth and ninth
the Mimansa, &c.,
found the writings of the age, 125
Jamblicus, 46, 48, 127, 160, 448
de mysteries-his work Jews defaced, and dispersed in , a disciple of Buddha, i. e . of
fragments, 442 Divine Wisdom, 182
written to occupy the attention
of inquirers and to mislead them, 443 Jerusalem, 28, 35, 45, 89, 137, , called the Tree of Life, &c .,
230, 446 by the Gnostics, 204, 2_50
James, the Apostle, and St ., 72, 73, 75
claim of son-of-godsliip, and Mohamed left no writings
Jameson, 18
at, 124 behind them, 219, 448
-'s Curler, 312-314, 360-
--'s History of the Culdees, 420 -, pillaged by Sheshach, a , like Xaca, born from the side
Scythian or Saxon, 221 of his mother, 228
Ja-na, Jan-nus, Juno, from Yoni, 174
Janam-patri, the, of Cristna, 236 initiations at, as at Eleu- - was wisdom-Buddha, &c ., 250
, the making of, 346 sis, 232 said to have lost his life for
Jauga or Gauga, from Giam, 7 the Linga worship of, teaching that virtue would secure
Jang-ti, Divas lao, 192, 220 260, 261 eternal happiness, 253
Jansenists, Dominicans, and Fran- Mecca and Medina-the , would no more drink of the
ciscans, the-had they not inter- three holy cities-and the Black, fruit of the vine-meaning of, 254
fered with the Jesuits, they might Red, and White Seas, are under the Christ, i . e . the Crest, 344
have converted the Chinese, Ja- the power of the families of the and Cristna, the followers of,
Califs, &c ., 385 consent not to abandon their fa-
panese, and Indians, 367 vourite object of adoration, 368
Janus, the keys of, transferred to , the temple of, ordered,
81 by Darius, to be rebuilt, 420 , his mission of love, peace,
the Talmud of, 72 and benevolence having failed,-
and Noah-Menu, 223
- first taught the people to sa- Rose, the, the Amomum, 242 according to the Mohamedan
crifice wine and bread, 254 or Mount Sloria being doctrine-a strong one, that of
Jao, 5 set up against Gerizim, the pro- the sword, must succeed, 378
Japan, 34, 39, 288 phets of the two mounts quarrel- -, what a dispassionate inquirer
Japanese, the, correspond by sym- led, 275 may believe respecting, and of
bols with other nations, 214 Targum, the, calls Jeho- his doctrines ; the Socrates or
Japetus-either of the Triumvirate vah li, the name of the island Pythagoras of his day, 449
might have been the lineal de- Iona, 286 of Bethlehem, 56
346 , the temple of Ieue at, , passed down
scendant of the first,
was called eiklbit, but often eihl his power, through St. Peter, to
Japhet-the Moguls trace their pe-
digree from, 353 only-bit, house, being omitted, the Popes, 57
would say, the descendants &c ., 408 - mistaken for lao
of Shem and Ham owe him suit Jesuits, the, 76 or the Sun, 100
and service, &c ., 359 , at first encouraged, in for the people, 129
and Shem-the representa- China, India, &c ., 217 and Alexander,
tives of both, are persons in all excluded from the each had, mystically, two fa-
humble life, 360, 361 Papacy, 270 thers, 350
484 Index
Page Page Page
Jesus of Judaea, 60 temples necessary, he would Jews, the, their dislike of the Apo-
- of Nazareth, 50, 51, 58, 93, have said so ; the beautiful globe crypha-their secret history had
109, 112, 124, 256 was his -relmyo ;, and an bumble that of the crucified Avatar, like
-, the Nazarite of Samaria, 117, 409 those of the Gentiles, 125
and contrite heart his temple,
125, 409 Jesus Christ, the charge of, to the • have no books in their
for the Conclave Apostles, not to throw pearls be- canon after Haggai, ib.
and Cardinals, 129 , have, contrary to the au-
fore the swine, construed by the
fathers to mean, that they should thor's former opinion, corrupted
,a Natzir, or flower6, 193, 239, 240, 243 their books, 126
not reveal the secrets of the re-
the Son of Sirach, crucified, ligion, 442 • and Samaritans, differ-
&c ., 124, 125 was of the Eclectic or ence of chronology between, 133,
the re- Philalethean sect, 448 134, 327, 329
newed incarnation in, 3665 Jew, a, not required to give up an • h ad a cycle of 14, 160, 162
Jesuses or Saviours, nine or ten, 124 iota of his faith, when he turned • h ave lost the Cabalistic
Jesus Christ, 16, 35, 43, 59, 65, Mussulman, 372 meaning of the letter M, 167, 223
66, 87, 106, 142, 143, 189, Jewish Cabala, 221 , reduced the 28 to 27
202, 285, 343 unwritten doctrine, 232 letters, to make M the centre
a Nazarite, of the mo- Cabalists, the, 223 letter, 168
nastic order of the Pythagorean Canon, the, conceals the , say that Ieue is written
Essenes, 44, 46, 50, 449 mythos of the adventures of the one way and spoken another, 171
• the whole history or Incarnate God, 232 • say the Targums were
life of, may be read in the stars, history, 11 delivered to Moses, by God, on
57, 145, 193, 194 travestied by the Mount Sinai, 172
beautiful simplicity of Egyptians, 11, 16, 17 of Thrace, 181
his character and life, 63 and Christian doc- • i n the first ages of the
the first begotten, 72 trines found in America, 35 tribe of, the crosier alone pre-
forbade long prayers, 87 , the secret, had the vailed, 264
his birth celebrated on history of the crucified Avatars, . , spoke not Hebrew-Sy-
Dec. 25th, like that of Mithra in like the Gentiles, 125 riac was their vernacular tongue, 295
Persia, and of Adonis, in Egypt, Mythos, 10, 34, 36, 40, 173 , occupied Western Syria,
Phoenicia, and Biblis, 99, 104 as the noble class of Romans did
• i n China, 19,, 36, Italy, and as the Turks have
, not crucified at thirty, 97, 232
but lived to be fifty years of age, • i n North and South Greece, 310
according to Irenaeus, 120, 121, India, and in Mexico, 34, 36, • make the flood to have
123, 142, 228 134, 206, 229 happened in the fourth revolution
of the comet (of 1680), 328
• the life of, said to priests and government,
have been copied from the his- the, claimed supremacy from Jews, the, of North India, expected
tory of Pythagoras, 127 them, flattering themselves that a kingdom of Caesar, 345
held as a divine person a great Saviour would place them averse to proselyting, 363
by Ammonins Saccas, 131, 447 in command of the restored Pan- • their canonical books
, symbols of the real daean kingdom, 361 bring their history no lower than
history of, in the births, deaths, tribe, the little-traces of 400 B. C ., 364, 365
and resurrections of the Gods, 132 the doctrines of, in all parts, but , the peculiarities of, arose
,scenic representations without the books of Moses, from Moses's anxiety to preserve
of the acts of, in ceremonies of 361, 362 a hatred of images, 364
the Romish church, 136 Jews, the, 10, 11, 17, 20, 24, 28, • the mythical history of,
, his history that of the 29, 34, 35, 38, 39, 43, 48, 49, ends with their canonical books
sun, 144 54, 59, 62, 64, 65, 69, 71, 72, -their real history begins with
, a coin with the head 79, 95, 105, 106, 130, 133, 147, the Apocrypha, 365
of, and Hebrew inscription, found 148, 157, 189, 211, 223, 226 , had a lez non scripta be-
in Wales, 154 Cabalistic, 6 fore Moses partly composed,
, palm-tree branches, as a sect of iconoclasts, 16 partly compiled, the Pentateuch, 376
the emblem of everlasting wisdom, colonies of, supposed to , Mohamed was believed
carried before, 231 have gone from Alexandria to to be the promised one of, 379
and Cristua, similarity America, 22 , in the Cabala, have sub-
of, 241, 242 • Christians, and Mexi-- stituted Barasit and Mercavah,
considered a renewed cans, similarity between, 23 the one for the other, 429
incarnation of Adam and Noah, 245 , said to have been canni- , the present, may as readily
, supposed to be the bals, 31 reject ancient learning (the se-
ninth Avatar ; a re-incarnation of, • inscriptions state that cret doctrines of the Apocrypha)
expected by the followers of they came into China about the as they adopt modern-the Ma-
Brothers, Southcote, &c.,-the time of Confucius, 36 soretic points, 442
tenth Avatar, 258 , introduced their and the Jid, 7, 8
, maintained by Nesto- Christian rites into the Mexican Joachim, abbot of Flora or Sora, 242
rius not to be God, but a mere religion, 37 Job, &c ., icons of, in India, 122
man, &c., 357 • the high priest of, with - or Ayud, book of, from Upper
, his obscure situation, and pomegranates, 69 India, 128
like that of the Khan of Caraco- , had the rite of confession -, names of actors in, shew the
rum and of the present Calif of bells and held purgatory, 74 mythos, ib.
Mecca, 361 • turned towards Jerusa- -, the Arabic poem of, alone (of
, had he not been of lem in prayer, 89 all the books of the O . T.) con-
the two tribes, we should know , fasted and flogged them- tains the doctrine of the immor-
as little of them, as of the ten, 364 selves, like the votaries of Isis, 92 tality of the soul, 386
, the ninth Avatar- , attributed the same soul Johanna, 31
Salivahana in the East, Jesus to Adam, Abraham, David, and Jod, the, or point or pruktos, de-
Xprlc in the West, 368 the Messiah, 97 scriptive of self-existence, 190
, had no predilection , had the same idea of the Johanna, 31
for the temple at Jerusalem or resurrection as the Persians, 101 John the Baptist, 64-68, 95
at Gerizim ; had he thought , the esoteric doctrines of, 123 - or Oaunes, the Fish, 137, 138
Index 485
Page Page
John or Oannes, the cousin of Jovis Pueri, D. D ., 100 Julius Caesar, as Pontifex Maximus,
Juda or Ayoudia, the tribe of, 207 reformed the Calendar, 52
Jesus, 241
meaning of his , a tribe of, from India, passed united the secular and
decreasing, &c ., 297 from Arabia and peopled Abys- ecclesiastical authority, 53
sinia and Upper Egypt, 352 - assumed the title of Caesar, 54
• a Nazarite, of the monastic held out his foot to
order of Pythagorean Essenes, 449 Judaea, 60, 100, 125, 172, 449
, or Ayoudia, Eastern, 16, Pompeius Paenus, to kiss, 55
-, Evangelist and St., 67, 72,
120, 121 21, 36, 122, 156, 181 , believed by the Jews
, or Ayoudia, Western, 36, to be the Messiah, 233
the beginning of his Gospel
Platonic, 113 39, 40 , the comet (of 1680)
first noticed on the death of, 327
• Cabalistic doctrines of the Judaan, masonic, XJilc-tian festi-
1st ch . of, 261 vals, 142 , his unnatural birth, a
's, St ., exposition of the time, Mythos, 7, 10, 35, 40, made-up story, to advance his
&c., of Daniel, 317 218, 222 claim to the sovereignty of the
world, 345
John, St., Christians of, 66 • the, in China, 214 , stimulated to exer-
, Sabaans, 219 before letters were known,
John's, St ., Midsummer day, 297 • the, probably to tions, and his followers operated
, the Knights of, or the be found in Japan and Java, 222 on, by some one to come being
then looked for, 374
Teutonic, or Templars, 388 , the, in the cere-
234 Pollux, 319
Johnstone, Sir A., his promise to monies of Eleusis,
make inquiries into the diiueu- in both N . on a month as 30
sious of Indian temples, 407 days, 321
and S . India, 235, 293
21 or Chaldaan, Valerius, 165
172 237 Junius, on the three tribes of
Johnathan, the Targum of, in Armenia,
, the, of which his- Rome, 345
Jones, Sir W ., 122, 140, 213, 219,
Juno, from June, Yoni, 174
221, 236-238 tories of Adam, Noah, Moses,
on the division of Cristua, are parts, to be found Jugalis, 82
the languages of the world into in China, Mexico, Peru, Ireland the miraculous concep-
362 tion of, ib .
three, probably right, 399 and Scotland,
, on the number of , the, of black peo- Junone [Juuoni ?] Fortunie, 100
Jupiter, his love of Leda, 8
words learned, which would ena- ple, how found among white
ble a person to speak any lan- races, 363 te p,le o on Alount Car-
436 mel, 58
guage, or Mosaic mythos, the, es-
, and others, ridicule tablished in China, a branch of , image of, carried in pro-
cessions, 79
Bailly, Buffon, Liun6, &c ., for the first Buddhist or Tauric sys-
Stator, 86
teaching that man must have tem of cycles, or a collection of
been created in Tartary, 445 remnants of it, when the sym- Capitolinus, Sponsor, To-
nans, 91
Jones, Dr . J., 127 bolic numeral alphabet was in
s Lexicon, 242 396 Ammon, the Sun in Aries,
Jones, on the Canon, 63, 201 mythos,the, found in Mexi- 102, 110
the father of
-, on the language of the Tar- co, China, India, Syria, &c .,
67 441 Alexander, 346, 348, 349
tars, &c .,
65 8, 9, 18 Zagraeus, 103
Jordan, the baptism by John, in, Judah, or Juda,
Jortin, on the monks of Egypt, in --, the sign of, Leo, 105 Pluvialis, the, of Greece, is
the 4th century, 368 Judaic mythos, the, everywhere the God India of India, the God
Joseph called Scalit, and a Saviour, prevailed, 232 lao of the Hebrews, and the
28 Jesus of the Romish Church, 122
2, 16 Judaism, mythos of, in Mexico,
and with three eyes, the image of
tb' ?ttl Slit, 178 136
in China, 218 the Trimurti,
-, the Proteus of the Egyp-
. Jadaizing Christians, the, 60 , bound by his own preor-
tians and Greeks, called Re 226
88 dained law,
demptor Mundi-his name an Jude, St .,
122 overcame the giantTyphaeus
appellative, 16, 177, 178 Judea, in the Chersonesus, 324, 325
prime minister of Egypt, 110 -, the tribe of, the tribe of
(the planet)-Level's comet
canal of, in Egypt ; Io-ovi,, Judia or Idii, 188
retarded by the influence of, 334
wisdom of lo? 230 Judia, 7, 188, 218, 250
Jugera and Jugerum,-their con- the father of gods and of
established a feodal tenure in 425
tents, &c ., 406 men, represented as dancing,
Egypt, 264 100
Julian-the temple destroyed by, 298 Jupiter-,, infant,
, sent to his brethren, by Ja- 137
(the Apostate), 346, 448 or Gods,
cob, 282 189
maintained he had the soul Jurieu,
and Mary, the flight of, 45
348 Jury, the Trial by, our, came from
of Arimathea, 143 of Alexander, &c .,
the East, and is common to the
a matt so called, in the tem- -, when the epithet anti-chris-
Chinese and Mexicans, 278, 279, 283
ple of Jaggernaut, 206 tian is applied to, we may read
21 anti-Paulite, 449 Justin Martyr, 4, 60, 61, 66, 67,
__ Calendar, the, intercalates 69, 89, 253, 319
Josephus, 45, 46, 49, 50, 135, calls Sunday not Sab-
169, 317, 327 the Bissextile after the Termina-
bath, but the day of the Sun, 90
on the Essenes, 368 lia, before the last five or six
days of February, 320 maintained that
Joshua, his names for the tribes had
Julii-the family of the, always Christ was crucified in the hea-
a reference to the solar mythos, 122
136, 275 aspired to the office of Ponti- ves,
fex, 374 says Socrates was a
his name changed, 449 130
Josiah burnt the Ashre or groves, - or Caesar, the family of, pro- Christian,
bably all example of a foreign held the allegorical
&c., 371 131
Josias, 94 noble admitted to citizenship ; meaning,
the tElii, Fabii, and Lamii, per- and Trypho, the Dialogue
Jouanas, 31 252
haps furnish other examples, 392 between,
Jove-the fables of the descent of
Hercules and Perseus referred Julius Africanus-on the reigns of , addressed his Apo-
Egyptian kings, &c., 325 logy to Antoninus Pius, 440
to, 348
Jovi Servatori, 110 Caesar, 57, 147, 330 , his explanation of
486 Index
Page Page
the mystery of the Eucharist, in Page Kennicott, on one tree only, in nave divided his dominions among
his Apology, forms an exception Eden, forbidden, 251 48 princes-the 48, the number
to the course of the other fathers Kent-Gavel-kind Tenure of, 265, 284 of the ancient constellations,
-the reason of his conduct un- Kesari, the Linga of the Rajahs of, 260 shew the remains of the micro-
known, &c., 443 Keti, wife of Cama, 103 cosmic system, 421
Jnvenal, on the high priest of Ann- Kettle-drum, 70 KL, Cal or Wisdom X, 2
his, 79 Khakan or emperor, 67 -is X=600, L=50=650, ib.
, a passage in, 446 Khan was both king and queen, 181, 5] ki means ALL and heavens, &c., 408
Jye Jagannath,-Victory to Jagan- 222, 302 Klaproth, Mr., on the Tartar na-
nath, or God the Creator, or the the, of Caracorum, the lineal tion, 420
God of Wisdom, or Wisdotn of descendant of Japhet, 359 Knight, Payne, Mr ., 19, 70, 85,
the Great IE or Creator, 261 Khekh, a village in the territory of 165, 199, 228, 239, 253
Rouen, in which the Imam of the oil Isis and her
Ishmaelites resides, 391 offspring-Horus, 110
Khorasaun-traces of the change of , on whether
laud in, 283 Homer had the knowledge of
Khosru-Cyrus-Caesar, 229 letters, 170
v, the, were Caesars, 345 on Dancing
Kaca, Khouhist$n - the Assassins con- among the ancients, 425, 426
Kadir-Billah, the Calif - a secret tinued in, long after their order Knights' Service, 262, 265
was overthrown, 390 the tenure of,
assembly at Bagdad, held under,
which rejected the claims of the Khowaresm, probably Khorasan, 268, 269
Fatdtnites to the Califate, 385, 386 the Schah of, ib . the Roman, at first re-
Kaempfer, 39 Kiakiak, name of Bacchus in Siam, 163 stricted to 300 (like the Patres
Kaisar-probably the true origin of Kidron, the brook, 371 Conscripti), were afterwards in-
the name of Caesar, Kien-loug, 1'empereur de la Chine, creased to 600, and then to 1800
Kajar, i . e. Caesar, tribe of Turks, desceudu d'une Vierge, 97 -the 300 should be 360, pro-
the, 351 Kil or Cel, the churches first so bably, 422
Kaliug, Kaliuga, the Telinga, 238 called, 295 Knights 'I'emuplars, the, 112, 388
Kaliowakim, the Tatnul, a book of King of the Age, the, 51 , the, in all states, thought
wisdom, 128 priest, the, was anciently lord to be the same ; the richest of
Kaliwakam-the Nama Sebadiah, of the soil, as vicegerent of God, the Roman Plebs who could arm
in, 116 266, 269 themselves, &c ., 392
Kani, 5 • none but a, could offer a sa- Knox, John, and other reformers,
Kani-deva, 5, 6 crifice (for the nation) in Rome, destroyed images, &c ., 194
Kamschatka, 215 Athens, &c ., 271, 375 Knotted cords-superseded by sym-
Kauarak, a village near the temple , the, in Rome and Tibet, does bolic records, 215
of Jaggernaut, homage to the priest, 302 , the first Chinese let-
Kauda-Kan-diva-a Javan poem, 222 -- and priest, the, identical, in ters, 218
Kandi-kumara, the God-i . e. the Indian-Saxon time, 303 '° Knowledge is Power" was always
holy Khan of Cuma-is called - Jesus-the Paulite Christians as true as it is now, 274
Rabble, dreamed of, as a visible King at Komilmar, 28
Kaniche, Jerusalem, 312 Komulmer, the ceremonies at,
- of Kings, the title of, claimed celebrated with music, dancing,
KanyS, 5, 265
, Can or Cunia, by the Mogul, the king of Siam, &c ., 298
and the emperor of China, 352 Kopp, De, oil the Constitution of
K5iwt, the ancient, unused language • the Pontifical law and the
of Java, the secret Tribunals of West .
214 Augurs independent of-au ex- phalia, 391
Kapala (in Malay) xe(P axos, caput, ample of a king beginning to Koran (Tippoo Sultan's), metrical
head, 217 lose his pontifical character, 375 account of verses, &c ., in, 195
Kapila, the founder of the Sankhya -, Mr . E ., on the flood of Noah, , the trumpery of the, 219
school, 429 312, 361 , the standard of the Arabic, 274
Kara-coiums or stone circles, and Kings-several of Egypt, copies of , the Arabic of the, a dead
lingas or pillars, . 260 Abraham, of Joseph, and of language to the mass, &c ., 294
Kartuelta, the same as Cear-tiutli, Moses, 16 , called Om, and the
i . e. Kaesar or Caesar, the grand- , at first, were generals of the Dome, connect it with our Dom-
son of Noah, 24 priests, or of the sacerdotal bee and the Duomas of Italy,
Kasideans, the, an order, not a 303
forces, 264, 271, 272 , so far rules, that no-
sect, 135 , fifty-one lie in the cemetery thing against its doctrines is held
Ka-r' efoxrly, 226, 239, 243 of the convent or monastery of to be law, 376
Katschar and Osman, the families the island of lona, 286 , made up after Moha-
of, occupy, with the same title, -, or patriarchal priests, the tned's death, and, 22 years after-
the thrones of Teheran and owners of all land, 298 wards, redacted by Othman ; said
Stamboul, 385 • the divine right of, founded to contain two distinct religions
Kawi or Java, also the name of the on the mythos, 354 -the first a system of pure
peninsula of Mlalacca, and of se- the first were also pontiffs, 374 theism ; the second a sanguinary
veral islands,
Ked(, a corruption of Iedu, as-
218 (
• the early,) received the vec- propagandism, &c ., 378
tigal as king and pontiff-hence Kwpv, Cores-Cyrus,
pirated, &c ., ib . 290
their funds, for building, and for Kfiniari or Komari on Cape Coma-
Keill's, Dr., opinion in favour of making war, 395 fin, 6
Whiston's Theory, 331, 332 Kingsborough's (Lord) History,&c ., Kvwy, a dog, 159
Kel, 6glise, and ecclesia, from the of Mexico, 21-26, 28-31, 34
297 Kuster, Mr ., 127
Hebrew, -37, 74, 161, 393, 430
Kelidoni, Cape, 117 Kyrie, Eleesoo, 87
, on the
Ken (ire]), the first priests so called marred face of thee promised one,
-hence king, 222 in Mexico, 347
, knowledge, wisdom, 302 Kirk Meyn-kirk is the circle, 297
Kennedy, Van, 207, 226 Kissing, the, of the foot, 55
, on Akbar, 354, 355 Kiun Kau, a Tartar Khan, said to
Index 487
Page Page Page
L, the, emphatic in Hebrew, 215 Lion of, why it succeeded the derived from a commor source--
the pmpositive article of the Bull, 308 probably from a tribe of Sacr, of
Lamed, the, is L-M-dl, holy or sa- the nation of Paudsea, 273
Celtic and Hebrew, 299, 300
cred Lama, 188, 203 L'Awn or THE leo, 9
L'Achm, 32
Lam-Oigh-iupral, the virgin mother Lawuh, a mountain in Java, ib .
- often used with N, for 50, 196, 203
of Xaca, 229 Lay Impropriatious- whence they
LA, le Dieu des Lamas, n6 d'une
97 Lamps and candles, the use of in arose, 267
267 churches, copied from the Egyp- Learned man, every his own alpha-
La Loubhre,
26 tians, 79 bet or language of figures or ci-
La Place, M .,
Land, L'-ania-di, the holy country, 29 phers, 205, 220, 235, 246
-, the late discoveries of, 338
, the emperor sole proprietor Learning of the first nation, the
Lacedemonians, the, used the ket-
of, in China, India, Persia, and author no proof of the, 254
tledrum at the death of their
king, 70 the Burman empire, 263 Leda, 8
Land Tax, the, ten per c ent. in Lee, (Professor,) 195, 351
used R for 8, 199
Ceylon, Travancore, &c ., &c ., 266 Leet, a, so called from lotting lands
Lachim was L'hkm, the wise, 6
Lands-or strips of land-appro- on St . John's day,
La .Ctoze, 243
Lactantius, 80, 104 priated only in summer, 282 Legion, the Roman-the numbers
Laudseer's Sabaean Researches, 193 in the formation of, display the
Lacuna, the, of the Hebrew system, mythos, 422, 433
supplied by what is here taught Language, the first written, long
lost, 147, 222, 234, 274 Lempriere, 200, 314
respecting the Cabala, 387 on the name of Sallee, 287
Ladder, the, of Jacob, of Mount , the, of numbers, ex-
changed for letters, 223 -, on the word Augusta, 421
Solyma, of metamorphoses-the Lemon, Mr., 226, 302
Scala or Sacala, is Xaca-clo, 9 , a written, not spoken, un-
derstood by one who had the no- Leo, Pope, 89
, or a chain, X ., the obsequies of, 104
all nature was, 336 tatory key, 235
and polity-marks of an Leopold, Duke of Austria, 347, 384
L'-di-stone, the holy stone, 182 Leslie, Professor, of Edinburgh, on
314 universal, every where apparent,
Laertius, the number of square feet on the
362, 363
Aatos, a4 s ig, like Ite, Missio est, 61
one, may be supposed to globe, 395
Lakchmi, 32 have continued intelligible to the Lessing, 43
Lake Copias-the drains from, not Letif, leaf and letter, all learning
world, for 500 or 600 years, till
the work of the Bmotians, but of concealed under, 246
the population rose to two or
a people antecedent to the Letter, litera (Lat.), letif (Arab .),
three hundred millions, 396
Greeks, 381 a leaf, 153
, an extensive, commer-
, no record of the fabri- Letters, the origin of, 147, 215
cial, might be formed by 1000 se-
cators of the drains of,-an early , the knowledge of, a great
lected words being attached to
race from India, 419 part of magic, 169, 245
numbers, with a key, 436
Lalande, 139 and numbers, all, described
, in the first numeral,
Lam, 37 by right lines, 174
none of the little words for the
Lama, the, of Tibet, 1, 36, 57, 75 cases of nouns occurred-proba- the secret system of, 175
- , and the Lamb bly not used till syllabic literal the science of, a masonic

of Rome, equally adored as Gqd writiug. began to be practised, 436 secret, perhaps known to the
upon earth, 9, 75 Languages, all the, of the world, builders of Stonehenge, &c ., 256, 271
when he dies, except Sanscrit, may be traced to , the knowledge of, acquired
believed to remove to a new body, 58 the Samaritan Hebrew, 156 the philosophers a dominion over
---, Menu, and Mani, the --, their liability to change, the whole world, 257, 258
same, 188 whether spoken or written, 234, 294 • without a knowledge of,
• of Tibet, the inspired , a book with 73, all the ignorance of the Latins and
or incarnated wisdom, 226 founded on the Arabic, 235 Greeks respecting theirmythology
• the religion of, 229 -, all written, had origi- and Gods, a necessary conse-
-, keeps the nally only 16 letters, 256 quence, 424
whole mythos uniform, 308 , the, of the world, di- and iron, 34, 35
-, the Grand of the West, sub- vided into three-those of Shem, , unknown to the
stituted, by the Jesuits, for the Ham, and Japhet, 399 Americans, 33, 40, 41, 206
Grand Lama at Lassa, 367 Lardner (Dr .), 119, 448 Leucippus, 314
a grand or Papa somewhere, Lares, the, 90 Levant, the, all Christians of, go to
who superintended the whole Larissa, 117 church with the girdle, 77
archierarchy, 373 , the Youth of, 51, 200, 202 Lereque places the source of all re-
Lamas, the, 34, 97 Las Casas, 29, 30, 39 ligions in Tartary, 373
----, of Tibet, exemplify the Lascivus, from Laschmi, wife of Le.r non scripta, the Roman-the
renewed incarnation, &c ., 136 Cristna, 242 knowledge of, confined to the Pa-
Lamb or Llama, 35, 36 Lassa, 9, 367 tricians-was interpreted to their
, the-Hercules or Cristna, -, the archierarchy never wholly own interest, 394
slain, 104 defunct at, 373 Lexel's comet, retarded by the ia-
-, t' of God, that taketh away Lateimos, king, 241 fluence of Jupiter, 334
the sin of the world," 55, 87, Latin, Greek, Hindoo, and Sauscrit Lexicon, Sanscrit-many words in
104, 106, 168-110, 130, 242 names of numbers, 166, 167 the first Veda, which are found in
, Martin I V . ad - Laurence, Mr., on one or more than no-their meaning lost ; the first
dressed as, 55 one species of man, 363 lexicon made 600 years after
, worshiped 2000 years Lavaysse, on Humboldt's Sun-dial, 297 Christ, 428
after the Beeve, 110 Law, the, of the country was the L-hm-from 5 and tart-house of
a golden, at Mayence-a Religion, with the Druids, Jews, Om, 303
silver at Bon-with the sun for and ancient Indians, and is so Lhyd, 82
his face, at the middle temple, with the Mohamedans, 272 Liber, Bacchus, 8, 163, (Boc,
London, 112 , the common, of England and Book,) 265, 271, 292
--, slain from the beginning of Scotland, established before writ- or Liberius, 84, 91
the world, 117 ing was generally known, ib Liberi Sokemanni-men of Liber,
-, the, of the Carnntes, 154 Laws (the common) of England or Soke, or Saca, 265, 271, - 2 ;6
--, the zodiacal cyclic incarna- and Scotland, which the older- Liberius, St ., an Armenian, 84
488 Index
Page Page
Llama or Lamb, 35, 36 Lotus, the, of the Nile, blue, 179
Libration of the planes of the Eclip- , equally sacred in India,
Llhyd's comparative etymology, 154
tic and Equator, supposed to take Egypt, Greece, and Syria, 239, 240
place in 7200 years-72 small LM =650, 188
LMB=72, 204, 241 -, flower of the Sun, ma-
cycles of 600 years, or 72 large,
LMN, a great mystery in, 203 nifestation of Wisdom, of Love,
of 6000 years, in . 432,000 436
399 , emblems of the Trinity, 204 &c.,
Lightfoot. 95, 96 1T11t=t2 lmrbe, the cm used for t3, 195 Louh al-Mahfoudh-la table gar-
Lilies and pomegranates, 45 Loadstone and telescope, the,known dsse on secrete, the Mahomedan
239, 240 to the Chaldaeans, 175 book of destiny, 303
Lily, the, or Lotus,
44 the, L'-di-stone, the holy Louis XVIII ., a sponsor at the bap-
of the Valley, Christ,
the emblem of the Trinitarian stone, 182 tism of bells, 70
sun, 45 , compass, and telescope, --, St ., at the cathedral of,
33, 236 the knowledgeof, constituted part four bells destroyed, ib.
Linga, the,
or Priapus, 7 of the ancient mysteries, 246 Aezper aac7uyyrrrecra ;, 69
and Joni, wars on ac- , a large one capped the Love-feast or Eucharist of the Ma-
count of, 34 roof of the temple of the sun, uichseaus, 60
- and Iona, 130 at Kanarak, 261 Low, Mr., on the analogy between
- or lingua, language, speech, Locke, on ideas, 123, 131 the shape, ornaments, &c ., of the
logos, mind, 187, 240 Locrin or Loegrin, to whom his fa- Tabernacle, and those of the
and loni, the two sects ther Brutus gave Loegria, 1. e. Caaba, 402
of, united, 248 England, 400 Aofsa ;, the Author's former suspi
-- and Yoni, and Kara-corum Logan, Mr . J ., 290 cion of its import, erroneous, 313
of Scotland, 260 Log-uis-Sin-gal (read Hebraice), 292 ,the inclination of the earth's
objects of adora- 6, 46, 174, 178, 187, axis, so called, 313, 314
Logos, the,
tion in Ceylon, 290 197, 240 Loyala, the talented fanatic, &c., 270
-- or Logos, the generative or Buddha, 8 Lucan, 53, 145
power, &c., 259, 291, 292 -, the birth of fixed to the Luceres, A Lucumoue, 345
, the worship of, moment of the wiuster solstice, 98 Lucian, 110
equally prevalent with the Calli- Apollo was called, 102 calls himself a Syrian, and
di of the East, and the Collidei --, crucified in the heavens, 123 an Assyrian, 236
of Scotland, 291 re-incarnation of, in calls Dancing a science of
--, or stone pillar, adorned with every cycle, every neros, 136 imitation, &c . 425
flowers, and anointed, &c ., 297 --r or Linga,astone-Christ Lucius-when he was converted
--- and Ioni, by the union of called a, 259 (about A .D. 180) the three Arch-
(the sects of), religious wars was called Ho- flamens of Britain became Arch-
ceased for several thousand years, 308 sorer in Persia, 261 bishops, 400
, when the union --, the male, proceeded from Lucretius, 408
of the two sects took place, the Lucumon is probably Lux-maunus,
the To Or, 397
Cardo, Cross, or Mete-stone pro- &c ., 421
Lokman, 4
bably increased to two, in front London, 36 Lucumones, the, 345
of the temples, 402 -, the Tuscan-became
, every new church in, has a
, even after the wicked cross, 271 the Roman Senate ; these here-
union of the sects of, a leaning Longinus, no Grecian author cited ditary Sacerdotes got possession
shewn to the female, as at Moses before, 134 of the tenths, 373, 380, 381
Athens ; or to the male, as at adopted the system of -, were twelve, 420
Jerusalem, 445 Ammonius Saccas, 447 proba-
Linga, the old name of an island, Loo-Choo Islands, the, Chinese bly the cabinet of the Pontifex
near Iona, called the Dutchman's written language in, 215 Maximus, 421
Cap, 291, 292, 402 Lord, the, (Jesus Christ,) dura- Ludovicus Vives, 53, 74
Lingard, Mr., on the Rhyn or mys- tion of his ministry, 120-122 Luke, the Gospel according to, 46, 67
terious language of the Welsh Lord-from Lar-di, holy or divus , on the baptism and age of
bards, 153, 159 Lar? 301 Jesus, 120
Lingas, the obelisks at Rome, were, 93 Lord Paramount, 375 , . St., his picture of the
, in the temple of Jeru- Saviour, 228
-, the Pope and the
salem, and in the cathedral of Lunar year, the, consisted of 12
Khan of Caracorum both held to
Chartres, were in vaults, 260, 261 synodical months, of 30 days
be the, 383
of the Hiudoos, pre- each, from new moon to new
-, of the soil, the
served by the Mohamedans, 352 moon, before the flood, 316, 325
Pope the, as successor of the el-
and Phalluses-like the Lus or Lux (might be from sul the
dest son, 400
crosses in churchyards, 409 Lords of Manors, the, originally Suu) -hence the Lotus was called
Lion, a, the emblem of the Sun at ecclesiastical? the flower of Lus or Lys, &c ., 436
the summer solstice, and the coat (Lords of Mi- Lustrum,L'Ustrum-isepsc, second, 202
of arms of the emperor of China, nerva), all originally ecclesiastics, 422 --, the, of the old Italians,
and of the Egyptians, 292 Loretto, 30, 45, 80, 127 viz . five, 404
Littleton, 242, 413 the Casa Santa at, 57 Lustrums, the, of five and six, the
Liturgies-the chaunting of, whence ---, the Sa. Maria of, has forty roots of all calculations, 141,
it arose, 340 names, 91 168, 215, 409
Lituus, the, :8 the jewels, sought by 72,000,000, of, - or
or the Crosier, was the French at, 111 Pliny's division of the circle into
the Hieralpha of the Hindoos, 79 Lot and Abraham-like the dis- 72 constellations, 404
, the cross, the true pute between their servants, a Luther, afflicted with insanity, 123
seeptre of the Egyptian priests, 386 dispute between emigratingtribes, , his coat of arms-a cross
Livery of seizin, 263 &c., would terminate, 306 rising from a rose, 301
Livy or Livius, Titus, 76, 394 -, a, or an Abraham, would soon , could not prudently be
-, cause of lacuna in, 116 settle a dispute in the Golden Age, 307 trusted with the secret doctrine, 367
-, not understanding Isopolity, Lotus, the, or Lily, 44, 45, 243 Lux, the Logos, Rasit, Rst=600, 178
treats it as a cause, instead of an -, Age of, 32 LXX ., the, its great variations from
e, jject, 434 - or Water Rose, 32, 33, 436 the Hebrew-it was probably a
Index 489
Page Page
translation of the sacred books Page again, and may again point di- Matnmaeus's false Alexander, &c ., 348
of the five temples of Egypt, 16 rectly N . and S ., 414 Man, the isle of, so called from
LXX ., the, its translation of Baal- Maha-balipore destroyed by a flood, 315 Man-anan or Mahi-man or Menu, 287
Zebub, 83 Mahabarat,the, 88, 369, 396, 428 Man, considered a microcosm, 136
of TY zz, 239 , ended in the esta- • in Sanscrit, a human being-
reading of, of Dent. blishment of the Holy Catholic in Chaldaeo .Hebrew intelligence, 187
xxxii .8, on the division of the or Pandaean faith, &c ., 222, 370 -, priests, and corruption, in all
nations, 409, 410 -, probably the first states, the same, 307
Lycurgus, Pisistratus, and Aristo- religious war-when it arose, the , has he a soul ? What is the
tle, collected and reduced to their Golden Age ended, 308 soul? &c., 338
present form the Poems of Ho- Mahabarats-the first GREAT ,cars , his state before the invention
mer-at first sacred poems, 195, -the, probably arose between of letters, 339
196, 293 the Sovereigns or High-priests • though he could not write in
united music to military or Pontiffs, about the presidency syllables, soon learned to speak
exercises, 426 over the whole world, 391 in them, and to make rhymes, 340
Maha-Deo, 103 -, various races of red and white,
Mahdeus and Mahadeva, 7 as well as black, 363
Mahmud Pasha, of Egypt, said to • ifbe arrived at high mental
have the heir of Mohamed under culture 500 or 600 years before
his authority, by whom lie could the Sun entered Aries, &c ., 364
excommunicate the Grand Seig- -, the passage of, through differ-
nior, &c., 352, 354, 361, 388 ent stages, appropriately de-
M, a monogram, prefixed for mys- of Ghazni received in . scribed by the Golden, &c ., Ages, 366
tery, 6, 198, 299 vestiture from the Calif Alkader, 354 the first state of, peculiarly
-, Cabalistic meaning of, lost by Mahomet, Life of, by Prideaux, 89 favourable for an increase of
the Jews, 167 Maia or Maria, the mother of the numbers, 395
-, made the centre letter by the Romish Christ, 44 • supposed to be created dou-
Jews, 168, 186, 187, 204, 242 or Brahme-Maia, 128 ble-male and female in one per-
-, monogram for the Virgin Mary, 170 sovereign or supreme of the son, in the image of the andro-
-, the mystic nature of, 203 gods, 189 gynous God, 397
-, the M-phalos or Omphalos, M-aia, mother la or Jab, 224 , animals, plants, &c ., believed
lone, the centre, 224 Maia, mother of Xaca, conceived to be formed of both sexes, 398
- or Om, the sacred, never-to-be- front a white elephant, 227, 228 • the chain that ties the world
spoken, 299 the base of hydrogen, &c., 336 together ; below him, animals,
w, the tenth letter of the new al- described by Horace as the plants, metals, &c., &c. ; above
phabet of letters, 190, 196 mother of Augustus, 357 him, souls of men, daemons, an-
C=600, 170, 180, 187, 188, 207, the female, the followers of, gels, archangels, God, 404, 407
223, 224, 242 &c., 428 , the stadium, the fathom, the
- final, is the Samach, 195, 241, 302 Maimonides, 89, 194 standard, 404, 405
bla or Am, mother in most written acknowledges that the , believed to be formed two in
languages, 168, 170, 186, 242 meaning of the words Barasit and one body-male and female-the
Maccabees, the book of the, 4 Mercavah is lost, 343 higher and lower, the good and
Macdonald, 82 and other learned Jews the evil, 409
Macedon, i. e. Scythia, the kings on the word Mercavah, 401 perhaps, is near his end ; a
of, descendants of Japetus, 347 Main Ambres, name of Stonehenge thousand years hence, philoso-
Macpherson-did not understand (hence our Miusters and Monas- phers, in some shape, may spe-
the nature of Ossian's poems, 293 teries) Main of Am or Om-bra culate on the extinct animal
Macrobius, 103, -stone of Om the Creator, 410 man ! 445
, on a lunar month, com- Maine [Maria;?] three goddesses, 103 -of the Mountain, the-the cas-
puted for a year, 325 1llaire Dom-Mayor-a judge, 277 tles of, were left in peace, by
, the 360 Divi of, 429 Majesty-Henry 1 . would have been Gengis, why, 383
Madonna-Dolerosa-Vialis, 90 shocked to be called, 213 Mandaites, the, 141, 193, 218
of the sun, 91 Malabar, 50,000 Nestorians in, 96 Mandschurians, the, 150
Madonnas, 100 --, the Nestorianism of, was, Manes or Demons, 74
and Bambinos, 242 in fact, Xpgs-ism, 357 Manes held, that the faculties of
Madras Transactions, the, 289, 296 Malacca, 215 seeing and hearing are never lost, 101
Maenades, the, 59 Malcom's History of Persia, 243, 251 Manetho,
Magi, the, 48, 65, 66, 77, 95, 97, 301 Malcome's, David, Antiquities of 11, 12, 14, 133
religion of, corrupted, 58 Britain, 20, 30, 33, 229 I
s succession of Gods who
offered gold, frankin- Male, the followers of Buddha af- reigned before, and ended at,
cense, and myrrh, to the Sun, 96 fected the, 269 the deluge, 323, 324
, Magicians, Necroman- - and Female sects, the, coa- dtentions their reigns by
cers, and Shepherds, would come lesced, 269, 270, 445 lunar months, &c ., 325, 326
to Bethlehem to worship the powers-contest Mangey, 46
new-born God, every 24th of between the, 368, 369, 427 Maui, 7, 8, 65
December, 96 -, where the, was the favourite, , celebration of the eucharist,
, the heads of, always as at Jerusalem, a leaning (even by the followers of, 59
called kings, 98 after the union of the sects of Manichaeans, the, 8, 45, 49, 60,
, the skulls of three kings the Linga and Ioni) to Jupiter 80, 129
of, to be seen at Cologne, ib . or lao, 445 baptized both infants
, Persian, believed in the Mallet's Northern Antiquities, &c ., and adults, 65
resurrection of the body, 101 185, 272, 304 , on the succession of
Magic assigned as the origin of the on Seigneurs and Seig- Abads, 133
Microcosm-nobody can tell what niories, 300 -, denied the supremacy
magic was or is, 397 , on the ancient Runes, as of the Pope, and admitted the
Magnetic needle, the cause of the known in Tartary, 305 Caracorum gentleman was Lord
variation of the-may, like the Maaaor„ fcaAor, apple, fleece, 252 Paramount, 383
planes of the Equator and Eclip- Mama-ja, 6 Manichees, the, 48
tic, be gradually coming right Mammacocha, the Sea adored as, 30 Manie, Mniae, Minu=666, 187
490 Index
Page Page Page
Manttus-mau-connexion of the Marys, the three, 103, 136 Maya, (parent of Buddha, and God
word with the Om or Hom of , or Parcm, 203 of Love), 103
India and Persia, 265, 268, 397 Ma-Saga, the great Saca, 230 Mayence, a golden lamb, with a
Manor-manor-is-place of Mnr, Mason, a perfect, must be a perfect glory, in the cathedral of, 112
Minerva, Wisdom, 301 Buddhist, Jew, Christian, or Measures-how the oldest, most
Manuchi, 263 Mohamedan, 251 universal, &c., of the ancients,
Manwantara, an age of man, 134 Masonic Tern plays, eight-point red may be ascertained, 403
Mauwantaras, (fifty-six,) 133, 134 cross of the, 112 , Digits, Palms, Feet, Cu-
March 25th, celebrated for the re- or Rossicrucian mystery the bits, &c., &c., 404, 405
surrection of Mithra, 99 whole Xovla•-tian mythos, 134 Aroura, Plethron, &c.,
-, celebrated for the re- Lodge or Chapter-the ban- 406, 407
surrection of Jesus, of the god quet which always follows a, Mecca, 207
Sol, 100 probably the remains of the Eu- --, the mother of cities, 303
-, celebrated for the re- charistia, 441 Medina, and Jerusalem,
surrection of Bacchus, Horns, Masonry-what would be its secrets, holy cities, 385
and Osiris, 102 if all England were initiated? 341 --, the temple or Caaba of, was
Marcionites, the, 80, 96 Masons, the, kept the Cadmxan surrounded with 360 pillars, like
Marco Paulo, 33 system in mystery, 185 the temple of Iona, in the West,
Maria, the lake of, 45 Mass, the, 64 with 360 crosses, 402
queen of heaven, 81, 82 Latin for corn or bread, 61 Medina, 377
--, aria, place of M : 228 is called the Host, 62, 91 Mohamed's flight to, 378
-- Sa . degli Angeli-Auima- Masses or services for the dead, 73 arrival at, 380
Consolazione, &c ., 91 Massaca, Massaga, Magosa, or Mo- - tomb at, 385
--, called Mania, in Siam, 180, 203 saga, a great city, 230 , Sidouia, the city of, 307
Mariebus, Tribus, 103, 181, 203 Massagetae, the, 37., 67 Mediterranean, the, the subsidence
Mariner's Compass or the Load- Ma.ssonius, Philippus, 148 of, 352
stone, a wisdom more precious Mastodon, the, is dead, 445 Medo-Persian Monarchy, the, 317
than, 128 ltlasziat, Mount (of the Saviour?) Medusa's head, &c ., the nonsense
Marinus Sanutus, 240 called also Mdsiade, Masiaf, Ma- of, 349
Mark stones, the Scandinavian, of siath, and Mosiah,-in the time Megabyzes or Megalobyzes, the,
the Scottish isles, 284 of the Crusades the chief place priests of Diana, 47
Markets and fairs held around the of the Assassins, 391 Megalistor, the, 27
sacred mount, with its cross, on Materuus, Julius Firmicus, on man Mundorum, the, 251, 408
every Dies Solis, 276 produced in the image, &c ., of -, the celestial
, anciently held out our Sun- the world, 430 vault, was the templum erected
day, 315 Matheinatici, the, were Freema- by the, 408
Marooles=666, Tuesday, 208 sons, 135 Meyiso.v xisp.s , the guide to feli-
Marks, letters so called, and know- , Cyclopes or Ca- city, 130
ledgeof the number called wisdom, 169 lidei, the builders of Stonehenge, Melchizedeckian and Pythagorean
, whether Homer made, or Abury, Dipaldenha, the Pyra- ceremony-the Eucharist ; in the
knew alphabetic writing, 170 mids, &c ., 135 mode celebrated by the ancient
Marolles, the abbd, 53, 62, 79 - , calculators of Latins and the modern Jews, we
Marriage, with ancient Persians, a time, 141 have all example of a mystery
religious service, like that of the Mathematicians or Chaldeans, the, become public, 441
Greek, Romish, and Protestant in the time of Caesar, 134 Melchizedek, 45, 202
Christians, 71 Matribus,'Tribus, 103 , Abram, Mithra, and
a civil contract in Scot- Matter, M ., on the little advance in Jesus, the religious. of, all the
land, and in the United States, 72 real knowledge, 132 same, 58
Mars, 83, 212, 213 -, on the Monad, 197 , sacrifice of bread and
is Apvls, and the monogram Matter-the doctrine of the eternal wine, of, 59, 62, 63
51, 208 existence of, 427 , says grace, drinks to
Marsden's History of Sumatra, 292 and spirit, materialism and his guests, &c ., 300
Marsh, Bishop, 43, 61, 67, 69 immaterialism, &c ., 428 , at Salem, one of the
--'s Bishop, Horse Pelasgicae, 293 Matthew, the Gospel according to, tribe of Juda, which came from
Marsham, 189 46, 60, 67 India, before the tribe of Abra-
Martial, 145 and Luke, disputed chapters ham, 352
Martiales, the priests of Mars, 76 of, 129 , Abraham of the reli-
Martianus Capella, 102, 110, 224 , on generations from Abra- gion of, 364
, out the cycle of ham to Christ, 133 ,priest and king, 366, 381
Om=608, called OMEN, 414 Maundeville, Sir John, 189 Melchizedeks, Royal or King-
, adored the solar Maundrell, 236, 402, 405 Priests, the first governors of
power, 429 Maurice, Mr ., 49, 67, 69, 70, 83, nations, 269
Martin IV. was addressed thus, °t0 89, 96, 98, 102, 127, 253 Mem, the, in Irish called bl-vin,
Lamb of God, who," &c., 55 on MI . Bailly's posi- M-uin, 223
Martintnas, the festival of, 86 tion, respecting the first race of Memory, without writing, cannot
Martyr, Justin, 4, 60, 61, 66, 67, men after the flood, 444 preserve historic knowledge, ex-
69, 89, 115, 144 Mayors and Quirinus-Mars, 208 cept of a simple story-as, of
Peter, 39 Maximus of Ephesus, 448 the flood, 310, 313, 339
Mary, Marls Stella, Mother of our May-pole festival (the vernal equi- -, the shortness of, in the
Maker, glorious Virgin of Mount nox in Taurus) still celebrated early race, attributable to their
Carmel, 45 in Hindostan and Britain, 106 having only numeral symbolic,
- Magdalene, the mother of , the, dancing round, 179 and not the syllabic, system of
Jesus, and Salome, 102 -day and April-fool festivals, letters-perhaps only the know-
Mag or Magna the, in Britain and India, 262 ledge of the figures of,nbtation, 432
di-Helen, 203 --poles, our, whence, 410 Mencerinus or Menchdrinus, 13
one of the three of Gaul, 154 - , where the priest treat- Meudeean alphabet, the, was Pushto,
followed Henry, &c ., a gene- ed the people with games, &c ., &c., 153, 240
ral history must not be written when they came to pay their Meiideaus-Mandaites, &c., 218
with stating, that, 369 tithes, 419 Men-des, holy Goat or Sheep, 180
Index 491
Men-des, holy Goat or Sheep= Page Metals, the order of the discovery Page Mexicans, the, must have gone
650, 188 of-Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron, 366 from the old world before sym-
Mendicant monks, the, like priests Metaphysicians, profound, talk non- bolical writing was invented, 160
of Isis, 92 sense, 227 their religion, 202
Mendicants, the, 72, 76 Metempsychosis, the ancient fa- knew notation, 235
no other beggars thers believed in the, 252 had trial by Jury,
in Rome, but, 72 , whether Jesus 278, 279
Meuechmi, two, at Jerusalem, both Christ taught a future life by a, 308 must have gone
named Jesus, and both born of a many matters from the old world before the
Virgin, &c., 124 must be premised, before it can change in the earth's axis, 315
-, the Celtic mannus and be denied, 338 , the most ancient
=7t1 hkm, man of Wisdom, lb . Meton, 141, 198 year of, 360 days, 318
Mdnds, 12, 13 Metouic cycle, 32 and Spaniards, the
Menu, Nume, 211 ,viz.l9,socommon relation between, like that of the
Janus or Noah, 223, 360 in the stone circles in Britain and Britons and Romans, 415
, the laws of, 244, 263 Ireland, 402 , who will say they
, Nod, . and Tibe, 309 Metz, 103 were barbarians ? 416
, each people, having the my- Mairm, three goddesses wor- Mexico, 28, 29, 31, 34, 36, 39, 74,
thos, would maintain that its shiped at, 103 171, 173, 232, 393, 430
ancestor was the incarnation or Mexican king, the, danced before and Peru, antiquities of,
Man-uu, 361 the God, 31 21-41
- Bua dd ; uenu t was Noah, , temples in the form or Mesi-co, the country of
therefore Buddha was Noah, 400 of a cross, 32 Msih or of the Messiah, 23
, the laws of, admit the sove- , language full of or Mesitli, 23, 24
reign to be lord paramount of the Greek and Hebrew words, 35 -, the same Hebrew language
soil, 418 , rites, &c., are al . and double mythos in, 206
Mercator's Chart-probable origin most the same as those of the the Virgin and Rose, in, 244
of, 372 Jews, 39 • two weeks in, viz ., one of
fIercavah-the wheel of Ezekiel, , language, close affi- 3, and one of 5 days, but not one
335, 401 nity of, to the Hebrew, 155 of 7 days, 315, 316
the knowledge of sub- and Polynesian lan- , the doctrine of the renew-
lunary things, &c ., 342 guages, difference between, 158 ed incarnation, visible in, 340
-, by Jews and Christians, Mexicans, the, their monuments, • given away by the Pope,
said to mean moral doctrine ; it paintings, mythology ; theirtriune as supreme over the whole
taught astronomy, the use of God ; their arrival from the world, 374
cycles, &c., 343 West, 23 and Peru, while Gold was
- and Barasit, meaning of their migration, led the only metal in, and coin not
lost, 343, 428 by the God of Armies, 24 invented, 380
-, and Mohamed's temple, ,had fringes on their Meyn Ambre, Stonehenge, 279, 410
called Caaba or Caavah, 398 garments like the Jews ; their , the Rocking-stone in
, the microcosm of. Per- chronology on the creation, de- Cornwall so called, 410
haps the vehicle or conveyor of luge, confusion of tougues, nati- Mezeray, M ., 54
the secret of the Om, of the doc- vity of Christ, &c., 25 Mi Dubh, month of sorrow or
trine of the renewal of cycles, 401 , crucified a man at grief, 83
from n m, 7T er (mean- the end of 52 years, 26 - Nolagh, month of the new-born, ib .
ing apxsl or chief) and a3 cb, , held that the world - Samhan, month of Samhan, ib .
cap or cavah-the chief or head was inhabited by giants ; chaunted Min, the female of Plato's To Or, 168
circular vault of M, 401, 402 the word Hululaez ; their hiero- -, the monogram M and the
, the, with the Barasit, glyphic annals extended back- Hebrew Ie-self-existent, 196, 224
supposed to contain all the mys- wards beyond Egyptian, Persian, Mice apxq and IIaTr;p a7rms-os, the
teries-the Grecian Cabala, 440 Greek and Sanscrit history, 27 androgynous Brahme-Maia, 197
Mercury, 31, 312 their temple Xochi- , the, a chief part, &c., 367
Merlin, the British, begotten by the calco faced the four cardinal Mickle for much-our Saxon word
Devil on the body of a virgin, points, and they had no iron, 28 from the Heb. Meiklu . In some
as fabled by the Templars, 349 , their language simi- cases it is used for all, as Mickle-
Meroe, the island, 10, 44, 45 lar to the Hebrew, 29 gate, York-the sole or only road
Merrick's annotations, 408 , baptized their chil- into the city, from the south, 408
Meru (Mount) 21, 45, 73, 103, dren ; had a fast of 40 days ; Michaelis, 43, 67, 172
175, 228, 411 honoured the cross ; 31 Microcosm, man considered, a, 136
-, perhaps Menu, 180 , called God the Fa- , the great, of North
a mount, in every country ther, Yzona, 32 India, 275
having any pretensions to have , had their mythology Microcosm, the, 299
a Saviour, 341 from Asia, and held the doctrine , no doctrine more
Merits or Moriahs, Parnassuses, of regenerations in cycles, 33 universal than, among the ancient
Olympuses, Acropolises, &c., , called their great philosophers ; fragments of it lie
why we have so many, 275 God Yao, INEFFABLE ; expected scattered around us ; it is inti-
Mesopotamia, the, formed by the a Messiah ; their history of the mately connected with the Caba-
Ganges and Indus, the feudal flood, a close copy of Moses's ; listic doctrines of the Trinity and
system vigorous in, 263 sacrificed their first-born ; prac. Emanations ; its origin perhaps
Messala, 62 tised auricular confession, 34 found in Gen . i . 27, 397
Messiat (Masziat) the chateau of , their courts had the the probable truth
the Old Man of the Mountain, same number of judges as those of the ancient doctrine of, sup-
347, 348 of the Jews, 37 ported by the discovery of mo-
Messiah, the, 14, 34 , viewed the first dern physiologists, 398
-, of the Jews, 31, 97 horses of the Spaniards with after the one or
a spiritual, why not horror, 38 the three made to depend on the
foretold ? 227 , knew not the use foundation number five or sir, 409
-, foretold in the Tar- of iron, 40, or of letters, 41, , traces of, in the
gums, 233 82, 206 70 or 72 cities called Augusta-
492 Index
Page Page Page
in the 72 chiefs at the siege of Mirkond and Wassaf; Persian wri- Al ohamed, the secret doctrine taught
Troy-in the 70 kings whose ters, relied on by Hammer in his by, 308
thumbs and great toes Adonibe- History of the Assassins, 390 , believed to be a divine
zek ordered to be cut off, &c., 421 Misem, a name of Bacchus, 19 incarnation, 343
Microcosm, the, visible in the the Saviour, from VIP' ito himself to be
Pontiff and three Flamens, &c ., 422 and b m, ib . the person foretold, 344, 377
every seed was a, 429 Missio or Mass, the, 61 , the mra of, 347
visible in the Missionaries, our, know of the si- , the lineal descendant of,
number of the Gods-the three milarity of the Brahminical to said to be living at Mecca, 351,
in the capitol-Jupiter, Apollo, the Christian Religion, 337 352, 354, 361
Minerva, 433 M-Istory-mystery, 187 carried his pedigree to
Microcosmic numbers-one pro- - or history of a mytbos, Noah, 352
duced two, &c ., 431 kept in remembrance by songs, , the descendant of Shem,
Migration, the first 6f the tribe- before the art of writing by syl- after failure of heirs in the line
the Exodus, &c., 430 lables, perhaps of writing by nu- of Jesus, 360
Miletii, the, from Spain to Ireland, merals, was discovered, 340 thought to be the tenth
177, 412 Mitford's History of Alexander, 421 Avatar, 368, 379
Miletus, Apollo of, 117, 118 Mithra, 34, 58-61, 66-68, 104, , restored the ancient pay-
Military roads, the, of Britain, said 110, 137 ment of the tenth, 371
to have been made b y the Ro- the followers of, observed his conquests secured by
mans -but probably most of the sacrifice of bread and wine, 59, 60 the belief that he was the Vicar
them were set out by the Sacer- -, rites of, by water, air, fire, of God, and by his moderate
dotal Agrimensores, 416 and blood, 67 taxation, 377
aristocracy, when the , his followers turned to the , in his passage through
arose, they probably enfeoffed East in worship, 89 the heavens, begs Jesus to inter-
their followers in lands not pre- , his birth celebrated at the cede for him, thus placing Jesus
viously occupied, 417 commencement of Dec. 25th, 99 Christ above himself, &c ., 378
Millenium, the, 102, 138, 141, 329, 388 believed to have risen from • causes of his success ;
, with the failure of, the dead, on March 25th, ib . thought to be the promised com-
the remembrance of the golden the mysteries of, 111 forter, 379
age faded away, 307 the God Sol, lao, and the wished to restore the
, is still looked for, 308 Lamb of God, the same, 112 world to its primeval, patriarchal
, expected at the end Mithras, 137 state, 385
of the first 600 years of our sera , &c ., put to death, &c., 142 suspected of having pre-
-its falsity proved from facts, Mitre, the ancient, 77 tended to divide the world into
&c., 339 MN, the centre letters of the Greek three parts, or that his followers
, the non-appearance alphabet, 187, 188 said he had, in consequence of
of, when its supposed time ar- MN=650, 193, 223, 224 the lines of Ham and Japhet
rived, 351 v-ub mndo, knowledge, under- having failed . Nothing but con-
, expected in the standing, 188, 192 fusion in Hammer's attempt to
13th century, 353, 356 Mndo ]t==650-'1 di holy Man- clear up the claims of the de-
, expected equally by daites, followers of Wisdom, scendants of, to the Califate, 386
Christians and Gentiles, 367 Mnevis, Maui=666, 210 • the Sopheism, &c., of,
, shews itself, with Mo or Om AHMED, the cyclar desire render it probable that he held
the claim of the followers of of all nations, 251 the same Cabalistic doctrines as
Ham, on behalf of the invisible Moedrenech, Mother Night, Dec . Moses, &c., 398
Imam, 388 24th, 135 • said to have destroyed
Milner, Dr., Apostolic Vicar, 58, 61 Morris, the Lake, 230 the Dove or Tune; an object of
Mimra-bas it been M-om-rah? 295 Mogul is Al-Mag, the Mage, 175 adoration in the Caaba ; yet,
Mind was the To Or, 187, 188 , Mag-al or ul, Almug-tree, from the use of the Crescent, he
Minerva or Pallas, 5 or great God, 203 probably adopted the double
, Antony called himself the , the, supposed to be a lineal principle, 402
husband of, 346 descendant of Gengis Khan, 352, Mohamedan and Tartarian Con .
Minos or Menu or Numa, 180, 187 and of Noah, 421 querors, 35
Minsters-all monastic establish- , investiture by, sought Mohamedans, the, 35, 76, 83, 129
ments of the Carmelites, Essenes, by Hindoo princes, 352, 353, 375 , spared the statues
Therapeutse or Cullidel, 279 the Great, in the, may be of Buddha, 2
Miuutins Felix, on the man cruci- found the Archierarch, 370 cut off the girdle
fied, 115-118, 120, 125, (pro- , the moral influence of in- of a proselyte, 77
bably Pythagoras,) 127, 129 vestiture by, not perceived by , superstition of,
Miraculous conception, the, of our people, 383 on the number 6, 195
Suchiquecal, 33 Moguls, the, 150 conquereted e-
', of -, trace their pedigree votees of the two principles, &c., 269
Juno Jugalis, and of the Virgin from Japhet, 353, 361 , said not to be
Mary, 82 Mohajee or Movers-in the, who Christians, 281
-, of fled with Mohamed, we probably , less devoted to
two Jesuses, 124 have the three sons of Adam and the male principle than at first
of of Noah, and imitators of the supposed, 291
Maia, the mother of Xaca, 227, 228 three flamens of Rome, and of rebuilt the Jewish
, of the archflamens of Britain, 380, 385 temple, 298
the mother of Gengis Khan, and Mohamed, 28, 35, 218, 219, 274, 375 , call Mecca the
of Tamerlane, 353 a Sara or Saceawara, 2 mother of cities, 303
Mirkoud, on the birth, &c ., &c ., of an incarnation- of Wis- , had supposed one
Iskander (Alexander), and his dom, of Buddha, 3 of their imams remained-his
battle with Darius, 346 , thought to be 14 the De- residence unknown, 351
, on Khisar, a prophet- sire of all Nations," 167, 251, 291 , call Constanti-
describes Alexander as a, 347 the first proselytes of, nople Room-its monarch Em-
describes Kai Khusran were Eastern Tartars, Arabs, peror of the world, 360
(Cyrus) as a prophet, 351 and Afghans, 207 and Christians, the, in
Index 493
Page Page
reality the same ; their mutual Page early times, not being ordained Moses-an example in, of one of
hatred, 369 by the Popes, 280 the chief priests setting up for
Mohamedans, the, probably have a Monks, the, were all Carmelites himself, when the supreme Pon-
lea non scripta, though travellers before the sixth century, 281 tiff and his Pontificate bad be-
suppose they are ruled by the , the Regulars, descend- come obsolete, 362
Koran alone ; the doctrine of ants of the Buddhists, 369, 370 -- initiated into the policy of
predestination, held by-its pro- , it is likely, became the Egyptian priests, concealed
bable origin, 376 the sole priests, 381 from his people the doctrine of
the writers of the , of Tibet and of Eu- the immortality of the soul, 386
sects of, hated each other, as rope, 434 --, or Moschus (the Phmeiciau,
much as the Christians hated the Mons lFsar, the, of Ptolemy, 230 Judtean or Chaldeean)-Pytha-
whole of them, 379 Mont Marte, 59 goras said to have learned the
, and Christians M ontesquieu, 263 atomic doctrine from ; their doc-
equally liable to misrepresenta- Montes Solumi, the, 122, 230, 232 trines, with little exception, ap-
tion, 380 Montezuma, 39 pear identical, 398
, maintain that Montfaucon, 103 , ordered the pillars set up,
Hagar was a princess, 386 Month, the, shortened from 30 to not to be touched with the chisel
Mohamedism, an esoteric, was So- 28 or 27 days, 315 -the probable reason, 403
pheism, Buddhism, from North the lunar, exactly 30 days , under the law of, religion
India, 275 long, before the flood, &c ., 316-326 was confined to one little nation,
, one great cause of Monthly Magazine, the Old, 123, 125 and a temple built, &c ., 409
its rapid success, 378 Moon, the, and Isis, identified, did not write, though he
-, connected with an- might adopt Genesis, 413
&c., 337
cient mythology, and with mo- Moon's period, the, the first re- --, reformed his tribe by abo-
dern Christianity, 402 corded idea, 149, 150, 162, 183, lishing the golden calf-attempt-
Mohamet, 97 187, 188, 213 ed to be restored by the ten tribes
Moines or Manni (Om-manni) the Moons, the word, in Enoch, should by the calves set up at Dan and
same, 268 probably be translated planets, 313 Bethavon, 438
Mola-bits of bread offered in sa- Moore, on Ciphers, 185 Mosheim, 49, 60, 66, 145, 270
crifice, 62 , on the Puranas, 351 -, on the double meaning
, Hebraice is Al-om, 303 Morea, the Morns or Mulberry- of the Gospel histories, 130, 131
Molech-Baal, 82 sapientissima arbor, 8 -, ott Robertus de Nobili-
M-om-ptha, 170, 171, 198 Morrison, Dr., on the extent of the bus, 366, 367
Monachism - its nature, &c., Chinese written language, 215 Moslems, the, objected to the cor-
269, 368 Mosaic history, the, travestied in ruption only of the Hindoo religion, 352
Monad is Mn =650-di, holy A, the the Egyptian, 11, 15-18 Mosque-the first Califs walked
holy one, 181 found in Mexico, 34 barefooted to the, 377, 378
--, the, or unit, point or jod, China, 36 Mote-hill, the Calvary with its
contained all numbers, &c ., law, the, the model of Eu- cross, &c., 283
--, the, placed by the Gnostics ropean common law, 37 Mother, the, of God, the Virgin, 76, 108
at the head of all things, system, the, 63, 68 the great, of the Gods, 76
-, in its least quantities and Christian mythoses, , priests of, call-
as in its circle, whose centre is the, in the Argonautic mysteries, 115 ed Semiviri, 77, 79
everywhere, &c., all was To Ov, mythos, the, in the myste- Mother Night (Moedrenech) on
ries of Eleusis, 115, 125, 347 Dec . 24th, 135
-what is this but illusion ? 445
at '1'richino- Motion, the, of the earth, had it
Monarchs, the, of Asia, hare a
229 been interrupted, would have
rational claim, European mo- poly,
in the temple left physical traces, 314, 315
narchs not the shadow of a pre-
tence, to divine right, 359 of Jaggernaut, 293 Mount Blanc - the flood which
record of the deluge, a threw up, 312, 315, 332
Monasteries, the Christian, increas-
Gentile confirmation of the, 314 Imaus, 444
ed in Spain, under the Moorish
sway, or Judman mythos, the, es- Moriah, Maria or
MONDAY may be Minu=666, or tablished in China, a branch of Maia, probable origin of, 45
Mn =650, 208 the first Buddhist or Tauric sys- , the capitol, &c ., 207
Mongols,-the emperor of, ad- tem of cycles, 396 -- Sion in the Chersouesus, 120
vanced from la ville de Salut to - mythos, the, in the Tamul, 440 the Mount of the Sun,
attack the Calif of Bagdad, de- Moses, 19, 20, 24, 34, 40, 43, 44, 178, 225
claring that he found in the fa- 50, 67, 163, 171, 202, 256 of Solyma, 9
mily of Abbas none of the vir- was an Avatar, a Messiah, 14 Solima, the, 175
tues of the Prophet, 390 , a Saviour, 16 Mountain Tribe of Jews, the, not
Monkey, the, called Hanuma, half- -, certain kings of Egypt repe- discovered by Herodotus, I1
man, 180 titions of, ib. Mozzotta and Sottana, priests'
-- has the horns of Jupiter dresses, 91
Monkeys, an army of, said to have
assisted Cristna in his conquest A mmon, 81 17115 mrhb, from 1]1 rkb or Re-
of Ceylon, (hut Brahmin and ape --, the mysteries of, the same cab, to ride and a carriage, for
or monkey is the same word,) 9 as those of the Heathen, 105 flercavah,-the chariot of Eze-
Monks, the, use a girdle with 12 -, by direction, practising buf- kiel, &c., 401
knots, 77 foonery, 179 ntm msh-the celebrators of the,
, church patronage left --, tomb of, in Cashmere, 232 by regimine, became Muses, 340
to, by laymen, 267 -- thought to be a Xprs, 251 Mudron-the sacred stone or mete-
and Eunuchs probably arose -, God failed to kill, at an inn, 254 stone ; hence, perhaps, mud, ma-
from devotion to the male prin- -- samached Aaron, 302, 383 dam, Muth or Mother, the Egyp-
ciple - no monks among the --, withi his tribe, asking leave tian name of Isis, 403
Brahmins, but are among the to pass through the lands of the MUIL=666, 249, 250
Buddhists, 269 king of Edom, an example of Muiu (Moiria i . e . Maria) =666,
-, successors of the Es- other emigrations, 306, 307 186, 223, 224
senes, &c., addicted to an alle- on the flood, 321, 327, 338 Sam .akm or Akm-sa, 203
gorical Christianity, 270 - and Alexander represented M-uin, N-uin-Mu, Nu-Me Nu,
, were not priests in with horns, 347 Nu Ma, the Me Ne, 224
VOL . If .
494 Index
Page Page Page
Muller's Universal History, 406 one class have made it into a Nagualism, an American doctrine, ib.
Mummy, Monia, Mumia, Amomia, history of men, another have de- Nails driven at Rome, and in then
from Amomum, 242 dueed from it moral truths, 440 Etruscan temple of Nurtia, to
Mundaites, Nazoreens, Nazonreans, Mythos, Christian (Chrestian,) the, record time, 340
or Christians, the, of St . John, 66 10, 14, 16, 34, 36 Naked ( Adam and Eve), meaning
206 of, 245, 246, 253
Mundore, • similarity of, in Tibet and
-, a Pontiff or Pope, once in Rome, 119 Nama Sebadiah, 116
at, 373, 422 , almost every, has the same Nandies, 130
Municipia, the rights of the, how immaculate conception, &c ., &c ., Nannacus, 18, 20
acquired, 434 119, 133, 307 Napoleon-the monomania of, 344, 375
Munro, Mr. J ., on the monogram the same, prevailed in al- told Cardinal Fesch he
XP, found in the catacombs, &c ., most every country, 136 saw "a star,"-declared to the
of Rome, but in use long before • of a crucified Saviour or Egyptians that he was a Mohame-
the time of Christ, 341 Messiah, 171 dan-in St. Helena a decided fa-
Muscovites, the, worshiped Isis and the Chinese hare the whole, talist-his actions bespoke men-
Horns, 110 215, 314 tal alienation, 358, 359
was Emperor, not merely
Muses, the, or Saviours, of Greece, • when the mind of man
why nine, 286 outgrew the,. it assumed a new a king, why, 360
Music connected with religion, shape-vulgar Christianity and , was curious to know the
233, 298 vulgar Mohamedistn, 308 cause of the wonderful success of
poetry, and painting, classed • a general-the object for Mohamed, 379
with dancing, by Aristotle, 425 which it was formed, 309 Nar-ay-ana, from ner (river or
, Pythagorean praises of, 426 • instead of history, con- water) and IE-" IE carried in
Musselmans, the, 302, 303 tinued, as in the case of Rome, 313 or on water," 174
M ussnlman religion, the, held to be the, probably formed from Narayen, the Lord Haree-sa, 118
the completion of both the Jew- a knowledge of the precession and Naszireddin de Thous, (the great
ish and Christian, 397 of the periods of the comet, 328 astronomer)-why he delivered
Mvrnpoy, from the Celtic word , the Christian or Judsean- the Ishntaelites and the Calif into
moist or wise, signifies knowledge- all connexion with, omitted by the hand of the Khan of Tartary ;
is the radical of history or mys- advocates of the modern date of he exhibits a perfect picture of a
tery, with the sacred M prefixed, 299 the present system, 335 renewed Daniel, &c., 382, 383
MvOos and ptvsfpiov, the, what are or history of a person, made Nathan (the Prophet), 180
the Mythos and the Mystery? 308 into a song, and sung or recited, 340 Nations, the division of, into 72,
, all histories accommodated named in Gen . x . 21, and allud-
Al.-vin, the vin of M, 186, 242
Mylians, the, of Lycia, called Soly- to the, 341, 430 ed to in Dext. xxxii . 8, accord-
mi, Telinissi, and Termillians, 180 , the, visible in the twelve ing to the number of the Angels
279 Cwsars, like the Lucumones, and of God, 409, 410, 413
Alyu-a stone,
Mystery is a mythos-M-istory- the Imams of Ali, 345 Naturalists- their discoveries by
, the Mosaic, set up by tribes means of the microscope, 398, 429
perhaps I-story-Ow, the story of
187 from India, in various places, Nature, all, a chain of trinities : the
, the, the secret doctrine particularly in Egypt, 362 third person of the first, was the
taught by Pythagoras, by Jesus, , remains of the, visible in first person of the second, and so
and by Mohamed, 308 every country, in the sacred on ad infinitum ; thus all nature
Mysteries-plays of the time of names of places, 373 was God ; thus God was na-
Elizabeth, 233 , the, probably caused seve- ture, 336
, the ancient, consisted, in ral conquerors to arise, 375 Natzir, or flower of Nazareth, Jesus
part, of a knowledge of the Load- an universal, once prevail- a, 193, 239, 240, 243
stone, Compass, Telescope, &c., 246 ed ; arose from circumstances ; the language of the, 242
• plays, in the middle founded on the microcosmic Naubanda, Mount of the Ship, 292, 411
ages, so-called, 299 principle, 430 ship-cabled mount, 294,
, out of fashion-the race the cyclic-five records of 333, 334
of man has outrun them [?] 333 the, 440 Naurutz-Neros-the, 243
, as such, lost by the es- Jewish, the, 10, 34, 36, Navarette, M ., F . de, 30
tablishment of the sect of Paul, 341 40, 171, 173 Nazarene, Jesus called a, 44, 240
, if every person who was ,in China, &c ., Nazarenes, the, the Gospel of, 63
admitted to the high, was ad- 19, 36, 97, 357 or Ebionites, 60, 96
mitted to the sacred caste, we in Mexico, -, Marcionites,
need not seek for a reason for 28, 34, 36, 37, 134 Socinians, and most of the Uni-
concealing the doctrines, 439 Mexico tarians maintain that the story of
• or secrets-the Eucha- and India, 206, 357 the Magi, &c ., is spurious, 9t.
rist used, perhaps in all nations, of Moses, all the, found at Nazareth, 45
as a pledge of keeping the ; it Tripetty, 259 Jesus of, 50, 51, 58, 93,
was forbidden to write, or even Mythoses, all the sacred, were in 109, 112, 119, 122
to speak about them, 441 rhyme-unwritten, 225, 426 , a town of, probably, in
, Christian, the secreting , the, of Jerusalem and I udia, 115
of the, was an attempt to restore Eleusis, the same. 390 the real Jesus of, not
the secrets of Paganism, 442 crucified, 142
• when communicated to , the monastic institution
too many persons, the respect for of, 204
them is lost. 443 --, signifies a flower, 239, 240
Mystics, the, 136 Nazarite, Jesus a, 44, 240, 449
Mythic-cyclic-microcosmic system, Nabathaeans, the, Mandaites, Na- -, John the Baptist, a, 66, 449
the great, suspected to be the zonreaus, &c., 218 Nazir or Natzir, a flower, 45
foundation of the systems of all Nabouassar, the a era, &c ., of, 313, Nazoreens, Nazonreans, Mandaites,
nations, 445 316, 317 or Christians of St . John, the, 66
Mythology, the, of the Brahmins, Nadir Shah an Avatar, 207 -, followers
Chinese, Japanese, &c ., had that -, Netzir, Nrtz, Neeruz-Ne- of wisdom, 193, 218
of the Sacm as its basis, 267 rutz=650, ib . NaY,wpaioc, Nai aplyo5, 44, 240
of the Gentiles- Naga, or Hag, 31 Neagorus, Thomas, . 86
Index 495
Page Page
Newtons and Lockes, from the, multiplied, gives the length of a
Nebuchadnezzar built the walls of
down to the idiot, 407 geographical degree, 406
Babylon, 317
Ng, a Chinese letter, answers to the Nimrod, 10, 24, 36, 42, 52, 344
Necia, 74
Hebrew oin, 192, 224 , on rulers from Adam to
Negro, the, of the Upper Ganges,
Nice, council of, 80 Nimrod, 133
may have improved in faculty-
Nicene Creed, the, 42 , on secret names of Rome
become scientific before his form
Nicephorus, 121 and Athens, 242
was moulded into that of Cristna, 363
- Callistus, 125, 126, 260 on the character of Antony, 346
--, prejudice against the possi-
Nicol, Mr., 220 an Alex-
bility of a, being learned and sci- 348
364 Niebuhr, 26, 27, 56, 137, 138, ander,
entific, 349
, on Magical heads, &c .,
Negroes and bearded men found in 141, 233, 241, 334, 371-375, 432
35 , on kings of Rome-as- on Charlemagne's reign,
America, 356
trological periods, 134 &c .,
, African, perhaps, would 357
, on the tenth levied by the on Nestorius's heresy,
not find it too hot, if the planes
445 Romans, 266 on the Exodus or going out
300 ,on the Roman kings levy- of all nations, 430
Neith-wisdom-Isis so called,
ing a tenth, &c., 371 Niord-Neith or Wisdom-the
Neketali, in the Caribbee, means
, on the Tuscan Lucu- Logos? 300
dead, 29
7, 33 mones, 373 Nis or Sin =360, Bacchus or the
Nepaul, 288, 292
and Tibet, in, there are the , on the Vectigal, and the Sun,
mode of leasing it, 374 Nisan, 104, 105
Pope, his Monks, and a crucified
122 exhibits his ignorance of Noah, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 27, 133,
206 the Roman and Greek writers ; 253, 354, 359, 360, 377
Nerbudda, the,
observes on the mythos, &c., 375 called, by Berosus, Sagan
Nero, claimed to be the Tenth Ava-
54 , his history is rather a Ogygisan, 3
critical dissertation, 376 his grandson KaesarorCxsar, 24
Neros, the, 29, 138-140, , 141, 188
, on the drains from Lake icons of, in India, 122
an intercalation in
143 Copias, 381 and his Wife, a microcosm of
every, of 28h . I m. 428., 181
243 on the landed tenure of Brahme and Maia,
-, Naurutz, , their 3 sons a
--, the inventors of, pro- Italy-that all lauded property
belongs to the State, and that the microcosm of the Trimurti, 181,
foundly skilled in astronomy, 398
may have calculated the period conqueror acquires a title to 397,
313 it, 391 - enfeoffed the whole world to
of a comet,
said to have been in- says, every city, in the his three sons and their children,
West, from Tyre to Gades, had 266, 399, 400
vented by the Chaldwans, 330
a senate and general assembly ; saw the earth became in-
--, several religions had 310
356 and, that all the confederacies of clined, &c .,
their origin in the cycle of,
early nations were based on re- - foresaw that destruction ap-
, and the palm, as a
ligion . Hence the initiated or proached, and buried the sacred
measure, descended with the first
sacred caste had rule over their books in Sephora, 311
pontifical race from before the
404 fellow-creatures, 393 -, the flood of, 2349 [2348?]
last of the three floods,
, on the Roman Jugerum, years B . C ., 314, 327, 332, 334
Nessos from Nestos, 200
10 &c., 406, 407 , probably the Xisuthrus of
Nestorian Christians, the, 321, 322
60, 127, 218 , on every Cardo, &c., Berosus avid Abydenus,
Nestorians . the,
being a Templum, 410 • supposed, by Tzetzes, to be
, received the Gos-
96 ,on the nobility of Athens, Osiris, 324
pel of the Infancy,
tracing their descent from prin- , the flood of, took place, ac-
, believed Jesus Christ
208 ces, &c ., of the heroic age, 418, 419 cording to . the Samaritan chro-
was a portion of God,
, on the tw'fold principle nology, in 2926 B . C ., or, in the
, the Christians of St.
ib . on which the tribes in ancient fifth revolution of the comet (of
Thomas, said to be, 327, 332
states were constituted ; his ig- 1680) backward,
, the Tartars so call-
norance of the Sacerdotal Go- , if a great prince, living near
ed, are followers of Cristna, and
vernment, &c., 420 the Caspian Sea, nothing impro-
use the words Hom-Mani-Pema-
229 • on the ancient pseudo- bable in his building a large ship
histories (but real mythoses) of and saving his family, &c ., in it,
Nestorius, 32 329, 335
, his heresy was Buddh- Italy, all in poetry, 427
ism, 357 , on the Alban and Latin • di vided the world among his
families-on the legions, and on three sons, 345, 372
Neuman, 148, 149, 218
the whole assembled force being -, the emperor of the whole
Nevis, Mount-close to Berego-
72,000 ; "the legend," he says, world, 353
nium-probably meant also Ba-
" peeps through this wantoning , held to be the first divine in-
ris and Navis : it was the centre carnation -he was the first Arch-
of Scotland, 411, 412 in typical numbers ;" but he asks
not the meaning of the legend, 433 ierarch over the whole world, 361
New Grange, the Linga in the cave
• did not understand the • by the Mystics, made to live
at, 262 397
system of Isopolity, 434 in both worlds ; why,
Trojan wars, a belief in, &c ., 339
, considered every thing • according to the mythos, he
New Troy, Rome-the same mis- had a right to the supremacy,
chief to happen to, as to old to have taken its rise from the
date of the Roman city or state in consequence of Cain's mis-
Troy, ib.
-hence his explanation of the conduct, 398
New Troys, &c., 136, 195, 303
constitutions of the Romans and Buddha-Divine Wisdom-
Newton (Sir Isaac), 316
Grecians is a chaos, 435 incarnate in, 400
, on the periods
Niemeyer, 43 - -, the Supreme Pontiff all the
of the comet (of 1680), 326
Nile, the, 21, 211, 230, 239, 385 claims of kings to divine right
, proof of the
-, the sacred name of, was have descended from, 407
folly of a learned man, in the
333, 358 Augustus, 54 Nobilibus, Robertus de, turned
works of, 259
, and Whiston- , the Upper, once called Sindi Brahmin,
or Abba-Sin, 181 , and Romish
their conclusion with respect to
the Jewish and Egyptian mea- Nilometer, the, at Cairo, 403 missionaries - their success in
-,the cube of, 200,000 South India and China, 366
sure, &c., 405
496 Index
Page Page Page
Noca, the pronoun I, in Peru, 229 Numbers and letters, all, describ- Ockley, ou .tbe Ashera or Zacal, 379
Noe, 18 ed by right lines, 174 Oconnor, Mr., 230
Noel, Christmas-day, 83, 99 the sacred, and Cycles, Octavins, Augustus, 54
Nolagh, Christmas-day, ib ., ib. the origin of, 223 Caesar, united the offices
Nomade tribes, the, of Africa and , sacred, connected with of Pontifex Maximus and Em-
Asia, all have a language called Magic-how uncertain, 397 peror, 56
Arabic, 274 , lucky-some supposed to Octavius, the, of Minutius Felix, 116
, the policy of, be more so than others, 400 Od is ad=5, 163
against appropriation of lands in Numeral symbols, in the unspoken Oden is Adonis in Syriac, 250
perpetuity, 282 language of, sor might be ros, Odhal or Udal (hence allodial ?)
Nonius Victor cum Aurelio Victore, and ros might be sor, 153 land free from tax, 284
&c., 320 , or the Syna- Odin, 4, 300
NOOE, AAKOE, and MOAKOI, gogue Hebrew, the sacred lost (Edipus Judaicus, oil the Paschal
mind and strength attending the language, 234 Lamb, 106
god Pan, 425 symbolic language, the, iEftera Geola, month of January, 135
Norde-roy, North-king, the, 291 would continue long fixed ; was Offerings, Votive, 85-87, 91
Nordoreys and Sodoreys-the Nor- probably co-extensive and con- Oga-an explorer, 225
therns and Southerns, the West- temporary with the Druidical -, a name of wisdom or Mi-
ern islands divided into the, 291 buildings found all over the nerva, 299
Normandy, conquered by a tribe of world, 396 Ogam or Agham, the, of Ireland and
Scandinavians or Northmen, 275 Numerical forms, the influence of, India-the letters of Om, having
Normans or Northmen, 269 in the states of antiquity, 432 the names of trees, 299
and Saxons in Britain, , Symbolic writing, in a Ogham (Irish) and Acham (Sans-
like the Patricians and Plebeians downward direction, on grow- crit) the same, 158, 225
in Rome-two nations, 392 rug into horizontal Alphabetic is the Scandinavian
Norris, Cardinal, on the length of writing, would be almost unin- or Saxon Rune, 215
the year, &c., 320 telligible when spoken-as ras character and Arabic lan-
North India, 10, 19, 31, 35, 36, might become sar, &c ., 435 guage, the, a book found in, 220
40, 135, 136, 162, 171, 173, 207, language, the paucity of the God of Wisdom, 224
225, 235, 238, 282, 300 words in a, requisite to carry on the language or letter of
, mythos of, in Mexico, the common affairs of life, less wisdom, 225
28, 34 than in daily use in China, 436 Ogilvie, Dr., on Plato, 446
, Chaldee language of, Nun, a, in Chinese Pekewne, in Ogum Craobh, "the branch wri-
128, 166 Sanscrit, Bhagini, 218 ting," 153, 221
, the empire of Pandea, Nundin¢, the, of the Romans, 147 Ogyges, the flood of, 314, 338
first established in, 258 Nuns (Papist) the same in China, , took place
the great microcosm of, 275 Italy, and Tibet, 218 4648, B . C ., and might throw up
, the Jews of, expected probably arose in opposition, Mount Blanc, Chimborazo, &c., 332
a kingdom of Caesar, why? 345 &c., 269 -, testimony of
or Tartary, 1, 2, 7, 28, N-vin, 203, or N-urn, 224 Varro respecting, 338
136 ; 203, 221, 376 Nyaya philosophy, the, 427 Ogygisan Sagan, Noah so called, 3
Northern Pacific Ocean, the, 30 is the negative particle and Oidhche Samhna, the night of Sam-
Northmore, Mr ., on a universal the Hebrew tP' is, meaning not is ban, 82
language of figures, 220, 221 or not wise, and 1' ie, existence ; Oil, anointing with-Extreme Unc-
Norway-Nor-is-the Sea-kings it is the negative of Yeye : the tion, 72
probably from, 291 the followers of, were those of Oin or ain, answers to the Chinese
Notation, the origin of-by calculi the female, 428 letter, ng, 192, 224
or cowries, 190-192 is the Hebrew and Sanscrit "O Lamb of God, who takest away
the art of, 213 1'1' ieie with the Celtic, Saxon, the sins of the world," 55, 87,
Notes by the Editor . See Editor. and Sanscrit negative to convert 104, 106, 108-110
" Nothing new under the sun," it into a term of reproach- Old Man of the Mountain-his let-
Solomon, perhaps, right in as- Atheists-the doctrine of the un- ter to Leopold, duke of Austria,
serting there was, 445 wise, 429 347, 348, 384
Notre Dame, the Virgin Mary, 97 the, claim-
Nou RosE, i . e . Neros or Naurutz, ed all power, as the khan of Ca-
of the Persians, 243 racorum did, and as the Sheriffe
Nousareans, the, calculators of of llecca still does, 388
time, 141 , why so called, whatever
Nit, Nh or Noah, and Nh- 111n= his age, 389
650, 187, 223, 224 0, in Syriac, Pushto or Tamul, is Old and New Testament, literal
Nubia, 9 the emphatic article, 250 meaning of the, 130
Nudum corpus, meant uncovered, -, total, al-tat, T r'=600-cycle Olen, first celebrated the God, at
without armour, 304 of the neros, 191 Delphi, with song, 165
Nul&an 7empus occurrit Ecclesiw, O'Brien, the Phoenician Ireland of, 262 , oil rhymes, 340
54, 75, 417 O'Brien's Dictionary, 82 Oligarchies of an odious descrip-
Numa, 60, 64, 74, 77 Oak and Beech, the, gave out ora- tion, in Greece, degenerated from
-- or Menu or Minos, 180, 187 cles at Dodotia, 165 the aristocracy, 419
-, when Pallas sent him the Oannes the same as John, 137 1n t r olme, Alma Venus, Mother
Ancile from heaven, immediately Ob, serpent, the recurring cycle of of the Gods, 168
made five others, that the true 72, 182 O1-om-ris, three Gods, the same as
one might not be known, 440 Obeliscal pillar, the, called Omd, Hont-eteuli, 23
-- Pompilius, 53, 62, 68 i . e. oni-di, emblem of the holy Olympiad, the first, 313, 314
's correction of the Oat, 415 Olvmpias-mother of Alexander-
Roman year, 320 Obelisks and single pillars in front is called Rukia by the Persians,
, when he became of churches, at Rome, 92, 261, 402 346, 347
governor of Rome, probably found these Olympus, 21
the state ruled by a portion of were Lingas, 93 , each independent terri-
customs and laws of a previous Ocaras or Caras, 14 tory had its, 136
government, and arranged, &c., 435 Ockley, on the Califs, &c ., 377 , an, in most old towns-
Index 497
Page Page Page
remaining as at Cambridge and Ordination, (xaiporoyia, which see,) Othman redacted the Koran-no
Oxford, 276 68-71 better than a forgery, 378
Olympus, an, in every country nothing but initiation , after the death of, the Ca-
which had any pretensions to into the mysteries, 270 lifate split into parties, 379
have a Saviour, 341 Oriental Pontiff, the, has probably Oude or Youdia, 206
Om, 23, 34 resided at Oude, Agra, Benares, Ougm (ogham) circles, 225
-, the tree of the sacred, 65, 83 Delhi, Mundore, &c., 373, 422 OvpayoaoXiy, the holy city Rome, 145
meaning of the, of Egypt, &c., Origen, 4, 46, 80, 89, 130, 171, Ouseley, Sir W., 165, 189, 205, 240
the never-to-be-spoken, 167, 342 172, 448 Out-caste, the, 274, 2 83
-, Om-Amet or Om-Amed, the Ouveroff on the Mysteries of Eleu-
• the founder of monastic 440
desire of all nations, 167, 207, life, 47, 269 sis,
251, 291, 401 against Celsus, 95 Ovid, 67, 74, 79, 90, 114
meaning of, lost to the In- taught the Platonic Gnosis, 270 Owl, the, the first figure of the
hieroglyphic alphabet, 192, 205, 221
dians, 170 • &c ., implicated in mythic 349
Of India, from Mia? 196 superstition, lit oz, Parkhurst in voce, 132
the sacred Buddhist, 207, 299 • Clemens, and the higher
Oat, not IEUE, the word never-to- order of Christians, taught the
be-spoken by the Jews, 170, 171 mysteries-not known to Paul or
Om or Ammon of Egypt, 174 his followers-yet Origen and
- or lom, meant 360 days, 302 Clemens acknowledged Paul, 440 Pachacama, Pi-akm-cama, i . e . Pi-
Omadius, 19, 23 Origin, the, of languages and letters, Acham, 37
-, Bacchus, 302 254, 255 Pachacamack, 34
Ombri, the, 53 Oromasdes, the Good. Principle, 83 Pacific Ocean, the, 25
Omen (monogram) ; 224 , light, 106 , the Northern, 39
Ometeuchtli, the same as Bacchus, 23 Orontes, the, 19 Pad or PD, name of Adonis, of the
Ommaides, the, were Avatars, 207 Orph6e, les hymnes d', 97 Po, Don, and Ganges, and giver
Omm alcora-la Mbre des Villes- Orpheus, 56, 97, 256 offorms, 162
Mecque, 303 -, the 360 gods introduced Paestum-works in the temples of, 381
OMM Alketab-Mere du Livre, &c ., 302 by, 319 -, the finely-executed tem-
-, 1' chap . de 1'Alco- Ortelius, Abraham, 3 ples at, shew a more recent date
ran, 303 Orugallu, the prince of the Galin or than the Trilithons of Stone-
Ommia, the family of, reigned at Gael-same as the Cal of Ur or henge, 396
Granada, in Spain, 384, 385 Urii, 289 Pagan religion, the, in the 4th cen-
Om-nn-al, (Immanuel of Isaiah,) Oru Gallu, the Gael or Celtic, from tury, virtually dead-most of its
23, 170, 401 the, 294, 295 mysteries had become known-
Omorca, the Hom-eyo-ca of Mexico, 28 Orus, 14, 16 and where they were noticed or
OM rIAa KOm, the three sacred or Aur, God of Day, 99 continued, the people were told,
words used in the mysteries in Apollo, on the month, as 30 that the Devil had copied the
the Eleusinian mysteries, 197 days, 321 Christian rites, 442
Omphalos-M-phalos, Ioni, the Osci,_the, were T'UsCi-THE Us- Pagani, the opprobrious name of
centre, &c ., 224 cans or Tuscans, 300, 436 village Pagans, 94
Omphe, the, of Greece, 174 Osiris, 7, 14, 16, 34, 103 Paganism, 17
On or Heliopolis, 110 -, death and resurrection of, , the Romish mythos, a
- or the sun, the city of Destruc- 25, 59, 104, 106, 122 close copy of, 112
tion, 162, 174 --, Adonis, Bacchus, all incar- Pagans, the, 64, 69, 74-76, 104,
O!v means the generative principle, nate Gods, 98 145, 212, 448
174, 181 --, son of Cores or the Holy ,called their chief-priest
One is On increasing or decreasing, Virgin, 99 Sovereign Pontiff, 54
like the coats of the Onion, ad -, a personification of the Sun, 100 , sacrificed covered with
infinitum, either way ending in -, murdered by his brother the Amict, 79
illusion, 437 Typhon, 102 • had processions for
Onion, the, from the similarity of --, scattered members of, search rain, &c ., 80
its coats to the planetary spheres for the, 136, 142 , their festivals for local
-from being sacred to the Fa- sacred cycle of, offourteen, 163 Gods, 81
ther of Ages, was called aimymy • used ceremonies like
-is adored in India, and for- --, the staff of , called those of Christians on building
bidden to be eaten, 437 temples, 86
-, (in Hebrew C]lttr sum XM;7 ioy, 204 - at
or =tV sm,) a perfect emblem , in He- funerals, &c ., 92
of the disposition of the heavens, 438 brew numerals-650, 210 Pagi, Roman villages, 419
Onkelos (the Targum of) foretells 0-sir-is and Iswara, Sir, Sieur, &c ., Pahlavi, the, improved by Zera-
the Messiah twice, 171 from, 300 dusht, 236
, for Ara- Osiris, supposed to be the same as , a dialect of the Chal-
rat, uses Kardu-that of Jona- Noah, 324 daic, 237
than, by metathesis, calls it Kad. -- and Typhon, about the times Paish-wer, Paish-or, i. e. Paish-
run, 411 of, or, about the deluge, an alte- towu, 239
"Only-begotten, the," 72 ration in the length of the month Pal, the sixtieth part of a Ghari,
Onomacrite [ Onomacritus ], the and year, 326 &c ., 406
compiler of the Hymns of Or- Ossiati (the bard), the son of Om, 293 Pala, Pele, Peli, 5
pheus, 97 --, his poems a series of epics, , Pallas, the, 242
Ophites, Evites, or Hivites, 31 and like the tragedies of lEschy- Palace, pola, vrvxi ;, the King's-
O' and obi ; anciently one word, lus or the historical plays of Bench 231
and meant Logos and Serpent, Shakspeare, 293 Pale, the, of Ireland and Germany
and thus the serpent . came to be Ostia, 62 -the word brought to both
regarded as the wisest of ani- , the modern Mass, 91 countries by the first tribe of
mals, 437, 438 nhnmv Ostrt, Eostre, 59 Saxons, 434
Orarium, an Atnict, 79 Othmau or Omar, the followers -, to be in the, was to be se-
Order, our word, from 1111 ord, 439 of, 291 parated from something, 435
498 Index
Page Page Page
Palestine, 106, 136, 172, 236, Papias, 46 owner of the soil of the whole
239, 240 --, Irenaeus, &c ., letting out a world, 372
the land in, was the part of the esoteric doctrine, it Patriarch, the, and his three vicars
Loads - the Levites received, has ended in incomprehensible -the four a microcosm of the
for him, the tenths, 266 nonsense, 367 To Or, of the Creator, &c ., 430
, if it had not sub-divi- Papist Christianity, 40 Patriarchal religion, remains of
sions, as parishes, it had Proseu- Councils, &c ., cause of their the, in the Cullidei, 281
chas and Synagogues, 27 5 hatred to Freemasons, &c., 300 government, the first
, supposing a tribe came Papists and Protestants, the, little seat of the, was probably the
to, from the East, with its Santa- difference between, 93 Chinese empire, or the country
naeans or Religious, &c ., 369 , the, scarcely allowed the of the 1000 cities of Strabo, 376, 396
Palladium, the, of Troy, 228, 231, 242 Cullidei to be Christians, 281 , the, left
Pallas or Minerva, 5 , a sect of Paulites - towns, &c ., to regulate their do-
, front t15H pla followers of Cristna, 370 mestic concerns, according to
or alph, 165, 180, 249 Par and bar-a judge, 276 circumstances, &c ., 433, 434
Pallatini, the, from India to Italy, 127 Para, is Bra, Creator, 6 -, pro-
Pallestini, the, or Tartars, at the Parable, from par-Kabul, by way of bably continued, till after the sun
mouth of the Po-Sacae, 301 fable, 300 entered Aries, 438
Pallium, the, 230, 242, 244, 249, 383 Paraclete, the, promised by Jesus, 51 Patriarchate-every colony sent out
Palm, the, probably the universal Paradise or Tartarus,in Tartary, 73 by, would add to the wealth and
measure of all the ancient tem- -, the Zeud brought from, 78 power of the, 434
ples-the invention of the first Paradise Lost, if the, had been --, the whole world sub-
Pontifical race, 404 written early in the Christian ject to the same - subdivided
Palms, 360,000,000 of, (agreeably a?ra, it would have been regarded into three, each having a book.
to the microcosm,) equal to the as of divine authority, 426 like Genesis, to shew it was the
circumference of the earth, or to Para-sachti, Parasakti, Adisakti, eldest branch of Noah's family,
360 degrees or one circle, 404, 405 Devaki, and Parakti, have all the whether it was Ham or Japhet
Palm-tree, the emblem of eternity same meaning, 6 or Shem, 435
-its leaves, in Tibet, indestruc- Paravey, 36 Patriarchs, the, of tribes, fixed
tible by vermin, 231 on China, 214, 215, 217 their residence near the stone
Palmyra, 147 Parasiti and Parasites, 53 pillar-the object of adoration, 371
Pan, the God, 219 Par-habul, by way of fable, is pa- Patricians, the Roman, got posses-
-, addressed as the Author and rable, 300 sion of all the lands, paying only
Director of the Dances of the Parias, the, or Outcasts of the the tithe, which, at last, they
Gods, &c., 425 Brahmins - the Aborigines of usurped, 374
Panayia and Dei-para, 45 South India are lower than, 274 and Plebeians,
Pauchalica, free cities of, 117 Paris-the fears of the inhabitants not an aristocracy and a rabble,
Pandam, 45, 273, 275 of, calmed by M . Arago's History but two nations, like our Nor-
, the empire of, that of Saca of Comets, 333, 334 mans and Saxons, 392
or Buddha, 258 Parishes ( Bareiches, Pareichs ), - and Kings, the strug-
, a kingdom of-the more 275, 276, 279 gles between, were contests
the Author reflects, the more is Parkhurst, 2, 6, 8, 44, 48, 59, 83, among the high-priests as to
he inclined to believe in ; it may 105, 114, 137, 145, 161, 170, who should be king and priest,
have arisen in various ways, its 177-181, 189, 192, 193, 231, when the great Pontifical go-
secrets gradually growing into 239, 240, 245, 267, 303, 338, vernment fell to pieces, 393
sacreds, 396 342, 408, 438 and Plebeians, disputes
Pandaean empire, kingdom, &c ., on types and symbols between the, respecting the lands
the, universal, 223, 234, 254 of what the real Saviour was to of conquered countries ; the Pa-
---, &c ., system, affected se- do and suffer, 122, 132, 133 tricians wished to claim them,
crecy, 257 , his Lexicon serves for as they did all the soil of Italy,
each sub- the Hebrew, Chaldee, and Arabic, 274 as the representatives of the
division of, had its temple, and Parsons, 37, 231 Archierarch, 394
each temple its domus templi for , our word, nearly gone- Patron and Client, the relation be-
the education of youth, 276 changed to clergyman, 369 tweeti, when it existed in its
- system, the, 284 Parthenon Hecatompedon, atAthens, best form, 433, 434
kingdom, the Jews hoped destroyed by Xerxes, 403 Pattariui, the, of Gaul, 296
to be placed, by a great Saviour, Parthian empire, the, subverted by Patton, on the principles of Asiatic
in the command of the restored, 361 Artaxerxes, 349 Monarchy, 262, 263
, the, probably found- Passover, the, 31, 59, 60, 110 Paul, St., 43, 66, 94, 197
ed when the sun entered Aries- -, or passage of the • his letters addressed to
the wars of the Mababarat were Lord, 104-106 the Esseneaus, 46
struggles to establish it, 370 Pastoral tribes, a monarchical go- • fanatical nonsense of, 73
traditions of a, 373 vernment prevails among all, 263 called Divus, 80
process of the elec- Pateeci, little images of the Phoeni- • the resurrection - as
tion of Hierarchs, all over the, 381 cians, 181 taught by, 101, a ve.rata questio, 122
Pandorus, on the Gods and Demi- Patans, (Pitan,) Rohillas, Solai- taught Christ crucified, 129
gods before the flood, 324 maui-the Afghans, 239
, on the civil and lunar Patara, Pataree, Patricius, or Pa-
• the head of those who
held the literal meaning of the
mouths, 30 days each, before the trick, the mythos of, 117 Scriptures, 131, 270
deluge, 326 --, In Lycia, 181 , the mysteries remaining
Panteenus, 131, 447 nargp ayvwsos, the, 123, 128, 197 in his day, lost by his teaching a
Pantheon, at Rome, with its open Pater Futuri Smculi, the, not now spiritual Saviour actually cruci-
top, an example of the plan of heard of in Rome or Tibet, but fied, 341
temples, before the art of a key- only the Vicramadytia or Vicar , like Luther, Calvin or
stoned arch was discovered, 408 of God, 374 Montanus, acquiring many fol-
Papacy, the, brought into subjec- Patra or Patta (in Sanscrit), a leaf, 181 lowers, his sect put into power
tion, by admitting the Monks, 285 Patrm, in Achaia, ib. by Constautine, 370
, prototype of, in the Archie- Patriarch, the, IIalr/p apxtl, Royal 11 . 52
rarchy of the Buddhists, 368 Priest, as the Vicar of God, the Paulinus, 95, (bishop of Nola,) 110
Index 499
Page Page Page
Paulite Christians, the early, no- Perseus-Alexander traced his de- Peruvian nation, the founder of, 34
thing better than our Ranters, scent from, 348 Peruvians, the, had the festival of
Jumpers, &c ., 342 Persia, 73, 83, 102, 106 Capacreyme, 31
devotees not addressed (on --, chronicles of the kings of, , believed in one Su-
Mohamed), but philosophers, 377 adopted into the canon of the preme, 34
fathers, the, no doubt Jews, 17 Pervigilium Paschae, 104, 105
wished for mysteries, and made --, the Guebres of, 83 Pesach (same as Pushto?) the fes-
them out of doctrines not so --, the oldest languages of, tival of the slain lamb, 241
considered by Justin Martyr, Chaldaic and Sanscrit, 236 Pessinuntian Great Mother, the, 348
Paulites, the, 122, 130 --, the doctrine of the renewed Petalon-Greek writing from top
,of Rome, against the incarnation, visible in, 240 to bottom-a tree, 219, 250
philosophers of Alexandria, 131 -, the feudal system of, 262 IIsr &a or leaves - letters, 159,
, or sect, got possession --, the priests of, lords of the 163, 166, 249, 250
of power, and corrupted and de- creation - their tenants paying Peter, St., 54, 56, 57, 122, 145
stroyed, &c ., 173 only a tenth, were in a comforta- has the keys of Janus, 81
-, the sect of, an imita- ble state, 265 a rock, &c ., 182
tion of the Essenes of Egypt, 381 --, the Royal family of, are his being called a stone
, when the, got possession Kajar Turks, 351 mystical and equivocal, 2a4, 259
of power, the mysteries were --, (and perhaps all other na- 's, St., chair and church, 55-57
treated with contempt, 440 tions,) had 360 polises-proba- 's Pence, . 54
when the, first found that bly villages, around the Cardos, 410 - the, of the Routish
the Saviour was to be a spiritual, Persian Magi, the, celebratea the church, probably the poll-tax
not a temporal Messiah, 446 Eucharist with bread and water, 60 paid in different countries by
Paulo, Marco, 33 hierarchy, the, 71 those who did not occupy land, 379
sages, the, held the doc- Peter Martyr, 39
Pausanias, 62, 91, 180_260
Paw, Mons . de, 229 trine of purgatory, 73 - the Great-probably regarded
Payne Knight . See Knight, Payne. , on words in the, identical as an Avatar, crushing the Evil
Payne [Paine] (Thomas), and Car- with Sanscrit, 234 Principle, with his monumental
441 year, the, contained 360 horse-treading on a serpent, 360
file, the writings of,
Peaceful and happy state of the days, 317, 318 Petersburgh and Rome-modern
countries under the first Califs Persians, the, 34, 48, 58, 69-72, Christianity as exhibited at, a
in comparison with that of those 83, 106, 197 continuance of the ancient reli-
possessed Egypt, 11, 12 gion of Rome, 367
governed by the Greek empe-
Gospel of, 59 Petronilla, an epithet of Sa . Anna, 91
rors, 379
had the festival of Petrouius, Divus, 90
Pedigrees, traced by monarchs of
Saka, Sakea or Sakia, 60 Petrus, Divus, 80
the East from one or other of
, had their children Pezrou, 208, 242
the sons of Noah, 266
baptized, 65 Pfeifferus, Augustus, 148
(the Hindoo) in the line
of the sun and moon, nonsense, 351 marriage with an- 4'a vw from 4vv=600, or 4rwv=
, reason for the attach- cient, a religious service-and 608, 143
ment to, in the East, 382 their sacristanos, sacerdotes, Phallus, the, 242, 249
45 praesules, and archipraesules, Phallic worship, 85
Pehlevi or Parthic, the, derived corresponded with presbyters, rites, at the vernal equinox, 106
from the Estrangelo, 153 bishops and archbishops, 71 Pharamoud-a king or dynasty of
Peirun, 39 , young, invested the Franks, 267
Pema or Lotus, from Padma, 186, with the girdle, 77 Pharaoh, the hardness of his
243, 244 , had four days each heart, 105
, Budd- month as Sabbaths or Sundays, 78 -, all the land of Egypt the
ha so called, 240 , lighted fires, like property of, 374
Penance, 72, 74 the Irish, on Nov . 2nd, 83 Pharaohs, the, had the names of
Penang, 215 , had an angel, as the Gods, 212
Penn, William, 37 Christians have a saint, for each Pharisees, the, 101
Pentameters, hexameters, &c ., how day, 86, 88 ~brlvv and Phennicshe_(lrish)=608
the, arose, 340 • celebrated the re- -0vv=600 in Coptic, 143, 183
Pentateuch, the, 31, 225 surrection of Mithra on March -icia or country of Phen, 209
, allegorical mean- 25th, 99 Philae, relics of Osiris shewn in the
ing of, 105 , had the same idea temple of, 102
-, partly composed, of the Resurrection as the Jews, 101 Philalethean sect, the Author wishes
partly compiled by Moses ; many ,alone had the lamb to be considered a member of
of the sect in North and South for the equinoctial sign, 111 the, 448
India, Mexico, &c., who have • adored fire as the Philaletheans, the, 412, 448, 449
not the Pentateuch, have part of emblem of creative wisdom and Philaster, 50
the same laws as the Western power, or as the Wisdom and Philip and Mary (of England), 299
Jews, • 376 Power itself, 128 --, the ancient astronomer, 320
- and Koran, the, codes , said, that there were -- of Macedon, why lie sought
both of law and religion, 419 72 Solomons before the flood, 134 to be acknowledged by the Am-
People on the earth-the probable -, called the Sun phyctions, 384, 423
number of, in 650 years after the EvPn ' 242 Philippi, 43
flood, 395 are followers of Phillips, Sir R., 330
Pepakam (a poem) probably is Pi- Shein, 385 Philo, 49, 50, 202
akm-the wisdom, 222 Persons, a few easily frightened, - says nothing about Jesus
Periodus Magorum, the, or 360,000 may have saved themselves, in Christ, 46
years, 317 boats or on rafts, from a flood, 315 -, on double meaning, &c ., 130
Perpetuam felieitatem made into St . Peru, 30,39 on the Essenes, 368
Perpetua and St . Felicita, 86 - and Mexico, the Antiquities Philoe, the priest at, could order
Persepolis, 77 of, 21-41 the king, i . e. the general of the
-, arrow-headed letters of, 206 while Gold was sacerdotal forces, to commit sui-
the destruction of, by the only metal in, and coin not cide, 264, 366, 380
the Moliamedans, 261 invented, 380 Philological Museum, the, 392
500 Index
Page Page Page
Philosophers, the, of Athens, Cro- Pitinia, the father of all men, 175 to discover . Probably the Ple-
tona, and Nazareth, 253 Pius II ., called the cardinals Sena- bes were occupiers, as tenants in
, renewals of all tors of Rome, 55 capite, of the first pontifical go-
things looked for, by, 431 - VI ., 80 vernment ; the Clientes as ten-
Philosophy was religion, and reli- Pla, Pallas, &c., 165, 180, 249 ants of the sacerdotal order, 392, 393
gion was philosophy, in ancient --, Pale, the, of Ireland, &c., Plinius, 3, 49
systems, 449 brought by the first tribe of Pliny, 3, 50, 74, 274, 325
PhinZs, fils d'Eldazar, 97 Saxons, 434 's account of Christians of Bi-
Phocian war, in the interdict pro- Place, La, M ., thought the oscilla- thynia, 90
nounced against the, by the Am- tion of the planes, &c ., small ; the -, divides the circle into 72
phictyons, we see the almost ex- Indians thought it great, 414 constellations or lustrums, 215,
piring power of one of the local Plagues, the, of Egypt, incredible ; 404, 410
conclaves, 423 keep pace with the Labours of on the length of the year,
Phmnicia, 48, 98 Hercules, and the Conquests of &c ., 319, 320
right-lined letter figures Bacchus, 105 , on the Game Troy, in Wales, 401
of, 148, 150 Planes, the, if they coincided-what Plotinus, 448
Phmnicians, the, 83, 96, 169 then ? 310 Plutarch, 8, 99, 193, 196, 314, 317, 325
-- , ancient, paid , may have coincided -'s Life of Numa Pompilius, 320
tithes, 78 anciently, 312 -, on circumstances of the
• h ad the Lamb of , when the, coincided, 315 deluge, in the history of Osiris
God described with the cross and Planets, the, may all be reduced to and Typhon, 324, 327
the rosary, 108 a state of fusion or gas, and be -'s Apophthegms of the La-
• the right-lined re-absorbed into To Ov, 336 cedemonians, 426
letters or numbers of, 147, 148 -, the end of the world Pluto, 7, 83
Phmtiix, the, lived 600 years, or a expected from a collision of, 382 IIvevlaa, n11, ruh, spiritus, ghost,
new cycle began, 143 Platiua, 52 air, breath, 67
, Phen orPlrennicshe, Platinus, 93 Poetry, in reality, the only species
meant 600 years, 143, 183 Plato, 43, 47, 48, 62, 93, 96, 113, of composition, till the invention
, built her nest with 122, 168, 174, 189, 190, 196, of the material of books, &c., 426
the leaves of the Amomum or 202, 205, 219, 221 Point de Galle, in Ceylon, 288,
Lady's Rose, 242 the Timaeus of, 1, 397 291, 292, 294
Phoinix, the, Joseph, 177, 178 the island of Atlantis, of, 39, 40 Polar regions, the, formerly warmer
, called klo=600, by
• the Phaedon and Republic, than now, and fit for plants found
the Phmnicians, 183 of, 73 only in warmer climates, 312
PHOTA-JAH, Pho-tha, Phtha, or ,- the Oeot yasm ros, of, 81 Pole or Phallus, the, 242
Thas, 5 the Trinity of, that of Jesus, 98 Pole-star, the, named Judd by the
9Uw , rtTt ov, 69 first tribe of Juda, from India,
• the original Christianity 131 352
Photius, 122 taught by, Poles-the earth supposed to have
tbpr1-608, A4po-&T,4 the holy Phre, 209 -, the first that considered been much hotter at the, than it
- and Freyas -names of the grammar, 195 is now, 444, 445
cycle as 666 or 608, 267 the alphabet of, 220 Polycarp, St ., 80, 129
- in E1 pre or Phre or Pharaoh- on an original race drowned Pol-Pall-4iXXvs=666, 210
the Solar Deity, God of Wisdom, by the flood, 274 Pol-head, wisdom, Minerva Polias, ib .
Bacchus, 265, 271 • in the Trinity of, Novs or Pollen, the language of the, 242, 249
Phrygia, 18, 47, 104, 106, 226 Venus was the Holy Ghost, 286 Poll-tax, a, once paid by every per-
-, called Room, by the ori- , on proper names derived from son who did not occupy land, 379
entals, 241, 412 the barbarians, 290, 429 Polydore Virgil, 61, 64, 74, 79, 86, 93
---, adjoining Mysia-the -, on the inclination of the Polynesian islands, the, 39
country of the Mystur or Troy, 412 earth's axis, 313 Pomegranates and bells on the gar-
Phrygians, the, 18 -, on the change in the motion tnent of the Jewish high priest
Phutios, old Grecian epithet of the of the firmament, 314 and the king of Persia, 69
Sun and Jupiter, 287 , on the division of the senate Pompey claimed to rule by the same
Picts, the, were men painted, 204 into 4 parts of 90 each, &c ., 319 right as Cmsar, 345
Picus, of Miraudola, on the micro- , the corporeal Trinity of, 336 Pomponins Mela, 314
cosm of Plato, 404 • Aristotle, and Pythagoras- Pons-the Thracian name for a,
Pilgrimages, imitated from the Pa- the doctrines of, cited as logical was Brig or Briga, the same as
gans, 86 and fundamental, &c ., 387 in the North of Britain, &c ., 413
, the ancient, of Hin- , the most ancient philosopher Pontifex-is it a translation of
doos, to Mecca, 352 who has treated of the micro- Dom ? 303
Pillars surrounding ancient temples cosm, 397, 404 -, the family of the Julil
-the most common number was -, on all souls being made in always aspired to the office of, 374
40, probably 38, and 2 at the one cup, of the same elements, 404 -, a, with a cabinet of 12,
entrance, 402 Philo, and Jamblicus-not and a council of 72 cardoues or
Pimpernel, the, opens to the sun, •
equitable to seek for the belief cardinales in each country, 381
&c ., 430 of, in their works, written evi- -- Maximus, the, 52, 53, 56
Pinkerton, 217 dently unintelligibly to deceive -58, 76, 92
Pipes or bagpipes, the, of Calabrian the ignorant, 443 , the king
shepherds, .90, 91 • on the Lord of nature sur- of the age, 51
Piromis (rcaaos) a man,-Pi-rouma rounded on all sides by his , the title of,
is Pi-roma, Brania, former or works, 446 strictly Heathen, 55
creator, 243 • the Trinity of, substantially , a micro-
Pisces, or John, 138 that both of the Christians and cosm of the Megalistor, M-wis-
--, the Vernal Equinox fell on of the Hindoos, 447 dom, 298
the 25th of, 1800 years ago, 139 Platonics, the modern, 448 in the per-
--, the sun entered the sign of, Platonism-the Encyclopaedia Bri- son of, Rome possessed the right
360 years 13. C ., 144 tannica on, 446 to the sovereignty of the world, 395
Piscina, 69 Platonists, the, 72 , by augu-
Pisistratus, 168 Plebes and Clientele; or Tenants- ries being taken, had a negative,
Pitegie, the feast of, 86 the difference between, difficult a veto on all state affairs, 407
Index .501
Page Page
Pontifex Maximus, the, the chief Page of all lands, as Vicar of God, Portuguese, the, 35, 238
bridge builder, 412 266, 374, 400 , conduct of, in In-
Pontiff, if the, and his court, escaped Pope, the, secular bishops procured dia, 216
from the flood, 311, 431 from, by barons and kings, .276 Portus Cresso, the Crestian Port, 117
or Pope, the oriental, has , placed at the head of Porus-bis standard, 118
probably resided at Oude, Agra, Christianity or modern Judaism, Posh or Push, the flower, 33, 148
Benares, Delhi, Muudore, &c., by the Jews claiming the high Post-diluvian year, the, 360 days,
373, 422 priesthood for Sbem, 361 and the month 30 days, 316-321
if the numeral Chinese , became the Archierist, Postellus, on what °' is to be read
were the written language of the, by Constantine's surrender of in the heavens," 235
he would easily communicate the book to him, 370, 400 Potamon, 448
with distant nations, long after , would not consent that Potisato, a flower, a name of
their spoken languages were un- his name should be put, in a list, Buddha, 240
intelligible to each other, 443 after that of the king of En- Pot-Jid, Poto, Pot-Tit-Buddha, 9
Pontiffs, the, 34, 52 gland, 374 Potter-on the Piscina, 69
Pontifical dominion, the, over the , superiority over, claimed Potyid, a name of Tibet, 9
whole world, acquired by a know- by the emperor of Germany, and Powual [Pownall?] on Antiquities, 25
ledge of letters, 257, 258, 275 by the Pope over him, 380 • on the ships of the an-
government - Constant, , when the, caused the Moha- cients, 311
Creutzer, and Schlegel, on the, medan confession of faith to be , on the charioteers and ca-
350, 372 placed on the chair of St . Peter, valryof the Britons as manaeuvred
he was probably preparing Rome in the manner practised by the
• under the, Greeks, &c., 416
the priests, by their knowledge to become again, one of the
of writing, &c ., would be mas- three holy cities, 385 , on tithes, &c ., 417
ters-the people slaves, 362 • the, (Alexander VI .,) gave Poyra:us, P . Franc ., 108
the, origi- all new-found lands to the Pra or Bra means factor, creator,
nally black, sent out colonies to Spaniards, but refused a grant of 243, 267
the West, which mixed with the tithes to the Emperor : he Prayers for the dead, 72-74, 76, 84
reserved to himself the vectigal, 393 , imitated from
white races, till the worshipers
of the black God became white, 363 , the, will probably allow that the Pagans, 92
• the first, Caesar held by both the book and • long, forbidden by Jesus
went to decay (perhaps by the the sword, 400 Christ, 87
rise of the sect of Cristna)- • a, at Oude, Agra, Mundore, Proemonstrants, the, 47
numerous remains prove its ori- Samarcand, or some other great Przenestine Pavement, the, 204
ginal existence, 370, 371 capital, 373, 422 Praesul, the president of the college
kingdom -antiquarians Popery, is but reformed Paganism ; of the Salii, 179, 23:3
would succeed better if they went Protestantism is but reformed Praesules et archpra'sules, 71
back to the, and to the builders Popery, 443 Precession of the Equinox, the-
Popes, the, and the Spaniards, 35 the ancients could not have made
of Stonehenge, &c ., 375
-, like the emperors, it neither more nor less than
government-the falling
to pieces of, affords an explana- wished Latin to be common in about 711 (years) in a de-
tion of the struggles of the Patri- all nations, 54 gree, 330
cians and Plebeians of Italy ; this, allowed those to be kill- , calculating the, at 72
Niebuhr has not attempted, 394 ed who were excommunicated, 55 years fur a degree, allows room
-, claimed supernatural for disturbance. &c ., 335
, a part of the , the,
policy of the, to form towns and knowledge, 56
why some of, called fixed by Ptolemy and the Indians
states into a confederacy, 394, 395
themselves Gods, 136 at 36 seconds a year, 353
Pontifices Maximi, the, had sove- , the,
reign authority, 51-53 , and Monks, contentions
between, in the dark ages,-the at the rate of 2160 years for a
-, exercised 431, 432'
result, 270, 285 sign,
authority as delegates of the
-, brought all the Carmel- Prestie John or Joan Joan-Cara-
THE, 54 corum, in A . D . 425, was the
Pontine Marsh, the, (25 miles long) ites or Essenes and their pro-
perty into the church, 285 empire of, 411
-Pliny says there were more Priapus or the Lioga, 7
, claimed all islands as
than 20 towns in ; they were , from Pra or Bra Apis, 414
the peculiar patrimony of God, 288
polises, divisions of the Agri- Priapuses of different forms, em-
mensores, &c., 419 would an Arabian writer
want materials, to blacken, if he blems of the generative power,
Pontius Pilate, Jesus of Nazareth at the boundaries of districts, in
not crucified, under, according to went to the writings of Luther
381 Britain, ib .
Trenaeus, 122, 129 or Calvin?
Popish mysteries, the, in every re- Prician on Mia, for one, 196
Poutoppidan and Scheffer on the Prideaux's Life of Mahomet, 89
284 spect similar to the ancient Gen-
word allodial, Prideaux, on the Targums, 172
Poor man's religion, the, wanted tile, 442
Population-a prodigious increase Priest, the, when he cannot darken
not the adjunct of temples, 409 -burns, forges, lies, 2555
Pooshtoon, the old name of the of, when the priest, as lord of
the soil, took only a tenth of the -, the, and king, in early times,
Afghans, 239 the same, 266, 269, 30 :3
Poo to C'hoo, the tree of Know- produce ; little temptation then, i
to rob a traveller, there being Pri-est or (J)pn-est, the real priest, 267
ledge, 148
52--54, 75, 81, 84 uo money, &c ., 365 Priest and King - a struggle be-
Pope, the, tween, apparent in the Jewish
, and court of Spain kept , to relieve the overflow
22 of, colonies sent out by the Pa- history ; Saul and David said to
strangers from America, 364
triarchal government, 434 be given as a punishment,
, throws money to the
55 Populifugia or populifuginm, 24 Priests, the, of the Great Mother,
people when crowned, 77
Pork, hated by Scotch Highlanders, called Semiviri,
is adored, 55, 56, 75
as by the Jews, 292, 293 , of Eleusis, kept the
-, called himself head fish- ib .
56 Porphyry, 43, 50, 80, 127, 368, 448, 449 commands of Triptolemus,
erman of Galilee,
Porson, Mr., on rl, as h in English, 204 , for 1500 years, were
- (John XI V.) , issued a bull
70 Portsmouth, Lord, the works of employed in garbling, forging,
for baptizing bells,
Newton in the custody of, 333 and suppressing evidence, 106, 107
-, claims to be possessor
VOL . II .
Page Page Page
Protestants and Papists nearly Pythagoras, probably the man cru .
Priests, the, of the Sun-orpgs-ova,
alike, 93 cified, of Minutius, 127
whence priest ? 233
the dis- 's doctrine of numbers,
-, in Asia, &c ., have
263 tinction between, will insensibly 138, 174, 179, 186, 222, 223, 431
grown into kings,
diminish in the West, as between on music, 149
, the first governors-
Buddhists and Brahmins in the left no writing behind
kings their generals, 264, 271, 272
East, 369 him, 219
, our ancient customs
302 , the, abuse the Pope the alphabet of, 220
bear marks of the rule of,
, sacrifices, &c ., &c., from for his arrogance in giving away -, fond of music, 233
countries ; but they have not an on beans forbidden by,
the beginning, in Germany, Gaul,
idea of the nature of his clain3, 393 to be eaten, 239, 240, 300
Peru, Mexico, Siam, China, Ja-
309 , if the, choose to argue , if he knew, he did not
pan, and Egypt,
the question of Transubstantia- make letters known, 248
, of Egypt-their great
secret was a knowledge of a fu- tion on the ground of common • became a neophyte
sense, they beat the Papists ; but and was circumcised, ro.
ture state : why they concealed
it from the people, 386, 387 they must admit all other tenets • was thought to be a
, by degrees, got pos- of their religion to be argued on Xp'c, 251
session of the Agri-Decumani, the same ground, 443 , is said to have lost his
till they acquired more land than Proteus, the, of the Greeks, Jo- life for teaching that a virtuous
they could occupy, and sub-letted se ph, 178 life would secure eternal happi-
it, in soccage ; they formed at , the Pandxan system, a per- ness, 253
length an aristocracy, 417 fect, 257 • the secret doctrine
Priestley, Dr ., 55, 78, 84, 111 Proto-flamen, the, 53 taught by, 308
Priestly nation, the Jews were a, Psalms, the, art of acrostic writing • said to have learned
-hence all were circumcised, 310 in, 185 the atomic doctrine from Moses ;
Primates, archbishops, and bi- Ptolemy-publication of the Jew- their doctrines appear nearly
shops, 53 ish Scriptures, under, 134, 172 identical, 398
Primeval and sacred language, a, , ( the geographer, ) the Pythagorean philosophy, the, of
lost, 147, 222, 223, 274 Molls iEsar of, 230 the generation of numbers, of
Primogenitus, 9 -, oil cycles, ending or beginning with
Prince Bishops orPalatines, the,277, 301 Salice-Selen-dive, 289 the To Ov or One, 437
-- Palatines of Germany-like Esseues, - John (the
the, the priests gradually lost Portus Solis, 290 Baptist) and Jesus Christ, monks
their sacerdotal character, 417 Ptolemaic system-the professors of, of the order of, 449
Principles, the two, quarrels be- like our astronomers, teaching Pythagoreans, the, 47-49, 61, 62, 72
tween the followers of, 269 that it was demonstrated, &c ., 330 , the bean of the
Priscus, king, made the Virgo Pa- 1fD ptr, to interpret dreams, 181 water lily of, 239, 240
ritura heiress to his crown and 1111D ptur, interpretation, paterce, , held a comet
kingdom, 108, 109 the divining leaves of the Sibyl, ib . to be one of the planets, 314
, built a temple to the, 259 Pukto or Puslito, the language of , and the Jesuits
Pritchard (Dr.), oil sibilant letters the Afghans, 238, 239 acted like the Assassins, to attain
interchanged with dentals, 200 Puranas, the 18-are cosmogonies, 351 their end, 386
Privileged and learned order, a, Purgatory, 72, 73 and Platonists,
receiving its tenths, would consti- introduced into Italy by held the doctrine of the micro-
tute a beneficial government, 306 )Eueas, 74 cosm-probably a part of their
Processions, Catholic, imitations of Purim, the feast of, 17 secret system, 407
the Pagan, 79 Push or pollen, a flower-monthly Pythagorists, the, 48
Proclus, 189 secretion, 244, 245 Python killed Apollo, 102
Procopius, on the pillars set up by Pushto, the, 1, 5, 7, 221, 294, 421 , the, or Holy Ghost, im-
the Canaanites, when fleeing fro in , the language of flow- pregnation by, 350
Joshua, 307 ers, 148, 149, 238-240
" Procnl! hitic procul este, profani," 430 or Estrangelo language, the,
Prometheus, 32 150, 153, 159, 175
vinctus, crucified on a or Syriac and Chaldee,
rock, 113, 136 206, 235, 236, 238, 259, 295 Quakers, the, 84
-, crucified, as divine I Pusto = 650-Pustp = 666-Petalon - or Buddhists, a nation of,
love, 116, and crucifix of, 117 =650, 239 can exist only oil the sufferance
Prophecy, the subject of, 227 Put, the Apollo of the Chaldaeans, 287 of their neighbours, 203
, a, tends to its fulfilment, 374 Pyramid-identity of the length of Quecalcoatle, the Mexican Saviour ;
Proserpine and Ceres, sacrifices the base of, with the temples at his temptation, &c., 24
offered to, in an island near Bri- Jerusalem, Ephesus, Athens, and disappeared at the
tain, 262 Rome, 406 end of 52 years, 26
Proseuchas and Synagogues, the, Pyraniidic feet, 180,000,000 of, , his marred coun-
of Palestine, 275 equal to the circumference of the tenance, 31
Protestant Church, the, 54 earth, 404 -, nailed to a cross ;
of England, 82 Pyramids, the, 147, 198, 315 crucified in the heavens, 32
Religion, the, a part of , may have escaped, Queen of heaven, the, 33, 81, 82
the Pagan or Gentile, 93 when every other building was -- and king, Khan was both,
missions more effective tumbled down by the flood, 312 181, 222
than Papist, in suppressing evi- Pyrrha, 18 Questions, often decided not from
dence of the truths of ancient Pythagoras, 47, 63, 77, 133, 202, knowledge, but from ignorance, 254
history, 262 246, 449 Quetzalcoatle, the Mexican God of
Protestants, the, 3, 43, 54, 72, 75, -a Carmelite, 44, 46, 49, 58 Air, 27
84, 241 's morality contained the inventor of round
their dislike to monas- the doctrines of Christianity, 48, 253 temples, 33
tic institutions, 46 , a follower of Apollo, 103 Quipos, the, of the Peruvians, 218
, their hatred of the , the history of, said to Quirinales, the, of Numa, 76
Jews, 59 have been copied from the life of Quirini, the, ib .
, purgatory offensive to, 73 Jesus Christ, 127 t=17 yum, feast, communion . 62
Index 503
Page Page Page
Raadst-a council, 277 Ras-ena (Etruria), country of the Resoul or Sent of God, Mohamed
Raamaa=144, 241 Vine or Wisdom, 231 a, 219
Rabbits, Seven, the Mexican year Rasit, meaning of, suppressed by Resurrection, the, 21, 25, 33, 38,
of, 25 lexicographers, ib . 42, 90
Rabbi Meir, 72 Rastores, Rattores, Ratz-ores, the of the body, be-
Simeon, ib . ancient Sacae, 211 lieved in by the Magi, 100, 101
-- Solomon, 79 Ratis-bon-Ratz-burg, ib . , those wisest, who
Rabeuu Hacadosh, 346 'Raf, the grape-stone, 9, 224 pronounce it a mystery, l0i
Racemus, 253, 254 Rawasit (Rasit), wisdom-the Fi- , believed in by all
Radha, the wife of Cristna, 245 cus Indicus so called, 253 nations, 102
Radhus (Cristna) the Sun, was Rayme, 31 , at the festival of,
Radius, ib . Razanae or Razanui, children of a miraculous fire said to descend
Radt-a provincial ruler, 277 Ras or Wisdom, 3 from heaven, 115
Raffles, Sir S ., 161, 214, 218-222 Reach or Resht ; the capital of Ghi- believed in literally
Raj, the, an emanation of the So- lan, 231 by the Nazarenes, Ebionites, and
lar power, a ray, wisdom, 244 Reader, the, requested not to decide the orthodox-but spiritually by
Rajahpoutana, 6 till the whole book is read, 254, 255 the Gnostics, &c., 119
Rajahpoutans, the, 25 Reading, writing, &c., the arts of, , pollen, in its re-
Rajas, not blood, but the fructifying long in the hands of a ruling newal, a beautiful type of, 244
medium, 244 order-the priests of Uria, 206 of Adonis, 25,
Rajast'han, the country of the Saca ; , long secret, 106, 112, 115, 142
or Buddhas, 208, 272 sacred, astrological, 234, 246-248 of Apollo 145, 148
Raleigh, 254 , formed part of Atys, 104, 106,
Ram, the, worshipeo before the of the Mysteries of Eleusis and 122, 142, 145
time of Moses, 105 other temples, 271 of .,Esculapius, 115
, personified and called Real Presence, the, 59, 61 of every Avatar, 118
the Lamb of God, 106- 108 Real Presence in the Eucharist-on of Bacchus, 102,
-, his worship followed this subject Vallemout has the 104, 122, 142, 145
that of the Bull, and preceded advantage in argument with the of Buddha, 103,
that of The Fishes, 110 Protestants, 442 105, 142, 145
-, substituted for Isaac, by Red Sea, the, 19 -, of Cama, 103
Abraham, ib . Rees's Cyclopaedia, 125 -, of Christ (Jesus),
or lamb, 137, 138 Reeves, Mr., 60, 66, 69, 89 104, 105, 136
Lantb, the coming of, to Regifugia and Populifugia, a, a part of Cristna, 142, 145
take away sin, 241 of the mythos, 24 of the Dove, 114
-,-rem excelsum-rum, caput, Regimine-a proper attention to, of Horns, 102
vertex capitis, ib will account for many mytholo- of Indra, 33
-, the brother of Cristna-Ram gical difficulties - why priests -, of Jesus, the son
and Ras . the same ? ib. had the names of their Gods, of Sirach, 124
- and Rama meant both Beeve &c., 225, 287 of Mithra, 99,
and Sheep, 242 Reginal Calcutta, for Reginal of 104, 142
Rama and Cristna the same, 137, 138 Calcutta, 287 of Osiris, 25,102,
--, the cousin of Cristna, 241 Regulars (the Monks) and Secu- 104, 106, 122
Rammohun Roy, the Rajah, on Age lars, the, 266 of Salivahana, 142
(Sanscrit) to go, hence Agni or , after having been of Sol, 100, 106
Yagni, 157, divided, they became united, 267 of Xaca, 105
died (Sept . 27, -- and Seculars-the monks Rete-mucosum, the, of the Negro, 363
1833), 241 or bookmen, and the clergy of Reuben, the sign of, Taurus, 105
on title of Akbar II ., the barons, in opposition 276 Reunion des Sabbats, the festival of, 219
king of Delhi, 358 Re!, 382 Revelation, the, or Apocalypse, 35
Ramsay, the Chevalier, (in his Cy- Reich-a region, 276 Revue Encyclopidique, 172, 173, 442
rus ;) on trades, &c., being here- Reland, on the measure of the Ta- Rex Sacrificulus, the, 25
ditary in Ireland, 421 ble of Shew-bread, 405 Rhapsodists, the, of Greece, like
Ramneuses h Romulo, &c ., 345 Religion, every, got up more by the Bards of Britain, Ireland,
Ramusat, M . Abel, on Hierogly- fools than rogues, 256 Scandinavia, and India - the
phics, 214 -, when its origin began to rhapsodies were poems to cele-
Ranking, on Gengis Khan's mira- be inquired into, 307 brate the renewal of Cycles and
culous birth, &c ., 353 -, originally an esoteric and Avatars, 426
Rapin, 162, 267, 272, 284, 285, an esoteric, 386 Rhamsinites, history of the Archi-
299-301, 401 Religions-no original one found tect of, 17
Ras, the, 3, 6, 224 of the vast variety of, 255 Rhine, the, 112
-, (in Ethiopia) Sar, (in Egypt) , when stripped of their Rhyme (from PvO os), Rune, 225
prince, 211, 435 grosser parts, nearly resolve Rhymes-the repetition of, the first
-, in the plural Rsut, allusive to themselves into one, 338 attempt to perpetuate facts, 340
the Trinity, 211 , the source of all, placed Rhythm, metre, music, invented
wivi ras, the origin of reix, resch, in Tartary, by Leveque, 373 for keeping in memory the sa-
rey, roy, 245 , two distinct, in the Ko- cred numbers, &c., 233
Ras means head and wisdom, and ratn-the one contains the germs Rhyn, the, of Wales ; the Rhythm
p'gu spipn both wisdom and a of purity and illumination ; the
other is fraught with maxims of
or Arithmos of Greece, 153
serpent, 349, 435 the mysterious language o :
- or Sar, car or cor, cor or ins, bigotry and intolerance, 378 the Welsh bards, 153, 159, 166
would be pronounced, as read Religious rites among crafts, in Rice, a monk, 44
from right to left, or the reverse, their initiations, lost in Britain, Rich or Ras or Wisdom, 226
435, 436 remained till lately in France Richard (King), the sign on his
Rasaksa, (Ras-Saka?) a race in and Germany, 279 standard, 349
Java, 221 , the modern, on no point Richardson on the Feudal Tenure in
Raschideddin, the writings of, pre- more deceived by the priests, Arabia, and genealogies, 354
served in Syria, by a remnant of than on the nature of the ancient Ridings, Radtings-governments, 277
the Ishmaelites, 389 mysteries, 440 Right, the, of the church, was the
504 Index
Page Page Page
Lord Paramountship over the Romans, the, and the Greeks, the Rome, the obelisks before the
soil of the whole world-always equinoxes of, 133 churches in, mostly the sacred
openly or mentally reserved by - , their error of 9 days, ones brought from Egypt ; that
the priest, 417 on the precession, 134 before the church of Maria Mag-
Rigordius, 108, 109 , less skilled in astro- giore, like that at Jerusalem, 402
Ripon and York, the Culdees of, nomy than the Saxons, 135 --, all the doctrines of modern,
279, 281, 287, 288 -, had two wrong com- the same as the open or secret
Rib, or Ram,=240, 241 putations of time, 141 doctrines of ancient Rome -
Robertus likens the world to a used literary charac- hence not surprising that the
tree, 371 ters as numerals, as late as Julius Popes re-enact rites, &c ., 443
Rocher de Guerin, Abbe, 2, 3, 10 Caesar's time, 147 Romelia of Thrace, 138
-17, 19, 20, 177, 178, 212, 230 , did they govern Bri- Romish Christ, the, the son of Maia
Rock, the, on which the church of tain by their own laws ? 273 or Maria, 44
Christ was to be built, Saca, , used the Druidical , an ncarnaton
Buddha or divine wisdom, 182 temples, 278, 280 of Divine Wisdom, 65
`Poaov a rose, from poa Ray, Rad- , why their enmity to Christians, doctrines of the,
ius ? 245 the Druids, as they themselves similar to those of theTibetians, 37, 75
Rogare et Donate made into St. offered human sacrifices, 281, 416 Christianity (trot the Gos-
Rogatien and St. Donatien, 86 • destroyed Isurium or pel of Jesus), 117, 300
Rom or Ram (Ceylon), the prince Aldborough, 298 has the Heathen
of, sent 20,000 families to, and -, left Britain, 298, 299 or Gnostic cross-borne of Egypt, 118
established the Religion of Crist-
• depended upon ar- Church, the, 43, 44, 46, 72, 104
na, in Java, 221 mour, discipline, and Russian seven Sacra-
Roma, 62 tactic-gold ; the Britons on va- ments of, 58-75, 282
Nova, 138 lour, 304 its doctrine of
-, the eternal city, 238, 345 -, believed their city was the real presence more consistent
--, the country of, would be to be the seat of universal em- than the Protestant doctrine of
Roma-ia, 241 pire, and to be eternal, 345 the Eucharist, 59, 61, 442
--, the island of, in Lat . 7, 35, an old ambition of, 348 Marriage, 71
Long. 127, 20, 346 -, had a Ler non scripta -, Extreme Unc-
Roman Catholic Religion, the, 42, 93 as we have, 375 tion, Penance, and Purgatory, 72
--, no- , when in distress, sent revenues of
thing new in ; is reformed or their sacred things, and their the priests of, the same as those
Protestant Gentilism, 42, 443 riches, to Cwre, 395 of Pagan sacrificers, 76
, and the Britons bore origin of the
renovation of the old Pagan re- about the same relation as the fasts of, 77, S6
ligion, 93 Spaniards and Mexicans, 415 has processions
Church, the Jesus , probably made some for rain, &c., like the Pagans, 80
of the, not a philosopher of Sa- new roads in Britain, 416 -, has every rite,
maria, in the time of Tiberius, 108 -, among, some families &c ., of Paganism, 129, 145, 276, 441
Papacy-the Archierarchy possessed hereditary offices - , scenic repre-
almost revived under the, in the . particularly the priests, 421 sentations of, of the acts of Jesus
middle ages, 373 Rome, 22, 43, 44, 51, 57, 60, 74, Christ, 136, 233
Pontiff, the, had the name 82, 90, 91, 118, 137-139, 143, bishops, the, use X before
of Papa, 54, 56 313, 399, 400 their signature,
State, why the, instead of 198
--, the early kings of, both kings church, in the, an Archbi-
the Pontifex Maximus and the and priests, 53 shop must have the pallium from
Priests, possessed the tithes, 374 --,the sages of, held the doctrine the Vicar of God,
, the, essentially agri- 231
of purgatory, 72, 73 , Essenean monks
cultural ; originally it had neither --, no beggars allowed in, but admitted into the, 368
trade nor navy ; who were ad- the Mendicants, 76, 92 fathers, the, affected to make
mitted to citizenship in, 392 --, churches in, covered with mysteries of Baptism, the Eucha-
Historians, the, differ about votive offerings, 87 rist, &c ., 441-443
obsolete matters-the principle --, pillars in front of the church- Jesus, the Evangelion of,
of the sacerdotal, feudal system es in, 92, 261, 402 the same as Zoroaster's and Ma-
being then lost, 393, 432 -- and Tibet, secret conclaves of, . 117 ni's, 65
State, disputes in the, re- , similarity of my . , the worship of, and
specting the division of lands, 418 thos in, 119, 127 of the celestial lamb, identical, 112
Year, the ancient, 360 days -, the Eternal City, 145, 146, , the gospel of, 142
long, 320 238, 440 mythos, of the crucifixion
Romans, the, and the ancient, 17, --, a Julian Kalendar dug up at, of Christ, a close copy from Pa-
27, 53, 64, 67, 74, 138, 139, 337 in the sixth century, 147 ganism, 112
ancient and modern, --, all the names of, female- - religion, a part of, celebrat-
their use of images, 80 Roma, Flora, Valencia-nearly its ed in the temple of Juggernaut,
, ancient, had Jupiter first goddess was Vesta-had the
Tonans, Sponsor, &c . ; the mo- 206, 207
name of the beast, 241 Romulus, 53, 76, 86
dern, have St . Pietro in Vaticano, , the king does homage to the -, the tomb uf, became the
-in Vinculo, &c ., 91 priest, in, 302 church of St . Theodorns,
, took nothing (in reli- 74, 94
-, in the domain of Japhet, 360 and Remus, temple of,
gion) from the Druids, but per- and Petersburgh, modern now Church of Cosmo and Da-
secuted them, 99 Christianity as exhibited at, if mien, 91
• began the feast of stripped of modern corruptions, -, in the reign of, some
Brumalia on the 25th of Dec. in nothing but a continuance of the months were 20, some 35 days
honour of the God of Day, 100 ancient religion of Rome, 367 long,
and the Greeks, bad 320
--, probably saved after the Gal- -, his history used by the
few infant Gods, ib . lic capture, by being considered the priests, to shew that the Romans
• carried the sign of a the Capitolium orreligioushead of were a favoured nation, 341
crucified man on their standards, the Italian, if not of the European Room, Phrygia so called by the
116, 118 Pontificate, 395 Orientals, 241
Index 505
Page Page Page
Room and Mysia-Asia Minor was Runes, of Scandinavia and Ire- Saca;, the, were the builders of
both, 412 land, the, are figure letters, 206 Stonehenge, 273
Roomite, a, Iskander, or Alexander, their di- were also called Sagm, 274
so called, 346 vision into fives, 215 occupied almost all Eu-
Ros, in the unspoken language of -, of Scandinavia, known rope, 278
numeral symbols, might be sor, 153 to, and used by, the Tartars be- , or Celtm, Chaldees or
fore the Christian era,-brought Cullidei, the first tribes of, were
Rosary, the, from Ras, wisdom, 179
with the Sacm,-written from Druids, like the Christians of
Roschild, the capital of Denmark
top to bottom, &c., &c., 305 Malabar, 281
so called, 231
-, the letters were right , traces of the oriental system
Rosci, the, on the river Cyrus, Ros,
lines, - used by the Masonic of the, in Scandinavia, 300, 305
Ras or Aras, ib .
Culdees of York, 436 , the, or Scythians-the wis-
Rose, Ras, wisdom-the crucified, dom and moderation of, i . e . of
Runic alphabet, the, 149
240, 243, 245 the followers of Japhet, 372
- on a cross, &c ., 240, 243 - letters or numbers were right
lines, 166 Saxons or Buddhists, called
of Sharon, of Isu-reu or Atheists by the followers of
Russia, 215, 304
Ishuren, Jesus the, 6, 33, 44, Cristna, &c., 428
--, History of, by L6veque, 373
239, 240, 245 , the Chaldman-Celtic, their
Rosen, Dr ., on obsolete Sanscrit -, nearly all the land in, held
by the Nobles, and cultivated by conduct in new countries, 435
words, 157, 158 Sacala, 9
the serfs, on their account, 394
's, Dr., 'Translation of Parts Sacas or Sagas-Sacas-ana, country
of the First Veda, 340 Russians, the, called Go to see ill
Chinese, 149 of Sacas, 4
on the first Sanscrit lexicon, 428 Sacerdotal caste, a, ruled the
Roses, the Age of, 32 their great strides
since the time of Peter, 304 world, 1
Rossi, De, on the Septuagint, 16, 172 empire, an ancient uni-
Rustan (Persian) rstn=650, 211
Rossi-crucians, or Templars, the, 85 versal, 262
Rusticus, St .,
6, 248 384 or Patriarchal govern-
• ado- Ryots, the, cultivators or grantees ment, a supreme, overrode the
ration of the Rose and Cross, by, whole, but left each state to re-
of India, 266, 362, 373, 374
240, 244 gulate its domestic concerns, &c .,
their - feudatories or farmers, hold-
• ing their lands, in Italy, as in 433, 434
monogram surrounded with a ,a
India, by payment of part of the
glory, and placed on a Calvary, 243 391 remnant of, in the paleof Ireland,
produce, &c .,
---, the, Freemasons, &c., and in the pfahlbiirger of Ger-
the confraternities of, Christians many, 434
before the rise of Romish Chris- Saceswara, Mohamed a, 2
tianity, 300 Sachem, 25
, of Germany, Sachia, Sechia, 3
suppose themselves descendants Sacraments, the three,-the reli-
of the Egyptians, Chaldmans, &c ., 301 X changed into P by the fEolians, 199 gion of Abraham, of lona, of
, modern Tem- - T by the Dorians Buddha, 283
plars, and Masons, are little more and Lolians, 199, 438 Sacred-secret, 199
than different lodges of one - perhaps both I and T, and hence Sue or Sac-rid-to be rid,
order, 388 called Sigma-Tau, 200, 201, 211 quit of rule, &c .? 264
Roumaen-Rome, with a Tamul Sacred majesty - the xe'poroy'a
241, 242 Sa is Y,w or yttP' or Saviour, or the
termination-666, 195 gives the title of, 263
Rousseau, M ., all extract from, on Saba or Zaba (wisdom), whence order, the, which ruled the
the Ishmaelites, 389 world, possessed all science, 342
Sabmans, 219, 220
Rowland, on Hebrew sounds in Sab-aith-the preachment of the Numbers-the microcosm
Welsh, 154 found in what the ancients call
sages or of the wise, 297
Royal Concubines, the 360, of the the, &c ., 397
Sabat, an assembly-Sabbatines-
Persian kings, 317 ib. poems, retained by memory,
- Shepherds, Saxons, 25 would answer during peace ; but,
Sabazius or Sabaoth, birth-place of
, the, of Egypt, 305 102 when wars arose, they would not
RST (r1'tv7) the I or Jod inserted Sabbats, reunion des, festival of, 219 avail for history, 424
for mystery, 6 Sabbath, the day sacred to the God Sacrifice-none but the king could
or TPX the 600, and of Wisdom, 219, 220 make a, for the nation, at Rome, 375
Om =600, 303 Sabbathier, 172, 418 Sacrifices for the dead, co-eval with
PIT, each of these letters had two Saca, [the God of Wisdom,] 1, 2, Christianity, 74
meanings, 189, 199, 200, 343 9, 10, 31, 32, 275, 428 all, were originally
- Rasit, a corruption of ; hence 2 feasts, 233
Cmsar, Tzar, and Xp,lc, 344 -, Saca-sa, Sacya, Buddha, 1, Sacristan, Saxtan, Sexton, 71
RSUT=666-wisdom, 201 3, 6, 27, 148, 228, 428 Sacti, Sakti, 6
plural of Ras, allu- Sadducees, the, 101
Saca;, the, or Saxons, 1, 4, 166,
sive to the Trinity, 211 203, 207, 228, 250, 275 Sadduceism, the, of Manes, ib .
PIE rss=360-%PE cross, or ers the German and Scan- Saga, 25, 34
with the letter e Rose,=365, 243 dinavian Saxous from, 209 and Saca, clearly mean Wis-
Rudbeckius, Olaus, 148 , the ancient, the Rattores, 211 dom, 336
Ruish, Mr., on genus and species ,Saxons,Scythians,conquerors Sagan, Cohenia and Ogygisan, 2, 3
363 221 Ogygisan-Noah so called, 3
of man, of Egypt,
Rukia (the Persians so call Olym- the Scandinavian, and the Sagart, no sacrifice without a, 2, 25, 264
pias), is this the Hebrew rgio- Arabians, from the N . of India, 225 Sagas or Sacas, 4, 34
firmament? 346, 347 - or Saxons, the, brought the Sagax, Sagesse, 3, 231, 232
Ruma Mamma, Rome, 145 feudal system from Asia into Eu- Sages for Tages, 231, 232
Roma, 241 rope, 262, 372 Sagio, 2
Rune (Anglo-Saxon) is Rnneh, and loudi, the tribes of, the Sagiot, 230
Phoenician or Arabic, 165 same, 263 Sahagan, 23
Runes, the, .of Scandinavia, 148, 165 - or Saxons, the, conquered by Sai, learning, 227
Alexander, 272 Saints, the adoration of, 81
-, acrostic writing in, 185
500 Index
Page Page Page
Saints, the canonization of, is the Samaritan and Hebrew chronology, gle between, as to the right of
apotheosis of the Pagans, 81 the difference of, 133, 134, 327, 329 excommunication, 352
St . Columba and St . Iona, said, by Hebrew, purity of the, 156 Saraceni, the, conquering and mag-
Catholic historians, to have been Philosopher, Nazarite, nificent, puffed up with vanity
bishops of the isle of, 286 Bnddhist,Pythagorean, Esseuean, and pride, 378
Sais, Sauafe-safe, 230 the-the doctrine taught by, was Sarah, 14, 16
Saka, Sakea, or Sakia, festival of, 60 all peace and brotherly love, 409 -- called Ischas or Ischa, 60, 230, 346
, an Eera, a name of Buddha, 221 Samaritans, the, 5, 66, 133 --, the wife of the Brahmin,
Saladin, probably from Sul-ad .in, correct timeof the (Abraham,) 81
or Sul=360 and ad, 230 precession, taken by, 134 Sarai, means the queen, 14
Sale's Koran, 352 , attached to the Sara-iswati, the Dea Scientiarum, 8
Salem, 45, 58 worship of the dove, 228, 229 Sarcophagus, the, in the Pyramid
Salic laws, the, their number and , Sama-ritans,wor- of Giza-its length, &c., 403, 406
where enacted, 299 shipers of Santa or Cama? - Sardanapalus-traditious of three
Salice-Ceylon-the name preserv- place Ararat in Serendive, 229 princes of that name, 360
ed in Selen-dive, &c., 289 , bitter enemies of Sari-the reigns of ancient kings
Sali-ghat, the ghost of Sali or Suli, the system of David and Solomon, 232 counted by, 321, 322
of Bath, 299 , make the flood Sarkel-kel or cil church, and ras
Salii, the, were Sulii or priests of to have happened in the fifth re- wisdom ? 229
Sul, 179 volution of the comet (of 1680), Sarouide, the, is Ras, &c., 297
, an order to regulate the or 2926, B . C ., Sarus, a, 3600 years, or rather
sacred dances, 233 Satnarkand, 206, 274, 444 days, &c., 322
Salivahana, 9, 133, 221 Satnhan, 82, 83, 287 Sasax, Saxax, 31
-, cross-borne or Stauro- Samhua, 82 Sasenach, Sacon,Sausen, Saxenach, 2
bates, 115, 118 Samnaut, 137 Sassan, father of Artaxerxes, 349
-, the, of India, though - =)D=666, and Neith Satieruia-country of the cycle of
well known, yet the Cristna of, wisdom-the Solar wisdom, 201 666, 241
prevails, 368 Samothrace, 55 Satrapes, in the 360, and in the 72
Salivahanas, 118 cian Gods, the three Solumi of Persia, ac ., we may
incarnations of, 129 Great, 344, 345 see traces of the microcosm, 420
&c ., the, put to death, Samson-Cristna, Isaac, 8 SATURDAY, Heb. Stur=666-Gr .
&c ., 142 his, likeness to Hercules, 21 Stre-608 - Sir =600 - Strn=
Salman-asar, Salmou-)Esar, Caesar the history of, 305 650, 209
Solomon, 180 Samuel (the prophet), 45 Saturn, 8, 212
Salmon's Modern History, 22 Sanhedrim, the, called by Napoleon -ja or Saturnia, 62, 127
Saloghast, Wiseghast, Bosoghast . -reason for, 358 , Satiern, in Greek numerals
and Undoghast, meant the Holy the Jewish, 380, 381 =666, 209
Ghost, 299 a, in each of the 72 - , called Sati, Sani, Satyr, in
Salmne, Mr., on the Malays speak- divisions of the world, 422 India, 209, 21(1
ing Hebrew, 156 Sangus, the statue of, 89 - , the kingdom of, divided into
Salvation, voyage and voyages of, Sattpi, the Greek, not a letter, 224 three parts-Asia, Africa, and
or Deisul and Deisuls, 20, 21, 64, San-script-writing of the sun or Europe, 399
233, 276, 422 holy writing, 290 to
wrought, by Mithra's re- Sanscrit, the, 156-159 Jupiter (Ham), Pluto (Shem),
surrection, 99 , of South India, de- and Neptune (Japhet), 400
Salverte, de, Eusehe, 3 rived from the Tamil, 148, 156 Saturnalia, the, of Italy, were fes-
Sall (in old Irish) 55w=360, means , held by the Brahmins tivals of Saca, 268
a year, 178 to be absolutely perfect, 157 Saturnia, the kingdom of, 375
Sallust-Satis eloquentite, sopientier Hindoo, Latin, and Greek, Saul (king), 105
parum, 132 names of numbers, 166, 167 or Talut, so called in India, 134
Salusbury-Sura or Syr-is-place , comparatively modern -, as king, given as a putiish.
of the Sun, 299 and artificial, 184 ment, 364
Sam, a name of the sun, 137 called Fan by the Savinian and Potentiau, the Saints,
-, of Mercury, Chinese, 217 in Gaul, 259
darkness, and Buddha, 438 on words in, identical with Saviour, the, 19, 24, 61
Samach, the final form of the tenth Persian, Greek, and German, 234 -, the acts of, scenically
letter, M, 196 , words, on, from the represented, 20, 136, 233
=60, Sam (the Sun) and Hebrew, 245 , crucified, black, 32,
akm, 197 , called Sanscort or 36, 37, 116
and mem final=600, 241 Sanskroutan, in Celtic, 290, 412 , Aries was called, 108
imposition of hands, inves- , like Greek scholars, fail in -- , a spiritual, instead of
titure, the, 252, 278, 359 their explanations, why, 290, 429 a temporal, actually crucified,
, Aaron received the, from --, formed by the Brah- taught by Paul, 341
Moses, 302 min or Cristnu sect, for secrecy, , in every country
Saman, 31, 138 but it also is become public, 294 which had any pretensions to
Samartans, the, or Gymnosophists, the, was comparatively rude have a, there was a Mount Meru,
43-45, 50, 368 when the first Veda was written, 295 Olympus, or Acropolis, &c., ib .
probably Essenes or , of India, and of Scot- , of the whole world,
Monks, and Chaldaans, 368, 370 land, 412 invited all people to a participa-
Satnaria, 36 Saphenath Pahaneah [ Zaphnath- tion in his favours, &c ., 409
--, capitol of the tribe of paaneah] Joseph, in the Egyp- (or Messiah), Cyrus, a, 233
Juda or Ayoudia, 207 tian, Salvator &Iundi, 177, 178 Saviours, 21
----, the Jesus of the Roman Saques, les, on les Scythes-their Same, Sacw, Xacae, Xim, Xin,
church, not a philosopher of, 108 conquest of Asia, and mild treat- Xin-di-Sinenses, the, 215
--, the teacher of, made to ment of, &c., 372 Saxon, the, is Celtic and Hebrew,
be God himself, 368 Saracen!, the, Arabians, 225 155, 200
Samaritan History or Pentateuch, Saracens, the, have they, like the kings, the, claimed to hare .
the, 16 Turks, the Crescent? 291 all lands in demesne, 266
Nazarite, the, 43 and Turks, a strug- institutions, the history of
Page Page
Scotland, 4, 156, 286 Selden, 66, 259, 268, 273, 289
the, little understood by Hume, 382
416, 417 , (highland) the language Seldjoukide-Sultan Meleksblh,
of, called .Sanscrit, 158, 294 Selene, like Yoni or lane and Iona,
Saxons, the, 1, 2, 4, 9, 32, 209,
221, 228, 250, 262, 272 the cares of, 179 means the female generative prin-
25 the fire towers of, 26b, 296 ciple, "-89
the barbarian, better skill- the laws of, 272, 273 Selim III ., said to have taken the
the sacred islands of, 287 Calif to Constantinople, and to
ed in astronomy than Greeks or
Romans, in the time of Caesar, 135 and India, identity of race have ruled under his authority, 352
and language in, 289 , the conquest of Egypt by, 385
,ancient, the emphatic article
199 I was called Alba, 291 Selimd i. e. Solomon, the desert of, 230
of the, was I,
the first written syllabic Selingiuskoi-tnany sepulchres, &c .,
, and Franci or Franks,
267 language found in, 294 found about the neighbourhood
the same,
Scott, Sir Walter-if such a man of-supposed to be remains of a
• and Scythians, the 268 as ire was, would study this work, people previous to the food, 444
same, 228
with a view to correct its errors Setna, of Hierapolis,
• first heard of in the and supply its deficiencies, he Semedo, Alvarez, 227, 228
West, about 150 B . C ., 271
would be qualified to write a ge- Seniiramis, and the Sema-Rama of
, said to be not Chris-
neral history of the world, 369 India, closely connected with the
tians, 281 228
Scribes, the, perhaps alone under- dove,
or Saca:, the latter tribes 43
of, in Britain - their religion stood the art of writing, 169 Semler,
nearly that of the Cullidei of Scriptures, the, 10, 17, 18 Senators, the, of Rome, why called
Iona, of York and Ripon, ib . , of the Therapeuta : Patres Conscripti ; they were like
-, of Denmark, had three or Essenes, the ground-work of our English Peers ; the foreigners
cups, to Odin, Niord, and Freya, 300 the Gospel histories, 45, 46 like our Scotch and Irish Peers ;
Scythes, fils d'une Vierge, 97 these would vote as Knights, 392
, with the return of the,
Scythes on Tartares, ib . Seneca's Hercules Furens, 408
to Britain, the Scandinavian cus-
toms, &c ., revived, 304, 416 Scythia, Eastern, 136 Sephiroth, the ten Jewish, were
, Asia once a fief depending ten symbols or ciphers, 185
, the later, when they carne
to Britain, probably found the on, 262 Sephora, (Sephor,) city of the book,
Scythians, the, 2, 97, 203, 221 more properly a cipher, 311
remains of their ancestors, who
had, 500 or 600 years before, , Saxons, and Saale, Septuagint, the, 83, 327
built Stonehenge, &c ., 416 the same, 230 -, the, probably a trans-
Sbo-Erudition, sagesse, 219 Sea-Kings, the, made war upon the lation of the sacred books of the
Scala or Scale, 5, 9 Highlands, 291, 305 five temples of Egypt, 16
Scalds, the, a corruption of Chas- Sean (Sion), name of Hercules, the -, the present, not that
dim, Chaldaeans or Culdees ? 305 Suit or wisdom,, 225, 290 translated for Ptolemy, 172
Scaliger, 64, 97, 135 Sean-ach, hence Senate ? 264 Serapis, the Saviour of Egypt, 14,
, a high-priest, a Druid, 290 15, 87
--, on the Periodus Magorum, 317
Scalit, a name of Joseph, 2 Sean-achas, a judge of a feudal thought to be the peculiar
Scander, the burial-place of Akbar, 358 code, 260 God of the Christians, 15
Scandia, Grotius thought the Mexi- Sect or division, every great, had , the priests of, at Athens,
cans from, 278 its book of wisdom, leaning to had the head shared, 78, 79
Scandinavia, 148, 262 its paramount dogma, 445 and Isis, the priests of, wore
the Runes of, 165, 166 Sects, all, improve as their passion the tonsure, 92
- the confreres of, cools, 342 Serendive or Serendib, the old
all sworn friends, 300 Secret doctrine, the, of Jesus- name of Ceylon, 288, 290, 292
Scandinavian poetry abounded in remarks on, 308 , Ararat placed in, by the
acrostics, 185 , lost in the Samaritans, 229, 288
-- Sacte, the, and Ara- days of Papias, Ireuaeus, &c ., or Serenus, Bishop of Marseilles, SO
bians, from the North of India, 225 not trusted to them ; it might Servius Tullius-the whole mythos
Scandinavians, the, 3, 004, 305 have been as imprudent to trust it in the history of-the immaculate
had their Demi- to them, as to Luther or Calvin, 367 conception, &c., &c .,-he was the
gods, 300 Secrets and sacreds-the two words first who had the glory, 393
Scapula, 199 suspected to be of almost primae- Sesostris, 12
Scattald-land which paid tax, 284 cal antiquity, 396 Seth, &c., icons of, in India, 122
Schetfer and Pontoppidan, on the Secular bishops, 270, 276 , princes in the race of, 133
word allodial, ib. Seculars, all priests were, origi- Sethenes, L 14
Sehehabeddin-Seherwerdi, the fa- nally, 266 Settle, our word, from SI11V stl, 437
mous, sent by the Calif, to the - and monks, the orders of, 267 Seven Rabbits, the Mexican year of, 25
emperor of the Mongols, when -, and Regulars, - Sacraments, the, of the Ro-
about to attack Bagdad, 390 though bating one another, had mish Church, 58-75
Scheller, Dr., 2 a common interest against the Seven wise men, the, of Greece, pro-
Schlegel, on an ancient priestly rest of mankind, 270 bably the seven incarnations of
government in Greece, 350 -, the,-the clergy of the Wisdom or the Logos of seven
Sciakam, 2, 25 barons-were always !it opposi- cycles, 127, 226
Sci-akham, 6, 7 tion to the Regulars, the Monks, 276 Seventy. (or 73) languages, all found-
Sciold, the son of Odin, 231 and Regulars-strug- ed on the Arabic, 235
Scipio Africanus, 54 gles between, when the Monks, Seventy thousand FEdawis were at
Scolt, Sciot-froin $agiot, 230 under Augustine, came to Britain, 281 all times ready-from fanaticism
Scoloti-Skuthai-Scythians, the, ib . -, the, the descendants of or religious principle-to throw
Scone, with its sacred stone, 260 the Brahmins, 369 themselves from the battlements
Sconhalla in Dom Bec, at the vil- Seed of the woman, the, "shall of the castle of Alamout, to shew
lage of Skellow, 283 bruise," &c ., 249 their devotiou to the Imam, 389, 390
Scores and Dozens, our, probably , when the, of any animated Seventy-two, the number, &c., 299
derived from the microcosmic su- being is examined, &c ., 398
Seignior, the grand, and (power members of Parlia-
perstition, 385, 433
over) his pashas, 264 ment, for the whole island (of
Scotch, the, 220
Seiguiory is seignior-iii-place of Great Britain)-the microcosm
, are admitting organs peeps out in that number, 401
into churches, 271 the lord, 300
508 Index
Page Page Page
Seventy-two, the nations of the Siamese, the, say the French have Sixteen-letter Hebrew, the, not far
earth divided into, 409, 410, 413 the same name as themselves, different from the original lan-
Seventy-two, a senate of, probably viz . free, 267, 411, 412 guage, i . e . of China, 443
in every country ; the Jewish San- Sian or Siam, 31 D sh in Hebrew, means a veil-in
bedrim, the Solumi of Persia, Slang or Sihang, the, of the Tibe- Greek e- Kos-very like Saca, 337
&c ., &c ., 422 tians, is Sio, 224 Skellow, a custom continued at the
, angels, the, of the 72 Sibyl, the, the leaves of, 166 village of, 283
nations, &c., 433 Sibyls, the acrostic of the, 154 Skye, the island of, so called from
Severus, Sulpitius, 110 -, their account of Ararat Saca or Sakya, 287
Sextus, V ., 54 not from the Bible, 173 Slain Lamb, the, of the Apocalypse,
Shakspeare, the historical -plays of, Sicily, Siculia, or Xaca-clo-ia, 9 connects with the cycle of 144,
like the poems of Ossian, 293 "Sides, the, of the north," where &c ., 240, 241
-, the "rack of," flying the Gods sit, 73, 175 rtSD sle, Selah, 178
Shaft Mung, Rev. David Collie's
Sidon, T I'ty=364, 183 ritw sle, Shilo, Silenus, 178, Sa-
Sigalion, Dieu de Silence, 18 viour, 180
translation of the, 376
'It", 1i7'?Oc, Yt'Ya%EOs, ib . 1 ?W sli=360, 178
Sharastani, 101
Sharon, Ishuren or Isuren, the Rose Sigma-Tan, S and '1' substituted for Sli, Suli, the Suit, 212
each other, 199, 200, 211, 244 tv 1 w slit, a name of Joseph, 178
of, 6, 33, 44, 239
the Rose Signs, seals or crests, origin of, 198 w5ty s1s,=630, salus, health, sal-
of, Jesus, 6, 42, 240, 243 Silius, on the rites in the Gaditan vation, Salus-bury, 177
Sharon Turner, 135 temple of Hercules, 78 - three, the Trinity, ih .
Shaving of the head and surplices Silliman, on the flood, 312, 313 Sin or Sul meant the same, in the
borrowed from Egyptian priests, 78 Simeon, Jacob's son, 18 unspoken language of numeral
Shaw, 82 -, the Rabbi, 72 symbols, 185
Shea's, Mr ., Translation of Mirkond, Simon Magus, 89 t='nitw smim, the disposers, rulers,
346, 347, 351 Sin, Sin-di, the holy Sin, 181 &c ., 177, 212, 438
Sheahs, the, accuse the Sounees of -, Saxons or Buddhists, the Chi- Smith, Dr. J . P ., 64, 113
corrupting the Koran, 351 nese are nothing but, 215, 292 Smoking, what occupation oramuse-
Sheik-said to mean reverend, 301 -, =360, or Xn=650, 250 ment is better than, 305
Shekia-Sakia-a prophet, 227 -,Singala, sin instead of doct, 288, 292 Soc-manni, the, were the Seculars, 264
Shem-his claims to the high- -, =360 for the Sun-the Lion, --, holders of lands
priesthood, &c ., 361 as the emblem of, at the summer from the priests, 266
- owed suit and service to his solstice, 292 Soccage lands, primogeniture in,
elder brother, Japhet, 372 Sina, Mount, 31, 288 prevailed in the time of Henry
, Ham, and Japhet, the three Sinan-chief of the Assassins, 230 Ill ., 264
divisions of, in the families of Sincellus, Georgics, the chronogra- , Free, from Soc, a plough-
Omntia, Abbas, and Fatima, rul- phy of, 121 or liberty, privilege-or, from
ing in Europe, Asia, and Africa, Sind, the river-Abba-Sin, father Xaca or Saca ? 264, 265
384, 385 Sin-the Nile once so called, tenure by,-lands changed
claim for, probably set up like father Thames, 181 to tenure by Knighthood, 269, 284
by Mohamed, the lines of Ham Sinda, 107 Sochi-quetzal, the mother of Que-
and Japhet having failed, 386 Sinde, Sindi, a river of Thrace, and calcoatle, 32
-, according to the mythos, in the Indus, 179, 181, 202, 224, --, or Suchi-quecal, is both
consequence of Ham's miscon- 288, 294, 420 male and female, ib .
duct, inherited the right to the Sindi, the, of North India and of Sociniaus, the, 96
Pontificate ; in his line the ava- Thrace, both followers of the Socrates (the scholastic), 77
tar saviours, kings, and priests holy Xin, 414 Socrates, 96
were to be found, and all man- Singal, the language of the Sin, or • hi s birth announced by a
kind to be blessed, 398 of Nis or Bacchus, 292 brilliant star, and gold, &c ., of-
, in the division of the world, Singala, the, is Gala or Gael Nis, fered to him by the Magi, ib .
had 36 parts, 399 &c., 294 ,called a Christian by J us-
Sheriffe, the, of Mecca, the lineal Singapore, 215 tin, 130
descendant of Shem, 359 Singhalese, a few of the, are wor- • like Pythagoras, &c .,
,the Pasha shipers of the stars, 289 left no writing behind him, 219
of Egypt claims to hold his domi- Singing rhymes to perpetuate facts the alphabet of, 220
nions from, 383, 388 -singing or chaunting praises of said to have lost his life
Shesach, a Scythian, Tat-ar orTar- the incarnate wisdom, 340 for teaching that virtue would se-
tar, 2 Sion, i . e . the sun, in Siam, means cure eternal happiness, 253
Sheshach (who pillaged Jerusalem), free, 267 Sodalitates or companies, &c ., the,
the king of the Sacs: or Saxons, Sioun =336, or Sintt=366, or Sin in Athens, were 12, it) what were
or Shepherds of the Pallestini, =360, or Xn=650, 250 called 360 houses ; here are re-
221, 268 Sirach, who was the author of the mains of the microcosm, 419
Shin and Tau both used for 300 book of? Sodoreysat)d Nordoreys, Southerns
and 400, 200 Siriad, letters said to have been on and Northerns, the Western Is-
Ships of the ancients, the, nearly as the pillars of the, 256 lands divided into the, 291
large and as sea-worthy as ours, 311, Six, the numeral letter, how de- Sofees, the, of Mohamedisnt, 274
Shire-from the Celtic hir, cir, chur, or Gnosis, the sect of, 346
&c ., scribed, 196
276 Sixteen-letter system or alphabet, Soga-M ozo, 34
Shrovetide, 59 Sol, the Lord, execution of-the
148, 166, 167, 185, 206, 223
Shuckford, 201 -- languages, dialects of Saviour, 49
Si, siah, learning, in Chinese, 227 , his rising to immor-
each other, Sattscrit excepted, 170
Siakhim, 8 tality at the Vernal Equinox, 100
the, probably
Siam, 31, 32, 45, 163 -, the God, his mysteries cele-
known to the Chinese, 216, (as
8 Avatars in, 139 a secret to the Tartars,) brated on the Sunday, 89, 90
Juda'an mythos in,- 222, 232 the, of the loudi , his birth at the
Siamese Boys, the, 202, 397 or Chalda:ans, Winter Solstice, 49, or on March
-, the, and the Tibetians, 25, 98-100, 106
the, pervaded
closely connected, 214 whole world, -, the, worship of, 112
Index 309
Page Page Page
Solaimani, the Afghans, dwell on Sopheism, the, of India and Mo- of four months each, by the an-
the Mount of Solomon, 239 hamed, originally the same, 352 cient Egyptians, 325
Solar and Lunar revolutions, the -the secret doctrine of, 1DD spr, a letter, symbol of nota-
change made in the, happened at probably what the Assassins tion, a scribe, 169
the deluge, 326 taught in secret after the over- Stadium (10 feet), the little Egyp-
Soldier, when the, arose, 372 throw of their order, 390, 391 tian, or the Hebrew fathom-by
Soldiers hired by the scientific class, , of Mohamed, and the this, the Parthenon, at Athens,
to keep order, 365 name of his temple, Caaba or and the temples at Ephesus and
Soleiman, Sulimon or Suleimon, Caavah, like the Mercavah of the Jerusalem ; were built, 403
179, 180 Jews, &c ., 398 --, from sto to stand,-hence
Soli Deo Mitrae, 116 Sophocles, 62 stans and standard. It may be
Soli-lunar period of 600 years, 141 Sopi=360, Sophia, Sophees, 201 Standiom-Stan-di-Om, the Stone
cycle of the Neros, 142, Sor, in the unspoken language of of the sacred Om or Hom-the
163, 432 numeral symbols, might be rat, height of a man, 404, 405
-, an exact, 12 moons 153, 435 Staffa-the island of staves, 272
of 30 days each, &c ., 431 Sorbonne, the, 97 Stall, a, why so called, 193
Solimans, 13 generations of, 133 Sosigenes, the CHALDAEAN, correct- Stalls, stll=600, 178
Solinus, 3, 314, 325 ed the Calendar for Julius Caesar, Stamboul and Teheran, the thrones
Solomon, 105, 233, 293 27, 139, 144, 314, 330, 335, 353 of, &c ., 385
, his empire not discovered persuaded Julius Caesar Stan or stone (stun =600?) 182
by Herodotus, 11, 134 to correct the Calendar, to prove Stan-towns so called from the
-, the author of the Iliad, 19 that he was the great bne to come, 345 crosses of the Agrimensores set
uncertain whether he built Soul-what is it ? Has man a soul? 338 up, of the size of one stadium,
Palmyra, 147 Souph, wisdom, wool, golden fleece, 253 and dwellings collected round
-, the sacred part of the tem- Souphun-a-o4na, 211 them . Hence Penistau, in En-
ple of, built with the Almug-tree South America, 22, 35, 238 gland ; Bagistau, it, Persia, 405
-the wood sacred to the Mag-al exhibits something Standards, to be delivered, by the
or ul, or the great God, 203 like the state of Italy and Greece, chiefs of the Sacae, to Alexander,
on wisdom-a tree of life, 204 after the Pontifical kingdom went as the Dukes of Marlborough
375 and Wellington do, 272
-, the temple of, at Casi in to pieces,
Cashmere, 206, 232 South Americans, the, ignorant of Stanley, 88, 397, 404
-, the real city of, 231 letters and iron, 33, 40, 41, 206 Star, every, had the name of a tree, 193
-, the mythos accommo- Southcote,Juhanna, 98, 346, 358 a, seen by Napoleon-the star
, the followers of Abraham, 358
dated, at every temple of, 361
- said there was nothing new of, expect a re-incarnation of Je- Stars, the life of Jesus read in the,
under the sun, 430 sus Christ, the tenth Avatar, 258, 354 57, 145
314 has had re- were letters, 192
Solon, on the firmament,
-, on the length of the Tropi- spectable followers, 355 Staurobates, the cross-borne, Sali-
cal year, 318, 319 - had not the aid vahana, Wittoba, the figure of a
-, the first who accommodated of a general belief in the promis- man on the Standard of Porus,117, 118
the month to the moon's motion, 320 ed one, &c ., 356 Stephen, Byzant., 230, 247
--, disputes among the Athe- -, her followers Stirling-on the Linga at Bhoba-
nians, before the time of, 418 weak men, 377 neser, 259
, Plato, Critias, and Audo- South India, 10, 19, 24, 36, Snttr ell, satal, a constellation, stella,
cides, were of the noble class of 40, 171-173, 206, 228, 229, star, stalla, settlement, 193
Athaniaus, ib . 238, 396 -, our word settle from, 437
Solumi, temples of, 16, 134 mythos of Mexico in, 28 Stockdale's edition of Sabbatier, 418
, probably incarnations of Chaldee language of, Stoics, the, their use of the mytho-
wisdom, 134 128, 289 logy of the Gentiles, 440
, in the fourteen, we proba- the Sanscrit of, de- Stola, 78
bly have an example of fourteen rived from Tamil, 148, 294 Stone pillars, in temples, accord-
tribes, like that of Abraham, , the lowest class in, ing to the numbers of the cycles, 233
coming from India, &c., 362 called Aborigines, 274 Stonehenge, built by the Cyclops, 135
Somaglia, cardinal, 81 , the oldest division of, -Sacae, 273, 416
Somerville, Mrs ., on Enke's comet, 330 was into threeTatnul principalities and Abury, cycles dis-
Sommona-cadam, or Somttiona-ko- -exhibiting signs of the mythos, 420 played in temples of, 246, 256
dam, of Siam, 3 Souweidani and Khisr(wi, the, pro- , by the Welsh called
Sommona-chutana, of Pegu, ib . bably were Soufidani or Sophees, Choir Ghaur, 260, 410
Somner's Antiq . of Canterbury, 400 and Kaisar-ians or Caesareans, 391 , Abury, and Carnac-
Son of God, the, 33, 72 Spain, 117 Hallam asked not the question by
Son of Alan-Son of the Solar In- --, the court of, its jealousy whom they were erected, 285
carnation, Mn, 187 kept strangers from South Ame- , if a college at, there
Son of the Sun, a title of the em- rica, 22, 36, 37 would now be no great circles of
peror of China, the Mogul, and Spanheim, 204 stones, 287, 288
the king of Siam, has a basis, Spaniards, the, 30, 32, 38, 39, 221 and Dipaldenna, the
292, 353 Speech, when indistinct and con- builder of, the universal govern-
Genghis Khan and fused, &c., 437 ment, 369
Tamerlane were said each to be Spelman, 263 , the squared Trilithons
the, 353 Spinoza, 337 of, shew a more recent work
Sooemis [Soaamias?], the mother of Spineto, the Marquess of, 16, 25, than the rude pillars at Abury, 396
Heliogabalus, 348 92, 214 , the temple of, the pro-
Sophee, every, would be a well- Spirit, what is? What is substance? 338 duction of 5 x 12, &c. ; the altar-
wisher to the Assassins, though -- of God, the, moving on the stone of, must have been for the
he might not be an Assassin, 383 face of the water, 429 Eucharistia, there being no ap-
Sophees, the, 50 Spiritus, avsvpsa, n11, Ghost, air, pearance of fire, &c ., 409
--, of Persia, probably breath, 67, 123 , by the Monks called
Masons, 301 .P=600,
Y 189 Chorea Gigantum, 410
gradations among, Spring, Summer, and Winter, years seems to mean the hang-
of the initiated, &c ., 355 reckoned by these three seasons, ing or suspended stone, 411
Page Page
Sun, the history of, the history Sword, the man of, to unite the
Stonehenge or Stone-hinge, was
the pontifical capital, the pivot on of Jesus Christ, 144 right of the book to that of the
which all the districts of Britain , first recorded by right- sword, made the priest give him
turned, when England was under lined, angled symbols, 176 tile xel?OTOsAa ' 417
the jurisdiction of three Arch- -, probably once Sin=360 Syama, in Sanscrit, means dark-
flamens-probably there was a or Sini=366, 177, 181 ness, black flowers, &c., 438
similar one for Scotland, and one • Sol, Sul, Saviour, 180 Syamanga means the planet mer-
for Wales, 412 • stood still to hear the cury or Budhha-probably the
and Abury must have lamentations of Cristna, when Syam and iinga mean the angel
been built by a mighty people, yet Arjoon was killed, 241 Sam or Buddha, ib .
Hunie, &c., have not thought of , universal adoration paid Sybil, the, Acrostic of, 116
them, 416 to, in his character of Creator, , all that related to Jesus
even after Preserver, and Destroyer-as the Christ in, 125
the world had advanced so far as emblem of the Trimurti or Tri- Sybils, the, 45, 57, 74, 108
to erect such works, the num- nity, 256, 429 , say Ararat was in Pbry-
ber of words not necessarily , in the centre, in the pri- gia, in Asia Minor, 18, 173, 412
many, 436 meval state of our system, 335 Sussex, His Royal Highness, the
Stouehenges and Aburys, the, prove Sunday, prayers on, standing, by Duke of, books of the Masonic
that the religion of Buddha came Persians as well as by Christians, 78 Culdees of York, possessed by, 436
to the West, &c., 424 celebrated in opposition Sylla, 54
Stones, 15 feet long, 6 feet deep, to the Jewish Sabbath, not as Syllabic or Alphabetic writing, 149
and 2 feet thick, in the roof of Dies Solis, 89 --- system, the, the inventors
the temple of the sun, at Kana. not called Sabbath by Jus- of. possessed of sovereign power, 205
rak, 261 tin, 90 - writing arose by degrees, 216
Strabo, 4, 26, 64 , the day of instruction by -, &c ., probably dis-
on the division of the Ibe- the Druid Sabs, 297 covered before the last flood, by
rians into four ranks, 420 -day of the sun, 304 the followers of Cristua, 364
the 1000 cities of, 2, 205, markets anciently held on Sylvester (Pope), 78
207, 274, 376 our, 315 Symbolic language, the, (of nume-
Struia, ancient name of Rome,- Sun-flower, Pimpernel, Sensitive rals,) that of China, 444
country of the cycle of 650, 241 Plant, &c ., the, 430 Symbolical language, how formed, 161
Stuart, Dr., 263 Evvvawr (the dwellers together), the - and alphabetical writ-
Stukeley, 48, 99 three Gods, or the Trinity of the ing-the discovery of, accounts
Su, a book, in Chinese, 227 Romans, &c ., 344 for the civilization and power of
Suarasuoti, Sara-iswati, Dea Scien- Sup, zup, 192, 224 a higher class, &c., 365
tiarum, 8 Superhumeral, a, 79 - writing-before syllabic
Suchiquecal, the Mexican Eve, 32 Supreme Pontiff, the, (of the Pan- was invented, 373
, the queen of Heaven, 33 da-an empire,) similar to the Synagogue Hebrew, the, universal,
Sudra and Girdle, the, 65-67, 78 Lama of Tibet, and the Pope of when syllabic writing was first
-- and Tunica-Cassock, 78 Rome-a Vicar of God, 258 used-it was the secret language
Suessones, the Belgic, 1 , the, entitled, as of all nations, 295
Suetonius, 55, 76, 195 lord of the soil, to the land of the Synagogues and Proseuchas, the, of
Suidas, 11, 18, 177 whole world, 278, 284 Palestine, 275
, on the four tribes into -, and his court Syncellus, Georgius, on the year of
which Athens was divided, 319 may have saved themselves, &c ., the Egyptians, 316
, on a Lunar month com- from the flood, in a ship, 311 , on the antedi-
puted for a_year, 325 could receive luvian kings, 324
Suil or Suli, the solar cycle of 366, 177 little profit from distant posses- Syria, 6, 10, 15, 22, 39, 40, 44,
Sukey, from tih'vxvl, 32 sions, while gold was the only 97, 156, 212, 236, 239, 282, 305
Sukuh, 9 metal, and coin not invented, 380 , the resurrection of Adonis
Sul=336 or name of the Lunar , the Patri- celebrated in, 143
year, &c ., 176-178 cians, as representatives of, claim- , Eastern, 162, 240
Sul or Rqul=336-tVt1I=600-T T' ed all the soil, and the vectigal, , the followers of the .Rasit,
=600, numeral names of the as trustees for the state, 394 in, 204
Solar Deity, 212 none of the , the right-lined letter figures
-, the sun, 436 sovereigns aspiring to be, ever of, 150, 236
Sul-ii-priests of Sol, 233 made a peace, 395 , the sixteen-letter system in,
Suli-Minerva, the, of Bath, 177, 180 Sur used for 'Tur, and Tur for Sur, 185, 235
Sultan -Sul-tania, place of the Sun 199, 200, 211 , Eastern and Western, and
-the world's king, 353, 420 Suracena, a, in North India, 235 Tamul, the languages of, the
Sultan-al-berrein et Khakan-albah- Susiana or Susa, the lily or lotus, 239 same, 240
rein, &c ., 385 Sweden-instruments with edges , the doctrine of the renewed
Sumatra, Jabadios, i . e. holy-lava, 218 of iron and handles of gold, in incarnation, visible in, 340
or Sabadios, 353 the cabinet of, 305 -, the conquest of, why at-
the king of calls himself Swedenborg, &c ., the monomania tempted by Napoleon, 358
Sultan, &c., 420 of, 358 , Western, 16 ; 24, 39, 40, 45,
Sun, the, every thing, at last, cen- Swines' flesh, the dislike of, in the 119, 134, 162, 181, 183, 231,
tres in, 36 Highlands, probably came to Scot- 232, 235, 240, 249, 250, 277, 310
• Lord and Saviour, the land from Sin-galla, with the San - , the Jews of, a co-
eucharist of, 60 scrit, 293 lony from India, 293
and Jesus, the mixed wor- Switzerland, houses in, of timber the mythos in, 357
ship of, 89 and pi se, 296 Syriac, the old, allegories in, on
, mysteries of, celebrated Sword, before the, divided from the tree of knowledge, &c ., 160
oil Sunday, 89, 90 the crosier, 266, 303 , the vernacular dia-
• the birth of, at Winter - and crosier, a compromise lect of the Jews, in the time of
Solstice, 98-100, 136 between the, 268 Christ, 171, 172, 175
, at his passage from Tau- , the, and Book, the right , a close dialect of
rus to Aries, at the Vernal Equi- by, of the Egyptian Pontiff, of Arabic and Hebrew, 235
nox, 122 Julius Caesar, and of the Calif, 379 -, the language of Sy-
Index 511
via, Mesopotamia, Chaldwa, As- Page Tanguth, a ram offered in, as a Page Taurico and Dago-Taurus and
syria, and Palestine, 236, 237 ransom for the child, 33 Dagou, 38
Syriac, the literal character, the Tangutia, Tibet so called,-la tan- Taurus, the vernal equinox in, 83
Nestorian, has a close affinity gut, country of'Tangut, 37 , Leo, Aquarius, and Scor-
to the .Ouigour-in fact both are Tanjeer or Tanjore, 238 pio or the Eagle, the four signs
Push-o, 421 Taou Tzse, the doctrine df, says, of Reuben, Judah, Ephraim, and
Syriad (Syria of India, Palestine, "Taou or ' Reason' produced Dan, 105
or Egypt), holy Sure-Noah said one ; one produced two ; two • the vernal equinox from,
to have erected pillars, with in- produced three ; three produced to Aries, lot;
scriptions, in, 311 all things," 399 • when the sun entered-a
Syrians, the, 77 Tapocon, a way of writing, so call- violent revolution probably hap-
, write and read like ed by the Greeks, 150 pened to the globe, &c., 327
the Calmucks, 150 Tarasius, Bp. of Constantinople, 111 • Aries, and Pisces, the
Syrias, the two Eastern, 119 Targutns, the, probably sacred three signs of, bear a relation
System, our-in its primeval state, books of the Callidei of the to our mythos, 329
the suit in the centre, and the East, 171 • the entrance of the sun
planets revolved in the same not noticed by Jesus into, at the vernal equinox, 4648
plane, in concentric circles, &c ., 335 or the Evangelists, 172 B. C.,-the time of the flood of
, not known to Ori- Ogyges, 332
gett, Jerom, &c ., 171, 172 Taveruier, 263
on the term Mes- Taylor, (Rev . Robert,) 44, 45, 64,
siah, 233 114, 119
name of Jehovah in, -'s Diegesis, 43, 55, 57, 114
259, 286 's Syntagma, 113
T changed for S, and for ST, 231 Tartares on les Scythes, 97 's translation of Jamblicus, 46
- or X=300, 20 -, Mandhuis, the, who con- on the degrees of the Chris-
Tabou or Bouta, 2 .5 quered China, ib. tian hierarchy, as having former-
Tacitus, 86 Tartars, Tatars, the, 24, 32, 36, ly existed in Egypt, 71, 264,
cause of lacuna in, 116 67, 150, 203, 207, 216, 223, 240 275, 279
oil change of lands among , the, called Nestorians, 229 Taylor's translation of J . F . Mater-
the Germans, 282, 283 -,conquered China, 216, nus, 430
on nakedness of the Ger- 217, 274 Taxes, all, in ancient times, paid
mans, 304 added their own state by a portion of the produce of
, says the Germans divided as a province to the Chinese em- the land, and now in China, 272
the year into three, 421 pire, 396 Tchiven, 7
Tad, Taduys, Tas, Tat, Tetta, Tau- Tartary, 40, 73, 103, 213 Teepatl, the, or stone, 24
tah-father, 33, 208 the Sacm of, 1, 221 Teheran and Stamboul, the thrones
'rages used for Sages-Sagesse, Sa- mythos of, in Mexico, 28 of, occupied by the families of
gas, 231, 232 a province of China, 217 Katschar and Osman, 385
probably a corruption of the probable birth-place of Telescope, the, and loadstone,
Sages, 438 the Linga adoration, 260 known to the Chaldmans, 175
Talmud, the Jerusalem, 72 , the government of feudal, 262 TsXaTa{, sacrifices for the dead, 73, 74
Talut, Saul so called in India, 134, 238 , the mythos in, 357 Teleuteans, the, a Tartar nation, 31
Tam, perhaps' a corruption of the or Scythia-every learned Telingana or Trilinga, the country
Sauscrit Same, 199 inquirer finds his way to, for the of the, 238
Sam, 438 origin of the Feudal system, &c ., 372 Telmessus or Telmissus, 16, 102
Tamas, (St. Thomas,) tomb of the , the source of all Religions Templars, the, adopted by theChris-
holy, 238 placed in, by Ldvbque, and theAu- tians, as the conservators of the
Tamerlane traced his pedigree to thor drawn to, by every inquiry, Jewish temple, rebuilt by the
Gengis Khan -descended from or to Caracorum or China, Mohamedans, 298
Turk, the son of Japhet, 354 ,had a sacred head .
(or Chinese Tartary), man
Tammuz, the women weeping for, 92 &c .,
supposed to have been created in, 349
-, the weeping for, is the 444, 445 , probably Assassins,
"Agonie" at Rome, 92, 96, 114 or North India, 1, 2, 7, because they were Sophees ; they
-- or Adonis, the rites of, 114 were also Manicheeans ; they ac-
19, 175
Tamul or Tamil, the, 148, 175 Tartarus or Paradise, in Tartary, knowledged the Caracorum gen-
, the ancient He- tleman or lord, as their Lord
-, the very bad in, ib.
brew- Chaldee- Ethiopian -Syriac, Paramount, 382, 383
Tat, a name of Buddha, 2, 23, 24,
156, 235, 294 -, modern, Rossicrucians,
164, 207
acrostic writing and Masons, little more than
is the name of the Tartars or
in, 185 different lodges of one order,
Tatars, 24 388
and the Grantha, , their origin, their secret
- is Ras-head, 188
of Cape Comorin, the same, 295 Tatar nation, the, said to have con- doctrines, &c., 407
Tamuls, the, their sacred book had , are Masons . Some of
sisted of 70,000 families-pro-
five meanings, 15, 148, 221, 253, 440 bably a sacred caste, limited to their secrets the Author would
on a lost language, 234 the sacred number 72 ; these not divulge ; but could correct
their letter, &c., 238 some of their mistakes, 408
were the tribes of Caracorum, 420
Tanga-tanga or 'Tangut, 32, 37, 39, Temple, Sir William, 267
Tatian, the followers of, used water
218, 238 the, of Jerusalem, 33, 298
in the eucharist, 60
-- Tanga of Tartary and China, -, every, a microcosm of the
from, to Tanga Tanga of Peru, Tatienses a 'ratio, &c .,' 345
universe ; hence temples were
proofs that the religion of Budd- Tau, the, written -F-, X, , surrounded with pillars,
t 402, 407
ha came to the West, 424 201, 343, 344 Temples, the five, of Egypt, 15, 16,
Tangiers, 238 Tauric or Vernal Equinox festival, 118, 275, 276
Tangitani, the language of the, ib. the, commenced 4680 years be- -, all the oldest, of Zoroaster
Tangut, the name of God, in Peru, 7 fore Christ, 84 and the Indians, were caves, 401
and Tangitani, the, of the cycle, in the, we have Adam -, all anciently believed to
north of India, the same in name and his wife, and Cain, Abel and be microcosms of the world, 40 .5
as the people of Tangiers, &c ., 238 Seth-a new Trinity, &c ;, 397, 399 -, whether the old, in China,
Page Page Page
Mexico, India, Syria, Greece, Teth is 9-Tzaddi is 90-Tzaddi Thomas, St., 117, 122, 207, 259, 290
Italy, anil of Stonehenge . and final is 900, 186 the Christians of, called
Abury, were all built of one , Theta, Tha or That (Egyp- Nestoriaus, 208
measure, and intended to be a tian) 0ea. (Coptic) all stand for -, Tamuz, the Christians
microcosm of the universe, 407 9, ib . of, celebrated their worship with
Tetragrammaton, the sacred, 190 dances, &c., 262
Temples, in the building of, the
pillars bad different microsmic Tetrarchs, the, in Syria, were Ze- , the Christians of, have
numbers, viz ., 8, 12, 38, 19, mindars, 374 three sacraments-Orders, Bap-
360, &c ., &c ., 415 Tent, ®EOs, Teut-ates, 23 tism, and the Eucharist, 279, 280
Templum or Temple-the word an Thomassinus, Ludovicus, 148
- or Thoth or Hermes, the in- 258
important one-may throw light ventor of letters, 163, 208 Thompson, Dr.,
on the origin, &c. . of the Tem- Teutle, Mexican name for @tos Thor, 4
plars, 407 23 Thoth, 3, 23
or God, -- is Mercury, called Tuisco, 208
, the word, with the an- ®, the emblem of eternity-a point
cients, meant more than merely 186, 192 --, the first month of the Egyp-
and a circle, tians-August, 287
the building on earth-it was Thales, the lllilesian, the first of
always considered a microcosm Thrace, 102, 348
the Greeks who discovered the the loudi of, 185
of the temple of the firma- length of the Tropical year, 318
ment, 408 and North India, the Sindi
Thamanim, 17 of, both followers of the holy
Temps, les Fabuleux, des Egyp- Thomas, a place, 117
tiens, 11, 12, 17 Xin, 414
Thames, father, 181 Three, the, marked in temples-
Tenth or Tithe, the, or Decumauus Thamus, 95
of the West, is called Ashera, the 'thane, the same as Optimas and the altar-stone and the two
payment to which Mohamed re- stones at the entrance, 409
Baro, 277 ®povmcns or Opovicpcos, 56
stored that part of the world Thanes-originally the only tenants
under his dominion, 371 278 Thule, 129
in capite, ,1 . e . the lule, 300
, the, of the produce, the fixed Thas, Phtha or Photha, 5
laud tax of China, 376 THURSDAY 18 Turs=666-the day
Thbe, Thebes or the Ark, 12, 13 of the Bull, 209
-, a, added to a third, is with Theatres, sacred, whether built
us oppressive ; but in ancient before or after the Deisuls, diffi- , the Indian God of, is
states the tithe did not operate cult to imagine, 340 Yihaspati, 222
against agriculture, 393, 394 Thebais, the, 66 Ti di, holy, 7, 192
Tenth Avatar, the, 54, 258 Thebes, 10, 13, 17, 20 Tibe-Noah or Menu, 309
46, 104, 108, 449
• Nero claimed to 54 the history of, a travesty of Tiberius,
Tibet, 1, 9, 31, 34, 36, 40, 54, 57,
be, the Flood and of Noah's Ark, 12
• G regory the Great, , with seven gates, governed 75, 82, 206, 218, 231, 300, 305, 444
thought to be, 343, 375 by Al-Mage, the Mage, Mogul, 352 is Ti-bot, Ti-bout, Ti-boutta,
• Alexander and Grecian, 13 or Di-Buddha, 7
Caesar, each believed himself to companies, an- - called Potyid, ib .
be, 344 ciently in, as in London, 418 - called Tangutia, 37
, Mohamed thought, AEpu;, the Goddess of Oracles, 231 , society divided into two
and believed himself, to be, &c ., AEpusnr„ Laws, Oracles-connected
classes, in, 84
3, 167, 251, 343, 344, 368, 377 with Tam, ib .
, secret conclaves of, and of
Akbar, believed to Rome, 117
be, 354 Theocritus, 70 , similarity of mythos in, and
announced Theodore of Gaza, 104 in Rome, 119, 127
himself as-putting back bloba- -, on the year of - and Nepaul, in, there are the
med as the ninth, 357 the Athenians, 319 Pope, his Monks, and a crucified
Tenths, the, enabled the later Califa Theodoret, 5, 80, 94 God, 122
-patrons of arts, science, and on Christian mysteries, 441 , the earns of, 179, 286
literature-to support large ar- Theodorus, St., 74, 94 , the people of, taught the
mies, &c., 377 Theodosius destroyed Heathen effect of good conduct, but not
, all the receivers of, at temples, or converted them Into initiated into the arcana, 252
first, priests, 381 churches, 84, 94 , the priests of, idler.-the
Teocalli, the Teo or God Cali, 28 e", peEyaXot, ®Eon 8vwsro,, OEOI uninitiated labourer., 256
'reotecpatl, the divine stone, 24 XPHITOI, 344, 345 , lords of the.
Teotl, the Mexican supreme and AEOs ayvucos, the, . 197 creation, and their tenants pay-
invisible God, 24, 193 Therapeutse, the, or Essenes, their ing only a tenth of the produce,
signifies Sun anti Age, 29 scriptures the groundwork of the as rent, are in a comfortable
Teotle, the same as nhn tlt=650, Gospel histories, 45, 46 state, 265
24, 29, 35 -, or physicians of all lands in, held by the priests
Terence, 408 the soul, 114 in community, 269
Termini-the same remain in India Ma- , the king does homage to the
and Europe, 415 thematici, &c., the same, 248 priest, in, 302
Terminus, the boundary, so called , the Essenes and Tibetian Alphabet. See Georgine.
from being the emblem of the Carmelites, admitted into the Tibetians, the, 9, 26, 203, 210, 224
Ter-Menu - of the creative Roman church, 270 -, doctrines, &c., of,
power, 414 Therophantes, the, 47 similar to those of the Burnish
Ter-omen, the triple omen or omen Thessalonica, 43 Christians, 37, 75, 367
of the Trimu God, ib . Theuch, 37 , their language
Terpati, Tripoly or Trichinopoly, 206 Theut, an American God, ib. a mixture of signs and letters, 213
Tertuuian, 45, 61, 66, 68, 72, 74, , Thevenot, 263 , closely con-
78, 87, 89, 96, 98, 143 Thirlwall's edition of Niebuhr's nected with the Siamese, 214
on the Roman and Sa- History of Rome, 375, 407, 410, Tibullus, 62, 87
mothraciau three great Gods- 419, 420, 432-434 Tien, the, the Holy One invisi-
or the Trinity, 344 Thogrul-Khan of Caracorum- ble, 36
Testament, Old and New, double service, &c., done to, by Gengis or Niet, God in Chinese, 246
meaning of, 130 Khan, though much superior in Tigris, the family of Abbas reigned
Tete is Tat, Rao-head, 188 power, why, 354 at Bagdad, on the banks of the, 385
Index .513
Page Page
T'impul, the, temple of the Tem- Page Total, 0, one 0, two 0's, &c ., 191 Trimurti, the, as the knowledge
plars, 297 Totness-Brutus, from Italy, said of, faded away, Demigods or
Timor, believed to be a divine in- to have landed at, 400, 412 Saints arose, 300
carnation, 343 Tot-ness is Tat-nesns, or nase or , an emblem of the, with
, the present representative town of the promontory of Tat, the To Ov above it, 415
of-Akbar II.,-bears only the Taranis or Buddha, 401 Trina-cria or Trina-crios, the Tri-
empty title of King of Delhi, 358 Tower of Babel, the, 24, 25 une Aries, 9
Tippoo Sultan, 195 , the Mexican tem- Trinitarian system, the, taken from
Titans, the, were Tatans, 24, 102 ple, at Cholula, similar to, 27, 28 the Brahmin history, 98
Tithe, the, precedes all - kings' Townley, 194 -, the, character of the
taxes, landlords' rent, &c ., 417 Dr ., on worship of Bal, Deity taken from the doctrines of
Tithes, the payment of, to Melchi- Baal or Bel, in Ceylon, 289 ancient philosophers, 130
zedek, 58 TR and SR were convertible, 211, 229 - doctrine, the, of Gene-
paid by the ancient Phmni- Tr=600, 211 sis, likely to lead the Jews into
cians, 78 Trade, each, a secret, had its Ras, idolatry, 364
• the church never surren- and each Ras its Pontifex, 279 -, why not
ders them, 217 Tradition, the grand support of the clearly developed in the Gospels
--, how the, descended to the Romish Christian edifice, 107 -because it was the secret doc-
Christian church,-those of con- discarded by Luther and trine, 367
quered lands always claimed, 417 the Protestants, in part, ib. Trinity, the, 36, 37, 42, 60, 177,
paid to the priests at Del- Tragedies, by the ancients, ground- 211, 229, 256, 279, 299
phi, 418 ed on mythic history only, 233 • from all quarters of
• would be paid, in each Trajan, 120, 121 the Heathen world, 49
country, as at Delphi and Jeru- Transmigration of souls, 82 Holy, 80
salem, 422 Transubstantiation, ridiculed by of Plato, like that of
Tithings, ten, the presidents of, Cicero, 64, 442, 443 Jesus, 98
formed a superior court, 300 might be deriv- ,incarnation of, 244
, conformity between the ed from eating bread, the body ,first and second, 336
Chinese and Anglo-Saxon, 301 of the God of generation-Budd- , found among the Ro-
Titlu=666, 29 ha, 244 mans, in the three altars to the
Titus Livius, 76, 86 if argued on three Gods, called Bvyratoi-
the temple destroyed by, 298 the ground of common sense, to Jove, Apollo, and Nlinerva, 344
's Arch, at Rome, 405 excluding the authority of the • and- Emanations, the
Tie, Mexican names ending in, 35 fathers, the Protestants beat the Cabalistic doctrines of, intimate-
-, these letters mean, in Hebrew, Papists, &c ., 443 ly connected with the Micro-
hanged or suspended, 36 Tree, the, of the sacred Oat, 65 cosm ; a new Trinity every 1800
Tod's (Col .) History of Rajast'han, Alphabet, the, 148, 149 years, at first, then every 2160
4, 39, 117-119, 158, 178, 182, - Alphabets, allegories of the, years, 397
183, 185, 245, 268, 272, 284, 221, 299 , Baptism, and the Eu-
- of knowledge and letters, charist, cannot have been the
298, 305, 418
'Poland's Nazarenus, 30, 72 close connexion of the, with secret doctrines alluded to by
liber, bark, a book, 163, 164, 265 Clemens, these having been
To Oy, the, 9, 123, 128, 136, 165,
, the, i . e. wis- openly explained by Justin Mar-
168, 181, 188, 190, 196, 202, dom, produced twelve fruits, 250
249, 251, 252, 342, 414 tyr in his Apology, 440, 443
of Letters, the, with the Chi- , Regeneration, and the
"every thing tends to," nese, 227 Eucharist, the doctrines of, the
187, 254 of Life, the, what does it
the T-'rav Os', 174 fathers endeavoured to make into
mean ? 251 secrets, and to preserve them
-, whose centre is every- Trees and letters, allegory of, often from the vulgar and the Gen-
where, &c., 294 referred to in the Old Testament, 204
,the First principle, Spiritual tiles, 442
, the, of knowledge and of life, Tripetty, 14
Fire-the re-absorption of all meaning of the allegory of, 252, 253
emanations into, 301, 308 and Scotland, the crucified
Trio vote eubstantialia, the, 48, God Ii, of, 259, 288
persons who believe the,
127, 280 Triptolemus, the three command-
walked in the garden, &c., 334
Trial by Jury, our, from the East, ments of, 77
, the planets may be re-ab-
sorbed into the, 336
is common to the Chinese and Tritrestra, - Adi-Saka or 4i-
Mexicans, 278, 279 Saka, 221
-, supposed to be dupli-
Tribe, the, of Abraham, from In- Triumvirate-probably an imitation
cate--to triplicate himself, 397
dia, after various removals, set- of the division of the world
supposed to possess in
tled in Egypt, 362 among the three sons of Noah,
himself the two principles of ge-
Tribes, the 12, were religious dis- 345, 346
neration, 398 tricts or divisions, 275 Tropical Solar Year, the, 360 days
-, the one, is marked, in Tribus Mariebus, 103, 181, long, before the flood, 316
a peculiar manner, in the cyclar
, Tri-mr-di, holy Troy, ('Troie, or Tr-ia,) 18, 137,
numbers, 409 triple Maria or Maia, 203 227, 231
-, from the, proceeded Trichinopoly, the Mosaic, &c ., my- new, (Rome), the same mis-
the Creator, Preserver and De-
thos at, 229 chief to happen to, as to old
stroyer-Brabma, Vishnu, and Trichinopoly, Troy-the popular belief in, not
Seva ; from them 72 Angels, Trigeranos, Budwas, 4, 178 surprising, 339
and from them 360 others, &c., Trilinga-triple language or triple , the Game, in Wales, noticed
429, 430 linga 9 238 by Pliny, 401
in the doctrine of Pan-
Trimurti, the, 34, 168, 181, 221, -, the chiefs at the siege of,
theism, was every thing, and 223, 238, 256 were 72-all obeyed Agamemnon
every thing the To Os', 445 or sacred Triad, 103 -king of kings, &c., 421
To ohms Oy, the knowledge of, and all above, is illu- Troya Nova, the, of King Brute, 349
of his attributes, was the religion sion, 128 or Trinobantum-our
and the philosophy, 368 emblems of, were municipal governments of towns,
To line, the, 136 three Lotuses, 178, 244 may bear date with, 401
Torquemeda, 30, 33, 39 Orphaan, 202 Troys, new, 136
VOL. 11 .
514 Index
Page Page Page
Troys, new, believed to be renewed Typhon, (signifies a deluge or in- Upham, Ed ., Esq ., 145
every 600 years, 303 undation,) reigned immediately 's Buddhism, of Ceylon, 288
"Trust, ye saints, your God re- before the flood, &c ., 324, 325 Upper Egypt, 10, 12, 44, 45
stored," &c ., 114 Typical numbers-why wantoned in Ur or Urii, of Cal or the Chaldees,
Trypho and Justin, the Dialogue by the Romans, 433 the country of Abraham, 245, 289
between, 259 Tyre, 11111=608, 183 Urago-Zoriso, (the Father,) Urus-
'1', S, R, Tzar or Caesar, 229 Tyrins, the probable fabricators of ana, (the Soo,) and Urupo, (the
Tsu, learned, in Chinese, 227 the walls of, 419 Spirit,) the American Trinity, 23
TT letter, Tint letters, 164 Tzar and Tzarina, (Caesar or X- Urban V. (Pope), 87
Tt=600, or Tat, 226 a'sar,) 6 Urban, D' (Marquis De Fortia),
Ttl=650, Tend or Teotle, 193, 226 of Muscovy, the, probably 137, 169, 196
Tubal-Cain-probably the Egyptr'n maintains that he is the legal Uria or Callida-the natives of,
Vulcan, 324 successor of Noah, entitled to may have discovered the syllabic
TUESDAY may be Tuzqo=666, or rule the world, 353 system ; and, unable to prevail
Markelos -666, 208 why does he tread on the against the strong patriarchal
Tulad, the male organ, &c ., 24 serpent? why maintain the Pope government in the East, may
Tulan Cholula, tower of, like the to be a schismatic ? &c., &c., 360 have established a new Archie-
Tower of Belus, 27 Tzetzes, on the walls of Babylon, 317 rarchy, extending itself to all
Toils, or flu, means crucified, 14 , on Vulcan -Noah and the western world, 396
l'ungusians, the, 39 Osiris, 324 Uriel (angel), 88
Tunica, the, 78 Tzizit, the fringe on the high- Urs of the Chaldees, two, in India, 257
Turcomans, the, of the Ottoman priest's dress, 179 Urns or Beeve, the, 23
empire, divided into 72 tribes, 420 Usher, 139, 140, 189
Turdetani, the, 26 , his chronology agrees with
Turk, the son of Japhet, 354 the Indian Manwantaras, 134
Turkish barbarians, the arrival of on the time of the flood,
the, from Tartary, overthrew the 327, 332
favourable state of things intro- Ukim and Yekim the first Chinese 's four years corrected, 228
duced, &c., by the Califs, 377 written letters, 215
- cavalry, the, said to be Ulemas, the Grand Seignior has
feudatories, &c., 420 twelve, 421
Turks, the, occupied Greece, as the Ullaloo (Mexican Halulaez), Alle-
Romans did Britain and Egypt, lujah ? 27
Ulm (the city of), 250 Valencia, 62
leaving the natives in possession Valentia, a name of Rome, 241
of the religion, 281 Uiphilas was not the inventor of
the Runes, 305 Valentinians, the 360 Eons of the, 429
, have they alone, the Valg, in Sanscrit, to walk,
Ulster, in the annals of, the island 158
Crescent? 291
of lona called Ii, 286 Vallancey, 2, 3, 8, 22, 24, 62, 82,
, claim to be descend-
Ultima Thule, 14 83, 97, 117, 147, 150, 153, 155,
ants from Japhet, 352
Ulysses-the name of, found in In- 160, 163, 164, 169, 171, 180,
are followers of Ja-
dia, 293 188, 195, 205, 206, 215, 222,
phet, 385
Umbrians, the, of Italy, had 360 224, 225, 227, 229, 230, 239,
Turner, Mr., 82, 84
polises-probably villages around 247, 262-264, 267, 274, 279,
-, on the Palm-tree, 231
the Cardos, 410, 419 287, 302, 373,402, 412, 416
Sharon, 135, 160, 229
T'Usci, THE Uscans or Tuscans, Ungirt, unblessed, 77 Vallemont, De, on Nestorius, 357
were the Osci, Unigenitas. the Logos or Buddha, 7-9 , de Mystbres, 441-443
300, 436
Tutelar Gods and Saints, Unitarians . the, 96 Varenius, on the religion of the
saints, the 360 of the Ro- . often said not to be Chinese and the Tibetians, 367
mish church, Christians, 281 Varro places the flood of Ogyges,
struggling for the the first flood, 400 years before
Tutya, a precious stone so called, Inachus,
in the temple of Persepolis, vulgar system, ask why the Tri- 314, 338
Twelve, divisions into, prevailed in nity is not clearly expressed in -,on the length of the year, 319, 320
the Gospels ; it was the Cabala --, on a lunar month, computed
Attica, in Asiatic Ionia, in Etru-
of the orthodox Jews and Chres- for a year, 325, 326
ria, &c ., 275
tians, 367 on the Ager Romanus, 345
aldermen, and twenty-four
Universe-immensity of the, dimi- Vasudeva, the father of Cristna ; 98
councilmen of our corporations,
nutive character of our globe, and Vater, Professor, 27
were derived from Chaldwan
mythic numbers, the quarrelsome pismires who Vates-fates, buds, baids, tellers of
276, 417 truth or wisdom,
• a council of,-the Lucu- infest it, 311 225
, the hypostatic, a micro- , a muscan, an ff ocer fote
mones-the heads of tribes-the
Amphictyons-the Conclave, &c., 422 cosm of the immense To Or, 336 Sulii, 233
• periods consisting of the , the, according to the Vatican Library, the, 30, 111
number, supposed to be formed Chinese, is man, on a large scale , the procession from, to the
-and human reason the reason Lateran church, 55
when the year was 360 days long
-and those of ten, when the of the universe, 398 , could we get at the
new and compound cycle was Universal History, the, 395 secret of, we should, probably
formed of the 10 neroses and . on feuda- find, &c. 57
tory princes, 421 , imprudently opened to
10 signs of the Zodiac, 432
mythos, the, shews itself the Monks, 270, 278, 285
and ten-why the names
scores and dozens, and no name strikingly in Java, Sumatra, and Van, the number 6, 138
for the number eight, &c., Japan, all called Jabadios,- 420 - or Va, Venus, the mother, or
Twins, the, in all the ancient Zo- Unspoken language of numeral mother Goddess, 162, 215
diacs, side to side, &c ., symbols, in the, sor might be , the, changed into F, and the
Two, every thing divided into- ros, and ros might be sor, 153, 435 F into C, 293
heaven into two hemispheres ; . a written, pos- Vayaviyam-its supposed Latin ori-
the globe into North and Sr ith, 409 sibility of, proved by its exist- ginal vivo, 398
Types, 81c., of what the real Saviour ence in Java, 176 Vectigal or Ashera, the, of new-
was to do and suffer, 122, 132, 193 , the, of ciphers, found lands, reserved to himself
Typhon, 8, (Suph-on, destroyer,) 230 universal and fixed, 234 by the Pope, 393
Index 51 .5

Page Jeage Page

227 Vicars of God, on earth, united in Vowels, deficiency of, in Hebrew
Ved, bed, vates, a prophet,
Jesus of Bethlehem, 57 and Celtic, 185
Veda or Beda, means book, 8
225 Vicramaditya, 9, 302 Vows, the three-chastity, poverty,
• knowledge, and obedience, 48, 127, 280
Buddha, 226 -, Mohamed a, or a
the first, of the Brahmins, is Saca or Saceswara, 2 Vrihaspati-father of wisdom-
the God of Thursday, in India, 222
called Rich, ib . -, the first Supreme
the founder of the Chrar-
- was wisdom, the book of life, 250 Pontiff, supposed to be a, of the
leaves Trimurti, 258 vbka school, 429
• the forged, on the ten -, the Vicar of God, Vulcan-probably Tubal-Cain, 324
of the universe, &c ., 371
was owner of the soil of the in Manetho, said to have
, Beda, or Saga, the, compiled
when letters became known, whole world, 372 reigned 9000 years, i . e . 9000
419 -, or Vicar of God, the, revolutions of the moon, or 75
Vedanta philosophy, the, 227, 427 alone heard of now, in Rome years of 12 months each, or, 75
and Tibet, 374 Sari, 325
, the, from Veda, scripture,
Vidya, a Widow-a knowing per- Vyasa, (the Indian Spinoza,) 337
and ante, the end-the purpose,
226 the meaning of, not knc run
&c ., of the Veda ; the followers son,
Vierge, l'immacnlfie conception, de to the Hindoos,
of, those of the male, 428
-, supposed to mean, the 97
doctrine has wisdom for its end, Vine, the, embracing the marital
&c., in opposition to Nyaya, not Elm or Alma, 242
wisdom, 429 was it
Vedas, the, or Bedas, 4, 43, 88 M-Om crucified? 253
Wait, Dr ., on Chaldee roots in the
• Indian, not read, but , the fruit of, Jesus would not
drink of, 254 Sanscrit, 1, 156
sung or chaunted, 225, 340 4
Vineyard or garden of God, Carmel, Wales,
, the Dabistan (Persian
the, 44, 45, 193, 204, 240 -, Hebrew names in, 130
books) so called, 226
-, given by Brutus to his son
• the, books of wisdom, Virachocha, and Pachacamack, the
Peruvian Creator, 34 Camber, hence called Cambria, 400
connected with the tree of letters, 227 the Game Troy, found in,
the, contain no history Virgil, 9, 45, 47, 62, 64, 79, 83,
114, 138, 140, 166, 189, 195, decisive of the mythos ; by 35th of
200 years B . C., 351
32 202, 207, 345, 408 Henry III ., empowered to send
Vega, on the cross of the Incas, 401
-- calls Octavius God, 55 24 members to Parliament,
Veil-no one shall draw aside my- 45
the doubt in the time of, Walsh, Dr .,
does it mean, No one shall ex-
respecting the eighth and ninth Walter (Editor of Niebuhr), 27,
plain my cabalistic doctrine of
Avatar, 357 371, 381, 391-395, 407, 419, 422
divine wisdom ? 387
the history of the life of, a War between the Calif of Bagdad,
Veils of Socrates, Jesus, and Isis,-
the Imaum of Alamout, and the
the object of this work to draw copy of that of Homer, 401
Emperor of the Moguls or Mon-
aside, and to restore their don , the revolving cycle of 600,
433 gols, because a preference was
trines, 253 celebrated by,
95 Virgin, the, without spot, 33 given to the standard of the Ca-
Veneris Amasius, 390
-, Maria (or Maia), 45 lif, &c .,
Venice-remonstrance of Baronies
52 -, and child, the worship Warren (Col .), the Kala Sankalita
to the city of, 192
of the, 49 of,
and Bologna, a war be-
-, Mother of God, 76 Wars, the first GREAT, (Mahaba-
tween, for a picture of the Sa-
228 Mary, the blessed, 82 rats,) probably between the High-
5, 6, 84, 212 and child, the adoration of priests or Pontiffs, about the
the, common to Gaul and Egypt, presidency over the whole world ;
--, Calva, Capitolina, Verti-
91 109, 181, 279 in these wars the feudatories
cordia, &c .,
Mary, the monogram for, is would have little or no concern, 391
, Van or Va, mother, or mo-
170 Wasigh, Ben, on complications of
ther Goddess, 162, 215 P1, 158
, intercession to, by forms of letters,
and Cupid, both called Epee;, Wassih, Ben, 205, 221, 246
divine love, 170 the miraculous stone of Chartres, 260
figures of, accompanied by Water Rose, the, or Lotus, 32, 33, 420
or the Saviour, 180 Water, fire, and air-the origin of
-, identical with Ceres, He- the Lotus, 239, 244
of the Conception, or Pari- things-the baptism of-the first
cate-she was black, the mother 336
tura, the, 108, 109 Trinity,
of the Gods, 285
and Rose, the, in Mexico, Webb, on Chinese the primitive
was the Nov; of Plato's tri- language, 229
nity-the Holy Ghost, 286 32, 239
28 Webster, 153, 158, 192
Verbum Caro factum est not pecu- Virginia,
Virgo, the zodiacal sign of, 5, 6 -, on the common origin of
liar to Christians, 98 the Phoenician, Celtic, and Teu-
Verdier, Du, 79 -- Paritura, the, 14, 108, 109,
tonic languages, 403
Vernal Equinox, the, 83 136, 181, 203, 259, 260, 279
, the son of, in Wednesday-Woden's-day, 208
Veron, 47 Welsh, the, 2
Verses, 20,000, committed to me- Wales, 154
-- Maria, Purificata, 82 -, or English, called Celts,
mory, and repeated by the pupils 296
Vis Visha, the temple of, at Benares, 402 Galles,
of the Druids, 340, 436 language, the, indebted to
Versus, the Etruscan or Umbrian, Vishnu, with three eyes, the sup.
posed image of the Trimurti, 136 the Hebrew, 154, 163
of ten ten-feet rods, &c., 407
Vitrified forts, the, of Scotland- • the old, allegories in, on
Vespasian-the miracles of, 335 the tree of knowledge, &c ., 160
, said to have conquered remarks on their nature and de-
sign, 296, 297 Triads, the, 290
twenty towns-probably part of the, according to Young's
the municipia which sent depu- Vives, Ludovicus; 53 •
Volney, 31, 187 doctrine, is Hebrew, and both
ties to the Wittagemote, 416 Sanscrit and Latin, 293
Vesta, 62, 91, 241 , how treated by Mr . Faber, 255
242 Wesley and Whitfield learned men ;
Viales, the, 90 Vossius,
Votive offerings, 95-87, 91 but what were their followers ?
Vicar-manni- probably corrupted 342, 377
into Vicrama, Vicramaditya- -- tablets, 90
Vowel points, the, of Hebrew, the monomania of, 358
priests, 266
modern, 184 Wilberforce, &c ., &c ., if
Vicarius Jesu Christi, 52 •
516 Index

the Author acknowledge them Wilson, Dr., on the flight of Joseph Page World, the division of, into three, Page
most excellent persons, and many and Mary, 45 ruled by three potentates under
of their doctrines very good-he , on the Pasupata writings, one, as supreme head, 335
does not adopt all their fooleries, 440 the Vaisheshika philosophy, &c., 429 , divided among the three
West, the, the emblem of the Evil Wisdom, an emanation, from the sons of Noah, and the division
One, 89 Supreme to the Trimurti or Tri- probably imitated by the Trium-
Western Judea, 36, 39, 40 nity, 128 virate, 345, 346
-- Syria . See Syria Western . -- and letters, the idea of, --, peopled to a great extent,
Wheat, alone, has the power of re- never separated, 169 before man would require com-
newing its pollen, 253 is W or Y=400, S=200, merce, 365
Wheel, a, of wrought iron, will fly di, holy Om-wisdom of the holy --, the author of a general his-
in pieces, before it reaches a ve- O m, 211, 299 tory of the, must begin with the .
locity of 400 feet per second, 312 • the perfection of know- origin of the Buddhist religion,
, the, or Mercavah of Eze- ledge, 250 and the Pontifical Panda:an King-
kiel, 335, 342, 343, 401 ---, the doctrine of, existed dom-marking well the few facts
, a, within a wheel, 407 thousands of years before Mo- from mere probabilities, 369
Whiston, Mr ., 97, 169, 173, 314 hamed, 274 --, a general expectation of the
• on the true text of • can the work of, go to end of the, prevailed in Asia, -as
the Old Testament, 126 decay? 335 in Europe, in the 12th and 13th
-, on the year of 360 --, the second person of the centuries, 382
days, 316-326 Trinity, the Logos, the Saviour, 337 , the, divided among the de-
• on the comet of -, the incarnation of, the se- scendants of Noah, into three,
1680 ; its seven revolutions, from cret doctrine of all nations, 343 and into seventy-two parts or races,
its last appearance to the deluge, -- and the Gnosis, the secret 399, 400
326, 338 doctrines of, were those of all --, the, as then known, after
• on the Samaritan nations, 441 the death of Christ, divided into
chronology, as to the year of the -, the book of, who was the three Patriarchates, &c ., ib .
flood, 327, 329, 332 author of? 123 ,the division of, into seventy-
,and the Author, cal- wiry received two, each division having its
culate on more certain data than by the Rontish Church-refused Flamens, Lucumones, and San-
those of their opponents, 330 by the Protestants, 124 hedrim, its Sacred Mount and
's Theory-opinions of ,probably con- its Deisuls, 422
Drs . Gregory, Halley, and Keill, tained, originally, the whole my- Worlds, the renewal of, nothing
in favour of, 331 thos of the crucified Avatars, &c ., improbable or contrary to the
, Mr ., supposed the eight 125, 126, 128, 232, 441, 442 Divine Goodness in, 338
persons in the ark increased to Wodehouse, the Rev. C . N ., 67 Writing, the art of, how discovered,
2000 in 100 years, 395 Woden, 4 &c., 148, 149
, on the length of the old
• a corruption of Buddha, magical, 175,
Egyptian and Jewish cubit, 405 208, 209 205, 246, 256
, on the first race in Tar- Wit, to know, the Saxon Sigma-tau -, the infant art of, 192
tarv, and on Noah residing in in, 226 , a masonic se-
China, 435 Witan or Wites, i . e . wise men, 301 cret, 218
White race, no example of a, going Withershins (in German iciddersins) -, Reading, &c., the arts of,
back to the black, by intermar- against the sun-sin for Sun, 291 long secret, sacred, and astro-
riage, 363 Wittagemote, the, 283, 298, 299 logical, 234, 246, 247, 274, 339
Whiter, the Rev. Mr ., on the race , our Celtic ances- -, sacred, originally in metre, 244
of the Cymri, 290 tors invoked the Ghast (or Holy originally from the top,
Whitfield and Wesley, were learned Ghost) to preside over, 299, 337 downwards, 246
men ; but what were their follow- Witteua-gemote, the-assembly of and Reading, a knowledge
ers? 342, 377 wise men, 226, 277 of the art of, probably succeeded
Widow, a, from Vidya, a knowing , the feudatory circumcision as a test, 309, 310
person, 226 princes of China formed a, but , the ignorance of mankind
Widows, the custom of burning, in officiated solely in religious matters, 421 before the discovery of the art of,
Thrace, 197, 202 Wittoba or Bal-li, the crucified, and while it was kept a profound
-, the 206, 299 secret, not surprising, 339, 424
origin of, 420 • b a or ab, father of wis- -, if the art of, had been
Wilberforce, 131,440 dom, 299 known, and in use, there would
Wilford, Col ., 122, 175 Witt .oz-mote, meeting of wise men have been records respecting the
--, on the belief of the of letters? 226, 299 fabricators of the walls of Tyrins,
Hindus, that all living beings ori- Wolfang, St., with hook of Saturn, 81 &c ., 419, 420
ginate from an atom-like germ, Woman, a, the sacrifice of, called , before the invention of,
&c ., 398 auntoman, 168 Dancing was of great importance,
William IV . may be abused here- Wood, Gandell, 17, 19, 363 to keep in recollection the sacred
after for accepting the title ma- Wooden horse, a, buried in the mythoses, &c., 424
lesty, 213 earth, &c ., 348 ----, great change which must
-- the Conqueror-his grants Woodward's, Dr ., discourse on the have been effected by the art of-
of land to his generals, 267, 284, 302 ancient Egyptians, 309 then Dancing, &c ., with their
-- Jamaica, for William of Word, our, is in Arabic werta, in utility, lost their innocence and
Jamaica, 287 I Chald :ean werd, simplicity,
240 425
WILLIAM, KING, and the Archbishop Words, if a judicious selection of , the art of, the ruin of the
of Canterbury-in which of our 1000, were made, and attached retentive faculty, 427
men-of-war would they soon be to numbers, two persons might Written syllablic languages, all, the
found, if a flood were to happen communicate without difficulty same, with dialectic variations,
to Europe? 311 (with a key), though speaking 175, 176
William I ., in the reign of, England different languages., 436 Wytfleet, 30
said to have been divided into World-the empire of the, obtained
thirty-seven shires, 401 by a knowledge of the recurring
Williams', Miss, edition of Hum- Neros, by Chaltheaus, under the
boldt, 26-28, 32, 33 names of Brahmins, Magi, &c ., 330
Index 517
of Page Page Pare
X or Xaca, KL, cal or wisdom gas and Abydenns, like that of Xprla-Tos, the, on the tomb of the
X, 2 Noah, &c., &c., 321, 322 Youth of Larissa, 200, 202
in Etruscan, Oscan or Latin, Xinh-tecutli, the Mexican God of RPM-360, Cross, 201
stands for 10 or for 600, 6, 113 fire, of years, the Everlasting One, 31 , divine wisdom or Cross-wis-
-, a monogram, prefixed for mys- Xivr-666, Buddha, or Ras of dom, 243
tery, 6, 198 Siun or the Sun, 210, 250
- or T=300, 20 XL or Choi=650, 28 Ii
XPE, the name of Christ thus writ-
- is I, in the Dalmatian or Illyrian Xu-Christ victorious? 210 ten, 201
alphabet, 190 Xochicalco, (house of flowers, the on the Pope's breast, 202, 343
-, a monogram of God, confound- temple of, faced the four Cardi- - or TPE, the sacrifice offered,
ed with the 1, 192 nal points, 28 in ancient and modern Italy, to
-, the tenth hisetg letter, 196 Xochimileks or Xaca-melechs, Royal this God, consisting of bread, is
-, the sign of the united male and Saxons, 25
called Mola-Hebraice Al-om, 303
female principle, 198 X p%, 62, 119, 138, 197, 199, 202, - or XP=600, the benignant
-, the sign in baptism-the mark 226, 344 being-the triune cyclar God or
for 600, Samach, 302 Chri, 32 Genius, 344
- means 300 as well as 400, 343 Egyptian kings, whose names Xu, a tree, in Chinese, 227
Xaca, 6, 8, 28 ended in cheres, were renewed X-uinio, the mother of the Mexican
called Cio, 31, 32 incarnations of the, 13, 14, 20 WORD, 23
crucifixion and resurrection --- or Ceres (of Eleusis and Del- XXVIII the first form of recording
of, 105 phi), 117, 254, 262 the first idea, viz . that of the
Woden, Buddha, 208, 209 , country of, Crysen (or Chry- Moon or her period, 149, 150,
, miraculous conception, &c ., seu), 122 227, 229
of 227-230 of India, Christ was the, 123
, or Xekia, taught his doctrine the, and Xpu ;, the gold and
for 49 years, 228 the fire connected, 178
- or Buddha, the fig-tree sacred , in the golden
to, 253 age of, no wars, 306
, Saca, Saga, Sagax, Wisdom, -, means xpriso;, Ka%o;, and
the lands of, held in soccage of ovaTS;, 251 Y, in Chinese, is one, 229
the priests, &c., 264 , a believer in, as come, not a -, the Celtic prapositive article,
, Wisdom, 336 heretic, 252 THE, 302
Xaca-clo-ia, Siculia or Sicily, 9 -, the, of Delphi and Chaldwa, Yaca-tecutli, the Mexican God of
--lschaka, signifies Lord, 229 seen in Chryses and Calchas, 350 Merchants, 31
-melech, Royal Shepherds or , the religion of, evidently ex- Yadu, Iod-di or Yodi-holy lo, the
Royal Saxons, 25 isted from the earliest time, 368 tribe of, 218
Xaca, Saxw, Sacs, Xin or Xin-di, -,the, ofDelphi-Cares (Caere?) Yagni sacrifice, the, or the sacrifice
the, 215 probably a formation from, 395 of the Agni, 109, 157, 159
X-sesar or Caesar, 6, 24 Yagni, or Yagni, the sacrifice of the
Xpr/s--the doctrine of, was the se-
XACHA, 5 Lamb, 45, 157, 159
cret one of the ancients, of the
Xayaro;,-Saga or Xaca, khan, 229 Gnosis-in vain attempted by - sacrifice, the, celebrated the
Xagas, Xacas or priests of Wis- Clemens, Origen, &c ., to be re- passover or the passage of the
dom, 34 stored, 443 vernal equinox, from Taurus to
X-al-hua, the Self-existent X, 27 Aries, 106
Xpsls-ins mythos, the, 1(i, 22
X-a,na, or Cama-deva, both Cupid Yao and Hom, the Mexican Triune
-,was the se-
and Venus, 6, 170 cret mystery of Eleusis, Delphi, God, or the Creator, 23
, ama, maternal love, 228 -, the Mexican great God, called
and of all nations, 126
Xamorin or Zamorin or Semiramis, 6 - Judaan mythos, the, not INEFFABLE, 34
Xangti, a God of the Chinese-like treated of by ancient authors, -- volo, I will do, 192
IEUa and Oat, never to be pro- because they were bound to keep -, the first king or emperor of
nounced, 192 secret their mysteries, of which China, drained and rendered it
XEAIs-TIA ; may be di-Sion.-God of the X ps c-s piov was the chief habitable, about 2333 B . C .-
Sion-of the Siamese, 229 part, 441 Here we have the flood and the
Xafe-XEae-XXas=666, 210 Xprls-iani Divi, the, became Chris- God lao of the Jews, 314
Xuptrroria, 68-71,180,222,231, tians Divi-saints, --tootle, the Mexican God of
252, 263, 280, 302, 349, 359, Armies, 24
Xprlc-ianity-no longer surprised
383, 417 Yavana-a sect in India, devoted
at finding, at Rome, at Delphi, to the female principle,
Xelhua-the architect or giant, 27 174
and in Malabar, 443 Yavanas or loudi, i . e . Sacie and
Xenophon-grant of land by, to Xp'4siaroi, the, 46
Diana-a tenth of the produce to Scythes, Saxons-the Lowlanders
265 Xp ls--ians, the, having three sacra- of Scotland, 273
be paid to her,
ments, 290
onthe revenue of Athens, 319 `TSparo ;, the waterer, 66
Xeques or Zaques, Peruvian priests, 34 XpI7r-j pior (or X-poT=600), 20, 441 'Tdwp and Isis, 7
the staff of Osiris, 204 Year, the great or precessional,
XH =-608, or the Greek III of Del- the Cabalistic or secret
phi, i~ 190, 210 3600 years, 141
doctrine of all ages, 345 , the, originally only 360 days
Xi or Ix, the trilinear letter Fi, pro- Xprls-ism, from the commencement
bably so called, 199 long, 141, 316-326
of the modern system of, at An- , reckoned by the ancient
Xiang-siouph, a god of Tibet-the
tioch, to the Council of Nice, old
wisdom of Iao, 192
MSS . and books have been de-
Egyptians, sometimes by the lu-
Xin, Xim, Sinenses, Saca, Saxons, 215 nar month, at others by the
stroyed, to secrete evidence, &c ., 357 three seasons-Spring, Summer,
(X=600, N=50) Sin or
Xps1ceXoyia, the, existed before the and Winter, 325
Maui, 224, 250
Christian ara, 202 , divided into three by the
, Xaca, Se, Cio, Sin, Sais-sal-
230 X pVo-ro ;, converted by priests into Germans, 421
, the holy-the Sindi of North xpisos, 117, 174 , the first, of all nations, be-
India and of Thrace, the follow- X pna--Tag was the Logos, 122 lieved to have had only 360
ers of, 414 - from Xfn o-*;, and changed days, 431
Xisathrus, the history of, in Bern- to xprlTO;, 200 THE, the,=608, Bacchus, 23, 54
VOL. 11 .
Page Page Page
Yew, the, lod or I in the Tree al . Echvah, the Holy Ghost, so called Zeno, 47, 337
phabet, 149, 160, 371 by the Mexicans, 32 Zephir or the Holy Ghost, 182
Yege, the 11'r+ ieie, chaunted by Zeradusht, Zerdusht, 77, 97, 202, 236
the Brahmins, 427-429 Man, in Pegu-the mount of Maria
Y-HA-Ho, the most Sacred Name -Meru, 45
among the Egyptians, l7 , a mystical mount-means
Ying keik le, England so called by Zab, Zub, or Zuph, wisdom, proba- place of repose, 288
the Chinese, 149 bly the same originally, 353 Zin is Xiu, 210, 211
Yonane, the title of Alexander's Zaba and Jaba-the name of Java, 219 -, the name of Gengis Khan-
a era-a formation of the Sans Zabii, the, believed images and changed from Teningin, 353
cut Juana, the loanues, &c., the trees inspired the prophets, 194 Zoba-Saba-wisdom, 236
fish of Assyria, wisdom, 347 Zacal or Ashera-Zacal is, proba Zoradust, Abraham, the reformer
Yoni the same as June, the done, bly, only il-saca, THE Saca-the., of the religion of the Magi, 58
and as Juno-the Ja-na, the the payment of Saca became the Zodiac, signs of the, on the chair
Diana, Di-ja-na or Dwa-ja-na, 174 Sara, 379 of St . Peter, 57
-, Tune, lona, and Selene, alike Zamorin or Xamorin or Semiramis, 6 , Mosaic pavement of the,
mean the female generative prin- -, Conmrio, or Camarina, 228 in a church at Lyons, sb.
ciple, 289 Zaphnath-paaneah-Joseph, 177 , the signs of, probably the
Yoodishtra, 119 Zaques or Xeques, Peruvian priests, 34 produce of a high latitude, where
York Minster, ending in the highly Zarina, the queen of the Scythians the camel and elephant were not
finished, from a Gilgal or stone so called, 229 in much use, 329
circle, 135 Zemindars, the, first collected tithes Zodiacs, the, of Esne and Dendera,
the Micklegate of, 408 for the priests, &c ., 266, 362 193, 236
and Ripon, the Culdees at, , were preceded by Zone and Cassock, origin of the, 77
279, 281, 287 : 288 the Bhoomias, 284 Zoroaster, 58, 64, 65, 77, 131, 261
Young, Dr ., his doctrine of proba- , in India and Ire- , prophecy of, respecting
bilities, 154, 155, 168, 175, 293, land-became what our country the son of an immaculate Virgin,
362, 363 gentlemen are, &c ., 373 96, 97
-, on the derivation of , under Lord Corn- taught the resurrection, 101
languages, 234 wallis's government, were re- and the Indians, all the
Youdia or Oude, 206 cognized as dependent princes, oldest temples of, were caves, in
Ysnextli (also Suchiquecal), the and absolute proprietors of the imitation of the vault, circle, or
Mexican Eve, 32 soil, 374 wheel of heaven, 401
Yzona, the Father-Bacab, the Son- Zendavesta, the, 78, 97, 236 Zorodusht or Zoroaster, 96



GENESIS xxii . 2, 8 Jeremiah xx. 1, 3
v. 29, 18 xix. 5, 82
18, 19, 58 xxxii . 35, ib .
ii . 9, 134 . xlix. 7, 128
i. 14, 164 xxv . 26, 221
i. 8, 177 Ezekiel xliv. 20, 79
xii. 45, ib. viii . 14, 92
x1ii. 6, 178 is 15-21, 342, 401
x. 15,19, 184 x. 9-16, ib .
iii. 18, 307 Daniel vi . 10, 89
xlix. 17, 349 ix. 2, 169
i. 27, 397 Ecclesiasticus li . 2,3,5-7 , 124, 232
x. 21, 399, 409 Wisdom ii. 13-20, ib . ib .
Exodus iv. 25, 38
xxxv. 30, 124 MATTHEW xiii. 55, 56, 49
xxix. 28, 194 iii . 11, 67
iii . 14, 197 vi . 7, 87
Leviticus xxi . 5, 79 i. 17, 133
xviii. 21, 82 xxvii . 57, 62, 143
xx . 2-4, ib. xvi. 18, 182
xxvii . 28, 29, 194 xiii. 11, 308
x. 14, ib. Mark vi . 3, 49
Numbers vi. 13-21, 44 i. 8, 67
xi . 5, 137 vi . 13, 72
xv. 38, 39, 179 xvi. 18, ib.
xxii . 5, 181 xvi. 7, 136
xxxi . , 194 xv. 42, 143
xx . 17, 19, 306 iv. 11, 308
xxxvi. [?] 376 Luke iii. 16, 67
Deuteronomy xxii. 12, 179 xii . 35, 77
xxiii, 4, 181 ii. 7, 109
xxix. 29, ... 308 xxiii . 53, 54, 143
xxxii . 8, 409, 410 viii . 10, 308
Joshua v. 3, 38 John i. 25, 64
Judges six. 19 iii . 23, 66
xx. ib. i. 14, 18, 72
xviii. 28, 184 iii . 16, 18, ib.
i. 7, 421 xlx . 42, 143
2 Samuel xii. -24,25, 180 xii. 13, 231
vi . 12-16, 426 i. 1, 261
1 Kings xviii. 28, 74 Acts xix . 1-7, 66
xviii . 26, .87 ii . 23, 24, 32, 122
2 Kings xxiii . 10, 82 iii . 13-18, ib .
ii . 13, 231 x. 34, 35, 145
xxiii . 6, &c., 371 Romans xvi . 16, 90
1 Chronicles i. 13, 184 iii. 8, 94
2 Chronicles xxxvi. 22,23, 233 1 Corinthians v. 7, 60
Ezra iv . 3, ib . x. 14, 94
v. 13-17, ib . Colossians i. 18, 120
Job xxviii . 18, 128 Philippians ii . 10, 90
Psalm xxxiii . 58 Hebrews vii. 1, 10, 11, 15, 58
lxxxiv. 12, 95 James V. 14, 15, 72, 73, 75
lxxx. 8-16, 204 1 John iv . 9, 72
xviii . 7, 408 v. 21, 94
Proverbs iii. 13, 18, 204 Revelations ii . 8, 15
Song of Solomon iv . 12-14, 245 xi. 8, ib .
V. I, ib . i. 5, 72
Isaiah xix . 18, 15 :iii. 8, 110
xliv. 28, 233 IF . 8, 118
xlv. 1-4, ib . xiii . 17, 18, 169
xxxiv. 4, 235


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