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Middle East: Blueprint for the Final Solution: The Coming Fall and Rise of Western Democracy
Middle East: Blueprint for the Final Solution: The Coming Fall and Rise of Western Democracy
Middle East: Blueprint for the Final Solution: The Coming Fall and Rise of Western Democracy
Ebook1,181 pages23 hours

Middle East: Blueprint for the Final Solution: The Coming Fall and Rise of Western Democracy

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The Middle East conflict
originated, literally, in the womb of a beautiful woman Rebekah, Isaacs
wife. Her struggling twins, from
their mothers womb, have often engaged in a love/hate embrace, scorching their
lands with periodic eruptions of bloody conflicts. Their descendants, though gradually lost their identity, have
spread their struggle for the global inheritance into Europe, the Americas,
and elsewhere.

The march of Islam, of Muhammad,the
man of the sword; the present Jew/arab
conflict; the Persian Gulf menace;style="mso-spacerun: yes"> fanatic Islamic world terrorism and their
main target the West are a direct result of the twins struggle, which
begun while in their mothers womb.

Human history and its future
cant be fully comprehended without correct understanding of the roots and
turbulent history of the struggling twins.
You, the reader, are destined, regardless of your ethnic background and
religion, to soon experience the final consequences and glorious triumph of
this age-long bloody conflict.

Through the pages of this work
the author takes you on a fascinating journey of the Biblical and historic
records, which faithfully traced the stormy blazing trails of the struggling
twins,from the inception of the conflict to its glorious final solution.

Release dateMay 14, 2004
Middle East: Blueprint for the Final Solution: The Coming Fall and Rise of Western Democracy

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    Middle East - Mike Joseph






    Mike M. Joseph

    © 2003, 2004 by Mike M. Joseph. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

    ISBN: 1-4107-3627-X (e-book)

    ISBN: 1-4107-3626-1 (Paperback)

    ISBN: 1-4107-3625-3 (Dust Jacket)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2003092382

    Bloomington, Indiana

    IstBooks-rev. 04/26/04























    Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following authors and publishers for material quoted, reproduced, or paraphrased in this work: Holy Bible: All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1992 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The Koran, translated by N.J. Dawood-published by the Penguin Group, Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA. Copyright © N.J. Dawood, 1999. HRH Prince Michael of Albany, Head of the Royal House of Stewart-The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland. Copyrights © formerly by Element Books Limited 2000; and presently by Chrysalis Books. Text Copyright © HRH Prince Michael of Albany 2000. Edition Published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., 2000. Raymond F. McNair, Key to Northwest European Origins, Copyright, R.F. McNair 1963. S. Gusten Olson, The Incredible Nordic Origin, copyright © and published by Nordica S.F. Ltd, 1981. W.H. Bennet, Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage, Copyright, London: Covenant Books, 1976. Dibar Apartian, The French Speaking Peoples in Prophecy, 1961, translated by Carol Kalin, 1975. Craig M. White, The Assyrians in The Modern World, Copyright, 1990. Published by Giving & sharing. Also, I would like to give a special acknowledgment and express my personal thanks to the designer of the book cover, my dear friend Rick Chinelli.


    The author dedicates this work to all the children of Abraham. It is hoped that the day is near when they all will rid themselves of their weapons of hatred and sit down around the same table of their father Abraham, together, in peace. All the offsprings of the great patriarch do possess magnificent qualities and have much to offer to humanity. To be a blessing in the earth, they must first rid themselves of the deadly virus of misguided selfish political views, interests, and religious bigotry. They must learn, instead, to extend from the heart to each other the famous, genuine Middle Eastern hospitality. Only then will they become the joy of all the earth. This is their destiny according to the prophets of the God of Israel and Ishmael-the One also called Allah. May they all learn soon their lessons before it is too late, and may they all believe the following words today-and if not, then tomorrow, when all things shall come to pass.

    In memory of my mother Hannah-shot and later bled to death, in an Arab hospital, at age 29; my older brother Shalom-shot and killed at the age of 8 by Arab policemen; my older brother Moshe-poisoned to death by an Arab pharmacist, before reaching his first birthday; my younger brother Herzel-also poisoned to death by the same Arab pharmacist, before reaching his first birthday. All lost their lives by the hands of other children of Abraham in the city of Aden…because they happened to be of the Jewish faith. These events took place before this author had reached the tender age of 4 years old. May they all inherit the coming peace to all the children of Abraham, and sit together, reconciled, with their former destroyers and children of the sword!


    To the casual observer of the Middle East conflict, the issues may seem to be political, emotional and historic in nature. Hence, political solutions, it is believed, can and must be found to achieve peace and satisfy the legitimate rights of all concerned. Unfortunately, such honest quest for equitable solutions have been, up to the recent peace process, most elusive in nature, and so far, only partly attainable.

    To those who peer more deeply into this millennia-old saga of blood, sweat and tears, between peoples of common ancestry, the tragic reality of the usual family squabble springs to mind. Some outside onlookers may be tempted to appeal to the common remedy in all families-love. It can solve all family feuds, they may claim. But alas, love has not been the mutual fuel flowing in the passionate and fiery veins of the warring family members. Until the recent peace process, hatred, animosity, distrust and the spirit of non-compromise have been mostly, instead, fueling the stormy engines of those made brothers against their will.

    It is obvious that simple political solutions cannot, ultimately, unravel this complex state of affairs. The present peace process may be partially successful, at least for awhile, but it is most doubtful that family love will ever spring up in the hate-filled fountains of the ancient lands. The present, partial, Middle East peace agreements between Israel, Egypt, Jordan-as well as the half-hearted attempts of peace talks with the Palestinians-are but temporary in nature.

    Yet, there is another dimension that is often overlooked. It is an area far beyond the scope of man to control or influence. It is in this dimension that the true roots of the Middle East conflict do lie. It is in this elusive realm that the warring sides can find a ray of hope. Here, in this ignored realm of hope and sure promise, they can uncover the genuine causes and perfect solutions to their most painful and intricate web of political impasse and family strains. Only the most astute observers know the mysterious threads that have woven, for millennia, the tapestry of the Middle Eastern scenario. It is in this dimension only that both Jews and Arabs, Westerners and other involved nations, can find all the pieces of the puzzle and solutions to the Middle East enigma. The road to a genuine lasting peace and brotherhood for all is not a mirage.

    What is this most ignored dimension that has eluded all sides in the past four millenniums? In the pages of this book, the author intends to unfold the mysterious and hidden story that triggered the painful birth, literally, of the Middle Eastern quagmire. The bloody trail of the mysterious twins, who sprang out of one womb to scorch their future inheritance with flames of fire and torment, will be traced thoroughly to its future happy ending. All the unpleasant causes, sour effects and final solutions will unfold before all who have open and receptive minds and hearts.

    No mere mortal man could fathom such a fiction-like scenario. No great mind or heart could have devised and choreographed the fascinating, though tragic, scenes soon to be unfolded in the following pages before your eyes. Yet at times, it must be admitted: Truth may be more strange than fiction. The truth you are about to read may be, at times, unpleasant, hard to believe, infuriating, and objectionable-depending on your orientation and objectivity. Yet truth can’t be fabricated, altered or shoved aside. It will always be there, regardless of how we feel about it. If you are genuinely interested in finding out the "final solution" to the Middle East crisis, fasten your eyes on the following pages. Read of its roots, unpleasant dark scenes, and follow its final route to its happy ending. Just keep traveling along until you reach the final stone at the end of the trail.

    As you read on, you’ll discover the following sobering reality: Both Jews and Arabs, as well as other nations, have been fighting the wrong enemy. Those who sided with either faction have been equally ignorant of the true nature and elements that created this ever-explosive-time-bomb. Many have proposed inferior solutions, partial peace plans, and-at-times, attempts were and are made to enforce them. Therefore, the soon-coming tragic events, though not final results, are inevitable. The time-bomb is slated to explode-regardless of the seemingly partially successful peace-process. Temporarily, all sides will be adversely affected. Yet the final solution will ultimately erase every negative trace of this four-thousand-year bloody saga of war, blood, tears and death. The missing dimension in the Middle East equation is about to unfold before your eyes-from its fiery beginning and mysterious struggle, to its flowing streams of quite and peaceful waters. This dimension will pave the road, one rocky stone at a time, to its final destination and utopian solution.

    You’ll quickly out find that the true nature and causes of the Middle East conflict are not political, cultural, or military in nature. Hence, a forced political or military solution cannot transform a war-ravaged and blood-soaked land into a peaceful, blossoming landscape. Therefore, all honest and sincere attempts to reach peace accords with either side are ultimately doomed to failure.

    Mainly, the Middle East crisis is a family squabble whose members seem to have forgotten who they really are and who is their patriarch. Yet, a family remedy is not enough. This conflict is, above all, a spiritual and theological one in nature. Hence, we can find its final solution and deep roots mainly in the confines of the spirit and theology. Since the conflict is spiritual in nature, its causes and solutions must and will be resolved only by spiritual means. This, in essence, is the key to the missing dimension and solution to the Middle East crisis.

    To uncover this missing dimension, let us walk through its doors to reach the road of enlightenment through the following pages. Let us find out why no humanly devised solutions could ever produce lasting and genuine peace in the Middle East. Yet peace will ultimately come, and soon. It will not be ushered in by big powers’ mediation, peace conferences, or direct negotiations. It will come by removing the causes that gave birth to the conflict. It will be most painful in the making, as the birth-pangs of a woman in child-birth. The results will be, at first, a bitter pill that many must swallow. Yet finally, all warring parties will accept and welcome its final results.

    In the next chapters, we will concentrate first on the source of the conflict. Then, we shall end with the sure solution that will be implemented regardless of the initial objections of the parties involved. Nevertheless, the final solution will, by far, exceed the hopeful expectations of all the warring sides-be they moderates or extremists.


    Of all the elements that forged the passionate tapestry of the Middle East quagmire, the one of the family squabble is the most pronounced and dynamic undercurrent. The eruption of the conflict did not occur as a result of political decisions or human errors. It was not due to unfortunate circumstances affecting both Jews and Arabs in recent history. Rather, the genesis of the Jew-Arab War is interwoven with most profound spiritual and historical overtones. It reaches far back into the deep and mysterious recesses of ancient times. This fiery and unrelenting conflict had its original roots in a bygone world devoid of all the present-day political realities.

    The main players in this tragic Middle Eastern drama are mostly oblivious to the invisible strings that control the events which fashioned this age-long conflict. These supra-humanly controlled events gave birth and turbulent life to a most intriguing family rivalry. The true cause is not, as supposed, rooted in the commonly assumed Ishmael-Isaac rivalry. It is not the rivalry between their mothers, Sarah and Hagar, that gave birth to this conflict-though they had a part in it. This ancient animosity sprang from another source. It gradually blossomed into a saga of perpetual hatred, murder, violence and defiance.

    The bloody history in recent decades is but one chapter in this ancient tragedy. To look for political solutions within the context of recent events will never produce a genuine and lasting peace. The many details we may dig up from the past few decades will not help us to untangle this complex reality. We know what is happening in this conflict, but we don’t know the true causes. We don’t know how we got here, much less where do we go from here. Of course, humanly speaking, we think we do know, but do we really know? Let us find out!

    Let us reflect on the events leading to this conflict in the last several decades. Let us recall the rise of the Zionist movement in Europe, and its founder Theodore Herzel’s attempts to direct its path toward the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Let us think of the subsequent events in Europe: The Balfour Declaration, the settlements in Palestine, the Holocaust, and finally the establishment of the State of Israel. Let us consider the results of such events on the Arab Palestinians, the tragedies of several wars, terrorism, uncompromising extreme terror groups-and the recent Persian Gulf crisis, which is still affecting the area. (This work was originally written prior to the first Persian Gulf War and is being updated and edited ever since.) Let us consider the Arab alliances against

    Israel, the role of the United States and the West in the Middle East. Finally, let us consider the recent historic peace accords between former mortal enemies.

    With all of this in mind, we are still left with many unanswered questions. Why the sudden rise to world prominence and power of the Middle Eastern nations, which a short fifty years ago had little impact on the world scene? Such Arab nations had little influence on world politics and its economy. Yet suddenly, in these last critical times in world history, we see many of the Middle Eastern nations armed with the powerful and deadly weapon of oil. In a short span of time, they were able to amass a huge stockpiles of sophisticated weapons of mass destruction that rival that of all of NATO’s partners combined in Europe. Some of them are engaged in a mad dash for the acquisition of the greatly coveted nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. A nation, like Iran, did recently throw the giant United States into a helpless state of political indecision, and took captive her citizens at will. Most recently, Iraq has repeated this tragedy in greater intensity and with daring audacity. Initially, it did so with little impunity. Why are these events happening at this crucial juncture of human history?

    From the point of view of the Bible, the only book that traces the roots of the conflict, from its inception to its final solution, let’s pose some poignant questions: Why have some nations in the Middle East, such as Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States come to possess such vast wealth and power in this most critical juncture in world history? Why do they have some of the ‘fattest’ pieces of real estate that are rich in oil? How did they come to own such vast oil reserves which are shifting the wealth of the West into their coffers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars?

    For a while, the world’s rapidly diminishing reserves of gold and silver, and other precious commodities, have also been drifting into the insatiable hands of some Arab nations and oil-lords. Is it all a coincidence, a blind stroke of luck, or a Biblically predicted destiny? Did Biblical prophecies ignore this crucial reality of the end-time mighty ‘weapon’ of oil?

    Why do the countries of the Middle East display such an irrational and deeply rooted bitter hatred toward Israel? With a growing intensity, the fundamentalists in Arab lands are displaying an irrational, intense hatred toward the United States, Britain, and some Western European countries. Consider the irrational deep hatred displayed by the late religious leaders of Iran, Khumeini, Libya’s Qaddafi, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, and finally, the maverick master terrorist Osama bin Laden-and all such venomous hatred is especially aimed against Israel and the United States.

    Why is it that most Arab nations have been demanding, for decades, a total extinction and dismantling of the State of Israel? They tried several times to repossess that little land in an attempt to drive the Jews into the sea.

    They know that this land was promised to the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-forever. Even the Koran, the holy book of Islam, does admit that the land of Israel was promised to the children of Isaac, not Ishmael. Do Muslims believe their own prophet in this regard? In Chapter Six of this work, we shall discuss, thoroughly, the true teachings of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, concerning the issues that beset the land and the city of Jerusalem-which both Jews and Arabs claim to be their own. Without this knowledge of what the prophet of Islam recited in the Koran, along with the teachings of the Bible, one can never know why do we have the Jerusalem issue, a Palestinian issue, demands for rights for a homeland-and who are the Palestinians anyway? Why, for decades, did we have a PLO and other extreme terror groups, and world terrorism that was mostly directed at civilians, women and children? They mostly aimed their terror against innocent targets, both in Israel and against American and British interests.

    Why do we have constant wars in the Middle East? Why the perpetual hatred and bloodshed over Jerusalem, and the tiny land called Israel by Jews, and Palestine by Arabs? Why is it that every time a new fanatic regime took over in the Middle East, among the first things its leaders manifested were irrational hatred and demands for the destruction of the Jews, Zionism, Imperialism? Why did they, and some still do, demand the liberating of Arab lands? Can their views be considered legitimate?

    It is of equal and utmost importance to inquire also into some other relevant questions as: Why was the British Empire involved intimately with the conquest and question of Palestine? What is her historic link to this area and its peoples? Why was Britain involved in the Jewish homeland and the Balfour Declaration? Why did she mostly hold pro-Arab views until she was forced to relinquish her mandate over the land? Why is the United States so favorable to Israel, becoming a staunch ally, and is still heavily backing its economy and insuring its military superiority? What historic and ancient links do the United States and Britain, as well as most of the Western democracies, have with the area and its peoples?

    If we espouse only the political or historic argument, can we claim that Jews have more right to the land they lost two thousand years ago than those Palestinians who lived in it for the past two millenniums? Humanly and politically speaking, it would appear that Palestinian demands and claims should have at least equal rights, if not precedence, over those of the Jews. What is the right answer?

    Finally, if we are to understand correctly the root causes of the Middle East issues and its final solution, let us consider one most important fact. Let us ask: What does the Bible and the God, not just of Ishmael, Esau or Palestine, but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, have to say about the Middle East issue? What does God and His Word have to say about the oil-rich Arab nations and the status of Jerusalem? What does the God of Jacob have to say about the perpetual hatred of many Arabs and Palestinians toward Judah and Israel? What does He think about Palestinian demands for rights of a homeland in the land He gave to Israel forever? What does the Creator of all nations have to say about Arab attitudes toward Jerusalem, the city of David and Israel; toward the United States, Britain, and the Western democracies of Northwest Europe?

    It is high time that we shed light on all these questions. We must answer them, not from a humanly devised political and historic perspective advanced by either Jews or Arabs. We should not consider only the Christian West, the world of Islam, the Jewish world, or that of other nations’ point of view. We must seek, above all, the point of view of the ultimate Possessor of Heaven and earth, and only Source of Truth. In addressing this matter only from the rightful owner’s point of view, we shall discover quickly the real roots of the conflict. We will, ultimately if not initially, understand and welcome the final solution for the benefit of all.

    Let us dig deeply into this 4000 year old fascinating, though painful, conflict, which could not have been fully understood until the 1973 Yom Kippur War. It was during and after this crucial turning point in recent world history that the Mideast oil-rich Arab nations have for the first time flexed their mighty muscle of oil and modern economic weapon. They have unleashed it, at times, against a helpless West and the rest of the world. By doing so, they have ushered the world, violently, into a new era of turmoil and economic instability. The oil weapon has been flexed to create, at will, an age of political uncertainties and economic paralysis. They have often forced powerful nations into dependency and the mercy and whims of the Middle Eastern new economic oil-lords. Is it a mere coincidence, or has it been a deliberately planned piece of the puzzle in the Middle East conflict, as predicted long ago?

    One major piece of the puzzle involves the age-old relationship between the United States, Britain, the North Western democracies of Europe, and the Middle East conflict. This piece of the puzzle is intimately linked to the roots of the conflict and its future final solution. Without fully understanding the crucial link between the parties of this portion of the Western hemisphere and those of the Middle East, the picture could never be complete. The roots and final solution to the Middle East conflict demand a clear understanding of the historic and future involvement of the above mentioned parties. To have this clear understanding, we must know their ancient historic ties to both Jews and Arabs.

    The missing dimension in understanding the Middle East conflict, its root causes, its present tragic circumstances for both Jews and Arabs, its daily and often painful impact on the West, especially the United States, and its ultimate final solution, centers around seven major points. We will cover them, thoroughly, in the pages of this book. These seven topics are: 1. The Biblical and Israel’s perspective on this issue. 2. The Koran and Muhammad’s perspective on Ishmael/Israel issues. 3. The ancient and modern link of the Western world to the Middle East chronic state of turmoil. 4. The lost identity of a twin brother of Jacob, namely, Esau. 5. The blessing given to Esau and its link to present day sudden Arab wealth due to oil discovery. 6. The promise given to Jacob and then to his son Joseph, and its relationship to a global conflict centering on the Middle East. 7. The mysterious 3400 year old Holy War (or Jihad) declared first in Sinai by God, or Allah, against a perpetual enemy of Israel. Also, its deadly impact on Israel and the West, especially America, and its final results.

    These seven topics amount to what can be termed: "The Missing Dimension in Understanding the Middle East Saga of War." The historic roots and final solutions cannot be comprehended without the vital and crucial information contained in the above seven topics.

    Let us go now to a recorded Biblical background of the oldest and most chronically persistent and devastating family squabble. Its bloody marks and bruises are still seen and felt, daily, in the streets and markets of the ancient lands of the Patriarchs, as well as in parts of the Western world. Let us begin discovering the real roots and nature of this painful conflict-from its human inception to its final shots yet to be heard in the, initially, gloomy future.

    An account was recorded 3000 years ago by an aging musician in the Temple of King Solomon. It describes a present day alliance between several warring nations, bent on the destruction of a tiny land: The State of Israel. The writer is the prophet/musician, Asaph, the chief Temple musician and composer of many Psalms. Under divine inspiration, he peered into the future, 3000 years down the road, and saw the final fate of his people. He saw what we have been witnessing, and are yet to witness, for several decades since the establishment of the State of Israel.

    This is the prophet’s record: Do not keep silent, oh God! Do not hold your peace, and do not be still, oh God! For behold your enemies, [and notice whose enemies they really are, they] make a tumult; and those who hate you, [since they who hate Israel, hate her God,] have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against your people, [good or bad, still God’s people,] and consulted together against your sheltered ones [who survived from the recent death camps of the Nazi holocaust and the coming future war against the Allies]. They have said, ‘Come and let us cut them off from being a nation, [or let’s drive the Jews into the sea; let’s call it again, Palestine], that the name of Israel may be remembered no more.’

    The prophet continues his inspired oracle: For they have consulted together with one consent [in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and now]; they form a confederacy against you [since against Israel is also against God]: The tents of Edom [the chief actor, not Ishmael], and the Ishmalites; Moab and the Hagarites; Gebal, Ammon and Amalek; Philistia, with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assyria also has joined with them. They helped the children of Lot, Selah (Psalm 83:1-8). In verse 12, he continues, Who said, ‘Let us take to ourselves the pastures of God for a possession.’

    Then the prophet exclaims: Oh my God, make them like the whirling dust, like the chaff before the wind! As the fire burns the woods, and as the flame sets the mountains on fire. So pursue them with your tempest, and frighten them with your storm, [as in the recent Operation Desert Storm and those to follow], fill their faces with shame, that they may seek your name, Oh Lord!

    Many Arabs often proclaim Allah U Ackbar, yet they defy Him and His will, as well as His people Israel. Asaph continues: Let them be confounded and dismayed forever; yes, let them be put to shame and perish, that men may know that You, whose name alone is the Lord [Allah], are the Most High over all the earth (Psalm 83). The New King James Version is used throughout, unless specified otherwise.

    So far, it is evident: The God of Israel, or Allah to the Arabs, did hear the prayer of the prophet Asaph, which He has inspired. The God of Israel heard the voice of His people, regardless of their conduct. Their display of righteous behavior or lack of it, is not the issue at hand. It is for His name’s sake that He delivers them. It is His will and honor that the enemies of Israel do defy. They rise against Him and speak evil against Him. That’s the way He saw it and so did He inspire Asaph to record it. Conversely, it is most clear that Allah has not heard the Arab voice so far, for obvious reasons, according to the chief Temple musician. Whether the Arab brothers of Judah and Israel like to admit it or not: Allah is the God of Israel and of all the earth. Their hatred and wars against the Jews or Israel are taken as a personal offense by the God of Abraham and Israel, who is also the God of all Arabs or Muslims. He simply cannot back up both sides-no more than He could hear the prayers of Germans and Americans in World War II. One has to be a loser, depending on whom God decides to bestow the victory. The righteousness of a warring side is not the issue, but the will of God is what determines the outcome. Both Jews, Israel, and other nations, as well as Arabs, must learn that.

    Now the big question is: Who are those nations involved in this ongoing war and confederacy against Israel? Who is Edom, the chief antagonist mentioned in this modern conflict, which was recorded 3000 years ago? Who is Ishmael? Who are Moab and Ammon? Who is Amalek? Who are Gebal and Assyria today? These questions will be answered in the following chapters. Without this vital information about the Middle East conflict, one cannot make head or tail of it. To know the past, the present, and the future of this conflict that is predicted to engulf all nations in a global struggle yet to come, we must know the identity of these nations. We must find out the reasons for their actions, attitudes, and fate. We must know what the ultimate Ruler of heaven and earth is planning ahead for the final solution for the benefit of all.

    Painful lessons must first be learned by Jews and Arabs; by Western democracies and the rest of humanity,-and learn they will! Faith in this sure fact is not required for this reality to happen. There was a time when many believed the world was flat. There was a time when many believed no one could travel at 100 miles per hour, fly to the moon, or even just in the sky. There was a time, few years ago, when no one believed that 1989 would usher in all the changes that have occurred in Europe, and are still taking place. There was a time when the September 11 nightmare was unthinkable. Man’s faith, or lack of it, is of no consequence! Man is not God, but God is God. Hence, we need to find out what God has to say about the missing dimension in the Middle East conflict. We must uncover and learn how its final solution will be realized.

    Let’s begin with Edom. Who is Edom? And why is he heading a confederacy against the modern State of Israel. Also, as we shall yet see in the future, against the majority of the Western democracies? What is his role in the Mideast conflict? Why is he in it? What shall be his fate in the final solution, at least in the interim phase? The next three chapters will consider this most intriguing topic.

    In the following pages of this book, we shall also discuss these topics: 1. The real roots behind the Middle East present day scene, from the Biblical and the Koran’s point of view. 2. What part does Ishmael play in this conflict in contrast to Esau’s or Edom’s involvement? 3. Who and where is Edom today, and how is he linked to terror groups and men like Osama bin Laden? 4. Who is Israel? 5. Do the Jews have the sole legitimate rights to the land they call Israel? 6. Should we call the promised land Israel or Palestine? 7. Who are the Palestinians? 8. What gave rise to Islam and its prophet Mohammed, also called The man of the sword? 9. Why is Jerusalem in the center of the conflict? 10. Lastly, after the firing of the last shots, what will be the final solution?


    Contrary to certain notions that some nations or peoples may have, the Creator of all men has no favorites. He does not exercise any partiality in His relationship with His children. All have free moral agency. They can chose either to walk in peace with their fellow men and their Creator, or reject the way of peace and live by the sword.

    In His last Old Testament message to His people, the God of Israel spoke through the prophet Malachi about His feelings toward the two sons of His servant Isaac. In this message, He spoke of His displeasure in the behavior of the two peoples who descended from the patriarchs Jacob and Esau. Nevertheless, He made a distinction about His feelings toward both peoples and their twin fathers, Jacob and Esau. And so we find in the first chapter of the Book of Malachi, in the first five verses, the background and root causes of an ancient conflict still raging to this day. Let us read it!

    "’I have loved you,’says the Lord, ‘Yet you say,’ ‘in what way have You loved us?’ ‘Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?’ says the Lord. ‘Yet Jacob, I have loved; but Esau [his conduct], I have hated and laid waste his mountains and his heritage for the jackals of the wilderness. Yet Edom [Esau] has said,’ ‘We have been impoverished, but we will return [on our own, without reliance on God] and build the desolate places’ [in defiance of God who caused them to be destroyed].

    Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘They may build, but I will throw down; they shall be called the Territory of Wickedness and the people against whom the Lord will have indignation forever. Your eyes shall see, and you shall say, the Lord is magnified [by destroying Esau’s land] beyond the border of Israel.’

    The God of Israel made His feelings clearly known concerning Jacob’s brother, Esau. The question is why does He have such a negative attitude toward Esau? Was it because of Esau’s sins? In the next statements God made it clear that his sins are not what earned Esau God’s hatred and perpetual punishment. Jacob’s descendants have sinned also and defied their God. All the prophets have declared the great sins of Jacob’s people that earned them severe punishments, and finally captivity. Then why did God single out Esau for a perpetual indignation and hatred, for destruction and wrath? What is it about Esau and his descendants that have alienated them from their Creator in a manner no other nation on the face of the earth has ever experienced?

    All peoples and nations have their share of flaws and sins, yet Esau has committed something unique. He displayed a certain attitude toward his Maker and his brother Jacob. For this, he could find no forgiveness, at least not in this lifetime. Understanding the nature of the flaws in Esau’s character is very critical to untangling the maze of the Middle East complex and chronic state of crisis. Before we delve into the deep, thick forest of this story of Esau, let’s skip forward a few centuries. We shall discover the mysterious flaw in Esau’s character that has earned him the perpetual wrath of his Maker.

    Another descendant of Jacob spoke to his people concerning this matter of character. He warned them not to emulate the dangerous and contemptuous attitude of Uncle Esau. We can read of this dire warning in the words of the apostle Paul to the Hebrews.

    In Chapter 12 of the book written to the Hebrews, the apostle Paul admonished and warned his people: Pursue peace with all men [Esau did not] and Holiness without which no one will see the Lord …Looking diligently less anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled; lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright. For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance [or forgiveness] though he sought it diligently with tears (Hebrews 12:14-17).

    Notice the nature of the flaws of Esau. He was not a man of peace. He fell short of the grace of the God of his fathers Isaac and Abraham. He allowed a root of bitterness, not repentance or reconciliation, to lodge in his heart and defile it. He was a spiritual fornicator and profane. He despised his birthright in spite of its great magnitude. Yet, though he had these flaws, instead of repenting and turning to his God, he sought to gain all that he lost, in defiance of God’s will, by the edge of the sword. We can read of these attitudes and actions by delving into the story of Esau. Only then will we begin to understand the original root causes of the Middle East conflict and its final solution. Also, as we later trace the migration of the descendants of Esau and Jacob into other lands, we shall see the same conflict and root causes in both peoples’ future turbulent history.

    Now let us backtrack to the beginning of the story. In the book of Genesis, Chapters 11-12, we begin the story. The aging patriarch Abram is called by God out of Babylon, and later out of Northern Syria. He is instructed to move on, after the death of his father in Haran, into the land of Canaan and leave everything behind. Abram obeyed the voice of his God and followed Him by faith. In return, he was promised a vast inheritance whose magnitude has been gradually unfolding to man as time went by. It reached its apex in the statements the apostle Paul was inspired to record in his writings to the Hebrews. See Galatians 4 and Hebrews 2:11. In short, the promises given to him encompassed not only the land of Canaan, but the whole earth, and ultimately eternal life and the whole universe.

    All who desire to share in such an awesome inheritance, which included eternal life, must become Abraham’s seed, spiritually. They must follow in his footsteps, in complete faith and obedience to the God of Abraham and His laws. In qualifying, by faith and obedience, Abram’s name was changed to Abraham-father of many nations. All of humanity was to be blessed through his seed. His seed was physical, and also later, spiritual. The promises to him included a physical birthright: first, the land of Canaan, then gradually expanding to engulf the whole earth. Later, after the resurrection to eternal life, it was to include the inheritance of the whole universe. Yet the most important part of the blessing was not the earth or the universe, but the scepter promise that gave birth to The Redeemer of all mankind. Different religions and nations know him by different names. Yet, He is only one, and the only one who will descend soon on the Mount of Olives. This is recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures in the book of Zechariah, Chapters 12 and 14.

    Without following Abraham’s example, in complete obedience and faith in his God and all mankind’s redeemer, none can share in or receive the promises given to Abraham. Isaac followed in his father’s footsteps and received the promises-Ishmael did not, though, initially, he did not rebel against his father and his religion. Jacob followed the path of his father Isaac, after an initial period of sowing his wild oats. He received the promises of both physical inheritance and the scepter. Unlike his uncle Ishmael, who did not despise the birthright, nor disobeyed his father’s God, he was simply not chosen. Esau did both despise the birthright and rejected the God of his fathers. He was unwilling to follow the path of his grandfather Abraham, his father Isaac, and his twin brother Jacob, in serving God.

    Now we are ahead of the story. Let us backtrack and trace this story, in detail, from its genesis. Let’s read of the conception of the struggling twins-Jacob and Esau. Our story now is at a most crucial stage, and must be carefully followed in detail. Isaac’s wife is pregnant. After twenty years of patient and faithful waiting on God’s promise, Isaac is entreating God on behalf of his wife, and she conceives soon after. At this very point, the direct link to the Middle East age-old struggle is about to begin in a state of turmoil.

    Let us pick up the story in Genesis, Chapter 25:22-26. After conceiving the twins, we read of an unusual happening, which probably no mother has ever experienced. We read: But the children struggled together within her; and she said, ‘if all is well, why am I this way?’ So she went to inquire of the Lord. And the Lord said to her: ‘Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated [from struggling] from your body; one people shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger.’

    As we read on, we shall find out that the course of much of Middle Eastern and Western history for the next 3900 years was set in motion with that statement and most unusual event. The saying that, at times, truth is more strange than fiction will be epitomized in the following story. The destiny of the struggling twins was to affect much of humanity for ages to come.

    This unique phenomena, which took place in the womb of Rebekah, heralded the opening shot of the Middle East conflict. We now think of it, as some label this conflict, a Jew-Arab struggle. It is of utmost importance to perceive its unique nature. Here we find two unborn children-twin brothers-who are already, while still in their mother’s womb, in a state of conflict and rivalry. One can only imagine with dismay such a display of warlike attitudes, before birth, in the two twins, who are bent on an eternal struggle for the mastery of their destiny and world. This incredulous human event did lay the groundwork for the next 3900 years, and forged the turbulent Middle Eastern scene with its later global implications.

    Later on, in this account, we read of the birth of the twins. And the first came out red. He was like a hairy garment all over; so they called his name Esau. This first appearance of Esau was to set a pattern for the future, yet brother Jacob would always supplant him and take over. Afterward his brother came out, and his hand took hold of his brother’s heel [in an ongoing struggle, setting a pattern for future similar behavior]; so his name was called Jacob [Heb. He that takes hold of the heel. Remember Achilles’ heel].

    Again, this was a most shocking occurrence that did portend a very turbulent future for the twins. In verse 28, we read of child favoritism. Isaac sets his affection on Esau, while Rebekah loves Jacob. Such split in display of affection could only complicate matters for an already bizarre start in life. This is in contrast to the statement we read earlier in the writings of the prophet Malachi, where the God of Isaac has declared, Jacob I loved but Esau, I hated. Later, in another chapter, we will discuss another dimension that influenced Esau’s behavior. It earned him the hatred of God, not as a person, but on account of his conduct and attitudes.

    Let’s go back to Genesis 25 to pick up the thread of the Middle Eastern conflict. In verses 29-34, we meet the twins at a later age. At this point, they are displaying characteristic traits still prevalent in their descendants to this day. Jacob cooks red lentil soup. Its aroma spreads far beyond, reaching the nostrils of a weary and hungry Esau. While Jacob occupies himself with matters close to home, Esau favors the life of the outdoors as a hunter. This occupation earns him the love of his father who delights in eating his game.

    Now Esau, returning from an exhaustive and perhaps unsuccessful hunting trip, smells the delicious aroma of the red lentil soup, and his soul craves it. He asks his brother Jacob to share some of his red soup. For this quest, he earns his nickname Edom, meaning red. Jacob, true to his pre-birth tendency, knows how to exploit such opportunities. He subtly demands, Sell me your birthright as of this day. To which Esau [Edom] replies, Look, I am about to die; so what profit shall this birthright be to me? Jacob presses further, knowing the shrewd subtlety his brother does equally possess. Swear to me as of this day, he demands of his brother, so he swore to him and sold his birthright to Jacob. And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils; then he ate and drank, arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.

    Et Voilá, as the French would say. Esau has committed the unpardonable sin of ingratitude and lack of appreciation for what God had to offer. He despised his birthright, having neither faith nor respect for the promises God made to his fathers. This was the point of no return. To this day Esau is still paying the penalty for such a contemptible attitude displayed 3900 years ago. The fate of the Middle East conflict and struggle, and other parts of the globe, as we shall see later, was sealed forever. From now on, the twins were to engage in a perpetual struggle for the inheritance offered by God to the patriarchs. The global scope of this dumbfounding loss of inheritance and the struggle for it, will be later unfolded in the following chapters.

    This was the reason the apostle Paul, as quoted earlier, sternly warned the Hebrews not to repeat such an unpardonable mistake. Some foolish acts can haunt us forever; they are without repentance, once committed. 3900 years of history and attitude of bloodshed is just one result of such an unforgivable act of the patriarch Esau. His weakness was as grave as that of Adam and Eve, earning his descendants bumper crops of blood, sweat, tears and destruction.

    What took place at that fatal ‘dinner’ forged a most powerful and far reaching drama, as well as a tragedy for faithless and spiteful Esau. Though Jacob, his brother, was deceitful in this deal, he was, nevertheless, most appreciative of the enormous grandeur of the birthright promises. He believed the Word of God and the promises He made to his grandfather Abraham, which was later passed on to his father Isaac. Such was not the case with Esau. He had no faith nor appreciation for what could have been his as a first-born. He despised the promises, yet he repeatedly attempted to win back the promises without seeking them rightly. He was not willing to submit to the conditions as were laid out by God. Instead, he repeatedly chose the way of violence and the sword to regain what was, to begin with, never promised to him.

    Such an attitude is still very dominant in his character today. It is the very reason for the perpetual state of conflict and struggle, of bloodshed and hatred, of envy and animosity against his brother Jacob. It could have been settled in peace long ago, but the ways of war permeated the nature of Esau. Fury and unabated hatred did flow in his veins, and they still do to this moment. Yes, Esau was bitter over the loss of ‘his’ birthright, as we shall see later more clearly. He despised what he thought should have been offered to him to begin with, and hated his brother who did receive it. Then through violence, he attempted to grab it from the legal owner-his younger brother. For engendering such an attitude, displayed from his mother’s womb, he earned the perpetual contempt and hatred of the God of his fathers. To this day, he is still paying for this defiant attitude against the God of his father Isaac.

    Let us go forward now to Genesis 27. Let us pick up the fascinating thread that has woven the intriguing tapestry of a turbulent history. Let us peek at the future panorama of a historic Middle Eastern choreography, which later did spill into other parts of the globe. Such conflict, ever boiling and reverberating at the constant sounds of the drums of war between the descendants of the struggling twins, is still haunting many to this day. September 11 and its aftermath is just another phase of this conflict, as we shall later see more clearly.

    The following epic in our violent story, will forcefully unfold before our eyes. It will unearth some of the first footprints of the present Middle Eastern’s bloody struggle and path of war-and it’s ultimate final solution. It will also unveil the root causes for of the global struggle for supremacy between two unlike peoples, as we shall see in Chapter Fourteen.

    The time has arrived for the patriarch Isaac to transfer his inherited divine promises to his son. He was the one chosen by God for some reason still unclear to Isaac. Isaac has reached the sunset of his life. His eyes were dim. His intent was to pass on the birthright to his son Esau. For unknown reasons, the message Rebekah received from God, before the birth of the twins, about the inheritance was not now on Isaac’s mind. Yet it was very much on the mind of Rebekah. By divine decree, the birthright was already slated to be passed on to Jacob. Not even Isaac could change that reality. It was not his to give, but God’s. Rebekah and Jacob were not at this point faithful enough to believe it. Instead, they took matters into their own hands. Some lessons still needed to be learned by, still, deceitful Jacob. And so we read on.

    Isaac called in his son Esau. He requested that he go out hunting, bring in his venison, cook it, and bring it to his father. After that, Isaac promised, he would pass on the blessings to Esau his firstborn. Rebekah went immediately into action, not trusting in God’s promise to fulfill His words concerning Jacob. She commanded her son Jacob to bring in two young goats so she could prepare it in the manner Isaac liked his meat. The purpose, of course, was to deceive Isaac into believing that Jacob is Esau, thereby obtaining the promises as his inheritance. Jacob protested mildly. Rebekah promised that if Isaac was to find out the matter and pronounce a curse instead of a blessing on Jacob, the responsibility will be hers. She promised to take the curse on herself. Jacob agreed. His mother dressed him in Esau’s cloths, and put on his smooth hands and neck the hair of the slain goats. This was a clever deception, true to the nature of her father, and later her son Jacob. It was a product of her unfaithfulness in God’s ability to perform His words.

    Let us now read the rest of the account of Genesis 27:18-40. "So he went to his father and said, ‘My father’, and he said, ‘Here I am. Who are you my son?’ And Jacob said to his father, ‘I am Esau your first born; [first lie] I have done just as you have told me; [second lie] please arise, and sit and eat of my game, that your soul may bless me.’ But Isaac said to his son, ‘How is it that you have found it so quickly, my son?’ And he said, ‘Because the Lord your God brought it to me’ [third lie]. Then Isaac said to Jacob, ‘Please come near, that I may feel you, my son, whether you are really my son Esau or not.’ So Jacob went near to Isaac his father, and he felt him and said, ‘The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.’ And he did not recognize him, because his hands were hairy like his brother Esau’s hands; so he blessed him.

    Then he said, ‘Are you really my son Esau?’ And he said ‘I am’ [fourth lie]. Then his father Isaac said to Jacob, ‘Come near now and kiss me, my son,’ and he came near and kissed him; and he smelled the smell of his clothing and blessed him and said: ‘Surely, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field which the Lord has blessed. Therefore, may God, [not me] give you of the dew of heaven, of the fatness of the earth, and plenty of grain and wine. Let peoples serve you and nations bow down to you [thus giving him world dominion, especially through the Messiah]. Be master over your brethren, and let your mother’s sons bow down to you [most humiliating for Esau]. Cursed be everyone who curses you [including Esau], and blessed be those who bless you! In its later magnified form, this divine blessing and birthright, now passed on to Jacob, was to shake the foundation of Esau’s soul. Let us read on!

    Then it happened as soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob had scarcely gone out from the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau, his brother, came in from his hunting. He made a savory food and brought it to his father, and said to his father, ‘Let my father arise and eat of his son’s game, that your soul may bless me.’ And his father Isaac said to him, ‘Who are you?’ And he said, ‘I am your son, your first born Esau.’ Then Isaac trembled exceedingly and said, ‘Who? Where is the one who hunted game and brought it to me? I ate all of it before you came and I have blessed him, and indeed he shall be blessed.’ At this point, Isaac understood it was of God, in spite of the deception, hence, he could not retract the blessing. Now notice the reaction of Esau! Up to now, he did not show much respect for his blessings. He was not willing to acknowledge his contempt for his birthright, when he sold it to Jacob.

    When Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with an exceedingly great and bitter cry and said to his father, ‘Bless me, even me also, oh my father!’ But he said, ‘Your brother came with deceit and has taken away your blessing’ [yet such act is of no value, unless God is willing to back it up, which he did]. And Esau said, ‘Is he not rightly named Jacob? For he has supplanted me these two times. [Esau is still unwilling to admit his part in the loss of his" birthright.] He took away my birthright [which is a lie], and now look, he has taken away my blessings!’

    Then Isaac answered and said to Esau, ‘Indeed I have made him your master [That is, God did. The profound significance of this statement will be fully realized when we shall discuss later the identity of Jacob and Esau in modern times. And so Isaac added], and all his brethren I have given him as servants; with grain and wine I have sustained him. What shall I do now for you, my son?’ And Esau said to his father, ‘have you only one blessing, my father? Bless me, even me also, O my father!’ And Esau lifted up his voice and wept.

    Obviously, by now, Esau had fully realized the enormity of his mistake and the vastness of the blessings. Nevertheless, he did not display any remorse, nor was he willing to admit any wrong doing. He was just sorry he got caught by his folly. Now it was too late, at least for the lion-share of the birthright. There was still a blessing God had in mind for Esau in spite of his conduct.

    According to the laws of inheritance, a first born receives a double portion of the inheritance, and the rest goes to the rest of the brothers. See Deuteronomy 21:15-17. Esau had still his portion coming, but not that of the first born. God was still merciful to him, though he did not appreciate it. Also, in Chapter 2:4-5,22 of Deuteronomy, we can read of the initial possession God gave to Esau. He was not left naked. Let’s read of the amazing nature of the blessing given to Esau by Isaac. Its impact on Middle Eastern history, and later world history, was to prove most profound.

    Then Isaac his father answered and said to him [under divine inspiration]; ‘Behold your dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above. By your sword you shall live and you shall serve your brother; and it shall come to pass, when you become restless, [Heb. text, JPS: When you shall break loose] that you shall break his yoke from your neck.’

    This most amazing prophecy, blessing, and history recorded in advance, did chart the course of history of the twins’ future descendants. It did forge the record of conflicts and struggles, as well as the nature of Esau and Jacob’s destiny and future. Unfortunately, most Bible scholars have erred in their attempts to assess correctly the true nature of the fulfillment of this divinely inspired prophecy. Before we attempt to reveal its true and proper interpretation through the Biblical record and history, let’s finish reading this account for the final point. In 27:41, we read: So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father blessed him, and Esau said in his heart, ‘The days of mourning of my father are at hand; then I will kill my brother Jacob.’

    The root of bitterness has entered Easu’s heart. It defiled his conscience with an ever burning and perpetual hatred. It filled him with the desire to murder his brother. As we shall see through the Biblical record, this attitude was to permeate Esau’s heart with the spirit of murder for the next 3700 years to this day. When we later reveal the identity of all the tribes of Israel in our day, we shall begin to fully comprehend why and what really happened on September 11 in the terror attack on America, and what is the link between Osama bin Laden and Edom. Only at that point we shall begin to understand what’s really motivating the minds of Bin Laden and all the members of the suicide terror groups. Esau’s rejection of God’s will concerning the birthright was a direct affront and an act of defiance against the Possessor of heaven and earth. In cursing Jacob, he was being cursed. In hating Jacob, he earned God’s hatred. In seeking to murder Jacob, he earned God’s perpetual wrath and promise to destroy him. Yet, he was never willing to acknowledge his error, nor allow his hatred to abate. This pattern of behavior shall be traced thoroughly, with its dire consequences and trail of bloody conflicts, through the Biblical record and the pages of a future war-torn history.

    Let’s now first analyze the blessings given to Jacob and Esau. In doing so, we shall gain a true perspective of the future history of both brothers. We shall also find its relevance to the present day Middle East scene, as well as the global struggle over the new world. The birthright was passed on to Jacob through a blessing. It was not given, as is commonly done,

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