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Volume 28, Number 2 January 20, 2019 www.Eastmont.


Presented by Kidz Choir

Sunday, February 3rd

* During the 10:30 am Service

A Look Inside ……...

From Your Junior Senior Women’s Ministry Pursue
Pastor Banquet GLO Conference
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From Your Pastor Children’s Ministry
Mike Northcutt - Jeremy Lynch -

We are still in need of loving adults (males too) during

When you love deeply, you will live differently. Washing Preschool Worship once a month at the 10:30 am service.
windows is not my ideal activity on a rare day off. But
when my wife mentions she prefers clean windows, I 1st Sunday Bed Babies - Thank you Mary Jane Holley &
gladly help. Why would God leave eternity, be born in a Linda Blocker
stable, and eventually give His life for us on a cross? He 1st Sunday 2 Year Olds - 1 volunteer
loves us deeply. By the way, loving you is not just what 2nd Sunday 2 Year Olds - 1 volunteer
God does, it is who He is. 3rd Sunday Toddlers & 2 Year Olds - 2 volunteers
3rd Sunday 4 Year Olds - 1 volunteer
Once again you have demonstrated your deep love for
4th Sunday Bed Babies & 2 year olds - 2 volunteers
Christ and his church. Thanks to God’s blessings and your
2nd Sunday Toddlers - 2 volunteers @ 8:10 service
generosity, we exceeded our Lottie Moon Mission Offer-
ing. Though all of this offering goes to missionaries (none Sunday Morning Teacher/Coordinator Meetings
of it stays here), we will still be blessed by God for such Breakfast @ 8 AM, Room 313. This is a vital Team Meeting
generosity. Love deeply - live differently. that builds unity and provides insight into our growth. Our
upcoming meetings: Jan. Feb. 3rd, March 10, April 7
Our students will be on Winter Retreat this weekend. I
sometimes call these a “Winter Advance” instead of re- Basketball - K– 3rd 6:00 pm @ Eastern Hills Baptist.
treat. We often hear God’s call when we are in a different 4th - 6th grade on Saturdays @ True Divine. K - 2nd grade
situation. I did. It was fifty years ago I heard God’s call to practice on Sunday @ 4:00 pm.
ministry while on a Winter Retreat (Advance). Bible Drill - Sundays @ 4:00 pm in Fellowship Hall
An exhausted housewife told her doctor about her hus- Alabama Bible Drill Retreat @ Shocco Springs Jan. 25 - 26
band’s loud snoring. “Does he keep you awake?,” the Cost: $60. Deadline to register is January 21st
doctor asked. “Not just me,” she replied. “He keeps the
Children’s Mission Explosion - February 9th @ FBC
entire church awake.” One of my tasks as a pastor is to
Prattville. For GA girls grades 1-6. Cost is $10 and includes
keep the church spiritually awake. Over time a church can
transportation, lunch and t-shirt. Sign up through GAs.
settle into a dull routine. We start doing church instead of
being the church. We are not like that, but it is good to be Eastmont Pinewood Derby - February 10th
on guard. Following 10:30 service. Lunch provided.
Home Improvement Weekend is going to be great. Every Associational Pinewood Derby - February 3rd @ Dalraida
generation will be guided, challenged and inspired. I hope Baptist Church, 1:30 pm
you are praying and expecting God to strengthen your
Senior Adult Ministry
My mother once told me how she grew up with a dirt Billy Dickey -
front yard. Whenever special company would come by
she and her sisters would have to rake the yard with tree Forever Young
branches to make it look smooth. I remember saying to Tuesday, February 19
her, “But mom, it was just dirt.” She nodded in agree- 10:00am in room 205
ment and said, “But it was nice looking dirt.” She then Our special guest will be Cleve Mallory
pointed to my cluttered, messy room and said, “Keep it Covered dish lunch to follow.
nice.” Christ enables anyone to be more and better than
Junior/ Senior Banquet
what we are. Truth is, Jesus not only makes us nice, He
February 12 – 6pm Fellowship Hall
also makes us new.
$10 per person – Reservations Required
Over the holiday, several of you lost loved ones. My heart Roast beef, mashed potatoes /gravy, field peas, salad and
goes out to you. Two of these precious saints from East- desert (Meal catered by Gail’s Down the Street)
mont were Linda Parham and Annie Hodnett. Both had Please contact Ashley in church office no later than Feb-
been sick for a while, but were able to attend Eastmont ruary 5th to make your reservation. “Elvis” will be in the
just days prior to passing. They were faithful to the finish. building. Questions contact Billy Dickey
I am also proud of the love and support this church shows
to one another. Because you love deeply you also live
Sympathy to...
• The family of Annie Hodnett who passed away on
December 30, 2018.
Page 2
Student Ministry Music & Worship Ministries
Cleve Mallory - Lance Maddox—


Join us Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. in January for our mes- We are beginning preparations for The Montgomery
sage series, "SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES: Following Christ in Passion Play. Get in touch with the Music and Worship
my Daily Life." Office if you are interested in being a part of the drama,
WINTER RETREAT choir or orchestra for this wonderful Easter Program.
The Strength to Stand Conference is January 19-21. Those STUDENT CHOIR
attending will leave Saturday at 6:00 a.m. Call Cleve or Student Choir rehearses every Sunday at 4PM in the
Karen with any inquiries. choir suite.
Wednesday, February 6, the student ministry will prepare February 10, 12-4
and serve a special Family Pancake Supper with dona- Meet in the Choir Suite for pizza and “battle of the
tions helping offset the cost of the Summer mission trip. bands”. Whether you play an instrument, want to or
DISCIPLE NOW WEEKEND just come hang out.... everyone is welcome!
DNow Weekend is February 15-17. The cost for the Students Lead Worship
weekend is $40. Registration is officially open February 17
online. Check the student ministry website and Facebook Our students band and choir will lead worship in the
page for registration link. 8:10 and 10:30 services.
June 23-29, 2019, the student ministry will travel to St. Kidz Choir Lock-In
Louis, Missouri, to partner with Street Reach St. Lou- Friday, February 1-2
is. The cost is $300 per person. Registration will open this 1st-6th Grade children will meet at the church Friday
month. night, February 1, for fun and our final rehearsal for
College & Career Ministry Come support our children as they present PARABLE-
Gene Kim - LOOZA on Feb 3 at 10:30. Both preschool and 1st-6th
Grade Choirs will perform in this service. The children
Pursue Conference and leaders have worked hard and it will be a blessing!
Feb. 22-23. Collegiate conference hosted by Eastmont.
Topic: Tell the Story Women’s Ministry
Puerto Rico Mission Trip
March 8-15. Campus outreach and disaster relief. Cost G.L.O (Girls Lunch Out)
Saturday, February 9th ~ 11 AM ~ Fellowship Hall
TBD. Contact Gene for more info. Women will be split into groups of 6-8 to go for lunch at
Mosaic various restaurants in Montgomery (Dutch treat).
Will be on the last Sunday night of each month. Meets at This is a fun way to make new friends and get to know
Cloverdale Baptist at 8pm. First meeting Jan. 27. the amazing women at Eastmont.
Home Groups
Begins Thursday Jan. 24 at 7pm at the Kim’s house (4023 Miscellaneous
Johnstown Dr). Study will be Letters to the Church by Fran-
cis Chan. Thank you notes received by the church are displayed on
the bulletin board outside the church office.
Missions Thursday Morning Bible Study
Lottie Moon Offering 10:00 am—11:30 am Room 112
Thank you for your generous and sacrificial giving to- Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
ward the Lottie Moon offering. For the first time in Workbooks are $20. For more information or to order a
many years, our church surpassed the Hallelujah goal of book call Marge Korb @ 833-2392.
$40,000! Even as the offering ends, please continue to Church Family Ministry
offer your prayers to our missionaries (including Jamie & Our fund to assist our church family with financial needs
Lauren Buckley) serving all across the world. Let’s hold is depleted. Please consider making a donation by desig-
the rope as they go down into the well! nating “Family Ministry” on your offering envelope.
Page 3
The Encourager Periodicals Postage
Eastmont Baptist Church Paid
Montgomery, AL
4505 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36109
The Encourager USPS No. 018-816 is published and mailed
bi-weekly by Eastmont Baptist Church, 4405 Atlanta Highway,
Montgomery, AL 36109. Postmaster: Send address changes to
Encourager, 4405 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109.


January 23, 2019
Sunday, January 20 Sunday, January 27 Baked Chicken, Green Beans, Yellow Rice, Salad, Dessert & Drink
8:10 AM Worship Service 8:10 AM Worship Service $5/Adult $2/Children (Max. $15/family)
9:20 AM LifeGroups 9:20 AM LifeGroups January 30, 2019
10:30 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM Worship Service Hamburgers, French Fries, Baked Beans, Salad, Dessert & Drink
5:00 PM Discipleship 5:00 PM Discipleship $5/Adult $2/Children (Max. $15/family)
Wednesday, January 23 Wednesday, January 30
5:00 PM Wednesday Night Meal 5:00 PM Wednesday Night Meal WEEKLY GIVING
6:00 PM Adult Choir 6:00 PM Adult Choir
December 30, 2018 January 6, 2019
Orchestra Practice Orchestra Practice
General Budget General Budget
6:15 PM Timeout (youth) 6:15 PM Timeout (youth)
$68,717.51 $38,941 .50
Mission Groups Mission Groups
Emergency Fund Emergency Fund
Prayer Meeting Prayer Meeting
$1,305.00 $2,010.00
Thursday, January 24 Thursday, January 31
Lottie Moon Mission Offering - $43,680.68
10:00 AM Bible Study 10:00 AM Bible Study


BUILDING LOCK UP January 6, 2019 January 13, 2019

Preschool……………….…...73 Preschool……………….…...60
January 20, 2019 January 27, 2019 Children……………….……..67 Children……………….……..71
Julian Prince & Richard Cartwright Joe Torrillo & Lyndol Williamson
Students…………….……….67 Students…………….……….70
Adults……………….………524 Adults……………….………480
Total………………….……..731 Total………………….……..631
January 20, 2019 January 27, 2019
Mark Luker - 271-2423 Bobby Edmond - 398-3208

Office: (334) 277-6300 Fax: (334) 277-6322 Careline: (334) 277-6384 Prayer Room: (334) 277-8876
Email: Website: Facebook: Twitter: @eastmontbaptist

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