Guru Paduka Mantra
Guru Paduka Mantra
Guru Paduka Mantra
Mahpduk is worshipping iva, who initiated Parakti during Kr ita yuga (3,893,114 years ago from
2013-14, spreading across four yuga-s). Following is the Mahpduk mantra.
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om ai hr r ai kl sauh ai glau hskhphre hasaksamalavaray hsauh
sahaksamalavay auh rvidynandanthtmaka carynandantha rmahpaduk pjaymi
(tarpaymi)* namah
* tarpaymi is used only during navvarana pj.
This is followed by the revelation of Guru pduk mantras. There are three mantras, one for
Paramest higuru (paramest hi means superior), who is Gurus Gurus Guru. The next mantra is for
Paramaguru (Gurus Guru), a little lower than Parames t higuru and last one is for svaguru or rguru
(initiating Guru). At the time of entering into r Vidy lineage, dks nma is given to the disciple. Thus,
all the three Gurus will have their own dks
nma-s and they are worshipped only with dks nma-s and
not by their names. Dks name should not be revealed to others and is meant to pay respects to ones
Guru. Generally, all dks nma-s end with nandantha, which is suffixed to his dks nma comprising
of three or four letters (this is a general rule and exceptions can be made). For example prka, vimara
(, Prknandantha, Vimarnandantha), etc. For women disciples dks nma-s
amb (). For
Kmevaryb (, ), etc. The lineage of rguru is revealed to the disciple only at the
time of initiation and not before.
Following are the Guru pduk mantras for Parames t higuru, Paramaguru and rguru (ones own Guru).
1. Paramest higuru:
----- (dks name of Paramest higuru)
om ai hr r ai kl sauh hasah ivah soha hasah hkhphre hasaksamalavaray
hsauh sahaksamalavaray auh hasah ivah soha hasah svtmrmapacara vilnatejase
rparamest hi gurave namah ----- (dks name of Paramest higuru) nandantha rpduk pjaymi
(tarpaymi) namah ||
2. Paramaguru
----- (dks name of Paramaguru)
om ai hr r ai kl sauh soha hasah ivah hkhphre hasaksamalavaray hsauh
sahaksamalavaray auh soha hasah ivah svacchapraka vimarahetave r paramagurave
namah ----- (dks name of Paramaguru) nandantha rpduk pjaymi (tarpaymi) namah ||
3. rguru
----- (dks name of rguru)
om ai hr r ai kl sauh hasah ivah soha hkhphre hasaksamalavaray hsauh
sahaksamalavaray auh hasah ivah soha svarpa nirpana hetave rgurave namah ----(dks name of rguru) nandantha rpduk pjaymi (tarpaymi) namah ||