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Devi Mahatmayam
Devi Mahatmayam
Devi Mahatmayam
Ebook279 pages1 hour

Devi Mahatmayam

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About this ebook

Devi Mahatmayam is a seven hundred mantra story describing victory of the Goddess over Asuras representing conquest and freedom from tamsik Maha Kali (Ch 1), rajsik Maha Lakshmi (Ch 2-4) and satvik Maha Saraswati (Ch 5-13) human tendencies.

Awaken from your tamas foolish lethargy,

Purify the mind and remove all negativities;

Cultivate rajas - virtues, wealth earnestly,

Gain sattva wisdom - transcend limits truly.

Spiritual practice of Sadhaka, to face readily,

Tamas, Rajas and Sattva by stages gradually;

Devi-Mahatmayam - meaning for spirituality,

With control, strength, wisdom to freedom lastly!

After the slaying of these three basic qualities,

Dawn dawns, comes ‘Dussehra’ – final victory;

Devi-Mahatmayam or Durga Saptashati story,

Showing the path of life for whole of humanity.

Then on to Dushmi, the tenth day finally,

When one is freed gets salvation totally,

From tamas, rajjas, sattva qualities,

Does the Dussehra dawn unfailingly.

Release dateMay 3, 2022
Devi Mahatmayam

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    Devi Mahatmayam - Munindra Misra


    Devi Mahatmayam, also known as Durga Saptashati, Sri Chandi or Saptashati, is from Markandeya Mahapuran. Devi Mahatmayam literally means 'Glory of the Goddess'.

    This seven hundred mantra story describes the victory of the Goddess over Asuras - representing conquest and freedom from tamsik Maha Kali (Chapter 1), rajsik Maha Lakshmi (Chapters 2-4) and satvik Maha Saraswati (Chapters 5-13) human tendencies.

    The Devi - Goddess, personified as one supreme Goddess and many goddesses, confronts the demons within us - representing the field of human consciousness within each person.

    The Asuras – her adversaries represent the all-too-human impulses arising from the pursuit of power, possessions, pleasure and from the illusions of self-importance.

    In reality, herein are defined the primary human tendencies – passions, wealth and even goodness. Only when all the acts are preformed unaffected by these primary tendencies and the act itself is dedicated to the Lord, the final liberation comes and the real elixir of life is tasted.

    ॥अथ श्रीदुर्गासप्तशती॥

    Durga Saptashati Katha

    Durga Saptashati divided into three parts clearly,

    First slaying of Madhu and Kaitabha by Vishnu be,

    - 1 -

    Second slaying of Mahishasur by Mahamaya be,

    Thirdly slaying of Shumbha and Nishumbha finally.

    - 2 -

    Devi Kali, Lakshmi, Saraswati the three steps be,

    Of Tamas, Rajas, Sattva represented accordingly,

    - 3 -

    Tamas is a brick-wall, preventing vision completely,

    Rajas is a blowing wind tossing but indiscriminately.

    - 4 -

    So suck root of desires not chop its branches only,

    The dirt is in form of Kama, Krodha and Lobha really.

    - 5 -

    It is the desire and anger born of Rajas indisputably,

    Sattva a plain glass, through which you see Reality.

    - 6 -

    It is after the slaying of all these three actually,

    Does dawn freedom, awareness of truth finally.

    - 7 -

    Ten heads lust, anger, delusion, greed, pride, envy,

    The mind, intellect, will  and the ego  to remove be.

    - 8 -

    So by removing tamas, rajas, sattav completely,

    Deshehra, freedom comes - God realization be.

    - 9 -

    Or ego, attachment, regret, anger, fear, jealousy,

    Hatred, greed, lust and insensitivity  rid completely.

    - 10 -


    The term ‘guṇa’ in the hoary sacred text does be,

    As in the Mahabharat and Bhagwat Puran clearly.

    - 11 -

    Term for the five elements, mahabhutas, surely,

    Also five senses, five associated parts of body.

    - 12 -

    Akasha or space, associated with sound and ear be,

    Vayu or air, associated with feeling and skin does be.

    - 13 -

    Tejas, Agni or fire, linked with appearance and eye be.

    Apas, Jala or water, associated with taste and tongue be.

    - 14 -

    Prithivi or earth, associated with all preceding guṇas be,

    As well as ‘guṇa gandha’ or smell and with the nose be.

    - 15 -

    Three Qualities

    All worldly qualities have been identified clearly,

    As three basic gunas - tamas, rajas, sattva surely.

    - 16 -

    Tamas darkness, Rajas passion, Sattva goodness be,

    Sattwa, Rajas, Tamas together called three qualities.

    - 17 -

    Tamas quality is controlled by the Maha-devi Kali,

    Rajas by Laxshmi Devi, sattva by Saraswati Devi.

    - 18 -

    ‘Tamas’ guna is inertia, ‘rajas’ but activity does be,

    ‘Sattva’ guna transcendence most certainly truly.

    - 19 -

    Without all these three there is no physical entity,

    Not a single atom is free of these dimensions truly.

    - 20 -

    They of certain static nature, vibrancy and energy,

    Without them nothing is together – breaks surely.

    - 21 -

    You will be asleep all the time if its ‘tamas’ only,

    Just rajas - only relax; just sattva - you gone be.

    - 22 -

    So all three qualities present in everything but be,

    It is just to what extent you mix these things finally.

    - 23 -

    The nine days of Navaratri – prayer for the Devi,

    Classified they as to three basic qualities do be.

    - 24 -

    We have the ability to alter guna levels willfully,

    Controlling them bringing awareness consciously.

    - 25 -

    Tamas is just a state of inertia of but inactivity,

    The state of gratification of the five senses only.

    - 26 -

    Tamas symbolized by darkness, ignorance be,

    Distracting humans from spiritual growth clearly.

    - 27 -

    To reduce tamas avoid ‘tamsik’ foods readily,

    As onions, garlic, – with natural steroids plainly.

    - 28 -

    Meats, food: stale, processed, treated chemically,

    Excess emotion, sleep, eating, inactivity, passivity.

    - 29 -

    Rajas is a state of the energy, change and activity,

    Binding to efforts ensuing longing, attachment truly.

    - 30 -

    To cut rajas avoid rajasik food stimulant, fried, spicy,

    Extreme - exercise, work, music, thinking, desire truly.

    - 31 -

    Sattva state of intelligence, balance, contentment be,

    Reduces rajas, tamas - so enlightenment possible be.

    - 32 -

    Sattvik food, action begets positive thinking, bliss truly,

    Yogic practices create ‘sattva’ in the mind and body.

    - 33 -

    Sattvik foods whole grains, pulses, lentils be surely,

    Fresh fruits, vegetables that grow above ground only.

    - 34 -

    Practice of yoga, controlling desire and wants truly,

    With a yogic lifestyle will lead to ‘sattva’ undoubtedly.

    - 35 -

    Bhagwat Gita

    Tri-guna appears in discourse of Krishna prominently,

    To Arjun upon the battlefield of Kurukshetra clearly;

    - 36 -

    That the backdrop for the Bhagwat Gita surely be,

    All three gunas are held to delude the world clearly:

    - 37 -

    त्रिभिर्गुणमयैर्भावैरेभिः सर्वमिदं जगत्।

    मोहितं नाभिजानाति मामेभ्यः परमव्ययम्॥ ७.१३॥

    tribhirguṇamayairbhāvairebhiḥ sarvamidaṁ jagat |

    mohitaṁ nābhijānāti māmebhyaḥ paramavyayam || 7.13||

    World deluded by these Three Gunas does not know Me:

    Who beyond these Gunas and imperishable does but be.


    - 38 –


    All our desires are desires of the soul, ultimately.

    Though they look like desires mental or sensory;

    - 39 -

    Desires intellectual, social etc., but they all be,

    Soul’s longing through mind and senses activity.

    - 40 -

    Our longings an inward urge for freedom does be,

    It is just freedom that we all ask for repeatedly;

    - 41 -

    The longings and enterprises soul's aspiration be,

    The aspiration for liberation of the human but be.

    - 42 -

    All longings the essence for real liberation only,

    Freedom from all sides, an ultimate supremacy;

    - 43 -

    Supremacy over self in realisation of freedom be,

    Devi-Mahatmayam describes this march unmistakably.

    - 44 -

    March of the soul to its destination unquestionably,

    Realisation of this freedom, the dramatic aspect be;

    - 45 -

    Of worshiping the Divine Mother during Navaratri,

    The march is dramatic, not crawling undoubtedly.

    - 46 -

    This march beautiful, resonant, musical advent be,

    This is the beauty of the Devi-Mahatmayam certainly;

    - 47 -

    All Epics have grandeur, uplifting the emotions fully,

    Taming the intellect of who goes through them truly.

    - 48 -

    Devi-Mahatmayam part of Markandeya Puran be,

    With thirteen chapters in three sections actually;

    - 49 -

    The sections known as Prathama Charitra initially,

    Then Madhyama Charitra, Uttama Charitra finally.

    - 50 -

    The march of soul into three major steps but be,

    As we rise, three points or halting spots there do be;

    - 51 -

    Where full change of outlook, attitude, constitution be,

    Threefold transformations of the spiritual being be.

    - 52 -

    These transformations of aspiring soul dominated be,

    By Devi Maha-Kali, Maha-Lakshmi and Maha-Saraswati;

    - 53 -

    They presiding forces of the powers of the spirit do be,

    Manifesting in upward ascent to freedom ultimately.

    - 54 -

    Consciously we are related in a particular manner plainly,

    Subconsciously we are related in another manner clearly;

    - 55 -

    Consciously, we have a relationship in immediate vicinity,

    But subconsciously it differs and they both need not tally.

    - 56 -

    Our relationship more akin to a unity of life actually

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