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Calyx Ritual and Setting of the Wards (Hellenistic Qabalistic Cross and LBRP)

The Calyx comes from the teachings of the Ogdoadic tradition. Similar to the work of the Golden
Dawn, the Ogdoadic tradition places emphasis on Hellenistic mysticism instead of the Kemetic forms
employed y the Golden Dawn. Here is one of the most asic rites, the Calyx, Greek for !Shell or
C"p,# the root of the $nglish !Chalice.# The energy raised in this rite fills yo" "p, hence the imagery of
the c"p. The rit"al has een modified from the original presented y Denning % &hillips.
'n Greek(
T"rn and face the $ast
)is"ali*e a rilliant flame ao+e yo"r crown, a pillar of scarlet light to yo"r right, a pillar of l"e light
to yo"r left, standing "pon a l"mino"s lack or.
,ring yo"r arm "p slightly ao+e yo"r head and intone(
&oint towards yo"r feet, hand at yo"r groin, and intone(
! #
Stretch o"t yo"r right arm and intone(
! #
Stretch o"t yo"r left arm and intone(
! #
,ring yo"r o"tstretched arms together, crossed o+er yo"r chest and intone(
! #
,ow at the waist when yo" intone(
Trace a anishing &entagram of -ire in the $ast, intoning(
Trace a anishing &entagram of $arth in the .orth, intoning(
Trace a anishing &entagram of /ater in the /est, intoning(
Trace a anishing &entagram of 0ir in the So"th, intoning(
1et"rn to the $ast and o"tstretch yo"r arms to the sides, intoning(
! , #
! ,
! , #
! , #
! , #
1epeat the Calyx as descried ao+e
See the light of the pentagrams at each 2"arter flare "p aro"nd yo", intoning(
! #
3ikewise, within yo"r heart see a hexagram light4"p and shine rightly
! #
/ith $nglish Transliteration(
T"rn and face the $ast
)is"ali*e a rilliant flame ao+e yo"r crown, a pillar of scarlet light to yo"r right, a pillar of l"e light
to yo"r left, standing "pon a l"mino"s lack or.
,ring yo"r arm "p slightly ao+e yo"r head and intone(
&oint towards yo"r feet, hand at yo"r groin, and intone(
!E B!SLE!#
Stretch o"t yo"r right arm and intone(
!"! E #$%!&S#
Stretch o"t yo"r left arm and intone(
!"! E #'(!#
,ring yo"r o"tstretched arms together, crossed o+er yo"r chest and intone(
!ES )'$S !'%!S#
,ow at the waist when yo" intone(
Trace a anishing &entagram of -ire in the $ast, intoning(
Trace a anishing &entagram of $arth in the .orth, intoning(
Trace a anishing &entagram of /ater in the /est, intoning(
Trace a anishing &entagram of 0ir in the So"th, intoning(
1et"rn to the $ast and o"tstretch yo"r arms to the sides, intoning(
!BR'S)! &'$. &*"H!*EL#
!PS' &'$. ,!*BR*EL#
!S)! #E(! &'$. R!*PH!*EL#
!S)! !%S)ER! &'$. '$*R*EL#
!P!%' &'$. !'#
1epeat the Calyx as descried ao+e
See the light of the pentagrams at each 2"arter flare "p aro"nd yo", intoning(
!,! &E%! "!E )' PE%)!LPH!#
3ikewise, within yo"r heart see a hexagram light4"p and shine rightly
!&ES! &'$ L!&PE )' E(!,R!&&!#
/ith $nglish Translation(
T"rn and face the $ast
)is"ali*e a rilliant flame ao+e yo"r crown, a pillar of scarlet light to yo"r right, a pillar of l"e light
to yo"r left, standing "pon a l"mino"s lack or.
,ring yo"r arm "p slightly ao+e yo"r head and intone(
!)H'$ !R)#
&oint towards yo"r feet, hand at yo"r groin, and intone(
!)HE "%,#'&#
Stretch o"t yo"r right arm and intone(
!!%# )HE P'WER#
Stretch o"t yo"r left arm and intone(
!!%# )HE ,L'R/#
,ring yo"r o"tstretched arms together, crossed o+er yo"r chest and intone(
!$%)' )HE !,ES#
,ow at the waist when yo" intone(
!) S S'#
Trace a anishing &entagram of -ire in the $ast, intoning(
!"H'*+*"$P# 5Daemon of -ire6
Trace a anishing &entagram of $arth in the .orth, intoning(
!)HEL*E,*'R# 5Daemon of $arth6
Trace a anishing &entagram of /ater in the /est, intoning(
!"S!*-'*%$)# 5Daemon of /ater6
Trace a anishing &entagram of 0ir in the So"th, intoning(
!PHE*#E*&'S# 5Daemon of 0ir6
1et"rn to the $ast and o"tstretch yo"r arms to the sides, intoning(
!BE0'RE &E. WH' S L"E ,'##
!BEH%# &E. ) S ,'# WH' HE!LS#
!'% &/ R,H). ,'# S &/ S)RE%,)H#
!'% &/ LE0). ,'# S &/ L,H)#
!!B'+E &E. )HE %!&E '0 ,'##
1epeat the Calyx as descried ao+e
See the light of the pentagrams at each 2"arter flare "p aro"nd yo", intoning(
!!B'$) &E 0L!&ES )HE PE%)!,R!&#
3ikewise, within yo"r heart see a hexagram light4"p and shine rightly
!W)H% &E SH%ES )HE HE(!,R!&#

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