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Viii - Villanueva Vs JBC

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Republic of the Philippines

Baguio City
G.R. No. 211833

April 7, 2015

FERDINAND R. VILLANUEVA, Presiding Judge, MCTC, Compostela-New Bataan, Compostela

Valley Province, Petitioner,
Presiding Judge Ferdinand R. Villanueva (petitioner) directly came to this Court via a Petition for
Prohibition, Mandamus, and Certiorari, and Declaratory Relief under Rules 65 and 63 of the Rules
of Court, respectively, with prayer for the issuance of a temporary restraining order and/or writ of
preliminary injunction, to assail the policy of the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC), requiring five years
of service as judges of first-level courts before they can qualify as applicant to second-level courts,
on the ground that it is unconstitutional, and was issued with grave abuse of discretion.

The Facts
The petitioner was appointed on September 18, 2012 as the Presiding Judge of the Municipal Circuit
Trial Court, Compostela-New Bataan, Poblacion, Compostela Valley Province, Region XI, which is a
first-level court. On September 27,2013, he applied for the vacant position of Presiding Judge in the
following Regional Trial Courts (RTCs): Branch 31, Tagum City; Branch 13, Davao City; and Branch
6, Prosperidad, Agusan Del Sur.
In a letter dated December 18, 2013, JBCs Office of Recruitment, Selection and Nomination,
informed the petitioner that he was not included in the list of candidates for the said stations. On the
same date, the petitioner sent a letter, through electronic mail, seeking reconsideration of his noninclusion in the list of considered applicants and protesting the inclusion of applicants who did not
pass the prejudicature examination.

The petitioner was informed by the JBC Executive Officer, through a Letter dated February 3, 2014,
that his protest and reconsideration was duly noted by the JBC en banc. However, its decision not to
include his name in the list of applicants was upheld due to the JBCs long-standing policy of
opening the chance for promotion to second-level courts to, among others, incumbent judges who
have served in their current position for at least five years, and since the petitioner has been a judge
only for more than a year, he was excluded from the list. This caused the petitioner to take recourse
to this Court.

In his petition, he argued that: (1) the Constitution already prescribed the qualifications of an RTC

protection and due process clauses of the Constitution; and (3)
judge, and the JBC could add no more; (2) the JBCs five-year requirement violates the

the JBCs five-year requirement violates the constitutional provision on Social Justice and Human

Rights for Equal Opportunity of Employment. The petitioner also asserted that the requirement of the
Prejudicature Program mandated by Section 10 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8557 should not be
merely directory and should be fully implemented. He further alleged that he has all the qualifications
for the position prescribed by the Constitution and by Congress, since he has already complied with
the requirement of 10 years of practice of law.

In compliance with the Courts Resolution dated April 22, 2014, the JBC and the Office of the
Solicitor General (OSG) separately submitted their Comments. Summing up the arguments of the
JBC and the OSG, they essentially stated that the petition is procedurally infirm and that the assailed
policy does not violate the equal protection and due process clauses. They posited that: (1) the writ
of certiorari and prohibition cannot issue to prevent the JBC from performing its principal function
under the Constitution to recommend appointees to the Judiciary because the JBC is not a tribunal
exercising judicial or quasi-judicial function; (2) the remedy of mandamus and declaratory relief will
not lie because the petitioner has no clear legal right that needs to be protected; (3) the equal
protection clause is not violated because the classification of lower court judges who have served at
least five years and those who have servedless than five years is valid as it is performance and
experience based; and (4) there is no violation of due process as the policy is merely internal in

The Issue
The crux of this petition is whether or not the policy of JBC requiring five years of service as judges
of first-level courts before they can qualify as applicant to second-level courts is constitutional.
Ruling of the Court
Procedural Issues:
Before resolving the substantive issues, the Court considers it necessary to first determine whether
or not the action for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus, and declaratory relief commenced by the
petitioner was proper.
One. The remedies of certiorari and prohibition are tenable. "The present Rules of Court uses two
special civil actions for determining and correcting grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction. These are the special civil actions for certiorari and prohibition, and both are
governed by Rule 65." As discussed in the case of Maria Carolina P. Araullo, etc., et al. v. Benigno
Simeon C. Aquino III, etc., et al., this Court explained that:


With respect to the Court, however, the remedies of certiorari and prohibition are necessarily broader
in scope and reach, and the writ of certiorari or prohibition may be issued to correct errors of
jurisdiction committed not only by a tribunal, corporation, board or officer exercising judicial, quasijudicial or ministerial functions but also to set right, undo and restrain any act of grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction by any branch or instrumentality of the
Government, even if the latter does not exercise judicial, quasi-judicial or ministerial functions. This
application is expressly authorized by the text of the second paragraph of Section 1, supra.
Thus, petitions for certiorari and prohibition are appropriate remedies to raise constitutional issues
and to review and/or prohibit or nullify the acts of legislative and executive officials. (Citation

In this case, it is clear that the JBC does not fall within the scope of a tribunal, board, or officer
exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions. In the process of selecting and screening applicants,
the JBC neither acted in any judicial or quasi-judicial capacity nor assumed unto itself any
performance of judicial or quasi-judicial prerogative. However, since the formulation of guidelines
and criteria, including the policy that the petitioner now assails, is necessary and incidental to the
exercise of the JBCs constitutional mandate, a determination must be made on whether the JBC
has acted with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in issuing and
enforcing the said policy.
Besides, the Court can appropriately take cognizance of this case by virtue of the Courts power of

the power of
supervision is the power of oversight, or the
authority to see that subordinate officers
perform their duties. It ensures that the laws and the rules governing the
supervision over the JBC. Jurisprudence provides that

conduct of a government entity are observed and complied with. Supervising officials see to it that
rules are followed, but they themselves do not lay down such rules, nor do they have the discretion
to modify or replace them. If the rules are not observed, they may order the work done or redone,
but only to conform to such rules. They may not prescribe their own manner of execution of the act.
They have no discretion on this matter except to see to it that the rules are followed.

the supervisory authority of the

Court over the JBC is to see to it that the JBC
complies with its own rules and procedures. Thus,
when the policies of the JBC are being attacked, then the Court, through its
supervisory authority over the JBC, has the duty to inquire about the matter
Following this definition,

and ensure that the JBC complies with its own rules.
Two. The remedy of mandamus cannot be availed of by the petitioner in assailing JBCs policy. The
petitioner insisted that mandamus is proper because his right was violated when he was not included
in the list of candidates for the RTC court she applied for. He said that his non-inclusion in the list of
candidates for these stations has caused him direct injury.

issuance of a writ of mandamus that

the applicant should have a clear legal right to the
It is essential to the

thing demanded and it must be the imperative duty of the respondent to perform the act
required. The petitioner bears the burden to show that there is such a clear legal right to the
performance of the act, and a corresponding compelling duty on the part of the respondent to

mandamus, as an extraordinary writ, lies only to

compel an officer to perform a ministerial duty, not
perform the act. The remedy of

a discretionary one. Clearly, the use of discretion and the performance of a ministerial act are
mutually exclusive.

The writ of mandamus does not issue to control or review the exercise of discretion or to compel a
course of conduct, which, it quickly seems to us, was what the petitioner would have the JBC do in
his favor. The function of the JBC to select and recommend nominees for vacant judicial positions is
discretionary, not ministerial. More so, the petitioner cannot claim any legal right to be included in the
list of nominees for judicial vacancies. Possession of the constitutional and statutory qualifications
for appointment to the judiciary may not be used to legally demand that ones name be included in
the list of candidates for a judicial vacancy. Ones inclusion in the list of the candidates depends on
the discretion of the JBC, thus:
The fact that an individual possesses the constitutional and statutory qualifications for appointment
to the Judiciary does not create an entitlement or expectation that his or her name be included in the
list of candidates for a judicial vacancy. By submitting an application or accepting a recommendation,
one submits to the authority of the JBC to subject the former to the search, screening, and selection
process, and to use its discretion in deciding whether or not one should be included in the list.
Indeed, assuming that if one has the legal right to be included in the list of candidates simply
because he or she possesses the constitutional and statutory qualifications, then the application
process would then be reduced to a mere mechanical function of the JBC; and the search,
screening, and selection process would not only be unnecessary, but also improper. However, this is
clearly not the constitutional intent. Ones inclusion in the list of candidates is subject to the
discretion of the JBC over the selection of nominees for a particular judicial post. Such candidates
inclusion is not, therefore, a legally demandable right, but simply a privilege the conferment of which
is subject to the JBCs sound discretion.
Moreover, petitioner is essentially seeking a promotional appointment, that is, a promotion from a
first-level court to a second level court. There is no law, however, that grants him the right to a
promotion to second-level courts. (Emphasis in the original)

Clearly, to be included as an applicant to second-level judge is not properly compellable by

mandamus inasmuch as it involves the exercise of sound discretion by the JBC.

An action for
declaratory relief should be filed by a person
interested under a deed, a will, a contract or other written instrument, and
Three. The petition for declaratory relief is improper. "

whose rights are affected by a statute, an executive order, a regulation or an ordinance. The relief
sought under this remedy includes the interpretation and determination of the validity of the written
instrument and the judicial declaration of the parties rights or duties thereunder." "[T]he purpose of
the action is to secure an authoritative statement of the rights and obligations of the parties under a
statute, deed, contract, etc., for their guidance in its enforcement or compliance and not to settle
issues arising from its alleged breach."


In this case, the petition for declaratory relief did not involve an unsound policy. Rather, the petition
specifically sought a judicial declaration that the petitioner has the right to be included in the list of

Again, the
Court reiterates that no person possesses a
legal right under the Constitution to be included
in the list of nominees for vacant judicial
applicants although he failed to meet JBCs five-year requirement policy.

positions. The opportunity of appointment to

judicial office is a mere privilege, and not a
judicially enforceable right that may be properly
claimed by any person. The inclusion in the list of candidates, which is one
of the incidents of such appointment, is not a right either. Thus, the petitioner cannot claim any right
that could have been affected by the assailed policy.
Furthermore, the instant petition must necessarily fail because this Court does not have original
jurisdiction over a petition for declaratory relief even if only questions of law are involved. The
special civil action of declaratory relief falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the appropriate RTC
pursuant to Section 19 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, as amended by R.A. No. 7691.



Therefore, by virtue of the Courts supervisory duty over the JBC and in the exercise of its expanded
judicial power, the Court assumes jurisdiction over the present petition. But in any event, even if the
Court will set aside procedural infirmities, the instant petition should still be dismissed.
Substantive Issues
As an offspring of the 1987 Constitution, the JBC is mandated to recommend appointees to the
judiciary and only those nominated by the JBC in a list officially transmitted to the President may be
appointed by the latter as justice or judge in the judiciary. Thus, the JBC is burdened with a great
responsibility that is imbued with public interest as it determines the men and women who will sit on

While the 1987 Constitution has

provided the qualifications of members of the
judiciary, this does not preclude the JBC from
having its own set of rules and procedures and
providing policies to effectively ensure its
the judicial bench.

The functions of searching, screening, and selecting are necessary and incidental to the JBCs
principal function of choosing and recommending nominees for vacancies in the judiciary for

Constitution did not lay

down in precise terms the process that the JBC
shall follow in determining applicants
qualifications. In carrying out its main function, the JBC has the authority to set the
appointment by the President. However, the

standards/criteria in choosing its nominees for every vacancy in the judiciary, subject only to the
minimum qualifications required by the Constitution and law for every position. The search for these
long held qualities necessarily requires a degree of flexibility in order to determine who is most fit
among the applicants. Thus, the JBC has sufficient but not unbridled license to act in performing its

JBCs ultimate goal is to recommend nominees and not simply to fill up judicial vacancies


order to promote an effective and efficient

administration of justice. Given this pragmatic situation, the JBC had to
establish a set of uniform criteria in order to ascertain whether an applicant meets the minimum
constitutional qualifications and possesses the qualities expected of him and his office. Thus, the
adoption of the five-year requirement policy applied by JBC to the petitioners case is necessary and
incidental to the function conferred by the Constitution to the JBC.
Equal Protection

JBC employs standards to have a

rational basis to screen applicants who cannot be all
accommodated and appointed to a vacancy in the
judiciary, to determine who is best qualified among the applicants, and not to discriminate
There is no question that

against any particular individual or class.

The equal protection clause of the Constitution

does not require the universal application of the
laws to all persons or things without distinction;
what it requires is simply equality among equals as
determined according to a valid classification.
Hence, the Court has affirmed that if a law neither burdens a fundamental right nor targets a suspect
class, the classification stands as long as it bears a rational relationship to some legitimate
government end.

"The equal protection clause, therefore, does not preclude classification of individuals who may be
accorded different treatment under the law as long as the classification is reasonable and not
arbitrary." "The mere fact that the legislative classification may result in actual inequality is not
violative of the right to equal protection, for every classification of persons or things for regulation by
law produces inequality in some degree, but the law is not thereby rendered invalid."


That is the situation here. In issuing the assailed policy, the JBC merely exercised its discretion in
accordance with the constitutional requirement and its rules that a member of the Judiciary must be
of proven competence, integrity, probity and independence. "To ensure the fulfillment of these
standards in every member of the Judiciary, the JBC has been tasked to screen aspiring judges and

nominees submitted to
the President are all qualified and suitably best
for appointment. In this way, the appointing process itself is shielded from the
justices, among others, making certain that the

possibility of extending judicial appointment to the undeserving and mediocre and, more importantly,
to the ineligible or disqualified." Consideration of experience by JBC as one factor in choosing

recommended appointees does not constitute a violation of the equal protection clause. The JBC
does not discriminate when it employs number of years of service to screen and differentiate

number of years of service

provides a relevant basis to determine proven
competence which may be measured by
experience, among other factors. The difference in treatment
applicants from the competition. The

between lower court judges who have served at least five years and those who have served less
than five years, on the other hand, was rationalized by JBC as follows:
Formulating policies which streamline the selection process falls squarely under the purview of the
JBC. No other constitutional body is bestowed with the mandate and competency to set criteria for
applicants that refer to the more general categories of probity, integrity and independence.
The assailed criterion or consideration for promotion to a second-level court, which is five years
experience as judge of a first-level court, is a direct adherence to the qualities prescribed by the
Constitution. Placing a premium on many years of judicial experience, the JBC is merely applying
one of the stringent constitutional standards requiring that a member of the judiciary be of "proven
competence." In determining competence, the JBC considers, among other qualifications,
experience and performance.
Based on the JBCs collective judgment, those who have been judges of first-level courts for five(5)
years are better qualified for promotion to second-level courts. It deems length of experience as a
judge as indicative of conversance with the law and court procedure. Five years is considered as a
sufficient span of time for one to acquire professional skills for the next level court, declog the
dockets, put in place improved procedures and an efficient case management system, adjust to the
work environment, and gain extensive experience in the judicial process. A five-year stint in the
Judiciary can also provide evidence of the integrity, probity, and independence of judges seeking
promotion. To merit JBCs nomination for their promotion, they must have had a "record of, and
reputation for, honesty, integrity, incorruptibility, irreproachable conduct, and fidelity to sound moral
and ethical standards." Likewise, their decisions must be reflective of the soundness of their
judgment, courage, rectitude, cold neutrality and strength of character.
Hence, for the purpose of determining whether judges are worthy of promotion to the next level
court, it would be premature or difficult to assess their merit if they have had less than one year of
service on the bench. (Citations omitted and emphasis in the original)

At any rate, five years of service as a lower court judge is not the only factor that determines the
selection of candidates for RTC judge to be appointed by the President. Persons with this
qualification are neither automatically selected nor do they automatically become nominees. The
applicants are chosen based on an array of factors and are evaluated based on their individual
merits. Thus, it cannot be said that the questioned policy was arbitrary, capricious, or made without
any basis.
Clearly, the classification created by the challenged policy satisfies the rational basis test. The
foregoing shows that substantial distinctions do exist between lower court judges with five year
experience and those with less than five years of experience, like the petitioner, and the
classification enshrined in the assailed policy is reasonable and relevant to its legitimate purpose.
The Court, thus, rules that the questioned policy does not infringe on the equal protection clause as

it is based on reasonable classification intended to gauge the proven competence of the applicants.
Therefore, the said policy is valid and constitutional
Due Process
The petitioner averred that the assailed policy violates procedural due process for lack of publication
and non-submission to the University of the Philippines Law Center Office of the National
Administrative Register (ONAR). The petitioner said that the assailed policy will affect all applying
judges, thus, the said policy should have been published.
Contrary to the petitioners contention, the assailed JBC policy need not be filed in the ONAR
because the publication requirement in the ONAR is confined to issuances of administrative

Since the JBC is a

body under the supervision of the Supreme
Court,28 it is not covered by the publication
requirements of the Administrative Code.
agencies under the Executive branch of the government.


Nevertheless, the assailed JBC policy requiring five years of service as judges of first-level courts

should have been

published. As a general rule, publication is
indispensable in order that all statutes, including
administrative rules that are intended to enforce
or implement existing laws, attain binding force
and effect. There are, however, several exceptions to the
requirement of publication, such as
interpretative regulations and those merely
internal in nature, which regulate only the
personnel of the administrative agency and not
the public. Neither is publication required of the so-called letters of instructions issued by
before they can qualify as applicants to second-level courts

administrative superiors concerning the rules or guidelines to be followed by their subordinates in the
performance of their duties.

JBC policy does not fall within the

administrative rules and regulations exempted
from the publication requirement. The assailed policy involves a
Here, the assailed

qualification standard by which the JBC shall determine proven competence of an applicant.

It is

not an internal regulation, because if it were, it would

regulate and affect only the members of the JBC
and their staff. Notably, the selection process
involves a call to lawyers who meet the qualifications in the Constitution
and are willing to serve in the Judiciary to apply to these vacant positions. Thus, it is but a natural
consequence thereof that potential applicants be informed of the requirements to the judicial
positions, so that they would be able to prepare for and comply with them.
The Court also noted the fact that in JBC-009, otherwise known as the Rules of the Judicial and Bar
Council, the JBC had put its criteria in writing and listed the guidelines in determining competence,
independence, integrity and probity. Section 1, Paragraph 1 of Rule 9 expressly provides that
applicants for the Court of Appeals and the Sandiganbayan, should, as a general rule, have at least
five years of experience as an RTC judge, thus:
Section 1. Additional criteria for nomination to the Court of Appeals and the Sandiganbayan.In
addition to the foregoing guidelines the Council should consider the following in evaluating the merits
of applicants for a vacancy in the Court of Appeals and Sandiganbayan:
1. As a general rule, he must have at least five years of experience as a judge of Regional Trial
Court, except when he has in his favor outstanding credentials, as evidenced by, inter alia,
impressive scholastic or educational record and performance in the Bar examinations, excellent
reputation for honesty, integrity, probity and independence of mind; at least very satisfactory
performance rating for three (3) years preceding the filing of his application for nomination; and
excellent potentials for appellate judgeship.
x x x x (Emphasis ours)
The express declaration of these guidelines in JBC-009, which have been duly published on the
website of the JBC and in a newspaper of general circulation suggests that the JBC is aware that
these are not mere internal rules, but are rules implementing the Constitution that should be
published. Thus, if the JBC were so-minded to add special guidelines for determining competence of
applicants for RTC judges, then it could and should have amended its rules and published the same.
This, the JBC did not do as JBC-009 and its amendatory rule do not have special guidelines for
applicants to the RTC.
Moreover, jurisprudence has held that rules implementing a statute should be published. Thus, by
analogy, publication is also required for the five-year requirement because it seeks to implement a
constitutional provision requiring proven competence from members of the judiciary. Nonetheless,
the JBCs failure to publish the assailed policy has not prejudiced the petitioners private interest. At
the risk of being repetitive, the petitioner has no legal right to be included in the list of nominees for
judicial vacancies since the possession of the constitutional and statutory qualifications for
appointment to the Judiciary may not be used to legally demand that ones name be included in the

list of candidates for a judicial vacancy. Ones inclusion in the shortlist is strictly within the discretion
of the JBC.

As to the issue that the JBC failed or refused to implement the completion of the prejudicature
program as a requirement for appointment or promotion in the judiciary under R.A. No. 8557, this
ground of the petition, being unsubstantiated, was unfounded. Clearly, it cannot be said that JBC
unlawfully neglects the performance of a duty enjoined by law.
Finally, the petitioner argued but failed to establish that the assailed policy violates the constitutional
provision under social justice and human rights for equal opportunity of employment. The OSG
[T]he questioned policy does not violate equality of employment opportunities. The constitutional
provision does not call for appointment to the Judiciary of all who might, for any number of reasons,
wish to apply. As with all professions, it is regulated by the State. The office of a judge is no ordinary
office. It is imbued with public interest and is central in the administration of justice x x x. Applicants
who meet the constitutional and legal qualifications must vie and withstand the competition and
rigorous screening and selection process. They must submit themselves to the selection criteria,
processes and discretion of respondent JBC, which has the constitutional mandate of screening and
selecting candidates whose names will be in the list to be submitted to the President. So long as a
fair opportunity is available for all applicants who are evaluated on the basis of their individual merits
and abilities, the questioned policy cannot be struck down as unconstitutional. (Citations omitted)

From the foregoing, it is apparent that the petitioner has not established a clear legal right to justify
the issuance of a preliminary injunction. The petitioner has merely filed an application with the JBC
for the position of RTC judge, and he has no clear legal right to be nominated for that office nor to be
selected and included in the list to be submitted to the President which is subject to the discretion of
the JBC. The JBC has the power to determine who shall be recommended to the judicial post. To be
included in the list of applicants is a privilege as one can only be chosen under existing criteria
imposed by the JBC itself. As such, prospective applicants, including the petitioner, cannot claim any
demandable right to take part in it if they fail to meet these criteria. Hence, in the absence of a clear
legal right, the issuance of an injunctive writ is not justified.

As the constitutional body granted with the

power of searching for, screening, and selecting
applicants relative to recommending appointees
to the Judiciary, the JBC has the authority to
determine how best to perform such
constitutional mandate. Pursuant to this authority, the JBC issues various
policies setting forth the guidelines to be observed in the evaluation of applicants, and formulates
rules and guidelines in order to ensure that the rules are updated to respond to existing
circumstances. Its discretion is freed from legislative, executive or judicial intervention to ensure that
the JBC is shielded from any outside pressure and improper influence. Limiting qualified applicants
in this case to those judges with five years of experience was an exercise of discretion by the JBC.
The potential applicants, however, should have been informed of the requirements to the judicial
positions, so that they could properly prepare for and comply with them. Hence, unless there are

good and compelling reasons to do so, the Court will refrain from interfering with the exercise of
JBCs powers, and will respect the initiative and independence inherent in the latter.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DISMISSED. The Court, however, DIRECTS

that the Judicial and Bar Council comply with the

publication requirement of (1) the assailed policy requiring five years of
experience as judges of first-level courts before they can qualify as applicant to the Regional Trial
Court, and (2) other special guidelines that the Judicial and Bar Council is or will be implementing.
Associate Justice
(No Part)
Chief Justice
Associate Justice


Associate Justice

I concur and also join the

Concurring opinion of Justice Brion:
Associate Justice

See: Concurring Opinion

Associate Justice

I join the opinion of J. Brion

Associate Justice

Associate Justice


Associate Justice

(On official Leave)

Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice

(On Leave)
Associate Justice

See Separate Concurring Opinion

Associate Justice

(No Part)
Associate Justice

Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the above
Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion
of the Court.
Associate Justice

* No part.
** On Official Leave.
*** On Leave.

Rollo, pp. 3-19.

Id. at 70.

Id. at 6.

Section 10. As soon as PHILJA shall have been fully organized with the composition of its
Corps of Professorial Lecturers and other personnel, only participants who have completed
the programs prescribed by the Academy and have satisfactorily complied with all the
requirements incident thereto may be appointed or promoted to any position or vacancy in
the Judiciary.



Rollo, p. 28.

Id. at 40-60.

Id. at 68-95.

Maria Carolina P. Araullo, etc., et al. v. Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III, etc., et al., G.R. No.
209287, July 1, 2014.


G.R. No. 209287, July 1, 2014.



Francis H. Jardeleza v. Chief Justice Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno, the Judicial and Bar
Council and Executive Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa, Jr., G.R. No. 213181, August 19, 2014.

Star Special Watchman and Detective Agency, Inc., Celso A. Fernandez and Manuel V.
Fernandez v. Puerto Princesa City, Mayor Edward Hagedorn and City Council of Puerto
Princesa City, G.R. No. 181792, April 21, 2014.

Special People, Inc. Foundation v. Canda, G.R. No. 160932, January 14, 2013, 688 SCRA
403, 424.


Rollo, pp. 57-58.


Malana, et al. v. Tappa, et al.,616 Phil. 177, 186 (2009).


Hon. Quisumbing, et al. v. Gov. Garcia, et al., 593 Phil. 655, 674 (2008).

See Bankers Association of the Philippines v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 206794,
November 27, 2013, 710 SCRA 608, 618.

Section 19. Jurisdiction in civil cases. Regional Trial Courts shall exercise exclusive
original jurisdiction:

(1) In all civil actions in which the subject of the litigation is incapable of pecuniary
(6) In all cases not within the exclusive jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person or
body exercising jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person or body exercising judicial
or quasi-judicial functions;


"JUDICIARY REORGANIZATION ACT OF 1980". Approved on March 25, 1994.

Supra note 10.


National Power Corporation v. Pinatubo Commercial, 630 Phil. 599, 609 (2010).


Garcia v. Drilon, G.R. No. 179267, June 25, 2013, 699 SCRA 352, 419.


CONSTITUTION, Article VIII, Section 7(3) states:

3. A Member of the Judiciary must be a person of proven competence, integrity,
probity, and independence.


Supra note 12.


Rollo, pp. 48-49.

Administrative Code, Book VII (Administrative Procedure) provides: Section 1. Scope.

This Book shall be applicable to all agencies as defined in the next succeeding section,
except the Congress, the Judiciary, the Constitutional Commissions, military establishments
in all matters relating exclusively to Armed Forces personnel, the Board of Pardons and
Parole, and state universities and colleges.


1987 CONSTITUTION, Article VIII, Judicial Department states:

Section 8. A Judicial and Bar Council is hereby created under the supervision of the
Supreme Court x x x.


Taada v. Hon. Tuvera, 230 Phil. 528, 535 (1986).


Supra note 12.


Rollo, pp. 86-87.

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