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Bylaws County Basic

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Article I
Name and Purpose

Section 1. This organization is the _________________ County Republican Party and will be
referred to as the _________ throughout this document.

Section 2. The purposes of the _________ include, but are not limited to, the following:

A. Electing Republican candidates to office on the national, state, and local levels.
B. Recruiting Republican candidates to run for office.
C. Assisting the Tennessee Republican Party and the Republican National Committee.
D. Recruiting membership in the Republican Party at all levels.
E. Promoting public awareness of the Republican position on public issues and fostering
good citizenship in general.
F. Increasing the effectiveness of our members in the cause of good government through
active political participation.
G. Raising funds for Republican election campaigns and for promoting Republican

Article II
County Executive Committee

Section 1. The affairs of the _________ shall be governed by the County Executive Committee
in accordance with the by-laws of the Tennessee Republican Party and the by-laws contained

Section 2. The County Executive Committee shall consist of Chair, Vice Chair (opposite sex as
Chair), Secretary, Treasurer, immediate Past Chair, all State Executive Committee members
representing the county, Chairs of the Republican Women’s Organization and the Young
Republicans (or in their absence, a representative of those constituencies appointed by the State

Section 2a. The Vice Chair will automatically assume the duties of the Chair in his absence.

Section 3. Neither the County Executive Committee as a body, nor the County Chair, shall
endorse any Republican candidate in a contested primary election for local, state, or national

Section 3a. Section 3 above shall not apply to a Chair in a primary election in which the Chair,
his/her spouse, or his/her immediate family member is a candidate.

Section 4. Members of the County Executive Committee are expected to attend every meeting.
Three successive absences without a valid reason are grounds for removal from the County
Executive Committee.

Section 5. Any member of the County Executive Committee can be removed by a simple
majority of those present.

Article III
Election of Officers

Section 1. Election of officers to the County Executive Committee shall be made in accordance
with State By-laws. (Copies available from the County Chair or State Executive Committee
members.) Generally, officers are elected at county reorganizations held between January 1 and
March 31 of each odd numbered year. In the event of the death, resignation, or moving out of
the county by an officer, the County Executive Committee shall immediately elect a replacement
to serve until the next reorganization.

Section 2. All officers of the County Executive Committee are elected for two-year terms and are
limited to two consecutive full terms in the same office.

Article IV

Section 1. The County Executive Committee shall set its schedule at the beginning of each year.
This will enhance the committee’s ability to plan effective strategies and meetings.

Section 2. The County Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly and shall meet monthly
during election years.

Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by any two members of the County
Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair with five (5) days written notice to the

Article V
Officers’ Duties

Section 1. The County Chair shall be the chief executive of the _________ and of the County
Executive Committee. He/She shall be responsible for the management and administration of
the affairs of the County Executive Committee and shall coordinate the political activities of the
_________. He/She shall preserve order and decorum at all meetings.

Section 1a. The County Chair shall have the right to approve all special committee chairs.

Section 2. The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the County Chair in his/her absence. If
both the County Chair and the Vice Chair are absent from a County Executive Committee
meeting, the County Executive Committee shall elect a temporary County Chair to preside at the

Section 3. The Secretary shall take the minutes of each meeting of the County Executive
Committee. If the Secretary must be absent from such a meeting, the Secretary shall be
responsible for obtaining a replacement. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may
be assigned by the County Chair of the County Executive Committee. All records of the
Secretary shall be and remain the property of the County Executive Committee.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for implementing an internal system of financial
controls. He/She shall be responsible for the bank statement and shall be responsible for
counting and depositing moneys received by the _________. The Treasurer shall report at each
regular or special meeting of the County Executive Committee all receipts and disbursements
since the previous meeting. All records of the Treasurer shall be and remain the property of the
County Executive Committee.

Article VI

Section 1. A person shall be a voting member of the _________ or of the County Executive
Committee if he/she is a “bona fide” Republican. The term “bona fide” means a registered voter
residing in the county who is any of the following:

A. A citizen who is actively involved in the _________ or State Republican Party.

B. A citizen who has voted in at least two (2) of the four (4) most recent state and/or
local Republican primary elections, or
C. A citizen who upon challenge signs public, written affirmation of allegiance to the
Republican Party.

Article VII
Amendment of By-Laws

These by-laws may be amended by a majority of the full voting membership of the County
Executive Committee at any meeting, provided that notice of the meeting at which the vote is to
be taken includes a copy of the proposed amendment. Any amendment is subject to approval by
the Chair of the Tennessee Republican Party.

Article VIII

These by-laws are intended to be in conformity with all by-laws, rules, and regulations of the
Tennessee Republican Party including the Republican National Committee, governing federal
and Tennessee statutes, rules and regulations.

Article IX
Robert’s Rules

The most recent revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings on
matters not specifically covered by these By-Laws.

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