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Unit 2 Lesson 6

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ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form


Becca Mumby

Date: Monday November 24,2015

Subject/ Topic/ Social

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
The main focus is landforms in the United States
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)
This lesson ties into the GLCES and gives them a basis for landforms.
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to
applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the
name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.
I can identify landforms in the United States.
I can create my own landform map.
4 - G1.0.2 Use cardinal and intermediate directions to describe the relative location of significant places in the United
4-.G1.0.3 Identify and describe the characteristics and purposes (e.g., measure distance, determine relative location,
classify a region) of a variety of geographic tools and technologies (e.g., globe, map, satellite images).
4 G1.0.4 Use geographic tools and technologies, stories, songs, and pictures to answer geographic questions about
the United States.
II. Before you start
Prerequisite knowledge
and skills.

Students will have created a landforms dictionary.

(formative and

Formative students will name different landforms in the United States

Summative- students will use different foods to create the landforms on a
map and place them correctly.
Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)

Multiple Means of Representation
Options for Perception
Students will be involved creating
their own candy map. They will
create their own at their desk
while I create one with them on
the overhead.

Options for Language/Symbols

Students will use landform
vocabulary to describe the
characteristics and location of
these landforms.

Multiple Means of Expression
Options for action/interaction
Students will be looking up
different locations of landforms on
a map and then correctly placing
them on their candy map. They
will all take turns giving examples
of each landform.

Multiple Means of
Options for recruiting interest
By creating their own candy map
students will be in charge of how
close together or far apart each
chocolate chip is from another,
etc. This is also a hands on
activity for students that learn
better by touch.

Options for Expression

Students will create their own
candy landform map to take

Options for Sustaining Effort &

Students will identify and label
multiple landforms, creating a
map and key independently.

Options for Comprehension

Allowing students to identify their
landforms and write the names of where
they are located on the key will show
comprehension. Students will also use
food that looks similar to how the
landform looks.

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and do you have them?
Do you need to set up
your classroom in any
special way for this
lesson? If so, describe it.
III. The Plan


Options for Executive Function

Students will be guided through
the activity but will place their
own candy on the map.

Options for Self Regulation

Students will be in charge of
placing their own candy on the
map and identifying landforms on
their key.

Blank map of America (11x17)

Candy green coconut, chocolate chips, marshmallows, shredded wheat,
goldfish, tic tacs, peach rings, gummy worms, and now and laters
Glue sticks
Blue crayon
Empty Key
Students will be at their desks facing the overhead.

The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher
activities and student activities
We will start on the rug beginning with a review
o Recall from your landform dictionary, which landforms have we been
talking about
o Students will list landforms mountain range, coastal plans, plains,
lakes, oceans, canyons, plateau, basin
o What are some examples of those?
Grand Canyon, Great Lakes, Great Basin, Great Plains, etc.
o What does a map key tell us?
What things mean

Today we are going to create our very own landform map; we will be using
different candies to represent the different landforms that we have talked
I will show the candies as I show which landform do you think this candy
o A basin is the peach ring because it starts high land and dips down,
When you return to your seat you will receive a map key, blank map and a
landform map. Brainstorm some ideas of examples of these landforms.
Students will return to their seats



I will handout map keys, blank maps, and landform maps

Since we will be adding difference candies lets start by coloring in the
oceans, who can name the oceans for me?
We will label and color oceans
Label and color rivers
Then we will start with the top of the map key and work out way down
Students will give examples of each landform as we add it and write the
state location in the map key
We will work through the entire map key and place the candies on the map
Chocolate chips mountains
Marshmallows snow capped mountains
Gummy worms- canyons
Peach Ring basin
Goldfish go in the oceans
Now and Later plateaus
Green coconut- Coastal plains
Shredded Wheat- Great Plains
When we are done we will discuss how God made all of these things
differently just like he created us and how all together we create Gods
masterpiece (the theme at ACS this year)
I will ask students how a geographer would use this map
Why would they need one
What does it do for them
What does it teach them

How does this relate to MR HELP

Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time:
This lesson was AWESOME! The students thought it was so cool to incorporate candy into the lesson.
They were very motivated and made great strides looking at their landform maps and connecting them to
their candy maps. Next time I would find a way to make it move convenient. We talked about the
landforms and then I handed out the candy and we put it on, this was a very long and tedious process. I
didnt want them to sit with the candy in front of them the whole time but I am sure there are other ways
to make it more convenient.

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