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DLL Grade 8 Periodic Table

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Grade 8 Daily Lesson Plan

School: Marcelo I. Cabrera Voc. High Sch. Grade Level: 8

Teacher: ANDJELYN M. ABALOS Learning Area: Biology
Date: December 5, 2018 Quarter: Third
Wednesday 8:30-9:30 Earth; Friday 1:45-2:45 Neptune
I. OBJECTIVES The learners should be able to:
1. trace the development of the periodic table
2. identify the different groups in a periodic table;
3. analyze the importance of the periodic table as an organizing tool;
A. Content standards The Learners demonstrate an understanding of the periodic table of elements
as an organizing tool to determine the chemical properties of elements.
B. Performance The Learners should be able to:
Standards 1. identify the contributions of the different scientists in the development
of the periodic table;
2. name the different groups in a periodic table;
C. Learning The Learners should be able to trace the development of the periodic table
Competencies and from observations based on similarities in properties of elements
Code S8MT-IIIg-h-11
Development of the Periodic Table
A. References
1. Teachers guide Pages Pages
2. Learners material Pages Science Learner’s Module of Education. FEP Printing Corporation, 2016,
pp 209-213
3. Textbook Pages Crayons, activity sheets, dingdong, cups rubric, powerpoint presentation, video
clip, projector, television, manila paper, marker
4. Additional Materials
B. Other Learning Chemistry III Textbook, Mapa, Amelia. Ph.D.,et al, 2001. Pp86-88
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Materials
A. Elicit Preliminary Activities Crayons,
1. Prayer activity
2. Greetings sheets,
3. Checking of attendance Powerpoint
4. Classroom management presentation
Instruction: (5 mins.)
1. The class will be divided into 4 groups.
2. Each group will be handed the following materials:
- Crayons and an Activity Sheet
In our activity which are considered as Metals?

Based in our activity what are characteristic or property of

metals that you have observed?
How about the characteristics of non-metals?
How are metalloids metalloids different from metals and
B. Engage MOTIVATION Rubrics
Activity: Sort Me Out (6 mins.) activity
Objective: sheets, cups
 To sort the contents of Ding Dong/ Corn Bits according dingdong,
to their similarities saucer/cup,
1. The class will be divided into 4 groups.
2. Materials will be given to each group.
- Plastic Cups
- 1 Paper Plate
- 1 Container with Corn Bits/Ding Dong Mix
3. When the teacher gives the GO signal, the students will
pour the mixed nuts on the paper plate.
4. Each group will use their own strategy in sorting the
contents based on their similarities.
5. If you are done, one representative per group must go to
the teacher together with your sorted mixed nuts and
have your time recorded.
6. The fastest group will get 15 points, 2nd (13 pts.), 3rd (11
pts.), 4th (9 pts.) and 5th (7 pts.)
What are the different contents of the mixed nuts?
What are the characteristics of the mixed nuts contents that
made you decide to group them together?
It is very evident from this activity how different objects have
similarities and differences.
How do you relate our activity earlier to the periodic table?

The teacher opens the powerpoint presentation about the

Development of the Periodic Table)

There are also several scientists who attempted to organize the

periodic table based on their similarities.

Presenting Examples

These are examples of elements with different properties and


Metals Non-metals Metalloids In different phases

C. Explore Discussing New Concept Video clip,

To help us understand the development of the periodic table. sheet,
Let us watch a short video clip and answer the guide questions
Activity: Proponents of the Development of the Periodic marker,
Table (7 mins.)
 trace the development of the periodic table;
1. We will have the same grouping.
2. Materials will be given to each group:
- A blank profile board.
- A marker
3. Each group will answer different profile board.
- Group 1 will answer Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner
- Group 2 will answer John Alexander Reina
- Group 3 will answer Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
- Group 4 will answer Henry Moseley

4. The learners will watch a video clip and complete the

information of the scientist’s profile.

When done, the learners paste their work on the board.

One representative of each group will report their work.
The teacher will discuss all the things written by the students.

Now from Moseley’s atomic number arrangement, a periodic

law was discovered:

Looking at a Periodic Table we can see that it is made

up of rows and columns.
Do you know that the Periodic Table is organized into
different groups?

Now, let’s take a look at these pictures and you tell me

the names of the groups that you can

A row is called a period (Series)

A column is called a group (Family)
The block that displays a wide range of physical and
chemical properties is what we call us representative

Very well said! So, you see we can group the elements into Metals,
Non-Metals, and Metalloids.

Now remember that groups are the vertical columns?

The periodic table also has several group names. Can you identify the
names of the groups that you can see from the picture?

Very Good! Compared to a period, the elements within a group

shares similar properties but not identical. Later on, in your grade 9
lesson you will learn about the properties of these groups.
Is there any question?

D. Explain Developing Mastery Powerpoint

Let me check if you can still recall the concepts that we Presentation
discussed today.
1. Who were the proponents of the development of the
periodic table and how did they arrange the elements?
2. What is the difference between a group and a period?
3. Let us identify the name of the groups?
E. Elaborate ABSTRACTION Powerpoint
Now as a sort of review, let’s summarize what we discussed
today regarding the development of the periodic table using a
graphic organizer.

How important is the periodic table and how does it work?
 Rather than memorizing facts and figures of each
element a quick look at the periodic table tells us a lot
about the element.
Rather than memorizing facts and figures of each element a quick
look at the periodic table tells us a lot about the element

Looking at the picture and the statement who can give me an insight
about the importance of chemistry as an organizing tool?
The periodic table helps us to identify which elements are we going
to use by merely looking at their arrangement in the periodic table,
and should one element be not available, we can use the information
of its group to look for the best alternative.

F. Evaluate QUIZ Powerpoint

(This shall take 5 minutes) Presentation
Multiple Choice
Direction:Choose the letter of the correct answer.
The students will answer a short quiz.
1. He is a German professor who grouped the elements
with similar properties into triads.
a. Dmitri Mendeleev
b. Henry Moseley
c. John Newland
d. Johann Dobereiner
2. Which of the following choices is NOT TRUE
regarding John Newlands work?
a. When elements were arranged according to their
increasing atomic weights, every 8thelement had
properties similar to each other.
b. The law of octaves is only applicable to elements
with low atomic mass.
c. Some elements could not be grouped into triads.
d. None of the above.
3. Sodium and Potassium belongs to the same family.
What can you conclude?
a. They have different property.
b. They have the similar property.
c. They have identical property.
d. Both B and C
4. According to Henry Moseley the periodic law states that
“when elements are arranged in order of increasing
atomic number, there is a periodic repetition of their
physical and chemical properties,”this means:
a. By arranging the elements in increasing order of
atomic mass a repetition of similarities in their
properties occur.
b. A period shows similar properties than in groups.
c. By arranging the elements in increasing order of
atomic number a repetition of differences in their
similarities occur.
d. Elements in each group have identical properties.
5. Which of the following statements isconsidered as an
inconsistency in Mendeleev’s work?
a. He left some spaces for the elements that were not
yet discovered.
b. No fixed position could be given to hydrogen.
c. He organized the periodic table according to
increasing atomic mass
d. Repetition of physical and chemical properties is
only applicable until calcium.

G. Extend Homework: Powerpoint

Research on the arrangement of elements based on the Presentation
elements atomic size, electro negativity and reactivity

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these worked?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use or discover which I
wish to share with other

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