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Newsletter 9-14-15

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Huizinga Herald
Volume 4: September 13, 2015

Basic Spelling List

1. Wait
2. Weight
3. Heard
4. Herd
5. Days
6. Daze
7. Heel
8. Heal
9. Peak
10. Peek
11. Sent
12. Cent
13. Scent
14. Feet
15. Feat
16. Vain
17. Vane
18. Vein
19. Miner
20. Minor
21. blue
22. green
23. gray
24. orange

Friday, 9/25:
No School
Teacher In-Service


Bible Quiz this week on Friday!

Six main sections of the Gospel Pathway
____ Heaven ____ Sin ____God ____Christ ____ Faith

(Know location and matching of state and capital)

Trenton, New Jersey

Albany, New York
Do You Have Anything to Study Tonight?

Wednesday, 9/30:
AR Reading Goals Due
Thursday, 10/1
-Parent Conferences
-11:00 Dismissal
-Sign up on Sign Up Genius
-Please check your email
-Mon Wed times avail.

Memorable interesting an worth remembering

Horrified- shocked or scared
Outcast- a person who has been rejected by a group
Shortage-a lack of something that is needed
Seafaring- traveling by or working at sea
Tidal- having to do with the ocean and its tides
Foaming- bubbling up on top of the water
Condition- the way something or someone is
Betrayed- hurt by someone or something that had once been loyal or useful
Yearning- a feeling of wanting something very badly

Spelling Words
Vocabulary List
States and Capitals 1-8
Multiplication Facts
Read for AR
Tests and Quizzes

These should be done every day!!!


Huizinga Herald
John 3:16
For God so loved the
world that He gave His
one and only Son, that
whoever believes in Him
shall not perish but have
eternal life.

Please be sure you are

checking Plus Portals
for grades! I am posting
grades a few times a

Beginning on October 1st, cursive writing will be required on all
assignments except spelling. Ts will need to be crossed and is will
need to be dotted for full credit on spelling and English assignments.

Tests and Quizzes

-States and Capital Quiz
(States 1-8/See Geography
-Reading Story Quiz: Stormalong
-Spelling Test 5
-Vocabulary Quiz 5
-Bible Verse: John 3:16
-Bible Gospel Pathway

Noteworthy News
Tips from Love and Logic: Enforceable Statements
Bill Walton complained to his college coach, John Wooden, "You have no right to tell me how long I can wear
my hair." "Right," answered the coach, "I have no right to decide that. However, I have the right to decide
who will play, and we will miss you." Parents can use variations of this technique to set limits in any number
of situations. Here is an example: "I know I can't force you to change your attitude, so I won't do that. But,
from now on, I'll be glad to do the things you want me to do when its fun to be around you. We have no
power when we tell others what to do. We have amazing power when we tell them what we are willing to
do. Here is another example: "I'll be driving you to your game when I see that the chores are done." This is
an Enforceable Statement, one of Love and Logic's techniques for setting limits.
Coffee with the Principals: Please join us at 8:00 AM on Friday, September 18th in the Cook Center.
Superintendent Geoff Brown will share information from the survey given last spring plus many other data
points that involve NCS. Please join us!
Parent University: Please come and learn with us on Friday, September 18th at 9:00 in the Cook Center. Not
My Kid will be presenting information on Internet Safety. Through this session you will become familiar with
how to talk with your kids about what your familys position is on internet safety as you create and follow
consistent rules for internet use that includes sites that they can and cannot visit and which social media sites
and apps are acceptable. You will learn how to set privacy settings on social media sites appropriately and
monitor who they are linked with in the digital world and how to regulate how much time they can spend
online and discuss where they can access the internet. As parents we have the ability to model life skills like


Huizinga Herald
conflict resolution, maintaining positive and safe online relationships, and how to take intentional breaks
from technology. Technology is constantly changing. In order to be a reliable resource for your child you
must be able to identify current online trends and dangers as well as warning signs for identity theft, cyberbullying, sexual solicitation, and sexting. Again, join us on Friday, September 18th at 9:00 in the Cook Center.
Professional Development: Our next scheduled day for teacher Professional Development is scheduled for
Friday, September 25th. This is a full day of staff development, there will not be school in session on the 25th.
The focus for these days includes Biblical Integration and strategies for greater teacher efficacy. If you have
questions please contact Dawna Underwood
Fall Parent and Teacher Conferences: Parent and Teacher conferences are scheduled for October 1 and 2.
Each teacher looks forward to meeting with each of you to go over what your child is learning, areas of
refinement in the learning process as well as things to work on this school year. Please plan to attend
conferences and see how your child is growing. Teachers will put out information to sign up for conferences
through Sign Up Genius. Look for this information in your childs newsletter.
Elementary Yearbooks: Purchase your yearbook for the elementary program online. You can find the link on
the website. Yearbooks may only be purchased online and the cost will go up after Thanksgiving. For those
purchasing a yearbook between now and Thanksgiving you will have your name put in a drawing for a free
yearbook. If your name is drawn you will get the cost of the yearbook back. This is a fun way to remember
the elementary years at NCS.
Yearbook Training: If you are the parent helping with the class page in the yearbook there is a mandatory
training on Thursday, September 17th at 3:30 in the computer lab. If you cannot make the meeting please
contact Dawna Underwood and she will get you in contact with our yearbook advisor, LisaBeth Stewart.
Bag and Blankets: The NCS Middle School is having a bag and blanket drive! This drive includes lightly used,
reusable shopping bags, backpacks, and blankets. All of the donations will go to The Andre House. We will be
collecting bags and blankets from September 14-24. Early Ed and Elementary families: Please bring your
donations to Mrs. Underwoods office your classroom and we will come pick them up. Secondary students,
please bring your items to your homeroom. Thank You for all your support. - Middle School Barnabas Club
Newsletters: Each elementary teacher has a weekly newsletter, typically given out on Monday, to inform you
of events for the week as well as things coming up on campus. These newsletters will be given out as hard
copy on Mondays and posted on PlusPortals for electronic access. It is our goal to communicate frequently
and well with you as we work together.
Playground Supervision: Supervision on the elementary playgrounds is available at 7:30 each morning.
Elementary students arriving before 7:30 must go directly to the library as it is open at 7:00. We do not
provide any duty supervision on the campus after school unless students go to extended care or the library.
Students found wandering the campus after school will be taken to the office and parents will be called.
Questions? Call Mrs. Underwood.
Library After School: The library is open to elementary students until 4:30 each day. Students in the
secondary program may use the library until 5:30 each day. On early release days the library will close at
12:00, noon. This is not a supervised area and students are expected to work quietly on homework if they are
staying in the library.

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