Ryerson October 2012
Ryerson October 2012
Ryerson October 2012
Ryerson P.S.
X 3 726
Principals Message
September where has it gone? We had started the year with a whirlwind of activities and they have just continued through the month. It has been good to see all our new students and staff members fitting into Ryerson. Our staff and students from last year are making our new people feel so welcome! We enjoyed a fabulous day out in Roseville taking in the International Plowing Match and then in our own school learning about everyone through our Identify Day and don`t forget our Terry Fox Spirit Day! What great ways to start the year! From a staff perspective we have grown as a family with the birth of Jonathon Fox, to Mr. & Mrs. Fox this month. We have also seen Miss Fotopolous a regular supply staff member at Ryerson for the past 3 years, obtain a permanent teaching position at Howard Robertson P.S. in Kitchener! With her departure we have been fortunate enough to be able to have hired Mrs. Smith to teach the great students out in Portable 1. We are gearing up for our first Character Education Assembly, our next Spirit Day on Halloween. Please take special note of our Remembrance Day assembly which will take place on Thursday November 8th. We hope that you have been able to read your child`s planner or home bag every day and to keep checking the school`s and your child`s class websites for the monthly overview of the events and activities your child is taking part in. This is such a key part to their success this year at Ryerson. Sincerely,
Special Dates
October 1 October 1 Food Drive Begins Magazine school fundraiser Kick-off assembly Pita Pit Lunch 1st NB Thanksgiving Day Assembly Thanksgiving No school RMI Lunch 1st NB School council @ 6:45 Character Education Assembly Pita Pit Lunch 1st NB Food Drive Ends RMI Lunch 1st NB Kindergarten Farm Trip Halloween Spirit Day Pita Pit Lunch 1st NB Picture Retake Day Progress Reports go home (Gr 1-6) Remembrance Day Assembly Interviews: 4 pm 8 pm
October 3 October 5 October 8 October 10 October 10 October 12 October 17 October 17 October 24 October 25 October 31 October 31 November 2 November 5 November 8 November 8
November 9
Interviews: 9 am noon
On the morning of Tuesday, September 18th, Ryerson's Bus Monitors attended a Safety Patrol Training Session conducted jointly by the Student Transportation Services, the Waterloo Region Police Service, and all three area Fire Departments and Emergency Medical Services. Our monitors learned about various safety procedures including assisting students on and off the bus, exiting the bus in the case of an emergency, and using the bus radio to receive assistance. Our Bus Monitors take their role very seriously. We appreciate their hard work to ensure our students have a safe and pleasant trip to and from school. We are proud of the maturity and responsibility with which they carry out their duties!
Roots of Empathy
We are excited to announce that Ryerson is offering the Roots of Empathy program in several classes this year. Roots of Empathy is an evidence based anti-bullying program that has shown significant effect in reducing aggression among children while raising social and emotional competence and increasing empathy for others. Each class will have a mother and baby coming in for nine visits throughout the year so the students can see the baby's development over time and observe the relationship between a parent and baby. In the summer, all of our ECE Teachers were trained as Instructors, and as a result all 5 of our kindergarten classes will be hosting a mom and a baby this year. Miss McMullens class will also host a family, instructed by Mrs. Ruppert. For
Remember Me Inc
Remember that you can continue to order your milk and lunch requests online at remembermeinc.com when submitting paper forms, make sure to fill out all of the required information such as name, teacher and food or milk selections. Orders for November and December will be coming home shortly. We are not accepting cheques for these programs. Please send exact change when paying for your purchases. Kim Gill Junior Area Comp Class
QSP Reminder
Order forms go home this week for our QSP fundraiser. If you havent already supported the school with our donation fundraiser, please consider supporting school council with the QSP fundraiser. Make it easy by sending a link to the on-line order system by email to all of your contacts. This eliminates the need to connect with friends and family in person and allows your contacts to make their purchases at a convenient time!
Donation Fundraiser
Thanks to all of the Ryerson families that supported our donation fundraiser!
Amy Willard-Brown School Council President
Every student in our school has received a paper copy of the October school newsletter. As a technology focussed school and a leader in environmental initiatives, we are moving towards the displaying and viewing of our school newsletter for families on our school website in the future rather than receiving a paper copy each month. You will find it at http://rye.wrdsb.on.ca/ We do understand that for various reasons a paper copy would be necessary for some families to receive, however, we do not want to have you miss out on viewing this important information from the school each month. If you require a paper version of the newsletter, we ask that you complete the tear off below and return it to your childs classroom teacher. For the remainder of the year only families indicating that they wish to receive a paper copy will receive one. Complete the tear off section below and have it returned to your childs teacher if you wish for this to happen. For those families wishing to read the newsletter online you do not need to do anything at this time. When the newsletter is posted to our school website a note will be put in your childs planner/home bag indicating that you can now go and view the newly posted monthly newsletter.
******************** Tear off section ************************Tear off section **************************** Please send me a paper version of the newsletter each month.
On September 20th 350+ Ryerson Grade 1-6 students attended the International Plowing Match in Roseville, Ontario. The day started out sunny and ended with a day of rainy periods. This did not spoil the fun. The Plowing Match was spread over 100s of acres of farmland with many displays and shows. Students toured the education tents, watched the square dancing tractors, milked replica cows, saw lots of tractors and various farm machines, had the opportunity to see different kinds of animals, watch rodeo and lumberjack shows and the list goes on and on. Some students were lucky enough to see Walter Gretzky and Gordie Howe at two of the many tents. It might have rained but that just made it all the more fun and it included a hay ride back to our buses for all. This would not have been possible without the support of many parents who volunteered their time to chaperone. We thank you.