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Berthoud Eagle January 2011

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Berthoud Eagle January 2011

Principal to Parent
Welcome to 2011! I hope your holiday was warm and restful.

As we approach the mid-year point it is important, and a part of our School Improvement Plan (SIP), to
update our school community on our progress in our goal areas. The following are highlights in the basic
skills areas (reading, writing and math), and safety and belonging. This will serve as our school’s mid-
year report.

Academically, we continue to evaluate assessments in reading that align with the Colorado Basic
Literacy Act (CBLA) guidelines. These assessments provide us with data about our students’ progress
and instructional needs in the five reading areas: phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary and
comprehension. Based on this data, we use a variety of core materials and interventions to meet the
needs of our students. We continue to focus on writing instruction as excellent writing skills are an
essential asset for all students to express themselves creatively and to demonstrate what they know in all
content areas. Our approach to mathematics instruction is to incorporate a balanced curriculum that
includes the Investigations materials that are based on a constructivist approach to solidify concepts and
numerical reasoning. Additionally, some supplemental materials have been carefully selected to support
fluency in computation techniques.

We support our goals in safety and belonging for our students by emphasizing student responsibility for
their own learning and behavior. This year we are implementing the Positive Behavior
Intervention/Support (PBIS) program. Our plan is for PBIS to compliment what we are already doing to
support and promote a positive school climate. We recognize and reinforce making good decisions
through the Six Pillars of Character. The pillars represent the characteristics of trustworthiness, respect,
responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Our PBIS acronym of SOAR (Safe, On task and
responsible, Achieve your best, and Respect) encourages students to meet behavior expectations where
ever they are on our campus. We also continue to promote a sense of belonging through a variety of
programs and services such as after-school clubs, friendship groups and Bucket Filling.

Everyone in our school community has shown exceptional dedication in supporting our school goals, and
all are responsible for the excellent progress made thus far this year. We appreciate all that you do to
support the learning here and at home. Your involvement and the emphasis we all place on our children’s
education greatly influences their attitudes and success.

And finally, I want to thank our school community for their unending generosity in giving to our
community. Thank you for caring about all of those in our community who need a little help, we never
know when we might be the ones in need.

Mrs. LoJeske

Family Information Night

We will be offering a fun and informative night for families on Wednesday, January 19th, from 6:30 to 8:00
pm. The evening will involve learning helpful hints and strategies to assist parents and students with
Literacy and Math assignments. Our goal is to assist both parents and students to achieve the most
positive and successful experiences in both Math and Literacy. We hope that you will join us.
After-School Clubs
Berthoud Elementary has fun learning opportunities after school each winter as staff members offer
special clubs. The clubs will be sponsored this year by our PTA so there are no student fees! We look
forward to this great time of learning and bonding. The absolute deadline to register is Friday, January
7th, however for a better chance of being in a club, please register as soon as possible! Information will
come home with students on January 4th.

Library News
The following are educational sites that you may want to bookmark at home.
• Proquest
• User name: 1bes password: proquest
• World Book
• Log-in ID: 1bes password: worldbook
• Thompson R2J Library Catalog

Once you are on the BES Online Catalog there are lots of things to do. World Book Online,
Culture Grams, and SIRS Discoverer are three databases for which our District pays. They are available
for all students of Thompson School District and can be accessed from home or anywhere there is a
computer connected to the internet.
Another link to a wonderful place is the button saying Loveland Public Library. Once on their
home page, click on 'Youth Services', then 'Tumble Books'. There are many wonderful books for all
grade levels. As kids are being read to, they can also follow along. There is a little bit of movement that
really captures their attention.
The Online Catalog itself is useful to find books your child is interested in that we have in our
library. They could come to the library with a list of a few choices, complete with the call numbers, and
find good books quickly. Click on 'Reading Program' to find a list of AR books available in our library. It
does not list all the books in our library, but has hundreds for most grade levels. Browsing through the
catalog will let you know what we have available.

School Wellness
Did you know that we now have a School Wellness Team at Berthoud Elementary? The Wellness Team
consists of a group of parents and teachers that are working together to create a healthier school
environment for both students and staff. There is a federal mandate that states that all public school
districts must have wellness policies. The goal of this mandate is to help schools address childhood
overweight and obesity. This promotes and improves children’s health by making changes in the school
environment through the enhanced promotion of physical activity and healthy eating throughout the
school day. The following are some ways that Berthoud Elementary is already working to promote health
and wellness in our school: Schools on the Move (Healthy Kids Club), Healthy Kids Club newsletter,
Jammin' One Minute Activities in the classroom, Field Day with teachers/parents participating, School
Wellness Resource Kit available at the school, serving fresh fruit and vegetables at lunch, Jog-a-thon and
using Healthy Kids Club 10 minute activity breaks in class. In addition, there are music and movement
activities in our Music and PE classes. If you have any questions about the School Wellness Team at
Berthoud Elementary, please contact Mark Johnson at or Lisa Davies

Kindergarten Registration
It is just about time for us to begin registering incoming kindergarten students! If you or your neighbors
have a child that will be ready for kindergarten this fall, please bring the child’s birth certificate and latest
immunization record to the school during our registration on Wednesday, February 2nd, from 3:00 pm to
6:00 pm. The child must be five years old prior to October 1st.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be held on February 16th and 17th. This is a great time to communicate about student
progress and expectations for our second semester.

Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP)

Our third, fourth and fifth grade students will be tested in reading, writing and math, and fifth grade will
also be tested in science. The tests range from 6 hours total for third grade to 12 hours for the fifth grade.
The testing window will be from March 7th through March 25th. As you can see, it will be a very busy time
and we appreciate your efforts to schedule any appointments or trips outside of the testing time.

Book Fair
Our book fair will again be held during our February conferences in the Library. More information will be
sent home next month.

Spirit Days
Our Spirit Day this month will be on Friday the 7th when we celebrate the Stock Show by wearing western

PTA News
The next PTA meeting will be on February 9th from 4:00-5:00 pm in the Library. Hope to see you there!

A Big Thank You Goes To…

…Our Holiday Gift Shop chairwoman, Karen Fate and all of her helpers who assisted students in
selecting gifts during the Holiday Gift Shop. Many thanks, to all of the parent volunteers who assisted
with classroom holiday parties.

Inclement Weather
Please make certain that your child/children dress appropriately for the changing temperatures and snow.
We want students to be able to go outside, as the weather permits, but they must be dressed warmly
enough for them to be safe and comfortable. If the temperature is 15 degrees or less (including the wind
chill) then students will be let in to their classroom at 8:30 am. They will also spend recess inside if the
temperature is lower than 15 degrees.

Free Preschool
Thompson Integrated Early Childhood is currently accepting applications for next year's preschool
program. Applications will be available at all elementary schools during kindergarten registration on
February 2nd. If you have a child who will be turning 3 or 4 years of age by October 1st of this year, you
may qualify. We serve children who qualify for Head Start, Colorado Preschool and Special Education.
Our program also has some tuition-paying openings at some of our early childhood centers.
If you need more information or an application, contact: Diana Klundt @ 613-5052 or Sharon Johnson @
613-5761. Applications are available on-line at .

Month at a Glance

3 Teacher work day (No School for Students)
4 Students return
4 Club Flyers go home
7 Spirit Day! Dress Western for the Stock Show
7 Club Registration form Due today
17 MLK Jr. Day – NO SCHOOL
19 Family Information Night (time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm)
25 3rd/4th Grade Showcases (time: 3rd 6:30 pm, 4th 7:15 pm)
Writing contest prompt/topic: How has technology provided by Berthoud BASH funds influenced your
education and/or the education of those you know? (Technology includes Promethean boards, document cameras,
laptop computers, netbooks, and flip cameras.)

1. The entry must be mailed to the following address: Berthoud Schools Fund Essay Contest, PO Box 1431,
Berthoud, CO 80513. All entries must be received on or before March 1, 2011, to be eligible for
2. Students in grades K-2 will submit an entry that is neatly handwritten. Students in grades 3-5 may
submit a neatly handwritten or typed entry. Students in grades 6-8 and 9-12 will submit a typed
3. The entry must not exceed 500 words. The word count must be written at the top of page 1 of the
4. Each contestant may submit only one entry.
5. The writer's name, grade, and school must be written on the back of page 1 of the entry.
6. The back of page 1 of the entry should also include the following statement: I give permission for the
contents of this piece of writing to be used for promotional purposes by the Berthoud Schools Fund. I also
give permission for my child to be identified as the writer.
7. Under this statement, a parent/guardian should print and then sign his/her name.

1. Entries will be judged on the following criteria: content, evidence of purpose, word choice and
arrangement, organization and development, style, and technical qualities/mechanics. The quality of the
entry is more important than the length.
2. The contest is open to students who are currently enrolled in one of the following schools: Berthoud
Elementary, Ivy Stockwell Elementary, Turner Middle School, Berthoud High School.
3. One winner will be chosen from each of the following levels: primary (grades K-2), intermediate (grades 3-
5), middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12).
4. Berthoud Schools Fund reserves the right to collect additional information from winners.
5. Berthoud Schools Fund retains all rights for present and future use of the submitted entries.
6. Winners' entries will be posted on the Berthoud Schools Fund Web site.


1. The four winners will each receive a Nook e-reader valued at $100.
Stars & Stripes & Megabytes
Embassy Suites-Loveland

Over $100,000 Invested in our Berthoud Schools!!!!


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