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Berkman Elementary 5 Grade Class Handbook 2015-2016: Mrs. Albano (Johnston), Mrs. Berry, Ms. Piña

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Berkman Elementary

5 Grade Class Handbook


Mrs. Albano (Johnston), Mrs. Berry, Ms. Pia

5th Grade Classroom Schedule

7:20-7:40 Breakfast/Homework Help

Math- Mrs. Berry

7:40-7:50 Announcements/Morning Meeting (Good News)

Reading- Mrs. Albano

7:50-9:20 Block 1 [Homeroom]

Science- Ms. Pia

9:20-10:50 Block 2
10:50-11:25 Block 3a
11:25-11:55 Lunch
11:55-12:50 Block 3b
12:50-1:40 Specials
1:40-2:10 Interventions/Flexible Grouping
2:10-2:30 Recess
2:30-2:45 Read aloud/Dismissal (Launch)

***Each Science block will include 25 minutes of ELA integration (reading and writing in

Interventions: Monday-Thursday

Your childs regular and prompt attendance at school is crucial to his/her success. We cant
emphasize this point enough!!! Most learning activities are group oriented and involve interaction
with classmates. Therefore, it is next to impossible to make up work at home. Please view school
as a priority, and see to it that your child attends every day except in cases of illness or
emergency. The students are admitted into the classroom at 7:20 am and are considered
tardy after 7:45 am. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria until 7:45 am.
If your child will be absent, please call the school at 512-464-8250 and let us know. This will
help us ensure that all children have arrived safely. If calling is not possible, please email or
send a note the following day.
If your child will not be riding a school bus, please make sure that you are here before 2:45 pm
to pick them up. If you are late, your child will possibly be in a different spot with a different
teacher or sitting in the office.

Thirty minutes of reading is assigned each night. Student will need to record their reading in
reading log (please sign next to each square). In addition, reading, math, science, and social
studies will be assigned as needed. Homework help is offered each day in morning from 7:207:40. Please utilize this time to finish assignments and/or ask for assistance.

Your child will have the opportunity to retake or redo failing work. Corrections may be made to
improve a grade up to 70%. You may use Home Access Center to monitor grades.
Behavior Management
Fifth grade uses social contracts which are based upon positive behavior and appropriate
choices by each of our students.
School wide Expectations:
Be responsible
Be respectful
Be proud
The teacher will redirect the child when necessary using the following five questions:


5 Questions
What are you doing?
What are you supposed to be doing?


Are you doing it?

What are you going to do about it and when?
What will happen if you choose to break the contract again?
The teacher will use the following five answers to set clearly defined limits, and talk about
acceptable ways of handling situations.
5 Answers
Proximity, quiet reminders, etc.
Five Questions
Chill Out area
Parent phone call/note, removal from classroom
Finally You behaved yourself to the office.
The students will be rewarded individually and as a group with verbal praise, special privileges,
stickers, treasure prizes, notes home, Buzz tickets, etc. for positive reinforcement of
appropriate behavior choices.
As a means of communication, students will receive behavior notifications as needed in their
folders. If there is a note on difficult behavior, please discuss the importance of good behavior
in the classroom so students can make better choices in the future. The note is to be signed
and returned to the teacher. If your child has ongoing behavior issues in the classroom,
parents may be contacted to discuss matters further.
We would appreciate you addressing any issues that occur in the classroom as we are trying to
prepare students to accept responsibility for their behavior. We welcome your comments and
ask for your support. It is important that you discuss appropriate behavior with your child so
they are aware of what is expected of them regarding behavior at school.

Home-School Communication
A HOMEWORK folder will come home daily to include behavior notes, assignments, etc. In
addition, a TUESDAY folder will come home weekly to include school-wide and/or classroom
information. Please be sure to check your childs backpack daily and return these folders
each day.
Be sure to check our individual teacher website and Berkman website for updated
information on school/classroom activities. You may monitor your childs grades using the
districts HAC (Home Access Center) system.
Round Rock ISD is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) district. This allows for students to bring
their devices for educational purposes. During the day however, personal calls or messages are

NOT allowed during the instructional day. Teachers are not responsible for damage or loss of
these devices.
Birthdays will be celebrated either during lunch or at recess time ONLY. Birthdays are
special occasions for young children. If your child wishes, he/she may bring treats for the class
on his/her birthday. The treats must be store bought and in the original unopened container.
Please send a note a day or two in advance, so I can give you an exact number of children in the
class and set aside some class time at the end of day to celebrate. We are not allowed to hand
out party invitations at school. You may contact PTA to obtain parent contact information for
this purpose. Only those parents who consent to sharing their information will be given out.
There will be three class parties during the year- Christmas, Valentines Day, and End of Year.
Book Club Orders
We will be participating in a monthly book club. This is a great way for families to order
inexpensive books. Order forms will be sent home in the binders. Orders can be placed online
(instructions will be provided with order form) or by returning forms with a check or money
order for the appropriate amount.

Parent Participation
Throughout the school year there will be a variety of special school activities and celebrations.
We encourage you to attend these functions when possible and to support them by sending
needed supplies or treats. Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and
sends the message that you value school. If you would like to be a volunteer, you will need to go
to the Berkman website to complete the volunteer application process to become an approved
volunteer. We will be happy to help you with this! If you are interested, please let us know.
Parent/Teacher Relationship
We believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success.
Throughout the year we will communicate with you through notes, telephone calls, newsletters,
interim reports, progress reports, and parent-teacher conferences. We encourage you to
contact us if you have any questions or concerns at any time.
Mrs. Albano: (512-464-8295) or
Mrs. Berry: (512-464-8296) or
Ms. Pia: (512-464-8275) or

In closing, we are looking forward to a great year working with your child! We would also like to
suggest that you save this letter for future reference. We thank you in advance for your
support throughout the year!!!
Fifth grade team
Mrs. Albano, Mrs. Berry, and Ms. Pia

Cut and return this bottom portion to your homeroom teacher

5th grade Handbook Agreement

Please sign and return that you have you READ and AGREED to follow the expectations in the
Student Signature: __________________________________________________

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________

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