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Parent Packet 16-17

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Dear Families,
Welcome to Second Grade! It is a pleasure to have your child in
my class! I am providing you with this information packet to help start
the year off right. Please read it and discuss with your child. You will
learn about our daily schedule, homework responsibilities, behavior
management plan, and other helpful information that will enable us to
make this a very positive and rewarding year. There are also some
forms for you to fill out at the back of the handbook and return.
Communication is extremely important. Please feel free to
contact me at any time if there is a question or situation you would like
to discuss. I am available on most school days for a phone call before
8:15 or after 3:00 (541-744-6308). If you prefer a face-to-face visit, we
can arrange a time. I can also be reached through email at: .
I am committed to the importance of parent involvement in a
childs education. You are their first, and most important teacher. I
believe that when we all (parent, child, and teacher) work together as
a team, your child will receive the best education possible.
Mrs. Thorsby
Room 7 has a classroom Facebook page! You will find classroom
announcements, photos, and other important information there. You
can like Mrs. Thorsbys Class on Facebook to get this information. I
will also send reminders through Class Dojo. Class Dojo will also be
used to give you information on how your child is doing in class. Please
see the attached Class Dojo instruction sheet to sign up.
Regular attendance is important and cannot be stressed enough.
If your child is ill, or must be absent, it is always appreciated if you
phone the office to let us know. A child who is tardy usually misses
instruction time that is difficult to make-up.
Our day begins when the doors open at 8:25. I have routines for
students to follow before the bell rings. After morning routines,
students will have an entry task (math review sheet). They are
encouraged to have the task finished and be ready to start the day by


We will take a nutritious snack break right before our morning

recess. Children can bring their own nutritious single serving snack if
they wish to participate. Examples of district-approved nutritious
snacks are attached to this packet. Please no cookies or sweets.
Second graders go to lunch at 11:35. Parents are welcome to join
their children for lunch. You may meet your child at the cafeteria door.
Students will eat lunch first and then go outside for their recess.
We will be on a 3-day rotating schedule this year for PE, music,
and library. Mr. Weissbarth is our music teacher, and Mrs. Babcock is
our librarian. We will also have early release at 12:30 on some Fridays.
Please remember to have your child wear shoes with rubber
soles and no heels on their PE days. Sandals, cowboy boots, and dressy
platform shoes with slick or chunky soles are unsafe and not
appropriate for the gym. They may bring PE shoes in their backpack,
and then change right before PE. Girls wearing dresses or skirts should
wear shorts underneath.
Students are dismissed at 2:50. Please pick your child up at our
back door. Students will not be released until their contact person is at
the door. If your child is going home with someone different (a friend,
aunt, etc.) just send a note in the morning to let me know.
You are more than welcome to visit our classroom. Just let me
know of your visit a few days ahead of time so we can plan for you.
Please do not drop in as this tends to disrupt student learning
time. Be prepared to be put to work upon entering the classroom. We
can always use an extra set of hands! Dont forget to check in at the
office and pick up a visitors badge.
We love parent helpers in Room 7! As a volunteer you will be
asked to commit to a specific day and time so I can have materials
gathered for you in advance. I also appreciate parent volunteers for
parties, field trips, library, etc. If you did not sign up at Meet the
Teacher night, please feel free to fill out the attached form and return it
at your convenience. Volunteers will begin working in our classroom in
mid-October. I will send a confirmation letter with more specifics to
parents who have signed up.

We will celebrate every childs birthday. We will sing a birthday
song and your child will be given a birthday certificate and pencil. Our
school has a policy of NO BIRTHDAY TREATS! To avoid hurt feelings of
uninvited children, please do not ask your child to distribute birthday
invitations at school. Instead, let me know and we will figure out a
discreet way to deliver them to guests. If you do not celebrate
birthdays, please let me know so we can respect your wishes.
Homework is very important. Students help build skills learned in
the classroom by completing homework assignments. Teachers and
parents can support students by working together to help guide
students through the process of completing homework assignments.
As part of a homework routine, you may find it helpful to establish
a certain time of day for your child to complete homework. A quiet,
well-lit place to study will also help. It should take no more than 20
minutes of focused effort for your child to complete their homework.
Please let me know if it is taking your child longer than this. Encourage
your child to place completed homework back into their Homework
Folder, and then right into their backpack. This way it wont get left
behind or eaten by the dog.
Every child will have weekly homework assigned. Second graders
will be given a homework folder that includes a daily reading log and
occasional math(typically once or twice a week). Homework folders are
sent home each Monday and expected to be completed and returned
on Friday.
Praise and encourage children when they do quality work!
Students who return completed homework by Friday (including initials
on the reading log) will earn Friday Surprise (either a special activity,
trip to the treasure box, or a special treat). Here is recap:
Teachers responsibilities:
Provide students with clear directions and expectations for all
homework assignments.
Provide students with a reasonable amount of homework to
practice important skills.
Students responsibilities:
Get a parent signature each day they read in their Homework
Keep materials in order.
Complete quality work and turn in on time.
Make up any missed reading homework.
Parents responsibilities:

Provide a safe and quiet area to complete homework.

Check your childs math homework for neatness and accuracy.
Sign the homework log after homework is completed.

I try to create a positive, nurturing classroom environment where
students clearly understand classroom procedures and expectations for
appropriate behavior. These expectations are based upon our school
rules. Our school rules are Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible.
Children are able to rise to high standards of behavior when they
clearly understand what is expected. Modeling and practicing the
expected behaviors is an essential part of developing a positive
classroom climate. During the first few weeks of school we revisit the
rules every day and discuss what each rule looks, sounds, and feels
like. Students have plenty of opportunity to practice and role-play basic
classroom procedures and rules.
Our School Rules
Be Safe

Our Classroom Rules

Keep hands and feet to self.

Be Respectful

Listen when others are talking.

Use kind words.
Work quietly during independent time.

Be Responsible

Follow directions the first time.

Do your best.
Keep your workspace clean and

All children at times will break the rules. They will forget, be
unsure, or test the limits. I use the colors of the rainbow for tracking
daily behavior. Students start each day with their card in the middle of
the rainbow on green. If a student is not following a rule, I give them a
friendly reminder. If the student needs a second friendly reminder,
they will move their card down the rainbow to the next color, yellow. If
the student needs a third behavior reminder, they move their card
down to orange and stay in for a few minutes of recess to practice the
appropriate behavior. A fourth reminder will result in the student
moving their card to red at the bottom of the rainbow. They will lose

their next recess, and I will make parent contact (either a note home or
phone call).
Students may also move their card up the rainbow to blue and
purple for going above and beyond behavioral expectations.
Here is a summary:

Purple- is a role model of good character

Blue- goes above and beyond expectations

Green- meets behavioral expectations

(everyone starts on green each day)

Yellow- two friendly reminders

Orange- three friendly reminders, owe 5 min. recess

Red- four friendly reminders, loss of next recess, parent contact

I believe the best way to achieve a positive classroom climate is

by recognizing and celebrating students when they exhibit appropriate
behaviors and providing opportunities for extra support and practice
when they dont. A priority in second grade will always be maintaining
each childs self-esteem.
Students accomplishments at school are a reflection of the
training and guidance you have provided at home. Thank you for your
effort and support.

Please sign and return the form below after you have discussed classroom
expectations with your child.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student name:_______________________________________________________
Yes, I have discussed classroom expectations with my child.
Parent signature:_______________________________________________________

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