Xii Maths PDF
Xii Maths PDF
Xii Maths PDF
Workshop on
Mr. S. SreenivasagaPerumal
PGT( Maths), KV Mysore
Mrs. P. Ramalakshmi
PGT( Maths), KV No: 2, Pondicherry
Mr. T. Selvam
PGT( Maths), KV No : 1, Trichy
Mr. P. SenthilKumaran
PGT( Maths), KV HVF , Avadi.
1 Foreword
2 Preface
3 Guidelines to teachers
4 Teaching of Mathematics
Dr.E.T.Arasu, Dy. Commissioner & Director ZIET Mysore
5 New Trends in Assessments
Mrs.V Meenakshi,ASST.Commissioner KVS(RO),Ernakulam
6 Why Mathematics is perceived as a difficult subject?
Shri.E.Ananthan,Principal k. V. No.1 AFS‘ Tambaram ficult
7 Qualities of a successful Mathematics teacher
Shri.E.Krishna Murthy, principal K.V.NFC Nagar, Secundarabad.
8 Teaching strategies in mathematics
Shri.Siby Sebastian ,Principal K. V. Bijapur
9 Teaching learning mathematics with joy
Sharada M, Teacher, DMS,RIE Mysore
10 Resources- chapter wise
Expected Learning Outcomes.
Concept mapping in VUE portal.
Three levels of graded exercises including non-routine questions.
Value Based Questions.
Error Analysis and Remediation.
Question Bank.
Power Point Presentations
Web Links
11 Sample papers
12 Tips & techniques to score better
13 Tips & techniques in teaching learning process
14 List of video clippings ,embedded files in the annexure folder
There is an adage about Mathematics: ―Mathematics is the Queen of all Sciences‖. This adage
exemplifies the significance, scope and importance of mathematics in the realm of sciences. Being a
‗Queen‘, as a subject, Mathematics deserves to be adored and admired by all. But unfortunately, this
subject is perceived by the students as a most difficult subject. Not only in India, but across the globe,
learning of the subject creates trepidation.
The perception about this subject being difficult in India is rather surprising as ours is a land of great
mathematicians like Ramanujan, Bhaskara, Aryabatta et al. The origin and accomplishments of these
great men should be a source of inspiration to both students and teachers alike. Yet, as the truth being
otherwise, making concerted efforts to identify the reason for perceived fears, initiate suitable damage
control and undertake remedial measures assume paramount importance. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
as a pace setting educational organization in the field of School Education which always strives to give
best education to its students, thought it fit to take a pioneering step to empower teachers through teacher
support materials. In-service education too strives to do the same. Yet, providing Teacher Resource
Material in a compact format with word, audio and video inputs is indeed a novel one.
In the name of teacher resources the internet is abound with a lot of materials: books, audio and video
presentations. Yet their validity and usability being debatable, a homemade product by in-house experts
could be a solution. Hence, in response to KVS (HQ)‘s letter dated 03.03.2015 on the subject
―Developing Resource Material for Teaching of English and Maths‖, a six-day workshop was organized
at ZIET, Mysore from 20-25 April 2015. The task allotted to ZIET, Mysore by the KVS is to prepare the
resource materials for teachers of mathematics teaching classes IX to XII.
In the workshop, under the able coordinator ship of Mrs. V. Meenakshi, Assistant Commissioner, KVS,
Ernakulam Region, four material production teams were constituted for preparing materials for classes
IX, X, XI and XII separately. Mr. E.Ananathan, Principal, KV, No.1, Tambaram of Chennai Region
headed Class XII Material Production team; Mr.E.Krishnamurthy, Principal, KV,NFC Nagar, Gatakeshar
of Hyderabad region headed Class XI Material Production Team; Mr. Siby Sebastian, Principal, KV,
Bijapur of Bangalore Region headed Class X Material Production Team and Mr.Govindu Maddipatla,
Principal, KV, Ramavermapuram, Trissur of Ernakulam Region headed Class IX Material Production
Team. Each team was aided ably by a group of five teachers of Mathematics. After a thorough discussion
among KVS faculty members and Mrs.Sharada, TGT (Maths), an invited faculty from Demonstration
Multipurpose School, RIE, Mysore on the ‗Reference Material Framework‘ on the first day, the teams
broke up to complete their allotted work. Their tireless efforts which stretched beyond the prescribed
office hours on all the six days helped complete the task of preparing four Teacher Resource Booklets –
one each for classes IX, X, XI and XII in a time-bound manner.
Even a cursory glance of the index shall reveal the opt areas of support that the Resource Booklet strives
to provide to the teachers of mathematics. The entire material production team deserves appreciation for
the commendable work they did in a short period of six days. It is the earnest hope of KVS that the
effective use of the Resource Materials will serve the purpose of real teacher empowerment which will
result in better classroom teaching, enhanced student learning and above all creating in the minds of the
students an abiding love for the subject of mathematics.
- Dr. E. Thirunavukkarasu
Deputy Commissioner & Course Director
"The result of planning should be effective, efficient, and economical...that is, suitable for the
intended purpose, capable of producing the desired results, and involving the least investment of
resources". - Clark Crouch
KVS, Zonal Institute of Education and Training, Mysore organized a 6 Day Workshop on
‘Developing Resource Material for teaching of Mathematics for Class XII’ from 20th April to 25th
April 2015. The Sponsored Four Post Graduate Teachers in Mathematics from Chennai Region and one
Post Graduate Teacher from Bangalore Region were allotted two/ three topics from syllabus of Class XII
to prepare Resource Material for teachers under the heads:
I express my sincere thanks to Dr.E.T.Arasu, Deputy Commissioner and Director KVS, ZIET, Mysore for
giving me an opportunity to be a part of this programme and contribute at my best to the noble cause of
strengthening Mathematics Education in particular and the School Education as a whole in general.My
best wishes to all Post Graduate Teachers in Mathematics for very focused classroom transactions using
this Resource Material to bring in quality and quantity results in the Class XII Examinations.
Guidelines to Teachers
The Resource Material has been designed to make learning Mathematics a delightful experience catering
to every kind of learner. As the learners are introduced to a fascinating variety of tools, and participate in
meaningful, fun filled activities their Mathematics competence will grow exponentially. Activities that
cater to different learning styles such as problem solving, reasoning and proof, analytical, logical etc. are
thoughtfully placed in the Resource Material.
The teacher can use as a Teaching Aid for explaining the holistic view of the topic. It can be used as
revision tool. Concept maps are a way to develop logical thinking and study skills by revealing
connections and helping students see how individual ideas form a larger whole. These were developed to
enhance meaningful learning in Mathematics. It enhances metacognition (learning to learn, and thinking
about knowledge). It helps in assessing learner understanding of learning objectives, concepts and the
relationship among those concepts.
Download VUE portal from google and click on this icon to view the content embedded.
issue,teachers have listed,chapterwise, all possible common errors likely to be committed by the students
and suitable measures to overcome those errors.
5. Question Bank:
The questions were prepared chapter wise and kept in order for guiding the students suitably in their
process of learning.Two sets of sample papers were also included for better understanding of the pattern
of the Board Question Paper including weightage of marks.
The Resource material contains Power Point Presentations of all lessons of Class X and Video clips/links
to Videos of concepts for clarity in understanding.
Please double click on it to view the Power Point Presentation.
8. Sample papers:
In this section, blue print and sample papers are included for SA1 and SA2 which helps teachers to
give practice tests in the board pattern.
9.Annexure folder:
This folder is a collection of all soft copies which are embedded in the section ‗Concept Mapping in
VUE portal‘. ‗Power Point Presentations‘ of the lessons are included for classroom teaching.
Further Video clippings of a few problems and concepts are included.
The Post Graduate Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers are requested to use this material in
Classroom transaction and send feedback to Mrs.V.Meenakshi, Assistant Commissioner, Ernakulam
India is the land of Aryabhatta, Ramanujam and the like – great luminaries in the field of mathematics.
Yet, this is one subject that our students dread the most. ―It is a nightmarish experience learning this
subject, and even the very thought of the subject sends jitters‖ is a common refrain of school-going
students. Not only in India, a developing country, but also in other countries, be those come under the
category of underdeveloped or developed, Mathematics is a subject of fear among our students. Both
parents and students feel that class room teaching of the subject alone is not adequate for learning it
The parents are worried lot. Getting a ‗good‘ Mathematics teacher, whatever it means, is big problem.
The ones they get in the ‗market‘ are not of any big help to their children; yet they are left with no option
but to depend upon either school teachers or coaches from outside. Class room teaching is woefully
inadequate in enabling the children acquire confidence and interest in the subject. The quantum of
individual attention paid to solving the problems of students in this subjects being almost nil, making
them get through the examination is a challenge. ―Something needs to be done to arrest the rut being set
in Mathematics teaching‖ is the common prayer of parents.
When you ask the teachers of Mathematics as to why Mathematics is considered as a difficult subject, the
answers you get are neither logical nor scientific. Here are a few samples:
The subject requires more of students study time than other subjects (why?)
The subject requires long hours of work, involving practice and drill (why is it so?)
This subject is different from other subjects (in what ways?) Though these answers might partially tell us
the reason why the subject is detested by many, they fail to throw any light on the psychological
prerequisites, if any, specially required for learning this subject.
A peep into Mathematics classes and a bit of observation of the ways in which Mathematics is taught by
Mathematics teachers reveal a pattern which is as follows:
Introduction of the new topic: the teacher speaking in general terms for a few minutes about the
topic on hand if it happens to be the beginning of the topic.
Working out problems on the black board either by the teacher himself or by calling out a
student to do it:If the teacher does the problem on the board, one can see him doing it silently or lip-
reading the steps involved in it. If the student does the problem on the board, either continuous
interruption or silent observation of the teacher can be seen to be taking place in the class.
Occasional fielding of questions by the teacher on the problem area:
When students raise doubts on the steps written how the steps have been arrived at etc., the teacher either
clarifies the doubts or tells them to go through the steps again.
Leaving a large number of problems for the students to solve: Often after having solved one or
two problems given under the exercise questions on the black board (at times those worked out problems
happen to be given as model problems in the text book), teaches tend to leave a large number of
remaining problems as home work to students.
Introduction of any new topic is done in not more than 5-10 minutes duration. This duration is not
enough. You cannot throw light on the conceptual frame work of a topic integrating the related concepts
learned in classes down below in a span of 5 to 10 minutes. The teacher cannot say much in such a short
duration. What actually transpires in Mathematics classes in the name of introducing topic can be
illustrated with an example: In the illustration, I have taken here on the topic ‗quadratic equation‘ taught
by a teacher which goes like this. ―We are going to learn quadratic equations today. Any equation of the
form ax2+bx +c =0 in which a , a and b are coefficients of x2 and x respectively and c is a constant
term is called a quadratic equation. Quadratic Equations have one of the three types of solutions –two
different values for the variable x, same value for the variable x or no solution‖. This type of introduction
with a bit of additional information added or otherwise is observed in many classes.
Obviously the introduction given by the teacher is insufficient. There are concepts learned in other classes
which have vertical connection and relevance with the topic quadratic equation, namely algebraic
equations, linear equations, factors, constants, coefficients, monomials, binomials and of course, algebraic
expressions etc. Sparing 10 to 20 minutes to brush up the memory of the students in the topic is highly
essential, if a teacher has to cater to the needs of the students of varying levels of understanding of the
subject. Introduction given in a generalized manner without taking into account the students previous
knowledge and current knowledge in a topic would serve no purpose.
Next the teacher picking up one or two problems randomly from the actual exercise for solving on the
black board is a common practice observed in the Mathematics classes. Even selecting the worked out
examples given in the text book for black board work is not uncommon among the teachers. While the
majority of Mathematics teachers prefer to articulate the steps as they work out on the black board, the
rest does not open their mouth while their written work is in progress. In the absence of any instruction,
students copy down the black board work without listening much to what the teacher says is a common
sight in Mathematics classes. The black board works with our teacher‘s explanation cannot be beneficial
to the entire class. Leaving a few motivated students, who have developed interest in Mathematics
through other sources of learning, the rest would tend to lose interest and accumulate doubts/ignorance
over a period of time, if efforts are not made by the teacher to explain the steps as to why and how those
steps occur in the way they are written on the black board. If the sequential relation and coherence among
the steps in solving a problem is lost sight of, the entire subject matter would present a picture of mystery
to students. This results in aversion to the subject and ultimately mathematics phobia. The brain develops
a conditioned response to learning mathematics which I call, ‗Mathematics Blindness‘ Anything related to
number, order, sequence, logic and Mathematical operations becoming an anathema to the brain.
The third aspect of teaching Mathematics, namely, how teachers handle questions posed by students,
requires a closer examination. Questions, as a matter of fact, are not welcome in mathematics classes.
They are perceived as speed breakers to smooth progress (!?) in the completion of syllabus. ―After all
how good a teacher is not important, but are you a teacher who completes the syllabus within the
stipulated period of time is! Where is the time to explain each and everything? Even if you do so, there
are not many takers. Parents have more faith in coaching classes than in our ability than to teach their
children well. ―Explanation likes this fly thick and fast the moment you talk about poor teaching of
Mathematics. Even in the best of mathematics classes, there is no guarantee that the skill and the mental
process of learning the subject, and the components of mastery learning are taken care of. Moving back
and forth in elucidating the concepts of Mathematics is rarely done though it is an essential component to
review and refresh the previous knowledge. When teachers proceed without this exercise, students
stumble with many a doubt and asking that in the class for clarification is straddled with many a pitfall.
Right choice of words for raising questions, receptivity of teacher and the possibility of getting answers
from the teacher are all matters of speculation. Hence the students prefer the permissive coaching classes
for seeking clarification for the doubts that arise in various levels of learning Mathematics. Yet, their
hopes are dashed as coaching classes are as crowded as regular school classes and getting conceptual
understanding of the subject becomes a real challenge.
Teachers give large number of exercise problems for the students to solve at home. As seen earlier, doing
one or two problems for the name sake does not help the students to acquire the insight required for
solving problems at home on their own. The teacher solved problems are inadequate in number and
variety, and the explanation, if any, given about problem solving in the classes is either incomprehensive
or inadequate. As a result students get frustrated when they struggle with problems with answers not in
sight. They lose interest when their woes are not taken care of.
Mathematics is one of the compulsory subjects of study up to class X and an optional one from class XI
onwards. It is an important subject as it is considered as the ‗Queen of all Sciences‘. The abstract nature
of Mathematics, precision and exactness being its hall mark, makes this subject appears as more difficult
than other subjects. Even the simplest of concepts in it like numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division prescribed for the primary classes warrant in-depth understanding and imagination and creative
thinking on the part of the teacher for effective teaching. But do we have teachers who possess these
qualities in our schools is a moot question.
Teachers are not having the subject specialization in Mathematics too are allotted this subject for teaching
in Primary Classes. Concepts in mathematics up to class V level in schools, consists of basic operations
such as addition, subtraction etc., that are taught in a routine manner. As a result, the student learns to do
those basic operations following certain repetitive patterns oblivious of the ―Why‖ aspect of those
patterns. When they reach the middle level (Classes VI to VIII) and later on the secondary level (Classes
IX to X), they understand that the ‗patterns ‗that they learn in the primary classes are not of much use and
that they need to know ‗something more‘. The real problem to them is to know what is that ‗something
more‘. It is the understanding of basic concepts which is more essential than knowing certain patterns of
doing certain problems in Mathematics. But unfortunately, most students come to middle classes without
learning anything about Mathematical concepts and how to use their conceptual understanding for solving
problems. Mathematics learning, hence, becomes a big riddle by then, and the slow but steady process of
developing disinterest in the subject sets in.
The teachers of the middle and secondary classes have a challenge on hand: opening up the cognitive
domain of students and then taking them to higher order mental abilities though sequential learning
process. In other subjects, knowledge and understanding apart, memory play a vital role in scoring marks.
Even without the former, with the latter (memory) alone, students can score marks in other subjects,
where as in Mathematics, you are expected to do ―problem solving‖ which is a higher order cognitive
The cognitive domain of the human brain is said to be responsible for thinking, understanding,
imagination and creativity. The cognitive domain becomes a fully functional component of human brain
after 10 or 11 years of age in children. This does not mean that this domain remains dormant and
nonfunctional before this stage. In fact ‗concept formation‘- one of the difficult functional outputs of the
cognitive domain –does take place even before 10 or 11 years of age. The lower order cognitive skills
such as knowledge and understanding apart, the elementary level of skills of analysis, and simple problem
solving skills are exhibited by primary class children. Systematic development of these skills is called for
when the children reach the middle classes. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the process involved
in problem solving, which has its genesis in concept learning is a must for teachers of Mathematics.
A concept is an abstract idea, and mathematics is full of them. Concept learning involves acquiring a
thorough comprehension and grasp of abstract ideas. Each concept in Mathematics has sub-components.
For example, ‗algebraic expressions‘ is a concept whose sub-components are ‗algebra‘ (What?),
‗expression‘ (What?), and ‗algebraic expressions‘ (definition?).Besides these components, questions like
what are numerical expressions, are algebraic expressions different from numeric expressions, what are
algebraic equations, how do algebraic expressions differ from algebraic equations, and so on may needs
to be answered to bring out clarity in learning the concept ‗algebraic expressions‘.
Knowledge Redundancy:
The information age we live in help us see information explosion taking place all around us. The newer
learning taking place with geometric progression keeps replacing the current and past information, and
hence knowledge is in constant state of flux. Processing information in order to add it to the existing
corpus of knowledge is the need of the hour. Teachers, whose main business is transacting knowledge in
class room, cannot remain isolated from information processing. They need to keep updating themselves;
else they would become knowledge redundant.
Knowledge updated by the teachers is to be transacted in an effective manner, in capsules, in class room
to facilitate students comprehending it. Students‘ language abilities and power of comprehension should
be known to the teacher so as to select the best possible way of communicating knowledge with fosters
comprehension. The real task of the teacher wanting to achieve total comprehension exists in analyzing
and synthesizing knowledge. This is also acquired to develop application skills - in known situations to
start with and progressively in unknown situations. Problem solving requires ‗application skills‘, which
are the by-product of analysis and synthesis. The skills of analyzing and synthesizing, and application of
knowledge at known and unknown situations have an important component called ‗thinking‘. Thinking
has two integral parts: divergent and convergent, while divergent thinking results in creativity, convergent
in conversation.
The skills in various levels of the cognitive domain do not function in isolation. There is a vertical
connectivity among them, which can be presented by a flow chart as given under:
Understanding/ Comprehension
Information 14
Information Processing:
Processing information may require special skills such as skimming and scanning. Yet ‗information‘ is
kept as the bottom as a lower order skill in view of the fact that the information processed as know ledge
is readily made available in text books to study. Information processing is defined as Claude E. Shannon
as the conversion of latent information into manifest information. Latent and manifest information are
defined through the terms equivocation (remaining uncertainty, what value the sender has actually
chosen), dissipation (uncertainty of the sender what the receiver has actually received) and transformation
(saved effort of questioning- equivocation minus dissipation).
Knowledge too has innumerable components yet the bookish knowledge is emphasized in class room
teaching and hence its categorization as a lower order skill. Understanding of what is given in text is
meant in a limited manner of ‗Knowing what it is‘ rather than why and how. The Wikipedia, free
encyclopedia, defines knowledge as information of which a person, organization or other entities aware.
Knowledge is gained either by experience, learning and perception through association and reasoning.
The term knowledge also means the confident understanding of a subject, potential with the ability to use
it for specific purpose.
What is analysis
There are many definitions given to the term ‘analysis’. Some are given below:
An investigation of the component parts whole and their relations in making up the whole.A form of
literary criticism in which the structure of a piece of writing is analyzed.The use of closed- class words
instead of infections: eg:, the father of a bride‘ instead of ‗the bride‘s father‘
In our article I use the term ‗ analysis‘ to refer to understanding the components that go into making
something. For analogy, think of a TV set. The components are picture tube, condensers, resistances,
speakers etc. are put together to make a composite whole called TV. Similarly any concepts in
Mathematics consist of micro- concepts/ sub- concepts, the understanding, defining and elucidating of
each micro- concept fall under the domain of analysis. In class VII, for example, the concept of ‗rational
number‘ is defined as follows:
―Any number that can be put in the form of p/q where p and q are integers and q not equal to zero is a
rational number‖. Analysis of this concept includes the understanding and elucidation of
The word ‗synthesis‘ can be defined in many different ways. A few popular definitions are as follows:
The art of putting different representations together and of grasping what is manifold in them in
one act of knowledge.
Synthesis is what first gives rise to knowledge, ie. It is not analysis. It is an act of the imagination.
Synthesis suggests the ability to put together separate ideas to form new wholes of a fabric, or
establish new relationships.
Synthesis involves putting ideas and knowledge in a new and unique form. This is where
innovations truly takes place.
The process of bringing pieces of an analysis together to make a whole.
The process of building a new concept, solution, design for a purpose by putting parts together in
a logical way.
This is fifth level of Bloom‘s taxonomy and deals with the task of putting together parts to form a
new whole. This might involve working with parts and putting them together in a creative new
way or using old ideas to come up with new ones.
Synthesis is to be done for the purpose of establishing the Gestalt view that ‗the whole is more than the
sum total of its parts‘. A suitable analogy can be assembling the components of a TV set and making it
The act of bringing something to bear; using it for a particular purpose: ―he advocated the application of
statistics to the problem‖; ―a novel application of electronics to medical diagnosis‖
In school level Mathematics, the skills of analysis and synthesis and the insight learning that takes place
as a result of the application of those skills would pave the way for solving exercise problems, which the
teachers shy away from under the pretext of lack of time, and other priorities. The skills in the cognitive
ladder are vertically connected, and the acquisition of those skills at each level requires the student‘s to
allow their minds to think and assimilate ideas. This repetitive manner in which the sequential cognitive
skills practiced would train the mind in Mathematical thinking which is otherwise called logical thinking.
Logical Thinking:
Logical thinking is defined as that thinking which is coherent and rational. Reasoning and abstract
thought are synonymous with logical thinking. Logical thinking be in Mathematics or any other subject is
required to establish the coherence of facts of matter and formation of logical patterns and sequences.
Mind has the special ability to think and assimilate, and retain subject matter when presented in sequential
manner. Mind grasps matter devoid of gaps quickly. Unanalyzed knowledge in its un-synthesized form
poses difficulty in retaining it in long time memory, as concepts and its components do not function
isolation. Hence, mind rejects fragmented information which lacks patterns.
Problem Solving:
The thought process involved in solving a problem is called problem - solving. Problem solving as a skill
is developed crossing various other skills on its way. The skills lying down below ‗problem solving‘ in
the cognitive ladder can be compared to the floors of a building. You cannot reach the sixth floor without
crossing the floors down below. Similarly when problem solving is attempted in classes with making
explicit efforts to pass through the levels of knowledge, understanding, analysis, synthesis, and
application, students fail miserably.
Often it is said that practice and drill in Mathematics would help learn the subject better. Hence again, by
repeatedly working out problems, one has to ‗memorize‘ the steps, but it does not guarantee success when
problems are differently worded or twisted. Following the cognitive order- moving from information to
problem solving steps in the classroom will help the students know the sequential mental processes
involved in solving problems in Mathematics. As they practice these steps regularly it will boost their
confidence in learning the subject. But classroom learning these days mostly concentrate on problem
solving as a direct hit strategy. Working out the problems first without following the cognitive order is
equivalent to putting the horse behind the cart, which will take the students nowhere. Even conscientious
teachers tend to spend10-20% of their class time on concept teaching and 80-90% on working out the
problems. This is totally incorrect. Concept learning and concept formation require knowledge
comprehension, analysis and synthesis. After going through these steps, as the next stage, ‗application‘
should be dealt with. At the end comes problem solving. The process of going through and gaining
thorough grasp of knowledge, understanding, analysis, and synthesis warrants 80-90% of class room time,
and hence just 10-20% class time is enough for problem solving.
Failure to recognize orderly thinking, the basic quality of cognitive order, is the main reason for the
difficulty faced by students in learning Mathematics. The earlier the teachers and students recognize the
need for approaching Mathematics logically, the better it would be to create and sustain interest in the
subject. The Mathematics classroom practices may, therefore, be fashioned by following the sequential
steps given as under:
i) Teacher utilizing 5-10 minutes in the beginning of the class on asking questions on the
knowledge, comprehension, analysis and synthesis part of the chapter on hand.
ii) After identifying the skill area in which students have problems, discussion to thrash out
those problems should be taken up. Often the problems of students stem from lack of
understanding of the basic concepts. It is essential therefore to keep doing ‗concept recall‘
and ‗concept clarification‘. Comprehending basic concepts is an essential condition for
moving on the further steps in the cognitive order, namely, analysis, synthesis etc.
iii) Then the points under application of skills down below may be taken up for discussion. Once
the gray areas in application are cleared, the students may be instructed to do problem
iv) If students falter in steps, the logical sequence of steps followed to solve any problem in the
given chapter falling under the concepts learnt may be discussed again.
v) Effective questioning to draw out the conceptual understanding of the subject matter learnt by
the students should be done at least every tenth minute in every period to ensure that they are
actually with the teacher.
vi) Free-wheeling of ideas related to the subject by the students should be encouraged as it would
help throw new light on the subject matter under study.
vii) Questions by the students, however silly they may seem, should be welcome in the class and
the teacher should listen to them with patience and convincing answers given.
viii) After a full-fledged concept learning session following cognitive order learning, problem
solving should be taken up where the students should be encouraged to work out the
problems under the watchful eyes of the teacher.
ix) Vertical and horizontal connectivity of concepts in mathematics should always form an
integral part of teaching learning, and students being thorough in the sequential conceptual
elements be taken care of.
Besides taking care of the above nine aspects of teaching, teachers desirous of making students love and
do well in mathematics should need to pay heed to the following aspects as well:
A thorough comprehension of the domains - psychological, physical and practical - of effective learning
of the subject by the students;
The process they have to follow scrupulously in acquiring skills for the mastery-level learning of the
The role the teachers and parents have to play in fostering and sustaining students interest and enthusiasm
so that they learn the subject with ease at class room and face the examination with confidence.
The subject matter of Mathematics teachers is vast. An attempt has been made to give only the most
rudimentary aspects of it. What requires as a clear understanding on the part of the teachers is that the
subject, Mathematics, is neither difficult unconquerable. Yet, it is perceived to be so mostly owing to
ineffective teaching, which jumps from knowledge to problem solving, leaving a vast territory of skills in
between untouched. As said earlier, Mathematics being the queen of all science deserves an approach to
teaching which is based on the sound scientific principles of human learning. In any class room, if
students declare that they like Mathematics they enjoy learning it, and they have no difficulty in solving
the problems, that class is said to have been blessed with a teacher teaching Mathematics the way it is
deserves to be taught. That way surely is Cognitive-order-Learning approach with the thorough
understanding of the critical aspects of learning Mathematics referred to above.
One of the main reasons for teachers to assess student learning is to obtain feedback that will guide
teaching and assist in making modifications to lesson planning and delivery to ensure student progress.
Assessment allows teachers to monitor progress, diagnose individual or group difficulties and adjust
teaching practices. Assessment can support student motivation when students are provided with on-going
information about their progress and with opportunities to set further goals for learning. Assessment is an
interactive process between students and faculty that informs faculty how well their students are learning
what they are teaching. The information is used by faculty to make changes in the learning environment,
and is shared with students to assist them in improving their learning and study habits. This information is
learner-centred, course based, frequently anonymous, and not graded.
The terms formative assessment and summative assessment are being redefined in education circles.
Many teachers know formative assessment as the informal, daily type of assessment they use with
students while learning is occurring. Summative assessment was the term used to ―sum it all up,‖ to
indicate a final standing at the end of a unit or a course.Current trends in assessment focus on judging
student progress in three ways: Assessment for learning, assessment as learning and assessment of
learning. Each assessment approach serves a different purpose.
Assessment for learning is especially useful for teachers as they develop, modify and differentiate
teaching and learning activities. It is continuous and sustained throughout the learning process and
indicates to students their progress and growth.
In assessment for learning, teachers monitor the progress made by each student in relation to the program
of studies, outcomes and determine upcoming learning needs. Teachers ensure that learning outcomes are
clear, detailed and ensure that they assess according to these outcomes.
They use a range of methods to gather and to provide students with descriptive feedback to further student
learning. These methods may include checklists and written notes based on observations of students as
they learn. The descriptive feedback gathered is used to inform planning for learning and to assist the
teacher in differentiating instruction in order to meet the needs of all students.
The feedback may be shared in oral or written form with individual students or with the class as a whole.
As the information gathered guides the planning process, it leads to the improvement of future student
performance in relation to specific outcomes.
It focuses on the role student‘s play in their learning. In this approach to assessment, students are viewed
as the bridge between what they know and the unknown that is still to be learned. Their role is to assess
critically both what and how they are learning. They learn to monitor their thinking and learning
processes; to understand how they are acquiring and retaining new information or developing new skills
and awareness; and how to make adjustments, adaptations and even changes when necessary.
For some students, being asked to reflect on their learning by using skills and strategies related to
metacognition (to think about thinking) might seem new and uncomfortable. They may need help to come
to the realization that learning is a conscious process in which knowledge is constructed when the known,
or previously acquired, encounters the new or unknown. This process often results in the restructuring or
reintegration of what was previously learned.
Assessment of learning is cumulative in nature. It is used to confirm what students already know and
what they can do in relation to the program of studies outcomes. Student progress is reported by way of a
mark; e.g., a percentage or letter grade, a few times a year or a term. The report card is usually received
by students, their parents/guardians as well as by school administrators.
Assessment of learning takes place at specific times in the instructional sequence, such as at the end of a
series of lessons, at the end of a unit or at the end of the school year. Its purpose is to determine the
degree of success students have had in attaining the program outcomes. Assessment of learning involves
more than just quizzes and tests. It should allow students to move beyond recall to a demonstration of the
complexities of their understanding and their ability to use the language.
Assessment of learning refers to strategies designed to confirm what students know, demonstrate whether
or not they have met curriculum outcomes or the goals of their individualized programs, or to certify
proficiency and make decisions about students‘ future program or placements.
It is important for a teacher to reflect on why and when students‘ progress is assessed.
The types of reflective questions that teachers can ask themselves when engaged in assessment for
learning include:
► Am I observing in order to find out what my students know or are able to do?
► Does my assessment strategy allow student learning to be apparent? Are there elements I need to
change in order to minimize anxiety or distractions that might get in the way of learning?
► Will I use the results of my observations to modify my instruction, either with a particular student or
with a group of students, or the next time I teach this concept or skill to a new class?
► Will I share the results of my observations with the individual student so that the student and I can
decide how to improve future performance?
► Will I share the results of my observations with the class in general (without identifying particular
students) in order to provide some indicators as to where they can improve future performance?
The types of reflective questions that teachers can ask themselves when planning opportunities in support
of assessment as learning include:
► Are the students familiar with the purpose of reflective tools, such as the one I am thinking of using?
Will they be able to engage with the questions in a meaningful way?
► Have I provided/will I provide support for students in accordance with the various points mentioned in
the reflective instrument; i.e., do I provide clear instructions, create a model, share a checklist, ensure that
there are reference materials?
Teacher reflections: The types of reflective questions that teachers can ask themselves when
► Am I using processes and assessment instruments that allow students to demonstrate fully their
competence and skill?
► Do these assessments align with the manner in which students were taught the material?
► Do these assessments allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills as per the program of
studies outcomes?
―Things that went well …‖; ―Things that got in my way …‖; ―Next time I will ….‖
Alternatively, they may check off various statements that apply to themselves or their performance on a
An overview of the different practices and variety of instruments that can be used and tailored to meet the
needs of a specific assessment purpose.
Formative Assessmentis a process used by teachers and students as part of instruction that provides
feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students‘ achievement of core content. As
assessment for learning, formative assessment practices provide students with clear learning targets,
examples and models of strong and weak work, regular descriptive feedback, and the ability to self-
assess, track learning, and set goal. Formative assessments are most effective when they are done
frequently and the information is used to effect immediate adjustments in the day-to-day operations of the
Assessment is not formative unless something is ―formed‖ as a result of interpreting evidence elicited. It
informs teacher where the need/problem lies to focus on problem area. It helps teacher give specific
feedback, provide relevant support and plan the next step. It helps student identify the problem areas,
provides feedback and support. It helps to improve performance and provides opportunity to improve
performance. Peer learning can be encouraged at all stages with variety of tools. Formative Assessment
Teachers should continuously use a variety of tools understanding different learning styles and abilities
and share the assessment criteria with the students. Allow peer and self-assessment. Share learning
outcomes and assessment expectations with students. Incorporate student self-assessment and keep a
record of their progress and Teachers keep records of student progress.
Shri. E.Ananthan
Principal, KV No.1 Tambaram, Chennai
―Mathematics is for everyone and all can learn Mathematics‖- NCF 2005
The Little Oxford Dictionary define phobia as fear or aversion.Psychology textbooks describe it as an
abnormal fear. We hear of claustrophobia, acrophobia, nyctophobia, and anthropophobia.
The pioneers in the study of Mathematics anxiety, Richardson and Suinn (1972), defined Mathematics
anxiety in terms of the (debilitating) effect of mathematics anxiety on performance: "feelings of tension
and anxiety that interfere with the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in
a wide variety of ordinary life and academic situations".
Is there such a thing as math phobia? To know the answer one needs to only teach mathematics
particularly in the secondary and senior secondary classes. And the reality is that most school drop outs in
the Board exam are due to failure in Mathematics. Studies indicate that students' anxiety about
Mathematics increases between the sixth and twelfth grade.
With this reality check, this write-up aims to analyse the problem and by this parsing, redefine the
teaching learning of Mathematics firmly grounded on foundations of success- for the student for the
teacher, the society and the nation.
The suggestion that Mathematics anxiety threatens both performance and participation in Mathematics,
together with the indications that Mathematics anxiety may be a fairly widespread phenomenon (e.g.
Buxton, 1981), makes a discussion like this, concerning Mathematics anxiety in students, particularly the
Board going students, of extreme importance.
Mathematics is termed as the queen of all sciences, having logical thinking as its crown and problem
solving as its sceptre. Two essential elements which are necessary not just to master nuances of the
numeral world but more importantly to have success in life in qualitative ways- these two are also the
core life skills formulated by WHO for a healthy and successful life.
The question is, ―Does the teaching of Mathematics in our classrooms realise any of these objectives?
The huge population of children who balk at the very mention of the subject is an ever growing one as
generation gives way to another.
The NFG Position paper on the teaching of Mathematics under the section ―Problems in Teaching and
Learning of Mathematics‖ states: four problems which we deem to be the core areas of concern:
Curricular acceleration- The quantum and scope of the syllabus is much larger and wider with passing
The NFG recommends four fold measures to ensure that all children learn Mathematics:
Shifting the focus of mathematics education from achieving ‗narrow‘ goals to ‗higher‘ goals,- whole
range of processes here: formal problem solving, use of heuristics, estimation and approximation,
optimization, use of patterns, visualisation, representation, reasoning and proof, making connections,
mathematical communication. Giving importance to these processes constitutes the difference between
doing mathematics and swallowing mathematics, between mathematisation of thinking and memorising
formulas, between trivial mathematics and important mathematics, between working towards the narrow
aims and addressing the higher aims.
4. Lack of teacher preparation and support in the teaching of mathematics.( out dated
methodology, depending on commercial guides due to insufficiency in conceptual
clarity and understanding of the fundamentals of mathematics, inability to link formal
mathematics with experiential learning , particularly in the secondary and senior
secondary stages, incapacity to offer connections within mathematics or across subject
areas to applications in the sciences)
cross curricular and integrated approaches within mathematics and across other disciplines,
1. Engaging every student with a sense of success, while at the same time offering conceptual
challenges to the emerging mathematician- striving to reduce social barriers and gender
stereotypes and focussing on active inclusion of all children in the teaching-learning of
mathematics. Children with math phobia usually seem to have little confidence in themselves.
They feel they are not good in math; they refrain from asking questions (little realizing that more
than half the class is puzzled over the same Problem!); they are afraid to answer any question
directed to them for fear of being labelled "dumb" or "stupid." Such fear or anxiety about math
often begins during the Primary years and continues through life.
Teacher need to model ―problem –solving‖ particularly in the context of word problems. To work
out diverse problems and build personal repertoire of problem solving skills and model them
with enthusiasm and confidence.
Move from simple step problem solving modes to increasingly complex and multi- step problem
Inculcate positive, persevering problem solving approaches- solve problems with them building
rapport thus building their self-esteem and confidence.
Use a ―problem solving‖ bulletin board to bring problem solving as part of everyday learning
In problem solving, arriving at the "correct answer" is not the most important step. More
important is choosing the correct strategy for solving the problem. Even though there is only one
correct answer, there will be more than a single correct strategy for solving a problem. When
students are reassured of this fact, they will then be more willing to tackle new problems.
2. Changing modes of assessmentto examine students‘ Mathematisation abilities rather than
procedural knowledge-
1. An Ethic of Care-Caring classroom communities that are focused on mathematical goals help
develop students‘ mathematical identities and proficiencies.
2. Arranging For Learning- Effective teachers provide students with opportunities to work both
independently and collaboratively to make sense of ideas.
3. Building on Students’ Thinking- Effective teachers plan mathematics learning experiences
that enable students to build on their existing proficiencies, interests, and experiences.
4. Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks- Effective teachers understand that the tasks and examples
they select influence how students come to view, develop, use, and make sense of mathematics
5. Making Connections Effective teachers support students in creating connections between
different ways of solving problems, between mathematical representations and topics, and
between mathematics and everyday experiences-
6. Assessment for Learning- Effective teachers use a range of assessment, practices to make
students‘ thinking visible and to support students‘ learning.
7. Mathematical Communication- Effective teachers are able to facilitate classroom dialogue
that is focused on mathematical argumentation
8. Mathematical Language- Effective teachers shape mathematical language by modelling
appropriate terms and communicating their meaning in ways that students understand
9. Tools And Representations- Effective teachers carefully select tools and
representations(number system itself, algebraic symbolism, graphs, diagrams, models, equations,
notations, images, analogies, metaphors, stories, textbooks and technology) to provide support for
students‘ thinking
10. Teacher Knowledge-Teacher content knowledge, Teacher pedagogical content knowledge
The referred UNESCO paper can be downloaded from the websites of the IEA (http://www.iaoed.org ) or
of the IBE (http://www.ibe.unesco.org/ publications.htm)
Qualities of a Successful Mathematics Teacher
Sri. E. Krishna Murthy
Principal, KV NFC Nagar, Ghatkesar
A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is
hammering on a cold iron ---Horace Mann
Not all students like mathematics, but a good mathematics teacher has the power to change that.
A good mathematics teacher can help students who have traditionally struggled with mathematics begin
to build confidence in their skills. Successful mathematics teachers have certain qualities that make them
the experts they are. These are the teachers required by the society, because of their knowledge, style and
handle on the subject; they know what really work for students.
A good mathematics teacher can be thought to need some qualities that are connected to his view
of mathematics. This view consists of knowledge, beliefs, conceptions, attitudes and emotions. Beliefs
and attitudes are formed on the basis of knowledge and emotions and they influence students' reactions to
learn future Mathematics
A good mathematics teacher should have sufficient knowledge and love of mathematics. He
needs to have a profound understanding of basic mathematics and to be able to perceive
connections between different concepts and fields.
A teacher should have a sufficient knowledge of mathematics teaching and learning. He needs to
understand children' thinking in order to be able to arrange meaningful learning situations. It is
important that the teacher be aware of children‘ possible misconceptions. In addition, he needs to
be able to use different strategies to promote children‘ conceptual understanding.
A good mathematics teacher also needs additional pedagogical knowledge: the ability to arrange
successful learning situations (for example, the ability to use group work in an effective way),
knowledge of the context of teaching and knowledge of the goals of education.
A good mathematics teacher's beliefs and conceptions should be as many-sided as possible and be
based on a constructivist view of teaching and learning Mathematics.
A Good Mathematics teacher should have the ability to do quick error analysis, and must be able
to concisely articulate what a student is doing wrong, so they can fix it. This is the trickiest part of
being a good Mathematics Teacher. He should have ability to assign the home work that targeted
what the student is learning in the classroom to minimize the mistakes committed and to have
proper practice on the concepts taught.
A successful Mathematics Teacher is seen as a leader in his classroom and in the school. His
students respect him, not only for his knowledge of Mathematics, but for his overall attitude and
actions. Students can tell that he respects them as well. He has control over the classroom, laying
out clear rules and expectations for students to follow.
A good mathematics teacher focuses less on the content being taught than the students being
taught. A good mathematics teacher cares about his students and recognizes when a student needs
some encouragement and addresses the problem to help the student refocus on the content.
A Good mathematics teacher never lives in the past. He knows how to unlearn outmoded
algorithms and outdated mathematical terms and re-learns new ones. He appreciates the change
with all enthusiasm and welcomes it.
He is approachable and explains, demonstrates new concepts/ problems in detail and creates fun.
He commands respect and love by his subject knowledge and transaction skills.
A good teacher sets high expectations for all his students. He expects that all students can and
will achieve in his classroom. He doesn‘t give up on underachievers.
A great teacher has clear, written-out objectives. Effective teacher has lesson plans that give
students a clear idea of what they will be learning, what the assignments are and what the
promoting policy is. Assignments have learning goals and give students ample opportunity to
practice new skills. The teacher is consistent in grading and returns work in a timely manner.
Successful teacher is prepared and organized. He is in his classrooms early and ready to teach. He
presents lessons in a clear and structured way. His classes are organized in such a way as to
minimize distractions.
Successful teacher engages students and get them to look at issues in a variety of ways. He uses
facts as a starting point, not an end point; he asks "why" questions, looks at all sides and
encourages students to predict what will happen next. He asks questions frequently to make sure
students are following along. He tries to engage the whole class, and he doesn‘t allow a few
students to dominate the class. He keeps students motivated with varied, lively approaches.
A good Mathematics teacher forms strong relationships with his students and show that he cares
about them. He is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. Teacher with these qualities is
known to stay after school and make himself available to students and parents who need his
services. He is involved in school-wide committees and activities and demonstrates a
commitment to the school.
A good mathematics teacher communicates frequently with parents. He reaches parents through
conferences and frequent written reports home. He doesn't hesitate to pick up the telephone to call
a parent if he is concerned about a student.
There are five essential characteristics of effective mathematics lessons: the introduction,
development of the concept or skill, guided practice, summary, and independent practice. There
are many ways to implement these five characteristics, and specific instructional decisions will
vary depending on the needs of the students. The successful mathematics teacher should have
these characteristics in his regular teaching practice.
In addition, every good Mathematics teacher has the positive values like Accuracy, Alertness,
Courtesy, Empathy, Flexibility, Friendliness, Honesty, Initiative, Kindness, Loyalty, Patience,
Responsibility, Stability, Tactfulness and Tolerance.
―The mathematics teacher is expected to have proficiency in the methodology ‗cognitive –order –
learning’ which enables the students to acquire subject learning competencies, to develop
problem solving skills, to boost their confidence in the subject, to widen their interest in the areas
of Mathematics, to have and sustain self-directed and self-motivated activities in mathematics
learning, to achieve mastery level learning of the subject, to help apply the skills acquire d in
learning mathematics to other subjects, to utilize the cognitive domain to its fullest extent and to
remove examination phobia‖.
The Mathematics teacher should have ability to teach Mathematics in such a way to enhance
children' ability to think and reason, to visualize and handle abstractions, to formulate and solve
problems. Access to quality mathematics education is the right of every child.
Mr.Siby Sebastian
Principal,K V Bijapur(Karnataka)
Mathematics by virtue of its boundless practical applications and tasteful bid of its methods and results
has long held a prominent place in human life. From the quick arithmetic that we do in our everyday lives
to the onerous calculations of science and technology, Mathematics shapes and effects about every item
around us.
But for many secondary and senior secondary students, Mathematics consists of facts in a vacuum, to be
memorized because the teacher says so, and to be forgotten when the course of study is completed. In this
common scenario, young learners often miss the chance to develop skills—specifically, reasoning skills—
that can serve them for a lifetime.
In my 20+ years of mathematics teaching in schools across our country and in foreign lands, I have seen
some truly remarkable changes in the way secondary school children perceive Mathematics and their
ability to succeed in it depend upon the pedagogy.
Discovering approaches to make Mathematics exciting for students who are in the middle of the pack
could have a profound effect on their futures. It would attract many students who are apprehensive in their
own abilities into advanced careers. But it is going to require a fundamentally different approach to
teaching mathematics from childhood through secondary school. Here are a few of the many possible
ideas to begin that change.
Recreational Mathematics
Recreational inspiration consists of puzzles, games or contradictions. In addition to being selected for
their specific motivational gain, these procedures must be brief and simple. An effective implementation
of this procedure will allow students to complete the "recreation" without much effort. Using games and
puzzles can make Mathematics classes very amusing, exciting and stimulating. Mathematical games
provide opportunities for students to be dynamically involved in learning. Games allow students to
experience success and satisfaction, thereby building their enthusiasm and self-confidence. But
Mathematical games are not simply about fun and confidence building. Games help students to:
understand Mathematical concepts, develop Mathematical skills, know mathematical facts, learn the
language and vocabulary of Mathematics and develop ability in mental Mathematics.
Investigating Mathematics
Many teachers show students how to do some problems and then ask them to practice. Teachers can set
students a challenge which hints them to discover and practice some new problems for themselves. The
job for the teacher is to find the right challenges for students. The challenges need to be matched to the
ability of the learners. The key point about investigations is that students are stimulated to make their own
decisions about; where to start, how to deal with the challenge, what Mathematics they need to use, how
they can communicate this Mathematics and how to describe what they have discovered. We can say that
investigations are open because they leave many choices open to the student.
Creativity in Mathematics
Creativity is a word that is perhaps more easily associated with art, design and writing than it is with
Mathematics, but this is wrong. Mathematics requires as much creativity in its teaching and learning as
any other subject in the curriculum. It is important to remember that creative teaching and learning not
only needs teachers to use creativity in planning inventive and thought provoking learning opportunities
but must also encourage creative thinking and response from learners. A lesson in which the teachers‘
delivery and resources are creatively delivered but which fails to elicit creative thinking and response
from students has not been fully successfully creative lesson
Problem solving is a key to Mathematics and this in itself presents an excellent way of encouraging
creativity in your lessons. It is a common belief that a degree of rote learning is necessary before learners
can engage in problem solving, but such an attitude may have the effect of pre-empting genuine creative
Group work
Research evidences has consistently shown that, regardless of the subject being studied learners working
together in small groups tend to make greater progress in learning what is taught than when the same
content is taught in other more didactic ways. Learners working collaboratively also appear more satisfied
with their classes and have been shown to have greater recollection of learning. There are numerous ways
in which you can arrange learners into groups in your class room. Informal groups‘ can be created by
asking learners to turn to a neighbour and spend 2-3 minutes discussing a question you have posed. Such
informal group can be arranged at any time in a class of any size to check on learners understanding, to
provide an opportunity to apply new knowledge, or to provide change of pace within the lesson. A more
formal arrangement can be made by the teacher establishing the groups. There are conflicting ideas for
this but my personal preference is always for mixed ability group.
Appropriate use of ICT can enhance the teaching and learning of Mathematics in secondary and senior
secondary level. ICT offers powerful opportunities for learners to explore Mathematical ideas, to
generalize, explain results and analyse situations, and to receive fast and reliable, and non-judgemental,
feedback. Their use needs careful planning – not just showing a power point presentation but also of
activities that allow for off-computer Mathematical thinking as well as on-computer exploration.
Decisions about when and how ICT should be used to help teach mathematical facts, skills or concepts
should be based on whether or not the ICT supports effective teaching of the lesson objectives. The use of
ICT should allow the teacher or learners to do something that would be more difficult without it, or to
learn something more effectively or efficiently.
Theatre in Mathematics
The individuals who had the delight of being in front of an audience or performing in any capacity before
an audience needn‘t be convinced about the magic of theatre. The world of theatre is one of the most
important ways children learn about actions and implications, about customs and dogmas, about others
and themselves. Students in every class room can claim the supremacy and potential of theatre today. We
don‘t have to wait for costly tools and amenities. An occasion to create their own dramas based on what
they learned in math and backing them in implementation improve the communication, leadership and
motivation skills which will have a long lasting effect in their memory.
The National Focus Group Position Papers on all segments linking to education are an extraordinary
repository of ideas, theory and procedure for teachers. The position paper devoted to Arts, music, dance
and theatre clearly mentions why and how it may be integrated in the classroom and invokes what is
called ―Sensitivity Pyramid through Drama‖. In cognizance with the NFG position papers theatre can
work extremely well as micro level experimental innovative and creative math pedagogy. Theatre is an
effective learning tool as it deals with action and imagination, understanding the concept being taught
with a view to applying this understanding to real life situations.
a) Empty Relation
b) Universal Relation
c) Reflexive Relation
d) Symmetric Relation
e) Transitive Relation
A Relation which is Reflexive, Symmetric and Transitive.
To recall - identity , constant, linear, polynomial, rational, Signum, modulus,
greatest integer functions.
a) One – One ( Injective mapping)
b) Onto ( Surjective mapping)
c) One – One and Onto ( Bijective mapping).
To recall algebra of functions and to introduce composition of functions.
Problems based on linear, quadratic and rational functions.
Operation Table.
a) Commutative
b) Associative
c) Existence of Identity element
d) Existence of Inverse element
e) To check properties of binary operation using operation table
Level I.
1. Check whether the relation R defined in the set { 1, 2, 3, 4} as R = {(1, 2), (2, 2), (1, 1),
(4, 4),( 1, 3), (3, 3), (3, 2)} is Reflexive, Symmetric and Transitive.
2. Show that the relation R in the set {1, 2, 3} given by R = {(1, 2), (2, 1)} is symmetric but
neither Reflexive nor Transitive.
3. Show that R defined as R = {(a, b): a ≤ b, a, b R} is Reflexive and Transitive but not
4. Check whether the following functions are one-one and onto.
a) f: NN given by f(x) = x2
b) f: RR given by f(x) = x2
5. If the functions f: RR given by f(x) = x2 + 3x + 1 and g : RR is given by
g(x) = 2x – 3, find f g and g f
6. Let A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {4, 5, 6, 7} and let f = {(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)} be a function from A
to B.Check whether f is one-one or not.
7. If f(x) = x + 7 and g(x) = x – 7, x R, find f g (7)
3x 2
8. If f:RR is an invertible function, find the inverse of f(x) =
9. Let * be a binary operation defined by a * b = 3a +4b -2. Find 4 * 5
10. Show that the relation R in the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} given by
R = {(a, b): |a – b| is a multiple of 4 } is an equivalence relation.
11. Check whether the function f: RR defined by f(x) = 4+ 3x is one – one and onto. If
so, find the inverse of f.
12. Let be defined as f(x) = 10x +7. Find the function such that
g o f = f o g =IR.
13. Let * be a binary operation on the set Q defined by a * b = a + ab, check whether * is
commutative and associative.
14. Let * be the binary operation on the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} defined by
a * b = HCF of (a and b). Is the operation * a) Commutative b) Associative
Level II
3 x , then find
3 3
2. If f : RR be given by f(x) = f f (x )
3. Let * be a binary operation on the set Q of rational number such that a * b = .
Find the identity element for the operation * on Q.
4. Let f :R –{-3/5)R defined by f(x) = is invertible. Find inverse of f.
5x 3
5. Show that the relation R defined in the set A of all triangles as R = {(T1, T2) : T1 is
similar to T2} is an equivalence relation.
6. Let A and B be sets. Show that f : A x BB x A such that f(a, b) =(b, a) is bijective
7. Le A=N x N and * be the binary operation on A defined by (a, b) * (c, d) = (a + c, b + d)
.Show hat * is commutative and associative. Find the identity element for *on A, if any.
function is bijective.
9. Consider f:R+ [ given by f(x) = f is invertible with the
inverse of f given by (y) = √ where R+ is the set of all non- negative
real numbers.
Level III
1. Let A be the set of all students of class XII in a school and R be the relation, having the
same sex on A, and then prove that R is an equivalence relation.
Do you think, co-education may be helpful in child development and why?
2. Show that the function f: R+ R+ defined by f(x0 = 3x+ 4 is an invertible function.
If x represents the number of systematic hours of study that a student puts in and f(x)
represents the marks scored by him, from the graph of the above function, which value will
be rewarded?
3. Consider a relation R in the set of people in a colony defined asaRbiff a and b are members
of joint family. Is R an equivalence relation?
Staying with Grandparents in a joint family imbibes the moral valuesin us. Can you elicit 2
such values?
4. Let R be a relation defined as R = { (x,y) : x and y study in the same class}. Show that R is
an equivalence relation.
If x is a brilliant student and y is a slow learner and x helps y in his studies, what quality
does x posses?
5. Consider the functions f and g, f:{ 1,2,3 } { a,b,c and
g : { a,b,c { punctuality,honesty,sincerity }
If a,b,c are three students who are awarded prizes for the three values given in the function
g, which value would you prefer to be rewarded and why ?
6) Prove that f: R R is a bijection given by f(x)=x3+3 . Find f-1(x) .
Do the truthfulness and honesty have any relation ?
7) Set A a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 and B b1, b2 , b3 , b4 were ai‘s and bj‘s are school going
students. A relation R is defined from the set A to the Set B by x R y iff y is a true
friend of x. R= a1 , b1 , a2 , b1 , a3 , b3 , a4 , b2 , a5 , b2 . Is R is a bijectivefunction ?
Do you think true friendship is important in life ? How?
8) If h denotes the number of honest people and p denotes the number of punctual people
and a relation between honest people and punctual people is given as h = p+5. If P
denotes the number of people who progress in life and a relation between number of
people who progress and honest people is given as P = (h/8)+5. Find the relation
between number of people who progress in life and punctual people .
How is the punctuality important in the progress of life?
PPT-Relations and
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
a) Evaluate the Inverse Trig. Functions
b) Evaluating the Problems by using Trig. Identities
i) a2 + x2 Put x = a tan or x = a cot
ii) a2 - x2 Put x = a sin or x = a cos
iii) x2 – a2 Put x = a sec or x = a cosec
c) To reduce into simplest form
d) To solve :- for the unknown variable x or
e) Problems involving cos -sin >0 if 0, &
sin -cos >0 if , &
4 2
Level I
13. Solve :
14. Solve :2
Level II
7. Find the value of tan ,
8. Show that
√ √
9. Prove that ( )
√ √
Level III
6. Show that
√ √
7. Prove that ( ) ,
√ √ √
8. If
9. If
10. If =
14. Show that
15. Solve:cos(
18. Prove that sin[ ] √
1. Evaluate : ( ( ))
6. Solve : 2 =
8. Evaluate : ( )
The teacher as a facilitator should make the students to know about the chapter before going into
the details of the concept. The teacher should keep in mind that all varieties of student are there
in a given classroom situation. The following points can be explained by the teacher in the class.
1. Definition
2. Order of a Matrix
3. Construction of a Matrix of given order &identifying entries(example :Find a11, a 22, a 23
4. (Construct a matrix of order 2 3Whoseentries are defined as aij )
5. Types of matrices
i)column matrix, ii)row matrix, iii)square matrix, iv)diagonal matrix, v) scalar matrix
vi)identity matrix, vii)zero or null matrix
6. Equality of matrices-Finding the unknown values x,y if given two matrices are equal
7. Matrix operations
i) addition ii)subtraction,
iii) scalar multiplication-(multiply all the entries of the matrix with the scalar k,
iv) multiplication of matrices-
a)Matrix multiplication need not be commutative b)Matrix multiplication is
associative c)Product of two non zero matrices can be a zero matrix.
8. Transpose of a matrix &its properties:
i) A ii) AB B A ,
/ /
A , T T T
iii)(kA)T=kAT ,
iv ) A B AT B T
12. A
A A/ A A/
13. Elementary row and column transformations.
a).If row transformation is used
i)Use A=IA
Ii)Use only the following three transformations
Ri R j Ri kRi , Ri Ri kR j , wherek is any nonzeroreal number
b).If column transformation is used
i)Use A=AI
ii)Use only the following three transformations
Ci C j C i kCi , Ci Ci kC j , wherek is any nonzeroreal number
12. Finding the inverse of a square matrix using elementary row or column transformations
AB 1 B 1 A 1
AA 1 A 1 A I
13. Invertible matrix( Let A and B be two square matrices, if AB=BA =I then B is called the
inverse of the matrix A and A is called an invertible matrix . Inverse of A is denoted by A-1)
S.No. LEVEL- 1
1. If a matrix has 5 elements, write all possible order it can have?
2. If * +* + * + , find the value of x.
For what value of x, is the matrix A=[ ] a skew-symmetric
If A=* + and B= [ ], write the order of AB and BA.
8 If A, B and C are three non-zero square matrices of same order, find the
condition on A such that AB = AC ⇒ B = C.
9 Give an examples of two non-zero 2×2 matrices A and B such that AB=0.
Find the value of x and y if [ ] * + * +
If AT=[ ] * +
If ( ) ( ) , then find x and y.
13 If ( ) , find A + A ʹ
If ( ) ( ) , then find x,y and z.
15 If A is a matrix of order 2×3 and B is of matrix of order 3×5, what is the order
of the matrix (AB)ʹ ?
16 Using elementary operation , find the inverse of the matrix A =* +
I ( ) ( ), find the value of
1 If A is square matrix satisfying A2 = I, then what is the inverse of A?
2 If A =( ) .
Find the product[ ] [ ]
If the matrix[ ] is skew symmetric, find a + b + c .
5 If A =* + and B = * + , 2A + B + X = 0 , find X.
Show that A = [ ] satisfies A2 – 4A – 5 I = 0, and hence find A-1.
Let A = [ ]. Express A as a sum of symmetric and skew symmetric matrices.
If A ʹ= [ ] and B = * + , then find A ʹ- B ʹ
17 If A =* +, find k so that A2 = 8A + k
18 Express the following matrix as the sum of a symmetric and skew symmetric matrix and
Using elementary operations, find the inverse of the following matrix, : [ ]
1 Find the inverse of the following matrix using elementary operations:
( )
If A-1 = [ ] and B = [ ] , find (AB)-1
3 Find X, if X +* + =* +.
4 Find x, if [ ]* + * + = 0.
6 Using elementary operation, find the inverse of the matrix
A=[ ].
If A = [ ] and B = [ ] , compute A2B2
If f(x) =[ ] , then show that f(x) f(y) = f ( x +y).
If AAʹ= I where A = [ ] find a,b and c.
If A = * + and A2 = [ ] Then prove that α + β = (a + b )2.
that An = * +.
1 For keeping Fit X people believes in morning walk, Y people believe in yoga and Z people join
Gym. Total no of people are 70.further 20% 30% and 40% people are suffering from any
disease who believe in morning walk, yoga and GYM respectively. Total no. of such people
is 21. If morning walk cost Rs.0 Yoga cost Rs.500/month and GYM cost Rs.400/ month and
total expenditure is Rs.23000.
(i) Formulate a matrix problem.
(ii) Calculate the no. of each type of people.
(iii)Why exercise is important for health?
2. An amount of Rs. 600 crores is spent by the government in three schemes. Scheme A is for
saving girl child from the cruel parents who don‘t want girl child and get the abortion before
her birth. Scheme B is for saving of newlywed girls from death due to dowry. Scheme C is
planning for good health for senior citizen. Now twice the amount spent on Scheme C
together with amount spent on Scheme A is Rs 700 crores. And three times the amount spent
on Scheme A together with amount spent on Scheme B and Scheme C is Rs 1200 crores.
Find the amount spent on each Scheme using matrices? What is the importance of saving girl
child from the cruel parents who don‘t want girl child and get the abortion before her birth?
3. There are three families. First family consists of 2 male members, 4 female members and 3
children. Second family consists of 3 male members, 3 female members and 2 children.
Third family consists of 2 male members, 2 female members and 5 children. Male member
earns Rs 500 per day and spends Rs 300 per day. Female member earns Rs 400 per day and
spends Rs 250 per day child member spends Rs 40 per day. Find the money each family
saves per day using matrices? What is the necessity of saving in the family?
4 Two schools A and B decided to award prizes to their students for three values honesty (x),
punctuality (y) and obedience (z). School A decided to award a total of Rs. 11000 for the
three values to 5, 4 and 3 students respectively while school B decided to award Rs. 10700
for the three values to 4, 3 and 5 students respectively. If all the three prizes together amount
to Rs. 2700, then
i)Represent the above situation by a matrix equation and form Linear equations
using matrix multiplication.
ii) Is it possible to solve the system of equations so obtained using matrices?
iii) Which value you prefer to be rewarded most and why?
Ans.3. Rs880, Rs970, Rs 500. Saving is necessary for each family as in case of emergency our
saving in good time helps us to survive in bad time.
determinants by Srinivas.pptx
The teacher should explain the following points before explaining the concepts.
iii) If any two rows(or columns) of a determinant are identical then the value of the
determinant is zero.
13. = , where n is the order of the square matrix A
14. )T = (AT)-1
Using property prove that | | = 0.
5 Find the area of the triangle with vertices (-2, -3), (3,2) and (-1, -8) .
Using co-factors of second row, evaluate = | |.
Using co-factors of elements of third column evaluate = | |.
If Aijis the co factor of the element aij if the determinant | |write the value of
a32 .A32
If A =[ ], then show that = 27 .
Using properties evaluate | |.
Prove that | |= 4 abc.
Using properties show that | | = (a-b)(b-c)(c-a).
Find the equation of the line joining the points (1,2) and (3,6) using determinants.
Verify A(adjA) = (adj A) A = I if A = [ ].
13 Show that the points A (a, b+c), B (b,c+a), C(c,a+b) are collinear.
14 Find values of k if area of triangle is 4 sq.units and vertices are (-2,0),(0,4), (0,k).
Find k if is singular
Prove that = a3
= 1 +a2 +b2 + c2
| |
| |
| | .
25 log x 10 1
If x, y, z are the 10th, 13th and 15th terms of a G.P. find the value of log y 13 1
log z 15 1
If ( ) , find A-1 and hence solve the system of equations:
If ( ) ( ) , find AB. Use this to solve the
7 If A and B are non singular square matrices of the same order, then write the relationship
between adj AB, adj A and adj B.
8 If A is invertible matrix of 3 X 3 and A 7 then find A 1
| | .
| |
Use the product [ ][ ] to Solve the system of equations:
x – y +2z = 1,2y – 3z = 1, 3x – 2y + 4z = 2.
+ + = 4, - + = 1, + - = 2: where x
16 There are 3 families A, B and C. The number of men, women and children in these families
are given below:
Family A 2 3 1
Family B 2 1 3
Family C 4 2 6
Daily expense of men, women and children are Rs200, Rs150 and Rs 200 respectively.
Only men and women earn and children do not. Using matrix multiplication, calculate the
daily expense of each family. What impact does more children in the family create on the
17 Two institutions decided to award their employees for the three values of Resourcefulness,
competence and determination in the form of prizes at the rate Rs x, Rs y and Rs z
respectively per person. The first institution decided to award 4, 3 and 2 respectively with
total prize money of Rs37000 and the second institution decided to award respectively 5, 3
and 4 with total prize money of Rs47000. If all the three prizes per person together amount
Rs 12000, then using matrix method find the values of x, y and z.
Q.1. Three shopkeepers A, B, C are using polythene, handmade bags (prepared by prisoners), and
newspaper‘s envelope as carry bags. it is found that the shopkeepers A, B, C are using
(20,30,40) , (30,40,20,) , (40,20,30) polythene , handmade bags and newspapers envelopes
respectively. The shopkeepers A, B, C spent Rs.250, Rs.220 & Rs.200 on these carry bags
respectively .Find the cost of each carry bags using matrices. Keeping in mind the social &
environmental conditions, which shopkeeper is better? & why?
Q.2 In a Legislative assembly election, a political party hired a public relation firm to promote its
candidate in three ways; telephone, house calls and letters. The numbers of contacts of each
type in three cities A, B & C are (500, 1000, and 5000), (3000, 1000, 10000) and (2000, 1500,
4000), respectively. The party paid Rs. 3700, Rs.7200, and Rs.4300 in cities A, B & C
respectively. Find the costs per contact using matrix method. Keeping in mind the economic
condition of the country, which way of promotion is better in your view?
Q.3 A trust fund has Rs. 30,000 is to be invested in two different types of bonds. The first bond
pays 5% interest per annum which will be given to orphanage and second bond pays7%
interest per annum which will be given to an N.G.O. cancer aid society. Using matrix
multiplication, determine how to divide Rs 30,000 among two types of Bonds if the trust
fund obtains an annual total interest of Rs. 1800. What are the values reflected in the
Q.5 A school has to reward the students participating in co-curricular activities (Category I) and
with 100% attendance (Category II) brave students (Category III) in a function. The sum of
the numbers of all the three category students is 6. If we multiply the number of category III
by 2 and added to the number of category I to the result, we get 7. By adding second and
third category would to three times the first category we get 12.Form the matrix equation and
solve it.
Ans.1 [Polythene=Re.1] [Handmade bag = Rs.5] [Newspaper‘s envelop=Rs.2]
Shopkeeper A is better for environmental conditions. As he is using least no of polythene.
Shopkeeper B is better for social conditions as he is using handmade bags (Prepared by
Ans.4 X = 3, Y =1, Z = 2
Food taken at home is always the best way.
Ans.5 x+y+z=6, x+2z=7, 3x+y+z=12 where x,y,z represent the number of students in
categories I,II,III respectively.
X=3, y=1, z=2
1. In finding inverse of a matrix by elementary row transformation remember the word RIA
(R-for row transformation, I- for unit matrix, A- for given matrix).
2. For finding the adjoint of a 3 x 3 square matrix ( ) for finding first row
co-factors write second and third row elements in order starting from second element
Web Links
Determinant part 1
Lecture on properties of Determinant
Maths – Elementary row operation
Chapter 5
Continuity and Differentiability
Understanding the concept of Continuity and differentiability and addressing the problems based on continuity
and derivative of composite functions, chain rule, derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, derivative of
implicit functions.
Learning the concept of exponential and logarithmic functions.
Skills to solve derivatives of logarithmic and exponential function. Logarithmic differentiation, derivative of
functions expressed in parametric forms. Second order derivatives, Rolle‘s and Lagrange‘s Mean Vale
Theorems and their geometric interpretation.
Level I
First Phase
1 If √ , √ , Show that = -
2 √
Differentiate [ ]with respect to x
3 Differentiate with respect to x
4 Differentiate . with respect to x
5 Differentiate ( (√ )) with respect to x
6 If in terms of y alone.
7 Find all the points of discontinuity of the function f defined
by x 2 if x 1
f ( x) x 2 if 1 x 2
8 0 , if x2
f Prove that
9 √ √
Find if y= [√ √
], 0 <
10 Show that the function f(x)= is continuous at every x , but fails to be
differentiable at x= 2
11 If y=3cos(logx) + 4sin(logx), Show that x2y2 +xy1 + y = 0
12 Use Lagrange‘s mean value theorem to determine a point P on the curve y=√ ,
where the tangent is parallel to the chord joining (2,0) and (3,1).
13 If
14 For
{ iscontinuous at x=1.
15 If
16 If
17 If ( ) then prove that
If √ √ , prove that √
Find the relationship between ‗a‘ and ‗b‘ so that the function ‗f‘ defined by
The function f(x) is defined as f(x) { .
20 If
If find
22 √ √
Find the value of k for which {
is continuous at x = 0
3 If ( √ ) , show that .
4 1. Differentiate the following with respect to x : ( )
5 IF x=√ √
6 √
Differentiate [ ]with respect to x.
(I)Rate of change
Recalling : 1. Perimeter and area of plane figures.
2. C.S .A, T.S.A and Volume of solids.
3. Differentiation , chain rule.
Observing the Sign of rate of change –Positive for increasing and negative for decreasing
Definition of cost and marginal cost /Revenue and marginal revenue
Addressing the Questions of the type:-
Rate of change of Perimeter/radius/length/side ↔ Rate of change Area
Rate of change of Volume ↔ Rate of change of Surface Area
(II) Increasing and decreasing functions
Learning the Definition of
(i) Increasing, strictly increasing ,Decreasingand strictly decreasing functions and their
(ii) Conditions for a function to be increasing and decreasing in the given intervals
(iii) Monotonicity of functions
(iv) Finding intervals – disjoint/ open intervals where the function changes its nature and
solving the problems based on it.
iii) If there are ‗n‘ roots ,then divide the real number line R into (n+1 ) disjoint open
intervals .
iv) Finding the sign of f ʹ(x) in each of the above intervals .
v) f(x) is increasing or decreasing in the intervals when f ʹ(x) is positive or negative
Solving Problems on Polynomial functions, Trigonometric functions with simple ,
multiple and sub-multiple arguments.
Geometrical approach to learn about the tangent and normal through differentiation
a)Recalling : 1 . Equation of a line – Point – Slope form
2 .Slope of a line when two points are given.
3. Slope of the line parallel to the axes and parallel to a given line.
4. Conditions for Parallel lines & Perpendicular lines.
b) Finding the equation of Tangent and Normal at a given point using differentiation .
c) Slope of the tangent at p(x0,y0)= at (x0,y0).
d) Slope of the normal at p(x0,y0)= at (x0,y0).
e) Slope of x - axis , slope of y – axis.
f) Definition of orthogonal curves.
1. Recall the formulae for area of plane figures, surface areas and volumes of solids.
2. To know x dx ,dy y and dy = x
3. To know relative error , percentage error.
Rate of change
1 An edge of a variable cube is increasing at the rate of 3 cm/s. How fast is the
volume of the cube increasing when the edge is 10 cm long?
2 The total cost C(x)in Rupees associated with the production of x units of an item
is given by C(x)= 0.007x3-0.003x2+15x+4000. Find the marginal cost when 17
units are produced.
3 The total revenue in Rupees received from the sale of x units of a product is
given by R(x)= 13x2+26x+15 . Find the marginal revenue when x = 7.
Second Phase self Assessment
1 The total revenue in Rupees received from the sale ofx units of a product is given
by R(x)=3x2+36x+5. Find the marginal revenue, when x=15.
2 Find the rate of change of the area of a circle with respect to its radius r when
r =5 cm.
3 Find the rate of change of the volume of a cube with respect to its edge when the
edge is 5 cm.
Level II
2 A stone is dropped into a quiet lake and waves move in circles at a speed of 5
cm/s. At the instant when radius of the circular wave is 8cm., how fast is the
enclosed area increasing?
3 A ladder 5 m long is leaning against a wall. The bottom of the ladder is
pulled along the ground, away from the wall, at the rate of 2 cm/s. How fast is
its height on the wall decreasing when the foot of the ladder is 4m away from
the wall?.
4 The length x of a rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 5cm/ min. and the width
y is increasing at the rate of 4 cm / min.When x = 8 cm and y= 6 cm, Find the
rates of changes of a) the perimeter, and b) the area of the rectangle.
4 Two equal sides of an isosceles triangle with fixed base ‗a‘ are decreasing at the
rate of 9 cm/ sec. How fast is the area of the triangle decreasing when the two sides
are equal to ‗a‘.
5 A water tank has the shape of a right circular cone with its axis vertical and vertex
lower most. Its semi-vertical angle is . Water is poured into it at a constant
rate of 5 cubic meters per minute. Find the rate at which the level of water is rising
at the instant when the depth of the water is 10 m .
1 A water tank has the shape of an inverted right circular cone with its axis vertical
and vertex lowermost . Its semi vertical angle tan-1(0.5). Water is poured into it at
a constant rate of 5 cubic metre per hour. Find the rate at which the level of the
water is rising at the instant when the depth of water in the tank is 4m.
2 A car starts from a point P at time t=0 seconds and stops at point Q . The distance x
in metres, covered by it, in t seconds is given by x t 2 2 3t Find the time taken by
it to reach Q and also find the distance between P and Q
3 A man of height 2 meters walks at a uniform speed of 5 km/h away from a lamp
post which is 6 metreshigh . Find the rate at which the lenghth of his shadow
Second Phase self Assessment
1 Sand is pouring from a pipe at the rate of 12cm3. The falling sand forms a cone
on the ground in such a way that the height of the cone is always one-sixth of the
radius of the base. How fast is the height of the sand cone increasing when the
height is 4cm?
2 X and y are the sides of two squares such that y = x – x2. Find the rate of change
of the area of second square with respect to the area of first square.
3 A swimming pool is to be drained for cleaning. If L represents the number of
litres of water in the pool in t seconds after the pool has been plugged off to drain
and L = 200(10-t)2 . How fast is the water running out at the end of 5 seconds?
4 The volume of a cube increases at a constant rate. Prove that the increase in its
surface area varies inversely as the length of the side
Increasing and decreasing functions
Level I
1 4x
Determine for which values of x , the function y= x4 - is increasing and for
which values, it is decreasing.
Prove that the function f(x)=tan x – 4x is strictly decreasing on ,
3 3
1 Find the intervals in which the function f given by
f ( x) sin x cos x,0 x 2 is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing.
1 4 sin
Prove that y is increasing function of in 0,
( 2 cos ) 2
2 2x
Show that y log(1 x) , x 1, is an increasing function of x
2 x
throughout its domain.
3 Find the values of x for which y=[x(x-2)]2 is an increasing function.
4 Find intervals in which the following function
3 4 4 3 36
f(x) = x x 3x 2 x 11 is
10 5 5
a) Strictly increasing.
b) Strictly decreasing.
2 x2 y2
Find the points on the curve 1 at which the tangents are
9 16
(i) parallel to x-axis (ii) parallel to – y axis
3 Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve y= x2-2x+7 which is
a) Parallel to the line 2x-y+9=0
b) perpendicular to the line 5y-15x =13
4 Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the curve
at . (Mar 2010)
5 Prove that the curves x= y2and xy=k cut at right angle if 8k2=1
6 At what points will the tangent to the curve be parallel
to x- axis? Also, find the equations of tangents to the curve at those
7 Prove that x/a + y/b = 1 is touching the curve y = be-x/a where the curve cuts the Y-
1 2 2
Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the curve x 3 y 3 2 at (1,1)
2 Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y=√(5x -3 ) -2 which is parallel to the
line 4x-2y +3 =0
3 Show that the curve x2 + y2 -2x = 0 and x2 + y2 -2y = 0 cut orthogonally at the
point (0,0)
4 Find the condition for the curves x2/a2 - y2/b2 =1 andxy = c2 tointersect
5 Find the equations of the tangents to the curve which passes through
the point (4/3, 0).(Mar 2013)
6 Find the equations of tangent and normal to the curve y= at the point
where it cuts the x-axis .(Mar 2013)
Second Phase self Assessment
3 Show that the normal at any point to the curve x= a cos +a sin and
y= a sin -a cos is at a constant distance from the origin.
2 If the radius of a sphere is measured as 9 cm with an error of 0.03 cm, then find
the approximate error in calculating its surface area.
3 Using differentials, find the approximate value of (17/81)1/4
1 Find the maximum and minimum values, if any, of the following functions
given by i) f(x)=(2x-1)2 ii)f(x)=9x2+12x+2 (without using derivatives)
2 Find the maximum and minimum values, if any , of the following functions
given by h(x)=sin(2x)+5 ii) f(x)=I sin4x+3I (without using derivative)
2 Find the maximum profit that a company can make, if the profit function is given
by p(x)=41-21x-18x2
3 Find the local maximum and the local minimum values, if any, for
1 At what points in the interval [0.2π], does the function sin2x attain its maximum
2 Show that the right circular cylinder of given surface and maximum volume is
such that it height is equal to the diameter of the base.
3 Show that of all the rectangles inscribed ina given fixed circle, the square has the
maximum area.
4 Of all the closed cylindrical cans (right circular) , of a given volume of 100 cubic
centimeters, find the dimensions of the can which has the minimum surface area?
5 A rectangular sheet of tin 45cm by 24cm is to be made into a box whithout top,
by cutting off square from each corner and folding up the flaps . What should be
the side of the square to be cut off so that the volume of the box is maximum?
6 Show that semi-vertical angle of the right circular cone of the maximum volume
and given surface is sin-1(1/3).
Second Phase self-assessment
1 An open box is to be constructed by removing equal squares from each corner of
a 3 meter by 8 metre rectangular sheet of aluminum and folding up the sides.
Find the volume of the largest such box.
values, if any, for the function f(x)=-x+2cos x, in the interval [0,π]. Also indicate
the points at which local maximum and local minimum exist.
3 A tank with rectangular base and rectangular sides, open at the top is to be
constructed so that its depth is 2m and volume is 8m3.If building of tank costs Rs.
70 per sq. metre for the base and Rs. 45 per sq. metre for sides , what is the cost
of least expensive tank?
1 Manufacturer can sell x items at a price of rupees(5 –(x/100)) each. The cost
price of x items is Rs((x/5)+500). Find the number of items he should sell to
earn maximum profit.
2 A window is in the form of a rectangle surmounted by semicircular opening .The
total perimeter of the window is 10 m . Find the dimensions of the window to
admit maximum light through the whole opening.
3 A point on the hypotenuse of the triangle is at distance a and b from the sides of
2 2
the triangle. Show that the maximum length of the hypotenuse is a 3 b 3
4 Show that the height of the cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in
a sphere of radius R is .Also find the maximum volume.
5 Show that height of the cylinder of greatest volume which can be inscribed in a
right circular cone of height h and semi vertical angle α is one third that of the
cone and the greatest volume of cylinder is h 3 tan 2
6 Find the area of the greatest isosceles triangle that can be inscribed in a given
ellipse having its vertex coincident with one extremity of major axis.
7 An open box with a square base is to be made out of a given quantity of
cardboard of area c2 square units. Show that the maximum volume of the box is
c3/6√3 cubic units.
8 The cost of fuel for running a bus is proportional to the square of its speed in
km/hr. This has to be paid in addition to a fixed charge of Rs 108/hr. The cost
of fuel is Rs 48/hr, when the bus moves at the speed of 20 km/hr. What is the
most economical speed.
9 Find area of the greatest rectangle that can be inscribed in an ellipse .
10 Prove that the radius of the base of right circular cylinder of greatest curved
surface area which can be inscribed in a given cone is half that of the cone.
11 Show that the right-circular cone of least curved surface and given volume has
an altitude equal to √ times the radius of the base. (Mar 2011)
12 If the sum of the lengths of the hypotenuse and a side of a right-angled triangle is
given, show that the area of the triangle is maximum when the angle between
them is .
Second Phase self-assessment
1 Prove that the radius of the base of right circular cylinder of greatest curved
surface area which can be inscribed in a given cone is half that of the cone.
2 An open tank with a square base and vertical sides is to be constructed from a
metal sheetso as to hold a given quantity of water. Show that the total surface
area is least when depth of the tank is half its width.
3 x
Find the point on the curve y , where the tangent to the curve has the
1 x 2
greatest slope.
4 A given quantity of metal is to be cast into a half cylinder with a rectangular base
and semi circular ends. Show that in order that total surface area is minimum ,
the ratio of length of cylinder to the diameter of its semi-circular ends is π:(π+2)
5 A jet of an enemy is flying along the curve y= x2+2. A soldier is placed at the
point (3,2) . What is the nearest distance between the soldier and the jet?
Common Errors Measures to overcome the errors.
Splitting the number under radical sign as x More practice
and x
Chapter -7
Students will become proficient in techniques of the concept of definite and indefinite integral and
their relations to area and rate of change. In particular, the students will Compute definite and
indefinite integrals
1. sec xsec x tan x dx
x3 x2 x 1
2. dx
x 1
e tan x
3 dx
1 x2
4 dx
sin x cos x
sec2 (log x)
5. dx
6. sin 3 x dx
9 x 12 x 13 20. dx
0 sin 4 x cos 4 x
2x 1
11. dx 2 x 3
x 1x 1 21. dx
x 3 x 18
12. x sec2 x dx 1
14. 4 x dx 2
23. sin 7 xdx
15. 1 4 x 2 dx
26.∫ ,∫ ,∫ ,∫ ,∫ dx
27.∫ dx
28.∫ dx
29.∫ ( x+ )dx
30.∫ x dx
∫( )
41 √
∫ [ ] Where[ ]denotes greatest integer.
1. dx
e 1x
sin 4 x
2. dx
sin x
sin x
3. dx
sin x a
1 tan x
cos x
5. dx
1 sin x
6. tan 2 2 x 3 dx
7. dx
x x6 1
7 6x x2
cos x a cos x b
10. 2 dx
2 x 6 x 5
11. dx
5 4x x2
6x 7
12. dx
x 5x 4
x2 1 x2 4
x 2
x 2
3x 2
15 x sin 1 x dx
16. sin 1 2
1 x
5x 2
17. 2 dx
x 4x 3
18. xe x dx
6x 3
19. x
20. 2
1 dx
x2 x 1
x 2 x 2 1
3x 1
23. dx
x 1x 2x 3
x sin x
24. 1 cos
dx .
1 tan x
27.∫ dx
28.∫ dx
29.∫ dx
30∫ dx
∫ ( √ )
33 ⁄
⁄ ⁄
35 √
37 √
tan x
1 dx
sin x cos x
tan x
2. dx
sec x cos x
3. cos5 x dx
14. x 5 x 2 x dx
3 sin 2 cos
15. d
5 cos 2 4 sin
16. 2
4 3
30 x 2
. x
17.1 xe x sin dx
18.Evaluate x 3 x dx
x 1
19. 4 dx
x 1
20. tan x dx
x2 1
21. 4 dx
x x2 1
22. log1 tan x dx
Level 3
23.Evaluate x 1 x 2 x 3 dx
24. log sin x dx
27. x sin (x) dx
sin 2 x cos 2 x
28. dx
9 cos4 2 x
29. ( cot x tan x ) dx.
30.Miscellaneous exercise page 357 full
33.∫ - xI dx
35.∫ dx
37.∫ dx
38.∫ dx
39.∫ dx
44 Evaluate ∫
1 Evaluate ∫ dx. State any one reason to have integrity in real life
Evaluate∫ . What can be the possible limits of integrity in real life
according to you?
4 Find the integration of∫ . Write any famous proverb for unity
5 Integrate ∫ Write any two characteristics of Mahatma
Gandhi which you adore the most?
Error Analysis and Remediation.
8 √ √
∫ ( )
19 √
20 ⁄
∫ √
Integration _2.pptx Basic Integration.ppt ppt partial Integration _3.ppt Definite Integral
fraction.pptx _1.pptx
1. https://youtu.be/lwdtYvm06hc
2. https://youtu.be/Znb5v2VfCxU
3. https://youtu.be/fTyRb5OiK6I
1) Abbot, P., and M.E. Wardle. Teach Yourself Calculus. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Publishing,
Larson, Ron. Calculus With Analytic Geometry. Boston: Houghton Mifflin College, 2002.
Weisstein, Eric W. The CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics. New York: CRC Press,
2) https://youtu.be/NkjV1SSJZt8
3) https://youtu.be/r-NeXxpIZX8
Application of Integrals
1.Area under the curve y=f(x)and the x-axis and the ordinates at x=a and at x=b is∫ .
2.Area under the curve x=f(y)and the x-axis and the ordinates at y=c and at y= d is∫
3.The area bounded by the curve y=f(x) and x-axis and the ordinates x=a and x=b is given by A1
If y=f(x) , y= g(x) where f(x) g(x) in the [a,b] such that the point of intersection of these two
curves are given by x=a and x=b obtained by taking common values of y from given equation of
two curves then the area between the curves is given by A=∫ [ ]
5.If f(x) g(x) [a,c] and f(x) g(x) in [c,b] where a < c<b , then area of the region bounded by
the curves can be given by
6.Area of a triangle when the coordinates of the vertices or equations of sides are given.
1. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve y 2 = x and the lines x = 1 and
x =4 and the x - axis.
2. Find the area of the region bounded by y = x 2 and the lines y = 2 and y= 4 and the y- axis.
3. Find the area of the region bounded by the ellipse
4. Find the area of the region bounded by the parabola y=x2 and y=x
5. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve y = x between x = -1 and x=1.
6. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve x2=4y and the line x=4y-2
7.Find the area of the region bounded by the curve y2= 4x and the line x= 3
8 .Find the area of the region lying in the first quadrant and bounded by y=4x2, x=0,y=1 and y=4
9. Find the area of the region enclosed by the parabola x2 = y, and the line y = x+2 and the
10. Find the area lying in the first quadrant and bounded by the circle x2+ y2=4 and the
lines x=0 and x=2.
11. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve axis and between
12 Find the area of the region bounded by the curve and the lines
13 Find the area of the region bounded by the curve between
14 Find the area bounded by the curve in first quadrant
1. Find the area of the region bounded by the parabola y = x2 and y2 = x
3 Find the area of the circle 4x2+4y2=9 which is interior to the parabola x2=4y
4. Using Integration find the area of the region bounded by the triangle whose vertices
are (1,0), (2,2) and (3,1)
5. Using integration find the area of the triangular region whose sides
have the equations y = 2x + 1, y = 3x + 1 and x = 4
7. Find the area of the smaller region enclosed by the circle and the line
8. Find the area of the parabola y2=4ax bounded by the latus rectum.
9. Find the area of the region bounded by the line y=3x+2, the x-axis and the ordinates x=-1 and
10. Find the area of the region included between 4y=3x2,and the line 3x-2y+12=0
11. Find area of the region { ( x, y) :y x2 +1, y x+1, 0 x 2}
12. Draw the rough sketch and find the area of the region bounded by two parabolas
15. FindFind the smaller of two areas bounded by the curve and
1. Sketch the region bounded by the curves y= √ and y= and find its area.
2. Make a rough sketch of the region given below and find its area using
integration { (x, y); 0≤ y≤x2, 0 ≤ y ≤ 2x+ 3, 0≤x≤ 3 }
3. Find the ratio of the area into which the curve y2=6x divides the region bounded by
x2+y2 =4 and (x+2 )2+ y2= 4 using integration
{ Evaluate ∫ f(x)dx
6.Find the area lying above x-axis and included between the circles x2+y2=8x and the
parabola y2=4x
7. Find the area of the region between the two curves ( x-1)2+y2=1 and x2+y2=1
8. Prove that the curves y2=4x and x2=4y divide the area of the square bounded by x=0, x = 4,
y=4and y=0 into three equal parts.
9. Find the area bounded by the curve y=x3, the x-axis and the ordinates x=-2 and x=1
10. Find the area of the region enclosed between two circles x2+y2=9 and +y2 =9
11 Using integration , find the area of the region bounded by the triangle whose vertices are
15 Find the area of the region {
16 Calculate the area of the region enclosed between the circles and
( )
4 Using the method of integration find the area bounded by the curve
. What is the value of truthfulness in our life?
5 Find the area lying above x-axis and included between the circle
and the parabola .What is the importance of
non-violence in our life
Incorrect shading Students should be given enough practice for
shading the area
1 Find the area of the figure bounded by the curve and the straight line
2 Compute the area of the figure which lies on the first quadrant inside the circle
and is bounded by the parabola and
3 Compute the area of the figure bounded by the line and axis.
4 Compute the area bounded by the lines and
5 Draw a rough sketch of the curves and as varies from to and
1) https://youtu.be/umiUmq5e05o
2) https://youtu.be/3iMgAm6yMU4
3) https://youtu.be/kuC7cmXpwIs
4) https://youtu.be/bhyoybrLmZY
5) http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/CalcI/AreaBetweenCurves.aspx
b. √
c. ( ) ( ) .
d. -2 -y‘ =-1.
2. Verify the given functions is the solution of the corresponding differential equation;
a. y = :
3. Form the differential equation representing the family of curves where
―a‖ is arbitrary constant.
4. Form the differential equation representing y = ( a + bx).
5. Solve the differential equation: .
6. Solve the differential equation –
7. Solve the differential equation: √
8. Solve: given that y=1 when x=1.
9. Solve:
10. Solve:
11. Solve: ( )
12. Solve:
13. Solve:
14. Solve: .
15. Find the general solution of the differential equation
16. Solve:
17 Solve :
18 Solve :
19 Solve :
20 Solve :
21 Solve:
22 Find the differential equation of family straight lines passing through origin
23 Find the differential equation of all non- horizontal lines in a plane
24 The integrating factor of the differential equation
25 Find the order and degree of the differential equations
i)( ( ) )
. / ( )
29. Form the differential equation of the family of circles in the second quadrant and touching the
coordinate axes.
30. Find the particular solution of the differential equation: , given that
y=1 when x=0.
31. Solve:
32. Solve:
33. Find the equation of the curve passing through the point (0,0) whose differential equation is
34. Solve:
35. Solve: ( ) , y=0 when x=1.
36. Solve: , ( ) ( )- , ( ) ( )- .
37. Solve:
42. Solve: .
43 Solve :
44 Solve :
45 Solve :
46 Find order of the differential equation of all circles of given radius
47 Find the general solution of the differential equation
48 Solve the differential equation , given that when :
49 Show that the general solution of the differential equation is
50 Solve ( )
43. Find the order and degree of the following differential equation:
( ) . (b) ( )
44. Write the integrating factor of the following differential equation:
46. Solve: .
47. Solve: .
48. Solve:
49. Solve: .
50. Solve: ( ( )) ( ( ) ) .
51. Solve: √ .
52 Solve :
53 Solve :
54 Solve:
55 Solve:
56 Find order of the differential equation of all circles of given radius
57 Find the equation of a curve passing through origin if the slope at any point is equal to the
square of the difference of the abscissa and ordinate of the point.
58 Find the equation of a curve passing through the point if the perpendicular distance
of the orgin from the normal at any point of the curve is equal to the distance of
from the axis.
59 Find the general solution of the differential equation
60 Solve the differential equation , given that when :
61 Show that the differential equation * ( ) + is homogenous. Find
the particular solution of this differential equation , given that when
time , is veloccity . Ravi rides a vechile beyond the limit in high way. What suggestion would you
a) √ ( )
b) ( ) ( )
c) ( )
d) ∫
Chapter 10
Definition of Vectors
Definition of Scalars
Position Vector of a point
Dc‘s and Dr‘s
Types of vectors
Zero Vector
Unit Vector
Unit vector in the direction of ⃗ + ⃗⃗ or ⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗
Collinear Vectors/parallel vectors
Equal Vectors
Negative of a Vector
Addition of Vectors
Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar
Unit Vectors along the coordinate axes.
Vector joining two points AB OB OA
Section formula
Dot product of vectors
Projection of vectors on a line
Perpendicular vectors
Finding the angle between the two vectors
Finding I ⃗ + ⃗⃗I, I ⃗ + ⃗⃗ + ⃗I, I ⃗ - ⃗⃗I
Squaring of a vector
Angle between two vectors.(By scalar product)
Cross product of vectors
Cross product of unit vectors.
Unit vector perpendicular to two given vectors.
Angle between two vectors..(By vector product)
Area of parallelogram when adjacent sides are given.
Area of parallelogram when diagonals are given.
Area of a triangle
Area of a rectangle when position vectors of A,B,C,D are given.
Scalar Triple product of vectors.
Expressing the STP in rectangular coordinates.
Geometrical meaning of STP.
Vector Triple Product.
Properties of dot, cross and STP
| |
Level 1
1. Find the angle between the vectors ̂-2 ̂+3 ̂ and 3 ̂-2 ̂+ ̂
2. Find projection of the vector ̂ ̂+7 ̂ on the vector7 ̂- ̂+8 ̂
3. Evaluate the product (3⃗⃗⃗⃗- 5 ⃗⃗).( ⃗ +7 ⃗⃗)
4. Find the dr‘s of the vector ⃗ ̂ ̂ ̂
5. Find the area of the parallelogram whose adjacent sides are determined by the
vectors⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ̂ ̂+3 ̂ and ⃗⃗⃗⃗ = ̂ ̂+ ̂ .
6. If P and find the direction ratios of ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ .
7. If ⃗ ̂ ̂ ̂ and ⃗⃗ ̂ ̂ ̂ , find a unit vector in the direction ⃗ ⃗⃗.
8. If ⃗ √ ,|⃗⃗| and ⃗ ⃗⃗ , find the angle between ⃗ ⃗⃗ .
9. What is the angle between ⃗ ⃗⃗ with the vectors of magnitude √ and respectively
and ⃗ ⃗⃗ .
10. Write the position vector of the point dividing the line segment joining the points A and B
with position vectors ⃗ ⃗⃗ externally in the ratio 1:4, where ⃗⃗ ̂ ̂ ̂ and
⃗⃗ ̂ ̂ ̂.
11. Given⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = ̂ ̂+ ̂ and⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = ̂-4 ̂ , find µ such that⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ =3.
12. Find a vector in the direction of ⃗ ̂ ̂ that has magnitude ―7‖ units.
13. Find the value of for which the vectors
̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂
14. If vector⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = ̂ +3 ̂, ⃗⃗ 5,find µ.
15. Vectors ̂ ̂ ̂ and ̂ ̂ ̂ act along the adjacent sides of a parallelogram. Find
the angle between the diagonals of the parallelogram.
16. Show that the area of the parallelogram having diagonals ̂ ̂ ̂ and ̂ ̂ ̂ is
5√ Sq.units.
17. If the vertices A,B,C, of a triangle ABC are (1,2,3), (-1,0,0) , (0,1,2) respectively , then
find area of triangle ABC .
18. If a unit vector ―a‖ makes an angle with ̂, with ̂ and an acute angle with ̂ , then find
and hence the components of ⃗ .
19. If vectors ⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗ are such that ⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗ and ⃗⃗ ,|⃗⃗| and ⃗⃗ ,
find the angle between ⃗ ⃗⃗ .
20. If the vectors ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ are coplanar show that
21. Find the scalar components of the vector ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ with initial point A(2,1) and terminal point
22. Show that the points A(-2,3,5) , B(1,2,3) and C(7,0,-1) are collinear.
23.Find the unit vector in the direction of the resultant of ⃗ ̂ ̂ ⃗⃗ ̂ ̂
Level 2
⃗and⃗⃗⃗ .
6. If a,b,c are lengths of the opposite sides respectively to the angles A,B,C of a triangle ABC,
Prove that
i) ii) .
7. Find the volume of the parallelepiped whose adjacent sides are represented by
⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ̂ ̂ ̂ ⃗⃗ ̂ ̂ ̂ ⃗ ̂ ̂ ̂
Level 3
7. If ⃗, ⃗⃗, ⃗ , are unit vectors such that ⃗+ ⃗⃗+ ⃗ = 0, find the value of⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ . ⃗⃗ + ⃗⃗. ⃗ +⃗⃗⃗ ⃗ .
8.Find a unit vector perpendicular to each of the vectors ⃗ + ⃗⃗ and ⃗ - ⃗⃗ where ⃗= 3 ̂+2 ̂+2 ̂
10. If ⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗ are the PVs of the vertices of A,B and C of a ΔABC respectively . Find an
expression for the area of the ΔABC and hence deduce the condition that for the point
A,B and C to be collinear.
11. If vector ⃗ and ⃗⃗ are two unit vectors and is the angle between then, show that
Sin = | ⃗ ⃗⃗|.
12 If vectors a ̂+ ̂+ ̂ . ̂+b ̂+ ̂ and ̂+ ̂+c ̂ are coplanar show that
+ + =1.a,b.c 1.
13. If with reference to the right handed system of mutually perpendicular unit
vectors, ̂ ̂,and ̂ , ⃗=3⃗ - ⃗ , ⃗ =2⃗ + ⃗ - ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗, then express in the form = 1
+ 2 Where 1 is parallel to and 2 is perpendicular to .
14. Let ⃗⃗⃗⃗=⃗ + ⃗- ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗, ⃗⃗=3⃗ -2 ⃗ +7 ⃗⃗ and ⃗=2⃗ - ⃗ +⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗.Find a vector⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ which is
perpendicular to both ⃗& ⃗⃗ and⃗⃗⃗ . ⃗ =15.
1. If ⃗, ⃗⃗, ⃗, are position vectors of vertices A,B,C of triangleABC, show that the area of the
triangle is |⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗ ⃗⃗⃗ ⃗|
A student takes honesty, truthfulness and complacency as the three sides of the triangle.
Which side of the triangle do we prefer to take? Give your suggestion.
2. Let A and B be two points whose position vectors are 3 ̂ - 4 ̂ + ̂ and
̂ - 7 ̂ + ̂ respectively. Find ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ and ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗.
If point A represents a person who isregular and systematic and B represents a lazy person,
which vector ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ or ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ would you choose for your success?
3. Three hoardings are displayed at the points A,B and C diplaying A(Do not litter), B(Keep
your place clean) and C(Go green). If these 3 points form a triangle ABC, find the area of
triangle ABC using method of vectors if points A,B and C are (0,2,1),(4,8,2) and (8,4,3)
Give your views in two lines about ― GO GREEN‖
6 If the angle between two vectors ⃗ and ⃗⃗ of equal magnitudes is 60° and ⃗ . ⃗⃗= 4, find their
1. Find the direction cosines of the line passing through the two points ( -2,4,-5) and
2. Find the direction cosines of X,Y,and Z-axes.
3. If and find the direction ratios of ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ and hence the direction
4. What is the cosine of the angle which the vector √2 i + j + k makes with y-axis.
5. Find the Vector and Cartesian equations for the line passing through the points ( -1,0,2)
and( 3,4,6)
6. Find the angle between the pair of lines: = = ;
= =
7. Find the vector and the Cartesian equations of the line through the point ( 5,-2,3) and
which is parallel to the vector 3i+2j-8k.
8. Find the distance of the plane from the origin.
9. If the lines are perpendicular , then find k.
10. Find the equation of the perpendicular drawn from the point (2,4,-1) to the line
11. Find the coordinates of the image of the point P (1 , 3 , 4) in the plane 2x-y+z+3=0.
12. Prove that the image of the point (3, -2, 1) in the plane lies on the
13. Find the length of the perpendicular from the point (2, -1, 5) to the line
14. Find the coordinates of the point where the line meets the plane
15. Find the angle between the line = = and the plane 10z+2y-11z = 3
16. Show that the lines ⃗ ̂ ̂ ̂ (̂ ̂ ̂ ) and
⃗ ̂ ̂ ( ̂ ̂ ̂ )are intersecting. Hence find their point of
17. Find the vector equation of the line parallel to the line and passing
through (3 , 0 , -4)
18. Find the shortest distance between the lines, whose equations are
19. Find the Co-ordinates of the point where the line through the point (5,1,6) and ( 3,4,1)
crosses the YZ-plane.
1. Find the distance of the point (-2, 3, -4) from the line measured
parallel to the plane 4x+12y-3z+1=0.
2. Find the vector equation of the line parallel to the line and passing
through (3 , 0 , -4). Also find the distance between these two lines. Also obtain the
equation of the plane containing the line and the point (1, 2, 3).
3. Find the equation of the plane containing the lines ⃗ ⃗ ⃗ (⃗ ⃗ ⃗⃗ )and
⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ( ⃗ ⃗ ⃗⃗ ). Find the distance of the plane from origin and also from
the point (1,1,1).
4. Find the equation of the perpendicular drawn from the point (2,4,-1) to the line
5. Find the equation of the perpendicular drawn from the point P(2, 4, -1) to the line
. Also, write down the coordinates of the foot of the
perpendicular from P to the line.
6. If the lines and are perpendicular, find the value
of k and hence find the equation of plane containing these lines.
7. Find the foot of the perpendicular from the point P(1, 2, 3)on the line .
Also obtain the equation of the plane containing the line and the point (1, 2, 3).
8. Find the coordinates of foot of perpendicular and the length of the perpendicular drawn
from the point P ( 5,4,2) to the line ⃗ ( ̂ ̂ ̂) ( ̂ ̂ ̂ ). Also find the
image of P in this line.
9. Find the distance of the point (-2, 3, -4) from the line measured
parallel to the plane
10. Find the foot of the perpendicular from the point P(1, 2, 3)on the line
Also obtain the equation of the plane containing the line and the point (1, 2, 3).
11. Find the equation of the plane containing the lines ⃗ ̂⃗ ̂ (̂ ̂ ̂ ) and
⃗ ̂ ̂ ( ̂ ̂ ̂ ). Find the distance of the plane from origin and also from
the point (1,1,1).
12. Find the distance of the point (3, 4, 5) from the plane measured parallel
to the line
13. Find the distance of the point (-1 ,-5, -10) from the point of intersection of the line
⃗ ( ̂ ̂ ̂) ( ̂ ̂ ̂ ) and the plane ⃗ ( ̂ ̂ ̂) .
14. Find the equation of the plane passing through the line of intersection of the planes
16. Find the distance between the point P(6, 5, 9) and the plane determined by thepoints
A(3, -1, 2), B(5, 2, 4), and C(-1, -1, 6).
17. Find the distance of the point (2, 3, 4) from the line measured parallel
to the plane
18. Show that the four points ( 0,-1,-1) ( 4,5,1) ( 3,9,4) and (-4,4 ,4) are coplanar. Also find
the equation of the plane containing them
1. Find the equation of the plane through the intersection of the planes 2x +y-3z = 4 and
3x+4y+8z-1=0 and making equal intercepts on coordinate axes . (Ans: 5x +5y+5z=3)
2. Find the equation of the plane containing the line and perpendicular to
the plane 2x-y+2z = 11. (Ans: 2x-6y-5z = 3.)
3. Find the vector equation of the plane through the line of intersection of the planes
and perpendicular to the plane
alos find inclination of this plane with XY-plane.
7. Find the vector and Cartesian equations of the plane passing through the intersection of
the planes ⃗⃗⃗ ( ̂ ̂ ̂ ) = 6 and ⃗⃗⃗ ( ̂ ̂ ̂ ) = -5 and the point (1,1,1)
8. Let P(3,2,6) be a point in the space and Q be a point on the line ⃗⃗⃗ ( ̂ ̂ ̂)
( ̂ ̂ ̂) find the value of for which the vector ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ is parallel to the
plane x – 4y + 3z = 1.
9. Find the vector and Cartesian equations of the plane which bisects the line joining the
points ( 3,-2,1) and (1,4,-3) at right angles.
1. Two groups of students representing ‗SAVE MOTHER EARTH‘ and ‗GO GREEN‘ are
S.No. Error Remedy
1. Using the given improper form of a Bring the given equation into proper form
line to convert into other form (i) = 7; = 0 should be corrected
as 3 = 7
(ii) = ; = 5 should be
3 7
corrected as 3 = 7 = 0
2 Improper use of formula to find the If the given question does not mention anything
distance between the given two about the skew lines and usage of ―distance
lines. between the Skew Lines‖ gives 0 as the answer
then the lines must be parallel lines. Then the
―Distance between the Parallel Lines‖ formula to
be used.
3 Misunderstanding the Dr‘s of the The denominators of the components of X , Y
Parallel vector when the equation of and Z will give the Dr‘s of the parallel vector
a line is given in Cartesian form only when the coefficients of X,Y and Z must be
1( one only)
4 Improper use of formula to find the Emphasize to use the proper formula
angle between a line and a plane.
5 To find the distance between a point
& a plane measured parallel to Emphasize to draw the diagram (figure) and
another plane (or) line , students proceed accordingly.
may find the perpendicular distance
between the point and the plane as
the answer
6 While writing the answer of
question like‖ plane passing through
the intersection of two planes and Stress to substitute the value of the scalar in the
passing through any point given (or) combined equation to get the required member of
perpendicular to the third plane‖ the family.
they may stop the answer after
finding the value of ― ‖ (or)‖ ‖
7 While finding the image of a point
under a line or under plane , Emphasize to draw the diagram (figure) and
sometimes the students may stop the proceed accordingly
answer after finding the coordinates
of the foot of the perpendicular.
1 Find the equation of the plane passing through the point (1,1,1,) and perpendicular to the
planes x+2y+3z-7=0 and 2x-3y+4z=0
2 Find the vector equation of a line joining the points with posiition vectors iˆ 2 ˆj 3kˆ , and
parallel to the line joining the points with position vectors iˆ ˆj 4kˆ , and 2iˆ ˆj 2kˆ ,
Also find the cartesian equivalent of this equation.
3 Find the foot of the perpendicualr drawn from the point A (1,0,3) to the join of the points
B(4,7,1) and C(3,5,3)
4 Find the shortest distance between the lines
r (iˆ ˆj) (2iˆ ˆj kˆ) and r (2iˆ ˆj kˆ) (4iˆ 2 ˆj 2kˆ)
5 x 2 y 1 z 3
Find the image of the point (1,-2,1) in the line .
3 1 2
6 Show that the four points (0,-1,-1), (4,5,1), (3,9,4) and (-4,4,4) are coplanar and find the
equation of the common plane.
7 The foot of the dperpendicular from the origin to the plane is (12,-4,3) . Find the equation
of the plane.
8 x 1 y 2 z 3 x 4 y 1
Show that the lines and z intersect. Find their point
2 3 4 5 2
of intersection.
9 A line makes angles , , , with thr four diagonals of a cube, prove that
cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 cos 2
To develop skills to find the Optimum Solution for the Unbounded Feasible Region.
1. Graphically solve the system of inequations x-y ≤ 2 , x+y ≤ 4 , x 0 , y0
4. A small firm manufactures items A and B. The total number of items A and B that it
can manufacture in a day is at the most 24. Item A takes one hour to make while item
B takes only half an hour. The maximum time available per day is 16 hours. If the profit
on one unit of item A be Rs.300 and one unit of item B be Rs.160, how many of each
type of item be produced to maximize the profit? Solve the problem graphically.
5. Kellogg is a new cereal formed of a mixture of bran and rice that contains at least 88gms
of protein and at least 36 milligrams of iron. Knowing that bran contains 80gms of
protein and 40 milligrams of iron per kilogram, and that rice contains 100gms of protein
and 30 milligrams of iron per kilogram, find the minimum cost of producing this new
cereal if bran costs Rs.5 per kilogram and rice costs Rs.4 per kilogram.
6. A firm manufactures two types of products A and B and sells them at a profit of Rs.5
per unit of type A and Rs.3 per unit of type B. Each product is produced on two
machines M1 and M2, whereas one unit of type B requires one minute of processing time
on M1 and one minute on M2machines M1 and M2 are respectively available for at most
5 hours and 6 hours in a day. Find out how many units of each type of product should
the firm produce a day in order to maximize the profit. Solve the problem graphically.
7. A factory owner wants to purchase two types of machines, A and B , for his factory.
The machine A requires an area of 1000 m2 and 12 skilled men for running it and its
daily output is 50 units, whereas the machine B requires 1200m2 and 8 skilled men and
its daily output is 40 units. If an area of 7600m2 and 72 skilled man be available to
operate the machine, how many machines of each type should be bought to maximize
the daily output.
8. A housewife wishes to mix up two kinds of food X and Y in such a way that the mixture
contains at least 10 units of vitamin A and 12 units of vitamin B and 8 units of
vitamin C. The vitamin contents of 1 kg. of food X and 1 kg of food Y are as given in
the following table:
Food Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin c
X 1 2 3
Y 2 2 1
If one kg of food X costs Rs.6 and 1 kg of food Y costs Rs.10, find the lest cost of the
mixture which will produce the desired diet.
9. A factory owner wants to purchase two types of machines, A and B , for his factory.
The machine A requires an area of 1000 m2 and 12 skilled men for running it and its
daily output is 50 units, whereas the machine B requires 1200m2 and 8 skilled men and
its daily output is 40 units. If an area of 7600m2 and 72 skilled man be available to
operate the machine, how many machines of each type should be bought to maximize
the daily output.
1 A dietician wishes to mix two types of food in such a way that the vitamin content of the
mixture contain at least 8 unit of vitamin A and 10 unit of vitamin C. Food I contains
2unit/kg of vitamin A and 1unit/kg of vitamin C, while food II contains I unit/kg of
vitamin A and 2unit/kg of vitamin C. It cost Rs.5.00 per kg to purchase food I and
Rs.7.00 per kg to produce food II. Determine the minimum cost of the mixture.
Formulate the LPP and solve it. Why a person should take balanced food?
2. A dietician wants to develop diet using two foods X and Y. Each packet (contains 30 g)
of food X contains 12 units of calcium, 4 units of iron, 6 units of cholesterol and 6
units of vitamin A. Each packet of the same quantity of food Y contains 3 units of
calcium, 20 units of iron, 4 units of cholesterol and 3 units of vitamin A. The diet
requires at least 240 units of calcium, at least 460 units of iron and at most 300 units of
cholesterol. Make as LPP to find how many packets of each food should be used to
minimize the amount of vitamin A in the diet, and solve it graphically.
3. A farmer has a supply of chemical fertilizers of type ‗A‘ which contains 10% nitrogen
and 6% phosphoric acid and type ‗B‘ contains 5% of nitrogen and 10% of phosphoric
acid. After soil testing it is found that at least 7kg of nitrogen and same quantity of
phosphoric acid is required for a good crop. The fertilizers of type A and type B cost
Rs.5 and Rs.8 per kilograms respectively. Using L .P.P, find how many kgs of each type
of fertilizers should be bought to meet the requirement and cost be minimum solve the
problem graphically. What are the side effects of using excessive fertilizers?
4. Vikas has been given two lists of problems from his mathematics teacher with the
instructions to submit not more than 100 of them correctly solved for marks. The
problems in the first list are worth 10 marks each and those in the second list are worth 5
marks each. Vikas knows from past experience that he requires on an average of 4
minutes to solve a problem of 10 marks and 2 minutes to solve a problem of 5 marks.
He has other subjects to worry about; he cannot devote more than 4 hours to his
mathematics assignment. With reference to manage his time in best possible way how
many problems from each list shall he do to maximize his marks? What is the
importance of time management for students?
5. An NGO is helping the poor people of earthquake hit village by providing medicines. In
order to do this they set up a plant to prepare two medicines A and B. There is sufficient
raw material available to make 20000 bottles of medicine A and 40000 bottles of
medicine B but there are 45000 bottles into which either of the medicine can be put.
Further it takes 3 hours to prepare enough material to fill 1000 bottles of medicine A
and takes 1 hour to prepare enough material to fill 1000 bottles of medicine B and there
are 66 hours available for the operation. If the bottle of medicine A is used for 8 patients
and bottle of medicine B is used for 7 patients. How the NGO should plan his
production to cover maximum patients? How can you help others in case of natural
6. A dietician wishes to mix two types of foods in such a way that the vitamin content of
the mixture contains at least 8 units of vitamin A and 10 units of vitamin C. Food I
contains 2 units/kg of vitamin A and 1 units/kg of vitamin C while Food II contains
1unit/kg of vitamin A and 2 units/kg of vitamin C. It costs `5 per kg to purchase Food I
and`7 per kg to purchase Food II. Determine the minimum cost of such a mixture.
Formulate the above as a LPP and solve it graphically.
7. Cottage industry manufactures pedestal lamps and wooden shades, each requiring the
use of grinding/cutting machine and a sprayer. It takes 2 hours on the grinding/cutting
machine and 3 hours on the sprayer to manufacture a pedestal lamp. It takes one hour on
the grinding/cutting machine and 2 hours on the sprayer to manufacture a shade. On any
day, the sprayer is available for at the most 20 hours and the grinding/cutting machine
for at the most 12 hours. The profit from the sale of a lamp is ` 5 and that from a shade
is ` 3. Assuming that the manufacturer can sell all the lamps and shades that he
produces, how should he schedule his daily production in order to maximize his profit?
Make an L.P.P. and solve it graphically.
1. An oil company has two depots A and B with capacities of 7000 L and 4000 L
respectively. The company is to supply oil to three petrol pumps D, E and F
whose requirements are 4500 L, 3000 L and 3500 L respectively. The distances
between the depots and the petrol pumps is given in the following table
Distance in (Km)
From/To A B
D 7 3
E 6 4
F 3 2
Assuming that the transportation cost of 10 L of oil is Rs1per km, how should the
deliverybescheduled in order that the transportation cost is minimum? What is the
minimum cost?
2. A manufacturing company makes 2 Models A and of a product .Eachpiece of Model A
requires 9 labour hours for Fabricating and 1 labour hour for finishing.Each piece is of
Model B requires 12 labour hours for fabricating and 3 labour hours for finishing. For
fabricating and finishing the maximum labour hours available are 180 and 30
respectively. The company makes a profit of Rs 8000 on each piece of model A and Rs
12000 on each piece of Model B . How many pieces of Model A and Model B should be
manufactured per week to realize a maximum profit? What is the maximum profit per
3. An aeroplane can carry a maximum of 200 passengers. A profit of Rs 1000 is made on
each executive class ticket and a profit of Rs 600 is made on each economy class ticket.
The airline reserves at least 20 seats for executive class .However,at least 4 times as
many passengers prefer to travel by economy class than by the executive class.
Determine how many tickets of each type must be sold in order to maximize the profit
for the airline. What is the maximum profit?
4. Every gram of wheat provides 0.1 gram of protein and 0.25 gram of carbohydrates .The
corresponding values for rice are 0.05 gm and 0.5 g respectively. Wheat costs Rs 4 per
Kg and rice Rs 6 per Kg. The minimum daily requirement of protein and carbohydrates
for an average child are50gm 200gm respectively. In what quantities should wheat rice
be mixed in the daily diet to provide minimum daily requirement of proteins and
Carbohydrates at minimum cost. Form an L P P and solve graphically
5. If a class XII student aged 17 years, rides his motor cycle at 40km/hr, the petrol cost is
Rs. 2 per km. If he rides at a speed of 70km/hr, the petrol cost increases Rs.7per km. He
has Rs.100 to spend on petrol and wishes to cover the maximum distance within one
(a). Express this as an L .P.P and solve graphically.
(b )What is benefit of driving at an economical speed?
(c) Should a child below 18years be allowed to drive a motorcycle? Give reasons.
1. If a class XII student aged 17 years, rides his motor cycle at 40km/hr, the petrol cost is
Rs. 2 per km. If he rides at a speed of 70km/hr, the petrol cost increases Rs.7per km. He
has Rs.100 to spend on petrol and wishes to cover the maximum distance within one
(a). Express this as an L .P.P and solve graphically.
(b ) What is benefit of driving at an economical speed?
(c) Should a child below 18years be allowed to drive a motorcycle? Give reasons.
2. A manufacturing company makes two types of teaching aids A and B of mathematics
for class XII. Each type of A requires 9 labour hours for fabricating and 1 labour hour
for finishing. Each type of B requires 12 labour hours for fabricating and 3 labour
hours for finishing. For fabricating and finishing, the maximum labour hours available
are 180 and 30 respectively. The company makes a profit of Rs. 80/- on each piece of
type A andRs. 120/- on each type B. How many pieces of type A and B should be
manufactured per week to get a maximum profit? What is the maximum profit per
Is teaching aid necessary for teaching learning process? If yes, justify your answer.
3. A village has 500 hectares of land to grow two types of plants, X and d Y. The
contributions of total amount of oxygen produced by plant X and plant Y are 60 % and
40 % per hectare respectively. To control weeds, a liquid herbicide has to be used for
X and Y at rates of 20 litres and 10 litres per hectare, respectively. Further no more
than 8000 litres of herbicides should be used in order to protect aquatic animals in a pond
which collects drainage from this land. How much land should be allocated to each crop
so as to maximize the total production of oxygen?
(i) How do you think excess use of herbicides affects our environment?
(ii) What are the general implications of this question towards planting trees around
4. In order to supplement daily diet, a person wishes to take some X and some Y tables.
The contents of iron, calcium and vitamins in X and Y ( in milligrams per tablet) are
given below.
Tablets Iron Calcium Vitamins
X 6 3 2
Y 2 3 4
3. Sometimes the data, given in the It is not necessary that every row can give an
form of a table in word problems inequality. Sometimes every column may also
may make the students to use a row give an inequality. Understanding the data of
to make a constraint… the table will enable any one to form correct
4. Forget to write Non-Negative Remind the students that every LPP has Non-
constraints. Negative Constraints.
5. Unable to identify the Feasible Give sufficient practice.
Region Insist to make Mock (sample) shading for every
Decide the common region of all the inequalities.
6. If the Feasible Region is Unbounded Since the half plane of the New Inequality is to be
then unable to identify whether the drawn with dotted line, and the dotted line goes
(open)half plane determined by through the Feasible Region then the system does
ax+by>M or ax+by<M has any not have any solution. Otherwise the LPP has
point in common with the Feasible Optimum solution.
Region or not
7. Forget to write the final answer Reminding them again and again.
8. Forget to answer the Value Based Reminding them again and again.
Problems on LPP.docx
ppt on LPP.ppt
1. If P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.2, find P(B/A) if A and B are mutually exclusive events
2. Find the probability of drawing two white balls in succession from a bag containing 3 red
and 5 white balls respectively, the ball first drawn is not replaced.
3. If P(A) = 6/11 , P(B) = 5/11 and P(A B)= 7 /11,
find (i) P (A∩B) (ii) P (A|B) (iii) P(B|A)
4. Two cards are drawn at random and without replacement from a pack of 52
playing cards. Find the probability that both the cards are black
5. A die is thrown 6 times. If ‗getting an odd number‘ is a success, what is the
probability of (i) 5 successes? (ii) at least 5 successes? (iii) at most 5 successes?
6. A die is thrown twice and the sum of the numbers appearing is observed to be 6. What is
the conditional probability that the number 4 has appeared at least once?
7. Bag I contains 3 red and 4 black balls while another Bag II contains 5 red
and 6 black balls. One ball is drawn at random from one of the bags and it is found tobe
red. Find the probability that it was drawn from Bag II.
8. A bag contains 5 white, 7 red and 3 black balls. If three balls are drawn one by one
without replacement, find what the probability that none is red is.
9. A bag contains 6 red and 5 blue balls and another bag contains 5 red and 8 blue balls. A
ball is drawn from the first bag and without noticing its colour is put in the second bag.
A ball is drawn from the second bag. Find the probability that the ball drawn is blue in
10. Two cards are drawn successively with replacement from a well-shuffled deck of 52
cards. Find the probability distribution of the number of spades
11. An experiment succeeds twice as often it fails. Find the probability that in the next six
trials, there will be at least 4 successes.
12. The probability that an event happens in one trial of an experiment is 0.4. Three
independent trials of an experiment are performed. Find the probability that the event
happens at least once.
13. The sum of the mean and variance of a binomial distribution for 5 trials be 1.8.
Find the probability distribution.
Level – 2
1. A bag contains 5 white, 7 red and 3 black balls. If three balls are drawn one by one
without replacement, find the probability that none is red.
2. The probability of A hitting a target is 3/7 and that of B hitting is 1/3. They both fire at
the target. Find the probability that (i) at least one of them will hit the target, (ii) Only
one of them will hit the target.
3. An insurance company insured 2000 scooter and 3000 motorcycles. The probability of an
accident involving scooter is 0.01 and that of motorcycle is 0.02. An insured vehicle met
with an accident. Find the probability that the accidental vehicle was a motorcycle.
4. A purse contains 2 silver and 4 copper coins. A second purse contains 4 silver and 3
copper coins. If a coin is pulled at random from one of the two purses, what is the
probability that it is a silver coin?
5. A company has two plants to manufacture bicycles. The first plant manufactures 60 % of
the bicycles and the second plant 40 %. Out of that 80 % of the bicycles are rated of
standard quality at the first plant and 90 % of standard quality at the second plant. A
bicycle is picked up at random and found to be standard quality. Find the probability
that it comes from the second plant.
6. A die is thrown 6 times. If ‗gettingan odd number‘ is a success. What is the probability
(i) 5 successes, (ii) at least 5 successes? III) at most 5 successes
7. A family has 2 children. Find the probability that both are boys, if it is known that (i)
at least one of the children is a boy. (ii) the elder child is a boy.
8. In a factory which manufactures bolts, machines A, B and C manufacture respectively
25%, 35% and 40% of the bolts. Of their outputs, 5, 4 and 2 percent are respectively
defective bolts. A bolt is drawn at random from the product and is found to be defective.
What is the probability that it is manufactured by the machine B?
9. 4 defective apples are accidentally mixed with 16 good ones. Three apples are drawn at
random from the mixed lot. Find the probability distribution of the number of defective
10. On a multiple choice examination with three possible answers(out of which only one is
correct) for each of the five questions, what is the probability that a candidate would get
four or more correct answers just by guessing ?
1. A letter is known to have come either from LONDON or CLIFTON. On the envelope
just has two consecutive letters ON are visible. What is the probability that the letter has
come from (i) LONDON (ii) CLIFTON?
2. A test detection of a particular disease is not fool proof. The test will correctly detect the
disease 90 % of the time, but will incorrectly detect the disease 1 % of the time. For a
large population of which an estimated 0.2 % has the disease, a person is selected at
random, given the test, and told that he has the disease. What are the chances that the
person actually have the disease
3. Given three identical boxes I, II and III each containing two coins. In box I, both coins
are gold coins, in box II, both are silver coins and in box III, there is one gold and one
silver coin. A person chooses a box at random and takes out a coin. If the coin is of gold,
what is the probability that the other coin in the box is also of gold ?
4. In a school there are 1000 students , out of which 430 are girls. It is known that out of
430 , 10% of the girls study in class XII. What is the probability that a student chosen
randomly studies in class XII, given that the chosen student is a girl?.
Colored balls are distributed in three bags as shown in the following table
Bag Color of the ball
5. Black White Red
I 2 1 3
II 4 2 1
III 5 4 3
A bag is selected at random and then two balls are randomly drawn from the
selected bag. They happen to be white and red. What is the probability that they have
come from bag II?
6. In a bulb factory,machines A,B and C manufacture 60%,30% and 10% bulbsrespectively
1% , 2% and 3% of the bulbs produced respectively by A,B and C are found to be
defective. A bulb is picked up at random from the total production and found to be
defective . Find the probability that the bulb was produced by the machine A.
7. There is a group of 50 people who are patriotic out of which 20 believe in non- violence.
Two persons are selected at random out of them, write the probability distribution for
the selected persons who are non-violent. Also find the mean of the distribution.
8. A man is known to speak the truth 3 times out of 5 times. He throws a die and reports
that it is a number greater than 4. Find the probability that it is actually a number greater
than 4.
9. Two cards are drawn simultaneously (without replacement) from a well shuffled pack
of 52 cards. Find the probability distribution of the number of aces. Also find mean of
the distribution.
10. A man takes a step forward with probability 0.4 and backward with probability 0.6. Find
the probability that at the end of eleven steps he is one step away from the starting point.
11. In a game, a man wins a rupee for a six and looses a rupee for any other number when a
fair die is thrown. The man decided to throw a die thrice but to quit as and when he gets a
six. Find the expected value of the amount he wins/looses.
1. In answering a question on a MCQ test with 4 choices per question, a student knows the
answer, guesses or copies the answer. Let ½ be the probability that he knows the answer,
¼ be the probability that he guesses and ¼ that he copies it. Assuming that a student, who
copies the answer, will be correct with the probability ¾ , what is the probability that the
student knows the answer, given that he answered it correctly?
Arjun does not know the answer to one of the questions in the test. Theevaluation process
has negative marking. Which value would Arjun violateif he resorts to unfair means? How
would an act like the above hamper hischaracter development in the coming years?
2) An insurance company insured 2000 cyclists, 4000 scooter drivers and 6000 motorbike
drivers. The probability of an accident involving a cyclist, scooter driver and a motorbike
driver are 0.01, 0.03 and 0.15 respectively. One of the insured persons meets with an
accident. What is the probability that he is a scooter driver? Which mode of transport
would you suggest to a student and why?
3) The probabilities of two students A and B coming to school in time are 3/7 and 5/7
respectively. Assuming that the events , ‗A come in time ‗ and ‗B come in time ‗ are
independent , find the probability of only one of them coming to the school in time.
Write at least one advantage of coming to the school in time.
4) In a hockey match , both teams A and B scored same number of goals up to the end of
the game, so as to decide the winner , the referee asked both the captains to throw a die
alternately and decided that the team, whose captain gets a six first, will be declared
the winner. If the captain of team A was asked to start, find their respective probabilities
of winning the match and state whether the decision of the referee was fair or not.
S.No. Error Remedy
1 Unable to identify the idea to be Reverse conditional is the Baye‘s Theorem.
employed whether Conditional or 1. If the events are in proper sequence
Baye‘s Theorem then it the Conditional Prob.
2. If the events are in reverse sequence
then it is the Baye‘s Therorem
2 Mistakes in identifying events that These events must be mutually exclusive and
constitute the Partition exhaustive.
That is Pairwise disjoint and their union must be
the Sample Space.
3 If in the problems of Baye‘s They should be either Sure Event with Prob 1 or
Theorem, the values of the Impossible Event with prob 0
conditional prob. such as P(A/E1),
P(A/E2) … are not given
4 In problems of Baye‘s Theorem Take E1 or E2 as the sample space that is 100 %
involving % (percentages ) and take the value given in terms of % and do not
confusion to find every conditional multiply /subtract the percentages
prob such as P(A/E1), P(A/E2)
5 Unable to take the values of the Practise more questions of such type.
Random Variable for a probability
6 Unable to form the probability Identify whether it is with replacement or
distribution table without replacement.
Sum of all the probabilities is equal to 1.
Practise more questions of such type
7. Forget to write the final answer Emphasize on writing the final answer
8. Forget to answer the Value Based Reminding them again and again.
- Conditional
Probability ppt -1.ppt
For Gifted Students
Useful web links for Maths
1- Aplus Math
Aplus Math provides Interactive math resources for teachers, parents, and students
featuring free math worksheets, math games, math flashcards, and more.
2- Math TV
Math TV is a platform that features a wide range of math videos covering a plethora of
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3- AAA Math
AAA Math offers thousands of arithmetic lessons from kindergarten through eightgrade.
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4- Math's Fun
This philosophy behind this website is to make math learning fun and enjoyable. It
features a myriad of lessons and activities provided by teachers and math community
from all around the world.
5- Math Central
Math Central is an Internet service for mathematics students and teachers. This site is
maintained by faculty and students in Mathematics and Statistics and Mathematics
Education at the University of Regina in Canada.
6- Ten Marks
TenMarks provides students with access to hints and video lessons on every problem, so
if they can't recall something, or didn't quite get the topic when it was covered in class,
they can quickly review the content, and move forward.
7- Maths Frame
Mathsframe has more than 170 free interactive maths games. All resources are designed,
by an experienced KS2 teacher, to help children to visualise numbers, patterns and
numerical relationships and to develop their mathematical thinking. New games are
added most weeks
The SMILE program was designed to enhance the elementary and high school learning of
Science and Mathematics through the use of the phenomenological approach.
9- The Math Forum
The Simpsonsmath contains over a hundred instances of mathematics ranging from
arithmetic to geometry to calculus, many designed to expose and poke fun at innumeracy.
11- SuperKids
SuperKids lets you create your own Math drills. Simply select the type of problem, the
maximum and minimum numbers to be used in the problems, then click on the button! A
worksheet will be created to your specifications, ready to be printed for use.
This is an interactive math dictionary with enough math words, math terms, math
formulas, pictures, diagrams, tables, and examples to satisfy your inner math geek.
13- Math Guide
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geometry, and pre-calculus are available. One can also utilize an assessment resource,
called quizmasters.
Math-Drills has thousands of Free Math Worksheets for teachers and parents on a variety
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Math Goodies is your free math help portal featuring interactive lessons, worksheets, and
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17- Math Aids
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generators. This allows you to make an unlimited number of printable math worksheets to
your specifications instantly
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make learning math easier, and allow you to practice basic math skills at your own level
and pace.
19- Get The Math
Get the Math is about algebra in the real world. See how professionals use math in music,
fashion, videogames, restaurants, basketball, and special effects.
Absurd Math is an interactive mathematical problem solving game series. The player
proceeds on missions in a strange world where the ultimate power consists of
mathematical skill and knowledge.
Annexure list
1) VUE Map
2) Definition
3) Fundamental Formula
4) Integration by Substitution
5) Trigonometric Identities
6) Special Integrals
7) Standard form
Indefinite Integrals
8) Partial Fraction
9) Integration by parts
10) PPT_ Basic Integration
11) PPT_ Integration
12) PPT_ Integration_2
13) PPT_ Integration_3
14) PPT _Partial Fraction
1) VUE Map
2) Definition
3) Fundamental Theorem
Definite Integrals 4) Limit of sums
5) Properties of Definite Integrals
6) PPT_ Definite Integrals _ 1
7) PPT_ Definite Integrals _2
Application of Integrals
1) VUE Mapping
2) Area
3) Area Under Simple Curve
4) Area Enclosed
5) Area of Triangle
6) Circle
7) Circle and line
Application of Integrals
8) Ellipse
9) Ellipse and line
10) Ellipse and Parabola
11) Modulus Function
12) PPT_ Fundamental Theorem
13) PPT_ Ares using Integration
14) PPT_ Integration Area
Differential Equations
1) VUE Mapping
2) Definition
Differential Equations 3) Order and Degree
4) Solution of differential equation
5) Formation of differential equation
6) Variable Separable
7) Homogenous Differential Equations
8) Linear Differential Equations Type I
9) Linear Differential Equations
10) PPT_ Basic of Differential Equations
11) PPT_ Differential Equations
(d) Condition for
(e) Projection of a
13 Cross Product of two PPT
(a) Definition
(b) Properties
(c) Angle between two
(d) Condition for
Parallal vectors
(e) Area of Triangle
(f) Area of
10. Diet Problem
11. Transportation Problem.
5 Geo-Gebra on Manufacturing Problem
6 PPT Ppt on LPP
7 VUE (Probability) 1. Probability- Basics
2. Conditional Probability
3. Properties of Conditional Probability
4. Independent Events
5. Partition of Events
6. Theorem on Total Probability
7. Baye‘s Theorem
8. Bernoulli‘s Trials
9. Binomial Distribution
10. Random Variable
11. Probability Distribution of Random Variable.
12. Mean of Random Variable
13. Variance and Standard Deviation of Random
8 PPT(Probability) Ppt on Conditional Probability