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Some of the key takeaways are that education is important but expensive, and student dropout rates are increasing for reasons like having to work to afford tuition fees. Schools could help by providing more academic and financial support programs.

Some of the main reasons students dropout are having to work to afford tuition/living expenses, forgetting skills from lack of use, and focusing more on making money than education.

Schools can help students who want to continue by providing more flexible scheduling, academic support programs, tutoring, English language learning programs, and making education more affordable overall.

Narayan Neupane

Class: English 1010

Professor: Greenwell
Date: 04/21/15
Position Synthesis
Education is the most important weapon: it can be used in any field. Educated
person is considered as the most powerful and useful in the society. The most knowledge
we get, we will be more useful and helpful to the society. As we can see the succeed
people, in their life somehow get education in order to operate their occupation.
Although, education has high value in this world; less people want to go school for
education. Therefor, minorities of students are graduating but the majorities of student
were dropout from school. In short, within us, today highs school and college students
dropout rate is increasing rapidly. The students are getting expelled from high school/
college, Instead of finding better alternative options to solve the problems. Thus, US
department of education should provide flexible environment for the students to work and
attain school; education should make less expensive for the entire student. As a result,
student can focus more over college/ high school then running after money. Moreover
college and high school student have after school program, which help student to improve
skills. Naturally, there are several many state provide such program which helped student
to bring huge change in grades. In the same way, there are some states helping student to
understand the artwork.
According to the data by This National Center for Education Statistics (NCES),
Each school day, more than 7,000 American high-school students drop out. That is one

of many troubling statistics education scholar Rubberier cites in this sobering look at one
aspect of many crises facing U.S. schools. In the other word, droppings out rate of
students are increasing each day. And, there are several reasons making student/ forcing
student to dropout but, the major reason is the tuition fees, overall college is getting
expensive. Through the journey of work, students are demising the dream of getting
educated. A student earning money, their mind converted onto the idea of how to get/
gather more money. Similarly, I was one of those students, running after money. I
graduate from east high school and start college in 2012. The situation occurred in my
life, that I had to work inn order to manage transportation to college. So, I start working
as a part-time but, letter wen I was making money I skep classes for two years; which
bring major change in my life. I tend to forget the skills that are learned through out high
school. Now I am trying to proceed to get education but I am not getting proper tutoring.
Even though I wrote papers and learn skills I am not improving my skills, as it need to be.
In fact, my mind runs towards money. So, there are many students like me trying to
continue school for education they are unable to do so. In hence, school can bring up the
situation where student can study and work as well.
As I said after school program should be conducted in order to support student education.
Moreover, The article written by Boyer and Tracz,studentswerebeenhelpedbyafterschool

that, Asian American Students

gets Academic Support from school and the knowledge of Culturally Relevant Education
training. On the effort of Student Participation, group Achieve Granit, Behavior Change,
Self Esteem, Scales, Program Effectiveness, Attendance, Comparative Analysis, High
Schools, and Secondary Education. Comparison to the non-participant student these

student are likely have higher Grade Point Average. In short, Utah has less number of
such kinds of activity. In Americans school the spaced occupy by the English as a second
language is in large number. It is hard for those students to keep up on classes because the
English is their second language. As a result, they end up being c grade student and
student tends to skip the classes. There is high chance for raging the rate of graduation, if
American schools provide academic support from.
Students learn to achieve their goals, but the student are not getting proper
knowledge so how can we can achieve. I remember when I was on my freshmen year in
school; I had no idea how should I move forward in my career. I felt that school is
difficult and no ones there to guide me. I used to think that nobody cares in here because
when I asked for help, I did not get helped even from friends. As I go on higher level I
realize this place is not for those who look for assistance. So I start working hard, at least
I did graduation on time. But, there are many students confused, needing help from
teachers but afraid to talk because of their English. So, it would be better idea to provide
after school programs like in California. In after school program student can share their
feelings to their friends. Students should be in environment where they can share every
single moment of their life with teachers. Afterschool provides the help from each others
student would not lose confident to ask friends for help. So, providing afterschool
program would be strong reason that student would graduate from school.
NASSAP bulletin posted another article about student possessing on their
qualitative study. The article was about the Africans Americans improving on qualitative
learning skills. There are several many outcomes from school program which can benefits
students to improve grades but student were not engaging on it. As per the database

research, these six students were suffering from ordinary barriers. The barriers are as
follows; absent fathers, disruptive homes, negative community, and peers, and scarce
school system. In the presents of all these barriers this student were able to precede
towards first stapes better future. As we can see there are several student with several
problems, some even with single problems were dropping out of school instate of
continuing college, or some student are getting dropout of school because of unable to
continuing their education such as skipping form class, low grades and the reason those
student keep up with their grades and class is the family condition.
According to Pew Research Center the student rate of drooping our are as
follows: Hispanics have the highest dropout rate among all major racial and ethnic
groups, it touched a record-low of 14% in 2013, compared with 32% of Hispanic 18- to
24-year-olds who were dropouts in 2000. This data shows dramatically increasing
number of student graduate from school comparing to past few years. The reason percent
of graduating Hispanic and not Hispanic student could be the school program such as,
English as a second Language; where student learn their English skills. Same way, if we
have more school programs, which can provide student assistance in language; then the
dropout percentage would dropdown. The basic place to state this is form school, which
providing student catching center where student can do their homework and learn English
language after school. If we lead the percentage of student dropping down then our
community will be better in many ways. There will be changes, positive chances;
Environmental developments would rise. If student would get proper student skills and
understanding, student would stand on their own, and have their own pride. Live as if
you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. By Mahatma Gandhi.

According to the article written by Thomas, student participant matters, it does not have
to be in specific field. Not only teachers or the help provider should help student but,
student should increase their eager of study.
Sense the beginning I was talking about student dropout, with several reasons and
provided what we or educational department could do to dropdown the rate of dropping
out student. As we see the school are dropping out student those are not focusing on
grade. Those students were dropping out who spend their most time in out side
entertainment. The students dropout from school because not attaining the class regularly.
In some point it is right thing to do; therefore other students will not be distracted from
negatively influenced students. I would not like to say it is not a right decision that they
made the choice to dropout student or student get rusticated. If someone does not want to
change his/her self then it is great idea to expelled students from school. But, student
those who want to succeed and do not have capability, then that student be helped from
The student now a day getting vary diverse and want to succeed in their life.
Although, having urge of getting educated, student were not able to proceed towards the
great future. For those students who want to approach in there future, they are not being
help from school department. The programs are not presented in particular; which can
change students life and sequence toward succeed. Therefore, students are chattering
towards money and demising their goals. It is school responsibilities to bring changes in
students. To chance the situation of student education department should bring massive
numbers of educational program in school so that, student can focus only on education.

Web search:
Rry Richard, U.S. High School dropout rate reaches record low, driven by
Improvements among Hispanic, blacks. Pew Research Center. October 2, 2014.
Web, (04/25/2015)
Land, Lesia, Mixon, Jason, Butcher, Jennifer. A Qualitative Study.
NASSP Bulletin, 98.2 (Jun 2014) 142-162

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