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Scientific Revolution Power Point

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Scientific Revolution

Definition of the Scientific

The Scientific Revolution (1543- 1687) was a
period of time in which many breakthrough
discoveries were made in science and
philosophy, as well as an era in which the
Europeans perception of the universe and
their role in it was changed forever
Although the SR began by only affecting the
scientific and intellectual elite (5% of the
pop) the concepts that originated during the
SR eventually spread to all of the population

Science Before the Scientific

Prior to SR all scientific concepts
came from ancient scientists (Plato,
Socrates etc.) or the Bible
During the Middle Ages most of the
works of ancient scientists were lost,
Aristotle, Plotemy and Galen became
the only, and therefore, ultimate
authorities on their fields

Where did old beliefs come

1. The
Main source of info from?
Teachings were taken literally
Ex: if a story stated that the world stopped spinning, Europeans
believed that the world actually did stop spinning)

Considered the greatest philosopher of ancient times

He was viewed as the absolute authority on physics (even though
some of his theories were wrong)
Ex: no movement without a mover- fit in with church belief
philosophy that God was necessary to move the Earth
Believed in teleological (idea that everything is made for a


Astronomer from ancient times

Stated the earth was the center of the universe and the sun and
all the planets moved around in crystalline spheres, since this
alone was not able to mathematically explain retrograde motion
Ptolemy added in epicycles (circles within circles) which though
calculations could approximate planetary motion.

4. Galen

Medical and anatomical theories dominated the scientific world for

years even though they were proved wrong by dissections

Causes of the Scientific

1. Scientist takeRevolution
note of inadequacies of

standard theories and began questioning


Questioners were inspired/ influenced by the theories

of some ancient scientists like Archimedes, (who was
rediscovered during the Renaissance thanks to
humanists who were looking for ancient works) that
disagreed with old theories

2. Interest in what is now known as magic

Was seen as a serious science

Includes alchemy and astrology
Linked by the belief that the world could be
understood through several secret truths
These sciences contributed to the outpouring of new
ideas, the questioning of the old theories and the use
of math

Causes of the Scientific

Revolution Cont
3. European interest in technology
New instruments and devices (printing press,
telescope, vacuum pump, thermometer,
barometer and microscope), often made for
other purposes, were used in science and
made possible many of the new discoveries
Interest in technology was stimulated by the
competition between the different nations
because applied technology was used in

Effects of the Scientific

People felt that human understanding
of the universe could be reduced to
mathematical laws
The universe no longer appeared to
be a mystery- people felt that it was
orderly, rational and most importantly,
could be understood by humans
People felt that humans were able to
control their own destiny

Effects of the SR
The concept of natural laws developed
Laws similar like those found in science by
Newton, could govern other aspects of life (ex:
economics, politics, ethics)

Science gained a wider appeal and

unprecedented popularity
Science was institutionalized
Scientific societies sprang up throughout Europe
on both national and personal level
Institutions helped the rate of progress

Positive effects of the S.R.

Increased knowledge
Greater toleration (scientific and
Less superstition
More scientific answers
Freedom to deviate from established
theories which increased new

Negative effects of the S.R.

Loss of innocence
Loss of traditional faith
Loss of faith in heaven
Earth is no longer regarded as
the center
Loss of personal/ caring God

Overall Legacy
SR was an era of optimism that gave
way to an Age of Reason in the 18th
People living during the SR felt that
they had surpassed even the ancients
and were at the peak of human
knowledge, and ideas of progress
dominated intellectual discussions

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