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Skills Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Historical Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XXX
Primary Source Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XXX
Gazetteer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .783
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791
Spanish Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
SkillBuilder Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 902
Standardized Test Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 920
Primary Sources Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 930
Suggested Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
Spanish Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955
Gazetteer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1006
900 Appendix
(bkgd)CORBIS, (r)Sylvain Grandadam/Getty Images, (l)Picture Finders Ltd./eStock
900-901 EM-Appendix-868873 9/9/04 6:28 AM Page 900
SkillBuilder Handbook
The SkillBuilder Handbook offers you
information and practice using critical thinking
and social studies skills. Mastering these skills will
help you in all your courses.
Standardized Test Preparation
The skills you need to do well on standardized
tests are practiced in the Standardized Test
Practice section of this Appendix.
Primary Sources Library
The Primary Sources Library provides additional
first-person accounts of historical events. Primary
sources are often narratives by a person who
actually experienced what is being described.
Suggested Readings
The Suggested Readings list suggests the titles
of fiction and non-fiction books you might be
interested in reading. These books deal with the
same topics that are covered in each chapter.
The Glossary is a list of important or difficult
terms found in a textbook. Since words
sometimes have other meanings, you may
wish to consult a dictionary to find other
uses for the term. The glossary gives a definition
of each term as it is used in the book. The
glossary also includes page numbers telling
you where in the textbook the term is used.
The Spanish Glossary
The Spanish Glossary contains everything that
an English glossary does, but it is written in
Spanish. A Spanish glossary is especially
important to bilingual students, or those
Spanish-speaking students who are learning
the English language.
The Gazetteer (GAzuhTIHR) is a geographical
dictionary. It lists some of the worlds largest
countries, cities, and several important geographic
features. Each entry also includes a page number
telling where this place is talked about in your
The Index is an alphabetical listing that includes
the subjects of the book and the page numbers
where those subjects can be found. The index in
this book also lets you know that certain pages
contain maps, graphs, photos, or paintings about
the subject.
Acknowledgements and Photo Credits
This section lists photo credits and/or literary
credits for the book. You can look at this section
to find out where the publisher obtained the
permission to use a photograph or to use excerpts
from other books.
An appendix is the additional material you often find at the end of books.
The following information will help you learn how to use the Appendix in
Journey Across Time.
Appendix 901
Find the answers to these questions by using
the Appendix on the following pages.
1. What does dynasty mean?
2. What is the topic of the first Unit 3 Primary
Source reading?
3. On what page can I find out about Julius Caesar?
4. Where exactly is Rome located?
5. What is one of the Suggested Readings for Unit 3?
900-901 EM-Appendix-868873 9/9/04 4:16 AM Page 901
902 SkillBuilder Handbook
Finding the Main Idea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .903
Taking Notes and Outlining . . . . . . . . . . . .904
Reading a Time Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .905
Sequencing and Categorizing
Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .906
Recognizing Point of View . . . . . . . . . . . . . .907
Distinguishing Fact From Opinion . . . . . . .908
Analyzing Library and Research
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .909
Analyzing Primary Source Documents . . .910
Building a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .911
Summarizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .912
Evaluating a Web Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913
Understanding Cause and Effect . . . . . . . .914
Making Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .915
Making Predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .916
Drawing Inferences and Conclusions . . . . .917
Recognizing Economic Indicators . . . . . . . .918
Interpreting Political Cartoons . . . . . . . . . .919
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:39 AM Page 902

Finding the Main Idea
SkillBuilder Handbook 903
Why Learn This Skill?
Understanding the main idea allows
you to grasp the whole picture and get
an overall understanding of what you
are reading. Historical details, such as
names, dates, and events, are easier to
remember when they are connected to a
main idea.
Follow these steps when trying to
find the main idea:
Read the material and ask, Why was
this written? What is its purpose?
Read the first sentence of the first para-
graph. The main idea of a paragraph is
often found in the topic sentence. The
main idea of a large section of text is
often found in a topic paragraph.
Identify details that support the main
Keep the main idea clearly in your
mind as you read.
Read the paragraph at the top of the
next column that describes how the cul-
ture of the world is changing. Answer
the questions, and then complete the
activity that follows. If you have trouble,
use the graphic organizer to help you.
Cultural diffusion has increased as a
result of technology. Cultural diffusion is the
process by which a culture spreads its
knowledge and skills from one area to
another. Years ago, tradethe way people
shared goods and ideasresulted in cultural
diffusion. Today communication technology,
such as television and the Internet, links
people throughout the world.
1. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
2. What are some details that support that
main idea?
3. Do you agree or disagree with the main idea
presented above? Explain.
4. Practice the skill by reading three paragraphs
in your textbook and identifying their main
Bring a newspaper or magazine
to class. With a partner, identify the
main ideas in three different articles.
Then describe how other sentences or
paragraphs in the article support the
main idea.
main idea
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:40 AM Page 903
904 SkillBuilder Handbook
Taking Notes and Outlining
Why Learn This Skill?
If you asked someone for his or her
phone number or e-mail address, how
would you best remember it? Most peo-
ple would write it down. Making a note
of it helps you remember. The same is
true for remembering what you read in a
Taking notes as you read your textbook
will help you remember the information.
As you read, identify and summarize the
main ideas and details and write them in
your notes. Do not copy material directly
from the text.
Using note cardsthat you can
reorder latercan also help. First write
the main topic or main idea at the top of
the note card. Then write the details that
support or describe that topic. Number
the cards to help you keep them in order.
You also may find it helpful to use an
outline when writing notes. Outlining can
help you organize your notes in a clear
and orderly way.
First read the material to identify the
main ideas. In this textbook, section head-
ings and subheadings provide clues to the
main ideas. Supporting details can then
be placed under each heading. Each level
of an outline must contain at least two
items. The basic pattern for outlines is as
Main Topic
I. First idea or item
II. Second idea or item
A. first detail
B. second detail
1. subdetail
2. subdetail
III. Third idea or item
A. first detail
B. second detail
Look back at Chapter 2, Section 1.
Outline the main ideas of the section as
shown above.
Use the outline that you created in
step 2 to write a paragraph with a main
idea and at least three supporting details.

Schools in the Middle Ages
Catholic church set up
cathedral schools.
Only sons of nobles could go
to these schools.
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:41 AM Page 904
SkillBuilder Handbook 905

Reading a Time Line
Why Learn This Skill?
Have you ever had to remember
events and their dates in the order in
which they happened? A time line is an
easy way to make sense of the flow of
dates and events. It is a simple diagram
that shows how dates and events relate
to one another. On most time lines, years
are evenly spaced. Events on time lines
are placed beside the date they occurred.
To read a time line, follow these
Find the dates on the opposite ends of
the time line. They show the period of
time that the time line covers.
Note the equal spacing between dates
on the time line.
Study the order of events.
Look to see how the events relate to
each other.
Examine the time line below. It
shows major events in the history of
early Egypt. Then answer the questions
and complete the activity that follows.
1. When does the time line begin? When does
it end?
2. What major event happened around
1550 B.C.?
3. How long did the Hyksos rule Egypt?
4. What happened to Egypt around
1670 B.C.?
List 10 key events found in Unit 1 and
the dates on which these events took
place. Write the events in the order in
which they occurred on a time line.
3000 B.C. 2500 B.C. 1500 B.C. 500 B.C. A.D. 1 A.D. 500 A.D. 1000 A.D. 1500 1000 B.C. 2000 B.C.
Upper and
Lower Egypt unite
3100 B.C.
Great Pyramid
of Khufu built
c. 2540 B.C.
The Hyksos
conquer Egypt
1670 B.C.
The Hyksos are
c. 1550 B.C.
Egypt is conquered
by Assyrians
670 B.C.
Ancient Egypt
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:42 AM Page 905
906 SkillBuilder Handbook
Sequencing and Categorizing Information

Why Learn This Skill?
Sequencing means placing facts in
the order in which they happened.
Categorizing means organizing informa-
tion into groups of related facts and
ideas. Both actions help you deal with
large quantities of information in an
understandable way.
Follow these steps to learn sequenc-
ing and categorizing skills:
Look for dates or clue words that pro-
vide you with a chronological order: in
2004, the late 1990s, first, then, finally,
after the Great Depression, and so on.
Sequencing can be seen in unit and
chapter time lines or on graphs where
information covers several years.
If the sequence of events is not impor-
tant, you may want to categorize the
information instead. To categorize infor-
mation, look for topics and facts that
are grouped together or have similar
characteristics. If the information is
about farming, one category might be
tools of farming.
List these categories, or characteristics,
as the headings on a chart.
As you read, look for details. Fill in
these details under the proper cate-
gories on the chart.
Read the paragraph below and then
answer the questions that follow.
Buddhism started in India about 500 B.C.
but was mostly driven out by 300 B.C. The
religion of Islam also influenced Indias his-
tory. In the A.D. 700s, Muslims from south-
west Asia brought Islam to India. In the
1500s, they founded the Mogul empire and
ruled India for the next 200 years.
1. What information can be organized by
2. What categories can you use to organize the
information? What facts could be placed
under each category?
Look at the Geographic Dictionary on
pages GH14 and GH15. Record any terms
that would fit into the category bodies of
water. Also, find two newspaper or mag-
azine articles about an important local
issue. Sequence or categorize the informa-
tion on note cards or in a chart.
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:42 AM Page 906
SkillBuilder Handbook 907

Recognizing Point of View
Why Learn This Skill?
If you say, Cats make better pets
than dogs, you are expressing a point of
view. You are giving your personal opin-
ion. Knowing when someone is giving
his or her personal point of view can
help you judge the truth of what is
being said.
Most people have feelings and ideas
that affect their point of view. Apersons
point of view is often influenced by
his or her age, background, or position in
a situation.
To recognize point of view, follow
these steps:
Identify the speaker or writer and
examine his or her views on an issue.
Think about his or her position in life
and relationship to the issue.
Look for language that shows an emo-
tion or an opinion. Look for words such
as all, never, best, worst, might, or should.
Examine the speech or writing for
imbalances. Does it have only one view-
point? Does it fail to provide equal cov-
erage of other viewpoints?
Identify statements of fact. Factual
statements usually answer the Who?
What? When? and Where? questions.
Determine how the persons point of
view is reflected in his or her state-
ments or writing.
Read the following statement about
wildlife in Africa, and answer the ques-
tions below.
Mountain gorillas live in the misty
mountain forests of East Africa. Logging
and mining, however, are destroying the
forests. Unless the forests are protected, all
of the gorillas will lose their homes and dis-
appear forever. As a concerned African nat-
uralist, I must emphasize that this will be
one of the worst events in Africas history.
1. What problem is the speaker addressing?
2. What reasons does the speaker give for the
loss of the forests?
3. What is the speakers point of view about
the problem facing the gorillas in East
Choose a Letter to the Editor from a
newspaper. Summarize the issue being
discussed and the writers point of view
about that issue. State what an opposing
point of view to the issue might be.
Describe who might hold this other view-
point in terms of their age, occupation,
and background.
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:43 AM Page 907
908 SkillBuilder Handbook
Distinguishing Fact From Opinion

Why Learn This Skill?
Suppose a friend says, Our schools
basketball team is awesome. Thats a
fact. Actually, it is not a fact; it is an
opinion. Knowing how to tell the differ-
ence between a fact and an opinion can
help you analyze the accuracy of politi-
cal claims, advertisements, and many
other kinds of statements.
Afact answers a specific question
such as: What happened? Who did it?
When and where did it happen? Why did
it happen? Statements of fact can be
checked for accuracy and proven.
An opinion, on the other hand,
expresses beliefs, feelings, and judgments.
It may reflect someones thoughts, but it
cannot be proven. An opinion often
begins with a phrase such as I believe,
I think, probably, it seems to me, or in my
To distinguish between facts and
opinions, ask yourself these questions:
Does this statement give specific infor-
mation about an event?
Can I check the accuracy of this
Does this statement express someones
feelings, beliefs, or judgment?
Does it include phrases such as I believe,
superlatives, or judgment words?
Read each statement below. Tell
whether each is a fact or an opinion, and
explain how you arrived at your answer.
(1) The Han dynasty ruled China from
202 B.C. to A.D. 220.
(2) The Han dynasty was a much better
dynasty than the Qin dynasty.
(3) The Han divided the country into dis-
tricts to be better able to manage such
a large area.
(4) The government should not have
encouraged support for arts and
(5) The Han kept very good records of
everything they did, which helps his-
torians today learn about them.
(6) Han rulers chose government officials
on the basis of merit rather than birth.
(7) No other ruling family in the world
can compare with the Han dynasty of
(8) Han rulers should have defended the
poor farmers against the harsh actions
of wealthy landowners.
Read one newspaper article that
describes a political event. Find three
statements of fact and three opinions
expressed in the article.
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:43 AM Page 908
SkillBuilder Handbook 909

Analyzing Library and Research Resources
Roman mosaic showing gladiators in battle
Why Learn This Skill?
Imagine that your teacher has sent
you to the library to write a report on the
history of ancient Rome. Knowing how
to choose good sources for your research
will help you save time in the library
and write a better report.
Not all sources will be useful for your
report on Rome. Even some sources that
involve topics about Rome will not always
provide the information you want. In ana-
lyzing sources for your research project,
choose items that are nonfiction and that
contain the most information about your
When choosing research resources
ask these questions:
Is the information up-to-date?
Does the index have several pages
listed for the topic?
Is the resource written in a way that
is easy to understand?
Are there helpful illustrations and
Look at the following list of sources.
Which would be most helpful in writing
a report on the history of ancient Rome?
Explain your choices.
(1) Atravel guide to Italy today
(2) Aguide to early Roman art and
(3) Achildrens storybook about ancient
(4) Ahistory of ancient Greece
(5) Astudy of the rise and fall of the
Roman Empire
(6) Abook on modern republican ideas
(7) Abiographical dictionary of ancient
rulers of the world
(8) An atlas of the world
Go to your local library or use the
Internet to create a bibliography of
sources you might use to write a report
on the history of ancient Rome. List at
least five sources.
Pierre Belzeaux/Photo Researchers
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 6:29 AM Page 909
910 SkillBuilder Handbook
Analyzing Primary Source Documents

Why Learn This Skill?
Historians determine what happened
in the past by combing through bits of
evidence to reconstruct events. These
types of evidenceboth written and
illustratedare called primary sources.
Examining primary sources can help
you understand history.
Primary sources are sources that were
created in the historical era being studied.
They can include letters, diaries, photo-
graphs and pictures, news articles, legal
documents, stories, literature, and
To analyze primary sources, ask
yourself the following questions:
What is the item?
Who created it?
Where did it come from?
When was it created?
What does it reveal about the topic
I am studying?
The primary source that follows
comes from Stories of Rome by Livy.
Livy was a Roman historian who lived
from 59 B.C. to A.D. 17. Here he has writ-
ten a story with a moral, or lesson to be
learned. Read the story, and then answer
the questions that follow.
Once upon a time, the different parts
of the human body were not all in agree-
ment. . . . And it seemed very unfair to the
other parts of the body that they should
worry and sweat away to look after the
belly. After all, the belly just sat there . . .
doing nothing, enjoying all the nice things
that came along. So they hatched a plot.
The hands werent going to take food to
the mouth; even if they did, the mouth
wasnt going to accept it. . . . They went
into a sulk and waited for the belly to cry
for help. But while they waited, one by
one all the parts of the body got weaker
and weaker. The moral of this story? The
belly too has its job to do. It has to be fed,
but it also does feeding of its own.
Excerpt from Stories of Rome,
Livy, c. 20 B.C.
1. What is the main topic?
2. Who did the hands and mouth think was
3. What did the hands and mouth do about it?
4. What was the moralor lessonof the
Find a primary source from your
pasta photo or newspaper clipping.
Explain to the class what it shows about
that time in your life.
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:45 AM Page 910
SkillBuilder Handbook 911

Building a Database
U.S. International Commerce
Country Japan United Kingdom Canada
to U.S.
Engines, rubber
goods, cars,
trucks, buses
$128 billion $35.2 billion $232.6 billion
$67.3 billion $42.8 billion $199.6 billion
Dairy products,
products, art
Wheat, minerals,
paper, mining
Meat, fish,
sugar, tobacco,
Fruit, tobacco,
Fish, sugar,
metals, clothing
Value of
to U.S.
Value of
Why Learn This Skill?
A database is a collection of informa-
tion stored in a computer or on diskette
files. It runs on software that organizes
large amounts of information in a way
that makes it easy to search and make
any changes. It often takes the form of a
chart or table. You might build databases
to store information related to a class at
school or your weekly schedule.
To create a database using word-
processing software, follow these steps:
Enter a title identifying the type of
information in your document and file
Determine the set of specific points of
information you wish to include. As
the database example on this page
shows, you might want to record data
on the imports and exports of specific
Enter the information categories along
with country names as headings in a
columned chart. Each column makes up
a field, which is the basic unit for infor-
mation stored in a database.
Enter data you have collected into the
cells, or individual spaces, on your
Use your computers sorting feature to
organize the data. For example, you
might alphabetize by country name.
Add, delete, or update information as
needed. Database software automatically
adjusts the cells in the chart.
On a separate sheet of paper, answer
the following questions referring to the
database on this page.
1. What type of information does the database
2. What related fields of information does it
3. The author learns that Canada also exports
clothing, beverages, and art to the United
States. Is it necessary to create a new data-
base? Explain.
Build a database to help you keep
track of your school assignments. Work
with four fields: Subject, Assignment
Description, Due Date, and Completed
Assignments. Be sure to keep your data-
base up-to-date.
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:45 AM Page 911
912 SkillBuilder Handbook

Why Learn This Skill?
Imagine you have been assigned a
long chapter to read. How can you
remember the important information?
Summarizing informationreducing
large amounts of information to a few
key phrasescan help you remember
the main ideas and important facts.
To summarize information, follow
these guidelines when you read:
Separate the main ideas from the sup-
porting details. Use the main ideas in a
Use your own words to describe the
main ideas. Do not copy the selection
word for word.
If the summary is almost as long as the
reading selection, you are including too
much information. The summary
should be very short.
To practice the skill, read the para-
graph below. Then answer the questions
that follow.
The Ming dynasty that followed the
Mongols tried to rid the country of Mongol
influence. The Ming leaders believed that
China could become a great empire. They
expanded Chinese control over parts of
East Asia, including Korea, Vietnam, and
Myanmar (Burma). To re-establish the
importance of Chinese culture, they
encouraged the practices of older Chinese
traditions, especially in the arts. Chinese lit-
erature during the Ming era followed the
styles of ancient Chinese writers. Some of
the finest Chinese paintings and pottery
were created during this period. Ming rulers
also built the Forbidden City.
1. What are the main ideas of this paragraph?
2. What are the supporting details?
3. Write a brief summary of two or three sen-
tences that will help you remember what the
paragraph is about.
Read a newspaper or short magazine
article. Summarize the article in one or
two sentences.
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:46 AM Page 912
SkillBuilder Handbook 913

Evaluating a Web Site
Why Learn This Skill?
The Internet has grown to become a
necessary household and business tool
as more people use it. With so many
Web sites available, how do you know
which one will be the most helpful to
you? You must look at the details, so you
do not waste valuable time in Web
The Internet is a valuable research
tool. It is easy to use, and it often pro-
vides fast, up-to-date information. The
most common use of the Internet by stu-
dents is in doing research. However, some
Web site information is not really accurate
or reliable.
When using the Internet to do
research, you must evaluate the informa-
tion very carefully. When evaluating the
Web site, ask yourself the following
Do the facts on the site seem accurate?
Who is the author or sponsor of the site,
and what is that persons or organiza-
tions reason for maintaining it?
Does the site information explore a
subject in-depth?
Does the site contain links to other
useful resources?
Is the information easy to read and
To practice the skill, find three Web
sites on the shoguns or samurai of Japan.
Follow these steps and write your
1. Evaluate how useful these sites would be if
you were writing a report on the topic.
2. Choose which one is the most helpful.
3. Explain why you chose that site.
If your school had a Web site, what
kind of information would be on it? Write
a paragraph describing this site.
A Japanese samurai warrior
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 4:47 AM Page 913
914 SkillBuilder Handbook
Understanding Cause and Effect

Why Learn This Skill?
You know if you watch television
instead of completing your homework,
you probably will not get a good grade.
The causenot doing homeworkleads
to the effectnot getting a good grade.
Acause is any person, event, or condi-
tion that makes something happen. What
happens as a result is known as an effect.
These guidelines will help you
identify cause and effect.
Identify two or more events.
Ask questions about why events occur.
Look for clue words that alert you to
cause and effect, such as because, led to,
brought about, produced, and therefore.
Identify the outcome of events.
As you read the following passage,
record cause-and-effect connections in a
chart or graphic organizer.
Around 200 B.C., Mesopotamians
were among the first in the world to blend
copper and tin to make bronze.
Bronze brought many changes to life in
Mesopotamia. For one thing, bronze was
much harder than the copper products that
were used until that time. Because it was
harder, bronze made better tools and sharp-
er weapons. This improvement in technolo-
gy was a help to farmers, craftworkers, and
soldiers alike.
Molten [melted] bronze was also easier
to pour than the metals used earlier.
Craftworkers were able to make finer
arrows, ax-heads, statues, bowls, and other
Look again at the chapter you
are currently reading. Choose a
major event that is described and
list its causes.
The Royal Banner of Ur
Michael Holford
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 6:30 AM Page 914
SkillBuilder Handbook 915

Making Comparisons
Cultural Characteristic
Political Organization
Method of Rule
Main Occupations
kings/merchant councils
artisans, traders, shippers
12 tribes; later, kingdom
kings/council of elders
herders, farmers, traders
Phoenician and Israelite Civilizations
Main Contribution
belief in many gods and goddesses
spread of an alphabet
belief in one, all-powerful God
principles of social justice
Why Learn This Skill?
Suppose you want to buy a portable
CD player, and you must choose among
three models. To make this decision, you
would probably compare various fea-
tures of the three models, such as price,
sound quality, size, and so on. By mak-
ing comparisons, you will figure out
which model is best for you. In the study
of world history, you often compare peo-
ple or events from one time period with
those from a different time period.
When making comparisons, you
examine and identify two or more groups,
situations, events, or documents. Then
you identify any similarities (ways they
are alike) and differences (ways they are
different). For example, the chart on this
page compares the characteristics of two
ancient civilizations.
When making comparisons, apply
the following steps:
Decide what items will be compared.
Clue words such as also, as well as, like,
same as, and similar to can help you
identify things that are being compared.
Determine which characteristics you
will use to compare them.
Identify similarities and differences in
these characteristics.
To practice the skill, analyze the
information on the chart at the bottom of
this page. Then answer these questions.
1. What items are being compared?
2. What characteristics are being used to
compare them?
3. In what ways were the Phoenicians and
Israelites similar? In what ways were they
4. Suppose you wanted to compare the two
peoples in more detail. What are some of
the characteristics you might use?
Think about two sports that are
played at your school. Make a chart
comparing such things as: where the
games are played, who plays them, what
equipment is used, and other details.
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916 SkillBuilder Handbook
Making Predictions

Why Learn This Skill?
In history you read about people
making difficult decisions based on what
they think might happen. By making
predictions yourself, you can get a better
understanding of the choices people make.
As you read a paragraph or section in
your book, think about what might come
next. What you think will happen is your
prediction. Aprediction does not have a
correct or incorrect answer. Making pre-
dictions helps you to carefully consider
what you are reading.
To make a prediction, ask yourself:
What happened in this paragraph or
What prior knowledge do I have about
the events in the text?
What similar situations do I know of?
What do I think might happen next?
Test your prediction: read further to see
if you were correct.
To practice the skill, read the follow-
ing paragraph about the Aztec Empire.
Then answer the questions.
The Aztec of ancient Mexico built the
strongest empire of any Native American
group. They mined gold, silver, and other
goods for trade. In building their empire,
they conquered many other Native American
groups. The Aztec fought their enemies
using wooden weapons with stone blades.
In the 1500s, a Spanish army seeking
gold heard about the Aztec and their riches.
Led by Hernn Corts, the Spaniards were
helped by enemies of the Aztec. Armed with
steel swords, muskets, and cannons, the
Spaniards moved towards the Aztec capital.
1. Choose the outcome below that is most likely
to occur between the Aztec and Spaniards.
a. The Spaniards will avoid the Aztec
b. The two groups will become friends.
c. The Spaniards will conquer the Aztec.
d. The Aztec will conquer the Spaniards.
2. Explain why you chose the answer you did.
Watch a television show or a movie.
Halfway through the show, write your
prediction of how it will end on a piece of
paper. At the end of the show, check your
Museum of Ethnology, Vienna
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 6:31 AM Page 916
SkillBuilder Handbook 917

Drawing Inferences and Conclusions
Why Learn This Skill?
Suppose your teacher brought
an artifact to class and a classmate
exclaimed, That came from Greece,
didnt it? You might infer that your
classmate had an interest in Greece.
To infer means to evaluate information
and arrive at a conclusion. Social studies
writers do not always spell out every-
thing in the text. When you make infer-
ences you read between the lines. You
must then use the available facts and your
own knowledge of social studies to draw
a conclusion.
Use the following steps to help draw
inferences and make conclusions:
Read carefully for stated facts and
Summarize the information and list the
important facts.
Apply related information that you may
already know to make inferences.
Use your knowledge and insight to
develop some conclusions about these
Read the passage below and answer
the questions.
Many Greek temples were decorated
with sculpture. Greek sculpture, like Greek
architecture, was used to express Greek
ideas. The favorite subject of Greek artists
was the human body. Greek sculptors did
not copy their subjects exactly, flaws and
all. Instead, they tried to show their ideal
version of perfection and beauty.
1. What topic is the writer describing?
2. What facts are given?
3. What can you infer about Greek cities from
the information?
4. What conclusions can you draw about how
the Greeks felt about sculptures?
Read one of the biographies in this
text. What can you infer about the life of
the person described? Draw a conclusion
about whether or not you would like to
meet this person.
Ancient Greek
sculptures of
Socrates (far left),
Plato (middle), and
Aristotle (left)
(c)Museo Capitolino, Rome/E.T. Archives, London/SuperStock, (others)Scala/Art Resource, NY
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 6:33 AM Page 917
918 SkillBuilder Handbook
Recognizing Economic Indicators
Why Learn This Skill?
Every day, business and government
leaders are faced with the challenge of
trying to predict what will happen to the
economy in the coming months and years.
To help these leaders in making decisions,
economists, or scientists who study the
economy, have developed ways to meas-
ure an economys performance. These
ways are called economic indicators.
Economic indicators are statistics, or
numbers, that tell how well the economy
is doing and how well the economy is
going to do in the future. They include
the number of jobless, the rate at which
prices rise over a period of time, and the
amount of goods and services that are
produced and sold. Each month, the U.S.
Department of Commerce gathers data
for 78 economic indicators covering all
aspects of the state of the United States
economy. The chart below lists some com-
mon terms for economic indicators that
you may read about.
Start an Economics Handbook. Using
a dictionary, look up each economic term
listed on this chart. Write a definition for
each term in your Economics Handbook.
Think about one of the countries you
have read about in this text that has
grown to be wealthy. Using the terms that
you just defined, write a paragraph
describing that countrys wealth.

Gross Domestic
Product (GDP)
Interest Rates
Economic Indicators
Prices on the stock market often rise or fall
based on changes in economic indicators.
Tim Flach/Getty Images
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 6:34 AM Page 918
SkillBuilder Handbook 919

Interpreting Political Cartoons
Why Learn This Skill?
Political cartoonists use art to express
political opinions. Their work appears
in newspapers, magazines, books, and
on the Internet. Political cartoons are
drawings that express an opinion. They
usually focus on public figures, political
events, or economic or social conditions.
A political cartoon can give you a sum-
mary of an event or circumstance and
the artists opinion in a quick and enter-
taining manner.
To interpret a political cartoon, fol-
low these steps:
Read the title, caption, or conversation
balloons. Most cartoons will carry at
least one of these elements. They help
you identify the subject of the cartoon.
Identify the characters or people shown.
They may be caricatures, or unrealistic
drawings that exaggerate the characters
physical features.
Identify any symbols shown.
Symbols are things that
stand for something else. An
example is the American flag
that is a symbol of our coun-
try. Commonly recognized
symbols may not be labeled.
Unusual symbolism will be
Examine the actions in the
cartoonwhat is happening
and why?
Identify the cartoonists purpose. What
statement or idea is he or she trying to
get across? Decide if the cartoonist
wants to persuade, criticize, or just
make people think.
On a separate sheet of paper, answer
these questions about the political car-
toon below.
1. What is the subject of the cartoon?
2. What words give clues as to the meaning of
the cartoon?
3. What item seems out of place?
4. What message do you think the cartoonist is
trying to send?
Bring a news magazine to class. With a
partner, analyze the message in each
political cartoon that you find.
Jerry Barnett
902-919 EM-SBHB-868873 9/9/04 6:35 AM Page 919
920 Standardized Test Practice
Standardized tests are one way educators measure
what you have learned. This handbook is designed to
help you prepare for standardized tests in social studies.
On the pages that follow, you will find a review of the
major social studies critical thinking skills that you
will need to master to be successful when taking tests.
Interpreting a Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .921
Interpreting a Political Map . . . . . . . . . . . . .922
Interpreting Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .923
Making Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .924
Interpreting Primary Sources . . . . . . . . . . .925
Interpreting a Political Cartoon . . . . . . . . .926
Interpreting a Circle Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . .927
Drawing Inferences and Conclusions . . . . .928
Comparing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .929
920-929 EM STP-868873 9/9/04 1:42 PM Page 920
Standardized Test Practice 921
Interpreting a Map
Before 1492, people living in
Europe in the Eastern Hemisphere
had no idea that the continents of
North America and South America in
the Western Hemisphere existed. That
was the year Christopher Columbus
first reached the Americas. His voyage
of exploration paved the way for other
European voyages to the Western
Hemisphere. The voyages of the
early explorers brought together two
worlds. Previously these parts of the
globe had no contact with each other.
Trade between the hemispheres
changed life for people on both
sides of the Atlantic Ocean. The trade
between the peoples of the Eastern Hemi-
sphere and the Western Hemisphere is
referred to as the Columbian Exchange.
Skills Practice
Although globes are the best, most accu-
rate way to show places on the round earth,
people can more easily use maps to represent
places. Amap is made by taking data from a
round globe and placing it on a flat surface.
To read a map, first read the title to determine
the subject of the map. Then read the map key
or the labels on the map to find out what the
colors and symbols on the map mean. Use the
compass rose to identify the four cardinal
directions of north, south, east, and west.
Study the map of the Columbian Exchange
and answer the questions that follow on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the subject of the map?
2. What do the arrows represent?
3. What continents are shown on the map?
4. What foods did Europeans acquire
from the Americas?
5. What did the Americas acquire from
6. What people were brought from Africa
to the Americas?
7. In what direction is Europe from the



90W 60W 30W

Corn, Beans, Chocolate
Enslaved People
The Columbian Exchange
Test Practice
DIRECTIONS: Use the map and your
knowledge of social studies to answer
the following question on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following statements about
the Columbian Exchange is true?
A Food products were traded only
between Africa and the Americas.
B Europeans acquired cattle from the
C Europeans introduced corn, tomatoes,
and beans to Native Americans.
D Enslaved Africans were brought to the


920-929 EM STP-868873 9/9/04 7:20 AM Page 921


922 Standardized Test Practice
200 kilometers 0
200 miles 0
Lambert Equal-Area
30N 60W
(part of
New Haven
New York City
Charles Town
St. Mary's
The Thirteen
Colonies 1750
Interpreting a Political Map
By 1750, or the middle of the eighteenth
century, there were 13 British colonies in
North America. Acolony is a group of peo-
ple living in one place who are governed by
rulers in another place. The British colonists
in America were ruled by the monarchy and
Parliament of Great Britain. That meant that
rulers living 3,000 miles away made laws for
the American colonists.
Skills Practice
Political maps illustrate divisions between
territories such as nations, states, colonies, or
other political units. These divisions are called
boundaries. Lines represent the boundaries
between political areas. To interpret a political
map, read the map title to determine what
geographic area and time period it covers.
Identify the colonies or other political units on
the map. Look at the map key for additional
information. Study the map on this page and
answer the questions that follow on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. List the New England Colonies.
2. Which were the Middle Colonies?
3. Which Middle Colony bordered
Pennsylvania to the north?
4. Which was the southernmost early
British colony?
5. Name the body of water that formed
the eastern border of the colonies.
6. Where was Charles Town located?
Test Practice
Town or City
New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
DIRECTIONS: Use the map and your
knowledge of social studies to answer
the following questions on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. The New England Colony that covered the
largest land area was
A Virginia.
B Pennsylvania.
C Massachusetts.
D New Hampshire.
2. The northernmost Middle Colony is
the present-day state of
F Maryland.
G New York.
H Massachusetts.
J Pennsylvania.
3. The settlement of Plymouth was located
A near Jamestown.
B in Massachusetts.
C in the Southern Colonies.
D in Virginia.
920-929 EM STP-868873 9/9/04 7:22 AM Page 922
Standardized Test Practice 923


Limited Governments
Limited Governments
People elect leaders
to rule
Individual rights
More than one
political party
People give consent
to be governed
More than one
political party
King or queens
power is limited
Individual rights
People elect
governing body
Unlimited Governments
Unlimited Governments
One person or
small group rules
Few personal
Rule by force,
often military
Ruler does not
have to obey rules
Officials are appointed
by king or queen
King or queen
inherits power
Usually some
Monarch has
complete authority
DIRECTIONS: Use the charts and your
knowledge of social studies to answer
the following questions on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Information found in the charts shows
that the most restrictive form of govern-
ment is a
A dictatorship.
B representative democracy.
C absolute monarchy.
D constitutional monarchy.
2. Under which type of government do citi-
zens have the most power?
F unlimited government
G limited government
H absolute monarchy
J dictatorship
3. An example of an unlimited government is
A the United States in the 1960s.
B Libya in the 1970s.
C the United Kingdom in the 1980s.
D Mexico in the 1990s.
Test Practice
Interpreting Charts
Government is a necessary part of every
nation. It gives citizens stability and pro-
vides services that many of us take for
granted. However, governments can some-
times have too much power.
The United States was founded on the
principle of limited government. Limited
governments require all people to follow the
laws. Even the rulers must obey rules set for
the society. Ademocracy is a form of limited
government. Not all forms of government
have limits. In unlimited governments,
power belongs to the ruler. No laws exist to
limit what the ruler may do. Adictatorship
is an example of an unlimited government.
Skills Practice
Charts are visual graphics that categorize
information. When reading a chart, be sure to
look at all the headings and labels. Study the
charts on this page and answer the questions
that follow on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What do the charts compare?
2. Which political systems are forms of
limited government?
3. Which form of government often uses
military rule?
4. In which political system does the king
or queen have complete power?
920-929 EM STP-868873 9/9/04 7:27 AM Page 923


924 Standardized Test Practice
House of
Must be 25 years old
Must be U.S. citizen
for 7+ years
Must live in the state
they represent
Number of
435 total representatives;
number of representatives
per state is based on
state population
Terms of Office:
Two-year terms
Must be 30 years old
Must be U.S. citizen
for 9+ years
Must live in the state
they represent
Number of
100 total senators;
two senators elected
from each state regardless
of state population
Terms of Office:
Six-year terms
The U.S. Congress
The U.S. Congress
DIRECTIONS: Use the chart and your
knowledge of social studies to answer
the following questions on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following statements best
reflects information shown in the chart?
A The Senate has more members than the
House of Representatives.
B Representatives to the House are
elected to two-year terms.
C House members must be residents of
their states for at least 9 years.
D A states population determines its
number of senators.
2. One inference that can be made from
information shown on the chart is that
F Texas elects more senators than Rhode
G Texas elects more House members than
Rhode Island.
H Texas elects fewer senators than Rhode
J Texas elects fewer House members than
Rhode Island.
Test Practice
Making Comparisons
The roots of representative democracy in
the United States can be traced back to colo-
nial times. In 1607 English settlers founded the
colony of Jamestown in present-day Virginia.
As the colony developed, problems arose.
Later, colonists formed the House of Burgesses
to deal with these problems. Citizens of
Virginia were chosen as representatives to the
House of Burgesses. This became the first leg-
islature, or lawmaking body, in America.
Today citizens of the United States elect
representatives to Congress. The major
function of Congress is to make laws for
the nation. There are two houses, or cham-
bers, of the U.S. Congress. Legislative
bodies with two houses are said to be
bicameral. The bicameral Congress of
the United States includes the Senate and
the House of Representatives. Article I of
the U.S. Constitution describes how each
house will be organized and how its mem-
bers will be chosen.
Skills Practice
When you make a comparison, you iden-
tify and examine two or more groups, situa-
tions, events, or documents. Then you identify
any similarities and differences between the
items. Study the information presented on the
chart on this page and answer the questions
that follow on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What two things does the chart compare?
2. How are the qualifications for each
house of the U.S. Congress similar?
3. The members of which house are
probably more experienced? Why?
920-929 EM STP-868873 9/9/04 7:29 AM Page 924
Standardized Test Practice 925


Interpreting Primary Sources
When Thomas Jefferson wrote the
Declaration of Independence, he used the
term unalienable rights. Jefferson was
referring to the natural rights that belong to
humans. He and the other Founders of our
nation believed that government could not
take away the rights of the people.
Skills Practice
Primary sources are records of events
made by the people who witnessed them. A
historical document such as the Declaration
of Independence is an example of a primary
source. Read the passage below and answer
the questions that follow on a separate
sheet of paper.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men
are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness . . .
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
1. What does the document say about the
equality of men?
2. List the three natural, or unalienable,
rights to which the document refers.
After gaining independence, American
leaders wrote the U.S. Constitution in
1787. The Bill of Rights includes the
first 10 amendments, or additions, to the
Constitution. The First Amendment pro-
tects five basic rights of all American citi-
zens. Study the chart on this page and
answer the questions that follow.
1. Which right allows Americans to
express themselves without fear of
punishment by the government?
2. Which right allows people to worship
as they please?
3. Which right allows citizens to publish a
pamphlet that is critical of the president?
4. What is the Bill of Rights?
DIRECTIONS: Use the chart and your
knowledge of social studies to answer
the following question on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Which First Amendment right protects cit-
izens who are staging a protest outside a
government building?
A freedom of speech
B freedom of the press
C freedom of assembly
D freedom of religion
Test Practice
Rights Protected by
the First Amendment
Freedom of Speech
People may speak their opinions without
fear of punishment by the government.
Freedom of the Press
Americans can express themselves in printed
publications without government interference.
Freedom of Assembly
Citizens can meet in groups as long as
the meetings are peaceful and lawful.
Right to Petition
Americans can make requests that
express their ideas to the government.
Freedom of Religion
Every person can worship freely.
No national religion will be established.
Rights Protected by
the First Amendment
920-929 EM STP-868873 9/9/04 7:30 AM Page 925


Interpreting a Political Cartoon
Just as the government of the United States
is limited in its powers, freedoms extended to
Americans also have limits. The First Amend-
ment was not intended to allow Americans to
do whatever they please without regard to oth-
ers. Limits on freedoms are necessary to keep
order in a society of so many people. The gov-
ernment can establish laws to limit certain
rights to protect the health, safety, security, or
moral standards of a community. Rights can
be restricted to prevent one persons rights
from interfering with the rights of another.
For example, the freedom of speech does not
include allowing a person to make false
statements that hurt anothers reputation.
Skills Practice
The artists who create political cartoons
often use humor to express their opinions
on political issues. Sometimes these car-
toonists are trying to inform and influence
the public about a certain topic. To interpret
a political cartoon, look for symbols, labels,
and captions that provide clues about the
message of the cartoonist. Analyze these
elements and draw some conclusions.
Study the political cartoon on this page
and answer the questions that follow on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the subject of the cartoon?
2. What words provide clues as to the
meaning of the cartoon?
3. Whom does the person in the cartoon
4. What is the person doing?
5. What do the subjects thoughts sug-
gest about the task faced by those
involved in planning the new nations
6. What limits are placed on First
Amendment rights? Why are these
rights limited?
DIRECTIONS: Use the political cartoon
and your knowledge of social studies to
answer the following questions on a sep-
arate sheet of paper.
1. The most appropriate title for the
cartoon is
A Limits on Government.
B Parliament at Work.
C Limiting Rights.
D Unlimited Government.
2. The sources of our rights as citizens of the
United States come from which of the
F the Declaration of Independence and
the U.S. Constitution
G the will of the president
H unwritten customs and traditions
J the United Nations charter
Test Practice
926 Standardized Test Practice
920-929 EM STP-868873 9/9/04 7:31 AM Page 926


Interpreting a
Circle Graph
E pluribus unum is a
Latin phrase found on
United States coins. It
means Out of many, one.
The United States is some-
times called a nation of
immigrants. Unless you are
a Native American, your
ancestors came to America
within the last 500 years.
Groups of people who
share a common culture, lan-
guage, or history are referred
to as ethnic groups. American
neighborhoods include many different ethnic
groups. The circle graph on this page shows
the major ethnic groups in the United States.
Skills Practice
Acircle graph shows percentages of a total
quantity. Each part, or slice, of the graph rep-
resents a part of the total quantity. To read a
circle graph, first read the title. Then study the
labels to find out what each part represents.
Compare the sizes of the circle slices. Study
the circle graph and answer the questions that
follow on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What information does this circle
graph present?
2. Which ethnic group includes the largest
percentage of Americans?
3. Which groups represent less than 1 per-
cent of the people in the United States?
4. What percentage of the United States
population is represented by African
5. The smallest ethnic group has lived in
the United States the longest. What is
this ethnic group?
DIRECTIONS: Use the graph and your
knowledge of social studies to answer
the following questions on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Which groups population is about three
times greater than the number of Asians?
A African American
B White
C Native American/Inuit
D Other
2. How does the Hispanic population compare
to the African American population of the
United States?
F It is greater than the African American
G It is the smallest segment of the United
States population.
H It is less than half the size of the African
American population.
J It is slightly less than the African
American population.
Test Practice
Standardized Test Practice 927
Other 1.9%
Native American/Inuit 0.7%
Asian 3.6%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000.
White 69.2%
Hispanic 12.5%
African American 12.1%
U.S. Ethnic Groups
920-929 EM STP-868873 9/9/04 7:33 AM Page 927


928 Standardized Test Practice
U.S. Immigration, 18201860
U.S. Immigration, 18201860


Source: Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970.
Great Britain
Great Britain
Drawing Inferences
and Conclusions
During the mid-nineteenth century,
immigration to the United States increased.
People from European countries such as
Germany and Ireland traveled to America
seeking new opportunities. Life, however,
was not easy for these immigrants.
Skills Practice
To infer means to evaluate information
and arrive at a conclusion. When you make
inferences, you read between the lines.
You must use the available facts and your
own knowledge of social studies to form a
judgment or opinion about the material.
Line graphs are a way of showing num-
bers visually. They are often used to compare
changes over time. Sometimes a graph has
more than one line. The lines show different
quantities of a related topic. To analyze a line
graph read the title and the information on
the horizontal and vertical axes. Use this
information to draw conclusions. Study the
graph on this page and answer the questions
that follow on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the subject of the line graph?
2. What information is shown on the
horizontal axis?
3. What information is shown on the
vertical axis?
4. Why do you think these immigrants
came to the United States?
DIRECTIONS: Use the line graph and
your knowledge of social studies to
answer the following questions on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. The country that provided the most immi-
grants to the United States between the
years 1820 and 1860 was
A Great Britain.
B Ireland.
C Germany.
D France.
2. In about what year did the number of
German immigrants to the United States
reach a peak?
F 1845
G 1852
H 1855
J 1860
3. Irish migration to the United States
increased in the mid-1800s because of
A a terrible potato famine in Ireland.
B the failure of a German revolution in
C the nativist movement.
D the availability of low-paying factory
Test Practice
920-929 EM STP-868873 9/9/04 7:34 AM Page 928
Standardized Test Practice 929


Comparing Data
The worlds earliest civilizations developed
more than 6,000 years ago. The discovery of
farming led to the rise of ancient cities in
Mesopotamia and the Nile River valley. These
early cities shared one important characteris-
ticthey each arose near waterways. Since
water was the easiest way to transport goods,
the settlements became centers of trade.
Since then cities have grown all over
the world. Every 10 years, the United States
Census Bureau collects data to determine
the population of the United States. (A
census is an official count of people living
in an area.) The first census was conducted
in 1790. At that time, there were 3.9 million
people in the 13 original states. The most
recent census occurred in 2000. The results
of that census showed that more than
280 million people reside in the 50 states
that make up our nation.
Skills Practice
The charts on this page show popula-
tions of the five most populous cities in the
United States during different time periods.
When comparing information on charts be
sure to read the titles and headings to define
the data being compared. Study the charts
and answer the questions below on a sepa-
rate sheet of paper.
1. Which U.S. city had the greatest popu-
lation in 1790?
2. Which U.S. city had the greatest popu-
lation in 2000?
3. What was the population of Philadelphia
in 1790?
4. What was Philadelphias population
in 2000?
5. Which cities are on both lists?
DIRECTIONS: Use the charts and your
knowledge of social studies to answer
the following questions on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. One inference that can be made from the
charts is that the most populous cities in
the United States
A have good weather.
B were founded early in our nations
C are port cities.
D are in the eastern United States.
2. In 1790 the major cities of the United
States were all
F larger than 20,000 people.
G located in the East.
H Northern cities.
J founded for religious reasons.
Test Practice
Population of Five Largest
U.S. Cities, 1790
Population of Five Largest
U.S. Cities, 1790
City Number of People
New York City
Population of Five Largest
U.S. Cities, 2000*
Population of Five Largest
U.S. Cities, 2000*
City Number of People
New York City
Los Angeles
*Numbers do not include metropolitan areas.
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uppose that you have been asked to write a
report on changes in your community over
the past 25 years. Where would you get the
information you need to begin writing? You
would draw upon two types of information
primary sources and secondary sources.
Primary sources are often first-person
accounts by someone who actually saw or lived
through what is being described. In other words,
if you see a fire or live through a great storm and
then write about your experiences, you are creat-
ing a primary source. Diaries, journals, photo-
graphs, and eyewitness reports are examples of
primary sources. Secondary sources are second-
hand accounts. For instance, if your friend expe-
riences the fire or storm and tells you about it, or
if you read about the fire or storm in the newspa-
per, and then you write about it, you are creating
a secondary source. Textbooks, biographies, and
histories are secondary sources.
Checking Your Sources
When you read primary or secondary
sources, you should analyze them to figure out
if they are dependable or reliable. Historians
usually prefer primary sources to secondary
sources, but both can be reliable or unreliable,
depending on the following factors.
Time Span
With primary sources, it is important to con-
sider how long after the event occurred the pri-
mary source was written. Chances are the
longer the time span between the event and the
account, the less reliable the account is. As time
passes, people often forget details and fill in
gaps with events that never took place.
Although we like to think we remember things
exactly as they happened, the fact is we often
remember them as we wanted them to occur.
Another factor to consider when evaluating a
primary source is the writer's background and
reliability. First, try to determine how this person
knows about what he or she is writing. How
much does he or she know? Is the writer being
truthful? Is the account convincing?
When evaluating a
primary source, you
should also decide
whether the account
has been influenced
by emotion, opinion,
or exaggeration. Writ-
ers can have reasons
to distort the truth to
Working With
Primary Sources
The Roman Colosseum


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Primary Sources Library 931
suit their personal purposes. Ask yourself: Why
did the person write the account? Do any key
words or expressions reveal the authors emo-
tions or opinions? Compare the account with
one written by another witness to the event. If
they differ, ask yourself why they differ and
which is more accurate.
Interpreting Primary Sources
To help you analyze a primary source, use the
following steps:
Examine the origins of the document.
You need to determine if it is a primary source.
Find the main ideas.
Read the document and summarize the main
ideas in your own words. These ideas may
be fairly easy to identify in newspapers and
journals, for example, but are much more
difficult to find in poetry.
Reread the document.
Difficult ideas are not always easily under-
stood on the first reading.
Use a variety of resources.
Form the habit of using the dictionary, the
encyclopedia, and maps. These resources are
tools to help you discover new ideas and
knowledge and double-check other sources.
Classifying Primary Sources
Primary sources fall into different categories:
Printed publications include books such as
autobiographies. Printed publications also
include newspapers and magazines.
Songs and poems include works that express
the personal thoughts and feelings or political
or religious beliefs of the writer, often using
rhyming and rhythmic language.
Visual materials include a wide range of forms:
original paintings, drawings, sculptures, photo-
graphs, film, and maps.
Oral histories are chronicles, memoirs, myths,
and legends that are passed along from one
generation to another by word of mouth. Inter-
views are another form of oral history.
Personal records are accounts of events kept by
an individual who is a participant in, or witness
to, these events. Personal records include
diaries, journals, and letters.
Artifacts are objects such as tools or ornaments.
Artifacts present information about a particular
culture or a stage of technological development.
King Tuts
Egyptian National Museum, Cairo/SuperStock
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For use with Unit 1
The people of early civilizations
formed societies. These societies had a
sense of justice and sets of values. As
today, the family was the basic unit
of society where values and justice
were learned.
Readers Dictionary
Bull of Heaven: mythical creature sent by
the gods to kill Gilgamesh and Enkidu
Humbaba: evil spirit who guards the cedar
forest through which Gilgamesh and
Enkidu travel
steppe: wide, rolling, grassy plain
reproach: fault
Canaan: an ancient land that lay along the
Syrian Desert
The Epic of Gilgamesh
he Epic of Gilgameshwritten c. 2500 B.C.
is one of the most well-known ancient tales. In
this passage, Gilgamesh describes his adventures and
journeys with his best friend, Enkidu.
We overcame everything: climbed the mountain,
captured the Bull of Heaven and killed him,
brought Humbaba to grief, who lives in the
cedar forest;
entering the mountain gates we slew lions;
my friend whom I love dearly underwent with
me all hardships.
The fate of mankind overtook him.
Six days and seven nights I wept over him
until a worm fell out of his nose.
Then I was afraid.
In fear of death I roam the wilderness. The case of
my friend lies heavy in me.
On a remote path I roam the wilderness. The case
of my friend Enkidu lies heavy in me.
On a long journey I wander the steppe.
How can I keep still? How can I be silent?
The friend I loved has turned to clay. Enkidu, the
friend I love, has turned to clay.
Me, shall I not lie down like him,
never again to move?
932 Primary Sources Library
This Sumerian tablet is covered
with cuneiform writing, the
language in which the Epic of
Gilgamesh was written.
Scala/Art Resource, NY
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An Egyptian Fathers
Advice to His Son
pper-class Egyptians enjoyed collecting
wise sayings to provide guidance for lead-
ing an upright and successful life. This excerpt
of instructions from Vizier Ptah-hotep dates from
around 2450 B.C.
If you have, as leader, to decide on the con-
duct of a great number of men, seek the most
perfect manner of doing so that your own
conduct may be without reproach. Justice is
great, invariable, and assured; it has not been
disturbed since the age of Ptah. . . .
If you are a wise man, bring up a son who
shall be pleasing to Ptah. If he conforms his
conduct to your way and occupies himself
with your affairs as is right, do to him all the
good you can; he is your son, a person attached
to you whom your own self has begotten.
Separate not your heart from him. . . .
If you are powerful, respect knowledge
and calmness of language. Command only
to direct; to be absolute is to run into evil.
Let not your heart be haughty, neither let it
be mean. . . .
1. What happened to the friend of Gilgamesh?
2. What is shown on the Sumerian tablet?
3. Does any part of the Egyptian fathers advice have value today for sons or
daughters? Be specific and support your answer.
4. According to the Hebrew Bible, what did the Lord tell Abraham to do, and why?
Ancient Israelites
uch of the history of the ancient Israelites
is recorded in the Hebrew Bible. The
Hebrew Bible tells about a man named Abraham
and his wife Sarah:
The Lord said to [Abraham], Leave your
own country, your kin, and your fathers
house, and go to a country that I will show
you. I shall make you into a great nation; I
shall bless you. . . .
[Abraham] . . . set out as the Lord had
bidden him. . . . He took his wife [Sarah],
his brothers son Lot, and all the possessions
they had gathered . . . and they departed for
When Abraham arrived in Canaan, the
Hebrew Bible says that God made a covenant, or
special agreement, with him. It is considered by the
Jewish people to be the beginning of their history.
When they arrived there, [Abraham] went on
as far as the sanctuary. . . . When the Lord
appeared to him and said, I am giving this
land to your descendants, [Abraham] built
an altar there to the Lord who
had appeared to him.
An ancient scroll
from the Jewish
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For use with Unit 2
The Ancient World
Some of the greatest thoughts in
modern civilization came from the
ancient world. Important philoso-
phers and religious leaders formed
ideas we still express today. These
ideas are timeless.
Readers Dictionary
refinements: improvements
regulations: rules
nurture: upbringing
immortal: never dying
palpable: obvious
934 Primary Sources Library
Statue of Confucius
The Analects of Confucius
n analect is a selected thought or saying. The
sayings below were written by the Chinese
philosopher Confucius in c. 400 B.C.
If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this
is called a mistake.
Be dutiful at home, brotherly in public; be dis-
creet and trustworthy, love all people, and draw
near to humanity. If you have extra energy as you
do that, then study literature.
If leaders are courteous, their people will not
dare to be disrespectful. If leaders are just, people
will not dare to be [ungovernable]. If leaders are
trustworthy, people will not dare to be dishonest.
Acertain pupil asked Confucius about govern-
ment: What qualifies one to participate in
Confucius said, Honor five refinements. . . .
Then you can participate in government.
The pupil asked, What are the
five refinements?
Confucius said, Good people
are generous without being
wasteful; they are hard
working without being
resentful; they desire with-
out being greedy; they are
at ease without being
[proud]; they are dignified
without being fierce.
Vanni/Art Resource, NY
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The Rights of Women
n the Republic, Plato presents his ideas on a
just society in the form of dialogues, or imagi-
nary conversations, between Socrates and his
students. In this dialogue, Socrates has just fin-
ished questioning his student about the type of
men who might make the best watchdogs of
Athenian government. He surprises his student
by turning to the subject of women.
Let us further suppose the birth and educa-
tion of our women to be subject to similar or
nearly similar regulations [as men]; . . .
What do you mean?
What I mean may be put into the form of a
question, I said: Are dogs divided into hes and
shes, or do they both share equally in hunting
and in keeping watch and in the other duties of
dogs? [O]r do we entrust to the males the
entire and exclusive care of the flocks, while we
leave the females at home, under the idea that
the bearing and [feeding of] their puppies is
labour enough for them?
No, he said, they share alike; the only dif-
ference between them is that the males are
stronger and the females weaker.
But can you use different animals for the
same purpose, unless they are [raised] in the
same way?
You cannot.
Then, if women are to have the same duties
as men, they must have the same nurture and
The Rig Veda
he Vedas, written in ancient India, are the
oldest writings of the Hindu religion. This
song was written c. 1100 B.C.
The goddess Night has drawn near, looking
about on many sides with her eyes. She has
put on all her glories.
The immortal goddess has filled the wide
space, the depths and the heights. She stems
the tide of darkness with her light.
The goddess has drawn near, pushing aside
her sister the twilight. Darkness, too, will give
As you came near to us today, we turned
homeward to rest, as birds go to their home in
a tree.
People who live in villages have gone home
to rest, and animals with feet, and animals
with wings, even the ever-
searching hawks.
Ward off the she-wolf and
the wolf; ward off the thief.
O night full of waves, be
easy for us to cross over.
black, and paintedhas
come upon me. O Dawn,
banish it like a debt.
1. What are the five refinements according to Confucius?
2. What does Plato think will help make men and women more equal?
3. Who is the sister to the goddess Night in the last reading?
4. What does the song say Dawn should do about Darkness?
A representation of
the Hindu deity Siva
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Victoria & Albert Museum, London/Art Resource, NY
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For use with Unit 3
New Empires and
New Faiths
With the growth of new empires
came great change. Events occurred
that gave people the chance to be
great leaders and heroes. New faiths
continued to form new ideas.
Readers Dictionary
cognizant: aware
trifling: insignificant
posterity: future time
allay: calm
incurred: brought upon oneself
A Woman on the Throne
n 1081 an able general named Alexius Commenus
captured Constantinople. As Emperor Alexius I,
he defended the Byzantine Empire against attacks
from invaders. His daughter, Anna Comnena, retold
the story of his reign in a book called The Alexiad
(uh lehk se ee uhd). She begins her account by
describing Alexiuss decision to turn the government
over to his mother Anna Dalassena.
He really longed that his mother rather than
himself should take the helm of the state, but so far
he had concealed this design [plan] from her, fear-
ing that if she became cognizant of it, she might
actually leave the palace [for a convent]. . . . There-
fore in all daily business he did nothing, not even a
trifling thing, without her advice . . . and made
her a partner in the administration of affairs, some-
times too he would say openly that without her
brain and judgement the Empire would go to
. . . she was perhaps more devoted to her son
than most women. And so she wished to
help her son. . . . She ruled . . . with
the Emperor, her son, and at times
even took the reins alone and
drove the chariot of Empire
without harm or mishap.
For besides being clever she
had in very truth a kingly
mind, capable of governing
a kingdom.
936 Primary Sources Library
Incense burner from
the Byzantine Empire
in the shape of a
Scala/Art Resource, NY
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A Heroic Rescue Attempt
liny the Eldera Roman admiral and well-
known author and scientistdied attempt-
ing to rescue people trapped at the foot of
Mt. Vesuvius when it erupted. His nephew,
Pliny the Younger, recorded his uncles death in
a letter written to a Roman historian named
Tacitus. The letter forms an eyewitness account
of the eruption and expresses Roman views of
courage and duty.
Thank you for asking me to send you a
description of my uncles death so that you can
leave an accurate account of it for posterity; . . .
As he was leaving the house he was
handed a message from Rectina, . . . whose
house was at the foot of the mountain, so that
escape was impossible except by boat. She
was terrified by the danger threatening her
and implored him to rescue her. . . . Ashes
were already falling, hotter and thicker as the
ships drew near. . . . For a moment my uncle
wondered whether to turn back, but when the
helmsman advised this he refused, telling him
that Fortune stood by the courageous. . . . This
wind was . . . in my uncles favour, and he
was able to bring his ship in.
Meanwhile on Mount Vesuvius broad sheets
of fire and leaping flames blazed at several
points. . . . My uncle tried to allay the fears of
his companions. . . . They debated whether to
stay indoors or take their chance in the open,
The Quran
he Quran is the holy book of Islam. The verses
below come from Chapter 1, verses 27.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds,
The Compassionate, the Merciful,
Master of the Day of Judgement,
Only You do we worship, and only You
do we implore for help.
Lead us to the right path,
The path of those You have favoured
Not those who have incurred Your wrath or
have gone astray.
1. Why did Alexius conceal his plans to turn the government over to his mother?
2. Why did Pliny the Elder sail to Mt. Vesuvius?
3. Does Pliny the Younger consider his uncle a hero? Why or why not?
4. Who is the quote from the Quran praising?
for the buildings were now shaking with vio-
lent shocks, and seemed to be swaying. . . .
. . . Asheet was spread on the ground for
him [uncle] to lie down, and he repeatedly
asked for cold water to drink. Then the flames
and smell of sulphur which gave warning of
the approaching fire drove the others to take
flight. . . . He stood . . . and then suddenly col-
lapsed, I imagine because the dense fumes
choked his breathing. . . . When daylight
returned on the 26thtwo days after the last
day he had seenhis body was found. . . .
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For use with Unit 4
The Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages, civiliza-
tions began to develop to be more as
we know them in modern times.
There were still strong leaderssome
good, some bad. But it became a time
when the common people began to
demand their rights. Women espe-
cially started to have a voice in their
status and how they would live.
Readers Dictionary
ebony: a hard, heavy wood
score: twenty
mitqal: an ancient unit of measure
heirs: descendants
abject: low
938 Primary Sources Library
Drawing of Mansa Musa
The Sultan of Mali
n Arab scholar named Ibn Fadl Allah al Omari
describes the West African court and army of
Mansa Musa in the 1330s. He refers to Mansa Musa
as sultan, the Arab word for king.
The sultan of this kingdom presides in his
palace on a great balcony called bembe where he
has a seat of ebony that is like a throne fit for a
large and tall person: on either side it is flanked
by elephant tusks turned towards each other. His
arms stand near him, being all of gold, saber,
lance, quiver, bow and arrows. He wears wide
trousers made of about twenty pieces [of stuff] of
a kind which he alone may wear. Behind him
there stand about a score of Turkish or other
pages which are bought for him in Cairo. . . . His
officers are seated in a circle about him, in two
rows, one to the right and one to the left; beyond
them sit the chief commanders of his cavalry. . . .
Others dance before their sovereign, who enjoys
this, and make him laugh. Two banners are
spread behind him. Before him they keep two
saddled and bridled horses in case he should wish
to ride.
Arab horses are brought for sale to the kings of
this country, who spend considerable sums in this
way. Their army numbers one hundred thousand
men of whom there are about ten thousand
horse-mounted cavalry: the others are infantry
having neither horses nor any other mounts. . . .
The officers of this king, his soldiers and his
guard receive gifts of land and presents. Some
among the greatest of them receive as much as
fifty thousand mitqals of gold a year, besides
which the king provides them with horses and
clothing. He is much concerned with giving them
fine garments and making his cities into capitals.
Giraudon/Art Resource, NY
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The Magna Carta
he Magna Carta, signed in England in 1215,
for the first time gave common people some
freedoms and protections. It also limited the
power of King John.
To all free men of our kingdom we have also
granted, for us and our heirs for ever, all the
liberties written out below. . . .
No widow shall be compelled [forced] to
marry, so long as she wishes to remain with-
out a husband. . . .
For a trivial offence, a free man shall be
fined only in proportion to the degree of his
offence. . . .
No sheriff, royal official, or other person shall
take horses or carts for transport from any free
man, without his consent. . . .
No free man shall be seized or imprisoned . . .
or outlawed or exiled . . . except by the lawful
judgement of his equals or by the law of the
To no one will we sell, to no one deny or
delay right or justice.
All merchants may enter or leave England
unharmed and without fear, and may stay or
travel within it, by land or water, for purposes
of trade. . . .
All these customs
and liberties that we
have granted shall
be observed in our
The Tale of Genji
he Tale of Genji is the story of a young man
searching for the meaning of life. It was
written by Murasaki Shikibu in A.D. 1010.
Genjis friend described three classes of women:
those of high rank and birth whose weak points
are concealed; those of the middle class; and those
of the lower class. This is part of Genjis reply.
[Genji said] It will not always be so easy to
know into which of the three classes a woman
ought to be put. For sometimes people of high
rank sink to the most abject positions; while
others of common birth rise to . . . think them-
selves as good as anyone. How are we to deal
with such cases?
1. What conclusions can you draw about Mansa Musas power?
2. Why do you think Mansa Musa treated his soldiers so well?
3. According to the Magna Carta, when can a man be imprisoned?
4. What does Genji seem to realize about the social classes that his friend
does not?
Murasaki Shikibu
Primary Sources Library 939
Mary Evans Picture Library
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For use with Unit 5
A Changing
World exploration expanded as
countries looked for new lands to con-
quer. There was great competition
among European countries to claim
undiscovered riches. This exploration
did not always benefit the people already
living in explored lands, however.
Readers Dictionary
finery: fancier clothes and jewelry
installed: placed in
plunder: stolen goods, usually during war
stench: a very bad smell
scorn: anger
Arrival of the Spaniards
ztec accounts of the Spanish conquest of Mexico
in 1519 are recorded in The Broken Spears,
edited and translated by Miguel Leon-Portilla. This
selection describes the meeting of Montezuma and
The Spaniards arrived . . . near the entrance to
Tenochititlan. That was the end of their march, for
they had reached their goal.
[Montezuma] now arrayed himself in his finery,
preparing to go out to meet them. . . .
. . . Then he hung the gold necklaces around
their necks and gave them presents of every sort as
gifts of welcome.
When [Montezuma] had given necklaces to
each one, Corts asked him: Are you [Mon-
tezuma]? Are you the king? . . .
And the king said: Yes, I am [Montezuma].
Then he stood up to welcome Corts; he came for-
ward, bowed his head low and addressed him in
these words: Our lord, you are weary. The jour-
ney has tired you, but now you have arrived on
the earth. You have come to your city, Mexico. You
have come here to sit on your throne. . . .
When the Spaniards were installed in the
palace, they asked [Montezuma] about the
citys resources. . . . They questioned him
closely and then demanded gold.
[Montezuma] guided them to it. . . .
. . . When they entered the hall of treas-
ures, it was as if they had arrived in Par-
adise. . . . All of [Montezumas] possessions
were brought out: fine bracelets, necklaces
with large stones, ankle rings with little gold
bells, the royal crowns and all the royal
fineryeverything that belonged to the
king. . . . They seized these treasures as if
they were their own, as if this plunder
were merely a stroke of good luck.
940 Primary Sources Library
Aztec and Spanish soldiers in battle
Biblioteca Colombina, Sevilla, Spain
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The Life of Olaudah
laudah Equiano was kidnapped from West
Africa and brought to America as a slave. In
1789 he wrote an account of this frightening jour-
ney. Here he describes the first part of that trip.
The first thing I saw was a vast ocean, and
a ship, riding at anchor, waiting for its cargo.
The ocean and the ship filled me with aston-
ishment that soon turned to fear. I was taken
to the ship and carried on board! . . .
The crew took me down below decks, into
the ships stinking hold. With the horribleness
of the stench and my crying I was so sick and
low that I couldnt eat. I wanted to die. . . .
That first day, among the poor chained men
in the hold, I found some people of Benin.
What are they going to do to us? I asked.
They are taking us away to work for
them, a man from Benin explained.
And do they only live here, I asked, in
this hollow place, the ship?
They have a white peoples country, the
man explained, but it is far away.
How can it be, I asked, that in our
whole country nobody ever heard of
They live very far away, another man
Queen Elizabeths Speech
To Her Troops
n 1588, a Spanish fleet, known as the Spanish
Armada, was sent to invade England. Queen
Elizabeth I spoke to her troops before the battle.
Let tyrants fear: I have so behaved myself
that under God I have placed my chiefest
strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and
goodwill of my subjects. Wherefore I am
come . . . to live and die amongst you all, to
lay down for my God and for my kingdom
and for my people mine honor and my blood
even in the dust. I know I have the body but
of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the
heart and stomach of a king and a king of
England tooand take foul scorn that . . . any
prince of Europe should dare to invade the
borders of my realm.
1. What gifts did Montezuma give to Corts?
2. Why do you think Montezuma took Corts to see his personal treasury?
3. How did Equiano travel from Africa to the Americas?
4. In her speech, is Queen Elizabeth I encouraging or discouraging her troops?
Drawing of a slave ship
Queen Elizabeth I
Primary Sources Library 941
(l)Art Resource, NY, (r)National Portrait Gallery, London/SuperStock
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For use with Unit 6
Modern Times
One of the major ideas of the
worlds modern times is the theme of
justice and equality for all people. All
over the world, this theme has been
supported by great leaders.
Readers Dictionary
doctrine: a principle or belief
Gentile: a person who is not Jewish
passivity: lacking energy or will
security: freedom from fear or anxiety
Peaceful Noncooperation
ohandas K. Gandhi, the great Indian national-
istic leader, spoke to over 500,000 people in
1920. He addressed them about his philosophy of
peaceful rebellion against and noncooperation with
the rule of Great Britain over India.
I have been told that non-cooperation is uncon-
stitutional. I venture to deny that it is unconstitu-
tional. On the contrary, I hold that non-cooperation
is a just and religious doctrine; it is the inherent
[natural] right of every human being and it is per-
fectly constitutional. . . . I do not claim any consti-
tutionality for a rebellion successful or otherwise,
so long as that rebellion means in the ordinary
sense of the term, what it does mean, namely,
wresting justice by violent means. On the con-
trary, I have said it repeatedly to my countrymen
that violence, whatever end it may serve in
Europe, will never serve us in India.
. . . I am asking India to follow this non-violent
non-cooperation. . . . As soon as India adopts the
doctrine of the sword, my life as an Indian is fin-
ished. It is because I believe in a mission special to
India and it is because I believe the ancients of
India after centuries of experience have found out
that the one true thing for any human being on
earth is not justice based on violence but justice
based on sacrifice of self. . . . I cling to that doc-
trine and I shall cling to it forever. . . .
942 Primary Sources Library
Mohandas K. Gandhi
J.A. Mills/AP/Wide World Photos
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I Have a Dream
n 1963 civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr., spoke to more than 200,000 people in a
peace march on Washington, D.C. He spoke about
his dreams for the future of African Americans and
the United States.
I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of
the difficulties and frustrations of the moment I
still have a dream. . . . I have a dream that one
day this nation will rise up and live out the true
meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal.
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of
Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of
former slaveowners will be able to sit down
together at the table of brotherhood. . . .
I have a dream that my four little children will
one day live in a nation where they will not be
judged by the color of their skin but by the con-
tent of their character. . . .
. . . When we let freedom ring, when we let it
ring from every village and every hamlet, from
every state and every city, we will be able to
speed up that day when all of Gods children,
black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles,
Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join
hands and sing the words of the old Negro
spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God
Almighty, we are free at last!
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
ung San Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1991. Since 1988, she has worked
(often under house arrest) to bring peace and
democracy to her homeland of Myanmar, a coun-
try currently ruled by the military.
Alife without peace is hardly a life worth
living. But by peace I do not mean a life of
passivity, I do not mean a life without action
because sometimes we have to act a lot to
bring about peace. What do we mean actually
by peace? I suppose basically we mean a
sense of inner security that will give us the
strength to work for others and for the com-
munity, to work for progress and develop-
ment. Without a sense of inner security we
cannot work for progress.
There are so many obstacles in the way of
development without peace. Peace, develop-
ment and justice are all connected to each
other. We cannot talk about economic devel-
opment without talking about peace. How
can we expect economic development in a
battlefield? It would not be possible. But
there is more than one kind of battlefield in
this world. Abattlefield is not necessarily a
place where people are shooting each other.
In a civil society, where basic human rights
are ignored, where the rights of the people are
violated every day, it is like a battlefield.
May 23, 2003
1. What does Gandhi believe about violent rebellion in India?
2. What does Dr. King say is Americas most important creed?
3. How does Aung San Suu Kyi define peace?
4. What is one belief each of these leaders seem to share? Explain.
Primary Sources Library 943
Dr. King speaking
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944 Suggested Readings
If you are interested in reading more about people and events in world history,
the following list will help you. The book titles listed for each unit are fiction
and nonfiction books you can read to learn more about that time period.
Unit 1:
Arnold, Caroline. Stone Age Farmers Beside the
Sea. Clarion Books, 1997. Aphoto-essay describing
the prehistoric village of Skara Brae.
Bunting, Eve. I Am the Mummy Heb-Nefert.
Harcourt Brace, 1997. Fictional story of a mummy
recalling her past life as the wife of the pharaohs
Courlander, Harold. The Kings Drum, and Other
African Tales. Harcourt, 1962. Folktales taken from
Africa south of the Sahara.
Deem, James M. Bodies from the Bog. Houghton
Mifflin, 1998. Aphoto-essay that looks at
information from the well-preserved bodies found
in a Danish bog.
Gregory, Kristiana. Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the
Nile. Scholastic Inc., 1999. Afictional diary written
by Cleopatra.
Herrmann, Siegfried. A History of Israel in Old
Testament Times. Fortress Press, 1975. The Old
Testament as a history of early Israel, with
evidence from sources other than the Bible.
Lattimore, Deborah Nourse. Winged Cat: ATale of
Ancient Egypt. HarperCollins, 1995. Atale of a
servant girl and a High Priest using the Book of the
Dead to investigate the death of the girls sacred cat.
Maltz, Fran. Keeping Faith in the Dust. Alef Design
Group, 1998. Fictional account of a 16-year-old girl
whose family is forced to flee their home near the
Dead Sea to the fortress of Masada, where Roman
forces are held off by the Jews for seven years.
Morley, Jacquelin. Mark Bergin, and John James.
An Egyptian Pyramid. Peter Bedrick, 1991. Explains
how the pyramids were built and their purpose.
Perl, Lila. Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure: Secrets
of Ancient Egypt. Clarion Books, 1990. An account
of what ancient Egyptians believed about death
and the afterlife.
Travis, Lucille. Tirzah. Herald Press, 1991. Fictional
story of a 12-year-old boy who flees from Egypt
with Moses during the Exodus.
Trumble, Kelly. Cat Mummies. Clarion Books,
1996. Reasons and background examining why
ancient Egyptians mummified thousands and
thousands of cats.
Wetwood, Jennifer. Gilgamesh, and Other
Babylonian Tales. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan,
1970. Retells ancient tales of Sumer and Babylon.
Unit 2:
Chang, Richard F. Chinese Mythical Stories. Yale
Far Eastern Publications, 1990. Legends and myths
of China.
Craft, Charlotte. King Midas and the Golden Touch.
Morrow, 1999. The myth of King Midas and his
greed for gold.
Evslin, Bernard. Heroes and Monsters of Greek
Myth. Scholastic, 1988. Acollection of Greek myths.
Fleischman, Paul. Dateline: Troy. Candlewick Press,
1996. Author uses modern wars (Persian Gulf,
Vietnam) to better understand the Trojan War.
Ganeri, Anita. Buddhism. NTC Publishing Group,
1997. Overview of Buddhist history and beliefs.
Ganeri, Anita. Hinduism. NTC Publishing Group,
1996. Overview of Hindu history and beliefs.
Hamilton, Edith. The Greek Way. Norton, 1983. The
story of the Greek spirit and mind told by great
Harris, Nathaniel. Alexander the Great and the
Greeks. Bookwright Press, 1986. Contributions
Alexander made to the Greeks.
Homer and Geraldine McCaughrean. The Odyssey.
Oxford, 1999. Illustrated retelling of The Odyssey
using modern language.
Ross, Stewart. The Original Olympic Games. NTC
Publishing Group, 1999. Ahistory of the Olympics.
Theule, Frederic. Alexander and His Times. Henry
Holt and Co., 1996. Apictorial and historic account
of the life of Alexander the Great.
Unit 3:
Boyd, Anne. Life in a 15th-Century Monastery (A
Cambridge Topic Book). Lerner Publications, 1979.
An account of the daily life of monks in the
monastery at Durham, England.
Browning, Robert. The Byzantine Empire. Charles
Scribners Sons, 1980. The Byzantine world from
A.D. 500 to fall of Constantinople in 1453.
944-946 EM-SR-868873 9/9/04 7:41 AM Page 944
Burrell, Roy. The Romans: Rebuilding the Past.
Oxford University Press, 1991. Ahistorical outline
of ancient Rome.
Comte, Fernand. Sacred Writings of World
Religions. Chambers, 1992. The history, beliefs,
and major figures of more than 20 religions,
among them Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
Dillon, Eilis. Rome Under the Emperors. Tomas
Nelson, 1975. Views of Roman society and
family life in the time of Trajan, as seen by
young people of four different families and
social classes.
Powell, Anton. The Rise of Islam. Warwick Press,
1980. An overview of Islamic culture.
Tingay, Graham. Julius Caesar. Cambridge
University Press, 1991. An account of the life
and achievements of Julius Caesar.
Unit 4:
Giles, Frances and Joseph. Life in a Medieval
Village. Harper Perennial, 1990. An illustrated
look at the way most medieval people passed
their lives.
Haugaard, Erik Christian. The Revenge of the
Forty-Seven Samurai. Houghton Mifflin, 1995.
The tale of Jiro, a young boy who must aid
47 samurai who are attempting to avenge the
unjust death of their lord. This historical novel
provides a detailed look at Japanese feudal
Heer, Friedrich. Charlemagne and His World.
Macmillan, 1975. Large, lavishly illustrated
description of the period.
McKendrick, Meveena. Ferdinand and Isabella.
American Heritage, 1968. Photographs and
contemporary paintings help re-create the period.
Sanders, Tao Tao Liu. Dragons, Gods, and Spirits
from Chinese Mythology. NTC, 1997. Collection of
myths, legends, and folktales providing insight
into the culture and historic development of
Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe. Longmans, Green,
and Co., 1897. Atwelfth-century story of hidden
identity, intrigue, and romance among the English
Wisniewski, David. Sundiata: Lion King of Mali.
Houghton Mifflin, 1999. Story about the ancient
king of Mali and how he defeated his enemies to
become the ruler.
Unit 5:
Cowie, Leonard W. Martin Luther: Leader of the
Reformation (A Pathfinder Biography). Frederick
Praeger, 1969. Adetailed biography of Luther.
Davis, Burke. Black Heroes of the American
Revolution. Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, 1991.
Highlights achievements of African Americans
during the Revolution.
Hibbard, Howard. Michelangelo. Westview Press,
1985. Biography of Michelangelo told through his
paintings, poems, and personal letters.
Hooks, William H. The Legend of White Doe.
Macmillan, 1998. Tale about Virginia Dare, the first
child of English settlers born in the Americas.
Lomask, Milton. Exploration: Great Lives.
Scribners, 1988. Biographies of explorers.
Mee, Charles L. Daily Life in the Renaissance.
American Heritage, 1975. Works of art showing
people in their daily lives.
ODell, Scott. The Hawk that Dare Not Hunt by
Day. Houghton Mifflin, 1975. Novel about a boy
who helps the reformer Tyndale smuggle his
translation of the Bible into England.
Stuart, Gene S. Americas Ancient Cities. National
Geographic Society, 1988. An illustrated collection
of essays on cultures of North America and
Unit 6
Alvarez, Julia. Before We Were Free. Knopf Books for
Young Readers, 2002. This story tells of a young girl
and her family trying to flee the dictatorship of the
Dominican Republic in the 1960s.
Ambrose, Stephen E. The Good Fight: How World
War II Was Won. Atheneum Books for Young
Readers, 2001. This book gives an account of
World War II based on personal anecdotes from
Blumberg, Rhoda. Whats the Deal? Jefferson,
Napoleon, and the Louisiana Purchase. National
Geographic Society, 1998. This piece explores the
Louisiana Purchase as something more than a
simple business deal.
Chang, Jung. Wild Swans: Three Daughters of
China. Doubleday, 1991. This fictional biography
traces three generations of Chinese women as they
live through Chinese warlords, Mao and
Communism, and the Tiananmen Square massacre
of 1989.
Suggested Readings 945

944-946 EM-SR-868873 9/9/04 7:42 AM Page 945
946 Suggested Readings
Connell, Kate. They Shall Be Heard: Susan B.
Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Steck-
Vaughn, 1993. This book discusses the work of
Anthony and Stanton during the early years of
the struggle for woman suffrage.
Falstein, Mark. Nelson Mandela. Globe Fearon,
1994. This book tells the story of Mandelas life,
from being in prison for 27 years to becoming
president of South Africa in 1994.
Holliday, Laurel. Children of Israel, Children of
Palestine: Our Own True Stories. Pocket Books,
1998. This book contains the stories of 36 men,
women, and children of Israeli and Palestinian
descent who reflect on their feelings on growing
up during such a turbulent time.
Lewington, Anna. Mexico: A Study of an
Economically Developing Country. Raintree Steck-
Vaughn Publishers, 1996. This book explores the
history, geography, economy, and people of
Mexico in the modern world.
Marrin, Albert. Napoleon and the Napoleonic
Wars. Viking Penguin, 1991. This is a biography
of Napoleon Bonaparte, highlighting his military
genius and goals for conquest.
Marrin, Albert. Stalin: Russias Man of Steel. Viking
Penguin, Inc., 1988. This book tells how Joseph
Stalin used terror and an iron fist to transform
Russia from a backward country into a major world
superpower in the first half of the 1900s.
Moscow, Henry. Russia Under the Czars. American
Heritage Publishing Co., Inc., 1962. This story tells
how the Russian czars withstood external invasion,
only to fall to the revolutionaries led by Lenin.
Murphy, Jim. The Boys War: Confederate and
Union Soldiers Talk About the Civil War.
Houghton Mifflin, 1993. This book uses primary
sources to detail the role of juvenile soldiers in the
Civil War, as well as the effects that their
experiences had in shaping the rest of their lives.
Nordhoff, Charles and James N. Hall. Falcons of
France. Little, Brown and Co., 1957. This novel
tells of the Lafayette Flying Corps, an expert team
of French fighter pilots in World War I.
Rosenberg, Tina. The Haunted Land: Facing
Europes Ghosts After Communism. Random
House, 1995. This book tells of countries that
broke from communism in the 1900s and built
Savage, Katharine. The Story of the United
Nations. Henry Z. Walck, Inc., 1970. This book
details the creation of the UN and its early history.
Severance, John B. Gandhi: Great Soul. Clarion
Books, 1997. This book details the life of
Mohandas Gandhi and highlights his nonviolent
campaign for the independence of India.
Sommer, Robin Langley. Nien Cheng: Prisoner in
China. Blackbirch Press, Inc., 1992. This book tells
the story of Nien Cheng, a Chinese woman who
spent six years in solitary confinement during the
rule of Mao Zedong in China.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Toms Cabin. Bantam
Classics, 1983. This famous novel gives a fictional
account of the evils of slavery in the United States
in the mid-1800s.
Veciana-Suarez, Ana. Flight to Freedom. Scholastic,
2004. This fictional biography tells the story of
thirteen-year-old Yara and how her life changes as
she leaves Communist Cuba for a new life and
new challenges in Florida.
Zeinert, Karen. Those Incredible Women of World
War II. The Milbrook Press, 1994. This book
focuses on the contributions of women during
World War II.

944-946 EM-SR-868873 9/9/04 7:43 AM Page 946
abolitionism movement to end slavery (p. 753)
absolutism system of rule in which monarchs held
total power and claimed to rule by the will of
God (p. 686)
acupuncture Chinese practice of easing pain
by sticking thin needles into patients skin
(p. 246)
adobe sun-dried mud brick (p. 591)
agora in early Greek city-states, an open area that
served as both a market and a meeting place
(p. 122)
alphabet group of letters that stand for sounds (p. 85)
anatomy the study of body structure (p. 305)
animism belief that all natural things are alive and
have their own spirits (p. 490)
annul to cancel (p. 648)
anthropologist scientist who studies the physical
characteristics and cultures of humans and their
ancestors (p. 9)
anti-Semitism hatred of Jews (p. 548)
apartheid policy of racial segregation in the Republic
of South Africa from 19481991; Afrikaans for
apartness or separateness (pp. 852, 872)
apostle early Christian leader who had been chosen
by Jesus to spread his message (p. 348)
appeasement idea that by meeting another
governments demands, war can be avoided
(p. 814)
aqueduct human-made channel built to carry water
(p. 291)
archaeologist scientist who learns about past human
life by studying fossils and artifacts (p. 9)
aristocrat noble whose wealth came from land
ownership (p. 227)
armistice agreement to end fighting; cease-fire
(p. 790)
artifact weapon, tool, or other item made by
humans (p. 9)
artisan skilled craftsperson (p. 20)
astronomer person who studies stars, planets, and
other heavenly bodies (pp. 30, 185)
barbarian uncivilized person (p. 435)
barter to exchange goods without using money
(p. 319)
bazaar marketplace (p. 389)
blockade use of warships to stop goods and people
from leaving or entering an area (p. 787)
bourgeoisie middle classes of society, including
merchants, bankers, doctors, lawyers, teachers,
and other professional people (p. 715)
Brahman in Hinduism, the universal spirit of which
all deities are different parts
(p. 203)
Buddhism religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama,
the Buddha; taught that the way to find truth
was to give up all desires (p. 205)
bureaucracy a group of appointed officials who are
responsible for different areas of government
(p. 229)
caliph important Muslim political and religious
leader (p. 380)
calligraphy beautiful handwriting (p. 421); the art of
producing beautiful handwriting (p. 501)
capital money available for investment in business
(p. 726)
caravan group of traveling merchants and animals
(pp. 30, 373)
caste social group that a person is born into and
cannot change (p. 199)
cataract steep rapids formed by cliffs and boulders
in a river (p. 39)
caudillos strong leaders who mainly ruled by
military force, usually with the support of the
rich and upper class (p. 751)
census a count of the number of people (p. 432)
city-state independent state made up of a city and
the surrounding land and villages (p. 19)
civil disobedience refusal to obey unjust laws of a
government (p. 843)
abolitionism civil disobedience
Glossary 947
947-954 EM-Gloss-875050 9/25/06 12:09 PM Page 947
civilization drama
civilization complex society with cities, organized
government, art, religion, class divisions, and a
writing system (p. 17)
clan group of families related by blood or marriage
(pp. 461, 487)
clergy religious officials, such as priests, given
authority to conduct religious services
(pp. 355, 538)
collectivization system of combining small farms into
large, factory-like farms run by the government
(p. 810)
colony settlement in a new territory that keeps close
ties with its homeland (pp. 121, 666, 763)
comedy form of drama in which the story has a
happy ending (p. 161)
commerce the buying and selling of goods in large
amounts over long distances (p. 666)
concordat agreement between the pope and the ruler
of a country (p. 521)
confederation a loose union of several groups or
states (p. 592)
Confucianism system of beliefs introduced by the
Chinese thinker Confucius; taught that people
needed to have a sense of duty to their family
and community in order to bring peace to
society (p. 236)
conquistador Spanish conqueror or soldier in the
Americas (p. 595)
conscription enrollment into military service by
force; military draft (p. 782)
constitution written plan of government (pp. 488, 694)
consul one of the two top government officials in
ancient Rome (p. 270)
containment U.S. policies that intended to prevent
the spread of communism (p. 834)
corporation business organization that is allowed to
own property and sell shares to investors in
order to raise money (p. 728)
coup detat forced replacement of top government
leaders by a new group of leaders (p. 720)
covenant agreement (p. 82)
crier announcer who calls Muslim believers to
prayer five times a day (p. 394)
cuneiform Sumerian system of writing made up of
wedge-shaped markings (p. 20)
currency system of money (p. 294)
daimyo powerful military lord in feudal Japan
(pp. 496, 777)
Dao the proper way Chinese kings were expected to
rule under the Mandate of Heaven (p. 230)
Daoism Chinese philosophy based on the teachings of
Laozi; taught that people should turn to nature
and give up their worldly concerns (p. 238)
D-Day June 6, 1944; the day in World War II when
Allied forces invaded Normandy, France
(p. 828)
deforestation clearing of forests (p. 890)
deism religious belief based on reason (p. 685)
deity god or goddess (p. 49)
delta area of fertile soil at the mouth of a river (p. 39)
democracy government in which all citizens share in
running the government (p. 126)
denomination an organized branch of Christianity
(p. 636)
depression a period of low economic activity when
many people lose their jobs (p. 806)
dtente policy promoting a relaxation of tensions
between nations (p. 881)
dharma in Hinduism, the divine law that requires
people to perform the duties of their caste (p. 204)
dhow an Arab sailboat (p. 452)
Diaspora refers to the scattering of communities of
Jews outside their homeland after the
Babylonian captivity (p. 96)
dictator in ancient Rome, a person who ruled with
complete power temporarily during
emergencies (p. 271)
diplomacy the art of negotiating with other countries
(p. 615)
direct democracy system of government in which
people gather at mass meetings to decide on
government matters (p. 139)
disciple close follower of Jesus (p. 344)
doctrine official church teaching (p. 355)
domesticate to tame animals and plants for human
use (p. 13)
drama story told by actors who pretend to be
characters in the story (p. 160)
948 Glossary
947-954 EM-Gloss-875050 9/25/06 12:10 PM Page 948
duma helot
duma Russian national assembly of elected
lawmakers (p. 793)
dynasty line of rulers from the same family
(pp. 44, 210, 226)
economy organized way in which people produce,
sell, and buy goods and services (p. 410)
embalming process developed by the ancient
Egyptians of preserving a persons body after
death (p. 49)
embargo order that bans or restricts trade with
another country (p. 863)
empire group of territories or nations under a single
ruler or government (pp. 23, 89)
entente understanding among nations that provides
for a common course of action (p. 782)
epic long poem that tells about legendary or heroic
deeds (p. 157)
Epicureanism philosophy founded by Epicurus in
Hellenistic Athens; taught that happiness through
the pursuit of pleasure was the goal of life (p. 184)
estates classes into which French people were
divided before the French Revolution: the
Catholic clergy (First Estate), the nobles (Second
Estate), and the townspeople (Third Estate)
(p. 715)
ethnic cleansing using force to remove an entire
ethnic group from an area (p. 884)
euro common currency shared by countries of the
European Union since 1999 (p. 889)
excommunicate to declare that a person or group no
longer belongs to a church (pp. 361, 521)
exile period of forced absence from ones country or
home (p. 94)
export to sell to another country (pp. 666, 861)
extended family family group including several
generations as well as other relatives (p. 469)
extraterritoriality legal practice of foreigners living in
a country but not subject to the host countrys
laws (p. 772)
fable short tale that teaches a lesson (p. 158)
feudalism political system based on bonds of loyalty
between lords and vassals (pp. 497, 523)
fief under feudalism, the land a lord granted to a
vassal in exchange for military service and
loyalty (p. 524)
filial piety childrens respect for their parents and
older relatives, an important part of Confucian
beliefs (p. 234)
fjord steep-sided valley that is an inlet of the sea
(p. 518)
Forum open space in Rome that served as a
marketplace and public square (p. 306)
fossil the trace or imprint of a plant or animal that
has been preserved in rock (p. 9)
genocide the deliberate killing of a racial, political,
or cultural group (p. 827)
glacier huge sheet of ice (p. 573)
gladiator in ancient Rome, person who fought
animals and other people as public
entertainment (p. 306)
glasnost Mikhail Gorbachevs Soviet policy that
permitted open discussion of political and social
ideas (p. 882)
globalism idea that every nations economy and
politics are part of one worldwide system
(p. 889)
gospel (good news) one of the four accounts of
Jesus life, teachings, and resurrection (p. 355)
grand jury group that decides whether there is
enough evidence to accuse a person of a crime
(p. 537)
griot storyteller (p. 449)
guild medieval business group formed by
craftspeople and merchants (pp. 503, 530)
guru religious teacher and spiritual guide in
Hinduism (p. 201)
Hellenistic Era period when the Greek language and
Greek ideas spread to the non-Greek peoples of
southwest Asia (p. 178)
helot person who was conquered and enslaved by
the ancient Spartans (p. 126)
Glossary 949
947-954 EM-Gloss-868873 9/9/04 7:49 AM Page 949
heresy matrilineal
heresy belief that differs from or contradicts the
accepted teachings of a religion (pp. 547, 643)
hierarchy organization with different levels of
authority (p. 355)
hieroglyphics system of writing made up of
thousands of picture symbols developed by
the ancient Egyptians (p. 42)
Hinduism system of religion that grew out of
the religion of the Aryans in ancient India
(p. 203)
historian person who studies and writes about the
human past (p. 9)
humanism Renaissance movement based on the
values of the ancient Greeks and Romans, such
as that individuals and human society were
important (p. 619)
hypothesis proposed explanation of the facts
(p. 679)
icon Christian religious image or picture (p. 359)
iconoclast person who opposed the use of icons in
Byzantine churches, saying that icons
encouraged the worship of idols (p. 360)
ideograph a character that joins two or more
pictographs to represent an idea (p. 228)
igloo dome-shaped home built by the Inuit (p. 590)
imperialism a nations direct or indirect control over
the government or economy of other usually
smaller or weaker nations (p. 763)
import to buy from another country (p. 666)
incense material burned for its pleasant smell
(p. 62)
indulgence reduced the Churchs punishment for a
sin (p. 634)
industrialism economic system in which people rely
more on the use of machinery and technology
than on animal or human power (p. 725)
inflation period of rapidly increasing prices
(pp. 319, 806)
intifada armed uprising of Palestinians against
Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza
Strip (p. 878)
invest to put money into a project (p. 667)
irrigation method of bringing water to a field from
another place to water crops (p. 18)
kaiser German for emperor (p. 748)
karma in Hinduism, the good or bad energy a
person builds up based upon whether he or
she lives a good or bad life (p. 204)
knight in the Middle Ages, a noble warrior who
fought on horseback (p. 524)
labor union association of workers who unite to
improve worker rights, wages, benefits, and
working conditions (p. 736)
laity church members who are not clergy (p. 355)
latifundia large farming estates in ancient Rome
(p. 278)
legacy what a person leaves behind when he or she
dies (p. 178)
Legalism Chinese philosophy developed by Hanfeizi;
taught that humans are naturally evil and
therefore need to be ruled by harsh laws (p. 239)
legion smaller unit of the Roman army made up of
about 6,000 soldiers (p. 266)
liberalism political belief based on the ideas of the
Enlightenment, which stress progress, the
essential goodness of humankind, and
individual freedom (p. 735)
limited government idea that a government may only
use the powers given to it by the people (p. 700)
mandate formal order (pp. 230, 792)
Marshall Plan U.S.-sponsored program to provide
economic aid to European countries after World
War II, from 194851; named after U.S. Secretary
of State George Marshall who proposed it to
Congress (p. 834)
martial arts sports, such as judo and karate, that
involve combat and self-defense (p. 499)
martyr person willing to die rather than give up his
or her beliefs (p. 353)
mass Catholic worship service (p. 546)
matrilineal refers to a group that traces descent
through mothers rather than fathers (p. 469)
950 Glossary
947-954 EM-Gloss-875050 9/25/06 3:58 PM Page 950
meditation pictograph
meditation practice of quiet reflection to clear the
mind and find inner peace (p. 499)
mercantilism the idea that a country gains power
by building up its supply of gold and silver
(p. 666)
messiah in Judaism, a deliverer sent by God
(pp. 101, 344)
militarism fascination with war and the military
(p. 782)
minaret tower of a mosque from which the crier
calls believers to prayer five times a day
(p. 394)
missionary person who travels to carry the ideas of a
religion to others (pp. 363, 520)
mobilization assembly and movement of troops in
order to prepare for action (p. 784)
monastery religious community where monks live
and work (pp. 362, 413)
monopoly control of all (or almost all) trade or
production of a certain good (p. 576)
monotheism the belief in one God (p. 81)
monsoon in South Asia, a strong wind that blows
one direction in winter and the opposite
direction in summer (p. 195)
mosaic picture made from many bits of colored
glass, tile, or stone (p. 333)
mosque Muslim house of worship (p. 389)
mummy body that has been embalmed and
wrapped in linen (p. 50)
myth traditional story describing gods or heroes or
explaining natural events (p. 155)
nationalize remove from private ownership and
place under government control (p. 865)
natural law law that applies to everyone and can be
understood by reason (p. 681)
nirvana in Buddhism, a state of wisdom and
freedom from the cycle of rebirth (p. 205)
nomad person who regularly moves from place to
place (p. 10)
novel long fictional story (p. 432)
nuclear proliferation spread of nuclear weapons
(p. 890)
oasis green area in a desert fed by underground
water (p. 373)
ode poem that expresses strong emotions about life
(p. 304)
oligarchy government in which a small group of
people holds power (p. 126)
oracle sacred shrine where a priest or priestess
spoke for a god or goddess (p. 156)
oral history the stories passed down from
generation to generation (p. 470)
Pan-Africanism movement to unite black Africans
throughout the world and to establish
independence for African nations (p. 852)
papyrus reed plant of the Nile Valley, used to make
a form of paper (p. 42)
parable story that used events from everyday life to
express spiritual ideas (p. 345)
partnership business owned by two or more people
who agree to share the profits and losses (p. 728)
paterfamilias (father of the family) name for the
father as head of the household in ancient Rome
(p. 307)
patrician wealthy landowner and member of the
ruling class in ancient Rome (p. 269)
Pax Romana (Roman Peace) long era of peace and
safety in the Roman Empire (p. 287)
peninsula body of land with water on three sides
(p. 117)
perestroika Mikhail Gorbachevs plan to rebuild
the Soviet Unions government and economy
(p. 882)
persecute to mistreat a person because of his or her
beliefs or differences (p. 353)
pharaoh all-powerful king in ancient Egypt (p. 48)
philosopher thinker who seeks wisdom and ponders
questions about life (pp. 140, 169)
philosophy study of the nature and meaning of life;
comes from the Greek word for love of
wisdom (p. 169)
pictograph a character that stands for an object (p. 228)
Glossary 951
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pilgrim salvation
pilgrim person who travels to go to a religious
shrine or site (p. 213)
plague disease that spreads quickly and kills many
people (pp. 319, 554)
plane geometry branch of mathematics that shows
how points, lines, angles, and surfaces relate to
one another (p. 185)
plateau area of high flat land (p. 446)
plebeian member of the common people in ancient
Rome (p. 269)
polis the early Greek city-state, made up of a city
and the surrounding countryside and run like
an independent country (p. 122)
pope the bishop of Rome, later the head of the
Roman Catholic Church (p. 356)
popular sovereignty idea that a government receives
its power from the people (p. 700)
porcelain type of ceramic ware that is made of fine
clay and baked at high temperatures (p. 418)
praetor important government official in ancient
Rome (p. 270)
predestination belief that no matter what a person
does, the outcome of his or her life is already
planned by God (p. 640)
propaganda controlled spread of biased information
to influence what people think (p. 786)
prophet person believed to be instructed by God to
share Gods words (p. 87)
protectorate small country ruled by and/or
protected by a larger one (p. 763)
proverb wise saying (p. 89)
province political district (p. 28)
pyramid huge stone structure built by the ancient
Egyptians to serve as a tomb (p. 50)
quipu rope with knotted cords of different lengths
and colors (p. 588)
Quran holy book of Islam (p. 377)
rabbi Jewish leader and teacher of the Torah
(p. 101)
racial segregation separation or isolation of people to
specific residential areas, organizations, or
institutions based upon their race (p. 840)
raja prince who led an Aryan tribe in India (p. 199)
rationalism the belief that reason is the chief source
of knowledge (p. 678)
rationing system of limiting the amounts of food
and materials in use (p. 786)
Reconquista (reconquest) Christian struggle to
take back the Iberian Peninsula from the
Muslims (p. 558)
reform change that tries to bring about an
improvement (pp. 320, 411)
Reformation movement to reform the Catholic
Church; led to the creation of Protestantism
(p. 634)
refugee person who flees to another country to
escape persecution or disaster (p. 870)
regent person who acts as a temporary ruler (p. 334)
reincarnation rebirth of the soul or spirit in different
bodies over time (p. 204)
Renaissance (rebirth) period of renewed interest in
art and learning in Europe (p. 609)
reparation payments made to the winner of a war
by a losing country to pay for damages; war
damages (p. 791)
representative democracy system of government in
which citizens choose a smaller group to make
laws and governmental decisions on their behalf
(p. 139)
representative government system of government in
which people elect leaders to make laws (p. 694)
republic form of government in which the leader is
not a king or queen but a person elected by
citizens (p. 265)
resurrection the act of rising from the dead (p. 347)
rhetoric public speaking (p. 307)
Sabbath weekly day of worship and rest for Jews
(p. 94)
saint Christian holy person (p. 333)
salvation the act of being saved from sin and
allowed to enter heaven (p. 350)
952 Glossary
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samurai textile
samurai class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged
loyalty to a noble in return for land (p. 494)
Sanskrit written language developed by the Aryans
(p. 199)
satire work that pokes fun at human weaknesses
(p. 304)
satrap official who ruled a state in the Persian
Empire under Darius (p. 133)
satrapies the 20 states into which Darius divided the
Persian Empire (p. 133)
savanna grassy plain (p. 69)
schism separation (p. 361)
scholasticism medieval way of thinking that tried to
bring together reason and faith in studies of
religion (p. 550)
scientific method orderly way of collecting and
analyzing evidence (p. 679)
scribe record keeper (p. 20)
sect a smaller group with distinct beliefs within a
larger religious group (p. 499)
secular interested in worldly rather than religious
matters (p. 609)
seminary school for training and educating priests
and ministers (p. 643)
separation of powers equal division of power among
the branches of government (p. 682)
sepoy Indian soldier hired by the British East India
Company to protect the companys interests in
the region (p. 765)
serf peasant laborer bound by law to the lands of a
noble (p. 524)
sheikh leader of an Arab tribe (p. 373)
Shiite Muslim group that accepts only the
descendants of Muhammads son-in-law Ali as
rightful rulers of Muslims (p. 382)
shogun military ruler of feudal Japan (p. 495)
shrine holy place (p. 490)
social class group of people who share a similar
position in society (p. 233)
social contract agreement between rulers and the
people upon which a government is based (p. 682)
socialism social system based on shared or
governmental ownership of businesses,
factories, land, and raw materials (p. 735)
Socratic method way of teaching developed by
Socrates that used a question-and-answer
format to force students to use their reason to
see things for themselves (p. 170)
solid geometry branch of mathematics that studies
spheres and cylinders (p. 186)
Sophist professional teacher in ancient Greece;
believed that people should use knowledge to
improve themselves and developed the art of
public speaking and debate (p. 169)
soviet Russian committee or council made up of
representatives from the workers, soldiers, and
peasants (p. 794)
specialization the development of different kinds of
jobs (p. 15)
sphere of influence area in which an imperial or
foreign power has exclusive rights and
privileges (p. 763)
steppe wide, rolling, grassy plain (p. 424)
Stoicism philosophy founded by Zeno in Hellenistic
Athens; taught that happiness came not from
following emotions, but from following reason
and doing ones duty (p. 184)
stupa Buddhist shrine that is shaped like a dome or
mound (p. 211)
subcontinent large landmass that is part of a
continent but distinct from it (p. 195)
sultan military and political leader with absolute
authority over a Muslim country (pp. 383, 467)
Sunni Muslim group that accepts descendants of the
Umayyads as rightful rulers of Muslims (p. 382)
Swahili refers to the culture and language of East
Africa (p. 467)
synagogue Jewish house of worship (p. 94)
tanka Japans oldest form of poetry; an unrhymed
poem of five lines (p. 501)
technology tools and methods used to help humans
perform tasks (p. 11)
terror violent actions that are meant to scare people
into surrendering (p. 426)
terrorism use of violence against citizens to achieve
political goals (p. 892)
textile woven or knit cloth (p. 726)
Glossary 953
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theocracy Zoroastrianism
theocracy government headed by religious leaders
(p. 208)
theology the study of religion and God (pp. 550, 640)
theory an explanation of how or why something
happens (p. 671)
Torah the laws that, according to the Bible, Moses
received from God on Mount Sinai; these laws
later became the first part of the Hebrew Bible
(p. 82)
totalitarian state political state in which the
government tries to totally control the way
citizens think and live (p. 808)
tragedy form of drama in which a person struggles
to overcome difficulties but meets an unhappy
end (p. 160)
treason disloyalty to the government (pp. 431, 599)
trial jury group that decided whether an accused
person was innocent or guilty (p. 537)
tribe group of related families (pp. 81, 424)
tribute payment made by one group or nation to
another to show obedience or to obtain peace or
protection (pp. 60, 89)
triumvirate in ancient Rome, a three-person ruling
group (p. 280)
Truman Doctrine U.S. policy to provide economic aid
to Greece and Turkey after World War II; named
after U.S. President Harry S Truman who
created the plan (p. 834)
tyrant person who takes power by force and rules
with total authority (p. 125)
urbanization movement of people from rural areas
to cities (p. 732)
vassal in feudalism, a noble who held land from
and served a higher-ranking lord, and in return
was given protection (pp. 496, 523)
vault curved structure of stone or concrete forming
a ceiling or roof (p. 303)
vernacular everyday language used in a country or
region (pp. 552, 620)
veto to reject (p. 270)
warlord military leader who runs a government
(p. 409)
weapons of mass destruction nuclear, chemical, or
biological weapons that can kill or destroy on a
very large scale (p. 894)
Zoroastrianism Persian religion founded by
Zoroaster; taught that humans had the freedom
to choose between right and wrong, and that
goodness would triumph in the end (p. 133)
954 Glossary
947-954 EM-Gloss-868873 9/9/04 7:52 AM Page 954
abolitionism / abolicionismo movimiento para
terminar con la esclavitud (pg. 753)
absolutism / absolutismo sistema de gobierno en
que los monarcas tiene poder absoluto y
alegan gobernar segn decreto divino
(pg. 686)
acupuncture / acupuntura prctica china para aliviar el
dolor clavando la piel de los pacientes con
agujas delgadas (pg. 246)
adobe / adobe ladrillo de barro secado al sol
(pg. 591)
agora / gora en las primeras ciudades-estado
griegas, un rea abierta que serva tanto de
mercado como de lugar de reunin
(pg. 122)
alphabet / alfabeto grupo de letras que representan
sonidos (pg. 85)
anatomy / anatoma estudio de la estructura corporal
(pg. 305)
animism / animismo creencia de que todas las cosas
naturales estn vivas y tienen sus propios
espritus (pg. 490)
annul / anular el acto de invalidar (pg. 648)
anthropologist / antroplogo cientfico que estudia las
caractersticas fsicas y las culturas de los seres
humanos y sus antepasados (pg. 9)
anti-Semitism / antisemitismo odio hacia los judos
(pg. 548)
apartheid / apartheid poltica de segregacin racial
establecida en Sudfrica, que se aplic de 1948 a
1991. Palabra en lengua afrikaans que significa
separacin (pgs. 806, 872)
apostle / apstol antiguo lder cristano que fue
elegido por Jess para difundir su mensaje
(pg. 348)
appeasement / conciliacin evitar la guerra mediante
la satisfaccin de las demandas de un gobierno
extranjero (pg. 814)
aqueduct / acueducto canal construido por el hombre
para transportar agua (pg. 291)
archaeologist / arquelogo cientfico que aprende
acerca de la vida humana en el pasado
estudiando fsiles y artefactos (pg. 9)
aristocrat / aristcrata noble cuya riqueza provena
de la propiedad de la tierra (pg. 227)
armistice / armisticio acuerdo para terminar las
hostilidades; cese al fuego (pg. 790)
artifact / artefacto arma, herramienta u otro artculo
hecho por humanos (pg. 9)
artisan / artesano persona hbil artsticamente
(pg. 20)
astronomer / astrnomo persona que estudia las
estrellas, a los planetas y a otros cuerpos
celestiales (pgs. 30, 185)
barbarian / brbaro persona incivilizada (pg. 435)
barter / trueque intercambiar bienes sin utilizar
dinero (pg. 319)
bazaar / bazar mercado (pg. 389)
blockade / bloqueo uso de embarcaciones de guerra
para detener la entrada o salida de bienes y
personas de un rea (pg. 787)
bourgeoisie / burguesa clase media de la sociedad.
Incluye comerciantes, banqueros, mdicos,
abogados, maestros y otros profesionales
(pg. 715)
Brahman / Brahman en el hinduismo, el espritu
universal del que todos los deidades son partes
diferentes (pg. 203)
Buddhism / budismo religin fundada por
Siddhartha Gautama, Buda; ense que la
manera de hallar la verdad era renunciar a
todo deseo (pg. 205)
bureaucracy / burocracia grupo de funcionarios
designados que son responsables de diferentes
reas del gobierno (pg. 229)
caliph / califa importante lder poltico y religioso
musulmn (pg. 380)
calligraphy / caligrafa hermosa escritura a mano
(pg. 421); el arte de producir tal hermosa
escritura (pg. 501)
capital / capital dinero disponible para invertir en
negocios (pg. 726)
abolitionism /
abolicionismo capital / capital
Spanish Glossary 955
955-964 EM-Span Gloss-875050 10/7/06 6:36 AM Page 955
caravan / caravana deism / desmo
caravan / caravana grupo itinerante de mercaderes y
animales (pgs. 30, 373)
caste / casta grupo social en el que una persona nace
y que no puede cambiar (pg. 199)
cataract / catarata rpidos empinados formados por
precipicios y rocas erosionadas en un ro (pg. 39)
caudillos / caudillos lderes fuertes que gobernaron
mediante el uso de la fuerza militar.
Generalmente contaban con el apoyo de los ricos
y la clase alta (pg. 751)
census / censo conteo del nmero de personas
(pg. 432)
city-state / ciudad-estado estado independiente
compuesto por una ciudad y la tierra y aldeas
circundantes (pg. 19)
civil disobedience / desobediencia civil rehusarse a
obedecer leyes injustas de un gobierno (pg. 843)
civilization / civilizacin sociedad compleja, con
ciudades, un gobierno organizado, arte, religin,
divisiones de clase y un sistema de escritura
(pg. 17)
clan / clan grupo de familias relacionadas por sangre
o casamiento (pgs. 461, 487)
clergy / clero funcionarios religiosos, como los
sacerdotes, con autoridad concedida para llevar
a cabo servicios religiosos (pgs. 355, 538)
collectivization / colectivizacin sistema en el que se
unen numerosas parcelas, para formar grandes
campos agrcolas que funcionan como fbricas y
son controladas por el estado (pg. 810)
colony / colonia asentamiento en un territorio nuevo
que mantiene lazos cercanos con su tierra natal
(pgs. 121, 666, 763)
comedy / comedia forma de drama en el que la
historia tiene un final feliz (pg. 161)
commerce / comercio compra y venta de bienes en
cantidades grandes y a travs de largas
distancias (pg. 666)
concordat / concordato acuerdo entre el Papa y el
gobernante de un pas (pg. 521)
confederation / confederacin unin libre de varios
grupos o estados (pg. 592)
Confucianism / confucianismo sistema de creencias
introducidas por el pensador chino Confucio;
ense que las personas necesitaban tener un
sentido del deber hacia su familia y la comunidad
para llevar paz a la sociedad (pg. 236)
conquistador / conquistador soldado espaol en las
Amricas (pg. 595)
conscription / conscripcin reclutamiento forzoso en el
servicio militar; servicio militar (pg. 782)
constitution / constitucin plan de gobierno
(pgs. 488, 694)
consul / cnsul uno de los dos altos funcionarios en
la Roma antigua (pg. 270)
containment / contencin polticas de los Estados
Unidos diseadas para evitar el avance del
comunismo (pg. 834)
corporation / corporacin organizacin empresarial,
comercial o mercantil que puede poseer
propiedades, as como obtener fondos
mediante la venta de acciones a inversionistas
(pg. 728)
coup detat / golpe de estado sustitucin forzada de
los dirigentes de gobierno por otros dirigentes
(pg. 720)
covenant / pacto acuerdo (pg. 82)
crier / almuecn anunciador que llama a los
creyentes musulmanes a orar cinco veces al da
(pg. 394)
cuneiform / cuneiforme sistema sumerio de escritura
compuesto de smbolos con forma de cua
(pg. 20)
currency / moneda sistema monetario (pg. 294)
daimyo / daimyo poderoso seor militar en el Japn
feudal (pgs. 496, 777)
Dao / Dao manera apropiada en que se esperaba que
los reyes chinos gobernaran bajo el Mandato del
Cielo (pg. 230)
Daoism / daosmo filosofa china basada en las
enseanzas de Laozi; ense que las personas
deban volverse a la naturaleza y renunciar a sus
preocupaciones terrenales (pg. 238)
D-day / Da D 6 de junio de 1944. Da en que las
fuerzas aliadas invadieron Normanda,
Francia, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial
(pg. 828)
deforestation / deforestacin tala de los bosques
(pg. 890)
deism / desmo doctrina religiosa basada en la razn
(pg. 685)
956 Spanish Glossary

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deity / deidad fable / fbula
deity / deidad dios o diosa (pg. 49)
delta / delta rea de tierra frtil en la boca de un ro
(pg. 39)
democracy / democracia forma de gobierno en la que
todos los ciudadanos participan en la
administracin del gobierno (pg. 126)
denomination / denominacin rama organizada del
cristianismo (pg. 636)
depression / depresin periodo de baja actividad
econmica en el que muchas personas quedan
desempleadas (pg. 806)
dtente / detente poltica que promueve el aliviamiento
de las tensiones entre pases (pg. 881)
dharma / dharma en el hinduismo, la ley divina que
llama a las personas a realizar los deberes de su
casta (pg. 204)
dhow / dhow velero rabe (pg. 452)
Diaspora / dispora se refiere al esparcimiento de
las comunidades de judos fuera de su tierra
natal despus del cautiverio babilnico (pg. 96)
dictator / dictador en la Roma antigua, una persona
que gobernaba temporalmente con poder
absoluto durante emergencias (pg. 271)
diplomacy / diplomacia el arte de negociar con otros
pases (pg. 615)
direct democracy / democracia directa sistema de
gobierno en el que las personas se congregan en
reuniones masivas para decidir sobre asuntos de
gobierno (pg. 139)
disciple / discpulo seguidor de Jesucristo (pg. 344)
doctrine / doctrina enseanza oficial de la iglesia
(pg. 355)
domesticate / domesticar domar animales y plantas
para uso humano (pg. 13)
drama / drama historia contada por actores que
pretenden ser personajes en la misma (pg. 160)
duma / duma asamblea nacional rusa conformada
por legisladores electos (pg. 793)
dynasty / dinasta lnea de gobernantes de la misma
familia (pgs. 44, 210, 226)
economy / economa manera organizada en la que las
personas producen, venden y compran bienes y
servicios (pg. 410)
embalming / embalsamado proceso desarrollado por
los antiguos egipcios para la conservacin del
cuerpo de una persona despus de muerta
(pg. 49)
embargo / embargo ley que prohibe o limita el
intercambio comercial con otro pas
(pg. 863)
empire / imperio grupo de territorios o naciones
bajo un mismo mandatario o gobierno
(pgs. 23, 89)
entente / pacto acuerdo entre naciones que permite
realizar acciones comunes (pg. 782)
epic / epopeya poema largo que cuenta acerca de
actos legendarios o heroicos (pg. 157)
Epicureanism / epicuresmo filosofa fundada por
Epicuro en la Atenas helenista; ense que la
felicidad a travs de la persecucin del placer
era la meta de la vida (pg. 184)
estates / estados clases en las cuales se dividan los
habitantes de Francia, antes de la Revolucin:
el clero catlico (Primer estado), la nobleza
(Segundo estado) y los ciudadanos (Tercer
estado) (pg. 715)
ethnic cleansing / limpieza tnica uso de la fuerza para
eliminar a un grupo tnico de una regin
determinada (pg. 884)
euro / euro moneda comn de los pases de la
Unin Europea desde 1999 (pg. 889)
excommunicate / excomulgar declarar que una
persona o grupo no pertenece ms a la iglesia
(pgs. 361, 521)
exile / exilio perodo de ausencia forzada de una
persona de su pas u hogar (pg. 94)
export / exportar vender a otro pas (pgs. 666, 861)
extended family / familia extendida grupo familiar que
incluye a varias generaciones as como a otros
parientes (pg. 469)
extraterritoriality / extraterritorialidad prctica legal
que se aplica a extranjeros que habitan en un
pas, pero no son sujetos de sus leyes
(pg. 773)
fable / fbula cuento corto que ensea una leccin
(pg. 158)
Spanish Glossary 957

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feudalism / feudalismo indulgence / indulgencia
feudalism / feudalismo sistema poltico basado en lazos
de lealtad entre seores y vasallos (pgs. 497, 523)
fief / feudo bajo el feudalismo, la tierra que un seor
otorgaba a un vasallo a cambio de su servicio
militar y lealtad (pg. 524)
filial piety / piedad filial el respeto de los nios para
sus padres y parientes mayores, una parte
importante de las creencias confucianas (pg. 234)
fjord / fiordo valle de paredes abruptas que es una
baha del mar (pg. 518)
Forum / Foro espacio abierto en Roma que serva
como mercado y plaza pblica (pg. 306)
fossil / fsil huella o impresin de una planta o
animal que se ha conservado en piedra (pg. 9)
genocide / genocidio asesinato deliberado de un
grupo tnico, poltico o cultural (pg. 827)
glacier / glaciar masa inmensa de hielo (pg. 573)
gladiator / gladiador en la Roma antigua, persona que
peleaba contra animales y otras personas como
entretenimiento pblico (pg. 306)
glasnost / glasnost poltica establecida por Mikhail
Gorbachev en la Unin Sovitica, que permiti
la discucin abierta de ideas polticas y sociales
(pg. 882)
globalism / globalismo nocin de que la economa y
las politicas de todos los pases forman parte de
un sistema mundial nico (pg. 889)
gospel / evangelio (buena nueva) uno de los
cuatro relatos sobre la vida, enseanzas y
resurreccin de Jesucristo (pg. 355)
grand jury / gran jurado grupo que decide si hay
suficiente evidencia para acusar a una persona
de un delito (pg. 537)
griot / griot narrador en poblados africanos (pg. 449)
guild / gremio grupo medieval de negocios formado
por artesanos y mercaderes (pgs. 503, 530)
guru / gur maestro religioso y gua espiritual en el
hinduismo (pg. 201)
Hellenistic Era / Era helenista perodo cuando el idioma
y las ideas griegas se esparcieron a los habitantes
no griegos del suroeste de Asia (pg. 178)
helot / ilota persona conquistada y esclavizada por
los espartanos antiguos (pg. 126)
heresy / hereja creencia que difiere de las
enseanzas aceptadas de una religin o que las
contradice (pgs. 547, 643)
hierarchy / jerarqua organizacin con diferentes
niveles de autoridad (pg. 355)
hieroglyphics / jeroglficos sistema de escritura
compuesto por miles de smbolos grficos
desarrollados por los antiguos egipcios
(pg. 42)
Hinduism / hinduismo sistema religioso que se origin
a partir de la religin de los arios en la antigua
India (pg. 203)
historian / historiador persona que estudia y escribe
acerca del pasado humano (pg. 9)
humanism / humanismo movimiento del renacimiento
basado en las ideas y los valores de los antiguos
romanos y griegos, de tal manera que los
individuos y la sociedad humana eran
importantes (pg. 619)
hypothesis / hiptesis explicacin que se propone de
los hechos (pg. 679)
icon / icono imagen o retrato religioso cristiano
(pg. 359)
iconoclast / iconoclasta persona que se opona al uso
de dolos en las iglesias bizantinas, aludiendo
que los iconos alentaban el culto de dolos
(pg. 360)
ideograph / ideografa un carcter que une dos o
ms pictografas para representar una idea
(pg. 228)
igloo / igl casa con forma de domo construida por
los inuitas (pg. 590)
imperialism / imperialismo ocurre cuando una nacin
controla el gobierno o la economa de otras
naciones ms pequeas o ms dbiles
(pg. 763)
import / importar comprar de otro pas (pg. 666)
incense / incienso material que al quemarse despide
un olor agradable (pg. 62)
indulgence / indulgencia reduca la penitencia de la
Iglesia por un pecado (pg. 634)
958 Spanish Glossary

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Industrialism / industrialismo mobilization / movilizacin
Industrialism / industrialismo sistema econmico en el
cual las personas dependen ms del uso de
maquinaria y tecnologa, que del uso de fuerza
animal o humana (pg. 725)
inflation / inflacin perodo de incremento rpido de
precios (pgs. 319, 806)
intifada / intifada levantamiento armado de los
palestinos contra la ocupacin israel de la
Franja de Gaza y la Ribera Occidental
(pg. 878)
invest / invertir poner dinero en un proyecto
(pg. 667)
irrigation / irrigacin mtodo para llevar agua de otro
lugar a un campo para regar las cosechas
(pg. 18)
kaiser / kiser palabra alemana que significa
emperador (pg. 748)
karma / karma en el hinduismo, la energa buena o
mala que una persona desarrolla segn si vive
una vida buena o mala (pg. 204)
knight / caballero en la Edad Media, un guerrero
noble que peleaba a caballo (pg. 524)
labor union / sindicato asociacin de trabajadores que
se unen para mejorar los derechos, los salarios,
las prestaciones y las condiciones laborales de
los trabajadores (pg. 736)
laity / laicado miembros de iglesia que no
constituyen el clero (pg. 355)
latifundia / latifundios grandes propiedades agrcolas
en la Roma antigua (pg. 278)
legacy / legado lo que una persona deja cuando
muere (pg. 178)
Legalism / legalismo filosofa china desarrollada
por Hanfeizi; ense que los humanos son
naturalmente malos y por lo tanto necesitaban
ser gobernados por leyes duras (pg. 239)
legion / legin unidad ms pequea del ejrcito
romano, compuesta por aproximadamente
6,000 soldados (pg. 266)
liberalism / liberalismo corriente poltica basada en
las ideas de la Ilustracin, las cuales hacen
nfasis en el progreso, la bondad intrnseca del
ser humano y las libertades individuales
(pg. 735)
limited government / gobierno limitado idea de que un
gobierno slo puede usar los poderes cedidos
por los ciudadanos (pg. 700)
mandate / mandato orden formal (pgs. 230, 792)
Marshall Plan / Plan Marshall programa patrocinado
por los Estados Unidos para proporcionar
ayuda a los pases europeos despus de la
Segunda Guerra Mundial, de 1948 a 1951.
Fue nombrada as en honor a George Marshall,
entonces secretario de estado de los Estados
Unidos, y quien la propuso al Congreso
(pg. 834)
martial arts / artes marciales deportes, como el judo y
el karate, que involucran combate y defensa
personal (pg. 499)
martyr / mrtir persona dispuesta a morir antes que
renunciar a sus creencias (pg. 353)
mass / misa servicio de culto Catlico (pg. 546)
matrilineal / matrilineal se refiere a un grupo de
personas que busca su ascendencia a travs de
las madres ms que de los padres (pg. 469)
meditation / meditacin prctica de reflexin
silenciosa para aclarar la mente y encontrar la
paz interior (pg. 499)
mercantilism / mercantilismo doctrina segn la
cual un pas obtiene poder al amasar un
abastecimiento de oro y plata (pg. 666)
messiah / mesas en el judasmo, un salvador
mandado por Dios (pgs. 101, 344)
militarism / militarismo fascinacin con la guerra y
los asuntos militares (pg. 782)
minaret / minarete torre de una mezquita desde
donde el almuecn llama a los creyentes a la
oracin cinco veces al da (pg. 394)
missionary / misionero persona que viaja para llevar
las ideas de una religin a otros (pgs. 363, 520)
mobilization / movilizacin disposicin y movimiento
de tropas que se preparan para realizar acciones
militares (pg. 784)
Spanish Glossary 959

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monastery / monasterio pictograph / pictografa
monastery / monasterio comunidad religiosa donde
los monjes viven y trabajan (pgs. 362, 413)
monopoly / monopolio el control de todo (o casi todo)
el comercio o la produccin de ciertos bienes
(pg. 576)
monotheism / monotesmo la creencia en un solo dios
(pg. 81)
monsoon / monzn en la Asia del sur, un viento
fuerte que sopla en una direccin en el invierno
y en la direccin opuesta en el verano
(pg. 195)
mosaic / mosaico figura hecha con muchos trozos de
vidrios de colores, azulejo o piedra (pg. 333)
mosque / mezquita casa de culto musulmana
(pg. 389)
mummy / momia cuerpo que se ha embalsamado y
envuelto en lino (pg. 50)
myth / mito cuento tradicional que describe dioses
o a hroes o explica eventos naturales
(pg. 155)
nationalize / nacionalizar eliminar la propiedad
privada de bienes o de capital, para sustituirla
por el control del gobierno (pg. 865)
natural law / ley natural ley que se aplica a todos y la
cual puede entenderse por razonamiento
(pg. 681)
nirvana / nirvana en el budismo, un estado de
sabidura y libertad del ciclo del renacimiento
(pg. 205)
nomad / nmada persona que regularmente se
mueve de un lugar a otro (pg. 10)
novel / novela historia ficticia larga (pg. 432)
nuclear proliferation / proliferacin nuclear aumento
del nmero de armas nucleares (pg. 890)
oasis / oasis rea verde en un desierto, alimentada
por agua subterrnea (pg. 373)
ode / oda poema que expresa emociones fuertes
acerca de la vida (pg. 304)
oligarchy / oligarqua gobierno en el que un grupo
pequeo de personas mantiene el poder
(pg. 126)
oracle / orculo templo sagrado en donde un
sacerdote o sacerdotisa hablaban a nombre de
un dios o diosa (pg. 156)
oral history / historia oral historias transmitidas de
generacin en generacin (pg. 470)
Pan-Africanism / Panafricanismo movimiento para unir
a los africanos de piel negra de todo el mundo,
con el fin de lograr la independencia de las
naciones africanas (pg. 852)
papyrus / papiro planta de juncos del Valle de Nilo,
empleada para hacer un tipo de papel
(pg. 42)
parable / parbola historia que usa acontecimientos
de la vida diaria para expresar ideas espirituales
(pg. 345)
partnership / sociedad compaa que es propiedad de
dos o ms personas, quienes acuerdan compartir
las ganancias y las prdidas (pg. 728)
paterfamilias / paterfamilias (padre de la familia)
nombre dado al padre como cabeza de la casa en
la Roma antigua (pg. 307)
patrician / patricio hacendado poderoso y miembro
de la clase gobernante en la Roma antigua
(pg. 269)
Pax Romana / Paz Romana era prolongada de paz y
seguridad en el Imperio Romano (pg. 287)
peninsula / pennsula extensin territorial rodeada de
agua en tres lados (pg. 117)
perestroika / perestroika plan establecido por Mikhail
Gorbachev para reconstruir el gobierno y la
economa de la Unin Sovitica (pg. 882)
persecute / perseguir maltratar una persona a causa
de sus creencias o diferencias (pg. 353)
pharaoh / faran rey todopoderoso en el antiguo
Egipto (pg. 48)
philosopher / filsofo pensador que busca la
sabidura y formula preguntas acerca de la vida
(pgs. 140, 169)
philosophy / filosofa estudio de la naturaleza y
significando de la vida; viene de la palabra
griega que significa amor a la sabidura
(pg. 169)
pictograph / pictografa carcter que representa a un
objeto (pg. 228)
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pilgrim / peregrino reparation / gastos de reparacin
pilgrim / peregrino persona que viaja para ir a un
relicario o sitio religioso (pg. 213)
plague / peste enfermedad que se esparce
rpidamente y mata a muchas personas
(pgs. 319, 554)
plane geometry / geometra plana rama de las
matemticas que muestra cmo se relacionan los
puntos, las lneas, los ngulos y las superficies
(pg. 185)
plateau / meseta rea de tierra alta y plana
(pg. 446)
plebeian / plebeyo miembro de las personas comunes
en la Roma antigua (pg. 269)
polis / polis antigua ciudad-estado griega,
compuesta de una ciudad y las reas
circundantes y gobernada como un pas
independiente (pg. 122)
pope / Papa el obispo de Roma, posteriormente,
la cabeza de la iglesia catlica romana
(pg. 356)
popular sovereignty / soberana popular idea de que un
gobierno recibe su poder de los ciudadanos
(pg. 700)
porcelain / porcelana tipo de artculo de cermica
hecho de arcilla fina y horneado a altas
temperaturas (pg. 418)
praetor / pretor importante funcionario de gobierno
en la Roma antigua (pg. 270)
predestination / predestinacin creencia de que sea lo
que sea que haga una persona, el resultado de
su vida ya ha sido planificado por Dios
(pg. 640)
propaganda / propaganda diseminacin controlada de
informacin sesgada, para influir en las ideas de
las personas sobre algn asunto determinado
(pg. 786)
prophet / profeta persona de quien se cree haber
sido instruida por Dios para compartir Sus
palabras (pg. 87)
protectorate / protectorado pas pequeo que es
protegido o que est bajo el dominio de un pas
ms grande (pg. 763)
proverb / proverbio dicho sabio (pg. 89)
province / provincia distrito poltico (pg. 28)
pyramid / pirmide inmensa estructura de piedra
construida por los antiguos egipcios para
utilizarse como una tumba (pg. 50)
quipu / quipu lazo con cuerdas anudadas de
longitudes y colores diferentes (pg. 588)
Quran / Corn libro sagrado del Islam (pg. 377)
rabbi / rabino lder judo y maestro del Tor
(pg. 101)
racial segregation / segregacin racial separacin o
aislamiento de personas en reas habitacionales,
organizaciones e instituciones especficas, segn
su etnicidad (pg. 840)
raja / raj prncipe que dirigi a una tribu aria en la
India (pg. 199)
rationalism / racionalismo la creencia de que la razn
es la fuente principal del conocimiento
(pg. 678)
rationing / racionamiento limitacin de la cantidad
de alimentos y materiales disponibles
(pg. 785)
Reconquista (reconquest) / Reconquista lucha
cristiana para recuperar la pennsula Ibrica de
los musulmanes (pg. 558)
reform / reforma cambio que intenta producir una
mejora (pgs. 320, 411)
Reformation / Reforma movimiento para reformar la
iglesia catlica; condujo a la creacin del
protestantismo (pg. 634)
refugee / refugiado persona que huye hacia otro
pas para escapar de desastres o persecucin
(pg. 870)
regent / regente persona que opera como un
gobernante temporal (pg. 334)
reincarnation / reencarnacin renacimiento del alma o
el espritu en cuerpos diferentes a travs del
tiempo (pg. 204)
Renaissance / Renacimiento (nacer de nuevo)
perodo en que se renov el inters en las artes y
el conocimiento en Europa (pg. 609)
reparation / gastos de reparacin pagos que el pas
derrotado en una guerra se compromete a
realizar, para resarcir al pas victorioso de los
daos sufridos; daos colaterales de la guerra
(pg. 791)
Spanish Glossary 961

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representative democracy / democracia representativa Sophist / Sofista
representative democracy / democracia representativa
sistema de gobierno en el que los ciudadanos
escogen a un grupo ms pequeo para
promulgar leyes y tomar decisiones
gubernamentales en su nombre (pg. 139)
representative government / gobierno representativo
sistema de gobierno en que los ciudadanos
eligen a sus lderes para promulgar leyes
(pg. 694)
republic / repblica forma de gobierno en la que el
lder no es un rey ni una reina sino una persona
elegida por los ciudadanos (pg. 265)
resurrection / resurreccin acto de volver a la vida
(pg. 347)
rhetoric / retrica hablar en pblico (pg. 307)
Sabbath / sabbat da semanal de culto y descanso
para los judos (pg. 94)
saint / santo persona cristiana santificada
(pg. 333)
salvation / salvacin acto de ser salvado del pecado y
aceptado para entrar al cielo (pg. 350)
samurai / samurai clase de guerreros en el Japn
feudal que prometa lealtad a un noble a cambio
de tierra (pg. 494)
Sanskrit / Snscrito idioma escrito desarrollado por
los arios (pg. 199)
satire / stira obra que hace burla de las debilidades
humanas (pg. 304)
satrap / strapas funcionario que gobernaba un
estado en el Imperio prsico durante la poca de
Daro (pg. 133)
satrapies / satrapies los 20 estados en los cuales Daro
dividi al Imperio prsico (pg. 133)
savanna / sabana llanura cubierta de hierba
(pg. 69)
schism / cisma separacin (pg. 361)
scholasticism / escolasticismo forma de pensamiento
medieval que trat de unir a la razn y a la fe en
estudios religiosos (pg. 550)
scientific method / mtodo cientfico manera organizada
de recoger y analizar pruebas (pg. 679)
scribe / escriba conservador de registros (pg. 20)
sect / secta un grupo ms pequeo con creencias
distintas dentro de un grupo religioso ms
grande (pg. 499)
secular / secular que se interesa en bienes materiales
en lugar de asuntos religiosos (pg. 609)
seminary / seminario escuela en donde se entrenan y
se educan a los sacerdotes y los ministros
(pg. 643)
separation of powers / separacin de poderes divisin
equitativa de los poderes entre las ramas del
gobierno (pg. 682)
sepoy / cipayo soldado indio contratado por la
Compaa Britnica del Oriente de la India
(British East India Company) para proteger los
intereses de la compaa en la regin (pg. 765)
serf / siervo trabajador campesino atado por ley a
las tierras de un noble (pg. 524)
sheikh / jeque lder de una tribu rabe (pg. 373)
Shiite / chita grupo musulmn que acepta slo a
los descendientes de Ali, el hijo poltico de
Mahoma, como autnticos lderes de los
musulmanes (pg. 382)
shogun / shogun gobernante militar del Japn feudal
(pg. 495)
shrine / santuario lugar sagrado (pg. 490)
social class / clase social grupo de personas que
comparten una posicin semejante en la
sociedad (pg. 233)
social contract / contrato social acuerdo entre
mandatarios y ciudadanos sobre el cual se basa
un gobierno (pg. 682)
socialism / socialismo sistema social basado en la
propiedad compartida de empresas, fbricas,
tierras y materias primas (pg. 735)
Socratic method / mtodo socrtico mtodo de
enseanza desarrollado por Scrates que emplea
un formato de pregunta y respuesta para forzar
a los estudiantes a utilizar su raciocinio para ver
las cosas por s mismos (pg. 170)
solid geometry / geometra slida rama de las
matemticas que estudia a las esferas y los
cilindros (pg. 186)
Sophist / Sofista maestro profesional en Grecia
antigua; crean que las personas deben utilizar el
conocimiento para mejorarse a s mismas y
desarrollaron el arte de hablar en pblico y el
debate (pg. 169)
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soviet / soviet vassal / vasallo
soviet / soviet consejo o comit ruso formado por
representantes de los trabajadores, soldados y
campesinos (pg. 794)
specialization / especializacin desarrollo de diferentes
tipos de trabajos (pg. 15)
sphere of influence / esfera de influencia rea sobre la
cual una potencia extranjera o imperial tiene
derechos y privilegios exclusivos (pg. 763)
steppe / estepa ancha planicie ondeada cubierta de
hierba (pg. 424)
Stoicism / estoicismo filosofa fundada por Zeno en
la Atenas Helenista; enseaba que la felicidad
provena no de seguir a las emociones, sino
a la razn y de cumplir con nuestro deber
(pg. 184)
stupa / estupa templo budista con forma de cpula o
montculo (pg. 211)
subcontinent / subcontinente gran masa de tierra que
forma parte de un continente pero est separada
de l (pg. 195)
sultan / sultn lder poltico y militar con autoridad
absoluta sobre un pas musulmn
(pgs. 383, 467)
Sunni / sunita grupo musulmn que slo acepta a
descendientes de los omeyas como autnticos
gobernantes de los musulmanes (pg. 382)
Swahili / suajili se refiere a la cultura e idioma de
frica Oriental (pg. 467)
synagogue / sinagoga casa de culto juda (pg. 94)
tanka / tanka forma ms antigua de poesa en
Japn; poema sin rima de cinco lneas
(pg. 501)
technology / tecnologa instrumentos y mtodos
utilizados para ayudar a los humanos a realizar
tareas (pg. 11)
terror / terror acciones violentas para atemorizar
personas para que rendirse (pg. 426)
terrorism / terrorismo uso de la violencia contra los
ciudadanos para lograr obejtivos polticos
(pg. 892)
textile / textil ropa tejida o fabricada (pg. 726)
theocracy / teocracia gobierno dirigido por lderes
religiosos (pg. 208)
theology / teologa el estudio de la religin y de Dios
(pgs. 550, 640)
theory / teora explicacin de cmo o por qu ocurre
algo (pg. 671)
Torah / Tor las leyes que, segn la Biblia, Moiss
recibi de Dios en el monte Sina; estas leyes se
convirtieron despus en la primera parte de la
Biblia hebrea (pg. 82)
totalitarian state / estado totalitario estado en el que el
gobierno trata de controlar por completo la
manera en que las personas viven y piensan
(pg. 808)
tragedy / tragedia forma de drama en la que una
persona se esfuerza para vencer dificultades
pero encuentra un final infeliz (pg. 160)
treason / traicin deslealtad al gobierno
(pgs. 431, 599)
trial jury / jurado grupo que decide si una persona
acusada es inocente o culpable (pg. 537)
tribe / tribu grupo de familias relacionadas
(pgs. 81, 424)
tribute / tributo pago realizado por un grupo o
nacin a otra para mostrar obediencia o para
obtener paz o proteccin (pgs. 60, 89)
triumvirate / triunvirato en la Roma antigua, un
grupo gobernante de tres personas (pg. 280)
Truman Doctrine / Doctrina Truman poltica de los
Estados Unidos diseada para ayudar
econmicamente a Grecia y a Turqua, despus
de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Recibi este
nombre en honor a su creador, Harry S Truman,
entonces presidente de los Estados Unidos
(pg. 834)
tyrant / tirano persona que toma el poder por la fuerza
y gobierna con autoridad total (pg. 125)
urbanization / urbanizacin migracin de habitantes
de reas rurales hacia la ciudad (pg. 732)
vassal / vasallo en el feudalismo, un noble que
ocupaba la tierra de un seor de ms alto rango
y lo serva, y a cambio le daba proteccin
(pgs. 496, 523)
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vault / bveda Zoroastrianism / zoroastrismo
vault / bveda estructura curva de piedra o cemento
que forma un techo (pg. 303)
vernacular / vernculo idioma cotidiano empleado en
un pas o regin (pgs. 552, 620)
veto / veto rechazar (pg. 270)
warlord / caudillo lder militar que dirige un
gobierno (pg. 409)
weapons of mass destruction / armas de destruccin
masiva armas qumicas, biolgicas o nucleares
que pueden matar a gran cantidad de gente o
causar grave destruccin (pg. 894)
Zoroastrianism / zoroastrismo religin persa fundada
por Zoroastro; enseaba que los humanos tenan
la libertad de escoger entre lo correcto y lo
incorrecto, y que la bondad triunfara al final
(pg. 133)
964 Spanish Glossary

955-964 EM-Span Gloss-875050 10/2/06 11:43 AM Page 964
Aachen [AHkuhn] City in Germany near
the Belgian and Dutch borders; capital
of Charlemagnes Frankish empire.
50N 6E (pp. 512, 516)
Actium [AKsheeuhm] Cape on the western
coast of Greece. 37N 23E (p. 297)
Aden [aydehn] Port city of the Red Sea in
southern Yemen. 12N 45E (p. 433)
Aden, Gulf of Western arm of the Arabian
Sea, between Yemen, Somalia, and
Djibouti. 11N 45E (p. 445)
Adrianople [AYdreeuhNOHpuhl] Ancient
city in northwestern Turkey, now
called Edirne. 41N 26E (p. 323)
Adriatic [AYdreeAtihk] Sea Arm of Mediter-
ranean Sea between Italy and the
Balkan Peninsula. 44N 14E (pp. 144,
263, 269, 274, 293, 516, 548, 609, 653,
688, 725, 747, 786, 832, 897)
Aegean [ihJEEuhn] Sea Gulf of the Medi-
terranean Sea between Greece and
Asia Minor, north of Crete. 39N 24E
(pp. 117, 134, 144, 149, 176, 548)
Afghanistan [afGAnuhSTAN] Central Asian
country west of Pakistan. 33N 63E
(pp. R3, R19, 176, 198, 765, 773, 845)
Africa [AFrihkah] Second-largest conti-
nent, south of Europe between the
Atlantic and Indian Oceans. 10N 22E
(pp. R2, R3, R4, R5, R20, R21, 33, 109,
262, 263, 269, 274, 293, 297, 352, 358, 361,
367, 380, 385, 433, 444, 446, 449, 460, 463,
468, 469, 473, 479, 518, 554, 565, 573, 658,
662, 668, 707, 709, 762, 767, 842, 870, 893)
Agincourt [AjuhnKOHRT] Village in north-
ern France. 52N 6E (pp. 557, 561)
Agra [AHgruh] City in India, site of the Taj
Mahal. 27N 78E (pp. 394, 845)
Ahaggar [uhHAHguhr] Mountains Arid,
rocky, upland region in southern
Algeria in the center of the Sahara.
25N 6E (p. 445)
Albania [alBAYneeuh] Country on the
Adriatic Sea, south of Yugoslavia. 42N
20E (pp. R3, 781, 786, 790, 832, 897)
Albany Capital city of New York. 42N
73W (p. 694)
Aleppo [uhLEHpoh] City of northwest
Syria near the Turkish border. 36N
37E (p. 799)
Alexandria [AlihgZANdreeuh] City and
major seaport in northern Egypt in
the Nile River delta. 31N 29E (pp.
176, 179, 182, 189, 246, 293, 323, 329,
352, 361, 367, 374)
Algeria [alJIHReeuh] Country in North
Africa. 29N 1E (pp. R2, R3, 767, 790,
Algiers [alJIHRZ] Capital city of Algeria,
largest Mediterranean port of north-
western Africa. 36N 2E (pp. R3, 385,
Alps [ALPS] Mountain system of south
central Europe. 46N 9E (pp. 263,
269, 274, 513, 514, 609, 653)
Alsace [alSAS] Region of France. 48N
7E (pp. 747, 781)
Altay Mountains Mountain range in Asia.
49N 87E (pp. R5, 225)
Altun Mountains Range of mountains that
are a part of the Kunlun Shan in
China. 35N 83E (p. 225)
Amazon [AmuhZAHN] River River in north-
ern South America, second-longest
river in the world. 2S 53W (pp. R2,
R4, 473, 565, 577)
Amman [aMAHN] Capital of Jordan. 32N
36E (pp. 792, 875)
Amsterdam [AHMstuhrdahm] Capital of the
Netherlands. 52N 4E (pp. 548, 725)
Amur River River of northeast Asia flow-
ing along the border between China
and Russia. 52N 141E (pp. 773, 825)
Andes [ANdeez] Mountain range along
the western edge of South America.
13S 75W (pp. R4, R15, 577)
Angola [angGOHluh] Southern African
country north of Namibia. 14S 16E
(pp. R3, 767, 870)
Ankara [AHNGkuhruh] Capital of Turkey.
40N 33E (p. 792)
Antioch [ANteeAHK] Ancient capital of
Syria, now a city in southern Turkey.
36N 36E (pp. 246, 352, 361, 367, 542)
Antwerp [ANTWUHRP] City in northern
Belgium. 51N 4E (pp. 548, 787)
Anyang [AHNYAHNG] City in northern
China, was Chinas first capital. 36N
114E (pp. 224, 226, 251)
Apennines [ApuhNYNZ] Mountain range
that runs through Italy. 43N 11E
(pp. 263, 269, 609, 653)
Appalachian Mountains Mountain system
of eastern North America. 38N 82W
(pp. R4, R11, 590, 694)
Aqaba [AHkuhbuh] Port city in Jordan.
29N 35E (pp. 799, 875)
Arabia [uhRAYbeeuh] Desert peninsula
of southwestern Asia across the Red
Sea to Africa. 27N 32E (pp. R18, R19,
17, 70, 109, 246, 329, 380, 385, 425, 433,
554, 799)
Arabian [uhRAYbeeuhn] Desert Arid
region in eastern Egypt; also called
the Eastern Desert. 22N 45E (pp.
R18, R19, 17, 28, 39, 75)
Arabian [uhRAYbeeuhn] Peninsula Great
desert peninsula in extreme south-
western Asia. 28N 40E (pp. R5,
R18, R19, 374, 445, 448, 452)
Arabian [uhRAYbeeuhn] Sea Portion of
the Indian Ocean between the
Arabian Peninsula and India. 16N
65E (pp. R3, R5, R19, 109, 176, 193,
195, 198, 210, 213, 219, 246, 374, 380,
409, 425, 433, 452, 554, 565, 765, 845)
Aragon Region and former kingdom in
northeastern Spain. 42N 1W (p. 538)
Aral [ARuhl] Sea Large inland sea in cen-
tral Asia. 45N 60E (pp. R3, R5, 132,
198, 246, 380, 383, 397, 424, 425, 554)
Arctic Ocean Smallest of the four oceans.
85N 170E (pp. R2, R3, 573, 590)
Argentina [AHRjuhnTEEnuh] South Ameri-
can country east of Chile. 36S 67W
(pp. R2, R14, 749, 860, 861)
Argonne [AHRgawn] Wooded region of
France. 49N 5E (pp. 786, 787)
Arkansas River River in the western United
States. 38N 100W (pp. R11, 663)
Armenia [ahrMEEneeuh] Southeastern
European country between the Black
and Caspian seas. 40N 45E (p. 883)
Asia Largest of the seven continents. 50N
100E (pp. R22, R23, 13, 17, 33, 409, 424,
439, 518, 565, 573, 662, 707, 709, 804,
813, 824, 831, 883, 893)
Asia Minor Region of the ancient world,
roughly corresponding to present-day
Turkey. 38N 31E (pp. R22, 17, 28, 117,
121, 132, 176, 179, 189, 269, 274, 277,
292, 293, 297, 323, 327, 329, 342, 352,
358, 361, 367, 374, 380, 385, 542)
Assyria [uhSIHReeuh] Ancient country in
Asia that included the Tigris River val-
ley in Mesopotamia. 35N 42E (p. 28)
A Gazetteer (GAzuhTIHR) is a geographic index or dictionary. It shows latitude and longitude for cities
and certain other places. Latitude and longitude are shown in this way: 48N 2E, or 48 degrees north
latitude and two degrees east longitude. This Gazetteer lists most of the worlds largest independent
countries, their capitals, and several important geographic features. The page numbers tell where each entry
can be found on a map in this book. As an aid to pronunciation, most entries are spelled phonetically.
Aachen Assyria
Gazetteer 965
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966 Index 966 Gazetteer
Athens [Athuhnz] Capital of Greece. 38N
23E (pp. 117, 121, 124, 125, 134, 138,
144, 149, 154, 176, 182, 293)
Atlantic Ocean Second-largest body of water
in the world. 5S 25W (pp. R29, R11,
R1316, R2022, 13, 121, 293, 329, 352,
361, 463, 473, 513, 516, 538, 555, 561, 573,
590, 645, 663, 691, 725, 769, 790, 832, 893)
Atlas [ATluhs] Mountains Mountain range
in northwestern Africa on the north-
ern edge of the Sahara. 31N 5W
(pp. R20, R21, 445)
Austerlitz Town in the southeast Czech
Republic. 49N 16E (p. 722)
Australia [awSTRAYLyuh] Island continent
southeast of Asia. 25S 135W (pp. R3,
R5, 13, 33, 662, 707, 762, 825, 893)
Austria [AWStreeuh] Country in central
Europe. 47N 12E (pp. R3, R16, 385,
548, 639, 688, 722, 747, 790, 814, 832, 891)
Austria-Hungary [AWStreeuh HUHNGguh
ree] Nation in central Europe from
1867 to 1918 that included what are
now Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, and
the Czech Republic, as well as parts of
present-day Poland, Romania, Italy,
Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herze-
govina, and Serbia and Montenegro.
20E 47N (pp. 780, 781, 786)
Axum [AHKSOOM] Ancient kingdom in
northeastern Africa. 14N 38E (p. 451)
Azerbaijan [AzuhrBYJAHN] European-Asian
country on the Caspian Sea. 40N 47E
(p. 883)
Azores [AYZOHRZ] Group of nine islands in
the North Atlantic Ocean. 37N 29W
(pp. R2, R4, R20, R21)
Babylon [BAbuhluhn] Ancient city, on the
banks of the Euphrates River in north-
ern Mesopotamia. 32N 45E (pp. 16,
17, 26, 28, 86, 93, 132, 174, 176)
Baghdad [BAGDAD] Capital city of Iraq.
33N 44E (pp. R3, 374, 379, 380, 383,
385, 397, 423, 425, 452, 554, 792, 799)
Bahamas [buhHAHmuhz] Country made
up of many islands between Cuba
and the United States. 23N 74W
(pp. R2, R4, R13, 662)
Balkan [BAWLkuhn] Peninsula Peninsula in
southeastern Europe bounded by the
Black, Aegean, Mediterranean, Adriatic
and Ionian seas. 42N 20E (pp. 117,
327, 329)
Balkans [BAWLkuhnz] Countries on the
Balkan Peninsula, which include
Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herze-
govina, the Former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro,
Albania, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria,
and European Turkey. 23E 44N
(pp. 781, 786)
Baltic [BAWLtihk] Sea Sea in northern
Europe connected to the North Sea.
55N 17E (pp. R3, R5, R16, R17, 513,
518, 538, 548, 555, 645, 688, 703, 722,
725, 781, 786, 790, 814, 832, 883)
Baltimore [BAWLtuhMOHR] City in northern
Maryland in the United States. 39N
77W (p. 694)
Bangkok [BANGKAHK] Capital of Thailand.
14N 100E (pp. R3, 433, 825, 849)
Bangladesh [BAHNGgluhDEHSH] South Asian
country bounded by Myanmar and
India. 24N 90E (pp. R3, 198, 845)
Barcelona [BAHRsuhLOHnuh] City in north-
eastern Spain. 41N 2E (p. 555)
Basutoland [buhSOOtohluhnd] Country in
southern Africa, now called Lesotho.
29S 28E (p. 767)
Bay of Bengal [BEHNgawl] Arm of the Indian
Ocean between India and the Malay
Peninsula. 17N 87E (pp. R3, R5, R22,
R23, 109, 193, 195, 210, 213, 246, 409,
411, 425, 433, 439, 565, 667, 765, 845)
Bay of Pigs Small inlet of the Caribbean
Sea on the southern coast of western
Cuba. 22N 81W (p. 836)
Bechuanaland [behchWAHnuhluhnd] Region
in south central Africa, now the nation
of Botswana. 22S 23E (p. 767)
Beijing [BAYJIHNG] Capital of China. 40N
116E (pp. R3, 409, 411, 423, 424, 425,
430, 431, 439, 554, 771, 773, 778, 811, 825)
Beirut [bayROOT] Capital of Lebanon.
34N 36E (pp. 792, 799, 875)
Belarus [BEHluhROOS] Eastern European
country west of Russia. 54N 28E
(p. 883)
Belfast [BEHLfast] Capital of Northern
Ireland. 54N 5W (p. 757)
Belgium [BEHLjuhm] Country in north-
western Europe. 51N 5E (pp. R3, R16,
703, 725, 747, 781, 787, 790, 814, 832, 891)
Belgrade [BEHLGRAYD] Capital of Yugoslavia.
45N 21E (pp. 548, 555, 688, 897)
Belize [buhLEEZ] Central American coun-
try east of Guatemala. 18N 89W
(pp. R2, R13, 583, 749, 861)
Benin [buhNEEN] West African country
west of Nigeria. 8N 2E (p. 870)
Bering Sea Part of the North Pacific Ocean
between the Aleutian Islands and the
Bering Strait. 55N 175E (pp. R2, R3,
R4, R5, R23, 573, 825)
Berlin [behrLIHN] Capital of Germany.
53N 13E (pp. 722, 725, 744, 747,
780, 781, 786, 789, 831, 834, 855)
Bhutan [booTAHN] South Asian country
northeast of India. 27N 91E (pp. R3,
R22, R23, 198, 765, 845)
Birmingham City in central England.
52N 1W (pp. 725, 757)
Black Sea Inland sea between southeast-
ern Europe and Asia Minor. 43N
32E (pp. R3, R5, R17, R18, 109, 121,
132, 144, 176, 179, 189, 246, 255, 269,
274, 292, 293, 297, 323, 329, 352, 361,
367, 374, 380, 383, 385, 397, 425, 513,
518, 538, 542, 554, 565, 639, 722, 725,
781, 786, 790, 792, 832, 883)
Bohemia [bohHEEmeeuh] Historical
region and former kingdom in what is
now the Czech Republic. 49N 13E
(pp. 639, 645, 688)
Bolivia [buhLIHVeeuh] Country in South
America. 17S 64W (pp. 749, 861)
Bombay City in western India, now called
Mumbai. 18N 72E (pp. 667, 845)
Bordeaux [bawrDOH] City in southwestern
France. 44N 0W (pp. 557, 561, 725)
Borneo [BAWRneeoh] Island in the Malay
Archipelago in southeastern Asia. 0N
112E (pp. R3, 246, 425, 433, 554, 667,
765, 825)
Bosnia-Herzegovina [BAHZneeuh HEHRT
sehGAWveenuh] Country in south-
eastern Europe between Croatia
and Serbia-Montenegro. 44N 18E
(p. 897)
Boston [bahstuhn] Capital of Massachu-
setts. 42N 71W (pp. 691, 694, 695)
Botswana [bawtSWAHnah] Southern African
country north of the Republic of South
Africa. 22S 23E (p. 870)
Brazil [bruhZIHL] Largest country in South
America. 9S 53W (pp. R2, 473, 749,
860, 861)
Breslau [BREHSlow] City in southwest
Poland. 51N 17E (pp. 725, 747)
Bristol [BRIHStuhl] City in southwest
England. 51N 2W (p. 725)
Britain Largest island in the British
Isles. 54N 4W (pp. R23, R45, R16,
286, 293, 297, 302, 317, 323, 352, 358,
361, 695, 757, 780)
British East Africa Former group of British
colonial possessions in East Africa,
consisting of Kenya, Uganda, Zanzi-
bar, and Tanganyika. 3S 35E (p. 767)
Bruges [BROOZH] City in northwestern
Belgium. 51N 3E (p. 522)
Brunei [bruNY] Southwest Asian country
on the northern coast of the island of
Borneo. 5N 114E (p. 765)
Brussels [BRUHsuhlz] Capital of Belgium.
51N 4E (pp. 722, 725, 747)
Athens Brussels
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Gazetteer 967
Buda [BOOduh] Town in Hungary that
combined with Pest and buda to
form Budapest. 47N 19E (p. 688)
Budapest [BOOduhPEHST] Capital of
Hungary. 47N 19E (pp. 703, 725,
781, 786)
Bulgaria [BUHLGAReeuh] Country in
southeastern Europe on the Balkan
Peninsula. 42N 24E (pp. R3, R17,
176, 781, 786, 790, 799, 832, 897)
Burkina Faso [buhrKEEnuh FAHsoh] West
African country. 12N 3E (p. 870)
Burma [BUHRmuh] Country in southeast
Asia, now known as Myanmar. 16N
96E (pp. 765, 773, 825, 845, 847)
Burundi [buROONdee] Country in East
Africa. 3S 30E (p. 870)
Byblos [BIHbluhs] Ancient city of Phoenicia
on the Mediterranean Sea, near present-
day Beirut, Lebanon. 34N 35E (pp.
17, 90, 105, 132)
Byzantine [BIHzuhnTEEN] Empire Eastern
part of the Roman Empire that sur-
vived after the breakup of the western
part of the empire in the A.D. 400s;
Constantinople was its capital. 41N
29E (pp. 383, 518, 538, 542)
Byzantium [buhZANteeuhm] Ancient
city that became the capital of the
Eastern Roman Empire; was later
renamed Constantinople and is now
called Istanbul. 41N 29E (p. 293)
Cahokia [kuhHOHkeeuh] City in south-
western Illinois on the Mississippi
River near St. Louis; largest city of
the Mississippian Mound Builders.
38N 90W (p. 572)
Cairo [KYroh] Capital of Egypt. 31N 32E
(pp. R3, 380, 385, 452, 479, 767, 792, 875)
Calcutta [kalKUHTuh] City in eastern
India, now known as Kolkata. 22N
88E (pp. R3, 845)
Calicut [KALihKUHT] Seaport in southwest-
ern India, now called Kozhikode.
11N 75E (pp. 433, 662, 667)
California State in the western United
States. 36N 120W (pp. R6, R8)
Cambodia [kamBOHdeeuh] Southeast
Asian country south of Thailand and
Laos. 12N 104E (p. 849)
Cameroon [kamuhROON] Central African
country. 6N 11E (p. 870)
Campania [kamPAYnyuh] Region in
southern Italy on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
41N 14E (p. 263)
Canada [KAnuhduh] Country in North
America north of the United States.
50N 100W (pp. R2, R6, R7)
Cannae [KAnee] Ancient town in southern
Italy. 41N 16E (p. 274)
Canterbury [KANtuhrBEHRee] City in
Kent in southeastern England. 51N
1E (p. 645)
Cape Town Legislative capital of the
Republic of South Africa. 34S 18E
(p. 767)
Caporetto Village in northwestern Slovenia.
46N 13E (p. 786)
Caribbean [KARuhBEEuhn] Sea Part of the
Atlantic Ocean bordered by the West
Indies, South America, and Central
America. 15N 76W (pp. R2, R4, 473,
565, 590, 662, 663, 691, 836, 861)
Carpathian [kahrPAYtheeuhn] Mountains
Mountain system in central and
Eastern Europe. 49N 20E (p. 513)
Carthage [KAHRthihj] Ancient city on the
northern coast of Africa. 37N 10E
(pp. 263, 268, 269, 274, 292, 293, 297,
329, 337, 367, 514)
Caspian [KASpeeuhn] Sea Saltwater lake
in southeastern Europe and south-
western Asia, the largest inland body
of water in the world. 40N 52E (pp.
R3, R5, R17, 17, 109, 132, 176, 179,
198, 246, 255, 293, 297, 329, 361, 374,
380, 383, 385, 397, 424, 425, 513, 518,
542, 554, 565, 709, 786, 790, 792, 799,
Castile [kasTEEL] Former kingdom in
Spain. 39N 3E (p. 538)
atal Hyk [chahTAHL hooYOOK] Early
Neolithic community in present-day
Turkey. 38N 35E (p. 8)
Caucasus [KAWkuhsuhs] Mountains Range
of mountains between the Caspian
and Black seas. 43N 42E (pp. R17,
Central African Republic African country
south of Chad. 8N 21E (p. 870)
Central America Area of North America
between Mexico and South America.
11N 86W (pp. 749, 861)
Ceylon [sihLAHN] Country in the Indian
Ocean, now called Sri Lanka. 8N
82E (pp. R22, 433, 667, 765, 845)
Chaco Canyon [CHAHkoh] Center of
Anasazi civilization in present-day
New Mexico. 36N 108W (p. 578)
Chad African country west of Sudan.
18N 19E (p. 870)
Chaeronea [KEHRuhNEEuh] Ancient town in
Greece near Thebes. 38N 22E (p. 176)
Changan [CHAHNGAHN] Capital of China
during the Tang dynasty, now called
Xian. 34N 108E (pp. 240, 241, 246,
408, 409, 411, 416, 439)
Chang Jiang [CHAHNG JYAHNG] River in
China, formerly called the Yangtze
River. 30N 117E (pp. 225, 226, 230,
241, 246, 409, 411, 424, 425, 431, 439, 811)
Charles Town City in southeastern South
Carolina, now called Charleston.
33N 80W (pp. 694, 695)
Chernigov [chehrNEEguhf] Principality in
the Kievan Rus. 51N 31E (p. 548)
Chichn Itz [cheeCHEHN eetSAH] Most
important city of the Mayans, located
in the northern part of the Yucatn
Peninsula. 20N 88W (p. 575)
Chile [CHEElay] Country in South America.
35S 72W (pp. 749, 861)
China [CHYnuh] Country in East Asia,
worlds largest by population; now
called the Peoples Republic of China.
37N 93E (pp. R3, R5, R2223, 109,
198, 225, 226, 230, 241, 246, 409, 411,
416, 424, 425, 431, 433, 439, 554, 658,
662, 667, 762, 765, 773, 778, 811, 825,
838, 845, 847, 849)
Chittagong [CHIHtuhGAHNG] Port city in
Bangladesh. 22N 90E (pp. 433, 554)
Chongqing [chungCHING] City in south-
central China on the Chang Jiang.
29N 106E (pp. 811, 825)
Clermont City in central France. 45N 3E
(pp. 534, 542, 544)
Cologne [KUHLOHN] City in west central
Germany on the Rhine River. 50N
6E (pp. 542, 725, 747)
Colombia [kuhLUHMbeeuh] Country in
South America west of Venezuela.
4N 73W (pp. 749, 861)
Congo [KAHNGgoh] Central African coun-
try. 3S 14E (p. 870)
Congo [KAHNGgoh] River River in Central
Africa. 2S 17E (p. 469)
Connecticut A state in the northeastern
United States. 41N 73W (p. 694)
Constantinople [KAHNSTANtuhnOHpuhl]
City built on the site of Byzantium,
now known as Istanbul in present-
day Turkey. 41N 29E (pp. 246, 302,
317, 323, 327, 329, 337, 351, 352, 358,
361, 367, 374, 379, 380, 425, 518, 542,
555, 725, 781, 786, 792)
Copan [kohPAHN] Ancient city of the
Mayan people, in northwestern Hon-
duras. 15N 88W (p. 575)
Coral Sea Arm of the southwest Pacific
Ocean bounded by Australia, Papua
New Guinea, the Solomon Islands,
and Vanuatu. 20S 155E (p. 825)
Crdoba [KAWRduhbuh] City in southern
Spain. 37N 4W (pp. 379, 380, 555)
Corinth City of ancient Greece, southwest
of the modern city of Corinth. 37N
22E (pp. 117, 144, 269, 274)
Buda Corinth
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968 Index 968 Gazetteer
Corsica [KOHRsihkuh] Island in the
Mediterranean Sea. 42N 8E (pp. R5,
R16, 121, 263, 269, 274, 293, 329, 337,
538, 555, 609, 653, 722, 832)
Costa Rica [KAWStah REEkah] Central Ameri-
can country south of Nicaragua. 11N
85W (pp. R2, 749, 861)
Crcy [kraySEE] Site in France of battle in
which England defeated France in
1346. 50N 48E (pp. 557, 561)
Crete [KREET] Greek island southeast of
mainland in the southern Aegean
Sea. 35N 24E (pp. R17, 116, 117, 121,
132, 134, 149, 179, 189, 269, 274, 293,
329, 337, 385, 542, 548, 555, 799, 832)
Crimea [kryMEEuh] Peninsula in south-
eastern Ukraine. 45N 33E (p. 548)
Croatia [krohAYshuh] Southeastern Euro-
pean country on the Adriatic Sea. 46N
16E (p. 897)
Cuba [KYOObuh] Island country in the
West Indies. 22N 79W (pp. R2, R4,
662, 749, 836, 860, 861)
Cuzco [KOOSkoh] City in southern Peru.
13S 71W (pp. 572, 577, 582, 593, 603)
Cyprus [SYpruhs] Island country in the
eastern Mediterranean Sea, south of
Turkey. 35N 31E (pp. R3, R5, R17,
62, 90, 121, 132, 179, 189, 269, 274, 293,
329, 385, 542, 781, 792, 799, 832, 891)
Czechoslovakia [CHEHKohslohVAHkeeah]
Former country of central Europe; now
called Czech Republic and Slovakia.
49N 18E (pp. 790, 814, 832, 891)
Damascus [duhMASkuhs] Capital of Syria.
34N 36E (pp. 90, 105, 246, 352, 361,
374, 380, 383, 385, 397, 792, 799, 875)
Danube [DANyoob] River Second-longest
river in Europe. 43N 24E (pp. R5, 176,
269, 274, 293, 297, 323, 329, 337, 383, 385,
397, 425, 513, 514, 516, 538, 555, 725)
Danzig City in northern Poland. 54N
18E (pp. 555, 814)
Dardanelles [dahrdehnEHLZ] Strait between
the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara
that separates European Turkey from
Asian Turkey. 40N 26E (p. 799)
Dead Sea Salt lake in southwestern Asia.
31N 35E (pp. R5, 17, 39, 75, 90, 105,
Deccan [DEHKuhn] Plateau Region in
India. 19N 76E (pp. R5, 195, 198)
Delhi [DEHlee] City in northern India.
28N 76E (pp. R3, 379)
Delos [DEELAHS] Greek island in the
southern Aegean Sea. 37N 25E (pp.
138, 144)
Delphi [DEHLFY] Ancient Greek town and
site of Temple of Apollo. 38N 22E
(p. 117)
Denmark [DEHNMAHRK] Scandinavian coun-
try in northwestern Europe. 56N 8E
(pp. R3, 639, 645, 688, 722, 725, 781,
786, 790, 814, 832, 834, 891)
Djibouti [jihBOOtee] East African coun-
try. 12N 43E (p. 870)
Dominican [duhMIHnihkuhn] Republic
Country in the West Indies. 19N
71W (pp. 749, 836, 861)
Dresden [DREHZduhn] Acity of east-central
Germany on the Elbe River. 51N 13E
(p. 747)
Dublin [DUHblihn] Capital of Ireland.
53N 6W (p. 757)
Dutch East Indies Islands of Southeast
Asia now known as Indonesia. 40S
118E (p. 765)
East Africa Region in east Central Africa
comprised of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda,
Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda. 5N
35E (pp. R3, R5, R20, R21, 246)
East China Sea Arm of the Pacific Ocean
between China and the Ryukyu
Islands. 30N 125E (pp. R5, 225, 226,
230, 241, 251, 409, 411, 425, 439, 765,
773, 778, 811)
Eastern Desert Arid region in eastern
Egypt, also called the Arabian Desert.
22N 45E (pp. 39, 75)
East Germany Officially called the German
Democratic Republic. 53N 13E (pp.
832, 834)
East Prussia [PRUHshuh] Historical region
and former province of Prussia on
the Baltic Sea in present-day Poland
and Russia. 54N 20E (p. 814)
East Sea Arm of the Pacific Ocean, lying
between Japan and the Asian main-
land; also called the Sea of Japan.
40N 132E (pp. R5, 225, 485, 778)
Ebro River River in northeastern Spain,
emptying into the Mediterranean
Sea. 42N 2W (pp. 516, 725)
Ecuador [EHkwuhDAWR] South American
country southwest of Colombia. 1S
79W (pp. 749, 861)
Edinburgh Capital city of Scotland. 55N
3W (pp. 555, 725)
Edo [EHdoh] Village in Japan where the
Sumida River joins Tokyo Bay, site of
present-day Tokyo. 35N 140E (pp.
485, 507, 771, 773, 778)
Egypt [EEjihpt] Country in North Africa on
the Mediterranean Sea. 26N 27E
(pp. R3, 17, 28, 39, 62, 70, 75, 121, 132,
176, 246, 286, 293, 297, 302, 317, 327,
329, 352, 361, 367, 374, 380, 383, 385,
397, 448, 452, 479, 767, 792, 799, 870,
Elba [EHLbuh] An island of Italy in the
Tyrrhenian Sea. 42N 10E (p. 722)
El Salvador [ehl SALvuhDAWR] Central
American country southwest of Hon-
duras. 14N 89W (pp. 749, 861)
England Part of the island of Great Britain
lying east of Wales and south of
Scotland. 51N 1W (pp. R23, R45,
R16, 518, 522, 534, 538, 542, 544, 639,
645, 662, 757)
English Channel Narrow sea separating
France and Great Britain. 49N 3W
(pp. 557, 787)
Equator An imaginary circle that divides
the earth into the Northern Hemi-
sphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
(pp. R2, R3, R4, R5, 33, 425, 433, 445,
452, 463, 469, 479, 554, 565, 577, 667,
707, 749, 765, 767, 769)
Equitorial Guinea [eekwuhTOHReeuhl
GIHnee] Central African country. 2N
8E (p. 870)
Eridu [EHRihDOO] Ancient settlement in
Mesopotamia. 31N 46E (p. 17)
Eritrea [EHRuhTREEuh] East African coun-
try north of Ethiopia. (pp. 767, 870)
Estonia [ehSTOHneeuh] Republic in
northeastern Europe, one of the Baltic
states. 59N 25E (pp. 548, 790, 814,
883, 891)
Ethiopia [EEtheeOHpeeuh] East African
country. 8N 38E (pp. 452, 479, 767, 870)
Etruria [ihTRUReeuh] Ancient region on
the Italian peninsula that was home
to the Etruscans; area is now called
Tuscany. 30N 46E (p. 263)
Euphrates [yuFRAYTEEZ] River River in
southwestern Asia that joins the
Tigris River near the Persian Gulf.
36N 40E (pp. 17, 109, 121, 132, 176,
179, 189, 246, 255, 293, 297, 329, 374,
380, 383, 397)
Europe One of the worlds seven conti-
nents, sharing a landmass with Asia.
50N 15E (pp. R3, R5, R1617, 13, 28,
33, 109, 255, 473, 565, 573, 658, 662,
668, 695, 707, 724, 744, 762, 780, 781,
786, 790, 804, 813, 814, 824, 831, 832,
891, 893)
Federal Republic of Germany Formerly
West Germany. 51N 8E (pp. 832,
Corsica Federal Republic of Germany
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Fertile Crescent Region in the Middle East
that reaches from Israel to the Persian
Gulf, including the Tigris and
Euphrates Rivers. 34N 45E (p. 17)
Finland [FIHNluhnd] Northern European
country east of Sweden. 63N 26E
(pp. 790, 814, 832, 891)
Florence [FLOHRuhnz] City in the Tuscany
region of central Italy at the foot of
the Apennines. 43N 11E (pp. 555,
608, 609, 639, 653, 670, 725, 747)
Florida State in the southeastern United
States. 30N 84W (pp. 691, 836)
Formigny [FAWRmeeNYUH] Site in north-
ern France of a French victory during
the Hundred Years War. 49N 0W
(pp. 557, 561)
Formosa [fawrMOHsuh] An island in
southeastern Asia off the coast of
China, now known as Taiwan. 24N
122E (pp. 765, 811)
France [FRANS] Third-largest country in
Europe, located south of Great
Britain. 47N 1E (pp. R23, R45,
R16, 380, 385, 518, 522, 534, 538, 542,
544, 548, 639, 645, 662, 722, 725, 747,
780, 781, 786, 787, 789, 790, 814, 832,
834, 891)
Frankfurt Port city in west central Germany
on the Main River. 50N 8E (pp. 555,
688, 703, 747, 834)
French Equatorial Africa Former French
colonial possession in western and
central Africa, encompassing the
present-day republics of Chad, the
Central African Republic, the Republic
of the Congo, and Gabon. 0N 20E
(p. 767)
French Guiana [geeAnuh] French-owned
territory in northern South America.
5N 53W (pp. 749, 861)
French Indochina [IHNdohCHYnuh] Penin-
sula between India and China
comprised of Cambodia, Laos, and
Vietnam. 16N 107E (pp. 765, 773,
811, 825)
French West Africa Former French colonial
unit comprised of the following eight
modern countries: Senegal, Guinea,
Cte dIvoire, Benin, Mauritania, Mali,
Burkina Faso, and Niger. (p. 767)
Gabon [gaBOHN] Central African country.
0 12E (p. 870)
Galilee [GAluhLEE] Region of ancient
Palestine, now part of northern
Israel, between the Jordan River and
the Sea of Galilee. 32N 35E (pp.
352, 361, 367)
Gallipoli [guhlihPUHlee] City and
narrow peninsula of northwest
Turkey. 40N 26E (pp. 786, 799)
Gambia [GAMbeeuh] West African coun-
try along the Gambia River. 13N
16W (pp. 767, 870)
Ganges [GANJEEZ] Plain Flat, fertile area
around the Ganges River. 24N 89E
(pp. 195, 198)
Ganges [GANJEEZ] River River in India that
flows from the Himalaya to the Bay
of Bengal. 24N 89E (pp. R3, R5, R22,
193, 195, 198, 210, 213, 219, 246, 409,
424, 667)
Gaugamela [GAWguhMEEluh] Area near
Babylon and the Tigris River. 36N
44E (pp. 174, 176)
Gaul [GAWL] Ancient Roman name for the
area now known as France. 45N 3E
(pp. 274, 277, 286, 293, 297, 302, 317,
323, 352, 358, 361)
Gaza [GAHzuh] Strip Coastal area along
the Mediterranean Sea bordering
Israel and Egypt. 31N 34E (p. 875)
Geneva [juhNEEvuh] City in western
Switzerland. 46N 6E (p. 633)
Genoa [gehNOHuh] City in northwestern
Italy. 44N 9E (pp. 542, 548, 555, 608,
609, 639, 653, 725, 747)
Georgia [JAWRjuh] Asian-European coun-
try bordering the Black Sea south of
Russia. 42N 43E (p. 883)
German Democratic Republic Formerly East
Germany. 53N 13E (pp. 832, 834)
Germany [JUHRmuhnee] Western Euro-
pean country south of Denmark.
51N 10E (pp. R3, 518, 725, 747, 780,
781, 786, 787, 789, 790, 814, 834, 891)
Ghana [GAHnuh] Country in West Africa
on the Gulf of Guinea. 8N 2W (pp.
R2, 448, 451, 870)
Giza [GEEzuh] City in northern Egypt
and site of the Great Pyramid. 29N
31E (pp. 17, 39, 47, 62, 75)
Glasgow [GLAHZgoh] Largest city in
Scotland. 55N 4W (pp. 725, 757)
Gobi [GOHbee] Vast desert covering
parts of Mongolia and China. 43N
103E (pp. R5, 109, 225, 246, 409, 411,
425, 431, 439)
Golan [GOHlahn] Heights Region between
northeast Israel and southwest Syria.
33N 35E (p. 875)
Gold Coast Former British colony, now
the nation of Ghana in West Africa.
3N 1W (p. 767)
Gomel [GOHmuhl] Port city in southeastern
Belarus. 52N 31E (p. 548)
Granada [gruhNAHduh] Province on the
southern coast of Spain. 37N 3W
(pp. 380, 394, 553)
Great Britain Island off the western coast
of Europe comprising England, Scot-
land, and Wales. 54N 2W (pp. 814,
Great Rift Valley Depression extending from
Syria to Mozambique. 5S 35E (p. 445)
Great Wall Wall built in the 200s B.C. to
protect Chinas northern border.
338N 109E (p. 431)
Greece [GREES] Country in southeastern
Europe on the Balkan Peninsula.
39N 21E (pp. R3, R5, R17, 117, 121,
124, 132, 134, 138, 149, 154, 176, 263,
268, 269, 274, 277, 286, 292, 293, 297,
302, 317, 323, 351, 352, 358, 361, 367,
385, 781, 786, 790, 799, 832, 891, 897)
Guadalcanal [GWAHDuhlkuhNAL] Largest
of the Solomon Islands in the western
Pacific Ocean. 9S 160E (p. 825)
Guam [GWAHM] U.S. possession in the
Pacific Ocean. 14N 143E (p. 825)
Guangdong [GWAHNGDUHNG] Province
of southeast China on the South
China Sea. 23N 113E (p. 773)
Guangzhou [GWAHNGJOH] Port city in
southern China on the Chang Jiang.
23N 113W (pp. R3, 246, 409, 411,
425, 431, 439, 773, 811)
Guantanamo [gwahnTAHnuhMOH] Bay
Inlet of the Caribbean Sea near Cuba.
20N 75W (p. 836)
Guatemala [GWAHtayMAHlah] Central
American country south of Mexico.
16N 92W (pp. 749, 861)
Guinea [GIHnee] West African country.
11N 12W (p. 870)
Guinea-Bissau [GIHnee bihSOW] West
African country. 12N 20W (p. 870)
Gulf of Mexico [MEHKsihKOH] Gulf on part
of the southern coast of the United
States. 25N 94W (pp. R2, R4, 565, 575,
590, 663, 691, 753)
Gulf of Tonkin [TAWNkihn] Arm of the South
China Sea off the coast of Vietnam.
20N 108E (p. 849)
Guyana [gyAHnuh] South American coun-
try between Venezuela and Suriname.
8N 59W (pp. 749, 861)
Hadrians Wall Ancient Roman stone wall
built to protect the northern boundary
of Roman Britain. 55N 3W (pp. 293,
Hainan [HYNAHN] Province in southeastern
China and island in the South China
Sea. 32N 120E (pp. R5, 225, 811)
Haiphong [HYFAWNG] City in northeast
Vietnam on the Red River delta near
Gazetteer 969
Fertile Crescent Haiphong
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970 Index 970 Gazetteer
the Gulf of Tonkin. 20N 106E (p.
Haiti [HAYtee] Country in the West
Indies. 19N 72W (pp. 749, 836, 861)
Hamburg City in north central Germany.
53N 10E (pp. 548, 725, 747, 834)
Han [HAHN] Chinese state along Huang He
and Chang Jiang. 33N 112E (p. 241)
Hangzhou [HAHNGJOH] City in south-
eastern China. 30N 120E (pp. 246,
408, 409, 411, 416, 424, 425, 439, 554)
Hanoi [haNOY] Capital of Vietnam. 21N
106E (pp. 765, 849)
Hanover City in northwest Germany. 52N
9E (pp. 747, 834)
Harappa [huhRApuh] Ancient city in the
Indus River valley in present-day
Pakistan. (pp. 194, 198, 219)
Hawaii [huhWYee] State of the United
States in the central Pacific Ocean
comprising the Hawaiian Islands.
20N 157W (p. 825)
Heian [HAYahn] Ancient capital city of
Japan, now called Kyoto. 35N 135E
(pp. 485, 491, 498, 507)
Himalaya [HIHmuhLAYuh] Mountain sys-
tem forming a barrier between India
and the rest of Asia. 29N 85E (pp.
R5, R2223, 193, 195, 198, 213, 219,
246, 409, 424, 425, 439)
Hindu Kush Major mountain system in
central Asia. 35N 68E (pp. 109, 198,
213, 219)
Hiroshima [heerohSHEEmah] City in
southern Japan. 34N 132E (p. 825)
Hispaniola [HIHSpuhNYOHluh] Island in the
West Indies. 19N 72E (pp. R4, 662)
Hokkaido [hahKYdoh] Second-largest
island of Japan. 43N 142E (pp. R3,
R5, 484, 485, 507)
Holstein [HOHLsteen] Region and former
duchy of northern Germany. 54N
10E (p. 747)
Holy Roman Empire Lands in western and
central Europe, empire founded by
Charlemagne. 52N 15E (pp. 512,
522, 534, 538, 542, 544, 639)
Honduras [hahnDURuhs] Central American
country on the Caribbean Sea. 15N
88W (pp. 749, 861)
Hong Kong [HAWNG KAWNG] Port and
industrial center in southern China.
22N 115E (pp. 765, 771, 773, 811, 825)
Honshu [HAHNshoo] Largest island of
Japan, called the mainland. 36N
138E (pp. R3, R5, 484, 485, 507)
Huang He [HWAHNG HUH] Second-longest
river in China, formerly called the
Yellow River. 35N 113E (pp. 225, 226,
230, 241, 246, 409, 411, 424, 425, 439, 811)
Hudson Bay Inland sea in Canada. 60N
85W (pp. R2, R4, 565, 590, 662, 691)
Hungary [HUHNGguhree] Eastern Euro-
pean country south of Slovakia. 46N
17E (pp. R3, R16, 518, 538, 548, 639,
688, 703, 790, 814, 832, 891, 897)
Ifni [EEFnee] Former Spanish possession,
now part of Morocco. 29N 8W (p. 767)
India [IHNdeeuh] South Asian country
south of China and Nepal. 23N 77E
(pp. R3, R5, R22, 109, 193, 194, 195,
198, 210, 213, 219, 246, 380, 383, 409,
425, 433, 435, 554, 662, 658, 667, 762,
765, 773, 825, 842, 845)
Indian Ocean Third-largest ocean. 10S
70E (pp. R3, R5, 13, 109, 195, 198,
210, 213, 425, 433, 452, 463, 469, 479,
554, 565, 662, 765, 767, 825, 845, 893)
Indonesia [IHNduhNEEzhuh] Island repub-
lic in Southeast Asia, consisting of
most of the Malay Archipelago. 40S
118E (pp. R3, R5, R23, 847)
Indus [IHNduhs] River River in Asia that
begins in Tibet and flows through
Pakistan to the Arabian Sea. 27N
68E (pp. R3, R5, 109, 176, 193, 195,
198, 210, 213, 219, 246, 380, 383, 409,
424, 425, 565)
Ionian [eyeOHneeuhn] Sea Arm of the
Mediterranean Sea. 38N 18E (pp.
117, 144, 149, 263)
Iran [EYEran] Southwest Asian country
on the eastern shore of the Persian
Gulf, formerly called Persia. 31N
53E (pp. R3, R19, 176, 198, 792)
Iraq [EYErak] Country in southwestern
Asia near the Persian Gulf. 32N 42E
(pp. R3, R1819, R22, 176, 792, 869)
Ireland Island west of Great Britain
occupied by the Republic of Ireland
and Northern Ireland. 54N 8W
(pp. R2, R4, R16, 518, 538, 645, 757,
790, 814, 832, 891)
Israel [IHZreeuhl] Southwest Asian
country south of Lebanon. 32N 34E
(pp. R3, R18, 1, 90, 105, 176, 869, 875)
Issus [IHSuhs] Ancient town of Asia Minor
located north of the Syrian border. 37N
36E (p. 176)
Istanbul [ihstanBUHL] Largest city in
Turkey; formerly called Byzantium
and Constantinople. 41N 28E (p. 792)
Italy Southern European country south of
Switzerland and east of France. 43N
11E (pp. R3, R5, R16, 121, 262, 263,
268, 269, 274, 277, 286, 292, 293, 297,
302, 317, 323, 327, 329, 337, 342, 351,
352, 358, 361, 367, 385, 516, 518, 522,
542, 609, 645, 653, 688, 722, 725, 747,
781, 786, 789, 790, 814, 832, 891)
Ivory Coast Section of coastal western
Africa. 7N 6W (p. 870)
Iwo Jima [EEwuh JEEmuh] Largest of the
Volcano Islands of Japan in the north-
west Pacific Ocean east of Taiwan.
24N 141E (p. 825)
Jamaica [juhMAYkuh] Island country in the
West Indies. 18N 78W (pp. 749, 836)
Jamestown Settlement in southeast Virginia.
37N 77W (p. 691)
Japan [juhPAN] Chain of islands in the
northern Pacific Ocean. 36N 133E
(pp. R3, R5, R23, 225, 409, 425, 484, 485,
491, 498, 507, 662, 765, 773, 778, 811)
Java [JAHvuh] Island in southern Indonesia.
8S 111E (pp. R3, R5, R23, R24, 425,
554, 765, 825)
Jeddah [JEHDuh] City in western Saudi
Arabia. 21N 39E (p. 433)
Jena [YAYnuh] City in central Germany.
50N 11E (p. 722)
Jericho [JEHRihKOH] Oldest Neolithic com-
munity, in the West Bank between
Israel and Jordan. 25N 27E (pp. 8, 875)
Jerusalem [juhROOsuhluhm] Capital of
Israel and a holy city for Christians,
Jews, and Muslims. 31N 35E (pp.
17, 28, 80, 86, 90, 93, 105, 132, 329, 342,
351, 352, 358, 361, 367, 374, 380, 383,
385, 397, 534, 542, 544, 792, 875)
Jordan [JAWRDuhn] Southwest Asian coun-
try south of Syria. 30N 38E (p. 875)
Jordan [JAWRDuhn] River River flowing
from Lebanon and Syria to the Dead
Sea. 30N 38E (pp. 17, 90, 105)
Judaea [juDEEuh] Territory in southwest
Asia and a region of historic Palestine.
31N 35E (pp. 342, 352, 361, 367)
Judah [JOOduh] Southern kingdom of
ancient Hebrews in Canaan, renamed
Palestine. 25N 49E (pp. 90, 105)
Kamakura [kahMAHkuhRAH] City in
Japan, former location of the Shogun
military government. 35N 139E
(pp. 485, 491)
Karakorum[KARuhKOHRuhm] Capital of the
Mongol Empire during most of the
1200s. 47N 102E (pp. 423, 424, 425)
Kashmir [KASHmihr] Historical region of
northwest India and northeast Paki-
stan. 33N 77E (p. 845)
Haiti Kashmir
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Kathmandu [KATMANDOO] Capital of Nepal.
27N 85E (pp. 210, 845)
Kazakhstan [kuhZAHKSTAHN] Large Asian
country south of Russia. 48N 59E
(p. 883)
Kenya [KEHNyuh] East African country.
1N 37E (p. 870)
Key West Island off the southern coast of
Florida. 24N 81W (p. 836)
Khanbaliq [KAHNbuhLEEK] Capital of Kublai
Khans Mongol Empire, now called
Beijing. 40N 116E (pp. 423, 425)
Khartoum [kahrTOOM] Capital of Sudan.
16N 33E (p. 767)
Khyber Pass Mountain pass in western
Asia connecting Afghanistan and
Pakistan. 34N 71E (p. 194)
Kiev [KEEEHF] Capital of Ukraine, on the
Dnieper River. 50N 30E (pp. R3,
425, 534, 548, 555, 722, 883)
Kievan Rus State made of small territories
around Kiev, destroyed by Mongols in
1240. 50N 30E (p. 538)
Knossos [NAHsuhs] Ancient city on Crete.
35N 24E (pp. 116, 117, 149)
Korea Peninsula in eastern Asia, divided
into the Democratic Peoples Republic
of Korea (North Korea) and the
Republic of Korea. 38N 127E (pp. R3,
R5, R23, 225, 409, 411, 484, 491, 498, 765,
773, 778, 811, 831)
Kosovo [KOHsuhvoh] Province of south-
ern Yugoslavia in the Serbian republic.
42N 21E. (p. 897)
Kunlun Shan [KOONLOON shuhn] Major
mountain system in western China.
35N 83E (p. 225)
Kush [KUHSH] Ancient region in present-
day Sudan, formerly called Nubia.
21N 33E (p. 70)
Kut-el-Amara Town in southeastern Iraq
on the Tigris River; also called Al Kut.
32N 45E (p. 799)
Kuwait [kuWAYT] Country on the Persian
Gulf between Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
29N 48E (pp. 792, 799)
Kyoto [keeOHtoh] Ancient capital of
Japan, formerly called Heian. 35N
135E (pp. 485, 491, 498, 507, 778)
Kyrgyzstan [KIHRgihSTAN] Central Asian
country on Chinas western border.
41N 75E (p. 883)
Kyushu [keeOOshoo] One of the four
major islands of Japan. 33N 131E
(pp. R3, 484, 485, 507)
Laos [LOWS] Southeast Asian country
south of China and west of Vietnam.
20N 102E (pp. 847, 849)
Latin America [LAtihn uhMEHReekuh]
Countries of the Western Hemisphere
south of the United States, especially
those countries that developed from
the colonies of Spain, Portugal, and
France. 5S 65W (p. 861)
Latium [LAYsheeuhm] Region in west
central Italy. 42N 12E (p. 263)
Latvia [LATveeuh] Eastern European
country west of Russia on the Baltic
Sea. 57N 25E (pp. 790, 814, 883, 891)
Lebanon [LEHbuhnuhn] Southwest Asian
country on the eastern coast of the
Mediterranean Sea. 34N 34E (pp.
R3, 176, 792, 875)
Leeds City in north-central England.
53N 1W (pp. 725, 757)
Leipzig [LIHPsihg] City in southeastern
Germany. 51N 12E (pp. 722, 747)
Leon [layOHN] Historic region and former
kingdom in Spain. 41N 5W (p. 538)
Lesotho [luhSOHTOH] Southern African
country within the Republic of South
Africa. 30S 28E (p. 870)
Liberia [lyBIHReeuh] West African coun-
try. 7N 10W (pp. 767, 870)
Libya [LIHbeeuh] North African country
west of Egypt. 28N 15E (pp. R3, 176,
767, 790, 870)
Lisbon [LIHZbuhn] Capital of Portugal.
39N 9W (p. 555)
Lithuania [LIHthuhWAYneeuh] Eastern
European country northwest of Belarus.
56N 24E (pp. 790, 814, 883, 891)
Liverpool City in northwestern England.
53N 3W (pp. 725, 757)
Lombardy [LAWMbuhrdee] Region of
northern Italy. 45N 9E (p. 747)
London [LUHNduhn] Capital of the United
Kingdom, on the Thames River. 52N
0 (pp. R2, 518, 542, 553, 555, 557, 561,
633, 642, 670, 680, 703, 714, 722, 724,
725, 757, 780, 781, 786)
Lorraine [lohRAYN] Historical region and
former province of northeast France.
49N 6E (pp. 747, 781)
Luoyang [luhWOHYAHNG] City in northern
China on the Huang He. 34N 112E
(pp. 224, 230, 246, 251, 409, 439)
Luxembourg [LUHKsuhmBUHRG] Small Euro-
pean country between France, Belgium,
and Germany. 50N 7E (pp. 781, 786,
787, 790, 814, 832, 834, 891)
Macau [muhKOW] Region on the south-
eastern coast of China. 22N 113E
(pp. 430, 667, 765, 773)
Macedonia [MAsuhDOHneeuh] Country
in southeastern Europe on the Balkan
Peninsula. 41N 22E (pp. 117, 174,
176, 269, 274, 897)
Machu Picchu [MAHchoo PEEchoo] Incan
settlement in the Andes northwest of
Cuzco, Peru. 13S 72W (p. 577)
Madagascar [MAduhGASkuhr] Island in
the Indian Ocean off the southeastern
coast of Africa. 18S 43E (pp. R3, R5,
R21, 445, 479, 767, 870)
Madinah [mahDEEnuh] Holy Muslim city
in western Saudi Arabia. 24N 39E
(pp. 372, 380, 383, 385, 397, 792)
Madras [MAHDruhs] City in India, also
called Chennai. 13N 80E (p. 845)
Madrid [muhDRIHD] Capital of Spain.
41N 4W (pp. 714, 722, 725, 781)
Makkah [MAHkuh] Holy city of Muslims,
also known as Mecca, in western
Saudi Arabia. 21N 39E (pp. 372,
374, 380, 383, 385, 397, 425, 433, 448,
452, 554, 792)
Malawi [mahLAHwee] Southern African
country. 11S 34E (p. 870)
Malaya [muhLAYuh] Peninsula of Asia.
6N 102E (p. 765)
Malaysia [muhLAYzhuh] Southeast Asian
country with land on the Malay
Peninsula and on the island of
Borneo. 4N 101E (p. 847)
Mali [MAHlee] Republic in northwestern
Africa. 15N 0W (pp. 451, 870)
Manchester City in northwest England.
53N 2W (pp. 725, 757)
Manchuria [manchooREEuh] Region of
northeast China comprising the
provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin, and
Liaoning. 49N 117E (pp. 773, 778,
811, 825)
Manila [muhNIHluh] Capital of the
Philippines. 15N 121E (pp. 765, 825)
Marathon [MAHRuhTHAHN] Village of
ancient Greece northeast of Athens.
(p. 134)
Marne River in northeast France that flows
into the Seine River. 49N 3E (p. 786)
Marseille [mahrSAY] City in southern
France. 43N 5E (pp. 542, 555, 725)
Massachusetts State in the northeastern
United States. 42N 72W (p. 694)
Massalia [muhSAHleeuh] Ancient Greek
colony on the site of present-day
Marseille. 44N 3E (p. 293)
Mauritania [mawruhTAYneeuh] West
African country. 20N 14W (p. 870)
Mediterranean [MEHDihtuhRAYneeuhn] Sea
Inland sea of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
36N 13E (pp. R3, R5, 17, 28, 39, 62, 70,
75, 90, 105, 109, 117, 121, 132, 144, 149,
Gazetteer 971
Kathmandu Mediterranean Sea
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972 Index 972 Gazetteer
176, 179, 189, 263, 269, 274, 292, 293,
297, 323, 329, 337, 352, 361, 367, 374,
380, 383, 385, 397, 425, 445, 452, 463,
479, 513, 514, 518, 538, 542, 548, 555,
609, 639, 645, 653, 703, 709, 722, 725,
747, 767, 781, 786, 790, 832, 875)
Mekong [MAYKAWNG] River River in south-
eastern Asia. 18N 104E (pp. 246, 409,
411, 424, 439, 667, 849)
Memel Territory [MAYmuhl] Former German
territory, now part of Lithuania. 40N
20E (p. 814)
Memphis Ancient capital of Egypt. 29N
31E (pp. 38, 39, 47, 59, 62, 70, 75, 80)
Mero [MEHRohee] Capital city of Kush.
7N 93E (pp. 68, 70, 452)
Mesa Verde National park in southwestern
Colorado containing artifacts and cliff
dwellings from the Anasazi. 37N
108W (p. 578)
Mesoamerica [MEHzohuhMEHRihkuh]
Ancient region including present-day
Mexico and most of Central America.
10N 92W (p. 575)
Mesopotamia [MEHsuhpuhTAYmeeuh]
Early center of civilization, in the area
of modern Iraq and eastern Syria
between the Tigris and Euphrates
Rivers. 34N 13E (pp. 17, 28, 132, 380)
Mexico [MEHKsihKOH] North American
country south of the United States.
24N 104W (pp. R2, 575, 662, 749
860, 861)
Mexico City Capital of Mexico. 19N 99W
(pp. R2, 658, 662, 663)
Miami [myAMee] City in southeast
Florida. 25N 80W (p. 836)
Midway [MIHDway] Islands Atoll in the
North Pacific Ocean, about one-third
of the way from Honolulu to Tokyo.
28N 177W (p. 825)
Milan [mihLAHN] City in northern Italy.
45N 9E (pp. 548, 555, 609, 639, 653,
688, 703, 725)
Minsk [MIHNSK] Capital of Belarus. 54N
28E (p. 722)
Mississippi [MIHSihSIHPee] River Large
river system in the United States.
32N 92W (pp. R2, R4, 590, 663)
Modena [MOHdehnah] City in northern
Italy. 44N 10E (p. 747)
Mogadishu [MAHguhDIHshoo] Capital of
Somalia. 2N 45E (pp. R3, 433, 452,
460, 479, 767)
Mohenjo-Daro [mohHEHNjoh DAHRoh]
Ancient settlement in the Indus Valley.
27N 68E (pp. 198, 219)
Moldova [mawlDAWvuh] Small European
country between Ukraine and Romania.
48N 28E (p. 883)
Moluccas [muhLUHkuhz] Group of
islands in Indonesia, formerly called
the Spice Islands. 2S 128E (pp. R5,
662, 667)
Mombasa [mawmBAHSuh] City and sea-
port of Kenya. 4S 39E (pp. 433, 452)
Mongolia [mahnGOHleeuh] Country in
Asia between Russia and China.
46N 100E (pp. R3, 225, 409, 425, 431,
439, 773, 825)
Monrovia [muhnROHveeuh] Capital of
Liberia. 6N 11W (p. 767)
Montenegro [MAWNtuhNEHGroh] Republic
of Yugoslavia, in the southwest part of
the country, bordering on the Adriatic
Sea. 42N 19E (pp. 781, 786, 897)
Morocco [muhRAHkoh] North African
country. 32N 7W (pp. R20, R21, 380,
473, 479, 767, 786, 790, 870)
Moscow [MAHSkoh] Capital of Russia.
55N 37E (pp. R3, 425, 540, 714, 722,
725, 781, 883)
Mount Everest [EHVruhst] Highest moun-
tain in the world, located in the
Himalaya between Nepal and Tibet.
28N 86E (pp. 193, 195)
Mount Fuji [FOOjee] Highest mountain in
Japan. 35N 138E (pp. 485, 507)
Mount Olympus [uhLIHMpuhs] Highest
mountain in Greece on the border
between Thessaly and Macedonia.
41N 23E (p. 117)
Mount Sinai [SYNY] Part of a rocky mass
on the Sinai Peninsula of northeast-
ern Egypt. 29N 33E (p. 90)
Mozambique [mohzahmBEEK] Southern
African country south of Tanzania.
20S 34E (pp. 767, 870)
Munich [MYOOnihk] City in southeastern
Germany. 48N 11E (p. 725)
Myanmar [MYAHNMAHR] Southeast Asian
country formerly called Burma. 21N
95E (p. 845)
Mycenae [MYSEEnee] Ancient city in
Greece. 37N 22E (pp. 116, 117, 149)
Nagasaki [nahgahSAHkee] City in Japan.
32N 129E (pp. 778, 825)
Namibia [nuhMIHbeeuh] Southern African
country. 20S 16E (p. 870)
Nanjing [NAHNJIHNG] City in eastern
China, capital during the Ming dynasty.
32N 118E (pp. 430, 431, 433, 811, 825)
Napata [NApuhtuh] Ancient capital of
Kush. 18N 32E (pp. 68, 70)
Naples [NAYpuhlz] City in Italy. 40N 14E
(pp. 555, 609, 639, 653, 722, 747)
Nara [NAHruh] First permanent capital of
Japan. 34N 135E (pp. 485, 491, 507)
Navarre [nuhVAHR] Former kingdom in
southern France and northern Spain.
42N 1W (p. 538)
Nazareth [NAzuhruhth] Ancient town
near Galilee, now in northern Israel.
32N 35E (pp. 352, 361, 367)
Nepal [nuhPAWL] Mountain country
between India and China. 28N 83E
(pp. R3, 198, 202, 765, 845)
Netherlands [NEHthuhrluhnz] Country in
northwestern Europe. 53N 3E (pp.
R23, R45, R16, 639, 645, 662, 725,
747, 781, 786, 787, 790, 814, 832, 891)
New Carthage [KAHRthihj] City in Spain,
also called Cartagena. 38N 1W
(pp. 269, 274)
New Delhi [NOO DEHlee] Capital of India.
29N 77E (p. 845)
New Guinea [GIHNee] Island in the west-
ern Pacific Ocean, north of Australia.
5S 140E (pp. 765, 825)
New York State in northeastern United
States. 43N 78W (p. 724)
New York City City in southeastern New
York state at the mouth of the
Hudson River. 41N 74W (p. 769)
Nicaragua [nihkuhRAHgwuh] Central
American country south of Honduras.
13N 86W (pp. 749, 861)
Niger [NYjuhr] West African country.
18N 9E (p. 870)
Nigeria [nyJIHReeuh] West African
country. 9N 7E (pp. 767, 870)
Nile [nyl] River Worlds longest river flow-
ing north from the heart of Africa to
the Mediterranean Sea. 27N 31E
(pp. R3, R5, R20, R21, 38, 39, 47, 59,
62, 68, 70, 75, 109, 121, 132, 176, 179,
189, 246, 269, 293, 297, 329, 374, 383,
385, 397, 425, 445, 452, 875)
Nineveh [NIHnuhvuh] Ancient capital of
Assyria, on the Tigris River. 26N
43E (pp. 17, 26, 132)
Ningxia [NIHNGsheeAH] Region in north-
western China. 37N 106E (p. 424)
Normandy [NAWRmuhndee] Region and
former province of France. 49N 2E
(p. 518)
North America Continent in the northern
part of the Western Hemisphere
between the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans. 45N 100W (pp. R2, R4,
R611, 13, 565, 573, 590, 658, 662, 663,
668, 691, 707, 724, 744, 762, 813, 824,
831, 893)
North Korea [kuhREEuh] East Asian coun-
try in the northernmost part of the
Korean Peninsula. 40N 127E (p. 838)
Mekong River North Korea
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Gazetteer 973
North Sea Arm of the Atlantic Ocean
between Europe and Great Britain.
56N 3E (pp. R16, 293, 513, 514, 518,
538, 542, 548, 555, 639, 645, 722, 725,
757, 781, 786, 790, 814, 832)
Norway [NAWRWAY] Northern European
country on the Scandinavian penin-
sula. 63N 11E (pp. R3, R16, 538, 639,
645, 722, 725, 781, 786, 790, 814, 832)
Novgorod [NAHVguhRAHD] City in west-
ern Russia. 58N 31E (p. 540)
Nubia [NOObeeuh] Region in present-day
Sudan on the Nile River, later known
as Kush. 21N 33E (p. 39)
Nuremburg City in south central Germany.
49N 11E (pp. 555, 747)
Nyasaland [nyahsuhluhnd] Country in
southeastern Africa, now called
Malawi. 13S 34E (p. 767)
Oder River [OHduhr] River in north cen-
tral Europe, emptying into the Baltic
Sea. 52N 14E (p. 513)
Okinawa [ohkehNAHwuh] Island group
of the central Ryukyu Islands in the
western Pacific Ocean (p. 825)
Olympia [ohzLIHMpeeuh] Site of the
ancient Olympic Games in Greece.
38N 22E (pp. 125, 154)
Oman [ohMAHN] Country on the Arabian
Sea and the Gulf of Oman. 20N 57E
(pp. R3, R5, R19, 198)
Orlans [AWRlayAHN] City in north central
France. 47N 1E (pp. 553, 557, 561)
Osaka [ohSAHkuh] City and port in
Japan. 34N 135E (pp. R3, 507)
Oslo [AHZloh] Capital of Norway. 60N
11E (p. 725)
Ostia [AHSteeuh] Ancient city of Italy in
Latium at the mouth of the Tiber
River. 44N 10E (p. 293)
Ottoman Empire Turkish empire from the
late 1200s in Asia Minor throughout
the Middle East. 45N 25E (pp. 639,
645, 722, 781, 786, 799)
Pacific Ocean The largest and deepest of
the world's four oceans, covering more
than a third of the earth's surface. 0
170W (pp. R23, R45, R610, R12,
R15, 13, 225, 409, 425, 426, 433, 485,
749, 765, 769, 773, 811, 825, 893)
Pakistan [PAkihSTAN] Officially the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan, a republic in
South Asia, marking the area where
South Asia converges with southwest
Asia. 28N 67E (pp. R3, 176, 198, 845)
Palestine [PALihstyn] Historic region, sit-
uated on the eastern coast of the
Mediterranean Sea. 31N 35E (pp.
286, 293, 297, 302, 327, 383, 397, 534,
542, 792)
Panama [PAnuhMAH] Central American
country on the Isthmus of Panama.
9N 81W (pp. 749, 861)
Panama [PAnuhMAH] Canal Ship canal
crossing the Isthmus of Panama and
connecting the Caribbean Sea with
the Pacific Ocean. 9N 79W (p. 769)
Papal [PAYpuhl] States Territory in Italy
formerly under direct temporal rule
of the pope. 43N 13E (pp. 538, 639,
Paraguay [PARuhGWY] South American
country northeast of Argentina. 24S
57W (pp. 749, 861)
Paris [PARuhs] Capital of France. 49N 2E
(pp. 516, 518, 542, 555, 557, 633, 642,
714, 722, 724, 725, 780, 781, 786, 787)
Parma [PAHR-mah] City in north-central
Italy. 44N 10E (p. 747)
Pataliputra [PAHtuhlihPOOtruh] Capital of
the Mauryan empire in India. 24N
86E (pp. 209, 210, 246)
Pearl Harbor Inlet of the Pacific Ocean on
the southern coast of Oahu, Hawaii.
21N 157W (p. 825)
Peloponnesus [PEHluhpuhNEEsuhs] A
peninsula in southern Greece. 37N
22E (pp. 117, 124, 125, 144)
Pergamum [PUHRguhmuhm] An ancient
city of northwest Asia Minor in Mysia,
now Turkey. 39N 28E (pp. 179, 189)
Persepolis [puhrseipuhLEES] Ancient
capital of Persian empire, now in
ruins. 30N 53E (pp. 132, 176, 374)
Persia [PUHRzhuh] The conventional
European designation of the country
now known as Iran. 32N 55E (pp.
132, 144, 176, 246, 374, 380, 383, 385,
397, 425, 554, 799)
Persian [PUHRzhuhn] Gulf An arm of the
Arabian Sea in southwestern Asia,
between the Arabian Peninsula on
the southwest and Iran on the north-
east. 27N 50E (pp. R19, 17, 109, 132,
176, 374, 380, 383, 385, 397, 448, 452,
554, 565, 709, 792, 799)
Peru [puhROO] South American country
south of Ecuador and Colombia. 10S
75W (pp. 749, 861)
Petrograd [PEHtrohgrad] City in Russia,
now St. Petersburg. 59N 30E (p. 786)
Philadelphia [FILuhDEHLfeeuh] City in
eastern Pennsylvania on the Delaware
River. 40N 75W (pp. 690, 691, 694, 695)
Philippines [FIHluhPEENZ] Island country in
the Pacific Ocean southeast of China.
14N 125E (pp. R3, R5, 662, 667, 765,
773, 825, 847)
Piedmont [PEEDmahnt] Region in north-
west Italy bordering France and
Switzerland. 45N 8E (p. 747)
Pisa [PEEsah] City in central Italy. 43N
10E (pp. 542, 609, 653)
Plataea [pluhTEEuh] Ancient city of
Greece. 39N 22E (p. 134)
Plateau of Tibet [tuhBEHT] Worlds high-
est plateau region, bordered by the
Himalaya, Pamirs, and Karakoram
mountain ranges. (p. 225)
Plymouth [PLImuhth] Town in eastern
Massachusetts, first successful English
colony in New England. 42N 71W
(pp. 663, 691)
Poland [POHluhnd] Country in central
Europe. 52N 17E (pp. R3, R1617, 538,
639, 645, 688, 725, 790, 814, 832, 834, 891)
Po River River in northern Italy, the
longest in the country. 45N 11E (pp.
263, 274, 513, 514, 653, 688)
Port Arthur City in northeastern China,
now called Lshun. 38N 121E
(pp. 773, 778)
Portugal [POHRchihguhl] A long narrow
country on Atlantic Ocean, sharing
the Iberian Peninsula with Spain.
38N 8W (pp. R2, 639, 645, 662, 722,
781, 786, 790, 814, 832, 891)
Portuguese Guinea [GIHnee] Country in
northwestern Africa, now called
Guinea-Bissau. 11N 14W (p. 767)
Posen City in western Poland. 52N 17E
(p. 548)
Prayagal City in central India, part of the
Mauryan empire, 321 B.C. 26N 81E
(p. 210)
Principe [prinSEEPe] Island of Africa in
the Gulf of Guinea. 1N 7E (p. 767)
Prussia [PRUHshuh] Former kingdom and
state of Germany. (pp. 538, 722, 725, 747)
Puerto Rico [PWEHRtoh REEkoh] Island in
the Caribbean Sea; U.S. Common-
wealth. 19N 67W (pp. 749, 836)
Puteoli [pyuTEEuhLY] Port city on the
Bay of Naples. 42N 14E (p. 293)
Pyrenees [PIRuhnees] Mountain range in
southwestern Europe, extending from
the Bay of Biscay to the Mediter-
ranean Sea. 43N 0E (pp. 269, 274,
513, 514, 516)
Qin [CHIHN] Chinese state along Huang He
and Chang Jiang. 33N 112E (p. 241)
North Sea Qin
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974 Index 974 Gazetteer
Qingdao [CHINGDOW] City of eastern
China on the Yellow Sea north of
Shanghai. 36N 120E (p. 773)
Quanzhou [chuhWAHNJOH] City in south-
eastern China. 25N 111E (pp. 431,
Quebec [kihBEHK] City in Canada. 47N
71W (pp. 663, 691)
Ramadi [ruhMAHdee] Town in central
Iraq. 33N 43E (p. 799)
Red Sea Narrow, inland sea, separating
the Arabian Peninsula, western Asia,
from northeastern Africa. 23N 37E
(pp. R3, R5, R1819, R20, R21, 28, 70,
121, 132, 179, 246, 293, 329, 352, 361,
367, 374, 383, 385, 397, 425, 433, 445,
448, 554, 709, 792, 799, 875)
Rhineland [RYNluhnd] Region along the
Rhine River in western Germany.
38N 91W (p. 814)
Rhine [RYN] River One of the principal
rivers of Europe. 50N 7E (pp. 293,
513, 514, 538, 542, 688, 722)
Rhodes [RODZ] Island in the Aegean Sea.
36N 28E (pp. 269, 274)
Rhodesia [rohDEEshuh] Region of south-
central Africa south of Congo and
comprising modern-day Zambia and
Zimbabwe. 19S 29E (p. 767)
Rhne [RON] River River of southeastern
France. 44N 4E (pp. 557, 561)
Rio de Oro [REEo dai Oro] Historical
region in the southern section of the
Western Sahara on the northwestern
coast of Africa. 24N 14W (p. 767)
Rio Grande [REEoh GRAND] River that
forms part of the boundary between
the United States and Mexico. 30N
103W (pp. R2, R4, 590, 663)
Rocky Mountains Mountain system in
western North America. 50N 114W
(pp. R4, 590)
Romania [ruMAYneeuh] Eastern European
country east of Hungary. 46N 23E
(pp. 781, 786, 790, 814, 832, 897)
Rome [ROHM] Capital of Italy. 41N 12E
(pp. R3, 262, 263, 268, 269, 274, 277,
286, 292, 293, 297, 302, 317, 323, 327,
329, 337, 342, 351, 352, 358, 361, 367,
514, 516, 518, 522, 534, 542, 548, 555,
608, 609, 633, 642, 645, 653, 670, 703,
714, 722, 725, 744, 747, 780, 781, 786)
Russia [RUHshuh] Independent republic
in Eastern Europe and northern Asia,
the worlds largest country by area.
61N 60E (pp. R3, R17, 645, 722, 725,
747, 773, 778, 781, 786, 883)
Rwanda [ruhWAHNduh] East African
country. 2S 30E (p. 870)
Ryukyu [RYUKyoo] Islands Island group of
southwest Japan between Kyushu
and Taiwan. 26N 128E (p. 778)
Sahara [suhHARuh] Desert region in
northern Africa that is the largest hot
desert in the world. 23N 1W (pp. R5,
R20, R21, 70, 374, 445, 448, 449, 479)
Saigon [syGAWN] City in Vietnam, now
called Ho Chi Minh City. 10N 106E
(pp. 765, 849)
St. Augustine [AWgussteen] City in north-
eastern Florida on the Atlantic coast;
oldest permanent existing European
settlement in North America. 30N
81W (p. 663)
St. Petersburg Second-largest city and
largest seaport in Russia, located in
the northwestern part of the country.
59N 30E (pp. R3, 725, 786)
Sakhalin [sahk-HAH-lin] Island of southeast
Russia in the Sea of Okhotsk; also
called Karafuto. 51N 143E (p. 778)
Salamis [SAluhmuhs] Island in eastern
Greece in the Gulf of Saroniks. 37N
23E (p. 134)
Salonica City and port in northeastern
Greece. 40N 23E (p. 548)
Samarkand [sahmahrKAHNT] City in
southern Uzbekistan. 39N 67E (pp.
424, 425, 554)
Samaria [suhMAHReeuh] Ancient city
and state in Palestine, located north
of present-day Jerusalem east of the
Mediterranean Sea. 32N 35E (pp. 86,
90, 105)
San Francisco City in northern California on
the Pacific coast. 38N 122W (p. 769)
Santa Fe [SANtuh FAY] Capital of New
Mexico located in the north central
part of the state. 36N 106W (p. 663)
So Tom [SAHo TOmai] Capital city and
island in the Gulf of Guinea off west-
ern Africa. 1N 7E (p. 767)
Sarajevo [SARuhYAYvoh] Capital of Bosnia
and Herzegovina. 43N 18E (pp. 781,
786, 897)
Sardinia [sahrDINeeuh] Island off western
Italy, in the Mediterranean Sea. 40N
9E (pp. R5, 263, 269, 274, 293, 329, 337,
538, 555, 609, 653, 722, 747, 832)
Sardis [SAWRdihs] Ancient city of Asia
Minor, now in Turkey. 38N 28E
(pp. 132, 134)
Saudi Arabia [SOWdee uhRAYbeeuh]
Southwest Asian country, occupying
most of the Arabian Peninsula. 22N
46E (pp. R3, R1819, 176, 792, 875)
Savoy [sahVOyuh] Former duchy lying
between Italy and France. 43N 21E
(pp. 639, 747)
Saxony [SAHKsuhnee] Historical region of
northern Germany. 51N 13E (p. 747)
Scandinavia [SKANDiNAIveeah] Region
in northern Europe consisting of
Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
62N 14E (pp. 512, 544)
Schleswig [SHLEHSwihg] Historical region
and former duchy of northern
Germany and southern Denmark.
54N 9E (p. 747)
Scotland One of the four countries that
make up the United Kingdom in the
northern part of Great Britain. 57N
5W (pp. R16, 518, 538, 639, 645, 757)
Sea of Japan Arm of the Pacific Ocean
lying between Japan and the Asian
mainland. 40N 132E (pp. R5, R23,
225, 485, 773, 778, 811, 825, 838)
Seine [SAYN] River River in northern
France. 48N 4E (pp. 513, 514, 516,
518, 557, 561)
Seleucia [suhLOOsheeuh] Kingdom
extending eastward from Asia Minor
into what is now Pakistan. 36N 36E
(pp. 179, 189)
Senegal [sehnihGAWL] West African coun-
try. 15N 14W (p. 870)
Seoul [SOHL] Capital of South Korea.
38N 127E (p. 838)
Serbia [SUHRbeeuh] Republic in south-
eastern Europe. 44N 21E (pp. 725,
781, 786, 897)
Shanghai [SHANGhy] City of eastern
China at the mouth of the Chang
Jiang. 31N 121E (pp. 771, 773, 778,
811, 825)
Sheffield City in north-central England.
53N 1W (p. 725)
Shikoku [shihKOHkoo] One of the four
largest islands of Japan. 33N 133E
(pp. 484, 485, 507, 778)
Siam [syAM] Country of southeastern
Asia, now called Thailand. 17N
101E (p. 825)
Siberia [seiBIRreeyuh] Large region con-
sisting of the Asian portion of Russia
as well as northern Kazakhstan. 57N
97E (pp. R5, R23, 425)
Sichuan [SEHCHWAHN] Province of south-
central China. 30N 103E (p. 811)
Sicily [SIHsuhlee] Largest island in the
Mediterranean Sea off the coast of
southern Italy. 37N 13E (pp. R5, 121,
262, 263, 269, 274, 293, 329, 337, 352,
361, 367, 538, 542, 553, 555, 609, 653,
722, 747)
Qingdao Sicily
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Sidon [SEIduhn] City in southwestern
Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea.
33N 35E (pp. 17, 90, 105, 293)
Sierra Leone [seeEHRuh leeOHN] West
African country south of Guinea. 8N
12W (pp. 767, 870)
Silesia [syLEEzhuh] Region of central
Europe, once part of Prussia but now
largely in Poland. 51N 18E (p. 747)
Silk Road Large network of trade routes
stretching from western China to
southwest Asia. 34N 109E (p. 246)
Sinai [SYny] Peninsula Land linking south-
west Asia with northeast Africa. 29N
34E (p. 875)
Singapore [SIHNGuhPOHR] Southeast Asian
island country. 2N 104E (pp. 765,
825, 847)
Slovenia [slohVEEneeuh] Southeastern
European country south of Austria.
46N 15E (pp. 891, 897)
Solomon Islands Island group of the west-
ern Pacific Ocean. 8S 159E (p. 825)
Somalia [sohMAHleeuh] East African
country. 3N 45E (p. 870)
Somaliland [sohMAHleeluhnd] Region of
eastern Africa comprising present-day
Somalia, Djibouti, and southeast
Ethiopia. 8N 45E (p. 767)
Somme [SOHM] River in northern France
that flows west and northwest to the
English Channel. 49N 2E (p. 786)
Songhai [SAWNGHY] Empire located along
the Niger River. 13N 5E (p. 451)
South Africa [Afrihkuh] Country at the
southern tip of Africa, officially the
Republic of South Africa. 28S 25E
(pp. 767, 869, 870)
South America Continent in the southern
part of the Western Hemisphere. 15S
60W (pp. R2, R4, R14, R15, 13, 473,
565, 573, 577, 658, 662, 707, 744, 749,
762, 893)
South China Sea Arm of the Pacific Ocean
off the eastern and southeastern coasts
of Asia. 15N 114E (pp. R3, R5, 109,
225, 241, 246, 409, 425, 433, 439, 554, 565,
667, 765, 773, 811, 825, 847, 849)
South Korea [kuhxREEuh] East Asian coun-
try on the Korean Peninsula. 36N
128E (p. 838)
Soviet [SOHveeeht] Union Former commu-
nist country in eastern Europe and
northern Asia that included Russia
and 14 other soviet socialist republics.
55N 37E (pp. 790, 792, 811, 814, 825,
832, 883)
Spain [SPAYN] Country in southwestern
Europe. 40N 4W (pp. R23, R16, 268,
269, 277, 286, 292, 293, 297, 302, 317,
323, 327, 329, 337, 352, 358, 361, 380,
385, 516, 518, 522, 534, 542, 544, 639,
645, 662, 722, 725, 781, 786, 790, 814,
832, 891)
Sparta [SPAHRtah] City in ancient Greece
and capital of Laconia. 37N 23E (pp.
117, 121, 124, 125, 134, 138, 144, 149)
Sri Lanka [sreeLAHNGkuh] Island country
in the Indian Ocean south of India,
formerly called Ceylon. 8N 82E (pp.
R3, R5, R22, 198, 202, 433, 667, 845)
Stockholm [STAHKHOHLM] Capital of
Sweden. 59N 18E (pp. 555, 725)
Strait of Gibraltar [jiBRAHLtuhr] Narrow
passage connecting the Mediter-
ranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean.
35N 5W (pp. R16, 380, 385)
Strait of Magellan [muhJEHLuhn] Channel
between the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans on the southern tip of South
America. 52S 68W (pp. R2, R4, R14,
R15, 662, 769)
Strait of Messina [mehSEEnuh] Passage
separating mainland Italy from the
island of Sicily. 38N 15E (p. 263)
Strasbourg [STRAHSboorg] City in eastern
France. 48N 7E (pp. 548, 747)
Sudan [sooDAN] East African country.
14N 28E (pp. 767, 870)
Sudetenland [sooDAYtuhnLAND] Historical
region of northern Czech Republic.
50N 14E (p. 814)
Suez Canal [SOOehz] Canal in Egypt con-
necting the Mediterranean and Red
seas. 30N 32E (pp. 767, 799, 875)
Sumatra [sooMAHtrah] Island in western
Indonesia. 2N 99E (pp. R3, R5, R23,
425, 433, 554, 667, 765, 825)
Suriname [SURuhNAHmuh] South Ameri-
can country between Guyana and
French Guiana. 4N 56W (pp. 749,
Susa [sooSAH] Persian capital, in the
region of southern Mesopotamia.
34N 48E (pp. 17, 132, 176)
Swaziland [SWAHzeeLAND] Southern African
country west of Mozambique, almost
entirely within the Republic of South
Africa. 27S 32E (pp. 767, 870)
Sweden [SWEEDuhn] Northern European
country on the eastern side of the
Scandinavian peninsula. 60N 14E
(pp. R3, R16, R17, 538, 688, 703, 722,
725, 781, 786, 790, 814, 832, 891)
Switzerland [SWIHTsuhrluhnd] European
country south of Germany. 47N 8E
(pp. 725, 747, 781, 786, 790, 814)
Syracuse [SIHRuhKYOOS] City in Sicily.
37N 15E (p. 182)
Syria [SIHReeuh] Southwestern Asian
country on the east side of the
Mediterranean Sea. 35N 37E (pp.
R3, R1819, 62, 176, 177, 274, 286, 293,
329, 352, 374, 380, 383, 385, 792, 875)
Syrian [SIHReeuhn] Desert Desert of the
northern Arabian Peninsula, includ-
ing northern Saudi Arabia, northeast-
ern Jordan, southeastern Syria, and
western Iraq. 32N 40E (pp. R1819,
17, 90, 105)
Taiwan [TYWAHN] Island country off the
southeast coast of China; seat of the
Chinese Nationalist government. 23N
122E (pp. R3, R5, R23, 225, 765, 773)
Tajikistan [tahJIHkihSTAN] Central Asian
country. 39N 70E (p. 883)
Taklimakan [TAHkluhmuhKAHN] Desert
Desert in northwestern China. 40N
83E (p. 225)
Tannenberg Village in northeast Poland.
53N 20E (p. 786)
Tanzania [TANzuhNEEuh] East African
country. 7S 34E (p. 870)
Tarsus [TAHRsuhs] City in southern Turkey.
37N 34E (pp. 352, 361, 367)
Tenochtitln [tayNAWCHteetLAHN] Aztec
city in the Valley of Mexico. 19N
99W (pp. 575, 582, 593, 662, 663)
Teotihuacn [TAYohTEEwuhKAHN] Site in
central Mexico that in ancient times
was one of the largest cities in the
world. 19N 98W (pp. 572, 575)
Turkmenistan [tuhrkMEHnuhSTAN] Central
Asian country on the Caspian Sea.
41N 56E (p. 883)
Thailand [TYLAND] Southeast Asian country
east of Myanmar. 17N 101E (pp. 765,
773, 825, 849)
Thar [TAHR] Desert Desert in northwestern
India. 25W 72E (p. 219)
Thebes [THEEBZ] Ancient city and former
capital of Egypt. 25N 32E (pp. 28,
39, 59, 62, 70, 75, 132, 479)
Thermopylae [thuhrMAHpuhlee] Mountain
pass in ancient Greece. 38N 22E
(p. 134)
Tian [teeAHN] Shan Mountain range in
central Asia. 45N 85E (p. 225)
Tiber [TYbuhr] River River in north Italy.
42N 12E (pp. 263, 269, 274)
Tibet [tuhBEHT] Country in central Asia.
32N 83E (pp. 246, 409, 424, 425, 439,
554, 773, 845)
Tigris [TYgruhs] River River in southeast-
ern Turkey and Iraq that merges with
the Euphrates River. 34N 44E (pp.
17, 121, 132, 176, 179, 189, 246, 255,
293, 297, 329, 374, 380, 383, 397)
Gazetteer 975
Sidon Tigris River
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976 Index 976 Gazetteer
Tikrit Town in Iraq. 34N 43E (p. 799)
Timbuktu [TIHMBUHKTOO] City of Muslim
learning in West Africa. 16N 3W
(pp. 444, 448, 451, 460, 468, 473, 479)
Timor [TEEmor] Island of southeast
Indonesia. 2S 123E (p. 765)
Tlaxcala [tlahSKAHluh] State in east cen-
tral Mexico. 19N 98W (p. 575)
Togo [TOHgoh] West African country. 8N
1E (pp. 767, 870)
Tokyo [TOHkeeOH] Capital of Japan. 34N
131E (pp. R3, 485, 507, 771, 773, 778,
Toledo [toLAIdo] Historic city in central
Spain. 39N 4W (p. 555)
Tours [TOOR] City in west central France.
47N 0E (p. 516)
Trafalgar [truhFALguhr] Cape off the
southwest coast of Spain. 36N 6W
(p. 722)
Transjordan Southwest Asian country,
now called Jordan. 30N 38E (p. 792)
Tripoli [TRIHpuhlee] Capital city of Libya.
32N 13E (pp. R3, 385, 448, 479, 767)
Tunis [TOOnuhs] Capital city of Tunisia.
36N 10E (p. 385)
Tunisia [tooNEEzhuh] North African coun-
try on the Mediterrean Sea. 35N 10E
(pp. 767, 870)
Turkey [TUHRkee] Country in southeast-
ern Europe and western Asia. 38N
32E (pp. R3, R22, 176, 789, 790, 792)
Turkmenistan [tuhrkMEHnuhSTAN] Central
Asian country on the Caspian Sea.
40N 56E (pp. R3, R22, 176)
Tuscany [TUSkuhnee] Region of northwest
Italy. 43N 11E (p. 747)
Tyre [TYR] Town in southern Lebanon on
the Mediterranean Sea. 33N 35E
(pp. 17, 90, 121, 132, 176, 352, 542)
Tyrrhenian [tuhREEneeuhn] Sea Arm of
the Mediterranean Sea near Italy. 40N
12E (pp. 263, 609, 653)
Uganda [yooGAHNdah] East African coun-
try. 2N 32E (pp. 767, 870)
Ukraine [yooKRAYN] Eastern European
country west of Russia on the Black
Sea. 49N 30E (pp. R3, R17, 548, 883)
Ulm City in southern Germany on the
Danube River. 48N 8E (p. 722)
United Kingdom Western European island
country made up of England, Scot-
land, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
57N 2W (pp. 722, 725, 781, 786, 790,
891, 832)
United States Country in North America
made up of 50 states, mostly between
Canada and Mexico. 38N 110W
(pp. 753, 836)
Ur [OOR] Ancient city in Mesopotamia.
32N 47E (p. 17)
Ural [YUHRuhl] Mountains Mountain range
in Russia. 56N 58E (p. R5)
Uruguay [YURuhGWAY] South American
country south of Brazil. 33S 56W
(pp. 749, 861)
Uruk Ancient settlement in Mesopotamia.
33N 45E (p. 17)
Uzbekistan [UZBEHkihSTAN] Central Asian
country south of Kazakhstan. 42N
60E (p. 883)
Venezuela [vehnuhZWAYluh] South Ameri-
can country on the Caribbean Sea
between Colombia and Guyana. 8N
65W (pp. 749, 861)
Venice [VEHNihs] City in northeastern
Italy. 45N 12E (pp. 522, 542, 548,
555, 608, 609, 653, 703, 725, 747)
Versailles [vuhrSY] City in north-central
France. 48N 2E (pp. 714, 716, 722)
Vienna [veeEHnuh] Capital of Austria.
48N 16E (pp. 714, 722, 725, 781, 786).
Vietnam [veeEHTNAHM] Southeast Asian
country east of Laos and Cambodia.
18N 107E (pp. 847, 849)
Vistula [visTOOlah] River Longest river in
Poland. 52N 20E (p. 513)
Vladivostok [vluhdyivahSTOK] City of
extreme southeast Russia. 43N 131E
(pp. 773, 778)
Volga [VOLguh] River River in western
Russia, longest in Europe. 47N 46E
(pp. R3, R5, 424, 425, 513, 540)
Wales Principality of the United Kingdom
on the western peninsula of the island
of Great Britain. 52N 4W (p. 757)
Warsaw [WAWRSAW] Capital of Poland.
52N 21E (pp. 725, 747)
Warsaw, Grand Duchy of Political unit cre-
ated by Napoleon I in 1807 to restore
Polish lands seized by Prussia. (p. 722)
Washington, D.C. Capital of the United
States, in the District of Columbia. 39N
77W (p. 744)
Waterloo [WAWtuhrLOO] Town in central
Belgium. 51N 5E (pp. 714, 722)
Wei He [WAY HUH] River in central China.
34N 108E (pp. 225, 226, 230, 241)
West Bank Disputed territory of southwest
Asia between Israel and Jordan. 31N
35E (p. 875)
Western Sahara [suhHARuh] Country in
northwest Africa. 24N 13W (p. 870)
West Germany Officially called the Federal
Republic of Germany. 51N 8E (pp.
832, 834)
West Indies Islands in the Caribbean Sea.
19N 79W (p. 473)
Wittenberg [WIHtuhnBUHRG] City in east
central Germany on the Elbe River.
51N 12E (pp. 633, 645)
Xianyang [SHYEHNYAHNG] City in northern
China. 34N 108E (p. 241)
Xi Jiang [SHEEJYAHNG] River in southern
China. 24N 110E (p. 241)
Yathrib [YAthruhb] Town in Saudi Arabia,
now called Madinah. 24N 39E (p. 374)
Yellow Sea Arm of the Pacific Ocean bor-
dered by China, North Korea, and
South Korea. 35N 122E (pp. R5,
R23, 225, 226, 230, 241, 424, 431, 485,
773, 778, 811, 838)
Yugoslavia [YOOgohSLAHveeuh] Eastern
European country south of Hungary;
includes Serbia and Montenegro.
44N 21E (pp. 790, 832, 897)
Zama [ZAYmuh] Town in northern Africa.
35N 9E (p. 274)
Zambia [ZAMbeeuh] Southern African
country. 14S 24E (p. 870)
Zanzibar [ZAHNzuhbawr] City of Tanzania
on Zanzibar Island. 6S 39E (p. 767)
Zhanjiang [JAHNJYAHNG] City of southeast
China. 21N 110E (p. 773)
Zhou [JOH] Empire in what is now north-
ern China. 34N 110E (p. 230)
Zimbabwe [zihmBAHbway] Southern
African country. 18S 30E (p. 870)
Tikrit Zimbabwe
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Index 977
Italicized page numbers refer to illustrations. The following abbreviations are used in the index:
m = map, c = chart, p = photograph or picture, g = graph, crt = cartoon, ptg = painting, q = quote
Aachen, 516, m516
abacus, 236, p236
Abbasid Dynasty, 382,
m383; empire, m383, m397
abbots, 520
abolitionism, 753, 754
Abraham, 81; leading
followers to Canaan, ptg81
absolute monarchy, 681, 682
absolutism, 68689
Abu al-Abbas, 382
Abu Bakr, 380, c381
Abu Talib, 376
Achilles, 177
Acoma, 591
acropolis, 122, 141, p141
Actium, battle of, 282, p283
Act of Supremacy, 648
actors, 160, p160, ptg161, 501
acupuncture, 246, c247, 671
Adams, John, 698, p698
Adams, Samuel, 698
Adena, 580
adobe, 591
Adriatic Sea, 613
Aegean Sea, 120, m134, 328
Aeneas, 264
Aeneid (Virgil), 264, 304
Aeschylus, 161
Aesop, 153, p153, 154, 158,
Aesops fables, 158
Afghanistan, 881, 892, 893;
growth of al-Qaeda, 893;
Soviet invasion of, 881;
Taliban, 893; terrorism
and, 892
Africa, 13, 41, 6872, m109,
121, m121, 178, 274, 357,
380, m380, 384, 44077,
594, 660, 661, m662, 669,
85052, 87073; aftermath
of World War I, 850;
apartheid and, 852, 872,
873; Arab states of North
Africa, 850; Boer War, 768;
Central, 41, 72, 76768;
challenges in, 87072;
civil wars, 870; culture,
469, 47476; early
civilizations of, 6872;
economies, 87071; ethnic
conflicts, 870; European
rule of North Africa, 850;
famine and conflict in,
m870; farming in, 13,
m13, 871; geography and
climate of, m445, 44546,
450; growth of cities, 871;
health care, AIDS, and,
871; imperialism in,
76667, m767, 768;
independence and, 850;
Kush, 7072; modern
ways of life, 871;
nationalism in, 850;
Nubia, 6970; Ottoman
attack of, 384; Portuguese
exploration of, 661;
refugees and, 870;
relations with Europeans,
850; religions today, 463,
m463, g463; rise of
civilizations of, 44453;
slave trade and, 47273,
m473, 661, 669; society in,
46970, 47273; South,
851, 852, 872; UN
peacekeeping troops in,
870; United States
compared to, c446, m446;
West Africa, 767; World
War II in, 826. See also
Africa, medieval; Central
Africa East Africa; South
Africa; West Africa
Africa, medieval, 44077;
Arabic language
introduction to, 467; art,
47475; Bantu migrations,
469, m469; Christianity
and, 452, 463; community
in, 470; culture, 469,
47476; education, 470;
families of, 46970, p470;
geography, 44546, 447,
450; Ghana, 448, 46162;
government, 46162; life
in, 46970; Mali, 44849,
462; music and dance,
p475, 47576; Muslim
influence, 467; rain forest
kingdoms, 45051;
religion, 452, 463, m463,
c463, 46465, 467, 469;
rise of civilizations of,
44453; role of oral
tradition, 449, 470, 474,
476; role of women in,
469, 470, 471; slavery and,
47273, m473; society,
46970, 47273; Songhai,
449, 462; spread of Islam
to, 46465, 467; trade and,
447, 448, m448, 451, c451.
See also Africa; Axum;
East Africa; Ghana,
medieval; Mali,
medieval; North Africa;
Songhai; West Africa
African National Congress,
852, 872, 873; civil
disobedience and, 872,
Afrikaners, 768
Agamemnon, 120; gold
mask of, p119
Age of Enlightenment,
68089. See also
Age of Pericles, 13847.
See also Pericles
agora, 122, 123, p139, 143
Agra, India, 394
agricultural revolution, 13,
57475; in first American
civilizations, 57475; in
Neolithic times, 13, m13
agriculture: development of
flood and irrigation
systems, 18, 21, 41, 230,
417, 503, 577, 579, 591;
development of
techniques in, 18, 41, 199,
230, 417, 526; early, 13,
m13; food surpluses, 15,
43, 386, 45051, 503, 577;
inventions and, 21, 41,
230; Mesoamerican,
57475; Neolithic, 13,
m13. See also farming
Aguinaldo, Emilio, 770
Ahmose, prince of Egypt, 61
AIDS, 871
Akbar, ruler of Mogul, 386,
Akhenaton, king of Egypt,
64; religious reformer of
Egypt, 64
Akihito, emperor of Japan,
Akkadians, 23
Alamagordo, New Mexico,
Alaric, Visigoth leader, 323
Alaska, 573, 590; people and
cultures of, m590
Albanian Muslims, 884
Albanians, 884
al Bekri, 462, q462
Alcuin, 516
Alexander II, czar of
Russia, 746
Alexander the Great, 95,
137, 150, 159, 172, 17679,
p177, p180, 18081, p181,
p187, 210, 252; conquests,
95, 177, 178; control over
Judah, 95; empire of,
m176, 17678; Hellenistic
Era, 17879, m179;
invasion of western India,
210; king of Macedonia,
176; legacy of, 17778;
villain or hero, 180, 181
Alexandria, Egypt, 177,
p178, m178, 179, 183, 305;
modern, p178
Alfred, king of Wessex, 535
Algeria, 357, 766, 850
Algonquian, 592
algorithms, 216
Alhambra, 394, 646, p646
Ali, 380, c381, 382
al-Idrisi, 660
Alighieri, Dante, 620
Allah, 374, 380
Allende, Salvador, 867
alliances, 584, 597, 782
Allies. See World War I;
World War II
alphabets, 85, 120, 326, 363;
Cyrillic, 363, c363; Greek,
120, c120; Phoenician, 85,
c85, 120; Roman, 326
Alps, 263, 514
al-Qaeda, 893
al-Razi, 391, q391
Amaterasu, 487, p487
ambassadors, 615
Amenhotep IV, pharaoh of
Egypt, 64
American Revolution,
690700, 715; Battle of
Saratoga as turning point,
699; Battle of Yorktown,
699; colonial government,
69697; Declaration of
Independence, 699;
factors leading up to, 694,
695, 69697; first battle of,
698; impact of on Europe,
714, 715; issues of trade
Italicized page numbers refer to illustrations. The following abbreviations are used in the index:
m = map, c = chart, p = photograph or picture, g = graph, crt = cartoon, ptg = painting, q = quote
Aachen American Revolution
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978 Index
and taxation, 69697; role
of France in, 699; Second
Continental Congress,
699; Treaty of Paris as end
to, 699
Americas, 568601, 650, 662;
Catholic missionaries to,
650; Europeans in North
America, m691, 69194;
fall of the Aztec and Inca
empires, 593600; first
Americans, 57281; first
American civilizations,
57481; life in the, 58292;
pathway to the, 573;
Spanish arrival in,
59497, 599600. See also
American Revolution;
Aztec Empire; humans,
early; Inca Empire; Maya;
civilizations; Native
Americans; North
America civilizations of;
Olmec Empire
Amida, 499
Amish, 637, p637
Amon-Re, 71
Amos, 91, c91
Anabaptists, 637, p637; past
and present, 637
Anasazi, m578, 57880, 591;
art, 579; cliff dwellings,
57879, p579; farming,
579; trade, 579
anatomy, 305, 676
Andean civilizations:
culture, 588; political
structure, 588; social
structure, 588; religion,
Andes, 578
anesthesia, 738
Angles, 514, 535
Anglican Church, 649, 693
Anglo-Saxons, 514, 535, 536
Angola, 851
animism, 490
Anning, Mary, c739
annulment, 648
anthropologist, 9
anti-apartheid movement,
872, 873
Antigone (Sophocles), 161
Antioch, Syria, 541, 542
Antiochus, 96
anti-Semitism, 548, 809
Antoinette, Marie, queen
of France, 716, 718, p718
Antony, 282, 289
Anyang, China, 226, c247
Apache, 591
apartheid, 852, 872, 873; end
of, 872
Apennines, 263
Aphrodite, 155, p155
Apollo, 155, p155
apostles, 348, 349, p350
appeasement, 814; failure
of, 81415
Appolonius of Rhodes, 183
apprentices, 530
aqueducts, 291, p291, 303,
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 550,
551, p551; biography, 551;
concept of natural law,
Arabia, m109, 37374,
38081, 38283, 384, m385;
Bedouins, p373, 373;
culture, 37374; 38081;
daily life in, 37374; early,
37384; empires of,
38081, 382; fall of Arab
Empire, 383; geography
of, 373; government, 375;
opposition to Islam,
37475; Ottoman attack
of, 384; religion of, 374,
38081; spread of Islam in,
m380, 38081; teachings
of Islam, 37778; trade,
373, 381; tribal
organization of, 373. See
also Islam; Muslims
Arabian Nights, The, 393
Arabian Sea, 195
Arabic language, 381, 388,
39091, 467; acceptance
of, 381, 39091, 467;
spread of, 388, 467; trade
and, 388
Arab-Israeli conflict,
Arabs: after World War I,
792; conflict with
Israelis, 87476; division
of Palestine and, 874; Ibn
Saud unites, 792; Nasser
unites, 874; nationalism
of, 792; reaction to
Zionist settlers, 792;
refugee camps, 874;
states in North Africa,
850; terrorism and, 879
Arafat, Yasir, 875, 879
archaeological dig, 9, p9;
care and cleaning of
artifacts, 9; preservation
techniques, 9; use of
grids, 9
archaeologists, 9, 10, 20, 486
archbishop of Canterbury,
Archimedes, 150, c185,
p185, 186, q186; design of
catapult, 186; scientific
contributions of, c185;
solid geometry and, 186
architecture: Aztec, 586,
587; Chaldean, 29; Doric,
Ionic, Corinthian columns,
p162, 163; Egyptian,
5052, 60, 62, 65, p65, 66;
European, 54950; Gothic
styles of, 549; Greek, 154,
16263, 183; Hellenistic
Era of, 183; influences on
modern, 326, 467;
Japanese, 499500;
Kushite, 71; modern, 325,
p325; Muslim, 384, p384,
386, 389, 39394, 467;
Ottoman, 384, p384;
Parthenon, p162, c162;
Renaissance, 619, Roman,
30304, 325, p325, 326;
Romanesque styles of,
549. See also art and
Arctic regions, 590
Ares, 155, p155
Argentina, 866; democratic,
866; military control of,
Argonautica (Appolonius),
Argonne Forest, battle of,
Arian, q181
Aristarchus, 185; scientific
contributions of, c185
Aristide, Jean-Bertrand,
aristocrats, 227, 229, 230,
233, 236, 242, 24445, 247
Aristophanes, 161
Aristotle, 168, p168, 170,
p170, 171, 172, p172, 550;
biography, 172; golden
mean, 170, 171; ideas
and influence of, c109,
c170, 171, 550
Ark of the Covenant, 83,
Arkwright, Richard, 727
armistice, 790
Arsenal, 613
art and artisans: African,
47475; Anasazi, 579,
p579; Aztec, ptg586, 587,
ptg587; Chaldean, 30;
Chinese, 229, ptg421,
42122, p422, 432, p432;
Egyptian, 60, ptg60;
engravings, 625;
Etruscan, 265, p265,
ptg265; European, 54950,
p550; French, 736, 737;
frescoes, 624; Greek, 143,
16263, 183; guilds, 503,
530; Harappan, 197;
Hellenistic Era of, 183;
guilds, 503, 530;
impressionism, 737;
Incan, 588; Japanese,
499501, 503; Kushite, 69,
ptg69; Mayan, p583;
Muslim, 389, 39394;
Mycenaean, 119;
Neolithic, c14, 15; oil
painting, 625; Paleolithic,
10, ptg10, 11, c14; realism,
73637; Renaissance and,
60910, 612, 613, 614, 619,
621, 622, ptg622, 62324,
62526; Roman, 30304;
romanticism, 736, 737;
sculpture, 60, 163, 183,
229, 624; Shang dynasty,
229; Song dynasty, 421,
ptg421; Sumerian, 20; use
of chiaroscuro, 623; use of
perspective in, 623;
woodcuts, 625
Artemis, 155, p155
artifacts, 9, p9, 486, 57879;
Anasazi, p579; Assyrian,
p28; Athenian, p125, p130,
p142; Aztec, p585, p587,
p596; Benin, p450;
Byzantine, p359, p360;
Chinese, p223, p227, p228,
p229, p235, p238, p243,
p249; cleaning and
preservation of, 9;
Egyptian, p43, p50, p53,
p60, p61, p64, p65, p66;
Etruscan, p265; Greek,
p119, p123, p125, p139,
p142, p157, p161; Hopi,
p591; hunter-gatherer,
p573; Incan, p588, p599;
Japanese, p486, p489,
p501; Jomon, p486;
Kushite, p71, p72; Mayan,
p584, p585; medieval
African, p450, p470, p473;
Mesopotamian, p18, p19,
p20, p21, p24, p25;
Minoan, p118; Moche,
p577; Mohenjo-Daro,
Americas artifacts
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p196; Mound Builder,
p580; Neolithic Age, p12,
p14; Noh, p501; Olmec,
p575; Paleolithic Age,
ptg10; Persian, p132; Qin
dynasty, p243; Roman,
p267, p307, p309, p319,
p334; Shang dynasty,
p227, p228, p229; Yayoi,
p486; Zhou dynasty, p223,
p229, p249
artisans, 20, 30, 43, 45, 51,
389, 451, 499500, 715.
See also art and artisans
Aryabhata, 215
Aryans, 198201; caste
system, 20001; changes
brought by, 199;
development of Sanskrit,
199, c199; Hinduism
and, 202, 203; migration
of, m198; nomadic life of,
198; religion of, 203; role
of men and women, 201;
society of, 199201, c200
Ashikaga shogunate, 496,
Ashikaga Takauji, 496
Asia, 13, m13, 39, 60, 64, 65,
66, m109, 178, 276, 343,
411, 418, 554, 573, 594,
61112, 650, 659, 666,
89091; Asian Tigers,
890; Black Death in, m554;
Catholic missionaries to,
650; central, 119, 208, 231,
343, 383, 411, 418; early
farming in, 13, m13; East,
89091; economies,
89091; European trade
in, m667; French control
of sea trade of, 666;
Northwest, 384; search
for sea route to, 594;
Southeast, 206, 213, 435;
Southwest, 39, 178, 179,
418, 426; trade and, 231,
m246, 24647, 388, 41718,
435, 659, 666, m667;
western, 60, 65, m109,
121, m121. See also China;
East Asia; Mongol
Empire; Silk Road;
Southeast Asia
Asia Minor, m117, 120,
m121, 132, m132, 133,
134, 137, 139, 146, 177,
349, 384, 541, 542
Asia Pacific Economic
Corporation (APEC), 890
Askia, Muhammad, 465
Asoka, emperor of
Mauryan empire, 211,
212, p212, 213; biography,
212; first Buddhist king,
211; political and moral
achievements of, 211,
212; reign of, c109, 211
Aspalta, king of Kush, 71
Aspasia, 144
assembly, government,
129, 130, 139, c140
Assyria, 2728. See also
Assyrians, 26, 2728, m28,
67, 71; Chaldeans and, 28;
culture of, 28; empire of,
27, 28, m28, 90; fall of
empire, 28; fall of Israel
and, 91; government of,
28; invasion of Egypt, 71;
iron-making, 71; life in,
28; religion of, 28;
Samaritans, 9192;
warriors, 27, p27, 28;
weaponry of, 27
astrolabe, 391, p391, 659,
astronomers, 30, 51, 185,
671, 672, 67375. See also
astronomy; science
astronomy, 21, 30, 51, 185,
216, 391, 585, c670, 671,
672, 67375; astrolabe,
391, p391; building the
pyramids and, 51;
calendar, 21, 30, 51, 585;
Copernican Armillary
Sphere, p671; develop-
ment of scientific
instruments, 675;
geocentric theory of, 671;
heliocentric theory of the
universe, 674; planetary
movement, 67475;
Scientific Revolution and,
67375; telescope, p674,
675; used for planting
and harvesting, 585; used
for predicting eclipses,
585. See also science
Atahualpa, emperor of
Inca, 599600; defeat of
by Pizarro, 600
Atatrk, 792; modernization
of Turkey, 792
Athena, 112, p129, p155, 155
Athens, p112, c124, m125,
126, 12830, 13947;
artifacts of, p125, p129,
p142; culture of, 12829,
140, 14244; democracy
and, 126, 12930, 13940,
c140; economy, 143;
education in, 128129; fall
of, 14546; Golden Age,
141; government of, 124,
126, 12930, 13940, c140;
homes in, 142, p142; life in,
12829, 14244; Macedon-
ian invasion of, 175; men
of, 143; Peloponnesian
War and, m144, 14446;
Persian Wars, m134,
13437; school of
Greece, 140, 141; slavery
in, 142; soldiers oath,
122; Sparta as compared
to, 12530; trade and, 143;
tyranny in, 12526; under
rule of Pericles, 140, 141;
women in, 143, p143, 144
atomic bomb, 82930;
bombing of Hiroshima,
p829, 82930; bombing
of Nagasaki, 830;
building of, 829. See also
nuclear weapons
atomic theory, 73839
Aton, 64
Augustine, Saint, 356,
p357; biography, 357
Augustulus, Romulus,
emperor of Rome, 324
Augustus, emperor of
Rome, 28283, q287,
28788, 289, p289, q289,
q297, 343; achievements
of, 28788; biography,
289; government of, 288;
legal system and, 288
Aung San Suu Kyi, 847,
Auschwitz, 827
Austria, 687, 688, m688,
716, 718, 723, 746, 747,
791, 815; Congress of
Vienna, 723; growth of,
m688; Hapsburg rulers
of, 688; Hitlers invasion
of, 815; nationalist
movement in, 746;
nation-state of, 791; war
with France, 716, 718
Austria-Hungary, 781, 782,
783, 784, 791; assassina-
tion of Ferdinand, 783,
784; Balfour Declaration,
792; crisis in the Balkans,
783; declaration of war
on Serbia, 784; end of the
empire, 791; Treaty of
Versailles, 791
ayatollah, 878
Axis powers. See World
War II.
Axum, 72, c451, m451, c451,
452; economy, c451, 452;
government, 452;
location, c451; religion,
c451, 452; rise of, 452;
trade, c451, 452
Aztec Empire, 577, 58587,
59697; architecture of,
ptg586, 587, p587; city of
Tenochtitln, 586, 587,
p586; class structure,
587; culture, 58587,
p587; daily life, p586,
587; defeat of by
Spanish, 59697, 598;
disease and, 597;
government, 58586;
oral tradition of, 586;
religious beliefs and
practices, 586, 587, 597;
rise of empire, 58586;
role of men and women,
587; slavery, 587; social
classes, 587; trade,
57677; warfare, 587,
596; weapons, p585, p596
Babylon, 22, 23, 2930, 94,
95, 102, 132, m132, m176,
177; building of city, 23;
capture of, 30, 132; center
of science, 30; city of, 23,
2930; exile of Jews to, 94;
Hanging Gardens of, 29,
p29; Ishtar Gate as main
entrance to, p30; life in,
2930; trade, 30
Bach, Johann Sebastian,
68687, p687
Bacon, Francis, 67879;
development of
scientific method, 679
bacteria, 738
Baghdad, 382, 383, 388,
391, 426
balance of power, 782, 787
Balboa, Vasco Nez de,
Balfour Declaration, 792
Balkan League, 783
Balkan Peninsula, m117, 884
Balkans, 783, 784, 791, 884;
breakup of Yugoslavia,
Baltic Sea, 539
Balzac, Honor de, 737
Bangladesh, 845
banking, 549, 61213
Index 979
artisans banking
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980 Index
Bantu, 46970; culture, 469;
families, 46970;
migrations, m469; oral
history of, 470
barbarians, 435
barter, 319, 529
Basil, 363
Bastille, c714, 716, 717;
attack of, 716, 717, p717
Bay of Pigs, Cuba, 863
bazaar, p388, 389
Bedouins, p373, 373
Beethoven, Ludwig Van, 736
Begin, Menachem, 876;
Camp David Accords, 876
Beijing, China, 428
Belgium, 625, 76768, 784;
Congo, 768; Northern
Renaissance in, 625;
rubber trade, 76768;
World War I, 784
Belize, 583
Bell, Alexander Graham,
Belorussians, 539
Benedict, 363, q367
Ben-Gurion, David, 874, 875
Benin empire, 450, 451;
artists, 451; farming, 450;
trade, 451
Bentham, Jeremy, 735
Benue River, 469
Berbers, 447, 448, 449
Beringia, 573, m573
Bering, Vitus, 573
Berlin Wall, 835, p835, 882
Bernard of Clairvaux, 545
Bessemer, Henry, 728
Bethlehem, 346
Bhagavad Gita, Song of
the Lord, 214, 844;
influence of on Gandhi,
Bible: Christian, 344, 346,
349; first English
translation of, 635;
Gutenberg, 620, 621;
Hebrew, 81, 82, 94, 95,
96, 99, 348, 350; moral
teachings of, 377; New
Testament, 356;
Reformation and, 636,
637; stained glass as
picture, 550; translation
of into vernacular, 634,
written copies of, 520.
See also Hebrew Bible
Big Three, 826, p826, 833
Bill of Rights: English, 682,
700; United States, 700
bin-Laden, Osama, 893
bishops, 355, c355, 363,
641, 649
Bismarck Otto von, 748,
Black Death, m554, c555,
ptg554, 55455, m555,
609; impact on global
population, 555; spread
of, m554, 55455, m555
Black Hand, 784
Black Sea, 328, 659
Blair, Tony, 891
blockade, 787, 83435;
British of Germany, 787;
Soviet of West Berlin,
Bodhidharma, 500, p500
bodhisattvas, 208
Boers, 768
Boer War, 768
Bolivar, Simn, 749, 750,
p750, q750; biography, 750
Bolivia, 862
Bologna, Italy, 550
Bonaparte, Napoleon, p719,
71921, p721, q721, 722;
biography, 721;
Continental System, 720;
defeat of, 722; empire of,
72022, m722; Grand
Army, 722; legal, finance,
tax systems of, 720;
limitations of freedoms
under, 720; military
victories of, 720;
Napoleonic Code, 720;
rise of, 71920
Book of Epodes, The
(Horace), 304
Book of the Dead, 49, 50
Borneo, 847
Bosnia, 783, 784;
assassination of Franz
Ferdinand, 783, 784
takeover of, 783
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 884;
Dayton peace agreement,
884; ethnic cleansing in,
894; overthrow of
Milosevic, 884
Bosnian Serbs, 783, 784
Boston, Massachusetts, 697
Boston Massacre, 697, p696
Boston Tea Party, 697, ptg697
bourgeoisie, 715
Boxer Rebellion, c758, 774,
boyars, 539
Boyle, Robert, 676, c676
Brahma, c204
Brahman, 20304
Brahmins, 200, p200
Brazil, 751, 866; coffee
cultivation in past and
present, 867, c867, p867;
democratic, 866;
economy, 866;
independence, 751
Brethren, 637
Brezhnev, Leonid, 881,
p881; SALT, 881; talks
with Nixon, 881
Britain, 291, 36364, 514,
520, 700, 720, 72528, 729,
76368, 772, 781, 782, 784,
78586, 787, 792; Battle of
Britain, 816; blockade of
Germany, 787; Boer War,
768; British inventions,
726, 72728; building an
empire, 76368; Burma
and, 847; Chartists, 745;
Conservative Party, 746;
control of countries after
World War I, 792; control
of West Africa, 767;
democracy in, 74546;
economy of, 72527;
empire in India, 76465;
enclosure movement
and, 726; everyday life in,
726; geography of, 727;
Gladstones political
reforms, 74546;
Government of India Act,
843; Indias fight for
independence, 84344;
Industrial Revolution in,
72528, 729; invasion of,
363, 364, 514; Labour
Party, 746, 840; Liberal
Party, 74546; Malay and,
847; militarism and, 782;
Munich Conference, 815;
national health care, 840;
natural resources of, 727;
navy, 782; Opium War,
772; Parliament of, 726,
729, 745, c745, 843; policy
of appeasement, 814, 815;
population growth in, 727;
rivalry with Germany,
782; Royal Air Force, 816;
salt tax, 843; socialist
political parties, 736;
spread of Christianity to,
363; textile industry in,
726; trade, 772; travel by
early railroad in, 72627,
p72627; Triple Entente,
782; urbanization of, 732;
voting rights in, 745, 746;
war with Napoleon, 720;
Winston Churchill, 816,
q816, 817, p817, 826, p826,
833, p833, q833; women
in, 734, 746; World War II
and, 81516, 82526, 828.
See also England
Britain, battle of, 816
British Royal Niger
Company, 766;
Standard Treaty, 766
Bronze Age, 15
Brutus, 281, p281
bubonic plague, 55455.
See also Black Death
Buddha, the, 20506, p207,
207, p211, q219, p412,
p431, p493
Buddhism, 20506, 208,
248, 41213, 489, 49293,
499; Eightfold Path, 206,
208; Enlightened One,
205; first Buddhist king,
211; Four Noble Truths
of, 206; government and,
208; in China, 248,
41213; in India, 20506;
in Japan, 413, 489,
49293, 499; in Korea,
413; Mahayana, 208, 499;
moral teachings of,
20506; nirvana, 205,
208; Noh plays used to
teach, 501; Pure Land,
499; reincarnation and,
206, 208; sects of, 499; in
Southeast Asia, 206, 208;
spread of, c109, 206, 208,
41213; Theravada, 206;
Zen, 499
building techniques, 19,
28, 29, 51, 52, 162, 196,
197, 303, 325, 326, 333.
See also architecture
Bulgaria, 783, 882; as World
War I Central Power, 784
Bulge, battle of, 828
Buonarroti, Michelangelo,
p618, 623, 624; La Pieta,
p623; painting of the
Sistine Chapel ceiling,
624; David, 624
bureaucracy, 229, 687
Burma, 847
Burundi, 870
Bantu Burundi
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Bush, George H.W., 892
Bush, George W., 892, 894;
policies, 892; war on
terror, 894
Bushido, 494, 495, 496
business: capital investment
in, 726, 729; corporations,
728; foreign holdings,
861, 862, 863, 865;
partnerships, 728
Byzantine Church, 35961;
iconoclasts, 360; pope as
head of, 360. See also
Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire, 324,
32734, 35960, m383,
539, 541, 543, 611, 659; art
and architecture of, 333,
p333; culture of, 328, 334;
Eastern Orthodox view
of church-state relations,
359; economy, 333;
education in, 334;
government, 32930;
Hagia Sophia, p332, 333;
icons, 35960; importance
of Constantinople, 328;
influences of Greek
culture on, 32829, 334;
Justinian, emperor of,
32930; military, 330;
mosaics, 333; Muslim
attack of, 541; political
structure, 328, 32930, 334;
rise of, 328; religion and
government, 359, 360;
Roman Catholic view of
church-state relations,
359; rulers of, 32930,
331; social structure, 328,
33334; trade in, 33233;
women of, 33334
Byzantium, Greece, 320
Cabot, John, 66364
Caesar, Julius, 28082,
p281, ptg284, 28485;
assassination of, 281,
ptg284; creation of Julian
calendar, 281; dictator of
Rome, 281, 285; military
campaigns of, 28081,
p281; reformer, 281, 284;
rise to power, 281
Caffa, Italy, 555
Cahokia, 581; mounds, p581
Cahuilla, 591
Cairo, Egypt, 52, 388, 392
Calakmul, 585
calendar, Chaldean seven-
day week, 30; develop-
ment of, 21, 30, 51, p118,
p147, 281; Egyptian 365-
day, 51; Julian 12-month,
365-day, leap year, 281;
Mayan, 365-day, 585;
Minoan, p118, p147;
Muslim, 375; Sumerian
12-month, 21
California: immigration to,
754; Mexico and, 752;
natural resources of, 591;
people and cultures of,
m590, 591
Caligula, emperor of
Rome, 288, p288; reign
and accomplishments of,
caliphs, 380, c381, 382, 383;
first four, c381
calligraphy, 421, 501
Calvinism, 64041, 644,
646, 649
Calvin, John, q640, p640,
64041, p641, 644, 646;
ideas of, 64041, 646
camels, 447, p447, 465; trade
and, 447, p447
Camp David Accords, 876
Canaan, 81, 82, 8485, 132;
battle, 84; Promised
Land, 8485
Canaanites, 84
Canada, 590
Canterbury, England, 364,
Canterbury Tales, The
(Chaucer), 620
Cape Colony, South Africa,
Capet, king of France, 538
Cape Town, South Africa,
768, 871, p871, 873
capital, 726, 729
caravans, 30, 373, 388, 447,
p447, 465
caravel, 660
Crdenas, Lzaro, 864,
p864, 865
Caribbean Sea, 594
Carpathian Mountains, 539
Carpathians, 514
Carter, Howard, 65
Carter, Jimmy, 876, 881;
Camp David Accords,
Carthage, state of, m274,
27476, 357
Cartier, Jacques, 664
cartography, 660; impact of
printing press and, 660
Cartwright, Edmund, 727
Cassatt, Mary, 737
Cassius, 281
caste, 199
caste system, c200, 199201;
Buddhism and, 206;
Hinduism and, 204; social
levels of, c200, 20001
Castro, Fidel, 836, p836,
c860, 863, p863; Cuban
Missile Crisis, 836
catacombs, 353, p353
atal Hyk, 14
cataracts, 39, 40
cathedrals, 549
Catherine the Great, queen
of Russia, 689, ptg689
Catherwood, Frederick, 583
Catholic Church. See
Christian Church;
Christianity; Roman
Catholic Church
cats, in ancient Egypt, 64
caudillos, 751
cause and effect,
understanding, 48283
Cayuga, 592
Celts, 514, 535
censors, government, 241
census, c381, 432, 492, 536;
Domesday Book, 536;
for military service, 492;
for taxation, 492
Central Africa, 41, 72,
m767, 76768; Belgian
control of, 76768;
European imperialism in,
76768; Leopold II and,
76768; trade, 76768
Central America, 57577,
86365; climate and
geography, 575; Cuban
Revolution, 863; develop-
ment of trade in, 575,
576, 577; development of
urban societies in,
57576; dictators, 86364;
problems in, 86365. See
also Aztec Empire; Latin
America; Mexico
Central Powers. See World
War I
Chaco Canyon, New
Mexico, 579; Anasazi
settlement of 579
Chaeronea, battle of, 176
Chaldeans, 2930; Babylon,
2930; Babylonian
captivity of the Jews
and, 92; empire of,
2930, 90; fall of, 30; first
calendar, 30; rulers of
Judah, 92; science and, 30
Chamberlain, Neville, 815
Champlain, Samuel de, 692
Changans Royal Palace,
418, p418
Changan, Tang, p418
Chang Jiang (Yangtze
River), 225, m225, 242,
Charlemagne, emperor of
Rome (Charles the
Great), 360, ptg515,
51516, p516, 517, p517;
biography, 517
Charles I, king of
England, 681, 693
Charles V, Holy Roman
Emperor, 639
Chaucer, 620
Chechnya, 883; war with
Russia, 883
chemistry, 391, 676;
discovery of basic
elements of substances,
676; discovery of
hydrogen, carbon
dioxide, oxygen, 676;
founder of, 391
Cherokee, 592; law code
of, 592
Chiang Kai-shek, 775, 837;
as leader of China, 837;
as leader of Taiwan, 837;
nationalist government of
chiaroscuro, 623
child labor, 733, p733, 742,
Chile, 862, 867; democracy,
867; Pinochets
dictatorship, 867;
nationalization of
industry, 867
China: art of, 229, ptg421,
42122, p422, p432, p436,
c758, 77175, 837, 885;
Boxer Rebellion, c758,
774; Buddhism in, 248,
41213; changes in, 248;
Christian missionaries to,
p435, 43536; cities, 412,
p412, 418, p418; civil
service examinations in,
244, 41415, 432, 774; civil
Index 981
Bush, George H.W. China
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982 Index
war, 248; communist, 837,
88586; Confucianism,
235, c109, 23639, c238,
41314; Cultural
Revolution, 885; culture
of, 22629, 23031, c247,
42022, 432; Daoism, 238,
c238; development of
flood control systems and
irrigation systems, 230,
c247, 417; discovery of
coal and steel, 41819;
discovery of gunpowder,
420; discovery of the
compass, 420, 659;
dynasties, 22629, 22931,
24143, 24449, m409,
c409, 40912; early, 14,
c108, c109, m109, c220,
22048; economic
structures of, 411, 41718,
88586; education in, 244,
41415, 432, 774;
European arrival in,
43546; explorations of
the world, 43336;
families of, 23435;
farming in, 227, 230,
23334, 417, 432; first
civilizations, 22431; force
of nationalists to Taiwan,
837; foreign business in,
886; four Chinese
dynasties, c247; Four
Modernizations, 88586;
geography, m225, 22526;
government reforms, 773;
Han dynasty, m241,
24446; Huang He valley,
225, 226, m226;
immigrants to America,
754; important leaders of,
c247; inventions of,
23031, 24546, 41920,
659; language of, 228,
c247; Legalism, 235, 239,
c238; life in ancient China,
23239, p233, p235, 248;
life in during the Cultural
Revolution, 885; literature
of, 42021; major changes
in, 248; Mandate of
Heaven, 230; middle
ages, 40437; military,
231, 235; Ming dynasty,
43036; Mongol invasion
and rule of, m424, 42429;
nationalism in, 77175;
Neolithic Age villages, 14;
numbering system, c236;
Opium War, 772;
outbreak and spread of
Black Death in, 55455;
papermaking and, 245;
philosophers and
thinkers, 23539, c238;
political structures of,
227, 22930, 234, 235,
23839, 247, c247, 248;
printing, 41920; Qin
dynasty, m241, 24143,
772, 774; Red Guards,
885; religion and, c109,
22728, 230, c247; return
of Hong Kong to, 886;
reunification of, 40911;
roles of men and women,
227, 23435; scholar
officials in, 41415, p415;
Shang dynasty, 22629;
Silk Road, c109, 24647,
c247, 417; society of,
23334, 415, 41622; Song
dynasty, c409, m411,
41112; spheres of
influence in, m773,
77374; Sui dynasty, c409,
40911; Sun Yat-sens
three-stage plan, 774; Tai
Ping Rebellion, 773; Tang
dynasty, m409, c409, 411,
412, 413; taxation, 774;
innovations, 41820;
Tiananmen Square, 886;
trade, 231, m246, 24647,
388, 41718, 435, 772; use
of pest control, 235; U.S.
Open Door Policy and,
774; villages of, p233,
23334; writing, 228; Xia
dynasty, 226; Zhou
dynasty, 22931. See also
individual listings for
Chin dynasty. See Qin
Chirac, Jacques, 891
chocolate, 595; making,
595, p595
Christian Church, 35156;
c351, m351, c355, 54548;
archbishops, 355, c355;
bishops, 355, c355;
Byzantine Church,
35961; clergy, 355;
diocese, 355; early,
35556; gospels, 35556;
hierarchy, 355; laity, 355,
c355; medieval, 54647;
organization of, 355,
c355; patriarchs of, 355;
persecution of Jews, 547;
persecution of Muslims,
558; pope, 356;
preservation of
knowledge and, 520;
priests, 355, c355;
Reformation and, 63437,
639, 64041, 64246,
64850; role of monks
and missionaries, 362,
363, 364, 43536, 51921,
539, 650; schism in, 361.
See also Byzantine
Church; Christianity;
Eastern Orthodox
Church; religion; Roman
Catholic Church
Christianity, 81, 83, 91, 326,
33865, 54547, 63537,
63941, 64346, 64850;
apostles and, 348, 349;
Battle of Tours and, 515;
beliefs of, 350, 550;
Christian humanism, 634;
first Christians, 34850;
growth and spread of,
348, m352, 36164, 359,
51921, 650; influence of
Judaism on, 81, 83, 91, 95;
Jesus of Nazareth and,
34447, 350; legalization
of, 354; martyrs, 353;
missionaries, 362, p362,
363, 364, 43536, 52021,
539, 650; origins of, 326;
persecution of Christians,
353; Reformation and,
64850; religious orders
in, 54546; revolution in,
63537, 63941, 64346;
Romes adoption of, 354,
519; salvation and, 350,
636. See also Byzantine
Church; Christian
Church; Eastern
Orthodox Church;
religion; Roman Catholic
Christmas, 346
Chumash, 591
Churchill, Winston, 816,
q816, 817, p817, 826,
p826, 833, p833, q833;
biography, 817; concern
abut Soviets, 833, q833;
World War II and, 816,
817, 826
Church of England, 64849
Cicero, 282, p282, q228, 283;
ideas as influence on
U.S. Constitution, 283
Cincinnatus, Lucius,
Quinctius, dictator of
Rome, 271, 272, p272;
biography, 272
Cistercian order, 545
cities: councils, 530; danger
of fire in, 531; emergence
and rise of, 18, 196, 581;
government of, 197, 530;
growth of, 52829, 732,
861, 871; Industrial
Revolution and, 732,
733, 743; life in, 53031,
733, 743, 871; medieval
European, 52830;
planning of, 19697, 575,
733, 743; pollution of,
531; shantytowns, 871,
p871. See also city-states
citizens, 123, 140, 700; Bill of
Rights and, 700; fair
treatment of, 700;
natural law and, 68182;
responsibilities of, 145,
326; rights of, 12223, 129,
130, 140, 145, 681, 682,
734; Roman ideas about,
citizenship, 12223;
comparing American
and Athenian, c140;
development of idea of,
122; Greek, 122;
qualifying for, 12223,
130; soldiers and, 123
City of God, The
(Augustine), 356
city-states: East African,
452, 453; geography, 19,
122, 611, 613;
government of, 20, 126,
128, 12930, 61415, 616,
617; Greek, 12223,
12530, 13637, 139,
14446, 175; Italian,
m609, 61113, 61415,
61617; Mayan, 584;
Mesopotamian, 19;
oligarchies versus
democracies in, 126;
Persian Wars and,
13437; Philip II and, 175;
Sumerian, 19; trade and,
452, 453, 61114; value of,
61617; wealth of, 61112
civil disobedience, 843,
872, 873
Civilian Conservation
Corp (CCC), 807
civilization, 17
civilizations, first, 415, 17;
comparing Neolithic and
Paleolithic Ages, c14;
early human, 815;
first empires, c26, m26,
2630; hunter-gatherers,
10, c14, 573, 574, p574,
Chin dynasty civilizations, first
977-1005 EM-Index-875050 9/25/06 1:23 PM Page 982
580; Mesopotamian, c16,
m16, 1623, m17;
Neolithic people, 12,
m13, 1315, c14;
Paleolithic people, 1011,
c14. See also humans,
early Neolithic Age;
Paleolithic Age
civil rights movement,
840, 841; Eisenhower
and, 840; Johnson and,
84041; Kennedy and,
840; Martin Luther King
Jr. as leader of, 840
civil service exam, 244,
411, 414, 415, 774;
replacing, 774; taking
the, ptg244, p414
Civil War, 75254;
abolitionism and, 753;
economy of the North,
753; economy of the
South, 75253; effects of,
75354; slavery and, 753
clans, 461, 487, 493, 494;
war between, 49495
Claudius, emperor of
Rome, 288, p288; reign
and accomplishments
of, c288
Cleisthenes, 130
Clemenceau, Georges, 791,
Cleopatra VII, queen of
Egypt, 282
clergy, 355, 538, 546, 715, 716
Clinton, Bill, 892; balanced
budget, 892; policies of,
Clive, Robert, 764
Cloud Messenger, The
(Kalidasa), 215
Clovis, king of Franks,
coal, 41819, 726, 727, 730,
733; child miners, p733;
discovery of, 41819;
coal-mining industry,
419, 726, 727; inventions
and, 726, 727, 730; steam
locomotive and, 726
code of chivalry, 526
Code of Hammurabi, 23,
2425, p25; fair or cruel,
2425. See also
Code of Justinian. See
Justinian Code
coffee: cultivation past and
present, 867, p867
Cold War, 83141, 88086;
beginnings of, 83236;
building of the Berlin
Wall, 835; causes of,
83233; communist
revolution in China, 837;
Cuban Missile Crisis,
836, m836; division of
Germany, 833, m834,
83435; end of, 88086;
Europe during, m832,
83940; fall of Soviet
Union, 88183;
formation of NATO, 835;
Korean War, 837; life in
Eastern Europe during,
83940; life in the U.S.
during, 84041;
Marshall Plan, 834, 840;
nuclear weapons build-
up, 836; Potsdam and
Yalta meetings, 833;
space exploration
during, 836, 839, c839,
p839; spread of
communism, 83234,
836, 83740; Truman
Doctrine, 834; U.S.
foreign policy of
containment, 834, 837;
Warsaw Pact, 835
collectivization, 810
Colombia, 770, 861, 868;
building of Panama
Canal and, 770; civil war,
868; drug trade, 868;
U.S. involvement in, 868
colonies: English, 69294,
76365, 767, 768, 847;
European in Africa,
76668; French, 692,
766, 767; German, 767;
Greece, ancient 121,
m121, 179;
imperialism and, 76368;
mercantilism and, 666;
Roman, 281; Southeast
Asia, 847; Spanish,
colony, 763
Colorado, 578
Colosseum, 303, 305, p305
Columbian Exchange,
m668, 66869
Columbus, Christopher,
p594, 59495, 662
comedies, 16061, 183, 304
commerce, 666
Common Sense (Paine), 699
inventions and, 730
communism, 735, 796,
83234, 836, 83740,
882883, 88586; Asia,
83738; 88586; collapse
of in Soviet Union, 883;
Cuba, 863; Eastern
Europe, 833, 882; impact
of Marshall Plan and
Truman Doctrine on, 834;
policy of containment
and, 834; Soviet Union,
88283; spread of, 83234,
836, 83740. See also Cold
War; Soviet Union
Communist Manifesto, The,
(Engels, Marx), 735, q735
comparing: American and
Athenian and
democracy, c140; coffee
cultivation, past and
present, c867; Hong
Kong, past and present,
c775; jury system, past
and present, c536;
Neolithic and Paleolithic
ages, c14; women in the
workforce, past and
present, c734
comparing and
contrasting, 44243
compass, 420, 659, p659
computers, 888, p888;
Internet and, 889; parts
of, 688, p688; using, 888,
concentration camps, 827,
Concert of Europe, 723
concordat, 521
confederations, 592
Confessions (Augustine),
356, 357
Confucianism, 235, 236,
q236, 238, c238, 41315,
488; neo-, 41415
Confucius (Kongfuzi), 236,
q236, 237, p237, q237, 238,
p238, 413, 414; biography,
237; develops philosophy
in China, c109
Congress of Vienna, 723
connections, making,
Conquest and Aftermath
(Daz), q596
conquistadors, 595, 664
conscription, 778
Constantine, emperor of
Rome, 320, 321, p321,
354, ptg354; biography,
321; Edict of Milan, 354;
first Christian emperor,
321, 354
Constantinople, 320, p328,
384, 543; importance of,
328; location of, 328
constitutional monarchy,
716, 778
constitutions, 488, 694,
700. See also United
States Constitution
consuls, 270
containment, 834
context clues, using, 15253
convents, 545
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 674,
corporations, 728, 862;
multinational, 862
Corts, Hernn, 59697,
598, p598, 664; biography,
598; defeat of the Aztec,
597; invasion of Cuba
and Mexico, 59697, 598
Cort, Henry, 72728
cottage industry, 667,
cotton mills, 727
Council of Trent, 643, p643
councils, 530, 614
counts, 516
coup detat, 720
Courbet, Gustave, 737;
The Stonebreakers, ptg739
courts, 516
court token, p129
covenant, 82
Coyas, 588
Crassus, 280, p280
Crete, 118, 119, 120, m121,
164, 165, 166
crier, 394
Croatia, 884
Croesus, king of Lydia, 156
crop rotation, 526
crucifixion, 347
Crusades, 54143, m542;
causes of, 541; course of,
54143; creation of
Christian states during,
542; First Crusade, 541;
Fourth Crusade, 543;
impact on feudalism,
543; impact on trade,
Index 983
civil rights movement Crusades
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984 Index
543; Second Crusade;
542; Seige of Jerusalem,
p541; Third Crusade,
Cuba, 769, 836, 863, 892;
American control of
wealth in, 863; Bay of
Pigs, 863; Cuban Missile
Crisis, 836; Cuban
Revolution, 863;
economy, 863, 866;
independence, 863, 892;
rebellion against Spain,
769; spread of
communism to, 863;
state sponsor of
terrorism, 892
Cuba Appears, 866, q866
Cuban Missile Crisis, 836,
Cuban Revolution, 863
Cultural Revolution, 885,
p885; Four Olds, 885;
Red Guards, 885
culture: African, 87071;
African, medieval, 469,
47476; Athenian, 12829,
140, 14244; Aztec,
58587; Chinese, 22629,
23031, c247, 42022, 432,
77275, 88586; Eastern
Woodlands, m590, 592;
East German, 835;
Egyptian, 3940, 4142,
4344, c44, 45, 46, 51, 60,
61; Europe, medieval,
52628, 54950, 552;
Greek, ancient, 118, 119,
120, 15463, 16873,
18287; Gupta, 213,
21416; Inca, 588; Indian,
213, 21416, 843, 848;
Japan, medieval, 499500,
503; Latin American, 861,
864, 866, 867; Ming
dynasty, 432; Minoan,
118, 119; Muslim, 38890,
p389, p390; Neolithic, c14;
Paleolithic, c14; Shang
dynasty, 22728; Soviet
Union, 839; Sparta,
12627, p127; spread of,
178, 18386; Sumerian,
19, 2021; Tang dynasty,
42021; United States,
cuneiform writing, 20, 21,
p25; tablet, p21
Curie, Marie Sklodowska,
739, c739, 740, p740;
biography, 740
Curie, Pierre, 739, c739
currency, 294, invention of,
Cuzco, 578, 588, 589
Cyrillic alphabet, 363, c363
Cyrus, king of Persia, 94
Cyrus the Great, p131,
Czechoslovakia, 791, 815,
83940, 882; communism
in, 840; free elections, 882;
leadership of Dubcek,
83940; nation-state of,
791; Nazi invasion of,
815; revolution in, 882
da Gama, Vasco, 661
Dahia al-Kahina, queen of
Africa, 470
Daimler, Gottlieb, 730
daimyo, 49697, 503, 777
Dalai Lama, 208
Dalton, John c739
Damascus, Syria, 348, 380,
382, m383, 388, 393
Daniel, 95, p95
Dante. See Alighieri, Dante
Danton, Georges-Jacques,
Danube River, 292, 513, 539
Dao (Tao), 230, 238, 248
Dao De Jing (Laozi), 238,
Daoism, c238, 23839, 421
Darius, king of Persia,
p133, 13335, 137
Dark Age, of Greece, 120;
recovery from, 121, 122
Darwin, Charles, 739, c739,
741, p741
David, king of Israel, 87,
ptg87, 88, p88, 89, 99,
343; anointing of with
oil, ptg87; biography, 88;
unification of tribes of
Israel, 88; warrior, 88, 89
David (Michelangelo), 624
da Vinci, Leonardo, p618,
621, 622, p622, 62324;
artist, 621, 622, ptg622,
62325; biography, 622;
notebooks of, 621, p621,
622; scientist, 621, 622
Dawes Plan, 806
D-Day, 828
Dead Sea Scrolls, 100, 101
Deborah, 84
debt: Latin American, 862,
Deccan Plateau, 195
Declaration of
Independence, 698,
q698, 699700
Declaration of the Rights
of Man and the Citizen,
716, p716
deforestation, 890
Degas, Edgar, 737
de Gaulle, Charles, 840
deism, 685
deity, 49
Delacroix, Eugne, 736
Delhi, India, 385
Delian League, 139, 140
Delos, c138, 139
Delphi, 150, 156; oracle of
Apollo, 156, p156;
temple at, p150
delta, 39
Demeter, 155
democracy, 126, 12930,
808, 863, 866, 867, 882,
886, 887, 891; American
vs. Athenian, c140;
Athenian, 12830,
13940, c140, 145;
demands for in China,
886; direct, 138, 139,
c140; Eastern European,
882; growth of in Latin
America, 862, 866; power
of, 145; representative,
138, 139, c140, 537, 538;
South Korean, 891;
Soviet Union and, 887;
values of, 808
Democratic Republic of
the Congo, 851, 870
Demosthenes, 175, p175,
Deng Xiaoping, 88586;
economic reforms of,
denomination, 636;
creation of new 636
depression, 806. See also
Great Depression
Descartes, Ren, 678
despots, 687
dtente, 881
Dhahran, 792; discovery of
oil in, 792
dharma, 204; as divine law,
204; in literature, 215
dhow, p452, 452
diamonds: trade in South
Africa, 768
Diamond Sutra, 419
Diaspora, 96, 474
Daz, Porfirio, 864, p864,
865; Revolution of 1911
and, 865
Dickens, Charles, 737
dictators, 271, 272, 80812,
862, 863, 864, 866, 867,
878; Iranian, 878;
Latin American, 862, 863,
864, 866, 867, 878; rise of
after World War I, 80812;
totalitarianism, 808
Diderot, 685
Diesel, Rudolf, 730
diocese, 355
Diocletian, emperor of
Rome, 320, 354
diplomacy, 615; Italian
city-states as basis for
modern, 615
direct democracy, 138, c140
disciples, 344
Discourse on Method
(Descartes), 678
discussion questions,
Disraeli, Benjamin, 746
Divine Comedy, The
(Dante), 620
doctrine, 355
doge, 614
domesticate, 13
Dominican Republic, 594,
Dominicans, 546, 550, 551
Dorians, 120, 126
drama, 160; actors in, 160,
p160, ptg161, 501; Greek,
16061; Japanese, 501;
playwrights, 161, 626;
tragedies and comedies,
16061, 626
Dreiser, Theodore, 737
Dubcek, Alexander, 839
duke, 614
duma, 793, 794
Du Fu, 42021, q421
Drer, Albrecht, 62526;
Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse, ptg626
Dutch East Indies, 846
dynasty, 44, 226. See also
individual listings
Cuba dynasty
977-1005 EM-Index-875050 10/2/06 11:52 AM Page 984
East Africa, 45153; city-
states of, 45253;
economy, c451; location,
c451; religion, 452, 467;
trade, c451, 453
East Asia, 89091; rise of,
East Berlin, 835
Eastern Desert, 40
Eastern Europe, 83335, 882
Eastern Orthodox Church,
359, 360, 363, 540; in
Russia, 540; view of
church-state relations, 359
Eastern Woodlands, m590,
592; geography and
climate of, 592;
governments of, 592;
life in, 592; Northeast
Woodlands, 592; people
and cultures of, m590;
Southeast Woodlands,
East Germany, 835
East India Company,
East Pakistan, 845
East Timor, 847
economics: bank collapses,
807; barter, 319, 529;
British economy, 72527;
business reorganization,
728; capital investments
and, 726, 729; Chinese
economy, 837, 88586;
corporations, 728;
Columbian Exchange,
m668, 66869; commerce,
666; cottage industries,
667; currency values,
806; debt, 862;
depressions, 806;
entrepreneurs, 667;
exports, 666, 861; free
enterprise, 832; French
economy, 71516; global
economy, 88890; global
exchange, 66869;
imports, 666; inequality
in, 294; inflation, 319,
806, 876; investments,
667, 806; Japanese
economy, 503, 777, 778,
838; joint-stock
companies, 667; laissez-
faire, 735, 741; Latin
American economies,
86162; monetary
exchange and, 121, 529;
over-production, 807;
partnerships, 728;
post-war problems,
80507; prices and
production, 876; profits,
667; putting out
system, 667; Roman
economy, 29293, 319,
320; Russian economy,
883; single monetary
system, 242; Soviet
Union economy, 839;
specialization and, 15,
121; stocks, 667; supply
and demand, 612;
surpluses in early
civilizations, 15, 43, 386,
45051, 503, 577; U.S.
economy, 876. See also
economy, 410
Edessa, 542
Edict of Milan, 354
Edict of Nantes, 645
Edison, Thomas, 729, p729,
Edo, 777
Edo Bay, 777
edubba, 21, p21
education: ancient
Mesopotamian, 21, p21;
Byzantine, 334; Chinese,
244, 41415, 432, 774
comparing past and
present, 21; Europe,
medieval, 516, 550; first
universities, 550; Greek,
12829; Jewish, 97, 98;
medieval European, 516,
550; Roman, 334; under
Charlemagne, 516, 517;
utilitarianism and, 735;
women, and, 734
Egypt, m3, 14, p34, 81, 82,
92, 95, 102, m132, 133,
177, 178, 179, 766, 850,
874, 875, 876; British
influence in, 850; British
protectorate, 766;
conflicts with Israel, 875,
876; Nasser unites
Arabs, 874; nationalism,
850; Sadat presidency,
876; Six Day War, 875.
See also Egypt, ancient
Egypt, ancient, c34, 3472,
m39, ptg40, c44, m62; art
and architecture of, 43,
c44, 46, 60; the Black
Land, 41; capture of
Nubia, 60; cats in, 64;
comparing Mesopotamia
to, c44; culture of, 3940,
4142, 4344, c44, 45, 46,
51, 60, 61; decline and
fall of, 67; economic
structures, 40, 4142, 43,
c44; empire of, c59, m59,
5967; family life in, 46;
farming, 4142, p42, p43,
46; geography and
location, m39, 3940, 41;
government in, 43;
Israelites and, 81, 82;
kingdoms and dynasties
of, 4344, m62; life in,
4546; Lower Egypt, 43;
medicine of, 50; Middle
Kingdom, 44, 6061;
Neolithic Age villages,
14; New Kingdom, 44;
Nile River valley, 3846;
Old Kingdom, 44, 4752;
political structures,
4344, 48, 60, 63, 6465,
66; pyramids, 5052, p51,
c51, p52; religion, 48,
4950, 64, 67; rulers of,
4344, 48, 60, 62, 63,
6465, 66; science and,
4142, 51; slavery in, 62;
social structures, c45,
4546; temples of, 63, 65,
66, 67; trade, 40, 43, 62,
63, 69; united kingdom
of, 44; Upper Egypt, 43
Einstein, Albert, 739, c739,
740, p740, q740;
biography, 740; theory of
relativity, 739, 740
Eisenhower, Dwight D.,
826, 828, 840, 848, 875;
civil rights and, 840; Suez
Canal and, 875; Vietnam
and, 848; World War II
and, 826, 828
Elements (Euclid), 18586
Elijah, 91
Elizabeth, I, queen of
England, 649, 664, 665,
p665; biography, 665
ellipses, 67475
Ellis Island, 754
El Salvador, 583, 863
embalming, process of,
4950, p49
embargo, 863
empires, 23, 89, 76270,
78182; building of,
76270, 78182; first,
2631; imperialism and,
76365. See also
individual listings for
enclosure movement,
Encyclopedia (Diderot), 685
Engels, Friedrich, 735, q735
England, 53537, 64849,
660, 69099; absolute
monarchy, 681, 682;
American Revolution
and, 69099;
development of legal
and constitutional
practices in, 536, p536,
537; English Bill of Rights,
682, 700; English
Reformation, 64849;
Glorious Revolution,
682; government of,
68182; Henry VIII, 648,
p648; housing conditions
in, p732; Hundred Years
War, 557, m557; invasion
of by Angles and Saxons,
514, 535; medieval,
53537; Norman rule of,
53536; Parliament, 537,
682, 697; rise of modern
democratic thought, 537;
search for sea route to
Asia, 660; taxation of
American colonies, 697;
trade restrictions on
American colonies,
69697; war with Spain,
English Bill of Rights, 682
English Channel, 513
engravings, 625
Enlightenment, 68089,
715, 720; absolutism,
681, 68689; concept of
natural law, 68182;
concept of natural
rights, 682; criticism of
ideas of, 68586; divine
right of kings, 68689;
influence of on current
times, 682, 700; influence
of on Napoleon, 720;
music of, 68687;
philosophies of, 68182,
683, 68486; reaction
against, 736; reason in,
68183, 68586; rise of
democratic ideas, 682,
700; scientific
experimentalism and,
67179; spread of ideas
of, 685; women and, 685
Enola Gay, 830
entente, 782
Index 985
East Africa entente
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986 Index
entrepreneurs, 667
ephors, 127
Epic of Gilgamesh, 20
epics, 20, 157, 159, 183, 215,
304, 552. See also literature
epicureanism, 184
Epicurus, 184
Equal Pay Act, 841
Equiano, Olaudah, 463, q463
Erasmus, Desiderius, 634,
p634; Christian
humanism and, 634
Eratosthenes, 185; scientific
contributions, c185
Essenes, 100, 101
estates, 715
Estates-General, 538, 716
Estonia, 791
eta, 777
Ethelbert, king of Kent,
364, 520
Ethiopia, 72, 451, 768, 871
ethnic cleansing, 884
Etruria, Italy, 265
Etruscans, 26466; art, 265,
ptg265; culture, 265;
shaping of Roman
civilization, 26465
Euclid, 18586, p186; plane
geometry and, 18586;
scientific contributions
of, c185
Euphrates River, 18, 22, 23;
Hammurabi and, 22
Euphrates River valley, 18.
See also Mesopotamia
Euripides, 161
euro, 889
Europe, 14, 384, 389, 43536,
47273, 65964, 715, 716,
718, 71920, 723, 729, 746,
76368, m781, 78183,
80506, m832; after World
War I, m790, 80506;
alliances, 782; arrival of
Europeans in China,
43536; balance of power,
782; before World War I,
m781, 781782; Boer War,
768; building of empires,
76268, 78182; Concert
of Europe, 723; Congress
of Vienna, 723; division
of Africa, 76668; during
Cold War, m832, 83235,
83940; Eastern, 83335,
839; European Economic
Community, 840;
geography of, m513,
51314, m514; Huns, 322,
m323; impact of French
Revolution on, 715, 716,
718, 71920, 723;
imperialism and, 76267,
m767, 781; Industrial
Revolution in, 729;
invasions of, 320, 32224,
m323, 716, 718, 71920,
722; militarism, 782;
modern, 891; Monroe
Doctrine and, 751;
nationalism, 781;
Neolithic Age villages, 14;
political reforms in, 746;
rebuilding after World
War II, 834, 83940;
Renaissance, 60817,
61926; revolutions of
1848, 746; slave trade of,
47273, m473, 767; Triple
Alliance, 782; Triple
Entente, 782; Western,
834, 840; world
exploration, 65964,
m662; World War I and,
m781, 78186, m786, 791;
World War II and, m814,
81416, 826. See also
Europe, medieval;
European Economic
Community (EEC), 840
European Union (EU), 889,
891, m891; expansion of,
Europe, medieval, 50859;
Angles, 514; art and
architecture, 54950; Black
Death and, 55455; cities
of, 530, 531; Crusades,
54143; culture, 52628,
54950, 552; early Middle
Ages, 51221; education,
516, 550; farming, 52526;
feudalism, 52233;
geography, m513, 51314,
m514; Franks, 360, 51419;
Germanic kingdoms,
51416, 51819;
government in, 520, 530,
53233, 536, 537, 550;
Hundred Years War, 557;
invasions of, 51415,
m518, 51819; inventions
of, 52526; late Middle
Ages, 55359; life in,
52628, 531; literature,
552; Magyars, 518, 519;
manorial system, 52425;
Muslim and, 515, 519,
54143, 646, 666; people
of, m513, 51316, 51821;
political systems of, 520,
530, 53233, 536, 537, 550;
religion and, 51921, 528,
54548; Saxons, m513, 514;
Spanish Inquisition, 558;
trade and, 52829, 55455;
Vikings, 51819, 535, 539;
Visigoths, 32224, 514;
women of, 526
Evans, Arthur, 118
Ewuare, king of Benin, 450
excommunication, 361,
521, 636, 648; of Henry
VIII, 648; of Martin
Luther, 636
exile, 94
Exodus, 82
exploration, age of, 65869;
explorers, 66164;
innovations in
technology, 65960; maps,
660; rise of strong nations,
660; trade with Asia, 659.
See also Americas
exports, 666, 861; Latin
American, 861, m861;
raw materials, 861
extended families, 469
extending the text, 85859
extraterritoriality, 772;
Hong Kong, 772
Extremadura, 596, 598, 599
Ezana, king of Axum, 452
Ezekiel, c91
Ezra, 94
fable, 158
factories, 728, 729, 733, 742,
743; working conditions
in, 733, 743
families: African, 469;
Chinese, 23435;
Egyptian, 46; extended,
469; Greek, 128129, 143;
of matrilineal villages,
469; paterfamilias, 307,
308; Roman, 307
Faraday, Michael, 730
farming: African, 13, m13,
871; Aryans and, 199;
cash crops, 861, 870;
Chinese, 227, 230,
23334, 24445, 417, 432;
collectivization, 810;
crop rotations, 526;
crops, 13, m13, 57475,
577, 579; early, 13, m13,
15, 57475; early Indian,
196; early North
American, 591, 592;
Egyptian, 41, 42, p42;
food from, 4243;
government control of,
810; harvesting,
plowing, planting,
4243, p42, p43, 591;
Greek, 119, 120, 125, 129,
143; Harappan, 197;
Latin American, 861;
medieval European,
52526; Muslim, 389;
Nile River valley, 41; rise
of cities and, 581;
Roman, 293; single
export crops, 861, 870;
surpluses in, 15, 43;
techniques in, 18,
23435, 579, tenant,
24445; terrace, p234,
23435; Zhou dynasty,
230. See also agriculture
Fascist Party, 808
Federation of Malaysia, 847
Ferdinand, Franz,
archduke of Austria-
Hungary, 783, p783, 784;
assassination of, 783,
Ferdinand, king of Spain,
558, 646
Fertile Crescent, 18
feudalism, 52233, c523;
cities of feudal Europe,
52831; Japanese, 497;
knights and vassals,
52324; life of nobles,
p526, 52627, p527; life
of peasants, 52728;
manorial system,
52425; political system,
52324; trade, 52829
fief, 524
filial piety, 234, 249
Fillmore, Millard, 777
Finland, 791
fire, 1011, 531; danger of
in medieval cities, 531;
discovery of, 1011
First Continental
Congress, 698
First Triumvirate, 280
Five Pillars of Islam, 378,
fjord, 518
Flanders, 529, 625;
development of oil
painting technique in, 625
entrepreneurs Flanders
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floods, 41, c44
Florence Cathedral, 610,
Florence, Italy, 610, 61213;
banking and trade in,
61213; city-state of, 610,
importance of in
Renaissance, 610; wealth
of, 61213
Florida, 863
Forbidden City, 432;
Imperial Palace at, p404
Forum, the, 306
fossils, 9
Four Modernizations, 885
Four Noble Truths, 206
Four Olds, 885
Fourteen Points, 791
Fox, Vicente, 865
France, 121, 538, 557,
64445, 660, 68485, 687,
699, 71420, c715, 805,
840, 84748, 875, 891;
aftermath of World War
I, 805; center of the
Enlightenment, 68485,
715; conservatism, 891;
constitutional monarchy
of, 716; control of
Lebanon and Syria, 792;
control of North Africa,
766; Directory, 719;
economy of, 71516;
Estates-General, 538,
716; exploration and,
660; fight for Vietnam,
84758; Franco-Prussian
War, 748; government of,
71517; Huguenots, 644;
imperialism, 764;
independence to
Morocco, Tunisia,
Algeria, 850; invasion of
Egypt, 875; Jacobins,
71718; Louis XIV, 687;
Middle Ages, 538;
militarism, 782; National
Assembly, 716; National
Convention, 716, 717;
nationalism in, 746;
passage of the Rights of
Man and the Citizen,
716; periods of
revolution and empire
in, 719, c179;
philosophers of, 68485;
relationship between
social classes, 715, 746;
religious wars in, 64445;
republic, 746;
revolutions of 1848, 746;
role in American
Revolution, 699; rule in
India, 764; socialism,
746, 891; society in, 715;
struggle for power in,
71718; three estates of
prerevolutionary, 715,
c715; trade, 767; Triple
Entente, 782; World
War I, 784, 785, 816;
World War II, 814, 828.
See also Bonaparte,
Napoleon; French
Franciscans, 546
Francis of Assisi, 546,
p546, q546
Franco, Francisco, 815
Franklin, Benjamin, 698,
Franks, 360, 51416, m516,
51819; Frankish
kingdoms, m516; Holy
Roman Empire and, 519;
rulers of, 51417, 518, 519
Frederick I, emperor of
Holy Roman Empire, 519
Frederick II, emperor of
Holy Roman Empire,
519, 54243
Frederick the Great, king
of Prussia, 687, p688
French Equatorial Africa,
French Revolution, c714,
71419, c718, c719;
Committee of Public
Safety, 71819; control of
Robespierre, 71819;
government and,
71519; Jacobins, 71718;
Napoleon and, 71920,
721, 722; religion and,
718; Republic of
Virtue, 718
fresco, 624; painting of
during Renaissance, 624
friars, 546
Fu Hao, 227
Fujiwara clan, 49394, 502
Fulton, Robert, 728
Galen, 304305, 676; study
of anatomy, 305, 676
Galilee, 344, 346
Galileo, 674, 675, ptg675,
c676; scientific
contributions of, 674,
675, c676; telescope, 674,
p674, 675
Gandhi, Indira, 846
Gandhi, Mohandas K.,
843, p843, 844, p844, q844;
biography, 844; influence
of religion on, 844;
leadership of India, 843,
844; mediator, 844;
protest of salt tax, 843;
use of civil
disobedience, 843
Gandhi, Rajiv, 846
Ganesha, c204, p204
Ganges River, 195, 199
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 748
Gates, Bill, 889
Gaul, Caesars battles in,
280, p280
Gaza Strip, 875, m875, 878,
879; Arab-Israeli conflict
over, 875; Israeli
settlement of, 875
Gempei War, 49495
General Agreement on
Trade and Tariffs
(GATT), 889
genetics, 738
Geneva Accords, 848
Geneva, Switzerland, 640,
Genoa, Italy, 555
genocide, 827
Gentiles, 349
Geography (Ptolemy), 660
geography: Africa, m445,
44546, m767, m870;
Arabia, 373; China,
m225, 22526, m773;
Germany, m747, m834;
Greece, ancient, 117;
Egypt, ancient; m39,
3940, 41; Europe, m781,
m814, m832, m891;
Europe, medieval, m513,
51314, m514; India,
m109, 133, 191, 193, 194,
m195, 19596, 199; India
and Pakistan, m845;
influence on settlement
patterns and, 3940, 117,
196, 44546, 448; Israel,
m875; Italy, m747; Japan,
m778, m811; Japan,
medieval, 485, m485;
Korean War, m838; Latin
America, m749, m861;
Mali, c451; Mayan
location and, 575, 583;
Middle East, m792;
Native American
settlements, 590, 591,
592; Nile River valley,
3940; Rome, m263,
26364; Southern Asia,
m765, m847; Soviet
Union, m883; terrorist
activities throughout the
world, m893; United
States, m753; Vietnam,
m849; World War I, m786;
World War II, m814
geometry, 21, 42, 182,
18586; plane, 18586;
solid, 186; used by
Egyptians to survey
land, 42
George III, king of
England, p696, 697
George, David Lloyd, 791,
Georgia, 592
Germanic kingdoms, m514,
51416, m516, 51819
Germany, 519, 639, 748,
782, 784, 78788, 790,
791, 80506, 809, 833,
m834, 835, 882; after-
math of World War I,
805; armistice, 790;
battleships, p782;
blockade of by Britain,
787; Dawes Plan, 806;
declaration of war on
Russia, 784; division of
after World War II, 833,
m834, 83435; East,
83335; economy, 791,
80506, 891; fall of the
Berlin Wall, 882; Franco-
Prussian War, 748; Great
Depression, 806; Hitler
as dictator, 809; impact
of Treaty of Versailles,
791; influence of von
Bismarck, 748; life in,
835; Lutheranism and,
639; militarism, 782;
nationalism in, 748; Nazi
Party, 809, 827;
reparations paid by, 791,
80506; reunification of,
882; rise of, 748; rivalry
with Britain, 782;
socialist political parties,
736; totalitarian state,
809; Triple Alliance, 782;
use of submarines, 785,
78788; West, 835, 882;
World War I, 784, 78788,
790; World War II,
Index 987
floods Germany
977-1005 EM-Index-868873 5/25/06 8:20 AM Page 987
988 Index
81316, 81819, 82527.
See also Hitler, World
War I, World War II
Ghana, 850
Ghana, medieval, 448,
c451, 46162; economy,
448, c451; government,
46162; growth of
empire in, 448; location,
c451; religion, 463,
46465; 467; ruler and
subjects, 461, p461;
trade, c451, 461, 462
Gilgamesh, 2021
Girondists, 717
Giza, Egypt, 52
glaciers, 573
gladiators, 30607, 309, 319
gladius, 266, p266
Gladstone, William, 74546
glasnost, 882
global economy, 88890;
technology revolution,
globalism, 889, 890;
deforestation, 890;
organizations and
treaties that promote
global trade, 88990;
pollution, 890; rising
world population and,
890; scarcity of Earths
resources, 890
global warming, 890
Globe Theater, 625, p625,
Glory of Kings, 451
Gobi, m109
God, 350, 374, 377, 463, 640,
685, 686; Allah as one
true, 374; belief in one,
374, 377, 463; deism, 685;
in three persons, 350;
monotheism, 81, 83; will
of as absolute, 640, 686
gods and goddesses: Aztec,
586, 587; Greek, 155, c155,
p155, 156, c310; Hindu
deities, 203, c204, 213;
Inca, 588; Mayan, 584;
Roman, 309, c310;
Sumerian, 19
Goethe, Johann von, 736
Golan Heights, 875, m875
gold: mercantilism and,
666; South African, 768;
trade, c451, 447, 449, 768
gold mines, 448, m448, 449
Good Neighbor Policy,
Good Samaritan, parable
of, 345, p345
Gorbachev, Mikhail,
88182, p883; criticism
of, 883; reforms of, 882
gospel, 35556
government: absolute
monarchy, 681, 715;
abuse of power in, 269;
advantages and
disadvantages of city-
state, 61617; alliances,
782; ambassadors, 615;
Aristotle and, 171;
Articles of
Confederation, 700; Bill
of Rights and, 700;
balance of power in, 682,
700; centralized, 210, 241,
488, 588; city-state, 19,
126, 128, 12930, 61415,
616, 617; colonial, 696;
comparing, c140, 171;
confederations, 592, 700;
constitutional monarchy,
716; constitution as plan
of, 488; councils, 530, 614;
democracies, 139, c140,
171; dictatorships, 271,
272, 281, 285, 614, 80812;
diplomacy, 615; duke,
doge as head of state in,
614; elected assemblies,
716, 735; English Bill of
Rights 682, 699; health
care, 871; help of private
companies, 811; House of
Burgesses, 694;
influences on, 171, 537,
550, 700; Iroquois
League, 592; legislatures,
696; liberalism, 735;
limited, 700; Magna
Carta and, 682, 699;
mayors in, 515; military,
495; monarchies, 171,
681, 715, 716;
Montesquieu and, 682,
700; national
government, 700;
nationalization of
industry, 865; Native
American, 592; natural
law and, 68182; natural
rights and, 682;
oligarchies, 171;
Parliament, 537, 726, 729;
popular sovereignty, 700;
power in, 700;
provisional, 794; ranks of
importance in, 492,
71516; rationing, 786;
reforms, 411, 488, 492,
68183; 68889, 71516,
807; regents, 493; religion
and, 48, 208, 212, 228,
230, 354, 355, 360, 376,
49293; representative,
283, 537, 538, 694, 716;
republics, 614; Roman,
26973; self-, 694;
separation of powers,
682, 700; shogunates, 495;
social contracts in, 682;
totalitarianism, 808; use
of propaganda, 786; veto,
270; wartime, 78586;
well-organized, 28;
women in, 235, 333, 470,
471, 504, 585. See also
Government of India Act,
Gracchus, Gaius, 279, p279
Granada, Spain, 394, 646
Grand Canal, 410, p410
Grand Council, 592
grand jury, 537
Granicus, battle of, 177
gravity, theory of, 67576,
c676, 677
Great Britain. See Britain,
Great Charter, 537
Great Council, 537
Great Depression, c800,
80607; causes of, 80607;
government reforms and,
807; New Deal, 807;
spread of, 807
Great Mosque in Makkah,
Great Peace, 592
Great Pyramid, 52
Great Rift Valley, 446
Great Serpent Mound,
580, p580
Great Sphinx, p34, 48, p48
Great Temple, 586, p586
Great Wall of China, 220,
p220, 242; first, 220
Greece, 783, 791, 834, 892;
democracy of, 892;
invasion of Turkey, 791
Greece, ancient: m109,
11247, p123, m125,
m132, 15087; Age of
Pericles, 13847;
Alexander the Great,
17481; alphabet, 120,
c120; amphitheater, ruins
of, 160, p160; art and
architecture, 16263;
capture of Troy, 15758,
264; Christianity and,
356; citizenship in,
12223, 124, 139; city-
states, 12223, 124,
12526, 128, 129, 136,
139, 144, 146, 175;
civilization, 113, 11623,
15089; colonies of, 121,
m121; culture of, 118,
119, 120, 15463, 16873,
18287; Dark Age, c112,
c116, 120; democracy in,
126, 12930, 13940;
drama, 16061, 183;
early Greeks, 11623;
economy of, 121; first
kingdoms, p119, 11920;
geography of, 117, m117;
gods and goddesses,
155, c155, p155, 156;
governments of, 119,
125, 126, 12728; Jews
and, 9596; literature of,
15558, 16061, 16467,
183; Macedonian attack
of, 17576; medicine,
184; military, p122, 123,
p144, 266; Minoans, 118;
Mycenaeans, p119,
11920; mythology,
15556; oligarchy, 126,
129, 147; Olympics, 128,
p128; oracle, 156;
Peloponnesian War, 112;
Persian War and, 13437;
philosophy and history,
16873, 187; Polis,
12223; power structure
of, 125; religion, 155,
c155, p155, 156;
democracy and, 139,
c140; science and math,
18586, c185; slavery
and, 121, 125, 126, 129,
142; soldiers oath, q122;
Sparta and Athens, 113,
12430; trade, 118, 121,
m121, 125; tyranny in
city-states, 112, 12526;
Xerxes invasion of, 112
Greece, classical. See
Greece, ancient
Gregory the Great, 364,
p519, 520
Gregory VII, Pope, 52021
griots, 449, 450, 470, 476,
Guam, 769
Guangzhou, 242
Ghana Guangzhou
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Guatemala, 583, 86364; U.S.
involvement in, 86364
guilds, 503, 530, 550
Guinea, 851
gunpowder, 420, 426, 429;
invention of, 420;
Mongol use of, 426;
trade in, 429
Gupta empire, m213,
21314; cities of, 213;
culture, 213, 21416;
discoveries and
inventions of, 21516;
economy, 213; founding
of, 213; religion of, 213;
tourism in, 213; trade, 213
guru, 201
Gutenberg, Johannes,
p618, 62021;
development of printing
press, 62021; Gutenberg
Bible, 620, 621
Hades, 155, p155
Hadrian, emperor of
Rome, 29192, p292
Hagakure: The Book of the
Samurai (Tsunetomo),
495, q495
Hagia Sophia, p332, 333
Haiti, 594, 862, 864;
Aristide as leader, 864;
Duvaliers dictatorship,
Halcyon-bird, 166
Hammurabi, king of
Babylon, p22, 2223,
2425; biography, 22;
code of (laws), 23, 2425;
control of Euphrates
and, 22
Handel, 68687
Han dynasty, c109, 24445;
artifact, p109; civil service
exam, 244, ptg244;
diffusion of Buddhism
during, 248; empire of,
24445; government, 244;
inventions, p245, 24546;
papermaking, p245, 245;
Silk Road, m246, 24647;
trade, m246, 24647
Hanfeizi, 238, p238, 239;
Legalism and, 238, 239
Hanging Gardens of
Babylon, 29, p29; as one
of Seven Wonders of the
Ancient World, 29
Hannibal, general of
Rome, 27576
Hanukkah, 96, c96
Han Wudi, emperor of
China, 24445
Han Y, 413, p413, q413
Hapi, 49
Harappa, 19697; collapse
of, 198; planned city,
19697; priest-king of,
p196; society, 197; trade,
Hargreaves, James, 727
Harvey, William, 676, c676
Hatshepsut, queen of
Egypt, 62, 63, p63;
biography, 63; expansion
of trade and, 62, 63
Havel, Vaclav, 882
Hawaii, 770, 819; bombing
of Pearl Harbor, 819;
U.S. control of, 770
Haydn, Franz Joseph, 687
head coverings: past and
present, 97, p97
Hebrew Bible, 8184,
8789, 94, 95, 96, 99, 348,
350; Christian study of,
348, 350; influence of, 95,
96; Torah as first part of,
Hebrews, ancient, 7677,
8085, 8692, 93102;
early, 8183; movements
of, 81, 82, 84, 90, 92;
religion, 81, 8283, 87,
9495; social structure
of, 9798. See also
Israelites, ancient
Heian, Japan, 493, 495
Helena, 354
Hellenistic Era, 17879,
18386; spread of culture
and, 178, 18386. See also
Greece, ancient
Hellenistic kingdoms,
17879, m179. See also
Hellenistic Era
helots, 126, 127, 147
Henry IV, king of France
(Henry of Navarre),
Henry VIII, 648, p648, 665
Henry, Patrick, 698
Henry, prince of Portugal
(Henry the Navigator)
Hera, 155, p155
heresy, 547, 643, 646, 675
heretics, 547; questioning
of, ptg547
Hermes, 155, p155
Herod, king of Judaea, 100
Herodotus, q75, 135, p135,
q135, p168, 173; father
of history, 173
Hestia, 155, p155
Hidalgo, Miguel, 749
hierarchy, 355
hieroglyphics, 42, 61, p61,
70, 585; comparing
computer icons to, 61,
p61; Mayan, 585;
Nubian, 70
hijab, 390, p390
Hildegard of Bingen, 545
Himalaya, 195, 196
Hinduism, 20304, 213;
Aryans and, 203;
Brahman, 20304; caste
system and, 204; deities,
203, c204, 213; dharma,
204; early, 203; Gupta
empire and, 213; Hindu
temple, p203; influence
of on Gandhi, 844;
karma, 20304;
reincarnation, 204;
Upanishads, 203
Hindu Kush, India, m109
Hindus, 385, 764, 845;
discontent in India and,
764; tensions between
Muslims and, 845
Hipparchus, 185; scientific
contributions of, c185
Hippocrates, 184, c185;
scientific contributions
of, c185
Hippocratic Oath, 184
Hippodrome, 320
Hiroshima, Japan, 829,
830; bombing of, p829,
829, 830
Hispaniola, 594
historians, 9, 173, 304, 666;
Greek, 173; Muslim, 393;
Roman, 304
History of Rome (Livy),
272, 304
History of the Jewish War
(Josephus), 343
History of the
Peloponnesian War
(Thucydides), 173, 189
History of the Persian
Wars (Herodotus), 135
Hitler, Adolph, 809, p809,
81416, 827; alliance with
Mussolini, 81416;
expansion of military,
c813, 814; invasion of
Poland, 81516; Munich
Conference, 815; program
of genocide, 827; suicide
of, 828
Hittites, 27, 64, 66
Hobbes, Thomas, 681
Ho Chi Minh, 84748, p848
Hohokam, 579
Hokkaido, 485, m485
Holocaust, 827, 874;
founding of Israel and,
Holy Roman Empire, 519,
639, m639; Thirty Years
War, 64546
Homer, c154, 157, 158, 159,
p159, q159, 177, 304;
biography, 159
Honduras, 583
Hong Kong, 772, 775,
p775, 890, 891;
extraterritoriality, 772;
free-enterprise economy
of, 891; past and present,
775, p775; return of to
China, 891
Hong Xiuquan, 773
Honshu, 485, m485
Hooke, Robert, 676, c676
Hopewell, 580
hoplites, 123
Horace, 304, q304, 326
Horyuji temple, 488, p489
Hosea, c91
House of Burgesses, 694
House of Commons, 537
House of Lords, 537
House of Wisdom, 391
Huang He (Yellow River),
Huang He valley, 225. See
also China
Huguenots, 644; religious
wars of France, 64445
humanism, 61921, 634;
beliefs of, 619; Christian,
634; Petrarch as father
of, 61920; printing
press as key to spread of
ideas of, 62021; societal
impact, 621; study of
ancient works, 619
Index 989
Guatemala humanism
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990 Index
humans, early, c8, 815, 573,
p574, 57475; adaptations
to the environment, 10,
c14, 573, 57475, 580;
archaeology and, 910,
57879; artifacts, 9, p10,
p11, p14, p573, p575; art
of, ptg10, 10, 11, 14, c14;
comparing, c14;
development of spoken
language, 11;
domestication of plants,
580; farming revolution,
13, c14, 57475; food
surpluses, 15; hunter-
gatherers, 10, c14, 573,
574, p574, 580; Ice Ages
and, 1011, 573, 574;
invention of tools, 11;
migration of, 573, m573;
Neolithic people, 12,
1315, c14; Paleolithic
people, 1011, c14;
religion, 14; roles of men
and women, 10, c14;
specialization, 15;
technological advances,
15; trade, 15. See also
Neolithic Age; zti;
Paleolithic Age
Hundred Years War, 557
Hungary, 746, 791, 839
Huns, 322, m323
hunter-gatherers, 10, c14,
573, 574, p574, 580;
adaptations for the
environment, 10, c14,
573, 57475, 580;
migration of, 573, m573.
See also humans, early
Hurricane Katrina, 892
Hussein, Saddam, 878,
p878, 894; capture of,
894; Iran-Iraq war, 878;
Persian Gulf War, 878
Hyksos, 6061
Hymn to the Nile, 41
Hypatia, scientific
contributions of, c185
hypertext transport
protocol (HTTP), 889
hypothesis, 679
Iberian Peninsula, 558
Ibn Battuta, 46465
Ibn Khaldun, 382, q382,
392, p392; biography, 392
Ibn Saud, 792
Ibn Sina, 391
Ibsen, Henrik, 737
Icarus and Daedalus, 16467
Ice Ages, 1011, 573, 574
iconoclast, 360
icons, 35960
ideographs, 228
Idylls, 183
Igbo, 463
igloos, 590
Illiad (Homer), 152,
15758, 159, 177
Immortals, 133
Imperial City, China, 432
imperialism, 763: Boer
War, 768; British empire
in India, 76465;
European rule of Africa,
76668, m767; Latin
America and, 770; rise
of, 763; Southern Asia
and, 76465, m765; War
of 1898, 76970
imports, 666
impressionism, 737
Inca Empire, 578, 58889,
599600; artistic,
achievements of, 588,
589; culture, 588; defeat
of, 599600; government,
588; life in, 588; oral
traditions,588; record
keeping in, 599; religion,
588; social structure, 588;
spread of smallpox in,
599; unification through
roads and language, 588;
warfare, 599600
incense, 62
India, 14, m109, 133, 177,
190217, 373, 380, 385,
388, 412, 418, 76465,
m765, 84344, 845, m845,
846, 890; Amritsar
massacre, 843; Aryans
and, 198201, 202, 203;
astronomy, 216; British
control of, 386; British
empire in, 76465;
Buddhism, 202, 20508;
building of nuclear
weapons, 845, 890; caste
system, 199201, c200,
206; conflict over
Kashmir, 845; conflicts
with Pakistan, 845, m845,
846; Congress Party, 846;
creation of Muslim
empire in, 38586;
culture, 196, 197, 21415;
early, 190217; East India
Company, 76465;
economy, 196, 76465,
846; first civilizations of,
196201; first empires,
20917; first prime
minister of, 846; Five
Year Plans for raising
standard of living, 846;
geography, m109, 133,
191, 193, 194, m195,
19596, 199; government,
191, 197; Green
Revolution, 846; Gupta
empire, m213, 21314;
Hinduism, 203204, 845;
imperialism and, 76465,
m765; independence
from Britain, 84344;
Indian National
Congress, 843, 846; Indus
River valley, 19596;
influence of Moguls on,
386; intellectual tradition
of, 21415; invasion of
by Alexander the Great,
177; language, 199;
leadership of Gandhi,
843; life in, 199201;
literature, math, science
in, 21416; marriage in,
201; Mauryan dynasty
of, 21012; Mohenjo-
Daro, 19697, p196;
nations of modern
Indian subcontinent, 195;
Neolithic villages of, 14;
political system, 197; Raj,
765; religions of, 20205,
84344; river systems,
195, 199; role of men and
women, 201; sepoys, 765;
social system of, 197,
c200, 199201; trade, 211,
373, 386, 388; varnas,
c200, 20001; Vedas of,
214; western, 133
India National Congress,
843, 846
Indian Ocean, 195, 388
Indochina, 84748
Indonesia, 381, 846, 847;
communism in, m847;
independence of, 847
indulgences, 63435, 636;
box, p635; selling of,
63435, 636
Indus River, 177, 195, 196,
198; settlements of, 108
Indus River valley, 195.
See also India
industrialism, 725
Industrial Revolution,
72430, m725;
beginnings of, 726;
benefits versus
problems, 74243; causes
of, 726; changes caused
by, 73243; coal, iron
and, 726, 729; enclosure
movement and, 726;
Great Britains, 72528,
729; impact of on
women, 73334;
inventions and, 72730;
pollution and, 743; social
reforms during, 733, 743;
spread of, 72930; textile
industry and, 726, 727;
urbanization during,
732, 733, 742; worker
safety during, 733, 743;
working class, 73233,
736, 74243; working
conditions, 733, 736, 743.
See also industry
industry: American, 729;
coal, 419, 726, 727, 730;
European, 729; iron,
72728; Japanese, 778;
rise of factories, 728; rise
of railroads and, 728;
society and, 73143;
spread of, 72930; steel,
728, 730; textile, 72627;
working conditions and,
733, 736, p736, 743, 778;
urbanization and, 732.
See also Industrial
inferences, making, 40607
inflation, 319, 806, 876
Innocent III, Pope, 543
Inquisition, 547, 558
Revolutionary Party,
internal combustion
engine, 730
International Monetary
Fund (IMF), 889
Internet, 889
Inti, 588
intifada, 878
Intolerable Acts, 69798
Inuit, 590
inventions: compass, 420,
659, p659; electricity and,
729, 730; gunpowder,
420; heavy wheeled
humans, early inventions
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plow, 525; horse collar,
525; internal combustion
engine, 730; iron drill
bits, 245; iron plow, 230,
p235; Leonardos, 621;
lightbulb, 729, 730;
movable type, 419, 621;
paper, 245, 621; plow, 21;
powered loom, 727;
printing press, 620621;
printing process, 41920;
radio, 730; saddle and
stirrup, 231; sailboat, 21,
452; shadoof, 41;
spinning jenny, 727;
steamboat, 728, 729;
steam engine, 727, 728;
steam locomotive, 726;
steel, 419; telegraph, 730;
telephone, 730; wagon
wheel, 21; water mills,
526; waterwheels, 245.
See also math; science
invest, 667
Iran, 382, 383, c857, 876,
878, 890; Islamic
revolution, 876, 878;
Khomeini as ruler, 878;
Muslim ally to U.S. and
Europe, 876, 878; state
sponsor of terrorism, 890;
taking of hostages, 878
Iraq, 382, 792, c857, 878,
890, 894; conflict with
Iran, 878; Kuwait
invasion, 878; Persian
Gulf War, 878; UN
monitoring of, 878; U.S.
invasion of, 894.
See also Hussein, Saddam
Ireland, 363, 364, 519
Irish Republican Army
(IRA), 892
iron, 71, 72728; industry
and, 72728;
ironworking, 419, 448;
weapons, 27
Iron Curtain, 833, 83940;
life behind, 839, 840
Iron Curtain speech,
833, q833
Iroquois, 592
Iroquois League, 592; law
code of, 592
irrigation, 18, 21, 22, 29, 41,
230, 234, 247, 389, 417,
503, 577, 579, 591. See
also agriculture; farming
Isabella, queen of Spain,
558, 646
Isaiah, c91
Ishtar Gate, p30
Isis, 49
Islam: acceptance of and
impact on medieval
Africa, 448, 46465, 467;
arts and literature, 389,
391, 392, 39394; beliefs,
378, c378, 467; civilization
of, 36895; economic
structures, 386; empires
of, 37986; first four
caliphs, 380, c381; Five
Pillars of Islam, 378, c378;
growth of movements
based on, 87677; Hijrah,
374; India and, 38586;
Irans revolution and,
87677; law code and
rules of, 378; meaning of,
374; medicine, 391;
Muhammad, prophet of,
37477; opposition to,
375; preservation of
ancient texts, 391; Quran
as holy book of, 37778;
rise of, 37278; science
and mathematics, 391;
Shiites, 382; social
structures, 38990; spread
of, m380, 38081, 448,
46465, 467; state of, 374;
struggles within, 38283;
Sufis, 381; Sunnis, 382;
teachings of in
connection with Judaism
and Christianity, 81, 83,
91, 95; Umayyad caliphs,
380; women and, 390.
See also Muslims
Israel, 14, 81, 90, 91, 92, 102,
343, 87475, m875; Arab-
Israeli conflict and,
87476; Camp David
Accords, 876; creation of
Jewish nation of, 102;
education in ancient, 97,
98; fall of, 91, 92;
founding of after World
War II, 874; invasion of
Egypt, 875; kingdom of,
90; peace treaty with
Jordan, 879; prophets of,
91, c91, 344; settlements
in Gaza and West Bank,
878; Six Day War, 875;
terrorism and, 879;
twelve tribes of, 81; wars,
87475. See also Israelites,
ancient; Jews; Judaism;
Judah; Judaea
Israelites, ancient, 7677,
8085, 8692, 93102,
m105; Assyrians and,
9192; Canaan, as
Promised Land, 84;
Chaldeans and, 92; early,
8183; education of, 97,
98; fall of Israel and
Judah, 9092; fighting
judges, 84; first Israelites,
8085; growth of
Judaism, 93102; King
David, 88, 89; kingdom
of Israel, m105; King
Saul, 87, 89; King
Solomon, 8990; religion
of, 8185; temple of, 89,
91, 92, 100; Ten
Commandments as rule
of law, 83; twelve tribes
of, 81, 84, 87, 91. See also
Hebrews, ancient; Israel;
Jews; Judah; Judaism
Istanbul, 320, 384
Italy, 121, m121, 263, m263,
519, 74748, 766, 782, 805,
808, 814, 826, 891;
aftermath of World
War I, 805, 808; Allied
troop invasion of, 826;
city-states of, m609,
61113, 61415, 61617;
constitutional monarchy,
748; Fascist Party, 808;
geography of, 263, m263,
611; government of, 747,
748, 808, 826, 891;
Mussolinis dictatorship,
808, 826; nationalism in,
74748; Ostrogoths in,
514; Renaissance in,
60917, 61924; rise of,
m747, 74748; role of
King Victor Emmanuel
and prime minister
Camillo di Cavour, 747;
totalitarian state, 808;
Triple Alliance, 782;
World War II, 81416,
818, 826. See also Florence,
Italy; Renaissance;
Venice, Italy
Ivan I, 540
Ivan III, czar of Russia, 540
Jackson, Andrew, 754
Jacob, 81; family tribes of, 81
Jacobins, 717
James I, king of England,
649, 692, 693
Jamestown, Virginia, 692,
janissaries, 358
Japan, 413, 480504, 774,
777779, 81112, 81819,
82526, 830, 847; Allies
stop advance of, 82526;
art and architecture,
499501, 503; attack of
Pearl Harbor, 819;
bombing, c800, 82930;
Buddhism in, 413, 488,
489, 49293, 499; central
government of, 777;
Christianity in, 650, 777;
class system, 777;
constitutional monarchy,
728; control of
Manchuria, 779; control
of Taiwan, 774, 779;
culture, 499500, 503;
daimyo, 49697, 777;
drama, 501; early,
48490; economy, 503,
777, 778, 838; education,
778; empire of, m778,
778779; Europeans in,
777; feudalism in, 497;
first settlers, 48687;
geography, 485, m485;
gives up control of
Indochina, 847;
government of, 488,
49294, 495, 496, 497,
777, 778; Great
Depression, 811; Great
Peace, 777; impact of
Korean War on, 838;
industry, 777, 778;
invasion of China and
southeast Asia, 819;
invasion of Manchuria,
81112; Jomon, 486;
Kamakura, 495; life in,
498504; literature, 501;
medieval, 480504; Meiji
era, 778; military, 778,
779, p779, 81112; myth
of creation of, 487;
occupied country, 838;
Pacific War, m825,
82526; recovery after
World War II, 838;
religions of, 488, 489,
490, 49293, 499, 650;
rights of women and
workers, 838; rise of
imperial, 77779; role of
women, 501, 504, 778,
838; Roosevelts
economic policies
toward, 819; samurai,
49495, 777; Shinto, 490;
shoguns, 49497, 650,
Index 991
invest Japan
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992 Index
777; social structures,
495, 503, 504, 777, 778;
society in, 49497, 777,
838; support of zaibatsu,
811; trade, 503, 777;
treaties, 77778; Yamato,
48788; Yayoi, 48687;
wars, 49495, 497, 779;
war trials in, 830; world
power, 779; World
War II, 81112, 819,
m825, 82526
Jefferson, Thomas, 698,
p698, 699
Jenner, Edward, 738
Jeremiah, c91
Jericho, 14, 84, p84; battle
for, p84
Jerome, Saint, 322, p322,
q322, 362
Jerusalem, 89, 90, 92, 94,
101, 132, m132, 343, 347,
547, 875, m875;
rebuilding of, 94; Six
Day War and, 875;
temple in, 100, 101
Jesuits (Society of Jesus),
643, 644, 650; Ignatius of
Loyola as founder of, 644
Jesus of Nazareth, p344,
34447, p345, p346, q346,
ptg347; 348; biography,
346; crucifixion of, 347;
disciples of, 344; life of,
34445, 347; resurrection
as foundation for
Christianity, 347, 350;
teachings of, 34445,
346, 348; use of parables,
345, p345
Jews, 90, 91, 92, 94102,
343, 54758, 558, 792,
809, 827, 87476; anti-
Semitism, 548, 809;
Arab-Israeli conflict,
87476; Balfour
Declaration, 792;
clothing, 98; conflict
over Palestine, 792;
Diaspora, 96; diet of, 98;
education and, 97, 98;
Essenes, 100, 101; exile
and return of to Judah,
94; expulsion of, 548,
m548; family,
importance of, 9798;
fortress at Masada, p343;
founding of Israel, 874;
Greeks and, 9596;
Holocaust, 827; holy
days celebrated by, c96;
Jesus teachings about
religious laws of, 34445;
Maccabees and, 96;
messianic prophecies,
344; Muslim rule of, 646;
Nazi Party and, 809, 827;
Nebuchadnezzar and, 92;
persecution of, 81, 82, 96,
101, 646; Pharisees, 100;
rebellions of, 92, 343;
Romans and, 10001, 343;
Sabbath as day of
worship and rest, 94;
Sadducees, 100;
settlement in Middle
East, 792, 874; Spanish
Inquisition and, 558;
spread of ideas and
values, 81, 96; way of life,
97, c97, 98; Zionists, 792
Jimmu, emperor of Japan,
Joan of Arc, 556, p556,
q556, 557; biography, 556
John, king of England, 537
Johnson, Lyndon, 84041;
Great Society, 841;
Vietnam and, 849
joint-stock company, 667
Jomon, 486
Jordan, 14, 81, 792
Joseph II, king of Austria,
688, p688
Josephus, 105, q105, 343
Joshua, 84; battle for
Jericho, 84, ptg84
journeyman, 530
Judaea, 100, 343, 344, 347;
Judah becomes, 343; rule
of King Herod, 100
Judah, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98,
100, 343; education in,
98; fall of, 92; founding
of, 90; return of Jews to,
94; Roman conquer and
rule of, 100, 343
Judaism: as first
monotheistic religion,
81; beliefs, 82, 83, 95;
destruction of Temple,
101; ethical teachings,
82, 83, 95; God as moral
lawgiver, 82; growth of,
93102; Hanukkah, 96;
Hebrew Bible, study in,
81, 82, 83, 95; justice in,
95; major Jewish
holidays, c96;
observance of law in, 82,
83; origins of, 81, 94;
jury system, 536, p536, 537;
grand jury, 537; linking
past and present, p536;
trial jury, 537
Justinian Code, 330
Justinian, emperor of
Byzantine Empire,
32930; conquests of,
330; law code, 330
Kaaba, 374, p377; pilgrim-
ages to, 377, p377
kaiser, 748
Kalidasa, 215
Kamakura, Japan, 495
kami, 490
kamikaze, 495
Kammu, emperor of
Japan, 493
Karakorum, Mongolia, 428
karma, 20304
Kashmir, 846; conflicts
between Pakistan and
India over, 845
Kashta, king of Kush, 71
Kemal, Mustafa, 791
Kennan, George F.,
83334; containment
policy, 834
Kennedy, John F., 835,
836, p836, 840; Cuban
Missile Crisis, 836, c836
Kente clothe, 474, p474
Kenya, 850
Kenyatta, Jomo, 850, p850
Kepler, Johannes, 67475,
Kerma, kingdom of, 69
Khadija, 376
Khanbaliq, China, 428
Khan, Genghis, 42427,
p427, q427; Mongol
Empire under, m424,
42427, m425
Khan, Kublai, ruler of
Mongol, p428, 42829,
Khomeini, Ayatollah
Ruhollah, 878
Khufu, king of Egypt, 52
Kievan Rus, 53940
King, Martin Luther Jr.,
Kitab al-lbar (Khaldun),
knights, 524, 526; code of
chivalry, 526
Knossos, palace at, 118
kofun, 487
Kongo, kingdom of,
Korea, 40910, 411, 413,
429, 837838, 89091;
38th parallel, 837, 838;
China and, 40910;
Mongol control of, 429;
spread of Buddhism to,
413. See also Korean War;
North Korea; South
Korean Peninsula, 409
Korean War, c800, 837, 838,
kosher foods, 98
Krishna, c204, 214
Krishna and Maidens, ptg214
Kristallnacht, 827
Krushchev, Nikita, 835,
836, p836
Kshatriyas, 200, c200
Kush, civilization of, 67,
c68, m68, 6872, m70; art
of, 69; capitals of, 70, 71;
economy of, 69, 70;
Egyptian influence on
70, 71; geography, 68, 69,
70; importance of iron
to, 71; kingdom of
Kerma, 69; military, 71;
Nubia, 6970; rise of,
7071; rule of Egypt, 67;
rulers of, 71, 72; slavery,
72; trade in, 69, 70, 71, 72
Kuwait, 878; Iraqi invasion
of, 878
Kyoto, Japan, p480, 493,
497, 503, 778
Kyoto Protocol, 890
Kyushu, 485, m485
labor unions, 736
laissez-faire economics,
735, 741
laity, 355, c355
Lakshmi, c204
lamas, 208
language: Arabic, 381, 388,
39091, 467; Bantu, 469;
development of, 120,
199, c199, 228; evolution
of written forms of, 85,
120, 228; Hebrew, 81;
Latin, 292, 304, 326, 328,
352, 552; Quechua, 588;
Jefferson, Thomas language
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Sanskrit, c199, 214;
Swahili, 469; vernacular,
552, 620, 634
Laozi, p238, 238, q239;
Daoism and, c238, 23839
latifundia, 278
La Salle, 692
Last Supper, 347, ptg347
Last Supper, The
(Leonardo), 62324;
Latin, 292, 304, 326, 328,
352, 552; as basis for
modern European
languages, 304, 326;
manuscripts, 619, p619,
Latin America, 749, 751,
76970, 86068;
agriculture, 861;
caudillos, 751; 86364;
challenges in, 751,
86068; class divide in,
751; Cold War and, 863;
debt, 862; democratic
movement in, 862; drug
trade, 862; economy,
86162; exports, 861,
m861; fight for freedom,
749, 750; Good Neighbor
Policy and, 862; Great
Depression, 862;
imperialism and, 770;
independence, m749;
modernization of
Mexico, 86465; Monroe
Doctrine and, 751;
nationalism in, 749, 751;
new nations of, 749;
political conflicts, 751;
population growth, 861,
862; Portuguese, Spanish
and, 749; reforms in
South America, 86668;
religious conflicts, 751;
society and, 751, 861,
862; trade, 861, 862;
United States and,
76970, 86162
Latins, 264, 266
Latium, Italy, 263, 265
Latvia, 791
Lavoisier, Antoine and
Marie, 676, c676
law: belief in moral, 82, 378;
Code of Hammurabi, 23,
2425; common, 537;
courts of, 537; from God
in Torah, 82; ideas about,
68182, 683; influence of
Justinian Code, 330;
juries and, 536, p536, 537;
Legalism and, p238, 239;
natural, 550, 68182; Qin
dynasty, 243; Quran, 378;
rights of citizens and,
273; Roman influence on,
32526; Roman system
of, 273, 32526; rule of,
273; standards of justice,
273; U.S. system of as
compared to Roman, 273;
veto of, 696; written, 273
League of Nations, 791,
792; mandate system,
792; U.S. Senate and, 791
Leahy, William, 829
Lebanon, 81, 542, 792
legacy, 178, 187
Legalism, c238, 239, 241
legionaries, Roman, 266,
p266, p267; armor,
shield, spear, 266, p266
legions, 266
Lend Lease Act, 816
Lenin, Vladimir, c758, 794,
795, p795, q795, 810,
p810; biography, 795;
control of Russia, 796
Leo III, emperor of
Byzantine, 360
Leonidas, king of Sparta,
Leopold II, king of
Belgium, 76768
Leviathan (Hobbes), 681
liberalism, 735
Liberia, 767, 768, 870
Li Bo, 420, p420, q420
Libya, 766, 850, 890
Libyans, 67; conquerors of
ancient Egypt, 67
lightbulb, 729, 730
Liliuokalani, queen of
Hawaii, 770
limited government, 700
Li Po. See Li Bo
Lister, Joseph, 738
literature: British, 736, 737;
changes in during
Renaissance, 620;
Chinese, 42021;
Egyptian, 60; epics, 20,
157, 159, 183, 215;
European, 552; fables,
158; French, 737; Greek,
15556, 15758, 16061,
16467, 183; Hellenistic
Era, 183; Indian, 21415;
influence of Greek and
Roman writings on later
thought, 619, 621;
Japanese, 501; moral and
religious references of,
158, 214, 215, 619;
Muslim, 393; mythology,
15556; odes, 304; Nobel
Prize for, 866; novelists,
737; oral tradition of,
158, 159, 214, 449, 470,
476; plays, 304, 626;
poetry, 15758, 214, 304,
42021, 626, 736; realism,
73637; Renaissance,
620, 626; Roman, 304;
romanticism, 736;
Russian, 737; satires,
304; Tang dynasty,
42021; written in the
vernacular, 620
Lithuania, 791
Liu Bang, emperor of Han,
244, c247, p247
Livia, empress of Rome,
Livy, 304, 326; historian of
Rome, 304
Locke, John, 68182, 683,
p683, q683, 699;
biography, 683
London, tower of, 648
lords, 52326, 53233
lord-vassal system, 52326,
Los Alamos, New Mexico,
Louis XIV, king of France,
687, q687
Louis XVI, king of France,
716, 718
Louisiana Territory, 751
Louis-Philippe, king of
France, 746
Loyola, Ignatius of, 644,
p644, q644; founder of
Jesuits, 644
Luoyang, 248
Lusitania, 787
Lutheranism, 63637, 639,
640; creation of, 63637;
Germans and, 639;
politics and, 639
Luther, Martin, 63437,
p636, 638, p638, q653;
biography, 638; creation
of Lutheranism, 636;
Ninety-Five Theses as
beginning of
Reformation, 636
Luxembourg, 625
MacArthur, Douglas, 826,
829, 838
Maccabees, 96
Maccabeus, Judas, 96
Macedonia, m117, 146, 174,
175, 17879; attack on
Greece, 17576; empire
breaks apart, 17879;
geography and culture,
Machiavelli, Niccol, 614,
p614, q614, 615
Machu Picchu, 588, 589,
Madinah, 376, m383
Magna Carta, 537, q537, 682,
699; historical importance
of, 537, 682, 699
Magyars, 518, 519
Mahabharata, 21415
Mahayana Buddhism, 208,
Maimonides, 646, p646
Maine, 769
main idea, understanding,
7879; and supporting
details, 37071
Makeda, queen of Sheba,
Makkah, 373, 374, 375,
m383, m385, 389, 465,
555; Black Death in, 555;
pilgrimage to, p375, 465
Malawi, 850
Malay Peninsula, 763, 847
Malaysia, 847
Mali, medieval, 44849,
c451; economic
structures, 449, c451,
462; government and
political structure of,
462; location, c451;
Mansa Musa, 462, 465,
466; religion, 65; 467;
trade and 449, c451, 462
Malintzin, 597; translator
for Corts, 597
Mamun, 390
mandate, 230
Mandate of Heaven, 230
mandates, 792; mandate
system, 792
Mandela, Nelson, 852,
872, 873, p873, q873;
biography of, 873; first
Index 993
Laozi Mandela, Nelson
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994 Index
black president of South
Africa, 872; leader of
movement, 872
Manhattan Project, 829
manorialism. See manorial
manorial system, 52627
manors, 52627, p527
Mansa Musa, 449, 462, 465,
p465, 466, p466;
biography, 466; rule of,
462, 465, 466;
strengthening of Islam,
manufacturing, 530;
quality standards in, 530
Mao Zedong, 837, p837,
885, q885, 886; Cultural
Revolution, 885
Marathon, 13435; battle
of, 13435, m134
Marat, Jean-Paul, 717
Marconi, Guglielmo, 730
Marshall, George C. 834
Marshall Plan, 834, 840
Martel, Charles, 515, 523;
ideas as basis for
feudalism, 523
martial arts, 499, 500, p500;
linking past and present,
martyr, 353
Marxism, 73536
Marx, Karl, 735, p735, q735,
Mary I, queen of England,
649, p649
Mary Magdalene, 347
Mary, Saint (mother of
Jesus), 546
Masada, Israel, 343; ruins
at, p343
mass, 546
math: algebra, 391;
algorithms, 216; Chinese
numbering system, c236;
counting based on 10,
c44, 51; fractions, c44, 51;
geometry, 21, 42, 182,
18586; Greek, c185,
18586; Gupta, 215;
Indian, 21516; Hindu
Arabic numerical
system, 21516, 391;
method of number
calculations, 588;
Mayan, 585; number
system based on 60, c44;
number system based on
10, c44, 51; number
system based on 20, 585;
number system based on
60, 21, c44; quipu, 588,
p599; Sumerian number
system, 21; 360-degree
circle, 21
matrilineal, 469
Matthew, Saint, 355, p356
Maurya, Chandragupta,
210; centralized
government of, 210;
founder of Indias first
empire, 210
Mauryan dynasty, m210,
21011; fall of, 211; first
empire of India, m210,
21011; religion and, 211,
212; rulers of, 210, 211;
trade and, 211
Maya, 58385, 596; art and
architecture, p583, 584;
culture, 58485;
development of
mathematical system,
585; development of 365-
day calendar, 585;
development of written
language, 585; geographic
location of, 575, 583;
government, 58384, 585;
political system of,
58485; religious beliefs
and practices, 584; role of
women, 585; social
structure, 584; sports, 584,
p584; study of astronomy,
585; trade, 57576, 584;
warfare, 584
Mayflower, 693
Mayflower Compact, 693,
694, q693
mayors, 515
Mbeki, Thabo, 872
McKinley, William, 769
measles, 597, 669
Medici, Catherine de, 644,
647, p647
Medici family, 613, 614
Medici, Lorenzo de, 614
medicine: acupuncture,
246, 671; bone-setting,
216; causes of disease,
738; Chinese, 245;
discovery of anesthesia,
738; discovery of
bacteria, 738; discovery
of cells, 676; discovery of
genetics, 738; discovery
of Radium, 739;
discovery of vaccines,
738; Egyptian, 50; Greek,
184; Gupta, 216; herbal
treatments in, 50, 216,
245, 671; Hippocratic
oath, 184; identification
of disease, 391;
invention of tools for,
216; medical books, c44,
50; medical drawings,
391, p391; Muslim, 391;
plastic surgery, 216;
specialization in, 50;
spread of disease, 391;
sterilization of medical
equipment, 738; study of
anatomy, blood
circulation, 305, 391, 676;
surgery, 216. See also
meditation, 499, p499
Mediterranean region,
263, m263, 287, 291, 348;
spread of Christianity to,
Mediterranean Sea, 40, 81,
95, m117, 118, m132, 246,
373, 384, 388, 611
Meiji, 778
Meir, Golda, 876, 877,
p877, q877; biography,
877; conflict with Egypt,
Memphis, Egypt, 44, 60
Menander, 183
Mendel, Gregor, 738
Mennonites, 637
mercantilism, 666, 692, 696
mercenaries, 611
Mero, Kush, 71, 72
Mesa Verde National
Park, 57879
civilizations, 57476,
m575, 58387;
achievements of, 585;
agricultural systems,
575; art and architecture,
583, ptg583, 587;
development of
calendar, 585;
development of written
language, 585; economic
structures, 575;
geographic structures,
57576, 583; government
and political structures,
58384, 58586;
knowledge of seasonal
changes, 585; religious
beliefs, 584, 585, 586, 587;
slavery and, 587; social
structures, 58485, 587
Mesopotamia, m3, 1623,
27, 30, 81, 132, m132,
197, 291, 384; artisans of,
c44; Assyrians, 2728;
Babylon, 23; Chaldeans,
29; city-states, 19, p19,
23; comparing to Egypt,
c44; cradle of
civilization, 20;
cuneiform writing, 20,
c44; development of
writing, 20; early
civilizations of, 1625,
m17; economic structure
of, c44; economy of, c44;
education in, 21, p21;
geography, 17, m17, 18,
20; government of, 19,
20; Hammurabi, 22, 23,
2425; inventions of, 21;
laws of, 23, 2425; life in,
20; literature, 20;
Ottomans conquer, 384;
political structure of,
1920; religion, 19;
rulers, 1920, 22, 23, 24,
25; Sargon, 23; scientific
and mathematic
advances, 21, c44;
society in, 20;
Sumerians, 1821;
students today in, 21,
p21; writing, 20
messiah, 101, 344, 347, 348;
Jewish prophecy and, 344
metalworking, 486
Metternich, Klemens von,
p723, 723
Mexico, 13, 14, 574, 575,
m575, 583, 59697, 862,
86465; climate and
geography of, 574, 575,
583; economy, 865;
farming in, 13, m13, 575;
independence, 749;
Revolutionary Party, 865;
Mayan ancestors, 58385;
modernization, 86465;
nationalization of oil
wells, 865; Neolithic
villages of, 14; political
reforms, 865; Revolution
of 1911, 86465; trade,
575, 576, 865. See also
Aztec Empire; Maya
Micah, c91
Michelangelo. See
Buonarroti, Michelangelo
microscope, 676, 678, p678
Manhattan Project microscope
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Middle Ages: China in,
40437; early, 51221;
Europe, medieval,
50859; Japan, medieval,
480504; late, 55358. See
also Europe, medieval;
Japan, medieval
middle class, 735
Middle East, 14, c381, 389,
791, 792, 87476; after
World War I, 791; Arab-
Israeli conflict, 87476;
Arab nationalism, 792;
creation of kingdom of
Saudi Arabia, 792;
mandates, 792; new
countries in, 792;
population, 876;
resources, 876; terrorism
and, 892; Zionist
settlement of 792
Middle Kingdom, Egypts,
6061; arts and
literature, 60; culture of,
60; Hyksos, 6061
A Midsummer Nights
Dream, 62732
Midway Island, 826
migrations: to America, 573,
m573; Bantu, 469, m469
militarism, 782
military: Greek, 12223,
12627, 13437, p144;
Japan, 49497; Kushite,
71; Mongol, 424, 42526,
p426, 427, 429, 540;
Mycenaean, 120; Persian,
133, 13437; Roman,
26667, 279, 28081,
28788; Shang dynasty,
227; Sparta, military, 115,
p115, 12627, p126. See
also individual country
listings; wars
Mill, John Stuart, 735
mills, 733, 743
Milo sevi c, Slobodan, 884
Minamoto clan, 49495
Minamoto Yoritomo, 495
minaret, 394, p394
Ming dynasty, c430, m431,
43036; beginnings and
rise of, 43132; culture,
432; fall of, 436; maritime
expeditions, 433, 434,
435; reforms of China,
432; shipbuilding
technology, 433, 435;
trade and, 434, 435
Minoans, 113, 118, ptg118,
119; calendar, p118, p147;
civilization, c108;
collapse of civilization,
118; control of eastern
Mediterranean, c116,
118; culture, 118, 119;
trade, 116, 118, 119
Minos, king of Crete, 165
missionaries, 362, p362,
363, 364, 43536, 52021,
539, 650; past and
present, 362, p362
Mississippi, 592
Mississippians, 58081;
architecture of, 581;
farming, 581; rise of
cities in, 581
Mississippi River, 592
Mitterand, Francois, 891
mobilization, 784
Moche, 57778; agricultural
techniques, 577; art, 577,
p577, 578; engineering,
577; geography, 577;
trade, 577
Moguls, 38586, 764;
economy of, 386;
Muslim empire of,
38586; trade, 386
Mohawk, 592; government
of, 592
Mohenjo-Daro, 196;
artifacts and ruins, p196
Moluccas, 666
Mona Lisa (Leonardo),
ptg622, 624,
monasteries, 357, 362,
p362, 413, 519, 520;
Mont St. Michel, p520
monastic religious orders,
Monet, Claude, 737;
Nympheas, 737
money: as form of
exchange, 121; coins,
121, 388, 529; common
currency, 294, 41920;
distrust of, 320; euro
based on Roman, 294,
p294; single monetary
system, 242, c247
Mongol Empire, 383, m424,
424, m425, 42526, 42829,
495, 540; Black Death and,
554; conquests of, 42526;
invasion of Kievan Rus,
540; maritime expedition,
429; nomadic life of, 424;
religion of, 426, 428; rule
in China, 42829; rulers
of, 42527, 42829; trade
and, 426, 429, 61112; use
of terror, 426; warriors of,
424, 42526, p426, 427,
429, 540. See also Khan,
Genghis; Khan, Kublai
Mongolia, 424. See also
Mongol Empire
monks, 362, p362, 364, 520
Monks Mound, 581
monopoly, 576
monotheism, 81
Monroe Doctrine, 751
Monroe, James, 751
monsoons, 19596
Montenegro, 783
Montesquieu, 682, p682,
q682, 700; concept of
separation of powers,
Montezuma II
(Moctezuma), 59697,
598, p598; biography,
598; Corts defeat of, 597
Montgomery, Bernard,
826, 828
Morelos, Jos Mara, 749
More, Sir Thomas, 648
Morocco, 766, 850
Morse, Samuel, 730
mortal, 164
mosaics, 333, p333
Moscow, Russia, 540,
m540, 689, 794; growth
of, 540
Moses, 82, 83, p83; parting
of the Red Sea, ptg82
Mosque of the Prophet,
376; tomb of
Muhammad, 376, p376
mosques, p384, 389, 393,
Mound Builders, 58081;
domestication of plants,
580; trade, 580
Mountain, the, 717, 718
Mount Olympus, 155
Mount Sinai, 82, 83, p83
Mount Vesuvius, 290, p290;
eruption of, 290, p290;
modern-day, 290, p290
Mozart, Wolfgang
Amadeus, 687, p687
Muhammad, 37476;
biography, 376; prophet
of Islam, 37476;
relationship of caliphs
to, c381; government of,
375; opposition to,
37475; teachings of,
374, 377
corporations, 862
mummy, 50, 64, 65; cat, 64
Munich, Germany, 815
Muqaddimah (Khaldun),
q382, 392
Murasaki Shikibu, 501,
502, p502, q502;
biography, 502
Muscovy. See Moscow; see
also Russia
music: African, 47576,
p475; 476, 545
Muslims, c387, 38794, 433,
448, 515, 519, 54143,
646, 666, 845, 876, 878,
884; achievements of,
39092, 39394, 433;
Albanian, 884; art and
architecture, 389, 39394;
beliefs about American
and European ideas and
values, 876; cities of,
38889; Crusades and,
54143; culture, 38890,
p389, p390; decline of
rule of, 384, 386; empires
of, 38081, 38486;
everyday life of, 38890;
inventions, 391; Iranian,
876, 878; language, 390;
Moguls, 38586;
Portuguese defeat of
fleet, 666; religion and,
377, 381, 392; role of men
and women, 390; rule of
Spain, 646; slavery of
non-, 38990; social
structure, 38990; split
into Sunnis and Shiites,
382; tensions between
Hindus and, 845; trade
and, 388, 396; ways of
life, c387, 38794, p389,
p390. See also Islam
Mussolini, Benito, 808,
p808, 81415; alliance
with Hitler, 81415;
Fascist Party, 808; World
War II, 81415, 826
Mutsuhito, emperor of
Japan, 778
Myanmar, 847
Mycenae, 119; ruins at, p119
Mycenaeans, 118, 11920;
culture, 119; Dark Age
of, 121; decline and
collapse of civilization,
c116, 120; kingdoms and
Index 995
Middle Ages Mycenaeans
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996 Index
government of, 11920;
religion, 119; spread of
culture, 120; trade,
11920; war and, 120,
mythology, Greek, c155,
myths, 155, 156, 165, 487
Nagasaki, Japan, 777, 830
Nanjang, China, 819
Naomi, 99, ptg99; biogra-
phy, 99
Napata, Kush, 70
Napoleon. See Bonaparte,
Napoleonic code, 720
Nara, Japan, 492
Narmer, 4344
Nasser, Gamal Abdel,
87485; popularity of,
874, 875; Suez crisis, 875
Natchez, 592; social classes
of, 592
nationalism, 720, 723,
74549, 75154, 77179,
792, 843, 846, 850, 851,
884; Africa, 850, 851;
Arab, 792; Balkan, 783;
cause for World War I,
781; Chinese, 77475;
democracy in Great
Britain, 745; Eastern
European, 884; fall of
communism and, 884;
independence in Latin
America, 749, m749, 751;
Indian, 843, 846;
Japanese, 77779;
Palestine, 792; reform in
Austria and Hungary,
746; revolutions of 1848;
rise of Italy and
Germany, m747, 74748;
United States, 75154
Nationalist Socialist
German Workers Party.
See Nazi Party
nationalize, 865
nation-states, 74647, 749,
791, 792, 850
Native Americans, 57881;
Acoma, 591; Adena, 580;
Algonquian, 592;
Anasazi, 57980;
Apache, 591; Cahuilla,
591; California, 591;
Cayuga, 592; Cherokee,
592; Chinook, 591;
Chumash, 591;
Columbian Exchange
and, m668, 66869;
confederations, 592;
disease and, 596; early
civilizations of, 57881;
enslavement of, 664;
geography, climate and,
590, 591, 592;
governments of, 592;
Grand Council of, 592;
Great Peace, 592; Haida,
591; Hidatsa, 591;
Hohokam, 579;
Hopewell, 580; Inuit, 590;
Iroquois League, 592;
Jesuit missionaries and,
650; laws of, 592; life in
the Eastern Woodlands,
592; life in the Pacific
Northeast, 591; life in the
Southwest, 591; life on
the Great Plains, 59192;
life on the West Coast,
591; Mandan, 591;
Mississippians 58081;
Mohawk, 592; Mound
Builders, 580; Natchez,
592; Navajo, 591;
Oneida, 592; Onondaga,
592; Pawnee, 591; people
and cultures of, m590,
59092; people of the
Far North, 590; Pomo,
591; Pueblo, 591; Seneca,
592; Tlingit, 591; Zuni,
natron, 49
natural law, 550, 681
natural rights, 68182, 685;
of women, 685
Navigation Acts, 696
Nazareth, 344, 346
Nazi Party, 809, 815, 827;
anti-Semitism of, 809,
827; concentration
camps, 809, 827; Hitler
as leader of, 809;
Holocaust, 827;
restrictions on human
rights, 809, 827
Chaldean king, 29, 92
Nefertari, queen of Egypt,
Nefertiti, queen of Egypt,
Nehru, Jawaharlal, p843,
Nelson, Horatio, 720
neo-Confucianism, 414
Neolithic Age (New Stone
Age), 12, m13, 1315, c14;
arts and crafts of, c14;
benefits of settled life, 15;
compared to Paleolithic
Age, c14; domestication
of plants and animals, 13;
economic specialization,
15; farming revolution,
13, 15; growth of villages
during, 14; human
adaptations, c14; life in,
12, 1415; tzi, man of,
12, p12; role of men and
women, c14
Nero, emperor of Rome,
288, p288; reign and
accomplishments of, c288
Neruda, Pablo, 866, p866,
Netherlands, 625, 664
New Deal, 807
New Kingdom, 6162
New Testament, 35556
Newton, Isaac, 67576,
c676, 677, p677, q677;
biography, 677; scientific
contributions of, 67576
New York, New York, 892;
act of terrorism and, 892
Nicaragua, 862, 863;
Sandinistas and contras,
863; U.S. involvement
in, 863
Nicholas II, czar of
Russia, 793, p793
Niger delta, 450
Nigeria, 469, 850, 851, 870
Niger River, 446, m469
Nile River, 39, 40, 49, 60,
69, 446
Nile River valley, 3846,
m39; geography of,
3940, 41; life in, 4546;
river people, 4142;
settlement of, 3940,
today, 40, p40; united
Egypt and, 4344. See
also Egypt, ancient
Nimitz, Chester, 826
Nineteenth Amendment,
Ninety-Five Theses, 636,
Nineveh, 28; one of
worlds first libraries, 28
nirvana, 205
Nixon, Richard, 849, 881,
p881; diplomatic
relations and, 881
Nkrumah, Kwame, 850,
Noah, 95
nobles, 45, 46, 60, 125, 129,
492, 493, 494, 503,
51619, 52326, 537, 557,
61415, 684, p684, 688,
715, 732; Frankish, 515,
519; samurai as warriors
for, 494; shift of power
to, 523; urban, 614; War
of the Roses and, 557
Noh plays, 501; used to
teach Buddhism, 501
nomads, 10, 132, 198, 199,
242, 245, 373, 376, 383,
409, 424, p424, 445,
46970, 518, 576, 579,
585; Aztec, 585; Bantu,
46970; Bedouins, 373;
hunter-gatherers as, 10;
Magyars, 518; Mongols,
424, p424; Seljuk Turks,
383; Toltec, 576;
Xiongnu, 242, 245
Noriega, Manuel, 864
Norman conquest, 53536
Normandy, 53536, 557, 828
North Africa, m121, 121,
178, 274, 357, 380, c381,
384, 448, m448, 611, 766;
European control of, 766;
trade of, 448, m448
North America, m13,
57881, 59092; early
civilizations of, 57881;
early farming in, m13,
m13, 578, 579; people and
cultures of, m590, 59092.
See also American
Revolution; Americas;
Native Americans
North American Free
Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), 865, 889
North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO),
North Carolina, 592
Northern Renaissance,
North Korea, 890, 892;
nuclear weapon
development, 890;
terrorism and, 892
note taking, 26061
novels, 432
Novgorod, Russia, 540
Nubia, 6970. See also
Kush, civilization of
mythology, Greek Nubia
977-1005 EM-Index-875050 9/25/06 2:06 PM Page 996
nuclear proliferation, 890
nuclear weapons: building
of, 829, 845, 890;
limitations on, 881;
Manhattan Project, 829;
role in Cold War, 836;
spread of, 890; in World
War II, 82930
numbering systems:
Chinese, c236; based on
10, c44, 51; based on 20,
585; based on 60, 21, c44;
Indian-Arabic, 21516,
391; Sumerian, 21
nuns, 362, 363, 545
Nuremberg, Germany, 830
Nympheas (Monet), 737
Nzinga, queen of
Matamba, 470, p471;
biography, 471
oases, 373, 445
Ocatavian, emperor of
Rome, 28283, 28788,
289. See also Augustus,
emperor of Rome
Oda Nobunaga, 777
odes, 304
Odoacer, 324
Odysseus, 158
Odyssey (Homer), 157, 158,
Oedipus Rex (Sophocles),
oil: Latin American, 862,
86768; Middle Eastern,
792, 874, c874; OPEC and,
876; U.S control of, 792,
862; wells, 874, p874; world
production, g875
Old Kingdom, Egypts,
4752; pyramids, 5052;
religion, 4950; rulers of,
Old Stone Age, 10
Old Testament, 81, 88
oligarchy, 12627, 129, 147
Olmec Empire, m575,
57576; first planned city,
575; trade, 575
Olympics, 128, p128; first,
108, p108; past and
present, 128
Omar Khayyam, 392, p392,
393, q393; biography, 392
Oneida, 592; government of,
Onin War, 497
Onondaga, 592; government
of, 592
On the Structure of the
Human Body (Vesalius),
OPEC. See Organization of
Petroleum Exporting
opium, 772
Opium War, 772
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 829
oracle, 156; bones, 228, p228;
Greek at Delphi, 156,
oral history, 470
Orange Free State, 768
Oregon Territory, 751
Oresteia (Aeschylus), 161
Organization of African
Unity (OAU), 852
Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries
(OPEC), 876
Orlando, Vittorio, 791, p791
Osaka, Japan, 777
Osiris, 49, 50, p50
Ostia, Italy, 293
Ostrogoths, 322, m513, 514
Otto I, emperor of Holy
Roman Empire, 519
Ottoman empire, 38485,
m385, 611, 659, 766, 783,
784, 791; architecture, 384,
p384; breakup of after
World War I, 791; Central
Power in World War I,
784; expansion of, m385;
government, 385; religion,
tzi, 12, p12; biography, 12;
weapons of, 12, p12
Oxford, England, 550
oxygen, 676
Pachacamac, 588
Pachacuti, Inca king, 588,
589, p589, q589;
biography, 589
Pacific Northwest, 590; life
in, 590; Native American
people of, m590, 591;
natural resources, 591
Pacific Ocean, 599
Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza,
shah of Iran, 876
Paine, Tom, 699
Pakistan, 84546, 890;
building of nuclear
weapons, 845, 890;
independence, 845;
tensions with India,
Paleolithic Age, 1011, c14;
adaptations to the
environment, 10, c14;
arts and crafts, ptg10,
c14; importance of fire
and, 10; nomadic life of,
people, 10; roles of men
and women, 10, c14
Palestine, 101, 102, 362,
384, 542, 792, 87475, 879;
acceptance of Israels
right to exist, 879; Arab-
Israeli conflict, 87475,
879; Balfour Declaration
and, 792; founding of
Israel and, 874;
nationalism, 792;
Palestinian Authority,
879; UN division of into
Jewish and Arab states,
874; Zionist settlers in,
Palestine Authority, 879
Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO),
Pan Africanism, 852
Panama, 599, 770, 861;
independence, 861; U.S.
relations with, 769, 770,
861, 864
Panama Canal, 769, p769,
770; building of, 769,
770; impact of War of
1898 on building, 770
Panchantantra, 215
Panchen Lama, 208
Papacy. See pope
Papal States, 515
papermaking, 42, 245,
p245; China, 245;
Egyptian, 42; linking
past and present, 245
papyrus, 42
parables, 345; Jesus
teaching, p344, p345
Pariahs (Untouchables),
c200, p200, 20001
Paris, France, 538, 550, 644,
Parliament, 537, 681, 697
Parthenon, p112, 141, p141,
c162, p162, 163
partnerships, 728
Parvati, c204
Passover, celebration of,
82, p82, c96, 347
Pasteur, Louis, 738, p738,
739, c739
Pataliputra, 210
paterfamilias, 307, 308
patriarchs, 355
patricians, 269, 27071, 278
Patrick, 363, 519
Patton, George, 828
Paul III, Pope, 643
Paula, 362
Paul of Tarsus, 348, 349,
p349, 362
Pavlov, Ivan, 739, c739
Pax Romana, 287; good
emperors of, c292
Peace of Augsburg, 639
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,
819; Japanese attack
on, 819
peasants, 63637, 715, 746,
773, 793, 794, 810,
86465; resistance to
collectivization, 810;
revolution in Mexico,
86465; unrest in China,
773; uprisings in Russia,
793, 794
Peisistratus, 129
Peloponnesian War, c112,
c138, m144, 14446, 146,
176; impact of, 176
Peloponnesus, m117, 120,
PEMEX, 865
peninsula, 117
Pentagon, 89293; terrorist
attack on, 89293
Pepin, king of Franks, 515
perestroika, 882
Pergamum, 178
Pericles, 113, 140, 141,
q141, p141, p145, q145;
achievements of, 14041;
Age of, 13847;
biography, 141;
democracy and, 141,
145; funeral oration, 145;
ruler, leader, general,
statesman, 14041
Pern, Juan, 866
Perry, Matthew, ptg777,
77778; arrival in Edo
Bay, ptg777
persecution, 353
Index 997
nuclear proliferation persecution
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998 Index
Persia, m132, 13237, 382,
383, m383, 392
Persian Empire, 30, m132,
94, 13233; defeat of
Chaldeans and, 94;
expansion and rise of,
13233; fall of, 137;
government and
political organization of
of, 13334; military of,
133; religion of, 133;
rulers of, 13233, 13435;
Spartans and, 146. See
also Persian Wars
Persian Gulf, 28
Persian Gulf War, 878
Persian Wars, m134,
13437, p136, 177
perspective, 623; use of in
art, 623
Peru, 578, 862. See also Inca
Petn, 583
Peter, the Apostle, 348
Peter the Great, 68889,
Petrarch, Francesco, p619,
61920; humanism and,
pharaohs, p45, 48, 49, p49,
50, 60, 62, 63, 6466, p66,
67; embalming of, 49,
p49, 50
Pharisees, 100
Pheidippides, 135; modern
marathon and, 135
Pennsylvania, 700
Philip II, king of France,
538, 543
Philip II, king of
Macedonia, 17576
Philip II, king of Spain,
649, p649, 664
Philip IV, king of France,
Philippine Islands, 650,
76970, 82526, 846;
independence, 846;
rebellion against U.S.
Rule, 770; World War II,
Philistines, 87, 88, 89, 101
philosophers, 140, 684,
p684; Chinese, 23539;
French, 68486; Greek:
140, ptg169, 16970, c170,
p172, 184; important
contributions of, c170,
184; influences on today,
c170, 184
philosophy, 169, 23539;
freedom of speech and,
684; idea of absolute
right and wrong, 170;
Socratic method, 170;
use of reason, 68485
Phoenicia, 132, m132
Phoenicians, 62, 84;
alphabet, 85, c85, 120
physics, 185, 186, 73839
pictographs, 228
pilgrimage, 376, p377, 378,
c378, 465, 466; of Mansa
Musa, 465, 466
pilgrims, 213, 547
Pilgrims, 693
pilum, 266, p266
Pinochet, Augusto, 867;
dictator of Chile, 867
Pi Sheng, 419
Piye, king of Kush, 71
Pizarro, Francisco,
599600, 664; defeat of
Inca, 600
plague, 82, 319, 554;
bubonic, 554; ten plagues,
82. See also Black Death
Planck, Max, 739, c739
plane geometry, 18586
Plataea, battle of, 137, 139
plateau, 446
Plato, 144, c170, p170, 171,
172; biography, 172;
ideas of, 170, c170
Plautus, 304
playwrights, 161, 183, 304,
plebeians, 269, 27071,
273, 278; Council of the
Plebs, 270; political
reforms by, 27071
Plutarch, 126, q126
poetry, 88, 15758, 21415,
392, 393, 42021, 470,
501, 552, 620, 736;
British, 736; Cuban, 867;
epics, 20, 157, 159, 183,
215, 304, 552; Greek,
15758; Indian, 214;
Muslim, 392, 393; of
King David, 88; political,
867; Renaissance, 620;
symbolist, 737; Tang,
42021; tanka, 501;
troubadour, 552; of
William Wordsworth, 736
Poland, 791, 81516, 828,
882; democratic, 882;
Hitlers invasion of,
81516; nation-state, 791;
revolutions in, 882
polis, 12223
Politics (Aristotle), 171
politics, political ideas,
political systems:
absolutism, 681, 68689;
Assyrian, 28;
conservatism, 892;
fascism, 808; liberalism,
735; Lutheranism and,
639; Marxism, 736;
natural law and, 68182;
provinces as political
districts, 28; reason and,
68182, 683, 68586;
Roman, 27879;
separation of powers in,
682; socialism, 73536;
utilitarianism, 735. See
also government
Polo, Marco, p428, q428,
42829, p429; 612;
Pompeii, Italy, 290, p290
Pompey, 280, p280
pope, 356, 359, 360, 361, 515,
519, 623, 636, 643, 648
popular sovereignty, 700
population: city, 732;
migrations, 469, m469;
573, m573; shifts, 120,
230, 417, 555, m573, 576;
urban, 610; United States,
754. See also migrations
porcelain, 418, 42122, p422
Port Arthur, Russia 779
Portugal, 435, 472, 473, 558,
660, 851, 892;
exploration, 660, 661;
grants independence to
colonies, 851; slave trade
and, 47273, 661; trading
empire of, 666; war with
Muslims, 558, 666
Poseidon, 155, p155
Potsdam, Germany, 833
Praetorian Guard, 28788
praetors, 270
predestination, 64041
predicting, 3637
prehistoric people, 915,
57375, p574; migrations
of, m573. See also
humans, early
prehistory, 9
previewing, 67
Prince, The (Machiavelli),
614, 615
Prince Who Knew His
Fate, The, 5358
Princip, Gavrilo, 784
Principia (Newton), 676, 677
printing, 41920, 62021,
660; impact on spread of
ideas, 620, 621; invention
of movable type, 419,
620; invention of the
printing press, 62021
prioritizing, 76061
privateers, 664
procurator, 343
proletariat, 736
propaganda, 786
prophecies, 156
prophets, 87, 91, 377; major
Hebrew, 91, c91
protectorates, 763
Protestantism, 639, 64345,
664, 665
Protestants, 636, 640, 693;
Calvinism and, 640;
Catholics and, 64345;
Lutheranism and, 636
proverbs, 89, 470
provinces, 28
provisional government,
Prussia, 687
Ptolemy, 305, 660, 671, 672,
p672; scientific
contributions of, 305, 660
pueblos, 57980
Puerto Rico, 769
Punic Wars, m274, 27476;
Pure Land Buddhism, 499
Puritans, 649, 693
Puteoli, Italy, 293
Putin, Vladimir, 883
pyramids, 34, p34, 5052,
c51, p51, p52, p70, 71,
p576, 577, 584, 587, p587;
astronomy, math and
building of, 51; Great
Pyramid, 52; Great
Temple, 587, p587;
inside, p51, c51; Kushite,
p70, 71; Mayan, p576,
584; Moche, 577;
Pyramid of the Sun, 577;
Tikal, p576
Pythagoras, 169, 185, c185;
Pythagorean theorem,
169; scientific
contributions of, c185
Qaddhafi, Muammar al-,
Persia Qaddhafi,Muammar al-
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Qin dynasty, m241, 24143,
772, 774; government,
24142, 243; Great Wall,
Qin Shihuangdi, emperor
of China, 24142, 243,
p243, q243; biography,
243; government of,
24142, 243; legalism
and, 241, c247
Quebec, 692
Quechua, 588
Quetzalcoatl, 597
quipu, 588
Quran, 37778, 393, 465,
472; influence on
Muslims daily life, 378;
source of Islamic beliefs
and practices and law,
377; slavery and, 472;
study of, p377, 465
rabbis, 101
racial segregation, 840
radio, 730
radium, 739
rain forests, p445, 445,
45051; kingdoms of,
45051; Mayan
civilization in, 57576
raja, 199
Rama, 215
Ramayana, 214
Ramses II, king of Egypt,
65, 66, p66, 67
Raphael. See Sanzio,
rationalism, 678
rationing, 786
Re, 49
reading skills: analyze and
clarify, 60607; building
vocabulary, 19293;
cause and effect, 48283;
compare and contrast,
44243; context clues,
15253; discussion
questions, 88283;
extending the text,
85859; inferences,
40607; main idea, 7879;
main idea and
supporting details,
37071; making
connections, 11415;
monitor and adjust,
65657; predicting,
3637; previewing, 67;
prioritizing, 76061;
questioning, 51011;
reading for meaning,
71213; responding and
reflecting, 30001;
sequence clues, 34041;
taking notes, 26061;
text structure, 22223;
summarizing, 57071;
understanding concepts,
Reagan, Ronald, 881, 892;
arms race, 881; backing
of Islamic groups, 881;
conservative policies of,
892; pressure of the
Soviets, 881; Remarks
at the Brandenberg
Gate, 882, p882, q882
realism, 73637
reason, 678, 681
Reconquista, 558
Red Brigades, 892
Red Sea, 40, 60, 82, 446;
parting of by Moses,
Reed, John, 794, p794, q794
Reformation, 63437, 638,
63941, 64246, 647,
64850; Counter-,
64346; English, 64849
reforms, 411
refugees, 870, 874, 884;
African, 870; Arab, 874;
Balkan, 884, p884; Cuban,
863; Vietnamese, 849
regents, 344, 493
reincarnation, 204, 206;
caste system and, 204, 206
relativity, theory of, 739
religion: African, 463,
m463, g463, 46465, 467;
Aryan, 203; Aztec, 586,
587; Bantu, 469; based
on reason, 685;
Buddhism, 20506, 208,
248, 41213, 489, 49293,
499; Calvinism, 64041,
649; Christianity, 81, 83,
91, 326, 33865, 54547,
63537, 63941, 64346,
64850; common beliefs
of Christians, Jews and
Muslims, 377; Counter-
Reformation, 64346;
deism, 685; Egyptian,
4950, 64; English
Reformation, 64850;
European, m645; 64446;
freedom of, 354, 381,
385, 41213, 645, 685,
692, 693; government
and, 48, 208, 212, 228,
230, 462; Greek, 15556;
Hinduism, 20304, 213;
humanism and, 619;
human sacrifice in, 584,
587, 588; Incan, 588;
influences on society, 81;
Islam, 36895, m380;
Jewish, 8185, 95, 96,
133; Lutheranism,
63637, 639; Mayan, 584;
Mesopotamian, 19;
monotheism in, 64, 81;
music and, 476, 545;
persecution based on, 81,
82, 96, 101, 646, 649;
popular, 546; Reformation,
63350; religious orders,
363, 54546; religious
texts, 81, 82, 91, 94, p94,
95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101,
334, p334; Roman, 30910,
c310, 324, 326; sacraments
in, 546; Samaritans, 91;
Shang dynasty and,
22728; Shinto, 490; Tang
dynasty and, 41213;
Vedas as hymns and
prayers for, 214; wars
about, 643, 64445;
worship of gods and
goddesses, 81, 30910,
c310; worship of one
God, 64, 81;
Zorastrianism, 133. See
also individual listings
Remarks at the
Brandenburg Gate,
882, q882
Remus, 264
Renaissance, 60817,
61926; art, 60910, 612,
613, 614, 619, 621, 622,
ptg622, 62324, 62526;
beginnings of, 60910,
61415; cartography
and, 660; Crusades and,
611, 619; emphasis on
the secular, 609; impact
of printing press on
spread of ideas, 620, 621;
influence of Greek and
Roman thought on, 619,
621; humanism and,
61921; Italian, 60915;
life of an artist, 624;
literature, 620, 626;
meaning of, 609;
Northern, 625; scientific
study and, 621; spread
of, 62021, 62526
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste,
reparations, 791, 80506
representative democracy,
139, c140, 537, 538, 694
republic, 26566
Republic (Plato), 170
responding and reflecting,
resurrection, 347, 348
Revolution of 1911, 86465
rhetoric, 307, 357
Rhineland, Germany, 814
Rhine River, 292, 323
Rhodes, Cecil, 768
Richard I, king of
England, 54243
rights: basic, 735; equal,
734. See also citizens;
government; natural
Rim-Sin, 22
Rhodesia, 850;
independence, 850
Roberts, Lawrence, 889
Robespierre, Maximillien,
Roentgen, Wilhelm K.,
739, c739
Rolfe, John, 692
Roman Catholic Church,
356, 359, 36061, 515,
51921, 546, 63436, 638,
639, 64346, 648, 649, 650,
715, 718, 720;
condemnation of Galileo,
675; Council of Trent, 643,
p643; Counter-
Reformation and, 64346;
English Reformation and,
64849; French Revolution
and, 719, 720; Inquisition
and, 547; Martin Luther
and, 63436, 638,
missionaries, 650;
monastic religious orders,
363; political roles of
clergy, 355, 360; practices,
rituals, sacraments of,
546; Protestants and,
64346; punishment of
Jews, 547; Reformation
and, 63339, 64850;
religious orders of,
54546; rise of, 51921;
role of in preservation of
Roman learning and
religious texts, 520;
Index 999
Qin dynasty Roman Catholic Church
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1000 Index
scientific discoveries and,
675, 684; selling of
indulgences, 63435;
social class of clergy, 715;
spiritual roles of clergy,
360; split from Eastern
Orthodox Church, 361;
spread of Christianity
and, 51921; view of
church-state relations,
359; Voltaire and, 68485.
See also Christian Church;
Christianity; religion
Roman civilization, 298335;
art and architecture, 303,
326, 333, p333; Byzantine
Empire, 32734; culture
of, 30305, 326; economy
of, 29293, 319, 320;
education in, 334;
emperors, 28789, c288,
291, 320, 321; expansion
of, m293; fall of, 31726;
fall of Rome, 32224;
family life in, 30708,
p309; Germanic invasion
of, 32224; inflation in,
319; influence in the
modern world, 32526;
Latin, 304; legacy of,
32526; life in ancient,
30210; literature, 304;
religion, 30910; sculpture,
303; slavery during,
30809; sports and
contests, p306, 30607,
p307; trade, 33233;
women in, 308, 33334
Roman Empire, 10001,
28694; Augustus, rule
of, q287, 28788, 289,
p289, 356; Christianity in,
348, 352, m352, 354, 355,
356; conflict with Jews,
10001; decline and fall
of, 31924; Diocletians
reforms, 320; early, 28694;
economy of, 29293, 319,
320; good emperors of
Pax Romana, 29192, c292,
p292; government of, 288,
29293; Jewish migration
in, 343; Julio-Claudian
emperors, 288, c288;
location of territories in;
military, 319; persecution
of Christians and, 353;
prosperity and unity of,
29094; road system, 294;
slavery in, 319
Romania, 791, 882
Roman Republic, 265267,
26876, 27785; Assembly
of Centuries, 270; birth
of, 26566; citizenship
and, 281; corruption in,
27879; Council of the
Plebs, 27071, 279;
dictators of, 271, 279, 281,
28485; expansion of,
27476; fall of, 27783;
government of, 26973,
28788; Julius Caesar,
28081; Law of Nations,
273; law, system of, 273;
legacy of, 273; military of,
26667, 279, 28081,
28788; patricians, 269,
27071, 278; plebeians,
269, 27071, 273, 278;
political reforms, 279,
281, 284; politics of,
27879; poverty in,
27879; Punic Wars,
m274, 27476; Senate,
270, 271, 272, 278; trade,
293, m293; transition to
empire, 28294;
triumvirates in, 28081,
282; Twelve Tables, 273;
unification of, 267
romanticism, 736
Rome, 34344, 352;
beginnings of, 26267;
culture, 271; civilization
of, 298335; early
influences on, 26465;
First Triumvirate of, 280;
geography, m263, 26364;
Germanic influence on,
514; gods and goddesses
of, c310; law, 273; legacy
of, 32526; origins of
Roman civilization,
26365; Second
Triumvirate of, 282;
Senate, 270; spread of
Christianity to, 348, 352,
m352. See also Roman,
civilization of; Roman
Empire; Roman Republic
Romulus, 264
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
807, p807, 816, 817, p817,
q817, 819, q819, 829, 833;
cash-and-carry policy,
816; economic policies
toward Japan, 819; Lend
Lease Act, 816; New
Deal, 807; World War II,
816, 817, 819
Roosevelt, Theodore, 770;
building of Panama
Canal, 770
Rosh Hoshana, c96
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,
Royal Standard of Ur, 19,
Rubaiyat (Khayyam), 392
rubber trade, 76768;
workers on rubber
plantation, ptg768
Rubicon River, 280;
crossing the Rubicon,
Ruhr Valley, Germany, 805
rule of law, 273
Russia, 53940, 68889, 722,
746, c758, 779, 782, 784,
790, 793, 794, 810, 883;
1905 uprising, 793;
Bolsheviks, 794;
Chechnya, war with,
882; communists, 796;
duma, 793, 794;
economy, 793; end of
Romanov dynasty, 793;
expansion of, 539;
fighting between the
Reds and Whites, 796;
formation of soviets,
794; free-enterprise
reforms, 883; govern-
ment of, 539; impact of
Treaty of Versailles on,
791; independence of,
883; Kievan Rus, 53940;
Lenins government,
c758, 794, 810; Middle
Ages, 53940; militarism,
782; Mongol conquest
of, 540; Moscow, 540,
689; political reform in,
746; provisional govern-
ment, 794; Serbian ally,
783, 784; socialists, 794;
taxation, 793; Triple
Entente, 782; war with
France, 722; war with
Japan, 779; World War I,
784, 790, 793; Yeltsin as
president, 883. See also
Soviet Union
Ruth, 98, 99, ptg99;
biography, 99
Rwanda, 870, m870
Sabbath, 94
sacraments, 546
Sadat, Anwar el-, 876;
attack of Israel, 876;
Camp David Accords,
Sadducees, 100
Sahara, 40, 381, 445, 446,
sailboats, 21, 452
saints, 333, 546
Saladin, king of Egypt, 542
Salamis strait of, 136;
battle of, p136, 13637
salt mines, m448, 449, p449
salt trade, 448, 449, c451
salvation, 350, 636
Samaria, 90
Samaritans, 91
Samuel, 87
samurai, 494
Sandinistas, 863
San Martn, Jos de, 749
Sanskrit, 199, c199, 214
Sanzio, Raphael, 623, 624
Sarajevo, Bosnia, 783, 784
Saraswati, 204
Saratoga, Battle of, 699
Sargon, king of
Akkadians, 23
satires, 304
satrapies, 133
satraps, 133, 177
Saudi Arabia, 792
Saul, king of Israelites, 87,
savannas, 69, 445, p445, 446
Savonarola, Girolamo,
616, q616
Saxons, m513, 514
Scandinavia, 518
scapegoats, 548
schism, 361; between
Catholic and Eastern
Orthodox Churches, 361
Schliemann, Heinrich, 119
scholasticism, 550
School of Athens
(Raphael), 624
science: Arabic language
and, 672; astronomy, 21,
30, 51, 185, 216, 391, 585,
c670, 671, 67375; atomic
theory, 73839;
barometer, 675; causes of
disease, 738; chemistry,
391, 676; classification of
substances, 391, 671, 673;
contributions of
scientists, c185, 18586,
216, 391, 67479, 729, 730,
738, 739, c739, 740, 741;
Darwins theories, 741;
Roman civilization science
977-1005 EM-Index-868873 9/10/04 9:48 PM Page 1000
development of
instruments of, 675, 676;
discoveries during the
Industrial Revolution,
73841; discovery of
anesthesia, 738; discovery
of bacteria, 738; discovery
of cells, 676; discovery of
gases, 676; discovery of
genetics, 738; discovery
of radium, 739; discovery
of vaccines, 738; early
scientists, 671; establish-
ment of physics, 185, 186;
Einsteins theories, 739,
740; gunpowder, 420;
hypothesis in, 679;
impact of exploration on,
673; influence of Greeks
and Romans on, 67172;
Islamic, 672; Latin and,
672; math and, 21, 42, 51,
151, c185, 18586, 21517,
585, 672; medicine, 184,
216, 391, 671; Middle
Ages, 67173; rationalism,
678; physics, 73839;
reason and, 67879;
scientific method, 67879;
Scientific Revolution,
67079; seven-day week,
30; standardization of
weights and measures,
243, 294; telescope and,
674, p674, 675; theory of
relativity, 739; 365-day
calendar, 51, 585. See also
astronomy; inventions;
math; medicine
scientific method, 679, c679
Scientific Revolution,
67079, c676. See also
Scipio, 276
scribes, 20, 21, 42, 45
sculpture, 163, 183, 229
Second Continental
Congress, 699
sects, 499
secular, 609; interests
during Renaissance, 609
Security Council, 830
Seine River, 513
Seleucid Empire, 178
Selimiye Mosque, 384;
prayer at, p384
Seljuk Turks, 383, 384
seminary, 643
Senate, Roman, 270, 271,
272, 278
Seneca, 304
Seneca people, 592;
government of, 592
separation of powers, 682,
sepoys, 765
sequence clues, using,
Serbia, 783, 791, 884;
assassination of
Ferdinand, 783; Balkan
League, 783; Treaty of
Bucharest, 783
serfs, p524, 525, 688, 689,
Sermon on the Mount, 344,
p344, 348
The Seventeen Article
Constitution (Shotoku),
488, q488
Shakespeare, William,
p618, 626, 62732
Shang dynasty, m226,
22629; artists, p229, p231;
cities of, 22627; culture,
22728; development of
language and writing,
228; military, 227;
religion, 22728, c247;
role of women, 227;
social structure, 22627
sheikh, 373
Shiite Muslims, 382
Shikoku, 485, m485
Shinto, 490, 499
shipbuilding, 518, 529, 613,
shogunate, 495, 496, 650
shoguns, 494497, 650, 669,
Shotoku, prince of Japan,
488, q488, 489, p489;
biography, 489; creation
of a constitution, 488;
government reforms of,
shrines, 19, 490, 499, 500
Shushruta, 216
Siberia, Russia, 811
Sicily, island of, 263, m263,
274, 275, 555
Siddhartha Gautama,
prince, 205, 207, p207,
q207. See also Buddha, the
silk farming, 417, p417
Silk Road, m246, 24647,
411, 428, 429, p429, 554,
Sinai Peninsula, 875, m875,
Singapore, China, 763, 890
sinkholes, 583
Sita, 215
Siva, 204, p204
Six-Day War, 815
slavery, 38990, 47273,
m473, 669, 693, 767;
Egyptian, 62; European
trade in, 47273, m473,
767; Greek, 121, 122, 125,
126, 129, 142; Kushite, 72;
Muslim of non-Muslims,
38990; Roman, 30809,
319, p319; slave ships,
p472; Sumerian, 20;
within Africa, 472
Slavs, 53940, 783, 827
Slovenes, 783
Slovenia, 884
smallpox, 596, 597, 599,
669; impact on
Americas, 596, 597, 669
Smith, Adam, 735
social class, 233, 249
social contract, 682, 68586
social Darwinism, 741
socialism, 73536
Social Security Act, 807
society: African, 46970,
47273; Aryan, 199201;
Aztec, 587; Byzantinian,
328, 33334; Central
American, 57576;
Chinese, 23334, 41522;
classless, 736; Egyptian,
4546; European, 51316,
51821; French, 715;
Greek, 118, 119, 120,
15463, 16873, 18287;
Inca, 588; Indian, 197,
199201; industry and,
73141; Islamic, 38890;
Japanese, 495, 503, 504,
777, 778, 81112; Latin
American, 861, 862;
Mesoamerican, 58485,
587; Mesopotamian, 20;
Muslim, 38990; Native
American, 59092; social
classes, 715, 73233, 777;
working classes, 73233,
736, 74243
Socrates, p109, 150, 168,
p168, p170, 17071; ideas
of, 170, c170
Socratic method, 170, c172
solid geometry, 182, 186
Solomon, king of Israelites,
p89, q89, 8990, 343, 452;
meeting with Queen
Makeda, 452; temple
built by, 89, p90
Solon, 124, 129; government
reforms of, 129
Somalia, 870
Somoza, Anastasio, 863
Song dynasty, m411,
Songhai, medieval, 449,
c451, 462, 465; economy,
c451; government, 462;
location, c451; religion,
465; trade, c451
Song of Roland, 552, q552
Sophists, 16970
Sophocles, 161
South Africa, 768, 851, 852,
872, 873; Africanism and,
852; African National
Congress, 852, 872, 873;
apartheid in, 852, 872,
873; armed uprisings,
872; Boer War, 768;
European imperialism,
768; first democratic
elections, 872, p872;
independence, 851;
Mandelas election as
first black president, 872;
struggle for freedom, 872;
trade sanctions, 872
South America, m13;
civilization of, m577,
57778; early farming in,
m13; economy, 57778;
food surpluses, 577;
geography, 577. See also
Inca Empire; Latin
Southeast Asia, 206, 213,
435, 763, 819, 84647,
m847; European
imperialism and, 763;
Geneva Accords, 848;
independence, 84647;
Japanese invasion of
during World War II, 819
South Korea, 890, 891;
democratic, 891;
economic growth, 891
South Slavs, 783
South Tyrol Museum of
Archaeology, 12
soviets, 794
Soviet Union, 810, 818, 826,
83141, 875, 88182; arms
race, 881; arms treaty,
881; breakup of, m883;
Cold War, 83141;
collectivization of
farming, 810; division of
Index 1001
scientific method Soviet Union
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1002 Index
Germany and, 833, m834,
83435; economic crises,
881; efforts to spread
communism, 832, 833,
83940; fall of Berlin
Wall, 882; Gorbachevs
reforms, 88182; industry
and, 810, 839; invasion of
Afghanistan, 881;
invasion of by Hitler,
818; life behind the Iron
Curtain, 83940; Reagan
and, 88182; revolts
against communist
policy, 83940; space
exploration, 836, 839,
c839, p839; Stalins
scorched earth policy,
818; support of Egypt,
875; treaty with Hitler,
815; World War II, 818,
82526, 828. See also Cold
War; Russia; Stalin
space exploration, 839,
c839, p839
Spain, 121, 343, 380, 514,
515, 558, 59495, 646, 660,
664, 769, 770, 815, 892;
arrival in the Americas,
59495; conquer of
Mexico, 59597; Cuban
rebellion against, 769;
democratic, 892;
Extremadura, 596;
impact of Reformation
on, 646; Jewish settlement
of, 343; Muslim rule of,
646; search for a sea route
to Asia, 594; spread of
Islam to, 380; U.S. gains
Florida from, 751;
Visigoths, 514; war with
England, 664; war with
Muslims, 558; war with
United States, 770
Spanish Armada, 664;
defeat of, p664
Spanish Inquisition, 558,
Sparta, 113, p113, 115, p115,
12430, m125, p126, 127,
p127; compared to
Athens, 12530;
culture, 12627, p127;
government, 126, 127;
life in, 12627; military,
115, p115, 12627, p127;
wars and, 13536, 14446
Spartacus, 309; slave revolt
in Rome, 309
specialization, 15
spheres of influence, 763,
m773, 77374
spinning jenny, 727
Spirit of Laws, The
(Montesquieu), 682, q682
Spring Landscape (Du
Fu), 421
Stalin, Joseph, p810, 815,
818, 826, p826, 83335;
collectivization and, 810;
division of Germany,
83435; Five Year Plans,
810; scorched earth
policy, 818; spread of
communism and, 83334;
Ukraine famine, 810
Stamp Act, 697; riots
against, p696
Standard Treaty, 766, q766
state-sponsored terrorism,
steamboat, 728, 729
steam engine, 728, p728
steam locomotive, 72627,
p72627, 728
steel: leading industrial
metal, 729; mill, p732;
process of turning into,
steppes, 424
Stevens, John Lloyd, 583
Stevens, Nettie, 739, c739
Stimson, Henry, 829
stocks, 667, 80607
Stoicism, 184, 310
stoics, 184
Stone Age, 9, 10
Stonebreakers, The
(Courbet), ptg737
St. Petersburg, Russia,
689, 793
Strategic Arms Limitation
Treaty (SALT), 881
stupas, 211, p211
subcontinent, 195
submarines, 785, 78788,
816; wartime use of, 785,
78788, 816
Sudan, 69, 870, 871
Sudetenland, Germany, 815
Sudras, 200, c200
Suez Canal, 874875; crisis
over, 87475
Sufis, 381
Sui dynasty, 40911;
building of the Grand
Canal, 410, p410
Sukarno, Achmed, p846,
Suleiman I, sultan of
Ottoman, 384
sultan, 383, 384, 385
Sumer, 18, p18, 19, p19, 20,
21; building techniques
of, 19; city-state, 19, p19;
culture, 19, 2021;
development of writing,
20, 21; economy, 20;
geography, 19;
inventions, 21, 22; life in,
p18, 20; literature, 2021;
rise of, 18; religion of,
19; roles of men and
women, 20; scientific
and mathematical
advances, 21; slavery in,
20; social classes of, 20
summarizing, 57071
Summa Theologica
(Aquinas), 550, 551
Sundiata Keita, king of
Mali, 449, 464
Sundiata: The Hungering
Lion, 45459
Sunni Ali, emperor of
Songhai, 449, 462, 464
Sunni Muslims, 382
Sun Yat-sen, 774, 776, p776,
q776; biography, 776;
Nationalist Party, 774;
pagoda at tomb of, p776;
three-stage plan, 774
Susa, 133
Susanowo, 487
suttee, 201
Swahili, 469
synagogues, 94, 98, 100
Syria, 60, 132, 177, 380, 384,
426, 541, 792, 875, 892
Tabascans, 597; defeat of
Aztec and, 597
Taharqa, king of Kush, 72,
Taino, 595; arrival of the
conquistadors, 595
Tai Ping Rebellion, 773
Taiwan, 774, 837, 890
Taj Mahal, 394, p394
Takamatsu castle, 497
Tale of Genji, The
(Shikibu), 501, 502
Taliban, 893
Talmud, 102, q102
Tang dynasty, m409, 411,
412, p412; culture of,
42021; Empress Wu,
female ruler of, 411;
government, 411, 414; life
in, 412, p412; military,
411; neo-Confucianism
in, 414; religion in,
41213, 41415;
tanka, 501
Taoism. See Daoism
Tarquins, ruling family of
Rome, 265
taxes and taxation, 28, 48,
89, 94, 234, 243, 247, 288,
c381, 381, 382, 385, 386,
411, 426, 436, 448, 488,
492, 494, 530, 537, 540,
543, 634, 636, 646, 660,
688, 697, 715
Tea Act, 697
technology, 11, 41, 41820,
88889; Chinese, 41820,
422; computers, 88889;
first use of, 11;
navigation, 659;
revolution in, 88889.
See also inventions;
telegraph, 730
telephone, 730
telescopes, 674, 675;
Galileos, 674, p674;
Hubble, 674, p674
Temple of Delphi, p150
Temple of Karnak, p65,
66, 67
Ten Commandments, 83,
q83; Ark of the Covenant,
83, p83; as basic moral
laws, 83; Moses with, p83
Ten Days That Shook the
World, 794, q794
Tenochtitln, 586, p586,
594, 597; largest city of
Americas, 594
Teotihuacn, 57576; first
planned city of
Americas, 575
terror, 426; Mongol use of,
terrorism, 876, 89293,
m893; major terrorist
attacks, m893; September
11, 2001, 89293; state-
sponsored, 892; war on,
textile, 726; industry, 726,
text structure, 22223
Thailand, 774
theater, 160, p160, 161, p161,
501 ; actors masks, p161,
space exploration theater
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p501; Hellenistic Era of,
183; modern, 160, p160;
ruins of a Greek, p160
Thebes, Egypt, 60, 67
Themistocles, 13536
theocracy, 208
Theocritus, 182, 183, q183
Theodora, empress of
Byzantine, 330, p330,
q330, 331, p331;
biography, 331
Theodosius, emperor of
Rome, 322, 354
theology, 550, 640;
scholasticism and, 550
theory, 671
Theravada Buddhism, 206
Thermopylae, 136
Third Estate, c715, 71516
Thousand and One Nights,
The, 393
Thrace, 133
Three Gorges Dam
Project, 410, p410
Thucydides, q141, q146,
173, q173, q189
Thutmose III, pharaoh of
Egypt, 62
Tiananmen Square, 886
Tiberius, emperor of
Rome, 288, p288, c288
Tiber River, 263, m263,
264, 293
Tibet, 208, 411
Tigris River, m17, 18, 27, 382
Tikal, 576; pyramid in, p576
Timbuktu, 381, 449;
trading city, 465, 467;
center of Muslim
learning, 381, 465
time lines: Africa, medieval,
c440, c444, c460, c468;
Americas, c568, c572,
c582, c593; China in the
Middle Ages, c404, c408,
c416, c423, c430; China,
rise of early, c220, c224,
c232, c240; Christianity,
rise of, c338, c351, c358;
Cold War, c800, c831,
c880; Egypt, ancient, c34,
c38, c47, c59, c68;
Enlightenment and
Revolution, c654, c658,
c670, c680, c690, Europe,
medieval c508, c512, c522,
c534, c544, c553; first
civilizations, c4, c8, c16,
c26; French Revolution,
c714; Greek civilization,
c150, c154, c168, c174,
c182; Greeks, ancient,
c112, c116, c124, c131,
c138; India, early c190,
c194, c202, c209;
Industrial Revolution,
c710, c724, c731; Islamic
civilization, c368, c372,
c379, c387; Israelites,
ancient, c76, c80, c86, c93;
Japan, medieval c480,
c484, c491, c498;
Latin America, c860;
nationalism, c744, c771;
Renaissance and
Reformation, c604, c608,
c618, c633, c642; Roman
civilization, c298, c302,
c317, c327; Rome, rise of,
c258, c262, c268, c277,
c286; todays world, c856,
c860, c887; World War
War I, c750, c762, c789;
World War II, c800, c813;
Tito, Josip Broz, 884
Titus, emperor of Rome,
Todaiji temple, 493, p493
token, to select jurors, p129
Tokugawa Ieyasu, 777
Tolstoy, Leo, 737
Toltec, 576
tools: artifacts, 9, 11, p11,
12, p12, 14, p14;
invention of, 11, 15,
230, 231, 235
Torah, 82, 91, 94, p94, 98,
100, 101; children
studying, p98
Toricelli, Evangelista, 675
torii, 500
Torquemada, Toms de, 646
Tortoise and the Hare,
The (Aesop), 158
totalitarianism, 808,
totalitarian states, 808, 809;
Germany as, 809; Italy as
first, 809
total war, 785
Toure, Ahmed Sekou, 851
Tours, battle of, 515
Francois-Dominique, 749
Toyotomi Hideyoshi, 777
trade: African trading
empires, 447, 448, 451,
c451, m452; agreements,
865, 88990; Anasazi, 579;
Arabic as language of,
388; British, 768, 772;
camels and, 447;
Chinese, 772; colonial
trade routes, m695;
death road, 445;
diamond, 768; drug, 862;
embargoes, 863; global,
88990; gold, 447, 448,
449, 768; Greek colonies
and, 121; growth of
industry and, 121; Gupta
Empire and, 213;
Harappan, 197; impact of
Crusades and, 611; Italian
city-state, 61112; Latin
American, 86162; Marco
Polo and, 612; Mayan,
576, 584; mercantilism
and, 696; Minoan, 118,
119; Moche, 577; Mongol
Empire and, 426, 429,
61112; monopoly, 576;
Muslim, 388; Mycenaean,
119; North African trade
routes, m448; opium, 772;
product specialization
and, 121; restrictions, 696;
river, 449, c451; routes,
213, m246, 24647, m448;
rubber, 76768; salt, 447,
448, 449; sanctions, 872;
Silk Road, m246, 24647,
411, 428, 429, p429, 554,
611; slave, 47273, m473;
South Africa, 768;
Toltec, 576; United States,
769, 770, 881, 889;
Zhou dynasty, 231;
Zimbabwe, c451
Trafalgar, Battle of, 720
tragedy, Greek, 160
transportation, p72627,
728, 730
Transvaal, 768
treason, 431, 599
Treaty of Bucharest, 783
Treaty of Paris, 699
Treaty of Versailles, 791,
805, 809, 814; criticism of,
805, 809, 814
trench warfare, c78485,
p78485, 785
trial jury, 537
tribes, 81, 373, 424
Tribonian, 330
tribunes, 270
tribute, 60, 89, 411, 540, 586
Tripoli, 542, 766
triumph, Roman, 270
triumvirate, 280, p280, 282
Trojan Horse, p157, 15758
Trojan War, 120, 158
Trotsky, Leon, 796, p796
Troy, m117, 15758; battle
of 15758
Truman Doctrine, 834
Truman, Harry, 829, p832,
833, 834, 835, 837;
atomic bomb and, 829;
division of Germany,
833, 835; Korean War,
Tudors, 648
Tu Fu. See Duo Fu
Tunisia, 766, 850
Turkey, 38485, 783, 791,
Tutankhamen, king of
Egypt, 65; gold mask of,
Tutu, Desmond, 872
Twelve Tables, 273
Two Treatises of
Government (Locke), 682
tyranny, c112, c124, 12526
tyrant, 12526, 147
Tzu Hsi, empress of
China, 774
U-Boats, 78788
Ukranians, 539
Umar, 380, c381
Umayyad caliphs, 380, 382
unemployment insurance,
Unexpected Treasure, The,
(Schmidt), 820
Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (USSR), 810.
See also Soviet Union
United Fruit Company, 862
United Nations (UN), 830,
83738, 870
United Nations General
Assembly, 830
United States: annexation
of Texas, 752; baby
boom, 840; beginning
of civil rights
movement, 840; Boxer
Rebellion and, 774;
building of roads and
canals in, 729; Civil War,
p752, 75254; Cold War,
83141; comparing
Index 1003
Thebes, Egypt United States
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1004 Index
Africa and, c446;
comparing Athenian
conservative political
movement, 890, 892;
democracy and, c140;
failure to ratify Treaty of
Versailles, 791; foreign
holdings, 86162; foreign
military involvement,
86162, 86365, 878, 894;
foreign policy of
containment, 834; Great
Depression, 80607;
growth of, 75152, c752,
754; Gulf of Tonkin
Resolution, 849;
immigration to, 754;
impact of westward
expansion on Native
Americans, 752;
imperialism and, 76970;
Industrial Revolution in,
72930; Latin America
and, 770, 86162; Lend-
Lease Act, 816; life in,
84041; loans to Allies,
787; Manifest Destiny,
752; Marshall Plan, 834,
840; nationalism in,
75154; natural
resources of, 729;
neutrality during early
years of World War II,
816; Open Door Policy,
774; policy of dtente,
881; political rights in,
754; relations with Iran,
878; relations with Iraq,
878, 894; slavery and,
75253; Suez Canal and,
875; terrorist attacks
on, 89293; trade
agreements, 865, 867,
890; treaties, 778, 791;
Truman Doctrine, 834;
Vietnam War, 84849;
voting rights, 754; war
on terror, 893;
war with Mexico, 752;
westward expansion,
p751, 75152, m753;
women in, 754;
World War I, 78688;
World War II, 816, 819,
m825, 82526; World
War II cash-and-carry
policy, 816
United States
Constitution, 700
universities, 550
Untouchables, p200,
20001; today, 200, p200
Upanishads, 203, 213
urban, 610; population, 610
Urban II, Pope, 541, p541
urbanization, 732
urban nobles, 61415; in
city-states, 614
Uthman, 380, c381
utilitarianism, 735
Vaisyas, 200, c200
Valley of the Kings, 60, 62
Vandals, 32324
van Eyck, Jan, 625
Vargas, Getlio, 866;
Brazilian dictator, 866
varnas, 20001
vassals, 496, 497, 523
vault, 303
Vedas, the, 203, 214
Venezuela, 86768;
democratic, 867;
economy, 86768;
military leadership of,
Venice, Italy, 529, 610, 613,
ptg613, p613; art of, 613;
city-state, 610, importance
of in Renaissance, 610;
shipbuilding, 613; trade
and, 61011
Vera Cruz, Mexico, 575, 865
vernacular, 552, 620, 634;
translation of Bible into,
Verrazano, Giovanni da,
Versailles, France, 716, 791
Vesalius, Andreas, 676
Vespasian, emperor of
Rome, 290
veto, 270
Victor Emmanuel, king of
Italy, 748, p748
Vienna, Austria, 723
Vietnam, 763, 84749; as
French protectorate, 763
Vietnam War, 84749
Vikings, 51819, 535, 539
Virgil, 304, 326
Virginia, 692, 693, 694
Virginia Company, 692
Vischer, Hans, 445
Visigoths, 322, 323, 324, 514
Vistula River, 513
viziers, 385
vocabulary, 19293
Volga River, 513, 539
Voltaire, p684, 68485
voting: rights, c140, 734,
735, 745, 746, 752, 754
Walesa, Lech, 882
warlords, 409
War of 1898, 76970
War of the Roses, 557
warrior codes, 122, 494,
495; Bushido, 494, 495;
influence on modern
thought, 494
wars: American Civil War,
75254; American
Revolution, 698699; Boer
War, 768; Crusades,
54143; Franco Prussian
War, 748; French
Revolution, c714, 71419,
c718, c719; Hundred
Years, 557; Korean War,
c800, 837, 838, m838;
Mycenaean, 120, 15758;
Peloponnesian, c112, c138,
m144, 14446, 146, 176;
Persian, m134, 13437,
p136, 177; Punic, m274,
27476; religious, 54143,
64445; Revolution of
1911, 86465; Six-Day,
875; Thirty Years War,
645; Trojan, 120; Vietnam
War, 74749; War of 1898,
76970; War of the Roses,
557; World War I, c758,
783, 78488, m786, m787;
World War II, 81319
Warsaw Pact, 835
Washington, George, 698,
Waterloo, Battle of, 722
Watt, James, 727
weapons of mass
destruction (WMD), 894
Wellington, duke of, 722
Wendi, emperor of China,
West Africa, 44749, m767,
767, 850; economies,
c451; empires of, 44749;
European arrival in, 472;
European imperialism,
767; influence of Islam
on 46465, 467; location
of, 448, c451; nationalism
in, 850; slave trade,
47273; trade, 447,
44849, c451, 47273, 767
Westar VI satellite, p856
West Bank, 14, 875, m875,
878; intifada, 878; Israeli
settlement of, 875; Six-
Day War and, 875
West Berlin, 83435, 882;
airlift to, 835; blockade,
83435; Reagans visit
to, 882
Western Front, 785, m787
Western Wall, 101
West Germany, 834, 835,
A Wild-Goose Chase:
The Story of Philemon
and Baucis, 31116
William, king of England
(William the
Conqueror), 53536
Wilson, Woodrow, q786,
78687, 788, 791, p791,
865; declaration of war,
788; Fourteen Points,
791; League of Nations,
791; Mexico and, 865
Winter Palace, 794
Winthrop, John, 693
Wittenberg, Germany, 635
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 685,
p685, q685
women: after World War II,
841; Aztec, 587;
Byzantine, 333;
Christianity and, 353;
composers, 545;
education of, 308, 778;
Enlightenment and, 685;
government and, 235,
334, 470, 471, 504, 585;
Greek, 129, 143; in the
workplace, 73334, p734;
Japanese, 501, 504, 777,
778; judges, 84; Mayan,
58485; Muslim, 390;
natural rights of, 685;
Nazi attitude toward,
809; novelist, 502;
regents, 334; religious,
84, 362, 545, 556, 557;
rights of, 46, 308, 331,
33334, 585, 685; role of
in Aryan culture, 201;
role of in early China;
227, 23435; role of in
Neolithic and Paleolithic
Ages, c14; rights of, 734,
737, 752, 754; role of in
Shang dynasty, 227;
Roman, 308; rulers, 330,
United States Constitution women
977-1005 EM-Index-875050 9/26/06 11:19 AM Page 1004
331, 452, 470, 471, 504,
558, 585, 594, 664, 665,
688, 689; sports and, 127;
suffragists, 752, p752,
754; utilitarianism and,
735; voting rights and,
734, 752, 754, 841;
warriors, 470, 504
woodblock printing, 419
Wood, Michael, q180
wool, 529, 611, 612
Wordsworth, William, 736
worker safety, 733, 743
working class, 73233, 736,
74243; in socialist
thought, 736
working conditions, 733,
736, ptg736, 743, 778, 793
Works Progress
Administration (WPA),
work stoppages and
strikes, 736
World Trade Center, 892,
p892, 893; terrorist attack
on, 89293
World Trade Organization
(WTO), 889
World War I, c758, 783,
78488, m786, m787;
aftermath of in Russia,
79396; Allies, 784, 787,
790; armistice, 790;
assassination of Franz
Ferdinand and, 784;
Balfour Declaration, 792;
Battle of Argonne Forest,
790; beginning of,
78484; causes of,
78183; Central Powers,
784; changes in the
world, 78996; Eastern
Front, 790; Europe
before, m781; Great
War, 785; importance of
civilians to, 78586;
nationalism and, 781;
trench warfare, c78485,
p78485; use of
submarine U-Boats in,
785, 78788; U.S. entry
into, 78688; weapons
of, 785; Western Front,
785, m787
World War II, 81319,
82430; Allied leaders,
826, p826, 829, 830, 833;
Axis powers, 825; Battle
of Britain, 816, p816;
Battle of the Bulge, 828;
beginnings of 81516,
81819; bombing of
Pearl Harbor, 81819;
D-Day, 828; casualties,
830; dive-bomber, p800;
dropping the atomic
bomb, 82930; fall of
France, 816; France and
Britains declarations of
war, 816; Germany and
Italy declare war on the
U.S., 819; Holocaust,
827; invasion of
Normandy, 828;
invasion of Poland,
81516; invasion of
Soviet Union, 818;
Pacific War, m825,
82526; soldiers in
landing craft on D-Day,
p828; U.S. declaration of
war against Japan, 819;
U.S. neutrality, 816; war
trials, 830
Wozniak, Stephen, 889
Wright, Wilbur and
Orville, 730
writing: calligraphy, 501;
cuneiform, 20, c44;
development of, 42, 61,
70, 585; hieroglyphics,
42, 61, 70, 585; Japanese,
501; Mayan, 585;
Muslim, 393; Nubian, 70
Wu, empress of China, 411
Wu Wang, 229
Wycliffe, John, 635
Xavier, Francis, 650
Xenophon, 143, q143
Xerxes, king of Persia;
p131, 135; invasion of
Greece, c112
Xia dynasty, 226
Xiongnu, 242, 245, 247
Yalta, Soviet Union, 833
Yamoto, 487, 488; Taika
and, 488
Yangdi, emperor of China,
Yayoi, 48687
Yeltsin, Boris, 883, p883;
defeat of hard-liners,
883; Russian reformer,
Yom Kippur, c96
Yong Le, emperor of
China, 43132
Yoruba, 470, q470
Yuan dynasty, 428
Yuan Shigai, 774775
Yucatn, 583
Yugoslavia, 791, 884;
breakup of, 884; ethnic
cleansing, 884; NATO
peacekeeping troops,
884; overthrow of
Milosevic, 884
Zaibatsu, 81112
Zaire, 851
Zaccai, Yohanan ben, 101,
Zama, battle of, 276
Zambia, 850
Zealots, 101, 343
Zen Buddhism, 499; monk
meditating, p499
Zeno, 184
zero, invention of, 215
Zeus, 155, p155, 156
Zhang Qian, 24647
Zheng He, 433, p434, 434,
435; biography, 434; voy-
ages of, m433, 433, 434,
Zheng Zhenxiang, 227
Zhou dynasty, 108, 22931,
m230; agriculture, 230;
discoveries and inven-
tions, 230; fall of, 231;
government, 22930;
230; religion, 230; trade
and manufacturing, 231
Zhu Yuanzhang, emperor
of China, 431, 432
ziggurat, 18, p18, 19, 29;
ruins of, p4
Zimbabwe, c451, 453, 851;
ruins of, p453, m468;
trade and, c451, 453
Zimmermann, Arthur, 788
Zionists, 792
Zola, mile, 737
Zoroaster, 131, p131, 133
Zoroastrianism, 133
Zulu empire, 768; Boer
War, 768; war with
British, 768
Zuni, 591
Index 1005
woodblock printing Zuni
977-1005 EM-Index-875050 10/2/06 12:01 PM Page 1005
1006 Acknowledgements
33 The Mesopotamian View of Death from Poems of Heaven and
Hell From Ancient Mesopotamia, translated by N.K. Sandars (Penguin
Classics, 1971), copyright N.K. Sandars, 1971. Reprinted by
permission of Penguin Group (UK). 53 From The Prince Who Knew his
Fate: an Ancient Egyptian Tale, translated from hieroglyphs and
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239 Excerpt from Higher Good Is like Water from The Essential Tao,
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