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Writing Scientific Papers

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Writing Scientific


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Tim North

Scribe Consulting
Writing Scientific Papers

Writing Scientific Papers

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© 2001 Tim North, Scribe Consulting

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ISBN 0-9578426-2-7

First edition.
Document last modified on 9 July, 2003.

Set in Georgia and Verdana.

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Tim North
Scribe Consulting
1, 66 Park St
Como Perth WA
Australia 6152

Writing Scientific Papers



The extract that follows is chapter 2 of Writing Scientific Papers. It should give
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Tim North

Writing Scientific Papers


2.1 The overall structure

The exact structure of a scientific paper or report will vary, but the broad structure
listed here is widely applicable.

1. The cover and title pages

2. The table of contents

3. Tables of symbols or nomenclature

4. The main body of your work, consisting of these sections:

• Abstract
• Introduction
• Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusions and recommendations

5. The reference list or bibliography

6. Appendices

The material that follows provides guidelines for writing the content of each of
these sections.

Writing Scientific Papers

2.2 Choosing the title

Titles distinguish the mediocre, embarrass the superior and are

disgraced by the inferior.
George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman, 1903

It may seem trivial to tell people how to choose a title, but the importance of this
task should not be underestimated. A good title may be the difference between a
reader choosing to look at your work or passing over it.

Many readers will learn of your work while surrounded by other documents that
are competing for their attention. For example, they may see it while:
• scanning the printed reports on a bookshelf;
• looking through the titles in a printed index;
• looking at a bound collection of reports;
• using an on-line search engine at a library; or
• searching the Internet.

A good title can help your work to stand out from the crowd. Here then are some
guidelines for choosing a good title.


Use the fewest number of words that express what you wish to say.

When choosing a title, avoid generic phrases like ‘An investigation of…’, ‘A study
into…’ and ‘Observations on…’. These are implied anyway and add little value.

This guideline is really just a restatement of the keep-it-simple principle we

covered in the previous chapter. We have established that titles are very important
in gaining the reader’s attention, and it follows that good titles are more likely to
succeed at this than bad ones. Compare these two titles:

A study of the effects of chaos as a source of complexity and

diversity in evolutionary processes
Chaos as a source of complexity and diversity in evolution

The first title takes seventeen words, the second one ten. The first one contains
extra words that convey slightly more information (study, effects and processes)
but at the cost of making the title notably longer and less memorable.

Writing Scientific Papers

Here is another example:

A description of a variety of different tools for creating an
interactive virtual-cinema environment

Tools for interactive virtual cinema

The first title clearly employs more words than are needed (fourteen versus five).
It does contain more information, but at the cost of being wordier, harder to
remember and burying the key words at the end of the sentence.

Indeed, in the first title, the key word virtual-cinema is the thirteenth word in the
sentence, You have to read almost the entire title before finding out what the
paper is about. This leads us to our next guideline …


Put your topic words near the start of the title.

Titles may contain several key words or key phrases (see guideline three), but one
of these words or phrases will usually be more significant than the others. Let’s
call these the topic words.

Putting the topic words near the start of the title makes it easier for the reader to
decide what your document is about and if it should be read.

Consider the following titles in which the topic words are shown in italics. In all
cases the topic words comes near the start of the title.

Chaos as a Source Of Complexity and Diversity in Evolution

The USC Brain Project: Confronting Models With Data

VLSI Neural Networks: Design Challenges and Opportunities

Low-level Vision In Insects and Applications to Robot Navigation


Include searchable key words in your title.

Reports, journal articles and conference proceedings are usually indexed by key
words. Traditionally, libraries have stocked paper-based indices that allow articles
to be located from key words. Today, indexing is increasingly done electronically.
It is common to come away from a conference with a CD ROM containing all the
presented papers.

Writing Scientific Papers

Frequently, particularly with web-based search engines, the key words are taken
from the document’s title. It follows that people will be more likely to find your
work if its title contains the significant key words.

Compare these two titles:

An Interim Report from the Myers Project

The Myers Project Interim Report into the Effects of Sleep

Deprivation on Memory Retention

Not only does the second title bring the topic phrase (‘the Myers Project’) to the
start of the title, but it also includes additional key words: sleep deprivation and
memory retention. Readers searching using these terms will have an increased
chance of finding the document.

Note that this guideline is somewhat at odds with guideline one: use the fewest
number of words. Clearly a balance needs to be found between titles that are brief
and titles that contain a suitable number of key words.


Suit the title to your audience.

An article written for accountants, managers and bankers clearly needs to employ
a different language than one written for specialists working in the same field as
yourself. Choose your language appropriately.

A title like Fat Rats: What Makes Them Eat? may be judged appropriate for a
non-technical audience but too informal for an audience of your peers. It also
lacks any technical key words that would make it easily retrievable.

On the other hand, The Relationship of Luteinising Hormone to Obesity in the

Zucker Rat is probably too technical for a general audience. (U. Wisconsin 1998)

Writing Scientific Papers


1. Consider the following document titles. Use the guidelines above to

rewrite them if you judge that they can be improved. (You can
assume that guideline four is already met.)

(a) Some Requirements and Approaches for Natural Language in a

Believable Agent



(b) Statistical and Information-Geometrical Aspects of Neural




(c) An Investigation of Various Evaluation Methodologies for Post-

Graduate Research Students



2. Recall the titles from one or more articles that you have written or
are planning to write. Rewrite them (if necessary) in light of our








Writing Scientific Papers

2.3 The abstract

The abstract is a very short summary of your paper. Abstracts are usually only a
few paragraphs in length and rarely more than half a page. The abstract should
stand on its own and not be overly technical.

The abstract should address what the article is about, whom it targets and what
key goals have been reached. Above all, it must be concise and readable. In essence
the abstract is a very brief version of the introduction that follows it.

Here are some guidelines for creating a good abstract.


Very briefly say what you did, why you did it and whom you wrote the article
for (if appropriate).

These three questions — what, why and whom — put your article in context. They
quickly identify the key aspects of your work and let the reader decide if he or she
wishes to read further.

Saying what you did identifies the area to which the article pertains and helps
identify its readership.

Saying why you wrote your article and, if appropriate, for whom indicates the
motivation for the work. Were you writing in response to a brief from a client?
Were you trying to make a process more cost efficient? Are you a doctoral student
writing an article to publicise your PhD work?

Tell people why you wrote your article, don’t make them guess.

Here are some example statements that answer some of the what, why and whom

This report is submitted in part requirement of a Masters degree.

(why; whom is implied)

A process control model of the circuit for the four-hole pressure

probe has been commissioned by the client XYZ Industries.
(what and whom)

Writing Scientific Papers

This report is published in order to describe the properties of a

new data structure called the skip list. The skip list …
(why and what)

The concentration of impurities in samples taken from leach pad

two are unacceptably high. This report was commissioned by the
client to investigate the cause of this situation and what remedial
action may be taken to rectify it.
(what, why and whom)


Very briefly identify the major methods you used.

Since methods vary so widely from discipline to discipline and experiment to

experiment, this guideline is necessarily broad. Nonetheless, you should briefly
identify at least the type of methods you employed while doing your work. For
example, you might say:

The research used X-ray diffraction techniques to …

The study involved an ethnographic survey of eighteen individuals

within the …

A one-tenth scale model of the process was used to study …


Very briefly state your major results.

Stating your major results should not be confused with stating your conclusions.
(See guideline four.) Your results are what you observed while conducting your
experiments. Your conclusions are your extrapolations as to what your results
mean. Here are some sample results:

47% of the sample group expressed a strong or moderate liking

for the product.

All pHs were in the range 7.9–8.5.

No increase in reproductive rate was observed in any of the cell


Thyroid activity increased in the study group by an average of


Writing Scientific Papers


Very briefly state your major conclusions.

As indicated above, the conclusions are your extrapolations regarding what

significance of your results. You are going beyond the value of the data to
synthesise the meaning of the data. For example, here are some conclusions:

The results support the conclusion that the leach pad has become
contaminated by significant amounts of air-borne organic matter
from nearby fields.

We conclude from these results that there is no significant

difference between the three sample groups.

If the pH is reduced below 8.6 these cost savings will be more

than offset by increased cyanide consumption.

It is a measure of the importance of your conclusions that the major ones should
appear in no less that three places in your report: the abstract, the introduction
and the discussion.

The amount of detail given varies between these sections, of course. In the
abstract, it is enough to simply state your major conclusions or results without
discussion or detail.


Here is a sample abstract:

A process control model of the circuit for the pressure probe is needed for an
integrated operation. This report provides a mathematical model of the circuit,
allowing for variations of the process parameters.

The client has an extensive database of bench and pilot scale results which have
been used to validate the model.

This report is of particular interest to those involved in designing and developing

a full scale circuit.

Analyse this abstract in terms of our guidelines.

Writing Scientific Papers

1. Does the abstract state what the report investigated? If so, what was it?



2. Does the abstract state why the report was conducted? If so, why was it?



3. Does the abstract state whom the report was conducted for? If so, whom was it
conducted for?



4. Does the abstract briefly state the methods that were used? If so, what were




5. Does the abstract briefly state the report’s major results? If so, what were they?




6. Does the abstract briefly state the report’s major conclusions? If so, what were




Writing Scientific Papers

2.4 The introduction

Your introduction is basically a summing-up of your entire paper. In more detail

than the abstract, it identifies what you did, why, for whom, the literature, your
methods, results, conclusions and recommendations.
Remember that many people will read your abstract and your introduction then
stop reading. Write the introduction under the assumption that the reader might
not read anything else. (But write it in such a compelling way that they want to
read your whole report!)
The guidelines below are based on those of Wisconsin (1996) and Bishop (1996).


Describe the nature and scope of the problem.

This involves expanding upon some of the material presented in the abstract:1
• What was the problem that you investigated?

• Who did you do the work for? Was it a client?, an internal project?

The amount of detail presented should be sufficient to allow the reader to

understand the problem.


Explain why the work was important.

• Why was it important or necessary to do this work?

• What problems does it solve? What questions does it answer? What processes
does it improve? What conclusions does it contradict? What conclusions does it

1 In practice, you may find it easier to write the introduction first then extract the abstract from it.

Writing Scientific Papers

• Say for whom the work is significant.2 For example, does the work have
relevance to all engineers (for example), or only those working in a specific

• If you are debating the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin say
so. Don’t inflate the significance of your work. Your readers will resent the
waste of their time, and you will diminish your own reputation.


Review the relevant literature

Summarising the relevant research permits the reader to understand the context
of your work together with any specialised terminology or methodology.

Reviewing the literature also helps to establish a rationale for your work by
relating it to existing unsolved problems, difficulties and questions. Thus a review
of the literature helps satisfy both guidelines one and two.

Day (1979) cautions that a common mistake is to introduce authors and their
areas of study in general terms without mention of their major findings. For

Parmenter (1976) and Chessman (1978) studied the diet of

Chelodina longicollis at various latitudes and Legler (1978) and
Chessman (1983) conducted a similar study on Chelodina
… compares poorly with:

Within the confines of carnivory, Chelodina expansa is a selective

and specialised predator feeding upon highly motile prey such as
decapod crustaceans, aquatic bugs and small fish (Legler, 1978;
Chessman, 1984), whereas C. longicollis is reported to have a
diverse and opportunistic diet (Parmenter, 1976; Chessman,

Clearly the later quotation provides the reader with more information and gives
them a better grounding in the literature.

2 Of course this may already be clear from the title of the document or the nature of the journal in which
it is published.

Writing Scientific Papers


Briefly describe the experimental methods you employed and, if necessary,
justify your choice of methods.

This guideline expands upon the mention of methods that was made in your
abstract. It is not necessary to provide a step-by-step description of your methods
in the introduction as more detail will be provided in the methods section that
follows. Nonetheless, your introduction should describe at least the type of
methods you employed while doing your work.

If there were several different methods that could have been employed, this is the
place where you should justify your choice. This will necessarily involve a
discussion of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the competing methods.

If you chose a particular method for pragmatic reasons (e.g. if you don’t have the
equipment or budget to do it any other way) be honest enough to say so. This is
better than leaving the reader wondering why you chose a method that was


State the major results and conclusions of your work.

Your work is not a detective novel — don’t feel the need to save the exciting bits for
the last chapter. Provide the major results and conclusions of your work in the

The amount of detail provided in the introduction should be greater than the
sparse coverage provided in the abstract, but less than that provided later in the
results and conclusions sections.

Writing Scientific Papers


Here is an edited introduction copied (with permission) from a published paper.


XYZ’s circuits consume approximately x,000 t, or $x million of lime per year (Bloggs 1997). A
previous report to XYZ showed that the majority of the lime added was consumed in
precipitating magnesium from the process water (Bloggs and Bloggs 1997). This enabled the
report to conclude that by pumping preferentially from those borefields with low magnesium,
lime consumption may be reduced by up to $x million pa.

The report also suggested that the lime consumption would be reduced further if XYZ lowered
its leach pH. The magnesium buffering curve (Figure 1) shows that a slight reduction in pH will
significantly reduce the lime consumption. Unfortunately, lowering the leach pH increases the
risk of losing cyanide as HCN(g).

[Table 1 and Figure 1 deleted]

Both XYZ and [ourselves] recognise that increasing HCN(g) concentration above the leaching
circuit to unsafe levels must be avoided. Under no circumstances should the leach pH be
lowered to the point where the safety of XYZ staff is placed at risk.

It is also recognised that HCN(g) loss could increase to the extent that it would significantly
increase the cyanide consumption, offsetting any savings in lime. Changing the pH also changes
the proportion of cyanide as HCN(aq) Since cyanide is dosed to a set concentration of ionic
cyanide, decreasing the pH increases the cyanide dosing rate.

Unfortunately there is little information in the literature that relates the amount of cyanide lost
as HCN(g) to the leach pH. However, since some CIP circuits operate as low as pH 8.8, while
others operate as high as pH 10.5, it appears that there is considerable scope for pH
adjustment without jeopardising safety

There are many factors that affect the amount of cyanide lost as HCN(g). For example: x, x, x, x,
x and x. Consequently, a detailed study of HCN(g) loss was required to assure XYZ staff that
lowering the leach pH at x would be both economically rewarding and safe.

HCN(g) loss in a CIP circuit has traditionally been measured indirectly. Bloggs et al (1991)
measured the amount of cyanide and cyanide derivatives in the feed and compared this to the
amount in the tail. The deficiency in the tail samples was attributed to HCN(g) loss. This method
suffers from the disadvantage of attributing what can not be measured to HCN(g).

This project has used both the indirect method and direct measurement of HCN(g) to calculate
HCN(g) loss. Direct measurement and quantification of HCN(g) loss is not reported in the
literature, however expertise within [our] team has allowed the development of suitable

The aim of this project was to measure the effect of changing the leach pH on the lime
consumption and rate of HCN(g) loss. Lime consumption was measured using a method
developed previously (Bloggs and Bloggs 1997). This method follows both the calcium and
hydroxide moieties of the lime through the circuit and compares them to the measured lime
dosing rate. Cyanide speciation and HCN(g) loss were measured through the circuit and
compared to the dosing rate to calculate a cyanide balance.

As the pH is reduced the lime savings will be gradually offset by increased cyanide
consumption. By quantifying both of these variables with changes in pH it is possible to
calculate an optimum leach pH while still maintaining the safety of XYZ staff.

Writing Scientific Papers

Your task is to analyse this introduction in terms of the guidelines presented


1. Does the introduction state the nature and scope of the problem? If so, what
was it? (Be brief.)




2. Does the introduction explain why the work was important? If so, why was it?




3. Does the introduction review the literature in a useful way? If so, is the review
sufficiently comprehensive for the intended audience? (You may need to
speculate to answer this.)





4. Does the introduction briefly describe the experimental methods that were
employed? If so what were they?




Writing Scientific Papers

5. Does the introduction present its major results? If so what were they?




6. Does the introduction present its major conclusions? If so what were they?




Writing Scientific Papers

2.5 Methods

The methods section serves two main purposes. It is where you describe what
materials you used and also what methods you used. For this reason it is
frequently also called the ‘materials and methods’ section.


Say how you did the work and what you used to do it.

Bishop (1996) provides a nice summary of what should be in the methods section:

The Materials and Methods section should provide enough

detail that a competent worker can repeat the experiments.

Careful writing of this section is important because the

cornerstone of the scientific method requires that your results
must be reproducible; and, for the results to be reproducible,
you must provide the basis for repetition of the experiments
by others.

There is, of course, always the question of how much detail needs to be presented
when describing your methods. If your methods are new, or involve significant
new or unusual elements, it is necessary to describe them in step-by-step detail.
(Enough detail that they can be reproduced.)

If, on the other hand, you employ a method that is considered ‘standard’ (i.e. it has
been described in a major journal), it is usually enough to refer to the method by
name and provide a reference. For example:
Cyanate was determined by measuring the ammonia
concentration with an ammonia electrode before and after acid
hydrolysis (Greenberg 1992).

Using the Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt technique (Gates 1995),

individuals in sample one …

Note also that the methods section is used to describe the methods that you
actually used. A discussion of the relative strengths of alternative methods (that
you ended up not using for one reason or another) is probably better placed in the
introduction or discussion sections.

Writing Scientific Papers


Use the past tense.

Because the methods section is describing things that you have already done, it is
written in the past tense.


Don’t describe your results.

Remember that the methods section is intended to tell people how you did your
work. Avoid the temptation to intersperse this with a discussion of your results or
their significance.


Show your method section to colleagues. Ask them if they could use it to
reproduce your results.

This simple guideline can often be a very fast and effective way of identifying
inadequacies in your writing. Things that you might consider second nature may
be foreign to others.


Be precise when describing quantities.

If I can be allowed a cooking metaphor here, don’t you hate recipes that contain
vague advice like ‘add a generous quantity’, ‘place in a moderate oven’, ‘use a pinch
of’, or ‘add to taste’?

These type of phrases are ambiguous and are usually unsuited to technical writing.
So be careful when using phrases like ‘an elevated level’ or ‘an increased
concentration’. Ask yourself ‘Would this be better with a more accurate

Writing Scientific Papers

2.6 Results

Most of the great results of history are brought about by discreditable

Emerson, The Conduct of Life, 1860.

In the results section you present the findings of your work.


Present your findings clearly.

The data should be presented in a clear, readable form. Often this will involve the
use of one or more tables.

Depending upon the audience for your article, it may be more appropriate to
present only a summary of your data in the results section. In this case, the full
data set can be relegated to one or more appendices.


Use the past tense.

Because the results section is describing findings that you have already made, it is
written in the past tense.


Don’t interpret your results.

Remember that the results section is intended to present your findings. Avoid the
temptation to intersperse this with a discussion of their significance.

Writing Scientific Papers

2.7 Discussion

Having presented your results in the previous section, now it is time to discuss
what they mean.


Discuss the meaning of individual results in this section, but wait until the
conclusions to tie everything together.

Because most reports include both a discussion section and a conclusions section,
there is a certain ambiguity in deciding where to place your conclusions. Should
you present the conclusions while discussing your results, or should you discuss
your results and leave your conclusions to later?

To some degree your choice depends upon the nature of the report, but as a
guideline, it is generally preferable to discuss the individual results in this section
and wait until the conclusions section to ‘pull it all together’ and present your
conclusions and recommendations.


Say what your results mean.

It is not enough to simply present your data (you have already done that), you
must now discuss their significance. Here are some of the issues that may need
• Were the results consistent with your expectations?

• Does experimental error account for any deviations between the results and
your expectations?

• What underlying patterns or relationships exist in your results?

• Do these results support the hypothesis that you were testing?

• Do these results support the predictions in the literature?

Writing Scientific Papers


Don’t try to gloss over problems in your results.

If your results show a smooth curve with an unexpected dip in the middle, avoid
the temptation to gloss over the unexpected deviation. Who knows, it may turn
out to be the most important part of your data.

If you believe that it is due to experimental error (e.g. a leaking vessel) then say so.
All practicing experimentalists will have encountered similar problems in their
own work. If you’re up front about it, most will allow you one or two imperfections
in yours.


1. The following statements are too vague to be part of well written results or
discussions. Rewrite them in a more suitable form. (Make up any details you

(a) The weight of sample one was somewhat lower than that of
sample two.



(b) There was an extremely strong correlation between the two data



(c) There was a dramatic puff of smoke after we did this!



Writing Scientific Papers

2.8 Conclusions and recommendations

Having presented your results and discussed them, it is now time to present the
conclusions that you have drawn from the results. These conclusions may lead you
to certain recommendations and, if so, these should also be presented here.


Synthesise your discussion into one or more conclusions.

In the discussion section you will have discussed the meaning of the individual
results. Now it is time to bring these discussions together into one or more

While the conclusions that you draw will be entirely dependent upon your work,
here are some questions that suggest the type of issues you may be considering:
• If your results were consistent with your expectations, what conclusion can you

• If your results differed from your expectations, can you provide a plausible
explanation for this?

• What theoretical implications do your results have?

• What practical applications might flow from your work?

• Can you generalise from your area of study to a wider field?

• Do your results suggest a need for further work?


Don’t be afraid to make negative conclusions.

It is human nature to want to present positive, exciting conclusions. Deep down,

most of us would rather report that we have found a causal link between X and Y,
rather than reporting that we could find no causal link.

Nonetheless, presenting negative conclusions contributes just as much — and

should be seen as just as worthwhile — as presenting positive conclusions. Your
conclusion that X and Y are not related may be just as significant, or more so, than
the conclusion that they are.

Writing Scientific Papers


Examine each of your conclusions in turn, and ask yourself if it leads to a specific

Work is rarely done for its own sake, particularly in a privately funded
organisation. Your work will normally lead to one or more specific
recommendations, even if this is only a recommendation for further work.

Writing Scientific Papers

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this extract from Writing Scientific Papers. Being only
a single chapter, this sample is, of course, quite narrowly focused. The complete
work, however, covers a much wider range of topics.

Here is the table of contents of the complete edition, which you can obtain from:


Tim North

Author's introduction 1

How to use this book 2

1. General strategies 7
1.1 Keep it simple 7
1.2 Keep it clear 11
1.3 Use analogies and context 13
1.4 Personal pronouns 17
1.5 Emotion 19
1.6 Research jargon 20

2. Scientific papers and reports 23

2.1 The overall structure 23
2.2 Choosing the title 24
2.3 The abstract 28
2.4 The introduction 33
2.5 Methods 39
2.6 Results 41
2.7 Discussion 42
2.8 Conclusions and recommendations 44

3. Referencing 47
3.1 Why reference? 47
3.2 Different referencing styles 48
3.3 Simple references 48
3.4 Page and volume numbers 49
3.5 Initials 50
3.6 Multiple references 50
3.7 Multiple authors 51

Writing Scientific Papers

3.8 No stated author 52

3.9 Unpublished material 52
3.10 Ambiguously dated works 53
3.11 The reference list 55
3.12 General principles 55
3.13 References to books 57
3.14 References to periodicals 60
3.15 References to newspapers 61
3.16 References to web pages 63

4. Captions 65

5. Neatly formatting tables 67

6. Writing numbers 71
6.1 Writing large numbers 71
6.2 Spans 74
6.3 Dates 74
6.4 Times 75
6.5 Numbers as words 76

7. Units of measurement 79
7.1 Writing units of measurement 79
7.2 Metric units 81
7.3 Metric prefixes 82
7.4 Case sensitivity 83

Bibliography 87

Other works by Scribe Consulting 89

Writing Scientific Papers


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