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Practicum 20 Learning 20 Outcomes 20 and 20 Success 20 Criteria 2028329

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Developed from University of Auckland Faculty of Education Practicum Handbook. Revised Version 2013.

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Associate Comment

1. Critically analyse the
contextual complexities
associated with own
teaching and the
effectiveness of own
1.1 social, cultural and political influences impacting on
pedagogical practice are critically reflected upon in
relation to professional decision making and personal
1.2 legislative requirements and school policies are
discussed and implemented

I have been working hard to develop close relationships
with the parents of children in my class as this is something
that underpins my belief about teaching, that it is a three-
way partnership.

My classroom has a number of children that are of Asian
descent so I have decorated my classroom with familiar
fabrics. I have chopsticks and bowls in my playdough area.
We use greetings from many different countries. Our first
unit of inquiry has been The Same but Different which
has allowed us to look at where everyone comes from.

I have worked closely with my syndicate leader and the DP
to ensure I am following the school policies and guidelines.
This has meant getting emails checked before they are sent
out and meeting as a group before I held parent teacher
interviews. I have read through the school policies and feel
confident that I am adhering to them.

Theresa works hard to cater for the needs of the children
in her class. Her programming reflects the backgrounds
and diversity of needs of each and every student. She is
reflective in her practice and makes decisions based on
the successfulness of her experiences.

Theresa is an active participant in weekly syndicate
meetings. She offers ideas and helps in the decision
making process regarding everyday decisions, input on
reporting to parents, and professional development.

She is reflective during whole school staff meetings
works well with other staff members in conversations
regarding policy updates

2. Communicate effectively
and establish professional
relationships within the
professional educational
2.1 effective communication within the educational
community of the school is maintained
consistently and critically reflected upon
2.2 effective professional relationships within the
educational community of the school are maintained
consistently and critically reflected upon
I have had regular syndicate and whole school meetings. I am an
active contributor to these meetings and I feel my ideas have been
useful and appreciated. I have also had meetings with the DP to
share the learning I have from this course and my beliefs about
NE teaching.

We have had whole meetings about the English curriculum and I
have helped to participate in an essence statement about what it
looks like at WP school. I feel confident to contribute and I also
feel I am open and ready to learn from observations and the
teaching that I see happening.

I have been able to offer support and give ideas to the other NE
teacher and also gather ideas from her, which has been great.
Theresa is a supportive team member who offers her
expertise to help other team members.

Theresa is a good communicator. She confidently
contributes during team and whole school meetings.
Her opinions are listened to and valued.

Theresa worked with the New Entrant team to help plan
and implement the New Entrant Parent Evening. She
confidently co-presented the newly revised programme
to a large group of parents which went very well.
Developed from University of Auckland Faculty of Education Practicum Handbook. Revised Version 2013.

3. Demonstrate effective
pedagogical practice that is
informed by theory,
research, practice and a
personal philosophy
3.1 planning is informed by effective use of curricula and
content knowledge, policy documents, appropriate
learning and teaching approaches, inclusive practice
and current assessment information
3.2 childrens learning is consistently monitored, analysed
and evaluated through a range of assessment
3.3 extended teaching/learning experiences are effectively
planned, implemented and evaluated (across a range
of curriculum areas) with multiple groups and whole
3.4 pedagogical practice is critically reflected upon in
relation to a written personal, professional
3.5 appropriate management strategies to enhance
childrens social competence are ethically selected,
effectively implemented and critically evaluated
In regards to my planning I constantly refer to the NZC. I have the
summary posters on my wall and I also have on display the
summary page for writing with the childrens work.
I feel I have a good handle on where each child is at. If the child is
settled in the class quickly I will very quickly test their alphabet,
sound and high frequency word /knowledge. The child is able to
see where they are at and what words and letters they need to
learn next. I also send this home so that the family knows what the
next step is. I am working through the JAM testing and the only
part I am finding challenging is finding the time to do it. I have
now asked for my CRT time if it becomes available for NE testing
and was able to get another 1 hr block.
I have introduced groups for writing and reading and the children
are working through how a reading tumble works and how it is
important to leave the teacher when she is working in groups.
With this age children this is as important as what they are doing.
I am doing a mixture of whole class and group work. I am able to
do at the moment as my class is still growing. For term 4 I will
need to introduce groups for Maths as well.
I feel my management of children is one of my strengths. I have
patience and I believe I have taken the time to develop strong
relationships with each of my children. I have implemented
positive strategies in the class and I am encouraging children to
reflect on their own behavior. I am respectful of children, getting
down to their level to talk and I am very aware of how important it
is that they feel heard.

Theresas planning clearly reflects the needs and
learning steps of the children in her class. She uses
assessment to inform her planning as well as appropriate
curriculum documents.

Theresa closely monitors the achievements of her class
and implements strategies to work with children who are
not currently tracking to meet expectation. She equally
works hard to make sure she is catering for the children
who are working at the top end of the spectrum. Theresa
feels comfortable asking for advice about how to work
with these children. She takes on advice with a positive
attitude and enthusiasm to implement strategies that
have been discussed.

Theresa is a reflective practitioner. She identifies areas
of need and works towards finding a way to achieve her
goals, for example, asking for extra time out of class for
testing. She is proactive in her approach to teaching and

Theresa has excellent classroom management skills.
She is adaptable and creative when planning and
implementing both whole class and small group tasks.
She works with the child at the center of her mind,
meaning that their needs are always catered for.

4. Consistently demonstrate
and reflect upon
ethical/professional practice
as expected of a
provisionally registered
teacher in Aotearoa/New
4.1 professional agency is appropriately exercised
and critically reflected upon
4.2 requirements stipulated by the NZ Teachers Council,
and the NZTCGTS are demonstrated appropriately
4.3 practicum related professional development goals are
effectively actioned and evaluated critically
4.4 the moral and political dimensions of professional
dilemmas are critically reflected upon
4.5 ethical professional practice is consistently
demonstrated and critically reflected upon
I am confident that I am always professional in my dealing with
other staff, parents and children. I have been friendly and
welcoming to parents but I ensure the conversations are always
based around their child and their learning, but from a holistic
approach, as I believe that what is happening for the child outside
the school has a big influence on how they are at school.

I have attended and participated in all PD, staff and syndicate
meetings. I have had observations done by my syndicate leader
and have met and been given feedback round my teaching. I
found this to be a helpful and positive experience, and I believe I
was able to take on board the feedback I was given positively.

As I am new to the school I am using the support systems
available to be to constantly check and reflect on what my
understanding is and what the expectation of the school is.
As a teacher new to the school, Theresa has made use of
the many support structures the school offers. She is not
afraid to approach other teachers and staff to check
understanding or to ask questions.

Her strengths are working with parents and having
positive communication structures in place.

She works hard to develop her skills as a teacher through
professional development opportunities and through
feedback from observations.

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