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Cheryl E. Ball - June 2018 CV

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updated June 1, 2018

digital publishing, scholarly multimedia, editorial pedagogy, multimodal composition, academic literacies,

Wayne State University Libraries Director, Digital Publishing Collaborative
Purdy Kresge Library, Room 172
5265 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48202 USA
Phone: 313-577-1846 |

West Virginia University Adjunct Associate Professor of Digital Publishing Studies

Department of English 311 Colson Hall | 1503 University Ave. | P.O. Box 6296
Eberly College of Arts and Sciences Morgantown, WV 26506-6296 USA
Phone: 304-293-9714 |

PhD in Rhetoric & Technical Communication, Michigan Technological University, 2005. Dissertation: A
New Media Reading Strategy
MFA in Poetry, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2000. Thesis: Dinner for One [VCU’s first interactive
Study abroad: Glasgow Writers & Artists Workshop, Glasgow School of the Arts, Scotland, June 4–July
1, 1998.
BA in English, Old Dominion University, 1996.
Transferred coursework: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1991–1993.

Wayne State University Libraries, Detroit, MI
• (2018–present). Director (Academic), Digital Publishing Collaborative
West Virginia University, English Department, Morgantown, WV
• (2014–2017). Associate Professor of Digital Publishing Studies
Illinois State University, English Department, Normal, IL
• (2010–14). Associate Professor of New Media Studies
• (2007–10). Assistant Professor of New Media Studies
Utah State University, English Department, Logan, UT
• (2004–07). Assistant Professor of Computers & Writing – 1
Director. (2018–present). Digital Publishing Collaborative. Wayne State University Libraries, Detroit,
Director. (2016–2017). Digital Publishing Institute. WVU Libraries, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV.
Lab Director. (2004–06). Applied Research Multimedia Lab. English Department, Utah State University,
Logan, UT.
Associate Director (under direction of Cynthia Selfe). (2001–04). Computers in Writing-Intensive
Classrooms (CIWIC) Institute. Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.
Assistant Lab Director (under direction of Dickie Selfe). (2001–03). Center for Computer-Assisted
Language Instruction (CCLI). Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.
Assistant Lab Director (under direction of Michael Keller). (1999–2000). English Department Computer
Lab. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
Writing Center Coordinator. (1999, 2000 Summers). Academic Success Program. Virginia
Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.


Charles Moran Award for Distinguished Service to the Field. (2018). Presented by Computers &
Composition: An International Journal at the 2018 Computers & Writing Conference.
Big XII Faculty Fellow. (2017–18). To visit Dr. Angela Eaton at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Faculty Associate in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. (2016–17). Teaching and Learning
Commons, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. $2,000 stipend.
Plexi Award for Excellence in Teaching/Mentoring. (2015–16). Oslo School of Architecture and Design,
Benedum Distinguished Scholar in the Arts & Humanities. (2015–16). West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV. $5,000 stipend.
Fulbright Scholar. (2013–14). Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norway.
Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award. (2013). For The New Work of Composing (ed.
Journet, Ball, & Trauman).
CCCC Technical and Scientific Communication Award for Best Article on Pedagogy or Curriculum in
Technical or Scientific Communication. (2013). For “Assessing Scholarly Multimedia: A Rhetorical
Genre Studies Approach.” [See publications entry]
Technology Innovator Award. (2012). Presented by the Conference on College Composition and
Communication Committee on Computers in Composition and Communication (7Cs).
Sigma Tau Delta Teaching/Mentoring Awards. (2008–12, annually). English Department, Illinois State
University, Normal, IL.
Best (Re-)Design Award. (2008). For Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy [Design Team: Karl Stolley,
Douglas Eyman, Kathie Gossett]. Council of Editors of Learned Journals.
Visiting Scholar in Digital Media and Composition. (2007, May 31–June 12). English Department, Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH.
with Kristin L. Arola. Kairos Best Webtext Finalist. (2007, May). For “A Conversation: From ‘They Call
Me Doctor?!’ to Tenure.” [See publications entry] – 2
Kairos/Lore TA & Adjunct Award for Scholarship in Computers & Writing. (2003, May). Presented by
Kairos editors at Computers & Writing conference, West Lafayette, IN.
Outstanding Thesis Award. (2000, March). Graduate Deans’ Annual Meeting. Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, VA.


editorial positions
Founding Series Editor. (2012–present). #writing. WAC Clearinghouse Press/Colorado State University
Open Press. Books in this series: Network Sense (Mueller, 2017); Cruel Auteurism (kyburz [sic], 2018)
Founding Editor. (2016–present). Computers & Writing Conference Proceedings. WAC Clearinghouse
Press/Colorado State University Open Press.
Editor. (2008–present). Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy. [Co-Editor, 2006–08;
CoverWeb Co-Editor, 2001–06]
Associate Editor. (2003–04). Computers and Composition. [Assistant Editor, 2000–03]
Editorial Intern. (2002). College Composition and Communication.
Assistant Editor. (1998–2000). Passwords: A Guide to Wired Resources. [University-wide newsletter at
VCU for the Epiphany Project]
Various other roles for commercial and academic publications. (1994–2004). Ask for details.

Ball, Cheryl E. (forthcoming/2018). Teaching multimodal composition: A manifesto. Practice &
Pedagogy Series, WAC Clearinghouse Press/Colorado State University Open Press.
Loewe, Drew, & Ball, Cheryl E. (Eds.). (2017). Bad ideas about writing. WVU Libraries, Morgantown,
WV: Digital Publishing Institute. [Some chapters cross-
published with Inside Higher Ed]
Journet, Debra; Ball, Cheryl E.; & Trauman, Ryan. (Eds.). (2012). The new work of composing.
Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press.
nwc [Winner of 2013 Computers & Composition Distinguished Book Award]
Ball, Cheryl E., & Kalmbach, James. (Eds.). (2010). RAW: Reading and writing new media. Hampton
Press: Cresskill, NJ.

Ball, Cheryl E.; Sheppard, Jennifer; & Arola, Kristin L. (2017). Writer/designer: A guide to making
multimodal projects, 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.
Arola, Kristin L.; Sheppard, Jennifer; & Ball, Cheryl E. (2014). Writer/designer: A guide to making
multimodal projects. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.
Ball, Cheryl E., & Arola, Kristin L. (2010). Visualizing composition (2nd ed. of ix). Boston, MA: Bedford/
St. Martin’s Press.
Ball, Cheryl E., & Arola, Kristin L. (2005). ix tech comm: Visual exercises for technical communication
[CD-ROM]. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.
Ball, Cheryl E., & Arola, Kristin L. (2004). ix: Visual exercises [CD-ROM]. Boston, MA: Bedford/St.
Martin’s Press. – 3
Ball, Cheryl E. (2004). Picturing texts instructor’s guide. New York, NY: W.W. Norton.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2004). Picturing texts [Web content]. New York, NY: W.W. Norton. http://picturingtexts.
com [no longer active]

journal special issues

DeVoss, Dánielle Nicole; Ball, Cheryl E.; Selfe, Cynthia; & DeWitt, Scott Lloyd. (Eds.). (2015, June).
Computers and Composition and Computers and Composition Online [Double special issues: CIWIC,
DMAC, and technology professional development in rhetoric and composition].
Ball, Cheryl E., & DeWitt, Scott Lloyd. (Eds.). (2008). Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology,
Pedagogy, 12(3) [Special issue: Manifestos!].
Ball, Cheryl E., & Hawk, Byron. (2006, September). Computers & Composition, 23(3) [Special issue:
Sound in/as compositional space], 263–396.
Ball, Cheryl E., & Hawk, Byron. (2006, Fall). Computers & Composition Online [Special issue: Sound in/
as compositional space].

external grants ($1,339,332)

Ball, Cheryl E. [PI]. (submitted: 2018–2020). KairosCamp: Authoring and editing digital humanities
scholarship. NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities grant. $245,112.
Ball, Cheryl E. [PI] et al. (2017–18). Many voices: A consortium for sustaining small, scholarly societies.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Scholarly Communication platform. $59,500.
Ball, Cheryl E. (PI). (2016–19). Digital publishing institutes: Authoring and editing digital humanities
scholarship. NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities grant. $219,832.
Ball, Cheryl E., & Morrison, Andrew D. (co-PIs). (2015–17). Vega: An academic publishing platform.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Scholarly Communication and Information Technology platform.
Ball, Cheryl E. (PI). (2010). Building a better back-end: Editor, author, and reader tools for scholarly
multimedia. NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant, Level II. $50,000.
Franklin, Kevin. (PI). (2008–09). Humanities high performance computing collaboratory (HpC). National
Endowment for the Humanities Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Grant.
$250,000. [Participated in “Humanistic Algorithms” (1 of 3 projects under HpC grant) with Virginia
Kuhn, Project Leader. Received ~$5,000 honorarium.]
Ball, Cheryl E. (PI), with Atkins, Anthony; Anderson, Daniel; Homicz Millar, Krista; Selfe, Cynthia; &
Selfe, Richard. (2004–05). Studying multimodal composition integration and practices of writing
teachers in US institutions of higher education. CCCC Research Initiative Grant. National Council of
Teachers of English/Conference on College Composition and Communication. $5,000.

internal grants ($133,733)

Open Access Authors Fund and Eberly College Subvention Fund. (2017). To pay for OA fees for
Teaching Multimodal Composition. $2,400
Academic Conference Grant. (2016). Re-imagining the Humanities Dissertation [summer seminar].
West Virginia University. $8,000.
Faculty Senate Travel Grant with matching Eberly College funds. (2015). To attend the Electronic
Literature Organization conference. West Virginia University. $1,800.
Professional Development Grant. (2014). To attend the Skagen Conference on Experimental Research
Methods. Eberly College, West Virginia University. $1,350. – 4
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Travel Grant. (2011). To attend International SOTL Conference
(Milwaukee, WI). Illinois State University. $250.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Travel Grant. (2011). To attend New Media Consortium
(Madison, WI). Illinois State University. $750.
Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology Travel Grant. (2010). To attend Digital Arts and Culture
Conference (Irvine, CA). Illinois State University. $300.
Pre-Tenure Faculty Initiative Grant. (2010–11). Building the future of the book with The New Work of
Composing. Illinois State University. $3,500.
Undergraduate Research Fellow Grant [for Matt Wendling]. (2009). A case study of revision processes
in student-authored digital media scholarship. Research and Sponsored Programs, Illinois State
University. $3,500.
Faculty Excellence Initiative Committee Research Award. (2009). The new work of composing: Editing
an online (digital) multimedia book in English studies. Illinois State University. $4,000/course
New Faculty Initiative Grant. (2008–09). Digital scholarship in the humanities: Authors’ composition
and revision processes of new media scholarship. Illinois State University. $3,500.
Ball, Cheryl E. (PI), with Andrew J. Chamberlain et al. [12 undergraduates]. (2008). Teaching–Learning
Development Grant. Illinois State University. $2,000.
Summer Faculty Professional Development Fellowship. (2008). Professional development through
preparation of a digitally enhanced tenure portfolio. College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State
University. $5,000.
Faculty Excellence Initiative Committee Travel Award. (2008). To attend Digital Media and
Composition Institute (Columbus, OH). Illinois State University. $750.
Ball, Cheryl E., & Moeller, Ryan. (co-PIs). (2006–07). The Learning Suite: A collaborative, technology-
rich environment to support writing/composition in a digital age. Utah State University Innovation
Fund. $86,000.
Ball, Cheryl E. (PI). (2005–06). Survey of multimodal composition practices in rhetoric and composition
studies. New Faculty Research Grant, Utah State University. $10,633.

(please ask for list of unfunded proposals)

peer-reviewed articles & webtexts

Ball, Cheryl E.; Graban, Tarez Samra; & Sidler, Michelle. (under review). The boutique is open: Data for
writing studies.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2017). Building a scholarly multimedia publishing infrastructure. Journal of Scholarly
Publishing, 48(2), 99–115.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2016). The shifting genres of scholarly multimedia: Webtexts as innovation. Journal of
Media Innovations, 3(2).
Ball, Cheryl E., & Eyman, Douglas. (2015). Editorial workflows for multimedia-rich scholarship. Journal
of Electronic Publishing, 18(4). [Editorially reviewed]
Ball, Cheryl E. (2015). Sustainable infrastructures and the future of writing studies. WPA: Writing
Program Administration, 39(1), 122–137. [Invited]
Eyman, Douglas, & Ball, Cheryl E. (2014). Composing for digital publication: Rhetoric, design, code.
[Special invited section: Digital scholarship in composition studies]. Composition Studies, 42(1),
114–117. – 5
Ball, Cheryl E. (2014). Adapting peer review for writing classrooms. Writing & Pedagogy, 5(2) [Special
issue: Teaching with technology].
Arola, Kristin; Ball, Cheryl; & Sheppard, Jennifer. (2014, January 10). Multimodality as a frame for
individual and institutional change. Hybrid Pedagogy.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2013). Multimodal revision techniques in webtexts. Classroom discourse, 5(1), 1–15.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2012–13). Editorial pedagogy: A professional philosophy for developing authors,
editors, and designers [a three-part series]. Hybrid Pedagogy.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2012). Assessing scholarly multimedia: A rhetorical genre studies approach. Technical
Communication Quarterly, 21 [Special issue: Making the implicit explicit in assessing multimodal
composition], 61–77.
Bemer, Amanda; Moeller, Ryan M.; & Ball, Cheryl E. (2009, September). Designing collaborative
learning spaces: Where material culture meets mobile writing processes. Programmatic
Perspectives: Journal of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication, 1(2).
Ball, Cheryl E., & Moeller, Ryan M. (2008). Converging the ASS[umptions] between U and ME; or How
new media can bridge the scholarly/creative split in English studies. Computers & Composition
Ball, Cheryl E., & Moeller, Ryan. (2007). Reinventing the possibilities: Academic literacy and new
media. Fibreculture.
Arola, Kristin L., & Ball, Cheryl E. (2007). A conversation: From “They call me doctor?!” to tenure.
Computers and Composition Online. [Kairos 2006 Best Webtext
Award Finalist]
Anderson, Daniel; Atkins, Anthony; Ball, Cheryl E.; Homicz Millar, Krista; Selfe, Cynthia; & Selfe,
Richard. (2006). Integrating multimodality in composition curricula: Survey methodology and
results from a CCCC Research Initiative grant. Composition Studies, 34(2), 59–84.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2006). Designerly ≠ readerly: Re-assessing multimodal and new media rubrics for
writing studies. Convergence, 12, 393–412.
Ball, Cheryl E., & Rice, Rich. (2006). Reading the text: Remediating the text. Kairos: A Journal of
Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 10(2).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2004). Show, not tell: The value of new media scholarship. Computers and Composition,
21(3), 403–425.
Ball, Cheryl E. (1999). Heading south. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy,
4(1) [Special issue: Hypertext poetry and fiction].

book chapters
Ball, Cheryl E.; Morrison, Andrew; & Eyman, Douglas. (2017). The rise of multimodality in academic
publishing. In Mary Jane Curry & Theresa Lillis (Eds.), Global academic publishing. Bristol, UK:
Multilingual Matters.
Mainsah, Henry; Morrison, Andrew; Aspen, Jonny; & Ball, Cheryl E. (2017). Designing the PhD
curriculum in the design disciplines. In Laurene Vaughan (Ed.) Practice-based design research.
London, UK: Bloomsbury. – 6
Eyman, Douglas, & Ball, Cheryl E. (2016). History of a broken thing: The multijournal special issue on
electronic publication. In Bruce McComisky (Ed.), Microhistories in composition studies. Logan, UT:
Utah State University Press.
Eyman, Douglas, & Ball, Cheryl E. (2015). Digital humanities scholarship and electronic publication.
In Jim Ridolfo & William Hart-Davidson (Eds.), Rhetoric and the digital humanities. Chicago, IL:
University of Chicago Press.
Ball, Cheryl E., & Charlton, Colin. (2015). All writing is multimodal. In Linda Adler-Kassner & Elizabeth
Wardle (Eds.), Threshold concepts for rhetoric and composition. Logan, UT: Utah State University
Ball, Cheryl E. (2013). Pirates of metadata or, The true adventures of how one editor, fifteen
undergraduate publishing majors, and 25,000 media elements survived a metadata mining project.
In Stephanie Davis-Kahl & Merinda Hensley (Eds.), Extend and unify: Outreach and education for
scholarly communication and information literacy programs. Chicago, IL: Association of College and
Research Libraries.
Ball, Cheryl E.; Fenn, Tyrell; & Scoffield, Tia. (2013). Genre and transfer in a multimodal composition
class. In Carl Whithaus & Tracey Bowen (Eds.), Multimodal literacies and emerging genres in student
compositions. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Journet, Debra; Ball, Cheryl E.; & Trauman, Ryan. (2012). Digital scholarship and the new work of the
book in composition studies. In The new work of composing. Computers and Composition Digital
Press/Utah State University Press.
The Normal Group. (2012). Talking back to teachers: Undergraduate research in multimodal
composition. In Debra Journet, Cheryl E. Ball, & Ryan Trauman (Eds.) The new work of composing.
Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press.
Ball, Cheryl E., & Kalmbach, James. (2010). On the rawness of reading and writing new media:
Materialities, histories, and happenstance. In RAW: Reading and writing new media (pp. 1–14).
Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Moeller, Ryan; Cargile Cook, Kelli; & Ball, Cheryl E. (2009). Political economy and sustaining the
unstable: New faculty and research in English studies. In Danielle DeVoss, Heidi McKee, & Richard
Selfe (Eds.), Technological ecologies & sustainability. Computers and Composition Digital Press/
Utah State University Press.

Ball, Cheryl E. (2017). Designing research infrastructures for open-access publishing. NorDes 2017
Conference Proceedings. Available:
Ansolabehere, Karina; Ball, Cheryl [lead author]; Devare, Medha; Guidotti, Tee; Priedhorsky, Bill; van
der Stelt, Wim; Taylor, Mike; Veldsman, Susan; & Willinsky, John. (2016). The moral dimensions
of open [access/scholarship/data]. Open Scholarship Initiative Proceedings, Vol. 1. http://dx.doi.
Morrison, Andrew; Vaughan, Laurene; Mainsah, Henry; & Ball, Cheryl E. (2015). Dialogue and PhD
design supervision. (2015). Proceedings of the 2015 LearnXdesign conference (n.p.), Chicago, IL.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2014). Designed research: Publishing designs as scholarship. In Lim, Y.-K., Niedderer, K.,
Redström, J., Stolterman, E., & Valtonen, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of DRS 2014: Design’s big debates
(pp. 1229–1243). Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå University: Umeå, Sweden. – 7
Ball, Cheryl E. (2005). Trans-cultural multimedia production in an English classroom [Abstract].
Proceedings for Advancing the Effectiveness and Sustainability of Open Education Conference, (n.p.).
Utah State University, Logan, UT.

white papers and reports

Ball, Cheryl E., Goldsmith, Meredith, Bain-Selbo, Eric, Kennison, Rebecca, Szigeti, Helen, Alexander,
Patrick, McLeod, John, & DiPasquale, Emma. (2018). Many Voices: Building a consortium of small,
scholarly societies in the humanities. Submitted to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. s
Konkiel, Stacy, Ball, Cheryl E., Barrett, Kim, Berkery, Peter, et al. (2017). Promoting openness in
professional advancement practices. Open Scholarship Initiative. Fairfax, VA: George Mason
University Press. URL forthcoming.
Ansolabehere, Karina; Ball, Cheryl [lead author]; Devare, Medha; Guidotti, Tee; Priedhorsky, Bill;
van der Stelt, Wim; Taylor, Mike; Veldsman, Susan; & Willinsky, John. (2016). What are the moral
dimensions of open [access/scholarship/data]? Report on the Moral Dimensions working group,
Open Scholarship Initiative. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Press. See http://journals.gmu.
edu/osi/article/view/1737/1184. Video presentation available at
Eyman, Douglas; Ball, Cheryl E.; Boggs, Jeremy; Booher, Amanda; et al. (2016). Access/ibility: Access
and usability for digital publishing. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 20(1).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2016, March 31). Vega: An academic publishing platform, status report for 2015.
Submitted to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Kennedy, Sarah; Emerling, Danielle; Ball, Cheryl E.; et al. (2015, November). Report of the Disappearing
Task Force on WVU Library’s Digital Presence in the 21st Century (DTFDP21). West Virginia
University Libraries.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2013, November). Creating better scholarly multimedia: A peer-review plug-in for OJS.
NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant white paper.
Johnson, Matt; Ball, Cheryl E.; et al. (2008, November 14). Who’s the boss? New Leadership Board of
the Economic Development Council. Bloomington-Normal, IL.
Ball, Cheryl E.; Ferraro, Lora; Rossi, Rebecca; Schulz, Christina; et al. (2008, August 22). Who is the
future employer? New Leadership Board of the Economic Development Council. Bloomington-
Normal, IL.
Amiran, Eyal; Ball, Cheryl; et al. (2008, May). Best Practices for Online Journal Editors. Council of
Editors of Learned Journals.

Publisher/Designer. (2017). Bad ideas about writing. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University
Publisher/Designer. (2017). Directory for scholarship of teaching and learning at West Virginia
University. SoTL Group for the Teaching and Learning Commons (Eds.). Morgantown, WV: West
Virginia University Libraries.
Lead Production Editor. (2017). Reviews of the 2016 Conference on College Composition and
Communication. In Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 21(1). http://praxis. Also available as a PDF. – 8
Publisher. (2016). West Virginia history: An open-access reader. Kevin Barksdale & Ken Fones-Wolf
(Eds.). Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Libraries.
Founder/Content manager. (2013–present).
Director. (2011). Kairos metadata mining project. Available
Producer. (2010). RAW: Reading and writing new media [Book companion website]. http://
Editor/Designer. (2009–2013). Northwest Neighborhood Association newsletter. Bloomington, IL.
Producer. (2009, September 25). English studies: Redbird style! [Promotional video]. Presented at
Executive-in-Residence Forum, English Department, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Writer/Producer. (2009, March 31). On a digital tenure portfolio [Video].
Producer/Director. (2007, December 11). Who needs YouTube?! [Student video showcase]. Presented at
The Normal Theater, Normal, IL.
Designer. Warner, Allison. (2007). Constructing a tool for assessing scholarly webtexts. Kairos:
Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 12(1).
Designer. (2006–present). Dr. Cheryl E. Ball [Digital portfolio].
Designer/Producer. (2006). Sound in/as compositional space [Video + website]. Computers and
Composition Online.
Designer/Editor. (2005–06). Synopsis. Utah State University. [2006 Winner of STC Newsletter
Production Manager. (2003–04). C Literary Magazine. Michigan Technological University, Houghton,
Designer. (2003–04). Technobabe Times [Newsletter]. Michigan Technological University, Houghton,
Designer. (2002). Dear Robert darling: a year in letters.
mtu/works/dear_robert/ [Featured in Selfe et al, Picturing Texts (Norton, 2004)]
Designer. (2001). Poetry & Song: The Process of Composing.
poemandsong [Featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education, 5/31/2002]

review webtexts/essays
Ball, Cheryl E. (2010). Goldilocks and the three (or four) books [about digital scholarship]: A review
of Borgman’s Scholarship in the Digital Age, Willinsky’s The Access Principle, Fitzpatrick’s Planned
Obsolescence, and O’Gorman’s E-Crit. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 15(1). http://kairos.

Ball, Cheryl E. (2013, February 28). Session 384: What is a journal? Toward a theory of
periodical studies. Digital rhetoric collaborative: 2013 MLA conference reviews. http://www.
Ilyasova, Ksenia, & Ball, Cheryl E. (2004). Review of Writing spaces, 2nd ed., by Jay David Bolter.
Technical Communication Quarterly, 13, 135–138. – 9
Ball, Cheryl E. (2003). Review of Inside the communication revolution: Evolving patterns of social &
technical interaction, Robin Mansell (Ed.). Journal of Business & Technical Communication, 18,
Ball, Cheryl E. (2002). Review of NMEDIAC: The Journal of New Media & Culture. In Kairos: Rhetoric,
Technology, Pedagogy, 7(3).

editorials & commentaries

Ball, Cheryl E. (2018). Editor’s column. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 22(2). http://kairos.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2017). Editor’s column. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 22(1). http://kairos.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2017). In this issue; in this world. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 21(2). http://
Ball, Cheryl E. (2016). Logging On: Embodied sound. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 21(1).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2016). On the occasion of the 20th anniversary issue of Kairos. Kairos: Rhetoric,
Technology, Pedagogy, 20(2).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, August 15). Logging On: Infrastructures of writing. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology,
Pedagogy, 20(1).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, January 15). Logging on: Cairn, MLA & writing studies, new staff. Kairos: Rhetoric,
Technology, Pedagogy, 19(2).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2013–15). Get a Job! [Advice column]. Inside Higher Ed. http://www.insidehighered.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2014, August 15). KairosCast, ScholarNames, and Remembering Mick Doherty. Kairos:
Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 19(1).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2014, January 15). Logging on. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 18(2). http://
Ball, Cheryl E. (2013, November 12). From big data to boutique data. Sweetland Digital Rhetoric
Collaborative Blog carnival: Data.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2013, August 15). Logging on: In this issue. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy,
Ball, Cheryl E. (2013, January 28). The kairotic nature of online scholarly community building.
mediaCommons: a digital scholarly network.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2013, January 15). Logging on: Changing my mind about MLA. Kairos: Rhetoric,
Technology, Pedagogy, 17(2).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2012). Logging on: Kairos in the news; in Kairos news. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology,
Pedagogy, 17(1).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2012, May 30). Digital rhetoric, kairos, and loss. Sweetland Digital Rhetoric
Collaborative Blog carnival: Defining digital rhetoric. http://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.
Ball, Cheryl E. (2012). On attending MLA and Commentary on “Evaluating Digital Scholarship” in
Profession 2011. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 16(2). http://kairos.technorhetoric.
net/16.2 – 10
Ball, Cheryl E. (2011). Logging on: Memory, family, composition. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology,
Pedagogy, 15(2).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2010). Logging on: Open issue. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 15(1). http://
Ball, Cheryl E. (2010). Logging on: Undefining digital scholarship. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology,
Pedagogy, 14(2).
Ball, Cheryl E. (2009). Logging on: #CWroundup. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 14(1). http://
Ball, Cheryl E. (2009). Logging on: Kairos FTW! Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 13(2). http://
Ball, Cheryl E. (2008). Logging on: New design debut. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 13(1).
DeWitt, Scott L., & Ball, Cheryl E. (2008). Logging on: Manifestos! Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology,
Pedagogy, 12(3).
Hewett, Beth L., & Ball, Cheryl E. (2008). Computers & Writing 2007: Virtual urbanism. Kairos:
Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 12(2).
Ball, Cheryl E., & Hewett, Beth L. (2007). Digital scholarship. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy,
12(1). http://
Ball, Cheryl E., & Hewett, Beth L. (2007). Reflections and resolutions. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology,
Pedagogy, 11(2).
Ball, Cheryl E., & Hawk, Byron. (2006). Letter from the guest editors. Computers & Composition, 23(3)
[Special issue: Sound in/as compositional space], 263–265.
Ball, Cheryl E.; Hewett, Beth L.; Eyman, Douglas; & Inman, James. (2006). Kairos: The next ten years.
Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 11(1).
Ball, Cheryl E., & Hewett, Beth L. (2006). Computers & Writing 2005: New writing and computer
technologies. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 10(2).
Cassorla, Leah; Ball, Cheryl E.; & Hewett, Beth L. (2005). The intersections of online writing spaces,
rhetorical theory, and the composition classroom. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 10(1).
Ball, Cheryl E., & Hewett, Beth L. (2004). The rhetoric and pedagogy of portable technologies. Kairos:
Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 9(1).
Ball, Cheryl E., & Hewett, Beth L. (2003). Issues of new media. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy,
Hewett, Beth L., & Ball, Cheryl E. (2002). Disability and technology. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology,
Pedagogy, 7(1).

interviews & media contributions

by Will Fenton. (2017). A collaborative approach to open peer review. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.
by Diana Mazzella. (2015, Spring). Ask an expert: Cheryl E. Ball. WVU Magazine. http://wvumag.wvu.
edu/departments/ask-an-expert/cheryl-e-ball – 11
by Kristin Straumsheim Grønli. (2015, March 4). Formaterer framtida (The future of [publishing]
formats). Forskerforum [Norwegian academic researchers union trade publication]. http://www.
by Carl Straumsheim. (2015, February 25). Piecing publishing together. Inside Higher Ed. http://tinyurl.
by WVUToday. (2015, February 3). WVU receives $1 million grant from Mellon Foundation for first-of-
its-kind digital publishing system. WVUToday.
by Trevor Owens. (2014, September 22). 18 Years of Kairos Webtexts: An interview with Douglas
Eyman & Cheryl E. Ball. The signal: The digital preservation newsletter for the Library of Congress.
by Dunn, Sydni. (2014, January 4). Digital humanists: If you want tenure, do double the work. Chronicle
by Wade Mahon. (2012) Multimodal composition and the rhetoric of teaching: A conversation with
Cheryl Ball. Issues in Writing, 18(2), 111–131.
by Doug Dangler. (2010, February 18). Writers Talk: Cheryl Ball [30-minute TV show]. The Ohio
Channel: Ohio Public Broadcasting.
by Cheri Toledo. (2009, December 6). Women of Web 3.0 - Show #118 - Media Literacy: Dr. Cheryl E.
Ball & Matthew Wendling [One-hour audio and chat transcript].
by Ellen Lupton. (2009, January 13). Writing 101: Visual or Verbal? Voice: AIGA Journal of Design.
by Fred Kemp & Rich Rice. (2008, September 5). What is multimodal composition? [Podcast].
by Phyllis Coulter. (2008, May 28). Clash of text styles. Pantagraph. Life/Education section.
by Andy Guess. (2008, April 25). On texts, tech, and teens. Inside Higher Ed. http://insidehighered.
by Doug Dangler. (2008, February). Digital media and digital scholarship [Podcast]. Center for the Study
and Teaching of Writing.
by Ben McCorkle. (2007, June). Visiting scholars in digital media [Video]. Ohio State University. http://
by Todd Taylor [Director]. (2006, March). Take 20: How I teach writing [DVD film]. Bedford–St. Martin’s


digital publishing
Presenter. (2017, November 8). Vega, an academic publishing platform. Fast Pitch Competition,
Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.
Keynote. (2017, October 30). Play, peer-review, and multimedia publishing. Children’s Literature and
Publishing Seminar. Skovde University, Skovde, Sweden.
Keynote. (2017, September 15). Building research infrastructure through open-access publishing.
Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy, Savannah, GA. [cancelled due to
Hurricane Maria] – 12
Research lecture. (2017, February 21). Open publishing–Experiences and directions. Oslo School of
Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway.
Keynote. (2016, November 17). The invisible work of editing digital scholarship. Invisible Work in the
Digital Humanities symposium, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
Benedum Award lecture. (2016, November 3). Building research infrastructure through open-access
publishing. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Town Hall moderator. (2016, May 22). The moral imperative of making your work open access, and
How to do it. Computers & Writing, Rochester, NY.
Keynote. (2016, May 18). Getting to digital publishing at WVU. Library Publishing Forum, Denton, TX.
Lecture. (2016, February 15). Digital publishing as a liberal art. Visiting Lecture Series. Wabash College,
Crawfordsville, IN.
Keynote. (2015, December 3). An archipelago of multimedia publishing. Digital Dissemination and its
Others: Media Archaeology, Game Design and Knowledge Production in the Humanities. Skövde
University, Skövde, Sweden.
Lecture. (2015, October 13). The archipelago of multimedia publishing. Digital Dialogues Series,
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), University of Maryland, College Park,
MD. See Storify and presentation video at
Lecture. (2015, October 9). A networked archipelago of digital publishing at WVU. Eberly College
Visiting Alumni Committee, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Panel, with Jeff Grabill and Huiling Ding. (2015, October 1). Academic publishing and research grant
writing. Fall for the Book Festival [Society of Technical Communication panel], Fairfax, VA.
Plenary. (2015, July 17). Sustainable infrastructures and the future of writing studies. Council on
Writing Program Administration, Boise, ID.
Keynote. (2015, May 28). The future of scholarly publishing, or How C&W rules the world! Computers
& Writing, University of Wisconsin-Stout, WI.
Lecture. (2015, March 20). Rethinking academic publishing through multimedia scholarship. Digital
Humanities Group, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
Lecture. (2015, March 12). Vega: Digital publishing platform for scholarship. Drescher Center for
Digital Humanities, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD.
Lecture. (2014, October 27). Digital rhetoric and design. Rhetoric@Davis, University of California-
Davis, Davis, CA.
Keynote. (2014, March 3). Kairos and boutique data in writing studies. Meryl Hearst Lecture Series in
Digital Culture. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA.
Lecture. (2014, February 25). The kairos of scholarly multimedia. Norsktidskrifting [Norwegian
research publications council], Literatur Huset, Oslo, Norway.
Keynote. (2014, February 17). Scholarly multimedia and the editorial process. Formakademiske
[scholarly journal in design] editorial board meeting, Oslo and Akershus University College, Oslo,
Lecture. (2013. December 12). The futures of scholarly publishing. University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.
Keynote. (2013, May 30). Boutique data in writing studies. Technical Communication and Rhetoric PhD
Maymester, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Lecture. (2010, Nov. 1). Editing digital media journals. Publications Unit Professional Speaker Series,
Illinois State University, Normal, IL. – 13
Panel, with Katherine Ellison. (2009, April 29). Editing online journals. Publications Unit Professional
Speaker Series, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Presentation. (2010, November 5). What is publishing studies? English Studies Symposium, Illinois
State University, Normal, IL.
Plenary Roundtable, with Clifford Lynch, Brett Bobley, and Bob Stein. (2010, April 21). What’s next in
the digital university? Digital University: Power, Publishing, Authority and Community in the 21st
Century, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY. Available:
Presentation, with Kristine Blair. (2009, October 23). Publishing 2.0: New rules for new scholars.
English Department, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.
Presentation. (2009, October 13). The aesthetics of editing digital media scholarship: A look at Kairos.
Online Research Mediation & the Arts. Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway.

scholarly multimedia
Lecture + workshop. (2017, September 18). What is your project?: Creating research questions from
existing work that are suitable for multimedia scholarship. Emory Center for Digital Scholarship,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Lecture. (2017, February 13). The radical rhetoric of scholarly multimedia. English Department, Texas
A&M University, College Station, TX.
Lecture. (2014, September 25). Assessing scholarly multimedia: An editorial pedagogical approach.
Writing Program, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
Lecture. (2014, September 11). Making the case for scholarly multimedia. CUNY Digital Humanities
Initiative and Graduate Center Composition Community, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY.
Lecture. (2014, May 28). The kairos of scholarly multimedia: Peer-review and design-editing webtexts.
SISCO Rhetoric Research Group, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
Lecture. (2013, December 6). The mixed genres of Kairos webtexts. Department of Media and
Communication, University of Oslo, Norway.
Lecture. (2013, November 20). The kairos of scholarly multimedia: Examining the history of webtexts
through metadata. Blekinge Museum, Karlskrona, Sweden.
Plenary roundtable. (2012, May 20). Town Hall: 7 deadly design sins: The role of design in new media
composition. Computers and Writing, Raleigh, NC.
Lecture. (2012, April 13). Scholarly and sexy: New media in the humanities. Texas Christian University,
Fort Worth, TX.
Keynote. (2012, March 10). Assessment practices for digital media. Pacific Rim Conference on
Literature and Rhetoric, University of Alaska, Anchorage, AL.
Presentation. (2012, March 3). Webtexts: The future of SOTL scholarship? Center for Teaching,
Learning, and Technology SOTL workshop, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Lecture. (2010, December 14). Assessing scholarly multimedia by undergraduates and faculty.
University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
Moderator. (2010, May 21). Town Hall: Seeking tenure and promotion in virtual worlds: Articulating
the contemporary context of new media scholarship. Computers & Writing, West Lafayette, IN.
Lecture. (2010, February 4). Evaluating and assessing digital scholarship for teaching and research.
Studio for New Media, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. – 14
Lecture. (2009, December 4). The contestation of multimodality. Visual Culture Colloquium, Illinois
State University, Normal, IL.
Plenary Roundtable. (2009, June 21). Town Hall: Ubiquitous and sustainable computing: @ School @
Work @ Play. Computers & Writing, University of California–Davis, CA.
Lecture. (2008, November 10). Scholarship, art, or fun?!: Interdisciplinary perspectives on digital
publications. Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Plenary roundtable. (2008, October 18). The new work of composing. Thomas R. Watson Conference
on Rhetoric and Composition, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
Plenary, with Kristine Blair. (2008, April 2). Digital scholarship and the future of composition studies: A
call to action. Research Network Forum, Conference on College Composition and Communication,
New Orleans, LA.
Visiting Scholar Lecture. (2008, February 1). What’s the point of new media? Evaluating transitional,
digital scholarship. English Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Lecture. (2008, January 25). What’s the point of new media? Evaluating transitional, digital
scholarship. Digital Literacies Group, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Plenary roundtable. (2004, June 13). Town Hall: Scholarship in digital spaces. Computers & Writing,
Honolulu, HI.

editorial pedagogy
Lecture. (2016, April 6). Teaching multimodal assignments through an editorial pedagogy. University of
Rochester, Rochester, NY.
Keynote. (2016, April 29). Designing peer review for digital media instruction. Writing on the Range
conference, University of Denver, Denver, CO.
Lecture. (2015, October 22). Teaching multimodal assignments through an editorial pedagogy.
Moravian College, Bethleham, PA.
Lecture. (2014, May 9). Teaching multimodal composition through scholarly peer review and academic
publishing. Division of Language and Communication, Chalmers University, Gothenberg, Sweden.
Lecture. (2013, October 22). Teaching, writing, mentoring, publishing: Editorial pedagogy and
multimodal composition. Utvecklingskonferens 13, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
Lecture. (2013, April 3). Rhetoric and the kairos of digital humanities. English Department, Florida
International University, Miami, FL.
Lecture. (2012, October 8). Assessing scholarly multimedia: An editorial pedagogical approach. Virginia
Polytechnic and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
Keynote. (2012, April 21). Adapting scholarly peer-review for student workshops (and vice versa!).
National Association of Communication Centers, Richmond, KY.
Keynote. (2012, April 18). Revise and resubmit is the new A: An editorial pedagogy for multimodal
composition. Allerton English Articulation Conference, Monticello, IL.
Keynote. (2012, February 3). Editing = mentoring = teaching. Digital Media Symposium, University of
Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
Lecture. (2011, September 1). Revise and resubmit is the new A: An editorial pedagogy for multimodal
composition. Rhetoric Society of America Student Chapter, Washington State University, Pullman,
WA. – 15
Plenary. (2011, August 18). Revise and resubmit is the new A: An editorial pedagogy for multimodal
composition. SIGET VI (International Symposium on Genres and Texts). Natal, Brazil.
Keynote. (2011, April 22). R&R is the new A: Integrating multimodality into composition curricula.
Writing Takes Place: Situating Student Writing with 21st Century Literacies Symposium, Mesa, AZ.

multimodal composition
Lecture + workshops. (2017, September 28–29). Implementing multimodal composition into your
writing-intensive course assignments. University of Southern Maine, Orono, ME.
Lecture. (2017, August 28). Teaching argument-based writing through multimedia. Washington & Lee
University, Lexington, VA.
Lecture. (2017, February 13). How I teach multimodal composition. English Department, Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX.
Lecture. (2015, August 27). The big tent of multimodal composition. Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, VA.
Keynote, with Kristin Arola and Jennifer Sheppard. (2014, October 24). Assigning and assessing
multimodal compositions. Macmillan Higher Education webinar [online].
Keynote. (2014, September 26). Multimodal composition: Rethinking writing as designing. SUNY COW
[Council on Writing] conference. Onandaga Community College, Syracuse, NY.
Keynote. (2014, February 28). Teaching, writing, mentoring, publishing: Editorial pedagogy and
multimodal composition. Virginia Peck Composition Speaker Series, Middle Tennessee State
University, Murfreesboro, TN.
Keynote, with Kristin Arola and Jennifer Sheppard. (2013, April 12). Multimodality as a frame for
individual and institutional change. Writing Assessment Symposium, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA.
Keynote. (2010, May 24). Introduction to multimodal composition. Writing MAD (Multimodal
Arguments Decoded). Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
Roundtable. (2010, February 22). Teaching multimodal literacies. Illinois Wesleyan Univerity,
Bloomington, IL.
Keynote. (2010, February 20). Teaching scholarly multimedia. Digital Media in a Social World
conference, Columbus, OH.
Keynote. (2010, February 11). Visual and multimodal literacy in English Studies. Illinois Central College,
Peoria, IL.
Roundtable. (2009, January 29). Beyond the ten-page paper: Digital assignments. Teacher Excellence
Series, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Lecture. (2007, October 11). What’s new in rhetoric and composition?: New media studies. Writing
Program Professional Development Event, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Keynote. (2007, March 31). Combining academic and aesthetic practices in new media. Jacobson
Symposium in Teaching with Technology, Creighton University, Omaha, NE.
Lecture/Workshop. (2006, February 7). New medi-ack! Considering technology-rich texts in a writing
curriculum. English Department, Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Lecture. (2006, January 12). What if?: New media for a new university. Faculty Forum. Logan, UT.
Lecture. (2005, November 18). The state of multimodal composition pedagogies. Text, Image,
Networks, and Culture Group, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
Lecture/Workshop, with Kristin L. Arola. (2004, April 2). Visual exercises for composition classrooms.
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL. – 16
Lecture. (2002, April 23). Teaching ‘Revisions: Oral, Written and Visual Communication’ in general
education. Thursday Night TechRhet MOO, Connections MOO.

Town Hall moderator. (2017, June 2). Caring for the Future: Initiatives for further inclusion in
Computers and Writing. Computers & Writing, Findlay, OH.
Invited panelist. (2016, October 7). Pathways to tech with a liberal arts degree. West Virginia Women
and Technology Conference, Canaan Valley, WV.
Keynote. (2016, June 16). Negotiating gender, feminism, and design research. WONDER: Gender and
the practicalities of design research symposium. Oslo, Norway.
Town Hall moderator. (2016, May 20). Recovering pasts for the future. Computers & Writing,
Rochester, NY.
Keynote. (2016, February 11). A life online: Personal vs. professional persona in portfolios, social
media, and other online public fora. Visiting Scholar All-Campus Address, Findlay University,
Findlay, OH.
Guest speaker. (2015, November 16). Department of English (Program in Composition, Literacy,
Pedagogy, and Rhetoric), University of Pittsburgh, PA.
Lecture. (2015, September 18). Exploring two decades of evaluating digital scholarship for tenure and
promotion (in the humanities). Brown University Library, Providence, RI.
Keynote. (2015, February 5). The asymptotic relationship between digital humanities and computers
and writing. Emory University Writing Program lecture series, Atlanta, GA. Video available at
Lecture. (2014, December 8). What are the digital humanities? CLIR [Council on Library and
Information Resources] Fellow Symposium, CNI conference, Washington, D.C.
Plenary. (2014, October 20). Counting digital scholarship. C21 Symposium, University of Milwaukee,
Roundtable. (2011, September 16). The first-year faculty experience. College of Arts and Sciences
Mentoring Program, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Lecture. (2011, September 8). Being shameless: Professional self-promotion for the academic job
market (and tenure). Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Plenary roundtable. (2011, May 21). Town Hall: Are you a digital humanist? Computers & Writing, Ann
Arbor, MI.
Roundtable Speaker. (2011, April 6). Writing proposals and getting grants [CCCC Research Committee
Special Session]. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta, GA.
Roundtable. (2011, February 24). Getting tenure at ISU. College of Arts and Sciences Mentoring
Program, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Lecture. (2010, November 5). The Institutional Review Board (IRB) process at ISU. Grad Forum (English
Department), Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Roundtable. (2010, August 16). The successful researcher. New Faculty Orientation, Illinois State
University, Normal, IL.
Roundtable. (2009, April 17). Writing for publication. College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Mentoring
Session. Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Lecture. (2009, April 2). Doing your own P.R.: Developing online faculty and staff portfolios to
disseminate teaching, research, and service activity. The University of Findlay, Findlay, OH. – 17
Roundtable. (2007, October 19). How to get published? Graduate Forum, Department of English.
Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Roundtable. (2007, October 6). Preparing for graduate school. MUSE Undergraduate Literary Studies
Conference, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL.
Keynote, with Cynthia Selfe, Fred Kemp, & James Inman. (2006, February 18). What defines computers
and writing as a discipline? Computers & Writing Online. MOO transcript:

electronic literature
Lecture. (2011, May 12). Digital assignments in literature classes. Graduate Literature Association,
Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Lecture/Workshop. (2006, February 7). New medi-ack! Considering technology-rich texts in a
literature curriculum. English Department, Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Lecture. (2002, October 10). What is new media poetry? Loras College, Dubuque, IA.


digital publishing/scholarly multimedia

Roundtable. (2018, January 6). Open Humanities. [Douglas Eyman presented for me during the flu]
Modern Language Association, New York, NY.
(2018, January 4). Publishing platforms in the humanities: Vega. Modern Language Association, New
York, NY.
(2017, October 24). Publishing pedagogy with students in a library publishing unit. Digital Library
Federation. Pittsburgh, PA.
(2017, June 16). Designing research infrastructures for open-access publishing. NorDes 2017
Conference. Oslo, Norway. Proceedings available:
Roundtable. (2017, March 22). Peer review, Part 2: Library publishing and emerging models. Library
Publishing Forum, Baltimore, MD.
(2017, March 16). Banding together with Vega: Independent journal and press partnerships.
Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland, OR. [Snow cancellation; Douglas
Eyman presented for me.]
(2017, January 6). That’s not how scholarship works: Exploring the process of multimodal critical
making. Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA.
(2016, November 8). Vega, an academic publishing platform [Snapshot]. Digital Library Federation
Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
(2016, August 11). Vega and the DPI: A case study of digital publishing at WVU. IFLA [International
Federation of Library Associations] 2016 Satellite Meeting: Libraries as Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI.
with Lydia Welker. (2016, May 21). Digital publishing projects and a pedagogy of professionalization.
Computers & Writing, Rochester, NY.
(2015, September 23). A networked archipelago of digital publishing at WVU. Department of English
Faculty Colloquium, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
(2015, August 7). The ends of publishing: Vega, an academic publishing platform. Electronic Literature
Organization conference, Bergen, Norway. – 18
(2014, July 22). Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy and its digital preservation
strategies. Digital Preservation conference, Washington, D.C.
(2014, June 17). Designed research: Publishing designs as scholarship. Design Research Society, Umeå,
(2014, June 7). A roundshop on Computers & Writing, Pullman, WA.
(2014, February 22). Fostering scholarly communities [through online publishing]. International
Writing Research Across Borders conference, Paris, France.
(2013, June 9). Preservation & access for scholarly multimedia. Computers & Writing, Frostburg, MD.
Roundtable. (2013, June 7). Futures of computers and writing: Publishing. Computers & Writing,
Frostburg, MD.
with Douglas Eyman. (2013, February 15). Networked humanities scholarship, or the life of Kairos.
Networked Humanities Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
(2012, March 22). The mid-life (crisis?) of Kairos: Caring for the health and welfare of open-access
digital media publishing. Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, MO.
(2012, January 5). The future of peer review in scholarly multimedia. Modern Language Association,
Seattle, WA.
(2011, September 27). Kairos and multimedia digital scholarship: The need for better publishing tools.
The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) Conference, Berlin, Germany.
(2011, July 19). Learning through leading: Digital media scholarly publishing [Poster]. New Media
Consortium, Madison, WI.
(2011, April 9). The old, the new, and the productive tension between: Situating and editing The New
Work of Composing. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta, GA.
(2009, December 28). Value added: The shape of the e-journal. Modern Language Association,
Philadelphia, PA.
(2006, May 27). Editing scholarship in a new media age. Computers & Writing, Lubbock, TX. scholarly
(2011, October 21). The challenges of publishing webtexts. International Society for the Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning, Milwaukee, WI.
(2011, January 8). Digital media scholarship: Innovation or insanity? Modern Language Association, Los
Angeles, CA.
(2010, May). Un/defining genres in digital scholarship. Computers & Writing, West Lafayette, IN.
(2010, May). Digital media assessment criteria for tenure and promotion purposes [Poster]. Computers
& Writing, West Lafayette, IN.
(2009, March 12). B-Movie virgin sacrifice: Digital scholarship in a print-tenure world. Conference on
College Composition and Communication, San Francisco, CA.
(2009, January 7). The both/and of faculty, undergraduate digital scholarship. Symposium on Teaching
and Learning, Normal, IL.
Roundtable. (2008, December 30). What is rhetoric research? Modern Language Association, San
Francisco, CA.
Respondent. (2008, October 17). Designing digital scholarship (and having it count): A case built on
three perspectives. Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition, University of
Louisville, Louisville, KY.
Invited Panel. (2008, October 16). Digital scholarship roundtable. Thomas R. Watson Conference on – 19
Rhetoric and Composition, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
(2008, May 23). New media scholarship: Taxonomies, heuristics, and strategies to connect authors,
editors, departments, and tenure committees. Computers & Writing, Athens, GA.
(2008, April 4). Peer review in new media: An evaluation as example for tenure and promotion
committees. Conference on College Composition and Communication, New Orleans, LA.
(2006, July). Multimodal composition practices: Overviews and impacts on tenure and promotion.
Virtual Reality & Real Life (VR@RL) Conference. Online.
(2004, March 25). Strong stories in digital scholarship: How time, tenure, and technology impact new
and nontenured faculty members. Conference on College Composition and Communication, San
Antonio, TX.
(2003, December 27). Show, not tell: The value of new media scholarship. Modern Language
Association, San Diego, CA.
(2003, May 24). Pleasuring the text: The value of aesthetics in new media scholarship. Computers &
Writing, West Lafayette, IN.
(2003, March 19). New media poetics: The ‘aah’ of online texts. Conference on College Composition
and Communication, New York, NY.
(2002, May 18). Tell me a different story: Composing and evaluating new media. Computers & Writing,
Normal, IL.

editorial pedagogy
with Tim Anstey. (2015, June 17). Creating a writing curriculum for an architecture and design doctoral
program. European Association for Teachers of Academic Writing, Tallin, Estonia.
(2012, August 22). Multimodal peer review in writing classes and scholarly journals. 6th International
Conference on Multimodality, Institute of Education, London, UK.
(2012, May 19). Professional tip of the day: Performing an editorial pedagogy makes you a better
teacher-editor. Computers & Writing, Raleigh, NC.

multimodal composition
with Kristin Arola & Jennifer Sheppard. (2014, June 8). A roundshop on teaching with Writer/Designer:
A Guide to Multimodal Projects. Computers & Writing, Pullman, WA.
(2010, October 23). Making multimodal projects: Integrating digital rhetorics and literacies across the
curriculum. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference, Las Cruces, NM.
(2010, September 4). Teaching undergraduates to compose and assess scholarly multimedia. Colloque
Littéracies Universitaires/Academic Literacies Conference, Lille 3, Lille, France.
(2009, June 20). ‘When we ask ourselves these questions, what will our answers be?’: Sustainable
teaching and learning through co-directed undergraduate and faculty digital scholarship.
Computers & Writing, University of California–Davis, Davis, CA.
(2007, October 20). Bridging the comp/lit split with new media. The Purpose(s) of English: A
Conference on the Future of English Studies, University of Illinois, Springfield, IL.
(2006, October 21). Report on a CCCC-sponsored survey of multimodal composition practices (But
where are the two-year schools?). TYCA-West, Park City, UT.
(2006, October 13). The role of new media in student narratives. Thomas R. Watson Conference on
Rhetoric and Composition, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. – 20
(2006, May 26). A survey of multimodal composition practices: Report on a CCCC Research Initiative
Grant. Computers & Writing, Lubbock, TX.
(2006, March 23). Revisiting the usefulness of current multimodal and new media theories.
Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL.
(2005, September 7). Trans-cultural multimedia production in an English classroom. Conference of
Open Source Learning and Instructional Technology, Logan, UT.
(2005, June 17). Hackers, schmoozers, and wonder: Rhetoric, technology, and aesthetics in new media
spaces. Computers & Writing, Palo Alto, CA.
(2005, March 19). Throwing teachers over the top rope: The status of new media pedagogy in
composition studies. Conference on College Composition and Communication, San Francisco, CA.
(2004, June 12). Designing knowledge: Teaching new media texts. Computers & Writing, Honolulu, HI.
(2003, November 15). E/merging principles: Design knowledges and learning to read new media texts.
Conference on Digital Literacy and New Media, Detroit, MI.
(2003, May 5–9). New media now: What and how. Computers and Writing Online [asynchronous
(2002, April 26). Not without new media: Classroom approaches to the visual and interactive aspects
of new media texts. Cyberculture Working Group, College Park, MD.
(2002, March 22). A techno(rhetorician’s) mix: Sampling graduate student work with technology.
Computer Connection Forum, Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL.
(2001, May 17). Cutting up in class: Using hypermedia elements to teach composition. Computers &
Writing, Muncie, IN.
(1999, October 2). Reading and writing in hypertext. Central New York Conference on Language and
Literature, Cortland, NY.

Moderator/Chair. (2017, June). Caring for the future: Initiatives for further inclusion in Computers and
Writing. Computers & Writing, Findlay, OH.
(2016, April 6). The scholarship of teaching and learning in design education. Research Meeting, Oslo
School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway.
Panel. (2016, January 8). Journal editing 101: An introduction to the role of the editorial team [CELJ-
sponsored session]. Modern Language Association, Austin, TX.
Chair. (2016, January 7). Graduate student writing pedagogies. Modern Language Association, Austin,
Panel. (2015, January 9). A new kind of work: Articulating and evaluating excellence in digital
scholarship. Modern Language Association, Vancouver, Canada.
Panel. (2015, January 9). Reorganizing the MLA: Making more room for rhetoric, composition, and
writing studies. Modern Language Association, Vancouver, Canada.
Roundtable. (2013, January 6). How I have changed my mind as a scholar–teacher of writing. Modern
Language Association, Boston, MA.
Roundtable. (2010, March 17). Mentoring electronically and from a distance. Coalition of Women
Scholars. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Louisville, KY.
(2007, May 18). How to get published in an online journal: An editors’ roundtable. Computers &
Writing, Detroit, MI. – 21
(2006, May 26). First year out: Time- and face-management tips for junior faculty members.
Computers & Writing, Lubbock, TX.
(2005, October 21). Designing educational spaces for students and colleagues. Council on Programs in
Technical and Scientific Communication, Lubbock, TX.
(2002, March 23). Preparing Future Faculty at Michigan Technological University. Conference on
College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL.
(2001, November 16). Communities in Preparing Future Faculty programs. National Council of
Teachers of English Convention, Baltimore, MD.
(2000, April 14). Electronic theses and dissertations at VCU. Graduate Research Symposium,
Richmond, VA.
(2000, March 17). Managing a hypermedia thesis. Third International Symposium on Electronic Theses
and Dissertations, St. Petersburg, FL.

electronic literature
(2003, March 8). Teaching and reading new media poetry. Associated Writing Programs Conference,
Baltimore, MD.
(2001, October 13). New media poetics and non/narrative structure. Internet Research 2.0,
Association of Internet Researchers Conference, Minneapolis, MN.


West Virginia University (2014–2017)

• English 302: Editing
• English 303: Multimedia Authoring
• English 602: Editing
• English 636: Special Topics: Access/ibility in Digital Publishing (Summer 2015)
• English 606: Humanities Computing (assisted Dr. Brian Ballentine, Spring 2016)

Oslo School of Architecture and Design (2013–present)

• PhD School: Apparatus (thesis proposal and writing-for-publication course)

Illinois State University (2007–13)

• English 239: Multimodal Composition (was English 289.33)
• English 246: Advanced Exposition: Audio Essays
• English 353: Technical Editing
• English 350: Visible Rhetoric/Document Design
• English 356: Proposal Writing in the Arts and Humanities (online)
• English 354: Professional Publishing in Theory & Practice
• English 402: Teaching Composition
• English 467: Technology and English Studies
• English 495: Multimodal Theory & Pedagogy
• English 510: Seminar in English Studies Pedagogy – 22
Utah State University (2004–07)
• English 3040: Perspectives on Writing & Rhetoric
»» Beyond the Word, Designing Multimodal Communication
»» Digital Narratives
»» Hypertext, Hypermedia, & New Media Texts
• English 3410: Professional Writing Technologies
• English 5420: Publication Production
• English 5430: Professional Writing Capstone
• English 6890: Studies in Writing & Rhetoric: Literary Hypertext (online)
• English 6/7400: Advanced Editing: Multimedia Texts (online)
• English 6/7480: Seminar in Technology & Writing
»» Composition in/for a Digital Age
»» Teaching Writing with Technology (online)

Michigan Technological University (2000–04)

• UN 2001: Revisions: Oral, Written, & Visual Communication
• HU 2110: Introduction to Creative Writing: Avant-Garde and New Media Poetics
• HU 2650: Introduction to Web Design
• HU 3630: Publications & Information Management
• HU 3654: Visual Media Analysis (assisted Dr. Diana George)
• HU 6001: Computers in Writing-Intensive Classrooms (assisted Dr. Cynthia Selfe)

Virginia Commonwealth University (1997–2000)

• English 101: Composition & Rhetoric I: The Art of the Personal Essay
• English 200: Composition & Rhetoric II: The Craft of the Researched Essay
• English 652: Professional Writing: Web Sites (assisted Dr. Elizabeth Cooper)

(lead instructor unless otherwise indicated)

scholarly multimedia
(2018, June 4–15). KairosCamp: A digital publishing institute for scholarly multimedia authors. West
Virginia University. See
(2018, May & June). KairosCamp: A digital publishing institute for editors and publishers. (Pre-
conference workshops at the Library Publishing Forum and the Association for University Presses.)
(2017, July 24–August 4). KairosCamp: A digital publishing institute for scholarly multimedia authors.
West Virginia University.
(2017, June 25–28). Composing scholarly multimedia with HAPTICA. Grythyttan School of Hospitality,
Culinary Arts & Meal Science. Grythyttan, Sweden.
(2017, January 5). Evaluating scholarship at the boundaries. Modern Language Association,
Philadelphia, PA.
(2013, December 11–13). Multimodality and academic literacies. University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.
(2013, November 22). Editing multimodal webtexts. Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona,
Sweden. – 23
Co-Instructor. (2013, June 6). Composing digital scholarship. Computers & Writing, Frostburg, MD.
Co-Instructor. (2012, May 17). Composing digital scholarship. Computers & Writing, Raleigh, NC.
(2012, April 20). Assessing digital media. National Association for Communication Centers, Richmond,
(2012, April 13). Composing new media in the humanities. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX.
Moderator. (2008–11). Composing digital scholarship. Computers & Writing. (Multiple locations).
(2010, April 15–May 13). Evaluating digital media scholarship. Computers & Writing Online.
with Kris Blair. (2009, June 11). Digital publishing. Digital Media and Composition Institute, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH.
(2009, June 9). Designing multimedia projects. Digital Media and Composition Institute, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH.
(2008, December 10). Preparing digital scholarship for submission to Kairos. Department of English,
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
(2008, November 8). Digital publishing (authoring, submitting, and evaluating). Department of English,
Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, OH.

multimodal composition
(2017, April 7). Assigning & assessing multimodal projects. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
(2017, April 6). Reading multimodal texts. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
(2016, February 16). Assigning & assessing multimodal projects. Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN.
(2015, October 23). Assigning & assessing multimodal projects. Moravian College, Bethleham, PA.
(2015, August 27). Assessing multimodal compositions as writing assignments. Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, VA.
(2015, June 7–8). Multimodal composing with Writer/Designer. Mary Institute Country Day School, St.
Louis, MO.
(2015, February 6). Multimodal assessment & Designing multimodal assignments. Emory University,
Atlanta, GA.
(2014, February 28). Creating multimodal assignments and assessments. Middle Tennessee State
University, Murfreesboro, TN.
(2013, November 22–26). Writing design management blogs. Oslo School of Architecture and Design,
Oslo, Norway.
Visiting Staff. (2012, June 2). Digital Media and Composition Institute. Ohio State University, Columbus,
(2012, April 6–7). Digital composition workshop. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
(2011, August 16). Introduction to multimodal composition. SIGET VI (International Symposium on
Textual Genre Studies), Natal, Brazil.
(2011, July 30). Technical communication in a digital age: Multimedia Writing. NIU-STC Institute for
Professional Development, Naperville, IL.
Staff Instructor. (2011, 2010, 2008, 2007; two-week institute). Digital Media and Composition Institute.
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. – 24
(2011, May 24–25). Multimodal composition for first-year writing. St. Edwards University, Austin, TX.
(2010, August 17). Strengthening student writing @ TSU: New media in the writing classroom.
Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN.
Invited Instructor. (2010, May 24–28). Writing MAD (Multimodal Arguments Decoded). Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO.
(2008, June 23–28). New media writing studio. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX.
with Ryan Moeller. (2006, November 14). Teaching writing with technology. English Department, Utah
State University, Logan, UT.
(2005, November 12). Teaching new media texts in English studies classes. Utah Writing Project, Salt
Lake City, UT.
Teaching Staff. (2001–04; two-week institute). Computers in Writing-Intensive Classrooms. Michigan
Technological University, Houghton, MI.
with Michael Keller. (1998–2000; weekly). Epiphany Project [teaching with technology workshops].
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.

(2017, June 5–6). Faculty grant-writing workshop. Eberly College, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV.
(2016, June 20–24). Faculty grant-writing workshop. Eberly College, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV.
(2016, February 18). Marketing yourself as a successful grantee. Eberly College Research Office Brown
Bag Series, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Panel. (2016, February 18). Scholarly publishing with WVU Press. West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV.
(2016, February 15). Applying for Fulbright and other fellowships. Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN.
(2016, February 11). Developing online tenure/professional portfolios. Findlay University, Findlay, OH.
(2015, April 13-17). Project management for your thesis proposal. Department of Aesthetics and
Communication, Århus University, Denmark.
(2015, February 5). Building a digital portfolio. Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
(2014, February 28). Considering your online professional portfolio. Middle Tennessee State
University, Murfreesboro, TN.
(2007–12; weekly). English Studies academic job workshops. Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
(2012, March 8). Creating an online portfolio. English Department, University of Alaska–Anchorage.
Moderator/organizer. (2005–11). Careers in Computers and Writing. Graduate Research Network,
Computers & Writing. (Multiple locations.)
with Gerald Savage. (2011, January 26). Careers in writing. Thomas Metcalf School Career Day,
Normal, IL.
(2011, September 8). Wordpress for online portfolios. Department of English, Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN.
(2011, September 2). Professionalization workshop. Rhetoric Society of America Graduate Student
Chapter, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. – 25
(2009, April 2). Preparing your online faculty presence. University of Findlay, Findlay, OH.
(2008, February 2). Academic job market Q&A. Department of English, Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH.
with Janice Walker & Kristin Arola. (2006, February 14). Professionalization: Preparing for the job,
getting the job, keeping the job. Computers & Writing Online.
(2004, October 16). CV workshop. Graduate Professional Development, Utah State University, Logan,
assisted Anne Wysocki. (2001, May 12). Girls+Math+Science=Choices. Youth Programs, Michigan
Technological University, Houghton, MI.

digital publishing
(2017, February 13). Vega and the sustainability of digital publishing for new journals. Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX.
(2015, August 28). Blackbird literary journal staff meeting. Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA.
(2015, July 6–10). Access/ibility in digital publishing. WVU Summer Seminar, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV.
(2005, June 7). Collaborative websites in Dreamweaver. Computers in Writing-Intensive Classrooms,
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.
(2004, November 13). Adobe InDesign. STC Student Chapter, Utah State University, Logan, UT.
(2003, July 7–11; 14–18). Web design. Summer Youth Programs, Michigan Technological University,
Houghton, MI.
(2001, July 9–13). Computer graphics. Summer Youth Programs, Michigan Technological University,
Houghton, MI.

electronic literature
with Katherine Ellison. (2009, January 31). Video poetry: Turning print literature into digital media.
Expanding Your Horizons through Math, Science, and Technology Conference, Illinois State
University, Normal, IL.
(2005, June 9). Teaching and reading new media. Computers in Writing-Intensive Classrooms, Michigan
Technological University, Houghton, MI.
(2001, October 12). E-poetry. Career Day, Calumet High School, Calumet, MI.

(2016, October 25). Editing workflows in Kairos (Dr. Lilian Mina’s graduate rhetoric course.) Auburn
University. [Skyped]
(2016, May 10). On “Show, Not Tell”: Twelve years later (Dr. Andrew Mara’s graduate Composition
Research seminar). North Dakota State University. [Skyped]
(2016, March 24). Copy-editing Kairos (Dr. Amanda Licastro’s undergraduate Digital Publishing class),
Stevenson University. [Skyped]
(2016, February 16). Analyzing and workshopping digital storytelling (Dr. Jill Lamberton’s
undergraduate Audio Rhetoric & Creative Writing class), Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN.
(2016, February 16). Creating work plans for client-based projects. (Dr. Crystal Benedicks’
undergraduate Grants & Non­Profits class), Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN. – 26
(2016, February 15). Collaborating across SME teams (Dr. Zachary Koppelmann undergraduate
Business and Technical Writing class), Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN.
(2016, February 10). Publishing effective webtexts (joint graduate classes: Dr. Christine Tulley’s
Rhetoric and Tragedy; Dr. Elkie Burnside’s Editing and Publishing). Findlay University, Findlay, OH.
(2015, November 30). Two decades of design changes at Kairos (Dr. Tim Lockridge’s graduate digital
publishing class). Miami University of Ohio. [Skyped]
(2015, September 23). Digital publishing (Dr. Brian Ballentine’s undergraduate Orientation to English
Studies), West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
(2015, September 22). Multimodal composition (Dr. Molly Scanlon’s graduate composition theory
class), Nova Southeastern University. [Skyped]
(2015, June 30). Writing for publication: Kairos (Dr. Kathie Gossett’s graduate WAC class), Iowa State
University. [Skyped]
(2014, October 27). Visual design (David Coad’s undergraduate design class), University of California–
Davis, Davis, CA.
(2012, March 20). Digital Media (Dr. Wendy Anderson’s graduate seminar), Michigan Technological
University. [Skyped]
(2012, March 1). Writing for Publication (Dr. Amy Koerber’s graduate seminar), Texas Tech University.
(2012, Feb. 1). Writing for Publication (Dr. Kris Blair’s graduate seminar), Bowling Green State
University. [Skyped]
(2011, October 11). Technical Editing (Dr. Lee Brasseur’s undergraduate/graduate seminar), Illinois
State University, Normal, IL.
(2011, April 20). Multimodal Theory (Dr. Joddy Murray’s graduate seminar), Texas Christian University.
(2008, October 22). Teaching Composition (Dr. Bob Broad’s graduate seminar), Illinois State University,
Normal, IL.
(2008, February 5). English Studies Capstone (Dr. Amy Robillard’s undergraduate seminar), Illiinois
State University, Normal, IL.
(2007, October 10). Teaching Composition (Dr. Bob Broad’s graduate seminar), Illinois State University,
Normal, IL.
(2005, October 20). Research Methods (Dr. Rebecca Rickley’s graduate seminar), Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, TX.
(2004–06, three lectures). Teaching Literature (Dr. Brock Dethier’s undergraduate seminar), Utah State
University, Logan, UT.
Guest Poet. (2001, 2002, 2003; July). Summer Youth Program in Creative Writing (Jane Nordberg’s
secondary-student workshop), Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.

(2012–present). Informal meetings on teaching practices in digital media, multimodal composition,
editorial pedagogy, publishing-as-pedagogy, and curriculum development: Virginia Tech, Texas
A&M, Wabash College, Michigan Publishing, Educopia/Library Publishing Coalition, Oslo School
of Architecture and Design, University of Oslo School of Education, University of Rochester, and
others available upon request. – 27

doctoral students
Jessica Gordon—Specialization areas: multimodal composition, history of composition (external
committee member: comprehensive exams). Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
(successfully passed comps August 2016). Currently: Assistant Professor of Teaching: VCU.
Jørn Knutsen—Specialization areas: communication design, interaction design, design research
(external dissertation reader). Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway. (defended
June 10, 2015). Currently: Designer.
Timo Arnall—Specialization areas: interaction design, design research, immaterialities (internal
dissertation reader). Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway. (defended June 2014).
Currently: Designer.
Kristi McDuffie—Specialization areas: race rhetorics, digital rhetorics (English studies comp advisor &
dissertation chair). Illinois State University, Normal, IL. (defended March 2015). Currently: Full-time
academic professional.
Jason Dockter—Specialization areas: multimodal first-year composition, online teaching, two-year
colleges (dissertation chair). Illinois State University. (defended March 2015). Currently: Tenured
David Marshall—Specialization areas: game studies, gender/identity, cultural studies (teaching
internship advisor, 2013–14). Illinois State University, Normal, IL. Currently: Tenured professor.
Steve Halle—“Kamau Brathwaite’s Poetic, Multimodal Remediations” English studies comprehensive
presentation (advisor). Illinois State University, Normal, IL. (passed with distinction September 7,
2011). Currently: Publications unit director.
Jon Olav Eikenes—“Navimation: A Socio-Cultural Exploration of Kinetic Interface Design” Dissertation
(external defense opponent). Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway. (defended
December 22, 2010). Currently: Project manager for UX team at AHO.

masters students
Cody Oakwood—“Fan fiction in the composition class” Masters teaching portfolio (reader). Illinois
State University, Normal, IL. (defended June 2013). Currently: K–12 English teacher.
Jonathan Myers—“Action and Enaction: A Game Studies Portfolio” Masters portfolio (reader). Illinois
State University, Normal, IL. (defended April 28, 2011). Currently: Content developer/Technical
Dan Dimitroff—“Digitally Situated Literacies of Storm Chasers” Masters portfolio (co-chair). Illinois
State University, Normal, IL. (defended December 2, 2010). Currently: Systems analyst.
Susan Baxter—“Online Citation and New Media Scholarship: Kairos and the Case for Online
Publication” Masters thesis (chair). Utah State University, Logan, UT. (defended July 2007).
Currently: Copy editor/Technical writer.
Melinda White—“Enlightenment Aisle Eight” Masters creative/multimedia thesis (chair). Utah State
University, Logan, UT. (defended April 2007). Currently: Full-time lecturer.

undergraduate students
Matthew Wendling—“Revising Digital Scholarship” funded research project (advisor). Illinois State
University, Normal, IL. (completed Summer 2009).
Lisa Ferrara—“Form vs. Function: Does Usability Kill Creativity?” Honors thesis (reader). Utah State
University, Normal, IL. (defended May 2006). – 28

graduate students
Emma DiPasquale, research assistant. (2017–2018). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Currently: Community Manager, Fulcrum project, University of Michigan Press.
Demi Fuentes Ramirez, research assistant. (2016–18). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Currently: Intern for Morgantown Magazine group.
Megan Fahey, research assistant. (2016–17). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. Currently:
Director of Curriculum and Teaching, Point Park University.
Lydia Welker, research assistant. (2015–16). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. Currently:
Freelance editor.
Celeste Lantz, M.A., research assistant. (2015–16). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Currently: Editor.
Brandy Dieterle, [virtual] publishing intern. (2016, Fall). University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Currently: Full-time lecturer at UCF.
Sara Georgi, M.A., research assistant. (2014–15). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Currently: Technical writer.
Kristi McDuffie, Ph.D., research assistant. (2011–13). Illinois State University, Normal, IL. Currently:
Full-time academic professional.
Gina Cooke, ABD, research assistant. (2010). Illinois State University, Normal, IL. Currently: Linguistics
Devon Fitzgerald, Ph.D., research assistant. (2009). Illinois State University., Normal, IL Currently:
Tenure-track professor.
Kyle Jensen, Ph.D, research assistant. (2008). Illinois State University, Normal, IL. Currently: Tenured

undergraduate students
Hope Hart, B.A., intern. (2016, Fall). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Matthew Jarratt, intern. (2016, Fall). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Kaitlyn Licause, B.A., intern. (2016, Spring). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Matthew Wendling, B.A., intern. (2009, Fall). Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Andrew Chamberlain, B.A., intern. (2008, Fall). Ilinois State University, Normal, IL.


boards of directors
Executive director. (2016–present). Council of Editors of Learned Journals.
Treasurer. (2016–present). K|N Consultants.
President. (2014–present). Jerome Park Lofts Home Owners Association, Morgantown, WV.

advisory boards
(2011–present). WAC [Writing Across the Curriculum Publishing] Clearinghouse. – 29
(2011–present). Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. Sweetland Writing Center/University of
Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI.
(2011–2016). Digital Pedagogy Reader and Toolkit. [Published in Modern Language Association’s
Options for Teaching series.]
(2012–15). Research Exchange Advisory Board.
(2011–12). Open Peer Review [A Mellon Foundation Grant]. Sponsored by NYU Division of Libraries
and MediaCommons.
(2011, March 18). Digital Publishing. Bard Graduate Center, New York, NY.
(2008–09). New Leadership Board of the Economic Development Council. Bloomington-Normal, IL.
(2006, April 16). The Future of Rhetoric/Composition Textbooks. Institute for the Future of the Book,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.

editorial boards
(2013–present). DHCommons.
(2011–present). Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy.
(2008–12). Composition Studies.
(2004–08). Computers & Composition Online.

editorial consulting
(2008–present). On open-access, scholarly multimedia, editorial workflows, and technical
infrastructure. List of consultations, including Borrowers & Lenders, Michigan Publishing, Southern
Spaces, Cosmogamy, and others available upon request and as confidentiality allows.

disciplinary reviewing
Book and article reviews. (2008–present). Wildred Laurier University Press, Purdue University
Press, Digital Rhetoric Collaborative series (University of Michigan Press), College English, College
Composition and Communication, Utah State University Press, FormAkademiske, MIT Press, Journal
of Technical Writing and Communication, Technical Communication Quarterly, English Journal, and
freelance reviews for major textbook and international academic publishers.
Judge. (2009). National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Affiliate Website Award.
Panel reviewer. (2009). National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Digital Humanities Start-Up
Session reviewer. (2009). Computers & Writing.
Session reviewer. (2009). Computer Connection Forum, Conference on College Composition &
Session reviewer. (2008). Computer Connection Forum, Conference on College Composition &
Session reviewer. (2007). Computers & Writing.
Session reviewer. (2004). Computers & Writing.
Session reviewer. (2002). Association of Internet Researchers Conference. – 30
inter/national committees
Nominating committee. [Elected]. (2017–19). Modern Language Association.
Fulbright regional review committee (Norway/Iceland). (2014–17). Institute of International Education,
Washington, D.C.
Program committee. (2014–17). Modern Language Association.
Executive committee, founding member. (2015–18). MLA Discussion Group on Literacy Studies.
Executive committee. (2014–19). MLA Discussion Group on Digital Humanities (nee Computer Studies
in Language and Literature).
Secretary. (2012–14). Council of Editors of Learned Journals (an MLA Allied Organization).
Appointed chair. (2008–09). CCCC Committee for Computers in Composition & Communication (7Cs).
Appointed chair. (2006–07). CCCC Writing Program Certificate of Excellence Selection Committee.
Appointed co-chair. (2006–08). CCCC Committee for Computers in Composition & Communication
Appointed member. (2005–08). NCTE Committee on Technical & Scientific Communication.
Appointed member. (2003–06). CCCC Committee for Computers in Composition & Communication.
Invited member. (2002–03). Computers & Writing Online Conference Committee.

university committees
LGBTQ+ Commission. (2016–2017). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Elected member. (2009–12). Graduate Council. Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Chair. (2010-11). Membership Sub-Committee, Graduate Council. Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Editorial reviewer. (2009). Selected scholarship of teaching and learning at Illinois State University
2004–2009 (McKinney & Jarvis, eds.)
Member. (2008–present). Scholarship Committee, University Club. Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Ex-officio member. (2001–02). University Senate Computing Committee. Michigan Technological
University, Houghton, MI.
Graduate student representative. (1999–2000). Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Task Force. Virginia
Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.

library committees
Member. (2018–present). Open Educational Resources committee. Wayne State University, Detroit,
Member. (2016–2017). Institutional Repository Task Force. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Member. (2016–2018). Open-Access Authors Fund. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Co-chair. (2015). Disappearing Task Force for WVU Libraries Digital Presence in the 21st Century. West
Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.

department committees
Coordinator. (2017–18). Job Mentoring/Placement Ad-Hoc Committee. West Virginia University, – 31
Morgantown, WV.
Elected Member, Associate Professor rank. (2015–17). Faculty Evaluation Committee. West Virginia
University, Morgantown, WV.
Judge. (2016). Summer Humanities Internships. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Member. (2015–16). Two (2) Search Committees: Teaching Assistant Professor (TAP)/Advisor positions
[both successful]. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Member. (2015–present). Professional Writing and Editing M.A. Admissions Committee. West Virginia
University, Morgantown, WV.
Member. (2015, Spring). English Literature M.A. Admissions Committee. West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV.
Center for Writing Excellence. (2014–present). West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Departmental representative. (2010–12). Institutional Review Board. Illinois State University, Normal,
Caucus coordinator. (2010–12). Publishing Studies sequence. Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Member. (2009–10). Professional Growth Committee. Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Member. (2008–09). Technology and Writing Task Force. Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Member. (2007–08). Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Chair. (2005–07). Teaching and Learning with Technology Committee. Utah State University, Logan,
Member. (2004–05; 2006–07). Theory & Practice of Technical Communication PhD Committee. Utah
State University, Logan, UT.
Member. (2004–07). Professional Writing Undergraduate Degree Committee. Utah State University,
Logan, UT.
Elected Graduate Student Representative. (2003–04). Rhetoric & Technical Communication Steering
Committee. Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.

Invited participant. (2017, October 4–5). It Takes a Village: Open Source Software Models of
Collaboration & Sustainability. [IMLS National Forum-funded project] Baltimore, MD.
Attendee. (2017, June 11–13). American Association of University Presses. Austin, TX.
Invited participant. (2017, April 18–21). Open Scholarship Initiative 2017, Washington, D.C. Working
group: Tenure reform.
Host. (2017, January 10–20). Big XII Faculty Fellow: Cydney Alexis. West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV.
Invited participant. (2016, October 9–13). Working group: “Does One Size Fit All?” Small Scholarly
Societies and Open-Access Journals. Triangle SCI: Changing The Political Economy of Scholarly
Publishing, Chapel Hill, NC. [This workshop required a peer-reviewed group proposal.]
Participant. (2016, September 14). Regional Library Publishing and Press Forum, Ohio University,
Athens, OH.
Invited participant. (2016, April 20–22). Open Scholarship Initiative 2016, Fairfax, VA.
Attendee. (2016, April 14–15). Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Fest, Washington, D.C. – 32
Attendee. (2015, April 25). Networked publishing conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Participant. (2014, October 25). Hacking the Gender Gap event [all-day workshop with female students
and faculty to prototype and pitch a wearable app]. Co-sponsored by PBS MediaShift and WVU
Reed School of Media, Morgantown, WV.
Attendee. (2014, September 5). “Writing Your Next Chapter: How to Find Your Mojo and Move
Forward at Mid-Career” and “Rethinking Mentoring and Leadership: How to Build Communities
of Inclusion, Support & Accountability” [all-day seminars with Dr. Kerry Ann Rockquemore]. West
Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Participant. (2014, July 27–August 8). The Dartmouth Seminar on Research in Rhetoric and
Composition. Hanover, NH. [This seminar requires an application and is peer reviewed before
Fellow. (2012, Summer). Digital Humanities High-Performance Computing Institute. University of
Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, IL/University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
Invited attendee. (2010, July 11–13). Microsoft Research Faculty Summit. Microsoft Conference
Center, Redmond, WA.
Attendee. (2009, December 12–16). Digital Arts and Culture Conference. Irvine, CA.
Fellow. (2009, July 13–August 7). Examining writing and editorial processes in digital media
scholarship. Vectors–NEH Summer Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Fellow. (2009, May 12–15). Writing an NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant. Research and Sponsored
Programs Grant Development Workshop, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Attendee. (2009, January 7). Teaching and Learning Symposium. Normal, IL.
Attendee. (2008, April 23). Eugene Rice: Scholarship Reconsidered. Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Attendee. (2007, August 22–23). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Illinois State University,
Normal, IL.
Invited participant. (2006, August 17). Sophie [multimedia software] Training. The Institute for the
Future of the Book/Institute for Multimedia Literacy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
Attendee. (2006, May 24). Using Sound in Classrooms workshop. Computers & Writing. Lubbock, TX.

Modern Language Association
Council of Editors of Learned Journals
American Civil Liberties Union
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Stand Up for Racial Justice – 33 – 34

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