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Birchfield Schools Local Offer 2014

10. How is the Governing Body involved in supportng families with children with special educatonal needs?
At Birchfeld we have a designated Governor with responsibility for Sen who liaises with the SENCO to ensure the governors
are informed about provision, progress and well-being of our children with SEN. To ensure confdentality any feedback or
reports do not name individual children.
If you have concerns about how school deal with your child regarding any SEN issues you can discuss these with the Head
Teacher or the Governing Body.
The name of our SEN Governor is: Mr W Holmes
If you want to discuss an issues with our SEN governor he can be contacted by arranging an appointment through the school
11. What support services are available to help parents/carers with children with Special Educatonal Needs?
Our school SENCO will be able to advise you on the support services available to you both local and natonally. It is recom-
mended that you contact your Doctor/GP to discuss any concerns you may have about your childs needs and to seek medical
support, guidance, and assessments if appropriate.
Parent Partnership Services are a support service we also recommend to you. They can ofer independent and unbiased ad-
vice and informaton about the assessment procedures and educatonal provision for your child.

12. How will we support your child through transitons?
Before your child starts at our school:
Visit to existng school or home visit where relevant
Transiton days staggered at tmes of the day to meet the needs of the child e.g. afer school or during class tme
When they are moving to a new school:
Additonal visits to the new school for children with specifc needs
Contactng key personnel at receiving school
Reviews centred on the needs of your child involving yourself, staf and relevant agencies when appropriate (Person Centred
All relevant documentaton about your child will be shared with their new setng
When children are moving into the next class:
Your childs new teacher will be informed of their likes, dislikes and what works best for them (One page Profle)

13. How can Parents/Carers fnd the Birmingham Local Authoritys Local Ofer for SEN?
You can fnd the Birmingham Local Authority local ofer by clicking on the link below:

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