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Nude Food Warriors

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Format for Demonstration Lesson Plans DRAFT April 13

Title of the Lesson: Nude Food Warriors

Grade Level: 3
Grade, Could be adapted for grades 2-5

Length of Lesson: This unit takes approximately 3 weeks to complete.

Overview of the Lesson: Students use connections with Pen Pals to organize and
implement a Nude Food Week within their school to help reduce waste and reuse

Essential Leaning Outcomes Questions: By the end of this lesson, students will be
able to
Students will be able to differentiate between Nude Foods and foods with waste.
Students will be able to read and analyze graphs.
Students will be able to respond to Pen Pals using using complete sentences.
Students will be able to collaborate with peers to create and complete various tasks.

NC Common Core Standards Being Addressed:
21 Century Skills:
Global Awareness
Media Skills

Common Core Standards:
Writing: Production and Distribution of Writing
Grade 3 # 6: With guidance and support from adults, use technology to
produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact
and collaborate with others.
Listening and Speaking: Comprehension and Collaboration
Grade 3 # 1a-d: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions
with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others ideas
and expressing their own clearly.
(a) Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material;
explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the
topic to explore ideas under discussion
(b) Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions
(c) Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on
topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others
(d) Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion

Materials Needed:
Internet Access
Microsoft Word/Excel
Printer and/or copy machine
Video Camera
Poster Board
Nude Food & Non-Nude Foods
Participants in the Nude Food Week

How the Lesson Will Flow:

** Before starting the project instructor will need to set up Pen Pals. We became Pen Pals
with a class in New Zealand. is a great website to use to set up Pen Pals.

**Teacher/s should also set up a blog for class discussions. I recommend using because it is free and very user friendly.

1. Explain what Nude Foods are to the class. Nude Foods are foods that have no
waste (ie: Apple (because the core can be composted), banana, peach, carrots,
chips in a reusable plastic container, water in a reusable plastic container, etc).
Tell the class that you will be holding a Nude Food Week within your school (or
have your students come up with the idea) to help reduce the amount of waste
thrown away each day. Allow students to ask questions and come up with a Nude
Food vs. Non-Nude Food chart. (15 minutes)

2. As a class come up with a week that Nude Food Week will be held. It should start
on a Monday and end on a Friday. Ask students if they would like to hold a
competition or not. (vote) If so, ask students to brainstorm what they will need for
the competition; guide them towards a bar graph. As a class use the projector to
create a graph that participants will use to graph the Nude Foods they bring. The
graph should include: a title, labels, increments, and instructions. (1 hour)

3. Also, have students decide what prizes will be. * idea * Have students ask their
parents to see if their jobs will donate reuseable water bottles. We got 5 water
bottles donated and then created stickers that said You are a Nude Food Week
Warrior! Congratulations!

4. Explain that the class will be working with another class (pen pals) so that they
can come up with ideas together for the Nude Food Week project.

5. In the computer lab, have students write an introductory paragraph to their pen
pals introducing themselves and describing what Nude Foods are. (30 minutes)

6. Once pen pals have responded back, have students answer any questions and then
explain that they want to hold a Nude Food Week within their school to help
reduce waste. Have students elicit help from their pen pals to decide what kind of
groups they should divide themselves into. (30 minutes)

7. Once pen pals have responded, have the class as a group discuss and come up
with about 5 or 6 groups that will be needed to hold the Nude Food Week. Some
of the ideas we had were: K-2 presentation group, 3-5 presentation group, letter
writing group, advertisement group, and commercial group. Be sure to ask the
class to come up with descriptions and expectations for what each group should
do. (30 minutes)

8. Have students write down their top 3 choices of groups they would like to be in.
Later in the day you (teacher) should split up the class into groups. (10 minutes)

9. Explain what groups student will be in. Review what each group should be doing.
Also, explain to students that everyone should have a part within the group. They
will need to: (a) brainstorm what they would like to do, (b) designate what each
persons job will be, and (c) get to work. Share where materials will be incase
students do not know. (10 minutes)

10. Allow students 3 days (about 1 hour each day) to start and finish their projects).
Here are some ideas for what each group should do:
* Letter writing group: Write a letter explaining Nude Food Week and the goals to
parents of participants. Have students write a letter explaining Nude Food Week
to current president, local news, and any other leader they may be interested in
writing to about Nude Food Week.
* K-2 and 3-5 presentation groups: Students create a presentation with examples
to explain what Nude Food Week is and when it will be. Students may want
illustrations and/or examples to play a sorting game for Nude Foods vs Non-Nude
Foods. The group should explain rules and procedures for Nude Food Week.
Students will also need to come up with a schedule to visit classrooms. Have
students take the schedule around and allow teachers to sign up. Visits should take
up no more than 10-15 minutes each.
* Commercial group: This group should come up with and write a skit for a
commercial that will be shown throughout the school advertising Nude Food
Week. The skit should explain what Nude Foods are, when Nude Food Week will
be, and persuade participants to want to participate. One the skit has been
rehearsed, video tape it and give it to the technology person in your school so that
it can be broadcasted throughout the school 1 day before Nude Food Week
* Advertisement group: This group should create posters advertising Nude Food
Week. They should also go on a hunt around the school to make a list of places
where signs should be put. This will give them an idea of how many
advertisements to make. (3 hours or so)

11. After each day of working in groups, I would set aside about 15 minutes for each
group to present what they have so far. After each group had presented we would
have a short feedback session to help each other improve. (15-20 minutes a day)

12. Once all presentations are ready, students should begin visiting classrooms.
Advertisement group should go ahead and put up posters are the school. Letter
group should make copies for all parents and mail out letters to other leaders. The
day before Nude Food Week begins show the commercial. (30 minutes or so)

13. Nude Food Week begins. Participants should be filling out the graph with the
amount of nude foods brought each day for snack and lunch (unless you decided
something different, which is okay). (1 week)

14. On the last day of Nude Food Week, send some students around to collect all
graphs. Pass out graphs to each student and have students analyze the graph to
determine how many nude foods each participate brought. Write that number at
the top right of the graph and circle it. Set aside 2-3 students to collect all
analyzed graphs and determine the top 5 students. (1 hour)

15. Using the intercom at school allow 2 students congratulate everyone on the great
job of reducing waste. Then they should read out the names of the top 5 students
and give away awards, if you decided to use awards. Encourage everyone to
continue to reduce waste by bringing in nude foods all of the time. (10 minutes)

Informal assessments can be noted in the form of anecdotal records throughout the three-
week project.

Sample formal assessment:

To determine if student has mastered objectives teacher should review both informal
records and formal assessments.

Sources for the Lesson:
During my study abroad experience I met a teacher from New Zealand. We decided to
have our class become pen pals through She suggested our classes
discussion being environmentally friendly so I told my students that I wanted them to
create some kind of project that would impact our environment. Through discussions,
several of my students learned about Nude Foods and becoming Eco-Warriors through
their friends/pen pals in New Zealand. My class decided that they wanted to become Eco-
Warriors so one of my students decided that they wanted to have Nude Food Week
within our school so that our school could become eco-friendly. Through class
discussions, my class and I created this project together. We hope that you can enjoy
recreating and/or creating your own project!

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