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Writing & Technology Ruie Pritchard NCSU

Laura Jacobs
Writing and Technology Lesson Plan

TIC TAC TOE Board based on the novel Wonder by R.J Palacio .

Grade Level: 6

Length of Lesson: Five, sixty minute, class periods

Overview of the Lesson: After reading our class novel Wonder by R.J Palacio, students
will complete three activities from the TIC TAC TOE board provided. The TIC TAC TOE
board will be a common assessment used throughout the grade level, to show
comprehension on the novels key theme Kindness.

Essential Leaning Outcomes Questions: By the end of this lesson, students will be
able to Students will show understanding of the novel and the theme of kindness
through completing projects on the TIC TAC TOE board. They will draft and revise their
assignments before turning in the final copies. Before creating their assignments with the
digital tools, students will have to brainstorm and make a rough draft to show that they
thought through the process. Students will be working on 21
century skills by using
digital tools such as glogster, toondoo, prezi and pixlr.

NC Common Core Standards Being Addressed:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis
of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a
text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a
summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.3 Describe how a particular storys or
dramas plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the
characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

Materials Needed:
Wonder by R.J Palacio
TIC TAC TOE Assignment Sheet/Rubric
Laptop Computer cart

Writing & Technology Ruie Pritchard NCSU

Postcard template (attached)
Character Sketch (attached)
Article Form (attached)
Colored Paper
Colored pencils/markers

How the Lesson Will Flow:
1. On day one of the assignment, pass out TIC TAC TOE Board (attached below)
2. Explain the assignment directions on the TIC TAC TOE Board, students will
pick three assignments in a row to complete. They may pick three assignments in
either a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line.
3. Go over each assignment square for student understanding.
4. Students will have the rest of day one to work as well as four more class periods
to work on their assignments, if students need extra time they will need to work at
home or come in at lunch.

Assessment: Through the TIC TAC TOE Board I will be able to check for understanding
of the novel and the novels central theme of Kindness. My PLC is using this project as a
common formal assessment.

Sources for the Lesson: Sarah Armas (Apex Middle School) and I created this TIC TAC
TOE board together in 2012 during our PLC.

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Wonder by R. J. Palacio Project Board Name:
Directions: Choose three activities from the boxes below to complete for your final assessment on
Wonder. Turn this sheet in with your three activities. Do your best work!!!
Find a news article where
someone has chosen kindness.

You must fill out the required
form provided to you by your

You will explain what the kind
deed was and how this relates
to the book Wonder.

Pick a character from Wonder
other than August. Explain how
this character grew in kindness
from knowing August. Be sure
to explain how he or she
changed and grew. Your
response should be at least !
page in length.
Using Pixlr, visually represent
the following question:
What is beautiful?
Besides the word, beauty,
there should only be pictures
on the front. You may upload
your own photos or use ones
from google images. You
should have no less than 5
pictures. On a separate piece
of paper, write a paragraph
explaining the pictures you
chose and why you chose them.
Make sure you connect it back
to Wonder.
Complete a character sketch
for one character from
Wonder. Use the form provided
to you by your teacher.

Choose a precept from Wonder
to illustrate. Your illustration
should be on a piece of 81/2 by
11 paper and be completed in
color. On the back, write a
paragraph describing what the
precept means, what it means
to you, and how it relates to
the book Wonder.
Create a postcard to send to
your teacher. On your postcard
write your own precept. On the
back of the postcard represent
your precept with an

Use the postcard template
provided. You may draw your
picture by hand, use magazine
cut-outs or make a digital
Choose an important scene
from the novel to be illustrated
in a four-panel Toondoo. Be
sure to capture the mood of
the scene.

Underneath the comic strip
write a brief explanation
indicating the mood as well as
the chapter of the book.

Develop a Kindness Project for
Apex Middle School. Create a
brochure or a Prezi
presentation that explains and
illustrates the details of your
project. You should include the
name of your project, who will
benefit from the project,
where it would be located, and
how you would complete the
project. Supplies and materials
you will need. You should also
include your goal of the project
and why the project is needed.
Students will create a glogster
from the perspective of one of the
characters from the book. The
glogster would be an online
diary for this character. Use
writing, pictures and songs to
express how the character feels
about other characters or
situations in the novel.
You will be given five days to work on this in class. What you do not finish in class will have
to be completed outside of class at home.

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