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5th Grade Newsletter 9

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Fifth Grade News

Class Website:
5th Grade Homework

November 13 & 14 Conferences

Have your child read at least 100 minutes

every week! Encourage your child to read

Our team enjoyed meeting you, sharing your childrens successes and working

books that they can take AR tests on so

on plans to help your children be successful throughout the remainder of 5 th

they can meet their AR point goal. New

goals start this week and will go through till
January 16th. Many students did not meet

We want to thank all the parents who came out for conferences last week.

grade. We had a great turn out and conferences ran smoothly. If you were
not able to attend conferences last week, please call the office so we can try

their AR goals this marking period. Lets

to schedule a time soon that we can meet with you and go over your childs

help them be more successful next time.


Each week your child will have spelling

Math News

homework. Also, practice spelling at home!

Your child will bring home any work that is

not finished in class. It must be returned
the next day. Teachers will be keeping track
of work that is not returned.

Check your students agenda daily for

assignments, notes & important
information. Please sign each day to
show you have checked the

Up-Coming Events & Special Dates


We are still on multiplication. Please be practicing multiplication facts with your

children that will really help them. This week will be practicing multiplying by
three numbers and order of operations. Ask your child to show you the "Order
of Operations Hokey Pokey Dance" that we invented. The order is;
1. Brackets and Parentheses
2. Exponents
3. Multiplication and Division
4. Addition and Subtraction

~Mrs. Mason

Social Studies News

Chapter 6: Early English Settlements

Wednesday, November 19th - Fall Dance/Open
Gym - 4th - 6th Graders from 3:15-4:30. More
information to follow.
Wednesday, November 26th - 1/2 Day Grandparents Day - Dismissal at 11:08 - Breakfast
will be served. Start of Thanksgiving Break.
Thursday & Friday, November 27th & 28th NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Friday, December 5th - Partial Payment of $35 due
for 5th grade camp. 5th grade camp dates are
April 22-24, 2015. Chaperones will be needed, so
contact your childs teacher for more information
if youd be interested in coming with us.
Note from the Teachers

As most of you know, Sam Adams 5 graders

have traditionally gone to camp each spring.
We are in the process of planning this annual
event. You need to be aware that we will be
doing fundraising to help keep each childs
costs down. There will be more information
on this in the future.

In Chapter 6 your child will learn about three groups of people

who came to settle in the New World. The students will learn about
why people came to live here and why some settlements survived,
while others did not. In case you missed it, here is a helpful website to
help your child practice the skills they are learning in Social Studies. ~Ms. Mark

Science News
Unit 2: Force & Motion
This week we start our next unit, Force & Motion. This is a very long
unit (over 20 weeks) and covers simple machines, magnetism, electrical
circuits, flight and friction & gravity. Materials have arrived, so we will
dig right in studying the topics of force, motion, gravity and friction. This
unit has lots of hands on activities and should be a lot of fun, but we will
be exploring some important science concepts. Be sure to ask your child
about Activity 1, because I assure you they will be excited about it.
~Mrs. Schuur

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