Listening Rubric
Listening Rubric
Listening Rubric
Inclusive Education
Planning Library
Listening Rubric Division 1
For each skill listed below, read the three statements and select the one that best describes this
students current level of performance for listening. Use this information to determine a starting point
for choosing strategies and supports the student will need to be successful.
Profcient Approaching profciency Limited
Attends to speaker
Follows established classroom
courtesies; e.g., waits for speaker to
fnish talking, looks at speaker.
Acknowledges the speaker through
appropriate eye contact and appropriate
verbal responses when called upon.
With prompts, is beginning to focus on
the speaker.
Demonstrates interest
Demonstrates interest in what is being
said by asking questions, making com-
ments and responding to ideas.
Demonstrates attention to what is being
said through facial expressions and
Is beginning to demonstrate initial
awareness of what is being said through
facial expressions and gestures.
Understands vocabulary
Demonstrates understanding of a vari-
ety of descriptive and subject-specifc
Demonstrates understanding of a range
of general and descriptive vocabulary.
With visual supports, is beginning to
demonstrate understanding of a small
number of familiar words.
Understands sentences
Demonstrates understanding of the
main idea in compound and complex
sentences on both familiar and
unfamiliar topics.
Demonstrates understanding of the gist
of simple sentences on familiar topics.
Is beginning to demonstrate
understanding of single, familiar words
used in sentences.
Follows directions
Follows multistep oral directions related
to both familiar and unfamiliar tasks.
Follows two-step oral directions related
to familiar tasks.
With models and prompts, is beginning
to follow one-step oral (or visual/signed)
directions related to familiar tasks.
Understands questions
Demonstrates understanding of open-
ended questions about familiar topics.
Demonstrates understanding of basic
questions (what, when, where, who, how
many) related to familiar topics.
With models and prompts, is beginning
to demonstrate understanding of basic
Asks for clarifcation
Clarifes understanding by asking spe-
cifc questions.
Requests more information using
familiar phrases.
Is beginning to use gestures or single
words to request information, questions
or statements to be repeated.
Inclusive Education Library / 2012
Making a
for all
Student Name ___________________________ Date _____________________
Profcient = universal strategies and supports
Approaching profciency = targeted strategies and supports
Limited = specialized strategies and supports