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Paul Lazarsfeld'S Two-Step Flow: Information Integration Theory Media-Dependecy Theory

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Medium theory is a set of approaches used to convey the difference in

What do Al Gore and Kony 2012 have in common? Well, they’re both great meanings of the message conveyed with regarding to the different channels
examples of a communication theory called The Two Step Flow Theory. In the used to communicate it. The core assumption is that the media as we consider
is not just a channel were the communication takes place but they are diverse
early days of mass communication, people believed that the media had a direct
set of setting or environment that enable the communication to happen and it
and powerful influence on audiences. This way of thinking about media may vary the meaning and sense of the information that it is been transferred.
influence became known as the Hypodermic Needle Theory. Of course, Here the features of each media are being taken into consideration and how
communication is a complex process and this theory soon proved inadequate. they differ discretely. By understanding features of these Medias (which can be
classified into audio, video and print) the researchers will be able to examine
the efficiency of communication through these mediums and also to compare
Information integration theory it while communicating interpersonally.

Information integration theory considers the ideas in a persuasive message to

be pieces of information, and each relevant piece of information has two Media-dependecy theory
qualities: value and weight. The value of a bit of information is its evaluation
(favorable or unfavorable) and the weight is the information’s perceived This entry describes the core propositions, theoretical frameworks, key
importance. For example, Steve tells Sarah that Joe has a ponytail. The value of concepts, and empirical research of media dependency theory. Media
this information is whether Sarah thinks a ponytail (for Joe) is good (attractive) dependency theory provides a multilevel and ecological framework to
or bad (unattractive or inappropriate). The weight is how much that friend’s explain individual‐level and societal‐level conditions that influence the
hair style matters to Sarah. If it does matter (has some weight) and if Sarah degree of importance of media in individuals' everyday lives. Following a
thinks it is good for Joe to wear a ponytail, then this piece of information theoretical discussion, empirical studies that apply media dependency theory
inclines Sarah to have a favorable attitude toward this friend. are discussed. The entry explains how media dependency theory, which was
first proposed in the 1970s, when the mass media was more dominant, has
evolved since then.
Information manipulation theory
One way of thinking about how deceptive messages are generated is in terms of
Uses and Gratification
how the information that interactants possess is manipulated within the
The Uses and Gratification theory discusses the effects of the media on
messages that they produce. Information Manipulation Theory suggests that
people. It explains how people use the media for their own need and get
deceptive messages function deceptively because they covertly violate the
satisfied when their needs are fulfilled. In other words, it can be said that the
principles that govern conversational exchanges. Given that conversational
theory argues what people do with media rather than what media does to
interactants possess assumptions regarding the quantity, quality, manner, and
people. Also, this theory is in contradiction to the Magic Bullet theory, which
relevance of information that should be presented, it is possible for speakers to states that the audience is passive. This theory has a user/audience-
exploit any or all of these assumptions by manipulating the information that centered approach. Even for communication, say – interpersonal, people
they possess so as to mislead listeners. By examining various message refer to the media for the topic to discuss among themselves. By referring
examples, it is demonstrated  the media, they gain more knowledge and exposure to the world beyond
their limited eyesight.
New Media theory
New media theory, broadly speaking, conceptualizes the implications of
digital technologies: from the novel sociopolitical configurations fostered by
computer-mediated communication, to the aesthetic and cultural significance
of digital culture. New media theory encompasses a diverse body of work,
after the initial section’s discussion of broad overview, key Journals and
useful Anthologies and Readers, the bibliography is divided into three
sections to reflect themes that have endured throughout the evolution—and
despite the fragmentation and specialization—of the field: Identity, Politics,
and Technologies. 

Network theory
Network theory is the study of graphs as a representation of either
symmetric relations or asymmetric relations between discrete objects.
network is nothing other than a collection of points linked in pairs by lines, no
matter how large or complicated it is. Networks capture only the very basic
relational patterns among the individual components of a whole system, and
little else. 

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