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Speaking Skills

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EDU: 704


The most important among 4 language skill is speaking or speech. Good speaking skill is necessary
for an effective communication. Speaking may be defined as the transmission of information.

Number of sub skills such as voice modulation, articulation, pronunciation etc has to be attained and
integrated to constitute the whole.
The students have to acquire knowledge of English sound system. In order to give them a
general idea, the teacher should illustrate the mechanism of sound system and its production
with the help of diagram. The students should be given an awareness of speech sounds in
English (RP). Intervention of sounds of the mother tongue which have no equivalents in
English should be checked. They should be made aware that there is no concord between
spelling and pronunciation of words in English at large. Learning speech with the right
pronunciation and then writing the corresponding utterance will be a better method. Students
should be made aware about the wrong pronunciation.
Students should understand that in English language word stress and sentence stress are very
important more than in other languages. Word stress means an extra breath force exerted on a
syllable on a word and sentence stress means stress on a particular word in a sentence. A
word with the same spelling may have to be spoken as a noun, verb or adjective. The use of
strong forms and weak forms in speech, auxiliaries, articles and prepositions should be made
Students should grasp the concept of intonation which is quite natural and spontaneous to the
native speakers of English. But this is a difficult area for non natives. As English is our
second language we have to learn the principles of intonation and use it as we can. Intonation
is mainly of four types- rising, falling, rising- falling, falling rising. For exclamations,
requests, and questions we use rising tone and for statements and commands we use falling
The students should enrich their vocabulary and use appropriate words in contexts. Words are
the basis of language. Without words there is no language. Spoken or written vocabulary of
two types- active and passive. Active vocabulary readily come to our use and passive
vocabulary can be recoganised on hearing the speech form or seeing in written form.
The students should grasp the rules of grammar inductively. There are two types of grammar
prescriptive and descriptive. Formal grammar develops the skill to describe language but
functional grammar develops the skill to use it. Therefore functional grammar taught
inductively is recommended in the class. Moreover the term the grammar has been replaced
by the term usage, the term being more liberal and student centered.
This phase is marked by the dependence of the students on the teacher. At the beginning the
students will be unskilled, requiring encouragement by the teacher. Gradually in this phase

students make attempts to learn by listening and understanding the simple linguistic items of
new language.
In this phase, the learner become more confident and self involved. They begin to initiate
conversation with a small group of close friends. As a member of the group they begin to
participate in reading and speaking activities.
In this phase the students achieve self assurance and get involved in peer discussions. They
also show interest in discussions and conversations of personal interests or of topics in the
syllabus. They gain confidence in facing audience.
When the learners are in this phase the students might have reached at high school level.
They become independent autonomous speakers with leadership qualities. So they will be
initiating conversation and encourage others to participate. They ask for more clarification or
explanation in a debate or on a speech they have heard.
It is a dramatic activity in which the learners take various roles and there is a lot of speaking
activities of different styles according to the nature and role of the individual characters.
Moreover in role play language will be diffused with emotions. Role play is simple to be
organised and id highly flexible.
The learner describes processes, people, things etc which are familiar and of interest to them.
For this they use words and structures already learned with appropriate facial expressions,
gestures, or pictures. Narration relates to an incident the learner has heard, seen or
experienced like a story, a road accident or an episode on television.
It is a technique to develop speaking skill. In interviews we use this technique for the
selection of candidates. Even the learners who are shy at nature will fast become bold by
participating in group discussion. The teachers should see that whether every student
participating in that carefully. Freedom of expression should be given to all.
This activity can be planned for a pair of students or a group. Each of the students in a pair
has some information about a whole. By conveying information verbally and amalgamating
them, the information of the whole is obtained. Maps, charts can be used for this activity.
By way of asking questions and answering them, the learners can improve their speech. The
questions can be Yes/ No type or Wh type.

It is an advanced speaking activity. A video show is being conducted and learner makes a
running commentary.
A large number of topics can be given in this category to arouse the learners imagination and
to comment upon the topic.
Speaking skill is neglected in our classroom most often. The reasons include,
Size of the class may large so that conversation cannot be possible.
The assumption that speaking skill will develop itself like other skills.
Lack of language lab facilities.
Lack of provision for assessing speaking skills in our examinations.


Beginners should be provided with very good teachers so that they can imitate their
Students should be given practice in speech, first the whole class, then small groups,
and last individually.
Pronunciation rules, stress, intonation, sound, etc should be clearly explained.
Drill and practice should be included in teaching.
Reading practice should be given to the students so that teachers can correct their
mistakes instantly.
Use of tape recorders also helps to improve speaking skills.
Language lab facilities can also be used to improve speaking skills.
Oral training should be given.
Use of question answer method i.e., to answer the questions from a passage just
spoken or read out.
Role play, dialogues, storytelling, etc can use as a method to improve speaking skills.

Scoring or Assessment is a test for estimating quality using grades, scores, or marks. The following
components should be assessed,
Ability for effective interaction
Ability to present the matter clearly and logically.
Ability to discuss the topic with examples.
Scoring procedures are of two types,

Analytic scoring.
Global scoring.

A method of marking which can be used in test of productive language use, such as speaking and
writing. Here the marker makes an assessment with the help of a test of specific points.
E.g.: in a test of writing the analytic scale may include focus on grammar, vocabulary, etc.

A method of scoring which can be used for testing writing and speaking skills. Here the marker
gives a single score according to the general impression. It is also called holistic method.

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