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Class Overview 20134-2014 - Academic Freshmen

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English 1-2 Overview 2014-2015

Beginning the Class

1. Be in your seat when the bell rings.
2. Put your bag or purse ON THE FLOOR.
In the Classroom
1. Please stay in your seat while the teacher is giving instruction.
2. Food and soda will not be allowed in the classroom as is stated in the student handbook. Water is permissible.
1. You will have 5 passes per semester in this class. You can use a pass to:
return to your locker if you forget something
to use the restroom
2. If you need to leave the room after using all of your free passes, a tardy or detention will be assigned, unless you
have a note from the school nurse. Please use passes wisely.
3. You will need to sign out when you leave the room and sign back in when you return.
4. Please do not ask to go see your counselor or dean if you do not have a pass from him or her. I can e-mail them,
but you will have to wait for them to send a pass for you.
Cheating on Assignments
1. Copying another students answers to homework (including reading guides) or quizzes/tests is considered cheating.
2. If you LET someone copy your work, you are also cheating.
3. Looking at books, notes, or others papers during tests is considered cheating.
4. If cheating occurs on any assignment, the student(s) involved will receive a zero, and parents will be contacted.
Late Work
1. Late work will be accepted for partial credit.
2. 50% of your total grade will be deducted from late work that is turned in up to the end of the unit. After the units
completion, the work will not be accepted. It is always beneficial to turn in late work.
1. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check with the teacher for what assignments you missed.
2. You have 2 days for every day of excused absence to turn in make-up work. After 2 days, the work will be
considered late.
3. You have 2 days for every day of excused absence to make up tests and quizzes. After 2 days, they will be zeroes.
4. If you have an unexcused absence, the work will be considered late.
5. Tests cannot be made up after they have been passed back by the teacher. Make sure to schedule a make-up time
and date as soon as possible!
Leaving Class Early
1. If you need to leave class early, you will need to inform the teacher at the start of class, come see your instructor in
the morning, or come back later that day so that we can fill you in on the homework you will miss. You will still be
responsible for turning in assignments the following day.

Field Trips, Early Outs, Etc.
1. If you have a field trip or will be absent due to an extracurricular event, you will be responsible for turning in
homework on the day it is due. Ask for your work in advance.
Dismissal from Class
1. Remain IN YOUR SEATS until the teacher dismisses you.
2. We will NOT line up at the door.
3. Put back any desks you moved or supplies that are out before leaving.
Books & Supplies
You will need the following supplies for class every day:
Pen and Pencil
Note: If you come to class unprepared, you will be sent to your locker to get your materials, which might result in a tardy.
If you leave your materials at home, your work will be considered late. Bring your supplies to class every day.
1. Cell phones should not be seen or heardever.
2. Texting in purses/bags is not allowed. Make sure all bags and purses are on the floor.
3. I-pods are currently banned by the school board. Please dont ask me to break a school rule to let you use them.
4. Headphones should not be visible.
5. Smart Board & Computers do not touch unless given permission.
6. Remember, technology fails. This means you always need to have back-ups for your assignments. I recommend
emailing me copies of PowerPoints or typed assignments as well as putting it on a flash drive and emailing the
7. Your assignment will be considered late if you do not have it completed/printed off when it is due. If a typed
assignment is due by the start of class, it must be printed before class. You will not be granted passes to print
something off during class time if it is due at the start of that class period. I understand that at home printers can
fail, but this is where printing it in the library before school will save you from a late grade.
Classroom Rules
1. Be RESPECTFUL at all times with words, facial expressions, and actions.
2. Dont bug the teacher.
Sent to Hallway
Contact Parent/Guardian
Deans Referral

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
English 1-2 Overview Kruse 2013-2014
Nine Weeks:
Nonfiction Reading Strategy Unit
Short Story Unit
o Reading Strategies
o Conflict, Characterization, Plot
Nine Weeks:
Romeo and Juliet

Nine Weeks:
Research and Writing Unit
The Odyssey
Nine Weeks:
Genre Unit
Fairy Tale Unit
Impromptu Speaking Unit

August 13, 2014

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back! I will be your childs English teacher this year. Before the school year gets too far underway, I would
like to take the opportunity to introduce myself.
This is my tenth year teaching English, and I have experience working with students in grades seven through twelve.
As far as education goes, I received my bachelors in English from Bradley University, my masters in Curriculum and
Instruction from Olivet University, and am currently finishing a Reading Specialist degree at Illinois State University. I
live in East Peoria with my husband (who is an E.P. firefighter and paramedic), our son (Jonah), our daughter (Eden),
and our dog (Maya).
This evening, your child should provide you with a copy of my classroom rules and procedures. Please read the
information, sign the bottom portion, and return it with your child by Friday, August 15
. Students will be receiving
homework points for the parent signatures.
I am dedicated to making this a challenging and rewarding year for your child. Please feel free to contact me at any
time, even if you would just like to introduce yourself. Positive partnerships between teachers and parents directly
impacts students success. The fastest way to communicate with me is through e-mail (, but I
can also be reached by phone (698-7504). You can learn more about my class by visiting my website: I am looking forward to working with your family.

Melissa Kruse
English Teacher
East Peoria Community High School

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