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Classroom Syllabus

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Plan for Student Success

Central High School

English 5-6 1 credit/year
Ms. Velazquez, Rm 2010
Contact Information
I am available to meet with my students in my classroom before school during KKIS
from 7:30-8:00 am, and after school from 2:40-3:30 pm. You may also schedule an appointment
for other times if necessary. You may leave a message for me at (602)764-8500, the schools
main number. I can also be reached at Students should use KKIS
time before school to make-up work, talk to me about grades or problems in the class, or receive
extra help with assignments.
Course Description
This course places major emphasis on writing and reading skills. In this course you will
read short stories and novels, autobiographies and other types of nonfiction, poems, and plays.
The works come from a broad range of time periods and cultures. As you read and analyze
literature, you will become a more skilled interpreter of literature and the world in which we live.
Additionally, this course helps students develop reading, writing, critical thinking,
listening, and presenting skills aligned with the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards.
This is a student-centered approach that focuses on building skills through collaboration, critical
and independent reading, and building a writing portfolio. Furthermore, this course is designed to
help students improve their writing and reading skills and prepare them for upper-level English
Required Materials
Loose-leaf notebook paper (college ruled)
Pens (blue or black ink)
Independent reading books
Recommended Materials
TGB student planner
Classroom Procedures

*The procedures I will implement in my classroom will be taught, modeled, and explained to
ensure clarity.
Beginning of Class
Students will be taught to anticipate a greeting at the door from me. As students walk in
they must check to see if there are any materials to collect from the handout table. After
collecting their materials they must quietly find their assigned seats. Directions and/or Bell-work
will always be displayed through the projector which the students will use to get straight to work
after sitting down until I have called for attention.
Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be on time to class. Excessive tardiness will result in detention
and/or a referral.
Tardy is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished
ringing (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
Attendance Policy
Excessive absences will result in communication with the students parents and further
action from administration.
Absent is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of
the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
Bathroom Policy
It is the responsibility of the student to use the bathroom before or after class. Students
are given a short amount of time in the classroom which I must utilize to help my students gain
as much knowledge as possible. As such, students will not be able to use the restroom during the
first/last five minutes of the class period. However, I understand that there may be times when a
student will have to use the bathroom during those times under various circumstances.
Ending of Class
Before the class period ends I will note the time to make sure there are eight minutes left.
I will then use my signal to get my students attention, and instruct them to pack up their
belongings with the expectation of a piece of paper and pen/pencil. They will have two minutes
to quietly pack up, and while they are packing up I will have their ticket out displayed. The
students will take four minutes to complete their ticket out. Once they have completed the
prompt they must take the remaining two minutes to each pick up five pieces of trash around
their desk before I dismiss them from class.
Classroom Rules
1. Arrive on time with a positive mind, and be ready to participate.
2. All personal electronics will be put away before the start of class, and for the rest of the class

3. Stay in your assigned seat unless otherwise directed by the teacher.

4. Only one person will talk at a time, and respect will be shown towards the speaker.
5. Appropriate language will be used at all times.
* The classroom rules I will implement in my classroom will be taught, modeled, and explained
to ensure clarity.
The consequences will be consistent, enforced, and will follow due process.
Consequences will apply to all classroom rules as well as school and district policies. Additional
consideration will be given based on a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) if
The consequences are as follows:

First Offense- Warning/Conference

Second Offense- Detention

Third Offense- Call Home

Fourth Offense- Administrative Referral

* The teacher has the right to skip steps based upon the severity of the violation despite
due process. Additionally, I will report any signs of abuse, neglect, or if you imply that you
threaten to hurt yourself or someone else to administration as required by Arizona state law.
Cheating and Plagiarism
Students are expected to do their own work on all assignments. Actions such as copying
anothers assignment, downloading papers off the internet, or presenting all or part of anothers
work as your own will result in zero credit and disciplinary action. Additionally, the students
parents will be notified.
Grading and Recording of Student Work
Homework will be graded that night and recorded in the morning before school starts, so
it is ready to be handed back the day after it is turned in. Since exams will often consist of
writing some sort of essay I will need more time to effectively grade the exams. I will grade
exams within four days, and I will record them the next morning so they will be ready to return
the next day.
Students and parents will be able to access grades through the school portal at any time.
Late Work
If a student has not completed their homework before they enter the classroom it will be
considered late. Students will have until the end of the day to turn in the late assignment with 10

points subtracted from their total. If the student chooses to not turn in their late assignment by the
end of the day then they will be given a zero. Students will be graded on their best 10 out of 15
homework assignments.
Absent Work
I will keep a few copies of the materials the students will be using for the day on my
desk, so during attendance I can record which students are absent and immediately write their
name on the top of the page. After attendance I will put the work for the absent students in a
folder that corresponds to their period, and place it in my desk. The next time the student is in
class they must go to my desk, and collect their absent work when I call their name.

Attendance & Bell Work


Quizzes/Book Reviews


Exams/Culminating Projects/Essays




Applied Project I


Applied Project II


Grading System
Grading Scale:
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
59% & Below = F

Communicating with Parents

If there is a concern that requires immediate attention I will contact the students parents via
phone call before I leave the school for the day, which will be no later than 5. However, parents
may also leave a message for me using the phone number or email I provided. Parents may email
me at any time, and they will get a response the same day they send the email providing it is
before eight in the evening.

A Note from the Teacher

Over the years I have gained an immense passion for literature, which helped me grow. It
is because of my fondness for literature that I decided I wanted to share this with other people.
One of the subjects most students dislike in high school is English. However, I want to change
the minds of my students and give them a different outlook on a once hated subject. Reading and
writing does not have to be just words, but an experience that lets your imagination run wild. As
a teacher I intend to share my passion for literature, and encourage my students to look beyond
the words on the page. All students deserve an equal chance to gain knowledge no matter their

Teacher Signature: __________________________________

I understand the policies and procedures that Ms. Velazquez has outlined for her Sophomore
English Language Arts Class. My student and I have received a copy of the class syllabus and
calendar for the 2014-2015 school year.

Students Name: ___________________________________ Class Period: _______________

Parents Signature: ________________________________________

(Please detach and return to Ms. Velazquez by the end of Week 1)

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