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Classroom Management Plan

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Lamar Classroom Management Plan 2023-2024

Teacher: Coach Hudson

6th Grade English/Reading Language Arts
Tutoring will be Tuesdays/Thursdays from 11:10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Campus Expectations
● Give 100%
● Respect yourself
● Own your actions
● Work hard
● Take the lead
● Help others
Classroom Expectations
1. Respect others. Respect your teacher, classmates, classroom, and yourself.

2. Keep your body to yourself. No horseplay/ roughhousing/ vandalism.

3. Be prepared. Charged Chromebook. Restroom before class.

4. Follow directions. Use technology as directed. No phones, videos, or games.

5. Pay attention to detail. Listen when a teacher is talking.

6. Don’t waste time. Be on time, stay on task.

7. Work hard. Don’t be afraid of failing. Support others. Challenge yourself.

8. Have integrity and self-respect. Don’t cheat. Act appropriately.

Classroom Consequences
1. Warning
2. Behavior Reflection
3. Write up
Classroom Procedures
Expectations for arrival:
1. Arrive on time, following the dress code, with all materials, including a charged
Chromebook. Please use the restroom, get water, and take care of yourself before
coming to class.
2. Come with a positive attitude, readiness to READ, and a growth mindset so you can
accomplish big things this school year.

What do I do if I need to do something outside the classroom?

1. Reading Language Arts is an important STAAR-tested content area. Interruptions
during your RLA period should be minimal. Please take care of your obligations before
or after class so you can optimize your in-class success.
2. If there is something you need to do/get, it’s best to ask me before the bell rings at the
beginning of class. You may be required to make up work you missed during your lunch.
4. If you need to use the restroom during class, your phone must be secured in the room,
and Coach Hudson will give you a hall pass. You may not use the restroom the first ten
minutes or last ten minutes of the period (school rule). You may have to come in on your
lunch to make up work/instruction you missed while using the restroom.
5. Most injuries can be handled in the classroom. Any health issue we can not address in
class will result in a call to the nurse and you will be sent with a pass.
6. If you need a counselor, AP, or CIS, let me know before class, I will email them, and
they will call you when they are ready. It may not be during our class period.

How do I enter the classroom?

1. Greet the teacher at the door.
2. Voice Level 0-1
3. Go directly to your assigned desk, take out materials, stow your backpack under your
desk, read your chosen book and/or look on the projector screen for instructions.
4. Once seated, complete your reading and remain at voice level 0 as you wait for the
lesson to begin. If you finish before others, you may read.
5. You should be IN your desk when the bell rings with your supplies out.
How do I leave the room when class is over?
1. Ensure your items are put away, and your job is complete before the bell rings.
2. Remain seated in your seat with a Voice Level 0-1.
3. I will release students row by row once the bell rings.
4. As you leave the room, you may go to Voice Level 2 once you exit.
5. If you leave without being dismissed, that will be a write-up (lunch detention likely).
6. I prefer not to keep students after class, making you late for your next class. Keep
questions and conversations with me brief after the bell rings, or make an appointment
to meet with me at lunch.

How will my teacher get my attention?

1. I will raise her hand and count down from five.
2. Students will follow the four S’s BEFORE I get down to “one.”
a. Silence b.Stillness c.Seated d.Stares (looking at the teacher)

What do I do if I am tardy?
1. Knock appropriately (the door will be locked).
2. Give the teacher your pass or put it on the teacher's desk.
3. Walk quietly through the room to your seat.
4. Take a seat and get out the needed materials.
5. Teacher will bring you anything you need.

How do I get supplies (paper, pencil, kleenex, etc.)?

1. Before class you may trade a personal item (bag, sweater, jewelry, earbuds) for a pencil.
You may trade back for your item at the end of class.
2. During class, raise your hand for needed supplies.
3. Teacher will either bring you the supplies or have you retrieve the supplies you need.
4. Return borrowed supplies to the designated area when the teacher notifies you at the
end of class.

How should I keep my desk?

1. On your desk should only be items/supplies that pertain to the lesson.
2. Backpacks and personal items should not be on the desk. (unless they pertain to the
3. You may use fidgets at your desk as long as they are not distracting you or others from
4. Do not carve or write anything on desks. Report any vandalism to your teacher.
5. Desks should be free from crumbs and filth. If your desk is dirty, let the teacher know,
and cleaning supplies will be provided.

Is eating or drinking allowed in class?

1. You may have a drink in class, as long as it has a secure lid on it when you are not
drinking it.
2. Gum is permitted, but if it is found anywhere in the classroom other than inside the trash
can, the privilege will be lost.
3. Students are allowed to eat in the classroom, you must ask me first.
4. Chromebooks must be stowed away while food is out.
5. Food may not be shared with others.
6. Food privileges should not cause a distraction or a mess.

Classroom Work
How do I turn in my work?
1. Put your First Name, Last Name, and Class Period on the upper right corner
2. Turn work into the turn in the bin in the proper period.
3. If an assignment is not turned in, it will be given a score of 50 in the gradebook.
4. If an assignment was turned in but needs improvement, it will be given a score of 65.
5. Most assignments can be made up as homework.
6. If work is not completed due to off-task behavior, points will be taken off once completed.

I didn’t finish my work today, what do I do?

1. If students do not complete daily assignments, they should complete the assigned work
as homework and turn it in the following day.
2. If students' work was not completed due to them wasting classroom work time, points
may be deducted.

I was absent. How do I find out what I missed?

1. Assignments are listed in Schoology and McGraw Hill.
2. You can also ask your teacher at the end of class.

I finished my work, what do I do?

1. Independent reading
2. Once everyone has finished, we will have a group discussion over class.

How do I check out a book?

1. During Independent Reading Time, up to two people may look for a classroom book.
Find one quickly so others may have a chance. You should not be talking.
2. Books you’ve checked out from the library may also stay in a designated area in the
3. If you’d like to take the book home, write down the title and your name on the sign-out

Class Jobs
1. Class jobs will be assigned to students by volunteers or by teacher choice.
2. After six weeks, extra PBIS points will be given to students with jobs.
3. After six weeks, students may trade jobs or “retire” from their job.
4. If a student is not being responsible or missing class, their job may be reassigned.

~Unless you have a job, do not walk around the classroom without permission or
a directive from a teacher.~

Grades are reported as numerical scores:

90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C Below 70 F
Incomplete I

Daily grades 40% 10 total: 6 Reading 4 Writing

Test grades 50% 3 total
Homework 10% 1 total: Do Nows will be counted for Homework grades.
~Cheating is not tolerated and will result in an automatic zero!!~
Classroom Management Plan Agreement

I, ____________________________________, have read and fully understand the

Please print parent/guardian name
rules, procedures, and consequences given in this classroom management plan. I have
discussed this with my student and I support these policies.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent’s Preferred Method of Contact (please mark all that apply)

____ Email 🡪 My email address is:


____ A Phone Call 🡪 You can reach me at:


____ A Phone Text🡪 You can reach me at:



I, ____________________________________, have read and fully understand the

Please print student name
rules, procedures, and consequences given in this classroom management plan. I am
prepared to abide by these rules and policies.

Student Signature Date

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