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MTP 440 DM: Features

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The MTP 440 M |s an excet|ona||y versat||e, rec|s|on-eng|neered card|o|d dynam|c

m|crohone |dea||y su|ted for usca|e ||ve sound and stud|o record|ng a||cat|ons.
Featur|ng a h|gh-erformance casu|e wh|ch de||vers a remarkah|y hr|ght and ||ve|y sound,
the MTP 440 |s erfect for m|k|ng drums, ercuss|on |nstruments, other acoust|c
|nstruments and voca|s.
The MTP 440's card|o|d attern ensures erfect off-ax|s reject|on and excet|ona||y h|gh
ga|n hefore feedhack. unwanted ref|ect|ons or hackground no|se are effect|ve|y suressed.
h|gh-gua||ty comonents and rugged construct|on make |t a numher one cho|ce for tour|ng
rofess|ona|s and art|sts around the g|ohe.

To a||cat|ons
lnstrument amps
rums and percussions
Lie sound
uni|orm cardioid pickup pattern |or e||ectie isolation o| the intended sound
source and minimal background noise
Ninimally a||ected by arying load impedance
lrequency response tailored speci|ically to instrument applications
Rock-solid die-cast body
0old-plated 8-pin XLR output connector
Comes in a cardboard bo/ With |oam layers; includes NTP 4O NCs shock mount and
TP 4O Lb leather bag

MTP 40 MCs DTP 40 Lb
Tech data
Acoustical operating principle:
irectional pattern:
lrequency range:
Rated impedance:
het Weight:
dynamic, moing coil
GO ... 1G,OOO l/
2.5 mV | Pa [-52 dBV)
< 5OO ohms
gold plated 8-pin XLR
89 dia. / 159 mm
1.58 dia. / G.25 inch
24B g
B.74 o/.
Tech grah
5 dB| unit
dB re|. 1V | Pa

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