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The Curriculum Proposal

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THE THESIS PROPOSAL: DESIGNING CURRICULUM Objectives of these Guide i!es: These "uide i!es #i $%e$&%e the stude!

t to be &b e to: '( )( *( List &!d desc%ibe the ch&$te%s &!d subsectio!s of & thesis $%o$os& &!d & %ese&%ch %e$o%t &!d thei% $%o$e% o%de%( Desc%ibe the ch&%&cte%istics of &! &$$%o$%i&te $%o$os& tit e( Co+$&%e &!d co!t%&st the st, es &$$%o$%i&te fo% -'. & disse%t&tio! o% thesis/ -). & %ese&%ch $%o$os& / -*. & %ese&%ch %e$o%t/ -0. & $%ofessio!& $&$e%/ &!d -1. & jou%!& &%tic e( CURRICULUM PROPOSAL OUTLINE Cove% P&"e T&b e of Co!te!ts Ch&$te% ' 2 I!t%oductio! -Need fo% the Stud,/ 3ustific&tio!. P%ob e+ St&te+e!t Objectives Defi!itio!s of Te%+s Li+it&tio!s of the Stud, 4&sic Assu+$tio!s Ch&$te% ) 2 Revie# of Lite%&tu%e -C&! h&ve sectio!s dee+ed !ecess&%,. Ch&$te% * 2 P%ocedu%es Cu%%icu u+ Desi"! Subject Se ectio! Outco+e Me&su%es -of the $%oject5thesis. Co!ditio!s of P%ese!ti!" the Cu%%icu u+ T%e&t+e!ts 2 6h&t &%e the U!it-s.5Lesso!s7 Ev& u&tio! -of the subjects &fte% e&ch esso!. 8$ us 88 Ch&$te% 0 $%ese!t&tio! shou d fo o# the s&+e se9ue!ce &!d to$ics &s th&t $%ese!ted i! Ch&$te% *( 88 Ch&$te% 0 2 Resu ts -The &ctu& u!it-s. : esso!s. ;i!di!"s Re &tive to $%ob e+ ;ie d Test Resu ts Su++&%, of D&t& Ch&$te% 1 2 Discussio! 84ib io"%&$h, 8A$$e!dices

ELEMENTS O; THE CURRICULUM PROPOSAL Cove% P&"e ;o o# the st, e $%esc%ibed b, the st, e +&!u& su""ested b, the u!ive%sit,/ de$&%t+e!t o% &dvise%( ;o% the M(Ed(/ fo o# the APA st, e( Tit e 2 Shou d co!t&i! <e, #o%ds o% $h%&ses to "ive & c e&% &!d co!cise desc%i$tio! of the sco$e &!d !&tu%e of the %e$o%t/ &!d <e, #o%ds shou d & o# bib io"%&$he%s to i!de= the stud, i! $%o$e% c&te"o%ies ->&! D& e!/ '?@?:0AB.( 2 I!dic&te +&jo% co!ce$ts to be &dd%esses 2 I!dic&te !&tu%e of cu%%icu & 8 !o!2fo%+& 8 fo%+& 8 e=$e%ie!ti& 2 I!dic&te t&%"et &udie!ce 2 Avoid #o%ds i<e: CA Stud, of((((((((D CA! I!vesti"&tio! of ((((((((D CA Su%ve, of ((((((((D 2 E=&+$ e disse%t&tio! tit e: CA P%ocess fo% Dete%+i!i!" Co+$ete!cies fo% the Pe%fo%+&!ce of Esse!ti& Activities fo% E!vi%o!+e!t& Lite%&c, b, E!vi%o!+e!t& Educ&tio! Ce!te% Pe%so!!e i! the E!vi%o!+e!t& Educ&tio! I!dust%, &!d the Loci i! 6hich the Co+$ete!cies Cou d 4e T&u"ht(D 3ou%!& &%tic e tit e fo% the &bove: C6h&t does it t&<e to te&ch <ids &bout !&tu%e7D

T&b e of Co!te!ts ;o o# &$$%o$%i&te st, e -APA. Gives bi%dEs2e,e vie# of disse%t&tio! o% thesis Not C"e!e%& ,D $%ovided i! %e$o%ts/ $&$e%s o% &%tic es Ch&$te% ' 2 I!t%oductio! 4&c<"%ou!d &!d Setti!" 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 P%ovide %e&de% #ith !ecess&%, b&c<"%ou!d &!d setti!" to $ut the $%ob e+ i! $%o$e% co!te=t( Lets the %e&de% see the b&sis fo% the stud,( 3ustifies &!d co!vi!ces the %e&de% th&t the stud, is !eeded( 4e f&ctu& 22st&te+e!ts/ o$i!io!s &!d $oi!ts of vie# shou d be docu+e!ted( -Diffe%e!ti&te bet#ee! those th&t &%e ,ou% o#! &!d those f%o+ the ite%&tu%e(. P%ovide & o"ic& e&d2i! to & c e&% &!d co!cise st&te+e!t of the $%ob e+( Fou% Cs& es $itch(D I! & $%o$os& fo% fu!di!"/ &dd%ess c&$&bi ities &!d c&$&cit, of i!dividu& s &!d &"e!c,5i!stitutio! i! this sectio!( 6he%e &$$%o$%i&te/ $%ovides su$$o%t #ith %efe%e!ce to ite%&tu%e(

St&te+e!t of the P%ob e+ Desc%ibe ch&%&cte%istics of $%o$e% , st&ted $%ob e+s( C e&% , desc%ibe the $%ob e+ to be %ese&%ched(

Objectives of the Stud, 2 2 2 2 2 4e su%e to u!de%st&!d the +e&!i!" of CObjectivesD( 4est oc&ted &fte% the st&te+e!t of the $%ob e+( I!dic&te the e&%!i!" to be $%ovided( M&<e c e&% the di%ect co!!ectio! bet#ee! s$ecific objectives &!d %e &ted ite%&tu%e &!d theo%, 4e su%e to ist objectives i! $%o$e% se9ue!ce( ;o o# th&t se9ue!ce th%ou"hout the %e+&i!de% of the $&$e%(

Defi!itio!s of Te%+s 2 2 2 2 2 Defi!e te%+s i! the co!te=t #he%e the, #i be used 2 $%ovide o$e%&tio!& defi!itio!s &s #e &s co!stitutive defi!itio!s( I!c ude & ist of defi!itio!s fo% te%+s &!d co!ce$ts th&t h&ve si"!ific&!t +e&!i!" fo% the $%oject( Co!st%ucted i! isti!" fo%+ 2 i<e & dictio!&%,/ !ot $%ose fo%+ Do !ot defi!e "e!e%& , u!de%stood co!ce$ts/ $%i!ci$ es &!d co!ce%!s/ e("(/ voc&tio!& educ&tio!/ seco!d&%, educ&tio!/ &du t educ&tio!( Much of the s$ecific i!fo%+&tio! &bout the te%+s #i be $%ese!ted i! othe% &$$%o$%i&te sectio!s of the $%o$os&

Li+it&tio!s of the Stud, 2 2 Su++&%iGe i+it&tio!s b%ou"ht &bout b, the $%ocedu%es &!d i+it&tio!s of the stud,( Desc%ibe the $%ocedu%& i+it&tio!s i! det&i i! the &$$%o$%i&te sectio!H just su++&%iGe he%e

4&sic Assu+$tio!s 2 2 2 2 2 Do !ot +&<e &ssu+$tio!s &bout $%ocedu%es( Acce$ted #ithout thou"ht of i++edi&te $%oof( P%o$ositio!s fo% #hich !o i!fo%+&tio! c&! -o% #i . be +&de &v&i &b e #ithi! the sco$e of the stud,( A%e &=io+&tic i! th&t the, &%e $%o$ositio!s th&t vi%tu& , eve%, %e&so!&b e $e%so! is %e&d, to &do$t but #hich c&!!ot be $%ove!( T,$e of &ssu+$tio! +ost co++o! , st&ted e=$ icit , is o!e th&t is i+ited i! its !&tu%e &!d se%ves to ho d the siGe o% sco$e of &! i!vesti"&tio! #ithi! its $%esc%ibed bou!d&%ies -$uts $&%&+ete%s &%ou!d the stud,./ e("(/ stud, #i de& #ith seco!d&%, stude!ts !ot $ost2seco!d&%, Usu& , +&de #he! the &%"u+e!t %ests o! & $%io%i %e&so!i!"/ but c&! be +&de o! b&sis of $%ese!t <!o# ed"e o! %ese&%ch #hich is &s ,et i!co+$ ete -S$ecific 9u& ific&tio!s +ust be +&de i! the co!c usio!s of the %e$o%t i! #hich &ssu+$tio!s &%e +&de(. Ou"ht to be c e&% , st&ted P%otects %ese&%che%/ e("(/ <ee$s so+eo!e f%o+ s&,i!"/ COh/ I thou"ht ,ou #e%e stud,i!" IFJ/ too(D Assu+$tio!s &%e !ot h,$otheses o% objectives( H,$otheses &%e $%o$ositio!s to be i!vesti"&ted &!d &%e the ve%, subject of the $%ob e+H so/ do !ot +&<e &ssu+$tio!s &bout the+(

2 2 2 2 2

Si"!ific&!ce of the P%ob e+ 2 2 2 These &%"u+e!ts c&! be $%ese!ted i! the C4&c<"%ou!d &!d Setti!"D sectio!( This does !ot !eed to be & s$eci& sectio!( K!o# ed"e %e &ti!" to the theo%, th&t ((((((( Ne# $%oducts/ e("(/ i!st%u+e!t/ i!st%uctio!& +&te%i& / etc(

2 2 2 2 2

6ho -#h&t i!dividu& s o% "%ou$s. c&! use this !e# <!o# ed"e o% i!fo%+&tio! ,ie ded b, the cu%%icu u+ to ch&!"e o% i+$%ove the $%ese!t situ&tio!7 Ho# #i the cu%%icu u+ co!t%ibute to the i+$%ove+e!t of the $%ofessio!7 I!dic&te ho# the %esu ts c&! be "e!e%& iGed be,o!d the bou!ds of s$ecific #o%<( C&! use the &%"u+e!ts of othe%s -e=$e%t o$i!io!. #ho c& fo% &! i!vesti"&tio! of the $%ob e+ -$%o$e% , docu+e!ted/ of cou%se.( C&! use co!f ict i! fi!di!"s of %e &ted %ese&%ch &s justific&tio! fo% the stud,( 4e su%e it is docu+e!ted i! Revie# of Lite%&tu%e( Use if/ the! -h,$othetic& 2deductive. o"ic

Ch&$te% ) 2 Revie# of Lite%&tu%e A( 4( P%ovides te!t&tive so utio!s to the $%ob e+ o% te!t&tive &!s#e%s to the 9uestio!s( -Cou d be $ub ish&b e. I!dic&tes the theo%, o! #hich the stud, is b&sedH c%iti9ues &!d #ei"hs studies &s theo%, is bui t( -Teete%2totte% e=&+$ e #he%e the %esu ts of o!e stud, +i"ht be #ei"hed &"&i!st co!t%&dicto%, outco+es f%o+ &!othe% stud,(. P%ovides the %&tio!& e fo% the $%ob e+ &!d objectives the%ei! O%"&!iGed &!d #%itte! i! %efe%e!ce to the s$ecific objectives of the stud, P%o$os& s "e!e%& , do !ot i!c ude &s & co+$ ete %evie# &s does the %e$o%t( Co!sists of t#o $h&ses '( P%ob e+ e=$ o%&tio! 2 defi!itio! st&"e 8 Co!ducted befo%e $%o$os& $%e$&%&tio! to ide!tif, $%ob e+ 8 P%ovides di+e!sio!s &!d i+its of the $%ob e+ &%e& 8 Defi!es e=te!t to #hich so utio! o% &!s#e% is & %e&d, <!o#! 8 He $s disce%! C6h&t do #e <!o# the e&st &bout7D 8 Ide!tifies $ossib e $%ocedu%es -desi"!/ i!st%u+e!tsH outco+es. fo% co!ducti!" the $%oject )( P%o$os& 6%iti!" 2 See A2E &bove Ch&$te% * 2 P%ocedu%es -So+e #%ite%s c& this ch&$te% CMethodo o",D. REPLICATION is the <e, #o%d to <ee$ i! +i!d #he! #%iti!" this ch&$te%( Fou +ust $%ovide &ccu%&te/ det&i ed desc%i$tio!s of ho# the $%oject #&s do!e so it cou d be %e$ ic&ted -%edo!e. b, othe%s( Fou shou d $%ovide e=$ &!&tio!s th&t #i e!&b e the %e&de% to %e$%oduce the e=&ct co!ditio!s of the o%i"i!& cu%%icu &( A %&the% e=te!sive e=$ &!&tio! shou d be $%ovided so th&t %e&de%s u!de%st&!d #h, &!d ho# ,ou &%e "oi!" to do the esso!s -i! & fi!& %e$o%t.( Fou% $%ocedu%es shou d &!s#e% 9uestio!s o% objectives &s efficie!t ,/ eco!o+ic& , &!d v& id , &s $ossib e( SECTIONS The sectio!s of cu%%icu u+ desi"!/ subject se ectio!/ outco+e +e&su%es/ co!ditio!s of testi!"/ t%e&t+e!ts &!d ev& u&tio! #i e!co+$&ss +ost +ethodo o"ic& &ctivities th&t !eed to be desc%ibed( E&ch sectio! #i be desc%ibed se$&%&te ,( Cu%%icu u+ Desi"!

C( D( E( ;(

Desc%ibe the t,$e of cu%%icu u+ to be #%itte!/ i(e(/e=$e%ie!ti& educ&tio!/ &dve!tu%e b&sed/ e!vi%o!+e!t& educ&tio!/ !o!2fo%+& / fo%+& -K2')/ hi"he% ed(.( Use this sectio! to desc%ibe ho# ,ou #i set u$ ,ou% $%oject to c&%%, out the o$ti+& e&%!i!" fo% the &$$%o$%i&te &udie!ce( Desc%ibe the ste$s ,ou #i t&<e to &dd%ess the objectives i! o$e%&tio!& te%+s( 2 2 2 Desc%ibe #h&t i!te%ve!i!" co!ditio!s +i"ht &ffect the outco+es of the u!it-s.( A!& ,Ge the v& idit, of the $%oject( -Ho# #i ,ou <!o# th&t ,ou &%e "oi!" to be te&chi!" #h&t ,ou s&, ,ou &%e7 o%/ #i the e&%!e% be e&%!i!" #h&t ,ou #&!t the+ to bec&use of ,ou% cu%%icu & &!d !ot so+e othe% i!f ue!ce7. A so/ discuss th%e&ts to v& idit,( Desc%ibe ho# ,ou% stud, #i +e&su%e o% co!t%o these th%e&ts "ive! the CLi+it&tio!s of the Stud,(D

The desc%i$tio! of the desi"! fo% #%iti!" cu%%icu & is "e!e%& , e&s, to desc%ibe/ #hi e the v& idit, is !ot( Desc%ibe !o!2$&%tici$&!ts -subjects o% e&%!e%s. fo o#2u$ $%ocedu%es &!d $%ocedu%es to co+$&%e $&%tici$&!ts #ith !o!2$&%tici$&!ts( Ge!e%& ,/ C$&%tici$&!tsD +e&!s Cstude!tsD( -I! & %ese&%ch $%oject/ these $eo$ e #ou d be %efe%%ed to &s C%es$o!de!tsD(. A stud, +&, i!vo ve +o%e th&! o!e $u%$ose( I!dic&te c e&% , #hich desi"! is to &dd%ess e&ch objective/ if ,ou h&ve diffe%e!t $u%$oses &!d desi"!s(( P&%ticu &% &tte!tio! +ust be di%ected to & te%!&tive o% %iv& e=$ &!&tio!s to the success of the cu%%icu u+( Sche+&tic -"%&$hic. di&"%&+s/ o% +ode s/ ofte! &id i! u!de%st&!di!" the desi"!( Defi!e the s,+bo s ,ou use( Subject Se ectio! The $o$u &tio! to be studied is fi%st ide!tified &!d ho# & t&%"et &udie!ce - ist of e e+e!ts o% u!i9ue ch&%&cte%istics of the $o$u &tio!. #i be deve o$ed( E=$ &i! #h, this $o$u &tio! is &$$%o$%i&te fo% this stud,( Note &!, disc%e$&!cies bet#ee! the &ccessib e $o$u &tio! &!d the t&%"et $o$u &tio!( Desc%ibe the s&+$ i!" $%ocedu%e( Re &te ho# the s&+$ e #&s se ected &!d ,ou% %e&so!s fo% se ecti!" &!, st%&tif,i!" v&%i&b es/ if &!, #e%e e+$ o,ed( Desc%ibe the se ectio! %&tio!& e( Desc%ibe the siGe of the s&+$ e/ ho# it #&s dete%+i!ed/ &!d the %&tio!& e fo% the siGe( S&+$ i!" u!its shou d be ide!tified( 4e su%e to diffe%e!ti&te bet#ee! & c &ss bei!" the subject ve%sus &! i!dividu& stude!t( Fou s&+$ e #i co+$%ise the "%ou$ of subjects bei!" t&%"eted fo% ,ou% cu%%icu &( D&t& desc%ibi!" the ch&%&cte%istics of the subjects th&t &%e %e ev&!t to the cu%%icu & shou d be $%ovidedH &!d/ if &v&i &b e/ d&t& f%o+ the $o$u &tio! to e!&b e the %e&de% to jud"e the %e$%ese!t&tive!ess of the s&+$ e( -CAt %is< ,outhD v( Lth "%&de fe+& e stude!ts f%o+ Du uth/ Mi!!esot& #ith te!de!cies to#&%d t%u&!c,(. Desc%ibe #h&t #i be do!e to s$ecific& , "et the stude!ts di%ect , $&%tici$&ti!" i! the esso!s7 6h&t does the te&che% !eed to do to $%e$&%e the stude!ts fo% the esso!s7 A &ffect the $o$u &tio! to #ho+ o!e c&! "e!e%& iGe the %esu ts bec&use of i!te%fe%i!" diffe%e!ces i! ho# the u!it5 esso!s #e%e $%ese!ted to the e&%!e%s( Outco+e Me&su%es

Me&su%e+e!t of the effects of the esso!s is o!e <e, to ,ou% stud,( Discuss tech!i9ues o% i!st%u+e!ts ,ou #i use to +e&su%e the success of the cu%%icu u+( O!e of those +e&su%es #i be stude!t outco+es( '( >& idit, 2 Does the i!st%u+e!t o% tech!i9ue +e&su%e #h&t it $u%$o%ts to +e&su%e #ith this "%ou$7 )( Re i&bi it, 2 6h&teve% the i!st%u+e!t o% tech!i9ue +e&su%es/ does it do so co!siste!t , #ith this "%ou$7 6i it #o%< i! & si+i &% #&, if t%ied #ith & diffe%e!t "%ou$ of stude!ts b, & diffe%e!t te&che% i! & diffe%e!t setti!"7 *( Suit&bi it, 2 Uti it, +ust be hi"h fo% subjects to #ho+ the &ssess+e!t is &d+i!iste%ed( If #e 2<!o#! esso!s &%e used/ ,ou shou d "e!e%& , desc%ibe the esso! be!efits/ &!d desc%ibe thei% %e i&bi it, &!d v& idit,/ &!d %efe% the %e&de% th%ou"h cit&tio! to %efe%e!ces #he%e +o%e tho%ou"h det&i ed discussio!s c&! be fou!d( If ,ou &s the %ese&%che% &%e deve o$i!" the i!st%u+e!t&tio!/ the! v& idit, &!d %e i&bi it, +ust be est&b ished( The esso! shou d be $i ot &!d5o% fie d tested( Desc%ibe ho# this #&s do!e( A fie d test c&! oc&te $ote!ti& suit&bi it, $%ob e+ &%e&s( A$$e!d co$ies of the i!st%u+e!ts to the $%o$os& ( The Revie# of Lite%&tu%e c&! be uti iGed to ve%if, the co!ce$ts5theo%, u!de% stud, &!d the sco$e of the educ&tio!& +ethods to &ssess the co!ce$ts( This sectio! shou d est&b ish the o$e%&tio!& i!< bet#ee! these co!ce$ts5theo%, &!d the esso!s( If ,ou use i!te%vie#e%s o% obse%ve%s/ ho# #i the, be t%&i!ed7 O!ce this is do!e/ "ive thei% i!te%2%&te% &!d i!t%&2%&te% %e i&bi ities( Co!ditio!s of Testi!" Desc%ibe #he!/ #he%e/ &!d u!de% #h&t co!ditio!s the cu%%icu u+ #&s $%ese!ted/ the !u+be% of ti+es &!d o%de% i! #hich esso!s #e%e used/ &!d the ti+e & otted fo% $%ese!t&tio! of e&ch esso! i! its e!ti%et,( Desc%ibe the ve%b& &!d #%itte! di%ectio!s $%ovided to the subjects( 6e%e i!ce!tives used to e!cou%&"e %es$o!se7 4e s$ecificM Desc%ibe #he! the test -cu%%icu u+. #&s &d+i!iste%ed/ e("(/ t&<i!" & test &fte% u!ch/ &fte% &!othe% test/ etc(/ +&, e=$ &i! v&%i&!ce +o%e th&! the #he! i! the 9u&%te% the test #&s &d+i!iste%ed/ o% ,ou% th&t it #&s ,ou% s$ecific esso!/ th&t +&de the diffe%e!ce to the stude!t( Du%i!" the &ctu& $%ese!t&tio! of esso!s/ +o!ito% eve!ts( I! %e$o%ti!" ,ou% %esu ts/ e=$ &i! these eve!ts to the %e&de%( If i!st%u+e!ts &%e $ote!ti& , th%e&te!i!" -$s,cho o"ic& , o% $h,sic& ,./ desc%ibe #h&t $%ec&utio!s #i be t&<e! to +i!i+iGe this th%e&t( T%e&t+e!ts Ho# #e%e the esso!s &d+i!iste%ed7 6h&t #&s do!e to the subjects7 Desc%ibe & eve s so th&t the, &%e %e$ ic&b e( 6e%e &!, +ethods e+$ o,ed &!d &b&!do!ed bec&use the, #e%e v& ue ess7 Ke% i!"e% desc%ibes +&=i+iGi!" the diffe%e!ces bet#ee! the eve s of the i!de$e!de!t

v&%i&b e( A t,$ic& sho%tco+i!" is co+$&%i!" & C!e#D +ethod #ith & Ct%&ditio!& D o% Cco!ve!tio!& D +ethod of doi!" so+ethi!"( 6he! this h&$$e!s/ the %ese&%che% #i ofte! desc%ibe &t e!"th the C!e#D +ethod but !ot the Ct%&ditio!& D +ethod( Ho#/ %e& ,/ &%e the, diffe%e!t7 If &tt%ibute v&%i&b es &%e used i! the desi"!/ ide!tif, the+ &!d the !u+be% of eve s of e&ch &!d b%ief , desc%ibe the %&tio!& e fo% the se ectio! of the &tt%ibute v&%i&b es -+o%e tho%ou"h e=$ &!&tio! shou d be i! the CRevie#D.( -;o% i!st&!ce/ #e ofte! cite Cse f2estee+D &s &! &tt%ibute th&t #e h&ve Ci+$%ovedD( Desc%ibe Cse f2estee+D &!d Ci+$%ovedD so th&t the %e&de% u!de%st&!ds the beh&vio% co+$%isi!" the co!st%uct(. Ev& u&tio! Ev& u&tive tech!i9ues &%e too s se ected bec&use of ,ou% desi"!/ !ot vice ve%s&( -Me&su%i!" ch&!"e is do!e th%ou"h obse%vi!" $h,sic& beh&vio% o% th%ou"h & #%itte! se f2 $e%ceived ch&!"e(. E=$ &i! #h, #e%e these +ethods of ev& u&tio! #e%e e+$ o,ed( A%e these the best #&,s to dete%+i!e the effect of ,ou% esso!7 Ho# do ,ou <!o#7 Re+e+be%/ se ect ev& u&tio! too s th&t &!s#e% the 9uestio!-s. i!vo ved #ith the stud,( The, shou d se%ve to &!s#e% ,ou% objectives/ !ot to do+i!&te the+( S$ecif, #h&t +e&!s of ev& u&tio! #i be used fo% e&ch objective(
Se$te+be% )A/ )AAA <"

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