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Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris

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I ......... go to see the doctor last week because I was very ill.

(a) must

(b) must

(c) had to

I could ......... bought that car but I didn't have enough money to pay for the petrol.

(a) had

(b) have

(c) have

I ......... go now because I am already late for my class.

(a) must

(b) had

(c) have

I may ......... able to come to your party if I have the time.

(a) be

(b) being

(c) being to

Do you ......... clean the house every day or every week?

(a) must

(b) have

(c) have

I ......... speak French without a problem now because I have had many lessons.

(a) may

(b) can

(c) have

They ......... do their homework today because it is a holiday at the school.

(a) must not

(b) don't have

(c) don't have to

I ......... help you with your shopping because you have a lot of bags.

(a) ought

(b) ought

(c) thought

When will you ......... come and see us in our new house?

(a) can

(b) be able

(c) must

I may ......... go to Paris next week because there is a very big exhibition there.

(a) have

(b) have

(c) had


I. Text I for questions number 1 to 10

Change the verbs in the brackets into the correct form

Andi (1) on a plane. It (2) the first time for him. A stewardess always (3) him.
And she also (4) him food, drink, snack and candies. He (5) “How kind she is!”
The he (6) an announcement, “Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This
flight will be flown by Captain Ferda. It will fly at an altitude of 28.000 feet.
Well ladies and gentlemen, have a pleasant flight”. Andi (7) so excited that
he (8) his eyes to (9) outside at the clouds. “Wow, I’m flying now”.

He (10) “what an exciting experience”.

1 a. Were 2 a. Were 3 a. Helping 4 a. Giving 5 a. Thought

b. Was b. Was b. Helps b. Give b. Thinking
c. Am c. Am c. Helped c. Given c. Think
d. Is d. Is d. Help d. Gave d. Thinks

6 a. Heard 7 a. Was 8 a. Shuts 9 a. Look 10 a. Thought
b. Hearing b. Were b. Shuttings b. Looks b. Thinks
c. Hears c. Is c. Shut c. Looking c. Think
d. Hear d. Am d. Shutted d. Looked d. Thinking

I. Text II for questions number 11 to 14

One day Sandra Dewi felt sick in the middle of the English lesson. All of the
students did the reading task. Suddenly Sandra Dewi vomited. All other
students stopped writing. Mrs. Lidya helped her immediately. The chairman
of the class sent for the school’s doctor.

In five minutes the doctor came. He examined her carefully. He examined her
eyes. He felt her stomach. He listened to her heartbeat. He measured her
blood pressure. Then he took her temperature.

‘I’m afraid he suffers from malaria. Her temperature is very high. That is why
she vomited. She has a very bad cough, too. I’ll give her some pills for her
malaria, some tablets for her fever and syrup for her cough. She needs a
week rest’. Said the doctor.

1 a. Sandra Dewi vomited 1 What did the students do?

1 b. Sandra Dewi felt sick 2 a. Sitting in the classroom
c. Sandra Dewi stopped b. Writing a task
writing c. Reading task
d. Sandra Dewi read a d. Helping Sandra Dewi
1 What happened to the 1 What did the doctor
3 students? 4 recommend?
a. Stopped listening a. I’m afraid she suffers from
b. Stopped writing malaria
c. Stopped reading b. She needs a week rest
d. Stopped studying c. She needs syrup for her
d. She has a very bad cough

I. Dialogue for number 15 to 16

Ali : Hello

Badu : Hello

Ali : Ali speaking. Can I speak to Mary, please?

Badu : Hm, She’s not home right now.

Ali : Oh. Ok.

Badu : Can I take the massage?

Ali : Yes, please. Thanks

Badu : Wait a second. I’ll get a pen. (a minute later)


Ali : Could you tell her to meet me at 7 p.m in front of the city public

Badu : All right

Ali : Thank you. Bye.

Badu : Bye.

1 How do they open the 1 How do they close the

5 conversation? 6 conversation?
a. Hello a. Could you
b. Oh. O.K b. Oh. Bye
c. Hm c. Oh. O.K
d. O.K d. All right

I. Text III for question number 17 to 20

Shirley’s Day Off

Shirley enjoyed her day off yesterday. She …(17)…up late, …(18)… jogging in
the park, …(19) … a long shower, and …(20) … a big breakfast.

1 a. Getti 1 a. Goe 1 a. Take 2 a. Ate

7 ng 8 s 9 b. Took 0 b. Eat
b. Gets b. Gon c. Take c. Eati
c. Get e s ng
d. Got c. Wen d. Taki d. Eats
t ng
d. Go

I. Composition
Make a short dialogue telling what you did last week end!

Tes Mid Semester

I. Pilihlah a, b, c, atau d

1. Andi : Hi Anto, ……………

Anto: Hi Andi. I’m fine, thank you.

b. How do you do?
c. Nice to meet you?
d. Who are you?
e. How are you?

2. Tono and Bill are students. ….are in the classroom now.

b. He
c. They
d. We
e. You

3. Students : Good morning,……

Mr. Winsley : Good morning.

b. Sir
c. Miss
d. Mrs.
e. Mom.

4. Burhan : I’m from Ciputih,…..

Komar : I’m from Bojong

b. And then?
c. That’s it
d. And you?
e. Really?

5. Albert : I want to write on the blackboard.

Rick : O.K. Here’s ….

b. the pen
c. the clock
d. the chalk
e. the socks

Gambar untuk soal nomor 6 s.d nomor 10

Mr. Ansori Mrs. Ansori

Yesi Ahmad Iwan Sonya

Wati Budi

6. Yesi is Ahmad’s…

b. Sister
c. Aunt
d. Niece
e. Wife

14. Budi : There is a football
match on TV tonight.

Sandi :………
7. Mr. And Mrs Ansori have….sons
Budi : Yeah. Let’s watch it.
a. one b. two c.
three d. four a. Oh really? b. By the way c.
You see? d. See you.

8. Wati calls Ahmad…

15. Aruni : ……………………..?
a. Father b. Brother c.
Uncle d. Husband Azka : I live at Jl. Soreang Number

a. What’s your age?

9. Wati and Budi are Iwan’s… c. How many brothers do you
a. Children b. Childs c. b. What’s your address?
Sons d. Daughters d. How’re you?

16. Simon : what’s your favorite food?

10. Mrs. Ansori is Budi’s…
Wisnu : ………………
a. Sister b. Aunt c.
Grandfather d. Grandmother a. Fried chicken b. Cat c.
Volleyball d. Swimming

11. The traffic sign means

Teks untuk soal no. 17 s.d 20

a. Don’t Stop b. Be Careful My classroom …(17)… big and clean. There

c. Don’t Park d. Be Dilligent …(18) … twenty tables and forty six chairs.
The pictures … (19)…on the walls and there
… (20) … a clock beside the calendar.
12. There are many books in the…
a. Laboratory b. canteen
c. library d. lavatory 17. a. is b. am c.
are d. has

18. a. am b. has c. are

d. is

13. Adam : How many players are there

19. a. are b. is c. am
in a basketball team?
d. has
Ali : …………..I think.

a. Six b. five c. seven

20. a. are b. is c. am
d. four
d. has


II Tulislah pertanyaan – pertanyaan untuk

melengkapi format dibawah ini. Soal – soal keterampilan membaca
mengukur kemampuan siswa dalam
memahami bahasa Inggris tertulis. Setiap
teks diikuti oleh empat atau lima pertanyaan
mengenai :

21. Name :
22. Age : 1. Topik utama
23. Nationality :s Jenis pertanyaan seperti ini menguji
24. Job : pemahaman siswa mengenai isi
25. Address : bacaan.

2. Padanan dan lawan kata

Siswa harus mampu mengidentifikasi
satu jawaban yang benar diantara
III Tulislah surat untuk membalas surat di empat pilihan jawaban
bawah ini
3. Pertanyaan mengenai informasi
rinci yang tersurat
Jenis pertanyaan ini menanyakan
suatu informasi rinci tertentu didalam
Jakarta, 17 October 2005
4. Kosa kata
Jenis pertanyaan seperti ini menguji
To my friends in SMP 3 Soreang pemahaman siswa mengenai kosa
kata yang sering digunakan

5. Pertanyaan mengenai informasi

Dear friends, yang tersirat
Jenis pertanyaan ini menanyakan
suatu informasi yang tersirat di
dalam teks
My name is Ridwan Anwar. I am 13 years
old. I live in Jakarta with my parents, two 6. Pertanyaan mengenai acuan kata
sisters and one brother. My father is a Siswa harus mampu mengidentifikasi
worker and my mother is a teacher. My kata ganti yang menjadi acuan
sisters are students in senior high school sebuah kata atau frase.
and my brother is still in elementary school.
That’s all about my family. Please tell me
about your family. Thanks.

Latihan 1

Hello, my name is Fasihu. This is my
Ridwan. family; my father, my mother, my sister Siti
and my brother Ali. My father is 42 years
old. He is handsome. He is a teacher. My
mother is 40 years old. She is beautiful. She
is a teacher too.

My sister is sixteen years old. She

has long hair. She is a student of SMU. My

brother is ten years old. He has short hair. 1. What is the most suitable title for the
He is a student in primary school. I am tall. I text?
am a new student at SMP 1 Buton. I have a. Erna’s friends c. Erna’s
short hair. school
b. Erna’s hobbies d. Erna’s
1. What is the passage about?
a. Fasihu’s school c. Fasihu’s 1. Where do the students play?
sister a. In the library c. In the
b. Fasihu’s family d. Fasihu’s classroom
parents b. On Jl Semar d. In the school yard

1. The following statements are true, 1. “…and she is a smart student”. The
except underlined word means….
a. Fasihu’s parents are teachers a. Happy c. Careful
b. c. Fasihu’s sister is younger than b. Beautiful d. Clever
c. Fasihu has one brother and one
sister 1. “It has a wide school yard”. The word
d. His brother is in rimary school “it” refers to…
a. classroom c. yard
b. school d. library
1. What are Fasihu’s parents?
a. His mother is 40 and his father is
42 1. “She is in the first grade now.” The
b. They are fine underlined word means…
c. They are teachers a. class c. school
d. They have three children
b. school yard d. classroom

1. He is a student in primary school. The

underlined word means…
Latihan 3
a. High c. Elementary
b. Secondary d. Kindergarten

Mr. Jim Brown’s wife is Mary Brown.

1. What class is Fasihu in? They have three children; two daughters and
a. Class 3 c. Class 2
a son. Their daughters are Ann and Lucy and
b. Class 1 d. SMU student
their son is Jack. Jack and Lucy are still
single. Ann is married. Her husband is Bill.
Latihan 2 Ann and Bill have two children, a boy and a
girl. They are John and Cindy.

Erna is a junior high school student.

She is in the first grade now and she is a 1. The text tells us about…
smart student. Her school is on Jalan Semar. a. Mr. Brown’s wife
The school has twenty four classrooms and b. Mr. Brown’s family
one library. It also has a wide school yard.
c. Mr. Brown children
d. Mr. Brown
Erna and her friends like to play in
the school yard. It is fun to play there. Erna 2. How many people are mentioned in the
likes English lesson very much. Her English text?
teacher is Mr. Chandra. He is a good a. Six c. Seven
teacher. b. Eight d. Nine

3. What do John and Cindy call Jack?

a. Father c. Grand father
b. Cousin d. Uncle
4. Where does Mr. Rantung put his car?
a. In the yard
4. “They have three children..” The word b. In the living room
“they” refers to… c. In the garage
a. Mr. Brown c. Mrs. Brown d. In the bathroom
b. Mr. and Mrs. Brown d. Ann and Bill

5. Where can Mr. Rantung watch TV?

5. “….her husband is Bill”. The word ‘her’ a. In the dining room
refers to….. b. In the living room
a. Mary c. Lucy c. In the garage
b. Cindy d. Ann d. In the bathroom

6. “…Jack and Lucy are still single” the 6. “…It has a living room,..”. the word ‘it’
antonym of the underlined word is… refers to… the house
a. young c. married a. Mr. Rantung c. The dining room
b. The garage d. The kitchen
b. old d. happy

7. “..In each bedroom, you can find a

wardrobe and a bed”. What is the
synonym of the underline word?
a. some c. both
Latihan 4
b. every d. several

This is Mr Rantung’s house. It has a

living room, two bedrooms, a dining room, a Latihan 5
bathroom, a kitchen and a garage. There are
six chairs and a dining table in the dining
room. The dining room is between the living
Mrs. Fatimah hasan was coming from
room and the kitchen. There are four
the market. She was carrying a basketful of
armchairs, a table, a sofa, and a TV set in
things. She had some vegetables, fish, eggs,
the living room. In each bedroom, you can
and a kilo of meat. There were some apples,
find a wardrobe and the bed. There is a
pears and oranges too.
bucket in the bathroom. In the kitchen, there
are many kitchen utensils. It was very hot. Mrs. Hasan was tired
and thirsty. She went to a canteen. “Would
you like something to drink?” the waitress
1. How many rooms are there in Mr. asked. “a glass of cold tea, please”, said
Rantung’s house? Mrs. Hasan. After she finished drinking, she
a. Five c. Six quickly took pedicab home.
b. Seven d. Eight
As soon as she arrived home, she
went to the kitchen. She cleaned the fish
2. There are many things in the living and cut the vegetables. She also wanted to
room, except… fry an egg for her son. She was preparing
a. A radio c. A sofa lunch for her family.
b. Armchairs d. A sofa

3. What is between the living room and 1. What is the first paragraph about?
the kitchen? a. Mrs. Fatimah Hasan
a. The bedrooms c. The b. Mrs. Fatimah Hasan’s daily needs
bathroom c. Things Mrs. Fatimah Hasan bought
b. A garage d. A dining room from the market

d. The market 2. What is Hendi’s father?
a. He is a worker for an electronic
2. The following statements are true, b. He does not have any permanent job
excepts… c. He is a worker in the bus terminal
a. Mrs. Fatimah Hasan didn’t buy any d. He sells fruits
b. Mrs. Fatimah Hasan’s son likes eggs
c. Mrs. Fatimah Hasan was coming 3. What is Hendi’s part-time job?
from shopping a. He is a fruit seller
d. Mrs. Fatimah Hasan wanted to cook b. He works for an electronic
for manufacturer
lunch c. He works in the bus terminal
d. He is an SMP student

3. Why did she drink a glass of cold tea? 4. Why should Hendi support himself?
a. Because she was hungry a. Because his father doesn’t
b. Because she was thirsty permanent salary
c. Because she went to canteen b. Because he wants to work in the
d. Because she liked hot tea company
c. Because he likes selling fruits
d. Because goes to school in the
4. How did she go home? evening
a. by bus c. on foot
b. by taxi d. by pedicab
5. “His father was a worker for an electronic
manufacturer..”. what does the
5. What will Mrs. Hasan’s family have for underlined word means?
lunch? a. Employee c.Employer
a. Some meat and fish b. Producer d. Customer
b. Some vegetables and eggs
c. Some eggs and meat
d. Some fish and vegetables

Latihan 6
Latihan 7

Hendi is an SMP student. He is in the

third year now. His father was a worker for Syafrida likes shopping, but she doesn’t
an electronic manufacturer, but because of like to shop at the big supermarket in her
the economic crisis, the company went town. The things are very expensive and she
bankrupt. Now his father has no permanent can’t bargain. She likes shopping at the
job. Therefore, to support himself, Hendi traditional market better because she can
sells fruits at the bus terminal. He sells fruits bargain to get good things at low prices. She
after school. He does it until six o’clock in thinks that’s interesting.
the evening. After selling fruits, he studies at
Last week, she tried shopping at the
new shopping mall. She bought a notebook,
an umbrella, a dress, a kilo of oranges and a
papaya. They were very expensive and she
1. What is the text about? doesn’t want to do shopping there again.
a. Hendi’s school c.
Hendi’s father
b. Hendi’s part-time job d. Hendi’s fruits
1. Syafrida likes doing shopping in the
traditional market because….
a. She can bargain
b. She doesn’t want to go to the town
c. The things are good

d. She like shopping b. Kinds of games
c. Modern games
d. Games on the independence day
2. “ She thinks that is interesting..” The
underlined word refers to….
a. Shopping in the supermarket 2. On the Independence Day celebration,
b. Shopping in the traditional market august 17, people usually play….
c. Expensive things a. Traditional games only
d. Low prices b. Both traditional and modern games
c. Modern games only
d. Neither traditional or modern games
3. Where did Syafrida do shopping last
a. In traditional market c. In the shop 3. The following statements are true,
b. In the big super market d. In the except…
grocer a. traditional games are not popular in
big cities
b. we can’t see traditional games in big
4. “…they were very expensive..”. the cities
underlined word refers to…. c. tug-of-war is a traditional game
a. The shopping malls d. modern games are more popular in
b. Things she bought in the shopping big cities
c. Things in the traditional market
d. Things she didn’t buy in the shopping 4. “…many children in the cities now
mall prefer modern games..” the underlined
word means….
a. hate c. dislike
Latihan 8 b. like better d. have

5. “…traditional games are those which

Children all over the world love have been played by children of many
playing games. There are two kinds of generations..” the word “those” in the
games, traditional games and modern sentence refers to…..
games. Traditional games are those which
a. games c. generations
b. children d. great
have been played by children of many
generations, since the time of our great
grandparents up to our time. Some of the
traditional games in our country include
playing marbles, hide and seek, skipping
and “congklak”.

Some games are usually played for Latihan 9

competition on the Independence Day
celebration, August 17; they are the sack
race, palm tree climbing, and tug-of-war.
Those games are very popular in many parts There are a lot of sports we can do
of Indonesia. for our health. Some sports are expensive
However, in big cities, traditional and some others are cheap. Golf and tennis
games are becoming less popular. Many are two example of expensive sports. Not all
children in the cities now prefer modern people have enough money to play them.
games, such as video games and computer The example of cheap sports are jogging,
games. But, every year, on the running and walking.
Independence Day celebration, we can still
see traditional games. We can do jogging, running, or
walking without spending any money.
Moreover we can do them everywhere and
every time we like. These sports are very
1. What is the best title for the text? good for both young and old people. If we do
a. Traditional games

them regularly, we will feel fresh and Good morning ladies and gentleman. This is
healthy. your tour guide speaking. The ship will be
docking in approximately five minutes.
There are two kinds of sports Please collect all of your belongings and exit
according to the number of players. Some to the right. Before heading to the farmer's
market we will gather under the welcome
sports like football and volleyball are played
sign for a group photo
in teams, while some others like swimming
and throwing the javelin are done
individually. 1. What should the passengers do before
exiting the ship?
a) Welcome the visitors c) Check the
1. What is the best title for the text?
a. Kinds of sports c. b) Collect their personal items d) Take a
Sports for our picture

b. Expensive sports d.
Cheap sports 2. What will happen in five minutes?
A) The ship will arrive at the dock.

2. What is the second paragraph about? B) The passengers will go shopping.

a. Kinds of sports c. C) The passengers will take photos of the
Sports for our ship. D) The market will open.

b. Expensive sports d.
Cheap sports

Latihan 11
3. “..Not all people have enough money to
play them….” The word “them” refers
a. Cheap sports I'd like to welcome you all to the fourth
b. Golf and tennis annual poet's brunch. In just a few minutes a
c. Running, jogging and walking server will be around to offer you coffee or
d. Football and volleyball tea. Please take a moment to fill out your
name tag and introduce yourself to the other
artists at your table. Lunch will be served at
4. How will we feel if we run or walk 11:00 am sharp, followed by a reading from
regularly? last year's prize winner.
a. We will feel weak
b. We will feel tired
c. We will feel healthy 1. How often does this event take place?
d. We will fell happy A) monthly C) four times a year
B) once a year D) every four years

1. Where can we go jogging, running, or

a. Somewhere c. Anywhere 2. What will happen after the brunch?
b. Nowhere d .whereabout A) The people will be served drinks.
B) An artist will show his paintings.
C) The guests will introduce themselves.
2. We can do the following sports D) A poet will read a poem.
individually, except….
a. Aerobic c. Jogging
b. High jumping d. Basketball
Latihan 12

Latihan 10

One day Sandra Dewi felt sick in the middle underlined word the doctor give
of the English lesson. All of the students did is… her?
the reading task. Suddenly Sandra Dewi
vomited. All other students stopped writing. a. helped a. one
b. gave b. two
Mrs. Lidya helped her immediately. The
c. checked c. three
chairman of the class sent for the school’s d. sent d. four

In five minutes the doctor came. He latihan 13

examined her carefully. He examined her
eyes. He felt her stomach. He listened to her Water Transportation
heartbeat. He measured her blood pressure.
Then he took her temperature.

‘I’m afraid he suffers from malaria. Her The first steam-powered vessel crossed
temperature is very high. That is why she the Atlantic in 1819. This was the Savannah,
vomited. She has a very bad cough, too. I’ll an American sailing ship with a steam
give her some pills for her malaria, some engine and paddle wheels on each side.
tablets for her fever and syrup for her Most of the voyage was made under sail.
cough. She needs a week rest’. Said the The engine was used only when the wind
doctor. died down. The voyage was not a great
success. It took 29 days. The engine
frequently broke down.

1 What is the text 2 What were the Steam power was more reliable than
about? students doing sail. A steamship does not depend on
when she favourable winds, while sailing ships do. If
a. vomitting vomited? the wind dies down, a steamship goes ahead
b. Sandra Dewi’s at full speed, while a sailing ship lies
sickness a. Sitting in helpless. Winds blowing the wrong way can
c. Sandra Dewi’s the slow a steamboat but not stop it.
task classroom
d. Sandra Dewi’s b. Writing a The use of steel and powerful engines
text task
made it possible to build large ships.
c. Reading
d. Helping Passenger liners became more luxurious.
Sandra Freight ships of huge capacities and larger
Dewi warships were built. New types of ships also
appeared. The oil tanker, with special tanks
built for carrying oil, was designed in the
3 One of the 4 What did the
1870’s. Before that time oil had to be
following sentence doctor
transported in barrels placed aboard ship.
is true according to recommend?
the text, except… Merchant ships are more important than
a. She
ever because more nations are trading with
a. Mrs Lidya was suffered
from one another. Most of the goods are carried
an English
malaria by ships. The merchant fleets are doubled.
b. The doctor b. She needed But the use of luxury passenger liners
knew her a week rest declined. Aeroplanes have largely replaced
disease c. She needed liners.
c. The students syrup for
were helping her cough Many nations have enlarged their
her d. She had a shipbuilding industries. The leading
d. The doctor was very bad
shipbuilding nations today are the United
afraid cough
States, Japan, Sweden, Germany, Spain,
Great Britain, France, Russia, Denmark and
5 “…He examined 6 How many Italy.
her carefully” The kinds of
synonym of the medicines did

1. The merchant ships are more important the news, to get information, to have music
than ever. All the answers are right entertainments or to advertise their
except …. Because …. products. Almost everywhere we go, we can
(A) the merchant fleets are doubled
hear the sound of radio.
(B) more nations are trading with one
How about television ? Some people say
(C) people like merchant fleets
that television is better than radio. To some
(D) most of the goods are carried by
ships extent, they are right. We can listen its
sound and watch the picture on its screen at
the same time. Television stations also offer
2. The use of luxury passenger liners us a great many kinds of programs; new,
declined because …. education, film, music, weather forecasts,
quizes, and many others. We can also get
(A) going by liner is comfortable live reportation about an important event in
(B) going by luxury passenger liners
some other sides of the world, no matter
costs a small amount of money
(C) passenger liners are luxurious how far it is from us. It is undertandble if
(D) aeroplanes have largely replaced people find it more interesting to have
liners television than radio, or any kinds of mass
media, but we should never forget that to
many people television still cost too much.
3. The following are ships except ….
To ours life, the inventions of radio and
(A) submarine (C) warrior televisions, with no need to forget other
(B) warship (D) man of war kinds of mass media have given
contributions, showns their influences and
brought many changes.
4. The following are wind except ….

(A) Torpedo C) Storm

(B) Tornado D) Hurricane Taken from Student's Work Book Paramitra

5. Many nations have enlarged their ship

building industries. All the answers are 1. What does mass media offer us ?
right except ….
(A) Various kinds of our life's need
(A) Japan C) Norway (B) The use of communication ship
(B) Denmark D) Great Britain (C) Information, entertainment, and
(D) Advertisement and music
entertainment only

Latihan 13
2. Why is television better than radio ?
Because ….
(A) television cost too expensive to some
We are all aware that the presence of people
mass media always is inevitably needed in (B) radio cannot give us information and
our today's life. We always need
(C) we can listen it's sound and watch
information, entertainment and the picture at the same time
advertisement. Mass media offers us to help (D) we can't listen watch the programs
to satisfy the needs. There are various kinds on television
of mass media, two of which are radio and
3. The word "communication" means ….
Radio was first used in ship
communication. Now, it is not only used that (A) the things to be sold
(B) the exchange of information
way, but also in many others ways.
(C) a kind of getting fun
Aeroplanes, Police Department, Trains, and (D) a kind of having trouble
taxis keep using radios broadcast to know

games. In fact the world saw that Indonesia
which have been independent for three
4. We can hear the sound of radio years succeeded to hold The National Sport
Week. This success made Indonesia sure to
The synonym of the underlined word is..
have another National Sports Week.
(A) screen (C) voice
Finally Indonesia determined to hold
(B) size (D) hearing
National Sports Week in every four years for
all provinces in Indonesia. From one National
Sports Week to another we always see a
growing numbers of athletes and kind of

1. How long did the first PON last ?

(A) four days (C) nine days

(B) seven days (D) twelve days
Latihan 14

N 2. How often are the national sports week

(PON) held ?
National Sports IO Week (PON) is a (A) once a year
national sport festival. It is held (B) once in two years
every four years. All
N the provinces of (C) once in three years
(D) once in four years
Indonesia AL participate in the
many different kinds of sport.
SP 3. What is the main idea of the second
The first National Sport Week paragraph?
was held in Solo,
O Central Java, on
September 9 - 12;RT1948. At the time (A) The kind of sports
only a few cities in Java participated in (B) The purpose of PON
the event. They S were; Bandung, (C) The participants of cities in PON
Jakarta, Malang, W Surabaya, (D) National Sports Week are held every
four years
Semarang, Solo, Madiun, Kediri and
Jogyakarta. EE
4. "It is held every four years" paragraph 1.
The kinds of K sports which were
played in the games were basketball, The word "IT" refers to ….
athletics, football, tennis, swimming,
badminton and archery. All the athletes and (A) athlete (C) PON
the committee worked hard to run the (B) city (D) sport

Latihan 15

Travelling by Air

Nowadays people become busier and busier. Some times they have to do some important
businesses as in many different towns on the same day. To over come this, we need the fastest
means of transportation. The best choice is to travel by air.

Garuda Airlines, Sempati Air, Merpati Nusantara Airlines and Buroq are some of the
Indonesian Airlines each offer the best facilities to the passangers.

Travelling by air makes us feel that the world is getting narrower and narrower. We need
less time to each teach our destination than to travel on the road.

You have only to buy a ticket first before. If you travel by plane, you can get the ticket in
the ticket agencies which are easy to get now.

The worst thing in travelling by air is that the plane can not reach any towns located within
short distance. Towns within short distance do not have plane routes. Small towns do not have


The advantage of flying by an aeroplane is (B) three (D) five


(A) Cheaper than going by other land 03. The word “this” in the third sentences of
vehicles. paragraph one replaces….
(B) Easy to get any towns located within
short distances. (A) important business
(C) Needing less time to reach our (B) busier and busier
destinations. (C) many different towns
(D) Easy to get the airports in small (D) the same day

04. The passenger gets the ticket in….

2. “The disadvantage of going in an
aeroplane” is the conclusion of (A) the plane (C) Buroq and Merpati
paragraph…. (B) ticket agencies (D) business man

(A) two (C) four

Latihan 16


Population every where is not static. It is always increasing. This is caused by high birth rate
and immigration. The advanced knowledge in medicine has dropped the number of deaths which

in turn helps the growth of population. If the population growth is not con trolled, there will be
over population in the world especially in developing countries.

Over population will create problems, lack of food, unemployment and dropped out of school
children are some of the population problem. If there of not immediately solved, they may
eventually create social problems.

Family planning or birth control is a response to the population growth. The family planning
objectives is not only to reduce the population growth but also to establish happy and
prosperous families.

Transmigration is another response to the population growth. The government keeps on to

encourage people to move, either spontaniously or under the official transmigration programme
from densely populated areas or island to the wider open spaces areas or other islands.

1. Paragraph one tells us about…. (A) Density of populated area

(B) Transmigration
(A) Population (C) The government programme
(B) The reason why population in the (D) The population growth
world is always increasing.
(C) Over population in the world
(D) The high birth rate 6. The best title of text is….

2. X: What will happen if the population (A) Family planning

growth is not controlled ? (B) Population
Y: …. (C) Transmigration
(D) Over population
(A) It will be over population in the world.
(B) The countries will be developed
(C) The number of the death will in 7. … is one of the way to reduce the
population growth
(D) The children will drop out from school
(A) Family planning
3. … they may eventually create social (B) Over population
(C) The high birth rate
problems the underlined word has the
(D) The unemployment
some meaning as….

(A) at last/in the end (C) of course 8. X : How to overcome the growth of the
(B) may be (D) cause population in Indonesia ?

Y : By using….
4. The main idea of paragraph two is….
(A) Over population
(A) The effect of over population (B) Family planning
(B) Dropped out of school children (C) The effect of over population
(C) Social problems (D) To move the population to another
(D) Family planning continent

5. Paragraph 4 four tells us about….

Latihan 17


We are used to listening to the radio. It plays an important part in our daily life. It takes a
major news event, like a flight to the moon. We depend very much on radio for news and
information as well as for entertainment. Radio has become the constant companion of millions
of people. Lost of people own radios.

Radio gives people enjoyment in many ways. The average listener spends about one hour
each day with his radio. Sometimes he listens to music, football match, wayang, and sandiwara
(a kind of play). Even the grocers, greengrocers, and the barbers spend ten hours each day with
their radios. Many people depend on radio for news of what is happening around the world.

Radio was first used to communicate with ship at sea. This is still an important use. Because
of radio, ships can keep in touch with one another, and when necessary, call for help. Aeroplanes
use radios to keep in touch with ground.

Radio stations can broadcast farther at night-time than they can in daytime because the
ionosphere is higher at night than during the day. The sky waves that the station sends out to
the earth at a point is farther away from the station than it is in daylight.

A radio broadcasting station is an exciting place. Programmes must be broadcast precisely

on schedule. To make this possible, the people who work in the station must be alert and
observant. These people are vitally concerned with the people about them, and they may work
closely with celebrities and other people who make the news.

1. Radio stations can broadcast … (A) quickly before the right time
(B) precisely on schedule
The underlined word means …. (C) daily on schedule
(D) slowly on the right time
(A) send the message
(B) sent out by radio
(C) listen to the radio 5. … the ionosphere is higher at night than
(D) speak near a microphone during the day.

The underlined word means ….

2. Because of radio, ships can keep in
touch with one another. The underlined (A) since (C) before
words mean …. (B) throughout (D) for

(A) in cooperation with

(B) to sail along with
(C) in working together with
(D) in communication with

6. What is ionosphere ?
3. This is still important use.
(A) the dark cloud in the sky
What part of speech is the underlined (B) the white cloud in the blue sky
word ? (C) layers of air about 60 to 200 mile
(D) the blue sky above the equator
(A) an adverb (C) a verb
(B) an adjective (D) a noun
7. The celebrity means ….

4. How must programmes be broadcast? (A) a famous person

(B) a good person

(C) a clever person (A) in a good manner
(D) a kind person (B) in a close manner
(C) in a bad manner
(D) in a polite manner
8. They may work closely with …

The underlined word means ….

Latihan 18
The Geographical condition of the world

The area of our earth surface is about 500 million square kilometers. It consists of lands and
water. How many continents does our earth have ? It has five continents namely .Europe, Asia,
America, Africa and Australia. Our earth has also three oceans. They are Hindia, Pacific and
Atlantic oceans.
European countries usually have four seasons, namely : spring, summer, autumn and winter.
In spring it looks green every where because the leaves of the trees begin to grow in this season.
But many parts of European countries look more beautiful while the flowers are blooming. In
these places the scenes are colorful.
In summer it is sunny almost the whole day. Most European people usually get recreation in
this season. They like to go to the beaches to enjoy sun bathing, surfing, skiing, swimming and
bathing in the sea.
In autumn the leaves of the trees fall down to the ground. The scenes are dominated by the
dry leaves every where. The wind usually blows hard in this season. Some times the strong wind
because any damage.
In winter it looks white every where because most of European areas are covered with snow.
During this season people there prefer wearing thick clothes like sweaters, coats and jackets
because the weather is very cold. Many places especially the highlands, become ski areas.
Of course, those situations are very different from the conditions in some Asian countries
like Indonesia. Indonesia has only two seasons, the dry and wet seasons. In the dry season it is
usually hot the whole day. It comes from April to October, while the wet season comes from
October to April. Most parts of Indonesia get rain during the wet or rainy season. But the down
pour usually comes in December and January which often causes flood in many parts of

1. How many seasons does. European (A) paragraph one (C) paragraph four
countries have ? (B) paragraph three (D) paragraph
(A) one (C) three
(B) two (D) four
4. But the down pour usually comes …
(paragraph 6).The under lined word has
2. The main idea of paragraph two is…. the same meaning as….

(A) the condition of European countries (A) heavy rain (C) flood
during the spring (B) drizzle (D) erosion
(B) European countries have four
(C) During the spring European countries 5. It comes from April to October.
look more beautiful
(paragraph 6)
(D) The scenes are colorful
The under lined word refers to….
3. Which paragraphs tells about the season
(A) Indonesia (C) dry season
when people like to have a picnic ?
(B) season (D) wet season

6. Why does it look white every where in (B) Because most of European countries
winter ? are covered with snow
(C) Because the weather is very cold
(A) Because people wear thick clothes (D) Because many places become ski

Latihan 19

School begins at seven o’clock in the morning. The students walk to school. Some students
go to school by bicycle and some go to school by car or bus. They try to get to school in time.
They don’t want to be late because the front gate will be closed at seven o’clock.
On Monday morning the students have a flag ceremony. Boys wear white shirt and blue
shorts. Girls wear white shirts and blue skirts. Teacher and clerical workers wear grey safari.
While the flag is being hoisted, all participants are singing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya.
The students are free after the seventh period. Some go home directly and some practice
playing basket ball or volley ball.

1. What must the students wear when they (B) in the morning (D) on Monday
have a flag ceremony ?

They must wear ….

3. The students are free after the seventh
(A) blue shorts (C)white shirts period.

(B) grey safari(D) school uniform The underlined word means persons
who … in a school.

(A) work (C) teach

2. The students must come to school …, in
order not to be late. (B) help (D) study

(A) on time (C) at seven

Latihan 20

Fishes live in water and have fins which help them to swim. Most fishes have slimy skins
covered with scales which are very small and can hardly be seen.
Fishes breathe through gills. These look like a comb and lie on each side of the head. Fishes
take in water all the time. The water flows in through the mouth, over the gills and out through
the sides of the head. When a fish takes in water, it is not drinking but breathing. The gills
absorb oxygen from the water.

The body of fish is made up of the head, the trunk and the tail fin.

There are many different kinds of fishes which have many different shapes and colours.
Some fishes are long and thin while others are flat and rounded. Most fishes have bodies which
are broad at the trunk region and narrow towards the head and tail.

1. What is the function of the fins ?

(A) For breathing. (C)For eating. 4. “These look like a comb and lie on each
side of the head.” (in paragraph 2)
(B) For drinking. (D)For swimming.
The underlined word refers to ….

(A) skins (C) fishes

2. There are … main parts of the body of
the fish. (B) fins (D) gills

(A) two (C) five

(B) three (D) four 5. What does paragraph two tell us about?

(A) The shape of the fish.

3. What are the differences of fishes ? (B) The shape of the gills.

(A) Their lifes and food. (C) The part of the fish body.

(B) Their sizes and lengths. (D) The breathing system of the fish.

(C) Their shapes and colours.

(D) Their heads and mouths.

Latihan 21

The trees we see around the school and the park are big and tall. The part under the ground
are the roots. The part above the ground is the trunk. On the trunk there are branches. The
branches carry leaves. The flowers and the fruits also grow on the branches.

1. The paragraph tells you about ….

(A) parts of the tree

(B) parts of the fruit 3. The roots mean the parts of a plant
which ….
(C) parts of the root
(A) take in water from the soil
(D) parts of the seed
(B) protect the flowers while they are in
the but stage

2. What grow on the branches ? (C) roduce sugars and other

(A) trunks (C) roots
(D) anchor the plants in the soil
(B) stems (D) leaves

Latihan 22

This is Mr. Haryono’s house. It is big, clean and comfortable. There is a garden in front of the
house. There are some plants and flowers in the garden. There is a living room, a dining room,
two bathrooms, a kitchen, three bedrooms and a garage.
Mr. Haryono has some pets, a dog, a cat, and a parrot. Mr. Haryono takes care of the pets
very carefully.

1. Mr. Haryono takes care of the pets very 2. “There is a living room, a dining room,
carefully. (Line 5 and 6) … and a garage.” (Line 3)

The underlined phrase has the same The underlined word means ….
meaning as ….
(A) a place for things
(A) looks after (C) protects
(B) a room for a car
(B) keeps up (D) saves
(C) a place for vehicle

(D) a room for guests

Latihan 23

Djoko Tri Wilarto was very busy last week. He wrote some letters for his parents and friends
on Monday. On Tuesday he visited Retu Praditya’s school. He played tennis for two hours there.
Retu Praditya is his friend.
In the evening he went to the sport shop. He bought a new tennis racket. Then he played
tennis again the whole day on Wednesday.

He stayed home in the evening. He was very tired. Then he spoke to his parents on the

On Thursday he watched the football match on television. All the weekend he visited his
brother’s badminton club at Jalan Angsana I.

1. When did Djoko Tri Wilarto write the (D) Last week.

(A) On Wednesday.
2. The text tells you about Djoko Tri
(B) In the evening Wilarto’s … last week.

(C) On Monday. (A) tiredness (C) activities

(B) His brother wanted to meet him

(C) He wanted to buy a new tennis

3. Why did Djoko go to the sport shop in racket.
that evening?
(D) He saw his friend working there.
(A) Retu Praditya asked him to.

(B) school (D) phone

Latihan 24
A Newspaper
A newspaper is a paper printed and sold to the public usually daily or weekly. It contains
news, notices, advertisements, etc.

A large daily newspaper contains a variety of information. It gives information about foreign,
national, and local affairs. Newspaper writers report developments in sports, society, finance,
science, religion, education, and agriculture.

The editor is a person who is responsible for the publishing of the newspaper. He decides
what should be printed, corrects mistakes, and decides how the material should be arranged. A
newspaper editor sometimes writes articles which are called editorials. He gives his opinion
about the news in the editorial.

The news department gathers and edits the news. The head of the news department is the
managing editor. Under him are the city editor, news editor, telegraph or wire editor and chiefs
of the various departments or sections.

The main source of income for most newspaper is commercial advertising. Therefore,
advertising usually fills about 50 up to 70 percent of a newspapers space.

1. The text above tells us about …. (D) publishes a newspaper

(A) the price of a newspaper

(B) the editor of a newspaper 3. From the text above we know that the
editor’s work is ….
(C) the importance of a
newspaper for people (A) easy

(D) the contents and other things (B) not easy

related to a newspaper
(C) unimportant

(D) not complicated

2. An editor ….
(A)only edits the news

(B)sometimes writes about his opinions 4. “A large daily newspaper contains a

variety of information” (paragraph 2).
(C) works in the city department

The underlined word means …. (B) unique (D) many kinds

(A) similar (C) a small


Latihan 25

The world is divided into two main parts. The difference is that one part is rich and the other
is poor. In the poor part, a lot of people never get enough food to eat. In the rich part a lot of
people eat too much. In one part, children starve and in the other, a lot of people get fatter and
fatter and have to go on diets, or do special exercise in order to lose weight.
The poorer countries are called “the developing countries. They have special problems.
Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything on. The land can be improved but a lot of
things must be done first. New farming method must be introduced. The people must be
educated. Water must be found.

1. What does the second paragraph talk (D) There are a lot of people in
about? the rich country who eat too much.

(A)The new farming method.

(B)The growth of the poorer countries. 3. What is the land in poor countries like?

(C) The developing countries and their (A)Interesting (C) Infertile

(B)Special (D) Expensive
(D) The problems of the developing

4. “The land can be improved but a lot of

things …” (paragraph 2)
2. Which statement is not right according
to the text? What does the underlined phrase mean?

(A) The poorer countries need no (A)A few (C) Some

new farming method.
(B)Many (D)Several
(B) A lot of people suffer from lack
of food.

(C) Many fat people in the rich

country have to lose weight.

Latihan 26

Since 1978 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has been working to conserve
endangered and other species of wildlife in captivity. It works together with international

agencies, government organizations, and other institutions. The breeding of wildlife is to
maintain their existence and to keep them from extinction.

The breeding of Sumatran rhinos is at Torgamba area, and the Komodo dragon is
successfully bred in Surabaya Zoo. Since 1979 the zoo has produced at least 40 animals. The
zoo has also been successful in breeding the Bawean deer. Some of the zoo-bred animals have
been distributed to other zoos and released to their wild habitats.

Two species of non-protected marine turtle are hawksbill and green turtle. This is done to
solve and to control the problem of their eggs consumed by local people. The hatcheries are
developed in Bali and in West Java.

1. When did the government of Indonesia (C) the successful breeding of Bawean
start conserving wildlife? deer in the zoo
(D) the measures taken to prevent
(A) In 1981 (C) In 1979 hawksbill green turtle from extinction
(B) In 1980 (D)In 1978

3. What wildlife does our Government

2. The last paragraph is about …. conserve?

(A) the joint efforts to conserve (A) Domestic animals

endangered wildlife (B) Organisms found in the sea
(B) the successful breeding of the (C) All the mamalian species
Komodo dragon (D) Endangered and other species of

Latihan 27

A forest is an area that is full of trees. We can find in the islands of Indonesia. They spread
along the islands of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Irian and other islands in Indonesia. They are
very important for our lives.
Forests give us many kinds of export commodities such as timber, rattans, as well as rubber.
Forests also protect us from danger of floods. In the rainy season the roots of the trees in the
forest absorb the rain water and store it under the ground. In the dry season the water will come
out and it is very useful for us for reservoir and irrigation. If there are no forests, the rain water
cannot be stored, there will be erosion of the soil and we will suffer from terrible floods.

Forests also help us to purify the air of pollution. The trees of the forests need carbon
dioxide from the air and send the oxygen out into the air, which make the air fresh and pure. The
fresh and pure air is needed for our health.

We can also find many kinds of fauna and flora in the forests. Animals and plants need
forests to live. To ensure the continued existed of the animal and plants in the forest, we have to
protect it from destruction. Realizing that the forest gives us a lot of important things, we should
keep our forest safe. Our forest is our environment.

1. Which paragraph tells us that forest can (A) paragraph 1 (C)paragraph 3

be a source of income for the (B) paragraph 2 (D)paragraph 4

2. We must protect our forests from the (B) to cause erosions on the ground
destruction because …. (C) to store water before it is supplied to
(A) we can find a lot of trees in the (D) to absorb and reserve the rain under
forests the ground
(B) they spread along the islands in
(C) they are very important for our lives 4. ‘They spread along the islands of
(D) we can find many kinds of fauna in Sumatra …’ (paragraph 1)
the forest
What does ‘they’ refer to?

3. The function of the roots of the trees is (A) The trees (C) The forests
…. (B) The islands (D) The people

(A) to make the air fresh and pure

Latihan 28


Hotels provide jobs for thousands of young people. They find that working in a hotel is an
interesting job because they can meet people from many different parts of the world. Bellboys
and maidservants usually receive tips from hotel guests. A tip shows that the guest is pleased
with the service.
Not everybody who works in a hotel meets the hotel guests. Many of the important people
in the hotel industry are people who the guests never meet. The chef, for example, who
chooses and prepares the meals, is a person whom most of the hotel guest will never meet. A
person who goes to the market everyday and buys fresh fruit, fish, meat and vegetables for the
hotel will never meet the guests. And there are many other important people who will never
meet the guests.
Another type of work in the hotel industry is to sell accommodation to travel companies
and airlines who bring tourists. A person who does this job is not a waitress or receptionist.
There are many different types of work in the hotel industry which make hotel work interesting.

1. Who usually gets a tip from hotel (A) chef (C)receptionist

guests? (B) maid servant (D)waitress
(A) Bellboy (C)Receptionist
(B) Tourist (D)Waitress
4. “Another type of work in the hotel
industry is to sell accommodation to
2. The second paragraph tells us that.... travel companies” (paragraph 3).
(A) hotels offer young people interesting
jobs The underlined word means....
(B) there are several type of work in a
hotel (A) rooms to stay in
(C) hotels provide good salary for young (B) places to work in
people (C) rooms to share
(D) the important people in a hotel
(D) services to offer
3. A hotel guest must meet the....

5. Why do young people find hotel work (C) The hotel work is very profitable
interesting ? (D) The hotel guests usually give tips
(A) They can earn a lot of money
(B) They can meet different people

Latihan 29


Computers are machines that handle information automatically. They can perform
calculation and process data. Computers can work with numbers to solve problems in a few
seconds. Computers can remember a great deal of information and make practically no
mistakes. That is why computers are widely used in places such as banks, offices and
Computers work like calculators. But most calculators can do only one thing at a time. We
tell them what to do by pressing various buttons. To do the same work, we can give a series of
instructions to a computer. We call this a computer program. If we set up a program, the
computers can provide other information, such as a list, number, letters, words or even graphs
or pictures. Once we provide a program, the computers can do all this work automatically
without further help or instruction.

A computers stores and handles numbers. The numbers may be mathematical formulas or
columns of figures. The numbers may also be codes that stand for letters of the alphabet, word
or instructions to the computers.

1. According to the text, what is computer (D) how to set up the programme
for ?
(A) Giving us code
(B) Making us happy 4. They can perform calculation.
(C) Typing without mistakes
(D) Handling information “perform” means to....

(A) inform (C) tell

2. What does computer store or handle ? (B) do (D) write
(A) Letters (C) Pictures
(B) Numbers (D) Screen
5. Computers need ... to operate it

3. Paragraph 2 tells us about.... (A) gas (C) machine

(A) how computer works (B) electricity (D) petrol
(B) what computer can do
(C) how to give instructions

Latihan 30


There are a lot of transportation nowadays : the modern ones, the traditional ones, the big ones,
and the small ones. All of them play important roles for the people.

The workers and the students can some on time to their offices and schools by public
transportation, their own cars, buses, city transport taxis, or motor-cycles. The house-wives who
do some shopping can carry their goods by becak, taxis or andong (cart pulled by a horse). The
business man can travel to do his business or attend the meeting in a long distance by
aeroplane or trains.

The ships carry either products for export and import or passengers. The trucks or lories and
the van carry the goods from the ships, factories, the farms, or ranch to the market. In small
villages people use a horse or canoe to carry the crops or other goods. So you can see how
important the transportation is.

The transportation makes traffic and the heavy traffic can cause accidents. Traffic means
everything and every body using the roads. So it includes not only kinds of transportation but
also the pedestrian.

Here is some advice to avoid accidents:

1. The availability of the traffic and the roads should be in balance.

2. The drivers should obey the traffic regulations.
3. The road should be improved.

1. How can the students come on time to Latihan 31

their schools ?
(A) By air transportation. 3. The word ‘pedestrian’ (paragraph 4 line
(B) By modern transportation. 3) means a person who....
(C) By public transportation.
(D) By traditional transportation. (A) is crossing the road
(B) lives in the village
(C) is walking on the road
2. What does ‘traffic’ mean ? (D) obeys the traffic regulation

(A) Kinds of transportation.

(B) Everyone who uses the roads. 4. The main idea of paragraph 2 is....
(C) Everything which uses the roads.
(D) Everything and everyone that use the (A) some kinds of transportation
roads. (B) housewife to do shopping
(C) workers to go to offices
(D) planes for businessmen

5. Who issued the traffic regulation ?

(A) drivers (C) pedestrian
(B) policemen (D) government

Newspapers and Magazines

Many people read newspaper everyday. Some people have it delivered to their homes, some
buy it at news stand and others just borrow it from their friends or neighbours.
The first page has the most important news, international, national as well as local. It also
contains interesting human interest stories. These are stories about people in general which are
not usually important but which make interesting reading. The title of each story is know as the
headline. If the story is very important, the headline may be go across two or more columns
printed in large letters.

The news stories give facts. In other words, on opinions are expressed here. Opinions are
given in the editorial. The editorial opinion may express favourable or unfavourable comments
on current events. It also tells about the candidates of a state leader who will be voted in the
general election.

Most newspapers have several sections especially on Sunday when the edition is larger than
usual. There are, in addition to the front page with the most important news, the sport section,
the society page, the comics, the criminal, the amusement section, a business page, and the

Another type of publication which helps keep the population informed is the magazine.
Some magazines are published weekly; others are put out monthly. There are news magazines
which give current events, literary magazines for such special interests as photography, sport,
art, and music. Some are primarily for men, others for women which usually contain articles on
dressmaking, cooking, flower arranging and like, and there is a selection of children’s
magazines, too. Children, of course, like to read entertaining material, fiction or some other
imagination stories.

1. What are given in the editorial ?

(A) Events (C) Opinions 4. “..., international , national as well as

(B) Facts (D) Stories local” (paragraph 2). What does the
underlined word mean ?

2. What is the main idea of the first (A) and also (C) either
paragraph ? (B) but not (D) except
(A) How to buy the newspapers.
(B) How to get the newspapers.
(C) How to borrow the newspapers. 5. Why do the people in general make the
(D) How to deliver the newspapers. reading interesting ?
(A) Because it gives fact stories.
(B) Because the headline in the story is
3. Why do the children like to read a very interesting.
magazine ? (C) Because it contains favourable or
unfavourable comments.
(A) It is published weekly. (D) Because it contains interesting
(B) It gives them current events. human interests stories
(C) It contains articles and dressmaking
(D) It contains entertaining material and
other imagination

Latihan 32

My family like the sea very much. When we go on holidays, we always go to the seaside and
borrow a boat from one of our friends. Then we row, sail and fish on the sea all day long.
Sometimes we have races against other boats.

When the sea is rough, we row and sail on a small lake near the sea instead. We are very
careful on this lake because there are a lot of sharp rocks there, and the water is shallow. We do
not want to damage our friend's boat.

There are not many fish is the lake, but in the sea we sometimes catch a lot of fish with a
hook, line and a small leces of bread. When the weather is fine, we row to the land at lunch time,
collect pieces of dry wood and fry or girl our fish over them on the beach.

There is an island about a mile from our friend's house, and we often row or sail too it. The
water is very clean there, and there is a beautiful beach with while sand and rock. We often
bathe there.

Taken from Buku Paket

Bahasa Inggris Mizan

1. We cook the fish …. (B) Way of spending holiday

(C) How the writer spend lunch time
(A) in the boat (C) on the sea (D) How the writer get the boat
(B) on the rock (D) on land

4. There are not many in the lake ….

2. They are to be careful when row on a (paragraph)
small lake near the sea because they ….
The underlined words mean ….
(A) like fishing on lake
(B) avoid the sea water (A) a lot of (C) a little
(C) like the shallow water (B) a few (D) much
(D) avoid the damage on the boat

3. Paragraph three (3) tells us about ….

(A) the writer's friend's house

Latihan 33

Indonesian Life

The Indonesian society consists of rural and urban society. Rural society lives in villages.
They usually make their livings by farming. Some make their livings by working in home
industries. Home industries are usually small-scale industries, so they don’t need many workers.
There are many kinds of jobs people can do in cities. Cities are the center of big industries.
Most government offices are also centered in cities. Therefore, most people in the village want to
move to cities.

The villagers move to cities in great numbers to get jobs. Some get what they want, but
most of them don’t. They who have skills or good education can become government civil
servants or employees of informal sectors, such as, food sellers, porters, and house servants.

As the cities are densely populated, the demand for daily needs increases sharply. This
condition motivates the growth of trade and new merchants. Life in a city is a competition. It is a
hard life. Everyone must work to earn a living.

1. How do the villagers make their living? (B) they no longer like farming
By :.... (C) they are skilled and educated
(D) there are no industries in their village
(A) farming or working in home industries
(B) becoming government civil servants
(C) enjoying the life in the villages 4. “Home industries are usually small-
(D) becoming employees of private scale industries so they don’t need
enterprises many workers”. (paragraph 1)

The underlined word means....

2. The second paragraph is about ... in
cities. (A) balance (C)size
(B) measure (D)instrument
(A) how people live
(B) the conditions
(C) rural people 5. What is needed for a person get a good
(D) big industries job ?

(A) Farming experiences.

3. Why do most villagers move to cities ? (B) Skill in trade:
Because.... (C) Ability to compete.
(D) Skill and education.
(A) there are many jobs open for people

Latihan 34


The earth has many kinds or species of animals. Part of the wildlife kingdom has already
been lost, and a great many species are threatened. The cheetah is nearly extinct in Asia and so
are whooping cranes in North America. There are about 600 animal species that are in danger of
becoming extinct, or dying off. Once an animal species is gone, it cannot be recreated.
Elephants hunted for their ivory tusks are protected in Kenya, where big-game hunting is
forbidden by law. Rhinoceroses, crocodiles, monkeys, sharks and whales are also protected. And
so are parrots, eagles and birds of beautiful feathers.

Uncontrolled killing, for profit or sport, was once the chief cause of extinction. Today laws
regulate hunting and fishing in many countries. As populations grow, more forests are cleaned,
and wildlife habitats are lost. New dams may threaten the existence of certain kinds of fish. The
construction of highways may cause animals to lose their sources of food.

Conserving other natural resources helps to protect wildlife. If we use less paper, fewer
trees will be cut down. If we use less electricity, fewer dams will be built. We can also help
conserve wildlife by obeying hunting and fishing laws, planting bushes and shrubs to provide
food and shelter for wildlife.

1. Hunting elephants for their ivory ... by (B) is forbidden (D) is encouraged

(A) is allowed (C)is punished 2. More wildlife habitats will be lost if....

(A) more forests are burnt down
(B) we use less electricity
(C) we provide more food 4. “Conserving other natural resources
(D) other natural resources are conserved helps to protect wildlife”.

(paragraph 4) The underlined word

3. The third paragraph is about.... means....
(A) the construction of new dams (A) cleaning (C) obeying
(B) the profit of hunters
(B) hunting (D)Protecting
(C) protection of natural resources
(D) the extinction of animals

Latihan 35


Last weekend the girl scouts and the boy scouts had a ‘Persami’ activity outside their school.
They left for the woods at five in the morning. After a long drive they arrived at the woods and
found a good camping site.
“Let’s set up our tents here,” said the leader. Then they started to work. They needed a
pole, some rope and nails for each tent. In a short time the tents are ready and they put a small
flag on top of each tent.
The girls made a fire and cooked their lunch while the boys were busy working. As soon as
the lunch was ready, they immediately started to eat. Of course it was a very simple dish but a
very good lunch for them.
After a little rest, the leader blew his whistle and all the girl scouts and the boy scouts
gathered around to start their ‘Persami’ program.

1. What are needed to set up the tents? 2. ‘Let’s set up our tents here, ‘said the
leader. (Paragraph 2). The underlined
(A) Some poles, rope and nails. words mean....
(B) Some poles and flags.
(C) The tents and the place. (A) make (C) stand up
(D) The fire, the tents, and the meals. (B) build (D) get ready

Latihan 36

Cassius Clay (born 1942) was also known as Mohammed Ali. He changed his name when he
joined the Black Moslems. In 1960, he won a gold medal at the Olympic Games. Four years later
he took the professional world championship from Sony Liston. Lighter and faster than any other
heavyweight boxer of his time, he liked to boast as he could “float like a butterfly and sting like a

1. When did Casius Clay change his name? (A) 14 years old. (C)22 years old.
(B) 18 years old. (D)26 years old.
(A) when he joined the Black Moslems.
(B) When he won the gold medal.
(C) Fours years later after he won the medal. 3. When he was 18 years old, Mohammed
(D) Fours years later after he beat Sony Ali won .... at the Olympic Games.
(A) Professionals World Championship
(B) Amateur World Championship
2. How old was Mohammed Ali when he (C) a silver medal
won the Professional World (D) a gold medal
Championship ?

Latihan 37


Two fishermen tied their boat up, hurried out of the boat and ran down the streets of their
‘We saw a dragon on Komodo Island,’ they shouted. ‘We saw a dragon !’

A man heard their shouts. He was an American named Douglas Burden. Burden was a
naturalist. A naturalist is a person who tries to learn as mush as he can about things that live. He
believed what the two men said but there was only one way to find out. He had to go to Komodo
Island himself and brought back one of the dragons for people to see.

So Douglas Burden and some friends sailed halfway around the world to the tiny island off
the coast of Indonesia. When they reached the island they were afraid that the traps and cages
they had with tem would not be strong enough to hold the dragons.

There were dragons on the island. They weren’t the same dragons people see in picture
books and in children’s stories, but they looked more like dragons than any other animal Burden
had ever seen. They were really large lizards-some of them three metres long and as heavy as
two men. Their legs were short and thick and on their feet were sharp claws like knives although
they did not breathe fire like the dragons in story books, the lizards had yellow forked tongues
that moved quickly in and out of their mouths.
It was difficult and dangerous to catch the lizard.

Sometimes the lizards attacked the men. Sometimes the men had to kill the lizards to save

Finally, Burden and his friends caught two live Komodos and put them in cages on their ship.
Then they sailed back to America.

When the two dragons were put into the Brooklyn Zoo in New York City, people came from
all over America to see them. Burden was pleased that so many people had a chance to see two
live dragons.

That was more than 45 years ago. Today there are no more live dragons anywhere in the
world except on the tiny island of Komodo. They still live there.

1. How many lizards did the men manage (B) Two (D)Four
to catch alive ?

(A) One (C) Three

2. What does the last paragraph tell us 3. What were their Komodo’s legs like ?
about ?
(A) Long and heavy.
(A) The dragons of 45 years ago. (B) Big and short.
(B) The characteristics of komodo. (C) Large and thick.
(C) The komodo of today. (D) Short adn thick.
(D) The life of dragons.

Latihan 38

Badminton is one of the popular sports in Indonesia. Many people like playing it very much.
It can be played indoors and outdoors. However, most players play it doors. Nowadays there are
many badminton halls in our country.
Badminton is not a cheap sport. We need a net, rackets and shuttlecocks to play badminton.
We can get them in a sport shop. We need to spend a lot of money in order to get good nets,
rackets and shuttlecocks.

Susi Susanti is the best woman badminton player that we have. She is one of the best
woman players in the world. She spent much money for badminton in the past. Now she gets
facilities from the government and her sponsor

1.The following are the things that we need (B) she is one of the Indonesian woman
to play badminton, except….. badminton players
(A) Ball (C)racket (C) she gets facilities from the government
(B) net (D)shuttlecock and her sponsor
(D) she has won several international
2.What does paragraph two tell us about ?
1. Why is badminton one of the popular
(A) The best woman badminton player. sports in Indonesia ?
(B) The things needed for playing (A) It is not a cheap sport.
badminton. (B) Many people like playing it very much.
(C) The facilities of badminton players. (C) We have many potential players.
(D) The way to be a good badminton player. (D) Most of us like watching badminton

3.Why doesn’t Susi need to spend money for

badminton at present ? 1. “We need to spend a lot of money…..”
(paragraph 2)
Because….. The word “ spend” means …..

(A) earn (C) lend

(B) give (D)pay out
(A) she is one of the best woman badminton
players in the world

Latihan 40

All living things on the earth belong to the plant or the animal family. The plant family get
their food and water from the soil. They also need sunlight to grow. Some of them live in water
and get their food from the water. There are many thousands of plants.
We can divide plants into two groups. There are the plants without stems, roots or leaves.
These are the algae and the mosses. Both kinds of plants need a lot of water. So, algae is usually
found in water and moss is found in wet places.
The other group is the plants with stems. They consist of all the fruit trees, flower plants,
vegetables and all the timber trees. These plants have roots, stems and leaves.
The plants with stems can be divided into the flowering plants and the non-flowering plants.
The flowering plants have a fruit with a seed inside the flower. Some seed are flat like wings and

are carried by the wind. Some seeds have fleshy fruits which animals eat and pass out. Some
seeds are collected and distributed by man. In this way plants grow once again from seeds.
The non-flowering plants have spores growing on the leaves. When they are dry are carried
by the wind. Those spores that fall on wet soil start to grow again. These are some of the ways
that plants live and multiply.

1.Plants which have no stems or roots or leaves are…..
(A) fruit trees
(B) flowering plants
(C) vegetables
(D) mosses and algae

2.We can find spores on the…..of non-flowering plants.

(A) seeds
(B) fruit
(C) flowers
(D) leaves

3.Paragraph 4 and 5 talk about the…..of plant.

(A) regeneration
(B) planting
(C) growing
(D) flowering

4.“Both kinds of plants need a lot of water.” (paragraph 2)

The underlined words refer to…..
(A) fruit trees and flower plants
(B) vegetables and timber trees
(C) algae and mosses
(D) moss and vegetable

5.The flight to Medan is delayed because of the bad weather.

The underlined word has the same meaning as…..
(A) cancelled
(B) postponed
(C) transferred
(D) replaced

6.The headlines of the papers today are not interesting.

The underlined word means…..
(A) the editorials
(B) the popular news
(C) the famous events
(D)the titles of the stories

35. What kind of food does “Nikmat Restaurant” offer?

(A) Chinese food
(B) Japanese food
(C) Indonesian food
(D) Traditional food

B.Chart/ Diagram Reading

Latihan 1


To: Supervisors
From: Haji Dahlan, Human Resource Manager
Sub: Probation periods

As of January 1st all new employees will be subject to a 3 month probabtionary period. Medical,
holiday, and flextime benefits will not apply to new staff members until the full 3 months have
expired. After the three months have been completed, please contact your employees and inform
them that their probabtionary period has ended. The HR department will contact you by email 2
days in advance to remind you of the date. Thank you for your cooperation.

1. What is the main purpose of this memo?

A) To inform all employees of a new expiration date.
B) To put staff members on probation.
C) To introduce the HR department.
D) To inform supervisors of a change in policy

2. When does the change come into effect?
A) Today. B) In 2 days C) In 3 months. D) On January 1st.

Latihan 2

John Timbald
Handy Warehouse
22 Mark Lane Rd.
London, England

January 3rd, 2005

Dear Mr. Timbald,

Thank you for your letter concerning the poor quality of our rubber soled black workboots. We apologize for any
inconvenience this has caused you and your crew. Along with five new pairs of workboots for your crew (we
included one extra pair), we have enclosed a free year's supply of sole protector spray. In our retail stores, this
spray is always recommended to buyers who work on heated floors. This should have been brought to your
attention at the time of your initial order (received by telephone on October 12, 2004). Please excuse our
oversight. To date we have had no complaints about these workboots from customers who have used the
protector spray. However, should you use the spray and find that you are still unsatisfied with the boots, please
return the boots and spray for a full refund. Thank you for supporting The Shoe People. Have a Happy New

Stan Mason, President

1.Which company was unsatisfied?

A) Stan Mason's company. B) The Shoe People.
C) Handy Warehouse. D) The sole company

2.How many people are on John Timbald's crew?

A) Four B) Five C) Six. D) Twelve.

3.What is the spray used for?

A) To protect the boots from water C) To protect the soles from heat.
B) To protect the floors from soles D) To protect the boots from rubber.

4.What should John Timbald do if he remains unsatisfied?

A) Return just the spray C) Call the President.
B) Mail another letter D) Request a refund.

Latihan 3

NAME HEIGHT Which statement is right based on the

Badu 1.60 table above

Dedi 1.65 (A) Udin is taller than Badu

Amir 1.55 (B) Badu is shortes than Amir
(C) Amir is taller than Udin
Udin 1.50 (D) Dedi is shorter than Amir

Latihan 4

Countries Capital City Population Area (sq km)

Indonesia Jakarta 164.347.000 1.919.443

Thailand Bangkok 50.548.000 542.373

Malaysia Kuala lumpur 15.330.000 329.747

Philippines Manila 54.486.000 300.000

1. Based on the table, what country has the most population?

(A) Indonesia (B) Malaysia (C) Thailand (D) Philippines

2. What is the smallest country according to the table above?

(A) Indonesia (B) Malaysia (C) Philippines (D) Thailand

Latihan 5


Wash the pan in hot soapy water with a sponge or e dishcloth. After drying, condition the nonstick surface
by wiping with cooking oil.
Cool the pan gradually. Do not pour cold water into a ani hot pan. Soak the pan in hot water before washing to
remove burned or dried-on foods. Do not use ng abrasives on it.

Plastic or wooden utensils will prevent scratching the re surface. A spotted white film (minerals from water
starch from food) may form on the non-stick surface. Int A sponge dipped in lemon juice or vinegar will remove
the film. Wash, rinse, dry, and recondition with oil. eri Deterioration of the handle can occur if the pan is
immersed for too long time.
Check the handle periodically and tighten when necessary.

Hot, soapy water is suggested to clean the exterior eri finish. A sponge or plastic pad will avoid scratching.
This cook-ware may be cleaned in an automatic or dishwasher.

1. What is the object discussed in the text ?

(A) Hot soapy water (C) Wooden utensils.

(B) Plastic utensils (D) Cook pan.

2. What do we need to dry the surface of the pan ?

(A) A sponge. (C) Cooking oil.

(B) Hot soapy water. (D) Cold water.

3. What do we use to clean the pan ?

(A) Hot water. (B) Abrasives (C) Cold water (D) Dishcloth.

4. If cook in a pan, we must use plastic utensils. Why ?

(A) To scratch the surface of the pan.

(B) To avoid the scratching of the surface.

(C) To check the handle periodically.

(D) To prevent the pan hot fast.

5. “Do not use abrasives on it.” (in paragraph 2)

What does “it” refer to ?

(A) Cold water (B) The pan (C) Hot water (D) Dried on foods.

Latihan 6

The Sheraton Media Hotel & Towers, Jakarta features a special event entitled Hollywood Night with Shakila. X
pin Band and One Vision Band will play with Shakila. Not only the two bands but also Dive Models International
that will present entertainment. The dive will present Carend Delano’s Coleections in style of celebrities.

The event will be held on Friday, May the tenth, 2000 from 9.30 p.m. The ticket is Rp. 60.000,- each person. It
includes a glass of soft drink. The guests can get the ticket at Sheraton Media.

The guests should dress up as their Hollywood favorite stars. One will get the grand prize if she or he wins. The
guests can also meet someone resembling Charlie Chaplin, Chouw Yun Fat, Marilyn Monroe, Bill Cosby,
Antonio Bandero, Mr. Bean, and others.

Further information, please contact (021) 626-3001 ext. 4413 or fax (021) 626-3011 Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya no. 3 Jakarta.

1. What is the purpose of the event in the hotel?

(A) To entertainment the guests (C) To recognize the bands

(B) To get more employees (D) To celebrate the anniversary

2. Paragraph three tells us that ….

(A) no people are allowed to attend without paying

(B) every guest can get prize for coming

(C) the guests seem to be rich people

(D) they will meet the ghost of Charlie Chaplin

3. Who is Shakila?

(A) A mannequin (B) A singer (C) A band player (D) A guest

4. Who is Carend Delano?

(A) The hotel owner (C) The band leader

(B) The clothes collection owner (D) The famous mannequin

5. It will present collections in style of celebrities.

The underlined word has the same meaning as ….

(A) Unknown persons (C) People come to parties

(B) Busy people (D) Famous persons

Latihan 7

Full name : Amirullah Boy/girl : Boy

Date of Placeof Birth : Day : Friday Religion : Islam

Date: 12 School : SLTP 1 Medan

Month: June Class : VIII

Year : 1993

Address : 3 Jalan Timor, Medan

Hair : Type : wavy, curly, straight*)

Colour : black, grey, red*)

Eye : black, brown, green*)

Weight : 45 kg

Height : 150 cm

Father’s name : Hamarullah

Mother’s name : Halimah

1. When was Amirullah born ?

(A) On Friday (C) At SLTP 1 Medan.
(B) On June 12, 1984 (D) On Jalan Timor, Medan.

2. Hamarullah and Halimah are Amirullah’s ….

(A) Parents (C) uncle and aunt
(B) brother and sister(D) grandpa and grandma

3. The form is Amirullah’s ….

(A) Education (B) religion (C) identity (D) address

Latihan 8

Senang Stores

Now in your city.

New opening discount up to 20% for these items:

Sweater, dress, scarf, vest, coat, tie. 10% disc. for:

Jeans, trousers, T-shirt, underwear.

Come before May 25

1. What is the advertisement about?

(A) Food (B) Appliances (C) Clothes (D) Cooking

Latihan 9

Especially for infants and children

Indication: sore throat, cough, abnormal secretion of sputa.

Dosage: # Infants under 6 months 1 teaspoonful 2 x daily

# infants over 6 months 1 teaspoonful 3 x daily

# Adults: 1-2 teaspoonfuls 3 x daily

Or as prescribed by the physician (1 tsp = 5ml)

Available: in bottles of 60ml/90ml.


1. We should keep the cough mixture in a … place.

(A) Hot (B) cool (C) warm (D) cold

2. How long will it take an infant under 6 months to finish a bottle of 60 ml?

(A) 2 days (B) 6 days (C) 4 days (D)8 days

3. The medicine is ….

(A) for external use (C) a cure for cough

(B) for the relief of stomach pains (D) available on medical prescription only

Latihan 10
The following is a summary of the pages and items taken from Marina English Magazine.

No: 333

Edition: November 1996

5 Short Story Roni is a subscriber to Marina English

9 Sport Magazine. He likes music very much.
14 People
Which page would he open first when he
18 Michael Jackson
receives the Magazine?
23 Religion
(A) 14 (B) 30 (C) 18 (D) 35
28 Delicious Food

30 Pen-Friend

35 Who Want To Be Healthy

Latihan 11

Calling all children !!

Come join the

in conjunction with the Jakarta Green Week

( Sept 9 – 15)

Theme : My environment and !

➢ What do you think of all the waste and population in the word to day ?
➢ What about the animals and plants – would you like it if they disappeared?

We want to know ! So you have a month to put on your creative caps and bring your
completed entries to our collection point at :

 Joy & joy Shopping Centre ❀ Bulan Shopping Centre

❀ Wisma Indonesia

✎ All entries must be done in watercolour, crayon or colour pencil.

✎ All entries to be in by 1st Sept.
✎ Enclose: Name, age, address, phone number and school name.

Great prizes wait ! Winning entries will be displayed at our exhibition in

Bulan Shopping Centre during Green Week

Categories : A – Under 7 years old

1. What is the meaning of “theme”?

B – 7 – 10 years old
(A) Topic (B) Question (C) Story (D) Drawing

2. You want to send in an entry. Your drawing must be about....

(A) Yourself (C) your country

(B) your family (D) your environment

3. How do you hand in your entry ?

(A) You post it.
(B) You take it to exhibition.
(C) You take it to the collection points.
(D) You take it to any shopping centre.

4.What is the closing date for the competition ?

(A) 1st September (B) 9th September

(B) 15th September (D) Any time from 9th to 15th September
5. Which detail is not needed when you submit your entry?

(A) Your age (C) Your school

(B) Your class (D) Your phone number

Latihan 14

Look at the table!

KINDS OF SPEED (A) Motorcycle runs faster than train

(B) Aeroplane runs the fastest of all
Motorcycle 100
(C) Train runs the slowest of all
Train 120
(D) Aeroplane runs slower than motorcycle
Aeroplane 300

Latihan 15

Princess Rice Cooker

1. Measure out required quantity of rice using measuring cup provided, wash rice in pan, then put rice in
the cooking pot and add water up to the level as recommended by the marking. However, the quantity
of the water used will depend on the age and strain of the rice, as well as personal taste.
* Do not exceed maximum water level mark.

2. Set the cooking pot inside the rice cooker, making certain that the base is dry. Ensure that the cooking
pot is in direct contact with the heating element by rotating it slightly until it seats properly. The rice
cooker malfunctions if the cooking pot is incorrectly positioned.
* Always keep the exterior bottom of the cooking pot and heating plate clean and dry.

3. When ready to cook, plug the power supply cord into an AC wall outlet. Press cook. Once rice is
cooked, a built-in heat sensor will automatically switch the cook mode to warm mode. Allow rice to rest
for about 15 minutes before serving.

1. Press Cook Button …

a. To cook the rice c. To warm the cooked rice

b. To make the built-in sensor work d. To switch the cook mode to the warm


2. Describe briefly how to cook rice using the princess rice cooker.
a. Plug the power cord into the rice cooker socket, then push the cooking switch
b. Plug the power cord, press cook and switch the cook mode for about 15

c. Measure the quantity of rice and set the cooking pot inside the rice cooker
d. Wash rice, put in the cooking pot with some water, plug the power cord and
press cook.

3. How long should we allow the rice to rest before serving?

a. 10 minutes b. 15 minutes c. 20 minutes d. 30 minutes

4. The rice cooker malfunctions…, the cooking post is incorrectly positioned. The underlined words mean

a. It fails to work properly

b. It can’t warm the cooked rice

c. It automatically switches off the cook mode

d. It needs more than 15 minutes to rest before serving

Latihan 16

Da Tic Time I want to buy the Jaipong ticket although....

nc ket
(A) it is the most expensive
e Pri (B) its show time is the earliest
ce (C) its performance is the latest
(D) it is cheaper than others

Balet Rp. 2.500 19.00

Lenong Rp. 1.000 19.30

Srimpi Rp. 1.250 17.00

Jaipong Rp. 2.500 20.00

Latihan 17

4, Blight street

PO.BOX 555

Sydney 2000

June 5, 1996

Dear Wirtomo,

Thank you for your second letter. It is interesting to read about

the farming tools used by farmers in your village.
Unlike the farmers in your village, most farmers in my country use
machines to help them work. The machines are very useful since most
farms are very big. They use tractors to plow the land. Another
machine is a seed drill; it makes holes in the ground, then it drops
seeds into them. It may even drop a small amount of fertilizer with
each seed. Farmers with very large farms sometimes use planes to
plant seed. They also use planes to spray chemical onto the rice
fields. When harvest time comes they also use a machine called a
‘combine’ to cut the rice. It also separates the rice kernels from the
stalks. You know that a ‘combine’ can harvest more grain than 200 46
people working by hand.
1.Most farmers in Australia use ... to plow land.

(A) Tractors (B) airplanes (C) combines (D) seeds drills

2.The following are what farmers use a seed drill for except.....

(A) making holes (C) plowing land

(B) dropping fertilizer (D) dropping seeds to plant

3.“.... then it drops seed into them”. (paragraph 2)

What does the underlined word refer to ?....

(A) tractors (B) farms (C) machines (D) holes

Latihan 18


Food starter Dessert

1. Orange juice 1. Pie

2. Tomato juice 2.

3. Crab

Main Course Drink

1. Rice 1. Mineral water

Rinto : May I see the menu, please?
Waiter : Here you are. May I be excused, please?
I’ll get an order sheet.
Rinto : Thank you.
(A few minutes later)
Atin : Can I order now?
Waiter : Yes, certainly.
Atin : I’d like some crab soup to start.
Rinto : And can I have tail soup, please?
Waiter : Yes, you can.
Rinto : Then I’d like to have gado-gado, with fried chicken, chips and prawn.
Atin : Roast chicken for me, please, with mushroom. And can I have chips, please?
Waiter : Yes, that’s fine. What would you like to drink?
Atin : Can we have two bottled tea, please?

1. Which food is not served in the restaurant?

(A) Chicken curry. (B) Fried chicken (C) Tail soup (D) Mushroom.

2. What did Atin have for the main course?

(A) Gado-gado, fried chicken, chips and prawn.
(B) Crab, soup, tail soup and gado-gado.
(C) Roast chicken, mushroom and chips
(D) Mushroom, gado-gado and crab soup.

3. The dialogue tells us about…..

(A) the waiter’s service
(B) the food served in a restaurant
(C) the local and foreign food
(D) the ordering of food in a restaurant

Latihan 19

A New Freedom with Air France

When it comes to flying to Paris from Jakarta, we realise you don’t want to be restricted by
schedules. So as well as our flights on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Air France
now takes off for Europe on Wednesday. At 18.20 hrs, every Wednesday, to be precise. Timely
now, we think you’ll agree. Even better, once you arrive at our Paris-Charles de Gaulle Terminal
2 hub, we’ll have you getting off to one of 53 destinations in Europe and 170 throughout the
world almost as soon as you’ve landed. So when you need to fly to Paris and beyond,
remember, we’ve adjusted our schedule so you can make the most yours.


Jakarta : (021) 520-2262 ext. 1 (ticketing) ext. 2 (sales & management).
reservation : jakarta (021) 520-2263, Denpasar (0361) 288-511 ext. 1105,
Balikpapan (0542) 533-288, Medan (061) 545-600.

1.This advertisement tells us about…..
(A) the accommodation facilities
(B) the European countries
(C) the flight service
(D) the tourist sports

2. There are… available from Jakarta to Paris a week.

(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 6 (D) 8

3. What is the main idea of this article?

(A) To let you go to France freely.
(B) To announce the interesting places.
(C) To promote the countries is Europe.
(D) To introduce the new service of the company




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu/1 Maret 2006

Waktu : 8.00 – 10.00

Text for number 1 to 5

Earthquakes can cause landslides. The shaking loosens rock and soil on the sides of mountains and hills. The
soil and rock slides down. It can bury towns and neighborhoods.

Earthquakes can cause huge waves called tsunamis. Rock slipping along a fault under the ocean causes a
tsunami. The sudden movement of the rock sends a shockwave through the water above it. It makes powerful
waves of water on the ocean’s surface. The waves spread out across the ocean. When the waves reach
shallow water near land they get bigger and taller. Tsunami waves can be 50 feet (15 meters) high! When a
huge tsunami hits shore it causes terrible floods. The floods wash away cars and damage buildings. Many
people can die when a tsunami hits land. (Encarta Encyclopedia, 2005)

1. What is the most appropriate title for the text above?

a. Earthquakes and landslides c. Earthquakes and Tsunamis
b. Landslides and Floods d. Tsunamis and Floods

2. Tsunamis happen when…

a. earthquakes shake buildings c. powerful waves spread across the ocean
b. a volcano erupts d. great earthquakes happen under ocean

3. How high can tsunamis waves be?

a. 50 meters high c. 15 meters high
b. 35 meters high d. 25 meters high
4. ‘…they get bigger and taller’ (line 6)
The word ‘they’ refers to…

a. earthquakes b. waves c. tsunamis d. oceans

5. ‘Earthquakes can cause huge waves called tsunamis’

The synonym of the underlined word is…

a. very big b. very tall c. very wide d. tiny

6. X :Do you know where Mr. Ali went ? I want to see him

Y :He went to buy a spade.

But … He will come soon. He has gone two hours ago

a. I’m sure b. I doubt c. I’m not sure d. I agree

7. Fahri : This is the latest style of our aircraft !

Johny:… ! I like it very much.

a. What a pity c. It's a good idea

b. What a good aircraft d. It sound bad

8. Ani didn’t watch the football finals last night, and ….

a. I did too b. neither did I c. So did I d. I wasn’t either

9. John is 13 years old. Mary is 14 years old. So Mary is …John.

a. oldest than b. more old than c. most older than d. older than

10. Denti : Do you know Taufik Hidayat? The best man player of Badminton in the world?
Yanti : Of course, What's the matter with him?

Denti : he became the champion of All England.

Yanti :….

a. I am sorry to hear that c. It is not good news

b. I am disappointed to hear that d. I am very pleased to hear that

Text for number 11 to 15


Tigers are members of the cat family. Lions, leopards, cheetahs, and house cats are also members of
the cat family. Tigers are the largest cats, and the only cats with stripes. They live in large forests in
southern and southeastern Asia.

A tiger’s short fur is usually colored dark orange with black stripes. Each tiger has different stripes, and you can
use them to tell tigers apart. The stripes make a tiger stand out if you see them in the open. In the forests where
tigers live, however, the stripes make them almost invisible.

Like house cats, tigers have soft pads on the bottoms of their paws. These pads allow tigers to move silently
through the forest. Tigers have long, sharp claws at the ends of their feet. They pull the claws in until they need
them. When needed, the claws pop out like knives.

Their big, yellow eyes give tigers sharp sight to help find prey. Tigers see as well as people during the day, and
much better than people at night. They also hear very well. They can turn their ears toward sounds.

Tigers have explosive speed. They have strong muscles and long legs that help them move extremely fast over
short distances. Their long tails give them balance while running fast. Powerful jaws and sharp teeth help tigers
grab and kill prey once they catch it.

Some tigers in zoos and circuses are white with blue eyes. People bred these tigers because white tigers fetch
more money from tourists. In the wild, white tigers are very rare. Zoos no longer breed tigers to be white.

11. What are the differences of a tiger and a cat?

a. a tiger has sharp claws but a cat doesn’t

b. a tiger has stripes but a cat doesn’t
c. a tiger is big but a cat isn’t
d. a tiger is a fast runner but a cat isn’t

12. What does paragraph 2 tell us about?

a. The differences of tigers and cats

b. The color of tigers
c. The habitat of tigers
d. The size of tigers

13. ‘They live in large forests in southern and southeastern Asia’ (Line 2)

The underlined word refers to …

a. Lions b. Leopards c. Tigers d. Cats

14. How do tigers kill their prey?

a. They use their long tails

b. They use their powerful jaws and sharp teeth
c. They use their strong muscles and long legs
d. They use their explosive speed

15. Why did people in zoos breed white tigers?

a. Because white tigers fetch more money from tourists

b. Because white tigers have sharp sight to help find prey
c. Because white tigers have blue eyes
d. Because white tigers move extremely fast

16. Anton: Traveling by train is more economical than by plane,…?

Marry: You’re right.

a. isn’t it b. doesn’t it c. aren’t they d. don’t they

17. Mrs. Kadir :There are many dirty plates in the kitchen Mirna, …. ?

Mirna :Yes, of course. Please have a rest mother. You look very tired.
Mrs. Kadir :Thank you, dear.
a. Would you throw them away
b. Could you put them in the cupboard
c. Could you wash them, please
d. Would you bring them here

18. the travel 1- bought 2- we 3- agent 4- in 5- a ticket 6

The best arrangement of the words above is ….

a. 3 - 1 - 2 - 6 - 5 – 4 c. 3 - 4 - 6 - 2 - 5 – 1
b. 3 - 2 - 6 - 5 - 1 – 4 d. 3 - 2 - 4 - 1 - 5 - 6

19. X : Have you ever been to Jakarta ?

Y : Yes, last holiday.

X : With whom ?

Y : I … there with my brother.

a. went b. go c. have gone d. am going

20. Ati : ‘It’s good to spend the time by watching TV’

Erna: ‘… it’s better to do homework’

a. I agree with you c. I disagree with you

b. I don’t believe you d. I’m sure you’re right

Text for number 21 to 25

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali was born in 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. His parents named him Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.
They named their son after a Kentucky statesman who had fought against slavery in the 1800s.

Young Cassius Clay quickly made his mark in the boxing ring. He turned professional after winning a gold
medal in the Olympic games in 1960. Four years later, he knocked out Sonny Liston to earn his first world
heavyweight champion title.

After winning the title, Clay converted to Islam. This religion follows the teachings of the prophet Muhammad.
When Clay converted, he took a new name, Muhammad Ali.

In 1974, Ali won the world heavyweight title again by beating George Foreman. Then he defended a challenge
by former heavyweight champion Joe Frazier in a fight Ali called “The Thrilla in Manila.” This was a 15-round
fight in the capital city of the Philippines. Ali won that fight.

Ali defended his heavyweight title six more times before he lost to Leon Spinks in February 1978. But Ali came
back to beat Spinks and regain the title seven months later.

Ali retired in 1981 with a record of 56 wins and 5 losses. He won fame for his graceful footwork, powerful jabs,
and confident boasts about his boxing skill. He proclaimed that he was “The Greatest,” and many sports fans

Ali thrilled fans once again when he lit the flame at the start of the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.

21. What was the name of the Kentucky statesman who had fought against slavery in 1800s?

a. Mohammad Ali b. Louisville c. Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. d. Sonny Liston

22. When did Mohammad Ali earn his first heavyweight title?

a. in 1960 b. in 1942 c. in 1956 d. in 1964

23. Who did Ali beat in Manilla?

a. Joe Frazier b. George Foreman c. Cassius Clay d. Leon Spinks

24. What was the fifth paragraph about?

a. Ali’s fans b. Ali’s fame c. Ali’s titles d. Ali’s life

25. ‘…but Ali came back to beat Spinks and regain the title seven months later’

What is the synonym of the underlined word?

a. win something back c. return something

b. play back d. do something again


Especially for infants and children
Indication: sore throat, cough, abnormal secretion of sputa.

Dosage: # Infants under 6 months 1 teaspoonful 2 x daily

# infants over 6 months 1 teaspoonful 3 x daily

# teenagers: 2 teaspoonfuls 3 x daily

Or as prescribed by the physician (1 tsp = 5ml)

Available: in bottles of 60ml/90ml.


26. We should keep the Syrup in a … place.

a. Hot b. cool c. warm d. cold

27. What is the dosage for a teenager?

a. 10 ml b. 5 ml c. 2,5 ml d.1 ml

28. Rima : Sari, I want an apple. Do you have any?

Sari : Yes. I have two kinds of apples, red and green.

Rima : Green, please.

a. Which ones do you want? c. Which one do you want?

b. Do you like both of them? d. May I give you red apples

29. Rian meets Kiki on his way home from school.

Rian: Hi, Kiki, is it right that you’ll take part in a big show.

Kiki : That’s right.

Rian: I … you’ll be successful.

Kiki : Thanks.

a. doubt b. know c. mind d. hope

30. A: What do you know about a tiger?

B: A tiger is…..a cat but it is much bigger.
a. Like b. not the same as c. different from d. not similar to

31. Rosi : Yesterday morning my mother saw you in the market.

Atik : Oh did she? I…..some fish

a. Buy b. am buying c. was buying d. will buy

32. The roomboy :…., sir?

The guest :Yes please. Give me a hand with these two big suitcases, will you?

I’ll bring the small one myself.

The roomboy :Right, sir.

a. Can I help you c. May you help me

b. Could you help me d. Would you like to help me

Text for number 33 to 37

Harry Potter

Maybe you haven’t read Harry Potter’s adventures. If not, then let’s quickly introduce him.

Harry Potter is an unhappy 11-year-old. He lives with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon Dursley and their
awful son Dudley.

Harry doesn’t know it, but he’s a wizard! His mother was a witch and his father was a wizard. Both died fighting
the evil wizard Voldemort when Harry was just a baby. Harry was hidden with the unmagical Dursleys to protect
him from Voldemort.

Harry’s adventures begin when he is accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There, he meets
adults like Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and Groundskeeper Rubeus Hagrid. He also befriends schoolmates
like Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, and meets rivals like Draco Malfoy. He learns magic and how to play
Quidditch, a game a little like soccer that is played on flying broomsticks.

The Harry Potter novels tell the adventures of Harry at Hogwarts. Each book covers one school year in Harry’s
life, starting at age 11.

The creator of the Harry Potter novels is writer J. K. Rowling. Her first book was the Philosopher’s Stone. The
book appeared in the United Kingdom in 1997.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was a big success. It won prizes for children’s literature in the United
Kingdom. Other books about Harry followed: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the
Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The
novels have been translated into more than 30 languages and have sold millions and millions of copies. The
arrival of a new Harry Potter book is a worldwide event!

Some of the books have also been made into movies. After a long search, the filmmakers found Daniel Radcliffe
to play the part of Harry in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. The movies have been a big success, too.

33. Who was Harry Potter?

a. a figure in J.K Rowling’s novels c. An actor in J.K Rowling’s films

b. a writer of novels d. A film maker

34. What is Harry Potter at the age of 11?

a. an unhappy child c. an actor in films

b. a novel writer d. a student of Hogwarts school

35. Which novel won prizes for children’s literature in the United Kingdom?

a. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets c. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

b. Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone d. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

36. ‘After a long search, the filmmakers found Daniel Radcliffe to play the part of Harry in Harry

Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’. What is the synonym of the underlined word?

a. act b. make c. find d. lead

37. What does the seventh paragraph tell us about?

a. the creator of Harry c. the books about Harry

b. movies about Harry d. the experience of Harry

38. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.

(1) He lives in a small village as a farmer.

(2) This is because I like to see farmers working in the rice field.
(3) I have an uncle, Mr. Sanusi.
(4) Next week I want to go there.

a. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 b. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 c. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 d. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2

39 Arrange these sentences to be a good paragraph.

1. There is also a temple of the “Mengwi” Kingdom that stands in the centre of a pond.

2. It is located in Mengwi, Bali.

3. “The Taman Ayun Botanical Garden” is quite interesting to visit.

4. More than 300 species of rare plants have been planted there.

a. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 b. 2 – 3 – 4 – 1 c. 3 – 4 –1 – 2 d. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4

Text for number 40 to 45


The Internet is a system that connects computer networks. The Internet links millions of computers all over the
world. It allows your computer to get information stored on other computers far away. Some networks have only
a few computers. Some networks have thousands of computers. Computers connect to the Internet through
telephone and cable systems. Millions of people use the Internet every day. In 1981, only 213 computers were
connected to the Internet. By 2002, more than 158 million computers were connected to the Internet.

No one knows for sure exactly how many people use the Internet. Computer experts thought that there were 61
million Internet users worldwide at the end of 1996. There had been from 700 million to 900 million users by the
end of 2003

40. Paragraph one tells us about

a. How the internet works c. The information on the computers

a. The telephone and cable systems d. The number of networks

41. ‘It allows your computer to get information..’

The underlined word has the same meaning as…

a. Connects b. stores c. lets d. get

42. From the text above we know that the number of users of internet keeps

a. decreasing b. running c. saving d. increasing

43. How many internet users were there at the beginning of 2004?

a. more than 50 million c. more than 61 million

b. more than 700 million d. more than 900 million

44. Who predicted that there were 61 million internet users world wide by the end of 1996?

a. internet providers c. internet experts

b. internet networks d. internet operators

45. Mrs. Bella : “You’ve had your hair cut, Janne”

Janne :“Yes, Do you like it, mum ?

Mrs. Bella :“Yes, I do….

a. You are welcome c. It suits you

b. I am very well b. Thank you

46. Roy : What is your father ?

Lusy: My father is a taxi driver.

Roy : How does he drive the taxi?

Lusy: he always drives … in order to be safe

a. careless b. carelessly c. careful d. carefully

47. Indonesia is not only famous for agriculture … for mining.

a. but b. and c. but also d. and so

48. palm – the – most – Malaysia – in – oil – produces – world – the

The best arrangement is….

a. Malaysia produces the most oil palm in the world Malaysia

b. oil the most palm produces Malaysia in the world
c. the most oil palm in the world produces
d. Malaysia produces oil the most palm in the world

49. Donny : Did you come to the show?

Arman : Yes, I did. There were many people there … it rained hard.

a. although b. but c. because d. and

50. Rian : Ugh! I’m thirsty…..

Azka : That would be nice.

a. Let’s have something to drink. c. Let’s go for a walk.

b. Let’s take a rest. d. Let’s do something else.
a. breakfast / I / coffee / often / for / have

b. ever / fish / breakfast / you / do / eat / for?

c. we / Sunday / on / have / big / a / breakfast / always

d. dinner / usually / you / what / have / time / do?

That's a good idea.

a. I have a headache.

What's w rong?
b. I feel great today.

c. I have a terrible cold. Stay in bed and rest.

I'm glad to hear that.
d. I feel better today.

Yes, thank you.

e. Are you feeling better?

That's fine.
f. I can't sleep at night.

I ......... go to see the doctor last week because I was very ill.

(a) must

(b) must to

(c) had to

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Mount Tangkuban Perahu is one of tourism object in West Java. It situated at Lembang. It is
at northern part of Bandung. A lot of people from various part of world come to see it,
because it has a history, it is a Sangkuriang legend.
To arrive at mount Tangkuban Perahu, we have to drive up along the road of hilly area,
we can see a wide tea plantation. At the top, we can see beautiful scenery, and we can see the
hills with its green slopes. It has three craters which continuously produced smoke.
There are bungalows, and tourism object can be found easily there. Such as Ciater hot
water and Maribaya water fall.

1. What is the suitable of the text above?

Ciater hot spring Maribaya water fall
. .
Legend of Sangkuriang Tangkuban Perahu
. .

2. Mount Tangkuban Parahu is situated at ........

Bandung Subang
. .
Lembang Yogyakarta
. .

3. In the Tangkuban Parahu mountain, we can see ........

Ciater, hill, top, and valley Water fall
. .

Ciater hot spring Flower garden
. .

4. The legend of Tangkuban Parahu is history of ........

Lutung Kasarung Bawang Putih
. .
Sangkuriang Kancil
. .

5. 1. Doctors and nurses working here

2. There are mortuary, emergency room, an ambulance, and nursing room
3. An ambulance used to bring sick people to the hospital
4. This is a hospital
Arrange these sentences correctly ........
4,1,2,3 2,4,3,1
. .
1,2,3,4 4,2,3,1
. .

I. Text I for questions number 1 to 10

Change the verbs in the brackets into the correct form

Andi (1) on a plane. It (2) the first time for him. A stewardess always (3) him. And she
also (4) him food, drink, snack and candies. He (5) “How kind she is!” The he (6) an
announcement, “Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This flight will be flown by Captain
Ferda. It will fly at an altitude of 28.000 feet. Well ladies and gentlemen, have a pleasant
flight”. Andi (7) so excited that he (8) his eyes to (9) outside at the clouds. “Wow, I’m
flying now”.

He (10) “what an exciting experience”.

1 a. Were 2 a. Were 3 a. Helping 4 a. Giving 5 a. Thought

b. Was b. Was b. Helps b. Give b. Thinking
c. Am c. Am c. Helped c. Given c. Think
d. Is d. Is d. Help d. Gave d. Thinks

6 a. Heard 7 a. Was 8 a. Shuts 9 a. Look 10 a. Thought

b. Hearing b. Were b. Shuttings b. Looks b. Thinks
c. Hears c. Is c. Shut c. Looking c. Think
d. Hear d. Am d. Shutted d. Looked d. Thinking

I. Text II for questions number 11 to 14

One day Sandra Dewi felt sick in the middle of the English lesson. All of the students did
the reading task. Suddenly Sandra Dewi vomited. All other students stopped writing. Mrs.
Lidya helped her immediately. The chairman of the class sent for the school’s doctor.

In five minutes the doctor came. He examined her carefully. He examined her eyes. He
felt her stomach. He listened to her heartbeat. He measured her blood pressure. Then he
took her temperature.

‘I’m afraid he suffers from malaria. Her temperature is very high. That is why she
vomited. She has a very bad cough, too. I’ll give her some pills for her malaria, some
tablets for her fever and syrup for her cough. She needs a week rest’. Said the doctor.

1 a. Sandra Dewi vomited 1 What did the students do?

1 b. Sandra Dewi felt sick 2 a. Sitting in the classroom
c. Sandra Dewi stopped b. Writing a task
writing c. Reading task
d. Sandra Dewi read a d. Helping Sandra Dewi
1 What happened to the 1 What did the doctor
3 students? 4 recommend?
a. Stopped listening a. I’m afraid she suffers from
b. Stopped writing malaria
c. Stopped reading b. She needs a week rest
d. Stopped studying c. She needs syrup for her
d. She has a very bad cough

I. Dialogue for number 15 to 16

Ali : Hello

Badu : Hello

Ali : Ali speaking. Can I speak to Mary, please?

Badu : Hm, She’s not home right now.

Ali : Oh. Ok.

Badu : Can I take the massage?

Ali : Yes, please. Thanks

Badu : Wait a second. I’ll get a pen. (a minute later)


Ali : Could you tell her to meet me at 7 p.m in front of the city public library?

Badu : All right

Ali : Thank you. Bye.

Badu : Bye.

1 How do they open the 1 How do they close the

5 conversation? 6 conversation?

a. Hello a. Could you
b. Oh. O.K b. Oh. Bye
c. Hm c. Oh. O.K
d. O.K d. All right

I. Text III for question number 17 to 20

Shirley’s Day Off

Shirley enjoyed her day off yesterday. She …(17)…up late, …(18)… jogging in the park,
…(19) … a long shower, and …(20) … a big breakfast.

1 a. Getti 1 a. Goe 1 a. Take 2 a. Ate

7 ng 8 s 9 b. Took 0 b. Eat
b. Gets b. Gon c. Take c. Eati
c. Get e s ng
d. Got c. Wen d. Taki d. Eats
t ng
d. Go

I. Composition
Make a short dialogue telling what you did last week end!


Last Sunday, Maryam and her family went to Sanur Beach by car.
Mr. Agus hired a boat and took it out to sea. Mrs. Aisyah, Maryam’s
mother, sat on the sand and read a magazine. Maryam walked along
the beach and her brother, Syam, swam at the seaside. They
enjoyed their recreation.

1. Where did Maryam and her family go?

They went to . . . .
b. Jakarta
c. Sumatera
d. Bandung
e. Bali
1. 2. What did Mrs.
Aisyah do?
b. She took a boat
c. She sat on the sand
d. She walked along the beach
e. She swam at the seaside
1. 2. Did Maryam’s family feel disappointed to
have their vacation?
a.Yes, they do b.Yes, they did c.No, they don’t d.No, they didn’t

3. The above text is about . . . .

b. Travel to Bali
c. Maryam and her family
d. Maryam’s family recreation
e. Maryam’s and her brother



My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl

of her own age in Holland.

Last year we were travelling across the channel and Jane put a
piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw
the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again. Ten months later,
she received a letter from a girl in Holland.

Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have
decided to use post-office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will
certainly travel faster.

1. The purpose of the text is to . . . .

b. Retell about past event
c. Retell about past experience
d. Entertaining
e. Informing
1. 2. Paragraph one is included into . . . .
b. Identification
c. Description
d. Orientation
e. Events
1. 2. Jane
. . writes a letter
to her new friend . .
b. Frequent
c. Careful
d. Frequently
e. Carefully
1. 2. “A glass envelope”
means . . . .
b. A glass for envelope
c. An envelope made of glass
d. A glass is stuck by an envelope
e. An envelope in a bottle

Choose the best answer !

The giraffe has big brown eyes. They are protected by very thick lashes. This giraffe has brown
spots on the skin. This coloring helps protect the giraffe. It also has two short horns on its head.

Like a camel, it can live for a long time without drinking water. One source of water is leaves
which it eats from trees. It is tall, so the giraffe can reach the tender leaves at the top of a tree. The giraffe
has two methods of self protection. If something frightens an adult giraffe, it can gallop away at about
fifty kilometers per hour or stay to flight with its strong legs.

9. A good title for the text is …………………..

a. A small African Animal c. The tallest Animal at the zoo

b. Giraffe and Camel d. An interesting Animal

10. What does the word “it” in paragraph two refer to….

a. camel c. water

b. giraffe d. tree

11. The giraffe has two methods of self protection. One of them is..

a. Looking for other giraffe c. hiding in a certain place

b. staying to fight with the strong legs d. staying and doing nothing

I have a mango tree. It is in the garden at the back of my house. The tree grows well. It given a lot
of mangoes everytime. It has a big trunk. Its colour is brown. The tree has a lot of leaves. They are green.
Sometimes there are some worms on some of them. But our gardener gives some pesticides on the leaves.
He take cares of the tree carefully. He always cuts the grass which grows around the tree. That is why my
mango produces a lot of fruits. Most of them big. They taste very sweet. I often give some mangoes to my

12. Where is the mango tree located?

a. in the garden b. in the house c. in the gardeners d. on the grass.

13. Who take care of the mango tree?

a. the writer b. the worms c. the neighbor d. the gardener

14. What is the identification of the descriptive text above?

a. I have a mango tree c. It has a big trunk

b.The tree grown well d. The tree has lot of leaves

Last holiday my friends and I decided to go to Mount Tangkuban
Parahu. We . . (15) . . Bandung at 8 in the in the morning .After a nice
trip, we finally . . (16) . . in Lembang. We stayed at Hotel Pesona
Bamboe, and immediately were happy for our trip to the mountain.

We . . (17) . . an hour in Mount Tangkuban Parahu. We enjoyed the

beauty of the smoky . . (18) . . and the scenery around it.

15 a. left b. leave c. leaves d. leaving

16 a. arrive b. arrives c. arrived d. arriving
17 a. spend b. to spend c. spends d. spent
18 a. crate b. create c. crater d. creator

The Rafflesia Arnoldi is the biggest……..(19) the world. It is unusual became its………(20) size. It
consist of two parts; the stick- like parts that ….(21) in the middle and the petals around and below it. The
Rafflesia begins to flower in its tenth year. It……..(22) three or four times a year.

19. a. flower b. fruit c. seed d. stem

20. a. large b. long c. small d. short

21. a. flies b. leaves c. grows d. smells

22. a. explores b. blooms c. becomes d. attracts


a – An – alligator – is – animal – wild

1 2 3 4 5 6

Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentence

a. 2 3 4 1 6 5 c. 1 2 3 4 5 6
b. 3 4 2 1 6 5 d. 3 4 5 6 2 1

24. I think elephant is the biggest animal

a. I think so c. I don’t agree

B. I don’t think so d . I doubt it

25. lot – can- animals– safari park – in – see – a – of - we

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentence

a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c. 9 2 6 7 1 8 3 5 4
b. 5 4 6 7 3 2 1 9 8 d.9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

26. Mary: May I borrow your pencil?

Jane: …………….I am using it.

a. I am sorry c. No problem
b. It’s Ok d. Of course

27. best – always – in – me – help- every – friends – situation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Arrange the jumbled words into the good sentence

a. 1 7 2 5 4 3 6 8 c. 1 7 5 2 3 4 6 8
b. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 d. 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 1
28. Teacher: Can you help me pass the book ?

Student: ………………….

a. I am sorry I cant c. I don’t care

b. I don’t think so d. Yes, of course
29. 1. She is twelve years old

2. Her name is Aulia

3. I met her at my classmate’s house

4. She has a twin sister

5. I got a new friend

Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph

a. 5 3 2 1 4 c. 5 2 1 3 4
b. 5 2 3 1 4 d. 5 2 1 4 3
30. write – Willy and Jane – to – by – each other – email

1 2 3 4 5 6

Arrange the jumble words into a good sentence

a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 c.2 1 5 3 6 4
b. 2 1 3 5 4 6 d. 1 2 4 3 6 5
31. A: I think elephant is the biggest animal

B: …………………………….

a. I think so c. I don’t agree

b. I don’t think so d. I doubt it
32. Isni: What do you think about my new friend?

Intan: ………………………….

a. I’m not sure c. In my opinion she is nice

b. I think so d. I don’t know

33. The room is very hot.

a. Close the window, please! C. Open the window, please!

b. Can you turn off the fan, please! D. Sit down, please!

34. Mother: Could you water the flower?

Daughter: ………………………..

a. Yes, sure. C. Oh, sorry. I can’t do it.

b. Sorry, I am late. D. No way

35. Michael: What do you think about this shirt?

Jennifer: Mmmmh….But I don’t think red is the right color for you.

What is the underlined expression about?

a. Agreement c. giving opinion

b. Disagreement d. asking opinion

36. Rudy: Excuse us.

Shop keeper: yes, can I help you?

Rudy: May I have a blue shirt with the design like this red one, please?

What is the underlined expression about?

a. Asking for something c. Asking for help

b. Giving for something d. Giving help

37. Santi: Could you buy me the ticket?

Sinta: Sure.

What is the underlined expression about?

a. Asking for help c. giving instruction

b. Offering help d. giving opinion

Budi: it’s very exciting today.

Dani: Yes, it is. I am having so much fun.

Budi: …………………(38) about the roller coaster?

Dani: I think it’s the most excited one. By the way, are you chewing gum?

………………………………… (39) some?

Budi: Yes, of course (40). Here you are.

38. a. can you help me? C. What is it?

b. What do you think? D. Do you know?

39. A. Can I have? C. Can you help?

B. Can you have? D. Can I help?

40. What is the underlined expression about?

a. Asking for help c. Giving for something

b. asking for something d. asking for opinion


a. I prefer the economic one

b. Here is the ticket, thank you.
c. Good morning. What can I do for you?
d. Where will you go?
e. You’re welcome

Complete this dialogue with the words in the box

The ticket seller: ………………………(1)

Amir: Good morning. I need the ticket, please
The ticket seller: ……………………….(2)
Amir: I want to go to Jakarta.
The ticket seller: Which would you like to take? The economic or the executive class?
Amir: The economic train, please.
The ticket seller: All right. There will be economic train depart on Sunday at 5 pm.
Amir: yes, Sir. Here is the money.
The ticket seller: …………………………………. (3)

Study the following letter of invitation below and answer the question!

Dear Wina,

I am sure you are fine. Hello, friend. I am going to give a party celebrating my birthday
on Sunday at 4 pm. I am fourteen now.

Please come and see me.

Your sincerely,


4. What day is Wina going to have her birthday party?

5. Re-arrange the jumbled sentences to make a good paragraph!

- He intended to visit some interesting places

- Finally, he flew back to Bali.

- George was in Jakarta last month

- Then, he continued his trip to mount Tangkuban perahu

- After that, he visited Borobudur temple

- First, he went to Gajah Museum and Monas


The Rafflessia Arnoldi is the biggest flower in the world. It is unusual because of its
large size. It has flower almost a meter in a diameter and 1, 40 meters in height. Rafflessia
is derived from the name of the British Governor general. Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who
once governed and built the Botanical Garden in Bogor. Though it is called Raffflessia after
Raffless, the man who discovered the plant was Becarry, an Italian botanist who visited
Sumatra in 1982.

The Raffflessia begins to flower in its tenth year. Before it begins to flower, the leaves
and the stem become dry and look dead, but the main root in the ground is still alive.

While the flower is blossoming, it has very unpleasant smell wich attracts insects
especially green flies. They seem eager to explore the flower, but if the flies touch the
bottom part of the stick-like centre, they die.

I. Choose a, b, c, or d

1. Why is the Rafflessia Arnoldi unusual? Because...

a. It is a tiny flower b. Its size is very large

c. It consists of two parts d. It smells very pleasant

2. How often does Rafflessia Arnoldi bloom?

a. Once b. Twice c. Three times d. Ten times

3. What happen before beginning to flower?

a. The leaves become dry b. The stems look alive

c. The leaves become wetd. The roots are red

4. What insects like to explore the flower? ... do

a. Crikets b. Butterflies c. Bees d. Flies

5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. The smell of the flower b. The process of blooming

c. The size of the flower d. The parts of the flower

II. Choose T for True or F for False

1. The man who discovered the biggest flower was Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (T – F)
2. The flower will die if the flies touch it (T – F)
3. Raffflessia blooms 3 or 4 times a year (T – F)
4. Green flies come to this flower because they smell something Unpleasant (T – F)
5. We know that this plant begins to flower from the root (T – F)
6. The root is dead when it. Begins to flower (T – F)
7. The Raflessia Arnoldi has more or less 140 cm in diameter (T – F)
8. The insect which like to explore it are green flies (T – F)
9. Many botanist are eager to study Indonesian flora (T – F)
10.Raflessia is unusual because of its parts (T – F)


1. Flower 2. Branch 3. Root 4. Leaf 5.

Listening Text:

1. It is a part of a plant. It is usually green and flat. What do you think of it?
2. It is also a part of a plant that grows under the ground, absorbing water and mineals.
What do you think of it?
3. It is a sweet-smelling flower that grows on a bush and usually has thorns on its stems.
Generally its colour is pink. What is you opinion about it?
4. It is a fruit with firm juice flesh. Iits skin is green, red or yellow when ripe. What is
your opinion about it?


Make a good descriptive text about plant

Identificati ...........................................................................................................

on ............................



Description ...........................................................................................................

1 ............................



Description ...........................................................................................................

2 ............................



Description ...........................................................................................................

3 ............................




1. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan seksama
2. Jawablah pertanyaan sesuai dengan perintah, pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia.
3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah.
4. Perhatikan alokasi waktu yang telah disediakan
5. Anda hanya boleh bertanya kepada pengawas ruangan apabila ada soal yang kurang jelas
6. Periksalah seluruh pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas

1. What is the text above?
a. Announcement c. Invitation

b. Message d. Notice

Text for questions number 2 to 3

19 Banjaran Street

Tuesday, February 13 2007

Dear Rafi

How are you doing? Gee, we had a very good

time at the weekend. We went to the last show
at nine o' clock. The horses performed first. A
young man dressed in green with a long,
cracking whip, trained the animals. The horses
danced when the band started to play to
entertain everyone.

Tell me your weekend. I’m looking forwards to

hearing from you.



2. The purpose of the letter is to …
a. retell a series of events

b. tell a fairy tale

c. show happiness

d. share an amusing story

3. The text is in the form of …

a. a narrative c. a report

b. a recount d. a description

Text for questions number 4 to 5

Month Number of Cit

visitors y
January 5000 Zo
February 4500 o

March 4675

April 4980

May 5980

June 5979

4. Which is the least popular month to visit the zoo?

a. February b. March c. April d. May

5. How many visitors have visited the City Zoo from January to June?

a. as many as 30000 visitors

b. less than 30000 visitors

c. more than 30000 visitors

d. less than as many as 31000 visitors

Text for questions number 6 to 8

London’s traffic problems are not new and they are growing greater every year. The
new Victoria Line, a modern underground railway, will help people to get to work
more quickly. Because of the crowded roads, buses move slowly in the rush hours,
and passengers become discouraged and angry. There are plans for two new roads
round London – Inner Box and the Outer Box. These roads will help traffic move
more freely.

(Taken from “Read all about it” by Richard Musman)

6. The text tells us about …

a. London’s traffic problems

b. The crowded roads of London

c. The two new roads round London

d. A modern underground railway in London

7. What kind of vehicles used in Victoria Line?

a. bus b. ship c. plane d. train

8. “…and passengers become discouraged and angry” (line 6)

The synonym of the underlined word is…

a. hopeful b. hopeless

c. depressed d. happy

9. Rina: Rio, let me help you.

Rio : Thanks. That’s very kind of you. ….

Rina: Sure.

a. Could you help me with this bag, please?

b. Do you like carrying this bag, please?

c. Could I help you carry this bag, please?

d. Don’t you like carrying this bag?

10.Tini: Lia, …. You seen Harry Potter?

Lia: Not yet. Tomorrow I’m going to see it

in Studio 21.

Tini: Can I come with you?

Lia: Sure.

a. Do b. Did c. Will d. Have

Text for questions number 11 to 15

The only true pyramids ever built were in Egypt where there was the burial
place of the ancient rulers of Egypt, the Pharaohs. They are square in plan, which
triangular side sloping to meet each other at an apex. The three pyramids at Giza
are the largest and the finest of their kind. The Great Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops at
Giza, built around 2650 BC, is the largest and one of the Seven Wonders of the
World. It is a solid mass of limestone blocks covering 5.3 hectares. Originally, it was
147 meters high and took twenty years to build.

The entrance to the pyramid is in the northern wall and a small passage leads
through various other chambers to the burial chamber itself deep within the

Pyramid-like structure, not true pyramids were also built by ancient

Mesopotamians and Mayas in Central America and Mexico.
(Taken from: Text Source; Peter Haddock Ltd, Ref.083)

11.What is pyramid according to the text above?

a. the art of the ancient rulers of Egypt

b. the cave of the ancient rulers of Egypt

c. the craft of the ancient rulers of Egypt

d. the grave of the ancient rulers of Egypt

12.Pyramid has a … form

a. triangular c. rectangular

b. square d. round

13.How many years did the ancient Egypt need to build the Great Pyramid?
a. 19 years c. 20 years

b. 18 years d. 17 years

14.Who built the artificial pyramids?

a. Ancient Mesopotamians

b. America and Mexico

c. Khufu and Cheops

d. Pharaohs

15.… to meet each other at the apex (line 5)

The antonym of the underlined word is…

a. top b. center c. base d. peak

Text for questions number 16 to 17

Science Club Members!

There will be no meeting

this week. I let you know
when the club will meet

16.What type of text is it?
a. an announcement c. an invitation

b. an advertisement d. a letter

17.What does the message mean?

a. Budi will meet no members of the Science

Club again this week

b. This week the members of the Science Club

have no meeting as usual

c. The school won’t meet members of the

Science Club again this week

d. The chairman of the Science Club will not

meet his members again

Text for questions number 18 to 19

Often depicted as vicious animals, Morey eels are quite shy and will usually
only bite when, like the Grey nurse, they are provoked. Their small teeth are razor
sharp and slightly curved inward, to prevent their prey from pulling away.

When treated with caution, Morey eels are magnificent creature to watch and
hand-feed … but watch those fingers!
(Taken from Disney’s Adventure)

18.From the text above we know that Morey eels … bite if they are not provoked.

a. always c. often

b. rarely d. sometimes

19.“… Morey eels are magnificent creature to watch and …” (line 4)
The underlined word means …

a. nice c. awful

b. fierce d. horrified

Text for questions number 20 to 24

10 February 2007

22/35, Jalan Damai


Dear Yeni,

How are you in Bandung? My family and I are fine. I hope you and your family
are fine, too. I am sorry I did not write to you earlier. As you know, we have just
moved to this new neighborhood and I was very busy settling in.

My neighborhood is a wonderful place. It is only two kilometers from my

school and the town. I go to school by bus school. Most of the children here go to
the same school as I do.

There is a bus stop near my home. It makes very convenient for my mother
to go to market every morning. The buses are quite regular too.

My neighbors are all very friendly and helpful. They help us carry our things
into our house when we arrived. Mbak Minah, my neighbor on the right, cooked
lunch for us on the day that we moved in. The children here are a lot fun too. We
play together in the playground nearby in the evenings. We also go to the public
library, which is located nearby to study or borrow books.

Well Yasmin, I think that is all I have to say for the time being. I hope to
receive a reply from you soon.



20.Who is Yeni?
a. Cindy’s classmate c. Cindy’s mother

b. Cindy’s sister d. Cindy’s friend

21.How far is Cindy’s school from her house?

a. 8 kilometers c. 6 kilometers

b. 4 kilometers d. 2 kilometers

22.How does her mother go to the market?

a. by bus c. by taxi

b. on foot d. by train

23.What does Cindy mostly write in her letter?

a. Her family c. Her new house

b. Her new school d. Her new residence

24.“My neighborhood is a wonderful place.” (line 6)

The underlined word means …

a. easy b. nice c. fresh d. clean

25.Look at the picture and the notice.


What does it mean?

a. It means that the telephone has been repaired

b. It means that the telephone cannot be fixed

c. It means that the telephone cannot be used

d. It means that the telephone will be fixed

26.Adi: I have passed the National Examination.

Dea: ….

Adi: Thank you very much.

a. Congratulation c. Pardon me

b. Excuse me d. How come

27.Edwin seldom goes to school,…….?

a. isn’t he? c. does he?

b. doesn’t he? d. isn’t he?

28.Cindy: What do you think of my new skirt?

Titi : ……..It’s quite good but it’s too
a. Of course c. Sure

b. Certainly d. In my opinion

Text for questions number 29 to 33

First, break two eggs into a bowl

Then, beat the eggs

After that, season the eggs with salt and pepper

And then, pour a little oil into a pan

Then, heat the oil

After that, put the mixture into the pan

And then, cook the omelet

And then, fold the omelet

29.The text tells us about …

a. how to beat the eggs c. how to mix the eggs

b. how to make an omelet d. how to heat the oil

30.What do we do to mix the eggs with salt and pepper?

a. we heat them with some oil

b. we beat them with a fork

c. we beat them on the stove

d. we heat them in a bowl

31.“….pour a little oil into a pan” (line 4)

The antonym of the underlined word is …

a. a small amount of c. a bit of

b. a lot of d. some

32.Where do we pour the oil?

a. into a bowl c. into a stove

b. into the eggs d. into the pan

33.What is the last step of making an omelet?
a. beat the eggs c. heat the oil

b. pour the mixtured. fold the omelet

34.Nina : How often do you go to the English


Ani : Twice a week.

Nina : …….. do you go there?

Ani : Sometimes by bus

a. Why b. Who c.How d. What

35.Sunny: …. Can you tell me where the post

office is?

Yanti : Sure. It’s not far. Look over there.

It’s beside the bank.

a. I’m sorry c. Excuse me

b. Pardon me d. Help me please

36.Arrange these sentences below into a good paragraph,

1. It’s located between Sumbawa island and Flores island, East Nusa Tenggara
2. Komodo National Park is located in Komodo island
3. This animal is a kind of an ancient reptile
4. There are protected animals there; the Komodos
a. 2-1-3-4 c. 2-3-1-4

b. 2-4-1-3 d. 2-1-4-3

37. Nisa: What about your English test?

Rani: ……… I could do it well, I didn’t

study last night.

Nisa: That’s too bad.

a. I doubt c. I am sure

b. I am certain d. No doubt

Text for questions number 38 to 40

Nirina R Zubir is an artist. She was born on March 12, 1980 in Madagaskar.
She has finished her study at STIE Perbanas, In 2003 she joined a private TV Station
as a presenter. She was quite popular in carrying out her program. Before being a
TV presenter, she was a radio presenter at MTV sky 101.6FM, Jakarta and a host for
music program called Gaul Malam on Trans TV.

Nirina can speak Mandarin well, she once became interpreter for President
Megawati. Now she is busy as TV film actress and a TV presenter.

38.Where was Nirina born?

a. In Indonesia c. In India

b. In Bangladesh d. In Madagaskar

39.She was quite popular….(line 5)

The underlined word has the same meaning as…

a. Celebrity c. presenter

b. Well known d. busy

40.How old is Nirina now by 2007

a. Twenty-five years c. Twenty-six years

b. Twenty-seven years d. Twenty-eight years

Text for questions number 41 to 45

The Hare And The Tortoise

A hare can run very fast, but a tortoise moves very slowly.

One morning a hare said to a tortoise, “You are a slow animal. I can run faster
than you.”

“You are absolutely right”, answered the tortoise. “I can’t run as fast as you,
but I can beat you in a race.”

“Impossible!” said the hare angrily. “You can never beat me! Let race to that
tree and see who wins.”

The tortoise began walking slowly towards the tree. He couldn’t go fast, but
he didn’t stop walking. The hare didn’t run. He just sat and laughed loudly.

“I don’t have to hurry, I can sleep first!” he said. The hare lay down on the
grass and went to sleep.

The tortoise continued walking steadily toward the tree. When he was close
to the tree, he saw that the hare was sleeping soundly.

At last, the hare woke up and yawned lazily. He said, “Now I will run and
win.” When he arrived at the tree, the tortoise was already there.

“I am slow,” said the tortoise patiently, but I won the race.”

41.What is the aim of the text above?

a. To amuse the readers

b. To describe the animals

c. To inform the readers about two animals

d. To tell readers a series of events

42.How did the tortoise move?

a. very quickly and sure

b. very quickly but not sure

c. very slowly but sure

d. very slowly and not sure

43.Which statement is “TRUE” according to the text?

a. A tortoise moves as quickly as other fast


b. The tortoise arrived at the tree first

c. The tortoise lost the race against the hare

d. The tortoise went to sleep before he started to


44.When he was close to the tree… (line 20)

The opposite of the underlined word is….

a. shut b. far c. fast d. near

45.“I can’t run as fast as you……..(line 7)

The underlined word refers to…….

a. the tortoise c. the hare

b. the writer d. the reader

46.Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph

1. Thirdly, eat a low-fat diet and keep to a healthy weight.
2. Secondly, see your doctor regularly for test to check your cholesterol levels
3. Finally, exercise regularly
4. Firstly, be a non-smoker
5. Today I will tell you how to reduce the risk of having a heart attack.

a. 5-4-2-1-3 c. 5-4-2-3-1

b. 5 4-3-1-2 d. 5-2-4-1-3

Text for questions number 47 to 48

Dear Tiara,

Congratulations. You passed your examination. 88

I hope it makes you happy

37.What kind of text is it?

a. Announcement c. Invitation

b. Message d. Notice

38. What is the purpose of the writer to send this message?

a. to tell her friend about her success

b. to inform her success

c. to congratulate on her friend’s success

d. to write her success

Vitamin C is water soluble required for the formation of connective tissue such as
collagen, necessary for the formation of healthy skin, bones, cartilage, and teeth.
Vitamin C is also needed for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, hormones, such as
thyroid and sex hormones and carnitine for fatty acid breakdown.

39.The text above belongs to …

a. Description c. Report

b. Narrative d. Recount

Aqua Park

Fun for all family

In our indoor, heated 25-meter pool

Aqua Park opens 7 days a week

40.Which statement is true about the text above?

a. Aqua Park is only for adults

b. Aqua Park closes in the evening

c. The pool is 25 meters deep

d. The water is warm


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