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Soal Bahasa Inggris Cloze Test

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Simple Present tense untuk kalimat nominal dan verbal sekaligus.
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konsep simple present. Simple present tense (nominal and verbal)
Cloze test Simple Present tense

Let me introduce myself. My name (1) __________  ( is,am,are) [?] Fayyadh Shidqi. I

(2) __________ ( is,am,are) [?] the only child in my family. I (3) __________  ( live / lives) [?] in

Wonosegoro, On Jalan raya Wonosegoro. Precisely, at 15 Jalan raya Wonosegoro, Bandar. I (4)

__________ (study / studies ) [?] at SMP N 1 Bandar and I am the seventh grade now. I was born in

Batang on August 29, 2004. My father, Mr. Mustofa (5) __________  ( is,am,are) [?] an English

teacher in Junior high school. He (6) __________ ( teaches / teach) [?] at MTs Walisongo Tulis and

SMP N 8 Batang. He (7) __________  (ride / rides ) [?] a motorcycle to go to school. While My

mother, Mrs. Trumiasih is a housewife. She (8) __________ ( gets / get) [?] responsible for keeping

the house. She (9) __________ ( likes / like ) [?] cooking and she often (10) __________  ( try / tries)

[?] new recipes by learning through the internet. My mom and dad (11) __________  ( is,am,are)

[?] great parents for me. Talking about hobbies, I (12) __________  ( is,am,are) [?] fond of writing. I

(13) __________ ( have / has)  [?] a blog. My dad (14) __________ ( make / makes) [?] it for me. He

(15) __________  ( is,am,are) [?] a good blogger. I (16) __________ (study / studies ) [?] a lot from

him. Both of my father and I (17) __________  ( is,am,are) [?] bloggers. Playing football is another

hobby of mine. I always (18) __________ (practices / practice) [?] it in the afternoon. it is my activity

before taking a bath. To tell the truth, Someday, I (19) __________ (wants / want) [?] to be a good

writer and can create many useful books for people. I really (20) __________  (hopes / hope) [?] that

my dream will come true. Ameen.



Catatan: perbendaharaan kata atau frasa benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, kata keterangan (tempat,
cara dan waktu)

1. Let : ijinkan/perkenankan
2. Introduce : memperkenalkan
3. Child : anak kecil
4. Precisely : tepatnya/ persisnya
5. Seventh grade : kelas tujuh
6. Was born : dilahirkan
7. Junior high school : Sekolah Menengah Pertama
8. Motorcycle : Sepeda motor
9. Go : pergi
10. While : ketika, saat, sementara, sedangkan
11. Reponsible: tanggung jawab
12. Keeping: menjaga, merawat
13. Cooking: memasak
14. New recipes : resep baru
15. By learning : dengan mempelajari/ belajar
16. Through : melalui / melewati
17. Parents : orang tua
18. Talking: berbincang - bincang
19. Fond of Writing : gemar menulis/ suka menulis
20. Both of : keduanya / diantara dua
21. Playing : bermain
22. Before : sebelum
23. Taking a bath : mandi
24. Tell : memberitahu
25. Truth : kebenaran
26. Someday : suatu hari
27. Can : dapat bisa
28. Create : menciptakan / membuat
29. Useful : bermanfaat/ berguna
30. People : orang-orang
31. Come true : semoga terwujud/ semoga menjadi kenyataan

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