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CBSE Sample Paper-05 (Solved) Summative Assessment - Ii Class - X

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CBSE Sample Paper-05 (solved)

SCIENCE (Theory)
Class X
Time allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 90

General Instructions:
a) All questions are compulsory.
b) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the sections.
c) Questions 1 to 3 in section A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one word
or in one sentence.
d) Questions 4 to 6 in section A are two marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30
words each.
e) Questions 7 to 18 in section A are three marks questions. These are to be answered in about
50 words each.
f) Questions 19 to 24 in section A are five marks questions. These are to be answered in about
70 words each.
g) Questions 25 to 27 in section B are 2 marks questions and Questions 28 to 36 are multiple
choice questions based on practical skills. Each question of multiple choice questions is a one
mark question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four provided to
Section A

Name the product formed beside soap that is obtained during saponification process.
Are the laws of reflection applicable to plane surfaces also valid for curved surfaces?
Write a food chain in a forest ecosystem.
What discrepancies were there in Mendeleevs Periodic Table?
Name one organ analogous to the wing of the bird. Why are they both analogous? Can you
include the wing of bat also with them under the same category? Give reason.
6. In what S.I. unit is power of lenses rated? A convex lens has a focal length of 50 cm, Calculate
its power.
7. What is electron affinity? The electron affinity values of three elements A, B and C of a group are
324, 295 and 333 kJ mol-1. Arrange these in increasing order of their atomic numbers.
8. The atomic number of an element is 16. Predict its:
(a) valency
(b) group number
(c) whether it is a metal of non-metal
(d) nature of the oxide formed
(e) name of the element.
9. Differentiate between Self pollination and Cross pollination. Describe double fertilization in
10. (i) When does ovulation occur during the menstrual cycle in a normal healthy female?
(ii) Draw a labelled diagram to show the reproductive system of a human female.

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11. How are fossils formed?

12. Explain Mendels experiment with peas on inheritance of traits considering only one visible
contrasting character.
13. An object of size ' l ' cm is placed in front of a (i) convex mirror and (ii) concave mirror. With a
neat ray-diagram, explain how an erect image is formed.
14. (i) Is the speed of light a constant?
(ii) Which colour has the greatest speed in the visible region?
(iii) Is it possible to combine the seven colours in the spectrum to form white?
15. Sheeba studies in grade 9 and is a secretary of schools club. As per practice in the school, all
members of science club assemble in Physics lab in last two periods on every Friday.
Sheeba also extends help to her mother in kitchen. One day she observed that the apparent
random wavering or flickering of objects seen through a turbulent stream of hot air rising above
the fire in the kitchen. She discussed about this with her friends and decided to raise the question
in schools science club meeting.
Read the given passage and answer the following questions:
(a) Explain the reason behind the observation.
(b) Name the similar phenomenon on a larger scale. Also, draw the ray diagram.
(c) What values are shown by Sheeba?
[Value Based Question]
16. Draw a neat labelled diagram of human eye.
17. Vegetarian food habits can sustain a larger number of people. Justify the statement in terms
of food chain.
18. List any three measures of the projection of wildlife.
19. Give five differences between diamond and graphite.
(a) A compound X is formed by the reaction of carboxylic acid having the molecular formula
C2H4O2 and alcohol (Y) in the presence of conc. H2SO4. The same carboxylic acid is obtained
by the oxidation of alcohol (Y). Name the compounds X and Y. Give the chemical equation
for the reaction.
20. (a) Which hydrocarbons burn with
(i) non-sooty blue flame
(ii) sooty yellow flame
(b) What happens when methane reacts with chlorine?
(c) What is rectified spirit?
(d) Why does soap not work in hard water?
(e) What is glacial acid?
(a) What is hydrogenation? Give one reaction. What is its industrial application?
(b) What is esterification?
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21. Describe the human female reproductive system with the help of a labelled diagram.
Describe the process of fertilization in the human female.
22. Discuss in brief the various modes of reproduction used by single organisms.
Explain with example how characteristics of a population changes over the years for the
following situations:
(a) To gain survival advantage.
(b) Due to accidental survival.
(c) Temporary change of characteristics.
23. A square wire of side 3.0 cm is placed 25 cm away from a concave mirror of focal length 10 cm.
What is the area enclosed by the image of the wire? The centre of the wire is on the axis of the
mirror, with its two sides normal to the axis.
A small candle 2.5 cm in size is placed 27 cm in front of a concave mirror of radius of curvature
0.36 m. At what distance from the mirror should a screen be placed in order to receive a sharp
image? Describe the nature and size of the image. If the candle is moved to the mirror, how
would the screen have to be moved?
24. Draw a labelled diagram which shows th refraction of light through a triangular glass prism.
Mark the:
(i) Angle of deviation
(ii) Angle of emergence
(iii) Angle of prism
Give some points of similarities and dissimilarities between a camera and a human eye.
Section B
25. (i) When acetic acid reacts with ethyl alcohol, we add conc. H2SO4. It acts as __________ and the
process is called __________.
(ii) Write the chemical equation for the same.
26. (i) A student observed a slide of yeast under a microscope and saw collection of cells in
different parts of the slide marked A, B, C and D as shown below:

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(ii) Justify your answer.

27. (a) Given below are few steps (not in proper sequence) followed in the determination of focal
length of a given convex lens by obtaining a sharp image of a distant object:
(i) Measure the distance between the lens and screen.
(ii) Adjust the position of the lens to form a sharp image.
(iii) Select a suitable distant object.
(iv) Hold the lens between the object and the screen with its faces parallel to the screen.
Write the correct sequences of steps for determination of focal length.
(b) Justify your answer.
28. A student is asked to add a tea spoon full of solid sodium bicarbonate to a test tube containing
approximately 3 mL of acetic acid. He observed that the solid sodium bicarbonate:
(a) floats on the surface of acetic acid.
(b) remains suspended in the acetic acid.
(c) settles down in the test tube.
(d) reacts with acetic acid and a clear solution is obtained.
29. Sodium bicarbonate solution is added to dilute ethanoic acid. It is observed that:
(a) a gas evolves.
(b) a solid settles at the bottom.
(c) the mixture becomes warm.
(d) the colour of the mixture becomes light yellow.
30. Regeneration observed in:
(a) Starfish
(b) Earthworm

(c) Hydra

(d) All of these

31. Fission of two types of gamete known as:

(a) Fertilization
(b) Zygote

(c) Binary fission

(d) Cytokinesis

32. In binary fission:

(a) The identity of the parent body is maintained after reproduction.
(b) The parent body is lost after reproduction.
(c) The parent body enlarges.
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(d) None of these

33. A yeast cell in which budding occurs, it can have:
(a) One bud cell
(b) Two bud cells
(c) Three bud cells
(d) A chain of bud cells
34. The point at the centre of a lens is called as:
(a) Pole
(b) Optical centre (c) Focus

(d) Aperture

35. A lens of focal length f is cut into two equal parts without affecting its curvature. The two
pieces will have equal focal length of:
(a) f

(b) 2 f





36. Vinita took 20 grams of seeds and placed them in distilled water in a petridish. She weighted the
seeds kept in water at regular interval of two hours. She performed this activity four times
continuous. In which interval of time she found more water had been imbibed by them:
(a) Two hours
(b) Four hours
(c) Six hours
(d) Eight hours

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