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Conservator Resume 1

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Sonya D. Dollins-Colton 475 West 2400 South Bountiful, UT 84010 484.554.5129 !" 801.299.1921 h" sonya#ollins$%&ail.!o& '''.lin(e#in.!



Colle!tions &ana%e* 'ith 8+ yea*s e,-e*ien!e &aintainin% !olle!tions in sta.le !on#ition fo* use. /es-onsi.le fo* !a**yin% out !onse*0ation -oli!ies, i&-le&entin% t*eat&ent -*o!e#u*es, an# t*ainin%, su-e*0isin%, an# &ento*in%. Co*e s(ills in!lu#e1
T*ainin% an# su-e*0isin% staff, 0oluntee*s, an# inte*ns.

De0elo-in% an# &aintainin% effi!ient -*o!e#u*es. Ca**yin% out #o!u&entation. 2onito*in% an# !ont*ollin% !on#itions in 'hi!h &ate*ials a*e (e-t.

EDUCATION Master of Education, 3le&enta*y 3#u!ation, 4ehi%h Uni0e*sity, Bethlehe&, 56 Master of Arts, 2useu& Stu#ies, Con!ent*ation in 3#u!ation, Uni0e*sity of 7e.*as(a-4in!oln, 4in!oln, 73 Bac e!or of Arts, 6*t 8isto*y, B*i%ha& 9oun% Uni0e*sity, 5*o0o, UT

2012 2001 199:

PROFESSIONAL E"PERIENCE A!!ento#n Sc oo! District 6llento'n, 56 $%%& to $%'( Substitute Teacher Tau%ht ele&enta*y s!hool 'hile -u*suin% an# !o&-letin% a %*a#uate #e%*ee at 4ehi%h Uni0e*sity . Nationa! Cana! Museu), 3aston, 56 Curator of Education Coo*#inate# !o&-onents of e#u!ation -*o%*a&s an# e0ents. Se*0e# as liaison .et'een !o&&unity sta(ehol#e*s an# the &useu&. T*aine# an# su-e*0ise# 85; of staff an# 0oluntee*s in the e#u!ation #e-a*t&ent to &aintain a 'o*( en0i*on&ent !on#u!i0e to tea!hin% histo*i!ally a!!u*ate &ate*ial fo* the!. Wo*(e# 'ith !u*ato*s, staff, an# tea!he*s to !*eate an# i&-le&ent e#u!ational e,hi.its. C*eate# 80; of e#u!ation #e-a*t&ent &ate*ials 'hile 'o*(in% !losely 'ith !u*ato*s an# a*!hi0es staff. $%%* to $%%&

Sonya D. Dollins-Colton 5a%e 2 of 2 A)erican +istorica! Societ, of -er)ans fro) Russia, 4in!oln, 73 $%%' to $%%* Research Librarian and Educational Outreach Coordinator Catalo%e# .oo(s an# #o!u&ents, assiste# *esea*!he*s in li.*a*y an# i&-le&ente# e#u!ational e0ents. St*ea&line# an# &aintaine# effi!ient *esea*!h li.*a*y -*o!e#u*es. Su-e*0ise# an# t*aine# staff in usin% li.*a*y -*o!e#u*es. Wo*(e# 'ith so&e *a*e .oo(s an# i&-le&ente# !onse*0ation t*eat&ent 'hen ne!essa*y. Catalo%e# .oo(s an# #o!u&ents usin% <C4C 4i.*a*y #ata.ase. 3,-an#e# !o&&unity e0ents .y 100; 'hi!h *esulte# in in!*ease# &e&.e*shi-s

Uni.ersit, of Ne/ras0a1Linco!n, 4ent= Cente* fo* 6sian Cultu*e >alle*y '&&2 to $%%' Curatorial Assistant Catalo%e# !olle!tion, assiste# Di*e!to* 'ith installin% ne' e,hi.its an# a*t o-enin%s, &ana%e# %alle*y #u*in% o-e*atin% hou*s. Do!u&ente# a--*o,i&ately :00 o.?e!ts, in!lu#in% !on#ition, #a&a%e, an# s(et!hin% of o.?e!ts, an# ente*e# info*&ation into #ata.ase. /e-lo!ate# 1,000+ o.?e!t !olle!tion to ne' fa!ility. 5u*!hase# a--*o-*iate &ate*ials, -a!(e# !olle!tion, an# !*eate# a syste& an# #ata.ase to t*a!( o.?e!t s in nu&.e*e# !*ates. 5*e-a*e# @ua*te*ly finan!ial *e-o*ts.

Co))unit, Re!ations E34erience Center for Adu!t Literac, 5 Basic 6or0force De.e!o4)ent , Bethlehe&, 56 $%'$ to $%'( Volunteer Tutor 6ssiste# inst*u!to* in the !lass*oo& 'ith !ou*se'o*( fo* a#ults -*e-a*in% to ta(e the >3D hi%h s!hool e@ui0alen!y e,a&inations" an# tuto*e# stu#ents on 0a*ious *ele0ant to-i!s. Ot er S0i!!s 2i!*osoft Wo*#, 5o'e*5oint, 3,!el, <utloo(, an# 5u.lishe*A 6#o.e 5hotosho-A Bile&a(e* 5*o

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