Alan Kelly CV 01 05 13
Alan Kelly CV 01 05 13
Alan Kelly CV 01 05 13
1 Elm Court, Kiltalown, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Phone no.01-5163 44 !obile "o.0 6-24465# E-!ail $%%re&&' $lant(ell)#6*gmail.+om
EDUCATION Higher National Diploma In Creative Media Production ally!ermot College O! "urther Education# Du$lin % &ept '()* + Pre,ent !o%ule& in+lu%e' Com,uter game &tu%ie&, Pra+ti+al &(ill& -or game %e&ign, 2D %igital gra,hi+&, Programming -or game&, $u%io De&ign,, .e/el %e&ign,0e&ear+h te+hni1ue&,,Career %e/elo,ment,,2uman +om,uter inter-a+e&,3% mo%elling,3u&ine&& %e/elo,ment,4tor)boar%ing -or game&,Cultural inter,retation,!ar(eting %e/elo,ment,Engine ,rogramming -or game&, Certi!icate in Computer -ame, Technology -ri!!ith College# Du$lin % &ept '()' + May '()* !o%ule& in+lu%e' 5i&ual De&ign, Programming -or 6ame&, 7ntera+ti/e 4tor)telling, 7ntro%u+tion to $nimation, 7ntro%u+tion to 3D !o%elling, 6ame& an% 4o+iet), $u%io De&ign -or 6ame&, Con+e,tual 6ame De&ign
CA.EE. &UMMA./ Ni,cayah Ireland# Calmount $u,ine,, par0# Co1 Du$lin In,tallation2,ervice engineer
Pro/i%e% &er/i+e an% in&tallation o- alarm an% CCT5 e1ui,ment 0e,orte% %ire+tl) to &er/i+e &u,er/i&or 8r%ere% &to+( an% maintaine% /an &to+( le/el& !aintaine% +ommuni+ation between +u&tomer an% hea% o--i+e !anage% team o- between 2 an% 6 &ite engineer&
&ervice ,upervi,or
Pro/i%e% &er/i+e &u,,ort to +u&tomer& an% &ta-- in tro,i+al ,lant& %i/i&ion 0e,orte% to bran+h manager on wee(l) ba&i& 8r%ere% &to+( an% en&ure% all /ehi+le& maintain &to+( le/el& !aintaine% +u&tomer &ati&-a+tion with %i/i&ion !anage% &ta-- le/el o- # engineer& ea+h with /ehi+le
Complete Cui,ine# lanchard,to9n# Du$lin Co1 Du$lin Delivery2 ,ale, '((:4'((7 Deli/ere% -ro9en -oo%& an% %eli/ere% &ale& &er/i+e.
0e,orte% %ire+tl) area &u,er/i&or on %ail) ba&i& 8r%ere% &to+( an% &to+(e% /an to re-le+t %ail) nee%&
"U.THE. T.AININ;e$ De,ign Computer .epair "a, Training Centre "a, Training Centre '()) '()(
ACHIE<EMENT& 0o&e -rom engineer to &er/i+e &u,er/i&or within one )ear in the global bu&ine&& that i& 0ento(il. $-ter re%un%an+) 7 went to "i&+a)ah where 7 entere% a +om,letel) new in%u&tr) a& a trainee in 2006 an% within one )ear ha% obtaine% enough training an% e:,erien+e to be an engineer re&,on&ible -or the in&tallation an% &er/i+e o&e+urit) &)&tem& -or +u&tomer& &u+h a& $.7.3, 3.8.7, 0.3.4 an% $n Pho&t. 0eturne% to e%u+ation a-ter a number o- )ear& out o- the +la&&room to +hange +areer b) enrolling in the .e/el 6 Certi-i+ate in Com,uter 6ame& Te+hnolog) ,rogramme at 6ri--ith College Dublin un%er the 4,ringboar% go/ernment initiati/e.
$lwa)& en;o) li&tening to mu&i+ an% rea%ing a goo% boo(. 7 lo/e ,la)ing mmo &t)le game&. 3uil%ing an% re,airing
,+&. 6ame %e&ign e&,e+iall) 3% mo%eling an% ,rogramming. .e!eree, availa$le on re=ue,t