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Gesta Romanorum 195 - Merchant of Venice

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A knight falls in love with a maiden and tries different schemes to spend the night with her in exchange for money. However, each time he falls asleep and fails to do so. In the end, he marries her.

For the first night, he offers her 1000 florins to spend the night with her, which she accepts. For the second night, he offers the same amount again.

For the third night, he realizes he needs to come up with another plan since he has already lost money twice. The maiden asks for another 1000 florins. In desperation, the knight goes to a merchant to borrow the money.

Gesta Romanorum 195

Lucius in Roma regnavit prudens valde; qui habebat filiam pulcherrimam, quam multum ( dilexit. Erat quidam miles in curia, qui puellam miro modo dilexit, et cum eam solam vidisset, ait ei: "Carissima, miro modo te diligo. uid tibi dabo, quod possum una nocte tecum dormire!" uae ait: ""ille marcas florenas." #lle vero concessit et ei dedit. ) * +

Cum nox adesset, miles lectum intravit et statim dormire coepit, puella vero simili modo , post eum. "iles per totam noctem dormivit nec a somno excitatus est. "ane vero cum sol oriretur, puella se vestimentis induit et eum a somno excitavit. Et ille: "$ bona puella, intra lectum%" uae ait: "&on facio tibi, carissime, iniuriam, tecum conveni pro mille marcis florenis, ut tecum tota nocte dormirem; hoc fideliter implevi. 'ed tu fuisti ita ruralis, quod semel faciem tuam ad me non vertisti, et ideo de incurialitate te comprendo."
comprnd, ere, nd, nsum 2 to catch hold of, understand cria, ae 2 f 2 court excit 3(4 2 to set in motion flrnus, a, um 2 adj 2 of a florin incrilits, ttis 2 f 2 rudeness, uncourtl5ness indu, ere, u, tum 2 to put on, dress lectus, 2 m 2 couch, bed Lcius, 2 m 2 Lucius mne 2 n indeclinable 2 morning marca, ae 2 f 2 mar6 3coin4 (. in R8m9 2 no locative% #t:s medieval. *. quod 2 that, introduces indicative purpose clause ;n9 nocte 2 ablative, but probabl5 more classical as nam noctem to sho7 duration. "edieval langauge change. +. m<lle marc9s fl8r=n9s 2 (,111 florin mar6s; no partitive genitive 3compare to m<lle pasuum4. marc9s fl8r=n9s 2 some 7eird medieval thing. Marcae are nouns, and flrn are too. &ote: flrn, not flrnae. e< dedit 2 suppl5 es or marcs flrns .. or<r=tur 2 imperfect sub>unctive of a deponent verb Et ille 2 suppl5 in uit. ?his is a t5pical 7a5 of sho7ing that someone is going to tal6. Lots of this sort of thing in this selection. mrus, a, um 2 adj 2 7onderful 2 interj 2 oh prudns, entis 2 adj 2 prudent quod 2 conj 2 that rgn 3(4 2 to rule Rma, ae 2 f 2 Rome rrlis, e 2 adj 2 rustic, rural vald 2 adv 2 ver5 vestmenta, rum 2 n pl 2 clothes /. uae ait: the relative pronoun is here, but not reall5 relative. @gain, another t5pical 7a5 of sho7ing someone is going to tal6. 0. t8t9 nocte 2 ablative, and again more classical as ttum nocte to sho7 duration. fid=liter 2 faithfull5 quod 2 that; an indicative result clause set up b5 ita (1. compr=nd8 2 this is a medieval form of compre!end. ?he ! 7asn:t pronounced, so the t7o short e:s became one long .

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@t ille: "'omnum cepi et per hoc deceptus fui; sed rogo, ut ad me iam intres." @t illa: "Certe non faciam." @it miles: " uid tibi dabo, ut secunda vice possum tecum dormire!" uae ait: "?antum sicut prius."

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#lle vero concessit. Cum vero nox adesset, miles lectum intravit et statim dormivit et per , omnia fecit sicut prius. "iles vero ultra quam credi potest dolens dixit puellae: "Aic mihi, bona puella, quomodo tecum dormiam tertia nocte%" uae ait: "Certe pro mille marcis florenis." #lle assensit. "iles intra se cogitabat: "Brimo perdidi mille marcas florenas, secundo terras meas obligavi pro aliis milibus, iam vero oportet me acquirere per aliquam viam, si debeo habere puellam."
acqur, ere, sv, stum 2 to get, acquire assenti, re, sns, snsum 2 to agree dcipi, ere, cp, ceptum 2 to trap, cheat flrnus, a, um 2 adj 2 of a florin (. d=ceptus fu< 2 this is allo7able in medieval Latin. "ore classical as dcptus sum" intr=s 2 present sub>unctive of intrs ). Cert= n8n faciam 2 suppl5 !oc, though it should be clear. utCpossum 2 ordinaril5 7e 7ould expect sub>unctive in this purpose clause, but medieval Latin is looser about the sub>unctive. +. ?antum s<cut prius 2 as much as last time lectus, 2 m 2 couch, bed marca, ae 2 f 2 mar6 3coin4 oblig 3(4 2 to tie up 3as an obligation4, pa7n vicis 2 f, no nom 2 turn, change -. ultr9 quam cr=d< potest 2 more than can be belived A<c 2 singular imperative .. terti9 nocte 2 again, ablative. Dere 5ou could argue it:s a straight ablative of time 7hen. /. intr9 s= 2 to himself 0. per aliquam viam 2 b5 some 7a5; viam 3street4 is more metaphorical here (1. d=be8 hab=re 2 # should have; # am to have.

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Berrexit ad quandam civitatem et obviavit uni mercatori et ait ei: EAomine, potes mihi mille marcis florenis commodare in necessitate!F ui ait: E uam securitatem mihi praestabis!F Et ille: E uidquid vis.F Cui mercator: EGolo, ut chartam de proprio sanguine tuo facias sub tuo sigillo, quod, si unum diem constitutum inter nos frangas, sine condicione potestatem habeam tantum de carnibus tuis scindere ac a corpore vellere, ubicumque mihi placeat in tuo corpore, ita tamen, quod carnes tuae pecuniam meam ponderent.F @t ille: E"ihi bene placet.F 'tatim fecit sibi chartam de proprio sanguine suo sigillatam cum suo sigillo. Doc facto tradidit mercatori chartam et recepit pecuniam. "iles cum pecuniam accepisset, intra se cogitabat: E'i illam pecuniam perdidero sicut priorem, ero pauper perpetuo.F
car, rnis 2 f 2 meat, flesh charta, ae 2 f 2 paper commod 3(4 2 to lend flrnus, a, um 2 adj 2 of a florin marca, ae 2 f 2 mar6 3coin4 merctor, ris 2 m 2 merchant necessits, ttis 2 f 2 need obvi 3(4 2 to meet #medieval$ (. obvi9vit 2 ta6es its complement 7ith the dative case. e< 2 same as n merctr ). marc<s fl8r=n<s 2 florin mar6s; this time in ablative 7ith mlle. ,. Cui merc9tor 2 as 7ith all of the dialog, suppl5 in uit; also note that this is not a relative clause. chartam 2 better understood as a contract in this stor5. d= propri8 sanguine tu8 2 means 7ith d. Aefinitel5 not classical. -. c8nstitutum 2 agreement; treat li6e a noun and not an ad> -2.. frang9sChabeamCplaceat 2 present sub>unctive for future less vivid. pond, ere 2 to 7eigh quod 2 conj 2 that scind, ere, scidi, scissum 2 to cut scrits, ttis 2 f 2 safet5 sigill 3(4 2 to seal sigillum, 2 n 2 seal ubcumque 2 adv 2 7herever vell, ere, vuls, vulsum 2 to pluc6 out

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.. scindrereCvellere 2 infinitives sho7ing the po7er the merchan could have; probabl5 constructed 7ith potesttem in analog5 7ith posse" /. ponderet 2 imperfect sub>unctive; present contrar5 to fact. 0. d= propri8 sanguine su8 2 li6e line , above. (1. cum su8 sigill8 2 means 7ith cum. h8c fact8 2 this done; ablative absolute ((. "<les 2 in the topic position. ?he sentence is about him. accepisset 2 pluperfect sub>unctive cause b5 cum, tense determined b5 c%itbat. ((2(). perdider8Cer8 2 future more vivid condition perpetu8 2 an adverb here

Berrexit ad quendam philosophum et ait ei: "Hone magister, tibi habeo secretum pandere ( quoddam, et filiam imperatoris diligo et cum ea conveni, ut mecum una nocte dormiret pro )

mille marcis florenis. Et prima nocte et secunda dormivi et sic voluntatem in nullo implevi. #am * pecuniam a quodam mercatore mutuavi et, si illam sicut prius perdidero, confusus sum ego. #am ad te veni, ut sciam, quomodo possim me ipsum salvare a dormitione, ne tam leviter amittam, quod tam care mutuavi." @it philosophus: "#nter coopertorium puellae et linteamen, dico tibi, iacet una charta habens illam virtutem, quod, quicumque intrat lectum, statim oppressus sit somno, donec a puella excitetur. Ae hoc sum expertus, quia chartam ordinavi. 'ed dicam tibi, quomodo habeas puellam. @ntequam ascendas lectum, chartam diligenter quaeras private, et cum inveneris,
charta, ae 2 f 2 paper cnfund, ere, fd, fsum 2 to mix together copertrium, 2 n 2 3bed4 cover dligns, entis 2 adj 2 careful, attentive dormti, nis 2 f 2 sleeping excit 3(4 2 to set in motion flrnus, a, um 2 adj 2 of a florin lectus, 2 m 2 couch, bed lintemen, minis 2 n 2 linen cloth marca, ae 2 f 2 mar6 3coin4 (. Hone magister 2 good teacher, vocative case etCetC 2 bothCandC dorm<ret 2 imperfect sub>unctive is happening at the same time as main verb convn. *. m<lle marc<s fl8r=n<s 2 (,111 florin mar6s; ablative 7ith mlle! Iho 6no7s. "a5be some sort of ablative of value thing. in n;ll8 2 in no J7a5K perdider8Cc8nfusus sumC 2 # shall have lostC# am mixed upC; the tenses are odd, but understandable. -. m;tu9v< 2 # borro7ed; this verb is deponent in classical Latin. mtu 3(4 2 to borro7 merctor, ris 2 m 2 merchant opprim, ere, press, pressum 2 to surprise rdin 3(4 2 to arrange pand, ere, d, passum 2 to spread, open up philosophus, 2 m 2 philosopher quod 2 conj 2 because salv 3(4 2 to save scrtus, a, um 2 adj 2 set apart, secret

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/. illam virt;tem 2 ma5be better understood as a charm or magic spell quod 2 introduces indirect speech oppressus sit 2 be oppressed; perfect tense 7ith present meaning. @ bit of medieval language change. 0. qu8modo habe9s 2 ho7 5ou might have; sub>unctive is not quite necessar5, but not impossible here (1. ascend9sCquaer9sCinv=nieris 2 series of sub>unctives sho7ing suggested course of action. inv=neris 2 suppl5 eam or c!artam.

longe a lecto proicias et tunc audacter intra et voluptatem tuam obtinebis." "iles vero perrexit ad puellam, tradidit ei pecuniam. Cum vero nox adesset, miles vestimenta deposuit et, antequam lectum ascenderit, inter coopertorium et linteamen chartam invenit, quam longe a lecto proiecit. Doc facto lectum ascendit et se finxit dormire. Buella vero simili modo vestimenta deposuit et ignorans, quod charta fuisset ablata. 'tatim autem cum lectum ascendisset, miles manum ad eam posuit. Buella autem ait: "$ domine, decepta sum, totam pecuniam, quam mihi dedisti, tibi reddam, et me illaesam permittas abire%" ui ait: "#n vanum loqueris." uae ait: "?ibi pecuniam duplicabo." @it miles: "Et si imperium patris tui mihi dares, tibi non concedam." Lecit cum ea voluntatem suam.
charta, ae 2 f 2 paper copertrium, 2 n 2 3bed4 cover dcipi, ere, cp, ceptum 2 to trap, cheat dpn, ere posu, positum 2 to put do7n, put a7a5 duplic 3(4 2 to double gnrns, antis 2 adj 2 un6no7ing illaesus, a, um 2 adj 2 unhurt (. pr8ici9s 2 present sub>unctive; same reason as previous page. intr9 2 imperative. obtin=bis 2 future; follo7s intr. ). e< 2 same person as puellam. adesset 2 imperfect sub>unctive triggered b5 cum. +. inv=nit 2 perfect tense. D8c fact8 2 3all of4 this done; ablative absolute. s=Cdorm<re 2 indirect speech introduced b5 fin&it. ,. et 2 even; sometimes et is short for etiam. lectus, 2 m 2 couch, bed lintemen, minis 2 n 2 linen cloth 2 interj 2 oh obtine, ere, u, tum 2 to have, get prici, ere, ic, iectum 2 to thro7 a7a5 quod 2 conj 2 that vestmenta, rum n pl clothes

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quod 2 starts indirect speech. fuisset abl9ta 2 had been thro7n a7a5; another medieval Latin pluperfect passive. .2/. m= illaesamC ab<re 2 infinitive phrase sho7ing purpose; 7ould be ut M sub>unctive in Classical Latin. 0. u< 2 not relative, as usual 7ith dialog. (1. uae 2 again, not relative for the same reason. ((. Et s< 2 even if. dar=s 2 5ou 7ere to give; imperfect sub>unctive indicating contrar5NtoNfact condition.

'tatim conglutinata est anima puellae cum eo et ultra modum eum dilexit, miles vero in tantum eam adamavit, quod transiit unam quindenam ultra diem constitutum inter illum et mercatorem et tradidit oblivioni, quomodo mercatori esset obligatus. Cum autem semel in lecto suo iacuisset, ad memoriam reduxit, quomodo mercatori obligatus esset. 'uspiria, gemitus et fletus misit. @udiens haec puella ait: "$ domine, quid est tibi! Cur tantum affligitur anima tua!" ui ait: "Deu mihi, tantum te dilexi, quod pro tuo amore filius mortis sum%" @t illa: "Aic, quomodo%" Respondit miles: "$bligatus sum uni mercatori in tali forma: Aefecit mihi pecunia, ut tibi solverem, mutuavi ab uno mercatore mille marcas auri, ita quod, si non solverem die assignata, ipse potestatem haberet, ubicumque vellet, in toto corpore meo tantum pondus de
adam 3(4 2 to fall in love 7ith afflg, ere, x, ctum 2 to smash, dash, thro7 do7n assgn 3(4 2 to mar6 out, assign congltin 3(4 2 to glue together fletus, s 2 m 2 cr5ing gemitus, s 2 m 2 groan heu 2 interj 2 alas lectus, 2 m 2 couch, bed marca, ae 2 f 2 mar6 3coin4 (.ultr9 modum 2 be5ond measure. in tantum 2 suppl5 modum. ). quod 2 here the uod is sho7ing result. ;nam qu<nd=nam ultr9 diem c8nstit;tum 2 a span of fifteen da5s be5ond the agreed on da5; the distributive number undnam 3set of (,4 is odd here, but there it is. +. semel 2 one time; here it is used to mean at Esome time ratherF than Edoing it one timeF. iacuisset 2 pluperfect sub>unctive after cum; no special meaning. ,. oblig9tus esset 2 pluperfect sub>unctive after umodo; it isn:t indirect question, but sometimes it >ust 7inds up sub>unctive in medieval Latin. quid est tibi! 2 Ihat:s up 7ith 5ou! Ihat:s 7rong! merctor, ris m merchant 2 interj 2 oh oblig 3(4 2 to tie up 3as an obligation4, pa7n oblvi, nis 2 f 2 forgetfulness qundn, ae, a 2 adj 2 in groups of fifteen quod 2 conj 2 that redc, ere, dux, ductum 2 to lead bac6, bring bac6 suspirium, 2 n 2 sigh ubcumque adv 7herever

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.. Deu mihi 2 alas me; !eu 7ants a dative ad>unct. quod 2 introduces result f<lius mortis 2 a son of death; a little bit poetic. /. A<c 2 tal6; irregular imperative. 0. ;n< merc9t8r< 2 to JthisK one merchant; is this dative of posession or dative of agent! @t least the meaning should be clear. (1. aur< 2 of gold; genetive of description. ita quod 2 so that; introduces the conditions of the loan solveremChab=ret 2 imperfect sub>unctives indicating things that are not true no7, but could become true. ((. ipse 2 himself; the merchant is not mentioned 7ith the intensive pronoun. vellet 2 he should 7ant; imperfect sub>unctive, same as above.

carnibus meis abscidere. uindena iam transiit de conventione, propter nimium amorem, quem ( habeo ad te, oblitus fui et haec est causa doloris mei." @t illa: "&oli tantum contristari, ad illum perge et pecuniam eius ei duplica% 'i vero ei non placuerit, quaere, quidquid ei placeat, et hoc ego tibi dabo." "iles hoc audiens ad mercatorem perrexit et eum satis honorifice salutavit dixitque ei: ) * + ,

"Aomine, diem meum non tenui, igitur graviter deliqui et pro delicto tibi pecuniam duplicabo." @it mercator: "Carissime, scire debes, quod conventionem meam servare volo, quam per litteras es mihi obligatus." ui ait: "'i ergo ad hoc non vis assentire, pete a me, quantum volueris, et obtinebis." @it mercator: " uid verba multiplicias! #am dixi tibi, crede mihi, conventionem ascriptam inter nos habere volo." 'tatim fecit eum capi et ad iudicium duci. Lex autem erat,
abscd, ere, cd, csum 2 to cut off ascrb, ere, ps, ptum 2 to add in 7riting, appoint assenti, re, sns, snsum 2 to agree car, rnis 2 f 2 meat, flesh contrst 3(4 2 to ma6e sad conventi, nis 2 f 2 agreement dlinqu, ere, lqu, lictum 2 to fail, fall short, do 7rong duplic 3(4 2 to double honrificus, a, um 2 adj 2 honorable, sho7ing honor (. absc<dere 2 this is an infinitive that is ad>unct to potesttem on the previous page 3line ((4. #t:s probabl5 an infinitive in anaolog5 to the infinitives that complement posse. ). obl<tus fu< 2 medieval perfect tense of a deponent verb. *. &8l< 2 Aon:t; a negative imperative. ,. h8c audi=ns 2 !c is the direct ob>ect of audins. -. diem meum 2 here it:s masculine. Earlier dis 7as feminine. d=lict8 2 treat li6e a noun even though it:s an ad>ective. merctor, ris 2 m 2 merchant multiplici, ere 2 to multipl5 oblig 3(4 2 to tie up 3as an obligation4, pa7n oblvscor, , obltus sum 2 often ' %en to forget obtine, ere, u, tum 2 to have, get qundn, ae, a 2 adj 2 in groups of fifteen quod 2 conj 2 that salt 3(4 2 to greet .. quod 2 introduces indirect speech. quam 2 7hich; 7h5 this is accusative and not ablative is a stumper. per litter9s 2 b5 7riting; per can pic6 up ablative of means funcitons in medieval Latin. 0. u< 2 as usual, not relative. Refers to the hero of the stor5. (1. uid 2 7h5! ((. f=cit eum 2 De 3the soldier4 made him 3the merchant4C cap<Cd;c< 2 present passive infinitives follo7ing fcit. &ot classical Latin, but eas5 enough to understand.

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quod, sicut homo voluntarie se obligaret, ita et iudicium reciperet. #nterim puella exploratores habebat, quomodo de amasio suo tractaretur. Exploratores revertentes nuntiaverunt ei, quod ad iudicium ductus fuerit. Buella hoc audiens ait intra se: "'i ille morietur, ego ero rea; non fiet ita." 'tatim crines capitis sui perscidit ad modum viri, vestes mulieris mutavit et sicut vir per omnia se praeparavit ascendensque dextrarium ad iudicium equitavit. Cum autem iudex eam vidisset, notitiam eius in nullo habebat, quia credebat eam esse virum. Et dixit ei: "Carissime, unde venis!"

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uae ait: "Ae partibus marinis venio a causa, per istam civitatem transitum feci et a viris 0 fide dignis audivi, quod quidam miles hic inter vos per quendam mercatorem male sit tractatus, (1 et ideo iudicium intravi, ut militem a morte liberarem."
amsius, 2 m 2 bo5friend, lover crnis, is 2 m 2 hair 3on the head4 dextrrius, 2 m 2 7ar horse equit 3(4 2 to ride a horse explrtor, ris 2 m 2 sp5, explorer lber 3(4 2 to free marnus, a, um 2 adj 2 of the sea, marine merctor, ris 2 m 2 merchant notitia, ae 2 f 2 6no7ledge ). hab=bat 2 perhaps suppl5 ut videat before umodo. *. quod 2 starts indirect speech ductus fuerit 2 not quite a classical seqeunce of tenses let alone tense, but should be understandable. hoc audi=ns 2 hearing this; !oc is the direct ob>ect of audins. intr9 s= 2 to herself. +. ad modum vir< 2 in the manner of a man; more language change evidence here. ,. ascend=nsque dextr9rium 2 and mounting JherK 7ar horse; again, de&trrium is the direct ob>ect of the participle. -. v<disset 2 pluperfect sub>unctive caused b5 cum 7ith no special meaning. eam 2 but then here there:s no uod introducing the indirect speech. nnti 3(4 2 to announce, report oblig 3(4 2 to tie up 3as an obligation4, pa7n perscind, ere, idi, issum 2 to tear apart, rend praepar 3(4 2 to ma6e read5 in advance, equip quod 2 conj 2 that ra, ae 2 f 2 defendant, part5 in legal action revert, ere, rt, rsum 2 to turn bac6, come bac6 tract 3(4 2 to investigage voluntrius, a, um 2 adj 2 7illing /. Carissime 2 vocative and superlative; it:s an ad>ective 3superlative4, but treat it li6e a noun 3vocative4. Oou:ll see this again. 0. uae 2 she; as usual not relative. d= 2 from 9 caus9 2 from JthisK cause; expressing the reason for her coming tr9nsitum f=c< 2 # made a >ourne5. vir<s fide dign<s 2 men 7orth5 of faith; di%ns modifies virs as an ad>ective, and fide modifies di%ns as an ablative of description 3or similar ablative use4 (1. quod 2 introduces indirect speech. per quendam merc9t8rem 2 b5 some merchant; per is ta6ing on the role of ablative of agent. ((. ut 2 so; sho7s purpose 7ith sub>unctive. l<ber9rem 2 # should free; imperfect sub>unctive.


@it iudex: "Carissime, illum iuvare non potes, quia lex huius regni dictat, quod, sicut homo se voluntarie obligaverit, sic sine contradictione iudicium recipiat, si conventionem non impleverit. "iles iste convenit cum mercatore illo pro quadam summa pecuniae, quod, si non solveret die statuto, habeat potestatem plenariam in toto corpore, ubicumque ei placuerit, tantum pondus, quantum sit de pecunia, abscidere, et ideo hoc nullo modo potest fieri, nisi occidatur."

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@t illa: "Aomine, si mercator hoc tantum concederet, ut vita eius redimi posset, numquid . tibi placeret!" ui ait: "Beroptime." Conversa puella ad mercatorem ait: "Care, quid prodest tibi, si occidatur ille! &onne melius est tibi, aurum et argentum recipere pro eo pro tua voluntate, quam mortem eius videre!F
abscd, ere, cd, csum 2 to cut off contrdicti, nis 2 f 2 repl5, ob>ection conventi, nis 2 f 2 agreement dict 3(4 2 to dictate, suggest merctor, ris 2 m 2 merchant nnne 2 adv 2 5esPno question expecting a 5es ans7er numquid 2 adv 2 5esPno question strongl5 expecting a no ans7er (. Carissime 2 vocative and superlative; it:s an ad>ective 3superlative4, but treat it li6e a noun 3vocative4. illum 2 the soldier. quod 2 introduces indirect speech. *. quod 2 introduces purpose clause. +. solveret 2 he should pa5; sub>ect here is the soldier. ?he imperfect sub>unctive sho7s contrar5 to fact condition. di= stat;t8 2 on the established da5; ablative of time 7hen. habeat 2 sub>ect here is the merchant. ,. tantumCquantum 2 as muchCas. d= pec;ni9 2 of mone5; d M ablative here sho7ing a partative function instead of the usual genitive. absc<dere 2 this is the sub>ect, so to spea6, of placuerit. nisi 2 if JheK doesn:t; nisi can often be tric65 for English spea6ers. ?r5 dividing it into s nn, 7hich means something slightl5 different, but it might help 7ith comprehension. oblig 3(4 2 to tie up 3as an obligation4, pa7n peroptim 2 adv 2 super good plnrius, a, um 2 adj 2 absolute redim, ere, m, emptum 2 to bu5 bac6 summa, ae 2 f 2 sum, total ubcumque 2 adv 2 7herever voluntrius, a, um 2 adj 2 7illing .. concederet 2 he should allo7; imperfect sub>unctive for the usual reason. redim< posset 2 JitK could be bought bac6; sub>unctive because of ut, imperfect because of concederet. /. mumquid tibi plac=ret 2 7ould that please 5ou!; admittedl5 she:s loo6ing for a 5es ans7er there. 0. u< 2 the >udge; as seen before, it:s not relative. (1. Care 2 vocative, but not superlative; see line (:s note. quid prodest tibi 2 ho7 does it help 5ou; complement in dative, tibi. occid9tur 2 should be 6illed; present sub>unctive sho7ing a vague possibilit5. ((. melius estCquam 2 it is betterCthan; note that the t7o things being compared are infinitive phrases.

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@it mercator: "Hone domine, si posses mihi totum imperium dare, vitam eius non concederem." uae ait: "$ bone mercator, ex quo iudex vitam eius desiderat, fac tu similiter%" @t ille: " uod dixi, dixi et hoc in corde meo affirmavi." uae ait: "Aomine iudex, ex quo ita est, quod nec prece nec pretio iste mercator potest flecti, peto instanter, ut legem exerceas tam pro milite quam pro mercatore." Aixit iudex: " uidquid lex iubet, hoc implebo." @it illa mercatori: "Aic mihi, in qua parte corporis carnes eius velis abscidere%" Et ille: "#n pectore, ubi cor iacet." uae dixit iudici: "Aomine mi, coram omnibus dixisti, quod iustitiam velis tenere pro milite sicut pro mercatore. Ex quo ita est, peto instanter beneficium legis. Rex dicit, quod, quicumque sanguinem alicuius effuderit, sanguis eius pro eo effundatur. "iles iste tantum conventionem fecerat de carnibus abscindendis, non de effusione sanguinis. ?u ergo mercator
abscd, ere, cd, csum 2 to cut off abscind, ere, cidi, cissum 2 to tear off affirm 3(4 2 to strengthen car, rnis 2 f 2 meat, flesh conventi, nis 2 f 2 agreement cram 2 prep ' abl 2 in the presence of effsi, nis 2 f 2 outpouring, profligac5 (. bone domine 2 good lord; vocative case. poss=sCconcederem 2 5ou couldC# 7ould concede. imperfect sub>unctives sho7ing contrar5 to fact conditions in the present. fac t; similiter 2 do the same 5ourself; irregular imperative fac 7ith t for extra emphasis. *. bone merc9tor 2 good merchant; vocative case. @gain. +. uod 2 used as a relative pronoun here. Lor once. hoc 2 direct ob>ect, not an ad>ective in front of a preposition. ,. quod 2 introduces a result clause set up b5 ita. -. flect< 2 to be bent; passive infintive. tamCquamC 2 as muchCasC /. A<c 2 spea6; irregular imperative of d<c8. vel<s 2 5ou 7ould li6e; present sub>unctive. exerce, re, u, itum 2 to 7or6, drive, appl5 flect, ere, x, xtum 2 to bend, curve nstanter 2 adv 2 posthatse, 7ithout dela5 istitia, ae 2 f 2 >ustice merctor, ris 2 m 2 merchant 2 interj 2 oh quod 2 conj 2 that

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(1. uae 2 not relative, but 5ou 6ne7 that. domine m< 2 m5 lord; vocative case. quod 2 introduces indirect speech. vel<s 2 5ou 7ould li6e; present sub>unctive. ((. quod 2 again 7ith the indirect speech. () alicuius 2 someone else:s. =ius 2 his; belonging to the previous clause:s qu<cumque. pr8 e8 2 for him; the other gu5. (*. d= carnibus absc<ndend<s 2 about cutting flesh; since the verb needs a direct ob>ect the 7ouldNbe gerund 3abscndend4 becomes the gerundive 3 abscndends4 and the direct ob>ect moves over to the needed case, from carns to carnibus. ?ric65, but it:s ho7 direct ob>ects of gerunds 7or6.

impleas conventionem tuam, ubicumque volueris in toto corpore eius, sed videas, ne sanguinem ( eius effundas, quia, si hoc feceris, beneficium legis recipies." Aicit ei mercator: "Ex quo ita est, da mihi pecuniam meam, et tibi remitto omnem actionem, quam contra te habebo." uae ait: "Aico tibi, quia non denarium ab eo obtinebis. Coram omnibus tibi obtuli et renuisti." Et conversa ad iudicem ait: "Carissime, da iudicium%" ui ait: "Gita est salvata militis; numquam evelli potest sine sanguinis effusione, de mentionem fecit in conventione; et quia mercator renuit, quod suum erat, transeat ergo sine solutione." #lla cum hoc audisset, gratias iudici reddidit et ait: "Aomine, ad dominum te recommendo", exivit et equum ascendit et domum equitavit.
acti, nis 2 f 2 action, suit conventi, nis 2 f 2 agreement cram 2 prep ' abl 2 in the presence of dnrius, 2 m 2 denarius, a silver coin effsi, nis 2 f 2 outpouring, profligac5 equit 3(4 2 to ride a horse evell, ere, , vulsum 2 to pull 3out4 menti, nis 2 f 2 mention merctor, ris m merchant (. imple9s 2 5ou should fulfill; present sub>unctive. vide9s 2 5ou should see n= 2 sets up a negative result clause. ). f=cerisCrecipi=s 2 if future present, then future; future more vivid condition. ,. quae 2 not relative, as usual. quia 2 that; uia introduces indirect speech here. #t:s not real common, but it can happen. obtul< 2 tibi is dative but 7or6s li6e the direct ob>ect for this verb. .. conversa 2 having turned bac6, sheC obtine, ere, u, tum 2 to have, get quod 2 conj 2 that recommend, ere, dv, dtum 2 to recommend remitt, ere, ms, missum 2 to send bac6, relax renu, ere, u, utum 2 to refuse 3b5 sha6ing the head4 salv 3(4 2 to save soluti, nis 2 f 2 loosening, pa5ment ubcumque 2 adv 2 7herever /. qu< 2 the >udge; not relative. militis 2 goes 7ith v<ta. 0. quod 2 relative pronoun for a change. tr9nseat 2 it should pass; present sub>unctive, because it:s expressing something similar to result. (1. soluti8ne 2 be7are of the derivative 7hich isn:t right for the meaning. ((. aud<sset 2 she had heard; s5ncopated pluperfect sub>unctive triggered b5 cum. (). domum 2 to home; remember domum doesn:t need ad to sho7 motion to7ard in the accusative.

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$mnes autem iuxta iudicem sedentes dixerunt: ""iles iste recendens miro modo et sapienter militem illum salvavit, et omnes credebant eam esse virum. Linito autem iudicio

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omnes recesserunt et mercator ad domum suam confusus abiit. "iles autem ad domum puellae * ivit. + #lla autem interim ornavit se sicut prius ad modum mulieris et amplexatus est eum et ait: , "Carissime, quomodo evasisti hodie!" ui ait: "Ego eram adiudicatus morti et subito intravit quidam miles iuvenis valde et sapiens et generosus et eloquens, qui per sapientiam suam me liberavit et hoc non obstante ita sapienter loquebatur, quod etiam nihil mercatori teneor solvere, quia iudex pro me sententiam dedit et mercator sine solutione abiit." Aixit puella: "Ex quo te deus per sapientiam huius militis salvavit, quare ipsum ad prandium non vocasti!"
adidic 3(4 2 to grant 3as >udge4 amplexor 3(4 2 to hug, embrace camera, ae 2 f 2 chamber, room cnfund, ere, fd, fsum 2 to mix together loquns, entis 2 adj 2 7ellNspo6en, articulate vd, ere, vs, vsum 2 to avoid fni 3+4 2 to finish genersus, a, um 2 adj 2 7ellNborn, noble iuxt 2 prep ' acc 2 next to lber 3(4 2 to free (. $mn=s autem iuxt9 i;dicem sedent=s 2 Do7ever all sitting near the >udge; presumabl5 the >ur5 or onloo6ers. (2). "<les isteCm<litem illum 2 mles iste is the 5oung 7oman in disguise, and mlitem illum is the 5oung man. ). fin<t8 autem i;dici8 2 Hut 7ith the trial finished; ablative absolute. *. ad domum 2 definitel5 nonNclassical useage; this exact point gets a lecture in "ont5 B5thon:s (ife of )rian. ,. amplex9tus est eum 2 probabl5 should be amplex9ta, as she did dress bac6 up as a 7oman. merctor, ris m 2 merchant mrus, a, um adj 2 7onderful obst, re, stet, sttum 2 to stand in the 7a5, bloc6 rn 3(4 2 to decorate prandium, 2 n 2 lunch qur 2 adv 2 ho7, 7h5 quod 2 conj 2 that salv 3(4 2 to save soluti, nis 2 f 2 loosening, pa5ment vald 2 adv 2 ver5 .. qu< 2 not relative, >ust introducing dialog. adi;dic9tus mort< 2 sentenced to death. qu<dam m<les 2 the girl dressed up as a soldier. iuvenis valde 2 not the expected order. /. h8c n8n obstante 2 ablative absolute. 0. quod 2 begins a result clause teneor solvere 2 # 7as held to pa5 sententiam 2 >udgment (1. abiit 2 he 7ent a7a5; alternate form of abvit. ((. ipsum 2 him; intensive pronoun. (). voc9st< 2 voc9vist<; s5ncopated form.

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Respondit miles: "'ubito intravit et finito iudicio exivit nec postea potui ipsum videre." Respondit iuvencula: "'i eum videres, numquid notitiam eius haberes!" ui dixit: "$ptime." #lla cameram intravit et sicut prius se ornavit; quo facto exivit. "iles cum eam vidisset, ultra quam credi potest gaudebat et osculatus est eam et ait: "Henedicatur hora, in qua fuisti nata." Bost hoc cum magno iubilo eam in uxorem duxit et in pace dies suos finierunt.
benedc, ere, dx, dictum 2 to bless, praise fni 3+4 2 to finish ibilum, 2 n 2 7ild cr5, celebration notitia, ae 2 f 2 6no7ledge (. fin<t8 i;dici8 2 7ith the trial finished; ablative absolute. ipsum 2 him; intensive pronoun 7hen used 7ithout a noun. H5 the 7a5 not reall5 a him. Hut 5ou 6ne7 that. ). iuvencula 2 5oung 7oman; diminuitive form. vid=r=sChab=r=s 2 5ou 7ere to seeC5ou 7ould have; imperfect sub>unctive sho7ing present contrar5 to fact condition. +. qu8 fact8 2 7ith that done; ablative absolute. ?his is reall5 stic65 7ith translating into English, even though the Latin is perfectl5 fine. Let the Latin be Latin. "<les 2 in the topic position.

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numquid adv 5esPno question strongl5 expecting a no ans7er rn 3(4 2 to decorate oscul 3(4 2 to 6iss ,. ultr9 quam cred< potest 2 be5ond J7hat Kcan be believed; Latin is putting the *rd person impersonal passive to use here. oscul9tus est eam 2 he 6issed her; for 7hatever reason, the verb is deponent here 3passive form, active meaning4. in qu9 2 in 7hich; not the usual ablative of time 7hen 7ithout a preposition. -. eam in ux8rem duxit 2 he married her; idiomatic. fini=runt 2 the5 finished; s5ncopated form of finvrunt.

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