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Aladdin's Wonderful Grammar

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Aladdins wonderful grammar book

There's a bit of nonsense in all this that can add to the curiosity and novelty.
I have a story for practisi ng grammar , rather than being taught it. In sequence, each paragraph in the story of Aladdin
is used to illustrate an element of grammar, wi th an exampl e, followed by the next paragraph in the story to practice
the concept on. For students aged upwards. n. !he topics can be ta"en in any order # so the whole story becomes a
bit of a $igsaw. %ach page is illustrated to ma"e it more entertai ni ng. !he boo"let is incompl ete and everythi ng is
provisional but you can see the novel idea. !he story is of Aladdin, but you can ma"e a &rammar 'oo" of any story
you li"e.
1. Short sentences.
2. Opposites.
3. Present tense
4. Future tense.
5. Plurals
6. Comparaties ! superlaties
". S#non#ms$ %ords that mean the same.
&. Passie case !
'. (d)ecties and ader*s.
1+. ,ouns and pronouns.
11. Similes.
12. Indirect speech.
13.-er* s#non#ms.
14. Phrase order and con)unctions.
15. .irect and indirect speech.
16. (%areness o/ spellin0.
1". First$ second and third person
1&. Function %ords.
1'.1ord roots
2+. 1ord /amilies
21. Se0mentin0 %ords
22. 1ord endin0s
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 2
23. Pre/ixes.
24. 1ords and phrases
25. Con)unctions$ clauses and phrases
26. 2xpandin0 text
2". Pr3cis ! summari4in0 text
2&. St#le
2'. Clich3s
3+. (ddin0 pre/ixes
31.5idden %ords
32. Pol#s#lla*les
33. -er*s and nouns
34. Pronunciation

)ere is an exampl e. !he format in this email is of course different from the boo"let, which has a landscape layout
1. Short sentences and clauses.
1. Sentences with clauses from the beginning of the story of Aladdin
It is said (but Allah knows all) that in the mountain deserts of Morocco in the northern
parts of Africa there lived, long ago, an old and powerful Magician. He, by deep study
of his terrible arts, discovered that a copper lamp that he had long wanted to possess
lay lost and buried in a certain cave far away in hina. He knew that to whomsoever
rubbed this old and battered lamp there would instantly appear a !inn of immense si"e
who was known as #$he %lave of the &amp# and who would immediately bring every
gift, or perform every task, that was ordered.
2. '(ample) Here is the first paragraph put into short simple sentences)
*eople say this. Allah knows the truth. &ong ago there lived a magician. He was old.
He was powerful.
He lived in a desert. $he desert was in a mountain.
$he mountain was in Morocco. $he magician knew terrible arts. He studied them
deeply. He had wanted a copper lamp.
He had wanted it a long time. He discovered it was lost.
$he lamp was buried fa(+away. It was in hina.
It was in a cave. It was old and battered.
%omeone could rub it. $hen a !inn would instantly appear.
$he !inn was of immense si"e.
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 3
His name was the %lave of +the &amp
He could take orders. He could bring every wanted gift.
He could perform every ordered task.
,. Here is the ne(t paragraph with clauses. -ow turn it into short sentences. .ou can
write on draft paper.
$hough this African Magician#s arts showed him clearly enough in what cave the lamp
was hidden and what must be done if it was to be got out, they showed him also that
the magician himself could never get possession of it alone. He had to find someone
who would be at once bold and nimble enough to fetch the lamp up out of the cave, and
then simple enough to give it away again
(And later, there is a paragraph with short sentences to link together as clauses
in longer sentences.)
$his e(ercise also helps young readers work out how to read long sentences.
2. Opposites
5o% could the 6a0ici an /ind an#one *old enou0h to 0o do%n into the eart h /or the lamp$ and #et %illin0 to 0ie up the lamp as soon as he had
0ot it7 8he 6a0ici an thou0ht a*out this /or a lon0 time. (t last he set out /or China$ and reache d one o/ the *i00est cities at sun! set.
The paragraph turne d int o oppos i t e s
5o% could the 6a0ici an lose an#one co%ardl # enou0h to 0o up into the s9# %ithout the lamp$ and not *e %illin0 to 9eep the lamp *e/or e he
had lost it7 8he 6a0ici an did not thin9 a*out this /or a short %hile. -er# soon he came *ac9 /rom China and le/t one o/ the small est
%ildernes s e s at sun! rise
Now writ e thi s next paragraph turne d int o Opposi t e s .
,o% the (/rican 6a0ici an had dis0ui s ed himsel/ as a rich mercha nt $ and as he %al9ed slo%l# throu0h the dar9eni n0 street s$ he sa% that $ as in
other cities$ ther e %ere man# *o#s %ho pla#ed a*out in the street s ad mar9et pl ace. 8he# ran in and out amon0 the 3 merchant s$ as the# %ere
shut ti n0 up their st alls and shops.
3. Past and present enses of !erbs.
Past tense
,o% the (/rican 6a0ici an had dis0ui s ed himsel/ as a rich mercha nt $ and as he %al9ed slo%l# throu0h the dar9eni n0 street s$ he sa% that $ as in
other cities$ ther e %ere man# *o#s %ho pla#ed a*out in the street s ad mar9et pl ace. 8he# ran in and out amon0 the merchant s$ as the# %ere
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 4
shut ti n0 up their st alls and shops.
The paragraph turned into Pres e nt tens e
,o% the (/rican 6a0ici an dis0ui s es hims el/ as a rich mercha nt $ and as he %al9s slo%l# throu0h the dar9eni n0 street s$ he sees that $ as in other
cities$ ther e are man# *o#s %ho pla# a*out in the street s and mar9et pl ace. 8he# run in and out amon0 the mercha nt s$ as the# are shut ti n0 up
their st alls and shops
Now writ e thi s next paragraph turne d int o Pres e nt tens e
Past tens e: ,ext da#$ the 6a0ici an %ent a0ai n to the mar9et $ in a di//erent dis0ui s e$ (s he %at ched he sa% a poorl# dress ed *o# %ho seeme d
to *e a sort o/ leader. 8he mercha nt s clearl# thou0ht he %as a nuisance$ *ecaus e the# 9ept chasi n0 him a%a# /rom their st alls. 8he 6a0ici an
called a much #oun0er *o# to him$ and 0ae him a piece o/ mone#$ and as9ed a*out this #oun0 /ello%. 8he #oun0er *o# told him that the
lad:s name %as (laddi n$ that his /at her had *een a tailor name d 6ust a/a$ and that (laddi n hims el/ %as a %ild sort o/ *o#$ %ho had neer *een
%illin0 to learn a trade.
". Past and #uture enses of !erbs
Past tense
8he *o# told the 6a0ician$ ;(laddi n has neer done an# %or9$ so he and his mot her are er# poor. < ,ext da#$ the 6a0ician$ a0ai n richl#
dress e d$ came a0ai n to the mar9et ! place and soon sa% (laddi n =Child>< called out the 6a0ician. =1asn:t #our /ather 6ust a/ a the tailor7< =?es$
sir$< repli ed (laddi n$ < @ut he died three #ear s a0o. < =1hat 7 6# poor *rot her dead>< cried the 6a0ician$ pret endi n0 he %as er# sad. =.ear
,ephe%$ #ou loo9ed so li9e #our dear /ather$ that I 9ne% #ou t once>< 8hen he 0ae (laddin mone#$ and told him to 0ie it to his mot her$ and
that the 6a0ici an %as 0oin0 to isit them the next da#.
The paragraph turned into Future tens e
8he *o# %ill tell the 6a0ici an$ =(laddi n %ill neer do an# %or9$ so he and his mot her %ill *e er# poor<
,ext da#$ the 6a0ici an$ a0ai n richl# dress ed$ %ill come a0ai n to the mar9et pl ace and soon see (laddi n.
=Child>< the 6a0ici an %ill call out$ =1ould #our /ather *e 6ust a/a the tailor7<
=?es sir$< (laddi n %ill repl#. < @ut he %ill *e dead a/t er three #ear s. <
=1hat> 6# poor *rot her dead>< the 6a0ici an %ill cr#$ and he %ill pret end that eh %ill *e er# sad. =.ear ,ephe%$ #ou %ill loo9 so li9e #our dear
/ather$ that I coul d 9no% #ou at once. < 8hen he %ill 0ie (laddi n a hand/ ul o/ mone#$ and %ill tell him to 0ie to his mot her and the 6a0ician
%ill isit them the next da#.
Turn thi s paragraph into future tens e :
(laddi n %as er# surprised$ and ran strai 0ht *ac9 to his mot her$ *ut sad to sa#$ he 0ae her onl# hal/ the mone#$ and 9ept the rest /or himsel/.
=6# Ancle$ the rich mercha nt $ has come> < he told her. =5e has sent #ou this mone# and sai d he %ould *e comi n0 to supper %ith us tomorro%. <
5is mot her %as er# surpri sed$ *ecaus e she could not reme m*e r that her *rot her had eer spo9en o/ hai n0 a rich *rot her.
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 5
$. Singular and plural nouns
Singular nouns
In the morni n0$ inst ead o/ sittin0 do%n to her spinni n0 tas9! *# %hich (laddi n:s mot her had mana 0e d to ear n a little mone# to *u# a meal each
da# B she %ent to the mar9et %ith the mone# and spent the rest o/ the da# coo9in0 a /inder supper than she and (laddi n had had /or man# a
lon0 da#.
The paragaph turned into plural nouns
In the morni n0s$ inst ead o/ sittin0 do%n to their spinni n0 tas9s B *# %hich the *o#sC mot her s had mana 0e d to earn a /e% penni es to *u# meal s
B the# %ent to the mar9et s %ith the coins$ and spent the rest o/ the da#s coo9in0 /iner supper s than the# had had /or man# da#s.
Turn the si ngul ar nouns in thi s paragraph int o plural nouns .
In the eeni n0$ the (/rican 6a0ician came$ as he had promi s ed. 1hen he had 0reet ed (laddi n and his mot her$ he told them %ith a
pret ende d tear in his e#e$ ho% not hi n0 had eer made him so sad as to hear that his poor$ dear *rot her %as dead$ and ho% in the mar9et $
he had 9no%n his nephe% (laddi n directl# *ecaus e he %as so li9e his poor$ dear /ather. Present l #$ he *e0an to as9 %hat trade his nephe%
/ollo%ed to ear n a liin0.
%. &omparati 'es
he stor( continued
=(las$ sir$< said his mot her$ =(laddi n 9no%s o trade at all. 5e is a la4# /ello%. 5is /ather did all he coul d to teach him to *e a tailor$ *ut all in
ain> So since his /ather died$ I hae had to tr# to earn a liin0 /or us *ot h *# spinni n0 %ool. @ut alas$ m# spinni n0 *rin0s in so little mone#
that %e o/ten 0o hun0r #. (t that (laddi n hun0 his head.
The paragraph turned into comparat i ve s
6ore sorro% sir$< said his mot her$ ;(laddi n 9no%s the /e%est trades o/ all. 5e is the la4iest /ello%. 5e /ather did the most he could to teach
him to *e a tailor$ *ut it %as the ainest thin0 to tr#. So most o/ the time since his /ather died$ I hae tried m# hardes t to hear mor e o/ a
liin0 /or us *ot h *# spinni n0 more %ool. @ut$ more sorro%$ m# spinni n0 *rin0s in less mone#$ so %e are mor e o/t en hun0r#.
(t this (laddin hun0 his head lo%er
Now turn thi s paragraph int o compar at i ve s .
=8his is not %ell$ ,ephe%>< said the pret ende d uncl e in a solemn oice$ sha9i n0 his head 0rael #. ;?et I %ill tr# to hel p #ou. I/ #ou %ill not
learn to *e a tailor or a shoema9er or a %eaer$ I %ill teach #ou ho% to *ecome a merchant li9e me><
So no% a /ine li/e *e0an /or (laddin. 5e %ent here and ther e %ith the mercha nt uncl e$ %ho /itted him out %ith 0ood clothes.
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 6
). S(non(ms. *ords with the same meani ng
he stor( continued
(laddi n usuall# came home at ni0ht to his mot her %ith a siler piece or een one o/ 0old$ and al%a#s %ith tal es o/ the splendi d thin0s he had
seen B hous es %ith man# court #ar ds and cared /i0ures$ 0ardens %ith orchar ds and /ount ai ns$ and spl endi dl #! ro*ed merchant s %ho rode
ma0ni/icent st eeds.
The paragraph rewri t t e n usi ng other words that mean the same , wher e pos s i bl e
6ost o/ the time (laddi n ret ur ned at eeni n0s to his mat er nal parent %ith a siler coin or een one o/ 0old$ and eer# time %ith stori es o/ the
0rand thin0s he had o*sered B *uildin0s %ith numer ous enclos ed sDuar es and st at ues$ plant ed areas %ith /ruit trees and orname nt al sprin0s$
and 0or0eousl # dress ed trader s %ho %ere mount ed on /ine horses.
Now wri t e thi s paragraph usi ng ot her words that mean the same , wher e you can
(t last one da# the (/rican 6a0ician too9 (laddi n out %ith him as usual$ *ut this time$ the# %ent /urther than the# had eer *een *e/or e$
*e#ond the to%n and to%ards the mount ai ns. 8his time$ said the pret end uncl e$ (laddin %as to see the /inest si0ht o/ all> (laddi n could not
0ues s %hat this coul d *e$ *ecaus e no% that the# %ere /ar /rom the cit# the# %ere in a part o/ the count r# that seeme d little *et t er than a dr#
des er t . (t last the# stood in a ston# alle# *et %een t%o mount ai ns$ %ith no 0rass and onl# a /e% spindl # loo9in0 trees.
+. Acti'e and passi'e case
he stor( continued, with acti'e 'erbs
Eo and 0at her stic9s$ < comma nde d the stran0e uncl e. 8he *o# %as tired %ith the lon0 %al9$ and rat her un%illin0 and at /irst he )ust stood
ther e. 8hen he sa% that this dear 9ind uncl e suddenl # loo9ed st ern$ and (laddin /elt that in that lonel# place$ it mi0ht een *e dan0er ous to
The paragraph rewri t t e n turni ng verbs into the pas si ve cas e
Fet stic9s *e 0at her ed$ < %as the comma nd o/ the stran0e uncl e. 8he lon0 %al9 %as tirin0 /or the *o#$ and he %as made rat her un%illin0. 5is
st andi n0 at /irst %as stopped %hen his percept i on %as o/ the sudden st ern loo9 o/ his dear 9ind uncl e. 8her e %as a /eelin0 that in that lonel #
place$ diso*edi enc e mi0ht een *e dan0er ous.
ewri t e thi s paragraph wit h pas s i ve verbs
So (laddi n o*e#ed the 6a0ician and collect ed stic9s. 8he 6a0ici an set a /ire and thre% a po%der in it. ( thic9 oil# smo9e *e0an to rise. 8he
6a0ici an pronounce d stran0e %ords that sounded li9e a spell. Suddenl # %ith a teari n0 sound$ the eart h opene d *e/or e (laddi n:s /eet. ( 0reat
stone la# *e/ore them$ %ith a *rass rin0 in its top. =8a9e hold o/ the rin0 and moe the stone$ < said the 6a0ician.
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p "
-. Ad.ecti 'es and ad'erbs
@asicall#$ an ad) ectie descri *es somet hi n0$ and most ader *s tell #ou ho%$ %her e$ or %hen somet hi n0 is done.
Thi s paragraph is full of ad! ect i ve s
=@e a care/ul listener$ < said the /ierce 6a0ician. =8hat is a sel/! openi n0 door %hen #ou 0o do%n the st eps. 8hen #ou %ill *e in a hu0e cae and
see t%o more caes. ?ou %ill see 0reat treas ur e chest s. .o not touch them. ?ou must not let een #our s9irts touch an#t hi n0. (t the the
third and /inal treas ur e cae ther e is a small door. Eo throu0h and #ou %ill *e in a *eaut i/ul 0arden plant ed %ith /ruit trees. Cross the 0arden
and #ou %ill see a %all.<
The paragraph is rewri t t e n wi th adverbs
=Fisten care/ull#<$ sai d the 6a0ician /iercel #. 8hat door is sel/! openi n0 %hen #ou 0o do%n the st eps. 8hen #ou %ill *e in a cae o/ hu0e si4e
%ith caes *e#ond. ?ou %ill see chest s that are hu0e and treas ur e! /ull. .o not touch them. ?ou must not let een #our s9irts touch an#t hi n0.
Finall# at the end o/ a cae o/ treas ur es $ ther e is a door %hich is small. Eo throu0h and #ou %ill *e in a 0arden o/ *eaut # plant ed %ith trees
/ruitin0. Cross the 0arden and a %all is isi*l e. <
Now turn any adverbs into ad! ect i ve s if you can, in thi s paragraph
Eo to a niche in the %all$ and #ou %ill see a lamp %hich is ali0ht set in the niche. 8a9e the lamp$ it loo9s old and %ort hl ess. Fet the li0ht *e
*lo%n out$ its oil pour ed out$ and *rin0 the lamp Duic9l# to me><
1/. 0ouns and pronouns
he stor( continued, with nouns
Sa#i n0 thes e %ords$ the pret ende d uncl e dre% a rin0 o// his /in0er and put it on (laddi n:s /in0er$ tellin0 (laddi n the rin0 %as a talisman to
prot ect the %ear er. 8hen the 6a0ician added$ GEo li9e a *old *o#. < (laddi n did not /eel li9e a *old *o#$ *ut his uncl e loo9ed so st ern that
the *o# %ent .
he paragraph rewri t t en with nouns turned into pronouns
Sa#i n0 this$ he dre% it o// it and put it on his$ tellin0 him that it %as to prot ect him. 8hen he added$ =Eo li9e him. < 5e did not /eel li9e him$
*ut he loo9ed so st er n that he %ent.
H1hat are the nouns that are reall# neede d here$ to preent #ou *ei n0 con/us ed7I
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p &
Turn all the nouns you can int o pronouns in thi s paragraph .
5o%eer$ (laddi n did 0o do%n the st eps and the door opened )ust as the 6a0ician had said. (laddi n %as so a/rai d o/ touchi n0 the %alls or
treas ur e in the three caes that the *o# hardl # dar ed to loo9 around$ onl# )ust dartin0 his e#es a*out %hile hurr#i n0 on. Once in the 0arden$
he sa% the lamp$ pour ed a%a# the oil$ and put the lamp in the /olds o/ his ro*e. 5e *e0an to come *ac9 throu0h the 0arden.
And there is more+
A layout
1. Sent enc es %ith claus es 2xampl e: 5ere is the /irst par a0r aph put into short simpl e sent enc e s :
It is sai d H*ut (llah 9no%s allI that in the mount ai n
des er t s o/ 6orocco in the nort her n part s o/ (/rica
ther e lied$ lon0 a0o$ an old and po%er/ul
6a0ici an. 5e$ *# deep stud# o/ his terri*l e art s$
discoer ed that a copper lamp that he had lon0
%ant ed to poss es s la# lost and *uri ed in a cert ai n
cae /ar a%a# in China. 5e 9ne% that to
%homs oeer ru**ed this old and *at tered lamp
ther e %ould inst ant l # appear a Jinn o/ immens e
si4e %ho %as 9no%n as C8he Slae o/ the FampC
and %ho %ould immedi at el # *rin0 eer# 0i/t$ or
per/or m eer# tas9$ that %as order ed.
Peopl e sa# this. (llah 9no%s the trut h. Fon0 a0o ther e lied a ma0i ci an. 5e %as old. 5e %as
5e lied in a deser t . 8he deser t %as in a mount ai n.
8he mount ai n %as in 6orocco. 8he ma0i ci an 9ne% terri*l e
art s. 5e studi ed them deepl #. 5e had %ant ed a copper lamp.
5e had %ant ed it a lon0 time. 5e discoer ed it %as lost.
8he lamp %as *uri ed /ax! a%a#. It %as in China.
It %as in a cae. It %as old and *at t er ed.
Someone could ru* it. 8hen a Jinn %ould inst ant l # appe ar.
8he Jinn %as o/ immens e si4e.
5is name %as the Slae o/ !the Famp
5e coul d ta9e orders. 5e could *rin0 eer# %ant ed 0i/t.
5e coul d per/or m eer# order ed tas9.
2. (not her para0r a ph %ith claus es ,o% turn it into short sent enc es . ?ou can %rite on dra/t paper.
@ut$ thou0h this (/rican 6a0ici anC s art s sho%ed him clearl# enou0h in %hat cae the lamp %as hidden and %hat must *e done i/ it
%as to *e 0ot out$ the# sho%ed him also that the ma0i ci an himsel/ could neer 0et poss es si on o/ it alone. 5e had to /ind someone
%ho %ould *e at once *old and nim*l e enou0h to /etch the lamp up out o/ the cae$ and then simpl e enou0h to 0ie it a%a# a0ai n
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p '
Aladdin and his *onderful 1rammar
pilot ersion @

Picture *# Pauline @a#nes
CO,82,8S B
Select the order #ou %ish In this pilot book
1. Short sentences.
2. Opposites.
3. Present tense
4. Future tense.
5. Plurals
6. Comparaties ! superlaties
". S#non#ms$ %ords that mean the same.
&. Passie case !
'. (d)ecties and ader*s.
1+. ,ouns and pronouns.
11. Similes.
12. Indirect speech.
13.-er* s#non#ms.
14. Phrase order and con)unctions.
15. .irect and indirect speech.
16. (%areness o/ spellin0.
1". First$ second and third person

1&. Function %ords.
1'.1ord roots
2+. 1ord /amilies
21. Se0mentin0 %ords
22. 1ord endin0s
23. Pre/ixes.
24. 1ords and phrases
25. Con)unctions$ clauses and phrases
26. 2xpandin0 text
2". Pr3cis ! summari4in0 text
2&. St#le
2'. Clich3s
3+. (ddin0 pre/ixes
31.5idden %ords
32. Pol#s#lla*les
33. -er*s and nouns
34. Pronunciation
Stor# adapted /or teachin0 purposes

Aims : ( more interestin0 and
entertainin0 %a# to dra% studentsC
attention to lan0ua0e and /eatures o/
%ritten 2n0lish$ in one stor#. 8o
encoura0e them to use their
intelli0ence and ima0ination and
9eep their %its a*out them.
8he exercises can *e used in man#
%a#s that teachers can thin9 o/.
Some recommendat i ons
t o aoid turnin0 this too into a drud0er#. !
1. 8he stor# can *e read as a serial. Students can
choose each da# %hich pa0e to do in detail.
2. 8he *oo9 is not thro%n a%a# *ut 9ept /or its
stor# alue and /or instant reision.
3.8he same procedures can *e used %ith other
4. I/ the class as a %hole is not up to it$ similar exercises at an
easier leel can *e done %ith easier texts chosen *# students.
@ut *ri0ht students %ho are *ored *# ploddin0 can ta9e a liel#
interest in this ne% approach$ and en)o# the nonsense that can
5. Small 0roups can /ind this easier than indiidual %or9.
6. Find the rest o/ the (laddin stor# to /inish readin0.
vy ,--.
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 1+
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 11
1. Short sentences and clauses.
1. Sent enc es %ith claus es 2xampl e: 5ere is the /irst par a0r aph put into short simpl e sent enc e s :
It is sai d H*ut (llah 9no%s allI that in the mount ai n
des er t s o/ 6orocco in the nort her n part s o/ (/rica
ther e lied$ lon0 a0o$ an old and po%er/ul
6a0ici an. 5e$ *# deep stud# o/ his terri*l e art s$
discoer ed that a copper lamp that he had lon0
%ant ed to poss es s la# lost and *uri ed in a cert ai n
cae /ar a%a# in China. 5e 9ne% that to
%homs oeer ru**ed this old and *at tered lamp
ther e %ould inst ant l # appear a Jinn o/ immens e
si4e %ho %as 9no%n as C8he Slae o/ the FampC
and %ho %ould immedi at el # *rin0 eer# 0i/t$ or
per/or m eer# tas9$ that %as order ed.
Peopl e sa# this. (llah 9no%s the trut h. Fon0 a0o ther e lied a ma0i ci an.
5e %as old. 5e %as po%er/ul.
5e lied in a deser t . 8he deser t %as in a mount ai n.
8he mount ai n %as in 6orocco. 8he ma0i ci an 9ne% terri*l e
art s. 5e studi ed them deepl #. 5e had %ant ed a copper lamp.
5e had %ant ed it a lon0 time. 5e discoer ed it %as lost.
8he lamp %as *uri ed /ax! a%a#. It %as in China.
It %as in a cae. It %as old and *at t er ed.
Someone could ru* it. 8hen a Jinn %ould inst ant l # appe ar.
8he Jinn %as o/ immens e si4e.
5is name %as the Slae o/ !the Famp
5e coul d ta9e orders. 5e could *rin0 eer# %ant ed 0i/t.
5e coul d per/or m eer# order ed tas9.
2. (not her para0r a ph %ith claus es ,o% turn it into short sent enc es . ?ou can %rite on dra/t paper.
@ut$ thou0h this (/rican 6a0ici anC s art s sho%ed him clearl# enou0h in %hat cae the lamp %as hidden and %hat must *e done i/ it
%as to *e 0ot out$ the# sho%ed him also that the ma0i ci an himsel/ could neer 0et poss es si on o/ it alone. 5e had to /ind someone
%ho %ould *e at once *old and nim*l e enou0h to /etch the lamp up out o/ the cae$ and then simpl e enou0h to 0ie it a%a# a0ai n
2. Opposites
8he para0r aph turned into opposi t es
5o% could the 6a0ici an /ind an#one *old enou0h
to 0o do%n into the eart h /or the lamp$ and #et
%illin0 to 0ie up the lamp as soon as he had 0ot
it7 8he 6a0ici an thou0ht a*out this /or a lon0
time. (t last he set out /or China$ and reached
one o/ the *i00es t cities at sun! set.
5o% could the 6a0ici an lose an#one co%ardl # enou0h to 0o up into the s9#
%ithout the lamp$ and not *e %illin0 to 9eep the lamp *e/ore he had lost it7
8he 6a0ician did not thin9 a*out this /or a short %hile. -er# soon he came
*ac9 /rom China and le/t one o/ the small est %ildernes s e s at sun! rise.
,o% %rite this next par a0r aph turned into Opposi t es.
,o% the (/rican 6a0ici an had dis0ui s ed himsel/ as a rich mercha nt $ and as he %al9ed slo%l# throu0h the dar9eni n0 street s$ he sa%
that$ as in other cities$ ther e %ere man# *o#s %ho pla#ed a*out in the street s ad mar9et pl ace. 8he# ran in and out amon0 the
11 merchant s$ as the# %ere shut ti n0 up their st alls and shops.
3. enses of 'erbs. Past and Present
Past tens e o/ er*s 8he par a0r a ph turned into Present tens e
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 12
,o% the (/rican 6a0ici an had dis0ui s ed himsel/ as
a rich merchant $ and as he %al9ed slo%l# throu0h
the dar9eni n0 street s$ he sa% that$ as in other
cities$ ther e %ere man# *o#s %ho pla#ed a*out in
the street s ad mar9et pl ace. 8he# ran in and out
amon0 the merchant s$ as the# %ere shut ti n0 up
their st alls and shops.
,o% the (/rican 6a0ici an dis0ui s es hims el/ as a rich mercha nt $ and as he
%al9s slo%l# throu0h the dar9eni n0 street s$ he sees that $ as in other cities$
ther e are man# *o#s %ho pla# a*out in the street s and mar9et pl ace. 8he#
run in and out amon0 the mercha nt s$ as the# are shut ti n0 up their st alls and
Past tens e: ,ext da#$ the 6a0ici an %ent a0ai n to the mar9et $ in a di//erent dis0ui s e$ (s he %at ched he sa% a poorl# dress ed *o# %ho
seeme d to *e a sort o/ leader. 8he merchant s clearl# thou0ht he %as a nuisance$ *ecaus e the# 9ept chasi n0 him a%a# /rom their
st alls. 8he 6a0ician called a much #oun0er *o# to him$ and 0ae him a piece o/ mone#$ and as9ed a*out this #oun0 /ello%. 8he
#oun0er *o# told him that the lad:s name %as (laddi n$ that his /ather had *een a tailor named 6ust a/ a$ and that (laddin himsel/ %as
a %ild sort o/ *o#$ %ho had neer *een %illin0 to learn a trade.
,o% %rit e this par a0r a ph in the pres ent tens e.
". enses of !erbs, Past and #uture
Past tens e o/ er*s 8he para0r aph turned into Futur e tens e
8he *o# told the 6a0ician$ ;(laddi n has neer done
an# %or9$ so he and his mot her are er# poor. <
,ext da#$ the 6a0ician$ a0ai n richl# dress ed$ came
a0ai n to the mar9et ! place and soon sa% (laddi n
=Child>< called out the 6a0ician. =1asn:t #our
/ather 6ust a/ a the tailor7< =?es$ sir$< replied
(laddi n$ < @ut he died three #ear s a0o. < =1hat 7 6#
poor *rot her dead>< cried the 6a0ician$ pret endi n0
he %as er# sad. =.ear ,ephe%$ #ou loo9ed so li9e
#our dear /ather$ that I 9ne% #ou t once>< 8hen he
0ae (laddi n mone#$ and told him to 0ie it to his
mot her$ and that the 6a0ician %as 0oin0 to isit
them the next da#.
8he *o# %ill tell the 6a0ician$ =(laddi n %ill neer do an# %or9$ so he and his
mot her %ill *e er# poor<
,ext da#$ the 6a0ician$ a0ai n richl# dress ed$ %ill come a0ai n to the
mar9et pl ace and soon see (laddi n.
=Child>< the 6a0ician %ill call out$ =1oul d #our /at her *e 6ust a/ a the tailor7<
=?es sir$< (laddi n %ill repl#. < @ut he %ill *e dead a/t er three #ear s. <
=1hat> 6# poor *rot her dead>< the 6a0ici an %ill cr#$ and he %ill pret end that
eh %ill *e er# sad. =.ear ,ephe%$ #ou %ill loo9 so li9e #our dear /ather$ that I
could 9no% #ou at once. < 8hen he %ill 0ie (laddi n a hand/ul o/ mone#$ and
%ill tell him to 0ie to his mot her and the 6a0ici an %ill isit them the next
8urn this par a0r aph into /utur e tens e:
(laddi n %as er# surprised$ and ran strai 0ht *ac9 to his mot her$ *ut sad to sa#$ he 0ae her onl# hal/ the mone#$ and 9ept the rest
/or himsel/. =6# Ancle$ the rich merchant $ has come>< he told her. =5e has sent #ou this mone# and sai d he %ould *e comi n0 to
supper %ith us tomorro%. < 5is mot her %as er# surpri sed$ *ecaus e she coul d not reme m* er that her *rot her had eer spo9en o/
hai n0 a rich *rot her.
$. Singular and plural nouns
Sin0ul ar nouns Plural nouns
In the morni n0$ inst ead o/ sittin0 do%n to her
spinni n0 tas9! *# %hich (laddi n:s mot her had
mana 0e d to earn a little mone# to *u# a meal
In the morni n0s$ inst ead o/ sittin0 do%n to their spinni n0 tas9s B *# %hich
the *o#sC mot her s had mana0e d to earn a /e% penni es to *u# meal s B the#
%ent to the mar9et s %ith the coins$ and spent the rest o/ the da#s coo9in0
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 13
each da# B she %ent to the mar9et %ith the
mone# and spent the rest o/ the da# coo9in0 a
/inder supper than she and (laddi n had had /or
man# a lon0 da#.
/iner supper s than the# had had /or man# da#s.
8urn the sin0ul ar nouns in this par a0r aph into plural nouns.
In the eeni n0$ the (/rican 6a0ician came$ as he had promi s ed. 1hen he had 0reet ed (laddi n and his mot her$ he told them %ith a
pret ende d tear in his e#e$ ho% not hi n0 had eer made him so sad as to hear that his poor$ dear *rot her %as dead$ and ho% in the
mar9et $ he had 9no%n his nephe% (laddi n directl # *ecaus e he %as so li9e his poor$ dear /ather. Present l #$ he *e0an to as9 %hat
trade his nephe% /ollo%ed to earn a liin0.
%. &omparati 'es
. 1ith compari sons
=(las$ sir$< said his mot her$ =(laddi n 9no%s o
trade at all. 5e is a la4# /ello%. 5is /at her did all
he coul d to teach him to *e a tailor$ *ut all I
ain> So since his /ather died$ I hae had to tr#
to earn a liin0 /or us *ot h *# spinni n0 %ool. @ut
alas$ m# spinni n0 *rin0s I so little mone# that %e
o/t en 0o hun0r #.
(t that (laddi n hun0 his head
=6ore sorro% sir$< said his mot her$ ;(laddi n 9no%s the /e%est trades o/ all.
5e is the la4iest /ello%. 5e /ather did the most he could to teach him to *e a
tailor$ *ut it %as the ainest thin0 to tr#. So most o/ the time since his /ather
died$ I hae tried m# hardes t to hear more o/ a liin0 /or us *ot h *# spinni n0
more %ool. @ut$ more sorro%$ m# spinni n0 *rin0s in less mone#$ so %e are
more o/ten hun0r #.
(t this (laddi n hun0 his head lo%er
8urn this para0r aph into compar at i es.
=8his is not %ell$ ,ephe%>< said the pret ende d uncl e in a solemn oice$ sha9i n0 his head 0rael #. ;?et I %ill tr# to hel p #ou. I/ #ou
%ill not learn to *e a tailor or a shoema9er or a %eaer$ I %ill teach #ou ho% to *ecome a merchant li9e me><
So no% a /ine li/e *e0an /or (laddin. 5e %ent here and ther e %ith the mercha nt uncl e$ %ho /itted him out %ith 0ood clothes.
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 14
). S(non(ms. *ords with the same meani ng
1ith %ords that mean the same
(laddi n usuall # came home at ni0ht to his
mot her %ith a siler piece or een one o/ 0old$
and al%a#s %ith tal es o/ the splendi d thin0s he
had seen B hous es %ith man# court #ar ds and
cared /i0ures$ 0ardens %ith orchar ds and
/ount ai ns$ and spl endi dl #! ro*ed merchant s %ho
rode ma0ni/icent st eeds.
6ost o/ the time (laddi n ret ur ned at eeni n0s to his mot her %ith a siler coin
or een one o/ 0old$ and eer# time %ith stori es o/ the 0rand thin0s he had
o*sered B *uildin0s %ith numer ous enclos ed sDuar es and st at ues$ plant ed
areas %ith /ruit trees and orname nt al sprin0s$ and 0or0eousl # dress e d
mercha nt s %ho %ere mount ed on /ine horses.
1rite this para0r aph usin0 %ords that mean the same.
(t last one da# the (/rican 6a0ici an too9 (laddi n out %ith him as usual$ *ut this time$ the# %ent /urt her than the# had eer *een
*e/or e$ *e#ond the to%n and to%ar ds the mount ai ns. 8his time$ sai d the pret end uncl e$ (laddi n %as to see the /inest si0ht o/ all>
(laddi n could not 0ues s %hat this could *e$ *ecaus e no% that the# %ere /ar /rom the cit# the# %ere in a part o/ the count r# that
seeme d little *et t er than a dr# des ert . (t last the# stood in a ston# alle# *et %een to% mount ai ns$ %ith no 0rass and onl# a /e%
spindl # loo9in0 trees.
+. Acti'e and passi'e case
(ctie case Passie case
=Eo and 0at her stic9s$ < comma nde d the stran0e
uncl e. 8he *o# %as tired %ith the lon0 %al9$ and
rat her un%illin0 and at /irst he )ust stood ther e.
8hen he sa% that this dear 9ind uncl e suddenl #
loo9ed st er n$ and (laddi n /elt that in that lonel#
place$ it mi0ht een *e dan0er ous to diso*e#.
=Fet stic9s *e 0at her e d$ < %as the comma nd o/ the stran0e uncl e. 8he lon0
%al9 %as tirin0 /or the *o#$ and he %as made rat her un%illin0. 5is st andi n0
at /irst %as stopped %hen his percept i on %as o/ the sudden st ern loo9 o/ his
dear 9ind uncl e. 8here %as a /eelin0 that in that lonel# place$ diso*edi enc e
mi0ht een *e dan0er ous.
Ase the passie case in this para0r a ph
So (laddi n o*e#ed the 6a0ician and collect ed stic9s. 8he 6a0ici an set a /ire and thre% a po%der in it. ( thic9 oil# smo9e *e0an to
rise. 8he 6a0ici an pronounce d stran0e %ords that sounded li9e a spell. Suddenl # %ith a teari n0 sound$ the eart h opene d *e/or e
(laddi n:s /eet. ( 0reat stone la# *e/or e them$ %ith a *rass rin0 in its top. =8a9e hold o/ the rin0 and moe the stone$ < sai d the
6a0ici an.
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 15
-. Ad.ecti 'es and ad'erbs
@asicall#$ most ader *s tell #ou ho%$ %her e$ or %hen somet hi n0 is done. In other %ords$ the# descri *e the manner $ place$ or time o/ an action$
and an ad) ectie descri *es somet hi n0
(der*s (d)ecties
=Fisten care/ull#<$ sai d the 6a0ician /iercel #.
8hat door is sel/! openi n0 %hen #ou 0o do%n the
st eps. 8hen #ou %ill *e in a cae o/ hu0e si4e
%ith t%o caes *e#ond. ?ou %ill see chest s that
are hu0e and treas ur e! /ull. .o not touch them.
?ou must not let een #our s9irts touch
an#t hi n0. (t the end o/ the third cae o/
treas ur es$ ther e is a door %hich is small. Eo
throu0h and #ou %ill *e in a 0arden o/ *eaut #
plant ed %ith trees /ruitin0. Cross the 0arden and
a %all is isi*le. <
=@e a care/ul list ener$ < said the /ierce 6a0ici an. =8hat is a sel/! openi n0 door
%hen #ou 0o do%n the st eps. 8hen #ou %ill *e in a hu0e cae and see t%o
more caes. ?ou %ill see 0reat treas ur e chest s. .o not touch them. ?ou
must not let een #our s9irt s touch an#t hi n0. (t the end o/ the third treas ur e
cae ther e is a small door. Eo throu0h and #ou %ill *e in a *eaut i/ul 0arden
plant ed %ith /ruit trees. Cross the 0arden and #ou %ill see a %all.<
8urn the ader *s and ader *i al claus es into ad) ecti es i/ #ou can.
Eo to a niche in the %all$ and #ou %ill see a lamp ali0ht set in the niche. 8a9e the lamp$ it loo9s old and %ort hl es s. Fet the li0ht *e
*lo%n out$ its oil pour ed out$ and *rin0 the lamp Duic9l# to me><
1/. 0ouns and pronouns
,ouns Pronouns
Sa#i n0 thes e %ords$ the pret ende d uncl e dre% a
rin0 o// his /in0er and put it on (laddi n:s /in0er$
tellin0 (laddi n the rin0 %as a talisman to prot ect
the %ear er. 8hen the 6a0ici an added$ GEo li9e a
*old *o#. < (laddi n did not /eel li9e a *old *o#$
*ut his uncl e loo9ed so st ern that the *o# %ent.
Sa#in0 this$ he dre% it o// it and put it on his$ tellin0 him that it %as to
prot ect him. 8hen he added$ =Eo li9e him. < 5e did not /eel li9e him$ *ut he
loo9ed so st ern that he %ent.
H1hat are the nouns that are reall# neede d her e$ to preent #ou *ein0
con/us ed7I
8urn all the nouns #ou can into pronouns$ %hile preent i n0 con/usi on.
5o%eer$ (laddi n did 0o do%n the st eps and the door opened )ust as the 6a0ician had said. (laddi n %as so a/rai d o/ touchi n0 the
%alls or treas ur e in the three caes that the *o# hardl # dar ed to loo9 around$ onl# )ust dartin0 his e#es a*out %hile hurr#i n0 on.
Once in the 0arden$ he sa% the lam$ pour ed a%a# the oil$ and put the lamp in the /olds o/ his ro*e. 5e *e0an to come *ac9 throu0h
the 0arden.
Aladdins (onderful &rammar p 16

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