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Pleiadian Soul

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Those who have Pleiades as their soul's planetary origin are sensitive, loving and kind.

They have a deep, abiding desire for peace and happiness for all. If one were to ask a Pleiadian "What do you want out of life?" They would respond by saying, "to be happy." Pleiadeans have a pleasant s ooth energy which others en!oy being near. Pleiadian souls are e otional and loving, yet tend to repress uch due to their desire to please others. They are sensitive and react "uickly to criticis . Pleiadeans tend to sacrifice personal needs and wants while atte pting to please others. This ay cause inner resent ent. #ather than e$pressing resent ent or anger openly, Pleiadeans ay instead use passive aggressive behavior in hopes that their feelings will be noticed and responded to without the need for discussion. They ust learn to reali%e the people they seek to please would usually prefer to hear their feelings and needs. Pleiadeans can beco e physically ill in situations where there is anger, open tension or argu ents around the , as they absorb e otions of others in an unconscious effort to ediate and s ooth situations. Their tendency to repress their own e otions, and the e otions they have absorbed fro others can for energy blockages if not released over a period of ti e. This can lead to eventual physical illness. & large part of the learning e$perience for Pleiadeans is to learn to allow others to e$perience what they have chosen, and not beco e personally involved. Pleiadian souls will learn to be aware of their desire to ake others happy and reali%e that one can only be responsible for ones personal happiness and self develop ent. They ust learn to allow others to be responsible for the selves, their growth and learning situations. Pleiadian individuals ust also reali%e that they cannot decide when others are happy, or what others need to be happy, and instead focus on creating their own happiness. &s true responsibility is accepted for self and personal happiness, they will flourish and the physical body will respond with radiance. Pleiadeans ust work on developing open co unication skills on a third di ensional level and also on their self'estee . It is i portant for the to reclai personal power, learn to co unicate freely and beco e strong within. &t ti es, it ay appear to others that Pleiadeans are overly reserved and distant. This is due to their tendency to critici%e their thoughts to the point of not sharing the and the self'estee proble s any Pleiadeans have in co on. (ften ti es, they feel their thoughts are not worth sharing and ust work in this area also. )ouls fro the Pleiades ay develop patterns of using various third di ensional pursuits as te porary escapes fro reality, or false aids in building co unication ability and confidence. This could be in the for of ventures into drugs or drinking, the creation of se$ual or ro antic dra as, or by si ply escaping into other realities

through reading, television or


Pleiadeans release through crying. *ue to their tendency to repress e otions, this ay build to a point where releasing ust occur. This ay result in crying which appears as an over'reaction to current situations. Instead, it is a releasing of uch ore than the current situation. *ue to the co unication issues that Pleiadian souls ay be working on, they ay e$perience various types of releasing in the throat chakra area, such as crying. This could also be fre"uent physical proble s or speech difficulty, such as hoarseness, coughing, or tightness in the throat chakra. This will no longer occur when confidence and free co unication of e otions and needs are learned and used in every day life. These can be used as signs to look within at what is not being co unicated that needs to be. Pleiadeans are very strong on faith and trust. They have a strong sense of purpose fro childhood, a feeling of knowing there is a +od connection, purpose and plan, even in their darkest hour. There is an inner desire to seek spiritual answers and to find their connection to the +od ,orce. &s they begin to seek and learn, growth begins. &s they begin to reali%e the +od connection and to love the selves as the perfect beings that all are, any of the old feelings, e otions and self doubts fade.

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