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Traveling Light: Moving Our Awareness Beyond the Five Senses
Traveling Light: Moving Our Awareness Beyond the Five Senses
Traveling Light: Moving Our Awareness Beyond the Five Senses
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Traveling Light: Moving Our Awareness Beyond the Five Senses

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With ever-expanding communication and the realization of a shared planet, we are now global citizens. A parallel expansion is also occurring in our spiritual evolution — we are developing a broader view of the Universe and our place in it.

One way to nurture this spiritual energy is to open our awareness beyond the five senses. This

Release dateNov 28, 2019
Traveling Light: Moving Our Awareness Beyond the Five Senses

Jennifer Shoals

Jennifer grew up in the large urban centers of Kansas City, Detroit, and Minneapolis. She laterchose to raise her children in a small town on Lake Superior. She currently lives on 30 woodedacres in a writing studio that she built with her own hands. She has been channeling for over 20years.

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    Traveling Light - Jennifer Shoals


    Traveling Light

    Moving Our Awareness

    Beyond the Five Senses

    Jennifer Shoals

    Copyright © 2019 Jennifer Shoals

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

    ISBN: 978-1-7341987-1-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7341987-4-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 9781734198713

    Shoals, Jennifer.

    Traveling Light: Moving Our Awareness Beyond the Five Senses / Jennifer Shoals.

    — Thunder Bird.

    1. Transcendence 2. Consciousness 3. Personal Growth 4. Channeling I. Title

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    Lightning Source / IngramSpark

    With immense gratitude for all our Teachers,

    reaching across the veil

    to share the wisdom of the Universe

    For my father,

    who came to see the light of God in every person

    And for Amy, Debi, Christy and Steve,

    whose steadfast support has carried me

    through times of thin faith


    Introduction: Space — The Final Frontier
    1. The Nature of God and the Universe
    2. Expanding With The Shift
    3. Be The Change
    4. Healing Patterns
    5. Walking In Two Worlds
    6. Tools For Transcendence
    7. The Next World


    Space––The Final Frontier

    Our everyday connection with reality occurs through the five senses. We use our five senses to create the conditions that allow us to live in a physical body and to make choices that will assure our survival. That is the vital role of Ego. Infusing this physical context is Life Force, an energy that characterizes us as being alive. This is the arena of Spirit.

    We can nurture the energy of Spirit by expanding our consciousness, by moving our awareness beyond the five senses. Many people have experienced this through prayer or meditation or contact with Nature. They describe it as relaxing and nourishing. It does not occur by leaving the body, but by fully integrating a grounded physical experience with an expanded spiritual experience. This deep state of alert relaxation is called transcendence.

    Channeling is a spiritual connection that occurs during transcendence. The channel is simply an energy pathway. Many people channel energy while they work. Painters and musicians are good examples, as are dancers and actors. Some athletes and scientists are, too. Channeling is what happens when someone is in the Zone. It’s about opening to the mysteries of the Universe and allowing that in.

    Channeling is not something new. Connecting with ancient wisdom is a very old communication skill. We are here today because our ancestors were very tuned into the energies of the natural world. They had to be, in order to survive. When we connect with the energy of the Universe now, we are practicing skills that we once had, skills that have been drowned out by the noise of technological society.

    This is a book of channeled writing. While I channel, I type, and a rich stream of helpful wisdom is generated. When I am open and accepting of this information, its flow increases. When I judge its contents or insert my own agenda, the flow stops. Clearly, it is not something that I control. It is something that I allow. It’s an intuitive process.

    I began channeling in the 1990s. I did not understand it as channeling then, but Spirits began to visit me. Over time, they helped me to heal significant personal trauma. In 2005, a Spirit Teacher came to me and asked me to write a book. Even though I had no idea what the book would be about, I agreed.

    Over the next several years I recorded hundreds of channeled interviews with many spiritual guides. I call these guides The Teachers. A Teacher appears to me as a specific person. I see them with my mind’s eye, hear their voice with my mind’s ear, and interact emotionally with their personalities during our conversations. You will be introduced to each one as they appear in the book. Their words appear in italics. I do not edit their words.

    The Teachers are my ancestors. They arise through cellular memory, which has been transferred through many generations of dna coding. Every single human is the product of common ancestors across hundreds of thousands of years — we are all related, and we all have access to many Teachers. The Teachers who visit me are the voices of a variety of people from different cultures, age groups, genders, and historical times. I do not represent or speak for any of these groups. The Teachers speak and I record their words. Our intention, together, is to foster greater understanding.

    I also communicate with Universal Wisdom, which is the aggregate of all the wisdom in the Universe. I do not see or hear it, and it has no personality. It comes through me as energy in words. Another term for this is the Collective Unconscious. Occasionally, I have also been in the presence of God. This is a very intense experience, one of magnified mega-radiance, so powerful that it is difficult for the human body to integrate. The Teachers are the spirits that support God. They act as God’s intermediaries.

    I realize that the use of the word God may be uncomfortable for some readers, especially those who have been harmed by organized religion. I use the word God in a very broad sense, to mean all of the energy of the Universe. See Chapter One of this book for a more detailed explanation.

    After many years of recording channeled interviews, the Teachers instructed me to publish a book. I was told by the Teachers that the purpose of the book would be to foster communication. It would disseminate the information contained in the interviews to a wider audience. The book itself would also serve as a physical object, a point of connection encouraging people to discuss the topics it contained. Grandmother Dreams, Conversations Across the Veil¹was published in 2012. It focused on the spirit-fed life.

    The Teachers continued to share this kind of information with me, both during and after publishing. Traveling Light, Moving Our Awareness Beyond the Five Senses is the second book in this series. It outlines how our lives interact with the Universe, and encourages us to invest in our own intuitive process of transcendence. It supports Spirit manifesting on Soul Path.

    In a physical sense, the title Traveling Light implies that we have less baggage, that we are living a life that is not heavy with misdirected ego. In a spiritual sense, Traveling Light describes the awareness of ourselves as spiritual energy in motion — we are the journey of a spirit traveling the earth, we are light that is traveling. We can encourage these improvements, both physical and spiritual, by Moving Our Awareness Beyond the Five Senses.

    A third book, The Next World, is in progress. All of the books are part of a series called Inspiring Deeper Connections.

    In all of these books, the Teachers appear to be sharing information with me. As you read along, however, always understand that the word you applies not just to me, the receiver and recorder of these conversations. It also applies to you, the reader. Always insert yourself into the discussion. The Teachers are speaking to everyone.

    There are several ways to read these books. They can be read in the traditional way — front to back, starting at page one and going to the end. The information in the books can be complex. I have found that it is helpful to read the book out loud, either with another person or in a group. You can also use the Book Fairy technique: open the book at random, wherever feels right, and just read that page. Many readers have told me that they use this method and always find something helpful.

    According to the Teachers, a change is occurring in the energy of the Universe. They refer to this change as The Shift. Humans are part of the Universe so we, as a collective, are also transforming our energy vibration. Our species is moving forward in spiritual evolution.

    Humans have a specific purpose, a niche in the order of the Universe. We are beings that are capable of cultivating Love. ² Universal Love is an energy vibration, a resonance. It is magnified when it is transferred through the physical medium, when it is expressed in compassionate action. The Teachers are asking us to cultivate and share this energy.

    All of the major religions start with this idea. The Teachers’ directive, however, is not religious. It is spiritual. It is open to everyone. You can follow a structured religion, or not. You can practice rote rituals, or not. What is being requested of us is a spiritual energy practice that transcends religious boundaries, that is expansive and inclusive.

    As you read this book, it is important to keep your energy open to feelings. Making a spiritual change is not something that is done by thinking about it. Intelligence, the ability to solve problems, may help you reach greater understanding. But consciousness, the ability to feel, is how changes are made.

    The Teachers would like us all to practice opening our energy state, to develop a communication pathway to a broader level of wisdom. It is a place where we connect with our ancestors and receive their assistance. Creating this state means cultivating the ability to be both grounded and expanded, simultaneously.

    Being grounded means that our physical body must be a welcoming place for Spirit. It requires us to bring awareness to how we function in our everyday lives. It means that we recognize the choices we make, choices that become either supports or obstacles to spiritual experience. The difference between making choices that feed the ego or that feed the spirit is outlined in Grandmother Dreams. There, the Teachers use a train metaphor.

    A train is a physical object, just as our body is a physical object. Without fuel, the train will not run, it is an empty hull. Without an energy presence, our body will not be alive. Our Ego’s actions are the fuel for our physical presence. We make choices that maintain that train in good working order, or not. Our ego follows through either in service to Spirit, or in service to self.

    Choices that serve our Ego tend to be destructive over time. They are motivated by a short-term desire for pleasure or avoidance of pain. If we habitually make these kind of choices, we feed addictive behaviors. The train’s engine, our body, will run poorly or burn out. On the other hand, choices that serve our Spirit tend to be nourishing over time. They are motivated by a long-term desire for clear connections to self and others, and to the larger context of Life Force. This is the trajectory that aligns with healing, compassionate action, and the Love of the Universe. When our physical presence is fueled by spiritual choices, we travel well on the track that is our soul’s path.

    The Teachers want us to have a personal connection with the Love of the Universe. They want us to access the layer of conscious reality that is realized when we open to the world beyond the five senses, and to use this increased awareness to live in harmony with each other and the planet. In other words, the Teachers support us in traveling our Soul Path.

    Another way to understand transcendence, to be simultaneously grounded and expanded, is through the integration of Point and Zone. Concentrations of energy show up on the radar of our five senses as objects. An object appears as fixed and stable. This is what the Teachers call a Point. Objects do not stand alone. They exist in the context of the space around them. Each Point is located within an area of shared space which the Teachers call The Zone.

    Humans, for example, are Points. We are physical objects. Each of us is separated from other humans by the space between us. Three people sitting in a room are three objects, or three Points. They are separated by the space between them. The room where the people are sitting is in a building, which is an object. It is separated from other buildings in the neighborhood by the space around and between them. The neighborhood itself is a Point, one of many neighborhoods, within the space of a city. The city is a Point, surrounded by the space of a continent which contains many other cities. The continent is a Point on the planet. Our planet is an object that is part of our solar system. Our solar system is a Point, which is part of our galaxy. Our galaxy is a Point, surrounded by the Universe. You can see that everything that is a Point is also a component of a bigger Point, which is a component of an even bigger Point. Everything is both itself, a whole, and also a part of a something else, another whole.

    Every thing is a Point, and every thing is also made up of Points. Let’s look at humans again. Our body is a Point. It is made up of organs, which are Points, with space between them. (If there was no jiggle room, we would be unable to move). Each organ is made up of cells, which are Points. Each cell is made up of molecules, and each molecule is made of atoms ––which are all Points, all surrounded by space. Recall the diagrams of atoms from high school science, showing a nucleus with orbiting electrons. The particles are tiny, orbiting in huge amounts of space, just like planets orbiting in a solar system.

    What connects all of these points, both inside and outside our body, is the space surrounding them. The three people in a room share the space of the room, which is connected to all the space in the neighborhood, on the planet, and inside of atoms. The objects may be seen as separate, but the space within and between every Point is shared. It is continuous from one part/whole to the next part/whole. Whether it is the space within a neighborhood or a human, within a solar system or an atom, it is all the same shared space. This continuous space is called the Zone, and it is the place where energy transfer occurs.

    The Teachers are encouraging us to expand our energies into the space around us, into the Zone. The space between Points is where energy transfer occurs –– energy transfer between humans, between humans and other sentient beings, between The Teachers and ourselves. This is the place where Spirit travels. It is not something that can be intellectualized, or figured out with the brain. It is felt as an intuitive vibration, and allowed as an act of creativity.

    As we become aware of the energy in our bodies, and become aware of how we move that energy, we can be intentional in its vibration. We want to move positive energy without the expectation of return or reward. We want to move positive energy within ourselves and others because the act of doing so improves us. It is not just something to think about, it is something we do. It is an action. It is a lifestyle. The Teachers are encouraging us to engage in a life of spiritual purpose.

    We are coming to the end of a long period when humans have prized rational and intellectual functioning at the expense of the creative and intuitive. Communication technologies and the realizations of a shared planet are turning us into global citizens. We are moving away from individual achievements and toward collaborative energies. This is the kind of movement that aligns with The Shift.

    Universal Wisdom describes it this way: People will need to learn how to talk with hearts ––Honesty, Openness, Speaking Truth. These will all be necessary. Civil face-to-face dialogue will begin.

    You can begin your practice right now. Every time you are with another, think: Face-to-Face, Heart-to-Heart, and Spirit-to-Spirit, My Center Meets Your Center in the Space Between Us. Reach deep, into that which you know is possible, and into that which you do not know. Accept the Mystery and let it guide you. Help yourself into the new world.

    We’re on a mission from God. ~The Blues Brothers

    ¹ Shoals, Jennifer. Grandmother Dreams, Conversations Across the Veil; Balboa Press,


    ² There is a difference between love and Love. Lower-case-L love is a sentimental, conditional state which we refer to when say I love baseball or I love chocolate. Capital-L Love describes a state of spiritual connection. It is the kind of Love that Mother Teresa expressed –– inclusive, compassionate and unconditional.

    ~ 1 ~

    The Nature of God and the Universe

    There is a beautiful organization to our world. It is evident everywhere in Nature. No two snowflakes are alike, for example, but the creation of each one follows an underlying energy pattern. The source of this pattern remains a deep mystery and creates a fountain of human questions. What is God? Where do we come from? Why are we here? What happens when we die?

    Organized religions attempt to answer these questions. Religions, however, are often constrained by history, group behavior, and political structures — they can limit spiritual evolution by reinforcing Ego. Individual growth can and does occur within religion, and it also occurs outside of it. Development of a spiritual identity without Ego requires a very broad perspective, because Spirit exists in a much larger context. Its realm is Nature, Life Force, Timelessness, and the Universe.

    This chapter explores the nature of God and the Universe. The information is intended to help us expand our understanding of our place in the cosmos. It is an invitation to see ourselves, both individually and collectively, as companions of the Creator.

    Before we begin, we need to recognize the importance of words as symbols. They borrow historic meaning from their linguistic stems, and create emotional attachments with their ongoing use. The meaning of some words can vary widely under different circumstances. The word God is one of those words. For those who have been harmed by organized religion, for example, God is a powerfully negative word. But it is still just a word. I use it because, unattached to religion, it is a term that Westerners immediately recognize as a deep reference to spirituality. Substitutes do not confer that depth. In my books, I use God as an inclusive word. It describes an immense collective of energies. The following conversation explores this broader definition:

    I think of the Universe as the All, the Void, the Infinite Everything. And God is … the White Light of Love, Immeasurable Radiance … These words are just weak attempts at definition. How are they connected? Are God and the Universe the same?

    Universal Wisdom: No. They are not the same. There are some differences It is time to understand some of these differences. It is not so important to define them, but understanding a framework will aid comprehension in the future.

    First, we will talk about what God is. God is a force, a form of energy. God is all of the energies of living combined. Not just humans, but all living combined. And not just the present, but all lifetimes and layers combined. God is very powerful in this way. God is all of the knowing and also all of the unknowing, all of the action and all of the action not taken. It is why what you choose to think and feel and do is so important — it all adds into the whole which is God. It is constantly being formed. You are wondering if God is passive or active energy, and the answer is Yes. We will talk about that another time.

    Right now, we want to focus on the relationship between God and the Universe. The Universe is Everything. It is the living and the nonliving and more than that as well. There is so much that humans will never see, because you are blinded by the dream of physical reality that you function in. This is not a problem, it is a gift, because there is so much richness to the experiences you share with God when you are in physical form. It can be a problem when you forget that there is existence beyond the physical dream. This is the process of addiction that was discussed in the first book.

    The purpose of this work is to help people come back to the awareness of a world expanded beyond the physical dream. Not to discard the physical world, but to include it and move farther into other realms, across the veil. To develop the ability to cross the veil and come back, to share the wisdom gained and integrate it into the physical world — to impact the physical world with the wisdom gained from spiritual travel.

    When spiritual travel occurs, the energy that you travel with is God. The place that you travel is the Universe. They are all interwoven, since God exists in the Universe and the Universe feeds God.

    I am feeling a very intense sensation right now. It is something I call Love and Let Go — transcendence, but with much more energy. I am totally grounded and also highly expanded. It is energy concentrated through my belly, a psychic-physical energy that is distracted by intellect.

    Spiritual travel is not an intellectual process. It is readily available to those who are already intellectually inhibited — animals, children, low-iq and other mentally challenged individuals. Adults who have been socialized to worship the intellect have a harder time grasping the skills of spiritual travel. They must learn to let go of intellect, and develop other pathways in order to access the deeper functions of the mind.

    What can be done to develop these pathways?

    Regular practice — at least daily — which involves the movement of energy and increases the awareness of that movement. Walking, relating to Nature, T’ai Chi, yoga, dance, meditation, and many others. These are all well-known vehicles. They are useful if they are done with the awareness of energy and energy movement. Once you are connected to this awareness, it is not that far to move energy in spiritual travel.

    It is important to realize that this is not something that you control. It is something that you allow. It involves surrender. When you are moving energy in this way, when you are traveling with God, you will receive feedback from the Universe.

    I have noticed that sometimes when I relax and connect, a little image of a Buddha pops into my awareness. It is actually a Buddhist Lama, the Holy Man who came to me at the end of the last book. When I connect spiritually, he smiles. He is happy with my progress, happy to see me. I am happy to see him, I smile too and we both feel energy enriching around us.

    This is feedback, of course. Very specific to you, because you are traveling already. For most people, it may not be so direct. It is important to recognize the sensation of connectedness, so that it becomes familiar, so that you can come back again and again.

    Of course, it will change as the path becomes wider, but it is important to have a connecting place, something that tells you when you are there. A Home to return to. As you spend more time connected to this Home, it will become more and more obvious when you are not there. Being disconnected is uncomfortable. This is a good sign.

    God is the energy of spiritual travel … .That is amazingly simple and powerful. I believe that you can create an intention (sometimes called prayer), which at its root is about creating energy. It is creating and channeling energy into the Universe, not for a specific outcome, but adding to an energy manifestation. I can’t be attached to the outcome. I just need to be ready to recognize the manifestation whenever and however it appears. I am creating an energy pathway and then traveling on it as it manifests.

    Maybe that is why God is both passive and active — because there is the active creation of the pathway, and also the passive acceptance that the specific manifestation is out of my control. I actively accept something that feels like the energy fit I am opening to, the harmony of the energy vibration. Is there anyone to comment on this.

    A’riquea : ¹ Yes. This is the area that I work with. I am involved with Intimacy, which describes connecting points of spiritual energy. Humans tend to think of intimacy in human terms, like sex, because that is the most immediate physical sensation. Intimacy is difficult for humans because it involves an intensity which few are skilled at managing. You gravitate towards it and are also frightened by it. The only way to become skilled in Intimacy is to approach it and learn about it. Mistakes will be

    made, because that is one of the ways that learning occurs. Remember that Fear is a Tool .²

    We can discuss that more another time. Right now

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