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Indoor Air Quality

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JUDY MURPHY Industrial Hygienist

Montana Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Bureau

Please tell us
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Your name Where you work What you do Your indoor air quality experience & concerns

Is IAQ Important?
30% of newly constructed or remodeled facilities have IAQ problems Indoor contaminants are responsible for half of all illnesses Liability issues

Owners and managers Architects, builders and developers Product manufacturers Insurers Unions Real estate agents, bankers and sellers

Why is There an Increase in IAQ problems?

More time indoors More chemical pollutants in buildings Tighter buildings and reduced ventilation

Deferred maintenance

Common Health Effects of Indoor Contaminants

Eye, nose and throat irritation Coughing and sneezing Headaches Fatigue Irritability Allergies, sinus congestion Dizziness Difficulty in concentrating

Health Effects Depend on Several Factors

The contaminant The amount of the contaminant present The length of time a person is exposed to the contaminant The vulnerability of the person

Sick Building Syndrome

Symptoms include eye, nose and throat irritation, headache, allergies, fatigue 20% or more of occupants experience same symptoms No medically diagnosable symptoms Complaints persist for more than two weeks Symptoms often lessen after person leaves building

Building-Related Illness
Clinically defined illness or disease

E.g. Asthma, Legionaires Disease, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Symptoms depend on the disease

What are some of the most common IAQ health effects? What four factors determine the health effects of an exposure to hazardous compounds?

Regulations and Standards

Outdoor airborne contaminant levels
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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

Indoor airborne contaminant levels in the workplace


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

ASHRAE Standards 62-1989, 62-2001, 622004, 62.1-2007

ASHRAE Ventilation Standards

ASHRAE 62-1989 Objective of ventilation is satisfaction of 80% of inhabitants

OSHA Permissible Exposure Levels (PELs)

Time-weighted average concentrations that must not be exceeded during any 8-hour workshift of a 40-hour workweek Legally enforceable Measured in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3)

Threshold Limit Values (TLVs)

Time-weighted average concentration for a conventional 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek, to which it is believed that nearly all workers can be repeatedly exposed, day after day, without adverse effect Guidelines Generally more conservative than PELs

Problem - Causing Compounds

Chemicals Combustion products Respirable particles and gases Biological aerosols


Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Carbon-containing compounds that evaporate rapidly Examples
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Benzene Toluene Styrene Perchloroethylene Pesticides

Volatile Organic Compounds (Sources)

Paints, stains, varnishes Waxes Polishes Solvents Pesticides Adhesives Wood preservatives Cleansers Lubricants Air fresheners Fuels Plastics Copy machines, printers Tobacco products Perfumes Dry cleaned clothing

Headache Dizziness Lack of coordination Nervousness Irritability Insomnia Confusion Loss of concentration Speech difficulties Depression Impaired judgment Memory deficits Visual disturbances ECG changes Weakness Fatigue Paralysis

Integrated Pest Management

IPM Steps
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Set action thresholds Monitor and identify pests Prevention Control

Used in plywood, paneling, particleboard, wallboard, fiberglass, adhesives Sometimes in ceiling tiles, wallpaper, furniture, draperies, clothing Even low levels can cause difficulties in breathing, burning of eyes nose and throat, coughing; a human carcinogen PEL 0.75 ppm; TLV ceiling limit 0.3 ppm

Solvent used in dry cleaning, metal cleaning and degreasing Can cause irritation of eyes, nose, throat and skin, liver and kidney damage, CNS depression Considered an animal carcinogen and probable human carcinogen PEL 100 ppm; TLV 25 ppm

Perchloroethylene MSDS Exercise

What are VOCs? What are some sources of VOCs What are some alternatives to pesticides?


Combustion Products
Carbon monoxide (CO) Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) Oxides of sulfur (SOx) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) Tobacco Smoke components

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Colorless, odorless, tasteless poisonous gas Produced as a by-product of combustion Deprives the body of oxygen by binding to blood hemoglobin and displacing oxygen molecules

Carbon Monoxide
Symptoms are headache, dizziness, drowsiness and nausea Severe exposure results in vomiting, collapse, coma and death PEL 50 ppm; TLV 25 ppm Body systems most affected are the brain, the heart, and the developing fetus

Carbon Monoxide
Low levels of exposure - more frequent attacks of angina, reduced athletic performance, heart attacks Moderate exposures - loss of attentiveness, decreased visual perception, manual dexterity, learning ability and driving ability Smoking cause of the greatest human exposure

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Colorless, odorless, tasteless gas at room temperature Present in exhaled human breath Combustion by-product Naturally present in an unpolluted environment at about 300 ppm

Carbon Dioxide
CO2 levels above 800 ppm may indicate inadequate ventilation ASHRAE recommended indoor air quality limit for CO2 is 1000 ppm PEL 5000 ppm; TLV 5000 ppm

Tobacco Smoke
Respirable particles and gases, including benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia and VOCs Sidestream smoke from cigarette contains higher concentrations of some toxic and carcinogenic substances than mainstream smoke inhaled by smoker

Tobacco Smoke
Causes lung cancer in nonsmokers as well as smokers Increased respiratory infections in children Irritation of upper respiratory tract, coughing, wheezing, sneezing, headache, sinus problems, asthma, increased cardiovascular risk

Which combustion by-products would you expect to see in smog? Which compound is sometimes used as a measure of ventilation efficiency?


Respirable Particles & Gases

Asbestos Fiberglass Silica Metal dust Tobacco smoke components Organic dust
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Pollen Mold spores Paper dust


Group of indestructable highly fibrous minerals Separated fibers are long, thin, flexible, heat resistant, able to be spun and woven Health effects: lung cancer, mesothelioma, asbestosis, pleural plaques Airborne concentration in homes and schools 30 to 6,000 fibers/m3 PEL 0.1 fiber/cc; TLV 0.1 fiber/cc

Indestructable, non-biodegradable, adaptable metal Romans used lead to line aqueducts, as mortar, in plumbing and to sweeten wine Was used in gasoline, batteries, paints, ceramic glazes, ammunition, fishing sinkers, metal toys

Three quarters of the nations housing contains lead-based paint Children are at greater risk for lead poisoning than adults
Hand to mouth activity Developing body systems more easily affected o Action level is 10 micrograms per deciliter (g/dl)
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Lead Chronic Exposure Health Effects

Loss of appetite Metallic taste in mouth Anxiety Constipation Nausea Palor Excessive tiredness Weakness Insomnia Headache Nervous irritability Muscle and joint pain or soreness Fine tremors Numbness Dizziness Hyperactivity Colic, with severe abdominal pain

Chronic Effects of Lead Poisoning in Children

Fetal development abnormalities Decreased intelligence Slowed neurological development Reading and learning problems Reduced attention span

Chronic Effects of Lead Poisoning in Children (cont.)

Hearing loss Behavioral problems such as hyperactivity Stunted growth Permanent damage to the brain, nervous system and kidneys

Sources of Potential Exposure to Lead

Lead-based paint Lead-contaminated dust Lead-contaminated soil Candle wicks Pewter and silver products Lead crystal Some lead-glazed pottery and porcelain Some imported mini-blinds

Naturally occurring radioactive gas Colorless, odorless, tasteless Causes no symptoms of irritation or discomfort No early signs of exposure Testing a building is the only way to evaluate exposure Action level is 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L)

Radon Health Effects

Damage by alpha radiation to tissue of lungs and respiratory tract 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year Non-smokers risk of lung cancer at 4 pCi/L is 2 in 1000 Smokers risk of lung cancer at 4 pCi/L is 20 in 1000

Testing for Radon

Test in lowest livable area in building Close all doors and windows 12 hours before testing Do not test in kitchen or bathroom Place monitor at least 20 inches above floor Test during coldest months of the year

Radon Control Measures

Increasing the ventilation in the building Sealing the foundation Sub-slab depressurization

Sub-Slab Depressurization

What are some of the health effects of lead exposure? How can you tell if a building has elevated radon levels?


Substances that are living or were released from a living organism Examples
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Bacteria Fungi Pollen Viruses Dust mites

Dust Mites

Dust Mites
Microscopic relatives of spiders Feed on dead skin scales and other organic debris 2,000,000 in an average bed Dust mite feces - a common allergen Prefer relative humidity level above 55%

Smallest and simplest of all life forms Depend completely on their hosts for reproduction Continually undergo evolutionary change Examples
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Influenza HIV Rhinovirus

Hanta Virus
Carried in wild rodents, especially deer mice Can cause respiratory failure and death Approximately 43 % of diagnosed cases have been fatal Infection is caused by inhalation of airborne particles of infected urine, droppings or saliva from infected animals

Hanta Virus Precautions

Seal any holes larger than a dime Air out unused buildings before entering Wear a NIOSH-approved mask when cleaning Spray surfaces with disinfectant, leave for 15 minutes, then sweep Wash hard surfaces with disinfectant

Single-celled prokaryotic organisms Most are very small spheres, rods or filaments Reproduce by simple cell division Some produce endospores, which are extremely resistant to harsh conditions A few require living hosts

Bacteria in Indoor Environments

Higher concentrations indoors than outdoors Majority of bacteria in air are shed from human skin and respiratory tracts Examples of infectious bacteria
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Legionella spp. Staphlococcus aureus Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Bacterial Toxins
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Excreted Clostridium botulinum exotoxin - one of the most powerful poisons known Part of cell wall of gram negative bacteria Highly toxic fever, malaise, changes in white blood cell counts, respiratory distress, shock, even death

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Mold? Where??

Mold on ceiling and walls

Mold in a closet

Mold in air duct

Fungi as Food
Mushrooms Soy sauce Yeast Bread Cheese Wine Beer

Mucor species

Penicillium species

Aspergillus niger

Aspergillus fumigatus

Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans

Growing Conditions
Optimum water activity
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Above 0.90 in substrate, for most species 56F to 86F, for most species Inhibits growth of some types of molds Stimulates spore production in many species

Optimum temperature range Light

Fungal Metabolism
Enzymes secreted to digest external food sources, which are then absorbed Must have adequate moisture available

Metabolic Products

Carbon dioxide, water, ethanol Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOCs) Mycotoxins and antibiotics

VOCs with distinctive offensive odors Possibly responsible for some illnesses Different compounds emitted on different media Type and quantity change with phases of growth Highest MVOC production is prior to and during spore production and mycotoxin production

Produced to inhibit or kill competitors May cause serious short term and long term health effects Over 200 recognized mycotoxins, and many more not yet discovered Toxins production varies with the species, the conditions and the substrate

General Health Effects

Sinus congestion Sneezing Coughing, Eye irritation Asthma Bronchitis Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Infectious diseases, e.g. ringworm, athletes foot, nail infections, Histoplasmosis, Valley Fever

Mycotoxin Health Effects

Mucous membrane irritation Cold and flu symptoms Sore throat Headache Fatigue Diarrhea Skin rashes Dizziness Nausea Immunosuppression Birth defects Tremors Hemorrhaging Cytotoxicity Hepatotoxicity Nephrotoxicity Cancer

One of the most potent carcinogens known to man Linked to a variety of health problems FDA maximum allowable level is 20 ppb Produced by some species of Aspergillus

T-2 Toxin
A tricothecene toxin Produced by species of Fusarium mold One of the more deadly toxins Ingestion in sufficient quantity can cause rapid death due to internal hemorrhage Implicated in alimentary toxic aleukia and pulmonary hemosiderosis Damage is often permanent

Associated with some species of Fusarium mold Commonly found in corn Has resulted in dozens of deaths of horses and swine Causes crazy horse disease or leukoencephalomalcia, a liquifaction of the brain Chronic low-level exposure in humans has been linked to esophageal cancer

Satratoxin H
Produced by Stachybotrys, Trichoderma and other molds High doses or chronic low doses are lethal Abortogenic in animals Believed to alter the immune system function

Stachybotrys chartarum (atra)

Grows on building material with high cellulose content and low nitrogen content Optimum water activity is 0.94 Areas with relative humidity above 55% and subject to temperature fluctuations are ideal for toxin production Changing humidity may induce heavy sporulation Spores are covered with slime; not easily airborne

Stachybotrys Effects
Chronic exposure effects: cold and flu symptoms, sore throats, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, dermatitis, intermittent local hair loss, generalized malaise Toxins suppress the immune system, affecting lymphoid tissue and bone marrow

Stachybotrys Effects (cont.)

Animals injected with Stachybotrys exhibited necrosis and hemorrhage within the brain, thymus, spleen, intestine, lung, heart, lymph node, liver and kidney Toxin is reported to be a liver and kidney carcinogen

Stachybotrys - contaminated straw and normal straw

Stachybotrys and other mold on sheetrock

Stachybotrys in ventilation tunnel

Stachybotrys on fiberglass insulation backing

Water-Damaged Ceiling

Flooded Room After Remediation

Water-Damaged Wallpaper

Stachybotrys, Aspergillus and Penicillium in Basement


Difficulties in Mold Sampling

No TLVs or PELs Fungus might not be producing spores at the time of sampling Spores might be adhering to surfaces rather than airborne Spores might not survive impaction Spores might not grow on the media used Colonies might be overgrown by others and not detected Organism might be very slow growing

Types of Mold Sampling

Bulk samples Surface samples - tape Surface samples - swab Air samples using impaction onto agar Air samples using spore trap methods

When Sampling Results Indicate Serious Mold Problem

Total indoor levels are higher than total outdoor levels Fungi indoors are different from outdoors or non-complaint areas Fungi are allergenic or toxigenic Area is likely to be disturbed Present or past water or high humidity

Key Remediation Steps

Correct the moisture problem that led to the mold growth Remove all contaminated porous materials
Use proper PPE Containment and negative pressure to prevent spread of spores o Minimize dust production o Decontamination
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Key Remediation Steps (cont.)

Clean all contaminated non-porous materials
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HEPA vacuum Disinfectant or soap and water

Personal Protective Equipment for Remediation Work

For minimal mold growth
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N-95 respirator Gloves N-95 respirator Gloves Eye protection Full-body covering

For moderate to extensive mold growth

Remediation Resources
NY City Department of Health Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments moldrpt1.html Mold Remediation in School and Commercial Buildings (EPA)

Remediation and General Information Resources

Mold in My Home: What Do I Do?

Mold in My School: What Do I do?

Mold in Indoor Workplaces

What is the first thing you should look for when there is a suspected mold problem? What kind of personal protective equipment should you wear if you are removing moldy sheetrock?


Purpose - Remove or dilute airborne contaminants Supply air - mixture of outside air and re-circulated air

HVAC Systems
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Air intakes, dampers, filters Heating & cooling units, coils, drain pans Ductwork Supply vents Exhaust vents Plenum

ASHRAE Outdoor Airflow Requirements, 62.1-2004

Vbz = RpPz+RaAz
Vbz = Breathing zone outdoor airflow Rp = Outdoor airflow rate required per person as determined from Table 6-1 o Pz = zone population o Ra = Outdoor airflow rate required per unit area as determined from Table 6-1 o Az = zone floor area
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Acceptable Temperature Ranges, ASHRAE 62.1-2004

Dry bulb at 30% relative humidity:
Winter: 68.5F 76.0F

Summer: 74.0F 80.0F

When Good HVAC Systems Go Bad

Poorly balanced systems
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Areas with stale air

Drafty areas Contaminant buildup Uncomfortable temperatures Odors from other areas of the building

Poorly Located Air Intakes

Entrainment of vehicle exhaust from parking areas Entrainment of bioaerosols from debris on the ground Entrainment of exhaust from adjacent roof vents, e.g. HVAC system, sewer

Poor Filters or Poor Filter Maintenance

Excessive dust and dirt in the supplied air Insects

Mold spores

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Energy loss Can draw contaminants into ducts

Duct liners

Can degrade; particles enter supplied air

Pressure imbalance
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Air to air heat exchanger cracks Duct leakage Tight building

Combustion contaminants are drawn into the building

Ventilation to Meet Occupant Needs

ASHRAE Standards Temperature Relative Humidity Minimum outdoor air requirements CO2 levels below 1000 ppm

Outdoor air supplied at 15 cfm/person

Ventilation Engineering Controls

Modify ventilation system Modify pressure relationships Filters Ion generators Humidification systems

IAQ Inspection DVD

How often should ducts be cleaned? What level of carbon dioxide indicates adequate ventilation? Should a shop area be at positive or negative pressure relative to the rest of the building?


Challenges When Evaluating IAQ Problems

Contaminants and their sources are not always obvious Problems may be cyclical or episodic Only a few employees may complain of a problem The situation may become emotionally charged

IAQ Inspection Steps

Building history Brief walk-through Symptoms Inspection Air monitoring Report, with recommendations

Can identify the cause of many IAQ problems Building history questionnaires Symptoms questionnaires HVAC questionnaires

EPAs I-BEAM Software

Available on the Internet at:

Walk-Through Inspection
Outside sources Building exterior HVAC system Boiler room Attic Crawlspace Occupied spaces Wall cavities Storage spaces

Look Into:
Ceilings, walls, floors, furnishings Water damage Odors Remodeling Insulation falling into work area Plumbing leaks and mold in crawlspaces

Look Into:
Fluorescent light fixtures Frequently damp areas Pets & aquariums Humidifiers Backdrafting possiblilities Ergonomic factors Stress & tension

Mold in basement

Vinyl wall-covering, after flooding

Poor Outside Drainage Design

Ceiling mold

Moldy wall

Ceiling Tile Stain

Mold on AC Ductwork

Mold in Laundry Room

IAQ Tools
EPAs Building Air Quality EPAs Tools for Schools I-BEAM software Monitoring equipment

Monitoring Basic Parameters

CO CO2 Temperature Relative humidity Air flow rates

Formaldehyde Sampling

Dilution is the solution When all else fails, ventilate


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