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Wild Kids Afterschool Packing List

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! Bay pack (small backpack)
! Rain }acket
! Shoes that you uon't minu getting muuuy
! Clothes that can get uiity (We encouiage long pants to piotect fiom the evei
vigilant mosquitoes!)
! Plastic bag (gioceiy)
! Watei bottle
! Sunscieen, Sunglasses, Bat
! Insect iepellant (This is optional, as we tiy to use it as iaiely as possible. Wilu guiues caiiy
non-toxic, ueet-fiee iepellant, as well.)
! Snacks
! Wilu }ouinal (We will make these uuiing oui fiist session.)
! Wiiting implement
" A positive attituue anu open minuset
0ptional: Cameia, Binoculais, Compass, Fiist Aiu Kit (0ui Wilu uuiues caiiy Fiist Aiu Kits,
but some kius like to caiiy theii own. If youi chilu biings a Fiist Aiu Kit, it shoulu only incluue basic
wounu caie: banu-aius anu antibiotic cieam.)

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! Eveiything that you biing on weekuay hikes
! A lunch

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Electionic games
Nice clothes that you ieally caie about keeping clean
Bianu new shoes
An enoimous backpack
Noans, gioans, oi phones (seiiously, no cell phones*)
*If youi chilu has a cell phone, he oi she may keep it in hei school backpack anu get it aftei the hike.
0ui Wilu uuiues caiiy phones foi communication with paients.

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