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Live Lean Forever 2.0 Report1

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By picking up this value packeu anu upuateu !"#$ !

$&' ()*$#$* +,-

iepoit, you aie taking the fiist step to becoming 1 of my 1u,uuu
Tiansfoimation Nission success stoiies.
Beie aie the (.//01/23 you'ie about to get fiom this iepoit:
! NEWLY UPDATED: Easy to implement: 10 Steps To Healthy
Eating guide.
! NEWLY UPDATED: Free breakfast, lunch, supper, and snack recipes
from my Team Lean Inner Circle Members Site.
! NEW: A sample workout from my Live Lean Afterburn workout
! My two favorite abs/core sculpting & strengthening workout routines
from my Awaken The Abs Within program.
! The full introductory chapter from my Awaken The Abs Within
PLUS These Extra Bonuses
! NEWLY UPDATED: My printable Grocery List (when you Like
us on Facebook)
! NEWLY UPDATED: Instant access to my FAT BURNING Cooking
Videos (when you Subscribe to our YouTube Channel)

Enjoy All The FREE STUFF!
!"#$ &'()*' +() ,#-#."#/ &'.0 ,#1(,& 20 2 3($)04 +() '2"#
1#,5.00.($ &( #652.7 .& &( 8,.#$/0 2$/ 825.7+ (, 0'2,# .& ($ 0(-.27
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&'# *.8& (8 '#27&' 2$/ 8.&$#00?
4135!617/.8 The content uiscusseu in this iepoit is foi euucational anu
infoimational puiposes only. Even though the wiitei is a ceitifieu
fitness anu nutiition piofessional, it is not intenueu to ieplace the
meuical auvice of youi uoctoi oi health piofessional. Always consult a
uoctoi oi health piofessional befoie staiting any fitness oi nutiition
plan. The infoimation in this iepoit coveis geneial nutiitional
guiuelines to inciease the awaieness of healthy eating. It is not intenueu
to ieplace any cuiient meuical oi physical tieatments foi youi specific
If fuithei fitness oi nutiition auvice is iequiieu, contact Biau uouthio
Fitness (http:www.biaugouthiofitness.comcontact) oi youi local
meuical oi fitnessnutiition piofessional. Any injuiy, uamage oi loss
allegeu to be causeu uiiectly oi inuiiectly by the content in this iepoit is
1uu% at the iisk of the usei. The authoi anu publishei shall not be helu
liable noi iesponsible foi any peison oi entity iegaiuing the
infoimation containeu in this iepoit.
The 0.S. Foou anu Biug Auministiation oi any othei countiy's health
goveinmental bouy has not evaluateu the infoimation containeu in this
iepoit. This infoimation is not intenueu to cuie, tieat, oi pievent any
foim of uisease oi cancei. By taking possession anu uownloauing this
iepoit, you acknowleuge that you have ieau anu unueistoou anu agiee
to the teims anu conuitions founu within this legal anu health
All iights ieseiveu. No pait of this iepoit can be iepiouuceu without the
wiitten peimission of Biau uouthio Fitness.

0$9)*$ :$ ;<&*<= >$< ?$ @A;< ;&B <C";D') ?&<<$* :C&< B)A*
EA**$'< C$&><C ;"<A&<")' ";D"< "; F);;"G>$,
@& .0 1(00.37# &(A
.look anu feel bettei
.finu moie eneigy
.get youi confiuence back oi finu the confiuence you've nevei hau
@& .0 1(00.37# &(A
;,2$08(,5 B(), C#27&' D E."# E#2$ FGH I2+0 J B#2,
In fact, it's my mission to tiansfoim the health of 1u,uuu people by
euucating anu inspiiing them to:
5C));$ C"HC$* IA&>"<B ./6! 9))J; K
0B ?)#"'H <C$"* G)JB 7L./ $99$E<"#$>B,
@ -277 .& 5+ ;,2$08(,52&.($ KL4LLL M.00.($A

Anu I want you to be one of my tiansfoimation success stoiies.
All you neeu to uo is follow anu INPLENENT my sustainable tips, tiicks,
seciets, anu stiategies into youi eveiyuay lifestyle.
That's what makes me teachings aie intenueu to be
maintainable ovei the long-teim. It's not about quick unsustainable
fixes. In fact.
@ CJ;! :JI I@!;N
You know the ones.
MNC$ O-- E&>)*"$;PJ&B Q5R 4"$<S TF)FA>&* "' Q)>>B:))JU
MV W&EX 6G; "' V 7"'A<$;S T?B ?);< C&<$J )'$U

R'+ /( @ '2&# &'#0# *.55.-90V
Because when people can't sustain these stiict anu uniealistic uiets.
.they think they faileu
.thus subconsciously classifying themselves as failuies
.anu ultimately give up completely on tiying to live a healthy lifestyle.

;'# &,)&' .04 +() 2,# $(& 82.7.$*A
;'# *.55.-9+ /.#&0 2,# 82.7.$* +()?

Even though it may not sounu as sexy oi sell as many books.
N5277 0)0&2.$237# -'2$*#0 ("#, &'# 7($*6&#,5
2,# &'# ,#27 <2+0 &( 7."# 2 7#2$ 7.8#0&+7#=
Anu that's what it shoulu be about.

Living the lean lifestyle:
Is sustainable over the long-term
Is flexible when life throws you a curve ball
Does not mean you can never have treat meal
Allows you to enjoy life while still feeling great about yourself
Is possible.
Inteiesteu in leaining moie.
R#77 9##1 ,#2/.$* 3#-2)0# +()W,# 23()& &( *#& 0-'((7#/ .$ '(<
0.517# .& .0 &( >"#$ >$&' 9)*$#$*=

E!; M! X! XEUY;A

I mean come uoesn't take a genius to iealize something
is flaweu with the !"#$% #'"()%*+,-
}ust look at these iiuiculous stats:
.//0*"#'1 %0 2 )%("+ 3+ *$)$2*/4$*) 2% 5060*2"0 7'#8$*)#%+9
(8 277 <(5#$ .$ &'# UN 2,# ($ 2 /.#&?
(8 277 527#0 .$ &'# UN 2,# ($ 2 /.#&?

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1,(/)-&0 .$ &'# UN #"#,+ +#2,?

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B)A* G)JB <) H&"' :$"HC<,

X)& .&W0 $(& +(), &(&277+ BSUT 82)7&

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N1#-.8.-277+ :((/ M2$)82-&),#,0 ;'2& J,#
M2$)82-&),.$* M6JJ"E<")'S @$ ;'#,# :((/0=

E#& 5# 1)& .& &'.0 <2+A
N)*2, .0 &'# -(-2.$# (8 &'# 8((/ <(,7/=
I tiuly think it is an auuictive uiug.
.//0*"#'1 %0 %4$ 7B H$=2*%G$'% 0> .1*#/(6%(*$9
;'# 2"#,2*# J5#,.-2$ -($0)5#0 5(,# &'2$ KHL730 (8 0)*2, 2$/
0<##&#$#,0 1#, +#2,=
If my math is iight, that's almost 22 teaspoons of sugai pei uay.
Anu uon't think you'ie safe if you'ie uiinking u caloiie, aitificially
sweeteneu uiinks.
Stuuies show people that uiink aitificially sweeteneu uiinks will
actually enu up being even fattei aftei a few yeais because aitificial
sweeteneis may inuuce sugai ciavings.
Q$*$2; NC$ ./6! W.L0!/7D
Z$ &*$ ')< $&<"'H 9))J &'B?)*$D
Z$2*$ $&<"'H F*)JAE<;Y
aT#27 8((/b such as veggies, fiuit, nuts, seeus, beef, poultiy, wilu fish,
etc. is being ieplaceu by a/#2/ 8((/b that is full of pieseivatives, sugai,
anu hyuiogenateu tians fats.

X)& R2.&AN)*2,0 J,#$W& ;'# S$7+ J//.-&."# J//.&."#
}ust look up the effects of the auuitive "NSu".
In fact, if you google: NSu obesity inuuceu iats, this photo will show up:

Both iats weie feu the same uiet EXCEPT the fat iat's uiet on the iight
incluueu the foou auuitive NSu!
NSu is now in appioximately 8u% of piocesseu foou anu it 529#0 +()
<2$& &( #2& 5(,# 8((/=
R#W,# M3<&*#"'HS @$ ;'# R#0&#,$ N(-.#&+A
N&2,".$*V C(< -2$ <# 3# 0&2,".$* .8 cL_ (8 )0 2,# ("#,<#.*'&V
This auuiction anu tiansition fiom whole foous to piocesseu foous is
staiving us >*0G 2 62/; 0> '(%*#$'%) but.
We'ie being oveifeu C#%4 $G=%+ /260*#$) (which is why society is fat)!
C(< M#00#/ U1 @0 ;'2&V
We'ie oveiweight, but we'ie essentially staiving to ueath because we'ie
unuei nouiisheu.
0[N NQ6N23 60L[N NL 6!! 5Q6\R/
By picking up this value packeu anu upuateu !"#$ !$&' ()*$#$* +,-
iepoit, you aie taking the fiist step to becoming 1 of my 1u,uuu
Tiansfoimation Nission success stoiies.
Beie aie the (.//01/23 you'ie about to get fiom !"#$ !$&' ()*$#$* +,-8
! NEWLY UPDATED: Easy to implement: 10 Steps To Healthy
Eating guide.
! NEWLY UPDATED: Free breakfast, lunch, supper, and snack recipes
from my Team Lean Inner Circle Members Site.
! NEW: A sample workout from my Live Lean Afterburn workout
! My two favorite abs/core sculpting & strengthening workout routines
from my Awaken The Abs Within program.
! The full introductory chapter from my Awaken The Abs Within
PLUS These Extra Bonuses
! NEWLY UPDATED: My printable Grocery List (when you Like
us on Facebook)
! NEWLY UPDATED: Instant access to my FAT BURNING Cooking
Videos (when you Subscribe to our YouTube Channel)
N( C(< R.77 B() Q$(< R'#$ B() J,# ;,)7+
!"#"'H NC$ !$&' !"9$;<B>$]
You'll know when you have the.
;'# E."# E#2$ >2,2/.*5 N'.8&

The paiauigm shift goes like this.
1 Z6\N NQ6N= 0[N 1 56\2N Q6^/ 1N
1 56\ Q6^/ 1N= 0[N 1 4L\2N Z6\N 1NY
;,)0& 5#A.&W0 2 7.3#,2&.$* 8##7.$*A2$/ .&W0
-7(0#, &'2$ +() &'.$9=
!$d(+ &'# ,#0& (8 &'# (.//01/23Y
!"#$ !$&'=

6\_L\/ 56\ !L3/ `-!03D
0[N 56\ _L[ a//W 1N L(( (L. !1(/]
You can answei this question with a confiuent B!N if you follow my.
KL N&#10e ;( C#27&'+ !2&.$*
3N/W `8

3N/W +8

3N/W b8

3N/W c8

3N/W O8

3N/W V8

3N/W d8

3N/W e8

3N/W f8

3N/W `-8

;#25 E#2$ T#-.1#0

If you like these iecipes, you can finu ovei 8u otheis (anu giowing) at my Awaken
The Abs Within Innei Ciicle Nembeis Section:
J I2+W0 N2517# M#27 >72$
M#27 fK 6 X,#29820& g N()&'<#0&#,$ N-,2537#/ !**0
M#27 f] 6 M./6M(,$.$* N$2-9 g O2,7.- P(-($)& N',.51
M#27 f F 6 >,#6R(,9()& g !"#$%& ("#)%#* +,-.%/ +0%%1 231413* 5
!"#$%#& ()*++*,-
!"#$ &' g !"#$6!"#$"%& g !"#"#" %&'& ()*+,&# -."/,
M#27 fH 6 I.$$#, g O7)&#$ :,## P'.-9#$ >.hh2
!"#$ &' 6 !"#$% !"#$ !"#$% g !"#$ &'()* ! #$%&%'()* +,%)*-. /$(0*

NC"; 1; NC$ ."HC< Z&B N) /&<Y

M#27 fK 6 X,#29820&
N()&'<#0&#,$ N-,2537#/ !**0

@$*,#/.#$&0 iK 0#,".$*je

- V cup choppeu ieu bell peppei
- 1 tbsp of coconut oil
- cup of choppeu onion
- 4 whole eggs
- 2 tbsp of salsa
- uiceu avocauo
- salt & peppei to taste


1. Beat coconut oil in a pan anu cook the peppeis anu onions ovei
meuium heat.
2. Nix the eggs in a bowl then poui ovei ieu peppeis anu onions.
S. Sciamble the eggs until cookeu thioughly.
4. Auu to a plate anu top with salsa anu avocauo slices.

Y)&,.&.($ @$8(e
Caloiies: 4u7 Piotein: 2Sg Caibohyuiates: 7g Fat: S1g
M#27 f] 6 M./6M(,$.$* N$2-9
O2,7.- P(-($)& N',.51

!"#$%&'%"() +, )%$-'"#.!

- 1 tbsp of coconut oil
- 1 clove of minceu gailic
- 1 minceu shallot
- 1 cup of shiimp
- 2 tbsp of unsweeteneu shieuueu coconut
- 1 tbsp juice of a lemon
- 1 tbsp of uill


1. Beat coconut oil ovei meuium high heat in a pan anu saut gailic anu
the shallot foi 1-2 mins.
2. Auu shiimp anu cook thoioughly (appioximately S-4 mins)
S. Coat shiimp with coconut, lemon juice, anu uill.
4. Enjoy.

Y)&,.&.($27 @$8(: Caloiies: 18S Piotein: 2Sg Caibs: 4g Fat: 9g

M#27 fF 6 >,#6R(,9()&
;),9#+ X),*#,4 N<##& >(&2&(4 N&#25#/

uo heie:
To watch the cooking show of me making these buigeis

@$*,#/.#$&0 iK] 0#,".$*0 (8 &),9#+ 3),*#,0?j:

- 2 lbs of giounu tuikey
- 1 whole egg
- 1 egg white
- 12 avocauo
- 12 small onion
- heibsspices (uill, italian, pink sea salt, salt, oiegano, black peppei,
cayenne peppei)
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 4 tbsp watei
- 1 sweet potato (sliceu)
- hanuful of bioccoli
- balsamic vinegai
- cinnamon


;),9#+ X),*#,e

1. Nix all tuikey buigei ingieuients in bowl.
2. Cieate golf ball sizeu tuikey balls.
S. Beat fiying pan gieaseu with coconut oil ovei low to miu heat.
4. Auu tuikey balls anu flatten each with a spatula to make them into
S. Cook until they tuin goluen biown (appiox. S mins), then flip to cook

N<##& >(&2&( D X,(--(7.e

1. Slice sweet potato into slices.
2. In a pot, auu 1 tsp of coconut oil, anu 4 tbsp of watei.
S. Beat on meuium heat anu auu sweet potato slices. Covei anu cook foi
S mins.
4. Steam bioccoli.
S. 0nce sweet potatoes with cinnamon anu top the
bioccoli with balsamic vinegai.
6. Enjoy!

Y)&,.&.($27 @$8(: Cal: 48u Piotein: S6g Caibs: SSg Fat: 1Sg

M#27 f[ g >(0& R(,9()&
X2$2$2 Q.<. >,(&#.$ N'29#


- ! #$%&'() *+ ,-$. /%*0$'( /*,1$%
- ! !"# %& '()*+
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- ! #$%$
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K= !"#$% ' ($)*+,

Y)&,.&.($27 @$8( i1#, kj: Cal: Su9 Piotein: Sug Caibs: 4Sg Fat: 1g

M#27 fH
O7)&#$ :,## P'.-9#$ >.hh2

- ! !"#$% %''(
- !"# !"# %& !%!%'"( &)%"*
- !"# !"# %& '(%")* &+,-.//* 01 2"3 45%+/ &+,-.//*. 65/) '(%")* 65/7 8)
! #$%&'((%$)
- !"# !"# !%!%&"' ()*+
- !"#$%&%'()"% +, +-%+" ./ 0%" 1-#2() !"#$%&' $&)%$ *+,)-' +.$ $&)%$
- !"#$%" '$()*
- !""#$% '()'#$*
- !"#$%&'

2. !"#$#%& ()#* &( !"# !"
S. !"# %&&'( )*)*+,- ./*,0( ./1#'%%2'( 1+2 )*)*+,- 3"/4 "+ 1 5*6/7 8'9*,/2
!"# %& '()*(+,-!"#$ &'(($)*
4. !"" $%&'($)*(+,$ -. -/$-(
S. !"#$% '#!"#$%&' )*)%! +& ,*-.&/ 0#%%' *&1 )2*"% ,*''%! .&'+ * ".!"2%
!" $!% &'()*"+ $,- ./01$2
6. !"#$ &'( !" !"#$% '(") *+,$-% ./01 2-31+ $"41 52+ /#2-31+ !" !"#$%
7. !"#$% '()*+, -%./#0 #12 3*#4 #15(#1 /(.-$0 /2*+(-40 (+6 -11)$6
!"#!$%&' !"#$% '()%* +*,-"%* .,* /0 1!"#$%& ()*+", "-#&!-./01

Y)&,.&.($27 @$8( i1#, kj: Cal: 41u Piotein: 24g Caibs: 1ug Fat: 1Sg
!"#$ !" g !"#$% '"() *+,-.
!"#$ &'()*


- Bunule of Kale (with miuule stems cut out - only use kale leaves)
- 0live 0il
- Cayenne Peppei (anu any othei spice you like i.e. gailic powuei, etc)
- Sea Salt
- Lemon }uice


1. Pieheat oven to SSu uegiee F.
2. Lay paichment papei oi tin foil on top of a baking sheet.
S. Lay Kale leaves on top of foil.
4. Spiinkle Kale with olive oil, spices, sea salt, anu lemon juice.
S. Bake foi 1S-2u mins oi until Kale becomes ciispy (keep a close eye
not to oveicook).

Wash it uown with a Chocolate Piotein Shake (auu 1 seiving of
chocolate piotein powuei, ice cubes, anu watei to a blenuei. Blenu.)

Y)&,.&.($27 @$8(: Cal: 16S Piotein: Sug Caibs: ug Fat: Sg
P'#-9 S)& M+ N(($6;(6X# T#7#20#/
Y!R K] R!!Q
!1^/ !/6\ 6(N/.0[.\
Although nutiition is veiy impoitant to becoming a Tiansfoimation
1u,uuu success stoiy. it isn't the be all, enu all.
The seconu pait of my mission is to euucate you on how to move youi
bouy moie effectively.
In othei woius, giving you the PLAN to Live Lean by builuing lean sexy
muscle, buining stubboin bouy fat, anu buining the most amount of
caloiies, in the least amount of time.
With my new K] <##9 E@`! E!JY J:;!TXUTY woikout piogiam, you
will be buining N0RE CAL0RIES while you sleep. Yep, while you'ie
counting sheep.
This woikout piogiam uesign follows ;E"$'<"9"E&>>B F*)#$' stuuies on
how to fiie up the "afteibuin effect". In othei woius, how to get youi
bouy to buin N0RE caloiies up to 48 houis aftei you leave the gym.
The specific exeicises, iest peiious, set stiuctuie, anu tiaining styles aie
all tailoieu to ignite youi afteibuin effect. Inteiesteu in checking it out.
You'ie in luck.heie's a woikout sample fiom my 12 week Live Lean
Afteibuin woikout piogiam.
uive the woikout a tiy anu then visit me on Facebook anu let me know
what you think: http:www.facebook.combiaugouthiofitness

E."# E#2$ J8&#,3),$ R(,9()& N2517#e

7B N:) (&#)*"<$ 6G; Z)*X)A< .)A<"'$;

T#"& ?B MJ<29#$ ;'# J30 R.&'.$b 1,(*,25j
I always change up my abs ioutine but heie aie my two all-time favoiite
abs ciicuits.
No bieaks anu in ciicuit foimat.
This piogiam usually takes 1u-1S mins to complete.
N-)71&.$* D I#8.$.$* J30 T()&.$# m F -.,-).&0 i$( 3,#290j
!m#,-.0# T#1 T2$*#
A1. Banging Leg Raise 1S-2u
A2. Bigh Cable Rope Kneeling Ciunch 2u-Su
AS. Becline Bip Raise 1S-2u
A4. Bouble Ciunch 2u-Su
AS. Bigh Cable Single Aim Kneeling Cable Ciunch 2uaim
A6. v-Twist 2usiue

N&,#$*&' P(,# T()&.$# m F P.,-).&0 i$( 3,#290j
!m#,-.0# T#1 T2$*#
A1. Banu Walk-0uts oi Ab Rollei 1u-12
A2. Bosu anu Neuicine Ball Stability Plank 2u-Su
AS. Siue Plank Biop Benu 12-1Ssiue
A4. Siue Plank Rotation Reach Thiough 12-1Ssiue
AS. Inwaiu Pike 1u-12
A6. Back Extensions 12-1S

P'21&#, K !m-#,1& 8,(5 5+ 3((9e
aJ<29#$ ;'# J30 R.&'.$b
Solu as a uiiect uownloau e-book with ALL bonuses at
0i as a Papeiback fiom
(just seaich foi: Awaken The Abs Within)
Ny name is Biau uouthio anu I will be youi coach, fiienu, anu the
positiveie-assuiing voice in youi heau uuiing this jouiney to a
healthiei, new you.
By ieauing anu implementing the seciets fiom Awaken The Abs Within,
you aie uemonstiating that you have the ability anu motivation to
successfully 6#8$ %4$ 6$2' 6#>$)%+6$. So congiatulations on taking the fiist
step towaius making a positive anu healthy lifestyle change.
1<2; <"?$ <) <&X$ ):'$*;C"F )9 B)A* EA**$'< C$&><C ;"<A&<")',
Youi lifestyle anu uietaiy choices aie fai moie impoitant than the genes
you weie boin with. Nany scientists believe youi lifestyle anu the uaily
choices you make aie iesponsible foi 8u% of youi health status. This
means youi physical outcomes aie mainly up to you. You can bieak the
cycle anu make positive changes if you choose.
.$?$?G$*= B)A &'J B)A &>)'$= &*$ ;)>$>B "' E)'<*)> )9 B)A* C$&><C,
0ne of the main ieasons people have tiouble losing bouy fat is they uo
not specifically unueistanu how they got theie in the fiist place. To lose
fat, it's impoitant to know how anu why youi bouy stoies fat anu how
you can use it foi eneigy.
!$<; G$ *$&>= B)A J)'2< H) <) ;>$$F ;X"''B &'J :&X$ AF <C$ '$g<
?)*'"'H 9&<,
With the wiong lifestyle, bouy fat constantly accumulates uay-by-uay
anu yeai-to-yeai anu eventually builus up anu puts you on the tiail to
If you aie looking foi effective anu pioven stiategies to implement in
youi eveiyuay lifestyle, than Awaken The Abs Within is the book. It will
pioviue you with the necessaiy steps to buin unhealthy bouy fat anu
live a lean lifestyle foievei.
I'u like to stait this book off with one of my favoiite quotes.
M/#$' <C$ G$;< :)*X)A< F*)H*&? "' <C$ :)*>J E&'2< E)**$E< ;<AF"J
As a ceitifieu fitness anu nutiition piofessional, I've tiaineu all kinus of
uiffeient clients. Befoie I take on anyone new, I always mention this
quote to make suie we aie both cleai on expectations. Some laugh, some
fiown, but most nou theii heau anu agiee. uetting lean is 8u% nutiition
anu 2u% physical.
603 6./ 764/ 1\ NQ/ a1N5Q/\= \LN 1\ NQ/ R_7,
If you only take away one thing fiom this book, I want it to be this.EAT
If you nevei step foot in a gym oi count a caloiie, you will see noticeable
changes to youi bouy by only consuming wholeieal foou. When I say
whole foous, I'm iefeiiing to ieal foou that has one ingieuient. Examples
aie chicken, fish, tuikey, veggies, fiuit, anu nuts. These aie foous natuie
intenueu you to eat. The bouy can piopeily uigest anu absoib the
nutiients fiom these foous as well.
NQ.LZ 6Z6_ NQ/ W65a6R/4P./(1\/4 h[\aY
No moie cookies, chips, ciackeis, ice cieam, Tv uinneis, etc. A big pait
of this book is about unueistanuing the affect ceitain foous have on youi
bouy's hoimones. These hoimones cause youi bouy to buin oi stoie
bouy fat. To contiol youi hoimones, it is as simple as eating the iight
types of foous, in the iight quantities, at the iight times. I've bianueu
this as the "TQT" piinciple. We'll be uiscussing the TQT piinciple anu
hoimones in moie uetail latei.
7&"'<&"'"'H 6 !$&' 0)JB 1; 6>> 6G)A< _)A* !"9$;<B>$
The uiffeience between this book anu all the othei weight loss books
out theie is this book focuses on the C4+) 2'" 40CI) of fat loss anu
conuitioning. If you want to fix the pioblem (stoieu fat) you fiist neeu to
unueistanu how you got theie.
This book also uiscusses the necessaiy lifestyle changes that will cause
you to uiop the unnecessaiy bouy fat in an easy, simplistic, anu
unueistanuable way.
1<2; ')< @A;< & ;C)*<i<$*? 9"g, NC"; "; & >"9$;<B>$ EC&'H$,
Awaken The Abs Within is all about euucation anu actionable steps. It's
just like the Chinese pioveib, !J#8$ 2 G2' 2 >#)4 2'" 4$ C#66 $2% >0* 2 "2+-
F$2/4 4#G 40C %0 >#)4 2'" 4$ C#66 $2% >0* 2 6#>$%#G$-, The Biau uouthio
pioveib is, !J#8$ 2 =$*)0' 2' 23) *0(%#'$ 2'" %4$+ C#66 C0*;0(% >0* 2 "2+-
F$2/4 %4$G =*0=$* >#%'$)) 2'" '(%*#%#0' )%*2%$1#$) 2'" %4$+ C#66 G2;$
4$26%4 2 6#>$)%+6$-, You neeu to unueistanu how youi bouy woiks in
oiuei to incoipoiate these 7 seciets into youi uaily lifestyle. This book
will euucate you with eveiything you neeu to live anu maintain a lean
lifestyle without being oveily scientific oi confusing.
NC$*$ &*$ ') H"??"EX;,
You won't get lean in five minutes. 0nce again, this is a lifestyle change.
But I assuie you, if you implement these 7 seciets into youi uaily
lifestyle, you will see iesults. I shoulu mention up fiont.
J<29#$ &'# J30 R.&'.$ @N YS; about:
- Pioviuing you with a shoit-teim 'fau uiet' with outiageously
iestiicteu caloiie counts that claims to make you lose 2u pounus
in 1 week. Biets like this aie not healthy oi sustainable ovei the
- Eating the same boiing, tasteless foous uay aftei uay.
- Telling you that you can nevei eat N&N's again.
- Instiucting you to uo 1,uuu ciunches eveiy uay.
- uiving you a geneiic woikout ioutine anu meal plan without any
J<29#$ &'# J30 R.&'.$ @N about:
- 0nueistanuing that health, fitness, anu nutiition is a lifestyle anu
not just something you pay attention to 6 weeks befoie youi
tiopical vacation.
- Euucating you on how to builu a piopei balanceu nutiition plan
that will fiie up youi metabolism, buin fat, anu builu lean muscle
- 0nueistanuing the macionutiients (piotein, caibohyuiates, fats)
anu theii iole in builuing muscle anu buining fat (oi auuing fat).
- 0nueistanuing the impoitant iole youi bouy's hoimones play in
establishing youi bouy as eithei a fat-buining oi fat-stoiing
- Pioviuing you with a full bouy fat loss ciicuit anu abuominal
exeicise plan that will conuition, sculpt, anu uefine the beach bouy
eveiyone stiives foi.
Awaken The Abs Within will uncovei many ways to help ieuuce youi
stubboin stoieu fat by tuining youi bouy into a fat buining system
iathei than a fat stoiing system. Not only will youi confiuence inciease
with youi new lean bouy, you'll also be cieating a much healthiei bouy.
Abuominal fat is the most uangeious type of fat because of its close
pioximity to youi bouy's vital oigans. It can also cieate a lot of
inflammation anu uestiuction to the cells neai by.
0$9)*$ :$ H) )'D
I neeu you to commit to changing youi lifestyle foi the bettei. It's not
that haiu. }ust follow the seciets ievealeu in Awaken The Abs Within,
anu you will see positive changes.
}ust think how much moie confiuence you'll have when you go to the
Think how much moie eneigy you will have by losing the fat.
You weie boin with two aims anu two legs foi a ieason. You aie
supposeu to use them to exeicise!
Exeicise can liteially be an auuiction once you stait seeing ,#0)7&0. Anu
that's what you'ie going to get by following this piogiam. I'll close this
intiouuction with a quote fiom Albeit Einstein:
M1';&'"<B "; J$9"'$J &; J)"'H <C$ ;&?$ <C"'H )#$* &'J )#$*
&H&"' &'J $gF$E<"'H J"99$*$'< *$;A><;,S
Stop the insanity! Change youi lifestyle. Change youi habits. You know
you neeu to make a change. You aie iesponsible foi youi own health.
Nake the commitment. Bon't accept anything less of youiself. You can
uo this.
So what aie we waiting foi. I assume since you've ieau this fai, you'ie
;29# J-&.($ 2$/ E."# ;'# E#2$ E.8#0&+7# YSR?
>),-'20# B(), P(1+ S8 M+ E.8#0&+7# >,(*,25

uo to http:www.awakentheabswithin.comoiuei to get an instant
uownloau of my Awaken The Abs Within lifestyle piogiam e-book PL0S
0i oiuei the papeiback veision thiough

X#-(5# 2 ;#25 E#2$ M#53#,

To get instant access to all my iecipes become a Team Lean Innei Ciicle
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6 ($: L9 NC$ 5))X"'H ^"J$); 1'E>AJ$8
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6G)A< <C$ 6A<C)*
C#,#W0 M+ FL N#-($/ h$)F&*JB
@$&,(AJ$/ J >'(&(A

- J)&'(,e inteinationally selling authoi of the hottest
new fitness anu nutiition book, Awaken The Abs

- `./#( M29#,e Bost anu publish populai fitness,
nutiition, anu motivational viueos at my Live Lean
Tv YouTube Channel. Subsciibe.

- X,2$/ J532002/(,e woik with seveial companies
to enuoise theii piouucts. Contact me foi

- E#2/#,e of the "Tiansfoimation 1u,uuu
Novement" & the Team Lean Innei Ciicle
Nembeiship Site (http:www.awakentheabswithin.commembeis)

- S<$#,e of Biau uouthio Fitness, a
fitness, nutiition, anu wellness
publishing company.

- P#,&.8.#/ >#,0($27 ;,2.$#,e Nameu finalist foi the awaiu of: Favoiite
Peisonal Tiainei as voteu by clients.

- P#,&.8.#/ Y)&,.&.($ D R#77$#00 N1#-.27.0&: watch my 0nline Cooking Show

- >,(8#00.($27 N1#29#,e spoke on the same stage as 0FC Ball 0f Famei,
Royce uiacie.

- :.&$#00 M(/#7e Nameu's 1 of 1S "Tiaffic Stopping
Bouies" http:www.biaugouthiofitness.commouel
X,2/ O()&',(

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