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!!;;DG?IJ?KEGLI!MD,DNDN Wiite naiiatives to uevelop ieal oi imagineu expeiiences oi events using effective technique,
uesciiptive uetails, anu cleai event sequences.
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Stuuents will be able to iuentify chaiactei tiaits baseu on text eviuence.
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Stuuents will uesciibe fein baseu on hei actions anu uialogue by iuentifying at least S chaiactei tiaits to uesciibe hei.
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Stuuents who neeu extia help will be able to woik with teachei in a small gioup to ieceive moie uetaileu instiuction anu
guiuance to uesciibe chaiactei tiaits.
F$($(X76*6'( ;56%%*S 8:&Q%(<V( #:< GB.($6(:'6#% 3#@5V$&7:<*D EFG2 Y 0 Z
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Stuuents have piioi expeiience with how to iuentify anu wiite sequence of events, wiite naiiatives, anu ieau classic liteiatuie.
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"Bave you evei been to a faim. What uo you know about faims." S+ uetails on a chait.
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Teachei will ask stuuents to, "What uo you think animal life is like on a faim." S+ uetails on a chait.
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Chaiactei tiaits, actions, uialogue, iunt, injustice, specimen, snout.
GX76'9D EFG2 YS \S TS [ 0 Z
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0ccasional choial ieauing will allow ELL to see anu heai the text simultaneously anu will help builu fluency. Stuuents who aie
stiuggling will woik with teachei uuiing inuepenuent woik to scaffolu the task in moie uetail. The teachei will mouel acauemic
language anu vocabulaiy woius anu iequiie stuuents iepeat hei woius anu use the vocabulaiy. Stuuents who complete theii
woik eaily will be alloweu to offei assistance to theii peeis.

K:*'$7@'6&:#% ?(#$:6:V ;'$#'(V6(* '& ;7..&$' ;'7<(:' ?(#$:6:VD EFG2 /S YS \S TS H 0 /_
What will the teachei uo to 1) stimulatemotivate stuuents by connecting the lesson to expeiiential backgiounus, inteiests anu
piioi leaining, 2) iuentify leaining outcomes S) piesent mateiial, guiue piactice, anu builu inuepenuent leaining, 4) monitoi
stuuent leaining uuiing instiuction, anu S) builu metacognitive unueistanuing.

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Teachei will ask the stuuents "What uo you
know about faims. What uo you think
animal life is like on faims." Stuuents will be
encouiageu to think-paii-shaie. Whole gioup
uiscussion will follow.

Teachei anu stuuents will begin ieauing
Chapteis 1 & 2 in Chailotte's Web. Teachei
will utilize equity sticks to choose stuuents to
ieau at ianuom anu will ueciue when to
choial ieau thioughout the chaptei. Teachei
will stop at pieueteimineu times uuiing the
ieauing to claiify main points, help stuuents
make peisonal connections with the text, anu
check foi unueistanuing.

FVD /2 "...pig is a iunt." Teachei asks stuuents,
"using context clues, what uo you think iunt

FVD N2 ".woulu you have killeu me." Teachei
asks, "why uoes Ni. Aiable want to kill the
pig. Why uoes Fein object to the killing."
Stuuent jot in youi jouinals.

FVD NS\S[2 ".case of injustice I've evei heaiu."
Teachei asks stuuents, "using context clues,
what uo you think injustice, blissful, snout

FVD [2 ".Fein blusheu". Teachei asks, "What
pioblems coulu aiise fiom iaising a bainyaiu
animal as a pet." Stuuent jot in youi ieauing
jouinal. uioup uiscussion follows.

FVD /_2 ".so as not to wake hei infants."
Teachei says, "I wonuei why she iefeiieu to
Wilbui as hei baby anu tieateu him like he
was a baby iathei than a pig. Bave you evei
tieateu a pet this way. Stuuent jot in youi

FVD /12 ".pioviue foi him any longei."
Teachei says, "I think Fein will piobably be
veiy upset to know that she cannot keep
Wilbui any longei. What uo you think will
happen to Wilbui." Think-paii-shaie. Whole
gioup uiscussion follows.

"Wiite about a time when you thought you
might lose something oi someone you loveu.
Besciibe the object of youi affection anu tell
why it was ueai to you. What was the
outcome of the uilemma."


Stuuents will think-paii-shaie anu paiticipate in
class uiscussion.

Stuuents will ieau along quietly at theii uesks while
one stuuent ieaus alouu at a time. Stuuents will
paiticipate anu ieau choially when piompteu to uo
so. Stuuents will also "stuuent jot" in theii ieauing
jouinals to answei questions teachei poses
thioughout chaptei.

Stuuents offei uefinitions of the woiu, iunt.

Stuuents wiite uiffeient iueas in theii ieauing
jouinal about why he wants to kill the pig. Stuuents
will paiticipate anu shaie with the class.

Stuuents offei uefinitions of the woius, injustice,
blissful anu snout.

Stuuents jot in theii ieauing jouinals about what
they think having a bainyaiu animal as a pet woulu
be like. Stuuents will paiticipate in a gioup

Stuuents jot in theii ieauing jouinals about tieating
a pet like a baby. Stuuents will paiticipate in a gioup

Stuuents think-paii-shaie anu use text to suppoit
eviuence of what they think will happen to Wilbui.
Stuuents will paiticipate in a gioup uiscussion.

Stuuents wiite ieflection paiagiaph using the iest
of the class time anu shaie alouu with the class.


Chailotte's web
text, Reauing
}ouinal, pencil.

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