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Inventory Control Supermarket

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Sr. Page Title No. 1. List Of Figures And Tables 2. Introduction 2.1. Inventory 2.2. Types of inventories 2.3. Inventory control 2.!. Advantages of inventory control 2.5. #ole of sales analysis in profit $a%i$i&ation 3. #evie( Of Literature 3.1. *cope of t+e pro,ect 3.2. -ro$inent features of our soft(are pro,ect 3.2.1. .ill generation 3.2.2. Accurate recording of daily sales 3.2.3. /alculation of reorder level and reorder 3.2.!. 3.2.5. 0uantity A./ analysis feature for product classification 1ffective and user friendly grap+ical user Page No. 3 5 5 6 " ' 1) 1) 11 11 11 12 13 1 1" 1' 21 22 2! 25 2 2' 2' 31 35 3" 3' 3' !) !1 !1 !2 !! !6 ! ! !" 5) 5) 51


interface 3.3. 2esign and develop$ent $et+odology 3.3.1. 3icrosoft 4isual .asic .51T 3.3.2. /rystal #eports 3.3.3. 3icrosoft *6L *erver 2))) -lan Of 7or8 !.1. 2atabase *c+e$a !.2. Ad$inistrator9s :ser Interface !.2.1. Analysis !.2.1.1. A./ Analysis !.2.1.2. -roduct /o$parison !.2.1.3. Ti$e line Analysis !.2.2. /+ec8 Alerts !.2.3. /lient #egistration !.2.3.1. /reate 5e( :ser !.2.3.2. 1dit :ser 2etails !.2.!. -roduct Infor$ation !.2.!.1. Add 5e( -roduct !.2.!.2. -roduct *earc+ !.2.!.3. -roduct :pdate !.2.!.!. -roduct 2elete !.2.5. #eorder *trategy !.2.5.1. Add *upply Infor$ation !.2.5.2. *earc+ *upply Infor$ation !.2.6. 4endor Infor$ation !.2.6.1. Add 5e( 4endor !.2.6.2. 4endor *earc+

5. 6. .

!.2.6.3. 4endor :pdate !.2.6.!. 4endor 2elete !.3. /lient *ide :ser Interface !.3.1. .illing 3odule !.3.1.1. Login *creen !.3.1.2. .illing For$ !.3.1.3. -rinted .ill !.3.1.!. /+ange of -ass(ord Testing And #esults /onclusion #eferences

53 5! 55 55 55 56 5 5" 5' 66 6


Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. !. 5. 6. . ". '. 1). 11. 12. 13. 1!. 15. 16. 1 . 1". 1'. 2). 21. 22. 23. 2!. 25. 26. 2 . 2". 2'. 3). 31. 32. 33. 3!. 35. 36. 3 . 3". List of Figures .ar ;rap+ s+o(ing A./ classification e%a$ple A./ classification e%a$ple tables 2atabase *c+e$a Ad$inistrator9s =o$e For$ 3enu ite$s provided by t+e ad$inistrator +o$e for$ A./ Analysis for$ s+o(ing product classification report A./ Analysis for$ s+o(ing analysis report 2esign and (or8ing of -roduct /o$parison for$ 2esign of /o$parison #eport for$ .ar ;rap+ #epresentation of /o$parison #eport -ie /+art #epresentation of /o$parison #eport 2etailed /ubic 4ie( #epresentation of /o$parison #eport Ti$e>line *ales *tudy for$ design Ti$e>line report (it+ daily co$parison line grap+ Ti$e>line report (it+ sales co$parison over $ont+s Alerts for /lass ?A9 and /lass ?.9 products /lient #egistration For$ 3essage bo%es in /lient #egistration For$ For$ for editing client details 3essage bo%es s+o(n (+ile editing client details 5e( -roduct Infor$ation For$ -roduct *earc+ For$ -roduct *earc+ #esult For$ Alert (+ile updating t+e -roduct 3essage bo% indicating t+at t+e :pdate (as successful Alert (+ile 2eleting t+e -roduct 5e( *upply Infor$ation For$ *upply Infor$ation *earc+ For$ *upply Infor$ation *earc+ #esult For$ 5e( 4endor Infor$ation For$ 4endor *earc+ For$ 4endor *earc+ #esult For$ Alert (+ile updating t+e 4endor Alert (+ile 2eleting t+e 4endor Login For$ of t+e .illing 3odule .illing For$ -rinted .ill /+ange of -ass(ord For$ Page No. 1! 15 <16 25 2 2" 2' 3) 31 32 33 3! 3! 35 36 3 3" 3' 3' !) !) !1 !2 !3 !! !5 !6 ! !" !' 5) 51 52 53 5! 55 56 5 5"

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. !. 5. 6. . ". '. 1). 11. 12. 13. 1!. 15. 16. 1 . 1". 1'.

List of Ta les Test procedure@ For valid ad$inistrator login Test procedure@ For invalid ad$inistrator login Test procedure@ For A./ analysis Test procedure@ For -roduct co$parison option selection Test procedure@ For Ti$e span selection in ti$eline co$parison report Test procedure@ For c+ec8ing accuracy of co$parison ti$eline reports Test procedure@ For c+ec8ing alerts for /lass ?A9 and ?.9 products Test procedure@ For valid client registration Test procedure@ For invalid client registration Test procedure@ For searc+ing product Test procedure@ For updating or deleting product Test procedure@ For searc+ing supply infor$ation Test procedure@ For updating or deleting supply infor$ation Test procedure@ For searc+ing vendor Test procedure@ For updating or deleting vendor Test procedure@ For valid client login Test procedure@ For invalid client login Test procedure@ For bill generation ite$ re$oval Test procedure@ For bill generation ite$ addition

Page No. 5' 5' 5' 6) 6) 6) 61 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 63 6! 6! 6! 65

!.1. IN"ENTOR#
Inventory can be defined in several (ays as follo(s as given belo(@ Inventory is t+e stoc8 of p+ysical ite$s suc+ as $aterials< co$ponents< (or8>in>progress< finis+ed goods< etc.< +eld at a specific location at a specific ti$e. Inventory is t+e $erc+andise t+at is purc+ased andAor produced and stored for eventual sale. Inventory is a list of (+at you +ave. In co$pany accounts< inventory usually refers to t+e value of stoc8s< as distinct fro$ fi%ed assets. An inventory (ould include ite$s (+ic+ are +eld for sale in t+e ordinary course of business or (+ic+ are in t+e process of production for t+e purpose of sale< or (+ic+ are to be used in t+e production of goods or services (+ic+ (ill be for sale. Inventory is a list of na$es< 0uantities andAor $onitory values of all or any group of ite$s. Any 0uantifiable ite$ t+at you can +andle< buy< sell< store< consu$e< produce< or trac8 can be considered inventory. T+is covers everyt+ing fro$ office and $aintenance supplies< to ra( $aterial used for $anufacturing< to se$i>finis+ed and finis+ed goods< to fuel used to po(er e0uip$ent used in t+e business.


2epending up on t+e type of organi&ation t+e inventory can be classified into t(o basic types. T+ey are as follo(s@ 1. $a%ufa&turi%g I%'e%tor(: It is t+e inventory $aintained by a $anufacturing organi&ation. 3anufacturing Inventory consists of follo(ing t+ree parts@ a. #a( 3aterials B#3C (+ic+ are processed to $anufacture t+e final product. b. 7or8 In -rogress B7I-C (+ic+ refers to t+e inter$ediate product (+ic+ is obtained by processing t+e ra( $aterial but is not fully converted into final product. c. Finis+ ;oods BF;C t+at are t+e fully processed final products t+at are being $anufactured and are ready to be dispatc+ed. !. Tra)i%g I%'e%tor(: It is t+e inventory $aintained by a trading organi&ation (it+ a purc+ase and sale business. Trading Inventory consists of goods t+at are purc+ased fro$ a supplier or $anufacturer and sold to custo$ers (it+ a certain $argin of profit. In t+is case< t+e purc+ased goods do not undergo any furt+er processing and are sold directly (it+out any c+ange of for$. T+e Trading Inventory is also referred as t+e ter$ ?*toc89.


T+e c+ief $otive of an organi&ation is +Profit $a,i-i.atio%/. Inventory is an essential part of an organi&ation since it is one of t+e $a,or factors t+at affect t+e profit earned by t+e organi&ation. =ence controlling or $anaging inventory is one of t+e $ost i$portant tas8s necessary to ac+ieve organi&ational goal of earning $a%i$u$ profit and reducing costs and e%penses. Inventory Control is a technique of maintaining and monitoring the size of the inventory at appropriate level, so that the production and distributions take place effectively. T+e $ain ob,ective of inventory control is to ac+ieve $a%i$u$ efficiency in production and sales (it+ t+e $ini$u$ invest$ent in inventory. Inventory /ontrol is ac+ieved by@ -urc+asing ite$s at proper ti$e and price< and in rig+t 0uantity. -rovision of suitable storage locations (it+ sufficient space. 3aintaining proper level of stoc8s. Ade0uate inventory identification syste$. :p>to>date and accurate record 8eeping. Appropriate re0uisition procedures.


Inventory control or $anage$ent +as several advantages as stated belo(@ 1. -rovides protection against fluctuations in de$and and supply by $onitoring t+e trends in de$and and supply. 2. 1nsures a better service to t+e custo$ers by avoiding t+e out of stoc8 situations by 8eeping a c+ec8 on t+e $ini$u$ stoc8 levels. 3. =elps to reduce ris8 of loss on account of obsolescence or deterioration of ite$s. !. =elps to reduce ad$inistrative (or8 load in respect of purc+asing< inspection< store>8eeping< etc. t+us in turn reducing $anpo(er re0uire$ents< and conse0uently costs. 5. =elps to $a8e effective utili&ation of (or8ing capital by avoiding its bloc8age in e%cess inventory. 6. 1nsures to $aintain a c+ec8 against loss of $aterials t+roug+ carelessness or pilferage. . Facilitates cost accounting activities.

1li$inates t+e possibility of duplication in ordering or in replenis+ing stoc8s by centrali&ing t+e source fro$ (+ere t+e purc+ase orders are issued.


Inventory control is not all about $anaging stoc8s and ordering goods. .ut inventory control co$bined (it+ efficient analysis tools can be truly effective as it can +elp us identify t+e trends in t+e de$and for various products by carrying out various types of analysis. T+is includes co$parative study of sales as (ell as sales analysis concentrated on a single product. /arrying out suc+ analysis at regular intervals can +elp t+e s+op $anager to decide upon t+e future reordering strategies and ta8ing so$e $a,or decisions regarding purc+ase of goods.

APPLICATION OF IN"ENTOR# CONTROL OR STOC7 $ANAGE$ENT IN OUR SELECTED DO$AIN 8 A SUPER9$AR7ET Inventory $anage$ent or inventory control is a very useful tec+ni0ue for $anaging t+e stoc8s and sales records of a Su:er9-ar;et (+ic+ is our selected do$ain of i$ple$entation for t+e soft(are. T+e super>$ar8et stores and sales various products (+ic+ includes pac8ed foodstuffs and drin8s< $il8 products< glossary< decorative ite$s< cos$etics and $any ot+er products of day to day use. It also stores so$e costly ite$s li8e (rist (atc+es< s$all electronic goods< artificial ,e(elry etc. Also t+ere are so$e +ouse+old goods li8e (as+ing po(ders< cleaning e0uip$ents< gas8ets etc. 3anaging all t+ese products< sufficient stoc8s< sales records< also analy&ing sales and reordering fro$ ti$e to ti$e is a difficult ,ob. To do it $ore effectively and correctly a better i%'e%tor( &o%trol or sto&; -a%age-e%t is re0uired. T+is is provided by our soft(are ensuring an efficient inventory control and rigorous sales analysis facility. Our soft(are +elps to $anage t+e daily sales records and assist in billing process as (ell. It also includes reordering level and reordering 0uantity and gives appropriate alerts< t+us $aintaining a safe stoc8. T+e soft(are also provides aut+ori&ed users to perfor$ sales analysis of various products. .y providing t+is facility< our soft(are (ill prove to be e%tre$ely useful to ad,ust t+e purc+ase and sales strategies leading to an increase in profit.



.ill generation Accurate recording of daily sales /alculation of reordering 0uantity and reordering level A./ analysis feature for product classification
1ffective and user friendly grap+ical user interface

*.!.1. Bill ge%eratio% T+is (ill be useful for carrying out daily transactions of t+e super> $ar8et. A bill of ite$s selected by t+e custo$er (ill be $ade and available stoc8 count (ill be ad,usted. A receipt of sold ite$s (ill be printed and given to t+e custo$er. *.!.!. A&&urate re&or)i%g of )ail( sales T+e soft(are records an entry for eac+ unit of a product sold on daily basis by $aintaining a separate sales table. T+e table contains t+e infor$ation about t+e nu$ber of units of a particular product sold on a given date. 3aintaining suc+ a database enables easy analysis of past sales and studying t+e trends in $ar8et.


*.!.*. Cal&ulatio% of reor)er le'el a%) reor)er <ua%tit( T+e inventory level R in (+ic+ an order is placed is called as reorder level. R = D.L 7+ere< D D de$and rate in units per daysA$ont+s L D lead ti$e in daysA$ont+s

Anot+er (ay calculation is< R = >$a,i-u- reor)er :erio)? @ >$a,i-u- usage? T+e reorder quantity is t+e nu$ber of units of t+e product (+ic+ $ust be ordered. It is denoted by A. #eorder 0uantity depends upon various factors li8e $a%i$u$ capacity of inventory< reorder period etc. A = $a,i-u- le'el of i%'e%tor( 8 Reor)er le'el 8 >$i%i-u- reor)er :erio)?@>$i%i-u- usage? 7+en t+e inventory level of a particular ite$ falls belo( t+e t+res+old #< t+e soft(are (ill generate an alert $essage.


*.!.0. ABC a%al(sis feature for :ro)u&t &lassifi&atio%. ABC a%al(sis also referred to as t+e Pareto a%al(sis is a $et+od of classifying ite$s< events< or activities according to t+eir relative i$portance. It is also 8no( as AlBa(s Better Co%trol a%al(sis since it provides t+e $ost opti$u$ (ay of controlling inventory. It is fre0uently used in inventory $anage$ent (+ere it is used to classify stoc8 ite$s into groups based on t+e total annual e%penditure< or total stoc8+olding cost of eac+ ite$. It e%ercises discri$inating control over different ite$s of stores classified on t+e basis of invest$ent involved. Organi&ations can concentrate $ore detailed attention on t+e +ig+ valueAi$portant ite$s. -areto analysis is used to arrive at t+is prioriti&ation. T+e first step in t+e analysis is to identify t+ose criteria (+ic+ $a8e a significant level of control i$portant for any ite$. T(o possible factors are t+e usage rate for an ite$ and its unit value. T+e general A./ classification goes as follo(s@ A Class of ite$s consist of only a s$all percentage about 1911C of total nu$ber of units +andled by t+e stores but re0uire +eavy invest$ent about DE9FEC of total inventory usage value because of t+eir +ig+ prices or +eavy re0uire$ent or bot+. -aying $ore attention to A class ite$s using sop+isticated stoc8 control syste$ can give control of about )>")E of total stoc8 invest$ent. =ence A /lass ite$s are controlled closely to avoid overstoc8ing as (ell as s+ortage (+ic+ $ay lead to a considerable loss. T+ese ite$s can be ordered fre0uently in s$aller 0uantities.


B Class ite$s are relatively less i$portantF t+ey $ay be *EC of total nu$ber of units $anaged by t+e stores. T+e percentage of invest$ent re0uired is about 11 C of t+e total invest$ent in inventory. In case of . class ite$s as t+e su$ involved is $oderate< t+e sa$e degree of control as applied in A class ite$s is not (arranted. T+e orders of t+e ite$s belonging to t+is category can be placed after revie(ing t+eir situations periodically.

Fig. 1: Bar Graph showing ABC classification example

C Class ite$s do not re0uire $uc+ invest$ent. It $ay be around 191EC of t+e total inventory usage value but t+ey are nearly 1E9GEC of t+e total nu$ber of units +andled by t+e stores. For / /lass ite$s t+ere is no need of e%ercising constant control. Orders for / /lass ite$s can be placed after a relatively larger period of ti$e (it+ large 0uantities after ascertaining t+e consu$ption re0uire$ents.


ABC Classifi&atio% e,a-:le Part 1 ! * 0 1 G D F H 1E Fig. !.A U%it Cost GE *1E *E FE *E !E 1E *!E 11E !E A%%ual Usage HE 0E 1*E GE 1EE 1FE 1DE 1E GE 1!E

Fro$ above infor$ation follo(ing para$eters are calculated C of Total "alue *1.H 1F.D 1G.0 G.* 1.G 0.G 0.! *.1 !.F !.E C of Total Aua%tit( G.E 1.E 0.E H.E G.E 1E.E 1F.E 1*.E 1!.E 1D.E

Part H F ! 1 0 * G 1 1E D Total Fig. !.B


C Cu-ulati'e G.E 11.E 11.E !0.E *E.E 0E.E 1F.E D1.E F*.E 1EE.E



Finally using t+e A./ analysis $et+od t+e ite$s are classified as s+o(n belo( A Class B Class C Class Fig. !.C HI FI ! 1I 0I * GI 1I 1EI D D1.E 1G.1 1!.1 11.E !1.E GE.E


A)'a%tages of ABC a%al(sis T+e invest$ent needed is $ini$i&ed. T+e $aintenance cost is $ini$i&ed. 3anage$ent ti$e is saved. 7or8 connected (it+ t+e purc+ases is syste$ati&ed.


*.!.1. Effe&ti'e a%) user frie%)l( gra:Ji&al user i%terfa&e T+e soft(are provides t+e user (it+ an effective and easy to use grap+ical user interface. It also +as t+e feature of generating co$parative sales reports in t+e for$ of pie>c+arts< bar grap+s etc. for facilitation of t+e sales analysis.



7e +ave used 3icrosoft 4isual .asic.5et for developing our front>end i.e. our ;rap+ical :ser Interface B;:IC (+ile our bac8end consist of 3icrosoft *6L *erver. T+e 4isual .asic.5et is used for progra$$ing t+e :ser Interface G coding. /rystal #eports for analysis report generation. *6L *erver is used for database $anage$ent.

T+e soft(are +as client>server arc+itecture. In (+ic+ *6L *erver is running on t+e server and t+e client +as For$s for $a8ing t+e .ill for t+e products purc+ased by t+e consu$er. T+e data Bproduct info.C collected fro$ client is transferred to *6L *erver database. T+is data is processed on server and proper output Bbilling infor$ationC is given to t+e respective client. 1very effort is $ade to $a8e t+e soft(are a :ser>friendly Application.


*.*.1. "ISUAL BASIC.NET 4J( "isual Basi&.NetK "isual Basi& .NET< t+e ne%t generation of 4isual .asic< is designed to be t+e easiest and $ost productive tool for creating .51T applications< including 7indo(s applications< 7eb *ervices< and 7eb applications. All t+e :ser Interfaces of our pro,ect are developed using 4isual .asic .51T. 4isual .asic .51T uses fe(er G less co$ple% constructs Bli8e pointersC. 4isual .asic .51T e$ploys 7indo(s environ$ent for t+e :ser Interface. 4isual .asic .51T uses co$$on dialog bo%es so t+at users can access t+e typical features t+ey e%pect in a 7indo(s application. 4isual .asic .51T progra$s are easier to $aintain .If any part of t+e soft(are is to be altered in t+e near future< t+en it can be done easily due to t+e use of 4isual .asic .51T. 4aried 2atabase Tec+nology can be incorporated into 4isual .asic .51T progra$s. It possible to provide e%ternal ActiveH controls. 2eveloping ;:IB;rap+ical :ser InterfaceC in 4isual .asic .51T is very easy because it $a8es $any aspects of progra$$ing as si$ple as dragging grap+ic ob,ectsBli8e buttons< te%t bo%< etcC onto screen using a $ouse.


Features of "isual Basi& .NET Full support for Ob,ect Oriented -rogra$$ing. *tructured 1rror +andling capabilities. Access to .51T Fra$e(or8. -o(erful unified Integrated 2evelop$ent 1nviron$ent BI21C. In+erent support for H3L G 7eb *ervices. .etter (indo(s applications (it+ 7indo(s For$s. 5e( /onsole capabilities of 4..51T. I$$ense po(er of tools G controls Bincluding *erver /ontrolsC. Interoperability (it+ ot+er .51T co$plied languages. .etter database progra$$ing approac+ (it+ A2O.51T. *i$plified 2eploy$ent of 7indo(s applications. 1n+anced security for t+e 7indo(s Applications I$proved versioning support.

BT+ese are so$e of t+e $a,or features of 4isual .asic.51TF t+ere are additional features also.C


*.*.!. Cr(stal Re:orts /rystal #eports for 4isual *tudio .51T provides a co$pre+ensive reporting solution for .51T developers t+at is t+oroug+ly integrated (it+ bot+ t+e 4isual *tudio .51T I21 and t+e .51T Fra$e(or8. It integrates sea$lessly (it+ t+e 4isual *tudio .51T *erver 1%plorer< toolbo%< and design environ$ent. It +as a ric+ progra$$ing $odel and fle%ible options for custo$i&ing and deploying reports. /rystal reports can be used effectively for tas8s suc+ as generating Acrobat B-2FC docu$ents fro$ your reports< building reports on para$eteri&ed *6L *erver stored procedures< and passing reports using t+e current userIs database security credentials. /rystal reports can be used effectively to generate accurate bar grap+s< te%t reports< pie c+arts and $any ot+er types of grap+ical reports suc+ as area grap+s and 3>di$ensional grap+s.


*.*.*. SAL SER"ER !EEE 4J( SAL SER"ER !EEEK 3icrosoft *6L *erver 2))) is a co$plete database and analysis solution for rapidly delivering t+e ne%t generation of scalable 7indo(s and 7eb applications. *6L *erver 2))) is a 8ey co$ponent in supporting e>co$$erce< line>of>business< and data (are+ousing applications< (+ile offering t+e scalability necessary to support gro(ing< dyna$ic environ$ents. T+e *6L *erver $anages t+e entire database part of our pro,ect. 7e are using *6L *erver in our pro,ect instead of Oracle because it is c+eaper t+an Oracle and gives all t+e features re0uired for our pro,ect. *6L *erver 2))) includes ric+ support for 1%tensible 3ar8up Language BH3LC and ot+er Internet language for$atsF perfor$ance and availability features to ensure upti$eF and advanced $anage$ent and tuning functionality to auto$ate routine tas8s and lo(er t+e total cost of o(ners+ip. *6L *erver can +andle $any re0uest at a ti$e< +ence $any clients can 6uery t+e *6L *erver si$ultaneously.


Features of SAL Ser'er !EEE :ser>defined functions and *tored procedures. Inde%ed vie(s. 2istributed partitioned vie(s. 5e( datatypes and :ser 2efined 2atatypes. /ascading #eferential IntegrityB#IC constraints. 3ultiple *6L *erver instances. H3L support. Log s+ipping. *6L *erver 2))) includes several co$ponents t+at i$prove t+e capability to build data (are+ouses t+at effectively support decision support processing needs. *upport for .51T platfor$. Online bac8up.
I5*T1A2 OF

and AFT1# triggers.


0. PLAN OF 4OR7:
T+e soft(are is divided into t+ree parts@ 2atabase Ad$inistrator9s :ser Interface /lient *ide :ser Interface



Fig. *: Data ase S&Je-a Above figure gives t+e sc+e$atic representation of t+e pro,ect database. It s+o(s various data tables (+ic+ represent various entities and t+eir relations+ips. T+e tables along (it+ t+eir attributes are e%plained as follo(s@ 1. Pro)u&t: It stores t+e general infor$ation about eac+ product in t+e inventory. 1ac+ entry is uni0uely identified by t+e pri$ary 8ey :i). Product names and brand na$es are stored. Also< for better retrieval and for facilitation of analysis process t+e products are classified at several stages into main group< sub group and type. T+is table also stores valuable attributes li8e reorder level, reorder quantity< stoc8 related attributes< maximum reorder period and minimum reorder period etc. (+ic+ are essential for e%ercising inventory control. -roduct


table also records infor$ation about t+e nature of product suc+ as peris+able< seasonal etc. 2. "e%)or: It is used to store t+e general infor$ation about t+e various vendors t+at supply products to t+e inventory. 1ac+ entry is uni0uely identified by t+e pri$ary 8ey 'i). It includes attributes li8e 4endor na$e< contact person etc. along (it+ a co$posite attribute address consisting of several si$ple attributes t+at can be used as criteria to searc+ a vendor fro$ t+e table. 3. Su::l(: T+is table represents t+e relations+ip bet(een t+e tables Product and Vendor. 1ac+ tuple is uni0uely identified by t+e union of foreign 8eys :i) and 'i). It stores i$portant attributes na$ely< cost price< order 0uantity< order ti$e and 0uality rating. 4. Sol): It is t+e data table (+ic+ records daily sales for every product and serves as a basis for sales analysis. 1ac+ entry represents t+e nu$ber of units of a particular product sold on a particular date. Its pri$ary 8ey consists of :i) and a date attribute na$ed )ateto)a(. 5. Custo-er: T+is table is used to record custo$er details. -ri$ary 8ey is &usti). 6. Bill: It is used to store t+e basic data about a bill entity. -ri$ary 8ey is illID. 7. Bill Ite-s: It is t+e relations+ip table bet(een $ain tables .ill and -roduct. -ri$ary 8ey is for$ed by union of illID and :i). T+is table stores t+e nu$ber of units of a particular product sold (it+in a particular bill. It also stores t+e custid to identify t+e custo$er.



Fig. 0: A)-i%istrator/s 5o-e For7+en t+e ad$inistrator enters t+e valid userna$e and pass(ord in t+e login for$ +e (ill be directed to t+e for$ called ?7elco$e Ad$inistrator9. T+e layout of t+is for$ is as s+o(n in t+e figure and consists of a toolbar +aving dropdo(n buttons< eac+ +aving a $enu consisting of $enu ite$s directing to t+e respective for$s as s+o(n in t+e figure belo(. T+is for$ is a 32I /ontainer and e%ploits 3ultiple 2ocu$ent Interface property provided by


Fig. 1: $e%u ite-s :ro'i)e) ( tJe a)-i%istrator Jo-e for-


0.!.1. A%al(sis:

!.2.1.1. ABC A%al(sis:

Fig. G: ABC A%al(sis for- sJoBi%g :ro)u&t &lassifi&atio% re:ort T+e design of for$ +a &/ consists of a crystal report vie(er and t(o pus+ buttons. T+e (or8ing $ainly consists of t(o parts. Firstly< (+en t+e ad$inistrator (ants to recalculate t+e classes for t+e products +e clic8s on ?/lassification9 button to get t+e ne( A./ classification calculated using t+e data fro$ t+e sales record database. T+is report is loaded in t+e crystal report vie(er as s+o(n in above figure. T+is report gives t+e product I2< na$e and respective class of every product.


*econdly< t+e A./ analysis report docu$ent can be loaded in t+e report vie(er by clic8ing on ?A./ analysis report9 button. T+is +elps in studying t+e sales value distribution of A< . and / classes< (+ic+ follo(s t+e -areto rule.

Fig. D: ABC A%al(sis for- sJoBi%g a%al(sis re:ort Area grap+ is used to display t+e sales value distribution effectively. T+is is s+o(n in above figure (+ere t+e grap+ s+o(s t+e sales value distribution by $eans of t+e area s+o(n by blue color.


0.!.1.!. Pro)u&t Co-:ariso%:

Fig. F: Pro)u&t Co-:ariso% for- )esig% a%) Bor;i%g T+e for$ ?-roduct Co-:ariso%/ allo(s t+e user to select products categorically to co$pare t+e sales (it+in a specified period of ti$e. A product category suc+ as a main group< a sub group or a type is selected using t+e 3 co$bo>bo%es (+ic+ provide t+e user (it+ appropriate fro$ t+e database for selection. *i$ilar co$bo>bo%es are used to select t+e span of co$parison by getting t+e start and end date fro$ t+e user. 7+en t+e user $a8es t+e necessary selections and clic8s on ?/o$pare9 button< t+e application s+o(s t+e +Co-:ariso% Re:ort/ for$ as s+o(n in t+e figure belo(. values


T+e co$parison report for$ basically includes a /rystal #eport 4ie(er co$ponent and a flat toolbar to select t+e type of report docu$ent. /rystal #eport 4ie(er allo(s t+e user to vie( t+e report docu$ent t+at is loaded. It also provides t+e facilities suc+ as searc+< e%port< &oo$ etc. 7+en t+e for$ is loaded t+e crystal report vie(er is loaded (it+ t+e te%tual report as s+o(n in t+e figure belo(.

Fig. H: Desig% of Co-:ariso% Re:ort for-


:sing t+e buttons provided on t+e toolbar t+e user can select t+e type of report +e (ants to vie(. It $ay be a te%t report< a bar grap+ representation< a pie c+art vie( or a detailed 32 vie( displaying t+e 0uantity sold of a particular product on a particular day. Follo(ing figures s+o( t+e various types of t+e reports available. T+ese reports are generated using t+e /rystal reports (+ic+ are provided (it+ t+e 4isual *tudio.51T (+ic+ facilitates generation of reports using t+e database or t+e datasets used as a pro,ect data.

Fig. 1E: Bar Gra:J Re:rese%tatio% of Co-:ariso% Re:ort


Fig. 11: Pie CJart Re:rese%tatio% of Co-:ariso% Re:ort

Fig. 1!: Detaile) Cu i& "ieB Re:rese%tatio% of Co-:ariso% Re:ort


T+ese reports can be stored by e%porting t+e$ into a non $odifiable file for$ats suc+ as a ?pdf9 file.

0.!.1.*. Ti-e Li%e A%al(sis: T+is feature is provided to study t+e trends in t+e sales of a particular product over a period of ti$e. To start (it+< t+e user is s+o(n t+e for$ in t+e figure belo(.

Fig. 1*: Ti-e9li%e Sales Stu)( for- )esig% T+e for$ +as ! co$bo>bo%es for facilitating t+e user to select t+e product for (+ic+ +e (ants to analy&e t+e sales. *econdly< t+e user is also as8ed to select t+e ti$e period to be considered. A group of radio buttons is used to get a c+oice a$ong daily< $ont+ly and yearly sales co$parison. 7+en ?OJ9 button is clic8ed t+e 0ueries are fired at t+e sales database and t+e reports are generated using t+eir results. T+e reports are displayed in t+e ne%t for$ na$ed ?Ti$e line report9. It +as a /rystal #eport 4ie(er in (+ic+ t+e report docu$ent is loaded. T+e follo(ing


figures s+o( t+e generated reports in t+e for$ of a daily sales line grap+ and a $ont+ly report.

Fig. 10: Ti-e9li%e re:ort BitJ )ail( &o-:ariso% li%e gra:J


Fig. 11: Ti-e9li%e re:ort BitJ sales &o-:ariso% o'er -o%tJs


0.!.!. CJe&; Alerts:

Fig. 1G: Alerts for Class +A/ a%) Class +B/ :ro)u&ts Ad$inistrator can c+ec8 for t+e alerts regarding /lass ?A9 and /lass ?.9 products (+ose current stoc8 +as gone belo( t+eir currently assigned reorder level. T+ese alerts are fired by a trigger at t+e bac8>end (+ic+ continuously $onitors t+e current stoc8 of all t+e products. Alerts for /lass ?/9 products are not given since t+ese products can be dealt (it+ auto$atically by t+e soft(are and do not need intervention of t+e ad$inistrator. Ad$inistrator can $odify reorder strategy for suc+ products< if desired. 7+en ad$inistrator selects a product fro$ t+e alert grid< +eAs+e is redirected to t+e supply infor$ation for$ (+ere +eAs+e can $odify t+e reorder strategy of t+at particular product (it+ respect to various vendors.


0.!.*. Clie%t Registratio%: 0.!.*.1. Create NeB User:

Fig. 1D: Clie%t Registratio% ForIn client registration for$< t+ere are 3 te%tbo%es for entering userna$e< pass(ord and confir$ing t+e typed pass(ord. After validating t+e entered te%t< a $essage bo% is displayed to confir$ t+e registration activity. Once< ad$inistrator confir$s it< a $essage bo% is displayed to indicate t+at ne( user +as been registered successfully. 5o(< t+e sales person can logon at t+e client side using t+e ne( userna$e and pass(ord and access t+e billing $odule.

Fig. 1F: $essage Bo,es i% Clie%t Registratio% For-


0.!.*.!. E)it User Details:

Fig. 1H: For- for e)iti%g &lie%t )etails

Ad$inistrator +as aut+ority to edit client login details. Ad$inistrator can per$anently delete a particular client user account< so t+at< +encefort+< a sales person cannot logon at t+e client side using t+at userna$e and corresponding pass(ord. Ad$inistrator can also c+ange pass(ord for a particular client user account< (it+out deleting t+at account. T+is $ay be t+e case (+en t+e sales person re0uests ad$inistrator to c+ange +is pass(ord if +eAs+e +as lost or forgotten +isA+er current pass(ord.

Fig. !E: $essage Bo,es sJoB% BJile e)iti%g &lie%t )etails


0.!.0. Pro)u&t I%for-atio%: 0.!.0.1 A)) a NeB Pro)u&t:

Fig. !1: NeB Pro)u&t I%for-atio% ForT+e 5e( -roduct Infor$ation For$ contains $any te%tbo%es (+ic+ are used to enter t+e infor$ation of t+e product in t+e database. T+e first te%tbo% is of -roduct>I2 (+ic+ is uni0ue for every product. A te%tbo% for .arcode 5u$ber is also 8ept (+ic+ can be used if t+ere is a .arcode reader. T+e product is classified under 3ain group< *ub>group< type< and brand na$e. T+ere are fields for /urrent *toc8< 3ini$u$ *toc8< 3a%i$u$ *toc8< #eorder level< and *elling -rice. Also t+ere are c+ec8bo%es to indicate (+et+er auto$atic re> order is possible and (+et+er t+e product is peris+able orAand seasonal.


0.!.0.!. Pro)u&t Sear&J:

Fig. !!: Pro)u&t Sear&J ForT+e -roduct can be searc+ed in $any different (ays. T+e -roduct can be searc+ed using its -roduct I2< 3ain ;roup< *ub ;roup< Type or -roduct 5a$e in a +ierarc+ical $anner. T+e user +as to press ?OJ9 button to see t+e results of t+e *earc+. 1%a$ple of a *earc+ @ 7+en t+e user selects t+e ?;adgets G 2evices9 fro$ t+e 3ain ;roup t+en all t+e *ub ;roups under t+at 3ain ;roup are s+o(n in t+e list>bo% of t+e *ub ;roup. If (e select t+e *ub ;roup ?/a$era9 t+en (e (ill see t(o ele$ents vi&. 2igital< -las$a in t+e ?Type9 list>bo%. If (e select Type of t+e /a$era as ?2igital9 t+en (e (ill see all t+e /a$eras (+ic+ are of type 2igital Bone of t+e$ is /annon A53) as s+o(n aboveC.5o( t+e user can searc+ by $ain ;roup or by *ub ;roup or Type or -roduct 5a$e by selecting t+e ad,acent radio>button.


Fig. !*: Pro)u&t Sear&J Result ForT+e -roduct *earc+ #esult For$ displays t+e infor$ation about t+e productBsC (+ic+ are searc+ed fro$ t+e previous for$. T+e entire searc+ result is s+o(n in a 2ata ;rid (+ic+ contains -roduct I2< -roduct 5a$e< etc. T+ere are t(o buttons ?:pdate9 and ?2elete9 (+ic+ are used to update and delete t+e infor$ation of t+e -roduct fro$ t+e database. T+e te%tbo%es present ad,acent to t+e update and delete buttons s+o( t+e -roduct I2 of t+e product to be updated or deleted respectively.


0.!.0.*. Pro)u&t U:)ate:

Fig. !0: Alert BJile u:)ati%g tJe Pro)u&t 7+en t+e user +as updated a data field of a product and t+en +e presses t+e ?:pdate9 button to save t+e c+anges. An alert $essage is s+o(n to t+e user to confir$ t+e update. If t+e user does not (ant to save t+e c+anges t+en +e can select t+e ?5o9 button or else press ?Kes9.


Fig. !1: $essage o, i%)i&ati%g tJat tJe U:)ate Bas su&&essful After pressing t+e ?Kes9 button< t+e soft(are $a8es t+e c+anges for t+e respective -roduct in t+e database. After t+at a $essage bo% is s+o(n (+ic+ says t+at t+e :pdate (as successful.


0.!.0.0. Pro)u&t Delete:

Fig. !G: Alert BJile Deleti%g tJe Pro)u&t 7+en t+e ad$inistrator (ants to delete a particular product9s infor$ation fro$ t+e database< +eAs+e can delete t+at product by selecting t+at particular product and pressing t+e ?2elete9 button< and t+en an alert $essage is s+o(n to +i$A+er. If t+e ad$inistrator doesn9t (ant to delete t+e product< t+en +e can select t+e ?5o9 button or else press ?Kes9 and t+en t+e selected product (ill be deleted. After pressing t+e ?Kes9 button t+e soft(are deletes t+e respective product fro$ t+e database. After t+at a $essage bo% is s+o(n (+ic+ says t+at t+e product (as successfully deleted.


0.!.1. Reor)er Strateg(:

0.!.1.1. A)) Su::l( I%for-atio%:

Fig. !D: NeB Su::l( I%for-atio% ForT+e *upply Infor$ation For$ contains $any te%tbo%es (+ic+ are used to enter t+e infor$ation in t+e database about (+ic+ product is supplied by (+ic+ vendor. T+ere are t(o co$bo>bo%es (+ic+ allo( t+e ad$inistrator to select vendor na$e and product na$e fro$ t+e available list. T+e vendor I2 and product I2 of t+at vendor and product respectively are auto$atically displayed in t+e te%tbo%es. T+en< t+e ad$inistrator can fill in t+e appropriate supply infor$ation< na$ely< cost price< order 0uantity and ti$e< and t+e 0uality rating of t+e product supplied by t+at vendor.


0.!.1.!. Sear&J Su::l( I%for-atio%:

Fig. !F: Su::l( I%for-atio% Sear&J ForT+e e%isting supply infor$ation can be searc+ed in t(o different (ays. T+e supply infor$ation can be searc+ed for a particular vendor eit+er by entering its vendor I2 or by selecting t+e vendor na$e fro$ t+e co$bo>bo% as s+o(n in figure above. T+e user +as to press ?OJ9 button to see t+e results of t+e *earc+.


Fig. !H: Su::l( I%for-atio% Sear&J Result ForT+e supply infor$ation searc+ result for$ displays t+e supply infor$ation about t+e productBsC (+ic+ are supplied by t+e searc+ed vendor. T+e entire searc+ result is s+o(n in a 2ata ;rid (+ic+ contains 4endor I2< 4endor 5a$e< -roduct I2< -roduct 5a$e< Order 6uantity< Ti$e< etc. T+ere are t(o buttons ?:pdate9 and ?2elete9 (+ic+ are used to update and delete t+e supply infor$ation of a particular product supplied by t+e searc+ed vendor fro$ t+e database. T+e te%tbo%es present ad,acent to t+e update and delete buttons s+o( t+e 4endor I2 of t+e searc+ed vendor to be updated or deleted respectively.


0.!.G. "e%)or I%for-atio%:

0.!.G.1. A)) a NeB "e%)or:

Fig. *E: NeB "e%)or I%for-atio% ForT+e 4endor Infor$ation For$ contains $any te%tbo%es (+ic+ are used to enter t+e infor$ation of t+e vendor in t+e database. T+e first te%tbo% is of 4endor>I2 (+ic+ is uni0ue for every vendor. T+ere are fields for 4endor /o$pany9s na$e< /ontact person9s na$e< address< telep+one nu$bers< FAH nu$ber and e>$ail I2 of t+e vendor9s co$pany. 7+en t+e ad$inistrator clic8s on t+e ?Insert9 button and confir$s it< t+e ne( vendor9s infor$ation is stored in t+e database.


0.!.G.!. "e%)or Sear&J:

Fig. *1: "e%)or Sear&J ForT+e 4endor infor$ation can be searc+ed in $any different (ays. T+e 4endor can be searc+ed using its 4endor I2< 4endor 5a$e BAlp+abeticallyC< /ountry and /ity and 5a$e in a +ierarc+ical $anner. T+e user +as to press ?OJ9 button to see t+e results of t+e *earc+. 1%a$ple of a *earc+@ 7+en t+e user selects ?India9 fro$ t+e /ountry< t+en all t+e cities under t+at /ountry are s+o(n in t+e list>bo% of t+e /ity. If (e select t+e /ity ?3u$bai9 t+en (e (ill see all vendors fro$ 3u$bai region in t+e ?5a$e9 list>bo%. 5o( t+e user can searc+ by /ountry or by /ity or 4endor 5a$e by selecting t+e ad,acent radio>button.


Fig. *!: "e%)or Sear&J Result ForT+e 4endor *earc+ #esult For$ displays t+e infor$ation about t+e vendorBsC (+ic+ are searc+ed fro$ t+e previous for$. T+e entire searc+ result is s+o(n in a 2ata ;rid (+ic+ contains 4endor I2< 4endor 5a$e< etc. T+ere are t(o buttons ?:pdate9 and ?2elete9 (+ic+ are used to update and delete t+e infor$ation of t+e 4endor fro$ t+e database. T+e te%tbo%es present ad,acent to t+e update and delete buttons s+o( t+e 4endor I2 of t+e vendor to be updated or deleted respectively.


0.!.G.*. "e%)or U:)ate:

Fig. **: Alert BJile u:)ati%g tJe "e%)or

7+en t+e user +as updated a data field of a vendor and t+en +e presses t+e ?:pdate9 button to save t+e c+anges< an alert $essage is s+o(n to t+e user to confir$ t+e update. If t+e user does not (ant to save t+e c+anges t+en +e can select t+e ?5o9 button or else press ?Kes9. After pressing t+e ?Kes9 button< t+e soft(are $a8es t+e c+anges for t+e respective 4endor in t+e database. After t+at a $essage bo% is s+o(n (+ic+ says t+at t+e :pdate (as successful.


"e%)or Delete:

Fig. *0: Alert BJile Deleti%g tJe "e%)or 7+en t+e ad$inistrator (ants to delete a particular vendor9s infor$ation fro$ t+e database< +eAs+e can delete t+at vendor by selecting t+at particular vendor and pressing t+e ?2elete9 button< and t+en an alert $essage is s+o(n to +i$A+er. If t+e ad$inistrator doesn9t (ant to delete t+e vendor< t+en +e can select t+e ?5o9 button or else press ?Kes9 and t+en t+e selected vendor (ill be deleted. After pressing t+e ?Kes9 button t+e soft(are deletes t+e respective vendor fro$ t+e database. After t+at a $essage bo% is s+o(n (+ic+ says t+at t+e vendor (as successfully deleted.



0.*.1. BILLING $ODULE: 0.*.1.1. Logi% S&ree%:

Fig. *1: Logi% For- of tJe Billi%g $o)ule T+e above for$ contains t(o te%t bo%es for entering :serna$e and -ass(ord. T+e sales person +as to enter +is appropriate :serna$e and -ass(ord. T+e sales person (ill not be logged>in unless +e specifies correct :serna$e and pass(ord. After t+e sales person enters +is :serna$e and -ass(ord +e +as to press t+e ?LO;I59 .utton in order to login. =isA+er :serna$e and -ass(ord are co$pared (it+ t+e :serna$e and -ass(ord present in t+e ?userlogin9 Table of t+e database. If bot+ t+e fields $atc+ t+en t+e user is aut+enticated and t+e .illing for$ opens.


0.*.1.!. Billi%g For-:

Fig. *G: Billi%g ForT+e .illing For$ contains a te%tbo% Btop>leftC t+at s+o(s t+e userna$e of t+e user (+o is logged>in. T+e te%tbo% besides t+e Label field ?Total9 s+o(s t+e total price of t+e goods purc+ased by t+e custo$er. T+ere is a te%tbo% ne%t to t+e button ?A22 TO /A#T9. In t+at te%tbo% (e +ave to enter t+e -roduct I2 B-I2C of t+e product purc+ased by t+e consu$er. 7+en t+e sales person enters t+e -I2 in t+at te%tbo% and presses t+e ?A22 TO /A#T9 button t+at product is added in t+e bill. T+e bill s+o(s t+e details of follo(ing fields@ -roduct I2< -roduct 5a$e< -rice per :nit< 5u$ber of :nits and Total -rice for t+e product purc+ased. T+e ?#13O41 F#O3 /A#T9 button is used to re$ove a particular product fro$ t+e bill. 7+en t+e bill is $ade t+e sales person s+ould press t+e ?-#I5T1#9 icon to print t+e bill. T+e sales person can c+ange +is pass(ord by clic8ing t+e ?/=A5;1 -A**7O#29 button. T+e sales person can logout by pressing t+e ?LO;O:T9 button.


0.*.1.*. Pri%te) Bill

Fig. *D: Pri%te) Bill T+e bill is printed (+en t+e sales person clic8s t+e ?-#I5T1#9 icon. T+e printed bill contains t+e 2ate and ti$e of purc+ase< 5a$e of t+e super$ar8et< -roduct I2< -roduct 5a$e< #ate per :nit< 6uantity B5u$ber of unitsC and Total Bfor eac+ productC. It also s+o(s Total A$ount to be paid by t+e custo$er.


0.*.1.0. CJa%ge of PassBor):

Fig. *F: CJa%ge of PassBor) ForT+e sales person can c+ange +is -ass(ord by clic8ing t+e ?/=A5;1 -A**7O#29 button on t+e billing for$. After clic8ing t+at button t+e above for$ pops up and t+ere are t+ree te%tbo% fields vi&. current pass(ord< ne( pass(ord< re>type ne( pass(ord. T+e sales person +as to fill t+ese te%tbo%es in order to c+ange +is pass(ord and t+en clic8 t+e ?/=A5;1 -A**7O#29 button on t+is for$.



Test :ro&e)ure: For 'ali) a)-i%istrator logi% Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s Ad$in login (it+ valid user na$e and pass(ord 4alid ad$in user na$e and pass(ord B-ass(ord $ust be si% c+aracters or $oreC *yste$ redirects to ad$inistrator9s +o$e page As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For i%'ali) a)-i%istrator logi% Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s Ad$in login (it+ invalid user na$e and pass(ord Invalid ad$in user na$e and pass(ord *yste$ generates an error $essage As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For ABC a%al(sis Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s A./ analysis and classification 2ata sa$ple fro$ a t+eoretical e%a$ple *yste$ perfor$s classification in t+e sa$e (ay as t+at of t+e t+eoretical $et+od As per e%pected 5o 2eviation


Test :ro&e)ure: For Pro)u&t &o-:ariso% o:tio% sele&tio% Test /ase Input :ser leaves a $andatory selection blan8 .utton is clic8ed (it+out selecting an option Bcarried out for all controls li8e radio bo%es and drop do(n list bo%esC 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s *yste$ pops up a $essage indicating t+at a necessary selection is not $ade As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For Ti-e s:a% sele&tio% i% ti-eli%e &o-:ariso% re:ort Test /ase Input :ser leaves a $andatory field blan8. .utton is clic8ed (it+out selecting an option Bcarried out for all controls li8e radio bo%es and drop do(n list bo%esC 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s *yste$ pops up a $essage indicating t+at a necessary selection is not $ade As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For &Je&;i%g a&&ura&( of &o-:ariso% ti-eli%e re:orts Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s /o$parison reports generate inaccurate data *a$ple database is attac+ed to t+e database #eport s+ould be generated s+o(ing calculated results fro$ t+e sa$ple data As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For &Je&;i%g alerts for Class +A/ a%) +B/ :ro)u&ts Test /ase Input .lan8 product I2 field /lic8ing ?3odify reorder strategy9 button (+en no product I2 is selected


1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s

*yste$ pops up a $essage indicating t+at t+e product I2 field is blan8 As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For 'ali) &lie%t registratio% Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s /lient registration (it+ valid user na$e and pass(ord 4alid user na$e and pass(ord B-ass(ord $ust be si% c+aracters or $oreC *yste$ registers t+e ne( client As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For i%'ali) &lie%t registratio% Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s /lient registration (it+ invalid user na$e and pass(ord Invalid user na$e and pass(ord *yste$ generates an error $essage As per e%pected 5o 2eviation


Test :ro&e)ure: For sear&Ji%g :ro)u&t Test /ase Input Invalid searc+ option or blan8 searc+ field 1. *earc+ by product I2 (+en product I2 field is blan8 2. *earc+ by $ain group< subgroup< type or product na$e (+en appropriate option is not selected 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s *yste$ generates an appropriate error $essage As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For u:)ati%g or )eleti%g :ro)u&t Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s 5o ro( available or blan8 product I2 /lic8ing ?:pdate9 or ?2elete9 button (+en no ro( is available or product I2 field is blan8 *yste$ generates an appropriate error $essage As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For sear&Ji%g su::l( i%for-atio% Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s .lan8 searc+ field *earc+ by vendor I2 (+en vendor I2 field is blan8 *yste$ generates an appropriate error $essage As per e%pected 5o 2eviation


Test :ro&e)ure: For u:)ati%g or )eleti%g su::l( i%for-atio% Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s 5o ro( available or blan8 vendor I2 /lic8ing ?:pdate9 or ?2elete9 button (+en no ro( is available or vendor I2 field is blan8 *yste$ generates an appropriate error $essage As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For sear&Ji%g 'e%)or Test /ase Input Invalid searc+ option or blan8 searc+ field 1. *earc+ by vendor I2 (+en vendor I2 field is blan8 2. *earc+ by country< city or vendor na$e (+en appropriate option is not selected 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s *yste$ generates an appropriate error $essage As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For u:)ati%g or )eleti%g 'e%)or Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s 5o ro( available or blan8 vendor I2 /lic8ing ?:pdate9 or ?2elete9 button (+en no ro( is available or vendor I2 field is blan8 *yste$ generates an appropriate error $essage As per e%pected 5o 2eviation


Test :ro&e)ure: For 'ali) &lie%t logi% Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s /lient login (it+ valid user na$e and pass(ord 4alid client user na$e and pass(ord B-ass(ord $ust be si% c+aracters or $oreC *yste$ redirects to client9s +o$e page Bi.e. .illing pageC As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For i%'ali) &lie%t logi% Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s /lient login (it+ invalid user na$e and pass(ord Invalid client user na$e and pass(ord *yste$ generates an appropriate error $essage As per e%pected 5o 2eviation

Test :ro&e)ure: For ill ge%eratio% ite- re-o'al Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s #e$oving ite$ fro$ cart (+ic+ is not present 7+ile ite$ selected is not present in t+e cart< client clic8s on ?#e$ove fro$ cart9 button *yste$ pops up a $essage indicating t+at t+e ite$ is not present in t+e cart As per e%pected 5o 2eviation


Test :ro&e)ure: For ill ge%eratio% ite- a))itio% Test /ase Input 1%pected Output Obtained output #e$ar8s Adding an ite$ to t+e cart (+ile its already present /lient selects suc+ an ite$s (+ic+ is already present and adds it *yste$ s+ould increase its 0uantity (it+out $a8ing a separate entry As per e%pected 5o 2eviation


T+us< (e +ave successfully co$pleted our pro,ect on ?Inventory /ontrol *yste$ of *uper$ar8et9. 7e +ave included $any features t+at are necessary for an Inventory /ontrol *yste$ of *uper$ar8et. T+e features are as follo(s@ 1. 2etailed *ales Analysis A./ Analysis -roduct /o$parison Ti$e Line Analysis

2. /+ec8ing of Alerts 3. -roduct Infor$ation 3anage$ent !. #eorder *trategy 5. 4endor Infor$ation 3anage$ent 6. .illing 3odule 7+ile $a8ing t+e soft(are< every effort +as been ta8en to $a8e a very easy to use ;rap+ical :ser Interface B;:IC. 7e +ave tried our best to include as $uc+ features as (e can in t+e available ti$e li$it. *o$e additional advance features can also be i$ple$ented li8e :sing a barcode syste$ #ecording of custo$er infor$ation for t+e study of buying +abits

.ut t+ese features are 8ept for future develop$ent.


T+e follo(ing .oo8s (ere used as references for t+e -ro,ect and preparing t+is -ro,ect #eport@ 1. /ost Accounting >.oard of studies< T+e Institute of /+artered Accountants of India 2. 3anage$ent and -roduction -lanning > .y 3ic+ael 4a&< 4inaya8 -arali8ar 3. .eginning 4..51T 2))3 BT+ird 1ditionC > .y T+earon 7illis< #ic+ard .lair 4. 4isual .asic .51T 2))3 -rogra$$ing L .lac8 .oo8 > .y *teven =ol&ner 5. *6L *erver 2))) .ible > .y -aul 5ielsen 6. *6L *erver 2))) :nleas+ed > .y -aul .ertucci< #ay #an8ins T+e follo(ing 7ebsites (ere used as references for t+e -ro,ect and preparing t+is -ro,ect #eport@ 1. ((($ 2. (((.s0l>server>$


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