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COMPANY NAME Groups Goal is to provide and maintain a healthy and

safe work place as well as to protect the environment at all times.

The group recognizes that the responsibility for the employees safety and health requires the constant and continuing effort of a partnership involving COMPANY NAME management, its employees, the clients / owner and COMPANY NAME ubcontractors. The group will comply with all legally mandatory and internationally accepted work practices and procedures for the protection and promotion of the health, safety, and environment for all employees and others, who may be affected by the groups activities. The group will emphasize the promotion, development, dissemination, implementation, effectiveness and improvement of its !ealth, afety and "nvironmental #anagement ystem.
COMPANY NAME will perform rigorous and frequent audits to ensure

that the ! " $olicy and ! " #anagement implemented throughout the organization.
COMPANY NAME shall place the !ealth and

ystem are effectively

afety of all the employees and "nvironmental $rotection and pollution prevention above any other consideration of %ob operation or administration. &ll COMPANY NAME "mployees shall work conscientiously and diligently to e'ecute the Groups ! " $olicy by maintaining the highest standards to prevent human suffering and losses, which result from unsafe malpractice.
COMPANY NAME emphasizes the continuous implementation and

upgrading of its ! " &wareness $rogram through the ! " #anagement ystems (omprehensive "ducational and Training program.
COMPANY NAME Groups ultimate goal is to prevent all occupational

incidents, promote !ealth and afety for the people and impose "nvironmental $rotection at the place of work.

************************** $resident


TABLE OF CONTENTS COMPANY NAME !"&-T!, &."T/ &0+ "012340#"0T $4-2(/ T&T"#"0T ) (4$" 5 20T34+6(T240 5 T&3G"T 7 489"(T21" 7 $63$4 " : +".202T240 : 3"."3"0(" : ! " 43G&02;&T240 &0+ 3" $40 282-2T2" < ! " $-&0020G = COMPANY NAME $349"(T ! " $34G3&# T36(T63" = &."T/ 3"(4G02T240 > ! " &?&3"0" $34G3&# > ! " T3&2020G 4. #(( $"3 400")@ G"0"3&- ! " 432"0T&T240 )) 68(40T3&(T43 )) "012340#"0T&- #&0&G"#"0T )) !"&-T! &0+ #"+2(&- .&(2-2T2" )) !/G2"0" )5 (40T34- 4. 2--"G&- +36G , &-(4!4- &0+ .23"&3# )5 2T" &."T/ #&$ )5 2T" 36-" )7 $34T"(T240 4. T!" 2T" )7 $34T"(T240 4. T!" ?43A )7 ! " 20 $"(T240 $34G3&# )7

&((2+"0T/ 20(2+"0T 3"$43T20G B 201" T2G&T240 ): 0"&3 #2 &0+$34$"3T/ +&#&G" 201" T2G&T240 &0+ 3"$43T20G ): 40 T!" 948 &0+ 4. T!" 948 1"!2(-" &((2+"0T )< ?""A-/ / #40T!-/ ! " &(T212T2" &0+ T&T2 T2( 3"$43T )< ! " &6+2T )< 3"$43T20G T4 COMPANY NAME )= (40T34- 4. ! " 3"(43+ )= &."T/ (40T34- 4. (32T2(&- &(T212T2" )= !&;&3+ 2+"0T2.2(&T240, &0&-/ 2 &0+ (40T34)C ?43A $"3#2T )C 2T" "(632T/ )C "-"(T32(&- ?43A )C 042 " &0+ 1283&T240 (40T34- T3&..2( 3"G6-&T240 )D T3&..2( 3"G6-&T240 )D 94630"/ #&0&G"#"0T )> ?&3020G, $34!282T240 &0+ (4##&0+ 2G0 )> $-&0T, #&(!20"3/ B1"!2(-" +"$&3T#"0T )> &."T/ 124-&T240 )> "#"3G"0(/ 5@ $"3 40&- $34T"(T21" "E62$#"0T 5@ !46 "A""$20G 5) "#"3G"0(/ 4((6$&T240&- !"&-T! $"3 400"- &0+ .&(2-2T2" 5)

&."T/ 3"(4G02T240
)).). 6pon completion of ! " #ilestones, #anaging 4ffice afety B (ontrols +ivision recognize the pro%ect in the following manner. )).5 6pon completion of the ) st, 7rd, <th,Dth, )@th, )<th, 5@th, 5<th million manF hours and each consecutive < million manFhours after the 5< th million manFhours without lost time accidents, the pro%ect shall be awarded with a afety $laque. )).7. 6pon completion of a pro%ect without a lost time accident, the pro%ect shall receive a afety $laque. )).:. 6pon completion of each manFhour, congratulations letter shall be sent to the pro%ect. 7

! " &?&3"0"


)5.).). The ! " &wareness $rogram aims at increasing the level of awareness for all employees, which assist in the implementation of the $ro%ect afety $rogram tructure. 2n order to implement this program effectively, educational material pertaining to the information needed has been prepared. The supporting material includes a afety 8ooklet/ !andbook, afety $osters, afety 1ideos, and afety !ints. This educational material has been prepared using "nglish language. )5.5 $rogram 2mplementation &ids )5.5.). afety 8ooklet / !andbook )5.5.).). The main requirements of this COMPANY NAME ! " and the site rules shall be provided to all personnel in a booklet or plasticized sheet. This 8ooklet / handbook is the COMPANY NAME "mployee afety !andbook. 2t is a pocketsize booklet that includes detailed information about the safe methods and practices of performing the %ob. 2t is prepared using professional safety clipart. )5.5.5. afety $osters )5.5.5.). These posters are visual aids that have been prepared with professional clipart graphics that display information in a quick and easy to remember and related method. They are posted in various locations on the site. They are important for displaying information, and reminding employees of the proper safety methods to perform the %ob, and to caution them of potential hazards. They are prepared in &7 size and they are laminated in order to endure different and e'treme meteorological / weather conditions. )5.5.7. afety 1ideos )5.5.7.). The afety videos are audioFvisual aids that are used to enforce the knowledge that the trainee acquires from the training. They may also be used either an information refreshers or as an initial method of educating the trainee or the employee. )5.5.:. Toolbo'Ftalks )5.5.:.). These are short duration meetings that are held on daily / weekly basis to increase knowledge as well as familiarization with the scope of work. There are various topics for toolbo' Gtalks. & manual with C5 topics is available. Toolbo'Ftalks sign in sheet are also required to register the attendance. The safety hints described below can also be used to conduct these meetings. )5.5.<. afety !ints :

)5.5.<.). These !ints are a set of laminated size &C sheets that are used as personal safety aids for conducting Toolbo' Talks and 9ob afety &nalysis. )5.5.=. 9ob afety &nalysis )5.5.=.). 9ob afety &nalysis is a process of identifying the scope of work, materials needed, personnel needed, safety equipment, potential safety hazards and how to protect the worker from those hazards. )5.5.C. #aterial afety +ata heets )5.5.C.) #aterial afety +ata heets H# + I are required by international standards to identify potential chemical hazards and to'ic chemicals in the workplace. These # + s are provided free of charge from the vendor or suppliers. )5.5.D. ! " 0ewsletter G all about safety )7.5.D.). & !ealth, afety and "nvironment 0ewsletter is issued on a monthly / quarterly basis. The title of the news letter is all about safety. 2t includes issues pertaining to health, safety and environment as well as safety hints, a safety quiz and professional clipart.

! " T3&2020G 4. #(( $"3 400")7.). COMPANY NAME is responsible for providing the relevant !ealth, afety, B "nvironment training to all personnel in order to ensure that they have the knowledge, skills and awareness to enable them to work in a safe, healthy, and responsible manner. )7.5 The ite General #anager and ! " manager are responsible for providing Training courses as required, ite COMPANY NAME personnel shall attend, and where necessary pass, the mandatory health, safety and environmental courses provided. (ourses attended shall be recorded in the employees Training 3ecord. )7.7(ourses shall be conducted by or under the direction of the ! " #anager or his designee. afety topics will be chosen and presented by the afety B (ontrols +ivision. )7.:. &ll attendees shall sign a register of courses attended, a copy of which shall be sent to #4 G &1$ !uman 3esources, and #4 afety B (ontrol +ivision.

G"0"3&- ! " 432"0T&T240 H20+6(T240 $34G3&# I

):.). 0o COMPANY NAME personnel shall be deployed to the COMPANY NAME pro%ect work area without attending the required ! " orientation. This orientation will be given daily or as required by the numbers of personnel to be inducted. The ! " +epartment will conduct the orientation. & completion attendance slip will be given to each attendee so to be processed for issuance of their $ersonal <

$rotective "quipment 6pon arrival, all personnel Hno matter of grade or positionI will be given this induction program. The program will orient them on safety and other requirements of the pro%ect. ):.5. &ttendance will be taken as a control measure for its implementation.

! " 20 $"(T240 $34G3&#

5:.). & JK ! " 2nspection $rogramK will be tailored for each $ro%ect needs during mobilization. The following points will be addressed in more details in the afety 2nspection $rogram prior to start the actual work, 5:.).). !ierarchy of inspection and audits. 5:.).5. 9oint (lient / (ontractor audits. 5:.).7. 2nternal audits. 5:.).:. $rogram of safety inspections by line supervisors. 5:.).=. 2nspection timetable. 5:.5. (onstruction supervisors and the ! " #anager shall conduct weekly site inspections in each work area. The ite General #anager who will ensure that remedial advice is auctioned will review the results of the inspections and the remedial actions to rectify unsafe conditions or practices found during the inspections. ! " #anager shall be copied on all reports relating to these inspections and safety shall attend these meetings.

&((2+"0T / 20(2+"0T 3"$43T20G B 201" T2G&T240

5<.). &ccident / 2ncident investigation involves the methodical e'amination of an undesired event that did, or could, result in physical harm to people or damage to property and the "nvironment. 5<.5. 2nvestigation activities are directed toward defining the facts and circumstances related to the event, determining the causes and developing remedial actions to control the risks. 5<.7. & procedure is in place to ensure that all personnel are aware of what is to be reported and investigated, and when. The data to be provided by following the procedure requirements will enable a thorough analysis to be performed which will determine the basic or underlying causes. 5<.:. The benefit of effective reporting of accidents / incidents includes, 5<.:.). &ssurance that all accidents / incident will be investigated. 5<.:.5. +iscovery of the causes. 5<.:.7. 3eduction of recurrences. 5<.:.:. 2dentification of program needs. 5<.:.<. $rovision of information in case of litigation. 5<.:.=. 4verall program improvement. 5<.:.C. 2ncrease of production time and reduction of operating costs. =

5<.<. afety (orrective &ction 5<.<.). The &ccident / incident investigation and analysis is ineffective if remedial action is not carried out. & written procedure is in place to delegate responsibilities and time frame to ensure that afety (orrective &ction 0otices H (&0I recommended in the investigation report are carried out effectively. 5<.<.5. &ll accident / incidents shall be reported to the ite General #anager and ! " #anager within 5: hours of occurrence. &ll lost time accidents shall be reported within 5: hours to the (orporate afety B (ontrol +ivision at #4.

0"&3 #2 &0+ 3"$43T20G



201" TG&T240


5=.). 0ear #iss, an incident that could have caused personal in%ury or property damage. 5=.5. &ll near misses shall be reported to COMPANY NAME within 5: hours or within the ne't working day. & preliminary report detailing the description of the near miss or property damage is to be sent to #(( as soon as available. 5=.7. & final report describing the facts of the near miss or the property damage is to be sent to COMPANY NAME upon completion of the said report. 5=.:. The above reports must be documented and kept on file.

?&3020G $34!282T240 &0+ (4##&0+ 2G0

:@.) &ll safety, first aid and accident prevention facilities and equipment shall be prominently marked. 4ut of bounds or classified areas on site shall have prominent warning signs displayed. :@.5. 0o signs shall be removed without the consent of the ! " #anager.

&."T/ 124-&T240
:5.). & afety violation is a case of disregard for a safety procedure, which caused or could have caused an accident. :5.5. ! " 4fficer shall immediately correct and report any safety violations seen in the course of his duties in writing to ! " #anager. These reports will be kept on file and will give details of the violations, work area, date and time, perpetrators, etc. :5.7. +isciplinary action will be considered for repeated offenders.

"#"3G"0(/ $3"$&3"+0"
:7.) 489"(T21", To develop/establish a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan that provides management guidelines for actions to be taken for all types of emergency conditions likely to occur at an operation. C

:7.5 3"E623"#"0T , There should be a written (omprehensive "mergency $reparedness $lan. :7.5.) "mergency $reparedness 4rganization B 4verall "mergency (oordinator "mergency 3esponse Teams :7.5.).) (ommunication :7.5.).5 ecurity :7.5.).7 alvage :7.5.).: 6tilities (ontrol :7.5.).< "vacuation :7.5.).= #edical :7.5.).C earch B 3escue :7.5.).D .inance/2nsurance H +amage &ssessment I :7.5.5 "mergency $rocedures :7.5.5.) This includes fires, typhoon/flood, glass leaks, earthquake, transport strikes, power failures, bomb threats/e'plosions, -$G leaks, fuel oil leaks, and serious accidents. :7.5.7 "mergency $reparedness Training $rograms ::.5.7.) .ire 8rigade Training ::.5.7.5 .ire safety Training ::.5.7.7 .ire "vacuation +rills ::.5.7.: .irst &id #anagement ::.5.7.< earch B 3escue Training :7.5.: 2nstallation and #aintenance of $rotective "quipment H$$" B .ire .ighting "quipment I :7.5.< &nnual 3eview/3evision of "mergency $reparedness $lan

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