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Lee Jenkins - Female Orgasm Black Book

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Female Orgasm Black Book

%ersion 1.&

'ee (enkins, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

-)Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer: All contents co*+right b+ (, ,!blishers. All rights reserved. -o *art o this doc!ment or the related iles ma+ be re*rod!ced or transmitted in an+ orm, b+ an+ means .electronic, *hotoco*+ing, recording, or otherwise/ witho!t the *rior written *ermission o the *!blisher. 'imit o 'iabilit+ and Disclaimer o 0arrant+1 2he *!blisher has !sed its best e orts in *re*aring this book, and the in ormation *rovided herein is *rovided 3as is.3 (, ,!blishers makes no re*resentation or warranties with res*ect to the acc!rac+ or com*leteness o the contents o this book and s*eci icall+ disclaims an+ im*lied warranties o merchantabilit+ or itness or an+ *artic!lar *!r*ose and shall in no event be liable or an+ loss o *ro it or an+ other commercial damage, incl!ding b!t not limited to s*ecial, incidental, conse4!ential, or other damages. 2rademarks1 2his book identi ies *rod!ct names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks o their res*ective holders. 2he+ are !sed thro!gho!t this book in an editorial ashion onl+. 5n addition, terms s!s*ected o being trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks have been a**ro*riatel+ ca*itali6ed, altho!gh (, ,!blishers cannot attest to the acc!rac+ o this in ormation. 7se o a term in this book sho!ld not be regarded as a ecting the validit+ o an+ trademark, registered trademark, or service mark. (, ,!blishers is not associated with an+ *rod!ct or vendor mentioned in this book. 8haring this Doc!ment 2here was a lot o work that went into *!tting this doc!ment together. 5 can9t tell +o! how man+ co!ntless ho!rs are s*ent *!tting together this man!al. 2hat means that this in ormation has val!e, and +o!r riends, neighbors, and co-workers ma+ want to share it. 2he in ormation in this doc!ment is co*+righted. 5 wo!ld ask that +o! do not share this in ormation with others-+o! *!rchased this book, and +o! have a right to !se it on +o!r s+stem. Another *erson who has not *!rchased this book does not have that right. 5 +o! have this ile .or a *rinto!t/ and didnt *a+ or it +o! are de*riving the a!thor and *!blisher o their right !l ro+alties. 5 +o!r riends think this in ormation is val!able eno!gh to ask +o! or it, the+ sho!ld think it is val!able eno!gh to *!rchase on their own. A ter all, the *rice is low eno!gh that :!st abo!t an+one sho!ld be able to a ord it. 5t sho!ld go witho!t sa+ing that +o! cannot *ost this doc!ment or the in ormation it contains on an+ electronic b!lletin board, 0eb site, F2, site, newsgro!*, ,$, ile sharing *rograms, or ... well, +o! get the idea. 2he onl+ *lace rom which this doc!ment sho!ld be available is the website. 5 +o! want an original co*+, visit ., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#


Female Orgasm Black Book: Table of Contents

Chapter !ntrod"ction####################################$

Chapter % &eys to '"ccess################################# ( Chapter ) Female 'e*"al +natomy,-rogeno"s .ones##########1/

Chapter 0 The Female Orgasm Bl"eprint####################%( Chapter $ 1hase 1: 'ed"ction Desire######################02 Chapter / 1hase %: 'ensation#############################$2 < =>citement-?assage Chapter 2 1hase %: 'ensation#############################/3 < ,latea! Chapter 3 1hase ): '"rrender 4ore on Orgasms#############33 Chapter ( 1hase 0: 5eflection############################(2 Chapter 16 5o"tines#####################################161 5ecommended 5eso"rces###################################11% Closing Tho"ghts######################################## 11(, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#


Chapter 1: !ntrod"ction
'et me start b+ sa+ing that 5m an ordinar+ g!+, :!st like +o!. ?+ *enis isnt the largest in the locker room. 2he women o!t there dont mistake me or Aoll+woods latest hot celebrit+. 5m not rich, or amo!s, 5m not a B*la+bo+C, and 5m not e>actl+ what +o!d call a geni!s, tho!gh 5 wasnt born +esterda+ either. B!t 5 have been blessed with some *rett+ insight !l, and more im*ortantl+, a!thentic, wisdom to share that has the *otential to o*en doors to !ncharted territor+ in +o!r se> li e. 5 cant o er +o! increased si6e or a magical *otion to incite l!st and desire in ever+ woman +o! meet. B!t, i +o! make a solid commitment to read and *ractice the wisdom +o!ll ind over the ne>t several cha*ters, 5 can *romise that the s*ecial woman in +o!r li e will be *!rring like a kitten, eager and available or erotic rom*ing more o ten than +o!d dared to imagine. Be ore long, shell be bragging abo!t how great +o! are in bed, and +o!r b!ddies will be begging +o! to share +o!r secrets# Do! see, 5m on a mission in li e to *rovide the ke+s needed to o*en the doors or a womans se>!al !l illment to as man+ men as desire to *ossess them. Do! and 5 both know that se> and the !ltimate *eak o orgasm E both on a reg!lar sched!le E are an im*ortant, no, essential, *art o a health+, normal li e. 2hats beca!se having an orgasm releases a *ower !l chemical cocktail that, among other things1 < Red!ces stress < Red!ces tension < Flears +o!r mind < Releases +o! to concentrate on other things besides se> and < 5t makes +o! eel damn good# 5n all realit+, the act o orgasm is ?other -at!res wa+ o reg!lating o!r raging testosterone and kee*s !s sane, ha**+ and smiling. Aowever, interr!*t that Breg!lar sched!leC and its a whole di erent scenario. Once +o! cross that G$-ho!r threshold, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

-Hwitho!t an orgasm, +o! become restlessness, an>io!s, irritable, and aching balls enter the scene. 5t isnt ver+ m!ch longer a ter that be ore somethings gotta give# '!ck+ or !s g!+s, reaching an orgasm isnt rocket science. ?ost o !s have been doing it since middle school and b+ now, weve got it down to an art# B!t or the women o!t there, its a whole di erent stor+I

The -l"si7e Female Orgasm

Jnowing +o!ve made a woman c!m is s!*remel+ satis +ing, b!t not nearl+ as wonder !l and ama6ing as the orgasm +o!r lover is e>*eriencing. 7n ort!natel+, its nearl+ im*ossible to e>*lain. ?asters and (ohnsons, a leading se>!al a!thorit+, a ter man+ interviews with co!ntless women, described it like thisI B0omen o ten describe the sensations o an orgasm as beginning with a momentar+ sense o s!s*ension, 4!ickl+ ollowed b+ an intensel+ *leas!rable eeling that !s!all+ begins at the clitoris and ra*idl+ s*reads thro!gho!t the *elvis. 2he *h+sical sensations o the genitals are o ten described as warm, electric, or tingl+, and these !s!all+ s*read thro!gho!t the bod+. Finall+, most women eel m!scle contractions in their vagina and lower *elvis, o ten described as B*elvic throbbing.C B!t, i +o! ask a t+*ical woman to describe an orgasm, and +o!ll *robabl+ hear a lot o words and so!nds and descri*tions that lead +o! to believe that the emale orgasm is a m+stical, s*irit!al thingI5t is## Fo!ld +o! imagine making it thro!gh ne>t +ear, m!ch less ever+ +ear, witho!t being able to orgasm +o!rsel K 2hen imagine going thro!gh all o the motions, over and over, witho!t having an orgasm. 2alk abo!t bl!e balls# 5t *robabl+ wo!ldnt take +o! too long to throw +o!r hands !* in disg!st and decide to swear se> o or good., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

-GDo! wo!ld be r!stratedIand thats e>actl+ how a woman who has never e>*erienced an orgasm be ore eels. 2his is wh+ man+ women who are in long term relationshi*s dont want to have se> as o ten as be ore. 8hes r!strated, doesnt e>*erience *leas!re rom se>, and treats se> like another chore. B!t thats e>actl+ whats going on in the lives o co!ntless women o!t there. 8omethings got to change, b!t whatK 2he act is, or the most *art, +o!ve got a lot le t to learn abo!t how to se>!all+ satis + a woman.

8hy Don9t 8e &no: 4ore Female Orgasms;

2r!th o the matter is, most g!+s dont have a cl!e abo!t emale orgasms. ?ost men sim*l+ arent getting a 4!alit+ se>!al ed!cation. 5 +o! want to be a *l!mber, +o! sim*l+ go to a trade school, grad!ate, and ,OOF# E +o!re a *l!mber. 0h+ cant it be that sim*l+ when it comes to becoming an e>cellent, satis +ing loverK 0here did +o! learn abo!t se>K 0his*ering with +o!r b!ddies over contraband cigarettes and alcoholK 8t!mbling !*on +o!r Dads stash o *ornogra*hic movies and maga6inesK 2hose ridic!lo!s Bse> ed. classesC the+ gave in schoolK 'ets take a look at this Bed!cationCI First o , looking back, its *robabl+ sa e to ass!me that at least G@L o the se> stories +o!r b!ddies o ered +o! were com*lete, !nad!lterated b!ll-shit, *!re and sim*le. 8econdl+, the *orn ind!str+ isnt the Breal deal.C 2he scenes are scri*ted, the women *aid to *er orm and most o those orgasms are aked .at least b+ the women/. 8!re, +o! might have *icked !* a ew !se !l *ositions or techni4!es, b!t i *orn is +o!r onl+ se> ed!cation, +o! de initel+ need to kee* on reading., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

-M2hat leaves !s with school-s*onsored se> ed!cation, *robabl+ the most well- !nded .and s!ccess !l/ cam*aign o *ro*aganda to convince kids and teens across the globe -O2 to engage in se>!al activit+# Do!r teachers were too b!s+ threatening +o! with the nightmarish *ossibilities o !n*lanned *regnanc+ and 82Ds and d!lling +o!r senses with com*le> .and totall+ not-se>+/ charts and diagrams. 5m willing to bet no one was sharing the goods on the Ns*ot, clitoris or the *otential or emale e:ac!lation# 8!re, its im*ortant to know abo!t condoms, birth control, A5D8 and A5%, b!t what +o! reall+ wanted .and needed/ to hear abo!t was the ine art o c!nniling!s, giving m!lti*le orgasms and other s!*er-secret insider ti*s. And thats what +o!re abo!t to learn in this man!al#

8hat This 4an"al !s +bo"t

2his man!al is a *lain-and-sim*le, instr!ctional g!ide on how to give women orgasms. 2he Female Orgasm Black Book is something that +o! can re er to time and time again. 5ve written it with a male reader in mind, b!t the in ormation in this man!al is intended to hel* men, women and co!*les achieve emale orgasms and have a more !l illing se>!al relationshi*. 2he core section .2he Female Orgasm Black Book/ contains details o emale orgasms, along with the overall Bs+stemC or Bstrateg+C +o!ll em*lo+. 5ve also incl!ded a ew techni4!es to ill!strate what needs to be done, and when. 2he other *arts o the man!al can be looked at as the Btoolbo>C o techni4!es. Do!ll ind a variet+ o di erent se>!al techni4!es +o! can !se to B*l!g-and-*la+C into the overall s+stem. OJ, eno!gh introd!ctor+ talkIlets get down to b!siness#, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#


Chapter %: &eys to '"ccess

One o the main things that make this book so m!ch better than all o those other se> books is that 5ll take +o! thro!gh a two-ste* a**roach that addresses the whole se>!al e>*erience, instead o merel+ a *ortion. 2he two as*ects that this man!al is going to oc!s !*on are1 1. 8trateg+ .the mindset and overall ramework o the emale orgasm/ $. 2actics .techni4!es and the Bhow tosC/ 2he biggest mistake that +o! can make is to oc!s on the how-to witho!t *a+ing *ro*er attention to the best mind-set and strategies o the emale orgasm. 5n realit+, the strategies are the ke+ to !nlocking the *ower o the techni4!es. Do!ll !nderstand that while the techni4!es b+ itsel can be e ective, the mind-n!mbing, nois+, wet, toe-c!rling orgasms lies largel+ in the strateg+ +o! !se when a**l+ing the techni4!es. 8o, in order to get the most o!t o these tactics, +o!ve got to *a+ close, intimate attention to the strategies

&ey <1: 4indset

Do!r state o mind .and +o!r *artners/ can reall+ make or break the chances o her having an orgasmI The 8rong 4indset Aow do +o! a**roach +o!r lovers orgasmsK Do! *robabl+ enter into se> with the mindset and goal o Bgiving an orgasm.C 5ts this a**roach that leads too man+ g!+s on a wild goose chase or the B*er ectC strokes and techni4!es. 5t leaves +o! blindl+ seeking o!t ever+ ti* and trick o!t there, !rio!sl+ testing them o!t on +o!r lover., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1& 5 hate to break it to +o!, b!t this is the wrong mindset i +o! tr!l+ want to BgiveC an orgasm. 5t so!nds contradictor+, 5 know. B!t its tr!e, and heres wh+I 0hen +o! head into the bedroom with the goal o BgivingC her an orgasm, +o!re setting !* e>*ectations in both o +o!r minds. 2his a**roach will create *ress!re on both +o! and +o!r *artner that an orgasm ?782 ha**en. Once +o! add *ress!re to have an orgasm, it is virt!all+ g!aranteed to add some negative stress and an>iet+ d!ring +o!r intimate times together. AndIas this stress grows, it will act!all+ make it m!ch harder or her to c!m. Aave +o! ever seen a ootball or basketball *la+er Bchoke !*C d!ring a gameK 2he ans, the crowds, the com*etition b!ild !* so m!ch *ress!re or the athlete to *er orm well that their oc!s is diverted rom the game and to their an>ieties. 7ltimatel+, the+ wind !* screwing !*. 2oo m!ch oc!s and drive on +o!r *art to BgiveC an orgasm can have the same e ect on +o!r *artner. 5 the stress and *ress!re get too high, she ma+ be le t !nsatis ied. And beca!se +o! have set this BgoalC to have an orgasm in a irst *lace, and now that the goal is !nmet, both +o! and +o!r *artner will be le t eeling disa**ointed. 5 this a**roach is s!stained, +o! ma+ wind !* anchoring these eelings o disa**ointment to +o!r times o *h+sical intimac+ E carr+ing it over into +o!r ne>t se>!al enco!nter, !rther increasing her B*er ormance an>iet+.C The 5ight 4indset Aeres the *arado>I 5 +o! want to give an orgasm, +o! have to -O2 oc!s on the orgasm#, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 11 5nstead o oc!sing on the goal o achieving an orgasm, start oc!sing +o!r attention on the *leas!re o the *rocess. 2he ke+ is, i +o! oc!s on giving *leas!re, and making s!re shes eeling good, that orgasm will come .no *!n intended./

&ey <%: Comm"nication

-ot ever+ techni4!e will work on ever+ woman. One woman ma+ *re er one *artic!lar stroke or rh+thm more than the ne>t woman does. 2o ind o!t what reall+ makes +o!r woman tick, +o!ve got to o*en the lines o comm!nication. Do! need to ind o!t what she likes as +o!re a**l+ing a techni4!e. 2hat wa+, +o! can o*timi6e +o!r rh+thm, s*eed, stroke etc. to match what she likes best. Aim or o*en verbal comm!nication, b!t i +o!r lover isnt as brave s*eaking her mind .es*eciall+ when +o!re ace is b!ried between her thighs/ +o! can o*t or more non-verbal comm!nicative methods, s!ch as s4!ee6ing hands or bod+ res*onse. Fomm!nicating well with +o!r *artner can make it m!ch easier to bring her *leas!re, and !ltimatel+, more and better orgasms.

&ey <): -scalation

One o the biggest mistake men make is moving too ast, too soon. 5t works ine or !s, b!t or a woman, she might not be read+ +et. For g!+s, we can come to an orgasm ver+ 4!ickl+. ?en basicall+ need to get aro!sed, stim!lated, and were done. 0omen, on the other hand, need a grad!al escalation to come to a *oint o orgasm. 0ith each o the stages o se>!al res*onse .+o!ll ind o!t abo!t this in an !*coming cha*ter/, the intensit+ o the stim!lation is increased., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1$ -

&ey <0: +nticipation and Tension

Antici*ation .otherwise known as BteasingC and Be>citementC/ is a *ower !l and e ective tool to !se. 5n order to m!lti*l+ the e ects o +o!r se>!al techni4!es, +o!ll have to add antici*ation into the mi>. Antici*ation will get her more aro!sed, give her a greater chance to have an orgasm and oc!ses her mind on the *h+sical *leas!re shes e>*eriencing. AndIwhile +o!re b!ilding !* antici*ation, at the same time +o!re cranking !* se>!al tension as well. 2he se>!al tension will have to be released .in the orm o an orgasm/. 2he ke+ to b!ilding !* antici*ation is to oc!s on the areas s!rro!nd the main BtargetC be ore +o! act!all+ hit the target. For e>am*le, +o! can do this b+ r!bbing her inner thighs, b!ttocks and hi*s be ore act!all+ to!ching her vagina. 0hile +o!re r!bbing those bod+ *arts, shes getting wetter and wetter b+ the second, antici*ating +o! to inall+ move onto her vagina. At the same time, the tension is growing within her and at some *oint, itll have to be released. A note1 when +o!re b!ilding !* the antici*ation in her, its going to b!ild !* in +o! as well# 5ts going to be +o!r :ob to maintain sel control, and kee* the escalation at the right *ace.

&ey <$: 5ela*ation

A woman has to be com*letel+ rela>ed to have an orgasm. 5 she has her mind on her :ob, sel -conscio!s abo!t how her bod+ looks, tr+ing to have an orgasm, or whatever the case ma+ be, shes not going to be rela>ed. 8hell be tensed, and her bod+ wont allow her to release an orgasm. Do!r :obK 2o hel* those tro!bles melt awa+ and disa**ear .even i onl+ tem*oraril+/ with +o!r words, to!ch, attit!de and, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1) *re*arations. Do!r lover m!st be totall+ and com*letel+ rela>ed and ree rom tension. 2he onl+ tension she sho!ld be eeling is se>!al tension#

&ey </: =i7e Before >o" 5ecei7e

Be ore receiving an+ se>!al *leas!re rom her, +o! have to make s!re she receives se>!al *leas!re rom +o! irst. 0h+K 5t shows that1 1/ Do! have control o +o!r se>!al desires $/ 8hell be in a more Bread+C state to have an orgasm while having interco!rse, and )/ A ter she has an orgasm, she9ll be read+ and willing to reci*rocate to the best o her abilities# 8erio!sl+, i +o! can com*are the 4!alit+ o the blow :ob she gives +o!, the one *er ormed witho!t her e>*eriencing an orgasm F5R82, will, ironicall+, 87FJ com*ared to the blow :ob she gives +o! a ter she R=F5=%=8 an orgasm. 8e> goes the same too... No ahead and test this o!t or +o!rsel i +o! don9t believe me.

Tips for the 8oman in >o"r Life

-ow 5d like to take a ew moments to address the s*ecial woman in +o!r li e. Do! can invite her over to the screen, *rint o!t the *age and t!ck it into her brie case or bring it !* in +o!r ne>t se>!al conversationI 1. Allow +o!rsel to let go. Dont eel sel ish or sl!ttishP distracted or !nworth+. Dont tame or s!bd!e +o!rsel . Dont hold an+thing back# $. Dont eel a raid to get a little verbal. Q!it biting +o!r tong!e or holding +o!r breath. 'et go and moan, groan or sigh i +o! want to. Dont orce it or get too theatrical, b!t the man in +o!r li e will love to, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1; hear the so!nds o +o!r *leas!re esca*ing +o!r li*s. ). 5 +o! ind +o!rsel constantl+ stressing over h+giene iss!es like scent or taste or cleanliness, tr+ incor*orating a bath or shower earl+ on in +o!r sched!le to *re*are and im*rove +o!r com ort level. =ven better i +o! can invite him to :oin +o!# ;. 8trive to gain greater com ort with +o!r bod+ and what t!rns +o! on. 2ake initiative to learn what reall+ drives +o! insane with desire and then learn to comm!nicate those hot b!ttons to the man in +o!r bed. 0hat do +o! antasi6e abo!tK 0hat reall+ t!rns +o! onK @. 'earn to believe +o!r lover when he tells +o! he loves to *leas!re +o! and make +o! c!m E he means it# And hes also telling +o! the tr!th when he swears !* and down that he loves to eat +o!r *!ss+# 2here are ew things in this world that will give a man a sense o accom*lishment or satis action than making the woman he cares abo!t c!mI

The O*ytocin Factor

O>+tocin is one o man+ chemicals that *la+ a signi icant role in orgasm and se>!al res*onse. 5ts a hormone that is secreted b+ the *it!itar+ gland and cases m!scle contractions and sensiti6es the nerves. 0hile o>+tocin *la+s a *art in o!r orgasms too, its believed that its even more im*ortant in a womans se>!al *leas!re. -ot onl+ does this hormone *la+ a large *art in the contractions that wrack a womans womb and vaginal walls when she c!ms, research has shown that increased o>+tocin *rod!ction in a woman contrib!tes to more *ower !l, intense orgasms. O>+tocin also *la+s an im*ortant *art o a womans emotional state and stim!lates emotional *leas!re and eelings o intimac+. 5ts o ten re erred to as the Bc!ddling hormoneC beca!se its this chemical that initiates eelings o connection, bonding and intimac+ with +o!r lover., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1@ 8tronger orgasms and emotional !l illment E its no s!r*rise wh+ this chemical hormone is so vital to a womans health+ se>!al res*onse# 5n later cha*ters +o!ll discover e>actl+ how to release this chemical to make her eel more connected to +o!, and want to have se> with +o! more o ten.

&eys to '"ccess in +ction

5m *roviding +o! with 4!ite a bit o in ormation. 5ts all well and good i +o! can read and remember the techni4!es and conce*ts, b!t i +o! dont a**l+ them, +o! might as well not have wasted +o!r time or mone+ on this book. ?ake a solid commitment to not onl+ read this book, b!t to *!t the *rinci*les 5 share with +o! into *ractice in +o!r ever+ da+ se> li e. 2eam !* with +o!r lover and let her know what +o!re reading !* on. Ask her to work with +o! and convince her to agree to o er +o! honest eedback on the new things +o!ll be tr+ing o!t. Believe me - shell thank +o! or it later#, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1H -

Chapter ): Female 'e*"al +natomy and Other -rogeno"s .ones

5n this cha*ter +o!ll learn1 < Female se>!al bod+ *arts that are cr!cial to se>!al *leas!re, and where to ind them < Other bod+ *arts vital to aro!sal 2he emale se>!al organs com*rise one o the most intricate and sensitive nerve networks in the !niverse, and its +o!rs or the discovering. 5n this cha*ter, were going to get !* close and *ersonal with the ins and o!ts o the emale se>!al anatom+ and res*onse. 5ll break it down two di erent wa+s1 namel+, the e>ternal anatom+ .v!lva/ and the internal anatom+ .vagina/. 0ell begin with the e>ternal str!ct!res, since its here that well ind that ama6ingl+ sensitive clitoris. 2he ke+ to, arg!abl+, :!st abo!t ever+ single orgasm an+ woman has., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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-*ternal Female 'e*"al +natomy

The Clitoris:

2he clitoris ver+ almost think o it as a Bmini-*enisC. 2here are $ main *arts to the clitoris .e>ternall+/1 1. 2he sha t $. 2he glans .or the clitoral head/ 2he glans is visible, sticking o!t like a small l!m*. 2he sha t disa**ears into the bod+ beneath the clitoral hood, which is a la+er o tiss!e that *asses aro!nd the clitoris. 2he clitoris varies in si6e or di erent women, m!ch like *enis si6e var+ in men. 0omen have been blessed with a se> organ with no re*rod!ctive *!r*ose E its onl+ !nction is receiving *leas!re. 5t has over M,&&& nerve endings which are intricatel+ networked with the nerves thro!gho!t the *elvic region., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

is a small, highl+ sensitive organ that is im*ortant to emale se>!al res*onse. Do! can

- 1M Altho!gh 5ve labeled it as an Be>ternalC organ, most o the clitoris is act!all+ hidden inside the bod+. 2he sha t o the clitoris e>tends into the bod+, and then s*litting into two legs orm an !*side down B%C .the clitoral cr!ra/ which lie on both sides o the vaginal o*ening. B!t the ke+ eat!re o the internal *ortion o the clitoris is the act that the clitoris s!rro!nds the !rethra .the *assage where !rine e>its the bladder/. 0hat does this meanK 5t means that the *leas!rable sensations rom stim!lating the BN-8*otC .the area on the !**er wall o the vagina, below the !rethra/ is thro!gh contact with the inner *arts o the clitoris# Also, this can e>*lain the Bvaginal orgasmC .orgasm thro!gh vaginal *enetration/, since the interior *arts o the clitoris is stim!lated., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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4ons 1"bis: 2he *!bic to* o the inner clitoral str!ct!res. !nner Lips ?Labia 4inora@: 2he labia minora are the lesh+ hairless inner li*s that lie on either sides o the vaginal entrance. 2he inner l i*s come together at the to* orming the clitoral hood. O"ter Lips ?Labia 4aAora@: mons *!bis is the att+ *ad o tiss!e thats covered b+ hair. 5t lies on to* o the *!bic bone, and on

2he o!ter li*s are ro!nded *ads o att+ tiss!e l+ing on either side o the vaginal entrance., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- $& Fo"rchette: Do!ll ind it at the bottom o the vaginal entrance where the inner labia meet. 1erine"m: 2he *erine!m, more commonl+ re erred to as the BtaintC, is the area between the vaginal o*ening and the vagina. +n"s: Altho!gh she might disagree with +o!, the an!s is a highl+ erogeno!s 6one. B!t, to stim!late it doesnt re4!ire *enetration. 2he an!s has a high concentration o nerve endings, and can eel *leas!rable when stim!lated. Remember tho!gh, that an+ anal *la+ re4!ires s*ecial attention to h+giene, as the an!s and rect!m contain .and can s*read/ bacteria., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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!nterior Female 'e*"al +natomy

Bagina 2he *enis is inserted d!ring se> .we all know this one#/ B!t what +o! might not know is that most o the nerve s!**l+ o the vagina to the lower 1"), near the entrance. 5n other words, the most sensitive area o a womans vagina is near the ront. On the other hand, the dee*er $") o the vagina contains almost no nerve endingsIsoIits insensitive to stim!lation .a woman can tell +o! that shell have eelings o dee* *ress!re tho!gh/. 0hat does this mean to +o!K, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

vagina is a t!be sha*ed organ where the

- $$ 5t means that, even i +o! have a short *enis, +o! can still give *leas!re to +o!r *artner while having se>, sim*l+ beca!se the back o the vagina :!st isnt as sensitive as the ront. Cer7i* 2he cervi> is located at the back o the vagina, and is the o*ening to the !ter!s. Altho!gh the cervi> has no se>!al !nction, +o! sho!ld be aware o it d!ring interco!rse. 2he cervi> is sensitive to *ress!re, and +o! co!ld act!all+ br!ise it d!ring se> i +o!re thr!sting too hard# 5 +o! have a long *enis, then chances are +o!ll be hitting the cervi> as +o!re thr!sting in. 8ome women en:o+ it while others will tell +o! that its irritating. 5 thats the case, +o! might need to change +o!r thr!sting angles or se>!al *osition., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- $) = 'pot: Locating the = 'pot#

2he two !*, on the anterior .toward the ront/ wall o the vagina, at abo!t 1$ oclock, or reall+ an+where between 111&& and 11&&. As +o! begin +o!r e>*lorations, start with inserting +o!r ore inger gentl+ inside o her, c!rving and hooking it behind the *!bic bone, and then moving it orward, in the Bcome-hitherC motion. -ow with +o!r ingers, move them in a B6ig-6agC *attern. =ssentiall+ what +o!re doing is scanning the ceiling o the vaginal wall or her N-s*ot.

N-s*ot is located abo!t one and a hal to inches, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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Once +o! eel a si6e rom that o te>t!re di erent +o!ve o!nd it. 2he N-s*ot swells !* and gets bigger the more shes aro!sed, so i +o!re having tro!ble inding it, chances a re, she might not be aro!sed eno!gh.

small mo!nd o s*ong+ tiss!e that ranges in a nickel and 4!arter - and having a ro!gh that the immediatel+ s!rro!nding tiss!e -, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- $@ 4ore abo"t the = 'pot# 5 +o! can manage to master the secrets o N-s*ot stim!lation, +o!ll be in great sha*e with +o!r lovers, likel+ claiming the honor as one o .i not the most/ satis +ing and ama6ing lovers the+ve ever had. 2hats beca!se N-s*ot orgasms tend to be elt at a dee*er level and more intensel+ than clitoral orgasms alone. 2he+ also o er the additional s*i o being able to occ!r consec!tivel+, with no BestablishedC !**er limit. And i +o! reall+ get it down, she might even e:ac!late. And what can be better than making +o!r woman become a wetterK 2hese are the ke+ secrets that se*arate the men rom the bo+s. 7n ort!natel+, its act!all+ a sa e estimation that less than 1L o the worlds *o*!lation o men is able to re*eatedl+ ind, and them *ro*erl+ stim!late, their lovers N-s*ots. Crethral 'ponge:

8ome *eo*le think that the !rethral s*onge and the N-s*ot is the same thing, while others think that the+re totall+ di erent. 5n an+ case, stim!lating this area can ca!se massive *leas!re, and emale e:ac!lation# 2he !rethral s*onge is a s*ong+ tiss!e and s!rro!nds the !rethral canal. 5ts im*ortant beca!se o $ reasons1, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- $H 1. Filled with nerve endings 2he !rethral s*onge is illed with nerve endings, so stim!lating it will be highl+ *leas!rable a woman. $. B8kenes NlandsC 2his is the ke+ to emale e:ac!lation. 0hen stim!lated, the 8kenes glands .also known as the B emale *rostateC/ *rod!ces a clear e:ac!lator+ l!id that gets released when a woman has an orgasm. + 'pot: 2he A-8*ot .sometimes known as the AF=-6one-Anterior Forni> =rogeno!s Rone or =*icenter/ is a *atch o sensitive tiss!e at the inner end o the vaginal t!be between the cervi> and the bladder. 7nlike the N-s*ot, which is in the shallow *art o the vaginal de*ths, the A-s*ot is o!nd all the wa+ in. ,enetrate !sing +o!r middle inger, mane!vering !* and all o the wa+ to the back. Do!ll ind it :!st in ront o her cervi>, where therell be either a bit o tenting or ballooning o the vaginal walls in that area. Also, !nlike the N-s*ot where the te>t!re is ro!gh, the te>t!re o the A-s*ot is smooth. 2o stim!late the A-s*ot, +o! can !se the ingering method mentioned above, or rear-entr+ se>!al *ositions, as well as rontal *ositions where +o! can hike her legs !* or good, dee* thr!sting. Opening the Lines of Comm"nication =ven i +o!r lover isnt com ortable telling +o! what she wants, where she wants it and or how long, the two o +o! have to be close eno!gh and o*en eno!gh to o er im*ortant eedback and enco!ragement., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- $G N-s*ot orgasms are markedl+ di erent than other orgasms, and its a good idea to *re*are +o!r *artner or :!st how di erent it might be. 2he more +o! *re*are her, the more rela>ed and com ortable shell be entering the realm o the !nknown. 2he irst thing +o! sho!ld s!ggest to +o!r lover is that she oral *leas!re to the bathroom and attem*t to *ee. 8ome o the sensations ca!sed b+ N-s*ot stim!lation will make her s!ddenl+ eel like she has to !rinate. B+ going a head and !sing the bathroom be ore heading to the bedroom, +o!ll *revent her rom worr+ing abo!t *eeing. Otherwise, she wont let go com*letel+, and i she cant let go, she *robabl+ wont c!m. =ven a ter doing a *reliminar+ bathroom break, she ma+ still be worried that shes got to *ee. 2ell her not to worr+, thats *er ectl+ normal. Also, be s!re to let her know that it is *h+siologicall+ im*ossible or her to *ee when at *eak aro!sal. Foach her that when the !rge to !rinate begins to come over her, not to ight that eeling. Alert her to ride the wave, *!sh thro!gh the ear. 5 she can make it thro!gh, she can get to the reward at the end E loating and alling, losing hersel in +o!r to!ch, her bod+ wracked with wave a ter wave a ter wave o *leas!re.

Other -rogeno"s .ones

2here is m!ch more to +o!r lovers se>!al network than whats in between her legs. Aer entire bod+, rom the ti* o her toes to the to* o her oral *leas!re, abo!nds with o**ort!nities to *leas!re her. (!st a ew o those erogeno!s 6ones incl!de1 The Neck 8e>+ and sensitive, the neck is ideal or, well, necking# Jissing, n!66ling, s!ckling and licking, as well as nibbling and massaging, are great wa+s to get her in the mood. B!t be care !l E hickies are tack+. 8tart slow and then increase +o!r intensit+. Der -ars 2he h!man ear contains b!ndles o nerve endings that e4!ate to increased sensitivit+. Fa*itali6e on that b+ massaging, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- $M them, kissing them, tickling them with +o!r breath and whis*ering in them to reall+ drive her wild. Der Lips and 4o"th Once things start heating !*, dont neglect those kisses. Jiss her, dee*l+, *assionatel+. -ibble her li*s ever+ now an then. Remembering to make !* can reall+ ire !* +o!r erotic *la+time. Der 'calp Beca!se o the shield o hair that most likel+ covers +o!r lovers oral *leas!re, the skin o the scal* can be incredibl+ sensitive to direct to!ch. ?assage her scal*, r!n +o!r ingers thro!gh her hair, br!sh her hair, look or wa+s to *leas!re her in this manner too. Breasts Aside rom being incredibl+ se>+, breasts are also incredibl+ sensitive. 2here are some women o!t there who re*ort being able to achieve orgasm rom breast stim!lation alone# 8troking, ondling, kissing, nibbling and tweaking the breasts and ni**les are :!st a ew wa+s +o! might want t o give the twins a little e>tra attention. Der +ss 0hile the an!s is sensitive .dont believe me, tr+ giving her a rim :ob#/, here 5m talking abo!t the act!al lesh on her bottom. 2he skin can be highl+ sensitive, and s*anking, stroking and kissing or gentl+ biting the lesh can reall+ make her toes c!rl# Other erogeno!s 6one areas incl!de1 < Feet and toes < 2he small o her back < Behind her knees < Follarbones and sho!lders < Aer bell+ E es*eciall+ the imaginar+ line that r!ns rom her bell+b!tton to her clit., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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Chapter 0: The Female Orgasm Bl"eprint

0hat +o!ll learn in this cha*ter1 < 2he Orgasm Bl!e ,rintIwhat it is, how it works, and wh+ +o! need it < Fhanges that ha**en in a woman d!ring each ste* o the emale se>!al res*onse. 2he BOrgasm Bl!e ,rintC is the strateg+ to emale orgasms. 5t a ; *hase Bbattle *lanC designed to release a womans orgasm. 2he bl!e *rint is broken down into ; B,hasesC, and @ distinct B8tagesC. 2he+ are1

1hase 1: 'ed"ction 8tage 11 Desire 1hase %: 'ensations 8tage $1 =>citement 8tage )1 ,latea! 1hase ): '"rrender 8tage ;1 Orgasm 1hase 0: 5eflection 8tage @1 Resol!tion, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- )& -ow, 5 have to admit, 5 cant take credit or the overall Bo!tlineC o the bl!e *rint. 2his model is based o o the BFirc!lar ?odel o Female 8e>!al Res*onseC, develo*ed b+ Dr. Beverl+ 0hi**le and Dr. Jaren Brash-?cNreer. Circ"lar 4odel of Female 'e*"al 5esponse De7eloped, as by 8hipple and Brash 4c=reer

Whipple and Brash-McGreers circular model of female sexual response shows how pleasure and satisfaction during one sexual encounter can lead into the seduction phase of the next sexual experience.

As +o! can see rom the diagram above, it looks im*ressive and in ormative, b!tIit lacks the ste*s to bring abo!t an orgasm in the irst *lace# 8o, what 5 have done is taken this overall ramework, and added the *ractical, technical, nitt+-gritt+ instr!ctions on how to get rom one stage to the ne>t .and !ltimatel+ an orgasm/. 2hats where the se>!al techni4!es come in .as +o!ll soon ind o!t/. Aeres a modi ied version o the Firc!lar ?odel o Female 8e>!al Res*onse, which 5 call the BFemale Orgasm Bl!e*rintC1, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- )1 -, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- )$ 5ts *robabl+ a little easier to !nderstand than the irst diagram, b!t 5m s!re +o! have some 4!estions abo!t it. First, what 5 want to do is *aint broad strokes and give +o! a general overview o each *hase and its stages. On to* o that, 5ll show +o! what ha**ens in a womans bod+ d!ring each o these sections .and knowing this, +o!ll know what stage shes in, and know i shes having a real orgasm or not#/ Following the cha*ters, well dig dee*er in each section, and 5ll teach +o! the techni4!es +o!ll be !sing in each stage o the bl!e *rint. And inall+, once +o!ve gone over the details, 5ll *rovide +o! with a ste*-b+-ste* *lan .!sing this bl!e*rint/ that +o! can !se to give +o!r *artner orgasms., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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The 0 1hases
1hase 1: 'ed"ction
Believe it or not, the *ath to emale orgasms begins O72 o the bedroom. For a woman to have an orgasm, she has to be horn+Iand to get horn+, she has to have some se>!al desire in the irst *laceIand or her to have se>!al desire, she has to be attracted to +o!. And thats the goal o the B8ed!ctionC *haseIis to get +o!r *artner se>!al desire !* so shes read+ or the ne>t *hase. 'tage 1: Desire Desire is made !* o $ distinct *arts1 5nitial Desire, and 8e>!al Desire. 1E !nitial Desire ?+ttraction@ 2he initial desire is when a woman is attracted to +o!. 8he can be a total stranger +o! meet at the mall, and i +o! two make e+e contact, she might be attracted to +o!. OrIshe co!ld be +o!r girl riend or wi e, and beca!se o that, shes alread+ attracted to +o! .!n ort!natel+, this isnt the case all the time tho!gh/. -ow, beca!se o the sco*e o this book, 5m ass!ming that +o! alread+ have a se>!al *artner, .or that +o! can easil+ get one/ and +o!re both read+ and willing to have se>. 5n other words, +o! alread+ have someone who is attracted to +o!, or +o!re someone who can easil+ obtain attraction rom other women. Beca!se o this, 5m oc!sing mainl+ on se>!al desire .disc!ssed ne>t/ and all other things that ha**en in the bedroom. 2o !ll+ cover the to*ic o attracting the o**osite se> wo!ld take another book#, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- ); 8o, i +o!re a lonel+, single g!+ who needs to know how to attract women .in other words, create that initial desire/IorIi +o!re alread+ in a relationshi* b!t +o!r *artner has lost the attraction to +o!, take a look below1 2heres a g!+ b+ the name o BDavid DeangleoC and hes the leading a!thorit+ on teaching other men on how to create attraction and date women. Ae has a ree newsletter that gives tons o ti*s and techni4!es on this to*ic. ?+ avorite is his BFock+ Fomed+C techni4!eI+o!re basicall+ being a :ackass, b!t this elicits attraction rom women# Fra6+# B!tI+o! have to do it right, or else +o! might get a sla* in the ace. 5 highl+ recommend to +LL =C>' to sign !* or his ree newsletter, sim*l+ beca!se what he teaches works or single men and even married men. Net instant access to his ree newsletter here .

%E 'e*"al Desire 2he second stage is 8e>!al Desire. 8e>!al desire is when a woman wants to be with +o! se>!all+Iin other words, shes horn+# And when shes horn+, shell be o*enl+ rece*tive to +o! to!ching her in a se>!al wa+. On to* o that, her bod+ will be more res*onsive to the se>!al techni4!es +o!ll be !sing., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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1hase %: 'ensations
-ow that she wants to engage in se>!al activities with +o!, shell be read+ or ,hase $1 8ensations. 2his is a large section that covers $ distinct stages1 =>citement, and ,latea!. 'tage %: -*citement D!ring the e>citement stage, +o!ll be getting her *h+sicall+ and mentall+ rela>ed .so itll be easier or her to release her orgasm/, creating aro!sal and transition into b!ilding !* antici*ation and eno!gh se>!al tension so she can have an orgasm. 2he BtoolsC +o!ll be !sing to get her rela>ed will be a massage, and labial massage. ?ost o the co!*les 5ve talked to dont even consider rela>ation or se>!al tension in their love making. Big mistake. 5 +o! miss these $ ste*s, its going to be a lot harder or her to have an orgasm., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- )H 8hat >o"9ll 'ee D"ring the -*citement 'tage: O7erall: < 5ncreased heart rate < 5ncreased breathing rate < 8e> Fl!sh-Aer ace, breasts, hands, soles o the eet, and other *arts o her bod+ ma+ become more red .doesnt ha**en in all women tho!gh/ < ?!scle tone increases-shell eel more tense Breasts:

< -i**les < 8light increase < %eins become =enitals !nternal: < %agina becomes l!bricated < 7**er $") o the vagina e>*ands < Fervi> and !ter!s *!lls !*

become erect in breast si6e more visible, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- )G -

=enitals -*ternal: < 5nner li*s start to swell and o*en !* < O!ter li*s latten o!t and s*reads o!twards < Flitoris becomes larger and erect, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- )M 'tage ): 1latea" 2he *latea! stage is when +o! make direct stim!lation with her genitals. Do!ll start o slow, and grad!all+ escalate the *ace !ntil shes reached her *eak, and is read+ to have an orgasm. 8hat >o"9ll 'ee D"ring the 1latea" 'tage: O7erall: < F!rther increase in breathing rate and *!lse rate Breasts: < Breast si6e increases !rther < Areola .the darker circle s!rro!nding the ni**le/ swells and becomes darker. 5t can lead to the a**earance o the ni**le lattening o!t, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- )O =enitals !nternal: < 5ncrease l!brication < 8i6e o the vaginal entrance becomes smaller. 5tll eel BtightC as +o! enter her vagina. .B!t since the inner $") o her vagina has e>*anded, itll eel like theres a h!ge amo!nt o s*ace in there/., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- ;& =enitals -*ternal: < Flitoris retracts !*wards into the bod+, hiding !nder the clitoral hood < 'abia swells even more, becomes thicker and changes to a darker color, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- ;1 -

1hase ): '"rrender
Fontin!ing the *rocess, the B8!rrenderC *hase is when a woman will have an orgasm. -ow, 5 :!st want to make a note that beca!se this s+stem is designed to bring abo!t ) orgasms, well be c+cling thro!gh the ,latea! and Orgasm stages three times. 'tage 0: Orgasm 1re Orgasm 2he *re-orgasm is the moment right be ore the orgasm. Do!ll learn what to do and what not to do to make s!re that shell s!ccess !ll+ have an orgasm. The Orgasm 2he orgasm is when all the se>!al tension +o!ve b!ilt inside o her is inall+ released.

The F4"ltiple Orgasm CycleG

A ter her irst orgasm, she doesnt have to enter into the Re lection ,hase. Aeres wh+1 For g!+s, as +o! *robabl+ know, we enter in a Bre ractor+ *eriodC. 2his is when, a ter we have an orgasm, where we cant be se>!all+ aro!sed .and !s!all+ want to slee*#/ !ntil an amo!nt o time has *assed. On the other hand, women DO -O2 have a re ractor+ *eriod, making it *ossible or them to have m!lti*le orgasms. !41O5T+NT: -ow, heres the ke+ strateg+ to the Bl!e ,rintIshes going to go thro!gh all the ste*s and have an orgasm be ore +o! do, and thenIinstead o rela>ing into the Re lection ,haseI+o!re going to bring her back into the B,latea!C stage and re*eat the *rocess again, giving her m!lti*le, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- ;$ orgasms .also, +o! can choose to have an orgasm d!ring the B?!lti*le Orgasm F+cleC/.

8hat >o"9ll 'ee D"ring the Orgasm 'tage: O7erall: < 8har* increase in heart rate and breathing rate < ?!scles contract thro!gho!t the bod+ .incl!ding the *elvic m!scles, arms, legs, thighs, back, b!ttocks, hands and eet/ < 2oes ma+ arch orward < ,anting breaths < 7ncontrollabl+ shaking voice < Aer e+es are closed, nostrils are lared and shes !nable to s*eak < 8he ma+ make bold, stead+ e+e contract with +o! :!st be ore she lets go < 8he ma+ look a little like shes s*ellbo!nd E so t bod+, droo*+ limbs < Aer orgasm will last abo!t 1@-$& seconds, and as a general r!le, !nder one min!te. < 8he ma+ begin sweating noticeabl+ < Breasts: < 8ame as *latea! stage, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- ;) =enitals: < 5nvol!ntar+ contractions o the !ter!s, an!s and vagina .i +o! have +o!r inger or *enis inside o her vagina, it might eel like her vagina is B*!shingC them o!t/ < 8he ma+ e:ac!late, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- ;; -

1hase 0: 5eflection
2he last *hase o the Orgasm Bl!e*rint is Re lection. 2here are $ im*ortant as*ects to this *hase1 one is *s+chological .re lection/, the other is *h+sical . resol!tion/. 5eflection: 2he Re lection ,hase leads back to the 8ed!ction ,hase o the ne>t se>!al enco!nter. 5n other words, what +o! do here will have an im*act on the ne>t time +o! decide to have se>. ,s+chologicall+, +o!ll want to rein orce the *leas!re and satis action she :!st had, so when the c+cle loo*s back into B8ed!ctionC ,hase, shell be thinking o +o! more, be more attracted to +o!, and want se> more o ten# 'tage $: 5esol"tion ,h+sicall+, shes coming down, and going thro!gh a stage o BResol!tionC. 2his is when the bod+ is *h+sicall+ ret!rning back to its original state, and shes coming down rom the orgasm. 0hat will +o! see d!ring the Resol!tion 8tageK Basicall+, her bod+ will be ret!rning to its normal, !n-aro!sed state, going thro!gh a reversal that has been b!ilt !* d!ring the *revio!s stages., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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- ;H -

As +o! can see, these o!r *hases encom*ass the !ll *rocess o the emale se>!al needs and res*onses. 5n o!r ne>t cha*ter, well get into what techni4!es to !se d!ring each section, and how to *ro*erl+ *er orm those techni4!es., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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Chapter $: 1hase !: 'ed"ction

2he goals o the B8ed!ction *haseC are two- olds1 1. Freating Attraction $. Freating 8e>!al Desire First, 5d want to to!ch on the im*ortance o creating antici*ation1

Creating +nticipation
Freating the antici*ation or se> is an ongoing *rocess. Do! sho!ld work at it constantl+, even o!tside o the bedroom. And learning to do it well can mean a whole lot more se>I Freating antici*ation can begin as soon as +o! wake !* in the morning E whether or not +o! live together. 5t co!ld be a 4!ick earl+ morning s!ggestive c!ddle, leaving erotic notes in bo!nd-to-be- o!nd *laces, or sending kink+ emails. Nive her a call and o er a kink+ tho!ght or the da+. 5 +o! reall+ e>amine +o!r dail+ sched!le, +o!d be s!r*rised how man+ o**ort!nities to create antici*ation and desire will come +o!r wa+. A smart lover knows how to take !ll advantage o those o*tions. 5 think its im*ortant to interr!*t or a moment to address those readers o!t there who are in long-lasting relationshi*s1 dont think that :!st beca!se +o!ve lived together, gotten married or even started a amil+ that its Boka+C to devote less o +o!r time and attention to this *hase o +o!r lovers se>!al res*onse. 5ts a ro!te that can lead to all sorts o obstacles and road-blocks to a satis +ing se>!al intimac+. (!st beca!se the lover in +o!r li e ma+ have been slee*ing with +o! or +ears .or even decades#/ that doesnt mean that shes s!ddenl+ lost the need or the lirtations and sweet tem*tations that hel* b!ild se>!al tension and r!stration .the good kind#/ 2he more worked !* +o!re able to get her B=FOR= +o! head to the bedroom, the more eager and res*onsive +o!r lover will be. 5ndeed, the longer +o!ve been with +o!r *artner .and the more o +o!r cra* shes had to *!t !* with/ the, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- ;M more im*ortant it is to be s!re +o!ve *ro*erl+ covered this base.

Do: to Create ?'e*"al@ +ttraction

2he irst ste* in the 8ed!ction *hase is creating attraction. -O2=1 8ince 5m ass!ming +o! alread+ have a *artner that +o!re having se> with, 5m not going to dive into the to*ic o Bhow to attract and date womenC .+o! can ind a ew hel* !l websites in m+ reso!rces section/. B!t the attraction ti*s 5m going to share with +o! can work on an+ woman, b!t is s*eci icall+ designed or +o!r *artner. Do: to Cse -ye Contact To Create +ttraction 2he ver+ irst thing that draws +o!r *artners attention to +o! is e+e contact. Aer res*onse to the right kind o e+e contact is a!tomatic1 attraction. 2he level o attraction can var+ rom women to women. =+e contact can sim*l+ s*ark a bit o se>!al interest to !ll blown se>!al desire where shes *h+sicall+ aro!sed and wants to have se> with +o!. Nenerall+, making and holding e+e contact with someone else shows that +o!re at ease with the other *erson, and that +o!re not intimidated. 0hen +o!r *artner sees that +o!re making and holding e+e contact with her, shes going to eel that +o!re con ident abo!t +o!rsel IandIthe wheels o attraction are going to start t!rning. Tips: < 0hat +o! want to do is look into her e+es whenever +o!re talking, i shes walking *ast +o!, or whatever sit!ation is a**ro*riate. .Do! dont want to constantl+ look into her e+es while the both o +o! are watching a movieIthat wo!ld be weird/. < 0hen +o!re holding the e+e contact with her, dont have a wide-e+ed stare .+o! want to her believe +o!re a con ident man, not a cree*#/., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- ;O < 5nstead, +o! want to be ga6ing in to her e+es. 2o do this1 1. O*en +o!r e+elids so that the+re abo!t G@L o*en. 5 the+re o*en 1&&L .i.e. Do!ve o*ened !* +o!r e+es as wide as *ossible/, +o!re going to have that scar+ looking stare. 5 the+re o*en too small, +o!re onl+ going to look tired, or even into>icated. At the G@L mark is the right BlookC. Do!ll have that Bsed!ctive lookC that +o! might see in the movies. $. 2ilt +o!r head downward slightl+, so that +o!r chin is closer to +o!r chest. 2his slight tilting o the head will comm!nicate that +o!re se>!all+ interestedIthis will *!sh her b!ttons, and shell start eeling this too# .On the other hand, i +o! tilt +o!r head !*wards instead, +o!re e>*ressing that +o!re looking down at her, and shell think +o!re a cock+ bastard. Dont do this./ Aeres a ew e>am*les o the sed!ctive e+es look1, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- @& -, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- @1 ). 2r+ not to blink too m!ch. 5 +o! have to, blink ver+ slowl+. 5 +o!re constantl+ blinking while kee*ing e+e contact, thats a sign o nervo!sness, and shes going to eel that BvibeC rom +o!. Once this ha**ens, the attraction will be lost. -o blinking or slow blinking is a sign o con idence. ;. 'astl+, dont break e+e contact !ntil she does# 8!bconscio!sl+, she will think that +o!re the one in control o the relationshi*, and that +o! are the BmanC.

Do: to Create 'e*"al Desire !n the Bedroom

0ith e+e contact, +o!re alread+ creating se>!al desire in her mind. 5n other words, +o!ve started to get her to think o se>. B!t 5m going to show +o! how to increase it even more b+ making some small changes in +o!r bedroom. 2he wa+ the bod+ res*onds to the environment .in this case, the bedroom/ can have a h!ge im*act on her level o aro!sal. Also, the do!ble bene it o the environment were going to create is rela>ation. Remember rom the ke+s to s!ccess, i shes tense and not rela>ed, its going to be almost im*ossible or her to have an orgasm. 2here will be a little bit o *re*aration work or this, so +o! want to do this be ore initiating an+ *h+sical activit+.

'etting the 'tage: Creating an -n7ironment of Desire#

) main *oints were going to cover1 lighting, so!nd and smells. 1E Lighting 'ove making in !ll light might be a**ealing to men .and some women/, b!t or the sake o rela>ation .and !ltimatel+ orgasm/ the lights m!st be dim., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- @$ 2his can be accom*lished with candles, b!t 5 *ersonall+ *re er a sim*le bedside lam* with an incandescent light b!lb .too *aranoid something might catch on ire#/ 5ve recentl+ e>*erimented with more anc+ lighting devices, s!ch as lava lam*s, *lasma lam*s, and iber o*tic lam*s. 2he+ work e4!all+ as well .i not better/ as a reg!lar lam*. %E 4"sic 8o!nds and m!sic have a distinct abilit+ to invoke *ower !l imager+ and emotion. 5 this is an as*ect +o!ve overlooked in the *ast, +o!d be sim*l+ ama6ed at the *otential res!lts. 0ork on creating a killer *la+-list o *assionate, sens!al m!sic. 5 have the best res!lts with ambient, meditative or nat!ral t!nes. 2h!nderstorms, rain orest rh+thms, or even so!nds o ocean waves have vast *otential or bringing +o!r lover to new heights. )E 'cents 'astl+, to add s*ice to +o!r aro!sing atmos*here, +o!re going to !se ragrances. 2his is a *ower !l .almost evil/ secret when !sed *ro*erl+I ,leas!rable smells can change a *ersons mood almost instantl+ .es*eciall+ when combined with the dim lighting e ects and the right m!sic/ B!tIheres the secret1 0hat +o! want to do here is train +o!r *artner to get se>!all+ e>cited whenever she smells a ragrance b+ associating a *artic!lar smell with orgasms. 0hat +o! want to do is b!ild a Bscent memor+C o the e>*erience. 8o, the ne>t time she smells that ragrance, it will bring back memories *ower !l eno!gh to elicit an emotional res*onseIand send her libido l+ing thro!gh the roo Iinstantl+# 5?,OR2A-21 Be s!re that whatever scent +o! !se, that +o! O-'D !se it d!ring love making. 2his wa+, it will be the onl+ association shell have with the scent. 2here are man+ wa+s to !se scents, b!t the most *o*!lar ones are1, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- @) < < < < < 5ncense Fandles Aroma (ars 8cented Oils Room 8*ra+

0hat t+*e o scent do +o! needK At irst, an+thing thats not re*!lsive. 5 shes disg!sted b+ the smell, shes going to be totall+ t!rned o , and her desire ma+ go down the drain. Do! might have to tr+ o!t a ew di erent scents at irst, b!t as long as her res*onse is generall+ ne!tral, it sho!ld be ine. Remember, were tr+ing to BteachC her that whenever she smells the scent, it means orgasms# 8cents +o! can tr+1 < %anilla < ,atcho!li < Focon!t < ?!sk < (asmine < 'avender < ,!m*kin *ie < Black licorice

Final Note On Desire:

Do! can increase her desire or se> i she has a *ositive se>!al e>*erience with +o! earlier. 5n other words, i she had an orgasm with +o! *revio!sl+, then shell want to *artici*ate in se>!al activities with +o! more# On the other hand, her desire can decrease i she has a negative se>!al e>*erience with +o!. 8hell want to have se> with +o! less i this ha**ens. Do! ma+ have alread+ e>*erienced this alread+ .which ma+be wh+ +o!ve invested in this book in the irst *lace/. 8o, essentiall+ what +o! want to do a ter +o! have se> is rein orce the *ositive se>!al e>*erience she :!st had, increasing her desire or se> in the !t!re. 0ell cover the to*ic in an !*coming cha*ter., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- @; -

Chapter /: 1hase !!: 'ensation 'tage: -*citement

2he trick to hel*ing +o!r lover release her orgasm !nder +o!r control is to irst get her in a state o total rela>ation. 5n essence, +o!ve got to hel* her !nwind. Be ore +o! want to set abo!t increasing se>!al tension, +o! need to irst eliminate an+ stress. 2his will ree +o!r *artner to oc!s her attention on the *leas!re +o!re bringing her instead o the re*ort her boss needs on Frida+ or the dentists a**ointment sched!led or tomorrow morning. Rela>ation is great, b!t its a somewhat sli**er+ slo*e. Net her too rela>ed and shes likel+ to all aslee*. Dont rela> her eno!gh and her mind will wander and her attention will stra+. 2hats wh+ its a great idea to ind wa+s to rela> that will also ignite her *assions. One o the best aven!es to accom*lish this is the art o massage. 2he massage will be broken down into $ sections1 ?assage and the 'abial ?assage. One o the n!mber one mistakes that man+ men make when it comes to their dedication to the idea o BgivingC their woman an orgasm is neglecting to get her !ll+ rela>ed. 2his likel+ stems rom the act that we tend to ass!me that women o*erate rom the one-track oc!s that we do. Obvio!sl+, we dont re4!ire a state o tran4!ilit+ to get o . Aell, in times o intense stress, o!r *artners can merel+ start r!bbing o!r *enis and in a matter o min!tes, were read+ to blow. And even i +o! are *aired with a *artner who doesnt Bre4!ireC the e!*horic state o rela>ation, that doesnt mean that the res!lts wont make the walls rattle# =ven the to!ghest o lovers will become 5-FR=D5B'D aro!sed with the teasing tactics 5m abo!t to revealI, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- @@ -

Co7ering the Basics: The 'tages of 5ela*ation

0omen .or men either, or that matter/ dont instantl+ go rom a state o high an>iet+ to one o total rela>ation. 5ts a *rocess. And :!st like so man+ other *rocesses, there are *artic!lar ste*s and *hases that need to be e>*loredI 'tage 1: 1hysical 5ela*ation 2o bring the *h+sical bod+ into a state o rela>ation, a combination o dee* breathing and massage can begin to chi* awa+ at the m!lti*le stresses that we acc!m!late on a da+to-da+ basis. ,h+sical rela>ation is the irst ste*, and it is im*ortant. B!t theres more to total rela>ation than merel+ relieving m!sc!lar tensionsI 'tage %: 5ela*ing o"r F-nergy 'ystemG 0hether +o! call it an a!ra, a orce ield, or o!r nat!ral electricit+, each o !s r!ns o a s!btle energ+ network that !els both o!r bodies and o!r minds. ?an+ alternative thera*ies have re*orted s!**orting claims that a great deal o all o o!r *h+sical ailments stem rom dist!rbances in o!r *ersonal energ+ networks. Do!ll know +o!re *rogressing well thro!gh these ste*s when +o!r lover begins to sense heaviness s*reading thro!gh her limbs and then the rest o her bod+. 5n this stage, hel* +o!r lover concentrate on her breathing. Aave her imagine *eace and tran4!ilit+ looding in with each inhale and stress and tension esca*ing on the e>haleI 'tage ): 5ela*ation of the 4ind and the 'enses Once +o!ve cleared stage two, +o! want to begin working on +o!r lovers mental and emotional stress. 2his can be accom*lished thro!gh to!ch and comm!nication. D!ring this stage, +o!r lover ma+ notice a eeling o lightness E ma+be even to the *oint that she eels as tho!gh shes loating. On closer ins*ection, +o!ll *robabl+ notice that the length o each e>hale has grown longerI2hese signs mean +o!ve reached a *oint o dee* rela>ation., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- @H Doga *ractitioners incl!de an additional two stages o rela>ation, b!t these are aimed more at :oining the 7niversal Fonscio!sness than se>!al satis actionI 4assage: !mmediate =oals# First o all, remember not to oc!s on the ends, b!t instead the means to get there. 5n this case, dont oc!s too m!ch on the orgasm .or even total rela>ation, or that matter/ b!t totall+ immerse +o!rsel in the immediate *leas!re o the moment. 2hat doesnt mean tho!gh that there arent an+ s*eci ics that +o! sho!ld ollow. Aere are a ew s!ggestions to hel* +o! get the most o!t o the momentI < =ndeavor to get her to the state o both mental and *h+sical rela>ation, and start o!t b+ giving her a soothing, calming non-erotic massage < Aim to release tension so that the orgasm is easier to attain. < Dont orget the lighting, m!sic, and scents mentioned in the last cha*ter. Remember that i +o! create a rela>ing atmos*here in +o!r bedroom, it will be easier or her to become rela>ed.

The ) 'tep Form"la For 5ela*ation

2he orm!la or rela>ation that 5 alwa+s !se is covered in ) ste*s1 'tep 1: 'et the 'tage Aow to create a rela>ation environment in +o!r bedroom was covered in the last cha*ter, so theres no need to go over it again. B!t, what +o! want to do is bring her into the bedroom or onl+ a ew momentsIand thenItake her o!t o the room# Do!ll be b!ilding the antici*ation or se> in her mind, and shell start getting aro!sed. 0here are +o! going to take her ne>tK 8ee 8te* $., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- @G 'tep %: 'ho:er ?or Bath@ Do!re both going to take a shower or a bath together. ,ersonall+ 5 like a shower best, beca!se its aster than a bath and +o! can move into massaging 4!icker. 8ometimes 5 o*t or a bath instead, b!t it reall+ de*ends on how m!ch stress 5 sense m+ *artner is in. 5 shes not too stressed o!t, and is alread+ e>cited or se>, 5ll go or the shower. 5 she had a long and stress !l da+, 5ll set !* a bath. 2he goal here is two olds1 1/ Rela>ation E theres nothing like a hot shower to get the both o +o! started in a state o rela>ation. Also, the shower .or bath/ acts as a transition *eriod rom the reg!lar ro!tines o ever+da+ li e to love making. 2r+ not to r!sh the shower or the bath. Do! want to take it slow and en:o+ each others com*an+ while +o!re in there. $/ Fleanliness - obvio!sl+, showering will eliminate sweat, dirt and odors rom both o +o!r bodies. B!t what ama6es me is how o ten *eo*le engage in se>!al activities witho!t cleaning !* irst# 5 dont know abo!t +o!, b!t the last thing 5 want to see is toilet *a*er bits on her an!s while 5m abo!t to eat her o!t. Or taste and"or smell !rine resid!e on her vagina. D!ck. Also, i +o!re doing this in the evening, she *robabl+ went to the toilet a ew times d!ring the da+. And i +o! know an+thing abo!t sitting on the can, sometimes, some o that toilet water s*lashes !*IandIwell, +o! get the idea. Flean be ore +o! !ck is m+ motto#, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- @M 'tep ): 4assage -ow, once +o!ve cleaned !*, head back into the bedroom. 8hes read+ or the massage. -ote1 'a+ down a large towel on the bed be ore +o! start. Do!ll be !sing oil d!ring the massage .+o! can !se gra*e seed oil, bab+ oil, or s*ecialt+ massage oils/, and +o! dont want to get it on +o!r bed sheets. Also, later on when +o!re ingering her and having se>, she might e:ac!late, so its a good idea to have a towel covering the bed sheets right awa+. 5 +o! have no idea abo!t how to give a massage, dont worr+ abo!t it. 5ll take +o! thro!gh each ste* as we go alone. Also, +o! dont have to be a *ro essional masse!se to give a rela>ing massage. 0ith the basic massage techni4!es +o!ll learn, and, more im*ortantl+, the se4!ence o where to massage, +o!ll get her rela>ed and se>!all+ aro!sed even i +o!ve never given a massage in +o!r li e#

Do: to =i7e + 4assage

First, a ew *ointers1 < 0hen massaging, eel or an+ knots. 2he+ll eel like a l!m* in the m!scle. 2hese are areas o tension, and +o!ll want to BsmoothC them o!t. < 0hen massaging, alwa+s maintain contact with her bod+ with +o!r hands. < Jee* a slow, rh+thmic, stead+ *ace. < 2ell her to breathe slowl+, b!t inhaling thro!gh her nose, and e>haling thro!gh her mo!th. Also, tell her to oc!s on her breathing. 5 she oc!ses her attention onl+ on breathing, it will make her orget abo!t the stress !l things in li e, let go o her an>ieties, making it easier or her to rela> .and come to an orgasm later on/. < 2he general r!le or massaging is to massage toward the direction o the heart < 5deall+ +o!r *artner sho!ld e>*erience +o!r massage as one long series o rh+thmic strokes. < Basic ?assage 8trokes, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- @O 1E =liding: Jee* +o!r ingers together and glide +o!r hands along the length o her bod+ or limb. 2he *ress!re can range rom eather-light, to irm. %E &neading: Nentl+ gras* the area with both hands and make a kneading action similar to that o kneading do!gh. 2his is a irm stroke !sed on a s*eci ic area to hel* release m!scle tension. )E Friction 'trokes: 0henever +o! come across a knot, +o! want to !se this stroke. 7sing +o!r th!mbs or ingerti*s, make small circ!lar movements .slowl+/ and a**l+ irm *ress!re.

Do: +nd 8here To 4assage: The 'teps

Ok, with the massage, irst shell be sitting !*right, and +o!ll be massaging her scal*. 8he co!ld be sitting on +o!r la*, or in between +o!r legs. Do!ll be sitting behind her at this *oint. 'tep 1: 'calp 4assage 8tart with the scal*, c!rling +o!r ingers o both hands and !sing the *ads o +o!r ingerti*s to make small, soothing circ!lar motions. Break contact with the scal* occasionall+ to r!n +o!r ingers sens!o!sl+ thro!gh her hair. 'tep %: -ar Lobes -ow, move to her earlobes, gentl+ massaging the sensitive lesh with the ti*s o +o!r th!mbs and irst inger. Once +o!ve inished with her ears, gather her hair !* into a bed-head b!nch, tr+ing to kee* strands o hair o the neck and sho!lders, where +o!ll be !sing +o!r massage oil. 'tep ): Neck and 'ho"lders -ow, have her la+ down on her stomach., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- H& 0hen massaging the neck and sho!lders, +o! sho!ld !se a irm, kneading gri*, a**l+ing more noticeable levels o *ress!re. 8tart with the neck, then tra*s .the m!scle between the neck and sho!lders/ and then the sho!lders. As +o! begin to notice that the tension is draining rom her neck and sho!lders, +o! can begin to work her back. 'tep 0: Back For the back, +o! sho!ld begin with *lent+ o oil, which +o! sho!ld soothe into her skin with gentle, gliding strokes. Once her skin is well l!bed, +o! can begin the irm, kneading *ress!re. Begin rom the to* o her back, and work +o!r wa+ toward her lower back. 'tep $: +ss Tease From her lower back, switch to the gliding stroke and lightl+ go over her b!ttocks. =ach hand sho!ld be *laced on a se*arate Bb!tt cheekC. -ow, *osition +o!rsel so +o! can see her vagina .remember to maintain contact with her bod+ d!ring the massage#/. At this *oint, she sho!ld be *rett+ wet. ?ake one or two large circles with the *alm o +o!r hands, irm eno!gh to s*read her cheeksIthenIslowl+ glide +o!r hands towards the inside o her thighs .narrowl+ missing contact with her genitals/, and move to the back o her legs, down her calves, and inall+ toward her toes. 8he sho!ld be getting *rett+ e>cited b+ now# 'tep /: Foot massage Nentl+ knead the meat+ area between her heals and the balls o her eet. 8tart rom the area closest to the toes, and work towards the heel. 'tep 2: Back of the Legs Be ore moving on to the back o the knees and calves, look or s!btle +et noticeable strokes and br!shes across her, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- H1 *erine!m or labia to b!ild a everish antici*ation or the devoted attention o +o!r mo!th, tong!e, ingers and hands. 0hen massaging the legs, work both o them sim!ltaneo!sl+. 7se +o!r massage oil liberall+. 0hen attending to the back o the knees, !se so t, light eather+ strokes, b!t not 4!ite to the *oint o a tickle. 8he sho!ld be *leasantl+ !ncom ortable .a little s4!irm+, *erha*s/ b!t not rolling aro!nd la!ghing her heart o!t. A**l+ a bit more *ress!re on the calvesIthe+re !sing a so!rce o tension .es*eciall+ i shes standing or walking all da+ long/. Jnead the back o the legs, starting rom the calves, and slowl+ work +o!r wa+ back !* toward the b!ttocks. 'tep 3: B"ttocks Do!ve alread+ ga6ed her b!tt, and b+ now shes *robabl+ wanting +o! to to!ch it. Nrab the oil, and slowl+ dri66le a bit o the oil all across her ass cheeks, letting dro*s sli* down the crack o her ass, and sliding down onto her thighs. 0atch the slight sh!dder that ollows +o!r teasing attentionsI Begin with gentle strokes, !sing the whole s!r ace o +o!r *alm E ingers s*la+ed, with heavier *ress!re on the heel o the hand vers!s the ti*s. 2hen begin gentl+, tho!gh more insistentl+, s4!ee6ing her bottom. 5 she res*onds well to this irmer *ress!re, +o! can !se +o!r kn!ckles E o +o!r balled ist E or the kneading. -e>t, have her t!rn over and la+ on her back. Once shes on her back, *osition +o!r sel to her side and h ave +o!r ingers and *ointing towards her eet. 'tep (: Top of the Chest Nri* the chest m!scles b+ *lacing +o!r ingers into her arm*it, and +o!r th!mbs on the to* o her chest. 0ith a slow circ!lar motion o +o!r th!mbs, massage the chest. Do!ll want to move rom the area :!st !nder her collar bone, and work +o!r wa+ down, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- H$ 'tep 16: Breasts From here, +o!ll contin!e to stroke and tease her breasts, saving her ni**les or last. B+ the time +o! get there to kiss, lick, *inch or stroke her ni**les, the+ll alread+ be rigid with desire E and highl+ sensitive. Do!ll notice that as +o! kiss, lick and stroke her breasts and ni**les, her back will arch !*, in ho*e o more. Do! ma+ also notice that shes reaching down to to!ch hersel E dont let her do it# 'tep 11: Belly From the breasts, glide +o!r hands toward her bell+. 7sing the whole s!r ace o +o!r hand to r!b !* and down her abdomen, !sing medi!m to light-*ress!red strokes. 2hen, *lace +o!r hands so that both o +o!r th!mbs are acing the center o the abdomen, r!bbing !*wards towards the ribcage, ollowing with +o!r c!**ed hands massaging !* to the !nderside o her breasts. 'tep 1%: =lide Do:n, and Back Cp -ow, slowl+ glide +o!r hands down toward her mons *!bis, go aro!nd her *!bic hair, towards her inner thighs, and go all the wa+ down toward her eet in one smooth motion. Do! want to go *ast her genitals in order to tease her more, and b!ild more antici*ation. Nlide back !* .+o! can add in some kneading strokes while +o!re going !* the legs, b!t 5 !s!all+ ski* this/ !ntil +o!r hands are on her inner thighs again. At this *oint, +o!r inside o +o!r hands sho!ld be on either side o her labia., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- H) Back 4assage: 'teps 1 / ?direction going do:n@, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- H; Back 4assage: 'teps 2 3, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- H@ Front 4assage: 'teps ( 1%, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- HH -

Labial 4assage
Once +o!re here, she sho!ld be1 1. 8e>!all+ e>cited, her vagina sho!ld be *rett+ wet beca!se o the BteasingC +o!ve !sed d!ring the massage $. ,h+sicall+ and mentall+ rela>ed. 'abia ?assage Again, :!st like massaging her bod+, +o!re eeling or knots. 2his time, its going to eel like theres a small *iece o rice embedded !nder her skin. 2hese are tin+ tension s*ots, and +o!ll want to massage them o!t.

Reg!lar late> condoms will break when combined with oil, so i +o!re !sing massage oil on her genitals, +o! want to make s!re that +o!re !sing 1oly"rethane Condoms .

'tep 1: 4assage Do!r hands sho!ld be on either side o her o!ter labia .o!ter li*s/. Do!r th!mbs sho!ld be on to* o her mons *!bis .above her vagina/, and +o!r ingers sho!ld be *ointing downward to the gro!nd. Nentl+ massage this area like +o! were massaging someone back o someones neck with both hands. 8tart with +o!r ingers at either side o her vaginal o*ening, and work +o!r wa+ towards the to* .b!t make s!re +o! dont make contact with her inner li*s# Onl+ her o!ter li*s/. 2i*1 5ndirect Flitoral 8tim!lation with the 'abial ?assage As +o! massage her labia with both hands, what +o! can do is gras* the att+ tiss!e o her labia in between the inde> ingers and th!mbs, and s4!ee6e this at together so it, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- HG B*inchesC the clitoris. .Dont do this too hard# Do! dont want to make it *ain !l on her/. 5n the B*inchedC *osition, move +o!r hands down, and then back !*, so in essence, +o!re stroking her clitoris with her labia. 'tep %: 4ons 1"bis 7se +o!r th!mbs or inger ti*s and gentl+ massage the area .remember to look or an+ small knots/. Do!ll eel her *!bic bone. 0ork on to* o it, and :!st above the *!bic bone. Finished# -ow, the massage is done# 2his massage *rocess sho!ld take +o! an+where rom 1&-$& min!tes. 2here reall+ isnt a hard and ast r!le or the amo!nt o time +o! need to s*end on each ste* o the massage. 5t reall+ de*ends on her level o stress. Basicall+, +o! want to make she shes rela>ed, +o!ve worked o!t an+ knots, and that shes reall+ t!rned on. Again, at this *oint, shes1 1. 8!*er aro!sed $. 8!*er rela>ed ). Read+ .and *robabl+ begging/ +o! to to!ch her vagina. 2hats where well move onto ne>t., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- HM -

Chapter 2 1 1hase !!: 'ensation 'tage: 1latea"

First, as +o! read this section, +o!ll notice that the instr!ctions leads into orgasms. 5 +o! remember rom the Bl!e*rint, the Orgasm is *art o the ne>t *hase .,hase )1 8!rrender/. 5 *!r*osel+ added a section on orgasm in this cha*ter, beca!se +o!ll be going rom stim!lation to orgasm, and then back to stim!lation again .in other words, m!lti*le orgasms/. 5ts :!st easier to ollow the se4!ence i the ,latea! and Orgasm stages sta+ed in one cha*ter. Aowever, the ne>t section will dive dee*er into the to*ic o orgasms.

Ok, now were going to get right into direct genital stim!lation. B!t irst, read the ollowing be ore +o! begin1 F) Before 4eG 5"le 2he ) Be ore ?e r!le basicall+ sa+s that +o! want to make s!re she has ) orgasms be ore she starts *leasing +o!. 0h+ B)CK < ?ost women dont have an orgasm rom interco!rse .at least not right awa+/. 8o what well be doing is Bsetting her !*C so that once +o! do have interco!rse, itll be easier or her to orgasm. And even i she doesnt have an orgasm rom interco!rse, beca!se shes alread+ e>*erienced ) o them *revio!sl+, shell still be satis ied# < Reci*rocation ,rinci*al-generall+, this means that i +o! do something genero!s or someone, the+ll eel obligated to do something genero!s or +o!. 5n this case, +o!re giving +o!r *artner the gi t o emale orgasms, and shell want to ret!rn the avor. 0hat, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- HO she reci*rocates varies, b!t +o!ll ind that once its her t!rn to start se>!all+ stim!lating +o!, its going to be NOOD. < Do!ll *robabl+ be the onl+ g!+ .ever#/ in her li e to give her ) orgasms in one night. 2hat will make +o! e>tra s*ecial in her mind# 8hell absol!tel+ love +o! or it, andIshe might even brag to her riends abo!t +o! < Once she has ) orgasms, it reall+ doesnt matter i +o! cant last long while having se>. 8hes reall+ not going to care i +o! orgasm too astI5 mean heck, she :!st had ) o them. < ?ake a note that this is reall+ a loose r!le. 5t doesnt have to be ) all the timeP it co!ld be 1, @, or even )&. B!t the general *rinci*al a**lies1 +o! want to *lease her F5R82 be ore she *leases +o!. 2he ) orgasms are going to low thro!gh the se4!ence o 1 1. Flitoral Orgasm $. N-s*ot Orgasm, and inall+ ). Blended Orgasms 5ts im*ortant that +o! alwa+s start o with the clitoral orgasm. 2he clitoris is ver+ sensitive, and at irst, its going to be the most res*onsive .and easiest *art o the bod+ to bring a woman to an orgasm/. Also, stim!lating the clitoris irst act!all+ B*rimesC the N-s* other words, the N-s*ot will be more res*onsive and easier to ind a ter clitoral stim!lation. Once she has an orgasm rom clitoral stim!lation, +o!ll move on to stim!lating the N-s*ot .and giving the clitoral head a BbreakC/. At this *oint, her orgasm sho!ld come aster than the irst one. Also, the B eelC o the N-s*ot orgasm will eel di erent to her than a clitoral orgasm. 5tll eel dee*er, and there will be more invol!ntar+ contractions. 'astl+, the blended orgasm, +o!ll be targeting both the clitoral head A-D N-s*ot. 2his will be the most intense o the orgasmsIandIi she didnt e:ac!late rom N-s*ot stim!lation, she might here., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- G& -

Orgasm <1: Clitoral Orgasms

Remember at this *oint a ter +o!ve massaged +o!r *artner, shes *rett+ aro!sed, and her clitoris might be erect b+ now. From here, well move onto oral se>. B+ ar, the best tool to stim!late the clitoris is the tong!e. B!t, +o!re not going to everishl+ lick her clitoris right awa+I+o!ll go thro!gh a series o ste*s designed to intensi + the *leas!re once +o! oc!s on her clit. Also, +o!ll be !sing a little known techni4!e that will let +o! !se +o!r ingers as a sort o BthermometerC to ig!re o!t e>actl+ i +o!re licking the right s*ot to bring her to an orgasm. The 5ight 1osition For Oral 'e* Be ore we begin, +o! have to be in the right *osition or oral se>. 2here are man+ di erent wa+s that +o! can choose to enter into oral se> with +o!r *artner, b!t it reall+ hel*s to know which are worth the e ort. 0hen it comes to getting +o!rsel *ositioned, +o! need to be able to com ortabl+ a**l+ consistent, rh+thmic *ress!re over an o ten e>tended *eriod o time. 8he, on the other hand, has to be *ositioned so that shes able to rela> into her aro!sal. ,erha*s one o the biggest reasons that more o !s men dont go down on o!r lovers as o ten as the+ might like res!lts rom the *h+sical strain and *ain that stems rom entering into oral se> rom the wrong *osition. Der Body: < Flat on her back .not arched/ < 'egs s*read a com ortable distance a*art .b!t not too wide-itll be easier or her to !se her *elvic m!scles/ < 'egs bent at the knees < Aer v!lva and labia sho!ld be *ointed !*wards, at an angle, towards +o!r mo!th, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- G1 < 8he sho!ld be com*letel+ at ease and rela>ed, with nothing to do b!t oc!s on the *h+sical and mental *leas!re +o!re abo!t to bring her. >o"r Body: < ,osition +o!r bod+ so that it is in a straight line with her bod+ < Do!r nose sho!ld be lightl+ b!ried in her mons < 7**er li* resting on the ront edge o her *!bic bone < Do!r !**er li* sho!ld be above her clitoral head < 2ong!e sho!ld be able to rest on the vaginal entrance

Once able at on her.

+o!re both in this *osition, +o! sho!ld be look each other in the e+es while +o!re *er orming oral se>, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- G$ 5 +o!re inding that +o!r neck is straining in this *osition, what +o! can do is *lace a *illow !nderneath her b!ttocks. 2his will elevate her *elvis, bringing her v!lva closer to +o!. Do! wont have to bend +o!r head back as m!ch, taking o the strain rom +o!r neck. 5 !sed to !se a *illow all the time, b!t 5 o!nd that a *illow becomes ine ective and a *ain-in-the-ass a ter a while beca!se it com*resses, 5 had to constantl+ b!+ new *illows beca!se the+ were soaked rom her e:ac!lations, and t+*icall+ o!nd m+sel witho!t a *illow at night# -ow 5 !se a 'iberator , and 5 onl+ !se it d!ring se>. 5ts !ltra d!rable, holds its sha*e, and is an overall great investment, not onl+ or oral se>, b!t or o*timi6ing the angles o *enetration d!ring se>. Fheck it o!t here . -ow that +o!re both in *osition, lets get started. 'tep 1: First Contact Do! want to make the irst lick to be a memorable one. 2he 8et!* will b!ild more se>!al tension and antici*ation or +o!r irst lick, and itll leave her wanting more. The 'et"p 1. ,er orm a series o kisses on her le t o!ter li*, rom to* to bottom. 2ake it slow, and dont r!sh# $. -e>t, do the same thing on the right side ). ,er orm a series o kisses on her le t inner li*, rom to* to bottom. ;. -e>t, do the same thing on the right side @. 2ake abo!t 1 second *er kiss, and tr+ to cover the entire area with +o!r kisses .in other words, +o! dont want to kiss at the to*, leave a h!ge ga*, and kiss the bottom o the li*/ The Long Lick 1. ,lace +o!r tong!e on her ren!l!m .the base o her vagina/. $. %=RD 8'O0'D, lick !*wards, r!nning *ast her vaginal o*ening, and inner li*s, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- G) ). As +o! *ast the clitoral head, lighten !* the *ress!re rom +o!r tong!e. ;. Jee* on going !* !ntil +o!r tong!e is directl+ over her clitoral hood. Do! sho!ld eel her clitoral sha t !nderneath the hood with +o!r tong!e at this *oint. A**l+ more *ress!re on the sha t, and slowl+ move +o!r tong!e rom the le t side to the right side o her clitoral hoodIslight stim!lation, b!t +o!re going to take it awa+ @. -ow move +o!r tong!e downwards towards the base. H. A ter +o!ve reached the ren!l!m, let +o!r tong!e rest !*on the entire length o her vaginal entrance and v!lva., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- G; Je+ *oint to remember1 < Dont r!sh this# 2hink o +o!r tong!e as a snail, moving s!*er slow across her v!lva. < 2he timing +o! want to aim or is abo!t 1& seconds !*, $ seconds *a!se on her clitoral hood, and then 1& seconds down. < 2i*1 as +o!re licking, co!nt 1&s-$s-1&s in +o!r head#, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- G@ 'tep %: -stablishing 5hythm D!ring this ste* +o!ll work with ) licking *atterns. 1attern 1: Lick 5est Cycle 1. 8tarting with +o!r tong!e on the base o her vaginal entrance, slowl+ lick !* !ntil +o!ve *assed the clitoral head and are on to* o the clitoral hood, then lick downwards to the starting *osition. 5t sho!ld take @ seconds to com*lete a !ll lick. $. 0ith a lat, still tong!e, let it rest on her v!lva or @ seconds. ). Re*eat these ste*s $& times., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- GH 1attern %: $ Dalf :ay Licks, 1 F"ll Lick Cycle 1. 'ick !* hal -wa+, and then lick back down. Do! wont be going over the clitoris d!ring this lick. Re*eat @ times. $. Add in one !ll lick, going over the clitoris. ). Re*eat these ste*s $& times, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- GG 1attern ): 5andom Dalf :ay and F"ll Licks 2his time, +o!r tong!e is going to go over the clitoral head randoml+. 2his will drive her cra6+, beca!se +o!r licking B*atternC sho!ld be !n*redictable# 0hen +o!re at this *attern, be *la+ !l, and reall+ oc!s on teasing her clitoris. 1. 'ick !* hal -wa+, and then lick back down. Re*eat an+where rom 1-1& times $. Add in one !ll lick, going over the clitoris. ). Re*eat these ste*s $& times Ok, b+ now her clitoral head sho!ld be hard and erect. 0ith all o the teasing +o!ve been giving her has b!ilt !* eno!gh tension to release her orgasm, and shell be read+ or the ne>t ste*. 'tep ): 'ecret T:itch 4ethod 2his method will hel* +o! ig!re o!t what the e>act location, s*eed, and *ress!re +o!r woman will like best. Once +o! ind the o*timal location, s*eed and *ress!re, +o!ll maintain that !ntil she has an orgasm# As 5 mentioned earlier, women have invol!ntar+ contractions when the+ orgasm, b!t what +o! want to look or is the contractions in the vagina. Do!ll be !sing +o!r ingers to eel or these contractions. Do!ll BcalibrateC one indicator at a time, starting with1 < the best location on her clitoris, then < the o*timal *ress!re o +o!r tong!e, and inall+ < the right licking s*eed 'teps 1. 'ick one or two o +o!r ingers .inde>, or inde> and middle ingers/ to l!bricate them. $. 8lowl+ insert +o!r inger.s/ into her vagina, abo!t $-) inches in, with +o!r *alms acing !*., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- GM ). Find the N-8*ot. 5t will be on the ceiling o her vagina, and itll have a b!m*+ te>t!re to it. Once +o! ind it, :!st leave the *ad o +o!r ingers Bon the b!ttonC. Dont stim!late this area .+et/ Ok, now that +o!r ingers are in there, what +o! want to do is eel or an+ contractions in her vagina. 5t will eel like her vagina is s4!ee6ing +o!r ingers momentaril+. 8ometimes the s4!ee6e is so t and barel+ noticeableIso +o!ll have reall+ *a+ attention. ;. 0ith +o!r tong!e, slowl+ lick aro!nd, on to*, to the side o her clitoris. 0hat +o!re tr+ing to do here is to ind a Bs*otC that makes her vagina s4!ee6e. @. Once +o! o!nd the s*ot, a**l+ di erent *ress!res with +o!r tong!e. Do! want to ind the best *ress!re that will ca!se her vagina to s4!ee6e. H. 'astl+, a**l+ di erent licking s*eeds on that s*ot, !sing the same *ress!re. G. 0hen +o!ve o!nd all o those, hold stead+# Dont change locations, *ress!res or s*eed .even i she sa+s so/. ?aintain what +o!re doing, no matter what M. 0hen she9s nearing orgasm her vaginal m!scles will start to clench hard aro!nd +o!r ingers, and it will hold its gri* longer O. Jee* a stead+ *ace, rh+thm and *ress!re - !nder no circ!mstances change what +o!9re doing, or +o! r!n the risk o having to start rom scratch# 1&. Right be ore she has an orgasm, shell s4!irm and want to move aro!ndIb!tI+o!r :ob is to maintain what +o!re doing !ntil her orgasm is com*lete# 11. Orgasm S1# Once she has a clitoral orgasm, were going to transition into N-8*ot orgasms., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- GO -

Orgasm <%: = 'pot Orgasms

At this *oint, +o!r ingers sho!ld still be inserted into her vagina, and the *ads o +o!r ingers sitting still on her N-8*ot. As +o! :!st begin stim!lating the g-s*ot, its a good idea to start o!t with slower, lighter strokes, and grad!all+ crank !* the s*eed and *ress!re. First, transition into the right *osition1 Der 1osition: Aave her raise her legs so that her knees are closer to her chest. 8he can hold her thighs with her hands. >o"r 1osition: Do! want to change +o!r *osition rom la+ing on +o!r stomach with +o!r head in-between her legs, to an !*right *osition where +o!re on one knee. Tip: For more intimac+ and an o**ort!nit+ to kiss, +o! can lie beside her while stim!lating her N-s*ot., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- M& TechniI"es Do!ll see that the wa+ N-8*ot ingering works is like a rollercoaster. Do!ll start o slow and light, increase the s*eed and *ress!reIthenIswitch the techni4!e and re*eat the *rocess again. B+ doing this, +o!re b!ilding !* !rther antici*ation and se>!al tension or the orgasm. On to* o that, itll be easier on +o!r ingers, wrists and orearms too# Fingering and *!m*ing awa+ at the N-s*ot can become ver+ tiring on +o!r arms, so switching intensities allow +o! to let +o!r m!scles rest. 0ell cover ; basic techni4!es here. Once +o!ve mastered these, +o! can B*l!g and *la+C some o the more advance techni4!es listed in the advance ingering re*ort. (!st remember whatever techni4!e +o! !se, that +o! start o slow and light and grad!all+ b!ild !* the intensit+., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- M1 'tep 1E For:ard and Back:ards 'troke < 8lowl+ r!b the N-s*ot in a orward and backwards motion with the *ad o +o!r inger.s/. < Aim or1 1&& slow"light strokes, 1&& medi!m strokes, and 1&& ast"hard strokes, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- M$ 'tep %E Circles < -ow, begin to r!b ver+ lightl+, tracing small, light circles. < Aim or1 1&& slow"light strokes, 1&& medi!m strokes, and 1&& ast"hard strokes, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- M) 'tep )E Come Dither Do! can do this !sing either one, two, or even .i shes read+ or itI/ three ingers. < 8tart making the motion similar to telling someone to Bcome hereC. 2he *ads o +o!r ingers sho!ld be r!n across her N-s*ot with each stroke. .be care !l not to dig +o!r nails into the ceiling o her vaginal walls-+o! want to Br!bC not BscratchC#/ < Aim or1 1&& slow"light strokes, 1&& medi!m strokes, and 1&& ast"hard strokes, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- M; 'tep 0: Tapping < Finall+, +o!re going to add a 4!ick B!*-and-downC motion with +o!r hands while *er orming the come hither stroke at the same time. < As +o!re doing this, +o!ll be B*!m*ingC +o!r arms !* and down, and in e ect her bod+ will start bo!ncing !* and down as well. < ,lace +o!r ree hand :!st above her *!bic bone, and *!sh down so she doesnt bo!nce !* too m!ch. < Aim or1 1&& slow"light strokes, 1&& medi!m strokes, and 1&& ast"hard strokes < 2his time, i +o! need to, i she still hasnt clima>ed, go back to the slow strokes and b!ild !* the s*eed and *ress!re again., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- M@ -

Orgasm <): Blended Orgasm

2he BBlended OrgasmC techni4!e combines +o!r tong!e and +o!r ingers to give her a clitoral and N-8*ot orgasm. 5 +o!r orearms are tired, +o! can switch arms and insert the ingers o +o!r o**osite hand. Do!re going start with oral, and then add in N-8*ot stim!lation. 1osition: 8hell kee* her legs !* in the air with her knees to her chest, while +o!r *osition is the same as the oral se> *osition +o! were in. 8te*s1 'tep 1: 'tart off :ith the FLick 5est CycleG < 8tarting with +o!r tong!e on the base o her vaginal entrance, slowl+ lick !* !ntil +o!ve *assed the clitoral head and are on to* o the clitoral hood, then lick downwards to the starting *osition. 5t sho!ld take @ seconds to com*lete a !ll lick. < 0ith a lat, still tong!e, let it rest on her v!lva or @ seconds. < Re*eat these ste*s @-1& times. 'tep %: Ne*t, find the Fhot spotG again "sing the 'ecret T:itch techniI"e < 'ick one or two o +o!r ingers .inde>, or inde> and middle ingers/ to l!bricate them. < 8lowl+ insert +o!r inger.s/ into her vagina, abo!t $) inches in, with +o!r *alms acing !*. < Find the N-8*ot. 5t will be on the ceiling o her vagina, and itll have a b!m*+ te>t!re to it. Once +o! ind it, :!st leave the *ad o +o!r ingers Bon the b!ttonC. Dont stim!late this area .+et/, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- MH < 0ith +o!r tong!e, slowl+ lick aro!nd, on to*, to the side o her clitoris. 0hat +o!re tr+ing to do here is to ind a Bs*otC that makes her vagina s4!ee6e. < Once +o! o!nd the s*ot, a**l+ di erent *ress!res with +o!r tong!e. Do! want to ind the best *ress!re that will ca!se her vagina to s4!ee6e. < 'astl+, a**l+ di erent licking s*eeds on that s*ot, !sing the same *ress!re. < 0hen +o!ve o!nd all o those, remember to maintain what +o!re doing, no matter what. < Once +o!ve o!nd it, maintain the clitoral stim!lation, and start with the N-s*ot strokes# 'tep ): +dd = 'pot 'tim"lation Beca!se shes alread+ clima>ed twice at this *oint, it reall+ doesnt take m!ch to get her to orgasm again. 8he might even orgasm be ore +o! stim!late her N-s*ot# 5?,OR2A-21 (!st remember that while r!bbing her N-s*ot, to maintain the same oral stim!lation on her clitoris# 5t might be to!gh at irst, beca!se it does take some coordination. 5 +o!re having a hard time coordinating +o!r tong!e and +o!r ingers together, :!st stick to the come hither stroke. 1E !n O"t 'troke: < 8lowl+ r!b the N-s*ot in a orward and backwards motion with the *ad o +o!r inger.s/. < Aim or1 1&& slow"light strokes, 1&& medi!m strokes, and 1&& ast"hard strokes %E Circles: < -ow, begin to r!b ver+ lightl+, tracing small, light circles. < Aim or1 1&& slow"light strokes, 1&& medi!m strokes, and 1&& ast"hard strokes, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- MG )E Come Dither: < Do! can do this !sing either one, two, or even .i shes read+ or itI/ three ingers. < 8tart making the motion similar to telling someone to Bcome hereC. 2he *ads o +o!r ingers sho!ld be r!n across her N-s*ot with each stroke. .be care !l not to dig +o!r nails into the ceiling o her vaginal walls-+o! want to Br!bC not BscratchC#/ < Aim or1 1&& slow"light strokes, 1&& medi!m strokes, and 1&& ast"hard strokes 0E Tapping 1 < Finall+, +o!re going to add a 4!ick B!*-and-downC motion with +o!r hands while *er orming the come hither stroke at the same time. < Aim or1 1&& slow"light strokes, 1&& medi!m strokes, and 1&& ast"hard strokes < 2his time, i +o! need to, i she still hasnt clima>ed, go back to the slow strokes and b!ild !* the s*eed and *ress!re again.

Ithats it# 8he has :!st e>*erienced a clitoral, N-8*ot, and Blended Orgasm# -ow, what comes a ter is reall+ !* to the both o +o!. 5t co!ld incl!de .b!t not limited to/1 < 8to* the love making session and move into Ba ter *la+C .more on this later/ < 8he *leases +o! < Aave interco!rse .check o!t the FBest 'e* 1ositionsG special report or this one./ < Nive her more orgasms .thro!gh oral, ingering, a combination o both, or thro!gh interco!rse/., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- MM -

Chapter 3: 1hase !!!: '"rrender 4ore On Orgasms

Do!ve set !* a rela>ing atmos*here, gave her a massage, labial massage, oral se>, N-s*ot, blendedIand taken her to at least ) orgasms. 8ince weve alread+ to!ched on the s!b:ect o how-to techni4!es to bring a woman to an orgasm in the *revio!s cha*ter, this cha*ter will oc!s on some o the iner details o the *re-orgasm, and the orgasm.

1re Orgasm: 8hat To -*pect, +nd 8hat To Do

(!st moments be ore she has an orgasm, +o!ll notice that her breathing gets dee*er, she starts sweating, vagina contracts more o ten, and her bod+ begins to tense !* and rela>. 2his is the transition rom the ,latea! stage, where +o!re b!ilding !* the se>!al tension, to the Orgasm, where shes abo!t to release the tension. 2he B,re-OrgasmC is where, 5 believe, most *eo*le reach. 2he+ve b!ilt !* the se>!al tension to the *oint o where shes on the brink o having an orgasmIb!t all o a s!dden, its gone# Aere are some ver+ im*ortant *oints to remember to g!arantee that shell s!ccess !ll+ have an orgasm1 4aintain 'tim"lationH 0hatever +o!re doing !* !ntil this *oint, hold stead+ and maintain what +o!re doingIdont change# ?aintain contact, s*eed, rh+thm, *ress!re etc. O ten times co!*les will either go aster, slower, or sto* altogether when shes close to having an orgasm. B!tIthe trick that i its working alread+, dont change a thing. 2he orgasm will all into *lace i +o! maintain what has been working so ar., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- MO Don9t Change 1ositionsH 0hether +o!re *er orming oral se> on her, ingering, or having interco!rse, d!ring the time right be ore an orgasm she might be tem*ted to move. Dont let her# 0hat +o!re doing is literall+ overwhelming her with *h+sical *leas!re. 5ts almost like theres 2OO m!ch se>!al tension in:ected into her, and she wants to release it somehow. 0hat +o! want is the tension to be released as an orgasm, b!t sometimes, women might s4!irm, and move aro!nd. 5 she moves to a di erent *osition, whatever it is +o!re doing wont eel as good se>!all+. 2his b!ild !* o se>!al tension and *leas!re has sto**ed, and shell no longer eel overwhelmed b+ *h+sical *leas!reIb!tIthis is not what +o! .or what she/ wants# Do! want to drive her over the edge# 4indset 'he Das to Let =o 0hen +o! know that shes ver+ close to having an orgasm, +o! need to enco!rage her that its oka+ to :!st let go, and not to tra* those eelings inside. 5t might even be the case that shes a raid o !rinating rom N-s*ot stim!lation .more on this below/. 5 this is so, shell tense !* as i she was holding in her !rine, and shell likel+ not be able to e>*erience an orgasm. 8he has to be rela>ed, and eel com ortable even i she does e>*el a little bit o l!id rom her bod+ .its not !rine tho!gh#/ 4ake '"re 'he9s Not Dolding Der Breath Finall+, do a 4!ick check to make s!re that shes not holding her breath. 8hes got to breathe in order to c!m. 2ho!gh she might not reali6e it, b+ holding her breath, shes inadvertentl+ holding back her orgasm. 5 +o! notice that holding her breath is habit!al, +o! might want to ge ntl+ coach her to take in a ew slow, dee* breaths., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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Orgasm: 8hat >o" Need To Do

Once shes having an orgasm, the main indicators +o!ll see are s*asms, or, invol!ntar+ contractions o her bod+, and most im*ortantl+, her vaginal m!scles. AgainI

4aintain :hat yo"9re doingH

2he techni4!es +o! have been !sing have bro!ght +o! this ar and +o! want to Bs4!ee6e o!tC ever+ last bit o her orgasm as *ossible. Also, with the contin!ed stim!lation d!ring orgasm, shell have a more intense orgasm as o**osed to i +o! sim*l+ sto**ed. 2he onl+ time +o! sho!ld sto* is when her orgasm is com*lete, and the invol!ntar+ bodil+ contractions has ceased., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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Do: to Tell !f 'he9s Faking Der Orgasms

Female orgasms are eas+ to ake to someone who doesnt know what to look or. 0eve seen women aking orgasms in *orno ilms, and we might have e>*erienced a woman aking an orgasm o!rselves# !s 'he Too Bocal; 2+*icall+, the women who ake orgasm tend to be ver+ vocal .obvio!sl+ borrowed rom the climatic scenes o ad!lt movies/. 5 shes screaming, moaning, in a tone where it doesnt so!nd like her voice is shakingIorIi shes sa+ing things that so!nd BclearC . or e>am*le1 BOh ?+ Nod#C vs. BOoh-oohh m-m-m-+-+-IooIg-g-g..od..#C/, then thats a sign shes aking. Contractions and Other 1hysical 'igns D!ring orgasms, a woman vagina and an!s will contract. D!ring a real orgasm, the vagina will contract strongl+ at abo!t 1 contraction ever+ &.M seconds. A woman can mimic a strong vaginal contraction, b!t to do it at that *ace is ver+ di ic!lt. Other signs shes aking1 < 8he doesnt have the B8e> Fl!shC .reddish skin/ < Aer an!s isnt contracting < ,!*il si6e hasnt dilated 2he chances o her aking the !ll bod+ s*asms, vaginal contractions, shaking voice, reddish se> l!sh, along with the sweating, vaginal l!brication and other *h+sical indicators are slim to none., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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4"ltiple Orgasms

?!lti*le orgasms can be a di ic!lt to*ic to handle beca!se so man+ women think that the+re inca*able o having them. 2he tr!th is that all women have the inherent biological ca*acit+ to achieve them. 5ts :!st that not all o them have the e>*erience or recogni6e the nat!ral *otential. Once +o!r *artner has her irst orgasm, that sho!ld make it easier .and more intimate/ or her to maintain and escalate her aro!sal b+ transitioning into a cool-down bonding time o c!ddling and kissing, be ore moving into g-s*ot stim!lating interco!rse or contin!ed man!al stim!lation. 2hat said there are some *rett+ good selling *oints regarding m!lti*le orgasms. First o , its act!all+ easier or +o!r lover to e>*erience her second .or third or o!rth/ orgasm beca!se her engines are alread+ *rimed. 8hes rela>ed, aro!sed, se>!all+ sensitive and res*onsive. As 5ve alread+ mentioned, most women are nat!rall+ .and 4!ite o ten oblivio!sl+/ m!lti*le orgasmic. 5 she can c!m once, she can almost *ositivel+ do it again .some women can have as man+ as @& consec!tive orgasms#/ Right a ter the orgasm, her clitoris will be ver+ sensitive, so +o! want to allot a ew moments o a BbreakC be ore stim!lating her again. Additionall+, kee*ing things slow can hel* +o! cool o a bit and hel* +o! to last longer and regain some o +o!r strength and stamina., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- O) At this *oint, move into c!ddling and kissing, where the both o +o! can take a break rom the actionIb!tIkee* the *alm o +o!r hands covering her entire genital area. As +o!re kissing, +o! can start to r!b her v!lva slowl+ with the *alm o +o!r hands. 5 she *!shes +o! awa+, then, its too soon to move back in. Aowever, is she moans, *resses her genitals against +o!r *alms, or an+ other sign that what +o!re doing is making her eel good, then +o! know +o! can move back to stim!lating her again., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- O; -

Female -Aac"lation

8ometimes when a woman has an orgasm, she ma+ act!all+ e:ac!late. 2his is es*eciall+ tr!e or orgasms as a res!lt o N-s*ot stim!lation. 2his ha**ens beca!se o the ,ara-7rethral Nlands, which is a emale version o a mans *rostrate gland. 2he l!id the *ara-!rethral glands *rod!ce is similar to that *rod!ced b+ the male *rostate and, as in the male, *asses into the !rethra E and in some cases ma+ *ass into the vagina. 2he glands ill with l!id d!ring se>!al aro!sal and ma+ be elt thro!gh the vaginal wall. ?an+ *eo*le who e>*erience a s4!irting orgasm think that this li4!id is *ee, or even vaginal l!brication, b!t st!dies o the l!id e:ac!lated thro!gh the !rethra have shown a di erent chemical com*osition than !rineIits clear, and i +o! act!all+ smell it, +o!ll ind that it doesnt smell like !rine at all# .Doesnt smell like an+thing at all reall+/. 2o minimi6e the amo!nt o !rine that co!ld *ossibl+ come it, have her !rinate be ore +o! start +o!r se>!al activit+. Also, have some towels la+ing on the bed to soak !* an+ l!ids that come o!t. 8hat !f 'he9s 5eally 8orried That 'he 4ight 1ee; 0omen sometimes will get the eeling that the+ need to !rinate when their N-s*ot is stim!lated. 2his is *er ectl+ normal, however, the *roblem comes in when she becomes concerned and sel conscio!s abo!t wetting the bed. 2his can drive her in a state o aro!sal and rela>ation, to the *oint o stress and an>iet+. 5 this ha**ens, she ma+ not be able to have an orgasm at all at this *oint. 5 shes tr+ing hard to hold it in, shes not oc!sing on the se>!al *leas!re +o!re giving her., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- O@ 5 cant stress eno!gh that in order or these ti*s to work, +o!r lover needs to be rela>ed and com*letel+ com ortable with +o!. 2his means that +o!ll need a strong eno!gh emotional bond or her to eel sa e Bletting go.C 5 she eels inhibited, she *robabl+ wont be able to e:ac!late Along with the *reca!tion o !rinating be ore an+ se>!al activit+, another ke+ actor in emale e:ac!lation .and orgasms/ is rela>ation. 2his is wh+ the ste*s o massaging and having a rela>ing atmos*here are incl!ded in this s+stem. 8he needs to be com*letel+ rela>ed, and be *er ectl+ com ortable i she does ha**en to e:ac!late. 5 she gets the eeling that she needs to *ee, let her know that she can Blet it all o!tC. 8he wont be *eeing the bed, b!t it will still be reall+ wet once the e:ac!late g!shes o!t. 5 shes still concerned, +o! can tr+ stim!lating her in the batht!b so an+ l!ids that do come o!t doesnt soak !* the bed. Female -Aac"lation Training A trick +o! can !se to BtrainC +o!r *artner into become more com ortable with Bletting goC is to go with her to the bathroom whenever shes !rinating. 5 she hasnt !rinated with +o! in the same room, she might eel an>io!s, and have a hard time !rinating. 'et her get com ortable with +o! to the *oint where she can easil+ *ee while +o!re there. Once she releases her ,F m!scles and starts !rinating, reass!re her and com ort her b+ sa+ing, BNood girlC .or whatever line +o! want to !se/. Associating the enco!raging words along with +o!r *resence will allow her to eel com ortable eno!gh to let go and !rinate. Do this !ntil shes *er ectl+ com ortable with +o! being there when shes !rinating. -ow, whenever +o!re stim!lating her N-s*ot, sa+ BNood girlC .or whatever line +o! !sed in the bathroom/. Beca!se +o!ve alread+ trained her to the *oint where she eels rela>ed !rinating in +o!r *resence while +o!re enco!raging her, she wont have the *revio!sl+ held inhibitions, and shell end !* Bletting goC and *ossibl+ e:ac!lating#, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- OH 'astl+, another wa+ to BtrainC a woman to e:ac!late is b+ strengthening her ,F m!scles. Fheck o!t the 8*ecial Re*ort BAow to N!arantee OrgasmsC where +o!ll ind a detailed g!ide., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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Chapter (: 1hase !B: 5eflection 'ecrets To =etting >o"r 8oman To 8ant To Da7e 'e* :ith >o" +ll The Time
,h+sicall+, d!ring this *hase, her bod+ is cooling down and ret!rning to her normal, !n-aro!sed state. Aer breast si6e, clitoris, inner and o!ter li*s ret!rn to normal si6e, and the reddish Bse> l!shC is starting to go awa+Ithis is Resol!tion. ,s+chologicall+ shes coming down to her normal mindsetIb!tIits in her mind where +o! Bseal the dealC and g!arantee that shell be wanting more o +o! in the !t!re. 2oo man+ men get so ca!ght !* in the *er ormance review o how man+ times .and how hard/ she came that the+ lose sight o one o the most critical *hase o a womans se>!al res*onse E Re lection. And, or an+ o +o! that ma+ believe otherwise E this isnt an elective, its core c!rric!l!m. 0omen crave and re4!ire it. And men that !nderstand this, and take advantage o it, have discovered a secret that we to!ched !*on earlier in this book1 2he *leas!re and satis action d!ring one se>!al e>*erience doesnt :!st end a ter the *oint o orgasm. 8mart lovers know that it can be contin!ed on and lead to the sed!ction *hase o +o!r -=T2 intimate enco!nter. 5 , d!ring the *eriod a ter se>, the e>*erience didnt seem to o er her *leas!re and satis action, she ma+ not even desire to give +o! the chance or a BrematchCIin other words, i the se> wasnt good or her both *h+sicall+ and *s+chologicall+, theres no reason or her to want to have se> ne>t time aro!nd. 2o a woman, its d!ring the s*ace o time a ter +o!ve c!m that shows what +o!re all abo!t E whether +o!re considerate, com*assionate, intimate or romantic, or i +o!re :!st a big sel ish l!g who, min!tes a ter an orgasm, is alread+ aslee* and snoring., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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8hat +re 4y Options;

0hen it comes to +o!r *ost-clima> activities, +o!ve got abo!t three read+ o*tions, each with their own conse4!ences and rewards. Admittedl+, each o these o*tions has their own time and *lace, b!t when it comes to deciding which o*tion +o!ll choose to be +o!r BnormC, consider care !ll+I 1E 5olling O7er and =oing to 'leep A tem*ting o*tion, 5 know E es*eciall+ i +o!ve s*ent the last ho!r heroicall+ tending to her se>!al needs. B!t, be ore +o! roll over and slee*, +o!d better weigh +o!r o*tionsI Rewards1 0ell, +o! get some slee*, and some rela>ation, b!t thats abo!t it. 8!re, there are times when its in order. A ter a real marathon, i +o!re both s*ent, it can be ideal. B!t even when +o! do go this ro!te, tr+ to sn!ggle !* a bit .i onl+ or a ew min!tes/ be ore +o! start reall+ snoo6ing. Fonse4!ences1 0hen it comes to +o!r lover, this is abo!t the second worst ro!te +o! can go. Do! de initel+ do -O2 want to make this +o!r normal ro!tine. 5 +o! do, +o!ll either lose her res*ect or her attentions. %E =etting Cp +nd Doing 'omething -lse Another o*tion, tho!gh *erha*s not as tem*ting as a good na*, is r!nning o to Bsei6e the da+C within moments o +o!r orgasm. 2o be air, this res*onse is associated with the wa+ o!r chemicals and hormones react a ter we orgasm. Once we c!m, were inall+ able to 82O, thinking abo!t se> and get back to the more m!ndane things in li e. And tho!gh it ma+ hel* +o! get +o!r goals accom*lished, shell more than likel+ be le t less than *leased. Rewards1 2he ego boost o making +o!r lover c!m, added to the satis action o +o!r own orgasm can be antastic !el to get o!t there and BNet Uer done#C Do!ll have a little e>tra bo!nce to +o!r ste* and +o!r mood will be greatl+ im*roved, b!t ma+be not hersI, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- OO Fonse4!ences1 Remember how 5 said that the last o*tion, alling aslee*, was the second worst o*tionK 0ell, as ar as +o!r lover is concerned, this one is 2A= worst o*tion. 0h+K Beca!se to some women, ho**ing right !*, getting dressing and r!nning o can make them eel less like lovers and more like a mere Bboot+ call.C 8!re, i both o +o! alread+ know that +o!ve got *lans or the da+, or +o!re r!nning late or an a**ointment, +o! can let it slide. B!t, otherwise, or +o!r sake, choose one o the o llowing two o*tions. )E +fter 1lay 0ant +o!r lover to sta+ madl+ and com*letel+ in love with +o!K 2hen dont scrim* when it comes to what +o! do AF2=R se># 2o a woman, what +o! do a ter se> reall+ shows her what +o!re all abo!t. 2he little things give her the small indications abo!t what kind o man +o! are .and what she thinks +o! think abo!t her/. 2ake the time or a little Ba ter *la+C and en:o+ +o!r a ter-glow. Do!d be ama6ed what an e>tra i teen min!tes can accom*lish, so dont take this o**ort!nit+ or granted. 8o, get read+ to sn!ggle !*, share a ew kisses and s*end a little time talking, smiling and to!ching together. 2his allows +o! to sta+ BconnectedC and strength the emotional bonds that lead to a health+ relationshi* E se>!al, emotional and otherwise. 2a**ing into this, and giving her the attention and res*ect she deserves means that +o!ll have the ke+ to making her want .and want to give/ more se> the ne>t time aro!nd. 8im*l+ c!ddling, talking, and BbeingC with her *h+sicall+ and emotionall+ a ter love makingIcombined with the act that she thinks +o!re res*onsible or her orgasms is like making little de*osits in the BDesireC acco!nt. 2he better she eels abo!t her se>!al e>*erience with +o! this time, will create more desire to be with +o! ne>t time., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1&& 8o remember that *s+chologicall+ d!ring this stage, +o!ll want to rein orce the *ositive se>!al e>*erience she :!st had, so when the c+cle loo*s back into BDesireC, shell be thinking o +o! more, be more attracted to +o!, and want se> more o ten. -ot a bad deal or an e>tra 1@ min!tes o time, dont +o! thinkK, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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Chapter 16: 5o"tines

5n this section, 5ll introd!ce +o! to some o the ro!tines that 5 reg!larl+ !se. 5ve divided them !* into BBeginnerC, B5ntermediateC and BAdvanceC. Do!ll ind that the general o!tlines o all the ro!tines are the same. 2he+ ollow the di erent *hases .8ed!ction, 8ensation, 8!rrender and Re lection/ and stages .Desire, =>citement, ,latea!, Orgasm, and Resol!tion/ o the bl!e*rint. 5n other words, the overall Bstrateg+C to emale orgasms is the same, while the BtacticsC can var+. Do!ll also notice that within each section o the beginner, intermediate and advance ro!tines, man+ o the Bwhat to dosC are the same. For e>am*le, the ro!tines all have the same massaging se4!ence. 5 *!r*osel+ made this the same, beca!se the+ work in achieving the goals o each section. Aowever, this doesnt mean that +o! alwa+s have !se e>actl+ whats listed. As long as +o! accom*lish the overall goal or each section, +o! sho!ld be ine. For e>am*le, +o! want to make s!re shes *h+sicall+ rela>ed be ore an+ heav+ se>!al contact. 5ve o!tlined a basic massage se4!ence, b!t +o! !se other massaging techni4!es in *lace o what 5ve written down. As long as shes *h+sicall+ rela>ed, +o!re good to go. 2he main things that are di erent in the beginner, intermediate and advance ro!tines are the se>!al techni4!es +o!ll !se. Do! can ind all the techni4!es in the Oral 8e> 8ecrets, Advance Fingering 2echni4!es, and Best 8e> ,ositions s*ecial re*orts. 'astl+, 5 want +o! to !se these ro!tines as a model to creating +o!r own c!stom ro!tines. Do! can B*l!g-and-*la+C di erent techni4!es and di erent *ositions into each section, creating a di erent e>*erience or +o!rsel and +o!r *artner ever+ time +o! make love. B!t :!st make s!re that +o! stick to the overall Bstrateg+C, and onl+ change aro!nd the techni4!es. 5ts a bit like making !* an e>ercise ro!tine, where +o!ll have a 1/ warm !*, $/ main worko!t, and )/ cool down. Do!, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1&$ can alwa+s warm !* on an e>ercise bike to get the heart rate !* and the blood lowing thro!gh +o!r m!scles and +o! can cool down b+ taking a brisk walk. B!t the main worko!t can alwa+s be di erent, com*osed o di erent e>ercises, weight, re*s, and sets. 0hat +o! do 5- +o!r worko!t is di erent, b!t +o!ll alwa+s have the warm !*, main worko!t, and cool down Bstrateg+C. -ow, lets get into the ro!tines#, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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Beginner 5o"tine
1hase !: Desire =+e contact Atmos*here 'ighting ?!sic 8cents

1hase !! J !!!: 'ensation and '"rrender 'tage !: -*citement 'tep !: 4assage +E 'ho:er,Bath +1E 5ela*ation 4assage 8itting 7*right1 8cal* =ar lobes On Aer 8tomach -eck and sho!lders Back Ass 2ease Foot Back o the legs B!ttocks On her back 2o* o the chest Brest Bell+ Nlide +o!r hands down, and back !* so +o!r hands rest on either side o her labia +%E -rotic 4assage 'tep !!: Labial 4assage ?assage labia ?assage mons *!bis, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1&; 'tage !!: 1latea" and Orgasm BE Orgasm 1: Oral First Contact Jisses aro!nd her labia 'ong lick -stablishing 5hythm 'ick-Rest F+cle @ Aal -wa+ 'icks, 1 F!ll 'ick F+cle Random Aal -wa+ and F!ll 'icks 8ecret 2witch CE Orgasm %: = spot Fingering 5n-O!t 8troke Fircles Fome Aither 2a**ing DE Orgasm ): Blended Orgasm 'ick-Rest F+cle 8ecret 2witch to ind Bhot s*otC with +o!r tong!e 5n-O!t 8troke .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ Fircles .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ Fome Aither .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ 2a**ing .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ -E ?Der t"rn to please yo", and,or 'e*@ 1hase !B: 5eflection 8*end minim!m o 1@ min!tes c!ddling, talking, and BbeingC with her .so that it rein orces the *ositive se>!al e>*erience she :!st had, increasing her desire or +o! and se>/., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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!ntermediate 5o"tine
1hase !: Desire =+e contact Atmos*here 'ighting ?!sic 8cents 1hase !! J !!!: 'ensation and '"rrender 'tage !: -*citement 'tep !: 4assage +E 'ho:er,Bath +1E 5ela*ation 4assage 8itting 7*right 8cal* =ar lobes On Aer 8tomach -eck and sho!lders Back Ass 2ease Foot Back o the legs B!ttocks On her back 2o* o the chest Brest Bell+ Nlide +o!r hands down, and back !* so +o!r hands rest on either side o her labia +%E -rotic 4assage 'tep !!: Labial 4assage ?assage labia ?assage mons *!bis

'tage !!: 1latea" and Orgasm, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1&H BE Orgasm 1: Oral First Contact Jisses aro!nd her labia 'ong lick Fool Breath -stablishing 5hythm 'ick-Rest F+cle @ Aal -wa+ 'icks, 1 F!ll 'ick F+cle Flitoral Fircles .aro!nd the clitoris/ Flitoral Fircles .on the clitoris/ 2ong!e Nrind 8ecret 2witch CE Orgasm %: = spot Fingering Aave her get in the Dogg+ 8t+le ,osition 5n-O!t 8troke Fircles .Flockwise T, Fo!nter Flockwise/ ) Finger 8wee* .$-) swee*s/ BAittingC the N-8*ot Fome Aither 2a**ing DE Orgasm ): Blended Orgasm 'ick-Rest F+cle 8ecret 2witch to ind Bhot s*otC with +o!r tong!e Fircles .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ ) Finger 8wee* .$-) swee*s/ Fome Aither .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ 2a**ing .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ -E ?Der t"rn to please yo", and,or 'e*@ 1hase !B: 5eflection 8*end minim!m o 1@ min!tes c!ddling, talking, and BbeingC with her .so that it rein orces the *ositive se>!al e>*erience she :!st had, increasing her desire or +o! and se>/., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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+d7ance 5o"tine
1hase !: Desire =+e contact Atmos*here 'ighting ?!sic 8cents 1hase !!: 'ensation 'tage !: -*citement 'tep !: 4assage +E 'ho:er,Bath +1E 5ela*ation 4assage 8itting 7*right1 8cal* =ar lobes On Aer 8tomach -eck and sho!lders Back Ass 2ease Foot Back o the legs B!ttocks On her back 2o* o the chest Brest Bell+ Nlide +o!r hands down, and back !* so +o!r hands rest on either side o her labia +%E -rotic 4assage 'tep !!: Labial 4assage ?assage labia ?assage mons *!bis, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1&M 1hase !! J !!!: 'ensation and '"rrender BE Orgasm 1: Oral First Contact Jisses aro!nd her labia Aot Breath 'ong lick Fool Breath 'ong lick Altoids ,e**ermint 2rick -stablishing 5hythm 'abial Aold Flitoral 8!ction F!* .hold or )& seconds/ Al*habet Q!ick Flitoral 8!ck > $& Fircles V 2racing 8!ck and Flick Fombo 2ong!e F!cking 8ecret 2witch CE Orgasm %: = spot Fingering 2he Fork 8crew ) Finger 8wee* .$-) swee*s/ 8ide-to-8ide ) Finger 8wee* .$-) swee*s/ Forward and Backwards ) Finger 8wee* .$-) swee*s/ Fircles ) Finger 8wee* .$-) swee*s/ $ Aanded techni4!es, Alternating motions 2he Flam* Net in her the straddle *osition Fome here 2a**ing DE Orgasm ): Blended Orgasm 'ick-Rest F+cle Fool Breath 8ecret 2witch to ind Bhot s*otC with +o!r tong!e 2he Finger Fl!tter .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ ) Finger 8wee* .$-) swee*s/ Fircles .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ ) Finger 8wee* .$-) swee*s/, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 1&O Fome Aither .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ ) Finger 8wee* .$-) swee*s/ 2a**ing .kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ -E ?Der t"rn to please yo", and,or 'e*@ 1hase !B: 5eflection 8*end minim!m o 1@ min!tes c!ddling, talking, and BbeingC with her .so that it rein orces the *ositive se>!al e>*erience she :!st had, increasing her desire or +o! and se>/., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 11& -

5o"tine Template
1hase !: Desire =+e contact Atmos*here 'ighting ?!sic 8cents

1hase !! J !!!: 'ensation and '"rrender 'tage !: -*citement 'tep !: 4assage +E 'ho:er,Bath +1E 5ela*ation 4assage 8itting 7*right 8cal* =ar lobes On Aer 8tomach -eck and sho!lders Back Ass 2ease Foot Back o the legs B!ttocks On her back 2o* o the chest Brest Bell+ Nlide +o!r hands down, and back !* so +o!r hands rest on either side o her labia +%E -rotic 4assage 'tep !!: Labial 4assage ?assage labia ?assage mons *!bis, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 111 'tage !!: 1latea" and Orgasm BE Orgasm 1: Oral First Contact Jisses aro!nd her labia 'ong lick -stablishing 5hythm WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 8ecret 2witch CE Orgasm %: = spot Fingering WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW DE Orgasm ): Blended Orgasm WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .Oral techni4!e/ 8ecret 2witch to ind Bhot s*otC with +o!r tong!e WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .Fingering techni4!e-kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .Fingering techni4!e-kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .Fingering techni4!e-kee* stim!lating clitoris with +o!r tong!e/ -E ?Der t"rn to please yo", and,or 'e*@ 1hase !B: 5eflection 8*end minim!m o 1@ min!tes c!ddling, talking, and BbeingC with her .so that it rein orces the *ositive se>!al e>*erience she :!st had, increasing her desire or +o! and se>/., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 11$ -

Female Orgasm Black Book: 5ecommended 5eso"rces

Aeres some o the st! that 5 recommend in the man!al, a ll com*iled into one convenient area. 5ve also incl!ded a ew reso!rces abo!t to*ics that a ew readers had concerns abo!t .namel+, *enis enlargement and erection iss!es/. Aere are the categories1 < Dating < 8e> Add-On 2ools < Fondoms < '!brication < ?assage < Jegels < ,enis =nlargement < ,remat!re =:ac!lation < =rection ,roblems Also, 5m alwa+s e>*erimenting with new st! . 5 5 come across something that 5 think can be val!able to +o!, 5ll *ost it on the B Reso!rces C *age. 8o be s!re to bookmark this *age# 5 +o! have a recommendation o a *rod!ct, website, or whatever, let me know too# Do! can email that to me at lee:enkinsX , with the s!b:ect1 BRecommendedC. (!st write +o!r comments on whatever it is +o! want to recommend, *rovide a link, and 5ll share it with ever+one else on the reso!rces *age 1/, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 11) -

< Do"ble >o"r Dating Ais ree newsletter is b+ David DeAngelo, and is somewhat similar to mine, b!t the di erence is that he takes the a**roach o hel*ing g!+s become more s!ccess !l with women .in terms o meeting, attracting, and dating them/. Fheck it o!t i +o! think +o! need hel* with meeting and attracting women. Ae also has a book called BDo!ble Do!r DatingC thats dirt chea*. 5 s!ggest +o! get it. < ="y =ets =irl Another dating book, b!t this one is written b+ a woman. -ot too bad looking either P/

'e* +dd On Tools

< Liberator ?1eople in the C& can go to Liberator C& @ 5ve mentioned the 'iberator 0edge a ew times thro!gho!t the man!al. Do! can take a look at some o the other se> *ositions +o! can !se with the 'iberator 0edge . Also, take a look at the video cli*s that show the 'iberator in !se . 5ts a solid *rod!ct, b!t dont take m+ word or it. Aeres a list o websites that have reviewed the 'iberator1 Reviews < Blindfolds Do! can !se a scar , b!t these are *rett+ com ortable. Tip 1 5 +o! blind old +o!r *artner .added ti*1 +ND ha7e hear :ear earpl"gs /, her sense o sight will be de*rived. Aowever, her sense o 2O7FA will be magni ied, so whatever +o! do to her, shell eel it a lot more. Also, !sing a blind old makes the sit!ation a little more e>citing., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 11; -

< Cnder Co7er Condoms 5 dont know abo!t +o!, b!t 5 reall+ hate going to the corner store or *harmac+ to *ick !* a *ack o condoms. 0h+K 0ell, to me its a bit embarrassing to b!+ condoms in *!blic, beca!se +o! reall+ never know who +o!ll b!m* intoI Also, 5m the kind o g!+ who likes to b!+ in b!lk, so 5 dont have to alwa+s go back to the store again and again to b!+ what 5 need. 5ve tried to b!+ like 1@ *acks o condoms at the s!*er market once, and lets :!st sa+ that ever+one aro!nd me gave me a shocked, BOh m+ Nod hes a *ervert#C look. Ordering rom 7ndercover Fondoms solved m+ *roblems. Fast shi**ing, and decent *rices. < 1oly"rethane Condoms 2hese are designed or *eo*le who are allergic to late> and cant !se late> condoms. B!t the+ also have the bene it o being thin, so it allows more sensation to a g!+ com*ared to late> condoms. Also, +o! can !se these condoms with oil .massage oils or oil based l!brication/. Reg!lar late> condoms will break when combined with oil. 5 +o!re !sing massage oil on her genitals, +o! want to make s!re that +o!re !sing *ol+!rethane condoms. 2he downside o these condoms is that the+re a bit more e>*ensive than late> condoms, and the+re not as le>ible.

< +stroglide ?+ avorite l!be# Do! can !se whatever l!brication +o! want, b!t 5 ind that Astroglide doesnt get thick and stick+ like some o the other *rod!cts 5ve tried., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 11@ -

< Learn 4assage Online 'ike the title sa+sIi +o! want to e>*and +o!r knowledge o massage, check o!t this site. One o the reasons wh+ 5 like this website is that it o ers video lessons, so its eas+ to see what +o! need to do when massaging. < 4assage Oil Nra*e seed oil is s! icient .+o! can b!+ this at a grocer+ or health ood store/ or massaging. ,ersonall+ 5 like the Jama 8!tra brand massage oils .which contains a mi> o di erent oils and vitamin =/, es*eciall+ the B ,leas!re Narden C. 5t has a distinct, m!sk+ smell to it that tends to make women even more horn+#

< &egel4aster %666 8trong ,F m!scles Y stronger orgasms, and *ossibl+ emale e:ac!lation. Un! said.

1enis -nlargement
=ven tho!gh Bsi6e doesnt matterC when it comes to emale orgasms, men still have iss!es abo!t their *enis si6es. 5ll have to admit that 5 havent tried o!t an+ *enis enlargement *rod!cts, b!t since a lot o m+ readers have told me that the+re worried abo!t their si6e, 5ve taken the time to gather some sites +o! might want to check o!t1 < 1enis -nlargement +rticles A *rett+ in ormative website abo!t *enis enlargement, techni4!es, and advice. Do! can also contact the owner o the site with +o!r 4!estions too., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 11H < 4ens Net:ork For"ms 2his is an online or!m abo!t *enis enlargement, where !sers share their e>*eriences, *rod!ct reviews, *rogress and even be ore and a ter *hotos# .Do!ll need to register to read the B=nlargement ,rogress 2rackingC section/. 'ast time 5 checked there were :!st over @&,&&& registered members. 5 +o!re new to the *enis enlargement .,=/ world, 5 s!ggest +o! register and check o!t the B-ewbie =nlargement 2alkC section.

1remat"re -Aac"lation
2+*icall+ when 5m c!mming too ast, that !s!all+ means that 5 havent had se> in a while, so ever+thing is e>tra sensitive. ?+ sol!tion is *rett+ sim*le act!all+I5 :!st !se thicker condoms# And then grad!all+ move onto thinner condoms as m+ *er ormance gets better. Aowever, i 5 ind that 5 still have *roblems with thick condoms, 5ll resort to thisI < 'liI"id 'tay 4ale DesensitiKer 'pray 8ometimes, 5ll !se a desensiti6ing s*ra+ with a B'idocane sol!tionC, s!ch as the 8li4!id 8ta+ ?ale Desensiti6er 8*ra+ . Basicall+, what +o! do is s*ra+ then on +o!r *enis, and then sli* on a condom. 2he s*ra+ essentiall+ d!lls the nerves on +o!r *enis, so +o! wont eel as m!ch sensation, making +o! last longer d!ring se>. .-ote1 5 +o! decide to !se a s*ra+, make s!re that it doesnt come in contact with +o!r womans genitals-itll desensiti6e her too. Also, dont s*ra+ too m!ch o it on +o!r *enis, or else +o! wont eel a thing A2 A'', and +o!ll end !* hammering awa+ or ho!rsI+o! might even get bored o se>#/ Fheck o!t the 8li4!id 8ta+ ?ale Desensiti6er here ., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 11G 2hats reall+ m+ 4!ick i> sol!tion. 5 +o! need a more involved *rogram, +o! might want to take a look at the =:ac!lation ?aster *rogram .

-rection 1roblems
0hen +o! think o erection *roblems, or erectile d+s !nction .=D/, what sol!tion immediatel+ comes in mindK Answer1 Biagra ?'ildenafil@ . And wh+ is thatK ?ostl+ beca!se its the sol!tion that works. =lderl+ men !se it so that the+ can have an erection, and even male *orn stars !se it in order to maintain a sti erection while ilming .it can be hardIno *!n intended. B!t imagine having to maintain an erection while theres camera crew aro!nd +o!, a director giving +o! instr!ctions, etc. etc./ ?ore in ormation on sildena il here . Other medications incl!de1 Le7itra ?Bardenafil@ 1 5t is similar to %iagra in that it is a ,D=-@ inhibitor .whatever that means#/, b!t some research shows that 'evitra acts aster and its e ects last longer than %iagra. Aeres some more in ormation on vardena il . Cialis ?Tadalafil@ 1 Fialis is one o the newest o the new dr!gs or erectile d+s !nction. 5ts known to last $;-)H ho!rs .cra6+#/, and a**arentl+ works reall+ ast .within )& min!tes/. Flick here or more in ormation on tadala il . -ow, there are BherbsC o!t there that claim to be the herbal e4!ivalent to =D medication, b!t 5 *ersonall+ believe that the+ dont reall+ work, and that the *eo*le marketing these *rod!cts are :!st tr+ing to make mone+ rom *eo*le with real serio!s iss!es. .5ts :!st like the, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 11M itness ind!str+Itheres a lot o cra* s!**lements o!t there that dont work/. 8o, i +o! do have =D and think that these medications can hel* +o!, cons!lt +o!r doctor. Do! want to make s!re +o! get e>*ert advice when it comes to medication., All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

- 11O -

Closing Tho"ghts
First, 5 want to congrat!late +o! or inishing this man!al# 5ve s*illed m+ brains o!t on the table or +o!, and now +o! know ever+thing 5 know. 2he strategies and the techni4!es in the Female Orgasm Black Book can literall+ t!rn +o!r relationshi* aro!nd, give women the most wonder !l *h+sical eeling the+ can ever e>*erienceIandI*rovide +o! with the com ort and satis action o knowing that +o! have the abilit+ to make the woman in +o!r li e ver+, ver+ ha**+. -ow +o! know, and +o! have the strategies and the tools. 2he onl+ thing le t or +o! is to *!t it into action. 0hen +o! and +o!r *artner test o!t this s+stem and have s!ccess, *lease eel ree to leave me a testimonial on the link below1 htt*1""www."testimonial 5 wo!ld love to hear rom +o!IandIi other men, women and co!*les hear abo!t +o!r e>*erience, +o! co!ld have an im*act on their decision to change their love li e :!st as +o! did. Also, i +o! havent alread+, be s!re to register in order to receive !*dates to this man!al, s*ecial Zc!stomers onl+Z bon!ses, and other st! 5 havent tho!ght o +etI.he+, its ;1&&A? in the morning and 5m tired#/ 'astl+, 5 want to thank +o! or reading this man!al in !ll and ho*e +o!ll have a better-than-satis +ing se> li e or a long, long time. 2ake Fare,

'ee (enkins, All Rights Reserved. Dont orget to check o!t"reso!rces#

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